Time Restricted Feeding

  1. TIME –Restricted feeding is a preventative and therapeutic intervention against diverse nutritional challenges
  2. TIME –Restricted feeding without reducing caloric intake prevents metabolic diseases in mice fed a high-fat diet
  3. TIME –Restricted feeding and risk of metabolic disease: a review of human and animal studies
  4. TIME –Restricted feeding attenuates age-related cardiac decline in Drosophila
  5. TIME –Restricted feeding entrains daily rhythms of energy metabolism in mice
  6. TIME –Restricted feeding and the realignment of biological rhythms: translational opportunities and challenges
  7. Night-TIME Restricted feeding normalises clock genes and Pai-1 gene expression in the db/db mouse liver
  8. The effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on lipid metabolism and adiposity
  9. Influence of a TIME –Restricted feeding schedule on the daily rhythm of abcb1a gene expression and its function in rat intestine
  10. Diet selection and eating behaviour of lactating goats subjected to TIME Restricted feeding in choice and single feeding system
  11. Long-term physiological alterations and recovery in a mouse model of separation associated with TIME –Restricted feeding : a tool to study anorexia nervosa …
  12. TIME –Restricted feeding of rapidly digested starches causes stronger entrainment of the liver clock in PER2:: LUCIFERASE knock-in mice
  13. TIME –Restricted feeding schedules modify temporal variation of gentamicin experimental nephrotoxicity
  14. The effect of TIME –Restricted demand feeding on feeding activity growth and feed conversion in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
  15. The effects of feeding TIME and TIME –Restricted feeding on the fattening traits of White Roman geese
  16. Effect of two-step TIME –Restricted feeding on the fattening traits in geese
  17. Effects of feeding systems on social and feeding behavior and performance of finishing pigs
  18. Effect of Restricted feeding schedule on seasonal shifting of daily demand‐feeding pattern and food anticipatory activity in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)
  19. Diel feeding activity and the effect of TIME –Restricted self-feeding on growth and feed conversion in European sea bass
  20. feeding is not a more potent Zeitgeber than the light-dark cycle in Drosophila
  21. Reduction of anxiety after Restricted feeding in the rat: implication for eating disorders
  22. TIME –Restricted feeding of pigs: social and feeding behavior
  23. TIME –Restricted feeding and the realignment of
  24. Synchronization to light and Restricted –feeding schedules of behavioral and humoral daily rhythms in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)
  25. TIME Restricted demand feeding of red sea bream, Pagrus major in outdoor tanks
  26. Quantitative analysis of light-phase Restricted feeding reveals metabolic dyssynchrony in mice
  27. The suprachiasmatic nuclei are involved in determining circadian rhythms during Restricted feeding
  28. Digestibility of different fiber fractions of diets with high and low fiber level for broilers on TIME –Restricted feeding
  29. Manipulation of feeding schedule can modify the circadian rhythms of toxicity and kinetics of theophylline in mice
  30. Intermittent fasting and human metabolic health
  31. Influence of the length of the daily feeding period on feed intake and growth of whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus
  32. Chronotoxicity and chronopharmacokinetics of methotrexate in mice: modification by feeding schedule
  33. Restricted feeding -induced sleep, activity, and body temperature changes in normal and preproghrelin-deficient mice
  34. Effects of fluvoxamine on food intake during rebound hyperphagia in rats
  35. Chronopharmacokinetics of valproic acid following constant-rate administration in mice and influence of feeding schedule.
  36. Chronopharmacological study of furosemide;(VIII) influence of feeding restriction
  37. Effects of TIME –Restricted vs. ad-libitum feeding on performance, carcass traits and behavior of finishing pigs
  38. Diet and feeding pattern affect the diurnal dynamics of the gut microbiome
  39. Light phase-Restricted feeding slows basal heart rate to exaggerate the type-3 long QT syndrome phenotype in mice
  40. Growth effects in Arctic charr reared in cold water: feed frequency, access to bottom feeding and stocking density
  41. Use of a TIME –Restricted access to food diet to achieve and maintain weight reduction in mice.
  42. Persistence of metabolic rhythmicity during fasting and its entrainment by Restricted feeding schedules in rats
  43. Circadian rhythm of plasma and adrenal corticosterone in rats: effect of Restricted feeding schedules.
  44. Glucocorticoid is involved in food-entrainable rhythm of μ-opioid receptor expression in mouse brainstem and analgesic effect of morphine
  45. Influence of feeding schedule on the chronopharmacological aspects of sodium valproate in mice.
  46. Effects of intermittent fasting on body composition and clinical health markers in humans
  47. Influence of feeding schedule on 24-h rhythm of hepatotoxicity induced by acetaminophen in mice
  48. Restricted feeding schedules phase shift daily rhythms of c-Fos and protein Per1 immunoreactivity in corticolimbic regions in rats
  49. Individual rainbow trout can learn and anticipate multiple daily feeding TIME s
  50. Scheduled feeding caused activation of dopamine metabolism in the striatum of rats
  51. Growth performance of the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei reared under TIME -and rate-restriction feeding regimes in a controlled culture system
  52. Molecular and biochemical modifications of liver glutamine synthetase elicited by dayTIME Restricted feeding
  53. TIME learning and anticipatory activity in groups of Arctic charr
  54. Human blood metabolite TIME table indicates internal body TIME
  55. You Are What and When You Eat
  56. Nutrients, clock genes, and chrononutrition
  57. Metabolic adaptations of liver mitochondria during Restricted feeding schedules
  58. Effects of feeding systems, feeder design and water supply on behavioral traits and performance of pigs
  59. Circadian regulation of Pai-1 gene expression in obesity and diabetes mice
  60. Food Restriction and Lipogenesis in the Rat.
  61. Are hypothalamic oscillators dysfunctional with high fat feeding ?
  62. Effect of maternal separation on feeding behavior of rats in later life
  63. TIME -fixed feeding prevents obesity induced by chronic advances of light/dark cycles in mouse models of jet-lag/shift work
  64. Pharmacokinetic aspects of chronopharmacology
  65. feeding cues and injected nutrients induce acute expression of multiple clock genes in the mouse liver
  66. Circadian clocks and feeding TIME regulate the oscillations and levels of hepatic triglycerides
  67. Influence of feeding schedule on chronopharmacological aspects of gentamicin in mice
  68. Nucleus-specific effects of meal duration on daily profiles of Period1 and Period2 protein expression in rats housed under Restricted feeding
  69. Investigation of the effects of long-term nocturnal feeding on blood leptin and lipids values, weight management, and behavior, in elderly wistar rats
  70. Regulating the temporality of food intake: a potential nonpharmacological intervention for obesity prevention?
  71. Effects of light on the circadian rhythm of diabetic rats under Restricted feeding
  72. Demand-feeding rhythm in rainbow trout and European catfish: synchronisation by photoperiod and food availability
  73. feeding anticipatory activity
  74. feeding and growth of whitefish fed Restricted and abundant rations: influences on growth heterogeneity and brain serotonergic activity
  75. White Leghorn production parameters as affected by body weight loss and length of rest period during a force molt
  76. Restricted daily feeding does not entrain circadian rhythms of the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the rat
  77. Effects of sequential feeding with low-and high-protein diets on growth performances and plasma metabolite levels in geese
  78. Differences in locomotor activity before and during the access to food in a Restricted feeding protocol between obese and lean female mice Neotomodon alstoni
  79. TIME for food: the intimate interplay between nutrition, metabolism, and the circadian clock
  80. Effects of three‐hour Restricted food access during the light period on circadian rhythms of temperature, locomotor activity, and heart rate in rats
  81. Response of peripheral rhythms to the timing of food intake
  82. Meal-eating and lipogenesis in vitro of rats fed a low-protein diet
  83. Enhanced effect of dayTIME Restricted feeding on the circadian rhythm of streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetic rats
  84. On the significance of puzzling behaviours: What do yawning and adult play tell us about horse (Equus caballus) welfare
  85. A Cage Designed to Improve Coherence of Data from Meal-Fed Groups of Laboratory Rodents
  86. TIME of day and nutrients in feeding govern daily expression rhythms of the gene for sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)-1 in the mouse liver
  87. Effects of feeding TIME constraints on body mass regulation and energy expenditure in wintering dunlin (Calidris alpina)
  88. The comparison between circadian oscillators in mouse liver and pituitary gland reveals different integration of feeding and light schedules
  89. Change in Phase Relations of Circadian Rhythms in Cell Proliferation Induced by TIME -limited feeding in BALB/c× DBA/2F1 Mice Bearing a Transplantable Harding …
  90. Intermittent fasting combined with resistance training: effects on body composition, muscular performance, and dietary intake
  91. Entrainment of the master circadian clock by scheduled feeding
  92. Anticipatory changes in liver metabolism and entrainment of insulin, glucagon, and corticosterone in food-Restricted rats
  93. Prolonged nightly fasting and breast cancer risk: findings from NHANES (2009–2010)
  94. Highlights From the Latest in Diabetes Research
  95. Light-Dark and Food Restriction Cycles in Red sea bream, Pagrus major: Effect of Zeitgebers on Demand-feeding Rhythms
  96. A day in the life of the meta-organism: diurnal rhythms of the intestinal microbiome and its host
  97. Constant light desynchronizes mammalian clock neurons
  98. Long-Chain Fatty Acids Regulate GnRH Receptor mRNA Expression Level in the Gonadotrope of the Mouse Anterior Pituitary Gland.
  99. Abstract P225: TIME of Food Intake is an Important Determinant of Blood Pressure Circadian Rhythm
  100. Search for the feeding -entrainable circadian oscillator: a complex proposition
  101. grants and awards
  102. A smartphone app reveals erratic diurnal eating patterns in humans that can be modulated for health benefits
  103. Prefrontal and striatal dopamine metabolism during enhanced rebound hyperphagia induced by space restriction—a rat model of binge eating
  104. The effect of differing self-feeding regimes on the growth, behaviour and fin damage of rainbow trout held in groups
  105. Misaligned feeding impairs memories
  106. Circadian clocks, feeding TIME , and metabolic homeostasis
  107. Parathormone Bio-Assay of Plasma in Hypercalcemic Tumor Rabbits.
  108. Intermittent fasting programs and their effects on body composition: Implications for weight-Restricted sports
  109. Dietary iron, circadian clock, and hepatic gluconeogenesis
  110. PER1 phosphorylation specifies feeding rhythm in mice
  111. Genome-wide analysis of SREBP1 activity around the clock reveals its combined dependency on nutrient and circadian signals
  112. Circadian rhythm of dry mass and weight-class-pattern of the rat hepatocytes-effects of light-dark and feeding regimens
  113. Sexual dimorphism of age-related changes in whole-body fat distribution in the obese.
  114. The adjustment and manipulation of biological rhythms by light, nutrition, and abused drugs
  115. Influence of dark phase Restricted high fat feeding on myocardial adaptation in mice
  116. The mammalian circadian clock
  117. feeding rhythms
  118. Nutrients and circadian rhythms in mammals
  119. Relative risk of conversion from normoglycaemia to impaired glucose tolerance or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in polycystic ovarian syndrome
  120. The cerebellum harbors a circadian oscillator involved in food anticipation
  121. TIME d high‐fat diet resets circadian metabolism and prevents obesity
  122. Alternate day fasting increases LDL particle size independently of dietary fat content in obese humans
  123. Effect of feeding program as a biostimulation method on reproductive efficiency and embryo production in doe rabbits
  124. Frequency and circadian timing of eating may influence biomarkers of inflammation and insulin resistance associated with breast cancer risk
  125. The central circadian timing system
  126. Circadian clocks and energy metabolism in rodents
  127. Glucocorticoid regulation of 24-hour oscillation in interferon receptor gene expression in mouse liver
  128. Meal frequency and timing in health and disease
  129. Effect of intermittent fasting and refeeding on insulin action in healthy men
  130. Metabolic clock generates nutrient anticipation rhythms in mTOR signaling
  131. Circadian Rhythms of Self-feeding and Locomotor Activity in Zebrafish (Danio Rerio)
  132. Light-dark and food restriction cycles in sea bass: effect of conflicting zeitgebers on demand-feeding rhythms
  133. The dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus is critical for the expression of food-entrainable circadian rhythms
  134. Meal-feeding rodents and toxicology research
  135. Gaining insights into diabetic cardiomyopathy from Drosophila
  136. Circadian and feeding rhythms differentially affect rhythmic mRNA transcription and translation in mouse liver
  137. Metabolic consequences of TIME d feeding in mice
  138. Early nocturnal meal skipping alters the peripheral clock and increases lipogenesis in mice
  139. The effect of intermittent nasogastric feeding on preventing aspiration pneumonia in ventilated critically ill patients.
  140. Food entrainment of circadian gene expression altered in PPARα−/− brown fat and heart
  141. The medical home and integrated behavioral health
  142. Differential entrainment of peripheral clocks in the rat by glucocorticoid and feeding
  143. Circadian dysregulation disrupts bile acid homeostasis
  144. Circadian meal timing in relation to lighting schedule optimizes catfish body weight gain
  145. Nutrition and Diet as Potent Regulators of the Liver Clock
  146. Food reward without a timing component does not alter the timing of activity under positive energy balance
  147. Intermittent fasting in athletes: PROs and CONs
  148. Rev‐erbα and the circadian transcriptional regulation of metabolism
  149. Factors predicting sleep disruption in Type II diabetes.
  150. Disrupted circadian rhythmicity of the intestinal glucose transporter SGLT1 in Zucker diabetic fatty rats
  151. Sirkadiyen ritim ve metabolizma: Obezite üzerine etkileri
  152. Multifactorial Regulation of Daily Rhythms in Expression of the Metabolically Responsive Gene Spot14 in the Mouse Liver
  153. Circadian rhythms of rabbits during restrictive feeding
  154. Altered cortisol levels in relation to Ramadan.
  155. EGR1 regulates hepatic clock gene amplitude by activating Per1 transcription
  156. Circadian clock: linking epigenetics to aging
  157. Hog Feeders?
  158. Circadian rhythms in liver metabolism and disease
  159. Temporal modulation of nephrotoxicity, feeding , and drinking in gentamicin-treated rats
  160. Chronobiology and nutrition
  161. The Comparison between Circadian Oscillators in Mouse Liver and Pituitary Gland
  162. Scheduled meals and scheduled palatable snacks synchronize circadian rhythms: consequences for ingestive behavior
  163. Circadian rhythms of gene expression of lipid metabolism in Gilthead Sea bream liver: Synchronisation to light and feeding TIME
  164. Circadian rhythms, the molecular clock, and skeletal muscle
  165. Circadian clock control of endocrine factors
  166. Fish oil accelerates diet-induced entrainment of the mouse peripheral clock via GPR120
  167. Long-lived αMUPA transgenic mice exhibit pronounced circadian rhythms
  168. Effect of beak length on feed intake in pigeons (Columba livia f. domestica)
  169. Circadian rhythms and obesity in mammals
  170. Circadian rhythmicity and metabolism: integration of metabolic and environmental signals
  171. Interaction between dietary cellulose content and food intake in cats
  172. The circadian epigenome: how metabolism talks to chromatin remodeling
  173. Effectiveness of the anaesthetic MS-222 in gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata: Effect of feeding TIME and day–night variations in plasma MS-222 concentration and …
  174. feeding -entrained circadian rhythms in hypophysectomized rats with suprachiasmatic nucleus lesions
  175. Influence of dietary fat level on feed intake, growth and fat deposition in the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus
  176. Co Lead Editors
  177. Beneficial changes in serum apo A-1 and its ratio to apo B and HDL in stable hyperlipidaemic subjects after Ramadan fasting in Kuwait
  178. The hepatic circadian clock is preserved in a lipid-induced mouse model of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
  179. Daily expression of mRNAs for the mammalian Clock genes Per2 and clock in mouse suprachiasmatic nuclei and liver and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
  180. Food-entrained circadian rhythms are sustained in arrhythmic Clk/Clk mutant mice
  181. Timing of food intake and obesity: a novel association
  182. Circadian endocrine rhythms: the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and its actions
  183. Are animal models of diabetes relevant to the study of the genetics of non-insulin-dependent diabetes in humans?
  184. Differential roles of breakfast only (one meal per day) and a bigger breakfast with a small dinner (two meals per day) in mice fed a high-fat diet with regard to …
  185. Differential effects of light and feeding on circadian organization of peripheral clocks in a forebrain Bmal1 mutant
  186. Practicality of intermittent fasting in humans and its effect on oxidative stress and genes related to aging and metabolism
  187. In vivo monitoring of peripheral circadian clocks in the mouse
  188. Refeeding after Fasting Elicits Insulin-Dependent Regulation of Per2 and Rev-erbα with Shifts in the Liver Clock
  189. BMAL1-dependent regulation of the mTOR signaling pathway delays aging
  190. Promoting health and longevity through diet: from model organisms to humans
  191. Synchronization of the mammalian circadian timing system: light can control peripheral clocks independently of the SCN clock: alternate routes of entrainment …
  192. Relationship between calorie restriction and the biological clock: lessons from long-lived transgenic mice
  193. Aging signaling pathways and circadian clock-dependent metabolic derangements
  194. Indirect effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist exendin-4 on the peripheral circadian clocks in mice
  195. Glycemic control is impaired in the evening in prediabetes through multiple diurnal rhythms
  196. Hypothalamic clocks and rhythms in feeding behaviour
  197. Impact of sleep and circadian disruption on energy balance and diabetes: a summary of workshop discussions
  198. The calcineurin-NFAT pathway controls activity-dependent circadian gene expression in slow skeletal muscle
  199. The effects of lighting conditions and food restriction paradigms on locomotor activity of common spiny mice, Acomys cahirinus
  200. Circadian topology of metabolism
  201. A feeding -entrainable circadian oscillator system in the rabbit
  202. Melanocortin 4 receptor signaling in dopamine 1 receptor neurons is required for procedural memory learning
  203. Skim milk compared with a fruit drink acutely reduces appetite and energy intake in overweight men and women
  204. Palatability can drive feeding independent of AgRP neurons
  205. High-energy breakfast with low-energy dinner decreases overall daily hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetic patients: a randomised clinical trial
  206. Circadian regulation of lipid mobilization in white adipose tissues
  207. Circadian dysrhythmias in the intensive care unit
  208. Circadian rhythms in the CNS and peripheral clock disorders: the circadian clock and hyperlipidemia
  209. Pre-natal development of a hypothalamic biological clock.
  210. Controlling access TIME to a high-fat diet during the inactive period protects against obesity in mice
  211. Caffeine alters circadian rhythms and expression of disease and metabolic markers
  212. Persistence of a behavioral food-anticipatory circadian rhythm following dorsomedial hypothalamic ablation in rats
  213. Chrono-biology, chrono-pharmacology, and chrono-nutrition
  214. TIME -specific fear acts as a non-photic entraining stimulus of circadian rhythms in rats
  215. Modulating factors: challenges to experimental design
  216. Morning meal more efficient for fat loss in a 3-month lifestyle intervention
  217. Shifting the circadian rhythm of feeding in mice induces gastrointestinal, metabolic and immune alterations which are influenced by ghrelin and the core clock …
  218. The effect of meal-eating on egg production and body weight of White Leghorn chickens
  219. Breakfast and cognition: sixteen effects in nine populations, no single recipe
  220. Effect of target slaughter weight on production efficiency, carcass traits and behaviour of restrictively-fed gilts and intact male finisher pigs
  221. A single daily meal at the beginning of the active or inactive period inhibits food deprivation–induced fatty liver in mice
  222. NightTIME snacking reduces whole body fat oxidation and increases LDL cholesterol in healthy young women
  223. The German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS): an overview of its planning, implementation and results taking into …
  224. Nutrition targeting by food timing: TIME -related dietary approaches to combat obesity and metabolic syndrome
  225. Circadian secretion of the intestinal hormone GLP-1 by the rodent L cell
  226. feeding period restriction alters the expression of peripheral circadian rhythm genes without changing body weight in mice
  227. Circadian variation of human acute phase response.
  228. The Journal of Romanian Sport Medicine Society
  229. Effects of insulin and 2-deoxy-D-glucose on feeding in hamsters and gerbils
  230. DayTIME food restriction influences the circadian rhythms of circulatory hepatic marker enzymes activity in rats
  231. Does cortisol inhibit pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion at the hypothalamic or pituitary level?
  232. Eating two larger meals a day (breakfast and lunch) is more effective than six smaller meals in a reduced-energy regimen for patients with type 2 diabetes: a …
  233. Sleep and circadian rhythms: key components in the regulation of energy metabolism
  234. Delayed timing of eating: impact on weight and metabolism
  235. Osteoclastogenesis by bone marrow-derived macrophages is enhanced in obese mice
  236. The role of vagal efferents in regulation of gastric emptying and motility in rats.
  237. Randomized clinical trial of laparoscopic gastric bypass versus laparoscopic duodenal switch for superobesity
  238. The relationship between nutrition and circadian rhythms in mammals
  239. Combination of starvation interval and food volume determines the phase of liver circadian rhythm in Per2::Luc knock-in mice under two meals per day feeding
  240. Exploring Links between Circadian Rhythms and Healthy Aging
  241. Can turbot, Psetta maxima, be fed with self-feeders?
  242. High-fat diet-induced hyperinsulinemia and tissue-specific insulin resistance in Cry-deficient mice
  243. The effect of pre-exposure and recovery type on activity-based anorexia in rats
  244. Early maternal separation increases symptoms of activity-based anorexia in male and female rats.
  245. Oxyntomodulin regulates resetting of the liver circadian clock by food
  246. TIME –place learning and leader–follower relationships in Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus
  247. Management of diabetes during Ramadan: practical guidelines.
  248. Early weaning predisposes rats to exacerbated activity-stress ulcer formation
  249. Chronopharmacology focused on biological clock
  250. Association between phase shifts, expression levels, and amplitudes in peripheral circadian clocks
  251. Circadian gene Bmal1 regulates diurnal oscillations of Ly6Chi inflammatory monocytes
  252. Circadian timing of single daily “meal” affects survival of mice
  253. Altered feeding differentially regulates circadian rhythms and energy metabolism in liver and muscle of rats
  254. Effects of Restricted fructose access on body weight and blood pressure circadian rhythms
  255. Stress-induced effects on feeding behavior and growth performance of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): a self-feeding approach
  256. Diet dominates host genotype in shaping the murine gut microbiota
  257. Circadian control of tissue homeostasis and adult stem cells
  258. Transcriptional control of circadian metabolic rhythms in the liver
  259. Effects of feed, feeding regime and growth rate on flesh quality, connective tissue and plasma hormones in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
  260. Real-TIME monitoring in three-dimensional hepatocytes reveals that insulin acts as a synchronizer for liver clock
  261. Neurohormonal regulation of feed intake and response to nutrients in fish: aspects of feeding rhythm and stress
  262. Disruption of daily rhythms by high-fat diet is reversible
  263. Joshua Tyler Smith
  264. Meal timing influences daily caloric intake in healthy adults
  265. Nutrition and the clock gene
  266. Intermittent feeding Schedules—Behavioural Consequences and Potential Clinical Significance
  267. Effect of prolonged feed restriction on size variation, feed consumption, body composition, growth and smolting of brown trout, Salmo trutta
  268. Hepatic mTORC1 controls locomotor activity, body temperature, and lipid metabolism through FGF21
  269. Effects of food deprivation on daily changes in body temperature and behavioral thermoregulation in rats
  270. Circadian clocks, food intake, and metabolism
  271. Orexin Regulates Glucose Homeodynamics with Daily Rhythm
  272. Food anticipation in Bmal1-/-and AAV-Bmal1 rescued mice: a reply to Fuller et al
  273. Knitting up the raveled sleave of care
  274. Inflammation: depression fans the flames and feasts on the heat
  275. For healthy eating, timing matters: limiting mealTIME s to 12-hour period per day helps flies’ hearts
  276. Chronotherapeutic strategy: rhythm monitoring, manipulation and disruption
  277. Chrononutrition
  278. Effect of an acute fast on energy compensation and feeding behaviour in lean men and women
  279. Exercise attenuates the metabolic effects of dim light at night
  280. Crosstalk between the AHR signaling pathway and circadian rhythm
  281. Effect of fasting on the peripheral circadian gene expression in rats
  282. Is it still possible to reduce the incidence of nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides?
  283. The emerging roles of lipids in circadian control
  284. Meal criterion and feeding behaviour in sheep and goats
  285. Can turbot, Psetta maxima, be fed with self-feeders?
  286. The impact of sleep and circadian disturbance on hormones and metabolism
  287. Circadian rhythms in mice fed a single daily meal at different stages of lighting regimen
  288. Circadian oscillators in extra-SCN brain sites
  289. Metabolic consequences of sleep and circadian disorders
  290. Warm water bath stimulates phase-shifts of the peripheral circadian clocks in PER2:: LUCIFERASE mouse
  291. Timing of food intake predicts weight loss effectiveness
  292. Rumen acidosis in dairy cattle: Bunk management considerations
  293. Corticosteroid-induced lipodystrophy is associated with features of the metabolic syndrome
  294. Dynamic changes in prolactin promoter activation in individual living lactotrophic cells
  295. Long-term day-and-night rotating shift work poses a barrier to the normalization of alanine transaminase
  296. Ontogenetic development of the mammalian circadian system
  297. Serum and follicular resistin levels in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome during IVF-stimulated cycles
  298. Physiological effects of feeding
  299. Cooccurrence of yawning and stereotypic behaviour in horses (Equus caballus)
  300. Soluble CD40 ligand levels in essential hypertensive men: evidence of a possible role of insulin resistance
  301. Ventromedial syndrome: The rat’s” finickiness” results from the obesity, not from the lesions.
  302. Connecting cellular metabolism to circadian clocks
  303. Manipulating the circadian and sleep cycles to protect against metabolic disease
  304. Obesity in mice with adipocyte-specific deletion of clock component Arntl
  305. Repeated light-dark shifts speed up body weight gain in male F344 rats
  306. Maternal-infant separation impedes changes in feeding behavior during estrous cycle of rats
  307. Circadian regulation of metabolism
  308. SIRT1 relays nutritional inputs to the circadian clock through the Sf1 neurons of the ventromedial hypothalamus
  309. Guidelines for obesity management in companion animals
  310. Timing of fat and liquid sugar intake alters substrate oxidation and food efficiency in male Wistar rats
  311. Daily rhythms of clock gene expression, glycaemia and digestive physiology in diurnal/nocturnal European seabass
  312. Plasma cortisol and faecal cortisol metabolites concentrations in stereotypic and non-stereotypic horses: do stereotypic horses cope better with poor …
  313. Circadian regulation of adipose function
  314. The involvement of Cry1 and Cry2 genes in the regulation of the circadian body temperature rhythm in mice
  315. Cell biology
  316. Maternal separation impedes the estrous cyclic changes of feeding behavior in female rats
  317. Food intake during the normal activity phase prevents obesity and circadian desynchrony in a rat model of night work
  318. Embryonic development of circadian clocks in the mammalian suprachiasmatic nuclei
  319. Effect of early feed restriction on performance and health status in growing rabbits slaughtered at 2 kg live-weight
  320. Amino Acid–Induced Activation of mTORC1 in Rat Liver Is Attenuated by Short-Term Consumption of a High-Fat Diet
  321. In a rat model of night work, activity during the normal resting phase produces desynchrony in the hypothalamus
  322. Increased expressions of TLR4 and related proinflammatory signaling molecules in the renal tissues of obese mice induced by high-fat diet
  323. Circadian redox oscillations and metabolism
  324. Hepatic postprandial transition and very low-density lipoprotein biogenesis
  325. Changing the dosing schedule minimizes the disruptive effects of interferon on clock function
  326. Obesity, the deadly quartet and the contribution of the neglected daily organ rest-a new dimension of un-health and its prevention
  327. Circadian rhythms, aging, and life span in mammals
  328. Disrupted daily light–dark cycle induces the expression of hepatic gluconeogenic regulatory genes and hyperglycemia with glucose intolerance in mice
  329. Enhancement of acetaminophen-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in Restricted fed rats: a nonclinical approach to acetaminophen-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in …
  330. A catalog of the mouse gut metagenome
  331. Chronobiology and chronotoxicology of antibiotics and aminoglycosides
  332. Scanning the Global Literature
  333. Oscillators entrained by food and the emergence of anticipatory timing behaviors
  334. Physiological responses to food intake throughout the day
  335. Molecular clocks and the human condition: approaching their characterization in human physiology and disease
  336. Chronobiology and obesity: interactions between circadian rhythms and energy regulation
  337. Diet‐induced adiposity alters the serum profile of inflammation in C57BL/6N mice as measured by antibody array
  338. Disruption of the clock components CLOCK and BMAL1 leads to hypoinsulinaemia and diabetes
  339. Territorial belonging of the middle hepatic vein in living liver donor candidates evaluated by three-dimensional computed tomographic reconstruction and virtual liver …
  340. Agents ameliorating or augmenting experimental gentamicin nephrotoxicity: some recent research
  341. Rodent models to study the metabolic effects of shiftwork in humans
  342. Chrono‐immunology: progress and challenges in understanding links between the circadian and immune systems
  343. Sex differences in diurnal rhythms of food intake in mice caused by gonadal hormones and complement of sex chromosomes
  344. Effects of Ramadan fasting on biochemical and hematological parameters and cytokines in healthy and obese individuals
  345. Energetics of fasting heterothermia in TRPV1-KO and wild type mice
  346. Second and third hepatectomies for recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma are justified
  347. Skeletal muscle functions around the clock
  348. Rhythmic pattern of growth and nutrient retention in response to feeding TIME in the rainbow trout
  349. The molecular clock: a focus on chronopharmacological strategies for a possible control of aminoglycoside renal toxicity
  350. feeding and metabolic consequences of scheduled consumption of large, binge-type meals of high fat diet in the Sprague–Dawley rat
  351. Meal pattern analysis for effects of compound feed formulation in mid to late lactating dairy cows fed hay and compound feed both ad libitum
  352. Topography and associations of leu-enkephalin and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neuronal systems in the human diencephalon
  353. Leptin modulates behavioral responses to sweet substances by influencing peripheral taste structures
  354. Determining the levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in portal and peripheral blood is useful for predicting liver metastasis of colorectal cancer
  355. Clock watchers: meal timing, metabolism, and weight loss
  356. Impairment of peripheral circadian clocks precedes metabolic abnormalities in ob/ob mice
  357. Ghrelin and peptide YY in postpartum lactating and nonlactating women
  358. The midpoint of sleep is associated with dietary intake and dietary behavior among young Japanese women
  359. The role of Social Media in health crisis management and health promotion activities: Is there such thing as a code of conduct? Evika Karamagioli
  360. Should we listen to our clock to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus?
  361. Update on obesity pharmacotherapy
  363. Interactions between the circadian clock and metabolism: there are good TIME s and bad TIME s
  364. Analysis of odorous compounds in swine buildings and their relationship to thermal environment, management and categories of pigs
  365. Dim light at night disrupts molecular circadian rhythms and increases body weight
  366. Secretory granules of endocrine and chief cells of human stomach mucosa contain leptin
  367. Adipose tissue metabolism and inflammation are differently affected by weight loss in obese mice due to either a high-fat diet restriction or change to a low-fat …
  368. Paraventricular NUCB2/nesfatin-1 rises in synchrony with feeding suppression during early light phase in rats
  369. JTT-305, an orally active calcium-sensing receptor antagonist, stimulates transient parathyroid hormone release and bone formation in ovariectomized rats
  370. Diurnal rhythmicity in biological processes involved in bioavailability of functional food factors
  371. TAK‐875, a GPR 40/FFAR 1 agonist, in combination with metformin prevents progression of diabetes and β‐cell dysfunction in Z ucker diabetic fatty rats
  372. Body weight in rats: Effects of day vs. night meals
  373. The role of circadian clocks in metabolic disease
  374. Potential role for peripheral circadian clock dyssynchrony in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular dysfunction
  375. Diurnal regulation of lipid metabolism and applications of circadian lipidomics
  376. Health effects of intermittent fasting: hormesis or harm? A systematic review
  377. 24-Hour pattern of plasma prolactin in the male rhesus monkey and its relation to the sleep/wake cycle
  378. Calorie restriction increases fatty acid synthesis and whole body fat oxidation rates
  379. Impact of insufficient sleep on total daily energy expenditure, food intake, and weight gain
  380. Attenuating Effect of Clock Mutation on Triglyceride Contents in the ICR Mouse Liver under a High-Fat Diet
  381. The efficacy of light therapy in the treatment of mood disorders: a review and meta-analysis of the evidence
  382. Genetics of feeding behavior in growing pigs
  383. Gastric electrical stimulation parameter dependently alters ventral medial hypothalamic activity and feeding in obese rats
  384. Modification of immune responses to exercise by carbohydrate, glutamine and anti‐oxidant supplements
  385. Paraneoplastic thrombocytosis in breast cancer
  386. Sleep patterns, diet quality and energy balance
  387. Effects of B vitamin injection on bovine herpesvirus-1 infection and immunity in feed-Restricted beef calves
  388. Expression of functional leptin receptors in rodent Leydig cells
  389. Multi-Potential Influence of Gut Microbiota on Human Health
  390. Refeeding after a 24-hour fasting deepens NREM sleep in a TIME -dependent manner
  391. Meal feeding improves oral glucose tolerance in male rats and causes adaptations in postprandial islet hormone secretion that are independent of plasma …
  392. High carbohydrate–low protein consumption maximizes Drosophila lifespan
  393. Fragmentation and stability of circadian activity rhythms predict mortality: the Rotterdam study
  394. Metabolic adaptations of liver mitochondria during
  395. Impact of nutrients on circadian rhythmicity
  396. Behavioural aspects of feeding constraints: do broilers follow their gut feelings?
  397. Methylation of the MGMT gene is frequently detected in advanced gastric carcinoma
  398. Physical activity: benefit or weakness in metabolic adaptations in a mouse model of chronic food restriction?
  399. Effectiveness and toxicity of gentamicin in an experimental model of pyelonephritis: effect of the TIME of administration
  400. feeding Young Adult Dogs: Before Middle Age
  401. Adipose circadian clocks: coordination of metabolic rhythms by clock genes, steroid hormones, and PPARs
  402. Mismatch of sleep and work timing and risk of type 2 diabetes
  403. Cortisol reduces gonadotropin-releasing hormone pulse frequency in follicular phase ewes: influence of ovarian steroids
  404. Blog
  405. Circadian Rhythm and Food/Nutrition
  406. Understanding and preventing subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy herds: A review
  407. Wheel-running activity modulates circadian organization and the daily rhythm of eating behavior
  408. PPARs integrate the mammalian clock and energy metabolism
  409. Preparation of chylomicrons and VLDL with monoacid-rich triacylglycerol and characterization of kinetic parameters in lipoprotein lipase-mediated hydrolysis in …
  410. Endocrine and metabolic effects of physiologic r-metHuLeptin administration during acute caloric deprivation in normal-weight women
  411. Effect of age, sex, genotype and environment on fat deposition in broiler chickens—a review
  412. Circadian disruption leads to insulin resistance and obesity
  413. Circadian metabolism in the light of evolution
  414. L-Carnitine intake prevents irregular feeding -induced obesity and lipid metabolism disorder
  415. Circadian rhythms in glucose and lipid metabolism in nocturnal and diurnal mammals
  416. Leptin enhances insulin sensitivity by direct and sympathetic nervous system regulation of muscle IGFBP-2 expression: evidence from nonrodent models
  417. Energy contributions of volatile fatty acids from the gastrointestinal tract in various species
  418. Rhythmic messenger ribonucleic acid expression of clock genes and adipocytokines in mouse visceral adipose tissue
  419. Myocardial contractile reserve: a global approach by combining cardiopulmonary exercise test with exercise-echocardiography
  420. Measuring meals: structure of prandial food and water intake of rats
  421. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and the circadian clock in metabolic disorders
  422. Diet choice by goats as effect of milk production level during late lactation
  423. Relevance of animal models to human eating disorders and obesity
  424. Lactation in relation to long-term maternal weight gain in African-American women
  425. Adipose clocks: burning the midnight oil
  426. Circadian disruption and SCN control of energy metabolism
  427. Chromatin dynamics of circadian transcription
  428. Weight cycling promotes fat gain and altered clock gene expression in adipose tissue in C57BL/6J mice
  429. Circadian misalignment and metabolic consequences: shiftwork and altered meal TIME s
  430. Reprogramming of the circadian clock by nutritional challenge
  431. Obesity alters the expression profile of clock genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
  432. Dietary protein level alters gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats
  433. Intermittent fasting improves functional recovery after rat thoracic contusion spinal cord injury
  434. The hypothalamic arcuate nucleus and the control of peripheral substrates
  435. Chronological study on changes in luteinizing hormone release during fasting and refeeding in ovariectomized estrogen-primed rats
  436. The effects of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and the anx+/-mouse in the activity-based anorexia mouse model
  437. Erythrocyte plasma membrane redox system in human aging
  438. Increase in percutaneous muscle biopsy yield with a suction-enhancement technique
  439. Reverse feeding suppresses the activity of the GH axis in rats and induces a preobesogenic state
  440. The use of animal models to decipher physiological and neurobiological alterations of anorexia nervosa patients
  441. The use of larval stages of Drosophila in screening for some naturally occurring mutagens
  442. Feed delivery and bunk management aspects of laminitis in dairy herds fed total mixed rations
  443. Obesity alters circadian expressions of molecular clock genes in the brainstem
  444. Effects of spaced feeding on gene expression of hepatic transaminase and gluconeogenic enzymes in rats
  445. Applications of circadian metabolomics
  446. Genetics of circadian rhythms
  447. Combination of meal and exercise timing with a high-fat diet influences energy expenditure and obesity in mice
  448. Glucocorticoids and the circadian clock
  449. Aminoglycosides: nephrotoxicity
  450. Light rhythm and diet differently influence facets of the metabolic syndrome in WOKW rats
  451. Eating meals before wheel-running exercise attenuate high fat diet-driven obesity in mice under two meals per day schedule
  452. Hypothalamic orexin prevents hepatic insulin resistance via daily bidirectional regulation of autonomic nervous system in mice
  453. Prognostic significance of high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) expression in patients with colorectal cancer
  454. Chronobiology in hematology and immunology
  455. Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting alter hepatic lipid droplet proteome and diacylglycerol species and prevent diabetes in NZO mice
  456. Parabiotic transfer of cancer anorexia/cachexia in male rats
  457. A focused review of the role of ketone bodies in health and disease
  458. Contribution of daily and seasonal biorhythms to obesity in humans
  459. FGF21 regulates metabolism and circadian behavior by acting on the nervous system
  460. Translational geroscience: emphasizing function to achieve optimal longevity
  461. Prevention of displaced abomasum
  462. Per3 length polymorphism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  463. Effect of feed presentation on feeding patterns of dairy calves
  464. Leptin modulates the daily rhythmicity of blood glucose
  465. Overexpression of polycomb protein BMI-1 in human specimens of breast, ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancer
  466. Changes of dietary fat and carbohydrate content alter central and peripheral clock in humans
  467. miR-200a, miR-200b and miR-429 are onco-miRs that target the PTEN gene in endometrioid endometrial carcinoma
  468. The search for antiaging interventions: from elixirs to fasting regimens
  469. Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging–fluorodeoxy-glucose positron emission tomography fusion with pathological staging in rectal cancer
  470. Dim light at night exaggerates weight gain and inflammation associated with a high-fat diet in male mice
  471. Implications of Circadian Rhythms on Metabolic Disorders
  472. Chronic mild stress alters circadian expressions of molecular clock genes in the liver
  473. The response of some blood constituents after administration of two different diets in goats
  474. Circadian disruption in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome
  475. Association of Western and traditional diets with depression and anxiety in women
  476. Metformin opposes impaired AMPK and SIRT1 function and deleterious changes in core clock protein expression in white adipose tissue of genetically‐obese db/db …
  477. Stereotactic body radiation therapy for stage I non-small cell lung cancer patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency requiring domiciliary oxygen therapy
  478. Postindustrial metabolism: Fat knowledge
  479. Pressed for TIME : the circadian clock and hypertension
  480. Mechanism of the circadian clock in physiology
  481. Pre-exposure and recovery in activity-based anorexia
  482. Medically supervised water-only fasting in the treatment of borderline hypertension
  483. Caloric restriction in humans: impact on physiological, psychological, and behavioral outcomes
  484. Biomedical effects of circadian rhythm disturbances
  485. Smad3 and Snail show circadian expression in human gingival fibroblasts, human mesenchymal stem cell, and in mouse liver
  486. Circadian rhythms and food entrainable oscillators: Behavioral, molecular, and gene expression analyses
  487. Effect of intermittent feeding on metabolic symptoms of chronic stress in female NMRI mice
  488. Chronopharmacological strategies: Intra-and inter-individual variability of molecular clock
  489. Circadian control of bile acid synthesis by a KLF15-Fgf15 axis
  490. Circulating tumor cell (CTC) count and epithelial growth factor receptor expression on CTCs as biomarkers for cetuximab efficacy in advanced colorectal cancer
  491. MRI and ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy using soft image fusion
  492. Acute food deprivation and chronic food restriction differentially affect hypothalamic NPY mRNA expression
  493. Dietary carbohydrate dictates development of Type 2 diabetes in the Nile rat
  494. Ontogeny of apoptosis during lung development
  495. Fluvoxamine attenuated endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced leptin resistance
  496. How to fix a broken clock
  497. Changes in the daily rhythm of lipid metabolism in the diabetic retina
  498. Hypocretin (orexin) biology and the pathophysiology of narcolepsy with cataplexy
  499. Reduced antioxidant status in obese children with mulTIME tabolic syndrome
  500. Scheduled Interruption
  501. High carbohydrate intake from starchy foods is positively associated with metabolic disorders: a Cohort Study from a Chinese population
  502. Epigenetic crosstalk: a molecular language in human metabolic disorders
  503. Diurnal variations in myocardial metabolism
  504. The use of 51Cr as a dietary marker in rats for the determination of 59Fe absorbability in terms of mucosal uptake and mucosal transfer of 59Fe
  505. Design and methodology of choice feeding experiments with ruminant livestock
  506. TGF-b superfamily cytokine MIC-1/GDF15 is a physiological appetite and body weight regulator
  507. Nutritional management and disease prevention in healthy dogs and cats
  508. Konrad Dabrowski, Sergiusz Czesny1,* and
  509. Dim light at night disrupts molecular circadian rhythms and affects metabolism
  510. The influence of insulin on circulating ghrelin
  512. VEGF contributes to mammary tumor growth in transgenic mice through paracrine and autocrine mechanisms
  513. T315I mutation in Ph-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia is associated with a highly aggressive disease phenotype: three case reports
  514. A comparative proteomic analysis of the rat brain during rebound hyperphagia induced by space-restriction
  515. The gut microbiota suppresses insulin-mediated fat accumulation via the short-chain fatty acid receptor GPR43
  516. Energy intake and adiponectin gene expression
  517. Circadian oscillations of protein-coding and regulatory RNAs in a highly dynamic mammalian liver epigenome
  518. Some considerations for the study of TGFβ in medium of irradiated T98G cells: activation, release and consumption
  519. Fatty acid transport proteins in disease: New insights from invertebrate models
  520. Circadian rhythms in infectious diseases: do they matter?
  521. Long-term survival in uterine clear cell carcinoma and uterine papillary serous carcinoma
  522. Effects of the sequence of isocaloric meals with different protein contents on plasma biochemical indexes in pigs
  523. Disruption of the circadian clock within the cardiomyocyte influences myocardial contractile function, metabolism, and gene expression
  524. Growth performance of the white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, fed on practical diets with increasing levels of the Antarctic krill meal, Euphausia superba, reared in …
  525. Sonodynamically induced cell damage using rose bengal derivative
  526. Redox rhythmicity: clocks at the core of temporal coherence
  527. Circadian misalignment and health
  529. Predictive role of CEA and CYFRA 21-1 in patients with advanced-stage NSCLC treated with erlotinib
  530. The expression of sialic fibronectin correlates with lymph node metastasis of thyroid malignant neoplasmas
  531. INAUGURAL ARTICLE by a Recently Elected Academy Member: Hepatic mTORC1 controls locomotor activity, body temperature, and lipid metabolism …
  532. Circadian Clocks and Metabolism
  533. Cardiovascular changes during daily torpor in the laboratory mouse
  534. Abnormal expressions of circadian-clock and circadian clock-controlled genes in the livers and kidneys of long-term, high-fat-diet-treated mice
  535. Metabolism as an integral cog in the mammalian circadian clockwork
  536. Fasting urine pH is independent of insulin sensitivity
  537. Exogenous administration of spermine improves glucose utilization and decreases bodyweight in mice
  538. A novel approach to continuous glucose analysis utilizing glycemic variation
  539. Altered clock gene expression and vascular smooth muscle diurnal contractile variations in type 2 diabetic db/db mice
  540. HF diets increase hypothalamic PTP1B and induce leptin resistance through both leptin-dependent and-independent mechanisms
  541. Interaction of circadian and stress systems in the regulation of adipose physiology
  542. Spatial analysis of gut microbiome reveals a distinct ecological niche associated with the
  543. Validity of sentinel lymph node biopsy by ICG fluorescence for early head and neck cancer
  544. Effect of glucocorticoid status on clock gene expression in components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
  545. Pair feeding -mediated changes in metabolism: stress response and pathophysiology in insulin-resistant, atherosclerosis-prone JCR: LA-cp rats
  546. The effects of light at night on circadian clocks and metabolism
  547. Chronopharmacological study of an antimicrobial agent, norfloxacin, in the rat
  548. Effects of the number of animals per automated feeder and length and TIME of access on feed intake, growth performance, and behavior of yearling Boer goat wethers
  549. Inter-subject differences in constitutive expression levels of the clock gene in man
  550. Intestinal microbiota in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  551. Short-term calorie restriction improves glucose homeostasis in old rats: involvement of AMPK
  552. Adiponectin directly improves endothelial dysfunction in obese rats through the AMPK–eNOS Pathway
  553. Severe NAFLD with hepatic necroinflammatory changes in mice fed trans fats and a high-fructose corn syrup equivalent
  554. Chronopharmaceutics: pharmaceutics focused on biological rhythm
  555. Microsatellite instability analysis for the screening of synchronous endometrial and ovarian cancer in Lynch syndrome
  556. Macronutrients and caloric intake in health and longevity
  557. Dietary ascorbic acid raises iron absorption in anaemic rats through enhancing mucosal iron uptake independent of iron solubility in the digesta
  558. Supplemental Information for
  559. Stimulation of net muscle protein synthesis by whey protein ingestion before and after exercise
  560. When you eat matters: 60 years of Franz Halberg’s nutrition chronomics
  561. Biological rhythms: a neglected factor of variability in pharmacokinetic studies
  562. Effect of dietary vitamin D and calcium on the growth of androgen-insensitive human prostate tumor in a murine model
  563. Exploratory metabolomic analyses reveal compounds correlated with lutein concentration in frontal cortex, hippocampus, and occipital cortex of human infant …
  564. Multiple visceral resection for giant non-secretory adrenocortical carcinoma in an elderly patient: a case report
  565. Torpor and hypothermia: reversed hysteresis of metabolic rate and body temperature
  566. Evidence for presribing exercise as a therapy for treating patients with type 2 diabetes
  567. Botulinum toxin for salivary disorders in the treatment of head and neck cancer
  568. The bright-nights and dim-days of the urban photoperiod: implications for circadian rhythmicity, metabolism and obesity
  569. Dietary iron controls circadian hepatic glucose metabolism through heme synthesis
  570. Energy intake and exercise as determinants of brain health and vulnerability to injury and disease
  571. Rat models of caloric intake and activity: relationships to animal physiology and human health
  572. Correlation of HIWI and HILI expression with cancer stem cell markers in colorectal cancer
  573. Estrogen directly modulates circadian rhythms of PER2 expression in the uterus
  574. Caloric restriction leads to regional specialisation of adipocyte function in the rat
  575. Progression-free survival is accurately predicted in patients treated with chemotherapy for epithelial ovarian cancer by the histoculture drug response assay in a …
  576. Metabolic adaptations to training
  577. Repair-associated inflammation in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  578. Diurnal variation in P-glycoprotein-mediated transport and cerebrospinal fluid turnover in the brain
  579. Circadian clocks as modulators of metabolic comorbidity in psychiatric disorders
  580. Circadian variations in exsorptive transport: in situ intestinal perfusion data and in vivo relevance
  581. Aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity: do TIME and frequency of administration matter?
  582. Enhanced metabolic efficiency contributes to weight regain after weight loss in obesity-prone rats
  583. Entrainment of peripheral clock genes by cortisol
  584. The effects of Ramadan fasting on endothelial function in patients with cardiovascular diseases
  585. Estrogen deficiency worsens steatohepatitis in mice fed high-fat and high-cholesterol diet
  586. Effects of fasting on temporal variations in nephrotoxicity of gentamicin in rats
  587. Predictive and prognostic value of the TauProtein in breast cancer
  588. Leptin-sensitive neurons in the arcuate nuclei contribute to endogenous feeding rhythms
  589. Food deprivation induces adipose plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) expression without accumulation of plasma PAI-1 in genetically obese and diabetic db/db …
  590. Effects of food deprivation on hunger motivation in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus).
  591. Increased uncoupling proteins and decreased efficiency in palmitate-perfused hyperthyroid rat heart
  592. β-hydroxybutyrate: much more than a metabolite
  593. AGO score as a predictor of surgical outcome at secondary cytoreduction in patients with ovarian cancer
  594. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) knockout preserves cardiac homeostasis through alleviating Akt-mediated myocardial autophagy suppression in …
  595. Liver, but not muscle, has an entrainable metabolic memory
  596. Anabolic signaling and protein deposition are enhanced by intermittent compared with continuous feeding in skeletal muscle of neonates
