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Stress & The Brain
Stress & The Brain
Why STRESS is bad for your BRAIN
STRESS and BRAIN noradrenaline: a review
The STRESS gene response in BRAIN.
STRESS, the aging BRAIN, and the mechanisms of neuron death.
STRESS and immunity: an integrated view of relationships between the BRAIN and the immune system
Pattern and time course of immediate early gene expression in rat BRAIN following acute STRESS
Effects of STRESS on neurotrophic factor expression in the rat BRAIN.
Subordination STRESS: behavioral, BRAIN, and neuroendocrine correlates
Fortnightly review: STRESS, the BRAIN, and mental illness
BRAIN adrenergic receptors and resistance to STRESS
The central adaptation syndrome: psychosocial STRESS as a trigger for adaptive modifications of BRAIN structure and BRAIN function
Immobilization STRESS reduced the expression of neurotrophins and their receptors in the rat BRAIN
Free radical damage to protein and DNA: mechanisms involved and relevant observations on BRAIN undergoing oxidative STRESS
Oxidative STRESS following traumatic BRAIN injury in rats
STRESS and glucocorticoids affect the expression of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-3 mRNAs in the hippocampus
Foot-shock induced STRESS increases β-endorphin levels in blood but not BRAIN
STRESS down-regulates corticosterone receptors in a site-specific manner in the BRAIN
STRESS-induced expression of immediate early genes in the BRAIN and peripheral organs of the rat
Induction and habituation of immediate early gene expression in rat BRAIN by acute and repeated restraint STRESS
BRAIN monoamines, exercise, and behavioral STRESS: animal models.
Mitochondrial oxidative STRESS after carbon monoxide hypoxia in the rat BRAIN.
Immobilization STRESS causes oxidative damage to lipid, protein, and DNA in the BRAIN of rats
STRESS and the BRAIN: a paradoxical role for adrenal steroids
Evidence for generation of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN by MPTP: in vitro and in vivo studies in mice
STRESS-induced behavioral responses and multiple opioid systems in the BRAIN
Alterations in corticotropin-releasing factor-like immunoreactivity in discrete rat BRAIN regions after acute and chronic STRESS
Oxidative STRESS in closed-head injury: BRAIN antioxidant capacity as an indicator of functional outcome
STRESS-induced elevations of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor-active steroids in the rat BRAIN.
Neural and biochemical mediators of endotoxin and STRESS-induced c-fos expression in the rat BRAIN
Sex-specific effects of prenatal STRESS on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses to STRESS and BRAIN glucocorticoid receptor density in adult rats
Regional changes in dopamine and serotonin activation with various intensity of physical and psychological STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Regulation of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor messenger ribonucleic acid in the rat BRAIN and pituitary by glucocorticoids and STRESS
Time-dependent changes in rat BRAIN neuroactive steroid concentrations and GABAA receptor function after acute STRESS
BRAIN oedema and cellular changes induced by acute heat STRESS in young rats
Toluene-induced oxidative STRESS in several BRAIN regions and other organs
Differential regulation of corticotropin-releasing factor mRNA in rat BRAIN regions by glucocorticoids and STRESS
STRESS-induced changes in BRAIN Met-enkephalin, Leu-enkephalin and dynorphin concentrations
Apoptosis and oxidative STRESS in the aging BRAIN.
Relative occupation of type-I and type-II corticosteroid receptors in rat BRAIN following STRESS and dexamethasone treatment: functional implications
Chronic STRESS increases serotonin and noradrenaline in rat BRAIN and sensitizes their responses to a further acute STRESS
BRAIN amines and emotional STRESS
Copper, iron, and zinc imbalances in severely degenerated BRAIN regions in Alzheimer’s disease: possible relation to oxidative STRESS
Precipitants of BRAIN infarction: roles of preceding infection/inflammation and recent psychological STRESS
Mild traumatic BRAIN injury does not produce post-traumatic STRESS disorder
Prenatal STRESS: effects on BRAIN biogenic amine and plasma corticosterone levels
Liver, BRAIN, and heart metallothionein induction by STRESS
Roles of BRAIN monoamine neurotransmitters in agonistic behaviour and STRESS reactions, with particular reference to fish
Ginkgo biloba extract protects BRAIN neurons against oxidative STRESS induced by hydrogen peroxide
Changes in BRAIN dopamine and acetylcholine release during and following STRESS are independent of the pituitary-adrenocortical axis
Prenatal STRESS alters BRAIN catecholaminergic activity and potentiates STRESS-induced behavior in adult rats
Social STRESS in hamsters: defeat activates specific neurocircuits within the BRAIN
Post-traumatic STRESS disorder in BRAIN injury patients
Oxidative STRESS, BRAIN iron and neurodegeneration. Basic principles
STRESS-induced c-fos expression in the rat BRAIN: activation mechanism of sympathetic pathway
Pyridostigmine BRAIN penetration under STRESS enhances neuronal excitability and induces early immediate transcriptional response
Setting” STRESS” into motion: BRAIN mechanisms of stimulus evaluation.
Sexuality, STRESS, and the chemical architecture of the BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS from alcohol in the BRAIN.
STRESS‐induced activation of nitric oxide‐producing neurons in the rat BRAIN
Time-related differences in noradrenaline turnover in rat BRAIN regions by STRESS
STRESS‐induced alterations in metabolism of γ‐aminobutyric acid in rat BRAIN
Adaptive changes in the developing BRAIN during intrauterine STRESS
Epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin: differential effects of acute and chronic STRESS on regional BRAIN amines
Repeated STRESS reduces the subsequent STRESS-induced expression of Fos in rat BRAIN
STRESS-induced increase in BRAIN neuroactive steroids: antagonism by abecarnil
Does BRAIN dysfunction increase children’s vulnerability to environmental STRESS?
BRAIN-gut response to STRESS and cholinergic stimulation in irritable bowel syndrome. A preliminary study.
STRESS, the BRAIN, and the gastric mucosa
Neuroendocrine and Behavioral Responses and BRAIN Pattern of c‐fos Induction Associated with Audiogenic STRESS
Short inescapable STRESS produces long-lasting changes in the BRAIN-pituitary-adrenal axis of adult male rats
Ischemic STRESS induces deposition of amyloid β immunoreactivity in human BRAIN
Relatives’ perceptions of role change, social support and STRESS after traumatic BRAIN injury
Metabolism of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine in rat BRAIN with STRESS
STRESS increases BRAIN-derived neurotropic factor messenger ribonucleic acid in the hypothalamus and pituitary
STRESS-induced release of BRAIN norepinephrine and its inhibition by drugs
Emotional adjustment following traumatic BRAIN injury: A STRESS-appraisal-coping formulation.
Water-avoidance STRESS-inducedc-fos expression in the rat BRAIN and stimulation of fecal output: role of corticotropin-releasing factor
The effects of inhibitors of GABAergic transmission and STRESS on BRAIN and plasma allopregnanolone concentrations
Changes in plasma and BRAIN tryptophan and BRAIN serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid after footshock STRESS
Norepinephrine-Dopamine Interactions and Behavior: A new hypothesis of STRESS-related interactions between BRAIN norepinephrine and dopamine is proposed.
Effects of early postnatal handling on BRAIN β-adrenoceptors and behavior in tests related to STRESS
Transgenic mice and knockout mutants in the study of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN injury
Psychological STRESS enhances noradrenaline turnover in specific BRAIN regions in rats
Involvement of corticotropin-releasing factor in chronic STRESS regulation of the BRAIN noradrenergic system
Effects of STRESS on the neurochemistry and morphology of the BRAIN: Counterregulation versus damage.
Regional rat BRAIN noradrenaline turnover in response to restraint STRESS
Methylmercury poisoning induces oxidative STRESS in the mouse BRAIN
Topographic patterns of BRAIN activity in response to swim STRESS: assessment by 2-deoxyglucose uptake and expression of Fos-like immunoreactivity
Maternal deprivation and STRESS induce immediate early genes in the infant rat BRAIN
… corticotropin-releasing factor inducesc-fos mRNA expression in BRAIN regions related to STRESS responses: comparison with pattern ofc-fos mRNA induction after STRESS
Regional characteristics of STRESS-induced increases in BRAIN noradrenaline release in rats
Maternal STRESS increases fetal BRAIN and neonatal cerebral cortex 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis in rats: a possible mechanism by which STRESS influences BRAIN …
Rapid changes in GABA binding induced by STRESS in different areas of the rat BRAIN
BRAIN chemiluminescence and oxidative STRESS in hyperthyroid rats
Activation of the locus ceruleus BRAIN noradrenergic system during STRESS: circuitry, consequences, and regulation
Relationship of STRESS and activity to BRAIN dopamine and homovanillic acid
Chronic social STRESS alters levels of corticotropin-releasing factor and arginine vasopressin mRNA in rat BRAIN
New aspects of BRAIN oxidative STRESS induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide
Effect of tachykinin receptor inhibition in the BRAIN on cardiovascular and behavioral responses to STRESS
Prenatal STRESS has long-term effects on BRAIN opiate receptors
The effects of 6-hydroxydopamine and oxidative STRESS on the level of BRAIN metallothionein
Probable involvement of 5-hydroxytryptamine in increased permeability of blood-BRAIN barrier under heat STRESS in young rats
Effect of conditioned fear STRESS on serotonin metabolism in the rat BRAIN
Effects of prenatal STRESS on differentiation of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA) of the rat BRAIN
Repeated swim STRESS alters BRAIN benzodiazepine receptors measured in vivo.
The Perceived STRESS Model of Caregiver Burden: Evidence from spouses of persons with BRAIN injuries.
STRESS causes an increase in endogenous monoamine oxidase inhibitor (tribulin) in rat BRAIN
Blood‐BRAIN barrier permeability and immobilization STRESS
The ‘glucocorticoid cascade’hypothesis in man: prolonged STRESS may cause permanent BRAIN damage
STRESS downregulates lipopolysaccharide-induced expression of proinflammatory cytokines in the spleen, pituitary, and BRAIN of mice
Acetylcholine and its enzymes in some BRAIN areas of the rat under STRESS
BRAIN transcription factor expression: effects of acute and chronic amphetamine and injection STRESS
Regional responses of rat BRAIN noradrenergic neurones to acute intense STRESS
Perceived STRESS and caregiver burden after BRAIN injury: A theoretical integration.
Responding for BRAIN stimulation: STRESS and desmethylimipramine.
Effects of Long‐term Psychological STRESS on Sexual Behavior and BRAIN Catecholamine Levels
Do patients with mild BRAIN injuries have posttraumatic STRESS disorder too?
The functional importance of increased BRAIN tryptophan in the serotonergic response to restraint STRESS
Induction of heat shock (STRESS) genes in the mammalian BRAIN by hyperthermia and other traumatic events: a current perspective
Effect of restraint STRESS on rat BRAIN serotonin
The biology of STRESS: from periphery to BRAIN
Localization of 70-kDa STRESS protein induction in gerbil BRAIN after ischemia
Effects of STRESS, age, season, and source colony on levels of octopamine, dopamine and serotonin in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) BRAIN
Influence of long-term immobilization STRESS on regional blood-BRAIN barrier permeability, cerebral blood flow and 5-HT level in conscious normotensive young rats
STRESS-induced behavioral depression in the rat is associated with a decrease in GABA receptor-mediated chloride ion flux and BRAIN benzodiazepine receptor …
STRESS-induced depression of motor activity correlates with regional changes in BRAIN norepinephrine but not in dopamine
Effects of immobilization STRESS on dopamine and its metabolites in different BRAIN areas of the mouse: role of genotype and STRESS duration
STRESS-induced release of BRAIN and pituitary β-endorphin: major role of endorphins in generation of hyperthermia, not analgesia
Effect of isolation STRESS on BRAIN mast cells and BRAIN histamine levels in rats
Age-related pathophysiology of the blood-BRAIN barrier in heat STRESS
Shear STRESS distribution in the porcine BRAIN due to rotational impact
Selective BRAIN cooling in the horse during exercise and environmental heat STRESS
Rapid increase in BRAIN benzodiazepine receptor binding following defeat STRESS in mice
CRF initiates biological actions within the BRAIN that are observed in response to STRESS
BRAIN serotonin and catecholamine responses to repeated STRESS in rats
Role of genotype in the adaptation of the BRAIN dopamine system to STRESS
Effect of acute or repeated STRESS on behavior and BRAIN norepinephrine system in Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats
Plasma corticosterone and BRAIN catecholamines in STRESS: effect of psychotropic drugs
Expression of aggression attenuates STRESS-induced increases in rat BRAIN noradrenaline turnover
Plasma levels of BRAIN and atrial natriuretic peptides elevate in proportion to left ventricular end-systolic wall STRESS in patients with aortic stenosis
The ability of naive subjects to report symptoms of mild BRAIN injury, post‐traumatic STRESS disorder, major depression, and generalized anxiety disorder
STRESS-induced immune suppression: role of BRAIN corticotropin releasing hormone and autonomic nervous system mechanisms
Regional BRAIN neurotransmitter concentrations in STRESS-susceptible pigs
Effects of age and STRESS on regional noradrenaline metabolism in the rat BRAIN
Hypoxia increases the susceptibility to oxidant STRESS and the permeability of the blood‐BRAIN barrier endothelial cell monolayer
ApoE, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Recovery from BRAIN STRESSa
STRESS‐and endotoxin‐induced increases in BRAIN tryptophan and serotonin metabolism depend on sympathetic nervous system activity
Oxidative STRESS induces dephosphorylation of τ in rat BRAIN primary neuronal cultures
STRESS-induced changes in BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor expression are attenuated in aged Fischer 344/N rats
Histamine modulates heat STRESS-induced changes in blood-BRAIN barrier permeability, cerebral blood flow, BRAIN oedema and serotonin levels: an experimental study …
Glutathione depletion and formation of glutathione-protein mixed disulfide following exposure of BRAIN mitochondria to oxidative STRESS
Repeated immobilization STRESS alters tyrosine hydroxylase, corticotropin‐releasing hormone and corticosteroid receptor messenger ribonucleic acid levels in rat BRAIN
Enhanced oxidative STRESS in female rat BRAIN after gonadectomy
Impairment of blood-BRAIN barrier (BBB) in rat by immobilization STRESS: role of serotonin (5-HT).
Prenatal STRESS: effect on development of rat BRAIN serotonergic neurons
Effect of immobilization STRESS on serotonin content and turnover in regions of the rat BRAIN
… membrane of bovine BRAIN capillary endothelial cells cocultured with astrocytes induces a delayed increase of permeability and cytoplasmic STRESS fiber formation of …
Adaptation to STRESS and BRAIN noradrenergic receptors
Nuclear DNA strand breaks during ethanol‐induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Increased GABA binding in mouse BRAIN following acute swim STRESS
BRAIN histamine: rapid apparent turnover altered by restraint and cold STRESS
The effects of footshock STRESS on regional BRAIN dopamine metabolism and pituitary β-endorphin release in rats previously sensitized to amphetamine
In vivo hyperthermia induces expression of HSP70 mRNA in BRAIN regions controlling the neuroendocrine response to STRESS
Antioxidative effect of melatonin in rat BRAIN oxidative STRESS induced by Adriamycin.
Metallothionein-I induction by STRESS in specific BRAIN areas
STRESS hormones, genotype, and BRAIN organization: imlications for aggression
Evidence against volume regulation by cortical BRAIN cells during acute osmotic STRESS
Preliminary report: BRAIN blood flow using PET in patients with posttraumatic STRESS disorder and substance-abuse histories
Single and repeated air blast STRESS and BRAIN histamine
Differential regulation of corticotropin-releasing factor1 receptor expression by STRESS and agonist treatments in BRAIN and cultured cells.
Acute systemic heat STRESS increases glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in BRAIN: experimental observations in conscious normotensive young rats
Age‐related regional changes in hydroxyl radical STRESS and antioxidants in gerbil BRAIN
Role of serotonin and prostaglandins in BRAIN edema induced by heat STRESS. An experimental study in the young rat
BRAIN blood flow in anxiety disorders: OCD, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and post-traumatic STRESS disorder on 99m TcHMPAO single photon emission …
The effect of adrenalectomy on STRESS-induced c-fos mRNA expression in the rat BRAIN
In vivo autoradiography: visualization of STRESS-induced changes in opiate receptor occupancy in the rat BRAIN
An increase in tryptophan in BRAIN may be a general mechanism for the effect of STRESS on sensitivity to pain
Changes of BRAIN anatomy in patients with posttraumatic STRESS disorder: a pilot magnetic resonance imaging study
Immunohistochemical detection of anti‐oxidative STRESS enzymes in the dog BRAIN
Acute STRESS and GABAergic function in the rat BRAIN.
STRESS during pregnancy: effect on catecholamines in discrete BRAIN regions of offspring as adults.
Correlation between seizure intensity and STRESS protein expression after limbic epilepsy in the rat BRAIN
Acute STRESS enhances the activity of the GABA receptor-gated chloride ion channel in BRAIN
Temporalspatial patterns of expression of metallothionein-I and-III and other STRESS related genes in rat BRAIN after kainic acid-induced seizures
Chronic BRAIN glucocorticoid receptor blockade enhances the rise in circadian and STRESS-induced pituitary-adrenal activity
Corticosteroid Receptors in BRAIN: Relationship of Receptors to Effects in STRESS and Aging a
Effect of STRESS on BRAIN histamine
Selective BRAIN cooling reduces respiratory water loss during heat STRESS
Time course of the changes of catecholamine levels in rat BRAIN during swimming STRESS
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN following intraventricular administration of ethylcholine aziridinium (AF64A)
Psychosocial STRESS and sudden cardiac death: BRAIN mechanisms
Effects of moclobemide on forced-swimming STRESS and BRAIN monoamine levels in mice
Relationships between STRESS and BRAIN 5-hydroxytryptamine and their possible significance in affective disorders
STRESS, agitation, and BRAIN failure in critical care medicine
Antioxidant protection of the BRAIN against oxidative STRESS
BRAIN oxidative energy and related metabolism, neuronal STRESS, and Alzheimer’s disease: a speculative synthesis
The STRESS of being restrained reduces BRAIN damage after a hypoxic-ischaemic insult in the 7-day-old rat.
Recent advances in depression research: from STRESS to molecular biology and BRAIN imaging
Social STRESS, depression, and BRAIN dopamine in female cynomolgus monkeys.
Effects of preshock experience on enhancement of rat BRAIN noradrenaline turnover induced by psychological STRESS
… of a Novel STRESS Protein, the 150-kDa Oxygen-regulated Protein (ORP150), from Cultured Rat Astrocytes and Its Expression in Ischemic Mouse BRAIN (∗)
Naloxene enhances STRESS-induced increases in noradrenaline turnover in specific BRAIN regions in rats
Effects of acute ethanol on plasma and BRAIN catecholamine levels in STRESSed and unSTRESSed rats: evidence for an ethanol-STRESS interaction.
Defective herpes simplex virus vectors expressing the rat BRAIN STRESS‐inducible heat shock protein 72 protect cultured neurons from severe heat shock
Effect of hypoxia and/or cold STRESS on plasma and BRAIN amino acids in rat.
Endocrine STRESS reaction to surgery in BRAIN-dead organ donors
Motor lateralization, behavioral despair and dopaminergic BRAIN asymmetry after prenatal STRESS
The correlation between swim-STRESS induced antinociception and [3H] leu-enkephalin binding to BRAIN homogenates in mice
Expression of STRESS-response (heat-shock) protein 27 in human BRAIN tumors: an immunohistochemical study
Effect of momentary STRESS on BRAIN energy metabolism in weanling mice: apparent use of lactate as cerebral metabolic fuel concomitant with a decrease in BRAIN …
Effect of prenatal heat STRESS on BRAIN growth and serial discrimination reversal learning in the guinea pig
STRESS and β-adrenergic receptor binding in the rat’s BRAIN
BRAIN metallothionein in STRESS
Attenuating effect of diazepam on STRESS-induced increases in noradrenaline turnover in specific BRAIN regions of rats: antagonism by Ro 15-1788
Rapid reversible phosphorylation of rat BRAIN tau proteins in response to cold water STRESS
Neonatal STRESS and long-term modulation of GABA receptors in rat BRAIN
Effect of STRESS and para-chlorophenylalanine upon BRAIN serotonin, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and catecholamines in grouped and isolated mice
… of gonadal hormones on enduring changes in BRAIN monoamines and behavior produced by the repeated administration of D-amphetamine or restraint STRESS
Prenatal STRESS: effect on development of rat BRAIN adrenergic receptors
At least three neurotransmitter systems mediate a STRESS-induced increase in c-fos mRNA in different rat BRAIN areas
cDNA cloning and expression of STRESS‐inducible rat hsp70 normal and injured rat BRAIN
Effect of fasting and immobilization STRESS on estrogen receptor immunoreactivity in the BRAIN in ovariectomized female rats
EEG changes following increased blood-BRAIN barrier permeability under long-term immobilization STRESS in young rats
Short‐term restraint STRESS and sc saline injection alter the tissue levels of substance P and cholecystokinin in the peri‐aqueductal grey and limbic regions of rat BRAIN
Effect of repeated visual traumatic stimuli on the event related P3 BRAIN potential in post-traumatic STRESS disorder
Effect of STRESS on mouse and rat BRAIN metallothionein I and III mRNA levels
STRESS-induced sleep deprivation modifies corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) levels and CRF binding in rat BRAIN and pituitary
The effects of STRESS during the BRAIN growth spurt
Liposome-entrapped superoxide dismutase reduces ischemia/reperfusion ‘oxidative STRESS‘ in gerbil BRAIN
Ro le of 5-ht on increased permeability of blood-BRAIN barrier under heat STRESS
BRAIN and adrenal tyrosine hydroxylase activity after chronic footshock STRESS
Interpersonal heart-BRAIN registration and the perception of parental love: A 42 year follow-up of the Harvard Mastery of STRESS Study
Localization of 70 kDa STRESS protein mRNA induction in gerbil BRAIN after ischemia
Behavioural and BRAIN neurohormonal changes produced by acute heat STRESS in rats: influence of psychopharmacological agents
BRAIN beta-endorphin and other opioids are involved in restraint STRESS-induced stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, the sympathetic nervous system …
BRAIN TRF immunoreactivity during various physiological and STRESS conditions in the rat
The protective effects of STRESS control may be mediated by increased BRAIN levels of benzodiazepine receptor agonists
STRESS-induced immune changes, and BRAIN-immune interaction
… species in emotional STRESS: a hypothesis based on the immobilization STRESS-induced oxidative damage and antioxidant defense changes in rat BRAIN, and the effect …
The heat shock STRESS response after BRAIN lesions: induction of 72 kDa heat shock protein (cell types involved, axonal transport, transcriptional regulation) and protein …
Effects of single and repeated immobilization STRESS on corticotropin-releasing factor concentrations in discrete rat BRAIN regions
BRAIN-gut induction of heat shock protein (HSP) 70 mRNA by psychophysiological STRESS in rats
Lateralization and STRESS responses in mice: interindividual differences in the association of BRAIN, neuroendocrine, and immune responses
Effects of L-tryptophan and restraint STRESS on hypothalmic and BRAIN serotonin turnover, and pituitary TSH and prolactin release in rats
Adrenoceptor antagonists block c-fos response to STRESS in the mouse BRAIN
Changes induced by STRESS in the activity of the serotoninergic system in limbic BRAIN structures
STRESS and high sodium effects on blood pressure and BRAIN catecholamines in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Effect of STRESS on serotonin concentration and tryptophan hydroxylase activity of BRAIN nuclei
Adrenal hormones and BRAIN catecholamines responses to morning and afternoon immobilization STRESS in rats
Serotonergic changes in specific areas of rat BRAIN associated with activity–STRESS gastric lesions.
Effects of chronic STRESS and differential environments upon BRAIN weights and biogenic amine levels in rats.
Marked enhancement of noradrenaline turnover in extensive BRAIN regions after activity-STRESS in rats
Developmental models of social cognition in assessing the role of family STRESS in relatives’ predictions following traumatic BRAIN injury
… between BRAIN catecholamine synthesis, pituitary adrenal function and the production of hypertension during prolonged exposure to environmental STRESS
The osmotic/calcium STRESS theory of BRAIN damage: are free radicals involved?
Immobilization STRESS increases mRNA levels of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in various rat BRAIN regions
Dopamine: a STRESS modulator in the BRAIN and gut.
A CRF antagonist attenuates STRESS-induced increases in NA turnover in extended BRAIN regions in rats
Corticotropin-releasing factor and interleukin-1 receptors in the BRAIN-endocrine-immune axis. Role in STRESS response and infection.
Effects of STRESS during pregnancy on catecholamines in discrete BRAIN regions.
The effects of oxidative STRESS on in vivo BRAIN GSH turnover in young and mature mice
Environmental STRESS as a factor in the response of rat BRAIN catecholamine metabolism to Δ8-tetrahydrocannabinol
Neonatal laterality, birth STRESS, familial sinistrality, and left‐BRAIN inhibition
Effects of chronic STRESS on anterior pituitary and BRAIN corticotropin-releasing factor receptors
Psychological STRESS increases arousal through BRAIN corticotropin-releasing hormone without significant increase in adrenocorticotropin and catecholamine secretion
Effect of STRESS on potassium content of rat BRAIN
Differential activation by restraint STRESS of a mechanism to conserve BRAIN catecholamines and serotonin in mice differing in excitability
Acute cold-restraint STRESS affects α2-adrenoceptors in specific BRAIN regions of the rat
… factor gene expression, neurotransmitter levels, and novelty response behaviors: alterations during rat amphetamine withdrawal and following chronic injection STRESS
Concentrations of GABA and glycine in discrete BRAIN nuclei: STRESS-induced changes in the levels of inhibitory amino acids
Role of glucocorticoids on rat BRAIN metallothionein-I and-III response to STRESS
Effects of neonatal undernutrition and cold STRESS on behavior and biochemical BRAIN parameters in rats
Classification of veterans with post-traumatic STRESS disorder using visual BRAIN evoked P3s to traumatic stimuli
Changes in monoamine levels in mouse BRAIN elicited by forced-swimming STRESS, and the protective effect of a new monoamine oxidase inhibitor, RS-8359
Oxidative STRESS decreases antioxidant enzyme activities in reaggregation cultures of rat BRAIN cells
Effect of STRESS on the response of rat BRAIN to manganese
Effect of STRESS on the disposition of catecholamines localized in various intraneuronal storage forms in the BRAIN stem of the rat
Distribution and STRESS-induced increase of glutamate and aspartate levels in discrete BRAIN nuclei of rats
Changes in BRAIN somatostatin and vasopressin levels after STRESS in spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar-Kyoto rats
STRESS by restraining elevates BRAIN prostaglandins in the rat
Prenatal ethanol exposure: changes in regional BRAIN catecholamine content following STRESS
Effects of STRESS on the functional properties of pre-and postsynaptic 5-HT1B receptors in the rat BRAIN
On the blood-BRAIN barrier to peptides: effects of immobilization STRESS on regional blood supply and accumulation of labelled peptides in the rat BRAIN.
BRAIN corticotropin-releasing hormone increases arousal in STRESS
Heat STRESS affects blood-BRAIN barrier permeability to horseradish peroxidase in mice
BRAIN part monoamines in the neuroendocrine mechanisms activated by immobilization STRESS in the rat
BRAIN dopamine receptor plasticity: testing a diathesis-STRESS hypothesis in an animal model
Acetylocholine content in the central and peripheral nervous system and its synthesis in the rat BRAIN during STRESS and post-STRESS exhaustion
BRAIN polyamine STRESS response: recurrence after repetitive STRESSor and inhibition by lithium
Carbon dioxide inhalation, STRESS and anxiogenic drugs reduce the function of GABAA receptor complex in the rat BRAIN
Effects of age, BRAIN damage and STRESS on antibody binding to the BRAIN
Functional correlation between allopregnanolone and [35S]-TBPS binding in the BRAIN of rats exposed to isoniazid, pentylenetetrazol or STRESS.
Effect of STRESS on norepinephrine-stimulated cyclic AMP formation in BRAIN slices
Recovery of STRESS-induced increases in noradrenaline turnover is delayed in specific BRAIN regions of old rats
Acute noise STRESS reduces [3H] 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake in rat BRAIN synaptosomes: protective effects of buspirone and tianeptine
… STRESS, desmethylimipramine or adrenocorticotropin on the alpha and beta adrenergic components of the cyclic AMP response to norepinephrine in rat BRAIN …
BRAIN corticotropin-releasing factor acts as inhibitor of STRESS-induced gastric erosion in rats
Regional responses of rat BRAIN muscarinic cholinergic receptors to immobilization STRESS
Alteration of BRAIN nicotinic receptors induced by immobilization STRESS and nicotine in rats
Decrease in adenyl nucleotide concentrations in rat BRAIN components after footshock STRESS.
The effects of disulfiram on the hippocampus and cerebellum of the rat BRAIN: a study on oxidative STRESS
Post-traumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury
The influence of selective adeno-and neurointermedio-hypophysectomy upon plasma and BRAIN levels of ß-endorphin and their response to STRESS in rats
Preventive effect of alcohol against STRESS-induced alteration in content of monoamines in BRAIN and adrenal gland
Comparative study on the expression of STRESS‐response protein (srp) 72, srp27, αB‐crystallin and ubiquitin in BRAIN tumours. An immunohistochemical investigation
The effects of valproate in BRAIN monoamines of juvenile rats after STRESS
Sex Differences in the Effects of Acute Swim STRESS on Binding to GABAA Receptors in Mouse BRAIN
The release and uptake of excitatory amino acids in rat BRAIN: effect of aging and oxidative STRESS
Modulation of basal and STRESS-induced release of acetylcholine and dopamine in rat BRAIN by abecarnil and imidazenil, two anxioselective gamma-aminobutyric acidA …
Cholecystokinin peptides and receptors in the rat BRAIN during STRESS
On the origin of the BRAIN and heat STRESS: new facts
BRAIN wave synchronizers: A review of their STRESS reduction effects and clinical studies assessed by questionnaire, galvanic skin resistance, pulse rate, saliva, and …
Met-enkephalin, injected during the early phase of STRESS, attenuates STRESS-induced increases in noradrenaline release in rat BRAIN regions
Modification of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in the rat BRAIN following chronic immobilization STRESS: an autoradiographic study
BRAIN histamine response to STRESS in 12 month old rats
Tail pinch induced STRESS-arousal facilitates BRAIN stimulation reward
Effect of STRESS on sulfated glycol metabolites of BRAIN norepinephrine
Foot shock STRESS decreases chloride efflux from rat BRAIN synaptoneurosomes
Interaction Effects of Environmental STRESS and Deuteron Irradiation of The BRAIN on Mortality and Longevity of C57BL/10 Mice.
β-Adrenoceptors in the Tree Shrew BRAIN. II. Time-Dependent Effects of Chronic Psychosocial STRESS on [125I] Iodocyanopindolol Binding Sites
Persistent alteration of turnover of BRAIN noradrenaline in the offspring of rats subjected to STRESS during pregnancy
Effect of STRESS on choline acetyltransferase activity of the BRAIN and the adrenal of the rat
Changes in behavior, BRAIN, and neuroendocrine chemistry with age and STRESS in C57BL/10 male mice.
Immobilization STRESS in rats: effect on rectal temperature and possible role of BRAIN monoamines in hypothermia
Acute STRESS and the BRAIN norepinephrine uptake mechanism in the rat
Treatment of anger and impulsivity in a BRAIN damaged patient: A case study applying STRESS inoculation.
The efficiency of aldehyde fixation for electron microscopy: stabilization of rat BRAIN tissue to withstand osmotic STRESS
STRESS and reproduction: The role of peptides and other chemical messengers in the BRAIN
Adenosine receptor activation in BRAIN reduces STRESS-induced ulcer formation
Swim-STRESS-induced inactivity: Relation to body temperature and BRAIN norepinephrine, and effects of d-amphetamine
Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP response to STRESS in BRAIN and pituitary: STRESS elevates pituitary cyclic AMP
The influence of foot-shock STRESS upon BRAIN, pituitary and spinal cord pools of immunoreactive dynorphin in rats
Critical periods and the effects of prenatal heat STRESS on the learning and BRAIN growth of mature guinea pigs
Psychological STRESS-induced increases in noradrenaline release in rat BRAIN regions are attenuated by diazepam, but not by morphine
BRAIN regional and adrenal monoamine concentrations and behavioral responses to STRESS in alcohol-preferring AA and alcohol-avoiding ANA rats
Three weeks’ exposure of rats to dearomatized white spirit modifies indices of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN, kidney, and liver
Norepinephrine turnover in BRAIN and STRESS reactions in rats during paradoxical sleep deprivation
… STRESS: evidence for decreases of 5-hydroxy-tryptamine immunoreactivity and for increases of glucocorticoid receptor immunoreactivity in various BRAIN regions of the …
Calmodulin involvement in STRESS‐and corticosterone‐induced down‐regulation of cyclic AMP‐generating systems in BRAIN
Reduction of the cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate response to catecholamines in rat BRAIN slices after repeated restraint STRESS.
Effects of implantation of cortisol into the BRAIN stem or pituitary gland on the adrenal response to STRESS in the rabbit
Pituitary Stimulating Substance in BRAIN Blood of Hypophysectomized Rat Following Electric Shock “STRESS”.
Rapid increase in glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase mRNA in adult rat BRAIN: a glucocorticoid-dependent STRESS response
Ubiquitin-mediated STRESS response in a rat model of BRAIN transient ischemia/hypoxia
Effect of STRESS on serotonin and tryptophan hydroxylase activity of BRAIN nuclei
Assessment of functional integrity of BRAIN stem auditory pathways by stimulus STRESS
Simulated weightlessness to induce chronic hypoactivity of BRAIN norepinephrine for exercise and STRESS studies.
Inhibition by the neurosteroid allopregnanolone of basal and STRESS-induced acetylcholine release in the BRAIN of freely moving rats
Activity wheel STRESS: changes in BRAIN norepinephrine turnover and the occurrence of gastric lesions
Modulation of interleukin-1 receptors in the BRAIN-endocrine-immune axis by STRESS and infection
Oxidative STRESS alters arginine metabolism in rat BRAIN: effect of sub-convulsive hyperbaric oxygen exposure
BRAIN ACTH prevents STRESS gastric lesions in rats
STRESS-induced changes in c-fos immunoreactivity in the porcine BRAIN
Evidence that STRESS augments morphine analgesia by increasing BRAIN tryptophan
Postnatal development of a cellular response to STRESS in rat BRAIN
Long-lasting effects of an acute STRESS on the neurochemistry and function of 5-hydroxytryptaminergic neurones in the mouse BRAIN
The” trauma” of head trauma: Clinical, neuropsychological, and forensic aspects of posttraumatic STRESS syndromes in BRAIN injury.
Immobilization STRESS increases serotonin turnover in the extended BRAIN regions in the rat
Amphetamine toxicity and BRAIN monoamines in three models of STRESS
Role of BRAIN, pituitary and spleen corticotropin-releasing factor receptors in the STRESS response.
Effects of STRESS and REM sleep deprivation on the patterns of avoidance learning and BRAIN acetylcholine in the mouse
Effects of STRESS on [3H] cyclohexyladenosine binding to rat BRAIN membranes
Effects of cold STRESS on BRAIN regional calcium content in rats and mice
C-fos mRNA expression following electrical-induced seizure and acute nociceptive STRESS in mouse BRAIN
Effects of ethanol withdrawal, STRESS and amphetamine on rat BRAIN (Na++ K+-ATPase
Vocational rehabilitation counseling of traumatic BRAIN injury: Factors contributing to STRESS
Effects of Social STRESS on the Turnover of BRAIN Catecholamines and 5‐Hydroxytryptamine in Mice
Oxidative STRESS-Induced Increase in Intracellular Ca2+ and Ca2+ Induced Increase in Oxidative STRESS: An Experimental Model Using Dissociated Rat BRAIN Neurons
Effects of whole-body vibration STRESS on substance P-and neurotensin-like immunoreactivity in the rat BRAIN
The induction of” STRESS” proteins in organ slices from BRAIN, heart, and lung as a function of postnatal development
Effect of chronic cold STRESS on catecholamine levels in rat BRAIN
The effects of ether STRESS and betamethasone treatment on the concentrations of noradrenaline and dopamine in various regions of the rat BRAIN.
Differential changes in rat BRAIN noradrenaline turnover produced by continuous and intermittent restraint STRESS
Effect of BRAIN monoamine precursors on STRESS-induced behavioral and neurochemical changes in aged mice
The effects of maternal STRESS on the aromatase activity in the perinatal rat BRAIN
Influence of acute nutritional STRESS on polyribosomes and protein synthesis in BRAIN and liver of young rats
Prolonged intermittent footschock STRESS decreases Met and Leu enkephalin levels in BRAIN with concomitant decreases in pain threshold
Increased BRAIN stem and decreased hypothalamic adrenaline-forming enzyme after acute and repeated immobilization STRESS in the rat
BRAIN indole and catecholamines of turkeys during exposure to temperature STRESS
Pituitary-adrenal STRESS response in the absence of BRAIN-pituitary connections.
Blood—BRAIN Barrier Taurine Transport during Osmotic STRESS and in Focal Cerebral Ischemia
Methionine-enkephalin inhibits STRESS-induced increases in noradrenaline turnover in BRAIN regions of rats
Autoradiographic evidence of μ-opioid receptors down-regulation after prenatal STRESS in offspring rat BRAIN
Expression of c‐fos in the ovine BRAIN following different types of STRESS, or central administration of corticotrophin‐releasing hormone
Relationship of BRAIN dopamine to STRESS-induced changes in seizure succeptibility
STRESS reduces in vivo inhibition of monoamine oxidase by phenelzine in rat BRAIN
Plasma catecholamine levels in SART-STRESSed rats and effects of drugs on STRESS-induced alteration in plasma and BRAIN catecholamine levels.
Cold and immobilization STRESS-induced changes in pain responsiveness and BRAIN Met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the rat
Selective suppression of lipid peroxidation in the BRAIN under STRESS
Sustained effects of brief daily STRESS (fighting) upon BRAIN and adrenal catecholamines and adrenal, spleen, and heart weights of mice
Quantitative changes in neuroglia in the white matter of the mouse BRAIN following hypoxic STRESS.
STRESS-induced transcriptional regulation in the developing rat BRAIN involves increased cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate-regulatory element binding activity
Effect of STRESS on the uptake of radiolabelled calcium in the pituitary gland and the BRAIN of the rat
BRAIN ascorbate depletion as a response to STRESS.
Effect of oestradiol on the responses of regional BRAIN serotonin to STRESS in the ovariectomized rat
Influence of social STRESS on BRAIN catecholamine mechanisms
Changes in BRAIN amino acid content induced by hyposmolar STRESS and energy deprivation
Release of BRAIN amino acids during hyposmolar STRESS and energy deprivation.
Serotonin and tryptophan hydroxylase in isolated hypothalamic and BRAIN stem nuclei of rats exposed to acute and repeated immobilization STRESS
The effect of surgical STRESS on the in vitro metabolism of thyroxine by rat liver, kidney, and BRAIN
Restraint STRESS stimulation of prolactin and ACTH secretion: role of BRAIN histamine
BRAIN catecholamine systems in STRESS
STRESS-induced alterations of cyclic nucleotide levels in BRAIN: effects of centrally acting drugs
BRAIN SPECT with dipyridamole STRESS to evaluate cerebral blood flow reserve in carotid artery disease
Subarachnoid Injections of Lysed Blood Induce the hsp70 STRESS Gene and Produce DNA Fragmentation in Focal Areas of the Rat BRAIN
Effects of delta‐sleep inducing peptide (DSIP) and some analogues on the activity of monoamine oxidase type A in rat BRAIN under hypoxia STRESS
Effects of electroconvulsive shock and prior STRESS on BRAIN amine levels
Cold water swimming STRESS alters NGF and low-affinity NGF receptor distribution in developing rat BRAIN
Involvement of BRAIN dopamine systems on neurotensin-induced protection against STRESS gastric lesions
Adrenalectomy, dexamethasone or STRESS alters opioid peptides levels in rat anterior pituitary but not intermediate lobe or BRAIN
STRESS by forced swimming in the rat: effects of mianserin and moclobemide on GABAergic-monoaminergic systems in the BRAIN.
Evidence for a role of BRAIN thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) on STRESS gastric lesion formation in rats
STRESS activated protein kinases, a novel family of mitogen-activated protein kinases, are heterogeneously expressed in the adult rat BRAIN and differentially distributed …
Antagonic-STRESS: a therapeutic composition for deceleration of aging. II. BRAIN lipofuscinolytic activity demonstrated by electron microscopy
Influence of STRESS on regional BRAIN serotonin metabolism after progesterone treatment and upon plasma progesterone in the rat
Effect of Prenatal Ethanol and STRESS on Levels of β‐Endorphin in Different BRAIN Regions of the Rat
Long-term corticosteroid treatment but not chronic STRESS affects 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type I activity in rat BRAIN and peripheral tissues
Increased permeability of a glial blood-BRAIN barrier during acute hyperosmotic STRESS
Antidepressant modulation of isolation and restraint STRESS effects on BRAIN chemistry and morphology
Effect of acute ether STRESS on monoamine metabolism in median eminence and discrete hypothalamic nuclei of the rat BRAIN and on anterior pituitary hormone …
Pentobarbital attenuates STRESS-induced increasesin noradrenaline release in specific BRAIN regions of rats
BRAIN amino acid concentrations during diving and acid-base STRESS in turtles
Iron and Oxidative STRESS in Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic BRAIN Injury Directions for Therapeutic Intervention
STRESS and monoamine neurons in the BRAIN
… depress nerve cell activity in the BRAIN and others enhance it, possibly contributing to the mood changes associated with steroid fluctuations in disease or STRESS
Neuronal antioxidant system and MPTP-induced oxidative STRESS in the striatum and BRAIN stem of the rat
Single microinjection of L‐glutamate induces oxidative STRESS in discrete regions of rat BRAIN
ACTH and the STRESS-induced changes of lysine incorporation into BRAIN and liver proteins
Genetic influences on BRAIN stimulation-produced analgesia in mice. I. Correlation with STRESS-induced analgesia
Protein malnutrition in rats: Response of BRAIN amines and behavior to foot shock STRESS
Influence of respiratory STRESS and hypertension upon the blood-BRAIN barrier
Heat STRESS as a factor in the preadaptative approach to the origin of the human BRAIN
Affinity changes in muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in the rat BRAIN following acute immobilization STRESS: an autoradiographic study
Involvement of BRAIN CCK in the adaptation of gut motility to digestive status and STRESS: a review
Chronic environmental STRESS on the development of MAO and COMT in discrete BRAIN region
Naloxone, given before but not after STRESS exposure, enhances STRESS-induced increases in regional BRAIN noradrenaline release
Activity-wheel STRESS: effects on BRAIN monoamines and the pituitary-gonadal axis
Preferential Induction by STRESS of the N‐Methyl‐d‐Aspartate Recognition Domain in Discrete Structures of Rat BRAIN
Effects of conditioned fear STRESS on monoaminergic systems in the rat BRAIN
Influence of a 1 h immobilization STRESS on sleep states and corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide (CLIP or ACTH18–39, Ph-ACTH18–39) BRAIN contents in the rat
The effect of STRESS on behaviors and glutamate levels of four BRAIN regions
Frontal BRAIN asymmetry and vulnerability to STRESS: Individual differences in infant temperament.
Effect of restraint STRESS and anxiolytics on 5-HT turnover in rat BRAIN
Effect of thermal STRESS and water deprivation on the acetylcholinesterase activity of the pig BRAIN and hypophyses
125I‐β‐nerve growth factor binding is reduced in rat BRAIN after STRESS exposure
Role of BRAIN peptides in the ulcerogenic response to STRESS
Basal expression of STRESS-inducible hsp70 mRNA detected in hippocampal and cortical neurons of normal rabbit BRAIN
The effects of immobilization STRESS on electrodermal activity and BRAIN catecholamine levels in rats
BRAIN and pituitary cyclic nucleotide response to STRESS
Protection against STRESS-induced BRAIN norepinephrine depletion after repeated 2-deoxy-D-glucose administration.
Alterations in biodistribution of [3H] Ro 15-1788 in mice by acute STRESS: possible changes in in vivo binding availability of BRAIN benzodiazepine receptor
Antagonic-STRESS: a therapeutic composition for deceleration of aging. I. BRAIN lipofuscinolytic activity demonstrated by light and fluorescence microscopy
Genotype-dependent adaptation of BRAIN dopamine system to STRESS
Enhanced phosphorylation of a 65 kDa protein is associated with rapid induction of STRESS proteins in 9L rat BRAIN tumor cells
Focal hyperexpression of hemeoxygenase-1 protein and messenger RNA in rat BRAIN caused by cellular STRESS following subarachnoid injections of lysed blood
Serotonergic systems in BRAIN and blood under STRESS and tranylcypromine treatment in rats
Effects of altered BRAIN noradrenaline level on acute STRESS pathology in rats
BRAIN damage, STRESS, and life span: An experimental study
Effect of STRESS on activity of the serotoninergic system in limbic BRAIN structures and its correlation with pituitary-adrenal function in the rat.
Widespread increase in BRAIN protein synthesis following acute immobilization STRESS in adult rat BRAIN
Ischemia STRESS and arachidonic acid metabolites in the fetal BRAIN.
BRAIN amines and effects of chlordiazepoxide on motor activity in response to STRESS
Expression of c-fos, c-jun and HSP70 mRNA in rat BRAIN following high acceleration STRESS.
Deformation of BRAIN and STRESS distribution caused by putaminal hemorrhage–numerical computer simulation by finite element method
STRESS-induced rise in serum anti-BRAIN autoantibody levels in the rat
The effects of early STRESS and undernutrition on the behavior of young adult rats and the correlations between behavioral and BRAIN parameters
Physicochemical property of bovine BRAIN 73-kDa STRESS protein.
Effect of lithium on STRESS-induced changes in the BRAIN levels of monoamines in rats.
Identification of 3-nitro-L-tyrosine, a product of nitric oxide and superoxide, as an indicator of oxidative STRESS in the human BRAIN
BRAIN noradrenergic neurons, corticotropin-releasing factor, and STRESS
Lithium-induced changes in the BRAIN levels of free amino acids in STRESS-exposed rats
Oxidative STRESS and the BRAIN
The role of lipids in the changes in the properties of the BRAIN beta-adrenoreceptors during emotional STRESS
Evidence for prolonged suppression of STRESS-induced release of adrenocorticotropic hormone and corticosterone with a BRAIN-enhanced dexamethasone-redox …
The effect of emotional STRESS and corticosterone on the activity of monoaminoxidase in the rat BRAIN
… : The Link between BRAIN and Body: Already known to influence growth, reproduction, lactation, metabolism, and the response to STRESS, the hypothalamic hormones …
Expression of the human groEL STRESS-protein homologue in the BRAIN and spinal cord
BRAIN plasticity: hormones and STRESS
The role of psychosocial STRESS in childhood for structural and functional BRAIN development: neurobiological basis of developmental psychopathology
Age-related phospholipid hydroperoxide levels in gerbil BRAIN measured by HPLC-chemiluminescence and their relation to hydroxyl radical STRESS
Morphofunctional changes in BRAIN neurons during emotional STRESS
The effect of STRESS on melatonin and serotonin in rat BRAIN
Influence of thermal STRESS and various agents on the BRAIN edema formation in rats following a cryogenic BRAIN lesion.
Effect of STRESS, infarction and adaptation to brief exposure to STRESS on opioid peptide levels in the BRAIN
STRESS prevents the chronic ethanol-induced delta opiod receptor supersensitivity in the rat BRAIN.
Influence of progesterone on norepinephrine metabolism of the rat BRAIN in connection with amphetamine and STRESS
Effects of amphetamine, electrical stimulation and STRESS on endogenous MOPEG-SO4 levels in rat BRAIN
Organization of STRESS fibers in cultured fibroblasts after extraction of actin with bovine BRAIN gelsolin-like protein
STRESS distribution in the BRAIN–numerical simulation by the finite element method
BRAIN metabolic adaptation to hypoxia STRESS
Interleukin-1 receptors in the BRAIN-endocrine-immune axis. Modulation by STRESS and infection.
Effect of psychotropic drugs on catecholamines in BRAIN and adrenal medulla of rats under STRESS producing peptic ulcers
Effects of STRESS on DMBA-induced tumor growth, plasma corticosterone and BRAIN biogenic amines in rats
Effect of Withania somnifera and Panax ginseng on dopaminergic receptors in rat BRAIN during STRESS
Peroxidative STRESS effects on calpain activity in BRAIN of young and adult rats
STRESS‘ route through BRAIN to heart
Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system activity in the BRAIN, stomach and heart tissues and blood serum of rats under STRESS
Does non‐clinical decompression STRESS lead to BRAIN damage in abalone divers?
Alterations in BRAIN β-endorphin immunoreactivity following acute and chronic STRESS
Level of biogenic amines in different BRAIN structures in rats adapted to chronic emotional STRESS.
