Telomere Shortening & Premature Aging

Telomeres, the caps on our chromosomes, shorten with each cell division. This shortening acts like a cellular clock, and critically short telomeres are linked to premature aging and a higher risk of age-related diseases. Research suggests telomere dysfunction can trigger cellular senescence, a state where cells stop dividing but linger, potentially harming surrounding tissues. This buildup of senescent cells is associated with various conditions like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and even some cancers. While telomere shortening is a natural part of aging, understanding its role in cellular health is crucial for developing strategies to combat age-related decline and promote healthy longevity.

  1. A branching process model of telomere shortening
  2. A continuous correlation between oxidative stress and telomere shortening in fibroblasts
  3. A Critical Role for Pin2/TRF1 in ATM-dependent Regulation
  5. A G-quadruplex-interactive agent, telomestatin (SOT-095), induces telomere shortening with apoptosis and enhances chemosensitivity in acute myeloid leukemia
  6. A Home Use Study in Healthy Volunteers to Assess Effectiveness of a Dietary Supplement to Halt the Shortening of telomere Length as Demonstrated by the “ …
  7. A kinetic model of telomere shortening in infants and adults
  8. A protein array screen for Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus LANA interactors links LANA to TIP60, PP2A activity, and telomere shortening
  9. A randomized-controlled clinical study of Telos95®, a novel antioxidative dietary supplement, on the shortening of telomere length in healthy volunteers
  10. A stochastic model of cell replicative senescence based on telomere shortening, oxidative stress, and somatic mutations in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA
  11. A tel2 Mutation That Destabilizes the Tel2-Tti1-Tti2 Complex Eliminates Rad3ATR Kinase Signaling in the DNA Replication Checkpoint and Leads to telomere shortening in Fission Yeast
  12. A TIN2 dyskeratosis congenita mutation causes telomerase-independent telomere shortening in mice
  13. A15812 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors Epigenetically Atenuate telomere shortening
  14. A7. 9 Does telomere shortening in Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis Predict X Chromosome Inactivation Bias?
  15. AB181. telomere shortening is associated with genetic anticipation in Chinese Von Hippel-Lindau disease families
  16. Abnormal telomere shortening in leucocytes of children with Shwachman–Diamond syndrome
  17. Abnormal telomere shortening of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and granulocytes in patients with chronic idiopathic neutropenia
  18. Abrogation of miR-195 Improves Function in Aged Heart by Preventing telomere shortening and Mitochondrial Dysfunction
  19. Abrupt telomere shortening in cell aging and cancer
  20. Abrupt telomere shortening in normal human fibroblasts
  21. Absence of telomere shortening and oxidative DNA damage in the young adult offspring of women with pre-gestational type 1 diabetes
  22. Abstract A63: Rsf-1, a chromatin remodeling protein, interacts with shelterin protein hRap1 and induces telomere shortening
  23. Abstract# 3036: telomere length shortening in individuals with sporadic compared with familial breast cancer
  24. Abstract# 3482: telomere shortening in human tumor cells in vitro and in vivo following treatment with telomerase inhibitor, GRN163L
  25. Abstract# 4505: Peripheral telomere shortening is most closely associated with young age of onset for pancreatic cancer
  26. Abstract# 5139: The inflammatory cytokine TNF-\# 945; induces rapid, reversible telomere shortening in breast cancer cell lines
  27. Accelerated aging as evidenced by increased telomere shortening and mitochondrial DNA depletion in patients with type 2 diabetes
  28. Accelerated telomere length shortening in granulocytes: a diagnostic marker for myeloproliferative diseases
  29. Accelerated telomere shortening and replicative senescence in human fibroblasts overexpressing mutant and wild-type lamin A
  30. Accelerated telomere shortening and senescence in human pancreatic islet cells stimulated to divide in vitro
  31. Accelerated telomere shortening and telomerase activation in Fanconi’s anaemia
  32. Accelerated telomere shortening and telomere abnormalities in radiosensitive cell lines
  33. Accelerated telomere shortening following allogeneic transplantation is independent of the cell source and occurs within the first year post transplant
  34. Accelerated telomere shortening in acromegaly; IGF-I induces telomere shortening and cellular senescence
  35. Accelerated telomere shortening in ataxia telangiectasia
  36. Accelerated telomere shortening in bonemarrow recipients
  37. Accelerated telomere shortening in CD8+ T-lymphocytes From Patients With Coronary Heart Disease Links Cytomegalovirus-Induced T Cell Response and …
  38. Accelerated telomere shortening in Fanconi anemia fibroblasts–a longitudinal study
  39. Accelerated telomere shortening in fibroblasts after extended periods of confluency
  40. Accelerated telomere shortening in peripheral blood lymphocytes after occupational polychlorinated biphenyls exposure
  41. Accelerated telomere shortening in Response to Air Pollution from Traffic Emissions.
  42. Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress
  43. Accelerated telomere shortening in rheumatic diseases: cause or consequence?
  44. Accelerated telomere shortening in the human inactive X chromosome
  45. Accelerated telomere shortening in young recipients of allogeneic bone-marrow transplants
  46. Accelerated telomere shortening in β-thalassemia/HbE patients
  47. Accelerated telomere shortening precedes development of therapy-related myelodysplasia or acute myelogenous leukemia after autologous transplantation …
  48. Accelerated telomere shortening: Tracking the lasting impact of early institutional care at the cellular level
  49. Accumulation of single-strand breaks is the major cause of telomere shortening in human fibroblasts
  50. Advanced telomere shortening in respiratory chain disorders
  51. Age estimation in dental pulp DNA based on human telomere shortening
  52. Age-associated telomere shortening in mouse oocytes
  53. Age-associated telomere shortening in Thoroughbred horses
  54. Age-dependent telomere shortening is slowed down by enrichment of intracellular vitamin C via suppression of oxidative stress
  55. Age‐dependent telomere‐shortening is repressed by phosphorylated α‐tocopherol together with cellular longevity and intracellular oxidative‐stress reduction in …
  56. Age-independent telomere shortening and ion-channel defects in SCD
  57. Ageing and telomeres: a study into organ‐and gender‐specific telomere shortening
  58. Age-related telomere shortening occurs in lens epithelium from old rats and is slowed by caloric restriction
  59. Age-related telomere uncapping is associated with cellular senescence and inflammation independent of telomere shortening in human arteries
  60. Age-Related telomere Uncapping Occurs Independent of telomere shortening in Mouse Endothelial Cells
  61. Aging-related telomere shortening and cognitive decline in the Betula study: No evidence of coupled changes
  62. Alpha-tocopherol modulates hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage and telomere shortening of human skin fibroblasts derived from differently aged individuals
  63. Amplification of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 gene in differentiated thyroid cancer correlates with telomere shortening
  64. An association between telomere shortening and disease evolution patterns in MDS
  65. An investigation on mitochondrial DNA deletions and telomere shortening during multiple passages of adult stem cells
  66. An Isogenic Trisomic–Disomic Model System Using Cells from People with Mosaic Down Syndrome Unmasks Trisomy 21 Associated Increases in Age-Related Chromosomal Instability, Senescence Associated Distension of Satellites, and telomere shortening
  67. Analysis of the telomere shortening in the cloned caprine cultured cell line, CPF-1, derived from placenta of Shiba goat (Capra hircus)
  68. Ancestral telomere shortening: A countdown that will increase mean life span?
  69. Angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene polymorphism and telomere shortening in essential hypertension
  70. Antisense oligonucleotide-mediated inhibition of hTERT, but not hTERC, induces rapid cell growth decline and apoptosis in the absence of telomere shortening in human prostate cancer cells
  71. Artemisinin mimics calorie restriction to initiate antioxidative responses and compromise telomere shortening
  72. Artemisinin mimics calorie restriction to trigger mitochondrial biogenesis and compromise telomere shortening in mice
  73. Artificial light at night does not affect telomere shortening in a developing free-living songbird: A field experiment: Artificial light at night and telomere dynamics
  74. Asp-Ala-His-Lys (DAHK) inhibits copper-induced oxidative DNA double strand breaks and telomere shortening
  75. Association between antidiabetic agents use and leukocyte telomere shortening rates in patients with type 2 diabetes
  76. Association between leukocyte telomere shortening and exposure to traffic pollution: a cross-sectional study on traffic officers and indoor office workers
  77. Association between oxidative DNA damage and telomere shortening in circulating endothelial progenitor cells obtained from metabolic syndrome patients with …
  78. Association between telomere shortening and ageing during occupational exposure
  79. Association of Immune Abnormalities with telomere shortening in
  80. Association of telomere shortening in myocardium with heart weight gain and cause of death
  81. Association of telomere shortening with impaired glucose tolerance and diabetic macroangiopathy
  82. Asynchronous Shortening of telomere Length and Cardiovascular Outcomes
  83. ATF7 mediates TNF-α–induced telomere shortening
  84. Authors’ Response Correlation between baseline telomere length and shortening over time—spurious or true?
  85. Biological age instead of chronologic age as prognostic factor in IPF: clinical implications of telomere shortening
  86. Biomarkers of oxidative stress: methods and measures of oxidative DNA damage (COMET assay) and telomere shortening
  87. BJ fibroblasts display high antioxidant capacity and slow telomere shortening independent of hTERT transfection
  88. Blood cell telomere lengths and shortening rates of chimpanzee and human females
  89. Bone morphogenetic protein-7 induces telomerase inhibition, telomere shortening, breast cancer cell senescence, and death via Smad3.
