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Anti Aging
Anti Aging
anti-aging effect of astragalosides and its mechanism of action.
aging: The Reality: “anti-aging” Is an Oxymoron
The war on “anti-aging medicine”
Role of antioxidants in the skin: anti-aging effects
Growing older without aging? Positive aging, anti-ageism, and anti-aging
anti-aging medicine: A patient/practitioner movement to redefine aging
Molecular inflammation hypothesis of aging based on the anti-aging mechanism of calorie restriction
anti-aging herbal medicine—how and why can they be used in aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases?
anti-aging therapy through fitness enhancement
Medicalizing the optimal: anti-aging medicine and the quandary of intervention
An anti-aging drug today: from senescence-promoting genes to anti-aging pill
Resveratrol as an anti‐inflammatory and anti-aging agent: Mechanisms and clinical implications
Use of anti-aging herbal medicine, Lycium barbarum, against aging-associated diseases. What do we know so far?
anti-aging and aging factors in life. The role of free radicals
The foreseeability of real anti-aging medicine: focusing the debate
PGC-1α in aging and anti-aging interventions
Facing age: Women growing older in anti-aging culture
Validation of anti-aging drugs by treating age-related diseases
anti-aging effects of L-arginine
Regulation of oxidative stress by the anti-aging hormone klotho
Melatonin: a chronobiotic with anti-aging properties?
The role of autophagy in aging: Its essential part in the anti-aging mechanism of caloric restriction
aging, anti-aging, and hormesis
anti-aging medicine: the history: anti-aging medicine and research: a realm of conflict and profound societal implications
Bodacious berry, potency wood and the aging monster: Gender and age relations in anti-aging ads
Melatonin: a principal neuroimmunoregulatory and anti-stress hormone: its anti-aging effects
anti-aging activity of the Ink4/Arf locus
Original Contribution: Top 10 botanical ingredients in 2010 anti-aging creams
Biogerontology,“anti-aging medicine,” and the challenges of human enhancement
Improvement of physical fitness as anti-aging intervention
An engineer’s approach to the development of real anti-aging medicine.
The involvement of macroautophagy in aging and anti-aging interventions
Anti‐amnestic and anti-aging effects of ginsenoside Rg1 and Rb1 and its mechanism of action
anti-aging properties of resveratrol: review and report of a potent new antioxidant skin care formulation
The effects of Areca catechu L extract on anti-aging
Resveratrol and rapamycin: are they anti-aging drugs?
anti-aging effects of anti-lipolytic drugs
Calorie restriction lowers body temperature in rhesus monkeys, consistent with a postulated anti-aging mechanism in rodents
anti-aging science: The emergence, maintenance, and enhancement of a discipline
Carnosine, the protective, anti-aging peptide
Characterization of the effects of anti-aging medicine Fructus lycii on β-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity
Recent advances in studies on traditional Chinese anti-aging materia medica.
The anti-aging, metabolism potential of SIRT1.
anti-aging medicine: Can consumers be better protected?
In vitro anti-aging activities of Terminalia chebula gall extract
Neuroprotective effects of anti-aging oriental medicine Lycium barbarum against β-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity
Systems biology and longevity: an emerging approach to identify innovative anti-aging targets and strategies
anti-aging medicine and science: Social implications
Orthomolecular medicine: the therapeutic use of dietary supplements for anti-aging
Rhodiola: A Promising anti-aging Chinese Herb
Introduction: anti-aging: Are You For It or Against It?
Empowering the old: Critical gerontology and anti-aging in a global context
anti-aging medicine
Studies on the anti-aging action of Korean ginseng
anti-aging Medicine: The Legal Issues: anti-aging Quackery: Human Growth Hormone and Tricks of the Trade—More Dangerous Than Ever
The anti-aging gene KLOTHO is a novel target for epigenetic silencing in human cervical carcinoma
The latest cosmeceutical approaches for anti-aging
aging skin is functionally anaerobic: Importance of coenzyme Q10 for anti aging skin care
anti-aging products and cosmeceuticals.
Mechanism of action of anti-aging DHEA-S and the replacement of DHEA-S
“Beware of the estrogen assault”: Ideals of old manhood in anti-aging advertisements
Approaches to anti-aging intervention: the promises and the uncertainties
anti-aging effect on skin with Jaeum-Dan (JED)
A feminist perspective on anti-aging medicine
Botanical extracts as anti-aging preparations for the skin
anti-aging‘medicine: does it exist? A critical discussion of ‘anti-aging health products
The serious search for an anti-aging pill
anti-aging and biomedicine: Critical studies on the pursuit of maintaining, revitalizing and enhancing aging bodies
Women’s perceptions and use of “anti-aging” products
Effect of aging and anti-aging caloric restriction on the endocrine regulation of rat liver autophagy
Antagonizing β-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity of the anti-aging fungus Ganoderma lucidum
Oxidative damage, aging and anti-aging strategies
anti-aging medicine: Predictions, moral obligations, and biomedical intervention
A possibility of nutriceuticals as an anti-aging intervention: activation of sirtuins by promoting mammalian NAD biosynthesis
Pioglitazone: an anti-diabetic compound with anti-aging properties
Identification and characterization of proteins interacting with SIRT1 and SIRT3: implications in the anti-aging and metabolic effects of sirtuins
Aroma therapy in anti-aging medicine
Preparation and stability of cosmetic formulations with an anti-aging peptide.
Metabonomic characterization of aging and investigation on the anti-aging effects of total flavones of Epimedium
aging and anti-aging: unexpected side effects of everyday medication through sirtuin1 modulation
Towards an understanding of the anti-aging mechanism of caloric restriction
In vitro methods to screen materials for anti-aging effects
Minireview: aging and anti-aging effects of hormones
anti-aging medicine: the history: life extension and history: the continual search for the fountain of youth
An ethical assessment of anti-aging medicine
Epigenetic engineering and its possible role in anti-aging intervention
The role of nutraceuticals in anti-aging medicine
anti-aging properties of melatonin in an in vitro murine senescence model: involvement of the sirtuin 1 pathway
Effect of ZnO nanoparticles on anti-aging properties of polyurethane coating
The Human Dock of Tomorrow-Annual Health Check-Up for anti-aging
… animals: increase of anti-oxidant enzymes in brain and other body tissues as well as mobilization of various humoral factors may lead to systemic anti-aging effects
Ganodermasides A and B, two novel anti-aging ergosterols from spores of a medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum on yeast via UTH1 gene
The extreme arrogance of anti-aging medicine
Drosophila melanogaster as a model system for the evaluation of anti-aging compounds
Chemical genetic screen identifies lithocholic acid as an anti-aging compound that extends yeast chronological life span in a TOR-independent manner, by …
Investigation of quality of life in athletes from an anti-aging perspective
The clinical anti-aging effects of topical kinetin and niacinamide in Asians: a randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, split‐face comparative trial
Biotechnology, bioethics and anti-aging interventions
Circulating endothelial progenitor cells: a new approach to anti-aging medicine?
In search of immortality: The political economy of anti-aging medicine
anti-aging medicine: pitfalls and hopes
The anti-aging effects of Korean ginseng berry in the skin
Local therapy as basic anti-aging prevention
Recent advances on skin‐resident stem/progenitor cell functions in skin regeneration, aging and cancers and novel anti-aging and cancer therapies
The Truth About Over-the-Counter Topical anti-aging Products: A Comperhensive Review
Effects of aging and anti-aging caloric restrictions on carbonyl and heat shock protein levels and expression
anti-aging effect of DX-9386 in senescence accelerated mouse
PAPP‐A: a new anti-aging target?
Protein kinase A signaling as an anti-aging target
Protective Effects on Mitochondria and anti-aging Activity of Polysaccharides from Cultivated Fruiting Bodies of Cordyceps militaris
Skin anti-aging effect of Forsythia viridissima L. extract
… medicine and anti-aging: effects of combining a long-term pedometer-based physical activity program with anti-aging medical checkups on health and anti-aging …
Supercritical extraction of oriental herb: anti-aging and anti-wrinkle effects
Searching for aging‐related proteins in human dermal microvascular endothelial cells treated with anti-aging agents
Contentious terminology and complicated cartography of anti-aging medicine
N6-Furfuryladenine (Kinetin) as a Potential anti-aging Molecule
anti-aging medicine: Hype, hope, and reality
Beneficial effect of collagen peptide supplement on anti-aging against photodamage
anti-aging effect of rice wine in cultured human fibroblasts and keratinocytes
anti-aging effects of cyanidin under a stress-induced premature senescence cellular system
Selling the fountain of youth: How the anti-aging industry made a disease out of getting old-and made billions
Introduction: anti-aging Medicine: The Hype and the Reality—Part I
Swapping of the N-terminus of VDAC1 with VDAC3 restores full activity of the channel and confers anti-aging features to the cell
anti-aging studies on the senescence accelerated mouse (SAM) strains
anti-aging: Why now? A historical framework for understanding the contemporary enthusiasm
The anti-aging Plan: Strategies and Recipes for
The youth pill: scientists at the brink of an anti-aging revolution
Iron chelation and a free radical scavenger suppress angiotensin II-induced downregulation of klotho, an anti-aging gene, in rat
The experimental study of CPSC on anti-aging [J]
aging, but never old: the realities, myths, and misrepresentations of the anti-aging movement
HMG-CoA reductase inhibition improves anti-aging klotho protein expression and arteriosclerosis in rats with chronic inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis
The effect of Celosia cristata L. ethanol extract on anti-oxidant & anti-aging activity
The anti-aging solution
Understanding metabolic pathways for skin anti-aging.
The use of natural compounds and botanicals in the development of anti-aging skin care products
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors up-regulate anti-aging klotho mRNA via RhoA inactivation in IMCD3 cells
Modulation of gene expression as a new skin anti-aging strategy.
Lipid replacement as an adjunct to therapy for chronic fatigue, anti-aging and restoration of mitochondrial function
Efficacy of anti-aging products for periorbital wrinkles as measured by 3‐D imaging
Growth hormone as an anti-aging therapy—do the benefits outweigh the risks?
New developments in the illegal provision of growth hormone for “anti-aging” and bodybuilding
Research of traditional herbal medicines for anti-aging, inhibition effect of wrinkle and whitening effect in the skin
The complete guide to anti-aging nutrients
Improvement on the anti-aging properties of power transformers by using mixed insulating oil
Phototherapy in anti-aging and its photobiologic basics: a new approach to skin rejuvenation
Boundaries and labels: anti-aging medicine and science
anti-aging effects of caloric restriction: Involvement of neuroendocrine adaptation by peripheral signaling
New Horizons for the Clinical Specialty of anti-aging Medicine: The Future with Biomedical Technologies
Vasculoprotective effects of anti-tumor necrosis factor-α treatment in aging
Circadian Hyper-Amplitude-Tension (CHAT): A disease risk syndrome of anti-aging medicine
The design and development of anti-aging formulations
The Official anti-aging Revolution: Stop the Clock Time Is on Your Side for a Younger, Stronger, Happier You: Easyread Edition
Near 10-year and longer periods modulate circadians: intersecting anti-aging and chronoastrobiological research
anti-aging effects of the traditional Chinese medicine bu-zhong-yi-qi-tang in mice
Renewal: The anti-aging Revolution
The anti-aging secrets of Japanese executives
Ex vivo human skin evaluation of localized fat reduction and anti-aging effect by TriPollar™ radio frequency treatments
anti-aging skin care ingredient technologies
Introduction: anti-aging Medicine: The Hype and the Reality—Part II
Reconstructed human skin: From photodamage to sunscreen photoprotection and anti-aging molecules
Studies on the anti-aging Action of Korean Ginseng (I) Comparative Study of Red and White Ginsengs on anti-aging Action
Slowing down aging from within: mechanistic aspects of anti-aging hormetic effects of mild heat stress on human cells.
anti-aging Medicine: The History: The Three Avenues of Gerontology: From Basic Research to Clinical Gerontology and anti-aging Medicine. Another French Paradox
A prospective study of anti-aging topical therapies using a quantitative method of assessment
Gary Null’s Ultimate anti-aging Program
Evaluation of the anti-wrinkle efficacy of cosmetic formulations with an anti-aging peptide (Argireline®)
The study on the potential anti-aging properties of Prunella vulgaris extract in vitro and in vivo
Antioxidative effects related to the potential anti-aging properties of the Chinese prescription Kangen-karyu and Carthami Flos in senescence-accelerated mice
From molecular biology to anti-aging cognitive‐behavioral practices: the pioneering research of Walter Pierpaoli on the pineal and bone marrow foreshadows …
Growth hormone in anti-aging medicine: a critical review
anti-aging teleconference: what is anti-aging medicine?
A narrative approach to anti-aging
Rejuvenation’s return: anti-aging and re-masculinization in biomedical discourse on the ‘aging male’
Transgenic cucumber fruits that produce elevated level of an anti-aging superoxide dismutase
anti-aging is not necessarily anti-death: Bioethics and the front lines of practice
Research on the effect of phenylethanoid glycosides (PEG) of the Cistanche deserticola on anti-aging in aged mice induced by D-galactose
anti-aging medicine: the history: establishing an appropriate ethical framework: the moral conversation around the goal of prolongevity
Original Contribution: Three clinical studies showing the anti-aging benefits of sodium salicylate in human skin
Leptin and anti-aging action of caloric restriction.
anti-aging benefits of qigong
A rapid and sensitive screening system for human type I collagen with the aim of discovering potent anti-aging or anti-fibrotic compounds.
Does anti-aging equal anti-microbial?
Clinical situations conducive to proactive skin health and anti-aging improvement
Studies on anti-aging Action of Brown Algae (Undaria pinnatifida)-2. Dose Effect of Alginic Acid as Modulator of anti-aging Action in Liver Membranes
Blackberry leaf extract: a multifunctional anti-aging active
anti-aging and health‐promoting constituents derived from traditional oriental herbal remedies: information retrieval using the TradiMed 2000 DB
Cell therapy for facial anti-aging.
anti-aging medicine. What makes it different from geriatrics?
anti-aging medicine as it relates to dermatology
anti-aging medicine–the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Lifestyle and nutrition, caloric restriction, mitochondrial health and hormones: scientific interventions for anti-aging
Efficacy of a health promotion program with anti-aging medical checkup and instructions for walking under pedometer management in factory workers
Experimental study of pineneedle on anti-aging
Study of anti-aging and anti-dementia effects of Rhodosin on aging rats and experimental dementia rats
anti-aging medicine: fallacies, realities, imperatives
The anti-aging revolution: an evolving role for plastic surgery
Dual targeting of the antagonistic pathways mediated by Sirt1 and TXNIP as a putative approach to enhance the efficacy of anti-aging interventions
Mitochondria: a new focus as an anti-aging target in skin care
Analysis of aging-related oxidative stress status in normal aging animals and development of anti-aging interventions
anti-aging and anti-oxidative effect of Gongjinhugwon-dan in early stages of aging rats
Lifestyle-related diseases and anti-aging ophthalmology: suppression of retinal and choroidal pathologies by inhibiting renin-angiotensin system and inflammation
anti-aging medicine. 2. Efficacy and safety of hormones and antioxidants.
Hormesis as a mechanism for the anti-aging effects of calorie restriction
Primary studies on bamboo leaf flavonoids used as anti-aging factor for skin protection
Effects on anti-aging Indicators in Middle-Aged Men of An Intervention to Prevent Lifestyle-Related Diseases Pilot Study Utilizing a Company-Wide anti-aging Medical …
Human growth hormone and anti-aging
A horse chestnut extract, which induces contraction forces in fibroblasts, is a potent anti-aging ingredient.
An experimental study on anti-aging action of Cordyceps extract
The anti-aging sweepstakes: catalase runs for the ROSes
Comparative study of the anti-aging effect of retinaldehyde alone or associated with pretocopheryl in a surviving human skin model submitted to ultraviolet A and B …
Formulation and characterization of a cosmetic multiple emulsion system containing macadamia nut oil and two anti aging agents
Improvement in anti-aging of metallized Nafion® hydrogen sensors modified by chemical vapor deposition of polypyrrole
Characterization and evaluation of freeze-dried liposomes loaded with ascorbyl palmitate enabling anti-aging therapy of the skin
The Science of anti-aging Medicine
Key trends driving anti-aging skin care in 2009 and beyond
Exploring the complex relations between inflammation and aging (inflamm-aging): anti-inflamm-aging remodelling of inflamm-aging, from robustness to frailty
Development of a bioassay to screen for chemicals mimicking the anti-aging effects of calorie restriction
Regenerative medicine for anti-aging
anti-aging medicine: Resounding, independent support for expansion of an innovative medical specialty
Clinical anti-aging hormetic strategies
The green pharmacy anti-aging prescriptions: Herbs, foods, and natural formulas to keep you young
Prevention and anti-aging in endocrinology
Do long-lived mutant and calorie-restricted mice share common anti-aging mechanisms?—a pathological point of view
Hormetic Mechanisms of anti-aging and Rejuvenating Effects of Repeated Mild Heat Stress on Human Fibroblasts in Vitro
Observations on the anti-aging, antihypertensive and antihyperlipemic effect of Apocynum venetum leaf extract
anti-aging research using SMP30/GNL knockout mice
The anti-aging action of hypophysectomy in hypothalamic obese rats: effects on collagen aging, age-associated proteinuria development and renal histopathology
The melanin inhibition, anti-aging and anti-inflammation effects of Portulaca oleracea extracts on cells
The Need for anti-aging Medicine: The Challenges Faced to Incorporate Preventative Medicine into the Clinic and into Society
anti-aging therapy with human growth hormone associated with metastatic colon cancer in a patient with Crohn’s colitis
Anti-oxidant and anti-aging activities of essential oils of Pinus densiflora needles and twigs
Evaluation of exercise programs at a fitness club in female exercise beginners using anti-aging medical indicators
anti-aging effects of Sipyimigwanjung-tang in aged Rats
Study on the anti-aging effects of radix Polygonum multiflorum
K6PC-5, a sphingosine kinase activator, induces anti-aging effects in intrinsically aged skin through intracellular Ca2+ signaling
anti-aging effect on skin with 9 repetitive steaming and fermenting process herbal composition extract
The mechanisms underlying the anti-aging activity of the Chinese prescription Kangen‐karyu in hydrogen peroxide‐induced human fibroblasts
Clinical study on anti-aging action of herbal cake-partition moxibustion
Regular exercise attenuates oxidative stress in aging rat tissues: a possible mechanism toward anti-aging medicine
anti-aging Medicine: The Legal Issues: Legal Issues Associated With the Current and Future Practice of anti-aging Medicine
Study on the anti-aging action of the extracts of Cuscuta chinensis in natural aging mice
Experimental studies on anti-aging actions of total Saponins of Radix Notoginseng
anti-aging action of the total lactones of ginkgo on aging mice
The importance of scavenging reactive oxygen species in anti-aging medicine
Analyzing Predictions: An Anthropological View of anti-aging Futures
anti-aging effects saccharomyces fermented modified kyungohkgo extract on skin
The anti-aging effects of the cosmetic products containing the needles of red pine on human skin
SENS acquires SENSe: present and future anti-aging strategies
Photodegradation of retinol and anti-aging effectiveness of two commercial emulsions.
Executing aging: An ethnography of process and event in anti-aging medicine
anti-aging drugs
Studies on the anti-aging and nootropic effects of ginsenoside Rg1 and its mechanisms of actions
anti-aging protein SIRT1: A role in cervical cancer?
Anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory vasoprotective effects of caloric restriction in aging: role of circulating factors and SIRT1
Scientific Legitimacy of the Term” anti-aging“
Vascular dysfunction in aging: potential effects of resveratrol, an anti-inflammatory phytoestrogen
Synergistic action of a triple peptide complex on an essential extra‐cellular matrix protein exhibits significant anti-aging benefits
Calorie restriction as a potent anti-aging intervention: Modulation of oxidative stress
Research on resveratrol’s mechanism of immunity in anti-aging
… anti‐oxidant: Fullerene (INCI#: 7587) is as “radical sponge” on the skin. Its high level of safety, stability and potential as premier anti-aging and whitening cosmetic …
The media and anti-aging medicine: Witch-hunt, uncritical reporting or fourth estate?
Progress in Studying anti-aging Mechanism of Ginsenoside [J]
Comparison of a broad spectrum anti-aging nutritional supplement with and without the addition of a DNA repair enhancing cat’s claw extract
Inflammaging and anti-inflammaging: a systemic perspective on aging and longevity emerged from studies in humans
anti-aging Medicine
Keep young and beautiful: evidence for an “anti-aging” product?
Biological effect of compoud green tea polypnehenols on tumor-inhibition, anti-aging, and immuno-regulation function [J]
Anti-oxidative and anti-aging activities of collagen hydrolysate
Molecular mechanisms of anti-aging hormetic effects of mild heat stress on human cells
anti-aging pill targets telomeres at the ends of chromosomes
anti-aging effect of Ligustrum japonicum extract in the human fibroblast cells
Moxibustion for Elderly Patients on anti-aging Clinical Research [J]
anti-aging Therapeutics
Specific anti-aging Factors for Naturai Clinicians
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and Alzheimer-type pathology in aging
anti-aging Medicine: The Hype and Reality
anti-aging effect of hemp seed oil, protein and lignanamide of bama on old mice
Research advances on the anti-aging profile of Fructus lycii: an ancient Chinese herbal medicine
anti-aging, Rights and Human Nature
anti-aging effect of polypeptides from Fructus Lycii on D-gal induced aging model mice and the possible mechanism.
An experimental research into the anti-aging effects of Radix Arctii Lappae.
Lifestyle & anti-aging-Medizin
Coenzyme Q10 has anti-aging effects on human hair
The Coming Impact of anti-aging on Plastic Surgery
Darwinian anti-aging medicine
Experimental studies on anti-aging effect of the leaf-extract of Ph. nigra var. henonis
Description of the 2005 meeting of the special interest group on Societal Implications of anti-aging Research at the Gerontological Society of America
anti-aging medicine and science: an arena of conflict and profound societal implications
anti-aging and anti-inflammation effects of natural mineral extract on skin keratinocytes
The dangers of chasing youth: regulating the use of nanoparticles in anti-aging products
Astrofit: the astronaut program for anti-aging
anti-aging: Claims, Words, Reality
Is carbonyl detoxification an important anti-aging process during sleep?
Experimental study on effects of pollenpini on anti-aging
anti-aging capability of SBS and SEBS modified asphalt and mixture [J]
The anti-aging effect of oviductus ranae
Serum heat shock protein and anti-heat shock protein antibody levels in aging
Derivatives of sugar compounds provide anti-aging effects
anti-aging effect of transplantation of mouse fetus-derived mesenchymal stem cells
anti-aging properties of the olive constituent oleuropein in human cells
anti-aging research using Mn-SOD conditional knockout mice
anti-aging medicine and the aesthetic surgeon: A new perspective for our specialty
anti-aging effects of retinoids and mechanisms of action
anti-aging effects of theanine on aging model mice induced by D-galactose [J]
Anti-mullerian hormone and inhibin B in the definition of ovarian aging and the menopause transition
Vitamin D and anti-aging medicine
Multi-functional botanical active based on ginko for anti-aging
Research on anti-aging effect of mouse placenta cells transplantation
anti-aging with healthy nutrition. This you can recommend
Isochaihulactone protects PC12 cell against H 2 O 2 induced oxidative stress and exerts the potent anti-aging effects in D-galactose aging mouse model
Interest grows in” anti-aging” drug
Research on Resveratrol’s Mechanism of Immunity in anti-aging [J]
Beneficial effects of medical advice provided to elderly persons under the anti-aging health check-up system at Tokai University Tokyo hospital
Critical-PMOS-aware clock tree design methodology for anti-aging zero skew clock gating
Life extension by anti-aging drugs: hormetic explanation
Hypothalamic mechanisms of aging and anti-aging
Study on anti-aging in the ovary of the aging model rat by traditional chinese medicine heshouwuyin
Moxibustion and its application in anti-aging study
Cheekbone: dynamic and anti-aging structure of the midface?
Effects of Coeloglossum extracts on memories and anti-oxidation of subacute aging mice
anti-aging action of polysaccharide from portabella on the model of aging mice [J]
Studies on invigorating energy, activating blood flow, resolving blood stasis and anti-aging actions of alcohol extracts of Codonopsis lanceolata
Anti-inflammatory mechanisms of dietary restriction in slowing aging processes
The TA-Swiss study on anti-aging medicine
On the evolution of anti-aging medicine
Medical treatment for calcium metabolism and balance in terms of the anti-aging medicine
anti-aging effect of allografting adipose-derived stem cells in rats
… and over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: a view from the ARAMIS database. Arthritis, Rheumatism, and aging Medical Information System.
Photoprotective and Anti-skin-aging effects of eicosapentaenoic acid in human skin in vivo
Is consensus in anti-aging medical intervention an elusive expectation or a realistic goal?
anti-aging effect of Bifidobacterium
anti-aging medicine.
The use of anti-aging hormones. Melatonin, growth hormone, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone: consumer enthusiasm for unproven therapies.
The experimental study of CPSC on anti-aging
anti-aging Technology for Skincare 1999.
A survey on mechanisms of the anti-aging effects of acupuncture and moxibustion
Current perspectives on anti-aging interventions
The aging of the Skin and anti-aging Cosmetic [J]
anti-aging effect and mechanism of polysaccharide from Laminaria japonica on Drosophila melanogaster [J]
Research of Large Transformer Oil Anti-oxidation and anti-aging Properties
Assessment of efficacy of anti-aging and anti-wrinkle cosmetics and their future prospect
The anti-aging epidemic
The dentist’s role in facial anti-aging.
A horse chestnut extract, which induces contraction forces in fibroblasts, is a potent anti-aging ingredient
anti-aging dock
Natural and synthetic growth hormone secretagogues: Endocrine and nonendocrine activities suggesting their potential usefulness as anti-aging drug interventions
aging alters the functional expression of enzymatic and non-enzymatic anti-oxidant defense systems in testicular rat Leydig cells
The anti aging trend: Capitalism, cosmetics and mirroring the spectacle
Experimental research on the skin anti-aging function of vitamin E and lycium barbarum polysaccharides in rats [J]
Mechanisms underlying the aging process and the anti-aging strategy
Beneficial effects & side effects of DHEA: True anti-aging & age-promoting effects, as well as anti-cancer & cancer-promoting effects of DHEA evaluated from the …
Study on Preparation of Self-disperse and anti-aging Nano-CuO
Evaluation on anti-aging performance of asphalt based on changes of viscosity and ductility [J]
Hormone replacement up-to-date. Hormone replacement therapy in anti-aging medicine
anti-aging Fakten und Visionen
Studies of the incidence and significance of anti‐gamma globulin factors in the aging
Effect of chestnut powder on bake quality and anti-aging of bread. J
The anti-aging Effect and the Chemical Constituents of Cynomorium songaricum Rupr.
The War on anti-aging Medicine
Vascular calcification and anti-aging
anti-aging drugs
Observation of the anti-aging ability and blood lipid contents of D-gal aging rats
Calcium metabolism and anti-aging of bone
Carnosine: Multipurpose anti-aging Nutrient
Enhancement of antioxidant and anti-aging activities of Spirulina extracts by fermentation
Gene therapy for anti-aging medicine
Experimental Studies on the Effect of Chinese Yam Plysaccharides on anti-aging of Mice [J]
Elucidation of the anti-aging effects of ectoine using cdna microarray analysis and signaling pathway evaluation
Related gene expressions in anti-keratinocyte aging induced by Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides
Effects of sea tangle (Laminaria japonica) and fucoidan components on anti-aging action
aging is characterized by a profound reduction in anti-inflammatory lipoxin A4 levels
Screening of Traditional Herbal Medicines to Develop New Materials for anti-aging and Anti-wrinkle in the Skin
Clinical observation on drug-separated moxibustion at the navel for anti-aging
anti-aging medicine: hormone replacement therapy in men
Calcium in aging, health, and anti-aging. Significance of calcium supplement for anti-aging
Clinical testing to uphold an anti-aging claim
Study on anti-aging function of nano red elemental selenium dispersed by protein
anti-aging effect on skin with the needles of red pine, Pinus densiflora
The art and science of anti-aging therapies.
anti-aging medicine: part 3. Growth hormone replacement
Loss of anti-apoptotic genes in aging rat crura
anti-aging comes of age.
