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Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s
Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s
Neuroprotective effects of flavonoids and polyphenols
A berry thought-provoking idea: the potential role of plant polyphenols in the treatment of age-related cognitive disorders
A bird’s-eye view of the multiple biochemical mechanisms that propel pathology of Alzheimer’s disease: recent advances and mechanistic perspectives on …
A blueberry extract-supplemented diet rescues phenotypes in drosophila melanogaster models of parkinson disease
A Comparative Study on the Phenolic Composition and Biological Activities of Morus alba L. Commercial Samples
A Comparison of the Antioxidant Activity with the Total Phenolic and Total flavonoid contents of the Leaves and Stem-bark of Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC.) Guill& Pirr …
A comprehensive database and analysis framework to incorporate multiscale data types and enable integrated analysis of bioactive polyphenols
A comprehensive review on phytochemistry, pharmacology, and flavonoid biosynthesis of Scutellaria baicalensis
A Current Understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease and the Prospects of Phytopharmacological Intervention as a Management Strategy
A meta-analysis of tea drinking and risk of Parkinson’s disease
A molecular approach in drug development for Alzheimer’s disease
A Narrative Review of Lifestyle Factors Associated with Parkinson’s Disease Risk and Progression
A Novel GSK3β Inhibitor Reduces Tau Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease
A Paradigm Shift to Prevent and Treat Alzheimer’s Disease: From Monotargeting Pharmaceuticals to Pleiotropic Plant Polyphenols
A pharmacological appraisal of neuroprotective and neurorestorative flavonoids against Neurodegenerative diseases
A review of antioxidant and pharmacological properties of phenolic compounds in Acacia confusa
A Review of Antioxidants and Alzheimer
A review of antioxidants and Alzheimer’s disease
A review of genome mutation and Alzheimer’s disease
A review on cholinesterase inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease
A Review on Current Strategies and Future Perspective in Respect to Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment
A review on iron chelators as potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
A Review on Medicinal Plants for Alzheimer’s disease
A review on mitochondrial restorative mechanism of antioxidants in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological conditions
A review on potential mechanisms of Terminalia chebula in Alzheimer’s disease
A review on tacrine-based scaffolds as multi-target drugs (MTDLs) for Alzheimer’s disease
A review on the beneficial effects of tea polyphenols on human health
A review on the status of the phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of the flour: Effects of cereal processing
A review–probable mechanism of action of curcumin for the treatment of Alzheimer disease (AD)
A review: inflammatory process in Alzheimer’s disease, role of cytokines
A small molecule ApoE4-targeted therapeutic candidate that normalizes sirtuin 1 levels and improves cognition in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
A Study on the Role of Mimosa Pudica (Thottar Chinungi) on the Experimental Models of Parkinsonism (Nadukku Vatham)
A synopsis on the linkage between age-related dementias and vascular disorders
A systematic review on the role of natural products in modulating the pathways in Alzheimer’s disease
Acacetin—A simple flavone exhibiting diverse pharmacological activities
Accumulation of citrus flavanones in bovine milk following citrus pulp incorporation into the diet of dairy cows
Acetyl-cholinesterase Inhibition by Extracts and Isolated Flavones from Linaria reflexa Desf. (Scrophulariaceae)
Acetylated flavonoid Glycosides Potentiating NGF Action from Scoparia dulcis
Activation of pro‐survival Akt and ERK1/2 signalling pathways underlie the anti‐apoptotic effects of flavanones in cortical neurons
Acute effects of flavonoid-rich blueberry on cognitive and vascular function in healthy older adults
Adult‐onset brain tumors and neurodegeneration: Are polyphenols protective?
Advancement of multi-target drug discoveries and promising applications in the field of Alzheimer’s disease
Advances in multi-functional ligands and the need for metal-related pharmacology for the management of Alzheimer disease
Advances in research on active constituents of Chinese materia medica in treatment of Alzheimer’s disease [J]
Agathisflavone, a flavonoid derived from Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.), enhances neuronal population and protects against glutamate excitotoxicity
Age-related cognitive impairment as a sign of geriatric neurocardiovascular interactions: may polyphenols play a protective role?
Aging risk factors and Parkinson’s disease: contrasting roles of common dietary constituents
Alcohol Consumption in Predementia and dementia Syndromes
Alcohol intake and risk of dementia
Alcohol, wine and mental health: focus on dementia and stroke
Alcoholic beverages and incidence of dementia: 34-year follow-up of the prospective population study of women in Göteborg
Almond, hazelnut and walnut, three nuts for neuroprotection in Alzheimer’s disease: A neuropharmacological review of their bioactive constituents
Alpha-secretase ADAM10 regulation: insights into Alzheimer’s disease treatment
Alpha-Synuclein and synuceinopathies as related to Parkinson’s disease
Alpha-synuclein oligomers—neurotoxic molecules in Parkinson’s disease and other Lewy body disorders
Altered Micro-RNA Regulation and Neuroprotection Activity of Eremostachys labiosiformis in Alzheimer’s Disease Model
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease Novel Therapeutic Target: The Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier-Ligand Docking to Screen Natural Compounds Related to Classic …
Alzheimer’s Dementia: Can It Be Prevented?
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) genes: Enrichment in cancer genes and those related to comorbid conditions, risk factors (pollution and pathogens) or beneficial agents …
Alzheimer’s Disease & Treatment
Alzheimer’s Disease & Treatment
Alzheimer’s Disease & Treatment
Alzheimer’s Disease & Treatment, Vol. 1
Alzheimer’s disease and antioxidant therapy: how long how far?
Alzheimer’s disease and its current treatments; Is there a possibility for a cure
Alzheimer’s Disease and Metal Contamination: Aspects on Genotoxicity
Alzheimer’s disease and natural products: Future regimens emerging from nature
Alzheimer’s disease and other Neurodegenerative disorders
Alzheimer’s Disease and Oxidative Stress
Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease: A Nutritional Toxicology Perspective of the Impact of Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Nutrigenomics and …
Alzheimer’s Disease and the Main Aspects-Literature Review
Alzheimer’s disease as oligomeropathy
Alzheimer’s Disease Pharmacotherapy in Relation to Cholinergic System Involvement
Alzheimer’s Disease Theranostics
Alzheimer’s disease, amnestic mild cognitive impairment, and age-associated memory impairment: current understanding and progress toward integrative prevention.
Alzheimer’s Disease, Drosophila melanogaster and Polyphenols
Alzheimer’s disease, neuroinflammation and the influence of different combinations of nutrients
Alzheimer’s disease: A challenge in managing with certain medicinal plants-Areview
Alzheimer’s disease: a journey from amyloid peptides and oxidative stress, to biomarker technologies and disease prevention strategies—gains from AIBL …
Alzheimer’s Disease: An Approach for Non-Pharmacological Therapies
Alzheimer’s disease: biological aspects, therapeutic perspectives and diagnostic tools
Alzheimer’s Disease: Early Diagnosis & Fundamental Therapeutics
Alzheimer’s disease: from pathology to therapeutic approaches
Alzheimer’s disease: redox dysregulation as a common denominator for diverse pathogenic mechanisms
Alzheimer’s disease: the pros and cons of pharmaceutical, nutritional, botanical, and stimulatory therapies, with a discussion of treatment strategies from the …
Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
Ameliorating effect of ethanol leaf extract of Ficus hispida Linn. on amyloid beta Aβ (25-35) induced cognitive deficits and oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s mice
Amelioration of 6-Hydroxydopamine-Lesion Induced Neurotoxicity by Different Extracts of Ocimum sanctum Leaves in Rodent Model of Parkinson’s Disease
Amelioration of cognitive impairment and neurodegeneration by catechin hydrate in rat model of streptozotocin-induced experimental dementia of Alzheimer’s type
Amentoflavone Ameliorates Aβ1–42-Induced Memory Deficits and oxidative stress in Cellular and Rat Model
Amentoflavone protects dopaminergic neurons in MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease model mice through PI3K/Akt and ERK signaling pathways
Amentoflavone suppresses amyloid β1–42 neurotoxicity in Alzheimer’s disease through the inhibition of pyroptosis
AMP‐activated protein kinase: a potential player in Alzheimer’s disease
Amyloid A-Beta Peptide: In-Cell Studies and Mechanism of Polyphenol-Based Inhibition to Aggregation
Amyloid precursor protein‐mediated free radicals and oxidative damage: Implications for the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease
Amyloid β-Peptide (1–42)-Induced oxidative stress in Alzheimer Disease: Importance in Disease Pathogenesis and Progression
Amyloid β-protein assembly as a therapeutic target of Alzheimer’s disease
Amyloid‐β deposition in Alzheimer transgenic mice is associated with oxidative stress
An alternative approach to drug discovery for Alzheimer’s disease dementia
An Evaluation of Cholesterol-lowering Effect of Soy Protein and Isoflavones on Postmenopausal Women and Hypercholesterolemic Humans.
An Overview of Parkinson’s Disease and Oxidative Stress: Herbal Scenario
An overview of the possible therapeutic role of SUMOylation in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
An overview on global trends in nanotechnological approaches for Alzheimer therapy
An overview on potential neuroprotective compounds for management of Alzheimer’s disease
An overview on therapeutics attenuating amyloid β level in Alzheimer’s disease: Targeting neurotransmission, inflammation, oxidative stress and enhanced …
An update on plant-originated treatment for Alzheimer’s disease
An updated review on Anti-Alzheimer’s herbal drugs
Analgesic and acetylcholinesterase inhibition potential of polyphenols from Scolopia crenata (Flacourtiaceae): An endemic medicinal plant of India
Analysis of amino acid and phenolic content in honey by UPLC-ESI-MS/MS
Analysis of technological developments in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease through patent documents
Anatomic and Disease Specificity of NADH CoQ1 Reductase (Complex I) Deficiency in Parkinson’s Disease
Anesthesia Implications of the Use of Essential Oils in Alzheimer’s Dementia
Animal models of Parkinson’s disease: a gateway to therapeutics?
Anthocyanins Potentially Contribute to Defense against Alzheimer’s Disease
Anthocyanins restore behavioral and biochemical changes caused by streptozotocin-induced sporadic dementia of Alzheimer’s type
Anti-acetylcholinesterase and antioxidant activities and HPLC-MS analysis of polyphenol from extracts of Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spreng.
Anti-adipogenic Effect of a Dietary flavonoid Fisetin in 3T3-L1 Cells
Anti-aging and anti-aggregation properties of polyphenolic compounds in C. elegans
Anti-Alzheimer potential of Green Moong Bean
Anti-Alzheimer’s studies on β-sitosterol isolated from Polygonum hydropiper L.
Anti-amnesic Effect of Leea indica Extract in Scopolamine-induced Amnesia of Alzheimer’s Type in Rats
Anti-amyloidogenic activity of tannic acid and its activity to destabilize Alzheimer’s β-amyloid fibrils in vitro
Anti-amyloidogenic effects of antioxidants: implications for the prevention and therapeutics of Alzheimer’s disease
Anti-amyloidogenic properties of some phenolic compounds
Anti-Demential Effect of EGB 761 on dementia Induced Wistar Rats
Anti-Inflammatory Agents in Parkinson’s Disease
Anti-inflammatory and immune therapy for Alzheimer’s disease: current status and future directions
Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of dietary flavonoids
Anti-inflammatory Effects of flavonoid Compounds on TNBS-induced Acute Colitis in Rats
Anti-inflammatory effects of flavonoids in Neurodegenerative disorders
Anti-inflammatory Effects of O-methylated Flavonoid
Anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-Alzheimer’s effects of prenylated flavonoids from Okinawa propolis: an investigation by experimental and computational …
Anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and prebiotic properties of dietary flavonoids
Anti-neuroinflammatory potential of natural products in attenuation of Alzheimer’s disease
Anti-Parkinson potential of silymarin: mechanistic insight and therapeutic standing
Anti-Parkinsonian drug discovery from herbal medicines: what have we got from neurotoxic models?
Antiaging Interventions: An Insight into Polyphenols and Brain Aging
Antiapoptotic role of Agaricus blazei extract in rodent model of Parkinson’s disease
Antidementic activity of Brassica oleracea l. var. Italica (brassicaceae) flower on memory deficit in young male rats
Antidepressant flavonoids and their relationship with oxidative stress
Antihepatotoxic, nephroprotective, and antioxidant activities of phenolic compounds from Satureja macrostema leaves against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic …
Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of ethanolic extract of Caesalpinia bonducella seeds
Antioxidant activity of selected phenols estimated by ABTS and FRAP methods.
Antioxidant Activity of Wine Polyphenols for Alzheimer Prevention
Antioxidant and anti‐inflammatory properties of the citrus flavonoids hesperidin and hesperetin: an updated review of their molecular mechanisms and experimental …
Antioxidant and Anticholinesterase Activities of Macrosphyra Longistyla (DC) Hiern Relevant in the Management of Alzheimer’s Disease
Antioxidant and Choline Esterase Inhibitory Activity of Phenolic Rich Extracts from Bombax ceiba L. Flowers.
Antioxidant and neuroprotective Effects of Synthetic Curcumin Analogues and Natural Phenolics
Antioxidant and neuroprotective properties of blueberry polyphenols: a critical review
Antioxidant and pro-oxidant effects of polyphenolic compounds and structure-activity relationship evidence
Antioxidant Capacity and Behavioral Relevance of a Polyphenolic Extract of Chrysanthellum americanum in a Rat Model of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Antioxidant Capacity is Decreased in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients
ANTIOXIDANT EFFECT OF flavonoids IN Neurodegenerative DISEASES.
Antioxidant effect of flavonoids present in Euterpe oleracea Martius and Neurodegenerative diseases: A literature review
Antioxidant neuroprotection in Alzheimer’s disease as preventive and therapeutic approach
Antioxidant Nutraceuticals and Parkinson’s Disease
Antioxidant phenolic constituents from Parthenocissus tricuspidata
Antioxidant plant polyphenols and cognitive disorders
Antioxidant properties of Crocus sativus L. and its constituents and relevance to Neurodegenerative diseases; focus on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
Antioxidant properties of natural polyphenols and their therapeutic potentials for Alzheimer’s disease
Antioxidant therapy in Alzheimer’s disease: theory and practice
Antioxidants and Alzheimer’s disease: from bench to bedside (and back again)
Antioxidants and dementia risk: consideration through a cerebrovascular perspective
Antioxidants as a potential therapy against age-related Neurodegenerative diseases: amyloid beta toxicity and Alzheimer’s disease
Antioxidants in the Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Antioxidants, diet, polyphenols and dementia
Apolipoprotein ε-4 as a genetic determinant of Alzheimer’s disease heterogeneity
Apples and their products effect on neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease
Application of yeast to study the tau and amyloid-β abnormalities of Alzheimer’s disease
Applying Epigenetics to Alzheimer’s Disease via the Latent Early–life Associated Regulation (LEARn) Model
Applying transcriptomic and proteomic knowledge to Parkinson’s disease drug discovery
Approaches Based on Cholinergic Hypothesis and Cholinesterase Inhibitors in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Are polyphenols strong dietary agents against neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration?
Arecanut (Areca catechu L) decreases Alzheimer’s disease symptoms: Compilation of research works
Artemisia amygdalina Upregulates Nrf2 and Protects Neurons Against oxidative stress in Alzheimer Disease
Asparagus cochinchinensis stimulates release of nerve growth factor and abrogates oxidative stress in the Tg2576 model for Alzheimer’s disease
Assessment of anticholinesterase activities and antioxidant potentials of Anisomeles indica relevant to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Assessment of the effect of selected African plants on an in vitro model of Parkinson’s disease
association of tea consumption with risk of Alzheimer’s disease and anti-beta-amyloid effects of tea
ATR-IR study of the mechanism of aluminum chloride induced Alzheimer’s disease; curative and protective effect of Lipidium sativum water extract on …
hyperactivity disorder–unifying mechanism involving antioxidant therapy: Phenolics, reactive oxygen species, and oxidative stress
Attenuation of iNOS and COX2 by blueberry polyphenols is mediated through the suppression of NF-κB activation
Auraptene Mitigates Parkinson’s Disease-Like Behavior by Protecting Inhibition of Mitochondrial Respiration and Scavenging Reactive Oxygen Species
Autophagy in Alzheimer’s disease and promising modulatory effects of herbal medicine
Autophagy, polyphenols and healthy ageing
Aβ propagation and strains: implications for the phenotypic diversity in Alzheimer’s disease
BACE inhibitors as potential therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease
BACE1 (β-secretase) inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Baicalein reduces β‐amyloid and promotes nonamyloidogenic amyloid precursor protein processing in an Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mouse model
Basal lipid peroxidation in substantia nigra is increased in Parkinson’s disease
Behavioral and neurochemical alterations induced by vanillin in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Beneficial effect of flavone derivatives on Aβ-induced memory deficit is mediated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α: a comparative study
Beneficial effect of the flavonoid luteolin on neuroinflammation
Beneficial effects of flavonoids against Parkinson’s disease
Beneficial Effects of flavonoids on Neurological Disorders
Beneficial effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids administration in a partial lesion model of Parkinson’s disease: the role of glia and NRf2 regulation
Beneficial effects of natural phenolics on levodopa methylation and oxidative neurodegeneration
Beneficial effects of phenolic compounds from fruit and vegetables in Neurodegenerative diseases
Beneficial effects of polyphenols on chronic diseases and ageing
Beneficial properties of natural phenols: highlight on protection against pathological conditions associated with amyloid aggregation
Benefits from dietary polyphenols for brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease
Berry phenolics and their antioxidant activity
Beta amyloid aggregation inhibitors: small molecules as candidate drugs for therapy of Alzheimer’s disease
Beyond antioxidants: the cellular and molecular interactions of flavonoids and how these underpin their actions on the brain
Biflavonoids as potential small molecule therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease
Bioactive composition and promising health benefits of natural food flavors and colorants: potential beyond their basic functions
Bioactive flavonoids and Catechols as Hif1 and Nrf2 Protein Stabilizers-Implications for Parkinson’s Disease
Bioactivity of olive oil phenols in neuroprotection
Bioanalytical Approach to the Interaction of Novel sym-Triazine Derivatives with Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers
Bioanalytical Approaches to Investigate Antioxidant Molecules and Nucleic Acid-Protein Interactions in Alzheimer’s Disease
Bioavailability and activity of phytosome complexes from botanical polyphenols: the silymarin, curcumin, green tea, and grape seed extracts
Bioavailability and pharmaco-therapeutic potential of luteolin in overcoming Alzheimer’s disease
Bioavailability of dietary polyphenols: Factors contributing to their clinical application in CNS diseases
Bioavailability, bioactivity and impact on health of dietary flavonoids and related compounds: an update
Biochanin-A ameliorates behavioural and neurochemical derangements in cognitive-deficit mice for the betterment of Alzheimer’s disease
Biochemical and therapeutic effects of antioxidants in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Biological reactivity of polyphenolic− glutathione conjugates
Biopharmaceutical Monotargeting versus ‘Universal Targeting’of Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease Using Mixtures of Pleiotropic Natural Compounds
Biophenols pharmacology against the amyloidogenic activity in Alzheimer’s disease
Biophenols: Enzymes (β-secretase, Cholinesterases, histone deacetylase and tyrosinase) inhibitors from olive (Olea europaea L.)
Biophysical characteristics of proteins and living cells exposed to the green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCg): review of recent advances from …
Bioprocessing Strategies to Enhance L-DOPA and Phenolic Bioactives in the Fava Bean (Vicia Faba)
Biosynthesized metal nanoparticles as potential Alzheimer’s disease therapeutics
Black tea theaflavins inhibit formation of toxic amyloid-β and α-synuclein fibrils
Blanching alters the phenolic constituents and in vitro antioxidant and anticholinesterases properties of fireweed (Crassocephalum crepidioides)
Blueberry polyhphenols and neuroprotection
Blueberry polyphenols and neuroprotection
Botanical phenolics and brain health
Botanics: a potential source of new therapies for Alzheimer’s disease
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri): An ayurvedic herb against the Alzheimer’s disease
Brain food for Alzheimer-free ageing: focus on herbal medicines
Brain insulin resistance and deficiency as therapeutic targets in Alzheimer’s disease
Brain iron accumulation in Parkinson’s disease: An investigation of genes related to iron metabolism and homeostasis and dietary behavior data in a case …
Brain iron metabolism dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease
Brain mitochondrial dysfunction in aging, neurodegeneration, and Parkinson’s disease
C0550 Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease: The Preventive and Therapeutic Potential of Polyphenolic Nutraceuticals
Caffeic acid attenuates oxidative stress, learning and memory deficit in intra-cerebroventricular streptozotocin induced experimental dementia in rats
Can co-activation of Nrf2 and neurotrophic signaling pathway slow Alzheimer’s disease?
Can consuming flavonoids restore old microglia to their youthful state?
Can we prevent Parkinson’s disease
Cannabis Flavonoids—Antioxidant & Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
Carbohydrates and Glycomimetics in Alzheimer’s Disease Therapeutics and Diagnosis
Carbon nanomaterials and amyloid beta interactions: Possible potentials in the detection and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Catechin polyphenols: neurodegeneration and neuroprotection in Neurodegenerative diseases
Cell signaling pathways and iron chelation in the neurorestorative activity of green tea polyphenols: special reference to epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)
Cell signaling pathways in the neuroprotective actions of the green tea polyphenol (‐)‐epigallocatechin‐3‐
gallate: implications for Neurodegenerative diseases
Cellular and molecular aspects of Parkinson treatment: future therapeutic perspectives
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of antioxidants in Parkinson’s disease
Cellular phenotypes as inflammatory mediators in Parkinson’s disease: interventional targets and role of natural products
Cerebral area differential redox response of neonatal rats to selenite-induced oxidative stress and to concurrent administration of highbush blueberry leaf polyphenols
Cerebral hypoperfusion and glucose hypometabolism: key pathophysiological modulators promote neurodegeneration, cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s …
Challenges for research on polyphenols from foods in Alzheimer’s disease: bioavailability, metabolism, and cellular and molecular mechanisms
Champagne wine polyphenols protect primary cortical neurons against peroxynitrite-induced injury
Changing paradigm from one target one ligand towards multi-target directed ligand design for key drug targets of Alzheimer disease: an important role of in silico …
Characterization of Copper Interactions with Alzheimer Amyloid β Peptides: Identification of an Attomolar‐Affinity Copper Binding Site on Amyloid β1‐42
Characterization of Copper Interactions with Alzheimer Amyloid β Peptides: Identification of an Attomolar‐Affinity Copper Binding Site on Amyloid β1‐42
Characterization of neurotoxic effects of NMDA and the novel neuroprotection by phytopolyphenols in mice.
Characterization of phenolic compounds using UPLC–HRMS and HPLC–DAD and anti-cholinesterase and anti-oxidant activities of Trifolium repens L. leaves
Charnoly body as a novel biomarker of nutritional stress in Alzheimer’s Disease
Chemical fingerprint of Bacopa monnieri L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L. and their neuroprotective activity against Alzheimer’s disease in rat model’s putative …
Chemical structures, bioactivities and molecular mechanisms of citrus polymethoxyflavones
Chinese herbs and herbal extracts for neuroprotection of dopaminergic neurons and potential therapeutic treatment of Parkinson’s disease
Chocolate and the brain: neurobiological impact of cocoa flavanols on cognition and behavior
Chocolate/Cocoa Polyphenols and Oxidative Stress
Cholinesterase inhibitors as Alzheimer’s therapeutics
Chroman-like cyclic prenylflavonoids promote neuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth and are neuroprotective
Chronic dietary supplementation of 4% figs on the modification of oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mouse model
Chronic Hypoxia Alters mRNA Expression of the Genes Related to Alzheimer’s Disease in Primary Neuronal Cells
Chronic neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease: new perspectives on animal models and promising candidate drugs
Chronic treatment with resveratrol, a natural polyphenol found in grapes, alleviates oxidative stress and apoptotic cell death in ovariectomized female rats subjected to …
Cinnamon, a promising prospect towards Alzheimer’s disease
Citrus Fruit Polyphenols and Flavonoids: Applications to Psychiatric Disorders
Clinical benefit and preservation of flavonols in dark chocolate manufacturing
Clinical Development of a Novel Parkinsonian Drug in USA
Cocoa and dark chocolate polyphenols: from biology to clinical applications
Cocoa flavanols, exercise and the brain
Cocoa Powder Triggers neuroprotective and Preventive Effects in a Human Alzheimer 0 s Disease Model by Modulating BDNF Signaling Pathway
Cocoa powder triggers neuroprotective and preventive effects in a human Alzheimer’s disease model by modulating BDNF signaling pathway
Coffee phenolic phytochemicals and kaempferol protect against oxidative damage of neuronal cells and memory impairments
Coffee, tea, and caffeine consumption and prevention of late-life cognitive decline and dementia: a systematic review
Cognitive Function and Consumption of Fruit and Vegetable Polyphenols in a Young Population: Is There a Relationship?
Cognitive stimulation with leisure activities for prevention of cognitive decline and dementia: The aktiva study
Cognitive-enhancing effect of quercetin in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease induced by 6-hydroxydopamine
Combating oxidative stress disorders with citrus flavonoid: Naringenin
Combination of EPA with carotenoids and polyphenol synergistically attenuated the transformation of microglia to M1 phenotype via inhibition of NF-κB
Commentary: The flavonoid Baicalein Rescues Synaptic Plasticity and Memory Deficits in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Comparative analysis of total phenolic and total flavonoid contents, rutin, tannins and antioxidant capacity in Apiaceae and Lamiaceae families
Comparative antioxidant activity of twenty traditional Indian medicinal plants and its correlation with total flavonoid and phenolic content
Comparative evaluation of Helichrysi flos herbal extracts as dietary sources of plant polyphenols, and macro-and microelements
Comparative evaluation of the antioxidant and anti-Alzheimer’s disease potential of coumestrol and puerarol isolated from pueraria lobata using molecular modeling …
Comparative study on the inhibitory effect of caffeic and chlorogenic acids on key enzymes linked to Alzheimer’s disease and some pro-oxidant induced oxidative …
Comparison of protective effects of four polyphenols on neuropathology and behavior of APP/PS1-21 transgenic mice, a model of Alzheimer’s disease
Comparison of Three Amyloid Assembly Inhibitors: The Sugar scyllo-Inositol, the polyphenol Epigallocatechin Gallate, and the Molecular Tweezer CLR01
Complementary Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease: What’s Promoted, Rationale, Potential Risks and Benefits
Compositional Changes in Anthocyanins, Flavonols, and Ellagitannins in Processed Blackberries
Comprehensive review of mechanisms of pathogenesis involved in Alzheimer’s disease and potential therapeutic strategies
Computational approaches to the investigation of proteins involved in Parkinson’s Disease
Computational modeling of multi-target-directed inhibitors against Alzheimer’s disease
Computer-aided structure-based design of multitarget leads for Alzheimer’s disease
Conjugates of catecholamines with cysteine and GSH in Parkinson’s disease: possible mechanisms of formation involving reactive oxygen species
Conservative iron chelation for Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Considerations for the use of polyphenols as therapies in Neurodegenerative diseases
Consumption of anthocyanin-rich cherry juice for 12 weeks improves memory and cognition in older adults with mild-to-moderate dementia
Consumption of fig fruits grown in Oman can improve memory, anxiety, and learning skills in a transgenic mice model of Alzheimer’s disease
Consumption of polyphenol plants may slow aging and associated diseases
Contribution of Intracellular Non-Haem Iron, NF-kB Activation and Inflammatory Responses to Neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s Disease: Prospects for …
Contribution of Intracellular Non-Haem Iron, NF-kB Activation and Inflammatory Responses to Neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s Disease: Prospects for …
Copper-Catalyzed Oxidative Esterification of 2-Carbonyl Substituted Phenols with Alcohols
Correlation between the polyphenol content and antioxidant effect of Cynara scolymus L. mother tincture
Critical Evaluation of Current Alzheimer′ s Drug Discovery (2018-19) & Futuristic Alzheimer drug model approach
Critical role of microglial NADPH oxidase-derived free radicals in the in vitro MPTP model of Parkinson’s disease
Curcumin and Apigenin–novel and promising therapeutics against chronic neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease
Curcumin and Its Nanoformulations as Therapeutic for Alzheimer’s Disease
Curcumin exposure induces expression of the Parkinson’s disease-associated leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) in rat mesencephalic cells
Curcumin has potent anti‐amyloidogenic effects for Alzheimer’s β‐amyloid fibrils in vitro
Curcumin interaction with copper and iron suggests one possible mechanism of action in Alzheimer’s disease animal models
Curcumin prevents and ameliorates biochemical and behavioral toxicities of MPTP in C57Bl/6J mice: its potential use in preventing and treating parkinsonism
Curcumin-glucoside, a novel synthetic derivative of curcumin, inhibits α-synuclein oligomer formation: relevance to Parkinson’s disease
Current Alzheimer’s management with berries fruits therapy
Current and emerging pharmacological targets for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Current and emerging therapeutic targets of Alzheimer’s disease for the design of multi-target directed ligands
Current and investigational drugs for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Current concepts on selected plant secondary metabolites with promising inhibitory effects against enzymes linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Current evidence on the effect of dietary polyphenols intake on chronic diseases
Current opinions and perspectives on the role of immune system in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease
Current perspectives and mechanisms of relationship between intestinal microbiota dysfunction and dementia: a review
Current pharmacotherapy and putative disease-modifying therapy for Alzheimer’s disease
Current status of metals as therapeutic targets in Alzheimer’s disease
Cytological profiling of natural product scaffolds libraries for Parkinson’s disease
Cytoprotection by Achyrocline satureioides (Lam) DC and some of its main flavonoids against oxidative stress
Cytoprotective effects of phenolic antioxidants and essential fatty acids in human blood monocyte and neuroblastoma cell lines: Surrogates for neurological damage in …
De B. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory properties of black tea and its polyphenolic components
Defective insulin signalling, mediated by inflammation, connects obesity to Alzheimer disease; relevant pharmacological therapies and preventive dietary …
dementia IN SURINAME
Dementia, preclinical studies in neurodegeneration and its potential for translational medicine in South America
Design and characterization of enzymatic deglycosylation systems to produce drugs against Alzheimer’s disease
Design and development of novel irreversible GSK-3β inhibitors to address Alzheimer’s disease
Design and Molecular dynamic investigations of 7, 8-Dihydroxyflavone Derivatives as potential neuroprotective Agents Against Alpha-synuclein
Design and Molecular dynamic Investigations of 7, 8-Dihydroxyflavone Derivatives as Potential neuroprotective Agents Against Alpha-synuclein
Design and systhesis of nanoparticles for therapy and imaging of Alzheimer’s disease
Design of Multi-target Directed Ligands as a Modern Approach for the Development of Innovative Drug Candidates for Alzheimer’s Disease
Design, Synthesis and Biological Assessment of Ferulic Acid Derivatives as Inhibitors of β-Amyloid Oligomerization in Alzheimer’s Disease
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of 3-piperazinecarboxylate sarsasapogenin derivatives as potential multifunctional anti-Alzheimer agents
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of scutellarein derivatives as potential anti-Alzheimer’s disease candidates based on metabolic mechanism
Design, synthesis and evaluation of 4′-OH-flurbiprofen-chalcone hybrids as potential multifunctional agents for Alzheimer’s disease treatment
Design, synthesis and evaluation of chalcone Mannich base derivatives as multifunctional agents for the potential treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Designing multi-targeted therapeutics for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Destabilization of Alzheimer’s Aβ42 protofibrils with a novel drug candidate wgx-50 by molecular dynamics simulations
Determination of Flavonoids
Determination of total flavonoid content of different parts of Garcinia cowa
Development and application of nano-flavor-drug carriers in Neurodegenerative diseases
Development and validation of analytical methods for the identification and quantification of phenolic compounds from Euterpe oleracea fruits
Development of a grape seed polyphenolic extract with anti‐oligomeric activity as a novel treatment in progressive supranuclear palsy and other tauopathies
Development of Electrochemical Sensors for the Analysis of Therapeutic Compounds and Proteases related to Alzheimer’s disease
Development of multifunctional molecules as potential therapeutic candidates for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the …
Development of tau aggregation inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease
Development of technologies for the production of polyphenolic nutraceuticals from muscadine grapes and rabbiteye blueberries
Developments with multi-target drugs for Alzheimer’s disease: an overview of the current discovery approaches
Diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease: can tea phytochemicals play a role in prevention?
Diet and brain health: which role for polyphenols?
Diet And Lifestyle Guidelines And Desirable Levels Of Risk Factors And Protective Factors For Prevention Of Dementia-A Scientific Statement From Joint …
Diet and medical foods in Parkinson’s disease
Diet and Nutrition in Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging
Diet and Nutrition in Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging
Diet and nutrition in dementia and cognitive decline
Diet and the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease—Research Suggests Dietary Interventions May Prevent It and Lessen Symptom Severity By Densie Webb, PhD, RD
Diet, nutrients and metabolism: cogs in the wheel driving Alzheimer’s disease pathology?
Dietary coconut and amyloid beta metabolism in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease
Dietary Directions Against dementia Disorders
Dietary factors in the etiology of Parkinson’s disease
Dietary fatty acids and predementia syndromes
Dietary fatty acids intake: possible role in cognitive decline and dementia
Dietary fatty acids, cognitive decline, and dementia
Dietary flavonoid intake in older adults: how many days of dietary assessment are required and what is the impact of seasonality?
Dietary flavonoid intake to reduce the risk of chronic diseases
Dietary flavonoids as potential neuroprotectants
Dietary flavonoids Interaction with CREB-BDNF Pathway: An Unconventional Approach for Comprehensive Management of Epilepsy
Dietary intake of natural antioxidants: vitamins and polyphenols
Dietary lipids and their oxidized products in Alzheimer’s disease
Dietary modifications in Parkinson’s disease: A neuroprotective intervention?