  597. Need for measures of satellite cell activation along with muscle protein synthesis?
  598. The nuclear receptor Rev-erbα controls circadian thermogenic plasticity
  599. Loss of mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 2 in the liver leads to defects in gluconeogenesis and compensation via pyruvate-alanine cycling
  600. Expression and localization of e-cadherin in epithelial ovarian cancer
  601. Circadian variation in hepatic toxicity of the immunosuppressive agent “Mycophenolate Mofetil” in rats
  602. Impact of short‐term, repeated water fasting on the weight of mice
  603. Detection of fish-food pellets in highly-cluttered underwater images with variable illumination
  604. Fractal dynamics of human gait: stability of long-range correlations in stride interval fluctuations
  605. Potential anticancer properties and mechanisms of action of curcumin
  606. Intestinal dysbacteriosis contributes to decreased intestinal mucosal barrier function and increased bacterial translocation
  607. Physiologic and health consequences of circadian disruption (in animal models)
  608. Density-Dependent Spacing Behaviour and Activity Budget in Pregnant, Domestic Goats (Capra hircus)
  609. Physiological modulation of circulating FGF21: relevance of free fatty acids and insulin
  610. Effect of adaptation to meal-feeding on insulin, glucagon and the cyclic nucleotide-protein kinase system in rats
  611. Incidence of venous thromboembolism during chemotherapy for breast cancer: impact on cancer outcome
  612. Less activation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in response to a meal: a feature of obesity
  613. Circadian Clocks for all Meal TIME s: Central and Peripheral Correlates of Anticipation to Multiple Daily Meals in Rats
  614. Unequal division of food resources suggests feeding hierarchy of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) juveniles
  615. Regulation of metabolism by long, non-coding RNAs
  616. Protein-rich diet attenuates cyclosporin A-induced renal tubular damage in rats
  617. Geometric morphometrics as a tool for improving the comparative study of behavioural postures
  618. Weight loss and wrestling training: effects on nutrition, growth, maturation, body composition, and strength
  619. Dual attenuation of proteasomal and autophagic BMAL1 degradation in Clock Δ19/+ mice contributes to improved glucose homeostasis
  620. Calorie restriction or exercise: effects on coronary heart disease risk factors. A randomized, controlled trial
  621. A high-fat, ketogenic diet induces a unique metabolic state in mice
  622. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of integrin alpha-2 and beta-3 genes are not associated with relapse-free and overall survival in colorectal cancer patients
  623. The Pittsburgh Fatigability scale for older adults: development and validation
  624. The role of the neural sympathetic and parasympathetic systems in diurnal and sleep state-related cardiovascular rhythms in the late-gestation ovine fetus
  625. National Medical Spending Attributable To Overweight And Obesity: How Much, And Who’s Paying? Further evidence that overweight and obesity are contributing to …
  626. Relevance of circadian rhythm in cancer
  627. Approaches for quantifying energy intake and% calorie restriction during calorie restriction interventions in humans: the multicenter CALERIE study
  628. Chronopharmacokinetic study of gentamicin in dogs
  629. E6/E7 mRNA expression of high-risk HPV types in 849 Greek women
  630. High basal fractional cholesterol synthesis is associated with nonresponse of plasma LDL cholesterol to plant sterol therapy
  631. Combination chemotherapy with itraconazole for treating metastatic pancreatic cancer in the second-line or additional setting
  632. Serotonin and feedback effects of behavioral activity on circadian rhythms in mice
  633. Cardiac atrophy in women following bed rest
  634. Histone-modifier gene expression profiles are associated with pathological and clinical outcomes in human breast cancer
  635. African American women exhibit similar adherence to intervention but lose less weight due to lower energy requirements
  636. The circadian clock in the regulation of renal rhythms
  637. Sleep loss: a novel risk factor for insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes
  638. Post-chemotherapeutic CEA and CA19-9 are prognostic factors in patients with colorectal liver metastases treated with hepatic resection after oxaliplatin-based …
  639. Effect of increased radiotoxicity on survival of patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with curatively intended radiotherapy
  640. Conversion from calcineurin inhibitors to sirolimus reduces vascularization and thickness of post-transplant cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas
  641. Effect of high-fat diet during gestation, lactation, or postweaning on physiological and behavioral indexes in borderline hypertensive rats
  642. Regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis, chronic stress, and energy: the role of brain networks
  643. Examination of cognitive function during six months of calorie restriction: results of a randomized controlled trial
  644. Resistance to abiraterone in castration-resistant prostate cancer: a review of the literature
  645. Regulation of glycogen synthesis from glucose and gluconeogenic precursors by insulin in periportal and perivenous rat hepatocytes
  646. Effect of high-fat diet prior to pregnancy on hepatic gene expression and histology in mouse offspring
  647. Significant association of Interleukin-10 genotypes and oral cancer susceptibility in Taiwan
  648. Wide-field pulsed reduced dose rate radiotherapy (PRDR) for recurrent ependymoma in pediatric and young adult patients
  649. Postoperative functional evaluation of gastric tube after laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy for gastric cancer
  650. Mitochondrial hormesis and diabetic complications
  651. Energy-Metabolism Oscillation in the Living Organisms with Circadian Rhythms
  652. Chromatin landscape and circadian dynamics: Spatial and temporal organization of clock transcription
  653. The Role of Hypothalamic Inflammation in Dim Light at Night and High Fat Diet Induced Metabolic Disturbance
  654. Lipids around the clock: focus on circadian rhythms and lipid metabolism
  655. Sleep-wake regulation is altered in leptin-resistant (db/db) genetically obese and diabetic mice
  656. Appetite and feed intake
  657. Long-term effects of caloric restriction or exercise on DNA and RNA oxidation levels in white blood cells and urine in humans
  658. Aging enhances pressure-induced arterial superoxide formation
  659. Extrathyroidal thyroid hormone synthesis?
  660. Differential effects of omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid and palmitate on the circadian transcriptional profile of clock genes in immortalized hypothalamic …
  661. Tumor budding, EMT and cancer stem cells in T1-2/N0 oral squamous cell carcinomas
  662. Negative impact of surgical site infection on long-term outcomes after hepatic resection for colorectal liver metastases
  663. Ketone bodies as signaling metabolites
  664. Comparisons of late vaginal mucosal reactions between interstitial and conventional intracavitary brachytherapy in patients with gynecological cancer: Speculation on …
  665. Serum leptin is not correlated with body fat in severe food restriction
  666. The circadian clock: a framework linking metabolism, epigenetics and neuronal function
  667. Induction treatment for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, experience of MD Anderson Cancer Center
  668. Circadian deficits and therapies in mouse models of Huntington’s disease
  669. Identification of the circadian transcriptome in adult mouse skeletal muscle
  670. Dietary sodium restriction reverses vascular endothelial dysfunction in middle-aged/older adults with moderately elevated systolic blood pressure
  671. Liraglutide activates AMPK signaling and partially restores normal circadian rhythm and insulin secretion in pancreatic islets in diabetic mice
  672. Over-expression of monoacylglycerol lipase (MGL) in small intestine alters endocannabinoid levels and whole body energy balance, resulting in obesity
  673. Metabolism and Circadian Rhythms-Implications for Body Weight
  674. PPARα via HNF4α regulates the expression of genes encoding hepatic amino acid catabolizing enzymes to maintain metabolic homeostasis
  675. Characterization and cDNA cloning of a hemoprotein in the salivary glands of the blood-sucking insect, Rhodnius prolixus
  676. Brain circadian oscillators and redox regulation in mammals
  677. Circadian rhythms in liver physiology and liver diseases
  678. Chronic mild stress alters circadian expressions of
  679. A method of achieving physiological plasma levels of melatonin in the chicken by oral administration
  680. Influence of clofarabine on transcriptional activity of PTEN, APC, RARB2, ZAP70 genes in K562 cells
  681. Huachansu, containing cardiac glycosides, enhances radiosensitivity of human lung cancer cells
  682. Mouse resistin modulates adipogenesis and glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes through the ROR1 receptor
  683. Circadian-clock system in mouse liver affected by insulin resistance
  684. 13 Physical Conditions
  685. Effects of fee ding methods, season and production level on lactation performance and fee ding behaviour of dairy cows
  686. Dietary restriction and the pursuit of effective mimetics
  687. Combination efficacy of Astragalus membranaceus and Curcuma wenyujin at different stages of tumor progression in an imageable orthotopic nude mouse model of …
  688. Mutation analysis of IgVH genes in splenic marginal zone lymphomas: correlation with clinical characteristics and outcome
  689. Splanchnic bed metabolism of glucose in preterm neonates
  691. Daily regulation of hormone profiles
  692. Hyperfractionated radiotherapy with concurrent docetaxel for advanced head and neck cancer: a phase II study
  693. Increased basal level of Akt-dependent insulin signaling may be responsible for the development of insulin resistance
  694. Hepatocyte senescence in vivo following preconditioning for liver repopulation
  695. Synergistic cytotoxic activity of treosulfan and gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer cell lines
  696. Circadian regulation of mTOR signaling via BMAL1 dependent mechanism
  697. Therapeutic ketosis with ketone ester delays central nervous system oxygen toxicity seizures in rats
  698. Daily rhythm and heat shock protein expression in obese ob/ob mice
  699. Pediatric patients with refractory central nervous system tumors: experiences of a clinical trial combining bevacizumab and temsirolimus
  700. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor with chondroid differentiation
  701. Light-limited access to fructose alters metabolic function and adipose tissue catecholaminergic activity in mice
  702. The molecular clock as a metabolic rheostat
  703. Uterobrush method in the detection of endometrial pathology
  704. Characterization of Circadian Rhythms in the Mouse Intestine
  705. Hepatotoxicity and the Circadian Clock: A TIME ly matter
  706. Acute administration of leptin produces anxiolytic-like effects: a comparison with fluoxetine
  707. Liver but not adipose tissue is responsive to the pattern of enteral feeding
  708. Impaired oxidative metabolism and inflammation are associated with insulin resistance in ERα-deficient mice
  709. Multicolor analysis of cell surface marker of human leukemia cell lines using flow cytometry
  710. GRP78 up-regulation leads to hypersensitization to cisplatin in A549 lung cancer cells
  711. Dietary composition alters gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats
  712. Palmitate inhibits SIRT1-dependent BMAL1/CLOCK interaction and disrupts circadian gene oscillations in hepatocytes
  713. Effect of social rank on pig performance and feeding behavior with conventional and electronic feed intake recording equipment
  714. The molecular circadian clock and alcohol-induced liver injury
  715. Invited review: Animal-based indicators for on-farm welfare assessment for dairy goats
  716. Expression of E-cadherin, β-catenin and APC protein in canine colorectal tumours
  717. Cancer/testis antigen PASD1 silences the circadian clock
  718. Leptin: at the crossroads of energy balance and systemic inflammation
  719. Postoperative concurrent daily low-dose cisplatin-based chemoradiation improves the prognosis of patients with pathologic T2b or N1 cervical cancer
  720. Interactions between metabolism and circadian clocks: reciprocal disturbances
  721. Effect of weight loss on VLDL-triglyceride and apoB-100 kinetics in women with abdominal obesity
  722. Diurnal variation in probability of death following self-poisoning in Sri Lanka—evidence for chronotoxicity in humans
  723. Timing of amino acid-carbohydrate ingestion alters anabolic response of muscle to resistance exercise
  724. Innate Immune Regulation of Metabolic Physiology & Inflammatory Rhythm
  725. Identification of polymorphisms associated with hypertriglyceridemia and prolonged survival induced by bexarotene in treating non-small cell lung cancer
  726. A prospective study of sedentary behavior and changes in the BMI distribution
  727. Regulation of the Circadian Clock and Appetite by O-GIcNAc Transferase
  728. Effects of prolonged fasting and sustained lipolysis on insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in normal subjects
  729. Effect of dietary protein level on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats and on the circadian rhythms of food ingestion
  730. Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 directly induces human vascular smooth muscle proliferation
  731. Correlation of metallothionein expression with clinical progression of cancer in the oral cavity
  732. The feeding entrainable system of the herbivorous rabbit, oryctolagus cuniculus
  733. In vitro chemoresponse in metachronous pairs of ovarian cancers
  734. Invited review: aging and human temperature regulation
  735. Imaging and antitumoral effect of a cyclo-oxygenase 2-specific replicative adenovirus for small metastatic gastric cancer lesions
  736. Ingestion of a tea rich in catechins leads to a reduction in body fat and malondialdehyde-modified LDL in men
  737. Influence of feeding and social behaviors and the use of sodium bicarbonate on ruminal pH of beef cattle fed high concentrate diets
  738. Tryptase-positive and CD117 positive mast cells correlate with survival in patients with liver metastasis
  739. HER2/neu gene determination in women screened for breast carcinoma: how screening programs reduce the skyrocketing cost of targeted therapy
  740. Facilitated physiological adaptation to prolonged circadian disruption through dietary supplementation with essence of chicken
  741. Targeted expression of HGF/SF in mouse mammary epithelium leads to metastatic adenosquamous carcinomas through the activation of multiple signal …
  742. Daily and seasonal encoding of rhythm in brown adipose tissue activity
  743. Protein supplementation increases postexercise plasma myostatin concentration after 8 weeks of resistance training in young physically active subjects
  744. Quantifying stochastic noise in cultured circadian reporter cells
  745. The mouse liver displays daily rhythms in the metabolism of phospholipids and in the activity of lipid synthesizing enzymes
  746. Effect of a low-fat versus a low-gycemic-load diet on inflammatory biomarker and adipokine concentrations
  747. The Level of Circulating Octanoate Does Not Predict Ghrelin O-Acyl Transferase (GOAT)-Mediated Acylation of Ghrelin During Fasting
  748. Effects of aging, immobilization and high fat diet on alternative splicing of fast Troponin T in rat gastrocnemius muscle
  749. A novel tool to assess systolic asynchrony and identify responders of cardiac resynchronization therapy by tissue synchronization imaging
  750. A Prader–Willi locus lncRNA cloud modulates diurnal genes and energy expenditure
  751. Plasticity of circadian clocks and consequences for metabolism
  752. Effect of dietary crude protein level on the reproductive performance and growth of New Zealand White rabbits
  753. Physical activity protects the human brain against metabolic stress induced by a postprandial and chronic inflammation
  754. The role of mammalian circadian proteins in normal physiology and genotoxic stress responses
  755. The social and feeding behaviour of growing pigs in deep-litter, group housing systems
  756. Induction of caspase-dependent apoptosis by apigenin by inhibiting STAT3 signaling in HER2-overexpressing MDA-MB-453 breast cancer cells
  757. Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in obesity
  758. Dawn-and dusk-phased circadian transcription rhythms coordinate anabolic and catabolic functions in Neurospora
  759. The clinical significance of activated p-AKT expression in peripheral T-cell lymphoma
  760. Long-term impact of maternal substance use during pregnancy and extrauterine environmental adversity: stress hormone levels of preadolescent children
  761. Cardiovascular regulation during long-duration spaceflights to the International Space Station
  762. Exercise elicits phase shifts and acute alterations of melatonin that vary with circadian phase
  763. A test of TIME -place learning in fish living in a public aquarium
  764. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 has a circadian rhythm in blind individuals
  765. Roberto Vettor, Roberto Fabris, and Marco Rossato
  766. The evolution of an inflammatory response
  767. Lysosomes mediate benefits of intermittent fasting in cardiometabolic disease: the janitor is the undercover boss
  768. A new method for detection and quantification of heartbeat parameters in Drosophila, zebrafish, and embryonic mouse hearts
  769. Retinoid acid-related orphan receptor γ, RORγ, participates in diurnal transcriptional regulation of lipid metabolic genes
  771. Nutrigenomics of body weight regulation: a rationale for careful dissection of individual contributors
  773. Psychological stress and cardiovascular disease
  774. Variants in glucose-and circadian rhythm–related genes affect the response of energy expenditure to weight-loss diets: the POUNDS LOST Trial
  775. Pattern of failure following chemoradiation for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: potential role for stereotactic body radiotherapy
  776. Interplay between cellular redox oscillations and circadian clocks
  777. Ceramide synthase 6 knockdown suppresses apoptosis after photodynamic therapy in human head and neck squamous carcinoma cells
  778. The circadian clock and glucocorticoids–interactions across many TIME scales
  779. Carbon-ion radiotherapy for prostate cancer: analysis of morbidities and change in health-related quality of life
  780. New treatment paradigm for patients with anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors
  781. Multiple roles of the ERCC1-XPF endonuclease in DNA repair and resistance to anticancer drugs
  782. Combined colonic cancer treatment with vitamin D analogs and irinotecan or oxaliplatin
  783. Mechanistic links between gut microbial community dynamics, microbial functions and metabolic health
  784. Fish-oil supplementation enhances the effects of strength training in elderly women
  785. Zeranol enhances the proliferation of pre-adipocytes in beef heifers
  786. Adaptive reciprocity of lipid and glucose metabolism in human short-term starvation
  787. Adaptation to experimental jet-lag in R6/2 mice despite circadian dysrhythmia
  788. Adenoviral therapy is more effective in gemcitabine-resistant pancreatic cancer than in gemcitabine-sensitive cells
  789. Randomized controlled trial of the effect of daily supplementation with zinc or multiple micronutrients on the morbidity, growth, and micronutrient status of young …
  790. The Lou/C rat: a model of spontaneous food restriction associated with improved insulin sensitivity and decreased lipid storage in adipose tissue
  791. Catabolic and Compensatory Metabolic Events in Mice during Conditions of Cachexia and Food Restriction
  792. Added value of physical performance measures in predicting adverse health‐related events: results from the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study
  793. Nut consumption on all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies
  794. Association of slow acetylation profile of NAT2 with breast and gastric cancer risk in Brazil
  795. SYNC
  796. Tumor immune systems in esophageal cancer with special reference to heat-shock protein 70 and humoral immunity
  797. Regulation of Energy Intake
  798. /docs/longevity/Directory Listing
  799. Folate and vitamin B-12 status in relation to anemia, macrocytosis, and cognitive impairment in older Americans in the age of folic acid fortification
  800. Relationship between metabolic reprogramming and mitochondrial activity in cancer cells. Understanding the anticancer effect of metformin and its clinical …
  801. Annual Medical Spending Attributable To Obesity: Payer-And Service-Specific Estimates: Amid calls for health reform, real cost savings are more likely to be achieved …
  802. Tumor-specific localization of self-assembled nanoparticle PET/MR modalities
  803. Aminoglycosides: Nephrotoxicity
  804. trainee Professional Development Day
  805. Coupling circadian rhythms of metabolism and chromatin remodelling
  806. Meal Timing & Its Effects on the Pathogenesis of Metabolic Syndrome
  807. Increased mitochondrial H2O2 production promotes endothelial NF-κB activation in aged rat arteries
  808. The presence of P-glycoprotein in L1210 cells directly induces down-regulation of cell surface saccharide targets of concanavalin A
  809. Expression of cytokeratin 20 indicates invasive histological phenotype in poorly differentiated colorectal adenocarcinoma
  810. Amplitude metrics for cellular circadian bioluminescence reporters
  811. Too Fat Part Two!…
  812. The Cardiovascular Clock
  813. Disruption of Circadian Rhythms Adversely Impacts Gastrointestinal and Reproductive Physiology and Promotes Pathological Transformation
  814. Hindlimb unloading rodent model: technical aspects
  815. Antiproliferative effect of a novel nitro-oxy derivative of celecoxib in human colon cancer cells: role of COX-2 and nitric oxide
  816. Brighten Up Syllabus
  817. The changes they are a-TIME d: metabolism, endogenous clocks, and the timing of puberty
  818. The Y of hYperactivitY in Anorexia Nervosa: Role of neuropeptide Y in hyperactivity associated with Anorexia Nervosa
  819. Changing the metabolism of dogs (Canis familiaris) and cats (Felis catus) at rest and during exercise by manipulation of dietary macronutrients: a thesis presented in …
  820. Fiber intake and glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  821. Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus
  822. The dorsomedial hypothalamus: a new player in thermoregulation
  823. Hierarchy of individual calibration levels for heart rate and accelerometry to measure physical activity
  824. Expression of the inclusion body myopathy 3 mutation in Drosophila depresses myosin function and stability and recapitulates muscle inclusions and weakness
  825. Role of intestinal circadian clock in epithelial transport, proliferation, and tumourigenesis
  826. Regulation of metabolism and inflammation in liver and skeletal muscle
  827. The effects of dietary iron on hepatic glucose metabolism and circadian rhythm
  828. Aging and the mammalian regulatory triumvirate
  829. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Adipogenesis in Obesity
  830. Prevalence and correlates of simultaneous heroin and methamphetamine injection in two parallel cohorts of PWID in San Diego, CA, and Tijuana, BC, Mexico
  831. New developments in the treatment of metastatic melanoma: immune checkpoint inhibitors and targeted therapies
  832. The Role of the Clock-NAD+ Feedback Loop in Metabolic Pathophysiology
  833. Interconnections of Reactive Oxygen Species Homeostasis and Circadian Rhythm in Neurospora crassa
  834. Transcriptional regulation of N-acetylglutamate synthase and its clinical relevance
  835. Everyone’s been through the dreaded sleepiness that comes after a huge meal at lunch. Here’s how to avoid that and stay alert.
  836. DRP1 inhibition rescues retinal ganglion cells and their axons by preserving mitochondrial integrity in a mouse model of glaucoma
  837. CREBH, a novel liver clock keeper for energy metabolism
  838. Inhibitory effect of somatostatin peptide analogues on DNA polymerase activity and human cancer cell proliferation
  839. Bortezomib therapeutic effect is associated with expression and mutation of FGFR3 in human lymphoma cells
  840. Rab5 activity regulates GLUT4 sorting into insulin-responsive and non-insulin-responsive endosomal compartments: a potential mechanism for development of insulin …
  841. The biological clock and its resetting by light
  842. Click to follow this blog.
  843. Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in obesity
  844. Plasma membrane redox system in the control of stress-induced apoptosis
  845. Iron and colorectal cancer: evidence from in vitro and animal studies
  846. A neurotoxic lesion of serotonergic neurones using 5, 7-dihydroxytryptamine does not disrupt latent inhibition in paradigms sensitive to low doses of amphetamine
  847. Disruption of circadian rhythm impairs pancreatic islet function and increases susceptibility to beta-cell failure, while pathological complications of Type 2 Diabetes …
  848. Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in the ICU, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics
  849. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) activity score and the histopathologic diagnosis in NAFLD: distinct clinicopathologic meanings
  850. clusterProfiler: an R package for comparing biological themes among gene clusters
  851. OneTIME party drug hailed as miracle for treating severe depression
  852. Impact of Rictor Deletion in Adipocytes and Brain on Gene Expression in Perivascular Adipose Tissue and Blood Pressure Regulation
  853. Algae or yeast supplementation for lactating dairy cows
  854. Prolonged daily light exposure increases body fat mass through attenuation of brown adipose tissue activity
  855. Overweight and obesity in Australia
  856. PI3K/PTEN signaling in liver diseases
  857. Circadian rhythms in Djungarian hamsters (Phodobus sungorus) with an attenuated ability to synchronize
  858. Effects of insulin gene dosage on murine obesity and lifespan
  859. In vivo studies on muscle protein turnover in ageing
  860. GCN5L1 Functions as a Mitochondrial Acetyltransferase that Regulates Mitophagy
  861. Chronobiology of Micturition
  862. SelecTed pOSTerS frOm 467-p ThrOugh 724-p
  863. Behavioral, Neurobiological, and Genetic Analysis of the Circadian Mutant Duper
  864. Pharmacology, metabolism and nutrition
  865. How Diet Influences Breast Cancer Risk: Analysis of Tissue Fat, Nutrients, and a Dietary Pattern among High-Risk Women
  866. Host and microbial factors influencing the gut microbial community structure
  867. Polymorphisms in The Human PERIOD Genes
  868. TIME ‐Restricted feeding for prevention and treatment of cardiometabolic disorders
  869. TIME –Restricted feeding in young men performing resistance training: A randomized controlled trial
  870. Fasting, circadian rhythms, and TIME –Restricted feeding in healthy lifespan
  871. Circadian rhythms, TIME –Restricted feeding , and healthy aging
  872. Effects of eight weeks of TIME –Restricted feeding (16/8) on basal metabolism, maximal strength, body composition, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk factors …
  873. TIME –Restricted feeding reduces adiposity in mice fed a high-fat diet
  874. TIME –Restricted feeding improves insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis in a mouse model of postmenopausal obesity
  875. TIME –Restricted feeding shifts the skin circadian clock and alters UVB-induced DNA damage
  876. TIME –Restricted feeding on weekdays restricts weight gain: A study using rat models of high-fat diet-induced obesity
  877. Impact of TIME –Restricted feeding and dawn-to-sunset fasting on circadian rhythm, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  878. Relationship between FGF21 and UCP1 levels under TIME –Restricted feeding and high-fat diet
  879. Anticonvulsant effect of TIME –Restricted feeding in a pilocarpine-induced seizure model: metabolic and epigenetic implications
  880. Serotonin suppresses food anticipatory activity and synchronizes the food-entrainable oscillator during TIME –Restricted feeding
  881. Interactive effects of dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus and TIME –Restricted feeding on fractal motor activity regulation
  882. TIME –Restricted eating in women-a pilot study
  883. Effect of 8‐Hour TIME Restricted feeding on Body Weight in Obese Subjects
  884. TIME Restricted feeding (TRF) enhances weight loss efficiency in dietary Restricted women with metabolic syndrome
  885. Restricting feeding to the active phase in middle-aged mice attenuates adverse metabolic effects of a high-fat diet
  886. Variation in Individual Responses to TIME –Restricted feeding and Resistance Training
  887. Metabolic Alteration Induced by TIME Restricted feeding at Different Points in the Circadian Cycle
  888. TIME –Restricted feeding Alters the Innate Immune Response to Bacterial Endotoxin
  889. TIME ‐Restricted feeding of a high‐fat diet reduces adiposity and inflammatory cytokine production in mice
  890. TIME –Restricted feeding Role in Attenuation of Obesity-Induced Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction in a Drosophila Model
  891. TIME Restricted feeding of a High Fat Diet protects against Adiposity, but not Liver Steatosis or increased Systemic TNF‐α levels
  892. TIME –Restricted feeding Prevents Obesity, but not Atherosclerosis in Apoe-Deficient Mice Fed High Fat Diet
  893. … TIME on Markers of Muscle Metabolic Flexibility Following Acute Aerobic Exercise in Trained Mice Undergoing TIME Restricted feeding . Nutrients 2021, 13, x
  894. Altered central and peripheral circadian clocks affecting energy metabolism in congenitally blind mice show differential entrainment by TIME –Restricted feeding
  895. Comparison of TIME –Restricted and ad libitum self-feeding on the growth, feeding behavior and daily digestive enzyme profiles of Atlantic salmon
  896. Health benefits of islamic intermittent fasting
  897. Prepuberal light phase feeding induces neuroendocrine alterations in adult rats.
  898. Complex interaction between circadian rhythm and diet on bile acid homeostasis in male rats
  899. Effects of circadian-Restricted feeding and low energy intake, on risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  900. Impact of intermittent fasting on glucose homeostasis
  901. feeding immunity: The regulation of circadian immune responses by mealTIME s
  902. Calorie restriction regulates circadian clock gene expression through BMAL1 dependent and independent mechanisms
  903. Daily eating patterns and their impact on health and disease
  904. Complex interactions of circadian rhythms, eating behaviors, and the gastrointestinal microbiota and their potential impact on health
  905. Effects of intermittent fasting on glucose and lipid metabolism
  906. Circadian physiology of metabolism
  907. Dietary restriction with and without caloric restriction for healthy aging
  909. Metabolic effects of intermittent fasting
  910. TRiC/CCT chaperonins are essential for maintaining myofibril organization, cardiac physiological rhythm, and lifespan
  911. Effect of dietary fat and the circadian clock on the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  912. Modeling convergence of circadian clocks and metabolism
  913. Differential entrainment susceptibility of central and peripheral circadian clocks affecting energy metabolism in Pitx3-deficient Aphakia mice
  914. Daily fasting blood glucose rhythm in male mice: a role of the circadian clock in the liver
  915. Whey protein-hydrolyzed peptides diminish hepatic lipid levels in rats consuming high-sucrose diets
  916. Disturbances of sleep and circadian rhythms: novel risk factors for obesity
  917. The acute effects of TIME -of-day-dependent high fat feeding on whole body metabolic flexibility in mice
  918. Bidirectional regulation of circadian disturbance and inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease
  919. Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes
  920. Short-term feeding at the wrong TIME is sufficient to desynchronize peripheral clocks and induce obesity with hyperphagia, physical inactivity and metabolic disorders …
  921. Circadian clock, nutrient quality, and eating pattern tune diurnal rhythms in the mitochondrial proteome
  922. Nutrition and the circadian system
  923. The circadian clock, metabolism and obesity
  924. Fractal regulation in temporal activity fluctuations: a biomarker for circadian control and beyond
  925. Circadian rhythms and Metabolism
  926. Cardiac regulatory mechanisms: new concepts and challenges
  927. Human Gastrointestinal Microbes Vary Throughout the Day
  928. The potential of circadian realignment in rheumatoid arthritis
  929. Ketone bodies signal opportunistic food-seeking activity
  930. Global rise of potential health hazards caused by blue light-induced circadian disruption in modern aging societies
  931. Adiponectin mediates metabolic feedback to the mediobasal hypothalamic circadian clocks
  932. Prolonged nightly fasting and breast cancer prognosis
  933. Circadian clocks, diets and aging
  934. Long-term energy deficit in mice causes long-lasting hypothalamic alterations after recovery
  935. A camera-phone based study reveals erratic eating pattern and disrupted daily eating-fasting cycle among adults in India
  936. Activity-based anorexia reduces body weight without inducing a separate food intake microstructure or activity phenotype in female rats—mediation via an …
  937. iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis reveals alterations in the liver induced by Restricted meal frequency in a pig model
  938. Rev-erbα in the brain is essential for circadian food entrainment
  939. Determination of reference genes that are independent of feeding rhythms for circadian studies of mouse metabolic tissues
  940. aging [version 1; peer review: 3 approved]
  941. Circadian metabolism: from mechanisms to metabolomics and medicine
  942. Lipidomics analyses reveal temporal and spatial lipid organization and uncover daily oscillations in intracellular organelles
  943. Intermittent fasting reduces body fat but exacerbates hepatic insulin resistance in young rats regardless of high protein and fat diets
  944. Matching meals to body clocks—impact on weight and glucose metabolism
  945. Circadian rhythm and the gut microbiome
  946. Is intermittent fasting a scientifically-based dietary method?
  947. Influences of breakfast on clock gene expression and postprandial glycemia in healthy individuals and individuals with diabetes: a randomized clinical trial
  948. Metabolic Effects of Intermittent Fasting
  949. Endocrine regulation of circadian physiology.
  950. Effects of feeding TIME with betaine diet on growth performance, blood markers, and short chain fatty acids in meat ducks exposed to heat stress
  951. Adipose tissue CLK2 promotes energy expenditure during high-fat diet intermittent fasting
  952. Performance and eating behaviour of crossbred goats in Mediterranean climate of Turkey
  953. Silent Disease
  954. Mice under caloric restriction self-impose a temporal restriction of food intake as revealed by an automated feeder system
  955. The circadian NAD+ metabolism: impact on chromatin remodeling and aging
  956. Metabolic impacts of altering meal frequency and timing–does when we eat matter?
  957. Circadian rhythms, metabolism, and chrononutrition in rodents and humans
  958. A mathematical model of the liver circadian clock linking feeding and fasting cycles to clock function
  959. Response to:” If the Metabolic Winter Is Coming, When Will It Be Summer?”(Metab Syndr Relat Disord 2017; 15: 3).
  960. Hepatic gene therapy rescues high-fat diet responses in circadian Clock mutant mice
  961. Modulation of circadian clocks by nutrients and food factors
  962. Intestinal farnesoid X receptor and Takeda G protein couple receptor 5 signaling in metabolic regulation
  963. Circadian rhythms of liver physiology and disease: experimental and clinical evidence
  964. What’s next for chronobiology and drug discovery
  965. The changing microbial landscape of Western society: Diet, dwellings and discordance
  966. Circadian regulation of lipid metabolism
  967. Period-independent novel circadian oscillators revealed by TIME d exercise and palatable meals
  968. Fiber-enhanced, light foods for cats
  969. Effects of feeding TIME on daily rhythms of neuropeptide and clock gene expression in the rat hypothalamus
  970. When to eat? The influence of circadian rhythms on metabolic health: are animal studies providing the evidence?
  971. The effects of total mixed ration and separate feeding on lactational performance of dairy cows
  972. Regulation of mammalian physiology by interconnected circadian and feeding rhythms
  973. The Impact of the Circadian Clock and feeding TIME on Skin Function
  974. Daily rhythms of locomotor and demand-feeding activities in Schizothorax pelzami (Kessler, 1870)
  975. WITHDRAWN: The use of enteral access for continuous delivery of levodopa-carbidopa in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease
  976. Meal frequency and timing are associated with changes in body mass index in Adventist Health Study 2
  977. The emerging role of epigenetics on dietary treatment for epilepsy
  978. Timing of meals: when is as critical as what and how much
  979. Chronic metformin treatment facilitates seizure termination
  980. The future of dementia risk reduction research: barriers and solutions
  981. PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews
  982. Late feeding in the active period decreases slow-wave activity
  983. Circadian control of metabolism and pathological consequences of clock perturbations
  984. Age-related circadian disorganization caused by sympathetic dysfunction in peripheral clock regulation
  985. Capromorelin oral solution (ENTYCE®) increases food consumption and body weight when administered for 4 consecutive days to healthy adult beagle dogs …
  986. Clock gene dysregulation induced by chronic ER stress disrupts β-cell function
  987. Liver-derived ketone bodies are necessary for food anticipation
  988. Circadian clock control of liver metabolic functions
  989. The limits of exercise physiology: from performance to health
  990. The synergistic role of light-feeding phase relations on entraining robust circadian rhythms in the periphery
  991. Intermittent fasting effects on the central nervous system: how hunger modulates brain function
  992. Response to Wood re:“Oxidative Priority, Meal Frequency, and the Energy Economy of Food and Activity: Implications for Longevity, Obesity, and Cardiometabolic …
  993. Circadian regulation of metabolic homeostasis: causes and consequences
  994. The mammalian circadian clock and its entrainment by stress and exercise
  995. Persistent organic pollutants in adipose tissue should be considered in obesity research
  996. Circadian clocks and metabolism: implications for microbiome and aging
  997. Fasting and feeding signals control the oscillatory expression of Angptl8 to modulate lipid metabolism
  998. The Buzz on Intermittent Fasting
  999. Nutrition and fasting mimicking diets in the prevention and treatment of autoimmune diseases and immunosenescence
  1000. Clock-enhancing small molecules and potential applications in chronic diseases and aging
  1001. System-wide benefits of intermeal fasting by autophagy
  1002. Clock regulation of metabolites reveals coupling between transcription and metabolism
  1003. Dosing-TIME makes the poison: circadian regulation and pharmacotherapy
  1004. Influencing factors of thermogenic adipose tissue activity
  1005. Food deprivation, body weight loss and anxiety-related behavior in rats
  1006. The effect of diurnal distribution of carbohydrates and fat on glycaemic control in humans: a randomized controlled trial
  1007. Caloric restriction and exercise “mimetics”: Ready for prime TIME ?
  1008. Loss of circadian rhythm of circulating insulin concentration induced by high-fat diet intake is associated with disrupted rhythmic expression of circadian clock genes in …
  1009. Timing of food intake is associated with weight loss evolution in severe obese patients after bariatric surgery
  1010. Circadian microRNAs in cardioprotection
  1011. Comparative circadian metabolomics reveal differential effects of nutritional challenge in the serum and liver
  1012. Growth performance, feed digestibility, body composition, and feeding behavior of high–and low–residual feed intake fat-tailed lambs under moderate feed restriction
  1013. Circadian rhythms and clocks in adipose tissues: Current Insights
  1014. Sirkadiyen Ritim, Sağlık ve Beslenme İlişkisi
  1015. Circadian reprogramming in the liver identifies metabolic pathways of aging
  1016. The Circadian System and Aging of Drosophila
  1017. Practical alternatives to chronic caloric restriction for optimizing vascular function with ageing
  1018. Metabolic disturbances: role of the circadian timing system and sleep
  1019. Melanocortin-3 receptors expressed in Nkx2. 1 (+ ve) neurons are sufficient for controlling appetitive responses to hypocaloric conditioning
  1020. Intermittent fasting promotes adipose thermogenesis and metabolic homeostasis via VEGF-mediated alternative activation of macrophage
  1021. Mammalian circadian clocks and metabolism: navigating nutritional challenges in a rhythmic world
  1022. Circadian influences on dopamine circuits of the brain: regulation of striatal rhythms of clock gene expression and implications for psychopathology and …
  1023. Activity-based anorexia activates nesfatin-1 immunoreactive neurons in distinct brain nuclei of female rats
  1024. Metabolic impact of light phase-Restricted fructose consumption is linked to changes in hypothalamic AMPK phosphorylation and melatonin production in rats
  1025. Dietary fat and corticosterone levels are contributing factors to meal anticipation
  1026. Diurnal oscillations in liver mass and cell size accompany ribosome assembly cycles
  1027. Microbiome restoration diet improves digestion, cognition and physical and emotional wellbeing
  1028. High-fat feeding does not disrupt daily rhythms in female mice because of protection by ovarian hormones
  1029. Dream big and keep moving—the Liver, Microbiome and Academic Skills Workshop cosponsored by Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition and AME Publishing …
  1030. Is there an optimal diet for weight management and metabolic health?
  1031. International society of sports nutrition position stand: diets and body composition
  1032. Circadian control of oscillations in mitochondrial rate-limiting enzymes and nutrient utilization by PERIOD proteins
  1033. Laura K. Barré, MD, RD
  1034. Circadian regulation of metabolism in health and diseases
  1035. Intermittent fasting promotes white adipose browning and decreases obesity by shaping the gut microbiota
  1036. Desynchronization of circadian clocks in cancer: a metabolic and epigenetic connection
  1037. DayTIME increase in caloric intake without change in total 24-h caloric intake can increase adiposity but not total bodyweight in rats with inverted feeding pattern
  1038. Circadian rhythms in diet-induced obesity
  1039. How we eat may be as important as what we eat: eating behaviour and heart rate variability
  1040. Synchronization of the mammalian central and peripheral circadian clocks
  1041. The small molecule nobiletin targets the molecular oscillator to enhance circadian rhythms and protect against metabolic syndrome
  1042. Diurnal regulation of RNA polymerase III transcription is under the control of both the feeding –fasting response and the circadian clock
  1043. Characterization of Circadian feeding Rhythms in Drosophila Using the Fly Liquid-Food Interaction Counter (FLIC) Assay.
  1044. Circadian clock-gastrointestinal peptide interaction in peripheral tissues and the brain
  1045. Molecular mechanisms of heart failure: insights from Drosophila
  1046. Quantitative systems pharmacology: a framework for context
  1047. EGCG ameliorates diet-induced metabolic syndrome associating with the circadian clock
  1048. Re:“Oxidative Priority, Meal Frequency, and the Energy Economy of Food and Activity: Implications for Longevity, Obesity, and Cardiometabolic Disease” by …
  1049. Inflammaging and ‘Garb-aging’
  1050. Circadian metabolomics in TIME and space
  1051. 8. H. Workshop: Ageing society: implications for the workforce–an international perspective on worker health
  1052. Dementia. active. life–a health initiative for physical activity in people with dementiaEva Mir
  1053. If the Metabolic Winter Is Coming, When Will It Be Summer?
  1054. Social jet-lag potentiates obesity and metabolic syndrome when combined with cafeteria diet in rats
  1055. Equity in dementia care focusing on immigrants in Sweden: a nationwide register-based studyEmma Lindgren
  1056. The circadian coordination of cell biology
  1057. Increased bone marrow adiposity in a context of energy deficit: the tip of the iceberg?
  1058. Maternal circadian eating TIME and frequency are associated with blood glucose concentrations during pregnancy
  1059. Circadian phenotyping of obese and diabetic db/db mice
  1060. Consequences of circadian dysregulation on metabolism
  1061. Hypercholesterolemia causes circadian dysfunction: A potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease
  1062. The Effect of Intermittent Caloric Restriction on Weight Loss and Maintenance in Overweight College Students
  1063. Gut microbiota directs PPAR γ‐driven reprogramming of the liver circadian clock by nutritional challenge
  1064. A role for circadian clock in metabolic disease
  1065. Later circadian timing of food intake is associated with increased body fat
  1066. The circadian clock in the ventromedial hypothalamus controls cyclic energy expenditure
  1067. Peer2Peer-A consultation program for psychosocial crises and health promotion for medical studentsMagdalena Czernin
  1068. Capromorelin increases food consumption, body weight, growth hormone, and sustained insulin‐like growth factor 1 concentrations when administered to healthy …
  1069. Neural clocks and Neuropeptide F/Y regulate circadian gene expression in a peripheral metabolic tissue
  1070. Regulation of metabolic health and aging by nutrient-sensitive signaling pathways
  1071. White adipose tissue and circadian rhythm dysfunctions in obesity: pathogenesis and available therapies
  1072. Development of health-promoting and sustainable leadership: follow-up of an intervention studyAndrea Eriksson
  1073. Regulation of the clock gene expression in human adipose tissue by weight loss
  1074. Circadian TIME signatures of fitness and disease
  1075. Modeling fatty liver disease in animals: Is there an optimal approach, and is the effort worthwhile?
  1076. Neural and molecular mechanisms involved in controlling the quality of feeding behavior: diet selection and feeding patterns
  1077. Alternative Treatment Modalities and Its Effect in Older Populations
  1078. Dietary tea polyphenols ameliorate metabolic syndrome and memory impairment via circadian clock related mechanisms
  1079. Circadian rhythm in mammals: TIME to eat & TIME to sleep
  1080. The circadian clock regulates adipogenesis by a Per3 crosstalk pathway to Klf15
  1081. The weight loss blogosphere: an online survey of weight loss bloggers
  1082. Dopamine D 2 receptors and the circadian clock reciprocally mediate antipsychotic drug-induced metabolic disturbances
  1083. Lung adenocarcinoma distally rewires hepatic circadian homeostasis
  1084. Aging and Dieting: an overview of dietary interventions and their role in lifespan and health span
  1085. Selected in-season nutritional strategies to enhance recovery for team sport athletes: a practical overview
  1086. Measuring health promotion capacity building in schools–Finnish comprehensive schools as an exampleKirsi Wiss
  1087. Keeping fat on TIME : circadian control of adipose tissue
  1088. Increased energy intake following sleep restriction in men and women: A one‐size‐fits‐all conclusion?
  1089. P1438 Implementation of a strict X-Ray reduction protocol leads to zero fluoroscopy in the majority of patients undergoing 3-D mapping guided catheter ablation for …
  1090. Targeting of the circadian clock via CK1δ/ε to improve glucose homeostasis in obesity
  1091. Calorie restriction in rodents: caveats to consider
  1092. Circadian and metabolic effects of light: implications in weight homeostasis and health
  1094. Circadian system and glucose metabolism: implications for physiology and disease
  1095. Circadian clock and the onset of cardiovascular events
  1096. Sleep duration and diabetes risk: population trends and potential mechanisms
  1097. Segmental peri-coronary epicardial adipose tissue volume and coronary plaque characteristics
  1098. Chronobiology of aging: a mini-review
  1099. Relation between hypermetabolism, cachexia, and survival in cancer patients: a prospective study in 390 cancer patients before initiation of anticancer therapy
  1100. Neural mechanisms of circadian regulation of natural and drug reward
  1101. Unraveling the metabolic health benefits of fasting related to religious beliefs: A narrative review
  1102. Timing of renal replacement therapy in AKI
  1103. Nutrition and other lifestyle influences on arterial aging
  1104. CLOCK and BMAL1 regulate muscle insulin sensitivity via SIRT1 in male mice
  1105. Pulse width-dependent effects of intestinal electrical stimulation for obesity: role of gastrointestinal motility and hormones
  1106. Assessing Basal and Acute Autophagic Responses in the Adult Drosophila Nervous System: The Impact of Gender, Genetics and Diet on Endogenous …
  1107. Alternating diet as a preventive and therapeutic intervention for high fat diet-induced metabolic disorder
  1108. Exercise and protein intake: a synergistic approach against sarcopenia
  1109. TIME of day and eating behaviors are associated with the composition and function of the human gastrointestinal microbiota
  1110. Mouse models of ageing and their relevance to disease
  1111. Dancing to circadian rhythms: Microbes and metabolism
  1112. The circadian clock and human health
  1113. Impaired sleep, circadian rhythms and neurogenesis in diet-induced premature aging
  1114. Implementation of sleep and circadian science: recommendations from the Sleep Research Society and National Institutes of Health workshop
  1115. Differential impact of type-1 and type-2 diabetes on control of heart rate in mice
  1116. Circadian disruption of ICU patients: a review of pathways, expression, and interventions
  1117. Intermittent food restriction initiated late in life prolongs lifespan and retards the onset of age-related markers in the annual fish Nothobranchius guentheri
  1118. Metabolic signals in sleep regulation: recent insights
  1119. Green tea (‐)‐epigallocatechin‐3‐gallate counteracts dayTIME overeating induced by high‐fat diet in mice
  1120. The ketone metabolite β-hydroxybutyrate attenuates oxidative stress in spinal cord injury by suppression of class I histone deacetylases
  1121. Using a Functional Nutrition Approach
  1122. Diet-microbiome interactions in health are controlled by intestinal nitrogen source constraints
  1123. Current and future strategies for the nutritional management of cardiometabolic complications of androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer
  1124. Branched-chain amino acid supplementation restores reduced insulinotropic activity of a low-protein diet through the vagus nerve in rats
  1125. The microRNA machinery regulates fasting-induced changes in gene expression and longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1126. The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: VI. Impact of short-term graded calorie restriction on transcriptomic responses of the hypothalamic hunger …
  1127. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Recognizes the Importance of Circadian Rhythms–Remembering Franz Halberg and His Everlasting Legacy
  1128. Skipping breakfast and risk of mortality from cancer, circulatory diseases and all causes: findings from the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study
  1129. The association between meal timing and frequency with cardiometabolic profile in patients with bipolar disorder
  1130. Nocturnal but not diurnal hypertension is associated to insulin resistance markers in subjects with normal or mildly elevated office blood pressure
  1131. Short-term stress: effects on cortisol levels and carotenoid spots in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
  1132. Microbiota-gut-brain axis: modulator of host metabolism and appetite
  1133. Prolonged Overnight Fasting as a Novel Intervention Strategy for Reducing Breast Cancer Risk
  1134. Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 deficiency reduces spontaneous metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice fed a high-fat diet
  1135. Effects of meal timing on changes in circulating epinephrine, norepinephrine, and acylated ghrelin concentrations: a pilot study
  1136. Ketogenic diet induces expression of the muscle circadian gene Slc25a25 via neural pathway that might be involved in muscle thermogenesis
  1137. Insulin restores an altered corneal epithelium circadian rhythm in mice with streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetes
  1138. High-fat diet and palmitate alter the rhythmic secretion of glucagon-like peptide-1 by the rodent L-cell
  1139. TFEB regulates PER3 expression via glucose-dependent effects on CLOCK/BMAL1
  1140. Age-Dependent Neuroendocrine Signaling from Sensory Neurons Modulates the Effect of Dietary Restriction on Longevity of Caenorhabditis elegans
  1141. Food during the night is a factor leading to obesity
  1142. Warming the mouse to model human diseases
  1143. Does Ramadan Fasting Increase Duodenal Ulcer Perforation?
  1144. Effect of peripheral circadian dysfunction on metabolic disease in response to a diabetogenic diet
  1145. Central and peripheral circadian clocks and their role in Alzheimer’s disease
  1146. Opposite regulation of insulin sensitivity by dietary lipid versus carbohydrate excess
  1147. Molecular targets for small-molecule modulators of circadian clocks
  1148. The significance of circadian rhythms and dysrhythmias in critical illness
  1149. On the analysis of complex biological supply chains: From process systems engineering to quantitative systems pharmacology
  1150. RAI1 overexpression promotes altered circadian gene expression and dyssomnia in Potocki–Lupski syndrome
  1151. PPARα downregulates hepatic glutaminase expression in mice fed diets with different protein: carbohydrate ratios
  1152. Demonstration of a day-night rhythm in human skeletal muscle oxidative capacity
  1153. Clinical features and treatment outcomes in patients with extragonadal germ cell tumors: a single-center experience
  1154. Metabolic effect of fluvoxamine in mouse peripheral tissues
  1155. Effects of dim light at night on food intake and body mass in developing mice
  1156. Short term stress: effects on cortisol and carotenoid spots in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L., 1758)
  1157. Higher neonatal growth rate and body condition score at 7 months are predictive factors of obesity in adult female Beagle dogs
  1158. NightTIME eating and breast cancer among Chinese women in Hong Kong
  1159. Associations among metabolism, circadian rhythm and age-associated diseases
  1160. Diet-induced obesity and weight loss alter bile acid concentrations and bile acid–sensitive gene expression in insulin target tissues of C57BL/6J mice
  1161. Molecular aspects of circadian pharmacology and relevance for cancer chronotherapy
  1162. Within-day protein distribution does not influence body composition responses during weight loss in resistance-training adults who are overweight
  1163. Effect of Intermittent Fasting on Weight Loss and Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: A Systematic Review
  1164. The epigenetic and metabolic language of the circadian clock
  1165. Voluntary running of defined distances reduces body adiposity and its associated inflammation in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat diet
  1166. Characterization of the novel protein KIAA0564 (Von Willebrand Domain-containing Protein 8)
  1167. Different age-dependent performance in Drosophila wild-type Canton-S and the white mutant w1118 flies
  1168. Developing Circadian Therapeutics Against Age-Related Metabolic Decline
  1169. The Rationale for a Role for Diet and Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer (Full Text)
  1170. Calorie restriction effects on circadian rhythms in gene expression are sex dependent
  1171. Molecular mechanisms of circadian clock entrainment by daily regime in food intake
  1172. Swine models, genomic tools and services to enhance our understanding of human health and diseases
  1173. Drosophila in the heart of understanding cardiac diseases: modeling channelopathies and cardiomyopathies in the fruitfly
  1174. Daily NO rhythms in peripheral clocks in aging male Wistar rats: protective effects of exogenous melatonin
  1175. Note: Page numbers followed by f and t indicate figures and tables
  1176. TIME d food availability affects circadian behavior but not the neuropeptide Y expression in Indian weaverbirds exposed to atypical light environment
  1177. Note: Page numbers followed by f and t indicate figures and tables respectivelyA
  1178. Widespread dysregulation of the circadian clock in human cancer
  1179. Intermittent fasting preserves beta-cell mass in obesity-induced diabetes via the autophagy-lysosome pathway
  1180. Exploring the impact of food on the gut ecosystem based on the combination of machine learning and network visualization
  1181. Fibroblast growth factor 21, assisted by elevated glucose, activates paraventricular nucleus NUCB2/Nesfatin-1 neurons to produce satiety under fed states
  1182. Altered circadian feeding behavior and improvement of metabolic syndrome in obese Tac1-deficient mice
  1183. Global microRNA expression profiling identifies unique microRNA pattern of radioresistant glioblastoma cells
  1184. When less may be more: calorie restriction and response to cancer therapy
  1185. Host–microbiota mutualism in metabolic diseases
  1186. Diet-induced phenotypic plasticity during aging
  1187. The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: VII. Topological rearrangement of hypothalamic aging networks
  1188. Exploring symmetric and asymmetric bimanual eating detection with inertial sensors on the wrist
  1189. Circadian transcription from beta cell function to diabetes pathophysiology
  1190. Quantitative proteomics of rat livers shows that unRestricted feeding is stressful for proteostasis with implications on life span
  1191. Administration of melatonin and metformin prevents deleterious effects of circadian disruption and obesity in male rats
  1192. Free-choice high-fat diet alters circadian oscillation of energy intake in adolescent mice: role of prefrontal cortex
  1193. Intestinal SGLT1 in metabolic health and disease
  1194. The human microbiome and obesity: moving beyond associations
  1195. Metabolic control of longevity
  1196. Timing of food intake: Sounding the alarm about metabolic impairments? A systematic review
  1197. Energy restriction combined with dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor exerts neuroprotection in obese male rats
  1198. Distinct circadian signatures in liver and gut clocks revealed by ketogenic diet
  1199. Ketogenic diet reduces midlife mortality and improves memory in aging mice
  1200. Timing the day: what makes bacterial clocks tick?
  1201. Glucose modulates Drosophila longevity and immunity independent of the microbiota
  1202. Loss of endothelin B receptor function impairs sodium excretion in a TIME -and sex-dependent manner
  1203. Ghrelin: A link between energy homeostasis and the immune system
  1204. Best (but oft-forgotten) practices: intention-to-treat, treatment adherence, and missing participant outcome data in the nutrition literature
  1205. Dietary and nutritional regulation
  1206. Glucose metabolism during rotational shift-work in healthcare workers
  1207. Effects of Diet Restriction on Diurnal Variation in Indices of Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Rats
  1208. Comparison of re-irradiation outcomes for charged particle radiotherapy and robotic stereotactic radiotherapy using cyberknife for recurrent head and neck cancers: a …
  1209. Antioxidant and antiproliferative properties of the essential oils of Satureja thymbra and Satureja parnassica and their major constituents
  1210. Frequency of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the peripheral blood reflects the status of tumor recurrence
  1211. Are the gut bacteria telling us to eat or not to eat? Reviewing the role of gut microbiota in the etiology, disease progression and treatment of eating disorders
  1212. The SCN clock governs circadian transcription rhythms in murine epididymal white adipose tissue
  1213. CREBH couples circadian clock with hepatic lipid metabolism
  1214. Altered glucose and lipid homeostasis in liver and adipose tissue pre-dispose inducible NOS knockout mice to insulin resistance
  1215. Exercise Metabolism
  1216. Commentaries on Viewpoint: A TIME for exercise: the exercise window
  1217. Pu-erh tea extract ameliorates high-fat diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and insulin resistance by modulating hepatic IL-6/STAT3 signaling in mice
  1218. The role of mitochondria in diabetic kidney disease
  1219. Progression of dementia assessed by temporal correlations of physical activity: results from a 3.5-year, longitudinal randomized controlled trial
  1220. The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: VIII. Impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on basal metabolic rate in the C57BL/6 mouse
  1221. Potential benefits and harms of intermittent energy restriction and intermittent fasting amongst obese, overweight and normal weight subjects—a narrative review of …
  1222. Visceral adiposity and expression of clock genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: A pilot study
  1223. Bone mineral density after weight gain in 160 patients with anorexia nervosa
  1224. Effect of two‐year caloric restriction on bone metabolism and bone mineral density in non‐obese younger adults: a randomized clinical trial
  1225. Can a diet that mimics fasting turn back the clock?
  1226. New insights in anorexia nervosa
  1227. A systems theoretic approach to analysis and control of mammalian circadian dynamics
  1228. A pilot characterization of the human chronobiome
  1229. The impact of nutrients on clock genes and metabolism: their role for the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases
  1230. TIME d Inhibition of Orexin System by Suvorexant Improved Sleep and Glucose Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetic db/db Mice
  1231. The sedentary (r) evolution: Have we lost our metabolic flexibility?
  1232. The clock is ticking. Ageing of the circadian system: from physiology to cell cycle
  1233. A randomized pilot study comparing zero‐calorie alternate‐day fasting to daily caloric restriction in adults with obesity
  1234. Role of PTEN in oxidative stress and DNA damage in the liver of whole-body Pten haplodeficient mice
  1235. Neurobiology of sleep and microbiomics in aging
  1236. Dietary Intake of AGEs and ALEs and Inflammation: Nutritional Aspects
  1237. Calorie Restriction Effect on Circadian Clock Gene Expression
  1238. Amelioration of metabolic syndrome-associated cognitive impairments in mice via a reduction in dietary fat content or infusion of non-diabetic plasma
  1239. Cytogenetic biomonitoring in buccal mucosa cells from women submitted to chemotherapy after mastectomy for breast cancer
  1240. Oxidative priority, meal frequency, and the energy economy of food and activity: implications for longevity, obesity, and cardiometabolic disease
  1241. Gut microbiota: the brain peacekeeper
  1242. Circadian feeding patterns of 12-month-old infants
  1243. Dissociation of muscle insulin sensitivity from exercise endurance in mice by HDAC3 depletion
  1244. Plant-based nutrition for healthcare professionals: implementing diet as a primary modality in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease
  1245. Aging and the biological clock
  1246. Attenuating the biologic drive for weight regain following weight loss: must what goes down always go back up?
  1247. The genetics of circadian rhythms, sleep and health
  1248. Unravelling multiple clock mechanisms in vertebrates
  1249. Circadian clock is involved in regulation of hepatobiliary transport mediated by multidrug resistance-associated protein 2
  1250. Intermittent calorie restriction largely counteracts the adverse health effects of a medium-fat diet in aging C57BL/6J mice
  1251. High fat diet-induced changes of mouse hepatic transcription and enhancer activity can be reversed by subsequent weight loss
  1252. Estimation methods for human circadian phase by use of peripheral tissues
  1253. Glycyrrhizin ameliorates oxidative stress and inflammation in hippocampus and olfactory bulb in lithium/pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus in rats
  1254. Regulation of ketone body metabolism and the role of PPARα
  1255. Nutritional and Environmental Influences on Cardiac Metabolism and Performance
  1256. Distinct but complementary contributions of PPAR isotypes to energy homeostasis
  1257. Poster Abstracts, Neuroscience Across Scales 2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences Bangalore 560065, India
  1258. Defining new colorectal cancer syndromes in a population-based cohort of the disease
  1259. Three-dimensional visualization of intrauterine conceptus through the uterine wall by tissue clearing method
  1260. Protective effects of short-term dietary restriction in surgical stress and chemotherapy
  1261. Glucocorticoid receptors in lung cancer: new perspectives
  1262. Maternal night-fasting interval during pregnancy is directly associated with neonatal head circumference and adiposity in girls but not boys
  1263. A simple dietary questionnaire correlates with formal dietitian evaluation and frequently identifies specific clinical interventions in an outpatient gastroenterology clinic
  1264. Circadian rhythm disruption in the critically ill: an opportunity for improving outcomes
  1265. Daily rhythms in mosquitoes and their consequences for malaria transmission
  1266. Increased circulating adiponectin in response to thiazolidinediones: investigating the role of bone marrow adipose tissue
  1267. Reversal of obesity: The quest for the optimum dietary regimen
  1268. The flexible clock: predictive and reactive homeostasis, energy balance and the circadian regulation of sleep–wake timing
  1269. Nutrigenetics and nutrimiromics of the circadian system: The TIME for human health
  1270. Carbohydrate-restriction with High-intensity interval training: an optimal Combination for treating Metabolic diseases?