Animal Experiment of Pearl Oyster Extract on anti-aging [J]
Phytoestrogenes as anti-aging agents
An Experimental Study on Function of Ginseng in Lipid Level and anti-aging [J]
Study on Anti-oxidative Effect of Tibet Linggu Fungus Yogurt on Subacute aging Model Mice [J]
Effects of cistanche desertica polysacchrides on the constitution of protein and anti-oxidative capacity of lune in aging mice
Effect of whitening, anti-aging on extract of Paeonia lactiflora flower
Advancement on anti-aging Efficacy of Edible and Officinal Fungi [J]
A study on anti-aging action of Potentilla anserina Lextract [J]
anti-aging effect of microemulsion containing Panax notoginseng on skin [J]
Health foods in anti-aging therapy: reducers of physiological decline and degenerative diseases
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of prostate cancer in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of aging
anti-aging and Anti-Oxidative Effect of SYG (SipYiMiGwanJungTang) in aged Rats
anti-aging effect of amino acid complex on the skin
Study on anti-aging Property of Pavement Modified Polyester Fiber Reinforced Concrete [J]
Strengthening Spleen-stomach and Supplementing Ying-wei: The anti-aging Effects on Skin of Mice modle established by D-galactose [J]
aging bodies, constructions of masculinities, and the anti-aging industry1
The experimental study of paecilomyces cicadicae polysaccharides on anti–aging
A study on the anti-aging effect of bovine colostrum extract in the elderly
Reconstructed skin modified by glycation of the dermal equivalent as a model for skin aging and its potential use to evaluate anti-glycation molecules
Anti-oxidant and anti-aging activity on saxifraga stolonifera MEERBURGH Ethanol Extract
Experimental research of acupuncture at Zusanli (ST 36) for anti-aging
anti-aging medicine: Part I. Hormone replacement therapy in women
anti-aging effects of polysaccharides from rhizomorph of Armillaria mellea
The anti-aging functions of lycopene [J]
Serum anti-GFAP and anti-S100 autoantibodies in brain aging, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia
The anti-aging exercise
Experimental Study on anti-aging Effects of Natural Vitamin E.[J]
The Research on the Application of Chinese Herb in Cosmetics for anti-aging of the Skin [J]
Development of hair aging and anti-aging [J]
Anti-inflammatory drugs and Alzheimer-type pathology in aging
Selection Optimum Moisture Content of Pinus bungeana Seeds for anti-aging and It’s Mechanism Analysis [J]
New Frontiers: anti-aging Properties of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
FDA Regulation and the New anti-aging Products
Effects of cistanche desertica polysacchrides on the constitution of protein and anti-oxidative capacity of lune in aging mice [J]
“anti-aging”: A misnomer?
A study of possibilities on developing of traditional convenience foods for anti-aging control an analysis of public perspectives
anti-aging Medicine and the Quest for Immortality
Study on the Breeding and anti-aging Effect of Black-grained Wheat [J]
Development on anti-aging Performance of Nature Rubber from Latex Film [J]
anti-aging Effect of Polysaccharides from Crude and Processed Cornus Officinalis on Mice with Deficiency of Kidney
Study on the anti-aging of Flame-retardant ABS/PVC and HIPS/PPO [J]
The Technomyth of Youth in anti-aging Skin Care Products Advertising
anti-aging dental medicine and calcium metabolism
Do dehydroepiandrosterone supplements have anti-aging potential?
Determination of in vitro „anti-aging „-effects of Ganoderma pfeifferi
Progress on the study of anti-aging effect of lipoic acid.
Protective Effects on Mitochondria and anti-aging Activity of Aqueous Extract of Forsythia suspensa Leavies [J]
Anti-Müllerian hormone and inhibin B levels as markers of premature ovarian aging and transition to menopause in type 1 diabetes mellitus
Improvements in sensitivity and in anti-aging of Pt/C/Nafion® gases sensors modified by chromium
aging and venous thromboembolism influence the pharmacodynamics of the anti-factor Xa and anti-thrombin activities of a low molecular weight heparin (nadroparin)
Proteasome Modulation in Brain: A New Target for anti-aging Drugs?
Studies on the anti-aging and Nootropic Effects of Ginsenoside Rg_1 and Its Mechanisms of Actions [J]
Study on the anti-aging Effect of Flavonoids in Hickory Leaf.
Study on anti-aging Mechnism of Proplis
Issues regarding the routine and long-term use of growth hormone in anti-aging medicine
anti-aging medicine: the evidence to the value of the antihypertensive drugs, hypoglycemic drugs and statins
anti-aging effects of KOTAIS
Hair aging and anti-aging
Effects and permeation property of anti-aging material from tinged autumnal leaves of maple tree in the skin
aging changes of neurotensin-like and dynorphin-like neurons in the central nucleus of amygdala of the rat anti-aging effect of radix achyranthis bidentatae …
Study on the anti-aging Action of Phosphate of Pilose Antler [J]
Melatonin: anti-aging perception and current perspectives
Study on the thermal behavior, crystalline property and anti-aging performance of PLA/ATBC plastication-modified system [J]
Study on anti-aging effects of polysaccharides of carrot
Thymic peptides as anti-aging drugs: effect of thymic hormones on immunity and life span
anti-aging effect of polysaccharides from Panax japonicus [J]
Carnosine: the new anti-aging supplement
ARB and anti-aging
Preparation and anti-aging Performance of the Ruitile TiO_2/Fluorocarbon Nano-composite Coatings [J]
anti-aging treatments
Experimental study on anti-aging effects of pine pollen on the sub-acutely aging rat model
anti-aging medicine: Collecting data or collecting fees?
Study on the anti-aging function of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino on sub-aging rats [J]
anti-aging Effect of Antioxidant Peptides from Rice Bran [J]
Information about anti-aging Resources
aging and anti-aging of oocytes
anti-aging effects of the extracts from leaf. stem, fruit and seed of Yew (Taxus cuspidata Sieb) by solvent extraction method
A Forum for Practitioners of Evidence-Based “anti-aging Medicine”.
anti-aging Answers
To Think About aging und anti-aging
The effect of Heshouwu decoction on anti-oxidation and blood lipid of aging rats
anti-aging or better aging: a contribution to the prevention of aging?
Effect of anti-aging ANISIMOV
Effect on anti-aging and treating yang deficiency of kidney with huanshao dan capsules. A clinical report of 309 cases
Study on anti-aging performance of regenerated asphalt [J]
Application of anti-aging System with Vitamin E-backbone in SSBR [J]
The Study Situation of the anti-aging Performance of Asphalt [J]
Effect of anti-aging drug on DNA methylase of brain in rats
DDS for anti-aging and regenerative medicine
aging: Is caloric restriction anti-aging?
anti-aging medicine in dermatologic practice
anti-aging effect of rice bran extract fermented by Bacillus natto
Holistic approach to anti-aging.(anti-aging Update)
The anti-neurodegeneration drug clioquinol inhibits the aging-associated protein CLK-1
Research on the anti-aging Effect of Saponin of Aralia deceisneana Hance [J]
Enzyme cytochemical alternations of neurons in hippocampal CA_ (3) of aged rats and the anti-aging effects of ginsenoside
Studies of Chitin and its Derivatives on Anti-diseases and anti-aging
All hype, no hope? Excessive pessimism in the “anti-aging medicine” special sections
Ingredient in anti-aging Cosmetic Re-Ignites Abortion Debate and Raises Questions About Cosmetic Labeling
Synthesis of anti-aging Gated Clock Designs.
The Intelligence-improving and anti-aging Function of Drugs for Nourishing Yin and the Study Concerned [J]
anti-aging action of saponins from Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bge. on D-galactose model mice [J]
Effects of different types of anti-aging dietary restrictions on age-related atrial natriuretic factor changes: an immunochemical and ultrastructural study
Corrosion Resistance and Anti-Ultraviolet aging Behavior of Polyester-Based Composite Coating Doped with Nano-TiO~ 2
Experimental Study on the anti-aging Effect of Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber Injection [J]
Anti‐oxidation activities of CordyMax in an oxidative stress model: A mechanism of its anti-aging property
Strengthening Spleen and Supplementing Lung: the anti-aging effects on skin of mice modle established by D-galactose [J]
Experimental study on anti-skin aging of” Shi Jing Wan”[J]
Antioxidative and anti-aging effects of Sancho (Zanthoxylum schinifolium) extract in rats fed high fat diet
Study on the anti-aging effects of angelica sinensis polysaccharide [J]
Regular use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cognitive function in aging women
Advances in anti-aging Medicine, vol. 1
Man also need anti-aging.
Study on the Changes of Cellular Immune Function of aging Rats and the anti-aging Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tiannianyin [J]
anti-aging Action of the Panax Japonicus CA Meyer on aging Mice [J]
Anti-oxidative effect of total extract of astragalus (TEA) on aging mice
Study of anti-aging effects of Wu-Yuan oral liquids on brain of D-galactose-induced aging in mice [J]
Evidence for and against anti-aging effects based on model animal studies
anti-aging Medicine: Have We Found the Fountain of Youth?
Charactrization of anti-aging effect in Halophyte extracts, Suaeda asparagoides
anti-aging update
Biochemical study on the anti-aging effects of Radix Achyranthis bident-atae (Rab)
Experimental Study on the anti-aging Active Components in Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati [J]
anti-aging of Ink on Prints [J]
Dry Modification of Nano-TiO_2 with Aluminate Coupling Agent and Its Application on anti-aging of Powder Coating [J]
Secrets of Great Skin: The Definitive Guide to anti-aging Skin Care
The anti-aging effect of moxibustion and moxibustion combined with skin allograft evaluated from optic and electron microscopy study of thymus and pituitary glands
anti-aging functions of a multi-vitamin on the mouse models aged by D-galactose.
Department of anti-aging Medicine
Allergy, the Immune System, and anti-aging
Fingerprint in chemical compatibility of anti-aging compound recipe
anti-aging Medicine World Congress
Study on the anti-aging and Hygrothermal Properties of Armos/epoxy Molded Plates [J]
The study on the anti-aging effects of Mallotus japonicus bark extracts
Immortal Stem Cells for anti-aging Therapies
anti-aging action of glycoconjugate from Gastrodia elata on mice and fruit-flies
aging affect the anti-tumor potential of dendritic cell vaccination, but it can be overcome by co-stimulation with anti-OX40 or anti-4-1BB
Evaluation of Skin-whitening and anti-aging Efficacy of Microbial Ferment
Making More Efficient the Dissemination of the Information in the Field of anti-aging through Information Technology
Study on the Effect of anti-aging Action of Radix Adrenophorae Potaninii Korsh Polysaccharides on Mice and Scavenging Free Oxygen Radical
anti-aging Effect of Royal Jelly [J]
New anti-aging Cosmetic Ingredients Lignan Glycosides in Germinated Sesame Seeds
anti-aging Effect of Emulsifier on Steamed Bread [J]
The effects of calcium treatment on the pre-harvest mudong red bayberry’s quality and anti-aging
Current concepts in anti-aging
Anti-senescence effect of Cynomorium songaricum polysaccharide on D-galactose-induced aging mice
The New Science of anti-aging Hormone Replacement Therapy: A Multidimensional Approach
Studies on anti-aging Effect of Rong-Shen-Ling Capsule
The Art and Science of anti-aging Medicine
Study on anti-aging Function of Low-dosage Compound Spirulina Polysaccharides [J]
Study on the anti-aging Effect of Polysaccharide from Portulaca oleracea L. on Mice Anti-senility [J]
Health and anti-aging benefits of aged garlic extract
The hair anti-aging function of increasing and/or decreasing Zi Shui Qing Gan potion [J]
Current Status of anti-aging Medicine, Especially Involving Management of the Menopause, as a Component of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Korea
anti-aging and cupping therapy
16 anti-aging-Medizin
Experimental research of huishuhua compound on anti-aging.
Anti-oxidant gene expression imbalance, aging and Down syndrome
anti-aging effects by caloric restriction
Your First Steps to anti-aging–Detoxification & Rejuvenation
anti-aging Strategies: Science or Hype?
Studies of growth hormone on anti-aging symptoms
Model analysis on four-level nested software anti-aging policy of distributed system
anti-aging Teleconference: What is anti-aging Medicine?
… male sexual function with a new natural compound made of Tribulus Terrestris, Biovis and Alga Ecklonia Cava and its synergic anti-aging action: ISMH World …
Research Advance in anti-aging and Low-diacetyl of Beer Yeast
The Genetic Solution for anti-aging
Is consensus in anti-aging medical intervention an elusive expectation or a realistic goal?
Study on the anti-aging action of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells on D-galactose model mice [J]
Histological modulation of adult rat’s testis in response to anti-aging factor
anti aging action of melatonin on D galactose model mice [J]
Experimental Study of anti-aging Effect of Yangyan Quban Particles on aging Model Mice’s Skin Caused by D-galactose
Calcium and anti-aging
anti-aging effects of Herbal Ecliptae in subacute aging mice caused by D-galactose
Study on anti-aging mechanism of Milkvetch Root [J]
Applications of Nanotechnology in Whitening and anti-aging Cosmetics
Letter To Editor-anti-aging therapies: Other half of the story
Study on anti-aging and Aesthetic Research (Ⅰ)
The anti-aging effect of Corydalis yanhusuo WT Wang on aging mice induced by D-galactose
Advanced Approaches to anti-aging− Use of aging Model Animals−
anti-aging Nutrients
Effects of Thidiazuron (TDZ) on anti-aging Activity of Mulberry Leaves Cultured in vitro [J]
aging changes of somatostatin-like neurons in the periventricular hypothalamic nucleus and anti-aging effect of polygonum multiflorum
anti-aging Medicine in Japan
NMR Study on the Relationship between Miscibility and anti-aging Performance of Blends Containing Block Copolymers
The Third Annual Monte Carlo anti-aging Conference
Conclusion: human calorie restriction and anti-aging therapy
A study on anti-aging effect of brewing bifidobeer in mice and drosophila melanogasters
anti-aging effects of Bao-Chun-Wan on rats: A morphological ultrastructure study
Light Years Younger: The Definitive Guide to anti-aging Skin Care
Effect of Strength Training on anti-aging for Older Men [J]
anti-aging and anti-cancer properties of Avemar: a review
aging murine B cells have decreased class switch induced by anti-CD40 or BAFF
Research on New Type of anti-aging Joint Sealant Substituted for Tar-Based Polyurethane [J]
anti-aging in ophthalmology.
Study on anti-aging technology of sand-filled pillows for waterway regulation projects
Development of Novel Flame Retardant and anti-aging ABS Alloy [J]
Effect of preparations from deer fetus and placenta on anti-aging of old male rats
13 anti-aging Strategies
Application Research of Thin Polyethylene Green House Films with Highly Effective anti-aging Property [J]
anti-aging and anti-melanogenesis efficacy by antioxidative mineral-bio water
Experimental Studies of anti-aging Effects of Yishou Yin
Application of morphological size distribution analysis to the evaluation of anti-aging treatments for skin rejuvenation
Study on anti-aging Effect of Composite Tea Polyphenols Capsule
Researches on anti-aging Function of Bath Lotion WithAstragalus Membranaceus
Experimental research on the anti-aging effect of haimaichong nutrient
aging phenomena and anti-aging defense mechanisms
BP model for relation between anti-aging and four natures, five flavors and meridian tropism of Chinese prescription medicine
Study on molecular mechanism of anti-aging effect of rhidosin on olfactory bulb in senile rats
Nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and cognitive function in the Baltimore longitudinal study of aging
anti-aging activities of extracts from Liuweidihuang decoction metabolized by photosynthetic bacteria
The Pharmacologic Study of Anti-skin aging of Tiny Rats by Using Medlar Externally [J]
Characterization of thermal degradation of qa liquid amine anti-strip additives in asphalt qa binders due to RTFO and PAV-aging
anti-aging Medical News
anti-aging Medicine Literature Watch
Forget anti-aging–let’s talk pro-living.
Study on antioxidant and anti-aging activities of peptides from sunflower meal [J]
Strategic Regulatory Planning—Key to Success in anti-aging Cosmetic Product Development
Studies on anti-aging Effect of Artificial Breeding Andrias davidianus Meat in Drosophila
Research on relationship between anti-aging index and panicle agronomy traits, yield in cold super-rice.
7th Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of anti-aging Medicine
Experimental Studies on anti-aging Actions of Opuntia milpa alta Haw [J]
Production of the Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase‐2 (TIMP‐2) and Evaluation of Its Potential as anti-aging Active
Objective measurements detect early anti-aging benefits 1
Study on silk aging and selecting of anti-aging agents
Critical-PMOS-Aware Clock Tree Design Methodology for anti-aging Zero Skew Clock Gating
Anti—aging effect of atractylode Macrocephala koidz decoction on the elderly mice
anti-aging Therapeutics Volume VIII
anti-aging Effect of Carnosine and T_3, T_4 and IGF-Ⅰ Level in Serum of Mice
anti-aging from a cardiologist’s view
anti-aging diagnosis and therapy: fact and fiction
anti-aging with antioxidants.
Experimental Research on WeiantaiⅡ Capsule of anti-aging Effect
Pineal mechanism of danggui shaoyao powder on anti-aging
Experimental study on anti-aging performance of the PTFE charged microporous membrane
Retinoblastoma protein is the likely common effector for distinct anti-aging pathways
8th Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of anti-aging Medicine
Relationship between surface wax and the ability of antisepsis and anti-aging of licorice seeds.
Retinyl retinoate as cosmetic anti-aging ingredients: new hybrid retinoid derivatives
anti-aging action of butylphthalide on galactose model mice
Nuclear Shp-2 keeps telomerase reverse transcriptase in the nucleus–new potential anti-aging target
Technical breakthrough of anti-aging products
A probe into the application and practice of” topic-based learning website of skin anti-aging” in medical teaching
anti-aging medicine at eleven years: reflections and projections as a new era begins
Effects of Hybrid UV Absorbers on anti-aging Properties of Polyacrylate Films
Experimental Study on the anti-aging Effect of Danhuang Capsule
Experimental Study on the anti-aging Effect of Yinao Capsule
anti-aging Effects of Nanpao®, a Kampo Medicine, on Reproductive Functions in Female Rats
anti-aging effect of Baishen oral liquid: An experimental study
Development of anti-aging component as a Cosmetic Ingredient Effect of Hamamelitannin as the Active Oxygen Scavenger
Experimental Study of anti-aging Capsule on Mice
From the right to health to the responsibility for healthy aging: a new foundation for anti-aging medicine in Germany
anti-aging at the APLS
Studies on the effect of Toona sinensis leaf flavonoids on anti-aging of Caenorhabditis elegans
Research on Photographic and anti-aging Properties of a Novel Development Accelerator
Study on anti-aging Technique of Paint
Effects of Se-enriched Rhodopseudomonas palustris on Anti-oxidative System in aging Mice Induced by D-galactose
Internet Guide to anti-aging and Longevity
Comparison of Photosynthetic Pigments and anti-aging Enzyme Activity in Different Muti-spike-type Wheat Cultivars [J]
Internet Guide to anti-aging and Longevity
Comparison of the anti-aging potential of Lactoccocus lactis strains and determination of the required feeding period for senescence-accelerated mouse.
Expression of anti-aging Gene Klotho in Mouse Blood Vessels
anti-aging peptide bioregulators induce reactivation of chromatin.
Study on anti-lipid peroxide effect of zingiber extract with alcohol in the subacute aging mice
Study on Properties of anti-aging of High-performance Polyolefin Concrete Filling Joint Plate [J]
anti-aging Effects of Betacyanins from Portulaca oleracea L.
anti-aging and Immune Booster
Internet Guide to anti-aging and Longevity
Role of estrogen and selective estrogen receptor modulators in anti-aging
Studies on the anti-aging Effect of Protein Hydrolysate of Martianus Dermestoides Chevrolat in Mice
WorldHealth. net (American Academy of anti-aging Medicine)< http://www. worldhealth. net>
BIOSynergenics: Guerrilla anti-aging-Secrets from the Past, Present and New Age
Internet Guide to anti-aging and Longevity
Internet Guide to anti-aging and Longevity
aging: Is caloric restriction anti-aging?
A critical examination of anti-aging discourse: the relevance of the works of michel foucault and susan sontag
The anti-aging effects of Phm-40 on cellular immunity in humans
Research on anti-aging Ability of Exterior Coated Wood
Maximum Stress, Brain Support, anti-aging & More
Search of Experimental Studies (35) on anti aging and Anti oxidant in Korea
Experimental Study on the anti-aging Active Components in Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati
Could Developments in anti-aging Medicine Invalidate the Actuarial Model of Mortality Improvement?
Auricular stimulation and anti-aging
New patient data confirms anti-aging technology
anti-aging Messages in Our Society: Case Studies from Nova Scotia
Laboratory Tests for the anti-aging Physician
How anti-aging Clinicians Make Epistemological Connections: Understanding the Rise of a New Medical Specialty
Chestnut Extracts as new anti-aging agent
Studies on the anti-aging Action of Korean Ginseng-(Ⅰ) Comparative Study of Red and White Ginsengs on anti-aging Action
An Experimental Study on Anoxia-resistant Anti-fatigue and aging-Delay of Huoli Capsule [J]
Case Studies in Bioethics: Regulating an anti-aging Drug
The meaning of &ldquoAgetting older&rdquoA to young adults using select anti-aging cosmetic strategies.
The Experimental Study on anti-aging Effects of an Oral Liquid Containing Lycium Barbarum L, Astragalus Mongholicus Bunge and Panax Ginseng CA, Meyer.
Study on anti-aging Effect of Bushen Granule
Experimental study on anti-aging effect of buckthron extract in old rats
Anti-ultraviolet aging tests of asphalts adapting to environment in Tibetan Plateau of China
Rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of Grb2 and Shc in T cells exposed to anti-CD3, anti-CD4, and anti-CD45 stimuli: differential effects of aging
Epigenetic Modification for the anti-aging Strategy
Qigong and anti-aging
An Experimental Study on anti-aging Effects of Resveratrol
Skin and anti-aging research update: Proceedings from the 2007 World Congress of Dermatology
Editorial [Hot Topic: anti-aging Compounds (Guest Editor: Bela Torok)]
anti-aging medicine in patients subjected to bariatric surgery
Biological anti-aging and its Effects on Gonadotropic System of Compound Ant Medication
Probiotics: potential anti-aging capability.
MaxLife’s IGF-1 Plus Revolutionary anti-aging Formula
Anti-oxidant and anti-aging Activity on Saxifraga stolonifera MEERBURGH Water Extract
Evaluation of the penetration and efficacy of topical anti-aging compounds
Human growth factor and anti-aging
Chemical analysis and anti-aging properties of Greek pollen
Can an Apheresis Therapy become an Effective Method for anti-aging Medicine?
Would postmenopausal pregnancies become more desirable with anti-aging medicine?
Ultimate anti-aging Ways: Exotic Wisdom from a Japanese Doctor
… -mediated transcriptional mechanisms of type VII collagen gene (COL7A1) expression in the skin, with special reference to photoaged skin and anti-aging
How to elongate healthy life expectancy. Let’s start anti-aging
anti-aging activities associated with grape seeds-A review
Experimental Study on the anti-aging Effects of Lycopene
An anti-aging effect of Active Bovine Colostrin on aging mice by injection of D-galactose
anti-aging Medicine in Cardiovascular Disease
The regenerative potential of stem cell therapeutics in the anti-aging setting
Spillage from the Fountain of Youth: The Regulation of Prospective anti-aging Molecular and Genetic Therapies
The anti-aging LLDPE Mulch Film Performance
The optimization fingerprint chromatogram method study of anti-aging TCM compound recipe
Resveratrol and its importance in anti-aging medicine.
R401–anti-aging Compounds and Epidermal Effects on Mouse Skin
Sunscreen and defense anti-aging
The Use of Thymus Supplementation as an anti-aging Supplement
Study on anti-aging performance of Anti-stripping Additives in Asphalt Mixture
Experimental studied on the anti-aging effect of# beta#-ecdysterone
Make sure all your products are anti-aging–product stability and package compatibility.
Why DHEA May Be the Best-Validated anti-aging Supplement
Experimental Study on anti-aging Effect of New and Old Prescription Zhangyu Zhibao Sanbian Liquor on aging Model Rats Induced by D-galactose
Cytoprotective and anti-aging Effects of Inonotus obliquus Extract via Anti-Oxidant Activity
Maltobionic Acid, A Plant-Derived Bionic Acid for Topical anti-aging
Prepare and Research of Silicone-modified Acrylic anti-aging Coating
Cosmetic anti-aging Formulations—International Regulatory Aspects
Application of rubber anti-aging agents in preventing coal spontaneous combustion
Extreme Sports and anti-aging Medicine
KLOTHO AN anti-aging GENE
anti-aging and Anti-Oxidant Effect of Bopyewon-tang in liver and Lung Cell of SD Rats
anti-aging Protein Turns on Beneficial Anti-Alzheimer Disease Gene
The Role of Oral Growth Hormone Secretagogues in anti-aging Therapy
Study on the Photocatalysis and anti-aging Properties of Organic Coatings Containing TiO~ 2/(RSiO~ 1~.~ 5)~ 8 Particles
Correspondence between nonrelativistic anti-de Sitter space and conformal field theory, and aging-gravity duality
anti-aging effects of polysaccharides from rhizomorph of Armillaria mellea
vIbRATIoN TRAINING: A Unique Training Tool For anti-aging
anti-aging Effects of L-Carnitine on Human Skin
Study on anti-aging Properties of Recycled Milk-cartons/PE Composite
Extracted herbal products with anti-oxidative activity for anti-aging and breast cancer treatment
State of the Art anti-aging Practice: Diagnostic Difficulties of the Andropause
anti-aging Effect of Flavonoids of Astragalus complanatus on D-galactose-induced Subacute aging in Mice
Mutation Breeding of anti-aging Beer Yeast Strains
Experimental study on anti-aging effect of Ginsenosides on skin of the aging model mice induced by D-galactose
anti-aging and Photoprotecting Effects of Carboxymethylated Glucan from Baker’s Yeast
Myocardial “anti-aging” Effects of Physical Exercise in Voluntary Running Mice
Experimental study of anti-aging effect of Tanshinone on aging model mice’s skin caused by D-galactose
Development of Novel Pyrone Derivative Retaining Retinoidal anti-aging Activity with Low Skin Irritation
Vitamin D3: The underestimated anti-aging hormone, multiple effects.
New Cosmetic Agents for anti-aging from Zostera marina L.
Some Pharmacological Studies on Erxian Chunhui Pian (anti-aging Effect and Toxicological Test)
Preparation and stability of cosmetic formulations with an anti-aging peptide
Observation of hongjingtian ginseng pharmaceutics anti aging effect on skin by scanning electric microscope
anti-aging Effects of Skin Care Emulsion Mixed with Chinese Herbal Extracts
Experimental Study on the anti-aging Effect of Polyporus Umbellatus Polysaccharide
Hans Jonas’s ethic of responsibility applied to anti-aging technologies and the indefinite extension of the human life span
Stabilized active vitamins ACE topical formulation for anti-aging-clinical investigations 1
anti-aging and Whitening Activities of Labisia pumila Extract
Decline, in aging mice, of the anti‐2, 4, 6‐trinitrophenyl (TNP) cytotoxic T cell response attributable to loss of Lyt‐2−, interleukin 2‐producing helper cell function
… -anti-idiotypic antibody during the normal immune response: changes in the auto-anti-idiotypic antibody response and the idiotype repertoire associated with aging
anti-aging Effect of Jingxuegui Granule on Fifteen-Month-old Female Rats
Study on anti-aging effect of dendrobium huoshenese capsule on drosophila
Regulating Inflammatory Response Genes: Studies of the anti-aging Effects of Moxibustion on the Mingmen Point Using Gene Profile Analysis
Research on anti-aging Effect of Mouse Placenta Cells Transplantation [J]
anti-aging Effects of an EGCG Containing Product on Facial Skin in Females
Effect of anti-aging drug on the activity of DNA methylase in rat liver
Effect of anti-aging Drug on Activity of DNA Methylase in Rat Liver
anti-aging action of radix adrenophorae potaninii korsh polysaccharides in mice and fruit-flies
The anti-aging Influence of Kiwi Fruit Seed Oil on the of Rats
Melatonin, an anti-aging Hormone: Current Developments and Future Clinical Implications
Validation of improved texture and elasticity measurement techniques using benchmark cosmetic and dermatological anti-aging treatments 1
A Role for FoxO1 in the anti-aging Effect of Calorie Restriction
The Synthesis and Sfety of 3-Aminopropyl dihydrogen phosphate, a New anti-aging Agent
Feeling Younger with Homeopathic HGH: The Leading Edge for anti-aging
Vasopressin-The anti-aging, Cognitive Enhancing Neuropeptide
anti-aging Effect of Fructus foeniculi on Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells (BAEC)
Proteomic analysis of anti-aging effect of lipoic acid in cultured neurons
Retinoblastoma protein is the likely common effector for distinct anti-aging pathways
Glutamine: An Effective anti-aging Therapeutic and Immune-Modifying Amino Acid Supplement
The experimental study on anti-aging in aged rats by caloric restriction.
Effects of Ultra-dry Treatment on anti-aging Ability and Antioxidative Metabolism of Soybean Seed
Experimental study on anti aging skin of the poly peptides from the chlamys farreri
The anti-aging Fitness Prescription: A Day-by-day Nutrition and Workout Plan to Age-proof Your Body and Mind
anti-aging action of total glycoside of Mao Hua Astragalus membranaceus on D-galactose-induced aging mice
Study on anti-aging Skin of the Polypeptides from the Sunflower Isolated Proteins.
New anti-aging & Moisturizer Ingredients of Exopolysaccharides by Grifola frondosa
Research on the anti-aging effects and flexibility of bread by the emulsified oil
Effect of the anti-aging of oxidation in mouse by the medicinal components of asparagus cochinchinensis root [J]
Component Analysis and anti-aging Activity of Hexane Extracts from Black-bone Silky Fowl.
Using a combination of chemical and systems biological approaches for defining a mechanism by which a novel anti-aging compound greatly extends yeast longevity
Study on the anti-aging properties of urushiol/fluoro-siloxane resin
Effects of different anti-aging dietary restrictions on endothelin-1 receptors in rat lung.