Dietary modulation of oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease
Dietary oxyresveratrol prevents parkinsonian mimetic 6-hydroxydopamine neurotoxicity
Dietary phenolics in apples and cider and their bioavailability in healthy humans and subjects with an ileaostomy
Dietary Plant Lectins May be an ‘Unknown Etiology’in Parkinson’s Disease and Dietary Bioactive Compounds Affect Lifespan and Fat Storage Aspects of …
Dietary polyphenols and mitochondrial function: role in health and disease
Dietary polyphenols and neurogenesis: Molecular interactions and implication for brain ageing and cognition
Dietary polyphenols and the prevention of diseases
Dietary polyphenols as modulators of brain functions: biological actions and molecular mechanisms underpinning their beneficial effects
Dietary Polyphenols as Modulators of Brain Functions: Biological Actions and Molecular Mechanisms…
Dietary polyphenols as potential remedy for dementia
Dietary Polyphenols—Important Non-Nutrients in the Prevention of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases. A Systematic Review
Dietary Polyphenols: A Multifactorial Strategy to Target Alzheimer’s Disease
Dietary polyphenols: A novel strategy to modulate microbiota-gut-brain axis
Dietary Strategies and Supplements for the Prevention of Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease
Dietary supplementation of walnut partially reverses 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine induced neurodegeneration in a mouse model of Parkinson’s …
Dietary supplementation with fruit polyphenolics ameliorates age-related deficits in behavior and neuronal markers of inflammation and oxidative stress
Dietary Supplements as Cognitive Enhancers: The Role of Flavonoid-Rich Foods and their Relevance in Age-Related Neurodegeneration
Dietary total prenylflavonoids from the fruits of Psoralea corylifolia L. prevents age-related cognitive deficits and down-regulates Alzheimer’s markers in SAMP8 mice
Differential oxidative stress in oligodendrocytes and neurons after excitotoxic insults and protection by natural polyphenols
Differential Protection among Fractionated Blueberry Polyphenolic Families against DA-, Aβ42- and LPS-Induced Decrements in Ca2+ Buffering in Primary …
Direct Evaluation of Alzheimer’s Disease-Specific oxidative stress with Multiphoton Microscopy
Discovery development of drugs for alzheimers disease neuroinflammation and elucidating their molecular mechanism of action
Discovery of Gut Bacteria Specific to Alzheimer’s Associated Diseases is a Clue to Understanding Disease Etiology: Meta-Analysis of Population-Based Data on …
Discovery of Natural Products from Curcuma longa that Protect Cells from Beta-Amyloid Insult: A Drug Discovery Effort against Alzheimer’s Disease
Disease contraindication drug use behavior in patients with Parkinson’s disease
Disruption of Calcium Homeostasis in Alzheimer’s Disease: Role of Channel Formation by β Amyloid Protein
Dissecting molecular mechanisms in the living brain of dementia patients
Divergent synthesis of biflavonoids yields novel inhibitors of the aggregation of amyloid β (1–42)
Do polyphenols enter the brain and does it matter? Some theoretical and practical considerations
Docking of GSK-3β with novel inhibitors, a target protein involved in Alzheimer’s disease
Docking study and structure-activity relationships of human glutaminyl cyclase inhibitors for the drug discovery of Alzheimer’s disease
Does Parkinson’s disease and type-2 diabetes mellitus present common pathophysiological mechanisms and treatments?
Dopamine-Mediated oxidative stress Associated with Neurodegeneration in Parkinson Disease
Dopaminergic Neuroprotection with Atremorine in Parkinson´ s Disease
Down regulation effect of Rosmarinus officinalis polyphenols on cellular stress proteins in rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells
Down regulation effect of Rosmarinus officinalis polyphenols on cellular stress proteins in rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells
Dracocephalum moldavica L. and Melissa officinalis L.: Chemistry and bioactivities relevant in Alzheimer’s disease therapy
Drug delivery systems for resveratrol, a non-flavonoid polyphenol: Emerging evidence in last decades
Dual inhibitors of cholinesterases and monoamine oxidases for Alzheimer’s disease
Dual inhibitors of monoamine oxidase and cholinesterase for the treatment of Alzheimer disease
Dual/multitargeted xanthone derivatives for Alzheimer’s disease: where do we stand?
DYRK1A inhibition as potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease
Dysregulation of stress systems and nitric oxide signaling underlies neuronal dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease
Early vitamin E supplementation in young but not aged mice reduces Aβ levels and amyloid deposition in a transgenic model of Alzheimer’s disease
Eat to Beat Alzheimer’s
Effect of Antioxidant Flavanone, Naringenin, from Citrus junos on Neuroprotection
Effect of Black Raisins (Vitis vinifera) on Aluminum Chloride Induced Alzheimer’s Disease in Male Albino Rat.
Effect of Centella asiatica on cognition and oxidative stress in an intracerebroventricular streptozotocin model of Alzheimer’s disease in rats
Effect of Chinese herbal medicine on Alzheimer’s disease
Effect of dietary supplementation of dates in Alzheimer’s disease APPsw/2576 transgenic mice on oxidative stress and antioxidant status
Effect of extraction procedures, genotypes and screening methods to measure the antioxidant potential and phenolic content of orange-fleshed sweetpotatoes …
Effect of Imperatorin in Neuropathology of Parkinson’s Disease: An In Silico Study
Effect of oil palm phenolics on beta amyloid deposition in cholesterol induced rat model of Alzheimer’s disease: Histological evidence
Effect of phenolic-rich plant materials on protein and lipid oxidation reactions
Effect of plant extracts on Alzheimer’s disease: An insight into therapeutic avenues
Effect of polyphenols on oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in neuronal death and brain edema in cerebral ischemia
Effect of polyphenols on protein misfolding
Effects and mechanisms of actions of phytochemicals on Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology
Effects and Possible Mechanisms of Some Phytochemicals on Drosophila Models of Alzheimer’s Disease
Effects of berry polyphenols on cognitive function in humans
Effects of Berry, Pomegranate, Grape and their Biophenols on Cognitive Function: A General Re-view
Effects of biflavonoids from Garcinia madruno on a triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Effects of bisphenol-A and other endocrine disruptors compared with abnormalities of schizophrenia: an endocrine-disruption theory of schizophrenia
Effects of Dietary Components on Microglia Inactivation in Alzheimer’s Disease
Effects of dietary docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on pathology and cognition in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Effects of essential oils and aromatherapy on cognitive function in dementia: laboratory studies and application in aged care facility residents
Effects of fisetin on hyperhomocysteinemia-induced experimental endothelial dysfunction and vascular dementia
Effects of flavonoids on MMP-13 Expression of IL-1β-treated Articular Chondrocytes and Their Cellular Mechanisms: Inhibition of c-Fos/AP-1 and JAK/STAT …
Effects of green tea polyphenol on cognitive and acetylcholinesterase activities
Effects of Horticultural Activities and Flower Tea Drinking Based on Reminiscent Storytelling on Demented Elders’ Cognitive and Emotional Functions
Effects of huanglian-jie-du-tang and its modified formula on the modulation of amyloid-β precursor protein processing in Alzheimer’s disease models
Effects of Isoflavone Extract from Fermented Soybean, Chungkukjang, on Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis of MCF-7 Cells
Effects of long-term administration of a cocoa polyphenolic extract (Acticoa powder) on cognitive performances in aged rats
Effects of medicinal plants on Alzheimer’s disease and memory deficits
Effects of peptides on the structure of lipid bilayers: Implication for its therapeutic effect in Alzheimer’s disease
Effects of polyphenols on brain ageing and Alzheimer’s disease: focus on mitochondria
Effects of resveratrol and other polyphenols on Sirt1: relevance to brain function during aging
Effects of resveratrol and other polyphenols on the most common brain age-related diseases
Effects of stilbenoid polyphenols (pterostilbene and gnetol) on cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in vitro and in vivo in spontaneously hypertensive heart failure rats
Effects of tea catechins on Alzheimer’s disease: Recent updates and perspectives
Effects of the flavonoids, silibinin and catechin, on the motility of extended cooled caprine sperm
Effects of various flavonoids on the-synuclein fibrillation process
Effects on Cognition of Berry, Pomegranate, Grape and Biophenols: A General Review
EGb 761 enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis and phosphorylation of CREB in transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Electroanalysis of α-Synuclein Aggregation Related to Parkinson’s Disease
Electrochemical biosensors for the detection and study of α-synuclein related to Parkinson’s disease–A review
Emerging role of polyphenolic compounds in the treatment of Neurodegenerative diseases: a review of their intracellular targets
Emerging Signal Regulating Potential of Genistein against Alzheimer Disease: A Promising Molecule of Interest
Emerging signal regulating potential of small molecule biflavonoids to combat neuropathological insults of Alzheimer’s disease
Enhancing human cognition with cocoa flavonoids
Enrichment of phenolic antioxidants from cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) to improve biological functionality
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) inhibits alpha-synuclein aggregation: a potential agent for Parkinson’s disease
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and related phenol compounds redirect the amyloidogenic aggregation pathway of ataxin-3 towards non-toxic aggregates and prevent …
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, a promising molecule for Parkinson’s disease?
Epigenetic drug discovery for Alzheimer’s disease
Epigenetic effects of natural polyphenols: A focus on SIRT1‐mediated mechanisms
ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in dementia
Establishing a Connection between Alzheimer’s Disease and Cellular Energy Transduction
Establishment of CD method for studies of amyloid-oligomerization process during Alzheimer disease
Estimation of antioxidative properties of the natural polyphenols in the oxidation process of model liposome membranes
Estimation of dietary flavonoid intake and major food sources of Korean adults
Estrogen, neuroinflammation and neuroprotection in Parkinson’s disease: key role of neuron-glia crosstalk
Ethanol extract of Epipremnum aureum leaves attenuate intranigral-rotenone induced Parkinson’s disease in rats
Ethnobotanical treatment strategies against Alzheimer’s disease
Ethnomedicinal Survey of Plants Used as Remedy for Alzheimer’s Disease in Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Ethnopharmacological approaches for dementia therapy and significance of natural products and herbal drugs
Eupatilin: a natural pharmacologically active flavone compound with its wide range applications
Evaluating the neuroprotective effects of fermented rooibos herbal tea in Wistar rats exposed to bisphenol-A during gestation and lactation
Evaluation of anti-oxidant activities and total phenolic content of Chromolaena odorata
Evaluation of antioxidant activities and total phenolic content of methanolic extract of Rhodiola heterodanta roots
evaluation of antiparkinson activity of hesperetin pyridoxine against olanzepine and manganese induced parkinsonism
Evaluation of dietary and lifestyle changes as modifiers of S100β levels in Alzheimer’s disease
Evaluation of Memory Enhancing Activity of Methanolic Extract of Oxalis corniculata Linn on dementia in Experimental Animals
Evaluation of plant phenolic metabolites as a source of Alzheimer’s drug leads
Evaluation of the neuroprotective and antidiabetic potential of phenol-rich extracts from virgin olive oils by in vitro assays
Evaluation to the antioxidant activity of total flavonoids extract from persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) leaves
Evidence of neuroprotective effects of saffron and crocin in a Drosophila model of parkinsonism
Evidence of oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease brain and antioxidant therapy: lights and shadows
Evolutionary medicine’perspectives on Alzheimer’s Disease: Review and new directions
Exploration of Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Depolarization and Polyphenols by Creative Synthesis for Product Development
Exploring the benefits of cellular models to uncover bioactive polyphenols for neurodegeneration
Exploring the bioavailability of (poly) phenols from berries and their potential activities in humans
Exploring the efficacy of natural products in alleviating Alzheimer’s disease
Exploring the mechanism of flavonoids through systematic bioinformatics analysis
Exploring the potential of marine microbes in clinical management of Alzheimer’s disease: A road map for bioprospecting and identifying promising isolates
Extra-virgin olive oil for potential prevention of Alzheimer disease
Extra-virgin olive oil for potential prevention of Alzheimer disease
Factors affecting the levels of tea polyphenols and caffeine in tea leaves
Fate of microbial metabolites of dietary polyphenols in rats: is the brain their target destination?
Features and outcomes of drugs for combination therapy as multi-targets strategy to combat Alzheimer’s disease
Ferulic Acid and Alzheimer’s Disease: Promises and Pitfalls
Fight Alzheimer’s with Vitamins and Antioxidants
Fight Parkinson’s and Huntington’s with Vitamins and Antioxidants
First synthesis of the antiangiogenic homoisoflavanone, cremastranone
Flavan-3-ol compounds from wine wastes with in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity
Flavanols, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s dementia
Flavanonol glucosides from the aerial parts of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. and their acetylcholinesterase inhibitory effects
Flavins and flavoproteins: applications in medicine
Flavone: An Important Scaffold for Medicinal Chemistry
Flavones from root of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi: drugs of the future in neurodegeneration?
Flavones from the root of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi—drug of the future in neurodegeneration and neuroprotection
Flavones: An important scaffold for medicinal chemistry
flavonoid baicalein attenuates activation-induced cell death of brain microglia
flavonoid bioactivity: transport across blood-brain-barrier and neuroprotective effects. In vivo studies
flavonoid enhances the glyoxalase pathway in cerebellar neurons to retain cellular functions
flavonoid hesperidin induces synapse formation and improves memory performance through the astrocytic TGF-β1
flavonoid in enhancing memory function
flavonoid inhibitors of alpha-synuclein fibrillation: A therapeutic strategy for Parkinson’s disease, and, The effect of membranes on SMA fibrillation
flavonoid Intake and Dementia
flavonoid intake and disability-adjusted life years due to Alzheimer’s and related dementias: a population-based study involving twenty-three developed countries
flavonoid modulation of GABAA receptors
flavonoid transport across blood-brain barrier: Implication for their direct neuroprotective actions
flavonoid transport across RBE4 cells: a blood-brain barrier model
flavonoid wogonin from medicinal herb is neuroprotective by inhibiting inflammatory activation of microglia
Flavonoid-based therapies in the early management of Neurodegenerative diseases
Flavonoid-rich foods (FRF): A promising nutraceutical approach against lifespan-shortening diseases
Flavonoidal Compound Derived from Chrysanthemum indicum L. Suppresses MUC5AC Mucin Gene Expression, Production and Secretion from Cultured …
flavonoids and Aging
flavonoids and anthranquinones as xanthine oxidase and monoamine oxidase inhibitors: a new approach towards inflammation and oxidative stress
flavonoids and brain health: multiple effects underpinned by common mechanisms
flavonoids and cognition: potential therapeutic role in Alzheimer’s disease
flavonoids and cognition: the molecular mechanisms underlying their behavioural effects
flavonoids and cognitive function: a review of human randomized controlled trial studies and recommendations for future studies
flavonoids and dementia: an update
flavonoids and Diarylheptanoids: neuroprotective Activities of Phytochemicals
flavonoids and neuroprotection: biochemical and population-based analyses of potential neuroprotective factors related to dementia.
flavonoids and Phenolic Acids as Potential Natural Antioxidants
flavonoids and the aging brain
flavonoids and the brain: Evidences and putative mechanisms for a protective capacity
flavonoids and their relation to human health
flavonoids as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: Current therapeutic standing and future prospects
flavonoids as detoxifying and pro-survival agents: What’s new?
flavonoids as modulators of memory and learning: molecular interactions resulting in behavioural effects
flavonoids as neuroprotective and therapeutic agents against aging related neurological disorders
flavonoids as novel neuroprotective nutraceuticals
flavonoids as prospective neuroprotectants and their therapeutic propensity in aging associated neurological disorders
flavonoids as regulators of amyloid precursor protein processing
flavonoids as therapeutic agents in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases: a systematic review of preclinical evidences
flavonoids in Foods and Their Role in Healthy Nutrition
flavonoids in human health: from structure to biological activity
flavonoids in neurodegeneration: Limitations and strategies to cross CNS barriers
flavonoids in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and other Neurodegenerative diseases
flavonoids in Transgenic Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Models
flavonoids in Transgenic Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Models
flavonoids inhibit heparin-induced aggregation of the third repeat (r3) of microtubule-binding domain of Alzheimer’s tau protein
flavonoids possess neuroprotective effects on cultured pheochromocytoma PC12 cells: a comparison of different flavonoids in activating estrogenic effect and in …
flavonoids with Novel Nicotinic Activity as Potential Pharmacotherapies to Treat Ethanol-Induced Neurotoxicity
Flavonoids-food sources and health benefits
Flavonoids, cognition, and dementia: actions, mechanisms, and potential therapeutic utility for Alzheimer disease
Flavonoids: an overview
Flavonoids: Broad Spectrum Agents on Chronic Inflammation
Flavonoids: important biocompounds in food
Flavonoids: its working mechanism and various protective roles
Flavonoids: modulators of brain function?
Flavonol Glycosides and Phenolic Compounds from Euphorbia maculata
Flavonol-rich dark cocoa significantly decreases plasma endothelin-1 and improves cognition in urban children
Food antioxidants and Alzheimer’s disease
Food, polyphenols and neuroprotection
Forestalling the Epidemics of Parkinson’s Disease Through Plant-Based Remedies
Formation of the 42-mer Amyloid 𝜷 Radical and the Therapeutic Role of Superoxide Dismutase in Alzheimer’s Disease
Formulation development and optimization of novel drug delivery systems for the treatment of alzheimers disease
Free radical scavenging activity and qualitative analysis of polyphenols by RP-HPLC in the flowers of Couroupita guianensis Abul.
Free radical–mediated damage to brain in Alzheimer’s disease: role of acrolein and preclinical promise of antioxidant polyphenols
Free radicals and polyphenols: The redox chemistry of Neurodegenerative diseases
From the baker to the bedside: yeast models of Parkinson’s disease
Fruit and vegetable intake and its association with dementia in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Fruit polyphenols and their effects on neuronal signaling and behavior in senescence
Function and toxicity of amyloid beta and recent therapeutic interventions targeting amyloid beta in Alzheimer’s disease
Functions of flavonoids in the central nervous system: astrocytes as targets for natural compounds
Future Therapeutic Perspectives into the Alzheimer’s Disease Targeting the oxidative stress Hypothesis
Gallotannins and Tannic Acid: First Chemical Syntheses and In Vitro Inhibitory Activity on Alzheimer’s Amyloid β‐Peptide Aggregation
Gene-environment interaction research and transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease
Genetics of iron regulation and the possible role of iron in Parkinson’s disease
Genistein ameliorates learning and memory deficits in amyloid β (1–40) rat model of Alzheimer’s disease
Ginger components as anti-Alzheimer drugs: focus on drug design
Ginkgo biloba and donepezil: a comparison in the treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia in a randomized placebo‐controlled double‐blind study
Ginkgo biloba as an alternative medicine in the treatment of anxiety in dementia and other psychiatric disorders
Ginkgo biloba extract in Alzheimer’s disease: from action mechanisms to medical practice
Gold Nanoparticles and Peptoids as Novel Inhibitors of Amyloid Beta Aggregation in Alzheimer’s Disease
Gold nanoparticles and peptoids as novel inhibitors of Aβ aggregation in Alzheimer’s disease
Gold Nanoparticles in Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Grape seed polyphenols and curcumin reduce genomic instability events in a transgenic mouse model for Alzheimer’s disease
Green Tea confers Protection on the Retina in MPTP Mice Model of Parkinson’s Disease
Green tea intake and risks for dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment, and cognitive impairment: A systematic review
Green tea polyphenol (–)‐epigallocatechin‐3‐gallate induces neurorescue of long‐term serum‐deprived PC12 cells and promotes neurite outgrowth
Green tea polyphenol (–)‐epigallocatechin‐3‐gallate prevents N‐methyl‐4‐phenyl‐1,2,3,6‐
tetrahydropyridine‐induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration
Green tea polyphenol (–)‐epigallocatechin‐3‐gallate promotes the rapid protein kinase C‐and proteasome‐mediated degradation of Bad: implications for …
Green tea polyphenols enhance sodium nitroprusside‐induced neurotoxicity in human neuroblastoma SH‐SY5Y cells
Green tea polyphenols prevent Parkinson’s disease: in vitro and in vivo studies
GRP78/BIP/HSPA5 as a Therapeutic Target in Models of Parkinson’s Disease: A Mini Review
Gut microbiota mediated allostasis prevents stress-induced neuroinflammatory risk factors of Alzheimer’s disease.
Gut microbiota, cognitive frailty and dementia in older individuals: a systematic review
Health benefits of nongallated and gallated flavan-3-ols: a prospectus
Health effects of foods rich in polyphenols
Healthy Eating to Reduce the Risk of Dementia
Hepatoprotective effects of apple polyphenol extract on aluminum-induced liver oxidative stress in the rat
Herbal treatment of Parkinsonism: a review
Herbs and dementia: a focus on Chinese and other traditional herbs
Herbs and Nutrients for Neurologic Disorders: Treatment Strategies for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Migraine, and Seizures
Hesperetin, a citrus flavonoid, attenuates LPS-induced neuroinflammation, apoptosis and memory impairments by modulating TLR4/NF-κB signaling
Hesperidin, a citrus flavonoid, protects against l-methionine-induced hyperhomocysteinemia by abrogation of oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and …
Heterogeneity in gut microbiota drive polyphenol metabolism that influences α-synuclein misfolding and toxicity
High concentrations of a urinary biomarker of polyphenol intake are associated with decreased mortality in older adults
Highly Significant Scaffolds to Design and Synthesis Cholinesterase Inhibitors as Anti-Alzheimer Agents
Hippocampal neurogenesis in Alzheimer’s disease: is there a role for dietary modulation?
Histological Evidence Of The Effect Of Oil Palm Phenolics In Atherogenic Diet Induced Rat Model Of Alzheimer’s Disease
HPLC-DAD fingerprinting analysis, antioxidant activities of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray leaves and its inhibition of key enzymes linked to Alzheimer’s …
HPLC-PDA isolation and LC-MS/MS detection of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitory flavonoid from Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. in zebrafish brain
Human Tau Isoform Aggregation and Selective Detection of Misfolded Tau from Post-Mortem Alzheimer’s Disease Brains
Hypericum perforatum improve memory and learning in Alzheimer’s model:(experimental study in mice)
Hypericum perforatum phenolic compounds: protective role in the toxicity induced by heterologous expression of α-synuclein and huntingtin in yeast cells
Hyperphosphorylation of Tau Protein in Down’s dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: methylation and implications in prevention and therapy
Identification of 5-methoxyflavone as a novel DNA polymerase-beta inhibitor and neuroprotective agent against beta-amyloid toxicity
Identification of brain-targeted bioactive dietary quercetin-3-O-glucuronide as a novel intervention for Alzheimer’s disease
Identification of polyphenolic compounds and black tea extract as potent inhibitors of lipid membrane destabilization by Aβ 42 aggregates
IFN-γ and TNF-α are involved during Alzheimer disease progression and correlate with nitric oxide production: a study in Algerian patients
Il trattamento con RSV e l’espressione transgenica di PGC-1α proteggono i neuroni dopaminergici nel modello MPTP murino del morbo di Parkinson.
Immuno-modulatory effects of microbial metabolites of flavan-3-ols and dimeric procyanidins
Impact of Diet on the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Impact of flavonoids on cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying age-related cognitive decline and neurodegeneration
Impact of heat treatment on selected vegetables: bioaccessibility of (poly) phenolic compounds after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion and colonic microbiota …
Impact of plant-derived flavonoids on Neurodegenerative diseases
Implication of green tea as a possible therapeutic approach for Parkinson disease
Implications for Degenerative Disorders: Antioxidative Activity, Total Phenols, Flavonoids, Ascorbic Acid, β-Carotene and β-Tocopherol in Aloe vera
Implications of polyphenols on endogenous antioxidant defense systems in human diseases
Improved mitochondrial function in brain aging and Alzheimer disease-the new mechanism of action of the old metabolic enhancer piracetam
In search of therapeutic solutions for Alzheimer’s disease
In silico investigation of the pharmacological mechanisms of beneficial effects of Ginkgo biloba L. on Alzheimer’s Disease
In silico studies applied to natural products with potential activity against Alzheimer’s disease
In vitro anti-nitrosative, antioxidant, and cytotoxicity activities of plant flavonoids: a comparative study
In vitro antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of ethanolic leaf extract of Stevia rebaudiana Bert.
In vitro antioxidant, anti-diabetes, anti-dementia, and inflammation inhibitory effect of Trametes pubescens fruiting body extracts
In vitro enzyme inhibition potentials and antioxidant activity of synthetic flavone derivatives
In vitro evaluation of extracts from Mentha species for potential treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
In vitro peroxynitrite scavenging activity of 6-hydroxykynurenic acid and other flavonoids fromGingko biloba yellow leaves
In vivo antioxidant activity of total flavonoids from indocalamus leaves in aging mice caused by D-galactose
In Vivo Characterization of CLR01, an Aggregation and Toxicity Inhibitor, with anAlzheimer’s Disease Focus
In Vivo Imaging Agents Based on flavonoids for Amyloid’s Plaques in the Brains of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease
In vivo nutrigenomic effects of virgin olive oil polyphenols within the frame of the Mediterranean diet: a randomized controlled trial
In-depth investigation of the binding of flavonoid taxifolin with bovine hemoglobin at physiological pH: Spectroscopic and molecular docking studies
In-Vitro Assessment Of Phenolic, Flavonoid, Flavonolic Contents And Antioxidant Activities Of Plant Pleurotus Ostreatus For Neurodegenerative Disorders
In-vitro cholinesterase inhibitory activity of dry fruit extract of Phyllanthus emblica relevant to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
In-vitro evaluation of acetylcholinesterase inhibition and antioxidant activity of selected Palestinian medicinal plants: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease …
In-Vitro Evaluation of Cholinesterase Inhibitory and Antioxidant Activities of Tamarindus indica for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
In-vitro screening of acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of extracts from Palestinian indigenous flora in relation to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
In‐vitro activity of S. lavandulaefolia (Spanish sage) relevant to treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Indian Herbal Medicines used for Treatment of Dementia: An Overview
Indian herbs and their therapeutic potential against Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurological disorders
Indoleamine 2, 3 dioxygenase and quinolinic acid immunoreactivity in Alzheimer’s disease hippocampus
Induction of neuronal differentiation of murine N2a cells by two polyphenols present in the mediterranean diet mimicking neurotrophins activities: resveratrol and …
Inflammaging as a prodrome to Alzheimer’s disease
Inflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease, and Prevention with Antioxidants and Phenolic Compounds–What Are the Most Promising Candidates?
Inflammation, cytokines, immune response, apolipoprotein E, cholesterol, and oxidative stress in Alzheimer disease: therapeutic implications
Inflammation: role in Parkinson’s disease and target for therapy
Inflammatory process as a determinant factor for the degeneration of substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons: possible relevance to the etiology of Parkinson’s disease
Influence of hesperidin combined with Sinemet on genetical and biochemical abnormalities in rats suffering from Parkinson’s disease
Influence of nitrogen fertilizer micro‐dosing on phenolic content, antioxidant, and anticholinesterase properties of aqueous extracts of three tropical leafy vegetables
Influences of Diet, Exercise, and Stress on Hippocampal Health in Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease
inhibition and antioxidant activity of selected Palestinian medicinal plants: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease therapy
Inhibition and disaggregation of α‐synuclein oligomers by natural polyphenolic compounds
Inhibition of amyloid fibril formation by polyphenols: structural similarity and aromatic interactions as a common inhibition mechanism
Inhibition of early upstream events in prodromal Alzheimer’s disease by use of targeted antioxidants
Inhibition of Hepatic Insulin Resistance by Licorice flavonoids as Mediated by PTP1B Repression
Inhibition of Rat Prostate Testosterone 5α-Reductase Activity by Isoflavonoids
Inhibition of α-Synuclein contributes to the ameliorative effects of dietary flavonoids luteolin on arsenite-induced apoptotic cell death in the dopaminergic PC12 cells
Inhibitory Effect of a flavonoid Dihydromyricetin against Aβ40 Amyloidogenesis and Its Associated Cytotoxicity
Inhibitory Effects of Bombusae concretio Salicea on Neuronal Secretion of Alzheimer’s β-Amyloid Peptides, a Neurodegenerative Peptide
Inhibitory Effects of Isoflavonoids on Rat Prostate Testosterone 5α-Reductase
Inhibitory Mechanism for Amyloid β42 Aggregation by Catechol-type Flavonoids
Inhibitory potential of plant secondary metabolites against Parkinsonian drug targets: Relevance to pathophysiology, and motor and non-motor behavioural …
Inhibitory properties of phenolic compounds against enzymes linked with human diseases
Insights on Metal Ions and Misfolded Proteins in Alzheimer’s Disease Using flavonoid Derivatives and X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy.
Intake of flavonoid-rich wine, tea, and chocolate by elderly men and women is associated with better cognitive test performance
Intake of flavonoids and risk of dementia
Intake of flavonoids and risk of dementia
Interaction between 24‐hydroxycholesterol, oxidative stress, and amyloid‐β in amplifying neuronal damage in Alzheimer’s disease: three partners in crime
Interaction between flavonoids and the blood–brain barrier: in vitro studies
Interaction of polyphenols with other food components as a means for their neurological health benefits
Interaction of α-synuclein with Rhus typhina tannin–Implication for Parkinson’s disease
Interplay between Alpha-Synuclein and oxidative stress in Parkinson´ s Disease Cell Models
Intranasal therapeutic strategies for management of Alzheimer’s disease
Investigating blood plasma levels of cytokines and amyloid-β as potential diagnostic biomarkers for preclinical Alzheimer’s disease
Investigating the neuroprotective effect of plant (poly) phenols in models of Parkinson´ s disease
Investigation of an Interaction of flavonoids on the Antioxidant Activity of Alpha Tocopherol
Investigation of anti-inflammatory compounds from food and plant libraries for use in Alzheimer’s disease
Investigation of in-vitro antioxidant potential in crotalaria verrucosa along with identification and quantification of its polyphenolic compounds
Investigational α-synuclein aggregation inhibitors: hope for Parkinson’s disease
Investigations of anticholinestrase and antioxidant potentials of methanolic extract, subsequent fractions, crude saponins and flavonoids isolated from Isodon …
Involvement of astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease from a neuroinflammatory and oxidative stress perspective
Iridoid Glycosides and Phenolic Glycosides from Buddleja asiatica with Anti-inflammatory and Cytoprotective Activities
Iridoids and other monoterpenes in the Alzheimer’s brain: Recent development and future prospects
Iron as a therapeutic target for Parkinson’s disease
Iron dysregulation in Alzheimer’s disease: multimodal brain permeable iron chelating drugs, possessing neuroprotective-neurorescue and amyloid precursor protein …
Is pharmacological prevention of Alzheimer’s a realistic goal?
Isoflavones and Alzheimer’s disease: the effects of soy in diet
Isolation of eupatorin (3′,5-dihydroxy-4′,6,7-
trimethoxyflavone) from Albizia odoratissima and its application for l-tryptophan sensing
Isolation of flavonoides from Artemisia macrocephala anticholinesterase activity: Isolation, characterization and its in vitro anticholinesterse activity supported by …
Isolation, synthesis, and metabolism of polyphenols: Stilbenoids, gallotannins and ellagitannins
Kaempferol attenuates cognitive deficit via regulating oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in an ovariectomized rat model of sporadic dementia
Lamiaceae family plants as a potential anticholinesterase source in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Lamiaceae phenols as multifaceted compounds: bioactivity, industrial prospects and role of “positive-stress”
Lavandula stoechas (L) a Very Potent Antioxidant Attenuates dementia in Scopolamine Induced Memory Deficit Mice
Liberation of copper from amyloid plaques: making a risk factor useful for Alzheimer’s disease treatment
Lifestyle modifications and nutritional interventions in aging-associated cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease
Lifestyle patterns as a modifiable risk factor for late-life cognitive decline: A narrative review regarding dementia prevention
Lifestyle-related factors in predementia and dementia syndromes
Links between insulin resistance, lipoprotein metabolism and amyloidosis in Alzheimer’s Disease
Lipid Peroxidation and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases: Role of Natural Products as Cytoprotective Agents
Liposomal flavonoid in Combating Age-Related Cerebral Oxidative Damage
Literature Evidence and ARRIVE Assessment on neuroprotective Effects of Flavonols in Neurodegenerative Diseases’ Models
Literature Evidence and Arrive Assessment on neuroprotective Effects of Flavonols Quercetin, Rutin and Isoquercitrin in Neurodegenerative Diseases’ Models
Literature-related discovery: common factors for Parkinson’s disease and Crohn’s disease
Literature-related discovery: common factors for Parkinson’s Disease and Crohn’s Disease
Long-term dietary supplementation of pomegranates, figs and dates alleviate neuroinflammation in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Long-term naringin consumption reverses a glucose uptake defect and improves cognitive deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Low Phytanic Acid-Concentrated DHA Prevents Cognitive Deficit and Regulates Alzheimer Disease Mediators in an ApoE−/− Mice Experimental Model
Low-Molecular Weight Metabolites from Polyphenols as Effectors for Attenuating Neuroinflammation
Macroalgae as a Valuable Source of Naturally Occurring Bioactive Compounds for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Macronutrients, aluminium from drinking water and foods, and other metals in cognitive decline and dementia
Macrophage plasticity, polarization and function in response to curcumin, a diet-derived polyphenol, as an immunomodulatory agent
Management of cognitive determinants in senile dementia of Alzheimer’s type: therapeutic potential of a novel polyherbal drug product
Management of oxidative stress and other pathologies in Alzheimer’s disease
Mangiferin: a multipotent natural product preventing neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease models
Mannosylated liposomal flavonoid in combating age-related ischemia–reperfusion induced oxidative damage in rat brain
MAPK signaling in neurodegeneration: influences of flavonoids and of nitric oxide
Mechanism involved in insulin resistance via accumulation of β-amyloid and neurofibrillary tangles: link between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease
Mechanisms of aging and potential role of selected polyphenols in extending healthspan
Mechanisms of dietary flavonoid action in neuronal function and neuroinflammation
Mechanisms of neuroprotection by polyphenols
Mechanistic description of natural herbs in the treatment of dementia: A systematic review
Medical management of Parkinson’s disease: focus on neuroprotection
Medicinal chemistry approaches for the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease
Medicinal plants and Alzheimer’s disease: Integrating ethnobotanical and contemporary scientific evidence
Medicinal plants and dementia therapy: herbal hopes for brain aging?
