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Nutraceutical-definition and introduction
The Nutraceutical revolution: its impact on food industry R&D
Nutraceutical functions of sesame: a review
Nutraceutical production with food-grade microorganisms
Nutraceutical production by propionibacteria
Evaluation of Nutraceutical properties of selected small millets
Lotus-A potential Nutraceutical source
Natural colorants for food and Nutraceutical uses
Grain legume proteins and Nutraceutical properties
Nutraceutical as medicine
Nutraceutical and functional food as future food: a review
Biodiversity and Nutraceutical quality of some indian millets
Nutraceutical antioxidants as novel neuroprotective agents
Rice–a Nutraceutical
Health effects of quercetin: from antioxidant to Nutraceutical
Chemical and biological characterisation of Nutraceutical compounds of broccoli
Bioavailability of nanoparticles in nutrient and Nutraceutical delivery
Food protein-based materials as Nutraceutical delivery systems
Spray drying for the production of Nutraceutical ingredients—a review
Pomegranate as a functional food and Nutraceutical source
Structured lipids‐novel fats with medical, Nutraceutical, and food applications
Cactus pear: a fruit of Nutraceutical and functional importance
Nutraceutical values of natural honey and its contribution to human health and wealth
Mango bioactive compounds and related Nutraceutical properties—a review
Nutraceutical resources for diabetes prevention–an update
Evaluation of antioxidant activity of aqueous extract of some selected Nutraceutical herbs
The importance of GRAS to the functional food and Nutraceutical industries
The antioxidant phytochemicals of Nutraceutical importance
Effects of processing on the Nutraceutical profile of quinoa
Globe artichoke: A functional food and source of Nutraceutical ingredients
Marine products for healthcare: functional and bioactive Nutraceutical compounds from the ocean
Invited review: Bovine milk fat globule membrane as a potential Nutraceutical
Food, industrial, Nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical uses of sesame genetic resources
Carotenoids: Sources, medicinal properties and their application in food and Nutraceutical industry
Nutraceutical effects of branched-chain amino acids on skeletal muscle
Production of biomass and Nutraceutical compounds by Spirulina platensis under different temperature and nitrogen regimes
Nutraceutical proteins and peptides in health and disease
Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical management of canine osteoarthritis: present and future perspectives
Medicinal and Nutraceutical genetic resources of mushrooms
The Nutraceutical role of the Phaseolus vulgaris α-amylase inhibitor
Improvement in the Nutraceutical properties of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)
The use of controlled postharvest abiotic stresses as a tool for enhancing the Nutraceutical content and adding‐value of fresh fruits and vegetables
Nutraceutical industry trends
Phytochemical profile and Nutraceutical value of old and modern common wheat cultivars
Role of oxidative stress in neurodegeneration: recent developments in assay methods for oxidative stress and Nutraceutical antioxidants
A review on biological, Nutraceutical and clinical aspects of French maritime pine bark extract
Nutraceutical and specialty lipids and their co-products
Encapsulation technologies for functional foods and Nutraceutical product development.
Biological basis for the benefit of Nutraceutical supplementation in arthritis
Fresh edible flowers of ornamental plants–A new source of Nutraceutical foods
Nutraceutical use in late-stage cancer
Assessing the efficacy of Nutraceutical interventions on cognitive functioning in the elderly
Nutritional value, functional properties and Nutraceutical applications of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.): an overview
Nutraceutical properties of Mediterranean diet and cognitive decline: possible underlying mechanisms
Changes in Nutraceutical lipid components of rice at different degrees of milling
The mitochondrial cocktail: rationale for combined Nutraceutical therapy in mitochondrial cytopathies
Tricin—a potential multifunctional Nutraceutical
Recent developments of marine ingredients for food and Nutraceutical applications: a review.
Nutritional and Nutraceutical approaches to dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis prevention: Focus on dietary proteins
Nutrition and Nutraceutical supplements in the treatment of hypertension
Nanoparticles synthesized from soy protein: preparation, characterization, and application for Nutraceutical encapsulation
The major proteins of lupin seed: characterisation and molecular properties for use as functional and Nutraceutical ingredients
Chitosan as potential marine Nutraceutical
Toxicity potentials of the Nutraceutical Moringa oleifera at supra-supplementation levels
Effect of processing methods on the Nutraceutical and antioxidant properties of little millet (Panicum sumatrense) extracts
Changes in Nutraceutical composition of lemon juices according to different industrial extraction systems
Hydrocolloid-based Nutraceutical delivery systems
DNA microarray technology in Nutraceutical and food safety
The role of Nutraceutical supplements in the treatment of dyslipidemia
Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical effects of Pinus pinaster bark extract
Nutraceutical value and safety of tomato fruits produced by mycorrhizal plants
A Nutraceutical combination improves insulin sensitivity in patients with metabolic syndrome
Characterization of a potential Nutraceutical ingredient: pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) seed oil unsaponifiable fraction
Nutraceutical therapies for degenerative joint diseases: a critical review
Nutraceutical potential and antioxidant benefits of red pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) extracts
Effects of trophism on nutritional and Nutraceutical potential of wild edible mushrooms
The role of Nutraceutical proteins and peptides in apoptosis, angiogenesis, and metastasis of cancer cells
Chitosan/β-lactoglobulin core–shell nanoparticles as Nutraceutical carriers
Medicinal halophytes: potent source of health promoting biomolecules with medical, Nutraceutical and food applications
Encapsulation of Nutraceutical monoterpenes in β‐cyclodextrin and modified starch
Clinical evaluation of a Nutraceutical, carprofen and meloxicam for the treatment of dogs with osteoarthritis
Evaluation of quality and Nutraceutical content of blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) by near and mid-infrared spectroscopy
Application of sensory, Nutraceutical and genetic techniques to create a quality profile of ancient apple cultivars
Nutraceutical supplements for weight loss: a systematic review
Metabolomics-driven Nutraceutical evaluation of diverse green tea cultivars
Engineered plants with elevated vitamin E: a Nutraceutical success story
Apple pomace as a potential source of Nutraceutical products
Zingiber officinale acts as a Nutraceutical agent against liver fibrosis
In search of the magic Nutraceutical: problems with current approaches
Requirements for food ingredient and Nutraceutical delivery systems
Nutraceutical applications of garlic and the intervention of biotechnology
Utilization of algal materials for Nutraceutical and cosmeceutical applications—what do manufacturers need to know?
Breeding for fruit nutritional and Nutraceutical quality
Bio-functional legumes with Nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and industrial uses
Antibacterial effects of Nutraceutical plants growing in Palestine on Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Elaboration and characterization of soy/zein protein microspheres for controlled Nutraceutical delivery
Separation, extraction and concentration processes in the food, beverage and Nutraceutical industries
Docosahexaenoic acid: A valuable Nutraceutical?
Soy protein cold-set hydrogels as controlled delivery devices for Nutraceutical compounds
The allenic carotenoid fucoxanthin, a novel marine Nutraceutical from brown seaweeds
Nutraceutical concentrations within the bran of various rice kernel thickness fractions
The Potential of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) as a Functional Food and Nutraceutical and Its Effects on Glycemia and Lipidemia
Dairy-derived ingredients: food and Nutraceutical uses
Canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome: prevalence, clinical signs and treatment with a neuroprotective Nutraceutical
Maltodextrin/pectin microparticles by spray drying as carrier for Nutraceutical extracts
Indian Nutraceutical plant leaves as a potential source of natural antimicrobial agents
Extraction, separation and characterisation of sesame oil lignan for Nutraceutical applications
Amaranth: a pseudo-cereal with Nutraceutical properties
Development of Nutraceutical egg products with omega-3-rich oils
Germinated brown rice extract shows a Nutraceutical effect in the recovery of chronic alcohol-related symptoms
Liposomes as food ingredients and Nutraceutical delivery systems
Leaves, flowers, immature fruits and leafy flowered stems of Malva sylvestris: a comparative study of the Nutraceutical potential and composition
Subcritical water extraction of Nutraceutical compounds from citrus pomaces
A new prebiotic from germinated barley for Nutraceutical treatment of ulcerative colitis
Bovine colostrum: a veterinary Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical interventions for promoting healthy aging in invertebrate models
Spray drying, freeze drying and related processes for food ingredient and Nutraceutical encapsulation
Phenolic composition and Nutraceutical properties of organic and conventional cinnamon and peppermint
One-year consumption of a grape Nutraceutical containing resveratrol improves the inflammatory and fibrinolytic status of patients in primary prevention of …
Nutraceutical approach for preventing obesity-related colorectal and liver carcinogenesis
The role of ruminant trans fat as a potential Nutraceutical in the prevention of cardiovascular disease
Tabletted soy protein cold-set hydrogels as carriers of Nutraceutical substances
Nanotechnology in the food, beverage and Nutraceutical industries
Wild Amaranthus caudatus Seed Oil, a Nutraceutical Resource from Ecuadorian Flora
Characterization of Nutraceutical compounds in blue green alga Spirulina maxima
Improving the poor aqueous solubility of Nutraceutical compound pterostilbene through cocrystal formation
… (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) as an alternative crop for sustainable food production: Phenolic acids and flavonoids with potential impact on its Nutraceutical quality
Nutraceutical composition, antioxidant activity and hypocholesterolemic effect of a water-soluble enzymatic extract from rice bran
Nutraceutical roles of dietary fiber
Starches of some food crops, changes during processing and their Nutraceutical potential
Stabilization of a Nutraceutical omega‐3 fatty acid by encapsulation in ultrathin electrosprayed zein prolamine
Cereals and pulses: Nutraceutical properties and health benefits
Cordyceps mushroom: a potent anticancer Nutraceutical
Effects of a Nutraceutical combination (berberine, red yeast rice and policosanols) on lipid levels and endothelial function randomized, double-blind, placebo …
Nutraceutical fatty acids as biochemical and molecular modulators of skeletal biology
Carotenoid lutein: a promising candidate for pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical applications
Antioxidant properties of selected Oriental non-culinary/Nutraceutical herb extracts as evaluated in raw and cooked meat
Nutraceutical importance of sesame seed and oil: a review of the contribution of their lignans
Antioxidative and antibacterial effects of seeds and fruit rind of Nutraceutical plants belonging to the Fabaceae family
Value‐creation in new product development within converging value chains: An analysis in the functional foods and Nutraceutical industry
The quality of commercially available Nutraceutical supplements and food sources
Yield, quality, and Nutraceutical potential of selected muscadine cultivars grown in southwestern Arkansas
Intercalation of functional organic molecules with pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical and Nutraceutical functions into layered double hydroxides and zinc basic salts
… suppresses interleukin-1β-induced inflammatory signaling and apoptosis in human articular chondrocytes: potential for use as a novel Nutraceutical for the treatment …
Nutraceutical preparations in childhood migraine prophylaxis: effects on headache outcomes including disability and behaviour
A novel Nutraceutical property of select sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) brans: inhibition of protein glycation
Nutraceutical cocrystals: utilizing pterostilbene as a cocrystal former
Doubled haploid production in Nutraceutical species: a review
Comparison of nutritional and Nutraceutical properties in cultivated fruits of Fragaria vesca L. produced in Italy
EPR studies on the superoxide-scavenging capacity of the Nutraceutical resveratrol
Resveratrol-procyanidin blend: Nutraceutical and antiaging efficacy evaluated in a placebocontrolled, double-blind study
Selenium as a ‘Nutraceutical‘: how to conciliate physiological and supra-nutritional effects for an essential trace element
Benefits of bovine colostrum in Nutraceutical products
Application of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometry in Nutraceutical and food research
Bioactive marine peptides: Nutraceutical value and novel approaches
A Nutraceutical a day may keep the doctor away: Consumers are turning increasingly to food supplements to improve well‐being when pharmaceuticals fail
Use of client-specific outcome measures to assess treatment effects in geriatric, arthritic dogs: controlled clinical evaluation of a Nutraceutical.
Evaluation of the Nutraceutical, physiochemical and sensory properties of raisin jam
Nutraceutical of the next century?
An ecofriendly approach to process rice bran for high quality rice bran oil using supercritical carbon dioxide for Nutraceutical applications
Characterisation of selected hazelnut cultivars: phenology, growing and yielding capacity, market quality and Nutraceutical value
Structural characterization of β-glucans of Agaricus brasiliensis in different stages of fruiting body maturity and their use in Nutraceutical products
Effect of Drying on the Nutraceutical Quality of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L. ssp. sinensis) Leaves
Extraction of Nutraceutical compounds from licorice roots with subcritical water
Toward a core Nutraceutical program for cancer management
The biochemical and cellular basis for Nutraceutical strategies to attenuate neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease
Short-term consumption of a resveratrol-containing Nutraceutical mixture mimics gene expression of long-term caloric restriction in mouse heart
Nutraceutical use of garlic sulfur-containing compounds
Scientific and regulatory aspects of Nutraceutical products in the United States
Phytochemicals of Nutraceutical importance: their role in health and diseases
Linking medicinal/Nutraceutical products research with commercialization
Rapid qualitative analysis of phthalates added to food and Nutraceutical products by direct analysis in real time/orbitrap mass spectrometry
Pomegranate phytochemicals: Nutraceutical and therapeutic values
Nutritional and Nutraceutical comparison of Jamaican Psidium cattleianum (strawberry guava) and Psidium guajava (common guava) fruits
Glucosinolates: The phytochemicals of Nutraceutical importance
Onion as a Nutraceutical and functional food
Metabolomic approach with LC-QTOF to study the effect of a Nutraceutical treatment on urine of diabetic rats
Metabolic, antioxidant, Nutraceutical, probiotic, and herbal therapies relating to the management of hepatobiliary disorders
Preliminary observations on adaptation and Nutraceutical values of blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea) in Oregon, USA
Standard operating procedure for the collection and preparation of voucher plant specimens for use in the Nutraceutical industry
Effects of a leucine and pyridoxine-containing Nutraceutical on fat oxidation, and oxidative and inflammatory stress in overweight and obese subjects
Veterinary Nutraceutical medicine.
Improvement of short-term memory performance in aged beagles by a Nutraceutical supplement containing phosphatidylserine, Ginkgo biloba, vitamin E, and …
Identification of novel saponins from edible seeds of Japanese horse chestnut (Aesculus turbinata Blume) after treatment with wooden ashes and their Nutraceutical …
Pomological and Nutraceutical properties in apricot fruit: cultivation systems and cold storage fruit management
Spray cooling and spray chilling for food ingredient and Nutraceutical encapsulation
Nutraceutical value of sesame oil
Partition of Nutraceutical compounds in deacidification of palm oil by solvent extraction
Lipid replacement therapy: a Nutraceutical approach for reducing cancer-associated fatigue and the adverse effects of cancer therapy while restoring mitochondrial …
Preliminary evaluation of Nutraceutical and therapeutic potential of raw Spondias pinnata K., an exotic fruit of India
The importance of taste and other product factors to consumer interest in Nutraceutical products: Civilian and military comparisons
Nutritional and Nutraceutical characteristics of lupin protein
Nutritional and Nutraceutical considerations for dyslipidemia
Nutraceutical and functional properties of cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) and its utilization for food applications
Nutritional and Nutraceutical potential of rape (Brassica napus L. var. napus) and “tronchuda” cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. var. costata) inflorescences
… peels (Citrus maxima) phenolic extracts inhibit α-amylase, α-glucosidase and angiotensin I-converting enzyme activities: A Nutraceutical approach to diabetes …
Functional food and Nutraceutical registration process in Japan and China. Similarities and differences
Light-mediated fava bean (Vicia faba) response to phytochemical and protein elicitors and consequences on Nutraceutical enhancement and seed vigour
Nutritional composition of novel Nutraceutical egg products developed with omega-3-rich oils
Nutraceutical potential and bioassay of Apium graveolens L. grown in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan
Cocrystals of Nutraceutical p-coumaric acid with caffeine and theophylline: polymorphism and solid-state stability explored in detail using their crystal graphs
Bioactive foods and Nutraceutical supplementation criteria in cardiovascular protection
Characterization of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) accessions for morphology, phenology, reproduction and potential Nutraceutical, pharmaceutical trait utilization
From field to health: A simple way to increase the Nutraceutical content of grape as shown by NO-dependent vascular relaxation
Seafoods: Quality, technology and Nutraceutical applications—An overview
Determination of the Nutraceutical, glucosamine hydrochloride, in raw materials, dosage forms and plasma using pre-column derivatization with ultraviolet HPLC
Proteomic characterization of a selenium‐metabolizing probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri Lb2 BM for Nutraceutical applications
Nutraceutical interventions may delay aging and the age-related diseases
Nutraceutical pill containing berberine versus ezetimibe on plasma lipid pattern in hypercholesterolemic subjects and its additive effect in patients with familial …
Antioxidant activity of Elaeis guineensis leaf extract: An alternative Nutraceutical approach in impeding aging
Nutraceutical and specialty lipids
Adjuvant Fermented Wheat Germ Extract (Avemar™) Nutraceutical Improves Survival of High-Risk Skin Melanoma Patients: A Randomized, Pilot, Phase II Clinical …
Characterization of lipids and antioxidant capacity of novel Nutraceutical egg products developed with omega‐3‐rich oils
Nutraceutical potential of monofloral honeys produced by the Sicilian black honeybees (Apis mellifera ssp. sicula)
A multicenter study of Nutraceutical drinks for cholesterol (evaluating effectiveness and tolerability)
Willingness‐to‐pay for a Nutraceutical‐rich juice blend
An oral Nutraceutical containing antioxidants, minerals and glycosaminoglycans improves skin roughness and fine wrinkles
Araucaria angustifolia: A potential Nutraceutical with antioxidant and antimutagenic activities
Results of a survey of small-animal practitioners on the perceived clinical efficacy and safety of an oral Nutraceutical
Evaluation of androgenic activity of Nutraceutical-derived steroids using mammalian and yeast in vitro androgen bioassays
Nutraceutical Supplementation: Effect of a Fermented Papaya Preparation on Redox Status and DNA Damage in Healthy Elderly Individuals and Relationship with …
Nutraceuticals and Nutraceutical supplementation criteria in cancer: a literature survey
Modulation of the growth hormone–insulin-like growth factor (GH–IGF) axis by pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and environmental xenobiotics: An emerging role for …
A new herb–drug interaction of Polygonum cuspidatum, a resveratrol‐rich Nutraceutical, with carbamazepine in rats
Oral treatment with a Nutraceutical (Cosequin) for ameliorating signs of navicular syndrome in horses.
Potential Nutraceutical food beverage with antioxidant properties from banana plant bio-waste (pseudostem and rhizome)
Metabolomic assessment with CE‐MS of the Nutraceutical effect of Cystoseira spp extracts in an animal model
Effect of maize genotype, developmental stage, and cooking process on the Nutraceutical potential of huitlacoche (Ustilago maydis)
Selenium accumulation, distribution, and speciation in spineless prickly pear cactus: a drought-and salt-tolerant, selenium-enriched Nutraceutical fruit crop for …
A Nutraceutical product based on Jerte Valley cherries improves sleep and augments the antioxidant status in humans
Rheological properties of a double emulsion Nutraceutical system incorporating chia essential oil and ascorbic acid stabilized by carbohydrate polymer–protein …
Probiotics: from the ancient wisdom to the actual therapeutical and Nutraceutical perspective
Rosemary compounds as Nutraceutical health products
Nutraceutical properties of milk and milk products: a review.
An overview of preliminary studies on the development of doubled haploid protocols for Nutraceutical species
Toward prevention of Alzheimers disease–potential Nutraceutical strategies for suppressing the production of amyloid beta peptides
Long-term effectiveness and safety of a Nutraceutical based approach to reduce cholesterolemia in statin intolerant subjects with and without metabolic syndrome.
Biofortified, selenium enriched, fruit and cladode from three Opuntia Cactus pear cultivars grown on agricultural drainage sediment for use in Nutraceutical foods
Stevia rebaudiana: a medicinal and Nutraceutical plant and sweet gold for diabetic patients.
Relationship between aging and susceptibility of erythrocytes to oxidative damage: in view of Nutraceutical interventions
Phosphatidylserine (PS) as a potential Nutraceutical for canine brain aging: a review
Development of an Innovative Nutraceutical Fermented Beverage from Herbal Mate (Ilex paraguariensis A.St.-Hil.) Extract
Coextrusion for food ingredients and Nutraceutical encapsulation: principles and technology
Micelles and microemulsions as food ingredient and Nutraceutical delivery systems
… and Reproductive Characterization in Hyacinth Bean, Lablab Purpureus (L.) Sweet Germplasm with Clinically Proven Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Traits for …
Preferential radiation sensitization of prostate cancer in nude mice by Nutraceutical antioxidant γ-tocotrienol
Mixture-process variable approach to optimize a microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography method for the quality control of a Nutraceutical based on coenzyme …
Product development and Nutraceutical analysis to enhance the value of dried fruit
Hybrid materials based on smectite clays and Nutraceutical anthocyanins from the Açaí fruit
Nutraceutical composition of Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk (Indian ber): effect of enzyme-assisted processing
Melatonin-a review on the lesser known potential Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical properties of honey and pollen produced in a natural park
Winery solid residue revalorization into oil and antioxidant with Nutraceutical properties by an enzyme assisted process
Effect of exclusion diet with Nutraceutical therapy in juvenile Crohn’s disease
Development and application of biotechnology in guava: a Nutraceutical fruit
Single-cell oils as sources of Nutraceutical and specialty lipids: processing technologies and applications
Polypodium leucotomos extract: a Nutraceutical with photoprotective properties
Swordbean (Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.) genetic resources regenerated for potential medical, Nutraceutical and agricultural traits
Pressing effects on yield, quality, and Nutraceutical content of juice, seeds, and skins from Black Beauty and Sunbelt grapes
… of a Canadian food frequency questionnaire to measure eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid intakes from whole food, functional food, and Nutraceutical …
(3R, 9R, 10R)-Panaxytriol: a molecular-based Nutraceutical with possible application to cancer prevention and treatment
Gamma irradiation of in-shell and blanched peanuts protects against mycotoxic fungi and retains their Nutraceutical components during long-term storage
Nutraceutical and functional food ingredients for food and pharmaceutical applications
Assessment and Nutraceutical management of stress-induced adrenal dysfunction
Effects of organic farming and genotype on alimentary and Nutraceutical parameters in tomato fruits
… Solubilization/Precipitation as a Means To Recover Protein Isolate from Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) and Its Physicochemical Properties in a Nutraceutical …
Nanoparticles Based on Hydrophobic Alginate Derivative as Nutraceutical Delivery Vehicle: Vitamin D3 Loading
Development of Nutraceutical carriers for functional food applications
Internationalisation of the New Zealand Nutraceutical industry
Effects of heat treatment and storage temperature on the use of açaí drink by Nutraceutical and beverage industries
Multivariate optimisation and validation of a capillary electrophoresis method for the analysis of resveratrol in a Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical value and toxicological profile of selected red wines from Morocco
Hydrogel particles and other novel protein-based methods for food ingredient and Nutraceutical delivery systems
Polyphenolic compounds of Nutraceutical trees and the variability of their biological activity measured by two methods
Polyphenol rich fruit pulp of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa exhibits Nutraceutical properties to down regulate diabetic complications—An in vitro study
Biopolymeric amphiphiles and their assemblies as functional food ingredients and Nutraceutical delivery systems
Nutraceutical Strategy in Aging: Targeting Heat Shock Protein and Inflammatory Profile through Understanding Interleukin‐6 Polymorphism
Clinical, biometric and ultrasound assessment of the effects of daily use of a Nutraceutical composed of lycopene, acerola extract, grape seed extract and …
Sensory characteristics, composition, and Nutraceutical content of juice from Vitis rotundifolia (Muscadine) cultivars
Tabletted microspheres containing Cynara scolymus (var. Spinoso sardo) extract for the preparation of controlled release Nutraceutical matrices
Nutraceutical properties of Thai “Yor” Morinda citrifolia and “Noni” juice extract
Avocado/soybean unsaponifiables, ASU EXPANSCIENCE™, are strictly different from the Nutraceutical products claiming ASU appellation
Firm, market, and regulatory factors influencing innovation and commercialization in Canada’s functional food and Nutraceutical sector
Propionyl‐L‐carnitine, L‐arginine and niacin in sexual medicine: a Nutraceutical approach to erectile dysfunction
Sensory, compositional, and color properties of Nutraceutical-rich juice blends
BonisteinTM (synthetic genistein), a food component in development for a bone health Nutraceutical
The Nutraceutical Pycnogenol: Its role in cardiovascular health and blood glucose control
Characterization of camel milk protein isolates as Nutraceutical and functional ingredients
Nutraceutical inhibitors of urokinase: potential applications in prostate cancer prevention and treatment
Cysteine: the fun-ke Nutraceutical
Parameters for the evaluation of the thermal damage and Nutraceutical potential of lupin‐based ingredients and food products
Modification of palm oil for anti-inflammatory Nutraceutical properties
Metabolomic approach to the Nutraceutical effect of rosemary extract plus Ω-3 PUFAs in diabetic children with capillary electrophoresis
Solanum nigrum L., a Nutraceutical enriched herb or invasive weed?
Fluid bed microencapsulation and other coating methods for food ingredient and Nutraceutical bioactive compounds
Lipoic acid: a multifunctional Nutraceutical
Effect of a combined Nutraceutical containing Orthosiphon stamineus effect on blood pressure and metabolic syndrome components in hypertensive dyslipidaemic …
Effects of irrigation-fertilization and irrigation-mycorrhization on the alimentary and Nutraceutical properties of tomatoes
Nutraceutical properties of lupin seed proteins: a great potential still waiting for full exploitation
Effect of traditionally designed Nutraceutical on stress induced immunoglobulin changes at Antarctica
Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Nutraceutical Compounds from Chlorella vulgaris Extracted in Hydrothermal Condition
Supplementing the DSHEA: Congress Must Invest the FDA with Greater Regulatory Authority over Nutraceutical Manufacturers by Amending the Dietary …
Interaction of food ingredient and Nutraceutical delivery systems with the human gastrointestinal tract
Stabilization of cranberry anthocyanins in Nutraceutical capsules
Development of Agaricus bisporus as a Nutraceutical of tomorrow
Utility of Nutraceutical products marketed for cognitive and memory enhancement
Targets for milk fat research: nutrient, nuisance or Nutraceutical?
Production of bioactive metabolites with pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical interest by submerged fermentation of Pleurotus ostreatus in a batch stirred tank bioreactor
Soil water availability in rainfed cultivation affects more than cultivar some Nutraceutical components and the sensory profile of virgin olive oil
Standardization of recipe for value added Nutraceutical beverage of guava blended with Aloe vera and roselle
The hype surrounding Nutraceutical supplements: Do consumers get what they deserve?
The aging/precancerous gastric mucosa: a pilot Nutraceutical trial
Is Phytalgic® a goldmine for osteoarthritis patients or is there something fishy about this Nutraceutical? A summary of findings and risk-of-bias assessment
Nutraceutical effects of curcuma, ginger, celery, yeast and honey on side effects of gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity in rats
A short term pilot open label study to evaluate efficacy and safety of LG839, a customized DNA directed Nutraceutical in obesity: exploring nutrigenomics
Upgrading of sea by-products: Potential Nutraceutical applications
Nutraceutical properties and toxicity studies of fruits from four Cactaceae species grown in Argentine Northwestern
Pre-and postharvest factors affecting Nutraceutical properties of horticultural products
Effects of oral administration of meloxicam, carprofen, and a Nutraceutical on thyroid function in dogs with osteoarthritis
Functional food and Nutraceutical registration processes in Japan and China: A diffusion of innovation perspective
Nutritive, Nutraceutical, medicinal and energetic value of fruits and vegetables
Nutraceutical functionalities of polysaccharides from marine invertebrates
Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical compounds from natural matrices
DNA based customized Nutraceutical “gene therapy” utilizing a genoscore: a hypothesized paradigm shift of a novel approach to the diagnosis, stratification, prognosis …
Oxidative stress and antioxidant status in intensely exercising horses administered Nutraceutical extracts
Aloe vera gel: A potent Nutraceutical
Cruciferous Nutraceutical 3H-1, 2-dithiole-3-thione protects human primary astrocytes against neurocytotoxicity elicited by MPTP, MPP+, 6-OHDA, HNE and acrolein
Nutraceutical augmentation of circulating endothelial progenitor cells and hematopoietic stem cells in human subjects
Nutraceutical properties of milk fat globular membrane
A cherry Nutraceutical modulates melatonin, serotonin, corticosterone, and total antioxidant capacity levels: effect on ageing and chronotype
Toxicological and Nutraceutical assessments of peanut sprouts as daily supplements to feed Sprague‐Dawley rats for 18 weeks
Thymoquinone from Nutraceutical black cumin oil activates Neu4 sialidase in live macrophage, dendritic, and normal and type I sialidosis human fibroblast cells via …
Efficacy of a red yeast rice based Nutraceutical in large subgroups of hypercholesterolemic subjects in every day clinical practice
High antioxidant activity mixture of extruded whole quality protein maize and common bean flours for production of a Nutraceutical beverage elaborated with a …
Distribution of edible plants for Nutraceutical values
Protein micro/nanoparticles for controlled Nutraceutical delivery in functional foods
Natural colorants for food and Nutraceutical uses
The Nutraceutical flavonoid luteolin inhibits ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5 aggrecanase activities
Application of nutrigenomics in skin health: Nutraceutical or cosmeceutical?
Capillary electrophoresis determination of glucosamine in Nutraceutical formulations after labeling with anthranilic acid and UV detection
Current Trends of Supercritical Fluid Technology in Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Food Processing Industries
The protective effects of the Nutraceutical, colostrinin, against Alzheimer’s disease, is mediated via prevention of apoptosis in human neurones induced by aggregated …
Volatile and lipid analyses by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and Nutraceutical potential of edible wild Malva aegyptiaca L. (Malvaceae)
The Nutraceutical benefit, part II: Ginseng.
Oxidative stress parameters in women with breast cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy and treated with Nutraceutical doses of oral glutamine
A potential Nutraceutical from Leuconostoc mesenteroides B-742 (ATCC 13146): Production and properties
Functional and Nutraceutical lipids
Functional and Nutraceutical properties of Rang Chuet (Thunbergia laurifolai lindl.) extracts
Is there a potential application of a fermented Nutraceutical in acute respiratory illnesses? An in-vivo placebo-controlled, cross-over clinical study in different age …
Starter cultures biotechnology: the production of concentrated lactic cultures in alginate beads and their applications in the Nutraceutical and food industries
… transcript profiling through cDNA-AFLP showed complexity of rutin biosynthesis and accumulation in seeds of a Nutraceutical food crop (Fagopyrum spp.)
Chapter 2 Advances in extraction of plant products in Nutraceutical processing
High‐performance liquid chromatographic analysis: applications to Nutraceutical content and urinary disposition of oxyresveratrol in rats
Nopal: a perspective view on its Nutraceutical potential
Extract from Silybum marianum as a Nutraceutical: A double-blind placebo-controlled study in healthy young men
Functional and Nutraceutical ingredients from marine macroalgae.
Structured oils and fats (organogels) as food ingredient and Nutraceutical delivery systems
Nutraceutical effect of Anacardium occidentale in diets of replacement laying pullets
Serum Lipid Profile and Antioxidant Status of Salt-induced Hypertensive Rats Treated with an Antioxidants Rich Nutraceutical
Oral supplementation with a Nutraceutical containing Echinacea, methionine and antioxidant/immunostimulating compounds in patients with cutaneous viral …
Glucosamine. A Nutraceutical in osteoarthritis
Dietary and Nutraceutical options for managing the hypertriglyceridemic patient
Bacterial diversity in dried colostrum and whey sold as Nutraceutical products
Nutraceutical beverages: an overview
Marine Products for Healthcare: Functional and Bioactive Nutraceutical Compounds from the Ocean, Vazhiyil Venugopal: Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals Series …
Nutraceutical: new era’s safe pharmaceuticals.
Lycopene: source, properties and Nutraceutical potential
Long-term efficacy and tolerability of a multicomponent lipid-lowering Nutraceutical in overweight and normoweight patients
Production and Nutraceutical properties of breads fortified with DHA-and Omega-3-containing oils
Nutraceutical/drug/anti-terrorism safety assurance through traceability
The Nutraceutical Revolution: What is it?
Virgin olive oil. From legend to scientific knowledge of the Nutraceutical aspects
Modified citrus pectin (MCP): a super Nutraceutical
Product design: a nanomized Nutraceutical with enhanced bioactivity and bioavailability
Nutraceutical application of seanol
Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside-a phytoestrogen Nutraceutical of flaxseed: synthesis and evaluation of antioxidant potency
Isolation and characterization of steroids of Nutraceutical value in Physalis minima
Nutraceutical‐mediated restoration of wild‐type levels of IKBKAP‐encoded IKAP protein in familial dysautonomia‐derived cells
Nutraceutical properties of great millet-Sorghum vulgare
Nutraceutical properties of the marine macroalga Gayralia oxysperma
Taxonomic and ethno-biological status of Flacourtia jungomas (Lour.) Raeus.: An endemic Nutraceutical plant of Eastern UP
Double-blind, placebo-controlled pharmacodynamic studies with a Nutraceutical and a pharmaceutical dose of ademetionine (SAMe) in elderly subjects, utilizing EEG …
Dietary Supplement Legislation Enhances Opportunities to Market “Nutraceutical”-Type Products
Ceramides as possible Nutraceutical compounds: characterization of the ceramides of the Moro blood orange (Citrus sinensis)
Nutraceutical properties of white and narrow-leaved lupin
Study on Nutraceutical properties of different cultivars Ipomoea aquatica Forsskal (‘Chunbai’and ‘Liulv’) in an eutrophic water body
The formulation of a Nutraceutical bread mix using sorghum, barley, and flaxseed
Future of functional foods and Nutraceutical products: the challenge and potential of Thailand to ASEAN
Wonders of sesame: Nutraceutical uses and health benefits
Biotherapeutic and Nutraceutical agents: Working group report of the second world congress of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition
Understanding the financing of innovation and commercialization: the case of the Canadian functional food and Nutraceutical sector
Radiomodulatory and Free-Radical Scavenging Activity of the Fractionated Aquo-Alcoholic Extract of the Adaptogenic Nutraceutical (Rhodiola imbricata)—A …
Rapid analysis of essential and branched-chain amino acids in Nutraceutical products by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography
Chemical versus pharmacological actions of Nutraceutical phytochemicals: antioxidant and anti inflammatory modalities
Production of Nutraceutical fatty acids in oilseed crops
Evaluation of quality and Nutraceutical content in blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) by near and mid infrared spectroscopy.
Tree nut oils and byproducts: Compositional characteristics and Nutraceutical applications
… induced via intra-articular injection of interleukin-1 in horses receiving a dietary Nutraceutical and assessment of the clinical effects of long-term Nutraceutical …
Increasing the solubility of the Nutraceutical curcumin by heat and inhibition of oxidative modification
Novel omics technologies in Nutraceutical and functional food research
Effects of a new Nutraceutical ingredient on allergen-induced sulphidoleukotrienes production and CD63 expression in allergic subjects
“Accelerating aging” chemotherapy on aged animals: Protective effect from Nutraceutical modulation
Nutraceutical Assessment of Four” Amaranthus” Species from Burkina Faso
Nutraceutical foods
Polymethoxylated flavone extracts from citrus peels for use in the functional food and Nutraceutical industry
Development of sorghum bran as an anti‐inflammatory Nutraceutical
Medicinal and Nutraceutical uses of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.).
Green mussel (Perna viridis L.) as healthy food, and as a Nutraceutical supplement
Revision of the production, phytochemical composition, and Nutraceutical properties of Mexican oregano
Bioprocessing technology for production of Nutraceutical compounds
Colloidal emulsions and particles as micronutrient and Nutraceutical delivery systems
An aqueous extract of the popular Chinese Nutraceutical Kwei Ling Ko (Tortoise shell-Rhizome Jelly) activates the PPARγ pathway and down-regulates the NFκB …
Nanocapsules as delivery systems in the food, beverage and Nutraceutical industries
Green Mussel extract (GMe) goes commercial First Nutraceutical produced by an ICAR institute.
Pigmented maize grains from Chiapas, physical characteristics, anthocyanin content and Nutraceutical value
Nutraceutical compound concentrations of muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) grape cultivars and breeding lines
Nutraceutical supplements
An investigation of Clostridium species present in Nutraceutical preparations of Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina) for human consumption
8 Almond and Almond Products: Nutraceutical Components
Nutraceutical properties in organic strawberries from South Italy
Effects of a Nutraceutical combination on left ventricular remodeling and vasoreactivity in subjects with the metabolic syndrome
Effects of simulated digests of Biota orientalis and a dietary Nutraceutical on interleukin-1–induced inflammatory responses in cartilage explants
Cardioprotective effect of a biofermented Nutraceutical on endothelial function in healthy middle-aged subjects
Hibiscus sabdariffa L.: Phytochemical Composition and Nutraceutical Properties
Controlled delivery technologies applied to the Nutraceutical industry
Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. (Asteraceae) aspartylendopeptidases with potential application in the formulation of Nutraceutical products
Antibacterial, antioxidant and phytochemical analysis of edible parts of potent Nutraceutical plant-adansonia digitata
Nutraceutical interest of phytoecdysteroid in Microsorum species of French Polynesia
In search of the” magic Nutraceutical“
Nutraceutical inhibition of muscle proteolysis: A role of diallyl sulphide in the treatment of muscle wasting
Evaluation of the Nutraceutical potential of Rytidophyllum tomentosum (L.) Mart.: HPTLC fingerprinting, elemental composition, phenolic content, and in vitro …
Inhibition of Human Breast Cancer Cell Growth and Enzymatic Activity by a Fermented Nutraceutical: An in Vitro and in Vivo Study
Nutraceutical from marine sources.
Lagenaria siceraria: A Nutraceutical for good health
Effects of an oral Nutraceutical on clinical aspects of joint disease in blinded, controlled clinical trial: 39 horses
Quality and Nutraceutical content of blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) grown at two different altitudes (450 and 650 m above sea level)
Isolation and antioxidant efficacy of Nutraceutical concentrates from sesame and flax seed oils.
The Nutraceutical potential of natural products in diabetic cataract prevention.
Microbial modeling as basis for bioreactor design for Nutraceutical production
A Nutraceutical based approach to reduce cholesterolaemia in patients previously intolerant of more than a statin: a pilot study
Nutraceutical uses of sorghum bran (Sorghum bicolor)
25 Nutraceutical Stability Concerns and Shelf Life Testing
Development of specialty breads as Nutraceutical products
Pycnogenol: a Nutraceutical for venous health
Co-drugs of aminosalicylates and Nutraceutical amino sugar for ulcerative colitis
Modulation of immune response through Nutraceutical interventions: implications for canine and feline health
Nutraceutical lipids
… Evaluation, in vitro Free Radical Scavenging and in vivo Anti-inflammatory Effects of Gisekia pharnaceoides and Identification of Kaempferol as a Nutraceutical Agent.
Soy and Cancer Survivors: Dietary Supplementation with Fermented Soy Nutraceutical, Haelan951 in Patients Who Survived Terminal Cancer
Purification of pharmaceuticals and Nutraceutical compounds by sub-and supercritical chromatography and extraction
Placebo evaluation of selected sugar-based excipients in pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical tableting
Harnessing milk oligosaccharides for Nutraceutical applications
Fruit Nutraceutical value in ancient apple cultivars grown in Piedmont (Northern Italy)
Determination of flavanones in citrus byproducts and Nutraceutical products by a validated RP-HPLC method
The Nutraceutical value of strawberries and black raspberries to inhibit cancer
Nutraceutical potential of cow milk and soy milk curd (dahi)
Emulsions for the delivery of Nutraceutical lipids
Nutraceutical potential of pine nut
Biotherapeutic and Nutraceutical agents
Nutraceutical and antioxidative properties of three species of Pleurotus mushrooms
Association colloids as delivery systems: principles and applications in the food and Nutraceutical industries
Quality, nutritional quality and Nutraceutical value as a new task for strawberry breeding
Elemental and Nutraceutical values of common plants of sastra campus a select study
Nutraceutical tortillas and tortilla chips prepared with bran from specialty sorghums
Calcium cross-linked soy protein beads and microspheres as carriers for Nutraceutical compound delivery
Crystal engineering of Nutraceutical cocrystals
Nutraceutical and cosmetic products developed from Malaysian biodiversity resources
Rapid HPTLC-based method for quality control: simultaneous chemical analysis and antioxidant activity determination in herbal, Nutraceutical and functional foods
Rationale for a novel Nutraceutical complex ‘K-water’: potassium taurine bicarbonate (PTB)
EU clearance of Sel-Plex®: expanding the possibilities for new Nutraceutical foods.
Functional properties of linseed meal fractions: application as Nutraceutical ingredient
Therapeutic Nutraceutical treatments for osteoarthritis and ischaemia
Health Canada leery as US” Nutraceutical” movement prepares to move north
Muscadine Skin Nutraceutical Extract Is Highly Anti‐Inflammatory In The TPA Model Of Topical Inflammation
Production and evaluation of Nutraceutical vegetable juice blends
Phospholipids/lecithin: a class of Nutraceutical lipids
Resveratrol: a potent antidiabetic Nutraceutical
Insights from the front lines of Nutraceutical research: The Third International Conference on Mechanisms of Action of Nutraceuticals (ICMAN 3)
Phytochemical characters and in vitro antioxidant activity of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) leaves for Nutraceutical studies.
A preliminary review of US Nutraceutical patent trends-before and after DSHEA
Practical challenges of stability testing of Nutraceutical formulations
Saffron as a functional food and a Nutraceutical using saffron and its constituents as the nutraceutics to protect against chronic diseases
Nutraceutical properties of goat milk: In silico analysis of the casein sequences
Cyclodextrins as food additives and ingredients: Nutraceutical Applications
Molecular analysis of∆ 6 desaturase and∆ 6 elongase from Conidiobolus obscurus in the biosynthesis of eicosatetraenoic acid, a ω3 fatty acid with Nutraceutical …
An investigation of effects of microwave treatment on the structure, enzymatic hydrolysis and Nutraceutical properties of ß-lactoglobulin
Nutraceutical and rheological properties of purple-fleshed sweetpotato purees as affected by continuous flow microwave-assisted aseptic processing.
Effects of storage conditions on Nutraceutical levels in rough rice
Nutraceutical effects of fermented whey on the intestinal and immune system of healthy albino rats.
The innovation of technology for microalgae cultivation and its application in functional foods and the Nutraceutical industry
Components of Nutraceutical value in physalis minima
Managing lipoprotein dyslipidemias through lifestyle and Nutraceutical therapies
A wonder plant; cactus pear: Emerging Nutraceutical and functional food
Homotaurine: a failed drug for Alzheimer’s disease and now a Nutraceutical for memory protection
Strategic planning for the development of the egg Nutraceutical industry
Spices in the Nutraceutical and health food industry
Add-value of Lactarius deliciosus and Macrolepiota procera wild mushrooms due to their nutritional and Nutraceutical potential
Molecular biotechnology for Nutraceutical enrichment of food crops: the case of minerals and vitamins
Effect of chondroitin sulfate as Nutraceutical in dogs with arthropathies
GPC (GlyceroPhosphoCholine), ortho-Nutraceutical for active living and healthy aging
An evaluation of astaxanthin as a Nutraceutical growth promoter in starter diets for weanling pigs
Nutritional evaluation of leaves of Boerhaavia diffusa L. and Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F.) Wall Ex Nees: implications for Nutraceutical applications
An Investigation of Effects of Microwave Treatment on the Structure, Enzymatic Hydrolysis, and Nutraceutical Properties of beta-Lactoglobulin.
Developing Biotechnology to Regenerate and Improve Selected Nutraceutical Plants
Characterization of Nutraceutical compounds in blue green alga Spirulina maxima.
Nutraceutical meal replacements: more effective than all-food diets in the treatment of obesity
Nutraceutical value of woad (Isatis tinctoria) flower buds of ecotypes from Sicily, Italy
A Dietary Nutraceutical Product Reduces Synovial Fluid Prostaglandin E2 in Horses With Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized Trial
Nutraceutical properties of the mushroom ganoderma.
Mammalian Toxicity Assessment and Nutraceutical Properties of the Swallow Root Decalepis hamiltonii
12 The Nutraceutical Health Sector: A Point of View
Content and relative composition of some phytochemicals in diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid Triticum species with potential Nutraceutical properties
Seal blubber oil and its Nutraceutical products
Nutraceutical/drug/anti-terrorism safety assurance through traceability
Response to Letter to Editor entitled:“Avocado/soybean unsaponfiables, ASU Expanscience™, are strictly different from the Nutraceutical products claiming ASU …
Canolol as a promising Nutraceutical
Sources, properties and Nutraceutical potential of lycopene
Productive and Nutraceutical effects of globe artichoke fertilization
A commercial Nutraceutical mix Metabolic Cell-Support (MC-STM) inhibits proliferation of cancer cell lines in vitro
The Hierarchy of Nutraceutical Markets 2000+ From Positive Eating to Problem Treating
Fertilizer Application and Nutraceutical Content in Health-Functional Foods
Hypolipidemic effect of a sorghum fraction in combination with other natural Nutraceutical ingredients in the hyperlipidemic Syrian hamster
Nutraceutical Synergism
Perspective [Prospective] Nutraceutical-milk thistle extract with polyunsaturated fatty acids.