Characteristics of free-radical oxidation and antiradical protection of the BRAIN in adaptation to chronic STRESS
Effect of diazepam on STRESS induced changes in BRAIN histamine
Effect of pyridoxine on mice gastric ulcers and BRAIN catecholamines after an immobilization STRESS
Corticosterone-induced responses in rat BRAIN RNA are also evoked in hippocampus by acute vibratory STRESS
Cold-restraint STRESS reduces [3H] etorphine binding to rat BRAIN membranes: Influence of acute and chronic morphine and naloxone
Effect of heat STRESS on BRAIN 5-hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in some vertebrate species
Glucocorticoid attenuates increases in rat BRAIN noradrenaline turnover induced by intense STRESS
Maternal STRESS alters monoamine metabolites in fetal and neonatal rat BRAIN
Response of BRAIN and pituitary pools of dynorphin as compared to vasopressin to acute STRESS in the rat
Involvement of BRAIN histamine in basal and STRESS-induced release of prolactin in the rat
BRAIN and liver tryptophan pathways and adrenocortical activation during restraint STRESS
125I-iomazeniI binding shows STRESS-and/or diazepam-induced reductions in mouse BRAIN: Supporting data for123I-iomazenil SPECT study of anxiety disorders
STRESS and BRAIN histaminergic system: effects of weak electric foot-shock
BRAIN dopamine beta hydroxylase activity: response to STRESS, tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition, hypophysectomy and ACTH administration
Developmental study of pituitary-adrenocortical response in mice: plasma and BRAIN corticosterone determination after histamine STRESS
Effect of catecholamine precursors on STRESS-induced changes in motor activity, exploration, and BRAIN monoamines in young and aged mice.
Effect of acceleration STRESS on the potassium and sodium concentration of rat BRAIN
Methylphenidate effects on activity-STRESS gastric lesions and regional BRAIN noradrenaline metabolism in rats
Catecholaminergic responses to rotational STRESS in rat BRAIN stem: implications for amphetamine therapy of motion sickness.
… of catecholamine synthesis with α-methyl-p-tyrosine apparently increases BRAIN serotoninergic activity in the rat: No influence of previous chronic immobilization STRESS
The effect of surgical STRESS on DNA synthesis in liver and BRAIN cells
Genetic correlation between the arterial pressure response during emotional STRESS and the alpha1-adrenoreceptor concentration in BRAIN regions
Effect of an NMDA receptor antagonist and a ganglioside GM1 derivative upon ethanol-induced modification of parameters of oxidative STRESS in several BRAIN regions
Observations on predicted BRAIN influx rates of neurotransmitter precursors. Effects of tumor, operative STRESS with tumor removal, and postoperative TPN of varying …
Effect of diphenhydramine on STRESS-induced changes in BRAIN histidine decarboxylase activity, histamine and plasma corticosterone levels
This is your BRAIN in STRESS.
Neuropsychopharmacological studies of a Ca2+ channel blocker on the modulation of BRAIN Ca2+ mobilization of spontaneously hypertensive rats under mild STRESS
A study on STRESS and coping methods of mothers of children with BRAIN disease
Influence of STRESS on phosphoinositides in rat BRAIN
High sensitivity of BRAIN octopamine levels to STRESS
Neurochemical nature of” congestive” excitation in BRAIN structures during emotional STRESS
Psychosocial STRESS: endocrine and BRAIN interactions and their relevance for cardiovascular processes
Effect of DBH-and PNMT-inhibition on BRAIN adrenaline and noradrenaline in animals exposed to STRESS
Chronic STRESS affects alpha₂-adrenoceptors in BRAIN regions of the rat.
Effect of morphine on the BRAIN histamine levels in STRESS-exposed rats
The influence of psychic STRESS and BRAIN death on the intestinal receptor for the cobalamin–intrinsic factor complex in rats
STRESS-accentuation of the LSD-induced disaggregation of BRAIN polysomes
Inhibition and facilitation of feedback influences of dexamethasone on adrenocortical responses to ether STRESS in rats with hypothalamic deafferentations and BRAIN …
Lesions of the ventral noradrenergic (norepinephrinergic) bundle affect BRAIN and pituitary pools of endorphins and the response of these to STRESS in rats
BRAIN lnterleukin-1 Is Involved in Generation of the Serum Suppressive Factor Induced by Restraint STRESS in Mice
STRESS-induced release of pituitary beta-endorphin may be mediated by activation of the BRAIN stem defence areas.
Further investigation of allopurinol effects on MPTP-induced oxidative STRESS in the striatum and BRAIN stem of the rat
The dependency of influx across the blood-BRAIN barrier on blood flow and the apparent flow-independence of glucose influx during STRESS
Regulation of arachidonic acid metabolism in the perinatal BRAIN during development and under ischemic STRESS
The catecholamine level in the BRAIN of rats with hereditary STRESS-induced arterial hypertension
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptors in the BRAIN and pituitary: their role in the STRESS response
Effects of acute emotional STRESS on the BRAIN and autonomic variables.
Regional uptake of endogenous corticosterone by rat BRAIN following STRESS.
The influence of STRESS and ACTH on the protein synthesis in BRAIN.
… STRESS on the Development of Intracranial Aneurysms—Analysis of the Cases of Coexisting Intracranial Aneurysm and Arteriovenous Malformation of the BRAIN—
Dynamic alterations in growth hormone receptor mRNA levels in rat BRAIN during STRESS tolerance
Influence of isolation STRESS on monoamine levels in discrete regions of the rat BRAIN correlated with behaviour
Feeding, STRESS, exercise and the supply of amino acids to the BRAIN
Acetylcholinesterase activity in several hypothalamic and BRAIN stem nuclei after acute and chronic immobilization STRESS in rats.
Behavioral clusters and the rat BRAIN antioxidant enzymes in immobilization STRESS
Protection of beta-adrenoreceptors of the rat BRAIN during emotional-pain STRESS by oxidants of the steric hindrance class of phenols
BRAIN stem adrenergic neurons participate in the regulation of the STRESS response and in genetic and experimental hypertension
Chronic fenfluramine treatment of rats with different ages: Effects on BRAIN oxidative STRESS‐related parameters
… in the ganglioside composition of rat cortical BRAIN slices during experimental lactic acidosis: implication of an enzymatic process independent of the oxidative STRESS
Brief report: Using STRESS management to decrease inappropriate behavior in a BRAIN injured adult
Was plio-pleistocene hominid BRAIN expansion a pleiotropic effect of adaptation fo heat STRESS?
The effects of adrenalectomy and thermal STRESS on glutamic acid decarboxylase activity in different regions of the rat BRAIN
Psychological STRESS and sexual behavior in male rats. II. Effect of psychological STRESS on dopamine and its metabolites in the critical BRAIN areas mediating sexual …
Effect of STRESS on the activity of the pituitary-gonadal axis and BRAIN serotonin
Sex difference of rat BRAIN monoamine metabolism under restraint STRESS
Combined effects of desipramine and STRESS on monoamine turnover in rat BRAIN.
The Volume Responses of BRAIN Cells During Osmotic STRESS
Increased BRAIN Na, K-ATPase activity of rats under STRESS
STRESS induced biosynthesis of a 31 kd-glycoprotein in goldfish BRAIN.
The inhibition of STRESS-induced c-fos expression by superior cervical ganglion block in rat BRAIN
Opiate receptor binding in the BRAIN of rat during STRESS
Restraint changes pentobarbital-induced sleeping time in rats: evidence that arousal is modulated by BRAIN corticotropin-releasing hormone and opioid in STRESS
Prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors reduce cannabis and restraint STRESS induced increase in rat BRAIN serotonin concentrations
Conditioned fear’, a model for psychological STRESS, increases [35S] TBPS binding in rat BRAIN
BRAIN histamine regulation following chronic diazepam treatment and STRESS
STRESS-induced changes in BRAIN level of biogenic amines modified by an indigenous drug.
Effect of psychological STRESS on [35S] TBPS binding in rat BRAIN
From a standpoint of psychiatry: effects of conditioned fear STRESS on monoaminergic systems in the rat BRAIN
Selective effects on CRF neurons and catecholamine terminals in two STRESS-responsive regions of adult rat BRAIN after prenatal exposure to diazepam
Biochemical changes in BRAIN during thermal STRESS
IFN-γR-/-mice show an enhanced liver and BRAIN metallothionein I+ II response to endotoxin but not to immobilization STRESS
Effect of STRESS on potassium release from surviving rat BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS and BRAIN damage as the pathogenesis of epilepsy
Catecholamine content changes in BRAIN regions of spontaneously hypertensive rats under immobilization STRESS
A 5-HT2 Receptor-Mediated Breakdown of the Blood-BRAIN Barrier Permeability and BRAIN Pathology in Heat STRESS
… distribution of biochemical markers for the dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin, GABA and acetylcholine systems in the monkey BRAIN (Cebus Apella). Effects of STRESS.
ATP content in the rat BRAIN during STRESS
Individual housing STRESS elevates BRAIN and adrenal tryptamine content
The sexual dimorphism of the monoaminergic system of the BRAIN: the effects of prenatal STRESS and neonatal androgenization in rats
… . VII. Correlation between BRAIN serotonin and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal system in domesticated and undomesticated silver foxes during emotional STRESS
Effects of L-DOPA Supplementation on Concentrations of BRAIN Catechols, Dopamine Receptor Binding and the Incidence of Pale, Soft and Exudative Meat in STRESS …
Psychological STRESS, work satisfaction, and BRAIN injury nursing
Expression of C-fos-like protein in the BRAIN and prothoracic glands of Galleria mellonella larvae during chilling STRESS
Effects of footshock STRESS on regional BRAIN monoamine metabolism and the acquisition of conditioned freezing in rats previously exposed to repeated …
The effects of mild hypothermia on expression of STRESS protein (HSP72) after experimental BRAIN injury
Effects of acute STRESS on lateralization of lipid peroxidation in the BRAIN depend on the behavioral typology of rats
Strain differences in BRAIN biogenic amines concentration in rats with different resistance to emotional STRESS.
The effect of moderate heat STRESS on auditory BRAIN stem evoked response in man
5-Hydroxytryptamine synthesis and metabolism in discrete nuclei of the rat BRAIN during surges of prolactin associated with restraint STRESS or suckling
Cold STRESS induced changes in the uptake distribution of radiolabelled magnesium in the BRAIN and pituitary of the rat.
Changes in catecholamine levels of mouse BRAIN during oscillation-STRESS
Changes in the catecholamine content of BRAIN structures in rats subjected to immobilization STRESS
Immobilization STRESS induces alterations of second-messenger systems in the gerbil BRAIN
Variables associated with family STRESS related to organ donation from a totally BRAIN-dead family member
STRESS‐Induced Depression Model in Female Rats—Biochemical and Histochemical Investigation of BRAIN Monoamines
Effects of lithium, diazepam and propranolol on BRAIN Na+-K+-ATPase activity in STRESS-exposed mice.
Glutathione, a biochemical indicator for different types of cellular STRESS. The change in the GSH level in the BRAIN of rats with hypoxia
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and STRESS-related reproductive failure: The BRAIN as a state of the art or the ovary as a novel clue?
The dynamic of thermal fields of the BRAIN of rats in the late post-resuscitation period under STRESS
Effect of age and short-term cold STRESS on SDH activity and oxygen consumption of lizard BRAIN
Endogenous Dangers: STRESS, the Aging BRAIN, and the Mechanisms of Neuron Death. Robert M. Sapolsky. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992. xii, 429 pp., illus. $55.
Opioid peptide content of the BRAIN and blood of rats under immobilization STRESS
The homology of a novel polypeptide with STRESS protein characteristics in embryonic mice BRAIN and in the hypothalamus of caloric restricted rats as determined by …
… the catecholamine and DOPAC (3, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid) levels in BRAIN cortical areas and on corticosterone and prolactin secretion in rats subjected to STRESS
Chance, structure, STRESS: the birth and development of the human mind-BRAIN
STRESS Affects the Activated Form of the Corticosteroid‐Receptor Complex in the Rat BRAIN
Effect of Forced‐Running STRESS on β‐Adrenergic Receptors in Rat BRAIN Regions and Liver
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder symptomatology in family caregivers of persons with recent traumatic BRAIN injuries: An exploratory study
Facultative blood–BRAIN barrier and neuronal adaptation to osmotic STRESS in a marine osmoconformer
Lipid peroxidation in the BRAIN of rats differing in resistance to emotional STRESS
STRESS and/or tranylcypromine treatment affects serotonergic measures in blood and BRAIN in rats
BRAIN Potentials and Personality: A New Look at STRESS Susceptibility.
BRAIN tumor: immunohistochemical studies on the STRESS-response proteins, p53 protein and proliferating cell nuclear antigen.
Influence of STRESS and antidepressant treatment on 5-HT-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis in rat BRAIN
Effect of pre-and post-treatments with diazepam on the rat BRAIN GABAergic system during anoxic STRESS and recovery
Study on MMPI of the Organic BRAIN Syndrome Group and he Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder Group
STRESS, STRESS hormones, and the behavioral neurobiology of BRAIN plasticity
Effect of STRESS experienced during pregnancy on the rate of lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes and BRAIN tissue of newborn rat pups
Cold STRESS related alteration of RNA biosynthesis in BRAIN cortex of mother-deprived newborn rats
Effects of various durations of restraint STRESS on the trace element metabolism in rat BRAIN regions
Secretion in the BRAIN of Rana catesbeiana and its modification by osmotic STRESS and hypophysectomy
Biogenic amines in BRAIN structures of rats of different zoo-social rank during immobilization STRESS
BRAIN corticosterone in lactating rats: possible relation to the attenuation of the pituitary-adrenocortical response to STRESS.
Effects of morphine and diazepam pretreatment on immobilization STRESS-induced increase of serotonin metabolism in discrete BRAIN areas of the rat
Effects of Zinc on the Expression of Metallothionein Isoforms in Different BRAIN Domains in Rats Under STRESS
Effects of ketamine on c-fos gene expression in the different regions of rat BRAIN following STRESS
Effect of swimming-to-exhaustion STRESS on the Tyr-aminopeptidase activity in different BRAIN areas of the rat
STRESS and monoamine neurons in the BRAIN
Bilateral adrenalectomy does not alter STRESS-induced increases in noradrenaline turnover in rat BRAIN regions
Dynamics and physiological significance of GABA-system activation in BRAIN and cardiac muscle during emotional-pain STRESS
Effects of mesocortical dopaminergic lesions on STRESS-induced changes in monoamine metabolism in the discrete BRAIN regions of rats
Regional metabolism of 5-hydroxytryptamine in BRAIN under acute and chronic heat STRESS
Locus Coeruleus, Vigilance and STRESS: BRAIN Mechanisms of Adaptive Behavioral Responsiveness
STRESS, the aging BRAIN, and the mechanisms of neuron death
Rat BRAIN lipid peroxidation system under conditions of emotional-pain STRESS of varying duration
A quantitative light microscopic study of the indusium griseum of the mouse BRAIN following hypoxic STRESS.
Participation of the BRAIN serotoninergic system in creating the STRESS reactivity of the hypophyseal-adrenal axis
Change of nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase in BRAIN of rats induced by acute STRESS
Blood-BRAIN barrier permeability and STRESS; a study on excitotoxic STRESS and vasogenic edema
Effect of Short-Term Cold STRESS on the Respiratory Metabolism of BRAIN Tissue Homogenates of Male Garden Lizards of Two Different Age-Groups
Resistance factor in emotional STRESS in the BRAIN of rats
Effects of water-immersion-induced STRESS and intraperitoneal administration of BRAIN-gut peptides upon immunoreactive thyrotropin-releasing hormone and …
Oligopeptides in the BRAIN mechanisms of resistance to emotional STRESS
… , CDP choline: 1, 2‐diacyl‐sn‐glycerol phosphocholine transferase, and microsomal reductases in major regions of the developing rat BRAIN in nutritional STRESS
Changes of noradrenaline contents in plasma and BRAIN homogenate of the rostral ventrolateral medulla in STRESS-induced hypertensive rats
Neuroprotective effects of an extract of Gingko biloba (EGB-761) in heat STRESS induced BRAIN damage in the rat
Mediation and modulation of blood glucose responses to STRESS by adrenal hormones and BRAIN norepinephrine; implications for behavioral responses to STRESS.
STRESS and activity correlated changes of hydroxylase cofactor concentrations in BRAIN tissues and blood
Differential induction of cytoplasmic guanine deaminase isozymes under guanine STRESS in rat liver and BRAIN
Thyroidectomy reduces STRESS-induced prolactin secretion in rats. Participation of BRAIN serotonergic systems.
P NMR evaluation of hypoxic STRESS in BRAIN of animal models
Studies on lipid peroxidation in BRAIN, heart and liver during oxidative STRESS
Measurement of the reaction to STRESS and meditation using BRAIN wave coherence and heart rate variability
Role of BRAIN Noradrenaline in the Effects of Pre-and Early Postnatal STRESS on the Adrenocortical Function in Adults
Serotonin in different BRAIN parts of quail under STRESS condition
Enhanced β-oxidative utilization of [1-14C] palmitate during active myelinogenesis in developing rat BRAIN under nutritional STRESS
The participation of the epiphysis in the anti-STRESS protection of the BRAIN
The STRESS response in hypoxic-ischemic BRAIN: correlation of tissue culture findings with in vivo models
Effect of Valsartan on oxidative STRESS in BRAIN tissue of diabetic rats
Hypobaric STRESS and cerebral blood flow, BRAIN and peripheral catecholamines in rats
Metabolism of 3H-catecholamines in the BRAIN of spontaneously hypersensitive rats (SHR) after running STRESS.
STRESS In The Womb Reduces BRAIN Growth
Long-term STRESS-induced changes in BRAIN monoamines of the gray snapper, Lutjanus griseus. Neurotransmitters as indicators of physiological STRESS
Changes in the catecholamine content of the dopamine-synthesizing nuclei of the BRAIN in rats under immobilization STRESS
Effects of Diazepam on Restraint STRESS-induced Fos Expression in the Rat BRAIN
Effect of noise-induced STRESS on the quantitative characteristics of rat BRAIN synapses
Role of BRAIN stem in the mechanisms of individual resistance of rats to emotional STRESS
Aging female BRAIN: is there a change of adaptive STRESS?
STRESS may disturb the blood-BRAIN barrier.
Effects of nutritional STRESS on BRAIN tyramine concentration and dopamine turnover
Magnetic resonance studies of free radical-mediated oxidative STRESS in BRAIN: Relevance to aging and Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurological disorders.
Biogenic amines in the BRAIN structures of rats from genetically diverse strains under STRESS
Cyclic nucleotide levels in the BRAIN of inbred mice in emotional STRESS exposure
… and buspirone on BRAIN monoamines and avoidance learning behavior in offspring rats in relation to the influence of maternal STRESS caused by subcutaneous …
Effect of Thyroxie and Propylthiouracil on the Responses of Plasma Corticosterone and BRAIN Norepinephrine to Swim-STRESS
STRESS systems in the BRAIN: molecules, nuclei and circuits
The effect of CRF antagonist on immobilization STRESS-induced increases in noradrenaline release in rat BRAIN regions
Effect of piracetam on free fatty acids in the BRAIN during immobilization STRESS.
Female spousal caregivers of traumatic BRAIN-injured husbands: An exploratory examination of the STRESS and coping process.
Dynamics of peroxidation of BRAIN tissue lipids in mice infected with influenza virus in the presence of immobilization STRESS
The effect of 1, 4-benzodiazepine derivatives on 35S-tert-butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding in the BRAIN of inbred mice with differing emotional STRESS reactions
Mechanisms of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN ischemia injury
Effect of cholinergic drugs, STRESS and locomotor activity on cyclic nucleotides in BRAIN and pituitary
STRESS Response and Ischemic Tolerance in the BRAIN
Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme spectrum in various areas of the reticular formation of the BRAIN in rats: the effect of emotional STRESS
Na+, K+-ATPase activity and potassium, sodium and calcium levels in the rat myocardium and BRAIN during pain-induced emotional STRESS
Biochemical changes in BRAIN catecholamines and serotonin during gastric ulcer induced by cold restraint STRESS in male albino rats
Noradrenaline metabolism in the BRAIN of young rats during formation of inherited STRESS-induced arterial hypertension
STRESS, the Aging BRAIN, and the Mechanisms of Neuron Death
BRAIN Lateralization in STRESS Reactions
Effect of alpha-tocopherol, pyridoxine and dexpanthenol on the STRESS in crease of nonesterified fatty acids levels in the BRAIN.
The effects of adrenaline, reserpine, and atropine on acetylcholine content of the BRAIN and peripheral ganglia in STRESS.
The dynamics of the BRAIN heat fields of rats in the late postresuscitation period during STRESS
Ultrastructure of the adrenaline-synthesizing neurons of group A1 in the rat BRAIN normally and under emotional STRESS
Experimental study of the effect of STRESS on penetration of influenza virus into the BRAIN.
BRAIN catecholamines in the early stage of emotional STRESS
BRAIN and Adrenal Metabolic Responses to STRESS (The Role of BRAIN Catecholamines in Regulation of Response to STRESS).
STRESS, The Aging BRAIN and the Mechanisms of Neuron Death
BRAIN Mechanisms Underlying Individual Differences in Reaction to STRESS: An Animal Model
Glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase and lactate dehydrogenase activity in different regions of developing rat BRAIN subjected to nutritional STRESS
Dopamine transport is altered by STRESS in mouse BRAIN
BRAIN degeneration induced by psychosocial STRESS
Hypophysial trophic hormone response to adrenalectomy and ether STRESS in rats bearing anterior pituitary tissue in third ventricle of the BRAIN.
Effect of STRESS factors on carboxypeptidase H activity in areas of the rat BRAIN
Letter to the editor Staff STRESS in Head Injury Rehabilitation; BRAIN Injury, 10 (2): 133-138
The effects of a multi-modal STRESS management training program on individuals with traumatic BRAIN injury.
Influence of Amines in the BRAIN and Gastric Wall on Development of STRESS Ulcers
Expression of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and apoptosis in the rat fetal BRAIN following maternal STRESS
Catecholamines and 5-hydroxytryptamine levels in the pig BRAIN: the effect of acute restraint STRESS
The state of BRAIN mitochondrial membranes in STRESS and its correction with drugs
BRAIN (hypothalamus) and adrenal hormones on the STRESS
BRAIN adrenoreceptors in rats with inherited arterial hypertension due to emotional STRESS
Coping style with STRESS and changes of noradrenaline turnover in the rat BRAIN regions.
Neuroendocrine disorders in contusion of the BRAIN in the adrenergic-corticoid stage of STRESS
Combined effects of prenatal STRESS and ethanol on BRAIN and behavioral development in B6D2F (2) mice.
BRAIN oxidative STRESS following zinc deficiency and hyperoxia exposure.
Preferred position of the BRAIN in thermoregulation during heat STRESS
Catecholamine content of the BRAIN in SHR and SHRSP under the immobilized STRESS
Individual differences in the reactions to acute STRESS related to behavioral types. The structural changes in the BRAIN
A brief review of the rôle of carbohydrate in relation to coronary heart disease, STRESS, neurotransmitters and BRAIN function
Effect of nonachlazine on BRAIN and myocardial noradrenaline content in normal rats and rats subjected to STRESS
The role of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in the actions of STRESS and antidepressant treatments
Protective action of Bio-normalizer against oxidative STRESS and BRAIN disorders
Effect of Immobilization STRESS on the Expression of Amyloid Precursor Protein in the Mouse BRAIN
Aging neurons–STRESS, the Aging BRAIN and the Mechanism of Neuron Death by Robert M. Sapolsky
Change of Cyclic Nucleotide in BRAIN of Rats induced by Acute STRESS
Influence of Water-Immersion STRESS on Catecholaminergic Systems in Rat BRAIN
The characteristics of the change in the catecholamine content of the BRAIN in inbred mouse strains under zoosocial STRESS
Thematic Staff Pressures Secondary to BRAIN Injury Exposure: The Question of STRESS and Burnout
Oxygen Transport in the Fetal BRAIN during Painful STRESS
Audiogenic STRESS and BRAIN serotonin behaviour.
Disorders in BRAIN levels of macroergic substances during chronic STRESS and their correction by psychotropic agents
Electron microscopic study of BRAIN tissue and EEG of mouse after acute heat STRESS
Catecholamine content in single BRAIN nuclei of August rats after immobilization STRESS.
Chronic STRESS and executive BRAIN functions in conduct disordered adolescents
Change in the activity of glycolytic enzymes in different areas of the albino rat BRAIN in dependence on the STRESS agent
Changes of angiotensin II contents in rat plasma, BRAIN, cardiovascular system and adrenal during STRESS
Effects of propofol on c-fos mRNA expression in the different regions of BRAIN following STRESS in rats
The effect of radioactive iodine on BRAIN acetylcholine and serotonin in normal and STRESS subjected rats
The effect of STRESS on aspects of the immune system in the rainbow trout, with observations on the mch neurones in the BRAIN
The prolonged electric stimulation of the BRAIN negative emotiogenic areas as a model of chronic emotional STRESS.
Decreased beta-adrenergic receptor binding in the rat’s BRAIN on the activity-STRESS paradigm
The effect of emotional STRESS on carboxypeptidase H activity in sections of the rat BRAIN with varying sensitivity to it
Oxidative phosphorylation in the BRAIN in myocardial necrosis. The effect of emotional STRESS
Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity in regions of the rat BRAIN possessing varying resistance to emotional STRESS, in health and in STRESS
Monoamine oxidase:(V) the MAO activity in rat BRAIN and STRESS
The Evaluation and Treatment of Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder and Acute STRESS Disorder After Traumatic BRAIN Injury
The role of catecholamines in various BRAIN nuclei in maintaining the stability of physiological functions in emotional STRESS
Molecular mechanisms of BRAIN-gut interactions under STRESS-HSC 70 gene expression by restraint water-immersion in rats
Interaction of genetic and environmental components in the determination of tryptophan hydroxylase activity in the mouse BRAIN in STRESS
BRAIN blood flow in post traumatic STRESS disorder: SPECT activation
Prolonged electrostimulation of the negative emotiogenic areas of the BRAIN as a model of chronic emotional STRESS
Volume Regulation of the in Vitro Blood-BRAIN Barrier by Osmoreactive Amino Acids during STRESS
Effect of noise STRESS on rat BRAIN histopathology, ultrastructure and neurotransmitter activity
A comparative analysis of learning and exploratory behavior in rats with different resistances to STRESS exposures and to the BRAIN monoamine level
Activity of soluble and membrane-bound forms of carboxypeptidase H in regions of the rat BRAIN in emotional STRESS
A Study of the Effects of Dopaminergic Manipulations and STRESS on Dynorphin Concentrations in MidBRAIN and ForeBRAIN Regions of Rat BRAIN
Amino Acid Effects on Post-STRESS Ulcers: Relationship to BRAIN Serotonin, 5-HIAA and Norepinephrine
STRESS-induced changes of the catecholamine levels in single BRAIN nuclei of rats differing in their open-field behaviour.
Aldosterone binding with corticosteroid BRAIN receptors in rats: Effect of behavioral typology and STRESS
Influence of STRESS of a maternal organism on the turnover of catecholamines in the BRAIN of early postnatal rats
Recent Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology: Functions of the Spinal Cord; Neurophysiological Investigations of BRAIN Diseases; EEG in STRESS
Interrelationship between amines level in BRAIN regions of fish, Oreochromis mossambicus during organophosphorus STRESS.
… of somatotropin and cyclic nucleotides and the state of protein metabolism in the BRAIN and myocardium during STRESS as well as in myocardial necrosis following STRESS
Influence of emotional-algic STRESS on the activity of carboxypeptidase H—An enzyme involved in processing rat BRAIN neuropeptides
Effect of ethanol on the levels of dopamine and its metabolites in the BRAIN of rats with different degree of sensitivity to STRESS
The problem of the influences of BRAIN cholinergic mechanisms on lipoprotein metabolism in disorders of heat exchange and in emotional STRESS
Effect of chronic psychogenic STRESS on the characteristics of synaptic membrane receptors in the rat BRAIN
… the role of BRAIN for the establishment of adaptation to the repeated immobilization STRESS. II. A role of the limbic-midBRAIN system in the repeated immobilization STRESS
Succinate dehydrogenase activity of the retina and occipital lobe of the BRAIN during emotional STRESS
Combined effects of high temperature and carbon monoxide on heat STRESS protein levels in rat BRAIN and viscera
The changes of psychological STRESS-induced behaviors, plasma corticosterone and levels of amino acids at BRAIN regions in rats
Effects of implantation of the Cholinergic Antagonists into Four Different BRAIN Areas on Neurogenic STRESS Response in Rats
… in closed loop intestinal obstruction in man. Effects of stepwise removal of BRAIN, midBRAIN section and frontal leucotomy in dogs after the same type of STRESS.
The effect of alcohol consumption on carboxypeptidase N activity in rat BRAIN during chronic emotional-painful STRESS
The effect of 1, 4-benzodiazepine derivatives on 35S-tert-butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding in the BRAIN of inbred mice with differing emotional STRESS reactions
Changes in corticosterone binding by receptors in various structures of the rat BRAIN during immobilization STRESS
Age-Related Phospholipid Hydroperoxide Levels in Gerbil BRAIN Measured by HPLC-Chemiluminescence Assay and Their Relation to Hydroxyl Radical STRESS …
The effect of ethanol on the activity of soluble and membrane-bound carboxypeptidase H in areas of the rat BRAIN during immobilization STRESS
Mg2+-ATPase activity of BRAIN mitochondria fractions in chronic STRESS and its correction by psychotropic agents
Effect of metabolic STRESS on the release of glutamic acid and GABA in the BRAIN tissue of Mongolian hamsters
5-HT1C/5-HT2 receptor blockade prevents 1-(2, 5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl) 2-aminopropane-, but not STRESS-induced increases in BRAIN tryptophan
Characteristics of cyanide-sensitive and cyanide-resistant respiration in the BRAIN in the presence of myocardial necrosis and the role of emotional STRESS in their origin
Swim STRESS-induced changes of opioid receptors in mice BRAIN and spinal cord
The effect of chronic ethanol treatement and cold STRESS on catecholaminergic enzyme activity and mRNA in rat BRAIN and adrenals
The Effect of Emotional STRESS on c-fos mRNA Expression in NOD Mouse BRAIN and Intra-islet Apoptosis
Studies on catecholamines in rat BRAIN (IV): the effect of cold STRESS on catechol-O-methyl
The effect of emotional-pain STRESS on the activity of carboxypeptidase N–the enzyme of neuropeptide processing in the rat BRAIN
Influence of predictable and unpredictable chronic STRESS on phosphorylation of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) in rat BRAIN
Effects of Cold and Hypoxic STRESS on Protein Metabolism, BRAIN Serotonin Concentration and Various Parameters of Thyroid Function.
Attenuating effects of morphine on STRESS-induced increases in noradrenaline turnover in rat BRAIN regions-Naloxone reversal and behavioral significance
Protective effect of nifedipine, cinnarizine and dilthiazem against STRESS elevation of nonesterified fatty acids in BRAIN.
Intracerebroventricular infusion of bactracin [sic] induces analgesia and increases BRAIN [beta]-endorphin: relationship to acute STRESS
Influence of predator STRESS on levels of IL-1?, IL-6 in BALB/C mice with BRAIN asymmetry
Effects of prenatal STRESS on the development of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) neurons of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) in the fetal rat BRAIN.
Immobilization STRESS affected free radicals, superoxide dismutase activity and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in the rat BRAIN
The effects of neonatal/juvenile heat STRESS and varying L-tryptophan levels on growth parameters, meat quality, and BRAIN neurotransmitter levels in turkeys
Influence of immobilization STRESS and raised temperature on the activity of cholinergic system enzymes in the BRAIN of carp fry (Cyprinus carpio)
Neuropsychological functioning in chronic Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder (PTSD) patients with and without comorbid history of traumatic BRAIN injury.
The ionic regulation of the receptor binding of S35-tert-butylbicyclophosphorothionate by BRAIN membranes in inbred mice with different emotional STRESS reactions
Elevated levels of arginine vasotocin in the BRAIN of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) from acid rain lakes: A field test of a potential biomarker for acid STRESS
Deamination of adenosine monophosphate in the rat BRAIN in hyperoxia, hypoxia, and cold STRESS
… on the activity of carboxypeptidase N and the angiotensin-converting enzyme in sections of the BRAIN of rats with differing normal emotionality and in emotional STRESS
Effect of food deprivation and certain types of STRESS on monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity of different BRAIN regions in rats and carp fry
The interrelationships between chronic restraint STRESS and reserpine sedation: effects on pituitary-adrenal function and BRAIN serotonin and norepinephrine levels in …
… the increase in cAMP response element and TPA responsive element DNA‐binding activity in the rabbit BRAIN following haloperidol administration and heat STRESS
Effects of STRESS, Circadian Rhythms, and Dietary Sodium on BRAIN Cell-Nuclear Uptake of Aldosterone and Corticosterone (Steroid Receptors)
… in BRAIN neurotransmitters and alterations in autonomic responses (Conner et al., 1971; Weiss et al, 1970). Ability to control the situation prevents physiological STRESS …
… and cloning of a novel STRESS protein, the 150 kDa Oxygen Regulated Protein (ORP150) from cultured astrocytes and its expression in ischmaic mouse BRAIN.
Hormones, BRAIN and STRESS.
Chronic dietary mercury exposure causes oxidative STRESS, BRAIN lesions, and altered behaviour in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr
Does STRESS damage the BRAIN?
Traumatic STRESS, BRAIN changes, and memory deficits: A critical note
Increased mitochondrial DNA deletion in the BRAIN of SAMP8, a mouse model for spontaneous oxidative STRESS BRAIN
STRESS, the BRAIN and depression
Oxidative STRESS, BRAIN white matter damage andintrauterine asphyxia in fetal lambs
Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN ischemia
BRAIN and behavior interface: STRESS and the developing BRAIN
Acetazolamide STRESS BRAIN-perfusion SPECT predicts the need for carotid shunting during carotid endarterectomy
STRESS, aging, and BRAIN oxidative damage
Structural and functional BRAIN changes in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Drug dependence: STRESS and dysregulation of BRAIN reward pathways.
The effects of neonatal STRESS on BRAIN development: implications for psychopathology
Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN aging: implications for therapeutics of neurodegenerative diseases
Bi-directional immune–BRAIN communication: Implications for understanding STRESS, pain, and cognition
Does STRESS damage the BRAIN?: Understanding trauma-related disorders from a mind-body perspective
STRESS, early BRAIN development, and behavior
Antioxidant potential of vitamins A, E and C in modulating oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Prenatal STRESS, glucocorticoids and the programming of the BRAIN
Animal models of social STRESS: effects on behavior and BRAIN neurochemical systems
Role of adrenal STRESS hormones in forming lasting memories in the BRAIN
The effects of STRESS and trauma on BRAIN and memory: A view from developmental cognitive neuroscience
Alterations induced by gestational STRESS in BRAIN morphology and behaviour of the offspring
Manganese exposure and induced oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Review of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN and spinal cord injury: suggestions for pharmacological and nutritional management strategies
Cytokines, STRESS and depressive illness: BRAIN‐immune interactions
Oxidative STRESS induced-neurodegenerative diseases: the need for antioxidants that penetrate the blood BRAIN barrier
Dysregulation of the right BRAIN: a fundamental mechanism of traumatic attachment and the psychopathogenesis of posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Amyloid β-peptide (1-42)-induced oxidative STRESS and neurotoxicity: implications for neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease BRAIN. A review
Relationship between acute STRESS disorder and posttraumatic STRESS disorder following mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Proteomics: a new approach to investigate oxidative STRESS in Alzheimer’s disease BRAIN
Acute STRESS increases permeability of the blood–BRAIN-barrier through activation of BRAIN mast cells
Psychological STRESS and the subsequent appearance of new BRAIN MRI lesions in MS
Adaptation to exercise-induced oxidative STRESS: from muscle to BRAIN
Increase of BRAIN oxidative STRESS in mild cognitive impairment: a possible predictor of Alzheimer disease
Mitochondrial dysfunction in schizophrenia: evidence for compromised BRAIN metabolism and oxidative STRESS
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury: can they co-exist?
Exposure to acute STRESS induces BRAIN interleukin-1β protein in the rat
Experimental hyperphenylalaninemia provokes oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
BRAIN imaging in posttraumatic STRESS disorder.
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder after severe traumatic BRAIN injury
BRAIN structures in pediatric maltreatment-related posttraumatic STRESS disorder: a sociodemographically matched study
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder in patients with traumatic BRAIN injury
Ginkgo biloba prevents mobile phone-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Elevated oxidative STRESS in models of normal BRAIN aging and Alzheimer’s disease
Parental STRESS and burden following traumatic BRAIN injury amongst children and adolescents
The BRAIN prolactin system: involvement in STRESS response adaptations in lactation
Ageing, STRESS and the BRAIN
Does STRESS damage the BRAIN? Understanding trauma-related disorders from a mind-body perspective
Amyloid β‐Peptide (1‐42) Contributes to the Oxidative STRESS and Neurodegeneration Found in Alzheimer Disease BRAIN
Induction of ΔFosB in reward-related BRAIN structures after chronic STRESS
Carboxyfullerene prevents iron‐induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
BRAIN-imaging studies of posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Rat BRAIN and liver mitochondria develop oxidative STRESS and lose enzymatic activities on aging
The expression of key oxidative STRESS-handling genes in different BRAIN regions in Alzheimer’s disease
BRAIN development, song learning and mate choice in birds: a review and experimental test of the” nutritional STRESS hypothesis”
Multiple feedback mechanisms activating corticotropin-releasing hormone system in the BRAIN during STRESS
Involvement of the BRAIN oxytocin system in STRESS coping: interactions with the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis
Two-year prospective evaluation of the relationship between acute STRESS disorder and posttraumatic STRESS disorder following mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Treating acute STRESS disorder following mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Postconcussive symptoms and posttraumatic STRESS disorder after mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Anxiety, STRESS, and cortical BRAIN function
BRAIN monoaminergic activity in rainbow trout selected for high and low STRESS responsiveness
Chronic STRESS‐induced effects of corticosterone on BRAIN: direct and indirect
Aluminum modulates BRAIN amyloidosis through oxidative STRESS in APP transgenic mice
Mapping BRAIN response to social STRESS in rodents with c-fos expression: a review
Involvement of oxidative STRESS-induced abnormalities in ceramide and cholesterol metabolism in BRAIN aging and Alzheimer’s disease
Chromium (VI) induces oxidative STRESS in the mouse BRAIN
Quality of early care and buffering of neuroendocrine STRESS reactions: Potential effects on the developing human BRAIN
Nitric oxide and cellular STRESS response in BRAIN aging and neurodegenerative disorders: the role of vitagenes
BRAIN morphometry in female victims of intimate partner violence with and without posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Mitochondrial calcium and oxidative STRESS as mediators of ischemic BRAIN injury
… and protein oxidation in Alzheimer’s disease BRAIN: potential causes and consequences involving amyloid β-peptide-associated free radical oxidative STRESS
Chronic social STRESS: effects on limbic BRAIN structures
STRESS hormones and BRAIN aging: adding injury to insult?
Docosahexaenoic acid abundance in the BRAIN: a biodevice to combat oxidative STRESS
Oxidative STRESS following traumatic BRAIN injury in rats: quantitation of biomarkers and detection of free radical intermediates
Glutathione depletion, lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial dysfunction are induced by chronic STRESS in rat BRAIN
Autophagy, proteasomes, lipofuscin, and oxidative STRESS in the aging BRAIN
Alterations in BRAIN antioxidant status, protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation in response to different STRESS models
Induction and adaptation of Fos expression in the rat BRAIN by two types of acute restraint STRESS
Corticotropin-releasing hormone and BRAIN mast cells regulate blood-BRAIN-barrier permeability induced by acute STRESS
Perturbations in BRAIN monoamine systems during STRESS
Voluntary exercise protects against STRESS-induced decreases in BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor protein expression
STRESS reactivity of the BRAIN noradrenergic system in three rat strains differing in their neuroendocrine and behavioral responses to STRESS: implications for …
Fast positive feedback between the adrenocortical STRESS response and a BRAIN mechanism involved in aggressive behavior.
Chronic STRESS induces the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in rat BRAIN cortex
Corticotropin-releasing factor and the BRAIN-gut motor response to STRESS
Neuroprotective role of melatonin in oxidative STRESS vulnerable BRAIN
III. STRESS-related alterations of gut motor function: role of BRAIN corticotropin-releasing factor receptors
Activation of Erk and JNK MAPK pathways by acute swim STRESS in rat BRAIN regions
Interaction of posttraumatic STRESS disorder and chronic pain following traumatic BRAIN injury
Immobilization STRESS-induced changes in BRAIN acetylcholinesterase activity and cognitive function in mice
Free radicals: key to BRAIN aging and heme oxygenase as a cellular response to oxidative STRESS
STRESS as a diagnostic challenge for postconcussive symptoms: sequelae of mild traumatic BRAIN injury or physiological STRESS response
STRESS-induced hyperphosphorylation of tau in the mouse BRAIN
Behavioral dysfunction, BRAIN oxidative STRESS, and impaired mitochondrial electron transfer in aging mice
Antioxidant activity of tannoid principles of Emblica officinalis (amla) in chronic STRESS induced changes in rat BRAIN
Adaptation in patterns of c‐fos expression in the BRAIN associated with exposure to either single or repeated social STRESS in male rats
Manufactured Nanomaterials (Fullerenes, C60) Induce Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of Juvenile Largemouth Bass
Intracerebroventricular injection of streptozotocin in rats produces both oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN and cognitive impairment
Depression and posttraumatic STRESS disorder at three months after mild to moderate traumatic BRAIN injury
Oxidative STRESS in the human BRAIN after subarachnoid hemorrhage
Treadmill exercise training augments BRAIN norepinephrine response to familiar and novel STRESS
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder and mild BRAIN injury: controversies, causes and consequences
Emotional STRESS and characteristics of BRAIN noradrenaline release in the rat
Sex differences in BRAIN maturation in maltreatment-related pediatric posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Protection against ischemic BRAIN injury by inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative STRESS
Social STRESS in tree shrews: effects on physiology, BRAIN function, and behavior of subordinate individuals
Cypermethrin-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN and liver is prevented by vitamin E or allopurinol
Coping style and post-traumatic STRESS disorder following severe traumatic BRAIN injury
The interplay between oxidative STRESS and BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor modulates the outcome of a saturated fat diet on synaptic plasticity and cognition
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder and psychosocial functioning after severe traumatic BRAIN injury
BRAIN oxytocin inhibits basal and STRESS-induced activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in male and female rats: partial action within the paraventricular …
BRAIN inflammation and oxidative STRESS in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer-like BRAIN amyloidosis
Assessment of antioxidant reserves and oxidative STRESS in cerebrospinal fluid after severe traumatic BRAIN injury in infants and children
Induction of oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN by acrylonitrile (ACN)
BRAIN circuits involved in corticotropin‐releasing factor‐norepinephrine interactions during STRESS
STRESS increases dynorphin immunoreactivity in limbic BRAIN regions and dynorphin antagonism produces antidepressant‐like effects
To die or not to die for neurons in ischemia, traumatic BRAIN injury and epilepsy: a review on the STRESS-activated signaling pathways and apoptotic pathways
Long-lasting effects of STRESS on glucocorticoid receptor gene expression in the rat BRAIN
Effects of chronic variate STRESS on feeding behavior and on monoamine levels in different rat BRAIN structures
Moderating effects of coping on the relationship between STRESS and the development of new BRAIN lesions in multiple sclerosis
Preclinical research on STRESS, memory, and the BRAIN in the development of pharmacotherapy for depression
STRESS and BRAIN angiotensin II receptors
Antioxidant effects of α tocopherol, ascorbic acid and L-methionine on lead induced oxidative STRESS to the liver, kidney and BRAIN in rats
Predictors of acute STRESS following mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Increased oxidative STRESS is associated with chronic intermittent hypoxia-mediated BRAIN cortical neuronal cell apoptosis in a mouse model of sleep apnea
Protective effect of vitamin E, β-carotene and N-acetylcysteine from the BRAIN oxidative STRESS induced in rats by lipopolysaccharide
Reversal of age-related learning deficits and BRAIN oxidative STRESS in mice with superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetics
Alterations in oxidative STRESS scavenger system in aging rat BRAIN and lymphocytes
Modulation of fibroblast growth factor-2 by STRESS and corticosteroids: from developmental events to adult BRAIN plasticity
Coping and STRESS in Canadian family caregivers of persons with traumatic BRAIN injuries
Effects of hormones and sex chromosomes on STRESS‐influenced regions of the developing pediatric BRAIN
Evaluation of the effect of STRESS on the blood–BRAIN barrier: critical role of the BRAIN perfusion time
The increase in TNF-α levels is implicated in NF-κB activation and inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in BRAIN cortex after immobilization STRESS
Matrix metalloproteinase inhibition prevents oxidative STRESS-associated blood–BRAIN barrier disruption after transient focal cerebral ischemia
The influence of traumatic BRAIN injury on acute STRESS disorder and post-traumatic STRESS disorder following motor vehicle accidents
Haloperidol-and clozapine-induced oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
The antioxidants α‐lipoic acid and N‐acetylcysteine reverse memory impairment and BRAIN oxidative STRESS in aged SAMP8 mice
Impaired inflammatory response and increased oxidative STRESS and neurodegeneration after BRAIN injury in interleukin‐6‐deficient mice
Quinolinic acid induces oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN synaptosomes
Preventive effect of several antioxidants after oxidative STRESS on rat BRAIN homogenates
Effects of prenatal STRESS on defensive withdrawal behavior and corticotropin releasing factor systems in rat BRAIN
Wall STRESS modulates BRAIN natriuretic peptide production in pressure overload cardiomyopathy
Posttraumatic STRESS and general diSTRESS among parents of children surviving a BRAIN tumor
Visualization of the antioxidative effects of melatonin at the mitochondrial level during oxidative STRESS‐induced apoptosis of rat BRAIN astrocytes
BRAIN angiotensin II, an important STRESS hormone: regulatory sites and therapeutic opportunities
… of the hsp27/p38MAPK STRESS pathway by mobile phone radiation in human endothelial cells: molecular mechanism for cancer-and blood-BRAIN barrier-related effects
Effects of vitamin E on oxidative STRESS and membrane fluidity in BRAIN of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
BRAIN oxytocin: differential inhibition of neuroendocrine STRESS responses and anxiety-related behaviour in virgin, pregnant and lactating rats
Synergy between methionine STRESS and chemotherapy in the treatment of BRAIN tumor xenografts in athymic mice
Inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in BRAIN cortex after acute restraint STRESS is regulated by nuclear factor κB‐mediated mechanisms
MAO inhibitors and oxidant STRESS in aging BRAIN tissue
Psychological STRESS-induced enhancement of BRAIN lipid peroxidation via nitric oxide systems and its modulation by anxiolytic and anxiogenic drugs in mice
Neuroprotection by S‐nitrosoglutathione of BRAIN dopamine neurons from oxidative STRESS
Long-term effects of prenatal STRESS on dopamine and glutamate receptors in adult rat BRAIN
Amyloid β-peptide [1-42]-associated free radical-induced oxidative STRESS and neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease BRAIN: Mechanisms and consequences
Single bout of exercise eliminates the immobilization-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Development of the cerebral cortex: XII. STRESS and BRAIN development: I
Signaling pathways in BRAIN involved in predisposition and pathogenesis of STRESS‐related disease: Genetic and kinetic factors affecting the MR/GR balance
Timecourse and corticosterone sensitivity of the BRAIN, pituitary, and serum interleukin-1β protein response to acute STRESS
P‐glycoprotein expression in rat BRAIN endothelial cells: evidence for regulation by transient oxidative STRESS
BRAIN Neuropeptide Υ (NPY) in STRESS and Alcohol Dependence
Regulated hypothermia reduces BRAIN oxidative STRESS after hypoxic-ischemia
Characterization of plasma magnesium concentration and oxidative STRESS following graded traumatic BRAIN injury in humans
Anxiolytic and anti-STRESS effects of BRAIN prolactin: improved efficacy of antisense targeting of the prolactin receptor by molecular modeling
Chronic STRESS, sense of belonging, and depression among survivors of traumatic BRAIN injury
… to the other large neutral amino acids, and in vulnerable subjects raises BRAIN serotonin activity, reduces cortisol concentration, and improves mood under STRESS
New Frontiers in STRESS Research Modulation of BRAIN Function.
