Reversing Obesity

  1. Reversal of obesity by targeted ablation of adipose tissue
  2. Reversal of Obesity- and Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance with Salicylates or Targeted Disruption of Ikkβ
  3. Reversal of obesity-related hypoadiponectinemia by lifestyle intervention: a controlled, randomized study in obese adolescents
  4. Reversal of diet-induced obesity and diabetes in C57BL/6J mice
  5. Appearance of brown adipocytes in white adipose tissue during CL 316,243-induced reversal of obesity and diabetes in Zucker fa/fa rats
  6. Leptin Activation of Corticosterone Production in Hepatocytes May Contribute to the Reversal of Obesity and Hyperglycemia in Leptin-Deficient ob/ob Mice
  7. Hypertrophy of brown adipocytes in brown and white adipose tissues and reversal of diet-induced obesity in rats treated with a β3-adrenoceptor agonist
  8. Trends in fatness and the origins of obesity
  9. Reversal of obesity in the genetically obese fa/fa Zucker rat with an ephedrine/methylxanthines thermogenic mixture
  10. Reversal of Obesity-and Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance with Salicylates or Targeted Disruption….
  11. Mifepristone (RU 486), a blocker of type II glucocorticoid and progestin receptors, reverses a dietary form of obesity
  12. Obesity and sarcopenia after menopause are reversed by sex hormone replacement therapy
  13. Myocardial fatty acid oxidation rates remain elevated in ob/ob mice despite reversal of obesity and diabetes by caloric restriction
  14. Body weight regulation in obese and obese-reduced rats.
  15. Inflammation and the IKKβ/IκB/NF-κB axis in obesity-and diet-induced insulin resistance
  16. Polycythemia of obesity: further studies of its mechanism and a report of two additional cases
  17. Brain responses to obesogenic diets and diet-induced obesity
  18. Development of obesity in transgenic mice after genetic ablation of brown adipose tissue
  19. Hypothalamic obesity: the autonomic hypothesis and the lateral hypothalamus
  20. Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and c-Jun NH2-Terminal Kinase Pathways in Inflammation and Origin of Obesity and Diabetes
  21. Severe orthostatic hypotension following weight reduction surgery
  22. The role of beta3-adrenergic receptors in control of brown and white adipose tissues and of energy balance: Reversal of obesity by CL 316,243, a new beta3 …
  23. The liver in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  24. Effects of fasting and refeeding on blood pressure are determined by nutritional state, not by body weight change
  25. Maternal obesity is associated with younger age at obesity onset in US adolescent offspring followed into adulthood
  26. Thematic review series: adipocyte biology. Sympathetic and sensory innervation of white adipose tissue
  27. The inflammatory syndrome: the role of adipose tissue cytokines in metabolic disorders linked to obesity
  28. Using mouse models to dissect the genetics of obesity
  29. Energy balance in reversible obesity
  30. Effect of diet on adipose tissue and skeletal muscle VLDL receptor and LPL: implications for obesity and hyperlipidemia
  31. Pathophysiologic changes of obesity
  32. Role of the autonomic nervous system in the development of ventromedial hypothalamic obesity
  33. Aspirin as a promoter of ephedrine-induced thermogenesis: potential use in the treatment of obesity
  34. The effects of subdiaphragmatic vagotomy in rats with ventromedial hypothalamic obesity
  35. Brain somatic cross-talk: ghrelin, leptin and ultimate challengers of obesity
  36. Reduction of elevated serum retinol binding protein in obese children by lifestyle intervention: association with subclinical inflammation
  37. Pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  38. Internal regulation and the evolution of normal growth as the basis for prevention of obesity in children
  39. A novel IKKβ inhibitor stimulates adiponectin levels and ameliorates obesity-linked insulin resistance
  40. Obesity and alcoholic liver disease
  41. Acute exercise increases triglyceride synthesis in skeletal muscle and prevents fatty acid–induced insulin resistance
  42. The growing problem of obesity in dogs and cats
  43. The cross cultural context of obesity: an INCLEN multicentre collaborative study
  44. Leptin: the link between adipose tissue and reproductive system
  45. Reduction of diet-induced obesity in rats with a herbal formulation
  46. Inflammation in obesity is a common link between defects in fatty acid metabolism and insulin resistance
  47. Increase in prevalence of obesity and diabetes and decrease in plasma cholesterol in a central Australian aboriginal community
  48. Obesity, past present and future
  49. Is there a metabolic rationale to support a weight loss programme to prevent diabetes?
  50. Five-year obesity incidence in the transition period between adolescence and adulthood: the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
  51. Increased CD36 protein as a response to defective insulin signaling in macrophages
  52. Adipose stress-sensing kinases: linking obesity to malfunction
  53. Diabetes and the endocrine pancreas II
  54. Controlling Obesity: School, Work, and Leisure
  55. Reduced skeletal muscle inhibitor of κBβ content is associated with insulin resistance in subjects with type 2 diabetes: reversal by exercise training
  56. Hyperphagia and obesity following ventromedial hypothalamic lesions in rats with subdiaphragmatic vagotomy
  57. The biology of white adipocyte proliferation
  58. Physical activity mediates a healthier body weight in the presence of obesity
  59. The dysregulated adipose tissue: a connecting link between insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis
  60. Increased activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway in liver and skeletal muscle of obese rats: possible involvement in obesity-linked insulin resistance
  61. The hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal axis activity in obesity and the metabolic syndrome
  62. Long-term pharmacotherapy of obesity 2000: a review of efficacy and safety
  63. Insulin resistance: a phosphorylation-based uncoupling of insulin signaling
  64. Loss-of-function mutation in Toll-like receptor 4 prevents diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance
  65. Hyperinsulinemia in rats with hypothalamic obesity: effects of autonomic drugs and glucose
  66. in Obesity and Diabetes
  67. Regulation of 11β‐HSD Genes in Human Adipose Tissue: Influence of Central Obesity and Weight Loss
  68. Adrenal and gonadal function in obesity
  69. CCR2 modulates inflammatory and metabolic effects of high-fat feeding
  70. Nitrosative stress and pathogenesis of insulin resistance
  71. The genetics of human obesity
  72. Chronic inflammation in fat plays a crucial role in the development of obesity-related insulin resistance
  73. Neuropeptides, appetite regulation, and human obesity
  74. DHEA protects against visceral obesity and muscle insulin resistance in rats fed a high-fat diet
  75. Adipokines: molecular links between obesity and atheroslcerosis
  76. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, inflammation, obesity, insulin resistance and vascular risk
  77. Adipokines: at the heart of the relationship between obesity and insulin resistance.
  78. The metabolic syndrome as a risk factor for chronic kidney disease: more than a fat chance?
  79. Obesity: overview of prevalence, etiology, and treatment
  80. Adipokines, inflammation, and the endothelium in diabetes
  81. A role for iNOS in fasting hyperglycemia and impaired insulin signaling in the liver of obese diabetic mice
  82. Molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance: serine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 and increased expression of p85α: the two sides of a coin
  83. Low-grade inflammation, obesity, and insulin resistance in adolescents
  84. Surgical management of obesity
  85. Impaired transport of leptin across the blood-brain barrier in obesity is acquired and reversible
  86. Subclinical inflammation and obesity, diabetes and related disorders
  87. Optimal management of the morbidly obese patient SAGES appropriateness conference statement
  88. Dietary Cyanidin 3-O-β-D-Glucoside-Rich Purple Corn Color Prevents Obesity and Ameliorates Hyperglycemia in Mice
  89. Hepatic expression of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase reverses muscle, liver and whole-animal insulin resistance
  90. Metabolic syndrome, hyperinsulinemia, and cancer
  91. Evidence for alteration of the vitamin D-endocrine system in obese subjects.
  92. Pharmacological treatment of obesity: therapeutic strategies
  93. A rational approach to pathogenesis and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, inflammation, and atherosclerosis
  94. Development of insulin resistance and reversal by thiazolidinediones in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells
  95. Neuroendocrine and metabolic effects of adipocyte-derived hormones
  96. Cellular inflammatory responses: novel insights for obesity and insulin resistance
  97. Tumor necrosis factor and its potential role in insulin resistance and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  98. Local and systemic insulin resistance resulting from hepatic activation of IKK-β and NF-κB
  99. Insulin resistance and the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  100. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Cytokine-adipokine interplay and regulation of insulin resistance
  101. Obesity-induced inflammatory changes in adipose tissue
  102. A burning question: does an adipokine-induced activation of the immune system mediate the effect of overnutrition on type 2 diabetes?
  103. Ciliary neurotrophic factor corrects obesity and diabetes associated with leptin deficiency and resistance
  104. Obesity and androgens: facts and perspectives
  105. Antidiabetic Effects of cis-9, trans-11–Conjugated Linoleic Acid May Be Mediated via Anti-Inflammatory Effects in White Adipose Tissue
  106. Endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation in obesity and type 2 diabetes
  107. Search for obesity drugs: targeting central and peripheral pathways
  108. #VALUE!
  109. Adipsin and an endogenous pathway of complement from adipose cells.
  110. Decreased insulin receptor (IR) autophosphorylation in fibroblasts from patients with PCOS: effects of serine kinase inhibitors and IR activators
  111. Surgery for obesity: a review of the current state of the art and future directions
  112. Regulation of energy balance in two models of reversible obesity in the rat.
  113. Type 2 diabetes: principles of pathogenesis and therapy
  114. The rise, fall, and resurrection of the ventromedial hypothalamus in the regulation of feeding behavior and body weight
  115. Comparison of short-term diet and exercise on insulin action in individuals with abnormal glucose tolerance
  116. Inflammatory markers, adiponectin, and risk of type 2 diabetes in the Pima Indian
  117. Tumor necrosis factor α-induced skeletal muscle insulin resistance involves suppression of AMP-kinase signaling
  118. Pathophysiology of obesity-induced insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  119. Inhibitors of preadipocyte replication: opportunities for the treatment of obesity
  120. Obesity and endothelial function
  121. Increased inflammatory properties of adipose tissue macrophages recruited during diet-induced obesity
  122. Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for recalcitrant gastroesophageal reflux disease in morbidly obese patients
  123. The evolving role of inflammation in obesity and the metabolic syndrome
  124. Free fatty acids produce insulin resistance and activate the proinflammatory nuclear factor-κB pathway in rat liver
  125. 7 Bariatric Surgery for Obesity
  126. Adipose tissue macrophages
  127. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and the epidemic of obesity
  128. The Prevalence and Treatment of Obesity in Adolescence (Weight Control)
  129. Increased in vivo regeneration of cortisol in adipose tissue in human obesity and effects of the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 inhibitor carbenoxolone
  130. MCH−/− Mice Are Resistant to Aging-Associated Increases in Body Weight and Insulin Resistance
  131. Inflammation, stress, and diabetes
  132. Novel targets and therapeutic strategies for type 2 diabetes
  133. Inflammation and activated innate immunity in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes
  134. Macrophage-secreted factors induce adipocyte inflammation and insulin resistance
  135. Insulin sensitizers may prevent metabolic inflammation
  136. Effects of antiglucocorticoid RU 486 on development of obesity in obese fa/fa Zucker rats
  137. Conditional disruption of IκB kinase 2 fails to prevent obesity-induced insulin resistance
  138. Effects of gonadectomy on glucocorticoid metabolism in obese Zucker rats
  139. Oxidative inflammatory stress in obesity and diabetes
  140. Combined leptin actions on adipose tissue and hypothalamus are required to deplete adipocyte fat in lean rats: implications for obesity treatment
  141. Inflammation, atherosclerosis, and aspects of insulin action
  142. Hyperglycemia, maturity-onset obesity, and insulin resistance in NONcNZO10/LtJ males, a new mouse model of type 2 diabetes
  143. Increased insulin and leptin sensitivity in mice lacking acyl CoA: diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1
  144. Low-grade systemic inflammation and the development of type 2 diabetes: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study
  145. Insulin resistance in adipose tissue: direct and indirect effects of tumor necrosis factor-α
  146. 11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in obesity and the metabolic syndrome
  147. Effect of a β-3 agonist on food intake in two strains of rats that differ in susceptibility to obesity
  148. Tackling obesities: future choices-project report
  149. Role of Ser/Thr kinases in the uncoupling of insulin signaling
  150. Obesity, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, and atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes
  151. Transplantation of pancreatic beta-cells prevents development of hypothalamic obesity in rats.
  152. An herbal supplement containing Ma Huang-Guarana for weight loss: a randomized, double-blind trial
  153. Anti‐Inflammatory and Antidiabetic Roles of PPARγ
  154. Emerging pharmacological approaches to the treatment of obesity
  155. Differential effects of interleukin-6 and-10 on skeletal muscle and liver insulin action in vivo
  156. Prospective study of C-reactive protein in relation to the development of diabetes and metabolic syndrome in the Mexico City Diabetes Study
  157. Insulin resistance in hepatocytes and sinusoidal liver cells: mechanisms and consequences
  158. Increased glucocorticoid receptor and 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 expression in hepatocytes may contribute to the phenotype of type 2 diabetes in db …
  159. Adipocyte-specific overexpression of FOXC2 prevents diet-induced increases in intramuscular fatty acyl CoA and insulin resistance
  160. Current knowledge in the neurophysiologic modulation of obesity
  161. Emergence of brown adipocytes in white fat in mice is under genetic control. Effects on body weight and adiposity.
  162. Role of energy charge and AMP-activated protein kinase in adipocytes in the control of body fat stores
  163. Regulated membrane transport of free fatty acids in adipocytes: role in obesity and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
  164. Weight loss increases 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 expression in human adipose tissue
  165. New approaches in the pharmacological treatment of obesity
  166. Leptin and the treatment of obesity: its current status
  167. Short-and long-term beneficial effects of a multidisciplinary therapy for the control of metabolic syndrome in obese adolescents
  168. Inflammation and insulin resistance
  169. Reduced adipose glucocorticoid reactivation and increased hepatic glucocorticoid clearance as an early adaptation to high-fat feeding in Wistar rats
  170. Long-term caffeine consumption exacerbates renal failure in obese, diabetic, ZSF1 (fa-facp) rats
  171. Insulin signalling and the regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism
  172. Obesity-related differential gene expression in the visceral adipose tissue
  173. Aging up-regulates expression of inflammatory mediators in mouse adipose tissue
  174. IKK-β links inflammation to obesity-induced insulin resistance
  175. Obesity and thermogenesis related to the consumption of caffeine, ephedrine, capsaicin, and green tea
  176. Adipose tissue as source and target for novel therapies
  177. Herbal ephedra/caffeine for weight loss: a 6-month randomized safety and efficacy trial
  178. Increase in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in adipocytes stimulates oxidative stress and inflammatory signals
  179. Keynote review: the adipocyte as a drug discovery target
  180. Aspirin inhibits serine phosphorylation of IRS-1 in muscle and adipose tissue of septic rats
  181. Obesity, inflammation, and insulin resistance
  182. Genistein decreases food intake, body weight, and fat pad weight and causes adipose tissue apoptosis in ovariectomized female mice
  183. Diabetes and obesity: part 1
  184. Molecular and genetic studies examining the inflammatory consequences of obesity
  185. Prevention of genetic fa/fa obesity with an ephedrine-methylxanthines thermogenic mixture
  186. Inflammatory cytokines and the risk to develop type 2 diabetes: results of the prospective population-based European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and …
  187. Obesity: Overview & Management
  188. Improvement in risk factors for metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance in overweight youth who are treated with lifestyle intervention
  189. C-reactive protein is an independent predictor of risk for the development of diabetes in the West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study
  190. Inflammatory mechanisms in diabetes: lessons from the β-cell
  191. Aspirin inhibits serine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1 in growth hormone treated animals
  192. Mediators of cytokine-induced insulin resistance in obesity and other inflammatory settings
  193. Type 2 diabetes and obesity in children and adolescents: experience from studies in Taiwanese population
  194. Ceramides in insulin resistance and lipotoxicity
  195. Resistin-and obesity-associated metabolic diseases
  196. Inhibition of insulin sensitivity by free fatty acids requires activation of multiple serine kinases in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
  197. Adipocyte/macrophage fatty acid binding proteins control integrated metabolic responses in obesity and diabetes
  198. The emerging role of adipokines as mediators of cardiovascular function: physiologic and clinical perspectives
  199. A primer on bariatric surgery: treatment of last resort for morbid obesity
  200. Anti-obesity and anti-tumor pro-apoptotic peptides are sufficient to cause release of cytochrome c from vesicles
  201. Obesity, insulin resistance, and renal function
  202. Data-mining analysis suggests an epigenetic pathogenesis for type 2 diabetes
  203. Adipocytokines: mediators linking adipose tissue, inflammation and immunity
  204. New drug targets for type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
  205. Diet-induced obesity and acute hyperlipidemia reduce IκBα levels in rat skeletal muscle in a fiber-type dependent manner
  206. Genetic variability affects the development of brown adipocytes in white fat but not in interscapular brown fats⃞
  207. Diabesity: an inflammatory metabolic condition
  208. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α deficiency does not alter insulin sensitivity in mice maintained on regular or high-fat diet: hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic …
  209. Pathogenic role of inflammatory cytokines in obesity: from insulin resistance to diabetes mellitus
  210. Thiazolidinediones influence plasma steroids of male obese Zucker rats
  211. Loss of cyclin‐dependent kinase inhibitors produces adipocyte hyperplasia and obesity
  212. Beyond the scale: understanding mechanisms of weight gain and obesity in diabetes
  213. Adiponectin and hypertension: a putative link between adipocyte function and atherosclerotic risk?
  214. Sibutramine-dependent brown fat activation in rats: an immunohistochemical study
  215. 12: Does physical activity help weight loss in obesity?
  216. Adipogenesis in obesity requires close interplay between differentiating adipocytes, stromal cells, and blood vessels
  217. Heterogeneity of adipose tissue metabolism
  218. The contribution of visceral adipose tissue to splanchnic cortisol production in healthy humans
  219. The anti-inflammatory and potential anti-atherogenic effect of insulin: a new paradigm
  220. Prevalence, predisposition and prevention of type II diabetes
  221. Neurohumoral regulation of body weight gain
  222. Sulfasalazine and BAY 11-7082 interfere with the nuclear factor-κB and IκB kinase pathway to regulate the release of proinflammatory cytokines from human adipose …
  223. Induction of heat shock proteins may combat insulin resistance
  224. Obesity in Later Childhood and Countermeasures
  225. Lipid-induced insulin resistance in human muscle is associated with changes in diacylglycerol, protein kinase C, and IκB-α
  226. 2 Steps for the Medical Evaluation of the Obese Patient
  227. Exercise alone reduces insulin resistance in obese children independently of changes in body composition
  228. Evolutionary origins of insulin resistance: a behavioral switch hypothesis
  229. TLR4 links innate immunity and fatty acid–induced insulin resistance
  230. Improving effect of carteolol on bodyweight and carbohydrate and lipid metabolic responses in the OLETF rat
  231. Liver X receptor agonist T0901317 inhibition of glucocorticoid receptor expression in hepatocytes may contribute to the amelioration of diabetic syndrome in db/db …
  232. Are oxidative stress− activated signaling pathways mediators of insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction?
  233. PKC-mediated modulation of L-type calcium channels may contribute to fat-induced insulin resistance
  234. 11 [beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in obesity
  235. Role of adipocytokines in metabolism and disease
  236. New insights into the pathophysiology of gestational diabetes mellitus: possible role of human leukocyte antigen-G
  237. Factors influencing body weight regulation
  238. Inhibitor κB kinase is involved in the paracrine crosstalk between human fat and muscle cells
  239. Mechanisms of the antidiabetic effects of the β3-adrenergic agonist CL-316243 in obese Zucker-ZDF rats
  240. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) interferes with insulin signaling through the p55 TNF receptor death domain
  241. Salicylate prevents hepatic insulin resistance caused by short-term elevation of free fatty acids in vivo
  242. Contribution of sphingolipids to the pathogenesis of obesity
  243. Autoamplification of tumor necrosis factor-α: a potential mechanism for the maintenance of elevated tumor necrosis factor-α in male but not female obese mice
  244. Insulin receptor substrate proteins and diabetes
  245. Neuroendocrinology of insulin resistance: metabolic and endocrine aspects of adiposity
  246. Increase in insulin action and fat oxidation after treatment with CL 316,243, a highly selective beta3-adrenoceptor agonist in humans.
  247. Interleukin-6 induces cellular insulin resistance in hepatocytes
  248. Les relations entre obésité, inflammation et insulinorésistance: acquisitions récentes
  249. Tumor necrosis factor-α suppresses adipocyte-specific genes and activates expression of preadipocyte genes in 3T3-L1 adipocytes: nuclear factor-κB activation by …
  250. Acetylsalicylic acid improves lipid-induced insulin resistance in healthy men
  251. A sympathetic defense against obesity
  252. Sex steroids and leptin regulate 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase I and P450 aromatase expressions in human preadipocytes: sex specificities
  253. Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS-1) and SOCS-3 cause insulin resistance through inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate proteins …
  254. Unexpected deposition of brown fat in mammary gland during postnatal development
  255. Potential utility of natural polyphenols for reversing fat-induced insulin resistance
  256. Turning down insulin signaling
  257. Female rats do not exhibit free fatty acid–induced insulin resistance
  258. A clinical guide to pediatric weight management and obesity
  259. Fat, diabetes, and liver injury in chronic hepatitis C
  260. Molecular basis of insulin action
  261. Diabetic pregnancy in rats leads to impaired glucose metabolism in offspring involving tissue-specific dysregulation of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 …
  262. Control of body weight: a physiologic and transgenic perspective
  263. Stearoyl CoA desaturase 1 is elevated in obesity but protects against fatty acid-induced skeletal muscle insulin resistance in vitro
  264. Differential effects of rosiglitazone on skeletal muscle and liver insulin resistance in A-ZIP/F-1 fatless mice
  265. Skeletal muscle and obesity
  266. SR59230A blocks β3-adrenoceptor-linked modulation of uncoupling protein-1 and leptin in rat brown adipocytes
  267. Adipose tissue remodeling and malfunctioning in obesity revealed by in vivo molecular imaging
  268. Muscle triglyceride and insulin resistance
  269. Multilocular fat cells in WAT of CL-316243-treated rats derive directly from white adipocytes
  270. Risk factors for progression to incident hyperinsulinemia: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, 1987–1998
  271. Unraveling the cellular mechanism of insulin resistance in humans: new insights from magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  272. Studies on the sympathetic efferent nerves of brown adipose tissue of lean and obese Zucker rats
  273. Antioxidants: do they have a role in the treatment of insulin resistance?
  274. Transcriptional control of brown fat determination by PRDM16
  275. AAV-mediated leptin receptor installation improves energy balance and the reproductive status of obese female Koletsky rats
  276. Transcriptional synergy and the regulation of Ucp1 during brown adipocyte induction in white fat depots
  277. Macrophages block insulin action in adipocytes by altering expression of signaling and glucose transport proteins
  278. Preclinical developments in type 2 diabetes
  280. Regulation of insulin sensitivity by adipose tissue-derived hormones and inflammatory cytokines
  281. Disordered lipid metabolism and the pathogenesis of insulin resistance
  282. Lifestyle modification and endothelial function in obese subjects
  283. White adipose tissue contributes to UCP1-independent thermogenesis
  284. Insulin resistance, inflammation, and the IKK/IκB/NF-κB pathway
  285. ALS/Lt: a new type 2 diabetes mouse model associated with low free radical scavenging potential
  286. Metformin prevents the development of acute lipid-induced insulin resistance in the rat through altered hepatic signaling mechanisms
  287. Lipids and glucose in type 2 diabetes: what is the cause and effect?
  288. Type 1 diabetes is associated with increased cyclooxygenase-and cytokine-mediated inflammation
  289. #VALUE!