Anti-oxidative and blood lipid-lowering effects of Heshouwuyin in sub-acutely aging rats
Comparative study on anti aging actions of Panax Ginseng (PG) and Panax Quinquefolium (PQ)
Development of anti-aging Nutraceuticals from Nelumbo nucifera
Molecular chaperons mediated pathways of stress protective and anti-aging effects of adaptogens
A Rapid and Sensitive Screening System for Human Type Ⅰ Collagen with the Aim of Discovering Potent anti-aging or Anti-Fibrotic Compounds
anti-aging effects of ginsenosides, tanshinone and chuanxionyzine on mice skin: a comparison study
aging changes of somatostatin-like neurons in the periventricular hypothalamic nucleus and anti-aging Effect of radix achyranthis bidentatae (An …
Development of new anti-aging agent containing hydroxamic acid moiety
aging-related deficiency in intracellular calcium response to anti-CD3 or concanavalin A in murine T-cell subsets
Anti malondialdehyde-adduct immunological response as a possible marker of successful aging
Cardiovascular Health, Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, anti-aging (oxidative stress)
The natural anti-Gal antibody, the B-like antigen, and human red cell aging.
I Near 10-Year and Longer Periods Modulate Circadians: Intersecting anti-aging and Chronoastrobiological Research
anti-aging Effect of Polysaccharides from Crude and Processed Cornus Officinalis on Mice with Deficiency of Kidney
Protective effects on mitochondria and anti-aging activity of aqueous extract of forsythia suspensa flower
Aloe vera^ s biolgical effect on moina macrocpa–The screening experiment of a kind of new anti-aging drug
Anti-hyperglycemic and anti-aging Effects of Deer Antler Velvet Extract on Diabetic Mice Induced by Alloxan [J]
anti-aging Effects and Tolerability of High Strength Hydroxy Acids in Males with Moderate to Severe Photoaging
Experimental Studies on anti-aging Actions of Total Saponins of Radix Notoginseng
Phenomenon of muscle anti-aging after dental treatment-changes in oral function of muscle fiber characteristics
Induction of anti-aging Sirt1 and Anti-Apoptotic Ku70 Proteins by Resveratrol in the Rat Retina
Anti-senescence effect of naturally occurring cytokinins and their 6, 9-di-substituted derivatives as potent anti-aging substances
A polyhydroxy acid (PHA) skin care regimen provides comparable anti-aging effects to an alpha-hydroxyacid (AHA) regimen
Poster 154: The Development of Dentistry Applying Regenerative Medicine for anti-aging Era—Clinical Application for Esthetic Functional Improvement to Practical …
Studies on anti-aging Effect of Antioxidant Peptides Derived from Big-head Carp (Aristichthys Nobilis) Proteins
A theoretical conformational study of R-(−)-Deprenyl, a selective MAO-B inhibitor with potential anti-aging effects: an ab initio multi-dimensional conformational …
The research ofNano-titanium dioxide modifying PS anti-UV-aging properties [J]
anti-aging activity of kimchi during fermentation period against oxidative stress‐induced premature senescence in cellular model
… biologics: DNA destabilization as a major source of metabolic pathology research findings of Mirko Beljanski, PhD, exhibit dramatic anticancer and anti-aging …
A Study on the Screening of the Efficacy of Nootropics and anti-aging Drugs Using Senescence-Accelerated Mice
Feed Your Skin, Starve Your Wrinkles: Eat Your Way to Firmer, More Beautiful Skin with the 100 Best anti-aging Foods
Selenocysteine modulates resistance to environmental stress and confers anti-aging effects in C. elegans. Clinics [online]. 2017, vol. 72, n. 8
Chromatin in Senescent Cells: A Conduit for the anti-aging Effects of Wnt Signaling?
Stimulation of Klotho and AMPK activity to mimic caloric restriction-induced anti-aging activity in skin
anti-aging activity of Hot-Water Extract from Yuza (Citrus junos SIEB ex TANAKA) Peels & Seeds
anti-aging effects observed in new synthetic peptide Claude Dal Farra, PhD, Vincience, Sophia Antipolis, France; Catherine Gondran, MS, Vincience, Sophia Antipolis …
Effects of anti-aging on drosophila and enduring anoxia time on mice by D-ribose
Experimental Research of JingCuihui Negative Ion Life Cultivation Urn on the Anti-Oxidation in aging Mice
Comparison Test of anti-aging Performance to UV Radiation of Nano-composite Coatings of IMR with Typical Coatings Applied Presently for Aircraft Structures
Effect of RhoA/Rho-kinase on the expression of anti-aging klotho protein in the brain of mouse
Isochaihulactone protects PC12 cell against hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress and exerts the potent anti-aging effects in D-galactose aging mouse …
N the term prolongevity to encompass the multiple goals of anti-aging interventions over the years, defining it as significant extension of the human life span and/or …
Freezing Effect on anti-aging Efficiency of Human Placenta Extract Under Hypothermic Storage of Red Blood Cells
anti-aging Activity of Aralia Cordata Thunb. by Inhibiting Oxidized Low-dencity Lipoprotein Production in Rats
Nuclear Shp-2 Keeps Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase In The Nucleus-New Potential anti-aging Target
Study on the Anti-oxidative Effect of Plateau Yak Placenta Powder on Subacute aging Model Mice
By increasing the level of cardiolipin in the inner mitochondrial membrane, a novel anti-aging small molecule modulates many longevity‐and disease‐related …
An anti-aging effect on the lips and skin observed in in vivo studies on a new fibronectin-like peptide Claude dal Farra, PhD, Vincience, Sophia Antipolis, France; …
The anti-aging effects of alcoholic extracts of Acanthopanax stem and leaf on rats and mice aged 12 months
Best Selling anti-aging Remover Hyaluronidase Injection Hyaluronic Acid Lyase
The anti‐oxidative damage effect of semen cuscutae on the liver mitochondria of aging mice
Novel anti-aging small molecules greatly extend yeast life span by specifically targeting a mechanism underlying the essential role of cellular lipid movement and …
Pluck everlasting: just when it seemed longevity research had run its course, a gerontologist desperate to inspire optimism for anti-aging therapies came up with a wild …
Isoflavones as Putative anti-aging Food Factors in Asia and Effects of Isoflavone Aglycone‐rich Fermented Soybeans on Bone and Glucose Metabolisms in Post …
Effect of aging on the negative chronotropic and anti-β-adrenergic actions of adenosine in the rat heart
2.4. 2 anti aging
Low-temperature Anti-cracking Property of Asphalt Mixture with Different aging Degree
The Effect of Anti-oxidantion of Dihuang Yinzi on LPO and Enzymes Concerned in the Blood and Brain of aging Rat [J]
Genotoxicity Test on 3, 9-Diferuloyl-6-oxopterocarpen, a New Agent Candidate for anti-aging Material
Membrane labeling of the cortex of ‘aging‘rats by anti-fatty acid antibodies
Studies on the biochemistry of heart valves. II. The effect of aging and anti-inflammatory drugs on the synthesis of glucosamine 6-phosphate and phosphoadenosine …
Effect of mica filler on anti-UV aging of polypropylene composite [J]
Cell aging: is it an anti-cancer mechanism?
The comparative study between expression of anti-oxidase of aging rat induced with haloperidol up-regulated by Trillium tschonoskii maxim and Ridix ophiopongonis
Anti-oxidative effect of pomegranate juice intervention at different times on aging mice
Anti-free radical, anti-oxidative ability and anti-fatigue effects ofHuanshaodan⋆: An experiment of aging mice
Research on the Impact of the aging Time of Target Indication Datum to the Effective Shooting Distance of Medium and Long Rang Anti-ship Missile
Research on the Anti-oxidative Effect of Total Flavonoids of Uighur Medicine’s Nitraria tangutorun Bobr. in Subacute aging Model Mice
A Study on Anti-oxidative Effect on Subacute aging Model Mice with Fruit Oil of Nitraria sibirica Pall.[J]
Experimental Study of Erzhi Pill on CAT and GSH-PX of Anti-oxidation on aging Rats Induced by D-galactose [J]
Anti-oxidation effects of Huanshaodan on aging mice and rats
Anti-skin-aging effects of Paeonia Suffruticosa Andrews on maintaining skin collagen in STZ-induced diabetic rats and inhibiting MMP-1 systhesis in human skin …
Experimental research of shenhuang powder preparation for infusion improving anti-oxidation function in aging model rats induced by d-galactose [J]
Anti-senile effects of water extraction of Martianus dermestoides (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) feeding different foods on aging mice.
Regulation of the retinoblastoma anti-oncogene in aging human diploid fibroblasts
Receptors of human red blood cells for anti-TAH and anti-AHP in the course of intravascular aging
Research on the anti-oxidative effect of Puerarin flaronoid in subacute aging model mice [J]
aging and the anti‐allodynic efficacy of combination treatment with opiates and antioxidants
Symbol Comparison of anti-ozone aging properties of three silicone rubbers for maxillofacial prosthese*☆
Supplement. Anti-apoptotic effect of dehydroepiandrosterone and its role in an aging society
Analysis of aging characteristics of service-aged 22.9 kV anti-contamination line post insulators
Anti-Oxidative Effect of Gynostemma and Hawthorn Extracts on the aging Mouse Model Induced by D-galactose [J]
Study on Anti-corona Technique at the Ends of Stator Bar in the Tests of Withstand Voltage and Electrical aging for Large Steam Turbogenerator Stator Winding …
Effect of Angelica in the anti-oxidation system in D-galactose-induced mice aging model
Study on the Long-Term aging-Resistance of Anti-Vibration Rubber in the Vehicle
Anti-oxidation effect of rosiglitazone in aging rat kidney
Influence of Honeybee Pupae Flavonoids on the Activities of Several Anti-oxidative Enzymes in the Subacute aging Mice Induced by Alloxanate [J]
Effect of Jinkuishenqiwan and micronutrients on testosterone level and anti-oxidation in aging mice induced by D-galactose
Mechanism of a new erythrocyte-derived depressing factor for anti-vascular aging
Experimental study on anti-brain-aging by the method of supplementing qi and activating blood circulation [J]
The role of Anti-Müllerian Hormone in ovarian function, dysfunction and aging
Impact of anti-strip additives on long-term aging properties of asphalt mixtures
… on Anti-senility (2)── Effects of Swimming on Myocardial Contractile Protein ATPase Activity and Sacoplasmic Reticulum Ca2~(+)-ATPase Activity in Mice with aging …
Anti-oxidative effect of Jiangtang compound recipe on subacute aging model mice
Effect of multi-antioxidant nutrient capsule on anti-oxidation in natural aging rats
Anti-ROS DNA Antibodies as Molecular Probes for aging and Cancer
An anti-Dxidative Effect of Cheongeumyeonsudan of Rats Induced aging by D-Galactose
Anti photo-aging effect of conditioned-medium of dedifferentiated adipocytes on skin in vivo and in vitro: A mechanistic study
The Effect of Anti-UV Agents on UV Shielding and Photolytic aging of Paper
Specific Anti-Influenza Antibody Synthesis and aging: In Vitro Effects of Thymosin
Structural performance evaluation on aging underground reinforced concrete structures. Part 4. Mechanical property of defective members under anti-symmetric …
Anti-oxidation effect of Tiangui menopause soft capsule on the aging rats and its molecular mechanism of hepatocyte rnitochondria membrane
Anti-Müllerian Hormone and Inhibin B in the Definition of Ovarian aging and the Menopause Transition
Effects of aging on the negative chronotropic and anti-β adrenergic actions of adenosine in the rat heart
Anti-Hapten Idiotype Models in Studies of aging and Idiotype Networks
Anti-oxidation effect of Tiangui menopause soft capsule on the aging rats and its molecular mechanism of hepatocyte mitochondria membrane
Butyrylcholinesterase as anti-organophosphate intoxication agent: Studies on tetramer assembly and aging mechanisms
aging of self-assembled monolayers for anti-stiction coatings studied by near edge x-ray absorption fine structure.
… : A Short Hairpin RNA Targeting Pin (Protein Inhibitor of NOS) is More Efficient than the Anti-Sense Pin RNA for Gene Therapy of aging-Related Erectile Dysfunction in …
Skin anti-aging strategies
What is an anti-aging treatment?
Rapalogs and mTOR inhibitors as anti-aging therapeutics
anti-aging pharmacology: promises and pitfalls
anti-aging cosmetics: Facts and controversies
Koschei the immortal and anti-aging drugs
Autophagy-an emerging anti-aging mechanism
Resveratrol and related stilbenes: their anti-aging and anti-angiogenic properties
Molecular mechanisms for anti-aging by natural dietary compounds
Are “anti-aging medicine” and “successful aging” two sides of the same coin? Views of anti-aging practitioners
aging assessment by anti-aging medical checkup
Metformin: do we finally have an anti-aging drug?
Looking young for your age: Perceptions of anti-aging actions
How to save Medicare: the anti-aging remedy
In vitro determination of the anti-aging potential of four southern African medicinal plants
Selective anti-cancer agents as anti-aging drugs
Biological role of anti-aging protein Klotho
Rapalogs in cancer prevention: anti-aging or anticancer?
Application of glutathione as anti-oxidative and anti-aging drugs
Does aging need its own program, or is the program of development quite sufficient for it? Stationary cell cultures as a tool to search for anti-aging factors
Epigenetic drugs: a novel anti-aging strategy?
Astaxanthin, cell membrane nutrient with diverse clinical benefits and anti-aging potential
anti-aging strategies based on cellular reprogramming
Significant roles of anti-aging protein klotho and fibroblast growth factor23 in cardiovascular disease
anti-aging potential of phytoextract loaded-pharmaceutical creams for human skin cell longetivity
Anti-oxidant, anti-aging, and anti-melanogenic properties of the essential oils from two varieties of Alpinia zerumbet
Current status of auditory aging and anti-aging research
Sex differences in longevity and in responses to anti-aging interventions: a mini-review
The role of COX-2 and Nrf2/ARE in anti-inflammation and antioxidative stress: aging and anti-aging
Mitochondrial protection and anti-aging activity of Astragalus polysaccharides and their potential mechanism
Significance evaluation of anti-aging QOL common questionnaire
Edward F. Adolph Distinguished Lecture: The remarkable anti-aging effects of aerobic exercise on systemic arteries
Molecular Basis of the ‘anti-aging‘Effect of Spermidine and Other Natural Polyamines-A Mini-Review
Neuropeptide Y: an anti-aging player?
anti-aging treatments slow propagation of synucleinopathy by restoring lysosomal function
Xenohormetic and anti-aging activity of secoiridoid polyphenols present in extra virgin olive oil: a new family of gerosuppressant agents
anti-aging effect of adipose-derived stem cells in a mouse model of skin aging induced by D-galactose
Effective anti-aging strategies in an era of super-aging
Skin aging and oxidative stress: Equol’s anti-aging effects via biochemical and molecular mechanisms
Strategies for the discovery of anti-aging compounds
Methods for the discovery of new anti-aging products–targeted approaches
A study of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP) extraction technology and its anti-aging effect
Evaluation of skin anti-aging potential of Citrus reticulata blanco peel
Antioxidant and anti-aging activities of polysaccharides from Calocybe indica var. APK2
Review of recent studies and research analysis for anti-oxidant and anti-aging materials
Fabrication of anti-aging TiO 2 nanotubes on biomedical Ti alloys
Antioxidant and anti-aging activities of the polysaccharide TLH-3 from Tricholoma lobayense
Significance of the anti-aging protein Klotho
A will to youth: The woman’s anti-aging elixir
Potential anti-aging agents suppress the level of constitutive mTOR-and DNA damage-signaling
anti-aging molecule, Sirt1: a novel therapeutic target for diabetic nephropathy
anti-aging genes improve appetite regulation and reverse cell senescence and apoptosis in global populations
Identification of cleavage sites leading to the shed form of the anti-aging protein klotho
Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) as a source of antioxidant and anti-aging phytochemicals for cosmetic applications
anti-aging effects of phloridzin, an apple polyphenol, on yeast via the SOD and Sir2 genes
Vitamin D receptor controls expression of the anti-aging klotho gene in mouse and human renal cells
Nuclear localization of Klotho in brain: an anti-aging protein
Antioxidant potential of phycobiliproteins: Role in anti-aging research
Anti-oxidative and anti-aging activities of 2-O-α-glucopyranosyl-L-ascorbic acid on human dermal fibroblasts
Fruits of selected wild and cultivated Andean plants as sources of potential compounds with antioxidant and anti-aging activity
Bioidentical hormones, menopausal women, and the lure of the “natural” in US anti-aging medicine
Caloric restriction confers persistent anti-oxidative, pro-angiogenic, and anti-inflammatory effects and promotes anti-aging miRNA expression profile in …
Antioxidant and anti-aging activities of mycelial polysaccharides from Lepista sordida
Mechanisms underlying the anti-aging and anti-tumor effects of lithocholic bile acid
Effects of carbon black on the anti aging, rheological and conductive properties of SBS/asphalt/carbon black composites
Isolation, purification, and anti-aging activity of melanin from Lachnum singerianum
Apple can act as anti-aging on yeast cells
Antioxidant and anti aging assays of Oryza sativa extracts, vanillin and coumaric acid
Can we delay the accelerated lung aging in COPD? anti-aging molecules and interventions
Antioxidant, anti-collagenase and anti-elastase activities of Phyllanthus emblica, Manilkara zapota and silymarin: an in vitro comparative study for anti-aging …
The role of functional foods in cutaneous anti-aging
Probing the anti-aging role of polydatin in Caenorhabditis elegans on a chip
anti-aging Effects of Probiotics.
aging and anti-aging
Curcumin induces heme oxygenase‐1 in normal human skin fibroblasts through redox signaling: Relevance for anti-aging intervention
Rejuvenating immunity:“anti-aging drug today” eight years later
Fermenting Red Ginseng Enhances Its Safety and Efficacy as a Novel Skin Care anti-aging Ingredient: In Vitro and Animal Study
anti-aging and tyrosinase inhibition effects of Cassia fistula flower butanolic extract
Cosmeceutical value of herbal extracts as natural ingredients and novel technologies in anti-aging
Rapamycin, anti-aging, and avoiding the fate of Tithonus
Upper‐and mid‐face anti-aging treatment and prevention using onabotulinumtoxin A: the 2010 multidisciplinary French consensus–part 1
Heptapeptide-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles for cosmetic anti-aging applications
Anti–elastase, anti–tyrosinase and matrix metalloproteinase–1 inhibitory activity of earthworm extracts as potential new anti–aging agent
Resveratrol as anti-aging therapy for age-related bone loss
anti-aging effects of deuterium depletion on Mn-induced toxicity in a C. elegans model
… mg per day) enhances functional and structural properties of serum lipoprotein to improve anti-oxidant, anti-atherosclerotic, and anti-aging effects via regulation of anti …
Complement modulation of anti-aging factor Klotho in ischemia/reperfusion injury and delayed graft function
anti-aging efficacy of topical formulations containing niosomes entrapped with rice bran bioactive compounds
Digital anti-aging in face images
Embryonic anti-aging niche
Bakuchiol: a retinol‐like functional compound revealed by gene expression profiling and clinically proven to have anti-aging effects
anti-aging effects of guanosine in glial cells
Caveolin-1 and accelerated host aging in the breast tumor microenvironment: chemoprevention with rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor and anti-aging drug
Repurposing FDA-approved drugs for anti-aging therapies
Melatonin dietary supplement as an anti-aging therapy for age-related bone loss
Anti-oxidation and anti-aging effect of mixed extract from Korean medicinal herbs
Hydrated lime as the anti-aging bitumen agent
Concurrent purification and antioxidant activity of phycobiliproteins from Lyngbya sp. A09DM: An antioxidant and anti-aging potential of phycoerythrin in …
anti-aging medicine: molecular basis for endothelial cell-targeted strategies–a mini-review
anti-aging effects of some selected Iranian folk medicinal herbs-biochemical evidences
Resveratrol increases anti-aging Klotho gene expression via the activating transcription factor 3/c-Jun complex-mediated signaling pathway
Genetic Deficiency of anti-aging Gene Klotho Exacerbates Early Nephropathy in STZ-Induced Diabetes in Male Mice
Molecular mechanism of extrinsic factors affecting anti-aging of stem cells
Low-temperature atmospheric plasma increases the expression of anti-aging genes of skin cells without causing cellular damages
anti-aging effect of polysaccharide from Bletilla striata on nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
The natural phytochemical dehydroabietic acid is an anti-aging reagent that mediates the direct activation of SIRT1
Age transcended: A semiotic and rhetorical analysis of the discourse of agelessness in North American anti-aging skin care advertisements
Hydroxy acids, the most widely used anti-aging agents
Group-based differences in anti-aging bias among medical students
Sterols from Mytilidae show anti-aging and neuroprotective effects via anti-oxidative activity
anti-aging effect of transplanted amniotic membrane mesenchymal stem cells in a premature aging model of Bmi-1 deficiency
Formulation and in vivo evaluation for anti-aging effects of an emulsion containing basil extract using non-invasive biophysical techniques
Nano-lipoidal carriers of isotretinoin with anti-aging potential: formulation, characterization and biochemical evaluation
One size may not fit all: anti-aging therapies and sarcopenia
The fountain of stem cell-based youth? Online portrayals of anti-aging stem cell technologies
Hormesis-based anti-aging products: a case study of a novel cosmetic
Formulation and evaluation of anti aging poly herbal cream
In vitro and in vivo skin anti-aging evaluation of gel containing niosomes loaded with a semi-purified fraction containing gallic acid from Terminalia chebula galls
The study of cellular cytotoxicity of argireline-an anti-aging peptide.
Scopoletin has a potential activity for anti-aging via autophagy in human lung fibroblasts
Ganodermasides C and D, two new anti-aging ergosterols from spores of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum
Calorie restriction in overweight males ameliorates obesity-related metabolic alterations and cellular adaptations through anti-aging effects, possibly including AMPK …
anti-aging Effects of Hesperidin on Saccharomyces cerevisiae via Inhibition of Reactive Oxygen Species and UTH1 Gene Expression
Preliminary study in the evaluation of anti-aging cosmetic treatment using two complementary methods for assessing skin surface
Voluntary exercise promotes beneficial anti-aging mechanisms in SAMP8 female brain
Testosterone increases renal anti-aging klotho gene expression via the androgen receptor-mediated pathway
The anti-aging effects of Ludwigia octovalvis on Drosophila melanogaster and SAMP8 mice
The anti-aging and tumor suppressor protein klotho enhances differentiation of a human oligodendrocytic hybrid cell line
Humulus japonicus extract exhibits antioxidative and anti-aging effects via modulation of the AMPK‑SIRT1 pathway
Still sucked into the body image thing: the impact of anti-aging and health discourses on women’s gendered identities
Relationship of low-circulating “anti-aging” klotho hormone with disability in activities of daily living among older community-dwelling adults
Formulation development of a cream containing fennel extract: in vivo evaluation for anti-aging effects
The anti-aging protein Klotho enhances remyelination following cuprizone-induced demyelination
Performance evaluation of SBS modified asphalt with different anti-aging additives
From theories of aging to anti-aging interventions
Chitin-hyaluronan nanoparticles: A multifunctional carrier to deliver anti-aging active ingredients through the skin
anti-aging properties of Ribes fasciculatum in Caenorhabditis elegans
Computer-aided discovery of biological activity spectra for anti-aging and anti-cancer olive oil oleuropeins
iPSCs-based anti-aging therapies: Recent discoveries and future challenges
anti-aging and filling efficacy of six types hyaluronic acid based dermo‐cosmetic treatment: double blind, randomized clinical trial of efficacy and safety
A study of the activity and effectiveness of recombinant fibroblast growth factor (Q40P/S47I/H93G rFGF-1) in anti-aging treatment
The anti-aging movement
Preparation of camel milk liposome and its anti-aging effects
Lithocholic bile acid accumulated in yeast mitochondria orchestrates a development of an anti-aging cellular pattern by causing age-related changes in cellular …
A steroid like phytochemical Antcin M is an anti-aging reagent that eliminates hyperglycemia-accelerated premature senescence in dermal fibroblasts by …
Dual mTORC1/C2 inhibitors: gerosuppressors with potential anti-aging effect
anti-aging effects and mechanisms of kimchi during fermentation under stress-induced premature senescence cellular system
Deficiency in the anti-aging gene Klotho promotes aortic valve fibrosis through AMPK α‐mediated activation of RUNX 2
Statin upregulates the expression of klotho, an anti-aging gene, in experimental cyclosporine nephropathy
Purification, characterization, antioxidant activity and anti-aging of exopolysaccharides by Flammulina velutipes SF-06
… -loaded novel proniosomal formulation for treatment of photo-induced aging in mice: characterization, biocompatibility studies, biochemical estimations and anti-aging …
A novel Cassia fistula (L.)-based emulsion elicits skin anti-aging benefits in humans
Safety and efficacy of antioxidants-loaded nanoparticles for an anti-aging application
A randomized, double-blind, controlled comparative trial of the anti-aging properties of non-prescription tri-retinol 1.1% vs. prescription tretinoin 0.025%.
anti-aging cosmetics and its efficacy assessment methods
Finding Ponce de Leon’s pill: challenges in screening for anti-aging molecules
In-vitro characterization of silk sericin as an anti-aging agent
Structural characterization and anti-aging activity of a novel extracellular polysaccharide from fungus Phellinus sp. in a mammalian system
anti-aging property of G2013 molecule as a novel immunosuppressive agent on enzymatic and non-enzymatic oxidative stress determinants in rat model
The unexpected outcomes of anti-aging, rejuvenation, and life extension studies: an origin of modern therapies
Metabolomic analyses reveal that anti-aging metabolites are depleted by palmitate but increased by oleate in vivo
New chitin complexes and their anti-aging activity from inside out
In vitro anti-aging activities of extracts from leaves of Ma Kiang (Cleistocalyx nervosum var. paniala)
Effect of Dioscorea aimadoimo on anti-aging and skin moisture capacity
The anti-aging effects of LW-AFC via correcting immune dysfunctions in senescence accelerated mouse resistant 1 (SAMR1) strain
anti-aging activity and non-toxic dose of phytooxyresveratrol from Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb
anti-aging and tissue regeneration ability of policosanol along with lipid-lowering effect in hyperlipidemic zebrafish via enhancement of high-density lipoprotein …
The skin aging index: a new approach for documenting anti-aging products or procedures
Whitening and anti-aging effects of Cistanche deserticola extract
The evaluation of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging of extract solvent and Poria cocos by parts
Influence of nano-boron nitride on anti-aging property of waterborne fire-resistive coatings
anti-aging potential of a cream containing milk thistle extract: Formulation and in vivo evaluation
anti-aging Effect of Psoraleae Fructus Extract in UVA-irradiated HaCaT Cells
anti-aging effects of vitamin C on human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes
Advances and challenges in screening traditional Chinese anti-aging materia medica
CCN family member 2/connective tissue growth factor (CCN2/CTGF) has anti-aging effects that protect articular cartilage from age-related degenerative …
Extracts of Tsai Tai (Brassica chinensis): enhanced antioxidant activity and anti-aging effects both in vitro and in Caenorhabditis elegans
From gerontology to anti-aging medicine
Effects of intra-and extracellular factors on anti-aging klotho gene expression
anti-aging and anti-diabetes effects of Aconitum pesudo-laeve var. erectum extracts
The NR4A nuclear receptors as potential targets for anti-aging interventions
anti-aging effects of co-enzyme Q10 on periodontal tissues
anti-aging medicine and reproductive health
Efficacy and Tolerability of a Skin Brightening/anti-aging Cosmeceutical Containing Retinol 0.5%, Niacinamide, Hexylresorcinol, and Resveratrol.
Purification, characterization and anti-aging capacity of mycelia zinc polysaccharide by Lentinus edodes SD-08
An Open Label Clinical Trial of a Multi-Ingredient anti-aging Moisturizer Designed to Improve the Appearance of Facial Skin.
Oligonol promotes anti-aging pathways via modulation of SIRT1-AMPK-Autophagy Pathway
Anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties of equol in prostate health (BPH)
anti-aging potential of extracts prepared from fruits and medicinal herbs cultivated in the Gyeongnam area of Korea
Drug therapy for obesity with anti-aging genes modification
anti-aging effect and gene expression profiling of aged rats treated with G. bimaculatus extract
Instrumental evaluation of anti-aging effects of cosmetic formulations containing palmitoyl peptides, Silybum marianum seed oil, vitamin E and other functional …
aging and anti-aging Strategies
Efficacy and safety of curcuminoids loaded solid lipid nanoparticles facial cream as an anti-aging agent
The effect in topical use of LycogenTM via sonophoresis for anti-aging on facial skin
Stem cells targeting inflammation as potential anti-aging strategies and therapies
Topography-dependent antibacterial, osteogenic and anti-aging properties of pure titanium
Hormon dalam konsep anti aging Medicine
anti-aging effect of estrogen on telomerase activity in ovariectomised rats–animal model for menopause
Ageing and potential anti-aging phytochemicals: an overview
Effects of exercise and anti-aging
D-ß-hydroxybutyrate: an anti-aging ketone body
The anti-aging factor α-klotho during human pregnancy and its expression in pregnancies complicated by small-for-gestational-age neonates and/or preeclampsia
anti-aging Regimens
Infection and smoking are associated with decreased plasma concentration of the anti-aging protein, α-klotho
Lipid profile of masters athletes in ice-skating, a model of anti-aging research
Design space approach for preservative system optimization of an anti-aging eye fluid emulsion
anti-aging creams. What really helps?