Posttraumatic STRESS symptoms in children following orthopedic or traumatic BRAIN injury
Repeated exposure to social STRESS has long-term effects on indirect markers of dopaminergic activity in BRAIN regions associated with motivated behavior
Coexistence of posttraumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury: Towards a resolution of the paradox
Amyloid β-peptide and amyloid pathology are central to the oxidative STRESS and inflammatory cascades under which Alzheimer’s disease BRAIN exists
Nitric oxide and carbon monoxide in the BRAIN pathology of heat STRESS
Oxidative STRESS in Ca2+‐induced membrane permeability transition in BRAIN mitochondria
Acute STRESS disorder after mild traumatic BRAIN injury
STRESS-induced increase in blood–BRAIN barrier permeability in control and monosodium glutamate-treated rats
Aluminum-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN: response to combined administration of citric acid and HEDTA
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN tissue of laboratory mice with acute post insulin hypoglycemia
Effects of chronic restraint STRESS on feeding behavior and on monoamine levels in different BRAIN structures in rats
BRAIN angiotensin II modulates sympathoadrenal and hypothalamic pituitary adrenocortical activation during STRESS
Quetiapine attenuates the immobilization STRESS-induced decrease of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor expression in rat hippocampus
Effect of oxidative STRESS on BRAIN damage detected by MRI and in vivo 31P-NMR
Non-invasive and quantitative near-infrared haemoglobin spectrometry in the piglet BRAIN during hypoxic STRESS, using a frequency-domain multidistance instrument
Role of 5-HT2A receptors in the STRESS-induced down-regulation of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor expression in rat hippocampus
Effects of chronic mild STRESS (CMS) and imipramine administration, on spleen mononuclear cell proliferative response, serum corticosterone level and BRAIN …
Habitual physical activity facilitates STRESS-induced HSP72 induction in BRAIN, peripheral, and immune tissues
Corticostriatal BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor dysregulation in adult rats following prenatal STRESS
In vivo imaging of spontaneous ultraweak photon emission from a rat’s BRAIN correlated with cerebral energy metabolism and oxidative STRESS
BRAIN oxidative STRESS in animal models of accelerated aging and the age-related neurodegenerative disorders, Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease
Decreasing glutamate buffering capacity triggers oxidative STRESS and neuropil degeneration in the Drosophila BRAIN
Role of β‐carotene in ameliorating the cadmium‐induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN and testis
Posttraumatic STRESS symptomatology after childhood traumatic BRAIN injury
Apolipoprotein E deficiency promotes increased oxidative STRESS and compensatory increases in antioxidants in BRAIN tissue
Overlapping distributions of orexin/hypocretin‐and dopamine‐β‐hydroxylase immunoreactive fibers in rat BRAIN regions mediating arousal, motivation, and STRESS
Post-traumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury: A review of causal mechanisms, assessment, and treatment
Overview of the BRAIN polyamine-STRESS-response: regulation, development, and modulation by lithium and role in cell survival
Blood–BRAIN and spinal cord barriers in STRESS
STRESS induces activation of STRESS‐activated kinases in the mouse BRAIN
12/15-lipoxygenase is increased in Alzheimer’s disease: possible involvement in BRAIN oxidative STRESS
Delayed treatment with nimesulide reduces measures of oxidative STRESS following global ischemic BRAIN injury in gerbils
Oxidative STRESS–Dependent Release of Mitochondrial Cytochrome c after Traumatic BRAIN Injury
The influence of oxidative STRESS on the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) in different areas of the rabbit BRAIN.
Maternal corticosterone during lactation permanently affects BRAIN corticosteroid receptors, STRESS response and behaviour in rat progeny
Pentose phosphate pathway, glutathione-dependent enzymes and antioxidant defense during oxidative STRESS in diabetic rodent BRAIN and peripheral organs: effects …
BRAIN-derived-neurotrophic-factor (BDNF) STRESS response in rats bred for learned helplessness
Vasopressin released within the septal BRAIN area during swim STRESS modulates the behavioural STRESS response in rats
Fine topography of BRAIN areas activated by cold STRESS
The relative abilities of TCDD and its congeners to induce oxidative STRESS in the hepatic and BRAIN tissues of rats after subchronic exposure
Shift in the localization of sites of hydrogen peroxide production in BRAIN mitochondria by mitochondrial STRESS
Effects of neonatal handling on basal and STRESS-induced monoamine levels in the male and female rat BRAIN
Glutaric acid induces oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of young rats
The role of fundamental frequency and duration in the perception of linguistic STRESS by individuals with BRAIN damage
Mitochondrial oxidative STRESS after global BRAIN ischemia in rats
BRAIN monoamine receptors in a chronic unpredictable STRESS model in rats
Influence of estradiol, STRESS, and 5-HT2A agonist treatment on BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor expression in female rats
Mechanisms of action of nitric oxide in the BRAIN stem: role of oxidative STRESS
α2A and α2C‐adrenoceptor regulation in the BRAIN: α2A changes persist after chronic STRESS
Depression, STRESS and BRAIN function
Ca2+-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN mitochondria treated with the respiratory chain inhibitor rotenone
Haloperidol and clozapine, but not olanzapine, induces oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS induces axonal beading in cultured human BRAIN tissue
Comparative effects of TCDD, endrin, naphthalene and chromium (VI) on oxidative STRESS and tissue damage in the liver and BRAIN tissues of mice
Noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin: different effects of psychological STRESS on BRAIN biogenic amines in mice and rats
Chronic cold STRESS sensitizes BRAIN noradrenergic reactivity and noradrenergic facilitation of the HPA STRESS response in Wistar Kyoto rats
Hypothyroidism in the developing rat BRAIN is associated with marked oxidative STRESS and aberrant intraneuronal accumulation of neurofilaments
Effect of electroacupuncture on the STRESS-induced changes in BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor expression in rat hippocampus
Influence of maternal STRESS on fetal behavior and BRAIN development
Fibroblast growth factor homologous factors and the islet BRAIN-2 scaffold protein regulate activation of a STRESS-activated protein kinase
Elevation of BRAIN glutathione by γ‐glutamylcysteine ethyl ester protects against peroxynitrite‐induced oxidative STRESS
Expression of neuropeptide Y and cholecystokinin in the rat BRAIN by chronic mild STRESS
Effects of different kinds of acute STRESS on nerve growth factor content in rat BRAIN
BRAIN, behavior, mental STRESS, and the neurocardiac interaction
Traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder: a preliminary investigation of neuropsychological test results in PTSD secondary to motor vehicle accidents
Early social STRESS in female guinea pigs induces a masculinization of adult behavior and corresponding changes in BRAIN and neuroendocrine function
Induction of cyclooxygenase-2 accounts for restraint STRESS-induced oxidative status in rat BRAIN
Effects of transient loss of shear STRESS on blood–BRAIN barrier endothelium: role of nitric oxide and IL-6
Quantification of neurosteroids in rat plasma and BRAIN following swim STRESS and allopregnanolone administration using negative chemical ionization gas …
BRAIN concentrations of d-MDMA are increased after STRESS
Expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase mRNA in STRESS-related BRAIN areas after restraint in rats
… pattern of BRAIN c-fos mRNA induced by a component of fox odor, 2, 5-dihydro-2, 4, 5-trimethylthiazoline (TMT), in rats, suggests both systemic and processive STRESS …
Errors in diagnosing post-traumatic STRESS disorder after traumatic BRAIN injury
Comparison of the effects of L‐carnitine and acetyl‐L‐carnitine on carnitine levels, ambulatory activity, and oxidative STRESS biomarkers in the BRAIN of old rats
Differences between BRAIN structures in nuclear translocation and DNA binding of the glucocorticoid receptor during STRESS and the circadian cycle
Susceptibility of Lewis and Fischer rats to STRESS-induced worsening of TNB-colitis: protective role of BRAIN CRF
Activation of STRESS signaling molecules in bat BRAIN during arousal from hibernation
BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in STRESS and affective disorders
Prenatal STRESS alters BRAIN biogenic amine levels in primates
STRESS‐induced activation of the immediate early gene Arc (activity‐regulated cytoskeleton‐associated protein) is restricted to telencephalic areas in the rat BRAIN: relationship to …
Inhibition of BRAIN monoamine oxidase activity by the generation of hydroxyl radicals potential implications in relation to oxidative STRESS
BRAIN function in a patient with torture related post-traumatic STRESS disorder before and after fluoxetine treatment: a positron emission tomography provocation study
Localization of the heat‐shock protein Hsp70 to the synapse following hyperthermic STRESS in the BRAIN
Induction of oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN by the metabolites accumulating in maple syrup urine disease
Propionic and L-methylmalonic acids induce oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of young rats
Corticotropin-releasing factor, corticosteroids, STRESS, and sugar: energy balance, the BRAIN, and behavior
Heme oxygenase‐1: transducer of pathological BRAIN iron sequestration under oxidative STRESS
Interleukin-6 deficiency reduces the BRAIN inflammatory response and increases oxidative STRESS and neurodegeneration after kainic acid-induced seizures
Nitric oxide and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN and heart of normal rats treated with doxorubicin: role of aminoguanidine
Effect of propofol on oxidative STRESS in an in vitro model of anoxia-reoxygenation in the rat BRAIN
Orally administered melatonin reduces oxidative STRESS and proinflammatory cytokines induced by amyloid‐β peptide in rat BRAIN: a comparative, in vivo study versus …
Early life STRESS changes concentrations of neuropeptide Y and corticotropin-releasing hormone in adult rat BRAIN. Lithium treatment modifies these changes
BRAIN renin angiotensin system (RAS) in STRESS-induced analgesia and impaired retention
The cellular STRESS gene response in BRAIN
Pathways of neurosteroid biosynthesis in cell lines from human BRAIN: regulation of dehydroepiandrosterone formation by oxidative STRESS and β‐amyloid peptide
Regulation of α2A-adrenoceptor expression by chronic STRESS in neurons of the BRAIN stem
Induction of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN tissues of mice after subchronic exposure to 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
Contribution of sex and cellular context in the regulation of BRAIN corticosteroid receptors following restraint STRESS
Chronic STRESS conditions do explain posttraumatic BRAIN injury depression
Neutrophils do not contribute to infarction, oxidative STRESS, and NO synthase activity in severe BRAIN ischemia
Redox regulation in neurodegeneration and longevity: role of the heme oxygenase and HSP70 systems in BRAIN STRESS tolerance
Iron overload, oxidative STRESS, and axonal dystrophy in BRAIN disorders
Altered protein kinase a in BRAIN of learned helpless rats: effects of acute and repeated STRESS
Effects of Intraperitoneally Administered Lipoic Acid, Vitamin E, and Linalool on the Level of Total Lipid and Fatty Acids in Guinea Pig BRAIN with Oxidative STRESS Induced by H2O …
The modulatory effects of ellagic acid and vitamin E succinate on TCDD‐induced oxidative STRESS in different BRAIN regions of rats after subchronic exposure
Electroacupuncture reduces STRESS-induced expression of c-fos in the BRAIN of the rat
Influence of aging and social isolation on changes in BRAIN monoamine turnover and biosynthesis of rats elicited by novelty STRESS
Indications for a BRAIN‐hair follicle axis: inhibition of keratinocyte proliferation and up‐regulation of keratinocyte apoptosis in telogen hair follicles by STRESS and …
Restraint STRESS modulates BRAIN, pituitary and adrenal expression of angiotensin II AT1A, AT1B and AT2 receptors
BRAIN mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2): a protective STRESS signal in neuronal injury
STRESS-induced changes in BRAIN serotonergic activity, plasma cortisol and aggressive behavior in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) is counteracted by L-DOPA
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury: are they mutually exclusive?
… tyrosine, and o, o′-dityrosine in BRAIN tissue of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine-treated mice, a model of oxidative STRESS in Parkinson’s disease
Neurorehabilitation for two cases of post-traumatic STRESS disorder following traumatic BRAIN injury
Dehydroepiandrosterone metabolism by 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5-Δ4 isomerase in adult zebra finch BRAIN: sex difference and rapid effect of STRESS
Membrane ion transport systems during oxidative STRESS in rodent BRAIN: protective effect of stobadine and other antioxidants
BRAIN and liver mitochondria isolated from diabeticGoto‐Kakizaki rats show different susceptibility to induced oxidative STRESS
In vivo and in vitro effects of proline on some parameters of oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Assessment of oxidative STRESS in the spontaneously hypertensive rat BRAIN using electron spin resonance (ESR) imaging and in vivo L-Band ESR
STRESS does not enable pyridostigmine to inhibit BRAIN cholinesterase after parenteral administration
Relationship between learning, STRESS and hippocampal BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor
Changes in STRESS and burden in families seeking therapy following traumatic BRAIN injury: a follow-up study.
Regional distribution of heme oxygenase, HSP70, and glutathione in BRAIN: relevance for endogenous oxidant/antioxidant balance and STRESS tolerance
Effect of a chronic STRESS on CRF neuronal activity and expression of its type 1 receptor in the rat BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS is induced in the rat BRAIN following repeated inhalation exposure to manganese sulfate
Predicting family adaptation from BRAIN injury-related family STRESS
Application of in vivo EPR in BRAIN research: monitoring tissue oxygenation, blood flow, and oxidative STRESS
Urocortin III, a BRAIN neuropeptide of the corticotropin‐releasing hormone family: modulation by STRESS and attenuation of some anxiety‐like behaviours
Regulation of monoamine receptors in the BRAIN: dynamic changes during STRESS
Neurological, cognitive and attributional predictors of posttraumatic STRESS symptoms after traumatic BRAIN injury
Attenuating effects of the isolated rearing condition on increased BRAIN serotonin and dopamine turnover elicited by novelty STRESS
Chronic morphine sensitizes the BRAIN norepinephrine system to corticotropin-releasing factor and STRESS
Ginkgo biloba normalises STRESS-elevated alterations in BRAIN catecholamines, serotonin and plasma corticosterone levels
APP and PS-1 mutations induce BRAIN oxidative STRESS independent of dietary cholesterol: implications for Alzheimer’s disease
Effects of cortisol on BRAIN alpha2-adrenoceptors: potential role in STRESS
Indicators of glial activation and BRAIN oxidative STRESS after intraventricular infusion of endotoxin
Intermale competition in sexually mature arctic charr: effects on BRAIN monoamines, endocrine STRESS responses, sex hormone levels, and behavior
STRESS response to hypoxia in gerbil BRAIN: HO-1 and Mn SOD expression and glial activation
Alterations in BRAIN activation in posttraumatic STRESS disorder patients with severe hyperarousal symptoms and impulsive aggressiveness
Early adoption modifies the effects of prenatal STRESS on dopamine and glutamate receptors in adult rat BRAIN
Heart rate and skin conductance reactivity to brief psychological STRESS in BRAIN-injured patients
Simultaneous assessment of BRAIN tissue oxygenation and cerebral perfusion during orthostatic STRESS
Gender differences in the regulation of 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in rat BRAIN and sensitivity to neurosteroid-mediated STRESS protection
Expression of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and its receptors in the median eminence cells with sensitivity to STRESS
Ischemia/reperfusion-induced oxidative STRESS causes structural changes of BRAIN membrane proteins and lipids
Oxidative STRESS in liver and BRAIN of the hatchling chicken (Gallus domesticus) following in ovo injection with TCDD
Intraamniotic ethyl docosahexaenoate administration protects fetal rat BRAIN from ischemic STRESS
BRAIN vasopressin is involved in STRESS-induced suppression of immune function in the rat
Cognitive performance during a simulated climb of Mount Everest: implications for BRAIN function and central adaptive processes under chronic hypoxic STRESS
Amyloid-β induces chemotaxis and oxidant STRESS by acting at formylpeptide receptor 2, a G protein-coupled receptor expressed in phagocytes and BRAIN
Amino acid and protein requirements: cognitive performance, STRESS and BRAIN function
Nerve growth factor BRAIN concentration and STRESS: changes depend on type of STRESSor and age
… maze is associated with the suppression of STRESS-induced c-Fos in the hippocampus and increases in c-Fos induction in several other STRESS-sensitive BRAIN …
Effects of oxidative STRESS on phospholipid signaling in rat cultured astrocytes and BRAIN slices
Brief report: Prevalence of post-traumatic STRESS disorder symptoms after severe traumatic BRAIN injury in a representative community sample
Post-traumatic STRESS disorder in children following road traffic accidents: a comparison of those with and without mild traumatic BRAIN injury
STRESS, learned helplessness, and BRAIN interleukin-1β
The ability to effect intended STRESS following traumatic BRAIN injury
Usefulness of low-dose dobutamine STRESS echocardiography for evaluating reversibility of BRAIN death–induced myocardial dysfunction
Effect of Annooa muricata and Polyalthia cerasoides on BRAIN neurotransimitters and enzyme monoamine oxidase following cold immobilization STRESS
Prevention of endoplasmic reticulum STRESS-induced cell death by BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in cultured cerebral cortical neurons
Elevated resting heart rate as a predictor of posttraumatic STRESS disorder after severe traumatic BRAIN injury
Glial fibrillary acidic protein is greatly modified by oxidative STRESS in aceruloplasminemia BRAIN
Effects of social STRESS on hormones, BRAIN, and behavior
The effects of performance enhancement training on hypertension, human attention, STRESS, and BRAIN wave patterns: A case study
Protective melatonin effect on oxidative STRESS induced by okadaic acid into rat BRAIN
Effects of manganese (Mn) on the developing rat BRAIN: oxidative-STRESS related endpoints
Prolactin prevents acute STRESS-induced hypocalcemia and ulcerogenesis by acting in the BRAIN of rat
The role of antioxidant enzymes in TCDD-induced oxidative STRESS in various BRAIN regions of rats after subchronic exposure
Alterations in glucose metabolism by cyclosporine in rat BRAIN slices link to oxidative STRESS: interactions with mTOR inhibitors
Oxidative STRESS decreases pHi and Na+/H+ exchange and increases excitability of solitary complex neurons from rat BRAIN slices
STRESS and your shrinking BRAIN
Heat STRESS, even extreme, does not induce penetration of pyridostigmine into the BRAIN of guinea pigs.
… locus coeruleus in the handling STRESS-induced increase in the release of noradrenaline in the medial prefrontal cortex: a dual-probe microdialysis study in the rat BRAIN
Neuroimaging studies reveal BRAIN changes in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
… tegmental area in the handling STRESS-induced increase in the release of dopamine in the medial prefrontal cortex: a dual-probe microdialysis study in the rat BRAIN
Protective effect of vegetable extracts on oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of mice administered with NMDA
Sexual responses to intrauterine STRESS: body and BRAIN growth
Influence of free radical inducer on the level of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of rats with fluorosis
Ageing and exposure to oxidative STRESS in vivo differentially affect cellular levels of PrPc in mouse cerebral microvessels and BRAIN parenchyma
Repeated isolation STRESS in the neonatal rat: relation to BRAIN dopamine systems in the 10-day-old rat.
BRAIN environment interactions: STRESS, posttraumatic STRESS disorder, and the need for a postmortem BRAIN collection
From BRAIN to blood: alternative splicing evidence for the cholinergic basis of mammalian STRESS responses
Rat BRAIN Type II 5′‐Iodothyronine Deiodinase Activity Is Extremely Sensitive to STRESS
Induction of STRESS response and differential expression of 70 kDa STRESS proteins by sodium fluoride in HeLa and rat BRAIN tumor 9L cells
No specific BRAIN protection against thermal STRESS in fever
Hydroxytamoxifen protects against oxidative STRESS in BRAIN mitochondria
BRAIN interleukin-1 is involved in blood interleukin-6 response to immobilization STRESS in rats
No STRESS response of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in parturient rats: lack of involvement of BRAIN oxytocin
Neurocardiac interaction during STRESS-induced myocardial ischemia: how does the BRAIN cope?
Effects of high fluoride and low iodine on oxidative STRESS and antioxidant defense of the BRAIN in offspring rats
Ischemia-reperfusion-related repair deficit after oxidative STRESS: implications of faulty transcripts in neuronal sensitivity after BRAIN injury
Kinetics of the neuroinflammation-oxidative STRESS correlation in rat BRAIN following the injection of fibrillar amyloid-β onto the hippocampus in vivo
BRAIN oxidative STRESS-analytical chemistry and thermodynamics of glutathione and NADPH
Nitronyl nitroxides, a novel group of protective agents against oxidative STRESS in endothelial cells forming the blood− BRAIN barrier
Retinal endothelial cells are more susceptible to oxidative STRESS and increased permeability than BRAIN-derived endothelial cells
Taurine prevents acrylonitrile-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Effect of chronic variate STRESS on thiobarbituric-acid reactive species and on total radical-trapping potential in distinct regions of rat BRAIN
Acute and repeated restraint STRESS have little effect on pyridostigmine toxicity or BRAIN regional cholinesterase inhibition in rats
The effect of acute restraint STRESS on regional BRAIN neurotransmitter levels in STRESS‐susceptible pietrain pigs
Developmental regulation of the BRAIN polyamine-STRESS-response
Oxidative STRESS in preterm rat BRAIN is due to mitochondrial dysfunction
MPP+ Induces the Endoplasmic Reticulum STRESS Response in Rabbit BRAIN Involving Activation of the ATF-6 and NF-κB Signaling Pathways
The Effects of STRESS on BRAIN Function
Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN during experimental bacterial meningitis: differential effects of α-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone and N-acetylcysteine treatment
STRESS-induced dynamic changes in mouse BRAIN polyamines. Role in behavioral reactivity
Induction of Cytotoxic Oxidative STRESS by d-Alanine in BRAIN Tumor Cells Expressing Rhodotorula gracilis d-Amino Acid Oxidase: A Cancer Gene Therapy Strategy
Acute STRESS increases thyroid hormone levels in rat BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS‐induced metabolic alterations in rat BRAIN astrocytes studied by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy
Anatomical and functional evidence for a STRESS-responsive, monoamine-accumulating area in the dorsomedial hypothalamus of adult rat BRAIN
Influence of surgical pain STRESS on the blood-BRAIN barrier permeability in rats
Osmotic STRESS increases BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor messenger RNA expression in the hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus with differential regulation of its …
Mediating the relationship between injury, impairment and disability: A vulnerability, STRESS and coping model of adaptation following BRAIN injury
Decreased endothelial cell glutathione and increased sensitivity to oxidative STRESS in an in vitro blood–BRAIN barrier model system
Induction of oxidative STRESS by L‐2‐hydroxyglutaric acid in rat BRAIN
Delta sleep inducing peptide (DSIP): effect on respiration activity in rat BRAIN mitochondria and STRESS protective potency under experimental hypoxia
TNF‐α accounts for short‐term persistence of oxidative status in rat BRAIN after two weeks of repeated STRESS
Differential effects of psychological STRESS on activation of the 5-hydroxytryptamine-and dopamine-containing neurons in the BRAIN of freely moving rats
Induction of the STRESS response after inflicted and non-inflicted traumatic BRAIN injury in infants and children
Pivotal role of attractin in cell survival under oxidative STRESS in the zitter rat BRAIN with genetic spongiform encephalopathy
Inhibition of rat BRAIN Na+, K+-ATPase activity induced by homocysteine is probably mediated by oxidative STRESS
Effects of 2 hrs restraint STRESS on BRAIN serotonin metabolism and memory in rats
Effects of photoperiod on BRAIN corticosteroid receptors and the STRESS response in the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
IL-6 deficiency leads to reduced metallothionein-I+ II expression and increased oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN stem after 6-aminonicotinamide treatment
Gene expression of α‐endosulfine in the rat BRAIN: correlative changes with aging, learning and STRESS
Effect of S-adenosyl-L-methionine on rat BRAIN oxidative STRESS damage in a combined model of permanent focal ischemia and global ischemia-reperfusion
Neuroprotective effect of maltol against oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of mice challenged with kainic acid
The combined effects of pyridostigmine and chronic STRESS on BRAIN cortical and blood acetylcholinesterase, corticosterone, prolactin and alternation performance in …
Metabolic impairment elicits BRAIN cell type‐selective changes in oxidative STRESS and cell death in culture
Met-enkephalin modulates resistance to oxidative STRESS in mouse BRAIN
Is the spatial distribution of BRAIN lesions associated with closed-head injury in children predictive of subsequent development of posttraumatic STRESS disorder?
Measurement of oxidative STRESS in the rodent BRAIN using computerized electron spin resonance tomography
Localization of α1B-adrenergic receptor in female rat BRAIN regions involved in STRESS and neuroendocrine function
Transabdominal near infrared oximetry of hypoxic STRESS in fetal sheep BRAIN in utero
BRAIN N-acetyl aspartate concentrations measured by 1H MRS are reduced in adult male rats subjected to perinatal STRESS: preliminary observations and hypothetical …
… and 4-(N-methyl-N-nitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone on mitochondrial glutathione S-transferase A4-4 induction and increased oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Caesarean section birth produces long term changes in dopamine D1 receptors and in STRESS-induced regulation of D3 and D4 receptors in the rat BRAIN
Angiotensin II AT1 Receptor Blockade Decreases BRAIN Artery Inflammation in a STRESS‐Prone Rat Strain
Effect of starvation and insulin-induced hypoglycemia on oxidative STRESS scavenger system and electron transport chain complexes from rat BRAIN, liver, and kidney
Aspirin inhibits STRESS-induced increase in plasma glutamate, BRAIN oxidative damage and ATP fall in rats
Does STRESS damage the BRAIN?
… of Vietnamese ginseng saponin and its major component majonoside-R2 on psychological STRESS-induced enhancement of lipid peroxidation in the mouse BRAIN
Effect of acute noise STRESS on acetylcholinesterase activity in discrete areas of rat BRAIN
Effect of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors on oxidative STRESS evoked hydroxyl radical level and macromolecules oxidation in cell free system of rat BRAIN cortex
An evaluation of neurobehavioural problems as perceived by family members and levels of family STRESS 1–3 years following traumatic BRAIN injury in Japan
Vitamin E but not Hippophea rhamnoides L. prevented nicotine-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Effect of oxidative STRESS on the uptake of GABA and glutamate in synaptosomes isolated from diabetic rat BRAIN
The invisible epidemic: Post-traumatic STRESS disorder, memory and the BRAIN
Effects of chronic administration of S-adenosyl-L-methionine on BRAIN oxidative STRESS in rats
Region-Specific Regulation of RGS4 (Regulator of G-Protein–Signaling Protein Type 4) in BRAIN by STRESS and Glucocorticoids: In Vivo and In VitroStudies
STRESS-induced tau phosphorylation in mouse strains with different BRAIN Erk 1+ 2 immunoreactivity
Moderate hypothermia prevents BRAIN stem oxidative STRESS injury after hemorrhagic shock
Effects of gender and STRESS on the regulation of steroid receptor coactivator-1 expression in the rat BRAIN and pituitary
Effects of birth insult and STRESS at adulthood on excitatory amino acid receptors in adult rat BRAIN
Indicators of oxidative STRESS in aging rat BRAIN. The effect of nerve growth factor
Protein oxidation and enzyme susceptibility in white and gray matter with in vitro oxidative STRESS: relevance to BRAIN injury from intracerebral hemorrhage.
Cold water swim STRESS increases the expression of neurotensin mRNA in the lateral hypothalamus and medial preoptic regions of the rat BRAIN
Differential expression of c-fos mRNA and Fos protein in the rat BRAIN after restraint STRESS or pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures
Geldanamycin induction of grp78 requires activation of reactive oxygen species via ER STRESS responsive elements in 9L rat BRAIN tumour cells
Effects of hypoxia on STRESS proteins in the piglet BRAIN at birth
BRAIN and hepatic Hsp70 protein levels in heat-acclimated broiler chickens during heat STRESS
Hong Kong family caregivers’ STRESS and coping for people with BRAIN injury
BRAIN 5-HT1A receptors as important mediators in the development of STRESS adaptation
STRESS protein inductions after BRAIN ischemia.
Fire-related post-traumatic STRESS disorder: BRAIN 1H-MR spetroscopic findings
The prevalence and neuropsychiatric correlates of posttraumatic STRESS symptoms following mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Attenuated transcriptional responses to oxidative STRESS in the aged rat BRAIN
Effects of anoxic STRESS on prostaglandin H synthase isoforms in piglet BRAIN
Hemoglobin and iron-evoked oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN: Protection by bile pigments, managanese and S-nitrosoglutathione
Measurement of oxidative STRESS in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat BRAIN using in vivo electron spin resonance spectroscopy
A possible mechanism for the action of adrenomedullin in BRAIN to stimulate STRESS hormone secretion
BRAIN oxidative damage following acute immobilization and mild emotional STRESS
… is selectively mediated by Ca2+-permeable alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptors involving oxidative STRESS following BRAIN ischemia in rat …
Formation mechanisms of STRESS adaptation: role of functional coupling of glucocorticoids and BRAIN serotonergic nervous system
Heat shock treatment protects osmotic STRESS–induced dysfunction of the blood-BRAIN barrier through preservation of tight junction proteins
Genetic functional inactivation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase affects STRESS-related Fos expression in specific BRAIN regions
Prevention of the STRESS-induced increase in the concentration of neuroactive steroids in rat BRAIN by long-term administration of mirtazapine but not of fluoxetine
Oxidative STRESS in the human fetal BRAIN: an immunohistochemical study
BRAIN oxytocin augments STRESS-induced long-lasting plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone elevation in rats
STRESS response caused by chronic alcohol intake in aged rat BRAIN
Antagonism by pivagabine of STRESS-induced changes in GABAA receptor function and corticotropin-releasing factor concentrations in rat BRAIN
Increase in monoamine levels caused by emotional STRESS in mice BRAIN regions is attenuated by Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to
Relationship between BRAIN natriuretic peptide, myocardial wall STRESS, and ventricular arrhythmia severity
Birth insult and STRESS interact to alter dopamine transporter binding in rat BRAIN
Intrinsic optical signals in respiratory BRAIN stem regions of mice: neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and metabolic STRESS
Differential effects of STRESS on presynaptic and postsynaptic 5-hydroxytryptamine-1A receptors in the rat BRAIN: an in vitro electrophysiological study
Chronic intermittent STRESS does not differentially alter BRAIN corticosteroid receptor densities in rats prenatally exposed to ethanol
C-fos expression in rat BRAIN during heat STRESS
Chronic STRESS effects on adenine nucleotide hydrolysis in the blood serum and BRAIN structures of rats
Changes in oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN during post-cardiac arrest reperfusion, and the effect of treatment with the free radical scavenger idebenone
Inhibitory effects of catecholamines and maternal STRESS on aromatase activity in the fetal rat BRAIN
STRESS in the BRAIN: implications for treatment of depression
Recommendations for the revision of DSM-IV diagnostic categories for co-morbid posttraumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury
Genetic targeting of the BRAIN renin‐angiotensin system in transgenic rats: Impact on STRESS‐induced renin release
… c-Jun N-terminal kinase/STRESS-activated protein kinase and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction pathways in the mouse BRAIN upon infection with …
Altered expression of p53 mRNA in the BRAIN and pituitary during repeated immobilization STRESS: negative correlation with glucocorticoid receptor mRNA levels
Effect of blockade of corticotropin-releasing factor receptors in the median raphe nucleus on STRESS-induced c-fos mRNA in the rat BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS in the fetal lamb BRAIN following intermittent umbilical cord occlusion: a path analysis
Differential responses of BRAIN, liver, and muscle glycogen to opiates and surgical STRESS
Systemic administration of the potent mGlu8 receptor agonist (S)-3, 4-DCPG induces c-Fos in STRESS-related BRAIN regions in wild-type, but not mGlu8 receptor …
Effects of STRESS on the BRAIN function
Sex differences in chronic STRESS effects on cognitive function and BRAIN neurochemistry
Effect of imipramine on BRAIN D-1 and 5-HT-2A receptors in a chronic unpredictable STRESS model in rats.
STRESS, depression, and inherited variation in primate hippocampal and prefrontal BRAIN development.
Quantitative study of hypoxia STRESS in piglet BRAIN by IQ phase modulation oximetry
BRAIN isoprostanes: a marker of lipid peroxidation and oxidative STRESS in AD
Synaptosomes isolated from Goto-Kakizaki diabetic rat BRAIN exhibit increased resistance to oxidative STRESS: role of vitamin E
Effect of repeated STRESS on the antioxidant activities of BRAIN
STRESS inoculation training for impulsive behaviors in adults with traumatic BRAIN injury
… of vasopressin V1A, angiotensin AT1 and AT2 receptor distribution and density in normotensive and hypertensive rat BRAIN stem and kidney: effects of restraint STRESS
Transcripts of damaged genes in the BRAIN during cerebral oxidative STRESS
Regulation of CCK mRNA expression in the rat BRAIN by STRESS and treatment with sertraline, a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor
Evaluation of 3-nitrotyrosine as a marker for 3-nitropropionic acid-induced oxidative STRESS in Lewis and Wistar rats and strain-specific whole BRAIN spheroid cultures
Ixeris dentata extract maintains glutathione concentrations in mouse BRAIN tissue under oxidative STRESS induced by kainic acid
Role of the BRAIN heme oxygenase-carbon monoxide pathway in STRESS fever in rats
Effect of rpoS mutations on STRESS-resistance and invasion of BRAIN microvascular endothelial cells in Escherichia coli K1
Effect of unpredictable STRESS on cognition and BRAIN acetylcholinesterase activity in adult and aged mice
Effect of immobilization STRESS on BRAIN polyamine levels in spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar-Kyoto rats
Oxidative STRESS and inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation induced by peroxynitrite and nitrite in rat BRAIN subcellular fractions
6-Hydroxymelatonin protects against cyanide induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN homogenates
Effect of chronic intermittent immobilization STRESS on Fos-like immunoreactivity in rat BRAIN and adrenal medulla
BRAIN-immune interactions in STRESS–the impact of hormones on disease
Chinese medicine Banxia‐houpu decoction regulates c‐fos expression in the BRAIN regions in chronic mild STRESS model in rats
Effect of dietary zinc deficiency on BRAIN metallothionein-I and-III mRNA levels during STRESS and inflammation
Increased maternal corticosterone levels in rats: effects on BRAIN 5-HT1A receptors and behavioral coping with STRESS in adult offspring.
Psychosocial STRESS induces molecular and structural alterations in the BRAIN-How animal experiments help to understand pathomechanisms of depressive illnesses
Effects of ethanol on the STRESS-induced expression of NGFI-A mRNA in the rat BRAIN
Effects of kainate-mediated excitotoxicity on the expression of rat counterparts of A170 and MSP23 STRESS proteins in the BRAIN
Effect of bromazepam on STRESS-induced gastric ulcer in rats and its relation to BRAIN neurotransmitters
STRESS during pregnancy and fetal BRAIN development
Prenatal morphine exposure differentially alters TH-immunoreactivity in the STRESS-sensitive BRAIN circuitry of adult male and female rats
Acute and chronic restraint STRESS: effects on [125I]-galanin binding in normotensive and hypertensive rat BRAIN
Effects of Acute, Repeated and Chronic Variable STRESS on In Vivo Tyrosine Hydroxylase Activity and on α2-adrenoceptor Sensitivity in the Rat BRAIN
Effect of Xiaoyao powder on changes of relative BRAIN zone CRF gene expression in chronic restrained STRESS rats
STRESS-induced c-fos expression in the rat BRAIN is individual-typological depedent
… expression of vasopressin, oxytocin and corticotrophin‐releasing hormone messenger RNA in the paraventricular nucleus of the prairie vole BRAIN following STRESS
Antagonism of central CRF systems mediates STRESS-induced changes in noradrenaline and serotonin turnover in rat BRAIN regions
Acute STRESS induces a differential increase of 5-HT-moduline (LSAL) tissue content in various rat BRAIN areas
Delta-sleep inducing peptide (DSIP) and ACTH (4-10) analogue influence fos-induction in the limbic structures of the rat BRAIN under emotional STRESS
Polyamine levels in BRAIN and plasma after acute restraint or water-immersion restraint STRESS in mice
Walker‐256 tumor growth causes oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Contradictory Effects of Sodium Nitroprusside and S‐Nitroso‐N‐Acetylpenicillamine on Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN Dopamine Neurons in Vivo
Involvement of BRAIN endogenous cholecystokinin in STRESS-induced impairment of spatial recognition memory
Expression of the c-fos gene in spinal cord and BRAIN cells in rats subjected to STRESS in conditions of exposure to various types of halothane anesthesia
Protectins Effects of Vitamin E against Immobilization STRESS-Induced Oxidative Damage in Rat BRAIN
Influence of immobilization STRESS on the expression and phosphatase activity of protein phosphatase 2A in the rat BRAIN
The effect of fluid shear STRESS on ICAM-1 expression of rat BRAIN microvascular endothelial cells
BRAIN region linked to post-terror STRESS
The immunohistochemical expression of STRESS-response protein (srp) 60 in human BRAIN tumours: relationship of srp 60 to the other five srps, proliferating cell nuclear …
Immune STRESS activates putative nitric oxide‐producing neurons in rat BRAIN: Cumulative effects with restraint
STRESS-induced decrement in the plasticity of the physical properties of chick BRAIN membranes
Phospholipid pool, lipid peroxidation, and superoxide dismutase activity under various types of oxidative STRESS of the BRAIN and the effect of low-energy infrared laser …
Autoradiographic evidence of delta-opioid receptor downregulation after prenatal STRESS in offspring rat BRAIN
Age-independent, gray matter-localized, BRAIN-enhanced oxidative STRESS in male fischer 344 rats: BRAIN levels of F2-isoprostanes and F4-neuroprostanes
Inhibition of BRAIN protein kinase C attenuates immobilization STRESS-induced plasma corticosterone levels in mice
Effect of emotional STRESS in pregnant rats on BRAIN development of their progeny
Sucrose-diet feeding induces gene expression of heat shock protein in rat BRAIN under STRESS
Alterations of BRAIN monoamine levels in pigs exposed to acute immobilization STRESS
BRAIN Oxidative markers in STRESS: possible new drug targets against neuroinflammation
Airpuff startle STRESS elicited fos expression in BRAIN cardiovascular areas of young SHR and WKY rats
Gene c-Fos expression in BRAIN of rats resistant and predisposed to emotional STRESS after intraperitoneal injection of the ACTH (4-10) analog–semax
[23] Metallothionein expression and oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN
Disulfiram augments oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN following bilateral carotid artery occlusion
nfluence of Gammakdaejo-Tang on BRAIN Fos-liks immunoreacivity in response to immobilization STRESS in ovariectomized rats
… of adrenomedullin and its receptor components mRNAs expression in the BRAIN stem and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis of STRESS-induced hypertensive rats.
Alzheimer’s Aβ1–40 Peptide Modulates Lipid Synthesis in Neuronal Cultures and Intact Rat Fetal BRAIN Under Normoxic and Oxidative STRESS Conditions
Attenuation of 8-OH-DPAT-induced decreases in 5-HT synthesis in BRAIN regions of rats adapted to a repeated STRESS schedule
The development of a posttraumatic STRESS disorder BRAIN collection
Regional serotonin metabolism under basal and restraint STRESS conditions in the BRAIN of transgenic mice with impaired glucocorticoid receptor function
Postischemic temperature as a modulator of the STRESS response in BRAIN: dissociation of heat shock protein 72 induction from ischemic tolerance after bilateral carotid …
Whole BRAIN STRESS test using caffeine: effects on fMRI and SWI at 3T
Perinatal asphyxia exerts lifelong effects on neuronal responsiveness to STRESS in specific BRAIN regions in the rat
Influence of a 1-h immobilization STRESS on sleep and CLIP (ACTH18–39) BRAIN contents in adrenalectomized rats
Applied psychophysiology, clinical biofeedback, and rehabilitation neuropsychology: a case study—mild traumatic BRAIN injury and post-traumatic STRESS disorder
Expression of mRNA and proteins for testicular steroidogenic enzymes and BRAIN and pituitary mRNA for glutamate receptors in rats exposed to immobilization STRESS
Effect of emotional STRESS experienced by female rats before pregnancy on BRAIN development in their offspring
The effect of oxidative STRESS on BRAIN nitric oxide synthase activity in vivo and in vitro
3, 3′-Diiodothyronine concentrations in the sera of patients with nonthyroidal illnesses and BRAIN tumors and of healthy subjects during acute STRESS
Nociceptive responses and immunohistochemical changes in the rat BRAIN under gravity STRESS.
SPARC affects glioma cell growth differently when grown on BRAIN ECM proteins in vitro under standard versus reduced-serum STRESS conditions
Effect of prenatal STRESS on proliferative activity and chromosome aberrations in embryo BRAIN in rats with different excitability of the nervous system
Anti-oxidants and oxidative STRESS injuries to the BRAIN in the perinatal period
Deleterious Activation of Poly(ADP-Ribose)Polymerase-1 in BRAIN after In Vivo Oxidative STRESS
Effects of STRESS and tranylcypromine on amphetamine-induced locomotor activity and GABAB receptor function in rat BRAIN
Role of infraslow (0–0.5 Hz) potential oscillations in the regulation of BRAIN STRESS response by the locus coeruleus system
Effect of aqueous extracts of Allium sativum on some parameters of oxidative STRESS in mice BRAIN
Addictive drugs and STRESS trigger similar change in BRAIN cells, animal study finds
Neuropeptide Y alters STRESS‐induced changes in trace element concentrations of BRAIN in chronically immobilized rats
Zn and Cu alteration in connection with astrocyte metallothionein I/II overexpression in the mouse BRAIN upon physical STRESS
Cellular and molecular pharmacological studies on membrane receptor-signaling and STRESS-responses in the BRAIN
Effects of triflusal on oxidative STRESS, prostaglandin production and nitric oxide pathway in a model of anoxia-reoxygenation in rat BRAIN slices
Regulation of neurogenesis in the aging vertebrate BRAIN: role of oxidative STRESS and neuropsychiatric factors
Protection of the young child’s BRAIN: personal observations and thoughts in postwar STRESS syndrome and in natural catastrophes: The Nils Rosén von Rosenstein …
Cerebral vasoconstriction during sustained ventricular tachycardia induces an ischemic STRESS response of BRAIN tissue in rats
Corticosteroid receptors in the BRAIN as signal systems of STRESS and adaptation
Gravity STRESS elevates the nociceptive threshold level with immunohistochemical changes in the rat BRAIN
Zinc deficiency and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN: Magnetic resonance investigations in weanling rats
STRESS-induced alterations in regional concentrations of native Met-enkephalin in BRAIN are age-dependent
An experimental model of STRESS-induced immunosuppression produced by electrical stimulation of the BRAIN in the rat
Receptor binding of aldosterone in the BRAIN of rats with different types of behavior under normal conditions and after STRESS
Influence of restraint STRESS on the expression and the serine/threonine phosphatase activity of calcineurin in the rat BRAIN
Features of lipid peroxidation in BRAIN and liver tissues from aging rats under STRESS
Panax ginseng on BRAIN and Hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine during Immobilization STRESS: and its Modification by Parachlorophenylalanine
… alpha-lactalbumin increases the plasma Trp/LNAA, and in vulnerable subjects it raises BRAIN serotonin activity, reduces cortisol and improves mood under STRESS
Post-traumatic STRESS disorder and mild traumatic BRAIN injury
BRAIN Formatting, Accessing, STRESS, Consciousness and Awareness
Evidence for existence of immobilization STRESS-inducible semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase inhibitor in rat BRAIN cytosol
Neuroprotective effect of rough aster butanol fraction against oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of mice challenged with kainic acid
Changes in angiotensin AT~ 1 receptor mRNA level in the rat BRAIN after immobilization STRESS and inhibition of central nitric oxide synthase
Single-strand DNA breaks in BRAIN cells of different rat strains under normal condition and during exposure to STRESS
Acute melatonin and para-chloroamphetamine interactions on pineal, BRAIN and serum serotonin levels as well as STRESS hormone levels
Prenatal STRESS and sexual differentiation of monoaminergic BRAIN systems
STRESS-free environments: promoting healthy BRAIN development.
Traumatic BRAIN injury and post-traumatic STRESS disorder
Maximum STRESS, BRAIN Support, Anti-Aging & More
Relationship between location of STRESS erosive gastritis and BRAIN damage in resuscitated patients
In vivo and in vitro molecular imaging techniques to clarify the mechanism of oxidative STRESS related to BRAIN aging and neuro-degenerative diseases
Angiotensin II AT1 Receptor Antagonism Downregulates STRESS‐Related Gene Expression in BRAIN Microvessels from Spontaneously Hypertensive and …
Effects of repeated injection of neem leaf extract and restraint STRESS on a model of anxiety and BRAIN serotonin metabolism in rats
Life-long effects of perinatal asphyxia on STRESS-induced proteins and dynamin 1 in rat BRAIN
STRESS‐induced expression c‐fos in the rat BRAIN: A comparison of averaging and typological analysis
Genetic differences in BRAIN monoamines level in Pietrain and Duroc pigs exposed to acute restraint STRESS
Commentary on” BRAIN Environment Interactions: STRESS, Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder, and the Need for a Postmortem BRAIN Collection”: Neuropathology of STRESS …
The BRAIN Chemistry Plan: The Personalized Nutritional Prescription for Balancing Mood, Relieving STRESS, and Conquering Depression
The effect of taurine derivative on lipid peroxidation and interhemispheric asymmetry of phospholipids from the BRAIN synaptosomes in rats after immobilization STRESS
STRESS-induced attenuation of BRAIN stem activation following intestinal anaphylaxis in the rat
Lessons to be learned: a case study approach: BRAIN function and conditioning in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
The effects of Gamisachi-tang on the serotonin contents in separate BRAIN region of mice immobilized by STRESS
Free radicals and acute BRAIN injury: mechanisms of oxidative STRESS and therapeutic potentials
The glutamatergic system in Alzheimer’s Disease BRAIN: dysfunction associated with amyloid β-peptide and oxidative STRESS
Response of the serotoninergic BRAIN system to social STRESS of various duration in male mice C57BL/6J and CBA/Lac
BRAIN angiotensin receptors and adaptation to STRESS
Chronic STRESS, cortisol regulation, interpersonal relatedness, cognitive burden, and depressive symptoms among community-dwelling survivors of BRAIN injury
Intracerebroventricular administration of beta-amyloid peptide (25-35) induces oxidative STRESS and neurodegeneration in rat BRAIN
Two novel spliced presenilin 2 transcripts in human lymphocyte with oxidant STRESS and BRAIN
The role of monoaminergic BRAIN systems in the mechanisms of individual resistance to emotional STRESS
BRAIN chemiluminescence as an indicator of oxidative STRESS
Survival under conditions of environmental STRESS: variability of BRAIN morphology and behavior in the house mouse
Amyloid Aβ1−40 preconditions non‐apoptotic signals in vivo and protects fetal rat BRAIN from intrauterine ischemic STRESS
STRESS response in the BRAIN of a common carp submitted to a sublethal cold shock as measured by BOLD and CBV sensitive fMRI
STRESS invalidates reported effects of sodium valproate on BRAIN CRF systems
The effect of cold immobilisation STRESS on BRAIN MAO‐A inhibitory activity and pineal N‐acetylserotonin and melatonin in spontaneously hypertensive and …
The role of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in the central effects of STRESS
Analysis of the oxidative STRESS state in the BRAIN and peripheral organs of senescence-accelerated mouse model
The effect of cold STRESS on ganglioside fatty acid composition and ganglioside-bound sialic acid content of rat BRAIN subcellular fractions
Oxidative/nitrosative BRAIN damage in STRESS: possible target for neuropsychopharmacological drugs
Lipid peroxidation in the BRAIN and liver of rats during acute STRESS and melatonin treatment
The relationship between daily STRESS and persistent postconcussion symptoms following a mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Changes of Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Rat BRAIN in the STRESS-Related Responses
Predictive value of diamox STRESS BRAIN SPECT for the use of selective shunting during carotid endarterectomy (CEA)
The Effect of ER STRESS on Activity-dependent Induction of BRAIN-derived Neurotrophic Factor Exon III.
Adrenalectomy causes oxidative damage and monoamine increase in the BRAIN of rats and enhances immobilization STRESS-induced oxidative damage and …
Restoration of emotional STRESS reactions in rats following disruption of the limbic structures of the BRAIN by delta-sleep-inducing peptide
… the BRAIN by competitive PCR: analysis of expression of interleukin-1 beta mRNA in rat hypothalamus and hippocampus after inflammatory or non-inflammatory STRESS
Alzheimer’s Amyloid β-Peptide-Associated Oxidative STRESS: BRAIN Membrane Lipid Peroxidation and Protein Oxidation
ESR imaging for estimating oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of rats
Role of adrenal STRESS hormones in forming lasting memories in the BRAIN
Effect of chronic emotional STRESS and low dose ethanol on the level of neuronal cell adhesion molecule and glial fibrillary acidic protein in rat BRAIN
Psychological Effects of Traumatic BRAIN Injury on the Spouse: A model of STRESS and mediating factors
… with unilateral carotid stenosis by proton MR spectroscopy: a correlative study with cerebral hemodynamics by acetazolamide STRESS BRAIN perfusion SPECT (acz …
C-fos gene expression in the rat spinal cord and BRAIN cells during STRESS and the use of different types of halothane anesthesia
… Flow and Cerebrovascular Reserve after Carotid Endarterectomy in Patients with Carotid Stenosis and Contralateral Carotid Occlusion: Acetazolamide STRESS BRAIN …
The comparison of levels of anxiety and STRESS response in mice selected for low and high BRAIN weight
Is too much STRESS bad for your BRAIN?
BRAIN oxidative STRESS in the syndrome of mutual aggravation on the model of combined injury in Mongolian gerbils
Changes in secretion of sex steroid hormones during STRESS in rats with various BRAIN excitability
Shear STRESS induced the activation of K~(+) channel in rat BRAIN microvascular endothelial cell
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of Fukuyama type congenital muscular dystrophy: immunohistochemical study on astrocytes
Analysis of dynamic STRESS for human skull-BRAIN under impact loading with acceleration and deceleration
STRESS, the BRAIN and Depression
The hand-to-hand family education program: A means of reducing parental STRESS and increasing support in families of children with BRAIN disorders
Effect of lithium on the Polyamine Response in BRAIN after STRESS
Effect of prenatal emotional-pain STRESS on the status of interphase chromatin in neurons of the rat developing BRAIN with various excitation of the nervous system
Effects of silk fibroin on oxidative STRESS and membrane fluidity in BRAIN of SD Rats
Inhibition of rat BRAIN microsomal cytochrome P450-dependent dealkylation activities by an oxidative STRESS
Structural/functional changes in the BRAIN lysosomal-vacuolar apparatus related to chronic emotional STRESS
Argemone oil augmented oxidative STRESS in discrete areas of rat BRAIN
The BRAIN catecholamines: brief anatomy and participation in the STRESS reaction and regulation of cardiovascular function
Effects of STRESS and types of the animal behavior on the binding aldosterone with the BRAIN corticosterone receptors
Does STRESS damage the BRAIN? Understanding trauma-related disorders from a mind-body perspective
Effect of heat STRESS or lipopolysaccharide (E. coli) injection on HSP70 levels in the liver and BRAIN of adrenalectomized rats
Effect of ascorbic acid on level of SOD in the BRAIN of rats under acute STRESS.
