Sasp & Adipose Tissue

Adipose tissue, often referred to as fat, plays a crucial role in our health by storing energy, regulating hormones, and insulating our bodies. However, as we age or experience obesity, adipose tissue undergoes a complex change known as senescence. This process creates senescent cells that release a harmful cocktail of molecules called the Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP).

SASP disrupts the healthy functioning of adipose tissue. It promotes inflammation, hinders the formation of new fat cells,and disrupts the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar. This dysfunction contributes to a cascade of age-related diseases including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s. Understanding how SASP and adipose tissue senescence interact is a promising avenue for researchers seeking to develop interventions to promote healthy aging and combat chronic diseases.

  1. Exercise prevents diet-induced cellular senescence in adipose tissue
  2. Physiological aging: links among adipose tissue dysfunction, diabetes, and frailty
  3. Unbiased analysis of senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP) to identify common components following different genotoxic stresses
  4. Aging and adipose tissue: potential interventions for diabetes and regenerative medicine
  5. Roles of chemokine ligand-2 (CXCL2) and neutrophils in influencing endothelial cell function and inflammation of human adipose tissue
  6. Ablation of XP-V gene causes adipose tissue senescence and metabolic abnormalities
  7. The emerging role of senescent cells in tissue homeostasis and pathophysiology
  8. Cellular senescence and the senescent secretory phenotype in age-related chronic diseases
  9. JAK inhibition alleviates the cellular senescence-associated secretory phenotype and frailty in old age
  10. Growth hormone action predicts age-related white adipose tissue dysfunction and senescent cell burden in mice
  11. Aging-related inflammation in osteoarthritis
  12. Cellular senescence in type 2 diabetes: a therapeutic opportunity
  13. The fat cell senescence hypothesis: a mechanism responsible for abrogating the resolution of inflammation in chronic disease
  14. Feast and famine: adipose tissue adaptations for healthy aging
  15. Macrophages in age-related chronic inflammatory diseases
  16. Proposed metabolic vicious circle in patients with large myocardial infarcts and high plasma-free-fatty-acid concentrations
  17. Perspective: targeting the JAK/STAT pathway to fight age-related dysfunction
  18. Effect of low-dose rapamycin on senescence markers and physical functioning in older adults with coronary artery disease: results of a pilot study.
  19. Systemic DNA damage response and metabolic syndrome as a premalignant state
  20. Stem cell senescence and regenerative paradigms
  21. Cellular senescence in ageing, age-related disease and longevity
  22. Contribution of adipose tissue inflammation to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  23. Phytochemicals suppress nuclear factor-κB signaling: impact on health span and the aging process
  24. Effect of lipopolysaccharides on adipogenic potential and premature senescence of adipocyte progenitors
  25. Developments in our understanding of the effects of growth hormone on white adipose tissue from mice: implications to the clinic
  26. Cellular senescence in aging and age-related disease: from mechanisms to therapy
  27. Deleted in B reast C ancer 1 regulates cellular senescence during obesity
  28. Growth differentiation factor 6 derived from mesenchymal stem/stromal cells reduces age-related functional deterioration in multiple tissues
  29. Mitochondrial dysfunction induces senescence with a distinct secretory phenotype
  30. Impact of growth hormone on regulation of adipose tissue
  31. Senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) involvement in the development of cancer, aging, and age related diseases
  32. Clearance of p16Ink4a-positive senescent cells delays ageing-associated disorders
  33. Curcumin, inflammation, ageing and age-related diseases
  34. Inflammation, ageing and chronic disease
  35. Geroscience: linking aging to chronic disease
  36. Osteoarthritis as an inflammatory disease (osteoarthritis is not osteoarthrosis!)
  37. Mitochondrial dysfunction meets senescence
  38. Finding Shangri-La: limiting the impact of senescence on aging
  39. Inflamm-ageing
  40. Characterization of senescence of culture-expanded human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells
  41. An experiment to determine the active therapeutic moiety of sulphasalazine
  42. Aging of the human innate immune system in HIV infection
  43. Metabolic syndrome is a real disease and premalignant state induced by oncogenic stresses to block malignant transformation
  44. Mechanisms and metabolic implications of regional differences among fat depots
  45. The role of inflammation in age-related disease
  46. “Inflammaging” as a druggable target: a senescence-associated secretory phenotype—centered view of type 2 diabetes
  47. Antagonizing Effects of Aspartic Acid against Ultraviolet A-Induced Downregulation of the Stemness of Human adipose tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem …
  48. Cellular senescence: from physiology to pathology
  49. RETRACTED: Chronic Inflammation: Accelerator of Biological Aging
  50. Senescence associated macrophages and “macroph-aging”: are they pieces of the same puzzle?
  51. Cellular senescence and the biology of aging, disease, and frailty
  52. Targeting senescent cells enhances adipogenesis and metabolic function in old age
  53. Urinary Iodine Concentrations in Mothers and their Term Newborns
  54. Aging and osteoarthritis
  55. Obesity-associated mechanisms of hepatocarcinogenesis
  56. P12 Pathological vascular smooth muscle cells remodelling in murine models of abdominal aortic aneurysm
  57. The aging adipose organ: lipid redistribution, inflammation, and cellular senescence
  58. Ginsenoside Rd attenuates the inflammatory response via modulating p38 and JNK signaling pathways in rats with TNBS-induced relapsing colitis
  59. Impact of cellular senescence signature on ageing research
  60. Metabolic and microenvironment changes in the mammary of calorie restricted, normal weight, and obese mice throughout the lifespan
  61. Senescent cells: a novel therapeutic target for aging and age‐related diseases
  62. … and Metabolic Dysfunction during Aging and Senescence: Effect of lipopolysaccharides on adipogenic potential and premature senescence of adipocyte …
  63. Crossing Boundaries to Propel Tissue Engineering into the Clinic
  64. Mitochondrial damage induces senescence with a twisted arm
  65. Therapeutic effect and mechanism of proanthocyanidins from grape seeds in rats with TNBS-induced ulcerative colitis
  66. Chronic inflammation (inflammaging) and its potential contribution to age-associated diseases
  67. Pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma development in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  68. ÔØ Å ÒÙ× Ö ÔØ
  69. Aging of the immune system: focus on inflammation and vaccination
  70. Molecular mechanisms of ageing and related diseases
  71. Senescent cells: SASPected drivers of age-related pathologies
  72. Control of p53 and NF-κB signaling by WIP1 and MIF: role in cellular senescence and organismal aging
  73. p21 both attenuates and drives senescence and aging in BubR1 progeroid mice
  74. Stop feeding cancer: pro-inflammatory role of visceral adiposity in liver cancer
  75. Cellular senescence and the senescent secretory phenotype: therapeutic opportunities
  76. Metabolic control of longevity
  77. Cisplatin-induced mesenchymal stromal cells-mediated mechanism contributing to decreased antitumor effect in breast cancer cells
  78. Microbiome–Obesity–Liver Cancer Interaction: Senescence of Hepatic Stellate Cells and Bile Acids Play New Roles
  79. Ameliorative effects of 3, 4-oxo-isopropylidene-shikimic acid on experimental colitis and their mechanisms in rats
  80. Hepatocellular carcinoma and lifestyles
  81. Inflammation and cellular senescence: potential contribution to chronic diseases and disabilities with aging
  82. Toll like receptor signaling in “inflammaging”: microRNA as new players
  83. Depleting senescent cells to combat aging
  84. www. aging-us. com AGING 2016, Vol. 8, Advance
  85. High-throughput screening reveals enzyme and GPCR targets as putative binding sites for d-deprenyl
  86. Adipocytes and neutrophils give a helping hand to pancreatic cancers
  87. Chronic senolytic treatment alleviates established vasomotor dysfunction in aged or atherosclerotic mice
  88. Anti-inflammatory effects of Pulvis Fellis Suis extract in mice with ulcerative colitis
  89. Ageing and the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis
  90. Aging of mice is associated with p16 (Ink4a)-and β-galactosidase-positive macrophage accumulation that can be induced in young mice by senescent cells
  91. Cellular senescence in aging and osteoarthritis: implications for cartilage repair
  92. Oxidative stress and the ageing endocrine system
  93. Clinical strategies and animal models for developing senolytic agents
  94. Liver cancer: connections with obesity, fatty liver, and cirrhosis
  95. Of flies, mice, and men: evolutionarily conserved tissue damage responses and aging
  96. Age-dependent dysregulation of innate immunity
  97. Endothelial progenitor cells: from senescence to rejuvenation
  98. Aging: a common driver of chronic diseases and a target for novel interventions
  99. Increased IL-6 secretion by aged human mesenchymal stromal cells disrupts hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells’ homeostasis
  100. Extracellular microRNAs and endothelial hyperglycaemic memory: a therapeutic opportunity?
  101. The role of oxidative stress and inflammation in cardiovascular aging
  102. Cell autonomous and non-autonomous effects of senescent cells in the skin
  103. A case of rheumatoid arthritis exhibiting accelerating rheumatoid pleurisy during low-dose weekly methotrexate therapy
  104. Mesenchymal stroma: primary determinant and therapeutic target for epithelial cancer
  105. The role of senescent cells in ageing
  106. Sowing the seeds of cancer: telomeres and age-associated tumorigenesis
  107. Tim-3: an emerging target in the cancer immunotherapy landscape
  108. Effect of traditional Chinese medicinal enemas on ulcerative colitis of rats
  109. Diabetes and cancer, common threads and missing links
  110. Hepatocellular carcinoma in nonalcoholic fatty liver: role of environmental and genetic factors
  111. Translational research in immune senescence: assessing the relevance of current models
  112. Elimination of p19ARF-expressing cells enhances pulmonary function in mice
  113. The effects of aging on the development of osteoarthritis
  114. Cellular senescence impact on immune cell fate and function
  115. Effects of proanthocyanidins from grape seed on treatment of recurrent ulcerative colitis in rats
  116. Proanthocyanidins from grape seeds modulate the NF-κB signal transduction pathways in rats with TNBS-induced ulcerative colitis
  117. Morphological, molecular and functional differences of adult bone marrow-and adipose-derived stem cells isolated from rats of different ages
  118. The role of insulin resistance in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and liver disease development–a potential therapeutic target?
  119. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: pathogenesis and disease spectrum
  120. The possible mechanisms of Picrasma quassiodes (D. Don) Benn. in the treatment of colitis induced by 2, 4, 6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid in mice
  121. Aldosterone induces p21‐regulated apoptosis via increased synthesis and secretion of tumour necrosis factor‐α in human proximal tubular cells
  122. Senescence as a general cellular response to stress: a mini-review
  123. Obesity and liver cancer
  124. Cell senescence abrogates the therapeutic potential of human mesenchymal stem cells in the lethal endotoxemia model
  125. Reversing multiple age-related pathologies by controlling the senescence-associated secretory phenotype of stem cells
  126. Histone macroH2A1. 2 promotes metabolic health and leanness by inhibiting adipogenesis
  127. Pivotal role of Sirt6 in the crosstalk among ageing, metabolic syndrome and osteoarthritis
  128. Proanthocyanidins from grape seeds modulates the nuclear factor-kappa B signal transduction pathways in rats with TNBS-induced recurrent ulcerative colitis
  129. Maternal obesity programs senescence signaling and glucose metabolism in osteo-progenitors from rat and human
  130. Immunosurveillance of senescent cells: the bright side of the senescence program
  131. Obesity and the gut microbiome: pathophysiological aspects
  132. Ageing induced vascular smooth muscle cell senescence in atherosclerosis
  133. Cancer and inflammation: an old intuition with rapidly evolving new concepts
  134. Obesity and cancer pathogenesis
  135. Metabolic consequences of HIV: pathogenic insights
  136. Noncoding RNA control of cellular senescence
  137. Protective effects of 3, 4-oxo-isopropylidene-shikimic acid on experimental colitis induced by trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid in rats
  138. Inflammaging decreases adaptive and innate immune responses in mice and humans
  139. Senescence and the pro-tumorigenic stroma
  140. Siegesbeckia pubescens ameliorates experimental ulcerative colitis in rats by modulating PPARγ.
  141. Therapeutic effect of ginsenoside Rd in rats with TNBS-induced recurrent ulcerative colitis
  142. Mice deficient in Rbm38, a target of the p53 family, are susceptible to accelerated aging and spontaneous tumors
  143. Serum n3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are depleted in Crohn’s disease
  144. The cell secretome, a mediator of cell-to-cell communication
  145. Targeting senescent cells: possible implications for delaying skin aging: a mini-review
  146. DNA damage and innate immunity: links and trade-offs
  147. The Achilles’ heel of senescent cells: from transcriptome to senolytic drugs
  148. Protective effect of taurohyodeoxycholic acid from Pulvis Fellis Suis on trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid induced ulcerative colitis in mice
  149. Chronic inflammation, immune escape, and oncogenesis in the liver: a unique neighborhood for novel intersections
  150. Mesenchymal stem cells in regenerative medicine: focus on articular cartilage and intervertebral disc regeneration
  151. Interventions to slow aging in humans: are we ready?
  152. Anti-inflammatory activity and mechanisms of a lipid extract from hard-shelled mussel (Mytilus coruscus) in mice with dextran sulphate sodium-induced colitis
  153. DNA damage response and autophagy: a meaningful partnership
  154. NF-κB pathway activators as potential ageing biomarkers: targets for new therapeutic strategies
  155. mTOR signaling from cellular senescence to organismal aging
  156. Erdheim–Chester disease: from palliative care to targeted treatment
  157. Gerosuppressant metformin: less is more
  158. Chemoprevention of obesity-related liver carcinogenesis by using pharmaceutical and nutraceutical agents
  159. Workshop report Key data from the 11th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Co-Morbidities in HIV
  160. Human mesenchymal stem cell-replicative senescence and oxidative stress are closely linked to aneuploidy
  161. Immune aging, dysmetabolism, and inflammation in neurological diseases
  162. Anti-inflammatory effects of Huangqin tang extract in mice on ulcerative colitis
  163. Conditioned media from human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells inhibits melanogenesis by promoting proteasomal degradation of MITF
  164. Speeding up the clock: The past, present and future of progeria
  165. Mathematical integration of protein metabolism in growing lambs
  166. Short telomeres in key tissues initiate local and systemic aging in zebrafish
  167. Modelling age-related metabolic disorders in the mouse
  168. Disease drivers of aging
  169. Myeloma cells can corrupt senescent mesenchymal stromal cells and impair their anti-tumor activity
  170. Diabetes and aging
  171. Exercise attenuates the major hallmarks of aging
  172. Long noncoding RNAs in diseases of aging
  173. Evolving concepts in the pathogenesis of NASH: beyond steatosis and inflammation
  174. From cell senescence to age-related diseases: differential mechanisms of action of senescence-associated secretory phenotypes
  175. Persistent DNA damage‐induced premature senescence alters the functional features of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
  176. Halofuginone reduces the inflammatory responses of DSS-induced colitis through metabolic reprogramming
  177. Obesity and cancer
  178. Senescence in human mesenchymal stem cells: functional changes and implications in stem cell-based therapy
  179. Bile acids and the gut microbiome
  180. Aging, clonality, and rejuvenation of hematopoietic stem cells
  181. Dysregulated inflammation as a risk factor for pneumonia in the elderly
  182. Ageing and the telomere connection: An intimate relationship with inflammation
  183. The study of skeletal aging is coming of age: A forum on aging and skeletal health
  184. Resveratrol attenuates senescence of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and restores their paracrine effects on promoting insulin secretion of INS-1 …
  185. Cancer-associated-fibroblasts and tumour cells: a diabolic liaison driving cancer progression
  186. Nuclear lamina defects cause ATM-dependent NF-κB activation and link accelerated aging to a systemic inflammatory response
  188. Secreted microvesicular miR‐31 inhibits osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells
  189. Are there roles for brain cell senescence in aging and neurodegenerative disorders?
  190. Effect of Manuka honey and sulfasalazine in combination to promote antioxidant defense system in experimentally induced ulcerative colitis model in rats
  191. Effect of hyperglycemia on hepatocellular carcinoma development in diabetes
  192. NF-κB in aging and disease
  193. Toward the comprehensive understanding of the gut ecosystem via metabolomics-based integrated omics approach
  194. Interleukin‐8 production in tuberculous pleurisy: role of mesothelial cells stimulated by cytokine network involving tumour necrosis factor‐α and interleukin‐1β
  195. Energetic interventions for healthspan and resiliency with aging
  196. Secretome of human fetal mesenchymal stem cell ameliorates replicative senescence
  197. Caloric restriction and aging stem cells: the stick and the carrot?
  198. Exercise enhances wound healing and prevents cancer progression during aging by targeting macrophage polarity
  199. The promise of slow down ageing may come from curcumin
  200. Effects of mimic of manganese superoxide dismutase on 2, 4, 6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced colitis in rats
  201. Genome-wide chromatin state transitions associated with developmental and environmental cues
  202. Oxidative stress, cellular senescence and ageing
  203. 7 Immune Senescence
  204. What Is Homeostasis?
  205. Atypical pyoderma gangrenosum with leukemia
  207. Vascular wall-resident multipotent stem cells of mesenchymal nature within the process of vascular remodeling: cellular basis, clinical relevance, and …
  208. Recombinant HSP70 and mild heat shock stimulate growth of aged mesenchymal stem cells
  209. Senescence in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  210. Fibrogenesis and carcinogenesis in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH): involvement of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase …
  211. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma: implications for lycopene intervention
  212. Telomeres and age-related disease: how telomere biology informs clinical paradigms
  213. Characterization of the human salivary proteome by capillary isoelectric focusing/nanoreversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled with ESI-tandem MS
  214. Macromolecular degradation systems and cardiovascular aging
  215. Acute phase serum amyloid A induces proinflammatory cytokines and mineralization via toll-like receptor 4 in mesenchymal stem cells
  216. Identification of a novel senolytic agent, navitoclax, targeting the Bcl‐2 family of anti‐apoptotic factors
  217. Understanding The Regulation Of Adipogenesis And Adipocyte Metabolism In Obesity
  218. Reprogramming suppresses premature senescence phenotypes of Werner syndrome cells and maintains chromosomal stability over long-term culture
  219. The senescence arrest program and the cell cycle
  220. The posttranslational processing of prelamin A and disease
  221. Caveolae and signalling in cancer
  222. Therapy with multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells protects lungs from radiation-induced injury and reduces the risk of lung metastasis
  223. Frailty and sarcopenia as the basis for the phenotypic manifestation of chronic diseases in older adults
  224. From experimental design to functional gene networks: DNA microarray contribution to skin ageing research
  225. Senescence-associated MCP-1 secretion is dependent on a decline in BMI1 in human mesenchymal stromal cells
  226. Tumour biology of obesity-related cancers: understanding the molecular concept for better diagnosis and treatment
  227. Protective effect of sanguinarine against acetic acid-induced ulcerative colitis in mice
  228. Living Large: What Mouse Models Reveal about Growth Hormone and Obesity
  229. Signaling networks determining life span
  230. Invariant natural killer T cells recognize a fungal glycosphingolipid that can induce airway hyperreactivity
  231. The second international conference “genetics of aging and longevity”
  232. Amniotic epithelial cells: a new tool to combat aging and age-related diseases?
  233. Mesenchymal stem cells in wound repair, tissue homeostasis, and aging
  234. The role and regulation of the nuclear factor kappa B signalling pathway in human labour
  235. Physiological regulation of the heat shock response by glutamine: implications for chronic low-grade inflammatory diseases in age-related conditions
  236. At the stem of youth and health
  237. New Insights into the Management and Therapeutics of Type 2 Diabetes
  238. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate ameliorates rats colitis induced by acetic acid
  239. Cellular and molecular biology of aging endothelial cells
  240. The nuclear lamina in health and disease
  241. The Biology of Aging: Role in Cancer, Metabolic Dysfunction, and Health Disparities
  242. Cellular and molecular basis of the imbalance between vascular damage and repair in ageing and age-related diseases: as biomarkers and targets for new …
  243. Interrater reliability of a clinical scale to assess knee joint effusion
  244. Telomeres, oxidative stress and inflammatory factors: partners in cellular senescence?
  245. Cell cycle arrest and the evolution of chronic kidney disease from acute kidney injury
  246. Biomarkers and Inflammatory Network in Aging: Targets for Therapies
  247. Implications of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cell aging
  248. Connecting the dots: from DNA damage and repair to aging
  249. Metformin‐mediated increase in DICER1 regulates microRNA expression and cellular senescence
  250. MicroRNA-34a induces endothelial progenitor cell senescence and impedes its angiogenesis via suppressing silent information regulator 1
  251. Identification of senescent cells in the bone microenvironment
  252. Identification of microRNAs dysregulated in cellular senescence driven by endogenous genotoxic stress
  253. Melatonin and the theories of aging: a critical appraisal of melatonin’s role in antiaging mechanisms
  254. Increasing longevity through caloric restriction or rapamycin feeding in mammals: common mechanisms for common outcomes?