  1271. The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: XI. Evaluation of the main hypotheses underpinning the life extension effects of CR using the hepatic …
  1272. Transient inactivation of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell prominently ameliorates responses to acute stress in female rats
  1273. Membrane currents, gene expression, and circadian clocks
  1274. The ketogenic bible: The authoritative guide to ketosis
  1275. Drosophila tools and assays for the study of human diseases
  1276. Reduced intestinal lipid absorption and body weight-independent improvements in insulin sensitivity in high-fat diet-fed Park2 knockout mice
  1277. Metabolic therapy and pain
  1278. Lower core body temperature and greater body fat are components of a human thrifty phenotype
  1279. Regulation of adipose differentiation and adipose recovery from obesity
  1280. The effect of alternate-day caloric restriction on the metabolic consequences of 8 days of bed rest in healthy lean men: a randomized trial
  1281. The optic lobes regulate circadian rhythms of olfactory learning and memory in the cockroach
  1282. Meal Timing as a Synchroniser of Tthe Human Circadian System
  1283. Professional Boundaries
  1285. Body weight loss, effective satiation and absence of homeostatic neuropeptide compensation in male Sprague Dawley rats schedule fed a protein crosslinked diet
  1286. NAD+ as the link between oxidative stress, inflammation, caloric restriction, exercise, DNA repair, longevity, and health span
  1287. Perturbed rhythmic activation of signaling pathways in mice deficient for Sterol Carrier Protein 2-dependent diurnal lipid transport and metabolism
  1288. Factors associated with achievement of clinically significant weight loss by women in a national nonprofit weight loss program
  1289. FAD regulates CRYPTOCHROME protein stability and circadian clock in mice
  1290. Vitamin D3 Treatment Influences PGE2 and TGFβ in Normal and Increased Breast Cancer Risk Women
  1291. Shifts in the light-dark cycle increase unpredictability of the cardiovascular system
  1292. Cold-sensing TRPM8 channel participates in circadian control of the brown adipose tissue
  1293. Highly potent antiobesity effect of a short-length peptide YY analog in mice
  1294. miR-155 deletion in female mice prevents diet-induced obesity
  1295. Meal Timing as a Synchroniser of the Human Circadian System
  1296. Circadian Regulation of Renal Function
  1297. Chronotherapy: intuitive, sound, founded… but not broadly applied
  1298. Phylogeny of sleep
  1299. Systems biology derived discoveries of intrinsic clocks
  1300. Immune modulation of brown (ing) adipose tissue in obesity
  1301. Effects of pre-weaning plane of milk replacer and feeding frequency on glucose metabolism in dairy calves
  1302. Pathogenesis of NAFLD and NASH
  1303. Polluted pathways: mechanisms of metabolic disruption by endocrine disrupting chemicals
  1304. Role of folate in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  1305. Intermittent fasting prompted recovery from dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice
  1306. Reduced tolerance to night shift in chronic shift workers: insight from fractal regulation
  1307. Elimination of Cigarette Smoke-derived Acetaldehyde in Saliva by Slow-release L-Cysteine Lozenge Is a Potential New Method to Assist Smoking Cessation. A …
  1308. A novel earphone type sensor for measuring mealTIME : consideration of the method to distinguish between running and meals
  1309. Hypothalamic dysfunction in obesity and metabolic disorders
  1310. Rapamycin alleviates oxidative stress-induced damage in rat erythrocytes
  1311. The ATP-sensitive K channel is seizure protective and required for effective dietary therapy in a model of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy
  1312. Chronobiology of Mood Disorders
  1313. Fasting and “Fasting mimicking diet”(FMD) an effective intervention to promote longevity and health span
  1314. The interplay of central and peripheral circadian clocks in white adipose function and metabolic homeostasis
  1315. Asymmetry in signal oscillations contributes to efficiency of periodic systems
  1316. The impact of a 48-h fast on SIRT1 and GCN5 in human skeletal muscle
  1317. Meal timing and frequency: implications for cardiovascular disease prevention: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association
  1318. Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 as a regulator of fibrosis
  1319. Neurogenetics of Drosophila circadian clock: expect the unexpected
  1321. Molecular aspects of circadian pharmacology and relevance for cancer chronotherapy
  1322. Characterization and expression pattern analysis of the T-complex protein-1 zeta subunit in Musca domestica L (Diptera)
  1323. Is the relationship between lifestyle factors and physical activity mediated by psychological needs and motivation?
  1324. Cardiovascular, inflammatory and circadian aspects of metabolic regulation in humans
  1325. Chronobiology of Mood Disorders
  1326. Prophylactic role of taurine and its derivatives against diabetes mellitus and its related complications
  1327. Metformin alleviates altered erythrocyte redox status during aging in rats
  1328. Nutrition modulation of human aging: the calorie restriction paradigm
  1329. Inside out: Bone marrow adipose tissue as a source of circulating adiponectin
  1330. Mutual Interactions Between Circadian Clocks, Inflammatory Signaling Pathways and Fatty Acid Metabolism
  1331. Effect of zinc supplementation on serum zinc concentration and T cell proliferation in nursing home elderly: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
  1332. The Bone Broth Miracle Diet: Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Revitalize Your Health in Just 21 Days
  1333. New and revisited approaches to preserving the reperfused myocardium
  1334. Effects of TMR and Separate feeding System on Ruminal Methane Production, Total Digestibility, Rumen Metabolic and Microbial Profile
  1335. Ethobehavioral Studies of Fear, Sex, and Biological Rhythms
  1336. Emerging molecular pathways governing dietary regulation of neural stem cells during aging
  1337. How Magazines for Young Women Present Profiles of Anorexics
  1338. Buddha’s Diet: The Ancient Art of Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind
  1339. Non-parametric photic entrainment of Djungarian hamsters with different rhythmic phenotypes
  1340. Metabolic Control of Longevity
  1341. Changes in Organ Systems Over the Lifespan
  1342. A Cost Analysis of Three Popular Diets: The Mediterranean Diet, a Modified Paleo Diet and Intermittent Fasting
  1343. Genomic insights into ayurvedic and western approaches to personalized medicine
  1344. Influence of evening preference on dayTIME variation of autonomic nervous system activity, gastric motility, and appetite sensations in young women
  1345. Ketogenic Diet in a Hippocampal Slice
  1346. The Effect of Chronic Overfeeding on Physical Activity in Mice
  1347. Bone marrow adipose tissue as an endocrine organ: close to the bone?
  1348. Regulation of stem cell aging by metabolism and epigenetics
  1349. Ambizione: List of Recipients/Grantees
  1350. Pre-germinated brown rice prevented high fat diet induced hyperlipidemia through ameliorating lipid synthesis and metabolism in C57BL/6J mice
  1351. Modulation of Circadian Gene Expression and Metabolic Compensation by the RCO-1 Corepressor of Neurospora crassa
  1352. Introduction to the new statistics: Estimation, open science, and beyond
  1353. Metabolic regulation of intestinal stem cell function in Drosophila melanogaster
  1354. A new method to characterize function of the Drosophila heart by means of optical flow
  1355. Research advances in metabolism 2016
  1356. Deciphering Chronometabolic Dynamics Through Metabolomics, Stable Isotope Tracers, And Genome-Scale Reaction Modeling
  1357. Effects of age and environment on locomotor performance in adult Drosophila melanogaster
  1358. Hypogonadism in Male Sexual Dysfunction
  1359. Human fatigue risk management: Improving safety in the chemical processing industry
  1360. Potential Mechanisms Underlying Adaptive Thermogenesis in Lean and Obesity-Prone Rats
  1361. Creation of databases of ageing-related drugs and statistical analysis and applied machine learning for the prioritization of potential lifespan-extension drugs
  1362. The Role of the Retinol-Binding Protein Receptor STRA6 in Regulation of Diurnal Insulin Responses
  1363. Effects of Obesity on Function and Quality of Life in Chronic Pain
  1364. Dissecting out the mechanisms to longevity through eating less
  1365. Dietary and Cellular Mechanisms Regulating Hepatocyte Prolifeartion and Cancer
  1366. Fasting-mimicking diet and risk factors for aging, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease
  1367. and Chronic Diseases (ICOCD-2017)
  1368. The protective role of melatonin in small liver graft transplantation
  1369. Exploring athletes’ perceptions of group flow in team performance
  1370. Dietary determinants of fat mass and body composition
  1371. How to get fat. Adipose tissue expansion and metabolic health
  1372. The Circadian Clock Generates Anticipatory Insulin Secretory Cycles by Regulating Beta-cell Enhancers
  1373. Physical Exercise as an Effective Antiaging Intervention
  1374. Glucocorticoid-Dependent Circadian Modulation of Prefrontal Cortex Molecular Clocks and Functioning
  1375. Prevalence of epidemiological influence, risk factors of type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and analysis of hypertension as a complication among the relatively newly diagnosed …
  1376. The effect of intermittent fasting during Ramadan on energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in healthy men
  1377. Genetic Analysis and Suppression of Cardiac Laminopathy in a Drosophila Model
  1378. Multigenerational effects of pre-conception circadian disruption by light at night
  1379. Neuroanatomical Studies of Hypothalamic Connections Involving the Midbrain and Hindbrain
  1380. Chronobiological related factors and weight loss evolution in severe obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery
  1381. Preventing and treating obesity and metabolic dysfunctions with antioxidants
  1382. Scientific rationale for integrative and personalised strategies for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma management
  1383. Hormetic induction of antioxidant defenses for promotion of healthy aging
  1384. Characterizing the function of CLOCKWORK ORANGE in the circadian feedback loops in Drosophila melanogaster
  1385. The Diet Detox: Why Your Diet Is Making You Fat and What to Do About It: 10 Simple Rules to Help You Stop Dieting, Start Eating, and Lose the Weight for …
  1386. Early TIME –Restricted feeding improves insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and oxidative stress even without weight loss in men with prediabetes
  1387. Effects of 8-hour TIME Restricted feeding on body weight and metabolic disease risk factors in obese adults: A pilot study
  1388. TIME –Restricted feeding influences immune responses without compromising muscle performance in older men
  1389. TIME –Restricted feeding improves circadian dysfunction as well as motor symptoms in the Q175 mouse model of Huntington’s disease
  1390. TIME –Restricted feeding alters the innate immune response to bacterial endotoxin
  1391. TIME –Restricted feeding of a high-fat diet in male C57BL/6 mice reduces adiposity but does not protect against increased systemic inflammation
  1392. TIME –Restricted feeding mitigates high-fat diet-enhanced mammary tumorigenesis in MMTV-PyMT mice
  1393. Benefits of TIME –Restricted feeding
  1394. TIME –Restricted feeding suppresses excess sucrose-induced plasma and liver lipid accumulation in rats
  1395. Short-term TIME –Restricted feeding during the resting phase is sufficient to induce leptin resistance that contributes to development of obesity and metabolic disorders in …
  1396. TIME –Restricted feeding prevents ablation of diurnal rhythms in gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity observed in high-fat diet-induced obese mice
  1397. Restricted feeding for 9 h in the active period partially abrogates the detrimental metabolic effects of a Western diet with liquid sugar consumption in mice
  1398. Effects of TIME Restricted feeding on Weight Loss and Sleep: A Randomized, Cross-Over Trial
  1399. TIME –Restricted feeding : A dietary intervention to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal obese mice
  1400. 334 Influence of Meal Periodicity and TIME Restricted feeding Under Limit feeding Regime on Sow and Subsequent Litter Performance.
  1401. TIME ‐Restricted feeding Attenuates Breast Cancer Growth in a Mouse Model of Postmenopausal Obesity
  1402. 16 Quantitative Evaluation of Stress in Pregnant Sows in Response to TIME Restricted feeding and Meal Frequency Under Limit feeding Regime.
  1403. TIME –Restricted foraging under natural light/dark condition shifts the molecular clock in the honey bee, Apis mellifera
  1404. Melanocortin‐3 Receptors Expressed on Agouti‐Related Peptide Neurons Inhibit feeding Behavior in Female Mice
  1405. A Comparison of Dietary and Caloric Restriction Models on Measures of Body Composition and Physical Performance in Young Mice
  1406. Aging and Chronic Disease
  1407. The importance of meal TIME s on weight loss
  1408. A TIME to fast
  1409. Differential effects of diet composition and timing of feeding behavior on rat brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle peripheral clocks
  1410. Watch the clock, not the scale
  1411. Limiting feeding to the active phase reduces blood pressure without the necessity of caloric reduction or fat mass loss
  1412. Carnitine acetyltransferase in AgRP neurons is required for the homeostatic adaptation to Restricted feeding in male mice
  1413. Effect of soybean meal supplementation during gestation on piglet quality
  1414. Applied Nutritional Investigations
  1415. Fasting imparts a switch to alternative daily pathways in liver and muscle
  1416. Obesity, Diabetes and Energy Homeostasis: Limiting feeding to the active phase reduces blood pressure without the necessity of caloric reduction or fat mass …
  1417. New approaches for weight loss: experiments using animal models
  1418. Chrononutrition applied to diabetes management: a paradigm shift long delayed
  1419. Food intake rhythm and its implication on obesity, and related comorbidities among adolescents: a mini review
  1420. Intermittent fasting, insufficient sleep, and circadian rhythm: interaction and effects on the cardiometabolic system
  1421. # Trending: Intermittent Fasting Is a Global Discussion on Twitter: 1036
  1422. Intermittent Fasting Suppresses Activity‐Associated Energy Expenditure and Enhances Weight Loss in Obesity‐Prone Rats
  1423. Intermittent fasting and cardiovascular disease: current evidence and unresolved questions
  1424. Exploring the effect of diet composition in calorie restriction interventions
  1425. Circadian-based treatment strategy effective in the BACHD mouse model of Huntington’s disease
  1426. Mature Minipigs Seek and Prefer Novelty
  1427. Epigenetics and nutrition
  1428. 333 Evaluating the Effects of Fish Solubles in Whole Fish Meal on Nursery Pig Performance.
  1429. Separation of circadian-and behavior-driven metabolite rhythms in humans provides a window on peripheral oscillators and metabolism
  1430. Influence of an intervention program promoting voluntary fasting practices and its perceived barriers among overweight or obese Muslim women working in the …
  1431. Sleep and Association With Obesity
  1432. Sex differences in the response to dietary restriction in rodents
  1433. Intermittent versus continuous energy restriction on weight loss and cardiometabolic outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized …
  1434. Intermittent administration of a fasting-mimicking diet intervenes in diabetes progression, restores β cells and reconstructs gut microbiota in mice
  1435. Differential effects of the circadian system and circadian misalignment on insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in humans
  1436. CRISPR-Cas9 mediated HMGCL KO in 3xTg AD mice reduces the cognitive deficit improvement seen in an intermittent metabolic switching regimen
  1437. Training the circadian clock, clocking the drugs, and drugging the clock to prevent, manage, and treat chronic diseases
  1438. An ultradian feeding schedule in rats affects metabolic gene expression in liver, brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle with only mild effects on circadian clocks
  1439. How much protein can the body use in a single meal for muscle-building? Implications for daily protein distribution
  1440. Fasting and Caloric Restriction Show Promise for Reducing Type 2 Diabetes Biochemical Risk Markers
  1441. Entrainment of the mouse circadian clock: effects of stress, exercise, and nutrition
  1442. Delayed first active-phase meal, a breakfast-skipping model, led to increased body weight and shifted the circadian oscillation of the hepatic clock and lipid …
  1443. A context-specific circadian clock in adipocyte precursor cells modulates adipogenesis
  1444. A nonrandomized controlled clinical pilot trial on 8 wk of intermittent fasting (24 h/wk)
  1445. Flipping the metabolic switch: understanding and applying the health benefits of fasting
  1446. Caloric restriction study design limitations in rodent and nonhuman primate studies
  1447. Impact of intermittent fasting on the lipid profile: Assessment associated with diet and weight loss
  1448. Night eating model shows TIME -specific depression-like behavior in the forced swimming test
  1449. The emerging link between cancer, metabolism, and circadian rhythms
  1450. The importance of endogenous opioids in feeding behavior
  1451. Day-night oscillation of Atrogin1 and timing-dependent preventive effect of weight-bearing on muscle atrophy
  1452. Modeling clock-related metabolic syndrome due to conflicting light and food cues
  1453. Redox clocks: TIME to rethink redox interventions
  1454. Timing of eating in adults across the weight spectrum: Metabolic factors and potential circadian mechanisms
  1455. Sex differences in circadian food anticipatory activity are not altered by individual manipulations of sex hormones or sex chromosome copy number in mice
  1456. Clinical chronobiology: a TIME ly consideration in critical care medicine
  1457. Skin as a window to body-clock TIME
  1458. Natur, Naturheilkunde, Naturwissenschaft: Vom Monte Verità zur Molekularmedizin
  1459. Yo-yo dieting is better than none
  1460. The endogenous circadian clock programs animals to eat at certain TIME s of the 24-hour day: What if we ignore the clock?
  1461. Mathematical analysis of circadian disruption and metabolic re-entrainment of hepatic gluconeogenesis: the intertwining entraining roles of light and feeding
  1462. Sleep, health, and metabolism in midlife women and menopause: food for thought
  1463. Intermittent fasting: is the wait worth the weight?
  1464. Microbiota modulation by eating patterns and diet composition: impact on food intake
  1465. Mild suppression of hyperinsulinemia to treat obesity and insulin resistance
  1466. The biological clock: a pivotal hub in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease pathogenesis
  1467. Temporal control of metabolic amplitude by nocturnin
  1468. Dietary interventions for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in high-risk groups: current state of evidence and future research needs
  1469. Impact of intermittent fasting on human health: an extended review of metabolic cascades
  1470. Metabolic and molecular framework for the enhancement of endurance by intermittent food deprivation
  1471. Intermittent fasting for cardiovascular disease risk factor reduction: A narrative review of current evidence.
  1472. Midday meals do not impair mouse memory
  1473. Epigenetics and epigenomics: implications for diabetes and obesity
  1474. Environmental regulation of metabolism through the circadian clock
  1475. A rotating light cycle promotes weight gain and hepatic lipid storage in mice
  1476. Protein restriction, epigenetic diet, intermittent fasting as new approaches for preventing age-associated diseases
  1477. Intermittent metabolic switching, neuroplasticity and brain health
  1478. Gut microbiota-derived short chain fatty acids induce circadian clock entrainment in mouse peripheral tissue
  1479. Low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet impairs anaerobic exercise performance in exercise-trained women and men: a randomized-sequence crossover trial
  1480. Fasting and TIME of day independently modulate circadian rhythm relevant gene expression in adipose and skin tissue
  1481. The role of low-calorie diets and intermittent fasting in the treatment of obesity and type-2 diabetes
  1482. Malaria makes the most of mealTIME s
  1483. Employing proteomics to understand the effects of nutritional intervention in cancer treatment
  1484. The role of the daily feeding rhythm in the regulation of the day/night rhythm in triglyceride secretion in rats
  1485. Of mice and men and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
  1486. The circadian clock drives mast cell functions in allergic reactions
  1487. Circadian regulation of metabolism and healthspan in Drosophila
  1488. Healthy lifestyle-based approaches for successful vascular aging
  1489. Aberrations in the female reproductive organs and a role of telocytes in a rat model of anorexia nervosa
  1490. Timing of food intake impacts daily rhythms of human salivary microbiota: a randomized, crossover study
  1491. Restoring NAD (+) levels with NAD (+) intermediates, the second law of thermodynamics, and aging delay
  1492. Circadian- and Light-driven Metabolic Rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster
  1493. How does diurnal intermittent fasting impact sleep, dayTIME sleepiness, and markers of the biological clock? Current insights
  1494. Calorie restriction and its impact on gut microbial composition and global metabolism
  1495. Keynote lecture: strategies for optimal cardiovascular aging
  1496. Mechanisms of Effects on Sleep Disruption on Adipocyte/Obesity Metabolism and Their Relation to Other Metabolic Disease: Mathematical analysis of …
  1497. Desynchrony between brain and peripheral clocks caused by CK1δ/ε disruption in GABA neurons does not lead to adverse metabolic outcomes
  1498. Intermittent fasting: the choice for a healthier lifestyle
  1499. Hepatic JARID1a ablation disrupts the transcription adaptation to feeding and alters systemic metabolism
  1500. Identification of GPR120 as a novel target to activate brown adipose tissue
  1501. Draw Your Dinner: Examining Perceptions of Meal Size Using Incrementally Reduced Plate Sizes in College Students
  1502. The Dopamine Transporter (Slc6a3) is Required for Diet-Induced Obesity but not for Entraining Circadian Activity to Scheduled feeding
  1503. Exploring the Importance of Healthfulness Among Food Truck Operators
  1504. Meal TIME s can reset body’s internal clock
  1505. Short-term, intermittent fasting induces long-lasting gut health and TOR-independent lifespan extension
  1506. Circadian rhythms and mitochondria: connecting the dots
  1507. Cisplatin-DNA adduct repair of transcribed genes is controlled by two circadian programs in mouse tissues
  1508. Aging and intermittent fasting impact on transcriptional regulation and physiological responses of adult drosophila neuronal and muscle tissues
  1509. The human circadian clock from health to economics
  1510. Mechanisms in endocrinology: SGLT2 inhibitors: clinical benefits by restoration of normal diurnal metabolism?
  1511. Rhythms of metabolism in adipose tissue and mitochondria
  1512. Comparison of feeding jejunostomy via gastric tube versus jejunum after esophageal cancer surgery
  1513. Autophagy delays progression of the two most frequent human monogenetic lethal diseases: cystic fibrosis and Wilson disease
  1514. Facing up to the global challenges of ageing
  1515. Diet and health.
  1516. A diurnal rhythm in brown adipose tissue causes rapid clearance and combustion of plasma lipids at wakening
  1517. UV-B-induced erythema in human skin: the circadian clock is ticking
  1518. Antibiotic-induced microbiome depletion alters metabolic homeostasis by affecting gut signaling and colonic metabolism
  1519. Excessive dayTIME sleepiness and REM sleep behavior disorders in parkinson’s disease: a narrative review on early intervention with implications to …
  1520. Hungry for Health: Fasting’s medical benefits
  1521. Ghrelin restores the disruption of the circadian clock in steatotic liver
  1522. Colonic aberrant crypt formation accompanies an increase of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat diet
  1523. Insulin signaling and reduced glucocorticoid receptor activity attenuate postprandial gene expression in liver
  1524. TIME travels: A 40‐year journey from Drosophila’s clock mutants to human circadian disorders (Nobel lecture)
  1525. Temporal partitioning of adaptive responses of the murine heart to fasting
  1526. Sirt7 regulates circadian phase coherence of hepatic circadian clock via a body temperature/Hsp70-Sirt7-Cry1 axis
  1527. Disruption of the biological clock aggravates atherosclerosis
  1528. Intermittent Fasting: A Potential Effective Strategy for Preventing Obesity and Type II Diabetes Mellitus
  1529. Evidence for widespread dysregulation of circadian clock progression in human cancer
  1530. Calorie restriction is the most reasonable anti-ageing intervention: a meta-analysis of survival curves
  1531. Ramadan Fasting, Health, and Autophagy: Is There any Relationship?
  1532. Interventions to promote cardiometabolic health and slow cardiovascular ageing
  1533. Modulation of the process of aging in human organism: recent advances in biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment
  1534. High frequency of spread through air spaces in resected small cell lung cancer
  1535. β-Hydroxy β-methylbutyrate free acid alters cortisol responses, but not myofibrillar proteolysis, during a 24-h fast
  1536. Integrative analysis of indirect calorimetry and metabolomics profiling reveals alterations in energy metabolism between fed and fasted pigs
  1537. Meal timing effects on insulin sensitivity and intrahepatic triglycerides during weight loss
  1538. Case control study on environmental, nutritional and management-based risk factors for tail-biting in long-tailed pigs
  1539. Circadian clocks and sleep: impact of rhythmic metabolism and waste clearance on the brain
  1540. Brainstem glioblastoma multiforme in a patient with NF1
  1541. Modifiable lifestyle behaviors, but not a genetic risk score, associate with metabolic syndrome in evening chronotypes
  1542. Transperitoneal versus extraperitoneal laparoscopic lymphadenectomy for gynecological malignancies: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  1543. Successful distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer with Child-Pugh class B alcoholic liver cirrhosis
  1545. NightTIME light exposure enhances Rev-erbα-targeting microRNAs and contributes to hepatic steatosis
  1546. Dietary Habits and Physical Fitness in Japanese Junior High School Students
  1547. Intermittent calorie restriction enhances epithelial-mesenchymal transition through the alteration of energy metabolism in a mouse tumor model
  1548. Role of the circadian clock in the metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  1549. Potential roles of Dec and Bmal1 genes in interconnecting circadian clock and energy metabolism
  1550. Relationships between circadian rhythms, timing of eating behaviors, and the human gastrointestinal microbiota
  1551. The influences of cholecystectomy on the circadian rhythms of bile acids as well as the enterohepatic transporters and enzymes systems in mice
  1552. The LepR-mediated leptin transport across brain barriers controls food reward
  1553. Editorial 2. New Strides in Circadian Dysfunction in Relation to Cardiovascular Diseases
  1554. Sphingolipids in adipose tissue: What’s tipping the scale?
  1555. Effects of fasted vs fed‐state exercise on performance and post‐exercise metabolism: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  1556. Performance status and number of metastatic extra-cerebral sites predict survival after radiotherapy of brain metastases from thyroid cancer
  1557. Particle stability during pressurized intra-peritoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC)
  1558. The Effect of Dietary Interventions on Intestinal-associated Metabolites and Immune Parameters
  1559. Disparities of immunotherapy utilization in patients with stage III cutaneous melanoma: a national perspective
  1560. Circadian clock’s cancer connections
  1561. Development and therapeutic potential of small-molecule modulators of circadian systems
  1562. Tumor expression of miR-10b, miR-21, miR-143 and miR-145 is related to clinicopathological features of gastric cancer in a central European population
  1563. MisTIME d food intake and sleep alters 24-hour TIME -of-day patterns of the human plasma proteome
  1564. DNA from human polyomaviruses, MWPyV, HPyV6, HPyV7, HPyV9 and HPyV12 in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas
  1565. Image-guided stereotactic body radiotherapy in metastatic prostate cancer
  1566. Short‐term feeding of a ketogenic diet induces more severe hepatic insulin resistance than an obesogenic high‐fat diet
  1567. Reliability of hunger-related assessments during 24-hour fasts and their relationship to body composition and subsequent energy compensation
  1568. Resistance training prevents muscle loss induced by caloric restriction in obese elderly individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  1569. The taurine transporter Eaat2 functions in ensheathing glia to modulate sleep and metabolic rate
  1570. Metabolic and neuroendocrine adaptations to undernutrition in anorexia nervosa: From a clinical to a basic research point of view
  1571. Clinical relevance of postoperative neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR) to recurrence after adjuvant chemotherapy of S-1 for gastric cancer
  1572. Defunctioning ileostomy is a key risk factor for small bowel obstruction after colorectal cancer resection
  1573. Comparison of Dietary and Caloric Restriction Models on Insulin Sensitivity in Young Mice
  1574. Utilization of hysterectomy following chemoradiation for IB2/IIA2 cervical cancer in the National Cancer Data Base
  1575. Definitive chemoradiation in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx: long-term outcomes and toxicity
  1576. Predictive factors for local control and survival in patients with cancer of unknown primary (CUP) irradiated for cerebral metastases
  1577. The Impact of EndoPredict Clinical Score on Chemotherapy Recommendations in Women with Invasive ER+/HER2− Breast Cancer Stratified as Having Moderate or …
  1578. Synchronous pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma: Report of a case and review of the literature
  1579. Modulation of the process of aging in human organism: recent advances in biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment
  1580. Which is the most reasonable anti-aging strategy: meta-analysis
  1581. Role of light-feeding phase relations on glucose metabolism
  1582. Controlling nutritional status (CONUT) score is a prognostic marker in metastatic colorectal cancer patients receiving first-line chemotherapy
  1583. A framework for elucidating causes and consequences of malnutrition in anorexia nervosa
  1584. Double KRAS and BRAF mutations in surgically treated colorectal cancer liver metastases: an international, multi-institutional case series
  1585. Combined Short-Term Glucose Starvation and Chemotherapy in 3D Colorectal Cancer Cell Culture Decreases 14-3-3 Family Protein Expression and Phenotypic …
  1586. The emerging role of laparoscopic liver resection in the treatment of recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review
  1587. The clinical usefulness of the LigaSure™ small jaw in axillary lymph node dissection in patients with breast cancer
  1588. Predicting the ambulatory status of patients irradiated for metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) from head-and-neck cancer
  1589. From early immunomodulatory triggers to immunosuppressive outcome: therapeutic implications of the complex interplay between the wavebands of sunlight …
  1590. Preoperative pulmonary function tests (PFTs) and outcomes from resected early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
  1591. Impact of first meal size during prolonged sitting on postprandial glycaemia in individuals with prediabetes: A randomised, crossover study
  1592. Role of the saturated fatty acid palmitate in the interconnected hypothalamic control of energy homeostasis and biological rhythms
  1593. Carnitine Acetyltransferase regulates metabolic sensing in AgRP neurons
  1594. Utilization of neoadjuvant intensity-modulated radiation therapy for rectal cancer in the United States
  1595. Antineoplastic actions of cinnamic acids and their dimers in breast cancer cells: A comparative study
  1596. Phagocytic activation of macrophages with serum MAF depends on engulfment efficiency and not migratory activity
  1597. Intermittent Fasting: The Choice for a Healthier Lifestyle
  1598. Mechanisms of the anti-aging and prolongevity effects of caloric restriction: evidence from studies of genetically modified animals
  1599. Unusual papillary squamous cell carcinoma of the tip of tongue presenting in a patient status post heart transplant
  1600. Constant light alters serum hormone levels related to thyroid function in male CD-1 mice
  1601. Cost-effectiveness of multiparametric MRI in 800 men submitted to repeat prostate biopsy: results of a public health model
  1602. Possible application of ascites-infiltrating gamma-delta T cells for adoptive immunotherapy
  1603. Seizures and tumor progression in glioma patients with uncontrollable epilepsy treated with perampanel
  1604. Polymorphisms of ABCB1, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 Genes in ovarian cancer and treatment response in poles
  1605. Glucocorticoid hormones are both a major circadian signal and major stress signal: How this shared signal contributes to a dynamic relationship between the …
  1606. Intratumoral Accumulation and Clonal Expansion May Not Be Decisive for Rejection of Allogeneic Tumors by CD8+ T-Lymphocytes
  1607. Metabolic flexibility as an adaptation to energy resources and requirements in health and disease
  1608. Pressurized intra-peritoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) via endoscopical microcatheter system
  1609. Biomarkers of oxidative stress associated with the risk of potentially malignant oral disorders
  1610. Dewaxed brown rice feed improves fatty liver in obese and diabetic model mice
  1611. Intermittent fasting (alternate day fasting) in healthy, non-obese adults: protocol for a cohort trial with an embedded randomized controlled pilot trial
  1612. Improvement in protracted wound healing by topical cream containing lipopolysaccharide derived from Pantoea agglomerans
  1613. A novel modification of the AOM/DSS model for inducing intestinal adenomas in mice
  1614. Calcium phosphate cement in the surgical management of benign bone tumors
  1615. Intermittent Fating, Carb Cycling and Weight Management
  1616. Treatment of adrenal metastases with conventional or hypofractionated image-guided radiation therapy–patterns and outcomes
  1617. A New Scoring-system for Estimating Overall Survival After Radiotherapy of Recurrent Head and Neck Cancers
  1618. Defining the optimal dietary approach for safe, effective and sustainable weight loss in overweight and obese adults
  1619. Development of a Questionnaire for Monitoring Risk Factors for Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting–A NOGGO Pilot Study
  1620. Regional cerebral effects of ketone body infusion with 3-hydroxybutyrate in humans: reduced glucose uptake, unchanged oxygen consumption and increased …
  1621. OPG, OPN, EGF and VEGF levels at individual Breslow score stages in malignant melanoma
  1622. Eating patterns of US adults: Meals, snacks, and TIME of eating
  1623. The frequency and prognostic value of neutrophilia in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  1624. Can an automated sleep detection algorithm for waist-worn accelerometry replace sleep logs?
  1625. Potentially malignant oral disorders and cancer transformation
  1626. Preoperative evaluation of myometrial invasion in endometrial carcinoma: prospective intra-individual comparison of magnetic resonance volumetry, diffusion …
  1627. The Effect of Roux-en-Y Reconstruction on Type 2 Diabetes in the Early Postoperative Period
  1628. Curcumin and rutin down-regulate cyclooxygenase-2 and reduce tumor-associated inflammation in HPV16-transgenic mice
  1629. The lymph node ratio is an independent prognostic factor in pancreatic cancer patients who receive curative resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy
  1630. GLP-1 release and vagal afferent activation mediate the beneficial metabolic and chronotherapeutic effects of D-allulose
  1631. Quality of life following stereotactic body radiotherapy versus three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for vertebral metastases: secondary analysis of an exploratory …
  1632. Predicting the risk of developing new cerebral lesions after stereotactic radiosurgery or fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for brain metastases from renal cell …
  1633. Prognostic value of albumin/globulin ratio in patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma patients treated with radical nephroureterectomy
  1634. Prognostic impact of postoperative C-reactive protein for non-small cell lung cancer following lobectomy
  1635. Glucans and Cancer: Comparison of Commercially Available β-glucans–Part IV
  1636. The impact of indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO) expression on stage III gastric cancer
  1637. Bile acid metabolism in liver pathobiology
  1638. Glucagon and/or IGF-1 production regulates resetting of the liver circadian clock in response to a protein or amino acid-only diet
  1639. Clinical characteristics of liver metastasis in nivolumab-treated patients with non-small cell lung cancer
  1640. Is fasting safe? A chart review of adverse events during medically supervised, water-only fasting
  1641. Usefulness of TAS-102 as third-line chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer
  1642. Metabolic aspects of aging
  1643. CT texture analysis of ductal adenocarcinoma downstaged after chemotherapy
  1644. Cerebral metabolic changes during sleep
  1645. Prediction of treatment response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer by subtype using tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
  1646. Developmental exposure to the SSRI citalopram causes long-lasting behavioural effects in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
  1647. Relationship between FDG uptake and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer
  1648. A panel of biomarkers for diagnosis of prostate cancer using urine samples
  1649. WT1-pulsed dendritic cell vaccine combined with chemotherapy for resected pancreatic cancer in a phase I study
  1650. Safety and feasibility of single-port surgery for colon cancer in octogenarians
  1651. Mechanisms and Potential Therapy on Disrupted Blood Pressure Circadian Rhythm in Diabetes
  1652. Mutant GATA3 actively promotes the growth of normal and malignant mammary cells
  1653. Sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma with isolated loss of PMS2 presenting in a patient with synchronous prostate cancer with intact MMR: diagnosis and analysis of the …
  1654. Alpha-Santalol, a component of sandalwood oil inhibits migration of breast cancer cells by targeting the β-catenin pathway
  1655. Predictors for high microsatellite instability in patients with colorectal cancer fulfilling the revised bethesda guidelines
  1656. Central circadian clock regulates energy metabolism
  1657. Circadian regulation of glucose, lipid, and energy metabolism in humans
  1658. The shielding ability of novel tungsten rubber against the electron beam for clinical use in radiation therapy
  1659. Spermidine in health and disease
  1660. Synchronization, oscillator death, and frequency modulation in a class of biologically inspired coupled oscillators
  1661. Radiosensitizing effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid and protoporphyrin IX on carbon-ion beam irradiation
  1662. Metabolic adaptation to intermittent fasting is independent of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha
  1663. Dose–function Histogram Evaluation Using 99mTc-GSA SPECT/CT Images for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Planning for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients …
  1664. Knockdown of angiopoietin-like 2 mimics the benefits of intermittent fasting on insulin responsiveness and weight loss
  1665. Catumaxomab with activated T-cells efficiently lyses chemoresistant EpCAM-positive triple-negative breast cancer cell lines
  1666. Safety of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer in patients with severe comorbidities
  1667. Color-coded imaging distinguishes cancer cells, stromal cells, and recombinant cancer-stromal cells in the tumor microenvironment during metastasis
  1668. Pushing the limits of cancer therapy: the nutrient game
  1669. Self-expandable metallic stents contribute to reducing perioperative complications in colorectal cancer patients with acute obstruction
  1670. Does modifying the timing of meal intake improve cardiovascular risk factors? Protocol of an Australian pilot intervention in night shift workers with abdominal …
  1671. Correlation of expression of tenascin C and blood vessel density in non-small cell lung cancers
  1672. Circadian dysregulation: the next frontier in obstructive sleep apnea research
  1673. A central-acting connexin inhibitor, INI-0602, prevents high-fat diet-induced feeding pattern disturbances and obesity in mice
  1674. Overexpression of FGFR3 in HPV-positive tonsillar and base of tongue cancer is correlated to outcome
  1675. Diagnostic utility of prostein, uroplakin II and SATB2 for diagnosing carcinoma of unknown primary origin: a systematic immunohistochemical profiling
  1676. Cannabinoid receptor-1 up-regulation in azoxymethane (AOM)-treated mice after dietary treatment with quercetin
  1677. Eribulin promotes antitumor immune responses in patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer
  1678. Mutual influence of sleep and circadian clocks on physiology and cognition
  1679. Exploring the role of enzalutamide in combination with radiation therapy: an in vitro study
  1680. Liver size: Waning by day, Waxing by Night
  1681. Cost-effectiveness of carbon ion radiation therapy for skull base chordoma utilizing long-term (10-year) outcome data
  1682. Circadian rhythms in mitochondrial respiration
  1683. Circulating pre-microRNA-488 in peripheral blood is a potential biomarker for predicting recurrence in breast cancer
  1684. Preoperative CA-125 value as a predictive factor for postoperative outcome in first relapse of platinum-sensitive serous ovarian cancer
  1685. Franz Halberg: a Maverick ahead of his TIME
  1686. Detecting novel effects of exercise or AMPK activation in human skeletal muscle
  1687. Usefulness of preoperative 18F-FDG-PET in detecting invasive intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct
  1688. Radiological features of brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer harboring EGFR mutation
  1689. Characterization of a novel mouse model with adipocyte-specific disruption via the aP2 promoter
  1690. Differential expression of IGF-I transcripts in bladder cancer
  1691. A small-molecule kinase inhibitor, CEP-1347, inhibits survivin expression and sensitizes ovarian cancer stem cells to paclitaxel
  1692. Aberrant expression of PIWIL1 and PIWIL2 and their clinical significance in ductal breast carcinoma
  1693. Carbotoxicity—noxious effects of carbohydrates
  1694. Clinical significance of subcellular localization of maspin in patients with pathological stage IA lung adenocarcinoma
  1695. RBPJ and MAML3: potential therapeutic targets for small cell lung cancer
  1696. Preoperative stating of pelvic lymph nodes in prostate cancer patients via endorectal magnetic resonance imaging
  1697. A bi-national analysis of 252 pancreatic resections for chronic pancreatitis with regard to incidental carcinoma sequence and overall postoperative outcome
  1698. Rhythms of core clock genes and spontaneous locomotor activity in post-status epilepticus model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
  1699. No deterioration in clinical outcomes of carbon ion radiotherapy for sarcopenia patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
  1700. Correlation between Ktrans and microvessel density in different tumors: a meta-analysis
  1701. Transcriptome analysis reveals intermittent fasting-induced genetic changes in ischemic stroke
  1702. Recent trends in HPV infection and type distribution in Greece
  1703. Efficacy-safety of facilitated subcutaneous immunoglobulin in immunodeficiency due to hematological malignancies. A single-center retrospective analysis
  1704. Efficacy and safety of bi-weekly pegfilgrastim for dose-dense chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in breast cancer patients
  1705. Inhibition of Survivin by Adenovirus Vector Enhanced Paclitaxel-induced Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells
  1706. Combined Oocyte Retrieval and Robot-assisted Hysterectomy in a Super Morbidly Obese Patient with Endometrial Carcinoma
  1707. The role of MTHFR genotype in colorectal cancer susceptibility in Taiwan
  1708. Disease or not, aging is easily treatable
  1709. Myelodysplastic syndrome and sweet’s syndrome are associated with a mutation in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1
  1710. Diet-induced insulin resistance state disturbs brain clock processes and alters tuning of clock outputs in the Sand rat, Psammomys obesus
  1711. Second primary malignancies in patients with well-differentiated/dedifferentiated liposarcoma
  1712. Nuclear expression of CD133 is associated with good prognosis in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma
  1713. MEKK3 sustains EMT and stemness in pancreatic cancer by regulating YAP and TAZ transcriptional activity
  1714. Contribution of computed tomographic angiography to pretreatment planning of radio-embolization of liver tumors
  1715. The aging mitochondria
  1716. Ki-67 and survivin as predictive factors for rectal cancer treated with preoperative chemoradiotherapy
  1717. The association of matrix metalloproteinase-1 promoter polymorphisms with prostate cancer in Taiwanese patients
  1718. Molecular cogs: interplay between circadian clock and cell cycle
  1719. Chemotherapy or combined modality therapy for early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma
  1720. Preoperative Short‐Term Calorie Restriction for Prevention of Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized, Controlled, Open‐Label, Pilot Trial
  1721. Programmed cell death ligand 1 expression is an independent prognostic factor in colorectal cancer
  1722. Pilot study of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy with fluorescein-dripping method for liver tumors
  1723. Clinicopathological analysis of ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted breast biopsy for the diagnosis and treatment of breast disease
  1724. Low-dose LNG-IUS as therapy for endometrial hyperplasia. A prospective cohort pilot study
  1725. Enhancing and extending biological performance and resilience
  1726. MiR-193a-5p and-3p play a distinct role in gastric cancer: miR-193a-3p suppresses gastric cancer cell growth by targeting ETS1 and CCND1
  1727. Genomic instability in buccal mucosal cells of municipal street sweepers as evaluated by micronucleus test
  1728. Expression of zinc finger and BTB domain-containing 7A in colorectal carcinoma
  1729. Morphological classification of corrupted colonic crypts in ulcerative colitis
  1730. TAp63 contributes to sexual dimorphism in POMC neuron functions and energy homeostasis
  1731. Gallstone patients with enhanced oxidative stress biomarker superoxide dismutase (SOD1) plasma levels have significantly lower number of postoperative analgesic …
  1732. Hypocaloric diet prevents the decrease in FGF21 elicited by high phosphorus intake
  1733. Quality of life and radiation-induced late toxicity following intensity-modulated versus three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for patients with spinal bone …
  1734. Chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40) expression in squamous cell skin cancer
  1735. Polymorphisms in TWIST1 and ZEB1 are associated with prognosis of gastric cancer patients
  1736. Second opinion reviews for cancer diagnoses in anatomic pathology: a comprehensive cancer center’s experience
  1737. Construction of anti-HER2 recombinants as targeting modules for a drug-delivery system against HER2-positive cells
  1738. Quantitative structure–cytotoxicity relationship of pyrano [4, 3-b] chromones
  1740. Clinical assessment of micro-residual tumors during stereotactic body radiation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
  1741. Prophylactic effect of polaprezinc, a zinc-L-carnosine, against chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis in pediatric patients undergoing autologous stem cell …
  1742. Deep Brain Stimulation—Possible Treatment Strategy for Pathologically Altered Body Weight?
  1743. Delanzomib interacts with ritonavir synergistically to cause endoplasmic reticulum stress in renal cancer cells
  1744. Phase II clinical trial of first-line eribulin plus trastuzumab for advanced or recurrent HER2-positive breast cancer
  1745. Prognostic Significance of Neutrophil–to–lymphocyte Ratio in the Framework of the 8th TNM Edition for Breast Cancer
  1746. Lipidomic impacts of an obesogenic diet upon Lewis lung carcinoma in mice
  1747. Cytoreductive nephrectomy in elderly patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the targeted therapy era
  1748. Novel metabolically stable PCA-1/ALKBH3 inhibitor has potent antiproliferative effects on DU145 cells in vivo
  1749. Chemoradiotherapy-induced changes in mucinous components in rectal cancer tissue: evaluation on high iron diamine-alcian blue and Mucin 1 staining
  1750. Transcriptional signatures in liver reveal metabolic adaptations to seasons in migratory blackheaded buntings
  1751. Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of epithelial gremlin1 expression in gastric cancer
  1752. Human metabolomics reveal daily variations under nutritional challenges specific to serum and skeletal muscle
  1753. The potential of exosomes derived from chronic myelogenous leukaemia cells as a biomarker
  1754. Inflammatory bowel disease and immunonutrition: novel therapeutic approaches through modulation of diet and the gut microbiome
  1755. Vitamins C and K3: a powerful redox system for sensitizing leukemia lymphocytes to everolimus and barasertib
  1756. Heterogeneity of PD-L1 Expression and Relationship with Biology of NSCLC
  1757. Effects of central FGF21 infusion on the hypothalamus–pituitary–thyroid axis and energy metabolism in rats
  1758. Melatonin promotes apoptosis of oxaliplatin-resistant colorectal cancer cells through inhibition of cellular prion protein
  1759. Prognostic factors for pancreatic cancer patients treated with immune-cell therapy
  1760. Postoperative hypofractionated radiotherapy for prostate cancer
  1761. Cichoric acid prevents free-fatty-acid-induced lipid metabolism disorders via regulating Bmal1 in HepG2 cells
  1762. Hydrogen sulfide is increased in oral squamous cell carcinoma compared to adjacent benign oral mucosae
  1763. Renal pelvis carcinoma with renal vein or inferior vena cava involvement linked to early-onset lung metastasis based on CT scan diagnosis
  1764. Hypermethylation of BRCA1 gene in meningioma in elderly males
  1765. Synthesis and Binding of a Novel PSMA-specific Conjugate
  1766. Elevated Neutrophil–to–Lymphocyte-ratio and Platelet–to–Lymphocyte Ratio in Myelofibrosis: Inflammatory Biomarkers or Representatives of Myeloproliferation Itself?
  1767. Phase I-II study of short-course accelerated radiotherapy (SHARON) for palliation in head and neck cancer
  1768. Pathological high-risk renal cell carcinoma: Trends in clinical characteristics over 25 years
  1769. Single-source dual-energy CT as a part of 18F-FDG PET/CT: direct comparison of iodine-related and metabolic parameters in non-small cell lung cancer
  1770. Efficacy and safety of Sorafenib in a racially diverse patient population with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
  1771. Skeletal muscle volume and intramuscular adipose tissue are prognostic predictors of postoperative complications after hepatic resection
  1772. Moderate hypofractionation in patients with low-risk prostate cancer: long-term outcomes
  1773. Phase II trial of carboplatin and pemetrexed plus bevacizumab with maintenance bevacizumab as a first-line treatment for advanced non-squamous non-small cell …
  1774. MicroRNA-203 induces apoptosis by targeting Bmi-1 in YD-38 oral cancer cells
  1775. Relationship between metabolic disorders and breast cancer incidence and outcomes. Is there a preventive and therapeutic role for berberine?