A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study examining the effects of a combination Nutraceutical formula on cognitive functioning and mood
Germinated soybean products as Nutraceutical compounds in breadmaking
Structure-related effects on absorption and metabolism of Nutraceutical and specialty lipids
Engineering resveratrol glucoside accumulation into alfalfa: crop protection and Nutraceutical applications
Potential of Indian spices for their antidiabetic and Nutraceutical value.
Nutraceutical efficacy in experimental animal models of inflammatory bowel disease: Echinacea angustifolia, Prunella vulgaris and Hypericum gentianoides
Nanoencapsulation of Hydrophobic Nutraceutical Substances within Casein Micelles
Text-mining, milk proteins and Nutraceutical potential–the MilkER project
Restored antioxidant circulating capacities in AIDS west african patients receiving an antioxidant Nutraceutical Cucumis melo extract rich in superoxide …
TEM Analysis of Soy Protein Based Nanoparticles as Nutraceutical Carriers
Nutraceutical potentials of Carotino oil and its effect on blood glucose and antioxidant enzymes in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
Morpho-Cultural, Molecular and Nutraceutical Studies on Coremiopleurotus from India
Analysis of the effect of various commercial Nutraceutical preparations on the immune system
Inflammation and Nutraceutical Modulation
The effect of Nutraceutical containing PRF-K2 on periodontal condition during maintenance phase
Fruit quality and Nutraceutical composition in Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck from northern Italy (Piedmont)
Fast HPLC analysis of St. John’s Wort.(Nutraceutical: Advertising Supplement)
The formulation of naturally-occurring polyphenolic Nutraceutical agents using hot-melt extrusion
An evaluation of arabinogalactan (Larafeed® ag) as a Nutraceutical growth promoter in starter diets for weanling pigs
Nutritional and Nutraceutical potential of saprotrophic and mycorrhizal wild edible mushrooms from Northeast Portugal
Formulation development and in vitro antioxidant studies of Churnas containing natural sweetener and Nutraceutical
Nanoemulsions for pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical delivery in cancer and inflammation
Formulation and characterization of a new Nutraceutical product based on sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) grown in the Jerte Valley of Spain
Different paths for the fresh-market and the Nutraceutical industry
Effects of a leucine‐containing Nutraceutical on fat oxidation in overweight and obese adults
Conjugated Linoleic Acid as a Nutraceutical: Observations in the Context of 15 Years of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Research
Foundation for innovation in medicine rationale and proposed guidelines for the Nutraceutical Research and Education act
Oxidative stress parameters in women with breast cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy and treated with Nutraceutical doses of oral glutamine1
Examining the Breadth of the Nutraceutical Frontier: From Agricultural Sources to Policy Implementation
Biosynthesis of Nutraceutical iso‐oligosaccharides by multiple forms of transferase produced byAspergillus foetidus
Biochemical analysis of the Nutraceutical characteristics in Barbados cherry (Malpighia glabra L.).
Antioxidant, hepatoprotective and immuno-stimulant effects of Nutraceutical compounds from carotenoid origin in rat treated with carbon tetrachloride
Characterizing the Chemoprevention Potential of Amenity Grass Phenolic Extracts In Vitro and the Corresponding Nutraceutical Targets within HepG2 Carcinoma …
Taxonomic and ethno-biological status of Flacourtia jungomas (Lour.) Raeus.: an endemic Nutraceutical plant of Eastern UP
Nutraceutical Values of Muscadine against Obesity and Metabolic Complications in‐vivo
Nutraceutical quality of shellfish.
Challenges and strategies in breeding black raspberries (Rubus occidentalis L.) for improved Nutraceutical value
Designer lipids as a Nutraceutical
Vegetables as food ingredients, including Nutraceutical
The Valuation Trial of Nellson Nutraceutical: Emerging Trends and Courtroom Basics
Induced mutants with improved Nutraceutical traits in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
Radioprotective properties of Nutraceutical Gonebazol: In vivo study
Morphological, Nutraceutical and chemical characterization of globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus (L.) Fiori) landraces typically cultivated in Marche …
Extra-nutritional and Nutraceutical effects of traditional foods of Parma
Cognitive performance in normal seniors is enhanced by a Nutraceutical formulation
Wheat and low-input agriculture: agronomic, nutritional and Nutraceutical implications
Significance of Bcl-2 protein phosphorylation in cancer cells for pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical discovery
Tissue Culture Methods to Improve Herbs, Spices, and Nutraceutical Plants
Industrial tomato products. From” poor” seasoning to” Nutraceutical food”
An exploratory study of Nutraceutical prescription pattern among psychiatric patients in an out-patient setting
Identification of bioactive compounds of Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical importance from horticultural plants
… preformulation-osteoarthritis therapy via two drug delivery applications: the mutual prodrug and the transdermal delivery of a well-known Nutraceutical …
Development and characterization of the scaffolded vesicle as a potential Nutraceutical carrier
Spectrophotometeric analytical method of Nutraceutical scopoletin.
Preliminary agronomical and Nutraceutical evaluation of kiwifruit genotypes
Controlled delivery technology in Nutraceutical applications: a user’s perspective
Freeze-dried mango powder processing for Nutraceutical use
Agronomic and Nutraceutical potential of hops (Humulus lupulus L.) grown in Québec, Canada
16 Chapter Fortification and Value enhancement of Food products during Nutraceutical processing Using Microencapsulation and Nanotechnology
Consumer sensory preferences and willingness-to-pay for Nutraceutical-rich fruit
Nutraceutical properties of low α-linolenic soybeans grown in Maryland
Nutraceutical compounds: feruloyl esterases as biosynthetic tools
Finger millet (Eleusine coracana) polyphenols and their Nutraceutical potential
Nutraceutical supplementation in the treatment of pressure ulcers: short-term study
Nutraceutical Update
Rhodiola rosea as a Nutraceutical: from an adaptogen to an excellent antioxidant phytocomplex.
Bioactive Compounds, Cosmeceutical And Nutraceutical Applications of Green Seaweed Species (Chlorophyta)
Ultra-cleansing of lactoferrin: Nutraceutical implications
The Benefit of Nutraceutical Food Supplementation and Antioxidants for the Treatment of the Infertile Couple and in Assisted Reproduction
Determination of Silybin of Nutraceutical Herbal Preparations Using HPLC-PDA
Phytopathological and Nutraceutical evaluation of cauliflower plants treated with high dilutions of arsenic trioxide
Process modification of potential Thai economical tuber crop to be used in microencapsulation for Nutraceutical products
Conjugated linoleic acid: a multifunctional Nutraceutical from the rumen
The Nutraceutical Revolution
Biochemical and nutritional characterization of three prickly pear species with different ripening behavior and Nutraceutical value of nopalitos
Microencapsulation of muscadine grape extracts to produce shelf stable Nutraceutical powder and storage studies
The cytotoxicity and chemosensitizing effects of native camellia (Camellia japonica) and Nutraceutical camellia teas
Using commercial Nutraceutical mixes as immune stimulants: an in vitro proliferation study using Metabolic Cell-Support on non-stimulated human lymphocytes
Nutraceutical Properties of Dioscorea opposita Thunb.(Yam) Fermented by Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus
Physiological and Pharmacological Activites of Nutraceutical Tea by Leaves and Flowers of Domestic Camellia (Camellia japonica)
… fermented substrate produced by a newly isolated bacterium showing antimicrobial property against human pathogen, may be a potent Nutraceutical in the near …
Nutraceutical properties of the Muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia), Sorghum bicolor, and Polygonum cuspidatum
Nutritional, Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical pharmacy
Quality of tart cherry Nutraceutical juice: A comparison of juice packaged in flexible pouches and bottles made from glass, PET and aluminum
Nutraceutical Enriched Chikki
Nutraceutical production and use.
4. Health Claims as Credence Attributes: Evidence From the Functional Foods and Nutraceutical Sector in Canada
A Nutraceutical Industry: Policy Implications for Future Directions
Development and Potential of Critical Fluid Technology in the Nutraceutical Industry
Nutraceutical importance in health prevention-opinion of tricity inhabitans.
The Nutraceutical Journey: From Laboratory Technique to Marketing Communications
The Nutraceutical marketplace: Product experiences and research needs
Aspects of the animal food nutritional and Nutraceutical value
Evaluation of qualitative and Nutraceutical parameters of some vegetables.
Nutraceutical in vascular complications-21st century perspective
Nutraceutical Interventions in Arthritis
Urinary tract infections: a Nutraceutical approach.
Phytochemical Profile and Nutraceutical Value of Old and Modern Common
Patenting Nanomedicines for Nutraceutical Ingredients
7th Annual Conference of the European Nutraceutical Association (ENA)
Microalgal technologies and products for Nutraceutical applications
8th Annual Conference of the European Nutraceutical Association (ENA)
Interaction of science, labeling, and consumer information in the Nutraceutical market
Business Ethics and the Nutraceutical Industry: Prospectus for an Emerging Regime
Phytochemical and Nutraceutical Profiles of Blue Maize (Zea Mays) Hybrids Evaluated in Two Locations-Edición Única
Functional food and Nutraceutical consumers of Canada
Competitive Assessment and Market Entry Study of Devil’s Claw in the US Nutraceutical/Herbal Supplement Market
CT99: a novel Nutraceutical therapy for the treatment of diabetes mellitus
Vis/NIR technology for the evaluation of Nutraceutical parameters of fruit
Human Nutraceutical Research Unit: Advancing Foods & Natural Health Products
Anana starch and flour as Nutraceutical ingredients
Nutraceutical-Drug Interaction and CYP450 Pharmacology
Protective role of diallyltetrasulfidean active Nutraceutical from garlic
Nutraceutical production in fermented foods.
Medicinal/Nutraceutical properties of ginger-A Review
Nutraceutical Discovery–from plant extracts to functional food
Bioactive compound in fruits and vegetables and their Nutraceutical products
Glycine max: The Antioxidant and Anti-Hyperlipidemic Nutraceutical.
Nutraceutical and therapeutic value of turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.), a review.
CMFRI develops vegetarian Nutraceutical; A green remedy Nutraceutical for joint pain and arthritis from sea
Effect of pasture composition on Nutraceutical components of Pecorino Toscano cheese
Utilization of Industrial By-Product for the Development of A Nutraceutical Protein Hydrolysate
Microstructural characteristics and Nutraceutical properties of fruits and processed products
(381) Nutraceutical Profile of Selected Muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) Cultivars and Breeding Lines
Clinicians and Nutraceutical Use in Cardiology Patients: Ignorance and Neglect
Evaluation of the short term efficacy and tolerability of a combined Nutraceutical with lipid-lowering properties: a randomized clinical trial
The role of eggs in the diet: Nutraceutical and epigenetic aspects
Nuts and Seeds Bioactive compounds and Related Nutraceutical Properties-A Review
L-Carnitine growth adds strength to Lonza Nutraceutical portfolio
Effects of antibiotic or Nutraceutical feed additives on the performance of pre and post-weaning piglets
Nutraceutical antioxidants and their therapeutic potential in neurodegeneration
Process standardization and selection of a method of drying for the industrial production of rasona ksheerapakam-a dairy based Nutraceutical.
Investigations on Nutraceutical, Physical and Textural Qualities of Differently Processed Biotransformed Rice
Research paper Recent developments of marine ingredients for food and Nutraceutical applications: a review
Developing a Nutraceutical from Egyptian stabilized rice bran: a pharmacological approach
Process standardisation and selection of a method of drying for the industrial production of Rasona Ksheerapakam a dairy based Nutraceutical.
An Analysis of Financing Innovation and Commercialization in Canada’s Functional Food and Nutraceutical Sector
Structure/function relationships and Nutraceutical activities of legume seed proteins
Current trends of supercritical fluid technology in pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and food processing industries
Nutritional and Nutraceutical ergogenic aids in sport
20 Measuring the Levels of EPA and DHA in Nutraceutical Oils
Portulaca oleracea L. in the era of globalisation: a species of great Nutraceutical value
Efficacy of herbal flavoured sterilized milk-a dairy based Nutraceutical.
Nutraceutical properties of vegetables in fighting human diseases: a special reference to cancer and liver diseases
From grape to wine: antioxidant and Nutraceutical properties.
Nutraceutical assessment of Georgia-grown pomegranate juice
The safety of a plant-based Nutraceutical for behaviour in cats and dogs
Method development for the preparation and characterization of nano-and micro-particles as Nutraceutical delivery vehicles
Emerging Therapies: Using Herbs and Nutraceutical Supplements for Small Animals
Influence of oak wood contact on Nutraceutical properties of a model wine
The Effects of a Combination Nutraceutical Therapy on CVD Risk Biomarkers in a Population of Generally Healthy Dyslipidemic Adults
Isolation and Characterization of Edible Mushrooms with Potential Nutraceutical and Nutriceutical Properties in Mexico
Evaluation of five wild Pleurotus species for nutritional and Nutraceutical potential from north west India
… [increment] 6 desaturase and [increment] 6 elongase from Conidiobolus obscurus in the biosynthesis of eicosatetraenoic acid, a [omega] 3 fatty acid with Nutraceutical …
Nutraceutical insight into fruits, vegetables and their metabolite potential for nutrition mediated healthcare
Food protein-based materials as Nutraceutical delivery systems
Modulating lipolysis for Nutraceutical and cosmeceutical applications
The Nutraceutical properties of lupin seed: focus on proteins and peptides
Studies on Development of Nutraceutical Rich Rice Bran Drink Mix
Processing Cherry Waste with Supercritical Fluids to Develop a New Promising Nutraceutical
Almond and Almond Products: Nutraceutical Components and Health Effects
Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach: a review on Nutraceutical and nutritional properties.
Nutraceutical traits of fresh-cut fruit and vegetables.
Muscadine Nutraceutical Extract Inhibits Aldose Reductase Activity to Prevent AGE Formation
A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo Controlled Study Examining the Effects of a Combination Nutraceutical Formula on Cognitive Functioning and Mood
The role of Nutraceutical-implied empirical grades of plant foods in eliciting plant biodiversity on women small holder farms
Isolation and Screening of Oleagenous Microorganisms for the Production of a Nutraceutical‐Single Cell Oil
Development of vegetable oilseed based Nutraceutical carrier for application in food formulation for functional oils and foods
Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Nutraceutical Tablets for Malnutrition
Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Nutraceutical Tablets for Malnutrition
The use of Anacardium occidentale as Nutraceutical in hypoprotein diets for laying hens
Nutraceutical Approach for Preventing Obesity-Related Colorectal and Liver Carcinogenesis
Effect of Oxidative Stress and Nutraceutical Antioxidants on the Structural and Functional Integrity of the Mitochondrial Genome
Recovery of bovine glycomacropeptide as Nutraceutical and its enhancement in human immunity
Enzymatic Biocatalysis for the Production of Novel Nutraceutical Biomolecules and Natural Antioidants
[S7-1] Utilization and Processing Technologies of Changnyeong Onion for Nutraceutical Foods
Casein phosphopeptides: from milk to Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical potential of sorghum bran: hyaluronidase inhibition
Nutraceutical Profile in Italian Varieties of Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L., subsp. botrytis)
Effects of Nutraceutical supplementation on respiratory function in healthy heavy smokers
Beneficial Effects of Nutraceutical Cofactor Therapy in Patients with Mitochondrial Disorders
Nutraceutical intervention of the NF (kappa) B pathway to reduce adverse effects of inflammation
A Nutraceutical for osteoarthritis: results of a 3-month study to determine absence of in vivo toxicity in horses
3 CHAPTER Potential Nutraceutical Ingredients from Plant Origin
Nutraceutical potential of monofloral honeys produced by the Sicilian black
Ripening Research in “Maradol” Papaya: A Nutraceutical Fruit
Effects of a Mixed Nutraceutical Beverage on Performance of Moderately Strenuous Aerobic Exercise Lasting Under an Hour
Characterization of Nutraceutical Compounds Property of Perilla frutescens Landraces Collected in Korea
An evaluation of concentrated whey protein products for Nutraceutical applications.
Protection of Oxidant-Induced Neuronal Cells Injury by a Unique Cruciferous Nutraceutical
The effects of Nutraceutical combinations based on red yeast rice supplementation on cholesterol levels in adults
Fruit features, storage and Nutraceutical quality of some CRA-FRU selections of Actinidia chinensis.
Polyphenol Composition of Nutraceutical Concentrate Obtained from Edible Vegetable Oil Seeds
8 Effects of Nutraceutical Antioxidants on Age-Related Hearing Loss
Evaluation Of Therapeutic Utility Of Benazepril And A Nutraceutical (Vitamin E) In The Management Of Congestive Heart Failure In Dogs
Development of Nutraceutical Yoghurt by Incorporating Amila (Indian Gooseberry) and Iramusu (Hemidesmus Indicus)
Nutraceutical phyto-agrobiodiversity among Lake Victoria basin’s smallholdings revealing dietary diversity
Membranes, Chromatography and Membrane Chromatography. Separation Technologies for the Biopharm and Nutraceutical Era
Blunt force injury to cartilage: Some effects of exercise and a Nutraceutical
Common warts and molluscum contagiosum: clinical evaluation of a Nutraceutical associated with topical treatment.
Nutritional and Nutraceutical composition of two Lamiaceae traditionally used in Portugal as spices, flavours or medicines
An ecofriendly approach to process rice bran for high quality rice bran oil using supercritical carbon dioxide for Nutraceutical applications
Treatment of Canine Parvo Viral (CPV) infection in a Pup-A Therapeutic and Nutraceutical Approach
Development and Validation of an Hplc Method for the Quantitation of Hydroxytyrosol in Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Raw Materials
Nutraceutical Changes Induced in Blue and Red Pigmented Maize by Nixtamalization Process
Euphorbia antysyphilitica wax extraction and study of its application as edible Nutraceutical film on avocados to improve their shelf life quality
G ital dermatol venereol: oral supplementation with a Nutraceutical containing Echinacea, methionine and antioxidant/immunostimulating compounds in patients with …
Influence of Supplemental Lighting on the Production of Medicinal Plants, Spinach and Alfalfa for the Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Sectors
Casein phosphopeptides: from mineral carriers to potential Nutraceutical/functional food for human enterocite-like cell lines
A new prebiotic from germinated barley for Nutraceutical treatment of ulcerative colitis.(Abstracts)
Nitric oxide and cytokine release induced by goat milk: Nutraceutical application to human immune response modulation
Simulated digest of a glucosamine-based equine Nutraceutical modifies effect of IL-1 in a cartilage explant model of inflammation
Product Development of a Nutraceutical Beer via Biological Isolates of Soy Kefir.
Ecology and Nutraceutical value of edible indigenous mushrooms. A case study of Kyebe Subcounty in Rakai District, Uganda
Evaluation of antioxidative/antimicrobial potential of Oriental Nutraceutical herb extracts in raw and cooked goat meat and beef products
Substantial Equivalence of CMV-Resistant Genetically Modified Red Peppers in Terms of Nutrient and Major Nutraceutical Compounds Content
Cow milk as Nutraceutical and functional food: effect of homogenization and skimming on lipidi globules size distribution
Small-holder utility-based phyto-ionomic diversity mapping at Lake Basin sites in the interest of Nutraceutical-implied security
Biotrasformation Of Steviol Glycosides, Nutraceutical Attributes Of Stevia By Protection Against Free Radicals And Callus Induction In Licorice
Nutraceutical From Marine Organism-Antioxidant peptide Derived from Oyster Crassostrea gigas By Castro-Intestinal Digestion
Study on influences of Nutraceutical dietary addition on some milk and blood immune parameters and intramammary infections in organic dairy goats
Development of a Nutraceutical confectionery for consumer market using manuka honey and propolis: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the …
Rapeseed lipase catalyzed synthesis of butyl butyrate for flavour and Nutraceutical applications in organic media
Rapeseed lipase catalyzed synthesis of butyl butyrate for flavour and Nutraceutical applications in organic media
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis: effects of a Nutraceutical combination (berberine, red yeast rice and policosanols) on lipid levels and endothelial function randomized …
Polyphenol rich fruit pulp of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa exhibits Nutraceutical properties to down regulate diabetic complications—An in vitro study
Quantitation of fatty acids by GLC and separation of omega-6 Nutraceutical fatty acid from carthamus tinctorius L. seed oil cultivated in Pakistan
Inflammatory Cytokine Induced VEGF-A and VEGF-C Secretion by Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells is Inhibited by the Polyphenolic Nutraceutical Resveratrol
14 Chapter addressing powder Flow and Segregation Concerns during Scale-Up of Nutraceutical Solid Formulations
Mutant No. 1022 (IC0582890; INGR10047), Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Germplasm, with High Lignin and Improved Nutraceutical Traits
This work was supported by a grant from Nutraceutical Corp., Ogden, Utah. Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) in Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: Effects on …
… Accumulation, Distribution, and Speciation in Spineless Prickly Pear Cactus: A Drought-and Salt-Tolerant, Selenium-Enriched Nutraceutical Fruit Crop for …
357 Nutraceutical Roles of Polyphenolic Compounds from Berry Fruits
11 Chapter Validation of Nutraceutical process equipment
A White Paper on the SawaTM 100% Pure Wasabia japonica rhizome powder as both a Food and a Nutraceutical Product.
Direct Determinations of the Fatty Acid Composition of a Typical Canadian Dietary Intake and Omega‐3 Enriched Nutraceutical and Functional Food Based Dietary …
23 The Impact of Supercritical Extraction and Fractionation Technology on the Functional Food and Nutraceutical Industry
Beneficial modification of functional renal parameters in 5/6 nephrectomized rats by Nutraceutical: in view of a kidney-protective intervention
An Analysis of Financing Innovation and Commercialization in Canada’s Functional Food and Nutraceutical Sector
… DeFelice, MD, and Antonio Martinez II, Esq, on Nutraceuticals, the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, and the Nutraceutical research and Education …
34 Pycnogenol—A Nutraceutical for Osteoarthritis
26 Nutraceutical and Functional Food Application to Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
… Zygosaccharomyces and Brettanomyces Contamination in WineConsumer-Based Optimization and Willingness-to-Pay for Nutraceutical-Rich Juice BlendsSensory …
… Clean Plant Network for Grapes: Progress and AccomplishmentsUsing Choice Exercises and Mixture Designs to Optimize Nutraceutical-Rich Juice Based on Health …
Current concepts and prospects of herbal Nutraceutical: A review
Gingerols and shogaols: Important Nutraceutical principles from ginger
Nutraceutical therapies for atherosclerosis
Nutraceutical and functional food regulations in the United States and around the world
Phytochemicals of Nutraceutical importance
Nutraceutical supplement in the management of tendinopathies: a systematic review
Colostrum–its Composition, Benefits as a Nutraceutical–A Review.
Structural aspects of legume proteins and Nutraceutical properties
Nutraceutical and functional food processing technology
Developing new functional food and Nutraceutical products
Is there room for improving the Nutraceutical composition of apple?
Amaranth: a new millennium crop of Nutraceutical values
Nutraceutical properties of phycocyanin
State of the art papers Dietary and Nutraceutical approach to type 2 diabetes
α-Linolenic acid: Nutraceutical, pharmacological and toxicological evaluation
Bean seeds: leading Nutraceutical source for human health
Chemistry, Technology, and Nutraceutical Functions of Celery (Apium graveolens L.): An Overview
Bovine colostrum: an emerging Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and therapeutic uses of Allium cepa: A review
Specialty oils: functional and Nutraceutical properties
Nutraceutical-based therapeutics and formulation strategies augmenting their efficiency to complement modern medicine: An overview
Emerging trends in Nutraceutical applications of whey protein and its derivatives
Chemistry, Technology, and Nutraceutical Functions of Cumin (cuminum cyminum L): An Overview
Therapeutic and Nutraceutical potential of bioactive compounds extracted from fruit residues
The role of nutrition and Nutraceutical supplements in the treatment of hypertension
Egg white proteins and their potential use in food processing or as Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical agents—A review
Enhancing Nutraceutical bioavailability through food matrix design
An overview of the beneficial effects of hydrolysed collagen as a Nutraceutical on skin properties: Scientific background and clinical studies
The Nutraceutical bioavailability classification scheme: classifying Nutraceuticals according to factors limiting their oral bioavailability
Diversity of mushrooms and their metabolites of Nutraceutical and therapeutic significance
Nutraceutical supplements in the management and prevention of osteoarthritis
Micro-and macroelemental composition and safety evaluation of the Nutraceutical Moringa oleifera leaves
Hibiscus sabdariffa: An ideal yet under-exploited candidate for Nutraceutical applications
Polysaccharides from the marine environment with pharmacological, cosmeceutical and Nutraceutical potential
Nutraceutical and other modalities for the treatment of headache
Lactoferrin from milk: Nutraceutical and pharmacological properties
Fenugreek: potential applications as a functional food and Nutraceutical
Cultural erosion of Balinese indigenous knowledge of food and Nutraceutical plants
Nanocomplexes arising from protein-polysaccharide electrostatic interaction as a promising carrier for Nutraceutical compounds
The Nutraceutical properties of ovotransferrin and its potential utilization as a functional food
Horse gram-an underutilized Nutraceutical pulse crop: a review
Probiotical cell fragments (PCFs) as “novel Nutraceutical ingredients”
Nutritional and Nutraceutical characteristics of Sageretia theezans fruit
Optimal red: blue ratio in led lighting for Nutraceutical indoor horticulture
Nutraceutical effects of fucoxanthin for obesity and diabetes therapy: a review
Exploring the potential Nutraceutical values of durian (Durio zibethinus L.)–An exotic tropical fruit
Beta-sitosterol: a promising but orphan Nutraceutical to fight against cancer
Nutraceutical is the need of hour
Polyphenols: A Nutraceutical approach against diseases
Food prospects and Nutraceutical attributes of Momordica species: A potential tropical bioresources–A review
Nutraceutical: A Bright Scope and Oppourtunity of Indian Healthcare Market.
Nutraceutical and functional food regulations in India
Nutraceutical profiles of improved blue maize (Zea mays) hybrids for subtropical regions
Nutraceutical-a bright scope and opportunity of Indian healthcare market
Nutraceutical approach to moderate cardiometabolic risk: results of a randomized, double-blind and crossover study with Armolipid Plus
The effect of chitosan coating on the quality and Nutraceutical traits of sweet cherry during postharvest life
The potential use of lipases in the production of fatty acid derivatives for the food and Nutraceutical industries
Enhancing Nutraceutical performance using excipient foods: Designing food structures and compositions to increase bioavailability
Nutraceutical Value of Finger Millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.], and Their Improvement Using Omics Approaches
Nutraceutical properties of olive oil polyphenols. An itinerary from cultured cells through animal models to humans
Diet and Nutraceutical interventions for headache management: a review of the evidence
Fish protein isolate: Development of functional foods with Nutraceutical ingredients
Effect of ultrasound treatment on physico-chemical, Nutraceutical and microbial quality of strawberry
Nanoencapsulation of bioactive compounds for Nutraceutical food
Evaluation of the Nutraceutical, antioxidant and cytoprotective properties of ripe pistachio (Pistacia vera L., variety Bronte) hulls
Nutraceutical-prophylactic and therapeutic role of functional food in health
Review on Bifidobacterium bifidum BGN4: Functionality and Nutraceutical Applications as a Probiotic Microorganism
pH‐responsive Nutraceutical–mesoporous silica nanoconjugates with enhanced colloidal stability
Recent progress on Nutraceutical research in prostate cancer
Nutraceutical olive oil: does it make the difference?
Human hydroxytyrosol’s absorption and excretion from a Nutraceutical
Effect of nutrition on production, composition, fatty acids and Nutraceutical properties of milk
Chemical and Nutraceutical properties of Coreopsis tinctoria
Nutraceutical intervention improves older adults’ cognitive functioning
Emerging bioresources with Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical prospects
Nutraceutical potential and antioxidant benefits of selected fruit seeds subjected to an in vitro digestion
Gelatin particle-stabilized high internal phase emulsions as Nutraceutical containers
The effects of a Nutraceutical combination on plasma lipids and glucose: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Potential of treating age-related depression and cognitive decline with Nutraceutical approaches: a mini-review
Effects of postharvest ripening on the Nutraceutical and physicochemical properties of mango (Mangifera indica L. cv Keitt)
Encapsulation of folic acid in food hydrocolloids through nanospray drying and electrospraying for Nutraceutical applications
Alpha-linolenic acid: A promising Nutraceutical for the prevention of stroke
Vitamins and nutrients as primary treatments in experimental brain injury: Clinical implications for Nutraceutical therapies
Characterization of the Nutraceutical quality and antioxidant activity in bell pepper in response to grafting
Co-encapsulation of antioxidants into niosomal carriers: gastrointestinal release studies for Nutraceutical applications
Phytochemical profile and Nutraceutical potential of chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.) by ultra high performance liquid chromatography
Polymeric nanoparticles encapsulating white tea extract for Nutraceutical application
Synthetic astaxanthin is significantly inferior to algal-based astaxanthin as an antioxidant and may not be suitable as a human Nutraceutical supplement
Updates on Nutraceutical sleep therapeutics and investigational research
Using quantitative indices to evaluate the cultural importance of food and Nutraceutical plants: Comparative data from the Island of Bali (Indonesia)
The interplay between the gut immune system and microbiota in health and disease: Nutraceutical intervention for restoring intestinal homeostasis
Vanilla-its science of cultivation, curing, chemistry, and Nutraceutical properties
Capsicum chinensis L. growth and Nutraceutical properties are enhanced by biostimulants in a long-term period: chemical and metabolomic approaches
Dietary restriction in combination with a Nutraceutical supplement for the management of equine metabolic syndrome in horses
Pine bark extracts: Nutraceutical, pharmacological, and toxicological evaluation
The Nutraceutical potential of omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid in reducing the consequences of stroke
White grape pomace as a source of dietary fibre and polyphenols and its effect on physical and Nutraceutical characteristics of wheat biscuits
Introduction of nanotechnology in herbal drugs and Nutraceutical: a review
Nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of goat milk-a review
Butein: From ancient traditional remedy to modern Nutraceutical
Epigenetic Nutraceutical diets in Alzheimer’s disease
Microwave-assisted extraction of phenolic acids and flavonoids and production of antioxidant ingredients from tomato: A Nutraceutical-oriented optimization study
Study of Nutraceutical, nutricosmetics and cosmeceutical potentials of polyphenolic bark extracts from Canadian forest species
Vernonia amygdalina: An underutilized vegetable with Nutraceutical Potentials–A Review
Sustainable utilization of oil palm wastes for bioactive phytochemicals for the benefit of the oil palm and Nutraceutical industries
Phytomelatonin: Searching for Plants with High Levels for Use as a Natural Nutraceutical
Phytochemicals of Nutraceutical importance: do they defend against diseases
Effect of postharvest UV-B irradiation on Nutraceutical quality and physical properties of tomato fruits
Nutraceutical properties and polyphenolic profile of berry skin and wine of Vitis vinifera L.(cv. Aglianico)
Multifamily determination of pesticide residues in soya-based Nutraceutical products by GC/MS–MS
Health security in ethnic communities through Nutraceutical leafy vegetables.
Evaluation of quality attributes, Nutraceutical components and antioxidant potential of wheat bread substituted with rice bran
Ferulic acid is a Nutraceutical β-secretase modulator that improves behavioral impairment and alzheimer-like pathology in transgenic mice
Enzymatic modification of sesame seed protein, sourced from waste resource for Nutraceutical application
Pomegranate seeds as a source of Nutraceutical oil naturally rich in bioactive lipids
Improvement of the Nutraceutical quality of broccoli sprouts by elicitation
Impact of diet and Nutraceutical supplementation on inflammation in elderly people. Results from the RISTOMED study, an open-label randomized control trial
Nutrition and Nutraceutical supplements for the treatment of hypertension: part I
Nutraceutical delivery systems: Resveratrol encapsulation in grape seed oil nanoemulsions formed by spontaneous emulsification
Effect of γ-irradiation on structure and Nutraceutical potential of β-d-glucan from barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Microalgal carotenoids: Potential Nutraceutical compounds with chemotaxonomic importance
Droplet size and composition of Nutraceutical nanoemulsions influences bioavailability of long chain fatty acids and Coenzyme Q10
Identification and quantification of phytochemicals in Nutraceutical products from green tea by UHPLC–Orbitrap-MS
A review: Protein isolates recovered by isoelectric solubilization/precipitation processing from muscle food by-products as a component of Nutraceutical foods
Effect of chemical stress on germination of cv Dalia bean (Phaseolus vularis L.) as an alternative to increase antioxidant and Nutraceutical compounds in sprouts
Physico-chemical characteristics and Nutraceutical distribution of crude palm oil and its fractions
Microencapsulation of Nigella sativa oleoresin by spray drying for food and Nutraceutical applications
Safety and regulatory review of dyes commonly used as excipients in pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical applications
Antimicrobial, antioxidant, and synergistic properties of two Nutraceutical plants: Terminalia catappa L. and Colocasia esculenta L.
Mediterranean Nutraceutical foods: Strategy to improve vascular ageing
Nutraceutical–medicine of future
Nutraceutical properties of extra-virgin olive oil: a natural remedy for age-related disease?
A euryhaline Nannochloropsis gaditana with potential for Nutraceutical (EPA) and biodiesel production
Effects of a new Nutraceutical substance on clinical and molecular parameters in patients with chronic venous ulceration
Sea cucumber Holothuria forskali, a new resource for aquaculture? Reproductive biology and Nutraceutical approach
Chemical compositional, biological, and safety studies of a novel maple syrup derived extract for Nutraceutical applications
Analytical approaches for the determination of pesticide residues in Nutraceutical products and related matrices by chromatographic techniques coupled to mass …
Nutraceutical properties of the methanolic extract of edible mushroom Cantharellus cibarius (Fries): Primary mechanisms
Bread fortified with anthocyanin-rich extract from black rice as Nutraceutical sources: Its quality attributes and in vitro digestibility
Trans-acting small interfering RNA4: key to Nutraceutical synthesis in grape development?
Maslinic acid, a natural phytoalexin-type triterpene from olives—a promising Nutraceutical?
Investigation of the Nutraceutical potential of monofloral Indian mustard bee pollen
Phytochemical characterization of potential Nutraceutical ingredients from Evening Primrose oil (Oenothera biennis L.)
β-Lactoglobulin–naringenin complexes: Nano-vehicles for the delivery of a hydrophobic Nutraceutical
Improvement of Nutraceutical value of broccoli sprouts by natural elicitors.
Chemical composition and Nutraceutical potential of Indian borage (Plectranthus amboinicus) stem extract
Antioxidant and Nutraceutical value of wild medicinal Rubus berries
Quantitative determination of fatty acids in marine fish and shellfish from warm water of Straits of Malacca for Nutraceutical purposes
Nutritional and Nutraceutical components of commercial eggplant types grown in Sinaloa, Mexico
Phenolic extracts of Rubus ulmifolius Schott flowers: Characterization, microencapsulation and incorporation into yogurts as Nutraceutical sources
Novel nanoencapsulation structures for functional foods and Nutraceutical applications
Agronomic, Nutraceutical and molecular variability of feijoa (Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret) germplasm
Diversity of traditional and fermented foods of the Seven Sister states of India and their nutritional and Nutraceutical potential: a review
Nutraceutical and antioxidant effects of a delphinidin-rich maqui berry extract Delphinol®: a review
Nutraceutical properties and safety evaluation of fruits and arrope of Geoffroea decorticans (Chañar)
Medicinal effect of Nutraceutical fruits for the cognition and brain health
Hydrothermal and biotechnological treatments on Nutraceutical content and antioxidant activity of rice bran
Utilizing food matrix effects to enhance Nutraceutical bioavailability: increase of curcumin bioaccessibility using excipient emulsions
Nutraceutical strategies for ameliorating the toxic effects of alcohol
Nutraceutical nanoemulsions: influence of carrier oil composition (digestible versus indigestible oil) on β‐carotene bioavailability
Characterization of a hydrolyzed oil obtained from fish waste for Nutraceutical application
The importance of traditional uses and Nutraceutical aspects of some edible wild plants in human nutrition: the case of Umbria (central Italy)
Structural, physical, functional and Nutraceutical changes of freeze-dried fruit
Post-harvest Nutraceutical behaviour during ripening and senescence of 8 highly perishable fruit species from the Northern Brazilian Amazon region
Flavocoxid, a Nutraceutical approach to blunt inflammatory conditions
Exploring the Nutraceutical potential of polyphenols from black, green and white tea infusions–An overview
Nutraceutical and functional scenario of wheat straw
Designing excipient emulsions to increase Nutraceutical bioavailability: emulsifier type influences curcumin stability and bioaccessibility by altering gastrointestinal …
Influence of a chitosan coating on the quality and Nutraceutical traits of loquat fruit during postharvest life
Development of polyphenol-protein-polysaccharide ternary complexes as emulsifiers for Nutraceutical emulsions: Impact on formation, stability, and bioaccessibility of …
Nutritional and Nutraceutical quality of strawberries in relation to harvest time and crop conditions
Effect of green tea powder on thermal, rheological & functional properties of wheat flour and physical, Nutraceutical & sensory analysis of cookies
Resveratrol suppresses expression of VEGF by human retinal pigment epithelial cells: potential Nutraceutical for age-related macular degeneration
Enhancing Nutraceutical bioavailability using excipient emulsions: Influence of lipid droplet size on solubility and bioaccessibility of powdered curcumin
Phytochemical and Nutraceutical changes during recurrent selection for storage pest resistance in tropical maize
Nutraceutical Value of Black Cherry Prunus serotina Ehrh. Fruits: Antioxidant and Antihypertensive Properties
Control of lipid digestion and Nutraceutical bioaccessibility using starch-based filled hydrogels: influence of starch and surfactant type
Optimization of fermentation conditions for the utilization of brewing waste to develop a Nutraceutical rich liquid product
Fatty acid profile of different species of algae of the Cystoseira genus: a Nutraceutical perspective
Nutraceutical agents with anti-inflammatory properties prevent dietary saturated-fat induced disturbances in blood–brain barrier function in wild-type mice
Chemistry, phytotechnology, pharmacology and Nutraceutical functions of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) seed oil: An overview
Effects of a Nutraceutical formulation based on the combination of antioxidants and ω-3 essential fatty acids in the expression of inflammation and immune …
Response of brain metastasis from lung cancer patients to an oral Nutraceutical product containing silibinin
Microalgal rainbow colours for Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical applications
The bright side of gelatinous blooms: Nutraceutical value and antioxidant properties of three Mediterranean jellyfish (Scyphozoa)
Gastro-resistant characteristics of GRAS-grade enteric coatings for pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical products
Physicochemical and antimicrobial properties of cocoa pod husk pectin intended as a versatile pharmaceutical excipient and Nutraceutical
Olive oil/policosanol organogels for Nutraceutical and drug delivery purposes
The Nutraceutical response of two globe artichoke cultivars to contrasting NPK fertilizer regimes
Effect of fortification with parsley (Petroselinum crispum Mill.) leaves on the Nutraceutical and nutritional quality of wheat pasta
Pheophytinase knockdown impacts carbon metabolism and Nutraceutical content under normal growth conditions in tomato
Nano-liquid chromatography in Nutraceutical analysis: Determination of polyphenols in bee pollen
An in vitro study reveals Nutraceutical properties of Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. var. Mauritius fruit residue beneficial to diabetes
Nutraceutical properties of the green tea polyphenols
Nutraceutical effects of table green olives: a pilot study with Nocellara del Belice olives
De novo assembly and characterization of developing spikes transcriptome of finger millet (Eleusine coracana): a minor crop having Nutraceutical properties
Non-targeted Metabolite Profiling and Scavenging Activity Unveil the Nutraceutical Potential of Psyllium (Plantago ovata Forsk)
Lifespan effects of simple and complex Nutraceutical combinations fed isocalorically to mice
Effect of a quality-controlled fermented Nutraceutical on skin aging markers: An antioxidant-control, double-blind study
Enhancing Nutraceutical bioavailability by controlling the composition and structure of gastrointestinal contents: Emulsion-based delivery and excipient systems
A novel oral Nutraceutical formula of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids with vitamins (PLP10) in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: a randomised, double …
Hydrocolloid-based Nutraceutical delivery systems: Effect of counter-ions on the encapsulation and release
Principles of supercritical fluid extraction and applications in the food, beverage and Nutraceutical industries
Phytochemical content, Nutraceutical potential and biotechnological applications of an ancient Mexican plant: nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica)
Comparison of cheese and paneer whey for production of a functional pineapple beverage: Nutraceutical properties and Shelf life
Agronomic, nutritional and Nutraceutical aspects of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) cultivars under low input agricultural management
Nutraceutical potential, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Terfezia boudieri Chatin, a wild edible desert truffle from Tunisia arid zone
Nutraceutical with resveratrol and omega-3 fatty acids induces autophagy in ARPE-19 cells
Effects of a Nutraceutical combination on lipids, inflammation and endothelial integrity in patients with subclinical inflammation: a randomized clinical trial
Pharmacological effects of a C-phycocyanin-based multicomponent Nutraceutical in an in-vitro canine chondrocyte model of osteoarthritis
Application of QuEChERS based method for the determination of pesticides in Nutraceutical products (Camellia sinensis) by liquid chromatography coupled to triple …
α-Lipoic acid as a triglyceride-lowering Nutraceutical
Quality control evaluation of Nutraceutical products from Ginkgo biloba using liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry
… lifestyle changes in subjects with non-alcoholic liver steatosis and metabolic syndrome may be improved with an antioxidant Nutraceutical: a controlled clinical …
Mechanisms of plastein formation, and prospective food and Nutraceutical applications of the peptide aggregates
Polymorphic Cocrystals of Nutraceutical Compound p-Coumaric Acid with Nicotinamide: Characterization, Relative Solid-State Stability, and Conversion to Alternate …
Pomegranate oil as a valuable pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical
Validation of bovine glycomacropeptide as an intestinal anti-inflammatory Nutraceutical in the lymphocyte-transfer model of colitis
Novel co-crystals of the Nutraceutical sinapic acid
… in pharmacologic thinking around the natural analgesic palmitoylethanolamide: from nonspecific resistance to PPAR-α agonist and effective Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical properties of Prosopis cineraria (L.) druce pods: a component of” Panchkuta”
Pomological traits, sensory profile and Nutraceutical properties of nine cultivars of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) fruits grown in Mediterranean area
Nutraceutical activators of AMPK/Sirt1 axis inhibit viral production and protect neurons from neurodegenerative events triggered during HSV-1 infection
Flavanone naringenin: An effective antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic Nutraceutical agent on high fat diet fed streptozotocin induced type 2 diabetic rats
Enhancement of Nutraceutical bioavailability using excipient nanoemulsions: Role of lipid digestion products on bioaccessibility of carotenoids and phenolics from …
Exploiting phenylpropanoid derivatives to enhance the Nutraceutical values of cereals and legumes
Quality characteristics, Nutraceutical profile, and storage stability of aloe gel-papaya functional beverage blend
Evaluation of Nutraceutical and antinutritional properties in barnyard and finger millet varieties grown in Himalayan region
Nutraceutical application and value addition of banana (Musa paradisica L. Variety,“Bhusawal Keli”) peel: A review
Encapsulation of a citrus by-product extract: Development, characterization and stability studies of a Nutraceutical with antioxidant and metalloproteinases …
Plant-based Nutraceutical interventions against cognitive impairment and dementia: meta-analytic evidence of efficacy of a standardized Gingko biloba extract
Nutraceutical potential of polyphenolic fractions from Annurca apple (M. pumila Miller cv Annurca)
Determination of toxic substances, pesticides and mycotoxins, in ginkgo biloba Nutraceutical products by liquid chromatography Orbitrap-mass spectrometry
Processing of commercial rice bran for the production of fat and Nutraceutical rich rice brokens, rice germ and pure bran
Nutrition and Nutraceutical supplements for the treatment of hypertension: part III
Enhancing Nutraceutical bioavailability from raw and cooked vegetables using excipient emulsions: influence of lipid type on carotenoid bioaccessibility from carrots
Sorghum condensed tannins encapsulated in kafirin microparticles as a Nutraceutical for inhibition of amylases during digestion to attenuate hyperglycaemia
Nutraceutical and antioxidant properties of the seeds, leaves and fruits of Carica papaya: Potential relevance to humans diet, the food industry and the pharmaceutical …
Novel Nutraceutical Myricetin composite of enhanced dissolution obtained by co-crystallization with acetamide
Nutraceutical applications of gourd family vegetables: Benincasa hispida, Lagenaria siceraria and Momordica charantia
Application of wounding stress to produce a Nutraceutical-rich carrot powder ingredient and its incorporation to nixtamalized corn flour tortillas
Efficacy and tolerability of a Nutraceutical combination (red yeast rice, policosanols, and berberine) in patients with low-moderate risk hypercholesterolemia: a …
In vivo and in vitro evaluation for Nutraceutical purposes of capsaicin, capsanthin, lutein and four pepper varieties
Validation of Nutraceutical properties of honey and probiotic potential of its innate microflora
Nutraceutical potential of Methi (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) and Kasuri methi (Trigonella corniculata L.)
Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) seed oil as a naturally rich source of bioactive compounds for Nutraceutical purposes
Papaya: A gifted Nutraceutical plant-a critical review of recent human health research
Preliminary screening of Nutraceutical potential of Annona squamosa, an underutilized exotic fruit of India and its use as a valuable source in functional foods.
Nutraceutical properties of flour and tortillas made with an ecological nixtamalization process
Resveratrol, tryptophanum, glycine and vitamin E: a Nutraceutical approach to sleep disturbance and irritability in peri-and post-menopause.
Nutraceutical perspectives and utilization of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): A review
Himalayan cheese (Kalari/Kradi)–Effect of different probiotic strains on oxidative stability, microbiological, sensory and Nutraceutical properties during storage
Solubility of Nutraceutical compounds in generally recognized as safe solvents at 298 K
Seaweeds: a Nutraceutical and health food
Short-term effects of a combined Nutraceutical of insulin-sensitivity, lipid level and indexes of liver steatosis: a double-blind, randomized, cross-over clinical …
The effects of three‐month oral supplementation with a Nutraceutical and exercise on the locomotor pattern of aged horses
Identification and quantification of the main isoflavones and other phytochemicals in soy based Nutraceutical products by liquid chromatography–orbitrap high …
Fast determination of four polar contaminants in soy Nutraceutical products by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry
Testing the short-term efficacy of a lipid-lowering Nutraceutical in the setting of clinical practice: a multicenter study
Nutraceutical potential of tinctures from fruits, green husks, and leaves of Juglans regia L.
Nutraceutical composition of wild species of genus Lentinus Fr. from Nothern India
Biological activities and Nutraceutical potentials of water extracts from different parts of Cynomorium coccineum L.(Maltese Mushroom)
Development of Nutraceutical product
Phytosome as novel delivery system for Nutraceutical materials
Identifying product attributes and consumer attitudes that impact willingness to pay for a Nutraceutical‐rich juice product
Effects of a leucine and pyridoxine-containing Nutraceutical on body weight and composition in obese subjects
Oral supplementation with a Nutraceutical formulation containing omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in a large series of patients with dry …
… cellulose acetate nanofibers as thin layer chromatographic media for eco-friendly screening of steroids adulterated in traditional medicine and Nutraceutical products
Chemoprevention of obesity-related liver carcinogenesis by using pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical agents
Nutraceutical bioactive compounds promote healthspan counteracting cardiovascular diseases
New polymers for encapsulation of Nutraceutical compounds
Halal industry in Singapore: A case study of Nutraceutical products
Nutraceutical oleuropein supplementation prevents high fat diet-induced adiposity in mice
Anthocyanin profiling of Berberis lycium Royle berry and its bioactivity evaluation for its Nutraceutical potential
Newly released oat varieties of himalayan region-Techno-functional, rheological, and Nutraceutical properties of flour
Nutraceutical approaches to homocysteine lowering in hypertensive subjects at low cardiovascular risk: a multicenter, randomized clinical trial.
Clinical evaluation of a Nutraceutical diet as an adjuvant to pharmacological treatment in dogs affected by Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
… of Commercial Nixtamalized Maize (Zea mays L.) with Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Increased the Nutritional and Nutraceutical Content of Tortillas …
Effect of incorporation of Nutraceutical capsule waste of safflower oil in the mechanical characteristics of corn starch films
Yield and Nutraceutical quality of tomato fruit produced with nutrient solutions prepared using organic materials
Interacting effects of high light and elevated CO2 on the Nutraceutical quality of two differently pigmented Lactuca sativa cultivars (Blonde of Paris Batavia and Oak …
Nutraceutical improvement increases the protective activity of broccoli sprout juice in a human intestinal cell model of gut inflammation
Isoflavone-aglycone fraction from Glycine max: a promising raw material for isoflavone-based pharmaceutical or Nutraceutical products
Phytochemicals of Nutraceutical importance from cactus and their role in human health
The Nutraceutical revolution: Emerging vision or broken dream? Understanding scientific and regulatory concerns
Castanea spp. buds as a phytochemical source for herbal preparations: botanical fingerprint for Nutraceutical identification and functional food standardisation
Effect of a Nutraceutical treatment on diabetic rats with targeted and CE-MS non-targeted approaches
Comparison of shock wave therapy and Nutraceutical composed of Echinacea angustifolia, alpha lipoic acid, conjugated linoleic acid and quercetin (perinerv) in …
Dual role of pinostrobin-a flavonoid Nutraceutical as an efflux pump inhibitor and antibiofilm agent to mitigate food borne pathogens
Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis L) Ethanolic Extract as Hair Tonic in Nutraceutical: Physical Stability, Hair Growth Activity on Rats, and Safety Test
Germination ecology of Nutraceutical herbs for agronomic perspectives
Evaluation of nutritional and Nutraceutical potentials of three wild edible mushrooms from Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Odisha, India
Determination of polyphenols in grape-based Nutraceutical products using high resolution mass spectrometry
Dual Nutraceutical nanohybrids of folic acid and calcium containing layered double hydroxides
Nutrition and Nutraceutical supplements for the treatment of hypertension: part II
Nutraceutical combination (red yeast rice, berberine and policosanols) improves aortic stiffness in low-moderate risk hypercholesterolemic patients
Preclinical studies suggest complex Nutraceutical strategies may have potential for preventing and managing sepsis
Nutraceutical properties of wild berry fruits from Southern Italy
Development of Nutraceutical emulsions as risperidone delivery systems: characterization and toxicological studies
Potential role of a Nutraceutical spice (Allium hirtifolium) in reduction of atherosclerotic plaques
Key considerations in the selection of ingredients and processing technologies for functional foods and Nutraceutical products
Nutraceutical properties of Romanian heather honey
Nutritional and Nutraceutical characteristics of white and red Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth fruits
Food matrix effects on Nutraceutical bioavailability: Impact of protein on curcumin bioaccessibility and transformation in nanoemulsion delivery systems and excipient …
Nutraceutical supplements for inflammatory bowel disease
An in vitro study reveals the Nutraceutical potential of punicic acid relevant to diabetes via enhanced GLUT4 expression and adiponectin secretion
The potential of dark purple scented rice-from staple food to Nutraceutical
Exploration of Nutraceutical potential of herbal oil formulated from parasitic plant
Content and relative composition of some phytochemicals in diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid Triticum species with potential Nutraceutical properties
An approach to a Nutraceutical
Green tea as a Nutraceutical: the latest developments
Tannin fraction from Ampelopsis grossedentata leaves tea (Tengcha) as an antioxidant and α‐glucosidase inhibitory Nutraceutical
Genotypic and environmental variation in seed Nutraceutical and industrial composition of non-transgenic soybean (Glycine max) genotypes
Combined Nutraceutical approach to postmenopausal syndrome and vascular remodeling biomarkers
Overview of Himalayan yellow raspberry (Rubus ellipticus Smith.): A Nutraceutical plant
Effects of a Nutraceutical combination containing berberine (BRB), policosanol, and red yeast rice (RYR), on lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic patients: A meta …
Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects of Wheat, Carrot, and Mango as Nutraceutical Agents against CCl4-Induced Hepatocellular Toxicity
Metabolomics: a potential tool for breeding Nutraceutical vegetables
The Nutraceutical dehydrozingerone and its dimer counteract inflammation-and oxidative stress-induced dysfunction of in vitro cultured human endothelial …
Melatonin: a safe Nutraceutical and clinical agent
Fractionation of egg proteins and peptides for Nutraceutical applications
Repeated systemic administration of the Nutraceutical alpha-linolenic acid exerts neuroprotective efficacy, an antidepressant effect and improves cognitive …
Effects of Nutraceutical diet integration, with coenzyme Q10 (Q-Ter multicomposite) and creatine, on dyspnea, exercise tolerance, and quality of life in COPD …
An olive polyphenol-based Nutraceutical improves cutaneous manifestations of psoriasis in humans
Nutraceutical properties of chestnut flours: beneficial effects on skeletal muscle atrophy
Optimal development of a new stable Nutraceutical nanoemulsion based on the inclusion complex of 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin with canthaxanthin accumulated …
The endocannabinoid system and NGF are involved in the mechanism of action of resveratrol: a multi-target Nutraceutical with therapeutic potential in neuropsychiatric …
Topical Nutraceutical Optixcare EH ameliorates experimental ocular oxidative stress in rats
Stability of catechins in green tea Nutraceutical products: Application of solid phase extraction–thin layer chromatography densitometry
Encapsulation of coenzyme Q10 in a simple emulsion-based Nutraceutical formulation and application in cheese manufacturing
Cnidoscolus chayamansa organic hydroponic and its hypoglycemic capacity, Nutraceutical quality and toxicity
Chemical fingerprinting as Nutraceutical quality differentiation tool in Asimina triloba L. fruit pulp at different ripening stages: an old species for new health needs.
An adjunctive antidepressant Nutraceutical combination in treating major depression: Study protocol, and clinical considerations
A review on pharmacological properties of Bidens biternata: A potential Nutraceutical
Bioinspired layered nanoclays for Nutraceutical delivery system
Disorders of innate immunity in human ageing and effects of Nutraceutical administration
Nutraceutical properties of cumin residue generated from Ayurvedic industries using cell line models
Milk-Based Nutraceutical for Treating Autoimmune Arthritis via the Stimulation of IL-10- and TGF-β-producing CD39+ Regulatory T Cells
Aromatic Plants: use and Nutraceutical properties
Functional Nutraceutical profiling of wild edible and medicinal mushrooms consumed by ethnic tribes in India
A randomized, placebo-controlled study on the effects of a Nutraceutical combination of red yeast rice, silybum marianum and octasonol on lipid profile, endothelial …
Nutraceutical value of aquatic plants
Effects of topical fucosyl-lactose, a milk oligosaccharide, on dry eye model: an example of Nutraceutical candidate
Caesalpinia bonducella L. A Nutraceutical plant
Evaluation of nutritional, Nutraceutical, and antioxidant composition of eight wild culinary mushrooms (Higher Basidiomycetes) from the Northwest Himalayas
Functional and Nutraceutical bread prepared by using aqueous garlic extract
α-Linolenic acid, a Nutraceutical with pleiotropic properties that targets endogenous neuroprotective pathways to protect against organophosphate nerve agent …
Comparison of conventional and ultrasound-assisted methods for extraction of Nutraceutical compounds from Dendrobium candidum
Chemical compounds related to Nutraceutical and industrial qualities of non‐transgenic soybean genotypes
Toxicity profile of a Nutraceutical formulation derived from green mussel Perna viridis
A chemometric approach to identify the grape cultivar employed to produce Nutraceutical fruit juice
Biochemical assessment of Ciklavit®, a Nutraceutical used in sickle cell anaemia management
Genome re-sequencing and bioinformatics analysis of a Nutraceutical rice
Fig juice fermented with lactic acid bacteria as a Nutraceutical product
Nutraceutical folk food plants used among indigenous people of East Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh, India
Nanometric‐size delivery systems for bioactive compounds for the Nutraceutical and food industries
Nutraceutical potential and phytochemical screening of Buchanania lanzan, an underutilized exotic Indian nut and its use as a source of functional food
Nutraceutical and pharmacological implications of marine carbohydrates
Nutraceutical intervention reverses the negative effects of blood from aged rats on stem cells
Studies on Nutraceutical Properties of Caesalpinia bonducella L.; An Indian Traditional Medicinal Plant
Role of mushrooms as Nutraceutical an overview
Divide and Conquer May Not Be the Optimal Approach to Retain the Desirable Estrogenic Attributes of the Cyclopia Nutraceutical Extract, SM6Met
Vitamin D-pivotal Nutraceutical in the regulation of cancer metastasis and angiogenesis
Development of menaquinone-7 enriched Nutraceutical: inside into medium engineering and process modeling
Philippine native and exotic species of edible mushrooms grown on rice-straw-based formulation exhibit Nutraceutical properties
Effect of Procesing Methods on The Nutraceutical and Antioxidant Properties of Red Rice (Oryza Nivara)
Phytochemical profiles and Nutraceutical properties of corn and wheat tortillas
Nutraceutical Value of Yellow- and Red-Fleshed South African Plums (Prunus salicina Lindl.): Evaluation of Total Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolic Composition
Efficacy and tolerability of a combined lipid-lowering Nutraceutical on cholesterolemia, hs-CRP level and endothelial function in moderately hypercholesterolemic …
Improving Nutraceutical bioavailability using mixed colloidal delivery systems: lipid nanoparticles increase tangeretin bioaccessibility and absorption from tangeretin …
Gazing into the crystal ball: future considerations for ensuring sustained growth of the functional food and Nutraceutical marketplace
Evaluation of Nutraceutical bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) as a potential source of natural antimicrobial agent
I lost weight, but I became weak and cannot walk—a case of Nutraceutical (T3)-induced thyrotoxic periodic paralysis
Maintenance of cognitive performance and mood for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease following consumption of a Nutraceutical formulation: A one-year, open-label …
Physiological and Nutraceutical perspectives of fructan
Variability in the Nutraceutical properties of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seeds
By-product of honeybush (Cyclopia maculata) tea processing as source of hesperidin-enriched Nutraceutical extract
Diets enriched with a Jerte Valley cherry‐based Nutraceutical product reinforce nocturnal behaviour in young and old animals of nocturnal (Rattus norvegicus) and …
Evaluation of the satiating properties of a Nutraceutical product containing Garcinia cambogia and Ascophyllum nodosum extracts in healthy volunteers
Multiresidue method for the fast determination of pesticides in Nutraceutical products (Camellia sinensis) by GC coupled to triple quadrupole MS
… and renoprotective effects of Cladophora glomerata Kützing extract in experimental type 2 diabetic rats: a potential Nutraceutical product for diabetic …
Lactobacillus plantarum: Microfiltration experiments for the production of probiotic biomass to be used in food and Nutraceutical preparations
The combination of Nutraceutical and simvastatin enhances the effect of simvastatin alone in normalising lipid profile without side effects in patients with …
Nutraceutical properties of dietary plants extracts: Prevention of diabetic nephropathy through inhibition of glycation and toxicity to erythrocytes and HEK293 cells
Nutraceutical for Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Therapy.
Effect of a lipid-lowering Nutraceutical on pulse-wave-velocity in hypercholesterolemic patients with or without chronic kidney disease
Using a choice design to screen Nutraceutical‐rich juices
Evaluation of a Nutraceutical joint supplement in cranes
Changes in Nutraceutical lipid constituents of pre-and post-geminated brown rice oil
Conjugated linoleic acids and conjugated vegetable oils: From Nutraceutical to bio‐polymer
Purification, fragmentation and characterization of gum from Cyamopsis tetragonolobus to enhance its Nutraceutical attributes.
Efficient in vitro regeneration protocol of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban: an endemic and underutilized Nutraceutical herb
The role of nutrition and Nutraceutical supplements in the prevention and treatment of hypertension
Access sought to tuberculosis drug from Nutraceutical company
Nutraceutical potential of Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schult ameliorates secondary complications in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Caenorhabditis elegans: A model organism for Nutraceutical safety and toxicity evaluation
Effect of O2 control and monitoring on the Nutraceutical properties of extra virgin olive oils
Non-isothermal autohydrolysis of nixtamalized maize pericarp: production of Nutraceutical extracts
Chaga (Inonotus Obliquus) Mushroom: Nutraceutical Assesement Based on Latest Findings
Principles of physically assisted extractions and applications in the food, beverage and Nutraceutical industries
The Nutraceutical amino acidsnature’s fortification for robust health
Qualitative and Nutraceutical aspects of lemon fruits grown on the mountainsides of the Mount Etna: A first step for a protected designation of origin or protected …
Morphological, Nutraceutical and sensorial properties of cultivated Fragaria vesca L. berries: influence of genotype, plant age, fertilization treatment on the overall fruit …
Review on Nutraceutical potential of Cassia occidentalis L.–an Indian traditional medicinal and food plant
Conjugated linolenic acids and Nutraceutical components in jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) seeds
Influence of excipients and spray drying on the physical and chemical properties of Nutraceutical capsules containing phytochemicals from black bean extract
Evaluation of a Nutraceutical joint supplement in camels (Camelus species).
Do sun-versus shade-grown kiwifruits perform differently upon storage? An overview of fruit maturity and Nutraceutical properties of whole and fresh-cut produce
Development and evaluation of a Nutraceutical herbal summer drink
Roots from mulberries (Morus alba) natural and hybrids varieties: phenolic contend and Nutraceutical potential as antioxidant
Nutraceutical content in’Melanzana’and’Dottato’fig fruit (Ficus carica L.)
Role and importance of health claims in the Nutraceutical and functional food markets
The Nutraceutical effects of dairy products fortification with plant components: a review
Evaluation of Nutraceutical properties of Laportea interrupta (L.) Chew
Profiling proteins in Nutraceutical formulations: Characterization of the constituents
Repositioning Nutraceutical products for growth markets
Application of Cissus quadrangularis Linn.(Hadjor) in Nutraceutical food (bakery) products.
Bioactives and Nutraceutical phytochemicals naturally occurring in virgin olive oil. The case study of the Nocellara del Belice Italian olive cultivar
… extract of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) against Pb toxicity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings: beneficial effects for a plant of a Nutraceutical used with animals
Thermopressurized diluted phosphoric acid pretreatment of ligno (hemi) cellulose to make free sugars and Nutraceutical oligosaccharides
Probiotics in milk as functional food: characterization and Nutraceutical properties of extracted phenolics and peptides from fermented skimmed milk inoculated with …
Impact of density of breeding on the growth and some Nutraceutical properties of ready-to-eat lentil (Lens culinaris) sprouts
A review of prophetic Nutraceutical foods: Issues and challenges
Nutraceutical properties of amaranth and chia seeds
Nutraceutical approaches in the management of cardiovascular dysfunctions associated with diabetes mellitus
Improving of Nutraceutical features of many important mediterranean vegetables by inoculation with a new commercial product
Self-nanoemulsifying particles of coenzyme Q10 with improved Nutraceutical potential
Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soy isoflavone Nutraceutical products by gas chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole tandem mass …
Nutraceutical potential of native maize and changes during traditional and extrusion processing
The detox strategy in smoking comprising Nutraceutical formulas of non-hydrolyzed carnosine or carcinine used to protect human health
Nutraceutical properties and toxicity studies of flour obtained from Capsicum pubescens fruits and its comparison with “Locoto” commercial powder
Nutraceutical products—State-of-the-art for sample preparation in pesticide residues analysis
New technologies in the processing of functional and Nutraceutical cereals and extruded products
Determination of pesticides and transformation products in Ginkgo biloba Nutraceutical products by chromatographic techniques coupled to mass spectrometry
Advances in process chromatography and applications in the food, beverage and Nutraceutical industries
Self microemulsifying Nutraceutical and drug delivery systems
Preliminary Survey on Consumption of Moringa Products for Nutraceutical Benefits in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria.
Evaluation of genotypic wheat bran varieties for Nutraceutical compounds
Nutraceutical with Anti-Inflammatory Activity for the Management of Airway Remodeling in Bronchial Asthma: Kalanchoe integra Var. Crenata (Andr.) Cuf …
Benefits of brassica Nutraceutical compounds on human health
A Nutraceutical role for cannabidiol. Why not?
The hidden phenomenon of oxidative stress during treatment of subclinical-mild hypothyroidism: a protective Nutraceutical intervention
Effect of processing on Nutraceutical properties of foxtail millet (Setaria italica) varieties grown in India
Isolation of value-added components from egg white and their potential uses in food, Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries
Bioactive compounds in whole grain barley: Nutraceutical properties and health benefits
Nutraceutical evaluation of Boerhavia diffusa L
Adjunctive treatment with oral AKL1, a botanical Nutraceutical, in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Evaluation of Nutraceutical components and antioxidant potential of North Indian wild culinary-medicinal termitophilous mushrooms
Botanical and phytochemical approach on Passiflora spp.-new Nutraceutical crop in Romania.
Nutraceutical lipid substances in Korean rice cultivars
Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical approaches for preventing liver carcinogenesis: Chemoprevention of hepatocellular carcinoma using acyclic retinoid and branched …
Saffron: a golden condiment and a repository of Nutraceutical potential.
Moisture sorption properties and storage stability conditions of a Nutraceutical system microencapsulated by spray drying
A novel hydroxymethyldihydropterin pyrophosphokinase-dihydropteroate synthase (HPPK-DHPS) gene from a Nutraceutical plant seabuckthorn, involved in …
Towards validating Moringa’s Nutraceutical benefits: An examination of consumers’ perspectives vis-à-vis health benefits efficacy and willingness to pay
Nutritional and Nutraceutical features of regular and protein fortified corn tortillas
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. confesctionery gels, in vitro digestion, antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds quantification: a Nutraceutical application
Nutraceutical, cosmetic, health products derived from olive
Chia seeds: A new Nutraceutical option
Interactions between Nutraceutical supplements and standard acute myeloid leukemia chemotherapeutics
Kaempferol and kaempferitrin: Nutraceutical compounds contribute to glucose homeostasis by acting at multiple biological sites
Influence of storage conditions in the evolution of phytochemicals in Nutraceutical products applying high resolution mass spectrometry
Quali-quantitative analysis by LC/DAD and GPC of the polyphenols of” Uva Di Troia Canosina” grape seeds for the development of an industrial Nutraceutical product
Characterization of lipophilic Nutraceutical compounds in seeds and leaves of Perilla frutescens
A placebo-controlled trial of a proprietary lipid-lowering Nutraceutical supplement in the management of dyslipidemia
Nutraceutical antioxidant potential and polyphenolic profiles of the Zambian market classes of bambara groundnuts (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc) and common beans …
Advances in analytical and preparative supercritical fluid chromatography. Food and Nutraceutical applications
Development and organoleptic evaluation of Moringa-Aloe vera blended Nutraceutical drink.
Supercritical carbon dioxide extract of Ocimum sanctum improves Nutraceutical properties of ice cream
Nutraceutical enriched Indian traditional chikki
Iron supplementation in young iron-deficient females causes gastrointestinal redox imbalance: protective effect of a fermented Nutraceutical.
Overview on pharmacological and Nutraceutical strategies for treatment of borderline dyslipidemia
Fermented soymilk as a Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical as Functional Foods
Impact of a complex Nutraceutical supplement on primary tumour formation and metastasis in Trp53+/– cancer-prone mice
Nutraceutical studies in Morinda citrifolia linn fruit
Comparative Studies of Moringa oleifera and Murraya koenigii Leaf Extracts as a Nutraceutical and a Potent Antibacterial Agent
Nutraceutical: A drug, dietary supplement and food ingredient
Nutrition and Nutraceutical supplements for the treatment of hypertension
Nutraceutical pigments sourced from flower crops-An appraisal
Electrodialytic phenomena, associated electromembrane technologies and applications in the food, beverage and Nutraceutical industries
Assessment of the role of elderberry extract in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, as a stress reducing and immune stimulating Nutraceutical in-vitro and in-vivo
Shelf-life study of Indian traditional food based Nutraceutical (oryzanol) enriched instant mixes Bhath-OZ and Upma-OZ
Impact of processing condition on Nutraceutical potency of soy whey hydrolysate
Appraisal of maize germplasm for identification of nutritionally rich Nutraceutical genotypes
Quality evaluation and safety of commercially available Nutraceutical and formulated products
Development of a combined bovine colostrum and immune-stimulatory carbohydrate Nutraceutical for enhancement of endogenous stem cell activity
… (unripe, ripe and over ripe) with key enzymes linked to hypertension (angiotensin-i converting enzyme) and their antioxidant activities (in vitro): a Nutraceutical …
Recovery of tomato bioactive compounds through a biocompatible and eco-sustainable new technology for the production of enriched” Nutraceutical tomato products”
Phytochemicals of Nutraceutical importance from Curcuma longa L. and their role in human health
Harnessing the value addition and Nutraceutical potential of date fruits
An evaluation of Nutraceutical components of syzygium cordatum fruits for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract infections
A Nutraceutical composition decreases CPK levels in Saos-2 cells and in patients with elevated serum levels of this enzyme
Botanical and Phytochemical Approach on Passiflora Spp.-New Nutraceutical Crop in Romania
Selection of Nutraceutical compounds as COX inhibitors by molecular topology
Supplementing exercise: translational considerations for Nutraceutical and lifestyle interventions
Incorporation of Nutraceutical ingredients in baked goods
Recent Trends in Nutraceutical Research and Development: From Concept to Applications
A critical understanding of Nutraceutical aspects of curd in Ayurveda
Novel adsorbents and approaches for Nutraceutical separation
Development of Nutraceutical ready-to-serve blends of ginger and honey
An evaluation of three Nutraceutical species in the Apiaceae family from the Western part of Romania: Antiproliferative and antiangiogenic potential
Safety and metabolism of AOD9604, a novel Nutraceutical ingredient for improved metabolic health
In vitro seed germination and node culture of the Nutraceutical plant Grewia tenax
Comparative fingerprint of aromatic herbs and yeast alcoholic extracts used as ingredients for promen, a prostate preventive Nutraceutical
MikromaniʼS Artichoke (Cynara Cardunculus Var. Scolymus)–A Mediterranean Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical and health benefits of some vegetables eaten in Enugu State Nigeria
Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical applications of supercritical carbon dioxide
Nutraceutical and functional properties of grape seeds
Ethical Issues in Nutritional Sciences for the Next Century: Nutrition Research and Counseling on Nutraceutical Supplementation and Disease
The role of herbal and Nutraceutical supplementation in the amelioration of schizophrenia and schizoaffective symptomology
Nutraceutical profile of selected oils, distillates and butters
Papaya: A gifted Nutraceutical plant-a critical review of recent human health research
Cinnamon-a promising spice with Nutraceutical properties
Rodent and human trials of the testosterone modulating experimental Nutraceutical taxadrol
Comparative analysis of synthetic and Nutraceutical antioxidants as possible neuroprotective agents
Nutraceutical consumption, an alternative in the prevention of non transmissible chronic diseases
Cool ways to deliver curcumin: practical Nutraceutical.
Nutraceutical effect of cuetlas (Arsenura armida C.) edible insects as local food at Ixcaquixtla, Mexico
Preparation and Evaluation of Nutraceutical Formulation for Ulcer Healing Activity
Rose, a potential Nutraceutical: an assessment of the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity
Entering the Swedish Nutraceutical market: a case study
Food as Vector for Nutraceutical ingredients
Lime application for the efficient production of Nutraceutical glucooligosaccharides from Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B-742 (ATCC13146)
Effect of field fungicide applications on storability, physicochemical, and Nutraceutical content of muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) genotypes
Management and Utilization of Wild Nutraceutical Plants
Composition of fatty acids in evaluation of sea cucumber potency for Nutraceutical product development
Emerging evidence on the role of secondary metabolites as Nutraceutical
Novel technologies and process intensification in the production of micro-systems with pharmacological/Nutraceutical activity
Nutraceutical properties of meat from grazing Podolian young bulls
Measuring the Levels of EPA and DHA in Nutraceutical Oils
An olive polyphenol-based Nutraceutical improves cutaneous manifestations of psoriasis in humans
Stingless bee’s honey from Yucatán: Culture, traditional uses and Nutraceutical potential
Vitamin K2-4 and K2-7 Estimation in Nutraceutical Solid Dosage Forms by Post Column Derivatization with Fluorescence Detection
Marketing Of Nutraceutical and OTC Products As FMHC Products
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.): A phytochemically-rich chemurgic plant with agronomic, pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical potential
Interactions between ß-lactoglobulin and Nutraceutical ligands riboflavin, vitamin D₃ and lysozyme: formation, physico-chemical and biological characterization …
The no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) of baby aloe powder (BAP) for Nutraceutical application based upon toxicological evaluation
UPLC-MS based metabolomics investigation on the effects of gamma radiation on Nutraceutical plants
Nutraceutical Effects of Some Medical Fruits against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
Development of a Nutraceutical from natural products: A case study of a herbal-based low sodium table salt
Development of tannin containing Nutraceutical additive from Babul (Acacia nilotica) and its acceptability in food products for management of Diabetes
Genistein aglycone a Nutraceutical approach to metabolic syndrome: results from a randomized clinical trial in postmenopausal women
Nutraceutical preconditioning with arginine and oil mixes. Effects on inflammatory mediators, oxidative stress and lipid profile in patients undergoing radical …
Flavonol Content, Oil%, and Fatty Acid Composition Variability in Seeds of Teramnus Labialis and T. Uncinatus Accessions with Nutraceutical Potential
Controlling the gastrointestinal fate of Nutraceutical‐enriched lipid nanoparticles: From mixed micelles to chylomicrons
Nutraceutical products developed by Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Effect of adding Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extracts of Cinnamomum tamala (Bay Leaf) on Nutraceutical Property of Tofu
Original Research Article Antioxidant Activity of “Nityaprasa”-A Polyherbal Nutraceutical Drug
AB0185 Nano-Emulsified Curcumin (NEC), a Patented Anti-Inflammatory Nutraceutical Compound Developed at Ohio State, Reduces Renal Pathology in an Animal …
Subjective effects of a combined lipid-lowering Nutraceutical or ezetimibe on well-being and sexual performance in patients with perceived worsening of erectile …
Physicochemical evaluation, Nutraceutical composition and HPLC‑UV fingerprint of Helicanthus elastica (Desr.) Danser (Indian Mango Mistletoe)
Nutraceutical content of berries and minor fruits
Nutraceutical aspects of β-glucan with application in food products
Changes in Nutraceutical and functional properties of fruit seeds due to different treatments
Effect of high temperature on soybean [«Glycine max»(L.) Merr.] Nutraceutical value
Nutraceutical compounds encapsulated by extrusion–spheronization
Nutraceutical and biomedical application of squalene
Translational Studies of Protandim® as a Candidate Nutraceutical Approach to Treating Ovarian Cancer
Nutraceutical) Study
Production of Selenium-enriched Breads and Their Nutritional and Nutraceutical Properties
Food and Nutraceutical Applications of Chinese Herbal Products
Effect of salicylic acid in the production and quality Nutraceutical tomato fruits.
Evaluation of cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of CactiNea (TM) Nutraceutical in A-Cepa
Biotechnological strategies for enhancing the nutritive and Nutraceutical values of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon)
Nutraceutical benefits of marine sterols derivatives
Maximizing the utilization of Nutraceutical endowment of rural communities through strategic and functional agricultural research and extension services
Nutraceutical formulation of groundnut oil cake and study of drug release at various pH
Nutraceutical preparations in childhood migraine prophylaxis
Mapping of candidate genes involved in the improvement of the Nutraceutical quality of eggplant
Nutraceutical and nutritional quality of moringa leaf from trees of different height
Quality of frozen-thawed semen from stallions supplemented with Nutraceutical
A Nutraceutical formulation improves cardiometabolic parameters in obese/overweight subjects
Quinoa, a valuable Nutraceutical crop providing safety characters
Ruminant milk whey proteome in Nutraceutical research and development
A review of Nutraceutical and medicinal properties of rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Manufacture Of Fermented Nutraceutical Milk Products Highly In Soluble Dietary Fiber
Nutraceutical potential of fruit bars obtained from asaí (Euterpe precatoria) and copoazú (Theobroma grandiflorum)
Development of an improved propionibacterium for potential use as a Nutraceutical towards the prevention-treatment of colorectal cancer
Validation Approach in Nutraceutical Industry
Application of spray-coagulation method to microencapsulate catechin having in view cosmetic, pharmaceutical or Nutraceutical areas
Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims.)—An underexploited plant of Nutraceutical value
Postharvest Storage and Nutraceutical Evaluation of Muscadine Grapes (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.)
Development And Organoleptic Evaluation Of Moringa-Aloe Vera Blended Nutraceutical Drink.”
Taste Masking of Ayurvedic Nutraceutical Formulation by Pan Coating Process
A Novel Approach for Innovative Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Biocosmeceutical Products: Different Types of Combination Products and Co-activation of Natural …
Evaluation of Nutraceutical properties of Jamun squash probioticated using kefir seeds.
Lathyrus sativus L.(grass pea) toxic plant or Nutraceutical?
Resveratrol Emerges as a Miracle Cardioprotective Phytochemical Polyphenol and Nutraceutical
Scientific Note on the Effect of Nutraceutical Containing Resveratrol Derived from Polygonum Cuspidatum on Male Wistar Rat: Behavioral and Immunological …
Nutraceutical effect of gingerol on haematobiochemical, liver antioxidant status and pathological changes against penicillic acid mycotoxicosis in broiler chickens.
Nutraceutical properties and antioxidant activity of Diospyros malabarica (Desr.) Kostel and Garcinia xanthochymus (Roxb.)
Extraction, purification and characterisation of Nutraceutical grade fulvic acid from lignite coal of lakhra-jamshoro, Pakistan
Abstract B116: Mechanistic insights into the antitumor efficacy of Nutraceutical GZ17-06.02, a highly effective formulation of Arum palaestinum extract, on head and …
Nutraceutical properties of country bean (Dolichos lablab L.) land races-an underutilized backyard crop from North-East India.
Comparison of shock wave therapy and Nutraceutical composed of Echinacea angustifolia, alpha lipoic acid, conjugated linoleic acid and quercetin (perinerv) in …
Technology for Production of Nutraceutical Compounds
Nutraceutical potential and sensory acceptability of unripe plantain-millet Composite Flour Blends
Bioavailability of berberine and monacolin after oral administration of a proprietary Nutraceutical combination in healthy male volunteers
… evaluation of milling bi-products: finger millet seed coat (FMSC), chick pea husk (CPH) and wheat bran (WB) for their nutritional, Nutraceutical potential and storage …
Nutraceutical for joint care.
Nutraceutical Regulation of the Neuroimmunoendocrine Super-system
Nutraceutical-role and applications in poultry.
Platform delivery technologies for Nutraceutical applications
Chitosan as a Nutraceutical
Potential applications of nanotechnology in the Nutraceutical sector
Honey as Nutraceutical
Global Nutraceutical Regulations for Functional Beverages
Book Review: Nutraceutical and Functional Food Regulations in the United States and Around the World
Critical Evaluation of Labeling Requirements of Nutraceutical Brands
Nutraceutical Strategy for Muscle Maintenance and Recovery
First National Congress on Nutritional Medicine of the Dutch Nutraceutical Association
Melatonin as a Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical properties of soybeans with modified traits
Biochemical Assessment of Nutraceutical from Verbena Bipinnatifida
NMR: The Emerging New Analytical Tool for Nutraceutical Analysis
Partnership Opportunities for the University of Auckland in the Nutraceutical and Functional Food (NFF) Sector
Profiling proteins in Nutraceutical formulations: Characterization of the constituents
Impact of Processing on the Bioactivity of Functional and Nutraceutical Ingredients in Foods
Chewing gum: From candy to Nutraceutical
Improving the Nutraceutical quality of ruminant derived food products
Nutraceutical concept for gut health in poultry
Effects of different production systems on the Nutraceutical characteristics of pork.
Harnessing Metabolic Diversity for Nutraceutical Plant Breeding
From Good Food to Food that’s Good for You: the Road Map of a Nutraceutical Food Product
Medicinal plants of high Nutraceutical value in Nuevo Leon north-east of Mexico.
Structured Lipids: Enzymatic and Nutraceutical
The Feasibility of Blue Ocean Strategy as a strategy development tool in the Nutraceutical industry
Linum usitatissimum as a Nutraceutical and its Use in Food Products
Canine anxiety conditions–are Nutraceutical diets likely to help?
… , Optimization and Standardization of Various Process Parameters for the Industrial Production of Rasona Ksheerapakam-A Dairy Based Nutraceutical
Suppementation of Nutraceutical Food to Malnourished Preschool Children and its Impact on Biochemical Examination
-Role of Nutraceutical Supplements in the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension
Designed Nutraceutical and herbal formulas for metabolic and eye health
–Nutraceutical–Gut Microbiome Interactions in Human Disease
Nutraceutical properties of jiaogulan and HPLC fingerprinting for differentiation and quality control
Nutraceutical and Functional Foods for Cardiovascular Health
Chapter Green Tea: Just a Drink or Nutraceutical
Most fortificated Nutraceutical vitamins: standpoint from biochemistry, functionality, utilization strategies and medical genomics
To Be Lean or Not To Be Lean: Developing a Strategic Plan for a Nutraceutical Startup in Sweden
EVALUATION OF Nutraceutical POTENTIALS OF Hibiscus rosa sinensis LEAVES.
Biochemical and Nutraceutical analysis of wild and commercial mushrooms.
Glucosinolates: the phytochemicals of Nutraceutical importance.
Evaluation of the Nutraceutical potential of Pleurotus pulmonarius cultivated on agricultural residues.
Quality and Nutraceutical potential of bovine milk in different production systems and seasons
Functional and Nutraceutical legumes marketed in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Changes in Nutraceutical Compounds During Postharvest Storage of Blackberries
Qualitative and Nutraceutical parameters of cherry cultivars belonging to Piedmontese germplasm.
Comparative Analysis of Nutraceutical Profiles of Selected Edible Oils and its Deodorised Distillates
Pharmaceutical-Nutraceutical Aspect of Chanaka Yoga: A Herbal Formulation for DM II
Pharmaceutical-Nutraceutical Aspect of Chanaka Yoga: A Herbal Formulation for DM II
Optimization of Biocatalytic Synthesis of a Nutraceutical Ester
Study of Nutraceutical values of Dhanya Kenda (Cereal Gruel)
Plant-derived Nutraceutical Compositions containing Phenethylisothiocyanate and their Uses as Anti-Inflammatory Agents
The Topical Nutraceutical Optixcare EH Protect Rats Against Ocular Oxidative Stress
Biophysics and Nutraceutical quality of tomato fruits produced with organic substrates
Development of the Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical applications of plants selected from Portugal and Iran with presumptive health potentials
Nutraceutical Value of Durum Wheat: Influence of Environment and Genotype in a Large Scale Experimental Trial
Microbiological Aspects Considering the Production of Nutraceutical Curd Containing Onion.
Health and safety in the consumption of B. rapa: A Nutraceutical vegetable
Results of a survey of small-animal practitioners on the perceived clinical efficacy and safety of an oral Nutraceutical
Discovery Phytomedicine: an open access journal for knowledge dissemination in herbal and Nutraceutical research
The health effects of the Nutraceutical 7-mono-O-(β-hydroxyethyl)-rutoside Bridging the gap between nutrition and medicine
Effect of low dose of gamma irradiation in improving the phytochemical and Nutraceutical value of Indian soybean varieties
Measuring and interpreting the efficacy of Nutraceutical interventions for age-related cognitive decline
Study of responses to heat stress in durum wheat, and their relationship with Nutraceutical quality
Individual components of a Nutraceutical formula synergistically contribute to the effect on COX-2 and iNos activity and expression
Use of vermicompost in the production of melon fruits and their Nutraceutical quality.
Nutraceutical search through the pipeline of pharmacophore-based virtual screening
Nutraceutical therapy for cancer: emphasis on attenuation of cancer stem cells
Prospective and Opportunities of High Pressure Processing in the Food, Nutraceutical and Pharmacy Market
Valorisation of the Cider and Brewing Industry By-products as Nutraceutical Ingredients
Nutraceutical combination compared with and added to ezetimibe in patients with dyslipidaemia and coronary heart disease
Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical potential of the halophytic plant Carpobrotus rossii
A Placebo-Controlled Trial of a Proprietary Lipid-Lowering Nutraceutical Supplement in the Management of Dyslipidemia
Distribution, ecophysiology and medicinal and Nutraceutical usage of Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton
Nutraceutical and functional food bioactive peptides in beef
Bayesan Network confirms the beneficial effects of Nutraceutical supplementations (Juice Plus+®) on heavy smokers (LB413)
25 Nutraceutical Stability
Neuroprotection Comparison of Different Nutraceutical Compounds Against Mechanistically Distinct Cell Death Inducing Agents
Formulation and evaluation of Nutraceutical syrup containing Carica papaya fruit extract.
Integrated metabolomics approaches for berry fruit used in Nutraceutical formulations
Bioaccessibility assessment of carotenoids from comercial Nutraceutical products.
Profiling mahua (Bassia latifolia) accessions for flower characters and Nutraceutical attributes under north Indian conditions
Biotechnological and Spectroscopical Evaluation of Selected Lactobacillus plantarum Strains with Probiotic and Nutraceutical Potentialities
P229 Adjunctive treatment with oral AKL1, a botanical Nutraceutical, in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Honeybush (Cyclopia spp.) as Nutraceutical–Integrated strategy aimed at increasing bioactive content of extracts
Almighty Astaxanthin: Over view on Nutraceutical based approach to aim to combat cancer
Characterization of mango peel mangiferin to elucidate its Nutraceutical potential
In vivo and in vitro evaluation of the anti-diabetic Nutraceutical potentials of Capparis spinosa.
Nutraceutical profile in Italian varieties of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L., subsp. botrytis).
Nutraceutical properties of bread obtained from a dough enriched with purple potatoes (cv. Vitelotte)
Valorization of Neglected French-American Grapevine Hybrid as Sources of Natural Compounds for Nutraceutical Uses
Extraction of oil from mahkota dewa seed with Nutraceutical properties by using subcritical and supercritical CO2
Studies on Nutraceutical Properties of Modified Fatty Acids by Autoxidation and Lactic Acid Bacterial Metabolism
CLA as a Nutraceutical molecule: concentration in foods, estimation of intake in Italy and genetic factors affecting thesynthesis in animal tissue
GPR40: a new relevant target for Nutraceutical-based prevention of bone loss
Potential applications of lipid nanoparticles in edible packaging and Nutraceutical delivery
Foliar Nutraceutical and antioxidant property of Diospyros lanceifolia Roxb.(Ebenaceae)–An important medicinal plant of Assam, India
Biological, agronomical and sanogene properties of Ribes nigrum L. and Ribes rubrum L. species and their impact on obtaining Nutraceutical products
In vivo and in vitro evaluation for Nutraceutical purposes of capsaicin,  capsanthin, lutein and four pepper varieties
Nutraceutical evaluation of red wines from’Campanha Gaúcha’by a Feasible HPLC-DAD method for bioactive polyphenols
Influence of thermal treatments on microscale release of Nutraceutical compounds in syneresis liquids from frozen blood orange purées
Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) solvents as alternative materials in the extraction of known Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical molecules from Philippine plants
Characterization and application of Squid Skin Collagen Peptide as a Nutraceutical or Cosmeceutical
… infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics for the analysis of concentrated and non concentrated fish oils with limited concentration ranges in the Nutraceutical …
An in vitro study reveals Nutraceutical properties of Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. var. Mauritius fruit residue beneficial to diabetes
Evaluation of food composition and safety in Nutraceutical products from green tea (Camellia sinensis) by uhplc-orbitrap-ms and gc-qqq-ms/ms
The Nutraceutical Alpha Lipid ColostemTM Modulates Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow Stem Cell Subsets following Oral Supplementation
Acetyl-L-Carnitine as a Nutraceutical Agent in Preventing Selenite-Induced Cataract
Effect of γ-irradiation on structure and Nutraceutical potential of β-d-glucan from barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Nutraceutical Beverage from a High Antioxidant Activity Mixture of Extruded Whole Maize and Chickpea Flours
Physico-Chemical Changes and Stability of Nutraceutical in Rice Bran Oil During Simulated Domestic Frying
Microencapsulation of phenolic extracts in calcium alginate beads for Nutraceutical applications
Nutraceutical composition of ber (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk.) juice: effect of enzyme-assisted processing
Development of a new Nutraceutical formulation containing microencapsulated polyphenolic extracts from wild Fragaria vesca L. vegetative parts
Ethnobotanical and Nutraceutical investigation of wild edible fruits and vegetables used by the tribal communities of Lesser Himalayas-Pakistan
Quality Assessment and Nutraceutical Potential of a Traditionally Harvested Honeydew Honey from the Wild in Ghana
Fate of the main quality, Nutraceutical and taste active compounds in conventional and organic tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) subjected to different drying …
Effervescent Tablets of Grape Seed (Vitis vinifera L.) Extract Formulation as Nutraceutical Dosage Form
Effect of high pressure homogenization against pasteurization on a Nutraceutical product with a high 10-hydroxy-2-trans-decenoic acid content and vitamin C
Ultrasonic Enzymatic Mediated Extraction of Eurycoma Longifolia (tongkat Ali) for Cosmeceutical and Nutraceutical Applications
The artichoke Mikromani’s (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) as one Mediterranean Nutraceutical.