  290. Insulin signaling pathways in time and space
  291. NASH as part of the metabolic (insulin resistance) syndrome
  292. Dehydroepiandrosterone inhibits the amplification of glucocorticoid action in adipose tissue
  293. Glucocorticoids and 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in adipose tissue
  294. Energy metabolism in genetically fat and lean birds and mammals
  295. Insulin resistance, inflammation, and the ikk/ikb/nf-kb pathway
  296. Insulin resistance in NAFLD: Potential mechanisms and therapies
  297. Pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes
  298. The role of AEBP1 in sex-specific diet-induced obesity
  299. Mitochondrial dysfunction and type 2 diabetes
  300. Nitric oxide-induced downregulation of leptin production by 3T3-L1 adipocytes
  301. Insulin resistance, inflammation, and the IKK/IкB/NF-кB pathway
  302. Aspirin and diabetes: inhibition of amylin aggregation by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  303. LXRs regulate the balance between fat storage and oxidation
  304. Tag Polymorphisms at the A20 (TNFAIP3) Locus Are Associated With Lower Gene Expression and Increased Risk of Coronary Artery Disease in Type 2 Diabetes
  305. Adiponectin: a key fat-derived molecule regulating inflammation
  306. The inflammatory response is an integral part of the stress response: Implications for atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome X
  307. Future Pharmacotherapy for Obesity: Integration of Metabolism and Body Weight Regulation
  308. Inflammation and its relationship to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and endothelial dysfunction
  309. Dexamethasone impairs insulin signalling and glucose transport by depletion of insulin receptor substrate-1, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and protein kinase B in …
  310. PKCλ in liver mediates insulin-induced SREBP-1c expression and determines both hepatic lipid content and overall insulin sensitivity
  311. Reciprocal relationships between insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction: molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms
  312. Molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance in humans and their potential links with mitochondrial dysfunction
  313. Effect of a high or low ambient perinatal temperature on adult obesity in Osborne-Mendel and S5B/Pl rats
  314. The effect of tea polyphenols on chronic disease: obesity, the metabolic syndrome, and colon cancer
  315. Abscisic acid ameliorates glucose tolerance and obesity-induced inflammation
  316. Aspirin, NSAIDs, and colorectal cancer: possible involvement in an insulin-related pathway
  317. C-reactive protein and the development of the metabolic syndrome and diabetes in middle-aged men
  318. Three mitogen-activated protein kinases inhibit insulin signaling by different mechanisms in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
  319. The Apparent Increase in Insulin Sensitivity of Leptin-Treated Rats Appears to be Due to a Decrease in Blood Glucose Concentrations in Response to Fasting
  320. Long-term multidisciplinary therapy decreases predictors and prevalence of metabolic syndrome in obese adolescents
  321. #VALUE!
  322. Not the next tobacco: Defenses to obesity claims
  323. Obesity and nutrition
  324. Drug Therapy for Insulin Resistance—a Look at the Future
  325. Adiponectin oligomers in human serum during acute and chronic exercise: relation to lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity
  326. Kinase-dependent pathways and the development of insulin resistance in hepatocytes
  327. Effect of high-fat diet on KKAy and ob/ob mouse liver and adipose tissue corticosterone and 11-dehydrocorticosterone concentrations
  328. Mechanisms of insulin resistance in humans and possible links with inflammation
  329. Development and evaluation of a nutrition curriculum to prevent obesity in inner-city teens
  330. Cardiac-specific overexpression of peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor-α causes insulin resistance in heart and liver
  331. Arsenic-induced alteration in the expression of genes related to type 2 diabetes mellitus
  332. Increased glucose uptake promotes oxidative stress and PKC-δ activation in adipocytes of obese, insulin-resistant mice
  333. Molecular and cellular aspects of insulin resistance: implications for diabetes
  334. Receptors for insulin, NSILA-s, and growth hormone: applications to disease states in man
  335. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance
  336. Role of oxidative stress and inflammation in the origin of Type 2 diabetes–a paradigm shift
  337. Serum concentrations of resistin-like molecules β and γ are elevated in high-fat-fed and obese db/db mice, with increased production in the intestinal tract …
  338. Reactive species, cellular repair and risk factors in the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus: review and hypothesis
  339. Energy expenditure, body composition, and glucose metabolism in lean and obese rhesus monkeys treated with ephedrine and caffeine
  340. Role of the Toll-like receptor 4/NF-κB pathway in saturated fatty acid–induced inflammatory changes in the interaction between adipocytes and macrophages
  341. Salicylates targeting insulin resistance
  342. COMMENT: Genetic Variability in Insulin Action Inhibitor Ikkβ (IKBKB) Does Not Play a Major Role in the Development of Type 2 Diabetes
  343. Lowering plasma free fatty acids with Acipimox mimics the antidiabetic effects of the [beta] 3-adrenergic agonist CL-316243 in obese Zucker diabetic fatty rats
  344. Bradykinin Augments Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Transport in Rat Adipocytes via Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase–Mediated Inhibition of Jun NH2-Terminal Kinase
  345. Obesity-associated interleukin-6 contributes to hepatic insulin resistance in mice
  346. Kinome analysis reveals nongenomic glucocorticoid receptor-dependent inhibition of insulin signaling
  347. Feeding scallop shell powder induces the expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) in white adipose tissue of rats
  348. The macrophage at the crossroads of insulin resistance and atherosclerosis
  349. Molecular mechanisms of diabetic vasculopathy
  350. Hormone-sensitive lipase knockout mice have increased hepatic insulin sensitivity and are protected from short-term diet-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle …
  351. Central nervous system regulation of fat cell lipid mobilization: The role of the sympathetic nervous system
  352. Treatment of insulin resistance in diabetes mellitus
  353. Adiponectin and leptin: potential tools in the differential diagnosis of pediatric diabetes?
  354. Inflamed adipose tissue: a culprit underlying the metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis
  355. Sympathetic innervation of white adipose tissue and its regulation of fat cell number
  356. Mechanisms underlying fat-induced hepatic insulin resistance
  357. #VALUE!
  358. Metabolic and cellular plasticity in white adipose tissue I: effects of β3-adrenergic receptor activation
  359. Insulin is an anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic hormone
  360. Profiling of the secreted proteins during 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation leads to the identification of novel adipokines
  361. Free fatty acid-induced insulin resistance in the obese is not prevented by rosiglitazone treatment
  362. Phosphorylation of fetuin-A, a physiological inhibitor of insulin action, regulated by insulin and leptin
  363. Functional characterization of resistin, a novel adipokine
  364. Regulating insulin signaling and β-cell function through IRS proteins
  365. Role of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in estrogen regulation of adipogenesis
  366. The effect of salicylates on insulin sensitivity
  367. Adipokine expression and secretion: a target for pharmacologic treatment
  368. Cells of the stroma-vascular fraction of human adipose tissue: characterization and function
  369. Modulation of insulin action
  370. Advanced-glycation end products in insulin-resistant states
  371. Pathophysiology of NASH: insulin resistance, free fatty acids and oxidative stress
  372. The hormone leptin reduces body weight. A mutant gene makes the mouse obese
  373. Inflammatory mediators and islet β-cell failure: a link between type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  374. #VALUE!
  375. Effects of pioglitazone on promoting energy storage, not expenditure, in brown adipose tissue of obese fa/fa Zucker rats: comparison to CL 316,243
  376. PKCλ in liver mediates insulin-induced SREBP-1c expression and determines both hepatic lipid content and overall insulin sensitivity
  377. Inflammatory markers and type 2 diabetes
  378. The β3-adrenergic agonist CL316, 243 inhibits insulin signaling but not glucose uptake in primary human adipocytes
  379. Mechanism by which high-dose aspirin improves glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetes
  380. Rosiglitazone ameliorates insulin resistance in brown adipocytes of Wistar rats by impairing TNF-α induction of p38 and p42/p44 mitogen-activated protein …
  381. Adipocyte differentiation induces dynamic changes in NF-κB expression and activity
  382. 25 Insulin Resistance Syndrome and Its Vascular Complications
  383. Adiposopathy: how do diet, exercise and weight loss drug therapies improve metabolic disease in overweight patients?
  384. Association between Helicobacter felis—Induced Gastritis and Elevated Glycated Hemoglobin Levels in a Mouse Model of Type 1 Diabetes
  385. Neuropeptide and peripheral hormone crosstalk with adipocyte function
  386. Prevention of cardiovascular complications of diabetes mellitus by aspirin
  388. Selenium acts as an insulin-like molecule for the down-regulation of diabetic symptoms via endoplasmic reticulum stress and insulin signalling proteins in diabetes …
  389. The aging pancreas, glucose tolerance and insulin action
  390. Correction of insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome
  391. Endothelium, inflammation, and diabetes
  392. Prevention of fat-induced insulin resistance by salicylate
  393. Patents in Targets and Drugs for Insulin Resistance: Correlation with Inflammatory Mediators
  394. Treating insulin resistance: future prospects
  395. Transgenic Models of Impaired Insulin Signaling
  396. Insulin resistance, hypertension and endothelial dysfunction
  397. The expanding scope of the metabolic syndrome and implications for the management of cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes with particular focus on the emerging …
  398. Inactivation of fatty acid transport protein 1 prevents fat-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle
  399. Adult stem cells for cardiovascular diseases: the adipose tissue potential
  400. A role of vitamin D in low-intensity chronic inflammation and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mellitus?
  401. Mitochondrial factors in the pathogenesis of diabetes: a hypothesis for treatment
  402. Investigation of the alternative pathway of complement in the biology of white and brown adipocytes
  403. Effectiveness of a Christian faith-based program for weight loss
  404. Increased in vivo phosphorylation of insulin receptor at serine 994 in the liver of obese insulin-resistant Zucker rats
  405. Glucocorticoid administration: Studies on weight regulation and metabolic implications
  406. Role of insulin resistance and insulin secretory dysfunction in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus: lessons from cross-sectional, prospective, and longitudinal …
  407. The relationship between high-fat feeding, insulin resistance, and TNF-α gene expression in growing rats
  408. β1 to β3 Switch in Control of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate during Brown Adipocyte Development Explains Distinct β-Adrenoceptor Subtype Mediation of …
  409. Glucocorticoids produce whole body insulin resistance with changes in cardiac metabolism
  410. The metabolic and molecular regulation of adipose triglyceride lipase
  411. Short-term lifestyle intervention significantly increases fasting adiponectin and induces a decline in serum adiponectin during oral glucose tolerance test, without …
  412. Aspirin and diabetes
  413. PTEN and SHIP2 phosphoinositide phosphatases as negative regulators of insulin signalling
  414. Antioxidants in diabetic complications and insulin resistance
  415. Aspirin at low-intermediate concentrations protects retinal vessels in experimental diabetic retinopathy through non–platelet-mediated effects
  416. IRS proteins and the common path to diabetes
  417. Macrophage PPARγ is required for normal skeletal muscle and hepatic insulin sensitivity and full antidiabetic effects of thiazolidinediones
  418. Syndromes of Severe Insulin Resistance (SSIRs)
  419. Suppression of DGAT2 Expression Improves Hepatic Steatosis and Prevents Fat Induced Insulin Resistance
  420. Timp3 deficiency in insulin receptor–haploinsufficient mice promotes diabetes and vascular inflammation via increased TNF-α
  421. Impact of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid on interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 and adipogenic genes in cultures of human adipose tissue explants
  422. STAT‐3 and the liver: A new station on our way to understand diabetes?
  423. Functional anatomy of the ‘Adipose Organ’
  424. Molecular basis of coordination of adipocyte metabolic and inflammatory responses
  425. Age-and sex-related reference values for serum insulin concentration and its biological determinants in a French healthy population. The STANISLAS cohort
  426. Macrophage peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ as a therapeutic target to combat type 2 diabetes
  427. Cell Signaling Properties of a-Lipoic Acid: Implications in Type 2 Diabetes
  428. an unexpected virus–host interaction–the hepatitis C virus‐diabetes link
  429. Comparison of isoenergetic aerobic versus aerobic plus resistance exercise program during a weight loss program
  430. Tumor necrosis factor α produces insulin resistance in skeletal muscle by activation of inhibitor κB kinase in a p38 MAPK-dependent manner
  431. Real-time RT-PCR and proteomic analysis of adipose tissue from ob/ob mice treated with leptin
  432. Thiazolidinediones enhance skeletal muscle triacylglycerol synthesis while protecting against fatty acid-induced inflammation and insulin resistance
  433. The role of GSK3 in glucose homeostasis and the development of insulin resistance
  434. The relationship of the Diet Quality Index to prevalence of overweight in black and white adolescent girls: an examination of data from the National Heart, Lung, and …
  435. On endothelial function in type 2 diabetic patients with coronary artery disease
  436. Type 2 diabetes impairs interleukin-4 function in macrophages and amplifies the brain-based neuroimmune response
  437. Insulin Signalling and Regulation of Protein kinase B in Adipocytes
  438. Stress and Type 2 diabetes
  439. Insulin Resistance
  440. Pi 3-kinase and its up-and down-stream modulators as potential targets for the treatment of type II diabetes
  441. The Selenium Significantly Activated the ER Stress Signaling Pathway in the Diabetes-Susceptible NOD Mice
  442. Relationships between low-density lipoprotein particle size, plasma lipoproteins, and progression of coronary artery disease: the Diabetes Atherosclerosis Intervention …
  443. Gliclazide protects 3T3L1 adipocytes against insulin resistance induced by hydrogen peroxide with restoration of GLUT4 translocation
  444. Effect of Huanglian Jiedu Decoction on Glucose Transporter 4 Expression in Adipose and Skeletal Muscle Tissues of Insulin Resistant Rats.
  445. Plasma arachidonic acid influences insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in healthy adult women
  446. Mechanisms of cardiovascular complications in diabetes and potential new pharmacological therapies
  447. Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor celecoxib inhibits promotion of mammary tumorigenesis in rats fed a high fat diet rich in n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids
  448. Diabetes, inflammation, proinflammatory cytokines, and diabetic nephropathy
  449. Future targets in the treatment of type 2 diabetes
  450. Gene expression of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and type 2 in the kidneys of insulin-dependent diabetic rats
  451. Long-term effects of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor I treatment on glucose and lipid metabolism and the growth of a patient with congenital generalized …
  452. Inhibition of translation and insulin signaling by p21-activated protein kinase 2 (Pak2)
  453. Oxidative stress induces insulin resistance by activating the nuclear factor-κB pathway and disrupting normal subcellular distribution of phosphatidylinositol 3 …
  454. Detecting type 2 diabetes by a single post-challenge blood sample
  455. Insulin and cellular stress induced glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipoc tes
  456. Cyclooxygenase-2 (PTGS2) inhibitors augment the rate of hexose transport in L6 myotubes in an insulin-and AMPKα-independent manner
  457. Ceramida como mediador de la resistencia a insulina producida por el factor de necrosis tumoral alfa en adipocitos marrones
  458. Influence of calorie restriction on insulin signalling and glucose transport in skeletal muscle of rats
  459. Prevention and reversal of obesity and glucose intolerance in mice by DHA derivatives
  460. Reversal of obesity and insulin resistance by a non-peptidic glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist in diet-induced obese mice
  461. Childhood obesity
  462. Predictors of chronic disease at midlife and beyond-the health risks of obesity
  463. Food reward functions as affected by obesity and bariatric surgery
  464. Inflammation in obesity-related diseases
  465. Chronic administration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus reverses obesity induced by high-fat diet
  466. Dietary curcumin significantly improves obesity-associated inflammation and diabetes in mouse models of diabesity
  467. Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents and reverses insulin resistance in high-fat diet-induced obese mice via modulation of adipose tissue inflammation
  468. Obesity and CKD: how to assess the risk?
  469. Risks and management of obesity in pregnancy: current controversies
  470. Brown adipose tissue and seasonal variation in humans
  471. Vascular targeting of adipose tissue as an anti-obesity approach
  472. Applying Brainpower to Obesity
  473. Changes in adiposity status from childhood to adolescence: A 6-year longitudinal study in Portuguese boys and girls
  474. Differential effects of calorie restriction and exercise on the adipose transcriptome in diet-induced obese mice
  475. n-3 Fatty acids and rosiglitazone improve insulin sensitivity through additive stimulatory effects on muscle glycogen synthesis in mice fed a high-fat diet
  476. Mechanical stimulation of mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and differentiation promotes osteogenesis while preventing dietary‐induced obesity
  477. Normalization of obesity-associated insulin resistance through immunotherapy
  478. A putative role for apelin in the etiology of obesity
  479. The effect of obesity on sperm disorders and male infertility
  480. Prevention of obesity in preschool children
  481. Response of fractional synthesis rate (FSR) of fibrinogen, concentration of D‐dimer and fibrinolytic balance to physical activity‐based intervention in obese …
  482. Association between obesity and atopic dermatitis in childhood: a case-control study
  483. Obesity-Induced Inflammation and Insulin Resistance
  484. Obesity and Related Co-Morbid Conditions–A Retrograde Study
  485. Changing the future of obesity: science, policy, and action
  486. Adipokines in obesity
  487. A potential role for insulin in management of the metabolic syndrome
  488. “Liking” and “wanting” of sweet and oily food stimuli as affected by high-fat diet-induced obesity, weight loss, leptin, and genetic predisposition
  489. Obesity in C57BL/6J mice is characterized by adipose tissue hypoxia and cytotoxic T-cell infiltration
  490. Food deprivation-induced changes in body fat mobilization after neonatal monosodium glutamate treatment
  491. Fibroblast growth factor 21 corrects obesity in mice
  492. Randomized trial on the effects of a 7-d low-glycemic diet and exercise intervention on insulin resistance in older obese humans
  493. Inflammation and adipose tissue macrophages in lipodystrophic mice
  494. Diacerhein improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in mice on a high-fat diet
  495. Probiotics improve high fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance by increasing hepatic NKT cells
  496. Oltipraz upregulates the nuclear respiratory factor 2 alpha subunit (NRF2) antioxidant system and prevents insulin resistance and obesity induced by a high …
  497. Insulin resistance, inflammation, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  498. A highly saturated fat-rich diet is more obesogenic than diets with lower saturated fat content
  499. In vivo imaging of obesity-induced inflammation in adipose tissue
  500. Curcumin, a potential inhibitor of up-regulation of TNF-alpha and IL-6 induced by palmitate in 3T3-L1 adipocytes through NF-kappaB and JNK pathway
  501. Weight regain after Roux-en-Y: a significant 20% complication related to PYY
  502. Neural dysregulation of peripheral insulin action and blood pressure by brain endoplasmic reticulum stress
  503. Maternal obesity up-regulates inflammatory signaling pathways and enhances cytokine expression in the mid-gestation sheep placenta
  504. Voluntary exercise improves insulin sensitivity and adipose tissue inflammation in diet-induced obese mice
  505. High-fat diet-induced obesity in animal models
  506. Mechanism for improved insulin sensitivity after gastric bypass surgery
  507. Salsalate improves glycemia and inflammatory parameters in obese young adults
  508. Molecular and metabolic mechanisms of insulin resistance and β-cell failure in type 2 diabetes
  509. Ciliary neurotrophic factor stimulates muscle glucose uptake by a PI3-kinase–dependent pathway that is impaired with obesity
  510. Adipose tissue as an endocrine organ
  511. Berberine reverses free-fatty-acid-induced insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes through targeting IKKβ
  512. Adipose Tissue Secreted Factors in Specific Populations and Metabolic States: Implications for Energy Balance and Metabolic Health
  513. REIN on obesity, proteinuria and CKD
  514. Endoscopic solutions for weight loss
  515. Obesity in children. Part 2: Prevention and management
  516. Obesity surgery and gut–brain communication
  517. Gastric bypass up-regulates insulin signaling pathway
  518. Hypothalamic IKKβ/NF-κB and ER stress link overnutrition to energy imbalance and obesity
  519. Angiogenesis and obesity
  520. Diet-induced obesity alters protein synthesis: tissue-specific effects in fasted versus fed mice
  521. Emerging role of adipose tissue hypoxia in obesity and insulin resistance
  522. 3 The Role of Obesity in
  523. Childhood obesity: Treatment or prevention
  524. Increased production of proinflammatory cytokines in adipose tissue of patients with end-stage renal disease
  525. Oxidative stress and inflammation as therapeutic targets for high-fat diet-induced metabolic diseases
  526. Bariatric surgery in young massively obese diabetic patients
  527. Myeloid cell-restricted insulin receptor deficiency protects against obesity-induced inflammation and systemic insulin resistance
  528. Inflammatory links between obesity and metabolic disease
  529. Inflammatory mechanisms in the regulation of insulin resistance
  530. Inflammatory concepts of obesity
  531. Synergistic induction of lipid catabolism and anti-inflammatory lipids in white fat of dietary obese mice in response to calorie restriction and n-3 fatty acids
  532. Adipokines: the missing link between insulin resistance and obesity
  533. Insulin sensitivity: modulation by nutrients and inflammation
  534. Inactivation of hypothalamic FAS protects mice from diet-induced obesity and inflammation*[S]
  535. Dysregulation of glucocorticoid metabolism in murine obesity: comparable effects of leptin resistance and deficiency
  536. Obesity, adipogenesis and insulin resistance
  537. Maternal obesity, inflammation, and fetal skeletal muscle development
  538. Obesity: New Mechanisms and Translational Paradigms
  539. Effects of rosiglitazone on intramyocellular lipid accumulation in Psammomys obesus
  540. Endoscopic visceral fat removal as therapy for obesity and metabolic syndrome: a sham-controlled pilot study (with video)
  541. Inflammation and insulin resistance
  542. Tumor progression locus 2 (TPL2) regulates obesity-associated inflammation and insulin resistance
  543. Studies on the anti-obesity activity of zinc-α2-glycoprotein in the rat
  544. Is adipose tissue metabolically different at different sites?
  545. Adipose tissue and ceramide biosynthesis in the pathogenesis of obesity
  546. PPAR γ is highly expressed in F4/80hi adipose tissue macrophages and dampens adipose-tissue inflammation
  547. Maternal obesity promotes a proinflammatory signature in rat uterus and blastocyst
  548. Deficiency of angiotensin type 2 receptor rescues obesity but not hypertension induced by overexpression of angiotensinogen in adipose tissue
  549. n-3 PUFA: bioavailability and modulation of adipose tissue function: Symposium on ‘Frontiers in adipose tissue biology’
  550. Overweight, obesity, and related diseases
  551. Metabolic Mechanisms of Muscle Insulin Resistance
  552. Pigment epithelium-derived factor contributes to insulin resistance in obesity
  553. Chromium alleviates glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, and hepatic ER stress in obese mice
  554. High-fat diet: bacteria interactions promote intestinal inflammation which precedes and correlates with obesity and insulin resistance in mouse
  555. Obesity, inflammation, and atherosclerosis
  556. #VALUE!