  1776. Metformin-associated chemopreventive effects on recurrence after hepatic resection of hepatocellular carcinoma: from in vitro to a clinical study
  1777. Telomeres, nutrition, and longevity: can we really navigate our aging?
  1778. Tight junction protein 1 dysfunction contributes to cell motility in bladder cancer
  1779. Comparison of microvessel density using nestin and CD34 in colorectal cancer
  1780. Partial bladder boost using lipiodol marking during image-guided radiotherapy for bladder cancer
  1781. A genitourinary cancer-specific scoring system for the prediction of survival in patients with bone metastasis: A retrospective analysis of prostate cancer, renal cell …
  1782. Postoperative management of multiple primary cancers associated with non-small cell lung cancer
  1783. Impact of COX2 inhibitor for regulation of PD-L1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer
  1784. Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy with capecitabine plus bevacizumab for locally advanced lower rectal cancer: results of a single-institute phase II study
  1785. Effects of high-fat diet and AMP-activated protein kinase modulation on the regulation of whole-body lipid metabolism
  1786. Broad-spectrum preclinical antitumor activity of eribulin (Halaven®): combination with anticancer agents of differing mechanisms
  1787. Extracellular Matrix–receptor Interaction Signaling Genes Associated with Inferior Breast Cancer Survival
  1788. Impact of physiological rhythms on energy homeostasis in rodents
  1789. Chronopathophysiological implications of orexin in sleep disturbances and lifestyle-related disorders
  1790. Expression and prognostic impact of VEGF, CD31 and αSMA in resected primary lung cancers
  1791. Immunosuppression induced by perioperative peritonitis promotes lung metastasis
  1792. Influence of temperature on the volume change behavior of saturated sand
  1793. Fisetin enhances the cytotoxicity of gemcitabine by down-regulating ERK-MYC in MiaPaca-2 human pancreatic cancer cells
  1794. Fad diets and fasting for weight loss in obesity
  1795. Clinical implication of the relationship between high mobility group box-1 and tumor differentiation in hepatocellular carcinoma
  1796. Estimation of risk of normal-tissue toxicity following gastric cancer radiotherapy with photon-or scanned proton-beams
  1797. In vitro and in vivo antitumor effects of pyrimethamine on non-small cell lung cancers
  1798. Quantitative structure–cytotoxicity relationship of 2-(N-cyclicamino) chromone derivatives
  1799. Prevalence of high-risk HPV in postmenopausal women with benign cervical cytology–a population-based cohort study
  1800. Transforming growth factor-beta produced by non-small cell lung cancer cells contributes to lung fibroblast contractile phenotype
  1801. Autophagy in cardiovascular aging
  1802. Comparing image-guided targeted biopsies to radical prostatectomy specimens for accurate characterization of the index tumor in prostate cancer
  1803. Preoperative prognostic nutritional index predicts long-term outcome in gastric cancer: a propensity score-matched analysis
  1804. Tissue Rebuilding During Spontaneous Regression of Melanoma in the Melanoma-bearing Libechov Minipig
  1805. Nutritional regimens with periodically recurring phases of dietary restriction extend lifespan in Drosophila
  1806. Platinum-based agent and fluorouracil in metastatic breast cancer: a retrospective monocentric study with a review of the literature
  1807. Phase I study evaluating the combination of afatinib with carboplatin and pemetrexed after first-line EGFR-TKIs
  1808. Malignant transformation in mature cystic teratomas of the ovary: case reports and review of the literature
  1809. Guide to popular diets, food choices, and their health outcome
  1810. Morphological Analysis of Amoeboid–Mesenchymal Transition Plasticity After Low and High LET Radiation on Migrating and Invading Pancreatic Cancer Cells
  1811. Salt-responsive metabolite, β-hydroxybutyrate, attenuates hypertension
  1812. Treatment of naïve HCC combined with segmental or subsegmental portal vein tumor thrombosis: liver resection versus TACE followed by radiotherapy
  1813. CD117 expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus
  1814. A Feasibility Study of Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin for Patients with Stage II/III Colon Cancer–ACTOR Study–
  1816. Clinical impact of histological heterogeneity in the metastatic lymph nodes of patients with colorectal Cancer
  1817. Accuracy of Risk Prediction Models for Breast Cancer and BRCA1/BRCA2 Mutation Carrier Probabilities in Israel
  1818. Antidiabetic medication, statins and the risk and prognosis of non-endometrioid endometrial cancer in women with type 2 diabetes
  1819. Poultry Science Journal
  1820. Alcohol Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes and Aldehyde Dehydrogenase activity in the serum of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  1821. Efficacy and Limitations of F-18-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose Positron Emission Tomography to Differentiate Between Malignant and Benign Bone and Soft Tissue …
  1822. Podoplanin-positive cancer-associated stromal fibroblasts in primary tumor and synchronous lymph node metastases of HER2-overexpressing breast carcinomas
  1823. Effect of Vegetable Oil Types on Energy Expenditure, Abdominal Fat Deposition and Fatty Acid Profile of Breast and Thigh Muscles in Broilers
  1824. The synergism of high-intensity intermittent exercise and every-other-day intermittent fasting regimen on energy metabolism adaptations includes hexokinase …
  1825. Glucose and lipid metabolism alterations in liver and adipose tissue pre-dispose p47phox knockout mice to systemic insulin resistance
  1826. Re-irradiation using intensity-modulated radiotherapy for recurrent and second primary head and neck cancer
  1827. Relationship among tumor attenuation value of pre-contrast computed tomography (CT), washout rate and constituent cells in adrenal adenoma: proposition of a new …
  1828. Radiotherapy-induced early ECG changes and their comparison with echocardiography in patients with early-stage breast cancer
  1829. Is adjuvant endocrine therapy indicated for DCIS patients after complete surgical excision?
  1830. Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk: a systematic review
  1831. Modulation of exposure to static magnetic field affects targeted therapy of solid tumors in vivo
  1832. Fertility-sparing surgery for presumed early-stage invasive cervical cancer: a survey of practice in the United Kingdom
  1833. Additional nodal disease prediction in breast cancer with sentinel lymph node metastasis based on clinicopathological features
  1834. Insulin translates unfavourable lifestyle into obesity
  1835. EpCAM as a predictive marker of tumor recurrence and survival in patients who underwent surgical resection for hepatocellular carcinoma
  1836. Effectiveness and safety of tissue expander for adjuvant helical tomotherapy in curatively resected retroperitoneal sarcoma
  1837. Circadian Mechanisms of Calorie Restriction in Delaying Aging
  1838. Our (mother’s) mitochondria and our mind
  1839. Combined gemcitabine and metronidazole is a promising therapeutic strategy for cancer stem-like cholangiocarcinoma
  1840. Acrylamide defects the expression pattern of the circadian clock and mitochondrial dynamics in C57BL/6J mice liver and HepG2 cells
  1841. Human Intervention Studies on the Interplay between Peripheral Circadian Clocks and the Regulation of Metabolic Homeostasis
  1842. Survey of Fish Behavior Analysis by Computer Vision J Aquac Res Development 9: 534. doi: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000534 Page 2 of 15 Volume 9• Issue 5• …
  1843. Tyrosine kinase inhibition in HPV-related squamous cell carcinoma reveals beneficial expression of cKIT and SRC
  1844. Bile acids and their effects on diabetes
  1845. VC ongress of Polish soCiety of neuroendoCrinology
  1846. Efficacy of asparaginase Erwinia chrysanthemi with and without temozolomide against glioma cells and intracranial mouse medulloblastoma
  1847. Sub-convulsing dose administration of pilocarpine reduces glycemia, increases anxiety-like behavior and decelerates cortical spreading depression in rats …
  1848. Stereotactic body radiation therapy for patients with early-stage prostate cancer
  1849. Plasma stearoyl-CoA desaturase activity indices and bile acid concentrations after a low-fat meal: association with a genetic variant in the FTO gene
  1850. Two-step intensity-modulated radiation therapy for oropharyngeal cancer: initial clinical experience and validation of clinical staging
  1851. Tumor budding versus mismatch repair status in colorectal cancer–an exploratory analysis
  1852. Influence of different sources and concentrations of flavors on the intake in caprine
  1853. An agonistic antibody to EPHA2 exhibits antitumor effects on human melanoma cells
  1854. Hypocaloric Diet Prevents the Decrease in FGF21 Elicited by High Phosphorus Intake
  1855. Circadian Clock as the Mechanism of Caloric Restriction in Regulating mTor Signaling and Glucose Homeostasis
  1856. The role of CHI3L1 expression in angiogenesis in invasive ductal breast carcinoma
  1857. Adherence to guidelines during follow-up of endometrial Cancer: analysis of French health insurance database
  1858. Repeated transcranial direct current stimulation induces behavioral, metabolic and neurochemical effects in rats on high-calorie diet
  1859. Inhibition of asparagine-linked glycosylation participates in hypoxia-induced down-regulation of cell-surface MICA expression
  1860. Revisioning Cellular Bioenergetics: Food as Information and the Light-Driven Body
  1861. An exploratory study of radiation dermatitis in breast cancer patients
  1862. Endocrine crosstalk between skeletal muscle and the brain
  1863. Depression in choroidal melanoma patients treated with proton beam radiotherapy
  1864. Quantitative Structure–Cytotoxicity Relationship of Furo [2, 3-b] chromones
  1865. Differential organ-targeting and cellular characteristics of metastatic human pancreatic cancer cell lines in mouse models
  1866. Knockdown of 14-3-3γ Suppresses Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition and Reduces Metastatic Potential of Human Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells
  1867. Stromal p16 overexpression in gastric-type mucinous carcinoma of the uterine cervix
  1868. MART-10, a 1α, 25 (OH) 2D3 analog, potently represses metastasis of ER+ breast cancer cells with VEGF-A overexpression
  1869. Analysis of HER family (HER1-4) expression as a biomarker in combination therapy with Pertuzumab, Trastuzumab and docetaxel for advanced HER2-positive breast …
  1870. Tumor Enhancement on Dynamic CT: A Predictive Factor for Recurrence After Nephrectomy in Localized T1 Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
  1871. Expression of sphingosine kinase-1 is associated with invasiveness and poor prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma
  1872. Evaluation of injectable chitosan-based Co-cross-linking hydrogel for local delivery of 188Re-LIPO-DOX to breast-tumor-bearing mouse model
  1873. Analysis of MSH2 Loss of Heterozygosity, Expression, and IVS10+ 12G> A Polymorphism in Sporadic Colon Cancer
  1874. Significance of age in Japanese patients receiving sunitinib as first-line systemic therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Comparative assessment of efficacy and …
  1875. Pathophysiology in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in mouse models of Huntington’s disease
  1876. Co-occurrence of MEN1 p. Gly111fs and AIP p. Arg16His Variants in Familial MEN1 Phenotype
  1877. Effect of the pulsed electromagnetic field on the release of inflammatory mediators from adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) in rats
  1878. Development and evaluation of talazoparib nanoemulsion for systemic therapy of BRCA1-mutant cancer
  1879. Exocyclic sulfur and selenoorganic compounds towards their anticancer effects: Crystallographic and biological studies
  1880. Predicting Poorly Differentiated Hepatocellular Carcinoma that Meets the Milan Criteria
  1881. Nelfinavir induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and sensitizes renal cancer cells to TRAIL
  1882. Effect of tissue factor on colorectal cancer stem cells
  1883. Gene expression hallmarks of cellular ageing
  1884. 3D culture represents apoptosis induced by trastuzumab better than 2D monolayer culture
  1885. An overview of the emerging interface between cardiac metabolism, redox biology and the circadian clock
  1886. A Multi-Organ Role for Nocturnin in Post-Transcriptional Regulation of RNA
  1887. Number of resected lymph nodes and survival of patients with locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma receiving preoperative chemoradiotherapy
  1888. Chronic health disparities among refugee and immigrant children in Canada
  1889. Global Liver Gene Expression Analysis on a Murine Hepatic Steatosis Model Treated with Mulberry (Morus alba L.) Leaf Powder
  1890. Continuous versus intermittent moderate energy restriction for increased fat mass loss and fat free mass retention in adult athletes: protocol for a randomised …
  1891. Cycling efficiency during incremental cycle ergometry after 24 hours of overfeeding or fasting
  1892. Palatable food, clock genes and the reward circuitry
  1893. Effects of providing high-fat versus high-carbohydrate meals on daily and postprandial physical activity and glucose patterns: a randomised controlled trial
  1894. Hapalindole H induces apoptosis as an inhibitor of NF-ĸB and affects the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway in PC-3 androgen-insensitive prostate cancer cells
  1895. A phase I study of S-1-based concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by gemcitabine and S-1 in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma
  1896. Calcification Targeted Imaging for the Noninvasive Diagnosis of Breast and Prostate Cancers
  1897. Visualizing the tumor microenvironment by color-coded imaging in orthotopic mouse models of cancer
  1898. Immunohistochemical study of mitosis-regulatory proteins in Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms
  1899. Update on surgical management of small bowel neuroendocrine tumors
  1900. Diurnal distribution of carbohydrates and fat affects substrate oxidation and adipokine secretion in humans
  1901. Effect of simultaneous inhibition of protein kinase CK2 and thymidylate synthase in leukemia and breast cancer cells
  1902. 4-HPR is an endoplasmic reticulum stress aggravator and sensitizes breast cancer cells resistant to TRAIL/Apo2L
  1903. First French pilot quality assessment of the Endopredict test for early luminal breast carcinoma
  1904. Implication of BIS in the Migration and Invasion of A549 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells
  1905. Radiotherapy may offer a recurrence and survival benefit in rectal cancers treated surgically with transanal endoscopic microsurgery: a systematic review and meta …
  1906. Improving metabolic health through precision dietetics in mice
  1907. 5-HT2A Receptors in Eating Disorders
  1908. Preclinical evaluation of combined topoisomerase and proteasome inhibition against pediatric malignancies
  1909. Preparation and in vitro and in vivo characterization of the tumor-specific antigen-derived peptide as a potential candidate for targeting human epidermal growth factor …
  1910. Neural Circuits Controlling Circadian Rhythms
  1911. Drosophila Gut—A Nexus Between Dietary Restriction and Lifespan
  1912. Unilateral creeping destruction of deformed mandibular ramus and angle associated with extensive facial plexiform neurofibroma in neurofibromatosis type 1: A case …
  1913. Circadian Clock Regulation of the Glycogen Metabolism in Neurospora crassa
  1914. Super Ager: You Can Look Younger, Have More Energy, a Better Memory, and Live a Long and Healthy Life
  1915. Liver regeneration in aged mice: new insights
  1916. Muscarinic Modulation of Pyramidal Cell Excitability and Long Term Potentiation Across Dorsal-Ventral Axis of Mouse Hippocampus
  1917. The longevity diet: discover the new science behind stem cell activation and regeneration to slow aging, fight disease, and optimize weight
  1918. flexibility?[version 1; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with
  1919. The Relationship between Physical Activity, Sleep Patterns and Dash Dietary Adherence among Hypertensive Adolescents: The Dash-4-Teens Program
  1920. Hallmarks of brain aging: adaptive and pathological modification by metabolic states
  1921. Bioinformatic Analysis of Circadian Reprogramming Events
  1922. New mechanisms underpinning seasonality in sheep
  1923. In non-breeding ewes the kisspeptin analog c6 triggers ovulation without progestogen priming
  1924. Is mri suitable to study the central effect of gonadal steroids during the oestrus cycle in ewes?
  1925. The colorful palette of neuroendocrine neoplasms in the genitourinary tract
  1926. Regulation of reproduction and longevity by nutrient-sensing pathways
  1927. Isochlorogenic Acid C Reverses Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition via Down-regulation of EGFR Pathway in MDA-MB-231 cells
  1928. 6.3 Artigo 03–Lifestyle, environmental and social effects that affect body mass index (Futura submissão ao periódico Current Biology).
  1929. Galangin induces p53-independent S-phase arrest and apoptosis in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells through inhibiting PI3K–AKT signaling pathway
  1930. Crosstalk between androgen-sensitive and androgen-insensitive prostate cancer cells
  1931. Dropping in on lipid droplets: insights into cellular stress and cancer
  1932. Bioinformatics Software Systems for the Study of Circadian Rhythms
  1933. Synthesis and Structure–Activity Relationships of Tetrahydro-β-carboline Derivatives as Anticancer and Cancer-chemopreventive Agents
  1934. In vitro elucidation of drug combination synergy in treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
  1935. A framework for uncovering the roles of calories and macronutrients in health and aging
  1936. Altered circadian timing system-mediated non-dipping pattern of blood pressure and associated cardiovascular disorders in metabolic and kidney diseases
  1937. 2-Phenylnaphthyridin-4-one derivative LYF-11 inhibits interleukin-6-mediated epithelial–to–Mesenchymal transition via the inhibition of JAK2/STAT3 signaling …
  1938. The Weight Loss Bible: A Scientific Approach to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
  1939. The Fountain: A Doctor’s Prescription to Make 60 the New 30
  1940. Nutrition and ageing
  1941. Sleep, dietary patterns and metabolic health in UK adults
  1942. Amino acid deprivation triggers a novel GCN2-independent response leading to the transcriptional reactivation of non-native DNA sequences
  1943. Hexokinase: A central player in the synergism of high-intensity intermittent exercise and every-other-day intermittent fasting regimen on energy metabolism …
  1944. Investigating molecular adaptations in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in response to intermittent fasting and exercise training
  1945. Potent antitumour effects of novel pentabromobenzylisothioureas studied on human glial-derived tumour cell lines
  1946. Role of the inflammation-autophagy-senescence integrative network in osteoarthritis
  1947. Curcumin induces a fatal energetic impairment in tumor cells in vitro and in vivo by inhibiting ATP-synthase activity
  1948. Molecular Basis and Amelioration of Mutant Lamin-Induced Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction in Drosophila
  1949. AACR white paper: shaping the future of cancer prevention–a roadmap for advancing science and public health
  1950. Identifying Therapeutic Compounds That Mitigate Traumatic Brain Injury Responses and the Neural Decline of the Drosophila Melanogaster Nervous System
  1951. Data Mining of Two Large Transcriptomic Data Sets that Utilize Drosophila as a Model System for the Study of Neurodegeneration due to Aging and Trauma
  1952. The role of amygdala-based caspase-1 activation in regulating the behavioral response to allostatic stress
  1953. Enjoy TIME : Stop rushing. Get more done.: 20 thought-provoking lessons.
  1954. The real-world outcomes from high intensity interval training, intermittent fasting and whole-food diets
  1955. A Longitudinal Analysis Of Shiftwork And Self-Reported Depression In A Police Cohort
  1956. Effects of short-term calorie restriction on cardiovascular autonomic response, mood status, cognition and motor performance
  1957. Keynote Speaker Abstracts
  1958. Retinoid X Receptor Activation by the Endocrine Disruptor Tributyltin Promotes Adipose Lineage Commitment and Perturbs Adipocyte Function
  1959. Effects of Breast Cancer and Chemotherapy on Brain and Behavior
  1960. The effects of TIME Restricted feeding on overweight, older adults: a pilot study
  1961. TIME –Restricted feeding plus resistance training in active females: a randomized trial
  1962. TIME –Restricted feeding prevents obesity and metabolic syndrome in mice lacking a circadian clock
  1963. TIME ‐Restricted feeding improves glucose tolerance in men at risk for type 2 diabetes: a randomized crossover trial
  1964. Early TIME ‐Restricted feeding reduces appetite and increases fat oxidation but does not affect energy expenditure in humans
  1965. Early TIME –Restricted feeding improves 24-hour glucose levels and affects markers of the circadian clock, aging, and autophagy in humans
  1966. Adherence to TIME –Restricted feeding and impact on abdominal obesity in primary care patients: Results of a pilot study in a pre–post design
  1967. Effectiveness of intermittent fasting and TIME –Restricted feeding compared to continuous energy restriction for weight loss
  1968. TIME –Restricted feeding improves glucose tolerance in rats, but only when in line with the circadian timing system
  1969. TIME –Restricted feeding restores muscle function in Drosophila models of obesity and circadian-rhythm disruption
  1970. Safety of 8-h TIME Restricted feeding in adults with obesity
  1971. TIME –Restricted feeding during childhood has persistent effects on mice commensal microbiota
  1972. TIME –Restricted feeding causes irreversible metabolic disorders and gut microbiota shift in pediatric mice
  1973. TIME –Restricted feeding improves adaptation to chronically alternating light-dark cycles
  1974. Active TIME –Restricted feeding improved sleep-wake cycle in db/db mice
  1975. TIME –Restricted feeding attenuates high-fat diet-enhanced spontaneous metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice
  1976. Hypothalamic leptin sensitivity and health benefits of TIME ‐Restricted feeding are dependent on the TIME of day in male mice
  1977. Alteration in gut microbiota caused by TIME ‐Restricted feeding alleviate hepatic ischaemia reperfusion injury in mice
  1978. Late‐life TIME ‐Restricted feeding and exercise differentially alter healthspan in obesity
  1979. TIME –Restricted feeding delays the emergence of the age-associated, neoplastic-prone tissue landscape
  1980. TIME –Restricted feeding reduces high-fat diet associated placental inflammation and limits adverse effects on fetal organ development
  1981. Effect of 8-h TIME –Restricted feeding on sleep quality and duration in adults with obesity
  1982. TIME –Restricted eating to prevent and manage chronic metabolic diseases
  1983. Daily rhythms in muscle mitochondria: Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding and exercise
  1984. Effect of TIME Restricted feeding on Body Weight Metabolic Disease Risk Factors in Adults with Obesity
  1985. TIME –Restricted eating and age-related muscle loss
  1986. Studies on the effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on ageing and carcinogenesis
  1987. Effects of day-TIME feeding on murine skeletal muscle growth and synthesis
  1989. The Effects of TIME Restricted feeding on Mood
  1990. The gut mucosal barrier of zebrafish (Danio rerio) responds to the TIME –Restricted delivery of Lobosphaera incisa-enriched diets
  1991. The Impact of TIME –Restricted feeding on Metabolic Health
  1992. TIME –Restricted feeding a High-fat Diet in Mice Elevates Plasma Concentration of Saturated Fatty Acids but Reduces Concentrations of Multiple Amino Acids (OR27 …
  1993. Impact of TIME Restricted feeding on Markers of Cardiometabolic Health
  1994. Safety of 8-h TIME Restricted feeding in Adults with Obesity (FS18-05-19)
  1995. TIME –Restricted feeding a High-fat Diet in Mice Elevates Hepatic Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Content and Modifies the Triacylglyceryl Lipidome (P21-013 …
  1996. 199-OR: TIME –Restricted feeding Ameliorates Metabolic Dysfunction through the Restoration of Circadian Beta-Cell Function and Transcriptional Identity
  1997. Impact of TIME Restricted feeding on Peak Oxygen Uptake and Substrate Utilization
  1998. SAT-336 TIME Restricted feeding Delays Breast Cancer Initiation and Growth in a Mouse Model of Postmenopausal Obesity
  1999. Health Effects of Three Weeks of TIME –Restricted feeding in Apparently Healthy, Normal Weight College-Age Females
  2000. Active TIME –Restricted feeding Potently Protects Blood Pressure Daily Rhythm in Diabetic Mice
  2001. TIME –Restricted feeding Maintains Metabolic Homeostasis and Preserves Striated Muscle by Attenuating Obesity and Light-Induced Disruption of Circadian Rhythms …
  2002. Lethality caused by TIME –Restricted feeding can be rescued by impairing the suprachiasmatic nucleus function
  2003. TIME –Restricted feeding attenuates pulmonary metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice fed a high-fat diet
  2004. Effects of 6‐weeks of TIME ‐Restricted feeding in Normal Weight Middle‐Aged and Older Adults
  2005. Abstract P179: TIME Restricted feeding Improves Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Rhythms as Well as Activation of NOS3 and AMP Kinase in Mice on a Chronic High …
  2006. The arrival of circadian medicine
  2007. Effects of alternate-day fasting on body weight and dyslipidaemia in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomised controlled trial
  2008. Circadian clock network desynchrony promotes weight gain and alters glucose homeostasis in mice
  2009. Diet Modification and Not TIME d feeding Strategies Result in Intestinal Microbiome Alterations (P21-030-19)
  2010. Islamic fasting leads to an increased abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides fragilis group: A preliminary study on intermittent fasting
  2011. Altered circadian energy metabolism and chronobiological risk factors of chronic diseases
  2012. TIME d feeding Protocols While Consuming a High Fat Diet Do Not Alter Gut Fungal Populations (OR23-06-19)
  2013. Interplay between short-chain fatty acids and the circadian clock in the rhythmicity of contractility and hormone release in the gut
  2014. The Role of Fasting Interventions on Skeletal Muscle in High Fat Diet Fed Mice
  2015. Intermittent Fasting—What Is It and Does It Work?
  2016. The safety and impact of a model of intermittent, TIME –Restricted circadian fasting (“ramadan fasting”) on hidradenitis suppurativa: Insights from a multicenter …
  2017. Ingestion of red meat promotes chronic kidney disease progression
  2018. Intermittent fasting and gut microbiota
  2019. Food deprivation during active phase induces skeletal muscle atrophy via IGF-1 reduction in mice
  2020. Oxygen and carbon dioxide rhythms are circadian clock controlled and differentially directed by behavioral signals
  2021. When fasting gets tough, the tough immune cells get going—or die
  2023. Meal timing, aging, and metabolic health
  2024. Is limiting the timing of food intake a viable nutritional approach?
  2025. Estradiol regulates daily rhythms underlying diet-induced obesity in female mice
  2026. The role of TIME of food intake on upcoming liver disease in male Wistar rat
  2027. Application of recursive partitioning method (RPM) to select the multi-frequency bioimpedance analysis (MF-BIA) raw parameters predicting appendicular skeletal …
  2028. Salt intake and asthma in children and adolescents
  2030. Hypomorphic expression of Pitx3 disrupts circadian clocks and prevents metabolic entrainment of energy expenditure
  2031. Ketosis ameliorates renal cyst growth in polycystic kidney disease
  2032. Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss: Pros and Cons for People With Diabetes
  2033. A comparison of dietary and caloric restriction models on body composition, physical performance, and metabolic health in young mice
  2034. Two Bad Diets for Monkeys/Response
  2036. Restricting food availability to the active period restores rhythmic activation of aortic NOS3 in high fat diet fed mice
  2037. Temporal control of appetite by AgRP Clocks
  2038. Intermittent fasting and its effects on athletic performance: A review
  2039. Timing of food intake is more potent than habitual voluntary exercise to prevent diet-induced obesity in mice
  2040. Associations of meal timing and frequency with obesity and metabolic syndrome among Korean adults
  2041. 99-OR: Leptin Mediates Postprandial Thermogenesis through a Hypothalamic-Adrenomedullary-BAT Axis
  2042. Examining the metabolic, physiologic and chronobiologic effects of Western diet-induced obesity in a mouse model
  2043. The effectiveness of intermittent fasting to reduce body mass index and glucose metabolism: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  2044. Help, My Metabolism Is Low!
  2045. A Descriptive Analysis of the Association Between the Duration of Eating Interval Over the
  2046. Islamic fasting leads to an increased abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides fragilis group: A preliminary study on intermittent fasting
  2047. Effects of intermittent fasting on health, aging, and disease
  2048. Intermittent fasting in cardiovascular disorders—an overview
  2049. Association between social jetlag food consumption and meal TIME s in patients with obesity-related chronic diseases
  2051. Daily fasting improves health and survival in male mice independent of diet composition and calories
  2052. SAT-096 Later Timing of Energy Intake Associates with Higher Fat Mass in Adults with Overweight and Obesity
  2054. Functional CLOCK is not essentially associated with metabolic disruption caused by sleep phase feeding in mice
  2055. Central control of gastrointestinal motility
  2056. The Role of Circadian Clocks in Metabolism
  2057. Interplay between diet, exercise and the molecular circadian clock in orchestrating metabolic adaptations of adipose tissue
  2058. When to eat: The importance of eating patterns in health and disease
  2059. Circadian misalignment alters insulin sensitivity during the light phase and shifts glucose tolerance rhythms in female mice
  2060. Major advances and discoveries in diabetes-2019 in review
  2061. Anticipation of food intake induces phosphorylation switch to regulate basolateral amino acid transporter LAT4 (SLC43A2) function
  2062. The Role of Intermittent Fasting and Meal Timing in Weight
  2063. Fasting Physiology and Therapeutic Diets: A Look Back to the Future
  2064. Circadian profiling reveals distinct regulation of endocannabinoid system in the rat plasma, liver and adrenal glands by light-dark and feeding cycles
  2065. AMP‐activated protein kinase signaling regulated expression of urea cycle enzymes in response to changes in dietary protein intake
  2066. Metabolic Syndrome: A Matter of The Heart and the Brain
  2067. Targeting glucose metabolism to enhance immunotherapy: emerging evidence on intermittent fasting and calorie restriction mimetics
  2068. Ketogenic diet rescues cognition in ApoE4+ patient with mild Alzheimer’s disease: a case study
  2069. The influence of meal frequency and timing on health in humans: the role of fasting
  2071. Intermittent Fasting and Adding More days to Life
  2072. Circadian rhythm–dependent induction of hepatic lipogenic gene expression in rats fed a high-sucrose diet
  2073. Intermittent fasting improves metabolic flexibility in short-term high-fat diet-fed mice
  2074. Circadian clock genes and the transcriptional architecture of the clock mechanism
  2075. A randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness and adherence of modified alternate-day calorie restriction in improving activity of non-alcoholic fatty liver …
  2076. Clinical management of intermittent fasting in patients with diabetes mellitus
  2077. Differentiating external zeitgeber impact on peripheral circadian clock resetting
  2078. Natural products in the promotion of healthspan and longevity
  2079. Keto microbiota: A powerful contributor to host disease recovery
  2080. Timing tweaks exercise
  2081. Intermittent Fasting During Ramadan and Its Effects in Individuals With Metabolic Syndrome
  2082. Circadian rhythms and proteomics: It’s all about posttranslational modifications!
  2083. Systemic oscillator-driven and nutrient-responsive hormonal regulation of daily expression rhythms for gluconeogenic enzyme genes in the mouse liver
  2084. Eating rewards the gears of the clock
  2085. Animal models of eating disorders
  2086. Fasting may be an alternative treatment method recommended by physicians.
  2087. Circadian rhythms: implications for health and disease
  2088. Yaşlanma ve Sirkadiyen Ritmin Moleküler Mekanizmaları
  2089. Late‐Night Eating‐Induced Physiological Dysregulation and Circadian Misalignment Are Accompanied by Microbial Dysbiosis
  2090. Hedgehog signaling keeps liver clock in check
  2091. New perspectives on chrononutrition
  2092. Intermittent Fasting vs. Frequent Meals: What Does the Science Say?
  2093. Transcriptional basis for rhythmic control of hunger and metabolism within the AgRP neuron
  2094. Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Blood Insulin Levels and Insulin Sensitivity: A Literature Review, The
  2095. Nobiletin fortifies mitochondrial respiration in skeletal muscle to promote healthy aging against metabolic challenge
  2096. Effects of alternate-day fasting on body weight and dyslipidaemia in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomized controlled trial.
  2097. Neuronal clock coordinates appetite
  2098. Effect of structural individual low-FODMAP dietary advice vs. brief advice on a commonly recommended diet on IBS symptoms and intestinal gas production
  2100. Intermittent fasting induces weight loss, but the effects on cardiometabolic health are modulated by energy balance
  2101. Interplay of central and peripheral circadian clocks in energy metabolism regulation
  2102. A role for the biological clock in liver cancer
  2103. An Approach to Obesity Management for Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists
  2104. TIME -limited eating in pediatric patients with obesity: a case series
  2105. Assessment of the metabolic effects of isocaloric 2: 1 intermittent fasting in mice
  2106. Voluntary wheel running in the late dark phase ameliorates diet-induced obesity in mice without altering insulin action
  2107. Timing matters: Circadian effects on energy homeostasis and Alzheimer’s disease
  2108. Circadian clocks and insulin resistance
  2109. The effects of circadian food entrainment on the dopamine system and behavioral measures of affect in the male rat.
  2110. Ketogenic diets potentially reverse Type II diabetes and ameliorate clinical depression: A case study
  2111. Continuous access to snacks from weaning onwards in female rats causes weight gain, insulin insensitivity, and sustained leptin resistance in adulthood
  2112. Intermittent fasting and low-carbohydrate diet to improve cardiovascular risk factor in obese adolescent
  2113. Genomics of circadian rhythms in health and disease
  2114. Crosstalk between metabolism and circadian clocks
  2115. Genome-wide transcriptome analysis reveals intermittent fasting-induced metabolic rewiring in the liver
  2116. Fasting as a therapy in neurological disease
  2117. “Gut Microbiota-Circadian Clock Axis” in Deciphering the Mechanism Linking Early-Life Nutritional Environment and Abnormal Glucose Metabolism
  2118. Maximizing longevity and healthspan: multiple approaches all converging on autophagy
  2119. Focus: Clocks and Cycles: Peripheral Circadian Oscillators
  2120. Effects of Ramadan on food intake, glucose homeostasis, lipid profiles and body composition composition
  2121. Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on Body Mass Index and Functional Performance in Diabesity Women under Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Protocol
  2122. Methionine restriction for improving progeria: another autophagy-inducing anti-aging strategy?
  2123. Dysregulated iron metabolism-associated dietary pattern predicts an altered body composition and metabolic syndrome
  2124. Impacts of high-sucrose diet on circadian rhythms in the small intestine of rats
  2125. Cancer and the circadian clock
  2126. Covering the Cover.
  2127. Season’s appreciations: activities at the Halberg chronobiology Center in 2018
  2128. Thermogenesis-independent metabolic benefits conferred by isocaloric intermittent fasting in ob/ob mice
  2129. Rhythmic food intake drives rhythmic gene expression more potently than the hepatic circadian clock in mice
  2130. Circadian rhythms and exercise—re-setting the clock in metabolic disease
  2131. New insights into the circadian rhythm and its related diseases
  2132. Fasting-refeeding impacts immune cell dynamics and mucosal immune responses
  2133. Coordinate regulation of cholesterol and bile acid metabolism by the clock modifier nobiletin in metabolically challenged old mice
  2134. Circadian blueprint of metabolic pathways in the brain
  2135. The influence of fasting and energy restricting diets on IGF-1 levels in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  2136. Circadian clocks and cancer: TIME keeping governs cellular metabolism
  2137. Modulation of frailty syndrome by diet: a review of evidence from mouse studies
  2138. Disruption of the light cycle ablates diurnal rhythms in gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity
  2139. Sex-, feeding -, and circadian TIME -dependency of P-glycoprotein expression and activity-implications for mechanistic pharmacokinetics modeling
  2140. The differential response to intermittent fasting diet versus low calorie diet with exercise based on-866 G/A UCP2 gene variation in adults with overweight/obesity
  2141. Potential role for the gut microbiota in modulating host circadian rhythms and metabolic health
  2142. Obesity Biology and Integrated Physiology
  2143. Angptl8 mediates food-driven resetting of hepatic circadian clock in mice
  2144. Chrononutrition and the Diabetic Patient
  2145. Off the clock: from circadian disruption to metabolic disease
  2146. Nutrient‐sensitive transcription factors TFEB and TFE 3 couple autophagy and metabolism to the peripheral clock
  2147. Effects of timing of food intake and fat/carbohydrate ratio on insulin sensitivity and preconditioning against renal ischemia reperfusion injury by calorie …
  2148. At the interface of lifestyle, behavior, and circadian rhythms: metabolic implications
  2149. Mathematical models converge on PGC1α as the key metabolic integrator of SIRT1 and AMPK regulation of the circadian clock
  2150. Lactobacillus reuteri improves gut barrier function and affects diurnal variation of the gut microbiota in mice fed a high-fat diet
  2151. Ramadan diurnal intermittent fasting modulates SOD2, TFAM, Nrf2, and sirtuins (SIRT1, SIRT3) gene expressions in subjects with overweight and obesity
  2152. Eating jet lag: a marker of the variability in meal timing and its association with body mass index
  2153. 0037 Degraded Circadian Regulation Predicts Incident Physical Disability and All-Cause Mortality in Community-Based Older Adults
  2154. Ketone body receptor GPR43 regulates lipid metabolism under ketogenic conditions
  2155. Light, feeding and Melatonin: An Interplay in the Appetite Regulation in the Gut of Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
  2156. Irregularity in breakfast consumption and daily meal timing patterns in association with body weight status and inflammation
  2157. Transcriptomic Responses in the Livers and Jejunal Mucosa of Pigs under Different feeding Frequencies
  2158. From discoveries in ageing research to therapeutics for healthy ageing
  2159. Dietary practices adopted by track-and-field athletes: Gluten-free, low FODMAP, vegetarian, and fasting
  2160. Current treatments on obesity
  2161. 5 Dangerous Eating Habits That Affect Your Blood Sugar Levels
  2162. Recurrent circadian fasting (RCF) improves blood pressure, biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk and regulates inflammation in men
  2163. The association between the timing of energy intake and the risk of overweight and obesity among Saudi female university students
  2164. Calorie restriction reprograms diurnal rhythms in protein translation to regulate metabolism
  2165. Impact of intermittent fasting (5: 2) on ketone body production in healthy female subjects
  2166. Dietary restrictions and nutrition in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease
  2167. TIME -of-day-dependent trafficking and function of leukocyte subsets
  2168. Epigenetics and type 2 diabetes risk
  2169. Mitochondrion at the crossroad between nutrients and epigenome
  2170. Obesity Biology and Integrated Physiology
  2171. Circadian biology and its importance to intensive care unit care and outcomes
  2172. Relieving ER stress to target NASH-driven hepatocellular carcinoma
  2173. Alternate-day fasting gets a safe bill of health
  2174. Sarcopenia in renal cronic disease in conservative therapy
  2175. Timing of calorie restriction in mice impacts host metabolic phenotype with correlative changes in gut microbiota
  2176. Timing of food intake: identifying contributing factors to design effective interventions
  2177. Microbiome diurnal rhythmicity and its impact on host physiology and disease risk
  2178. The quest for digital health: From diseases to patients
  2179. The effects of diurnal intermittent fasting on proinflammatory cytokine levels while controlling for sleep/wake pattern, meal composition and energy …
  2180. Effects of feeding frequency of an elevated plane of milk replacer and calf age on behavior, and glucose and insulin kinetics in male Holstein calves
  2181. Short-term intermittent fasting for weight loss: a case report
  2182. Effect of Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting on Complete Freund’s Adjuvant Induced Inflammation in Rats.
  2183. Whey protein concentrate limits venous thrombosis in rats
  2184. Diabesity and mood disorders: Multiple links through the microbiota-gut-brain axis
  2185. Plasma Concentrations of Boswellic Acids in Fasting Healthy Humans Supplemented with a Water-Soluble Boswellia Extract (78% AKBA) vs. Reference Boswellia …
  2186. Focus: clocks and cycles: chronodisruption, metabolic homeostasis, and the regulation of inflammation in adipose tissues
  2187. The role of brown and beige adipose tissue in glycaemic control
  2188. Positive Impact of Intermittent Fasting on Cardioprotection
  2189. Pilot study of novel intermittent fasting effects on metabolomic and trimethylamine N-oxide changes during 24-hour water-only fasting in the FEELGOOD trial
  2190. Effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on lipid and lipoprotein parameters: An updated meta-analysis
  2191. Journal: Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging, 2019, p. 1-11
  2192. Mice microbiota composition changes by inulin feeding with a long fasting period under a two-meals-per-day schedule
  2193. New Zealand bitter hops extract reduces hunger during a 24 h water only fast
  2194. The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Chronic Disease in Adults: A Systematic Review
  2195. The impact of exercise and nutrition on the regulation of skeletal muscle mass
  2196. A biological hypothesis: is it possible that human symbiotic microbiota coding hunger genes for human beings?
  2197. Conference report: 13th European nutrition conference: malnutrition in an obese world
  2198. University of Manitoba MPAS Class 2019 Student Capstone Abstracts: MB_MPAS_Capstones_2019
  2199. Effect of Ramadan fasting on weight and body composition in healthy non-athlete adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  2200. Aminoacidemia following ingestion of native whey protein, micellar casein, and a whey-casein blend in young men
  2201. Focus: Clocks and Cycles: TIME to Target Stroke: Examining the Circadian System in Stroke
  2202. Sleep loss disrupts morning-to-evening differences in human white adipose tissue transcriptome
  2203. Nutrition-related aspects of ascites in poultry
  2204. Chrononutrition and polyphenols: Roles and diseases
  2205. 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Birth of Franz Halberg
  2206. Individual metabolomic signatures of circadian misalignment during simulated night shifts in humans
  2207. Circadian sensitivity to the cardiac glycoside oleandrin is associated with diurnal intestinal P-glycoprotein expression
  2208. Diet therapy in the management of chronic pain: better diet less pain?
  2209. Overview and Understanding of Human Circadian Immunology
  2210. Multiple feeding s enhance the growth performance and feed efficiency of juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei when fed a low-fish meal amino acid-supplemented diet
  2211. Circadian entrainment by food and drugs of abuse
  2212. Aralıklı Açlık Diyetlerinin Ağırlık Denetimi ve Sağlık Çıktıları Üzerindeki Etkisi
  2213. Dietary care for ADPKD patients: current status and future directions
  2214. Associations between timing of meals, physical activity, light exposure, and sleep with body mass index in free-living adults
  2215. Lifestyle based remission in type 2 diabetes: Implications for clinical practice
  2216. Circadian enhancer profiling in diet-induced obese mice reveals a critical TIME window for lipid-lowering therapies
  2217. Dietary interventions for night shift workers: a literature review
  2218. Proliferation of nutrition sensing preadipocytes upon short term HFD feeding
  2219. Nutrition and Cancer Prevention: From Molecular Mechanisms to Dietary Recommendations
  2220. The physiological significance of the circadian dynamics of the HPA axis: Interplay between circadian rhythms, allostasis and stress resilience
  2221. Protocols Using Rodents to Model Eating Disorders in Humans
  2222. 0038 Sleeping with Low Levels of Artificial Light at Night Increases Systemic Inflammation in Humans
  2223. PYY3-36 Efficacy is Independent of Photoperiod but Dependent on TIME of Day
  2224. Neurogenetic basis for circadian regulation of metabolism by the hypothalamus
  2225. Energy metabolism and intermittent fasting: the Ramadan perspective
  2226. Circadian Rhythms and Disease
  2227. Ad libitum weekend recovery sleep fails to prevent metabolic dysregulation during a repeating pattern of insufficient sleep and weekend recovery sleep
  2228. Alternate day fasting improves physiological and molecular markers of aging in healthy, non-obese humans
  2229. Fibroblast growth factors in control of lipid metabolism: from biological function to clinical application
  2230. Efficacy of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy for patients with esophageal cancer during preoperative therapy
  2231. The role for the microbiome in the regulation of the circadian clock and metabolism
  2232. Adult primary peripheral PNET/Ewing’s sarcoma of the cervical and thoracic spine
  2233. Immunometabolism around the clock
  2234. Hormesis in health and chronic diseases
  2235. You are what you eat: diet, health and the gut microbiota
  2236. The uncomfortable workshop: exploring discomfort design for wellbeing and sustainability
  2237. Protein quantity and source, fasting-mimicking diets, and longevity
  2238. The function of clock input and output pathways in zebrafish
  2239. Chronic myeloid leukemia as secondary malignancy following the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma: a case series
  2240. Effects of aging and diet on cardioprotection and cardiometabolic risk markers
  2241. An overview of two decades of diet restriction studies using Drosophila
  2242. Targeting sleep duration and timing for prevention of adolescent obesity
  2243. Sorafenib and palbociclib combination regresses a cisplatinum-resistant osteosarcoma in a PDOX mouse model
  2244. Rhythms of life: circadian disruption and brain disorders across the lifespan
  2245. Diurnal influences of fasted and non-fasted brisk walking on gastric emptying rate, metabolic responses, and appetite in healthy males
  2246. The Onset of Grade≥ 3 Neutropenia Is Associated With Longer Overall Survival in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated With Trifluridine/Tipiracil
  2247. The impact of TIME of day on energy expenditure: implications for long-term energy balance
  2248. Safety, health improvement and well-being during a 4 to 21-day fasting period in an observational study including 1422 subjects
  2249. Circadian rhythms: a possible new player in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease pathophysiology
  2250. Suppression of blue light at night ameliorates metabolic abnormalities by controlling circadian rhythms
  2251. Dietary supplementation of menthol-rich bioactive lipid compounds alters circadian eating behaviour of sheep
  2252. Dietary restriction and epigenetics: part I
  2253. Circadian Regulation of Hormesis for Health and Longevity
  2254. Pleiotropic chemotherapy to abrogate glioblastoma multiforme migration/invasion
  2255. Working TIME Society consensus statements: Evidence-based effects of shift work on physical and mental health
  2256. Preoperative detection of pleural adhesions using ultrasonography for ipsilateral secondary thoracic surgery patients
  2257. TIME of exercise specifies the impact on muscle metabolic pathways and systemic energy homeostasis
  2258. Cistromic reprogramming of the diurnal glucocorticoid hormone response by high-fat diet
  2259. Yin and Yang: why did evolution implement and preserve the circadian rhythmicity?
  2260. Reduction in glycated hemoglobin and daily insulin dose alongside circadian clock upregulation in patients with type 2 diabetes consuming a three-meal diet: a …
  2261. Peritoneal metastases in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX) model of colon cancer imaged non-invasively via red fluorescent protein labeled stromal cells
  2262. Modulation of muscle cell Insr and insulin receptor signaling by hyperinsulinemia in vitro and in vivo
  2263. Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Prodynorphin Neuron Is Crucial for Expression of Food Anticipation in Mice
  2264. The impact of intermittent fasting and exercise on resting metabolic rate and respiratory quotient
  2265. Temporal gating of SIRT1 functions by O-GlcNAcylation prevents hyperglycemia and enables physiological transitions in liver
  2266. Characteristic morphological changes and rapid actin accumulation in serum-MAF-treated macrophages
  2267. Preoperative neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio is a predictor of bowel obstruction due to colorectal cancer growth
  2268. “Diet and Exercise Will Help You Live Longer”: The Meme that Turns on Housekeeping Genes
  2269. Mathematical modeling informs the impact of changes in circadian rhythms and meal patterns on insulin secretion
  2270. Geroscience and the challenges of aging societies
  2271. TIME -related eating patterns and chronotype are associated with diet quality in pregnant women
  2272. A novel automated system yields reproducible temporal feeding patterns in laboratory rodents
  2273. Effects of intermittent versus continuous energy intakes on insulin sensitivity and metabolic risk in women with overweight
  2274. Effect of Food Predictability on Life Span in Male Mice
  2275. The analgesic effect of refeeding on acute and chronic inflammatory pain
  2276. Focus: Clocks and Cycles: It’s About TIME : Advances in Understanding the Circadian Regulation of DNA Damage and Repair in Carcinogenesis and Cancer …
  2277. Associations of circadian eating pattern and diet quality with substantial postpartum weight retention
  2278. Cannabinoid receptor type-1 partially mediates metabolic endotoxemia-induced inflammation and insulin resistance
  2279. The Hippo signaling pathway in pancreatic cancer
  2280. Survival and complication rates of metastasectomy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated exclusively with targeted therapy: a combined population …
  2281. Chronopharmacological strategies focused on chrono-drug discovery
  2282. Prognostic role of pre-treatment symptoms for survival of patients irradiated for brain metastases
  2283. Bullous lupus under nivolumab treatment for lung cancer: a case report with systematic literature review
  2284. Is exercise best served on an empty stomach?
  2285. Alterations of bile acids and gut microbiota in obesity induced by high fat diet in rat model
  2286. Caloric and macronutrient intake differ with circadian phase and between lean and overweight young adults
  2287. Focus: Clocks and Cycles: TIME is on the Immune System’s Side, Yes it is
  2288. In the absence of UCP1-mediated diet-induced thermogenesis, obesity is augmented even in the obesity-resistant 129S mouse strain
  2289. Preoperative neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio is a predictor of high-output ileostomy after colorectal surgery
  2290. The significance of microRNA-449a and its potential target HDAC1 in patients with colorectal cancer
  2291. A novel diabetic mouse model for real-TIME monitoring of clock gene oscillation and blood pressure circadian rhythm
  2292. Is concurrent chemotherapy with radiotherapy for esophageal cancer beneficial in patients aged 80 years or older?
  2293. The obese adipose tissue microenvironment in cancer development and progression
  2294. Analysis of Nutrient Based Intervention for Colorectal Cancer Treatment Using Mass Spectrometry
  2295. Primary Extracranial Meningioma of Mastoid in a Patient With History of Skin Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Lung Adenocarcinoma and Prostatic Carcinoma
  2296. Potential pitfalls of diaphragm structural matching in carbon-ion radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer
  2297. ω‐3 PUFAs Alleviate High‐Fat Diet–Induced Circadian Intestinal Microbes Dysbiosis
  2298. Chronotherapeutics: Recognizing the importance of timing factors in the treatment of disease and sleep disorders
  2299. Advances in intraluminal exfoliative cytology of gastric cancer: Oncologic implication of the sixth metastatic route (Metastasis VI)
  2300. Effects of very low calorie ketogenic diet on the orexinergic system, visceral adipose tissue, and ROS production
  2301. Serum lactate dehydrogenase before nivolumab treatment could be a therapeutic prognostic biomarker for patients with metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma
  2302. Effects of administration of glucosamine and chicken cartilage hydrolysate on rheumatoid arthritis in SKG mice
  2303. Influence of race, income, insurance, and education on the rate of breast reconstruction
  2304. Fasting and its impact on skin anatomy, physiology, and physiopathology: A comprehensive review of the literature
  2305. Initial experience of pembrolizumab therapy in japanese patients with metastatic urothelial cancer
  2306. Panniculitis under successful targeted inhibition of the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway in a patient with BRAF V600E-mutated spindle cell oncocytoma of the pituitary …
  2307. Targeted intraoperative radiotherapy during breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer in patients after implant augmentation
  2308. ECCR1 and NFKB2 polymorphisms as potential biomarkers of non-small cell lung cancer in a polish population
  2309. Warthin-like mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the parotid gland: unusual morphology and diagnostic pitfalls
  2310. SR9009 has REV-ERB–independent effects on cell proliferation and metabolism
  2311. Significance of elevated HMGB1 expression in pituitary apoplexy
  2312. Abbreviated protocols versus multiparametric MRI for assessment of extraprostatic extension in prostatic carcinoma: a multireader study
  2313. Usefulness of Monocytes/macrophages Activated with low-dose lipopolysaccharide in tumor tissue and adipose tissue of obesity
  2314. Management of diabetes mellitus in Islamic fasting
  2315. Correlation between radiosensitizing activity and the stereo-structure of the TX-2036 series of molecules
  2316. Nutrient regulation of the islet epigenome controls adaptive insulin secretion
  2317. Nutritional challenges in metabolic syndrome
  2318. The impact of ramadan fasting on the reduction of PASI score, in moderate-to-severe psoriatic patients: A real-life multicenter study
  2319. Circadian disruption and divergent microbiota acquisition under extended photoperiod regimens in chicken
  2320. Cardioprotection by the mitochondrial unfolded protein response requires ATF5
  2321. Rosiglitazone reverses high fat diet-induced changes in BMAL1 function in muscle, fat, and liver tissue in mice
  2322. Therapeutic Outcome of> 10 Cycles of Cabazitaxel for Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer: A Multi-institutional Study
  2323. Focus: Clocks and Cycles: Evidence for Internal Desynchrony Caused by Circadian Clock Resetting
  2324. Dosimetric characterization of a novel surface collimator with tungsten functional paper for electron therapy
  2325. Aging research using the common marmoset: focus on aging interventions
  2326. From ‘targeted therapy’to targeted therapy
  2327. Unusual karyotype in acute myelomonocitic leukemia: a case report
  2328. Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma: treatment options and survival
  2329. The molecular clock in the skin, its functionality, and how it is disrupted in cutaneous melanoma: a new pharmacological target?