The production of Nutraceutical compounds in food plants as affected by mycorrhizal symbionts and associated microbiota
Effect of a Leucine/Pyridoxine Nutraceutical on Energy Metabolism and Satiety in Lean and Obese Dogs
RPP021–Spectra profile of tomato yogurt (preliminary studies of tomato yogurt as lycopene source Nutraceutical in cancer prevention efforts)
A Functional Analysis of Microbial Zeaxanthin: Ingredient for Nutraceutical, Food Additives, Cosmetics/Skin Care and Pharmaceuticals
Nutraceutical nanoemulsions: influence of physical states of β‐carotene (crystalized versus dissolved) on bioaccessibility (645.13)
… Materials: Influence of Excipients and Spray Drying on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Nutraceutical Capsules Containing Phytochemicals from Black …
Effects of a Nutraceutical combination of berberine, policosanol, red yeast rice and antioxidants, on lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic patients: A meta-analysis
Utilization of sebestan pulp fruit nectar (Cordia dichotoma FORST) in the manufacture of flavoured Nutraceutical yoghurt drink.
Utilization of Sebestan Plum Fruit Nectar (Cordia dichotoma forst) in the Manufacture of Flavoured Nutraceutical Yoghurt Drink
The ethnobotany and medicinal properties of rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) in Labrador and potential applications in community-based Nutraceutical marketing …
Erratum: Non-targeted Metabolite Profiling and Scavenging Activity Unveil the Nutraceutical Potential of Psyllium (Plantago ovata Forsk)
LC-DAD and LC-MS-Based Profiling, Total Anthocyanins, Total Polyphenols, and Antioxidant Activity of Nutraceutical Fruits from Colombia
… neuroinflammation: design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new modulators of the endocannabinoid system and studies on Nutraceutical components of olive …
… of synaptic plasticity and insulin mimetic effect of lipoic acid on a 3xTg-AD mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease: Implications as a therapeutic/Nutraceutical …
Clinical Effect of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Contained Nutraceutical on Osteoarthritis in Dogs after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture Surgical Repair
26. Nutraceutical approaches in female infertility: setting the rationale for treatments tailored to the patient’s phenotype and based on selected molecules
2″ Resveratrol Emerges as a Miracle Cardioprotective Phytochemical Polyphenol and Nutraceutical
Issue 264 Is coffee a Nutraceutical or a risk?
Nanoliposome technology for the food and Nutraceutical industries
The potential of phytomelatonin as a Nutraceutical
A decade of Nutraceutical patents: where are we now in 2018?
Nanoencapsulation technologies for the food and Nutraceutical industries
Nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of millets: a review
Fenugreek: A review on its Nutraceutical properties and utilization in various food products
Preventing cardiovascular heart disease: Promising Nutraceutical and non-Nutraceutical treatments for cholesterol management
Nutraceutical or Pharmacological Potential of Moringa oleifera Lam.
Emerging concepts in the Nutraceutical and functional properties of pectin—A Review
Curcumin, the golden Nutraceutical: multitargeting for multiple chronic diseases
A review phytic acid: As antinutrient or Nutraceutical
Cellulosic nanomaterials in food and Nutraceutical applications: a review
Potential role of Nutraceutical compounds in inflammatory bowel disease
Nutraceutical approaches to metabolic syndrome
A review: the emerging Nutraceutical potential of pumpkin seeds
Essential oil eugenol: sources, extraction techniques and Nutraceutical perspectives
From Nutraceutical to clinical trial: frontiers in Ganoderma development
Advances in Nutraceutical delivery systems: From formulation design for bioavailability enhancement to efficacy and safety evaluation
Anti-senescence compounds: a potential Nutraceutical approach to healthy aging
Nutritional and Nutraceutical quality of donkey milk
Food‐grade covalent complexes and their application as Nutraceutical delivery systems: A review
Recent progress in hydrogel delivery systems for improving Nutraceutical bioavailability
Chlorogenic acid: Recent advances on its dual role as a food additive and a Nutraceutical against metabolic syndrome
Nutraceutical value of citrus flavanones and their implications in cardiovascular disease
Therapeutic and Nutraceutical potential of rosmarinic acid—Cytoprotective properties and pharmacokinetic profile
Nutraceutical potential of Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan extracts and assessment of a downstream purification strategy
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): An essential nutrient and a Nutraceutical for brain health and diseases
Nutraceutical approach to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): the available clinical evidence
Chia—the new golden seed for the 21st century: Nutraceutical properties and technological uses
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum): A concise overview on its chemistry, pharmacological, and Nutraceutical uses in liver diseases
Nutraceutical potential of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seeds and sprouts
Nutritional and Nutraceutical Properties of Triticum dicoccum Wheat and Its Health Benefits: An Overview
Tagatose as a potential Nutraceutical: Production, properties, biological roles, and applications
Next generation Nutraceutical from shrimp waste: The convergence of applications with extraction methods
Growth patterns and emerging opportunities in Nutraceutical and functional food categories: Market overview
Design of whey protein nanostructures for incorporation and release of Nutraceutical compounds in food
Exploitation of microalgae species for Nutraceutical purposes: cultivation aspects
Nutraceutical properties of legume seeds and their impact on human health
Chemical composition and Nutraceutical properties of hempseed: An ancient food with actual functional value
Nutraceutical potential of Corylus avellana daily supplements for obesity and related dysmetabolism
Metabolites unravel Nutraceutical potential of edible seaweeds: An emerging source of functional food
Biochemical requirements of bioactive peptides for Nutraceutical efficacy
Nutraceutical potential of selected wild edible fruits of the Indian Himalayan region
Phenolic compounds isolated from olive oil as Nutraceutical tools for the prevention and management of cancer and cardiovascular diseases
Nutritional composition and Nutraceutical properties of the Pleurotus fruiting bodies: Potential use as food ingredient
Live or let die: neuroprotective and anti-cancer effects of Nutraceutical antioxidants
Abscisic acid: a novel Nutraceutical for glycemic control
An assessment of the Nutraceutical potential of Juglans regia L. leaf powder in diabetic rats
A Nutraceutical approach (Armolipid Plus) to reduce total and LDL cholesterol in individuals with mild to moderate dyslipidemia: review of the clinical evidence
Current insight and futuristic vistas of microbial transglutaminase in Nutraceutical industry
Resveratrol as a novel anti-herpes simplex virus Nutraceutical agent: an overview
Effects of Nutraceutical punicic acid
Anti-diabetic and anti-hyperlipidemic properties of Capparis spinosa L.: in vivo and in vitro evaluation of its Nutraceutical potential
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) and black cumin (Nigella sativa) seeds: traditional uses, chemical constituents, and Nutraceutical effects
Nutraceutical formulations and challenges
Designing food structure and composition to enhance Nutraceutical bioactivity to support cancer inhibition
Nutraceutical intervention in ageing brain
Nutraceutical properties of camel milk
Current applications and new opportunities for the thermal and non-thermal processing technologies to generate berry product or extracts with high Nutraceutical …
Development of a Nutraceutical nano-delivery system through emulsification/internal gelation of alginate
The Nutraceutical benefits of subfractions of Abelmoschus esculentus in treating type 2 diabetes mellitus
Surface and Nutraceutical properties of edible films made from starchy sources with and without added blackberry pulp
Nutraceutical support for respiratory diseases
In vitro assessment of Nutraceutical compounds and novel Nutraceutical formulations in a liver-steatosis-based model
Nutraceutical properties evaluation of Schizophyllum commune
Genome and transcriptome sequence of finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) provides insights into drought tolerance and Nutraceutical properties
Drug-drug and drug-Nutraceutical cocrystal/salt as alternative medicine for combination therapy: a crystal engineering approach
Efficacy of an oral Nutraceutical for the treatment of canine osteo arthritis
Response surface methodology to optimize supercritical carbon dioxide/co-solvent extraction of brown onion skin by-product as source of Nutraceutical compounds
Enhancement of yield, nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of two common bean cultivars following the application of seaweed extract (Ecklonia maxima)
Encapsulation of Nutraceutical ingredients in liposomes and their potential for cancer treatment
Enhanced delivery of lipophilic bioactives using emulsions: a review of major factors affecting vitamin, Nutraceutical, and lipid bioaccessibility
Adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase: a new target for Nutraceutical compounds
Cellulose nanomaterials in biomedical, food, and Nutraceutical applications: a review
An in vitro approach to evaluate the Nutraceutical value of plant foliage against Haemonchus contortus
Modification of growth, yield, and the Nutraceutical and antioxidative potential of soybean through the use of synthetic biostimulants
3D energy frameworks of a potential Nutraceutical
Structural, rheological and Nutraceutical potential of β-glucan from barley and oat
Broccoli by-products improve the Nutraceutical potential of gluten-free mini sponge cakes
Physicochemical and Nutraceutical properties of moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaves and their effects in an in vivo AOM/DSS-induced colorectal carcinogenesis model
Solid lipid nanoparticles as oral delivery systems of phenolic compounds: overcoming pharmacokinetic limitations for Nutraceutical applications
Industrial development of a 3D-printed Nutraceutical delivery platform in the form of a multicompartment HPC capsule
Potent antitumor effects of a combination of three Nutraceutical compounds
Nutraceutical values of fish demand their ecological genetic studies: A short review
Behavioral disturbances: an innovative approach to monitor the modulatory effects of a Nutraceutical diet
Physicochemical, functional, and Nutraceutical properties of eggplant flours obtained by different drying methods
Bioactive whey peptide particles: An emerging class of Nutraceutical carriers
Nutraceutical and Ethnopharmacological Properties of Vangueria infausta subsp. infausta
Effects in dogs with behavioural disorders of a commercial Nutraceutical diet on stress and neuroendocrine parameters
Fruit quality, Nutraceutical and antimicrobial properties of 58 muscadine grape varieties (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) grown in United States
Polyphenolic compounds and Nutraceutical properties of old and new apple cultivars
How to succeed in marketing marine natural products for Nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical markets
Italian Lycium barbarum L. Berry: Chemical Characterization and Nutraceutical Value
Metabolite profiling, antioxidant, scavenging and anti-proliferative activities of selected tropical green seaweeds reveal the Nutraceutical potential of Caulerpa spp.
Role of Nutraceutical SIRT1 modulators in AMPK and mTOR pathway: Evidence of a synergistic effect
Lutein, a versatile phyto-Nutraceutical: an insight on pharmacology, therapeutic indications, challenges and recent advances in drug delivery
Enhanced Nutraceutical potential of gamma irradiated black soybean extracts
Resveratrol and Related Stilbenoids, Nutraceutical/Dietary Complements with Health‐Promoting Actions: Industrial Production, Safety, and the Search for Mode of …
Lactic acid bacteria mediated fermented soybean as a potent Nutraceutical candidate
Nutraceutical, anti-inflammatory, and immune modulatory effects of β-glucan isolated from yeast
Optimization of Nutraceutical coenzyme Q10 nanoemulsion with improved skin permeability and anti-wrinkle efficiency
The Castanea sativa bur as a new potential ingredient for Nutraceutical and cosmetic outcomes: Preliminary studies
Biofortification with iron and zinc improves nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of common wheat flour and bread
Nutraceutical effects on glucose and lipid metabolism in patients with impaired fasting glucose: a pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical …
Nutraceutical composition of three pine bark extracts and their antiproliferative effect on Caco-2 cells
Nutraceutical and functional food regulations in the European Union
Nutraceutical Potential of Tetracarpidium conophorum and Buccholzia coriacea in Diet-induced Hyperlipidemia
Co-encapsulation of curcumin and resveratrol into novel Nutraceutical hyalurosomes nano-food delivery system based on oligo-hyaluronic acid-curcumin polymer
Factors to consider in development of Nutraceutical and dietary supplements
Sharing ethnobotanical knowledge in traditional villages: evidence of food and Nutraceutical “core groups” in Bali, Indonesia
Exploring the Nutraceutical potential and biological activities of Arbutus unedo L.(Ericaceae) fruits
Development of GRAS strains for Nutraceutical production using systems and synthetic biology approaches: advances and prospects
Nutraceutical properties of herbal infusions from six native plants of Argentine Patagonia
Nutraceutical Oils Produced by Olives and Citrus Peel of Tuscany Varieties as Sources of Functional Ingredients
Gastrointestinal fate of fluid and gelled Nutraceutical emulsions: impact on proteolysis, lipolysis, and quercetin bioaccessibility
Effectiveness and safety of dietetic supplementation of a new Nutraceutical on lipid profile and serum inflammation biomarkers in hypercholesterolemic patients
Bioactive peptides in milk: From encrypted sequences to Nutraceutical aspects
Effects of a combined Nutraceutical on lipid pattern, glucose metabolism and inflammatory parameters in moderately hypercholesterolemic subjects: a double …
Ursolic acid, a natural Nutraceutical agent, targets caspase3 and alleviates inflammation‐associated downstream signal transduction
Ultrasound-assisted extraction process of phenolic antioxidants from Olive leaves: a Nutraceutical study using RSM and LC–ESI–DAD–MS
Nanometals as promoters of Nutraceutical quality in crop plants
Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for the determination of pesticide residues in Nutraceutical drops
Coffee in hypertensive women with asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease: a potential Nutraceutical effect
Immunomodulatory effects of the Nutraceutical garlic derivative allicin in the progression of diabetic nephropathy
Gloeothece sp. as a Nutraceutical Source—An Improved Method of Extraction of Carotenoids and Fatty Acids
Effect of a novel Nutraceutical combination on serum lipoprotein functional profile and circulating PCSK9
… -inflammatory potential, in vitro photoprotective and skin-aging related enzyme inhibitory activities of Malaxis acuminata, a threatened orchid of Nutraceutical …
Adsorption of ethidium bromide from aqueous solution onto Nutraceutical industrial fennel seed spent: Kinetics and thermodynamics modeling studies
Vaginal health of postmenopausal women on Nutraceutical containing equol
Effect of Seaweed Aqueous Extracts and Compost on Vegetative Growth, Yield, and Nutraceutical Quality of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Fruit
Formulation of Nutraceutical biscuits based on dried spent coffee grounds.
Valorization of olive mill wastewater by membrane processes to recover natural antioxidant compounds for cosmeceutical and Nutraceutical applications or functional …
Bioactive peptides from legumes: Functional and Nutraceutical potential
Effects of a new Nutraceutical formulation (berberine, red yeast rice and chitosan) on non-HDL cholesterol levels in individuals with dyslipidemia: results from a …
Short-term effects of a combined Nutraceutical on lipid level, fatty liver biomarkers, hemodynamic parameters, and estimated cardiovascular disease risk: a …
The impact of combined Nutraceutical supplementation on quality of life and metabolic changes during the menopausal transition: a pilot randomized trial
The quality of eggs (organic and Nutraceutical vs. conventional) and their technological properties
A six-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluating the safety and efficacy of a Nutraceutical supplement for promoting hair growth in …
Fatty acid composition and Nutraceutical perspectives of brown seaweeds from the Atlantic coast of Morocco
Far Infrared Irradiation Enhances Nutraceutical Compounds and Antioxidant Properties in Angelica gigas Nakai Powder
An updated review on phyto-pharmacological and pharmacognostical profile of Amaranthus tricolor: A herb of Nutraceutical potentials
A Nutraceutical combination of Cinnamomum cassia & Nigella sativa for Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and therapeutic properties of selected wild medicinal plants: Thyme, spearmint, and rosemary
Shelf-life evaluation and Nutraceutical properties of chia seeds from a recent long-day flowering genotype cultivated in Mediterranean area
Controlling the gastrointestinal fate of Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical-enriched lipid nanoparticles: From mixed micelles to chylomicrons
Selenium bioaccumulation and associated Nutraceutical properties in Calocybe indica mushroom cultivated on Se-enriched wheat straw
A comprehensive review on the nutritional and Nutraceutical aspects of garden cress (Lepidium sativum Linn.)
Combining in vitro, in vivo and in silico approaches to evaluate Nutraceutical potentials and chemical fingerprints of Moltkia aurea and Moltkia coerulea
Characteristics of Nutraceutical yoghurt mousse fortified with chia seeds
Variability in spectrophotometric pyruvate analyses for predicting onion pungency and Nutraceutical value
Cambuci: a native fruit from the Brazilian Atlantic forest showed Nutraceutical characteristics
The Nutraceutical quality of tomato fruit during domestic storage is affected by chitosan coating
Nutraceutical, physicochemical, and sensory properties of blue corn polvorones, a traditional flour-based confectionery
Primary and secondary metabolites of an European edible mushroom and its Nutraceutical value: Suillus bellinii (Inzenga) Kuntze
The bioavailability of vitamin D3, a model hydrophobic Nutraceutical, in casein micelles, as model protein nanoparticles: Human clinical trial results
Annurca apple Nutraceutical formulation enhances keratin expression in a human model of skin and promotes hair growth and tropism in a randomized clinical trial
Physicochemical and Nutraceutical properties of barley grass powder microencapsulated by spray drying
Nutraceutical potential of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius
The Large Jellyfish Rhizostoma luteum as Sustainable a Resource for Antioxidant Properties, Nutraceutical Value and Biomedical Applications
Enrichment of Bread with Nutraceutical‐Rich Mushrooms: Impact of Auricularia auricula (Mushroom) Flour Upon Quality Attributes of Wheat Dough and Bread
Development of Nutraceutical formulations based on the mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus and Agaricus bisporus
Nutraceutical value of edible flowers upon cold storage
Proximate and mineral composition of Kadamba (Neolamarckia cadamba) fruit and its use in the development of Nutraceutical enriched beverage
Development of sustainable dye adsorption system using Nutraceutical industrial fennel seed spent—studies using Congo red dye
Mechanistic insights to the cardioprotective effect of blueberry Nutraceutical extract in isoprenaline-induced cardiac hypertrophy
Novel protein–lipid composite nanoparticles with an inner aqueous compartment as delivery systems of hydrophilic Nutraceutical compounds
Composite flour blends: Influence of particle size of water chestnut flour on Nutraceutical potential and quality of Indian flat breads
Marker-based standardization and investigation of Nutraceutical potential of Indian propolis
A healthy balance of plasma cholesterol by a novel annurca apple-based Nutraceutical formulation: results of a randomized trial
Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) beverage: Nutraceutical ingredient or conveyor for the intake of medicinal plants? Evidence from Paraguayan folk medicine
Plantain flour: A potential Nutraceutical ingredient to increase fiber and reduce starch digestibility of gluten‐free cookies
Bio-based products control black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris) and increase the Nutraceutical and antioxidant components in kale
Nutraceutical approach to peripheral neuropathies: evidence from clinical trials
Novel role of the Nutraceutical bioactive compound berberine in lectin-like OxLDL receptor 1-mediated endothelial dysfunction in comparison to lovastatin
Polyphenols: anti-platelet Nutraceutical?
Treatment of hypertension with nutrition and Nutraceutical supplements: Part 1
Nutraceutical potential of phenolics from′ brava′ and′ mansa′ extra-virgin olive oils on the inhibition of enzymes associated to neurodegenerative disorders in …
Single blind, multicentre, randomized, controlled trial testing the effects of a novel Nutraceutical compound on plasma lipid and cardiovascular risk factors: Results of …
Hypospermia improvement in dogs fed on a Nutraceutical diet
Capsicum annuum L.: An overview of biological activities and potential Nutraceutical properties in humans and animals
Some Nutraceutical properties of fenugreek seeds and shoots (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) from the high Himalayan region
Fabrication and characterization of edible jelly formulation of stevioside: a Nutraceutical or OTC aid for the diabetic patients
Cocrystal of Nutraceutical sinapic acid with Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients ethenzamide and 2-chloro-4-Nitrobenzoic acid: Equilibrium solubility and stability study
Seasonal variation in phytochemicals and Nutraceutical potential of Begonia nelumbiifolia consumed in Puebla, México
Nutraceutical formulation strategies to enhance the bioavailability and efficiency: An overview
Cultivar Variety and Added Potassium Influence the Nutraceutical and Antioxidant Content in Hydroponically Grown Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
Physicochemical parameters, mineral composition, and Nutraceutical properties of ready-to-drink flavored-colored commercial teas
Effects on oral fat load of a Nutraceutical combination of fermented red rice, sterol esters and stanols, curcumin, and olive polyphenols: a randomized, placebo …
Chemical profiling of the fruits of Styrax officinalis L. from Monti Lucretili (Latium region, Central Italy): Chemotaxonomy and Nutraceutical potential
Postharvest behavior of camu-camu fruits based on harvesting time and Nutraceutical properties
Attenuation of the cyproterone acetate‐induced testicular hypofunction by a novel Nutraceutical lycopene: A genomic approach
Oleuropein as a novel anti-diabetic Nutraceutical. An overview
Quality and Nutraceutical properties of mango fruit
Clinical efficacy of Nutraceutical diet for cats with clinical signs of cutaneus adverse food reaction (CAFR)
Bioactivity and chemical profiling of the Juniperus excelsa, which support its usage as a food preservative and Nutraceutical
… amyloliquefaciens HZ-12 for high-level production of the blood glucose lowering compound, 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), and Nutraceutical enriched soybeans via …
Fruit and vegetable derived waste as a sustainable alternative source of Nutraceutical compounds
Flavonoids: A Nutraceutical and its role as anti-inflammatory and anticancer agent
Nutraceutical value of pure curcumin
Adulteration and counterfeiting of online Nutraceutical formulations in the United States: Time for intervention?
Nutraceutical potentialities of Tunisian Argan oil based on its physicochemical properties and fatty acid content as assessed through Bayesian network …
Blood fruit [Haematocarpus validus (Miers) Bakh. f. ex Forman]–A potential Nutraceutical and therapeutic fruit plant
Developing new functional food and Nutraceutical products
Gulqand: A Nutraceutical from sugared petals
Nutraceutical properties of dairy bioactive peptides
Nutraceutical, therapeutic, and pharmaceutical potential of Aloe vera: A review
Frondanol, a Nutraceutical Extract from Cucumaria frondosa, Attenuates Colonic Inflammation in a DSS-Induced Colitis Model in Mice
Nutraceutical potential of Byrsonima cydoniifolia fruits based on chemical composition, anti-inflammatory, and antihyperalgesic activities
Nutraceutical food: Composition, biosynthesis, therapeutic properties, and applications
Mechanism of anti-rotavirus synergistic activity by epigallocatechin gallate and a proanthocyanidin-containing Nutraceutical
Toxicological assessment of Xanthigen® Nutraceutical extract combination: Mutagenicity, genotoxicity and oral toxicity
Nutraceutical peptides from lactoferrin
… of olive oil as Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical food: composition and biofunctional constituents and their roles in functionality, therapeutic, and Nutraceutical …
A bio-guided approach for the development of a chestnut-based proanthocyanidin-enriched Nutraceutical with potential anti-gastritis properties
An efficient approach for lipase-catalyzed synthesis of retinyl laurate Nutraceutical by combining ultrasound assistance and artificial neural network optimization
Phytochemical, Nutraceutical and antioxidant studies of the aerial parts of Daucus carota L.(Apiaceae)
Plasma lipid lowering effect by a novel chia seed based Nutraceutical formulation
A Nutraceutical diet based on Lespedeza spp., Vaccinium macrocarpon and Taraxacum officinale improves spontaneous feline chronic kidney disease
Nutraceutical-based integrative medicine: adopting a Mediterranean diet pyramid for attaining healthy ageing in veterans with disabilities
Nutraceutical and antioxidant properties of Cucumis hardwickii Royle: a potent wild edible fruit collected from Uttarakhand, India
Nutraceutical inherent of Spinacia oleracea Linn. methanolic leaf extract ameliorates isoproterenol induced myocardial necrosis in male albino Wistar rats via …
Brown Algae Padina sanctae-crucis Børgesen: A Potential Nutraceutical
Exogenous plant-based Nutraceutical supplementation and peripheral cell mononuclear DNA damage following high intensity exercise
Flavors for Nutraceutical and Functional Foods
An improved micropropagation system, ex vitro rooting and validation of genetic homogeneity in wild female Momordica dioica: an underutilized Nutraceutical …
Yield and Nutraceutical quality of tomato fruits in organic substrates
Nutraceutical phycocyanin nanoformulation for efficient drug delivery of paclitaxel in human glioblastoma U87MG cell line
Is it possible to significantly modify blood pressure with a combined Nutraceutical on top of a healthy diet? The results of a pilot clinical trial
Rheological characterization of cactus pear mucilage for application in Nutraceutical food products
Future food and economic sustainability: the Nutraceutical technology
Evaluation of Nutraceutical applications of Annona squamosa L. Based Food Products
Biochar amendment affects phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity restoring the Nutraceutical value of lettuce grown in a copper-contaminated soil
Nutraceutical emulsion containing valproic acid (NE-VPA): a drug delivery system for reversion of seizures in zebrafish larvae epilepsy model
Trichormus variabilis (Cyanobacteria) Biomass: From the Nutraceutical Products to Novel EPS-Cell/Protein Carrier Systems
Plant nutrition and agronomic management to obtain crops with better nutritional and Nutraceutical quality
Eugenol, a plant-derived phenolic Nutraceutical, protects thiol (SH) group in myocardium from ROS-mediated oxidation under chemotherapeutic stress induced by …
Phytochemical profile of Wollemia nobilis half-matured female cones and their potential ethnopharmacological and Nutraceutical activities
Nutraceutical Potential of New Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Ingredients for Beverage Preparations
Anticancer potential of Nutraceutical formulations in MNU-induced mammary cancer in Sprague Dawley rats
1. What is a Nutraceutical
Development of Okra-Based Antidiabetic Nutraceutical Formulation from Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench (Ex-maradi Variety): doi. org/10.26538/tjnpr/v2i2. 5
Topical applied Nutraceutical antioxidant formulation reduces ocular oxidative stress
Nutraceutical egg products
Nutraceutical formulations containing glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate in the treatment of osteoarthritis: Emphasis on clinical efficacy and formulation …
Leveraging plant exine capsules as pH-responsive delivery vehicles for hydrophobic Nutraceutical encapsulation
Nutraceutical potential of agri-horticultural wastes
Geriatric-oriented high dose Nutraceutical ODTs: Formulation and physicomechanical characterization
A Study of Factors of Lifestyle and its impact on Nutraceutical Consumption: India Perspective
Quantitation of anthocyanins in elderberry fruit extracts and Nutraceutical formulations with paper spray ionization mass spectrometry
Nutraceutical in male reproduction
A Nutraceutical formulation based on Annurca apple polyphenolic extract is effective on intestinal cholesterol absorption: A randomised, placebo-controlled, crossover …
Nutraceutical innovation and health claims in China
Isolation and molecular characterization of local goat milk casein for Nutraceutical value
HTP Nutraceutical screening for histone deacetylase inhibitors and effects of HDACIs on tumor-suppressing miRNAs by trichostatin A and grapeseed (Vitis vinifera) in …
Effects of a Nutraceutical multicompound including bergamot (Citrus Bergamia Risso) juice on metabolic syndrome: A pilot study
The role of Nutraceutical medications in men with non bacterial chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome: A prospective non blinded study utilizing flower …
The ethnopharmacological and Nutraceutical relevance of Launaea taraxacifolia (Willd.) Amin ex C. Jeffrey
An overview and therapeutic applications of Nutraceutical and functional foods
Proteomics and metabolomics-driven pathway reconstruction of mung bean for Nutraceutical evaluation
Nutraceutical Approach for Struvite Uroliths Management in Cats.
Rice-based Fermented Foods and Beverages Functional and Nutraceutical Properties
The analgesic and anxiolytic effect of souvenaid, a novel Nutraceutical, is mediated by Alox15 activity in the prefrontal cortex
The Nutraceutical Impact of Polyphenolic Composition in Commonly Consumed Green Tea, Green Coffee and Red Wine Beverages: A Review. Recent Adv …
Inhibition of mTOR/S6K1/4E-BP1 signaling by Nutraceutical SIRT1 modulators
Inactivation of food borne pathogens by lipid fractions of culinary condiments and their Nutraceutical properties
Proximal Composition, Nutraceutical Properties, and Acute Toxicity Study of Culinary-Medicinal Oyster Mushroom Powder, Pleurotus ostreatus (Agaricomycetes)
Nutraceutical evaluation of Acalypha indica L.-A potential wild edible plant
Subcritical CO2 extraction of a volatile oil-rich fraction from the seeds of Nigella sativa for potential pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical applications
Nutraceutical and phytochemical investigation of Mucuna pruriens seed
Days after anthesis and postharvest behavior define maturity, harvesting time and Nutraceutical content of camu–camu fruit
Enhancing sensory perception of plant based Nutraceutical drinks by combining plants from different sources: A preliminary study of tea and ginger blend
Postharvest application of brassica meal-derived allyl-isothiocyanate to kiwifruit: effect on fruit quality, Nutraceutical parameters and physiological response
Plant-based Nutraceutical increases plasma catalase activity in healthy participants: A small double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, proof of concept trial
Spent cumin seeds generated from ayurvedic industry as a source of bioactive compounds for Nutraceutical/functional food applications
Nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of traditional African foods
Nutraceutical potential of Guava
Development of sesamin-loaded solid dispersion with α-glycosylated stevia for improving physicochemical and Nutraceutical properties
Nutraceutical based approach to combat diabetes mellitus
Effect of addition of fermented bean seed flour on the content of bioactive components and Nutraceutical potential of wheat wafers
Evaluation of the Nutraceutical potential of Garcinia kola Seed Oil
Studies on Nutraceutical properties of Flacourtia jangomas fruits in Assam, India
… quince (Cydonia oblonga L.) juices and their by-products as ingredients showing antimicrobial and antioxidant properties for chewing candy: Nutraceutical …
Nutritional and Nutraceutical aspects of KAMUT® khorasan wheat grown during the last two decades
Influence of rhizobacteria in production and Nutraceutical quality of tomato fruits under greenhouse conditions
Design of lemon–mustard Nutraceutical beverages based on synergism among antioxidants and in vitro antioxidative, hypoglycaemic and hypocholesterolemic …
A polyphenol-based multicomponent Nutraceutical in dysmetabolism and oxidative stress: Results from a pilot study
Construing temporal metabolomes for acetous fermentative production of Rubus coreanus vinegar and its in vivo Nutraceutical effects
Agronomic, Nutraceutical, and organoleptic performances of wild herbs of ethnobotanical tradition
Evaluation of microalgae from Himalayan region for Nutraceutical activities
Comparative analysis of grain quality and Nutraceutical properties of selected rice varieties from Kerala
Introduction in Nutraceutical and Medicinal Foods
HPLC/DAD, GC/MS and GC/GC/TOF analysis of Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) sample as standardized raw material for food and Nutraceutical uses
Influence of Rhizoglomus irregulare on Nutraceutical quality and regeneration of Lycium barbarum leaves under salt stress
The novel Nutraceutical KJS018A prevents hepatocarcinogenesis promoted by inflammation
Changes in Nutraceutical quality of tomato under different organic substrates
Effect of new Nutraceutical formulation with policosanol, berberine, red yeast rice, cassia nomame, astaxantine and Q10 coenzyme in patients with low-moderate …
Phoenix dactylifera fruit: a Nutraceutical agent in the treatment of diarrhea
Interaction Between 2 Nutraceutical Treatments and Host Immune Status in the Pediatric Critical Illness Stress‐Induced Immune Suppression Comparative …
Nutraceutical aloe vera gel scaffolds for supporting a healthy muscle movement
Lactic acid bacteria mediated fermented soybean as a potent Nutraceutical candidate
Nutraceutical Impact on the Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus
Synthesis and studies on gelation ability of phenol based maleate amphiphile and its application in Nutraceutical release
An in vitro comparative study on antioxidant, antibacterial and Nutraceutical properties of three different colored scented rice varieties of northeastern region
Tools from biodiversity: wild Nutraceutical plants
Bioactivity of Mesona palustris (Black Cincau) as a Nutraceutical agent
The Effects of Boron on Bone Metabolism as a Nutraceutical: A Review
Maca, A Nutraceutical From the Andean Highlands
Studies on Nutraceutical Properties of Annaona squamosa
Exploring the Nutraceutical and therapeutic potential of commonly used Indian spices
Novel Nutraceutical compounds
Observational clinical and nerve conduction study on effects of a Nutraceutical combination on painful diabetic distal symmetric sensory-motor neuropathy in patients …
Nanoemulsion gel of Nutraceutical co-enzyme Q10 as an alternative to conventional topical delivery system to enhance skin permeability and anti-wrinkle efficiency
Nutritional, Nutraceutical and functional properties of soybean
Nutraceutical from Capsicum chinense fruits in shelf-stable herbal matrix
Punica Granatum LA Nutraceutical functional food
Nutraceutical and pharmacological properties of Vigna species
Different age-independent effects of Nutraceutical combinations on endothelium-mediated coronary flow reserve
Hybrid evolutionary optimization for Nutraceutical manufacturing processes
Ultrafast determination of vitamin E using LC–ESI–MS/MS for preclinical development of new Nutraceutical formulations
Nutraceutical in India: How big is the market? Are they really beneficial?
Phytochemicals–A Nutraceutical Source of Vegetables
Effects of a new Nutraceutical combination on cognitive function in hypertensive patients
Efficacy of dietary supplement with Nutraceutical composed combined with extremely-low-frequency electromagnetic fields in carpal tunnel syndrome
Evaluation of haematological and biochemical parameters in fingerlings of Indian major carp Labeo rohita fed with Nutraceutical Stimulin
Manufacture of Nutraceutical compounds from chestnut shells by hydrothermal processing
Nutraceutical and Medicinal Importance of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae sp.)
An urgent need for validated Nutraceutical sciences
Chemical profile, Nutraceutical and anti-phytobacterial properties of the essential oil from Dalea foliolosa (Fabaceae)
Nano-delivery systems for Nutraceutical application
Physicochemical and Nutraceutical characterization of sirimbache fruit (Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.) Sleumer)
Effects of a Nutraceutical combination of fermented red rice, liposomal berberine, and curcumin on lipid and inflammatory parameters in patients with mild-to-moderate …
Modulatory effects of a Nutraceutical supplement on SaOS-2 cells reveal its phlebotonic activity
Nutraceutical and Functional Foods in Disease Prevention
Evaluation of the Nutraceutical and cosmeceutical potential of two cultivars of Rubus fruticosus L. under different cultivation conditions
Nutraceutical and medicinal values of minor fruits in Western Ghats of South India
Soy proteins as potential source of active peptides of Nutraceutical significance
E-MHK-0103 (Mineraxin™): A novel Nutraceutical with biological properties in menopausal conditions
Development and evaluation of goat milk tablet using dry granulation techniques for Nutraceutical purposes
Grape processing by-product as a source of Nutraceutical components
Food grade microorganisms for Nutraceutical production for industrial applications
Traditional family production and nutritional-Nutraceutical value of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Southeast Mexico
Metabolic engineering and applied enzymology for the preparation of Nutraceutical/pharmaceutical chondroitin sulfate
Nutraceutical: A New Scope and Opportunity of Healthcare
Black rice: The emerging concept in Nutraceutical
Multifunctional biomolecules with roles in abiotic stress tolerance as well as Nutraceutical potential
Clinical efficacy of a Nutraceutical approach for the management of dyslipidemia in metabolic disorders: A one-year treatment with Armolipid Plus
Evaluating of effervescent tablets containing grape seed (Vitis vinifera L.) extract as a Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical Apigenin: Mechanism of action associated with its anti-inflammatory activity and regulation of dendritic cell metabolism
To study the effect of sprouted fenugreek seeds as Nutraceutical as an add-on therapy in patients of diabetes mellitus, obesity and metabolic syndrome
Nutraceutical evaluation of Rhynchotechum ellipticum, a potent wild edible plant consumed by the tribal of North-Eastern region in India and green synthesis of …
Buttermilk: An Unrevealed Nutraceutical
Minor olive varieties from Iran with promising Nutraceutical properties
Potential of lactoferrin as a novel Nutraceutical
A single blind, multicenter, randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost of a novel Nutraceutical (LopiGLIK®) lowering cardiovascular …
Plant regeneration and genetic transformation in buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.), A multipurpose gluten free crop of high Nutraceutical importance: A critical …
Nutraceutical analysis of Marticaria recutita (Chamomile) dried leaves and flower powder and comparison between them
Nutraceutical potential and hypolipidemic properties of the volatiles from the edible leaves of Peperomia maculosa
Nutraceutical potential of selected spices, vegetables used as animal feed, and agri-food wastes
The nutritional and Nutraceutical value of wheat
Enhancing near infrared spectroscopy models to identify omega-3 fish oils used in the Nutraceutical industry by means of calibration range extension
Differences in physicochemical, mineral and Nutraceutical properties between regular, light and zero beers
Evolution of the pungency of onion (Allium cepa L.) and pepper (Capsicum spp.) from its origin to the current Nutraceutical potential.
Sensory Qualities and Nutraceutical Applications of Flavors of Terpenoid Origin
Healthy Lifestyle Education from Halal Nutraceutical Concept
Nutritional and Nutraceutical characteristics of vegetables of ancestral use in Mexico
A case of canine dermal melanoma: A Nutraceutical approach
Clinical Evaluation of a Nutraceutical Diet as an Adjuvant to Pharmacological Treatment in Dogs Affected by Epiphora
… studies of weed plants used as leafy vegetables by tribes and people of Chhattisgarh with special reference to the secondary metabolites confer Nutraceutical …
Natural Ingredients/Botanical Extracts for the Nutraceutical Industry
Nutraceutical targeting of placental synthesis of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) as strategy for preventing and controlling pre-eclampsia
Nutraceutical value and quality attributes of icebox watermelon fruit as influenced by ripening
Prospective observational study: the role of a bergamot based Nutraceutical in dyslipidaemia and arthralgia for subjects undergoing aromatase inhibitors based …
Yeast engineering for pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical purposes
Flaxseed oil: an emerging Nutraceutical decimates cisplatin-induced submandibular salivary glands damage in rats
The effect of drought stress on Nutraceutical properties of Zea Mays bran
The role of nutrition and Nutraceutical for the well-being of skin.
A new low calorie sweetener D-tagatose from lactose in cheese whey as a Nutraceutical value-added product
The brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum as a Nutraceutical useful for the control of type II diabetes
Nutraceutical products from seaweeds-wonder herbs of the oceans
Nutraceutical compounds production from guava seed waste fermentation
Role of whey protein in nutrition, health and diseases: A non conventional foodstuff with amazing Nutraceutical potential
Yeast as a model organism for the pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical industries
Optimizing Lipid Pattern by Adding a Combined Nutraceutical or Pravastatin to Fenofibrate Treatment in Hypertriglyceridemic Subjects: Single Site, Randomized …
Cultivation, common diseases and potential Nutraceutical values of watermelon
Analysis of Nutritional and Nutraceutical Properties of Wild-Grown Mushrooms of Nepal
Pasteurized Human Donor Milk as Nutraceutical
Factors Influencing the Nutraceutical Activity of Guava Fruits
Evidence base and benefits associated with a collagen-based Nutraceutical drink
Citrus macroptera Montrouz var. annamensis Tanaka: a potential Nutraceutical for ethno-fishery
Lycopene: Bright red Nutraceutical for health benefits
The environmental fluctuations of some bioactive Nutraceutical compounds in Zilla spinosa inhabiting arid habitats
Nutraceutical Industry with the Collaboration of Biotechnology and Nutrigenomics Engineering: The Significance of Intellectual Property in the Entrepreneurship and …
Nutraceutical potential of Ficus roxburghii an underutilized fruit of Sikkim Himalayas
Sourcing, supply chain, and manufacturing of Nutraceutical and functional foods
Phytonutrients of Nutraceutical importance: Exploring antimicrobial, antiproliferative, and antioxidant activities
Nutraceutical Industry
Nutritional, Nutraceutical and functional properties of flours obtained from broccoli waste material dried at different temperatures
Soybean long-term callus cultures–potential for biotransformation and Nutraceutical production
Nutraceutical value of four oyster mushroom species, higher Basidiomycetes
Nanostructured vectors for the transport of active molecules through biological membranes for pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical applications
A Study on Identification of Nutraceutical Value of New Imidazolone Schiff Base Analogues
Nutraceutical potential of developed cake incorporated by Butea monosperma flower’s powder
A Nutraceutical combination targeting dyslipidemia and subclinical inflammation in HIV patients on stable antiretroviral therapy
Application of response surface methodology in the preparation of pectin-caseinate nanocomplexes for potential use as Nutraceutical formulation: A statistical …
HPTLC fingerprint analysis of herbs with Nutraceutical potentials: Amaranthus tricolor and Amaranthus viridis
Growth performance and diarrhea incidence in post-weaning pigs, supplemented with plants mixed leaves powder, with Nutraceutical properties.
Development and optimization of Nutraceutical formulation containing citicoline and piracetam
Emerging Nutraceutical Regulations in India
D-Tagatose a new low-calorie sweetener from lactose in cheese whey as a Nutraceutical value-added product
Formulation, Nutraceutical profile and storage stability of aloe gel & ginger juice functional beverage blend
Efficacy and safety of a Nutraceutical with probiotic and red yeast rice extract in patients with moderate hypercholesterolemia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo …
Indolome analysis for Nutraceutical and physiological studies
Anticancer potential of Nutraceutical formulation through antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferative mechanisms in N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced …
Results: Nutraceutical Interventions
Nutraceutical Apigenin regulates DC function in a RelB-dependent manner during neuroinflammation
Formulation of Self Nano-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) Loaded Red Fruit Oil (Pandanus conoideus Lamk.) using Biodegradable Nutraceutical …
Role of Nutraceutical-branched chain amino acids for attenuating skeletal muscle soreness in post exercise status and central fatigue
Effects of a Nutraceutical combination in patients with chronic lumbosacral radicular pain
Formulation of a Nutraceutical derived from carob: β-cyclodextrin encapsulation of antioxidants from carob pod.
Nutraceutical Efficiency of Fucan Polysaccharides from Marine Sources
Current Concepts and Prospects of Herbal Nutraceutical.
Nanoencapsulation technologies for the food and Nutraceutical industries
Nutraceutical/Alternative Remedies in the Management of OA
Nanotherapeutics: Enabling Vitamin D3 as a Multifaceted Nutraceutical
Cuoteaoicb: Sources, Medicinal Properties aJld Their Application in Food and Nutraceutical Industry
Studies on Nutraceutical Properties of Modified Fatty Acids by
Study of white tea Nutraceutical properties
The Nutraceutical value of the onion
Nutraceutical based on jamelão peel powder
Nanoemulsions: A New Application in Nutraceutical and Food Industry
Nutraceutical Treatments for Addiction Recovery
Taste-Masking Techniques in Nutraceutical and Functional Food Industry
Nutraceutical Health Products
New Product Development and Regulatory Challenges in Nutraceutical Industry
Minor fruits: Nutraceutical importance and cultivation-Part-I; Part-II; Part-III.
The Nutraceutical properties of rice
Beneficial and deleterious effects of a Nutraceutical on neuroblastoma
Role of Polymeric Nanoparticles in Nutraceutical Delivery
Nutraceutical and quality characterization of local Italian apple cultivars
Research Article Hypospermia Improvement in Dogs Fed on a Nutraceutical Diet
V. vinefera: A Promising Source of Resveratrol for Nutraceutical Applications
Alphazium: first steps for a new Nutraceutical aimed at well-being and behavioral balance.
Nutraceutical benefits of eggs Hoon H. Sunwoo and Naiyana Gujral, University of Alberta, Canada
Establishing an Online Presence on Chinese Social Media: In the context of New Zealand Nutraceutical Companies
Nutraceutical or Food-Based Antioxidants for Depression
Wild fruits: nutritional and Nutraceutical opportunities
Encapsulation of Bioactive Compounds From Vegetables for Better Nutraceutical Delivery
Nutraceutical Parameters Of Soybean Varieties Under Organic And Conventional Management
The naturally derived “Stoletnik” dairy product as a model for Nutraceutical traditional food
Development, Processing and Evaluation of Azolla Enriched Breads for Nutraceutical Application
A Traditional Nutraceutical from Ardakan (Fars): Sohan Halva
Nutraceutical Components in the Treatment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis
By-products of the nut and peanut agro-industry as sources of phytochemicals suitable for the Nutraceutical and food industries
Nutraceutical Potential And Sensory Evaluation Of Papad Prepared From Seeds Powder
Biochemical characteristics and quality Nutraceutical five varieties of jamaica grown in Mexico
Enhancement of Nutraceutical potential of calocybe indica mushroom
Effects of oxidative and free radical stress on cell membrane: potential markers and therapeutic/Nutraceutical strategies
Potassium in the Nutraceutical quality of hydroponic cucumber fruits
Cholesterol efflux capacity modulation by the Nutraceutical compound “Oleactive®”
Gloeothece sp. as a Nutraceutical Source-An Improved Method of Extraction of Carotenoids and Fatty Acids
Nutritional and Nutraceutical Amiatina donkey milk quality.