  255. Extracellular microRNAs and endothelial hyperglycemic memory: a therapeutic opportunity?
  256. Skin mirrors human aging
  257. miR‐335 correlates with senescence/aging in human mesenchymal stem cells and inhibits their therapeutic actions through inhibition of AP‐1 activity
  258. Effect of different doses of Manuka honey in experimentally induced inflammatory bowel disease in rats
  259. Illuminating inflammasome activity in vivo
  260. Metabolic exchanges within tumor microenvironment
  261. Inflammation and atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis
  262. From cellular senescence to age-associated diseases: the miRNA connection
  263. Melatonin reduces endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy in liver of leptin‐deficient mice
  264. Modulation of Membrane Transport Systems
  265. The role of chromatin reorganization in the process of cellular senescence
  266. Pleiotropic effects of tocotrienols and quercetin on cellular senescence: introducing the perspective of senolytic effects of phytochemicals
  267. Role of DNA damage in cardiovascular disease
  268. The telomere syndromes
  269. Somatic stem cell aging and malignant transformation–impact on therapeutic application
  270. Organelle Stress and mTOR in Aging-Associated Inflammation
  271. ACC 284
  272. Regulatory roles of miRNAs in aging
  273. Evidences of early senescence in multiple myeloma bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells
  274. Mechanisms of metastatic tumor dormancy
  275. Liposarcoma
  276. Liposarcomas-proliferation, senescence and the role of DDIT3
  277. Senescence bypass in mesenchymal stem cells: a potential pathogenesis and implications of pro-senescence therapy in sarcomas
  278. Mechanisms of resveratrol-induced inhibition of clonal expansion and terminal adipogenic differentiation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes
  279. Progressive loss of SIRT1 with cell cycle withdrawal
  280. Targeting Senescent Cells to Improve Human Health
  281. Defining mesenchymal stromal cells responsiveness to IFNγ as a surrogate measure of suppressive potency
  282. The germline/soma dichotomy: implications for aging and degenerative disease
  283. Identifying of the causative genes in spontaneous mutant mouse strains by forward-reverse genetics
  284. Phenylbutyric Acid: simple structure-multiple effects
  285. The role of immunosenescence in the development of age-related diseases
  286. Melatonin reverses H2O2‐induced premature senescence in mesenchymal stem cells via the SIRT1‐dependent pathway
  287. Recent advances in mouse models of obesity-and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis-associated hepatocarcinogenesis
  288. Cellular senescence and vascular disease: novel routes to better understanding and therapy
  289. Telomeres, NAFLD and chronic liver disease
  290. The emergence of geromirs: A group of micrornas implicated in aging
  291. The Role of Stem Cell Genomic Instability in Aging
  292. Potential therapeutic effects of curcumin, the anti-inflammatory agent, against neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, autoimmune and neoplastic …
  293. Regulation of senescence by microRNA biogenesis factors
  294. Host resistance and immune aging
  295. Coming of age: molecular drivers of aging and therapeutic opportunities
  296. ISSN 0975-413X CODEN (USA): PCHHAX
  297. Finding Ponce de Leon’s Pill: challenges in screening for anti-aging molecules
  298. Thymic involution perturbs negative selection leading to autoreactive T cells that induce chronic inflammation
  299. An Arf-Egr-C/EBPβ pathway linked to ras-induced senescence and cancer
  300. Growth hormone is a cellular senescence target in pituitary and nonpituitary cells
  301. MicroRNAs linking inflamm-aging, cellular senescence and cancer
  302. Ionizing radiation promotes the acquisition of a senescence-associated secretory phenotype and impairs angiogenic capacity in cerebromicrovascular endothelial …
  303. Medial arterial calcification: an overlooked player in peripheral arterial disease
  304. Lessons from Hepatocyte-Specific Cyp51 Knockout Mice: Impaired Cholesterol Synthesis Leads to Oval Cell-Driven Liver Injury
  305. Senescence-associated secretory phenotype contributes to pathological angiogenesis in retinopathy
  306. Inflammasomes: guardians of cytosolic sanctity
  307. As we age: Does slippage of quality control in the immune system lead to collateral damage?
  308. Anti-aging pharmacology: promises and pitfalls
  309. Neovascularization capacity of mesenchymal stromal cells from critical limb ischemia patients is equivalent to healthy controls
  310. Effect of hyperglycemia on hepatocellular carcinoma development in diabetes
  311. Expression of HOXD9 in fibroblast-like synoviocytes from rheumatoid arthritis patients
  312. The Disrupted Steady-State: Tipping the Balance in Favour of Cancer
  313. The Way Forward: Translation
  314. Intervention of aging and its effects on cellular health
  315. DNA damage response and immune defense: links and mechanisms
  316. Towards an evidence-based model of aging
  317. iPSCs as a major opportunity to understand and cure age-related diseases
  318. The biology of aging: 1985–2010 and beyond
  319. DNA damage: from chronic inflammation to age-related deterioration
  320. The emerging role of Notch pathway in ageing: focus on the related mechanisms in age-related diseases
  322. miR-29c-3p promotes senescence of human mesenchymal stem cells by targeting CNOT6 through p53–p21 and p16–pRB pathways
  323. Osteopontin, a key mediator expressed by senescent pulmonary vascular cells in pulmonary hypertension
  324. NF-κB signaling as a driver of ageing
  325. The Cellular Senescence Program
  326. Age-related changes in blood-brain barrier integrity in C57BL/6J mice
  327. Ultrastructural analysis of changes in neurons of the mouse internal anal sphincter during ageing
  328. Age-related changes to lumbosacral spinal cord motoneurons that modulate bladder and bowel functions in male C57BL/6 mice
  329. The metabolic regulation of cellular ageing
  330. The inflammatory network: bridging senescent stroma and epithelial tumorigenesis
  331. Cellular senescence and inflammation in aging and age-related disease
  332. Influence of aging on the quantity and quality of human cardiac stem cells
  333. Prospects and challenges for the use of stem cell technologies to develop novel therapies for Parkinson disease
  334. Hypoxia-inducible histone lysine demethylases: impact on the aging process and age-related diseases
  335. Autophagy and cancer metabolism
  336. Assessing cell and organ senescence biomarkers
  337. Sphingolipids in inflammation: pathological implications and potential therapeutic targets
  338. ÔØ Å ÒÙ× Ö ÔØ
  339. Metformin and the ATM DNA damage response (DDR): accelerating the onset of stress-induced senescence to boost protection against cancer
  340. Cellular senescence in cardiovascular diseases: potential age-related mechanisms and implications for treatment
  341. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins 4 and 7 released by senescent cells promote premature senescence in mesenchymal stem cells
  342. Pathogenesis of osteoarthritis
  343. Better living through chemistry: caloric restriction (CR) and CR mimetics alter genome function to promote increased health and lifespan
  344. Perspectives on translational and therapeutic aspects of SIRT1 in inflammaging and senescence
  345. Intestinal anti-inflammatory effect of the rhizome extracts of Menispermum dauricum DC. on trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid induced ulcerative colitis in mice
  346. Biosprays: From the biomedical to the clinical sciences
  347. Influence of age and physical fitness on miRna-21, TGF-ß and its receptors in leukocytes of healthy women.
  348. Caspase inhibition switches doxorubicin-induced apoptosis to senescence
  349. MicroRNAs as mediators of the ageing process
  350. Modelling ageing and age-related disease
  352. New objective findings after whiplash injuries: high blood flow in painful cervical soft tissue: an ultrasound pilot study
  353. Genome integrity in aging: human syndromes, mouse models, and therapeutic options
  354. Conditioned medium derived from rat amniotic epithelial cells confers protection against inflammation, cancer, and senescence
  355. Endothelial cell senescence and thrombosis: ageing clots
  356. A Fungal Glycosphingolipid Directly Activates Natural Killer T Cells and Rapidly Induces Airways Disease
  357. NAFLD and hepatocellular Carcinoma: how big a problem is this really?
  358. Mast cells and histamine are triggering the NF-κB-mediated reactions of adult and aged perilymphatic mesenteric tissues to acute inflammation
  359. Oral submucous fibrosis: Review on mechanisms of pathogenesis and malignant transformation
  360. Extracellular vesicles in lung microenvironment and pathogenesis
  361. Vascular endothelial senescence: from mechanisms to pathophysiology
  362. Autoimmune atherosclerosis in 3D: how it develops, how to diagnose and what to do
  363. Physiological roles of the DNA demethylation-associated proteins Gadd45a and Ing1
  364. Stress-induced premature senescence of endothelial and endothelial progenitor cells
  365. Regulation of Senescence by microRNAs
  366. Muscle stem cell aging: regulation and rejuvenation
  367. kk journal of experimental biology.
  368. 2.20 Behcet’s disease and miscellaneous rheumatic conditions
  369. Inflammatory bowel disease part I: ulcerative colitis–pathophysiology and conventional and alternative treatment options
  370. The Buck Institute: An inside look
  371. Accelerated epithelial cell senescence in IPF and the inhibitory role of SIRT6 in TGF-β-induced senescence of human bronchial epithelial cells
  372. Orphan technology: Unfunded early-stage bioscience is dropped off at the firehouse
  373. Computational approaches for the transcriptomics, proteomics and epigenetic analysis in adult stem cells
  374. The secret lives of stem cells: Unraveling the molecular basis of stem cell aging
  375. Positive and negative effects of cellular senescence during female reproductive aging and pregnancy
  376. Global profiling and relative quantifiction of histones, histone PTMs and histone-modifying enzymes in mesenchymal stem cells using LC-MS/MS and a novel …
  377. The 10th World Congress on Inflammation
  378. Ms. No.: METHODS-D-15-00125 R1–Revised Version
  379. Are aging biomarkers clinically relevant in oncogeriatrics?
  380. Apocrine secretion: new insights into an old phenomenon
  381. Molecular links between cellular senescence, longevity and age-related diseases–a systems biology perspective
  382. Practical Laboratory Medicine
  383. Stop Aging Disease! ICAD 2014.
  385. Impact of physical activity on immune function and inflammation in the elderly
  386. Four faces of cellular senescence
  387. Interventions to slow aging in humans: Are we ready?
  388. Determination of serum visfatin level in patients with Behcet disease, comparing with normal population
  389. Senescent fibroblast-derived Chemerin promotes squamous cell carcinoma migration
  390. DNA damage: a main determinant of vascular aging
  391. The Role of Estrogen Deficiency in Skin Aging and Wound Healing
  392. Comparative analysis of gene expression data reveals novel targets of senescence-associated microRNAs
  393. Accelerated telomere shortening in acromegaly; IGF-I induces telomere shortening and cellular senescence
  394. Salvianolic acid B restored impaired barrier function via downregulation of MLCK by microRNA-1 in rat colitis model
  395. IL-6 and related cytokines as the critical lynchpins between inflammation and cancer
  396. Anti-stress gene response in cell and tissue ageing: role of transcription factor NF-E2-related factor-2 and effect of dietary activators
  397. Protective Effect of Paronychia argentea L. on Acetic Acid Induced Ulcerative Colitis in Mice by Regulating Antioxidant Parameters and Inflammatory Markers
  398. 7th Joint Meeting of the European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS) with the Wound Healing Society
  399. Human Amniotic Fluid Mesenchymal Stromal cells (AF-MSCs) are Less Prone to in vitro Senescence Process Compared with Bone Marrow MSCs
  400. The central role of muscle stem cells in regenerative failure with aging
  401. Modulation of ageing characteristics with an anti-ageing compound
  402. Insulin pathway and its correlation with ageing and longevity
  403. Glucocorticoids suppress selected components of the senescence‐associated secretory phenotype
  404. Altered glycolipid and glycerophospholipid signaling drive inflammatory cascades in adrenomyeloneuropathy
  405. Stem cells and cancer stem cells
  406. Nutritional Modulators of Cellular Senescence In Vitro
  407. Non‐cell autonomous or secretory tumor suppression
  408. The Aging Superorganism
  409. Systemic problems: a perspective on stem cell aging and rejuvenation
  410. Modulators of cellular senescence: mechanisms, promises, and challenges from in vitro studies with dietary bioactive compounds
  411. Pharmacotherapeutics ECG of the Month
  412. Molecular Mechanisms of Lycopene Actions on Liver Disease Outcomes
  413. Pathophysiological fundamentals of diabetic cardiomyopathy
  414. The gut microbial endocrine organ: bacterially derived signals driving cardiometabolic diseases
  415. The role of miRNAs in common inflammatory arthropathies: osteoarthritis and gouty arthritis
  416. Similarities in gene expression profiles during in vitro aging of primary human embryonic lung and foreskin fibroblasts
  417. Rescuing the regenerative capacity of human mesenchymal stem cells from the elderly
  418. Nuclear lamina defects cause ATM-dependent NF-κB activation and link accelerated aging to a systemic inflammatory response
  419. Nuclear lamina defects cause ATM-dependent NF
  420. Interventions for age-related diseases: Shifting the paradigm
  421. An Arf-Egr-C
  422. Biomolecular bases of the senescence process and cancer. A new approach to oncological treatment linked to ageing
  423. Aging, Immunosenescence, and Cancer
  424. A causal role of ATM-and NEMO-dependent NF-κB activation in DNA damage-induced senescence and aging
  425. Effect of bisphenol A on stress-induced premature senescence
  426. Progerin Expression Disrupts Critical Adult Stem Cell Functions that Mediate Tissue Repair Primarily through a Mechanism that Permanently Farnesylates Lamin A
  427. Systemic DNA damage responses in aging and diseases
  428. Osteoarthritis in the Elderly
  429. MDM2 levels modulate the cellular senescence response to CDK4 inhibition
  430. Functional-structural plant modeling
  431. Placental origins of chronic disease
  432. Inflammatory dysregulation and cancer: From molecular mechanisms to therapeutic opportunities
  433. The Role of Integrated Omics in Elucidating the Gut Microbiota Health Potentials
  434. Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells transplantation in patients with refractory RA
  435. Stress-Induced Senescence: Molecular Pathways
  436. Neovascularization capacity of mesenchymal stromal cells from critical limb ischemia patients is equivalent to healthy controls
  437. Twist proteins as oxidative and hypoxic stress regulators
  438. The gut microbiota and the liver: implications for clinical practice
  439. The Epigenome and Aging
  440. Protein expression analysis of rat testes induced testicular toxicity with several reproductive toxicants
  441. Glenn Workshop on the Biology of Aging and AFAR Grantee Conference| JOINT MEETING
  442. The hallmarks of fibroblast ageing
  443. Signaling Networks Controlling Cellular Senescence
  444. Evidences of Early Senescence in Multiple Myeloma Bone Marrow
  445. Systemic administration of WY-14643, a selective synthetic agonist of peroxisome proliferator activator receptor-alpha, alters spinal neuronal firing in a rodent model of …
  446. Development of a mouse model for Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome reveal defects in adult stem cell maintenance
  447. A potential role for miR-31 in osteoblastic transition of vascular smooth muscle cells and cortisol-induced osteoporosis
  448. Senescent mesenchymal stem cells promote colorectal cancer cells growth via galectin-3 expression
  449. BLT2 Protects Skin from the Damage Caused by Type 2 Diabetes Hyperglycemia by Increasing NO Production Through the nNOS Expression
  450. Molecular mechanisms of aging in MTDNA mutator mice
  451. Reversing stem cell aging: Implications for vascular regeneration
  452. Targeting the tumor stroma as a novel therapeutic approach for prostate cancer
  453. The Role of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in Osteoarthritis
  454. Evidence supporting the utility of blood cell respiratory capacity as a systemic marker of mitochondrial health and biological age
  455. Circadian molecular clock in lung pathophysiology
  456. Stop Aging Disease! ICAD 2014
  457. Investigating the differential instructive roles of WT1’s isoforms
  458. Osteoporosis and mechanisms of skeletal aging
  459. Functional Enrichment Analysis
  460. mberHappily (n) ever after: Aging in the context of oxidative stress, proteostasis loss and cellular senescence
  461. Skin disease in laminopathy-associated premature aging
  462. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Chronic Inflammation in Aging of Skeletal Muscle
  463. Oxidative stress-induced JNK activation contributes to proinflammatory phenotype of aging diabetic mesangial cells
  464. Histone methylation and aging: lessons learned from model systems
  465. Regulation of Phospholipase Isozymes by Nuclear Factor-κB in Human Gestational Tissues in Vitro
  466. Fluorescence Spectroscopy
  467. Psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease: links and risks
  468. Prelamin A accelerates vascular calcification via activation of the DNA damage response and senescence-associated secretory phenotype in vascular smooth muscle …
  469. SIRT1 in endothelial cells as a novel target for the prevention of early vascular aging
  470. Cellular senescence as the causal nexus of aging
  471. MicroRNAs Regulate p21Waf1/Cip1 Protein Expression and the DNA Damage Response in Human Embryonic Stem Cells
  472. Basic Research
  473. Nuclear matrix, nuclear envelope and premature aging syndromes in a translational research perspective
  474. Relationships Among Body Mass Index, Nutrition, Internalizing Symptoms, and Ethnic Identity of Cherokee Youth Attending a Private American Indian Secondary …
  475. The role of the stress response gene Gadd45b in senescence
  476. False discovery rate (FDR)
  477. FBA Analysis, Plant-Pathogen Interactions
  478. Influence of aging on proliferation, pluripotency, immunogenic profiles from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
  479. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor regulates AKT signaling in hypoxic culture to modulate senescence of human mesenchymal stem cells
  480. Cell and molecular aging
  481. Loss of HuR leads to senescence-like cytokine induction in rodent fibroblasts by activating NF-κB
  482. Role of the nuclear envelope in regulation of ageing
  483. Chemotherapy-and Radiation-Induced Accelerated Senescence: Implications for Treatment Response, Tumor Progression and Cancer Survivorship
  484. Selenium and Senescence: Centering on Genome Maintenance
  485. Author statement
  486. Mechanisms of action of anti-TNF-α antibodies in inflammatory bowel disease
  487. Immortality: Myth or becoming Reality
  488. Skin, Mucosa and Menopause
  490. Proteome analysis of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue
  491. Framework Region (FR-IMGT)
  492. Frequent Pattern Mining
  493. Founders Effect
  494. Fisher’s Test
  495. Frequency
  496. Frequentist Approach
  497. Fitness
  498. Forward-scattered Light (FSC)
  499. Fluorescent Markers
  500. Fluorescence Microscopy
  501. Functional/Signature Network Module for Target Pathway/Gene Discovery
  502. Forward and Inverse Parameter Estimation for Metabolic Models
  503. Feature Selection
  504. Fitness Function
  505. Feedback Regulation
  506. Fibroblasts
  507. Feasibility
  508. Functional Modules and Complexes
  509. FunctionalityType
  510. Flux Balance Analysis
  511. Fokker–Planck Equation
  512. Faceted Browsing
  513. Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorting
  514. Flow Cytometry
  515. Frame Language
  516. Function, biological
  517. Feed Forward Loop
  518. Fluorophore
  519. Fluorescence Microscope
  520. False Positive Rate
  521. Fuzzy Logic
  522. Functional
  523. Flux Control Coefficient
  524. Fluorescence
  525. Functor
  526. Fourier Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy (FTIR)
  527. FuGE
  528. Foundational Model of Anatomy
  529. Floquet Multiplier
  530. Function, Distributed
  531. 9.1 Gut Microbiota
  532. Ageing and inflammation with focus on end-stage renal diseases: genetic and epigenetic factors
  533. The pleiotropic effects of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors in inflammatory arthritis
  534. Assessing Pain and Inflammation in Arthritis Using Novel Imaging Methods
  535. The skin as a mirror of the aging process
  536. Hyperalgesia and allodynia to superficial and deep-tissue mechanical stimulation within and outside of the UVB irradiated area in human skin
  537. IL-6 secreted from senescent mesenchymal stem cells promotes proliferation and migration of breast cancer cells
  538. The role of telomere damage in cardiomyocyte ageing
  539. Gut Microbiota and HCC
  540. Contributions of telomere biology to human age-related disease
  541. Adult cardiac stem cells: identity, location and potential
  542. Human Population Studies of Transcriptome-wide Expression in Age-related Traits
  543. The Role of Age in Cellular Responses to Microenvironmental Cues as a Breast Cancer Susceptibility Factor
  544. The effects of chronic and acute toxicological exposures on the expression of the tumor suppressor p16INK4a
  545. p53 and NF-κB: different strategies for responding to stress lead to a functional antagonism