Dynamic response of the human skull-BRAIN complex to impact: Points of maximum STRESS and pressure
Heat shock protein 70 induction by heat STRESS suppress interleukin-1beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels in the BRAIN tissue in rats with infectious BRAIN edema
004. From molecules to mind: STRESS, allostasis and integration of BRAIN and body
Age-associated changes in the levels of oxidative STRESS markers in the BRAIN of OXYS rats
Sleep Recovery from Physical Exercise: A New Understanding of BRAIN Responses to STRESS
Cold STRESS induces the suppression of splenic NK cell activity and the c-fos expression in rat BRAIN
BRAIN region linked to post-terror STRESS
Effects of Hwangryeonhaedoktang on Depression and c-fos Expression in Paraventricular Nucleus of the BRAIN in the Chronic Mild STRESS Treated Rats
The characteristics of the effect of tuftsin on the behavior and on the level of biogenic amines in the BRAIN of rats with differing resistance to acoustic STRESS
Expression of chronic STRESS induced FOS in BRAIN of rats and related changes of pain threshold
Effects of mulberry (Morus alba L.) Leaf extract on oxidative STRESS and membrane fluidity in BRAIN of SD rats
for fast, STRESS-free learning on the right side of the BRAIN
Does STRESS Damage the BRAIN? Understanding Trauma-Related Disorders from a Mind-Body Perspective: J. Douglas Bremner, WW Nort
BRAIN corticosteroid and neurosteroid receptors and emotional STRESS
Posttraumatic STRESS, mild traumatic BRAIN injury, and memory function
… on” BRAIN Environment Interactions: STRESS, Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder, and the Need for a Postmortem BRAIN Collection”: Understanding Heterogeneous Effects of …
Differentiating types of anxiety, depression, and their co-occurrence: Regional BRAIN activity and life STRESS
Effects of ginkgo Biloba Extracts on Rthanol and Acetaldehyde-induced Oxidative STRESS in Rat BRAIN
Homeostatic Processes in BRAIN Aging: The Role of Apoptosis, Inflammation, and Oxidative STRESS in Regulating Healthy Neural Circuitry in the Aging BRAIN
Alteration of Gβ Expression in Rat BRAIN by STRESS
Effect of melatonin administration on the immobilization STRESS-induced polyamine responses in BRAIN and gastrointestinal tract
Alteration of G Expression in Rat BRAIN by STRESS
The putative neuroprotective role of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor on STRESS-induced hippocampal dysfunction
STRESS-induced activation of Fos-like immunoreactivity in the Japanese quail BRAIN
3H-Diazepam binding in the BRAIN of intact animals with various reactivity to emotional STRESS
Memory process and lipid metabolism of the BRAIN in STRESS conditions
Effects of bioactive compounds from paecilomyces tenuipes on lipid peroxidation of BRAIN in chronic STRESS rats and its acute toxicity
… blood flow reactivity in adenosine STRESS-test in patients with carotid stenosis evaluated with MRI and {sup 99m} Tc-HMPAO SPECT BRAIN study; Otsenka reaktivnosti …
MR Study of the BRAIN in Rats with Chronic Unpredicted Comprehensiveness STRESS
The Dynamics of the STRESS Response in the Rat BRAIN: An Examination of how STRESS Can Modulate the Expression and Activity of the Main STRESS Related …
… Bromide (PB), DEET, and Permethrin with STRESS Increases Blood-BRAIN Barrier (BBB) Permeability and Inhibits BRAIN Acetycholinesterase in Rats
How does the BRAIN determine whether enhanced cognition or anxiety is the appropriate response to a STRESS?
… on” BRAIN Environment Interactions: STRESS, Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder, and the Need for a Postmortem BRAIN Collection”: Toward a National PTSD BRAIN Bank
Neurotrophins in neuroendocrine control: BRAIN derived-neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and somatostatin involvement in the STRESS response and reproductive …
Effect of a single emotional-pain STRESS on the basic carboxypeptidases activity in the rat BRAIN regions and adrenals
Aspirin reduces oxidative damage induced by STRESS in rat BRAIN
The Herbal Preparations Kangenkaryu and Shen Yun Wan Reduce BRAIN Oxidative STRESS
Does STRESS Damage the BRAIN? J. Douglas Bremner. New York: WW Norton (2002) xii+311 pp., $30.00 (Hardback)
A Dynamic Model of the BRAIN reflects the diverse effects of STRESS and Exercise in Depression
Anxiety, STRESS, and Cortical BRAIN Function
STRESS, coping strategies, and perceived social support among adults with BRAIN injuries
Does STRESS damage the BRAIN? Understanding trauma-related disorders from a mind-body perspective
Effects of chronic ultramild STRESS (CUMS) on serotonin activity in mice BRAIN
Glutamatergic transmission in the rat BRAIN and gravitational STRESS
… L-Tryptophan Suppresses Aggression and STRESS Responsiveness in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): The Role of BRAIN Serotonin and Plasma …
Ultrastructural Changes of the Rat BRAIN Stem under Restraint STRESS
STRESS, Pyridostigmine and the Blood BRAIN Barrier
The effect of estrogen on c-Fos expression in the rat BRAIN by cage-switch STRESS
Focal BRAIN Ischemia in Rat Induces General Oxidative STRESS Revealed in the BRAIN, Heart and Liver
BRAIN STRESS–Response Circuitry in the Regulation of Physical and Affective States
Effect of the BRAIN 5-HT2 receptor blockade on gastric mucosa damage caused by social STRESS in males of two mouse strains
Chronic restraint STRESS alters gene expression profile in BRAIN and liver
BRAIN corticosteroid receptors in high STRESS-reactivity rats
In vivo oxidative STRESS in 3-nitroproprionic acid-induced BRAIN neurotoxicity: Implications for Huntington’s disease
… on” BRAIN Environment Interactions: STRESS, Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder, and the Need for a Postmortem BRAIN Collection”: What’s Missing in Posttraumatic STRESS …
Reaction of the STRESS-Mediating Endocrine System in Response to Acute BRAIN Ischemia
Protein content in rat BRAIN neurons predisposed and resistant to emotional STRESS
Book Review: Does STRESS Damage the BRAIN? Understanding Trauma-Related Disorders from a Mind–Body Perspective
P-148: Is NT-pro BRAIN natriuretic peptide related to left ventricular mass as well as wall STRESS? The life study
Effect of STRESS during BRAIN Development on the Behavioral Despair in Lithium Treated Rats
Hypoxic/aglycemic STRESS alters blood-BRAIN barrier transport systems
STRESS, blood-BRAIN barrier and pyridostigmine toxicity
The effects of STRESS on ß1 thyroid hormone receptor immunoreactivity in BRAIN
Comparative analysis of electroencephalographic effects of trimetidon and phenazepam on the BRAIN function during emotional STRESS in cats
Post Traumatic STRESS Disorder after Severe Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Isoprostanes and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN damage in newborns
BRAIN Benzodiazepine-like Molecules and STRESS-anxiety Response
STRESS among maternal caregivers of children with acquired BRAIN injury
The dynamics of corticotropin-releasing hormone gene expression in the rat BRAIN in response to STRESS
STRESS-induced fos-like protein in different BRAIN structures and spinal cord
Role of BRAIN interleukin-1 in immobilization STRESS-induced increase of blood interleukin-6 level in rat
Effect of Lingcao liquid on oxidative STRESS pathway in the BRAIN of animal model of non-hereditary Alzheimer’s disease
Biogenic amines in the BRAIN nuclei of August and Wistar rats under repeated STRESS
STRESS induced differential gene expression in the BRAIN of juvenile steelhead trout,(Oncorhynchus Mykiss)
Induction of oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN and rat astrocytes by acrylonitrile (ACN)
Docosahexaenoic acid accumulation in the prenatal BRAIN: a purported role in combating oxidative STRESS
A Follow Up Study of BRAIN Evoked Potentials in Patients with Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder
Diagnosis of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases with 99mTc-HMPAO BRAIN SPECT using upright STRESS test
Two-year Prospective Evaluation of the Relationship between Acute STRESS Disorder and Post Traumatic STRESS Disorder following Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Post-traumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury: A review of causal mechanisms
BRAIN SPECT analysis using statistical parametric mapping in patients with posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Mild traumatic BRAIN injury versus posttraumatic STRESS disorder: A differential diagnosis
Gulf war syndrome: STRESS or neurotoxic BRAIN damage?
Inducible 72kd heat shock protein is increased after traumatic BRAIN injury in humans: Evidence for the STRESS response
The EAA-ergic modulation of the BRAIN dopaminergic system as a basis for creating new nootropic agents with STRESS-protective activity
Gastric cytoprotection by sulfhydryl compounds: STRESS-relation mucosal damage in rats with BRAIN trauma
Manganese-induced Oxidative STRESS in the Corpus Striatum of the Rat BRAIN
The role of histamine receptors in restraint STRESS-induced immunosuppression in the rat BRAIN
Manganese-induced Oxidative STRESS in Nucleus Accumbens of Rat BRAIN
The Effect of Melatonin Injection into Rat BRAIN Stem with Chronic STRESS on Serotonergic Immunoreactivity
Establishment and characterisation of a model based on STRESS-induced blood-BRAIN barrier permeability: A potential model for chronic fatigue syndrome
The role of bile reflux in pathogenesis of STRESS ulcer after acute BRAIN trauma in rat
Preconditioning STRESS Induces Hypoxic-Ischemic Tolerance in Newborn Rat BRAIN
Insulin affects gaba and glutamate accumulation under oxidative STRESS conditions in rat BRAIN synaptosomes
Shear STRESS-induced the expression of c-fos protein on BRAIN microvascular endothelial cell monolayers in rat
Short-term pregnant female STRESS and cytogenetic traits of developing embryonal BRAIN of the rat lines with different nervous system excitability
… in animal studies of the effects of “han-dling” and prematal STRESS on lifelong patterns of STRESS hormone reactivity, emo-tionality and BRAIN aging (Barbazanges, Vallee …
Cardiovascular responses to emotional STRESS during activation of the BRAIN imidazoline receptors
Chronic STRESS and long-term antidepressant administration: neuroendocrine and immunohistochemical changes in the female rat BRAIN
Effects of repeated injection of neem leaf extract and restraint STRESS on a model of anxiety and BRAIN serotonin metabolism in rats
Fluid shear STRESS-induced cytoskeleton changes of BRAIN microvascular endothelial cell monolayers in rat
A study of ‘one day protocol’ of 99Tcm-ECD BRAIN SPECT imaging with acetazolamide STRESS and its application in silent cerebral infarction for assessment of …
Corrigendum to “Sex differences in learning deficits induced by prenatal STRESS in juvenile rats”:[Behav. BRAIN Res. 150 (2004) 149–157]
Assessment of post traumatic STRESS disorder following severe traumatic BRAIN injury: Possible errors in diagnosis and research portfolio
BRAIN c-fos expression after open field STRESS in rats: influence of social position and responsiveness to novelty
Age-dependent changes of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase activity in the BRAIN of rats during immobilized STRESS
Substance P endopeptidase in the rat BRAIN the activity of the enzyme is affected following heat STRESS
IRFI 042 reduces oxidative STRESS against kainic acid toxicity in the rat BRAIN
The Effect of Immobilization STRESS and Corticosterone on Haloperidol-induced c-fos Expression in Rat BRAIN
The role of dietary zinc and copper-zinc superoxide dismutase gene expression in response to oxidative STRESS in the lung and BRAIN
The correlation of BRAIN asymmetry to the level of plasma corticosterone and NO, IL-1 beta produced by macrophage in balb/c mice under predator STRESS
Instant STRESS response of a astrocytes and neurons in rat BRAIN stem after fracture of unilateral hind leg
Protective effect of supernatant of lymphocytes modified by BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor gene on PC12 cells damageInduced by oxidative STRESS
Effects of intracerebroventricular administration of NGF on blood BRAIN barrier and STRESS induced protein in the central nervous system
Sympatho-inhibitory effect of adrenomedullin in the BRAIN on salt-sensitive hypertension through inhibition of oxidative STRESS
Content of NCAM, the neural cell adhesion molecule, in the BRAIN of rats subjected to prenatal STRESS
Regulation of small-conductance, calcium-activated potassium channels (SK) in mouse BRAIN in response to aging and STRESS
… Studies for the Dual Optimization of Indentation Creep and STRESS Relaxation of Biological Soft Tissues Using Biphasic Poroviscoelasticity: Potential Method for BRAIN …
A non-coplanar polychlorinated biphenyl induces oxidative STRESS and cell death in a mid-BRAIN dopaminergic cell line
BRAIN contents of substance P, diazepam-binding inhibitor, and neuropeptide Y in high-and low-anxiety inbred rats during STRESS
The effect of prenatal STRESS on activity of the neurosteroids synthesis enzyme in the” critical period” of BRAIN sexual differentiation in male rats
Poster Sessions CP13: Hypoxia, Ischemia and Oxidative STRESS. Changes of BRAIN nitric oxide production in experimental cerebral ischemia
… of Existoencephalic System of Cooled BRAIN. Part 5. Fractal Homeometry of Structural and Functional State of Immune and Cardiovascular System Under Cold STRESS
BRAIN natriuretic peptide (BNP) is useful as a biochemical predictor of contractile reserve during dobutamine STRESS echocardiogram
Expression of prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase in the fetal BRAIN and interactions of prostanoids and STRESS hormones during cerebral hypoperfusion
Left ventricular end systolic volume predicts serum levels of BRAIN natriuretic peptide in a multivariate model of hemodynamic, volumetric and wall STRESS parameters
Prior STRESS and arginine vasopressin potentiate the effect of corticotropin-releasing factor on serotonin release in the rat BRAIN
Functional analysis of STRESS responsive gene BRE (BRAIN and reproductive organ expressed): A potentially processed-modulator for steroid action
Differentiating Types of Anxiety, Depression, and their Co-occurrence: Regional BRAIN Activity and Life STRESS University of Illinois, Champaign, IL October, 1994 …
STRESS-induced COX-2 expression and subsequent oxidative damage in rat BRAIN
Prior 2-deoxy-D-Glucose Induced Glucoprivation but not Immobilization STRESS Attenuates Fos-Immunoreactivity in the BRAIN and Adrenal Medulla During the …
Protective effect of buthanol fraction from methanol extract of Aster scaber on oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of mice administered with kainic acid
… decarboxylase activity and GABA binding in the BRAIN synaptic membranes in rats with compensatory activation of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal system in STRESS
BRAIN β-endorphin and other opioids are involved in restraint STRESS-induced stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, the sympathetic nervous system …
… of the BRAIN likely to be involved in the generation of fear and, hence, in the pathogenesis of this syndromal state of childhood. The amygdala, hippocampus, and STRESS …
Protective Effect against Oxidative STRESS in Bovine BRAIN Tissue and on Activity of Cholinephosphodiesterase by some Medicinal Plant …
… beta-peptide-and peroxynitrite-induced oxidative STRESS in rodent cortical synaptosomal membranes: Insights into neurotoxicity in Alzheimer’s disease BRAIN
Glutamate decarboxylase activity and GABA binding by synaptic membranes of BRAIN structure under STRESS in intact rats and rats with hormonal blockade of the …
… Cholinergic BRAIN Systems in Regulation of Neurocytes Activity of Hypothalamus and Adenohypophysis Thyrotropocytes in Birds under Effеct of Chronic Cold STRESS
To the Conception of Existoencephalic System of Cooled BRAIN. Part 4. Fractal Morphometry of Trigger Structures of Thermoregulation at Cold STRESS
Increased Maternal Corticosterone Levels in Rats: Effects on BRAIN 5-HT, Receptors and Behavioral Coping With STRESS in Adult Offspring
… of the Organization for Human BRAIN Mapping, June 13-17, 2004, Budapest, Hungary. Mechanisms whereby precision spectral filters reduce visual STRESS: an …
Effect of the preparation baliz-2 on the integrative BRAIN activity and biogenic amine metabolism in rats under STRESS
In Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (2003) 253: 80–83 we published the article “Alterations in BRAIN activation in posttraumatic STRESS disorder patients with severe …
Expression of interleukin-2 gene in rat BRAIN in normal and STRESS conditions
Heat Shock Protein 70 and Heat Shock Cognate Protein 70 mRNA Induction in the BRAIN, Heart and Liver of Neonatal Rat after Hypoxic STRESS
Nitric oxide regulates neuronal activation and IL-1 [beta] gene expression in the BRAIN in response to immune STRESS
Transient left ventricular dysfunction under severe STRESS: BRAIN-heart relationship revisited
STRESS and the BRAIN: from adaptation to disease
Oxidative STRESS and the aging BRAIN: From theory to prevention.
Prediction of the clinical outcome of pediatric moyamoya disease with postoperative basal/acetazolamide STRESS BRAIN perfusion SPECT after revascularization surgery
Traumatic STRESS: effects on the BRAIN
A role for BRAIN STRESS systems in addiction
STRESS as a neuroinflammatory condition in BRAIN: damaging and protective mechanisms
Physiology and neurobiology of STRESS and adaptation: central role of the BRAIN
STRESS and the adolescent BRAIN
No STRESS please! Mechanisms of STRESS hyporesponsiveness of the maternal BRAIN
The effects of STRESS and STRESS hormones on human cognition: Implications for the field of BRAIN and cognition
Repeated STRESS and structural plasticity in the BRAIN
STRESS: the BRAIN-body connection
STRESS and BRAIN atrophy
Protective and damaging effects of STRESS mediators: central role of the BRAIN
STRESS, genes and the mechanism of programming the BRAIN for later life
Dysregulated mitochondrial genes and networks with drug targets in postmortem BRAIN of patients with posttraumatic STRESS disorder (PTSD) revealed by …
Role of BRAIN norepinephrine in the behavioral response to STRESS
STRESS-induced oxidative changes in BRAIN
The STRESS system in the human BRAIN in depression and neurodegeneration
STRESS predicts BRAIN changes in children: a pilot longitudinal study on youth STRESS, posttraumatic STRESS disorder, and the hippocampus
Oxidative STRESS in immature BRAIN after traumatic BRAIN injury
Structural and functional plasticity of the human BRAIN in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
BRAIN and peripheral angiotensin II play a major role in STRESS
Gender differences in the effects of prenatal STRESS on BRAIN development and behaviour
Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN aging, neurodegenerative and vascular diseases: an overview
The relationship between cognitive and BRAIN changes in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
STRESS and coping among families of patients with traumatic BRAIN injury: a review of the literature
Venlafaxine modulates depression-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN and medulla of rat
Alcohol‐induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN endothelial cells causes blood‐BRAIN barrier dysfunction
The Montreal Imaging STRESS Task: using functional imaging to investigate the effects of perceiving and processing psychosocial STRESS in the human BRAIN
Disentangling mild traumatic BRAIN injury and STRESS reactions
Controlling STRESS: how the BRAIN protects itself from depression
Exercise, learned helplessness, and the STRESS-resistant BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS and BRAIN aging: is zinc the link?
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN: novel cellular targets that govern survival during neurodegenerative disease
BRAIN glucose hypometabolism and oxidative STRESS in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease
STRESS–It is all in the BRAIN.
The effects of training and detraining on memory, neurotrophins and oxidative STRESS markers in rat BRAIN
BRAIN oxidative STRESS in a triple-transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer disease
Effects of traumatic STRESS on BRAIN structure and function: relevance to early responses to trauma
Oxidative STRESS and inflammation in BRAIN aging: nutritional considerations
n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation reverses STRESS-induced modifications on BRAIN monoamine levels in mice
Evidence of oxidative STRESS in Alzheimer’s disease BRAIN and antioxidant therapy: lights and shadows
Hypobaric hypoxia induces oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS in Alzheimer’s disease BRAIN: new insights from redox proteomics
Prenatal STRESS and neonatal rat BRAIN development
Gene expression in the BRAIN and kidney of rainbow trout in response to handling STRESS
Neuroinflammation associated with aging sensitizes the BRAIN to the effects of infection or STRESS
Protective effect of silymarin on oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Age‐dependent effects of chronic STRESS on BRAIN plasticity and depressive behavior
STRESS and intervention preferences of patients with BRAIN tumors
PTSD and STRESS sensitisation: A tale of BRAIN and body: Part 1: Human studies
Hippocampal formation: shedding light on the influence of sex and STRESS on the BRAIN
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder and posttraumatic STRESS disorder-like symptoms and mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Handbook of STRESS and the BRAIN part 1: the neurobiology of STRESS
Long-term effects of social STRESS on BRAIN and behavior: a focus on hippocampal functioning
Oxidative and nitrosative STRESS in BRAIN mitochondria of diabetic rats
Oxidative STRESS in mouse BRAIN exposed to lead
Antipsychotic-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
STRESS and the BRAIN: solving the puzzle using microdialysis
Depression-related variation in BRAIN morphology over 3 years: effects of STRESS?
STRESS in the BRAIN: novel cellular mechanisms of injury linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Malathion-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN regions
Effect of chronic unpredictable mild STRESS on BRAIN–pancreas relative protein in rat BRAIN and pancreas
Oxidative STRESS and modification of synaptic proteins in hippocampus after traumatic BRAIN injury
Nanoparticles aggravate heat STRESS induced cognitive deficits, blood–BRAIN barrier disruption, edema formation and BRAIN pathology
Proteomic and oxidative STRESS analysis in human BRAIN samples of Huntington disease
Differential effects of energy STRESS on AMPK phosphorylation and apoptosis in experimental BRAIN tumor and normal BRAIN
Chronic mild STRESS impairs cognition in mice: from BRAIN homeostasis to behavior
STRESS induced morphological microglial activation in the rodent BRAIN: involvement of interleukin-18
Study of the oxidative STRESS in a rat model of chronic BRAIN hypoperfusion
Global shortage of health workers, BRAIN drain STRESS developing countries
Noise-STRESS-induced BRAIN neurotransmitter changes and the effect of Ocimum sanctum (Linn) treatment in albino rats
Carbofuran-induced oxidative STRESS in mammalian BRAIN
Caregiver STRESS in traumatic BRAIN injury
Estrogen suppresses BRAIN mitochondrial oxidative STRESS in female and male rats
Melatonin reduces oxidative STRESS induced by chronic exposure of microwave radiation from mobile phones in rat BRAIN
PTSD and STRESS sensitisation: a tale of BRAIN and body Part 2: animal models
Neuroprotectin D1 (NPD1): a DHA‐derived mediator that protects BRAIN and retina against cell injury‐induced oxidative STRESS
Does STRESS damage the BRAIN?
HIV-1 viral proteins gp120 and Tat induce oxidative STRESS in BRAIN endothelial cells
The effects of moderate-, strenuous-and over-training on oxidative STRESS markers, DNA repair, and memory, in rat BRAIN
Endoplasmic reticulum STRESS inhibition protects against excitotoxic neuronal injury in the rat BRAIN
Neural circuit changes mediating lasting BRAIN and behavioral response to predator STRESS
Prenatal STRESS suppresses cell proliferation in the early developing BRAIN
Influence of hyperglycemia on oxidative STRESS and matrix metalloproteinase-9 activation after focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion in rats: relation to blood-BRAIN barrier …
Roles of amyloid β-peptide-associated oxidative STRESS and BRAIN protein modifications in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment
Does memory of a traumatic event increase the risk for posttraumatic STRESS disorder in patients with traumatic BRAIN injury? A prospective study
Acute hypertension induces oxidative STRESS in BRAIN tissues
A STRESS process model of caregiving for individuals with traumatic BRAIN injury.
Habituation to repeated restraint STRESS is associated with lack of STRESS-induced c-fos expression in primary sensory processing areas of the rat BRAIN
Acrolein induces oxidative STRESS in BRAIN mitochondria
Sexually dimorphic responses of the BRAIN norepinephrine system to STRESS and corticotropin-releasing factor
Dietary amino acids and BRAIN serotonin function; implications for STRESS-related affective changes
Effects of BRAIN death on STRESS and inflammatory response in the human donor kidney
Focal BRAIN damage protects against post-traumatic STRESS disorder in combat veterans
Dietary curcumin counteracts the outcome of traumatic BRAIN injury on oxidative STRESS, synaptic plasticity, and cognition
Oxidative STRESS is the primary event: effects of ethanol consumption in BRAIN
The effect of exercise and nettle supplementation on oxidative STRESS markers in the rat BRAIN
STRESS effects on the developing BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS activates protein tyrosine kinase and matrix metalloproteinases leading to blood–BRAIN barrier dysfunction
… injury mechanisms and mild traumatic BRAIN injury incurred during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan: persistent postconcussive symptoms and posttraumatic STRESS …
Oxidative STRESS in subarachnoid haemorrhage: significance in acute BRAIN injury and vasospasm
Tryptophan metabolism and oxidative STRESS in patients with chronic BRAIN injury
Effects of STRESS hormones on the structure and function of the human BRAIN
Methylphenidate treatment induces oxidative STRESS in young rat BRAIN
STRESS and long-term survivors of BRAIN cancer
STRESS response in rat BRAIN after different durations of noise exposure
Neuroplasticity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis early in life requires recurrent recruitment of STRESS-regulating BRAIN regions
Cerebral oxidative STRESS and depression of energy metabolism correlate with severity of diffuse BRAIN injury in rats
Protective effects of lamotrigine, aripiprazole and escitalopram on depression-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Posttraumatic STRESS symptoms and BRAIN function during a response‐inhibition task: an fMRI study in youth
From the BRAIN-skin connection: the neuroendocrine-immune misalliance of STRESS and itch
Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN and antioxidant activity of Ocimum sanctum in noise exposure
Free radical mediated oxidative STRESS and toxic side effects in BRAIN induced by the anti cancer drug adriamycin: insight into chemoBRAIN
Oxidative STRESS related changes in the BRAIN of hypercholesterolemic rabbits
BRAIN interleukin-1 mediates chronic STRESS-induced depression in mice via adrenocortical activation and hippocampal neurogenesis suppression
Effects of carbohydrates on BRAIN tryptophan availability and STRESS performance
Substance use disorders and clinical management of traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Calorie restriction up-regulates the plasma membrane redox system in BRAIN cells and suppresses oxidative STRESS during aging
Sympathoexcitation by oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN mediates arterial pressure elevation in salt-sensitive hypertension
Corticosterone levels in the BRAIN show a distinct ultradian rhythm but a delayed response to forced swim STRESS
Neurodevelopmental damage after prenatal infection: role of oxidative STRESS in the fetal BRAIN
Nitrotyrosine as an oxidative STRESS marker: evidence for involvement in neurologic outcome in human traumatic BRAIN injury
STRESS and glucocorticoid footprints in the BRAIN—the path from depression to Alzheimer’s disease
Substance P in STRESS and anxiety: NK‐1 receptor antagonism interacts with key BRAIN areas of the STRESS circuitry
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder symptoms during the first six months after traumatic BRAIN injury
Altered oscillatory BRAIN dynamics after repeated traumatic STRESS
Antioxidant property of α-asarone against noise-STRESS-induced changes in different regions of rat BRAIN
Rab6 is increased in Alzheimer’s disease BRAIN and correlates with endoplasmic reticulum STRESS
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex: metabolic link to ischemic BRAIN injury and target of oxidative STRESS
Subcellular STRESS response after traumatic BRAIN injury
Recognition memory impairment and BRAIN oxidative STRESS induced by postnatal iron administration
Cholesterol accumulation is associated with lysosomal dysfunction and autophagic STRESS in Npc1−/− mouse BRAIN
Metabolic profiling reveals disorder of amino acid metabolism in four BRAIN regions from a rat model of chronic unpredictable mild STRESS
Effects of 900-MHz electromagnetic field emitted from cellular phone on BRAIN oxidative STRESS and some vitamin levels of guinea pigs
Diesel exhaust particles induce oxidative STRESS, proinflammatory signaling, and P‐glycoprotein up‐regulation at the blood‐BRAIN barrier
Effect of Bacopa monniera on STRESS induced changes in plasma corticosterone and BRAIN monoamines in rats
Serotonin receptor subtype and p11 mRNA expression in STRESS-relevant BRAIN regions of suicide and control subjects
Arsenic induced blood and BRAIN oxidative STRESS and its response to some thiol chelators in rats
Enhanced oxidative STRESS in iNOS-deficient mice after traumatic BRAIN injury: support for a neuroprotective role of iNOS
Role of α-tocopherol in cadmium-induced oxidative STRESS in Wistar rat’s blood, liver and BRAIN
The effects of STRESS and statistical cues on continuous speech segmentation: an event-related BRAIN potential study
Impact of STRESS and mast cells on BRAIN metastases
Spinal morphine administration reduces the fatty acid contents in spinal cord and BRAIN by increasing oxidative STRESS
Cytokines, neurotrophins, and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN disease from mucopolysaccharidosis IIIB
Hypoosmotic swelling and ammonia increase oxidative STRESS by NADPH oxidase in cultured astrocytes and vital BRAIN slices
STRESS mediators regulate BRAIN prostaglandin synthesis and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ activation after STRESS in rats
Quantifiable change in functional BRAIN response to empathic and forgivability judgments with resolution of posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Differential levels of STRESS in caregivers of BRAIN tumor patients—observations from a pilot study
Dissociative responses to conscious and non-conscious fear impact underlying BRAIN function in post-traumatic STRESS disorder
NADPH oxidase mediates radiation-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN microvascular endothelial cells
SMP30 deficiency causes increased oxidative STRESS in BRAIN
Regulation of corticosteroid receptors in the rat BRAIN: the role of serotonin and STRESS
Effect of paradoxical sleep deprivation on oxidative STRESS parameters in BRAIN regions of adult and old rats
Prenatal methylmercury exposure hampers glutathione antioxidant system ontogenesis and causes long-lasting oxidative STRESS in the mouse BRAIN
Further exploring the BRAIN–skin connection: STRESS worsens dermatitis via substance P-dependent neurogenic inflammation in mice
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma activation decreases neuroinflammation in BRAIN after STRESS in rats
Oxidative STRESS induced by lambda-cyhalothrin (LTC) in rat erythrocytes and BRAIN: attenuation by vitamin C
Human astrocytes/astrocyte-conditioned medium and shear STRESS enhance the barrier properties of human BRAIN microvascular endothelial cells
Elevated oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of senescence-accelerated mice at 5 months of age
Absence of 12/15 lipoxygenase reduces BRAIN oxidative STRESS in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice
Transmission of STRESS-induced learning impairment and associated BRAIN gene expression from parents to offspring in chickens
Exercise and BRAIN health–implications for multiple sclerosis: Part II–immune factors and STRESS hormones
Mitochondrial oxidative STRESS and dysfunction in rat BRAIN induced by carbofuran exposure
Regulation of bovine BRAIN microvascular endothelial tight junction assembly and barrier function by laminar shear STRESS
Nature of STRESS: differential effects on BRAIN acetylcholinesterase activity and memory in rats
BRAIN neurotensin, psychostimulants, and STRESS–emphasis on neuroanatomical substrates
Astrocyte–neuron vulnerability to prenatal STRESS in the adult rat BRAIN
Antioxidant and Iron-Binding Properties of Curcumin, Capsaicin, and S-Allylcysteine Reduce Oxidative STRESS in Rat BRAIN Homogenate
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment of early postnatal mice reverses their prenatal STRESS-induced BRAIN dysfunction
Early nutritional STRESS impairs development of a song-control BRAIN region in both male and female juvenile song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) at the onset of song …
Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) protects BRAIN against oxidative STRESS and inflammation induced by diabetes in rats
(−)-Epigallocatechin gallate attenuates acute STRESS responses through GABAergic system in the BRAIN
Does melatonin protect or treat BRAIN damage from traumatic oxidative STRESS?
The depressive-like behaviors are correlated with decreased phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases in rat BRAIN following chronic forced swim STRESS
A novel antioxidant N-acetylcysteine amide prevents gp120-and Tat-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN endothelial cells
Social STRESS during adolescence in Wistar rats induces social anxiety in adulthood without affecting BRAIN monoaminergic content and activity
STRESS and depression in family carers following traumatic BRAIN injury: the influence of beliefs about difficult behaviours
Cerebral microcirculation shear STRESS levels determine Neisseria meningitidis attachment sites along the blood–BRAIN barrier
Toxic effects of perinatal lead exposure on the BRAIN of rats: involvement of oxidative STRESS and the beneficial role of antioxidants
Aldosterone acts centrally to increase BRAIN renin-angiotensin system activity and oxidative STRESS in normal rats
Red wine prevents BRAIN oxidative STRESS and nephropathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists on BRAIN glucose and glutamate transporters after STRESS in rats
Curcumin protects mouse BRAIN from oxidative STRESS caused by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydro pyridine
Oxidative STRESS, aging, and central nervous system disease in the canine model of human BRAIN aging
Neuroprotective role of Bacopa monniera extract against aluminium-induced oxidative STRESS in the hippocampus of rat BRAIN
Absence of cellular STRESS in BRAIN after hypoxia induced by arousal from hibernation in Arctic ground squirrels
… of the STRESS response in rats trained in the water-maze: differential expression of corticotropin-releasing hormone, CRH-R1, glucocorticoid receptors and BRAIN …
BRAIN derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene variants and Alzheimer’s disease, affective disorders, posttraumatic STRESS disorder, schizophrenia, and substance …
Assessing emotional status following acquired BRAIN injury: The clinical potential of the depression, anxiety and STRESS scales
Evaluating a theory of STRESS and adjustment when predicting long-term psychosocial outcome after BRAIN injury
Prophylactic Action of Linseed (Linum usitatissimum) Oil Against Cyclophosphamide-Induced Oxidative STRESS in Mouse BRAIN
Prenatal STRESS and early adoption effects on benzodiazepine receptors and anxiogenic behavior in the adult rat BRAIN
Patterns of neuronal activation in the rat BRAIN and spinal cord in response to increasing durations of restraint STRESS
HIV‐1 gp120 as well as alcohol affect blood–BRAIN barrier permeability and STRESS fiber formation: involvement of reactive oxygen species
Moderate exercise and chronic STRESS produce counteractive effects on different areas of the BRAIN by acting through various neurotransmitter receptor …
Chronic mild STRESS during gestation worsens neonatal BRAIN lesions in mice
Evidence that plasmalogen is protective against oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Changes in oxidative STRESS parameters and neurodegeneration markers in the BRAIN of the senescence-accelerated mice SAMP-8
Methylphenidate administration to juvenile rats alters BRAIN areas involved in cognition, motivated behaviors, appetite, and STRESS
Loss of BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor gene allele exacerbates BRAIN monoamine deficiencies and increases STRESS abnormalities of serotonin transporter knockout …
Neuroprotective effect of Sanguisorbae radix against oxidative STRESS-induced BRAIN damage: in vitro and in vivo
Pleurotus ostreatus, an oyster mushroom, decreases the oxidative STRESS induced by carbon tetrachloride in rat kidneys, heart and BRAIN
Response of lead-induced oxidative STRESS and alterations in biogenic amines in different rat BRAIN regions to combined administration of DMSA and MiADMSA
Pro-oxidant effects in the BRAIN of rats concurrently exposed to uranium and STRESS
Differential oxidative STRESS and DNA damage in rat BRAIN regions and blood following chronic arsenic exposure
Acute and long-term proteome changes induced by oxidative STRESS in the developing BRAIN
BRAIN oxidative STRESS induced by obstructive jaundice in rats
Modification by vitamin E and exercise of oxidative STRESS in regions of aging rat BRAIN: studies on superoxide dismutase isoenzymes and protein oxidation status
Early life STRESS on BRAIN structure and function across the lifespan: A preliminary study
Dysarthria associated with traumatic BRAIN injury: speaking rate and emphatic STRESS
Attenuation of STRESS‐Elicited BRAIN Catecholamines, Serotonin and Plasma Corticosterone Levels by Calcined Gold Preparations Used in Indian System of Medicine
Regional BRAIN electrical activity in posttraumatic STRESS disorder after motor vehicle accident.
BRAIN creatine functions to attenuate acute STRESS responses through GABAnergic system in chicks
Catalase inhibition by amino triazole induces oxidative STRESS in goldfish BRAIN
Misdiagnosis of post-traumatic STRESS disorder following severe traumatic BRAIN injury
Handbook of STRESS and the BRAIN part 2: STRESS: integrative and clinical aspects
Glutathione elevation by γ‐glutamyl cysteine ethyl ester as a potential therapeutic strategy for preventing oxidative STRESS in BRAIN mediated by in vivo administration of …
Excitotoxic damage, disrupted energy metabolism, and oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN: antioxidant and neuroprotective effects of l‐carnitine
Interactions of chronic lead exposure and intermittent STRESS: consequences for BRAIN catecholamine systems and associated behaviors and HPA axis function
Protective effect of arjunolic acid against arsenic‐induced oxidative STRESS in mouse BRAIN
Nutritional aspects modulating BRAIN development and the responses to STRESS in early neonatal life
Cytoglobin is a STRESS-responsive hemoprotein expressed in the developing and adult BRAIN
A detailed characterization of loud noise STRESS: Intensity analysis of hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenocortical axis and BRAIN activation
STRESS, appraisal and coping following mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Sexually dimorphic effects of maternal separation STRESS on corticotrophin-releasing factor and vasopressin systems in the adult rat BRAIN
Na+, K+-ATPase activity impairment after experimental traumatic BRAIN injury: relationship to spatial learning deficits and oxidative STRESS
Corticotropin-releasing hormone, arginine vasopressin, gastrin-releasing peptide, and neuromedin B alterations in STRESS-relevant BRAIN regions of suicides and …
… Time-depth Principle:” Implications for the Reclassification of fear-circuitry-related traits in DSM-V and for studying resilience to warzone-related posttraumatic STRESS …
STRESS at work alters serum BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels and plasma 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) levels in healthy volunteers: BDNF …
… subjected to in vitro oxidative STRESS induced by amyloid beta-peptide and other oxidative STRESSors: relevance to Alzheimer’s disease and other oxidative STRESS …
Effect of noise STRESS on free radical scavenging enzymes in BRAIN
Critical role of angiotensin II in excess salt-induced BRAIN oxidative STRESS of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats
Hsp27 protects against ischemic BRAIN injury via attenuation of a novel STRESS-response cascade upstream of mitochondrial cell death signaling
Incidence of posttraumatic STRESS disorder and mild traumatic BRAIN injury in burned service members: preliminary report
Prenatal hyperhomocysteinemia as a model of oxidative STRESS of the BRAIN
Protective Effect of Acorus calamus LINN on Free Radical Scavengers and Lipid Peroxidation in Discrete Regions of BRAIN against Noise STRESS Exposed Rat
Amnesia, traumatic BRAIN injury, and posttraumatic STRESS disorder: a methodological inquiry
STRESS primes microglia to the presence of systemic inflammation: implications for environmental influences on the BRAIN
Integrative assessment of BRAIN and cognitive function in post-traumatic STRESS disorder
Induction of oxidative STRESS and DNA damage in rat BRAIN by a folate/methyl-deficient diet
The antiSTRESS effect of ginseng total saponin and ginsenoside Rg3 and Rb1 evaluated by BRAIN polyamine level under immobilization STRESS
Synergistic effects of STRESS and omega-3 fatty acid deprivation on emotional response and BRAIN lipid composition in adult rats
Post traumatic STRESS disorder what happens in the BRAIN?
Alpha-lipoic acid differently affects the reserpine-induced oxidative STRESS in the striatum and prefrontal cortex of rat BRAIN
Diallyl tetrasulfide improves cadmium induced alterations of acetylcholinesterase, ATPases and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of rats
Endogenous melatonin increases in cerebrospinal fluid of patients after severe traumatic BRAIN injury and correlates with oxidative STRESS and metabolic disarray
Program preferences to reduce STRESS in caregivers of patients with BRAIN tumors
Differential regulation of serotonin (5HT) 2A receptor mRNA and protein levels after single and repeated STRESS in rat BRAIN: role in learned helplessness behavior
Developing an integrated BRAIN, behavior and biological response profile in posttraumatic STRESS disorder (PTSD)
Oxidative STRESS induced by methotrexate alone and in the presence of methanol in discrete regions of the rodent BRAIN, retina and optic nerve
Effects of inhaled manganese on biomarkers of oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Sex differences in BRAIN activation during STRESS imagery in abstinent cocaine users: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Hippocampal neurokinin-1 receptor and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor gene expression is decreased in rat models of pain and STRESS
Lack of adrenomedullin in the mouse BRAIN results in behavioral changes, anxiety, and lower survival under STRESS conditions
Acute and prolonged STRESS responses of BRAIN monoaminergic activity and plasma cortisol levels in rainbow trout are modified by PAHs (naphthalene, β …
Changes in BRAIN electrical activity after cognitive behavioral therapy for posttraumatic STRESS disorder in patients injured in motor vehicle accidents
Loss of shear STRESS induces leukocyte‐mediated cytokine release and blood–BRAIN barrier failure in dynamic in vitro blood–BRAIN barrier model
Age-dependent effects of maternal deprivation on oxidative STRESS in infant rat BRAIN
Effects of phenytoin on memory, cognition and BRAIN structure in post-traumatic STRESS disorder: a pilot study
Chlorpyrifos-induced oxidative STRESS and tissue damage in the liver, kidney, BRAIN and fetus in pregnant rats: The protective role of the butanolic extract of …
Cadmium-induced toxicity in rat primary mid-BRAIN neuroglia cultures: role of oxidative STRESS from microglia
Levels of STRESS and intervention preferences of caregivers of BRAIN tumor patients
Reoxygenation STRESS on blood–BRAIN barrier paracellular permeability and edema in the rat
BRAIN responses to ambient temperature fluctuations in fish: reduction of blood volume and initiation of a whole-body STRESS response
… : intraventricular infusions of propionic acid increase locomotor activity and induce neuroinflammation and oxidative STRESS in discrete regions of adult rat BRAIN
Vitamin C deficiency in weanling guinea pigs: differential expression of oxidative STRESS and DNA repair in liver and BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN at early preclinical stages of mouse scrapie
… and its modulation by L-acetylcarnitine: insights into the mechanisms of action of this proposed therapeutic agent for CNS disorders associated with oxidative STRESS
Aluminum-induced maternal and developmental toxicity and oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN: response to combined administration of Tiron and glutathione
STRESS-induced accumulation of glycerol in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata: evidence indicating anti-desiccant and cryoprotectant functions of this polyol and a role for …
Activation of the STRESS axis and neurochemical alterations in specific BRAIN areas by concentrated ambient particle exposure with concomitant allergic airway disease
Effects of oxidative and nitrosative STRESS in BRAIN on p53 proapoptotic protein in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease
Up‐regulation of P‐glycoprotein expression by glutathione depletion‐induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN microvessel endothelial cells
… unpredictable STRESS and antidepressants differentially regulate expression of the bcl-2 family of apoptotic genes in rat cortical, hippocampal, and limbic BRAIN …
Early events in kidney donation: progression of endothelial activation, oxidative STRESS and tubular injury after BRAIN death
STRESS in pregnancy activates neurosteroid production in the fetal BRAIN
Reduction in oxidative STRESS by superoxide dismutase overexpression attenuates acute BRAIN injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage via activation of Akt/glycogen …
HMG CoA reductase inhibitors reduce ischemic BRAIN injury of Wistar rats through decreasing oxidative STRESS on neurons
Oxidative STRESS is involved in the permeabilization of the inner membrane of BRAIN mitochondria exposed to hypoxia/reoxygenation and low micromolar Ca2+
Depolarization and cardiolipin depletion in aged rat BRAIN mitochondria: relationship with oxidative STRESS and electron transport chain activity
Effects of the Chinese traditional prescription Xiaoyaosan decoction on chronic immobilization STRESS-induced changes in behavior and BRAIN BDNF, TrkB, and NT-3 in …
Prenatal STRESS alters Fos protein expression in hippocampus and locus coeruleus STRESS-related BRAIN structures
Alexithymia and STRESS-induced BRAIN activation in cocaine-dependent men and women
Resilience after 9/11: multimodal neuroimaging evidence for STRESS-related change in the healthy adult BRAIN
… and novel cage STRESS-induced sustained extracellular-regulated kinase1/2 (ERK1/2) phosphorylation but differential modulation of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor …
Angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockade selectively enhances BRAIN AT2 receptor expression, and abolishes the cold-restraint STRESS-induced increase in tyrosine …
Traumatic BRAIN injury, dissociation, and posttraumatic STRESS disorder in road traffic accident survivors
The BRAIN in STRESS–Influence of Environment and Lifestyle on STRESS‐Related Disorders
Intermittent hypoxia conditioning prevents behavioral deficit and BRAIN oxidative STRESS in ethanol-withdrawn rats
Psychological STRESS induces dysregulation of iron metabolism in rat BRAIN
Role of inflammation and cellular STRESS in BRAIN injury and central nervous system diseases
Abnormal tissue doppler images are associated with elevated plasma BRAIN natriuretic peptide and increased oxidative STRESS in acute Kawasaki disease
Neuronal plasticity of the “BRAIN–skin connection”: STRESS-triggered up-regulation of neuropeptides in dorsal root ganglia and skin via nerve growth factor …
Oxidative STRESS-mediated macromolecular damage and dwindle in antioxidant status in aged rat BRAIN regions: Role of L-carnitine and DL-α-lipoic acid
Oxidative STRESS and superoxide dismutase activity in BRAIN of rats fed with diet containing permethrin
Hesperidin, an antioxidant flavonoid, prevents acrylonitrile‐induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Beta-amyloid and oxidative STRESS jointly induce neuronal death, amyloid deposits, gliosis, and memory impairment in the rat BRAIN
Ebselen attenuates haloperidol-induced orofacial dyskinesia and oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Sample matching by inferred agonal STRESS in gene expression analyses of the BRAIN
Increased oxidative protein and DNA damage but decreased STRESS response in the aged BRAIN following experimental stroke
Errors in self-report of post-traumatic STRESS disorder after severe traumatic BRAIN injury
Changes in BRAIN tryptophan metabolism elicited by ageing, social environment, and psychological STRESS in mice
The effect of STRESS on the temporal and regional distribution of uranium in rat BRAIN after acute uranyl acetate exposure
Selenium and topiramate modulates BRAIN microsomal oxidative STRESS values, Ca2+-ATPase activity, and EEG records in pentylentetrazol-induced seizures in rats
Dietary virgin olive oil reduces oxidative STRESS and cellular damage in rat BRAIN slices subjected to hypoxia–reoxygenation
Role of combined administration of Tiron and glutathione against aluminum-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Endoplasmic reticulum STRESS is involved in arsenite-induced oxidative injury in rat BRAIN
Seizure-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN regions: blockade by nNOS inhibition
Estrogen alters c-Fos response to immobilization STRESS in the BRAIN of ovariectomized rats
BRAIN cooling causes attenuation of cerebral oxidative STRESS, systemic inflammation, activated coagulation, and tissue ischemia/injury during heatstroke
Hippocampal cellular STRESS responses after global BRAIN ischemia and reperfusion
Chronic mild STRESS paradigm reduces sweet food intake in rats without affecting BRAIN derived neurotrophic factor protein levels
Region-specific effects of BRAIN corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1 blockade on footshock-STRESS-or drug-priming-induced reinstatement of morphine …
Protective action of honokiol, administered orally, against oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of mice challenged with NMDA
Ether STRESS-induced Alzheimer-like tau phosphorylation in the normal mouse BRAIN
One-year follow-up of patients with mild traumatic BRAIN injury: occurrence of post-traumatic STRESS-related symptoms at follow-up and serum levels of cortisol, S-100B …
FTIR microspectroscopic analysis of the effects of certain drugs on oxidative STRESS and BRAIN protein structure
Secretion of BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor from PC12 cells in response to oxidative STRESS requires autocrine dopamine signaling
The neuroendocrinological sequelae of STRESS during BRAIN development: the impact of child abuse and neglect
Social isolation STRESS-induced oxidative damage in mouse BRAIN and its modulation by majonoside-R2, a Vietnamese ginseng saponin
Comparison of inhibitory action of candesartan and enalapril on BRAIN ischemia through inhibition of oxidative STRESS
The effect of STRESS on the expression of the amyloid precursor protein in rat BRAIN
Chronic STRESS during paradoxical sleep deprivation increases paradoxical sleep rebound: association with prolactin plasma levels and BRAIN serotonin content
Neuroprotective role of neurokinin B (NKB) on β-amyloid (25–35) induced toxicity in aging rat BRAIN synaptosomes: involvement in oxidative STRESS and excitotoxicity
BRAIN mitochondrial injury induced by oxidative STRESS-related events is prevented by tamoxifen
Lexical STRESS encoding in single word production estimated by event-related BRAIN potentials
Nitric Oxide and Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of Rats Exposed In Utero to Cocaine
Sympatho-inhibitory action of endogenous adrenomedullin through inhibition of oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN
Effects of forced swimming STRESS on rat BRAIN function
New fields of research in posttraumatic STRESS disorder: BRAIN imaging
… telomere‐shortening is repressed by phosphorylated α‐tocopherol together with cellular longevity and intracellular oxidative‐STRESS reduction in human BRAIN …
Anterior BRAIN activities related to emotional STRESS
Predicting the immediate and long-term consequences of post-traumatic STRESS disorder, depression, and traumatic BRAIN injury in veterans of Operation Enduring …
No association between the BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor gene Val66Met polymorphism and post‐traumatic STRESS disorder
… of fibroblast growth factor-2 and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA in the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus after uncontrollable or controllable STRESS
Effect of N-acetylcysteine, allopurinol and vitamin E on jaundice-induced BRAIN oxidative STRESS in rats
Oxidative STRESS increases levels of endogenous amyloid‐β peptides secreted from primary chick BRAIN neurons
Amlodipine-induced reduction of oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN is associated with sympatho-inhibitory effects in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats
Effects of acute footshock STRESS on antioxidant enzyme activities in the adolescent rat BRAIN
Changes in BRAIN G proteins and colonic sympathetic neural signaling in chronic-acute combined STRESS rat model of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Enhanced involvement of BRAIN vasopressin V1 receptors in cardiovascular responses to STRESS in rats with myocardial infarction
Differential effects of STRESS and amphetamine administration on Fos‐like protein expression in corticotropin releasing factor‐neurons of the rat BRAIN
Protective effects of erythropoietin against ethanol-induced apoptotic neurodegenaration and oxidative STRESS in the developing C57BL/6 mouse BRAIN
Effects of a neurofeedback program on BRAIN function and STRESS in high school students
Hyperoxic exposure leads to nitrative STRESS and ensuing microvascular degeneration and diminished BRAIN mass and function in the immature subject
Protective effect of red wine on oxidative STRESS and antioxidant enzyme activities in the BRAIN and kidney induced by feeding high cholesterol in rats
Impaired regulation of pH homeostasis by oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN capillary endothelial cells
Mitochondrial oxidative STRESS in female and male rat BRAIN after ex vivo carbon monoxide treatment
Amphetamine effects on BRAIN protein structure and oxidative STRESS as revealed by FTIR microspectroscopy
Prolonged α-tocopherol deficiency decreases oxidative STRESS and unmasks α-tocopherol-dependent regulation of mitochondrial function in the BRAIN
Impact of STRESS on plasticity of BRAIN structures and development of chosen psychiatric disorders
High fat diet increases the incidence of orofacial dyskinesia and oxidative STRESS in specific BRAIN regions of rats
Unique patterns of FOS, phospho-CREB and BrdU immunoreactivity in the female rat BRAIN following chronic STRESS and citalopram treatment
Convergence of STRESS granules and protein aggregates in hippocampal cornu ammonis 1 at later reperfusion following global BRAIN ischemia
Neuroprotection by extract of Petasites japonicus leaves, a traditional vegetable, against oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of mice challenged with kainic acid
Long-term administration of citalopram reduces basal and STRESS-induced extracellular noradrenaline levels in rat BRAIN
Hyperbaric oxygen improves survival in heatstroke rats by reducing multiorgan dysfunction and BRAIN oxidative STRESS
BRAIN glucocorticoid receptor and heat shock protein 70 levels in rats exposed to acute, chronic or combined STRESS
STRESS‐induced alternative splicing modulations in BRAIN and periphery: acetylcholinesterase as a case study
Effects of swim STRESS and α-MSH acute pre-treatment on BRAIN 5-HT transporter and corticosterone receptor
The effect of sulfite and chronic restraint STRESS on BRAIN lipid peroxidation and anti-oxidant enzyme activities
… from the vestibular nuclei to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus: morphological evidence for the existence of a vestibular STRESS pathway in the rat BRAIN
… of Centella asiatica leaf powder on oxidative markers in BRAIN regions of prepubertal mice in vivo and its in vitro efficacy to ameliorate 3-NPA-induced oxidative STRESS …
BRAIN integrity and cerebral atrophy in Vietnam combat veterans with and without posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Effects of analgesic or antidepressant drugs on pain-or STRESS-evoked hippocampal and spinal neurokinin-1 receptor and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor gene …
Modulation of STRESS-induced neurobehavioral changes and BRAIN oxidative injury by nitric oxide (NO) mimetics in rats
Mechanical STRESS enhances serotonin 2B receptor modulating BRAIN natriuretic peptide through nuclear factor-κB in cardiomyocytes
Maintenance of gonadotropin secretion by glucocorticoids under STRESS conditions through the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in the BRAIN
BRAIN endothelial HSP-70 STRESS response coincides with endothelial and pericyte death after BRAIN trauma
The anti-inflammatory prostaglandin 15d-PGJ2 decreases oxidative/nitrosative mediators in BRAIN after acute STRESS in rats
Tryptophan administration induces oxidative STRESS in BRAIN cortex of rats
Evidence that BRAIN tissue volumes are associated with HVA reactivity to metabolic STRESS in schizophrenia
Proline-rich transcript in BRAIN protein induces STRESS granule formation
The BRAIN 5HTergic response to an acute sound STRESS in rats with generalized (absence and audiogenic) epilepsy
Prolactin-releasing peptide is a potent mediator of STRESS responses in the BRAIN through the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus
Propofol Restores BRAIN Microvascular Function Impaired by High Glucose via the Decrease in Oxidative STRESS
Increased BRAIN oxygenation during intubation-related STRESS
Oxidative STRESS parameters in different rat BRAIN structures after electroconvulsive shock-induced seizures
Pathogenesis of STRESS-associated skin disorders: exploring the BRAIN-skin axis
… neuroprotective property of Centella asiatica against 3-nitropropionic acid induced oxidative STRESS and mitochondrial dysfunctions in BRAIN regions of prepubertal …
Effects of iloprost on visual evoked potentials and BRAIN tissue oxidative STRESS after bilateral common carotid artery occlusion
Hypocretin/orexin type 1 receptor in BRAIN: role in cardiovascular control and the neuroendocrine response to immobilization STRESS
Hypoxia‐inducible factor and nuclear factor kappa‐B activation in blood–BRAIN barrier endothelium under hypoxic/reoxygenation STRESS
Oxidative STRESS in the rats BRAIN capillaries in sepsis-the influence of 7-nitroindazole
Changes of glucocorticoid receptor and levels of CRF mRNA, POMC mRNA in BRAIN of chronic immobilization STRESS rats
GSK-3β and oxidative STRESS in aged BRAIN. Role of poly (ADP
Efficacy of catalpol as protectant against oxidative STRESS and mitochondrial dysfunction on rotenone-induced toxicity in mice BRAIN
BRAIN, skull, and cerebrospinal fluid volumes in adult posttraumatic STRESS disorder
STRESS and the architecture of the BRAIN
Fluid‐induced wall shear STRESS in anthropomorphic BRAIN aneurysm models: MR phase‐contrast study at 3 T
Changes in iNOS, GFAP and NR1 expression in various BRAIN regions and elevation of sphingosine-1-phosphate in serum after immobilized STRESS
Reduction in aluminum induced oxidative STRESS by meloxicam in rat BRAIN
Sepsis, oxidative STRESS, and BRAIN injury
Changes in regional long-term oxidative metabolism induced by partial serotonergic denervation and chronic variable STRESS in rat BRAIN
Involvement of BRAIN cytokines in STRESS-induced immunosuppression
Tissue micromotion induced STRESS around BRAIN implants
Combat veterans, mental health issues, and the death penalty: addressing the impact of post-traumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury
Long term environmental tobacco smoke activates nuclear transcription factor-kappa B, activator protein-1, and STRESS responsive kinases in mouse BRAIN
Anxiety and posttraumatic STRESS disorder in the context of human BRAIN evolution: A role for theory in DSM-V?