  90. C21 MECHANISMS THAT LINK AGING WITH LUNG DISEASE: THE CUTTING EDGE: Acrolein Induces P53-Mediated Cellular Senescence Accompanied By Enhanced Werner’s Syndrome Protein Degradation And telomere shortening
  91. Can leukocyte telomere shortening be a possible biomarker to track Huntington’s disease progression?
  92. Can telomere shortening be the main indicator of non-viable fetus elimination?
  93. Can telomere shortening explain sigmoidal growth curves?
  94. Can telomere shortening in human peripheral blood leukocytes serve as a disease biomarker of Friedreich’s ataxia?
  95. Candidate drug BIBR1532 induces telomere shortening and growth inhibition in lymphoid cell lines
  96. Cardiomyocyte-Specific telomere shortening is a Distinct Signature of Heart Failure in Human
  97. Cardiomyocyte‐Specific telomere shortening is a Distinct Signature of Heart Failure in Humans
  98. Casein Kinase II (csnk2a2) is Associated With Leucocyte telomere shortening and Increased Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Diabetes
  99. CD 57 identifies T cells with functional senescence before terminal differentiation and relative telomere shortening in patients with activated PI 3 kinase delta …
  100. Celiac disease autoimmunity is associated with leukocyte telomere shortening in older adults: the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
  101. Cell contact accelerates replicative senescence of human mesenchymal stem cells independent of telomere shortening and p53 activation: roles of Ras and oxidative …
  103. Cell cycle-dependent and-independent telomere shortening accompanies murine brain aging
  104. Cell senescence and telomere shortening induced by a new series of specific G-quadruplex DNA ligands
  105. Cell senescence in rat kidneys in vivo increases with growth and age despite lack of telomere shortening
  106. Cellular consequences of telomere shortening in histologically normal breast tissues
  107. Cellular senescence mechanisms independent of telomere shortening and telomerase: other barriers to cell immortalization and carcinogenesis
  109. Childhood maltreatment and telomere shortening: preliminary support for an effect of early stress on cellular aging
  110. Chlorella vulgaris modulates hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage and telomere shortening of human fibroblasts derived from different aged individuals
  111. Chromosomal instability and telomere shortening in long-term culture of hematopoietic stem cells: insights from a cell culture model of RPS14 haploinsufficiency
  112. Chromosomal instability in Barrett’s esophagus is related to telomere shortening
  113. Chromosomal instability in ulcerative colitis is related to telomere shortening
  114. Chromosomal instability, telomere shortening, and inactivation of p21WAF1/CIP1 in dysplastic nodules of hepatitis B virus-associated multistep …
  115. Chromosomal telomere shortening of kidney cells in IgA nephropathy by the measurement of DNA in urinary sediment.
  116. Chronic Oxidative Stress Leads To Accelerated telomere shortening In Children With Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
  117. Chronic psychosocial and financial burden accelerates 5-year telomere shortening: findings from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study
  118. Clinical impact of telomere shortening in normal and leukemia cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  119. Clinical predictive factors and prognostic implications of telomere shortening in sporadic and familial idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  120. Clonal haemopoiesis may occur after conventional chemotherapy and is associated with accelerated telomere shortening and defects in the NQO1 pathway; possible …
  121. Cocaine use may induce telomere shortening in individuals with HIV infection
  122. Colonocyte telomere shortening is greater with dietary red meat than white meat and is attenuated by resistant starch
  123. Comments on “Is telomere shortening reversible? A clue from NASA’s twins mission”
  124. Comparison of Southern blotting and Real-time PCR in measuring telomere shortening
  125. Concomitant telomere shortening, acquisition of multiple chromosomal aberrations and in vitro resistance to apoptosis in a single case of progressive CLL
  126. Consequences of acute oxidative stress in Leishmania amazonensis: From telomere shortening to the selection of the fittest parasites
  127. Consequences of telomere shortening at an active VSG expression site in telomerase-deficient Trypanosoma brucei
  128. Consequences of telomere shortening during lifespan
  129. Constitutive OGG1 variant together with BRCA mutations display accelerated telomere shortening
  130. Contact-independent suppressive activity of regulatory T cells is associated with telomerase inhibition, telomere shortening and target lymphocyte apoptosis
  131. Contrasting effects of telomere shortening on organ homeostasis, tumor suppression, and survival during chronic liver damage
  132. Convergence of adipocyte hypertrophy, telomere shortening and hypoadiponectinemia in obese subjects and in patients with type 2 diabetes
  133. Conversion of normal to malignant phenotype: telomere shortening, telomerase activation, and genomic instability during immortalization of human oral keratinocytes
  134. Correlates of telomere length shortening in peripheral leukocytes of HIV-infected individuals and association with leukoaraiosis
  135. Correlation of telomere length shortening with promoter methylation profile of p16/Rb and p53/p21 pathways in breast cancer
  136. Correlation of telomere length shortening with TP53 somatic mutations, polymorphisms and allelic loss in breast tumors and esophageal cancer
  137. Correlation telomere shortening in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with oxidative stress and dysregulation of shelterin proteins
  138. Correlative polymorphism of NAD (P) H: quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) with telomere shortening in colorectal cancer.
  139. Cortisol increases DNA damage in lymphocytes in vitro, but is not associated with telomere shortening
  140. Cortisol is not associated with telomere shortening or chromosomal instability in human lymphocytes cultured under low and high folate conditions
  141. Critical telomere shortening regulated by the ataxia-telangiectasia gene acts as a DNA damage signal leading to activation of p53 protein and limited life-span …
  142. CTC1 increases the radioresistance of human melanoma cells by inhibiting telomere shortening and apoptosis
  143. Curcumin inhibits telomerase and induces telomere shortening and apoptosis in brain tumour cells
  144. Data Mining in the Research and Application of telomere shortening
  145. Decreased dyskerin levels as a mechanism of telomere shortening in X-linked dyskeratosis congenita
  146. Decreasing initial telomere length in humans intergenerationally understates age‐associated telomere shortening
  147. Deficiency in DNA mismatch repair increases the rate of telomere shortening in normal human cells
  148. Demonstration of potential link between helicobacter pylori related promoter CpG island methylation and telomere shortening in human gastric mucosa
  149. Deoxyribonucleic acid telomere length shortening can predict the incidence of non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  150. Deregulated telomere transcription causes replication-dependent telomere shortening and promotes cellular senescence
  151. Developing a Model for Stress-Associated telomere shortening: Effects of Stress-Related Mediators on Telomerase Activity
  152. Development of a new multiplex quantitative real‐time PCR assay for the detection of the mtDNA4977 deletion in coronary artery disease patients: A link with telomere shortening
  153. Diet Influences telomere shortening: Eating Your Way to the Fountain of Youth?
  154. Diet-Induced Leukocyte telomere shortening Correlates with Extent of Atherosclerosis
  155. Diet-induced leukocyte telomere shortening in a baboon model for early stage atherosclerosis
  156. Diet-related telomere shortening and chromosome stability
  157. Different effects of accelerated development and enhanced growth on oxidative stress and telomere shortening in amphibian larvae
  158. Different Phase of telomere shortening with Age in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
  159. Different rates of telomere shortening and telomerase activity reduction in CD8 T and CD16 NK lymphocytes with ageing
  160. Differential expression of non-shelterin genes associated with high telomerase levels and telomere shortening in plasma cell disorders
  161. Differential shortening rate of telomere length in the development of human fetus
  162. Differential telomere shortening in blood versus arteries in an animal model of type 2 diabetes
  163. Differential timing of oxidative DNA damage and telomere shortening in hepatitis C and B virus–related liver carcinogenesis
  164. Disease anticipation is associated with progressive telomere shortening in families with dyskeratosis congenita due to mutations in TERC