  546. P13. 2
  547. The role of mitochondria in the regulation of gamma rays induced mTOR-dependent senescence
  548. Regulation of Forkhead BOX O tumor suppressors by Reactive Oxygen Species
  549. CSI-01–Cell Cycle & Checkpoints
  550. A novel approach towards finding regulatory microRNAs during phagosomal maturation in infection.
  551. The Impact of Physical Activity and Antioxidants on Tumor-Skeletal Muscle Crosstalk during Cancer: Deciphering Signaling Pathways Involved in Tumor Growth and …
  552. Par Proteins in Tumor Formation and Progression
  553. Identification and characterization of senescence-associated microRNAs in a mouse model of the XFE Progeroid Syndrome
  554. Immunoregulatory network and cancer-associated genes: molecular links and relevance to aging
  555. Ionizing radiation-mediated premature senescence and paracrine interactions with cancer cells enhance the expression of syndecan 1 in human breast …
  556. Telomere fragment induced amnion cell senescence: a contributor to parturition?
  557. Islet Biology/Insulin Secretion
  558. Telomere dysfunction: Role in arterial aging and hypertension
  559. Colorectal cancer-promoting activity of the senescent peritoneal mesothelium
  560. Senescent Carcinoma Associated Fibroblasts Up-regulate Interleukin 8 to Enhance Pancreatic Cancer Progression
  561. MOVD 2013
  562. The Role of Prolactin in the Cellular Response to DNA Damaging Agents
  563. Studies on the Developmental Changes in Parvalbumins of the Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch)
  564. Forum on aging and skeletal health: summary of the proceedings of an ASBMR workshop
  565. Analysis of temporal gene expression during Bacillus subtilis spore germination and outgrowth
  566. Analysis of gene expression during aging of CGNs in culture: implication of SLIT2 and NPY in senescence
  567. HIF1α regulates Mitochondrial biogenesis and Cellular senescence induced by Gamma Radiation
  568. Roles of senescence escape and epigenetic modifications in liver cancer
  569. Autophagy and inflammation in the pathogenesis of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
  570. Interventions for age-related diseases: shifting the
  571. Differential expression of cellular senescence markers in the assessment of breast cancer development
  572. Pleiotropic cellular functions of PARP1 in longevity and aging: genome maintenance meets inflammation
  573. The role of Inhibitor of DNA binding 4 (Id4) in mammary gland development and breast cancer
  574. The Role of Photodynamic Therapy in Wound Healing and Scarring in Human Skin
  575. Melatonin maintains mitochondrial membrane potential and attenuates activation of initiator (casp‐9) and effector caspases (casp‐3/casp‐7) and PARP in UVR …
  576. Pathogenesis of intervertebral disc degeneration
  577. Thymic involution perturbs negative selection and leads to chronic inflammation
  578. Elucidating Molecular Changes in CD8+ T cells During Aging
  579. High-throughput Screening of Age-related Changes in Caenorhabditis elegans
  580. Causes, consequences, and reversal of immune system aging
  581. Senescence and apoptosis: dueling or complementary cell fates?
  582. Frequency of the cancer-resistant phenotype in SR/CR mice and the effect of litter seriation
  583. Understanding the roles of Non-homologous end joining and p53 after DNA damage
  584. IGF-binding protein 2–oncogene or tumor suppressor?
  585. Regulatory Mechanisms of NK-Cell-Mediated Immune Surveillance of Senescent Cells
  586. Suppression of autophagy during liver regeneration impairs energy charge and hepatocyte senescence in mice
  587. Mechanisms of tissue injury in autoimmune liver diseases
  588. Telomere dysfunction and senescence in the ageing lung and age-related lung disease
  589. HDAC 1 inhibition by melatonin leads to suppression of lung adenocarcinoma cells via induction of oxidative stress and activation of apoptotic pathways
  590. Poster session 3
  591. The senescent cell induced bystander effect
  592. The Function and Regulation of Senescent Stromal-Derived Osteopontin
  593. Effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in rectal cancer: significance of different cellular outcomes in tumor behavior
  594. Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 Coordinates Enhanced Replication and Transcription in Transit Amplifying Chondrogenic Progenitors.
  595. Molecular Tuning Of Telomerase Activity In Senescent Human T Cells
  596. Role of squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCA) in oncogenic Ras-mediated tumorigenesis
  597. Increased oxidative and nitrative stress accelerates aging of the retinal vasculature in the diabetic retina
  598. The role of calcification regulatory proteins in the arterial stiffening of chronic kidney disease stages 3 & 4
  599. Age-like Phenotype of Microglia During HIV-1 Infection
  600. Characterisation of the molecular and functional changes
  601. The biology of aging: implications for diseases of aging and health care in the twenty-first century
  602. Cytokine and nitric oxide production in inflammatory arthritis
  603. Anti-Aging Effects of the Transcendental Meditation Program: Analysis of Ojas Level and Global Gene Expression
  604. Investigating the chondrogenic phenotype in clinically relevant cells: the effect of hTERT expression
  605. The diet-microbiota-metabolite axis regulates the host physiology
  606. Role of stromal fibroblasts in prostate carcinoma progression and metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells
  607. Regulation and inhibition of pro-tumorigenic microenvironments
  608. Metal-induced oxidative stress in human fibroblasts: A role in cellular ageing
  610. Session held on 9 July 2016
  611. MAD2 depletion triggers premature cellular senescence in human primary fibroblasts by activating a p53 pathway preventing aneuploid cells propagation
  612. Molecular mechanism underlying the tumor-promoting functions of carcinoma-associated fibroblasts
  613. Understanding the pathophysiology and challenges of development of medical countermeasures for radiation-induced vascular/endothelial cell injuries: report of a …
  614. Regulation and Inhibition of Pro-Tumorigenic Microenvironments
  615. Changes in DNA methylation patterns in mammals with senescence, ageing and energy restriction
  616. Methamphetamine accelerates cellular senescence and aging through CYP2D-dependent stimulation of ceramide biosynthesis
  617. Program Committee: Sabine Fleming Markus Boehm Knut Schaekel Martin Metz Thomas Tueting
  618. Muscle ageing and anabolic response in the context of healthy and chronically HIV infected individuals
  619. Pathway Profiling Of Replicative And Induced Senescence
  620. Role of Tumor Suppressor DMP1 in the Initiation and Progression of Breast Cancer
  621. Revista de
  622. Endogenous retroelements in cellular senescence and related pathogenic processes: promising drug targets in age-related diseases
  623. Interactions between mitochondria and inflammatory factors during cellular senescence
  624. Using drug treatments to control genome behaviour in normal and Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome fibroblasts, with and without hTERT immortalisation
  625. The chronic lymphocytic leukemia clone disrupts the bone marrow microenvironment
  626. Understanding vascular diseases: lessons from premature aging syndromes
  627. Epigenetic mechanisms of longevity and aging
  628. The role of DNA damage and repair in aging through the prism of Koch-like criteria
  629. Nutritional roles of selenium in cellular and mouse aging
  630. Anisotropy in the anodic oxidation of silicon in KOH solution
  631. Tumor Microenvironment
  632. Investigating the role of DNA polymerase beta in the aging phenotype of Down syndrome
  633. Diamond Sponsor
  635. Noncoding RNA in age-related cardiovascular diseases
  636. Identification and characterisation of telomere regulatory and signalling pathways after induction of telomere dysfunction
  637. Activity and controlled delivery of epigallocatechin 3-gallate in the treatment of degenerative disc disease
  638. State-of-the-Art Lecture
  639. Whose place is it?: examining the socio-spatial geography of obesity in young adults for an Australian context.
  640. Tumor Promoting Aspects of Senescence in Cancer Progression
  641. Long noncoding RNA H19 mediates melatonin inhibition of premature senescence of c‐kit+ cardiac progenitor cells by promoting miR‐675
  642. Higher-Order Unfolding of Peri/Centric Satellite Heterochromatin is an Early and Consistent Event in Cell Senescence: A Dissertation
  643. Poster session 2
  644. Hallmarks of progeroid syndromes: Lessons from mice and reprogrammed cells
  645. Proinflammatory cytokines in breast cancer: mechanisms of action and potential targets for therapeutics
  646. Nitrous oxide analgesia for bone marrow aspiration and biopsy–A randomized, controlled and patient blinded study
  647. 15th International Biennial Congress of the METASTASIS RESEARCH SOCIETY
  649. The Genetic Landscapes of Inflammation-Driven Gastrointestinal Tract Cancers
  650. The senescent microenvironment promotes the emergence of heterogeneous cancer stem-like cells
  651. Mutual Reinforcement Between Telomere Capping and Canonical Wnt Pathway Activity in the Intestinal Stem Cell Niche
  652. The role of nitrosative and metabolic stress in vascular cell senescence
  653. Expression of p16INK4a in peripheral blood T‐cells is a biomarker of human aging
  654. MMP-2, MMP-9 production was significantly elevated by fibroblast cells isolated from rheumatoid arthritis patient when co-cultured with monocyte (THP-1) with …
  655. Evaluating the physiological reserves of older patients with cancer: the value of potential biomarkers of aging?
  656. POSTER PRESENTATIONS-Sunday, December 7
  657. Array-based transcriptional analysis of Clostridium sporogenes UC9000 during germination, cell outgrowth and vegetative life
  658. Pancreatic Dysfunction in Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome
  659. The wound healing, chronic fibrosis, and cancer progression triad
  660. Senescence suppressors: their practical importance in replicative lifespan extension in stem cells
  661. Contributions of Activated Hepatic Stellate Cells to Hepatocarcinogenesis
  662. Principles of Medical Management of Ulcerative Colitis
  663. Proceedings of the 26th annual meeting Chiba, Japan, October 18–20, 1984
  664. Roles of the ING1 Epigenetic Regulator in Breast Cancer
  665. Directions in Post-Traumatic Arthritis
  666. Metabolic regulation of intestinal stem cell function in Drosophila melanogaster
  667. Senescent endothelial cells: Potential modulators of immunosenescence and ageing
  668. Genotype distribution-based inference of collective effects in genome-wide association studies: insights to age-related macular degeneration disease …
  669. Sustained low-dose treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor LBH589 induces terminal differentiation of osteosarcoma cells
  670. The multiple roles of A-type lamins in cellular aging, cell cycle progression and the DNA damage response.
  671. Loss of the osteogenic differentiation potential during senescence is limited to bone progenitor cells and is dependent on p53
  672. Podocyte Injury Causes Chronic Kidney Disease in the Ercc1 Deficient Mouse Model of Accelerated Aging
  673. Biological ageing, inflammation and nutrition: how might they impact on systemic sclerosis?
  674. Detection of mesenchymal stem cells senescence by prelamin A accumulation at the nuclear level
  675. The role of chondrocyte senescence in osteoarthritis
  676. A senescent cell bystander effect: Senescence‐induced senescence
  677. Changes in regenerative capacity through lifespan
  678. Cancer, Senescence, and Aging: Translation from Basic Research to Clinics
  679. Accumulation of spontaneous γH2AX foci in long-term cultured mesenchymal stromal cells
  680. Extracellular matrix and liver disease
  681. Programmed cell senescence during mammalian embryonic development
  682. Role of MicroRNA-146a in Vascular Inflammation and Atherosclerosis
  683. The effect of radiation on cellular ageing
  684. Programmed cell death in aging
  685. Update on the mechanisms of action of anti‑TNF‑α antibodies and their clinical implications in inflammatory bowel disease
  686. Clinical Investigation Program RCS-MED-300 (R1)
  687. Analysis of Temporal Gene Expression
  688. Postnatal Hdac3 deficiency in chondrocytes alters cortical bone architecture and increases articular cartilage thickness with age
  689. EMT and oxidative stress: a bidirectional interplay affecting tumor malignancy
  690. Regulation of 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 and 2 in Rheumatoid Arthritis
  691. Impacts of Aging and Inflammation on Mycobacterium tuberculosis Control
  692. A review of melatonin as a suitable antioxidant against myocardial ischemia–reperfusion injury and clinical heart diseases
  693. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) and the molecular hallmarks of aging
  694. Integrative analysis of longevity, age-related diseases and aging-associated processes: Construction of the NetAge database
  695. SNEVPrp19/PSO4 deficiency increases PUVA‐induced senescence in mouse skin
  696. miR‐17, miR‐19b, miR‐20a, and miR‐106a are down‐regulated in human aging
  697. Pašatjaunošanās un paātrinātas novecošanās attiecības normālās un vēža šūnās pēc DNS bojājuma
  698. Circulating microRNAs as novel biomarkers for bone diseases–Complex signatures for multifactorial diseases?
  699. Aldehyde dehydrogenase activity of breast cancer stem cells is primarily due to isoform ALDH1A3 and its expression is predictive of metastasis
  700. Time-and Concentration-dependent response of a liver cell line to Benzo (a) pyrene
  701. Practical alternatives to chronic caloric restriction for optimizing vascular function with ageing
  702. Manipulation du métabolisme énergétique dans les leucémies aiguës myéloïdes: mitochondrie, apoptose et mécanisme d’action de la metformine
  703. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-6 delays replicative senescence of human fibroblasts
  704. Intervention in Genotoxic Stress–Induced Senescence by Cordycepin Through Activation of eIF2α and Suppression of Sp1
  705. p62: linking protein homeostasis and the DNA damage response during ageing
  706. Molecular basis of Osteoarthritis and aspects of cellular senescence in disease
  707. Etude du facteur de réparation de l’ADN, Xeroderma pigmentosum du groupe C (XPC), dans les cellules souches hématopoïétiques
  708. HIV-1 Infection, Antiretroviral Therapies, and HIV-Associated Atherosclerosis
  709. The role of the transcriptional regulation of stromal cells in chronic inflammation
  710. Cell ageing: a flourishing field for neurodegenerative diseases
  711. Senescence of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells is accompanied by activation of p53/p21 pathway in myelodysplastic syndromes
  712. Rat retinal transcriptome: effects of aging and AMD-like retinopathy
  713. Aging of the liver: what this means for patients with HIV
  714. Pharmacology and biochemistry of salicylates and related drugs
  715. A report to inform the development of a clinical practice guideline for rehabilitation post total knee arthroplasty in a South African public hospital
  716. Nutrigerontology: why we need a new scientific discipline to develop diets and guidelines to reduce the risk of aging‐related diseases
  717. Cellular responses to zinc involving the transcription factor ZNF658 and its target genes
  718. Determining the role of scavenger receptor class B type I as a source of cholesterol for de novo androgen synthesis in castration-resistant prostate cancer
  719. Antioxidant properties of mesalamine in colitis inhibit phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling in progenitor cells
  720. Aging and the Host Response to Implanted Biomaterials
  721. A role for epigenetics in aging and the age-dependent response to ionizing radiation
  722. Interleukin 6 signaling regulates promyelocytic leukemia protein gene expression in human normal and cancer cells
  723. Mechanisms of microRNAs in atherosclerosis
  724. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
  725. Telomeres and telomerase: their mechanisms of action and the effects of altering their functions
  726. Lifespan‐extending caloric restriction or m TOR inhibition impair adaptive immunity of old mice by distinct mechanisms
  727. Fourth International Ankle Symposium, July 16–18, 2009, Sydney, Australia
  728. Telomeres, Aging, and Nutrition
  729. Perspectives in pain research 2014: neuroinflammation and glial cell activation: the cause of transition from acute to chronic pain?