Melatonin prevents BRAIN oxidative STRESS induced by obstructive jaundice in rats
… in the blood-BRAIN barrier of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: evidence for the involvement of nuclear factor-κB, a nitrosative STRESS-sensitive transcription factor, in …
Regulation and expression of heme oxygenase enzymes in aged-rat BRAIN: age related depression in HO-1 and HO-2 expression and altered STRESS-response
Oxidative STRESS modulates membrane bound ATPases in BRAIN regions of PCB (Aroclor 1254) exposed rats: protective role of α-tocopherol
Hot Pepper (Capsicum spp.) Protects BRAIN from Sodium Nitroprusside- and Quinolinic Acid-Induced Oxidative STRESS In Vitro
Inflammatory/anti-inflammatory mechanisms in the BRAIN following exposure to STRESS
Differential gene expression in WKY and SHR BRAIN following acute and chronic air-puff STRESS
Comparative study on glutathione transferases of rat BRAIN and testis under the STRESS of phenobarbitol and β-methylcholanthrene
BRAIN superoxide as a key regulator of the cardiovascular response to emotional STRESS in rabbits
The NMDA receptor antagonist CPP blocks the effects of predator STRESS on pCREB in BRAIN regions involved in fearful and anxious behavior
Influence of ketone bodies on oxidative STRESS parameters in BRAIN of developing rats in vitro
Estradiol valerate and tibolone: effects upon BRAIN oxidative STRESS and blood biochemistry during aging in female rats
… of tubulin polymerization promoting protein TPPP/p25α is developmentally regulated in cultured rat BRAIN oligodendrocytes and affected by proteolytic STRESS
Induction of oxidative STRESS by the metabolites accumulating in isovaleric acidemia in BRAIN cortex of young rats
Decreased hippocampal cholinergic neurostimulating peptide precursor protein associated with STRESS exposure in rat BRAIN by proteomic analysis
STRESS-related gene expression in BRAIN and adrenal gland of porcine fetuses and neonates
Time course of peripheral oxidative STRESS as consequence of global ischaemic BRAIN injury in rats
Ameliorative effects of dietary caloric restriction on oxidative STRESS and inflammation in the BRAIN of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Protective effects of exogenously administered or endogenously produced melatonin on hyperbaric oxygen‐induced oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Basal and STRESS-induced modulation of activity-regulated cytoskeletal associated protein (Arc) in the rat BRAIN following duloxetine treatment
Effect of dietary iron overload in rat BRAIN: oxidative STRESS, neurotransmitter level and serum metal ion in relation to neurodegenerative disorders
Differences in the BRAIN expression of c-fos mRNA after restraint STRESS in Lewis compared to Sprague–Dawley rats
STRESS‐induced Activation of Neurons in the Ventromedial Arcuate Nucleus: A Blood‐BRAIN‐CSF Interface of the Hypothalamus
CART expression in limbic regions of rat BRAIN following forced swim STRESS: sex differences
Selective oxidative STRESS in BRAIN areas of neonate rats exposed to 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid through mother’s milk
In vivo BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor release and tyrosine kinase B receptor expression in the supraoptic nucleus after osmotic STRESS stimulus in rats
Effects of surgical STRESS on BRAIN prostaglandin E2 production and on the pituitary–adrenal axis: Attenuation by preemptive analgesia and by central amygdala lesion
Chronic Hypertension Aggravates Heat STRESS–Induced Cognitive Dysfunction and BRAIN Pathology: An Experimental Study in the Rat, Using Growth Hormone …
Chronic repeated restraint STRESS increases prolactin‐releasing peptide/tyrosine‐hydroxylase ratio with gender‐related differences in the rat BRAIN
From the stalk to down under about BRAIN glucocorticoid receptors, STRESS and development
Chronic STRESS, salivary cortisol response, interpersonal relatedness, and depression among community-dwelling survivors of traumatic BRAIN injury
… of Hypericum caprifoliatum Cham. & Schltdt.(Guttiferae) extract or of two established antidepressants on basal and STRESS-induced increase in serum and BRAIN …
Measuring BRAIN tissue oxygenation under oxidative STRESS by ESR/MR dual imaging system
Cold STRESS and light signals induce the expression of cold-inducible RNA binding protein (cirp) in the BRAIN and eye of the Japanese treefrog (Hyla japonica)
Influence of forced swimming STRESS on 5-HT1A receptors and serotonin levels in mouse BRAIN
Effects of chronic haloperidol and/or clozapine on oxidative STRESS parameters in rat BRAIN
The degree of oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN during ischemia and reperfusion in conditions of correction of the L-arginine-NO system
Studies on neurosteroids XVIII: LC–MS analysis of changes in rat BRAIN and serum testosterone levels induced by immobilization STRESS and ethanol administration
Caspase-8 activation and oxidative STRESS are involved in the cytotoxic effect of β-amyloid on rat BRAIN microvascular endothelial cells
Aging modifies BRAIN region-specific vulnerability to experimental oxidative STRESS induced by low dose hydrogen peroxide
The pathogenesis of obesity: STRESS and the BRAIN-gut axis
Role of glutamate transporters in the modulation of STRESS-induced lactate metabolism in the rat BRAIN
The “BRAIN–skin connection”: nerve growth factor-dependent pathways for STRESS-induced skin disorders
Saikokaryukotsuboreito, a herbal medicine, prevents chronic STRESS-induced dysfunction of glucocorticoid negative feedback system in rat BRAIN
Quantification of VGF-and pro-SAAS-derived peptides in endocrine tissues and the BRAIN, and their regulation by diet and cold STRESS
Repeated swim STRESS leads to down-regulation of vesicular monoamine transporter 2 in rat BRAIN nucleus accumbens and striatum
Understanding the effects of early life STRESS on BRAIN development
Fetal origin of adverse pregnancy outcome: the water disinfectant by-product chloroacetonitrile induces oxidative STRESS and apoptosis in mouse fetal BRAIN
Arsenic induces oxidative STRESS, sphingolipidosis, depletes proteins and some antioxidants in various regions of rat BRAIN
Influence of oxidative STRESS on fusion of pre-synaptic plasma membranes of the rat BRAIN with phosphatidyl choline liposomes, and protective effect of vitamin E
… early edema, oxidative STRESS, pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression and DNA fragmentation: implications for white matter injury with increased blood-BRAIN …
Contribution of glutamatergic signaling to nitrosative STRESS‐induced protein misfolding in normal BRAIN aging and neurodegenerative diseases
Effects of acupuncture on abdominal leak point pressure and c-Fos expression in the BRAIN of rats with STRESS urinary incontinence
N-methyl-D-aspartate and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor induce distinct profiles of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, mitogen-and STRESS-activated kinase, and …
Protective effect of Embelia ribes Burm on methionine-induced hyperhomocysteinemia and oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Antisocial personality and STRESS-induced BRAIN activation in cocaine-dependent patients
… ) induced oxidative STRESS and changes in acetylcholine esterase and membrane bound ATPases in cerebellum, cerebral cortex and hippocampus of adult rat BRAIN
Effects of prenatal STRESS on the activity of an enzyme involved in neurosteroid synthesis during the “critical period” of sexual differentiation of the BRAIN in male rats
Changes in vasoactive intestinal peptide and arginine vasopressin expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rat BRAIN following footshock STRESS
Dietary modification of BRAIN function: effects on neuroendocrine and psychological determinants of mental health-and STRESS-related disorders
STRESS and electroconvulsive seizure differentially alter GPR56 expression in the adult rat BRAIN
STRESS and cocaine interact to modulate basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) expression in rat BRAIN
HIF-1-regulated vasoactive systems are differentially involved in acute hypoxic STRESS responses of the developing BRAIN of newborn mice and are not affected by …
Chronic STRESS induces upregulation of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA and integrin α5 expression in the rat pineal gland
Regulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) by naloxone-induced morphine withdrawal in the BRAIN STRESS system
Behavioral STRESS and activated serotonergic neurotransmission induce XBP-1 splicing in the rat BRAIN
Effect of Vitamin E on alcohol-induced changes in oxidative STRESS and expression of transcription factors NFkB and AP-1 in mice BRAIN cerebral hemispheres
Role of gastric oxidative STRESS and nitric oxide in formation of hemorrhagic erosion in rats with ischemic BRAIN
N‐terminal pro‐BRAIN natriuretic peptide for detection of cardiovascular STRESS in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Assessment of cerebral hemodynamic changes in pediatric patients with moyamoya disease using probabilistic maps on analysis of basal/acetazolamide STRESS BRAIN …
Oxidative STRESS and damage in liver, but not in BRAIN, of fischer 344 rats subjected to dietary iron supplementation with lipid‐soluble [(3, 5, 5‐trimethylhexanoyl) …
Expression of c-fos and oxidative STRESS on BRAIN of rats reared on food from mercury-selenium coexisting mining area
Alterations in glutathione levels of BRAIN structures caused by acute restraint STRESS and by nitric oxide synthase inhibition but not by intraspecific agonistic interaction
Influence of ginsenoside Rb1 on BRAIN neurosteroid during acute immobilization STRESS
Plasticity in the expression of the steroid receptor coactivator 1 in the Japanese quail BRAIN: effect of sex, testosterone, STRESS and time of the day
Increased F2-isoprostane levels in the rat BRAIN and plasma caused by oxidative STRESS and aging, and inhibitory effect of vitamin E
Protective effect of Ocimum sanctum on ethanol-induced oxidative STRESS in Swiss Albino Mice BRAIN
Perception of lexical STRESS by BRAIN-damaged individuals: Effects on lexical–semantic activation
Venlafaxine Modulates Depression-Induced Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN and Medulla of Rat
CuZn superoxide dismutase in the hippocampus and BRAIN cortex of rats exposed to various STRESS conditions
Peripheral ChE inhibition modulates BRAIN monoamines levels and c-fos oncogene in mice subjected to a STRESS situation
The STRESS Answer: Train Your BRAIN to Conquer Depression and Anxiety in 45 Days
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, tolmetin and sulindac, attenuate oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN homogenate and reduce quinolinic acid-induced …
STRESS induces the expression of heterotrimeric G protein β subunits and the phosphorylation of PKB/Akt and ERK1/2 in rat BRAIN
Should all patients undergoing cardiac surgery have preoperative psychometric testing: a BRAIN STRESS test?
Oxidative STRESS in the liver and the BRAIN of rats in fulminant hepatic failure
BRAIN leptin and nerve growth factor are differently affected by STRESS in male and female mice: Possible neuroendocrine and cardio-metabolic implications
Effect of taurine on gastric oxidative STRESS and hemorrhagic erosion in BRAIN ischemic rats.
Effects of exposure to 50 Hz electric field at different strengths on oxidative STRESS and antioxidant enzyme activities in the BRAIN tissue of guinea pigs
Diagnostic potential of serum N-terminal pro-B-type BRAIN natriuretic peptide level in detection of cardiac wall STRESS in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a cross …
Prolonged effect of STRESS at weaning on the BRAIN serotonin metabolism and sexuality of female rats
Effects of afobazole on the BDNF content in BRAIN structures of inbred mice with different phenotypes of emotional STRESS reaction
Mild intermittent hypoxia does not induce STRESS responses in the neonatal rat BRAIN
Free radical oxidation in rat BRAIN during chronic STRESS and pharmacological regulation of this process
Functional Significance of STRESS-relieving Act of Chewing and it Effect on BRAIN Activation by Strees
Blood–BRAIN Barrier, STRESS and
STRESS response in mouse BRAIN after long‐term (2 year) exposure to mobile telephone radiofrequency fields using the immediate early gene, c‐fos
PS (PhosphatidylSerine) Nature’s BRAIN Booster A Vital Lipid Nutrient For Memory Mood and STRESS
Distinct effects of surgical denervation on hepatic perfusion, bowel ischemia, and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN dead and living donor porcine models
Oxidative STRESS and protein oxidation in the BRAIN of water drinking and alcohol drinking rats administered the HIV envelope protein, gp120
Effect of aging and oxidative/genotoxic STRESS on poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 activity in rat BRAIN.
Oxidative STRESS increases 6‐nitronorepinephrine and 6‐nitroepinephrine concentrations in rat BRAIN
The involvement of glucocorticoids and interleukin-1 in the regulation of BRAIN prostaglandin production in response to surgical STRESS
A density-based proteomics sample fractionation technology: Folate deficiency–induced oxidative STRESS response in liver and BRAIN
Differential proteins revealed with proteomics in the BRAIN tissue of Paralichthys olivaceus under the STRESS of methyl parathion
The Effect of Oxidative STRESS on the Transport of Taurine in an in Vitro Model of the Blood-BRAIN Barrier
Vaccination alone or in combination with pyridostigmine promotes and prolongs activation of STRESS‐activated kinases induced by STRESS in the mouse BRAIN
Foot-shock STRESS-induced regional iron accumulation and altered iron homeostatic mechanisms in rat BRAIN
Effects of oxidative STRESS inducers, neurotoxins, and ganglioside GM1 on Na+, K+-ATPase in PC12 and BRAIN synaptosomes
Effect of fluoxetine on BRAIN oxidative STRESS, neuronal damage and behavioural induced in the olfactory bulbectomy model of depression
Influence of atrial fibrillation on cardiac BRAIN natriuretic peptide release during haemodynamic STRESS in heart failure
Mild traumatic BRAIN injury and bomb blast: STRESS, injury or both
Effect of nutritional status and ozone exposure on some biomarkers of oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN regions
Influence of STRESS on the activation of CaMKII in the BRAIN
An examination of the effects of BRAIN Gym® on the self-reported symptoms of STRESS in school -age children
Acute changes in N-terminal pro-BRAIN natriuretic peptide induced by dobutamine STRESS echocardiography
Morphine exposure prevents up-regulation of MR and GR binding sites in the BRAIN of adult male and female rats due to prenatal STRESS
A Contemporary Model of STRESS for Understanding Family Functioning and the Psychological DiSTRESS in Relatives of People with Severe Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Influence of hyperglycemia on oxidative STRESS and mmp-9 activation after focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion in rats: Relationship to blood-BRAIN barrier …
Nitric oxide and cellular STRESS response in BRAIN aging and neurodegenerative disorders
Role of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and neuronal nitric oxide synthase in STRESS-induced depression
… associated protein mRNA expression in limbic BRAIN areas involved in the central STRESS-response in rat pups during a period of hypo-responsiveness to STRESS
Ethanol modifies the effect of handling STRESS on gene expression: problems in the analysis of two-way gene expression studies in mouse BRAIN
On the Role of a Nonlinear STRESS-Strain Relation in BRAIN Trauma.
Hyperbaric oxygenation reduces overexpression of c-Fos and oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN stem of experimental endotoxemic rats
STRESS-induced alterations in catecholamine enzymes gene expression in the hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus are modulated by caudal BRAIN and not hypothalamic …
Homocysteine attenuates blood BRAIN barrier function by inducing oxidative STRESS and the junctional proteins
STRESS and the female BRAIN: the effects of estradiol on the Neurobiological reactions to chronic STRESS
Environment-genetic interactions in the adult BRAIN: Effects of STRESS on learning
Chromatographic characterization of substance P endopeptidase in the rat BRAIN reveals affected enzyme activity following heat STRESS
The influence of early STRESS on development and the BRAIN with psychogenic amnesia as an example
Effects of aversive STRESS during BRAIN development on hippocampal synaptic and behavioral responses to emotional STRESS at postadolescence
ACE2 prevention of oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN is associated with a reduction in Angiotensin II‐induced sympathetic vasomodulation
Protective effects of thiazolo [3, 2-b]-1, 2, 4-triazoles on ethanol-induced oxidative STRESS in mouse BRAIN and liver
BRAIN mechanisms in STRESS and negative affect
CuZn-Superoxide dismutase in BRAIN of rats exposed to acute, chronic or combined STRESS
The acute effects of 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Transforming growth factor-α induces sex-specific neurochemical imbalance in the STRESS-and memory-associated BRAIN structures
Activity of BRAIN Stem Groups of Catecholaminergic Cells in Tumor‐Bearing Rats: Response to Immobilization STRESS
Effect of OQ21 and melatonin on lipopolysaccharide-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS in the developing BRAIN
Normal Memory versus Traumatic Memory Formation: Does Traumatic STRESS Damage the BRAIN?
Stimulation by gangliosides of viability of rat BRAIN neurons and of neuronal PC12 cell line under conditions of oxidative STRESS
Anthocyanins cross the blood BRAIN barrier: effects on oxidative STRESS-induced apoptosis
STRESS, glucocorticoids, and the BRAIN
… C Supplementation on Glutathione, Malondialdehyde and Nitric Oxide Concentrations in BRAIN and heart of Laying Japanese Quails Exposed To Heat STRESS …
Lateralized BRAIN and neuroendocrine dysregulation as response to traumatic STRESS
Analysis of BDNF in BRAIN structures of inbred mice with different phenotypes of mental and STRESS reaction
The effects of Baisong tablet on the behaviors and CRHmRNA expression in the BRAIN of rats following chronic STRESS
BRAIN angiotensin and cardiovascular reactivity to negative and positive emotional STRESS
Lipid peroxidation in several BRAIN regions during development of post-STRESS depressions in rats with different strategies of adaptive behavior
STRESS, Visceral Pain, and the BRAIN–Gut Connections
Oxidative STRESS and mitochondrial dysfunction in traumatic BRAIN injury in aging
Effect of immobilization STRESS on the expression of TH, BDH and CRH gene in rat BRAIN
Biochemical changes representing oxidative STRESS on BRAIN tissue due to intraabdominal hypertension in a rat model
Functional improvement after carotid endarterectomy: demonstrated by gait analysis and acetazolamide STRESS BRAIN perfusion SPECT
Reaction of rat BRAIN capillaries to immobilization STRESS
Effects of baisong tablets on the behavior and levels of norepinephrine and dopamine in the BRAIN of STRESS rats
Hemodynamic outcome of successful stent implementation in patients with carotid stenosis: a study with basal/acetazolamide STRESS BRAIN perfusion SPECT and …
A meta-analysis of neurocognitive performance in mild-moderate traumatic BRAIN injury and post traumatic STRESS disorder.
… c-fos and Arc mRNA expression in limbic BRAIN areas involved in the central STRESS-response in rat pups during a period of hypo-responsiveness to STRESS
STRESS, appraisal and coping following traumatic BRAIN injury: The impact of perceived STRESS, hope, problem-solving appraisal, and depression on adjustment
Serial Cerebral Hemodynamic Change After Extracranial-Intracranial (EC-IC) Bypass Surgery: Evaluated by Acetazolamide STRESS BRAIN Perfusion SPECT (Acz …
Effect of mutation-induced excess BRAIN concentration of intermediates of the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan metabolism on STRESS resistance of courtship behavior …
Effects of psychotherapy on the biology of posttraumatic STRESS disorder: BRAIN imaging and neurophysiological correlates
Serial cerebral hemodynamic changes after extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC) bypass surgery: Evaluated by Acetazolamide STRESS BRAIN perfusion SPECT (Acz-SPECT)
What STRESS does to your BRAIN: A review of neuroimaging studies: Imaging STRESS effects on memory: A review of neuroimaging studies
Kainate-induced oxidative STRESS and neurotoxicity in the rat BRAIN
STRESS and the BRAIN: A Fresh Perspective
An examination of traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Effects of Chinese herbs on glucocorticoid receptor in rat BRAIN regions with chronic immobilization STRESS
Atorvastatin attenuates oxidative STRESS and improves neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the BRAIN stem of heart failure mice
STRESS, the BRAIN and Depression
Oxidative STRESS induced functional and structural modifications of high molecular mass goat BRAIN cystatin
Effects of STRESS and Nutrition on Blood-BRAIN Barrier Functions
Estimation of protective effect of lipoic acid in the BRAIN of rats during lipopolysaccharide-induced oxidative STRESS
Editorial [Hot Topic: How BRAIN Faces STRESSors, Regulates STRESS Response and Undergoes STRESS Consequences (Guest Editor: Juan C. Leza)]
STRESS, the BRAIN and Depression
The role of functional interhemispherical BRAIN asymmetry in providing adaptation processes of organism to STRESS effects
Poster 15: Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder After Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injury
The effect of forced cold-water swimming STRESS on behavior and neurogranin level of BRAIN in rats
Science and technology: Genes, BRAIN, STRESS and evolution
Influence of prenatal STRESS on free radical oxidation lipids, both proteins and activity of superoxiddismutase in neurones and glial cells of the rat BRAIN cortex
Evaluation of STRESS by BRAIN Activity
STRESS Shaping BRAINs: Higher Order DNA/Chromosome Mechanisms Underlying Epigenetic Programming of the BRAIN Transcriptome
STRESS: Degenerative Changes in the BRAIN
STRESS and the BRAIN: new challenge for psychopharmacology
BRAIN angiotensin II and superoxide modulate the acute hypertensive response to emotional STRESS but not feeding
Effects on BRAIN tissue-oxygen level during acceleration STRESS in anesthetized rats
Residual STRESS in the Mouse BRAIN
4 Hz Magnetic field decreases oxidative STRESS in mouse BRAIN: a chemiluminescence study
BRAIN in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
… neuroprotective property of Centella asiatica against 3-nitropropionic acid induced oxidative STRESS and mitochondrial dysfunctions in BRAIN regions of prepubertal …
Linking Cognitive Control & STRESS Regulation: A BRAIN-Based Perspective on Self-Regulatory Processes
Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN Aging
STRESS-Induced Pathophysiology Within the Schizophrenia Patient BRAIN A Model for the Delayed Onset of Psychosis and Its Circumvention by Anxiolytic Agents
Effect of hypothyroidism on oxidative STRESS status in developing rat BRAIN
Effects of prenatal STRESS on early postnatal development of glutamatergic neurons in the mouse BRAIN
Distribution and expression of p38 MAPK in the distal cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons in BRAIN of rat by noise STRESS
Modulation of NADPH oxidase by ionizing radiation and its role in radiation-induced oxidative STRESS and inflammation in BRAIN endothelium.
Supplemental Data A Role for BRAIN STRESS Systems in Addiction
Book review: Understanding oxygen STRESS in the degenerative BRAIN
Causes and Treatments for Increased Blood BRAIN Barrier Permeability and Resultant Oxidative STRESS to the BRAIN.
The expression of galanin and galanin receptor-2 in the BRAIN of chronic STRESS model of depression
Effects of STRESS hormones on function and structure of the human BRAIN
Chronic mild STRESS stimulates nitric oxide production in rat BRAIN cortex and hippocampus
Edited by DH Hellhammer and J. Hellhammer STRESS: the BRAIN-body connection. Basel: Karger, 2008. Hardcover: 108 pages,€ 30.00 (US $42.00). ISBN: 978-3-8055 …
Mitochondrial oxidative STRESS in BRAIN stem death
CPU‐86017 improves the compromised blood–BRAIN barrier permeability mediated by impaired endothelial no system and oxidative STRESS caused by L‐thyroxine
Reaction of the rat BRAIN capillaries to immobilization STRESS
Histological and Ultrastructural Changes of the BRAIN, Pancreas and Ileum of diabetic and nondiabetic mice under heat STRESS with special reference to heat shock …
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN is involved in the pathogenesis of heart failure
Gene expression in the BRAIN and kidney of rainbow trout in response to handling STRESS
Effect of errors in baseline optical properties on accuracy of transabdominal near-infrared spectroscopy in fetal sheep BRAIN during hypoxic STRESS
Central infusion of aldosterone upregulates the BRAIN renin-angiotensin system and increases oxidative STRESS and sympathetic nerve activity
A Review of:“STRESS, the BRAIN and Depression. By Herman M. van Praag, Ron de Kloet and Jim van Os” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom; …
Dynamics of Fatty Acid binding protein and pro-BRAIN natriuretic Peptide levels in patients with ischemic heart disease at the background of STRESS test and balloon …
NMDA receptors and PCREB: their role in BRAIN and behavioral changes after STRESS
L-DOPA and cellular STRESS response in rat BRAIN
Evidence of microglial activation in the BRAIN in acute STRESS
Autonomic regulation of digestive function during STRESS: Role of BRAIN peptides
Effects of Inhaled Manganese on Biomarkers of Oxidative STRESS in the Rat BRAIN
Possibly of angiotesin II-induced BRAIN microvascular endothelial cell injury through oxidative STRESS
The effect of exposure with 900 MHz microwave on oxidative STRESS of the BRAIN in chick embryos and spontaneous activity in chick
Regulation of hepatic function by STRESS-related neuropeptides in the BRAIN
Changes of TH Immunoreactivities and Melatonin Treatments in the Rat BRAIN by Chronic STRESS
Effects of Chronic Immobilization STRESS on the Expression of Fas/FasL in the BRAIN of Rats
Social STRESS and the changing BRAIN: Evidence from the golden hamster
Nitrotyrosine as an Oxidative STRESS Marker in Human Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Neuroprotective effect of Sanguisorbae radix against oxidative STRESS-induced BRAIN damage
STRESS-regulated genes in the BRAIN of two mouse strains with differential responsiveness to antidepressants
Age-related peculiarities of glutathione content changes in the BRAIN of rats during immobilization STRESS
Membrane glycoprotein M6a: expression and regulation by STRESS in the BRAIN
Prostaglandin E2 as a mediator in the BRAIN in STRESS-induced immunomodulation
Lead Induced Oxidative STRESS Decreases the Effectiveness of the Blood BRAIN Barrier
Altered blood-BRAIN barrier development by early-life STRESS in an altricial mammal
Exploring the BRAIN-gut axis in irritable bowel syndrome: Specific emphasis on STRESS and melatonin
BRAIN Oxidative STRESS and Behavioral Alterations Induced by Residual Oil Fly Ash (ROFA)
Proteomic and oxidative STRESS analysis in human BRAIN samples of Huntington disease
The influence of cognitive burden, chronic STRESS, and somatic symptoms on depressive symptoms after BRAIN injury
HIV-1 viral proteins gp120 and Tat induce oxidative STRESS in BRAIN endothelial cells
Induction of oxidative STRESS and inflammation by Manganese in cultured human BRAIN fibroblast
Evaluation of oxidative STRESS indices in rat BRAIN following exposure to paraoxon
Reduction in aluminum induced oxidative STRESS by meloxicam in rat BRAIN
The impact of chronic STRESS on the behaviors and the expression of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in the prefrontal cortex of rats
Influence of prenatal STRESS on the rat hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity: the role of the BRAIN glycocorticoid receptors
N-Acetylcystein amide protects against methamphetamine-induced oxidative STRESS in human BRAIN endothelial cells
Regulation of choline transport by oxidative STRESS at the blood-BRAIN barrier in vitro model
Interactions of genetic and environmental factors shaping adult STRESS vulnerability: Possible role of BRAIN vasopressin?
O xidative STRESS contributes to BRAIN aging. Use of antioxidant vita-mins, especially over the long term, might confer cognitive benefits.
Analysis of BRAIN Structure in a Community Sample of Women with Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder as a Result of Chile Abuse Exposure
< The> use of ginger [zingiber officinale] powder to modulate the carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
The effect of STRESS on steroidogenic gene transcription in the Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis sabina) BRAIN
Effect of hydrogen sulfide on methionine‐induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN endothelial cells
Studies on Glutathione Homeostasis during Hypothyrodism Induced Oxidative STRESS in Developing BRAIN: Involvement of Astrocytes
STRESS on the BRAIN: neuropathology and cortisol dysregulation in bipolar disorder
Neural Substrates of post-traumatic STRESS symptoms in children with traumatic BRAIN injury: What do we know from fMRI Studies?
MRI findings of the BRAIN after gas explosion and its relationship with post-traumatic STRESS disorder
Effect of short periods of normobaric hyperoxia on local BRAIN tissue oxygenation & cerebrospinal fluid oxidative STRESS markers in severe traumatic BRAIN injury
A novel antioxidant N-acetylcysteine amide prevents gp120-and Tat-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN endothelial cells
Effects of prenatal folic acid status on oxidative STRESS in the postnatal developing rat BRAIN
Traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder: strategies for recognizing and treating TBI and PTSD comorbidity
The Effects of Chronic Forced Swimming STRESS on Emotion and Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase of BRAIN in Rats
Assessment of acute metabolic STRESS following traumatic BRAIN injury with 1 H magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging in human subjects
Effects of Quetiapine on the Immobilization STRESS-induced BDNF and CRF Expression in Rat BRAIN
The role of memory for trauma in the development of post-traumatic STRESS disorder following traumatic BRAIN injury and research portfolio
Investigation of the Effects of Selenium and Selenoproteins on the Activation of Microglia and on the Protection of BRAIN Cells in Oxidative STRESS
Green tea increases insulin sensitivity and decreases BRAIN oxidative STRESS in fructose‐fed rats
VA Otellin, LI Khozhai, NE Ordyan, Prenatal STRESS Actions on the Developing BRAIN. Adaptive Mechanisms, Direct and Delayed Effects, St. Petersburg,” Desyatka” …
Neurotoxicity of benzo [a] pyrene and its effects on heat STRESS protein 70 and heat STRESS protein 90β in BRAIN tissue of mice
Amelioration Of Xenobiotic-Induced Oxidative STRESS In The BRAIN And Liver Of Rats By The Root Extract Of Decalepis Hamiltonii
BRAIN natriuretic peptide is a marker of diastolic wall STRESS in heart failure
Synergistic Effect of Two Carbamates, Carbofuran and Cartap, on the Status of Oxidative STRESS in Rat BRAIN
Effects of chronic cold–STRESS on FDG uptake by brown adipose tissue (BAT) and BRAIN
Neurotoxicity of benzo [a] pyrene and its effects on heat STRESS protein 70 and heat STRESS protein 90β in BRAIN tissue of mice
α-Lipoic acid ameliorates radiation-induced behavioural toxicity and BRAIN oxidative STRESS in mice
Histological and ultrastructural changes of the BRAIN, pancreas and ileum of diabetic and nondiabetic mice under heat STRESS with special reference to heat shock …
A Novel Antioxidant N-acetylcysteine amide Prevents HIV-1/gp120 and Tat-Induced Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN Endothelial Cells
A Generic Closed-Loop Model for the Cardiovascular System Thermoregulation and BRAIN Activity under Physical STRESS Conditions
Assessment of STRESS granules in motor cortex following global BRAIN ischemia and reperfusion
Neuroplasticity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis early in life requires recurrent recruitment of STRESS-regulating BRAIN regions
Estrogen alters c-Fos response to cage-switch STRESS through estrogen receptorα in the BRAIN of ovariectomized rat
Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injury and Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder in Returning Veterans: A Cluster Approach to Assessment and Treatment0026
BRAIN monitoring of apnea; antimicrobial surgical mask coating; STRESS and surgeon performance; pulsatile Lavage
Corticosterone (cort) in the dorsal hindBRAIN (DHB) does not alter the number of neurons in cardiovascular BRAIN regions activated by STRESS
Oxidative STRESS In The BRAIN: Effects Of Hydroperoxides And Nitric Oxide On Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase And Phosphoinositide Cycle Enzymes
Deleterious effects of oxidative and nitrosative STRESS on aconitase activity in BRAIN mitochondria during diabetes
Effect of estrogen on STRESS‐induced c‐Fos expression in catecholaminergic neurons of ovariectomized rat BRAIN
Modulation of angiogenesis in adult rat BRAIN-effect of aging, STRESS, environmental enrichment and antidepressant treatment
Impaired STRESS-induced regulation of BRAIN derived neurotrophic factor expression in hippocampus of glucocorticoid receptor impaired mice: Model of depression
Anti-STRESS effects of the ginsenosides Rg3 and R bl on the changes in BRAIN polyamine levels after immobilization STRESS
The effect of estrogen on c-Fos expression in catecholaminergic neurons of ovariectomized rat BRAIN by cage-switch STRESS
BRAIN angiotensin or nuclear factor kappa B blockade attenuates cytokines, oxidative STRESS and decreases sympathoexcitation in hypertension
High Cardiac Output Is Correlated with Increased Myocardial Wall STRESS and BRAIN Natriuretic Peptide in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease on Hemodialysis
Role of BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor in the ventral tegmental area in social STRESS‐induced psychomotor sensitization using virus‐mediated gene‐transfer
Hypoxic STRESS responses and levetiracetam: Differential regulation of hypoxia-inducible neuroprotective factors in fetal mouse BRAIN
Angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockade selectively enhances BRAIN AT2 receptor expression, and abolishes the cold-restraint STRESS-induced increase in tyrosine …
Change in BRAIN neurosteroid level of rats in morphine addiction and STRESS-induced addiction relapse condition
Effect of prenatal application of delta-sleep-inducing peptide and prenatal emotional STRESS on BRAIN monoamine oxidase and on the behavior of adult male progeny of …
Thermoregulatory mechanisms of blood-BRAIN and hematosalivary barrier activation in cold stopping of STRESS-induced periodontal lesions
Ecstasy induces oxidative STRESS to adolescent rat BRAIN mitochondria in vivo through monoamine oxidase-dependent mechanisms
Effect of Exercise on Restraint STRESS-induced c-Fos Expression from the Thalamus Paraventricular Nucleus in the BRAIN of Female Rats
Interaction of BRAIN derived neurotrophic factor and the HPA axis STRESS response system with neonatal d-methamphetamine induced spatial learning and …
BRAIN Renin Angiotensin Blockade Attenuates Cytokines and Oxidative STRESS in the Paraventricular Nucleus of Hypothalamus and Decreases Sympathoexcitation in …
Effects of oxidative STRESS inhibitors, neurotoxins, and ganglioside GM1 on Na+, K+-ATPase activity in PC12 Cells and BRAIN synaptosomes
Double deficiency for creatine kinases BCK and UbCKmit in mice implies inefficient BRAIN energy metabolism: thermoregulation and behavioural STRESS
… /Operation Iraqi Freedom troops in Minnesota: A clinical survey, with special emphasis on Traumatic BRAIN Injury and Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder and with …
Repeated Restraint STRESS Reduces Opioid Receptor Binding in Different Rat CNS Structures 1 Giovana Dantas, Iraci Lucena Da Silva Torres, Leonardo Machado …
Single immobilization STRESS differentially alters the expression profile of transcripts of the BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and histone acetylation at its …
… drug delivery: an in vitro study. Lasers Surg Med 1998; 23: 151-60. 43. Hellhammer DH, Hellhammer J (eds): STRESS. The BRAIN-Body Connection. Key Issues in …
60 Hz Magnetic Field Induces Lipid Peroxidative STRESS in Mouse BRAIN
What STRESS does to your BRAIN: a review of neuroimaging studies
After facing traumatic STRESS: BRAIN activation, cognition and STRESS coping in policemen
The BRAIN is the central organ of STRESS and adaptation
Effects of STRESS throughout the lifespan on the BRAIN, behaviour and cognition
STRESS-and allostasis-induced BRAIN plasticity
Effects of developmental STRESS and lead (Pb) on corticosterone after chronic and acute STRESS, BRAIN monoamines, and blood Pb levels in rats
Central role of the BRAIN in STRESS and adaptation: links to socioeconomic status, health, and disease
Selective neuronal vulnerability to oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS in developmental BRAIN disorders
Prenatal STRESS and BRAIN development
The neurobiology of the STRESS-resistant BRAIN
Critical BRAIN circuits at the intersection between STRESS and learning
Allostasis and the human BRAIN: Integrating models of STRESS from the social and life sciences.
The BRAIN and the STRESS axis: the neural correlates of cortisol regulation in response to STRESS
Effects of STRESS on the developing BRAIN
BRAIN STRESS systems in the amygdala and addiction
The STRESS-vulnerability model how does STRESS impact on metal illness at the level of the BRAIN and what are the consequences?
Pleasurable behaviors reduce STRESS via BRAIN reward pathways
Residual STRESS in the adult mouse BRAIN
BRAIN development under STRESS: hypotheses of glucocorticoid actions revisited
The handbook of STRESS: Neuropsychological effects on the BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN according to traumatic BRAIN injury intensity
Neuronal death and oxidative STRESS in the developing BRAIN
Effects of chronic mild STRESS on the oxidative parameters in the rat BRAIN
Post-traumatic STRESS disorder vs traumatic BRAIN injury
Chronic STRESS alters the density and morphology of microglia in a subset of STRESS-responsive BRAIN regions
Blockade of BRAIN angiotensin II AT1 receptors ameliorates STRESS, anxiety, BRAIN inflammation and ischemia: therapeutic implications
The role of shear STRESS in Blood-BRAIN Barrier endothelial physiology
Neonatal intensive care unit STRESS is associated with BRAIN development in preterm infants
Expression of genes related to oxidative STRESS in the mouse BRAIN after exposure to silver-25 nanoparticles
Oxidative STRESS in ischemic BRAIN damage: mechanisms of cell death and potential molecular targets for neuroprotection
Changes in BRAIN MicroRNAs contribute to cholinergic STRESS reactions
Impact of mindfulness-based STRESS reduction training on intrinsic BRAIN connectivity
STRESS influences BRAIN enkephalinase, oxytocinase and angiotensinase activities: a new hypothesis
Exploring the convergence of posttraumatic STRESS disorder and mild traumatic BRAIN injury
STRESS and traumatic BRAIN injury: a behavioral, proteomics, and histological study
BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor, STRESS and depression: a minireview
BRAIN correlates of STRESS-induced analgesia
The selfish BRAIN: STRESS and eating behavior
Endoplasmic reticulum STRESS plays critical role in BRAIN damage after cerebral ischemia/reperfusion in rats
Methamphetamine disrupts blood–BRAIN barrier function by induction of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN endothelial cells
Effects of Transcendental Meditation practice on BRAIN functioning and STRESS reactivity in college students
Resilience to chronic STRESS is mediated by hippocampal BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor
BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in traumatic BRAIN injury, post-traumatic STRESS disorder, and their comorbid conditions: role in pathogenesis and treatment
Alteration of BRAIN functional network at rest and in response to YMCA physical STRESS test in concussed athletes: RsFMRI study
Detecting STRESS using eye blinks and BRAIN activity from EEG signals
Increased oxidative STRESS in submitochondrial particles into the BRAIN of rats submitted to the chronic mild STRESS paradigm
Childhood STRESS, serotonin transporter gene and BRAIN structures in major depression
Early-life STRESS induces long-term morphologic changes in primate BRAIN
Effect of mobile phone exposure on apoptotic glial cells and status of oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Mild traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder and their associations with health symptoms
Prevalence, assessment, and treatment of mild traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder: a systematic review of the evidence
Changes in BRAIN anatomy during the course of posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Behavioral STRESS accelerates plaque pathogenesis in the BRAIN of Tg2576 mice via generation of metabolic oxidative STRESS
Advances in neuroimaging of traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Neural dysregulation of peripheral insulin action and blood pressure by BRAIN endoplasmic reticulum STRESS
Oxidative STRESS and blood–BRAIN barrier dysfunction under particular consideration of matrix metalloproteinases
BRAIN region-specific changes in oxidative STRESS and neurotrophin levels in autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
Endoplasmic reticulum STRESS in BRAIN damage
Sex-dependent differences in aged rat BRAIN mitochondrial function and oxidative STRESS
Sex-and BRAIN region-specific acceleration of β-amyloidogenesis following behavioral STRESS in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Short-and long-term effects of intermittent social defeat STRESS on BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor expression in mesocorticolimbic BRAIN regions
Interactions between BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and early life STRESS predict BRAIN and arousal pathways to syndromal depression and anxiety
Increase in blood–BRAIN barrier permeability, oxidative STRESS, and activated microglia in a rat model of blast‐induced traumatic BRAIN injury
Traumatic BRAIN injury, posttraumatic STRESS disorder, and postconcussive symptom reporting among troops returning from Iraq
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of mice caused by translocated nanoparticulate TiO2 delivered to the abdominal cavity
Endogenous reward mechanisms and their importance in STRESS reduction, exercise and the BRAIN
BRAIN oxidative STRESS as basic target of antioxidant traditional oriental medicines
Oxidative STRESS markers in the BRAIN of patients with cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy
Sex differences in the effects of acute and chronic STRESS and recovery after long-term STRESS on STRESS-related BRAIN regions of rats
Adipose tissue-derived nerve growth factor and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor: results from experimental STRESS and diabetes
Structural BRAIN abnormalities common to posttraumatic STRESS disorder and depression
Prenatal STRESS induces long term STRESS vulnerability, compromising STRESS response systems in the BRAIN and impairing extinction of conditioned fear after adult STRESS
ΔFosB in BRAIN reward circuits mediates resilience to STRESS and antidepressant responses
Pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines expression in rat’s BRAIN and spleen exposed to chronic mild STRESS: involvement in depression
STRESS-induced asymmetric frontal BRAIN activity and aggression risk.
Is STRESS cardiomyopathy the underlying cause of ventricular dysfunction associated with BRAIN death?
Heightening of the STRESS response during the first weeks after a mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Environmental enrichment, prefrontal cortex, STRESS, and aging of the BRAIN
BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor plasma levels in patients suffering from post-traumatic STRESS disorder
Sex differences in synaptic plasticity in STRESS-responsive BRAIN regions following chronic variable STRESS
Roundup® causes oxidative STRESS in liver and inhibits acetylcholinesterase in muscle and BRAIN of the fish Prochilodus lineatus
Mechanism of ER STRESS-induced BRAIN damage by IP3 receptor
Association between combat STRESS and post-concussive symptom reporting in OEF/OIF service members with mild traumatic BRAIN injuries
Mild traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder in returning veterans: perspectives from cognitive neuroscience
Different sub-anesthetic doses of ketamine increase oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of rats
H2S Protects Against Methionine–Induced Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN Endothelial Cells
STRESS and inflammation reduce BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor expression in first-episode psychosis: a pathway to smaller hippocampal volume
Mitochondrial dysfunction in BRAIN aging: role of oxidative STRESS and cardiolipin
Effects of STRESS hormones on the BRAIN and cognition: Evidence from normal to pathological aging
Chronic mild STRESS damages mitochondrial ultrastructure and function in mouse BRAIN
Association between flashbacks and structural BRAIN abnormalities in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
BRAIN oxidative STRESS and selective behaviour of aluminium in specific areas of rat BRAIN: potential effects in a 6‐OHDA‐induced model of Parkinson’s disease
Sympathoexcitation by oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN mediates arterial pressure elevation in obesity-induced hypertension
Effect of BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor haploinsufficiency on STRESS‐induced remodeling of hippocampal neurons
Restraint STRESS activates nesfatin-1-immunoreactive BRAIN nuclei in rats
Early STRESS is associated with alterations in the orbitofrontal cortex: a tensor-based morphometry investigation of BRAIN structure and behavioral risk
Effects of acute psychosocial STRESS on working memory related BRAIN activity in men
Gender-specific impact of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor signaling on STRESS-induced depression-like behavior
Rat strain differences in restraint STRESS-induced BRAIN cytokines
Beneficial effects of hydrogen gas in a rat model of traumatic BRAIN injury via reducing oxidative STRESS
Oxidative STRESS increases blood–BRAIN barrier permeability and induces alterations in occludin during hypoxia–reoxygenation
… in BRAIN antioxidant enzymes and redox proteomic identification of oxidized BRAIN proteins induced by the anti-cancer drug adriamycin: implications for oxidative STRESS …
Mitochondrial dysfunction during BRAIN aging: role of oxidative STRESS and modulation by antioxidant supplementation
Assessment and diagnosis of mild traumatic BRAIN injury, posttraumatic STRESS disorder, and other polytrauma conditions: burden of adversity hypothesis.