Fruit and Vegetable Derived Waste as a Sustainable Alternative Source of Nutraceutical Compounds
Agaricus blazei Murril-a potential ingredient for Nutraceutical outcomes
Phyto-Nutrients, Nutraceutical, Fermented Foods and Traditional Medicine in Human Health: Issues, Concerns and Strategies
Specific Cancer Clinical Studies and Drug Interactions on Nutraceutical Fruit and Plant Powders
Design and Optimization of operating parameters of LED Bioreactor for Nutraceutical production from Microalgae
Effect of Different Seaweed Extracts and Compost on Vegetative Growth, Yield and Nutraceutical Quality of Cucumber Fruit (Cucumis Sativus)
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) based Fermented Nutraceutical Product
Nutraceutical properties of goat milk than cow milk
Strategies on adverse event reporting: a global framework for Nutraceutical industry
Possible Drug-Nutraceutical Interaction leading to Unexpected Sequelae after Inguinal Hernia Repair
Nutraceutical prospective: The synergetic mechanism of action of inositols and resveratrol on metabolic syndrome
Nutraceutical Potential of Phenolics fromBrava´ andMansa´ Extra-Virgin Olive Oils on the Inhibition of Enzymes Associated to Neurodegenerative Disorders in …
Seaweeds: A source of Nutraceutical healthcare products and new materials-future perspectives
A Polyphenol-Based Multicomponent Nutraceutical in Dysmetabolism and Oxidative Stress: Results from a Pilot Study
… : chemical and biological investigation of edible parts and by-products as potential sources of functional ingredients for herbal, Nutraceutical and cosmetic formulations …
Great Nutraceutical potential of bioactive compounds from Beta vulgaris cicla and rubra
Can the increment of temperature associated to climate change alter the olive oil chemical composition and its nutritional and Nutraceutical properties?
Effect of Suntyadi Churna As Nutraceutical Candy In Menstrual Dysfunction (Oligomenorrhoea) Among Young Adult Females
Nutraceutical snack prepared from sprouted rough rice and green gram and its physicochemical properties and in vitro glycemic index
Biological Evaluation of a Novel Red Maple Leaf Extract for Nutraceutical Applications
Effect of silibinin Nutraceutical supplementation in brain metastases of patients with advanced lung cancer
Comparative anatomy, Nutraceutical potentials and heavy metal composition of two varieties of Lasianthera africana (P. Beauv)
Structural, rheological and Nutraceutical potential of β-glucan from barley and oat
Nutraceutical Approach to Prevent Work Stress-induced Brain-Heart Axis Dysfunction linked to Cardiovascular Disease Risk: A Translational Study
Antagonistic Potential of Nutraceutical Microbial Bacteriocins against Seafood Pathogens
Rose leaves, a Potential Nutraceutical: An Assessment of the Total Anthocyanin Content and Total Phenolic Content
Nutraceutical potential of vegetal food products typical of Campania region: Mela Annurca
Surface and Nutraceutical properties of edible films made from starchy sources with and without added blackberry pulp
Development of a pre-cooked Nutraceutical cake from biofortified vegetables for older adults
Nutraceutical properties of Garcinia zeylanica fruit rinds and leaves.
In vitro effects of bioactive extracts of local Italian cultivars: from molecular mechanisms to potential Nutraceutical applications for consumers’ well-being
Hempseed peptide-based hydrogels: new nano-Nutraceutical formulations with antidiabetic activity
Development of a pre-cooked Nutraceutical cake from biofortified vegetables for older people
Evaluation of proximate, mineral and amino acid compositions of boerhavia procumbens and roots for Nutraceutical applications
Effect of Different Seaweed Extracts and Compost on Vegetative Growth, Yield and Nutraceutical Quality of Cucumber Fruit (Cucumis Sativus)
Cyclic Dipeptides and Alpha Lipoic Acid Forms for the Design of Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Co-crystals
Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Interventions Improve Fatigue Resistance in Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle
Nutritional and biotechnological means of enhancing Nutraceutical value of milk through conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content and its anticarcinogenic potency
Microencapsulated supercritical carbon dioxide extract of small cardamom enriches the Nutraceutical value of custard
Effectiveness of a Nutraceutical During Non-Ablative 1927 nm Fractional Laser on Patients With Facial Hyperpigmentation and Photoaging.
Natural products of algae Gelidium spp. and its applicability in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and Nutraceutical sector
Nutraceutical properties of isolated starch, phytochemical compounds and bioactive peptides from pigmented chickpea cultivars influenced by cooking or germination …
Development of sustainable dye adsorption system using Nutraceutical industrial fennel seed spentâ studies using Congo red dye
Proteomics and metabolomics-driven pathway reconstruction of mung bean for Nutraceutical evaluation Proteins and proteomics
Prevention of Ischemic Injury in Colon and Small Intestine in an Ex Vivo Perfusion Animal Model: the Role of l-arginine and Nutraceutical Nanoparticles
Whey Protein, Modified Starch or Polysorbate 80 Based Nanoemulsions for Nutraceutical Delivery
Molecular breeding for higher productivity, quality, food colorants, Nutraceutical and bioactive health compounds in vegetable crops
Proximal composition, Nutraceutical properties, and acute toxicity study of culinary-medicinal oyster mushroom powder, pleurotus ostreatus (agaricomycetes)
13 Nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of traditional African foods
Natural products of cyanobacteria” Spirulina” spp. with deepening in S.” platensis” and its applicability in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and Nutraceutical sectors.
Vitamin and mineral supplements: Curcumin: The golden Nutraceutical: Turmeric and curcumin: The journey from traditional medicine to current clinical trials
… niloticus, Linn) AND SKIN OF STRIPED CATFISH (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, Sauvage) AS Nutraceutical AND COSMECEUTICAL PRODUCTS
Effect of Nutraceutical with policosanol, berberine, red yeast rice, cassia nomame, astaxantine and Q10 coenzyme in patients with low-moderate dyslipidemia …
Nutraceutical potentials of Turkey Tail medicinal mushroom, Trametes versicolor (Coriolus versicolor, yun zhi, kawaratake)(Agaricomycetes) from Nigeria.
Understanding New USP Chapter< 2232> for Trace Elemental Contaminants in Dietary Supplements and Nutraceutical Products
P1. 13-29 Overall Response Rate of Nintedanib and Docetaxel in Combination with the Nutraceutical Use of Silibinin in Advanced NSCLC
417 The pro-erectile and anti-fibrotic effects of the Nutraceutical Revactin® are mediated by activation of the iNOS-cGMP pathway
P1. 03-035 Efficacy of Nintedanib and Docetaxel in Combination with the Nutraceutical Use of Silibinin in Advanced NSCLC
Curcumin: biological, pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, and analytical aspects
Bioprospection of Isochrysis galbana and its potential as a Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical polyphenols: New analytical challenges and opportunities
A Nutraceutical approach to menopausal complaints
Pulse foods: processing, quality and Nutraceutical applications
Nanoencapsulation of Nutraceutical ingredients
The biology of ergothioneine, an antioxidant Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical Potential of Carica papaya in Metabolic Syndrome
Hyperhomocysteinemia as a risk factor and potential Nutraceutical target for certain pathologies
Nutraceutical and functional food regulations in the United States and around the world
An update on β-sitosterol: A potential herbal Nutraceutical for diabetic management
Bioactive compounds from date fruit and seed as potential Nutraceutical and functional food ingredients
Deciphering the Nutraceutical Potential of Raphanus sativus—A Comprehensive Overview
An appraisal on the value of using Nutraceutical based senolytics and senostatics in aging
Functional and Nutraceutical properties of pumpkin–a review
Potential Nutraceutical properties of leaves from several commonly cultivated plants
Nutraceutical potentials of synergic foods: a systematic review
Starch-based nanocarriers as cutting-edge natural cargos for Nutraceutical delivery
Sulforaphane: its “coming of age” as a clinically relevant Nutraceutical in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease
Nutraceutical: their role in improving sports performance
Nutraceutical potential of Apiaceae
Nutraceutical vegetable oil nanoformulations for prevention and management of diseases
Nanocarriers for effective Nutraceutical delivery to the brain
Nutraceutical boom in cancer: inside the labyrinth of reactive oxygen species
An innovative olive pâté with Nutraceutical properties
Nutraceutical potential of seaweed polysaccharides: Structure, bioactivity, safety, and toxicity
Let food be your medicine: Nutraceutical properties of lycopene
An overview of liposomal nano-encapsulation techniques and its applications in food and Nutraceutical
Capsicum annuum (hot pepper): An ancient Latin‐American crop with outstanding bioactive compounds and Nutraceutical potential. A review
Momordica charantia, a Nutraceutical Approach for Inflammatory Related Diseases
Nutraceutical regulations: An opportunity in ASEAN countries
Nutraceutical value of kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus L.)
Lactoferrin as a Nutraceutical protein from milk, an overview
Nutraceutical functions of beta-glucans in human nutrition
Nutraceutical and Medicinal Potential of the Morus Species in Metabolic Dysfunctions
Nutraceutical compounds targeting inflammasomes in human diseases
Association of Nutraceutical supplements with longer telomere length
Nutraceutical strategies for suppressing NLRP3 inflammasome activation: pertinence to the management of COVID-19 and beyond
Current knowledge on selenium biofortification to improve the Nutraceutical profile of food: A comprehensive review
The biomedical uses of inositols: A Nutraceutical approach to metabolic dysfunction in aging and neurodegenerative diseases
A comprehensive review of the Nutraceutical and therapeutic applications of red seaweeds (Rhodophyta)
A brief review of Nutraceutical ingredients in gastrointestinal disorders: Evidence and suggestions
The impact of germination on sorghum Nutraceutical properties
Alliin, An Allium sativum Nutraceutical, Reduces Metaflammation Markers in DIO Mice
Food hydrocolloids: Functional, Nutraceutical and novel applications for delivery of bioactive compounds
Melatonin treatment maintains Nutraceutical properties of pomegranate fruits during cold storage
Cosm-Nutraceutical nanovesicles for acne treatment: Physicochemical characterization and exploratory clinical experimentation
Lipoprotein (a): current evidence for a physiologic role and the effects of Nutraceutical strategies
Strategic enhancement of genetic gain for Nutraceutical development in buckwheat: A genomics-driven perspective
Romanian Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.): Physicochemical and Nutraceutical Screening
Coconut meal: Nutraceutical importance and food industry application
Nutraceutical potential of tree flowers: A comprehensive review on biochemical profile, health benefits, and utilization
Nutraceutical support in heart failure: a position paper of the International Lipid Expert Panel (ILEP)
Pomegranate: Nutraceutical with promising benefits on human health
Diarylheptanoids as Nutraceutical: A review
Phytochemical, Nutraceutical and pharmacological attributes of a functional crop Moringa oleifera Lam: An overview
Potential Nutraceutical and food additive properties and risks of coffee: A comprehensive overview
Nutraceutical role of selenium nanoparticles in poultry nutrition: a review
Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.): orphan crop, Nutraceutical or just plain food?
Trends of utilizing mushroom polysaccharides (MPs) as potent Nutraceutical components in food and medicine: A comprehensive review
Nanoliposomes and tocosomes as multifunctional nanocarriers for the encapsulation of Nutraceutical and dietary molecules
Microalgal derivatives as potential Nutraceutical and food supplements for human health: A focus on cancer prevention and interception
Nutraceutical treatment and prevention of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer
Nutraceutical activity in osteoarthritis biology: a focus on the nutrigenomic role
Pharmacological Properties of Morus nigra L. (Black Mulberry) as A Promising Nutraceutical Resource
Nutraceutical properties of polyphenols against liver diseases
Characterization of Nutraceutical components in tomato pulp, skin and locular gel
Protein recovery from underutilised marine bioresources for product development with Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical bioactivities
Food quality and Nutraceutical value of nine cultivars of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits grown in Mediterranean subtropical environment
Edible mushroom: nutritional properties, potential Nutraceutical values, and its utilisation in food product development
Plant antioxidant for application in food and Nutraceutical industries
Chili pepper carotenoids: Nutraceutical properties and mechanisms of action
Effect of amino acid biostimulant on the yield and Nutraceutical potential of soybean
Piperine: old spice and new Nutraceutical?
Nutritional and Nutraceutical improvement by enzymatic modification of food proteins
Potential of Juniperus communis L as a Nutraceutical in human and veterinary medicine
NMR-based plant metabolomics in Nutraceutical research: an overview
Nutraceutical characteristics of the brown seaweed carotenoid fucoxanthin
Morphological and Nutraceutical characterization of six pomegranate cultivars of global commercial interest
The crosstalk between prostate cancer and microbiota inflammation: Nutraceutical products are useful to balance this interplay?
Factors impacting lipid digestion and Nutraceutical bioaccessibility assessed by standardized gastrointestinal model (INFOGEST): Emulsifier type
Mast cell regulation and irritable bowel syndrome: Effects of food components with potential Nutraceutical use
Bioactive peptides from selected latin american food crops–A Nutraceutical and molecular approach
Fucoxanthin activities motivate its nano/micro-encapsulation for food or Nutraceutical application: A review
Nutraceutical approaches of autophagy and neuroinflammation in alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review
Nutraceutical applications of twenty-five species of rapid-growing green-microalgae as indicated by their antibacterial, antioxidant and mineral content
Nutraceutical supplements in the thyroid setting: health benefits beyond basic nutrition
Olive leaf addition increases olive oil Nutraceutical properties
Nutraceutical properties and phytochemical characterization of wild Serbian fruits
Exploring the Nutraceutical Potential of Dried Pepper Capsicum annuum L. on Market from Altino in Abruzzo Region
Single-dose pharmacokinetics and preliminary safety assessment with use of CBD-rich hemp Nutraceutical in healthy dogs and cats
Resveratrol as a tumor-suppressive Nutraceutical modulating tumor microenvironment and malignant behaviors of cancer
Flavonoid-rich foods (FRF): A promising Nutraceutical approach against lifespan-shortening diseases
The Nutraceutical value of carnitine and its use in dietary supplements
Nano-reduction of starch from underutilised millets: Effect on structural, thermal, morphological and Nutraceutical properties
Natural beta-carotene: A microalgae derivate for Nutraceutical applications
Nutraceutical compounds as sensitizers for cancer treatment in radiation therapy
Bioactive Compounds and Bioactivities of Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica Sprouts and Microgreens: An Updated Overview from a Nutraceutical Perspective
Bitter Melon (Momordica Charantia), a Nutraceutical Approach for Cancer Prevention and Therapy
Pomological, Sensorial, Nutritional and Nutraceutical Profile of Seven Cultivars of Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill)
Nutraceutical characterization of anthocyanin-rich fruits produced by “Sun Black” tomato line
Microwave pretreatment as a promising strategy for increment of Nutraceutical content and extraction yield of oil from milk thistle seed
Emerging species with Nutraceutical properties: Bioactive compounds from Hovenia dulcis pseudofruits
A practical guide for designing effective Nutraceutical combinations in the form of foods, beverages, and dietary supplements against chronic degenerative diseases
… for Health and Wellbeing: A Potent Bioactive Metabolite of an Entomopathogenic Medicinal Fungus Cordyceps with Its Nutraceutical and Therapeutic Potential
Northern sea cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa): A potential candidate for functional food, Nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical sector
Angiogenesis and collagen promoting Nutraceutical-loaded nanovesicles for wound healing
Therapeutic and Nutraceutical potentials of a brown seaweed Sargassum fusiforme
Vitex agnus-castus L.: Main Features and Nutraceutical Perspectives
Edible leafy plants from Mexico as sources of antioxidant compounds, and their nutritional, Nutraceutical and antimicrobial potential: A review
Versatile Nutraceutical potentials of watermelon—A modest fruit loaded with pharmaceutically valuable phytochemicals
Endorsing and extending the repertory of Nutraceutical and antioxidant sources in mangoes during postharvest shelf life
Myo-inositol in the protection from cadmium-induced toxicity in mice kidney: An emerging Nutraceutical challenge
Improving functionality, bioavailability, Nutraceutical and sensory attributes of fortified foods using phenolics-loaded nanocarriers as natural ingredients
Nutraceutical and antimicrobial potentials of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean): A review
Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical potential applications of Sargassum fulvellum
Abscisic acid identification in Okra, Abelmoschus esculentus L. (Moench): perspective Nutraceutical use for the treatment of diabetes
Production, pomological and Nutraceutical properties of apricot
Antioxidant, Nutraceutical properties, and fluorescence spectral profiles of bee pollen samples from different botanical origins
Nutraceutical properties of mulberries grown in southern Italy (Apulia)
Food wastes and by-products: Nutraceutical and health potential
Flavonoids: Nutraceutical potential for counteracting muscle atrophy
Flaxseed cake as a tool for the improvement of Nutraceutical and sensorial features of sourdough bread
Nutraceutical effects of lycopene in experimental varicocele: an “in vivo” model to study male infertility
Chemical characterization of liposomes containing Nutraceutical compounds: Tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein
Protein-based Pickering high internal phase emulsions as Nutraceutical vehicles of and the template for advanced materials: A perspective paper
Status of bioactive compounds from bran of pigmented traditional rice varieties and their scope in production of medicinal food with Nutraceutical importance
An innovative wax-based enteric coating for pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical oral products
A Nutraceutical strategy to slowing down the progression of cone death in an animal model of retinitis pigmentosa
Vasoactivity of Mantonico and Pecorello grape pomaces on rat aorta rings: An insight into Nutraceutical development
Oxidative stress in chronic liver disease and portal hypertension: potential of DHA as Nutraceutical
Vitis vinifera ‘Pinot noir’leaves as a source of bioactive Nutraceutical compounds
The combination of bromelain and curcumin as an immune-boosting Nutraceutical in the prevention of severe COVID-19
Lentil sprouts: a Nutraceutical alternative for the elaboration of bread
Investigation of Nutraceutical potential of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Arthrospira platensis
Comparison between Acupuncture and Nutraceutical Treatment with Migratens® in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial
Comprehensive review on Nutraceutical significance of phytochemicals as functional food ingredients for human health management
Himalayan cheese (Kalari/Kradi) fermented with different probiotic strains: In vitro investigation of Nutraceutical properties
Effect of Fermentation on Enhancing the Nutraceutical Properties of Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina)
New Insights into the Exploitation of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Aglianico Leaf Extracts for Nutraceutical Purposes
Nutraceutical targeting of inflammation-modulating microRNAs in severe forms of COVID-19: a novel approach to prevent the cytokine storm
Chromatic, nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of pigmented native maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes from the northeast of Mexico
Zea mays L. Grain: Increase in Nutraceutical and Antioxidant Properties Due to Se Fortification in Low and High Water Regimes
Aquaporin-9 is involved in the lipid-lowering activity of the Nutraceutical silybin on hepatocytes through modulation of autophagy and lipid droplets composition
Hepatoprotective effect of cranberry Nutraceutical extract in non-alcoholic fatty liver model in rats: Impact on insulin resistance and Nrf-2 expression
Effect of synthetic microbial community on Nutraceutical and sensory qualities of kombucha
Nutritional profile and Nutraceutical components of olive (Olea europaea L.) seeds
The effect of the presence of seeds on the Nutraceutical, sensory and rheological properties of Physalis spp. Fruits jam: A comparative analysis
Phytochemical profile, Nutraceutical potential and functional properties of Cucumis melo L. seeds
Phenolic compounds from Mediterranean foods as Nutraceutical tools for the prevention of cancer: The effect of honey polyphenols on colorectal cancer stem-like cells …
Physiological and Nutraceutical quality of green and red pigmented lettuce in response to NaCl concentration in two successive harvests
The Nutraceutical value of olive oil and its bioactive constituents on the cardiovascular system. Focusing on main strategies to slow down its quality decay during …
Development of fortified citrus olive oils: From their production to their Nutraceutical properties on the cardiovascular system
Triterpene acid and phenolics from ancient apples of Friuli Venezia Giulia as Nutraceutical ingredients: LC-MS study and in vitro activities
Nutraceutical potential of five Mexican brown seaweeds
Characterization of bioactive and Nutraceutical compounds occurring in olive oil processing wastes
A Nutraceutical extract from Inula viscosa leaves: UHPLC-HR-MS/MS based polyphenol profile, and antioxidant and cytotoxic activities
Nutraceutical status and scientific strategies for enhancing production of omega-3 fatty acids from microalgae and their role in healthcare
The macroalgal ensemble of Golfo Nuevo (Patagonia, Argentina) as a potential source of valuable fatty acids for nutritional and Nutraceutical purposes
Utilization of insect proteins to formulate Nutraceutical delivery systems: Encapsulation and release of curcumin using mealworm protein-chitosan nano-complexes
Comparison of three domestications and wild-harvested plants for Nutraceutical properties and sensory profiles in five wild edible herbs: Is domestication possible?
Nutraceutical potential and processing aspects of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus species)
From landfills to the dinner table: Red grape pomace waste as a Nutraceutical for broiler chickens
Nutraceutical supplements in management of pain and disability in osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
Polyphenolic fraction from olive mill wastewater: Scale-up and in vitro studies for ophthalmic Nutraceutical applications
Nutraceutical potential of ripe and unripe plantain peels: A comparative study
Functional and Nutraceutical scenario of flaxseed and sesame
Effects of biostimulants on Annurca fruit quality and potential Nutraceutical compounds at harvest and during storage
The therapeutic and Nutraceutical potential of agmatine, and its enhanced production using Aspergillus oryzae
Nutraceutical effects of Emblica officinalis in age-related macular degeneration
A novel natural GRAS-grade enteric coating for pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical products
Natural Hydrogen Sulfide Donors from Allium sp. as a Nutraceutical Approach in Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Therapy
A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Clinical Study of the Effects of a Nutraceutical Combination (LEVELIP DUO®) on LDL Cholesterol Levels and …
Mechanochemical synthesis of drug–drug and drug–Nutraceutical multicomponent solids of olanzapine
Coffee silverskin as Nutraceutical ingredient in yogurt: Its effect on functional properties and its bioaccessibility
Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Applications of Carotenoids
New Nutraceutical Combination Reduces Blood Pressure and Improves Exercise Capacity in Hypertensive Patients Via a Nitric Oxide–Dependent Mechanism
The enigmatic role of matrix metalloproteinases in epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition of oral squamous cell carcinoma: Implications and Nutraceutical aspects
Emerging insights into anticancer chemopreventive activities of Nutraceutical Moringa oleifera: molecular mechanisms, signal transduction and in vivo efficacy
Cold-Pressing Olive Oil in the Presence of Cryomacerated Leaves of Olea or Citrus: Nutraceutical and Sensorial Features
Nutraceutical approach to enhance lutein bioavailability via nanodelivery systems
Sea buckthorn pulp oil nanoemulsions fabricated by ultra-high pressure homogenization process: A promising carrier for Nutraceutical
Physicochemical and Nutraceutical properties of tomato powder as affected by pretreatments, drying methods, and storage period
Physicochemical, Nutraceutical and Sensory Traits of Six Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Cultivars Grown in Greenhouse Conditions in the Mediterranean Climate
A pilot screening of agro-food waste products as sources of Nutraceutical formulations to improve simulated postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia in healthy …
Nutraceutical assessment of Solieria filiformis and Gracilaria cornea (Rhodophyta) under light quality modulation in culture
Polyphenolic maqui extract as a potential Nutraceutical to treat TNBS-induced Crohn’s disease by the regulation of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory pathways
Small ruminant production based on rangelands to optimize animal nutrition and health: Building an interdisciplinary approach to evaluate Nutraceutical plants
Antimicrobial, antioxidant, sensory properties, and emotions induced for the consumers of Nutraceutical beverages developed from technological functionalised food …
Potential Nutraceutical Benefits of In Vivo Grown Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) As Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Anticoagulant, and Antidepressant in Mice
A late appearing polymorph of Nutraceutical pterostilbene
Physico-chemical and Nutraceutical Characterization of Selected Indigenous Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Cultivars
Blueberry leaves from 73 different cultivars in southeastern China as Nutraceutical supplements rich in antioxidants
A pilot study of 4CYTE™ Epiitalis® Forte, a novel Nutraceutical, in the management of naturally occurring osteoarthritis in dogs
Effects of long-term soaking on Nutraceutical and taste characteristic components in Thai soybeans
Nutraceutical crop buckwheat: a concealed wealth in the lap of Himalayas
Preliminary evaluation of quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) fruit as extraction source of antioxidant phytoconstituents for Nutraceutical and functional food applications
Thermoresponsive starch-based particle-stabilized Pickering high internal phase emulsions as Nutraceutical containers for controlled release
Impact of calcium levels on lipid digestion and Nutraceutical bioaccessibility in nanoemulsion delivery systems studied using standardized INFOGEST digestion …
Choline-chloride and betaine-based deep eutectic solvents for green extraction of Nutraceutical compounds from spent coffee ground
Characterisation of Nutraceutical compounds from different parts of particular species of Citrus sinensis ‘Ovale Calabrese’ by UHPLC-UV-ESI-HRMS
Nutraceutical Potential of Diet Drinks: A Critical Review on Components, Health Effects, and Consumer Safety
Control of the microsporidian parasite Nosema ceranae in honey bees (Apis mellifera) using Nutraceutical and immuno-stimulatory compounds
EPA and DHA as markers of Nutraceutical treatment response in major depressive disorder
Upgrade of wood sugar D-xylose to a value-added Nutraceutical by in vitro metabolic engineering
Three‐arm, placebo‐controlled, randomized clinical trial evaluating the metabolic effect of a combined Nutraceutical containing a bergamot standardized flavonoid …
A potential Nutraceutical candidate lactucin inhibits adipogenesis through downregulation of JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway-mediated mitotic clonal expansion
Nutraceutical approach for the management of cardiovascular risk–a combination containing the probiotic Bifidobacterium longum BB536 and red yeast rice …
Lactoferrin as potential supplementary Nutraceutical agent in COVID-19 patients: in vitro and in vivo preliminary evidences
Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on Nutraceutical quality and overall appearance of figs stored at 1 C
Extraction and characterization of phenolic compounds from bamboo shoot shell under optimized ultrasonic-assisted conditions: a potential source of Nutraceutical …
Nutraceutical protein isolate from pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) milling waste by-product: Functional aspects and digestibility
Improvement of the Nutraceutical quality and yield of tomato by application of salicylic acid
Antioxidant activity, tannin content and dietary fiber from coffee husk extract and potential for Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical potential and utilization aspects of food industry by-products and wastes
Nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of raw and traditionally obtained flour from chestnut fruit grown in Tuscany
Nutraceutical effect of vitamins and minerals on performance and immune and antioxidant systems in dairy calves during the nutritional transition period in summer
Nutraceutical profiles of two hydroponically grown sweet basil cultivars as affected by the composition of the nutrient solution and the inoculation with …
A Nutraceutical rich in docosahexaenoic acid improves portal hypertension in a preclinical model of advanced chronic liver disease
Biosynthesis of Nutraceutical Fatty Acids by the Oleaginous Marine Microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum Utilizing Hydrolysates from Organosolv-Pretreated Birch …
Cytokines Driven Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Psoriasis Like Efficacies of Nutraceutical Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Oil
Recent advancement of molecular structure and biomaterial function of chitosan from marine organisms for pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical application
Postharvest wounding stress in horticultural crops as a tool for designing novel functional foods and beverages with enhanced Nutraceutical content: Carrot juice as a …
Genetic variability of bioactive compounds and selection for Nutraceutical quality in kola [Cola nitida (Vent) Schott. and Endl.]
Extrusion 3D printing of Nutraceutical oral dosage forms formulated with monoglycerides oleogels and phytosterols mixtures
Olive pâté by multi-phase decanter as potential source of bioactive compounds of both Nutraceutical and anticancer effects
Protein Hydrolysates from Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) as Nutraceutical Molecules in Colon Cancer Treatment
Chemical profile and Nutraceutical features of Salsola soda (agretti): Anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic potential of its flavonoids
Nutraceutical TReatment for hYpercholesterolemia in HIV-infected patients: the NU-TRY (HIV) randomized cross-over trial
Influences of Postharvest Storage and Processing Techniques on Antioxidant and Nutraceutical Properties of Rubus idaeus L.: A Mini-Review
Comparative analysis of citrus fruits for Nutraceutical properties
Potent Vasodilator and Cellular Antioxidant Activity of Endemic Patagonian Calafate Berries (Berberis microphylla) with Nutraceutical Potential
The Nutraceutical value of grain legumes: characterisation of bioactives and antinutritionals related to diabesity management
Italy’s Nutraceutical industry: a process and bioeconomy perspective into a key area of the global economy
Cholesterol-lowering action of a novel Nutraceutical combination in uremic rats: Insights into the molecular mechanism in a hepatoma cell line
Lycopene-a pleiotropic neuroprotective Nutraceutical: deciphering its therapeutic potentials in broad spectrum neurological disorders
Freeze-drying of pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical nanoparticles: The effects of formulation and technique parameters on nanoparticles characteristics
The Modern Use of an Ancient Plant: Exploring the Antioxidant and Nutraceutical Potential of the Maltese Mushroom (Cynomorium Coccineum L.)
Nutraceutical augmentation of agro-industrial waste through submerged fermentation using Calocybe indica
The application of flax and hempseed in food, Nutraceutical and personal care products
Foliar aspersion of salicylic acid improves Nutraceutical quality and fruit yield in Tomato
In vitro studies toward the use of chitin as Nutraceutical: Impact on the intestinal epithelium, macrophages, and microbiota
Plant-and Nutraceutical-based approach for the management of diabetes and its neurological complications: a narrative review
Fruit bagging and bag color affects physico-chemical, Nutraceutical quality and consumer acceptability of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) arils
Development of anti-photo and anti-thermal high internal phase emulsions stabilized by biomass lignin as a Nutraceutical delivery system
Drug-Nutraceutical co-crystal and salts for making new and improved bi-functional analgesics
An observational study of fixed-dose Tanacetum parthenium Nutraceutical preparation for prophylaxis of pediatric headache
Nutraceutical potential of flours from tomato by-product and tomato field waste
Magneto-priming improved Nutraceutical potential and antimicrobial activity of Momordica charantia L. without affecting nutritive value
Phenol Profiling and Nutraceutical Potential of Lycium spp. Leaf Extracts Obtained with Ultrasound and Microwave Assisted Techniques
Aronia (Chokeberry): an underutilized, highly Nutraceutical plant
A pilot study on the Nutraceutical properties of the Citrus hybrid Tacle® as a dietary source of polyphenols for supplementation in metabolic disorders
Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus vesiculosus and chromium picolinate Nutraceutical composition can help to treat type 2 diabetic patients
Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin as an effective carrier of curcumin–piperine Nutraceutical system with improved enzyme inhibition properties
Gymnopodium floribundum fodder as a model for the in vivo evaluation of Nutraceutical value against Haemonchus contortus
A polycentric, randomized, parallel-group, study on Lertal®, a multicomponent Nutraceutical, as preventive treatment in children with allergic …
Randomised trial of chronic supplementation with a Nutraceutical mixture in subjects with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Efficacy of a Nutraceutical combination on lipid metabolism in patients with metabolic syndrome: a multicenter, double blind, randomized, placebo controlled …
Consuming blackberry as a traditional Nutraceutical resource from an area with high anthropogenic impact
Nutraceutical compounds: Echinoids, flavonoids, xanthones and caffeine identified and quantitated in the leaves of Coffea arabica trees from three regions of Brazil
Himalayan Nettle Girardinia diversifolia as a Candidate Ingredient for Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Applications—Phytochemical Analysis and In Vitro Bioassays
Chemical characterization, gastrointestinal motility and sensory evaluation of dark chocolate: A Nutraceutical boosting consumers’ health
The hepatoprotective effect of taurisolo, a Nutraceutical enriched in resveratrol and polyphenols, involves activation of mitochondrial metabolism in mice liver
Agaricus blazei Murrill from Brazil: an ingredient for Nutraceutical and cosmeceutical applications
Additional feeding of vitamin–mineral‐based Nutraceutical to stress‐exposed rohu, Labeo rohita, enhances the IGF‐1 gene expression and growth
Nutraceutical perspectives and value addition of phalsa (Grewia asiatica L.): A review
By-products from winemaking and olive mill value chains for the enrichment of refined olive oil: Technological challenges and Nutraceutical features
A new Nutraceutical resource from a rare native plant growing in Turkey and for its spectro-chemical and biological insights: Endemic Diplotaenia bingolensis …
Diet and Nutraceutical Supplementation in Dyslipidemic Patients: First Results of an Italian Single Center Real-World Retrospective Analysis
Interactive effects of the rootstock and the deficit irrigation technique on wine composition, Nutraceutical potential, aromatic profile, and sensory attributes under …
ESWT and Nutraceutical supplementation (Tendisulfur Forte) vs ESWT-only in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis, Achilles tendinopathy, and rotator cuff tendinopathy …
Mushroom: Nutraceutical, mineral, proximate constituents and bioactive component
Thiamine mimetics sulbutiamine and benfotiamine as a Nutraceutical approach to anticancer therapy
A Nutraceutical composition containing diosmin and hesperidin has osteogenic and anti-resorptive effects and expands the anabolic window of teriparatide
Chia (Salvia hispanica): Nutraceutical Properties and Therapeutic Applications
Citrullus lanatus essential oils inclusion in diets elicit Nutraceutical effects on egg production, egg quality, and physiological characteristics in layer hens
Assessing tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol in Portuguese monovarietal olive oils: Revealing the Nutraceutical potential by a combined spectroscopic and …
Nano-lipid carriers stabilized by hydrophobically modified starch or sucrose stearate for the delivery of lutein as a Nutraceutical beverage model
Valorization of Nutraceutical industrial coriander seed spent by the process of sustainable adsorption system of Acid Black 52 from aqueous solution
Red Carrot Cells Cultured in vitro Are Effective, Stable, and Safe Ingredients for Skin Care, Nutraceutical, and Food Applications
… -microencapsulation of flavonoids from yellow onion skins and lactic acid bacteria lead to multifunctional ingredient for Nutraceutical and pharmaceutics applications
Nutraceutical potential of North-West Himalayan spices Allium stracheyi and Angelica glauca and their comparison with commonly used spices
Nutraceutical tablets from maqui berry (Aristotelia chilensis) spray-dried powders with high antioxidant levels
Spray-Dried Structured Lipid Carriers for the Loading of Rosmarinus officinalis: New Nutraceutical and Food Preservative
Nutraceutical Use among Patients with Chronic Disease Attending Outpatient Clinics in a Tertiary Hospital
Gut microbiota dysbiosis–immune hyperresponse–inflammation triad in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): impact of pharmacological and Nutraceutical …
In vitro and in vivo Nutraceutical characterization of two chickpea accessions: Differential effects on hepatic lipid over-accumulation
Chemical investigation of Hyptis suaveolens seed, a potential antihyperuricemic Nutraceutical, with assistance of HPLC-SPE-NMR
The Nutraceutical potential of Lepidium sativum L. seed flavonoid‐rich extract in managing metabolic syndrome components
Effect of silver nanoparticle coatings on physicochemical and Nutraceutical properties of loquat during postharvest storage
Polyphenols Present in Campomanesia Genus: Pharmacological and Nutraceutical Approach
Food safety and Nutraceutical potential of caramel colour class IV using in vivo and in vitro assays
Cadmium and lead in geophagic clay consumed in Southern Nigeria: Health risk from such traditional Nutraceutical
Wild edible mushrooms of North West Himalaya: Their nutritional, Nutraceutical, and sociobiological aspects
The effect of emerging Nutraceutical interventions for clinical and biological outcomes in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review
Nanoemulsion-based delivery systems for testing Nutraceutical efficacy using Caenorhabditis elegans: Demonstration of curcumin bioaccumulation and body-fat …
Pehuén (Araucaria araucana) seed residues are a valuable source of natural antioxidants with Nutraceutical, chemoprotective and metal corrosion-inhibiting …
Prevention and treatment of cystitis during menopause: efficacy of a Nutraceutical containing D-mannose, inulin, cranberry, bearberry, Olea europaea, Orthosiphon …
Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on overall appearance and Nutraceutical quality of pot marigold held at 5 C
… polysaccharide (AGC3) isolated from North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) suspension culture as a potential immunomodulatory Nutraceutical
Beneficial lactic acid bacteria based bioprocessing of cashew apple juice for targeting antioxidant Nutraceutical inhibitors as relevant antidotes to type 2 diabetes
Effects of a Novel Nutraceutical Combination (Aquilea Colesterol®) on the Lipid Profile and Inflammatory Biomarkers: A Randomized Control Trial
An evaluation of a Nutraceutical with berberine, curcumin, inositol, banaba and chromium picolinate in patients with fasting dysglycemia
Spice fixed oils as a new source of γ-oryzanol: Nutraceutical characterization of fixed oils from selected spices
A vascular-liver chip for sensitive detection of Nutraceutical metabolites from human pluripotent stem cell derivatives
Efficacy of Nutraceutical combination of monacolin K, berberine, and silymarin on lipid profile and PCSK9 plasma level in a cohort of hypercholesterolemic patients
Whey protein hydrolysate and pumpkin pectin as Nutraceutical and prebiotic components in a functional mousse with antihypertensive and bifidogenic properties
Nutraceutical properties and health-promoting biological activities of fruits of watermelon cultivars with different origins
The Effect of Degree of Milling on the Nutraceutical Content in Ecofriendly and Conventional Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Sustainable Food Production and Nutraceutical Applications from Qatar Desert Chlorella sp. (Chlorophyceae)
Nanotechnology: therapeutic, Nutraceutical, and cosmetic advances
Nutraceutical profile and evidence of alleviation of oxidative stress by Spirogyra porticalis (Muell.) Cleve inhabiting the high altitude Trans-Himalayan Region
Antileukemic activity of sulfoxide Nutraceutical allicin against THP-1 cells is associated with premature phosphatidylserine exposure in human erythrocytes
Pharmaceutical ethnobotany in the Mahabad (West Azerbaijan) biosphere reserve: ethno-pharmaceutical formulations, Nutraceutical uses and quantitative aspects
Iron Absorption in Celiac Disease and Nutraceutical Effect of 7-Hydroxymatairesinol. Mini-Review
Nutraceutical augmentation strategies for depression: A narrative review
Assessment of Techno-Functional and Nutraceutical Potential of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Seed Meal
Efficacy and tolerability of a Nutraceutical combination of red yeast rice, guggulipid, and chromium picolinate evaluated in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double …
A supramolecular adduct of tegafur and syringic acid: the first tegafur-Nutraceutical cocrystal with perfected in vitro and in vivo characteristics as well as synergized …
Novel dietary and Nutraceutical supplements from legumes
Efficacy of microalgae as a Nutraceutical and sustainable food supplement
Commercial and Nutraceutical quality of grafted melon cultivated under hydric stress
Kinetic and isotherm modeling for acid blue 113 dye adsorption onto low-cost Nutraceutical industrial fenugreek seed spent
Reinventing the Nutraceutical value of gluten: The case of l-theanine-gluten as a potential alternative to the gluten exclusion diet in celiac disease
Obtaining and characterization of anthocyanins from Euterpe oleracea (açaí) dry extract for Nutraceutical and food preparations
Traditional, Nutraceutical and pharmacological approaches of Tamarindus indica (Imli)
Impact of plant extract on the gastrointestinal fate of Nutraceutical-loaded nanoemulsions: phytic acid inhibits lipid digestion but enhances curcumin bioaccessibility
Carrageenan: Nutraceutical and functional food as future food
Disintegration, in vitro dissolution, and drug release kinetics profiles of k-Carrageenan-based Nutraceutical hard-shell capsules Containing Salicylamide
Effectiveness of a novel Nutraceutical compound containing red yeast rice, polymethoxyflavones and antioxidants in the modulation of cholesterol levels in …
Effects of a novel Nutraceutical combination (BruMeChol™) in subjects with mild hypercholesterolemia: Study protocol of a randomized, double-blind …
Nutraceutical and technological properties of buffalo and sheep cheese produced by the addition of kiwi juice as a coagulant
Nutraceutical formulation, characterisation, and in-vitro evaluation of methylselenocysteine and selenocystine using food derived chitosan: zein nanoparticles
Optimization of the production process of dried unripe olives (Olea europaea L.) as a Nutraceutical ingredient naturally rich in phenolic compounds
Vibrational spectroscopy as a green technology for predicting Nutraceutical properties and antiradical potential of early-to-late apricot genotypes
A Nutraceutical combination reduces left ventricular mass in subjects with metabolic syndrome and left ventricular hypertrophy: A multicenter, randomized, double …
Nanotechnology: a successful approach to improve Nutraceutical bioavailability
Nutraceutical properties of Leucaena leucocephala, Manihot esculenta, Cajanus cajan and a foliage blend in goat kids infected with Haemonchus contortus
Development of sustainable acid blue 113 dye adsorption system using Nutraceutical industrial Tribulus terrestris spent
Variability in Nutraceutical Lipid Content of Selected Rice (Oryza sativa L. spp. indica) Germplasms
Handbook of Algal Technologies and Phytochemicals: Volume I Food, Health and Nutraceutical Applications
Osteoarthritis treatment with a novel Nutraceutical acetylated ligstroside aglycone, a chemically modified extra-virgin olive oil polyphenol
Nutraceutical and antioxidant evaluation of Abelmoschus taxa
Nutraceutical and Bioactive Significance of Ferns with Emphasis on the Medicinal Fern Diplazium
Nanomaterials in Nutraceutical and phytonutrient industries
Unsweetened natural cocoa powder: a potent Nutraceutical in perspective
Effect of Natural Preservatives on the Nutritional Profile, Chemical Composition, Bioactivity and Stability of a Nutraceutical Preparation of Aloe arborescens
Induction of hair keratins expression by an annurca apple-based Nutraceutical formulation in human follicular cells
Treatment of exudative age‐related macular degeneration with aflibercept combined with pranoprofen eye drops or Nutraceutical support with omega‐3: A …
Nutraceutical Characteristics of Ancient Malus x domestica Borkh. Fruits Recovered across Siena in Tuscany
Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Applications of Phycobiliproteins
Food quality, sensory attributes and Nutraceutical value of fresh “Osteen” mango fruit grown under mediterranean subtropical climate compared to imported fruit
Vermicompost on the production and Nutraceutical quality of jalapeño pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum L.)
Phytopharmaceutical applications of Nutraceutical and functional foods
The effects of a new generation of Nutraceutical compounds on lipid profile and glycaemia in subjects with pre-hypertension
Treatment of hypertension with nutrition and Nutraceutical supplements: Part 2
Nutraceutical uses of traditional leafy vegetables and transmission of local knowledge from parents to children in Southern Benin
Bio-cultural traits and cultural keystone species, a combined approach: an example of application about plants used for food and Nutraceutical purposes in Aga …
Phloroglucinol, a Nutraceutical for IR‐induced cardiac damage in diabetic rats
A new population of pequi (Caryocar spp.) developed by Brazilian indigenous people has agro-industrial and Nutraceutical advantages
Small airways in children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: The potential role of a multicomponent Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical and Functional Food Regulations in the United States and Around the World
Functional and Nutraceutical ingredients from marine resources
A Multi-screening Evaluation of the Nutritional and Nutraceutical Potential of the Mediterranean Jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca
Vitamin D2 fortification of Calocybe indica mushroom by natural and artificial UVB radiations and their potential effects on Nutraceutical properties
Rice bran protein: extraction, Nutraceutical properties, and potential applications
Effects of Nutraceutical intervention on serum proteins in aged rats
An antidiabetic Nutraceutical combination of red yeast rice (Monascus purpureus), bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), and chromium alleviates dedifferentiation of …
Germination in optimal conditions as effective strategy to improve nutritional and Nutraceutical value of underutilized Mexican blue maize seeds
Evaluation of Nutraceutical properties of Leucaena leucocephala leaf pellets fed to goat kids infected with Haemonchus contortus
Nutritional and Nutraceutical Composition of Pansies (Viola × wittrockiana) During Flowering
Evaluation of diverse barley Cultivars and landraces for contents of four Multifunctional biomolecules with Nutraceutical potential
Xanthone-and benzophenone-enriched Nutraceutical: development of a scalable fractionation process and effect of batch-to-batch variation of the raw material …
Lobularia maritima leave extract, a Nutraceutical agent with antioxidant activity, protects against CCl4-induced liver injury in mice.