  557. Adipocyte dysfunctions linking obesity to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
  558. 45Obesity, insulin resistance and free fatty acids
  559. Cellular mechanisms of insulin resistance: role of stress-regulated serine kinases and insulin receptor substrates (IRS) serine phosphorylation
  560. Adipokines in Obesity
  561. TNF-α and adipocyte biology
  562. Role of childhood obesity in atopic dermatitis
  563. Adipose tissue angiogenesis as a therapeutic target for obesity and metabolic diseases
  564. Regulation of energy metabolism by inflammation: a feedback response in obesity and calorie restriction
  565. c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathways in diabetes
  566. The clinical implications of blood adiponectin in cardiometabolic disorders
  567. Adipokine Signaling: Implications for Obesity
  568. EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (PD153035) improves glucose tolerance and insulin action in high-fat diet–fed mice
  569. Food intake during the normal activity phase prevents obesity and circadian desynchrony in a rat model of night work
  570. Induction of regulatory T cells decreases adipose inflammation and alleviates insulin resistance in ob/ob mice
  571. Food reward, hyperphagia, and obesity
  572. Role of adiponectin and PBEF/visfatin as regulators of inflammation: involvement in obesity-associated diseases
  573. Therapeutic approaches to target inflammation in type 2 diabetes
  574. Evodiamine improves diet-induced obesity in a uncoupling protein-1-independent manner: involvement of antiadipogenic mechanism and extracellularly regulated …
  575. Investigation of nuclear factor-κB inhibitors and interleukin-10 as regulators of inflammatory signalling in human adipocytes
  576. Biomechanical promotion of mesenchymal stem cell proliferation as a countermeasure to the development of obesity and osteoporosis
  577. Maternal obesity-impaired insulin signaling in sheep and induced lipid accumulation and fibrosis in skeletal muscle of offspring
  578. Beneficial effects of IKKε-deficiency on body weight and insulin sensitivity are lost in high fat diet-induced obesity in mice
  579. Surgery for obesity
  580. Integrating Role of Adipose Tissue Secretory Functions in Response to Dietary and Pharmacological Treatments
  581. Pharmacological stimulation of NADH oxidation ameliorates obesity and related phenotypes in mice
  582. Obesity-Related Upregulation of Monocyte Chemotactic Factors in Adipocytes: Involvement of Nuclear Factor-κB and c-Jun NH2-Terminal Kinase Pathways
  583. Tenomodulin gene and obesity-related phenotypes
  584. Adiponectin levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: impact of metformin treatment in a randomized controlled study
  585. Morphological and immunohistochemical features of brown adipocytes and preadipocytes in a case of human hibernoma
  586. Analysis of the involvement of α2-AMPK in the beneficial effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on obesity-associated metabolic derangements
  587. Effect of aspirin on the expression of hepatocyte NF-κB and serum TNF-α in streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetic rats
  588. Angiogenesis and development of adipose tissue
  589. siRNA-mediated reduction of inhibitor of Nuclear Factor-κB Kinase prevents Tumor Necrosis Factor-α–induced insulin resistance in human skeletal muscle
  590. JNK1 and IKKβ: molecular links between obesity and metabolic dysfunction
  591. Obesity in neurobiology
  592. Lipopolysaccharide, high glucose and saturated fatty acids induce endoplasmic reticulum stress in cultured primary human adipocytes: Salicylate alleviates this stress
  593. Resveratrol modulates adipokine expression and improves insulin sensitivity in adipocytes: Relative to inhibition of inflammatory responses
  594. Chemerin, a novel adipokine in the regulation of angiogenesis
  595. The Association between Obesity, Cognition, and Visual Function
  596. Tissular Tregs: A unique population of adipose-tissue-resident Foxp3+ CD4+ T cells that impacts organismal metabolism
  597. Bariatric surgery to correct morbid obesity also ameliorates atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  598. Lean, but not obese, fat is enriched for a unique population of regulatory T cells that affect metabolic parameters
  599. White adipose tissue cells are recruited by experimental tumors and promote cancer progression in mouse models
  600. Molecular mechanisms of obesity and diabetes: at the intersection of weight regulation, inflammation, and glucose homeostasis
  601. Adipose inflammation: cause or consequence of obesity-related insulin resistance
  602. Up-regulation of Toll-like receptor 4/nuclear factor-κB signaling is associated with enhanced adipogenesis and insulin resistance in fetal skeletal muscle of obese …
  603. Intestinal microbiota during infancy and its implications for obesity
  604. B cells promote insulin resistance through modulation of T cells and production of pathogenic IgG antibodies
  605. Large size cells in the visceral adipose depot predict insulin resistance in the canine model
  606. Cardiac lipotoxic effects of obesity
  607. Leptin is essential in maintaining normal vascular compliance independent of body weight
  608. Low birth weight and markers of inflammation and endothelial activation in adulthood: the ARIC study
  609. Hepatic insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease
  610. Inflammatory mediators and insulin resistance in obesity: role of nuclear receptor signaling in macrophages
  611. Progressive dementia associated with ataxia or obesity in patients with Tropheryma whipplei encephalitis
  612. The adipocyte as an endocrine cell
  613. Brown adipose tissue in morbidly obese subjects
  614. Inhibition or deletion of the lipopolysaccharide receptor Toll-like receptor-4 confers partial protection against lipid-induced insulin resistance in rodent skeletal …
  615. Solidago chilensis Meyen hydroalcoholic extract reduces JNK/IκB pathway activation and ameliorates insulin resistance in diet-induced obesity mice
  616. The Role of Obesity in Insulin Resistance: Epidemiological and Metabolic Aspects
  617. Interleukin-6-deficient mice develop hepatic inflammation and systemic insulin resistance
  618. The role of inflammatory cytokines in diabetes and its complications
  619. Inflammatory lipid mediators in adipocyte function and obesity
  620. Antioxidants preserve redox balance and inhibit c-Jun-N-terminal kinase pathway while improving insulin signaling in fat-fed rats: evidence for the role of …
  621. Early insulin sensitivity after restrictive bariatric surgery, inconsistency between HOMA-IR and steady-state plasma glucose levels
  622. The role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes: from molecular mechanism to clinical implication
  623. Assessment of adiponectin and leptin as biomarkers of positive metabolic outcomes after lifestyle intervention in overweight and obese children
  624. Insulin-sensitizing effects of exercise on adiponectin and retinol-binding protein-4 concentrations in young and middle-aged women
  625. Insulin resistance associated to obesity: the link TNF-alpha
  626. Lycopene inhibits proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine expression in adipose tissue
  627. Nature or nurture?: focus on “Preadipocyte transplantation: an in vivo study of direct leptin signaling on adipocyte morphogenesis and cell size”
  628. The metabolic syndrome is associated with circulating adipokines in older adults across a wide range of adiposity
  629. #VALUE!
  630. Xanthones from mangosteen prevent lipopolysaccharide-mediated inflammation and insulin resistance in primary cultures of human adipocytes
  631. A peptidomimetic targeting white fat causes weight loss and improved insulin resistance in obese monkeys
  632. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α induces fibrosis and insulin resistance in white adipose tissue
  633. Insulin resistance, lipotoxicity, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis: the missing links. The Claude Bernard Lecture 2009
  634. Reduced AMP-activated protein kinase activity in mouse skeletal muscle does not exacerbate the development of insulin resistance with obesity
  635. Lack of interleukin-1 receptor I (IL-1RI) protects mice from high-fat diet–induced adipose tissue inflammation coincident with improved glucose homeostasis
  636. Effects of systemic inflammation on insulin sensitivity in horses and inflammatory cytokine expression in adipose tissue
  637. The multiple facets of the fat tissue
  638. Lifestyle modification increases circulating adiponectin concentrations but does not change vaspin concentrations
  639. Determinants of brown adipocyte development and thermogenesis
  640. The protein kinase IKKɛ regulates energy balance in obese mice
  641. Endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation in obesity and diabetes
  642. Aspirin attenuates insulin resistance in muscle of diet-induced obese rats by inhibiting inducible nitric oxide synthase production and S-nitrosylation of IRβ …
  643. Bofutsushosan, an oriental herbal medicine, attenuates the weight gain of white adipose tissue and the increased size of adipocytes associated with the increase in …
  644. Using gene expression signatures to dissect insulin resistance subtypes
  645. Structure–effect relation of C18 long-chain fatty acids in the reduction of body weight in rats
  646. Limited weight loss or simply no weight gain following lifestyle-only intervention tends to redistribute body fat, to decrease lipid concentrations, and to improve …
  647. Effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, rosiglitazone, low caloric diet and environmental pollutants: obesity and related disorders
  648. Grape-seed procyanidins prevent low-grade inflammation by modulating cytokine expression in rats fed a high-fat diet
  649. Novel fat depot–specific mechanisms underlie resistance to visceral obesity and inflammation in 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1–deficient mice
  650. Role of heme oxygenase in inflammation, insulin-signalling, diabetes and obesity
  651. Type 2 diabetes as an inflammatory disease
  652. Luteolin inhibits inflammatory response and improves insulin sensitivity in the endothelium
  653. Ligand-based targeted delivery of a peptide modified nanocarrier to endothelial cells in adipose tissue
  654. Role of mitochondrial dysfunction in insulin resistance
  655. SIRT1 inhibits inflammatory pathways in macrophages and modulates insulin sensitivity
  656. Sodium phenylbutyrate, a drug with known capacity to reduce endoplasmic reticulum stress, partially alleviates lipid-induced insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction …
  657. Genetic determinants and molecular pathways in the pathogenesis of Type 2 diabetes
  658. Anthropometric indicators of obesity and their link to lifestyle and cardiovascular risk in Colorado firefighters
  659. Adipokines in health and disease
  660. Getting the message across: mechanisms of physiological cross talk by adipose tissue
  661. Maternal obesity markedly increases placental fatty acid transporter expression and fetal blood triglycerides at midgestation in the ewe
  662. Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-δ by GW501516 prevents fatty acid-induced nuclear factor-κB activation and insulin resistance in skeletal …
  663. Metformin Improves Insulin Signaling in Obese Rats via Reduced IKK Action in a Fiber-Type Specific Manner
  664. Polymethoxyflavones Activate Ca2+-Dependent Apoptotic Targets in Adipocytes
  665. Adipose tissue development, structure and function
  666. Increased whole-body and sustained liver cortisol regeneration by 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in obese men with type 2 diabetes provides a target for …
  667. Uncoupling protein 1 expression and high-fat diets
  668. Diet-induced obesity increases NF-κB signaling in reporter mice
  669. Increased energy expenditure contributes more to the body weight-reducing effect of rimonabant than reduced food intake in candy-fed wistar rats
  670. Role of substance P in the regulation of glucose metabolism via insulin signaling-associated pathways
  671. Vascular endothelial growth factor haplotypes associated with childhood obesity
  672. Regulation by chronic-mild stress of glucocorticoids, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and adiposity in rats fed on a high-fat diet
  673. Antidiabetic Properties of Zinc-α2-Glycoprotein in ob/ob Mice
  674. Dissociation between skeletal muscle inhibitor-κB kinase/nuclear factor-κB pathway activity and insulin sensitivity in nondiabetic twins
  675. The effect of aspirin on atherogenic diet‐induced diabetes mellitus
  676. The obesity phenotype in children with asthma
  677. Angiogenesis associated with visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue in severe human obesity
  678. Fighting fat with fat: the expanding field of adipose stem cells
  679. Reduction of hepatic glucocorticoid receptor and hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase expression ameliorates diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance in …
  680. Immune Modulation of Metabolism: The Role of Macrophages, NKT Cells and Dendritic Cells in the Development of the Metabolic Disturbances of Obesity
  681. Oxidative stress and the etiology of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
  682. Prdm16 determines the thermogenic program of subcutaneous white adipose tissue in mice
  683. The efficiency of cellular energy transduction and its implications for obesity
  684. Transdifferentiation properties of adipocytes in the adipose organ
  685. High-fat diet induces Ikkβ and reduces insulin sensitivity in rats with low running capacity
  686. Lipid-induced insulin resistance is prevented in lean and obese myotubes by AICAR treatment
  687. Central adiposity, systemic inflammation, and the metabolic syndrome
  688. Palmitate-induced skeletal muscle insulin resistance does not require NF-κB activation
  689. Multi-tissue, selective PPARγ modulation of insulin sensitivity and metabolic pathways in obese rats
  690. Obesity-Associated Inflammation And Its Role In Insulin Resistance
  691. Impaired oxidative metabolism and inflammation are associated with insulin resistance in ERα-deficient mice
  692. #VALUE!
  693. Inflammatory biomarkers associated with obesity and insulin resistance: a focus on lipocalin-2 and adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein
  694. #VALUE!
  695. Adipose tissue-targeted 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 inhibitor protects against diet-induced obesity
  696. Deficiency of haematopoietic-cell-derived IL-10 does not exacerbate high-fat-diet-induced inflammation or insulin resistance in mice
  697. Pathogenic perspectives for the role of inflammation in diabetic nephropathy
  698. IKKβ suppression of TSC1 function links the mTOR pathway with insulin resistance
  699. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and inflammation: Prospects for biomarkers of risk and nutritional intervention
  700. Salsalate attenuates free fatty acid–induced microvascular and metabolic insulin resistance in humans
  701. 11-Beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) inhibitors in type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity
  702. SPARC functions as an inhibitor of adipogenesis
  703. Cellular Remodeling during the Growth of the Adipose Tissue
  704. Adipose tissue macrophages: a piece of the PAI of metabolic syndrome
  705. Substance P (SP)-neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1R) alters adipose tissue responses to high-fat diet and insulin action
  706. Inhibitory effect on protein kinase Cθ by Crocetin attenuates palmitate-induced insulin insensitivity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
  707. In vivo and in vitro application of black soybean peptides in the amelioration of endoplasmic reticulum stress and improvement of insulin resistance
  708. IκB kinase ε: A potential therapeutic target for obesity (and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)?
  709. Dietary bitter melon seed increases peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ gene expression in adipose tissue, down-regulates the nuclear factor-κB expression …
  710. Therapeutic prospects of metabolically active brown adipose tissue in humans
  711. 14 The Link Between Esophageal Cancer and Morbid Obesity
  712. Feed-forward signaling of TNF-α and NF-κB via IKK-β pathway contributes to insulin resistance and coronary arteriolar dysfunction in type 2 diabetic mice
  713. Rescuing 3T3-L1 adipocytes from insulin resistance induced by stimulation of Akt-mammalian target of rapamycin/p70 S6 kinase (S6K1) pathway and serine …
  714. A predominant role for parenchymal c-Jun amino terminal kinase (JNK) in the regulation of systemic insulin sensitivity
  715. Development of obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance: The role of adipose tissue, fatty acids, and toll-like receptors
  716. HSP and diabetes
  717. Brown fat biology and thermogenesis
  718. The role of the TWEAK/Fn14 signaling pathway in inflammatory and metabolic responses to diet-induced obesity
  719. The presence and role of brown fat in adult humans
  721. Transcriptional control of brown adipocyte development and physiological function—of mice and men
  722. Fat Treg cells: a liaison between the immune and metabolic systems
  723. Peptide designed to elicit apoptosis in adipose tissue endothelium reduces food intake and body weight
  724. Elevated toll-like receptor 4 expression and signaling in muscle from insulin-resistant subjects
  725. Toll-like receptor 2 deficiency improves insulin sensitivity and hepatic insulin signalling in the mouse
  726. The impact of myeloid cell-restricted insulin receptor deficiency on obesity-induced insulin resistance
  727. Brown adipose tissue in humans is activated by elevated plasma catecholamines levels and is inversely related to central obesity
  728. The relationship between patients’ serum glucose levels and metabolically active brown adipose tissue detected by PET/CT
  729. The renin angiotensin aldosterone system in hypertension: roles of insulin resistance and oxidative stress
  730. THP-1 Macrophages and SGBS Adipocytes – A New Human in vitro Model System of Inflamed Adipose Tissue
  731. A European evidence-based guideline for the prevention of type 2 diabetes
  732. The role of G-protein-coupled receptors in mediating the effect of fatty acids on inflammation and insulin sensitivity
  733. The cost-effectiveness of child obesity intervention
  734. Maternal obesity induces sustained inflammation in both fetal and offspring large intestine of sheep
  735. Chronic treatment with the cannabinoid 1 antagonist rimonabant altered vasoactive cyclo-oxygenase-derived products on arteries from obese Zucker rats
  736. Aspirin use and risk of type 2 diabetes in apparently healthy men
  737. Rein, tissu adipeux, adipocytes–quelles nouveautés?
  738. Role of NF-κB in the pathogenesis of diabetes and its associated complications
  739. Transcriptional regulation of the insulin-responsive glucose transporter GLUT4 gene: from physiology to pathology
  740. The peroxide dilemma: opposing and mediating insulin action
  741. Analysis of knockout mice suggests a role for VGF in the control of fat storage and energy expenditure
  742. Serum adiponectin levels are inversely correlated with insulin resistance in obese men with type 2 diabetes
  743. Adipose tissue: development, anatomy and functions
  744. Inflammation as a factor of the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
  745. Exposure to a high-fat diet alters leptin sensitivity and elevates renal sympathetic nerve activity and arterial pressure in rabbits
  746. Visfatin and adiponectin levels in children: relationships with physical activity and metabolic parameters
  747. aging and Alzheimer’s disease through the biological mechanisms behind obesity and type II diabetes. May 2013 Health IN PRESS
  748. TLR4 and insulin resistance
  749. Obesity and Asthma
  750. Fitness level and body composition are associated with inflammation in non-obese children
  751. Mitochondrial H2O2 emission and cellular redox state link excess fat intake to insulin resistance in both rodents and humans
  752. Blockade of VEGFR2 and not VEGFR1 can limit diet-induced fat tissue expansion: role of local versus bone marrow-derived endothelial cells
  753. The effect of salsalate on insulin action and glucose tolerance in obese non-diabetic patients: results of a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study
  754. SIRT1 exerts anti-inflammatory effects and improves insulin sensitivity in adipocytes
  755. SH2B1 enhances insulin sensitivity by both stimulating the insulin receptor and inhibiting tyrosine dephosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate proteins
  756. Homocysteine upregulates resistin production from adipocytes in vivo and in vitro
  757. A randomized trial of low-dose aspirin in the prevention of clinical type 2 diabetes in women
  758. Gene expression profiles of diabetic mice treated with whole body hyperthermia: A high-density DNA microarray analysis
  759. Role of the adipocyte-specific NF-κB activity in the regulation of IP-10 and T cell migration
  760. Gut Microbes, Immunity, and Metabolism
  761. Adipose triacylglycerol lipase is a major regulator of hepatic lipid metabolism but not insulin sensitivity in mice
  762. The multi-systemic nature of diabetes mellitus: Genotype or phenotype?
  763. Preliminary Studies Investigating a Potential Role of an Intestinal Bacterium in the Development of Diet-Induced Obesity
  764. Muscle-specific IRS-1 Ser→ Ala transgenic mice are protected from fat-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle
  765. 1 5 Insulin Resistance and Inhibitors of
  766. The Role of Adipose Tissue Vasculature in Energy Balance.
  767. Is there a relationship between insulin resistance and frailty syndrome?
  768. Kupffer cell activation is a causal factor for hepatic insulin resistance
  769. Gut decontamination with norfloxacin and ampicillin enhances insulin sensitivity in mice
  770. Lipid induced overexpression of NF-κB in skeletal muscle cells is linked to insulin resistance
  771. Potential role of salicylates in type 2 diabetes
  772. Loss of Stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 attenuates adipocyte inflammation: effects of adipocyte-derived oleate
  773. The implication of brown adipose tissue for humans
  774. To be or not to be fat: a novel role of Jak/Stat pathway in brown fat development and preventing obesity
  775. The Role of Fatty Acids on Toll-like Receptor 4 Regulation of Substrate Metabolism with Obesity
  776. The genetics of brown adipose tissue
  777. Long-term effect of lifestyle intervention on adiposity, metabolic parameters, inflammation and physical fitness in obese children: a randomized controlled trial
  778. Elevated proinflammatory cytokine production by a skewed T cell compartment requires monocytes and promotes inflammation in type 2 diabetes
  779. Reversible physiological transdifferentiation in the adipose organ: symposium on ‘frontiers in adipose tissue biology’
  780. Regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and its potential role in insulin resistance, diabetes and heart failure
  781. Dog obesity, dog walking, and dog health
  782. Effects of a structured exercise program on insulin resistance, inflammatory markers and physical fitness in obese Korean children
  783. Adiponectin, leptin, the adiponectin/leptin ratio, and physical fitness in children and young adults
  784. Endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis in the development of diabetes: is there a role for adipose tissue and liver?
  785. Over-the-counter analgesics normalize blood glucose and body composition in mice fed a high fat diet
  786. Insulin resistance induced by tumor necrosis factor-α in myocytes and brown adipocytes
  787. Salicylates increase insulin secretion in healthy obese subjects
  788. Aerobic training reverses high-fat diet-induced pro-inflammatory signalling in rat skeletal muscle
  789. Effect of the dietary fat quality on insulin sensitivity
  790. Fat Cell–Specific Ablation of Rictor in Mice Impairs Insulin-Regulated Fat Cell and Whole-Body Glucose and Lipid Metabolism
  791. Role of PPARγ in renoprotection in type 2 diabetes: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic potential
  792. High-Fat Diet: Bacteria Interactions Promote Intestinal Inflammation Which Precedes
  793. Modified Si-Miao-San extract inhibits inflammatory response and modulates insulin sensitivity in hepatocytes through an IKKβ/IRS-1/Akt-dependent pathway
  794. Altered estrogen receptor expression in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue of female rats fed a high-fat diet
  795. Phosphorylation of IRS proteins, insulin action, and insulin resistance
  796. 15 Insulin Resistance and Inflammatory Signaling Pathways Modulated by High-Fat Diet
  797. Macrophage infiltration and cytokine release in adipose tissue: angiogenesis or inflammation?
  798. 2009 World Congress on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome: Cardiovascular Disease Concepts
  799. Adipose triglyceride lipase-null mice are resistant to high-fat diet–induced insulin resistance despite reduced energy expenditure and ectopic lipid accumulation
  800. The role of ATF-2 family transcription factors in adipocyte differentiation: antiobesity effects of p38 inhibitors
  801. Ligands of Adipose Stem Cell Receptors Isolated by High-Throughput Combinatorial Peptide Library Screening
  802. 15 Insulin Resistance
  803. Inflammatory signaling in skeletal muscle insulin resistance: green signal for nutritional intervention?
  804. Activation of Fas (CD95) in adipocytes contributes to high fat diet-induced insulin-resistance
  805. Molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance in chronic hepatitis C
  806. Mathematical modeling of preadipocyte fate determination
  807. Sleeve gastrectomy relieves steatohepatitis in high-fat-diet-induced obese rats
  808. Inhibitors of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in antidiabetic therapy
  809. Lipoic acid increases heat shock protein expression and inhibits stress kinase activation to improve insulin signaling in skeletal muscle from high-fat-fed rats
  810. NF-κB mediates lipid-induced fetuin-A expression in hepatocytes that impairs adipocyte function effecting insulin resistance
  811. Macrophage-conditioned medium inhibits adipocyte differentiation
  812. Paradoxically high adiponectin in obese 16-year-old girls protects against appearance of the metabolic syndrome and its components seven years later
  813. Kaempferol and quercetin isolated from Euonymus alatus improve glucose uptake of 3T3-L1 cells without adipogenesis activity
  814. Downregulation of genes involved in NFκB activation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells after weight loss is associated with the improvement of insulin …
  815. Therapeutic potential of peroxisome proliferators–activated receptor-α/γ dual agonist with alleviation of endoplasmic reticulum stress for the treatment of diabetes
  816. Ileal interposition improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in the obese Zucker rat
  818. Protective effect of aspirin in relation to IGF-1 in streptozotocin induced type-II diabetic rats
  819. Plasma adiponectin does not correlate with insulin resistance and cardiometabolic variables in nondiabetic Asian Indian teenagers
  820. Anti-obesity effects of resveratrol, black tea extract and caffeine in mice
  821. CD40L induces inflammation and adipogenesis in adipose cells–a potential link between metabolic and cardiovascular disease
  822. Adipose Tissue Biology: An Update Review
  823. Endothelial dysfunction in diabetes mellitus: molecular mechanisms and clinical implications
  824. Nutrient regulation of energy metabolism in relation to obesity and type 2 diabetes
  825. Berberine inhibits inflammatory response and ameliorates insulin resistance in hepatocytes
  826. Body weight, plasma insulin, and coronary events with gemfibrozil in the Veterans Affairs High-Density Lipoprotein Intervention Trial (VA-HIT)
  827. The immune response attenuates growth and nutrient storage in Drosophila by reducing insulin signaling
  828. Effect of high-dose valsartan on inflammatory and lipid parameters in patients with Type 2 diabetes and hypertension
  829. Neurodegeneration in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease is exacerbated by a high-fat diet
  830. Reversible transdifferentiation in the adipose organ
  831. Differential metabolic effects in white and brown adipose tissue by conjugated linoleic acid elicit lipodystrophy-associated hepatic insulin resistance
  832. Targeted inactivation of MLL3 histone H3–Lys-4 methyltransferase activity in the mouse reveals vital roles for MLL3 in adipogenesis
  833. #VALUE!