  730. On the Role of Prelamin A in the Heart
  731. Therapeutic effects and the underlying mechanisms of qing-dai powder against experimental colitis in mice
  732. Role of Gut Microbiome in the Modulation of Environmental Toxicants and Therapeutic Agents
  733. 43nd Annual Meeting of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung eV (ADF)
  734. furanosidase f
  735. Stellate cells
  736. Pressure and cold pain threshold reference values in a large, young adult, pain-free population
  737. The ENRGISE Pilot Study Protocol
  738. A Comparative Analysis of Stress Granule Assembly in Replicative and Stress-Induced Premature Senescence
  739. Mutant lamin A links prophase to a p53 independent senescence program
  740. Identification and characterization of downstream effector protein (s) regulated by p53 and pRb
  741. Long-term efficacy of spironolactone on pain, mood, and quality of life in women with fibromyalgia: An observational case series
  742. Telomere shortening and immune activity in war veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder
  744. Interplay between the myc oncoprotein, cyclin-dependent kinases and e3 ubiquitin ligases
  745. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in age-associated vascular inflammation and leukocyte trafficking
  746. The Contribution of DNA Interstrand Crosslinks to Aging
  747. ART. IV.–A Statistical Contribution to our knowledge of Abscess, and other Diseases Consequent upon the Lodgment of Foreign Bodies in the Appendix Vermiformis …
  748. Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer Progression: The Central Role of the Retinoblastoma Family Members
  749. Determination of Autoantibody IgG Subclass and Partial Sequence using Multi-affinity Purification with Multi-enzymatic Digestion by LC-MS
  750. Investigating the role of mitochondrial respiratory chain activity and mitochondrial DNA damage in skin ageing
  751. Prevalence of lumbo-pelvic pain and factors associated with it in cyclists in Johannesburg
  752. Health Ballistics: Multiple Reference Point Informed Probability Theory
  753. Translational Science 2014 Meeting Abstracts
  754. Proteomic profiling following cryopreservation
  755. Functional interaction between FOXO4 and p53 in response to oncogenic BRAF signaling
  756. Translational Science 2014 Meeting Abstracts
  757. Mechanism of Tumorigenesis by Cancer-Associated Mutations of INI1/SMARCB1, a Component of the SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex
  758. Ecology of juvenile salmon in shallow tidal freshwater habitats in the vicinity of the Sandy River delta, lower Columbia River, 2008
  759. The role of bone morphogenetic protein 4 in the pathogenesis of choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration
  760. The ominous triad of adipose tissue dysfunction: inflammation, fibrosis, and impaired angiogenesis
  761. Sarcopenic obesity or obese sarcopenia: a cross talk between age-associated adipose tissue and skeletal muscle inflammation as a main mechanism of the …
  762. Cellular Senescence Biomarker p16INK4a+ Cell Burden in Thigh Adipose is Associated With Poor Physical Function in Older Women
  763. Expansion of adipose tissue‐derived stromal cells at “physiologic” hypoxia attenuates replicative senescence
  764. Age-induced changes in white, brite, and brown adipose depots: a mini-review
  765. adipose tissue inflammation in aging
  766. Rare progerin-expressing preadipocytes and adipocytes contribute to tissue depletion over time
  767. Cellular aging contributes to failure of cold-induced beige adipocyte formation in old mice and humans
  768. Healthy ageing in 2016: Obesity in geroscience—is cellular senescence the culprit?
  769. Micro-RNAS regulate metabolic syndrome-induced senescence in porcine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells through the P16/MAPK pathway
  770. Therapeutic doses of doxorubicin induce premature senescence of human mesenchymal stem cells derived from menstrual blood, bone marrow and adipose tissue
  771. Growth hormone’s effect on adipose tissue: quality versus quantity
  772. Aging, cell senescence, and chronic disease: emerging therapeutic strategies
  773. Neovascular deterioration, impaired NADPH oxidase and inflammatory cytokine expression in adipose-derived multipotent cells from subjects with metabolic …
  774. Dietary restriction ameliorates age-related increase in DNA damage, senescence and inflammation in mouse adipose tissuey
  775. Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan
  776. adipose tissue-derived extracellular fraction characterization: biological and clinical considerations in regenerative medicine
  777. Fat depot-specific differences of macrophage infiltration and cellular senescence in obese bovine adipose tissues
  778. Source of chronic inflammation in aging
  779. Aging impairs beige adipocyte differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells via the reduced expression of Sirtuin 1
  780. Maternal high calorie diet induces mitochondrial dysfunction and senescence phenotype in subcutaneous fat of newborn mice
  781. Reduction of premature aging markers after gastric bypass surgery in morbidly obese patients
  782. Age-and tissue-specific expression of senescence biomarkers in mice
  783. Senolytics improve physical function and increase lifespan in old age
  784. Silencing of the small GTPase DIRAS3 induces cellular senescence in human white adipose stromal/progenitor cells
  785. ANGPTL2―A New Causal Player in Accelerating Heart Disease Development in the Aging―
  786. Melatonin prevents senescence of canine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells through activating NRF2 and inhibiting ER stress
  787. Cellular senescence: a translational perspective
  788. Rejuvenating senolytics
  789. Regulation of lipogenesis in human adipose tissue: Effect of metabolic stress, dietary intervention and aging.
  790. Cellular senescence in osteoarthritis pathology
  791. Metabolic memory of dietary restriction ameliorates DNA damage and adipocyte size in mouse visceral adipose tissue
  792. Aging of Brown and Beige/Brite adipose tissue
  793. Impact of senescence‐associated secretory phenotype and its potential as a therapeutic target for senescence‐associated diseases
  794. Cellular Senescence: At the Nexus of Mechanisms of Age-and Obesity-Related Metabolic Dysfunction
  795. The Progressive Low Chronic Inflammation On Oral Tissues In Elderly
  796. High Circulating Levels of ANGPTL2: Beyond a Clinical Marker of Systemic Inflammation
  797. Basic research: killing the old: cell senescence in atherosclerosis
  798. Cellular senescence: implications for metabolic disease
  799. Melatonin regulates PARP 1 to control the senescence‐associated secretory phenotype (SASP) in human fetal lung fibroblast cells
  800. Examination of the Inhibitory Protein P21 in Omento Fat as an Indication of Adipocyte Proliferation
  801. Augmentation of Dermal Wound Healing by adipose tissue-Derived Stromal Cells (ASC)
  802. Cell-free therapy with the secretome of adipose tissue-derived stem cells in rats’ frozen-thawed ovarian grafts
  803. The Complexity of adipose tissue
  804. Targeting cellular senescence prevents age-related bone loss in mice
  805. Targeting our aging cells to treat metabolic disease
  806. Different response to hypoxia of adipose-derived multipotent cells from obese subjects with and without metabolic syndrome
  807. Mitochondria in cell senescence: is mitophagy the weakest link?
  808. Diabetes and Adipocyte Dysfunction
  809. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease promotes hepatocellular carcinoma through direct and indirect effects on hepatocytes
  810. Short-term sustained hyperglycaemia fosters an archetypal senescence-associated secretory phenotype in endothelial cells and macrophages
  811. Senescence and aging: Causes, consequences, and therapeutic avenues
  812. A summary of the Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on the Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging, Bregenz, Austria July 17–22, 2016
  813. Killing the old: cell senescence in atherosclerosis
  814. New agents that target senescent cells: the flavone, fisetin, and the BCL-XL inhibitors, A1331852 and A1155463
  815. Parallels Between Skeletal Muscle and Bone Aging
  816. Aging, obesity, and inflammatory age-related diseases
  817. Molecular pathology endpoints useful for aging studies
  818. Cellular senescence in postmitotic cells: beyond growth arrest
  819. Senescent cells: an emerging target for diseases of ageing
  820. Prevention of senescence in vasculature through quiescence
  821. Resveratrol reduces senescence-associated secretory phenotype by SIRT1/NF-κB pathway in gut of the annual fish Nothobranchius guentheri
  822. Inflammageing and metaflammation: the yin and yang of type 2 diabetes
  823. Chronic inflammation and sarcopenia: A regenerative cell therapy perspective
  824. Ageing: from inflammation to cancer
  825. Senotherapy: growing old and staying young?
  826. Down-regulation of guanylate binding protein 1 causes mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular senescence in macrophages
  827. Cellular senescence: Molecular mechanisms and pathogenicity
  828. Anti-inflammatory effect of Chang-An-Shuan on TNBS-induced experimental colitis in rats
  829. Senescent B cells in aging and age-related diseases: their role in the regulation of antibody responses
  830. The fountain of youth by targeting senescent cells?
  831. HIV-associated cellular senescence: a contributor to accelerated aging
  832. Inflammageing: chronic inflammation in ageing, cardiovascular disease, and frailty
  833. Activated tissue-resident mesenchymal stromal cells regulate natural killer cell immune and tissue-regenerative function
  834. Immunosenescence induced by plasma from individuals with obesity caused cell signaling dysfunction and inflammation
  835. Circadian Disruption, Sleep Loss, and Low-Grade Inflammation
  836. Histone MacroH2A1: a chromatin point of intersection between fasting, senescence and cellular regeneration
  837. PPARα regulates tumor cell proliferation and senescence via a novel target gene carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C
  838. p16 (Ink4a) and senescence-associated β-galactosidase can be induced in macrophages as part of a reversible response to physiological stimuli
  839. Novel Role of Blackberries in Senescence and Atherosclerosis in ApoE-/-Mice
  840. The Role of Na/K-ATPase Signaling in Oxidative Stress Related to Aging: Implications in Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease
  841. Cellular senescence in renal ageing and disease
  842. Quantitative analysis of cellular senescence in culture and in vivo
  843. Ketone bodies mimic the life span extending properties of caloric restriction
  844. Rapamycin inhibits the secretory phenotype of senescent cells by a Nrf2‐independent mechanism
  845. Gut microbiota and mTOR signaling: insight on a new pathophysiological interaction
  846. Gut microbiota, fatty liver disease, and hepatocellular carcinoma
  847. Increase in tumor suppressor Arf compensates gene dysregulation in in vitro aged adipocytes
  848. Inhibiting cellular senescence: a new therapeutic paradigm for age-related osteoporosis
  849. The Na/K-ATPase oxidant amplification loop regulates aging
  850. Role of lncRNAs in aging and age‐related diseases
  851. TNFα-senescence initiates a STAT-dependent positive feedback loop, leading to a sustained interferon signature, DNA damage, and cytokine secretion
  852. Gut microbiota-mediated inflammation in obesity: a link with gastrointestinal cancer
  853. The impact of senescence-associated T cells on immunosenescence and age-related disorders
  854. Study on the therapeutic effects of salicylazosulfapyridine on ulcerative colitis in rats
  855. Emerging metabolic risk factors in hepatocellular carcinoma and their influence on the liver microenvironment
  856. Low-grade inflammation in the relationship between sleep disruption, dysfunctional adiposity, and cognitive decline in aging
  857. Musculoskeletal senescence: a moving target ready to be eliminated
  858. Inflammatory response in the CNS: friend or foe?
  859. Inflammation-accelerated senescence and the cardiovascular system: mechanisms and perspectives
  860. Biphasic modeling of mitochondrial metabolism dysregulation during aging
  861. Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC): an important partner in cellular/tissue senescence
  862. Mitochondrial peptides modulate mitochondrial function during cellular senescence
  863. Senescence of mesenchymal stem cells
  864. Sirtuins, a promising target in slowing down the ageing process
  865. Endothelin receptor type b blocker attenuates severity of osteoarthritis by clearance of senescent cells
  866. The Rbm38-p63 feedback loop is critical for tumor suppression and longevity
  867. Identification of senescent cell surface targetable protein DPP4
  868. Caloric Restriction, Sirtuins, and Ageing
  869. 5-methoxytryptophan protects MSCs from stress induced premature senescence by upregulating FoxO3a and mTOR
  870. SCAMP4 enhances the senescent cell secretome
  871. Age-related changes in glucose metabolism, hyperglycemia, and cardiovascular risk
  872. Investigating the Role of NRIP1 in Skin Aging: Depletion of NRIP1 Delays Senescence, Reduces Inflammation and Enhances Autophagy in Adipocytes
  873. The role of cellular senescence in aging through the prism of Koch-like criteria
  874. Heat-induced extracellular HSP72 release is blunted in elderly diabetic people compared with healthy middle-aged and older adults, but it is partially restored by …
  875. Drosophila as a Model to Study the Link between Metabolism and Cancer
  876. Oxidative stress-mediated senescence in mesenchymal progenitor cells causes the loss of their fibro/adipogenic potential and abrogates myoblast fusion
  877. Immune Senescence and Inflammaging in Neurological Diseases
  878. Inflammaging and human longevity in the omics era
  879. Role of sphingolipids in senescence: implication in aging and age-related diseases
  880. Mitochondrial activity and dynamics changes regarding metabolism in ageing and obesity
  881. Premature physiologic aging as a paradigm for understanding increased risk of adverse health across the lifespan of survivors of childhood cancer
  882. The molecular intersection between senescence and major depression in the elderly
  883. Senescent cells: a new Achilles’ heel to exploit for cancer medicine?
  884. From cellular senescence to age-associated diseases: miRNAs as tools and targets for healthy ageing
  885. Attenuation of inflammation and cartilage degradation by sulfasalazine-containing hyaluronic acid on osteoarthritis rat model
  886. Ripk3 regulates cardiac microvascular reperfusion injury: the role of IP3R-dependent calcium overload, XO-mediated oxidative stress and F-action/filopodia-based …
  887. The dual role of cellular senescence in developing tumors and their response to cancer therapy
  888. Identification of new genes associated to senescent and tumorigenic phenotypes in mesenchymal stem cells
  889. Obesity and type-2 diabetes as inducers of premature cellular senescence and ageing
  890. Cellular senescence in osteoarthritis and anti-aging strategies
  891. Downregulation of miR-130b~ 301b cluster is mediated by aberrant promoter methylation and impairs cellular senescence in prostate cancer
  892. Hydrogen sulfide ameliorates aging-associated changes in the kidney
  893. The peritoneal “soil” for a cancerous “seed”: a comprehensive review of the pathogenesis of intraperitoneal cancer metastases
  894. Aging mechanisms and intervention targets
  895. Inflammaging and ‘Garb-aging’
  896. NLRP3 inflammasome activation in inflammaging
  897. Mechanisms and functions of cellular senescence
  898. The Effects of the Senescent Preadipocyte Secretome on Skeletal Muscle Cells
  899. Ras signaling in aging and metabolic regulation
  900. Cellular senescence in brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases: evidence and perspectives
  901. Anthracycline cardiotoxicity: looking for new therapeutic approaches targeting cell senescence?
  902. Coenzyme Q10 prevents senescence and dysfunction caused by oxidative stress in vascular endothelial cells
  903. Endothelial cell senescence with aging in healthy humans: prevention by habitual exercise and relation to vascular endothelial function
  904. Senescent cells and osteoarthritis: a painful connection
  905. Oncogenic KRAS and the Inflammatory Micro-Environment in Pancreatic Cancer
  906. Linking cellular stress responses to systemic homeostasis
  907. Cellular senescence, senescence-associated secretory phenotype, and chronic kidney disease
  908. With great age comes great metastatic ability: ovarian cancer and the appeal of the aging peritoneal microenvironment
  909. Lipometabolism and Glycometabolism in Liver Diseases
  910. A null mutation in SERPINE1 protects against biological aging in humans
  912. Osteoarthritis Biology
  913. Fibroblast senescence in the pathology of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  914. Oxidative stress in mesenchymal stem cell senescence: regulation by coding and noncoding RNAs