Medicinal plants as protective strategies against Parkinson’s disease
Medicinal plants from northeastern Brazil against Alzheimer’s disease
Medicinal Plants from Northeastern Brazil against Alzheimer’s Disease
Medicinal plants of Brazil and Alzheimer’s disease: Evolution in traditional use and pre-clinical studies
Medicinal Plants with Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activity: Therapeutic Potential of Brazilian Plants for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Medicinal Plants, Phytochemicals and Alzheimer’s
Medicinal properties of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in cannabis, and benefits in migraine, headache, and pain: an update on current evidence and …
Mediterranean and MIND diets containing olive biophenols reduces the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease
Mediterranean diet and risk for Alzheimer’s disease
Mediterranean Diet as a Potential Strategy to Reduce Cognitive Decline and dementia in Elderly
Mediterranean diet in predementia and dementia syndromes
Mediterranean diet, cognitive function, and dementia: a systematic review
Mediterranean diet: The role of long-chain ω-3 fatty acids in fish; polyphenols in fruits, vegetables, cereals, coffee, tea, cacao and wine; probiotics and vitamins …
Memory-enhancing activities of the aqueous extract of Albizia adianthifolia leaves in the 6-hydroxydopamine-lesion rodent model of Parkinson’s disease
Metabolic and immune risk factors for dementia and their modification by flavonoids: New targets for the prevention of cognitive impairment?
Metabolic links between diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease
Metabolic syndrome and the role of dietary lifestyles in Alzheimer’s disease
Metabolomics analysis of Xanthoceras sorbifolia husks protection of rats against Alzheimer’s disease using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
Metal Binding of flavonoids and Their Distinct Inhibition Mechanisms Toward the Oxidation Activity of Cu2+–β-Amyloid: Not Just Serving as Suicide Antioxidants!
Metal Chelation Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease: A Critical Review on the Thermodynamics of Complex Formation between Relevant Metal Ions and Promising or …
Metal chelation, radical scavenging and inhibition of Aβ42 fibrillation by food constituents in relation to Alzheimer’s disease
Metal dyshomeostasis and inflammation in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases: possible impact of environmental exposures
Metal dysregulation in the pathogenesis of Alzheimers disease An experimental study in rat brain and cultured neuroblastoma cells
Metal ions and metal complexes in Alzheimer’s disease
Metals and amyloid‐β in Alzheimer’s disease
Methanolic extract of Hibiscus asper leaves improves spatial memory deficits in the 6-hydroxydopamine-lesion rodent model of Parkinson’s disease
Methylglyoxal, glyoxal, and their detoxification in Alzheimer’s disease
Microwave assisted extraction of flavonoids from cultivated Epimedium sagittatum: Extraction yield and mechanism, antioxidant activity and chemical composition
Midlife coffee and tea drinking and the risk of late-life dementia: a population-based CAIDE study
MIND food and speed of processing training in older adults with low education, the MINDSpeed Alzheimer’s disease prevention pilot trial
Mitigating Alzheimer’s disease with natural polyphenols: a review
Mitochondria and antioxidant targeted therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer’s disease
Mitochondria as potential targets in Alzheimer disease therapy: An update
Mitochondria as targets for neuronal protection against excitotoxicity: a role for phenolic compounds?
Mitochondria in neuroprotection by phytochemicals: bioactive polyphenols modulate mitochondrial apoptosis system, function and structure
Mitochondria-targeted protective compounds in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases
Mitochondrial Aβ: a potential focal point for neuronal metabolic dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease
Mitochondrial cascade hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease: myth or reality?
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Alpha-Lipoic Acid: Beneficial or Harmful in Alzheimer’s Disease?
Mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease: pathogenesis and neuroprotection
Mitochondrial dysfunction—a pharmacological target in Alzheimer’s disease
Mitochondrial dysfunction: cause and consequence of Alzheimer’s
Mitochondrial dysfunction: cause and consequence of Alzheimer’s disease
Mitochondrial dysfunction: common final pathway in brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease—therapeutic aspects
Mitochondrial dysfunction: the first domino in brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease?
Mitochondrial membrane permeabilisation by amyloid aggregates and protection by polyphenols
Mitochondrial Therapeutic Approaches in Parkinson’s Disease
Moderate consumption of Cabernet Sauvignon attenuates Aβ neuropathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Modulating Effect of Diet on Alzheimer’s Disease
Modulation of Alzheimer-like Pathology in Type 2 Diabetic Rats via Grape Seed or Ginseng Extracts
Modulation of endogenous antioxidant system by wine polyphenols in human disease
Modulation of mitochondrial calcium as a pharmacological target for Alzheimer’s disease
Modulation of multiple neuroinflammatory signalling pathways by the dietary glycosidic flavonoid tiliroside
Modulation of Nrf2 by olive oil and wine polyphenols and neuroprotection
Modulation of Nrf2/ARE pathway by food polyphenols: a nutritional neuroprotective strategy for cognitive and Neurodegenerative disorders
Modulation of Pro-inflammatory Mediators by Eugenol in AlCl3 Induced dementia in Rats
Molecular characterization of multi-targets by bis (7)-tacrineat amyloid β cascade associated with Alzheimer’s disease
Molecular Mechanism of the Inhibition of EGCG on the Alzheimer Aβ1–42 Dimer
Molecular mechanisms of the neuroprotective/neurorescue action of multi-target green tea polyphenols
Molecular mechanisms underlying protective role of quercetin in attenuating Alzheimer’s disease
Molecular mechanisms underlying the flavonoid-induced inhibition of α-synuclein fibrillation
Molecular pathology and pharmacogenomics in Alzheimer’s disease: polygenic-related effects of multifactorial treatments on cognition, anxiety, and depression
Molecular pharmacology of rosmarinic and salvianolic acids: Potential seeds for Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia drugs
Molecular study of cell culture models of Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease.
Molecular targets in Alzheimer’s disease: from pathogenesis to therapeutics
Monoamine oxidase and α-synuclein as targets in Parkinson’s disease therapy
Monoamine Oxidase B and Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Natural flavonoids in Melastoma candidum D. Don
MPTP and 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurodegeneration as models for Parkinson’s disease: neuroprotective strategies
MPTP and 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurodegeneration as models for Parkinson’s disease: neuroprotective strategies
Mucuna pruriens seeds in treatment of Parkinson’s disease: pharmacological review
Mulberry fruit extract protects against memory impairment and hippocampal damage in animal model of vascular dementia
Multi-target directed drugs as a modern approach for drug design towards Alzheimer’s disease: an update
Multi-target-directed drug design strategy: from a dual binding site acetylcholinesterase inhibitor to a trifunctional compound against Alzheimer’s disease
Multi-target-directed ligands and other therapeutic strategies in the search of a real solution for Alzheimer’s disease
Multidisciplinary approaches for targeting the secretase protein family as a therapeutic route for Alzheimer’s disease
Multifunctional neuroprotective derivatives of rasagiline as anti-Alzheimer’s disease drugs
Multifunctional neuroprotective–neurorescue drugs for Parkinson’s disease
Multiple pharmacological activities of Caesalpinia crista against aluminium-induced neurodegeneration in rats: Relevance for Alzheimer’s disease
Multipotent natural agents to combat Alzheimer’s disease. Functional spectrum and structural features1
Na+‐K+‐ATPase, a potent neuroprotective modulator against Alzheimer disease
Nano-delivery systems for encapsulation of dietary polyphenols: An experimental approach for Neurodegenerative diseases and brain tumors
Nano-encapsulation of a natural polyphenol, green tea catechins: way to preserve its antioxidative potential
Nanoformulations of polyphenols for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders
Nanolipidic Carriers as Potential Drug Delivery Vehicles in Alzheimer’s Disease
Nanoparticle formulations in the diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimer’s disease
Nanoparticles as nanocarriers of resveratrol for Alzheimer’s disease
Nanotechnology and Alzheimer’s Disease: What has been Done and What to Do’
Nanotechnology based Theranostic approaches in Alzheimer’s disease management: current status and future perspective
Nanotechnology to improve the Alzheimer’s disease therapy with natural compounds
Nanotherapeutic strategies for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Nardostacys Jatamansi DC Protects from the loss of memory and cognition deficits in sleep deprived Alzheimer’s disease (Ad) mice model
Naringenin ameliorates Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-type neurodegeneration with cognitive impairment (AD-TNDCI) caused by the intracerebroventricular-
streptozotocin …
Naringin ameliorates memory deficits in experimental paradigm of Alzheimer’s disease by attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction
Natural Antioxidants in Dementia: An Overview
Natural compounds and plant extracts as therapeutics against chronic inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease–a translational perspective
Natural compounds and their derivatives as multifunctional agents for the treatment of alzheimer disease
Natural Compounds as Beneficial Antioxidant Agents in Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Focus on Alzheimer’s Disease
Natural compounds for Alzheimer’s disease therapy: a systematic review of preclinical and clinical studies
Natural Compounds for the Management of Parkinson’s Disease and Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder
Natural Neuroprotectives for the Management of Parkinson’s Disease
Natural phenolic compounds as therapeutic and preventive agents for cerebral amyloidosis
Natural phytochemicals in the treatment and prevention of dementia: An overview
Natural Phytoestrogens: A Class of Promising neuroprotective Agents for Parkinson Disease
Natural plant-derived acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: Relevance for Alzheimer’s disease
Natural polyphenols against Neurodegenerative disorders: potentials and pitfalls
Natural polyphenols binding to amyloid: A broad class of compounds to treat different human amyloid diseases
Natural polyphenols effects on protein aggregates in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s prion-like diseases
Natural polyphenols in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Natural polyphenols inhibit different steps of the process of transthyretin (TTR) amyloid fibril formation
Natural Product Chemical Probe Discovery against Parkinson’s Disease
Natural product formulations for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: a patent review
Natural product polyphenols of relevance to human health
Natural products against Alzheimer’s disease: Pharmaco-therapeutics and biotechnological interventions
Natural products and derivatives affecting neurotransmission relevant to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
Natural products and their derivatives as multifunctional ligands against Alzheimer’s disease
Natural products as a source of Alzheimer’s drug leads
Natural products as promising drug candidates for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: molecular mechanism aspect
Natural products combating neurodegeneration: Parkinson’s disease
Natural Products for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: Present and Future Expectations
Natural Products for Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Natural products in Alzheimer’s disease therapy: would old therapeutic approaches fix the broken promise of modern medicines?
Natural Products-Based Drugs: Potential Therapeutics against Alzheimer’s Disease and other Neurological Disorders
Natural stilbenes effects in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease
Natural Therapeutics for Alzheimer’s Disease
Naturally Inspired Privileged Structures in Drug Discovery: Multifunctional Compounds for Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment
Nature as a source of metabolites with cholinesterase‐inhibitory activity: an approach to Alzheimer’s disease treatment
neuro Protective Role of Selected medicinal Plant In Alzheimers Disease Design of Novel Drugs
Neuro-nutrients as anti-Alzheimer’s disease agents: A critical review
Neurobiological aspects of Alzheimer’s disease
Neurobiological effects of Hyperforin and its potential in Alzheimer’s disease therapy
Neurochemical correlates of dementia severity in Alzheimer’s disease: relative importance of the cholinergic deficits
Neurocognitive improvement through plant food bioactives: A particular approach to Alzheimer’s disease
Neurodegenerative diseases: might citrus flavonoids play a protective role?
Neurogenesis and neuroprotection in postischemic brain neurodegeneration with Alzheimer phenotype: is there a role for curcumin
Neurogenic and neuroprotective donepezil-flavonoid hybrids with sigma-1 affinity and inhibition of key enzymes in Alzheimer’s disease
Neurogenic traditional Chinese medicine as a promising strategy for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease: the preventive and therapeutic potential of polyphenolic nutraceuticals
Neuroinflammatory mechanisms in Parkinson’s disease: potential environmental triggers, pathways, and targets for early therapeutic intervention
Neuroinflammatory processes in cognitive disorders: Is there a role for flavonoids and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in counteracting their detrimental effects?
Neurological mechanisms of green tea polyphenols in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
Neuronal death in Alzheimer’s disease and therapeutic opportunities
Neuronutrition and Alzheimer’s disease
Neuropharmacological Activity of Apium graveolens L. and its neuroprotective Effect on MPTP-Induced Parkinson-Like Symptoms
Neuropharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics of the citrus flavonoids hesperidin and hesperetin—a mini-review
Neuroprotection by natural polyphenols: molecular mechanisms
Neuroprotection in Alzheimer Disease
Neuroprotection of brain-targeted bioactive dietary artoindonesianin O (AIO) from mulberry on rat neurons as a novel intervention for Alzheimer’s disease
Neuroprotection through flavonoid: Enhancement of the glyoxalase pathway
neuroprotective actions of flavones and flavonols: mechanisms and relationship to flavonoid structural features
neuroprotective actions of flavonoids
neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects of Apigenin and Luteolin in MPTP induced parkinsonism in mice
neuroprotective attributes of L-theanine, a bioactive amino acid of tea, and its potential role in Parkinson’s disease therapeutics
neuroprotective effect and antioxidant activity of Passiflora edulis fruit flavonoid fraction, aqueous extract, and juice in aluminum chloride-induced Alzheimer’s …
neuroprotective effect of blackberry (Rubus sp.) polyphenols is potentiated after simulated gastrointestinal digestion
neuroprotective effect of brassica oleracea sprouts crude juice in a cellular model of Alzheimer’s disease
neuroprotective effect of cocoa flavonids on in vitro oxidative stress
neuroprotective effect of EGb761® and low-dose whole-body γ-irradiation in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease
neuroprotective effect of ellagic acid against chronically scopolamine induced Alzheimer’s type memory and cognitive dysfunctions: possible behavioural and …
neuroprotective effect of flavonoids via up-regulation of Nrf2-ARE pathway, in MPP+-induced PC12 cells
neuroprotective Effect of Flavonoids: A Systematic Review
neuroprotective effect of Ginkgo biloba L. extract in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease
neuroprotective effect of hesperetin and nano-hesperetin on recognition memory impairment and the elevated oxygen stress in rat model of Alzheimer’s …
neuroprotective effect of hesperidin on aluminium chloride induced Alzheimer’s disease in Wistar rats
neuroprotective effect of naringin, a dietary flavonoid against 3-nitropropionic acid-induced neuronal apoptosis
neuroprotective effect of natural products against Alzheimer’s disease
neuroprotective effect of olive oil polyphenols in Alzheimer’s disease
neuroprotective effect of phytic acid in Parkinson’s disease
neuroprotective effects associated with wine and its phenolic constituents
neuroprotective effects of amantadine–flavonoid conjugates
neuroprotective effects of citrus Fruit-Derived flavonoids, nobiletin and Tangeretin in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease
neuroprotective effects of digested polyphenols from wild blackberry species
neuroprotective effects of epigallocatechin gallate in cell culture and animal models of Parkinson’s disease
neuroprotective effects of fisetin in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases: From chemistry to medicine
neuroprotective effects of naturally occurring polyphenols on quinolinic acid‐induced excitotoxicity in human neurons
neuroprotective effects of phenolic and carboxylic acids on oxidative stress-induced toxicity in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells
neuroprotective Effects of Polyphenols
neuroprotective Effects of Polyphenols in Aging and Age‐Related Neurological Disorders
neuroprotective Effects of Quercetin in Alzheimer’s Disease
neuroprotective effects of resveratrol and epigallocatechin gallate polyphenols are mediated by the activation of protein kinase C gamma
neuroprotective effects of resveratrol in Alzheimer disease pathology
neuroprotective effects of rutin and quercetin flavonoids in glaucium corniculatum methanol and water extracts
neuroprotective effects of selected microbial-derived phenolic metabolites and aroma compounds from wine in human sh-sy5y neuroblastoma cells and their …
neuroprotective mechanisms of resveratrol in Alzheimer’s disease: role of SIRT1
neuroprotective natural products for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease by targeting the autophagy–lysosome pathway: A systematic review
neuroprotective potential of withania somnifera in rotenone induced parkinsonism in mice
neuroprotective properties of a standardized extract from Myracrodruon urundeuva Fr. All.(Aroeira-Do-Sertao), as evaluated by a Parkinson’s disease model in rats
neuroprotective properties of dietary polyphenols in Parkinson’s disease
neuroprotective Properties of Partridgeberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. var. minus Lodd) Polyphenols
neuroprotective properties of the natural phenolic antioxidants curcumin and naringenin but not quercetin and fisetin in a 6-OHDA model of Parkinson’s disease
neuroprotective role of antioxidant and pyranocarboxylic acid derivative against AlCl3 induced Alzheimer’s disease in rats
neuroprotective Role of Green Tea Polyphenols on the Superior Colliculus in MPTP Mice Model of Parkinson’s Disease
neuroprotective role of natural polyphenols
neuroprotective strategies in Parkinson’s disease
neuroprotective Strategies in Parkinson’s Disease Using the Models of 6‐Hydroxydopamine and MPTPa
neuroprotective Strategies in Parkinson’s Disease Using the Models of 6‐Hydroxydopamine and MPTPa
neuroprotective strategies to prevent and treat Parkinson’s disease based on its pathophysiological mechanism
neuroprotective therapies for Alzheimer’s disease
Neurosupportive role of vanillin, a natural phenolic compound, on rotenone induced neurotoxicity in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells
Neurotherapeutic applications of nanoparticles in Alzheimer’s disease
New acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease
New methodology for the biomimetic synthesis of Flavan-3, 4-diols and derivatives
NF-κB-Mediated Neuroinflammation in Parkinson’s Disease and Potential Therapeutic Effect of Polyphenols
Nitric oxide mediates neurovascular coupling in the brain effect of polyphenols in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease
Nonpeptide neurotrophic agents useful in the treatment of Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease
Nonpharmacological Modulation of Chronic Inflammation in Parkinson’s Disease: Role of Diet Interventions
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug use and the risk for Parkinson’s disease
Nootropic and anti-Alzheimer’s actions of medicinal plants: molecular insight into therapeutic potential to alleviate Alzheimer’s neuropathology
Nootropic Medicinal Plants: Therapeutic Alternatives for Alzheimer’s disease
Novel benzylidenephenylpyrrolizinone
s with pleiotropic activities potentially useful in Alzheimer’s disease treatment
Novel chelators targeting cell cycle arrest, acetylcholinesterase, and monoamine oxidase for Alzheimer’s therapy
Novel disease-modifying therapeutics for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Novel Mannitol-Based Small Molecules for Inhibiting Aggregation of α-Synuclein Amyloids in Parkinson’s Disease
Novel multifunctional anti-Alzheimer drugs with various CNS neurotransmitter targets and neuroprotective moieties
Novel neuroprotective Therapies for Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons’s Disease
Novel photoaffinity probes of homoisoflavonoids for target identification of retinal neovascularization
Novel promising therapeutics against chronic neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease
Novel regimen through combination of memantine and tea polyphenol for neuroprotection against brain excitotoxicity
Novel tacrine-scutellarin hybrids as multipotent anti-Alzheimer’s agents: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation
Novel tactics for neuroprotection in Parkinson’s disease: role of antibiotics, polyphenols and neuropeptides
Novel targets for parkinsonism-depression comorbidity
Novel therapeutic strategies for dementia
Novel Therapeutics in Alzheimer’s Disease
Nutraceutical potential of phenolics from′ brava′ and′ mansa′ extra-virgin olive oils on the inhibition of enzymes associated to Neurodegenerative disorders in …
Nutraceutical Potential of Phenolics fromBrava´ andMansa´ Extra-Virgin Olive Oils on the Inhibition of Enzymes Associated to Neurodegenerative Disorders in …
Nutraceuticals and amyloid Neurodegenerative diseases: a focus on natural phenols
Nutraceuticals and their preventive or potential therapeutic value in Parkinson’s disease
Nutraceuticals in cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s
Nutraceuticals in cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease
Nutraceuticals in the Prevention or Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
Nutraceuticals Neuroprotect Naturally: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Stroke and Major Depressive Disorder
Nutraceuticals: a novel concept in prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders
Nutraceuticals: an emerging therapeutic approach against the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease
Nutraceuticals: dietary flavonoids
Nutrients in the Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease
Nutrition and AGE-ing: Focusing on Alzheimer’s Disease
Nutrition and the risk for Parkinson’s disease: review of the literature
Nutrition and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Nutrition increases Survival and Reverses NAFLD and Alzheimer’s disease
Nutrition Society Silver Medal Lecture Beyond antioxidants: the cellular and molecular interactions of flavonoids and how these underpin their actions on the brain
Nutrition: Review on the possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease
Nutritional and pharmacological strategies to regulate microglial polarization in cognitive aging and Alzheimer’s disease
Nutritional approaches to combat oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease
Nutritional approaches to modulate oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease
Nutritional contributions to dementia prevention: main issues on antioxidant micronutrients
Nutritional habits, risk, and progression of Parkinson disease
Nutritional prevention of cognitive decline and dementia
O-Methylated flavonoid Isorhamnetin Protects against oxidative stress via Activation of Nrf2 and Target Gene Expression
Oil palm phenolics inhibit the in vitro aggregation of β-amyloid peptide into oligomeric complexes
Old age-associated phenotypic screening for Alzheimer’s disease drug candidates identifies sterubin as a potent neuroprotective compound from Yerba santa
Olive biophenols reduces Alzheimer’s pathology in SH-SY5Y cells and APPswe mice
Olive polyphenols: New promising agents to combat aging-associated neurodegeneration
Omics and Epigenetics of Polyphenol-Mediated Neuroprotection: The Curcumin Perspective
On the role of synthesized hydroxylated chalcones as dual functional amyloid-β aggregation and ferroptosis inhibitors for potential treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
One‐compound‐multiple‐targets strategy to combat Alzheimer’s disease
Original Research Phenolics, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Melia azedarachextracts
Orobol: An Isoflavone Exhibiting Regulatory Multifunctionality against Four Pathological Features of Alzheimer’s Disease
Orthosiphon stamineus improves memory in scopolamine-induced amnesia model of cholinergic hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease
Outsmarting Alzheimer’s: What You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk
Overview of Alzheimer’s disease and some therapeutic approaches targeting Aβ by using several synthetic and herbal compounds
Overviews of biological importance of quercetin: A bioactive flavonoid
Oxidant/antioxidant imbalance and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Oxidative DNA damage in the parkinsonian brain: an apparent selective increase in 8‐hydroxyguanine levels in substantia nigra
Oxidative modification of vesicular transporters in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease
oxidative stress and Alzheimer’s disease: dietary polyphenols as potential therapeutic agents
oxidative stress and amyloid beta toxicity in Alzheimer’s disease: intervention in a complex relationship by antioxidants
oxidative stress and inflammation: what polyphenols can do for us?
oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: From biology to therapeutic strategies
oxidative stress events and neuronal dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease: focus on APE1/Ref-1-mediated survival strategies
oxidative stress in Alzheimer patients in different stages of the disease
oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Review on Emergent Natural Polyphenolic Therapeutics
oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease: implications for prevention and therapy
oxidative stress in Parkinson’s disease
oxidative stress in Parkinson’s disease
oxidative stress in Parkinson’s disease; parallels between current animal models, human studies and cells
Oxidative stress: a bridge between Down’s syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease
Oxidative stress: A major pathogenesis and potential therapeutic target of antioxidative agents in Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease
Parkinson’s disease and tea: a quantitative review
Parkinson’s Disease Model in vitro and in C. elegans
Parkinson’s Disease-associated LRRK2 Mutation Causes Abnormal Protein Accumulation-related Cytotoxicity
Parkinson’s disease: from pathogenesis to pharmacogenomics
Parkinson’s disease: the emerging role of gut dysbiosis, antibiotics, probiotics, and fecal microbiota transplantation
Partridgeberry polyphenols protect primary cortical and hippocampal neurons against β-amyloid toxicity
Past and Present Drug Development for Alzheimer’s Disease
Pelargonidin improves memory deficit in amyloid β25-35 rat model of Alzheimer’s disease by inhibition of glial activation, cholinesterase, and oxidative stress
Pelargonidin improves passive avoidance task performance in a rat amyloid beta25-35 model of Alzheimer’s disease via estrogen receptor independent pathways
Peripheral markers in testing pathophysiological hypotheses and diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease
Pharmacoepigenomic interventions as novel potential treatments for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
Pharmacogenomics in Alzheimer’s disease
Pharmacogenomics of Alzheimer’s disease: Novel therapeutic strategies for drug development
Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution of 14C-Labeled Grape Polyphenols in the Periphery and the Central Nervous System Following Oral Administration
Pharmacological effects of active components of Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: a review
Pharmacological Investigation and Unraveling Mechanism of Action ofJasminum sambac Flowers for Predicated Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Pharmacological manipulation of ataxia-telangiectasia kinase activity as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease
Pharmacological properties and therapeutic potential of naringenin: a citrus flavonoid of pharmaceutical promise
Pharmacophore-based drug design of novel potential tau ligands for Alzheimer’s disease treatment
Pharmacotherapies for Alzheimer’s disease: beyond cholinesterase inhibitors
Pharmacotherapies for Alzheimer’s Disease: From Natural Compounds to Target Synthetic Drugs
Phenolic Acid Intake, Delivered Via Moderate Champagne Wine Consumption, Improves Spatial Working Memory Via the Modulation of Hippocampal and Cortical …
Phenolic acids exert anticholinesterase and cognition-improving effects
Phenolic antioxidants attenuate hippocampal neuronal cell damage against kainic acid induced excitotoxicity
Phenolic antioxidants attenuate neuronal cell death following uptake of oxidized low-density lipoprotein
Phenolic antioxidants attenuate neuronal cell death following uptake of oxidized low-density lipoprotein
Phenolic composition, antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory activities of acetone, methanol and water extracts of Clinopodium vulgare L. subsp. vulgare L.
Phenolic compounds and their health benefits: A review
Phenolic compounds characteristic of the mediterranean diet in mitigating microglia-mediated neuroinflammation
Phenolic compounds from edible algae: Bioactivity and health benefits
Phenolic Compounds from the Leaves and Stems of Desmodium Caudatum
Phenolic compounds in fruits and beverages consumed as part of the mediterranean diet: their role in prevention of chronic diseases
Phenolic compounds in fruits and beverages consumed as part of the mediterranean diet: their role in prevention of chronic diseases
Phenolic compounds of green tea: Health benefits and technological application in food
Phenolic compounds prevent Alzheimer’s pathology through different effects on the amyloid-β aggregation pathway
Phenolic compounds prevent the oligomerization of α‐synuclein and reduce synaptic toxicity
Phenolic Compounds with IL-6 Inhibitory Activity from Akebia quinata
Phenolic content of grapevine leaves (Vitis labrusca var. Bordo) and its neuroprotective effect against peroxide damage
Phenolic content, enzyme inhibitory and antioxidative activity potentials of Phlomis nissolii and P. pungens var. pungens
Phenolic contents and bioactive potential of peach fruit extracts
Phenolic contents, antioxidant and anticholinesterase potentials of crude extract, subsequent fractions and crude saponins from Polygonum hydropiper L
Phenolic Extracts from Clerodendrum volubile Leaves Inhibit Cholinergic and Monoaminergic Enzymes Relevant to the Management of Some Neurodegenerative …
Phenolic profile and antioxidative properties of pulp and seeds of Randia monantha Benth
Phenolic profile of three wild edible mushroom extracts from Ordu, Turkey and their antioxidant properties, enzyme inhibitory activities
Phenolic, flavonoid contents, anticholinesterase and antioxidant evaluation of Iris germanica var; florentina
Phenylpropanoids and Alzheimer’s disease: A potential therapeutic platform
Phloretin attenuates behavior deficits and neuroinflammatory response in MPTP induced Parkinson’s disease in mice
Phosphoprotein phosphatase 2A: a novel druggable target for Alzheimer’s disease
Phosphorylation and sequence dependency of neurofilament protein oxidative modification in Alzheimer disease
Phyto‐Tacrine Hybrids as Promising Drugs to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease
Phytochemical and pharmacological properties of flavonols
Phytochemical Evaluation of Lagerstroemia indica (L.) Pers. Leaves as Anti-Alzheimer’s
Phytochemicals and cognitive health: Are flavonoids doing the trick?
Phytochemicals as inhibitors of NF-κB for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Phytochemicals Bridging Autophagy Induction and Alpha-Synuclein Degradation in Parkinsonism
Phytochemicals, Antioxidants, and Cholinesterase Inhibitory Profiles of Elatostema Papillosum Leaves: An Alternative Approach for Management of Alzheimer’s …
Pinus halepensis essential oil attenuates the toxic Alzheimer’s amyloid beta (1-42)-induced memory impairment and oxidative stress in the rat hippocampus
Plant Extracts and Phytochemicals Targeting α-Synuclein Aggregation in Parkinson’s Disease Models
Plant phenolics affect oxidation of tryptophan
Plant phenolics as functional food ingredients
Plant polyphenols as dietary antioxidants in human health and disease
Plant polyphenols as dietary modulators of brain functions
Plant polyphenols as natural drugs for the management of Down syndrome and related disorders
Plants as potential sources for drug development against Alzheimer’s disease
Plants traditionally used in age-related brain disorders (dementia): an ethanopharmacological survey
Plants with traditional uses and activities, relevant to the management of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disorders
Plasma antioxidant status in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and cognitively intact elderly: a meta-analysis of case-control studies
Plasma oxidative and inflammatory markers in patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease
Plasticity of hippocampal synaptic transmission and intrinsic excitability in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Polymethoxyflavones: Novel β-secretase (BACE1) inhibitors from citrus peels
polyphenol amentoflavone affords neuroprotection against neonatal hypoxic‐ischemic brain damage via multiple mechanisms
polyphenol antioxidants from natural sources and contribution to health promotion
polyphenol composition, antioxidant and bioplaguicide activities of the solid residue from hydrodistillation of Rosmarinus officinalis L.
polyphenol compounds and PKC signaling
polyphenol health effects on cardiovascular and Neurodegenerative disorders: A review and meta-analysis
polyphenol modulation of blood flow and oxygenation
polyphenol Pharmacokinetics and Cardiovascular, Cognitive and Exercise Pharmacodynamics following Montmorency Tart Cherry Intake in Humans
polyphenol stilbenes: molecular mechanisms of defence against oxidative stress and aging-related diseases
Polyphenol-enriched cocoa protects the diabetic retina from glial reaction through the sirtuin pathway
Polyphenol-rich Boswellia serrata gum prevents cognitive impairment and insulin resistance of diabetic rats through inhibition of GSK3β activity, oxidative …
Polyphenol-rich foods in the Mediterranean diet are associated with better cognitive function in elderly subjects at high cardiovascular risk
Polyphenolic antioxidants and neuronal regeneration
Polyphenolic Compound from Vitis vinifera L. have Potential for the Alzheimer Disease Treatment
Polyphenolic compounds for treating Neurodegenerative disorders involving protein misfolding
Polyphenols and brain health
Polyphenols and cognitive function
Polyphenols and health: new and recent advances
Polyphenols and human health: a review
Polyphenols and human health: prevention of disease and mechanisms of action
Polyphenols and inflammation
Polyphenols and Metabolites Enhance Survival in Rodents and Nematodes—Impact of Mitochondria
Polyphenols and Neurodegenerative diseases
Polyphenols and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Polyphenols and neuroprotection against ischemia and neurodegeneration
Polyphenols and public health
Polyphenols and the human brain: plant “secondary metabolite” ecologic roles and endogenous signaling functions drive benefits
Polyphenols as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: structural specificity and impact on human disease
Polyphenols As Natural, Dual-Action Therapeutics For Alzheimer’s Disease
Polyphenols beyond barriers: a glimpse into the brain
Polyphenols derived from lychee seed suppress Aβ (1-42)-induced neuroinflammation
Polyphenols for diabetes associated neuropathy: Pharmacological targets and clinical perspective
Polyphenols from Food and Natural Products: Neuroprotection and Safety
Polyphenols in combination with β-cyclodextrin can inhibit and disaggregate α-synuclein amyloids under cell mimicking conditions: A promising therapeutic alternative
Polyphenols in dementia: From molecular basis to clinical trials
Polyphenols in disease: from diet to supplements
Polyphenols in health and disease: practice and mechanisms of benefits
Polyphenols in neurodegeneration and neuroendocrine alterations: a metabolomic approach
Polyphenols in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review of in vivo studies
Polyphenols in the Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease: some food for thought?
Polyphenols Modulate Alzheimer’s Amyloid Beta Aggregation in a Structure-Dependent Manner
Polyphenols neuroprotective effect in a Parkinson’s disease yeast model: phosphoproteome alterations
Polyphenols suppress and modulate inflammation: possible roles in health and disease
Polyphenols Targeting Brain Cells Longevity, Brain’s Redox Status, and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Polyphenols-What’s Behind their Antiaging Brain Reputation
Polyphenols: a diverse class of multi-target anti-HIV-1 agents
Polyphenols: Food sources and health benefits
Polyphenols: multipotent therapeutic agents in Neurodegenerative diseases
Polyphenols: well beyond the antioxidant capacity: gallic acid and related compounds as neuroprotective agents: you are what you eat!