  834. Tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis attenuates the action of insulin in hepatocytes
  835. Maternal obesity, inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle of fetal sheep
  836. Vitamin C inhibits leptin secretion and some glucose/lipid metabolic pathways in primary rat adipocytes
  837. SH2B1 regulates insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis by multiple mechanisms
  838. Insulin induced phosphorylation of prohibitin at tyrosine114 recruits Shp1
  839. Celecoxib attenuates liver steatosis and inflammation in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis induced by high-fat diet in rats
  840. Toll-like receptor 2-deficient mice are protected from insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction induced by a high-fat diet
  841. Lycopene prevents development of steatohepatitis in experimental nonalcoholic steatohepatitis model induced by high-fat diet
  842. Diabetes and apoptosis: liver
  843. Mechanisms of disease: using genetically altered mice to study concepts of type 2 diabetes
  844. Genetic characterization of the St. Kitts-origin vervet monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops ssp.) as a model of polygenic obesity
  845. A Novel Role for Fetuin-A in the Pathophysiology of Glucocorticoid-Mediated Insulin Resistance
  846. Impaired miR-146a expression links subclinical inflammation and insulin resistance in Type 2 diabetes
  847. Age and sex differences in fat distribution in non-obese Japanese children
  848. Role of inflammation in diabetic nephropathy
  849. Skeletal muscle inflammation is not responsible for the rapid impairment in adiponectin response with high-fat feeding in rats
  850. Central melanocortin stimulation increases phosphorylated perilipin A and hormone-sensitive lipase in adipose tissues
  851. Perspective: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and obesity: more than adipose tissue mass matters
  852. Salsalate Efficacy in Blood Glucose Level Reduction in Diabetes
  853. Association of visceral adiposity with increased intrarenal artery resistive index in HIV-1-infected patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy
  854. Salicylate blocks lipolytic actions of tumor necrosis factor-α in primary rat adipocytes
  855. Deposition Eliciting Insulin Resistance
  856. A gene expression signature for insulin resistance
  857. Effects of rosiglitazone and aspirin on experimental model of induced type 2 diabetes in rats: focus on insulin resistance and inflammatory markers
  858. Altered nuclear factor-kappaB inducing kinase expression in insulin-resistant mice
  859. Analysis of Main Proteins Associated with Lipid Droplets from Peri-Adrenal Adipose Tissue of Patients with Cushing’s Syndrome
  860. #VALUE!
  861. Astragalus polysaccharides decreased the expression of PTP1B through relieving ER stress induced activation of ATF6 in a rat model of type 2 diabetes
  862. A central role for hepatocyte growth factor in adipose tissue angiogenesis
  863. Antiobesity effect of allenic carotenoid, fucoxanthin
  864. Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression in Different Adipose Tissue Depots
  865. Local activation of the IκK-NF-κB pathway in muscle does not cause insulin resistance
  866. Identification of a novel peptide ligand targeting visceral adipose tissue via transdermal route by in vivo phage display
  867. LOX-1, oxidative stress and inflammation: a novel mechanism for diabetic cardiovascular complications
  868. The effects of salsalate on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial
  869. IFATS collection: Combinatorial peptides identify α5β1 integrin as a receptor for the matricellular protein SPARC on adipose stromal cells
  870. Reactive oxygen species production is increased in the peripheral blood monocytes of obese patients
  871. Extracellular high dosages of adenosine triphosphate induce inflammatory response and insulin resistance in rat adipocytes
  872. Role of inhibitory κB kinase and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase in the development of hepatic insulin resistance in critical illness diabetes
  873. Role of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction of coronary arterioles in type 2 diabetes
  874. Role of reactive oxygen species in the progression of type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis
  875. Involvement of inducible nitric oxide synthase in hydroxyl radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in streptozotocin-induced diabetes
  876. Genetic Analysis of Adipose Lineage and Development
  877. Stakeholder perceptions of the CHANGES weight management service
  878. Prenatal hypoxia independent of undernutrition promotes molecular markers of insulin resistance in adult offspring
  879. Bifurcation of in vivo hepatic energy metabolism and glucose production in insulin resistance and diabetes
  880. Inhibition of the Nuclear Factor-κB Pathway Prevents Beta Cell Failure and Diet Induced Diabetes in Psammomys obesus
  881. The emergence of cold-induced brown adipocytes in mouse white fat depots is determined predominantly by white to brown adipocyte transdifferentiation
  882. Fish oil rich diet in comparison to saturated fat rich diet offered protection against lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation and insulin resistance in mice
  883. Link between plasma ceramides, inflammation and insulin resistance: association with serum IL-6 concentration in patients with coronary heart disease
  884. Insulin Resistance and Inhibitors of the Insulin Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
  885. Enhanced glycogen metabolism in adipose tissue decreases triglyceride mobilization
  886. Lessons in initiating insulin in clinical practice
  887. An isoform of decorin is a resistin receptor on the surface of adipose progenitor cells
  888. Effects of exercise training and diet on lipid kinetics during free fatty acid-induced insulin resistance in older obese humans with impaired glucose tolerance
  889. Reduction of hepatic CEACAM1 levels: an early mechanism of insulin resistance induced by high-fat diet
  890. A new era for brown adipose tissue: New insights into brown adipocyte function and differentiation
  891. Activation of Inflammatory pathways impairs insulin signaling in obese Zucker rat skeletal muscle
  892. Metabolic Characterization of Human FOXC2 in Adipose Tissue
  893. Studies examining the function of adipose tissue macrophages
  894. Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes in Youth
  895. Osteopontin knockout abates high fat diet-induced insulin resistance and adipose tissue inflammation
  896. Aspirin and diabetes mellitus: revisiting an old player
  897. High-fat feeding increases insulin receptor and IRS-1 coimmunoprecipitation with SOCS-3, IKKα/β phosphorylation and decreases PI-3 kinase activity in muscle
  898. Specificity of insulin signalling in human skeletal muscle as revealed by small interfering RNA
  899. #VALUE!
  900. Methodological and Clinical Studies on Insulin Resistance in Childhood
  901. β3-Adrenergic Signaling Acutely Down Regulates Adipose Triglyceride Lipase in Brown Adipocytes
  902. Effect of the dietary fat quality on insulin sensitivity
  903. Therapeutic Strategies for the Treatment of Insulin Resistance in Various Metabolic Disease States
  904. 15 Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes in Youth
  905. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor deficiency enhances insulin sensitivity and reduces PPAR-α pathway activity in mice
  906. Evidence for increased risk of prediabetes in the uremic patient
  907. Biochemical Evaluation of Serum Adiponectin Level in Egyptian Breast Cancer Patients before and after Treatment
  908. NF-κB activity in muscle from obese and type 2 diabetic subjects under basal and exercise-stimulated conditions
  909. Leucine-induced Impairment of Insulin Sensitivity in Skeletal Muscle of Healthy Rats is Reversible
  910. New Trends of Diabetes Therapy type II of the Animal Model
  911. Objectively measured physical activity is negatively associated with plasma adiponectin levels in minority female youth
  912. #VALUE!
  913. Salicylates increase insulin secretion in healthy obese
  914. Chronically Elevated Glucocorticoids in Conjunction with a High Fat Diet: A Model of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  915. Molecular mechanisms of hepatic insulin resistance following injury
  916. Distinct functions of autophagy kinases ULK1 and ULK2 in adipogenesis and adipocyte metabolism
  917. Sweet heart–contributions of metabolism in the development of heart failure in diabetes mellitus
  918. Chronic inflammation in the metabolic syndrome: emphasis on adipose tissue
  919. Temporal Mechanisms by which a High Fat-diet Induces Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance
  920. Insulin action
  921. Oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes mellitus
  922. The effect of high-dose sodium salicylate on chronically elevated plasma nonesterified fatty acid-induced insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction in overweight and …
  923. Role of the IKKβ/NF-κB inflammatory pathway, free fatty acids, and adiposity in insulin resistance in Hispanic Americans
  924. Diabetes mellitus: metabolic effects and oxidative stress
  925. Inflammation and NF-κB in Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes
  926. Regulation of PGC-1 alpha in white adipose tissue by exercise
  927. 100 questions & answers about diabetes
  928. Fatty acid-induced NF-κB activation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle are chain length dependent
  929. Association of the polymorphisms in the PSMA6 (rs1048990) and PSMB5 (rs2230087) genes with type 2 diabetes in Korean subjects
  930. Overexpression of liver-specific cytochrome P4502E1 impairs hepatic insulin signaling in a transgenic mouse model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  931. Diabetic cardiomyopathy-to take a long story serious
  932. Role of altered insulin signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of podocyte malfunction and microalbuminuria
  933. Interscapular brown adipose tissue metabolic reprogramming during cold acclimation: Interplay of HIF-1α and AMPKα
  934. The effect of aspirin (ASA) given in cardiovascular therapeutic doses on glycemic control in type II diabetes
  935. Proteomic Study of the Effect ofBerberine on the Adipose Tissue ofdb/db Mice and 3T3-L1 Adipocytes
  936. The Relationship Between the Insulin Receptor Substrates and Metabolic Disease
  937. Important genetic checkpoints for insulin resistance in salt-sensitive (S) Dahl rats
  938. Aspirin reduces hypertriglyceridemia by lowering VLDL-triglyceride production in mice fed a high-fat diet
  939. A study of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in South African patients and analysis of candidate genes in insulin resistance and fatty acid oxidation.
  940. Elucidation of mechanisms of insulin resistance in human skeletal muscle
  941. Molecular aspects of genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes mellitus and its monogenic forms
  942. Transcriptional responses of insulin resistance and mechanisms of drug action
  943. Saturated fatty acid-induced NF-κB activation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle are chain length dependent
  944. Pro-inflammatory cytokines in Omani type 2 diabetic patients presenting anxiety and depression
  945. Genetic predisposition to diabetic nephropathy
  946. A population of multipotent CD34-positive adipose stromal cells share pericyte and mesenchymal surface markers, reside in a periendothelial location, and stabilize …
  947. Diabetische Kardiomyopathie–eine lang währende und ernstzunehmende Erkrankung
  948. Regulation of Insulin and CHOP Gene Expression in Pancreatic Beta Cells
  950. Effect of early insulin therapy on nuclear factor κB and cytokine gene expressions in the liver and skeletal muscle of high-fat diet, streptozotocin-treated diabetic rats
  951. Depot-Specific Gene Expression Programs of Adipocytes: Physiological and Developmental Implications
  952. Global IRS-1 phosphorylation analysis in insulin resistance
  953. The Influence of Energy Expenditure on Mitochondrial Functions, Oxidative Stress and Insulin Resistance under Metabolic Oversupply Conditions
  954. The diabetogenic effects of excessive ethanol: reducing β-cell mass, decreasing phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity and GLUT-4 expression in rats
  955. The unsolved problem of diabetes mellitus type 2 and associated complications
  956. β-Arrestins: multifunctional signaling adaptors in type 2 diabetes
  957. Insulin Action in Peripheral Glucose Uptake-The Molecular Perspective
  958. Pilot randomized trial demonstrating reversal of obesity-related abnormalities in reward system responsivity to food cues with a behavioral intervention
  959. Reversal of obesity-induced hypertriglyceridemia by (R)-α-lipoic acid in ZDF (fa/fa) rats
  960. Partial reversal of obesity-induced insulin resistance owing to anti-inflammatory immunomodulatory potential of flaxseed oil
  961. Brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in the resistance to and reversal of obesity: a potential new mechanism contributing to the metabolic benefits of proglucagon …
  962. Treatment of obesity and diabetes using oxytocin or analogs in patients and mouse models
  963. Dietary restriction reverses obesity-induced anhedonia
  964. Reversal of obesity and metabolic disorders by exercise in high-fat diet-induced obese c57bl/6 mice
  965. New pharmacological perspectives for the leptin receptor in the treatment of obesity
  966. Metabolic Effects of n-3 PUFA as Phospholipids Are Superior to Triglycerides in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet: Possible Role of Endocannabinoids
  967. Animal models of dietary-induced obesity
  968. IL-33 reverses an obesity-induced deficit in visceral adipose tissue ST2+ T regulatory cells and ameliorates adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance
  969. Weight loss reversed obesity-induced HGF/c-Met pathway and basal-like breast cancer progression
  970. Steps to Growing Up Healthy: a pediatric primary care based obesity prevention program for young children
  971. Inhalation of carbon monoxide is ineffective as a long-term therapy to reduce obesity in mice fed a high fat diet
  972. Role of obesity and lipotoxicity in the development of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: pathophysiology and clinical implications
  973. Hypothalamic gliosis associated with high-fat diet feeding is reversible in mice: a combined immunohistochemical and magnetic resonance imaging study
  974. The adipose organ of obesity-prone C57BL/6J mice is composed of mixed white and brown adipocytes
  975. A comparative study between nanoparticle-targeted therapeutics and bioconjugates as obesity medication
  977. Exercise treatment of obesity
  978. Chronic Treatment with Carbon Monoxide Releasing Molecule Reverses Dietary Induced Obesity in Mice
  979. Role of adiponectin in the metabolic effects of cannabinoid type 1 receptor blockade in mice with diet-induced obesity
  980. Atrial fibrillation and obesity: characterization of electro-structural atrial substrate with sustained obesity and reversal upon weight reduction.
  981. Therapeutic assessment of cytochrome C for the prevention of obesity through endothelial cell-targeted nanoparticulate system
  982. Role of obesity in the pathogenesis and progression of Barrett’s esophagus
  983. Recombinant murine fibroblast growth factor 21 ameliorates obesity-related inflammation in monosodium glutamate-induced obesity rats
  984. Cellular and molecular players in adipose tissue inflammation in the development of obesity-induced insulin resistance
  985. Resveratrol inhibits the deleterious effects of diet-induced obesity on thymic function
  986. From abject eating to abject being: Representations of obesity in ‘Supersize vs. Superskinny’
  987. Enhancement of brown fat thermogenesis using chenodeoxycholic acid in mice
  988. Hepatic cannabinoid‐1 receptors mediate diet‐induced insulin resistance by increasing de novo synthesis of long‐chain ceramides
  989. Short-term supplementation with a specific combination of dietary polyphenols increases energy expenditure and alters substrate metabolism in overweight subjects
  990. Pathophysiology of obesity-related renal dysfunction contributes to diabetic nephropathy
  991. Abstract IA45: Obesity and the microenvironment in basal-like breast cancer
  992. Physical exercise in overweight to obese individuals induces metabolic-and neurotrophic-related structural brain plasticity
  993. Social Aspects as Maintenance Factors of the Obesity Condition: The Somatic Marker Hypothesis
  994. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester reduces the activation of the nuclear factor κB pathway by high-fat diet-induced obesity in mice
  995. Glutamate mediates the function of melanocortin receptor 4 on Sim1 neurons in body weight regulation
  996. APpEaLINg therapeutic target for obesity cardiomyopathy?
  997. Animal Models for the Study of Human Disease: Chapter 13. Animal Models of Dietary-Induced Obesity
  998. Immune regulation in obesity-associated adipose inflammation
  999. The impact of cash transfers to poor women in Colombia on BMI and obesity: prospective cohort study
  1000. Prognosis of morbid obesity patients with advanced heart failure
  1001. Two contrasting outcomes of weight loss surgery: Positive impact on the heart, negative impact on the liver
  1003. Healthy Alberta Communities: Impact of a three-year community-based obesity and chronic disease prevention intervention
  1004. Leptin, a mediator of cardiac damage associated with obesity
  1005. Inflammation as a link between obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes
  1006. Role of Adiponectin in the Metabolic Effects of Cannabinoid Receptor-1 Blockade in Mice with Diet-Induced Obesity
  1007. Measuring success: a comparison of weight loss calculations
  1008. #VALUE!
  1009. Treatment of obesity as a potential complementary approach to cancer therapy
  1010. Sustained activation of PPARα by endogenous ligands increases hepatic fatty acid oxidation and prevents obesity in ob/ob mice
  1011. Browning of white adipose tissue by melatonin
  1012. A review on obesity and its management
  1013. Effects of an intensive short-term diet and exercise intervention: comparison between normal-weight and obese children
  1014. Endospanin 1 silencing in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus contributes to sustained weight loss of high fat diet obese mice
  1015. Cytokine profiling of young overweight and obese female African American adults with prediabetes
  1016. A neuron-specific deletion of the microRNA-processing enzyme DICER induces severe but transient obesity in mice
  1017. Chaperoning to the metabolic party: the emerging therapeutic role of heat-shock proteins in obesity and type 2 diabetes
  1018. Subcutaneous adipose tissue transplantation in diet‐induced obese mice attenuates metabolic dysregulation while removal exacerbates it
  1019. Cichoric acid reverses insulin resistance and suppresses inflammatory responses in the glucosamine-induced HepG2 cells
  1020. Obesity, systemic inflammation, and increased risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes among adolescents: a need for screening tools to target interventions
  1021. Curcumin promotes browning of white adipose tissue in a norepinephrine-dependent way
  1022. The complex and multifactorial relationship between testosterone deficiency (TD), obesity and vascular disease
  1023. Polysome profiling in liver identifies dynamic regulation of endoplasmic reticulum translatome by obesity and fasting
  1024. Effects of metformin on weight loss: potential mechanisms
  1025. The neuropathology of obesity: insights from human disease
  1026. A role for sphingolipids in the pathophysiology of obesity-induced inflammation
  1027. Role of interleukins in obesity: implications for metabolic disease
  1028. Cardioprotective modulation of cardiac adiponectin and adiponectin receptors by omega-3 in the high-fat fed rats
  1029. #VALUE!
  1030. Influence of circular stapler diameter on postoperative stenosis after laparoscopic gastrojejunal anastomosis in morbid obesity
  1031. Insulin inhibits IL-10–mediated regulatory T cell function: implications for obesity
  1032. Prevention of Diet-Induced Obesity Effects on Body Weight and Gut Microbiota in Mice Treated Chronically with Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol
  1033. Diabetes and cancer: placing the association in perspective
  1034. Hypothalamic endoplasmic reticulum stress and insulin resistance in offspring of mice dams fed high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation
  1035. Obesity and cholangiocarcinoma
  1036. The adipose organ at a glance
  1037. Pregnancy is a critical period for prevention of obesity and cardiometabolic risk
  1038. Insulin resistance and impaired adipogenesis
  1039. The brown fat secretome: metabolic functions beyond thermogenesis
  1040. Sex differences during the course of diet-induced obesity in mice: adipose tissue expandability and glycemic control
  1041. HealthSTEPS: An Evidence-Based Program to Prevent Obesity and Related Diseases in Young Children
  1042. Adipose tissue inflammation in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes
  1043. Vascular-targeted nanotherapy for obesity: unexpected passive targeting mechanism to obese fat for the enhancement of active drug delivery
  1044. Mechanisms of obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance: insights into the emerging role of nutritional strategies
  1045. Effects of voluntary running on oxygen consumption, RQ, and energy expenditure during primary prevention of diet-induced obesity in C57BL/6N mice
  1046. Obesity and Weight Regulation
  1047. The bright-nights and dim-days of the urban photoperiod: implications for circadian rhythmicity, metabolism and obesity
  1048. Obesity, a health burden of a global nature
  1049. Physiotherapists’ perceptions of their role in the rehabilitation management of individuals with obesity
  1050. Fat cells directly sense temperature to activate thermogenesis
  1051. Mechanisms of insulin resistance in obesity
  1052. Vitamin C in the treatment and/or prevention of obesity
  1053. Inflammation-induced microvascular insulin resistance is an early event in diet-induced obesity
  1054. Metabolic heterogeneity of obesity: role of adipose tissue
  1055. Does chronic low-grade endotoxemia define susceptibility of obese humans to insulin resistance via dietary effects on gut microbiota?
  1056. Distinct roles for JNK and IKK activation in agouti-related peptide neurons in the development of obesity and insulin resistance
  1057. Inflammation produces catecholamine resistance in obesity via activation of PDE3B by the protein kinases IKKε and TBK1
  1058. Role of T cells in malnutrition and obesity
  1059. Causes and consequences of obesity: the contribution of recent twin studies
  1060. Hepatocyte TRAF3 promotes insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in mice with obesity
  1061. Constitutive activation of IKKβ in adipose tissue prevents diet-induced obesity in mice
  1062. TRPV4 is a regulator of adipose oxidative metabolism, inflammation, and energy homeostasis
  1063. Inflammation, defective insulin signaling, and neuronal dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease
  1064. Maternal hyperglycemia during pregnancy predicts adiposity of the offspring
  1065. A high ratio of dietary n-3/n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids improves obesity-linked inflammation and insulin resistance through suppressing activation of TLR4 in SD …
  1066. Bariatric surgery-effects on obesity and related co-morbidities
  1067. Decreased circulating levels of oxytocin in obesity and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients
  1068. Human brown adipose tissue: what we have learned so far
  1069. Impact of abdominal obesity and ambulatory blood pressure in the diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in never treated hypertensives
  1070. Age and obesity promote methylation and suppression of 5α-reductase 2: implications for personalized therapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia
  1071. Fibroblast growth factor-21 protects human skeletal muscle myotubes from palmitate-induced insulin resistance by inhibiting stress kinase and NF-κB
  1072. Oncostatin M is a potential agent for the treatment of obesity and related metabolic disorders: a study in mice
  1073. Mechanisms in endocrinology: white, brown and pink adipocytes: the extraordinary plasticity of the adipose organ
  1074. Oxidative stress and inflammation interactions in human obesity
  1075. High-fat load: mechanism (s) of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle
  1076. Recruitment of brown adipose tissue as a therapy for obesity-associated diseases
  1077. Depletion of white adipocyte progenitors induces beige adipocyte differentiation and suppresses obesity development
  1078. Metabolic inflammation: connecting obesity and insulin resistance
  1079. High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Exacerbates Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Genetically Susceptible Mdr1a−/− Male Mice
  1080. The impact of generation status on weight of immigrant and non-immigrant school-aged children living in minority situation: Preliminary results
  1081. Autophagy regulates inflammation in adipocytes
  1082. Populus balsamifera L.(Salicaceae) mitigates the development of obesity and improves insulin sensitivity in a diet-induced obese mouse model
  1083. Doxorubicin treatment inhibits PPARγ and may induce lipotoxicity by mimicking a type 2 diabetes-like condition in rodent models
  1084. From farm to fat cell: why aren’t we all fat?
  1085. Dietary polyphenols suppress elevated levels of proinflammatory mediators and aromatase in the mammary gland of obese mice
  1086. The combined effects of physical exercise training and detraining on adiponectin in overweight and obese children
  1087. The effect of exercise training in water on serum adiponectin and insulin resistance in obese children and adolescents
  1088. Obesity as a risk and severity factor in rheumatic diseases (autoimmune chronic inflammatory diseases)
  1089. Methods of a Multidisciplinary, Community-based Treatment Program for Overweight and Obese Preschoolers: A Family-Oriented, Healthy Eating, Activity, and …
  1090. Bacteria, viruses, and hypothalamic inflammation: Potential new players in obesity
  1091. Free Fatty Acids Induce Lhb mRNA but Suppress Fshb mRNA in Pituitary LβT2 Gonadotropes and Diet-Induced Obesity Reduces FSH Levels in Male Mice and …
  1092. Insulin and IGFs in obesity-related breast cancer
  1093. Recent advances in obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance
  1094. Targeting the IKKβ/mTOR/VEGF signaling pathway as a potential therapeutic strategy for obesity-related breast cancer
  1095. Dichotomous effects of VEGF-A on adipose tissue dysfunction
  1096. Inflammation during obesity is not all bad: evidence from animal and human studies
  1097. Longitudinal assessment of food intake, fecal energy loss, and energy expenditure after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in high-fat-fed obese rats
  1098. Endocrine changes in obesity
  1099. Peripheral targets in obesity treatment: a comprehensive update
  1100. Adipose tissue-related proteins locally associated with resolution of inflammation in obese mice
  1101. Overexpression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase prevents diet-induced obesity and regulates adipocyte phenotype
  1102. Effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in child obesity: systematic review with meta-analysis
  1103. The By-Band study: gastric bypass or adjustable gastric band surgery to treat morbid obesity: study protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial with …
  1104. Impact of wheat aleurone structure on metabolic disorders caused by a high-fat diet in mice
  1105. Obesity alters the gustatory perception of lipids in the mouse: plausible involvement of lingual CD36
  1106. White-to-brown transdifferentiation of omental adipocytes in patients affected by pheochromocytoma
  1107. Obesity, but not ethanol, promotes tumor incidence and progression in a mouse model of hepatocellular carcinoma in vivo
  1108. Implication of inflammatory signaling pathways in obesity-induced insulin resistance
  1109. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor deficiency protects mice from diet-induced adiposity and metabolic disorders through increased energy expenditure
  1110. The endoplasmic reticulum stress marker, glucose-regulated protein-78 (GRP78) in visceral adipocytes predicts endometrial cancer progression and patient survival
  1111. #VALUE!