Mitochondrial dysfunction triggered by loss of HtrA2 results in the activation of a BRAIN-specific transcriptional STRESS response
Veterans with history of mild traumatic BRAIN injury and posttrauma STRESS disorder: Challenges from provider perspective
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN and arterial hypertension
Carnosinase levels in aging BRAIN: redox state induction and cellular STRESS response
Regular exercise prevents oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of hyperphenylalaninemic rats
Ethanol induces endoplasmic reticulum STRESS in the developing BRAIN
Crocetin reduces the oxidative STRESS induced reactive oxygen species in the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSPs) BRAIN
Variant BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met endophenotypes: implications for posttraumatic STRESS disorder
A BRAIN-Computer Interface for classifying EEG correlates of chronic mental STRESS
Hemoglobin-Induced Oxidative STRESS Contributes to Matrix Metalloproteinase Activation and Blood–BRAIN Barrier Dysfunction in vivo
5‐HT2B receptors modulate visceral hypersensitivity in a STRESS‐sensitive animal model of BRAIN‐gut axis dysfunction
Corticotropin-releasing factor-1 receptor activation mediates nicotine withdrawal-induced deficit in BRAIN reward function and STRESS-induced relapse
Oxidative STRESS caused by ozone exposure induces loss of BRAIN repair in the hippocampus of adult rats
Longitudinal effects of mild traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder comorbidity on postdeployment outcomes in national guard soldiers deployed to …
Eugenol as an anti-STRESS agent: modulation of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and BRAIN monoaminergic systems in a rat model of STRESS
Early adolescence as a critical window during which social STRESS distinctly alters behavior and BRAIN norepinephrine activity
Amyloid beta induces oxidative STRESS-mediated blood–BRAIN barrier changes in capillary amyloid angiopathy
Effects of traumatic BRAIN injury of different severities on emotional, cognitive, and oxidative STRESS-related parameters in mice
Links between private habits, psychological STRESS and BRAIN cancer: a case–control pilot study in France
Acute STRESS and food-related reward activation in the BRAIN during food choice during eating in the absence of hunger
Classification of emotional STRESS using BRAIN activity
Effects of erythropoietin on memory deficits and BRAIN oxidative STRESS in the mouse models of dementia
BRAIN stimulation in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Sex differences in how STRESS affects BRAIN activity during face viewing
Activity inhibition: a predictor of lateralized BRAIN function during STRESS?
Angiotensin II induced cerebral microvascular inflammation and increased blood–BRAIN barrier permeability via oxidative STRESS
In vivo oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of Alzheimer disease transgenic mice: requirement for methionine 35 in amyloid β-peptide of APP
Multisite investigation of traumatic BRAIN injuries, posttraumatic STRESS disorder, and self-reported health and cognitive impairments
A study of BRAIN insulin receptors, AChE activity and oxidative STRESS in rat model of ICV STZ induced dementia
STRESS-mediated quality of life outcomes in parents of childhood cancer and BRAIN tumor survivors: a case–control study
Minocycline effects on cerebral edema: relations with inflammatory and oxidative STRESS markers following traumatic BRAIN injury in mice
Ischemic postconditioning protects BRAIN from ischemia/reperfusion injury by attenuating endoplasmic reticulum STRESS-induced apoptosis through PI3K-Akt pathway
Post-traumatic amnesia and the nature of post-traumatic STRESS disorder after mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Restraint STRESS-induced BRAIN activation patterns in two strains of mice differing in their anxiety behaviour
Proteomic temporal profile of human BRAIN endothelium after oxidative STRESS
BRAIN neuropeptide Y and corticotropin-releasing hormone in mediating STRESS and anxiety
Regulation of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the chronic unpredictable STRESS rat model and the effects of chronic antidepressant treatment
Cobalt-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN, liver and kidney of goldfish Carassius auratus
Abnormal baseline BRAIN activity in posttraumatic STRESS disorder: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study
STRESS insulin resistance is a marker for mortality in traumatic BRAIN injury
Noninvasive BRAIN stimulation with high-frequency and low-intensity repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment for posttraumatic STRESS disorder
The association of STRESS-coping variables to quality of life among caregivers of individuals with traumatic BRAIN injury
Complicating factors associated with mild traumatic BRAIN injury: impact on pain and posttraumatic STRESS disorder treatment
Regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis, chronic STRESS, and energy: the role of BRAIN networks
The impact of childhood abuse and recent STRESS on serum BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and the moderating role of BDNF Val66Met
Identification of the oxidative STRESS proteome in the BRAIN
BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis adaptation processes in a depressive-like state induced by chronic restraint STRESS
Oxidative STRESS and NAD+ in ischemic BRAIN injury: current advances and future perspectives
BRAIN as a critical target of mercury in environmentally exposed fish (Dicentrarchus labrax)—bioaccumulation and oxidative STRESS profiles
Effect of silymarin on biochemical parameters of oxidative STRESS in aged and young rat BRAIN
BRAIN oxidative STRESS after dermal and subcutaneous exposure of T-2 toxin in mice
Lipid peroxidation, oxidative STRESS and acetylcholinesterase in rat BRAIN exposed to organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides
Effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic field on caspase activities and oxidative STRESS values in rat BRAIN
Heart-BRAIN interactions in mental STRESS-induced myocardial ischemia
Population variation in oxidative STRESS and astrocyte DNA damage in relation to Alzheimer‐type pathology in the ageing BRAIN
BRAIN is a co-conspirator in a vicious STRESS loop
Post‐traumatic STRESS symptoms in childhood BRAIN tumour survivors and their parents
Prenatal STRESS alters microglial development and distribution in postnatal rat BRAIN
Chronic STRESS Alters Glucocorticoid Receptor and Mineralocorticoid Receptor mRNA Expression in the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) BRAIN
STRESS responsiveness varies over the ultradian glucocorticoid cycle in a BRAIN-region-specific manner
Environmental ammonia exposure induces oxidative STRESS in gills and BRAIN of Boleophthalmus boddarti (mudskipper)
Acute STRESS and chronic STRESS change BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and tyrosine kinase-coupled receptor (TrkB) expression in both young and …
Immunosuppressant neurotoxicity in rat BRAIN models: oxidative STRESS and cellular metabolism
Adriamycin-related anxiety-like behavior, BRAIN oxidative STRESS and myelotoxicity in male Wistar rats
Alterations in monoamine levels and oxidative systems in frontal cortex, striatum, and hippocampus of the rat BRAIN during chronic unpredictable STRESS
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder mediates the relationship between mild traumatic BRAIN injury and health and psychosocial functioning in veterans of Operations …
Acute or chronic STRESS induce cell compartment-specific phosphorylation of glucocorticoid receptor and alter its transcriptional activity in Wistar rat BRAIN
Grape seed proanthocyanidin lowers BRAIN oxidative STRESS in adult and middle-aged rats
HIV-1 gp120-induced injury to the blood-BRAIN barrier: role of metalloproteinases 2 and 9 and relationship to oxidative STRESS
The effects of fluoxetine treatment in a chronic mild STRESS rat model on depression-related behavior, BRAIN neurotrophins and ERK expression
Trivalent chromium induces oxidative STRESS in goldfish BRAIN
Whole body hypothermia and oxidative STRESS in babies with hypoxic-ischemic BRAIN injury
Paroxetine prevents loss of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons by inhibiting BRAIN inflammation and oxidative STRESS in an experimental model of Parkinson’s disease
Neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings in traumatic BRAIN injury and post-traumatic STRESS disorder
Lead exposure, polymorphisms in genes related to oxidative STRESS, and risk of adult BRAIN tumors
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of nicotine-induced toxicity: protective role of Andrographis paniculata Nees and vitamin E
Altered functional development of the blood–BRAIN barrier after early life STRESS in the rat
Overexpression of mitochondrial Hsp70/Hsp75 in rat BRAIN protects mitochondria, reduces oxidative STRESS, and protects from focal ischemia
Metabolic STRESS Responses in Drosophila Are Modulated by BRAIN Neurosecretory Cells That Produce Multiple Neuropeptides
Separating deployment-related traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder in veterans: Preliminary findings from the Veterans Affairs traumatic BRAIN injury …
Protective effect of pineapple (Ananas cosmosus) peel extract on alcohol–induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN tissues of male albino rats
Effects of static magnetic field and cadmium on oxidative STRESS and DNA damage in rat cortex BRAIN and hippocampus
Preclinical Alzheimer disease: BRAIN oxidative STRESS, Aβ peptide and proteomics
Differential oxidative STRESS gene expression profile in mouse BRAIN after proton exposure
Endotoxin-activated microglia injure BRAIN derived endothelial cells via NF-κB, JAK-STAT and JNK STRESS kinase pathways
Gulf War illness: Effects of repeated STRESS and pyridostigmine treatment on blood–BRAIN barrier permeability and cholinesterase activity in rat BRAIN
Evaluation of fluoride-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN: a multigeneration study
HIV proteins (gp120 and Tat) and methamphetamine in oxidative STRESS-induced damage in the BRAIN: potential role of the thiol antioxidant N-acetylcysteine amide
Protection by pentoxifylline of malathion-induced toxic STRESS and mitochondrial damage in rat BRAIN
Negativity bias’ in risk for depression and anxiety: BRAIN–body fear circuitry correlates, 5-HTT-LPR and early life STRESS
Evolution and resolution of human BRAIN perfusion responses to the STRESS of induced hypoglycemia
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder, traumatic BRAIN injury, and suicide attempt history among veterans receiving mental health services
Selective vulnerability of BRAIN regions to oxidative STRESS in a non-coma model of insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Chronic STRESS produces enduring decreases in novel STRESS-evoked c-fos mRNA expression in discrete BRAIN regions of the rat
… transporter and pharmacologically diverse antidepressants prevent behavioral and BRAIN neurotrophin alterations in two chronic STRESS models of depression
Single immobilization STRESS differentially alters the expression profile of transcripts of the BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and histone acetylation at its …
Post-traumatic STRESS symptoms and psychological functioning in children of parents with acquired BRAIN injury
Effect of chronic psychosocial STRESS-induced by subordinate colony (CSC) housing on BRAIN neuronal activity patterns in mice
Oxidative STRESS following traumatic BRAIN injury: enhancement of endogenous antioxidant defence systems and the promise of improved outcome
Curcumin attenuates aluminum-induced oxidative STRESS and mitochondrial dysfunction in rat BRAIN
Animal model of mania induced by ouabain: evidence of oxidative STRESS in submitochondrial particles of the rat BRAIN
N-Acetylcysteine amide protects against methamphetamine-induced oxidative STRESS and neurotoxicity in immortalized human BRAIN endothelial cells
Cyclophosphamide-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN: protective effect of hot short pepper (Capsicum frutescens L. var. abbreviatum)
Erythropoietin attenuates hyperoxia-induced oxidative STRESS in the developing rat BRAIN
Chronic STRESS increases pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression in the bed nucleus of …
Chronic STRESS and fatigue-related quality of life after mild-to-moderate traumatic BRAIN injury (TBI)
Pre-pubertal STRESS exposure affects adult behavioral response in association with changes in circulating corticosterone and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor
… of schizophrenia: abnormal immune system development may help explain roles of prenatal hazards, post-pubertal onset, STRESS, genes, climate, infections, and BRAIN …
DNA BRAIN damage after STRESS in rats
Prevention of cognitive deficits and BRAIN oxidative STRESS with superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetics in aged mice
A brief overview of traumatic BRAIN injury (TBI) and post-traumatic STRESS disorder (PTSD) within the Department of Defense
Nicotine-induced memory impairment by increasing BRAIN oxidative STRESS
Protective role of lithium in ameliorating the aluminium-induced oxidative STRESS and histological changes in rat BRAIN
Alterations in inflammatory mediators, oxidative STRESS parameters and energetic metabolism in the BRAIN of sepsis survivor rats
Chronic intermittent cold STRESS sensitizes neuro-immune reactivity in the rat BRAIN
Ischemia induces endoplasmic reticulum STRESS and cell apoptosis in human BRAIN
Alloxan diabetes-induced oxidative STRESS and impairment of oxidative defense system in rat BRAIN: neuroprotective effects of cichorium intybus
… of the roles of sodium ions, epithelial sodium channels, the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system, oxidative STRESS and endogenous digitalis in the BRAIN
Role of aqueous extract of Cynodon dactylon in prevention of carbofuran-induced oxidative STRESS and acetylcholinesterase inhibition in rat BRAIN
Heart rate contributes to the vascular effects of chronic mental STRESS: effects on endothelial function and ischemic BRAIN injury in mice
Endoplasmic reticulum STRESS, inflammation, and perinatal BRAIN damage
Neural responses in rat BRAIN during acute immobilization STRESS: a [F-18] FDG micro PET imaging study
Long-term high-dose atorvastatin decreases BRAIN oxidative and nitrosative STRESS in a preclinical model of Alzheimer disease: a novel mechanism of action
Deep BRAIN stimulation of the amygdala alleviates post-traumatic STRESS disorder symptoms in a rat model
STRESS, glucocorticoids and liquorice in human pregnancy: programmers of the offspring BRAIN
Blood-borne angiotensin II acts in the BRAIN to influence behavioral and endocrine responses to psychogenic STRESS
Parental STRESS and marital relationships among patients with BRAIN injury and their spouses
… single exposure to social isolation in domestic piglets activates behavioural arousal, neuroendocrine STRESS hormones, and STRESS-related gene expression in the BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS-mediated inhibition of BRAIN creatine kinase activity by methylmercury
Chronic restraint STRESS impairs neurogenesis and hippocampus‐dependent fear memory in mice: possible involvement of a BRAIN‐specific transcription factor Npas4
Co-exposure to arsenic and fluoride on oxidative STRESS, glutathione linked enzymes, biogenic amines and DNA damage in mouse BRAIN
Potential in vivo amelioration by N‐acetyl‐L‐cysteine of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN in human double mutant APP/PS‐1 knock‐in mice: toward therapeutic modulation of …
Distribution of relaxin‐3 and RXFP3 within arousal, STRESS, affective, and cognitive circuits of mouse BRAIN
… -like action in mice exposed to chronic unpredictable mild STRESS: effects on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor
Nitric oxide system is involved in hypobaric hypoxia-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Age-related changes in BRAIN mitochondrial DNA deletion and oxidative STRESS are differentially modulated by dietary fat type and coenzyme Q10
Stabilization of BRAIN microvascular endothelial barrier function by shear STRESS involves VE‐cadherin signaling leading to modulation of pTyr‐occludin levels
… prevents enhancement of acetylcholinesterase activity induced by acute ethanol exposure and decreases the level of markers of oxidative STRESS in zebrafish BRAIN
Neuroprotective effects of resveratrol on ischemic injury mediated by improving BRAIN energy metabolism and alleviating oxidative STRESS in rats
Long-lasting effects of inescapable-predator STRESS on BRAIN tryptophan metabolism and the behavior of juvenile mice
A New Disability for Rehabilitation Counselors: Iraq War Veterans with Traumatic BRAIN Injury and Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder.
Complement component C1q mediates mitochondria-driven oxidative STRESS in neonatal hypoxic–ischemic BRAIN injury
Adolescent alcohol exposure alters the central BRAIN circuits known to regulate the STRESS response
Aging BRAIN: prevention of oxidative STRESS by vitamin E and exercise
Chemo BRAIN (chemo fog) as a potential side effect of doxorubicin administration: role of cytokine-induced, oxidative/nitrosative STRESS in cognitive dysfunction
… Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 Restructured Form in National Guard soldiers screening positive for posttraumatic STRESS disorder and mild traumatic BRAIN injury.
Protective efficacy of mitochondrial targeted antioxidant MitoQ against dichlorvos induced oxidative STRESS and cell death in rat BRAIN
Protective effects of Nigella sativa oil on propoxur-induced toxicity and oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN regions
Effect of lead on oxidative STRESS, Na+ K+ ATPase activity and mitochondrial electron transport chain activity of the BRAIN of Clarias batrachus L.
Locomotor damage and BRAIN oxidative STRESS induced by lead exposure are attenuated by gallic acid treatment
Decreased learning and memory ability in rats with fluorosis: increased oxidative STRESS and reduced cholinesterase activity in the BRAIN
Neuroprotective effects of alpha lipoic acid on haloperidol-induced oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Acetaminophen protects BRAIN endothelial cells against oxidative STRESS
Effect of carbamazepine and lamotrigine on cognitive function and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN during chemical epileptogenesis in rats
… treatment with peony glycosides reverses chronic unpredictable mild STRESS-induced depressive-like behavior via increasing expression of neurotrophins in rat BRAIN
Effect of massage therapy on STRESS levels and quality of life in BRAIN tumor patients—observations from a pilot study
Acute STRESS differentially affects aromatase activity in specific BRAIN nuclei of adult male and female quail
Genistein reduced the neural apoptosis in the BRAIN of ovariectomised rats by modulating mitochondrial oxidative STRESS
Breakdown of the blood-BRAIN barrier in STRESS alters cognitive dysfunction and induces BRAIN pathology: new perspectives for neuroprotective strategies
CRP-induced levels of oxidative STRESS are higher in BRAIN than aortic endothelial cells
Differential regulation of CuZnSOD expression in rat BRAIN by acute and/or chronic STRESS
Corticosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone in songbird plasma and BRAIN: effects of season and acute STRESS
… active antiretroviral therapy drug combination induces oxidative STRESS and mitochondrial dysfunction in immortalized human blood–BRAIN barrier endothelial cells
Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases: Targets of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN aging and neurodegeneration
Post-traumatic STRESS symptoms in relatives in the first weeks after severe traumatic BRAIN injury
Chronic green tea catechins administration prevents oxidative STRESS-related BRAIN aging in C57BL/6J mice
Effect of polyphenols on oxidative STRESS and mitochondrial dysfunction in neuronal death and BRAIN edema in cerebral ischemia
Diet supplementation with iron augments BRAIN oxidative STRESS status in a rat model of psychological STRESS
… -releasing factor (CRF) sensitization of ethanol withdrawal-induced anxiety-like behavior is BRAIN site specific and mediated by CRF-1 receptors: relation to STRESS …
Modulation of STRESS proteins and apoptotic regulators in the anoxia tolerant turtle BRAIN
An exploratory study of neuroimaging, neurologic, and neuropsychological findings in veterans with traumatic BRAIN injury and/or posttraumatic STRESS disorder
L-Proline is a sedative regulator of acute STRESS in the BRAIN of neonatal chicks
Blood-BRAIN barrier disruption and oxidative STRESS in guinea pig after systemic exposure to modified cell-free hemoglobin
Exercise‐induced oxidative–nitrosative STRESS is associated with impaired dynamic cerebral autoregulation and blood–BRAIN barrier leakage
… clinical correlates in Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans with post-traumatic STRESS disorder and mild traumatic BRAIN injury: an exploratory …
Prenatal STRESS differentially alters BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor expression and signaling across rat strains
Oxidative STRESS and BRAIN glutamate-mediated excitability in depressed patients
Cold STRESS induced morphological microglial activation and increased IL-1β expression in astroglial cells in rat BRAIN
… therapy and SPECT BRAIN imaging in the treatment of blast-induced chronic traumatic BRAIN injury (post-concussion syndrome) and post traumatic STRESS …
Functional status, chronic STRESS, and cortisol response after mild-to-moderate traumatic BRAIN injury
… STRESS combined with serotonin 3A receptor and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor valine 66 to methionine genotypes impacts emotional BRAIN and arousal correlates …
Role of innate and drug-induced dysregulation of BRAIN STRESS and arousal systems in addiction: Focus on corticotropin-releasing factor, nociceptin/orphanin FQ, and …
Effects of maternal hyperhomocysteinemia induced by methionine intake on oxidative STRESS and apoptosis in pup rat BRAIN
Electrophysiological insights into the enduring effects of early life STRESS on the BRAIN
PEX13 deficiency in mouse BRAIN as a model of Zellweger syndrome: abnormal cerebellum formation, reactive gliosis and oxidative STRESS
Spatial and temporal patterns of oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of gerbils submitted to different duration of global cerebral ischemia
Oxidative STRESS and BRAIN diseases: Biomarkers and analytical methodologies
… a common mediator of mechanical STRESS-and neurohumoral stimulation-induced cardiac hypertrophic signaling leading to activation of BRAIN natriuretic peptide gene …
Free radical scavenger edaravone administration protects against tissue plasminogen activator induced oxidative STRESS and blood BRAIN barrier damage
Immunological responses of astroglia in the rat BRAIN under acute STRESS: interleukin 1 beta co-localized in astroglia
The effects of 17β estradiol, 17α estradiol and progesterone on oxidative STRESS biomarkers in ovariectomized female rat BRAIN subjected to global cerebral …
Tar DNA binding protein-43 (TDP-43) associates with STRESS granules: analysis of cultured cells and pathological BRAIN tissue
Pathological changes in the lung and BRAIN of mice during heat STRESS and cooling treatment
Imaging the immediate non-genomic effects of STRESS hormone on BRAIN activity
Chronic STRESS affects the expression of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in rat salivary glands
Altered expression and secretion of colonic interleukin-6 in a STRESS-sensitive animal model of BRAIN-gut axis dysfunction
Protective effect of resveratrol against lipopolysaccharide-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
“Snacking” causes long term attenuation of HPA axis STRESS responses and enhancement of BRAIN FosB/deltaFosB expression in rats
Increased STRESS reactivity is associated with cognitive deficits and decreased hippocampal BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in a mouse model of affective disorders
Chronic treatment with celecoxib reverses chronic unpredictable STRESS-induced depressive-like behavior via reducing cyclooxygenase-2 expression in rat BRAIN
Serum BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor predicts responses to escitalopram in chronic posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Comparative studies on chlorpyrifos and methyl parathion induced oxidative STRESS in different parts of rat BRAIN: Attenuation by antioxidant vitamins
Involvement of the NO synthase system in STRESS-mediated BRAIN reactions
BRAIN responses to chronic social defeat STRESS: effects on regional oxidative metabolism as a function of a hedonic trait, and gene expression in susceptible and …
The assessment and treatment of individuals with history of traumatic BRAIN injury and post-traumatic STRESS disorder: a systematic review of the evidence
Lipoic acid prevents oxidative STRESS in vitro and in vivo by an acute hyperphenylalaninemia chemically-induced in rat BRAIN
Prenatal bystander STRESS alters BRAIN, behavior, and the epigenome of developing rat offspring
Early stage assessment and course of acute STRESS disorder after mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Curcumin exerts neuroprotective effects against homocysteine intracerebroventricular injection-induced cognitive impairment and oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Effect of tryptophan-rich egg protein hydrolysate on BRAIN tryptophan availability, STRESS and performance
Occludin oligomeric assemblies at tight junctions of the blood–BRAIN barrier are altered by hypoxia and reoxygenation STRESS
… diester of the dietary polyphenol curcumin offers improved protection against peroxynitrite-mediated nitrosative STRESS and damage of BRAIN mitochondria in vitro …
Oral supplementation of gossypin during lead exposure protects alteration in heme synthesis pathway and BRAIN oxidative STRESS in rats
Neuropeptide S produces hyperlocomotion and prevents oxidative STRESS damage in the mouse BRAIN: a comparative study with amphetamine and diazepam
Simulated microgravity-induced oxidative STRESS in different areas of rat BRAIN.
Ganoderma atrum polysaccharide attenuates oxidative STRESS induced by D-galactose in mouse BRAIN
Clomipramine treatment and repeated restraint STRESS alter parameters of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN regions of male rats
Three weeks voluntary running wheel exercise increases endoplasmic reticulum STRESS in the BRAIN of mice
STRESS induced by beta-cyfluthrin, a type-2 pyrethroid, on BRAIN biochemistry of Albino rat (Rattus norvegicus)
Effect of short periods of normobaric hyperoxia on local BRAIN tissue oxygenation and cerebrospinal fluid oxidative STRESS markers in severe traumatic BRAIN injury
Clarifying relations between dispositional aggression and BRAIN potential response: Overlapping and distinct contributions of impulsivity and STRESS reactivity
Maternal social STRESS during late pregnancy affects hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function and BRAIN neurotransmitter systems in pig offspring
Insulin Signaling, Lifespan and STRESS Resistance Are Modulated by Metabotropic GABA Receptors on Insulin Producing Cells in the BRAIN of Drosophila
Premorbid BRAIN volume estimates and reduced total BRAIN volume in adults exposed to trauma with or without posttraumatic STRESS disorder: a meta-analysis
Curcumin counteracts the aluminium-induced ageing-related alterations in oxidative STRESS, Na+, K+ ATPase and protein kinase C in adult and old rat BRAIN regions
Melatonin alters cell death processes in response to age‐related oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of senescence‐accelerated mice
Folic acid administration prevents ouabain‐induced hyperlocomotion and alterations in oxidative STRESS markers in the rat BRAIN
Simulated driving performance of combat veterans with mild traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder: A pilot study
Predictive ability of preinjury STRESSful life events and post-traumatic STRESS symptoms for outcomes following mild traumatic BRAIN injury: analysis in a prospective …
Serum levels of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in acute and posttraumatic STRESS disorder: a case report study
Mild traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder in returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans: Implications for assessment and diagnosis
Estrogen, STRESS and the BRAIN: progress toward unraveling gender discrepancies in major depressive disorder
Oxidative STRESS in the developing BRAIN: effects of postnatal glucocorticoid therapy and antioxidants in the rat
… organoselenium compounds modulate methylmercury-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN cortical slices: involvement of oxidative STRESS and glutamatergic system
5‐HT2C receptor activation prevents STRESS‐induced enhancement of BRAIN 5‐HT turnover and extracellular levels in the mouse BRAIN: modulation by chronic …
Serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms and BRAIN function during emotional distraction from cognitive processing in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Effects of escitalopram on the regulation of BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor protein levels in a rat model of chronic STRESS
Alpha lipoic acid alleviates oxidative STRESS and preserves blood BRAIN permeability in rats with subarachnoid hemorrhage
STRESS and vulnerability to BRAIN damage
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of reproductive male rats during aging
Protection effect of taurine on nitrosative STRESS in the mice BRAIN with chronic exposure to arsenic
Chronic unpredictable STRESS-induced reduction in the hippocampal BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression is antagonized by zinc treatment
Depression-prone mice with reduced glucocorticoid receptor expression display an altered STRESS-dependent regulation of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and …
Neurobehavioral impairments, generation of oxidative STRESS and release of pro-apoptotic factors after chronic exposure to sulphur mustard in mouse BRAIN
In a mouse model relevant for post-traumatic STRESS disorder, selective BRAIN steroidogenic stimulants (SBSS) improve behavioral deficits by normalizing …
Chronic unpredictable STRESS before pregnancy reduce the expression of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor in hippocampus of …
Diabetes aggravates heat STRESS‐induced blood‐BRAIN barrier breakdown, reduction in cerebral blood flow, edema formation, and BRAIN pathology: Possible …
Inhibition of cyclophosphamide-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN by polar and non-polar extracts of Annatto (Bixa orellana) seeds
The ATM cofactor ATMIN protects against oxidative STRESS and accumulation of DNA damage in the aging BRAIN
Effect of exposure to the edge signal on oxidative STRESS in BRAIN cell models
… glutathione is highly expressed in white matter and neurons in the unperturbed mouse BRAIN—implications for oxidative STRESS associated with neurodegeneration
Hawthorn extract reduces infarct volume and improves neurological score by reducing oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN following middle cerebral artery occlusion
Melatonin modulates hippocampus NMDA receptors, blood and BRAIN oxidative STRESS levels in ovariectomized rats
Expression of endoplasmic reticulum STRESS proteins is a candidate marker of BRAIN metastasis in both ErbB-2+ and ErbB-2− primary breast tumors
STRESS in pregnancy: a role for neuroactive steroids in protecting the fetal and neonatal BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS and apoptosis of human BRAIN microvascular endothelial cells induced by free fatty acids
Role of falx on BRAIN STRESS-strain responses
Effect of chromium supplementation on the diabetes induced-oxidative STRESS in liver and BRAIN of adult rats
The pesticide deltamethrin increases free radical production and promotes nuclear translocation of the STRESS response transcription factor Nrf2 in rat BRAIN
Apolipoprotein E genotype and oxidative STRESS response to traumatic BRAIN injury
The Relationship Between Gulf War Illness, BRAIN N-acetylaspartate, and Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder
Oxidative STRESS, cytokine/chemokine and disruption of blood–BRAIN barrier in neonate rats after meningitis by Streptococcus agalactiae
Effect of ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin on some oxidative STRESS parameters in BRAIN regions of male albino rats
… factor, interleukin-6, BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor, insulin-like growth factor-1, and substance P in the cerebrospinal fluid of civilians with posttraumatic STRESS …
Which method of posttraumatic STRESS disorder classification best predicts psychosocial function in children with traumatic BRAIN injury?
Upregulation of transcription factor NRF2-mediated oxidative STRESS response pathway in rat BRAIN under short-term chronic hypobaric hypoxia
Combat posttraumatic STRESS disorder, substance use disorders, and traumatic BRAIN injury
High‐fat diet and hydrochlorothiazide increase oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of rats
Effects of SYJN, a Chinese herbal formula, on chronic unpredictable STRESS-induced changes in behavior and BRAIN BDNF in rats
BRAIN death in combination with warm ischemic STRESS during isolation procedures induces the expression of crucial inflammatory mediators in the isolated islets
Fluoride-induced oxidative STRESS in rat’s BRAIN and its amelioration by buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) pineal proteins and melatonin
Baby on board: do responses to STRESS in the maternal BRAIN mediate adverse pregnancy outcome?
Behavioral STRESS causes mitochondrial dysfunction via ABAD up-regulation and aggravates plaque pathology in the BRAIN of a mouse model of Alzheimer disease
Intracerebroventricular ouabain administration induces oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Protective effects of Petroselinum crispum (Mill) Nyman ex AW Hill leaf extract on D-galactose-induced oxidative STRESS in mouse BRAIN
BRAIN metastases of mouse mammary adenocarcinoma is increased by acute STRESS
Defining BRAIN region-specific glucocorticoid action during STRESS by conditional gene disruption in mice
Re-examination of the controversial coexistence of traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder: Misdiagnosis and self-report measures
Induction of FosB/ΔFosB in the BRAIN STRESS system‐related structures during morphine dependence and withdrawal
Chronic STRESS and antidepressant agomelatine induce region‐specific changes in synapsin I expression in the rat BRAIN
Relationships between STRESS, social adaptation, personality traits, BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol plasma concentrations in …
Dynamic proteomic analysis of protein expression profiles in whole BRAIN of Balb/C mice subjected to unpredictable chronic mild STRESS: implications for depressive …
Oxidative STRESS in a model of toxic demyelination in rat BRAIN: the effect of piracetam and vinpocetine
Low-dose γ-radiation-induced oxidative STRESS response in mouse BRAIN and gut: Regulation by NFκB–MnSOD cross-signaling
Oxytocin and vasopressin involved in restraint water-immersion STRESS mediated by oxytocin receptor and vasopressin 1b receptor in rat BRAIN
Serotonin transporter knockout and repeated social defeat STRESS: impact on neuronal morphology and plasticity in limbic BRAIN areas
Chronic restraint STRESS alters the expression and distribution of phosphorylated tau and MAP2 in cortex and hippocampus of rat BRAIN
Regulation of BRAIN temperature in winter-acclimatized reindeer under heat STRESS
An investigation of the neuroprotective effects of Curcumin in a model of Homocysteine-induced oxidative STRESS in the rat’s BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS and prevention of the adaptive response to chronic iron overload in the BRAIN of young adult rats exposed to a 150 kilohertz electromagnetic field
Regulation of blood L-glutamate levels by STRESS as a possible BRAIN defense mechanism
Early STRESS response: a vulnerability framework for functional impairment following mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Social STRESS effects on hormones, BRAIN, and behavior.
Endogenous and exogenous glucocorticoids prevent trimethyltin from causing neuronal degeneration of the mouse BRAIN in vivo: involvement of oxidative STRESS …
A single episode of restraint STRESS regulates central corticotrophin‐releasing hormone receptor expression and binding in specific areas of the mouse BRAIN
Evaluation of STRESS hormones in traumatic BRAIN injury patients with gastrointestinal bleeding
The butanol fraction of Eclipta prostrata (Linn) increases the formation of BRAIN acetylcholine and decreases oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN and serum of cesarean …
… status and mitochondrial membrane potential by N-acetylcysteine and insulin sensitizers prevent carbonyl STRESS-induced human BRAIN endothelial cell apoptosis
Oxidative STRESS alters creatine kinase system in serum and BRAIN regions of polychlorinated biphenyl (Aroclor 1254)‐exposed rats: protective role of melatonin
Effect of long-term normobaric hyperoxia on oxidative STRESS in mitochondria of the guinea pig BRAIN
Prognostic value of biochemical markers of BRAIN damage and oxidative STRESS in post-surgical aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients
A comparative study on oxidative STRESS induced by LPS and rotenone in homogenates of rat BRAIN regions
Antibiotic therapy prevents, in part, the oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN after meningitis induced by Streptococcus pneumoniae
Toluene effects on oxidative STRESS in BRAIN regions of young-adult, middle-age, and senescent Brown Norway rats
Transient response of BRAIN heat shock proteins 70 and 90 to acute osmotic STRESS in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)
Shaping BRAIN development: mouse communal nesting blunts adult neuroendocrine and behavioral response to social STRESS and modifies chronic antidepressant …
Comparison of rat liver and BRAIN proteasomes for oxidative STRESS-induced inactivation: influence of ageing and dietary restriction
STRESS sensitivity is increased in transgenic rats with low BRAIN angiotensinogen
Effects of exogenous agents on BRAIN development: STRESS, abuse and therapeutic compounds
Consequences of combat STRESS on BRAIN functioning
STRESS and the baby BRAIN
Acute modulation of sugar transport in BRAIN capillary endothelial cell cultures during activation of the metabolic STRESS pathway
Sodium tungstate attenuate oxidative STRESS in BRAIN tissue of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
… STRESS response of Forster’s terns (Sterna forsteri) and Caspian terns (Hydroprogne caspia) to mercury and selenium bioaccumulation in liver, kidney, and BRAIN
Hypothermia attenuates oxidative/nitrosative STRESS, encephalopathy and BRAIN edema in acute (ischemic) liver failure
Protective effect of Corchorus olitorius leaves against arsenic-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Seizure susceptibility and the BRAIN regional sensitivity to oxidative STRESS in male and female rats in the lithium-pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of BRAIN activity in emotional STRESS
PRECLINICAL STUDY: Ecstasy‐induced oxidative STRESS to adolescent rat BRAIN mitochondria in vivo: influence of monoamine oxidase type A
BRAIN-body interactions: the physiological impact of mental processes-the neurobiology of the STRESS response
Transduced Tat–SAG fusion protein protects against oxidative STRESS and BRAIN ischemic insult
Effects of corticotropin-releasing factor receptor-1 antagonists on the BRAIN STRESS system responses to morphine withdrawal
BRAIN angiotensin AT1 receptors as specific regulators of cardiovascular reactivity to acute psychoemotional STRESS
Gene expression profiling in the STRESS control BRAIN region hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus reveals a novel gene network including amyloid beta …
Gender-specific response of BRAIN corticosteroid receptors to STRESS and fluoxetine
Activity-dependent neuroprotective protein (ADNP)-derived peptide (NAP) ameliorates hypobaric hypoxia induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors are altered by STRESS and alcohol in Wistar–Kyoto rat BRAIN
Delayed increase of BRAIN noradrenaline after acute footshock STRESS in rats
Up-regulation of Kir2. 1 by ER STRESS facilitates cell death of BRAIN capillary endothelial cells
Low in vivo BRAIN glucose consumption and high oxidative STRESS in accelerated aging
Carnosine supplementation protects rat BRAIN tissue against ethanol-induced oxidative STRESS
Effect of Costus speciosus and Wedelia chinensis on BRAIN neurotransmitters and enzyme monoamine oxidase following cold immobilization STRESS
Biochemical evidence on positive effects of rolipram a phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor in malathion-induced toxic STRESS in rat blood and BRAIN mitochondria
The effects of 17β-estradiol and vitamin E treatments on oxidative STRESS and antioxidant levels in BRAIN cortex of diabetic ovariectomized rats
Possible role of sertraline against 3-nitropropionic acid induced behavioral, oxidative STRESS and mitochondrial dysfunctions in rat BRAIN
Inhibition of Cyclophosphamide-Induced Oxidative STRESS in BRAIN by Dietary Inclusion of Red Dye Extracts from Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Stem
Long lasting effects of predator STRESS on pCREB expression in BRAIN regions involved in fearful and anxious behavior
Decreased glutamine synthetase, increased citrulline–nitric oxide cycle activities, and oxidative STRESS in different regions of BRAIN in epilepsy rat model
Induction of oxidative STRESS and inflammatory cytokines by manganese chloride in cultured T98G cells, human BRAIN glioblastoma cell line
Chronic STRESS and antidepressant treatment have opposite effects on P-glycoprotein at the blood—BRAIN barrier: an experimental PET study in rats
Dual effects of melatonin on oxidative STRESS after surgical BRAIN injury in rats
… GMP phosphodiesterase inhibition alters the glial inflammatory response, reduces oxidative STRESS and cell death and increases angiogenesis following focal BRAIN …
Protective effects of curcumin against fluoride-induced oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Phantom STRESS: BRAIN Training to Master Relationship STRESS
Involvement of nitric oxide in the protective effects of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate on STRESS induced neurobehavioral suppression and BRAIN oxidative injury in …
BRAIN vasopressin V1 receptors contribute to enhanced cardiovascular responses to acute STRESS in chronically STRESSed rats and rats with myocardial infarcton
Antenatal maternal STRESS alters functional BRAIN responses in adult offspring during conditioned fear
A chronic iron-deficient/high-manganese diet in rodents results in increased BRAIN oxidative STRESS and behavioral deficits in the morris water maze
STRESS type dependence of expression and cytoplasmic-nuclear partitioning of glucocorticoid receptor, hsp90 and hsp70 in Wistar rat BRAIN
NAP prevents acute cerebral oxidative STRESS and protects against long-term BRAIN injury and cognitive impairment in a model of neonatal hypoxia–ischemia
Acute STRESS responsive RGS proteins in the mouse BRAIN
BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor inhibits cell cycle reentry but not endoplasmic reticulum STRESS in cultured neurons following oxidative or excitotoxic STRESS
… with cytochrome c oxidase histochemistry in a PS1/A246E mouse model of autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease: correlations with behavior and oxidative STRESS
Effects of unpredictable chronic STRESS on behavior and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor expression in CA3 subfield and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in different …
Oxidative STRESS-mediated BRAIN dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) formation in Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis
Oxidative STRESS induced in rat BRAIN by a combination of 3-nitropropionic acid and global ischemia
… receptor expression and phosphorylation are differentially regulated between male and female cerebellum and BRAIN stem after repeated STRESS: implication for PTSD …
Modulator effects of L-carnitine and selenium on wireless devices (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative STRESS and electroencephalography records in BRAIN of rat
Effects of environmental STRESS on mRNA and protein expression levels of steroid 5α-Reductase isozymes in adult rat BRAIN
Effects of prenatal STRESS on developmental anatomy of the BRAIN and adult behavioural pathology
Chronic variable physical STRESS during the peripubertal-juvenile period causes differential depressive and anxiogenic effects in the novelty-seeking phenotype …
Melatonin, oxidative STRESS, and the aging BRAIN
Pristanic acid promotes oxidative STRESS in BRAIN cortex of young rats: a possible pathophysiological mechanism for BRAIN damage in peroxisomal disorders
Correction of oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN cortical cellular culture with vitamines E and C
Effect of acute STRESS on NTPDase and 5′-nucleotidase activities in BRAIN synaptosomes in different stages of development
Prothymosin α as robustness molecule against ischemic STRESS to BRAIN and retina
Effects of adrenergic agents on STRESS-induced BRAIN microstructural and immunochemical changes in adult male Wistar rats
Olmesartan reduces oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats assessed by an in vivo ESR method
Effect of long term, non cholesterol lowering dose of fluvastatin treatment on oxidative STRESS in BRAIN and peripheral tissues of streptozotocin-diabetic rats
Health-related quality of life, activities of daily living and parenting STRESS in children with BRAIN tumors
Differential responses of corticotropin-releasing factor and urocortin 1 to acute pain STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene modulates BRAIN and physiological responses to acute STRESS in Japanese men
Restraint STRESS and repeated corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor activation in the amygdala both increase amyloid-β precursor protein and amyloid-β peptide but …
Cerebrolysin treatment attenuates heat shock protein overexpression in the BRAIN following heat STRESS: an experimental study using immunohistochemistry at light and …
Oxidative STRESS in isolated blunt traumatic BRAIN injury
Effects of chronic forced swim STRESS on hippocampal BRAIN-derived neutrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor (TrkB) immunoreactive cells in juvenile and aged …
The response of circulating BRAIN natriuretic peptide to academic STRESS in college students
Long term dietary restriction ameliorates swimming exercise-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN and lung of middle-aged rat
Chronic hypertension aggravates heat STRESS-induced BRAIN damage: possible neuroprotection by cerebrolysin
… memory: inactivation of protein kinase M zeta in different BRAIN regions disrupts traumatic memory processes and attenuates traumatic STRESS responses in rats
Relationships between mild traumatic BRAIN injury sustained in combat and post-traumatic STRESS disorder
Oral supplementation with melon superoxide dismutase extract promotes antioxidant defences in the BRAIN and prevents STRESS-induced impairment of spatial memory
Prophylaxis with Centella asiatica confers protection to prepubertal mice against 3‐nitropropionic‐acid‐induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN
… in BRAIN metabolites measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy in antidepressant responders with comorbid major depression and posttraumatic STRESS …
Analysis on the reflection degree of worker’s STRESS by BRAIN-waves based anti-STRESS quotient
Nitric oxide (no), citrulline-no cycle enzymes, glutamine synthetase and oxidative STRESS in anoxia (hypobaric hypoxia) and reperfusion in rat BRAIN
… and mitochondrial nitrosative STRESS, decreased BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels and glutamate uptake, and evidence of endoplasmic reticulum STRESS …
BRAIN‐type natriuretic peptide at birth reflects foetal maturation and antenatal STRESS
A cognitive and computational model of BRAIN activity during emotional STRESS
Protective effects of garlic (Allium sativum) extract upon lindane-induced oxidative STRESS and related damages in testes and BRAIN of male rats
Cortisol and corticosterone in immune organs and BRAIN of European starlings: developmental changes, effects of restraint STRESS, comparison with zebra finches
Heat shock protein induction in fetal mouse BRAIN as a measure of STRESS after whole of gestation exposure to mobile telephony radiofrequency fields
Influence of Momordica charantia on oxidative STRESS-induced perturbations in BRAIN monoamines and plasma corticosterone in albino rats
Effects of 1, 4-butanediol administration on oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN: Study of the neurotoxicity of γ-hydroxybutyric acid in vivo
Protective effects of organoselenium compounds against methylmercury-induced oxidative STRESS in mouse BRAIN mitochondrial-enriched fractions
Reduced contractile reserve of the systemic right ventricle under dobutamine STRESS is associated with increased BRAIN natriuretic peptide levels in patients with …
Effect of perinatal STRESS on the biogenic amine neurotransmitter level of the adult rat’s BRAIN
Experimental manipulations blunt time-induced changes in BRAIN monoamine levels and completely reverse STRESS, but not Pb+/− STRESS-related modifications to these …
Effect of STRESS on carnosine levels in BRAIN, breast, and thigh of broilers
Investigation of oxidative STRESS in blood, BRAIN, kidney, and liver after oxime antidote HI-6 application in a mouse experimental model
Characteristics of oxidative STRESS in experimental rat BRAIN ischemia aggravated by homocysteic acid
Dietary restriction lowers endogenous levels of oxidative STRESS in different BRAIN regions of adult mice
Intensity of oxidative and antioxidant processes in the BRAIN of rats with various behavioral characteristics during acute STRESS
… (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) military mental health issues. Information on the wars’ signature wounds: posttraumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN …
Formation of amyloid-β oligomers in BRAIN vascular smooth muscle cells transiently exposed to iron-induced oxidative STRESS
Does IGF-1 administration after a mild traumatic BRAIN injury in mice activate the adaptive arm of ER STRESS?
Enzymes of energy metabolism in BRAIN and chronic STRESS
Metabolism of polyamines and oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of cholestatic rats
Oxidative STRESS parameters in different BRAIN structures following lateral fluid percussion injury in the rat
Utility of the trauma symptom inventory for the assessment of post-traumatic STRESS symptoms in veterans with a history of psychological trauma and/or BRAIN injury
STRESS-mediated decreases in BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor as potential confounding factor for acute tryptophan depletion-induced neurochemical effects
Investigation of oxidative STRESS-induced alterations in the rat BRAIN cortical cellular culture and their correction with vitamines E and C
Dexamethasone treatment reverses cognitive impairment but increases BRAIN oxidative STRESS in rats submitted to pneumococcal meningitis
… effects of the 15 KD isolated protein from the Peganum harmala L. seeds against carbon tetrachloride induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN, tests and erythrocytes of …
… of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in Bengalese finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica) BRAIN suggest a relationship between STRESS hormones and song …
Toxic effects of lead exposure on the BRAIN of rats: Involvement of oxidative STRESS, inflammation, acetylcholinesterase, and the beneficial role of flaxseed extract
Oxidative STRESS induced by the Fe2+/ascorbic acid system or model ischemia in vitro: effect of carvedilol and pyridoindole antioxidant SMe1EC2 in young and …
The Ayurvedic drug, Ksheerabala, ameliorates quinolinic acid-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS after lithium-pilocarpine induced status epilepticus in mice BRAIN
Effects of ginsenosides on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in rats exposed to chronic unpredictable mild STRESS
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor pretreatment alters STRESS-induced expression of acetylcholinesterase transcripts in the mouse BRAIN
Respiratory hypoxia and oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN. Is the endogenous erythropoietin an antioxidant?
Co-administration of α-lipoic acid and vitamin C protects liver and BRAIN oxidative STRESS in mice exposed to arsenic contaminated water
Strain and regional dependence of alternate splicing of acetylcholinesterase in the murine BRAIN following STRESS or treatment with diisopropylfluorophosphate
Comorbid posttraumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury in the military population
Lipoxygenase inhibitors protect BRAIN cortex macromolecules against oxidation evoked by nitrosative STRESS
Multivitamin–Mineral and Vitamins (E+ C) Supplementation Modulate Chronic Unpredictable STRESS-Induced Oxidative Damage in BRAIN and Heart of Mice
Voluntary alcohol consumption alters STRESS-induced changes in dopamine-2 receptor binding in Wistar–Kyoto rat BRAIN
Hydrogen peroxide reduces lead-induced oxidative STRESS to mouse BRAIN and liver
Informed consent in deep BRAIN stimulation–ethical considerations in a STRESS field of pride and prejudice
Effect of chronic mild STRESS on serotonergic markers in the skin and BRAIN of the NC/Nga atopic-like mouse strain
Assessment of the roles of antioxidant enzymes and glutathione in 3, 3′, 4, 4′, 5-Pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 126)-induced oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN tissues of rats …
A search for new markers of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN ischemia for the optimization of treatment approaches
Oxidative STRESS of decabromodiphenylether in mice BRAIN tissue
Retraining the BRAIN: A 45-day plan to conquer STRESS and anxiety
Effect of deprenyl on free radical oxidation in rat BRAIN during immobilization STRESS
Regulation of MCP‐1 production in BRAIN by STRESS and noradrenaline‐modulating drugs
Nitric oxide synthase inhibitors partially inhibit oxidative STRESS development in the rat BRAIN during sepsis provoked by cecal ligation and puncture
Beneficial effects of tianeptine on hippocampus-dependent long-term memory and STRESS-induced alterations of BRAIN structure and function
Long-chain 3-hydroxy fatty acids accumulating in LCHAD and MTP deficiencies induce oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
High levels of oxidative STRESS exist in the BRAIN than serum or kidneys in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats at ten weeks of age
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder after traumatic BRAIN injury and interpersonal relationships: contributions from object-relations perspectives
Noninvasive radioelectric asymmetric BRAIN stimulation in the treatment of STRESS-related pain and physical problems: psychometric evaluation in a randomized …
Exposure of the developing BRAIN to polychlorinated biphenyls influences the susceptibility of the adult BRAIN to STRESS
… Clock Drawing Correlates with Performance-Based Functional Status in People with Combat-Related Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injury Comorbid Posttraumatic STRESS …
D-serine treatment induces oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Oxidative STRESS induced by morphine in BRAIN of rats fed with a protein deficient diet
Development of spatial memory and the hippocampus under nutritional STRESS: adaptive priorities or developmental constraints in BRAIN development
Acamprosate modulates alcohol-induced hippocampal NMDA receptors and BRAIN microsomal Ca2+-ATPase but induces oxidative STRESS in rat
Chronic mild STRESS induces widespread decreases in thyroid hormone α1 receptor mRNA levels in BRAIN—Reversal by imipramine
Effect of oseltamivir on catecholamines and select oxidative STRESS markers in the presence of oligoelements in the rat BRAIN
Cyclophosphamide-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN: Protective effect of Garcinia indica fruit extract.