Molecular simulations of anti-aging mechanisms on nano-LDHs modified asphalt
New rapid screening method for anti-aging compounds using budding yeast and identification of beauveriolide I as a potent active compound
Ayurvedic Amalaki Rasayana promotes improved stress tolerance and thus has anti-aging effects in Drosophila melanogaster
Fat grafting to the forehead/glabella/radix complex and pyriform aperture: aesthetic and anti-aging implications
Trade-offs between anti-aging dietary supplementation and exercise
anti-aging proof of concept study: results and summary.
When anti-aging studies meet cancer chemoprevention: can anti-aging agent kill two birds with one blow?
Ethics, health policy and (anti-) aging: mixed blessings
Up-regulating telomerase and tumor suppressors: focusing on anti-aging interventions at the population level
The curate’s egg of anti-anti-aging bioethics
anti-aging effects of solvent fraction from Agrimonia pilosa L. extracts
Influence of degree of polymerization of ammonium polyphosphate on anti-aging property of waterborne fire resistive coatings
Hypo‐collagenesis in photoaged skin predicts response to anti-aging cosmeceuticals
Evaluation of a novel anti-aging topical formulation containing cycloastragenol, growth factors, peptides, and antioxidants
Potential anti-aging role of taurine via proper protein folding: a study from taurine transporter knockout mouse
β-Nicotinamide mononucleotide, an anti-aging candidate compound, is retained in the body for longer than nicotinamide in rats
anti-aging health check-up system—For the prevention of potentially progress aging related disadvantageous changes in elderly—
VITA intense–Proofs for Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant and Inhibition Growth of Tumor Cells Effects. Relaxing Effect of Nervous System. anti aging Influence
Research of anti-aging mechanism of ginsenoside Rg1 on brain
A Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluating an oral anti-aging skin care supplement for treating photodamaged skin
Nutrition and skin: lessons for anti-aging, beauty and healthy skin
Biocatalysis of Cycloastragenol by Syncephalastrum racemosum and Alternaria alternata to Discover anti-aging Derivatives
Colonization of later life? Laypersons’ and users’ agency regarding anti-aging medicine in Germany
anti-aging effects of extracts prepared from salmon nasal cartilage in hairless mice
anti-aging effects of Piper cambodianum P. Fourn. extract on normal human dermal fibroblast cells and a wound-healing model in mice
anti-aging effects of marine natural extracts against UVB-induced damages in human skin cells
The anti-aging performance of emulsified asphalt
anti-aging effects of high molecular weight proteoglycan from salmon nasal cartilage in hairless mice
Is the malaris muscle the anti-aging missing link of the midface?
The anti-aging properties of a human placental hydrolysate combined with dieckol isolated from Ecklonia cava
Comparison of nerve growth factor induction and anti-aging activity using dried gastrodia and fermented gastrodia extracts
Farnesol-like endogenous sesquiterpenoids in vertebrates: the probable but overlooked functional “inbrome” anti-aging counterpart of juvenile hormone of …
anti-aging effect of Blakeslea trispora powder on adult mice
A study on analyzing the terms describing anti-aging effects in Dongeuibogam to propose the methodology for selecting medicinal herbs related to anti-aging effects
anti-aging diet and supplements: fact or fiction?
State of the art in anti-aging trends
ASM-3 acid sphingomyelinase functions as a positive regulator of the DAF-2/AGE-1 signaling pathway and serves as a novel anti-aging target
Cryopreservation can be used as an anti-aging strategy
Preventive geriatrics vs anti-aging medicine
anti-aging effects of oligomeric proanthocyanidins isolated from persimmon fruits
anti-aging effect of black rice against H2O2-induced premature senescence
anti-aging properties of the Cu/LDPE composite for intrauterine contraceptive devices
Partial structural characterization, as well as immunomodulatory and anti-aging activities of CP2-c2-s2 polysaccharide from Cordyceps militaris
The amphetamine debate: the use of adderall, ritalin and related drugs for behavior modification, neuroenhancement and anti-aging purposes
… in the structure and function of facial skin with tazarotene 0.1% cream alone and in combination with glisodin® Skin Nutrients Advanced anti-aging Formula
The anti-aging effect of EPO and the preliminary probe into its mechanisms
In vivo Evaluation of a Cosmetic Emulsion Containing Soybean Extract for anti-aging
anti-aging Effects of Hippophae rhamnoides Emulsion on Human Skin
Drosophila nervous system as a target of aging and anti-aging interventions
Translating laboratory anti-aging biotechnology into applied clinical practice: problems and obstacles
A study on an analysis of success factors of a serious game: In case of “anti-aging Village”
anti-aging effects of deoxyschizandrin in D-galactose-induced aging rats
EnAAM: Energy-efficient anti-aging for on-chip video memories
Active anti-aging constituents in Morinda officinalis
Regulative effect of bakuchiol on ESF-1 cells anti-aging gene
Proteasome activation as a novel anti-aging strategy
anti-aging Effect of Siraitia grosuenorii by Enhancement of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Function
COVID-19 infection and anti-aging gene inactivation
Antioxidative and anti-aging Effects of Extract from Talinum paniculatum
Potent anti-aging activity of Aruncus dioicus, a native plant of Ulleung-do, South Korea, in CCD-986sk fibroblasts via suppression of matrix metalloproteinases
anti-aging: An Overview
anti-aging traditional Chinese medicine: potential mechanisms involving AMPK pathway and calorie restriction based on” medicine-food homology” theory
Ethanolamine: A novel anti-aging agent
anti-aging effect of urtica polysaccharides in D-galactose induced aging mice
The Difference of the satisfaction level according to the Shopping Orientation of Cosmeceuticals-focusing on whitening, sun screen, anti-aging cosmetics
A dynamic PUF anti-aging authentication system based on restrict race code
Age-related diseases of the skin and anti-aging medicine.
Study on the anti-aging effect of echinacoside
Prophylactic and abundant intake of α‐lipoic acid causes hepatic steatosis and should be reconsidered in usage as an anti-aging drug
The anti-aging effects of various berries in the Human skin keratinocyte (HaCaT) cells
anti-aging and anti-microbial effects of melleolide on various types of yeast
Physicochemical characterization of native glycyl-l-histidyl-l-lysine tripeptide for wound healing and anti-aging: a preformulation study for dermal delivery
Low-power anti-aging zero skew clock gating
Profiling of skin anti-aging related proteins in human dermal fibroblasts by decursin in Angelica gigas Nakai
The tolerability and efficacy of a three-product anti-aging treatment regimen in subjects with moderate-to-severe photodamage
The anti-aging efficacy of natural compounds
Significance of anti-aging medical checkups for the elderly
Study on anti-aging effect of ginsenoside Rg1 in serial transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells
Modulation of telomere binding proteins: a future area of research for skin protection and anti-aging target
Overview of beverages with anti-aging functions in Chinese market
anti-aging effect of Inula britannica var. chinensis flower extract according to the extraction temperature
Transfer of autologous fat and plasma: the future of anti-aging medicine?
In vitro and in vivo skin whitening and anti-aging potentials of hydroglycolic extract from inflorescence of Etlingera elatior
Protein reporter bioassay systems for the phenotypic screening of candidate drugs: a mouse platform for anti-aging drug screening
Increased resistance to stress and an anti-aging effect due to Acanthopanax sessiliflorus roots in Caenorhabditis elegans
Research progress of angelica’s anti-aging effect
Mass production of chaff-vinegar and its effect of anti-aging and whitening
Effects of the Coreopsis tinctoria extracts on anti-aging in the aging model mice.
Jasmonates and Tetrahydrojasmonic Acid: A Novel Class of anti-aging Molecules.
anti-aging effects of Ginsenoside Rg1 and it’s mechanisms on brain aging rats induced by D-galactose [J]
Improving anti-aging coatings by coupling of organic and inorganic ultraviolet absorbers
Effects of in vitro antioxidant and in vivo anti-aging improvement of finished cosmetic products containing Ramalin
… -Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Coenzyme Q10 as an anti-aging Ingredient in Edible …
Preventive medicine and healthy longevity: Basis for sustainable anti-aging strategies
Caloric restriction in primates: how efficient as an anti-aging approach?
Continuous irradiation with a 633-nm light-emitting diode exerts an anti-aging effect on human skin cells
Acute stress response modified by modest inhibition of growth hormone axis: a potential machinery of the anti-aging effect of calorie restriction
Protective effect of mulberry and Lithospermum erythrorhizon extracts on anti-aging against photodamage
Anti-inflammation activities of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in response to UV radiation suggest potential anti-skin aging activity
Study on the action mechanism of Liuweidihuang decoction in anti-aging in the ovary of the aging rats
Anti-Oxidant and anti-aging Activities of Sericinjam Gland Hydrolysate Extract in Human Dermal Fibroblasts
Zinc: an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent: role of zinc in degenerative disorders of aging
Mitochondrial aging is accelerated by anti-retroviral therapy through the clonal expansion of mtDNA mutations
aging and anti-aging in hair and hair Loss
anti-aging Cures: Life Changing Secrets to Reverse the Effects of aging
Assessment of a Comprehensive anti-aging Neck Cream.
anti-aging effect of brazilin in UVA-irradiated dermal fibroblasts
In Search for anti-aging Strategy: Can We Rejuvenate Our aging Stem Cells?
anti-aging and functional improvement effects for the skin by functional foods intakes: Clinical effects on skin by oral ingestion of preparations containing Astaxanthin …
Desertliving Cistanche anti-aging action: a comparative study
aging-related changes in the default mode network and its anti-correlated networks: a resting-state fMRI study
Secretion expression of SOD1 and its overlapping function with GSH in brewing yeast strain for better flavor and anti-aging ability
In vitro and clinical evaluation of SIG1273: a cosmetic functional ingredient with a broad spectrum of anti-aging and antioxidant activities
Clinical evidence for the activity of tetrahydroxypropyl ethylenediamine (THPE), a new anti-aging active cosmetic.
A questionnaire survey on the awareness of recipients of a general health check-up for anti-aging medicine—From knowledge to behavior modification—
Whitening and anti-aging Activities of Soluble Silkworm Gland Hydrolysate
Study on anti-ultraviolet radiation aging property of TiO2 modified asphalt
Attenuation of Replication Stress–Induced Premature Cellular Senescence to Assess anti-aging Modalities
Rare Sugars d-psicose and d-allose as calorie restriction mimetic-anti-metabolic syndrome effects and anti-aging effects
A study of the factors impacting women’s purchases of anti-aging skincare products
Assessment of a Novel anti-aging Hand Cream.
Separation, purification and anti-aging activity of phycocyanin from Porphyra yezoensis
Skin anti-aging activities of bacteriochlorophyll a from photosynthetic bacteria, Rhodobacter sphaeroides
anti-aging: Review and Experimental Clinical Study of Bioavailable Calcium− Probiotics and their Effect on Reversing Osteopenia, Osteoporosis, and other Common …
… -L-Histidine)? Cell Proliferative Activity as a Fundamental Property of a Natural Dipeptide Inherent to Traditional Antioxidant, anti-aging Biological Activities: Balancing …
Practical application of genomics to the development of a topical cosmetic anti-aging regimen
Anti-inflammation effect of Exercise and Korean red ginseng in aging model rats with diet-induced atherosclerosis
New Molecular Mechanism of aging and Development of anti-aging Drugs [J]
Acute kidney injury due to anti-tuberculosis drugs: a five-year experience in an aging population
anti-aging medicine: science or marketing?
Experimental research from Flavonoids of Mulberry leaves on the anti-aging effect
Back to the basics of ovarian aging: a population-based study on longitudinal anti-Müllerian hormone decline
Ovarian antral follicle subclasses and anti-Müllerian hormone during normal reproductive aging
A preliminary study of anti-aging and wound healing of recombination cytoglobin
Science of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in anti-aging medicine 2011
Use of cream containing mucus secreted by snails has an anti-aging effect on skin
anti-aging efficacy of a new alendronate-pravastatin cosmetic combination: a randomized double blind comparative study
Crossroads of hallmarks in aging and cancer: anti-aging and anti-cancer target pathways can be shared
The anti-inflamm-aging and hepatoprotective effects of huperzine A in D-galactose-treated rats
aging reduces the functionality of anti-pneumococcal antibodies and the killing of Streptococcus pneumoniae by neutrophil phagocytosis
Effects of water deficit and increased nitrogen application in the late growth stage on physiological characters of anti-aging of leaves in different hybrid rice varieties
anti-aging Therapeutics
Effect of ssanghwa-tang extract on antioxidant and anti-aging enzyme activities
Rheological properties and anti-aging properties of pp/pp-g-an blends
Effects of spirulina platensis extract, the act of which are anti-inflammation, anti-aging, as well as suppressing melanin synthesis
In Vitro Evaluations for a New Topical anti-aging Formulation
anti-aging by means of physical education (on example of swimming)
Impacts of blueberry extract on the memory and anti-aging role of laboratory mouse
anti-aging & Immunoenhancing Properties of Marine Bioactive Compounds
Commentary on: the fountain of stem cell-based youth? Online portrayals of anti-aging stem cell technologies
anti-aging Topical Peptides and Proteins
Analysis of molecular networks and targets mining of Chinese herbal medicines on anti-aging
Experimental Study on Asphalt Composite UV Absorption anti-aging Agent
anti-aging Effects of Prescription Extracts Containing Forsythia viridissima L.
anti-aging role of grape seed extract and α-lipoic acid in D-galactose-induced aging rats.
Safety and efficacy of two anti-acne/anti-aging treatments in subjects with photodamaged skin and mild to moderate acne vulgaris.
anti-aging Nutrient Review and Update
Late-onset, preventative, combination treatments: The triple challenge facing the most promising anti-aging research paradigm
Excellent anti-aging effects of ursolic acid and oleanolic acid present in Ligustrum lucidum
anti-aging herbal formulae in Dongeuibogam: Identification of candidates by text mining
Process optimization of fresh noodle compound anti-aging additives and Avrami retrogradation kinetic
Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of alpinate oxyphyllae fructus (AOF) in a D-galactose-induced aging heart
Study on anti-aging Effects of Phillyrin on aging Model Mice
… of female consumers in their 20s and 30s on motivation for brand-switching in purchasing cosmeceuticals-Focusing on whitening, sunscreen, and anti-aging …
anti-aging effects of moxa cone moxibustionAs a free radical scavenger complement**☆
A Review: The Influence of Inorganic Nano-modifiers on anti-aging Properties of Bitumen
anti-aging effect of sesamin and its mechanism of action
Comparison of antioxidant and anti-aging activities in selected Thai curry pastes and dishes using water extraction and simulation of gastrointestinal digestion …
Atom probe analysis on interaction between Cr and N in bake-hardening steels with anti-aging properties at RT
Research and progress in stem cell anti-aging theory
Cell-based assay system for high-throughput screening of anti-photo-aging agents in fibroblast transfectants
Self-healing of thermally molded commodity plastics based on heat-resistant and anti-aging healing systems
Novel anti-aging composition for topical skin care
An Evaluation System of anti-aging of Rubber Asphalt
Starch Foods of anti-aging [J]
anti-aging effect of polysaccharide from tricholoma matsutake on D-galactose-induced aging mice [J]
Nanoscale gelatinase A (MMP-2) inhibition on human skin fibroblasts of Longkong (Lansium domesticum Correa) leaf extracts for anti-aging
The beneficial role of anti-inflammatory dietary ingredients in attenuating markers of chronic low-grade inflammation in aging
Study on the Relationship between the anti-aging Function and Antioxidation of Ethanol Extract from Angelicoe dahuricae Radix
… and cardiovascular function update. Cross link of hypertension, bone loss and vascular calcification-common back grounds in renin angiotensin system with anti-aging …
Preparation of Phytosphingosine-1-phosphate Nano-liposome and Its In Vivo anti-aging Improvement Effects of Finished Products
Senescence is involved in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease through effects on telomeres and the anti-aging molecule fibroblast growth …
Evaluation method and parameters of anti-aging properties for asphalt based on performance decay
Dexmedetomidine attenuates isoflurane-induced cognitive impairment through antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptosis in aging rat
Production of Liquiritigenin with Cell-based Biotransformation and Its anti-aging Activity
anti-aging effect of hawthorn alcohol extract on drosophila melanogaster
Effective anti-aging Tips You Would Be Glad To Know
Pharmacogenomic analysis indicates potential of 1, 5-isoquinolinediol as a universal anti-aging agent for different tissues
Research on effects of acupuncture to anti-aging
Experimental study on anti-aging action of exogenous polyamines in rats [J]
A Study on Strategies to Galvanize the anti-aging Industry
Study of anti-aging effect and its mechanism of total saponins of Wu-He Dipsacus asper on skin of mouse-aging model
Assessment of anti-aging Effects of Fish Products Peptide in Middle-Aged Subjects
Study on anti-aging Effect of High-dosage Compound PSP [J]
Effects of anti-aging Tablets on immune function of experimental mice models with deficiency of the kidney-yang [J]
anti-aging medicine, a science-based, essential medicine
anti-aging Skin Care Benefits of Saccharina longicruris Extract
anti-aging activity of Radix polygoni multiflori preparata in aging mice model induced by D-galactose by bioassay method
Elastase the target of a novel anti-aging strategy to defy skin aging, loss of skin elasticity and wrinkle formation
anti-aging Effects of Suaeda Sala Extract [J]
New Agents for anti-aging and Anti-Radiation Therapy Based on the Binuclear Thionitrosyl-Iron Complexes
Comparison on the anti-aging Capacity of Asphalt in Two aging and Recycling Cycles
anti-aging research with mice and microbes [J]
Evaluation of serum anti-Mullerian hormone as a biomarker of early ovarian aging in young women undergoing IVF/ICSI cycle
Anti-apoptosis effect of polysaccharide isolated from the seeds of Cuscuta chinensis Lam on cardiomyocytes in aging rats
Anti-Müllerian hormone as a marker of premature ovarian aging in autoimmune thyroid disease
Development of multifunctional anti aging military raincoat fabric by using fitting technique
In vivo antioxidant and Anti-skin-aging activities of ethyl acetate extraction from idesia polycarpa defatted fruit residue in aging mice induced by D-galactose
The Research and Development of anti-aging
A Study of Women’s Incontinence Panties with anti-aging Effect
The influence of hyalurononic acid-based no-needle mesotherapy on skin hydrationon in anti-aging prevention. A preliminary report
Socioeconomic effectiveness of implementation of anti-aging (workplace wellness) programs in companies of Russian Federation
Anti-inflamm-aging effects of long-term caloric restriction via overexpression of SIGIRR to inhibit NF-κB signaling pathway
The anti-aging Hormones: That Can Help You Beat the Clock
Food Additives Used in the Research Progress of Convenient Rice anti-aging
Studying the anti-aging effect of nitric oxide on the cell proliferation and telomerase activity of human cord blood hematopoietic stem cells
Effects of dictyophora rubrovalvata polysaccharide on anti-aging and hypoglycemic in mice
anti-aging Medicine
Recent studies of anti-aging herbs: the biomedical functions of gingko, lycium barbarum fruitus and ginseng
Characterization and the release test of anti-aging Tretinoin in nanoemulsion using olive oil
Anti-fungal performance and mechanical–morphological properties of PVC and wood/PVC composites under UV-weathering aging and soil-burial exposure
anti-aging Medicine–what is it and what can it do for you?
Experimental study of anti-aging effect of total steroidal glucoside from Cynanchum. bungei Decne
A placebo-controlled study demonstrates the long-lasting anti-aging benefits of a cream containing retinol, dihydroxymethylchromone (DMC) and hyaluronic …
The effect of Rhus verniciflua Stokes (RVS) for anti-aging and whitening of skin
Book Review: Facing Age: Women Growing Older in anti-aging Culture
Evaluation of the anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties of extracts from four types of plants
Best anti-aging Products
aging enables Ca 2+ overload and apoptosis induced by amyloid-β oligomers in rat hippocampal neurons: neuroprotection by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs …
Preserving brain function in aging: The anti-glycative potential of berry fruit
anti-aging effect and mechanism of Shouzhangshen-37 Pill from Mongolian medicine on subacute aging mice
From theories of aging to anti-aging
Healthy aging and anti-aging medicine
Age Right: Turn Back the Clock with a Proven, Personalized, anti-aging Program
Polygonatum sibiricum Red. anti-aging regimen and facial make-up role in interpreting
Improvement of anti-aging Property at Low Temperature by Cr Addition in Bake Hardenable Ultra Low Nitrogen Steels
Advances in anti-aging Research
Efficacy of tri‑active brightening and anti-aging complex in treatment of facial skin hyperpigmentation
A Traditional Elder’s anti-aging Cornucopia of North American Plants
anti-aging agents improving natural weathering properties of bamboo powder/polypropylene foamed composites
A New Natural Extract with anti-aging and Regenerative Properties for Skin
Development of Novel anti-aging Cosmeceuticals using Transdermal Peptide Conjugated with Growth Factors
Psychological anti-aging
Study on the anti-aging effect of flavonoid from Oxytropis glabra DC on mice
Mechanism of anti-aging and Oxidative Stress Regulation Effect by Marine Fish oil and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid
Research progress on the mechanism of acupuncture–moxibustion for anti-aging
The impact of anti-aging peptides on mechanical properties of fibroblasts
Effect of Trehlose on anti-aging of Steamed Bread
Nobiletin ameliorates isoflurane-induced cognitive impairment via antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects in aging rats
The overview for regulation of aging and the future perspective of anti-aging medicine.
Behind the mask: An analysis of women’s perceptions and rationale toward the purchase and use of anti-aging products
aging reverses the role of the transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 channel in systemic inflammation from anti-inflammatory to proinflammatory
Psychological anti-aging
Selling anti-aging research: The perils of mixed messages
anti-aging Secrets
A New Approach to Medicine: the anti-aging Framework
Study on antioxidant and anti-aging analysis of blueberry wine in C. elegans
New Progress on anti-aging Applications of Allicin
Effect of heating temperature and heating time on anti-aging performance of asphalt mixture
Progress on Study of Chinese Herbs in anti-aging and Anti-freckle [J]
anti-aging effects from extracts of Aurelia aurita
The anti-ultraviolet light (UV) aging property of aluminium particles/epoxy composite
Influence of Pasteurization and Microfiltration on Beer aging and anti-aging Levels
Antioxidant activities and anti-aging effects of Orostachys japonicus A. Berger extracts
Recent anti-aging studies on caloric restriction and resveratrol
The Health Benefits of the Ayurvedic anti-aging Drugs (Rasayanas): An Evidence-Based Revisit
New research substantiates the anti-aging properties of DHEA
anti-aging property of PVDF/PMMA/TiO_2 compsite film
anti-aging gene klotho deficiency causes arterial calcification via activating the bone morphogenetic protein signaling
An approach to providing supplement advice in health evaluation and promotion—Including experiences from our anti-aging health check-up system—
The Health Benefits of Indian Traditional Ayurvedic Rasayana (anti-aging) Drugs: A Review
The anti-aging effect of total flavonoids from Chimonanthus praecox on aging mice induced by D-galactose
… microPET imaging correlates with brain Aβ burden in a transgenic rat model of Alzheimer disease: effects of aging, in vivo blockade, and anti-Aβ antibody treatment
The Improvement of Modified Filler on the anti-aging Properties of Conductive Silicone Rubber
Application of UV Absorption anti-aging Agent in Asphalt Mixture [J]
Effect of moisture content on vigor of Cyathula officinalis seeds and its anti-aging mechanism analysis
anti-aging effect of total polysaccharide from Dendranthema morifolium on aging mouse induced by d-galactose
Study on the effect of anti—aging and structure—Function relationship of fucoidan from kelp
A review of experiment studies on kidney-tonifying prescriptions for anti-aging in recent ten years [J]
Study on Joint anti-aging Effect of Middle Dosage PSP and GBE [J]
Recent advances in anti-aging study of 2, 3, 5, 4′-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside–a main component of Polygonum multiflorum
Development of An anti-aging Oral Solution
anti-aging gene klotho deficiency causes hypertension and vascular dysfunction via upregulation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)
The anti-aging and Antibacterial Properties of Nano Cu-TiO2 in Hydrophilic Coatings [J]
Skin anti-aging benefits of brown seaweed extract
anti-aging gene klotho deficiency causes arterial stiffness via activation of aldosterone receptors and increased autophagy (880.6)
anti-aging and Tea
anti-aging Effects of the Hanwoo Leg Bone, Foot and Tail Infusions (HLI, HFI and HTI) on Skin Fibroblast
Development of pre-assessment indicator for skin aging and anti-aging effect of inner skin by the cream product containing Gynostemma pentaphyllum gypenoside …
Introducing the Japan Society of anti-aging Medicine
Preparation and anti-aging Effects of Gypenosides Nanoemulsion
Preparation of anti-aging coating and its protection effects
Study on joint anti-aging effect of middle dosage PSP and GBE.
Theoretical Research on anti-aging Effects of Xiaochaihu Decoction [J]
Study on anti-aging properties of two new recycled paper-plastic material/PE composites
anti-aging Research Progress of Chinese and Western Medicine
anti-aging Effects of Camellia Japonica flower extract on a pollutant-induced stress
The Research on Mechanism of anti-aging by Moxibustion
Ontogenetic characterization of sporangium and spore of Huperzia serrata: an anti-aging disease fern
Herbal Formulation for anti-aging
Non-denatured soybean extracts in skin care: Multiple anti-aging effects
anti-aging effects of Ketanserin; Ketanserin extends lifespan in female drosophila, inhibits cellular senescence and promotes wound healing in-vitro
A New Mining Algorithm of Target Genes of anti-aging Traditional Chinese Medicines with Complex Networks
anti-aging effects of the Transcendental Meditation Program: Analysis of ojas level and global gene expression
A Review on Traditional Chinese Medicine with anti-aging Effects
Restudy on the anti-aging effects of the Tibetan kefir yoghourt
anti-aging effects of cedrol and collagen-derived peptide
A Hypothetical anti-aging Mechanism of “Yang-Invigorating” Chinese Tonic Herbs
Epimedium and its compound and anti-aging effect of extracting effective components analysis [J]
Study on anti-aging performance of composite materials of PP-g-AN/PP/SiO2
Experiments on anti-aging Effect of the Tibetan Kefir Yoghourt
Pavement performance and anti-aging property of microscale flyash/SBS modified asphalt
Effect of anti-aging Tablets on Special Learning and Memory and Free Radical Metabolism of Brain of Mouse Models with Kidney Deficiency [J]
Study on anti-aging performance of composite materials of PP-g-AN/PP/SiO2
Salt and anti-aging
Mechanism of anti-aging therapy on Parkinson’s disease
Nutrition increases Survival and Reverses NAFLD and Alzheimer’s disease: anti-aging diets reverse insulin resistance and improves thinking and intelligence …
anti-aging effects of nutritional modification: The state of the science on calorie restriction
Late-onset temperature reduction can retard the aging process in aged fish via a combined action of an anti-oxidant system and the insulin/insulin-like growth factor 1 …
Social therapy, the new anti-aging buzz?
The study of anti-aging of Zishen Yigan Wan in vivo and vitro (657.2)
Ginseng berry, a promising anti–aging strategy: recent opinions on the biological effects of a traditional Korean ingredient
anti-aging activity of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) leaf extracts demonstrated through the induction of mitochondrial biogenesis in mice
The anti-aging effect of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on human retinal pigment epithelial cell
Comparative in vitro anti-aging activities of Phyllanthus emblica L. extract, Manilkara sapota L. extract and its combination.
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 2. The Evaluation of Glycative Stress: Measurement of blood glucose, glycated proteins and intermediates.
NK-like T cells and plasma cytokines, but not anti-viral serology, define immune fingerprints of resilience and mild disability in exceptional aging
anti-aging performance of Cardanol grafted onto polypropylene by reactive extrusion
anti-aging: Exercise-The Asian Way
Research progress on anti-aging of flour products
Exosome-mediated anti-aging effects of cardiosphere-derived cells
Phytochemicals and Their Roles in anti-aging
Role of the anti-aging protein Klotho in the autophagy and senescence-associated development of osteoarthritis
anti-aging Properties of PP &PET Filter Material
Research progress of animal derived anti-aging active ingredients and effects
Integrative Medicine and anti-aging in Japan
Study on the anti-aging mechanism of Tibetan Kefir fermented milk on D-galactose aging mice brain tissue
anti-aging and neuroprotective effects of Jambolan (Eugenia jambolana) L. via modulation of stress response signaling in C. elegans (829.26)
Research Progress on anti-aging of Polysaccharide
Evaluation of anti-aging Compounds Using the Promoters of Elastin and Fibrillin-1 Genes Combined with a Secreted Alkaline Phosphatase Reporter in Normal …
An Innovative Approach Based on Controlling Stem Cell-Fate Determination for Epidermal anti-aging
Longitudinal trajectories of adiponectin and HDL-C levels over a 3-year survey within the anti-aging health checkup system at Tokai University Tokyo Hospital
The role of cooperative cyclic knowledge gain in IS anti-aging
Comment on the misappropriation of bibliographical references in science. The example of anti-aging medicine
Mutation of an anti-aging gene klotho causes hypertension via upregulation of plasma aldosterone levels
The studies of skin aging and anti-aging-New mechanism and efficacious biofunctional ingredients
Screening of anti-aging active ingredients and mechanism analysis based on molecular docking technology
Modified nucleic acids as an anti-aging agents
The studies of skin aging and anti-aging-New mechanism and efficacious biofunctional ingredients
Between therapy and wish fulfillment: anti-aging medicine and the scope of public healthcare
Holistic approach versus scientific evidence, what do we know about anti-aging herbal medicine in aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases?