  2330. O-GlcNAcylation of PERIOD regulates its interaction with CLOCK and timing of circadian transcriptional repression
  2331. Cardiovascular and Metabolic Consequences of Sleep and/or Circadian Disruption: Mathematical modeling informs the impact of changes in circadian …
  2332. Avoiding holiday seasonal weight gain with nutrient-supported intermittent energy restriction: a pilot study
  2333. BMAL1 controls glucose uptake through paired-homeodomain transcription factor 4 in differentiated Caco-2 cells
  2334. New roles for prokineticin 2 in feeding behavior, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes: Studies in mice and humans
  2335. Maternal obesity, maternal overnutrition and fetal programming: effects of epigenetic mechanisms on the development of metabolic disorders
  2336. Accounting for the Nutritional Context to Correctly Interpret Results from Studies of Exercise and Sedentary Behavior
  2337. Clinical characteristics associated with lenvatinib-induced fistula and tumor-related bleeding in patients with thyroid cancer
  2338. Multiple Trichilemmal Cysts of the Scalp
  2339. Efficacy of dasatinib in a very elderly cml patient expressing a rare e13a3 bcr-abl1 fusion transcript: A case report
  2340. Long-term esophageal cancer survivor treated by bypass for esophagobronchial fistula after chemoradiotherapy: A case report
  2341. A single day of high-fat diet feeding induces lipid accumulation and insulin resistance in brown adipose tissue in mice
  2342. Introduction to Diet, Nutrition and Cancer
  2343. Metabolism of sleep and aging: Bridging the gap using metabolomics
  2344. Safety and Relative Dose Intensity of Dose-dense Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide Followed by Dose-dense Paclitaxel
  2345. Acupuncture vs sham acupuncture for simple obesity: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis
  2346. APOE ε4, the door to insulin-resistant dyslipidemia and brain fog? A case study
  2347. Choline-deficient-diet decreases fibroblasts in the circulating tumor cell (CTC) microenvironment
  2348. An evolutionary conservation based benchmark of seven methods detecting nycthemeral rhythms in gene expression shows that only strong rhythmic signals …
  2349. Sarcopenia is associated with impaired overall survival after gastrectomy for elderly gastric cancer
  2350. Diurnality, type 2 diabetes, and depressive-like behavior
  2351. Predictive factors for completion of TPF induction chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer
  2352. Beneficial effects of intermittent fasting on steatosis and inflammation of the liver in mice fed a high-fat or a high-fructose diet
  2353. Pollen Allergy Suppression Effect by the Oral Administration of Acetic Acid Bacteria (Gluconacetobacter hansenii)
  2354. Long noncoding RNA, ANRIL, regulates the proliferation of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
  2355. Circadian-hypoxia link and its potential for treatment of cardiovascular disease
  2356. Effect of diet on the gut microbiota: rethinking intervention duration
  2357. Autonomic nerves and circadian control of renal function
  2358. Radiation-induced vascular damage and the impact on the treatment outcome of stereotactic body radiotherapy
  2359. An overview of the current state of evidence for the role of specific diets in multiple sclerosis
  2360. Promoter methylation down-regulates osteoprotegerin expression in ovarian carcinoma
  2361. Protein supplementation in sport: source, timing, and intended benefits
  2362. Effect of Ramadan diurnal fasting on visceral adiposity and serum adipokines in overweight and obese individuals
  2363. Reduction of intrahepatic tumour by hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy prolongs survival in hepatocellular carcinoma
  2364. Ethacridine induces apoptosis and differentiation in thyroid cancer cells in vitro
  2365. Tumor-sealing surgical orthotopic implantation of human colon cancer in nude mice induces clinically-relevant metastases without early peritoneal carcinomatosis
  2366. Lymphopenia as a potential predictor of ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence in early breast cancer
  2367. RAND-36-Item Health Survey: A comprehensive test for long-term outcome and health status following surgery
  2368. Efficacy of nilotinib in a cml patient expressing the three-way complex variant translocation t (2; 9; 22)
  2369. Wedelolactone Targets EZH2-mediated histone H3K27 methylation in mantle cell lymphoma
  2370. In vitro anticancer activities of B6 vitamers: A mini-review
  2371. Long-Term Survival and Complete Response to Anastrozole in Breast Cancer Patient With Cutaneous Metastases Only
  2372. Skipping breakfast before exercise creates a more negative 24-hour energy balance: A randomized controlled trial in healthy physically active young men
  2373. Clinicopathological study of resections of intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct
  2374. As TIME flies by: investigating cardiac aging in the short-lived Drosophila model
  2375. Androgen Receptor as a Biomarker of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Progression Risk
  2376. Ketogenic diet and skeletal muscle hypertrophy: a frenemy relationship?
  2377. The diurnal impact of exercise timing on the management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A systematic
  2378. Fasting’the Forgotten Fortune of Fitness and Ayurveda.
  2379. Quantitative Evaluation of Hunger in Pregnant Sows: Physiological, Behavioral and Performance Responses to feeding TIME and Frequency under Limit-Fed Regime
  2380. Predictive factors for residual cancer in second transurethral resection for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer
  2381. Palliative short-course radiotherapy in advanced pelvic cancer: a phase II study (SHARON Project)
  2382. Phase resetting of circadian peripheral clocks using human and rodent diets in mouse models of type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease
  2383. Prognostic factors for colorectal cancer patients treated with combination of immune-cell therapy and first-line chemotherapy: A retrospective study
  2384. Kisspeptin neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus orchestrate circadian rhythms and metabolism
  2385. Prognostic significance of IGF-1 signalling pathway in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer
  2386. Prognostic value of subcarinal lymph nodes in minimally invasive esophagectomy for cancer
  2387. Intestinal clock system regulates skeletal homeostasis
  2388. miRNAs as potential prognostic biomarkers for metastasis in thin and thick primary cutaneous melanomas
  2389. Ovarian cancer treatment stratification using ex vivo drug sensitivity testing
  2390. The impact of caloric restriction on the epigenetic signatures of aging
  2391. Loss of hepatic oscillatory fed microRNAs abrogates refed transition and causes liver dysfunctions
  2392. S-1 monotherapy after failure of platinum plus 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy in recurrent or metastatic esophageal carcinoma
  2393. Intermittent dieting: theoretical considerations for the athlete
  2394. Selenoesters and selenoanhydrides as novel agents against resistant breast cancer
  2395. Eating Habits and Their Impact on Aging and Cancer
  2396. HNF4α-deficient fatty liver provides a permissive environment for sex-independent hepatocellular carcinoma
  2397. Meat fatty acid and purine derivatives in hair lambs in tropical climates
  2398. International association of athletics federations consensus statement 2019: nutrition for athletics
  2399. Microcurrent stimulation activates the circadian machinery in mice
  2400. Prognostic value of DEPDC1 expression in tumor and non-tumor tissue of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
  2401. Impacts of stockbreeding on global warming
  2402. Left ventricular speckle tracking echocardiography changes among early-stage breast cancer patients three years after radiotherapy
  2403. Hypoxia Up-regulates HIF expression while suppressing cell growth and NOTCH activity in leukaemia cells
  2404. Defining an intermediate-risk group for low-grade glioma: a national cancer database analysis
  2405. Nutrient regulation of the islet epigenome controls adaptive insulin secretion
  2406. Suppression of ERK/NF-κB Activation Is Associated With Amentoflavone-Inhibited Osteosarcoma Progression In Vivo
  2407. P53/MDM2 co-expression in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma based on digital image analysis
  2408. Programming effects of maternal and gestational obesity on offspring metabolism and metabolic inflammation
  2409. Neuroprotection of fasting mimicking diet on MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease mice via gut microbiota and metabolites
  2410. Dietary and plasma carboxymethyl lysine and tumor necrosis factor-α as mediators of body mass index and waist circumference among women in Indonesia
  2411. Perampanel inhibits neuroblastoma cell proliferation through down-regulation of AKT and ERK pathways
  2412. Comparison of mice gut microbiota before and after fasting for a day
  2413. Inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B with anticancer potential
  2414. The past, present and future of immunotherapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma
  2415. Pretreatment Neutrophil–to–Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Survival After TAS-102 Treatment of Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
  2416. Usefulness of the nCounter Analysis System to Monitor Immune-related Biomarkers in PBMCs During Anti-PD-1 Therapy
  2417. Thoracoscopic Oesophagectomy Using Prone Positioning for Oesophageal Cancer With Right Aortic Arch: A Case Report
  2418. The Intake and Composition of Intermittent Fasting, the 5: 2 Method
  2419. Preventive Effect of oral administration of Pantoea agglomerans-derived LPS in a hypertensive rat model upon salt loading
  2420. Endocrine disrupting chemicals: an occult mediator of metabolic disease
  2421. Parasite-mediated anorexia and nutrition modulate virulence evolution
  2422. Impact of Ramadan fasting on medical and psychiatric health
  2423. 23. Scientific View on Fasting
  2424. Dietary behaviour is associated with cardiometabolic and psychological risk indicators in female hospital nurses—A post-hoc, cross-sectional study
  2425. A brief guide to performing pharmacological studies in vitro: Reflections from the EORTC-PAMM Course “Preclinical and Early-phase Clinical Pharmacology”
  2426. The suprachiasmatic nucleus; a responsive clock regulating homeostasis by daily changing the setpoints of physiological parameters
  2427. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the combination of Vinorelbine and Lapatinib in patients with Her2-positive metastatic breast Cancer
  2428. Undigested food and gut microbiota may cooperate in the pathogenesis of neuroinflammatory diseases: a matter of barriers and a proposal on the origin of organ …
  2429. Abiraterone acetate and enzalutamide: similar efficacy in treating post docetaxel metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: single center experience
  2430. Sodium, hypertension, and the gut: does the gut microbiota go salty?
  2431. Evaluating Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting and Food Intake in Patients With Gynecologic Cancer
  2432. Postoperative inflammation is an independent prognostic factor in patients with thoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
  2433. The Effect of Cicadian Therapies in Models of Neurodegenerative Disease
  2434. Displacement of vitamin D receptor is related to lower histological grade of endometrioid carcinoma
  2435. Metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance estimated by regression analysis of body weight gain or metabolizable energy intake in growing pigs
  2436. Predictive factors for elevated postoperative carbohydrate antigen 19-9 levels in patients with resected pancreatic cancer
  2437. Hepatic arginase 2 (Arg2) is sufficient to convey the therapeutic metabolic effects of fasting
  2438. Focus: Clocks and Cycles: Circadian Responses to Fragmented Light: Research Synopsis in Humans
  2439. Dynamic Attributes of Lipid and Carbohydrate Interactions in Biosystems
  2440. The Effect of feeding Frequency on Appetite-Regulating Hormones, Amino Acid Response, Activity, Energy Expenditure, and Respiratory Quotient in Cats
  2441. Intrinsic prognostic impact of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in systemically untreated patients with early-stage triple-negative breast cancer
  2442. Development, Validation and Reliability of the Chrononutrition Profile
  2443. Neuropsin (OPN5) mediates local light-dependent induction of circadian clock genes and circadian photoentrainment in exposed murine skin
  2444. Potato-Resistant Starch Supplementation Improves Microbiota Dysbiosis, Inflammation, and Gut–Brain Signaling in High Fat-Fed Rats
  2445. Maternal night-eating pattern and glucose tolerance during pregnancy: study protocol for a longitudinal study
  2446. High-signal-intensity MR image in the hepatobiliary phase predicts long-term survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
  2447. Clinical features of recurrence in patients without residual tumour in endometrial cancer
  2448. Interleukin-24 transduction modulates human prostate cancer malignancy mediated by regulation of anchorage dependence
  2449. Low tie compared to high tie vascular ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery in rectal cancer surgery decreases postoperative complications without affecting overall …
  2450. The involvement of pregnane X receptor-regulated pathways in the antitumor activity of cisplatin
  2451. Differential effects of alternate‐day fasting versus daily calorie restriction on insulin resistance
  2452. Chronotype and energy intake timing in relation to changes in anthropometrics: a 7-year follow-up study in adults
  2453. IGF-IEc expression is associated with advanced differentiated thyroid cancer
  2454. Validation of the Dutch version of the Sleep Hygiene Scale and the relation between food intake, social media and sleep
  2455. PPARs as nuclear receptors for nutrient and energy metabolism
  2456. The use of single-cell comet assay on oral cells: a critical review
  2457. Dietary Restriction, Physical Activity, and Metabolism: Potential Role of Intermittent Fasting for Reducing Obesity
  2458. Psychosocial Distress in Follow-up Care–Results of a Tablet-based Routine Screening in 202 Patients With Sarcoma
  2459. Dissecting the microscopic anatomy of colon crypts in Non-dysplastic sessile serrated polyps
  2460. Prognostic Value of Quality of Life in Endocrine Therapy for Elderly Patients With Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Study
  2461. Antitumor Effect of a Novel Photodynamic Therapy With Acetylated Glucose-conjugated Chlorin for Gastrointestinal Cancers
  2462. ARID3A positivity correlated with favorable prognosis in patients with residual rectal cancer after Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy
  2463. Short-term high fructose intake reprograms the transcriptional clock rhythm of the murine extraorbital lacrimal gland
  2464. Low IRBIT levels are associated with chemo-resistance in gastric cancer patients
  2465. Unaccounted risk of cardiovascular disease: the role of the microbiome in lipid metabolism
  2466. The Effects of Infection on Mosquito Rhythmic Behavior
  2467. Adipose-specific monocyte chemotactic protein-1 deficiency reduces pulmonary metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice
  2468. Impaired ketogenesis and increased acetyl-CoA oxidation promote hyperglycemia in human fatty liver
  2469. Adult-onset Huntington disease: An update
  2470. Simplified mass spectrometric analysis of ceramides using a common collision energy
  2471. Clinical and prognostic significance of neoplastic spindle cells in gallbladder cancer
  2472. The effect of shift work on eating habits: a systematic review
  2473. Differential impact of ad libitum or intermittent high-fat diets on bingeing ethanol-mediated behaviors
  2474. Expression of matrix metalloproteinases in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas
  2475. Biochemical inhibition of DOG1/TMEM16A achieves antitumoral effects in human gastrointestinal stromal tumor cells in vitro
  2476. Differential Response of BEAS-2B and H-441 Cells to Methylene Blue Photoactivation
  2477. Neurophysiological and behavioral effects of anti-orexinergic treatments in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease
  2478. Effect of Vitamin D2 Fortification Using Pleurotus ostreatus in a Whole-Grain Cereal Product on Child Acceptability
  2479. Circadian clocks function in concert with heat shock organizing protein to modulate mutant huntingtin aggregation and toxicity
  2480. Therapy Aimed to Suppress the Production of the Immunosuppressive Protein Progesterone Induced Blocking Factor (PIBF) May Provide Palliation and/or Increased …
  2481. Nutritional and Environmental Factors Regulating Biological Rhythms of Milk Synthesis in Dairy Cattle
  2482. RAW 264.7 macrophage polarization by pancreatic cancer cells–a model for studying tumour-promoting macrophages
  2483. Adverse Effects Profile of Dicycloplatin (DCP) Offers Chemotherapeutic Advantage Over Cisplatin and Carboplatin
  2485. Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome and postoperative complications resulting from preoperative chemotherapy for colorectal cancer liver metastasis
  2486. Uridine cytidine kinase 2 as a potential biomarker for treatment with RX-3117 in pancreatic cancer
  2487. The role of PEDF in pancreatic Cancer
  2488. Chronic effects of high-intensity interval training on postprandial lipemia in healthy men
  2489. Understanding quantitative circadian regulations are crucial towards advancing chronotherapy
  2490. It is not all about regeneration: planarians striking power to stand starvation
  2491. Bevacizumab Versus Anti-preeclamptic Drugs: Evaluation With Three-dimensionally Co-cultured Human Mini Tumors
  2492. Sarcomatous Component in Pancreatic Adenosquamous Carcinoma: A Clinicopathological Series of 7 Cases
  2493. Minimally invasive circumferential hiatal dissection for the treatment of adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus and esophago-gastric junction: technical …
  2494. Glycolytic Inhibitor 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose at Chronic Low Dose Mimics Calorie Restriction in Rats Through Mitohormetic Induction of Reactive Oxygen Species
  2495. Circadian dysfunction in the Q175 model of Huntington’s disease: Network analysis
  2496. Microsatellite analysis of recurrent lesions confirms merit of anatomical liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma
  2497. Circulating protein biomarkers to differentiate uterine sarcomas from leiomyomas
  2498. Random Allocated Study of Wrapping Oblate for Prevention of Everolimus-associated Stomatitis in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
  2499. Assessment of oxaliplatin-induced chronic neuropathy and anticancer efficacy through pharmacokinetic and toxicodynamic evaluation of a rat model of colorectal …
  2500. Cardiac rehabilitation increases SIRT1 activity and β-hydroxybutyrate levels and decreases oxidative stress in patients with HF with preserved ejection …
  2501. More random motor activity fluctuations predict incident frailty, disability, and mortality
  2502. Marking Disappearing Colorectal Liver Metastases After Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy via CT–A Pilot Study
  2503. Targeting Her2-Positive Breast Cancer Metabolism Through Dietary and Pharmacological Interventions to Improve Therapeutic Efficacy
  2504. Ketogenic diet: a new light shining on old but gold biochemistry
  2505. Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma: Analysis of Two Cohorts Including Patients in Clinical Trials of the German Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Study Group (GCLLSG) or …
  2506. Exploration of the optimal shape for bone tumour biopsy
  2507. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy increases PD-L1 expression and CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
  2508. Day-TIME patterns of carbohydrate intake in adults by non-parametric multi-level latent class analysis—results from the UK national diet and nutrition survey (2008/09 …
  2509. Peroxiredoxin V Reduces β-Lapachone-induced apoptosis of colon cancer cells
  2510. Risk factors associated with early recurrence of borderline resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy and curative …
  2511. Transcriptional effects of dietary chlorpyrifos‑methyl exposure in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) brain and liver
  2512. The Impact of Intermittent Fasting on Energy Balance and Associated Health Outcomes
  2513. Age and ketogenic diet have dissociable effects on synapse-related gene expression between hippocampal subregions
  2514. Oxidative DNA damage and apoptosis induced by aclarubicin, an anthracycline: role of hydrogen peroxide and copper
  2515. The anticancer and antioxidant effects of muscadine grape extracts on racially different triple-negative breast cancer cells
  2516. Combination of vaccine strain measles virus and nimotuzumab in the treatment of laryngeal cancer
  2517. Contribution of caspase-8 genotypes to colorectal cancer risk in Taiwan
  2518. Intermittent Fasting: More than Just a Dieting Trend
  2519. The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: XIII. Global metabolomics screen reveals graded changes in circulating Amino Acids, Vitamins, and Bile Acids in the …
  2520. Clinical significance of NADPH oxidase 5 in human colon cancer
  2521. Overexpression and implications of melanoma-associated antigen A12 in pathogenesis of human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
  2522. Effects of course of diabetes mellitus on myocardial clock gene per2 and the mechanism.
  2523. Increasing energy flux to maintain diet-induced weight loss
  2524. State of the art for metastatic pancreatic cancer treatment: Where are we now?
  2525. Interaction between the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and fractal degradation
  2526. Skipping breakfast before exercise creates a more negative 24-hour energy balance
  2527. The effects of Eribulin on breast cancer microenvironment identified using Eribulin-resistant breast cancer cell lines
  2528. feeding Behavioral Pharmacogenetics of a Murine Model of the OPRM1 A118G Polymorphism
  2529. Associations between gene polymorphisms of vascular endothelial growth factor and prostate cancer
  2530. Brain metastasis and renal cell carcinoma: prognostic scores assessment in the era of targeted therapies
  2531. Circulating Folate Concentrations and Risk of Peripheral Neuropathy and Mortality: A Retrospective Cohort Study in the UK
  2532. Nutrition and Prostate Cancer Prevention
  2533. The Imprecision of Body Weight Regulation in Response to a Lack of Compensation to Imposed Energetic Challenges
  2534. 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine enhances the sensitivity of 5-fluorouracil by demethylation of the thymidine phosphorylase promoter
  2535. Induction of non-apoptotic cell death by adrenergic agonists in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines
  2536. Serotonin and feeding regulation
  2537. Skipping breakfast before exercise creates a more negative 24-hour energy balance
  2538. Co-treatment with HIV protease inhibitor nelfinavir greatly increases late-phase apoptosis of drug-resistant KBV20C cancer cells independently of P-glycoprotein …
  2539. The effects of meal-timing on self-rated hunger and dietary inflammatory potential among a sample of college students
  2540. Inter‐organ communication: a gatekeeper for metabolic health
  2541. A systematic review of the association of skipping breakfast with weight and cardiometabolic risk factors in children and adolescents. What should we better …
  2542. Electron Microscopic Analysis of Stem Cells in Human Prostate Cancer, Including Inverted Capsule Embedding Methods for Archival Sections and Falcon Films for …
  2543. Autophagy Promotes Survival of CHP-212 Neuroblastoma Cells Treated With Casiopeínas®
  2544. Changes in total and segmental bioelectrical resistance are correlated with whole-body and segmental changes in lean soft tissue following a resistance …
  2545. Clinical and Metabolic Effects of Ramadan Fasting among A Sample of Diabetic Patients Attending Qualubeya Governorate Hospitals
  2546. The ethanol crude extraction of Cyperus Rotundus regulates apoptosis-associated gene expression in HeLa human cervical carcinoma cells in vitro
  2547. Post-exercise dietary strategies for regulating appetite in individuals with overweight
  2548. Forced internal desynchrony induces cardiometabolic alterations in adult rats
  2549. Admistration of Exogenous Melatonin Improves the Diurnal Rhythms of Gut Microbiota in High Fat Diet-Fed Mice
  2550. Dietary phosphorus intake and blood pressure in adults: a systematic review of randomized trials and prospective observational studies
  2551. Obesity in adults: Overview of management
  2552. Investigations of the Mechanisms of Diabetes Remission: A Focus on Adaptive Thermogenesis
  2553. Aging circadian rhythms and cannabinoids
  2554. Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: JACC Scientific Expert Panel
  2555. Regulation of BS69 Expression in Cancers
  2556. Circadian Rhythmicity in Prokaryotes☆
  2557. Is oral mucositis occurring during chemotherapy for esophageal cancer patients correctly judged? EPOC observational cohort study
  2558. Combined inhibition of ALK and HDAC induces synergistic cytotoxicity in neuroblastoma cell lines
  2559. Optimizing postprandial glucose management in adults with insulin-requiring diabetes: report and recommendations
  2560. Circadian Rhythm Phase Shifts Caused by TIME d Exercise Vary with Chronotype in Young Adults
  2561. AXL Downstream Targeting Unravels Synergistic Drug Combinations in Ovarian Carcinoma Cells
  2562. Serum proteomic analysis reveals vitamin d-binding protein (VDBP) as a potential biomarker for low bone mineral density in Mexican postmenopausal women
  2563. Dietary intake regulates the circulating inflammatory monocyte pool
  2564. Associations of food groups and cardiometabolic and inflammatory biomarkers: does the meal matter?
  2565. Novel therapeutic approaches for Epstein-Barr virus associated gastric cancer
  2566. Climate Change and Animal Farming
  2567. Control and regulation of substrate selection in cytoplasmic and mitochondrial catabolic networks. A systems biology analysis
  2568. Zfat is indispensable for the development of erythroid cells in the fetal liver
  2569. Insulin signaling in bone marrow adipocytes
  2570. 1-Deoxydihydroceramide causes anoxic death by impairing chaperonin-mediated protein folding
  2571. The Effects of Western-diet, Palmitate, and TNFα on Hypothalamic Circadian Rhythms, NPY Expression, Neuroinflammation, and Cellular Insulin Sensitivity
  2572. Integrative Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology: Impact of high-fat diet on vasoconstrictor reactivity of white and brown adipose tissue resistance …
  2573. Association of SDF-1 and CXCR4 Polymorphisms With Susceptibility to Oral and Pharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  2574. The many faces of obesity and its influence on breast cancer risk
  2575. Inhibition of Chemoresistance in Primary Tumor Cells by Camellia sinensis non fermentatum Extract Noviphenone (NPE®)
  2576. A specific isoform of Pyd/ZO-1 mediates junctional remodeling and formation of slit diaphragms
  2577. Circadian regulation of sleep in a pre-clinical model of Dravet syndrome: dynamics of sleep stage and siesta re-entrainment
  2578. Personalized nutrition: Translating the science of nutrigenomics into practice: Proceedings from the 2018 American college of nutrition meeting
  2579. Metabolic consequences of perioperative oral carbohydrates in breast cancer patients—an explorative study
  2580. Impact of high-fat diet on vasoconstrictor reactivity of white and brown adipose tissue resistance arteries
  2581. Human carcinogenesis: the role of age and gender
  2582. Impact of lifestyle and clinical interventions on mitochondrial function in obesity and type 2 diabetes
  2583. Investigation of nicotianamine and 2′ deoxymugineic acid as enhancers of iron bioavailability in Caco-2 cells
  2584. Neuropsin (OPN5) Mediates Local Light-Dependent Circadian Responses in Murine Skin
  2585. Suppression of food allergic symptoms by raw cow’s milk in mice is retained after skimming but abolished after heating the milk—A promising contribution of alkaline …
  2586. Humanized monoclonal antibody blocking carbonic anhydrase 12 enzymatic activity leads to reduced tumor growth in vitro
  2587. Cancer etiology: A metabolic disease originating from life’s major evolutionary transition?
  2588. Milk powder fortified with potassium and phytosterols to decrease the risk of cardiovascular events among the adult population in Malaysia: a cost-effectiveness …
  2589. Molecular interactions between pathogens and the circadian clock
  2590. Lupane triterpenoids and new derivatives as antiproliferative agents against prostate cancer cells
  2591. Goose, Duck and Garganey
  2592. Immunometabolic Control of Macrophage Function by Bmal1
  2593. Jump Start Autophagy: Activate Your Body’s Cellular Healing Process to Reduce Inflammation, Fight Chronic Illness and Live a Longer, Healthier Life
  2594. Adipokines and bone status in a cohort of anorexic patients
  2595. Systems biology approaches and precision oral health: a circadian clock perspective
  2596. Characterizing circadian behaviour in the BTBR mouse model
  2597. Geographic differences in the dietary quality of food purchases among participants in the nationally representative Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS)
  2598. Circadian Rhythms and the Transcriptional Feedback Loop
  2599. The Inflammation Spectrum: Find Your Food Triggers and Reset Your System
  2600. Unilaterally enlarged mandibular foramina and canal associated with hyperplastic lymphatic tissue of inferior alveolar nerve: Case report and short literature survey
  2601. Health and Nutrition News
  2602. Omega 3 rich diet modulates energy metabolism via GPR120-Nrf2 crosstalk in a novel antioxidant mouse model
  2603. Psychology of Eating: From Biology to Culture to Policy
  2604. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on the effects of turmeric and curcuminoids on blood lipids in adults with metabolic diseases
  2605. Natural and synthetic isothiocyanates possess anticancer potential against liver and prostate cancer in vitro
  2606. Unravelling the Antiproliferative Activity of 1, 2, 5-oxadiazole Derivatives
  2607. The European Histamine Research Society 48th Annual Meeting, May 15–18th, 2019 Kraków, Poland
  2608. Ketofast: Rejuvenate Your Health with a Step-by-step Guide to Timing Your Ketogenic Meals
  2609. Resetting the clock on metabolic dysfunction
  2610. Suppression of myopathic lamin mutations by muscle-specific activation of AMPK and modulation of downstream signaling
  2611. The Longevity Diet: Slow Aging, Fight Disease, Optimize Weight
  2612. The role of hypothalamic pathology for non-motor features of Huntington’s disease
  2613. Best evidence rehabilitation for chronic pain part 5: osteoarthritis
  2614. Sarcopenia: aging-related loss of muscle mass and function
  2615. Small Molecule Modulators of the Circadian Rhythm: From Identification & Development to Pharmacological Potentials in Clock-related Disorders
  2616. Insights on the Regulation of the PERIOD 2 Gene in the Cellular Response to DNA Damage
  2617. Introduction to aging: a positive, interdisciplinary approach
  2618. PEAK: The new science of athletic performance that is revolutionizing sports
  2619. Running title: Biomarkers of CDDP resistance in testicular germ cell tumors Understanding the crosstalk of molecular factors and signaling pathways reveals …
  2620. Are You What You Eat?
  2621. Myeloid Zinc Finger 1 (MZF1) Maintains the Mesenchymal Phenotype by Down-regulating IGF1R/p38 MAPK/ERα Signaling Pathway in High-level MZF1-expressing …
  2622. Prize Lectures
  2623. Countering messages by the anti-vaccine movement on social media
  2624. PL01-S01
  2625. The Hormone Fix: Burn Fat Naturally, Boost Energy, Sleep Better, and Stop Hot Flashes, the Keto-green Way
  2626. Circadian modulation of genome-wide RXR binding in mouse liver tissue
  2627. Chronotype influences physical performance in adolescent soccer players
  2628. Identifying Molecular Pathways Linking Circadian Rhythms and Neurodegeneration
  2629. Ageing and the Drosophila circadian clock
  2630. Investigating nutrient-sensing pathways in ageing human neural stem cells and age-related cognitive decline
  2631. Breast cancer survivors: analysis of rest-activity circadian rhythm
  2632. Academic achievement in Motor Science School in Milan: effect of chronotype
  2633. Frontiers in Oncology Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  2635. This volume is dedicated to the memory of
  2636. Kick Diabetes Essentials: The Diet and Lifestyle Guide
  2637. The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: A Healthier, Easier Way to Burn Fat with Intermittent Ketosis
  2638. Advanced Personal Training
  2639. The Role of CD44 Variant 9 in Gastric Ulcer Repair
  2640. 2019 AOA Research Abstracts and Poster Competition
  2641. Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on body weight and metabolism. A systematic review and meta-analysis
  2642. TIME –Restricted feeding alters lipid and amino acid metabolite rhythmicity without perturbing clock gene expression
  2643. Short-term TIME –Restricted feeding is safe and feasible in non-obese healthy midlife and older adults
  2644. TIME –Restricted feeding for the prevention of cardiometabolic diseases in high-stress occupations: a mechanistic review
  2645. Effect of TIME Restricted feeding on the gut microbiome in adults with obesity: A pilot study
  2646. Intermittent Fasting and Metabolic Health: From Religious Fast to TIME ‐Restricted feeding
  2647. TIME –Restricted feeding improves markers of cardiometabolic health in physically active college-age men: A 4-week randomized pre-post pilot study
  2648. TIME –Restricted feeding (TRF) for prevention of age-related vascular cognitive impairment and dementia
  2649. Determinants of adherence in TIME –Restricted feeding in older adults: Lessons from a pilot study
  2650. Circadian regulation of appetite and TIME Restricted feeding
  2651. Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on metabolic risk and circadian rhythm associated with gut microbiome in healthy males
  2652. Circadian clock, TIME –Restricted feeding and reproduction
  2653. A delayed morning and earlier evening TIME –Restricted feeding protocol for improving glycemic control and dietary adherence in men with overweight/obesity: a …
  2654. TIME –Restricted feeding is associated with changes in human gut microbiota related to nutrient intake
  2655. Effects of 4-and 6-h TIME –Restricted feeding on weight and cardiometabolic health: a randomized controlled trial in adults with obesity
  2656. Acute effects of TIME –Restricted feeding in low-income women with obesity placed on hypoenergetic diets: Randomized trial
  2657. Two weeks of early TIME –Restricted feeding (eTRF) improves skeletal muscle insulin and anabolic sensitivity in healthy men
  2658. The central melanocortin system mediates the benefits of TIME –Restricted feeding on energy balance
  2659. Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding during Ramadan on dietary intake, body composition and metabolic outcomes
  2660. Four weeks of TIME –Restricted feeding combined with resistance training does not differentially influence measures of body composition, muscle performance, resting …
  2661. TIME ‐Restricted feeding improves the reproductive function of female mice via liver fibroblast growth factor 21
  2662. Peripheral circadian rhythms in the liver and white adipose tissue of mice are attenuated by constant light and restored by TIME –Restricted feeding
  2663. Synchronization of the circadian clock by TIME –Restricted feeding with progressive increasing calorie intake. Resemblances and differences regarding a …
  2664. TIME Restricted feeding provides a viable alternative to alternate day fasting when evaluated in terms of redox homeostasis in rats
  2665. Therapeutic TIME –Restricted feeding Reduces Renal Tumor Bioluminescence in Mice but Fails to Improve Anti-CTLA-4 Efficacy
  2666. TIME –Restricted feeding and Potential for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Narrative Review
  2667. TIME ‐Restricted feeding alleviates cardiac dysfunction induced by simulated microgravity via restoring cardiac FGF21 signaling
  2668. TIME –Restricted feeding Improves Body Weight Gain, Lipid Profiles, and Atherogenic Indices in Cafeteria-Diet-Fed Rats: Role of Browning of Inguinal White Adipose …
  2669. Protection against renal ischemia and reperfusion injury by short-term TIME –Restricted feeding involves the mitochondrial unfolded protein response
  2670. Impaired function of the suprachiasmatic nucleus rescues the loss of body temperature homeostasis caused by TIME –Restricted feeding
  2671. Impact of TIME Restricted feeding on Markers of Cardiometabolic Health and Oxidative Stress in Resistance-Trained Firefighters.
  2672. Plasma metabolomic changes in mice with TIME –Restricted feeding -attenuated spontaneous metastasis of lewis lung carcinoma
  2673. TIME –Restricted feeding in rest phase alters IgE/mast cell-mediated allergic reaction in mice
  2674. After‐Effects of TIME ‐Restricted feeding on Whole‐Body Metabolism and Gene Expression in Four Different Peripheral Tissues
  2675. Ten-hour TIME –Restricted eating reduces weight, blood pressure, and atherogenic lipids in patients with metabolic syndrome
  2676. Will Delaying Breakfast Mitigate the Metabolic Health Benefits of TIME ‐Restricted Eating?
  2677. Correction to: Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on body weight and metabolism. A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  2678. TIME –Restricted eating: benefits, mechanisms, and challenges in translation
  2679. Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding and refeeding regimes on compensatory growth, body composition, and feed utilization in prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) culture …
  2680. Author Correction: TIME –Restricted feeding restores muscle function in Drosophila models of obesity and circadian-rhythm disruption
  2681. Beneficial effects of TIME –Restricted eating on metabolic diseases: a systemic review and meta-analysis
  2682. TIME –Restricted feeding reduces the detrimental effects of a high-fat diet, possibly by modulating the circadian rhythm of hepatic lipid metabolism and gut …
  2683. TIME –Restricted feeding prevents high-fat and high-cholesterol diet-induced obesity but fails to ameliorate atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice
  2684. Feasibility of TIME –Restricted Eating
  2685. Two-Week Isocaloric TIME –Restricted feeding Decreases Liver Inflammation without Significant Weight Loss in Obese Mice with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  2686. TIME –Restricted feeding ameliorates maternal high-fat diet-induced fetal lung injury
  2687. TIME –Restricted feeding downregulates cholesterol biosynthesis program via RORγ-mediated chromatin modification in porcine liver organoids
  2688. Metabolome of Mammary Tumors Differs from Normal Mammary Glands But Is Not Altered by TIME –Restricted feeding Under Obesogenic Conditions
  2689. The effect of 6-h and 8-h TIME Restricted feeding on body weight, glucoregulatory factors, IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 in adults with obesity
  2690. Weight loss efficacy of 4-hour versus 6-hour TIME Restricted feeding in adults with obesity
  2691. Effects of TIME –Restricted eating on weight loss and other metabolic parameters in women and men with overweight and obesity: the TREAT randomized …
  2692. Food Timing, Circadian Rhythm and Chrononutrition: A Systematic Review of TIME –Restricted Eating’s Effects on Human Health
  2693. Current research: effect of TIME Restricted eating on weight and cardiometabolic health
  2694. TIME –Restricted feeding alters isoflurane-induced memory deficits
  2695. TIME –Restricted feeding and lower-extremity functioning in community-dwelling older adults
  2696. The effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on glycemic biomarkers: A literature study
  2697. Author Correction: TIME –Restricted feeding alters lipid and amino acid metabolite rhythmicity without perturbing clock gene expression
  2698. TIME –Restricted feeding prolongs lifespan in Drosophila in a peripheral clock-dependent manner
  2699. An Effectiveness Study of Early or Late TIME –Restricted feeding on Body Composition–Pilot Study
  2700. Active TIME –Restricted feeding Protects the Blood Pressure Circadian Rhythm in Diabetic Mice
  2701. The Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on Weight: A Randomized feeding Trial
  2702. TIME –Restricted eating as a nutrition strategy for individuals with type 2 diabetes: a feasibility study
  2703. Effect of the p75 Neurotrophin Receptor on Glycemic Control of Obese Mice during TIME –Restricted feeding
  2704. TIME –Restricted feeding from adulthood to old age improves biconditional associative learning in geriatric rats regardless of macronutrient composition
  2705. Determining the Fasting Length in TIME –Restricted feeding : Analysis of Endocrine Function Among Young, Healthy, Normal Weight, European Men
  2706. Influence of aging, macronutrient composition and TIME –Restricted feeding on the rat gut microbiome
  2707. TIME –Restricted eating effects on performance, immune function, and body composition in elite cyclists: a randomized controlled trial
  2708. Effects of circadian Restricted feeding on parameters of metabolic syndrome among healthy subjects
  2709. Protocol for a single-centre, parallel-group, randomised, controlled, superiority trial on the effects of TIME –Restricted eating on body weight, behaviour and …
  2710. Effect of Varying feeding Windows on an Acute Response to Exercise Following Chronic Exercise and TIME –Restricted feeding
  2712. TIME Restricted feeding for the prevention and therapy of lifestyle-dependent diseases: Results of a pilot study in a pre-post design
  2713. Impact Of TIME –Restricted feeding On Cardiometabolic Health And Performance Among Firefighters
  2714. The Effects of TIME Restricted feeding on Cardio-Metabolic Risk Variables in Competitive Male Runners
  2715. Suitability of a 10% fat diet for use in TIME –Restricted feeding experiments with C57BL/6 mice
  2716. The Effect of Early TIME Restricted feeding on the Reversal of Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetics on Metformin
  2717. TIME –Restricted feeding and Caloric Restriction Impact on Spontaneous Neoplasms in Female Mice
  2718. Intermittent Fasting & TIME –Restricted feeding
  2719. The Effects of TIME Restricted feeding on Metabolism and Sport Performance in Trained Male Runners
  2720. Using Early TIME –Restricted feeding and TIME d Light Therapy to Improve Glycemic Control in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
  2721. The Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on Body Weight, Energy, Mood, Sleep, and Hunger Levels of Adults on Social Media
  2722. TIME Restricted feeding on Age-Related Physiological Decline and Skeletal Muscle Function
  2724. The Impact of TIME –Restricted feeding on Exercise-Induced Immune Parameters in C57BL/6 Male Mice
  2725. TIME –Restricted Eating Alters Food Intake Patterns, as Prospectively Documented by a Smartphone Application
  2726. Abstract MP17: TIME Restricted feeding Improves Cardiovascular Rhythms And Vascular Metabolism In Mice On A Chronic High Fat Diet
  2727. The Effects of TIME Restricted feeding and Exercise on Performance and Body Composition in Healthy Mice
  2728. Plasma metabolomic changes in mice with TIME Restricted feeding -attenuated pulmonary metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma
  2729. High Fat Sugar Diet Induces Skeletal Muscle Degeneration and the Beneficial Effect of TIME Restricted feeding
  2730. The Impact of TIME –Restricted Diet on Sleep and Metabolism in Obese Volunteers
  2731. Impact of TIME –Restricted feeding and Exercise on Immunity in Male C57BL/6 Mice
  2732. TIME Restricted feeding Reduces Vascular Damage and Oxidative Stress in Male Mice on a Chronic High Fat Diet
  2733. The benefits of TIME –Restricted eating
  2734. Protocol: Protocol for a single-centre, parallel-group, randomised, controlled, superiority trial on the effects of TIME –Restricted eating on body weight, behaviour …
  2735. Restoration of metabolic tempo through TIME –Restricted eating (TRE) as the preventive measure for metabolic diseases
  2736. Long-term feeding of a high-fat diet ameliorated age-related phenotypes in SAMP8 mice
  2737. Delivery method matters: omega-3 supplementation by Restricted feeding period and oral gavage has a distinct impact on corticosterone secretion and anxious …
  2738. Retinal innervation tunes circuits that drive nonphotic entrainment to food
  2739. Associations of TIME –Restricted eating with health-related quality of life and sleep in adults: a secondary analysis of two pre-post pilot studies
  2740. Prevention of metabolic risks by Kalabhojanam strategy of Ayurveda
  2741. Structural changes in gut microbiome after Ramadan fasting: a pilot study
  2742. Effects of TIME –Restricted eating on weight loss and other metabolic parameters in women
  2744. Effects of alternate-day fasting, TIME –Restricted fasting and intermittent energy restriction DSS-induced on colitis and behavioral disorders
  2745. Effects of TIME –Restricted Eating on Weight Loss and Other Metabolic Parameters in Women and Men with Overweight and Obesity: The Treat Study, a …
  2746. Retinal innervation tunes circuits that drive nonphotic entrainment to food
  2747. Effect of intermittent fasting strategies on cardiometabolic risk factors: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  2748. A TIME to Eat and a TIME to Exercise
  2749. Regulation of glucose homeostasis by calorie restriction and periodic fasting
  2750. Intermittent Fasting
  2751. Studying the Relationship of Intermittent Fasting and β-Amyloid in Animal Model of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Scoping Review
  2752. Proteomics, Digestive Diseases & Metabolism
  2753. Meal-TIME Matters: An 8-week Randomized Control Trial to Examine the Effects of a Daily 18-hour Fast on Diet Quality in College Students
  2754. Intermittent Fasting: Is breakfast still the most important meal of the day?
  2755. The Impact of Diet and Fasting Protocols on Intestinal Architecture and Immune Parameters
  2756. The Impact of TIME –Restricted Eating on Circulating Factors, Insulin Sensitivity and Circadian Rhythms
  2757. Gpr120 mRNA expression in gonadotropes in the mouse pituitary gland is regulated by free fatty acids
  2758. Night-TIME feeding of Bmal1−/− mice restores SCFA rhythms and their effect on ghrelin
  2759. TIME of feeding alters obesity-associated parameters and gut bacterial communities, but not fungal populations, in C57BL/6 male mice
  2760. Considerations for the Optimal Timing, Duration, Frequency, and Length of an Intermittent Fasting Regimen for Health Improvement
  2761. Metabolic reprogramming in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: evidence and therapeutic potential
  2762. Intermittent fasting and weight loss: Systematic review
  2763. Isolated and combined effects of TIME –Restricted eating and high-intensity interval training on glycemic control in reproductive-aged women with overweight/obesity …
  2764. 0425 Severity of Insomnia Symptoms Differ by Cognitive Status in Adults with Down Syndrome
  2765. Effect of a six-week intermittent fasting intervention program on the composition of the human body in women over 60 years of age
  2766. Implications of the FAST Protocol Beyond Spirituality
  2767. Safety and feasibility of various fasting-mimicking diets among people with multiple sclerosis
  2768. TIME -of-day-dependent physiological responses to meal and exercise
  2769. Effects of Ketones from Intermittent Fasting
  2770. Association of breakfast skipping with cardiovascular outcomes and cardiometabolic risk factors: an updated review of clinical evidence
  2771. What are the Clinical Implications on the Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Human Health: A Literature Review
  2772. Effect of alternate-day fasting on obesity and cardiometabolic risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  2773. Intermittent fasting as a nutrition approach against obesity and metabolic disease
  2774. Extending the Overnight Fast: Sex Differences in Acute Metabolic Responses to Breakfast
  2775. The role of intermittent fasting and meal timing in weight management and metabolic health
  2776. The Safety and Efficacy of Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
  2777. The physio-metabolic effects of TIME -restricting liquid sugar intake to six-hour windows during the mouse active phase: The effects of active phase liquid sugar …
  2778. Recent evidence on the impact of Ramadan diurnal intermittent fasting, mealTIME , and circadian rhythm on cardiometabolic risk: a review
  2779. Benefits of Intermittent Fasting: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials
  2780. Circadian rhythms in the pathogenesis and treatment of fatty liver disease
  2781. The p75 neurotrophin receptor in AgRP neurons is necessary for homeostatic feeding and food anticipation
  2782. Intermittent fasting: a heart healthy dietary pattern?
  2783. Response to Comment on Jakubowicz et al. Reduction in Glycated Hemoglobin and Daily Insulin Dose Alongside Circadian Clock Upregulation in Patients With Type …
  2784. Chrono-nutrition for the prevention and treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes: From mice to men
  2785. Applied Nutritional Investigations
  2786. Voluntary exercise is motivated by ghrelin, possibly related to the central reward circuit
  2787. Natural food intake patterns have little synchronizing effect on peripheral circadian clocks
  2789. Effects of intermittent fasting on specific exercise performance outcomes: A systematic review including meta-analysis
  2790. Alternate-day fasting, obesity, and metabolic syndrome
  2791. Effects of Various Conditions Related to Circadian Rhythm Disturbances on Plasma and Erythrocyte Lipids in Rats: A Peroxisomal Perspective
  2792. Comment on Jakubowicz et al. Reduction in Glycated Hemoglobin and Daily Insulin Dose Alongside Circadian Clock Upregulation in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes …
  2793. Food Availability Regulates Circadian Blood Pressure Rhythms in Rats
  2794. The effects of intermittent fasting combined with resistance training on lean body mass: a systematic review of human studies
  2795. Intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset for 30 consecutive days is associated with anticancer proteomic signature and upregulates key regulatory proteins of …
  2796. Mechanisms of lifespan regulation by calorie restriction and intermittent fasting in model organisms
  2797. Sleep, circadian rhythm, and gut microbiota
  2798. Circadian influence on the microbiome improves heart failure outcomes
  2799. The beneficial effects of intermittent fasting: an update on mechanism, and the role of circadian rhythm and gut microbiota
  2800. Ketosis After Intake of Coconut Oil and Caprylic Acid—With and Without Glucose: A Cross-Over Study in Healthy Older Adults
  2801. Metabolic switching is impaired by aging and facilitated by ketosis independent of glycogen
  2802. Analysis of Intermittent Fasting on the Reduction of Body Fat Compared to Total Weight Loss in the Treatment of Obesity: Systematic Review
  2803. Dietary patterns and the neoplastic‐prone tissue landscape of old age
  2804. Maternal lifestyle interventions: targeting preconception health
  2805. Current nutritional and pharmacological anti-aging interventions
  2806. Free-living sleep, food intake, and physical activity in night and morning shift workers
  2807. From fad to fact: evaluating the impact of emerging diets on the prevention of cardiovascular disease
  2808. Coordination Between Circadian Clock and Metabolism to Regulate Animal Circadian Physiology Through O-Linked N-Acetylglucosaminylation
  2809. The Restricted Eating TIME (RESET) study Quist, Jonas S.; Jensen, Marie M.; Clemmensen, Kim KB; Pedersen, Hanne; Bjerre
  2810. A Machine Learning Approach to Select the Type of Intermittent Fasting in Order to Improve Health by Effects on Type 2 Diabetes.
  2811. Food anticipatory activity on circadian TIME scales is not dependent on central serotonin: evidence from tryptophan hydroxylase-2 and serotonin transporter …
  2812. Nobiletin: Targeting the Circadian Network to Promote Bioenergetics and Healthy Aging
  2813. Natural food intake patterns do not synchronize peripheral clocks
  2814. Modulation of feeding behavior and metabolism by dynorphin
  2815. Understanding Dietary Intervention-Mediated Epigenetic Modifications in Metabolic Diseases
  2816. Applied Nutritional Investigations
  2817. The association of energy and macronutrient intake at dinner versus breakfast with disease-specific and all-cause mortality among people with diabetes: the US …
  2818. Keeping TIME in group 3 innate lymphoid cells
  2819. 0427 Bicuculine Increased the Cataplexy in the Male Taiep Rats: An Animal Model of Narcolepsy with an Inherent Tubulopathy
  2820. Multimodal approach for pain management
  2821. The challenge of maintaining metabolic health during a global pandemic
  2822. MiRNA Testing to Identify Candidates for Individualized Weight Loss
  2823. Factors that affect the translation of dietary restriction into a longer life
  2824. Effects of TIME d food availability on reproduction and metabolism in zebra finches: Molecular insights into homeostatic adaptation to food-restriction in diurnal …
  2825. Fasting Diets: Are They Safe, Healthy, and Effective?
  2826. Circadian control of interferon-sensitive gene expression in murine skin
  2827. Alterations of circadian rhythms and their impact on obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases
  2828. Reduced caloric intake and periodic fasting independently contribute to metabolic effects of caloric restriction
  2829. The circadian clock, shift work, and tissue-specific insulin resistance
  2830. Ramadan fasting during Covid-19 pandemic
  2831. Hexosamine biosynthetic pathway integrates circadian and metabolic signals to regulate daily rhythms in protein O-linked N-acetylglucosaminylation
  2832. Effects of Intermittent Fasting and Physical Activity on Salivary Expression of Reduced Glutathione and Interleukin-1β
  2833. Habitual nightly fasting duration, eating timing, and eating frequency are associated with cardiometabolic risk in women
  2834. Periodic and Intermittent Fasting in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
  2835. Intermittent Fasting: Current Evidence in Clinical Practice
  2836. Uncovering the Specific Functions of miR-33 in Regulation of feeding and Cardiometabolic Diseases Linked to Aging
  2837. TIME for Novel Strategies to Mitigate Cardiometabolic Risk in Shift Workers
  2838. COVID-19 campus closures: see options for getting or retaining Remote Access to subscribed content
  2839. Changes in the expression of genes involved in DNA methylation and histone modification in response to daily food availability TIME s in zebra finches: epigenetic …
  2840. Evidence-based Review on Intermittent Fasting Diet
  2841. Sex-Dependent Effects of Quadriceps Fat Content on Single Muscle Fiber Size in Older Adults
  2842. Intermittent fasting as part of the management for T2DM: from animal models to human clinical studies
  2843. Intermittent Fasting: A Faster Way to a Longer Life?
  2844. Effectiveness of an intermittent fasting diet versus continuous energy restriction on anthropometric measurements, body composition and lipid profile in overweight …
  2845. Reduced meal frequency alleviates high-fat diet-induced lipid accumulation and inflammation in adipose tissue of pigs under the circumstance of fixed feed allowance
  2846. Can eating help treat malaria?
  2847. Synergistic effect of feeding TIME and diet on hepatic steatosis and gene expression in male Wistar rats
  2848. Crosstalk between circadian rhythms and the microbiota
  2849. A Genome-Wide Integrative Study of DNA Methylation, Gene Expression, and Later Life Hand Grip Strength
  2850. Effects of intermittent fasting diets on plasma concentrations of inflammatory biomarkers: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: fasting …
  2851. Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss: Hope or Hype?