Protective Effect of an Adenosine A1 Receptor Agonist Against Metamidophos-Induced Toxicity and BRAIN Oxidative STRESS
Restraint-induced expression of endoplasmic reticulum STRESS-related genes in the mouse BRAIN
BRAIN distribution of carboxy terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP) and its nuclear translocation in cultured cortical neurons following heat STRESS or oxygen …
An in Vitro Study of the Protective Effect of Relaxin on BRAIN Tissue under Ischemic STRESS
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptor subtypes in mediating neuronal activation of BRAIN areas involved in responses to intracerebroventricular CRF and STRESS …
Some thoughts on trauma, pain, posttraumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury
Evidence that the major metabolites accumulating in hyperornithinemia–hyperammonemia–homocitrullinuria syndrome induce oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of young rats
Effects of Xylopia aethiopica (Annonaceae) fruit methanol extract on γ-radiation-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of adult male Wistar rats
Increased opioid release in specific BRAIN areas in animals exposed to prenatal morphine and emotional STRESS later in life
BRAIN oxidative STRESS after traumatic BRAIN injury… cool it?
… the harm of STRESS: medications to rescue the prefrontal cortex and overcome bad habits: the science of STRESS: focus on the BRAIN, breaking bad habits, and …
Effects of a gastrin-releasing peptide receptor antagonist on D-amphetamine-induced oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Blood-BRAIN barrier permeability differentiates Sadowski mouse lines of high and low STRESS-induced analgesia. Electron microscopy analysis
Dose-related effects of venlafaxine on pCREB and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus of the rat by chronic unpredictable STRESS
Effects of neurofeedback, cranio-sacral therapy and mixed therapy on fatigue, STRESS and the BRAIN quotient in korean middle aged women
… liver, BRAIN, and intestine of the swamp eel, Monopterus albus (Zuiew), exposed to freshwater, terrestrial conditions, environmental ammonia, or salinity STRESS
The Oxygen Revolution: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: The New Treatment for Post Traumatic STRESS Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic BRAIN Injury, Stroke, Autism …
Assessment and treatment in polytrauma contexts: Traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder.
Cholinesterase inhibitors and STRESS: effects on BRAIN muscarinic receptor density in mice
Effect of Moringa oleifera on STRESS induced BRAIN lipid peroxidation in rats.
Changes of BRAIN oxidative STRESS induced by nano-alumina in ICR mice
Short-and long-term effects of intermittent social defeat STRESS on BDNF expression in mesocorticolimbic BRAIN regions
The effect of the BRAIN Education program on emotional intelligence, STRESS, and STRESS-coping strategies of elementary school students
STRESS effects on the BRAIN system underlying explicit memory.
Effect of Polygala tenuifolia Willd YZ-50 on the mRNA expression of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and its receptor TrkB in rats with chronic STRESS depression
STRESS and cocaine interact to modulate Arc/Arg3. 1 expression in rat BRAIN
Effects of hypoxic preconditioning on expression of transcription factor NGFI-A in the rat BRAIN after unavoidable STRESS in the “learned helplessness” model
Nitrosative STRESS in the BRAIN: Autoantibodies to nitrotyrosine in the liquor as a potential marker
The Worry Solution: Using Breakthrough BRAIN Science to Turn STRESS and Anxiety Into Confidence and Happiness
Neuroprotective role of Melatonin against aluminum-induced oxidative STRESS in the hippocampus of mouse BRAIN
Responses to STRESS: from the periphery to the BRAIN.
Caroline: Treating post traumatic STRESS disorder after traumatic BRAIN injury
STRESS-induced decreases in local cerebral glucose utilization in specific regions of the mouse BRAIN
Sustained hypercapnia induces cerebral microvascular degeneration in the immature BRAIN through induction of nitrative STRESS
BRAIN oxidative STRESS from a phospholipid perspective
Low intracellular ATP levels exacerbate carcinogen-induced inflammatory STRESS response and inhibit in vitro tubulogenesis in human BRAIN endothelial cells
The deactivation network in BRAIN during acute STRESS
Investigation of STRESS wave propagation in BRAIN tissues through the use of finite element method
Effect of treadmill exercise on leak-point pressure and neuronal activation in BRAIN of rats with STRESS urinary incontinence
Effects of two new steroids and cyproterone on some biomarkers of oxidative STRESS and serotonergic system on rat prostate and BRAIN
Herbal formula SYJN increases neurotrophin-3 and nerve growth factor expression in BRAIN regions of rats exposed to chronic unpredictable STRESS
STRESS as a risk factor in the development of BRAIN stroke
Acoustic STRESS activates tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues neurons in the rat BRAIN
Regularities in the Formation of Structural and Functional Changes in the BRAIN in Technogenic STRESS.
Oxidative STRESS increases blood–BRAIN barrier permeability and induces alterations in occludin during hypoxia–reoxygenation
PW01-170-The STRESS-Vulnerability Model; How Does STRESS Impact On Mental Illness At The Level Of The BRAIN…. And What Are The Consequences?
City living may shape how the BRAIN processes STRESS
Mystic Cool: A proven approach to transcend STRESS, achieve optimal BRAIN function, and maximize your creative intelligence.
Participation of NO-synthase system in the STRESS-mediated reactions of the BRAIN
BRAIN imaging of STRESS and cardiovascular responses
Examination of the BRAIN processes underlying emotion regulation within a STRESS resilient population
Effects of STRESS hormones on the BRAIN and cognition
Oxidative STRESS, cognitive dysfunction, and BRAIN aging
Clinical presentation of the posttraumatic STRESS disorder with and without traumatic BRAIN injuries
Study on the pathological changes of the lung and BRAIN in mice during heat STRESS
Oxidative STRESS in Hypoxic-Ischemic BRAIN Injury
Effects of prenatal STRESS on free-radical lipid and protein oxidation and superoxide dismutase activity in cerebral cortex neurons and neuroglia in the rat BRAIN
Electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone causes no oxidative STRESS to the BRAIN
The BRAIN: The central organ of STRESS and adaptation across the lifecourse
Protective effect of lycopene on oxidative STRESS induced by different doses of 2, 3, 7, 8-Tetrechlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in BRAIN, liver, kidney, and heart tissue of …
Manipulating arterial fluid-shear STRESS and arteriogenesis in the BRAIN
BRAIN plasticity of rats exposed to prenatal immobilization STRESS
Simulator sickness among returning combat veterans with mild traumatic BRAIN injury and/or post-traumatic STRESS disorder.
Alpha‐lipoic acid does not alter STRESS protein response to acute exercise in diabetic BRAIN
Effect of STRESS on the content of free radical oxidation products in subcellular BRAIN fractions in rats of pubertal age
STRESS hormones and neuroplasticity in the diabetic BRAIN
Effect of flutamide and two novel synthetic steroids on GABA, glutamine and some oxidative STRESS markers in rat BRAIN and prostate
Evidence that 2-methylacetoacetate induces oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Modulation of aldosterone release by epidural analgesia impacts BRAIN natriuretic peptide: a link to STRESS cardiomyopathy? Pilot study
… to baseline: Psychophysiological treatment of postconcussive symptoms in combat-injured soldiers with mild traumatic BRAIN injury and comorbid post traumatic STRESS …
… levels of N-terminal pro-BRAIN natriuretic peptide in patients with chronic dyspnea and moderate renal dysfunction: decreased clearance or increased cardiac STRESS
Effects of afobazole on the STRESS protein HSP70 level in the BRAIN tissue of rats with global transient ischemia
Outcome after mild traumatic BRAIN injury: the interplay of concussion and post-traumatic STRESS symptoms
… adipose-derived stem cells into the urethra ameliorates STRESS urinary incontinence and blunts the induction of c-Fos immunoreactivities in BRAIN areas related to …
Voxel based morphometric study of BRAIN structure in patients with posttraumatic STRESS disorder
The Effect of Teneurin C-terminal Associated Peptide-1 (TCAP-1): Protection Against Hypoxic-STRESS and Regulation of BRAIN-derived Neurotrophic Factor …
Traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder: A quantitative investigation of vision and attention
What catastrophe leaved to our mind? reviewing the roots causes psychological trauma and the BRAIN mechanisms of post-traumatic STRESS reaction
Re: Separating deployment-related Traumatic BRAIN Injury and Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder in veterans: Preliminary findings from the VA TBI screening program
Increased anxiety level induced by social crowding STRESS in rats is not related to changes in the nitrergic system of the BRAIN
BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and suicidal behavior in patients with posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Oxidative STRESS in fetal and neonatal BRAIN development
Effect of Jaeumgeonbigagamtang (JGT) on Restraint-induced Oxidative STRESS in Mouse BRAIN
The Cost of Treating Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder and Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injuries
[Energy exchange in the rat’s BRAIN during chronic STRESS]
Assessment of Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat and Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Using by Electron Spin …
Effects of acute diuresis STRESS on egr-1 (zif268) mRNA levels in BRAIN regions associated with motivated behavior
STRESS and the BRAIN: The BRAIN as a coordinator and target of the human STRESS response
Aluminium-induced BRAIN oxidative STRESS in male rats and the possible ameliorating role of omega-3
Effects of thermal conditioning treatments on BRAIN HSP70 level in broilers under heat STRESS.
Functional Status of Mitochondrial Pore in the BRAIN of Laboratory Rats Subjected to Prolonged Emotional STRESS
Modulation of STRESS reactivity in BRAIN and body by serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism1
Chronic mild STRESS induces widespread decreases in thyroid hormone α1 receptor mRNA levels in BRAIN-Reversal by imipramine
Glaucoma Damage Beyond the Eye: Oxidative STRESS Markers in BRAIN Homogenates
STRESS. The BRAIN-body connection
Beneficial Role of Quercetin on Developmental BRAIN of Rats Against Oxidative STRESS-Induced By Lead Poisoning
STRESS and the Adolescent BRAIN: Plasticity of Reproductive Behaviors in Female
The administration of food supplemented with cocoa powder during nutritional recovery reduces damage caused by oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Course‐dependent response of BRAIN functional alterations in men with acute and chronic post‐traumatic STRESS disorder: A follow‐up functional magnetic imaging …
Effect of interleukin-1β on lipid peroxidation in emotiogenic structures of the BRAIN in rats during acute STRESS
Effect of Wedelia paludosa (Asteraceae) on BRAIN Neurotransmitters and Enzyme Monoamine Oxidase, Following Cold Immobilization STRESS
Elimination of post traumatic STRESS disorder (PTSD) and other psychiatric symptoms in a disabled Vietnam Veteran with traumatic BRAIN injuries (TBI) in just six …
Neuroendocrinological and BRAIN structural alterations in Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder (PTSD)
The role of apoptosis in the STRESS-related changes of intestinal mucosa barrier following traumatic BRAIN injury
Cytokines, Oxidative STRESS and Antioxidant Defense in Isolated and Concomitant BRAIN Injury
Comment on “Paroxetine Prevents Loss of Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Neurons by Inhibiting BRAIN Inflammation and Oxidative STRESS in an Experimental Model of …
BRAIN Interleukin‐1 (IL‐1) Mediates STRESS‐Induced Alterations in HPA Activation, Memory Functioning and Neural Plasticity
Applying controlled sheer STRESS on cell covered microprobes to simulate BRAIN insertion
What New BRAIN Scan Techniques Tell us about STRESS and its Relevance for Military STRESS Management
STRESS and the Blood-BRAIN Barrier
Poster 106 the use of goal attainment scaling with veterans with traumatic BRAIN injury and post-traumatic STRESS disorder
… life satisfaction and reducing loss of attention in marines with mild traumatic BRAIN injuries associated with posttraumatic STRESS disorder symptoms: A pilot …
Normobaric Hypoxia as a Cognitive STRESS Test for Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injury: Oculometrics, Pulse Oximetry, and the Self Report of Symptom Severity
BRAIN circuits in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Effect of green tea and curcumin on the oxidative STRESS caused by gasoline in male mice BRAIN
STRESS and Early BRAIN Development
Activation of STRESS kinases in the BRAIN of mucopolysaccharidosis IIIB mice
Environmentally induced oxidative STRESS and disruption of BRAIN thyroid hormone homeostasis in autism spectrum disorders
Increased oxidative STRESS in cardiovascular center of BRAIN stem causes sympatho‐excitation in dietary‐induced obesity rat
STRESS, Early BRAIN Development, and Behavior
The psychopathology of prenatal STRESS: The role of epigenetic regulation of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promoter
STRESS, BRAINs and bairns: Reviews from the 4th International Conference on the Parental BRAIN
The effect of STRESS and anxiety on rat BRAIN mitochondrial function
Traumatic STRESS and Injury of the BRAIN: the Dangerous Liaisons–a Case Study
Effects of Antidepressant on the Expression of Neuropeptide Y in BRAIN of a Rat Model of Depression Induced by Chronic STRESS
Modulating effect of interleukin-4 on free radical processes in the BRAIN of rats during emotional STRESS
451: Beta-adrenergic Blockade Prevents Myocardial Oxidative STRESS Due to Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Effects of high fat diet on multiple indices of oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN
The Moderating Role of Exercise in STRESS-related Effects on the Aging BRAIN
Comparable antinociceptive effect of biphalin in mice selected for high and low swim STRESS-induced analgesia after blood-BRAIN barrier disruption caused by …
Up-regulation of Kᵢᵣ2. 1 by ER STRESS facilitates cell death of BRAIN capillary endothelial cells
Poverty as a deterioration of human rights: STRESS, and psychobiology: Poverty can physically impair BRAIN through STRESS
Region-specific nitric oxide production in cytosolic and mitochondrial compartments of the rat BRAIN tissues following chronic STRESS-induced depression-like behavior
The rat BRAIN as target for STRESS and corticosterone
Early Postnatal STRESS and the Serotonergic System in the BRAIN
Intensity matters: effects of prenatal STRESS on the developing BRAIN
Signaling pathways activated by STRESS factors in BRAIN endothelial cells
… observational study of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in chronic traumatic BRAIN injury (TBI)/post-concussion syndrome (PCS) and TBI/Post-traumatic STRESS …
The potential of exercise to reverse STRESS induced abnormalities in the rat BRAIN
BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor, STRESS and depression: A minireview
Functional analysis of a novel, STRESS-inducible transcript in the mouse BRAIN
Assessment of BRAIN activities during an emotional STRESS state using fMRI
Bax and oxidative STRESS in the aging mouse BRAIN
Meta-analytical evidence for segregating and integrating BRAIN activation to symptom provocation in social anxiety disorder, specific phobia and post traumatic STRESS …
Oxidative STRESS Alters Blood-BRAIN Barrier Integrity
STRESS induced activation of BRAIN regions in genetically hypertensive mice
Imaging changes of BRAIN structure in post-traumatic STRESS disorders: Recent progress
Mailuoning protects against ischemic BRAIN injury by inhibiting oxidative STRESS
Corticosteroid receptor signalling modes and STRESS adaptation in the BRAIN
Electric activity of BRAIN in postpartum STRESS, effects on mothers
STRESS shift tress shift tress shifts BRAIN activation towards BRAIN activation towards BRAIN activation towards ventral “affective”“affective” areas during emotional …
Effect of manganese exposure and antioxidant therapy on oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
In situ detection of STRESS-induced intracellular production of superoxide in mouse BRAIN
Effect of propofol on beta-Eodorphin in the BRAIN after thermal STRESS in rats.
Lead-Induced Oxidative STRESS and its Effects on the Blood-BRAIN Barrier
Neural pathways signaling cancer and inflammation: interface with STRESS-responsive BRAIN regions
Influence of STRESS Resistance on Changes in the Phospholipid Composition of the Prefrontal Cortex of the BRAIN in Rats in Immobilization STRESS
Negative Impact of STRESS on Reproduction: Role of BRAIN and Gill during Salinity Response in Tilapia
Early postnatal STRESS affects BRAIN levels of taurine in adult rats
Proteomic Temporal Profile of Human BRAIN Endothelium After Oxidative STRESS
Role of Oxidative STRESS in the Development of Cardiac Depression in Severe Isolated BRAIN Injury (Experimental Study)
Effects of magnesium valprote on behavior and lipid peroxidation of BRAIN in chronic STRESS depression mice
Oxidative STRESS in the Developing BRAIN: Effects of Postnatal Glucocorticoid Therapy
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN mediates thermogenic sympathetic activation to leptin
Nursing care of postoperative patients with BRAIN stem tumor complicated with STRESS hyperglycemia
Traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder: overlap in underlying substrates
Early life STRESS and psychopathology: The effects of early life STRESS on BRAIN development: Implications for psychopathology
Momordica charantia reduces high‐fat‐diet‐associated oxidative STRESS in mouse BRAIN
Targeting Nitrosative STRESS as a Therapeutic Strategy for Neurovascular Protection in BRAIN Ischemia
The possible oxidative STRESS induced by fluoroquinolone antibiotics in BRAIN of male albino rats
Oxidative STRESS and BRAIN glutamate-mediated excitability in depressed patients
Role of cell apoptosis and oxidative STRESS in STRESSive liver injury after traumatic BRAIN injury in rats
BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and suicidal behavior in patients with posttraumatic STRESS disorder Fator neurotrófico derivado
Charged Lead Aerosols Inhalation, BRAIN Oxidative STRESS and Apoptosis
Proteomic and oxidative STRESS analysis in human BRAIN samples of Huntington disease
β-Adrenergic blockade reduces cerebral blood flow in STRESS-related BRAIN regions during acute STRESS
HAART drugs induce oxidative STRESS and mitochondrial dysfunction in blood-BRAIN barrier
From the BRAIN to the Barrio: Energy and STRESS Interact to Facilitate the Urbanization of Sonoran Desert Birds
… of STRESS on the development of the explicit memory system, and propose ways in which timing and plasticity could play a role in long-term effects of STRESS on the BRAIN …
Structure-property relations of porcine BRAIN tissue: Strain rate and STRESS-state dependence
Attentional functioning in children with and without post-traumatic STRESS symptoms post traumatic BRAIN injury
Response to “Traumatic BRAIN Injury and Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder: Overlap in Underlying Substrates?”
STRESS, adrenaline and CRH provide neuroprotection in traumatic BRAIN injury by enhancing the BRAIN-to-blood glutamate driving force: 7AP5–7
Environmental STRESS is Not Always Vicious: A Lesson from Heat Acclimation‐Mediated Neuroprotection after Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Effect of Oxidative STRESS on Intestinal Mucosal Barrier Dysfunction Following Traumatic BRAIN Injury in Rats
Voluntary exercise protects against methamphetamine‐induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN microvasculature and disruption of the blood‐BRAIN barrier
BRAIN activation patterns in major depressive disorder and job STRESS-related long-term sick leave
Shear STRESS and Co-culture with Astrocytes Determine BRAIN Microvascular Endothelial Cell Phenotype
The impact of chronic STRESS on the expression of IL-18 in the rats BRAIN
Measurement of Histamine Release Change in Living Human BRAIN Associated with STRESS and Circadian Rhythm
Attentional biases in post traumatic STRESS disorder and following acquired BRAIN injury
507: Evidence of Progressive Inflammatory and Cardiac STRESS Responses Following BRAIN Death
Changes in mRNA expression of alpha1-adrenoceptor subtypes in BRAIN of rats reactive to the chronic mild STRESS
Clinical study of early enteral nutrition on prevention of STRESS ulcer in patients with severe craniocerebral BRAIN injury
Aldosterone and Salt Induces Hypertension Associated with Increased Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of Apolipoprotein E Knockout Mice
Angiotensin II induced pro‐inflammatory cytokines and oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN are attenuated in mice lacking the gene for TNF‐α
Distribution and expression of p38 mapk in the distal cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons in BRAIN of rat by noise STRESS
Effects of maternal rats exposed to chronic unpredictable STRESS before pregnancy on the behaviors and BRAIN monamine of their adult male offspring
Effects of Chaihu Shugan San on behavior and CRHmRNA expression in the BRAIN of mice with chronic mild unpredicted STRESS depression
The Bone Grinding and Scaffold Grafting Techniques for Guide Bone Regeneration Induce the STRESS on the Rat BRAIN
Effects of BRAIN focal ischemia or chronic STRESS on the hippocampus-dependent learning and memory function
ACE2 Dose Dependently Inhibits Oxidative STRESS In The BRAIN Of Renovascular Hypertensive Mice
Translational regulation in the adult BRAIN: mediated by BDNF signalling, STRESS, and chronic antidepressant treatment
Lead-induced endoplasmic reticulum STRESS response of BRAIN astrocytes in rats.
… BRAIN injury, post-traumatic STRESS disorder symptom reporting and attentional bias: unravelling the misidentification of post-traumatic STRESS disorder in people with a …
Effect of oxidative STRESS and endotoxin on human serum albumin in BRAIN-dead organ donors
Psychological STRESS and Vulnerability for Major Depressive Disorder: Cortisol, BRAIN structure, function, and cognitive processing in young adults
Mechanisms of mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of Alzheimer’s disease patients: Aβ-heme model
Interactions of endotoxin, albumin function, albumin binding capacity and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN-dead organ donors
CRF1 receptor activation mediates nicotine withdrawal-induced deficit in BRAIN reward function and STRESS-induced relapse
Role of endoplasmic reticulum STRESS in human BRAIN gliomas cell apoptosis induced by proteasome inhibitor MG-132
Use of Narrative to Promote Alternative Treatment Methods for Post Traumatic STRESS Disorder and Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injury: A Semi-Self-Portrait
e0380 Associations between plasma N-terminal pro BRAIN natriuretic peptide and oxidative STRESS in patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease
Relationships between STRESS, social adaptation, personality traits, BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol plasma concentrations in …
Changes of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) immunoreactive cells number in hypothalamic nuclei after chronic STRESS young and aged rats
… glutamate into peripheral tissues is increased by STRESS response and adrenaline administration, providing neuroprotection following traumatic BRAIN injury: 7AP5–6
Blood‐BRAIN Barrier Disruption Following Hypoxic STRESS Requires Activation of Myosin Light Chain Kinase
Hydrogen Gas Ameliorates Oxidative STRESS in Early BRAIN Injury after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rats
Relationship Between Hippocampal Volume Changes and Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder Following Traumatic BRAIN Injury in US Military Personnel
and Jiaming Qian Changes in BRAIN G proteins and colonic sympathetic neural signaling in chronic-acute combined STRESS rat model of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) …
Dopamine and serotonin turnover in the rat fetus BRAIN after prenatal noise STRESS exposure
Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injury in Veterans of Polish Military Contingents, Psychiatrically Hospitalized with Combat Related STRESS Disorders
… and awareness of deficit in persons with traumatic BRAIN injury and their significant others: The role of physiological and neuroendocrine reactivity to STRESS
Preconditioning afforded by restraint STRESS against convulsion-or ischemia-induced BRAIN damage involves an up-regulation of adenosine A1 receptors
Cancer of the psyche: Antenatal maternal STRESS accentuates functional BRAIN responses and neuronal endangerment during conditioned fear in adult …
Complement Component 3 Mediated BRAIN Injury is Upregulated by Oxidative STRESS after Focal Cerebral Ischemia.
Early Life Experience Alters STRESS-related BRAIN Circuits: Effects of Repeated Brief Postnatal Maternal Separation on Central Autonomic Pathways
Induction of FosB/ΔFOSB int he BRAIN STRESS system-related structures during morphine dependence and withdrawal
Translational research on the endocannabinoid system using postmortem BRAIN tissue of mood disorder patients and an animal model of fear and STRESS
Molecular Basis of Iron-induced Oxidative STRESS in the Honeybee BRAIN: A Potential Model System of Olfactory Dysfunction in Neurological Diseases
Protein targets of oxidative STRESS induced by Huntington disease in human BRAIN Ealuation of an HD mice model: Tet/HD94
PPAR-alpha agonism prevents the oxidative STRESS and inflammatory processes involved in BRAIN and renal damage in stroke-prone rats
Examining the protective effects of sesamol on oxidative STRESS associated blood-BRAIN barrier dysfunction in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
The investigation of srebp and c/ebp expression during global ischemia/reperfusion induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN cortex and cerebellum
Blood-BRAIN barrier permeability and analgesic activity of morphine and endomorphine-1 in mice bred for swim-STRESS induced analgesia
Neuroprotection against hyperhomocysteinemia-induced selective oxidative STRESS in BRAIN regions of rats with folic acid or Dioscorea alata supplementation.
Effects of Zibu Piyin Recipe on Endoplasmic Reticulum STRESS in the BRAIN Tissue of Spleen-Yin Deficiency Alzheimer’s Disease Rats
Rit GTPase signaling mediates oxidative STRESS resistance and survival of adult newborn neurons after traumatic BRAIN injury
… STRESS in BRAIN: translational effects on the cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein in Alzheimer’s disease and post-translational effects on fibrinogen in BRAIN …
Guanosine and synthetic organoselenium compounds modulate methylmercury-induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN co…
Response to Comment on “Paroxetine Prevents Loss of Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Neurons by Inhibiting BRAIN Inflammation and Oxidative STRESS in an Experimental …
Enduring Effects Of Traumatic STRESS On BRAIN Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and Corticotropin-Releasing Factor (CRF) Systems: Molecular and Neuropharmacologic Studies
… BRAIN natriuretic peptide (ProBNP) levels to determine the presence and severity of coronary artery disease in patients with a positive or inconclusive exercise STRESS …
104. Strain differences in restraint STRESS induced BRAIN IL-1, IL-6, COX2
… from metals Ag, Cu and Al (50-60 nm) induce oxidative STRESS, upregulation of nitric oxide synthase, blood-BRAIN barrier breakdown and BRAIN pathology: effect of …
STRESS at work alters serum BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels and plasma 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) levels in healthy volunteers: BDNF …
… Pro-BRAIN Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP) in Patients With Chronic Dyspnea and Moderate Renal Dysfunction: Decreased Clearance or Increased Cardiac STRESS?
Free Radical Scavenger Edaravone Administration Protects against Tissue Plasminogen Activator Induced Oxidative STRESS and Blood BRAIN Barrier Damage
… as an Intervention Tool on Decreasing Levels of Aggression and Improving Life Satisfaction with Traumatic BRAIN Injury and Post Traumatic STRESS Disorder Clients: A …
Regulation of STAT-3 and STAT-6 by Transient Oxidative STRESS in Rat BRAIN Astrocytes
… Role of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) Against Methotrexate-Induced Oxidative STRESS in the Sciatic Nerve, Spinal Cord and BRAIN Stem Tissues of Rats
… ® as an intervention tool on decreasing levels of aggression and improving life satisfaction with mild traumatic BRAIN injury and post-traumatic STRESS disorder clients: a …
… genetic polymorphisms affecting predominantly the serotonin system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)(ie, STRESS) axis, 2) deficits in BRAIN develop-ment, 3 …
Acamprosate Modulates Alcohol-Induced Hippocampal NMDA Receptors and BRAIN Microsomal Ca 2-ATPase but Induces Oxidative STRESS in Rat
… expression pattern and its genetic dissection in neurotransmitter-specific circuits: Inhibitory role on the HPA axis activity and unexpected anxiolytic effects on STRESS …
The role of Bcl-2 homology domain (BH) 3-only proteins in STRESS-induced cell death of mouse neocortical neurons associated with ischemic BRAIN injury
Functional analyses of nuclear factor E2-related factor 1 (Nrf1) transcription factor during STRESS response in the BRAIN
Perinatal STRESS, BRAIN inflammation and risk of autism-review and proposal
BRAIN on STRESS: how the social environment gets under the skin
STRESS and the developing adolescent BRAIN
The BRAIN on STRESS: Toward an integrative approach to BRAIN, body, and behavior
The teenage BRAIN: The STRESS response and the adolescent BRAIN
Can traumatic STRESS alter the BRAIN? Understanding the implications of early trauma on BRAIN development and learning
Epigenetics of STRESS adaptations in the BRAIN
Effect of STRESS on BRAIN inflammation and multiple sclerosis
Severe life STRESS and oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN: from animal models to human pathology
Traumatic BRAIN injury: oxidative STRESS and neuroprotection
Does exercise reduce BRAIN oxidative STRESS? A systematic review
Play, STRESS, and the learning BRAIN
Recruiting adaptive cellular STRESS responses for successful BRAIN ageing
Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN causes hypertension via sympathoexcitation
A randomized trial of STRESS management for the prevention of new BRAIN lesions in MS
The BRAIN on STRESS: vulnerability and plasticity of the prefrontal cortex over the life course
Epigenetic effects of STRESS and corticosteroids in the BRAIN
Tobacco addiction and the dysregulation of BRAIN STRESS systems
Inflammatory cause of metabolic syndrome via BRAIN STRESS and NF-κB
Long-term occupational STRESS is associated with regional reductions in BRAIN tissue volumes
STRESS, neurotransmitters, corticosterone and body–BRAIN integration
How does the BRAIN deal with cumulative STRESS? A review with focus on developmental STRESS, HPA axis function and hippocampal structure in humans
Oxidative STRESS in developmental BRAIN disorders
STRESS-induced recruitment of bone marrow-derived monocytes to the BRAIN promotes anxiety-like behavior
STRESS impact on resting state BRAIN networks
BRAIN physiology and pathophysiology in mental STRESS
Oxidative STRESS and the antioxidant enzyme system in the developing BRAIN
BRAIN systems for baroreflex suppression during STRESS in humans
BRAIN structural changes as vulnerability factors and acquired signs of post-earthquake STRESS
BRAIN mechanisms underlying the impact of attachment-related STRESS on social cognition
Effects of childhood poverty and chronic STRESS on emotion regulatory BRAIN function in adulthood
Steroid hormones, STRESS and the adolescent BRAIN: a comparative perspective
Prereproductive STRESS to female rats alters corticotropin releasing factor type 1 expression in ova and behavior and BRAIN corticotropin releasing factor type 1 …
Triggers and effectors of oxidative STRESS at blood-BRAIN barrier level: relevance for BRAIN ageing and neurodegeneration
STRESS, BRAIN adenosine signaling, and fatigue-related behavioral processes
Oxidative STRESS and cerebral endothelial cells: regulation of the blood–BRAIN-barrier and antioxidant based interventions
STRESS leads to contrasting effects on the levels of BRAIN derived neurotrophic factor in the hippocampus and amygdala
The role of STRESS in BRAIN development: the gestational environment’s long-term effects on the BRAIN
ER STRESS in the BRAIN subfornical organ mediates angiotensin-dependent hypertension
The BRAIN derived neurotrophic factor and influences of STRESS in depression
Estrous cycle and STRESS: influence of progesterone on the female BRAIN
Identification of chronic STRESS‐activated regions reveals a potential recruited circuit in rat BRAIN
Migraine: maladaptive BRAIN responses to STRESS
Aluminum overload increases oxidative STRESS in four functional BRAIN areas of neonatal rats
Acute iron overload and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN
Fetal programming of BRAIN development: intrauterine STRESS and susceptibility to psychopathology
STRESS sensitizes the BRAIN: Increased processing of unpleasant pictures after exposure to acute STRESS
Impact of early vs. late childhood early life STRESS on BRAIN morphometrics
Sex and STRESS hormone influences on the expression and activity of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor
Hydrogen-rich saline alleviates early BRAIN injury via reducing oxidative STRESS and BRAIN edema following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in rabbits
Differential effects of voluntary and forced exercise on STRESS responses after traumatic BRAIN injury
Omega-3 fatty acids and BRAIN resistance to ageing and STRESS: body of evidence and possible mechanisms
Variant BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism alters vulnerability to STRESS and response to antidepressants
Translational developmental studies of STRESS on BRAIN and behavior: Implications for adolescent mental health and illness?
Traumatic BRAIN injury, posttraumatic STRESS disorder, and pain diagnoses in OIF/OEF/OND Veterans.
Studies on the effects of aspartame on memory and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of mice
Fetal STRESS and programming of hypoxic/ischemic-sensitive phenotype in the neonatal BRAIN: mechanisms and possible interventions
STRESS shifts BRAIN activation towards ventral ‘affective’areas during emotional distraction
Validity of the Depression Anxiety STRESS Scales in assessing depression and anxiety following traumatic BRAIN injury
Concentration dependent effect of calcium on BRAIN mitochondrial bioenergetics and oxidative STRESS parameters
Sex differences in the effects of adolescent STRESS on adult BRAIN inflammatory markers in rats
Influence of chronic STRESS on BRAIN corticosteroid receptors and HPA axis activity
Inflammation and oxidative STRESS are elevated in the BRAIN, blood, and adrenal glands during the progression of post-traumatic STRESS disorder in a predator …
Acute STRESS potentiates BRAIN response to milkshake as a function of body weight and chronic STRESS
Exercise offers anxiolytic potential: a role for STRESS and BRAIN noradrenergic-galaninergic mechanisms
Traumatic BRAIN injury, shell shock, and posttraumatic STRESS disorder in the military—past, present, and future
Effects of atorvastatin on the hypertension-induced oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Mangiferin decreases inflammation and oxidative damage in rat BRAIN after STRESS
Differential targeting of BRAIN STRESS circuits with a selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator
Angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockers ameliorate inflammatory STRESS: a beneficial effect for the treatment of BRAIN disorders
Activity-dependent, STRESS-responsive BDNF signaling and the quest for optimal BRAIN health and resilience throughout the lifespan
Ellagic acid attenuates oxidative STRESS on BRAIN and sciatic nerve and improves histopathology of BRAIN in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Neural dysregulation in posttraumatic STRESS disorder: evidence for disrupted equilibrium between salience and default mode BRAIN networks
Oral administration of glutathione improves memory deficits following transient BRAIN ischemia by reducing BRAIN oxidative STRESS
Gender differences in BRAIN susceptibility to oxidative STRESS are mediated by levels of paraoxonase-2 expression
Involvement of oxidative STRESS in hypoxia-induced blood–BRAIN barrier breakdown
A pilot study examining the effect of mindfulness-based STRESS reduction on symptoms of chronic mild traumatic BRAIN injury/postconcussive syndrome
A cortical folding model incorporating STRESS-dependent growth explains gyral wavelengths and STRESS patterns in the developing BRAIN
Mineralocorticoid receptor blockade prevents STRESS-induced modulation of multiple memory systems in the human BRAIN
BRAIN oxidative STRESS: detection and mapping of anti-oxidant marker ‘Glutathione’in different BRAIN regions of healthy male/female, MCI and Alzheimer patients using …
The relation between posttraumatic STRESS disorder and mild traumatic BRAIN injury acquired during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom
Mindfulness-based STRESS reduction (MBSR) improves long-term mental fatigue after stroke or traumatic BRAIN injury
Deaths among adult patients with hypopituitarism: hypocortisolism during acute STRESS, and de novo malignant BRAIN tumors contribute to an increased mortality
… on the inhibitory effect of caffeic and chlorogenic acids on key enzymes linked to Alzheimer’s disease and some pro-oxidant induced oxidative STRESS in rats’ BRAIN-in …
Effect of chronic exposure to aspartame on oxidative STRESS in BRAIN discrete regions of albino rats
Activation of the endoplasmic reticulum STRESS response by the amyloid-beta 1–40 peptide in BRAIN endothelial cells
Effects of early life STRESS on BRAIN activity: implications from maternal separation model in rodents
Induction of oxidative STRESS, lysosome activation and autophagy by nanoparticles in human BRAIN-derived endothelial cells
Diclofenac-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN, liver, gill and blood of common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Mitochondrial dysfunction associated with increased oxidative STRESS and α-synuclein accumulation in PARK2 iPSC-derived neurons and postmortem BRAIN …
Elevated BRAIN cannabinoid CB1 receptor availability in post-traumatic STRESS disorder: a positron emission tomography study
Oxidative STRESS biomarkers in some rat BRAIN structures and peripheral organs underwent cocaine
… restraint STRESS causes anxiety-and depression-like behaviors, downregulates glucocorticoid receptor expression, and attenuates glutamate release induced by BRAIN …
STRESS and the healthy adolescent BRAIN: Evidence for the neural embedding of life events
Alcohol-induced oxidative/nitrosative STRESS alters BRAIN mitochondrial membrane properties
Blast exposure induces post-traumatic STRESS disorder-related traits in a rat model of mild traumatic BRAIN injury
The BRAIN-gut axis: a target for treating STRESS-related disorders
Understanding STRESS-effects in the BRAIN via transcriptional signal transduction pathways
The BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism predicts response to exposure therapy in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Hydrogen gas ameliorates oxidative STRESS in early BRAIN injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats
Acute STRESS contributes to individual differences in pain and pain-related BRAIN activity in healthy and chronic pain patients
Ascorbic acid treatment, similarly to fluoxetine, reverses depressive-like behavior and BRAIN oxidative damage induced by chronic unpredictable STRESS
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury in current military populations: a critical analysis
Early and later life STRESS alter BRAIN activity and sleep in rats
Systemic oxidative STRESS is implicated in the pathogenesis of BRAIN edema in rats with chronic liver failure
Persistent neuroinflammatory effects of serial exposure to STRESS and methamphetamine on the blood-BRAIN barrier
Mild traumatic BRAIN injury (concussion), posttraumatic STRESS disorder, and depression in US soldiers involved in combat deployments: association with …
Neuropsychological outcomes of mild traumatic BRAIN injury, post-traumatic STRESS disorder and depression in Iraq-deployed US Army soldiers
Environmental STRESS and transposon transcription in the mammalian BRAIN
Social deprivation STRESS is a triggering factor for the emergence of anxiety-and depression-like behaviours and leads to reduced BRAIN BDNF levels in C57BL/6J mice
Angiotensin-(1-7) modulates renin–angiotensin system associated with reducing oxidative STRESS and attenuating neuronal apoptosis in the BRAIN of hypertensive rats
The inhibitory effect of manganese on acetylcholinesterase activity enhances oxidative STRESS and neuroinflammation in the rat BRAIN
Ischemic tolerance in the BRAIN: endogenous adaptive machinery against ischemic STRESS
STRESS and the BRAIN: The science of mental health
Novel Ocimumoside A and B as anti-STRESS agents: modulation of BRAIN monoamines and antioxidant systems in chronic unpredictable STRESS model in rats
Relationship between Sonic hedgehog protein, BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and oxidative STRESS in autism spectrum disorders
Plasticity of resting state BRAIN networks in recovery from STRESS
Predicting parenting STRESS in caregivers of children with BRAIN tumours
Evaluating the potential role of pomegranate peel in aluminum-induced oxidative STRESS and histopathological alterations in BRAIN of female rats
Impaired response inhibition in veterans with post-traumatic STRESS disorder and mild traumatic BRAIN injury
The consequences of adolescent chronic unpredictable STRESS exposure on BRAIN and behavior
Microwave radiation induced oxidative STRESS, cognitive impairment and inflammation in BRAIN of Fischer rats
The effects of the melatonin treatment on the oxidative STRESS and apoptosis in diabetic eye and BRAIN
Epigenetic effects of prenatal STRESS on 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-2 in the placenta and fetal BRAIN
Identified peptidergic neurons in the Drosophila BRAIN regulate insulin-producing cells, STRESS responses and metabolism by coexpressed short neuropeptide F and …
Impact of repeated STRESS on traumatic BRAIN injury-induced mitochondrial electron transport chain expression and behavioral responses in rats
Randomized controlled trial of mindfulness-based STRESS reduction versus aerobic exercise: effects on the self-referential BRAIN network in social anxiety …
Classroom strategies for teaching veterans with post-traumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury.
BRAIN region specific monoamine and oxidative changes during restraint STRESS
Voluntary exercise protects against methamphetamine-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN microvasculature and disruption of the blood–BRAIN barrier
CSF and BRAIN indices of insulin resistance, oxidative STRESS and neuro-inflammation in early versus late Alzheimer’s disease
Valproic acid attenuates ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat BRAIN through inhibition of oxidative STRESS and inflammation
Role of propolis on oxidative STRESS in fish BRAIN
Pinocembrin protects BRAIN against ischemia/reperfusion injury by attenuating endoplasmic reticulum STRESS induced apoptosis
Association between posttraumatic STRESS, depression, and functional impairments in adolescents 24 months after traumatic BRAIN injury
Oxidative STRESS and the HIV-infected BRAIN proteome
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder in OEF/OIF veterans with and without traumatic BRAIN injury
The neurological wake-up test increases STRESS hormone levels in patients with severe traumatic BRAIN injury
… and oxidative STRESS by increasing Gli1, Ptch1, SOD1 expression and ameliorates blood–BRAIN barrier permeability for its neuroprotective effect in pMCAO rat BRAIN
Killing them softly: Neuroscience reveals how BRAIN cells die from law school STRESS and how neural self-hacking can optimize cognitive performance
Role of Nox isoforms in angiotensin II-induced oxidative STRESS and endothelial dysfunction in BRAIN
Effect of prenatal STRESS on density of NMDA receptors in rat BRAIN
Anthocyanin-rich açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) fruit pulp fractions attenuate inflammatory STRESS signaling in mouse BRAIN BV-2 microglial cells
BRAIN white matter microstructure alterations in adolescent rhesus monkeys exposed to early life STRESS: associations with high cortisol during infancy
Induction of thioredoxin-interacting protein is mediated by oxidative STRESS, calcium, and glucose after BRAIN injury in mice
Protective role of gallic acid on sodium fluoride induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
Chronic unpredictable STRESS (CUS)-induced anxiety and related mood disorders in a zebrafish model: altered BRAIN proteome profile implicates mitochondrial …
Early life STRESS differentially modulates distinct forms of BRAIN plasticity in young and adult mice
… traits in rats predict vulnerability and resilience to developing STRESS-induced depression-like behaviors, HPA axis hyper-reactivity and BRAIN changes in pERK1/2 …
BRAIN activation patterns in major depressive disorder and work STRESS-related long-term sick leave among Swedish females
Relationship between posttraumatic STRESS disorder and postconcussive symptom improvement after completion of a posttraumatic STRESS disorder/traumatic BRAIN …
Acute STRESS in patients with BRAIN cancer during primary care
Loss of consciousness, depression, posttraumatic STRESS disorder, and suicide risk among deployed military personnel with mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Psychological STRESS, cocaine and natural reward each induce endoplasmic reticulum STRESS genes in rat BRAIN
Hijacked by your BRAIN: how to free yourself when STRESS takes over
Protective effects of hydrogen-rich saline in a rat model of traumatic BRAIN injury via reducing oxidative STRESS
Protective effect of Calendula officinalis L. flowers against monosodium glutamate induced oxidative STRESS and excitotoxic BRAIN damage in rats
Targeting nitrosative STRESS for neurovascular protection: new implications in BRAIN diseases
Dichlorvos and lindane induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN: Protective effects of ginger
A mutation in the HFE gene is associated with altered BRAIN iron profiles and increased oxidative STRESS in mice
Influence of post-traumatic STRESS disorder on neuroinflammation and cell proliferation in a rat model of traumatic BRAIN injury
Oral Administration of Vitamin C and Vitamin E amelioratesLead-induced Hepatotoxicity and Oxidative STRESS in the Rat BRAIN.
Acute BRAIN damage induced by acetaminophen in mice: effect of diphenyl diselenide on oxidative STRESS and mitochondrial dysfunction
Induction of BRAIN CYP2E1 by chronic ethanol treatment and related oxidative STRESS in hippocampus, cerebellum, and BRAINstem
Correlates of physiological and psychological STRESS among parents of childhood cancer and BRAIN tumor survivors
Penicillamine increases free copper and enhances oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of toxic milk mice
Relationship between neurocognition and regional BRAIN volumes in traumatized adolescents with and without posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Developmental fluoxetine exposure and prenatal STRESS alter sexual differentiation of the BRAIN and reproductive behavior in male rat offspring
The effects of BRAIN serotonin deficiency on behavioural disinhibition and anxiety-like behaviour following mild early life STRESS
Resveratrol abrogates alcohol-induced cognitive deficits by attenuating oxidative–nitrosative STRESS and inflammatory cascade in the adult rat BRAIN
Forced swim STRESS elicits region-specific changes in CART expression in the STRESS axis and STRESS regulatory BRAIN areas
The STRESSed female BRAIN: neuronal activity in the prelimbic but not infralimbic region of the medial prefrontal cortex suppresses learning after acute STRESS
… examination of prolonged exposure therapy with Iraq and Afghanistan veterans with a diagnosis of posttraumatic STRESS disorder and mild to moderate traumatic BRAIN …
Early-life STRESS affects song complexity, song learning and volume of the BRAIN nucleus RA in adult male song sparrows
Sex differences in the effects of chronic STRESS and food restriction on body weight gain and BRAIN expression of CRF and relaxin‐3 in rats
Managing posttraumatic STRESS disorder in combat veterans with comorbid traumatic BRAIN injury.
The endoplasmic reticulum STRESS inhibitor salubrinal inhibits the activation of autophagy and neuroprotection induced by BRAIN ischemic preconditioning
Effect of acute administration of L-tyrosine on oxidative STRESS parameters in BRAIN of young rats
Repetitive concussive traumatic BRAIN injury interacts with post-injury foot shock STRESS to worsen social and depression-like behavior in mice
Antioxidant and oxidative STRESS parameters in BRAIN of Heteropneustes fossilis under air exposure condition; role of mitochondrial electron transport chain
Effects of pre-encoding STRESS on BRAIN correlates associated with the long-term memory for emotional scenes
BRAIN natriuretic peptide in apical ballooning syndrome (Takotsubo/STRESS cardiomyopathy): comparison with acute myocardial infarction
Mild traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder: clinical and conceptual complexities
Moderate hypoxia followed by reoxygenation results in blood-BRAIN barrier breakdown via oxidative STRESS-dependent tight-junction protein disruption
Altered BRAIN structural connectivity in post-traumatic STRESS disorder: a diffusion tensor imaging tractography study
Effects of agomelatine on oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of mice after chemically induced seizures
Development of posttraumatic STRESS disorder after mild traumatic BRAIN injury
The neurotoxicity of β-amyloid peptide toward rat BRAIN is associated with enhanced oxidative STRESS, inflammation and apoptosis, all of which can be attenuated by …
Renal denervation prevents stroke and BRAIN injury via attenuation of oxidative STRESS in hypertensive rats
Approaches to BRAIN STRESS testing: BOLD magnetic resonance imaging with computer-controlled delivery of carbon dioxide
Impact of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on regional BRAIN gray matter volumes: relevance to the STRESS response
Oxidative STRESS and apoptosis in a pig model of BRAIN death (BD) and living donation (LD)
Cortisol rapidly affects amplitudes of heartbeat-evoked BRAIN potentials—implications for the contribution of STRESS to an altered perception of physical sensations?
Symptoms of posttraumatic STRESS disorder and exposure to traumatic STRESSors are related to BRAIN structural volumes and behavioral measures of affective stimulus …
Effects of acute heat STRESS on gene expression of BRAIN–gut neuropeptides in broiler chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Inflammatory response and oxidative STRESS in developing rat BRAIN and its consequences on motor behavior following maternal administration of LPS and perinatal …
Prenatal STRESS alters hippocampal synaptic plasticity in young rat offspring through preventing the proteolytic conversion of pro‐BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor …
Impact of acute STRESS on human BRAIN microstructure: An MR diffusion study of earthquake survivors
Attenuation of axonal injury and oxidative STRESS by edaravone protects against cognitive impairments after traumatic BRAIN injury
The association between BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met variants and psychotic symptoms in posttraumatic STRESS disorder
An fMRI study of BRAIN processing related to STRESS states
Etazolate, a phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor reverses chronic unpredictable mild STRESS-induced depression-like behavior and BRAIN oxidative damage
Factor structure of the depression anxiety STRESS scales in individuals with traumatic BRAIN injury
Deletion of a single allele of the Pex11β gene is sufficient to cause oxidative STRESS, delayed differentiation and neuronal death in mouse BRAIN
Time sequence of oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN from transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease related to the amyloid-β cascade
CD64-Neutrophil expression and STRESS metabolic patterns in early sepsis and severe traumatic BRAIN injury in children
Sympathoexcitation by BRAIN oxidative STRESS mediates arterial pressure elevation in salt-induced chronic kidney disease
Resveratrol affects differently rat liver and BRAIN mitochondrial bioenergetics and oxidative STRESS in vitro: investigation of the role of gender
Mirtazapine protects against cisplatin‐induced oxidative STRESS and DNA damage in the rat BRAIN
Pre‐operative STRESS, anxiety, depression and coping strategies adopted by patients experiencing their first or recurrent BRAIN neoplasm: an explorative study
Longitudinal changes in serum BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in accident survivors with posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Postdeployment symptom changes and traumatic BRAIN injury and/or posttraumatic STRESS disorder in men
Aging increases basal but not STRESS-induced levels of corticosterone in the BRAIN of the awake rat
Exogenous prenatal corticosterone exposure mimics the effects of prenatal STRESS on adult BRAIN STRESS response systems and fear extinction behavior
Depleted uranium induces disruption of energy homeostasis and oxidative STRESS in isolated rat BRAIN mitochondria
Inhibition of BRAIN oxidative STRESS and inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by thymoquinone attenuates the development of morphine tolerance and …
Neuronal NOS inhibitor and conventional antidepressant drugs attenuate STRESS-induced fos expression in overlapping BRAIN regions
BRAIN-specific inactivation of the Crhr1 gene inhibits post-dependent and STRESS-induced alcohol intake, but does not affect relapse-like drinking
Amygdala deep BRAIN stimulation is superior to paroxetine treatment in a rat model of posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Pre-gestational STRESS reduces the ratio of 5-HIAA to 5-HT and the expression of 5-HT1A receptor and serotonin transporter in the BRAIN of foetal rat
Targeted gene inactivation of calpain-1 suppresses cortical degeneration due to traumatic BRAIN injury and neuronal apoptosis induced by oxidative STRESS
The effects of reboxetine treatment on depression-like behavior, BRAIN neurotrophins, and ERK expression in rats exposed to chronic mild STRESS
Overpressure blast-wave induced BRAIN injury elevates oxidative STRESS in the hypothalamus and catecholamine biosynthesis in the rat adrenal medulla
Dynamic regulation of NMDAR function in the adult BRAIN by the STRESS hormone corticosterone
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate and BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor decreased oxidative STRESS and apoptosis in developing hypothalamic neuronal cells: Role of …
Nanoparticle delivery of transition-metal chelators to the BRAIN: oxidative STRESS will never see it coming!