Study on optimization of the anti-aging additives for mochi by response surface methodology
Preparation of Green Tomato Extract and Its anti-aging Effects
Analysis of Docking Study on Protein Neprilysin (Neutral Endopeptidase) Inhibition for anti aging Treatment by Aloe Emodin and Aloe Emodin Carbonyl Derivative
anti-aging dilemma: to restore the hardware or to reinstall the software?
Mutation of anti-aging Gene Klotho Causes Hypertension via Upregulation of CYP11B2 Expression and Aldosterone Syhthesis
Research on anti-aging of Cut Flowers
The research of anti-aging herbals classification using self-organizing neural network
The Next Generation of anti-aging: Sulfur-Containing Actives
Effect of leave extract of Mallotus furetianus cultivated in Hainan Island on anti-oxidation capacity in brain tissue of aging mice [J]
Study on anti-aging Properties of Two Kinds of Asphalt
anti-aging Effects of Clanis bilineata tsingtauica in aging Mice Induced by D-galactose
aging‐associated B7‐DC+ B cells enhance anti‐tumor immunity via Th1 and Th17 induction
The anti-aging Revolution: What Athletes Can Teach Us About Staying Young
Observing the aging Body Through the Eyes of the anti-aging Clinician and the Cosmetic Surgeon
Impressions From The 21st Annual World Congress On anti-aging Medicine (A4M) In Las Vegas
The economies of anti-aging promises. The DHEA case
anti-aging genes improve NAFLD and type 3 diabetes in global populations
Recent Advances on Active Substances of anti-aging and Its Mechanisms
Effects of exercise on cognitive function: the possible strategy for anti-aging.
Experimental Study on the anti-aging Effect of Anti-wrinkle Eye Creams
The SkepDoc: anti-aging claims: the fountain of youth is still only a legend
Hildur: a new luxury skincare line on the anti-aging market
In vitro determination of the skin anti-aging potential of eleven South African plants
Research Status of anti-aging Researches on Chinese Herbal Medicines for Nourishing Qi
Research Progress of a New Model for anti-aging: Metabolics of Reactive Oxygen Species in Yeast
Telomerase inhibition may contribute to accelerated mitochondrial aging induced by anti-retroviral HIV treatment
In vitro determination of the anti-aging potential of four southern Africa medicinal plants: Poster
anti-aging effect of a new topical cream demonstrated by gene modulation and morphology studies of the skin layers
Omics approaches for discovery of natural anti-aging and anti‐cancer compounds and defining mechanisms of their action
Effect of anti-aging System on Properties of CM/NBR Blends
The Effect of anti-aging I Prescription on the Activity of Serum MAO-B and the Content of Brain Protein in Subacute aging Mice
Facing Age: Women Growing Older in an anti-aging Culture, by Laura H. Clarke: (2011). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 164 pages.
Compound anti-aging of Steamed Bread Improver Experimental Study
The HealthPoint Facelift: The Ancient anti-aging Secret: The Ancient anti-aging Secret
Investigation of anti-aging Medicinal Plant Resources in Kunyu Mountain National Forest Park
Research on anti-aging Performance of Hard-Grad Asphalt Mixtures
Research on clinical mechanism of anti-aging Function fromHuaiNanZi’s FuLing Powder
Peruvian Power Foods: 18 Superfoods, 101 Recipes, and anti-aging Secrets from the Amazon to the Andes
The dynamics of morphological changes of facial skin in patients with malasseziasis at stages of antimycotic and anti-aging therapy
Review on the function of LBP in anti-aging in skin
Influence of Composite Antioxidants to Asphalt anti-aging Performance
Study on anti-aging effect of high-dosage compound PSP.
Evaluation on the anti-aging Performance of Recycled Asphalt
Study on anti-aging Performance of Used Rubber Modified Asphalt
The anti-aging product advertising strategies on Facebook in Thailand
anti-aging interventions reverse hematopoietic stem cell aging via regulation of micrornas
Nutritional Therapy activates the anti-aging process to reverse Accelerated Global Diseases
Retrospective on nine years of the anti-aging Health Check-ups in Tokai University Tokyo Hospital: From establishment to future
The Effect in Topical Use of Lycogen (TM) via Sonophoresis for anti-aging on Facial Skin.
anti-aging Benefits of Bovine Colostrum
New Truth to the Fountain of Youth: The Emerging Reality of anti-aging Medicine
Study of anti-aging Properties of Aerodrome Oil-Depots Camouflage Paint
Consumers’ perceptions of pseudo-science in anti-aging advertising
Development of Human Endothelial Cell Culture Method (Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells) For Research anti-aging Cardiovascular
Summarization of anti-aging skin care products
anti-aging Effects of Resveratrol
Effect of additives on the anti-aging of cooked sweet potatoes
Screening and Characterization of Achillea millefolium and Veronicastrum virginicum for Their Anti Acne and anti aging Activity
Secret Allure Cream–Natural anti-aging Cream
anti-aging of Health Management and Alcohol Drinking
anti-aging Effects of Concentrated Powder of Borojo Fruit on aging Mice Induced by D-Galactose
Dermial®: A new natural ingredient with anti-aging and regenerative properties for skin
Analysis on anti-aging by Zuxin Old Points in the Illustrations of Moxibustion in Dunhuang Caves
Research and application of temperature resistance and anti-aging plugging agent in Block Yan 50
Computer-aided discovery of biological activity spectra for anti-aging and anti-cancer olive oil oleuropeins
The physicochemical properties and anti-aging effect on skin of the poorly soluble drug-loaded hydrocolloid patch
Optimization of matrix composition and technology for anti-aging creams with orthogonal design
Stem Cell Utility in anti-aging Medicine: Focus on the Tissue Microenvironment
Parathyroid Hormone: The Forgotten Hormone in anti-aging Medicine
Analysis of anti-aging And Health Perserving And Facial Mdee-up of Prepared Rehmannia Rootre Juvenation
Orthogonal Test and anti-aging Properties Analysis of Water Stability of Anti-Rutting Agent Modified Asphalt Mixture
Study on anti-aging Property of Carbamate Starch Size Mixture
Preparation and anti-aging effect of casein-g-glucose-PGG nanocomplexes
Cosmetic anti-aging Medicine Using Laser for the Aged Patients
Anti-peroxynitrite treatment ameliorated vasorelaxation of resistance arteries in aging rats: involvement with NO-sGC-cGKs pathway
Effects ofRubber Modifier on Compound Modified Asphalt anti-aging Properties and Storage Stability
Assessment of anti-aging Effects of Fish Products Peptide in Middle-Aged
Efficacy and tolerance study of an oligopeptide with potential anti-aging activity
Development of novel antioxidants as excipients and anti aging drugs
Efficacy and Tolerance Study of an Oligopeptide with Potential anti-aging Activity
Mitochondria and the anti-aging Role Of Lipid Replacement Therapies
Study on the Effect of Several Kinds of Traditional Chinese Medicine Extract on Anti-Fatigue and anti-aging on Mice
Polyketide-based anti-aging therapeutic development via synthetic enzymology
anti-aging Property Analysis of Four Maize Hybrid Varieties by Fuzzy Subordinate Function
Effect of Modified Starch on the anti-aging Performance of Rice Starch Products [J]
In Vitro Antioxidative and anti-aging Effects of Agrocybe aegerita Polysaccharide Yogurt
Effects of anti-aging Tablets on Blood Pressure and Cardiac Function in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
Effect of light power density on the anti-aging property of light-cure composite resin
Effects of aging and anti-aging hormones on the kidney, the thyroid functions and the histology of the testis of male albino rats
Cooperative, cyclic-iterative knowledge gain in information systems anti-aging
Active anti-aging constituents from Morinda officinalis How.(Ⅱ)
Study on the anti-aging Efficacy of the Active Ingredients in Aqueous Extract of Ganoderma lucidum.
Bovine Colostrum: The anti-aging Revolution: What Athletes Can Teach Us
Experimental study on anti-aging and anti-fatigue performance of SBS modified asphalt mixture
anti-aging Effect of Phytochemical fused Peptides
1P-442: anti-aging effects of fish scale collagen peptide
Induction of cellular stress responses by phytochemicals for nutritional applications toward anti-aging intervention
Research for anti-aging function of huanshaodan in aged mice induced by D-galactose
anti-aging activities of mushroom extracts in vascular endothelial cell
anti-aging Effect of Eucommia Fruit Mea on D-Galactose-induced Mouse aging Model
The anti-aging study of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells combined with lycopene treatment in the aging beagles
anti-aging Effect of Green Tea Polyphenols on D-galactose-induced Subacute aging in Mice
anti-aging property analysis of four maize hybrids by fuzzy subordinate function.
Research Progress of Estrogen Upregulation of SIRT1 Activity in anti-aging
P005: Non-invasive ultherapy anti-aging: comparable with face lift surgery and the extended use
The Dioscorea Opposita anti-aging, Regimen and Facial Make-Up Role in Interpreting
Study on anti-aging Effects of Pteris Multifida
Preparation and Characterizations of Nanometer TiO_2 Grafting Acrylonitrile anti-aging Agent for PP
Formulation of anti-aging Cream from Keratin Protein
Research progress of anti-aging and Anti-tumor TCM Drugs on Telomere, Telomerase
Evaluation Of anti-aging Effect On Ocular Tissues Of Different Antioxidative Vegetal Supplements From Romanian Market
anti-aging genes regulate post-prandial lipid metabolism with relevance to appetite, chronic disease and neurodegeneration
anti-aging effect of Oviductus Ranae in the aged female rats
anti-aging function of placenta freeze-dried powder on mice
Application on the anti-aging of mungbean starch under freezing conditions
anti-aging effect of simvastatin and telmisartan on retinas and its mechanism in rats
Research on the Molecule System of anti-aging-heart by Sports through Using Drosophila Animal Model
anti-aging Gene Klotho, A New Etiological Factor for Hypertension
The Youth Pill; Scientists at the Brink of an anti-aging Revolution by David Stipp: (2010). New York: Penguin Group, 308 pages including bibliographical references …
Experiment study on the anti-aging effect of Ganoderma Lucidum Triterpenoids
Weighted osculating value method to evaluate asphalt anti-aging properties
Anti-skin-aging benefits of exopolymers from Aureobasidium pullulans SM2001.
Rare ginsenoside-Rh4, Rg6, Rg4 and Rk3 as anti-aging materials
A Novel Skin Care Platform For anti-aging And Rejuvenation Based On Unique OxyGeneo And TriPollar RF Technologies
Research Progress of Estrogen Regulation of Telomerase Activity in anti-aging
anti-aging properties of Veronica peregrina in Caenorhabditis elegans
anti-aging Activity Of Cucurbita moschata Ethanolic Extract Towards NIH3T3 Fibroblast Cells Induced By Doxorubicin
anti-aging Effect of Liu Wei Dihuang Wan Pill on the Learning and Memory Ability of Natural aging Male Rats
Study on the anti-aging Activity of Gentianae sino-ornata Ethanol Extract
anti-aging Effects of Co-enzyme Q10 on Periodontal Tissues
Screening system establishment for potential anti-aging agent using UVA-induced aging of human dermal stem/progenitor cells
Analysis of Chinese Prickly Ash Effects on anti-aging, Health Preserving and Facial Beautification
An integrated marketing communications campaign for Belo collagen anti-aging drink
A study on an Analysis of Success Factors by Production Process of a Serious Game for the Elderly: Focusing on an Arcade Game “anti-aging Village”
anti-aging cosmetics from Schizophyllum commune Fries.
Founction of Cistanche deserticola YC Ma anti-aging, Regimen and Facial Make-up
A novel approach to high‐throughput discovery of anti-aging drugs identifies lithocholic acid as a longevity‐extending compound
anti-aging Effect of the Ethanol Extract from G. bimaculatus
anti-aging effect of magnesium lithospermate β from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge on skin
Versican: a potent player for anti-aging skin care by compensating the loss of sex-hormone effects
Study on the anti-aging fucntion and nonspecific immunological enhancement of seabuckthorn flavonoids in rats
Whitening and anti-aging effect of ginseng saponin nano and its safety evaluation
A Study on the anti-aging Effects of Pueraria Isoflavones on AD Model Rats [J]
anti-aging action of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells combined with lycopene
Evaluation of anti-aging klotho protein in COPD rehabilitation
The Body Ecology Guide to Growing Younger: anti-aging Wisdom for Every Generation
Study on anti-aging effects of fried dough stick by compound modifier
Synergistic anti-aging Effect of Two Types of Probiotic Yogurts Containing Agrocybe aegerita Polysaccharides and Hypsizigus marmoreus Polysaccharides on Skin
Chemical constituents of Cordyceps militaris and their anti-aging activities in vascular endothelial cell
Selective Preferences for anti-aging by Acupuncture and Analyses of Its Auricular Needling Action
anti-aging Functional Effects from Artemisia iwayomogi Herb
The spatiotemporal dynamics of longevity-defining cellular processes and its modulation by genetic, dietary, and pharmacological anti-aging interventions
The Theoretical Research on anti-aging Effects by the Correlation of Dredging Triple Energizer, Regulating Qi and Blood and Oxidation Resistance [J]
A novel anti-aging compound extends longevity by altering the age‐related dynamics of reactive oxygen species
Effect of beef feed containing antioxidant components on anti-aging of model mice.
anti-aging Properties of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid in Caenorhabditis elegans
A novel anti-aging compound extends longevity by remodeling neutral lipid metabolism
Topical Equol: A Revolutionary Approach to Skin anti-aging (Validation via Both Gene and Protein Analysis)
Achillea millefolium extract: an innovative anti-aging neuro-cosmetic ingredient
A novel anti-aging drug extends longevity by remodeling neutral lipid metabolism
Effects of sapota part and extracting solvent on in vitro anti-aging properties of Manilkara zapota extract
Caloric restriction mimetics: the next generation of anti-aging treatments
Effect of Nanometer TiO_2 in Anti-Ultraviolet aging in Asphalt
Meta-analytic Insights into the Effects of Different anti-aging Drugs on Survival Curves of Caenorhabditis elegans
anti-aging Effects of the Flavonoids of Oxytropis glabra DC. on Mice.
A sirtuin activator and an anti-inflammatory molecule—multifaceted roles of adjudin and its potential applications for aging-related diseases
Recent anti-aging Studies on Caloric Restriction and Resveratrol [J]
New low molecular collagen-a number one treatment in wrinkle care and anti-aging processes
New generation of resistant delivery system for a better skin bioavailability and anti-aging targeted action
The natural phytochemical dehydroabietic acid is an anti-aging reagent that mediates the direct activation SIRT1
P001 anti-aging effects of rutin on human dermal fibroblast Department of Dermatology, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
The Potention of Purwocengethanol Extract as anti aging Medicine to Overcome Andropause with Mice Sperm Count as A Paramater
Induction of antioxidant defenses by diterpenic phenolics in human fibroblasts for nutritional applications toward anti-aging interventions
An autologous anti-aging serum confirms its beauty enhancer effect but its role as a chronic inflammation modulator is not clear
P002: An anti-aging effect of cream containing mucus secreted by snails
Development of an anti aging cream with AHA/BHA and sunscreens
In vitro scavenging capacity of Organic Silicium (oral anti-aging) against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species
Study of anti-aging Effects of Isoflavones-Chitosan-Sodium Sustained-release Microcapsules
Skin Firming, Skin Smoothing, Skin Blemishes Elimination and anti-aging Effects of Increased Protein Intake in the Form of Voandzeia hypogeal Seed Meal
Vitamin D-mediated Regulation of anti-aging Klotho and FOXO Signaling
Development of Novel anti-aging Drugs. Pharm Anal Acta 2: 106e. doi: 10.4172/2153-2435.1000 106e Page 2 of 2 Volume 2• Issue 6• 1000106e Pharm Anal …
Endocrine Disrupters and Genetically Modified Organisms Negate anti-aging Protocols Leaving Only Specific Stem Cells as Effective Counter Measures
… Hormesis in aging Research and Therapy-Suresh IS Rattan Practical Limitations of Prescribing Stress as an anti-aging Treatment-Valery E. Forbes Hormesis, aging …
Effects of Maca on kidney mitochondrial respiratory function and anti-aging capabilities in aged rats after exhausted exercise
The anti-aging effect of Semen Cannabis oil on the sex difference of Bombyx mori L.
Research on the anti-aging action of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells on D-galactose model mice
Anti-fatigue and anti-aging effects of emblica juice beverage.
Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream Six Peptide anti-aging Serum Black Circle Cleaner
Effects of Obesity on Functional Fitness and anti-aging Hormones in Normal Weight and Overweight Elderly Women
anti-aging Fiberglass GRP Composite FRP Cross Arm
Possible “anti-aging” Effects of Caloric Restrictions as Indicated by Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Levels
Caloric Restriction Confers Anti‐Oxidative, Pro‐Angiogenic, and Anti‐Inflammatory Effects and Promotes anti-aging miRNA Expression Profile in …
Tolerability and hydrating effects of an anti-aging gynaecological collagen cream in women in menopause
Equol Provides anti-aging Effects by Significantly Improving Skin Appearance and Relieving Prostate Enlargement: In vitro and Clinical Evidence
Determination of Resveratrol and Coenzyme Q_ (10) in anti-aging Health-care Food
Neo STEM®: a new anti-aging alendronate-pravastatin cosmetic combination: a randomized double blind comparative study of efficacy
Vitamin D Sufficiency Status May Effect Circulating Levels of the anti-aging Protein Klotho
Developments of anti-aging cream product with silk protein niosomes.
MgF2 Modified Alq3 Nanocomposite: Synthesis and Improvement of anti-aging Performance of OLED
Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial protection against oxidative damage in hibernators-the anti-aging effects of heterothermy
Advances in anti-aging Properties of Modified Titanium Dioxide Blend of Acrylonitrile Grafted Polypropylene System
How To Prescribe anti-aging Medicine: The Nuts And Bolts For Optimal Hormone Replacement Therapy–Labs, Algorithms, and Follow-Up Testing
anti-aging Effects of Simvastatin on ox-LDL Induced Endothelial Cells Via Upregulation of SIRT1
Synthesis of a Hindered Phenolic Antioxidant and Its anti-aging Properties for Rubber Vulcanizates
Sirt3, The anti-aging Major Mitochondrial Deacetylase, Is Important For Preventing Pulmonary Fibrosis
The Hyaluronic Acid Miracle: A Complete Guide to the World’s Most Exciting anti-aging Compound for Flexible Joints, Vibrant Skin
… aging—New Mechanisms and Insights: Caloric restriction confers persistent anti-oxidative, pro-angiogenic, and anti-inflammatory effects and promotes anti …
Combined effects of aging and in vitro non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs on kidney and liver mitochondrial physiology
823: Soluble α-klotho, an anti-aging protein, is reduced in patients with intra-amniotic infection
Behavior and metabolomics study of the anti-aging effects of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi extract on D-galactose-induced rats
… assessment of anti-Müllerian hormone in predicting mating outcomes in female hamsters that have undergone natural and chemically-accelerated reproductive aging
Study on the N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine as the anti-aging Cosmetic Ingredients
Oligonol Induces the Expression of the anti-aging Molecule, SIRT1, via the AMPK-Autophagy Pathway
Enhanced Detection Of The anti-aging Protein α-Klotho In Several Rodent Models Of Retinitis Pigmentosa
anti-aging Klotho protein reduce the hypoxia/reoxygenation injury of neonatal rat myocardial cells
anti-aging Gene Klotho Deficiency Causes Hypertension via Upregulation of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23
Development of anti-aging Functional Cosmetic Derived from Organic Industrial Crops Using Transdermal Delivery System
A Study on the Activity of anti-aging by Second Fermented Snail Extract with Hericium erinaceum Mycelium
Thermo-and chemosensory cation channel TRPV1: a novel target for skin anti-aging
anti-aging gene klotho regulates cellular antioxidant capacity via binding to S‐fromylglutathione hydrolase through the N285 glycosylation site (1095.3)
Genetic Deficiency of anti-aging Gene Klotho Impairs Vascular Endothelial Function and Causes Arterial Stiffening
Compound H Increases anti-aging Protein Klotho Expression and Attenuates Arterial Stiffening and Hypertension
Study on Anti-Hygrothermal aging Properties of TPS Hot-melt Adhesive
anti-aging effects of simvastatin on ox-LDL induced endothelial cells via upregulation of SIRT1.
anti-aging and redox state regulation effects of type‐A proanthocyanidins‐rich cranberry concentrate and its comparison with grape seed extract in mice
Regulation of Xenobiotic and Bile Acid Metabolism by the anti-aging Intervention Calorie Restriction in Mice
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs attenuate the vascular responses in aging metabolic syndrome rats
Experimental study on Anti-skin-aging action of Cordyceps extract
Understanding the Abscisic Acid Pathway Using Guard Cell Specific Genes and the anti-aging Drug Spermidine
Rodent Models to Study the Roles of the GH–IGF-1 Axis in the aging and anti-aging Effects of Calorie Restriction
B97 MITOCHONDRIA DYSFUNCTION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LUNG DISEASE: Sirt3, The anti-aging Major Mitochondrial Deacetylase, Is Important For …
Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) berry and its major polyphenol delphinidin: Relevance for skin photo-protection and anti-aging.
… 1000e168 Pharm Anal Acta ISSN: 2153-2435 PAA, an open access journal 13. Khan BA, Akhtar N, Braga VA (2012) anti-aging Effects of Hippophaerhamnoide …
anti-aging Gene Klotho Deficiency Causes Hypertension Via Upregulation of CYP11B2 Expression and Aldosterone Synthesis
GW27-e0476 A nomogram to predict contrast induced nephropathy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: is the “anti-aging” agent klotho a …
Development of reduced dark and anti-aging skin care night cream containing liposome of Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica L.) extract.
Inhibition fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) attenuates anti-aging gene klotho deficiency induced hypertension
The Effect of UV Light and Xenon Lamp on anti-aging Properties of Recycled Milk-Cartons/PE Composite Siding
anti-aging Gene Klotho Deficiency Exacerbates High Fat Diet-induced Arterial Stiffening and Hypertension by Downregulation of AMP-activated Protein Kinase
anti-aging Gene Klotho Regulates Endothelin-1 Levels and ETB Receptor Expression in Kidneys of Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats
Change of profilin-1 during the aging of rats’ aorta and the anti-aging effect of grape procyanidins
Report of 6th Great Wall Translational Andrology and Urology Forum & 7th Asian-Pacific Society of Men’s Health and anti-aging Meeting (GTAUF2014 & …
Anti-inflammatory peptide regulates the supply of heat shock protein 70 monomers: Implications for aging and age-related disease
Effects of the Fomes officinalis flavonoids on anti-senile action in the aging model mice
Study on Anti-Skin aging Effect of Sanguisorba officinalis L.
Anti-oxidant and Anti-skin-aging effects of abalone viscera extracts in human dermal fibroblasts
Challenging aging The Anti-senescence Effects of Hormesis, Environmental Enrichment and Information Exposure
aging law on anti-hypertensive effect of scrapping therapy on primary hypertension
Study on Anti-photooxidstion aging Property of TiO2 Modified Asphalt [J]
Immobilization of natural anti-oxidants on carbon nanotubes and aging behavior of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene-based nanocomposites
Anti-ultraviolet aging Properties of C_ (60) and C_ (70) Added into Polystyrene [J]
Research and preparation of anti-electromagnetic radiation/anti-photo aging aramid fabrics
Effect of sol aging time on the anti-reflective properties of silica coatings templated with phosphoric acid
Assessment of aging Properties of Anti-Scratch Coatings by Nanoindentation
Experimental Study on Anti-skin-aging Action of Dong Qi Oral Liquid [J]
Seeking a New Anti-skin-aging Material: Piceatannol and Its Derivatives from Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis) Seed
Influence of phase separation on mechanical and anti-uv aging properties of polyvinylidene fluoride/polymethyl methacrylate blends
Anti Ultraviolet-aging Agent Effect on Base Asphalt Performance on Airport Pavement
… Diet Book: The easy-to-follow, scientifically-proven plan to Reverse and prevent disease Lose weight and increase energy Slow signs of aging Live pain-free
Anti-ultraviolet aging Properties of Poly (p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) Fiber Coated with Soluble Polyimide
Review on research of bamboo and wood anti-UV aging.
Using aging rats model to investigate anti-oxidative ability of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) leaf extract
Frontiers in aging Science Volume 1 Challenging aging The Anti-senescence Effects of Hormesis, Environmental
Research on viscoelasticity of modified bitumen containing LDHs anti-UV aging agent
Anti-fatigue effect of Chinese rice wine in normal mice and its influence on immune organ indexes of aging mice
Investigation of Anti-UV aging of Bitumen Modified with Layered Double Hydroxides
Biomarkers of (anti) oxidant status in human nutrition, aging and disease
Studies on the aging behavior of coated paper (III)-The application of new coating binder for anti-thermal aging
Reply: Predicting ovarian aging: anti-Mullerian hormone
Anti-inflammatory Action of Calorie Restriction Underlies the Retardation of aging and Age-Related Diseases
Preparation of the permanent anti-UV-aging ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer
Research progress of improving the anti-UV aging propertis of polyurethanes
Technical management for anti-hazard and strengthening of aging and risky reservoirs of small type-1 in Ningxia
Study on Anti-UV aging Effect and Reaction Mechanism of PP-g-AN in PP/PP-g-AN blends
Clinical study of anti-Mullerian hormone in prediction of ovarian aging
New Anti-Inflammatory Molecule AISA 5203-L promotes adaptive strategies in cell aging
Anti-Oxidants, the aging Brain and Age-Related Brain Disorders
Research of Self-cleaning and Anti-ultraviolet aging Coating for PVC
Effects of Artificial aging on the Seed Vigor and Anti-oxidation Index in Sweet Corn
aging-associated B7-DC+ B cells enhance anti-tumor immunity (162.24)
Nano TiO_2 Grafted with Polyacrylonitrile and Its Effects on Anti UV aging Properties of PP
The effect of lycopene on anti-oxidation in natural aging rats
Breeding of japonica rice PTGMS line L62S with anti-premature aging and fine grain quality.
Effect of aging Conditions on Anti-bacterial Performance and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene and Polystyrene Doped with HPQM
O82. Association between anti-angiogenic factor and signs of arterial aging in women with preeclampsia
Mitochondrial Priming and Anti-Apoptotic Dependencies in aging and Diseased Bone Marrow
Diet supplemented with anti‐inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients enhance circulating markers of improved health in aging dogs (246.6)
Anti-fibrosis Effects of Long-term Oral Administration of Dietary Nucleotides in the Chronologically aging Liver of Sprague-dawley Male Rats
… has been published in: Launer LJ, Is there epidemiologic evidence that anti-oxidants protect against disorders in cognitive function? JNutr Hlth aging 2000; 4: 197 …
Regulation of Central Nervous System Inflammation by Anti-inflammatory Cytokines in Activated Microglia and Impairments in aging
A New Predictor AMH (anti-müllerian hormone) to Determining Ovarian Reserve and Menoposual aging in the Women
Anti-tumor response in T cells with CD8 independent high affinity TCR remains unaffected with aging (VAC11P. 1009)
LncCM1 is an aging-Regulated Anti-Apoptotic Long Non-Coding RNA in Cardiomyocytes That Augments Recovery From Acute Myocardial Infarction
Anti-Peroxynitrite Treatment Ameliorated Vasorelaxation of Resistance Arteries in aging Rats
Influences of an Anti-inflammatory Drug, Ibuprofen, on Spatial Memory and NMDA Receptor Subunit Expression During aging
GW25-e4145 Anti-peroxynitrite Treatment Ameliorated Vasorelaxation of Resistance Arteries in aging Rats: Involvement with NO-sGC-cGKs Pathway
Novel strategies to improve anti-influenza vaccines. Positive contribution of adjuvanted immunization strategies during aging and in the resolution of viral …
Resveratrol Supplementation has Anti-skin aging Effects in Obesity Induced by High Fat Diet in C57BL/6J Mice
Fluorescent Copolymers of N-Vinylcarb-Azole and Eu-Complexed Acrylic Acid as Anti-Falsification Pack-aging Materials
Anti-Oxidants, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Cognitive Decline with aging
The business of anti-aging science
From rapalogs to anti-aging formula
Emerging anti-aging strategies-scientific basis and efficacy
Gut microbiota: A player in aging and a target for anti-aging intervention
aging and anti-aging: a combo-endocrinology overview
Health benefits of anti-aging drugs
Yeast as a tool to identify anti-aging compounds
Novel strategies for anti-aging drug discovery
Nanodelivery of natural antioxidants: An anti-aging perspective
Regulation of inflammation as an anti-aging intervention
Recent advances in anti-aging medicine
Current perspective in the discovery of anti-aging agents from natural products
Natural anti-aging skincare: role and potential
Current nutritional and pharmacological anti-aging interventions
COVID-19 and chronological aging: senolytics and other anti-aging drugs for the treatment or prevention of corona virus infection?