  165. Divergent patterns of telomere shortening in tropical compared to temperate stonechats
  166. DNA damage and telomere length shortening in the peripheral blood leukocytes of 20 years SM-exposed veterans
  167. DNA Damage and telomere shortening in Embryonic Stem Cells Induced by Cigarette Smoke.
  168. DNA damage response correlates with telomere shortening and telomeric proteins down regulation in the colorectal multistep process
  169. DNA demethylation leads to telomere shortening with accelerated aging process in human diploid fibroblasts
  170. DNA methylation of human telomerase reverse transcriptase associated with leukocyte telomere length shortening in hyperhomocysteinemia-type hypertension in …
  171. Does telomere shortening precede the onset of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive mice?
  172. Downregulation of methyltransferase Dnmt2 results in condition‐dependent telomere shortening and senescence or apoptosis in mouse fibroblasts
  173. Down-regulation of telomerase activity and replication-independent telomere shortening induced by SH-7 in human leukemia HL-60 cells
  174. Dynamics of telomere shortening in neutrophils and T lymphocytes during ageing and the relationship to skewed X chromosome inactivation patterns
  175. Dyslipidemia and chronic inflammation markers are correlated with telomere length shortening in Cushing’s syndrome
  176. Dysregulation of shelterin factors coupled with telomere shortening in Philadelphia chromosome negative myeloproliferative neoplasms
  177. Early and late steps in telomere overhang processing in normal human cells: the position of the final RNA primer drives telomere shortening
  178. Early growth determines longevity in male rats and may be related to telomere shortening in the kidney
  179. Early Senescence and Leukocyte telomere shortening in SCHIZOPHRENIA: A Role for Cytomegalovirus Infection?
  180. Early telomere shortening and Genomic Instability in Tubo-Ovarian Preneoplastic Lesions
  181. Early telomere shortening and genomic instability in tubo-ovarian preneoplastic lesions—response
  182. Early-senescing human skin fibroblasts do not demonstrate accelerated telomere shortening
  183. Effect of D-gal on mouse fibroblast telomere shortening
  184. Effect of maternal protein restriction upon growth, longevity and telomere shortening
  185. Enhanced microglial pro‐inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharide correlates with brain infiltration and blood–brain barrier dysregulation in a mouse model of telomere shortening
  186. Enhanced telomere shortening in transformed lymphoblasts from patients with X linked dyskeratosis
  187. Epigallocatechin‐3‐gallate induces telomere shortening and clastogenic damage in glioblastoma cells
  188. Estimating age of humans based on telomere shortening
  189. Estimation of human age according to telomere shortening in peripheral blood leukocytes
  190. Estimation of human age according to telomere shortening in peripheral blood leukocytes of Tibetan
  191. Estrogen deficiency leads to telomerase inhibition, telomere shortening and reduced cell proliferation in the adrenal gland of mice
  192. Estrogen deficiency reversibly induces telomere shortening in mouse granulosa cells and ovarian aging in vivo
  194. Evaluation of the mechanism of nucleoplasmic bridge formation due to premature telomere shortening in agricultural workers exposed to mixed pesticides …
  195. Examining a scaled dynamical system of telomere shortening
  196. Excess Neurohormonal Activation-Induced Heart Failure Results in Significant but Non-Critical Cardiomyocyte telomere shortening, Which is Associated With …
  197. Excess of Yra1 RNA-Binding Factor Causes Transcription-Dependent Genome Instability, Replication Impairment and telomere shortening
  198. Exercise training increase antioxidant enzyme capacity and protect the shortening of telomere length
  199. Exome Sequencing Links Loss-of-Function and Missense Mutations in PARN and RTEL1 with Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis and telomere shortening
  200. Exome sequencing links mutations in PARN and RTEL1 with familial pulmonary fibrosis and telomere shortening
  201. Expression of miR-23a induces telomere shortening and is associated with poor clinical outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease
  202. Expression of mutant RPA in human cancer cells causes telomere shortening
  203. Expression of TRF1, TRF2, TIN2, TERT, KU70, and BRCA1 proteins is associated with telomere shortening and may contribute to multistage carcinogenesis of gastric …
  204. Extracellular superoxide dismutase is a major antioxidant in human fibroblasts and slows telomere shortening
  206. Fetal growth restriction is associated with accelerated telomere shortening and increased expression of cell senescence markers in the placenta
  207. Flow cytometric detection of accelerated telomere shortening in myelodysplastic syndromes: correlations with aetiological and clinical–biological findings
  208. Forensic application of telomere shortening in age-at-death estimation
  209. Fragmentation and rapid shortening of telomere in HeLa cells in the early phase of hydroxyl radical-induced apoptosis
  210. From cellular senescence to Alzheimer’s disease: The role of telomere shortening
  211. From incomplete penetrance with normal telomere length to severe disease and telomere shortening in a family with monoallelic and biallelic PARN pathogenic …
  212. Functional haplotypes of the hTERT gene, leukocyte telomere length shortening, and the risk of peripheral arterial disease
  213. Fusing Aging Theories: telomere shortening Leads to Mitochondrial Dysfunction Fusing Aging Theories: telomere shortening Leads to Mitochondrial …
  214. Gemcitabine causes telomere shortening by stabilizing TRF2
  215. Gender specific profiles of human telomere shortening during aging
  216. Gene disruption of a G4-DNA-dependent nuclease in yeast leads to cellular senescence and telomere shortening
  217. Genetic anticipation is associated with telomere shortening in hereditary breast cancer
  218. Genetic heterogeneity of HER2 amplification and telomere shortening in papillary thyroid carcinoma
  219. Genomic imbalances in key ion channel genes and telomere shortening in sudden cardiac death victims
  220. Genotoxic risk of ethyl‐paraben could be related to telomere shortening
  221. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Extract Promotes telomere shortening and Induces Cellular Senescence in A549 Lung Cancer Cells
  222. Ginger Extract Promotes telomere shortening and Cellular Senescence in A549 Lung Cancer Cells
  223. GP 12.03 telomere shortening and telomere-associated proteins in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  224. Gradual telomere shortening and increasing chromosomal instability among PanIN grades and normal ductal epithelia with and without cancer in the …
  225. Growth arrest, apoptosis, and telomere shortening of Barrett’s-associated adenocarcinoma cells by a telomerase inhibitor
  226. Growth kinetics rather than stress accelerate telomere shortening in cultures of human diploid fibroblasts in oxidative stress‐induced premature senescence
  227. Growth kinetics rather than stress accelerate telomere shortening in cultures of human diploid fibroblasts in oxidative…
  228. Haploinsufficiency of Parp1 accelerates Brca1-associated centrosome amplification, telomere shortening, genetic instability, apoptosis, and embryonic …
  229. Helicobacter pylori-induced chronic inflammation causes telomere shortening of gastric mucosa by promoting PARP-1-mediated non-homologous end joining of DNA
  230. Hepatocellular telomere shortening correlates with chromosomal instability and the development of human hepatoma
  231. Hepatocyte telomere shortening and senescence are general markers of human liver cirrhosis
  232. Hepatocyte telomere shortening of primary HCC correlates with increasing aneuploidy of chromosome 8
  233. High lead exposure is associated with telomere length shortening in Chinese battery manufacturing plant workers
  234. High resolution telomere FISH analysis of testicular germ cell tumors reveals telomere anomalies specific to cancer subtypes and demonstrates telomere shortening as an early event in TGCT carcinogenesis
  235. Higher serum phenylalanine concentration is associated with more rapid telomere shortening in men
  236. Hostility and telomere shortening among US military veterans: Results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
  237. Hydroxyl radical‐induced apoptosis in human tumor cells is associated with telomere shortening but not telomerase inhibition and caspase activation
  238. Immortalization of human oral keratinocytes is associated with elevation of telomerase activity and shortening of telomere length.