  915. Divergent mechanisms of metabolic dysfunction drive fibroblast and T-cell senescence
  916. Is the secret for a successful aging to keep track of cancer pathways?
  917. Acute genotoxic stress-induced senescence in human mesenchymal cells drives a unique composition of senescence messaging secretome (SMS)
  918. HIF1α deletion facilitates adipose stem cells to repair renal fibrosis in diabetic mice
  919. Deletion of Nrip1 Extends Female Mice Longevity, Increases Autophagy, and Delays Cell Senescence
  920. Calcium signaling and cellular senescence
  921. Stress, cell senescence and organismal ageing
  922. Senescence as a novel mechanism involved in β-adrenergic receptor mediated cardiac hypertrophy
  923. Activation of sirtuin 1 by catalpol-induced down-regulation of microRNA-132 attenuates endoplasmic reticulum stress in colitis
  924. Secondary Unconjugated Bile Acids Induce Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation
  925. MicroRNA regulation of oxidative stress-induced cellular senescence
  926. Yields and chondrogenic potential of primary synovial mesenchymal stem cells are comparable between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients
  927. The spectrum of fundamental basic science discoveries contributing to organismal aging
  928. Seasonal variation in vitamin D in association with age, inflammatory cytokines, anthropometric parameters, and lifestyle factors in older adults
  929. The imbalance between n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory bowel disease: a comprehensive review and future therapeutic perspectives
  930. Aging, inflammation and the environment
  931. Rejuvenation of aged hematopoietic stem cells
  932. Pathogenesis of wound healing disorders in the elderly
  933. Microvesicles as potential biomarkers for the identification of senescence in human mesenchymal stem cells
  934. Aging and the immune system: An overview
  935. The light and shadow of senescence and inflammation in cardiovascular pathology and regenerative medicine
  936. BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease
  937. The impact of the Standard American Diet in rats: Effects on behavior, physiology and recovery from inflammatory injury
  938. The macroH2A1. 1–PARP1 axis at the intersection between stress response and metabolism
  939. Integrative Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology: Endothelial cell senescence with aging in healthy humans: prevention by habitual exercise and …
  940. Circulating markers of ageing and allostatic load: A slow train coming
  941. Health relevance of the modification of low grade inflammation in ageing (inflammageing) and the role of nutrition
  942. The Role of p16-Positive Senescent Cells in an Age-Related Disease and Aging Itself
  943. Regulation of normal and leukemic stem cells through cytokine signaling and the microenvironment
  944. Autophagy and the cell biology of age-related disease
  945. Using comparative biology to understand how aging affects mitochondrial metabolism
  946. Maternal obesity impairs skeletal development in adult offspring
  947. Cellular senescence links aging and diabetes in cardiovascular disease
  948. Apelin/APJ system: A novel promising target for anti-aging intervention
  949. The gut–liver axis and the intersection with the microbiome
  950. Targeting senescent cells in fibrosis: pathology, paradox, and practical considerations
  951. A new mouse model of frailty: the Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase knockout mouse
  952. Mesenchymal stem cells secretory responses: senescence messaging secretome and immunomodulation perspective
  953. Cell cycle and apoptosis regulator 2 at the interface between DNA damage response and cell physiology
  954. Mechanisms of normal tissue injury from irradiation
  955. Immunological aspects of age-related diseases
  956. Happily (n) ever after: aging in the context of oxidative stress, proteostasis loss and cellular senescence
  957. Senescence in hepatic stellate cells as a mechanism of liver fibrosis reversal: a putative synergy between retinoic acid and PPAR-gamma signalings
  958. Senescence in health and disease
  959. Linking a role of lncRNAs (long non-coding RNAs) with insulin resistance, accelerated senescence, and inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes
  960. Emerging players at the intersection of chondrocyte loss of maturational arrest, oxidative stress, senescence and low-grade inflammation in osteoarthritis
  961. Mandibuloacral dysplasia: A premature ageing disease with aspects of physiological ageing
  962. Immunologic
  963. Nutrient sensing pathways as therapeutic targets for healthy ageing
  964. Articular cartilage aging-potential regenerative capacities of cell manipulation and stem cell therapy
  965. Fibroblast activation and senescence in oral cancer
  966. MicroRNAs and the metabolic hallmarks of aging
  967. Genomic profiling and metabolic homeostasis in primary liver cancers
  968. Mitochondria, oxidative stress and innate immunity
  969. Human menstrual blood: a renewable and sustainable source of stem cells for regenerative medicine
  970. Balancing between aging and cancer: molecular genetics meets traditional Chinese medicine
  971. The mechanism of alopolysaccharide protecting ulceralive colitis
  972. Glutathione peroxidase 3 delivered by hiPSC-MSCs ameliorated hepatic IR injury via inhibition of hepatic senescence
  973. Novel strategies for anti-aging drug discovery
  974. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of asthma and COPD
  975. The role of kinase modulators in cellular senescence for use in cancer treatment
  976. Inflammaging
  977. Sex-specific differences in hypertension and associated cardiovascular disease
  978. Comparison of several commonly used detection indicators of cell senescence
  979. Loss of SATB1 Induces a p21 Dependent Cellular Senescence Phenotype in Dopaminergic Neurons
  980. Effects of bioactive compounds on senescence and components of senescence associated secretory phenotypes in vitro
  981. The integration of inflammaging in age-related diseases
  982. Sphingolipids at the Crossroads of NAFLD and Senescence
  983. Mitochondria, telomeres and cell senescence: implications for lung ageing and disease
  984. Mechanisms of dysfunction in the aging vasculature and role in age-related disease
  985. Knockdown of IL-8 Provoked Premature Senescence of Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  986. Treating Age-Related Diseases with Somatic Stem Cells
  987. Controlling insulin resistance through modulation of interplay between mediators of cellular senescence: A mathematical study
  988. Mechanisms of renal fibrosis
  989. Nitric oxide-heat shock protein axis in menopausal hot flushes: neglected metabolic issues of chronic inflammatory diseases associated with deranged heat shock …
  990. Characterization of brusatol self-microemulsifying drug delivery system and its therapeutic effect against dextran sodium sulfate-induced ulcerative colitis in mice
  991. Innate immunity and cellular senescence: The good and the bad in the developmental and aged brain
  992. Stellate cells in tissue repair, inflammation, and cancer
  993. YAP inhibits the apoptosis and migration of human rectal cancer cells via suppression of JNK-Drp1-mitochondrial fission-HtrA2/Omi pathways
  994. DHA-enriched fish oil upregulates cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (P16INK) expression and downregulates telomerase activity without modulating effects of …
  995. Antioxidant and anti-senescence effect of metformin on mouse olfactory ensheathing cells (mOECs) may be associated with increased brain-derived neurotrophic …
  996. Senescent intervertebral disc cells exhibit perturbed matrix homeostasis phenotype
  997. Procancerogenic activity of senescent cells: A case of the peritoneal mesothelium
  998. Key proteins and pathways that regulate lifespan
  999. miRNAs in stem cell aging and age-related disease
  1000. Unhealthy Stem Cells: When Health Conditions Upset Stem Cell Properties
  1001. Cellular senescence and inflammaging in age-related diseases
  1002. Rapamycin increases oxidative metabolism and enhances metabolic flexibility in human cardiac fibroblasts
  1003. Isolation and prolonged expansion of oral mesenchymal stem cells under clinical-grade, GMP-compliant conditions differentially affects “stemness” properties
  1004. Extracellular vesicles in the tumor microenvironment: therapeutic resistance, clinical biomarkers, and targeting strategies
  1005. Down-regulation of hepatic MBOAT7 by hyperinsulinemia favors steatosis development
  1006. The Impact of the Mediterranean Diet on Aging, Frailty, and Longevity
  1007. The epigenetics of inflammaging: The contribution of age-related heterochromatin loss and locus-specific remodelling and the modulation by environmental …
  1008. Program & Book of Abstracts: IUBMB Advanced School Nutrition, Metabolism and Aging 2018
  1009. Immune senescence: significance of the stromal microenvironment
  1010. Extracellular vesicles and aging
  1011. Senescence and cell death in chronic liver injury: roles and mechanisms underlying hepatocarcinogenesis
  1012. Energy to Fight Infection
  1013. Senescent, dysfunctional human cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) accumulate in the aged heart and elimination of senescent cells enhances CPC activation and …
  1014. Cellular senescence, geroscience, cancer and beyond
  1015. Stem Cell Applications in Rejuvenation
  1016. Progeria and accelerated cardiovascular aging
  1017. Camellia Oil (Camellia oleifera Abel.) Modifies the Composition of Gut Microbiota and Alleviates Acetic Acid-Induced Colitis in Rats
  1018. Ionizing radiation-induced cellular senescence promotes tissue fibrosis after radiotherapy. A review
  1019. Major trauma and acceleration of the ageing process
  1020. Inflammatory bowel diseases: Current therapeutic approaches and potential of using stem cells
  1021. PINK1-PARK2-mediated mitophagy in COPD and IPF pathogeneses
  1022. Obesity, Metabolism, and Aging: A Multiscalar Approach
  1023. PPARγ-activation increases intestinal M1 macrophages and mitigates formation of serrated adenomas in mutant KRAS mice
  1024. Current Approaches of Anti-inflammatory-Dependent Antiaging Strategies
  1025. Immunosenescence in neurocritical care
  1026. Age-dependent increase in angiopoietin-like protein 2 accelerates skeletal muscle loss in mice
  1027. Cellular senescence: a view throughout organismal life
  1028. Effect of Mst1 on endometriosis apoptosis and migration: role of Drp1-related mitochondrial fission and parkin-required mitophagy
  1029. Ceramide synthase 4: a novel metabolic regulator of oncogene-induced senescence
  1030. Regulation and function of p53: A perspective from Drosophila studies
  1031. Relevance of the p53–MDM2 axis to aging
  1032. Administration of hydrogen-rich water prevents vascular aging of the aorta in LDL receptor-deficient mice
  1033. Exercise and bone health across the lifespan
  1034. Urothelial senescence in the pathophysiology of diabetic bladder dysfunction-a novel hypothesis
  1035. Gut microbiota’s relationship with liver disease and role in hepatoprotection by dietary natural products and probiotics
  1036. Developmental programming of aging trajectory
  1037. Senescent microvesicles: a novel advance in molecular mechanisms of atherosclerotic calcification
  1038. Long noncoding RNA Bmncr regulates mesenchymal stem cell fate during skeletal aging
  1039. Disruptions in gut microbial-host co-metabolism and the development of metabolic disorders
  1040. In vivo effects of DNA lesions in Nucleotide Excision Repair deficient mice
  1041. Bone Research Society, Annual Meeting 2017 Proceedings
  1042. The clinical potential of senolytic drugs
  1043. Anti-senescence compounds: a potential nutraceutical approach to healthy aging
  1044. Loss of ovarian hormones and accelerated somatic and mental aging
  1045. Inflammation and premature aging in advanced chronic kidney disease
  1046. C. elegans eats its own intestine to make yolk leading to multiple senescent pathologies
  1047. Aging With HIV and Oxidative Stress
  1048. Risk factors and prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma in the era of precision medicine
  1049. DICER1: a key player in rheumatoid arthritis, at the crossroads of cellular stress, innate immunity, and chronic inflammation in aging
  1050. miR-125a induces apoptosis, metabolism disorder and migrationimpairment in pancreatic cancer cells by targeting Mfn2-related mitochondrial fission
  1051. Biology of Aging
  1052. Cellular senescence in tissue repair: every cloud has a silver lining
  1053. Iron accumulation in senescent cells is coupled with impaired ferritinophagy and inhibition of ferroptosis
  1054. Automated image analysis detects aging in clinical-grade mesenchymal stromal cell cultures
  1055. Cellular senescence, neurological function, and redox state
  1056. Mesenchymal stem cell therapy protects lungs from radiation-induced endothelial cell loss by restoring superoxide dismutase 1 expression
  1057. Mechanisms of vascular aging
  1058. Environmental and Physiological Cues on the Hypothalamus During Aging
  1059. Reaction time in healthy elderly is associated with chronic low-grade inflammation and advanced glycation end product
  1060. Phospholipase C delta 4 (PLCδ4) is a nuclear protein involved in cell proliferation and senescence in mesenchymal stromal stem cells
  1061. Epigenetics in cardiac fibrosis: emphasis on inflammation and fibroblast activation
  1062. Hematopoietic insults damage bone marrow niche by activating p53 in vascular endothelial cells
  1063. PGC-1α protects RPE cells of the aging retina against oxidative stress-induced degeneration through the regulation of senescence and mitochondrial quality control …
  1064. Pro-resolving lipid mediators: Agents of anti-ageing?
  1065. Hyperglycaemia Stress-Induced Renal Injury is Caused by Extensive Mitochondrial Fragmentation, Attenuated MKP1 Signalling, and Activated JNK-CaMKII-Fis1 …
  1066. Energy restriction in renal protection
  1067. Targeting cancer stem cells and their niche: Perspectives for future therapeutic targets and strategies
  1068. Senescence-associated microRNAs
  1069. Cellular senescence and liver disease: Mechanisms and therapeutic strategies
  1070. Gene expression hallmarks of cellular ageing
  1071. Facing up to the global challenges of ageing
  1072. Melatonin and inflammation—Story of a double‐edged blade
  1073. The role of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) in the inflammaging process
  1074. Genomic deletion of GIT2 induces a premature age-related thymic dysfunction and systemic immune system disruption
  1075. In vivo and in vitro study on the efficacy of terpinen-4-ol in dextran sulfate sodium-induced mice experimental colitis
  1076. The emerging roles of microRNAs in stem cell aging
  1077. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells promote colorectal cancer cell death under low-dose irradiation
  1078. Umbilical cord–derived mesenchymal stromal cell–conditioned medium exerts in vitro antiaging effects in human fibroblasts
  1079. Tetraploidy in cancer and its possible link to aging
  1080. Senescent cells: a therapeutic target for cardiovascular disease
  1081. Non-Cell autonomous effects of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype in cancer therapy
  1082. The effect of green tea extract compounds on regulation of glucose homoeostasis in insulin-sensitive and breast cancer cells
  1083. Mammalian STE20-Like Kinase 1 Deletion Alleviates Renal Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury via Modulating Mitophagy and the AMPK-YAP Signalling Pathway
  1084. Immunosenescence: the role of aging in the predisposition to neuro-infectious complications arising from the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  1085. SIPS as a model to study age-related changes in proteolysis and aggregate formation
  1086. Epithelial cell cycle behaviour in the injured kidney
  1087. Immunosenescence and Ageing in HIV
  1088. Long-term persistent organic pollutants exposure induced telomere dysfunction and senescence-associated secretary phenotype
  1089. Aging, Telomere Integrity, and Antioxidant Food
  1090. Advances in tendon mechanobiology
  1091. DICER1: a key player in rheumatoid arthritis, at the crossroads of cellular stress, innate immunity and chronic inflammation in ageing
  1092. G Protein-Coupled Receptor Systems as Crucial Regulators of DNA Damage Response Processes
  1093. NR4A1 contributes to high-fat associated endothelial dysfunction by promoting CaMKII-Parkin-mitophagy pathways
  1094. Age, gender and UV-exposition related effects on gene expression in in vivo aged short term cultivated human dermal fibroblasts
  1095. Role Of COX2 In Cellular Senescence
  1096. Tissue aging: the integration of collective and variant responses of cells to entropic forces over time
  1097. Counterregulatory Effects of Ptx3 on Inflammation and Cellular Aging
  1098. Resveratrol as an Activator or Inhibitor of Enzymes and Proteins
  1099. Induction of a senescence-like phenotype in cultured human fetal microglia during HIV-1 infection
  1100. Vitamin C, aging and Alzheimer’s disease
  1101. Screening and treating prostate cancer in the older patient: decision making across the clinical spectrum
  1102. Mechanisms driving the ageing heart
  1103. Autophagy deficient keratinocytes display increased DNA damage, senescence and aberrant lipid composition after oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo
  1104. Biomedical Research in Aging
  1105. Modelling of mitochondrial metabolism in breast cancer
  1106. Age and age-related diseases: role of inflammation triggers and cytokines
  1107. Inducers of senescence, toxic compounds, and Senolytics: the multiple faces of Nrf2-activating phytochemicals in Cancer adjuvant therapy
  1108. Epidermal Growth Factor Therapy Impact on Scar Tissue Resilience of Diabetic Lower Limbs Ulcers-An Enlightening Hypothesis
  1109. The Impact of Membrane Phospholipid Composition and Extracellular Vesicles on the Immunoregulative Properties of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
  1110. Autophagy regulation in preeclampsia: Pros and cons
  1111. The interplay between immunity and aging in Drosophila
  1112. Reversing the immune ageing clock: lifestyle modifications and pharmacological interventions
  1113. Nitric Oxide Regulates H2O2-Induced Senescence via S-Nitrosylation of NF-κB in Endothelial Cells
  1114. Biliary bile acids in hepatobiliary injury–What is the link?
  1115. Cover ImageReport and Abstracts of the 14th Meeting of IIM, the Interuniversity Institute of Myology,-Assisi (Italy), October 12-15, 2017
  1116. Role of the inflammation-autophagy-senescence integrative network in osteoarthritis
  1117. Novel treatment strategies for chronic kidney disease: insights from the animal kingdom
  1118. Aging hallmarks: the benefits of physical exercise
  1119. mTORC inhibitors as broad-spectrum therapeutics for age-related diseases
  1120. Bioactive nutrients and nutrigenomics in age-related diseases
  1121. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a model for aging research
  1122. Sleep health: reciprocal regulation of sleep and innate immunity
  1123. Osteoblast suppression in multiple myeloma bone disease
  1124. Yap regulates gastric cancer survival and migration via SIRT1/Mfn2/mitophagy
  1125. Hypoxia Prevents Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Senescence in Human Cardiac Progenitor Cells
  1126. Senolytika-současný stav
  1127. In vivo and in vitro study of pancreatic islets aging: impact of endothelial senescence and microparticles on islet function
  1128. Mechanisms of Obesity-related Hepatocarcinogensis
  1129. Identification of rare and common genetic variants associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: mechanisms and clinical …
  1130. Nutrient supply affects the mRNA expression profile of the porcine skeletal muscle
  1131. Application of kinase inhibitors for anti-aging intervention
  1132. Telomeres, aging and exercise: guilty by association?
  1133. Long noncoding RNAs and RNA-binding proteins in oxidative stress, cellular senescence, and age-related diseases
  1134. Effects of exercise on inflammatory, oxidative, and neurotrophic biomarkers on cognitively impaired individuals diagnosed with dementia or mild cognitive impairment …
  1135. DNA damage-induced inflammation and nuclear architecture
  1136. Hormonal modulation of ageing skin microstructure and mechanical properties
  1137. The protective effects of Poria cocos-derived polysaccharide CMP33 against IBD in mice and its molecular mechanism
  1138. Prospects of Pharmacological Interventions to Organismal Aging
  1139. Induction, regulation and roles of neural adhesion molecule L1CAM in cellular senescence
  1140. Investigating senescence in cellular plasticity and tissue regeneration
  1141. DNA damage and senescence in osteoprogenitors expressing Osx1 may cause their decrease with age
  1142. Targeting mitochondria to counteract age-related cellular dysfunction
  1143. Attenuated Macrophage Infiltration in Glomeruli of Aged Mice Resulting in Ameliorated Kidney Injury in Nephrotoxic Serum Nephritis
  1144. Mechanisms of Action of Drugs for Treating Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetes Mellitus
  1145. Nutrient supply affects the mRNA expression profile of the porcine skeletal muscle
  1146. Oncogenic roles of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR axis
  1147. Organ reserve, excess metabolic capacity, and aging
  1148. Studies of Novel Factors from Fetal Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Their Applications in Bone and Cartilage Repair
  1149. Secreted α-Klotho maintains cartilage tissue homeostasis by repressing NOS2 and ZIP8-MMP13 catabolic axis
  1150. Extracellular vesicles and their miRNA cargo in ageing and age-associated diseases
  1151. The Pathobiology of Osteoarthritis in Obesity: The Role of Synovial Inflammation, Joint Insulin Resistance, and Dysbiosis of the Gut Microbiome
  1152. Osteobiology of aging
  1153. PTEN enhances nasal epithelial cell resistance to TNFα‑induced inflammatory injury by limiting mitophagy via repression of the TLR4‑JNK‑Bnip3 pathway
  1154. Recent advances in understanding cross-talk between Bile Acids and Gut Microbiota. Open J Proteom Genom 3 (1): 024-034
  1155. Interleukin 1 gene polymorphism and susceptibility to disease
  1156. Age-dependent increase in angiopoietin-like protein 2 accelerates skeletal muscle loss in mice
  1157. Patent Highlights February–March 2018
  1158. Microbiome and NAFLD: potential influence of aerobic fitness and lifestyle modification
  1159. Advances in Therapeutic Approaches to Extend Healthspan: a perspective from the 2nd Scripps Symposium on the Biology of Aging
  1160. Workshop on Synergies Between Alzheimer’s Research and Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics: Current Status and Future Directions
  1161. WSB1 overcomes oncogene-induced senescence by targeting ATM for degradation
  1162. A double-blind, randomized trial on the effect of a broad-spectrum dietary supplement on key biomarkers of cellular aging including inflammation, oxidative …
  1163. Innate and adaptive immunity in atherosclerosis
  1164. Functional interaction between melatonin signaling and noncoding RNAs
  1165. Shared molecular and cellular mechanisms of premature ageing and ageing-associated diseases
  1166. Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase In Smooth Muscle Cells And Aortic Integrity
  1167. Analysis of Aortic Valve Function in the Absence of Endothelial Retinoblastoma Protein
  1168. Oxidative stress and the epigenetics of cell senescence: Insights from progeroid syndromes
  1169. The RNA world of human ageing