  2852. Behavioral and social routines and biological rhythms in prevention and treatment of pediatric obesity.
  2853. Circadian mechanisms: cardiac ion channel remodeling and arrhythmias
  2854. Intermittent fasting and brain health: Efficacy and potential mechanisms of action
  2855. Does the Energy Restriction Intermittent Fasting Diet Alleviate Metabolic Syndrome Biomarkers? A Randomized Controlled Trial
  2856. Leptin-receptor neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamus regulate the timing of circadian rhythms in feeding and metabolism in mice
  2857. Circadian rhythms and obesity: TIME keeping governs lipid metabolism
  2858. Effects of intermittent fasting and energy-Restricted diets on lipid profile: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  2859. Limited evidence for the health effects and safety of intermittent fasting among patients with type 2 diabetes
  2860. The Impact of Six Weeks of Intermittent Fasting, With and Without Aerobic Exercise, on Serum BDNF in Young Adult Males
  2861. Reappraisal of the optimal fasting TIME for insulin tolerance tests in mice
  2862. Intermittent fasting and ‘metabolic switch’: Effects on metabolic syndrome, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
  2863. Alternate day fasting improves physiological and molecular markers of aging in healthy, non-obese humans
  2864. Network-like organization of the circadian system regulates metabolic homeostasis
  2865. 0424 Effect of Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia on Global Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen Consumption in Rats
  2866. The hepatocyte clock and feeding control chronophysiology of multiple liver cell types
  2867. Circadian rhythms and bile acid homeostasis: a comprehensive review
  2868. Effect of feeding frequency on the growth performance, carcass traits, and apparent nutrient digestibility in geese
  2869. Intermittent fasting: physiological implications on outcomes in mice and men
  2870. High-Fat Diet Alters Circadian Rhythms in Mammary Glands of Pubertal Mice
  2871. feeding rhythms and the circadian regulation of metabolism
  2872. Appetite control: hormones or diet strategies?
  2873. Meal timing and subjective sleep disturbances in older men
  2874. A Pesco-Mediterranean Diet With Intermittent Fasting: JACC Review Topic of the Week
  2875. Circadian influences of diet on the microbiome and immunity
  2876. Fasting Ramadan during COVID-19 pandemic: Immunomodulatory effect
  2877. Host circadian clocks do not set the schedule for the within-host replication of malaria parasites
  2878. High-Fat Diet and feeding Regime Impairs Number, Phenotype, and Cytotoxicity of Natural Killer Cells in C57BL/6 Mice
  2879. Influence of postexercise fasting on hunger and satiety in adults
  2880. Intersection of the gut microbiome and circadian rhythms in metabolism
  2881. Altered mitochondrial metabolism in the insulin‐resistant heart
  2882. Anticancer activity of S-glycosylated quinazoline derivatives
  2883. Early dinner or “dinner like a pauper”: Evidence, the habitual TIME of the largest meal of the day–dinner–is predisposing to severe COVID-19 outcome–death
  2884. Role of the microbiota in circadian rhythms of the host
  2885. Popular Diets: Intermittent Fasting: FSHN20-47/FS409, 9/2020
  2886. Eating Habits Changes During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown
  2887. Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting: impact on glycemic control in people with diabetes
  2888. Impact of circadian disruption on glucose metabolism: implications for type 2 diabetes
  2889. Ramadan Intermittent Fasting and Its Beneficial Effects of Health: A Review Article
  2890. Perturbation of the circadian clock and pathogenesis of NAFLD
  2891. Intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset for four consecutive weeks induces anticancer serum proteome response and improves metabolic syndrome
  2892. Energy restriction enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis-associated memory after four weeks in an adult human population with central obesity; a randomized …
  2893. Biochemical, Metabolic and Clinical Effects of Intermittent Fasting
  2894. Low dose of luteolin activates Nrf2 in the liver of mice at start of the active phase but not that of the inactive phase
  2895. Scientific evidence of diets for weight loss: Different macronutrient composition, intermittent fasting, and popular diets
  2896. Aging and the clock: Perspective from flies to humans
  2897. Timing and Frequency of Daily Energy Intake in Adults with Prediabetes and Overweight or Obesity and Their Associations with Body Fat
  2898. Eating breakfast and avoiding late-evening snacking sustains lipid oxidation
  2899. Fasting and post fasting effect of Ramadan on different seizure types in patients with active epilepsy
  2900. Strategies for the Reduction of Adipose Tissue and Retention of Muscle Mass in Overweight Individuals
  2901. Towards a fasting-mimicking diet for critically ill patients: the pilot randomized crossover ICU-FM-1 study
  2902. Circadian rhythms and the gut microbiota: from the metabolic syndrome to cancer
  2903. Metabolic Shifting: Nutrition, Exercise, and Timing
  2904. Metabolic implications of circadian disruption
  2905. The microbiome as a circadian coordinator of metabolism
  2906. A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of the impact of diurnal intermittent fasting during Ramadan on body weight in healthy subjects aged 16 …
  2907. Role of fasting duration and weekday in incretin and glucose regulation
  2908. Effectiveness of nutrition interventions in vending machines to encourage the purchase and consumption of healthier food and drinks in the university setting: A …
  2909. ILC3s gut rhythm
  2910. Methionine restriction alleviates high-fat diet-induced obesity: involvement of diurnal metabolism of lipids and bile acids
  2911. Intermittent Fasting as Part of the Management for T2DM: from Animal Models to Human Clinical Studies
  2912. Association between breakfast skipping and the metabolic syndrome: the Korea National Health and nutrition examination survey, 2017
  2913. “Circadian misalignment and the gut microbiome. A bidirectional relationship triggering inflammation and metabolic disorders”-a literature review
  2914. FASTING-MIMICKING DIET a clarion call for human nutrition research or an additional swan song for a commercial diet?
  2915. Microbiota can’t keep TIME in type 2 diabetes
  2916. The effect of fasting or calorie restriction on mitophagy induction: a literature review
  2917. How to face the aging world–lessons from dementia research
  2918. Untangling determinants of enhanced health and lifespan through a multi-omics approach in mice
  2919. Cardiolipin synthesis in skeletal muscle is rhythmic and modifiable by age and diet
  2920. Saliva samples as a tool to study the effect of meal timing on metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers
  2921. Strategies of unloading the failing heart from metabolic stress
  2923. Circadian control of leukocyte numbers in the circulation
  2924. Does the energy restriction intermittent fasting diet alleviate metabolic syndrome biomarkers? A randomized controlled trial
  2925. Effects of fasting intervention regulating anthropometric and metabolic parameters in subjects with overweight or obesity: a systematic review and meta …
  2926. Protein O-GlcNAcylation Integrates Circadian and Metabolic Signals to Regulate Animal Circadian Physiology
  2927. Differential effects of high-fat diet on glucose tolerance, food intake, and glucocorticoid regulation in male C57BL/6J and BALB/cJ mice
  2928. Bile acid metabolism and circadian rhythms
  2929. Circadian rhythm of lipid metabolism in health and disease
  2930. The gut–eye axis: lessons learned from murine models
  2931. Intermittent Fasting Improves Lipid Metabolism Through Changes in Gut Microbiota in Diet-Induced Obese Mice
  2933. The alternate-day fasting diet is a more effective approach than a calorie restriction diet on weight loss and hs-CRP levels
  2934. Genome-wide circadian regulation: a unique system for computational biology
  2935. Optimization of energy and protein levels for swarnadhara female parent stock during grower stage
  2936. Circadian host-microbiome interactions in immunity
  2937. The interplay between stress, circadian clocks, and energy metabolism
  2938. Intermittent energy restriction attenuates the loss of fat free mass in resistance trained individuals. A randomized controlled trial
  2939. Disruption in daily eating-fasting and activity-rest cycles in Indian adolescents attending school
  2940. Chocolate for breakfast prevents circadian desynchrony in experimental models of jet-lag and shift-work
  2941. Dietary daidzein decreases food intake accompanied with delayed gastric emptying in ovariectomized rats
  2942. The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting on Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
  2943. Nutritional Approaches for the Management of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Evidence-Based Review
  2944. Lifestyle factors and high-risk atherosclerosis: Pathways and mechanisms beyond traditional risk factors
  2945. Circadian regulation of blood pressure: Of mice and men
  2946. The future of shift work: Circadian biology meets personalised medicine and behavioural science
  2947. High‐Fat and High‐Sucrose Diets Impair TIME ‐of‐Day Differences in Spatial Working Memory of Male Mice
  2948. Crosstalk among circadian rhythm, obesity and allergy
  2949. Intermittent Fasting (IF): An Approach to a Healthy body
  2950. The effects of COVID-19 quarantine on eating and sleeping behaviors
  2951. Intermittent fasting on health, aging and disease: what about sleep?
  2952. Harnessing the effects of endurance exercise to optimize cognitive health: Fundamental insights from Dr. Mark P. Mattson
  2953. Animal performance and welfare of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) subjected to feed restriction
  2954. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in 2020
  2955. Spatiotemporal gating of SIRT1 functions by O-GlcNAcylation is essential for liver metabolic switching and prevents hyperglycemia
  2956. Regulation and function of extra‐SCN circadian oscillators in the brain
  2957. Calorie restriction for enhanced longevity: The role of novel dietary strategies in the present obesogenic environment
  2958. The malaria parasite has an intrinsic clock
  2959. Exercise training and fasting: current insights
  2960. Leptin mediates postprandial increases in body temperature through hypothalamus–adrenal medulla–adipose tissue crosstalk
  2961. Diet and mental health: Review of the recent updates on molecular mechanisms
  2962. Modulation of Energy Sensing by Leucine Synergy with Natural Sirtuin Activators: Effects on Health Span
  2963. Muscle Clocks and Diabetes
  2964. The tight junction protein TJP1 regulates the feeding -modulated hepatic circadian clock
  2965. Muscle‐derived GDF15 drives diurnal anorexia and systemic metabolic remodeling during mitochondrial stress
  2966. Healthy Diet: New Rations for Individual Use
  2967. Gut microbiota: closely tied to the regulation of circadian clock in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  2968. The role of the gut microbiome and its metabolites in metabolic diseases
  2969. Circadian Clock and feeding Activity Regulate Daily O-GlcNAcylation Rhythms by Modulating GFAT Activity
  2970. Brain–gut–microbiome interactions in obesity and food addiction
  2971. Endo-bariatrics: a new paradigm for weight loss
  2972. Dopamine D2 receptor signaling modulates pancreatic beta cell circadian rhythms
  2973. Self-initiated lifestyle interventions lead to potential insight into an effective, alternative, non-surgical therapy for mitochondrial disease associated multiple symmetric …
  2974. Spinning the Spatiotemporal Profile of Transcription Factors Via Intermittent Fasting
  2975. Dopamine signaling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus enables weight gain associated with hedonic feeding
  2976. Sex‐specific metabolic responses to 6 hours of fasting during the active phase in young mice
  2978. The wrinkling of TIME : Aging, inflammation, oxidative stress, and the circadian clock in neurodegeneration
  2979. Introduction to Diet, Food, Exercise, and Nutrition (D-FEND) 2.0
  2980. A fad too far? dietary strategies for the prevention and treatment of NAFLD
  2981. Targeting AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) for treatment of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
  2982. An adipokine feedback regulating diurnal food intake rhythms in mice
  2983. A real-world study in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with gliclazide modified-release during fasting: DIA-RAMADAN
  2984. Relating goal-directed behaviour to grazing in persons with obesity with and without eating disorder features
  2985. Chrononutritional Modulation of Sleep and the Circadian Clock by Amino Acids
  2986. Gut microbiota during dietary restrictions: New insights in non-communicable diseases
  2987. Emerging roles of translational control in circadian TIME keeping
  2988. Fixing the broken clock in adrenal disorders: focus on glucocorticoids and chronotherapy
  2989. Circadian Rhythms and Nutrition
  2990. Falls risk, circadian rhythms and melatonin: current perspectives
  2991. Nutrition in cancer: evidence and equality
  2992. Aerobic Glycolysis Couples Metabolic Syndrome to Alzheimer’s Disease
  2993. Confusion in the nomenclature of ketogenic diets blurs evidence
  2994. Unravelling the health effects of fasting: a long road from obesity treatment to healthy life span increase and improved cognition
  2995. feeding Rhythms and the Circadian Regulation of Metabolism.
  2996. Circadian disruption and human health: A bidirectional relationship
  2997. Treating binge eating and food addiction symptoms with low-carbohydrate Ketogenic diets: a case series
  2998. Adipose stromal cell expansion and exhaustion: mechanisms and consequences
  2999. Ramadan intermittent fasting and immunity: An important topic in the era of COVID-19
  3000. SSAT State-of-the-Art Conference: Advancements in the Microbiome
  3001. Assessment of knowledge in healthcare workers about diabetes and complication attending structured workshop before ramadan.
  3002. Trichoepithelioma
  3003. Circadian 35
  3004. Nutrition and its role in epigenetic inheritance of obesity and diabetes across generations
  3005. Southern Society for Clinical Investigation Nephrology Young Investigators’ Forum
  3006. Irregular Sleep-Wake, Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake, Jet Lag, and Shift Work Sleep Disorders
  3007. Akansha Bhatnagar
  3008. 5 Dietary Treatment
  3009. Saliva Samples as A Tool to Study the Effect of Meal Timing on Metabolic And Inflammatory Biomarkers
  3010. Circadian Rhythm in Adipose Tissue: Novel Antioxidant Target for Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
  3011. Circadian Clock and Lipid Metabolism Disruption in Fatty Liver Disease
  3012. Adipose monocyte chemotactic protein-1 deficiency reduces high-fat diet-enhanced mammary tumorigenesis in MMTV-PyMT mice
  3013. TIME limited eating in adolescents with obesity (TIME LEAd): Study protocol
  3014. Exogenous Ketones as Therapeutic Signaling Molecules in High-Stress Occupations: Implications for Mitigating Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in …
  3015. Molecular Mechanisms of Intermittent Fasting-induced Ischemic Tolerance
  3016. Associations of number of daily eating occasions with Type 2 diabetes risk in the Women’s Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial
  3017. Intermittent fasting for twelve weeks leads to increases in fat mass and hyperinsulinemia in young female Wistar rats
  3018. Sleep health: An opportunity for public health to address health equity
  3019. Association of periodic fasting lifestyles with survival and incident major adverse cardiovascular events in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization
  3020. Western diet-induced obesity disrupts the diurnal rhythmicity of hippocampal core clock gene expression in a mouse model
  3021. RCT of Harti Hauora Tamariki: a holistic family-centred programme for child health and equity
  3022. Phosphorylation and circadian molecular timing
  3024. Influence of long-term fasting on blood redox status in humans
  3025. Involvement of GABAergic interneuron dysfunction and neuronal network hyperexcitability in Alzheimer’s disease: Amelioration by metabolic switching
  3026. Sex Differences Across the Lifespan: A Focus on Cardiometabolism
  3027. Ketosis slows the progression of PKD
  3028. Interaction Between Circadian Rhythms, Energy Metabolism, and Cognitive Function
  3029. The effects of meal timing and frequency, caloric restriction, and fasting on cardiovascular health: an overview
  3030. Protein requirements of pre-menopausal female athletes: Systematic literature review
  3031. Nutrient timing: A garage door of opportunity?
  3032. The legacy effect in the prevention of cardiovascular disease
  3033. Increased frequency of intentional weight loss associated with reduced mortality: a prospective cohort analysis
  3034. Effect of morning vs. Evening turmeric consumption on urine oxidative stress biomarkers in obese, middle-aged adults: A feasibility study
  3035. Tissue‐specific deletion of mouse basolateral uniporter LAT4 (Slc43a2) reveals its crucial role in small intestine and kidney amino acid transport
  3036. A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of the impact of diurnal intermittent fasting during Ramadan on glucometabolic markers in healthy subjects
  3037. The impact of intuitive eating v. pinned eating on behavioural markers: a preliminary investigation
  3038. Diurnal, metabolic and thermogenic alterations in a murine model of accelerated aging
  3039. Circadian mutant mice with obesity and metabolic syndrome are resilient to cardiovascular disease
  3040. Lifestyle modifications with anti-neuroinflammatory benefits in the aging population
  3041. Seven TIME -savers for early career researchers
  3042. Transcriptional control of circadian rhythms and metabolism: A matter of TIME and space
  3043. SARS-CoV2 OMT: A Relative Contraindication to Thoracic Pump Technique and an Additional Indication for the Elderly
  3044. Effects of dietary restriction on gut microbiota and CNS autoimmunity
  3045. Diet, gut microbiota and COVID-19
  3046. Reliable Measures of Sarcopenia in Cirrhosis. Comment on:“The Relationship of Obesity, Nutritional Status and Muscle Wasting in Patients Assessed for Liver …
  3047. Development and validation of nutrient estimates based on a food-photographic record in Japan
  3048. An essential amino acid synchronises malaria parasite development with daily host rhythms
  3049. Appetite versus Hunger
  3050. Discomfort design
  3051. Metabolomics reveal Circadian control of Cellular metabolism
  3052. Circadian Clock and Metabolic Diseases
  3053. The importance of being rhythmic: Living in harmony with your body clocks
  3054. Negative role of sleep disturbance in the recovery of gastrointestinal postoperative patients
  3055. Effects of shift work on the eating behavior of police officers on patrol
  3056. The Tissue Clock Network: Driver and gatekeeper of circadian physiology: circadian rhythms are integrated outputs of central and peripheral tissue clocks interacting …
  3057. Nutrition and healthy aging
  3058. Circadian disruption in critical illness
  3059. Circadian rhythms and the gastrointestinal tract: relationship to metabolism and gut hormones
  3060. Circadian and sleep metabolomics across species
  3061. Does Diet Have a Role in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease?
  3062. The molecular link from diet to cancer cell metabolism
  3063. Recovery of hematocrit and fat deposits varies by cage size in food‐Restricted captive red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra)
  3064. Association between timing of energy intake and insulin sensitivity: a cross-sectional study
  3065. Cognitive dysfunction is a risk factor for overeating and obesity.
  3066. Euglycemic ketoacidosis induced by therapeutic fasting in a non-diabetic patient
  3067. Differential effects of constant light and dim light at night on the circadian control of metabolism and behavior
  3068. Hepatic lipid catabolism via PPARα-lysosomal crosstalk
  3069. Influence of obesity, weight loss, and free fatty acids on skeletal muscle clock gene expression
  3070. The timing effects of soy protein intake on mice gut microbiota
  3071. Relation Between Health-Care Medical Provider Opinion and Hemodialysis Patient Attitude Toward Fasting in Ramadan
  3072. Reshaping circadian metabolism in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and prefrontal cortex by nutritional challenge
  3073. The effects of intermittent fasting on glycemic control and body composition in adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes: A systematic review
  3074. Therapeutic Effects of Licorice and Dried Ginger Decoction on Activity-Based Anorexia in BALB/c AnNCrl Mice
  3075. Intense light pretreatment improves hemodynamics, barrier function and inflammation in a murine model of hemorrhagic shock lung
  3076. Retinal ganglion cell interactions shape the developing mammalian visual system
  3077. Metabolic Implications of Circadian–HIF Crosstalk
  3078. Child health and the gut microbiome
  3079. Paraventricular hypothalamus mediates diurnal rhythm of metabolism
  3080. The Gut–Eye Axis: Lessons Learned from Murine Models
  3081. Knowledge transfer by digital media: how professional practices in health promotion are impacted?
  3082. Osteopathic Medicine and the Osteoporosis Management Gap
  3083. MealTIME : A circadian disruptor and determinant of energy balance?
  3084. Comparable characteristics of biologically driven eating behavior in different ethnic groups of medical students
  3085. Eating breakfast and avoiding the evening snack sustains lipid oxidation
  3086. The role of PPARα in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
  3087. Current knowledge about the effect of nutritional status, supplemented nutrition diet, and gut microbiota on hepatic ischemia-reperfusion and regeneration in liver …
  3088. Therapeutic use of intermittent fasting and ketogenic diet as an alternative treatment for type 2 diabetes in a normal weight woman: a 14-month case study
  3089. Intermittent fasting does not uniformly impact genes involved in circadian regulation in women with obesity
  3090. Suprachiasmatic nucleus–arcuate nucleus Axis: interaction between TIME and metabolism essential for health
  3091. Impact of intermittent vs. continuous energy restriction on weight and cardiometabolic factors: a 12-month follow-up
  3092. Mediators of Host–Microbe Circadian Rhythms in Immunity and Metabolism
  3093. Mitochondrial quality control and cellular proteostasis: two sides of the same coin
  3094. The role of ADP-ribose metabolism in metabolic regulation, adipose tissue differentiation, and metabolism
  3095. Effects of Energy and Macronutrient Cycling on Weight Loss, Body Composition, and Markers of Health in Obese Women Participating in a Resistance-Based Exercise …
  3096. Consequences of circadian disruption in shift workers on chrononutrition and their psychosocial well-being
  3097. Energy restriction and colorectal cancer: a call for additional research
  3098. Eating versus skipping breakfast has no discernible effect on obesity-related anthropometric outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  3099. Browning of the subcutaneous adipocytes in diet-induced obese mouse submitted to intermittent fasting
  3100. Circadian rhythms of mineral metabolism in chronic kidney disease–mineral bone disorder
  3101. The role of muscle in insect energy homeostasis
  3102. Sirtuin 1 deficiency decreases bone mass and increases bone marrow adiposity in a mouse model of chronic energy deficiency
  3103. Naturally-derived chronobiotics in chrononutrition
  3104. Impacts of Calorie Restriction and Intermittent Fasting on Health and Diseases: Current Trends
  3105. Nutritional Ketosis and photobiomodulation remediate mitochondria warding off Alzheimer’s disease in a diabetic, ApoE4+ patient with mild cognitive impairment: A …
  3106. Development, validation and reliability of the Chrononutrition Profile-Questionnaire
  3107. Autonomic Rehabilitation: Adapting to Change
  3108. Ketotherapy as an epigenetic modifier in cancer
  3109. Exploring therapeutic targets to reverse or prevent the transition from metabolically healthy to unhealthy obesity
  3110. Diet diurnally regulates small intestinal microbiome-epithelial-immune homeostasis and enteritis
  3111. Gut microbiota mediates intermittent-fasting alleviation of diabetes-induced cognitive impairment
  3112. cGAS suppresses genomic instability as a decelerator of replication forks
  3113. Abnormal eating patterns cause circadian disruption and promote alcohol-associated colon carcinogenesis
  3114. Chronic inflammation in the context of everyday life: dietary changes as mitigating factors
  3115. Nutritional Interventions in Cancer Cachexia Prevention and Treatment
  3116. Aging in the Perspective of Integrative Medicine, Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology and Hormesis
  3117. Self-eating for muscle fitness: autophagy in the control of energy metabolism
  3118. Protein and mitochondria quality control mechanisms and cardiac aging
  3119. Metabolic and cardiovascular consequences of shift work: The role of circadian disruption and sleep disturbances
  3120. Intermittent Fasting (IF) Promotes Longevity through Alterations of the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) and the Epigenome
  3121. Switching host metabolism as an approach to dampen SARS-CoV-2 infection
  3122. and meta-analysis [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]
  3123. Nutritional Strategies in Prediabetes: A Scoping Review of Recent Evidence
  3124. Daily intermittent fasting in mice enhances morphine-induced antinociception while mitigating reward, tolerance, and constipation
  3125. Eating behavior (Duration, content, and timing) among workers living under different levels of urbanization
  3126. Manipulation of the Gut Microbiota Attenuates the Negative Effects of High-Fat Diet
  3127. Circadian rhythms in hormone-sensitive lipase in human adipose tissue: relationship to meal timing and fasting duration
  3128. Metabolic rivalry: circadian homeostasis and tumorigenesis
  3129. Nutritional Signaling and Aging
  3130. Analysis of Western diet, palmitate and BMAL1 regulation of neuropeptide Y expression in the murine hypothalamus and BMAL1 knockout cell models
  3131. When rhythms meet the blues: circadian interactions with the microbiota-gut-brain axis
  3132. Energy and caloric restriction, and fasting and cancer: a narrative review
  3133. Basic chronobiology: what do sleep physicians need to know?
  3134. The insect circulatory system: structure, function, and evolution
  3135. A Multi-Faceted Approach to Weight Loss: A Case Report
  3136. Cancer as a disease of old age: changing mutational and microenvironmental landscapes
  3137. Impact of Diet and Meal Timing on TIME -Of-Day Dependent Hippocampal Function
  3138. The interrelationship between inflammatory cytokines and skeletal muscle decay from the viewpoint of circadian rhythms
  3139. Top 10 dietary strategies for atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk reduction
  3140. Intermittent fasting in Ramadan in patients on maintenance hemodialysis: Relation to malnutrition, inflammation, body composition and quality of life
  3141. The intestinal microbiota fuelling metabolic inflammation
  3142. Circadian regulation of hedonic appetite in mice by clocks in dopaminergic neurons of the VTA
  3143. Ramadan 2020 and beyond in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and scientific evidence for action
  3144. Resolution of Metabolic syndrome with reduction of visceral adipose tissue in a 47 year old patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  3145. Lifestyle interventions beyond diet and exercise for patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  3146. Chronotype and adherence to the mediterranean diet in obesity: Results from the opera prevention project
  3147. Effect of dietary changes from high-fat diet to normal diet on breast cancer growth and metastasis
  3148. Epigenetic role of N 6-methyladenosine (m 6 A) RNA methylation in the cardiovascular system
  3149. Fasting inhibits aerobic glycolysis and proliferation in colorectal cancer via the Fdft1-mediated AKT/mTOR/HIF1α pathway suppression
  3150. Loss of function in the Drosophila clock gene period results in altered intermediary lipid metabolism and increased susceptibility to starvation
  3151. The beneficial effects of physical activity and weight loss on human colorectal carcinoma cell lines
  3152. Timing in drug absorption and disposition: The past, present, and future of chronopharmacokinetics
  3153. Gut microbiota composition modulates inflammation and structure of the vagal afferent pathway
  3154. Beneficial effects of the ketogenic diet on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A comprehensive review of the literature
  3155. Impact of intermittent fasting on body weight in overweight and obese individuals
  3156. Systems level understanding of circadian integration with cell physiology
  3157. High fat diet induced obesity alters endocannabinoid and ghrelin mediated regulation of components of the endocannabinoid system in nodose ganglia
  3158. Physical activity has numerous beneficial effects on metabolic and inflammatory processes
  3159. Oncogenic miRNAs identified in tear exosomes from metastatic breast cancer patients
  3160. Prioritized research for the prevention, treatment, and reversal of chronic disease: recommendations from the lifestyle medicine research summit
  3161. Cranial strain patterns associated with concussions
  3162. Fasted condition in multicomponent training does not affect health parameters in physically active post-menopausal women
  3163. The inflammatory environment mediated by a high-fat diet inhibited the development of mammary glands and destroyed the tight junction in pregnant mice.
  3164. Effect of adrenergic agonists on high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis in mice
  3165. Biological TIME keeping: Scientific background
  3166. Personalized Nutrition and Lifestyle Interventions in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Case Report.
  3167. The role of mitochondrial calcium homeostasis in Alzheimer’s and related diseases
  3168. JARID1a Ablation in the Liver Alters Systemic Metabolism and Adaptation to feeding
  3169. Administration of exogenous melatonin improves the diurnal rhythms of the gut microbiota in mice fed a high-fat diet
  3170. Lifestyle Medicine Center for Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative Diseases
  3171. Impact of contamination factors on the COVID-19 evolution in Senegal
  3172. Probing metabolic memory in the hepatic response to fasting
  3173. Characterising a Weight Loss Intervention in Obese Asthmatic Children
  3174. Natural Fermentation of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Flour Improves the Nutritive Utilization of Indispensable Amino Acids and Phosphorus by Growing Rats
  3175. Changing the tone of clinical study design in the cannabis industry
  3176. Association Between Circadian Rhythm with Resting Metabolic Rate in Overweight\Obese Women
  3177. Advances in the Involvement of Gut Microbiota in Pathophysiology of NAFLD
  3178. How to Manage a Patient with Weight Regain
  3179. Clinical Efficacy of Mesenteric Lift to Relieve Constipation in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
  3180. Comparison of Metabolic Effects Between High Aerobic Capacity and Low Aerobic Capacity in Rats Subjected to Intermittent Fasting and Caloric Restriction Diets
  3181. Dietary peptides in aging: Evidence and prospects
  3182. Absorption of glucosamine is improved by considering circadian rhythm and feeding TIME in rats
  3183. Healthy Lifestyle Recommendations: Do the Beneficial Effects Originate from NAD+ Amount at the Cellular Level?
  3184. Calorie restriction and aging in humans
  3185. Intermittent Fasting and Metabolic Switching: A Brief Overview
  3186. Evidence-based clinical advice for nutrition and dietary weight loss strategies for the management of NAFLD and NASH
  3187. Treatment of obesity in mitigating metabolic risk
  3188. Diurnal control of blood pressure is uncoupled from sodium excretion
  3189. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors as Molecular Links between Caloric Restriction and Circadian Rhythm
  3190. Nutrition and longevity–From mechanisms to uncertainties
  3191. Hepatic lipid metabolism is affected by a daily 3-meal pattern with varying dietary crude protein with a pig model
  3192. Epigenetic contribution to obesity
  3193. Aging and the biological response to liver injury
  3194. Signaling pathways of dietary energy restriction and metabolism on brain physiology and in age-related neurodegenerative diseases
  3195. Novel insights into the metabolic action of Kiss1 neurons
  3196. The effects of foods on blood lipids in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)-a systematic review and meta-analysis
  3197. Effect of diurnal intermittent fasting during Ramadan on ghrelin, leptin, melatonin, and cortisol levels among overweight and obese subjects: A prospective …
  3198. Decreased brain and muscle ARNT-like protein 1 expression mediated the contribution of hyperandrogenism to insulin resistance in polycystic ovary …
  3199. Phosphorylation of mouse intestinal basolateral amino acid uniporter LAT4 is controlled by food-entrained diurnal rhythm and dietary proteins
  3200. ACCEPTED (Pre-Proof)
  3201. Intermittent starvation extends the functional lifeTIME of primary human hepatocyte cultures
  3202. Effect of carnosine supplementation on lipid profile, fasting blood glucose, HbA1C and insulin resistance: A systematic review and meta-analysis of long-term …
  3203. Single-cell transcriptomics allows novel insights into aging and circadian processes
  3205. Ramadan fasting in health and disease (2019): A narrative review
  3206. Effects of fasting during Ramadan on seizure control and quality of life in patients with epilepsy
  3207. Dietary Energy Modulation and Autophagy: Exploiting Metabolic Vulnerabilities to Starve Cancer
  3208. Consummatory, feeding Microstructural, and Metabolic Effects Induced by Limiting Access to Either a High-Sucrose or a High-Fat Diet
  3209. Simulated shift work during pregnancy does not impair progeny metabolic outcomes in sheep
  3210. Differential effects of leptin administration on feeding and HPT axis function in early-life overfed adult rats
  3211. Maternal high linoleic acid alters placental fatty acid composition
  3212. Intermittent fasting: what questions should we be asking?
  3213. Complement in Reproductive White Adipose Tissue Characterizes the Obese Preeclamptic-Like BPH/5 Mouse Prior to and During Pregnancy
  3214. Dietary restriction for prevention of contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary angiography: a randomized controlled …
  3215. Dietas populares: Ayuno intermitente
  3216. Reference gene optimization for circadian gene expression analysis in human adipose tissue
  3217. A Literature Review on Intermittent Fasting
  3218. Theabrownin from Pu-erh tea together with swinging exercise synergistically ameliorates obesity and insulin resistance in rats
  3219. Molecular mechanisms and physiological importance of circadian rhythms
  3220. A high-salt/high fat diet alters circadian locomotor activity and glucocorticoid synthesis in mice
  3221. Dynamic remodeling of white adipose tissue by intermittent fasting
  3222. Fluoxetine mimics the anorectic action of estrogen and its regulation of circadian feeding in ovariectomized female rats
  3223. Circadian rhythm and its association with birth and infant outcomes: research protocol of a prospective cohort study
  3224. The Light/Dark cycle disruption affects hepatic function both in metabolic parameters and tissue structure in a nocturnal desert rodent: Gerbillus tarabuli
  3225. Cancer in the Fourth Dimension: What is the impact of circadian disruption?
  3226. The Powerful Roles of Nad+ in Anti-Aging
  3227. Associations of diarised sleep onset TIME , period and duration with total and central adiposity in a biethnic sample of young children: the Born in Bradford study
  3228. Eating versus skipping breakfast has no discernible effect on obesity-related anthropometric outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis [version 2; peer …
  3229. Dietary choices and habits during COVID-19 lockdown: experience from Poland
  3230. Temporal dietary patterns are associated with obesity in US adults
  3231. Treatment of functional hypogonadism besides pharmacological substitution
  3232. Longitudinal Study of Body composition and energy expenditure in overweight or obese Young Adults
  3233. Cross-sectional and longitudinal agreement between two multifrequency bioimpedance devices for resistance, reactance, and phase angle values
  3234. Saccharin supplementation inhibits bacterial growth and reduces experimental colitis in mice
  3235. Precision Medicine in Lifestyle Medicine: The Way of the Future?
  3236. Hormesis: A potential strategic approach to the treatment of neurodegenerative disease
  3237. Diverging metabolic programmes and behaviours during states of starvation, protein malnutrition, and cachexia
  3238. Feto-maternal crosstalk in the development of the circadian clock system
  3239. Hunger associations with meal timing and adherence to meal timing recommendations for weight loss
  3240. Abnormal food timing promotes alcohol-associated dysbiosis and colon carcinogenesis pathways
  3241. Circadian regulation of the biology of allergic disease: clock disruption can promote allergy
  3242. Effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative medicine vs concussion education in treating student athletes with acute concussion symptoms
  3243. Forging forward together: Transforming scientific practice to accelerate scientific progress
  3244. Disruption of circadian rhythms: A crucial factor in the etiology of infertility
  3245. Unexpected Association of Desacyl-Ghrelin with Physical Activity and Chronic Food Restriction: A Translational Study on Anorexia Nervosa
  3246. Dietary wheat amylase trypsin inhibitors impact Alzheimer’s disease pathology in 5xFAD model mice
  3247. Siphonaxanthin, a carotenoid from green algae Codium cylindricum, protects Ob/Ob mice fed on a high-fat diet against lipotoxicity by ameliorating somatic stresses …
  3248. Effects of diet on sleep: a narrative review
  3249. Meal timing alone alters lipid oxidation rate without affecting corticosterone in mice and humans
  3250. Specificity of transaminase activities in the prediction of drug-induced hepatotoxicity
  3251. Efficacy and Safety of Polaprezinc (Zinc Compound) on Zinc Deficiency: A Systematic Review and Dose–Response Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials …
  3252. Effects of Fasting-Mimicking Diet and Specific Meal Replacement Foods on Blood Glucose Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized …
  3253. Healthy food to support healthy life
  3254. Evaluation of reference gene suitability for serial qRT-PCR measurements of human adipose tissue from obese women undergoing sleeve gastrectomy …
  3255. Divergent Response to the SSRI Citalopram in Male and Female Three-Spine Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
  3256. The enhancement of fat oxidation during the active phase and suppression of body weight gain in glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 deficient mice
  3257. Blood glucose and insulin values on daily profile, m value and meal tolerance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)
  3258. The Peripheral Circadian Clock and Exercise: Lessons from Young and Old Mice
  3259. The neuropeptide VIP confers anticipatory mucosal immunity by regulating ILC3 activity
  3260. Effect of combined citrulline supplementation and resistance training intervention on muscle mass, mitochondrial respiratory capacity, and ccf-mtDNA in cancer …
  3261. Current and emerging treatment options to prevent renal failure due to autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
  3262. Sleep Disorders in Critically Ill Cancer Patients
  3263. Chronotheranostics and chronotherapy-frontiers for personalized medicine
  3264. β-cell replenishment: Possible curative approaches for diabetes mellitus
  3265. Exploring the microbiome’s potential role in severe COVID-19: possible implications for prevention and treatment
  3266. Shotgun Lipidomics Discovered Diurnal Regulation of Lipid Metabolism Linked to Insulin Sensitivity in Nondiabetic Men
  3267. Effects of protein supplementation in fitness world: A 12-week cross-over studio
  3268. Methods detecting rhythmic gene expression are biologically relevant only for strong signal
  3269. Therapeutic Potential of Whey against Aging Related Cytological Damage of Adenohypophysis of Rat
  3270. Influence of long-term fasting and intermittent fasting on the cognitive abilities
  3271. Deconstructing circadian disruption: assessing the contribution of reduced peripheral oscillator amplitude on obesity and glucose intolerance in mice
  3272. Resetting the aging clock: implications for managing age-related diseases
  3273. Geroprotective and senoremediative strategies to reduce the comorbidity, infection rates, severity, and lethality in gerophilic and gerolavic infections
  3274. Changes in Hematological Parameters of Sprague Dawley Rats with Use of Cyclosporine and Nigella Sativa
  3275. Comparing the effects of 5: 2 intermittent fasting and continuous energy restriction when combined with resistance training on body composition, muscular strength …
  3276. Ageing, Drosophila melanogaster and Epigenetics
  3277. The circadian clock protein REVERBα inhibits pulmonary fibrosis development
  3278. A CLOCK-binding small molecule disrupts the interaction between CLOCK and BMAL1 and enhances circadian rhythm amplitude
  3279. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in the Management of Chronic Pain and Its Comorbid Depression
  3280. Melatonin relations with energy metabolism as possibly involved in fatal mountain road traffic accidents
  3281. Is caloric restriction associated with better healthy aging outcomes? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  3282. Circadian gene clock participates in mitochondrial apoptosis pathways by regulating mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondria out membrane permeablization …
  3283. The safety of Ramadan fasting following percutaneous coronary intervention
  3284. Intermittent fasting 5: 2 diet: What is the macronutrient and micronutrient intake and composition?
  3285. Ketogenic diets as treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  3286. Acupuncture versus sham acupuncture for simple obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  3287. Circadian Control of Blood Pressure and Renal Electrolyte Excretion
  3288. Lower body weight in rats under hypobaric hypoxia exposure would lead to reduced right ventricular hypertrophy and increased AMPK activation
  3289. The impact of supervised beego, a traditional Chinese water-only fasting, on thrombosis and hemostasis
  3290. Biological Rhythms and Aging
  3291. Transcriptomic, proteomic and phosphoproteomic underpinnings of daily exercise performance and Zeitgeber activity of endurance training
  3292. Intermittent Calorie Restriction Ameliorates Behavioral Changes and Tau Hyperphosphorylation in Chronic Immobilization Stress in Rats.
  3293. The impact of supervised beego, a traditional Chinese water-only fasting, on thrombosis and hemostasis
  3294. Consistent morning exercise may be beneficial for individuals with obesity
  3295. Alternate Day Fasting Combined with A Low Carbohydrate Diet for Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance
  3296. The Microbiome in Health and Disease from the Perspective of Modern Medicine and Ayurveda
  3297. Histological and Immunohistochemical Evaluation of the Ameliorating Role of Propolis and/or Intermittent Fasting on Induced Oral Mucositis in Albino Rats.
  3298. Behavioral Circadian Timing System Disruptors and Incident Type 2 Diabetes in a Nonshift Working Multiethnic Population
  3299. Comparison of cardiovascular autonomic activity (heart rate variability and baroreceptor sensitivity) in young healthy females during fasting and hyperglycaemia
  3300. Nutritional domains in frailty tools: Working towards an operational definition of nutritional frailty
  3301. Physical activity and diet shape the immune system during aging
  3302. Systemic muscle wasting and coordinated tumour response drive tumourigenesis
  3303. Dynamic thiol/disulfide homeostasis in metabolically healthy obese adolescents
  3304. Mood‐related central and peripheral clocks
  3305. A population-based gene expression signature of molecular clock phase from a single epidermal sample
  3306. Nutritional Epigenetics
  3307. Biological Versus Chronological Aging: JACC Focus Seminar
  3308. Adipose tissue-liver crosstalk during pathologic changes caused by vinyl chloride metabolites in mice
  3309. Bmal1 integrates mitochondrial metabolism and macrophage activation
  3310. 20 Biological Rhythms and Aging
  3311. Potential circadian rhythms in oligodendrocytes? Working together through TIME
  3312. Risk factors related to weight gain for chines during home confinement in COVID-19 Pandemic: an observational retrospective study
  3313. Lactotrehalose, an analog of trehalose, increases energy metabolism without promoting Clostridioides difficile infection in mice
  3314. A Molecular Index for Biological Age identified from the Metabolome and Senescence-associated Secretome in Humans
  3315. Nutritional and behavioral approaches to body composition and low-grade chronic inflammation management for older adults in the ordinary and COVID-19 TIME s
  3316. Manipulating Cellular Energetics to Slow Aging of Tissues and Organs
  3317. Influence of Glutamine and Branched-Chain Amino Acids Supplementation during Refeeding in Activity-Based Anorectic Mice
  3318. Substrain specific behavioral responses in male C57BL/6N and C57BL/6J mice to a shortened 21-hour day and high-fat diet
  3319. The timing of fasting leads to different levels of food consumption and PYY 3–36 in nocturnal mice
  3320. Ramadan intermittent fasting affects adipokines and leptin/adiponectin ratio in type 2 diabetes mellitus and their first-degree relatives
  3321. Rib Somatic Dysfunction Among General Surgical Patients
  3322. Conditioning Medicine
  3323. Type 1 diabetes mellitus impairs diurnal oscillations in murine extraorbital lacrimal glands
  3324. Obstructive sleep apnea, shift work and cardiometabolic risk
  3325. Ahara vidhi
  3326. Intermittent fasting benefits on alpha-and beta-cell arrangement in diet-induced obese mice pancreatic islet
  3327. The dayTIME feeding frequency affects appetite-regulating hormones, amino acids, physical activity, and respiratory quotient, but not energy expenditure, in …
  3328. The Making and Breaking of RNAs: Dynamics of Rhythmic RNA Expression in Mammals
  3329. The roles of gut microbiota and circadian rhythm in the cardiovascular protective effects of polyphenols
  3330. Impact of the Intestinal Microbiota on Host Energy Homeostasis and Intestinal Epithelial Biology in Anorexia Nervosa
  3331. Circadian Clock and OxInflammation: Functional Crosstalk in Cutaneous Homeostasis
  3332. Dietary Selenium Supplementation Does Not Attenuate Mammary Tumorigenesis-Mediated Bone Loss in Male MMTV-PyMT Mice
  3333. Stratifying nutritional restriction in cancer therapy: Next stop, personalized medicine
  3334. Practice locations of Michigan ophthalmologists as a model to compare practice patterns of DO and MD surgical subspecialists
  3335. The association between chronotype and dietary pattern among adults: a scoping review
  3336. Fasting before or after wound injury accelerates wound healing through the activation of pro-angiogenic SMOC1 and SCG2
  3337. 14. Making Medicine Work in the Anthropocene: Tenets of a Meta-medicine for Complex Adaptive Systems in Precarious TIME s
  3338. Nutrient signaling pathways regulate amyloid clearance and synaptic loss in Alzheimer’s disease
  3339. The ageing epigenome and its rejuvenation
  3340. Adjusting iron and vitamin A status in settings of inflammation: A sensitivity analysis of the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia …
  3341. Integrative Epigenomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals Robust Metabolic Switching in the Brain During Intermittent Fasting
  3342. Integrated approach of yoga and naturopathy alongside conventional care: A need of the hour healthcare strategy in the management of COVID-19 in India …
  3343. Lower Postprandial Thermogenic Response to an Unprocessed Whole Food Meal Compared to an Iso-Energetic/Macronutrient Meal Replacement in Young Women …
  3344. Cognitive function and brain plasticity in a rat model of shift work: role of daily rhythms, sleep and glucocorticoids
  3345. Intermittent Administration of a Modified Fasting-Mimicking Diet Reduces Intestinal Inflammation and Promotes Repair to Ameliorate Inflammatory Bowel Disease in …
  3346. Melatonin relations with energy metabolism as possibly involved in fatal mountain road traffc accidents
  3347. Metabolic inflammation and insulin resistance in obesity
  3348. Diversity of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells: circuits and functions
  3349. The importance of redox status in the frame of lifestyle approaches and the genetics of the lung innate immune molecules, SP-A1 and SP-A2, on differential outcomes …
  3350. Circadian Misalignment of the 24-hour Profile of Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) in Obese Adults
  3351. Longevity: translation of aging theories into action
  3352. Neuronal mechanisms that drive organismal aging through the lens of perception
  3353. Quantifying diet intake and its association with cardiometabolic risk in the UK airwave health monitoring study: a data-driven approach
  3354. The Promise of a Golden Era for Exploring the Frontiers of Aging, Metabolism and Redox Biology
  3355. Administration timing and duration-dependent effects of sesamin isomers on lipid metabolism in rats
  3356. The concept of coupling in the mammalian circadian clock network
  3357. Impact of circadian and diurnal rhythms on cellular metabolic function and neurodegenerative diseases
  3358. Circadian regulation of membrane physiology in neural oscillators throughout the brain
  3359. Effects of timing of acute and consecutive catechin ingestion on postprandial glucose metabolism in mice and humans
  3360. Effects of rapid weight loss on judo athletes: a systematic review
  3361. Management of Hepatogenous Diabetes in a Liver Transplant Patient Through Blood Sugar Regulation: A Case Report
  3362. How to Have the Energy: Your nine-point plan to eating smarter, improving focus and feeding your potential
  3363. What model of nutrition can be recommended to people ending their professional sports career? An analysis of the Mediterranean diet and the CRON diet in the …
  3364. Effects of intermittent starvation on the survival, growth, and nutritional status of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium borellii Nobili, 1896 (Decapoda: Caridea …
  3365. Chrono-nutrition and diet quality in adolescents with delayed sleep-wake phase disorder
  3366. Standardization of laboratory practices and reporting of biomarker data in clinical nutrition research
  3367. Atlas of Exercise Metabolism Reveals TIME -Dependent Signatures of Metabolic Homeostasis
  3368. Environmental Chemical Obesogens
  3369. Hepatic lipid droplet homeostasis and fatty liver disease
  3370. Body fat gain and loss differentially influence validity of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis during simultaneous fat …
  3371. Long-term sucrose solution consumption causes metabolic alterations and affects hepatic oxidative stress in Wistar rats
  3372. Gestational diabetes mellitus treatment schemes modify maternal plasma cholesterol levels dependent to women s weight: Possible impact on feto-placental vascular …
  3373. Myeloid-specific Asxl2 deletion limits diet-induced obesity by regulating energy expenditure
  3374. Chrono-nutrition
  3375. Gut microbiota interaction in host lipid metabolism
  3376. The Effects of Exercise on the Fasting Ketone Production Curve: A Randomized Crossover Study
  3377. The fluctuations of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5) in the amygdala in fear conditioning model of male Wistar rats following sleep deprivation …
  3378. Research Article Circadian Clock and OxInflammation: Functional Crosstalk in Cutaneous Homeostasis
  3379. A novel third mesh-like myometrial layer connects the longitudinal and circular muscle fibers-A potential stratum to coordinate uterine contractions
  3380. Hypolipidemic and Hypoglycaemic Effect of Wholemeal Bread with Amaranth (Amaranthus dubius Mart. ex Thell.) on Sprague Dawley Rats
  3382. Portable Ultrasonography to Assess Adult Hepatosteatosis in Rural Ecuador
  3383. Moonshots for aging
  3384. Redesigning an undergraduate nutrition course through active learning and team-based projects enhances student performance
  3385. A Characteristic Expression Pattern of Core Circadian Genes in the Diurnal Tree Shrew
  3386. Metabolic Changes in Polycystic Kidney Disease as a Potential Target for Systemic Treatment
  3387. The use of metformin to increase the human healthspan
  3388. HFD refeeding in mice after fasting impairs learning by activating caspase-1 in the brain
  3389. Identification of an endocannabinoid gut-brain vagal mechanism controlling food reward and energy homeostasis
  3390. Short-Term, Combined Fasting and Exercise Improves Body Composition in Healthy Males
  3391. Increases in motor unit action potential amplitudes are related to muscle hypertrophy following eight weeks of high-intensity exercise training in females
  3392. Black edible films from protein-containing defatted cake of Nigella sativa seeds
  3393. Healthcare Shift Workers’ Temporal Habits for Eating, Sleeping, and Light Exposure: A Multi-Instrument Pilot Study
  3394. Transferrin receptor functionally marks thermogenic adipocytes
  3395. Rodent models of obesity
  3397. Practical guidance in genome-wide RNA: DNA triple helix prediction
  3398. Influence of the exposome on skin cancer
  3399. Tele-monitoring of cancer patients’ rhythms during daily life identifies actionable determinants of circadian and sleep disruption
  3400. Impact of nutrition on cardiovascular function
  3401. Core clock gene Bmal1 deprivation impairs steroidogenesis in mice luteinized follicle cells
  3402. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Affects Offspring’s Epigenome. Is There a Way to Reduce the Negative Consequences?