  239. Immunosenescence and rheumatoid arthritis: does telomere shortening predict impending disease?
  240. Impact of telomere shortening on cell cycle progression and induction of senescence
  241. Impact of telomere shortening with Age in Stem Cell Therapy: New Strategies to Increase telomere Length
  242. Improved Methods for Analysis of Telomere-initiated Cellular Senescence and telomere shortening in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
  243. In vitro proinflammatory gene expression predicts in vivo telomere shortening: A preliminary study
  244. In utero TNF‐α treatment induces telomere shortening in young adult mice in an ATF7‐dependent manner
  245. Increased expression of p21 in CD14+ human monocytes correlates with telomere shortening in ocular sarcoidosis patients
  246. Increased genomic alteration complexity and telomere shortening in B-CLL cells resistant to radiation-induced apoptosis
  247. Independent and Combined Effects of telomere shortening and mtDNA4977 Deletion on Long-term Outcomes of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
  248. Induction of nitric oxide synthase-dependent telomere shortening after functional inhibition of Hsp90 in human tumor cells
  249. Induction of telomere shortening and cellular apoptosis by sodium meta-arsenite in human cancer cell lines
  250. Induction of telomere shortening and replicative senescence by cryopreservation
  251. Inflammatory response to acute mental stress is associated with altered cortisol reactivity and telomere shortening in patients with coronary artery disease
  252. Inhibition of 6A8 α-mannosidase gene expression resulted in telomere length shortening in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell CNE-2L2
  253. Inhibition of human telomerase in immortal human cells leads to progressive telomere shortening and cell death
  254. Inhibition of microRNA-34a Protects against Aging and Progeria Associated Cardiac Dysfunction by Interfering with telomere shortening and DNA Damage …
  255. Inhibition of tankyrase 1 in human gastric cancer cells enhances telomere shortening by telomerase inhibitors
  257. Intramitotic and intraclonal variation in proliferative potential of human diploid cells: explained by telomere shortening
  258. Inula Viscosa Extracts Induces telomere shortening and Apoptosis in Cancer Cells and Overcome Drug Resistance
  259. Investigation of telomere shortening caused by dyskeratosis congenita-associated heterozygous TIN2 mutations
  260. Ionizing radiation-induced gene modulations, cytokine content changes and telomere shortening in mouse fetuses exhibiting forelimb defects
  261. iPSC modeling of severe aplastic anemia reveals impaired differentiation and telomere shortening in blood progenitors
  262. Irreversible cellular senescence induced by prolonged exposure to H2O2 involves DNA-damage-and-repair genes and telomere shortening
  263. Irreversible telomere shortening by 3′-azido-2′, 3′-dideoxythymidine (AZT) treatment
  264. Is telomere Length shortening a Predictive Biomarker for Cancer Risk in Ulcerative Colitis?
  265. Is telomere shortening Related to Progeria?
  266. Is telomere shortening reversible? A clue from NASA’s Twin study.
  267. Knockdown of homeobox containing 1 increases the radiosensitivity of cervical cancer cells through telomere shortening
  268. Lack of age‐associated telomere shortening in long‐and short‐lived species of sea urchins
  269. Lack of telomerase causes telomere shortening in RA
  270. Lack of telomere shortening during senescence in Paramecium.
  271. Lack of telomere shortening with age in mouse resting zone chondrocytes
  272. Lactobacilli modulated AMPK activity and prevented telomere shortening in ageing rats
  273. L-carnosine reduces telomere damage and shortening rate in cultured normal fibroblasts
  274. Leucocyte telomere shortening in relation to newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients with depression
  275. Leucocyte telomere shortening is associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease‐related advanced fibrosis
  276. Leukocyte telomere Length Shortening and Alzheimer’s Disease Etiology
  277. Leukocyte telomere Length Shortening, hTERT Genetic Polymorphisms and Risk of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
  278. Leukocyte telomere shortening in elderly Type2DM patients with previous myocardial infarction
  279. Leukocyte telomere shortening in grown-up patients with congenital heart disease
  280. Leukocyte telomere shortening in Huntington’s disease
  281. Leukocyte telomere shortening in staff working in cardiac catheterization laboratory
  282. Lifetime pesticide use and telomere shortening among male pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study
  283. Limited telomere shortening in hematopoietic stem cells after transplantation
  284. Lineage-specific telomere shortening and unaltered capacity for telomerase expression in human T and B lymphocytes with age
  285. Lipid peroxidation-mediated telomere shortening in hydroxyl radical-induced apoptosis in HeLa cells
  286. Long G tails at both ends of human chromosomes suggest a C strand degradation mechanism for telomere shortening
  287. Longitudinal associations between metabolic syndrome components and telomere shortening
  288. Longitudinal telomere length shortening and cognitive and physical decline in later life: The Lothian Birth Cohorts 1936 and 1921
  289. Longitudinal telomere shortening and early Alzheimer’s disease progression in adults with down syndrome
  290. Longitudinal versus cross-sectional evaluations of leukocyte telomere length dynamics: age-dependent telomere shortening is the rule
  291. Long‐term follow‐up of recipients of allogeneic bone marrow grafts reveals no progressive telomere shortening and provides no evidence for haematopoietic stem …
  292. Long-term lymphoma survivors following high-dose chemotherapy and autograft: evidence of permanent telomere shortening in myeloid cells, associated with marked …
  293. Lower antioxidant capacity and elevated p53 and p21 may be a link between gender disparity in renal telomere shortening, albuminuria, and longevity
  294. LSC Abstract–Increased oxidative stress leads to telomere shortening in children with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
  295. Luminal and cancer cells in the breast show more rapid telomere shortening than myoepithelial cells and fibroblasts
  296. Lung alveolar integrity is compromised by telomere shortening in telomerase-null mice
  297. Lung function and telomere shortening in blood leukocytes in clean-up workers of Chornobyl NPP suffered of COPD
  298. Mammalian telomere dynamics: healing, fragmentation shortening and stabilization
  299. Marked telomere shortening in mobilized peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPC) following two tightly spaced high-dose chemotherapy courses with G-CSF
  300. Markers of cellular senescence. telomere shortening as a marker of cellular senescence
  301. Maternal smoking hastens telomere shortening in neonatal umbilical cord blood leukocytes
  302. Maternal‐fetal cross talk through cell‐free fetal DNA, telomere shortening, microchimerism, and inflammation
  303. Mathematical modeling confirms the length-dependency of telomere shortening
  304. Mathematical modeling of telomere shortening: an overview
  305. Mathematical modeling of vascular endothelial layer maintenance: the role of endothelial cell division, progenitor cell homing, and telomere shortening
  306. Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations of telomere shortening
  307. Mean leukocyte telomere length shortening and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case-control study
  308. Measurement of telomere length in cells from pleural effusion: Asbestos exposure causes telomere shortening in pleural mesothelial cells
  309. Mechanism of acridine-based telomerase inhibition and telomere shortening
  310. Mechanism of p53 Accumulation and Activation by Ionizing Radiation and telomere shortening
  311. Mechanism of telomere shortening by oxidative stress
  312. Mechanism of telomere shortening in photoaging model induced by 8-methoxypsoralen and ultraviolet A
  313. Mechanisms of breast cancer risk in shift workers: association of telomere shortening with the duration and intensity of night work
  314. Mechanisms of telomere shortening in placentas from pregnancies complicated with intrauterine growth restriction
  315. Medaka fish exhibits longevity gender gap, a natural drop in estrogen and telomere shortening during aging: a unique model for studying sex-dependent …
  316. Microbiota and telomere shortening in gut-lung axis of human immunodeficiency virus infected donors
  317. Minimal Shortening of Leukocyte telomere Length Across Age Groups in a Cross-Sectional Study for Carriers of a Longevity-Associated FOXO3 Allele
  318. Mitogen stimulation cooperates with telomere shortening to activate DNA damage responses and senescence signaling
  319. MitoQ counteracts telomere shortening and elongates lifespan of fibroblasts under mild oxidative stress
  320. Modeling of the Process of telomere shortening: an Overview
  321. Modelling telomere shortening and the role of oxidative stress
  322. Moderate stem-cell telomere shortening rate postpones cancer onset in a stochastic model
  323. Monocyte telomere shortening and oxidative DNA damage in type 2 diabetes
  324. Mutated telomeres sensitize tumor cells to anticancer drugs independently of telomere shortening and mechanisms of telomere maintenance
  325. Mutations in XLF/NHEJ1/Cernunnos gene results in downregulation of telomerase genes expression and telomere shortening
  326. Nanoparticle mediated delivery of 2′-O-methyl-RNA leads to efficient telomerase inhibition and telomere shortening in human lung cancer cells
  327. Nestling telomere shortening, but not telomere length, reflects developmental stress and predicts survival in wild birds
  328. Neural Correlates and Peripheral miRNAs Associated with Stress-Related telomere shortening
  329. No evidence of substantia nigra telomere shortening in Parkinson’s disease
  330. No telomere shortening in marrow stroma from patients with MDS
  331. Nonmyeloablative conditioning does not prevent telomere shortening after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
  332. Novel and potent telomerase antagonist (GRN163L) inhibits telomerase activity, resulting in telomere shortening and apoptosis of multiple myeloma cells
  333. Novel biomolecules of ageing, sex differences and potential underlying mechanisms of telomere shortening in coronary artery disease