Hypothalamic orexin-A neurons are involved in the response of the BRAIN STRESS system to morphine withdrawal
Furan fatty acids efficiently rescue BRAIN cells from cell death induced by oxidative STRESS
BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor val66met genotype and early life STRESS effects upon bipolar course
BRAIN stem oxidative STRESS and its associated signaling in the regulation of sympathetic vasomotor tone
Role of the inhibition of oxidative STRESS and inflammatory mediators in the neuroprotective effects of hydroxytyrosol in rat BRAIN slices subjected to hypoxia …
Long-term dysregulation of BRAIN corticotrophin and glucocorticoid receptors and STRESS reactivity by single early-life pain experience in male and female rats
BRAIN rust: recent discoveries on the role of oxidative STRESS in neurodegenerative diseases
Attenuating BRAIN edema, hippocampal oxidative STRESS, and cognitive dysfunction in rats using hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning during simulated high-altitude …
Combined effect of HEDTA and selenium against aluminum induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
The unfolded protein response to endoplasmic reticulum STRESS in cultured astrocytes and rat BRAIN during experimental diabetes
Interstitial F2-Isoprostane 8-Iso-PGF2α As a Biomarker of Oxidative STRESS after Severe Human Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Thiamine deficiency induces oxidative STRESS in BRAIN mitochondria of Mus musculus
Methylglyoxal-induced cytotoxicity in neonatal rat BRAIN: a role for oxidative STRESS and MAP kinases
Evidence of diffuse damage in frontal and occipital cortex in the BRAIN of patients with post-traumatic STRESS disorder
Possible role of oxidative STRESS and BRAIN derived neurotrophic factor in triazophos induced cognitive impairment in rats
Direct and indirect effects of BRAIN volume, socioeconomic status and family STRESS on child IQ
Myelophil ameliorates BRAIN oxidative STRESS in mice subjected to restraint STRESS
Do smart birds STRESS less? An interspecific relationship between BRAIN size and corticosterone levels
BRAIN pericytes from STRESS-susceptible pigs increase blood-BRAIN barrier permeability in vitro
Creatine reduces oxidative STRESS markers but does not protect against seizure susceptibility after severe traumatic BRAIN injury
STRESS and chewing affect blood flow and oxygen levels in the rat BRAIN
Acute renal failure potentiates methylmalonate-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN and kidney of rats
Critical role of plasma corticosteroid-binding-globulin during STRESS to promote glucocorticoid delivery to the BRAIN: impact on memory retrieval
Increased expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xL in the BRAIN is associated with resilience to STRESS-induced depression-like behavior
… sulfide in a rat model of traumatic BRAIN injury via activation of mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate–sensitive potassium channels and reduction of oxidative STRESS
Oxidative STRESS in immature BRAIN following experimentally-induced seizures
Environmental enrichment counters cocaine abstinence‐induced STRESS and BRAIN reactivity to cocaine cues but fails to prevent the incubation effect
Gum chewing inhibits the sensory processing and the propagation of STRESS-related information in a BRAIN network
Oxidative STRESS and cholinesterase inhibition in plasma, erythrocyte and BRAIN of rats’ pups following lactational exposure to malathion
Induction of oxidative STRESS in BRAIN of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficient mice by acute lysine administration
Chronic mild restraint STRESS rats decreased CMKLR1 expression in distinct BRAIN region
Chronic unpredictable STRESS decreases expression of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in mouse ovaries: relationship to oocytes developmental …
… preserved beneficial effects of exercise on hypertension: effects on blood pressure, cardiac function, BRAIN inflammatory cytokines and oxidative STRESS
Neurotherapy of traumatic BRAIN injury/posttraumatic STRESS symptoms in OEF/OIF veterans
A variant on the kappa opioid receptor gene (OPRK1) is associated with STRESS response and related drug craving, limbic BRAIN activation and cocaine relapse …
Soft-food diet induces oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Concepts and strategies for clinical management of blast-induced traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Long-term streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats leads to severe damage of BRAIN blood vessels and neurons via enhanced oxidative STRESS
Impact of posttraumatic STRESS disorder and injury severity on recovery in children with traumatic BRAIN injury
Protective effects of carbenoxolone are associated with attenuation of oxidative STRESS in ischemic BRAIN injury
Tianeptine exerts neuroprotective effects in the BRAIN tissue of rats exposed to the chronic STRESS model
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder: neurocircuitry and implications for potential deep BRAIN stimulation
Dietary supplementation with N-acetyl cysteine, α-tocopherol and α-lipoic acid reduces the extent of oxidative STRESS and proinflammatory state in aged rat BRAIN
Tau protein phosphorylation in diverse BRAIN areas of normal and CRH deficient mice: up-regulation by STRESS
Predator threat STRESS promotes long lasting anxiety-like behaviors and modulates synaptophysin and CB1 receptors expression in BRAIN areas associated with PTSD …
The effect of gabapentin on oxidative STRESS in a model of toxic demyelination in rat BRAIN
Role of STRESS-related BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the rat submandibular gland
Influence of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and catechol O-methyl transferase polymorphisms on effects of meditation on plasma catecholamines and STRESS
Enhanced BRAIN performance in mice following postnatal STRESS
… synthesized and coated nanosilver alters the membrane permeability of barrier (intestinal, BRAIN endothelial) cells and stimulates oxidative STRESS pathways in neurons
STRESS-dose hydrocortisone reduces critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency associated with severe traumatic BRAIN injury in rats
… behavioral deficits in chronic unpredictable mild STRESS model: modulation of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis activity and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor level
… herbal decoction, kai-xin-san, restores decreased levels of neurotransmitters and neurotrophic factors in the BRAIN of chronic STRESS-induced depressive rats
Calorie restriction reduces psychological STRESS reactivity and its association with BRAIN volume and microstructure in aged rhesus monkeys
Vulnerability imposed by diet and BRAIN trauma for anxiety-like phenotype: implications for post-traumatic STRESS disorders
Treadmill exercise protects against pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures and oxidative STRESS after traumatic BRAIN injury
Essential oil of Perilla frutescens-induced change in hippocampal expression of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in chronic unpredictable mild STRESS in mice
Cell type-specific gene expression and editing responses to chronic fluoxetine treatment in the in vivo mouse BRAIN and their relevance for STRESS-induced anhedonia
Ammonia increases paracellular permeability of rat BRAIN endothelial cells by a mechanism encompassing oxidative/nitrosative STRESS and activation of matrix …
Environmental tobacco smoke induces oxidative STRESS in distinct BRAIN regions of infant mice
Mitigating role of quercetin against sodium fluoride-induced oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
Analysis of neuroglobin mRNA expression in rat BRAIN due to arsenite‐induced oxidative STRESS
Induction of the plasticity-associated immediate early gene Arc by STRESS and hallucinogens: role of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor
Succinobucol versus probucol: higher efficiency of succinobucol in mitigating 3-NP-induced BRAIN mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative STRESS in vitro
Influence of perinatal trans fat on behavioral responses and BRAIN oxidative status of adolescent rats acutely exposed to STRESS
CORM-A1 prevents blood-BRAIN barrier dysfunction caused by ionotropic glutamate receptor-mediated endothelial oxidative STRESS and apoptosis
Glutathione Prevents Free Fatty Acids‐Induced Oxidative STRESS and Apoptosis in Human BRAIN Vascular Endothelial Cells Through A kt Pathway
Protective effect of curcumin on anxiety, learning behavior, neuromuscular activities, BRAIN neurotransmitters and oxidative STRESS enzymes in cadmium …
Age-dependent effects of ELF-MF on oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of Mongolian gerbils
… -enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) reveals BRAIN circuitry involved in responding to an acute novel STRESS in rats with a history of repeated social STRESS
BRAIN structure in post-traumatic STRESS disorder: A voxel-based morphometry analysis
Endurance exercise training and diferuloyl methane supplement: changes in neurotrophic factor and oxidative STRESS induced by lead in rat BRAIN
Effects of dietary amino acids and repeated handling on STRESS response and BRAIN monoaminergic neurotransmitters in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) …
Glucocorticoids regulation of FosB/ΔFosB expression induced by chronic opiate exposure in the BRAIN STRESS system
Are there gender differences in cognitive function, chronic STRESS, and neurobehavioral symptoms after mild-to-moderate traumatic BRAIN injury?
Oxidative parameters in the rat BRAIN of chronic mild STRESS model for depression: relation to anhedonia-like responses
BRAIN and liver oxidative STRESS after sertraline and haloperidol treatment in mice
Oxidative STRESS involvement in manganese-induced alpha-synuclein oligomerization in organotypic BRAIN slice cultures
Soy isoflavone attenuates BRAIN mitochondrial oxidative STRESS induced by beta‐amyloid peptides 1–42 injection in lateral cerebral ventricle
Chronic STRESS, somatic and depressive symptoms following mild to moderate traumatic BRAIN injury
Hereditary catalepsy in mice is associated with the BRAIN dysmorphology and altered STRESS response
Leptin administration alleviates ischemic BRAIN injury in mice by reducing oxidative STRESS and subsequent neuronal apoptosis
Chronic STRESS-induced changes in the rat BRAIN: role of sex differences and effects of long-term tianeptine treatment
In vivo BRAIN oxidative STRESS model induced by microinjection of sodium nitroprusside in mice
BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met and adulthood chronic STRESS interact to affect depressive symptoms
Pretreatment with BRAIN natriuretic peptide reduces skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative STRESS after ischemia-reperfusion
… a maternal n-3 fatty acid-deficient diet during BRAIN development provokes excessive hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis responses to STRESS and behavioral indices …
Dietary whey protein stimulates mitochondrial activity and decreases oxidative STRESS in mouse female BRAIN
… rates and scale loss indicate elevated aggressive behaviour at low rearing density, while elevated BRAIN serotonergic activity suggests chronic STRESS at high rearing …
Neuropsychological functioning of combat veterans with posttraumatic STRESS disorder and mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Neuroinflammatory pathways in binge alcohol-induced neuronal degeneration: oxidative STRESS cascade involving aquaporin, BRAIN edema, and phospholipase A2 …
Hypokinetic STRESS and neuronal porosome complex in the rat BRAIN: The electron microscopic study
Protection by an antioxidant of rotenone-induced neuromotor decline, reactive oxygen species generation and cellular STRESS in mouse BRAIN
Modulation of the adaptive response to STRESS by BRAIN activation of selective somatostatin receptor subtypes
Myelophil attenuates BRAIN oxidative damage by modulating the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in a chronic cold-STRESS mouse model
The change in muscarinic receptor subtypes in different BRAIN regions of rats treated with fluoxetine or propranolol in a model of post-traumatic STRESS disorder
The effects of STRESS on early BRAIN and behavioral development
Edaravone protected human BRAIN microvascular endothelial cells from methylglyoxal-induced injury by inhibiting AGEs/RAGE/oxidative STRESS
STRESS and BRAIN function
Pharmacotherapy regimens among patients with posttraumatic STRESS disorder and mild traumatic BRAIN injury
Changes in the BRAIN expression of alpha-2 subunits of the GABA-A receptor after chronic restraint STRESS in low-and high-anxiety rats
Chronic treatment with coenzyme Q10 reverses restraint STRESS-induced anhedonia and enhances BRAIN mitochondrial respiratory chain and creatine kinase activities …
Chronic treatment with baicalin prevents the chronic mild STRESS-induced depressive-like behavior: Involving the inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 in rat BRAIN
Effect of 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation on oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN and serum
Bioenergetics failure and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN stem mediates cardiovascular collapse associated with fatal methamphetamine intoxication
… changes of metabolic BRAIN activity and interregional functional coupling in prefronto-limbic pathways during different STRESS conditions: functional imaging in …
STRESS and the BRAIN: how experiences and exposures across the life span shape health, development, and learning in adolescence
Effects of acute restraint-induced STRESS on glucocorticoid receptors and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor after mild traumatic BRAIN injury
BRAIN heterotrimeric Gαi2‐subunit protein‐gated pathways mediate central sympathoinhibition to maintain fluid and electrolyte homeostasis during STRESS
Effect of repeated restraint on homotypic STRESS-induced nitric oxide synthases expression in BRAIN structures regulating HPA axis
β‐Phenethylamine—A Phenylalanine Derivative in BRAIN—Contributes to Oxidative STRESS by Inhibiting Mitochondrial Complexes and DT‐Diaphorase: An In Silico …
Core modular blood and BRAIN biomarkers in social defeat mouse model for post traumatic STRESS disorder
3-Bromo-7-nitroindazole attenuates BRAIN ischemic injury in diabetic stroke via inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum STRESS pathway involving CHOP
The BRAIN renin-angiotensin system and cardiovascular responses to STRESS: insights from transgenic rats with low BRAIN angiotensinogen
AMP kinase regulation of sugar transport in BRAIN capillary endothelial cells during acute metabolic STRESS
Quercetin alleviates predator STRESS-induced anxiety-like and BRAIN oxidative signs in pregnant rats and immune count disturbance in their offspring
Acute STRESS inhibits food intake and alters ghrelin signaling in the BRAIN of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)
Study of the potential oxidative STRESS induced by six solvents in the rat BRAIN
Effect of landfill leachate on oxidative STRESS of BRAIN structures and liver from rodents: modulation by photoelectrooxidation process
BRAIN hemispheric differences in the neurochemical effects of lead, prenatal STRESS, and the combination and their amelioration by behavioral experience
Ameliorating effect of hypothalamic BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor against impaired glucose metabolism after cerebral ischemic STRESS in mice
Toxicity of cigarette smoke on isolated lung, heart, and BRAIN mitochondria: induction of oxidative STRESS and cytochrome c release
Perception and bias in the processing of compound versus phrasal STRESS: Evidence from event-related BRAIN potentials
Effects of prenatal STRESS exposure on soluble Aβ and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor signaling in male and female APPswe/PS1dE9 mice
Acute carbonyl STRESS induces occludin glycation and BRAIN microvascular endothelial barrier dysfunction: role for glutathione-dependent metabolism of methylglyoxal
Prevalence and predictors of post-traumatic STRESS disorder in adults one year following traumatic BRAIN injury: a population-based study
PEP-1–metallothionein-III protein ameliorates the oxidative STRESS-induced neuronal cell death and BRAIN ischemic insults
STRESS‐associated H 3 K 4 methylation accumulates during postnatal development and aging of rhesus macaque BRAIN
Ubiquitin–proteasome system impairment and MPTP-induced oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of C57BL/6 wild-type and GSTP knockout mice
Differences in oxidative STRESS status and expression of MKP-1 in dorsal medulla of transgenic rats with altered BRAIN renin-angiotensin system
Neurochemical control of rapid STRESS‐induced changes in BRAIN aromatase activity
Chronic isolation STRESS compromises JNK/c-Jun signaling in rat BRAIN
Voltammetry assay for assessment of oxidative STRESS linked pathologies in BRAIN tumor suffered childhood patients
Family functioning, psychosocial STRESS, and goal attainment in BRAIN injury rehabilitation
… treatment in a dog preclinical model of Alzheimer’s disease leads to up-regulation of haem oxygenase-1 and is associated with reduced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN
Role of catalase and superoxide dismutase activities on oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of a phenylketonuria animal model and the effect of lipoic acid
Aluminium sulphate exposure increases oxidative STRESS and suppresses BRAIN development in Ross broiler chicks
Anti-oxidative STRESS effect of red ginseng in the BRAIN is mediated by peptidyl arginine deiminase type IV (PADI4) repression via estrogen receptor (ER) β up …
Oxidative STRESS precedes mitochondrial dysfunction in gerbil BRAIN after aluminum ingestion
… patterns of cells in selected BRAIN stem nuclei of more and less STRESS responsive rats in two animal models of PTSD–predator exposure and submersion STRESS
Linking in vivo BRAIN serotonin type 1B receptor density to phenotypic heterogeneity of posttraumatic STRESS symptomatology
Neuroprotective effect of nitric oxide donor isosorbide-dinitrate against oxidative STRESS induced by ethidium bromide in rat BRAIN
n-3 fatty acid-derived lipid mediators in the BRAIN: new weapons against oxidative STRESS and inflammation
Evidence for TNFα action on excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in the central amygdala: A BRAIN site influenced by STRESS
Shear STRESS inhibits apoptosis of ischemic BRAIN microvascular endothelial cells
Lack of p53 decreases basal oxidative STRESS levels in the BRAIN through upregulation of thioredoxin-1, biliverdin reductase-A, manganese superoxide dismutase, and …
The role of metal regulatory proteins in BRAIN oxidative STRESS: a tutorial
Possible involvement of oxidative STRESS as a causative factor in blood–BRAIN barrier dysfunction in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats
Effects of traumatic BRAIN injury-associated neurocognitive alterations on posttraumatic STRESS disorder.
Endoplasmic reticulum STRESS signaling involvement in manganese-induced nerve cell damage in organotypic BRAIN slice cultures
Alleviating BRAIN STRESS: what alternative animal models have revealed about therapeutic targets for hypoxia and anoxia
Effects of swim STRESS and fluoxetine on 5-HT1A receptor gene expression and monoamine metabolism in the rat BRAIN regions
Limbic BRAIN responses in mothers with post-traumatic STRESS disorder and comorbid dissociation to video clips of their children
Effect of prenatal STRESS on expression of glutathione system in neonatal rat BRAIN
Moderate grade hyperammonemia induced concordant activation of antioxidant enzymes is associated with prevention of oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN slices
Translational reciprocity: bridging the gap between preclinical studies and clinical treatment of STRESS effects on the adolescent BRAIN
Fatty-acid amide hydrolase polymorphisms and post-traumatic STRESS disorder after penetrating BRAIN injury
NF‐κB and epigenetic mechanisms as integrative regulators of BRAIN resilience to anoxic STRESS
Self-report measures to identify post traumatic STRESS disorder and/or mild traumatic BRAIN injury and associated symptoms in military veterans of Operation Enduring …
Effects of aluminum and extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation on oxidative STRESS and memory in BRAIN of mice
BRAIN derived neurotrophic factor and oxidative STRESS index in pups with developmental hypothyroidism: neuroprotective effects of selenium
Mild traumatic BRAIN injury and posttraumatic STRESS disorder: Investigation of visual attention in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom veterans
Restoration of Neuroendocrine STRESS Response by Glucocorticoid Receptor or GABAA Receptor Antagonists after Experimental Traumatic BRAIN Injury
BRAIN aromatase and circulating corticosterone are rapidly regulated by combined acute STRESS and sexual interaction in a sex‐specific manner
Enhanced neuroprotective effect of fish oil in combination with quercetin against 3‐nitropropionic acid induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
National prevalence of traumatic BRAIN injury, posttraumatic STRESS disorder, and pain diagnoses in OIF/OEF/OND Veterans from 2009 to 2011
Protective effect of ethanolic extract of Commiphora mukul gum resin against Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of streptozotocin Induced diabetic wistar male rats
Rhein lysinate decreases the generation of β-amyloid in the BRAIN tissues of Alzheimer’s disease model mice by inhibiting inflammatory response and oxidative STRESS
Enhanced neuroprotective effect of fish oil in combination with quercetin against 3‐nitropropionic acid induced oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN
… the vicious circle between the oxidative STRESS and the ALP inactivation through LPS-catecholamines interactions in gut, liver and BRAIN during CCI4+ ethanol …
Mitochondrial oxidative STRESS induced by Ca2+ and monoamines: different behaviour of liver and BRAIN mitochondria in undergoing permeability transition
Effect of oxidative STRESS and endotoxin on human serum albumin in BRAIN-dead organ donors
… from the blood-BRAIN barrier and islets of Langerhans differ in their response to the effects of bilirubin on oxidative STRESS under hyperglycemic conditions
The effects of cocoa supplementation, caloric restriction, and regular exercise, on oxidative STRESS markers of BRAIN and memory in the rat model
Dichloroacetonitrile induces oxidative STRESS and developmental apoptotic imbalance in mouse fetal BRAIN
Alteration in glutathione homeostasis and oxidative STRESS during the sequelae of trimethyltin syndrome in rat BRAIN
Uncovering latent deficits due to mild traumatic BRAIN injury by using normobaric hypoxia STRESS
Prenatal STRESS and peripubertal stimulation of the endocannabinoid system differentially regulate emotional responses and BRAIN metabolism in mice
Do proteomics analyses provide insights into reduced oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of an Alzheimer disease transgenic mouse model with an M631L amyloid precursor …
Chlorpyrifos-induced oxidative STRESS in rat’s BRAIN and protective effect of grape seed extract
Reduced nerve growth factor levels in STRESS-related BRAIN regions of folate-deficient mice
Effects of early life STRESS on drinking and serotonin system activity in rhesus macaques: 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in cerebrospinal fluid predicts BRAIN tissue levels
Activation of the inflammatory transcription factor nuclear factor interleukin-6 during inflammatory and psychological STRESS in the BRAIN
The mGlu5 receptor antagonist MPEP activates specific STRESS-related BRAIN regions and lacks neurotoxic effects of the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 …
Effect of an antiviral and vitamins A, C, D on dopamine and some oxidative STRESS markers in rat BRAIN exposed to ozone
Disruption of non-enzymatic antioxidant defense systems in the BRAIN of rats with water-immersion restraint STRESS
… fetal BRAIN DNA oxidation and postnatal cognitive deficits caused by in utero exposure to a non-structurally teratogenic dose of ethanol: a role for oxidative STRESS
Continuous exercise training and curcumin attenuate changes in BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and oxidative STRESS induced by lead acetate in the hippocampus of …
Cyclosporine treatment reduces oxygen free radical generation and oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of hypoxia-reoxygenated newborn piglets
Region-specific changes in activities of cell death-related proteases and nitric oxide metabolism in rat BRAIN in a chronic unpredictable STRESS model
Protective effects of transduced Tat-DJ-1 protein against oxidative STRESS and ischemic BRAIN injury
Chronic exposure to low doses of ozone produces a state of oxidative STRESS and blood-BRAIN barrier damage in the hippocampus of rat
… a little help from GLUT1 and AMP kinase. Focus on “AMP kinase regulation of sugar transport in BRAIN capillary endothelial cells during acute metabolic STRESS …
Oxidative STRESS–associated hypertension in surgically induced BRAIN injury patients: Effects of β-blocker and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
Prolonging in utero-like oxygenation after birth diminishes oxidative STRESS in the lung and BRAIN of mice pups
Mitochondrial oxidative STRESS index, activity of redox-sensitive aconitase and effects of endogenous anti-and pro-oxidants on its activity in control, Alzheimer’s disease …
Study on BRAIN function enhancement and the effects of STRESS reduction through neuro-feedback training on nursing students of Busan
Effects of repeated adolescent STRESS and serotonin transporter gene partial knockout in mice on behaviors and BRAIN structures relevant to major depression
Photoperiod and STRESS regulation of corticosteroid receptor, BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor, and glucose transporter GLUT3 mRNA in the hippocampus of male …
Arsenosugar induced blood and BRAIN oxidative STRESS, DNA damage and neurobehavioral impairments
Behavioral STRESS fails to accelerate the onset and progression of plaque pathology in the BRAIN of a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) epiphyseal proteins counteract arsenic-induced oxidative STRESS in BRAIN, heart, and liver of female rats
STRESS Structures the BRAIN
BRAIN arginine vasotocin immunoreactivity differs between urban and desert curve-billed thrashers, Toxostoma curvirostre: relationships with territoriality and STRESS …
A study on the hematological parameters and BRAIN acetylcholine esterase activity in immobilization induced STRESS and co-treatment with Centella asiatica …
Imaging the STRESSed BRAIN: elucidating the time-and region-specific effects of STRESS hormones on BRAIN function: a translational approach
Oxidative STRESS associated alterations in lysosomal enzymes and modulatory effect of Petroselinum crispum [Mill] Nyman Ex AW Hill leaf extract on mouse BRAIN
6-hydroxy-L-nicotine from Arthrobacter nicotinovorans sustain spatial memory formation by decreasing BRAIN oxidative STRESS in rats
Amelioration of the haloperidol-induced memory impairment and BRAIN oxidative STRESS by cinnarizine
Mild traumatic BRAIN injury, meaning made of trauma, and posttraumatic STRESS: A preliminary test of a novel hypothesis.
Lycopene enhanced behavioral and cognitive responses through decreased BRAIN oxidative STRESS biomarker in Wistar rats subjected to psychological STRESS
BRAIN STRESS system response after morphine-conditioned place preference
Atorvastatin inhibits BRAIN oxidative STRESS of Streptozotocininduced diabetic rat
Region-specific vulnerability to endoplasmic reticulum STRESS-induced neuronal death in rat BRAIN after status epilepticus
Bax and B-cell-lymphoma 2 mediate proapoptotic signaling following chronic isolation STRESS in rat BRAIN
A calm BRAIN: How to relax into a STRESS-free, high-powered life
Drugs of abuse and oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN: from animal models to human evidence
… in BRAIN arginine vasotocin, isotocin, plasma 11-ketotestosterone and cortisol in round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, males subjected to overcrowding STRESS …
Using optogenetics to translate the “inflammatory dialogue” between heart and BRAIN in the context of STRESS
Normative life events and PTSD in children: How easy STRESS can affect children’s BRAIN
Trajectories of posttraumatic STRESS symptoms in significant others of patients with severe traumatic BRAIN injury
Neuroprotective effects of methyl-3-O-methyl gallate against sodium fluoride-induced oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of rats
Laser speckle-imaging of blood microcirculation in the BRAIN cortex of laboratory rats in STRESS
The irritable bowel syndrome: how STRESS can affect the amygdala activity and the BRAIN-gut axis
Carnosine protects BRAIN microvascular endothelial cells against rotenone‐induced oxidative STRESS injury through histamine H1 and H2 receptors in vitro
Treatment of posttraumatic STRESS disorder following mild traumatic BRAIN injury.
Pharmacokinetics and distribution of fluvoxamine to the BRAIN in rats under oxidative STRESS
Antioxidant, antihemolytic, and inhibitory activities of endemic Primula heterochroma against Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation and oxidative STRESS in rat BRAIN in vitro
STRESS coping changes the BRAIN
The Effect of Oral Feeding of Tribulus Terrestris Fruit on Some Markers of Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of Diabetic Rats
Differential effects of diazepam, tandospirone, and paroxetine on plasma BRAIN‐derived neurotrophic factor level under mental STRESS
… of glutathione synthesis in BRAIN endothelial cells lengthens S-phase transit time in the cell cycle: Implications for proliferation in recovery from oxidative STRESS …
… with Bacopa monnieri extract offsets 3-nitropropionic acid induced mitochondrial oxidative STRESS and dysfunctions in the striatum of prepubertal mouse BRAIN
Resting and dobutamine STRESS test induced serum concentrations of BRAIN natriuretic peptide in German Shepherd dogs
Effects of methylprednisolone on inflammatory activity and oxidative STRESS in the lungs of BRAIN-dead rats
… interface of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical axis and circulating BRAIN natriuretic peptide in prediction of cardiopulmonary performance during physical STRESS
Effects of tetrahydropalmatine on post-traumatic STRESS disorder-induced changes in rat BRAIN gene expression
Curcumin protects BRAIN from oxidative STRESS through inducing expression of UCP2 in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion aging-rats
… , phosphatidylserine, docosahexaenoic acid, and boron activates the antioxidant pathway Nrf2/HO-1 and protects the BRAIN against oxidative STRESS in high-fat-fed rats
STRESS‐induced BRAIN histone H3 phosphorylation: contribution of the intensity of STRESSors and length of exposure
Changes in the levels of CAM kinase II and synapsin I caused by oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN, and its prevention by vitamin E
Effects of resveratrol on morphology and oxidative STRESS of BRAIN tissues in aging mice
Modulating the modulators: Interaction of BRAIN norepinephrine and cannabinoids in STRESS
Effect of STRESS due to food deprivation, social inequality and instability on BRAIN
… perspective on ‘Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom’women veterans as civilian police officers: Mild traumatic BRAIN injury and post-traumatic STRESS …
A neurobehavioral phenotype of blast traumatic BRAIN injury and psychological STRESS in male and female rats
Changes in BRAIN monoamine metabolism of neonatal chicks under two different acute STRESS conditions
Effects of thiamine and thiamine pyrophosphate on oxidative STRESS by methotrexate in the rat BRAIN
Cage food location alters energy balance and endoplasmic reticulum STRESS in the BRAIN of mice
Inflammation and oxidative STRESS biomarkers in neonatal BRAIN hypoxia and prediction of adverse neurological outcome: a review
Cognitive performance validity assessment in mild traumatic BRAIN injury, physical pain, and posttraumatic STRESS.
Theoretical approach to study the thermal STRESS on human BRAIN tissue in hypothermic conditions
Differential effects of voluntary and forced exercise after traumatic BRAIN injury on STRESS responses
Introduction to the special issue on the effects of early experience and STRESS on BRAIN and behavioral development
… derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) containing neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of juvenile and middle-aged rats after chronic STRESS
… of schizophrenia: Overactivity of cytosolic phospholipase A2 in the BRAIN is caused by overdrive of coupled serotonergic 5HT2A/2C receptors in response to STRESS
Dynamics of electrocardiographic changes, BRAIN-natriuretic peptide and cortisol levels in a patient with STRESS (takotsubo) cardiomyopathy: A case report
The influence of acute STRESS on BRAIN dynamics
… negative feedback mechanism between BRAIN catecholamines and gamma amino butyric acid, could be a central defense mechanism in STRESS. A review article
Effect of chronic administration of the vinyl chalcogenide 3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-(phenylseleno) oct-2-en-1-one on oxidative STRESS in different BRAIN areas of rats
Effects of noise pollution STRESS during pregnancy on anatomical and functional BRAIN cortex development of the offsprings of NMRI mice
Interleukin-1 beta simultaneously affects the STRESS and reproductive axes by modulating norepinephrine levels in different BRAIN areas
STRESS-and antidepressant treatment-induced modifications of 5-HT7 receptor functions in the rat BRAIN
Perspectives on creating clinically relevant blast models for mild traumatic BRAIN injury and post traumatic STRESS disorder symptoms
Effect of transcutaneous acupoint electrical stimulation on STRESS in BRAIN surgery with propofol target controlled infusion general anesthesia
Effect of acute and chronic STRESS on BRAIN tissue MDA level in normal wistar albino rats.
7 Traumatic BRAIN injury and post-traumatic STRESS: The “signature wounds” of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
Studies on H1N1 vaccine-induced monoamines alternations and oxidative STRESS on BRAIN of adult mice
Role of BRAIN 5-HT7 receptors as a functional molecule involved in the development of STRESS adaptation
Chronic STRESS-induced depression-like behavior of rats accompanied by microbial translocation the blood-BRAIN barrier and persistent activation the inducible …
… function to surgery STRESS is age dependent in neonates and children with congenital heart defects: consequences in diagnostic and prognostic accuracy of BRAIN …
Effect of endoplasmic reticulum STRESS in BRAIN injury following chronic intermittent hypoxia in weanling rat
Comparative Effects of Glucose-and Mannitol-Induced Osmolar STRESS on Blood—BRAIN Barrier Function in Ovine Fetuses and Lambs
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder and the BRAIN
… Effects of Tryptophan Challenge on Mood and Coping with STRESS in Subjects with Genetic (5-HTTLPR) or Chronic STRESS-Induced BRAIN 5-HT Vulnerabilities
STRESS and loss experiences of families of survivors of traumatic BRAIN injury
Expression of Renin–Angiotensin System Genes in BRAIN Structures of ISIAH Rats with STRESS-Induced Arterial Hypertension
… , adenylate cyclase activity and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor expression in a mouse model of depression induced by unpredictable chronic mild STRESS
Microbiota, STRESS and the BRAIN
Researchers seek new ways to counter the harmful toll of STRESS on the BRAIN
Multiple biomarkers for oxidative STRESS in patients with BRAIN disorders
Modulation of radiation induced oxidative STRESS in swiss albino mice BRAIN by Prunus domestica
Toxic STRESS and BRAIN development in young homeless children
Hyperammonemia induced oxidative STRESS in cirrhotic rats without promoting differential protein expression in the BRAIN cortex: A 2D-DIGE analysis
Acute STRESS exposure preceding global BRAIN ischemia accelerates decreased doublecortin expression in the rat retrosplenial cortex
Protective effects of melatonin against 12C6+ beam irradiation-induced oxidative STRESS and DNA injury in the mouse BRAIN
Preventive effect of nimodipine on early postnatal modifications of the protein spectrum in the BRAIN of rats subjected to prenatal STRESS
Combination therapy of olmesartan and azelnidipine inhibits sympathetic activity associated with reducing oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of hypertensive rats
Pain and STRESS: Potential Impact on the Developing BRAIN
Evaluation of the BRAIN and kidney renin‐angiotensin system and oxidative STRESS in neonatal handled rats
… on the paper entitled” The inhibitory effect of manganese on acetylcholinesterase activity enhances oxidative STRESS and neuroinflammation in the BRAIN” by Santos et …
Ammonia STRESS induced biochemical changes in liver and BRAIN of Albino rat
Prognostic factors of neuroinflammation and oxidative STRESS in BRAIN injury patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta
STRESS-induced dynamics of fish BRAIN Acetyl choline esterase activity
Antioxidant protection of the BRAIN in rats during acute STRESS and administration of interleukin-1β
Effects of minocycline on changes in BRAIN tryptophan metabolism and the behavior of juvenile mice elicited by inescapable-predator STRESS
Effect of telmisartan and pyridoxamine on oxidative STRESS in BRAIN tissue of spontaneously hypertensive rats
The role of exercise on oxidative STRESS and inflammation in the aging BRAIN
Hydrogen-rich saline alleviation on the oxidative STRESS and early-phase radiation-induced BRAIN injury in rats
BRAIN natriuretic hormone predicts STRESS induced alterations in diastolic function
Effects of maternal separation on BRAIN STRESS systems: Modulation by voluntary exercise in male rats
Role of dexmedetomidine in STRESS control in traumatic BRAIN injury and its influence on neuroendocrine system
Effect of salvia officinalis L. extract on malondialdehyde against streptozotocin-induced oxidative STRESS in rat’s BRAIN
Posttraumatic STRESS disorder and traumatic BRAIN injury
Effect of lisinopril on oxidative STRESS in BRAIN tissues of rats with L-Name induced hypertension
The whole BRAIN diffusion tensor imaging study on acute phase of the posttraumatic STRESS disorder resulting from the single-prolonged STRESS based on tract based …
Effects of STRESS on corticosterone level, expression of c-Fos gene and serotonin turnover in BRAIN in mice with genetic predisposition to catalepsy
Antidepressant effect of hypoxic preconditioning is associated with modification of expression of transcription factor c-Fos in rat BRAIN in response to unavoidable STRESS
The effect of prenatal STRESS on oxidative protein modification in the rat BRAIN in ontogeny
Protective effects of berries and walnuts against the accelerated aging and age‐associated STRESS caused by irradiation in critical regions of rat BRAIN
The role of job STRESS and BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor gene polymorphism on the severity of alcohol drinking in Korean office workers in their twenties
The effects of STRESS states in the BRAIN
STRESS and the Developing BRAIN
Can naphthalene exposure STRESS alter BRAIN biogenic amine levels before and during vitellogenesis in Liza klunzingeri fish
Regulation of myo-inositol biosynthesis in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) BRAIN during salinity STRESS
Bacopa monniera treatment reverses chronic unpredictable STRESS induced depressive like behavior by increasing expression of neurotrophins in rat BRAIN.
Effects of repeated short-term immobilization STRESS on plastisity of BRAIN cortical division and cognition in adult rats with normal and disturbed embryogenesis
The role of BRAIN-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) in STRESS-related BRAIN disorders
STRESS Leads to Contrasting Effects on the Levels of BRAIN Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the Hippocampus and
The traumatized BRAIN: gray and white matter morphology in dissociative identity disorder and Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder
Effect of STRESS-Induced Malondialdehyde level in different BRAIN tissues in selective subcortical lesioned wistar rats
Cold STRESS as Corrector of Functional Architecture of Blood BRAIN Barrier in Aged Rats. Part 1. Fractal Analysis
… of NK-4, a cyanine dye with antioxidant activities: Attenuation of neuronal deficits in animal models of oxidative STRESS-mediated BRAIN ischemia and neurodegenerative …
Prototypes of Student Veterans with Post Traumatic STRESS Disorder and Traumatic BRAIN Injury among Faculty in Illinois Public Four-Year Universities.
The Possible Ameliorative Effect of Melatonin on Oxidative STRESS and Delayed Apoptosis in Rat’s BRAIN Exposed to Deltamethrin
Neurotensin influence on painful STRESS afteractions in rats with neurotoxic damages of serotoninergic structures of BRAIN substantia nigra
Activity of endogenous aldehydes catabolism enzymes in subcellular fractions of liver, heart and BRAIN of rats at pubertal age under STRESS
Effect of interleukin-4 on antioxidant protection of the BRAIN in rats during acute emotional STRESS
Effect of early life chronic STRESS on spatial learning and memory and hippocampus BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor and 5-HT in puberty pathological aggression rats
Evaluation of an emotional processing circuit in a BRAIN function under mental STRESS stimuli
Neurocircuitry of Addiction: A BRAIN reward deficit, STRESS surfeit and executive function disorder
Neurotransmitter levels and proteomic approach in pig BRAIN: Pre-slaughter handling STRESS and cognitive biases
Early Life STRESS and the Anxious BRAIN: Neural Structure and Function Underlying the Relationship Between Childhood Emotional Maltreatment and Anxiety …
Effects of Jiaweisinisan on gastric mucosal ultrastructure and BRAIN-gut axis in a rat model of chronic psychological STRESS
Infant STRESS affects teen BRAIN
Inhibition of BRAIN endoplasmic reticulum (ER) STRESS attenuates hypertension in diet‐induced obesity (DIO)
Self-Esteem and STRESS Level among Traumatic BRAIN Injured adults with mild, moderate and severe injuries attending a day program rehabilitation facility
Oxidative STRESS-associated hypertension in surgically induced BRAIN injury patients: Effects of β-blocker and…
Metabolic reprogramming evoked by nitrosative STRESS enhances the effect of radiation in BRAIN metastases.
Understanding Energy and Fatigue: Focus on STRESS, Habits, and the BRAIN
Investigations Into Modulation of BRAIN Oxidative STRESS by Various Interventions
Role of inversion of interhemispheric asymmetry of phospholipid content in rat BRAIN synaptosomes under STRESS conditions
Strain-dependent Responses to BRAIN Oxidative STRESS and Arterial Blood Pressure in Normotensive and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Effects of Losartan
Reducing Fatigue and Increasing Energy: Focus on STRESS, Habits, and the BRAIN
Correction: Penicillamine Increases Free Copper and Enhances Oxidative STRESS in the BRAIN of Toxic Milk Mice
Is Oxidative STRESS in Mice BRAIN Regions Diminished by 2-[(2, 6-Dichlorobenzylidene) amino]-5, 6-dihydro-4H-cyclopenta [b] thiophene-3-carbonitrile?
The impact of STRESS on the social BRAIN-psychopathological implications and neurobiological mechanisms
Corticotropin releasing hormone receptors modulate STRESS-related behaviour through serotonin variation in mouse BRAIN
Marital enrichment course impact on veterans and military service members with traumatic BRAIN injury or posttraumatic STRESS disorder
Pregnant mother’s STRESS affects baby’s gut and BRAIN
Psychological STRESS in relation to dementia and BRAIN structural changes
The antioxidant resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum reverses memory impairment and BRAIN oxidative STRESS in SAMP8 mice
Functions of BRAIN L-aspartate and its derivatives on STRESS responses
Factors associated with posttraumatic STRESS disorder and mild traumatic BRAIN injury in veterans of operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom: The role …
Relief of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) STRESS in the BRAIN subfornical organ (SFO) selectively prevents high fat diet (HFD)‐induced hepatic dysfunction but not the …
Hemicrania continua headache in a veteran with posttraumatic STRESS disorder and major depressive disorder without traumatic BRAIN injury
Post-traumatic STRESS disorder (PTSD) symptoms as predictors of suicide behavior among veterans with and without a history of traumatic BRAIN injury (TBI)
Psychological factors associated with posttraumatic STRESS following BRAIN injury
Effects of atorvastatin on the hypertension-induced oxidative STRESS in the rat BRAIN
BRAIN-Heart Axis Modulation through Vascular Oxidative STRESS during Mild Hypothermia induces Decreased Global Ischemia in Therapeutic Hypothermia after …
BRAIN Oxidative STRESS in the Pathogenesis and Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease
The Effect Of Mental And Physical STRESS On BRAIN Temperature As Measured Via BRAIN Temperature Tunnel
Oxidative STRESS induced by diabetes activates apoptosis in rat BRAIN
BRAIN oxidative STRESS induced by recurrent obstructive apneas: Old versus young rats
Neuroplasticity as a New Approach to the Pathophysiology of Depression and the Role of Antidepressants in Inhibiting BRAIN STRESS–Induced Changes in BRAIN Activity
The role of immobilization STRESS and sertindole on the expression of APP, MAPK-1 and beta-actin genes in rat BRAIN
Ask the Expert: Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder and Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Effect of STRESS due to food deprivation, social inequality and instability on BRAIN
The Effect of Cooling the Head to Reduce BRAIN Temperature on STRESS
The Hungry BRAIN: STRESS and the Relationship between Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function and Food
Effects of acute heat STRESS on gene expression of BRAIN-gut neuropeptides in broiler chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Positive Psychological Aspects on Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder after Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder and Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Intensity of swimming exercise as chronic STRESS induction towards expression of glucose transporter 1 (glut1) in BRAIN capillary endothelial of rats (rattus norvegicus)
Change in BRAIN neural activation during STRESS due to a continued simple cognitive task
Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder and Traumatic BRAIN Injury CopyRight
Regulation of myo‐inositol in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) BRAIN during hyperosmotic STRESS
Transgenerational programming of BRAIN and behaviour by prenatal STRESS
STRESS-reducing BRAIN exercises: a psychoeducational workshop for first-year postsecondary students
Reaction time performance is related to BRAIN blood flow during gravitational STRESS
Complexities of Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injury and Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder
Nano-particles induced oxidative STRESS in immortalized human BRAIN endothelial cells
STRESS-induced recruitment of peripheral macrophages to the BRAIN promotes anxiety-like behavior
Effect of Oxidative STRESS on Human BRAIN Vascular Pericytes
Exercise-induced Alteration in BRAIN Activity during Motor Performance under Cognitive STRESS
The effects of melatonin on endoplasmic reticulum STRESS during BRAIN development in rat
Protein Thiol‐Based Probing of the Cellular and Metabolic Origins of BRAIN Oxidative STRESS
Wake-up test and STRESS hormone levels in patients with BRAIN injury: A focus on mechanisms involved
P-975-From mind to BRAIN: event-related potentials and EMDR treatment of post-traumatic STRESS disorder
Exploring the Subtypes of Intellectual and Psychological Characteristics in Children with BRAIN Tumors and Their Mothers’ Parenting STRESS
BRAIN Hypometabolism, Oxidative STRESS, Maternal Transmission, and Risk of Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease
389: Modulation of BRAIN sparing phenomena by maternal orthostatic STRESS in low-and high-risk pregnancies
Normative life events and PTSD in children: how easy STRESS can affect children’s BRAIN
The Influence of Early Life STRESS on Affective Functioning: An Investigation of Behavior, BRAIN Structure and Music-Induced Emotional BRAIN Responses
The impact of the attachment style of parents of children with BRAIN tumors on posttraumatic STRESS
Effect of lisinopril on oxidative STRESS in BRAIN tissues of rats with L-Name induced hypertension
Ameliorative effects of Bacopa monniera on lead-induced oxidative STRESS in different regions of rat BRAIN
BRAIN-Derived Neurotrophic Factor: a Link between Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder
The Information Technology Industry’s BRAIN Circuit under STRESS: The United States, Taiwan and China
Effect of Prenatal STRESS on Expression of Glutathione System in Neonatal Rat BRAIN
The Role of Self-Esteem and Perceived STRESS in Chronic Pain Among Individuals with Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Cellular swelling and oxidative STRESS drive pathological glutamate release and BRAIN damage in stroke
P-984-Plasma BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor predicts posttraumatic STRESS disorder in chinese motor vehicle accident survivors
Endoplasmic Reticulum STRESS in the BRAIN Contributes to the Pathogenesis of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Central Role of the BRAIN in STRESS and Adaptation: Allostasis and Allostatic Load
The Effects of Explosive Blast as Compared to Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder on BRAIN Function and Structure
The STRESSed female BRAIN: Dissociating the prelimbic and infralimbic regions of the medial prefrontal cortex in the suppression of learning after acute STRESS
Atipik Presentation of Combat Related Post-Traumatic STRESS Disorder and Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injury
Hemorphins Stimulate the Expression Level of NFκB Transcription Factor in Rats BRAIN in Response to Endotoxin-Induced STRESS
Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder/Traumatic BRAIN Injury and Other Conditions in Military Combat Veterans
Urban Upbringing-Impact of an Established Environmental Risk Factor for Schizophrenia on Neural Social STRESS Processing and BRAIN Anatomy in Healthy …
Effect of STRESS due to food deprivation, social inequality and instability on BRAIN lipofuscin levels
The Effects of Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder, Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injury, and Combined Posttraumatic STRESS Disorder/Mild Traumatic BRAIN Injury on Returning …
The diagnostics of adaptive reactions of blood on application the STRESS-modulating therapy in patients with BRAIN chronic ischemia
Oxidative STRESS Increases the Blood BRAIN Barrier Permeability Resulting in Increased Incidence of BRAIN Metastasis in BRCA Mutation Carriers
Variant BRAIN-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met Polymorphism Alters Vulnerability to STRESS and Response to…
Impact of BRAIN performance on STRESS-handling in aged honeybees (Apis mellifera)
Free radical modification of proteins in BRAIN structure of Sprague-Dawley rats and some behaviour indicators after prenatal STRESS
102. Sex differences in the effects of adolescent STRESS on adult BRAIN inflammatory responses
Elevated expression of alpha7 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor during the early stages of damage by oxidative STRESS in the aging rat BRAIN
… Reducing the Harm of STRESS: Medications to Rescue the Prefrontal Cortex and Overcome Bad Habits: The Science of STRESS: Focus on the BRAIN, Breaking Bad Habits …
Managing posttraumatic STRESS disorder in combat veterans with comorbid traumatic BRAIN injury
Enduring electrophysiological effects of early life STRESS in BRAIN: implications for limbic epilepsy
2091–BRAIN activation in patients with schizophrenia during psychological STRESS
… of mangiterin on the improvement of behavior and expression of BRAIN-derived neurotrophic factor in the hippocampus of chronic STRESS-induced depression model …
Child abuse and recovery. BRAIN structure and function in child abuse related Complex posttraumatic STRESS disorder and effects of treatment
Lack of p53 Decreases Basal Oxidative STRESS Levels in the BRAIN Through Upregulation of Thioredoxin-1, Biliverd…
Acute Exposure of Bisphenol-A from Electronic Gadgets Does Not Induce Oxidative STRESS in the Rat BRAIN
Gene analysis of BRAIN in aged-experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mice reveals over-expression of STRESS response pathway-related genes (P4104)
Invisible Bleeding: The Command Team’s Role in the Identification, Understanding, and Treatment of Traumatic BRAIN Injury and Post Traumatic STRESS Disorder
BRAIN Functions Modulating Redistribution of Natural Killer Cells Accompanying Cognitive Appraisal of Acute STRESS
Neurodegenerative Role of STRESS and Glucocorticoid Hormones Trought Alzheimer’s Disease Tau Protein: a Proteomic Link Between STRESS and BRAIN Pathology
Angiotensin AT1 Receptor Blockade Prevents Excessive BRAIN and Peripheral Sympathetic Stimulation During STRESS
… in Cardiovascular Disease: The BRAIN renin-angiotensin system and cardiovascular responses to STRESS: insights from transgenic rats with low BRAIN …
The Role of Laminar Fluid Shear STRESS on the Morphology, Motility, and Biochemical Expression of BRAIN Microvascular Endothelial Cells
Effects of combined psychosocial STRESS and mild traumatic BRAIN injury on anxiety-like behavior and fear extinction
ACute exPosure of BIsPhenol-A froM eleCtronIC GADGets Does not InDuCe oxIDAtIve STRESS In the rAt BRAIN
Blueberries and strawberries activate neuronal housekeeping in critical BRAIN regions of STRESS‐induced young rats.
Prevalence of Post Traumatic STRESS Disorder and Traumatic BRAIN Injury in Retired Military Servicemen and Women
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