  1170. A system for the expression and release of heterologous proteins from the core of Bacillus subtilis spores
  1172. The versatile role of exosomes in cancer progression: diagnostic and therapeutic implications
  1173. Vascular aging: molecular mechanisms and potential treatments for vascular rejuvenation
  1174. The interplay between immunity and aging in Drosophila
  1175. Submission to the British Geriatrics Society Amulree Prize 2017
  1176. The cancer and bone society (CABS) annual conference Sheraton indianapolis hotel at keystone crossing. Indianapolis, Indiana. May 4-6, 2017
  1177. AAVvector-mediated in vivo reprogramming into pluripotency
  1178. Age-Related Adverse Inflammatory and Metabolic Changes Begin Early in Adulthood
  1179. Toll-like receptor-4 signaling pathway in aorta aging and diseases:“its double nature”
  1180. The Relevance of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for the Study of Physiological and Premature Aging
  1181. Turning Round: Optimizing the Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Equine Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Osteoarthritis Through Three-Dimensional …
  1182. Immunomodulatory properties and senescence-associated secretory phenotypes in human mesenchymal stem cell aging
  1183. Potency of Human Cardiosphere‐Derived Cells from Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease Is Associated with Robust Vascular Supportive Ability
  1184. Stem cells, scaffolds and small molecules for orthopedic tissue regeneration
  1185. Cardiac Effects of Antirheumatic Drugs
  1186. C. Elegans Eats Its Own Intestine to Make Yolk: A Cause of Senescent Polymorbidity
  1187. Senescence Induced by DNA Demethylating Drugs to Treat Solid Tumors
  1188. Autophagy-dependent gut-to-yolk biomass conversion generates visceral polymorbidity in aging C. elegans
  1189. Identification of Molecular Determinants of Cellular Senescence in Cancer and Aging
  1190. as a model for aging research
  1191. Old maids: aging and its impact on microglia function
  1192. Key Age-Imposed Signaling Changes That Are Responsible for the Decline of Stem Cell Function
  1193. The effect of metformin on absolute telomere length
  1194. The role of melatonin, a multitasking molecule, in retarding the processes of ageing
  1195. Chromatin architectural changes during cellular senescence and aging
  1196. Nuclear translocation of argonaute 2 in cytokine-induced senescence
  1197. Inflammation and CMV-associated lymphocyte senescence in chronic HIV infection
  1198. Length-independent telomere damage drives cardiomyocyte senescence
  1199. VRK1 phosphorylates Tip60 acetyltransferase and promotes its accumulation in response to both DNA damage and mitogens
  1200. Induced Cell Turnover: A Novel Therapeutic Modality for In Situ Tissue Regeneration
  1201. Induction de la sénescence endothéliale auriculaire par l’angiotensine II et la thrombine: rôle du stress oxydant et caractérisation du phénotype pro-thrombotique, pro …
  1202. Gestational chronodisruption leads to persistent changes in the rat fetal and adult adrenal clock and function
  1203. Induction of atrial endothelial senescence by angiotensin II and thrombin: role of oxidative stress and characterization of pro-thrombotic, pro-adhesive, proteolytic and …
  1204. Induction of iPS Cell Differentiation Into Connexin26 Positive Cells with Gap Junction Plaques and Characterization of Cochlear Feeder Cell
  1206. The role of epigenetics in renal ageing
  1207. Cancer and aging-the inflammatory connection
  1208. The role of melanocyte senescence in skin ageing
  1209. Restoring the quantity and quality of elderly human mesenchymal stem cells for autologous cell-based therapies
  1210. Regulation of the Pro-Tumorigenic Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype
  1212. Different transcriptional profiling between senescent and non-senescent human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs) by omeprazole and lansoprazole …
  1213. Adoptive autophagy activation: a much-needed remedy against chemical induced neurotoxicity/developmental neurotoxicity
  1214. Aging and Antiaging Strategies
  1215. Comparison of mesenchymal stem cells obtained by suspended culture of synovium from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
  1216. Antiretroviral Drug Mediated Astrocyte Senescence as a Contributor to HIV-1-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders
  1217. Senescent Cells Drive Frailty through Systemic Signals
  1218. Changes in the biochemical taste of cytoplasmic and cell-free DNA are major fuels for inflamm-aging
  1219. The association between back muscle characteristics and pressure pain sensitivity in low back pain patients
  1220. Role of pattern recognition receptors of the neurovascular unit in inflamm-aging
  1221. Hepatic potential of Reversed-age Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Endodermal Progenitors: Contribution of LGR5 and Cdc42 cell signaling pathways
  1222. Mitochondria in the spotlight of aging and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  1223. Synthetic lethal treatment strategies for tumor cell senescence
  1224. ISEV2018 abstract book
  1225. Aging, Cellular Senescence, and Kidney Fibrosis
  1226. Sex hormones and immunosenescence
  1227. Telomerase may paradoxically accelerate aging of the DNA methylome
  1228. CD36 initiates the secretory phenotype during the establishment of cellular senescence
  1229. A novel in vitro macrophage senescence model to study macrophaging
  1230. A novel in vitro macrophage senescence model to study macrophaging
  1231. Ageing Astrocytes-Implications for Motoneuron Dysfunction and Sarcopenia
  1232. BMP-7: role and regulation in osteoarthritis
  1233. Aging and Malignant Hemopathies: A Complex Multistep Process
  1234. Biomarkers for Identification of the Dormancy Phenotypes Senescence and Quiescence in Malignancy
  1235. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase (NOX) and liver fibrosis: A review
  1236. Modulating Ageing Anti-Ageing
  1237. An in vivo and in vitro study of stress-induced senescence in neurones and its role in neurodegeneration
  1238. Gene Expression, Epigenetics and Ageing
  1239. German Congress of Laboratory Medicine: 15th Annual Congress of the DGKL (German Society of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) and the 3rd …
  1240. Aging Mouse Models Reveal Complex Tumor-Microenvironment Interactions in Cancer Progression
  1241. The role of neutrophils in telomere induced senescence via bystander effects
  1243. GATA4-dependent regulation of the secretory phenotype via MCP-1 underlies lamin A-mediated human mesenchymal stem cell aging
  1244. Sirt1 and Parp1 as epigenome safeguards and microRNAs as SASP-associated signals, in cellular senescence and aging
  1245. Exosome-based immunomodulation during aging: a nano-perspective on inflamm-aging
  1246. Leukocyte count, systemic inflammation, and health status in older adults: a narrative review
  1247. Two Conserved Histone H3 Lys9 Demethalases KDM3A and KDM4C Regulate MSCs Senescence Progress
  1248. Nutrient Sensing, Signaling and Ageing: The Role of IGF-1 and mTOR in Ageing and Age-Related Disease
  1249. Identification of HSP90 inhibitors as a novel class of senolytics
  1250. Aging of the Bone
  1251. Emerging therapies for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a progressive age-related disease
  1253. Mitochondria-targeted hydrogen sulfide attenuates endothelial senescence by selective induction of splicing factors HNRNPD and SRSF2
  1254. Sex and the Aging Immune System
  1255. Molecular pathology: the roles of P53 in the oxidative stress and DNA damage responses in chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma
  1256. A Computational System for Automated Meta-Analysis of Gene Expression Data
  1257. Modulating Aged Macrophages and Osteoprogenitors with a Calcium Phosphate Drug Delivery System
  1258. Examining Autophagy and Mitophagy as Inducible Mechanisms of Cellular Remodelling
  1259. Proteotoxicity links therapy-induced cancer cell senescence to Alzheimer’s disease
  1260. Macrophages in M1/M2 states and exposed to amyloid-beta: a RNA-seq analysis in human cells
  1261. Atorvastatin inhibits inflammatory response, attenuates lipid deposition, and improves the stability of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques by modulating …
  1262. Werner Syndrome as a Model of Human Aging
  1263. Targeted apoptosis of senescent cells restores tissue homeostasis in response to chemotoxicity and aging
  1264. Cytokine profile of breast cell lines after different radiation doses
  1265. Exercise and circulating factors associated with skeletal muscle and bone health in older age
  1266. Microbiota, NASH, HCC and the potential role of probiotics
  1267. Autophagy and Signaling
  1268. β-Hydroxybutyrate prevents vascular senescence through hnRNP A1-mediated upregulation of Oct4
  1269. Sarcopenia: aging-related loss of muscle mass and function
  1270. Zinc finger protein ZFP36L1 promotes osteoblastic differentiation but represses adipogenic differentiation of mouse multipotent cells
  1271. Elucidating the role of metabolic changes in modulating cell fate following treatment with anti-mitotic drugs
  1272. TGF-β signaling accelerates senescence of human bone-derived CD271 and SSEA-4 double-positive mesenchymal stromal cells
  1273. Progenitor cells from the adult heart
  1274. A rising star in pancreatic diseases: pancreatic stellate cells
  1275. Secretome analysis of testicular peritubular cells as a clue for solving the puzzle of the human spermatogonial stem cell niche
  1276. Functional Identification of MicroRNAs Counteracting Cellular Senescence
  1277. The Geriatrician’s Perspective on Surgery in the Geriatric Population
  1278. Senescence of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  1279. The Long Noncoding RNA H19 Controls Endothelial Cell Functions by STAT3 Repression
  1280. The effects of aging in the hippocampus and cognitive decline
  1281. Human Cytomegalovirus as a driving force towards Immunosenescence
  1282. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Aging and Malignant Hemopathies
  1283. Role of Autophagy in Liver Regeneration
  1284. Old age causes de novo intracortical bone remodeling and porosity in mice
  1285. Aging Kidney and Aging-Related Disease
  1286. Melatonin rescued interleukin 1β-impaired chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells
  1287. Senescence-associated IL-6 and IL-8 cytokines induce a self-and cross-reinforced senescence/inflammatory milieu strengthening tumorigenic capabilities in …
  1288. Model of Chaperones in Aging
  1289. Senescent Cells Differentially Translate Senescence-Related mRNAs Via Ribosome Heterogeneity
  1290. Accumulation of prelamin A drives inflammation in the heart with implications for treatment of inherited and acquired cardiomyopathies
  1291. Senescence in COPD and its comorbidities
  1292. Characterizing Senescence in Astrocytes and its Effect on Neurons
  1293. Barshop Symposium on Aging 2017 Abstracts
  1294. Role of vascular smooth muscle cell derived-exosomes in age-related vascular amyloidosis
  1295. Cancer metabolism in space and time: beyond the Warburg effect
  1296. Melatonin protected cardiac microvascular endothelial cells against oxidative stress injury via suppression of IP3R-[Ca2+]c/VDAC-[Ca2+]m axis by activation of …
  1297. Tumor Microenvironment, Therapeutic Resistance, and Personalized Medicine
  1298. Liver regeneration in aged mice: new insights
  1299. In medio stat virtus: unanticipated consequences of telomere dysequilibrium
  1300. The contribution of oxidative stress and inflamm-aging in human and equine asthma
  1301. NR4A1 promotes diabetic nephropathy by activating mff-mediated mitochondrial fission and suppressing parkin-mediated mitophagy
  1302. DNA damage induced by Strontium-90 exposure at low concentrations in mesenchymal stromal cells: the functional consequences
  1303. Cardiac ageing: extrinsic and intrinsic factors in cellular renewal and senescence
  1304. Role of primary cilia in non-dividing and post-mitotic cells
  1305. The role of cancer-associated fibroblasts and fibrosis in liver cancer
  1306. Reversibility of chemotherapy-induced senescence is independent of autophagy and a potential model for tumor dormancy and cancer recurrence.
  1307. Cancer Cells Exploit Notch Signaling To Redefine A Tumor Supportive Cytokine Milieu
  1308. Programmed cell senescence in skeleton during late puberty
  1309. Metabolic reprogramming for cancer cells and their microenvironment: Beyond the Warburg Effect
  1310. SIRT4 interacts with OPA1 and regulates mitochondrial quality control and mitophagy
  1311. Psychological stress and mitochondria: a conceptual framework
  1312. Immunosenescence and hurdles in the clinical management of older HIV-patients
  1313. Stress granules counteract senescence by sequestration of PAI‐1
  1314. The power behind the throne: senescence and the hallmarks of cancer
  1315. The exercise and diet-microbiome paradigm: influences of physical activity and dietary nutrition on the human gut microbiome
  1316. Empagliflozin rescues diabetic myocardial microvascular injury via AMPK-mediated inhibition of mitochondrial fission
  1317. The functions and regulation of the PTEN tumour suppressor: new modes and prospects
  1318. Distribution and molecular characterization of South African Bacillus Anthracis strains and their associated bacteriophages
  1320. Cellular Senescence and Inflammaging in Age-Related Diseases
  1321. The gut microbiome and liver cancer: mechanisms and clinical translation
  1322. BBA-Reviews on Cancer
  1323. RNA Binding Proteins, Ageing and Caloric Restriction
  1324. Controlling senescence by PML and PML nuclear bodies
  1325. Ataxia telangiectasia syndrome: moonlighting ATM
  1326. ER stress and impaired autophagy flux in neuronal degeneration and brain injury
  1327. Leukotriene D4 induces cellular senescence in osteoblasts
  1328. Understanding the Basis of Gene Regulation of Common Complex Diseases by Computational Analysis of Next-generation Sequencing Data
  1329. Matrix stiffness regulates oxidative stress response of human dermal fibroblasts
  1330. Inflammation and the Gut-Liver Axis in the Pathophysiology of Cholangiopathies
  1331. Dendritic Polyglycerol Sulfate Hydrogels as a Potential Viscosupplement for Treatment of Osteoarthritis
  1332. Bile acids and cancer: direct and environmental-dependent effects
  1333. INVOSSATM–a cell and gene therapy for osteoarthritis
  1334. In vitro proinflammatory gene expression predicts in vivo telomere shortening: A preliminary study
  1335. Enhancer function driving cellular senescence, DNA damage repair, differentiation, and nuclear organization
  1336. Investigating strategies to boost cutaneous varicella zoster virus-specific immune responses in ageing humans
  1337. Natural variations in yeast aging reveal genetic and environmental factors
  1338. Circulating levels of soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products (sRAGE) decrease with aging and may predict age-related cardiac remodeling
  1339. Age-associated metabolic reprogramming, oxidative stress response, and cancer progression
  1340. Impact of age-associated estrogen deficiency on innate immune responses to myocardial ischemic injury in the female rat heart
  1341. Antioxidant and oxidative stress: A mutual interplay in age-related diseases
  1342. MicroRNAs deregulation in prostate cancer
  1343. Vaccination in the elderly: The challenge of immune changes with aging
  1344. From rapalogs to anti-aging formula
  1345. Biomarkers of monitoring and functional reserve of physiological systems over time in HIV: expert opinions for effective secondary prevention
  1347. Epigenome-wide DNA methylation and mitochondrial DNA content in relation to in utero PM2.5 exposure
  1348. l-Carnitine inhibits the senescence-associated secretory phenotype of aging adipose tissue by JNK/p53 pathway
  1349. adipose tissue, aging, and metabolism
  1350. Growth hormone impact on adipose tissue and aging
  1351. adipose tissue Quality in Aging: How Structural and Functional Aspects of adipose tissue Impact Skeletal Muscle Quality
  1352. Targeting senescent cells alleviates obesity‐induced metabolic dysfunction
  1353. adipose tissue: A Tertiary Lymphoid Organ: Does It Change with Age?
  1354. Age-Dependent and-Independent Effects of Perivascular adipose tissue and Its Paracrine Activities during Neointima Formation
  1355. Senolytics decrease senescent cells in humans: Preliminary report from a clinical trial of Dasatinib plus Quercetin in individuals with diabetic kidney disease
  1356. Targeting senescence improves angiogenic potential of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in patients with preeclampsia
  1357. Heparanase upregulation from adipocyte associates with inflammation and endothelial injury in diabetic condition
  1358. Cellular senescence: at the nexus between ageing and diabetes
  1360. Histologic analysis and lipid profiling reveal reproductive age-associated changes in peri-ovarian adipose tissue
  1361. In vitro model of chronological aging of adipocytes: Interrelationships with hypoxia and oxidation
  1362. Sympathetic nervous system as a target for aging and obesity-related cardiovascular diseases
  1363. Senescent cells in the development of cardiometabolic disease
  1364. Expression of lipogenic markers is decreased in subcutaneous adipose tissue and adipocytes of older women and is negatively linked to GDF15 expression
  1365. Relationship between Circulating Protein p53 and High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein in Central Obesity Men with Inflammaging
  1366. Extracellular fraction of adipose tissue as an innovative regenerative approach for vitiligo treatment
  1367. Normal breast tissue at risk for cancer development: A breast cancer initiating role for mammary adipocytes
  1368. Age-associated inflammation alters the aging trajectory
  1369. Life-span Extension Drug Interventions Affect adipose tissue Inflammation in Aging
  1370. Cellular senescence and senescence‐associated T cells as a potential therapeutic target
  1371. Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein-2 Is a Putative Link Between Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Fibroblast Senescence in Age-Related Lung Fibrosis
  1372. Lipotoxicity, aging, and muscle contractility: does fiber type matter?
  1373. Skeletal muscle as potential central link between sarcopenia and immune senescence
  1374. Ileal Transposition Increases Pancreatic β Cell Mass and Decreases β Cell Senescence in Diet-Induced Obese Rats
  1375. ALCAT1 Deficiency Attenuates Obesity Induced Cellular Senescence in P16-3MR Transgenic Mice
  1376. Short exposure to cold atmospheric plasma induces senescence in human skin fibroblasts and adipose mesenchymal stromal cells
  1377. Recent advances in understanding tumor stroma-mediated chemoresistance in breast cancer
  1378. Alteration of Hypoxia-Associated Gene Expression in Replicatively Senescent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells under Physiological Oxygen Level
  1379. Rejuvenating Strategies of Tissue-specific Stem Cells for Healthy Aging
  1380. Novel contributors and mechanisms of cellular senescence in hypertension-associated premature vascular aging
  1381. β Cell Senescence as a Common Contributor to Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
  1382. Obesity and cancer: A mechanistic overview of metabolic changes in obesity that impact genetic instability
  1383. Age-dependent impairment of adipose-derived stem cells isolated from horses
  1384. Can physical activity ameliorate immunosenescence and thereby reduce age-related multi-morbidity?
  1385. Therapeutic Irradiation: Consequences for Bone and Bone Marrow Adipose
  1386. The Role of the Gut Microbiome and its Derived Mediators in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  1387. Inflamm-Aging Is Associated with Lower Plasma PTX3 Concentrations and an Impaired Capacity of PBMCs to Express hTERT following LPS Stimulation
  1388. Impaired immunomodulatory ability of type 2 diabetic adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in regulation of inflammatory condition in mixed leukocyte …
  1389. 3D printing breast tissue models: A review of past work and directions for future work
  1390. Aged‐senescent cells contribute to impaired heart regeneration
  1391. Chemotherapy-induced cellular senescence suppresses progression of Notch-driven T-ALL
  1392. Senescent cells: A new Achilles’ heel to exploit for cancer medicine?
  1393. The NADase CD38 is induced by factors secreted from senescent cells providing a potential link between senescence and age-related cellular NAD+ decline
  1394. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells: Aging and tissue engineering applications to enhance bone healing
  1395. The burden of metabolic syndrome on osteoarthritic joints
  1396. Modulation of senoinflammation by calorie restriction based on biochemical and Omics big data analysis
  1397. Remodeling the Microenvironment before Occurrence and Metastasis of Cancer
  1398. Immune senescence and cardiomyopathy associated with obesity
  1399. The role of cellular senescence in diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis: molecular pathways and potential interventions
  1400. Filamin B and CD13 Are Components of Senescent Secretomes That May Be Involved in Primary (Stress Induced) and Paracrine Senescence of Mesenchymal …
  1401. and Ahmet Turan Isik
  1402. β‐Cell senescence in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes
  1403. Inflammation, Frailty and Cardiovascular Disease
  1404. Cellular Senescence in the Kidney
  1405. Heat shock response to exercise in pancreatic islets of obese mice
  1406. Regulation of senescence and the SASP
  1407. The Links Between Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia in Women
  1408. Increased renal cellular senescence in murine high-fat diet: effect of the senolytic drug quercetin
  1409. Type 2 diabetes is associated with the accumulation of senescent T cells
  1410. Elimination of senescent osteoclast progenitors has no effect on the age‐associated loss of bone mass in mice
  1411. Aging-related inflammation driven by cellular senescence enhances NAD consumption via activation of CD38+ pro-inflammatory macrophages
  1412. Adipokines: New Therapeutic Target for Osteoarthritis?
  1413. Major depression and enhanced molecular senescence abnormalities in young and middle-aged adults
  1414. Expansion and cell-cycle arrest: Common denominators of cellular senescence
  1415. Mechanisms of obesity-induced metabolic and vascular dysfunctions
  1416. Redefining Chronic Inflammation in Aging and Age-Related Diseases: Proposal of the Senoinflammation Concept
  1417. Mixing old and young: enhancing rejuvenation and accelerating aging
  1418. Involvement of adiponectin in age-related increases in tear production in mice
  1419. LPS-induced premature osteocyte senescence: Implications in inflammatory alveolar bone loss and periodontal disease pathogenesis
  1420. Emerging roles of and therapeutic strategies targeting BRD4 in cancer
  1421. In situ evidence of cellular senescence in Thymic Epithelial Cells (TECs) during human thymic involution
  1422. Cellular senescence in bone
  1423. Effect of aging on behaviour of mesenchymal stem cells
  1424. Earlier changes in mice after D-galactose treatment were improved by mitochondria derived small peptide MOTS-c
  1425. Pleiotropic effect of fibrates on senescence and autophagy in osteoarthritis
  1426. Low-dose quercetin positively regulates mouse healthspan
  1427. Microbial metabolites in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  1428. Elevated Local Senescence in Diabetic Wound Healing Is Linked to Pathological Repair via CXCR2