  334. Nutrition, oxidative damage, telomere shortening, and cellular senescence: individual or connected agents of aging?
  335. On telomere shortening in soft-tissue tumors
  336. On the origin of Robertsonian fusions in nature: evidence of telomere shortening in wild house mice
  337. OP20 Hepatocytes and cholangiocytes do not have significant telomere shortening with increasing chronological age in normal livers
  338. Organization of telomere sequences in birds: evidence for arrays of extreme length and for in vivo shortening
  339. Osteoarthritis and telomere shortening
  340. Oxidative DNA damage and telomere shortening
  341. Oxidative stress and telomere shortening in normal human fibroblasts after ir-radiation with X-rays
  342. Oxidative stress, telomere shortening, and DNA methylation in relation to low‐to‐moderate occupational exposure to welding fumes
  343. Oxidative stress‐induced renal telomere shortening as a mechanism of cyclosporine‐induced nephrotoxicity
  344. Oxidative stress-induced telomere length shortening of circulating leukocyte in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
  345. P-039: telomere shortening and/or “absence” may indicate dementia/AD status in older individuals with down syndrome
  346. P3995Advanced glycation end-products and telomere shortening contribute to cardiac aging: the relationship with myocardial strain
  347. P838Expression of miR-23a induces leukocyte telomere shortening and is associated with poor clinical outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease
  348. Parallel telomere shortening in multiple body tissues owing to malaria infection
  349. Patients with multiple sclerosis show increased oxidative stress markers and somatic telomere length shortening
  350. Pharmacodynamics of telomerase inhibition and telomere shortening by noncytotoxic suramin
  351. Phosphorylation of telomeric repeat binding factor 1 (TRF1) by Akt causes telomere shortening
  352. Placental Ageing in Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: telomere shortening, Cell Senescence, and Mitochondrial Dysfunction
  353. Placental telomere shortening in stillbirth: a sign of premature senescence?
  354. Platinum (II) phenanthroimidazole G-quadruplex ligand induces selective telomere shortening in A549 cancer cells
  355. Poor maternal nutrition followed by accelerated postnatal growth leads to telomere shortening and increased markers of cell senescence in rat islets
  356. Potential CO2 effects on telomere shortening in Porites lutea & Method improvements for telomere assessment in corals
  357. Predictive factors and prognostic effect of telomere shortening in pulmonary fibrosis
  358. Premature telomere shortening and impaired regenerative response in hepatocytes of individuals with NAFLD
  359. Premature telomere shortening in polymorphonuclear neutrophils from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus is related to the lupus disease activity
  360. Prevalence of telomere shortening in familial and sporadic pulmonary fibrosis is increased in men
  361. Prevention of critical telomere shortening by oestradiol in human normal hepatic cultured cells and carbon tetrachloride induced rat liver fibrosis
  362. Prevention of Radiation-Induced telomere shortening, A Novel Mechanism Underlying Low-Dose Arsenic-Mediated Protection of Normal T-Lymphocytes
  363. Prevention Of telomere shortening
  364. Pro12Ala Polymorphism of the PPARγ2 Gene Interacts With a Mediterranean Diet to Prevent telomere shortening in the PREDIMED-NAVARRA Randomized Trial
  365. Progressive telomere shortening and telomerase reactivation during hepatocellular carcinogenesis
  366. Progressive telomere shortening is part of the natural history of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and impacts clinical outcome: evidences from long term follow-up.
  367. Progressive telomere shortening occurs in cultured rat microglia, but not astrocytes
  368. Progressive telomere shortening of Epstein-Barr virus-specific memory T cells during HIV infection: contributor to exhaustion?
  369. Prostate stromal cell telomere shortening is associated with risk of prostate cancer in the placebo arm of the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial
  370. Proteomic and microRNA data clarifying the effects of telomere shortening on cancer cells
  371. Proximity to roads, but not exposure to metal pollution, is associated with accelerated developmental telomere shortening in nestling great tits
  372. Race-related health disparities and biological aging: does rate of telomere shortening differ across blacks and whites?
  373. Radiation and chemotherapy bystander effects induce early genomic instability events: telomere shortening and bridge formation coupled with mitochondrial …
  374. Radiation-induced senescence-like growth arrest requires TP53 function but not telomere shortening
  375. Radiobiological effectiveness of ultrashort laser-driven Electron bunches: micronucleus frequency, telomere shortening and cell viability
  376. Rapid telomere shortening in children
  377. Rate of telomere shortening and cardiovascular damage: a longitudinal study in the 1946 British Birth Cohort
  379. Rate of telomere shortening and metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors: A longitudinal study in the 1934–44 Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
  380. Recent advances of Blood telomere length (BTL) shortening: A potential biomarker for development of cancer
  381. Relationship between microsatellite instability and telomere shortening in colorectal cancer
  382. Relationship between spontaneous or radiation-induced apoptosis and telomere shortening in G0 human lymphocytes
  383. Relationship between telomere shortening, genetic instability, and site of tumour origin in colorectal cancers
  384. Renal failure induces telomere shortening in the rat heart
  385. Replicative senescence as a model of aging: the role of oxidative stress and telomere shortening–an overview
  386. Replicative senescence of hematopoietic stem cells during serial transplantation: does telomere shortening play a role?
  387. Replicative senescence, telomere shortening and cell proliferation rate in Gaddi goat’s skin fibroblast cell line
  388. Resistance to senescence induction and telomere shortening by a G-quadruplex ligand inhibitor of telomerase
  389. Response to comments on is telomere shortening reversible? A clue from NASA’s twins mission
  390. Reversibility of defective hematopoiesis caused by telomere shortening in telomerase knockout mice
  391. Revisiting telomere shortening in Cancer
  392. Ribozyme-mediated telomerase inhibition induces immediate cell loss but not telomere shortening in ovarian cancer cells
  393. Robertsonian translocation as a result of telomere shortening during replicative senescence and immortalization of bovine oviduct epithelial cells
  394. Role of arterial telomere dysfunction in hypertension: relative contributions of telomere shortening and telomere uncapping
  395. Role of cell‐cycle turnover and oxidative stress in telomere shortening and cellular senescence in patients with chronic hepatitis C
  396. Role of Oxidative DNA Damage in telomere shortening and Cellular Aging
  397. Role of oxidative stress in telomere shortening in cultured fibroblasts from normal individuals and patients with ataxia–telangiectasia
  398. Role of shelterin proteins for telomere shortening in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  399. Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model to study replicative senescence triggered by telomere shortening
  400. Senescence and chromosomal instability induced by telomere shortening affect liver regeneration and hepatocarcinogenesis
  401. Senescence and telomere shortening induced by novel potent G-quadruplex interactive agents, quindoline derivatives, in human cancer cell lines
  402. Senescence occurs with hTERT repression and limited telomere shortening in human oral keratinocytes cultured with feeder cells
  403. Senescence, telomere shortening and telomere maintenance
  404. Sepsis induces telomere shortening: a potential mechanism responsible for delayed pathophysiological events in sepsis survivors?
  405. Sex-dependent telomere shortening, telomerase activity and oxidative damage in marine medaka Oryzias melastigma during aging
  406. Shortening of telomere length by metabolic factors in diabetes: protective effects of fenofibrate
  407. Shortening telomere is associated with subclinical atherosclerosis biomarker in omnivorous but not in vegetarian healthy men
  408. Significant telomere shortening in acute and chronic leukemia
  409. Significant telomere shortening in childhood leukemia
  410. Site‐specific DNA damage at GGG sequence by oxidative stress may accelerate telomere shortening
  411. Site-specific DNA damage at the GGG sequence by UVA involves acceleration of telomere shortening
  412. Six-year telomere shortening is associated with increased incidence of subclinical carotid vascular damage and cardiovascular prognosis
  413. Slow‐down of age‐dependent telomere shortening is executed in human skin keratinocytes by hormesis‐like‐effects of trace hydrogen peroxide or by anti‐oxidative …
  414. SORBS2 transcription is activated by telomere position effect–over long distance upon telomere shortening in muscle cells from patients with facioscapulohumeral …
  415. Stochastic mechanism of cellular aging—abrupt telomere shortening as a model for stochastic nature of cellular aging
  416. Stochastic modeling of length-dependent telomere shortening in Corvus monedula
  417. Stochastic Modeling of telomere Biology: Probabilistic Analysis of telomere shortening and Network-Based Approach to Gene Expression Analysis
  418. Stochastic modelling in molecular biology: a probabilistic analysis of protein polymerisation and telomere shortening
  419. Stochastic modelling of length dependent telomere shortening in
  420. Stochastic models of telomere shortening
  421. Stochastic telomere shortening and the Route to Limitless Replicative Potential
  422. Stochastic variation in telomere shortening rate causes heterogeneity of human fibroblast replicative life span
  423. Stress and telomere shortening among central Indian conservation refugees
  424. Stress induced telomere shortening: longer life with less mutations?
  425. Stress resilience: Narrative identity may buffer the longitudinal effects of chronic caregiving stress on mental health and telomere shortening
  426. Subclinical inflammation, telomere shortening, homocysteine, vitamin B6, and mortality: the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health Study
  427. Substantial telomere shortening in the substantia nigra of telomerase-deficient mice does not increase susceptibility to MPTP-induced dopamine depletion
  428. Supplemental Data telomere shortening Triggers Senescence of Human Cells through a Pathway Involving ATM, p53, and p21CIP1, but Not p16INK4a
  429. Suppression of Ku80 correlates with radiosensitivity and telomere shortening in the U2OS telomerase-negative osteosarcoma cell line
  430. Syndromes Associated with telomere shortening
  431. Syndromes of telomere shortening
  432. T cell renewal rates, telomerase, and telomere length shortening
  433. Telomerase activation in mouse mammary tumors: lack of detectable telomere shortening and evidence for regulation of telomerase RNA with cell proliferation.