Pomegranate juice decreases amyloid load and improves behavior in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Pomegranate’s neuroprotective effects against Alzheimer’s disease are mediated by urolithins, its ellagitannin-gut microbial derived metabolites
Possible involvement of programmed cell death pathways in the neuroprotective action of polyphenols
Possible role of common spices as a preventive and therapeutic agent for Alzheimer’s disease
Possible therapeutic role of grape (Vitis vinifera) leaves polyphenolic extract in the regression of aluminium-induced Alzheimer’s disease in rats
Possible Therapeutic Uses of Salvia triloba and Piper nigrum in Alzheimer’s Disease–Induced Rats
Potent anti‐amyloidogenic and fibril‐destabilizing effects of polyphenols in vitro: implications for the prevention and therapeutics of Alzheimer’s disease
Potent Inhibitory Effect of flavonoids in Scutellaria baicalensis on Amyloid β Protein-Induced Neurotoxicity
Potential application of dietary polyphenols from red wine to attaining healthy ageing
Potential beneficial effects of a diet with walnuts in aging and Alzheimer’s disease
Potential complementarity of high-flavanol cocoa powder and spirulina for health protection
Potential for brain accessibility and analysis of stability of selected flavonoids in relation to neuroprotection in vitro
Potential health benefits of tea polyphenols—a review
Potential of medicinal plant compounds to targeting Tau protein in the therapy of Alzheimer’s disease–A review
Potential of South African medicinal plants targeting the reduction of Aβ42 protein as a treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Potential protection of green tea polyphenols against 1800 MHz electromagnetic radiation-induced injury on rat cortical neurons
Potential role of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in the secondary prevention of Alzheimer disease
Potential Role of (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG) in the Secondary Prevention of Alzheimer Disease
Potential role of olive oil phenolic compounds in the prevention of Neurodegenerative diseases
Potential Role of Vitamin C in the Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease
Potential therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer’s disease targeting or beyond β-amyloid: insights from clinical trials
Potential therapeutic strategies to prevent the progression of alzheimer to disease states
Precautionary Ellagic Acid Treatment Ameliorates Chronically Administered Scopolamine Induced Alzheimer’s Type Memory and Cognitive Dysfunctions in …
Preclinical and potential applications of common western herbal supplements as complementary treatment in Parkinson’s disease
Precursor form of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor and mature brain‐derived neurotrophic factor are decreased in the pre‐clinical stages of Alzheimer’s disease
Prediction of Anti‐Alzheimer’s Activity of flavonoids Targeting Acetylcholinesterase in silico
Prenylated flavonoids from the Roots of Sophora flavescens Promote Vascular Relaxation via Endothelium-Dependent Mechansims
Pretreatment with natural flavones and neuronal cell survival after oxidative stress: a structure− activity relationship study
Prevention and reversal of Alzheimer’s disease: treatment protocol
Prevention and treatment of Alzheimer disease and aging: antioxidants
Prevention of Dementia
Prevention of oxidative injury by flavonoids from stems and leaves of Scutellaria Baicalensis georgi in PC12 cells
Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Traditional Medicines on Diabetic Complications: Sophora flavescens, Pueraria lobata, Coptis chinensis, Cirsium …
Preventive effect of small-leaved kuding tea (Ligustrum robustum (Roxb.) Bl.) polyphenols on D-galactose-induced oxidative stress and aging in mice
Primary Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
Processing of the β‐amyloid precursor protein and its regulation in Alzheimer’s disease
Profiling of in vitro neurobiological effects and phenolic acids of selected endemic Salvia species
Progress in drug development for Alzheimer’s disease: an overview in relation to mitochondrial energy metabolism
Projections of Alzheimer’s disease in the United States and the public health impact of delaying disease onset.
Proposed Mechanism of Alzheimer’s Disease: the Role of oxidative stress A Review of Scientific Literature
Prospective associations between single foods, Alzheimer’s dementia and memory decline in the elderly
Protection of Okadaic Acid-induced Tau Hyperphosphorylation by Bioflavonoids in Neuroblastoma Cells
Protective effect of a (poly) phenol-rich extract derived from sweet cherries culls against oxidative cell damage
Protective effect of a phenolic‐rich fraction from Schisandra chinensis against H2O2‐induced apoptosis in SH‐SY5Y cells
Protective effect of black tea extract against aluminium chloride-induced Alzheimer’s disease in rats: A behavioural, biochemical and molecular approach
Protective effect of daidzein against streptozotocin‐induced Alzheimer’s disease via improving cognitive dysfunction and oxidative stress in rat model
Protective effect of ginger (Zingiber officinale) on Alzheimer’s disease induced in rats
Protective Effect of Green Tea Extract on Neuronal Cell Death in Alzheimer Model using -amyloid Peptide
Protective effect of green tea polyphenol EGCG against neuronal damage and brain edema after unilateral cerebral ischemia in gerbils
Protective effect of iris germanica l. In β-amyloid-induced animal model of Alzheimer’s disease
Protective effect of isoflavones from Trifolium pratense on dopaminergic neurons
Protective effect of kaempferol on the transgenic Drosophila model of Alzheimer’s disease
Protective effect of mulberry crude extract against nonylphenol-induced thyroid disruption by inhibiting the activity of deiodinase in rats
Protective effect of naringin, a citrus flavonoid, against colchicine-induced cognitive dysfunction and oxidative damage in rats
Protective effect of Picrorhiza kurroa on Alzheimer’s disease induced by aluminium chloride in rats
Protective effect of raisin (currant) against spatial memory impairment and oxidative stress in Alzheimer disease model
Protective effect of rutin, a polyphenolic flavonoid against haloperidol‐induced orofacial dyskinesia and associated behavioural, biochemical and neurochemical …
Protective effect of standardized extract of Passiflora incarnata flower in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease
Protective Effect of the Leaves of Solanum torvums wartz on Drosophila melanogaster against β-Amyloid Induced Alzheimer Disease
Protective effects of berry polyphenols against age-related cognitive impairment
Protective effects of dietary polyphenols in human diseases and mechanisms of action
Protective effects of fisetin and other berry flavonoids in Parkinson’s disease
Protective effects of flavonoid baicalein against menadione-induced damage in SK-N-MC cells
Protective effects of flavonoids against Alzheimer’s disease-related neural dysfunctions
Protective effects of foods containing flavonoids on age-related cognitive decline
Protective effects of gingerol on streptozotocin-induced sporadic Alzheimer’s disease: emphasis on inhibition of β-amyloid, COX-2, alpha-, beta-secretases …
Protective effects of Indian spice curcumin against amyloid-β in Alzheimer’s disease
Protective effects of Portulaca oleracea against rotenone mediated depletion of glutathione in the striatum of rats as an animal model of Parkinson’s disease
Protective effects of water extract of propolis on dopaminergic neurons, brain derived neurotrophic factor and stress oxidative factors in the rat model of Parkinson’s …
Protective role of caffeic acid in an Aβ25-35-induced Alzheimer’s disease model
Protein drug targets of lavandula angustifolia on treatment of rat Alzheimer’s disease
Protein folding and aggregation into amyloid: the interference by natural phenolic compounds
Proteomics in traditional Chinese medicine with an emphasis on Alzheimer’s disease
Putative role of red wine polyphenols against brain pathology in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
Quercetin enrich diet during the early-middle not middle-late stage of Alzheimer’s disease ameliorates cognitive dysfunction
Quercetin-modified gold-palladium nanoparticles as a potential autophagy inducer for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Rapid assembly of Alzheimer-like paired helical filaments from microtubule-associated protein tau monitored by fluorescence in solution
Rational approach to discover multipotent anti-Alzheimer drugs
Rational Design, Preparation, and Analysis of Chemical Reagents for Investigating Multiple Pathological Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease
Reactive oxygen species and inhibitors of inflammatory enzymes, NADPH oxidase, and iNOS in experimental models of Parkinson’s disease
Recent advancements in the field of nanotechnology for the delivery of anti-Alzheimer drug in the brain region
Recent advances from metabolomics and lipidomics application in Alzheimer’s disease inspiring drug discovery
Recent advances in health promoting effect of dietary polyphenols
Recent advances in herbal medicines treating Parkinson’s disease
Recent Advances in Multi-target Anti-Alzheimer Disease Compounds (2013 Up to the Present)
Recent Advances in Nanoencapsulation Systems Using PLGA of Bioactive Phenolics for Protection against Chronic Diseases
Recent advances in the antioxidant therapies for Alzheimer’s disease: Emphasis on natural antioxidants
Recent advances in the design and applications of amyloid-β peptide aggregation inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease therapy
Recent advances in the design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of selective DYRK1A inhibitors: a new avenue for a disease modifying treatment of Alzheimer’s?
Recent advances in the genetics of Parkinson’s disease
Recent advances in the multitarget‐directed ligands approach for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Recent Expansions on Cellular Models to Uncover the Scientific Barriers Towards Drug Development for Alzheimer’s Disease
Recent findings in Alzheimer disease and nutrition focusing on epigenetics
Recent Plant Based Remedies for Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and Cerebral Ischemic Stroke
Recent progress in multifunctional metal chelators as potential drugs for Alzheimer’s disease
Recent Studies on Mechanisms of New Drug Candidates for Alzheimer’s Disease Interacting with Amyloid-β Protofibrils Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Recent trends in drug discovery against Alzheimer’s disease: use of natural products and nutraceuticals from botanicals
Recent updates in redox regulation and free radical scavenging effects by herbal products in experimental models of Parkinson’s disease
Recent updates on the association between Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia
Recent Updates on the Association Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Dementia
Receptor specific, stimuli responsive and subcellular targeted approaches for effective therapy of Alzheimer: Role of surface engineered nanocarriers
Recovery of new diarylheptanoid sources in Betulaceae: Characterisation of the phenolic profile of Corylus species by HPLC-ESI-MS methods
Recycling acetate for improving flavanones production from Escherichia coli
Red grape juice and Alzheimer’s disease
Red wine polyphenol-induced, endothelium-dependent NO-mediated relaxation is due to the redox-sensitive PI3-kinase/Akt-dependent phosphorylation of …
Red wine retards Abeta deposition and neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease
Red wine, resveratrol, and Alzheimer’s disease
Redox chemistry of green tea polyphenols: therapeutic benefits in Neurodegenerative diseases
Reduction is the New Youth: The Effect of Polyphenols on Brain Aging and Diseases
Regulation of autophagy by polyphenols: Paving the road for treatment of neurodegeneration
Relationship between Wine Consumption and Alzheimer’s Disease
Relationship of Wine Consumption with Alzheimer’s Disease
Relationships of dietary patterns, foods, and micro-and macronutrients with Alzheimer’s disease and late-life cognitive disorders: a systematic review
Research Article Improvement of Learning and Memory by Morin, A flavonoid in Young and Aged Mice
Research of polyphenols with neuroprotective potential in a yeast model of degeneration
Restoration of stressor-induced calcium dysregulation and autophagy inhibition by polyphenol-rich açaí (Euterpe spp.) fruit pulp extracts in rodent brain cells in vitro
Resveratrol and Grape’s Extract-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Diseases
Resveratrol as a potential therapeutic candidate for the treatment and management of Alzheimer’s disease
Resveratrol—a boon for treating Alzheimer’s disease?
Retrospect and prospect of active principles from Chinese herbs in the treatment of dementia
Reverse Alzheimer’s Disease Naturally: Alternative Treatments for dementia including Alzheimer’s Disease
Review of natural products on Parkinson’s disease pathology
Review of Traditional and Natural Methods of Treating Alzheimer’s Disease
Review on potential phytocompounds in drug development for Parkinson disease: a pharmacoinformatic approach
Revisiting the intersection of amyloid, pathologically modified tau and iron in Alzheimer’s disease from a ferroptosis perspective
Rhodiola rosea L. and Alzheimer’s Disease: From Farm to Pharmacy
Rhodiola rosea L.-An evaluation of safety and efficacy in the context of a neurological disorder, Alzheimer Disease
Role of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors and Alzheimer Disease
Role of alpha-synuclein primary structure and oxidative stressin Parkinson’s disease pathology
Role of amyloid-β–metal interactions in Alzheimer’s disease
Role of flavonoids in Neurodegenerative Disorders with Special Emphasis on Tangeritin
Role of flavonoids in oxidative stress
Role of intestinal microbiota in the generation of polyphenol‐derived phenolic acid mediated attenuation of Alzheimer’s disease β‐amyloid oligomerization
Role of medicinal plants against Alzheimer’s disease
Role of medicinal plants in Neurodegenerative diseases with special emphasis to alzheimer’s
Role of nanomedicines in delivery of anti-acetylcholinesterase compounds to the brain in Alzheimer’s disease
Role of Nutraceuticals in Alzheimer’s disease
Role of p38/MAPKs in Alzheimer’s disease: implications for amyloid beta toxicity targeted therapy
Role of plant polyphenols in Alzheimer’s disease
Role of plant-derived flavonoids and their mechanism in attenuation of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases: An update of recent data
Role of polyphenols in cell death control
Role of Polyphenols in the prevention of neurodegeneration
Role of sirtuins and calorie restriction in neuroprotection: implications in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
Role of standardized grape polyphenol preparation as a novel treatment to improve synaptic plasticity through attenuation of features of metabolic syndrome in a …
Role of the APP non-amyloidogenic signaling pathway and targeting α-secretase as an alternative drug target for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Role of the Microbiome in polyphenol Metabolite-Mediated Attenuation of β-amyloid and tau Protein Misfolding in Alzheimer’s Disease
Roles of AMP-activated protein kinase in Alzheimer’s disease
Rosmarinic acid suppresses Alzheimer’s disease development by reducing amyloid β aggregation by increasing monoamine secretion
Roundoc Rx: Neurodegenerative Disease: Part 2—Top Herbs and Supplements for Addressing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease
Rutin as a natural therapy for Alzheimer’s disease: Insights into its mechanisms of action
Rutin protects dopaminergic neurons from oxidative stress in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease
Screening and evaluation of natural compounds for therapeutic application in Alzheimer’s disease
Searching for the role and the most suitable biomarkers of oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease and in other Neurodegenerative diseases
Secretase inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: Long road ahead
Secretory phospholipase A2-IIA in Alzheimer’s disease and inflammatory responses in astrocytes
Selective increase of iron in substantia nigra zona compacta of parkinsonian brains
Separations with Raman Spectroscopy for Identification of Oxidatively Modified Components in Parkinson’s Disease
Serum concentrations of vitamin E and carotenoids are altered in Alzheimer’s disease: A case-control study
Several targets involved in Alzheimer’s disease amyloidogenesis are affected by morin and isoquercitrin
Shaping the Nrf2-ARE-related pathways in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
Short-term dietary supplementation of blueberry polyphenolics: beneficial effects on aging brain performance and peripheral tissue function
Short-term dietary supplementation of blueberry polyphenolics: beneficial effects on aging brain performance and peripheral tissue function
Signal transduction in Alzheimer disease: p21‐activated kinase signaling requires C‐terminal cleavage of APP at Asp664
Signaling pathway cross talk in Alzheimer’s disease
Significant roles of neuroinflammation in Parkinson’s disease: therapeutic targets for PD prevention
Silymarin attenuated the amyloid β plaque burden and improved behavioral abnormalities in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
Silymarin’s inhibition and treatment effects for Alzheimer’s disease
Simple In Vivo Models of Alzheimer’s Disease
Simultaneous determination of phenolic compounds in Catharanthus roseus leaves by HPLC method
Simultaneous manipulation of multiple brain targets by green tea catechins: a potential neuroprotective strategy for Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases
Sir-2.1 mediated attenuation of α-synuclein expression by Alaskan bog blueberry polyphenols in a transgenic model of Caenorhabditis elegans
Sirtuins as novel targets for Alzheimer’s disease and other Neurodegenerative disorders: experimental and genetic evidence
Sirtuins in Alzheimer’s disease: SIRT2-related genophenotypes and implications for pharmacoepigenetics
Site-specific inhibitory mechanism for amyloid β42 aggregation by catechol-type flavonoids targeting the Lys residues
Small molecule natural products and Alzheimer’s disease
Sophora Tomentosa Extract Prevents MPTP-Induced Parkinsonism in C57BL/6 Mice Via the Inhibition of GSK-3β Phosphorylation and Oxidative Stress
Spices And Herbs: An Essential Guide To Spice Up Your Health And Flavor Your Diet
ß-Amyloid and oxidative stress in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Stahl’s Illustrated Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias
Statistical and Data Mining Methodologies for Behavioral Analysis in Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease: Parallels with Human AD Evaluation
Stem Cell Biology for Therapeutic Development in Parkinson’s Disease
Stem Cells as Potential Targets of Polyphenols in Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s Disease
Strategies for Multi-target Directed Ligands: Application in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Therapeutics
Structural Analysis of Flavonoid/Drug Target Complexes: Natural Products as Lead Compounds for Drug Development
Structural Elucidation of Novel Phenolic Glycosides in Cimicifugae Rhizoma by Structure-based Chemical Screening using LC-NMR and LC-UV-MS
Structure activity relationship of phenolic acid inhibitors of α-synuclein fibril formation and toxicity
Structure-activity relationships of flavonoids
Structure–activity relationships of acetylated flavone glycosides from Galeopsis ladanum L.(Lamiaceae)
Studies on Amyloid Beta Peptide Aggregation and Its Modulation by Garlic Components: Relevance to Alzheimer’s Disease
Studies on the Leaves of Punica Granatum Linn. and its Invitro Inhibition of Ache for Potential Use in Alzheimer’s Treatment
Study of oxidative stress and Alzheimer’s disease in transgenic mice and pharmacological agents to counteract nutritional deficiency
Study of Possible neuroprotective Effects of Certain Drugs on Experimentally Induced Parkinson’s Disease in Rats
Study on neuroprotective capacity of key flavonoids of ampelopsis grossedentata
Sub-critical solvent extraction of flavonoid-rich grape by-products
Supplementation with Curcuma longa Reverses Neurotoxic and Behavioral Damage in Models of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review
Supplementation with vitamins E plus C or soy isoflavones in ovariectomized rats: effect on the activities of Na+, K+-ATPase and cholinesterases
Suppression of presymptomatic oxidative stress and inflammation in neurodegeneration by grape-derived polyphenols
Suppressive effects of flavonoid fisetin on lipopolysaccharide-induced microglial activation and neurotoxicity
Sweet Cherry Phenolic Compounds: Identification, Characterization, and Health Benefits
Symptomatic and nonamyloid/tau based pharmacologic treatment for Alzheimer disease
Synergistic action of melatonin in combination with Anti-Parkinsonian drugs in experimental model of parkinson s disease
Synergistic antioxidant action of vitamin E and rutin SNEDDS in ameliorating oxidative stress in a Parkinson’s disease model
Synergistic Effect of Selected Hydroxy Cinnamic Acid Derivative (HCA) With Rivastigmine in Dementia
Synergistic neuroprotective effects of Withania somnifera with specific dietary derived polyphenols
Synergistic properties of bioavailable phenolic compounds from olive oil: electron transfer and neuroprotective properties
Synthesis and antioxidant activity of phenolic amides
Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel homoisoflavonoids for retinal neovascularization
Synthesis and Development of BACE 1 Inhibitor for Alzheimer’s Diseases from Medicinal Plants
Synthesis and evaluation of neuroprotective selenoflavanones
Synthesis of Isooctyl Phenol Analogs from Insect-Flower
Synthesis of phenolic amides and evaluation of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity in vitro and in vivo
Systems pharmacology based approach to investigate the in-vivo therapeutic efficacy of Albizia lebbeck (L.) in experimental model of Parkinson’s disease
T lymphocytes and inflammatory mediators in the interplay between brain and blood in Alzheimer’s disease: potential pools of new biomarkers
Target-based selection of flavonoids for Neurodegenerative disorders
Targeting Alpha-Synuclein as a Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease
Targeting dysregulation of brain iron homeostasis in Parkinson’s disease by iron chelators
Targeting ERK signaling pathway by polyphenols as novel therapeutic strategy for neurodegeneration
Targeting Inflammatory Pathways in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Focus on Natural Products and Phytomedicines
Targeting miRNAs by polyphenols: novel therapeutic strategy for aging
Targeting multiple Alzheimer’s disease etiologies with multimodal neuroprotective and neurorestorative iron chelators
Targeting NADPH Oxidase and Phospholipases A2 in Alzheimer’s Disease
Targeting Parkinson’s-tyrosine hydroxylase and oxidative stress as points of interventions
Targeting the Nrf2/amyloid-beta liaison in Alzheimer’s disease: A rational approach
Targeting the progression of Parkinson’s disease
Targeting α-synuclein aggregation for Parkinson’s disease treatment
Targeting α-Synuclein as a Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutic
Tau-based therapies for Alzheimer’s disease: Promising novel neuroprotective approaches
Tea and Parkinson’s disease: Constituents of tea synergize with antiparkinsonian drugs to provide better therapeutic benefits
Tea flavonoids and their effect on chronic inflammation induced in Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected mice
Tea-Derived Polyphenols and Stilbenes on Amyloid Neurotoxicity
The ability of three African herbal remedies to offer protection against an in vitro model of Parkinson’s disease
The action of polyphenols in diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer’s disease: A common agent for overlapping pathologies
The Alzheimer’s Prevention Cookbook: 100 Recipes to Boost Brain Health
The amyloid beta peptide: a chemist’s perspective. Role in Alzheimer’s and fibrillization
The amyloid hypothesis for Alzheimer’s disease: a critical reappraisal
The anti-amyloidogenic effect is exerted against Alzheimer’s β-amyloid fibrils in vitro by preferential and reversible binding of flavonoids to the amyloid fibril structure
The Antimicrobial Activity Mechanism of Sophoraflavanone B against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
The antioxidant properties of 4–quinolones compared to structurally related flavonoids
The Association Between Dietary flavonoid Intake and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Systemic Inflammation, and Comorbidity Burden
The beneficial and deleterious role of dietary polyphenols on chronic degenerative diseases by regulating gene expression
The beneficial effects of dietary flavonoids: Sources, bioavailability and biological functions
The beneficial effects of fruit polyphenols on brain aging
The beneficial role of Naringin-a citrus bioflavonoid, against oxidative stress-induced neurobehavioral disorders and cognitive dysfunction in rodents: A systematic …
The biochemical and cellular basis for nutraceutical strategies to attenuate neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease
The cascade of oxidative stress and tau protein autophagic dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease
The Change of Neurotransmitters in Plasma of dementia Patients after Aromatherapy.
The Crocus sativus compounds trans-crocin 4 and trans-crocetin modulate the amyloidogenic pathway and tau misprocessing in Alzheimer disease neuronal cell …
The development of preventives and therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease that inhibit the formation of β-amyloid fibrils (fAβ), as well as destabilize preformed fAβ
The Effect of Essential Oil on Plasma Level of 5-HT in dementia Patients
The effect of Ginkgo biloba extract on parkinsonisminduced biochemical changes in brain of irradiated rats
The effect of green tea consumption on oxidative stress markers and cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: A prospective intervention study
The effect of polyphenols on protein degradation pathways: implications for neuroprotection
The effect of Scutellaria baicalensis stem-leaf flavonoids on spatial learning and memory in chronic cerebral ischemia-induced vascular dementia of rats
The effects of flavonoid and other polyphenol consumption on cognitive performance: a systematic research review of human experimental and epidemiological …
The effects of the flavonoid baicalein and osmolytes on the Mg 2+ accelerated aggregation/fibrillation of carboxymethylated bovine 1SS-α-lactalbumin
The Effects of the Green Tea polyphenol Epigallocatechin Gallate on the Central Nervous, Endocrine, and Innate Immune Systems
The epidemiology of Parkinson’s disease: risk factors and prevention
The flavanol (−)-epigallocatechin 3-gallate inhibits amyloid formation by islet amyloid polypeptide, disaggregates amyloid fibrils, and protects cultured cells against …
The flavone luteolin improves central nervous system disorders by different mechanisms: a review
The flavonoid baicalein promotes NMDA receptor‐dependent long‐term potentiation and enhances memory
The flavonoid Derivative 2-(4′ Benzyloxyphenyl)-3-hydroxy-
chromen-4-one Protects Against Aβ42-Induced Neurodegeneration in Transgenic Drosophila: Insights …
The flavonoid quercetin ameliorates Alzheimer’s disease pathology and protects cognitive and emotional function in aged triple transgenic Alzheimer’s disease model …
The flavonoids ameliorates: protective mechanisms in Neurodegenerative diseases
The GC-MS analyses of the n-hexane extract of Nitraria schoberi L., its total phenolics and in vitro antioxidant activity
The Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) protects and rescues hippocampal cells against nitric oxide‐induced toxicity: involvement of its flavonoid constituents and protein …
The Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) protects and rescues hippocampal cells against nitric oxide‐induced toxicity: involvement of its flavonoid constituents and protein …
The Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761® and its main constituent flavonoids and ginkgolides increase extracellular dopamine levels in the rat prefrontal cortex
The gut microbiota links dietary polyphenols with management of psychiatric mood disorders
The Healthy Mind Cookbook: Big-flavor Recipes to Enhance Brain Function, Mood, Memory, and Mental Clarity
The immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory role of polyphenols
The impact of flavonoids on memory: physiological and molecular considerations
The impact of fruit flavonoids on memory and cognition
The impact of gastrointestinal modifications, blood-brain barrier transport, and intracellular metabolism on polyphenol bioavailability: an overview
The influence of beverage composition on delivery of phenolic compounds from coffee and tea
The influence of common free radicals and antioxidants on development of Alzheimer’s Disease
The influence of oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease-possible beneficial relevance of the antioxidants from wheatgrass juice. Review Article
The influence of plant extracts on Ȼ Amyloid induced pathologies in an APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
The interactions of flavonoids within neuronal signalling pathways
The mechanisms of action of flavonoids in the brain: direct versus indirect effects
The medicinal chemistry of natural and semisynthetic compounds against Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases
The Mind Diet: A Scientific Approach to Enhancing Brain Function and Helping Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia
The molecular basis of the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease through healthy nutrition
The molecular basis of working mechanism of natural polyphenolic antioxidants
The n-Butanol Fraction and Rutin from Tartary Buckwheat Improve Cognition and Memory in an In Vivo Model of Amyloid-β-Induced Alzheimer’s Disease
The neuroprotective effect and action mechanism of polyphenols in diabetes mellitus-related cognitive dysfunction
The neuroprotective effects of cocoa flavanol and its influence on cognitive performance
The neuroprotective potential of flavonoids: a multiplicity of effects
The neuroprotective potential of phenolic-enriched fractions from four Juniperus species found in Portugal
The Nrf2/HO-1 Axis as Targets for Flavanones: Neuroprotection by Pinocembrin, Naringenin, and Eriodictyol
The Nutritional Components of Beer and Its Relationship with Neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s Disease
The ongoing search for small molecules to study metal-associated amyloid-β species in Alzheimer’s disease
The oxidative stress hypothesis in Alzheimer’s disease
The potential of flavonoids for the treatment of Neurodegenerative diseases
The potential role of dietary polyphenols in Parkinson’s disease
The prenylflavonoid xanthohumol reduces Alzheimer-like changes and modulates multiple pathogenic molecular pathways in the neuro2a/APPswe cell …
The present and future of pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer’s disease: A comprehensive review
The protective role of plant biophenols in mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease
The relevance body mass index on the oxidative stress status of Alzheimer’s disease pathology
The role of dietary coconut for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: potential mechanisms of action
The Role of HIV-1 Proteins in Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology
The role of iron-induced fibrin in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and the protective role of magnesium
The role of lifestyle factors in cognitive aging and dementia
The role of lipids and membranes in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease: a comprehensive view
The role of natural products in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
The role of natural products in the discovery of new drug candidates for the treatment of Neurodegenerative disorders II: Alzheimer’s disease
The role of nutrient-based epigenetic changes in buffering against stress, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease
The role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of dementia
The Role of oxidative stress and Cholesterol in Animal Models of Alzheimer’s Disease
The role of phenolic OH groups of flavonoid compounds with H-bond formation ability to suppress amyloid mature fibrils by destabilizing β-sheet conformation …
The role of phytochemicals in the treatment and prevention of dementia
The role of polyphenolic antioxidants in health, disease, and aging
The role of polyphenols in the modulation of sirtuins and other pathways involved in Alzheimer’s disease
The role of reactive oxygen species in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease: a mini review
The role of rutin and diosmin, two citrus polyhydroxyflavones in disease prevention and treatment
The role of the ubiquitin proteasome system in Alzheimer’s disease
The Safe and Effective Applications of Essential Oils in Alzheimer’s Dementia
The science of cocoa flavanols: bioavailability, emerging evidence, and proposed mechanisms
The Simplicity of dementia A Guide for Family and Carers
The Structural Hybrids of Acetylcholines-terase Inhibitors in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Review
The therapeutic potential of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) diterpenes for Alzheimer’s disease
The Therapeutic Role of Turmeric in Treatment and Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease
The therapeutical potential of alpha-synuclein antiaggregatory agents for dementia with Lewy bodies
The Treatment of Brain Inflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease. Can Traditional Medicines Help?
The use of cell-free systems to characterize Parkinson’s disease-related gene products
The use of flavonoids in central nervous system disorders
The use of herbal medicine in Alzheimer’s disease—a systematic review
The Use of herbal supplements on minimizing the clinical manifestations of Alzheimer’s disease
The Use of Polyphenols for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Therapeutic Advancement in Alzheimer Disease: New Hopes on the Horizon?
Therapeutic agents in Alzheimer’s disease through a multi-targetdirected ligands strategy: recent progress based on tacrine core
Therapeutic approaches to Alzheimer’s disease through stimulating of non-amyloidogenic processing of amyloid precursor protein
Therapeutic attenuation of neuroinflammation and apoptosis by black tea theaflavin in chronic MPTP/probenecid model of Parkinson’s disease
Therapeutic effect of modulating TREM-1 via anti-inflammation and autophagy in Parkinson’s disease
Therapeutic effects of Cyperus rotundus rhizome extract on memory impairment, neurogenesis and mitochondria in beta-amyloid rat model of Alzheimer’s disease
Therapeutic impact of grape leaves polyphenols on certain biochemical and neurological markers in AlCl3-induced Alzheimer’s disease
Therapeutic implications of anti-inflammatory natural products in Alzheimer’s disease
Therapeutic interventions for the suppression of Alzheimer’s disease: quest for a remedy
Therapeutic potential of baicalein in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease
Therapeutic Potential Of Catechins And Derivatives For The Prevention Of Alzheimer’s
Therapeutic Potential Of Catechins And Derivatives For The Prevention Of Alzheimer’s Disease
Therapeutic potential of luteolin in transgenic Drosophila model of Alzheimer’s disease
Therapeutic potential of natural products in Parkinson’s disease
Therapeutic Potential of Polyphenols from Epilobium Angustifolium (Fireweed)
Therapeutic Potential of Polyphenols in Parkinson’s Disease
Therapeutic potentials of herbal drugs for Alzheimer’s disease—An overview
Therapeutic potentials of microalgae in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Therapeutic potentials of plant iridoids in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases: A review
Therapeutic role of sirtuins in Neurodegenerative disease and their modulation by polyphenols
Therapeutic strategies targeting amyloid-β in Alzheimer’s disease
Therapeutics of Alzheimer’s disease: Past, present and future
Therapies for Parkinson’s diseases: alternatives to current pharmacological interventions
Therapies for prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Thymus pulegioides L. as a rich source of antioxidant, anti-proliferative and neuroprotective phenolic compounds
Tissue injury by reactive oxygen species and the protective effects of flavonoids
To Study The Ameliorative Effect Of Hydroalcholic Extract Of Caryota urens (Arecaceae) On Streptozotocin Induced Alzheimer’s Model In Mice
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) seeds: new flavonols and cytotoxic effect
Tools of the trade: investigations into design strategies of small molecules to target components in Alzheimer’s disease
Total and specific polyphenol intakes in midlife are associated with cognitive function measured 13 years later
Total Phenolic and flavonoid Content and Biological Activities of Extracts and Isolated Compounds of Cytisus villosus Pourr.
Total Phenolic, Flavonoid, Fatty Acid Contents and Cytotoxic, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of Hedysarum aucheri
Total Synthesis of an C-CH2-C Linked Ochnaflavone
Total Synthesis of Ochnaflavone Analogs Having CNH-C and CSC Linkages
Total Synthesis of Ochnaflavone, A Potent Plant-originated Biflavonoid with Anti-inflammatory Activity
Towards a bioinformatics analysis of anti-Alzheimer’s herbal medicines from a target network perspective
Toxic exposure and life style factors on ageing brain Neurodegenerative disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s: Role of natural antioxidants to ameliorate the condition
Traditional and modern medicine harmonizing the two approaches in the treatment of neurodegeneration (Alzheimer’s disease-AD)
Traditional Chinese medicines and Alzheimer’s disease
Traditional Medicine in the Treatment of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
Transition metals, ferritin, glutathione, and ascorbic acid in parkinsonian brains
Transthyretin chemical chaperoning by flavonoids: Structure–activity insights towards the design of potent amyloidosis inhibitors
Treatment of Alzheimer Disease with Phytochemicals Other Than Curcumin
Treatment of inflammatory bowel disease via green tea polyphenols: Possible application and protective approaches
Troxerutin exerts neuroprotection in 6-hydroxydopamine lesion rat model of Parkinson’s disease: Possible involvement of PI3K/ERβ signaling
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer’s disease: bridging the pathophysiology and management
Tyrosol Reduces Amyloid-β Oligomer Neurotoxicity and Alleviates Synaptic, Oxidative, and Cognitive Disturbances in Alzheimer’s Disease Model Mice
Ulmosides A: flavonoid 6-C-glycosides from Ulmus wallichiana attenuates lipopolysacchride induced oxidative stress, apoptosis and neuronal death
Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias
Understanding the broad-spectrum neuroprotective action profile of green tea polyphenols in aging and Neurodegenerative diseases
Unique properties of polyphenol stilbenes in the brain: more than direct antioxidant actions; gene/protein regulatory activity
Use of Herbal Products/Alternative Medicines in Neurodegenerative Diseases (Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease)
Validation of neuroprotective action of a commercially available formulation of olive polyphenols in a zebra-fish model vis-a-vis pure hydroxytyrosol
Vanillin attenuated behavioural impairments, neurochemical deficts, oxidative stress and apoptosis against rotenone induced rat model of Parkinson’s disease
Vascular oxidative stress and mitochondrial failure in the pathobiology of Alzheimer’s disease: a new approach to therapy
Walnut supplementation in the diet reduces oxidative damage and improves antioxidant status in transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
What have we learned from the streptozotocin-induced animal model of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease, about the therapeutic strategies in Alzheimer’s research
Whole-food diet worsened cognitive dysfunction in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
Why do we need multifunctional neuroprotective and neurorestorative drugs for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disorders?
Wine consumption, cognitive function and dementias–A relationship?