  1112. Stromal progenitor cells from endogenous adipose tissue contribute to pericytes and adipocytes that populate the tumor microenvironment
  1113. BBS-induced ciliary defect enhances adipogenesis, causing paradoxical higher-insulin sensitivity, glucose usage, and decreased inflammatory response
  1114. The role of specific chaperons in pathogenesis of obesity and related diseases
  1115. Fas (CD 95) expression in myeloid cells promotes obesity‐induced muscle insulin resistance
  1116. Influence of the core circadian gene “Clock” on obesity and leptin resistance in mice
  1117. Function and control of adipose tissue regulatory T cells: implications for obesity
  1118. Antiangiogenic nanotherapy for the control of obesity
  1119. Updates on gastric electrical stimulation to treat obesity: Systematic review and future perspectives
  1120. Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and obesity
  1121. Salicylate downregulates 11β-HSD1 expression in adipose tissue in obese mice and in humans, mediating insulin sensitization
  1122. Inflammation, cytokines and insulin resistance: a clinical perspective
  1123. IKKβ links vascular inflammation to obesity and atherosclerosis
  1124. A ceramide-centric view of insulin resistance
  1125. Placental dysfunction in obese women and antenatal surveillance strategies
  1126. Double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase is a key modulator of insulin sensitivity in physiological conditions and in obesity in mice
  1127. The whitening of brown fat and its implications for weight management in obesity
  1128. Role of saturated and polyunsaturated fat in obesity-related inflammation
  1129. Surgery for weight loss in adults
  1130. Leptin-mediated increases in catecholamine signaling reduce adipose tissue inflammation via activation of macrophage HDAC4
  1131. A platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptor deficiency exacerbates diet-induced obesity but PAF/PAF receptor signaling does not contribute to the development of …
  1132. Obesity, insulin resistance, and inflammaging
  1133. The beta-3 adrenergic agonist (CL-316,243) restores the expression of down-regulated fatty acid oxidation genes in type 2 diabetic mice
  1134. Vascular rarefaction mediates whitening of brown fat in obesity
  1135. Does inflammation determine whether obesity is metabolically healthy or unhealthy? The aging perspective
  1136. Genetics and obesity
  1137. Two triterpeniods from Cyclocarya paliurus (Batal) Iljinsk (Juglandaceae) promote glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes: The relationship to AMPK activation
  1138. Appetite and body weight regulation after bariatric surgery
  1139. White-to-brown metabolic conversion of human adipocytes by JAK inhibition
  1140. Connecting type 1 and type 2 diabetes through innate immunity
  1141. Intranasal insulin therapy for cognitive impairment and neurodegeneration: current state of the art
  1142. Presence of brown adipocytes in retroperitoneal fat from patients with benign adrenal tumors: relationship with outdoor temperature
  1143. Macrophage HIF-2α ameliorates adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance in obesity
  1144. Adipose tissue immunity and cancer
  1145. Avatars of Adipose Tissue–The Saga of Transformation of White Fat, the Villain into 3 Brown Fat, the Protector 4
  1146. Distinct time course of the decrease in hepatic AMP-activated protein kinase and Akt phosphorylation in mice fed a high fat diet
  1147. Reversion to a control balanced diet is able to restore body weight and to recover altered metabolic parameters in adult rats long-term fed on a cafeteria diet
  1148. Apparent histological changes of adipocytes after treatment with CL 316,243, a β-3-adrenergic receptor agonist
  1149. Inflammatory causes of obesity and metabolic diseases
  1150. Insulin sensitization via partial agonism of PPARγ and glucose uptake through translocation and activation of GLUT4 in PI3K/p-Akt signaling pathway by embelin in …
  1151. Blockade of the nuclear factor-κB pathway in the endothelium prevents insulin resistance and prolongs life spans
  1152. Weighing in on adipocyte precursors
  1153. Sphingolipid metabolism and obesity-induced inflammation
  1154. Role of β-adrenergic receptors in the anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects of zinc-α2-glycoprotien (ZAG)
  1155. Diabetes mellitus in dogs and its associated complications: A review
  1156. Obesity, inflammation, and insulin resistance
  1157. The adipose organ: white‐brown adipocyte plasticity and metabolic inflammation
  1158. Berberine activates thermogenesis in white and brown adipose tissue
  1159. Leucine signaling in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and obesity
  1160. Effect of obesity on hepatic drug metabolism
  1161. Role of oxidative stress in endothelial insulin resistance
  1162. Zinc deficiency augments leptin production and exacerbates macrophage infiltration into adipose tissue in mice fed a high-fat diet
  1163. TGF-β/Smad3 signaling regulates brown adipocyte induction in white adipose tissue
  1164. B lymphocytes as emerging mediators of insulin resistance
  1165. Prospects of use of nutrient fiber, applying different feeding manners, to reduce obesity in dogs.
  1166. Central inflammation and leptin resistance are attenuated by ginsenoside Rb1 treatment in obese mice fed a high-fat diet
  1167. Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism induces browning of white adipose tissue through impairment of autophagy and prevents adipocyte dysfunction in high‐fat‐diet …
  1168. Increased adipose tissue hypoxia and capacity for angiogenesis and inflammation in young diet-sensitive C57 mice compared with diet-resistant FVB mice
  1169. 4β-Hydroxywithanolide E isolated from Physalis pruinosa calyx decreases inflammatory responses by inhibiting the NF-κB signaling in diabetic mouse adipose tissue
  1170. A2B Adenosine Receptors Prevent Insulin Resistance by Inhibiting Adipose Tissue Inflammation via Maintaining Alternative Macrophage Activation
  1171. Flurbiprofen ameliorated obesity by attenuating leptin resistance induced by endoplasmic reticulum stress
  1172. Hypothalamic gene transfer of BDNF inhibits breast cancer progression and metastasis in middle age obese mice
  1173. MicroRNA-133 controls brown adipose determination in skeletal muscle satellite cells by targeting Prdm16
  1174. Vascular Targeting of Adipose Tissue
  1175. Aged garlic extract with supplement is associated with increase in brown adipose, decrease in white adipose tissue and predict lack of progression in coronary …
  1176. Pleiotropic actions of insulin resistance and inflammation in metabolic homeostasis
  1177. Omega-3 phospholipids from fish suppress hepatic steatosis by integrated inhibition of biosynthetic pathways in dietary obese mice
  1178. Global correlation analysis for microRNA and gene expression profiles in human obesity
  1179. Gene silencing in adipose tissue macrophages regulates whole-body metabolism in obese mice
  1180. Fibrosis and adipose tissue dysfunction
  1181. Acute pancreatitis due to diabetes: the role of hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance
  1182. Targeted delivery using peptide-functionalised gold nanoparticles to white adipose tissues of obese rats
  1183. The regulation of muscle protein turnover in diabetes
  1184. Role of the adipocyte in metabolism and endocrine function
  1185. Brown adipose tissue: what have we learned since its recent identification in human adults
  1186. Endocrine and metabolic signaling in retroperitoneal white adipose tissue remodeling during cold acclimation
  1187. PI3K/Akt is involved in brown adipogenesis mediated by growth differentiation factor-5 in association with activation of the Smad pathway
  1188. Effects of an in-patient treatment program based on regular exercise and a balanced diet on high molecular weight adiponectin, resistin levels, and insulin resistance …
  1189. Local macrophage proliferation in adipose tissue is a characteristic of obesity-associated inflammation: A dissertation
  1190. Food cue reactivity, obesity, and impulsivity: are they associated?
  1191. Niclosamide ethanolamine–induced mild mitochondrial uncoupling improves diabetic symptoms in mice
  1192. (−)-Epicatechin mitigates high-fructose-associated insulin resistance by modulating redox signaling and endoplasmic reticulum stress
  1193. NF-κB–inducing kinase (NIK) promotes hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance in obesity by augmenting glucagon action
  1194. Adipocytokines in relation to cardiovascular disease
  1195. Metabolic adaptation of white adipose tissue to nutritional and environmental challenges
  1196. Opposite cross-talk by oleate and palmitate on insulin signaling in hepatocytes through macrophage activation
  1197. Rapid and weight-independent improvement of glucose tolerance induced by a peptide designed to elicit apoptosis in adipose tissue endothelium
  1198. Anti-inflammatory agents to treat or prevent type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease
  1199. The role of chronic inflammation in obesity-associated cancers
  1200. Stromal cells derived from visceral and obese adipose tissue promote growth of ovarian cancers
  1201. Gallic acid attenuates high-fat diet fed-streptozotocin-induced insulin resistance via partial agonism of PPARγ in experimental type 2 diabetic rats and enhances …
  1202. Celecoxib ameliorates non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in type 2 diabetic rats via suppression of the non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway expression
  1203. Brown and Beige Fat: Therapeutic Potential in Obesity
  1204. Oligopeptide complex for targeted non-viral gene delivery to adipocytes
  1205. Emerging role of JNK in insulin resistance
  1206. C5aR and C3aR antagonists each inhibit diet‐induced obesity, metabolic dysfunction, and adipocyte and macrophage signaling
  1207. Adipokines and cardiovascular risk in Cushing’s syndrome
  1208. Insulin resistance and atherosclerosis
  1209. Role of NKG2D in obesity-induced adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance
  1210. CD40 deficiency in mice exacerbates obesity-induced adipose tissue inflammation, hepatic steatosis, and insulin resistance
  1211. Type 2 Diabetes: Disease Overview
  1212. Circulating levels of IL-1B+ IL-6 cause ER stress and dysfunction in islets from prediabetic male mice
  1213. GLP-1 based therapeutics: simultaneously combating T2DM and obesity
  1214. Novel risk factors of cardiovascular disease and their associations between obesity, physical activity and physical fitness
  1215. Herbal and microbial products for the management of obesity
  1216. Adiponectin, resistin, and visfatin in childhood obesity and exercise
  1217. Nuclear factor κB–inducing kinase activation as a mechanism of pancreatic β cell failure in obesity
  1218. Insulin resistance
  1219. Development of an innovative drug delivery system targeted to adipose vessel utilizing novel nucleic acid aptamer for control of obesity
  1220. p107 is a crucial regulator for determining the adipocyte lineage fate choices of stem cells
  1221. #VALUE!
  1222. TGF-B/Smad3 signaling regulates brown adipocyte induction in white adipose tissue
  1223. Myeloid cell TRAF3 promotes metabolic inflammation, insulin resistance, and hepatic steatosis in obesity
  1224. Growth differentiation factor-5 promotes brown adipogenesis in systemic energy expenditure
  1225. Lipid-overloaded enlarged adipocytes provoke insulin resistance independent of inflammation
  1226. Reduction of insulin resistance and plasma glucose level by salsalate treatment in persons with prediabetes
  1227. Role of nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 in metabolic homeostasis and insulin action: a novel opportunity for diabetes treatment?
  1228. The lipocalin-type prostaglandin D2 synthase knockout mouse model of insulin resistance and obesity demonstrates early hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis …
  1229. Metabolic inflexibility of white and brown adipose tissues in abnormal fatty acid partitioning of type 2 diabetes
  1230. Regulation of UCP1 in the Browning of Epididymal Adipose Tissue by β3-Adrenergic Agonist: A Role for MicroRNAs
  1231. Therapeutic effects of adropin on glucose tolerance and substrate utilization in diet-induced obese mice with insulin resistance
  1232. The expression of genes involved in NF-κB activation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with gestational diabetes
  1233. Obesity-related glomerulopathy and podocyte injury: a mini review
  1234. Metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and roles of inflammation–mechanisms and therapeutic targets
  1235. Molecular imaging of brown adipose tissue in health and disease
  1236. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) protects non-obese Swiss mice against type 2 diabetes by increasing beta cell mass and reducing insulin clearance
  1237. Both linoleic and α-linolenic acid prevent insulin resistance but have divergent impacts on skeletal muscle mitochondrial bioenergetics in obese Zucker rats
  1238. Adipokine inflammation and insulin resistance: the role of glucose, lipids and endotoxin
  1239. Mechanisms of disease: role of neurotrophins in diabetes and diabetic neuropathy
  1240. Salsalate and adiponectin improve palmitate-induced insulin resistance via inhibition of selenoprotein P through the AMPK-FOXO1α pathway
  1241. Glucagon-like peptide 1 regulates adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes
  1242. Physical inactivity, insulin resistance, and the oxidative-inflammatory loop
  1243. Why does obesity increase the risk for cardiovascular disease?
  1244. Association of ALOX15 gene polymorphisms with obesity-related phenotypes in Chinese nuclear families with male offspring
  1245. Inflammatory markers in pediatric obesity: health and physical activity implications
  1246. FGF21 regulates PGC-1α and browning of white adipose tissues in adaptive thermogenesis
  1247. CEACAM1 loss links inflammation to insulin resistance in obesity and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
  1248. Identification of nuclear hormone receptor pathways causing insulin resistance by transcriptional and epigenomic analysis
  1249. Age impact on weight loss and glycolipid profile after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: experience with 308 consecutive patients
  1250. Berries in Prevention of Metabolic Disease–focus on obesity, diabetes and gut microbiota
  1251. Astragalus Polysaccharide Improves Palmitate-Induced Insulin Resistance by Inhibiting PTP1B and NF-κB in C2C12 Myotubes
  1252. Obesity & the Workplace: Direct, Indirect Costs & the Role of Wellness Education
  1253. Inhibiting adipose tissue lipogenesis reprograms thermogenesis and PPARγ activation to decrease diet-induced obesity
  1254. Influence of vitamin D treatment on transcriptional regulation of insulin-sensitive genes
  1255. Proteomic identification of target proteins of thiodigalactoside in white adipose tissue from diet-induced obese rats
  1256. Resveratrol prevents insulin resistance caused by short-term elevation of free fatty acids in vivo
  1257. Serum cytokine, chemokine and hormone levels in Saudi adults with pre-diabetes: a one-year prospective study
  1258. Oxidative stress in diabetes
  1259. Neural innervation of white adipose tissue and the control of lipolysis
  1260. Role of adipose cells in tumor microenvironment
  1261. Adiponectin: a manifold therapeutic target for metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and coronary disease?
  1262. The total phenolic fraction of Anemarrhena asphodeloides inhibits inflammation and reduces insulin resistance in adipocytes via regulation of AMP-kinase activity
  1263. Inactivation of NF-κB p65 (RelA) in liver improves insulin sensitivity and inhibits cAMP/PKA pathway
  1264. Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist: a new therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1265. T2D@ ZJU: a knowledgebase integrating heterogeneous connections associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1266. KSRP ablation enhances brown fat gene program in white adipose tissue through reduced miR-150 expression
  1267. Metformin and salicylate synergistically activate liver AMPK, inhibit lipogenesis and improve insulin sensitivity
  1268. Comparing physical activity programs for managing osteoarthritis in overweight or obese patients
  1269. Role of renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system in adipose tissue dysfunction
  1270. Diosgenin ameliorates palmitate-induced endothelial dysfunction and insulin resistance via blocking IKKβ and IRS-1 pathways
  1271. The Relationship Among Obesity, Inflammation, and Insulin Resistance
  1272. Antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic and antioxidant effects of the flavonoids
  1273. Interactions between the gut, the brain and brown adipose tissue function
  1274. Anti diabetic effect of CL 316,243 (a β3-adrenergic agonist) by down regulation of tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α) expression
  1275. Linoleic and α-linolenic acid both prevent insulin resistance but have divergent impacts on 1 skeletal muscle mitochondrial bioenergetics in obese Zucker rats 2
  1276. Pathological role of adipose tissue dysfunction in cardio-metabolic disorders
  1277. Nutrigenomic Approaches to Understanding the Transcriptional and Metabolic Responses of Phytochemicals to Diet‐Induced Obesity and its Complications
  1278. Apoptotic pathways in adipose tissue
  1279. Adipokines and adipose tissue angiogenesis in obesity
  1280. Taking diabetes to heart—deregulation of myocardial lipid metabolism in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1281. Cis-9, trans-11, trans-13-conjugated linolenic acid induces apoptosis and sustained ERK phosphorylation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes
  1282. Type 2 diabetes: pathogenesis and natural history
  1283. Roles and tissue source of adiponectin involved in lifestyle modifications
  1284. The platform for adipose tissue expansion during positive energy balance
  1285. Brown adipose tissue harbors a distinct sub-population of regulatory T cells
  1286. Populus balsamifera Extract and Its Active Component Salicortin Reduce Obesity and Attenuate Insulin Resistance in a Diet-Induced Obese Mouse Model
  1287. CYP2E1 potentiates toxicity in obesity and after chronic ethanol treatment
  1288. The Potential Epigenetic Modulation of Diabetes Influenced by Nutritional Exposures In Utero
  1289. Regulation of diet-induced adipose tissue and systemic inflammation by salicylates and pioglitazone
  1290. How brown is brown fat that we can see?
  1291. The Poisoning of Our Children: Fighting the Obesity Epidemic in America
  1292. Efficacy of commercial weight-loss programs: an updated systematic review
  1293. Loss of prohibitin induces mitochondrial damages altering β-cell function and survival and is responsible for gradual diabetes development
  1294. Do obese children have chronic inflammation & could this contribute to future CVD risk?
  1295. The influence of endotoxemia on the molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance
  1297. Receptor for advanced glycation end products regulates adipocyte hypertrophy and insulin sensitivity in mice: involvement of Toll-like receptor 2
  1298. Myocardin-related transcription factor A regulates conversion of progenitors to beige adipocytes
  1299. Activated Kupffer cells inhibit insulin sensitivity in obese mice
  1300. Heme oxygenase-1 drives metaflammation and insulin resistance in mouse and man
  1301. Two types of brown adipose tissue in humans
  1302. Epigenetic influences on type 2 diabetes and obesity
  1303. Extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase activation in spinal cord contributes to pain hypersensitivity in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes
  1304. Contribution of brown adipose tissue activity to the control of energy balance by GLP-1 receptor signalling in mice
  1305. Targeting inflammation in diabetes: Newer therapeutic options
  1306. Long-term effects of an inpatient weight-loss program in obese children and the role of genetic predisposition-rationale and design of the LOGIC-trial
  1307. Targeting inflammation using salsalate in patients with type 2 diabetes: effects on flow-mediated dilation (TINSAL-FMD)
  1308. Stem cells from adipose tissue and breast cancer: hype, risks and hope
  1309. Mitochondriogenesis and apoptosis: possible cause of vitamin A-mediated adipose loss in WNIN/Ob-obese rats
  1310. Discrimination between brown and white adipose tissue using a 2-point Dixon water–fat separation method in simultaneous PET/MRI
  1311. Short term fat feeding rapidly increases plasma insulin but does not result in dyslipidaemia
  1312. Genetic deficiency of CD40 in mice exacerbates metabolic manifestations of diet-induced obesity: a dissertation
  1313. Energy metabolism in genetically fat and lean
  1314. The development mechanisms of overweight in young people
  1315. Duration of rise in free fatty acids determines salicylate’s effect on hepatic insulin sensitivity
  1316. Dietary ribonucleic acid suppresses inflammation of adipose tissue and improves glucose intolerance that is mediated by immune cells in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat …
  1317. Adipose tissue-derived serum amyloid A and adipose tissue macrophages in metabolic disease
  1318. Muscle inflammatory signaling in response to 9 days of physical inactivity in young men with low compared with normal birth weight
  1319. Bad Fat or Just More Fat? Murine Models of Metabolically Healthy Obesity
  1320. Dietary supplementation with evodiamine prevents obesity and improves insulin resistance in ageing mice
  1321. Evodiamine inhibits insulin-stimulated mTOR-S6K activation and IRS1 serine phosphorylation in adipocytes and improves glucose tolerance in obese …
  1322. Growth hormone (GH) differentially regulates NF-kB activity in preadipocytes and macrophages: implications for GH’s role in adipose tissue homeostasis in obesity
  1323. Burn induces browning of the subcutaneous white adipose tissue in mice and humans
  1324. Role of macrophages in exercise-induced enhancement of insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle
  1325. Turning off a viral/lipid sensor improves type 2 diabetes
  1326. Selective hepatic insulin resistance, VLDL overproduction, and hypertriglyceridemia
  1327. Effects of high vs. moderate exercise intensity during interval training on lipids and adiponectin levels in obese young females
  1328. Correlated increase of omentin-1 and adiponectin by exenatide, avandamet and dietary change in diet-induced obese rats
  1329. Adipocyte-specific IKKβ signaling suppresses adipose tissue inflammation through an IL-13-dependent paracrine feedback pathway
  1330. Fitness and adiposity are independently associated with cardiometabolic risk in youth
  1331. Advances in an active and passive targeting to tumor and adipose tissues
  1332. Adipose tissue biglycan as a potential anti-inflammatory target of sodium salicylate in mice fed a high fat diet
  1333. Flavanone naringenin: An effective antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic nutraceutical agent on high fat diet fed streptozotocin induced type 2 diabetic rats
  1334. PI3K/AKT pathway in modulating glucose homeostasis and its alteration in diabetes
  1335. Targeting PPARβ/δ for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1336. PEDF-induced alteration of metabolism leading to insulin resistance
  1337. Palmitoleic acid prevents palmitic acid-induced macrophage activation and consequent p38 MAPK-mediated skeletal muscle insulin resistance
  1338. Spice up your life: adipose tissue and inflammation
  1339. ER stress in adipocytes and insulin resistance: Mechanisms and significance
  1340. Salicylate acutely stimulates 5′-AMP-activated protein kinase and insulin-independent glucose transport in rat skeletal muscles
  1341. Comparative analysis of plasma metabolomics response to metabolic challenge tests in healthy subjects and influence of the FTO obesity risk allele
  1342. Insulin Resistance-ECAB
  1343. Metabolic Control by Inflammation and Immunity: Myeloid cell TRAF3 promotes metabolic inflammation, insulin resistance, and hepatic steatosis in obesity
  1344. Compliance for Lifestyle Modification among Obese/Overweight School Children from 7-12 Years
  1345. Mice deficient in proglucagon-derived peptides exhibit glucose intolerance on a high-fat diet but are resistant to obesity
  1346. Targeting inflammation in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: time to start
  1347. Central glucocorticoid administration promotes weight gain and increased 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 expression in white adipose tissue
  1348. Reduced dietary omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio and 12/15-lipoxygenase deficiency are protective against chronic high fat diet-induced steatohepatitis
  1349. Inflammation and oxidative stress in diabetic nephropathy: new insights on its inhibition as new therapeutic targets
  1350. A peptide derived from G0/G1 switch gene 2 acts as noncompetitive inhibitor of adipose triglyceride lipase
  1351. High-protein diets alters body composition and improves insulin resistance in a rat model of low birth weight
  1352. Novel aspects of metabolic regulation and inflammation in human adipocytes
  1353. Neonatal overnutrition in mice exacerbates high-fat diet-induced metabolic perturbations
  1354. Modulation of the Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway in Obesity: A Role for Bile Acid Metabolic Improvement
  1355. Manipulation of the gut microbiota in C57BL/6 mice changes glucose tolerance without affecting weight development and gut mucosal immunity
  1356. Effects of the green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate on high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction
  1357. The browning of white adipose tissue: some burning issues
  1358. Lifestyle modification decreases arterial stiffness in overweight and obese men: dietary modification vs. exercise training
  1359. Effect of estrogen on expression of prohibitin in white adipose tissue and liver of diet-induced obese rats
  1360. Adipose tissue macrophages in obesity, inflammation, and cancer
  1361. The Genetic Mechanisms Underlying Human Obesity
  1362. Enhanced prereceptor glucocorticoid metabolism and lipogenesis impair insulin signaling in the liver of fructose-fed rats
  1363. 20 Adipose Drug Targets
  1364. IκB kinase β (IKKβ) does not mediate feedback inhibition of the insulin signalling cascade
  1365. 2, 4-dinitrophenol downregulates genes for diabetes and fatty liver in obese mice