Topical peptide treatments with effective anti-aging results
A review on anti-aging properties of probiotics
Natural products with anti-aging potential: Affected targets and molecular mechanisms
Metformin-its potential anti-cancer and anti-aging effects.
The urgent need for international action for anti-aging and disease prevention
Programmed aging of mammals: proof of concept and prospects of biochemical approaches for anti-aging therapy
Metformin as anti-aging therapy: is it for everyone?
Emerging roles of Ganoderma lucidum in anti-aging
Lycium barbarum: a traditional Chinese herb and a promising anti-aging agent
New phytochemicals as potential human anti-aging compounds: Reality, promise, and challenges
anti-aging in ultrastable metallic glasses
Traditional fermented foods with anti-aging effect: A concentric review
anti-aging effects of select botanicals: Scientific evidence and current trends
anti-aging properties of plant stem cell extracts
Neuroprotective and anti-aging potentials of essential oils from aromatic and medicinal plants
A comparative study of anti-aging properties and mechanism: resveratrol and caloric restriction
anti-aging Drugs-Prospect of Longer Life?
Antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties of mycosporine-like amino acids: Molecular and cellular mechanisms in the protection of skin-aging
anti-aging implications of Astragalus membranaceus (Huangqi): a well-known Chinese tonic
anti-aging and sunscreens: paradigm shift in cosmetics
anti-aging treatment of nuclear power plant steel
anti-aging effect of chitosan oligosaccharide on d-galactose-induced subacute aging in mice
Application of cell therapy for anti-aging facial skin
Mitochondria: central organelles for melatonin′ s antioxidant and anti-aging actions
A new preclinical paradigm for testing anti-aging therapeutics
anti-aging Effect of Metformin: A Molecular and Therapeutical Perspective
The role of stem cells in anti-aging medicine
HDAC inhibitors: A new promising drug class in anti-aging research
Fullerenes as anti-aging antioxidants
Mild depolarization of the inner mitochondrial membrane is a crucial component of an anti-aging program
anti-aging potentials of methylene blue for human skin longevity
Skin aging & Modern Age anti-aging Strategies
The anti-aging and anti-oxidation effects of tea water extract in Caenorhabditis elegans
Cellular senescence in osteoarthritis and anti-aging strategies
Phenolic and carotenoid profile of new goji cultivars and their anti-hyperglycemic, anti-aging and antioxidant properties
Protection against oxidative stress and anti-aging effect in Drosophila of royal jelly-collagen peptide
Cell kinetic approaches to the search for anti-aging drugs: Thirty years after
Poly herbal formulation with anti-elastase and anti-oxidant properties for skin anti-aging
Herba Cistanches: anti-aging
Royal Jelly as an Intelligent anti-aging Agent—A Focus on Cognitive aging and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Review
The chemical structure and anti-aging bioactivity of an acid polysaccharide obtained from rose buds
Optimization of bi-directional V2G behavior with active battery anti-aging scheduling
The anti-oxidation and anti-aging effects of Ganoderma lucidum in Caenorhabditis elegans
Edible flowers as functional raw materials: A review on anti-aging properties
anti-aging pharmacology in cutaneous wound healing: effects of metformin, resveratrol, and rapamycin by local application
Biodegradable antioxidant chitosan films useful as an anti-aging skin mask
Anti-oxidation and anti-aging activity of polysaccharide from Malus micromalus Makino fruit wine
Rheological properties and anti-aging performance of asphalt binder modified with wood lignin
Novel insights into the anti-aging role of mitophagy
anti-aging effects of Ribes meyeri anthocyanins on neural stem cells and aging mice
Stem cells and anti-aging genes: double-edged sword—do the same job of life extension
anti-aging effect of Nigella sativa fixed oil on D-galactose-induced aging in mice
Rhodiola rosea L.: an herb with anti-stress, anti-aging, and immunostimulating properties for cancer chemoprevention
Spermidine: a physiological autophagy inducer acting as an anti-aging vitamin in humans?
Depigmentation and anti-aging treatment by natural molecules
Rationales for anti-aging activities in middle age: aging, health, or appearance?
Exploration of age-related mitochondrial dysfunction and the anti-aging effects of resveratrol in zebrafish retina
Discovery of potent telomerase activators: Unfolding new therapeutic and anti-aging perspectives
anti-aging drugs reduce hypothalamic inflammation in a sex‐specific manner
Apelin/APJ system: A novel promising target for anti-aging intervention
Stem cells in dermatology and anti-aging care of the skin
Trending anti-aging Peptides
The anti-aging effect of erythropoietin via the ERK/Nrf2-ARE pathway in aging rats
aging biomarkers and novel targets for anti-aging interventions
Evaluation of rheological behaviors and anti-aging properties of recycled asphalts using low-viscosity asphalt and polymers
Decreased levels of anti-aging klotho in obstructive sleep apnea
anti-aging properties of Dendrobium nobile Lindl.: From molecular mechanisms to potential treatments
Antioxidant and anti-aging activities of polysaccharides from Cordyceps cicadae
anti-aging effects of calorie restriction (CR) and CR mimetics based on the senoinflammation concept
The anti-aging effect of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi flowers extract by regulating the glutamine-glutamate metabolic pathway in d-galactose induced aging rats
A holistic anti-aging approach applied in selected cultivated medicinal plants: A view of photoprotection of the skin by different mechanisms
anti-aging potential and anti-tyrosinase activity of three Hypericum species with focus on phytochemical composition by LC–MS/MS
Physical properties and anti-aging characteristics of asphalt modified with nano-zinc oxide powder
anti-aging potential of tree nuts with a focus on the phytochemical composition, molecular mechanisms and thermal stability of major bioactive compounds
Meta-analytic evidence for the anti-aging effect of hormesis on Caenorhabditis elegans
anti-aging potential of sulphur in terminal blend rubberized asphalt binder
Recent advances in the anti-aging effects of phytoestrogens on collagen, water content, and oxidative stress
Mechanisms of the anti-aging and prolongevity effects of caloric restriction: evidence from studies of genetically modified animals
Inflammaging, hormesis and the rationale for anti-aging strategies
Curcumin-functionalized silk biomaterials for anti-aging utility
Battery anti-aging control for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with a hierarchical optimization energy management strategy
Antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-aging activities of intracellular zinc polysaccharides from Grifola frondosa SH-05
Investigations of anti-aging potential of Hypericum origanifolium Willd. for skincare formulations
Antioxidant and skin anti-aging effects of marigold methanol extract
anti-aging effects of coffee
The importance of some plant extracts as skin anti-aging resources: a review
Influence of stress and depression on the immune system in patients evaluated in an anti-aging unit
Rheological and anti-aging performance of SBS modified asphalt binders with different multi-dimensional nanomaterials
Synergetic effect of multi-dimensional nanomaterials for anti-aging properties of SBS modified bitumen
Effects of antioxidant functionalized silica on reinforcement and anti-aging for solution-polymerized styrene butadiene rubber: Experimental and molecular simulation …
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 7. Glycative stress and skin aging
Investigation of sodium stearate organically modified LDHs effect on the anti aging properties of asphalt binder
Preserving transcriptional stress responses as an anti-aging strategy
anti-aging effect of sea cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa) hydrolysate on fruit flies and d-galactose-induced aging mice
Role of resveratrol and selenium on oxidative stress and expression of antioxidant and anti-aging genes in immortalized lymphocytes from Alzheimer’s disease …
… mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation promotes anti-aging miRNA expression profile in the aorta of aged mice, predicting epigenetic rejuvenation and anti …
Nutmeg filler as a natural compound for the production of polyurethane composite foams with antibacterial and anti-aging properties
An endogenous anti-aging factor, sonic hedgehog, suppresses endometrial stem cell aging through SERPINB2
The effects of aging, diabetes mellitus, and antiplatelet drugs on growth factors and anti-aging proteins in platelet-rich plasma
Korean red ginseng plays an anti-aging role by modulating expression of aging-related genes and immune cell subsets
Antioxidant and anti-aging effects of a sea cucumber protein hydrolyzate and bioinformatic characterization of its composing peptides
Purification, in vitro antioxidant and in vivo anti-aging activities of exopolysaccharides by Agrocybe cylindracea
The use of consciousness energy healing based herbomineral formulation for skin anti-aging strategies
The serum concentration of anti-aging proteins, Sirtuin1 and αKlotho in patients with end-stage kidney disease on maintenance hemodialysis
Antioxidant and anti-aging effects of acidic-extractable polysaccharides by Agaricus bisporus
Antioxidation and anti-aging activities of astaxanthin geometrical isomers and molecular mechanism involved in Caenorhabditis elegans
Fighting organizational decline: a risk-based approach to organizational anti-aging
Investigation of laboratory and field aging of bituminous concrete with and without anti-aging additives using FESEM and FTIR
anti-aging properties of Curcuma heyneana Valeton & Zipj: A scientific approach to its use in Javanese tradition
A novel EI-GC/MS method for the accurate quantification of anti-aging compound oleoylethanolamine in C. elegans
Clinical and anti-aging effect of mud-bathing therapy for patients with fibromyalgia
Application of kinase inhibitors for anti-aging intervention
anti-aging potential of extracts from Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst and its chemical profiling by UPLC-Q-TOF-MS
anti-aging effects of long-term space missions, estimated by heart rate variability
Characterization of a new reconstructed full thickness skin model, T-Skin™, and its application for investigations of anti-aging compounds
Activation of the anti-aging and cognition-enhancing gene klotho by CRISPR-dCas9 transcriptional effector complex
The Rationale of anti-aging Cosmetic Ingredients.
Biomimetic Superoxide Disproportionation Catalyst for anti-aging Lithium–Oxygen Batteries
Stabilization of telomere by the antioxidant property of polyphenols: anti-aging potential
Bioactive peptides derived from crimson snapper and in vivo anti-aging effects on fat diet-induced high fat Drosophila melanogaster
Static hydrothermal processing and fractionation for production of a collagen peptide with anti-oxidative and anti-aging properties
Skin delivery of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and hyaluronic acid loaded nano-transfersomes for antioxidant and anti-aging effects in UV radiation induced skin …
Purification, in vitro antioxidant and in vivo anti-aging activities of soluble polysaccharides by enzyme-assisted extraction from Agaricus bisporus
Approaches towards longevity: reprogramming, senolysis, and improved mitotic competence as anti-aging therapies
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 14. Regulation of Glycative stress. 2. Inhibition of the AGE production and accumulation
Identification of drug combinations on the basis of machine learning to maximize anti-aging effects
An integrated fecal microbiome and metabolome in the aged mice reveal anti-aging effects from the intestines and biochemical mechanism of FuFang …
Liposomal vitamin D3 as an anti-aging agent for the skin
Ellagic acid reveals promising anti-aging effects against D-galactose-induced aging on human neuroblastoma cell line, SH-SY5Y: a mechanistic study
Cellular senescence: from anti-cancer weapon to anti-aging target
The anti-aging effects of lithium in lymphoblastoid cell lines from patients with bipolar disorder and controls
Gut microbiota combined with metabolomics reveals the metabolic profile of the normal aging process and the anti-aging effect of FuFang Zhenshu TiaoZhi …
Clinicopathological features of He Shou Wu‐induced liver injury: This ancient anti-aging therapy is not liver‐friendly
Chebulinic acid and Boeravinone B act as anti-aging and anti-apoptosis phyto-molecules during oxidative stress
anti-aging Effect of Ganoderma (Lingzhi) with Health and Fitness
anti-aging and antioxidant potential of Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis: Findings in Caenorhabditis elegans indicate a new utilization for roasted seeds of guarana
Composting of polylactide containing natural anti-aging compounds of plant origin
Microwave absorption and anti-aging properties of modified bitumen contained SiC attached layered double hydroxides
Characterization, antioxidant, anti-aging and organ protective effects of sulfated polysaccharides from Flammulina velutipes
In vivo AAV delivery of glutathione reductase gene attenuates anti-aging gene klotho deficiency-induced kidney damage
anti-aging and anti-aggregation properties of polyphenolic compounds in C. elegans
Melatonin attenuates cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury in rats via induction of anti-aging protein, Klotho
anti-aging potential of substance P-based hydrogel for human skin longevity
anti-aging role of curcumin by modulating the inflammatory markers in albino wistar rats
A nutrigenomics approach for the study of anti-aging interventions: olive oil phenols and the modulation of gene and microRNA expression profiles in mouse brain
Water-soluble CoQ10 as a promising anti-aging agent for neurological dysfunction in brain mitochondria
Anthocyanins rich pomegranate cream as a topical formulation with anti-aging activity
Antioxidant properties evaluation of topical astaxanthin formulations as anti-aging products
Laboratory testing on the anti-aging performance of amorphous poly alpha olefin (APAO) modified asphalt binders
Dietary Epicatechin, A Novel anti-aging Bioactive Small Molecule
anti-aging and brightening effects of a topical treatment containing vitamin C, vitamin E, and raspberry leaf cell culture extract: A split‐face, randomized controlled trial
Antioxidant and anti-aging potential of Juniper berry (Juniperus communis L.) essential oil in Caenorhabditis elegans model system
Residual biomasses and protein hydrolysates of three green microalgae species exhibit antioxidant and anti-aging activity
RETRACTED: Linking gut microbiota to aging process: a new target for anti-aging
A Green ultrasound-assisted extraction optimization of the natural antioxidant and anti-aging flavonolignans from milk thistle Silybum marianum (L.) gaertn. Fruits for …
Preparation of transparent fluorocarbon/TiO2-SiO2 composite coating with improved self-cleaning performance and anti-aging property
Molecular mechanisms of anti-oxidant and anti-aging effects induced by convallatoxin in Caenorhabditis elegans
Which is the most reasonable anti-aging strategy: meta-analysis
Studies on the anti-aging activity of a glycoprotein isolated from Fupenzi (Rubus chingii Hu.) and its regulation on klotho gene expression in mice kidney
Antioxidant and anti-aging activities and structural elucidation of polysaccharides from Panax notoginseng root
Volatile and polyphenol composition, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic and anti-aging properties, and drying kinetics as affected by convective and hybrid vacuum microwave …
The potential of GHK as an anti-aging peptide
Administration of rGDF11 retards the aging process in male mice via action of anti-oxidant system
Targeting anti-aging protein sirtuin (Sirt) in the diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Tucum-do-Cerrado (Bactris setosa Mart.) may promote anti-aging effect by upregulating SIRT1-Nrf2 pathway and attenuating oxidative stress and inflammation
Isodon rugosus (Wall. ex Benth.) codd in vitro cultures: Establishment, phytochemical characterization and in vitro antioxidant and anti-aging activities
In search of nutritional anti-aging targets: TOR inhibitors, SASP modulators, and BCL-2 family suppressors
The anti-aging potential of neohesperidin and its synergistic effects with other citrus flavonoids in extending chronological lifespan of saccharomyces cerevisiae …
anti-aging Effects of Antioxidant Rare-Earth Orthovanadate Nanoparticles in Wistar Rats
Novel anti-aging gene NM_026333 contributes to proton-induced aging via NCX1-pathway
Redefining face contour with a novel anti-aging cosmetic product: an open-label, prospective clinical study
… size of curcumin nanocarriers and the ethanol on beta_1-integrin overexpression in fibroblasts: A regenerative pharmaceutical approach in skin repair and anti-aging …
Anti-oxidative and anti-aging activities of porcine by-product collagen hydrolysates produced by commercial proteases: effect of hydrolysis and ultrafiltration
Phytochemicals and anti-aging potentials of the extracts from Lagerstroemia speciosa and Lagerstroemia floribunda
The age of anti-aging: media hype and the myth of the ageless baby boomer
Recent advances in the field of caloric restriction mimetics and anti-aging molecules
… sea cucumber (Stichopus variegates) peptide fraction with desired organoleptic property and its anti-aging activity in fruit flies and D-galactose-induced aging …
anti-aging effect of brown black wolfberry on Drosophila melanogaster and D-galactose-induced aging mice
anti-aging effects of GDF11 on skin
Preparation, characterization, and biological activities of topical anti-aging ingredients in a Citrus junos callus extract
Preliminary characterization of the structure and immunostimulatory and anti-aging properties of the polysaccharide fraction of Haematococcus pluvialis
anti-aging effects of Leontopodium alpinum (Edelweiss) callus culture extract through transcriptome profiling
anti-aging formulation of rosmarinic acid-loaded ethosomes and liposomes
Antistress and anti-aging activities of Caenorhabditis elegans were enhanced by Momordica saponin extract
The UV anti-aging performance of TPS modified bitumen
anti-aging behavior of amino-containing co-condensed nanosilica in polyethylene
Enpp1 is an anti-aging factor that regulates Klotho under phosphate overload conditions
The anti-aging protein klotho alleviates injury of nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway in 6-hydroxydopamine rat model of Parkinson’s disease: Involvement of PKA …
Albuminuria downregulation of the anti-aging factor klotho: the missing link potentially explaining the association of pathological albuminuria with premature death
anti-aging Drugs: Where are We and Where are We Going?
Nanoliposomes codelivering bioactive peptides produce enhanced anti-aging effect in human skin
The anti-aging protein Klotho is induced by GABA therapy and exerts protective and stimulatory effects on pancreatic beta cells
An automated compound screening for anti-aging effects on the function of C. elegans sensory neurons
aging-resistant functionalized ldh–sas/nitrile-butadiene rubber composites: preparation and study of aging kinetics/anti-aging mechanism
Anti-skin-aging effect of epigallocatechin gallate by regulating epidermal growth factor receptor pathway on aging mouse model induced by d-Galactose
Cynara scolymus L.: A promising Mediterranean extract for topical anti-aging prevention
anti-aging effects on Caenorhabditis elegans of a polysaccharide, O-acetyl glucomannan, from roots of Lilium davidii var. unicolor Cotton
Towards high performance anti-aging diolefin elastomers based on structure healing strategy
Ginsenoside Rg1 ameliorates testicular senescence changes in D‑gal‑induced aging mice via anti‑inflammatory and antioxidative mechanisms
A selection of eleven plants used as traditional Polynesian cosmetics and their development potential as anti-aging ingredients, hair growth promoters and whitening …
The anti-aging efficacy of antioxidants
An in vitro evaluation of anti-aging effect of guluronic acid (G2013) based on enzymatic oxidative stress gene expression using healthy individuals PBMCs
Anti-Inflammatory and anti-aging Evaluation of Pigment–Protein Complex Extracted from Chlorella Pyrenoidosa
Insight into the anti-aging mechanisms of natural phenolic antioxidants in natural rubber composites using a screening strategy based on molecular …
anti-aging effects of monomethylsilanetriol and maltodextrin-stabilized orthosilicic acid on nails, skin and hair
The antioxidative and anti-aging effects of acidic-and alkalic-extractable mycelium polysaccharides by Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) Sing
Content of bioactive compounds in the peach kernels and their antioxidant, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-aging properties
Dermal anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects of Compritol ATO-based Resveratrol colloidal carriers prepared using mixed surfactants
Potential anti-aging Substances Derived from Seaweeds
anti-aging effect of riboflavin via endogenous antioxidant in fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
… molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti-aging performance in polypropylene …
Running out of developmental program and selfish anti-aging: a new hypothesis explaining the aging process in primates
Mechanisms involved in anti-aging effects of guarana (Paullinia cupana) in Caenorhabditis elegans
In silico clinical trials for anti-aging therapies
anti-aging protective effect of L-carnitine as clinical agent in regenerative medicine through increasing telomerase activity and change in the hTERT promoter CpG …
anti-aging technoscience & the biologization of cumulative inequality: Affinities in the biopolitics of successful aging
Development of aw/o emulsion using ionic liquid strategy for transdermal delivery of anti–aging component α–lipoic acid: mechanism of different ionic liquids on skin …
anti-aging Effects of Lycium ruthenicum Murr. Granules in Caenorhabditis elegans
… -coA oxidase type 1: anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties with a special emphasis on studies with LPS and argan oil as a model transposable to aging
Antioxidant and anti-aging Activities of Silybum Marianum Protein Hydrolysate in Mice Treated with D-galactose
Tiao Geng decoction for treating menopausal syndrome exhibits anti-aging effects likely via suppressing ASK1/MKK7/JNK mediated apoptosis in …
The effects of the anti-aging protein klotho on mucociliary clearance
A polyurethane integrating self-healing, anti-aging and controlled degradation for durable and eco-friendly E-skin
Influences of TP53 and the anti-aging DDR1 receptor in controlling Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/Akt expression and chemotherapeutic drug sensitivity in prostate …
anti-aging effect of agar oligosaccharide on male Drosophila melanogaster and its preliminary mechanism
The anti-aging effects of Gracilaria lemaneiformis polysaccharide in Caenorhabditis elegans
Chemical constituents of snake fruit (Salacca zalacca (Gaert.) Voss) peel and in silico anti-aging analysis
Effect of yellow rice wine on anti-aging ability in aged mice induced by d-galactose
CTRP9: An emerging potential anti-aging molecule in brain
The effect of anti-aging peptides on mechanical and biological properties of HaCaT keratinocytes
Live longer better: the historical roots of human growth hormone as anti-aging medicine
anti-aging interventions affect lifespan variability in sex, strain, diet and drug dependent fashion
Laboratory and field evaluation of sodium stearate organically modified LDHs effect on the anti aging performance of asphalt mixtures
Targeting GATA transcription factors–a novel strategy for anti-aging interventions?
Clinical evidence of the efficacy and safety of a new 3‐in‐1 anti-aging topical night serum‐in‐oil containing melatonin, bakuchiol, and ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate: 103 …
Klotho, an anti-aging gene, acts as a tumor suppressor and inhibitor of IGF-1R signaling in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
anti-aging activities of extracts from Tunisian medicinal halophytes and their aromatic constituents
The anti-aging promise of p21
Improvements of Developed Graphite Based Composite anti-aging Agent on Thermal aging Properties of Asphalt
anti-aging effects of Schisandrae chinensis Fructus extract: improvement of insulin sensitivity and muscle function in aged mice
Advances in research of anti-aging mechanism
Induction of anti-aging gene klotho with a small chemical compound that demethylates CpG islands
An anti-aging polymer electrolyte for flexible rechargeable zinc-ion batteries
Chemical screening identifies an extract from marine Pseudomonas sp.-PTR-08 as an anti-aging agent that promotes fission yeast longevity by modulating the pap1 …
Laboratory bioassay exploring the effects of anti-aging skincare products on free-living marine nematodes: a case study of collagen
Expression of anti-aging type-XVII collagen (COL17A1/BP180) in hair follicle-associated pluripotent (HAP) stem cells during differentiation
Titanium Nanopillar Arrays Functioning as Electron Transporting Layers for Efficient, anti-aging Perovskite Solar Cells
Equol’s anti-aging effects protect against environmental assaults by increasing skin antioxidant defense and ECM proteins while decreasing oxidative stress and …
Multi-Center, Double-Blind, Vehicle-Controlled Clinical Trial of an Alpha and Beta Defensin-Containing anti-aging Skin Care Regimen With Clinical, Histopathologic …
Enhancement of adaptive immune responses of aged mice by dietary intake of β-glucans, with special emphasis on anti-aging activity
Transcriptomics and metabonomics of the anti-aging properties of total flavones of Epimedium in relation to lipid metabolism
Assessment of the anti-aging klotho protein in patients with COPD undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation
Phenolic constituents with antioxidative, tyrosinase inhibitory and anti-aging activities from Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe
Absolute configuration of mycosporine-like amino acids, their wound healing properties and in vitro anti-aging effects
The anti-aging Potential of Extracts from Chaenomeles sinensis
Ursolic acid mediates hepatic protection through enhancing of anti-aging biomarkers
Investigations on the anti-aging activity of polysaccharides from Chinese yam and their regulation on klotho gene expression in mice
Anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects of hydroxytyrosol on human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs)
anti-aging and anti-tumor effect of FPP® supplementation
anti-aging effects exerted by Tetramethylpyrazine enhances self-renewal and neuronal differentiation of rat bMSCs by suppressing NF-kB signaling
anti-aging Physiological Roles of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor and Its Dietary Regulators
Anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects of chondroitin sulfate
Evidence for anti-aging South Korean Cosmeceuticals.
Biodegradable Zn-1.5 Cu-1.5 Ag alloy with anti-aging ability and strain hardening behavior for cardiovascular stents
Food-derived bioactive compounds with anti-aging potential for nutricosmetic and cosmeceutical products
anti-aging and hydration efficacy of a cross‐linked hyaluronic acid microstructure patch
C-SH2 point mutation converts p85β regulatory subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase to an anti-aging gene
Novel anti-aging benzoquinone derivatives from Onosma bracteatum Wall
Preparation of a Nano-TiO2-Loaded Antioxidant and Its anti-aging Performance against UV/O3 in Thermoplastic Vulcanizates
Prosopis juliflora as a new cosmetic ingredient: Development and clinical evaluation of a bioactive moisturizing and anti-aging innovative solid core
anti-aging potential, anti-tyrosinase and antibacterial activities of extracts and compounds isolated from Rosa chinensis cv.’JinBian’
anti-aging properties of conditioned media of epidermal progenitor cells derived from mesenchymal stem cells
Antioxidant and anti-aging Activities of Ethyl Acetate Extract of the Coral Tooth Mushroom, Hericium coralloides (Agaricomycetes)
The role of the anti-aging protein Klotho in IGF-1 signaling and reticular calcium leak: impact on the chemosensitivity of dedifferentiated liposarcomas
anti-aging analysis for software reliability design modes in the context of single-event effect
Cecropia obtusa extract and chlorogenic acid exhibit anti aging effect in human fibroblasts and keratinocytes cells exposed to UV radiation
Patient interest in and familiarity with anti-aging therapies: A survey of the general dermatology clinic population
Bioactive Compounds of Edible Fruits with Their anti-aging Properties: A Comprehensive Review to Prolong Human Life
Using an UPLC/MS-based untargeted metabolomics approach for assessing the antioxidant capacity and anti-aging potential of selected herbs
The ULK1 kinase, a necessary component of the pro-regenerative and anti-aging machinery in Hydra
Discovery of a Highly Selective MC1R Agonists Pentapeptide to Be Used as a Skin Pigmentation Enhancer and with Potential anti-aging Properties
The antioxidant and anti-aging effects of acetylated mycelia polysaccharides from Pleurotus djamor
anti-aging drugs: from basic research to clinical practice
In vitro anti-aging activities of ginkgo biloba leaf extract and its chemical constituents
A novel water-based anti-aging suncare formulation provides multifaceted protection and repair against environmental aggressors: evidence from in vitro, ex …
Efficient production of the anti-aging drug Cycloastragenol: insight from two Glycosidases by enzyme mining
anti-aging and redox state regulation effects of A-type proanthocyanidins-rich cranberry concentrate and its comparison with grape seed extract in mice
Plasma from young rats injected into old rats induce anti-aging effects
In vitro Biological Activities of the anti-aging Potential of Dimocarpus longan Leaf Extracts
Systematic review on anti-aging health care
Rehmannia glutinosa exhibits anti-aging effect through maintaining the quiescence and decreasing the senescence of hematopoietic stem cells
Association Between the anti-aging Gene Klotho and Selected Rheumatologic Autoimmune Diseases
Metadichol® a Novel Agonist of the anti-aging klotho gene in cancer cell lines
Macadamia Nuts Oil in Nanocream and Conventional Cream as Skin anti-aging: A Comparative Study
Methionine restriction for improving progeria: another autophagy-inducing anti-aging strategy?