  434. Telomerase does not counteract telomere shortening but protects mitochondrial function under oxidative stress
  435. Telomerase gene mutations and telomere length shortening in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in a C hinese population
  436. Telomerase inhibition by 3′-azido-2′, 3′-dideoxynucleoside 5′-triphosphates and telomere shortening in human cultured cells by the corresponding nucleosides
  437. Telomerase Inhibition, telomere shortening, and Cellular Uptake of the Perylene Derivatives PM2 and PIPER in Prostate Cancer Cells
  438. Telomerase Inhibition, telomere shortening, and Decreased Cell Proliferation by Cell Permeable 2′-O-Methoxyethyl Oligonucleotides
  439. Telomerase inhibition, telomere shortening, and senescence of cancer cells by tea catechins
  440. Telomerase inhibition, telomere shortening, cell growth suppression and induction of apoptosis by telomestatin in childhood neuroblastoma cells
  441. Telomerase regulation and progressive telomere shortening of rat hepatic stem-like epithelial cells during in vitro aging
  442. telomere and its role in the aging pathways: telomere shortening, cell senescence and mitochondria dysfunction
  443. telomere G-quadruplex as a potential target to accelerate telomere shortening by expanding the incomplete end-replication of telomere DNA
  444. telomere Length Inheritance and Shortening in Trisomy 21
  445. telomere length maintenance, shortening, and lengthening
  446. telomere length shortening and gastric cancer risk in a high risk Polish population
  447. telomere length shortening in Alzheimer’s disease: procedures for a causal investigation using single nucleotide polymorphisms in a mendelian randomization study
  448. telomere length shortening in gastric mucosa is a field effect associated with increased risk of gastric cancer
  449. telomere length shortening in Langerhans cell histiocytosis
  450. telomere Length Shortening in Malignant Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
  451. telomere length shortening in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients undergoing chemotherapy
  452. telomere length shortening in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies
  453. telomere length shortening is associated with disease evolution in chronic myelogenous leukemia
  454. telomere length shortening is associated with treatment-free remission in chronic myeloid leukemia patients
  455. telomere length shortening of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in solid-cancer patients undergoing standard-dose chemotherapy might be correlated with good …
  456. telomere longitudinal shortening as a biomarker for dementia status of adults with Down syndrome
  457. telomere position effect: regulation of gene expression with progressive telomere shortening over long distances
  458. telomere shortening & metabolic/vascular diseases
  459. telomere shortening Abrogates Dentate Gyrus Neurogenesis But Improves Alzheimer’S Disease Progression In Mice
  460. telomere shortening accompanies increased cell cycle activity during serial transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells
  461. telomere shortening activates TGF-β/Smads signaling in lungs and enhances both lipopolysaccharide and bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis
  462. telomere shortening alters the kinetics of the DNA damage response after ionizing radiation in human cells
  463. telomere shortening among male applicators in the Agricultural Health Study
  464. telomere shortening and accelerated aging in COPD: findings from the BODE cohort
  465. telomere shortening and age estimation in forensic medicine
  466. telomere shortening and ageing
  467. telomere shortening and ageing of the immune system
  468. telomere shortening and Alzheimer’s disease
  469. telomere shortening and aortic plaque progression in Apoliprotein E knockout mice after pulmonary exposure to candle light combustion particles
  470. telomere shortening and apoptosis in telomerase-inhibited human tumor cells
  471. telomere shortening and associated chromosomal instability in peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma prior to any treatment are …
  472. telomere shortening and atherosclerosis
  473. telomere shortening and cell cycle arrest in Trypanosoma brucei expressing human telomeric repeat factor TRF1
  474. telomere shortening and cell cycle arrest induced by p16 gene introduction in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells
  475. telomere shortening and cell fates in mouse models of neoplasia
  476. telomere shortening and cell senescence induced by perylene derivatives in A549 human lung cancer cells
  477. telomere shortening and cellular senescence in a model of chronic renal allograft rejection
  478. telomere shortening and chromosomal abnormalities in intestinal metaplasia of the urinary bladder
  479. telomere shortening and chromosomal instability abrogates proliferation of adult but not embryonic neural stem cells
  480. telomere shortening and chromosomal instability in myelodysplastic syndromes
  481. telomere shortening and decline in replicative potential as a function of donor age in human adrenocortical cells
  482. telomere shortening and decreased replicative potential, contrasted by continued proliferation of telomerase-positive CD8+ CD28lo T cells in patients with systemic …
  483. telomere shortening and DNA damage of embryonic stem cells induced by cigarette smoke
  484. telomere shortening and frailty in Mexican older adults
  485. telomere shortening and Growth Inhibition of Human Cancer Cells by Novel Synthetic Telomerase Inhibitors MST-312, MST-295, and MST-199 1 Supported in part …
  486. telomere shortening and haemodialysis
  487. telomere shortening and immune activity in war veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder
  488. telomere shortening and inactivation of cell cycle checkpoints characterize human hepatocarcinogenesis
  489. telomere shortening and increased oxidative stress are restricted to venous tissue in patients with varicose veins: A merely local disease?
  490. telomere shortening and ionizing radiation: a possible role in vascular dysfunction?
  491. telomere shortening and karyotypic alterations in hepatocytes in long‐term transplanted human liver allografts
  492. telomere shortening and loss of self-renewal in dyskeratosis congenita induced pluripotent stem cells
  493. telomere shortening and metabolic compromise underlie dystrophic cardiomyopathy
  494. telomere shortening and mitotic dysfunction generate cytogenetic heterogeneity in a subgroup of renal cell carcinomas
  495. telomere shortening and mood disorders: preliminary support for a chronic stress model of accelerated aging
  496. telomere shortening and oxidative stress in aged macrophages results in impaired STAT5a phosphorylation
  497. telomere shortening and oxidative stress in patients with COPD
  498. telomere shortening and p21-checkpoint inactivation characterize multistep hepatocarcinogenesis in humans
  499. telomere shortening And Progression In Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  500. telomere shortening and regenerative capacity after acute kidney injury
  501. telomere shortening and stem cell failure in dyskeratosis congenita
  502. telomere shortening and survival in free-living corvids
  503. telomere shortening and Telomerase Activation during Cancer Formation
  504. telomere shortening and telomerase activity in ischaemic cardiomyopathy patients–potential markers of ventricular arrhythmia
  505. telomere shortening and telomerase expression during multistage carcinogenesis of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas
  506. telomere shortening and telomerase reactivation in dysplastic nodules of human hepatocarcinogenesis
  507. telomere shortening and telomerase reverse transcriptase expression in preinvasive bronchial lesions
  508. telomere shortening and telomere position effect in mild ring 17 syndrome
  509. telomere shortening and the clinicopathologic characteristics of human colorectal carcinomas
  510. telomere shortening and the population size-dependency of life span of human cell culture: further implication for two proliferation-restricting telomeres
  511. telomere shortening and tumor formation by mouse cells lacking telomerase RNA
  512. telomere shortening as a genetic risk factor for the development of cirrhosis
  513. telomere shortening as a hallmark of stem cell senescence
  514. telomere shortening as a mechanism of long-term cost of infectious diseases in natural animal populations
  515. telomere shortening as genetic risk factor of liver cirrhosis
  516. telomere shortening associated with chromosome instability is arrested in immortal cells which express telomerase activity.
  517. telomere shortening associated with disease evolution patterns in myelodysplastic syndromes
  518. telomere shortening associated with increased genomic complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  519. telomere shortening associated with increased levels of oxidative stress in sulfur mustard-exposed Iranian veterans
  520. telomere shortening Behind the Harm of Immunosuppressive Therapy In Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
  521. telomere shortening by cisplatin in yeast nucleotide excision repair mutant
  522. telomere shortening by mutations in the RTEL1 helicase cause severe form of dyskeratosis congenita, Hoyerall-Hreidarsson syndrome.