Wine flavonoids in health and disease prevention
Wine phenolics
Wine Polyphenols and Neurodegenerative Diseases: An Update on the Molecular Mechanisms Underpinning Their Protective Effects
Wine polyphenols: potential agents in neuroprotection
Wine-Derived Phenolic Metabolites in the Digestive and Brain Function
Withanolides: biologically active constituents in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Xanthone and flavone derivatives as dual agents with acetylcholinesterase inhibition and antioxidant activity as potential anti-alzheimer agents
Xenobiotic metabolism and berry flavonoid transport across the blood− brain barrier
Zingiber officinale and Alzheimer’s disease: evidences and mechanisms
α-Synuclein Aggregation and Parkinson’s Disease
α-Synuclein aggregation modulation: an emerging approach for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease
α-Synuclein misfolding and aggregation: Implications in Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis
α-Synuclein misfolding and Parkinson’s disease
α‐Synuclein oligomers and clinical implications for Parkinson disease
β-Synuclein Assembly as a Therapeutic Target of Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders
… -DAD Fingerprinting Analysis, Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic Extracts from Blighia sapida Bark and Its Inhibition of Cholinergic Enzymes Linked to Alzheimer’s …
… -rich fraction from Croton celtidifolius Baill confers neuroprotection in the intranasal 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-
tetrahydropyridine rat model of Parkinson’s disease
… , Biological Evaluation And Molecular Modeling Studies Of Novel Multifunctional neuroprotective Drugs For The Treatment Of Parkinson’s Disease: An Effort …
… , α-Glucosidase, Pancreatic Lipase, Acetyl-and Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibition Activity of Chaenomeles Fruits Determined by Polyphenols and other Chemical …
… acid and E. resveratroloside act as potential plant derived compounds against dopamine receptor D3 for Parkinson’s disease: a pharmacoinformatics study
… and amyloid beta by a multifunctional, brain-penetrant dopamine D2/D3 agonist D-520: Potential therapeutic application in Parkinson’s disease with dementia
… and antioxidant potentials of a medicinal plant Abroma augusta: Implications for the alternative treatment therapy of cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disease
… and their acetyl cholinesterase inhibitory and antioxidant activities from leaves of Acanthopanax henryi: potential complementary source against Alzheimer’s disease
… bovine 1SS-alpha-lactalbumin as a model for disease-related amyloidogenic polypeptides: The effects of osmolytes, the flavonoid baicalein, and the GroEL …
… chemical profiling, cholinesterase inhibitions and anti-radicals properties of essential oils from Polygonum hydropiper L: A Preliminary anti- Alzheimer’s study
… chrysin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles against Amyloid β25–35 induced oxidative stress in rat hippocampal region: An efficient formulation approach for Alzheimer’s …
… composition, antioxidant potential and in vitro inhibitory activity of leaves and acorns of Quercus suber on key enzymes relevant for hyperglycemia and Alzheimer’s …
… effects of inhaled Hypericum scabrum L.(Hypericaceae) essential oil against scopolamine-induced Alzheimer’s type dementia/Scopolamine ile oluşturulan …
… effects of water extract of propolis on dopaminergic neurons, brain derived neurotrophic factor, and stress oxidative Factors in the rat model of Parkinson’s …
… efficiency of co-administration of Ginkgo biloba and Trifolium pretense against sodium arsenite-induced neurotoxicity and dementia in different regions of brain and …
… fingerprint analysis, antioxidant properties, and inhibition of cholinergic enzymes (acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase) of phenolic extracts from Irvingia …
… flavonoid attenuates cognitive dysfunction and neuronal loss associated with amyloid β (25-35)-induced oxidative stress: an experimental model of Alzheimer’s …
… for the Therapy of Proteinopathies Underlying the Neurodegenerative Conditions: Protein Misfolding and Fibrillization in Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s …
… from sesame cake reduce oxidative stress and amyloid-β-induced toxicity by upregulation of SKN-1 in a transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans model of Alzheimer’s …
… Impairment Attenuating Effect of Phenolic Compound Rich Fraction of Trianthema portulacastrum in Scopolamine Induced Alzheimer’s Disease Like Condition
… in tumor necrosis factor like weak inhibitor of apoptosis induced dopaminergic neuronal cell death and microglial activation in invitro and in vivo models of Parkinson …
… inhibitory potential and estimation of alkaloids (lycorine and galanthamine) from Crinum species: an important source of anticancer and anti-Alzheimer drug
… modified with a BBB-penetrating peptide co-delivering Aβ generation inhibitor and curcumin attenuate memory deficits and neuropathology in Alzheimer’s …
… mombim L.(Anacardiaceae): Chemical fingerprints, inhibitory activities, and molecular docking on key enzymes relevant to erectile dysfunction and Alzheimer’s …
… neurorescue against Aβ toxicity and PKC-dependent release of nonamyloidogenic soluble precursor protein by green tea polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate
… of crude extracts, subsequent fractions, saponins and flavonoids of atriplex laciniata L.: potential effectiveness in Alzheimer’s and other neurological …
… of diagnostic agents, self-assembly inhibitors, and hippocampal transcriptional changes specific to amyloid β-proteinassemblies linked to Alzheimer’s disease
… of Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)/Ascorbic acid enhance therapeutic efficacy of EGCG in a APPswe/PS1dE9 Alzheimer’s disease mice model
… of flavonoids, baicalein, and daidzein in estrogenic and neuroprotective effects: a development of potential health products and therapeutic drugs against Alzheimer’s …
… of hydroalcoholic extract of Ziziphora clinopodioides L. on spatial memory and neuronal density of hippocampal CA1 region in rats with sporadic Alzheimer’s …
… of iron‐regulated amyloid precursor protein and β‐amyloid peptide by (–)‐epigallocatechin‐3‐gallate in cell cultures: implications for iron chelation in Alzheimer’s …
… of large-scale cellular death and destruction caused by poorly liganded iron: Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, prions, bactericides, chemical toxicology …
… performance in relation to urinary anthocyanins and their flavonoid-based products following blueberry supplementation in older adults at risk for dementia
… pluricaulis (Shankhapushpi) ameliorates human microtubule-associated protein tau (hMAPτ) induced neurotoxicity in Alzheimer’s disease Drosophila model
… pyrroloquinolinequinone-
containing dietary formulation on motor deficiency, cognitive decline and mitochondrial dysfunction in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s …
… the brain functions by bitter (Vernonia amygdalina) and water bitter (Struchium sparganophora) leaves extracts: comparison of phenolic constituents versus nootropic …
… the functional diversity of flavonoids derived from Chinese Materia Medica: Drug developments for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis
… with HPLC-FTMS of exogenous and endogenous chemicals susceptible to the administration of chotosan in an animal model of type 2 diabetes-induced dementia
“Polyphenolic-food” Effects on Brain Health (Human Data review)
1-methyl 4-phenyl 1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine is a potent neurotoxin: Gamma-tocopherol recuperate behavior, dopamine, and oxidative stress on Parkinsonic …
10. neuroprotective effects of oxyresveratrol from fruit against neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease
15 Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Forms of Dementia
15 Apple Phenolics and Alzheimer’s Disease
15 Botanical Phenolics and Neurodegeneration
15 Dietary flavonoids as neuroprotective Agents
15 Green Tea Flavan-3-ols
16 Actions of Bioactive Phytochemicals in Cell Function and Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology
17 Effects of flavonoids on Cognitive Performance
19 Natural Phenolics and Metal Metabolism in Neurodegenerative Diseases
19 The neuroprotective Capacity of Achyrocline satureioides (Lam) DC and Its Flavonoids
2 Direct Evaluation of Alzheimer’s Disease-Specific oxidative stress with Multiphoton Microscopy
3, 5, 4′-trihydroxy-6, 7, 3′-trimethoxyflavone protects against beta amyloid-induced neurotoxicity through antioxidative activity and interference with cell …
4 Coffee and Alzheimer’s Disease: Animal and Cellular Evidence
6 neuroprotective Mechanisms: oxidative stress as a Target for neuroprotective Therapies in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
6-Shogaol has neuroprotective Effects in Parkinson’s Disease Model
7, 8-Dihydroxyflavone as a pro-neurotrophic treatment for neurodevelopmental disorders
7, 8-dihydroxyflavone, a small molecular TrkB agonist, is useful for treating various BDNF-implicated human disorders
8 Neuroprotection by Dietary and Citrus Flavonoids
A blueberry-enriched diet provides cellular protection against oxidative stress and reduces a kainate-induced learning impairment in rats
A botanical containing freeze dried açai pulp promotes healthy aging and reduces oxidative damage in sod1 knockdown flies
A brief review on the neuroprotective mechanisms of vitexin
A Close Look at Echium amoenum Processing, Neuroactive Components, and Effects on Neuropsychiatric Disorders
A cocoa peptide protects Caenorhabditis elegans from oxidative stress and β-amyloid peptide toxicity
A Combination of Green Tea Extract and l-Theanine Improves Memory and Attention in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled …
A comparative study of the in vitro enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant activities of Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. and Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poiret from Pakistan …
A comparative study on the antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties of curcumin conjugated gold nanospheres and free curcumin
A comparative thin layer chromatography study of different brands of five herbal remedies
A Comparison of Inhibitory Effects on Catecholamine Secretion between CGP42112 and CGP42112 plus PD123319
A comparison of the efficacy and tolerability of interferon-beta (INFb) products used as initial or follow-up therapy for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis …
A Comprehensive Insight on the Health Benefits and Phytoconstituents of Camellia sinensis and Recent Approaches for Its Quality Control
A comprehensive review on the potential therapeutic benefits of phosphodiesterase inhibitors on cardiovascular diseases
A critical approach to evaluating clinical efficacy, adverse events and drug interactions of herbal remedies
A crosssectional study of ethnopharmacology in the Noakhali district of Bangladesh and exploring potential ocular immunostimulatory activity of the medicinal …
A current perspective on the inhibition of cholinesterase by natural and synthetic inhibitors
A current update on phytochemistry, pharmacology and herb–drug interactions of Hypericum perforatum
A diet for dopaminergic neurons?
A knowledge-based approach in designing combinatorial or medicinal chemistry libraries for drug discovery. 1. A qualitative and quantitative characterization of …
A life-course contribution of nutrition to future cognitive decline
A Mini Review on the Protective Effect of Lignans for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders
A mixture of fucoxanthin and punicic acid prevents obesity in high-fat diet-induced obese mice
A New Therapeutic Concept of LMT356 for Stroke Therapy: Extension of the Thrombolytic Time Window of tPA
A Novel Approach towards Nutraceuticals and Biomedical Applications
A Novel neuroprotective and Antioxidative Efficacy of a Unique Combination of Standardized Huperzia serrata, Convolvulus pluricaulis and Celastrus …
A pharmacognostic and pharmacological review on Vigna aconitifolia (Moth bean)
A Pharmacological Review of Bioactive Constituents of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas and Paeonia veitchii Lynch
A Pilot Study to Evaluate Chemopreventive Effects of Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.)
A Polysaccharide Produced by a New Streptomyces Strain Modulates Immunological Activity in RAW264. 7 Cells
A possible emerging role of phytochemicals in improving age-related neurological dysfunctions: a multiplicity of effects
A possible role for π-stacking in the self-assembly of amyloid fibrils
A potential alternative against Neurodegenerative diseases: Phytodrugs
A Potential Natural Product Combination Targeting Memory Disorders
A randomized controlled trial investigating the effect of Pycnogenol and Bacopa CDRI08 herbal medicines on cognitive, cardiovascular, and biochemical …
A redox-active, compact molecule for cross-linking amyloidogenic peptides into nontoxic, off-pathway aggregates: in vitro and in vivo efficacy and molecular …
A refined concept: α-synuclein dysregulation disease
A review of dietary Ziziphus jujuba fruit (Jujube): developing health food supplements for brain protection
A review of Neuropharmacology Effects of Nigella sativa and Its Main Component, Thymoquinone
A review of neuroprotective agents
A Review of neuroprotective Agents
A review of some medicinal plants used for nervous disorders
A review of specific dietary antioxidants and the effects on biochemical mechanisms related to Neurodegenerative processes
A review of the medicinal properties and applications of Pycnanthus angolensis (Welw) Warb
A review of the pharmacology and toxicology of aucubin
A review of the role of green tea (Camellia sinensis) in antiphotoaging, stress resistance, neuroprotection, and autophagy
A review of therapeutic effects of curcumin
A review of three commonly used herbs which enhance memory and new evidences which show their combination could improve memory in young animals
A review on ethnomedicinal, phytochemical, and pharmacological significance of Terminalia sericea Burch. Ex DC.
A review on medicinal importance, pharmacological activity and toxicology of ”Nutraceuticals”
A review on medicinal properties of saffron toward major diseases
A Review on Natural Antioxidants
A review on natural memory enhancers (Nootropics)
A Review on Neuronutrition
A review on nutraceuticals: classification and its role in various diseases
A Review on Pharmaceutically Important Medicinal plant: Bacopa monnieri
A Review on Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Otostegia persica (Burm. f.) Boiss.
A review on possible therapeutic effect of Nigella sativa and thymoquinone in Neurodegenerative diseases
A review on spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi DC.)-an ‘endangered’essential herb of India
A review on the phytopharmacological studies of the genus Polygala
A review on the possible neuroprotective effects of Moringa oleifera leaf extract
A Review on Therapeutic Potentials of Crocetin-A Carotenoid Derived from Saffron
A review on therapeutic potentials of Trigonella foenum graecum (fenugreek) and its chemical constituents in neurological disorders: Complementary roles to its …
A review on traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Eclipta prostrata (L.) L.
A review study on medicinal plants affecting amnesia through cholinergic system
A Role for Activated Microglia and Peroxynitrite in Lewy Body Diseases–Implications for Prevention and Control
A Role for Orexin Neuron Activity in Cytotoxic Chemotherapy-Induced Fatigue
A Role of Gallic Acid in Oxidative Damage Diseases: A Comprehensive Review
A simple and efficient HPLC method for quantitative analysis of Gingkolides extracted from Ginkgonis Semen
A Splicing Variant of AIMP2 as a Therapeutic Controller for Neurodegenerative Diseases
A status review on the medicinal properties of essential oils
A study on nephroprotectiveness and pharmacokinetic properties of selected nutraceuticals and evaluation of chronic renal failure inducing model for their …
A Synthetic Snake-Venom-Based Tripeptide Protects PC12 Cells from the Neurotoxicity of Acrolein by Improving Axonal Plasticity and Bioenergetics
A systematic and comprehensive review on Withania somnifera (L.) dunal-an indian ginseng
A systematic Approach to Evaluate Herb-drug Interaction Mechanisms: Investigation of a Purified Ginseng Extracts
A systematic overview of the scientific literature on the association between Mediterranean Diet and the Stroke prevention
A systematic review on Piper longum L.: Bridging traditional knowledge and pharmacological evidence for future translational research
A systematic review on the vocational pharmacy education and pharmacists’ role in the Singapore’s healthcare system
A therapeutic connection between dietary phytochemicals and ATP synthase
A versatile high throughput screening system for the simultaneous identification of anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective compounds
AARP Prescription for Drug Alternatives: All Natural Options for Better Health without the Side Effects
AARP The Immortality Edge: Realize the Secrets of Your Telomeres for a Longer, Healthier Life
ABC transporters and drug efflux at the blood-brain barrier
Açaí: An Extraordinary Antioxidant-Rich Palm Fruit
Acanthus ebracteatus leaf extract provides neuronal cell protection against oxidative stress injury induced by glutamate
Accumulation of orally administered quercetin in brain tissue and its antioxidative effects in rats
Acer okamotoanum protects SH-SY5Y neuronal cells against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress
Acetyl cholinesterase inhibition potential and antioxidant activities of ferulic acid isolated from Impatiens bicolor Linn
Acetylcholinesterase from human erythrocytes membrane: a screen for evaluating the activity of some traditional plant extracts
Acetylcholinesterase inhibition and antioxidant activities of polysaccharide-peptide complexes from edible mushrooms
Acetylcholinesterase inhibition and antioxidant activity of Syzygium cumini, S. aromaticum and S. polyanthum from Indonesia
Acetylcholinesterase inhibition and in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activities of Ganoderma lucidum grown on germinated brown rice
Acetylcholinesterase inhibition by medicinal plants: A Review
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition, Antioxidant, Antiinflammatory, Antimicrobial and Phytochemical Properties of Huernia hystrix
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors of natural origin
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activity and Antioxidant Activity of Selected Medicinal Plant Extracts Used Against Cognitive Dysfunction and Memory Loss in Sri …
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of scopolin and scopoletin discovered by virtual screening of natural products
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and antioxidant properties of root extract from Pueraria mirifica
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory effect of capsicum oleoresins–an in vitro study
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Potential and Insecticidal Activity of an Endophytic Alternaria sp. from Ricinus communis
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory potentiality of some minor fruits of West Bengal, India
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory, antioxidant and phytochemical properties of selected medicinal plants of the Lamiaceae family
Acetylcholineterase inhibitory and antioxidant properties of Rhododendron yedoense var. Poukhanense bark
Achillea fragrantissima: Pharmacology Review
Acid Intake, Delivered Via Moderate Champagne Wine Consumption, Improves Spatial Working Memory Via the Modulation of Hippocampal and Cortical …
Actions of brain-derived neurotrophin factor in the neurogenesis and neuronal function, and its involvement in the pathophysiology of brain diseases
Activation of anti-oxidant of curcumin pyrazole derivatives through preservation of mitochondria function and Nrf2 signaling pathway
Activation of Autophagy by Globular Adiponectin Protects against Ethanolinduced Apoptosis in HepG2 Cells
Activation of Protease-activated Receptor 2 through Gastric Refluxants Stimulates Proliferation and Interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8 and Matrix Metallopeptidase (MMP) …
Activation of the NRF2 Pathway in Non-adherent Mammosphere Culture System
Acute administration of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) affords neuroprotection against permanent and transient focal cerebral ischemia in Sprague‐Dawley rats
Acute and Chronic Exercise Effects on NrF2 and Antioxidants in the Muscle and Brain Tissue of Sprague Dawley Rats
Acute Autophagy-Dependent Non-inflammatory Epithelial Death Plays as an Intrinsic Defense to Bacteria
Acute neurocognitive effects of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)
Add Life to Your Years & Years To Your Life: Experience New Energy, Strength & Vitality to Age Gracefully, Joyfully & Healthily
Adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase: a new target for nutraceutical compounds
Adherence to Mediterranean diet and subjective cognitive function in men
Adiponectin Modulates Anti-Inflammatory MicroRNA Expression in RAW 264.7 Macrophages
Administration of chinpi, a component of the herbal medicine ninjin-youei-to, reverses age-induced demyelination
Advanced chemometric modeling approaches for the design of multitarget drugs against Neurodegenerative diseases
Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs) in Food: Health Implications and Mitigation Strategies
Advanced glycation endproducts: what is their relevance to diabetic complications?
Advances in Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Breeding
Advances in drug discovery to assess cholinergic neurotransmission: a systematic review
Advances in Nutraceuticals
Advances in the design of solid lipid nanoparticles and nanostructured lipid carriers for targeting brain diseases
Advances in the development of imaging probes and aggregation inhibitors for alpha-synuclein
Advances in therapeutics for Neurodegenerative tauopathies: moving toward the specific targeting of the most toxic tau species
Advances toward multifunctional cholinesterase and β-amyloid aggregation inhibitors
Advancing medicine with food and nutrients
Advancing neuroprotective-based treatments for schizophrenia
Advocacy in Geriatric Neurology
Aerobic exercise, diet, and neurocognition among individuals with high blood pressure
African medicinal plants acting on the reproductive, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems
Age before beauty
Age-related deficits in electron transport chain complexes in rat neurons and 3xTg-AD mouse neurons
Age-related differences in stress response: Increase markers for oxidative stress and liver damage after heat stress in aged rats?
Age-related epigenetic drift and phenotypic plasticity loss: implications in prevention of age-related human diseases
Age-Related Neurodegenerative
Age-related oxidative protein damages in central nervous system of rats: modulatory role of grape seed extract
Ageing and eating
Ageing and Neurodegenerative diseases
Ageing, cellular senescence and Neurodegenerative disease
Ageing: biology and nutrition
Ageless Brain: Think Faster, Remember More, and Stay Sharper by Lowering Your Brain Age
Aging and Microglial Activation in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Aging and the cerebral microvasculature: clinical implications and potential therapeutic interventions
Aging is not a disease: implications for intervention
Aging microglia: relevance to cognition and neural plasticity
Aging without growing old
Aging, Nutrition and Taste: Nutrition, Food Science and Culinary Perspectives for Aging Tastefully
Aging: an important factor for the pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative diseases
Aging: minimizing free radical damage
AIMP1 as a Modulator of Immune Functions and Pharmacological Implications
Alcohol in moderation, cardioprotection, and neuroprotection: epidemiological considerations and mechanistic studies
Alcohol, ageing and cognitive function: a nutritional perspective
Alkaloids from Peumus boldus and their Acetylcholinesterase, Butyrylcholinesterase and Prolyl Oligopeptidase Inhibition Activity
Allergen-specific memory CD4 T cells require IL-7 signaling for its homeostasis in mediastinal lymph node
Allergic Asthma Pathogenesis and Antioxidant Therapy
Almonds and brain functionality
Alpha-lipoic acid and mesuagenin c-induced co-regulation of nf-κβ-cytokines and chemokines via pi3k-akt/gsk-3β and erk1/2 in in vitro neuronal models/Muhamad …
Alpha-synuclein suppresses retinoic acid-induced neuronal differentiation by targeting the glycogen synthase kinase-3β/β-catenin signaling pathway
Alpha-Synuclein-Induced Dysregulation of Neuronal Differentiatio
Alpha-synuclein, oxidative stress and autophagy failure: dangerous liaisons in dopaminergic neurodegeneration
Alteration of cholesterol homeostasis in the Huntington’s disease brain
Altered brain metabolism of iron as a cause of Neurodegenerative diseases?
Aluminium (III) as a promoter of cellular oxidation
Aluminum Induced Reproductive Dysfunction in Male Rats: The Ameliorative Effect of Saffron Extract
Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat …
Amazing Bible Healing Plants, Remedies and Recipes
Amazing Health Benefits of Green Tea
Amelioration of oxidative stress in differentiated neuronal cells by rutin regulated by a concentration switch
Amelioration of scopolamine-induced learning and memory impairment by 𝛼-Pinene in C57BL/6 mice
Amelioration of the Impact of Physical Fatigue on Cognitive Performance by Phytochemicals: The Effect of a Blackcurrant Supplement: A thesis presented in partial …
Ameliorative Effects of ferulic acid against lead acetate-induced oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunctions and toxicity in prepubertal rat brain
Ameliorative effects of ferulic Acid against lead acetate-induced oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunctions and toxicity in prepubertal rat brain.
Ameliorative effects of lotus seedpod proanthocyanidins on cognitive deficits and oxidative damage in senescence-accelerated mice
Ameliorative Effects of Nutraceuticals in Neurological Disorders
Ameliorative Potential of Euphorbia hirta (Linn.) Extract against Lipopolysaccharide Induced-neuroinflammation and Oxidative Damage in Rats
Amino acids in human nutrition and health
Ampelopsin attenuates 6-OHDA-induced neurotoxicity by regulating GSK-3β/NRF2/ARE signalling
Amphiphilic nanocarrier systems for curcumin delivery in Neurodegenerative disorders
AMPK activation: Role in the signaling pathways of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration
AMPK-dependent Hypoglycemic Effect of Ajoene, a Stable Garlic Component
Amyloid fibril formation requires a chemically discriminating nucleation event: studies of an amyloidogenic sequence from the bacterial protein OsmB
Amyloid ß-derived switch-peptides as tool to study conformational changes relevant in degenerative diseases
Amyloid State of Proteins in Human Disease
Amyloidogenic Peptide Structure, Aggregation, And Membrane Interaction
Amyloidogenic protein–membrane interactions: mechanistic insight from model systems
An egg yolk’s phospholipid-pennyroyal nootropic nanoformulation modulates monoamino oxidase-A (MAO-A) activity in SH-SY5Y neuronal model
An Energy Restricted Mediterranean Diet Does Not Compromise Dietary Antioxidant Intake: Preliminary Evidence in the Balearic Islands Subgroup of the …
An evaluation of the antioxidant activity of a standardized grape seed extract, Leucoselect®
An ex vivo erythrocyte study: the protective effects of antioxidants against the toxicity of heavy metals in cigarette smoke.
An examination of the effects of the antioxidant Pycnogenol® on cognitive performance, serum lipid profile, endocrinological and oxidative stress biomarkers in an …
An Herbalist’s Guide to Formulary: The Art & Science of Creating Effective Herbal Remedies
An In Vitro and In Vivo Cholinesterase Inhibitory Activity of Pistacia khinjuk and Allium sativum Essential Oils
An investigation into pro-apoptotic targets in experimental glaucoma and the neuroprotective effects of Ginkgo biloba in retinal ganglion cells
An Investigation Into the neuroprotective Properties of Curcumin
An investigation of potential sources of nutraceuticals from the Niger Delta areas, Nigeria for attenuating oxidative stress
An Investigation To Explore The neuroprotective Efficacy Of Zingiber Officinale By Evaluation Of Alterations In Certain Neurochemical Parameters Under …
An Isolation, Characterization and In-vitro Evaluation Study of Cholinesterase Inhibitory and Antioxidant Activities of Mimosa pudica for the Treatment …
An Open clinical study of Siddha drugs Thirutharakchatha Chooranam (Internal) and Aruganver Thylam (External) in the treatment of Viyagulaunmatham (Depression)
An optoelectronic tongue based on an array of gold and silver nanoparticles for analysis of natural, synthetic and biological antioxidants
An overview of benzo [b] thiophene-based medicinal chemistry
An Overview of Natural Beverages
An Overview of Target Specific Neuro-Protective and Neuro-Restorative Strategies
An overview of the molecular mechanisms and novel roles of Nrf2 in Neurodegenerative disorders
An overview of the pharmacology of olive oil and its active ingredients
An overview on inventions related to ginger processing and products for food and pharmaceutical applications
An Overview on Neurodegenerative Diseases and Possible Leads from Natural Products
An Overview on Nutraceuticals as Pharmacological Agents.
An Unashamed Defense of Coffee
An untapped resource in the spotlight of medicinal biotechnology: The genus Scutellaria
An update on Shankhpushpi, a cognition-boosting Ayurvedic medicine
An update on the role of medicinal plants in amelioration of aluminium toxicity
An Updated Review of Pharmacological, Standardization Methods and Formulation Development of Rutin
An updated review on Catharanthus roseus: phytochemical and pharmacological analysis
An updated review on herbal drugs: Nootropic activity and possible mechanisms
Analgesic and antibutyrylcholinestrasic activities of the venom prepared from the Mediterranean jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskal, 1775)
Analysis and entrapment of select antioxidants from chokecherry and Saskatoon berry fruits
Analysis of Cardiovascular Adverse Drug Reactions Reported the Korea Drug and Food Administration
Analysis of Metabolites of Major Components in Natural Medicines
Analysis of methanolic extracts and crude polysaccharides from the leaves of Chuanminshen violaceum and their antioxidant activities
Analysis of natural product regulation of cannabinoid receptors in the treatment of human disease
Analysis of natural product regulation of opioid receptors in the treatment of human disease
Analysis of selected medicinal plants as antioxidants with therapeutic potential for treating diseases related to free radical damage
Analysis of the antioxidant activity of 4-(5-chloro-2-
2-enoic acid derivatives using quantum-chemistry descriptors and molecular …
Analytical methods for characterizing bioactive terpene lactones in ginkgo biloba extracts and performing pharmacokinetic studies in animal and human
and Cognitive Decline
Anethum Graveolens linn (Umbelliferae) extract attenuates stress-induced urinary biochemical changes and improves cognition in scopolamineinduced amnesic rats
Animal Model of Cognitive Decline and Neural Transplantation of Stem Cells as a Prospective Therapy
Annurca apple-rich diet restores long-term potentiation and induces behavioral modifications in aged rats
Anthocyanin tissue bioavailability in animals: Possible implications for human health. A systematic review
Anthocyanin-rich açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) fruit pulp fractions attenuate inflammatory stress signaling in mouse brain BV-2 microglial cells
Anthocyanins and human health: biomolecular and therapeutic aspects
Anthocyanins and Their Metabolites as Therapeutic Agents for Neurodegenerative Disease
Anthocyanins control neuroinflammation and consequent memory dysfunction in mice exposed to lipopolysaccharide
Anthocyanins from Black Chokeberry (Aroniamelanocarpa Elliot) Delayed Aging-Related Degenerative Changes of Brain
Anthocyanins improve hippocampus-dependent memory function and prevent neurodegeneration via JNK/Akt/GSK3β signaling in LPS-treated adult mice
Anthocyanins in Food
Anthocyanins protect against LPS-induced oxidative stress-mediated neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in the adult mouse cortex
Anthocyanins protect from complex I inhibition and APPswe mutation through modulation of the mitochondrial fission/fusion pathways
Anthocyanins reversed D-galactose-induced oxidative stress and neuroinflammation mediated cognitive impairment in adult rats
Anthocyanins suppress the secretion of proinflammatory mediators and oxidative stress, and restore ion pump activities in demyelination
Anthocyanins: From plant pigments to health benefits at mitochondrial level
Anthocyanins: Janus Nutraceuticals Displaying Chemotherapeutic and neuroprotective Properties
Anthocyanins: Multi-target agents for prevention and therapy of chronic diseases
Anthostema aubryanum Baill: Its Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of the root bark extract
Anti-Acetylcholinesterase Activities of Mono-Herbal Extracts and Exhibited Synergistic Effects of the Phytoconstituents: A Biochemical and Computational Study
Anti-Acetylcholinesterase, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Oxidant Activities of Raw-Extract Centella Asiatica (RECA) on Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-Induced …
Anti-Ageing Medicines: The Facts, What Works and What Doesn’t
Anti-aging Effect of the Ethanol Extract from G. bimaculatus
Anti-aging Properties of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid in Caenorhabditis elegans
Anti-amnesic effect of aqueous extract of Crataeva nurvala stem bark in scopolamine induced amnesia
Anti-amnesic effect of Dendropanax morbifera via JNK signaling pathway on cognitive dysfunction in high-fat diet-induced diabetic mice
Anti-Amyloidogenic and Cyclooxygenase Inhibitory Activity of Guettarda speciosa
Anti-amyloidogenic Effect of Anti-inflammatory Compound, Thiacremonone in Astrocytes
Anti-cholinesterase potential of diverse botanical families from Malaysia: Evaluation of crude extracts and fractions from liquid-liquid extraction and acid-base …
Anti-Fatigue and Hypnotic Effects of a Traditional Herbal Extract on Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A double blind randomized clinical trial
Anti-Fatigue and Hypnotic Effects of a Traditional Herbal Extract on Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A double blind randomized clinical trial.
Anti-fibrillogenic and fibril destabilizing effects of metal ions on cystatin fibrils
Anti-genotoxic Effects of Ethyl Acetate Fraction from Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 Cells
Anti-glycative and anti-inflammatory effects of protocatechuic acid in brain of mice treated by D-galactose
Anti-helicobacter and anti-inflammatory effects of ethanol extract of Sohamhyoongtang in Helicobacter pylori-induced inflammation in human gastric epithelial …
Anti-inflammatory Activities of l-Methone and Camphor Isolated from Agastache rugosa (Fisch. & Mey.) Kuntze
Anti-inflammatory Activity and Protective Ability of Water Extract from Pinus densiflora Bark against DNA Damage
Anti-inflammatory Activity of 1-docosanoyl Cafferate Isolated from Rhus verniciflua in LPS-stimulated BV2 Microglial Cells
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Sulfur-containing Compounds from Garlic
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of Memecylon umbellatum. Burm. f. leaf extract under in vitro
Anti-inflammatory and Pro-inflammatory Mediators as Potential Targets for Chemoprevention and Therapy
Anti-inflammatory Dietary Ingredients, Medicinal Plants, and Herbs Exert Beneficial Health Effects in Aging
Anti-inflammatory Effect of 4-tert-butyl Phenyl Salicylic Acid in Lipopolysaccharides-Stimulated Raw 264.7 Mouse Macrophage Cells
Anti-inflammatory Effect of Clematis mandshurica in LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells
Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Erinacine C on NO Production Through Down-Regulation of NF-κB and Activation of Nrf2-Mediated HO-1 in BV2 Microglial Cells Treated …
Anti-inflammatory effects of catechols in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated microglia cells: inhibition of microglial neurotoxicity
Anti-inflammatory effects of rice bran components
Anti-inflammatory function of Phyllostachys edulis extract in the hippocampus of HIV-1 transgenic rats
Anti-inflammatory natural foods
Anti-ischemic effect of Ginkgo biloba extract: facts and myths
Anti-metastatic Activity of Pinosylvin, a Natural Stilbenoid, is Associated with the Suppression of MMPs
Anti-microbial Activity of AC-care, a Composition of Herbal Extract, Against Propionibacterium Acne
Anti-Neurodegenerative effects of sage (Salvia officinalis) via modulation of stress response signaling in C. elegans
Anti-neuroinflammatory effects of Ephedra sinica Stapf extract-capped gold nanoparticles in microglia
Anti-neuroinflammatory effects of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb761 in LPS-activated primary microglial cells
Anti-oxidant Properties of Some Lesser Known Fruits and Vegetables Consumed by families in South East Zone of Nigeria.
Anti-oxidants and their role in disease management
Anti-Oxidants, the Aging Brain and Age-Related Brain Disorders
Anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of 2-cyclopropylimino-3-methyl-1, 3-thiazoline hydrochloride on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in rat brain
Anti-platelet aggregation activity of melaleuca bracteata var. revolution gold derived betulinic acid and its derivatives
Anti-senescence compounds: a potential nutraceutical approach to healthy aging
Anti-wrinkle Effect of Korean Rice Wine Cake
Anti‐amyloidogenic activity of tetracyclines: studies in vitro
Antiaging effects of bioactive molecules isolated from plants and fungi
Antiamnesic Effect of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) Leaves on Amyloid Beta (Aβ)1–42-Induced Learning and Memory Impairment
Antiapoptotic effects of EGb 761
Antibacterial activities of selected medicinal plants used to treat sexually transmitted infections in Blouberg area, Limpopo Province
Antibacterial, antioxidant, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activities of crude extract from Nitraria schoberi fruits
Antibody Based Diagnostic and Therapeutic
Anticholinesterase and antioxidant effects of traditional herbal medicines used in the management of Neurodegenerative diseases in mauritius
Anticholinesterase and antioxidative properties of aqueous extract of Cola acuminata seed in vitro
Anticholinesterase constituents from the leaves of Spondias mombin L.(Anacardiaceae)
Antidepressant and anxiolytic activity of Lavandula officinalis aerial parts hydroalcoholic extract in scopolamine-treated rats
Antidepressant Plant Species from the Portuguese-Speaking African Countries (PALOP)
Antidepressant Principles of the Roots of Polygala tenuifolia
Antidepressant-and anxiolytic-like activities of an oil extract of propolis in rats
Antidepressant‐like effects of ginsenoside Rg1 are due to activation of the BDNF signalling pathway and neurogenesis in the hippocampus
Antidepressive‐like effects and antioxidant activity of green tea and GABA green tea in a mouse model of post‐stroke depression
Antidiabetic Effect of Codonopsis Lanceolata through the Regulation of Glucose Metabolism in C75BL/KsJ-db/db Mice
Antidiabetic effects of tea
Antidiabetic Screening and Phytochemical Investigation of Selected Medicinal Plants
Antidotal effects of curcumin against neurotoxic agents: An updated review
Antifibrotic Effects of Juglans sinensis Extract against CCl4-induced Liver Fibrosis in Rats
Antifungal and antioxidant activity of Crassocephalum bauchiense (Hutch.) Milne-Redh ethyl acetate extract and fractions (Asteraceae)
Antihyperglycemic activity of ethylacetate extract of Abelmoschus esculentus seed in alloxan induced hyperglycemic mice model
Antihyperglycemic and Antihyperlipidemic Effects of Fermented Rhynchosia nulubilish in Alloxan-induced Diabetic RatsRhynchosia nulubilish in Alloxan …
Antiinflammatory Properties of Dietary n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Protect Against Cognitive Decline in Aging and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Antimicrobial Activity and Quantum-chemical Studies of Novel 2-Arylidenehydrazinyl-4-
arylthiazole Derivatives
Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of medicinal plants used by the Bentian tribe from Indonesia
AntiNeurodegenerative and Antidiabetic Activity of Lichens
Antioxidant actions of spices and their phytochemicals on age-related diseases
Antioxidant Activities and Anti-tyrosinase Activity of Tribulus terrestris
Antioxidant activities of the essential oils and extracts of Biebersteinia multifida DC
Antioxidant Activity and Anti-inflammatory Effect of the Ethyl Acetate Fraction from Aruncus dioicus var. kamfschaticus
Antioxidant activity and enzymes inhibitory properties of several extracts from two Moroccan Asteraceae species
Antioxidant activity and protecting health effects of common medicinal plants
Antioxidant activity of a solution of thymol in ethanol
Antioxidant activity of Aegle marmelos, Withania somnifera, Bacopa monnieri, Centella asiatica, Sida cordifolia and Mucuna pruriens and its correlation with …
Antioxidant Activity of Dichloromethane Fraction from Equisetum hyemale L.