SIG‐1273 protects skin against urban air pollution and when formulated in AgeIQ™ Night Cream anti-aging benefits clinically demonstrated
Selected properties of polycaprolactone containing natural anti-aging compounds
Cercospora sp. as a source of anti-aging polyketides targeting 26S proteasome and scale-up production in submerged bioreactor
anti-aging factor, serum alpha-Klotho, as a marker of acute physiological stress, and a predictor of ICU mortality, in patients with septic shock
The effects of antioxidant and anti-aging treatment of UVB-irradiated human HaCaT keratinocytes with ethanol extracts of colored rice varieties
anti-aging Potential of Extracts from Washingtonia filifera Seeds
Soybean spermidine concentration: Genetic and environmental variation of a potential ‘anti-aging‘constituent
Autologous adipose mesenchymal stem cell administration in arteriosclerosis and potential for anti-aging application: a retrospective cohort study
Efficacy and safety of an anti-aging technology for the treatment of facial wrinkles and skin moisturization
The role of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in anti-aging medicine: a review of the literature
Flavonoids Profile, Taxonomic Data, History of Cosmetic Uses, Anti-Oxidant and anti-aging Potential of Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd
Is Sleep Associated with the S-Klotho anti-aging Protein in Sedentary Middle-Aged Adults? The FIT-AGEING Study
Dual functional bioactive‐peptide, AIMP 1‐derived peptide (AdP), for anti-aging
Identifying learning style of graduate students majoring in anti-aging and regenerative sciences
Development of anti-aging and anticorrosive nanoceria dispersed alkyd coating for decorative and industrial purposes
Sarmentosamide, an anti-aging Compound from a Marine-Derived Streptomyces sp. APmarine042
anti-aging effects of melatonin on the myocardial mitochondria of rats and associated mechanisms
Anti-apoptotic, antioxidant and anti-aging effects of 6-shogaol on human dermal fibroblasts
… by Animals) by Ultra-high-performance Liquid Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-QqQ-MS) and Comparison of Their anti-aging …
Selenocysteine modulates resistance to environmental stress and confers anti-aging effects in C. elegans
Electrospun cellulose acetate doped with astaxanthin derivatives from Haematococcus pluvialis for in vivo anti-aging activity
Early-adulthood caloric restriction is beneficial to improve renal redox status as future anti-aging strategy in rats
Preparation of high peel strength and high anti-aging epoxy adhesive that used for bonding aluminum alloy without surface treatment
Purple passion fruit seeds (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims) as a promising source of skin anti-aging agents: Enzymatic, antioxidant and multi-level …
anti-aging effect of fullerenol on skin aging through derived stem cells in a mouse model
anti-aging effects of Korean Red Ginseng (KRG) in differentiated embryo chondrocyte (DEC) knockout mice
Rice water: A traditional ingredient with anti-aging efficacy
Comment on “anti-aging effects of ingenol mebutate for patients with actinic keratosis” and phenol-croton oil peelings
I’m going to stay young: Belief in anti-aging efficacy of menopausal hormone therapy drives prolonged use despite medical risks
PAL-12, a new anti-aging hexa-peptoid, inhibits UVB-induced photoaging in human dermal fibroblasts and 3D reconstructed human full skin model, Keraskin-FT™
Role of 7-chloro-4-(phenylselanyl) quinoline as an anti-aging drug fighting oxidative damage in different tissues of aged rats
Fermented product of rice with Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens induces anti-aging effects and heat stress tolerance in nematodes via DAF-16
anti-aging effects of ingenol mebutate for patients with actinic keratosis.
anti-aging Efficacy of Melatonin-Based Cream: Clinical and Instrumental Skin Evaluation
UPLC-HRMS Analysis Revealed the Differential Accumulation of Antioxidant and anti-aging Lignans and Neolignans in In Vitro Cultures of Linum …
Ginsenoside Rg1 Performs anti-aging Functions by Suppressing Mitochondrial Pathway-Mediated Apoptosis and Activating Sirtuin 3 (SIRT3)/Superoxide …
Regulation of S-formylglutathione hydrolase by the anti-aging gene klotho
An integrated microfluidics for assessing the anti-aging effect of caffeic acid phenethylester in Caenorhabditis elegans
Preferred learning styles of Thai learners in anti-aging and regenerative sciences
6-Bromoindirubin-3′-Oxime (6BIO) suppresses the mTOR pathway, promotes autophagy, and exerts anti-aging effects in rodent liver
Olive oil and skin anti-aging
Evaluation of anti-aging Performance of Biochar Modified Asphalt Binder
anti-aging effects of M2000 (β-D-mannuronic acid) as a novel immunosuppressive drug on the enzymatic and non-enzymatic oxidative stress parameters in an …
anti-aging and health benefits from Thai food: protective effects of bioactive compounds on the free radical theory of aging
Reviews on Biomarker Studies in aging and anti-aging Research
Identification of C-geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia catalpifolia Gong Tong fruits by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS and their anti-aging effects on 2BS cells induced by …
rhEPO enhances cellular anti-oxidant capacity to protect long-term cultured aging primary nerve cells
Structural characterization of ginseng oligopeptides and anti-aging potency evaluation in Caenorhabditis elegans
Structural characterization of peptides from Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen, 1835) and anti-aging effect in Caenorhabditis elegans
A Nomogram to Predict Contrast Induced Nephropathy in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Is the “anti-aging” Agent Klotho a Candidate …
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 13. Regulation of Glycative stress. 1. Postprandial blood glucose regulation
A novel approach regarding the anti-aging of facial skin through collagen reorganization
NMR-based metabolomics profiling for radical scavenging and anti-aging properties of selected herbs
An incipient revolution in the testing of anti-aging strategies
Molecular basis and emerging strategies for anti-aging interventions
Glycative stress and anti-aging 4. The evaluation of glycative Stress: Evaluation for anti-glycative effect.
Preparation of Cr-doped BaTiO3 near infrared reflection pigment powder and its anti-aging performance for acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate
anti-aging effect of the combination of Bifidobacterium longum and B. animalis in a d-galactose-treated mice
anti-aging effect and gene expression profiling of dung beetle glycosaminoglycan in aged rats
The Discovery of Druggable anti-aging Agents
anti-aging Klotho Protects SH-SY5Y Cells Against Amyloid β1–42 Neurotoxicity: Involvement of Wnt1/pCREB/Nrf2/HO-1 Signaling
VITA Intense–Product with Negative Oxidation-reduction Potential (ORP) as Important Quality for Antioxidant and Inhibition Growth of Tumor Cells Effects. anti aging …
High-protein and low-calorie diets improved the anti-aging Klotho protein in the rats’ brain: the toxic role of high-fat diet
Silica solid particles toughening, strengthening and anti-aging on epoxy resin
anti-aging effect of DL-β-hydroxybutyrate against hepatic cellular senescence induced by D-galactose or γ-irradiation via autophagic flux stimulation in male rats
Investigation of the anti-aging properties of allicin from Allium sativum L bulb extracts by a reverse docking approach
Endocrine Conditions in Older Adults: anti-aging Therapies.
anti-aging and Anti-wrinkle Products
The structure of the anti-aging agent J147 used for treating Alzheimer’s disease
Importance of ovarian tissue cryopreservation in fertility preservation and anti-aging treatment
anti-aging Effect of Asterosaponin P1 Isolated from Asterina pectinifera
anti-aging Effects of Gyrophoric Acid on UVA-Irradiated Normal Human Dermal Fibroblasts
Antioxidant and anti-aging effects of extracts from leaves of Castanea crenata Siebold & Zucc. in human dermal fibroblast
Comparative analysis on anti-aging, anti-adipogenesis, and anti-tumor effects of Green Tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate
Prediction of skin anti-aging clinical benefits of an association of ingredients from marine and maritime origins: Ex vivo evaluation using a label‐free quantitative …
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 12. Glycative stress and dementia
Cross-cultural comparison of consumer pre-purchase decision-making: anti-aging products
Effect of β-d-mannuronic acid (M2000) on oxidative stress enzymes’ gene using healthy donor peripheral blood mononuclear cells for evaluating the anti-aging …
In silico analysis of phytochemical compound found in snake fruit (Salacca zalacca) peel as anti-aging agent
A single‐center blinded randomized clinical trial to evaluate the anti-aging effects of a novel HSF™‐based skin care formulation
anti-aging Effect of the Ketone Metabolite β-Hydroxybutyrate in Drosophila Intestinal Stem Cells
Clinical perspectives and concerns of metformin as an anti-aging drug
anti-aging gene linked to appetite regulation determines longevity in humans and animals
The anti-aging Activities against Oxidative Damages of Rosa roxburghii and Multi-Fruit Concentrate Drink
Nicotinamide extrudates as novel anti-aging and collagen promoting platform: a comparative cosmeceutical study versus the gel form
Extraction conditions for Rosa gallica petal extracts with anti-skin aging activities
Design, fabrication and anti-aging behavior of a multifunctional inorganic–organic hybrid stabilizer derived from co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for …
Hyaluronidase inhibitory and antioxidant activities of enzymatic hydrolysate from Jeju Island red sea cucumber (Stichopus japonicus) for novel anti-aging …
Recent studies on anti-aging compounds with Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism
Plant anti-aging: Delayed flower and leaf senescence in Erinus alpinus treated with cell-free Chlorella cultivation medium
Anti-senescence compounds: a potential nutraceutical approach to healthy aging
Bioassay for monitoring the anti-aging effect of cord blood treatment
aging, melatonin, and the pro-and anti-inflammatory networks
anti-aging effects of black raspberry extract on cataract, alopecia, skin whitening, and weight loss
Antioxidant and anti-aging Action of Plant Polyphenols
anti-aging LFS: Self-Defragmentation With Fragmentation-Aware Cleaning
Evaluation of the anti-aging and antioxidant action of Ananas sativa and Moringa oleifera in a fruit fly model organism
A fasting-mimicking diet and vitamin C: turning anti-aging strategies against cancer
anti-aging effects of P7C3 in UVA-irradiated human dermal fibroblasts
Analysis of potential anti-aging beverage Pru, a traditional Cuban refreshment, by desorption electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry and FTICR tandem …
Sirt1-Mediated anti-aging Effects of Houttuynia cordata Extract in a High Glucose-Induced Endothelial Cell-aging Model
anti-aging effects of Muntingia calabura leaves extract in D-galactose-induced skin aging mouse model
Rhizoma coptidis and berberine as a natural drug to combat aging and aging-related diseases via anti-oxidation and AMPK activation
Enhanced anti-aging and mechanical properties of polyamide 1010 by sol-hydrothermal synthetic titanium dioxide-coated kaolinite addition
Combined effect of three additives on enhancing the anti-aging property of wood fiber/polycaprolactone composite
The Antioxidant and anti-aging Effects of Treatment with Schisandra chinensis Seeds Fractions in UVB-irradiated Human HaCaT Cells
anti-aging power of Rumex crispus L.: Matrixmetalloproteinases inhibitor, sun protective and antioxidant
Molecular docking analysis of imine stilbene analogs and evaluation of their anti-aging activity using yeast and mammalian cell models
A 1, 1′-biuracil from Epidermidibacterium keratini EPI-7 shows anti-aging effects on human dermal fibroblasts
Special Issue “anti-aging Properties of Natural Compounds”
From anti-aging drugs to cancer therapy: is there a potential for sirtuin activators in gliomas?
In-silico studies for kinetin hormone and its alkaline earth metal Ion omplexes as anti-aging cosmetics; synthesis, characterization and ability for controlling collagen …
Recent progresses on anti-aging compounds and their targets in Caenorhabditis elegans
Icariin modulates the sirtuin/NF‑κB pathway and exerts anti-aging effects in human lung fibroblasts
Comparative efficacy of two anti-aging products containing retinyl palmitate in healthy human volunteers
anti-aging Effects of Mangosteen Peel Extract and Its Phytochemical Compounds: Antioxidant Activity, Enzyme Inhibition and Molecular Docking Simulation
The effects of hydroporation on melasma with anti-aging cocktail
Progress of anti-aging Drugs Targeting Autophagy
Benefits of anti-aging actives in sunscreens
The efficacy and safety of health qigong for anti-aging: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Mesoporous silica as nanocarrier of antioxidant for highly anti-aging elastomer composites
What does the anti-aging Medical Checkup show?: Data presentation
anti-aging potential of fish collagen hydrolysates subjected to simulated gastrointestinal digestion and Caco-2 cell permeation
anti-aging potential and phytochemicals of Centella asiatica, Nelumbo nucifera, and Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts
Lantana camara ethanolic leaves extracts exhibit anti-aging properties in Drosophila melanogaster: survival-rate and life span studies
Systemic Delivery in anti-aging Medicine: An Overview
Identification of the cleavage sites leading to the shed forms of human and mouse anti-aging and cognition-enhancing protein Klotho
Targeting of AUF1 to vascular endothelial cells as a novel anti-aging therapy
Skin anti-aging Effects of a Cream Containing Resveratryl Triacetate (RTA)
The marketing of anti-aging services in aesthetic medicine
An open‐label clinical trial assessing the efficacy and safety of Bend Skincare anti-aging Formula on minimal erythema dose in skin
Calcium and anti-aging medicine.
Advances in three important signaling pathways related to aging in Drosophila melanogaster and screening of anti-aging traditional Chinese medicine
Analysis of the influencing factors on the anti-aging performance of a hybrid-modified asphalt mixture using the grey relational theory
Randomized controlled study for the anti-aging effect of human adipocyte‐derived mesenchymal stem cell media combined with niacinamide after laser therapy
Phlorizin Exerts the Potent anti-aging Effects in D-galactose Induced Mice and PC12 Cell
Fatty acids based α‐Tocopherol loaded nanostructured lipid carrier gel: In vitro and in vivo evaluation for moisturizing and anti-aging effects
The cytoprotective and cell recovery properties of apple extracts on H2O2 induced-NIH3T3 cells: an anti aging candidate
UVB protective, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory properties of aqueous extract of walnut (Juglans regia L.) seeds
The effect of a endurance training period with cellular anti-aging purpose on telomerase enzyme content in cardiac tissue and peripheral blood lymphocytes in rats
anti-aging efficacy of Thai red rice callus cosmetic product
Synthesis of Kisspeptin-Mimicking Fragments and Investigation of their Skin anti-aging Effects
Daidzein upregulates anti-aging protein Klotho and NaPi 2a cotransporter in a rat model of the andropause
Metabolic Biomarkers in aging and anti-aging Research
New Directions for Use of Systemic Drug Delivery in anti-aging Medicine
anti-aging Cosmeceutical Product Containing of Nymphaea rubra Roxb. ex Andrews extract
Corporate anti-aging Programs: Evidence from Russian Companies.
Ambient aging of rhenium filaments used in thermal ionization mass spectrometry: Growth of oxo-rhenium crystallites and anti-aging strategies
Ketone Therapy: The Ketogenic Cleanse and anti-aging Diet
Peripheral levels of the anti-aging hormone Klotho in patients with depression
Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Kerusakan Kulit Wajah untuk Proses Aesthetic and anti aging
VITA intense–Antioxidant and Inhibition Growth of Tumor Cells Effects. anti aging Influence. Negative Oxidation-reduction Potential (ORP) Has Important Role in …
Hormones and “natural enhancement” of the body: personalized aging in anti-aging medicine
Lipid-Based Nano-delivery of Phytobioactive Compounds in anti-aging Medicine
anti-aging action of PPARs: Potential therapeutic targets
Anti-Oxidant and anti-aging Effect of Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Seed of Euphorbia lathyris L. as a Pharmacopuncture Material
anti-aging Effects of Diospyros kaki Thunb. Extracts in UVA-irradiated Epidermal Keratinocytes
Novel Hybrid Biomass anti-aging Filler for Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Composites with Antioxidative and Reinforcing Properties
anti-aging Medicine as a Game Changer for Long-Lasting Space Missions
Black Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Phenolic Extract Exhibits Antioxidant and anti-aging Potential
anti-aging Effect of Cynara cardunculus L. var. Cynara scolymus L. Extract in D-Galactose-Induced Skin aging Model in Rats
Synthesis of 4-aryl-2, 6-dimethyl-3, 5-bis-N-(aryl)-carbamoyl-1, 4-dihydropyridines as novel skin protecting and anti-aging agents
The anti-aging potential of medicinal plants in Cameroon-Harungana madagascariensis Lam. and Psorospermum aurantiacum Engl. prevent in vitro ultraviolet B light …
The increase of interfollicular epidermal stem cells and regulation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor and its repressors in the skin through hydroporation with anti-aging …
Marketing of luxury events. Case study on the tenth Congress of anti-aging medicine, Bucharest, 2018
anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing activities of edible bird’s nest in human skin keratinocytes and fibroblasts
Xenohormesis in early life: New avenues of research to explore anti-aging strategies through the maternal diet
Synthesis of A Novel Cyclotriphosphazene and Its Enhancement of anti-aging and Flame Retardancy of Polyolefin
Telomere shortening during aging: attenuation by antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 15. Regulation of Glycative stress. 3. Reduction of AGEs intake from food.
Formulation and clinical evaluation of anti-aging activity of blemish balm cream vitamin E and determination of SPF value with spectrophotometry
Calorie sensitive anti-aging gene regulates hepatic amyloid beta clearance in diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases
Epigenetic suppression of the anti-aging gene KLOTHO in human prostate cancer cell lines
Therapeutics of Stem Cell Treatment in anti-aging and Rejuvenation
anti-aging Activity of Lavandula angustifolia Extract Fermented with Pediococcus pentosaceus DK1 Isolated from Diospyros kaki Fruit in UVB-Irradiated Human Skin …
Ultrasonication extraction, bioactivity, antioxidant activity, total flavonoid, total phenolic and antioxidant of Clitoria Ternatea linn flower extract for anti-aging …
Biopolitics Meets Biosemiotics: The Semiotic Thresholds of anti-aging Interventions
Characteristics and in vitro anti-skin aging activity of gallic acid loaded in cationic CTAB niosome
anti-aging Scheduling in Single-Server Queues: A Systematic and Comparative Study
Influence of negative age stereotypes and anti-aging needs on older consumers’ consumption‐coping behaviours: A qualitative study in South Korea
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 9. Glycative stress and schizophrenia.
anti-aging mechanisms of melatonin and regulatory effects of melatonin in radiation-induced premature senescence
Establishing a Comprehensive anti-aging Research Center: Experiences and Challenges
anti-aging effects of the proteins from artemia extract on human fibroblasts cell proliferation and collagen expression in induced aging conditions
Design and development of cosmeceutical cream for hyperpigmentation and anti-aging
Sesquiterpene glucosides from Shenzhou honey peach fruit showed the anti-aging activity in the evaluation system using yeasts
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 10. Glycative stress and liver disease.
A Pessimistic Guide to anti-aging Research: Death is Immortal
Lifestyle modifications with anti-neuroinflammatory benefits in the aging population
Layer-by-Layer Functionalization for Oral Liposomal Formulations in anti-aging Medicine
Anti-diabetic and anti-aging effects of metformin on metabolic and molecular parameters in diabetic aging female rats
Concept of complications of reproductive aging in women for anti-aging therapy. Literature review
Re:“Decreased Levels of anti-aging Klotho in Obstructive Sleep Apnea” by Pákó et al.(Rejuvenation Res 2019 [Epub ahead of print]; DOI: 10.1089/rej. 2019.2183)
The use of platelet-rich plasma in anti-aging therapy (overview)
anti-aging activity of tetrahydrocurcumin, Centella asiatica extract, and its mixture
Correlating the anti-aging Activity with the Bioactive Profile of Chlorella emersonii KJ725233; its Toxicological Studies for a Potential use in Cosmeceuticals.
Studies on secondary metabolite profiling, anti-inflammatory potential, in vitro photoprotective and skin-aging related enzyme inhibitory activities of Malaxis …
Skin anti-aging assays of proanthocyanidin rich red rice extract, oryzanol and other phenolic compounds
Biosystems Study of the Molecular Networks Underlying Hippocampal aging Progression and anti-aging Treatment in Mice
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 3. The evaluation of glycative Stress: Measurement of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
Systemic Delivery Technologies in anti-aging Medicine: Methods and Applications
Anti‐skin aging properties of protocatechuic acid in vitro and in vivo
Role of garlic and ginger in anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects in aging
Clinical Evaluation of a Nature-Based Bakuchiol anti-aging Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin.
aging-regulated anti-apoptotic long non-coding RNA Sarrah augments recovery from acute myocardial infarction
Preparative Separation of Flavonoids from Goji Berries by Mixed-Mode Macroporous Adsorption Resins and Effect on Aβ-Expressing and anti-aging Genes
Warm needle moxibustion, mild moxibustion and electroacupuncture interventions have an anti-aging effect possibly by regulating hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis …
The temporality of anti-aging: a short history of the fight against time
Application of Self-Healing Intelligent Polymer Materials in anti-aging Research
Chlorella sp: Extraction of fatty acid by using avocado oil as solvent and its application as an anti-aging cream
anti-aging activities of Pyrus pyrifolia var culta plant callus extract
Adequacy of the anti-aging and Anti-wrinkle Effects of the Artemisia vulgaris Fermented Solvent Fraction
In vitro antioxidant and anti-aging properties of swim bladder peptides from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
anti aging Strategies in Current Era
Development of Sustainable anti-aging Products Using Aquaponics Technology
anti-aging effects for arteriosclerosis by exercise and nutrition.
anti-aging derivatives of cycloastragenol produced by biotransformation
anti-aging Effects of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Components From Immature Pear Fruits Extract
17707 Single-nucleotide polymorphisms predictive of response to a topical anti-aging product containing N-acetyl tyrosinamide, N-acetyl glucosamine, and …
anti-aging protein CD9 affects age-related heart failure
Pro-senescence and anti-senescence mechanisms of cardiovascular aging: cardiac microRNA regulation of longevity drug-induced autophagy
Antioxidant and anti-aging effects of extracts from leaves of the Quercusaliena blume on human dermal fibroblast
Convergence Study on Preparation of anti-aging Peptides from Fish Collagen Hydrolysates
N1-Methylnicotinamide: An Anti-Ovarian aging Hormetin?
More Significant Life for Diabetic Patients in the Perspectives of anti-aging
Sex differences in the aging human heart: decreased sirtuins, pro-inflammatory shift and reduced anti-oxidative defense
Influence of Trinidad Lake Asphalt on the physical and anti-aging properties of petroleum asphalt
Targeting neuroinflammation-a potential for anti-aging interventions
Assessment of anti-aging Efficacy of the Master Antioxidant Glutathione
Regulatory effect of anwulignan on the immune function through its antioxidation and anti-apoptosis in D-galactose-induced aging mice
Hibiscus sabdariffa extract as anti-aging supplement through its antioxidant and anti-obesity activities
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors targeting the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway: a new therapeutic perspective in aging-related disorders
Low-molecular weight keratins with anti-skin aging activity produced by anaerobic digestion of poultry feathers with Fervidobacterium islandicum AW-1
A new anti-aging lysophosphatidic acid from Arabidopsis thaliana
Application of High-altitude Plants in anti-aging Cosmetics
… with the ACE inhibitor enalapril attenuates the development of frailty and differentially modifies pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines in aging male and female C57BL …
Bioinformatics Network Analyses of Growth Differentiation Factor 11 anti-aging Study
anti-aging true random number generator for secured database storage
Fatty Acid Extraction of Skeletonema costatum by Using Avocado Oil as Solvent and Its Application as an anti-aging Cream
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 11. Glycative stress and infertility.
Metformin’s Potential as a Form of anti-aging Therapy
anti-aging effects of casuarictin on UVB-induced CCD-986sk cell
The search for the “anti-aging pill”: A critical viewpoint
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 6. Glycative stress and kidney disease.
Comparison of anti-aging Effectiveness from Gotu Kola Extract Cream (Centella asiatica) and Robusta Coffee Cream (Coffea canephora) Toward Hydration Levels in …
Antioxidant and anti-aging activities of water extracts from Chionanthus retusus flesh according to different extraction temperatures
Microbial transformation of the anti-aging agent cycloastragenol by Mucor racemosus
In vitro and in vivo anti-aging effects of compounds isolated from Artemisia iwayomogi
Topical hormonal treatment in anti-aging of the skin
Anti-oxidant and anti-aging Effect of Extracts from Seed of Camellia japonica L. by Supercritical Fluid Extraction
Bio-power, medical gaze and negotiation: Narrative experiences of anti-aging practices among Thai women
Multi-omic analysis reveals the anti-aging impact of sulforaphane on the microbiome and metabolome
Accelerated aging and clearance of host anti-inflammatory enzymes by discrete pathogens fuels sepsis
Impact of aging on immune-related adverse events generated by anti–programmed death (ligand) PD-(L) 1 therapies
The effect and mechanism of La2O3 on the anti-ultraviolet aging characteristics of virgin bitumen
Design and development of caffeic acid conjugated with Bombyx mori derived peptide biomaterials for anti-aging skin care applications
In Vivo Evaluations of Emulsion O/W for a New Topical anti-aging Formulation: Short-Term and Long-Term Efficacy
Anti-thermal aging properties of low-density polyethylene-based nanocomposites
Histomorphometric Analysis of anti-aging Properties on Rat Skin
aging Mitigation Techniques for Microprocessors Using anti-aging
Preparation and evaluation of poly herbal anti-aging cream by using different synthetic polymers
aging Mitigation Techniques for Microprocessors Using anti-aging Software
… mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation promotes anti-aging miRNA expression profile in the aorta of aged mice, predicting epigenetic rejuvenation and anti …
Patient-reported outcomes of surgery of non-small cell lung cancer: evaluation based on the questionnaires of anti-aging quality of life and the European …
18228 A novel acetyl dipeptide demonstrates pleiotropic gene expression, optimized bioavailability, and perceived anti-aging benefits
EP1. 03-10 Expression of anti-aging Gene, Klotho Is a Surrogate Marker of Pemetrexed for Lung Cancer Treatment
The potential of Asystasia gangetica (Chinese violet) extracts as an anti-aging agent and as a whitening agent
Synthesis of Fe3O4-decorated Mg-Al layered double hydroxides magnetic nanosheets to improve anti-ultraviolet aging and microwave absorption properties used in …
anti-aging bioactivities of egg white hydrolysates.
A Study on the Latest Research Trends in Natural products with anti-aging Effects
The anti-aging protein alpha-Klotho in systemic sclerosis patients: does a relationship to telangiectasia exist?
anti-aging & Skin Hydration Effects of Spore oil Extracted from Ganoderma lucidum
… Social Media Advertising on Purchase Intention Through Utilitarian and Hedonic Shopping Motivation: A Study at Beauty Care and anti-aging Clinic Service in …
anti-aging Approach for Ocular Disorders: from Dry Eye to Retinitis Pigmentosa and Myopia.
Ecological Protection of anti-aging Pharmacological Action and Purity Identification of Polysaccharides of Radix Polygoni Multiflori Praeparata
anti-aging Passion and Pragmatism: Effective Bedfellows at Last
Ultraviolet B-induced Senescence Model Using Corneal Fibroblasts and the anti-aging Effect of Angiogenin
anti-aging and Anti-oxidation–Salmon Sperm as a Substitute for Nucleotide Sources
Anti-inflammatory thioredoxin family proteins for medicare, healthcare and aging care
Effects of long-term water-aging on novel anti-biofilm and protein-repellent dental composite
Anti‐inflammatory treatment rescues memory deficits during aging in nfkb1−/− mice
Bay leaves and tomato extract: The formulation of anti-aging drink
Functional integrity of aging skin, from cutaneous biology to anti-aging strategies
Effect of surface-modified TiO2 nanoparticles on the anti-ultraviolet aging performance of foamed wheat straw fiber/polypropylene composites
The Ethics of anti-aging Clinical Trials
A correlation of the modern scientific efficacy of Korean Red Ginseng with the legendary medicine for anti-aging and longevity
Development and stability of an anti-aging gel with hydroalcoholic extract from Salvia SP
Mass Spectrometry Discovery-Based Proteomics to Examine anti-aging Effects of the Nutraceutical NT-020 in Rat Serum
Proposal of a Tongue Exercise”: Happy Tongue Exercise&quto; for Ability Development Aiming Also at the Effects of anti-aging, Preventing Dementia and Aspiration …
Formulation and evaluation of serum from red, brown and green algae extract for anti-aging base material
Using an anti-aging agent to improve asphalt modified with styrene–butadiene–styrene
Synthesis of monodispersed ZnO@ SiO 2 nanoparticles for anti-UV aging application in highly transparent polymer-based nanocomposites
The effect of age and gender on anti‐saccade performance: Results from a large cohort of healthy aging individuals
anti-aging Potential of Extracts from Washingtonia filifera Seeds. Plants 2021, 10, 151
Open-Label Study Evaluating the anti-aging Effects of a 3-Product, 2-Step Retinol-Rejuvenation System Following 3 Months of Treatment in Subjects With …
Elucidating the anti-aging Ursolic Acid through Evaluation of SIRT1 and SIRT6 in the Mice Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Molecular Imaginaries of aging and Age Intervention: A Discursive Analysis of Popular Science and Technology Coverage of Developments in the Field of anti-aging …
Study on the Factors Influencing of the anti-aging Behaviour in Different Antioxidants/Butadiene Rubber
Influence of Packaging and Stability Test Assessment of an anti-aging Cosmetic Cream
anti-aging effects of sweroside isolated from Nymphoides indica
Nanotechnology in anti-aging: Nutraceutical Delivery and Related Applications
Effect of etched Layered double hydroxides on anti ultraviolet aging properties of bitumen
D-optimal design of experiments and comprehensive rheological analysis in the development of natural anti-aging creams
Long-term treatment with anti-VEGF does not induce cell aging in primary retinal pigment epithelium
Formulation and in vivo Effectiveness Test of Albumin Gel Isolated From White Egg As anti-aging
… similarity-based prediction of the potential active ingredients and mechanism of action of traditional Chinese medicine formulations used to anti-aging
Effects of Three Korean White Ginseng Extracts on Atopic Dermatitis-Related Cytokines, and Antioxidant and anti-aging Activities
New anti-aging and Anti-Wrinkle Material: Properties and Activities of Nanoparticle Containing Poly (Aspartic Acid) Derivatives
Modern methods of anti-aging
Endorphins in anti-aging Activity-Holistic Approach an Emerging Concept
… eliminates the senescent phenotype of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells and creates an anti‐inflammatory and angiogenic environment in aging mice
Property of anti-ultraviolet aging of LDHs modified asphalt
Cellular & anti-aging Biology
Will metformin become the first anti-aging drug
Optimizing Anthocyanins Extraction and the Effect of Cold Plasma Treatment on The anti-aging Potential of Purple Glutinous Rice
The problem of biology and anti-aging: A critical commentary
The problem of biology and anti-aging: A critical
New therapeutic effects of cardiac glycoside: anti-cancer and anti-aging
Difficulties of being young, reflections on anti-aging
Bioactivity and Extraction Method with Ultrasonication of Nelumbo nucifera Linn. anti aging Drinks
Research progress and application outlook of paracrine functions of adipose-derived stem cells in facial anti-aging
Proposal of a Tongue Exercise” Happy Tongue Exercise” for Ability Development (2)-Aiming Also at Effects on anti-aging, Dementia, Dysphagia, and Developmental …
Metabonomics study on anti-aging effect of procyanidin B2 in d-galactose-induced aging in mice.
anti-aging Discourses Targeted at Women in Their 20s-Young Fashion Magazine 『Céci』
Inhibition of mTOR Signalling: A Potential anti-aging Drug Strategy
aging and homeostasis. Development of novel AdipoR-targeted drugs with exercise-mimicking and anti-aging properties.