  1366. Effects of DAPT on Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Its Soluble Receptor in Obese BALB/C Mice.
  1367. Insulin resistance and atherosclerosis
  1368. Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation improved lipocentric but not glucocentric markers of insulin sensitivity in hypertriglyceridemic men
  1369. AMPK activator-mediated inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress ameliorates carrageenan-induced insulin resistance through the suppression of selenoprotein P …
  1370. Metabolic characteristics and therapeutic potential of brown and? beige? adipose tissues
  1371. The role of CREB in the liver and adipose tissue
  1372. Molecular aspects of glucose homeostasis in skeletal muscle–A focus on the molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance
  1373. Adipose Tissue-derived progenitor cells and cancer
  1374. Ablation of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 (PDK1) in vascular endothelial cells enhances insulin sensitivity by reducing visceral fat and suppressing …
  1375. Effect of six-month lifestyle intervention on adiponectin, resistin and soluble tumor necrosis factor-α receptors in obese adolescents
  1376. Physiology & pathophysiology of human brown adipose tissue
  1377. Selection of aptamers specific for adipose tissue
  1378. Salicylic acid: old and new implications for the treatment of type 2 diabetes?
  1379. n-3 PUFA prevent metabolic disturbances associated with obesity and improve endothelial function in golden Syrian hamsters fed with a high-fat diet
  1380. Bcl10 links saturated fat overnutrition with hepatocellular NF-κB activation and insulin resistance
  1381. The roles of diet and SirT3 levels in mediating signaling network changes in insulin resistance
  1382. Avatars of adipose tissue: the saga of transformation of white fat, the villain into brown fat, the protector. Focus on “Inflammation induced by RAW macrophages …
  1383. CGI-58/ABHD5-derived signaling lipids regulate systemic inflammation and insulin action
  1384. Oligopeptide complex for targeted non-viral gene delivery to adipocytes
  1385. Dual actions of a novel bifunctional compound to lower glucose in mice with diet-2 induced insulin resistance 3
  1386. Effects of interventions on adiponectin and adiponectin receptors
  1387. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor activating hypoglycemic effect of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis aqueous extract and improvement of insulin sensitivity …
  1388. Nutritional modulation of insulin resistance
  1389. Targeting inflammation through a physical active lifestyle and pharmaceuticals for the treatment of type 2 diabetes
  1390. Erythropoietin inhibits gluconeogenesis and inflammation in the liver and improves glucose intolerance in high-fat diet-fed mice
  1391. Best practice dietetic management of overweight and obese children and adolescents: a 2010 update of a systematic review
  1392. A randomised trial of salsalate for insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk factors in persons with abnormal glucose tolerance
  1393. Cell lysis-free quantum dot multicolor cellular imaging-based mechanism study for TNF-α-induced insulin resistance
  1394. Low level of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid decreases adiposity and increases browning independent of inflammatory signaling in overweight Sv129 mice
  1395. Influences of the diabetes surgery on pancreatic B-cells mass
  1396. Type 2 diabetes mellitus: etiology, pathogenesis, and natural history
  1397. Increased Adiposity and Colorectal Cancer
  1398. Novel anti-diabetic effect of SCM-198 via inhibiting the hepatic NF-κB pathway in db/db mice
  1399. An anti-diabetes agent protects the mouse brain from defective insulin signaling caused by Alzheimer’s disease–associated Aβ oligomers
  1400. Linking mitochondrial bioenergetics to insulin resistance via redox biology
  1401. Modified Si-Miao-San inhibits inflammation and promotes glucose disposal in adipocytes through regulation of AMP-kinase
  1402. Browning of Adipose Organ
  1403. Research Article Endocrine and Metabolic Signaling in Retroperitoneal White Adipose Tissue Remodeling during Cold Acclimation
  1404. Pharmacogenomics of cardiovascular complications in diabetes and obesity
  1405. The effect of salsalate on biochemical factors and endothelial dysfunction of prediabetic patients: A randomized clinical trial
  1406. Anti-obesity mechanisms of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA): Role of inflammatory signaling and browning in white adipose tissue
  1407. Antihyperglycemic effect of carvacrol in combination with rosiglitazone in high-fat diet-induced type 2 diabetic C57BL/6J mice
  1408. Regulation of Adipose Tissue Function and Metabolic Homeostasis.
  1409. Nerium oleander distillate improves fat and glucose metabolism in high-fat diet-fed streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  1410. Does 8 weeks of strenuous bicycle exercise improve diabetes-related inflammatory cytokines and free fatty acids in type 2 diabetes patients and individuals at high …
  1411. Effect of diclofenac on plasma glucose level, insulin resistance, inflammatory markers and hepatocytes in diabetic albino rats
  1412. Effectivity Combination of Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) and Bitter (Andrographis paniculata) Extract to Suppress Proinflammatory Cytokines in Diabetic Mouse …
  1413. Effect of melatonin on obesity, low-grade inflamation and oxidative stress in diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats
  1414. Thermogenic ability of uncoupling protein 1 in beige adipocytes in mice
  1415. Heterozygous rho kinase2 deficinecy increases whole body insulin sensitivity in mice
  1416. Aspirin-induced inhibition of adipogenesis was p53-dependent and associated with inactivation of pentose phosphate pathway
  1417. Overweight in the military: causes and effects
  1418. Normalization of fasting hyperglycemia is beneficial for successful introduction of small amount of the GLP-1 analog liraglutide in an obese patient with type 2 diabetes …
  1419. An Approach to Obesity as a Cardiometabolic Disease: Potential Implications for Clinical Practice
  1420. Inflammation induced by RAW macrophages suppresses UCP1 mRNA induction via ERK activation in 10T1/2 adipocytes
  1421. Novel link between inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and muscle insulin resistance
  1422. Regulation of Fluid-phase Uptake in Podocytes by Albumin-associated Lipids and Role of NKG2D in Obesity-induced Adipose Tissue Inflammation and …
  1423. Opposite effects of quercetin, luteolin, and epigallocatechin gallate on insulin sensitivity under normal and inflammatory conditions in mice
  1424. The effects of stearidonic acid on 3T3-L1 adipocytes
  1425. Adiponectin is critical in determining susceptibility to depressive behaviors and has antidepressant-like activity
  1426. Toll-like receptor 4 knockout mice are protected against endoplasmic reticulum stress induced by a high-fat diet
  1427. Insulin resistance, metabolic stress, and atherosclerosis
  1428. Understanding the regulation of adipogenesis and adipocyte metabolism in obesity
  1429. The adipose organ: morphological perspectives of adipose tissues
  1430. An intimate relationship between ROS and insulin signalling: implications for antioxidant treatment of fatty liver disease
  1431. PPARγ as a therapeutic target in diabetic nephropathy and other renal diseases
  1432. Correlation of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Diabetes Mellitus
  1433. #VALUE!
  1434. Effects of exercise and elevated fatty acid availability on muscle lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity
  1435. A peptide probe for targeted brown adipose tissue imaging
  1436. Effect of salsalate on insulin action, secretion, and clearance in nondiabetic, insulin-resistant individuals: a randomized, placebo-controlled study
  1437. Insulin Sensitivity in Valproate Treated Epileptics.
  1438. Salsalate improves glycemic control in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes
  1439. Heme Oxygenase 1 in Hepatocytes Drives Insulin Resistance in Mice and Men
  1440. Effect of natural compounds on insulin signaling
  1441. Activation of NF-κB drives the enhanced survival of adipose tissue macrophages in an obesogenic environment
  1442. Response to comment on “a peptidomimetic targeting white fat causes weight loss and improved insulin resistance in obese monkeys”
  1443. Effect of medical nutrition therapy on outcomes of patients with pre-diabetes in a rural Nebraska primary care clinic: A pilot study
  1444. Dual actions of a novel bifunctional compound to lower glucose in mice with diet-induced insulin resistance
  1445. Salicylate (salsalate) in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial
  1446. Expression of “brown-in-white” adipocyte biomarkers shows gender differences and the influence of early dietary exposure
  1447. Skeletal muscle-specific overproduction of constitutively activated c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) induces insulin resistance in mice
  1448. Identification of novel regulators of mesenchymal stem cell commitment to the brown adipocyte lineage
  1449. Enhanced glucose tolerance and pancreatic beta cell function by low dose aspirin in hyperglycemic insulin-resistant type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats
  1450. The effects of exercise-induced weight loss on ratio of acylated and unacylated ghrelin in obese adolescents
  1451. Technological discipline, obese bodies and gender: A sociological analysis of gastric banding surgery
  1452. Influence of feeding a fish oil-containing diet to young, lean, adult dogs: effects on lipid metabolites, postprandial glycaemia and body weight
  1453. Huang-lian-jie-du-tang protects rats from cardiac damages induced by metabolic disorder by improving inflammation-mediated insulin resistance
  1454. Influencia de la cirugía de diabetes sobre la masa de células beta pancreáticas
  1455. Origin of White and Brown Adipose Cells From Vascular Endothelium: A Dissertation
  1456. Evaluation of the CHANGES weight management programme: Prospective Patients
  1457. Air pollution as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes
  1458. From signal transduction to signal interpretation: an alternative model for the molecular function of insulin receptor substrates
  1459. Effects of a multi-component camp-based intervention on inflammatory markers and adipokines in children: a randomized controlled trial
  1460. An update on the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1461. Sodium salicylate treatment in early lactation increases whole-lactation milk and milk fat yield in mature dairy cows
  1462. Using RNA-seq technology to explore the impact of growth hormone on angiogenesis and other cellular pathways in subcutaneous and epididymal adipose tissue …
  1463. Pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1464. Adipose tissue dysfunction and inflammation in cardiovascular
  1465. BMP7 reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in diabetic tubulopathy
  1466. An ERP investigation of food cue responsivity in non-obese, weight gain prone individuals
  1467. High density lipoprotein is positively correlated with the changes in circulating total adiponectin and high molecular weight adiponectin during dietary and fenofibrate …
  1469. Examining physiological roles of adipose derived VEGF: Consequences in substrate availability and endurance exercise capacity in adipocyte specific VEGF …
  1470. Vascularization in Engineered Adipose Tissue
  1471. The culture and differentiation of human pluripotent cells into brown and white adipocytes
  1472. Lack of Association of Insulin Receptor Substrate Gene Polymorphisms with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
  1473. Inhibition of the IKK pathway restores PI3-K activity in high-fat fed rodent skeletal muscles
  1474. Role of NF-Kappa B (NF-κB) in diabetes
  1475. Isoenergetic feeding of low carbohydrate-high fat diets does not increase brown adipose tissue thermogenic capacity in rats
  1476. Lasting Effects on Body Weight and Mammary Gland Gene Expression in Female Mice upon Early Life Exposure to n-3 but Not n-6 High-Fat Diets
  1478. Adipose tissue engineering: Obesity disease model and soft tissue regeneration
  1479. Unravelling the link between insulin resistance and androgen excess
  1480. Hepatic expression of constitutively active IKKβ in mice induces low-grade inflammation, but does not cause insulin resistance: a protective role for A20?
  1481. 13 Obesity and Diabetes
  1482. The effect of endurance and resistance training on adiponectin in sedentary young woman
  1483. AMPK activators as a drug for diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease
  1484. On the horizon: new oral therapies for type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1485. Oestrogen signalling in white adipose progenitor cells inhibits differentiation into brown adipose and smooth muscle cells
  1486. Mechanisms Mediating Antidiabetic Effects of Serviceberry extracts, Curcumin, and Stilbenes
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  1488. Loss of adipocyte VEGF impairs endurance exercise capacity in mice
  1489. A critical appraisal of brown adipose tissue metabolism in humans
  1490. Gene expression of sternohyoid and diaphragm muscles in type 2 diabetic rats
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  1492. High fat diet increases tumor incidence in the intestine due to alterations in microbial communities and immune system
  1493. Insulin-and growth factor-resistance impairs vascular regeneration in diabetes mellitus
  1494. On the horizon: New oral therapies for type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1495. Bone mineral density is associated with total body weight loss ten years after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
  1496. Do anti-angiogenic cancer therapies increase risk of significant weight loss?
  1497. Pathogenesis of diabetes-tuberculosis comorbidity, The
  1498. Suppression of adipogenesis by pathogenic seipin mutant is associated with inflammatory response
  1499. ß-cell reserve in insulin resistant pregnant mice
  1500. Research Article Nerium oleander Distillate Improves Fat and Glucose Metabolism in High-Fat Diet-Fed Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
  1501. Omega 3 fatty acids promote macrophage reverse cholesterol transport in hamster fed high fat diet
  1502. Periodontitis modulates insulin signaling, c-Jun N-terminal kinase activity, IKK activity, and insulin receptor substrate-1 ser 307 phosphorylation in muscle and …
  1503. Cellular plasticity in white adipose tissue: in vivo identification of bipotent adipocyte progenitors in adult white adipose tissue
  1504. Effects of Exercise and Diet-Induced Weight Loss in Overweight/Obese Women on Characterization of Serum/White Blood Cells, microRNAs and Cytokine Gene …
  1505. #VALUE!
  1506. Insulin plant (Costus pictus) extract improves insulin sensitivity and ameliorates atherogenic dyslipidaemia in fructose induced insulin resistant rats: Molecular …
  1507. CHANGES Weight Management Service Evaluation
  1508. Studies Defining The Local Function of Adipose Tissue IGF1 And The Role of Lipolysis in Adipose Tissue Macrophage Lipid Uptake
  1509. Modified Si-Miao-San () regulates adipokine expression and ameliorates insulin resistance by targeting IKKβ/Insulin receptor substrate-1 in mice.
  1510. The interrelationship between insulin resistane and Alzheimer development
  1511. Factors of Inflammation in Haitian Americans and African Americans with and without Type 2 Diabetes
  1512. Genome-wide profiling of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ in primary epididymal, inguinal, and brown adipocytes reveals depot-selective binding …
  1513. Diabetes prevention education aimed at Dutch and Turkish relatives at risk: Development and evaluation of DiAlert
  1514. Identification of the NF-κB inhibitor A20 as a key regulator for human adipogenesis
  1515. Regulation of hepatic insulin receptor activity following injury
  1516. A meta-analysis of salicylates for type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1517. Resveratrol and Metformin Combination Therapy in Prevention and Treatment of Insulin Resistance
  1518. Impact of Co-Administration of Salicylic Acid with Glibenclamide in a Rat Model of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  1519. Effects of Amino Acids on the Regulation of Insulin Sensitivity in Skeletal Muscle Cells
  1520. Crosstalk between insulin and Toll-like receptor signaling pathways in the central nervous system
  1521. Peptides as targeting probes against tumor vasculature for diagnosis and drug delivery
  1522. The Effects of Salsalate on Biochemical Factors of Serum and Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes
  1523. Novel players in rescue of β-cells from inflammation-mediated destruction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  1524. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs activate NADPH oxidase in adipocytes and raise the H2O2 pool to prevent cAMP-stimulated protein kinase a …
  1525. #VALUE!
  1526. Alteration in lymphocyte population and humoral immune response in type 2 diabetic Goto–Kakizaki rats
  1527. Rosiglitazone inhibits hepatic insulin resistance induced by chronic pancreatitis and IKK-β/NF-κB expression in liver
  1528. prevents vascular endothelial dysfunction in a type 2 diabetic rat model
  1529. High dose of aspirin moderates diabetes-induced changes of heart glycogen/glucose metabolism in rats
  1530. Insulin transcytosis across adipose microvascular endothelial cells: Mechanism and physiological implications
  1531. Reversal of obesity-driven aggressiveness of endometrial cancer by metformin
  1532. Reversal of obesity and liver steatosis in mice via inhibition of aryl hydrocarbon receptor and altered gene expression of CYP1B1, PPARα, SCD1, and osteopontin
  1533. Adipose tissue supports normalization of macrophage and liver lipid handling in obesity reversal
  1534. Obesity-related perivascular adipose tissue damage is reversed by sustained weight loss in the rat
  1535. Reversal of high fat diet-induced obesity improves glucose tolerance, inflammatory response, β-amyloid accumulation and cognitive decline in the APP/PSEN1 mouse …
  1536. Reversal of obesity: The quest for the optimum dietary regimen
  1537. Nanotechnology advances towards development of targeted-treatment for obesity
  1538. Inhibiting glycogen synthase kinase 3 reverses obesity-induced white adipose tissue inflammation by regulating apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage/CD5L-mediated …
  1539. Short chain fatty acids in the colon and peripheral tissues: a focus on butyrate, colon cancer, obesity and insulin resistance
  1540. Reversal of obesity-driven aggressiveness of endometrial cancer by metformin
  1541. Resveratrol reverses the adverse effects of a diet-induced obese murine model on oocyte quality and zona pellucida softening
  1542. Obesity-linked PPARγ S273 phosphorylation promotes insulin resistance through growth differentiation factor 3
  1543. Obesity-related epigenetic changes after bariatric surgery
  1544. Blood-brain barriers in obesity
  1545. To be or not to be obese: Impact of obesity on lymphatic function
  1546. Anti-obesity and insulin-sensitising effects of a glycosaminoglycan mix
  1547. SUN-543 Real World Evidence of Successful Weight Management for the Obese Population: Complete Reversal of Obesity Related Metabolic Co-Morbidities …
  1548. Simvastatin has anti-tumorigenic effects in endometrial cancer via reversal of obesity-driven upregulation of lipid biosynthesis
  1549. Attenuation of Obesity, Hepatic Steatosis and Reversal of Atherosclerosis by the Flavonoids Naringenin and Nobiletin
  1550. Mild suppression of hyperinsulinemia to treat obesity and insulin resistance
  1551. Vascular targeted nanotherapeutic approach for obesity treatment
  1552. Dietary options for rodents in the study of obesity
  1553. Role of innate and adaptive immunity in obesity-associated metabolic disease
  1554. Dynamic energy balance and obesity prevention
  1555. Caloric restriction recovers impaired β-cell-β-cell gap junction coupling, calcium oscillation coordination, and insulin secretion in prediabetic mice
  1556. Genetics of obesity: can an old dog teach us new tricks?
  1557. Milestone weight loss goals (weight normalization and remission of obesity) after gastric bypass surgery: long-term results from the University of Michigan
  1558. Obesity and breast cancer–what’s new?
  1559. #VALUE!
  1560. Dual inhibition of cannabinoid CB1 receptor and inducible NOS attenuates obesity‐induced chronic kidney disease
  1561. Hypothalamic Pomc‐deficiency Impairs the Function of Leptin to Decrease Food Intake and Bodyweight
  1562. How does exercise support dietary approaches to weight loss and better health?
  1563. Comment on: Five-year changes in dietary intake and body composition in adolescents with severe obesity undergoing laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass …
  1564. Long-term remission of type 2 diabetes—two roads to the elusive goal
  1565. Naltrexone/bupropion for the treatment of obesity and obesity with Type 2 diabetes
  1566. Dietary management of obesity: a review of the evidence
  1567. Studies of perivascular adipose tissue function in obesity and following diet-induced weight loss
  1568. The obesity epidemic in the face of homeostatic body weight regulation: What went wrong and how can it be fixed?
  1569. Evidence-Based Guidelines for the Treatment of Obesity
  1570. Animal models of obesity and diabetes mellitus
  1571. Appetite control with relevance to mitochondrial biogenesis and activation of post-prandial lipid metabolism in obesity linked diabetes
  1572. Effect of obesity on bladder cancer and renal cell carcinoma incidence and survival
  1573. The effects of bariatric surgery on gut microbiota in patients with obesity: a review of the literature
  1574. Whole-Food Plant-Based Lifestyle Program and Decreased Obesity: A 10-Year Follow-up
  1575. Comprehensive molecular characterization of surgical vs. dietary weight loss: impact on mammary tumor burden
  1576. Promises of nanotherapeutics in obesity
  1577. Bilobalide abates inflammation, insulin resistance and secretion of angiogenic factors induced by hypoxia in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by controlling NF-κB and JNK …
  1578. The possible factors affecting microglial activation in cases of obesity with cognitive dysfunction
  1579. Vascular risk reduction in obesity through reduced granulocyte burden and improved angiogenic monocyte content following bariatric surgery
  1580. Preclinical efficacy of the GPER-selective agonist G-1 in mouse models of obesity and diabetes
  1581. Akkermansia muciniphila-Derived Extracellular Vesicles as a Mucosal Delivery Vector for Amelioration of Obesity in Mice
  1582. Caloric Restriction recovers impaired β-cell-β-cell coupling, calcium oscillation coordination and insulin secretion in prediabetic mice
  1583. Targeting IκB kinase β in adipocyte lineage cells for treatment of obesity and metabolic dysfunctions
  1584. Profound and redundant functions of arcuate neurons in obesity development
  1585. Angiogenesis in obesity
  1586. Understanding human physiological limitations and societal pressures in favor of overeating helps to avoid obesity
  1587. Obesity in older people: A new scenario and a new challenger
  1588. Potential role of aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling in childhood obesity
  1589. Childhood obesity plans already show progress, minister claims
  1590. Long-term exercise-secreted extracellular vesicles promote browning of white adipocytes by suppressing miR-191a-5p
  1591. Gastric bypass surgery in lean adolescent mice prevents diet-induced obesity later in life
  1592. Dietary nitrite reverses features of postmenopausal metabolic syndrome induced by high-fat diet and ovariectomy in mice
  1593. Dibenzazepine-loaded nanoparticles induce local browning of white adipose tissue to counteract obesity
  1594. Sleeve gastrectomy reversed obesity-induced hypogonadism in a rat model by regulating inflammatory responses in the hypothalamus and testis
  1595. Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside ameliorates palmitate-induced insulin resistance by modulating IRS-1 phosphorylation and release of endothelial derived vasoactive factors
  1596. TNP [N2-(m-Trifluorobenzyl), N6-(p-nitrobenzyl) purine] ameliorates diet induced obesity and insulin resistance via inhibition of the IP6K1 pathway
  1597. Attenuation of obesity and insulin resistance by fish oil supplementation is associated with improved skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in mice fed a high-fat diet
  1598. Differential effects of diet and weight on taste responses in diet‐induced obese mice
  1599. Potential relationship between dietary long-chain saturated fatty acids and hypothalamic dysfunction in obesity
  1600. Preventing diet-induced obesity in mice by adipose tissue transformation and angiogenesis using targeted nanoparticles
  1601. Perioperative course, weight loss and resolution of comorbidities after primary sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity: are there differences between adolescents and …
  1602. Prohibitin–At the crossroads of obesity-linked diabetes and cancer
  1604. Resolution of refractory iron deficiency anemia following sleeve gastrectomy in an adolescent with severe obesity
  1605. Persistent microbiome alterations modulate the rate of post-dieting weight regain
  1606. Legend of weight loss: a crosstalk between the bariatric surgery and the brain
  1607. Zfp423 maintains white adipocyte identity through suppression of the beige cell thermogenic gene program
  1608. Trained immunity: linking obesity and cardiovascular disease across the life-course?
  1609. Long-term atorvastatin or the combination of atorvastatin and nicotinamide ameliorate insulin resistance and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in a murine model of …
  1610. Exploring the impact of obesity on skeletal muscle function in older age
  1611. An eclectic cast of cellular actors orchestrates innate immune responses in the mechanisms driving obesity and metabolic perturbation
  1612. ASK1 (MAP3K5) is transcriptionally upregulated by E2F1 in adipose tissue in obesity, molecularly defining a human dys-metabolic obese phenotype
  1613. Obesity and metabolic health status are determinants for the clinical expression of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  1614. Beiging of white adipose tissue as a therapeutic strategy for weight loss in humans
  1615. Targeted delivery of CRISPR interference system against Fabp4 to white adipocytes ameliorates obesity, inflammation, hepatic steatosis, and insulin resistance
  1616. Obesity, body weight regulation and the brain: insights from fMRI
  1617. #VALUE!
  1618. Gut microbiota modulation and its relationship with obesity using prebiotic fibers and probiotics: a review
  1619. The correlation between cardiorespiratory fatigue and lower extremity joint moments in obese individuals and the associated reverse causation
  1620. Sex-associated preventive effects of low-dose aspirin on obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mouse offspring with over-nutrition in utero
  1621. Downward trends in the prevalence of childhood overweight in two pilot towns taking part in the VIASANO community‐based programme in B elgium: data from a …
  1622. DNA methylation changes more slowly than physiological states in response to weight loss in genetically diverse mouse strains
  1623. #VALUE!