  3403. Pathophysiologic mechanisms of concussion, development of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and emerging diagnostics: a narrative review
  3404. Underlying susceptibility to eating disorders and drug abuse: Genetic and pharmacological aspects of dopamine D4 receptors
  3405. Role of Pharmacokinetics in Chronotherapeutics
  3406. Circadian and cardiovascular dysfunction in the Huntington’s disease mouse models
  3407. Prior exposure to long-day photoperiods alters immune responses and increases susceptibility to parasitic infection in stickleback
  3408. Five evidence-based lifestyle habits people with diabetes can use
  3409. Gearing up for the Future: Mitigating Dysregulated Inflammation in Aging and Facets of Obesity
  3410. Pancreatic Islets of Langerhans: Adapting Cell and Molecular Biology to Changes of Metabolism
  3411. Alcohol and liver clock disruption increase small droplet macrosteatosis, alter lipid metabolism and clock gene mRNA rhythms, and remodel the triglyceride …
  3412. Exposure to static magnetic and electric fields treats type 2 diabetes
  3413. Circadian Clock and Complement Immune System—Complementary Control of Physiology and Pathology?
  3414. A Single Bout of 36 Hours of Fasting in Humans Induces Potent Immunomodulatory Effects on Macrophage and Upregulates the Circulation of Multiple Metabolites …
  3415. Metalloproteinase PAPP-A regulation of IGF-1 contributes to polycystic kidney disease pathogenesis
  3416. Genetic variation regulates opioid-induced respiratory depression in mice
  3417. COVID-19: From Global Understanding to Personalized Action
  3418. Pycnogenol® Supplementation Attenuates Memory Deficits and Protects Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons via Antioxidative Role in a Gerbil Model of Transient …
  3419. The Nutrition Assessment of Metabolic and Nutritional Balance
  3420. Rheological Characteristics of Soluble Fibres during Chemically Simulated Digestion and Their Suitability for Gastroparesis Patients
  3421. Multi-organ transcriptomic profiling reveals differential regulation of the immune system among the brain-liver-fats organ network of short-term fasted mice
  3422. What Model of Nutrition Can Be Recommended to People Ending Their Professional Sports Career? An Analysis of the Mediterranean Diet and the CRON Diet …
  3423. Exploring the Prox1 SUMO-switch in hepatocytes
  3424. Misadjustment of diurnal expression of core temperature and locomotor activity in lactating rabbits associated with maternal over-nutrition before and during …
  3425. Reconciling periodic rhythms of large-scale biological networks by optimal control
  3426. Effects of Broccoli and Carrots on Fecal MicroRNA Expression in Infants: A Short-term feeding Study
  3427. Differential regulation of the immune system in a brain-liver-fats organ network during short-term fasting
  3428. Intermittent Fasting Cohort Study “InterFast”
  3429. Association of meal timing with dietary quality in a Serbian population sample
  3430. Circadian Secretion of Glucagon-like Peptide-1
  3431. The Basics of Nutrition: A Primary Rehabilitation Intervention
  3433. Waist circumference as a vital sign in clinical practice: a Consensus Statement from the IAS and ICCR Working Group on Visceral Obesity
  3434. The Therapeutic Ketogenic Diet: Harnessing Glucose, Insulin, and Ketone Metabolism
  3435. Fasting and Prayer: Can It Help in the Resolution of Modern Diseases of Culture?
  3436. Multi-omics analysis of the intermittent fasting response in mice identifies an unexpected role for HNF4α
  3437. Identification of a circulating amino acid signature in frail older persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Results from the Metabofrail study
  3438. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: An Occult Mediator of Metabolic
  3439. The effects of nutritional ketosis induced by Bigu-herbs regimen and ketogenic diet on diseases and aging
  3440. The fluctuations of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5) in the Amygdala in fear conditioning model of male Wistar rats following sleep deprivation …
  3441. Impact of meal frequency on anthropometric outcomes: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  3442. Recent advances in modulators of circadian rhythms: an update and perspective
  3443. Dysregulated lipid metabolism links NAFLD to cardiovascular disease
  3444. Thermoneutrality and immunity: how does cold stress affect disease?
  3445. The Pick’n Mix Diet: Choose from 10 Proven Diets to Reach Your Goal in 10 Weeks
  3446. Narici, M, De Vito, G, Franchi, M, Paoli, A, Moro, T, Marcolin, G, Grassi, B, Baldassarre, G, Zuccarelli, L, Biolo, G, di Girolamo, FG, Fiotti, N, Dela, F, Greenhaff, P …
  3447. Neuroinflammation and Precision Medicine in Pediatric Neurocritical Care: Multi-Modal Monitoring of Immunometabolic Dysfunction
  3448. Dietary patterns and interventions to alleviate chronic pain
  3449. Circadian clock and sirtuins in diabetic lung: a mechanistic perspective
  3450. Targeting mitochondrial fitness as a strategy for healthy vascular aging
  3451. Thirty years of translational research in Mobility Medicine: Collection of Abstracts of the 2020 Padua Muscle Days
  3452. Consequences of Obesity and Chemotherapy on the Gustatory System
  3453. Ramadan and diabetes: a narrative review and practice update
  3454. Boundless
  3455. Supplementing Dietary Nutrients
  3456. Intraindividual double burden of overweight or obesity and micronutrient deficiencies or anemia among women of reproductive age in 17 population-based surveys
  3457. Elucidating the Role of Light-induced Circadian Disruption on Atherosclerosis in Apolipoproteine-deficient Mice
  3458. Circadian Rhythms and Brain Metabolism Across the Lifespan
  3459. The Stem Cell Activation Diet: Your Complete Nutritional Guide to Fight Disease, Support Brain Health, and Slow the Effects of Aging
  3460. Data-driven insights from immunogenomics, metabolomics, and clinical mental health data
  3461. Association of Metabolic Improvements Following Sleeve Gastrectomy with Circadian Rhythm Alterations
  3462. Eating behaviors and strategies to promote weight loss and maintenance
  3463. Genetically Dissecting Basal Forebrain Circuits Underlying Eating Disorders
  3464. The Effects of Obesity and Exercise on Healthspan, Cancer Incidence, and Lifespan in a Mouse Model of Radiation-Induced Cancer
  3465. Genetically Dissecting Basal Forebrain Circuits Underlying Eating Disorders
  3466. Can blood-circulating factors unveil and delay your biological aging?
  3467. Training Needs Analysis: A VR training tool to improve weight‐related communication across healthcare settings
  3468. Understanding the crosstalk of molecular factors and signaling pathways reveals novel biomarkers of cisplatin resistance in testicular germ cell tumors
  3469. Association between anemia and household water source or sanitation in preschool children: the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of …
  3470. Circadian Medicine: The Role of the Circadian Clock Mechanism in Cardiovascular Health and Disease
  3471. Metabolic, traumatic, and miscellaneous diseases
  3472. Hallmarks of aging in kidney from mice submitted to genetic and nutritional intervention
  3473. Role of Protein Kinase CK2 in Aberrant Lipid Metabolism in Cancer
  3474. Innovations in Geroscience to enhance mobility in older adults
  3475. Old brains in a new world: A manuscript thesis
  3476. Regulatory mechanisms of fasting
  3477. Colon cancer-associated transcript-1 enhances glucose metabolism and colon cancer cell activity in a high-glucose environment in vitro and in vivo
  3478. Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks# While Burning Fat …
  3479. Intraindividual double burden of overweight and micronutrient deficiencies or anemia among preschool children
  3480. Novel Approaches to Improving Opioid Analgesic Therapy
  3481. APOE as a Metabolic Regulator in Humans, Mice, and Astrocytes
  3482. Dietary Energy Partition: The Central Role of Glucose
  3483. Dietary energy partition: the central role of glucose
  3484. A Multi-State Evaluation of the Knowledge of the Background and Dangers of Popular Fad Diets Among Cooperative Extension Agents in Family And Consumer …
  3485. XV Latin-American Symposium on Chronobiology
  3486. Infectious disease heritability is a poor predictor of response to selection in disease prevalence.
  3487. This volume is dedicated to the memory of MM BURGER
  3488. Gastrointestinal Function and Metabolic Responses to Fasted Exercise; Implications for Food, Energy Intake and Obesity
  3489. Investigation into the effect of almond consumption on ectopic fat, endothelial function and other cardiometabolic disease risk factors: an observational study …
  3490. Keto-Green 16: The Fat-Burning Power of Ketogenic Eating+ The Nourishing Strength of Alkaline Foods= Rapid Weight Loss and Hormone Balance
  3491. Maternal nutrient metabolism and requirements in pregnancy
  3492. Agriculture-1 Plants and Pest Management Chair: Joey Mehlhorn
  3493. Cancer metabolism: phenotype, signaling and therapeutic targets
  3494. The Role of the Circadian Clock in Hippocampal Aging and as a Therapeutic Target in Alzheimer’s Disease
  3495. College Students’ Perceptions of Popular Diets and Orthorexia Nervosa
  3496. Downstream Pathways of Glucagon Receptor Agonism in Obesity
  3497. Bile acid metabolism in health and disease: An update
  3498. Drosophila as a Model for Myosin-Induced Dilated Cardiomyopathy
  3499. Behavioral Chronopharmacology of Cannabinoids in Young and Aged Mice
  3500. The OMAD Diet: Intermittent Fasting with One Meal a Day to Burn Fat and Lose Weight
  3501. Does Relative Energy in Sport Undermine Bone Health?
  3502. Your Miracle After Miracle Life Celebrate Your Essence, Celebrate Your Eternity
  3503. The Investigation of the GIT2-RXFP3 Synergistic System and Its Potential Role in Aging and Age-related Disorders
  3504. Bio-engineering
  3505. Faith and Reason: Biopolitical Pastoralism and the Making of the Modern Paleolithic Subject
  3506. TIME –Restricted feeding and metabolic outcomes in a cohort of Italian adults
  3507. TIME Restricted feeding and mental health: A review of possible mechanisms on affective and cognitive disorders
  3508. Association between TIME Restricted feeding and cognitive status in older Italian adults
  3509. Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding in weight loss, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk in obese women
  3510. Early or delayed TIME –Restricted feeding prevents metabolic impact of obesity in mice
  3511. Effect of early TIME –Restricted feeding on the metabolic profile of adults with excess weight: A systematic review with meta-analysis
  3512. Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on anthropometric, metabolic, and fitness parameters: a systematic review
  3513. Eight-hour TIME –Restricted feeding improves endocrine and metabolic profiles in women with anovulatory polycystic ovary syndrome
  3514. Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on body weight, body composition and vital signs in low-income women with obesity: A 12-month randomized clinical trial
  3515. Early versus late TIME ‐Restricted feeding in adults at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes: Is there an optimal TIME to eat for metabolic health?
  3516. Changes in body weight and metabolic risk during TIME Restricted feeding in premenopausal versus postmenopausal women
  3517. TIME –Restricted feeding is associated with mental health in elderly Italian adults
  3518. NADH inhibition of SIRT1 links energy state to transcription during TIME –Restricted feeding
  3519. TIME –Restricted feeding normalizes hyperinsulinemia to inhibit breast cancer in obese postmenopausal mouse models
  3520. TIME –Restricted feeding protects the blood pressure circadian rhythm in diabetic mice
  3521. The Effects of a Macronutrient-Based Diet and TIME –Restricted feeding (16: 8) on Body Composition in Physically Active Individuals—A 14-Week Randomised …
  3522. A muscle-centric view of TIME –Restricted feeding for older adults
  3523. Identification of factors influencing motivation to undertake TIME –Restricted feeding in humans
  3524. Impact of TIME –Restricted feeding on adaptation to jet lag in mice
  3525. TIME –Restricted feeding and circadian autophagy for long life
  3526. TIME ‐Restricted feeding combined with aerobic exercise training can prevent weight gain and improve metabolic disorders in mice fed a high‐fat diet
  3527. TIME –Restricted feeding alters the efficiency of mammary tumor growth
  3528. Sex-and age-dependent outcomes of 9-hour TIME –Restricted feeding of a Western high-fat high-sucrose diet in C57BL/6J mice
  3529. TIME –Restricted feeding induces Lactobacillus-and Akkermansia-specific functional changes in the rat fecal microbiota
  3530. TIME Restricted feeding Reduces Inflammation and Cortisol Response to a Firegrounds Test in Professional Firefighters
  3531. TIME –Restricted feeding Restores Obesity-Induced Alteration in Adipose Tissue Immune Cell Phenotype
  3532. TIME ‐Restricted feeding prevents depressive‐like and anxiety‐like behaviors in male rats exposed to an experimental model of shift‐work
  3533. TIME –Restricted feeding mice a high-fat diet induces a unique lipidomic profile
  3534. Effects of feeding TIME on Markers of Muscle Metabolic Flexibility Following Acute Aerobic Exercise in Trained Mice Undergoing TIME Restricted feeding
  3535. TIME –Restricted feeding in Commercial Layer Chickens Improves Egg Quality in Old Age and Points to Lack of Adipostat Activity in Chickens
  3536. Beneficial Effects of Early TIME –Restricted feeding on Metabolic Diseases: Importance of Aligning Food Habits with the Circadian Clock
  3537. TIME –Restricted feeding attenuates gluconeogenic activity through inhibition of PGC-1α expression and activity
  3538. TIME –Restricted feeding restored insulin-growth hormone balance and improved substrate and energy metabolism in MC4RKO obese mice
  3539. TIME –Restricted feeding in Mice Prevents the Disruption of the Peripheral Circadian Clocks and Its Metabolic Impact during Chronic Jetlag
  3540. TIME –Restricted feeding during Puberty Ameliorates Adiposity and Prevents Hepatic Steatosis in a Mouse Model of Childhood Obesity
  3541. The rationale and design of a Mediterranean diet accompanied by TIME Restricted feeding to optimise the management of type 2 diabetes: The MedDietFast …
  3542. TIME Restricted feeding Regulates Molecular Mechanisms with Involvement of Circadian Rhythm to Prevent Metabolic Diseases
  3543. TIME –Restricted feeding improves blood glucose and insulin sensitivity in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial
  3544. TIME –Restricted feeding prevents metabolic diseases through the regulation of galanin/GALR1 expression in the hypothalamus of mice
  3545. TIME –Restricted feeding rescues high-fat-diet-induced hippocampal impairment
  3546. Impact of TIME Restricted feeding on Fitness Variables in Professional Resistance Trained Firefighters
  3547. Supplementation with Phaseolus vulgaris Leaves Improves Metabolic Alterations Induced by High-Fat/Fructose Diet in Rats Under TIME –Restricted feeding
  3548. TIME –Restricted feeding drives periods of rapid food consumption in rats fed a high-fat diet with liquid sucrose
  3549. Sequential diets and weight loss: Including a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet with and without TIME –Restricted feeding
  3550. TIME –Restricted feeding regulates circadian rhythm of murine uterine clock
  3551. TIME –Restricted Eating to Improve Cardiovascular Health
  3552. The effects of calorie restriction and TIME –Restricted feeding on igf1 serum level and lipid profile in male wister rats with previous obesity
  3553. The effect of 4-h versus 6-h TIME Restricted feeding on sleep quality, duration, insomnia severity and obstructive sleep apnea in adults with obesity
  3554. An Eight-Week TIME –Restricted feeding Study Reduces Body Weight in College Students: A Pilot Study
  3555. TIME –Restricted eating for the prevention and management of metabolic diseases
  3556. Differential effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on circadian locomotor activity, food intake and body weight gain in BALB/cJ and C57BL/6J mice
  3557. TIME –Restricted feeding near dawn entrains long-term behavioral changes through the suprachiasmatic nucleus
  3558. Clock-modulated checkpoints in TIME –Restricted eating
  3559. TIME –Restricted feeding promotes skeletal muscle function in diet-and genetic-induced obesity through shared and unique pathways
  3560. TIME –Restricted eating and circadian rhythms: The biological clock is ticking
  3561. An Investigation into the Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on Mood State in College Students: A Randomized 8-Week Trial
  3562. TIME –Restricted feeding prevents deleterious metabolic effects of circadian disruption through epigenetic control of β cell function
  3563. Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on supramaximal exercise performance and body composition: a randomized and counterbalanced crossover study in healthy …
  3564. Effect of TIME Restricted eating on body weight and fasting glucose in participants with obesity: results of a randomized, controlled, virtual clinical trial
  3565. Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on 24-h rhythm in phototactic behavior of zebrafish
  3566. Effect of 4-H TIME Restricted feeding on Body Weight, Leptin Concentration and Lipid Profile in Healthy Non-Obese Male Wistar Rats
  3567. TIME –Restricted Eating and Metabolic Syndrome: Current Status and Future Perspectives
  3568. TIME Restricted eating for the prevention of type 2 diabetes
  3569. Impact of TIME Restricted feeding on glucose metabolism and metabolic health
  3570. A smartphone intervention to promote TIME Restricted eating reduces body weight and blood pressure in adults with overweight and obesity: a pilot study
  3571. Abstract MP14: The Effect Of TIME –Restricted feeding On 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure: Results From The TIME –Restricted Intake Of Meals (TRIM) Study
  3572. The Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding versus a Normal Diet on Lean Body Mass in Active Individuals
  3573. Metabolome-microbiome responses of growing pigs induced by TIME –Restricted feeding
  3574. HYP-FAST trial study protocol: a phase II, single-center, open-label RCT comparing the effect of early TIME –Restricted feeding on blood pressure control versus …
  3575. Similar late effects of a 7-week orthodox religious fasting and a TIME Restricted eating pattern on anthropometric and metabolic profiles of overweight adults
  3576. TIME –Restricted Eating Improves Quality of Life Measures in Overweight Humans
  3577. TIME Restricted eating as a weight loss intervention in adults with obesity
  3578. Effects of orthodox religious fasting versus combined energy and TIME Restricted eating on body weight, lipid concentrations and glycaemic profile
  3579. Effect of TIME Restricted feeding on Anthropometric Measures, Body Composition, Eating Behavior, Stress, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and …
  3580. Effect of 4-h TIME Restricted feeding on body weight, leptin concentration and lipid profile in healthy non-obese male Wistar rats
  3581. The Window Matters: A Systematic Review of TIME Restricted Eating Strategies in Relation to Cortisol and Melatonin Secretion
  3582. Four Weeks of 16: 8 TIME –Restricted feeding on Stress, Sleep, Quality of Life, Hunger Level, and Body Composition in Healthy Adults: A Pilot Study on Wellness …
  3583. Abstract P203: TIME –Restricted feeding Attenuates Hypertension In Mice
  3584. Effect of TIME Restricted feeding on Metabolic Risk and Circadian Rhythm Associated With Gut Microbiome in Healthy Males
  3585. Perspective: TIME –Restricted Eating Compared with Caloric Restriction: Potential Facilitators and Barriers of Long-Term Weight Loss Maintenance
  3586. TIME Restricted feeding Modifies Day-Night Rhythms in Heart Rate and Cardiac Conduction
  3587. The Role of Inositol Phosphate Multikinase (IPMK) in TIME Restricted feeding in Animal Model
  3588. Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on Body Weight and Cardiometabolic Risks: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
  3589. The Effect of Early TIME –Restricted feeding on the Diet Quality, Self-Efficacy, and Sleep of College Students
  3590. 99-OR: Effects of Early TIME –Restricted feeding during Gestation on Offspring Glucose Homeostasis in Mice
  3591. Pilot Clinical Trial of TIME –Restricted Eating in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
  3592. Abstract MP50: TIME Restricted feeding Reduces Interleukin 17a Production Associated With Western Diets
  3593. Maintain host health with TIME –Restricted eating and phytochemicals: A review based on gut microbiome and circadian rhythm
  3594. TIME –Restricted Eating, Intermittent Fasting, and Fasting-Mimicking Diets in Weight Loss
  3595. Abstract P282: TIME Restricted feeding In Mice On A Chronic High Fat Diet Leads To Reduced Aortic Damage And Oxidative Stress
  3596. TIME –Restricted Eating: A Novel and Simple Dietary Intervention for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Breast Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease
  3597. TIME –Restricted feeding And Brisk Walking in Overweight and Obese Adults
  3598. Evaluating Relationships Among Sleeping and Eating Habits and Measures of Health in a Human TIME ‐Restricted feeding Study
  3599. Applicability of TIME –Restricted eating for the prevention of lifestyle-dependent diseases in a working population: results of a pilot study in a pre-post design
  3600. Missing puzzle pieces of TIME –Restricted -eating (TRE) as a long-term weight-loss strategy in overweight and obese people? A systematic review and meta-analysis of …
  3601. Early or Delayed Onset of Food Intake in TIME –Restricted Eating: Associations with Markers of Obesity in a Secondary Analysis of Two Pilot Studies
  3602. Continuous energy restriction (CER) plus 16/8 TIME –Restricted feeding improve body composition and metabolic parameters in overweight and obese, but no …
  3603. TIME –Restricted Eating for 12 Weeks Does Not Adversely Alter Bone Turnover in Overweight Adults
  3604. Protocol: Isolated and combined effects of high-intensity interval training and TIME –Restricted eating on glycaemic control in reproductive-aged women with …
  3605. Pilot Clinical Trial of TIME –Restricted Eating in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
  3606. Assessment of Eating Behaviors and Perceptions of TIME Restricted Eating During Pregnancy
  3607. Effects of TIME –Restricted Meals and Risk of Metabolic Diseases
  3608. TIME Restricted feeding Ameliorates Cardiac Dysfunction and Impaired Cardiac Metabolism Induced by Simulated Microgravity
  3609. Watching, keeping and squeezing TIME to lose weight: Implications of TIME –Restricted eating in daily life
  3610. Night‐Restricted feeding improves locomotor activity rhythm and modulates nutrient utilization to accelerate growth in rabbits
  3611. TIME –Restricted feeding and Aerobic Performance in Elite Runners: Ramadan Fasting as a Model
  3612. TIME ‐Restricted eating and concurrent exercise training reduces fat mass and increases lean mass in overweight and obese adults
  3613. The Effect of Four Weeks Dietary Intervention with 8-Hour TIME –Restricted Eating on Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Young Adults
  3614. Implementation of Christian Orthodox fasting improves plasma adiponectin concentrations compared with TIME –Restricted eating in overweight premenopausal women
  3615. Restricted feeding Resets Endogenous Circadian Rhythm in Female Mice Under Constant Darkness
  3616. Intermittent fasting: promising premises or broken promises?
  3617. Effects of Christian Orthodox fasting versus TIME –Restricted eating on plasma irisin concentrations among overweight metabolically healthy individuals
  3618. Restricted feeding modulates peripheral clocks and nutrient sensing pathways in rats
  3619. TIME –Restricted Eating, Weight Loss, and Metabolism
  3620. The Effects of TIME –Restricted Eating versus Standard Dietary Advice on Weight, Metabolic Health and the Consumption of Processed Food: A Pragmatic …
  3621. Can intermittent, TIME ‐Restricted circadian fasting modulate cutaneous severity of dermatological disorders? Insights from a multicenter, observational, prospective …
  3622. The Potential Benefits of TIME –Restricted Eating and the Health Implications for the Inland Empire
  3623. Food as Medicine: Prevention Is Better, but Could It Cure?
  3624. Four Weeks of 16/8 TIME Restrictive feeding in Endurance Trained Male Runners Decreases Fat Mass, without Affecting Exercise Performance
  3625. The effects of TIME –Restricted eating vs. standard dietary advice on weight, metabolic health and the consumption of processed food: A pragmatic randomised …
  3626. Isolated and combined effects of high-intensity interval training and TIME –Restricted eating on glycaemic control in reproductive-aged women with overweight or …
  3627. TIME Restricted Eating: A Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Metabolic Disturbances
  3628. TIME d Restricted feeding in adult rats using standard chow or Western diet causes different response to food behavior
  3629. Diabetes and Insulin Resistance Show Association With Femoral Instead of Abdominal Adipocyte Size in Asian Indians
  3630. Intermittent fasting in science and practice; what are the effects on weight and cardiometabolic health?
  3631. Once-daily feeding is associated with better cognitive function and health in companion dogs: Results from the Dog Aging Project
  3632. TIME Restricted Eating: A Look into the Lifestyle
  3633. DayTIME Restricted feeding Modifies the Temporal Expression of CYP1A1 and Attenuated Damage Induced by Benzo [a] pyrene in Rat Liver When Administered …
  3635. La alimentación con restricción de tiempo en la fase oscura del ciclo circadiano y/o la dieta occidentalizada causan hiperlipidemia mixta en las ratas
  3636. Energetics of Rhythmic feeding
  3637. TIME Restricted Eating for the Reversal of Metabolic Syndrome
  3638. Reducing NAD (H) to amplify rhythms
  3639. Effect of Restricted feeding on Metabolic Health and Sleep-Wake Rhythms in Aging Mice
  3640. Protocol for a randomised controlled trial on the feasibility and effects of 10-hour TIME –Restricted eating on cardiometabolic disease risk among career …
  3641. TIME -optimized feeding is beneficial without enforced fasting
  3642. Intermittent fasting: from calories to TIME restriction
  3643. Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 as a Potential Biomarker for Improved Locomotion and Olfaction Detection Ability after Weight Reduction in Obese Mice
  3644. Chrono‐nutrition: From molecular and neuronal mechanisms to human epidemiology and TIME d feeding patterns
  3645. The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Quality of Life and Happiness: A Randomized Control Trial
  3646. Sleep promoting neurons remodel their response properties to calibrate sleep drive with environmental demands
  3647. Reply: Food as Medicine: Prevention Is Better, but Could It Cure?
  3648. Role of nutritional intervention on metabolic health and autophagy
  3649. Flozins, Fasting, and the Fruition of Heart Failure Prevention
  3650. Effect of Various Types of Intermittent Fasting (IF) on Weight Loss and Improvement of Diabetic Parameters in Human
  3651. Intermittent fasting for obesity and related disorders: unveiling myths, facts, and presumptions
  3652. Carbohydrate intake and circadian synchronicity in the regulation of glucose homeostasis
  3653. Intermittent fasting in paediatric critical illness
  3654. Diurnal rhythms and obesity
  3655. Effects of early vs. late TIME –Restricted eating on cardiometabolic health, inflammation and sleep in overweight and obese women: a study protocol for the …
  3656. Prolonged nightly fasting and lower-extremity functioning in community-dwelling older adults
  3657. Hexosamine biosynthetic pathway and O-GlcNAc-processing enzymes regulate daily rhythms in protein O-GlcNAcylation
  3658. Chrono-nutrition has potential in preventing age-related muscle loss and dysfunction
  3659. Circadian autophagy drives iTRF-mediated longevity
  3660. Food hardness influences the progression of age-related hearing loss in mice
  3661. Timing of food intake in mice unmasks a role for the cardiomyocyte circadian clock mechanism in limiting QT-interval prolongation
  3662. The effects of intermittent fasting regimens in middle-age and older adults: Current state of evidence
  3663. Intermittent fasting: is there a role in the treatment of diabetes? A review of the literature and guide for primary care physicians
  3664. An Intermittent Fasting Mimicking Nutrition Bar Extends Physiologic Ketosis in TIME Restricted Eating: A Randomized, Controlled, Parallel-Arm Study
  3665. Eat, Train, Sleep—Retreat? Hormonal Interactions of Intermittent Fasting, Exercise and Circadian Rhythm
  3666. Intermittent fasting: a health panacea or just calorie restriction?
  3667. Ayuno Intermitente, Suplementación Nutricional y Entrenamiento de Resistencia como Estrategia para la Pérdida de Peso Corporal: Una Actualización
  3668. Rhabdomyolysis: An Unfortunate Complication of Intermittent Fasting
  3669. Circadian Rhythm, Energy Metabolism, and the Gut Microbiome: a Review
  3670. Effectiveness of intermittent fasting to potentiate weight loss or muscle gains in humans younger than 60 years old: a systematic review
  3672. Antiaging diets: Separating fact from fiction
  3673. Circadian Rhythm Disruption Influenced Hepatic Lipid Metabolism, Gut Microbiota and Promoted Cholesterol Gallstone Formation in Mice
  3674. fasting off “the coviD-19”
  3675. Protocol for setup and circadian analysis of inverted feeding in mice
  3676. Engineered diets to improve cancer outcomes
  3677. Fasting and Caloric Restriction for Healthy Aging and Longevity
  3678. Gastrointestinal Vagal Afferents and Food Intake: Relevance of Circadian Rhythms
  3679. The metabolic impact and beneficial effects of different energy restriction protocols in rats: an alternative health plan
  3680. The Effect of Circadian Intervention on Sleep and EEG in Model of Huntington’s Disease
  3681. New Horizons: Circadian control of metabolism offers novel insight into the cause and treatment of metabolic diseases
  3682. The association between overnight fasting and body mass index in older adults: The interaction between duration and timing
  3683. Metabolic pathways and therapeutics to promote resilience, rehabilitation and delayed aging
  3684. Intermittent Fasting
  3685. Machine Learning-based Meal Detection Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Healthy Participants: An Objective Measure of Participant Compliance to Protocol
  3686. Intermittent Fasting Decreases Oxidative Stress Parameters and Increases Total Antioxidant Capacity
  3687. Short Term Intermittent Fasting: Another Path to Weight Loss
  3688. Toward a better understanding of intermittent fasting effects: Ramadan fasting as a model
  3689. Leptin receptor neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamus regulate diurnal patterns of feeding , locomotion, and metabolism
  3690. Evidence that overnight fasting could extend healthy lifespan
  3691. Intermittent Energy Restriction, Weight Loss and Cardiometabolic Risk: A Critical Appraisal of Evidence in Humans
  3692. Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Cognitive Acuity in University Students
  3693. Metabolomic Changes are Predictive of Aging in Laying Hens
  3694. TIME to eat reveals the hierarchy of peripheral clocks
  3695. The Effect of Fasting Sunnah Mondays and Thursdays on Body Composition, Blood Pressure, and Blood Glucose Levels
  3696. Sex Disparities in Thermoregulatory and Metabolic Responses to Mild Cold Exposure Largely Explained by Differences in Body Mass and Body Surface Area
  3697. Interaction between dietary cellulose content and food intake in cats
  3698. A multi-tissue multi-omics analysis reveals distinct kineztics in entrainment of diurnal transcriptomes by inverted feeding
  3699. Effects of irregular feeding on the daily fluctuations in mRNA expression of the neurosecretory protein GL and neurosecretory protein GM genes in the mouse …
  3700. Effect of Intermittent Fasting Strategies on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
  3701. Intermittent Fasting and Sleep: A Review of Human Trials
  3702. Intermittent fasting-a potential approach to modulate the gut microbiota in humans? A systematic review
  3703. Gastrointestinal Vagal Afferents and Food Intake: Relevance of Circadian Rhythms. Nutrients 2021, 13, 844
  3704. Neonatal overfeeding during lactation rapidly and permanently misaligns the hepatic circadian rhythm and programmes adult NAFLD
  3705. The role of the molecular circadian clock in human energy homeostasis
  3706. Effects of Colchicine on Measures of Lipolysis in Adults With Obesity
  3707. Intermittent fasting for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
  3708. Beyond calorie restriction: aging as a biological target for nutrient therapies
  3709. Eating Dinner Early Improves 24-h Blood Glucose Levels and Boosts Lipid Metabolism after Breakfast the Next Day: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial
  3710. Secretin Receptor-Deficient Mice Exhibit Robust Food Anticipatory Activity
  3711. Applied Nutritional Investigations
  3712. Recent Evidence on the Impact of Ramadan Diurnal Intermittent Fasting, MealTIME , and Circadian Rhythm on Cardiometabolic Risk: A
  3713. Diet and Circadian Rhythms: Implications for Aging and Longevity
  3714. Is Intermittent Fasting for You?
  3715. Intermittent Fasting: Fast or Fad: The Science behind today’s fasting Regimens
  3716. Why We Eat Too Much, Have an Easier TIME Gaining Than Losing Weight, and Expend Too Little Energy: Suggestions for Counteracting or Mitigating These …
  3717. Effects and Risks of Intermittent Fasting on Weight Reduction
  3718. The effect of ketogenic diets on neurogenesis and apoptosis in the dentate gyrus of the male rat hippocampus
  3719. Diabetes Mellitus and Glucose Metabolism
  3720. Nutritional Psychiatry: How Diet Affects Brain through Gut Microbiota
  3721. Likelihood-based tests for detecting circadian rhythmicity and differential circadian patterns in transcriptomic applications
  3722. Intermittent Fasting: The Solution to Overeating and Food Conservation
  3723. Meal Intervals And Weight Trajectories In Adults Using The Daily24 Mobile Application: A Prospective Cohort Study
  3724. Differential weight loss with intermittent fasting or daily calorie restriction in low‐and high‐fitness phenotypes
  3725. Daily Timing of Meals and Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery: a Systematic Review
  3726. Late Eating and Blood Pressure Control and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Among Hypertensive Adults: Results from the Korea National Health and Nutrition …
  3727. Selecting Intermittent Fasting Type to Improve Health in Type 2 Diabetes: A Machine Learning Approach
  3728. Effects of intermittent fasting combined with resistance training on body composition: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
  3729. Promoting Environmental Health, Sleep, and Nutrition Through Chronobiological Approaches
  3730. The effects of exercise and intermittent fasting on health: a systematic review
  3731. The importance of keeping TIME in the liver
  3732. Intermittent fasting in the prevention and treatment of cancer
  3733. Recent advances and health implications of dietary fasting regimens on the gut microbiome
  3734. Intermittent Fasting: Clinical Considerations
  3735. Eating Timing: Associations with Dietary Intake and Metabolic Health
  3736. Intermittent Fasting Alleviates Cognitive Impairments and Hippocampal Neuronal Loss but Enhances Astrocytosis in Mice with Subcortical Vascular Dementia
  3737. Circadian timing of eating and BMI among adults in the American TIME Use Survey
  3738. Gut microbiota modulation as a possible mediating mechanism for fasting-induced alleviation of metabolic complications: a systematic review
  3739. Intermittent Versus Continuous Energy Restriction for Weight Loss and Metabolic Improvement: A Meta‐Analysis and Systematic Review
  3740. Effect of intermittent fasting on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: systematic review and meta-analysis
  3741. Prolonged, controlled dayTIME versus delayed eating impacts weight and metabolism
  3742. Fasting and its outcome on human health: A Review
  3743. Molecular mechanisms of dietary restriction promoting health and longevity
  3744. Intermittent Fasting and the Possible Benefits in Obesity, Diabetes, and Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials
  3745. Brain–Gut–Microbiome Interactions and Intermittent Fasting in Obesity
  3746. Intermittent fasting in paediatric critical illness: The properties and potential beneficial effects of an overnight fast in the PICU
  3747. Intermittent Fasting for Treatment of Metabolic Disorders
  3748. Fasting for Cardiovascular Health
  3749. Everything I Wanted
  3750. Mice held at an environmental photic cycle oscillating at their tau-like period length do not show the high-fat diet-induced obesity that develops under the 24-hour …
  3751. Effects of Intermittent Fasting on the Circulating Levels and Circadian Rhythms of Hormones
  3752. Probiotics and High Fiber-Rich Diets Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties and Decline Chronic Kidney Disease Progression
  3753. Molecular mechanisms of circadian rhythm and its influence on the pharmacokinetics of drugs
  3754. Systematic analysis of differential rhythmic liver gene expression mediated by the circadian clock and feeding rhythms
  3755. Long-term moderate caloric restriction and social isolation synergize to induce anorexia-like behavior in rats
  3756. Weekly One-Day Water-Only Fasting Interventional Trial for Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Reduction (WONDERFUL)
  3757. Accuracy of Intermittent Fasting Guidance in Blogs Used by Personal Trainers from a Gym in South Africa
  3758. Metabolic impact of intermittent fasting in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventional studies
  3759. Dietary Intervention Impacts Immune Cell Functions and Dynamics by Inducing Metabolic Rewiring
  3760. Later meal and sleep timing predicts higher percent body fat
  3761. The Influence of Intermittent Fasting Regimens on the Regulatory Mechanisms of Metabolic Health
  3762. Association between Irregular Meal Timing and the Mental Health of Japanese Workers
  3763. Dietary Interventions in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
  3764. Anti‐aging effects of intermittent fasting: a potential alternative to calorie restriction?
  3765. Circadian mechanisms in medicine
  3766. Can intermittent fasting be helpful for knee osteoarthritis?
  3767. Interconnections between circadian clocks and metabolism
  3768. A Muscle-Centric Perspective on Intermittent Fasting: A Suboptimal Dietary Strategy for Supporting Muscle Protein Remodeling and Muscle Mass?
  3769. COVID-19 and obesity: Fighting two pandemics with intermittent fasting
  3770. Cardiometabolic Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
  3771. The Influence of Intermittent Fasting Regimens on the Regulatory Mechanisms of Metabolic Health
  3772. Dietary restriction and/or exercise training impairs spermatogenesis in normal rats
  3773. TIME -Limited Eating and Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Adolescents with Obesity: A Pilot Study
  3774. Spatial analysis of gut microbiome reveals a distinct ecological niche associated with the mucus layer
  3775. Impact of a Single 36 Hours Prolonged Fasting Period in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes–A Cross-Over Controlled Trial
  3776. Diurnal variations of brown fat thermogenesis and fat oxidation in humans
  3777. Much ado about eating: Intermittent fasting and post-stroke neuroprotection
  3778. The importance of 24-h metabolism in obesity-related metabolic disorders: opportunities for TIME d interventions
  3779. Eating architecture in adults at increased risk of type 2 diabetes: associations with body fat and glycaemic control
  3780. feeding -induced resistance to acute lethal sepsis is dependent on hepatic BMAL1 and FXR signalling
  3781. High-fat feeding disrupts daily eating behavior rhythms in obesity-prone but not in obesity-resistant male inbred mouse strains
  3782. Deficiency of intestinal Bmal1 prevents obesity induced by high-fat feeding
  3783. How do you solve a problem like misinformation?
  3784. Dietary compounds regulating the mammal peripheral circadian rhythms and modulating metabolic outcomes
  3785. The ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate mitigates the senescence response of glomerular podocytes to diabetic insults
  3786. A randomized controlled trial to isolate the effects of fasting and energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic health in lean adults
  3787. On Energy Balance and Weight Control—Is a Calorie a Calorie?
  3788. Modulatory Effect of Intermittent Fasting on Adipose Tissue Inflammation: Amelioration of Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Early Metabolic Impairment
  3789. Transcriptomic analysis reveals niche gene expression effects of beta-hydroxybutyrate in primary myotubes
  3790. Effects of Ramadan and Non-ramadan Intermittent Fasting on Body Composition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  3791. Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training and Intermittent Fasting on Body Composition and Physical Performance in Active Women
  3792. Circadian clocks in the digestive system
  3793. Maternal intermittent fasting during pregnancy: a translational research challenge for an important clinical scenario
  3794. Circadian regulation of cardiac muscle function and protein degradation
  3795. Research gaps in Ramadan fasting studies in health and disease
  3796. Synchronization between peripheral circadian clock and feeding -fasting cycles in microfluidic device sustains oscillatory pattern of transcriptome
  3797. Intermittent Fasting
  3798. Association of circadian rhythm and related genes with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  3799. Associations between Fasting Duration, Timing of First and Last Meal, and Cardiometabolic Endpoints in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
  3800. Ramadan Fasting Improves Body Composition without Exacerbating Depression in Males with Diagnosed Major Depressive Disorders
  3801. The ups and downs of caloric restriction and fasting: from molecular effects to clinical application
  3802. Current Evidence and Directions for Intermittent Fasting During Cancer Chemotherapy
  3803. Importance of circadian timing for aging and longevity
  3804. Beneficial effects of a decreased meal frequency on nutrient utilization, secretion of luteinizing hormones and ovarian follicular development in gilts
  3805. Brain–Gut–Microbiome Interactions and Intermittent Fasting in Obesity. Nutrients 2021, 13, 584
  3806. Sleep, circadian rhythms, and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  3807. Migraine and Fasting
  3808. Study on the Effect of Intermittent Fasting on Body Mass Index, Physical Activity and Sleep in Adults.
  3809. Intermittent fasting & performance: The iFast clinical trial protocol
  3810. Current treatment paradigms and emerging therapies for NAFLD/NASH
  3811. Fasting drives the metabolic, molecular and geroprotective effects of a calorie-Restricted diet in mice
  3812. Effect of Epidemic Intermittent Fasting on Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
  3813. Imperial Satiety Protocol: A new non‐surgical weight‐loss programme, delivered in a health care setting, produces improved clinical outcomes for people with obesity
  3814. Exercise with Energy Restriction as a Means of Losing Body Mass while Preserving Muscle Quality and Ameliorating Co-morbidities: Towards a Therapy for …
  3815. Delayed meal timing, a breakfast skipping model, increased hepatic lipid accumulation and adipose tissue weight by disintegrating circadian oscillation in rats …
  3816. Effect of epidemic intermittent fasting on cardiometabolic risk factors: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  3817. Gut microbiota as a transducer of dietary cues to regulate host circadian rhythms and metabolism
  3818. Preferential Metabolic Improvement by Intermittent Fasting in People with Elevated Baseline Red Cell Distribution Width: A Secondary Analysis of the WONDERFUL …
  3819. Optimizing Diet in Patients with Diabetes
  3820. Light intensity alters the effects of light-induced circadian disruption on glucose and lipid metabolism in mice
  3821. Regulation of diurnal energy balance by mitokines
  3822. Clinical Indications for Use of Intermittent Fasting in the Management of Individuals at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  3823. Dietary strategies may influence human nerves and emotions by regulating intestinal microbiota: an interesting hypothesis
  3824. The hepatic monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) contributes to the regulation of food anticipation in mice
  3825. Meal Timing and Glycemic Control during Pregnancy—Is There a Link?
  3826. Two‐meal caloric restriction induces 12‐hour rhythms and improves glucose homeostasis
  3827. feeding frequency affects the growth performance, nutrient digestion and absorption of growing pigs with the same daily feed intake
  3828. The Impact of High-Fat Diet and Restrictive feeding on Natural Killer Cells in Obese-Resistant BALB/c Mice
  3829. Novel Nutritional and Dietary Approaches to Weight Loss for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: Ketogenic Diet, Intermittent Fasting, and Bariatric Surgery
  3830. Transcriptomic Effects of Healthspan-Promoting Dietary Interventions: Current Evidence and Future Directions
  3831. South Asian Journal of Humanities, and Social Sciences (SAJHSS)
  3832. Disruption of the circadian rhythms and its relationship with pediatric obesity
  3833. Relationship between circadian rhythm and severity of psoriasis and obesity
  3834. A role for exercise to counter skeletal muscle clock disruption
  3835. Intermittent fasting contributes to aligned circadian rhythms through interactions with the gut microbiome
  3836. Circadian Rhythm, Clock Genes, and Hypertension: Recent Advances in Hypertension
  3837. Metabolic consequences of obesity and type 2 diabetes: Balancing genes and environment for personalized care
  3838. Dietary intake regulates white adipose tissues angiogenesis via liver fibroblast growth factor 21 in male mice
  3840. Dysregulation of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Testicular Axis due to Energy Deficit
  3841. Zeitgebers of skeletal muscle and implications for metabolic health
  3842. How Does Fasting Affect Cognition? An Updated Systematic Review (2013–2020)
  3843. Comparison of sequential feeding and continuous feeding on the blood glucose of critically ill patients: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial
  3844. Alternative diets among adolescents: facts or fads?
  3845. Liver-specific dysregulation of clock-controlled output signal impairs energy metabolism in liver and muscle
  3846. Metalized polyamide heterostructure as a moisture-responsive actuator for multimodal adaptive personal heat management
  3847. Dietary restrictions modulate the gut microbiota: Implications for health and disease
  3848. Intermittent and periodic fasting, longevity and disease
  3849. Potential role of intermittent fasting on decreasing cardiovascular disease in human immunodeficiency virus patients receiving antiretroviral therapy
  3850. Chronobiological traits predict the restrained, uncontrolled, and emotional eating behaviors of female university students
  3851. Dual-vector gene therapy restores cochlear amplification and auditory sensitivity in a mouse model of DFNB16 hearing loss
  3852. Enhanced weight and fat loss from long-term intermittent fasting in obesity-prone, low-fitness rats
  3853. The association of energy and macronutrient intake at dinner vs breakfast with the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a cohort study: The China Health and …
  3855. Glucagon regulates the stability of REV-ERBα to modulate hepatic glucose production in a model of lung cancer–associated cachexia
  3856. Effects of Ramadan Fasting on Gastrointestinal System.
  3857. Physiological responses to acute fasting: implications for intermittent fasting programs
  3858. A randomized controlled trial to isolate the effects of fasting and energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic health in lean adults
  3859. Is there any role of intermittent fasting in the prevention and improving clinical outcomes of COVID-19?: intersection between inflammation, mTOR pathway …
  3860. Optimal Diet Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance
  3861. Obesity and insulin resistance: Pathophysiology and treatment
  3862. Meal timing, Sleep and Cardiometabolic Outcomes
  3863. Caloric Restriction May Help Delay the Onset of Frailty and Support Frailty Management
  3864. Delay first active-phase meal, breakfast-skipping model, increases the risk of metabolic disorders in females rats
  3865. Circadian control of brown adipose tissue
  3866. PE083: Lobeglitazone stimulates production of specific resolvins, which inhibit hepatic fat accumulation and NLRP3 inflammasome activation
  3867. Greater adherence to the dietary approaches to stop hypertension dietary pattern is associated with preserved muscle strength in patients with autosomal dominant …
  3868. Achieving consensus in multilateral international negotiations: The case study of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change
  3869. Multi-TIME scale Rhythmicity of Blood Glucose and Insulin Delivery Reveals Key Advantages of Hybrid Closed Loop Therapy
  3870. Skin-like low-noise elastomeric organic photodiodes
  3871. Inhibition of Antiestrogen-Promoted Pro-Survival Autophagy and Tamoxifen Resistance in Breast Cancer through Vitamin D Receptor
  3872. Clinical Implications for Women of a Low-Carbohydrate or Ketogenic Diet With Intermittent Fasting
  3873. Tuning up an aged clock: Circadian clock regulation in metabolism and aging
  3874. Circadian disruption and human health
  3875. Eat, sleep, repeat–endocrine regulation of behavioural circadian rhythms
  3877. The utility of animal models for studying the metabo-psychiatric origins of anorexia nervosa
  3878. Autophagy and aging: diet, exercise, and the link with the target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC)
  3879. Fasting: How to Guide
  3880. Impact of religious fasting on metabolic and hematological profile in both dyslipidemic and non-dyslipidemic fasters
  3881. TIME of eating and cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and obesity
  3882. 6. Beneficial effects of intermittent fasting on lipid profile and histotexture of heart in swiss albino mice
  3883. Late-evening food intake is highly prevalent among individuals with type 2 diabetes
  3884. Circadian Rhythms, The Gut Microbiome, and Metabolic Disorders
  3885. Circadian Misalignment and Metabolic Disorders: A Story of Twisted Clocks
  3886. Nutritional basis of type 2 diabetes remission
  3887. Effects of the SGLT2 Inhibitor Dapagliflozin on Energy Metabolism in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized, Double-Blind Crossover Trial
  3888. Eccentricity-paced monsoon variability on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau in the Late Oligocene high CO2 world
  3889. Visible and infrared dual-band imaging via Ge/MoS2 van der Waals heterostructure
  3890. Physiological Responses of Post-Dietary Effects: Lessons from Pre-Clinical and Clinical Studies
  3891. Dietary approaches for management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A clinician’s guide
  3892. The Association of NightTIME Fasting Duration and Prostate Cancer Risk: Results from the Multicase-Control (MCC) Study in Spain
  3893. Intermittent Fasting and Gut Microbiota
  3894. Appealing to the Gut Feeling: How Intermittent Fasters Choose Information Tab Interfaces for Information Acquisition
  3895. Chronobiology and Chronotherapy of Osteoporosis
  3896. Best practices in the management of overweight and obesity
  3897. Team Science: American Heart Association’s Hypertension Strategically Focused Research Network Experience
  3898. Impact of Intermittent Fasting Regimens on Circulating Markers of Oxidative Stress in Overweight and Obese Humans: A Systematic Review of Randomized …
  3899. Evidence gaps and potential roles of intermittent fasting in the prevention of chronic diseases
  3900. Ultrasound modulation of macaque prefrontal cortex selectively alters credit assignment–related activity and behavior
  3901. Effect of Dietary Methionine Deficiency Followed by a Re-feeding Phase on the Hepatic Antioxidant Activities of Lambs
  3902. Association of Rotating Night Shift Work with Body Fat Percentage and Fat Mass Index among Female Steelworkers in North China
  3903. Timing of food intake drives the circadian rhythm of blood pressure
  3904. The effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on liver function in healthy adults: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression
  3905. The gendered nature of authorship
  3906. Fasting Interventions for Stress, Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  3907. The Role of Life Style Modifications in Comprehensive Non‐Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Treatment
  3908. Ramadan Fasting Dietary Patterns and Gastrointestinal Discomforts
  3909. Chromatin architecture at susceptible gene loci in cerebellar Purkinje cells characterizes DNA damage–induced neurodegeneration
  3910. Loss of Sirt6 in adipocytes impairs the ability of adipose tissue to adapt to intermittent fasting
  3911. The future of healthy aging: translation of geroscience discoveries to public health practice
  3912. Ramadan Fasting and Patients with Renal Disorders: A
  3913. Circadian rhythms in the tissue-specificity from metabolism to immunity: insights from omics studies
  3914. Hepatic transcriptional responses to fasting and feeding
  3915. The liver-clock coordinates rhythmicity of peripheral tissues in response to feeding
  3916. Ramadan Fasting and Patients with Renal Problems: A Literature Review
  3917. Diet composition influences the metabolic benefits of short cycles of very low caloric intake
  3918. Calorie Restriction as a New Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases
  3919. The Food-entrainable Oscillator Is a Complex of Non-SCN Activity Bout Oscillators Uncoupled From the SCN Circadian Pacemaker
  3920. Development of a Mobile App for Ecological Momentary Assessment of Circadian Data: Design Considerations and Usability Testing
  3921. Fasting and fasting-mimicking diets for chemotherapy augmentation
  3922. The effect of accelerated rehabilitation nursing on postoperative recovery, nutritional status, and psychological status in patients with gastric cancer
  3923. Circadian variations of vasoconstriction and blood pressure in physiology and diabetes
  3924. feeding Rhythm-Induced Hypothalamic Agouti-Related Protein Elevation via Glucocorticoids Leads to Insulin Resistance in Skeletal Muscle
  3925. Role of High Energy Breakfast “Big Breakfast Diet” in Clock Gene Regulation of Postprandial Hyperglycemia and Weight Loss in Type 2 Diabetes
  3926. Approach to Obesity in the Elderly
  3927. Does intermittent fasting associated with aerobic training influence parameters related to the gut-brain axis of Wistar rats?