  1429. The potential role of senescence in limiting fibrosis caused by aging
  1430. Metabolic Alterations in Aging Macrophages: Ingredients for Inflammaging?
  1431. Protective role of polyphenols against vascular inflammation, aging and cardiovascular disease
  1432. TGF-β Signaling in Cellular Senescence and Aging-Related Pathology
  1433. Obesity-induced cellular senescence drives anxiety and impairs neurogenesis
  1434. Reduced subcutaneous adipogenesis in human hypertrophic obesity is linked to senescent precursor cells
  1435. Targeting normal and cancer senescent cells as a strategy of senotherapy
  1436. Senescent and apoptotic osteocytes and aging: Exercise to the rescue?
  1437. Senotherapeutics: Emerging strategy for healthy aging and age-related disease
  1438. Extracellular vesicles circulating in young organisms promote healthy longevity
  1439. Effectiveness of stage by stage bariatric interventions for regression of comorbidity at obese class III patients
  1440. L1 drives IFN in senescent cells and promotes age-associated inflammation
  1441. The STATus of STAT3 in Lung Cell Senescence?
  1442. Intraarticular senescent chondrocytes impair the cartilage regeneration capacity of mesenchymal stem cells
  1443. Senescent dermal fibroblasts negatively influence fibroblast extracellular matrix‐related gene expression partly via secretion of complement factor D
  1444. Mitochondria and cellular senescence: Implications for musculoskeletal ageing
  1445. Age and Frailty as Risk Factors for the Development of Osteoarthritis
  1446. The biology of frailty in humans and animals: Understanding frailty and promoting translation
  1447. Turning back time with emerging rejuvenation strategies
  1448. Senescence and senotherapeutics: A new field in cancer therapy
  1449. Senescence marker activin A is increased in human diabetic kidney disease: association with kidney function and potential implications for therapy
  1450. The Safe and Efficacious Use of Secretome From Fibroblasts and Adipose-derived (but not Bone Marrow-derived) Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Skin …
  1451. Cellular Senescence and the Immune System in Cancer
  1452. Advanced liver steatosis accompanies an increase in hepatic inflammation, colonic, secondary bile acids and Lactobacillaceae/Lachnospiraceae bacteria in C57BL/6 …
  1453. KRAS, YAP, and obesity in pancreatic cancer: A signaling network with multiple loops
  1454. Chronic inflammation in the etiology of disease across the life span
  1455. Pan-senescence transcriptome analysis identified RRAD as a marker and negative regulator of cellular senescence
  1456. Flavonoids: Broad Spectrum Agents on Chronic Inflammation
  1457. Astrocyte senescence in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model is mediated by TGF-β1 and results in neurotoxicity
  1458. mTOR as a central regulator of lifespan and aging
  1459. Vascular Diseases and Gangliosides
  1460. Muscle-derived miR-34a increases with age in circulating extracellular vesicles and induces senescence of bone marrow stem cells
  1461. Aging and lineage allocation changes of bone marrow skeletal (stromal) stem cells
  1462. Looking for immortality: Review of phytotherapy for stem cell senescence
  1463. Gangliosides Contribute to Vascular Insulin Resistance
  1464. Emerging senolytic agents derived from natural products
  1465. Vitamin E: Regulatory Role on Signal Transduction
  1466. Experimental strategies of mesenchymal stem cell propagation: Adverse events and potential risk of functional changes
  1467. Introductory Chapter: Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease-What Should We Know?
  1468. The role of probiotics in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a new insight into therapeutic strategies
  1469. Cellular senescence and chronological age in various human tissues: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  1470. Nrf2 exerts mixed inflammation and glucose metabolism regulatory effects on murine RAW264. 7 macrophages
  1471. Chronic Low-grade Inflammatory Phenotype (CLIP) and Senescent Immune Dysregulation
  1472. Obesity May Accelerate the Aging Process
  1473. Manufacturing of primed mesenchymal stromal cells for therapy
  1474. Pyrroloquinoline quinone prevents estrogen deficiency-induced osteoporosis by inhibiting oxidative stress and osteocyte senescence
  1475. Obesity is a common soil for premature cardiac aging and heart diseases-role of autophagy
  1476. Culinary medicine: advancing a framework for healthier eating to improve chronic disease management and prevention
  1477. Mesenchymal stem cell senescence alleviates their intrinsic and seno-suppressive paracrine properties contributing to osteoarthritis development
  1478. Senescence in the lung: is this getting old?
  1479. TGF-β mediates aortic smooth muscle cell senescence in Marfan syndrome
  1480. Cellular senescence in cardiac diseases
  1481. Bone marrow niches for skeletal progenitor cells and their inhabitants in health and disease
  1482. Potential role of senescence in radiation-induced damage of the aged skeleton
  1483. The kynurenine pathway: a finger in every pie
  1484. Cell aging and cellular senescence in skin aging—Recent advances in fibroblast and keratinocyte biology
  1485. The Senescent Cell, SC
  1486. Mitochondria-driven elimination of cancer and senescent cells
  1487. Use of MSCs in Antiaging Strategies
  1488. Dynamic role of the codon 72 p53 single-nucleotide polymorphism in mammary tumorigenesis in a humanized mouse model
  1489. Promotion and induction of liver cancer by gut microbiome-mediated modulation of bile acids
  1490. Cellular cross-talks in the diseased and aging heart
  1491. Conditioned Medium of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: A New Class of Therapeutics
  1492. Coexisting frailty with heart failure
  1493. Barshop Symposium on Aging 2018 Abstracts
  1494. Amitosenescence and Pseudomitosenescence: Putative New Players in the Aging Process
  1495. HIF1α‐mediated AIMP3 suppression delays stem cell aging via the induction of autophagy
  1496. Inflammaging as a common ground for the development and maintenance of sarcopenia, obesity, cardiomyopathy and dysbiosis
  1497. Inflammation: a common contributor to cancer, aging, and cardiovascular diseases—expanding the concept of cardio-oncology
  1498. Inflammation as a mediator of arterial ageing
  1499. LINE-1 derepression in senescent cells triggers interferon and inflammaging
  1500. Cells exhibiting strong p16INK4a promoter activation in vivo display features of senescence
  1501. Early vascular ageing and cellular senescence in chronic kidney disease
  1502. Childhood obesity and leucocyte telomere length
  1503. Cell-Free Culture Supernatant of Probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum Protects Against H2O2-Induced Premature Senescence by Suppressing ROS-Akt-mTOR Axis in …
  1504. Raman fingerprints as promising markers of cellular senescence and aging
  1505. Where Metabolism Meets Senescence: Focus on Endothelial Cells
  1506. Exercise Training for the Elderly: Inflammaging and the Central Role for HSP70
  1507. Proteomic analysis of human mesenchymal stromal cell secretomes: a systematic comparison of the angiogenic potential
  1508. BubR1 allelic effects drive phenotypic heterogeneity in mosaic-variegated aneuploidy progeria syndrome
  1509. Quantifying Senescence-Associated Phenotypes in Primary Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Cultures
  1510. Roles of JAK2 in aging, inflammation, hematopoiesis and malignant transformation
  1511. Independent Roles of Estrogen Deficiency and Cellular Senescence in the Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis: Evidence in Young Adult Mice and Older Humans
  1512. Cellular senescence in arterial diseases
  1513. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 positively regulates periodontal inflammaging via SOCS3/STAT signaling in diabetic mice
  1514. Inflammation, Infection and Atherosclerosis
  1515. Obesity-Associated Hypermetabolism and Accelerated Senescence of Bone Marrow Stromal Stem Cells Suggest a Potential Mechanism for Bone Fragility
  1516. Chronic whole-body heat treatment relieves atherosclerotic lesions, cardiovascular and metabolic abnormalities, and enhances survival time restoring the anti …
  1517. The chemistry of senescence
  1518. Stem Cell Senescence: the Obstacle of the Treatment of Degenerative Disk Disease
  1519. Autophagy Dysfunction, Cellular Senescence, and Abnormal Immune-Inflammatory Responses in AMD: From Mechanisms to Therapeutic Potential
  1520. Breast tissue biology expands the possibilities for prevention of age-related breast cancers
  1521. Senescent cell clearance by the immune system: Emerging therapeutic opportunities
  1522. Metformin and Aging: A Review
  1523. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, and the Underlying Altered Fatty Acid Metabolism, Reveals Brain Hypoperfusion and Contributes to the Cognitive Decline in APP …
  1524. Senile Osteoporosis: The Involvement of Differentiation and Senescence of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells
  1525. Muscle and Bone Biology–Similarities and Differences
  1526. COPD as a Disease of Immunosenescence
  1527. Sex hormones and anticancer immunity
  1528. Targeting chronic innate inflammatory pathways, the main road to prevention of osteoarthritis progression
  1529. Autofluorescence is a Reliable in vitro Marker of Cellular Senescence in Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
  1530. Methionine restriction delays senescence and suppresses the senescence-associated secretory phenotype in the kidney through endogenous hydrogen sulfide
  1531. Identification of Aberrantly Expressed Genes during Aging in Rat Nucleus Pulposus Cells
  1532. Role of the Gut–Liver Axis in Liver Inflammation, Fibrosis, and Cancer: A Special Focus on the Gut Microbiota Relationship
  1533. Type 2 diabetes: how much of an autoimmune disease?
  1534. Urine-Derived Stem Cells Secreting Small Extracellular Vesicles Loaded in Acellular Amniotic Membrane for Wound Healing Promotion in Aged Mice
  1535. Type 2 Diabetes: How Much of an Autoimmune Disease?
  1536. Fasting and rapamycin: diabetes versus benevolent glucose intolerance
  1537. Roles of the Immune System in the Development and Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
  1538. Genetic Stability of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Regenerative Medicine Applications: A Fundamental Biosafety Aspect
  1539. Regulation of cellular senescence by retinoid X receptors and their partners
  1540. Secretome of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and its Impact on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  1541. Defective induction of the proteasome associated with T‐cell receptor signaling underlies T‐cell senescence
  1542. Lifestyle and Food Habits Impact on Chronic Diseases: Roles of PPARs
  1543. When the skin is in the center of interest-An aging issue
  1544. New frontiers in osteoporosis therapy
  1545. Aging and Cardiovascular Diseases: The Role of Cellular Senescence
  1546. Oxidative Stress and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation
  1547. Efficacy of 3D Culture Priming is Maintained in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells after Extensive Expansion of the Cells
  1548. Potential Mechanisms of 3, 4-Oxo-Isopropylidene-Shikimic Acid in Ameliorating 2, 4, 6-Trinitrobenzenesulfonic Acid-Induced Colitis in Rats
  1549. Principal Criteria for Evaluating the Quality, Safety and Efficacy of hMSC-Based Products in Clinical Practice: Current Approaches and Challenges
  1550. The clinical impact and biological mechanisms of skeletal muscle aging
  1551. Chronic Kidney Disease and the Vascular Endothelium
  1552. Current Knowledge and New Challenges in Exercise Immunology
  1553. Aspirin ameliorates the long‐term adverse effects of doxorubicin through suppression of cellular senescence
  1554. Aging, Immunity, and Neuroinflammation: The Modulatory Potential of Nutrition
  1555. Perspectives of the International Society of Cell & Gene Therapy Gastrointestinal Scientific Committee on the Intravenous Use of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in …
  1556. Cellular senescence: aging, cancer, and injury
  1557. Searching for the Holy Grail Will Need Biomarkers
  1558. DNA damage response manages cell cycle restriction of senile multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells
  1559. The role of mitochondria-derived peptides in cardiovascular disease: Recent updates
  1560. Tackling Aging by Using miRNA as a Target and a Tool
  1561. Selective elimination of senescent cells by mitochondrial targeting is regulated by ANT2
  1562. Premature aging and cancer development in transgenic mice lacking functional CYLD
  1563. Obesity-Induced Sympathoexcitation is Associated with Nrf2 Dysfunction in the Rostral VentroLateral Medulla
  1564. Senescence‐induced immunophenotype, gene expression and electrophysiology changes in human amniocytes
  1565. The senescence-associated secretory phenotype and its regulation
  1566. An early‐senescence state in aged mesenchymal stromal cells contributes to hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell clonogenic impairment through the activation of a …
  1567. Extracellular vesicles and redox modulation in aging
  1568. Survival of aging CD264+ and CD264− populations of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells is independent of colony‐forming efficiency
  1569. Seno-suppressive molecules as new therapeutic perspectives in rheumatic diseases
  1570. Identification of senescent cells in multipotent mesenchymal stromal cell cultures: current methods and future directions
  1571. The ING1a model of rapid cell senescence
  1572. The key players of tumor microenvironment and their role in breast cancer
  1573. Skin barrier immunity and ageing
  1574. Integration of heterogeneous functional genomics data in gerontology research to find genes and pathway underlying aging across species
  1575. Metabolic requirements of human pro-inflammatory B cells in aging and obesity
  1576. Aging and bone
  1577. Control of Inflammation by Calorie Restriction Mimetics: On the Crossroad of Autophagy and Mitochondria
  1578. PGC1α repression in IPF fibroblasts drives a pathologic metabolic, secretory and fibrogenic state
  1579. Loss of epitranscriptomic control of selenocysteine utilization engages senescence and mitochondrial reprogramming☆
  1580. The Molecular Physiology of Ageing: New Targets for Regenerative Medicine
  1581. Knockdown of angiopoietin-like 2 induces clearance of vascular endothelial senescent cells by apoptosis, promotes endothelial repair and slows …
  1582. Obesity and Hepatocarcinogenesis
  1583. Lifestyle Choices, Psychological Stress and Their Impact on Ageing: The Role of Telomeres
  1584. Mechanisms of Calorie Restriction: A Review of Genes Required for the Life-Extending and Tumor-Inhibiting Effects of Calorie Restriction
  1585. Exosomes may be the potential new direction of research in osteoarthritis management
  1586. Mitochondrial protection partly mitigates kidney cellular senescence in swine atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis
  1587. Molecular insights into Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome and age-associated disease: from mechanisms to treatment strategy
  1588. Rapid detection of senescent mesenchymal stromal cells by a fluorescent probe
  1589. Iron and iron-dependent reactive oxygen species in the regulation of macrophages and fibroblasts in non-healing chronic wounds
  1590. Low‐Dose Pesticide Mixture Induces Accelerated Mesenchymal Stem Cell Aging In Vitro
  1591. Maternal Sleep in Pregnancy and Postpartum Part II: Biomechanisms and Intervention Strategies
  1592. Hydroxyurea‐induced Senescent Peripheral Blood Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Inhibit Bystander Cell Proliferation of JAK2V617F‐positive Human Erythroleukemia …
  1593. Doxorubicin and liposomal doxorubicin induce senescence by enhancing nuclear factor kappa B and mitochondrial membrane potential
  1594. The Upregulation of Toll-Like Receptor 3 via Autocrine IFN-β Signaling Drives the Senescence of Human Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem …
  1595. Myeloid-derived suppressor cells: not only in tumor immunity
  1596. Moderate hyperoxia induces senescence in developing human lung fibroblasts
  1597. Senolytics and senostatics as adjuvant tumour therapy
  1598. The link between endometrial stromal cell senescence and decidualization in female fertility: the art of balance
  1599. Melatonin attenuates renal fibrosis in diabetic mice by activating the AMPK/PGC1α signaling pathway and rescuing mitochondrial function
  1600. Molecular taxonomy of osteoarthritis for patient stratification, disease management and drug development: biochemical markers associated with emerging clinical …
  1601. Differential Expression of Human N-Alpha-Acetyltransferase 40 (hNAA40), Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) and Sirtuin-1 (SIRT-1) Pathway …
  1602. Regulation of inflammation as an anti‐aging intervention
  1603. Aiding and Abetting: How the Tumor Microenvironment Protects Cancer from Chemotherapy
  1604. Relationships between ion channels, mitochondrial functions and inflammation in human aging
  1605. Targeting senescent cells in translational medicine
  1606. Recent insights into the multiple pathways driving nonalcoholic steatohepatitis-derived hepatocellular carcinoma
  1607. Aging, sex, inflammation, frailty, and CMV and HIV Infections
  1608. Low-grade inflammation causes gap junction-coupled cell dysfunction throughout the body, which can lead to the spread of systemic inflammation
  1609. The upregulation of Toll-like receptor 3 via autocrine IFN-beta signaling drives the senescence of human mesenchymal stem cells through JAK1
  1610. Pak2 kinase promotes cellular senescence and organismal aging
  1611. Molecular Pathogenesis of Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Critical Appraisal
  1612. Mechanisms of aging and potential role of selected polyphenols in extending healthspan
  1613. The role of lipids in aging-related metabolic changes
  1614. Emerging Role of Stem cell-derived Extravesicular MicroRNAs in Age-associated Human Diseases and in Different Therapies of Longevity