  1624. The Effects of Diet Induced Obesity and Metabolic Irregularities on Hippocampal-Based Cognition and Neuroplasticity in Young Female and Male Rat
  1625. Turning the tables on obesity: young people, IT and social movements
  1626. Interleukin-37 treatment of mice with metabolic syndrome improves insulin sensitivity and reduces pro-inflammatory cytokine production in adipose tissue
  1627. Skeletal muscle inflammation and insulin resistance in obesity
  1628. New therapeutic approaches for the treatment of obesity
  1629. Transcriptional dysregulation of adipose tissue autophagy in obesity
  1630. Deletion of the glutaredoxin-2 gene protects mice from diet-induced weight gain, which correlates with increased mitochondrial respiration and proton leaks in skeletal …
  1631. Exercise, adipokines and pediatric obesity: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  1632. Pharmacotherapy of obesity: limits and perspectives
  1633. The role of WIC in obesity prevention
  1634. Neutrophil elastase regulates emergency myelopoiesis preceding systemic inflammation in diet-induced obesity
  1635. Obesity in adolescents and youth: the case for and against bariatric surgery
  1636. Association between exercise and treatment with liraglutide in obese rats by cafeteria diet
  1637. Adipose tissue heterogeneity-development and application of nonlinear microscopy methods
  1638. Obesity prevention in a city state: lessons from New York City during the Bloomberg Administration
  1639. Link between chemerin, central obesity, and parameters of the Metabolic Syndrome: findings from a longitudinal study in obese children participating in a lifestyle …
  1640. Obesity and associated comorbidities in people and companion animals: a one health perspective
  1641. An Extract of Russian Tarragon Prevents Obesity‐Related Ectopic Lipid Accumulation
  1642. Transgenerational epigenetics, paternal obesity, and insulin resistance
  1643. Post-dieting weight gain: the role of persistent microbiome changes
  1644. Vascular endothelial regulation of obesity-associated insulin resistance
  1645. Selective activation of Gs signaling in adipocytes causes striking metabolic improvements in mice
  1646. #VALUE!
  1647. Prohibitin: A new player in immunometabolism and in linking obesity and inflammation with cancer
  1648. How do structurally distinct compounds exert functionally identical effects in combating obesity?
  1649. Peptide-functionalized quantum dots for potential applications in the imaging and treatment of obesity
  1650. Targeted proapoptotic peptides depleting adipose stromal cells inhibit tumor growth
  1651. A systematic review of studies of DNA methylation in the context of a weight loss intervention
  1652. Targeting ceramide metabolism in obesity
  1653. Chronic adipose tissue inflammation linking obesity to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
  1654. Food for thought: reward mechanisms and hedonic overeating in obesity
  1655. Adipocyte cannabinoid receptor CB1 regulates energy homeostasis and alternatively activated macrophages
  1656. The gut microbiome, obesity, and weight control in women’s reproductive health
  1657. Carotenoids and carotenoid conversion products in adipose tissue biology and obesity: Pre-clinical and human studies
  1658. A transcriptomic analysis reveals novel patterns of gene expression during 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation
  1659. Effect of resveratrol on adipokines and myokines involved in fat browning: Perspectives in healthy weight against obesity
  1660. Visceral adipose tissue macrophage-targeted TACE silencing to treat obesity-induced type 2 diabetes
  1661. #VALUE!
  1662. Food cues and obesity: overpowering hormones and energy balance regulation
  1663. The role of the Nrf2 signaling in obesity and insulin resistance
  1664. Activation of neuregulin-4 in adipocytes improves metabolic health by enhancing adipose tissue angiogenesis
  1665. Mouse modeling of obese lung disease. Insights and caveats
  1666. Steroid metabolomic signature of insulin resistance in childhood obesity
  1667. PDGFRβ regulates adipose tissue expansion and glucose metabolism via vascular remodeling in diet-induced obesity
  1668. Microbial medicine: prebiotic and probiotic functional foods to target obesity and metabolic syndrome
  1669. P62 plasmid can alleviate diet-induced obesity and metabolic dysfunctions
  1670. Brown adipose tissue imaging using the TSPO tracer [18F] fluoromethyl-PBR28-d2: A comparison with [18F] FDG
  1671. Deletion of interleukin 1 receptor-associated kinase 1 (Irak1) improves glucose tolerance primarily by increasing insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle
  1672. Thyme oxymel by improving of inflammation, oxidative stress, dyslipidemia and homeostasis of some trace elements ameliorates obesity induced by high …
  1673. Obesity and cardiovascular disease: a risk factor or a risk marker?
  1674. Wnt signaling mediates TLR pathway and promote unrestrained adipogenesis and metaflammation: therapeutic targets for obesity and type 2 diabetes
  1675. Adipocyte dysfunction, inflammation, and insulin resistance in obesity
  1676. Association of oxytocin with glucose intolerance and inflammation biomarkers in metabolic syndrome patients with and without prediabetes
  1677. Vascular risk in obesity: Facts, misconceptions and the unknown
  1678. Investigating the Role of LRG1 in Obesity and Adipose Tissue Remodelling
  1679. Altered adipose tissue and adipocyte function in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome
  1680. Adipose natural killer cells regulate adipose tissue macrophages to promote insulin resistance in obesity
  1681. Mast cell stabilizers obviate high fat diet-induced renal dysfunction in rats
  1682. 10 Mechanisms Mediating Obesity-Induced Inflammation and Insulin Resistance
  1683. Gut microbiota as a trigger for metabolic inflammation in obesity and type 2 diabetes
  1684. High fat diet and associated changes in the expression of micro‐RNAs in tissue: Lessons learned from animal studies
  1685. Fatty acids and chronic low grade inflammation associated with obesity and the metabolic syndrome
  1686. Central serotonin transporter availability in highly obese individuals compared with non-obese controls: A [11C] DASB positron emission tomography study
  1687. Adiposity as a full mediator of the influence of cardiorespiratory fitness and inflammation in schoolchildren: The FUPRECOL Study
  1688. Weight management and physical activity throughout the cancer care continuum
  1689. Sacubitril/valsartan inhibits obesity-associated diastolic dysfunction through suppression of ventricular-vascular stiffness
  1690. Obesity and the acute respiratory distress syndrome
  1691. Saturated fatty acids, obesity, and the nucleotide oligomerization domain–like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome in asthmatic patients
  1692. Hypoglycemic activity of 6-bromoembelin and vilangin in high-fat diet fed-streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetic rats and molecular docking studies
  1693. Inflammatory signaling and brown fat activity
  1694. Targeting innate immune mediators in type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  1695. Brassinin, a phytoalexin in cruciferous vegetables, suppresses obesity‐induced inflammatory responses through the Nrf2‐HO‐1 signaling pathway in an adipocyte …
  1696. Treatment of insulin resistance in obesity-associated type 2 diabetes mellitus through adiponectin gene therapy
  1697. Training motor responses to food: A novel treatment for obesity targeting implicit processes
  1698. Obesity 13 of Diabetes
  1699. Levels of metabolic markers in drug-naive prediabetic and type 2 diabetic patients
  1700. Obesity as a Disease
  1701. Diabetes Mellitus and Glucose Metabolism
  1702. Anti-inflammatory actions of (−)-epicatechin in the adipose tissue of obese mice
  1703. A phytoestrogen secoisolariciresinol diglucoside induces browning of white adipose tissue and activates non-shivering thermogenesis through AMPK pathway
  1704. Effects of mixed carotenoids on adipokines and abdominal adiposity in children: a pilot study
  1705. Cellular aging contributes to failure of cold-induced beige adipocyte formation in old mice and humans
  1706. 2-OHOA supplementation reduced adiposity and improved cardiometabolic risk to a greater extent than n-3 PUFA in obese mice
  1707. Obesity causes irreversible mitochondria failure in visceral adipose tissue despite successful anti-obesogenic lifestyle-based interventions
  1708. Effect of 8 weeks sprint interval training on serum levels of Adiponectin and insulin in overweight children
  1709. Role of mitochondria in the skeletal muscle metabolism in obesity and type 2 diabetes
  1710. Insulin-sparing and fungible effects of E4orf1 combined with an adipocyte-targeting sequence in mouse models of type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  1711. Curcumin prevents inflammatory response, oxidative stress and insulin resistance in high fructose fed male Wistar rats: Potential role of serine kinases
  1712. IKKβ is essential for adipocyte survival and adaptive adipose remodeling in obesity
  1713. Decreasing CB1 receptor signaling in Kupffer cells improves insulin sensitivity in obese mice
  1714. MS-275, a class 1 histone deacetylase inhibitor augments glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonism to improve glycemic control and reduce obesity in diet-induced …
  1715. Neuroinflammation and white matter alterations in obesity assessed by diffusion basis spectrum imaging
  1716. Exercise-induced adaptations to white and brown adipose tissue
  1717. The colors of adipose tissue
  1718. Lysimachia Capillipes inhibit adipogenesis via angiogenesis inhibition
  1719. Neural vulnerability factors that increase risk for future weight gain.
  1720. Obesity, estrogens and adipose tissue dysfunction–implications for pulmonary arterial hypertension
  1721. Intermittent fasting and ‘metabolic switch’: Effects on metabolic syndrome, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
  1722. Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) as an inflammatory marker in type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity
  1723. Regulatory roles of invariant natural killer T cells in adipose tissue inflammation: defenders against obesity-induced metabolic complications
  1724. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency improves insulin resistance with reduced adipose tissue inflammation in obesity
  1725. Hypothalamic insulin-sensitizing effect of exenatide in dietary induced rat model of obesity
  1726. Metabolic Abnormalities and Adipose Tissue Leukocyte Dynamics in a Murine Model of Obesity, Weight Loss, and Weight Regain
  1727. Luteolin reduces adipose tissue macrophage inflammation and insulin resistance in postmenopausal obese mice
  1728. Adipose tissue inflammation in insulin resistance: review of mechanisms mediating anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
  1729. Peptides and peptidomimetics as potential antiobesity agents: overview of current status
  1730. Sex differences in sympathetic innervation and browning of white adipose tissue of mice
  1731. Brown adipose tissue: The heat is on the heart
  1732. The stability of children’s weight status over time, and the role of television, physical activity, and diet
  1733. Elevated Serum Levels of Adropin in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Association with Insulin Resistance Insulin Resistance
  1734. Adipokines: potential therapeutic targets for vascular dysfunction in type II diabetes mellitus and obesity
  1735. Repeatability of brown adipose tissue measurements on FDG PET/CT following a simple cooling procedure for BAT activation
  1736. Association of high-fat diet with neuroinflammation, anxiety-like defensive behavioral responses, and altered thermoregulatory responses in male rats
  1737. Mechanisms of Obesity Induced Impairment of Reproduction
  1738. Physical Exercise and White Adipose Tissue Plasticity in the Context of Obesity
  1739. Effect of short‐term probiotic Enterococcus faecium SF68 dietary supplementation in overweight and obese cats without comorbidities
  1740. Effects of microalgal polyunsaturated fatty acid oil on body weight and lipid accumulation in the liver of C57BL/6 mice fed a high fat diet
  1741. Corn oil versus lard: Metabolic effects of omega-3 fatty acids in mice fed obesogenic diets with different fatty acid composition
  1742. Obesity, NASH, and HCC
  1743. Nanomedicine for obesity treatment
  1744. Obesity accelerates age defects in mouse and human B cells
  1745. Structured Physical Activity and Dietary Education Program for Obese Adolescents: An Evaluation of a Quality Improvement Project at a Rural Primary Care Clinic
  1746. Alteration of adipose tissue immune cell milieu towards the suppression of inflammation in high fat diet fed mice by flaxseed oil supplementation
  1747. Differential modulation of white adipose tissue endocannabinoid levels by n-3 fatty acids in obese mice and type 2 diabetic patients
  1748. Dietary supplementation with purified citrus limonin glucoside does not alter ex vivo functions of circulating T lymphocytes or monocytes in overweight/obese human …
  1749. Current mechanisms in obesity and tumor progression
  1750. The role of ceramides in insulin resistance
  1751. Endothelial cells: new players in obesity and related metabolic disorders
  1752. Fructose-enriched diet induces inflammation and reduces antioxidative defense in visceral adipose tissue of young female rats
  1753. Exendin-4 modifies adipogenesis of human adipose-derived stromal cells isolated from omentum through multiple mechanisms
  1754. Clinical Manifestations of Insulin Resistance in Youth
  1755. Therapeutic approaches targeting inflammation for diabetes and associated cardiovascular risk
  1756. The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor and Diet-Induced Obesity: An Investigation of How the Canonical Toxicant Receptor Modulates the Obese State via Activation and …
  1757. Catabolic and anabolic faces of insulin resistance and their disorders: a new insight into circadian control of metabolic disorders leading to diabetes
  1758. Feeding obese diabetic mice a genistein diet induces thermogenic and metabolic change
  1759. Plasma acylcarnitines and amino acid levels as an early complex biomarker of propensity to high-fat diet-induced obesity in mice
  1760. Aegeline inspired synthesis of novel β3-AR agonist improves insulin sensitivity in vitro and in vivo models of insulin resistance
  1761. Functional and molecular adaptations of enteroendocrine L-cells in male obese mice are associated with preservation of pancreatic α-cell function and prevention of …
  1762. Roles of daily diet and beta-adrenergic system in the treatment of obesity and diabetes
  1763. Type II diabetes mellitus and obesity: Common links, existing therapeutics and future developments
  1764. Multiple benefits of targeting inflammation in the treatment of type 2 diabetes
  1765. Meta-inflammation and cardiometabolic disease in obesity: Can heat therapy help?
  1766. Stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF1) attenuates platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B)-induced vascular remodeling for adipose tissue expansion in obesity
  1767. Targeted hyaluronate–hollow gold nanosphere conjugate for anti-obesity photothermal lipolysis
  1768. Anti-toll-like receptor 2 antibody ameliorates hepatic injury, inflammation, fibrosis and steatosis in obesity-related metabolic disorder rats via regulating MAPK and NF …
  1769. Stem cell and obesity: current state and future perspective
  1770. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ in white and brown adipocyte regulation and differentiation
  1771. Evaluation of Urolithin, a Pomegranate Metabolite as an Inhibitor of Obesity Driven Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Inflammation
  1772. The protective effects of Chinese yam polysaccharide against obesity-induced insulin resistance
  1773. Urtica dioica Whole Vegetable as a Functional Food Targeting Fat Accumulation and Insulin Resistance-a Preliminary Study in a Mouse Pre-Diabetic Model
  1774. Effects of growth hormone on uncoupling protein 1 in white adipose tissues in obese mice
  1775. Clinical application potential of small molecules that induce brown adipose tissue thermogenesis by improving fat metabolism
  1776. Effect of an 8-week individualized training program on blood biomarkers, adipokines and endothelial function in obese young adolescents with and without metabolic …
  1777. ASK1 (MAP3K5) is transcriptionally upregulated by E2F1 in adipose tissue in obesity, molecularly defining a human dys-metabolic obese phenotype
  1778. Insulin resistance in HIV-patients: causes and consequences
  1779. Non-glycanated decorin is a drug target on human adipose stromal cells
  1780. The effect of saffron on weight and lipid profile: A systematic review, meta‐analysis, and dose–response of randomized clinical trials
  1781. Browning of white adipose tissue induced by the ß3 agonist CL-316,243 after local and systemic treatment-PK-PD relationship
  1782. Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium Linné) Improves Obesity by Regulating Adipogenesis and Thermogenesis through AMPK Activation
  1783. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor in energy balance: the road from dioxin-induced wasting syndrome to combating obesity with ahr ligands
  1784. CREG1 heterozygous mice are susceptible to high fat diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance
  1785. Flaxseed oil alleviates chronic HFD-induced insulin resistance through remodeling lipid homeostasis in obese adipose tissue
  1786. Premature ejaculation in type II diabetes mellitus patients: association with glycemic control
  1787. Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside inhibits adipogenesis through the AMPK pathway
  1788. ASK1 (MAP3K5) is transcriptionally upregulated by E2F1 in adipose tissue in obesity
  1789. Beneficial Health Effect of Aquarobics (Role of Adiponectin on Women with Obesity)
  1790. Essential roles for the non-canonical IκB kinases in linking inflammation to cancer, obesity, and diabetes
  1791. Intake of a Western diet containing cod instead of pork alters fatty acid composition in tissue phospholipids and attenuates obesity and hepatic lipid accumulation in …
  1792. Dietary Supplementation with Dunaliella Tertiolecta Prevents Whitening of Brown Fat and Controls Diet-Induced Obesity at Thermoneutrality in Mice
  1793. Muscle insulin resistance and the inflamed microvasculature: fire from within
  1794. Obesity and inflammation: Role of adipokines
  1795. Adipose tissue remodeling: its role in energy metabolism and metabolic disorders
  1796. MKK6 controls T3-mediated browning of white adipose tissue
  1797. A Retrospective Comparative Analysis on the Effectiveness of Pharmacologic Weight Loss
  1798. Macrophage infiltration into obese adipose tissues suppresses the induction of UCP1 level in mice
  1799. Latent inflammation and insulin resistance in adipose tissue
  1800. Influences of nutritional food label understanding in African-American Women with obesity
  1801. Classifying the linkage between adipose tissue inflammation and tumor growth through cancer-associated adipocytes
  1802. Effects of recombinant irisin on body mass index, serum insulin, luteinizing hormone and testosterone levels in obese female BALB/c mice
  1803. Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Expression in Mice with Altered Growth Hormone Action: Links to Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and Increased Longevity
  1804. Comprehensive functional screening of miRNAs involved in fat cell insulin sensitivity among women
  1805. (-)-Epicatechin and its metabolites prevent palmitate-induced NADPH oxidase upregulation, oxidative stress and insulin resistance in HepG2 cells
  1806. Metabolic and molecular mechanisms of macrophage polarisation and adipose tissue insulin resistance
  1807. Interplay between H6PDH and 11β-HSD1 implicated in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1808. Curcumin inhibits lipolysis via suppression of ER stress in adipose tissue and prevents hepatic insulin resistance [S]
  1809. Humans and mice display opposing patterns of “browning” gene expression in visceral and subcutaneous white adipose tissue depots
  1810. Influences of Nutritional Food Label Understanding on African American Women with Obesity
  1811. PI3Ka-Akt1-mediated Prdm4 induction in adipose tissue increases energy expenditure, inhibits weight gain, and improves insulin resistance in diet-induced …
  1812. Using neuroimaging to investigate the impact of Mandolean® training in young people with obesity: a pilot randomised controlled trial
  1813. Pro-inflammatory macrophages coupled with glycolysis remodel adipose vasculature by producing platelet-derived growth factor-B in obesity
  1814. Hypoglycaemic effect and mechanism of an RG-II type polysaccharide purified from Aconitum coreanum in diet-induced obese mice
  1815. Weight gain is associated with changes in neural response to palatable food tastes varying in sugar and fat and palatable food images: a repeated-measures fMRI …
  1816. Managing the Obese Living Kidney Donor
  1817. Drugs involved in dyslipidemia and obesity treatment: focus on adipose tissue
  1818. Exercise regulation of adipose tissue
  1819. Combined effect of metformin with ascorbic acid versus acetyl salicylic acid on diabetes-related cardiovascular complication; a 12-month single blind …
  1820. Corosolic acid inhibits adipose tissue inflammation and ameliorates insulin resistance via AMPK activation in high-fat fed mice
  1821. Obesity and Exercice: Effects of different Chronic Exercise Models on visceralapipose tissue from obese animals.
  1822. Prohibitin in adipose and immune functions
  1823. Adipose tissue distribution, inflammation and its metabolic consequences, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  1824. Does physical activity-based intervention improve systemic proinflammatory cytokine levels in overweight or obese children and adolescents? Insights from a meta …
  1825. Nutritional properties of protein sources on diet-induced obesity, hepatic lipid accumulation, and fatty acid composition in mice
  1826. Innate obesity, revealed by selection markers, confers significant imprint of hypothalamic genes controlling energy expenditure
  1827. Type 2 diabetes and its impact on the immune system
  1828. Molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance: An update
  1829. Prohibitin/annexin 2 interaction regulates fatty acid transport in adipose tissue
  1830. Chenodeoxycholic acid attenuates high‑fat diet‑induced obesity and hyperglycemia via the G protein‑coupled bile acid receptor 1 and proliferator‑activated …
  1831. Heat therapy improves glucose tolerance and adipose tissue insulin signaling in polycystic ovary syndrome
  1832. EPA and DHA elicit distinct transcriptional responses to high-fat feeding in skeletal muscle and liver
  1833. Pentamethylquercetin induces adipose browning and exerts beneficial effects in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and high-fat diet-fed mice
  1834. Adipose tissue: a safe haven for parasites?
  1835. GNB3 overexpression causes obesity and metabolic syndrome
  1836. PAQR3 regulates phosphorylation of FoxO1 in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells via NF-κB signaling pathway
  1837. Antisense oligonucleotide and thyroid hormone conjugates for obesity treatment
  1838. Searching for evidence of an anti-inflammatory diet in children: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials for pediatric obesity interventions with a focus on …
  1839. Weight suppression increases odds for future onset of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and purging disorder, but not binge eating disorder
  1840. Aspirin mitigated tumor growth in obese mice involving metabolic inhibition
  1841. Obese adipose tissue secretion induces inflammation in preadipocytes: Role of Toll-like receptor-4
  1842. NAFLD and diabetes mellitus
  1843. Efficacy of weight loss intervention can be predicted based on early alterations of fMRI food cue reactivity in the striatum
  1844. Mitochondrial Damage Accumulation in Oocytes-A Potential Link Between Maternal Obesity and Increased Cardiometabolic Disease Risk in Offspring
  1845. Salsalate activates skeletal muscle thermogenesis and protects mice from high-fat diet induced metabolic dysfunction
  1846. Control of brown and beige fat development
  1847. A possible Role of Salicylates in Diabetes Type II
  1848. Metabolic health, insulin, and breast cancer: why oncologists should care about insulin
  1849. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease induced by high-fat diet in C57bl/6 models
  1850. Different and unequal: a qualitative evaluation of salient factors influencing energy intake in adults with overweight and obesity
  1851. Mechanisms of inflammatory responses and development of insulin resistance: how are they interlinked?
  1852. Layperson-led vs professional-led behavioral interventions for weight loss in pediatric obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  1853. Renal insulin sensitizing effect of exenatide in a high-fat diet obesity rat model
  1854. Inflammation in human adipose tissues–Shades of gray, rather than white and brown
  1855. Differential expression network analysis for diabetes mellitus type 2 based on expressed level of islet cells
  1856. Hypocaloric versus Ad Libitum Diet on Cardiometabolic Markers and Microbiota of Overweight Individuals Performing Intense Exercise
  1857. Viral and nonviral transfer of genetic materials to adipose tissues: Toward a gold standard approach
  1858. Adipose stromal cell expansion and exhaustion: mechanisms and consequences
  1859. Hypertension in diabetes and the risk of cardiovascular disease
  1860. The mechanism by which safflower yellow decreases body fat mass and improves insulin sensitivity in HFD-induced obese mice
  1861. Postnatal leptin surge is critical for the transient induction of the developmental beige adipocytes in mice
  1862. The effects of metformin on high-fat diet-induced neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment
  1863. Aberrant DNA methylation of Tgfb1 in diabetic kidney mesangial cells
  1864. Unsaturated fatty acids from flaxseed oil and exercise modulate GPR120 but not GPR40 in the liver of obese mice: a new anti-inflammatory approach
  1865. Preliminary report of inflammatory markers, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance in adolescents of different ethnicities
  1866. Adipocyte-secreted chemerin is processed to a variety of isoforms and influences MMP3 and chemokine secretion through an NFkB-dependent mechanism
  1867. TonEBP in macrophages and adipocytes contributes to obesity and type 2 diabetes
  1868. Ageing, colonic health, obesity and the gut microbiota
  1869. TNF-α as an adipokine
  1870. Parental Self-Efficacy, Feeding Practices and Styles, and Obesity in Mexican American Children
  1871. Environmental obesogens and their impact on susceptibility to obesity: new mechanisms
  1872. Chronic ephedrine administration decreases brown adipose tissue activity in a randomised controlled human trial: implications for obesity
  1873. #VALUE!