  3928. Gut microbiota in obesity
  3929. Mammalian circadian systems: organization and modern life challenges
  3930. Alternate Day Fasting Combined with a Low Carbohydrate Diet: Effect on Sleep Quality, Duration, Insomnia Severity and Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults …
  3931. Impact of intermittent energy restriction on anthropometric outcomes and intermediate disease markers in patients with overweight and obesity: systematic review and …
  3932. Chronotype and cardio metabolic health in obesity: does nutrition matter?
  3933. Impact of Dietary Restriction Regimens on Mitochondria, Heart, and Endothelial Function: A Brief Overview
  3934. Eating duration throughout a rotating shift schedule: a case study
  3935. Lipid molecular TIME line profiling reveals diurnal crosstalk between the liver and circulation
  3936. Recent advances in the field of caloric restriction mimetics and anti-aging molecules
  3937. Importance of health education for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in obese individuals: an integrative review
  3938. Chronobiology and Metabolism: Is Ketogenic Diet Able to Influence Circadian Rhythm?
  3939. Use of continuous glucose monitoring in obesity research: A scoping review
  3940. Nutritional interventions for spinal cord injury: preclinical efficacy and molecular mechanisms
  3941. Recognizing Eating Activities in Free-living Environment using Consumer Wearable Devices
  3942. Is there an ‘ideal’diet for patients with NAFLD?
  3943. Clock at the Core of Cancer Development
  3944. Circadian rhythms in cardiac metabolic flexibility
  3945. 4′-demethylnobiletin-rich fermented Citrus reticulata (ponkan) attenuated the disturbance in clock gene expression and locomotor activity rhythms caused by high-fat …
  3946. Nutritional Intake by Meal TIME Zone in Geriatric Patients Is Related to Nutritional Assessment Index
  3947. Korean Red Ginseng Ameliorates Fatigue via Modulation of 5-HT and Corticosterone in a Sleep-Deprived Mouse Model
  3948. Skeletal muscle NOX4 is required for adaptive responses that prevent insulin resistance
  3949. Observational study of lipid profile and c-reactive protein after a seven-day fast
  3950. Secondary Logo Journal Logo
  3951. Pelagic diatoms communicate through synchronized beacon natural fluorescence signaling
  3952. Only TIME will tell: the interplay between circadian clock and metabolism
  3953. The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Brain and Cognitive Function
  3954. The influence of fasting and caloric restriction on inflammation levels in humans: A protocol for systematic review and meta analysis
  3955. Clock at the Core of Cancer Development. Biology 2021, 10, 150
  3956. Heterogeneous returns to college over the life course
  3957. The effect of caloric restriction and fasting on cancer
  3958. CLN7 is an organellar chloride channel regulating lysosomal function
  3959. Treatment with the BCL-2/BCL-xL inhibitor senolytic drug ABT263/Navitoclax improves functional hyperemia in aged mice
  3960. Non‐pharmacological management of hypertension
  3961. Circadian Rhythms within the Female HPG Axis: From Physiology to Etiology
  3962. Trends in Nutrition: An Overview of Popular Diets and Supplements for Athletes
  3963. Comparison of physiological and clinical markers for chronic sprint-interval training exercise performed either in the fasted or fed states among healthy adults
  3964. Effects of dietary restriction on neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases
  3965. Weight Loss: Diet Options
  3966. The Function of Gastrointestinal Hormones in Obesity—Implications for the Regulation of Energy Intake
  3967. Cardio-Oncology: Understanding the Intersections Between Cardiac Metabolism and Cancer Biology
  3968. TGFBR3L is an inhibin B co-receptor that regulates female fertility
  3969. A randomized controlled trial to isolate the effects of fasting and energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic health in lean adults
  3970. Circadian Rhythms, Disease and Chronotherapy
  3971. Diet-Induced Obesity Impairs Outcomes and Induces Multi-Factorial Deficiencies in Effector T Cell Responses Following Anti-CTLA-4 Combinatorial Immunotherapy in …
  3972. Nitecap: An Exploratory Circadian Analysis Web Application
  3973. Late-life intermittent fasting decreases aging-related frailty and increases renal hydrogen sulfide production in a sexually dimorphic manner
  3974. Morphological and functional diversity of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells
  3975. Basic Biology of Rhythms and the Microbiome
  3976. Beyond the Paradigm of Weight Loss in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: From Pathophysiology to Novel Dietary Approaches
  3977. Effects of intermittent (5: 2) or continuous energy restriction on basal and postprandial metabolism: a randomised study in normal-weight, young participants
  3978. The impact of circadian timing on energy balance: an extension of the energy balance model
  3979. Intermittent Fasting Inhibits High-Fat Diet–Induced Atherosclerosis by Ameliorating Hypercholesterolemia and Reducing Monocyte Chemoattraction
  3980. Secondary Logo Journal Logo
  3981. Updates on mitochondria, calorie restriction, and aging
  3982. Current concepts, opportunities, and challenges of gut microbiome-based personalized medicine in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  3983. Video surveillance methods to evaluate individual feeding response in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum)—implications for feeding regime …
  3984. Are periods of feeding and fasting protective during critical illness?
  3985. Obesity: Overview of Weight Management
  3986. A Narrative Review of Dietary Approaches for Kidney Transplant Patients
  3987. Adipose Tissue, Appetite, and Obesity
  3988. Diet-altered body temperature rhythms are associated with altered rhythms of clock gene expression in peripheral tissues in vivo
  3989. Distribution of dietary protein intake in daily meals influences skeletal muscle hypertrophy via the muscle clock
  3990. Nutrition Strategies to Promote Wellness, Address Inadequate Nutrition, and Support Stress Reduction
  3991. Landscape modification by Last Interglacial Neanderthals
  3992. MRE11-dependent instability in mitochondrial DNA fork protection activates a cGAS immune signaling pathway
  3993. Misexpression of genes lacking CpG islands drives degenerative changes during aging
  3994. SGLT2 Inhibitors as Calorie Restriction Mimetics: Insights on Longevity Pathways and Age-Related Diseases
  3995. Predictors of progression in autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
  3996. Prevention and Treatment of Obesity for Cardiovascular Risk Mitigation: Dietary and Pharmacologic Approaches
  3997. Microorganisms Profile and Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern in Outborn Neonates in Northern India: A Hospital-Based Observational Study
  3998. Little Ice Age abruptly triggered by intrusion of Atlantic waters into the Nordic Seas
  3999. Impact of Fasting on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With Hypertension
  4000. Zfhx3-Mediated Genetic Ablation of the Mouse SCN Abolishes Light Entrainable Circadian Activity While the Food Entrainable Oscillator Remains Intact
  4001. Bridging the gap: A geroscience primer for neuroscientists with potential collaborative applications
  4002. Why the Pegan Diet Makes Sense.
  4003. feeding frequency affects glucose and lipid metabolism through SIRT1/AMPK pathway in growing pigs with the same amount of daily feed
  4004. Intermittent Fasting Effect on Weight Loss: A Systematic Review
  4005. Chronodisruption by chronic jetlag impacts metabolic and gastrointestinal homeostasis in male mice
  4006. Intermittent administration of a fasting-mimicking diet reduces intestinal inflammation and promotes repair to ameliorate inflammatory bowel disease in mice
  4007. Maternal intermittent fasting before mating alters hepatic DNA methylation in offspring
  4008. Circadian clock dysfunction in human omental fat links obesity to metabolic inflammation
  4009. Systematic Review The effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on liver function in healthy adults: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression
  4010. Harnessing the Benefits of Endogenous Hydrogen Sulfide to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease
  4011. Association Between Sleep Pattern, Anthropometric Indicators, and Metabolic Risk Factors
  4012. Reduced feeding Frequency Improves Feed Efficiency Associated With Altered Fecal Microbiota and Bile Acid Composition in Pigs
  4013. Breakfast Skipping, Weight, Cardiometabolic Risk, and Nutrition Quality in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled and Intervention …
  4014. The hepatocyte insulin receptor is required to program rhythmic gene expression and the liver clock
  4015. Is There a Functional Role of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of ARPKD?
  4016. The Effects of Exercise on Hunger and Satiety Hormone Concentrations Over a 36-Hour Fast: A Randomized Crossover Study
  4017. Metabolic Response to DayTIME Dry Fasting in Bahá’í Volunteers
  4018. An examination of eating misalignment: The discrepancy between preferred and actual timing of food intake
  4019. MisTIME d malaria parasites re‐synchronise with host feeding ‐fasting rhythms by shortening the duration of intra‐erythrocytic development.
  4020. Achieving an Optimal Fat Loss Phase in Resistance-Trained Athletes: A Narrative Review
  4021. FGF21 Promotes Proliferation and Estradiol Synthesis in Porcine Granulosa Cells
  4022. Dietary Interventions in Liver Diseases: Focus on MAFLD and Cirrhosis
  4023. Metabolic Strategies in Healthcare: A New Era
  4024. A scoping review of chronotype and temporal patterns of eating of adults: Tools used, findings, and future directions
  4025. Ice core evidence for atmospheric oxygen decline since the Mid-Pleistocene transition
  4026. Intermittent fasting compromises the performance of eutrophic rats submitted to resistance training
  4027. Designing Relevant Preclinical Rodent Models for Studying Links Between Nutrition, Obesity, Metabolism, and Cancer
  4028. The Association of the Consumption TIME for Different Food with the Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality Among Diabetes Patients
  4029. Beneficial gut microbiome remodeled during intermittent fasting in humans
  4030. Zfhx3-mediated genetic ablation of the SCN abolishes light entrainable circadian activity while sparing food anticipatory activity
  4031. Association between daily number of eating occasions with fasting glucose and insulin sensitivity in adults from families at high risk for type 2 diabetes in Europe: the …
  4032. Intermittent fasting enhances long-term memory consolidation, adult hippocampal neurogenesis, and expression of longevity gene Klotho
  4033. Normal Versus Slowly Processed Pasta and Post-Prandial Glucose Homeostasis in Healthy Subjects: A Pilot Study
  4034. Body mass index and outcomes in ischaemic versus non-ischaemic heart failure across the spectrum of ejection fraction
  4035. Restructuring the gut microbiota by intermittent fasting lowers blood pressure
  4036. Different Molecular Weight Black Garlic Melanoidins Alleviate High Fat Diet Induced Circadian Intestinal Microbes Dysbiosis
  4037. Homeostasis Disrupted and Restored—A Fresh Look at the Mechanism and Treatment of Obesity During COVID-19
  4038. Metabolic Consequences Of Weight Reduction
  4039. Mathematical modeling of mammalian circadian clocks affecting drug and disease responses
  4040. Organic neuromorphic electronics for sensorimotor integration and learning in robotics
  4041. Secondary Logo Journal Logo
  4042. Optimal Dietary Approaches for Those Living with Metabolic Syndrome to Prevent Progression to Diabetes and Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
  4043. Unravelling the impacts of western-style diets on brain, gut microbiota and cognition
  4044. Identification and Validation of Nutrient State-Dependent Serum Protein Mediators of Human CD4+ T Cell Responsiveness
  4045. Is fasting during Ramadan challenging for diabetics?
  4046. The effect of intermittent fasting on mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes and metabolic disease with high cardiovascular risk: a systematic review
  4047. The roles of dietary, nutritional, and lifestyle interventions in adipose tissue adaptation and obesity
  4048. RNA sequencing reveals niche gene expression effects of beta-hydroxybutyrate in primary myotubes
  4049. Cellular and physiological circadian mechanisms drive diurnal cell proliferation and expansion of white adipose tissue
  4050. Circadian rhythms in ischaemic heart disease: key aspects for preclinical and translational research: position paper of the ESC working group on cellular biology of the …
  4051. A multi‐level assessment of the bidirectional relationship between aging and the circadian clock
  4052. Content Validation of a Chrononutrition Questionnaire for the General and Shift Work Populations: A Delphi Study
  4053. The Christian Orthodox Church Fasting Diet Is Associated with Lower Levels of Depression and Anxiety and a Better Cognitive Performance in Middle Life
  4054. Meal and Sleep Timing before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Anonymous Survey Study from Sweden
  4055. The association of minerals intake in three meals with cancer and all-cause mortality: the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003–2014
  4057. Optimizing Chronic Pain Treatment with Enhanced Neuroplastic Responsiveness: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
  4058. Effects of dayTIME dry fasting on hydration, glucose metabolism and circadian phase: a prospective exploratory cohort study in Bahá’í volunteers
  4059. Effects of caloric restriction diet on arterial hypertension and endothelial dysfunction
  4060. Ketogenic Diet, Circadian Rhythm and Aging
  4061. Circadian Rhythms of the Hypothalamus: From Function to Physiology
  4062. Effects of intermittent fasting on liver physiology and metabolism in mice
  4064. Synchrony between daily rhythms of malaria parasites and hosts is driven by an essential amino acid
  4065. Roadmap on biology in TIME varying environments
  4066. Current Evidence-Based Treatment of Obesity
  4067. Circadian rhythms in infectious diseases and symbiosis
  4068. Nutritional Ketosis in Parkinson’s Disease—a Review of Remaining Questions and Insights
  4069. The effect of calorie intake, fasting, and dietary composition on metabolic health and gut microbiota in mice
  4070. The Effects of Monday Thursday Fasting on Blood Pressure and Oral Hygiene Level on Clinical Dental Profession Student
  4071. A review of effects of calorie restriction and fasting with potential relevance to depression
  4072. Accelerated forest fragmentation leads to critical increase in tropical forest edge area
  4073. Impact of Ramadan fasting on disease activity in patients with multiple sclerosis: a multicenter study
  4074. An exploratory investigation of the impact of ‘fast’and ‘feed’days during intermittent energy restriction on free-living energy balance behaviours and subjective states in …
  4076. Food reinforcement and habituation to food are processes related to initiation and cessation of eating
  4077. A Wrinkle in TIME : Circadian biology in pulmonary vascular health and disease
  4078. A six-month periodic fasting reduces microalbuminuria and improves metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy: a randomized …
  4079. The continuum of disrupted metabolic tempo, mitochondrial substrate congestion, and metabolic gridlock toward the development of non-communicable diseases
  4080. Inevitable interlinks between biological clock and metabolism in mammals
  4081. Fasting and Exercise in Oncology: Potential Synergism of Combined Interventions
  4082. Lipocalin 2 mediates appetite suppression during pancreatic cancer cachexia
  4083. Examining the Role of Exercise Timing in Weight Management: A Review
  4084. The Circadian Physiology: Implications in Livestock Health
  4085. Gut microbiota—a positive contributor in the process of intermittent fasting-mediated obesity control
  4086. Clock-Modulating Activities of the Anti-Arrhythmic Drug Moricizine
  4087. Sleep and circadian disruption and the gut microbiome-possible links to dysregulated metabolism
  4088. Effects of codon usage on gene expression are promoter context dependent
  4089. Diurnal changes in the murine small intestine are disrupted by obesogenic Western Diet feeding and microbial dysbiosis
  4090. Chronic circadian shift leads to adipose tissue inflammation and fibrosis
  4091. 24-h Glycaemic profiles in peritoneal dialysis patients and non-dialysis controls with advanced kidney disease
  4092. Translating around the clock: Multi-level regulation of post-transcriptional processes by the circadian clock
  4093. PPARs in liver physiology
  4094. What influences the “when” of eating and sleeping? A qualitative interview study
  4095. New integrative approaches to discovery of pathophysiological mechanisms triggered by night shift work
  4096. Modulation of circadian clock by crude drug extracts used in Japanese Kampo medicine
  4097. Evaluating the beneficial effects of dietary restrictions: A framework for precision nutrigeroscience
  4098. Dietary patterns affect Parkinson’s disease via the microbiota-gut-brain axis
  4099. Recommendations for Ramadan fasting to patients with cardiovascular diseases; Turkish Society of Cardiology consensus report
  4100. Identification of changes in sleep across pregnancy and the impact on cardiometabolic health and energy intake in women with obesity
  4101. The Impacts of Short-Term NMN Supplementation on Serum Metabolism, Fecal Microbiota, and Telomere Length in Pre-Aging Phase
  4102. Small-molecule modulators of the circadian clock: Pharmacological potentials in circadian-related diseases
  4103. Exploring the role of the circadian timing system in the control of metabolism and the consequence of lighting disruptions
  4104. Intermittent fasting implementation and association with eating disorder symptomatology
  4105. Does four-week consecutive, dawn-to-sunset intermittent fasting during Ramadan affect cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy adults? A systematic review, meta …
  4106. Effects of Dinner Timing on Sleep Stage Distribution and EEG Power Spectrum in Healthy Volunteers
  4107. Ecology of asynchronous asexual replication: the intraerythrocytic development cycle of Plasmodium berghei is resistant to host rhythms
  4108. Associations of diarised sleep onset TIME , period and duration with total and central adiposity in a biethnic sample of young children: the Born in Bradford …
  4109. Soft artificial electroreceptors for noncontact spatial perception
  4110. Metabolism and metabolic disorders and the microbiome: The intestinal microbiota associated with obesity, lipid metabolism, and metabolic health—Pathophysiology …
  4111. Independent associations of sleep timing, duration and quality with adiposity and weight status in a national sample of adolescents: the UK Millennium Cohort Study
  4112. Dietary interventions for obesity: clinical and mechanistic findings
  4113. The Molecule Clock and Neurodegenerative Disease: A Stressful TIME
  4114. Iodine is one of the odds for therapeutic armamentarium against feline polycystic renal disease
  4115. Intermittent and Periodic Fasting, Hormones, and Cancer Prevention
  4116. Comparative effects of calorie restriction on health span and in-sulin resistance: classic calorie restriction diet vs ketosis-induc-ing diet
  4117. Association of Meal and Snack Patterns With Mortality of All‐Cause, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: The US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey …
  4118. Within-Day Energy Balance and Metabolic Suppression in Male Collegiate Soccer Players
  4119. Is there a role for melatonin in the ICU?
  4120. Timing and Composition of Last Meal before BedTIME Affect Sleep Parameters of Night Workers
  4121. Circadian rhythms and the gut microbiome synchronize the host’s metabolic response to diet
  4122. The Effects of Two Different Dietary Regimens During Exercise On Outcome of Experimental Acute Kidney Injury
  4123. Five days periodic fasting elevates levels of longevity related christensenella and sirtuin expression in humans
  4124. Effects of the Clock Modulator Nobiletin on Circadian Rhythms and Pathophysiology in Female Mice of an Alzheimer’s Disease Model
  4125. Hypothalamic REV-ERB nuclear receptors control diurnal food intake and leptin sensitivity in diet-induced obese mice
  4126. Effects of Calorie Restriction on Health Span and Insulin Resistance: Classic Calorie Restriction Diet vs. Ketosis-Inducing Diet
  4127. Emerging non-pharmacological interventions in ADPKD: an update on dietary advices for clinical practice
  4128. Neuroimmune Interactions and Rhythmic Regulation of Innate Lymphoid Cells
  4129. Energy Balance and Control of Body Weight: Possible Effects of Meal Timing and Circadian Rhythm Dysregulation
  4130. Intermittent Hypoxia and Hypercapnia Alter Diurnal Rhythms of Luminal Gut Microbiome and Metabolome
  4131. Impact of Religious Activities on Quality of Life and Cognitive Function Among Elderly
  4132. Central and Peripheral Clock Control of Circadian feeding Rhythms
  4133. Circadian Rhythm and Melatonin in Liver Carcinogenesis: Updates on Current Findings
  4134. Targeting circadian PER2 as therapy in myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury
  4135. The Effects of Ramadan fasting on Heart Transplant Recipients
  4136. A comparative review of established diets for prevention of cardiovascular disease and newer dietary strategies
  4137. Animal Models for Anorexia Nervosa—A Systematic Review
  4138. High-resolution fluorescence-guided transcranial ultrasound mapping in the live mouse brain
  4139. The intestinal mycobiome as a determinant of host immune and metabolic health
  4140. Aging and Cancer: The Waning of Community Bonds
  4142. Ramadan Fasting Leads to Shifts in Human Gut Microbiota Structured by Dietary Composition
  4143. Circadian Clock, Sleep, and Diet
  4144. Calorie intake rather than food quantity consumed is the key factor for the anti-aging effect of calorie restriction
  4145. Targeting whole body metabolism and mitochondrial bioenergetics in the drug development for Alzheimer’s disease
  4146. A high-fat diet catalyzes progression to hyperglycemia in mice with selective impairment of insulin action in Glut4-expressing tissues
  4147. Personalized medicine using neuroimmunological biomarkers in depressive disorders
  4148. Sleep and Metabolic Syndrome
  4149. Meal Timing of Subtypes of Macronutrients Consumption With Cardiovascular Diseases: NHANES, 2003 to 2016
  4150. Post-oral sensing of fat increases food intake and attenuates body weight defense
  4151. A Clinical Perspective of Low Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diets: A Narrative Review
  4152. Circadian disruption-induced metabolic syndrome in mice is ameliorated by oat β-glucan mediated by gut microbiota
  4153. The Impact of the Circadian Clock on Skin Physiology and Cancer Development
  4154. The circadian clock and metabolic homeostasis: entangled networks
  4155. Shingles after COVID-19 Vaccination
  4156. Harnessing the Benefits of Endogenous Hydrogen Sulfide to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease. Antioxidants 2021, 10, 383
  4157. Absence of Circadian Rhythm in Fecal Microbiota of Laying Hens under Common Light
  4158. Impact of supervised beego, a traditional Chinese water-only fasting, on thrombosis and haemostasis
  4159. Weight Loss & Inch Loss through an Online Intermittent Fasting Programme
  4161. Association between energy intake under‐reporting and previous professional nutritional counselling in low‐income women with obesity: A cross‐sectional study
  4162. The ten defining characteristics of a well-formulated ketogenic diet
  4163. Antiobesity, hepatoprotective and anti-hyperglycemic effects of a pharmaceutical formulation containing Cecropia pachystachya Trécul in mice fed with a hypercaloric …
  4165. Differential effects of sulfur amino acid-Restricted and low-calorie diets on gut microbiome profile and bile acid composition in male C57BL6/J mice
  4166. The role and its mechanism of intermittent fasting in tumors: friend or foe?
  4167. Sprague Dawley Rats Gaining Weight on a High Energy Diet Exhibit Damage to Taste Tissue Even after Return to a Healthy Diet
  4168. Bigu-Style Fasting Affects Metabolic Health by Modulating Taurine, Glucose, and Cholesterol Homeostasis in Healthy Young Adults
  4169. Development and validation of the self-rating of biological rhythm disorder for Chinese adolescents
  4170. Manipulating age-related metabolic flexibility
  4171. Dietary Approaches To Obesity Treatment
  4172. LDL-C
  4173. A TIME ly call to arms: COVID-19, the circadian clock, and critical care
  4174. Gastrointestinal distension by pectin-containing carbonated solution suppresses food intake and enhances glucose tolerance via GLP-1 secretion and vagal …
  4175. Hepatic metabolic regulation by nuclear factor E4BP4
  4176. Effects of exercise on cellular and tissue aging
  4177. Proteomics analysis of adipose depots after intermittent fasting reveals visceral fat preservation mechanisms
  4178. The influence of fasting and energy-Restricted diets on leptin and adiponectin levels in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  4179. Autonomic Nervous System in Obesity and Insulin-Resistance—The Complex Interplay between Leptin and Central Nervous System
  4180. Daily caloric restriction limits tumor growth more effectively than caloric cycling regardless of dietary composition
  4181. Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics Considerations
  4182. Clocks, cancer, and chronochemotherapy
  4183. Low-voltage magnetoelectric coupling in membrane heterostructures
  4184. Impact of COVID-19 on Children and Young Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: A Narrative Review With Emphasis on the Potential of Intermittent Fasting as a …
  4185. Ramadan fasting and liver diseases: A review with practice advices and recommendations
  4186. Serotonin, food intake, and obesity
  4187. Quantitatively analyzing the failure processes of rechargeable Li metal batteries
  4188. Role of circadian rhythm and autonomic nervous system in liver function: a hypothetical basis for improving the management of hepatic encephalopathy
  4189. Transcriptomic, proteomic and phosphoproteomic underpinnings of daily exercise performance and Zeitgeber activity of training in mouse muscle
  4190. Weight loss, hypertension and mental well-being improvements during COVID-19 with a multicomponent health promotion programme on Zoom: a service …
  4191. Effects of gut metabolites and microbiota in healthy and marginal livers submitted to surgery
  4192. COVID-19 Pandemic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: A Social Inequality Report
  4193. Dietary Approaches to Lowering LDL-C
  4194. Circadian rhythm in hypothalamic leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) mRNA expressions and cerebrospinal fluid and circulating glucose and leptin levels in lactating rats
  4195. Effect of glucose on reduced glutathione level in Malay uncomplicated type 2 diabetes patients
  4196. Adherence to Mediterranean Diet Measured through Medi-Lite Score and Obesity: A Retrospective Study
  4197. A frequency-amplitude coordinator and its optimal energy consumption for biological oscillators
  4198. Endogenous circadian regulation and phase resetting of clinical metabolic biomarkers
  4199. Circadian Rhythms in Bacterial Sepsis Pathology: What We Know and What We Should Know
  4200. XPA is susceptible to proteolytic cleavage by cathepsin L during lysis of quiescent cells
  4201. Improvement of Non‐Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Mice by Intermittent Use of a Fasting‐Mimicking Diet
  4202. Knowing Well, Being Well: well-being born of understanding: Dietary Research Done Right: From Je Ne Sais Quoi to Sine Qua Non
  4203. The circadian system: From clocks to physiology
  4204. The functional medicine approach to atrial fibrillation: can a cure for atrial fibrillation be found in the gut?
  4205. Astrocyte clocks and glucose homeostasis
  4206. Serum proBDNF is Associated with Changes in the Ketone Body Beta-Hydroxybutyrate and Shows Superior Repeatability over Mature BDNF: Secondary …
  4207. Aging selectively dampens oscillation of lipid abundance in white and brown adipose tissue
  4208. Randomized controlled trial of once-per-week intermittent fasting for health improvement: the WONDERFUL trial
  4209. Comparative proteomic profiling reveals a pathogenic role for the O‐GlcNAcylated AIMP2–PARP1 complex in aging‐related hepatic steatosis in mice
  4210. Aging: All roads lead to mitochondria
  4211. Dietary Restriction Induces a Stable Metabolic Obesity Phenotype in Drosophila Melanogaster
  4212. The Effect Of Ramadan Fasting On Glucose And Insulin Homeostasis And Some Biochemical Parameters In Healthy Iraqi Students Of Fallujah Medicine, A Pilot Study
  4213. Addiction-like response in brain and behavior in a rat experimental model of night-eating syndrome
  4214. Multidisciplinary In-Depth Investigation in a Young Athlete Suffering from Syncope Caused by Myocardial Bridge
  4215. Nutritional Recommendations for People with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
  4216. The feeding microstructure of male and female mice
  4217. Understanding Circadian Mechanisms of Sudden Cardiac Death: A Report From the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Workshop, Part 2: Population and …
  4218. PER2-mediated ameloblast differentiation via PPARγ/AKT1/β-catenin axis
  4219. Per3 length polymorphism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  4220. Effects of ad libitum food intake, insufficient sleep and weekend recovery sleep on energy balance
  4221. Does four-week consecutive, dawn-to-sunset intermittent fasting during Ramadan affect cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy adults? A systematic review, 2 …
  4222. Immunological Impact of Intestinal T Cells on Metabolic Diseases
  4223. Mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy in skeletal muscle health and aging
  4224. Efficacy of dietary and supplementation interventions for individuals with type 2 diabetes
  4225. Short-term high fat diet alters genes associated with metabolic and vascular dysfunction during adolescence in rats: a pilot study
  4226. As You Fast: The Physiological And Spiritual Principles Of Fasting
  4227. Thermal lesions of the SCN do not abolish all gene expression rhythms in rat white adipose tissue, NAMPT remains rhythmic
  4228. Circadian Rhythm Regulation and its Impact on Intestinal Microflora
  4229. Impact of calorie restriction and intermittent fasting on periodontal health
  4230. Light stimuli and circadian clock affect neural development in Drosophila melanogaster
  4231. The gut microbiome
  4232. Fasting augments pyrrolizidine alkaloid-induced hepatotoxicity
  4233. Ten things to know about ten cardiovascular disease risk factors
  4234. Environmental Conditions and Sincerity affects Cortisol and Β-Endorphins Plasma Levels in Young Healthy Subjects Undergoing Dawood’s Fast.
  4235. The Role of 20-HETE, COX, Thromboxane Receptors, and Blood Plasma Antioxidant Status in Vascular Relaxation of Copper-Nanoparticle-Fed WKY Rats
  4236. Integrative Longitudinal Analysis of Metabolic Phenotype and Microbiota Changes During the Development of Obesity
  4237. Changing the conversation from ‘chronic disease’to ‘chronic health’
  4238. Novel Strategies for Healthy Brain Aging
  4239. Circadian Clock-Controlled Checkpoints in the Pathogenesis of Complex Disease
  4240. Role of the gut microbiota in regulating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children and adolescents
  4241. Circadian Rhythm Modulation of Microbes During Health and Infection
  4242. Diabetes and Obesity
  4243. Establishment of strigolactone-producing bacterium-yeast consortium
  4244. Quantification of Accidental Gluten Contamination in the Diet of Children with Treated Celiac Disease
  4245. Effect of traditional Chinese medicine nursing on postoperative patients with gastric cancer and its impact on quality of life
  4246. A ketogenic diet attenuates acute and chronic ischemic kidney injury and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation
  4247. Consumption of dietary fat causes loss of olfactory sensory neurons and associated circuitry that is not mitigated by voluntary exercise in mice
  4248. The relationship between host circadian rhythms and intestinal microbiota: A new cue to improve health by tea polyphenols
  4249. Adherence and Dietary Composition during Intermittent vs. Continuous Calorie Restriction: Follow-Up Data from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Adults with …
  4250. Association between diet and sleep quality: A systematic review
  4251. Multiomics Analyses Reveal Dynamic Bioenergetic Pathways and Functional Remodeling of the Heart During Intermittent Fasting
  4252. Photoperiodism in voles
  4254. A New Zealand green-lipped mussel oil-enriched high-fat diet exhibits beneficial effects on body weight and metabolism in mice
  4255. Metabolism in the Midwest: research from the Midwest Aging Consortium at the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Aging Association
  4256. Integration of feeding behavior by the liver circadian clock reveals network dependency of metabolic rhythms
  4257. Dietary Approaches and Health Outcomes: An Evidence Analysis Center Scoping Review
  4258. Impact of sedentarism due to the COVID-19 home confinement on neuromuscular, cardiovascular and metabolic health: Physiological and pathophysiological …
  4259. A Higher Intake of Energy at Dinner Is Associated with Incident Metabolic Syndrome: A Prospective Cohort Study in Older Adults
  4260. Transcription factors of the core feedback loop in the molecular circadian clock machinery: internal TIME keeping and beyond
  4261. High Calorie Diet with a Combination of Intermittent Restriction Affects the Reproductive Cycle and The Weight of Mice (Mus Musculus)
  4262. The circadian clock and inflammation: A new insight
  4263. Ramadan fasting during the COVID-19 pandemic; observance of health, nutrition and exercise criteria for improving the immune system
  4264. Polyphenols Modulating Effects of PD-L1/PD-1 Checkpoint and EMT-Mediated PD-L1 Overexpression in Breast Cancer
  4265. Gut microbiota and its importance in the development of obesity and insulin resistance
  4266. Intermittent Hypoxia and Hypercapnia Alter Diurnal Rhythms of Luminal Gut Microbiome and Metabolome
  4267. Dietary intervention as a therapeutic for cancer
  4268. Enemy or ally? Fasting as an essential regulator of immune responses
  4269. Day-night variations in the concentration of neurotransmitters in the rat lumbar spinal cord
  4270. Lack of food intake during shift work alters the heart transcriptome and leads to cardiac fibrosis and inflammation in rats
  4271. Model learning to identify systemic regulators of the peripheral circadian clock
  4272. A clinical practice for the hippocampal neurogenesis by chronobiological therapy
  4273. A human liver chimeric mouse model for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  4274. Melatonin, Clock Genes, and Mammalian Reproduction: What Is the Link?
  4275. Metabolic dysfunction in OSA: Is there something new under the sun?
  4276. REV-ERB nuclear receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus control circadian period and restrict diet-induced obesity
  4277. The effect of religious fasting and dehydration at Ramadan on choroidal thickness and Retinal vessel densities, measured with optical coherence tomography …
  4278. Ketogenic Diet Practices for Weight Management and Health Outcomes
  4279. Onion component, isoalliin, stimulates feeding and activates the arcuate nucleus neuropeptide Y, ghrelin-and Ninjin’yoeito-responsive neurons
  4280. Real-TIME CDC Consultation during the COVID-19 Pandemic—United States, March–July, 2020
  4281. Association between Breakfast Skipping and Body Weight—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Longitudinal Studies
  4282. TIME Transition of Routines in Fast Food Consumption-Importance to Public Health.
  4283. Lifelong physical activity attenuates age-and Western-style diet-related declines in physical function and adverse changes in skeletal muscle mass and inflammation
  4284. Impact of Energy Turnover on the Regulation of Energy and Macronutrient Balance
  4285. Hyperinsulinemia in Obesity, Inflammation, and Cancer
  4286. Food Preferences of Patients with Citrin Deficiency
  4287. The Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training Frequency on Arterial Stiffness in a Hyperglycemic State in Middle-Aged and Elderly Females
  4288. The effects of graded calorie restriction XVII: Multitissue metabolomics reveals synthesis of carnitine and NAD, and tRNA charging as key pathways
  4289. Endothelial deficiency of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF1R) impairs neurovascular coupling responses in mice, mimicking aspects of the brain aging …
  4290. The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Type 2 Diabetes
  4291. Obesity in patients with type 1 diabetes: links, risks and management challenges
  4292. Is Water-Only Fasting Safe?
  4293. Acute Beetroot Juice Supplementation Attenuates Morning-Associated Decrements in Supramaximal Exercise Performance in Trained Sprinters
  4294. Regulation of hepatic circadian metabolism by the E3 ubiquitin ligase HRD1-controlled CREBH/PPARα transcriptional program
  4295. Examining commonalities and differences in food groups, nutrients, and diet quality among popular diets
  4296. Young-onset carcinogenesis–The result of Perinatal and early life Metabolic influences on the Epigenome
  4297. Health promoting behaviors in low-income overweight and obese women in Korea: an exploratory qualitative study
  4298. Orphan Nuclear Receptor RORγ Modulates the Genome-Wide Binding of the Cholesterol Metabolic Genes during Mycotoxin-Induced Liver Injury
  4299. Molecular regulation of brain metabolism underlying circadian epilepsy
  4300. Safety of Every-Other-Day Fasting in the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  4301. Nutritional Interventions Targeting Gut Microbiota during Cancer Therapies
  4302. Nutrition in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Present Knowledge and Remaining Challenges
  4303. Relationships between Pre-Stroke SARC-F Scores, Disability, and Risk of Malnutrition and Functional Outcomes after Stroke—A Prospective Cohort Study
  4304. Diet and exercise in NAFLD/NASH: Beyond the obvious
  4305. BI-1 ameliorates myocardial injury by activating the mitochondrial unfolded protein response and FUNDC1-related mitophagy in cardiorenal syndrome type 3
  4306. 12, 13-diHOME as a new therapeutic target for metabolic diseases
  4307. Tick-Tock Consider the Clock: The Influence of Circadian and External Cycles on TIME of Day Variation in the Human Metabolome—A Review
  4308. The Circadian Clock Gene, Bmal1, Regulates Intestinal Stem Cell Signaling and Represses Tumor Initiation
  4309. Longitudinal agreement of four bioimpedance analyzers for detecting changes in raw bioimpedance during purposeful weight gain with resistance training
  4310. Metabolic homeostasis: it’s all in the timing
  4311. Shiftwork and light at night negatively impact molecular and endocrine TIME keeping in the female reproductive axis in humans and rodents
  4312. A low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet and treadmill training enhanced fatty acid oxidation capacity but did not enhance maximal exercise capacity in mice
  4313. Snacking patterns throughout the life span: potential implications on health
  4314. Redox changes in obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes
  4315. Chronic Jetlag-Induced Alterations in Pancreatic Diurnal Gene Expression
  4316. DayTIME eating prevents internal circadian misalignment and glucose intolerance in night work
  4317. Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Sleeping Pattern and Nutritional Status of International Students at Nanjing-China
  4318. Effects of High Glucose and Lipotoxicity on Diabetic Podocytes. Nutrients 2021, 13, 241
  4320. Mammary Tumorigenesis and Metabolome in Male Adipose Specific Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 Deficient MMTV-PyMT Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet
  4321. Why meals during resting TIME cause fat accumulation in mammals? Mathematical modeling of circadian regulation on glucose metabolism
  4322. Genetic risk scores for cardiometabolic traits in sub-Saharan African populations
  4323. Effects of melatonin supplementation on eating habits and appetite-regulating hormones: a systematic review of randomized controlled clinical and preclinical trials
  4324. Influence of high-intensity interval training and intermittent fasting on myocardium apoptosis pathway and cardiac morphology of healthy rats
  4325. Transcriptomic analysis of human and mouse muscle during hyperinsulinemia demonstrates insulin receptor downregulation as a mechanism for insulin …
  4326. Effects of aerobic training and resistance training in reducing cardiovascular disease risk for patients with prediabetes: A multi-center randomized controlled trial
  4327. Visceral Adiposity and Cancer: Role in Pathogenesis and Prognosis
  4328. In Pursuit of Healthy Aging: Effects of Nutrition on Brain Function
  4329. Repeated exposure to challenging environmental conditions influences telomere dynamics across adult life as predicted by changes in mortality risk
  4330. Diet and Microbiota-gut-brain Axis In Relation to Tail Biting in Pigs: A Review
  4331. Emerging trends and focus of human gastrointestinal microbiome research from 2010–2021: a visualized study
  4332. Motor training improves coordination and anxiety in symptomatic Mecp2-null mice despite impaired functional connectivity within the motor circuit
  4333. Hydrogen Sulfide Restored the Diurnal Variation in Cardiac Function of Aging Mice
  4334. Circadian rhythm as a therapeutic target
  4335. Association between risk of type 2 diabetes and changes in energy intake at breakfast and dinner over 14 years: a latent class trajectory analysis from the …
  4336. Circadian regulation of transporter expression and implications for drug disposition
  4337. The Role of Obesity-Induced Perivascular Adipose Tissue (PVAT) Dysfunction in Vascular Homeostasis
  4338. Circadian Rhythms in Resting Metabolic Rate Account for Apparent Daily Rhythms in the Thermic Effect of Food
  4339. Circadian Regulation and Clock-Controlled Mechanisms of Glycerophospholipid Metabolism from Neuronal Cells and Tissues to Fibroblasts
  4340. Cell-type specific circadian bioluminescence rhythms recorded from Dbp reporter mice reveal circadian oscillator misalignment
  4341. A prospective study of the relationships between movement and glycemic control during day and night in pregnancy
  4342. Effects of a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet combined with high-intensity interval training on body composition and maximal oxygen uptake: A systematic review and …
  4343. Clinical practice advice on lifestyle modification in the management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Japan: an expert review
  4344. Nightly fasting duration is not associated with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among non‐shift workers: The Furukawa Nutrition and Health Studymx
  4345. Dietary Restriction for Kidney Protection: Decline in Nephroprotective Mechanisms During Aging
  4346. Obesity Management and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
  4347. Is there a relationship between the ketogenic diet and sleep disorders?
  4348. Nutritional control of intestinal stem cells in homeostasis and tumorigenesis
  4349. Short-term fasting reshapes fat tissue
  4350. Roles of circadian clocks in cancer pathogenesis and treatment
  4351. Specific TIME Determinism: Circadian Rhythm of Microbial Community Assembly Patterns Under Common Light in Feces of Laying Hens
  4352. Circadian clock precision, health, and longevity
  4354. Health-Related Lifestyle Profiles in Healthy Adults: Associations with Sociodemographic Indicators, Dispositional Optimism, and Sense of Coherence
  4355. Diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases: nutraceutical interventions related to caloric restriction
  4356. The acute effect of fasted exercise on energy intake, energy expenditure, subjective hunger and gastrointestinal hormone release compared to fed exercise in …
  4357. Different expressions of clock genes in fatty liver induced by high-sucrose and high-fat diets
  4358. Hyperinsulinemia and its pivotal role in aging, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer
  4359. Clock knockdown attenuated reactive oxygen species-mediated senescence of chondrocytes through restoring autophagic flux
  4360. Mitochondrial contributions to vascular endothelial dysfunction, arterial stiffness, and cardiovascular diseases
  4361. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Physiology
  4362. The nurse’s role in providing strategies and advice on weight management
  4363. Manifestations of gene expression profiles in human right atrial myocardium caused by mechanical stretch
  4364. Continuous Ketone Monitoring: A New Paradigm for Physiologic Monitoring
  4365. The Gut Microbiome: Potential Clinical Applications in Disease Management: Novel Approaches Using Diet and Nutraceuticals to Reduce Manifestations of …
  4366. A cross-sectional evaluation of the relationship between social jetlag and diet quality
  4367. Daily Rhythm of Fractal Cardiac Dynamics Links to Weight Loss Resistance: Interaction with CLOCK 3111T/C Genetic Variant
  4368. Strong and Bitter Vegetables from Traditional Cultivars and Cropping Methods Improve the Health Status of Type 2 Diabetics: A Randomized Control Trial
  4369. Mitochondrial disease, mitophagy, and cellular distress in methylmalonic acidemia
  4370. Clock‐controlled arylalkylamine N‐acetyltransferase (aaNAT) regulates circadian rhythms of locomotor activity in the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana …
  4371. Clocks, viruses, and immunity: lessons for the COVID-19 pandemic
  4372. Religious Fasting of Muslim Patients After Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery: a Modified Delphi Consensus
  4373. Factors affecting unmet healthcare needs of low-income overweight and obese women in Korea: analysis of the Korean National Health and Nutrition …
  4374. Behavior Testing in Rodents: Highlighting Potential Confounds Affecting Variability and Reproducibility
  4375. An isocaloric moderately high-fat diet extends lifespan in male rats and Drosophila
  4376. CircadiOmic medicine and aging
  4377. Impact of dietary fat composition and quantity in pancreatic carcinogenesis: Recent advances and controversies
  4378. Targeting Cardiovascular Risk Factors Through Dietary Adaptations and Caloric Restriction Mimetics
  4379. The Brain’s Reward System in Health and Disease
  4380. The Effects of Sex Hormones on Food Intake, Body Weight, and Fat Composition: A Cross-Species Analysis
  4381. Circadian Clocks, Sleep, and Metabolism
  4382. Health benefits of dietary chronobiotics: beyond resynchronizing internal clocks
  4383. Cross-species screening platforms identify EPS-8 as a critical link for mitochondrial stress and actin stabilization
  4384. Identification of SCARA3 with potential roles in metabolic disorders
  4385. Urinary Proteomics of Simulated Firefighting Tasks and Its Relation to Fitness Parameters
  4386. Circadian NAD (P)(H) cycles in cell metabolism
  4387. Regeneration, Rejuvenation, and Replacement: Turning Back the Clock on Tissue Aging
  4388. The essential role of recurrent processing for figure-ground perception in mice
  4389. The exon-junction complex helicase eIF4A3 controls cell fate via coordinated regulation of ribosome biogenesis and translational output
  4390. Susceptibility rhythm to bacterial endotoxin in myeloid clock-knockout mice
  4391. Nerve injury and repair in a ketogenic milieu: A systematic review of traumatic injuries to the spinal cord and peripheral nervous tissue
  4392. Production and economics of probiotics treated Macrobrachium rosenbergii at different stocking densities
  4393. Tick-Tock Consider the Clock: The Influence of Circadian and External Cycles on TIME of Day Variation in the Human Metabolome—A Review. Metabolites …
  4394. Meta-analysis of effect of vegetarian diet on ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality
  4395. Nutritional Aspects of Cancer Therapy
  4396. Effects of iron and zinc biofortified foods on gut microbiota in vivo (Gallus gallus): A systematic review
  4397. Early manifestation of gait alterations in the Tg2576 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
  4398. Effects of maternal obesity on placental phenotype
  4399. Recovery 18 from training
  4400. The impact of diet on weight and metabolic outcomes in patients with double diabetes: a systematic review
  4401. Současné trendy v oblasti alternativního stravování
  4402. Circadian clock protein BMAL1 regulates melanogenesis through MITF in melanoma cells
  4403. Spaceflight Modulates the Expression of Key Oxidative Stress and Cell Cycle Related Genes in Heart
  4404. Pterostilbene influences glycemia and lipidemia and enhances antioxidant status in the liver of rats that consumed sucrose solution
  4405. Early growth response protein 1 mediates the effect of insulin on leptin transcription in adipocytes
  4406. Protein requirements for master athletes: Just older versions of their younger selves
  4407. The Microbiota and the Gut–Brain Axis in Controlling Food Intake and Energy Homeostasis
  4408. What should we advise MAFLD patients to eat and drink?
  4409. Ripened Pu-Erh Tea Improved the Enterohepatic Circulation in a Circadian Rhythm Disorder Mice Model
  4410. Associations of Dietary ω-3, ω-6 Fatty Acids Consumption with Sleep Disorders and Sleep Duration among Adults
  4411. Inflammation causes remodeling of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase mediated by the bifunctional gene C15orf48
  4412. Circadian rhythms in neurodegenerative disorders
  4413. The roles of the LIM domain proteins in Drosophila cardiac and hematopoietic morphogenesis
  4414. Every-other day fasting prevents memory impairment induced by high fat-diet: Role of oxidative stress
  4415. Disease Implications of the Circadian Clocks and Microbiota Interface
  4416. Habitually skipping breakfast is associated with chronic inflammation: a cross-sectional study
  4417. Effects of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Analogue and Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Combination on the Atherosclerosis-Related Process in a Type 2 Diabetes …
  4418. A systematic review and meta-analysis of animal models of binge eating-Part 1: Definitions and food/drink intake outcomes
  4419. The Cardiometabolic Health Benefits of Sauna Exposure in Individuals with High-Stress Occupations. A Mechanistic Review
  4420. In Silico, In Vitro, and In Vivo Analysis Identifies Endometrial Circadian Clock Genes in Recurrent Implantation Failure
  4421. Iodine Nutritional Status and Related Factors among Chinese School-Age Children in Three Different Areas: A Cross-Sectional Study
  4422. Effect of probiotic supplementation along with calorie restriction on metabolic endotoxemia, and inflammation markers in coronary artery disease patients: a …
  4423. Mental Health Benefits of Exercise and Genistein in Elderly Rats
  4424. NAD+ metabolism and its roles in cellular processes during ageing
  4425. Multivariate analysis of NMR‐based metabolomic data
  4426. Different enzymatic associations in diets of broiler chickens formulated with corn dried at various temperatures
  4427. The Beneficial Effects of Ramadan Fasting from the Medical and Sociocultural Perspectives.
  4428. Combination of Anoectochilus roxburghii Polysaccharide and Exercise Ameliorates Diet-Induced Metabolic Disorders in Obese Mice
  4429. Role of dietary modifications in the management of type 2 diabetic complications
  4430. Dietary nutrition for neurological disease therapy: Current status and future directions
  4431. Mechanistic and Other Relevant Data
  4432. Identifying the Predictors of Self-Management Behaviors in Patients with Diabetes Based on Ecological Approach: A Systematic Review
  4433. Turning Back the Clock on Aging? A Perspective on Selected Mechanisms and Therapeutic Avenues
  4434. Obesity and endocrine-disrupting chemicals
  4435. Spaceflight induced disorders: potential nutritional countermeasures
  4436. Pregnant Women Living with Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study of Dietary Quality and Pregnancy Outcomes
  4437. The effect of morning vs evening exercise training on glycaemic control and serum metabolites in overweight/obese men: a randomised trial
  4438. Cellular aging in vitro recapitulates multi-tissue epigenetic aging in vivo
  4439. Reversion to regular diet with alternate day fasting can cure grade-I non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in high-fructose-intake-associated metabolic …
  4440. Late eating is associated with cardiometabolic risk traits, obesogenic behaviors, and impaired weight loss
  4441. Implications of Circadian Rhythm in Stroke Occurrence: Certainties and Possibilities
  4442. Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Rats with Hyperandrogenic Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  4443. γ-Oryzanol produces an antidepressant-like effect in a chronic unpredictable mild stress model of depression in Drosophila melanogaster
  4444. Evolutionary epigenomic analyses in mammalian early embryos reveal species-specific innovations and conserved principles of imprinting
  4445. Potential Use of Exosomes as Diagnostic Biomarkers and in Targeted Drug Delivery: Progress in Clinical and Preclinical Applications
  4446. Effects of diurnal exercise timing on appetite, energy intake and body composition: A parallel randomized trial
  4447. A Low-Protein High-Fat Diet Leads to Loss of Body Weight and White Adipose Tissue Weight via Enhancing Energy Expenditure in Mice
  4448. Conservative Treatment for Childhood and Adolescent Obesity: Real World Follow-Up Profiling and Clinical Evolution in 1300 Patients
  4449. In-Season Nutrition Strategies and Recovery Modalities to Enhance Recovery for Basketball Players: A Narrative Review
  4450. Oncostatin M sensitizes keratinocytes to UVB-induced inflammation via GSDME-mediated pyroptosis
  4451. Evaluation of genetic differentiation and genome-wide selection signatures in Polish local sheep breeds
  4452. β-hydroxybutyrate as an Anti-Aging Metabolite
  4453. Effects of high glucose and lipotoxicity on diabetic podocytes
  4454. Novel role of xanthine oxidase-dependent H2O2 production in 12/15-lipoxygenase-mediated de novo lipogenesis, triglyceride biosynthesis and weight gain
  4455. Goals in Nutrition Science 2020-2025
  4456. Circadian clock: a regulator of the immunity in cancer
  4457. Biochemistry of Desire: The Biosemiotics of Advertising to Bacteria
  4458. Prevalence and demographic, substance use, and mental health correlates of fasting among US college students
  4459. Deletion of AMPA receptor GluA1 subunit gene (Gria1) causes circadian rhythm disruption and aberrant responses to environmental cues
  4460. American Journal of Preventive Cardiology
  4461. Dietary restriction transforms the mammalian protein persulfidome in a tissue-specific and cystathionine γ-lyase-dependent manner
  4462. Ramadan fasting in health and disease (2020): A narrative review
  4463. Moderate Mocha Coffee Consumption Is Associated with Higher Cognitive and Mood Status in a Non-Demented Elderly Population with Subcortical Ischemic …
  4464. Hallmarks of health
  4465. Congress Partners
  4466. Group housing and social dominance hierarchy affect circadian activity patterns in mice
  4467. Drosophila melanogaster: A Powerful Tiny Animal Model for the Study of Metabolic Hepatic Diseases
  4468. Transcriptomic Analysis of Laying Hens Revealed the Role of Aging-Related Genes during Forced Molting
  4469. Tolerability and Safety of a Novel Ketogenic Ester, Bis-Hexanoyl (R)-1, 3-Butanediol: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Healthy Adults
  4470. Effects of Periodic Religious Fasting for Decades on Nutrient Intakes and the Blood Biochemical Profile
  4471. Aging Induces Hepatic Oxidative Stress and Nuclear Proteomic Remodeling in Liver from Wistar Rats
  4472. Is muscle and protein loss relevant in long‐term fasting in healthy men? A prospective trial on physiological adaptations
  4473. Research progress on the interaction between circadian clock and early vascular aging
  4474. The effect of intermittent energy restriction on weight loss and diabetes risk markers in women with a history of gestational diabetes: A 12-month randomized control …
  4475. Comparison of expression patterns of six canonical clock genes of follicular phase and luteal phase in Small-tailed Han sheep
  4476. Intermittent leucine deprivation produces long-lasting improvement in insulin sensitivity by increasing hepatic Gcn2 expression
  4477. Postnatal Iron Supplementation with Ferrous Sulfate vs. Ferrous Bis-Glycinate Chelate: Effects on Iron Metabolism, Growth, and Central Nervous System Development …
  4478. Common Muscle Metabolic Signatures Highlight Arginine and Lysine Metabolism as Potential Therapeutic Targets to Combat Unhealthy Aging
  4479. Central Neurocircuits Regulating Food Intake in Response to Gut Inputs—Preclinical Evidence
  4480. Does bariatric surgery improve cardiac autonomic modulation assessed by heart rate variability? A systematic review
  4481. Epigenetic landscape in blood leukocytes following ketosis and weight loss induced by a very low calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD) in patients with obesity
  4482. Applications of cosinor rhythmometry in pharmacology
  4483. Identification of conserved transcriptome features between humans and Drosophila in the aging brain utilizing machine learning on combined data from the …
  4484. The final fate of food: On the establishment of in vitro colon models
  4485. Impact of Liver and Pancreas Diseases on Nutritional Status
  4486. Pathogenesis of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia associated to obesity and TIME line of appearance of these conditions in Type 2 Diabetes
  4488. Circadian Clock Gene Period Contributes to Diapause via GABAeric-Diapause Hormone Pathway in Bombyx mori
  4489. Factors affecting unmet healthcare needs of low-income overweight and obese women in South Korea: analysis of the Korean National Health and Nutrition …
  4490. Effect of Religious Fasting in Ramadan on Blood Pressure: Results From LORANS (London Ramadan Study) and a Meta‐Analysis
  4491. Obesity, Senescence, and Senolytics
  4492. The Importance of Age-Friendly City on Older People’s Continuity and Life Satisfaction
  4493. Association Between CLOCK 3111 T/C Polymorphism with Ghrelin, GLP-1, Food Timing, Sleep and Chronotype in Overweight and Obese Iranian Adults
  4494. FTO and PLAG1 Genes Expression and FTO Methylation Predict Changes in Circulating Levels of Adipokines and Gastrointestinal Peptides in Children
  4495. miR-149-PARP-2 Signaling Regulates E-cadherin and N-cadherin Expression in the Murine Model of Endometrium Receptivity
  4496. Fasting ameliorates oxidative stress: A review of physiological strategies across life history events in wild vertebrates
  4497. The sedentary (r) evolution: Have we lost our metaboli c flexibility?[version 1; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved
  4498. Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on body composition and cardio-metabolic risk in middle-aged women in Taiwan
  4499. Circadian disruption and metabolic disease risk
  4500. Obesity in C57BL/6J mice fed diets differing in carbohydrate and fat but not energy content
  4501. Feed deprivation over 16 days followed by refeeding until 75 days fails to elicit full compensation of Procambarus clarkii
  4502. Targeting senescent cells for vascular aging and related diseases
  4503. Effects of physiologic inputs on autophagy
  4504. Potential Effect of the Circadian Clock on Erectile Dysfunction
  4505. Targeting autophagy: lifestyle and pharmacological approaches
  4506. The role of modified Mediterranean neuroprotective diet on emotion, cognition, and depression
  4507. Metabolism and Medicine: The Metabolic Landscape of Health and Disease (Volume 2)
  4508. Metabolism and Medicine: The Physics of Biological Engines (Volume 1)
  4509. Effect of three feeding strategies (automatic, ad libitum demand-feeding and TIME –Restricted demand-feeding ) on feeding rhythms and growth in European sea bass …
  4510. feeding , growth, and blood chemistry of the tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) held under self-feeding and TIME –Restricted automatic feeding conditions
  4511. TIME –Restricted self-feeding causes fin damage of Atlantic salmon
  4512. The Impact of TIME Restricted feeding in Crohn’s Disease
  4513. Should You Eat Breakfast While Fasting–Early TIME Restricted feeding VS Late TIME Restricted feeding
  4514. Effects of feeding TIME on Markers of Muscle Metabolic Flexibility Following Acute Aerobic Exercise in Trained Mice Undergoing TIME Restricted feeding …
  4515. What options does a grazing ruminant have? The effect of fasting and Restricted feeding TIME on the ingestive and processing behavior of cattle.

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