Antioxidant activity of Dung beetle extracts on a high fat diet in Sprague-Dawley rats
Antioxidant Activity of Extracts from Equisetum hyemale L.
Antioxidant activity of oral administration of Rosmarinus officinalis leaves extract on rat’s hippocampus which exposed to 6-Hydroxydopamine
Antioxidant activity of sulfur and selenium: a review of reactive oxygen species scavenging, glutathione peroxidase, and metal-binding antioxidant mechanisms
Antioxidant Activity of Water Extract from Green Tea
Antioxidant activity, acetylcholinesterase and tyrosinase inhibitory potential of Pulmonaria officinalis and Centarium umbellatum extracts
Antioxidant activity, acetylcholinesterase inhibitory potential and phytochemical analysis of Sarcocephalus latifolius Sm. bark used in traditional medicine in …
Antioxidant and a-glucosidase inhibitory activity of Adina rubella Hance in vitro
Antioxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhibition properties of Amorpha fruticosa L. and Phytolacca americana L.
Antioxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of leaf extract and fractions of Albizia adianthifolia (Schumach) WF Wright
Antioxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory potential of thai medicinal plants
Antioxidant and anti-acetylcholinesterase activities of extracts from Rapistrum rugosum in Tunisia
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of the root of Mussaenda glabrata
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of Polygonatum sibiricum rhizome extracts
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms of neuroprotection by ursolic acid: addressing brain injury, cerebral ischemia, cognition deficit, anxiety, and depression
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory related activities of certain botanicals frequently used in Ayurveda and other indigenous systems of medication
Antioxidant and antiacetylcholinesterase activities of chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla)
Antioxidant and antiacetylcholinesterase activities of different granulometric classes of Salix alba (L.) bark powders
Antioxidant and antiacetylcholinesterase activities of Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz (wild service tree) fruits
Antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities of aqueous extract of Uraria picta (Jacq.) DC
Antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities of the essential oil of Eugenia dysenterica DC
Antioxidant and anticholinesterase activity of essential oils and ethanol extracts of Thymus algeriensis and Teucrium polium from Algeria
Antioxidant and anticholinesterase evaluation of selected Turkish Salvia species
Antioxidant and anticholinesterase investigations of Rumex hastatus D. Don: potential effectiveness in oxidative stress and neurological disorders
Antioxidant and anticholinesterase potential of six thymus species
Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Investigations of dichloromethane (DCM) Extract of Garcinia cowa Bark
Antioxidant and antiproliferative properties of water extract from Mahonia bealei (Fort.) Carr. leaves
Antioxidant and cyclooxygenase-2-inhibiting effect of purple corn cob extract-loaded nanofiber patch on motor recovery in spinal cord injury rats
Antioxidant and cytotoxicity effects of Luteolin
Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of Ervatamia coronaria Stapf. leaves
Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Different Fractions from Synurus deltoides Nakai Leaves
Antioxidant and Inhibitory Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Salvia officinalis Leaves on Pro-Oxidant-Induced Lipid Peroxidation in Brain and Liver In Vitro
Antioxidant and its Applications
Antioxidant and neuroprotective Activities of Mogami-benibana (Safflower, Carthamus tinctorius Linne)
Antioxidant and neuroprotective Effects of Kaempferol and Tannic Acid against 6-Hydroxydopamine-induced Oxidative Stress
Antioxidant and neuroprotective Effects of KM-34, A Novel Synthetic Catechol, Against Oxidative Stress-Induced Neurotoxicity
Antioxidant and neuroprotective Effects of Scrophularia striata Extract Against Oxidative Stress-Induced Neurotoxicity
Antioxidant and Non-enzymatic Glycation Inhibition Ability of Rosa davurica
Antioxidant and other properties of green and black tea
Antioxidant and oxidative stress: A mutual interplay in age-related diseases
Antioxidant and phytochemicals of hexane and ethanolic extracts of Canarium schweinfurthii burseraceae.
Antioxidant and pro-oxidant capacity of catecholamines and related compounds. Effects of hydrogen peroxide on glutathione and sphingomyelinase activity in …
Antioxidant capacity of Melissa Officinalis L. on Biological Systems
Antioxidant compounds and nutraceutical benefits of mediterranean red fruit
Antioxidant compounds have potent anti‐fibrillogenic and fibril‐destabilizing effects for α‐synuclein fibrils in vitro
Antioxidant Constituents from a Vietnam Herbal Tea Gynostemma laxum
Antioxidant effect of alkynylselenoalcohol compounds on liver and brain of rats in vitro
Antioxidant intake and antitumor therapy: toward nutritional recommendations for optimal results
ANTIOXIDANT MEXIDOL. The main neuropsychotropic effects and the mechanism of action mechanism of action.
Antioxidant Nutraceuticals as Health Drinks for Prevention of Diseases
Antioxidant Nutraceuticals as Health Drinks for Prevention of Diseases
Antioxidant Nutraceuticals for the Prevention and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Lung Diseases
Antioxidant potential in fresh and processed products of selected fruits
Antioxidant potential of Morinda pubescens fruits
Antioxidant potential of the ethanol extract of the leaves of Vitex negundo L
Antioxidant potentials of tannic acid on lipid peroxidation induced by several pro-oxidants in cerebral and hepatic lipids
Antioxidant profiles of new chemical entities as multifunctional hits for the treatment of Neurodegenerative disorders
Antioxidant Properties and Chemopreventive Potential Of the Bioactive Constituents Of the Roots Of Decalepis Hamiltonii
Antioxidant properties of
Antioxidant properties of 4-hydroxyquinolines
Antioxidant properties of Calendula officinalis L. (Asteraceae) on Fe2+-initiated peroxidation of rat brain mitochondria
Antioxidant Properties of Curcumin: Impact on Neurological Disorders
Antioxidant properties of food products containing lycopene are increased by the presence of chlorophyll
Antioxidant properties of Lippia javanica (Burm. f.) Spreng.
Antioxidant properties of medicinal plants used in the Southern Ecuador
Antioxidant properties of selected African vegetables, fruits and mushrooms: A review
Antioxidant Property Is the Basic Feature of Kampo Medicine
Antioxidant strategies for Neurodegenerative diseases
Antioxidant supplementation in the treatment of aging-associated diseases
Antioxidant targeting by deferiprone in diseases related to oxidative damage
Antioxidant Therapies for Neurodegenerative Diseases: Mechanisms, Current Trends, and Perspectives
Antioxidant Therapies for Neuroprotection—A Review
Antioxidant therapy and its effectiveness in oxidative stress-mediated disorders
Antioxidant therapy effectiveness: an up to date
Antioxidant therapy: current status and future prospects
Antioxidant Therapy: Potential and Limitations
Antioxidant therapy: Still in search of the ‘magic bullet’
Antioxidant treatment induces hyperactivation of the HPA axis by upregulating ACTH receptor in the adrenal and downregulating glucocorticoid receptors in the …
Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective Activities of a Plant Extract Derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine: SuHeXiang Wan (AT000)
Antioxidant, antibacterial and antiacetylcholinesterase activities of Phalaris canariensis from Tunisia
Antioxidant, antityrosinase, anticholinesterase, and nitric oxide inhibition activities of three Malaysian Macaranga species
Antioxidants and cognitive function/Discussion/Comment
Antioxidants and Healthy Life
Antioxidants and herbal extracts protect HT-4 neuronal cells against glutamate-induced cytotoxicity
Antioxidants and herbal extracts protect HT-4 neuronal cells against glutamate-induced cytotoxicity
Antioxidants and human diseases
Antioxidants and Nanotechnology: Promises and Limits of Potentially Disruptive Approaches in the Treatment of Central Nervous System Diseases
Antioxidants and Prooxidants: Effects on Health and Aging
Antioxidants and the Comet assay
Antioxidants as a preventive therapeutic option for age related Neurodegenerative diseases
Antioxidants as treatment for Neurodegenerative disorders
Antioxidants for the prevention and treatment of multiple sclerosis: an overview
Antioxidants in health and disease
Antioxidants in health, disease and aging
Antioxidants in Huntington’s disease
Antioxidants in medicinal plants
Antioxidants of edible mushrooms
Antioxidants World Congress
Antioxidants, quinone reductase inducers and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from Spondias tuberosa fruits
Antioxidants: Dietary scavengers in lifestyle diseases
Antioxidants: Its medicinal and pharmacological applications
Antioxidants: new-generation therapeutic base for treatment of polygenic disorders
Antioxidants: real medicines?
Antioxidants: real medicines?: main topic
Antioxidants: scientific literature landscape analysis
Antioxidative activity and ameliorative effects of memory impairment of sulfur‐containing compounds in Allium species
Antioxidative activity and anti-inflammatory effects of diarylheptanoids isolated from Alnus hirsuta
Antioxidative and neuroprotective effects of Loranthus parasiticus (L.) Merr (Loranthaceae) against oxidative stress in NG108-15 cells
Antioxidative and neuroprotective effects of volatile components in essential oils from Chrysanthemum indicum Linné flowers
Antioxidative Components from the Whole Plants of Veronica peregrina
Antioxidative effects of Rhodiola genus: Phytochemistry and pharmacological mechanisms against the diseases
Antioxidizing Effect and Antimicrobial Activities of Saponins from Kalopanacis Cortex (Kalopanax pictus), Soybean (Glycine max) and Ginseng (Panax …
Antiproliferative Activities of Halophyte Plant, Calystegia soldanella, Growing Near Southern and Western Seashores in Korea
Antitumoral and Anticholinesterasic Activities of the Seven Species from Rubiaceae
Anxiolytic Effects of the JA-Q: Involvement of GABAergic System
Anxiolytic-like Effects of PNE-70 Using the Elevated Plus-Maze and Hole-board Apparatus in Mice
Apigenin and luteolin modulate microglial activation via inhibition of STAT1-induced CD40 expression
Apigenin as a Candidate Prenatal Treatment for Trisomy 21: Effects in Human Amniocytes and the Ts1Cje Mouse Model
Apigetrin from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi Inhibits Neuroinflammation in BV-2 Microglia and Exerts neuroprotective Effect in HT22 Hippocampal Cells
Apios americana Medik flowers extract protects PC12 cells against H2O2 induced neurotoxicity via regulating autophagy
Apium plants: Beyond simple food and phytopharmacological applications
Application of phytochemicals for the treatment of Neurodegenerative diseases.
Application of precision medicine in Neurodegenerative diseases
Application of quercetin in neurological disorders: from nutrition to nanomedicine
Application of resveratrol in diabetes: rationale, strategies and challenges
Application of the in combo screening approach for the discovery of non-alkaloid acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from Cichorium intybus
Appraisal of scopolamine-induced antiamnesic effect in mice and in vitro antiacetylcholinesterase and antioxidant activities of some traditionally used Lamiaceae …
Appraisal of scopolamine-induced antiamnesic effect of Sphaeranthus indicus in mice
Aqueous extract of the Chinese medicine, Danggui‐Shaoyao‐San, inhibits apoptosis in hydrogen peroxide‐induced PC12 cells by preventing cytochrome c release …
Aqueous–ethanol extracts of some South African seaweeds inhibit beta‐amyloid aggregation, cholinesterases, and beta‐secretase activities in vitro
Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze has neuroprotective action through mitochondrial modulation in dopaminergic SH-SY5Y cells
Arcopilus aureus, a Resveratrol-Producing Endophyte from Vitis vinifera
Are antioxidant supplements effective for the prevention and treatment of diseases?
Are astrocytes the predominant cell type for activation of Nrf2 in aging and neurodegeneration?
Are dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin precursors of biologically reactive intermediates involved in the pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative brain disorders?
Aronia melanocarpa treatment and antioxidant status in selected tissues in Wistar rats
Ashwagandha Root Extract Inhibits Acetylcholine Esterase, Protein Modification and Ameliorates H2O2-Induced oxidative stress in Rat Lymphocytes
Asian Medicinal Remedies for Alleviating Aging Effects
Asparagus adscendens root extract enhances cognition and protects against scopolamine induced amnesia: An in-silico and in-vivo studies
Assessing neuroprotective Agents for Aβ-Induced Neurotoxicity
Assessment of acetylcholinesterase and tyrosinase inhibitory and antioxidant activity of Alchemilla vulgaris and Filipendula ulmaria extracts
Assessment of anti-cholinesterase activity and cytotoxicity of cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica) leaves
Assessment of cholinesterase and tyrosinase inhibitory and antioxidant effects of Hypericum perforatum L.(St. John’s wort)
Assessment of disease-related cognitive impairments using the novel object recognition (NOR) task in rodents
Assessment of In-House Natural Product and Synthetic Compound Libraries Based on In vitro Inhibition of Cholinesterases
Assessment of natural herbal based antitussive and expectorant efficacy of respiratory symptom
Assessment of neuroprotective efficacy of phytochemicals against oxidatiive stress mediated neurodegeneratiion in Drosophilla mellanogaster
Assessment of the Effect of Green tea Consumption on Fibrinogen Among Adult Healthy Sudanese Volunteers
Association of blood antioxidants status with visual and auditory sustained attention
Astragaloside IV supplementation promotes a neuroprotective effect in experimental models of neurological disorders: a systematic review
Astrocyte heterogeneity: impact to brain aging and disease
Asymmetric Synthesis of D-and L-ribo-Phytosphingosine
Atherosclerosis: Pathophysiology and promising herbal remedies in traditional Persian medicine
Atherothrombosis and oxidative stress: mechanisms and management in elderly
Atividade antioxidante e hepatoprotetora de plantas brasileiras, contendo compostos fenólicos.
Atropa acuminata Royle Ex Lindl. blunts production of pro-inflammatory mediators eicosanoids., leukotrienes, cytokines in vitro and in vivo models of acute …
Attenuation of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB) activation and cell death by tea extracts in neuronal cultures
Attenuation of aluminum chloride-induced neuroinflammation and caspase activation through the AKT/GSK-3β pathway by hesperidin in wistar rats
Australian Native Plants–A Source of Novel Anti-inflammatory Compounds
Autism spectrum disorders: Potential neuro-
psychopharmacotherapeutic plant-based drugs
Autism, Genetics
Autism: Synthetic-and plant-derived control and treatment
Autophagy and microglia: novel partners in neurodegeneration and aging
Autophagy in health and disease
Autophagy in Neurodegeneration: Latest developments on eating ourselves out of disease
Avocado as a major dietary source of antioxidants and its preventive role in Neurodegenerative diseases
Avocado Juice Prevents the Formation of Trypsin Amyloid-Like Fibrils in Aqueous Ethanol
AzBilliards. com> Main Category> Non Pool Related> Why Is The Food Industry Trying To Kill Us?-Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid
Bacopa monnieri as an antioxidant therapy to reduce oxidative stress in the aging brain
Bacteriocin produced by Bacillus strain, isolated from Korean traditional fermented food kimchi shows broad antibacterial activity in optimized media
Baicalein as a potent neuroprotective agent: A review
Baicalein attenuates α-synuclein aggregation, inflammasome activation and autophagy in the MPP+-treated nigrostriatal dopaminergic system in vivo
Baicalein protects C6 glial cells against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis through regulation of the Nrf2 signaling pathway
Baicalein suppresses Repeat Tau fibrillization by sequestering oligomers
Baicalein suppresses Tau fibrillization by sequestering oligomers
Baicalin improves chronic corticosterone-induced learning and memory deficits via the enhancement of impaired hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor and …
Balsamite major Desf.: Redox properties, antiinflammatory and cytoprotective effects
Basic Research to Breakthroughs in Antibody Therapeutics
BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease
Beer as an Integral Part of Healthy Diets: Current Knowledge and Perspective
Behavioral and Biochemical Consequences of Simulated Vehicle Exhaust Exposure in Rats
Benefical effects of mediterranean diet in neuroinflammation and related diseases
Beneficial Effects of Carvacrol on Insulin Resistance in High Fat Diet-induced Diabetic Mice
Beneficial effects of date palm fruits on Neurodegenerative diseases
Beneficial Effects of Dietary Supplements Against Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Apoptosis in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Beneficial effects of ellagic acid against animal models of scopolamine-and diazepam-induced cognitive impairments
Beneficial Effects of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (n-9 Fatty Acids) on Neurological Disorders
Beneficial Effects of Ginkgo biloba in Neurological Disorders
Beneficial effects of green tea catechins on Neurodegenerative diseases
Beneficial effects of green tea catechins on neurological disorders
Beneficial effects of propolis on neurological disorders
Beneficial Effects of Resveratrol Administration—Focus on Potential Biochemical Mechanisms in Cardiovascular Conditions
Beneficial upshots of naturally occurring antioxidant compounds against neurological disorders
Benefits of curcumin in brain disorders
Benefits of grape chemicals on human health
Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet in the Elderly Patient
Benefits of tree nuts consumption on aging and age-related diseases: mechanisms of actions
Benzimidazole derivatives: active class of antioxidants
Berberine and neurodegeneration: A review of literature
Berberine–A Neuropsychiatric Pharmacotherapy
Bergenia ciliata ameliorates streptozotocin-induced spatial memory deficits through dual cholinesterase inhibition and attenuation of oxidative stress in rats
Berries and Health: A review of the evidence
Berries: Properties, Consumption and Nutrition
Berry fruit enhances beneficial signaling in the brain
Berry fruit supplementation and the aging brain
Berry Supplementation and Their Beneficial Effects on Some Central Nervous System Disorders
Berryfruit Cognitive Study: Final Report Berryfruit Cognitive Study
Beverage Impacts on Health and Nutrition
Beverages of lemon juice and exotic noni and papaya with potential for anticholinergic effects
Binding modes of phthalocyanines to amyloid β peptide and their effects on amyloid fibril formation
Bio prospection of antioxidant potential of Pinus roxburghii Sarg collected from different Himalayan regions of India
Bioactive chemicals and health benefits of grapevine products
Bioactive Compounds as Therapeutic Alternatives
Bioactive Compounds Contained in Mediterranean Diet and Their Effects on Neurodegenerative Diseases
Bioactive compounds from endemic plants of Southwest Portugal: Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and radical scavenging activities
Bioactive compounds from ethnobotanically-selected plants in Indonesia
Bioactive compounds from macroalgae in the new millennium: implications for Neurodegenerative diseases
Bioactive compounds in medicinal plants: A condensed review
Bioactive compounds of chestnuts as health promoters
Bioactive compounds of kimchi inhibit apoptosis by attenuating endoplasmic reticulum stress in the brain of amyloid β-injected mice
Bioactive effects of quercetin in the central nervous system: Focusing on the mechanisms of actions
Bioactive metabolites from macrofungi: ethnopharmacology, biological activities and chemistry
Bioactive Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements in Neurological and Brain Disease
Bioactive nutraceuticals and dietary supplements in neurological and brain disease: prevention and therapy
Bioactive Oxidised Products of Omega-6 and Omega-3, Excess Oxidative Stress, Oxidised Dietary Intake and Antioxidant Nutrient Deficiencies, in the Context of a …
Bioactive properties of Chamaerops humilis L.: antioxidant and enzyme inhibiting activities of extracts from leaves, seeds, pulp and peel
Bioactive Substances of Plant Origin 30
Bioactives from culinary spices and herbs: a review
Bioactivity of essential oils and their volatile aroma components
Bioactivity of Morus alba l. Extracts-An overview
Bioactivity Screening of One Hundred Kind Pure Compounds by ABTS and DPPH Method
Bioavailability and toxicity of aluminium to the freshwater pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis at neutral pH
Biochemical and thermodynamic characterization of a novel, low-molecular-weight xylanase from Bacillus sp. CSB40 isolated from traditional Korean food
Biochemical deficits and cognitive decline in brain aging: Intervention by dietary supplements
Biochemical insights related to the propensity of phytochemicals in forestalling/reversing neuronal dysfunctions
Biochemical pharmacology of functional foods and prevention of chronic diseases of aging
Biochemical profile and in vitro neuroprotective properties of Carpobrotus edulis L., a medicinal and edible halophyte native to the coast of South Africa
Biochemical properties and neuroprotective effects of compounds in various species of berries
Biochemical Studies on Phytocystain Purified from Brassica Alba Yellow Indian Mustard Seeds
Bioconversion of SB enhances otoprotective effect against noise induced hearing loss in mouse
Bioconversion, health benefits, and application of ginseng and red ginseng in dairy products
Biodiversity and Therapeutic Potential of Medicinal Plants
Biodiversity, biology and conservation of medicinal plants of the Thar Desert
Bioinformatics Approaches to Find Potential Therapeutic Candidates Using Microarray and Protein-Protein Interaction Resources for Psoriasis
Biological activities of (−)-epicatechin and (−)-epicatechin-containing foods: Focus on cardiovascular and neuropsychological health
Biological activities of mimosine isolated from Leucaena leucocephala and identification of bioactive compounds from subtropical plant Bidens pilosa
Biological activities of the natural antioxidant oleuropein: Exceeding the expectation–A mini-review
Biological activity and phytochemistry of firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea MJ Roemer)
Biological activity of HPLC-characterized ethanol extract from the aerial parts of Haplophyllum tuberculatum
Biological activity of Spondias pinnata: a review
Biological and chemical insights of Morina persica L.: A source of bioactive compounds with multifunctional properties
Biological applications of designed hairpin peptides: as antimicrobials and as inhibitors of amyloidogenesis
Biological Evaluation of Natural Product as a Potent Hsp90 Inhibitor.
Biological fingerprinting of herbal samples by means of liquid chromatography
Biologically active metabolites of plants. 7. Alkaloids from Corydalis yanhusuo and their biological activity.
Biologically relevant secondary metabolites of Vaccinium uliginosum: bioassay-directed natural products identification of anti-neuroninflammatory agents in the Alaska …
Biology-oriented development of novel lipophilic antioxidants with neuroprotective activity
Biomarkers in long‐term vegetarian diets
Biomarkers of Foods and Nutraceuticals: Applications in Efficacy, Safety, and Toxicity
Biopesticides from plants: Calceolaria integrifolia sl
Bioprospecting plants for natural antioxidants: An overview
Bioscience frontiers in neuromedical intervention following brain injury
Biotechnology, In Vitro Production of Natural Bioactive Compounds, Herbal Preparation, and Disease Management (Treatment and Prevention)
Black berry juice attenuates neurological disorders and oxidative stress associated with concurrent exposure of aluminum and fluoride in male rats
Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) and its products as potential health-promoting factors-An overview
Black tea: The plants, processing/manufacturing and production
Blood brain barrier inflammation and potential therapeutic role of phytochemicals
Blueberries and neuronal aging
Blueberry Opposes β-Amyloid Peptide-Induced Microglial Activation Via Inhibition of p44/42 Mitogen-Activation Protein Kinase
Blueberry supplementation improves memory in older adults
Blueberry supplemented diet: effects on object recognition memory and nuclear factor-kappa B levels in aged rats
Boost Your Brain Power in 60 Seconds: The 4-week Plan for a Sharper Mind, Better Memory, and Healthier Brain
Botanicals and phytochemicals active on cognitive decline: The clinical evidence
Boysenberry and blackcurrant drinks increased the plasma antioxidant capacity in an elderly population but had little effect on other markers of oxidative stress
BPA and Nutraceuticals, Simultaneous Effects on Endocrine Functions
Brain Ageing, Cognition and Diet: A Review of the Emerging Roles of Food-Based Nootropics in Mitigating Age-related Memory Decline
Brain androgen and progesterone metabolizing enzymes: biosynthesis, distribution and function
Brain Fitness for Women: Keeping Your Head Clear & Your Mind Sharp at Any Age
Brain Food
Brain food: How nutrition alters our mood and behaviour
Brain iron metabolism and its perturbation in neurological diseases
Brain Protective and Erythrocytes Hemolysis Inhibition Potentials from Galls of Guiera senega lensis JF Gmel (Combretaceae)” PAED Sombie,” A. Hilou,” AY …
Brain-Building Nutrition: The Healing Power of Fats and Oils
Brief Challenges on Medicinal Plants: An Eye‐Opening Look at Ageing‐Related Disorders
Brine shrimp lethality test and acetylcholine esterase inhibition studies on selected South African medicinal plants
Broad bean (Vicia faba L.) pods: a rich source of bioactive ingredients with antimicrobial, antioxidant, enzyme inhibitory, anti-diabetic and health-promoting properties
Cacao and Human Health: from Head to Foot–A Review
Caenorhabditis elegans: a model organism for nutraceutical safety and toxicity evaluation
Caffeic acid, tyrosol and p-coumaric acid are potent inhibitors of 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine induced neurotoxicity
Caffeinated Beverages, Behavior, and Brain Structure
Caffeoylquinic acid induces ATP production and energy metabolism in human neurotypic SH-SY5Y cells
Calcium dysregulation and homeostasis of neural calcium in the molecular mechanisms of Neurodegenerative diseases provide multiple targets for neuroprotection
Calcium dysregulation and neuroinflammation: discrete and integrated mechanisms for age-related synaptic dysfunction
Caloric restriction mimetics against age-associated disease: targets, mechanisms, and therapeutic potential
Calorie restriction and dietary restriction mimetics: a strategy for improving healthy aging and longevity
Calorie restriction mimetics and aging
Can crosstalk between DOR and PARP reduce oxidative stress mediated neurodegeneration?
Can nonalcoholic beer, silicon and hops reduce the brain damage and behavioral changes induced by aluminum nitrate in young male Wistar rats?
Can tea consumption be a safe and effective therapy against diabetes mellitus-induced neurodegeneration?
Cannabinoids: A Group of Promising neuroprotective Agents
Canyon Ranch 30 Days to a Better Brain: A Groundbreaking Program for Improving Your Memory, Concentration, Mood, and Overall Well-Being
Capillarisin attenuates muscle damage after intense exercise
Capsicum annuum bioactive compounds: Health promotion perspectives
Carbonyl stress in aging process: role of vitamins and phytochemicals as redox regulators
Carboxymethyl-lysine: thirty years of investigation in the field of AGE formation
Cardioprotective and neuroprotective roles of oleuropein in olive
Carotenoids of microalgae used in food industry and medicine
Carthamus, Salvia and Stachys species protect neuronal cells against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis
Castanea sativa Mill. Leaves as New Sources of Natural Antioxidant: An Electronic Spin Resonance Study
Catalpol: a potential therapeutic for Neurodegenerative diseases
Catechin attenuates behavioral neurotoxicity induced by 6-OHDA in rats
Catechins protect neurons against mitochondrial toxins and HIV proteins via activation of the BDNF pathway
Catharanthus roseus: Detoxification and Hepatic Protection of Aflatoxin B1
Cell aging: molecular mechanisms and implications for disease
Cell and Nanoparticle Tracking PET Imaging Study using Bioorthogonal F-18 Labeling Protocols.
Cell culture models of oxidative stress and injury in the central nervous system
Cell death and neuronal arborization upon quercetin treatment in rat neurons
Cell Protective Signaling Pathway of Activated Protein C
Cellular and mitochondrial effects of alcohol consumption
Cellular Antioxidant Defenses and Amelioration by Biopigments with Particular Focus on mRNA Oxidations
Cellular prion protein-dependent signaling pathway for proinflammatory cytokine-and β-amyloid-induced cofilin-actin rod formation, A
Cellular stress response: a novel target for chemoprevention and nutritional neuroprotection in aging, Neurodegenerative disorders and longevity
Centella asiatica (Gotu kola) as a neuroprotectant and its potential role in healthy ageing
Centella asiatica attenuates D-galactose-induced cognitive impairment, oxidative and mitochondrial dysfunction in mice
Centella asiatica, an Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant, Prevents the Major Neurodegenerative and Neurotoxic Mechanisms Associated with Cognitive Impairment
Centella asiatica: phytochemistry and mechanisms of neuroprotection and cognitive enhancement
Central additive effect of Ginkgo biloba and Rhodiola rosea on psychomotor vigilance task and short-term working memory accuracy
Central nervous system diseases and Scutellaria: a review of current mechanism studies
Cerebrovascular and neuronal cellular consequences of amyloid-βinduced nuclear factor-κB activation
Chaenomeles–health promoting benefits
Challenges on the processing of plant-based neuronutraceuticals and functional foods with emerging technologies: Extraction, encapsulation and therapeutic …
Chamomile: a herbal agent for treatment of diseases of the elderly
Changes & Directions of Education for Other Health Care Professionals: Medical & Dental Education in Korea
Changes in the Central Glutamatergic Nervous Activity Following Chronic Intracerebroventricular Administration of Nicotine in Rats
Changes of Anti-inflammatory Activity of Gardeniae Fructus by Processing
Changes of Catecholamine Secretion in the Perfused Adrenal Medulla of the Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats
Changing paradigm to target microglia in Neurodegenerative diseases: from anti-inflammatory strategy to active immunomodulation
Characteristcs of Pathogen-specific Memory T cells in the Liver during acute viral infection
Characteristics, Biological Properties and Analytical Methods of Trans-Resveratrol: A Review
Characteristics, composition, and antioxidant activities in vitro and in vivo of Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino seed oil
Characterization and bioavailability of neuroprotective grape seed extract in an animal model
Characterization of antimicrobial and antioxidant metabolites from Pinus gerardiana and Picea smithiana growing in North Western Himalayas
Characterization of Autophagic Cell Death Mechanism in Two Different Dopaminergic Neuronal Models
Characterization of Novel Regulators of Helper T Cell Proliferation
Characterization of Physicochemical Properties for ADME/PK Study and New Drug Discovery
Characterization of Tau Oligomeric Strains: Implications for Disease Phenotypes
Characterization of the neuroprotective potential of derivatives of the iron chelating drug deferiprone
Characterizing the inhibition of α‐synuclein oligomerization by a pharmacological chaperone that prevents prion formation by the protein PrP
Chemical analysis and antioxidant activities of bark extracts from four endemic species of Hyrcanian forests in Iran
Chemical analysis and neurobiological effects of Newfoundland wild blueberries
Chemical analysis and quality control of Ginkgo biloba leaves, extracts, and phytopharmaceuticals
Chemical characterization and antioxidant properties of a new coffee blend with cocoa, coffee silverskin and green coffee minimally processed
Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Aloe saponaria
Chemical composition and antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal activities of the essential oils from Bidens pilosa Linn. var. Radiata
Chemical composition and biological activity of Capparis spinosa L. from Lipari Island
Chemical composition and in vitro antioxidative activity of a lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) extract
Chemical Composition Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of the Essential Oils of Matricaria aurea Loefl. Growing in Tunisia
Chemical composition of the lipophilic fraction of Livistona australis R. Br. Mart.,(Arecaceae) fruit pulp and evaluation of its antioxidant and antihyperlipidemic …
Chemical composition of the perennial plant sorghum and fodder prepared and hay.
Chemical composition, antioxidant potential, macromolecule damage and neuroprotective activity of Convolvulus pluricaulis
Chemical constituents from the fruits of Citrus unshiu and their inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase
Chemical Constituents of Selected Herbal Medicines
Chemical Constituents of Soft Coral Lobophytum compactum in the Sea Vietnam and Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activities of Some Diterpenes and Sterols
Chemical Constituents with Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitory Activity from the Rhizomes of Anemarrhena asphodeloides.
Chemical modification of the multitarget neuroprotective compound fisetin
Chemical modulators of protein misfolding and Neurodegenerative disease
Chemical profiling and in vitro biological effects of Cardiospermum halicacabum L. (Sapindaceae) aerial parts and seeds for applications in Neurodegenerative …
Chemical profiling, antioxidant, enzyme inhibitory and molecular modelling studies on the leaves and stem bark extracts of three African medicinal plants
Chemical standardization of some anti inflammatory rasayana plants used in Indian system of medicine
Chemical transformations and phytochemical studies of bioactive components from extracts of rosmarinus officinalis L.
Chemical, molecular pharmacology and neuroprotective properties of the essential oil derived from Aloysia citrodora Palau
Chemistry and Biochemistry of Terpenoids from Curcuma and Related Species
Chemistry and functional properties in prevention of Neurodegenerative disorders of five Cistus species essential oils
Chemistry and health effects of bioactive compounds in selected culinary aromatic herbs
Chemistry and pharmacological properties of some natural and synthetic antioxidants for heavy metal toxicity
Chemistry and pharmacology of naturally occurring bioactive compounds
Chemistry and pharmacology of Withania somnifera: An update
Chemistry of Advanced Materials 3 (2)(2018) 36-59 Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective Activities of a Plant Extract Derived from Traditional Chinese …
Chemistry of functional foods and their role in disease control
Chemo-botanical and neurological accounts of some ayurvedic plants useful in mental health
Chemoprevention of Inflammation-Associated Colorectal Carcinogenesis: Molecular Targets and Underlying Mechanisms
Cherry phytochemicals
Chicoric acid supplementation ameliorates cognitive impairment induced by oxidative stress via promotion of antioxidant defense system
Chinese Herbal Medicine Used Against Depression in China
Chinese Medicines in Neurological Diseases: Pharmacological Perspective
Chinical Application of Adult Stem Cell Therapy in Neurological Disorders; Present and Future
Chiral Self-Recognition of 3, 5-Dinitrobenzoylleucine Derivatives using Pirkle-type Chiral Stationary Phases
Chitooligosaccharide (CHOS) mediated regulation of intestinal inflammatory condition in colitis mice
Chloroquine inhibits glutamate‐induced death of a neuronal cell line by reducing reactive oxygen species through sigma‐1 receptor
Chocolate, air pollution and children’s neuroprotection: What cognition tools should be at hand to evaluate interventions?