Physical activity as a predictor of clinical trial outcomes in bipolar depression: a subanalysis of a mitochondrial-enhancing Nutraceutical randomized controlled trial
Nutraceutical profiling of surimi gel containing β-glucan stabilized virgin coconut oil with and without antioxidants after simulated gastro-intestinal digestion
Bio- Fortification of Angelica gigas Nakai Nano-Powder Using Bio-Polymer by Hot Melt Extrusion to Enhance the Bioaccessibility and Functionality of Nutraceutical …
Nutraceutical Fatty Acid Production in Marine Microalgae and Cyanobacteria
Nutritional and Nutraceutical value of vegetable crops as affected by biostimulants application
Nutraceutical industrial chillies stalk waste as a new adsorbent for the removal of Acid Violet 49 from water and textile industrial effluent: Adsorption isotherms …
Anti-hemolytic activity and antioxidant studies of Caralluma quadrangula: potential for Nutraceutical development in cancers and blood disorders
Nutraceutical co-crystal compositions
The Potential Role Of Nutraceutical In Health And Disease
A Review on Nutraceutical: The combination of Nutrition and Pharmaceutical
Development of a standardized combined plant extract containing Nutraceutical formulation ameliorating metabolic syndrome components
Nutraceutical Potential of Ginger
Nutraceutical insight into vegetables and their potential for nutrition mediated healthcare
Nutraceutical effect of trace elements as additional injectable doses to modulate oxidant and antioxidant status, and improves the quality of lamb meat
Brassica meal‐derived allyl‐isothiocyanate postharvest application: influence on strawberry Nutraceutical and biochemical parameters
Patagonian Berries: An ethnobotanical approach to exploration of their Nutraceutical potential
Prevention of osteoporosis in the ovariectomized rat by oral administration of a Nutraceutical combination that stimulates nitric oxide production
… HPLC-DAD method for simultaneous determination of major bioactive constituents of Antidiabetic herbal extracts; application to a newly Co-formulated Nutraceutical …
Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical cocktails did not preserve diaphragm muscle function or reduce muscle damage in D2‐mdx mice
A Paradoxical Vasodilatory Nutraceutical Intervention for Prevention and Attenuation of Migraine—A Hypothetical Review
Efficacy of a collagen hydrolysate and antioxidants‐containing Nutraceutical on metrics of skin health in Indian women
Dunaliella sp. ABRIINW-I1 as a cell factory of Nutraceutical fatty acid pattern: an optimization approach to improved production of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
Nutraceutical and therapeutic significance of Echigoshirayukidake (Basidiomycetes-X), a novel mushroom found in Niigata, Japan.
Traditional fermented food of Nepal and their nutritional and Nutraceutical potential
Traditional, medicinal and Nutraceutical values of minor fruit: Longan
Argentinean Puna Plants with In Vitro Antioxidant and Anti‐Inflammatory Activities as a Potential Nutraceutical
Tomato grafted and cultivated in saline medium and its relation on Nutraceutical compounds of the fruits
Formulation and Evaluation of a Lingzhi or Reishi Medicinal Mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum (Agaricomycetes), Nutraceutical Hydroalcoholic Suspension
Halimium halimifolium: From the chemical and functional characterization to a Nutraceutical ingredient design
Modification of date palm mucilage and evaluation of their Nutraceutical potential.
Ethno-Nutraceutical survey of dietary seaweeds used in unconventional therapy in Morocco. An emerging practice for a renovated pharmacopeia
Crystal engineering of Nutraceutical phytosterols: New cocrystal solid solutions
… foenum-graecum L.): Distribution, Genetic Diversity, and Potential to Serve as an Industrial Crop for the Global Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, and Functional Food …
Study of the oxidative forced degradation of glutathione in its Nutraceutical formulations using zone fluidics and green liquid chromatography
Randomized, placebo-controlled study of a Nutraceutical based on hyaluronic acid, L-carnosine, and methylsulfonylmethane in facial skin aesthetics and well …
Nutraceutical fruit characterization, nutritional aspects and sensory analysis of dovyalis jams
Botanicals: innovative tools for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and Nutraceutical
Lycopene: Chemistry, biosynthesis, health benefits and Nutraceutical applications
Utilization of Bridelia mollis as herbal medicine, Nutraceutical and functional food in southern Africa: A review
Sustainable, circular and innovative value chains using growing substrata alternative to peat for the cultivation of Nutraceutical species
Nutraceutical properties of recommended horticultural crops to develop human immune system against COVID-19
Evolvement of Nutraceutical onion plants engineered for resveratrol biosynthetic pathway
Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical cocktails did not improve muscle function or reduce histological damage in D2-mdx mice
Enhancing Regulation of Nutraceutical Products in Malaysia: Lessons from Japan
The Galohgor Nutraceutical cookies effects on β-carotene serum and oxidative stress of postpartum mothers
A polycentric, randomized, double blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study on Lertal®, a multicomponent Nutraceutical, as add-on treatment in children with …
Ligstroside aglycone as a novel Nutraceutical in treatment of osteoarthritis
Advance research on Nutraceutical composition of mature jute leaves
Authentication of Citrus fruits through a comprehensive fatty acid profiling and health lipid indices: A Nutraceutical perspectives
Food Wastes and By-products: Nutraceutical and Health Potential
Improvement of nutritional and Nutraceutical value of nixtamalized maize tortillas by addition of extruded chia flour
Antioxidant Activity and Nutraceutical Potential of Selected Nepalese Wild Edible Fruits
Microalgae as Nutraceutical for achieving sustainable food solution in future
Phytochemical screening and Nutraceutical potential of sandbox tree (Hura crepitans L.) seed oil
Nutraceutical Value of Pantelleria Capers (Capparis spinosa L.)
Waste salt from the manufacturing process of mullet bottarga as source of oil with nutritional and Nutraceutical properties
Table olives fermented in iodized sea salt brines: Nutraceutical/sensory properties and microbial biodiversity
Treatment with a new Nutraceutical compound on patients suffering from balance disorders: Dizziness handicap inventory scores
Cross-country experiences and lessons in Nutraceutical health marketing in the United States, China, and India
The functional medicine approach to COVID-19: virus-specific Nutraceutical and botanical agents
Evaluation of Constituents and Physicochemical Properties of Malaysian Underutilized Ziziphus mauritiana (Bidara) for Nutraceutical Potential
… Groundnut [Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal & Baudet] Seeds Using UPLC-qTOF-MS Reveals the Nutraceutical and Antioxidant Potentials of the …
… Properties of a Supercritical Fluid Extract of the Halophyte Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum L. from Sicilian Coasts: Nutraceutical and Cosmeceutical Applications
Purple Queen® fruits of Punica granatum L.: Nutraceutical properties and unconventional growing substrates
Quality of Life: Psychological Symptoms—Effects of a 2-Month Healthy Diet and Nutraceutical Intervention; A Randomized, Open-Label Intervention Trial (RISTOMED)
Nutraceutical fatty acids from oleaginous microalgae: a human health perspective
Nutraceutical and medicinal property of mulberry fruits: a review on its pharmacological potential
Pharmacology and Nutraceutical uses of ginger
Nutraceutical improves glycemic control, insulin sensitivity, and oxidative stress in hyperglycemic subjects: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Nutraceutical effects of bioactive peptides obtained from Pterophylla beltrani (Bolivar & Bolivar) protein isolates
Cytoprotective compounds interfere with the Nutraceutical potential of bread supplemented with green coffee beans
Simultaneous characterization and quantification of flavonoids in Morus australis root as potential hepatoprotective Nutraceutical
Study on Ajuga reptans Extract: A Natural Antioxidant in Microencapsulated Powder Form as an Active Ingredient for Nutraceutical or Pharmaceutical Purposes
Designer Microbes for Nutraceutical Application
Effect of a leucine/pyridoxine Nutraceutical on caloric intake and body composition of obese dogs losing weight
Wild edible fool’s watercress, a potential crop with high Nutraceutical properties
… Four Parasitic Helminth Species in One Pen-Free, Egg-Laying Housing Facility, and the Corresponding Efficacy of Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Administrations
Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM): An Ingredient of Dairy Products as Nutraceutical
Carotenoids as a Nutraceutical therapy for visceral obesity
Nutraceutical value of salad vegetables to combat COVID 19
Advances in Nutraceutical Applications in Cancer: Recent Research Trends and Clinical Applications
Complementary treatment of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: the role of the Nutraceutical Lertal®
Nutraceutical content and free radical scavenging capacity of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) genotypes
Respiratory infections in allergic children: the preventive role of a multicomponent Nutraceutical
Fatty acid and unsaponifiable composition of ten philippine food plant oils for possible Nutraceutical and cosmeceutical applications
Soil solarization and calcium cyanamide affect plant vigor, yield, nutritional traits, and Nutraceutical compounds of strawberry grown in a protected cultivation system
Carotenoids: updates on legal statutory and competence for Nutraceutical properties
Caucasian endemic medicinal and Nutraceutical plants: In-vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic activities and bioactive compounds
Bioflavonoids: sources, types, and Nutraceutical maneuvers
The role of algae in Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical production
Grain Dimension, Nutrition and Nutraceutical Properties of Black and Red Varieties of Rice in India
… rheological and hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLB) evaluation of Archachatina marginata (snail) mucin extract for possible Nutraceutical and nano biopharmaceutical …
Preconception Nutraceutical food supplementation can prevent oxidative and epigenetic DNA alterations induced by ovarian stimulation for IVF and increases …
Nutritional and Nutraceutical content of gnetum gnemon (bago) leaf extract
Pharmacological Activities of the Nutraceutical Plant Lepidium meyenii
Direct enzymatic ethanolysis of potential Nannochloropsis biomass for co-production of sustainable biodiesel and Nutraceutical eicosapentaenoic acid
Nutraceutical Composition and Anti-Cancerous Potential of an Unexplored Herb Asplenium ceterach from Kashmir Region
Administration of a Nutraceutical mixture composed by Aloe arborescens, Annona muricata, Morinda citrifolia, Beta rubra, Scutellaria baicalensis, and Vaccinium …
Enhancement of Nutraceutical and antioxidant potential of sunflower hybrid seed varieties through chemical priming
Nutraceutical Potential of Rice Bean
The surplus value of Azorean Camellia sinensis flowers as an important contributor affecting the Nutraceutical benefits of green tea quality
Natural honey as a potential Nutraceutical source
Fortification of tomato with Ca and its effects on the fruit quality, calcium status and Nutraceutical values of tomato in different NO3:NH4 ratios
Precision Nutraceutical Approaches for the Prevention and Management of Cancer
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves extract as a Nutraceutical with hypoglycemic activity in diabetic rats
Insights into the development of grapefruit Nutraceutical powder by spray drying: physical characterization, chemical composition and 3D intestinal permeability
The Compote-like Nutraceutical of Naqoa: A Traditional Cholagogue Agent
Nutraceutical values of hot water infusions of moringa leaf (Moringa oleifera) and licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and their effects on liver biomarkers in Wistar rats
Nutraceutical basis for drug delivery in periodontal disease.
Nutraceutical aspects of microalgae Spirulina and Chlorella on broiler chickens
Biochemic system of medicine: Oldest form of Nutraceutical therapy
Biomedical and Nutraceutical applications of chitin and chitosan
Molecular Mechanisms of Anthocyanins as A Potential Nutraceutical for Muscle Regeneration.
Nutraceutical potential of Parkia speciosa (stink bean): a current review
Treatment of non-alcoholic steatosis: Preclinical study of a new Nutraceutical multitarget formulation
The Nutraceutical effect of Scenedesmus dimorphus for obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease–linked metabolic syndrome
Exploring the phytochemical and Nutraceutical potentials of dasapatrachurnam
Potassium influence the Nutraceutical and antioxidant content of Serrano hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.).
Nutraceutical-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles for Healthcare Applications
New trends in antioxidant compounds: a precise Nutraceutical in cardiometabolic disorders
Topic modeling to extract information from Nutraceutical product reviews
Adsorption of Acid Blue 113 from aqueous solution onto Nutraceutical industrial coriander seed spent: isotherm, kinetics, thermodynamics and modeling studies.
Nutraceutical targeting of TLR4 signaling has potential for prevention of cancer cachexia
Fucoidan: a Nutraceutical for metabolic and regulatory systems homeostasis maintenance
Structured lipids: Synthesis, health effects, and Nutraceutical applications
Edible Oxya chinensis sinuosa—Derived Protein as a Potential Nutraceutical for Anticancer Immunity Improvement
Fast and Efficient RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Water-soluble Vitamins in Some Nutraceutical Supplements
The emergence of India as a blossoming market for Nutraceutical supplements: An overview
Lertal®, a multicomponent Nutraceutical, could reduce the use of antihistamines in children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis
GC-TOF-MS-Based Metabolomic Analysis and Evaluation of the Effects of HX106, a Nutraceutical, on ADHD-Like Symptoms in Prenatal Alcohol Exposed Mice
The Critical Nutraceutical Role of Pumpkin Seeds in Human and Animal Health: An Updated Review
Evaluation of potential antidiabetic and antibacterial activities of Bolivian Nutraceutical plants
Mahvieh, an amazing Nutraceutical bridge between traditional and modern diet
Blueberry juice as a Nutraceutical approach to prevent prediabetes progression in an animal model: Focus on hepatic steatosis
Astaxanthin plus berberine: a Nutraceutical strategy for replicating the benefits of a metformin/fibrate regimen in metabolic syndrome
Developing microwave based extraction as a tool to valorize extraction of phenolics to boost Nutraceutical industries: A case study on Taraxcum officinale
Glycemia-reducing effects of Bolivian Nutraceutical plants
Consumer Buying Behavior towards Probiotics Nutraceutical Products in Malaysia
Thermal processing effects on the microbiological, physicochemical, mineral, and Nutraceutical properties of a roasted purple maize beverage
Moringa oleifera: A Plant Critical for Food Security, Nutraceutical Values and Climate Change Adaptation in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region: A Review
Rapid automated system for the detection of objectionable microorganisms in Nutraceutical and dietary supplements
Nutraceutical and functional foods in cancer management and therapy
A novel strategy for processing, production and quality control of an iron-free Nutraceutical supplement that rapidly restores iron-dependent hemoglobin in red …
Kosher and halal regulations for Nutraceutical and functional foods
Effect of storage of Halaweh tahinia on physicochemical and Nutraceutical properties
Nutraceutical potential of Rubus ellipticus: a critical review on phytochemical potential, health benefits, and utilization
Nutraceutical and Functional Foods in Treatment of Anemia
Daily dietary nutrition and Nutraceutical intake in agricultural laborers of Hirakud command area, Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Potentiality of underutilized crop Dioscorea spp.: a source of Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical and food preserving importance of Laetiporus sulphureus
ICAR technologies: high-value Nutraceutical and nutritional products from seaweeds
Lutein‐fortified potato soup and freeze‐dried lutein powder designed with supercritical carbon dioxide extract of yellow corn kernels are promising Nutraceutical foods
Valorisation of urban green areas for producing renewable energy and biochar as growing substrate of Sicilian aromatic and Nutraceutical species in a circular …
Dual prophylactic/therapeutic potential of date seed, and nigella and olive oils-based Nutraceutical formulation in rats with experimentally-induced Alzheimer’s disease …
Nutraceutical Properties of Pecan Kernels Are Affected by Soil Zinc Fertilizer Application
Kancolla Seeds: High Nutritional Foods With Nutraceutical Properties
Nutraceutical encapsulation and delivery system for type 2 diabetes mellitus
Design and Fabrication of Colloidal Delivery Systems to Encapsulate and Protect Curcumin: An Important Hydrophobic Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical characterisation of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm from Pakistan
Nutraceutical activities of turmeric (Curcuma longa) and its bioactive constituent curcumin
A successful Nutraceutical approach to manage an elderly dog presenting a focal granulomatous dermatitis with a concomitant chronic otitis
Gene-based analysis of angiogenesis, mitochondrial and insulin-related pathways in skeletal muscle of older individuals following Nutraceutical …
Curcuma longa normalized cimetidine‐induced pituitary‐testicular dysfunction: Relevance in Nutraceutical therapy
Physicochemical properties of wild Rubus fruits with Nutraceutical and nutritional potential
Effect of an oral probiotic Nutraceutical containing Aspergillus-derived ingredients on a serum and urine galactomannan antigen assay in dogs
Nutraceutical values of minor fruits on immunity development to combat diseases
… ®(Lactobacillus plantarum LP01, Lactobacillus lactis subspecies cremoris LLC02, Lactobacillus delbrueckii LDD01), an oral Nutraceutical, pragmatic use in …
Protective effect of Nutraceutical food on the intestinal mucosa of juvenile pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus under high stocking density
Nutraceutical Potential of Major Edible Oilseeds of India
Short-Time Strategy for Fibromyalgia Treatment Based on Olive Nutraceutical and Inflammatory Gut-Brain Axis Control Diet (IGUBAC) Diet.
Re:“Annurca apple Nutraceutical formulation enhances keratin expression in a human model of skin and promotes hair growth and tropism in a randomized clinical …
Lactoferrin as Nutraceutical Protein from Milk
Simulation and Optimisation of Anti-Dengue Nutraceutical Drink Production Plant for Medic IG Biopharma
Nutraceutical Aspect Of Canthaxanthin In Animal Feed Technology
Nutraceutical Importance of Vegetables and Their Use for Human Health: AReview
Efficacy of a New Nutraceutical Formulation in Patients with Symptomatic Uncomplicated Diverticular Disease (SUDD): a Prospective Observational Study.
Physicochemical properties of Arenga pinnata Merr. endosperm and its antidiabetic activity for Nutraceutical application
Phytochemical and Nutraceutical potentials of beach bean (Canavaliarosea SW.) DC grown in Anyigba, Kogi state, Nigeria
Evaluation of nutritive and Nutraceutical value of wild non-conventional leafy herbs in Assam, North East India.
The impact of combined Nutraceutical supplementation on Work‐related stress, mood and eating disorders during the menopausal transition: a pilot study …
An in-silico pharmacokinetics study on Cis-heptadeca-1, 9-Diene-4, 6-Diyne-3, 8-Diol: A Nutraceutical compound with anticancer properties
Development of A Nutraceutical product using Benincasa hispida
… of Protopine associated with Nuciferine in controlling adverse events during hyperthermic intravesical chemotherapy instillations. A Nutraceutical approach to control …
A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to assess the effects of a combined Nutraceutical on endothelial function in patients with mild-to-moderate …
Optimal use of Thai Sinlek rice (IR) provides the Nutraceutical effect on erythropoiesis in rats
1. Comparative Nutraceutical properties of seeds of eight citrus varieties grown in Rawalpindi region
Urinary pH as a Target in the Management of Lithiasic Patients in Real-World Practice: Monitoring and Nutraceutical Intervention for a Nonlithogenic pH Range
Analysis of the influence of a Nutraceutical supplement with probiotic effects on health index and productive performance in broiler chicken
Biotin alone or a science-driven Nutraceutical multi-targeted approach?
Analysis of Raspberry Ketone in Nutraceutical Formulation Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometric Method
Nutraceutical quality of Opuntia ficus-indica developed under micro tunnel conditions, applying vermicompost
Hepatic steatosis integrated approach: nutritional guidelines and joined Nutraceutical administration.
A comparative study on nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) and rice (Oryza sativa)
Nutraceutical Aspects of Microalgae: Will Our Future Space Foods Be Microalgae Based?
Skin cancer therapy: From conventional to Nutraceutical based nanovesicular carriers
Closed tank pneumatic press application to improve Sauvignon Blanc wine quality and Nutraceutical properties
Pharmacological Attributes of Rosa Canina L: A Potential Nutraceutical
Olive Oil: Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Food
Evaluation of Some Nutraceutical Properties of Lesser Known Functional Foods in Ghana
Comparative Study of Nutritional and Phytochemical Attributes of Andrographis paniculata, Bryophyllum pinnatum and Clitoria ternatea for Nutraceutical applications
The Nutraceutical Properties of “Pizza Marinara TSG” a Traditional Food Rich in Bioaccessible Antioxidants
Nutraceutical Extract from Dulse (Palmaria palmata L.) Inhibits Primary Human Neutrophil Activation
Polypharmacy and drug-Nutraceutical interactions
Nutraceutical Properties of Polyphenols against Liver Diseases
Reproducibility crisis. Impact on uncontrolled release of Nutraceutical preparations
Redox balance and tissue development of juvenile Piaractus mesopotamicus subjected to high stocking density and fed dry diets containing Nutraceutical …
Nutraceutical value of fresh and dried chili (Capsicum annuum L.) in different stages of maturity
Phytochemical analysis and Nutraceutical studies on aril of Blighia sapida KD Koenig
Ultrasonication-assisted extraction of a phytomelatonin-rich, erucic acid-lean Nutraceutical supplement from mustard seeds: an antioxidant synergy in the extract by …
Lactoserum: As a Complete Nutraceutical
Caffeine: Nutraceutical and Health Benefit of Caffeine-Containing Commodities and Products
Beet juice as Nutraceutical remedy for alleviating pulmonary arterial hypertension: searching for optimal treatment timing and nitrate dose
Broser®(bromelain, escin and selenium), oral Nutraceutical, monotherapy in patients with inflammatory otorhinolaryngological disorders.
Nutraceutical Properties of Turmeric
Algae as a Source for Nutraceutical Products: Scope and Perspective
Recent Advances in Nutraceutical and Functional Food.
Kinetic study of extrusion cooking of corn-rice flour blend fortified with Nutraceutical concentrates with respect to various physical parameters
Coffee as a Nutraceutical beverage
Analytical validation and method development for functional food and Nutraceutical manufacturing
Nutraceutical Benefits of Green Tea in Beta-Thalassemia with Iron Overload
Nutraceutical: A REVIEW
Effects of a Nutraceutical combination of monacolin, γ-oryzanol and γ-aminobutyric acid on lipid profile and C-reactive protein in mice
A process parameters dataset for the extrusion 3D printing of Nutraceutical oral dosage forms formulated with monoglycerides oleogels and phytosterols mixtures
Hesperidin a major flavonoid with high antioxidant potential and Nutraceutical source in dropped fruits of sweet orange (C. sinensis (L.) osbeck)
Nutraceutical and bioactive healthy compounds in vegetable crops
A Botanical-Based Equine Nutraceutical Reduces Gastric Smooth Muscle Contractile Force In Vitro
A review on medicinal properties and Nutraceutical importance of Cissus quadrangularis.
Nutraceutical Intervention for Treatment of Alcoholism and Drinking Problems
Nutraceutical regulations in ASEAN countries.
Caulerpa: Ecology, Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Potential
Flacourtia jangomas (Lour.) Raeus.(Paniala): An important Nutraceutical tree of the tropics
Development Of Vitamin C Enriched Nutraceutical Peels Rolls
Evaluation of Nutraceutical content and topical Anti-inflammatory Activities of Turraea vogelii Hook F. Ex Benth (Meliaceae)
Nutraceutical Investigations of Commelina diffusa Burm. f. Leaves-A Popular Wild Vegetable
Health Perspective of Nutraceutical Fatty Acids;(Omega‐3 and Omega‐6 Fatty Acids)
Efficacy of a new Nutraceutical formulation (CHETOGERD®) in patients with nonerosive reflux disease (NERD): a prospective observational study
Nutraceutical Bioactives
A Green Nutraceutical Study of Antioxidants Extraction in Cleome brachycarpa
Nutraceutical Application of Creatine
Effect of domestic sewage wastewater irrigation on nutritional and Nutraceutical perspectives of Eleusine coracana and Zea mays (raw and processed) from selected …
A Promising Nutraceutical Eriodictyon californicum, a “Holy Herb,” with its Healing Abilities against Oxidative Stress
Nutraceutical Herbs and Insulin Resistance
Effect of Anti-oxidant-Rich Nutraceutical on Serum Glucose, Lipid Profile, and Oxidative Stress Markers of Salt-Induced Metabolic Syndrome in Rats
Antimicrobial activity and Nutraceutical potential of Tuscan bee-pollens on oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress in different cell-based models
Production of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis) sprouts with high Nutraceutical value: first results
The Study of the Registration Guideline of Nutraceutical Products in ASEAN Countries
Developing an efficient extraction method for Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Cinnamon) bark; to develop an antidiabetic Nutraceutical
Role of Bio Farming in Nutraceutical Innovations
Management of the metabolic syndrome and the emerging role of Nutraceutical
Electrical conductivity of the nutrient solution its effect on the yield and Nutraceutical quality of bell pepper
Real Time Release Approach: At-Line Prediction of Ascorbic Acid Concentration in Nutraceutical Syrup via Artificial Neural Network
Nutraceutical effect of minerals on performance, immunity, and antioxidant system of suckling piglets
Non alcoholic fatty liver disease: pathogenesis, role of (TNF-α, IL-6) in hepatic inflammation and future potential Nutraceutical treatment
Health Benefits of Avocado as a Nutraceutical
The Bronchodilator and Nutraceutical Ginger Reduces Lung Inflammation in a Murine Asthma Model
Pepper Berries (Piper nigrum L.)–Drupes with Therapeutic and Nutraceutical Potential
Expidition of Nutraceutical Potential of Crucumin and Piperine to Formulate Functional Food Product
Nutraceutical–A Positive Nutritional Approach
Nutraceutical Potential for Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment
Algae: A Nutraceutical Supplement in Aquaculture
Conceptual Framework On Purchase Behavior Of Halal Nutraceutical Products
Current Concept and Prospect of Herbal Nutraceutical
Safety and Efficacy of Deeply Rooted® Nutraceutical for Hair Growth in Women
From free radical scavengers to nucleophilic tone: a paradigm shift in Nutraceutical effects of fruits and vegetables
Nutraceutical regulations: An opportunity in ASEAN countries
Garlic: From Nutritional To Nutraceutical Viewpoint
Portulaca oleracea exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon pollution: Mapping down Nutraceutical and histochemical changes
Nutraceutical lead to the new Era of Medicine and Health
Nutraceutical and Cosmeceutical Products Containing Low Molecular Weight Peptides from Fermented Colostrum
Therapeutic and Nutraceutical potential of Persea Americana fruits and their by-products: a review
Formulation and Evaluation of Nutraceutical Rejuvenator for sports persons
Emerging Nutraceutical Companies in India-A Link between Food and Medicine
Solid-state fermentation for enhanced extractability of Nutraceutical compounds of tomato by-products
Development of Fortified Citrus Olive Oils: From Their Production to the Nutraceutical Properties on the Cardiovascular System
Nutraceutical profiles of apricots (Prunus armeniaca L.) as a source of fruit quality traits for breeding
Bioactive/Nutraceutical compounds in fruit that optimize human health benefits
Nutraceutical basis for drug
Efficacy of disinfection methods and effects on Nutraceutical properties in coriander and strawberry
Polyphenolic Maqui Extract as a Potential Nutraceutical to Treat TNBS-Induced Crohn’s Disease by the Regulation of Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Pathways
Effects of a Nutraceutical combination (bifidobacterium longum BB536, red yeast rice extract) on cholesterol metabolism to oxysterols: a randomized, double-blind …
Mass Spectrometry Discovery-Based Proteomics to Examine Anti-Aging Effects of the Nutraceutical NT-020 in Rat Serum
Study of Nutraceutical regulations around the globe
Virgin coconut oil: A Nutraceutical and therapeutic food
Nutraceutical Effect of Diets Containing Graviola Fruit Parts on Hepatointoxicated Rats.
A New Method in Subjective Tinnitus Management: The Use of a Nutraceutical Formulation to Improve Patient Outcomes
Hypoxis colchicifolia as a potential Nutraceutical to address non-communicable diseases
Nutraceutical‐Based Pharmacological Intervention in the Management of Liver Diseases
Lambert v. Nutraceutical Corp.
Lasia spinosa: Wild Nutraceutical for Formulation of Future Drugs
Goat milk: A potent Nutraceutical food
Therapeutic and Nutraceutical Potential of Bioactive Compounds in Aegle marmelos (L.): An Overview
Biological Actions of the Nutraceutical L-citrulline in Experimental Obesity
A Novel Nutraceutical Drug for OA Treatment
Crystal engineering of Nutraceutical phytosterols: new cocrystal solid solutions?
Agronomic, Genetic and Nutraceutical Characterization of Bean (Phaseolus spp.) Landraces from Veneto, Italy
In vitro assessment of cytotoxicity and anti-inflammatory properties of shilajit Nutraceutical: A preliminary study
Biomolecules from olive mill wastewater: cosmeceutical and Nutraceutical applications
Phytochemistry of Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.): Functional and Nutraceutical Attributes
Efficacy and Safety of Nutraceutical Composition Mobileye® Capsules in Improving Synovial Joint Health in Indian Population
Taste Assessment Trials for Sensory Analysis of Oral Nutraceutical Products and Functional Foods
Comparison of the composition and the pharmacological activity of Nutraceutical products alleging the presence of avocado/soy unsaponifiables
Bioactive and Nutraceutical Properties of Mushrooms in Body Aesthetic
Integrated Nutraceutical–Nutritional Approaches to Address Equine Leaky Gut Syndrome
Fixation of color in grain and physical, technological and Nutraceutical characteristics in corn Elotes Occidentales
Natural Flavors in Various Nutraceutical Product Applications
Potential Health and Nutraceutical Applications of Astaxanthin and Astaxanthin Esters from Microalgae
Development of a gastroretentive anti-diabetic Nutraceutical incorporating polyphenol-enriched fractions of Cyclopia genistoides
The Gut Microbiota and Fermented Food: A Nutraceutical Influence on Alzheimer’s Disease
Effect of pre-and post-harvest treatments on quality, organoleptic and Nutraceutical properties of wild edible plants
Nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of different plant parts of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)
Smart microdevices for Nutraceutical-controlled delivery
Applying structural equation model in HBM theory: Case of Nutraceutical intake behavior
Nutraceutical industry: Analysing the scale, scope and price point in the Indian context
Effectiveness of a Nutraceutical supplement containing highly standardized perilla and ginger extracts in patients with functional dyspepsia
Effective bio-Nutraceutical prevention and treatments in chronic lifestyle diseases
Chemical and Nutraceutical Studies on Infertility of Albino Rats Induced by Cadmium Chloride.
Linum usitatissimum-A reliable Nutraceutical
Correction to: Flavonoids: Nutraceutical potential for counteracting muscle atrophy
Genetic variability of bioactive compounds and selection for Nutraceutical quality in kola [Cola nitida (Vent) Schott. and Endl.]
Nutraceutical components of culinary-medicinal Shiitake from various culture conditions
Study of the Antioxidant and Nutraceutical Properties of Strawberry Fragaria x ananassa Organically Grown as an Option of Sustainable Agriculture
Nutraceutical Characterization of Pumpkin Fruit (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex. Poir)
Analgesic Nutraceutical Salts and Co-crystals of Pentoxifylline, Clonidine and Linsidomine for the Topical Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-1 (1141)
Goji Berry: a Novel Nutraceutical” Superfruit” for Florida Master Gardeners: HS1391, 10/2020
Antioxidant and Anti-diabetic Potential of Nutraceutical Rich Amaranthus caudatus
Relevant phenomena and process parameters in granulation for manufacturing of pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and zootechnical products
Potential of some agri-waste as antioxidants of Nutraceutical importance
Underutilized Fruit Crops-A Potential Source of Nutraceutical Significance
A Lifestyle/Nutraceutical Program for Minimizing Colorectal Cancer Risk by Opposing β-Catenin Activity in Colonic Epithelium
Use of Tensiometric Techniques to Design and Develop Food and Nutraceutical Formulations
Nutraceutical potential of ripened beans of mangrove wild legume Sesbania speciosa
Correction to: Nutraceutical approach for the management of cardiovascular risk–a combination containing the probiotic Bifidobacterium longum BB536 and red yeast …
Millet: A Nutraceutical grain that promises nutritional security
Food Benefits and Nutraceutical Properties of the Red Beet
Nutraceutical Exploration of Wild Edible Fruits of District Tor Ghar, Nothern Pakistan
… , Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran,† Nano-encapsulation in the Food, Nutraceutical, and Pharmaceutical Industries …
Epigenetic profiling of adverse lifestyle conditions and Nutraceutical interventions in health and disease
Nutraceutical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Cyperus Esculentus (Tiger Nut) Against Urinary Tract Infection Pathogens
Evaluation of Potential Antidiabetic and Antibacterial Activities of Bolivian Nutraceutical Plants
Identifying Nutraceutical Supplements that Suppress Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage Using a Novel Immune/Muscle Cell Co-culture System
Wild Edible Underutilized Plants: Nutritional, Antinutritional, and Nutraceutical Aspects
Nutraceutical characterization of apricot fruits of the IVIA’s collection
Nutraceutical records of aquatic plants (Heinsia bussie and Diplazium sammatii) of lesser known values in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Resetting Nutraceutical Industry Priorities
Commercial and Nutraceutical quality of grafted melon cultivated under hydric stress.
General Protocol to Design Highly Effective Food Products against Chronic Degenerative Diseases by using Nutraceutical Combinations as Novel Element
Olive Leaf Addition Increases Olive Oil Nutraceutical Properties
Study of Nutraceutical substances (Rutin) in sheep’s milk fed with buckweat hay
Nutraceutical Potential of Finger millet (Eleusine Coracana): Review
Financial performance Analysis of Radiant Nutraceutical Ltd.
Mulberry (Morus spp.): A versatile tree with inherent bioactive compounds of promising pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical properties
The nutritional and Nutraceutical value of walnut
A technical note: Characterization and evaluation of novel, ready to use co-processed excipient in Nutraceutical herbal vitamin and amino acid formulations
Nutraceutical role of citrates in tissue pH balance: analysis and clinical interpretation of results obtained from urinary pH
Qualitative and Nutraceutical characterization of ancient Italian and commercial pear cultivars
Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.) and Wild Soybean (G. Soja Sieb. Et Zucc) Genetic Diversity for Functional Food. J. Functional Food & Nutraceutical, 2 (1)
Formulation of Nutraceutical Enriched Fruits and Nuts Spread
Management of stress induced hypotesticular dysfunctions by a novel Nutraceutical-lycopene in rat: genomic and proteomic approach for infertility management
High value fermented Nutraceutical product from pomegranate aril and rind blends
Assessment of Antioxidant Potential and Nutraceutical Efficacy of Traditional Indian Spices (P06-077-19)
Production of Nattokinase Based Nutraceutical by Solid State Fermentation using Bacillus subtilis MTCC1427
Development of Virgin Coconut Oil Emulsified Surimi Gel with Nutraceutical Properties
Antioxidant and Functional Nutraceutical Treatments Following Minimally Invasive (Robotical) Surgery
The Muscadine Grape: Utilizing Its Waste for Nutraceutical Advantage
The Ergogenic Potentials of Nutraceutical Amino Acids: a Review
Sagittaria trifolia tuber: an emerging source for Nutraceutical discovery.
Preparation of a Nutraceutical product like Kishk
Seasonal Fluctuations In The Nutraceutical Value Of Laurencia Obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux (Rhodophyceae)
Utilization of Carica papaya Herbal Leaf Extract for Preparation of a Nutraceutical Functional Beverage
New Trends in Antioxidant Compounds: A Precise Nutraceutical in Cardiometabolic Disorders
Nutraceutical Significance of Chickpea in Diabetes Mellitus and Dyslipidemia
Characterization of drought response and Nutraceutical value in Mediterranean almond cultivars
A Nutraceutical supplement rich in docosahexaenoic acid improves portal hypertension in a preclinical model of chronic liver disease
Product Development of Low Sugar Ready-to-Drink (RTD) Soy Jelly Drink. J. Functional Food & Nutraceutical, 2 (1)
Development of nanoencapsulated phenolic green extracts for functional food and Nutraceutical: hibiscus sabdariffa as example
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the neuro‐Nutraceutical SYNAID® on a broad‐spectrum sample (subjects with dementia, cognitively preserved and with depression …
Novel Assessment Method of the Critical Parameters for Brewing Yeast Formulation as a Nutraceutical in Animal Diets
Solar-powered electroflocculation harvesting system for Nutraceutical coupled biodiesel production from marine microalga Chlorella vulgaris (NIOT-74)
Tumor Liberated Protein (TLP) as Potential Target for Immunotherapy Associated to Nutraceutical Supplements
… and Evaluation of Nutraceutical Product Mixture of Seeds of Cucumis melo, Punica granatum, Linum usitatissimum, for Antioxidant, Prebiotic and Nutraceutical …
Nutraceutical offers hope as cytoprotective AMD option: Studies show procedure improves mitochondrial health, decreases VEGF gene.
Evaluation of Nutraceutical properties of standardized pomegranate peel extracts in bovine and porcine models
Glycosidase-catalyzed synthesis of glycosylated Nutraceutical ingredients
Development of nano-scale Nutraceutical-laden edible films with improved antioxidant and antimicrobial effects for enhancement and monitoring of shelf-life and food …
Investigation of microalgae carotenoids as potential Nutraceutical compounds
Resurgence of grain Amaranth in the food and Nutraceutical industry: a review.
Innovative techniques improving the olive oil Nutraceutical quality and the extra virgin olive oil shelf-life
Investigating Harmine, a β-Carboline Alkaloid, as a Novel Nutraceutical in Pancreatic Cancer
Evaluation of endomycorrhizae and Azospirillum sp. in agronomic characteristics and Nutraceutical quality of chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum) in greenhouse.
Emblicaofficinalis as a Nutraceutical against AMD mitochondria-induced damage in RPE cells; therapeutic implications for macular degeneration
Implementation of a pharmacologic protocol for testing bovine colostrum Nutraceutical products in broilers.
Nutritional and Nutraceutical quality of cowpea green bean (Vigna unguiculata [L] walp.) from Yucatan peninsula
Randomized trial of chronic supplementation with a Nutraceutical mixture to subjects with Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Development of astaxanthin lipid formulations for Nutraceutical application: targeting the gastrointestinal epithelium
Screening for Nutraceutical-drug interactions toward the noncovalent interactions of their solid binary systems (Case study on Piperin)
Study on bioremediation of azo dyes using Nutraceutical industrial spent and resultant waste as filler materials to fabricate green composites/Syed Noeman Taqui
Pulsed Electric Field Assisted Extraction of Red Cabbage Juice and Its Nutraceutical Role in a Colitis Mice Model
Solar-powered electroflocculation harvesting system for Nutraceutical coupled biodiesel production from marine microalga Chlorella vulgaris (NIOT-74)
In-vitro studies of anti-EGFR tyrosine kinase activity of Thai Nutraceutical plants
Nutritional Properties of Jam Made from Cacao (Theobrama cacao L.) Mucilage as a Novel Nutraceutical Product
Author Correction: Nutraceutical profile and evidence of alleviation of oxidative stress by Spirogyra porticalis (Muell.) Cleve inhabiting the high altitude Trans …
Production of pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical formulations for bioavailability improvement using Supercritical Assisted Atomization
Improving the Nutraceutical potential of Eryngium viviparum J. Gay through in vitro culture elicitation
Stability of Red Melinjo Peel (Gnetum gnemon L.) Ethyl Acetate Extract as Antibacterial Agent. J. Functional Food & Nutraceutical, 1 (1)
Response to Keith et al. Re: “Annurca Apple Nutraceutical Formulation Enhances Keratin Expression in a Human Model of Skin and Promotes Hair Growth and …
Nutraceutical properties of Leucaena leucocephala, Manihot esculenta, Cajanus cajan in goat kids infected with Haemonchus contortus
Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of wild anise foliage (Piper auritum Kunth) and its Nutraceutical effect for pigs in post-weaning.
Rice Breeding for the Bioactive Components Firming Up and Its Materialized for the Production of Functional Rice Foods and Nutraceutical Products
PO-01-075 Effects of a Nutraceutical compound combined with Avanafil on standard sperm parameters, percentage of mature spermatozoa, and sperm capacity to …
Chapter-3 A Review Study on Nutraceutical and Nutritional Efficacy of Crassocephalum crepidioides
Adjunctive Nutraceutical therapies for COVID-19
Sustainable production of pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and bioactive compounds from biomass and waste
Phytonutrient and Nutraceutical action against COVID-19: current review of characteristics and benefits
Nutraceutical and functional food components: Effects of innovative processing techniques
Nutraceutical value of Carica papaya: A review
Advances in microfluidic systems for the delivery of Nutraceutical ingredients
Microalgae for high-value products: A way towards green Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical compounds
Effectiveness of a Nutraceutical agent in the non-surgical periodontal therapy: A randomized, controlled clinical trial
Microalgal cell biofactory—therapeutic, Nutraceutical and functional food applications
An update on functional, Nutraceutical and industrial applications of watermelon by-products: A comprehensive review
Oleuropein-laded ufasomes improve the Nutraceutical efficacy
Encapsulation of pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical active ingredients using electrospinning processes
Absorption, metabolism, and bioactivity of vitexin: recent advances in understanding the efficacy of an important Nutraceutical
Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus) as a Potential Dietary Medicine with Nutraceutical Importance for Sustainable Health Applications
Nano-architectural assembly of soy proteins: A promising strategy to fabricate Nutraceutical nanovehicles
Macrofungi as a Nutraceutical source: Promising bioactive compounds and market value
Health benefits and limitations of rutin-A natural flavonoid with high Nutraceutical value
Solid-state fermentation for enhancing the Nutraceutical content of agrifood by-products: Recent advances and its industrial feasibility
Nutraceutical Approach to Preventing Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Related Complications
Development of animal/plant-based protein hydrolysate and its application in food, feed and Nutraceutical industries: State of the art
Agave By-Products: An Overview of Their Nutraceutical Value, Current Applications, and Processing Methods
Recent advances in the concept of paraprobiotics: Nutraceutical/functional properties for promoting children health
Pathophysiological basis for Nutraceutical supplementation in heart failure: a comprehensive review
A novel Nutraceutical formulation can improve motor activity and decrease the stress level in a murine model of middle-age animals
GC–MS based metabolomic approach to understand Nutraceutical potential of Cannabis seeds from two different environments
The two faces of capsiate: Nutraceutical and therapeutic potential
Recent Developments in Therapeutic and Nutraceutical Applications of p-Methoxycinnamic Acid from Plant Origin
Nanoreduction as a technology to exploit β-Glucan from cereal and fungal sources for enhancing its Nutraceutical potential
The “irisin system”: From biological roles to pharmacological and Nutraceutical perspectives
Perspective: Prospects for Nutraceutical support of intestinal barrier function
Nanochitosan: Commemorating the metamorphosis of an exoskeletal waste to a versatile Nutraceutical
Emerging roles of cardamonin, a multitargeted Nutraceutical in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases
The pharmacological basis of the curcumin Nutraceutical uses: An update
Nutraceutical potential of dietary phytochemicals in edible flowers—A review
Assessment of morphological traits, nutritional and Nutraceutical composition in fruits of 18 apricot cv. sekerpare clones
Diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases: Nutraceutical interventions related to caloric restriction
Nutraceutical Approach to Chronic Osteoarthritis: From Molecular Research to Clinical Evidence
Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Nutraceutical Profile of Carissa Species: An Updated Review
Reversal of brain aging by targeting telomerase: A Nutraceutical approach
Pea seed proteins: A nutritional and Nutraceutical update
Insight of nanotechnological processing for nano-fortified functional foods and Nutraceutical—opportunities, challenges, and future scope in food for better health
Characterization of apple (Malus domestica) seed flour for its structural and Nutraceutical potential
Almond as a Nutraceutical and therapeutic agent in Persian medicine and modern phytotherapy: A narrative review
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) as a Nutraceutical: Focus on the metabolic, analgesic, and antiinflammatory effects
Physicochemical characterization and Nutraceutical compounds of the selected spice fixed oils
Bioactive Compounds of Nutraceutical Value from Fishery and Aquaculture Discards
Grape Infusions: Between Nutraceutical and Green Chemistry
Nutraceutical delivery through nano-emulsions: General aspects, recent applications and patented inventions
Nutraceutical nanodelivery; an insight into the bioaccessibility/bioavailability of different bioactive compounds loaded within nanocarriers
Lycopene: From tomato to its Nutraceutical use and its association with nanotechnology
Nutraceutical curcumin with promising protection against herpesvirus infections and their associated inflammation: mechanisms and pathways
Nutraceutical Potential of the Low Deciduous Forest to Improve Small Ruminant Nutrition and Health: A Systematic Review
Vascular Effects of the Polyphenolic Nutraceutical Supplement Taurisolo®: Focus on the Protection of the Endothelial Function
Carotenoids and apocarotenoids in planta: Their role in plant development, contribution to the flavour and aroma of fruits and flowers, and their Nutraceutical benefits
Improvement of cognitive performance by a Nutraceutical formulation: Underlying mechanisms revealed by laboratory studies
Natural Bioactive Compounds of Sechium spp. for Therapeutic and Nutraceutical Supplements
Seaweeds’ Nutraceutical and biomedical potential in cancer therapy: A concise review
Experimental evidence and mechanism of action of some popular neuro-Nutraceutical herbs
Nutraceutical and therapeutic potential of Phycocyanobilin for treating Alzheimer’s disease
… from mango (Mangifera indica L.) seed kernel of different cultivars and maturation stages as a preliminary approach to determine functional and Nutraceutical value
Nutraceutical, dietary, and lifestyle options for prevention and treatment of ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure
Fatty acids and beyond: Age and Alzheimer’s disease related changes in lipids reveal the neuro-Nutraceutical potential of lipids in cognition
Nutraceutical Potential of Leaf Hydro-Ethanolic Extract of the Edible Halophyte Crithmum maritimum L.