Aesthetic and anti-aging Medicine World Congress, 3–6 April 2019
anti-aging performance of Au20Sn/Au micro solder joints
Physical Evaluation and anti-aging Effect of Red Bean Ethanolic Extract (Vigna angularis (Wild.) Ohwi & Ohashi) Peel-Off Gel Mask
Excellent Electrical and anti-aging Performance of a Novel 3-Element Mixed Insulation Oil
Molecular Docking and Toxicity Test of Apigenin Derivative Compounds as an anti-aging Agent
The American Academy of anti-aging Medicine Looks Ahead Towards the 28th Annual World Congress
Synthesis and anti-aging property in acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber of non-aromatic dendritic antioxidant with amine groups
Potential Anti-Skin aging Effect of (-)-Catechin Isolated from the Root Bark of Ulmus davidiana var. japonica in Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-Stimulated Normal Human …
anti-aging Effect of Artocarpin in UVA-irradiated Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes
Involvement of the anti-aging protein Klotho in chondrocyte autophagy and apoptosis during osteoarthritis
Single cell profiling reveals PTEN overexpression in influenza-specific B cells in aging HIV-infected individuals on Anti-retroviral Therapy
A Collagen Formula for anti-aging
anti-aging Healthcare Programs at Companies of the Russian Federation Regions: Relevance, Conditions and Algorithm for Successful Implementation
Virtual Prediction of The Effect Phenolic And Glucosinolate Compounds In Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea) On anti-aging As Stimulant Nrf-2
anti-aging Cosmetic Application of Novel Multi-herbal Extract Composed of Nelumbo nucifera Leaves, Saururus chinensis and Orostachys japonica
Susceptibility of aging mice to listeriosis: Role of anti-inflammatory responses with enhanced Treg-cell expression of CD39/CD73 and Th-17 cells
I’m tough: Acadian women’s stories of resilience against the anti-aging movement
Iron-sulfur [2Fe-2S] nitrosyl complexes as new trend in synthesis of donors of nitric oxide for anti-aging therapy
Unmet Need and Challenges of Skin aging by Herbal anti-aging Cosmeceuticals: An Overview
Improvement of the anti-aging test device for electronic components
Social Demand and Future Prospective of’Anti–aging Medicine among Malaysians.
anti-aging gene Klotho ameliorates diabetic nephropathy in mice by inhibiting FGF2 signaling pathway.
Inhibition of p16 INK4A to rejuvenate aging human cardiac progenitor cells via the upregulation of anti-oxidant and NFκB signal pathways
anti-aging effect study of ethyl acetate extract from Folygonum multiflora on Caenorhabditis elegans
Serum variations of anti-mullerian hormone and total testosterone with aging in healthy adult Iranian men: a population-based study
Tolerance to NADH/NAD+ imbalance anticipates aging and anti-aging interventions
Exploring the Negative Attitude in the Study of anti-aging
Caloric Restriction and anti-aging: An Evolutionary Perspective
Anti-Müllerian hormone and ovarian aging in mares
Assessment of anti-aging properties of novel natural compounds-peptide derivatives
New Trends in anti-aging Skin Care
Aesthetic and anti-aging Medicine World Congress, 5–7 April 2018
Study of anti-aging protective effect of catalpol on cultured cortical neurons from rats
Evaluation of anti-aging Activity of the Biofield Energy Treated Novel Test Formulation Using SIRT1 and Telomerase Activity in in Vitro Model
Chromatographic Estimation of Niacinamide in anti aging Dermatological product
The Science Behind NMN-A Stable, Reliable NAD+ Activator and anti-aging Molecule.
anti-aging Interventions: Caloric Restriction and Beyond
The management of Thai traditional medicine services in health services to anti-aging in Bangkok metropolitan region
Role of anti-aging QOL Common Questionnaire in Clinical Medicine
Development of Nanomaterials for anti-aging Applications
anti-aging SECRETS
Telomere Protective Effects of a Cyanobacteria Phycocyanin against Blue Light and UV Irradiations: A Skin anti-aging and Photo-Protective Agent
anti-aging Effects of Sulfur‐Containing Amino Acids and Nutraceuticals
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 1. What is glycative stress?
anti-aging Effect of Cycloheterophyllin in UVA-irradiated Dermal Fibroblasts
Influence of short-term aging on anti-cracking performance of warm modified asphalt at intermediate temperature
Development and Evaluation of an anti-aging Cosmetic Formulation Exploring Antioxidant Potential of Vitis vinifera L.
Antioxidant and Enzyme Inhibitory Activities of Areca catechu, Boesenbergia rotunda, Piper betle and Orthosiphon aristatus for Potential Skin anti-aging Properties.
Role of Siddha Medicine in anti aging (Kaya Karpam)–Literature
anti-aging Effect of Sulfuretin in UVA-irradiated Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes
The failure of “engineered rejuvenation”: laboratory genomics do not translate into precision anti-aging therapies
P1. 02-053 A New Strategy of Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer Based on the Expression of anti-aging Gene Klotho
Facile Synthesis of N-Phenyl Benzamidine Derivatives, Their Skin Protecting, and anti-aging Activity
Initial Review on ICTS Governance for Software anti-aging
The role of anti-aging Medicine promoting “Dynamic Engagement of All Citizens.”
The Ancient anti-aging Secret
anti-aging mechanisms may prevent development of Alzheimer’s disease
Allosteric SIRT1 activators as putative anti-aging drugs
Bentonite-Coated Pillows for anti-aging
anti aging controllable true random number generator for secured AES-based crypto system
Mo-Fe/NbFeSb Thermoelectric Junctions: Anti-Thermal aging Interface and Low Contact Resistivity
anti-aging effects of Kangshuailing ointment and its mechanism
… -polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes onto the surface of carbon fibers and the effects on the interfacial properties and anti-hydrothermal aging behaviors of silicone …
Essay about Homo Juventus: A Brief History about the Formation of anti-aging Medicines Discourses Between 19th and 20th Centuries
aging-related repositioned drugs, donepezil and sildenafil citrate, increase apoptosis of anti-mitotic drug-resistant KBV20C cells through different molecular …
The SkepDoc: The Fountain of Youth and Other anti-aging Myths
The Anti-skin-aging effect of oral administration of gelatin from the swim bladder of Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii)
anti-aging pharmacology: promises and pitfalls
Screening of proteins based on macro-algae from West Java coast in Indonesian marine as a potential anti-aging agent
How to look your best this year: anti-aging skin strategies to share with your patient
The Linguistic Characteristics in anti-aging Cosmetic Advertisements
Maple Leaves Help anti-aging
Role of PGE-2 and other inflammatory mediators in skin aging and their inhibition by topical natural anti-inflammatories
anti-aging Nutrition for Eyes
The effect of resistance training intervention on serum levels of some anti-aging and rejuvenating proteins in older men
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 8. Glycative stress and arteriosclerotic disease.
Monitoring the effect on anti-aging treatment using Raman spectroscopy with paraffin-embedded skin samples
Stem cells for regenerative medicine and anti-aging
Is Rapamycin an Effective anti-aging Drug?
… pot strategy for covalent construction of POSS-modified silane layer on carbon fiber to enhance interfacial properties and anti-hydrothermal aging behaviors of PPBES …
New heterocyclic polyphenols with skin anti-aging potential
internet guide to anti aging and longevity
anti-aging Effects of Flavonoids from Portulaca oleracea L.
anti-aging by longitudinal magnetic waves: A new approach by modulating ATP-Levels
Mitochondria-targeted rechargeable antioxidants as potential anti-aging drugs
Determination of alpha-Tocopherol Acetate in an anti-aging Cosmetic Cream by Gas Chromatography
P2. 03-33 anti-aging Gene, Klotho is a Predictive Factor of Pemetrexed for Lung Cancer Treatment
AdipoRon: An anti-diabetes and anti-aging drug
Thermodynamic and electrostatic analysis of Flavonol and tocopherol analogues in anti-aging products
Anti-NGF does not change physical activity in normal young or aging mice but does increase activity in mice with skeletal pain
Research on Sports anti-aging Promoting the Development of Sports Science and Technology for the Aged
Microstructure and fretting wear of laser cladding self-lubricating anti-wear composite coatings on TA2 alloy after aging treatment
A Prospective Study of Knowledge and Perception towards the Efficacy of anti-aging Cosmetics among Female Population of Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
The Effect of Content and Model Type in Sidebar Advertising on Middle-Aged Women’s Online Purchases and anti-aging Products
Essential Oil Composition and in Vitro anti-aging Potential of Elettariopsis Wandokthong Rhizome
Effects of anti-aging Additives on anti-aging Resistance of PA6
Radiation-protective agent and anti-aging agents: random and predictable matches.
Evaluation of Efficacy of Advanced Sign anti aging Cream in Imparting anti aging Attributes: An Open Label Three Arms, Monocentric Comparative Study
anti-aging Liposomal formulation: A Mini Review
Gene Expression and Epigenetic Regulations in Reshimax anti-aging Effect
Researching Medical Properties and Classification Model of anti-aging Traditional Chinese Medicine
Reply to:“Comment on ‘anti-aging effects of ingenol mebutate for patients with actinic keratosis’ and phenol-croton oil peelings”
Organ Regeneration and anti-aging Strategies
Evaluation of the effect of anti-pollution & anti-aging eye cream on the collagen contraction
Antioxidant, Anti-tyrosinase, anti-aging Potentials and Safety of Arabica Coffee Cherry Extract
Anti-skin-aging activity of a standardized extract from Panax ginseng leaves in vitro and in human volunteer
Adult Stem Cells Show anti-aging Potential: Longeveron-Grown Stem Cells Advance on aging Frailty and Related Disabilities
anti-aging Cosmetics and Skin Barrier
Mechanisms under Metformin and Rapamycin as anti-aging Drugs
Research progress of aromatic polyurethane in anti-aging
anti-aging‘of Fashion Brands with Sustained Longevity in Korea: A Qualitative Research on Self-Diagnosis and Treatment of Brand aging
anti-aging Effects of Carboxymethyl Chitosan in Caenorhabditis elegans
In vitro anti-aging Activities of Centotheca lappacea (L) desv.(Ya Repair) Extract
Evaluation of anti-aging-like Activity in Tigernuts (Cyperus esculentus)
Study of anti-aging Effectiveness and Irritation of Day Cream Containing Tetrahydrocurcumin
Antidiabetic Biguanides as anti-aging Drugs
Study on anti-UV aging mechanism of PP-g-AN in the PP/PP-g-AN blend
anti aging cosmetic dentistry: non-surgical bio-lifting, perioral aesthetics with BPFC® BioPlasma®. case series
The effect of vitamin D supplementation on plasma levels of anti-aging protein in elderly
Study on anti-aging mechanism of Rosa davurica Pall. based on differential gene expression in Drosophila model
The Molecular Mechanism of Urolithin in anti-aging and Vitamin D Pathways
Noisy voter model with partial aging and anti-aging
Anti-fatigue Effect of Anwulignan on aging Mice
Study on preparation process of an anti-aging Chinese herbal compound healthy beverage
anti-aging Activity of Xylaria striata in Drosophila melanogaster
LED & Skin Barrier Fuction: Light-based anti-aging Technology
Effects of Skin anti-aging Wellness Program on Factors Related to Wellness Index and Skin Health
Anti-Apoptotic Effects of Diosgenin in D-Galactose-Induced aging Brain
New Progress in Ginseng anti-aging Effects on Blood and Cardiovascular System
Accelerated stability testing of anti-aging cream: Formation of myristic acid and stearic acid as degradation products
Analysis of anti-aging performance of coffee ground charcoal modified asphalt based on rheological parameters.
Expression of pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines during the ovulatory cycle and effects of aging on their expression in the uterine mucosa of laying …
Glycative stress and anti-aging 5. Glycative stress and receptors for AGEs as ligands.
Anti-skin aging Effect of Pleurotus citrinopileatus Extracts
The New Fountain of Youth? The anti-aging Potential of Genome Editing
Diversity and anti-aging activity of endophytic bacteria from true mangrove plants collected from the west coast of Hainan
Experimental and clinical studies of mechanisms of the anti-aging effects of chemical compounds in Astragalus membranaceus (review).
anti-aging Effects of Rosa damascena Extract Containing Low Molecular Glycoprotein
Study on the Prospect and the Tactic of the Brand New Field Called “Stem Cell anti-aging” of Biotechnology in China
Enjoy these chapters as much as I have. They jointly constitute a com-prehensive and invaluable primer in the current state of pharmacological anti-aging medicine.
anti-aging effects of plant extracts on skin and brain in hairless mice
anti-aging medicine needs adequate perspectives including sarcopenia, dynapenia, arteriosclerosis, insulin resistance, and protein intake
Exercise-A Cerebral anti-aging Cure?
Comparing anti aging Potential Between Centella asiatica and Acalypha indica: Focus on Forelimb Muscle Strength
The anti-aging factor GDF11 has both direct and indirect effects on mouse neural stem cells (P5. 089)
Isoflavones-Based Liposome Formulations as anti-aging for Skincare
Current Perspective in the Discovery of anti-aging Agents from Natural Products
Critical gate identification algorithm for anti-aging gate replacement technology
… -Reported Outcomes of Chemotherapy Involving Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Evaluation by Questionnaires of Quality of Life Regarding anti-aging and Anti …
Design of anti-aging and healthcare food based on medicinal property combination
The anti-stress and anti-aging effects of phosphatidylcholine in C. elegans
The Progress of Tea Polysaccharide Effect on anti-aging of Antioxidant
anti-aging Therapy: Can We Age Cancer Cells So they Stop Growing?
Diversity and anti-aging activity of endophytic actinobacteria from associated mangrove plants collected from west coast of Hainan
In vitro anti-aging Activities of Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) Blood Extracts
1P-571 Synthesis of vitamin A derivatives for the production of anti-aging cosmetic raw materials
anti-aging Medicine Has Axes to Be Explored in Oxidation, Intestinal Flora and Glycation
1P-570: Synthesis of retinol derivatives for anti-aging cosmetic ingredients
Species diversity and anti-aging activity of actinobacteria from four true mangrove rhizosphere soils in the west coast of Hainan
anti-aging Effect on Skin of Autologous Transplantation of Tissue Fragments from Thawed Cryopreserved Ovaries
anti-aging food that improves markers of health in senior dogs by modulating gut microbiota and metabolite profiles
Role of anti-aging gene klotho in oral and gastro-intestinal cancers
Achievements and Advantages of Mongolian Medicine Moxibustion Therapy for anti-aging Research
Diversity and anti-aging activity of endophytic actinobacteria from true mangrove plants collected from the west coast of Hainan
Potential Skin anti-aging Effects of Korean Medicinal Plant Extracts
Recent Trends on Telomerase Activators, Sirtuin Activators, and Senolytics as a Potential anti-aging Agent
anti-aging effect of simvastatin on retinas of rats and its potential mechanisms
An Overview of Geriatric Care and Concept of anti-aging in Unani System of Medicine
Studies Examining the anti-aging Effects of Fullerenes
Study on anti-aging effect of theanine in mice
Recommendations of the polish society of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine concerning the application of fillers in difficult areas: eye, glabella and temple
Fabrication of anti-water hard and anti-aging optical film based on plastic lens
Let’s aim at our healthy longevity with positive thinking (resilience): The results of 351 subjects enrolled in anti-aging Medical Survey
HDAC Inhibitors: A New Avenue in anti-aging Medicine
Research on anti-aging Performance to UV Radiation of Bitumen with Nanometer TiO_2
Effect of Electrical Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Control Systemic Inflammation and anti-aging Hormone on Elder
anti-aging compounds in Latvian wild growing plant of Fallopia japonica
Relationship between aerobic fitness, antioxidant capacity and the anti-aging hormone, Klotho
Neuroprotective profiles of anti-aging gene Klotho in Alzheimer disease mouse model
Facial muscle rehabilitation treatment: A new magic horizon for facial anti-aging
A Chemically and Electrochemically Bifunctional Mobile Catalyst for anti-aging Lithium-Oxygen Batteries
HUVECs with KNDC1 knockout mediated by CRISPR/Cas9 have anti-aging ability
Use of Fetal Stem Cells for anti-aging and Rejuvenation Therapy. J Regen Med 6: 1
The Science Behind the anti-aging Effects of Facial Cupping
Strong Memory, Sharp Mind: anti-aging Strategies for Your Brain
Chemical characterization and development of anti-aging ingredients from Sclerocarya birrea and Ficus sycomorus
P001: Cold atmospheric plasma prevents wrinkle formation via an anti-aging process
Effect of ethanol extract from mixture including Angelicae Dahuricae Radix on Dermal anti-aging and Whitening
Development of a stable dermal delivery system for an anti-aging peptide
Derivatization of the low-priced commercial retinol for the anti-aging cosmetics
A New Sustainable anti-aging Product Using Aquaponics Technology
Diesel particle induces aging phenotype of bronchial epithelial cells via disruption of anti-aging molecule
anti-aging Effects of Algae-derived Bioactive Substances
Ameliorative effect of urolithin A on d-gal-induced liver and kidney damage in aging mice via its antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic properties
Influence of Nano ZnO on anti-aging Property of Polypropylene Material
Macadamia Nuts Oil in Nanocream and Conventional Cream as Skin anti-aging: A Comparative Study. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2019 Nov 30; 7 (22) …
Examination of Significant Binder aging Due to the Use of Different Anti-Stripping Additives in Polymer and CRM Asphalt Mixtures Using GPC
Optimization of the extracting parameters of mulberry polysaccharide and its anti-aging activity study
The effect of anti-aging agents in skin oxidative stress induced by UV Radiation in vivo
The effect of vitamin D supplementation on plasma levels of anti-aging protein Klotho in elderly
anti-aging nanoformulation with extract of Myrtus communis L.
anti-aging Effects of 1-Deoxynojirimycin on Caenorhabditis elegans
An Open Label, Prospective, Clinical Study to Evaluatee the anti-aging Effects and the Safety of a Novel Ccosmetic Facial Day Cream
… on the anti-wheel impact performance of steel fiber and reticular polypropylene synthetic fiber reinforced airport pavement concrete under elevated temperature aging …
anti-aging effect of aqueous extract from Astragalus membranaceus on Drosophila melanogaster
anti-aging Friction of Carbonate Fault Mirror and its Microstructural Interpretation
anti-aging effect of the water extract from the Taishan forsythia flowers
The anti-aging Effects of the BDNF Polymorphism in Midlife Female C57/BL6 Mice.
Whole Body Vibration Training as the Novel anti-aging Trend in Medicine and Gerontology and its Impact on the Immune Status of an Elderly Person
Old functional cosmetics (whitening, anti-aging and sun-protecting)
“Deepening” Insight on Skin aging and Anti-microbial Immunity
South Korean Older Consumers’ Negative Age Stereotype, anti-aging Needs and Consumption-Coping Behavior
anti-aging Substances from Maca Supercritical Extract
Role of the anti-aging Hormone Klotho in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Is Propanediol a safer molecule than some other glycols in personal care and anti-aging biocosmeceutical products?
Derivatization of Commercial Vitamin A to Develop the Bio-based anti-aging cosmetic materials
… agent, OKN-007, reverses long-term neuroinflammatory responses in a rat encephalopathy model as assessed by multi-parametric MRI: implications for aging …
Development of anti-aging Products (Anti-Wrinkle) like Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Materials using Supercritical Heat-Treated Extract Radish
S-Adenosylmethionine Metabolism: A Promising Avenue in anti-aging Medicine?
The Role of Resveratrol as Potent Antioxidant for anti-aging Formulation Development: A Review
Anti-Oxidant Nutrients and Nutraceuticals in aging
Study on Skin anti-aging Used by Aronia Melanocarpa Berry Extract
L-histidine and L-carnosine exert anti-brain aging effects in D-galactose-induced aged neuronal cells
anti-aging skin and antioxidant assays of protein hydrolysates obtained from salted shrimp fermented with Salinivibrio cibaria BAO-01
A Chemically and Electrochemically Bifunctional Mobile Catalyst for anti-aging Lithium-Oxygen Batteries
Dissecting Anti-Cancer and anti-aging Mechanisms via the C. elegans-microbiota-drug-interaction
Role of anti-aging factor and reactive sulfur species in the pathogenesis of COPD
Effects of water aging on the mechanical and anti-biofilm properties of glass-ionomer cement containing dimethylaminododecyl methacrylate
anti-aging Effect on Skin of Autologous Transplantation of Tissue Fragments from Thawed Cryopreserved Ovaries
The effect of vitamin D supplementation on plasma levels of anti-aging protein Klotho in elderly
Clinical Study on the anti-aging Effect of a Cream Containing Ginseng Root Extract and L-Carnosine
Anti-skin aging activities of green tea (Camelliasinensis (L) Kuntze) in B16F10 melanoma cells and human skin fibroblasts
anti-aging Effect of Caffeic Acid Conjugated With Peptide Biomaterials
Effects of Osmanthus fragrans alcohol extract on life-span and anti-aging for female fruit fly
Comparing the effects of eggshell membrane, olive oil, or castor oil as a skin anti-aging agent
Preparation of a Nano-TiO₂-Loaded Antioxidant and Its anti-aging Performance against UV/O₃ in Thermoplastic Vulcanizates
Heat Induced by Visible Light Promotes anti-aging Effect in the Skin of Mice
The Cytoprotective and Cell Recovery Properties of Apple Extracts on H2O2 induced-NIH3T3 Cells: An anti aging Candidate
anti-aging Performance Experiment of HDPE Impervious Membrane in Drilling Wastewater Tanks
5-Year Review on the Mechanism of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on anti-aging
Antioxidant activity and skin anti-aging effect of Schisandra chinensis hot-water extract
A Comparative Study on anti-aging Effect of Trapa japonica Flerov. Extract (TE) and Enzyme-Modified Extract (EMTE)
anti-aging and hydration efficacy of a cross-linked hyaluronic acid microstructure patch
Extraction Process of Panax Ginseng and Pueraria Lobata anti-aging Compound Prescripation
The anti-aging Effects of Low Oxygen Tension Generated Multipotent Growth Factor Containing Serum.
anti-aging effect and gene expression profiling of Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) queen glycosaminoglycan in aged rats
Stability and anti-aging effect of oligomeric proanthocyanidin from Rhodiola rosea L.
Recent adventures with porous materials: triggered release and anti-aging membranes
anti-aging benefits of a 3-step skincare regimen for the treatment of acne vulgaris in adult women Robert Bianchini, PhD, BS, Katie Rodan, MD, Rodan and Fields …
Anti-apoptotic properties of carbon monoxide in porcine oocyte during in vitro aging
… protect thymus structure and function in aged C57 mice by downregulating aging-related genes and upregulating autophagy-and anti-oxidative stress-related …
Influence of aging on severity and anti-inflammatory treatment of experimental dry eye disease
Effect of water aging on the anti-biofilm properties of glass ionomer cement containing fluoro-zinc-silicate fillers
Steaming and Ultrasonic extraction conditions for enhancing the ginsenoside contents and anti-aging efficacy of the Ginseng sprout leaf/stem
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory modulation of exercise during aging
1P-566 Self-Assembly of Retinoic acid-conjugated Polyaspartamide for anti-aging
Accelerated aging tests and characterizations of innovated anti-soiling coatings for solar receiver glasses
Effect of shelf aging on vibration transmissibility of anti-vibration gloves
Pharmacogenetic Analysis of the Model‐Based Pharmacokinetics of Five Anti‐HIV Drugs: How Does This Influence the Effect of aging?
Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients and Nutraceuticals for Active and Healthy aging
Anti Cutaneous aging Effect of Red Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) Extract on Gene Expression of Human Dermal Fibroblast
Anti-skin aging Potential of Alcoholic Extract of Phragmites communis Rhizome
Maintenance of membrane organization in the aging mouse brain as the determining factor for preventing receptor dysfunction and for improving response to anti …
Inula Britannica flower total flavonoids reduces the apoptosis of aging bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells by anti-oxidation
aging of the crystalline lens from the viewpoint of anti-glycation and anti-oxidation
In Vitro Evaluation of The Antioxidant and Anti-Skin aging Properties of Green Algal Sulfated Polysaccharides
Anti-Oxidative Activity of Alcohol-Water Extracts from Field Horsetail (Equisteum arvense) in Elastomer Vulcanizates Subjected to Accelerated aging Processes
Tissue fibrosis, aging and the potential use of cannabinoids as anti-fibrotic agents
Anti-Thermal Skin aging Activity of Aqueous Extracts Derived from Apple Mint (Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.) in Human Dermal Fibroblasts
Anti-proliferative Effects of Traditional Korean Doenjang across Different aging Periods on Cancer Cell Lines
Evaluation for Properties of Anti-Corrosion Epoxy Coating after Photo-Oxidation aging
Effect of aging on the anti-Tumor Activity of GITRL-Fc
Anti-inflammatory Dietary Ingredients, Medicinal Plants, and Herbs Exert Beneficial Health Effects in aging
The benefit of anti-inflammatory and renal-protective dietary ingredients on the biological processes of aging in the kidney
Anti-protein immunoglobulin M responses to pneumococcus are not associated with aging
Effect of short-term aging on the anti-cracking performance of stone matrix asphalt reinforced by basalt fibers
Preparation and Anti-ultraviolet aging Performance of Organic Layered Double Hydroxides/Bitumen Composites
The synthesis of novel Schiff base antioxidants to promote anti-thermal aging properties of natural rubber
Anti-adipogenicand cytoprotectiveeffects of CTHRC1 and its potential role in the regulation of aging
Non-enzymatic softening of Calendula officinalis L. petals and its anti-skin aging effect for food materialization
Synergistic Anti-Skin aging Effect of Adipose-derived Stem Cell and Fat Graft
Anti-oxidative effects of nicotinamide mononucleotide, a regulator of aging, on rat high glucose-induced tenocytes in vitro
Comparison between thermo-oxidative aging and pure thermal aging of an industrial elastomer for anti-vibration automotive applications
Anti-skin-aging Effect of Mori Folium through decreased Advanced glycation end product (AGEs)
Electro-Acupuncture ameliorates memory and learning in induced brain aging via antioxidant, anti-apoptotic and anti-stress properties.
Anti-thermal aging ability of low density polyethylene enhanced by MgO nanoparticles
Study on the Anti-poverty Problem of Rural Elderly Population under the Background of aging of Population
Single Cell Profiling Reveals PTEN Overexpression in Influenza-Specific B cells in aging HIV-infected individuals on Anti-retroviral Therapy
In vitro Anti-skin-aging effects of dried pomegranate concentrated powder
… Effect for Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics Alone and with Co-administration of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs in Association with aging Using Japanese Adverse …
Preparation and Properties of Anti-Light Oxygen aging Modified Asphalt
The possible role of insulin resistance in brain changes induced by experimental aging in rats: modulatory effect of certain anti-diabetics
Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) trajectories in reproductive aged african-american women: findings from the study of ovarian aging and reserve (SOAR)
β‐Hydroxybutyrate (βOHB) Activates Gpr109a to Contribute to the Anti‐vascular aging Effect of Autophagy
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory modulation of exercise during aging [Modulación antioxidante y antiinflamatoria del ejercicio físico durante el envejecimiento]
Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Synthesis Contributes to the Anti-Vascular aging Effect of Autophagy
Abstract P141: aging in Mice Enhances Microvascular Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) That Impair the Anti-Contractile Actions of Perivascular Adipose Tissue (PVAT)
Study on the anti-fatigue effect and mechanism of cistanche deserticola polysaccharide on D-galactose-induced aging mice
Sarrah is an aging-Regulated Anti-Apoptotic Long Non-Coding RNA in Cardiomyocytes that Augments Recovery From Acute Myocardial Infarction
anchor institutions, 155–57, 161, 273 Annie E. Casey Foundation, 267 Anti-Displacement Portland (ADPDX), 34–41 Area Agencies on aging (AAAs), 209, 212, 214 …
Anti‐apoptotic effect of Korean ginseng extract on aging‐induced ovary via inhibition of p63 signaling pathway in mouse
Review of anti-inflammatory dietary recommendations for adults and active aging populations who are able to engage in high-intensity exercise for weight …
Upregulation of Anti-Oxidant Signal Pathway and Cytokine Release by Inhibition of p16INK4a in aging Human Cardiac Progenitor Cells
… Journal of Epidemiology 2012; 8 (1): 14-20. 2. Minichiello V, Coulson I. Contemporary issues in gerontology: promoting positive aging. Crows Nest, NSW …
… Oil of Dorema ammoniacum Gum as an Anti-seizure, Anti-Nociceptive, And Hypnotic Agent with Memory- enhancing Properties in D-Galactose Induced aging Mice
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