Chocolate, air pollution and children’s neuroprotection: What cognition tools should be at hand to evaluate interventions?
Cholesterol, Statins and the Truth about Cardiovascular Health and Disease
Cholinesterase inhibition of selected 4-methylcoumarins in comparison to their antioxidant activity
Cholinesterase inhibitor (Altenuene) from an endophytic fungus Alternaria alternata: optimization, purification and characterization
Cholinesterase inhibitors from plants: possible treatment strategy for neurological disorders-a review
Cholinesterase inhibitory, anti-oxidant and anti-tyrosinase activities of three Iranian species of Dracocephalum
Cholinesterase, β-amyloid aggregation inhibitory and antioxidant capacities of Chinese medicinal plants
Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis, Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Properties and Antioxidant Activities of Redflower Ragleaf (Crassocephalum Crepidioides) …
Chromolaena odorata (L.) RM King & H. Rob.(Asteraceae) in sub-Saharan Africa: A synthesis and review of its medicinal potential
Chronic administration of quercetin prevent spatial learning and memory deficits provoked by chronic stress in rats
Chronic epigallocatechin-3-gallate ameliorates learning and memory deficits in diabetic rats via modulation of nitric oxide and oxidative stress
Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat (CM) extract protects human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells against MPP+-induced cytotoxicity
Chrysophanol: a natural anthraquinone with multifaceted biotherapeutic potential
Cilostazol, a Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor Attenuates Endotoxin Shock and LPS-induced Inflammation by Independence of cAMP, MAPK, and NK-kappaB …
Cinnamon and chronic diseases
Cistanches Herba: a neuropharmacology review
Citrus: A Perspective for Developing Phytomedicines for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Clean Cuisine: An 8-Week Anti-Inflammatory Diet that Will Change the Way You Age, Look & Feel
Clinical aspects of functional foods and nutraceuticals
Clinical benefits and pharmacology of scutellarin: a comprehensive review
Clinical benefits of green tea consumption for cognitive dysfunction
Clinical natural medicine handbook
Clinical Pharmacological Aspects of Herb-drug Interaction
Clinical research on traditional chinese medicine compounds and their preparations for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Clinical trials of resveratrol
Clitoria ternatea ameliorated the intracerebroventricularly injected streptozotocin induced cognitive impairment in rats: behavioral and biochemical evidence
Cocoa and chocolate in human health and disease
Cocoa and chocolate: chemistry, biochemistry, and beneficial brain effects
Cocoa and health
Cocoa and human health: from head to foot—a review
Cocoa beans improve mitochondrial biogenesis via PPARγ/PGC1α dependent signalling pathway in MPP+ intoxicated human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y)
Cocoa phytochemicals: recent advances in molecular mechanisms on health
Coconut (Cocos nucifera) ethanolic leaf extract reduces Amyloid-β (1-42) aggregation and paralysis prevalence in transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans independently …
Coenzyme Q10: From bench to clinic in aging diseases, a translational review
Coffee and its active compounds are neuroprotective
Coffee Consumption and Chronic Diseases: Nutrigenomics Perspectives
Coffee Diterpene Kahweol Inhibits Metastasis via STAT3 Inactivation
Coffee intake can promote activity of antioxidant enzymes with increasing MDA level and decreasing HDL-cholesterol in physically trained rats
Coffee–Chemical Composition and Potential Impact on Health
Coffee–functional food and medicinal herb
Coffee, caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and the purinergic system
Coffee: A health fuel-blot popular drinking
Coffee: Consumption and Health Implications
Coffee: The revolutionary drink for pleasure and health
Cognitive and behavioral assessment in dogs and pet food market applications
Cognitive and cardiovascular aging: The effects of multivitamin supplementation
Cognitive and mood improvements following acute supplementation with purple grape juice in healthy young adults
Cognitive anxiolytics
Cognitive effects of vanillic acid against streptozotocin-induced neurodegeneration in mice
Cognitive enhancement and neuroprotection by catechin‐rich oil palm leaf extract supplement
Cognitive enhancers (nootropics). Part 3: drugs interacting with targets other than receptors or enzymes. disease-modifying drugs
Cognitive enhancers (Nootropics). Part 3: drugs interacting with targets other than receptors or enzymes. Disease-modifying drugs. Update 2014
Cognitive Enhancing, Anti-Acetylcholinesterase and Antioxidant Properties of Tagetes erecta against Diazepam Induced Amnesia in Rodents
Cognitive function and tea consumption in community dwelling older Chinese in Singapore
Cognitive impairment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Perspectives and challenges
Cognitive impairments in type 2 diabetes, risk factors and preventive strategies
Cognitive Improving Effects by Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium crymbosum L.) Vinegar on Scopolamine-Induced Amnesia Mice Model
Cognitive Nutrition
Cognitive short-and long-term effects of coffee cherry extract in older adults with mild cognitive decline
Combination Protocol of Surface Camouflage and Immunosuppressive Drugs for the Pancreatic Islet Transplantation
Committee on herbal medicinal products (HMPC)
Commonly used dietary supplements on coagulation function during surgery
Comparative analysis of synthetic and nutraceutical antioxidants as possible neuroprotective agents
Comparative approaches to understanding thyroid hormone regulation of neurogenesis
Comparative biophysical characterization: A screening tool for acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
Comparative effect of Camellia sinensis teas on object recognition test deficit and metabolic changes induced by cafeteria diet
Comparative evaluation of Prosopis cineraria (L.) druce and its ZnO nanoparticles on scopolamine induced amnesia
Comparative Evaluation of the Antioxidant Properties of Prunella vulgaris L. and Thymus vulgaris L.
Comparative qualitative and quantitative analysis of phytochemicals in five different herbal formulations of Bacopa monnieri
Comparative study on anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Caesalpinia crista and Centella asiatica leaf extracts
Comparison between Hexane and Water Fractions from Equisetum hyemale L. for Antioxidant Activity
Comparison of Consumer Acceptance, Physico-chemical Properties, and Bioactive Delivery of Blueberry Extract and Whole Blueberry Powder Confections
Comparison of the effect of three licorice varieties on cognitive improvement via an amelioration of neuroinflammation in lipopolysaccharide-induced mice
Comparison of the inhibition of monoamine oxidase and butyrylcholinesterase activities by infusions from green tea and some citrus peels
Comparison of the neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of the anthocyanin metabolites, protocatechuic acid and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid
Comparison of two analytical methods for assessing antioxidant capacity of rapeseed and olive oils
Comparison of α-synuclein fibril inhibition by four different amyloid inhibitors
Complementary and alternative medicine for the treatment of multiple sclerosis
Complementary and alternative medicines use against Neurodegenerative diseases
Complementary and Integrative Therapies for Psychiatric Disorders, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics, E-Book
Comprehensive review on the interaction between natural compounds and brain receptors: Benefits and toxicity
Computational insight into the effect of natural compounds on the destabilization of preformed amyloid-β (1–40) fibrils
Computer aided drug design studies in the discovery of secondary metabolites targeted against age-related Neurodegenerative diseases
Conditional Knockdown of p70 S6 Kinase in Liver Protects against Hepatic Steatosis and Systemic Insulin Resistance
Conformation-Specific Chemical Probes for Amyloid
Conformation-Specific Chemical probes for Amyloid-Beta
Connection between systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation underlies neuroprotective mechanism of several phytochemicals in Neurodegenerative diseases
Considerations for evaluation of public health nutrition interventions in diverse communities
Constituents with DNA Topoisomerase I and II Inhibitory Activity and Cytotoxicities from Euonymus alatus III
Consuming a diet supplemented with resveratrol reduced infection-related neuroinflammation and deficits in working memory in aged mice
Consumption Of Drugs For Peptic Ulcer And Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: An Analysis Focusing On Drug Claims 2006 To 2011
Consumption of Nuts at Midlife and Healthy Aging in Women
Contribution of Receptors, Transcription Factors, and Genes in the Induction of Neuroinflammation
Contribution of Yeast and Plant Research for Improving Human Health
Convenient determination of methylsulfonylmethane for a commercially available dietary supplement formulations using gas chromatography-flame ionization …
Coordination complex formation and redox properties of kynurenic and xanthurenic acid can affect brain tissue homeodynamics
Copper and Zinc Binding to Amyloid‐β: Coordination, Dynamics, Aggregation, Reactivity and Metal‐Ion Transfer
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum): A promising functional food toward the well-being
Coriolus versicolor biomass increases dendritic arborization of newly-generated neurons in mouse hippocampal dentate gyrus
Correlation between antibutyrylcholinesterasic and antioxidant activities of three aqueous extracts from Tunisian Rhus pentaphyllum
Correlations Among Total Ash, Acid-Insoluble Ash, and Heavy Metals Contained in the Component Medicinal Herbs of “Ssanghwatang”, a Widely Used …
Corylin inhibits LPS-induced inflammatory response and attenuates the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome in microglia
Coumarins and related compounds from the medicinal plants of Africa
Coumarins as Promising Scaffold for the Treatment of Age-related Diseases–An Overview of the Last Five Years
Coupling sea lavender (Limonium algarvense Erben) and green tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) to produce an innovative herbal beverage with enhanced …
Crepis foetida L. subsp. rhoeadifolia (Bieb.) Celak. as a source of multifunctional agents: Cytotoxic and phytochemical evaluation
Critical evaluation of ayurvedic plants for stimulating intrinsic antioxidant response
Cross Talk Between Impaired Brain Glucose Metabolism and Tau hyperphosphorylation
Cross-Talk for Health Care Providers Nutrition and Behavior as it Applies to Systemic and Ocular
Crosstalk between mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and age related Neurodegenerative disease: Etiologies and therapeutic strategies
Cu and Zn interactions with Aβ peptides: Consequence of coordination on aggregation and formation of neurotoxic soluble Aβ oligomers
Cudratricusxanthone L Suppresses Lipopolysaccharide-induced Activation of BV2 and Primary Rat Microglial Cells by Inhibiting JNK, p38 MAPK, and NF-κB …
Cultural and Natural Resources and Quality Control of Chinese Medicinal Materials
Cuminaldehyde as the Major Component of Cuminum cyminum, a Natural Aldehyde with Inhibitory Effect on Alpha‐Synuclein Fibrillation and Cytotoxicity
Curcuma longa L.: From Ethnomedicinal to Novel Biomedical Applications
Curcumin activates defensive genes and protects neurons against oxidative stress
Curcumin and health
Curcumin and hesperidin improve cognition by suppressing mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis induced by D-galactose in rat brain
Curcumin and its derivatives: their application in neuropharmacology and neuroscience in the 21st century
Curcumin and Neurodegenerative diseases: a perspective
Curcumin attenuates diabetic encephalopathy in rats: behavioral and biochemical evidences
Curcumin counteracts the aluminium-induced ageing-related alterations in oxidative stress, Na+, K+ ATPase and protein kinase C in adult and old rat brain regions
Curcumin Impact on Multiple Sclerosis
Curcumin-Loaded Nanocapsules Reverses the Depressant-Like Behavior and oxidative stress Induced by β-Amyloid in Mice
Curcumin-supplemented diets improve antioxidant enzymes and alter acetylcholinesterase genes expression level in Drosophila melanogaster model
Curcumin—from molecule to biological function
Curcumin, an atoxic antioxidant and natural NFκB, cyclooxygenase‐2, lipooxygenase, and inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor: A shield against acute and chronic …
Curcumin, Hormesis and the Nervous System
Curcumin: Structure-activity relationship towards its role as a versatile multi-targeted therapeutics
Curcuminoids promote neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells through MAPK/ERK-and PKC-dependent pathways
Current and future treatment of amyloid diseases
Current evidence of Chinese herbal constituents with effects on NMDA receptor blockade
Current perspective in the discovery of anti-aging agents from natural products
Current perspectives on anti-aging interventions
Current State and Prospects of DNA Barcoding and DNA Fingerprinting in the Analysis of the Quality of Plant Raw Materials and Plant-Derived Drugs
Current Status and Perspective of R&D Promotion in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Current Status of Therapeutic Approaches against Peripheral Nerve Injuries: A Detailed Story from Injury to Recovery
Current Supporting System for New Drug Development in the R&D Program of Ministry of Health and Welfare
Current therapeutic molecules and targets in Neurodegenerative diseases based on in silico drug design
Current trends and future perspectives on functional foods and nutraceuticals
Current trends in glaucoma: what about neuroprotection?
Cuttlebone has anti-inflammatory activity via the suppression of NF-κB activation
Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors as a therapeutic target in inflammatory diseases
Cytoprotective effect of chlorogenic acid against α-synuclein-related toxicity in catecholaminergic PC12 cells
Cytoprotective effect of methanolic extract of Nardostachys jatamansi against hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative damage in C6 glioma cells.
Cytoprotective effects of hesperetin and hesperidin against amyloid β‐induced impairment of glucose transport through downregulation of neuronal autophagy
Cytoprotective mechanism of baicalin against endothelial cell damage by peroxynitrite
Cytotoxic and antioxidant activity in aqueous fraction of Opuntia elatior extract
Cytotoxic Effects of Ginsenoside Rb1 and Ginsenoside Rh1 against HIV-1-Transduced Human Macrophages
Cytotoxicity Models of Huntington’s Disease and Relevance of Hormetic Mechanisms: A Critical Assessment of Experimental Approaches and Strategies
Daily consumption of antioxidants:-prevention of disease is better than cure
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum leaf extracts: in vitro inhibitory potential against enzymes related to metabolic syndrome, inflammation and Neurodegenerative diseases
Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera): novel findings and future directions for food and drug discovery
Daumone Fed Late in Life Ameliorates Renal Aging in Mice
Dealing with misfolded proteins: examining the neuroprotective role of molecular chaperones in neurodegeneration
Dealing with skin and blood-brain barriers: The unconventional challenges of mesoporous silica nanoparticles
Deciphering the enhanced inhibitory, disaggregating and cytoprotective potential of promethazine towards amyloid fibrillation
Deciphering the molecular signaling cascade in rotenone-mediated neuronal death
Decoding Longevity: Ending Aging as We Know It
Decreasing effect of mast cell of dung beetle extracts on a high-fat diet in Sprague-Dawley rats
Decursinol angelate isolated from Angelica Gigantis Radix potentiates pentobarbital-induced sleeping behaviors via GABAA-ergic systems.
Degenerative Diseases of Ageing: Causes and Preventions
Delivery of nanoformulated superoxide dismutase to the brain for the treatment of angiotensin II-mediated hypertension
Demyelinating diseases
Depressive symptoms and diet: their effects on prospective inflammation levels in the elderly
Derivatives and Analogues of Resveratrol: Recent Advances in Structural Modification
Desflurane Induces Cardioprotection Against Myocardial Infarct in vivo Through Activation of Adenosine-Monophosphate-
activated Protein Kinase
Design of diarylheptanoid derivatives as dual inhibitors against class IIa histone deacetylase and β-amyloid aggregation
Design of pharmacophoric group containing 1, 4-dihydropyridine derivatives and determination of spectrum of pharmacological activities
Design, synthesis and in vitro biological evaluation of new transthyretin (TTR) amyloid fibril formation inhibitors
Design, synthesis, and in vitro evaluation of a novel probucol derivative: protective activity in neuronal cells through GPx upregulation
Designing Bioactive Nanoparticles: The Era of Nutraceuticals
Designing drugs with multi-target activity: the next step in the treatment of Neurodegenerative disorders
Determinants of Pharmaceutical Expenditure in National Health Insurance: Policy Implication of the Analysis
Determination of aluminum and zinc in infusion tea cultivated in north of Iran
Determination of anti-inflammatory activities of standardised preparations of plant-and mushroom-based foods
Determination of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Dichloromethane Extract of Garcinia cowa stem
Determination of antioxidant capacities of vegetable oils by ferric-ion spectrophotometric methods
Determination of antioxidant capacity of Chinese rice wine and Zhuyeqing Liquor using nanoparticle-based colorimetric methods
Determination of Globotriaosyl Sphingosine (Lyso-Gb3) by LC-negative Electrospary Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Fabry Disease as a Biomarker
Determining binding sites of polycyclic aromatic small molecule-based amyloid-beta peptide aggregation modulators using sequence-specific antibodies
Developing criteria for evaluation of geroprotectors as a key stage toward translation to the clinic
Development and evaluation of polyherbal formulations for antidiabetic and antiphypertensive activities
Development of a neuroprotective potential algorithm for medicinal plants
Development of a New Adjuvant System for Vaccines against Infectious Diseases
Development of a novel gold nanoparticle-based method to determine antioxidant capacity of Brassica oilseeds, white flakes and meal
Development of Advance Extraction Methods for the Determination of Aluminum and Vanadium in Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Samples
Development of Biosensors to Monitor the Interaction of Small Molecules with Amyloidogenic Proteins using Optical and Electrochemical Methods
Development of Chemical Modulators for Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70): a Potential Therapeutic Target for Tauopathies.
Development of Medication Adherence Management Program for Chronic Diseases using National Health Insurance Database
Development of neuroprotective strategies utilizing selected spice actives
Development of novel delivery systems for nose-to-brain drug delivery
Development of Recombinant Protein Therapeutics for Immune and Metabolic Genetic Diseases
Development of Shinbaro, a New Herbal Medicine in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis
Development of Therapeutic Agent for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy by Targeting NMD
Developmental neurotoxicity of the organophosphorus pesticide chloryprifos: from animal behavior to molecular mechanisms
DH504 inhibits endotoxin-induced inflammation in murine macrophages
Diabetes mellitus: channeling care through cellular discovery
Diagnostic and management challenges in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure: the need for an interdisciplinary approach
Diazepam-induced Cognitive Enhancement is Associated with the Alteration of GABAA Receptor Subunit in Transient Forebrain Ischemia Mice Model
Dicarbonyl stress at the crossroads of healthy and unhealthy aging
Diet and brain aging: effects on cell and mitochondrial function and structure
Diet and cognition: interplay between cell metabolism and neuronal plasticity
Diet and exercise interventions to promote metabolic homeostasis in TBI pathology
Diet and herbal-derived medicines
Diet and inflammation
Diet and longevity: The effects of traditional eating habits on human lifespan extension
Diet quality and cognition among older adults from the NuAge study
Diet Science/Plant Medicine Research
Diet supplementation with hydroxytyrosol ameliorates brain pathology and restores cognitive functions in a mouse model of amyloid-β deposition
Diet, Exercise, and Chronic Disease: The Biological Basis of Prevention
Dietary advanced glycation end products and their role in health and disease
Dietary and Serum Level of Antioxidants in the Elderly with Mild Impaired and Normal Cognitive Function: A Case-Control Study
Dietary antioxidant for disease prevention corroborated by the Nrf2 pathway
Dietary antioxidants, peroxidation and cardiovascular risks
Dietary Berry Supplementation in Aging
Dietary Coumarins
Dietary Curcumin And Caloric Restriction As Interventions For The Reversal Of Age Associated Functional Decline
Dietary derived antioxidants: implications on health
Dietary effects on cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers
Dietary Factors in Geriatric Neurology
Dietary guidelines for Indians
Dietary impact on neuronal autophagy control and brain health
Dietary Intake of AGEs and ALEs and Inflammation—Nutritional Aspects
Dietary intake of unsaturated fatty acids and age-related cognitive decline: a 8.5-year follow-up of the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Dietary intervention and prevention of cognitive-related outcomes in healthy older adults without cognitive dysfunction
Dietary Intervention of Utazi (Gongrenema Latifolium) Supplemented Diet Using Wistar Male Rat Animal Brain Model
Dietary pattern and antioxidants in plasma and erythrocyte in patients with mild cognitive impairment from China
Dietary Patterns and Cognitive Decline: key features for prevention
Dietary patterns and cognitive health in older adults: A systematic review
Dietary patterns and risk of self-reported activity limitation in older adults from the Three-City Bordeaux Study
Dietary phytochemicals and neuro-inflammaging: from mechanistic insights to translational challenges
Dietary Phytochemicals in Neurodegenerative Disease
Dietary phytochemicals in neuroimmunoaging: a new therapeutic possibility for humans?
Dietary restriction enhances neurotrophin expression and neurogenesis in the hippocampus of adult mice
Dietary sources, bioavailability and biological activities of naringenin and its derivatives
Dietary supplementation of Almond prevents oxidative stress by advocating antioxidants and attenuates impaired aversive memory in male rats
Dietary supplements and military divers: A synopsis for undersea medical officers
Dietary supplements and related products: a brief summary
Dietary supplements for cognitive impairment
Dietary supplements: current knowledge and future frontiers
Dietary Supplements/Antioxidants: Impact on Redox Status in Brain Diseases
Differential molecular targets for neuroprotective effect of chlorogenic acid and its related compounds against glutamate induced excitotoxicity and oxidative stress in …
Differential protection of black-seed oil on econucleotidase, cholinesterases and aminergic catabolizing enzyme in haloperidol-induced neuronal damage of male rats
Dihydrobenzofuran Neolignans Isolated from Euonymus alatus Attenuated Excessive Inflammatory Responses in the Activated RAW264. 7 Macrophage Cells
Dihydrochalcones: Methods of Acquisition and Pharmacological Properties—A First Systematic Review
Dihydromyricetin Inhibits α-Synuclein Aggregation, Disrupts Preformed Fibrils, and Protects Neuronal Cells in Culture against Amyloid-Induced Cytotoxicity
Dihydropyrimidinones (DHPMs) Derivatives Suppress LPS-induced Nitric Oxide Productionin BV-2 Microglial Cells
Dimethyl-carbamic acid 2, 3-Bis-Dimethylcarbamoyloxy-6-(
-phenyl ester: A novel multi-target therapeutic approach to neuroprotection
Diminished brain resilience syndrome: a modern day neurological pathology of increased susceptibility to mild brain trauma, concussion, and downstream …
Diosmin is neuroprotective in a rat model of scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment
Discovering Coffee’s Unique Health Benefits
Discovery and Development of neuroprotective Agents from Natural Products
Discovery and Mechanisms of Small Molecule Amyloid Formation Inhibitors
Discovery of Hsp90 inhibitors form natural product and its analogues
Discovery of Leonuri and therapeutical applications: From bench to bedside
Discovery of Natural Product Analogs Against Ethanol-induced Cytotoxicity in Hippocampal Slice Cultures
Discovery of novel genes for depressant in restraint-stress-induced depression in Wistar Kyoto Rat
Discovery of Novel P2X7 Receptor Antagonists for Pain and Inflammatory Diseases
Discovery of Novel Therapeutic Agents using Molecular Diversity and Chemical Biology
Discovery of potential biomarkers in the prediction of diabetes acquisition
Disease Biomarker Discovery and Validation Using Mass Spectrometry
disease: A pharmacoinformatic approach, Informatics in Medicine Unlocked
Distinct Role of Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex in Recognition Memory
Diterpenes: advances in neurobiological drug research
DNA damage protection: an excellent application of bioactive compounds
Do Ganoderma lucidum and Salvia officinalis extracts exhibit synergistic antioxidant and antiNeurodegenerative effects?
Docosahexaenoic acid prevents neuronal apoptosis induced by soluble amyloid‐β oligomers
Doenjang, A Korean Traditional Fermented Soybean Paste, Ameliorates Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet
Does the addition of spices change the content of fluoride and antioxidants in black tea infusions?
Dopamine neurotoxicity, oxidative stress and schizophrenia-in vitro and in vivo studies of peroxisomal reactions to increased dopamine
Dopaminergic neurotoxicity by MPTP is enhanced in IL-32 transgenic mice
Dosage effects of EGb761 on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death in SH-SY5Y cells
Dosage of Standard Herbal Decotion and Solid Extract
DPPIV Inhibitor as an Antidiabetic Agents: from LC15-0133 to LC15-0444 (Zemiglo)
Drosophila as a model system for studying lifespan and neuroprotective activities of plant-derived compounds
Drosophila as a Model System for the Identification of Pharmacological Therapies in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Drug Development for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Drug discovery and design for complex diseases through QSAR computational methods
Drug Discovery Approach on Tectona Grandis Linn Leaves Against Apicomplexan Plasmodium and Wound Links its Ethnopharmacological Validation and …
Drug discovery from traditional Chinese medicine for neurogenesis: implications for stroke and Neurodegenerative diseases
Drug treatment of cognitive impairment in the elderly
Drug-delivery nanocarriers to cross the blood–brain barrier
Drugs and dietary supplements with unproven effects in research and practice: Part 2
Drugs to Treat Age‐Related Neurodegenerative Problems The Final Frontier of Medical Science?
Dual Effects of AT1 Receptor Blocker on Catecholamine Release from the Rat Adrenal Medulla
Dual Inhibitors of ROCK I and NOX to Attenuate Neuroinflammation in Neurological Disorders High Throughput Virtual and Biological screening
Dual Therapeutic-imaging Nanoparticles for Triggered Tumor Delivery of Chemotherapeutic Adjuvant
Duality of antidepressants and neuroprotectants
Dysregulation of Heat Shock Proteins in Neurodegenerative Diseases: Restorative Roles of Small Molecules and Natural Compounds
Dystrophin induced cognitive impairment: mechanisms, models and therapeutic strategies
Early neurophysiological diagnosis of true neurogenic «thoracic outlet syndrome»(TOS)
Eat This and Live: Simple Food Choices That Can Help You Feel Better, Look Younger, and Live Longer!
Echinacoside, an inestimable natural product in treatment of neurological and other disorders
Eco-Agri-Food Ecology and Human Health
Efectos saludables de la cúrcuma y de los curcuminoides
Effect EtOH ext. of Chaenomeles sinensis fruit on the metabolism of APP from APPswe overexpressing Neuro2a cell line
Effect of 8-hydroxyquinoline and derivatives on human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells under high glucose
Effect of Acacia catechu (Lf) Willd. on oxidative stress with possible implications in alleviating selected cognitive disorders
Effect of alcoholic extracts of millet seed (Panicum miliaceum L.) on spatial memory in male mice
Effect of Amaranthus on advanced glycation end-products induced cytotoxicity and proinflammatory cytokine gene expression in SH-SY5Y cells
Effect of amyloid beta (25-35) peptide on mitochondrial respiratiory function in neuroral cells over expressing ape1
Effect of Andrographis paniculata and Phyllanthus amarus leaf extracts on selected biochemical indices in Drosophila melanogaster model of neurotoxicity
Effect of antioxidants supplementation on aging and longevity
Effect of aqueous extract of ginger on acetylcholine in brain and it’sa possible role in learning and memory during ethanol withdrawal
Effect of Capparis spinosa L. on cognitive impairment induced by D-galactosein mice via inhibition of oxidative stress
Effect of chronic consumption of blackberry extract on high-fat induced obesity in rats and its correlation with metabolic and brain outcomes
Effect of Chronic Treatment with Conventional and Organic Purple Grape Juices (Vitis labrusca) on Rats Fed with High-Fat Diet
Effect of dietary interventions in mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review
Effect of dietary phytochemicals on metabolic syndrome and neurological disorders
Effect of Endocannabinoids on Soybean Lipoxygenase-1 Activity
Effect of Epigallocatechin Gallate and Catechin on Overexpression of GSK-3β and IR Genes Induced by Streptozotocin in Rat Brain. Caspian J Neurol Sci. 2019 …
Effect of Food on the Pharmacokinetics of Rosuvastatin Following Single Oral Administration in the Dog
Effect of Gallic acid on memory and pain of male diabetic rats
Effect of Ginkgo biloba Extract EGb 761 on Differential Gene Expression in the Brain
Effect of Ginsenoside Rg3 on the Phosphorylation and Expression of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase: Essential Roles of Estrogen Receptor-dependent PI3 …
Effect of glycation inhibitors on aging and age-related diseases
Effect of hesperidin on neurobehavioral, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and lipid alteration in intracerebroventricular streptozotocin induced cognitive impairment …
Effect of lifestyle, aging, and phytochemicals on the onset of neurological disorders
Effect of Lipid on Physicochemical Properties of Paclitaxel Loaded-solid Lipid Nanoparticle
Effect of lycopene and epigallocatechin-3-gallate against 3-nitropropionic acid induced cognitive dysfunction and glutathione depletion in rat: a novel nitric oxide …
Effect of Manasamitra Vatakam against aluminium induced learning and memory impairment of apoptosis in rat’s hippocampus and cortex
Effect of Medicinal Herb Composites on Antioxidative and Cognition-Enhancing Activities in Rats
Effect of Methyl 3, 5-Dicaffeoyl Quinate on ROS Level, Mitochondrial Membrane Potential and the Release of Cytochrome C in HT-29 Cells
Effect of Microbiota on Neurodegenerative Diseases
Effect of myricetin, pyrogallol, and phloroglucinol on yeast resistance to oxidative stress
Effect of natural antioxidants on the aggregation and disaggregation of beta-amyloid
Effect of natural exogenous antioxidants on aging and on Neurodegenerative diseases
Effect of natural products on diabetes associated neurological disorders
Effect of nutrition on Neurodegenerative diseases. A systematic review
Effect of o-VA on mast cell-mediated allergic inflammation
Effect of Paullinia cupana Mart. Commercial Extract During the Aging of Middle Age Wistar Rats: Differential Effects on the Hippocampus and Striatum
Effect of PEGylation on the Cytotoxicity and Bioactivity of Pentapeptide
Effect of Physicochemical Properties of Drug and Pressure Sensitive Adhesives on Transdermal Drug Delivery
Effect of pineapple, orange and watermelon juices on phosphodiesterase, monoamine oxidase and angiotensin-I converting enzyme activities in rat heart and brain …
Effect of pomegranate extracts on brain antioxidant markers and cholinesterase activity in high fat-high fructose diet induced obesity in rat model
Effect of quercetin on learning and memory in STZ-induced diabetic rat.
Effect of quercetin-conjugated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on diabetes-induced learning and memory impairment in rats
Effect of Rosa rugosa (RR) flower on APPswe overexpressing Neuro2a cell line.
Effect of Salvia officinalis Hydroalcoholic Extract on Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Induced Memory Impairment in the Presence and Absence of Beta-Adrenergic …
Effect of Sub Lethal Concentration of Glyphosate Based Herbicide on Some Biochemical Parameters of Male Clarias Gariepinus
Effect of the Biphenyl Neolignan Honokiol on Aβ42-Induced Toxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans, Aβ42 Fibrillation, Cholinesterase Activity, DPPH Radicals, and Iron …
Effect of the NU-AGE diet on cognitive functioning in older adults: a randomized controlled trial
Effect of TIMBD on Neurotoxicity Associated with HIV-1 Gp120 and Tat
Effect of Toasting on the Chemical Composition, Functional and Antioxidative Properties of Full Fat and Defatted Sesame (sesamum indicum L) Seed Flours
Effect of Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn. seeds methanol extract on learning and memory
Effect of vitamin D supplementation on CREB-TrkB-BDNF pathway in the hippocampus of diabetic rats
Effectiveness of Opuntia ficus indica L. inermis Seed Oil in the Protection and the Healing of Experimentally Induced Gastric Mucosa Ulcer
Effectiveness of Oriental Medicine Mainly Including Kudzu Root (Pueraria) for Controlling Blood Glucose in Patients with Diabetes
Effects against Mercury Chloride-Induced Nephrotoxicity by Activated Cultivated-Wild Ginseng in Rats
Effects and Mechanisms of Antioxidant-Rich Functional Beverages on Disease Prevention
Effects of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6-Penta-O-Galloyl-β-D-Glucose on the Metabolism of Amyloid Precursor Protein
Effects of 90 days of resveratrol supplementation on cognitive function in elders: a pilot study
Effects of a 1-Piperonylpiperazine Analog on the Metabolism of Amyloid Precursor Protein
Effects of a new nutraceutical combination on cognitive function in hypertensive patients
Effects of a Propolis Extract on the Viability of and Levels of Cytoskeletal and Regulatory Proteins in Rat Brain Astrocytes: an In Vitro Study
Effects of a Proprietary Standardized Orthosiphon stamineus Ethanolic Leaf Extract on Enhancing Memory in Sprague Dawley Rats Possibly via Blockade of …
Effects of Anthocyanins 10 on Neuronal and Cognitive Brain Functions
Effects of Anti-inflammatory Anthraquinones from Rhubarb on P-glycoprotein-mediated Drug Efflux in Caco-2 Cells.
Effects of anti-inflammatory bioactives on diabetes-induced changes in cognition-related gene expression in the hippocampus
Effects of Camellia Sinensis Extract on Passive Avoidance Learning and Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Rats
Effects of Chronic Alcohol Consumption on Expression Levels of APP and Aβ-Producing Enzymes
Effects of Chrysanthemum indicum Linne flowers on acetylcholinesterase activity and learning performance in mice
Effects of coffee consumption on serum uric acid: systematic review and meta-analysis
Effects of Constituents Identified in the Adults of Tenebrio molitor on Antioxidant and Anti-BACE-1 Activities
Effects of Cysteine on the Pharmacokinetics of Etoposide in Rats with Protein–calorie Malnutrition
Effects of Cysteine on the Pharmacokinetics of Tamoxifen in Rats with Protein-calorie Malnutrition: Enhanced Gastrointestinal Absorption by Cysteine
Effects of Dark Chocolate Intake on Brain Electrical Oscillations in Healthy People
Effects of DCM Leaf Extract of Gnidia glauca (Fresen) on Locomotor Activity, Anxiety, and Exploration-Like Behaviors in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Rats
Effects of DHA and EGCG on the alpha-secretase mediated processing of APP
Effects of dietary derived antioxidants on the central nervous system
Effects of Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals of Plant Origin on Central and Peripheral Nervous System Pathology
Effects of Distylium Recemosum on the Metabolism of Amyloid Precursor Protein
Effects of Energy and Macronutrient Intake on Cognitive Function Through the Lifespan
Effects of Enzogenol Extract on Regulating Blood Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in C57BL/KsJ-db/db Mice
Effects of epigallocatechin-3-gallate on behavioral impairments induced by psychological stress in rats
Effects of Eurycoma longifolia Jack on chronic cerebral hypoperfusion-induced oxidative damage and memory deficit in rats
Effects of excipients on the permeability of BCS IV classcompounds
Effects of Extra‐Virgin Olive Oil in Neurological Disorders
Effects of grape skin extract on age-related mitochondrial dysfunction, memory and life span in C57BL/6J mice
Effects of Gryllus bimaculatus (Gb) fractions on alcoholic hepatitis
Effects of Gryllus bimaculatus (Gb) fractions on viral hepatitis
Effects of Impurities on Stabilization of Amorphous Donepezil: Synthesis and Identification of Process-Induced Impurities of Donepezil.
Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on aggregation of physiologically important intrinsically disordered proteins
Effects of Juglans sinensis Extract on the Metabolism of Amyloid Precursor Protein
Effects of Korean Red Ginseng Extract on Immune Modulation and Anti-oxidation in Human Keratinocytes
Effects of lotus-derived constituents on learning and memory activity of scopolamine-induced mice
Effects of Matricaria chamomilla extract on motor coordination impairment induced by scopolamine in rats
Effects of matricaria chamomilla extract on motor coordination impairment induced in rat and determination antioxidant properties of chamomile
Effects of Mediterranean diet components on Neurodegenerative diseases
Effects of methanolic extract of Bacopa
Effects of Moringa oleifera on Glycaemia and Insulin Levels: A Review of Animal and Human Studies
Effects of Moringa oleifera on the Acetylcholinesterase and Monoamine Oxidase Activities in the Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rat Brains
Effects of Multi-Ingredient Dietary Supplementation and Tai Chi on Cognitive and Physical Function in Middle-Aged and Older Individuals
Effects of Nanomaterial Mixture on the Skin Corrosion and Irritation Tested by Alternative Method Using Reconstituted 3D Human Skin Model, KeraSkin™
Effects of Natural Antioxidants on Motor and Cognitive Deficits in an Animal Model of Aging and Obesity and Dopaminergic-Like SH-SY5Y Cell Line
Effects of natural products on sugar metabolism and digestive enzymes
Effects of naturally occurring compounds on fibril formation and oxidative stress of β-amyloid
Effects of Novel Benzofuran-2-carboxamide Derivatives on the Excitotoxic Neuronal Damage in Primary Cultured Rat Cortical Cells
Effects of nutritional supplementation on the progression of motor neuron degeneration in a murine model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Effects of P-glycoprotein and CYP3A4 Inhibition by Amlodipine on the Pharmacokinetic Parameter of Warfarin
Effects of paeoniflorin on neurobehavior, oxidative stress, brain insulin signaling, and synaptic alterations in intracerebroventricular streptozotocin-induced cognitive …
Effects of phytochemicals on cellular signaling: reviewing their recent usage approaches
Effects of Proton Radiation and Pomegranates on Hippocampus and Behavior
Effects of Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) on CYP3A4 Metabolism and P-glycoprotein Mediated Transport in Vitro
Effects of Red Ginseng on Radical Scavenging Activity and Collagen Synthesis
Effects of Resveratrol on the Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetics of Losartan in Rats
Effects of rhynchophylline derived from Uncariae Ramulus et uncus on pentobarbital-induced sleep
Effects of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) and its Active Constituent, Crocin, on Recognition and Spatial Memory after Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion in Rats
Effects of Salvia officinalis in the liver: relevance of glutathione levels
Effects of Side-Chain Length on Ring-Closing Metathesis to Form an All-Hydrocarbon Staple in α-Helical Peptides
Effects of silibinin on hair follicle stem cells differentiation to neural-like cells
Effects of Some Fractions Extracted from Korean Pine Needle on Catecholamine Release in the Rat Adrenal Gland
Effects of SP-8203 Combined with Thrombolytic Therapy in a Rat Embolic Stroke Model
Effects of the extract from the fruit hull of mangosteen (garainia mangostana l.) on learning memory and the central cholinergic system of male wistar rats
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet on Brain Function: Underlying mechanisms
Effects of the Methanolic Extract of Vitellaria paradoxa Stem Bark Against Scopolamine-Induced Cognitive Dysfunction and oxidative stress in the Rat Hippocampus
Effects of Vehicles and Enhancers on the In Vitro Permeability of Meloxicam (MX) through Hairless Mouse Skin
Effects of Vehicles and Enhancers on the In Vitro Permeation of Lornoxicam Across Excised Skin
Effects of Western, Mediterranean, Vegetarian, and Okinawan Diet Patterns on Human Brain
Efficacy and tolerability of phytomedicines in multiple sclerosis patients: a review
Efficacy of herbal combination of sedge, saffron, and Astragalus honey on major neurocognitive disorder
Efficacy of morin as a potential therapeutic phytocomponent: Insights into the mechanism of action
Efficacy of natural compounds in Neurodegenerative disorders
EGCG functions through estrogen receptor-mediated activation of ADAM10 in the promotion of non-amyloidogenic processing of APP
EGCG-mediated Protection of the Membrane Disruption and Cytotoxicity Caused by the ‘Active Oligomer’of α-Synuclein
Electrospinning of 3D poly (l-lactic acid) biodegradable scaffold containing tgf as potential for cartilage regeneration
Ellagic acid dose and time-dependently abrogates d-galactose-induced animal model of aging: Investigating the role of PPAR-γ
Elucidating Critical Proteinopathic Mechanisms and Potential Drug Targets in Neurodegeneration
Elucidating the inhibitory potential of designed peptides against amyloid fibrillation and amyloid associated cytotoxicity
Emblica officinalis (Amla): A review for its phytochemistry, ethnomedicinal uses and medicinal potentials with respect to molecular mechanisms
Emblica officinalis (Amla): A review of potential therapeutic applications
Embryonic Stem Cell as a Model System in Drug Discovery from Natural Products
Emergence of nutraceuticals as the alternative medications for pharmaceuticals
Emerging anti-aging strategies-scientific basis and efficacy
Emerging Bioresources with nutraceutical and pharmaceutical prospects
Emerging potential of natural products as an alternative strategy to pharmacological agents used against metabolic disorders
Emerging roles of Sonic Hedgehog in adult neurological diseases: neurogenesis and beyond
Emerging targets and latest proteomics based therapeutic approaches in Neurodegenerative diseases
Encapsulation of cinnamon essential oil in whey protein enhances the protective effect against single or combined sub-chronic toxicity of fumonisin B 1 and/or …
Encapsulation of Islets with Liposomal Clodronate in Matrigel in a Xenotransplantation Model
Encephalopathy: a vicious cascade following forebrain ischemia and hypoxia
Endocrine Disruptors: Mechanism of Action and Impacts on Health and Environment
Endogenous Catalase Plays a Role in Adipose Tissue Macrophage Polarization
Endogenous non-enzymatic antioxidants in the human body
Endophytic microbes: a novel source for biologically/pharmacologically active secondary metabolites
Endoplasmic reticulum stress and oxidative stress: a vicious cycle or a double-edged sword?
Enhanced antioxidant capacity and anti-ageing biomarkers after diet micronutrient supplementation
Enhanced neuroprotective effects of combination therapy with bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and ginkgo biloba extract (EGb761) in a rat model of …
Enhanced neuroprotective Effects of Panax ginseng G115® and Ginkgo biloba GK501® Combinations In Vitro Models of Excitotoxicity
Enhancement of Functional Properties of Dairy Products by Date Fruits
Enhancement of immune response and intestinal motility by Undariapinnatifidamedia cultured L. plantarum.
Enhancement of the neuroprotective effect of fermented Spirulina maxima associated with antioxidant activities by ultrasonic extraction
Enhancing learning and memory in the aged: Interactions between dietary supplementation and exercise
Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Nutraceuticals developed from fish and fish wastes
Environmental effects of ozone depletion, UV radiation and interactions with climate change: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, update 2017
Environmental Neurotoxic Metabolites: 2, 5-Hexanedione and 1, 2-Diacetylbenzene
Enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant activities of Viburnum tinus L. relevant to its neuroprotective potential
Enzyme inhibitory properties of black tea and its components
Epicatechin and catechin in cocoa inhibit amyloid β protein induced apoptosis
Epigallocatechin gallate, cerebral blood flow parameters, cognitive performance and mood in healthy humans: a double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, crossover …
Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG) Improves Cognitive Deficits Aggravated by an Obesogenic Diet Through Modulation of Unfolded Protein Response in APPswe …
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG): mechanisms and the combined applications
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate prevents oxidative phosphorylation deficit and promotes mitochondrial biogenesis in human cells from subjects with Down’s …
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate prevents systemic inflammation-induced memory deficiency and amyloidogenesis via its anti-neuroinflammatory properties
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate: a useful, effective and safe clinical approach for targeted prevention and individualised treatment of neurological diseases?
Epigenetic modifications in neurological diseases: natural products as epigenetic modulators a treatment strategy
Epigenetics and cognitive disorders—translational aspects
Epigenetics of Brain Aging
Epigenome-based Mechanisms of Disease Pathogenesis and the Therapy
Equol, a dietary daidzein gut metabolite attenuates microglial activation and potentiates neuroprotection in vitro
Ergothioneine–a diet‐derived antioxidant with therapeutic potential
Eruca sativa seed extract: A novel natural product able to counteract neuroinflammation
Essential oils and Neurodegenerative diseases: current data and future perspectives
Essential roles of natural products and gaseous mediators on neuronal cell death or survival
Establishing a Leaf Proteome Reference Map for Ginkgo biloba Provides Insight into Potential Ethnobotanical Uses
Establishment for Standardization of Herbal Medicines
Establishment of a comprehensive list of candidate antiaging medicinal herb used in Korean medicine by text mining of the classical Korean medical literature,“ …
Establishment of Analytical Methods and Monitoring for Marker Compounds of Herbal Medicines
Establishment of the Database of Herbal Formulas in the 10 EFKM (Established Formularies of Korean Medicine)
Estimation of UV-induced DNA Damages to Suppress Expression of Protein Using Reporter Gene Assay-Based Single Cell Cotransfection Imaging Cytometry
Estrogen activates protein kinase C in neurons: role in neuroprotection
Estrogen Receptor Beta inhibits HIF-1 Activity
Estrogen Receptor Related Receptor Gamma Promotes Dopaminergic Neuronal Differentiation Estrogen Receptor Related Receptor Gamma Promotes …
Estrogen Receptor β Regulates Brain Signaling Involved in Depression
Estrogen—Mystery Drug for the Brain?: The neuroprotective Activities of the Female Sex Hormone
Estrogenic and Antiestrogenic Effects of GBE on Uterus using Immature Rat Uterotrohpic Assay
Ethanol extract of a Korean medicinal prescription (SSY) including Rehmanniae Radix Preparata promote hair growth in an alopecia animal model
Ethanol Extract of Centipeda minima Exerts Antioxidant and neuroprotective Effects via Activation of the Nrf2 Signaling Pathway
Ethanol extract of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi prevents oxidative damage and neuroinflammation and memorial impairments in artificial senescense mice
Ethanol Induces oxidative stress via Up-Regulation of NADPH Oxidasederived ROS Generation in RAW264. 7 Macrophages
Ethanolic extract of O. stamineus improves memory in scopolamine-induced amnesia model 2
Ethanolic extract of Streblus asper leaves protects against glutamate-induced toxicity in HT22 hippocampal neuronal cells and extends lifespan of …
Ethnobotanical survey and biological screening of medicinal plants from Vanuatu
Ethnobotanical, Antioxidant And Toxicity Study Of Selected Medicinal Plants Used In Nyamira North Sub-county, Nyamira County
Ethnobotany, phytochemistry, toxicology and pharmacological properties of Terminalia sericea Burch. ex DC.(Combretaceae)–A review
Ethnopharmacological approaches in mood and anxiety disorders. The relevance of the oxidative stress status
Ethnopharmacological study of medicinal plants used in the treatment of CNS disorders in Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
Ethnopharmacological uses, phytochemistry, biological activities, and therapeutic applications of Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel: A review
Ethyl acetate fraction from persimmon (Diospyros kaki) ameliorates cerebral neuronal loss and cognitive deficit via the JNK/Akt pathway in TMT-induced mice
Eugenol Alleviates Hepatic Steatosis through AMPK-SREBP1 Pathway
Evaluating the therapeutic efficiency and drug targeting ability of alkaloids present in Rauwolfia serpentina
Evaluation for Protective Effects of β-Ionone against Gastric Lesions
Evaluation of anti-amnesic effect of extracts of selected Ocimum species using in-vitro and in-vivo models
Evaluation of anti-ischemic therapy in coronary artery disease: a review
Evaluation of antiarthritic activity of Indigofera tinctoria L in Sprague-Dawley rats
Evaluation of Antidiabetic, Antihyperlipidemic, and Antiglycation Effect of Moringa stenopetala (Baker f) Cufodontis leaves
Evaluation of Antihyperlipidaemic and Antioxident Activity of Artocarpus Heterophyllus Stem Extract
Evaluation of antioxidant activity of Safflower florets (Carthamus tinctorius L.) as food coloring agents
Evaluation of antioxidant activity of Viscum articulatum (Burm. F)
Evaluation of Antioxidant and Acetyl Cholinesterase inhibitory activity of Peltophorum pterocarpum in Scopolamine treated rats
Evaluation of Antioxidant and Cholinesterase Inhibitory Activities of Hoya parasitica Variegata-An In-vitro Study
Evaluation Of Antioxidant And Cytotoxicity Properties Of Amygdalin Extracted From Prunus Dulcis
Evaluation of antioxidant and neuroprotective activities of Cassia fistula (L.) using the Caenorhabditis elegans model
Evaluation of antioxidant and neuroprotective effect of Ocimum sanctum on transient cerebral ischemia and long-term cerebral hypoperfusion
Evaluation of antioxidant nootropic and antidepressant properties of Litsea Floribunda BL gamble lauraceae
Evaluation of Antioxidant, Anti-cholinesterase, and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Culinary Mushroom Pleurotus pulmonarius
Evaluation of bioactive compounds as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from medicinal plants
Evaluation of Camellia Sinensis in the Alcohol Deprivation Effects in Rats Following Long-Term Voluntaty Alcohol Consumption
Evaluation of Citrus aurantifolia peel and leaves extracts for their chemical composition, antioxidant and anti‐cholinesterase activities
Evaluation Of Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Properties Of Sinapic Acid
Evaluation of Drug Delivery Profiles in Geometric Three-layered Tablets with Various Mechanical Properties, in vitro-in vivo Drug Release, and Raman …
Evaluation of Edible Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on oxidative stress and Neurological Cognitive Disorder in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats
Evaluation of Impact of CCL2 on Vital Signaling Cascades in Microglial Cells using BV2 Cell Line as a Model
Evaluation of In Vitro Anti-Oxidant Activity of Mentha arvensis Linn in Memory Enhancing Study
Evaluation of in vitro free Radical Scavenging Activity of Tribulus terrestris
Evaluation of neuroprotective effects of natural extracts obtained from portuguese agro-food residues
Evaluation of neuroprotective Properties of Ecchium Amoenum L. Ethanolic Extract
Evaluation of neuroprotective Properties of Ellagic Acid and Caffeic Acid Phenethylester
Evaluation of nootropic activity of Sida cordifolia in mice
Evaluation of possible in vitro neurobiological effects of two varieties of Cupressus sempervirens (Mediterranean cypress) through their antioxidant and enzyme …
Evaluation of Potential Central Protective Role of Ethanol Extract of Pedalium Murex Linn. In Acute and Chronic Unpredictable Stress (CUS) Induced Models in SD …
Evaluation of protective effect of rutin on lead acetate-induced testicular toxicity in Wistar rats
Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Carnosine, a neuroprotective Agent against Ischemic Sroke
Evaluation of selected Libyan medicinal plant extracts for their antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities
Evaluation of the antioxidant activity and antitumor activity of marine invertebrates extracts
Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Neuroprotectant Activities of New Asymmetrical 1, 3-Diketones
Evaluation of the Effects of Storage Conditions on the Stability of Porcine Placenta Extract-loaded Liposome Formulations
Evaluation of the neuroprotective and antioxidant effects of Dorema aucheri extract on cerebral ischaemia-reperfusion injury in rats
Evaluation of the nutritional profile and antioxidant and anti-cholinesterase activities of Padina gymnospora (Phaeophyceae)
Evaluation of the Remedy for Neuronal Diseases from Rhemannia glutinosa Liboschitz and Elucidation of their Underlying Mechanisms.
Evaluation of the traditional and well-established use of Hyperici herba
Evaluation on biological activity of triphenylpyridine derivatives
Evaluation on biological activity of triphenylpyridine derivatives
Every person’s guide to antioxidants
Evidence for health benefits of berries
Evidence of Anti-Obesity Effects of the Laminaria japonica Areshoung Ethanol Extract in High-Fat Diet Induced Obese Rat
Evidence-Based Therapeutic Effects of Anthocyanins from Foods
Exacerbation of MG132-induced Protein Accumulation in the Brain of LRRK2-G2019S Transgenic Mice
Excitotoxicity: bridge to various triggers in Neurodegenerative disorders
Exercise and the brain
Expectation and Introduction of Reformed National Health Personnel Licensing Examination
Experimental inhibition of fibrillogenesis and neurotoxicity by amyloid-beta (Aβ) and other disease-related peptides/proteins by plant extracts and herbal compounds
Experimental Studies on the Hair Growth Activity of Herbal Extracts in C57BL/6 Mice
Exploration of body weight regulation by polyunsaturated fatty acids in rat: potential association with hypothalamic neurogenesis
Exploring anti-prion glyco-based and aromatic scaffolds: a chemical strategy for the quality of life
Exploring cellular actions and interactions of SIRT1 that may counteract ageing
Exploring in vitro neurobiological effects and high-pressure liquid chromatography-assisted quantitation of chlorogenic acid in 18 Turkish coffee brands
Exploring Nanoformulations of Pomegranate as Promising Nutraceuticals
Exploring the Role of “Brahmi”(Bacopa monnieri and Centella asiatica) in Brain Function and Therapy
Exploring the role of genetic variability and lifestyle in oxidative stress response for healthy aging and longevity
Exploring the structural diversity in inhibitors of α-synuclein amyloidogenic folding, aggregation, and neurotoxicity
Expression of indoleamine 2, 3‐dioxygenase and production of quinolinic acid by human microglia, astrocytes, and neurons
Extra virgin olive oil modulates brain docosahexaenoic acid level and oxidative damage caused by 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in rats
Extracellular proteolysis in brain injury and inflammation: role for plasminogen activators and matrix metalloproteinases
Extraction and chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis of the active principles from selected Chinese herbs and other medicinal plants
Extracts from Quercus sp. acorns exhibit in vitro neuroprotective features through inhibition of cholinesterase and protection of the human dopaminergic cell line SH …
Extracts of Liriopsis tuber protect AMPA induced brain damage and improve memory with the activation of insulin receptor and ERK I/II
Extracts of Sideritis species as inhibitors of monoamine transporters: A pharmacological mechanism for efficacy in CNS disorders like depressive disorders and …
Extracts of Twigs of Actinodaphne lancifolia Cause Nrf2-mediated Induction of Quinone Reductase
FA-97, a New Synthetic Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Derivative, Protects against Oxidative Stress-Mediated Neuronal Cell Apoptosis and Scopolamine-Induced …
Factors that influence adult neurogenesis as potential therapy
FAG Inhibits Lipopolysaccharide Induced-iNOS Expression and Activity of NF-kB in Macrophage
Familial Amyloid-Beta and Non-Amyloid-Beta Amyloidosis: Insights into Oligomerization, Toxicity, and Potential Therapeutic Strategies
Fast access of some grape pigments to the brain
Fasting for Life
Fenugreek seed powder nullified aluminium chloride induced memory loss, biochemical changes, Aβ burden and apoptosis via regulating Akt/GSK3β …
Fermentation enhances Ginkgo biloba protective role on gamma-irradiation induced neuroinflammatory gene expression and stress hormones in rat brain
Fern to Pharma: Potential Neuroameliorative Properties of Pteridophytes
Ferritin oxidation and proteasomal degradation: protection by antioxidants
Ferulic acid ethyl ester as a potential therapy in Neurodegenerative disorders
Ferulic Acid: A Promising Therapeutic Phytochemical and Recent Patents Advances
First-in-Class Pan-Nox Inhibitor Targeting Diabetic Kidney Disease
Fisetin acts on multiple pathways to reduce the impact of age and disease on CNS function
Fisetin and its role in chronic diseases
Fisetin reduces the impact of aging on behavior and physiology in the rapidly aging SAMP8 mouse
Flammulina velutipes polysaccharides improve scopolamine-induced learning and memory impairment in mice by modulating gut microbiota composition
Food and nutrients in disease management
Food and nutrition controversies today: A reference guide
Food Bioscience
Food Choices
Food colour additives of natural origin
Food components with the potential to be used in the therapeutic approach of mental diseases
Food for thought: The neuroscience of nutrition to fuel cognitive performance
Food is Medicine
Food processing and the Mediterranean diet
Food Processing Technologies: Impact on Product Attributes
Food Science and Human Wellness
Foods and dietary supplements in the prevention and treatment of disease in older adults
Forever Young: The Science of Nutrigenomics for Glowing, Wrinkle-free Skin and Radiant Health at Every Age
Formation of Heterotypic Amyloids: α‐Synuclein in Co‐Aggregation
Formulated Chinese Medicine Shaoyao Gancao Tang reduces Tau aggregation and exerts neuroprotection through anti-oxidation and anti-inflammation
Forsythiaside, a constituent of the fruits of forsythia suspense, ameliorates scopolamine-induced memory impairment in mice
Fortification of Functional and Medicinal Beverages With Botanical Products and Their Analysis
FoxO proteins in the nervous system
Frailty, Cognitive Decline, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Nutrition Interventions
free radical []: free radical is any stable chemical specimen that contains at least
Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Docking Studies of Diarylheptanoids Isolated from Alnus hirsuta
Free radical scavenging activity and protective ability of methanolic extract from Duchesnea indica against protein oxidation and DNA damage
Free radical scavenging activity of antitumour polysaccharide fractions isolated from Ganoderma lucidum (Fr.) P. Karst
Free radical scavenging activity of chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts of leaves of Piper betle Linn
Free Radical Scavenging and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Pine Bark
Free radical theory of ageing: applications
Free Radical Theory of Aging
Free radical theory of aging: an update: increasing the functional life span
Free radical tissue damage: protective role of antioxidant nutrients.
Free radicals and antioxidants in human health: current status and future prospects
Free radicals and antioxidants–quo vadis?
Free radicals and antioxidants: A review
Free radicals and dietary antioxidants: a potential review
Free radicals and other reactive species in disease
Free radicals and oxidative damage in biology and medicine: An
Free radicals and oxidative damage in biology and medicine: An introduction
Free radicals and oxidative stress in Neurodegenerative diseases: relevance of dietary antioxidants
Free radicals in brain pathophysiology
Free radicals in brain pathophysiology
Free Radicals in Oxidative Stress, Aging, and Neurodegenerative Disorders
Free radicals, antioxidants and disease
Free radicals, antioxidants in disease and health
Free Radicals, Diabetes, and Its Complexities
From folk medicine to functional food: a review on the bioactive components and pharmacological properties of citrus peels
From small to big molecules: how do we prevent and delay the progression of age-related neurodegeneration?
Functional and Medicinal Beverages: Volume 11: The Science of Beverages
Functional Food and Nutrition for the Management of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Schizophrenia
Functional Food Consumption and Its Physiological Effects
Functional foods
Functional foods
Functional foods and cognition
Functional Foods and Men’s Health
Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: An Overview of the Clinical Outcomes and Evidence-Based Archive
Functional foods and physical activities in health promotion of aging people
Functional Foods and Their Importance in Geriatric Nutrition
Functional Foods as Source of Bioactive Principles: Some Marked Examples
Functional foods, herbs and nutraceuticals: towards biochemical mechanisms of healthy aging
Functional Foods, Herbs, and Aging
Functional foods, nutraceuticals, and degenerative disease prevention
Functional foods: genetics, metabolome, and engineering phytonutrient levels
Functional neurotoxicity of arsenic and manganese as environmental agents and the possible protective role of natural antioxidants
Functional properties of green leafy vegetables and changes during processing
Functional Role of Mixed Lineage Kinase 3 (MLK3) on Osteoclastogenesis
Functional role of walnuts and acai fruits on brain health
Functionality of anthocyanins as alternative medicine
Fundamentals and health benefits of xanthohumol, a natural product derived from hops and beer
Future Medicinal Chemistry
Fyn Inhibition by Cycloalkane-Fused 1, 2-Dithiole-3-thiones Exerts Antioxidant Effect and Protects Mitochondria from Oxidative Injury
Gamma-Secretase-Mediated Notch Signaling Induces Neuronal Cell Death via the NFêB-Bim Pathway in Ischemic stroke
Garcinia kola diet provides slight protection to mice hippocampal neurons against neurotoxins
Gastrodia elata modulates amyloid precursor protein cleavage and cognitive functions in mice
GC-MS analysis of the methanolic extracts of Smilax china and Salix alba and their antioxidant activity
Gene Networks Governing Cholinergic Neuronal Identity in Vertebrate CNS
Gene-coffee interactions and health
Genetic Switches To Treat Obesity And Diabetes
Genetically engineered resveratrol-enriched rice inhibits neuroinflammation in lipopolysaccharide-activated BV2 microglia via downregulating mitogen-activated …
Genistein ameliorates scopolamine-induced amnesia in mice through the regulation of the cholinergic neurotransmission, antioxidant system and the ERK …
Genomic and epigenomic insights into nutrition and brain disorders
Genomic and proteomic mechanisms and models in toxicity and safety evaluation of nutraceuticals
Genoprotective and neuroprotective effects of Daphne gnidium leaf methanol extract, tested on male mice
Genus Spondias: A phytochemical and pharmacological review
Geriatric nutrition
Gerontology & Geriatric Research
Get Smart: Samantha Heller’s Nutrition Prescription for Boosting Brain Power and Optimizing Total Body Health
Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) and CNS functions basic studies and clinical applications
Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) and CNS functions basic studies and clinical applications
Ginkgo biloba: an adjuvant therapy for progressive normal and high tension glaucoma
Ginseng: a promising neuroprotective strategy in stroke
Ginsenosides from American ginseng: chemical and pharmacological diversity
Ginsenosides, catechins, quercetin and gut microbiota: Current evidence of challenging interactions
Glabridin inhibits lipopolysaccharide‐induced activation of a microglial cell line, BV‐2, by blocking NF‐κB and AP‐1
Gladiolus dalenii lyophilisate reverses scopolamine-induced amnesia and reduces oxidative stress in rat brain
Glioprotective effects of lingonberry extract against altered cellular viability, acetylcholinesterase activity, and oxidative stress in lipopolysaccharide-treated astrocytes
Global Botanical Drug Development for Respiratory Disease
Global Botanical Drug Development Utilizing the Plant Stem Cell
Global Metabolomic Analysis for Finding Biomarker Candidates from Acute Myocardial Infarction Disease
Glucose‐mediated protein glycation: Contribution of methanolic extract of Ceratonia siliqua L. in protection and in vitro potential inhibition of acetylcholinesterase
Glutamine synthetase: role in neurological disorders
Glutathione metabolism in brain: metabolic interaction between astrocytes and neurons in the defense against reactive oxygen species
Glutathione metabolism in brain: metabolic interaction between astrocytes and neurons in the defense against reactive oxygen species
Glutathione, oxidative stress and neurodegeneration
Glutathione, oxidative stress and neurodegeneration
Glycan Mimetics from Natural Products: New Therapeutic Opportunities for Neurodegenerative Disease
Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 alpha (GSK3a) Phosphorylates and Regulates the Osteogenic Activity of Osterix
Glycosides: From biosynthesis to biological activity toward therapeutic application
Glycyrrhizic Acid Ameliorates Mitochondrial Function and Biogenesis Against Aluminum Toxicity in PC12 Cells
Glyphosate’s suppression of cytochrome P450 enzymes and amino acid biosynthesis by the gut microbiome: pathways to modern diseases
Grape powder consumption affects the expression of neurodegeneration-related brain proteins in rats chronically fed a high-fructose–high-fat diet
Grape seed and skin extract prevents high-fat diet-induced brain lipotoxicity in rat
Grape Seeds Extract as Brain Food: A Review
Grapes and the Brain
Grapevine stilbenes and their biological effects
Grapevine stilbenoids: Bioavailability and neuroprotection
Green Coffee Bean Extract in Human Health
Green tea (−)-epigallocatechin-gallate modulates early events in huntingtin misfolding and reduces toxicity in Huntington’s disease models
Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) and its antioxidant property: A review
Green tea (Camellia sinensis) and l-theanine: Medicinal values and beneficial applications in humans—A comprehensive review
Green tea and vitamin C ameliorate some neuro-functional and biochemical signs of arsenic toxicity in rats
Green tea catechins as neuroprotective agents: system-atic review of the literature in animal pre-clinical trials
Green tea catechins change the aggregation behavior of proteins associated with Neurodegenerative disease
Green Tea Effects on Age-Related Neurodegeneration: A Focus on Neuronal Plasticity
Green tea epigallocatechin 3-gallate accumulates in mitochondria and displays a selective antiapoptotic effect against inducers of mitochondrial oxidative stress in …
Green tea extract and (–)-epigallocatechin-3-
gallate, the major tea catechin, exert oxidant but lack antioxidant activities
Green tea extract enhances parieto-frontal connectivity during working memory processing
Green Tea Extract, Epigallocatechin Gallate, Protect Against Methamphetamine-Induced Striatal Neurotoxicity in Mice
Green Tea Revealed: The Mind Blowing Truth Behind This Tea
Green tea: A boon for periodontal and general health
Growth inhibitory effects of SB365 in gefitinib-resistant HCC827 cells
Guidance for New Extended-Release Solid Dosage Forms
Guideline on Review of the Fixed-Dose Combination Products for Cardiovascular Disease
Gut microbiota as a positive potential therapeutic factor in carcinogenesis: an overview of microbiota-targeted therapy
Gut microbiota: a new angle for traditional herbal medicine research
Hanbang’Cosmetics Based on The Korea’s Traditional Herbal Medicine: The History and Current Trends in R&D
Handbook of nutraceuticals volume I: ingredients, formulations, and applications
Handbook of research on food science and technology: Volume 3: Functional foods and nutraceuticals
Harnessing the power of microbiome assessment tools as part of neuroprotective nutrition and lifestyle medicine interventions
Harnessing the Self‐Assembling Properties of Proteins in Spider Silk and Lung Surfactant
Hazelnut and neuroprotection: Improved memory and hindered anxiety in response to intra-hippocampal Aβ injection
HDAC inhibitors from natural and synthetic libraries: towards the development of biochemical probes
HDL and cognition in Neurodegenerative disorders
Heal Your Heart: The Positive Emotions Prescription to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
Health Benefits of Anthocyanins
Health benefits of black tea
Health Benefits of Functional Foods: Future Perspective
Health benefits of green tea
Health Benefits of Nut Consumption in Middle-Aged and Elderly Population
Health benefits of the mediterranean diet: metabolic and molecular mechanisms
Health benefits of wine and alcohol from neuroprotection to heart health
Health Care for an Ageing Population E-Book: Meeting the Challenge
Health for Seniors
Health Related Enzyme Inhibiting Natural Products from Medicinal Plants
Health relevance of the modification of low grade inflammation in ageing (inflammageing) and the role of nutrition
Healthy Aging for the Brain
Healthy components of coffee processing by-products
Healthy foods: Fact versus fiction
Healthy Heart: Strengthen Your Cardiovascular System Naturally
Heme Oxygenase-1-Inducing Activity of 4-Methoxydalbergione and 4′-Hydroxy-4-
methoxydalbergione from Dalbergia odorifera and Their Anti-inflammatory and …
Heme oxygenase-1-mediated anti-inflammatory effects of tussilagonone on RAW 264.7 macrophages
Heme stabilization of α-synuclein oligomers during amyloid fibril formation
Hepatoprotective Impact of Cinnamon Aqueous Extract تأثیر المستخلص المائى للقرفة على حمایة الکبد
Herb-drug Interaction by Inhibition and Induction of Cytochrome P450
Herba Cistanches: anti-aging
Herbal and nonherbal supplements in medical-psychiatric patient populations
Herbal Beverages and Brain Function in Health and Disease
Herbal Contraindications & Drug Interactions
Herbal Drugs
Herbal extract as potential modulator and drug for synaptic plasticity and Neurodegenerative disorders
Herbal extracts and cognition in adulthood and ageing
Herbal extracts and phytochemicals: plant secondary metabolites and the enhancement of human brain function
Herbal Medications: An Evidence-Based Review
Herbal medicine for psychiatric disorders: Psychopharmacology and neuroscience-based nomenclature
Herbal medicine for sports: a review
Herbal medicine: biomolecular and clinical aspects
Herbal medicines as neuroprotective agent: A mechanistic approach
Herbal medicines in Neurodegenerative disorders: an evolutionary approach through novel drug delivery system
Herbal nanoparticles: A patent review
Herbal nootropic agents.
Herbal preparations prevent beta-amyloid peptide induced hippocampal cell damage
Herbal remedies for CNS disorders
Herbal supplement extends life span under some environmental conditions and boosts stress resistance
Herbal supplements and the brain: understanding their health benefits and hazards
Herbal Therapeutics
Herbal therapeutics that block the oncogenic kinase PAK1: a practical approach towards PAK1‐dependent diseases and longevity
Herbal Treatment of Major Depression: Scientific Basis and Practical Use: Scientific Basis and Practical Use
Herbals in the control of ageing
Herbs for Diabetes and Neurological Disease Management: Research and Advancements
Herbs used for brain disorders
Hesperidin as a neuroprotective agent: a review of animal and clinical evidence
Hesperidin pre-treatment attenuates NO-mediated cerebral ischemic reperfusion injury and memory dysfunction
Heterogeneity of microglia phenotypes: developmental, functional and some therapeutic considerations
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. extract prolongs lifespan and protects against amyloid-β toxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans: involvement of the FoxO and Nrf2 orthologues DAF …
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