  523. telomere shortening By Terc Knockout in the Eµ-TCL1 Transgenic Murine Model of CLL: Characterization of Disease Development and Survival
  524. telomere shortening by transgenerational transmission of TNF-α-induced TERRA via ATF7
  525. telomere shortening correlates to dysplasia but not to DNA aneuploidy in longstanding ulcerative colitis
  526. telomere shortening correlates with increasing aneuploidy of chromosome 8 in human hepatocellular carcinoma
  527. telomere shortening correlates with leukemic stem cell burden at diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia
  528. telomere shortening correlates with prognostic score at diagnosis and proceeds rapidly during progression of chronic myeloid leukemia
  529. telomere shortening distinguishes inverted urothelial neoplasms
  530. telomere shortening does not occur during postmaturational aging in situ in normal human oral fibroblasts
  531. telomere shortening during aging of human osteoblasts in vitro and leukocytes in vivo: lack of excessive telomere loss in osteoporotic patients
  532. telomere shortening during aging: attenuation by antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents
  533. telomere shortening Exposes Functions
  534. telomere shortening exposes functions for the mouse Werner and Bloom syndrome genes
  535. telomere shortening impairs organ regeneration by inhibiting cell cycle re‐entry of a subpopulation of cells
  536. telomere shortening impairs regeneration of the olfactory epithelium in response to injury but not under homeostatic conditions
  537. telomere shortening in a long-lived marine bird: cross-sectional analysis and test of an aging tool
  538. telomere shortening in a Telomerase Null Mouse Model Restores Susceptibility to Bleomycin-Induced Lung Fibrosis.
  539. telomere shortening in Aging, Coronary Heart Disease and Cerebrovascular Diseases [J]
  540. telomere shortening in alcohol dependence: Roles of alcohol and acetaldehyde
  541. telomere shortening in alveolar macrophages of smokers and COPD patients
  542. telomere shortening in Alzheimer’s disease patients
  543. telomere shortening in atherosclerosis
  544. telomere shortening in Barrett’s mucosa and esophageal adenocarcinoma and its association with loss of heterozygosity
  545. telomere shortening in blood leukocytes of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  546. telomere shortening in blood leukocytes of patients with posttraumatic stress disorder
  547. telomere shortening in breast cancer cells (MCF7) under treatment with low doses of the benzylisoquinoline alkaloid chelidonine
  548. telomere shortening in breast cancer correlates with the pathological features of tumor progression
  549. telomere shortening in cancer cells by electrolyzed-reduced water
  550. telomere shortening in centroacinar-acinar region of the pancreas: relationships with aging, cancers and tissue stem cells
  551. telomere shortening in chronic liver diseases
  552. telomere shortening in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  553. telomere shortening in CLL Correlates with Cell Cycle-Dependent Dysregulation of Shelterin Proteins
  554. telomere shortening In COPD And Lung Cancer: A Pilot Study In Chronic Smokers
  555. telomere shortening in cultured autografts of patients with burns
  556. telomere shortening in cultured human dermal fibroblasts is associated with acute photodamage induced by UVA irradiation
  557. telomere shortening in diabetic rats: effects of dietary intervention with fisetin and n-acetylcysteine
  558. telomere shortening in diaphragm and tibialis anterior muscles of aged mdx mice
  559. telomere shortening in Down Syndrome Patients—When Does It Start?
  560. telomere shortening in elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment may be attenuated with ω-3 fatty acid supplementation: a randomized controlled pilot study
  561. telomere shortening in elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment may be attenuated with¿-3 fatty acid supplementation: a randomized controlled pilot study
  562. telomere shortening in elderly people with mild cognitive impairment may be attenuated with omega-3 fatty acid supplementation: A randomised controlled pilot …
  563. telomere shortening in endothelial and progenitor cells likely to play a crucial role in the development of vascular disease
  564. telomere shortening in familial and sporadic pulmonary fibrosis
  565. telomere shortening in Fanconi anaemia demonstrated by a direct FISH approach
  566. telomere shortening in formerly abused and never abused women
  567. telomere shortening in gastric carcinoma with aging despite telomerase activation
  568. telomere shortening in Hematological Malignancies with Tetraploidization—A Mechanism for Chromosomal Instability?
  569. telomere shortening in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a potential mechanism for late graft failure?
  570. telomere shortening in human coronary artery diseases
  571. telomere shortening in human diseases
  572. telomere shortening in human fibroblasts is not dependent on the size of the telomeric-3′-overhang
  573. telomere shortening in human fibroblasts is not dependent on the size of the telomeric‐3′‐overhang
  574. telomere shortening in human HL60 cells by treatment with 3′-azido-2′, 3′-dideoxynucleosides and telomerase inhibition by their 5′-triphosphates
  575. telomere shortening in human HL60 cells by treatment with deoxyguanosine analogs
  576. telomere shortening in human kidney-The key to the adverse effects of donor age?
  577. telomere shortening in intra uterine growth restriction placentas
  578. telomere shortening in kidneys with age
  579. telomere shortening in leucocyte subsets of long‐term survivors of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
  580. telomere shortening in leukemic cells is related to their genetic alterations but not replicative capability
  581. telomere shortening in leukocyte subpopulations from baboons
  582. telomere shortening in leukocyte subpopulations in depression
  583. telomere shortening in liver transplant recipients is not influenced by underlying disease or metabolic derangements.
  584. telomere shortening in middle-aged men with sleep-disordered breathing
  585. telomere shortening in mouse strains with constitutional chromosomal aberrations
  586. telomere shortening in mTR−/− embryos is associated with failure to close the neural tube
  587. telomere shortening in mucosa surrounding the tumor: biosensor of field cancerization and prognostic marker of mucosal failure in head and neck squamous cell …
  588. telomere shortening in neural stem cells disrupts neuronal differentiation and neuritogenesis
  589. telomere shortening in neurological disorders: an abundance of unanswered questions
  590. telomere shortening in non-tumorous and tumor mucosa is independently related to colorectal carcinogenesis in precancerous lesions
  591. telomere shortening in pancreatic cancer is correlated to KRAS mutation
  592. telomere shortening in patients with plasma cell disorders
  593. telomere shortening in peripheral blood cells was related with aging but not with white blood cell count
  594. telomere shortening In Peripheral Skeletal Muscle Of Patient With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  595. telomere shortening in Ph-negative chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms: a biological marker of polycythemia vera and myelofibrosis, regardless of …
  596. telomere shortening in placentas from pregnancies complicated with diabetes
  597. telomere shortening in rat hepatic stem-like epithelial cells and subcellular localization of rat PinX1
  598. telomere shortening in recipients of bone-marrow transplants
  599. telomere shortening in renal cell carcinoma
  600. telomere shortening in sleep apnea syndrome
  601. telomere shortening in smokers with and without COPD
  602. telomere shortening in stillbirth: a sign of premature placental senescence
  603. telomere shortening in T cells correlates with Alzheimer’s disease status
  604. telomere shortening in T lymphocytes of older individuals with Down syndrome and dementia
  605. telomere shortening in the Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative cohort
  606. telomere shortening in the colonial coral Acropora digitifera during development
  607. telomere shortening in the colonic mucosa of patients with ulcerative colitis
  608. telomere shortening in the damaged small bile ducts in primary biliary cirrhosis reflects ongoing cellular senescence
  609. telomere shortening in the esophagus of Japanese alcoholics: relationships with chromoendoscopic findings, ALDH2 and ADH1B genotypes and smoking …
  610. telomere shortening in the Oral Epithelium in Relation to Alcohol Intake, Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH‐1B) and Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH‐2) Genotypes …
  611. telomere shortening in the pathogenesis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  612. telomere shortening in type II pneumocytes relates to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  613. telomere shortening in uterine leiomyomas
  614. telomere shortening in women resident close to waste landfill sites
  615. telomere shortening induces cell intrinsic checkpoints and environmental alterations limiting adult stem cell function
  616. telomere shortening is a hallmark of genetic cardiomyopathies
  617. telomere shortening is a prognostic factor in chronic hepatitis C virus infection
  618. telomere shortening is a sole mechanism of aging in mammals
  619. telomere shortening is an early somatic DNA alteration in human prostate tumorigenesis
  620. telomere shortening is an in vivo marker of myocyte replication and aging
  621. telomere shortening is associated to TRF1 and PARP1 overexpression in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  622. telomere shortening is associated with cell division in vitro and in vivo
  623. telomere shortening is associated with genetic anticipation in Chinese Von Hippel–Lindau disease families
  624. telomere shortening is associated with malformation in p53-deficient mice after irradiation during specific stages of development
  625. telomere shortening is associated with poor prognosis and telomerase activity correlates with DNA repair impairment in non-small cell lung cancer
  626. telomere shortening is associated with reduced duodenal HCO3− secretory but normal gastric acid secretory capacity in aging mice
  627. telomere shortening is correlated with the DNA damage response and telomeric protein down-regulation in colorectal preneoplastic lesions
  628. telomere shortening is nearly universal in pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia
  629. telomere shortening is proportional to the size of the G-rich telomeric 3′-overhang
  630. telomere shortening is the sole mechanism of aging
  631. telomere shortening leads to an acceleration of synucleinopathy and impaired microglia response in a genetic mouse model
  632. telomere shortening leads to earlier age of onset in ALS mice
  633. telomere shortening may be associated with human keloids
  634. telomere shortening may contribute to aging and cancer: a perspective
  635. telomere shortening mechanisms
  636. telomere shortening occurs early during breast tumorigenesis: a cause of chromosome destabilization underlying malignant transformation?