Scrophulariae Radix: An Overview of Its Biological Activities and Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Applications
… application of melatonin to plants, algae, and harvested products to sustain agricultural productivity and enhance nutritional and Nutraceutical value: A meta-analysis
Nutraceutical Combinations in Hypercholesterolemia: Evidence from Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials
Phycoprospecting the Nutraceutical potential of Isochrysis sp as a source of aquafeed and other high‐value products
Citrus species: Modern functional food and Nutraceutical-based product ingredient
Functional and Nutraceutical properties of maize bran cell wall non-starch polysaccharides
Harnessing the potential of UVB irradiation for improving the Nutraceutical properties of edible xylotrophic mushroom dried powder
Nutraceutical productions from microalgal derived compounds via circular bioeconomy perspective
Nutraceutical, antioxidant, antimicrobial properties of Pyropia vietnamensis (Tanaka et Pham-Hong Ho) JE Sutherl. et Monotilla
Nutraceutical perspectives of pulses
Influence of green extraction techniques on green coffee: Nutraceutical compositions, antioxidant potential and in vitro bio-accessibility of phenolics
Pharmacological therapy determines the gut microbiota modulation by a pomegranate extract Nutraceutical in metabolic syndrome: A randomized clinical trial
Nutraceutical content and daily value contribution of sweet potato accessions for the European market
Effects of a fruit and vegetable-based Nutraceutical on biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative status in the plasma of a healthy population: a placebo-controlled …
Wheat and oat brans as sources of polyphenol compounds for development of antioxidant Nutraceutical ingredients
Oleuropein as a novel topical antipsoriatic Nutraceutical: formulation in microemulsion nanocarrier and exploratory clinical appraisal
Utilization of polysaccharide-based high internal phase emulsion for Nutraceutical encapsulation: Enhancement of carotenoid loading capacity and stability
Underutilization Versus Nutritional-Nutraceutical Potential of the Amaranthus Food Plant: A Mini-Review
Current concepts and prospects of mulberry fruits for Nutraceutical and medicinal benefits
A literature-based update on Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.: traditional uses, Nutraceutical, and phytopharmacological profiles
Does evidence exist to blunt inflammatory response by Nutraceutical supplementation during covid-19 pandemic? An overview of systematic reviews of vitamin d …
Advances and challenges in cancer treatment and Nutraceutical prevention: the possible role of dietary phenols in BRCA regulation
Effects of Drought on Yield and Nutraceutical Properties of Beans (Phaseolus spp.) Traditionally Cultivated in Veneto, Italy
Role of endoxylanase and its concentrations in enhancing the Nutraceutical components and bioactivities of red rice bran
Chemical composition, in vitro bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity of polyphenolic compounds from Nutraceutical fennel waste extract
A red-berry mixture as a Nutraceutical: Detailed composition and neuronal protective effect
Clinical efficacy of Curcuvet and Boswellic acid combined with conventional Nutraceutical product: An aid to canine osteoarthritis
Optimization of extraction parameters, characterization and assessment of bioactive properties of Ziziphus lotus fruit pulp for Nutraceutical potential
Nutraceutical supplementation ameliorates visual function, retinal degeneration, and redox status in rd10 mice
Lecciana, a New Low-Vigour Olive Cultivar Suitable for Super High Density Orchards and for Nutraceutical EVOO Production
An overview of chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) bioactive peptides’ derivation and utilization as an emerging Nutraceutical food
Solar cookers and dryers: environmental sustainability and Nutraceutical content in food processing
Cocrystallization of amantadine hydrochloride with resveratrol: the first drug–Nutraceutical cocrystal displaying synergistic antiviral activity
A successful biorefinery approach of macroalgal biomass as a promising sustainable source to produce bioactive Nutraceutical and biodiesel
Nutritional and Phytochemical Traits of Apricots (Prunus Armeniaca L.) for Application in Nutraceutical and Health Industry
Prediction of the physicochemical and Nutraceutical characteristics of ‘hass’ avocado seeds by correlating the physicochemical avocado fruit properties according to …
The Nutraceutical Properties of “Pizza Napoletana Marinara TSG” a Traditional Food Rich in Bioaccessible Antioxidants
PNPLA3, TM6SF2, and MBOAT7 influence on Nutraceutical therapy response for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomized controlled trial
Effect of Graft and Nano ZnO on Nutraceutical and Mineral Content in Bell Pepper
Evaluation of a Nutraceutical product with probiotics, vitamin d, plus banaba leaf extracts (Lagerstroemia speciosa) in glycemic control
Nutraceutical properties of tamarillo fruits: A vibrational study
Sustainable adsorption method for the remediation of malachite green dye using Nutraceutical industrial fenugreek seed spent
Technological Potential of a Lupin Protein Concentrate as a Nutraceutical Delivery System in Baked Cookies
Functional and Nutraceutical properties of fructo-oligosaccharides derivatives: A review
Cactus: Chemical, Nutraceutical composition and potential bio‐pharmacological properties
Bioactive Compounds of Opuntia spp. Acid Fruits: Micro and Nano-Emulsified Extracts and Applications in Nutraceutical Foods
Role of Nutraceutical starch and proanthocyanidins of pigmented rice in regulating hyperglycemia: Enzyme inhibition, enhanced glucose uptake and hepatic glucose …
Sustainable adsorption method for the remediation of crystal violet dye using Nutraceutical industrial fenugreek seed spent
Antioxidant, Scavenging, Reducing, and Anti-Proliferative Activities of Selected Tropical Brown Seaweeds Confirm the Nutraceutical Potential of Spatoglossum …
Could Nutraceutical Approaches Possibly Attenuate the Cytokine Storm in COVID-19 Patients?
Metabolomic profiling and biological properties of six Limonium species: novel perspectives for Nutraceutical purposes
A simple thermal-detoxified method for castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) cake, and its potential Nutraceutical properties
Overview on microbial enzymatic production of algal oligosaccharides for Nutraceutical applications
Marine bioactive compounds as Nutraceutical and functional food ingredients for potential oral health
Large-Scale Non-Targeted Metabolomics Reveals Antioxidant, Nutraceutical and Therapeutic Potentials of Sorghum
Nutritional value of seaweeds and their potential to serve as Nutraceutical supplements
Basic Concepts of Nanoemulsion and its Potential application in Pharmaceutical, Cosmeceutical and Nutraceutical fields
Role of Glucosinolates in the Nutraceutical Potential of Selected Cultivars of Brassica rapa
The UHPLC-QTOF-MS Phenolic Profiling and Activity of Cydonia oblonga Mill. Reveals a Promising Nutraceutical Potential
Fatty Acids and Nutraceutical Properties of Lipids in Fallow Deer (Dama dama) Meat Produced in Organic and Conventional Farming Systems
Soyasaponin composition complexities in soyfoods relating Nutraceutical properties and undesirable taste characteristics
In vitro evaluation of the Nutraceutical potential of Theobroma cacao pod husk and leaf extracts for small ruminants
Nutraceutical-fortified plant-based milk analogs: Bioaccessibility of curcumin-loaded almond, cashew, coconut, and oat milks
Caffeine, a natural methylxanthine Nutraceutical, exerts dopaminergic neuroprotection
Nutraceutical intervention protects against bacterial and chemical-induced gastrotoxicity in a non-mammalian model, Galleria mellonella
Nutraceutical and functional properties of peel, pulp, and seed extracts of six ‘Köhnü’grape clones
Nutraceutical based SIRT3 activators as therapeutic targets in Alzheimer’s disease
Comparison of nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of Chenopodium quinoa cultivated in Mexico and Ecuador
Natural deep eutectic solvents (Nades): Phytochemical extraction performance enhancer for pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical product development
Insulin-resistance and depression cohort data mining to identify Nutraceutical related DNA methylation biomarker for type 2 diabetes
Multi-phytochemical determination of polar and non-polar garlic bioactive compounds in different food and Nutraceutical preparations
Production of tocotrienols in seeds of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) enhances oxidative stability and offers Nutraceutical potential
Nutraceutical intervention with colostrum replacer: Can we reduce disease hazard, ameliorate disease severity, and improve performance in preweaned dairy …
Current prospects of Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical use of sea cucumbers
A new original Nutraceutical formulation ameliorates the effect of Tadalafil on clinical score and cGMP accumulation
Nutrient and genetic biomarkers of Nutraceutical treatment response in mood and psychotic disorders: A systematic review
… Larix decidua bark extract with antimicrobial activity against respiratory-tract pathogens: a novel bioactive ingredient with potential pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical …
Nutraceutical potential, quality and sensory evaluation of camu-camu pure and mixed jelly
Nutraceutical management of metabolic syndrome as a palliative and a therapeutic to coronavirus disease (COVID) crisis
Effect of superheated steam and conventional steam roasting on Nutraceutical quality of several vegetables
… by Application of Kaolin and Pinolene on Young Olive Trees (Olea europaea L.): A Preliminary Experiment to Assess Biometric, Eco-Physiological and Nutraceutical …
Enhancing the Nutraceutical potential of Himalayan cheese (kradi) through saffron fortification
Use of Nutraceutical Ingredient Combinations in the Management of Tension-Type Headaches with or without Sleep Disorders
Production of oil in water emulsions in microchannels at high throughput: Evaluation of emulsions in view of cosmetic, Nutraceutical or pharmaceutical applications
Novel protein hydrocolloids constructed by hydrophobic rice proteins and walnut proteins as loading platforms for Nutraceutical models
A systematic review of Nutraceutical interventions for mitochondrial dysfunctions in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
Productivity and nutritional and Nutraceutical value of strawberry fruits (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cultivated under irrigation with treated wastewaters
Nutraceutical screening in a zebrafish model of muscular dystrophy: gingerol as a possible food aid
Nicotinamide mononucleotide: An emerging Nutraceutical against cardiac aging?
An insight into the potential application of microalgae in pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical production
Curcumin, a potent therapeutic Nutraceutical and its enhanced delivery and bioaccessibility by pickering emulsions
Pulsed LED Light: Exploring the Balance between Energy Use and Nutraceutical Properties in Indoor-Grown Lettuce
Influence of enzyme concentrations in enzymatic bioprocessing of red rice bran: a detailed study on Nutraceutical compositions, antioxidant and human LDL oxidation …
Zanthoxylum Species: A Comprehensive Review of Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry, Pharmacological and Nutraceutical Applications
Randomized controlled trial of an adjunctive sulforaphane Nutraceutical in schizophrenia
Zogale (Moringaolifera) as a functional ingredient: A review on its Nutraceutical properties and food applications
Combined effect of silicon and non-thermal plasma treatments on yield, mineral content, and Nutraceutical proprieties of edible flowers of Begonia cucullata
Evaluation of Nutraceutical application of xylooligosaccharide enzymatically produced from cauliflower stalk for its value addition through a sustainable approach
Physicochemical properties of fucoidan and its applications as building blocks of Nutraceutical delivery systems
Exploration of Osmanthus fragrans Lour.’s composition, Nutraceutical functions and applications
Potential of Nutraceutical supplementation in the modulation of white and brown fat tissues in obesity-associated disorders: role of inflammatory signalling
Functional attributes of polyphenol-rich Woodfordia fruticosa extract: An active ingredient in traditional Indian medicine with Nutraceutical potential
Moringa oleifera: A review on nutritive importance and its potential use as Nutraceutical plant
Humulus lupulus Cone Extract Efficacy in Alginate-Based Edible Coatings on the Quality and Nutraceutical Traits of Fresh-Cut Kiwifruit
Improvement of Nutraceutical Value of Parsley Leaves (Petroselinum crispum) upon Field Applications of Beneficial Microorganisms
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seed: promising source of Nutraceutical
Use of a male antioxidant Nutraceutical is associated with superior live birth rates during IVF treatment
Evaluation of prebiotic mannooligosaccharides obtained from spent coffee grounds for Nutraceutical application
Effect of light quality and ionising radiation on morphological and Nutraceutical traits of sprouts for astronauts’ diet
He-Ne laser seed treatment improves the Nutraceutical metabolic pool of Sunflowers and provides better tolerance against water deficit
… -assembly of amantadine hydrochloride with ferulic acid via dual optimization strategy establishes a precedent of synergistic antiviral drug-phenolic acid Nutraceutical …
Dehiscence and prolonged storage of ‘Kerman’Pistachios: Effects on morphometry and Nutraceutical value
Nutritional and Nutraceutical compounds of fruits from native trees (Ziziphus mistol and Geoffroea decorticans) of the dry chaco forest
Effects of Feeding a Hypoallergenic Diet with a Nutraceutical on Fecal Dysbiosis Index and Clinical Manifestations of Canine Atopic Dermatitis
Biofortification with selenium and lithium improves Nutraceutical properties of major winery grapes in the Midwestern United States
Nutraceutical Chewing Candy Formulations Based on Acetic, Alcoholic, and Lactofermented Apple Juice Products
Development of Carrot Nutraceutical Products as an Alternative Supplement for the Prevention of Nutritional Diseases
Suggesting 7, 8-dihydroxyflavone as a promising Nutraceutical against CNS disorders
Chemical Characterization of Brown and Red Seaweed from Southern Peru, a Sustainable Source of Bioactive and Nutraceutical Compounds
… used edible Solanaceae plants of Mizoram, India have high antioxidant and antimicrobial potential for effective phytopharmaceutical and Nutraceutical …
Local and underutilised fruits as a source of Nutraceutical molecules: bioactive compounds in Mespilus germanica L.
Effects of Fruit and Vegetable-Based Nutraceutical on Cognitive Function in a Healthy Population: Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, and Randomized Clinical Trial
Nutraceutical induction and mimicry of heme oxygenase activity as a strategy for controlling excitotoxicity in brain trauma and ischemic stroke: Focus on oxidative …
Chondracanthus teedei var. lusitanicus: The Nutraceutical Potential of an Unexploited Marine Resource
… optimization of process parameters of water chestnut flour incorporated corn‐based extrudates: Characterizing physicochemical, Nutraceutical, and storage stability of …
The Effect of Ascophyllum nodosum Extract on the Nutraceutical Antioxidant Potential of Vigna radiata Sprout under Salt Stress
Investigation of immunomodulatory and gut microbiota-altering properties of multicomponent Nutraceutical prepared from lactic acid bacteria, bovine colostrum, apple …
In silico potential of Nutraceutical plant of Pithecellobium dulce against GRP78 target protein for breast cancer
RESVEGA, a Nutraceutical omega-3/resveratrol supplementation, reduces angiogenesis in a preclinical mouse model of choroidal neovascularization
Gluten-free minor cereals of Himalayan origin: Characterization, Nutraceutical potential and utilization as possible anti-diabetic food for growing diabetic population of …
Dietary biomolecules as promising regenerative agents for peripheral nerve injury: An emerging Nutraceutical‐based therapeutic approach
Effect of a novel Nutraceutical supplement (Relaxigen Pet dog) on the fecal microbiome and stress-related behaviors in dogs: A pilot study
… through the immobilization of CALB on porous SBA-15 and their application on the resolution of pharmaceutical derivatives and on Nutraceutical enrichment of natural …
… of oxysterols with atherosclerosis biomarkers in subjects with moderate hypercholesterolemia and effects of a Nutraceutical combination (Bifidobacterium longum …
Resistant starch type 2 from lotus stem: Ultrasonic effect on physical and Nutraceutical properties
Advancements in algae in Nutraceutical and functional food
The Nutraceutical value of maize (Zea mays L.) landraces and the determinants of its variability: A review
Novel Adenosine Triphosphate-Based Nutraceutical Formulation to Prevent Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Enteric Cell Toxicity: Preliminary In Vitro Evidence
Herbal Nutraceutical treatment of chronic prostatitis–chronic pelvic pain syndrome: a literature review
C-Phycocyanin-derived Phycocyanobilin as a potential Nutraceutical approach for major neurodegenerative disorders and COVID-19-induced damage to the nervous …
Is Nutraceutical supplementation appropriate for COVID-19 management?
Potentiating cutaneous wound healing in young and aged skin with Nutraceutical collagen peptides
… eustress in a floating hydroponic module of sequentially harvested lettuce modulates phytochemical constitution, plant resilience, and post-harvest Nutraceutical …
Comparison of the Mineral and Nutraceutical Profiles of Elephant Garlic (Allium ampeloprasum L.) Grown in Organic and Conventional Fields of Valdichiana, a …
Medicinal and Nutraceutical Benefits of Chia Seed (Salvia hispanica)
Interventional Study to Evaluate the Clinical Effects and Safety of the Nutraceutical Compound BrainUp-10® in a Cohort of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease: A …
Retinal neurodegeneration: Correlation between Nutraceutical treatment and animal model
Recent development in black garlic: Nutraceutical applications and health-promoting phytoconstituents
Characteristics of Nutraceutical chewing candy formulations based on fermented milk permeate, psyllium husk, and apple by-products
Assessing the antioxidant and metabolic effect of an alpha-lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine Nutraceutical
Phytoestrogens (Resveratrol and Equol) for Estrogen-Deficient Skin—Controversies/Misinformation versus Anti-Aging In Vitro and Clinical Evidence via Nutraceutical …
Nigella sativa Seed Extracts in Functional Foods and Nutraceutical Applications
Effect of a combined microwave-assisted drying and air drying on improving active Nutraceutical compounds, flavor quality, and antioxidant properties of Camellia …
Development and in vitro evaluation of novel Nutraceutical formulations composed of Limosilactobacillus fermentum, quercetin and/or resveratrol
Essential oil of Lepidium virginicum: Protective activity on anthracnose disease and preservation effect on the Nutraceutical content of tamarillo fruit (Solanum …
Preparation of antioxidant‐rich tricolor pasta using microwave processed orange pomace and cucumber peel powder: A study on Nutraceutical, textural, color, and …
… , Antioxidant and Enzyme Inhibition Potential of Polygonum Plebeium R.Br: A Comprehensive Approach to Disclose New Nutraceutical and Functional Food …
Effect of ozone application on the removal of pesticides from grapes and green bell peppers and changes in their Nutraceutical quality
Effect of the incorporation of apricot pulp powder on physicochemical, functional, rheological and Nutraceutical properties of wheat flour based cookies
Thermal degradation kinetics of carotenoids: Acrocomia aculeata oil in the context of Nutraceutical food and bioprocess technology
From folklore to the Nutraceutical world: the Corema album potential
Solid self-microemulsifying Nutraceutical delivery system for hesperidin using quality by design: assessment of biopharmaceutical attributes and shelf-life
Yeast assisted algal flocculation for enhancing Nutraceutical potential of Chlorella pyrenoidosa
Review on physicochemical, medicinal and Nutraceutical properties of poppy seeds: a potential functional food ingredient
Effects of Nutraceutical conglomerate on growth and antioxidant status of Labeo rohita fingerlings
Feasibility Study of a Docosahexaenoic Acid-Optimized Nutraceutical Formulation on the Macular Levels of Lutein in a Healthy Mediterranean Population
Nutraceutical Aid for Allergies–Strategies for Down-Regulating Mast Cell Degranulation
Polyphenols and fish oils for improving metabolic health: a revision of the recent evidence for their combined Nutraceutical effects
Nutraceutical Potential of Wild Edible Mushroom Hygrocybe alwisii
Computational studies towards identification of lead herbal compounds of medicinal importance for development of Nutraceutical against COVID-19
Oleuropein-laded ufasomes improve the Nutraceutical efficacy. Nanomaterials 2021, 11, 105
Maintaining Effective Beta Cell Function in the Face of Metabolic Syndrome-Associated Glucolipotoxicity—Nutraceutical Options
Food and Nutraceutical applications of algae
Genotype by environment interaction effects on Nutraceutical lipid compounds of pigmented Rice (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica)
Quality characteristics, Nutraceutical profile, and storage stability of functional beverage prepared from jujube (Ziziphus jujuba var vulgaris) fruit
Nutraceutical potential, qualitative and acceptability of different camu‐camu popsicle
… potential trends of the omega-3 rich linseed oil quality characteristics and rancidity management: A comprehensive review for maximizing its food and Nutraceutical …
Development and Validation of a Discriminative Dissolution Medium for a Poorly Soluble Nutraceutical Tetrahydrocurcumin
The Nutraceutical N-Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) reveals widespread molecular effects unmasking new therapeutic targets in murine varicocele
Dietary inclusion of nonconventional roughages for lowering enteric methane production and augmenting Nutraceutical value of meat in cull sheep
Presynaptic release-regulating alpha2 autoreceptors: Potential molecular target for ellagic acid Nutraceutical properties
Nutritional, Antinutritional Compounds and Nutraceutical Significance of Native Bean Species (Phaseolus spp.) of Mexican Cultivars
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of a Nutraceutical supplement for promoting hair growth in perimenopausal, menopausal, and postmenopausal …
First Insight into Nutraceutical Properties of Local Salento Cichorium intybus Varieties: NMR-Based Metabolomic Approach
Bioactive Compounds, Cosmeceutical And Nutraceutical Applications of Green Seaweed Species (Chlorophyta)
A Nutraceutical strategy for downregulating TGFβ signalling: prospects for prevention of fibrotic disorders, including post-COVID-19 pulmonary fibrosis
Genomics-Assisted Improvement of Grain Quality and Nutraceutical Properties in Millets
In vitro effects of Nutraceutical treatment on human osteoarthritic chondrocytes of females of different age and weight groups
Evaluation of Borage (Borago officinalis L.) Genotypes for Nutraceutical Value Based on Leaves Fatty Acids Composition
Nutraceutical Strategy to Counteract Eye Neurodegeneration and Oxidative Stress in Drosophila melanogaster Fed with High-Sugar Diet
Phytochemical and biological evaluation of a newly designed Nutraceutical self-nanoemulsifying self-nanosuspension for protection and treatment of cisplatin induced …
Nutraceutical and Probiotic Approaches to Examine Molecular Interactions of the Amyloid Precursor Protein APP in Drosophila Models of Alzheimer’s Disease
Qualitative and Nutraceutical Characteristics after Storage of New Pear Selections in Emilia-Romagna Region
Production of Nutraceutical astaxanthin from waste resources
Bioactive Compounds in Nutraceutical and Functional Food for Good Human Health
A Nutraceutical combination of cinnamon, purple onion, and tea linked with key enzymes on treatment of type 2 diabetes
In vitro anti-proliferative activity of selected Nutraceutical compounds in human cancer cell lines
Enhancement of Nutraceutical properties of licorice callus cultures using sample pre‐treatment strategy
Production potential, nutritive value and Nutraceutical effects of goat milk
Corn starch incorporated with freeze-concentrated Ilex paraguariensis extracts: A potential Nutraceutical product
Impact of starter culture on Nutraceutical and functional properties of underutilized millet-legume co-fermented Indian traditional product
Nutraceutical Properties of Bioactive Peptides
Nutraceutical value and production of the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) cultivated in South-West of Romania
Nutraceutical supplementation based on colostrum as osteoporosis treatment: a pilot study
Characterization of PACs profile and bioactivity of a novel Nutraceutical combining cranberry extracts with different PAC-A oligomers, D-mannose and ascorbic acid …
Effectiveness and safety of a Nutraceutical formulation for the treatment of functional dyspepsia in primary care
Trends in the Functional Food Market and Nutraceutical Product Development
Gluten-free healthy snack with high nutritional and Nutraceutical value elaborated from a mixture of extruded underutilized grains (quality protein maize/tepary …
Nutraceutical Legumes: A Brief Review on the Nutritional and Medicinal Values of Legumes
Nutraceutical functions of green tea
Nutraceutical regulation of miRNAs involved in neurodegenerative diseases and brain cancers
Assessment of the Nutraceutical Effects of Oleuropein and the Cytotoxic Effects of Adriamycin, When Administered Alone and in Combination, in MG-63 Human …
Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid: A Pharmaco-Nutraceutical Approach to Improve the Responsiveness to Ursodeoxycholic Acid
Health effects of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.): From antioxidant to Nutraceutical
… vivo property of 5-fluorouracil and ferulic acid on the strength of double optimized strategy: the first 5-fluorouracial-phenolic acid Nutraceutical cocrystal with synergistic …
Oils and Oilseeds in the Nutraceutical and Functional Food Industries
Nutraceutical potential of Pennisetum typhoides microgreens: In vitro evaluation of antioxidant and antibacterial activities and in silico Staphylococcus aureus FtsZ …
Effect of Opuntia ficus-indica Mucilage Edible Coating on Quality, Nutraceutical, and Sensorial Parameters of Minimally Processed Cactus Pear Fruits
A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, assessing the effect of a Nutraceutical tablet in the management of stress in pet dogs
Effects of a Nutraceutical supplement in the management of mild equine squamous gastric disease in endurance horses
Differences in the phenolic composition and Nutraceutical properties of freeze dried and oven-dried wild and domesticated samples of Sanguisorba minor Scop
Neuro-Nutraceutical potential of Asparagus racemosus: A review
Comparative analysis of Nutraceutical potential phytochemicals and antioxidant activities in different parts of wild and in vitro regenerated plantlets of …
From hypertension to hyperlipidaemia: The Nutraceutical properties of egg proteins
Sex-specific reduction in inflammation of osteoarthritic human chondrocytes and Nutraceutical-dependent extracellular matrix formation
The Yield, Fruit Quality and Some of Nutraceutical Characteristics of Saskatoon Berries (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.) in the Conditions of Eastern Poland
A Review of the Pharmacological and Nutraceutical Properties of Cynodon dactylon
Nutraceutical support of mitochondrial function associated with reduction of long-term fatigue and inflammation
… during aqueous two phase extraction (ATPE) of polyphenolic compounds and glycoalkaloids from the leaves of a Nutraceutical plant, Solanum retroflexum …
Muszy nska, B. Supplementation with magnesium salts-a strategy to increase Nutraceutical value of Pleurotus djamor fruiting bodies
Changes in weight gain, digestive and metabolic enzyme activities in Labeo rohita fingerlings in response to multiple stress exposure and dietary Nutraceutical
Bioprospecting wild South African microalgae as a potential third-generation biofuel feedstock, biological carbon-capture agent and for Nutraceutical …
Indo-pak medicinal plants and their endophytes: an emphasis on Nutraceutical and bioactive potential
Supplementation with Magnesium Salts—A Strategy to Increase Nutraceutical Value of Pleurotus djamor Fruiting Bodies
A cost-effective HPLC-DAD method for quality and stability assessment of antihypertensive herbal extracts in their recently co-formulated Nutraceutical product
Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.): Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Significance
Nanotechnological Advances for Nutraceutical Delivery
Nutraceutical phycocyanobilin binding to catalase protects the pigment from oxidation without affecting catalytic activity
Effectiveness and Safety of Novel Nutraceutical Formulation Added to Ezetimibe in Statin-Intolerant Hypercholesterolemic Subjects with Moderate-to-High …
A Nutraceutical approach to enhance Reproductive longevity and Ovarian health using Curcuma longa in wistar Rats
Food biopolymers: Structural, functional and Nutraceutical properties
Genetically modified fruit and vegetable-An overview on senescence regulation, postharvest Nutraceutical quality preservation and shelf life extension
Acute and Long Term Effects of a Nutraceutical Combination on Lipid Profile, Glucose Metabolism and Vascular Function in Patients with Dyslipidaemia with …
Recent Developments in Shiitake Mushrooms and Their Nutraceutical Importance
Effects of monacolin K-containing Nutraceutical on cholesterol homeostasis re-establishment and CVD risk reduction in hypercholesterolemic subjects
Tree Turmeric: A Super Food and Contemporary Nutraceutical of 21st Century–A Laconic Review
Nutraceutical and preservative potential of Acacia mearnsii and Acacia dealbata leaves for ruminant production and product quality enhancement
Nutraceutical extracts from some endemic Onosma (O. circinnata, O. bornmuelleri, and O. angustissima) species: LC–ESI‐MS/MS–based polyphenol profile …
Melatonin: a safe Nutraceutical and clinical agent
Nutraceutical potential of rose hips of three wild Rosa species from Western Himalaya, India
Bitter gourd an exceptional crop: a review focuses on Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical properties
Exogenous calcium nitrate application delays senescence, enhance Nutraceutical properties and antioxidant defense system during storage
Nutraceutical potential of molokhia (Corchorus olitorius l.): A versatile green leafy vegetable
Exploiting the potential of bioactive molecules extracted by ultrasounds from avocado peels—food and Nutraceutical applications
Molecular Hallmarks, Agronomic Performances and Seed Nutraceutical Properties to Exploit Neglected Genetic Resources of Common Beans Grown by …
Varieties of Mushrooms and their Nutraceutical Importance: A Systematic Review.
Development of Nutraceutical Ice Creams Using Flour Yellow Worm Larvae (Tenebrio molitor), Chia (Salvia hispanica), and Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)
Biopolymers in the food and Nutraceutical industries
Ethnomedicinal and Nutraceutical potentialities of Moringa oleifera: A Review
Effect of the extruded amaranth flour addition on the nutritional, Nutraceutical and sensory quality of tortillas produced from extruded creole blue maize flour
Effects of a Nutraceutical supplement on gastrointestinal health in racing standardbreds
Lingonberry polyphenols: Potential SARS‐CoV‐2 inhibitors as Nutraceutical tools?
Gelatin-based coating enriched with blueberry juice preserves the Nutraceutical quality and reduces the microbial contamination of tomato fruit
Oil Recovery from Jalapeño Pepper By-Products and Analysis of the Industrial Scalding Process on Its Nutraceutical Potential
The impact of a key Nutraceutical complex on chondrocyte cells and matrix Gla protein expression
Ramesh. C. Gupta. A Randomized, Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Study Of BVP-01, A Proprietary Nutraceutical Formulation For The Treat-ment Of Canine …
Utilization of Microalgae and Thraustochytrids for the Production of Biofuel and Nutraceutical Products
Effect of combined lipid-lowering and antioxidant Nutraceutical on plasma lipids, endothelial function, and estimated cardiovascular disease risk in moderately …
Evaluation of Crude and Modified Cordia myxa Gum for its Nutraceutical Benefits
Beyond Physical Exercise: The Role of Nutrition, Gut Microbiota and Nutraceutical Supplementation in Reducing Age-Related Sarcopenia
Nutraceutical approach to age-related diseases—The clinical evidence on cognitive decline
Nutraceutical immunomodulation on acute inflammation by abdominal plastic surgery
Beauty from within: A Review of the Science behind YulivTM Collagen Drink: An Anti-Aging Nutraceutical
Recent Trends in Functional and Nutraceutical Foods
Comparative analysis of Nutraceutical potential of turmeric grown in different areas of Almora, Uttarakhand.
Nigella sativa Seed Cake: Nutraceutical Significance and Applications in the Food and Cosmetic Industry
Prophylaxis with a multicomponent Nutraceutical abates transient cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury
Nutritional quality and Nutraceutical potential of fruits and vegetables as a tool for genetic breeding programs
Correction: Factors impacting lipid digestion and Nutraceutical bioaccessibility assessed by standardized gastrointestinal model (INFOGEST): oil droplet size
Nutraceutical Properties of Legume Seeds: Phytochemical Compounds
Nutraceutical use in osteoarthritic canines: a review
Preparation of Nutraceutical Health Drink Using Aloe Vera as a Base Ingredient
Nutraceutical Prospects of Green Algal Resources in Sustainable Development
Influence of Ketogenic Diet and Nutraceutical Correction in the Complex Treatment of Lower Limbs Lipedema
Enological and Nutraceutical potential of some grape varieties tolerant to downy mildew and powdery mildew
Nutraceutical study on Maianthemum atropurpureum, a wild medicinal food plant in Northwest Yunnan, China
Fruits and Vegetables as Nutraceutical:[Nature’s Medicine]
Effect of crop load on fruit nutritional and Nutraceutical traits of greenhouse tomato
Nutraceutical management of male infertility-towards new generation therapeutics
Bioprospecting microalgae harnessed from the coastal belt of Mangalore, India as prospective Nutraceutical and biofuel candidates
Formulation And Antioxidant Property Of Bitter Melon Seeds Oil Loaded Into SNEDDS Systems As A Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical and Health Benefits of Pulses
Development and Evaluation of Nutraceutical Products from Soybean, Sorghum and Basil Leaf Using Response Surface Methodology
Future Perspectives in Nutraceutical Research
Nutraceutical Treatment of Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Evaluation of Nutritional and Nutraceutical Content of Polished and Unpolished Barnyard Millet-An Analytical Study
Nutraceutical Properties of Lipids
Fortification of a Desert Using Nanoencapsulated Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extract of Small Cardamom Seeds: A Nutraceutical Custard with Antioxidant Synergy
Post-harvest industrial processes of almond (Prunus dulcis L. Mill) in Sicily influence the Nutraceutical properties of by-products at harvest and during storage
Nutraceutical Potential of Oyster. Research & Reviews
Molecular Mechanisms to Understand Aging and Immune Function and Nutraceutical Interventions
The use of a novel low irritancy Nutraceutical compound to treat moderately severe facial acne and acne scarring.
Coffee as a Potential Nutraceutical
Chemical Composition of Green Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Pods Extracts and Their Potential Exploitation as Ingredients in Nutraceutical Formulations
Cleaning Validation for the Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Nutraceutical, Medical Device and Diagnostic Industries
Extraction, biological activities and stability of Hylocereus polyrhizus peel extract as a functional food colorant and Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical Alternatives to Pharmaceutical Analgesics in Osteoarthritis
Technological Potential of a Lupin Protein Concentrate as a Nutraceutical Delivery System in Baked Cookies. Foods 2021, 10, 1929
Nutraceutical Potential of Herbs and Aromatic Plants of Himalayan Region
Effect of Ultrasound Treatment on the Physicochemical, Nutraceutical, and Functional Properties of Lupine Flour
Nutraceutical Activation of the Transcription Factor Nrf2 as a Potential Approach for Modulation of Aging
Proniosomal Formulation Encapsulating Pomegranate Peel Extract for Nutraceutical Applications
The Nutraceutical potential of Carrots carotenoids in Chronic Eyes Defects (CEDs): A Review
Phytochemicals characterization of Nutraceutical enriched fruits and nuts spread
Is Nutraceutical supplementation appropriate for COVID-19 management?
Nutraceutical Importance and Applications of Nigella sativa Seed Flour
Comparison of Nutritional and Nutraceutical Properties of Burdock Roots Cultivated in Fengxian and Peixian of China
Nutraceutical delivery system
Food Biopolymers: Structural, Functional, and Nutraceutical Properties: Food Proteins: An Overview
Roles of Nutraceutical in the treatment of tuberculosis
Urticaria Successfully Treated with Mindfulness and Nutraceutical Supplements
Assessment of Nutraceutical Potential of Herbs for Promoting Hair Growth: Formulation Considerations of Herbal Hair Oil
Hypoglycemic and anti-lipidemic properties of Cinnamomum zeylanicum (” Sri Wijaya” accession) water-soluble Nutraceutical in streptozotocin-induced …
Nutraceutical and Cosmeceutical Potential of Seaweed Derived Fucoxanthin
Determination of some Nutraceutical Compounds, Amino Acids and Fatty acids Present in the Extracts of Sargasum boveanum Algae Obtained from the …
Nutraceutical Content and Daily Value Contribution of Sweet Potato Accessions for the European Market. Horticulturae 2021, 7, 23
Nutraceutical sector and nanomedicine
Changes in the Regulation of Energy Metabolism with Aging Nutraceutical Applications
Importance of Integrative Health Sciences in Antiaging Nutraceutical Development
Micronutrients profiles and Nutraceutical potential of developed instant zero “Zobo” blends for a diabetics
Current Advances Research in Nutraceutical Compounds of Legumes, Pseudocereals and Cereals
Evaluation of Nutraceutical Properties of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm (Pleurotaceae)
Comparative analyses of the Nutraceutical potentialities of selected Indian traditional black rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces
Immune stimulating and galectin-3 inhibitory effects of a hydrophilic polysaccharide Nutraceutical from Tinospora cordifolia
The Molecular Characterization and Biological Assessment of the Leaves Extracts of Loofah Reveal their Nutraceutical Potential
Chitosan nanoparticles improve the Nutraceutical quality of triticale sprouts
Standardization of recipe for Nutraceutical dark chocolate bar with added moringa and quinoa
Nutraceutical Properties of Water Chestnut: Nutraceutical Properties of Water Chestnut
Exploration of the Potential of Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity for the Development of Local Nutraceutical Products: A Case for Mauritius
Nutraceutical marketing strategy
The Nutraceutical Characteristics of Donkey Milk: A New Insight for its Potential Probiotics
Effects of Jatropha curcas L.(Euphorbiaceae) composts on biochemical, phytochemical and Nutraceutical quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) seeds
Nutraceutical Potential of Seed and Grain Proteins in Health Promotion
13 Nutraceutical Prospects
Variation of fruit quality traits in apricot as sources for Nutraceutical breeding
Nutraceutical Inhibition of Hedgehog Signaling in Pancreatic Cancer
Soybean Nutraceutical canonic inter-relations and its reflections on breeding
Benchmarking Nutraceutical Soybean Composition Relative to Protein and Oil
Nutraceutical Properties of Hibiscus sabdariffa Stem and Leaf Extract as a Potential Alternative to Management of Clinical Manifestations Associated with …
Combined effect of silicon and non-thermal plasma treatments on yield, mineral content, and Nutraceutical proprieties of edible flowers of Begonia cucullata
Functional And Nutraceutical Characterization Of Cinnamon
Potential of Nutraceutical in Preventing the Risk of Cancer and Metabolic Syndrome: From the Perspective of Nutritional Genomics
Nutraceutical Intervention of Seeds in the Treatment of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome; A Systematic Review: Nutraceutical Intervention; Seed Cycling
Nutraceutical products based on polysaccharides: sources, properties and applications
Tyrosine Supplementation: A Nutraceutical Approach to Counter Heat Stress Induced Cognitive Decline
Economic analysis of cactus pears bio-functional, medicinal, Nutraceutical and cosmetic properties (póster)
Ameliorative Role of Nutraceutical Quercetin and its Derivatives Against Cognitive Impairment Process Induced by Lead Exposure in Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit …
Nutritional and Nutraceutical Properties of Upland Edible Aroids and Selection of Superior Germplasm from Borail Hills Range, India
Pharmaceutical (Nutraceutical) Development, Quality Control Assessment and Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy of a Polyherbal Compound for Muscle Gain in Gym …
Nutraceutical Application, Bioactive Compounds And Health Benefits Of Seaweeds
Mitoprotective effects of a Synergistic Nutraceutical Combination: basis for a prevention strategy against Alzheimer’s Disease
Agronomic and Nutraceutical behavior of F2 populations developed of interracial crosses of pepper
Innovative Technologies for the Production and Preservation of Natural Leavening Products with High Nutraceutical Content
… , Sunil C Kaul, Renu Wadhwa: Reviewed the final version before submitting. Experimental evidence and mechanism of action of some popular neuro-Nutraceutical …
Influence of natural preservatives on the bioactivity and stability of a Nutraceutical formulation
Understanding the relationship between oxidative stress and cognition in the elderly: targets for Nutraceutical interventions
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Nutraceutical Combination in Major Depression Disorder: A Case-Control Study.
Nutraceutical Profile of Wendlandia wallichii, Rhynchotechum ellipiticum and Bursera serrata and its Application in Nanochemistry
Nutraceutical Potential of Fadogia ancylantha, Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights.
Chemical Composition and Nutraceutical Functions of Edible Bird’s Nest: Development of Quality Control Parameters and Health Food Products
Taurisolo®, a Grape Pomace Polyphenol Nutraceutical Reducing the Levels of Serum Biomarkers Associated With Atherosclerosis
Marketing of Nutraceutical as FMHC Products
Nutraceutical Compound Analysis in Opuntia spp. and LC-MS/MS Method Development for Glyphosate Detection
Analysis of Sterol Glucosides in Momordica charantia L. Extracts and Nutraceutical Products
Efficacy of multiple blend Nutraceutical bar supplementation on weight loaded swimming performances in animal model
Nutrients and Nutraceutical content of polished and unpolished kodo millet–a quantitative analysis
Visual quality and Nutraceutical properties upon storage of Sanguisorba minor Scop. proposed as a new fresh-cut product
Do we really need Nutraceutical liver support
Nutritional Psychiatry as Basis of Nutraceutical Development for Mental Illness in Aging Population
Immune-Boosting and Nutraceutical Applications of Whey Protein: Current Trends and Future Scope
Influence of multicomponent Nutraceutical on gut microbiota in experimental animals
Challenges in the nanoscale delivery systems development in the pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical markets
Improving the nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of wheat and other cereals
Evaluation of indigenous land races of deep-water paddy of North East India for Nutraceutical value
Innovative Nutraceutical Ginger Splash-Development and Characterization
Nutraceutical correction in the complex non-drug treatment of metabolic syndrome
… molitor Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Sphenarium purpurascens Charpentier, 1842 (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) as exploitable Nutraceutical …
Garlic as Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical Modelling the Gastrointestinal Microbiota and Response of the Immune System
Altered gender-related homocysteine metabolism and lipid panel in healthy heavy smokers: a possible role for Nutraceutical supplementation
Formulation and Evaluation of Fenugreek powder as Nutraceutical from seeds of Trigonella foenum graecum
Nutraceutical Profile for Genetic Diversity Assessment in Leafy Mustard (Brassica juncea var. rugosa) Genotypes
A haematotoxicity evaluation of a natural polymer intended to be a Nutraceutical and pharmaceutical drug delivery system.
Study of Storage Conditions on the Nutraceutical Products And its Implementation at Retail and Whole Sale Stores of Quetta
Nutritional and Nutraceutical composition of selected varieties of brassica oleraceal. Grown in Uganda.
PODS OF Prosopis cineraria (GHAF): A GIFT OF NATURE FOR Nutraceutical
Role of Indian spices as Nutraceutical and Therapeutical Agents
Modern approach in Nutraceutical and functional application of soybean and its products to sustain human health: A review
Nutraceutical Dioscorea used by the Santhal community
The novel Nutraceutical-Insulin plant
Nutraceutical and medicinal bio-resources used by tea-tribe of Jorhat district of Assam
K. 2021. Estimation of glycemic index of single and multiple blend Nutraceutical biscuits
Nutraceutical formulations: addition of natural ingredients as preservatives
Phytochemical, Nutraceutical and Antioxidant Studies of Portulaca oleracea L. Grown in Bidar Region of Karnataka.
Nutraceutical properties and health benefits of bioactive molecules derived from Spirulina enriched functional food
Colostrum as a Nutraceutical
Goat milk: A potent Nutraceutical food
Berberís mikuna Job., a fruit species native to Tucumán with Nutraceutical potential and dyeing potential
A Nutraceutical strategy for downregulating TGFß signalling: prospects for prevention of fibrotic disorders, including post-COVID-19 pulmonary fibrosis.
An Underutilized Fruit Karonda (Carissa carandas Linn.): A Ray in Potential Nutraceutical
Annona: MOS Nutraceutical Sdn Bhd
066 Revactin®, a Nutraceutical Combination, Activates the iNOS/cGMP Pathway in Human Corporal Smooth Muscle Cells
Antihyperglycemic activities of Uli banana leaves on oral sugar tolerance. J. Functional Food & Nutraceutical, 2 (2)
Nutraceutical Potential of pumpkin (Cucurbita sp.) powder, seed, extracts, and oil on diabetes; Mini Review
Effect of thermosonication and pasteurization on physicochemical, microbiological and Nutraceutical properties in maize beverages
Role & Effects of Nutraceutical agent Beta-Sitosterol
Use of Pea Starch Maltodextrins in Nutraceutical Formulations
Effects of plant type and calcium cyanamide dosage on yield, nutritional and Nutraceutical traits of strawberry in Sicily
The impact of a Nutraceutical on insulin resistance in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a retrospective observational study
Use of Sericea Lespedeza (Lespedeza Cuneata) as a Nutraceutical Forage for Livestock
Antioxidant potential of Chenopodium quinoa as a Nutraceutical
101 Impact of Equi-Shield as a Nutraceutical fly protectant in adult horses
Spices technologies for maximum Nutraceutical, environmental and social benefits
Structural, vibrational, quantum chemical and thermal investigation of a Nutraceutical drug in new zwitterionic cocrystal form (nicotinic acid: catechol) with enhanced …
The Effect of the Nutraceutical” MICODIGEST 2.0″ on the Colorectal Cancer Surgery With Curative Intent Complications Rate: A Study Protocol for a Placebo …
Organogels as Nutraceutical carriers: Effect of addition of lecithin, tocopherols, and EPA/DHA on properties of candelilla wax-soybean oil organogels
Garcinia: A genus of Nutraceutical fruits
Eggshell membrane: A novel Nutraceutical for joint and skin health
Nutraceutical Strategy to Counteract Eye Neurodegeneration and Oxidative Stress in Drosophila melanogaster Fed with High-Sugar Diet
Effects of infusion conditions on in vitro antioxidant power of extracts obtained from Nutraceutical tea products developed with Osbeckia octandra and black tea …
Nutraceutical potential of Peucedanum japonicum Thunb. for the prevention of muscle atrophy
Nutraceutical Properties of Blood fruit (Haematocarpus validus Bakh. f. ex Forman)
The Positive Behavioral Impact of a CBD-containing Nutraceutical Formulation on Privately-Owned Dogs
Nutraceutical, Thermophysical and Textural Characteristics of the Papaya ( Carica Papaya L) and Your Incidence for Post-Harvest Management
Gluten-free healthy snack with high nutritional and Nutraceutical value elaborated from a mixture of extruded underutilized grains (quality protein maize/tepary bean)
Double emulsion-based age-friendly Nutraceutical system: co-encapsulation and co-delivery of bioactive substances study
Ameliorative Role of Nutraceutical Quercetin and its Derivatives Against Cognitive Impairment Process Induced by Lead Exposure in Drosophila melanogaster …
Nutraceutical TRAITS AND SENSORY PROPRIERTIES OF “CIURIETTO”(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis x Brassica oleracea var. italica)
A Nutraceutical Formula Is Effective in Raising the Circulating Vitamin and Mineral Levels in Healthy Subjects: A Randomized Trial
Nutraceutical potential of piceatannol in hypercholesterolemia by suppression of PCSK9 expression through p300 acetyltransferase inhibition
… Phytochemical Screening of Spider Plant (Gynandropsis gynandra (L.) Briq.) Accessions From Africa and Asia to Identify Genotypes for Use in Nutraceutical …
Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Behavior of Bioactive Compounds of Miracle Oilseeds: An Overview
Exploration of bioactive peptides from various origin as promising Nutraceutical treasures: In vitro, in silico and in vivo studies
Development of Pickering emulsions stabilized by hybrid biopolymeric particles/nanoparticles for Nutraceutical delivery
Nutraceutical profiling of elite onion germplasm and breeding hybrids with improved Nutraceutical quality
Nutraceutical profiling, bioactive composition, and biological applications of Lepidium sativum L.