  1615. The genetics of human ageing
  1616. Inflammation in osteoarthritis: is it time to dampen the alarm (in) in this debilitating disease?
  1617. Estrogen deprivation triggers an immunosuppressive phenotype in breast cancer cells
  1618. Liver and Steroid Hormones—Can a Touch of p53 Make a Difference?
  1619. Impacts of the late adulthood diet-induced obesity onset on behavior, immune function, redox state and life span of male and female mice
  1620. The Mediterranean Diet Slows Down the Progression of Aging and Helps to Prevent the Onset of Frailty: A Narrative Review
  1621. Exosome: Advanced Development and a Novel Therapeutic Strategy for Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Injury
  1622. Diabetes drugs in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease
  1623. Patient-Derived Organoids from Human Bile: An In Vitro Method to Study Cholangiopathies
  1624. The Aging Thyroid: A Reappraisal Within the Geroscience Integrated Perspective
  1625. Immune Modulation by Transplanted Calcium Phosphate Biomaterials and Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Bone Regeneration
  1626. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in three-dimensional co-culture attenuate degeneration of nucleus pulposus cells
  1627. Roles of sleep deprivation in cardiovascular dysfunctions
  1628. micro (RNA)-managing muscle wasting
  1629. Stem cell derived exosomes: microRNA therapy for age-related musculoskeletal disorders
  1630. Astrocyte senescence: Evidence and significance
  1631. FGF21 Mediates Mesenchymal Stem Cell Senescence via Regulation of Mitochondrial Dynamics
  1632. Aging and the Biological Response to Liver Injury
  1633. Age-Related Thymic Atrophy: Mechanisms and Outcomes
  1634. The Effects of Early-Life Drug and Dietary Interventions on Late-Life Disease Development
  1635. Preclinical Evidence for the Role of Stem/Stromal Cells in COPD
  1636. Melatonin attenuates myocardial ischemia‐reperfusion injury via improving mitochondrial fusion/mitophagy and activating the AMPK‐OPA1 signaling pathways
  1637. Therapeutic effect of n-butanol fraction of Huang-lian-Jie-du Decoction on ulcerative colitis and its regulation on intestinal flora in colitis mice
  1638. Future Cell and Gene Therapy for Osteoarthritis (OA): Potential for Using Mammalian Protein Production Platforms, Irradiated and Transfected Protein …
  1639. Gut microbiota in liver disease: too much is harmful, nothing at all is not helpful either
  1640. Embryonic stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles enhance the therapeutic effect of mesenchymal stem cells
  1641. Tumor microenvironment-driven non-cell-autonomous resistance to antineoplastic treatment
  1642. Pharmacology of metformin–An update
  1643. Restoring mechano-adaptation in aged murine bone
  1644. Slowing Down Ageing: The Role of Nutrients and Microbiota in Modulation of the Epigenome
  1645. Integrating cellular senescence with the concept of damage accumulation in aging: Relevance for clearance of senescent cells
  1646. Mechanistic complexities of bone loss in Alzheimer’s disease: a review
  1647. Investigation on Spectrum-Effect Correlation between Constituents Absorbed into Blood and Bioactivities of Baizhu Shaoyao San before and after Processing on …
  1648. Lifelong aerobic exercise protects against inflammaging and cancer
  1649. Distinct effects of epirubicin, cisplatin and cyclophosphamide on ovarian somatic cells of prepuberal ovaries
  1650. The Emerging Role of Exosomal Non-coding RNAs in Musculoskeletal Diseases
  1651. Mitochondria in the signaling pathways that control longevity and health span
  1652. Crosstalk between P53 and DNA Damage Response in Ageing
  1653. Diabetic gut microbiota dysbiosis as an inflammaging and immunosenescence condition that fosters progression of retinopathy and nephropathy
  1654. Dual faced HMGB1 plays multiple roles in cardiomyocyte senescence and cardiac inflammatory injury
  1655. Melatonin and chromatin
  1656. Mst1 facilitates hyperglycemia-induced retinal pigmented epithelial cell apoptosis by evoking mitochondrial stress and activating the Smad2 signaling pathway
  1657. Circular RNA CircCCNB1 sponges micro RNA-449a to inhibit cellular senescence by targeting CCNE2
  1658. Failure of immunosurveillance accelerates aging
  1659. Rationally-based therapeutic disease modification in systemic sclerosis: Novel strategies
  1660. Extracellular vesicles in human skin: cross-talk from senescent fibroblasts to keratinocytes by miRNAs
  1661. Pharmacodynamics OF TNF α inhibitors for the treatment of psoriasis
  1662. Integrated Theories of Biological Aging
  1663. Organismal Aging and Oxidants Beyond Macromolecules Damage<? Qry msg=” Please provide author biographies for up to three authors (each biography not …
  1664. The Role of Curcumin in the Modulation of Ageing
  1665. The Impending Epidemic of Cardiovascular Diseases in Patients With Cancer in Japan
  1666. Pro-and anti-tumorigenic functions of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype
  1667. Silencing of long noncoding RNA HOXA11-AS inhibits the Wnt signaling pathway via the upregulation of HOXA11 and thereby inhibits the proliferation …
  1668. Novel clinico-molecular insights into the role of bisphenol-A (BPA) in the etiology of diabetes
  1669. Mitochondria and aging—The role of exercise as a countermeasure
  1670. A novel form of Deleted in breast cancer 1 (DBC1) lacking the N-terminal domain does not bind SIRT1 and is dynamically regulated in vivo
  1672. Directed elimination of senescent cells attenuates development of osteoarthritis by inhibition of c-IAP and XIAP
  1673. Loss of SATB1 Induces p21-Dependent Cellular Senescence in Post-mitotic Dopaminergic Neurons
  1674. Moving beyond the current limits of data analysis in longevity and healthy lifespan studies
  1675. Cellular senescence and the kidney: potential therapeutic targets and tools
  1676. The Biology of Senescence
  1677. The clock is ticking: the impact of ageing on T cell metabolism
  1678. Ribosomal DNA instability: an evolutionary conserved fuel for inflammaging
  1679. Role of microRNA-141 in the aging musculoskeletal system: a current overview
  1680. Activation of immunosuppressive network in the aging process
  1681. Senescence cell–associated extracellular vesicles serve as osteoarthritis disease and therapeutic markers
  1682. Molecular biology of acute and chronic inflammation
  1683. Transcriptomic analysis reveals the mechanism of sulfasalazine-induced liver injury in mice
  1684. Inflammatory bone marrow microenvironment
  1685. Cell and Gene Therapy for Spine Regeneration: Mammalian Protein Production Platforms for Overproduction of Therapeutic Proteins and Growth Factors
  1686. Interleukin-17 and senescence regulate the foreign body response
  1687. Nuclear-encoded Mitochondrial Genetic Variation in Human Aging and Longevity
  1688. Transient introduction of human telomerase mRNA improves hallmarks of progeria cells
  1689. DNA Damage Induced Cell Fates during Aging
  1690. Chromosomal instability and pro-inflammatory response in aging
  1691. Understanding the role of chondrocytes in osteoarthritis: utilizing proteomics
  1692. Emerging Roles of Complement Protein C1q in Neurodegeneration
  1693. Growth hormone in the tumor microenvironment
  1694. NAD+ Metabolism in Aging and Cancer
  1695. Cellular Stress and General Pathological Processes
  1696. A prospect of cell immortalization combined with matrix microenvironmental optimization strategy for tissue engineering and regeneration
  1697. The expression of P16 and S100 associated with elastin degradation and fibrosis of the Ligamentum Flavum hypertrophy
  1698. Risk Factors for Frailty and Cardiovascular Diseases: Are They the Same?
  1699. MicroRNAs in the Functional Defects of Skin Aging
  1700. Aging, Melatonin, and the Pro-and Anti-Inflammatory Networks
  1701. Huang-Lian-Jie-Du decoction ameliorates acute ulcerative colitis in mice via regulating NF-κB and Nrf2 signaling pathways and enhancing intestinal barrier function
  1702. Cellular senescence in cultured human brainstem astrocytes: Effect of oxidative stress
  1703. A murine aging cell atlas reveals cell identity and tissue-specific trajectories of aging
  1704. Exosomal long noncoding RNAs in aging and age‐related diseases
  1705. Cellular senescence in the lung across the age spectrum
  1706. Modulation of Human Neutrophil Peptides on P. aeruginosa Killing, Epithelial Cell Inflammation and Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Secretome Profiles
  1707. Stabilizing heterochromatin by DGCR8 alleviates senescence and osteoarthritis
  1708. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency and Accelerated Aging: A New Model for an Old Disease?
  1709. ERR agonism reverses mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation in aging
  1710. Senescent hepatocytes in decompensated liver show reduced UPRMT and its key player, CLPP, attenuates senescence in vitro
  1711. Thrombin Induces Angiotensin II-Mediated Senescence in Atrial Endothelial Cells: Impact on Pro-Remodeling Patterns
  1712. Preventive role of Resveratrol against inflammatory cytokines and related diseases
  1713. Towards a unified mechanistic theory of aging
  1714. Iguratimod: a valuable remedy from the Asia Pacific region for ameliorating autoimmune diseases and protecting bone physiology
  1715. Autophagy and Immune Tolerance
  1716. Investigating the role of microRNAs in the hypoxic response in prostate cancer
  1717. Clinical Inference of Serum and Bone Sclerostin Levels in Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease
  1718. Healthy aging: A bibliometric analysis of the literature
  1719. Danger signals and inflammaging in osteoarthritis
  1720. Length‐independent telomere damage drives post‐mitotic cardiomyocyte senescence
  1721. Orexins as novel therapeutic targets in inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases
  1722. Skin Health from the Inside Out
  1724. Oleuropein, a Bioactive Compound from Olea europaea L., as a Potential Preventive and Therapeutic Agent in Non-Communicable Diseases
  1725. Interleukin-1 and related cytokines in the regulation of inflammation and immunity
  1726. Plenary Sessions
  1727. Premature aging syndromes: From patients to mechanism
  1728. Understanding the origin and diversity of macrophages to tailor their targeting in solid cancers
  1729. Oxytocin Alleviates Cellular Senescence through Oxytocin Receptor‐Mediated ERK/Nrf2 Signalling
  1730. Inflammation and cancer: triggers, mechanisms, and consequences
  1731. Probiotic bacteria as modulators of cellular senescence: emerging concepts and opportunities
  1732. Immunobiology of atherosclerosis: a complex net of interactions
  1733. Beneficial effect of physical exercise on telomere length and aging, and genetics of aging-associated noncommunicable diseases
  1734. Inflammaging and oxidative stress in human diseases: from molecular mechanisms to novel treatments
  1735. Candesartan Neuroprotection in Rat Primary Neurons Negatively Correlates with Aging and Senescence: a Transcriptomic Analysis
  1736. Methylglyoxal Acts as a Tumor-Promoting Factor in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer
  1737. The potential role of necroptosis in inflammaging and aging
  1738. Multidimensional informatic deconvolution defines gender-specific roles of hypothalamic GIT2 in aging trajectories
  1739. Enhancement of epithelial cell autophagy induced by sinensetin alleviates epithelial barrier dysfunction in colitis
  1740. Age-related inflammation triggers skeletal stem/progenitor cell dysfunction
  1741. Quantitative proteomic analyses in blood: A window to human health and disease
  1742. The bystander effect contributes to the accumulation of senescent cells in vivo.
  1743. Inhibition of JAK-STAT Signaling with Baricitinib Reduces Inflammation and Improves Cellular Homeostasis in Progeria Cells
  1744. Antioxidative nanomaterials and biomedical applications
  1745. Health Benefits of Anti-aging Drugs
  1746. Exercise and dietary interventions in a rat model of metabolic knee osteoarthritis
  1747. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Therapies for Cell Senescence in Bone and Cartilage
  1748. Placental Ageing in Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Telomere Shortening, Cell Senescence, and Mitochondrial Dysfunction
  1749. Regulatory mechanisms and clinical manifestations of musculoskeletal aging
  1750. Sex Steroids, Cognate Receptors, and Aging
  1751. Epigenetic changes during aging and their reprogramming potential
  1752. NAD+ therapy in age-related degenerative disorders: A benefit/risk analysis
  1753. Premature cell senescence in human skin: dual face in chronic acquired pigmentary disorders
  1754. 140-3D Hydrogels and Bioinks for Realistic In Vitro Modelling and Bioprinting
  1755. Impact of aging on bone, marrow and their interactions
  1757. Benefits of tree nuts consumption on aging and age-related diseases: mechanisms of actions
  1758. Regulation of Wound Healing by the NRF2 Transcription Factor—More Than Cytoprotection
  1759. Enhancement of therapeutic efficacy by immunomodulation in human mesenchymal stem cells
  1760. PAK4 signaling in development and cancer
  1761. Transposable Elements, Inflammation and Neurological Disease
  1762. Drugs that target aging: how do we discover them?
  1763. Extracellular matrix roles in cardiorenal fibrosis: Potential therapeutic targets for CVD and CKD in the elderly
  1764. Murine models of accelerated aging and musculoskeletal disease
  1765. Identification of differentially expressed transcription factors and dissecting the role of DREAM complex associated components in cellular senescence
  1766. Inflammation and Liver Cancer: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets
  1767. Senolytic therapy alleviates Aβ-associated oligodendrocyte progenitor cell senescence and cognitive deficits in an Alzheimer’s disease model
  1768. Acquired Immune Response to Infection
  1769. MHY2233 Attenuates Replicative Cellular Senescence in Human Endothelial Progenitor Cells via SIRT1 Signaling
  1770. Methods to Quantify the NF-κB Pathway During Senescence
  1771. Somatic mutations in healthy cells and age-associated diseases
  1772. HER2 recruits AKT1 to disrupt STING signalling and suppress antiviral defence and antitumour immunity
  1773. Investigating the immune system in chrONIC kidney disease-the SONIC study
  1775. Rejuvenation: Turning back the clock of aging kidney
  1776. Characterisation of an in vitro aged cell culture model
  1777. L1CAM and its role in cellular senescence
  1778. The role of the cell-matrix interface in aging and its interaction with the renin-angiotensin system in the aged vasculature
  1779. Time for the systems-level integration of aging: Resilience enhancing strategies to prevent Alzheimer’s disease
  1780. Epigenetics and Pharmacoepigenetics of Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disorders
  1781. Molecular basis of senescence transmitting in the population of human endometrial stromal cells
  1782. Shared and distinct mechanisms of fibrosis
  1783. Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells
  1784. Are There Reliable Biomarkers for Immunosenescence and Inflammaging?
  1785. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) intralesional infiltrations: from the bench to the diabetic ulcers cells
  1786. Senescence surveillance: the interplay between the immune system and senescent cells
  1787. Exosomes as Emerging Pro-Tumorigenic Mediators of the Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype
  1788. Age-Associated Changes in the Immune System and Blood–Brain Barrier Functions
  1789. Recent advances in understanding the phenotypes of osteoarthritis
  1790. Inducing Age Related Changes in Microglia as a Model for Neurodegenerative Disease
  1791. Convallatoxin protects against dextran sulfate sodium-induced experimental colitis in mice by inhibiting NF-κB signaling through activation of PPARγ
  1792. Innate immune cell crosstalk induces melanoma cell senescence
  1793. Characterization and Analysis of Neural Progenitor Cells from Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Patients
  1794. Targeting Cell Senescence for the Treatment of Age-Related Bone Loss
  1795. Ell3 functions as a critical decision maker at the crossroad between stem cell senescence and apoptosis
  1796. The role of exosomes in regenerative medicine
  1797. Mitochondrial dysfunction and cell senescence: deciphering a complex relationship
  1798. The Effects of IL-1β on Astrocytes are Conveyed by Extracellular Vesicles and Influenced by Age
  1799. The role of senescence in cancer development
  1800. 41th Volume Index
  1801. The proteome of ulcerative colitis-Functional analyses of the active disease and the remission state in comparison with healthy controls
  1802. Allostatic load and ageing: linking the microbiome and nutrition with age-related health
  1803. Rosiglitazone ameliorates senescence and promotes apoptosis in ovarian cancer induced by olaparib
  1804. Novel insights of elevated systemic levels of bisphenol-A (BPA) linked to poor glycemic control, accelerated cellular senescence and insulin resistance in patients with …
  1805. Methods for CPP Functionalization
  1806. Probing the impact of the maternal environment on foetal development: Can high-resolution telomere analysis predict prenatal adversity?
  1807. Bone marrow stromal cells from β-thalassemia patients have impaired hematopoietic supportive capacity
  1808. Recurrent circadian fasting (RCF) improves blood pressure, biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk and regulates inflammation in men
  1809. Noncoding RNAs: Bridging Regulation of Circadian Rhythms and Inflammation
  1810. Accelerated cardiomyocyte senescence contributes to late-onset doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity.
  1812. Metabolic phenotyping of the human microbiome
  1813. Reduced RNA turnover as a driver of cellular senescence
  1814. The role of metabolism in the anti-tumor cytotoxicity of natural killer cells
  1815. Microncronucleus index in epithelial exfoliated cells of urothelium and buccal mucosa, and peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with papillary urothelial …
  1816. Transient non-integrative nuclear reprogramming promotes multifaceted reversal of aging in human cells
  1817. Senolytic activity of small molecular polyphenols from olive restores chondrocyte redifferentiation and cartilage regeneration in osteoarthritis
  1818. PTEN loss regulates alveolar epithelial cell senescence in pulmonary fibrosis depending on Akt activation
  1819. Mitophagy, Mitochondrial Dynamics, and Homeostasis in Cardiovascular Aging
  1820. TGF-β in Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation and Liver Fibrogenesis—Updated 2019
  1821. Know your enemy: Genetics, aging, exposomic and inflammation in the war against triple negative breast cancer
  1822. NAD+ in brain aging and neurodegenerative disorders
  1823. Prelamin A mediates myocardial inflammation in dilated and HIV-associated cardiomyopathies
  1824. miR-140 Attenuates the Progression of Early-Stage Osteoarthritis by Retarding Chondrocyte Senescence
  1825. The dark side of fibroblasts: cancer-associated fibroblasts as mediators of immunosuppression in the tumor microenvironment
  1826. The role of signaling pathways of inflammation and oxidative stress in development of senescence and aging phenotypes in cardiovascular disease
  1827. Emerging targets of disease-modifying therapy for systemic sclerosis
  1828. Identification and characterization of inter-species aging-related transcriptomic regulators
  1829. Mouse Models of Accelerated Cellular Senescence
  1830. Cranberries–potential benefits in patients with chronic kidney disease
  1831. Mitochondrial Homeostasis and Cellular Senescence
  1832. Amelioration of age‐related brain function decline by Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibition
  1833. NLRP3 inflammasome suppression improves longevity and prevents cardiac aging in male mice
  1834. Paeonol prevents IL-1β-induced inflammatory response and degradation of type II collagen in human primary chondrocytes
  1835. Scarless wound healing: From development to senescence
  1836. β cell responses to inflammation
  1837. The modular proteome and its significance
  1838. Activated Fibroblast Program Orchestrates Tumor Initiation and Progression; Molecular Mechanisms and the Associated Therapeutic Strategies
  1839. Ferroptosis, a new form of cell death: opportunities and challenges in cancer
  1840. Senescence-associated metabolomic phenotype in primary and iPSC-derived mesenchymal stromal cells
  1841. Leukocyte Telomere Length in Patients with Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis
  1842. Concepts in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Management
  1843. Protein Signatures of Centenarians and Their Offspring Suggest Centenarians Age Slower than Other Humans
  1844. Tumor microenvironment: Interactions and therapy
  1845. The TGF-β1/p53/PAI-1 Signaling Axis in Vascular Senescence: Role of Caveolin-1
  1846. Stromal cell-derived factor-1 (CXCL12) and its role in bone and muscle biology
  1847. Measuring biological aging in humans: A quest
  1848. Amelioration of Ductular Reaction by Stem Cell Derived Extracellular Vesicles in MDR2 Knockout Mice via Lethal‐7 microRNA
  1849. Activation of melatonin receptor 2 but not melatonin receptor 1 mediates melatonin‐conferred cardioprotection against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury
  1850. Proteomic Markers for Depression
  1851. Induction of Fibroblast Senescence During Mouse Corneal Wound Healing
  1852. Regulation of Thirst and Vasopressin Release
  1853. Hyper-osmolarity environment-induced oxidative stress injury promotes nucleus pulposus cell senescence in vitro
  1854. Novel drug targets in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  1855. Sleep, stress, and immunity
  1856. Meeting report: Metastasis Research Society (MRS) 17th Biennial conference and associated Young Investigator Satellite Meeting (YISM) on cancer metastasis
  1857. Targeting pro-senescence mitogen activated protein kinase (Mapk) enzymes with bioactive natural compounds
  1858. Coordination of immune-stroma crosstalk by IL-6 family cytokines
  1859. Long non-coding RNA CDKN2B-AS1 reduces inflammatory response and promotes cholesterol efflux in atherosclerosis by inhibiting ADAM10 expression
  1860. Proceedings of the 2018 Santa Fe Bone Symposium: Advances in the Management of Osteoporosis
  1861. The telomere world and aging: Analytical challenges and future perspectives
  1862. The cross-talk between sphingolipids and insulin-like growth factor signaling: significance for aging and neurodegeneration
  1863. Young Hematopoietic Stem Cells Ameliorate Age-Associated Phenotypes and Extend Lifespan in Mice
  1864. MicroRNA networks modulate oxidative stress in cancer
  1865. The RXFP3 receptor is functionally associated with cellular responses to oxidative stress and DNA damage
  1866. Crosstalk between HGF and TGF-ß signaling pathways in adult liver progenitor cells and hepatocellular carcinoma cells
  1867. The Evolving Role of CD8+ CD28− Immunosenescent T Cells in Cancer Immunology
  1868. Astrocytes autophagy in aging and neurodegenerative disorders
  1869. Stem cells: a path towards improved epilepsy therapies
  1870. Novel function of PiT1/SLC20A1 in LPS-related inflammation and wound healing
  1871. Biomarkers of Aging (With a Clinical Potential in Oncology)
  1872. Mitochondrial oxidative stress-induced transcript variants of ATF3 mediate lipotoxic brain microvascular injury
  1874. Mediterranean Diet (Prong-4)
  1875. Resveratrol: A New Potential Therapeutic Agent for Melanoma?

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