  637. telomere shortening occurs early during gastrocarcinogenesis
  638. telomere shortening occurs in Asian Indian Type 2 diabetic patients
  639. telomere shortening occurs in subsets of normal breast epithelium as well as in situ and invasive carcinoma
  640. telomere shortening of epithelial cells characterises the adenoma-carcinoma transition of human colorectal cancer
  641. telomere shortening of MCF 7 Cells Caused by Antisense Telomerase cDNA
  642. telomere shortening of MCF-7 Cells Caused by Antisense Telomerase cDNA.
  643. telomere shortening of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in coronary disease patients with metabolic disorders
  644. telomere shortening over 6 years is associated with increased subclinical carotid vascular damage and worse cardiovascular prognosis in the general population
  645. telomere shortening produces an inflammatory environment that promotes tumor invasiveness in zebrafish
  646. telomere shortening rate predicts species life span
  647. telomere shortening reduces Alzheimer’s disease amyloid pathology in mice
  648. telomere shortening Reduces Regenerative Capacity after Acute Kidney Injury
  649. telomere shortening reduces Survival despite Suppression of Carcinoma Formation during Chronic Liver Damage
  650. telomere shortening relaxes X chromosome inactivation and forces global transcriptome alterations
  651. telomere shortening sensitizes cancer cells to selected cytotoxic agents: in vitro and in vivo studies and putative mechanisms
  652. telomere shortening triggers a feedback loop to enhance end protection
  653. telomere shortening triggers a p53-dependent cell cycle arrest via accumulation of G-rich single stranded DNA fragments
  654. telomere shortening triggers senescence of human cells through a pathway involving ATM, p53, and p21CIP1, but not p16INK4a
  655. telomere shortening unrelated to smoking, body weight, physical activity, and alcohol intake: 4,576 general population individuals with repeat measurements …
  656. telomere shortening with aging in human esophageal mucosa
  657. telomere shortening with aging in human liver
  658. telomere shortening with aging in human thyroid and parathyroid tissue
  659. telomere shortening with aging in the human pancreas
  660. telomere shortening, ageing, and chromosome damage
  661. telomere shortening, atherosclerosis, and metabolic syndrome
  662. telomere shortening, clonal evolution and disease progression in myelodysplastic syndrome patients with 5q deletion treated with lenalidomide
  663. telomere shortening, inflammatory cytokines, and anti-cytomegalovirus antibody follow distinct age-associated trajectories in humans
  664. telomere shortening, regenerative capacity, and cardiovascular outcomes
  665. telomere shortening, telomerase expression, and chromosome instability in rat hepatic epithelial stem‐like cells
  666. telomere shortening, TP53 mutations and deletions in chronic lymphocytic leukemia result in increased chromosomal instability and breakpoint clustering in …
  667. telomere shortening: a biological marker of sporadic colorectal cancer with normal expression of p53 and mismatch repair proteins
  668. telomere shortening: a diagnostic tool and therapeutic target for cardiovascular disease?
  669. telomere shortening: A marker of atherosclerosis?
  670. telomere shortening: a new prognostic factor for cardiovascular disease post-radiation exposure
  671. telomere shortening: significant for keratinocyte grafting?
  672. telomere shortening: The main mechanism of natural and radiation aging
  673. telomere structure and shortening in telomerase-deficient Trypanosoma brucei
  674. telomere Structure and Shortening in Telomerase-Deficient Trypanosoma brucei: Implications for Anitgenic Variation
  675. telomere uncapping in progenitor cells with critical telomere shortening is coupled to S-phase progression in vivo
  676. Telomeric noncoding RNA TERRA is induced by telomere shortening to nucleate telomerase molecules at short telomeres
  677. TERRA promotes telomere shortening through exonuclease 1–mediated resection of chromosome ends
  678. TGF-beta receptor mediated telomerase inhibition, telomere shortening and breast cancer cell senescence
  679. The aging lung: tissue telomere shortening in health and disease
  680. The association between statins and telomere shortening
  681. The association of occupational metals exposure and oxidative damage, telomere shortening in fitness equipments manufacturing workers
  682. The effect of pro-inflammatory conditioning and/or high glucose on telomere shortening of aging fibroblasts
  683. The effects of telomere shortening on cancer cells: a network model of proteomic and microRNA analysis
  684. The interaction effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure and TERT-CLPTM1L variants on longitudinal telomere length shortening: A prospective cohort …
  685. The Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPARγ2 gene interacts with a Mediterranean Diet to prevent telomere shortening in the PREDIMED-NAVARRA randomized trial
  686. The rate of leukocyte telomere shortening predicts mortality from cardiovascular disease in elderly men
  687. The rate of leukocyte telomere shortening predicts mortality from cardiovascular disease in elderly men: a novel demonstration
  688. The role of telomere shortening in carcinogenesis: A hybrid stochastic-deterministic approach
  689. The role of telomere shortening in somatic stem cells and tissue aging: lessons from telomerase model systems
  690. The role of telomere shortening in the development and progression of COPD
  691. The roles of senescence and telomere shortening in cardiovascular disease
  692. The shortening of leukocyte telomere length relates to DNA hypermethylation of LINE-1 in type 2 diabetes mellitus
  693. The shortening telomere length of T lymphocytes maybe associated with hyper‑function in servere aplastic anemia
  694. The teleost Oryzias latipes shows telomere shortening with age despite considerable telomerase activity throughout life
  695. The telomerase inhibitor telomestatin induces telomere shortening and cell death in Arabidopsis
  696. The telomere shortening signal may be explained by a fountain mechanism modulating the expression of eukaryotic genes
  697. The THO complex component Thp2 counteracts telomeric R‐loops and telomere shortening
  698. The two isomers of HDTIC compounds from Astragali Radix slow down telomere shortening rate via attenuating oxidative stress and increasing DNA repair ability in …
  699. The Yeast TEL1 Gene Partially Substitutes for Human ATM in Suppressing Hyperrecombination, Radiation-Induced Apoptosis and telomere shortening in AT Cells
  700. Thymoquinone induces telomere shortening, DNA damage and apoptosis in human glioblastoma cells
  701. T-loop formation and abrupt telomere shortening
  702. Tomentosin Induces telomere shortening and Caspase‐Dependant Apoptosis in Cervical Cancer Cells
  703. Topical application of preparations containing DNA repair enzymes prevents ultraviolet-induced telomere shortening and c-FOS proto-oncogene hyperexpression in …
  704. TRF2 overexpression diminishes repair of telomeric single-strand breaks and accelerates telomere shortening in human fibroblasts
  705. triphosphates inhibit telomerase activity in vitro , and the corresponding nucleosides cause telomere shortening in human HL60 cells
  706. Two consecutive courses of peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) mobilization induce marked telomere length shortening
  707. Uncoupling the senescent phenotype from telomere shortening in hydrogen peroxide-treated fibroblasts
  708. Up-regulation of telomere-binding proteins, TRF1, TRF2, and TIN2 is related to telomere shortening during human multistep hepatocarcinogenesis
  709. Urothelial cell senescence is not linked with telomere shortening
  710. WRN controls formation of extrachromosomal telomeric circles and is required for TRF2ΔB-mediated telomere shortening
  711. XAV939 promotes apoptosis in a neuroblastoma cell line via telomere shortening
  712. XPF with mutations in its conserved nuclease domain is defective in DNA repair but functions in TRF2-mediated telomere shortening
  713. Zscan4 is activated after telomere shortening in mouse embryonic stem cells
  714. γ-Tocotrienol prevents oxidative stress-induced telomere shortening in human fibroblasts derived from different aged individuals

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