Underutilized citrus species: An insight of their Nutraceutical potential and importance for the development of functional food
Delving into the Nutraceutical benefits of purple carrot against metabolic syndrome and cancer: A review
Allylations of aryl/heteroaryl ketones: neat, clean, and sustainable. Applications to targets in the pharma-and Nutraceutical industries
A state-of-art review on camel milk proteins as an emerging source of bioactive peptides with diverse Nutraceutical properties
The significant role of Nutraceutical compounds in ulcerative colitis treatment
The Nutraceutical properties and health benefits of pseudocereals: a comprehensive treatise
Nutraceutical Profile of “Carosello” (Cucumis melo L.) Grown in an Out-of-Season Cycle under LEDs
Dereplication of extracts from Nutraceutical mushrooms Pleurotus using molecular network approach
Potential Food and Nutraceutical Applications of Alginate: A Review
Impact of germination on Nutraceutical, functional and gluten free muffin making properties of Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum)
Investigating the potential of fish oil as a Nutraceutical in an animal model of early life stress
A Preliminary Assessment of the Nutraceutical Potential of Acai Berry (Euterpe sp.) as a Potential Natural Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease
Nutraceutical and Dietary Strategies for Up-Regulating Macroautophagy
Novel Nutraceutical Compounds in Alzheimer Prevention
The role of Nutraceutical fruit drink on neurodegenerative diseases: a review
Therapeutic and Nutraceutical Effects of Polyphenolics from Natural Sources
Ongoing and potential novel trends of pomegranate fruit peel; a comprehensive review of its health benefits and future perspectives as Nutraceutical
A novel bioprocess engineering approach to recycle hydrophilic and hydrophobic waste under high salinity conditions for the production of Nutraceutical …
Nutraceutical and Functional Properties of Camelids’ Milk
Recent Advances in the Valorization of Algae Polysaccharides for Food and Nutraceutical Applications: a Review on the Role of Green Processing Technologies
Functional and Nutraceutical Significance of Amla (Phyllanthus emblica L.): A Review
β-Glucan from mushrooms and dates as a wall material for targeted delivery of model bioactive compound: Nutraceutical profiling and bioavailability
A review of recent progress in improving the bioavailability of Nutraceutical‐loaded emulsions after oral intake
Pharmacology of α‐spinasterol, a phytosterol with Nutraceutical values: A review
Nutraceutical potentials of algal ulvan for healthy aging
Microencapsulation of polyphenolic compounds recovered from red wine lees: Process optimization and Nutraceutical study
Bilosomes as a promising nanoplatform for oral delivery of an alkaloid Nutraceutical: improved pharmacokinetic profile and snowballed hypoglycemic effect in diabetic …
An advance on nutritional profile, phytochemical profile, Nutraceutical properties, and potential industrial applications of lemon peels: A comprehensive review
Journey of Alpinia galanga from kitchen spice to Nutraceutical to folk medicine to nanomedicine
Functional Fermented Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics from Non‐Dairy Products: A Perspective from Nutraceutical
Evaluation of Nutraceutical Properties of Eleven Microalgal Strains Isolated from Different Freshwater Aquatic Environments: Perspectives for Their Application as …
Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction for bioactive compounds in Rubus ellipticus fruits: An important source for Nutraceutical and functional foods
The emerging role of miRNAs in the pathogenesis of COVID-19: Protective effects of Nutraceutical polyphenolic compounds against SARS-CoV-2 infection
Ferulic acid loaded pickering emulsions stabilized by resistant starch nanoparticles using ultrasonication: Characterization, in vitro release and Nutraceutical …
Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical potential of natural bioactive pigment: astaxanthin
Extraction of protein from churpi of yak milk origin: Size reduction, Nutraceutical potential and as a wall material for resveratrol
Impact of time and temperature on the physicochemical, microbiological, and Nutraceutical properties of laver kombucha (Porphyra dentata) during …
In vitro characterization of iridoid and phenylethanoid glycosides from Cistanche phelypaea for Nutraceutical and pharmacological applications
Epigallocatechin gallate as a Nutraceutical to potentially target the metabolic syndrome: Novel insights into therapeutic effects beyond its antioxidant and anti …
Ferritin nanocage based delivery vehicles: From single-, co-to compartmentalized-encapsulation of bioactive or Nutraceutical compounds
Efficacy and Safety of Nutraceutical on Menopausal Symptoms in Post-Menopausal Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
Purple light-emitting diode (LED) lights controls chlorophyll degradation and enhances Nutraceutical quality of postharvest broccoli florets
Potential Nutraceutical Use of Tribulus terrestris L. in Human Health
Recent advances in lipid-protein conjugate-based delivery systems in Nutraceutical, drug, and gene delivery
A review of nanostructured delivery systems for the encapsulation, protection, and delivery of silymarin: An emerging Nutraceutical
Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical activation of FOXO3 for healthy longevity
Membrane fractionation of Cynara cardunculus swine blood hydrolysate: Ingredients of high nutritional and Nutraceutical value
Discovering multifaceted role of vanillic acid beyond flavours: Nutraceutical and therapeutic potential
Whey protein isolate-gum Acacia Maillard conjugates as emulsifiers for Nutraceutical emulsions: Impact of glycation methods on physicochemical stability and in vitro …
The Role of Nutraceutical Containing Polyphenols in Diabetes Prevention
Nutraceutical potential of Amazonian oilseeds in modulating the immune system against COVID-19–A narrative review
Value addition and fortification in non-centrifugal sugar (jaggery): A potential source of functional and Nutraceutical foods
Bioactive Natural Compounds for Therapeutic and Nutraceutical Applications in Neurodegeneration
Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa: An Underutilized Fruit with High Nutraceutical Values: A Review
Diffusional characteristics of food protein-based materials as Nutraceutical delivery systems: A review
Nutmeg Nutraceutical constituents: In vitro and in vivo pharmacological potential
Recent Advances in Lipases and Their Applications in the Food and Nutraceutical Industry
Edible rose flowers: a doorway to gastronomic and Nutraceutical research
Nutraceutical potential of mushroom bioactive metabolites and their food functionality
Modulation of Fabrication and Nutraceutical Delivery Performance of Ovalbumin-Stabilized Oleogel-Based Nanoemulsions via Complexation with Gum Arabic
… , physico‐ and phytochemical attributes of potential functional jamun (Syzygium cumini L.)pomace powder for direct compression: high antioxidant Nutraceutical …
… (Hippophae rhamnoides) Waste Biomass after Harvesting as a Source of Valuable Biologically Active Compounds with Nutraceutical and Antibacterial Potential
Nutraceutical Concepts and Dextrin-Based Delivery Systems
Medicinal, nutritional, and Nutraceutical potential of Sparassis crispa s. lat.: a review
Nutraceutical Eriocitrin (Eriomin) Reduces Hyperglycemia by Increasing Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 and Downregulates Systemic Inflammation: A Crossover …
Nutraceutical Prevention of Diabetic Complications—Focus on Dicarbonyl and Oxidative Stress
Nutraceutical Difference between Two Popular Thai Namwa Cultivars Used for Sun Dried Banana Products
Recent advances in biological properties of brown algae-derived compounds for Nutraceutical applications
Fast-Tracking Isolation, Identification and Characterization of New Microalgae for Nutraceutical and Feed Applications
Therapeutic Potential and Nutraceutical Profiling of North Bornean Seaweeds: A Review
Ascorbic acid-loaded gliadin nanoparticles as a novel Nutraceutical formulation
Understanding the Nutraceutical diversity through a comparative analysis of the taproot metabolomes of different edible radish types via UHPLC–Q–TOF–MS
Identification and characterization of the novel bioactive compounds from microalgae and cyanobacteria for pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical applications
Molecular docking and dynamics studies of Nicotinamide Riboside as a potential multi-target Nutraceutical against SARS-CoV-2 entry, replication, and transcription: A …
Antioxidant and Antiaging Properties of a Novel Synergistic Nutraceutical Complex: Readouts from an In Cellulo Study and an In Vivo Prospective, Randomized Trial
A new Nutraceutical (Livogen Plus®) improves liver steatosis in adults with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Food and Nutraceutical functions of Sesame oil: an underutilized crop for nutritional and health benefits
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) α‐amylase inhibitors as safe Nutraceutical strategy against diabetes and obesity: An update review
Modulatory Properties of Food and Nutraceutical Components Targeting NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation
Nutraceutical content and genetic diversity share a common pattern in new pomegranate genotypes
Lobularia maritima leave extract, a Nutraceutical agent with antioxidant activity, protects against CCl4-induced liver injury in mice
… (Olea europaea L. subsp. oleaster) addition as a functional additive in olive oil production: the effects on bioactive and Nutraceutical compounds using LC …
Nutraceutical prospects of Houttuynia cordata against the infectious viruses
Colostrum as an Emerging food: Nutraceutical Properties and Food Supplement
The Nutraceutical Antihypertensive Action of C-Phycocyanin in Chronic Kidney Disease Is Related to the Prevention of Endothelial Dysfunction
Application and Perspectives of Supercritical Fluid Technology in the Nutraceutical Industry
Functionalisation of rice bran assisted by ultrasonication and fermentation for the production of rice bran–lingonberry pulp‐based probiotic Nutraceutical
Prototypes of Nutraceutical products from microparticles loaded with stilbenes extracted from grape cane
Why Use Nutraceutical Strategies for the Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Seafood Discards: A Potent Source of Enzymes and Biomacromolecules With Nutritional and Nutraceutical Significance
Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.‐Hil.) for new therapeutic and Nutraceutical interventions: A review of patents issued in the last 20 years (2000–2020)
Macrophage polarization by potential Nutraceutical compounds: A strategic approach to counteract inflammation in atherosclerosis
Application of a Rapid and Simple Technological Process to Increase Levels and Bioccessibility of Free Phenolic Compounds in Annurca Apple Nutraceutical Product
Nutritional and Nutraceutical Properties of Mexican Traditional Mole Sauce
Nutraceutical Enrichment of Animal Feed by Filamentous Fungi Fermentation
Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial to Test the Effects of a Nutraceutical Combination Monacolin K-Free on the Lipid and Inflammatory Profile of …
Nutraceutical Properties of Medicago sativa L., Agave spp., Zea mays L. and Avena sativa L.: A Review of Metabolites and Mechanisms
The Role of Nutraceutical Supplements, Monacolin K and Astaxanthin, and Diet in Blood Cholesterol Homeostasis in Patients with Myopathy
Peptide-rich extracts from spent yeast waste streams as a source of bioactive compounds for the Nutraceutical market
A Nutraceutical Formulation Containing Brown Algae Reduces Hepatic Lipid Accumulation by Modulating Lipid Metabolism and Inflammation in Experimental Models …
Effect of the Administration of a Nutraceutical Supplement in Racehorses with Lower Airway Inflammation
Season-long exposure of bilberry plants to realistic and future ozone pollution improves the Nutraceutical quality of fruits
Metal nanoparticles functionalized with Nutraceutical Kaempferitrin from edible Crotalaria juncea, exert potent antimicrobial and antibiofilm effects against …
Royal Jelly as a Nutraceutical Natural Product with a Focus on Its Antibacterial Activity
Tyrosinase-Based Biosensor—A New Tool for Chlorogenic Acid Detection in Nutraceutical Formulations
Partial and total defoliation during the filling period affected grain industrial and Nutraceutical quality in soybean
Assessment and characterization of tomato lipophilic electrophiles and their potential contribution to Nutraceutical properties via SKN-1/Nrf2 signaling activation
Resveratrol attenuates mast cell mediated allergic reactions: potential for use as a Nutraceutical in allergic diseases?
Resvega, a Nutraceutical Preparation, Affects NFκB Pathway and Prolongs the Anti-VEGF Effect of Bevacizumab in Undifferentiated ARPE-19 Retina Cells
Sprouting and Hydrolysis as Biotechnological Tools for Development of Nutraceutical Ingredients from Oat Grain and Hull
Impact of dietary walnuts, a Nutraceutical option, on circulating markers of metabolic dysregulation in a rodent cachectic tumor model
The Nutritional Quality Potential of Microgreens, Baby Leaves, and Adult Lettuce: An Underexploited Nutraceutical Source
Dietary and Nutraceutical-based therapeutic approaches to combat the pathogenesis of Huntington’s disease
Ripening-Induced Changes in the Nutraceutical Compounds of Differently Coloured Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Breeding Lines
Acceleration of the genetic gain for Nutraceutical improvement of adlay (Coix L.) through genomic approaches: current status and future prospects
Black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.): paving the way toward new Nutraceutical
Benefits of Resveratrol and Pterostilbene to Crops and Their Potential Nutraceutical Value to Mammals
Supercritical CO2-assisted Impregnation/Deposition of Polymeric Materials With Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, and Biomedical Applications: A Review (2015-2021)
Nutraceutical Interventions for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Animal Models: A Focus on the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis
Diversity of nutrient and Nutraceutical contents in the fruits and its relationship to morphological traits in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
Achieving the united nations sustainable development goals‐2030 through the Nutraceutical industry: a review of managerial research and the role of operations …
Application of Enzyme-Assisted Extraction for the Recovery of Natural Bioactive Compounds for Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Applications
Nutraceutical formulations combining Limosilactobacillus fermentum, quercetin, and or resveratrol with beneficial impacts on the abundance of intestinal bacterial …
Toxicological and Nutraceutical Screening Assays of Some Artificial Sweeteners
A Nutraceutical formulation combined with sclerofoam-assisted laser treatment ameliorates chronic venous insufficiency
Coconut Palm: Food, Feed, and Nutraceutical Properties
Propolis of stingless bees for the development of novel functional food and Nutraceutical ingredients: A systematic scoping review of the experimental …
Bioactive compounds from Cucumis melo L. fruits as potential Nutraceutical food ingredients and juice processing using membrane technology
Perspectives on the potential of Mangiferin as a Nutraceutical: a review
Barnyard millet: the underutilized Nutraceutical minor millet crop
Baicalin as an emerging magical Nutraceutical molecule: Emphasis on pharmacological properties and advances in pharmaceutical delivery
Nutraceutical potential of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) extracts: physicochemical stability and bioaccessibility of cannabidiol (CBD) nanoemulsions
Polyphenolic composition and antimicrobial activity of extracts obtained from grape processing by-products: Between green biotechnology and Nutraceutical
Molecular mechanisms for the prevention and promoting the recovery from ischemic stroke by Nutraceutical laminarin: A comparative transcriptomic approach
Novel Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical-Based Approaches for Cardiovascular Diseases Prevention Targeting Atherogenic Small Dense LDL
Bioremediation of Textile Industrial Effluents Using Nutraceutical Industrial Spent: Laboratory-Scale Demonstration of Circular Economy
Molecular modeling of lactoferrin for food and Nutraceutical applications: insights from in silico techniques
Valorization Potential of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Seed: Nutraceutical Quality, Food Properties, Safety Aspects, and Application as a Health …
Compendium of naringenin: Potential sources, analytical aspects, chemistry, Nutraceutical potentials and pharmacological profile
Quercetin loaded cosm-Nutraceutical electrospun composite nanofibers for acne alleviation: Preparation, characterization and experimental clinical appraisal
A Comprehensive and Comparative Metabolomic Study of Two Nutraceutical-Containing Plants; Moringa oleifera and Solanum lycopersicum: A Review
Date fruit as a promising source of functional carbohydrates and bioactive compounds: A review on its Nutraceutical potential
The extract of peanut shell enhances neurite outgrowth of neuronal cells: Recycling of agricultural waste for development of Nutraceutical products
Fabrication of hesperidin self-micro-emulsifying Nutraceutical delivery system embedded in sodium alginate beads to elicit gastric stability
Experience with Nutraceutical supplements in the treatment of pelvic pain in gynaecology
What is the efficacy of dietary, Nutraceutical, and probiotic interventions for the management of gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms? A systematic literature …
A sojourn into therapeutic and Nutraceutical potential of curcumin and its novel drug delivery system: Current achievements and future perspectives
Improved oral Nutraceutical-based intervention for the management of obesity: pterostilbene-loaded chitosan nanoparticles
Ethnopharmacological properties and Nutraceutical potential of Moringa oleifera
Nutraceutical Properties of Unripe Banana Flour Resistant Starch: A Review
Chronic Intestinal Disorders in Humans and Pets: Current Management and the Potential of Nutraceutical Antioxidants as Alternatives
Dexamethasone and Nutraceutical Therapy Can Reduce the Myalgia Due to COVID-19–a Systemic Review of the Active Substances that Can Reduce the …
Lycopene: Total-scale literature landscape analysis of a valuable Nutraceutical with numerous potential applications in the promotion of human and animal health
Nutraceutical potential of the pulp of five cultivars of watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai] grown in Burkina Faso
Pre-clinical Investigation of Protective Effect of Nutraceutical D-Glucosamine on TNBS-induced Colitis
Strategies for crop Nutraceutical content enhancement, a review
Strategic application of liposomal system to R-α-lipoic acid for the improvement of Nutraceutical properties
Can Moringa Leaf Spray Treatment Increase the Nutraceutical Properties of Radish Baby Leaf?
Nutraceutical Role of Polyphenols and Triterpenes Present in the Extracts of Fruits and Leaves of Olea europaea as Antioxidants, Anti-Infectives and Anticancer …
Engineered probiotic and prebiotic Nutraceutical supplementations in combating non-communicable disorders: A review
Novel avocado oil-functionalized yogurt with anti-obesity potential: Technological and Nutraceutical perspectives
Biosorption of crystal violet by Nutraceutical industrial fennel seed spent equilibrium, kinetics, and thermodynamic studies
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum): Nutraceutical values, phytochemical, ethnomedicinal and pharmacological overview
Effects of Integrated and Organic Management on Strawberry (cv. Camarosa) Plant Growth, Nutrition, Fruit Yield, Quality, Nutraceutical Characteristics, and Soil …
Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.): A potential fruit for industrial use, serving Nutraceutical, livelihood interests and enhancing climate resilience
Bergamot and olive extracts as beer ingredients: their influence on Nutraceutical and sensory properties
Biochemical and Anti-proliferative activities of seven abundant tropical red seaweeds confirm Nutraceutical potential of Grateloupia indica
Chemical composition and Nutraceutical characterization of Balanites roxburghii seed oil
… using capillary electrophoresis coupled with contactless conductivity detection: Method development, validation, and application to pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical …
Utilization of marine macroalgae‐derived sulphated polysaccharides as dynamic Nutraceutical components in the feed of aquatic animals: A review
Fabrication of the quaternary nanocomplex curcumin-casein-alginate-chitosan as a potential oral delivery system for cancer Nutraceutical therapy
Nutraceutical profile of goji (Lycium barbarum L.) berries in relation to environmental conditions and harvesting period
… enriched cold extruded pasta products using hybrid dried processed mushroom powder and defatted flours: A study on Nutraceutical, textural, colour and …
Nutritional and Nutraceutical properties of goat milk for human health: A review
Chemical Characterization of Apricot Kernel: Nutraceutical Composition, Amino Acid, and Fatty Acid Profile
A Nutraceutical product, extracted from Cannabis sativa, modulates voltage-gated sodium channel function
Environmentally benign, ultrasonication assisted, sustainable valorization for commercially important Nutraceutical-Daucosterol from the heartwood of invasive …
Inexpensive and simple tool for quality control of Nutraceutical and tonic products with capillary electrophoresis and contactless conductivity detection: some …
… -Bi, Biodegradable Mulching Film for Strawberry (Fragaria × Ananassa Duch.): Effects on Film Duration, Crop Yields, Qualitative, and Nutraceutical Traits of Fruits
A Prospective Six-month Single-blind Study Evaluating Changes in Hair Growth and Quality Using a Nutraceutical Supplement in Men and Women of Diverse …
Nutraceutical potential of polyphenol-rich Sargassum species grown off the Korean coast: a review
Nutraceutical and phytotherapeutic support in pregnancy
Bioactive Nutraceutical ligands and their efficiency to chelate elemental iron of varying dynamic oxidation states to mitigate associated clinical conditions
The Nutraceutical Properties of Sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) against Gastritis: Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Activities in Gastric Epithelial Cells Infected with H …
Bioactive components in Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterraenea (L.) Verdc) as a potential source of Nutraceutical ingredients.
Sensory and Nutraceutical Properties of Infusions Prepared with Grape Pomace and Edible-Coated Dried–Minced Grapes
Cruciferous vegetables: A mine of phytonutrients for functional and Nutraceutical enrichment
The Symbiotic Effect of a New Nutraceutical with Yeast β-Glucan, Prebiotics, Minerals, and Silybum marianum (Silymarin) for Recovering Metabolic …
No Waste from Waste: Membrane-Based Fractionation of Second Cheese Whey for Potential Nutraceutical and Cosmeceutical Applications, and as Renewable …
Typical plant-based food from a Nutraceutical perspective: The case of the Marche region
Nutraceutical and Nutrients Development for Space Travel
Current Concepts and Prospects of Herbal Nutraceutical
The Nutraceutical Industry: trends and dynamics
Effect of the Nutraceutical Micodigest 2.0 on the Complication Rate of Colorectal Cancer Surgery With Curative Intent: Protocol for a Placebo-Controlled …
Nutraceutical potential of navel orange peel in diabetes management: The chemical profile, antioxidant, α-glucosidase inhibitory and antiglycation effects of its …
Fabrication, characterization, and purification of Nutraceutical diacylglycerol components from Camellia oil
Nutraceutical Approach to the Management of Cystic Fibrosis
UHPLC-QTOF-IMS-Based Metabolite Fingerprinting of Underutilized Cordia myxa Fruits and Leaves: A Nutraceutical Source
Antioxidant-Rich Nutraceutical as a Therapeutic Strategy for Sickle Cell Disease
Nutraceutical, thermophysical and textural characteristics of papaya (Carica papaya L) and incidence for post-harvest management
Improving the Nutraceutical value of mango during ripening by postharvest irradiation with blue LEDs via enhancing of antioxidant enzyme activities
Nanotechnologies and Sustainable Agriculture for Food and Nutraceutical Production: An Update
Fungi as Nutraceutical: Present to Future
The Edible Plant Crithmum maritimum Shows Nutraceutical Properties by Targeting Energy Metabolism in Hepatic Cancer
Estimates of functional food and Nutraceutical availability in the world, with reference to food peroxidation and food safety
Nutraceutical Potential of High-latitude and High-altitude Berries Rich in Ellagitannins
Is it possible to treat nonalcoholic liver disease using a flavanol-based Nutraceutical approach? Basic and clinical data
Molecular dynamics study of plant bioactive Nutraceutical keto-Curcumin encapsulated in medium chain triglyceride oil-in-Water nanoemulsion that are stabilized by …
In Vitro Production of Nutraceutical: Challenges and Opportunities
Optimization of In Vitro Cell Culture Conditions for Increasing Biomass and Nutraceutical Production
Application of parsley leaf powder as functional ingredient in fortified wheat pasta: Nutraceutical, physical and organoleptic characteristics
Nutraceutical role of supra-nutritional selenium in healthy buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves
Non alcoholic palm nectar from Cocos nucifera as a promising Nutraceutical preparation
Potentiation of the Cytotoxic Activity of Nutraceutical Phloretin against Cervical Cancer by Formulation into Microemulsion
Microencapsulation of fish oil with olive leaf extract instead of synthetic antioxidant and its effects on Nutraceutical properties of fish oil at different inlet temperatures
Nutraceutical Compounds, Classification, Biosynthesis, and Function
Molecular Pathways and Roles for Vitamin K2-7 as a Health-Beneficial Nutraceutical: Challenges and Opportunities
Is coffee powder extract a possible functional ingredient useful in food and Nutraceutical industries?
Effects of Galohgor Nutraceutical Lactation Cookies on Breast Milk Volume and Lactose Concentration
Vitamin K2: An emerging essential Nutraceutical and its market potential
Phospholipid and menthol based nanovesicle impregnated transdermal patch for Nutraceutical delivery to diminish folate and iron deficiency
Biological functions of Nutraceutical xylan oligosaccharides as a natural solution for modulation of obesity, diabetes, and related diseases.
The Nutraceutical potential of cyanobacteria
Fungistatic Films Containing Cinnamon Essential Oil: New Coatings to Preserve the Nutraceutical Content of Avocado Fruit against Fusariosis
Nutraceutical Compounds from Marine Microalgae
Anti-microbial and cytotoxic activity of ZzAMP, a serine protease inhibitor (SPI) with Nutraceutical potential from rhizomes of medicinal plant, Zingiber zerumbet
Red Seaweeds: Their Use in Formulation of Nutraceutical Food Products
Starch-based nanoparticles for fabrication of Nutraceutical delivery system
Single-Center-Single-Blinded Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of a Nutraceutical Containing Boswellia Serrata, Bromelain, Zinc, Magnesium, Honey, Tyndallized …
Nanocarriers System for Vitamin D as Nutraceutical in Type 2 Diabetes: A Review
Nanoliposomal co-encapsulation of cinnamon extract and zein hydrolysates with synergistic antioxidant activity for Nutraceutical applications
Modification of the Nutraceutical characteristics of jalapeño chili peppers in response to hormones
Impact of Bioaccumulated Selenium on Nutraceutical Properties and Volatile Compounds in Submerged Fermented Pleurotus eryngii Mycelia
Use of sodium metabisulphite and citric acid to control the degradation of Nutraceutical compounds in dried tomato powder during prolonged storage
Biofortification with copper nanoparticles (Nps Cu) and its effect on the physical and Nutraceutical quality of hydroponic melon fruits
Polyphenol Encapsulates from the Waste Biomass of C. sinensis and Their Simulated Oral, Gastric, and Intestinal Stability Studies: Nutraceutical Application
TamaFlex™—A novel Nutraceutical blend improves lameness and joint functions in working horses
Nutraceutical from Tetracapedium conophorum (Walnut) Protect against cadmium chloride induced hypertension in Albino rats
Melatonin‐rich, erucic acid‐lean Nutraceutical supplements by microwave‐assisted solvent extraction of brown and yellow mustard seeds
Palmitoylethanolamide-based Nutraceutical Calmux® in preventive treatment of migraine
Pharmacognostic and Nutraceutical Potential of Momordica Dioica Roxb. Ex willd. Fruit
Green Extraction of Fucoxanthin with Promising Nutraceutical Applications
Native Crops in Latin America: Biochemical, Processing, and Nutraceutical Aspects
Cannabis as a Unique and Valuable Nutraceutical Formulation for the Current and Future Global Wellbeing
Industrial Hemp: Food and Nutraceutical Applications
Nutraceutical Profile of the Ceylon Spinach (Talinum triangulare)
Nutraceutical and Health Implications of Snack Foods
Addition of Processed Fine Wine Lees of Cabernet Sauvignon to Improve Nutraceutical Properties of Yoghurt
Technological, Biochemical and Microbiological Evaluation of Dehydrated Pleurotus ostreatus Powder for Nutraceutical Applications
An Insight on Emerging Nanomaterials for the Delivery of Various Nutraceutical Applications for the Betterment of Heath
Delineating a green, catalyst free synthesis of a popular Nutraceutical methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in continuous flow
Hemp Usage as Regular Food and in Nutraceutical Industry
Nutraceutical and therapeutical potential of Spirulina
Starch: Nutraceutical Properties
Functional profiling of Achillea fragrantissima (a perennial edible herb) against human cancer cells and potential Nutraceutical impact in neutralizing cell proliferation …
Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. ex Schult.): Focus on Nutraceutical Aspects
Supplementation with Anti-inflammatory Nutraceutical Products in the Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain: A Narrative Review.
Functional and Nutraceutical Significance of Macro and Micro Algae
A technological breakthrough in developing a state-of-the-art Nutraceutical sports nutrition formulation to enhance vitality, mental acuity, vigilance, energy, and …
Lentinula Edodes (Edible Mushroom) as a Nutraceutical: A Review
Phytochemistry and Nutraceutical properties of Carica papaya (Linn.): A review
Traditional, Cultural, and Nutraceutical Aspects of Cannabis in India
Physico-chemical and Nutraceutical properties of Cola lepidota seed oil
A Review on the Importance of Annona muricata Crude Extract (AMCE) as a Nutraceutical Anti-Metastatic and its Coping Mechanism Against Breast Cancer
Analysis of the stability of phycocyanin when trehalose and citric acid are used as protectants in Nutraceutical gelatin candies under in vitro digestion assays’
Tyrosinase-Based Biosensor—A New Tool for Chlorogenic Acid Detection in Nutraceutical Formulations. Materials 2022, 15, 3221
The powerful Solanaceae: Food and Nutraceutical applications in a sustainable world
Functional and Nutraceutical Properties of Cereal Bran Industrial Waste: An Overview
Over-the-counter (OTC) Medication And Nutraceutical Use In Patients With Heart Failure Reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF): A Sub-Study From The EPIC-HF Trial.
Caatinga: barn of antioxidant and Nutraceutical bio-actives
Lutein: A Nutraceutical Nanoconjugate for Human Health
A Long-Term Study of the Safety and Efficacy of a Nutraceutical Supplement for Promoting Hair Growth in Perimenopausal, Menopausal, and Postmenopausal …
Future Trend to Replace Chemical Products with Nutraceutical Food/Feed Additive: A Mini Review
Phytochemicals and Nutraceutical properties of peach (Prunus persica L.) harvested in Zacatecas
Nutraceutical properties of Vinca rosea
Nutraceutical effects of organic Selenium and vitamin E supplementation on performance, antioxidant protection and egg quality of Japanese quails (Coturnix …
Encapsulation of bioactive peptides: a strategy to improve the stability, protect the Nutraceutical bioactivity and support their food applications
Influence of organic fertilizers and silicon on the physiology, yield, and Nutraceutical quality of the strawberry crop
Nutraceutical-A deep and profound concept
Preclinical insights into fucoidan as a Nutraceutical compound against perfluorooctanoic acid-associated obesity via targeting endoplasmic reticulum stress
Phenotypic, nutritional and Nutraceutical traits of x´ catik chili fruits, sweet and its F1 hybrid (Capsicum annuum L.)
Development of Persian gum-based micro-and nanocarriers for Nutraceutical and drug delivery applications
Fenugreek: Nutraceutical Properties and Therapeutic Potential
Nutritional and Nutraceutical Potentials of Residual Cakes from Seeds of Moringa (L.), Sacha Inchi (L.) and Hibiscus Flower (L.) After Oil Extraction
Evaluation of the pharmaceutical quality of two Nutraceutical lysine products in South Africa
New Approaches about Nutraceutical Aspects of Dietary Fiber From Chia Seeds as a Functional Ingredient
Industrial hemp Nutraceutical processing and technology
Nutraceutical potential of industrial hemp
Nutraceutical properties of important weeds in India
Sustainable use of tomato pomace for the production of high added value food, feed, and Nutraceutical products
Current Clinical Evidences of Promising Benediction of Nutraceutical and Dietary Supplements for Hepatic Disorders
Premna Serratifolia L.: Potential as Nutraceutical Panacea
Addition of a Nutraceutical to montelukast or inhaled steroid in the treatment of wheezing during COVID-19 pandemic: a multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled …
Lactoferrin: A Nutraceutical with activity against Colorectal cancer
Nutraceutical Treatment in Knee Osteoarthritis—Arthritis-Presentation of a Dietary Plan by Means of Additional Nutraceuticals in Lieu of the Detrimental Side …
Nutraceutical Delivery Systems: Promising Strategies for Overcoming Delivery Challenges
IAI SPECIAL EDITION: Stevia rebaudiana as a Nutraceutical for COVID-19 patients with no sugar diet during recovery and its nanoparticle application
Foliar biofortification with iron improves Nutraceutical quality and antioxidant capacity in lettuce
Green and food-grade nanoemulsion: A novel Nutraceutical and phytochemical delivery concept
Screening of the potentiality of four green microalgae to be used as feedstock for biodiesel and Nutraceutical production
Goat milk and its Nutraceutical properties
Molecular hydrogen as a Nutraceutical for extending the health span
Ethnomedicinal and traditional application of Allium wallichii Kunth (Himalayan Onion): An unexplored and underutilized Nutraceutical plant foods from Himalayan …
A Nutraceutical and Therapeutic Potentials of Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni: Nutraceutical and Therapeutic Potentials of Stevia
Nutraceutical and functional value of carob-based products The LBG Sicilia Srl Case Study
Evaluation of Nutraceutical Value
Medicinal mushroom Nutraceutical commercialization: Two sides of a coin
Bioactive lipids: Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, and cosmeceutical applications
Supplementation of Quercetin Nutraceutical Ameliorates Stress among Female College Students
Molecular and Functional Characterization of Human SW 872 Adipocytes as a Model System for Testing Nutraceutical Products
A Review on Emerging Pollutants Status and Nutraceutical Properties of Seaweeds from Marine Ecosystems
Formulating anti-diabetic Nutraceutical tablets based on edible plants from Tripura, India
Nutraceutical and phytopharmaceuticals in immune health
Functional And Nutraceutical Characterization of Mulberry Leaves
Nutraceutical Importance of Dietary Curcumin, Its Analogues in Restricting Melanoma Growth and Modulation of Multiple Targets
Eco-friendly production of Nutraceutical and cosmeceutical fatty acids by oleaginous fungus Lichtheimia hyalospora UCP 1266 using renewable substrates
Characterization of seed storage protein of Moringa oleifera and analyses of their bioactive peptide’s Nutraceutical properties
Evaluation of Some Phytochemical, Nutraceutical, and Antimicrobial Properties of Ziziphus Nummularia Fruit Extract
Nutraceutical Potential of Sweetened chips Prepared by Gluten-Free Composite Flour
A review on Nutraceutical
Nutraceutical tablets for hyperlipidemic treatment
Beneficial Microbes Application on Tomato Significantly Improves Accumulation of Metabolites with Nutraceutical Value
Biochemical composition, Nutraceutical profile, and GC-MS analysis of novel euryhaline microalgal cultures from Punjab, India.
… of cultivation methods of Cannabis sativa L. to maximize the yiel of non-THC bioactive compounds of Nutraceutical, cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical interest.
Development and Characterization of Innovative Nutraceutical Corn Jam
Application of valorized dairy industry by-products for Nutraceutical formulas development
Green Extrac-tion of Fucoxanthin with Promising Nutraceutical Applications. 2022, 69, x
Impacts of Various Nutraceutical Milk Replacer Supplements on the Health and Performance of High-Risk Holstein Calves
Nutraceutical Quality and Soluble Solids of Cucumis melo Developed in Vermicompost-River Sand Mixtures, Under Shade Mesh Conditions.
A comparative analysis of macro and micronutrient content in Nutraceutical “Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari Roots)” by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence …
Nutraceutical potential of maize (Zea mays L.)(corn) lab-scale wet milling by-products in terms of β-sitosterol in fiber, gamma-tocopherol in germ, and lutein & …
Anxiety and mood disorders: Nutraceutical in our help
Nutraceutical and medicinal properties of native stingless bees honey and their contribution to human health
Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids Distribution in Pteridophytes and its Significance in Nutraceutical, Pharmacology, and Cosmetic Industry
The “manna” extracted from the ash trees still cultivated in Sicily from mythical food to pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical resource
Global demand, Regulatory aspect and Current research and Future prospect of Nutraceutical: A Review
Nutritional, Nutraceutical and Physicochemical Characteristics of the Seed Extract of Anarcardium occidentale (Anacardeaceae)
Nutraceutical supplement targeting multiple molecular steps synergistically enhances muscle glucose uptake and improves in vivo oral glucose disposal
Nutraceutical from Moringa olerifera Protect against Cadmium Chloride-Induced Hypertension in Albino Rats
Review of exotic fruit: Nutritional composition, Nutraceutical properties and food application of Dragon fruit (Hylocereus spp.)
Mixotrophic cultivation boost Nutraceutical content of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis.
A Review Paper on Nutraceutical as Science
Nutraceutical Horticulture: An overview of biochemical and molecular considerations
Performance of a multi-compounds Nutraceutical formulation in patients with symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease.
Nutraceutical Molecules Slow Down Retinal Degeneration, in Tvrm4 Mice a Model of Retinitis Pigmentosa, by Genetic Modulation of Anti-oxidant Pathway
Quality characteristics of cookies produced from composite flour of wheat incorporated with milkweed (Asclepsias syriaca) flour blend as a Nutraceutical
Fresh juice and extract of Drynaria quercifolia rhizome Nutraceutical for the management of arthritis with special emphasis on enzyme levels
An open-label study on the short-term effects of a novel EFSA-compliant Nutraceutical combination in mild-to-moderate hypercholesterolemia
A Nutraceutical Product Based on a Mixture of Algae and Extra Virgin Olive Oils and Olive Leaf Extract Attenuates Sepsis-Induced Cardiovascular and Muscle …
Application of Valorized Dairy and Cereal Industry By-Products for Nutraceutical Formulas Development
Bioinformatic analysis of lucifensin potential as a Nutraceutical source for livestock
Exploring the Nutraceutical effect of Bamboo Shoots (Phyllostachys edulis) on the lipid profile of Hyperlipidemic subjects.
Development of Nutraceutical Formulations and Technologies Based on Local Agricultural Resources in Sustainable Manner
A Nutraceutical combination of spirulina, reishi and moringa exerts significant cytoprotective effects againts doxorubicin and trastuzumab cardiotoxicity.
Nutraceutical Properties in Flowers
* Nutraceutical compared to pharmaceuticals in Covid patients
Mineral oil hydrocarbons in minimally processed Nutraceutical oils
Polymeric Nanoparticles-Based Nutraceutical Delivery System
Nutraceutical Apigenin regulates DC function in a RelB-dependent manner during neuroinflammation.
Microbial Valorization of Food Industry Wastes for Production of Nutraceutical Molecules
Nutritional and Nutraceutical quality of the fruit of three species of Annonaceae: soursop, cherimoya and chincuya
Scientific Basis and Developments in the Clinical Aspects of Nutraceutical and Dietary Supplements for Neurological and Cognitive Dysfunction
Nutritional and Nutraceutical Properties of Pumpkin
Recent advances in the valorization of algae polysaccharides for food and Nutraceutical applications: a review on the role of green processing technologies
Season-long exposure of bilberry plants to realistic and future ozone pollution improves the Nutraceutical quality of fruits
Insights into the Latest Taste Masking Techniques for Nutraceutical Products and Functional Foods
Correction to: In vitro assessment of Nutraceutical compounds and novel Nutraceutical formulations in a liver-steatosis-based model
The potential of wheat as a functional food: from the sprouts and microgreens production to the Nutraceutical effects
Nutraceutical Intervention of Phytosterols in Cardiovascular Aging
Research Article Advance Research on Nutraceutical Composition of Mature Jute Leaves
Recommendation of Dietary and Nutraceutical Supplements for Chronic Renal Diseases Through Current Clinical Evidence
Pummelo: A Potential Underutilized Nutraceutical Crop for Multiple Health Benefits
Clinical Evidence of Interaction Between Nutraceutical Supplementation and Platinum-based Chemotherapy
Environmentally benign, ultrasonication assisted, sustainable valorization for commercially important Nutraceutical-Daucosterol from the heartwood of invasive …
Application of the Nutraceutical and stabilizing properties of the passion fruit mesocarp and exocarp in obtaining a natural passion fruit-pineapple drink
The potential of Nutraceutical based compounds in targeting senescent cells in vitro
Protein-based nanocarriers for delivery of Nutraceutical, diagnostic and therapeutic agents
Nutraceutical Treatment of Non-specific Anitis-Proctitis with the Local Application of a Flavonoid-Based Gel from Calabrian Bergamot
Development and Sensory Evaluation of Vegan Honey as Nutraceutical Products
Chemical structure and properties of anthocyanins from selected plant species from Uganda towards Nutraceutical development
A Systematic Way to Understand the Anti-obese Potentials of Cissus quadrangularis (Pirandai): A Nutraceutical Approach
Buchanania cochinchinensis (Lour.) MR Almeida: a wild Nutraceutical of India
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Araceae): a Nutraceutical for food disorders, novel bacterial & viral infections
A Comparison of the Present-Day Growth Pattern in the World Economy of Dietary and Nutraceutical Supplements with Generic Medicines After Clinical Encounter: A …
Instant Energy Stimulant Nutraceutical Cube Formulation: Low Endothermic Promoting Booster Milk Drink
Physicochemical and Nutraceutical Characteristics of Wheat Bran Fermented with Different Lactobacillus (Lab) for Branched Chain Amino Acid Enhanced Snack …
Characterization of BSA nanoparticles loaded with bioactive compounds present in the quills of C. zeylanicum as an antidiabetic Nutraceutical
Seasonal Variation of Crop Yield and Nutraceutical Properties of Fresh or Boiled Leaves of Hydroponically Grown Borago Officinalis L., Malva Sylvestris L. And …
Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Capacity of a Fruit and Vegetable-Based Nutraceutical Measured by Urinary Oxylipin Concentration in a Healthy Population: A …
Appraisal of a New Potential Antioxidants-Rich Nutraceutical Ingredient from Chestnut Shells Through In-Vivo Assays–a Targeted Metabolomic Approach in Phenolic …
Sustained Consumption of a Decaffeinated Green Coffee Nutraceutical Has Limited Effects on Phenolic Metabolism and Bioavailability in Overweight/Obese Subjects
Phytochemicals in ornamental plants: Synthesis, Nutraceutical prospects and applied focus—Women in plant science series
Dietary-Nutraceutical Properties of Oat Protein and Peptides
Influence of Cultivar on Nutritional Composition and Nutraceutical Potential of Pecan Growing in Uruguay
Comparative effect of a Nutraceutical compound based on a flavonoid complex from bergamot on plasma lipids, glucose metabolism and liver enzymes: a 3-arm …
… -Pereira L., Ghirardello D., Botta C., Rolle L., Guglielmetti A., Borotto Dalla Vecchia S., Zeppa G.(2019). Coffee silverskin as Nutraceutical ingredient in yogurt: its …
Nutraceutical targeting of the bile acid receptor, farnesoid X receptor, for intestinal disease
Curcumin-The Nutraceutical With Pleiotropic Effects? Which Cardiometabolic Subjects Might Benefit the Most?
Functional and Nutraceutical Compounds of Tomatoes as Affected by Agronomic Practices, Postharvest Management, and Processing Methods: A Mini …
Exogenous Arginine Treatment Maintains the Appearance and Nutraceutical Properties of Hard-and Soft-Seed Pomegranates in Cold Storage
Therapeutical and Nutraceutical Roles of Cyanobacterial Tetrapyrrole Chromophore: Recent Advances and Future Implications
The Nutraceutical Alliin From Garlic Is a Novel Substrate of the Essential Amino Acid Transporter LAT1 (SLC7A5)
The clinical impact of an extra virgin olive oil enriched mediterranean diet on metabolic syndrome: Lights and shadows of a Nutraceutical approach
Determining the efficacy of ginger Zingiber officinale as a potential Nutraceutical agent for boosting growth performance and health status of Labeo rohita …
… Nutraceutical Combination Containing Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitis vinifera L. and Ginkgo biloba, Compared to Placebo, Avanafil or a Combination of Nutraceutical …
NUTRARET: Effect of 2-Year Nutraceutical Supplementation on Redox Status and Visual Function of Patients With Retinitis Pigmentosa: A Randomized …
… -Linked Antioxidant and Anti-hyperglycemic Properties of Edible Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn.) Calyces Targeting Type 2 Diabetes Nutraceutical Benefits in vitro
In-silico analysis and preclinical findings uncover potential targets of anti-cervical carcinoma and COVID-19 in laminarin, a promising Nutraceutical
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