  1874. Dietary intake, nutritional status and energy metabolism in adolescents with severe obesity-Effects of gastric bypass surgery
  1875. Sustained anti-obesity effects of life-style change and anti-inflammatory interventions after conditional inactivation of the activin receptor ALK7
  1876. Impact of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Metabolic Control in Severely Obese Patients
  1877. Exercise-induced adaptations to adipose tissue thermogenesis
  1878. Lack of TRPV 2 impairs thermogenesis in mouse brown adipose tissue
  1879. Trends in research and development of phenolic phytochemicals as potential antidiabetic therapeutics
  1880. Liraglutide and insulin have contrary effects on adipogenesis of human adipose-derived stem cells via wnt pathway
  1881. Linseed oil improves hepatic insulin resistance in obese mice through modulating mitochondrial quality control
  1882. The role of HMGB1 in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes
  1883. Antidiabetic, lipid normalizing, and nephroprotective actions of the strawberry: A potent supplementary fruit
  1885. Glucagon-like peptide-2 treatment improves glucose dysmetabolism in mice fed a high-fat diet
  1886. Weight loss management in client-owned horses
  1887. Reduced number of adipose lineage and endothelial cells in epididymal fat in response to omega-3 PUFA in mice fed high-fat diet
  1888. In obese mice, exercise training increases 11β-HSD1 expression, contributing to glucocorticoid activation and suppression of pulmonary inflammation
  1889. Harmine induces adipocyte thermogenesis through RAC1-MEK-ERK-CHD4 Axis
  1890. Association of Atp2a1 Rs3888190 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism with Obesity and Allergic Conditions among Utar Kampar Campus Students
  1891. Schistosoma Infection and Schistosoma-Derived Products Modulate the Immune Responses Associated with Protection against Type 2 Diabetes
  1892. Micronutrient supplementation to improve the impact of paternal obesity on subsequent generations
  1893. Saponins from Boussingaultia gracilis prevent obesity and related metabolic impairments in diet-induced obese mice
  1894. Interplay between dietary sugars and fats and insulin resistance
  1895. Inhibition of inflammatory signaling pathways in 3T3‐L1 adipocytes by apolipoprotein A‐I
  1896. The Role of Christine A Saponins Molecules in the Control of Mild Chronic Inflammation in Obesity Related with Type-II Diabetes Mellitus
  1897. Eosinophil function in adipose tissue is regulated by Krüppel-like factor 3 (KLF3)
  1898. Type 2 diabetes mellitus: Prevalence and risk factors
  1899. Potent antihyperglycemic and hypoglycemic effect of Tamarix articulata Vahl. in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  1900. Low-intensity exercise in the prevention of cardiac insulin resistance-related inflammation and disturbances in NOS and MMP-9 regulation in fructose-fed …
  1901. Alterations in niban gene expression as a response to stress conditions in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
  1902. CD8+ T cell/adipocyte inflammatory cross talk and ensuing M1 macrophage polarization are reduced by fish-oil-derived n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, in part by a …
  1903. β-adrenergic receptor signaling evokes the PKA-ASK axis in mature brown adipocytes
  1904. IKK/NF-κB-regulated Inflammatory Pathway in Human Adipocytes: Implication in Subsequent Contribution to Insulin Resistance and Atherosclerosis
  1905. Systems biology will direct vascular-targeted therapy for obesity
  1906. Remodeling of rat stromal-vascular cells to brite/beige adipocytes by prolyl-hydroxyproline
  1907. Insulin signaling and reduced glucocorticoid receptor activity attenuate postprandial gene expression in liver
  1908. Protein kinase A induces UCP1 expression in specific adipose depots to increase energy expenditure and improve metabolic health
  1909. Omega-3 fatty acids and adipose tissue biology
  1910. Toll-like receptor-4 signaling mediates inflammation and tissue injury in diabetic nephropathy
  1912. Protectin DX ameliorates palmitate-or high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance and inflammation through an AMPK-PPARα-dependent pathway in mice
  1913. Browning of white fat: agents and implications for beige adipose tissue to type 2 diabetes
  1914. Investigation of mechanisms of insulin-regulated lipolysis via ABHD15.
  1915. Effects of vaspin on insulin resistance in rats and underlying mechanisms
  1916. Deficiency of adipocyte IKKβ affects atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability in obese LDLR deficient mice
  1917. 11β-HSD1 Modulates the Set Point of Brown Adipose Tissue Response to Glucocorticoids in Male Mice
  1918. Study on development of brown and beige adipocytes in mice: effect of age and diet-induced obesity
  1919. Celastrol attenuates mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation in palmitate-mediated insulin resistance in C3A hepatocytes
  1920. Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Adipocytokines as Markers of Insulin Resistance
  1921. Platelet count and 8-year incidence of diabetes: The Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study
  1922. Association between serum C-reactive protein and serum gamma-glutamyl transferase with type 2 diabetes in the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor …
  1923. Molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance
  1924. The Adipose Organ: Cold Acclimation
  1925. Exercise, heat shock proteins and insulin resistance
  1926. NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition with MCC950 improves insulin sensitivity and inflammation in a mouse model of frontotemporal dementia
  1927. Micronutrient deficiency, a novel nutritional risk factor for insulin resistance and Syndrom X
  1928. Anti-inflammatory agents in the treatment of diabetes and its vascular complications
  1929. Effect of dietary pretreatment and obesity on (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) mediated hepatotoxicity and the underlying mechanism
  1930. Inflammation is not a contributing factor in the development of insulin resistance in diet induced obesity in rats
  1931. Consequences of exposure to maternal diabetes on offspring puberty and adiposity
  1932. Browning and Beiging of Adipose Tissue: Its Role in the Regulation of Energy Homeostasis and as a Potential Target for Alleviating Metabolic Diseases …
  1933. Uncoupling Lipid Metabolism from Inflammation in Adipose Tissue
  1935. Artemisinin mimics nitric oxide to reduce adipose weight by targeting mitochondrial complexes
  1936. #VALUE!
  1937. Dlgap1 negatively regulates browning of white fat cells through effects on cell proliferation and apoptosis
  1938. The interaction between prohibitin-1 and sex steroid hormones in adipogenesis
  1939. Association Between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Promoter of Adiponectin Gene, Hypoadiponectinemia, and Diabetes
  1940. Adipocyte Gi signaling is essential for maintaining whole-body glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity
  1941. Theoretical review: Effect of caffeine intake on food consumption patterns and body weight gain
  1942. A PRDM16-driven metabolic signal from adipocytes regulates precursor cell fate
  1943. HOMA-estimated insulin resistance as an independent prognostic factor in patients with acute pancreatitis
  1944. w Adherence to Weight Loss and Physical Activity
  1945. Transcriptional, Epigenetic and Lipidomic Responses to Metabolic Interventions: Implications for Human Obesity
  1946. Rosiglitazone elicits an adiponectin-mediated insulin-sensitizing action at the adipose tissue-liver axis in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima fatty rats
  1947. Repeated ozone exposure exacerbates insulin resistance and activates innate immune response in genetically susceptible mice
  1948. Omega-3 fatty acids as feed supplement modulates blood formation and body weight in Rattus norvegicus model
  1949. MKK6 controls T3-mediated browning of white adipose tissue
  1950. Associations of brain reactivity to food cues with weight loss, protein intake and dietary restraint during the PREVIEW intervention
  1951. IRS proteins and diabetic complications
  1952. Intestinal microbial metabolites in human metabolism and type 2 diabetes
  1953. Leptin Repolarizes Tumor-Associated Macrophages to Boost Immunotherapy Efficacy in Obesity
  1954. Protective effects of Ficus carica leaves on glucose and lipids levels, carbohydrate metabolism enzymes and β-cells in type 2 diabetic rats
  1955. Targeted molecular magnetic resonance imaging detects brown adipose tissue with ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide
  1956. #VALUE!
  1957. Diabetes and sepsis: risk, recurrence, and ruination
  1958. Lysine-specific demethylase 1 promotes brown adipose tissue thermogenesis via repressing glucocorticoid activation
  1959. 3,5 Diiodo-l-Thyronine (T2) Promotes the Browning of White Adipose Tissue in High-Fat Diet-Induced Overweight Male Rats Housed at Thermoneutrality
  1960. Cross-talk between adipose tissue health, myocardial metabolism and vascular function: the adipose-myocardial and adipose-vascular axes
  1961. Adipose tissue: Development, physiology, and pathophysiology
  1962. Aptamers: novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools for diabetes mellitus and metabolic diseases
  1963. Flaxseed oil attenuates hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in mice by rescuing the adaption to ER stress
  1964. Effects of α-lipoic acid on lipid metabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis in adipocytes: study of the molecular mechanisms involved
  1965. Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 regulates white, beige and brown adipose tissue
  1966. Weight management in horses: relationships among digestible energy intake, body weight, and body condition
  1967. Graphical abstract Chapter 3: PEDF-induced alteration of metabolism leading to insulin resistance
  1968. The Effects of Interleukin-10 on Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance and Myogenesis
  1969. Duration of a” Brown-Like” Phenotype of White Adipose Tissue Induced by the β3 Agonist CL-316,243
  1970. The Anti-Obesogenic Effect of Lean Fish Species Is Influenced by the Fatty Acid Composition in Fish Fillets
  1971. Oxygen-Dependent Regulation of Fatty Acid Metabolism and Endoplasmic Reticulum Function in Adipocytes
  1972. Lowering effects of aspirin eugenol ester on blood lipids in rats with high fat diet
  1973. Fármacos usados no tratamento da dislipidemia e da obesidade: foco no tecido adiposo/Drugs involved in dyslipidemia and obesity treatment: focus on …
  1974. Exercise training induces depot-specific adaptations to white and brown adipose tissue
  1975. Amelioration of high-insulin-induced skeletal muscle cell insulin resistance by resveratrol is linked to activation of AMPK and restoration of GLUT4 translocation
  1976. New advances in our understanding of the control and functions of brown adipose tissue thermogenesis
  1977. TSH promotes adiposity by inhibiting the browning of white fat
  1978. Association of daily home-based hot water bathing and glycemic control in ambulatory japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic …
  1979. Serum CXCL2 Level Can Predict High-Fat Diet-Induced Impairment of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  1980. Metabolomic response of skeletal muscle to aerobic exercise training in insulin resistant type 1 diabetic rats
  1981. Adipose Sensory Nerves: Functional and Neuroanatomical Evidence for Their Emerging Role in Energy Balance
  1982. #VALUE!
  1983. Small Ubiquitin-Like Modifier 4 (SUMO4) Gene M55V Polymorphism and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-analysis Including 6,823 Subjects
  1984. The effect of concurrent aerobic and resistance exercises on glucose homeostasis and serum HS-CRP in overweight and obese anxious adolescent girls
  1985. Therapeutic methods against insulin resistance
  1986. Thyroid hormone status defines brown adipose tissue activity and browning of white adipose tissues in mice
  1987. Acute insulin deprivation results in altered mitochondrial substrate sensitivity conducive to greater fatty acid transport
  1988. Low-dose aspirin improves glucose uptake and attenuates inflammation in rats fed high-fat diet
  1989. Panx1 and Panx3 Regulate Adipocyte Development and Fat Accumulation in Vivo
  1990. Mechanisms of action of ginger in nuclear factor-kappaB signaling pathways in diabetes
  1991. Adiposity and Health in Zoo African and Asian Elephants
  1992. The potential roles of artemisinin and its derivatives in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1993. Transgenerational glucose intolerance of tumor necrosis factor with epigenetic alteration in rat perirenal adipose tissue induced by intrauterine hyperglycemia
  1994. PHD3 regulates glucose metabolism by suppressing stress-induced signalling and optimising gluconeogenesis and insulin signalling in hepatocytes
  1995. Role of macrophages in depot-dependent browning of white adipose tissue
  1996. The Effect of Endurance Training on Adiponectin and Insulin Resistance in Overweight Female University Students.
  1997. Fármacos Usados no Tratamento da Dislipidemia e da Obesidade: Foco no Tecido Adiposo
  1998. In Vitro Effects of Oil’s Fatty Acids on T-Cell Function of Obese Men
  1999. Being big, becoming small: conversations with Māori women about weight loss surgery: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of …
  2000. #VALUE!
  2001. Food-predicting stimuli differentially influence eye movements and goal-directed behavior in normal-weight, overweight, and obese individuals
  2002. Oxidative stress and diabetes: antioxidative strategies
  2003. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Acts as a Risk Factor for the Development of Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
  2004. Association between normal triglyceride and insulin resistance in US adults without other risk factors: a cross-sectional study from the US National Health and …
  2005. Abscisic acid supplementation rescues high fat diet-induced alterations in hippocampal inflammation and IRSs expression
  2006. Astragaloside IV Inhibits Adipose Lipolysis and Reduces Hepatic Glucose Production via Akt Dependent PDE3B Expression in HFD-Fed Mice
  2007. Novel Adipose Tissue Targets to Prevent and Treat Atherosclerosis
  2008. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: an immunometabolic perspective
  2009. Fish and fish oil for cardiovascular disease in diabetes
  2010. Effects of Aspirin on metabolic alterations in Type 2 Diabetic Rats
  2011. Lactational metformin exposure programs offspring white adipose tissue glucose homeostasis and resilience to metabolic stress in a sex-dependent manner
  2012. Interventions for sustainable weight loss in military families
  2013. Preventive effect of salicylate and pyridoxamine on diabetic nephropathy
  2014. HB-EGF and ADAM 12S directed cellular reprogramming results in metabolically active brown adipose tissue-like cells
  2015. Molecular remodeling of the insulin receptor pathway by thiazolidinediones in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A brief review
  2016. CD24 is required for gene expression, but not glucose uptake, during adipogenesis in vitro
  2017. A novel small molecule A2A adenosine receptor agonist, indirubin-3′-monoxime, alleviates lipid-induced inflammation and insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
  2018. Oral treatment with a zinc complex of acetylsalicylic acid prevents diabetic cardiomyopathy in a rat model of type-2 diabetes: activation of the Akt pathway
  2019. Monocyte Factors in Pathogenesis of Vascular Lesions in Diabetes
  2020. Transcriptome sequencing analysis of peripheral blood of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with thirst and fatigue
  2021. A dietary anthocyanin cyanidin-3-O-glucoside binds to PPARs to regulate glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity in mice
  2023. Metabolic pathways at the crossroads of diabetes and inborn errors
  2024. Glycosaminoglycan from Apostichopus japonicus Improves Glucose Metabolism in the Liver of Insulin Resistant Mice
  2025. Siglec-7 restores β-cell function and survival and reduces inflammation in pancreatic islets from patients with diabetes
  2026. Associations between anthropometric traits, detailed body composition, fat fraction per adipose tissue and cardiometabolic risks: differences between children …
  2027. Anti-TNF-α antibody alleviates insulin resistance in rats with sepsis-induced stress hyperglycemia
  2028. CIDEA transcriptionally regulates UCP1 for britening and thermogenesis in human fat cells
  2029. Co-expression of HB-EGF and ADAM 12S displays a brown adipose phenotype in mouse and human cell lines.
  2030. Phosphorylation of the exocyst protein Exo84 by TBK1 promotes insulin-stimulated GLUT4 trafficking
  2031. Effects of sodium salicylate on glucose kinetics and insulin signaling in postpartum dairy cows
  2032. Metabolic syndrome, brain insulin resistance, and Alzheimer’s disease: Thioredoxin Interacting Protein (TXNIP) and inflammasome as core amplifiers
  2033. Retinoid X receptor ligands with anti-type 2 diabetic activity
  2034. Complementary cholesterol-lowering response of a phytosterol/α-lipoic acid combination in obese zucker rats
  2035. Immunoglobulin free light chains: An inflammatory biomarker of diabetes
  2036. The Origin of Human White, Brown, and Brite/Beige Adipocytes
  2037. Passive heating and glycaemic control in non-diabetic and diabetic individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  2038. Angiogenic factors in the white adipose tissue in childhood
  2039. Association between fat mass, adipose tissue, fat fraction per adipose tissue, and metabolic risks: a cross-sectional study in normal, overweight, and obese adults
  2040. The Serum Level of KL-6 Is Associated with the Risk of Insulin Resistance and New-onset Diabetes Mellitus: The Tanno-Sobetsu Study
  2041. Proinflammatory cytokine polarization in type 2 diabetes
  2042. Phenotypic characterization of a novel Ucp1-LUC-iRFP713 reporter mouse model for visualization and quantification of brown and beige fat recruitment
  2043. Effect of metabolic syndrome on fertility of male type 2 diabetic mice
  2044. Alpha-lipoic acid preserves skeletal muscle mass in type 2 diabetic OLETF rats
  2045. Graphical abstract Chapter 2: Molecular aspects of glucose homeostasis in skeletal muscle–A focus on the molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance
  2047. The Immune Deficiency Pathway Attenuates Insulin Signaling to Protect Against Infection.
  2048. Alpha-lipoic acid alleviates acute inflammation and promotes lipid mobilization during the inflammatory response in white adipose tissue of mice
  2049. Normal Triglyceride is Associated with Insulin Resistance in the Absence of Risk Factors
  2050. Evidence-based psychotherapeutic interventions and mhealth for weight management in overweight: A biopsychosocial framework
  2051. The Development and Feasibility of a Culturally Tailored Malaysian Diabetes Education Intervention Using Motivational Interviewing (MY DEUMI) for People …
  2052. Anti-diabetic effects of Inonotus obliquus polysaccharides in streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetic mice and potential mechanism via PI3K-Akt signal pathway
  2053. Sub-toxic exposure to lindane activates redox sensitive kinases and impairs insulin signaling in muscle cell culture: the possible mechanism of lindane-induced …
  2054. Electrochemolipolysis of human adipose tissue
  2055. Inhibition of Free fatty acid-Induced Insulin Resistance by Rosemary Extract: Investigation of the Mechanisms Involved
  2056. W2476 ameliorates β-cell dysfunction and exerts therapeutic effects in mouse models of diabetes via modulation of the thioredoxin-interacting protein …
  2057. Effect of sub-toxic chlorpyrifos on redox sensitive kinases and insulin signaling in rat L6 myotubes
  2058. Mutation in Sortilin Identified in an Amish Population Results in Hypercholesterolemia and Insulin Resistance in Mice and Humans
  2059. A Role for TNMD in Adipocyte Differentiation and Adipose Tissue Function: A Dissertation
  2060. Insulin Resistance and T1D: The Effect of Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Lipid Metabolism
  2061. Immunoglobulin Free Light Chains: A Biomarker of Diabetes
  2062. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation combined with acute aerobic exercise does not alter the improved post-exercise insulin response in normoglycemic, inactive and …
  2063. The effect of the aerobic continues versus high-intensity interval training on IRE1 expression and its correlation with insulin resistance index of liver tissue in rats …
  2064. Synthetic salicylates and/or pioglitazone ameliorative effect in type 2 induced diabetic rats
  2065. Flavonoid-enriched extract from desert plant Warionia saharae improves glucose and cholesterol levels in diabetic rats
  2066. Improvement of insulin signalling rescues inflammatory cardiac dysfunction
  2067. Evaluation of glucose and lipid lowering activity of Arganimide A in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  2068. Antidiabetic effect of spearmint in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  2069. Aqueous extract of Argania spinosa L. fruits ameliorates diabetes in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  2070. Insulin plant (Costus pictus) extract restores thyroid hormone levels in experimental hypothyroidism
  2071. Advances in antidiabetic drugs targeting insulin secretion
  2072. The Effects of Resistance and Aerobic Training Volume on Body Composition and Adipokines
  2073. #VALUE!
  2074. Clinical decision-making when treating diabetic macular edema patients with dexamethasone intravitreal implants
  2075. Metformin alleviates neuronal and renal related stress signals in diabetic C57BL/6 mice.
  2076. Sustained NFjB inhibition improves insulin sensitivity but is detrimental to muscle health
  2077. Reversal of obesity development in Ceacam1−/− male mice by bone marrow transplantation or introduction of the human CEACAM1 gene
  2078. White adipocyte-targeted dual gene silencing of FABP4/5 for anti-obesity, anti-inflammation and reversal of insulin resistance: Efficacy and comparison of …
  2079. Association of a self-paid medically supervised weight management program with reversal of obesity-associated impaired fasting glucose
  2080. Reciprocal control of obesity and anxiety–depressive disorder via a GABA and serotonin neural circuit
  2081. Loss of function of renal Glut2 reverses hyperglycaemia and normalises body weight in mouse models of diabetes and obesity
  2082. Trends in US adolescent physical activity and obesity: A 20‐year age‐period‐cohort analysis
  2083. Reversal of hypertriglyceridemia in diabetic BTBR ob/ob mice does not prevent nephropathy
  2084. FACI Is a Novel CREB-H–Induced Protein That Inhibits Intestinal Lipid Absorption and Reverses Diet-Induced Obesity
  2085. Swertiamarin ameliorates diet-induced obesity by promoting adipose tissue browning and oxidative metabolism in preexisting obese mice: Swertiamarin …
  2086. Obesity and chronic diarrhea: a new syndrome?
  2087. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells oxidative stress and plasma inflammatory biomarkers in adults with normal weight, overweight and obesity
  2088. Whole-food plant-based lifestyle program and decreased obesity
  2089. A Novel Symbiotic Formulation Reduces Obesity and Concomitant Metabolic Syndrome in Rats by Raising the Relative Abundance of Blautia
  2090. Dieting reverses histone methylation and hypothalamic AgRP regulation in obese rats
  2091. Effectiveness of a population‐scaled, school‐based physical activity intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity
  2092. Allograft inflammatory factor-1-like is a situational regulator of leptin levels, hyperphagia, and obesity
  2093. Essential Oil of Carvone Chemotype Lippia alba (Verbenaceae) Regulates Lipid Mobilization and Adipogenesis in Adipocytes
  2094. Reversing the genomic, epigenetic, and triple-negative breast cancer–enhancing effects of obesity
  2095. The impact of weight cycling on health outcomes in animal models: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  2096. Metformin booster adipocyte-targeted gene therapy for the treatment of obesity and related metabolic syndromes
  2097. Obesity as a major health hazard
  2098. 233-LB: Ranolazine Fails to Improve Glycemia in Obese Liver-Specific Pyruvate Dehydrogenase–Deficient Mice
  2099. Mechanism of action of acupuncture in obesity: a perspective from the hypothalamus
  2100. AAV-mediated BMP7 gene therapy counteracts insulin resistance and obesity
  2101. Precision nutrition, diet and gut-microbiota in obesity
  2102. Brown and beige adipose tissue: a novel therapeutic strategy for obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  2103. Nanotechnology-Based Strategies for Treatment of Obesity, Cancer and Anti-microbial Resistance: Highlights of the Department of Science and Innovation/Mintek …
  2104. Fetal programming of obesity and type 2 diabetes
  2105. The insulin-sensitizer pioglitazone remodels adipose tissue phospholipids in humans
  2106. Association between visceral obesity, metformin use, and recurrence risk in early-stage colorectal cancer
  2107. Biomaterial-based therapeutic strategies for obesity and its comorbidities
  2108. Obesity and metabolic syndrome in atrial fibrillation: cardiac and noncardiac adipose tissue in atrial fibrillation
  2109. Impact of Surgical and Dietary Weight Loss Interventions on the Obesity—Gut Microbiome—Breast Cancer Links
  2110. The Effects of Obesity and Bariatric Surgery on Rates of Upper Extremity Compression Neuropathies
  2111. Revised Protein Sparing Diet in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  2112. Stress granules determine the development of obesity-associated pancreatic cancer
  2113. The tumor promotional role of adipocytes in the breast cancer microenvironment and macroenvironment
  2114. Two-year skeletal effects of sleeve gastrectomy in adolescents with obesity assessed with quantitative CT and MR spectroscopy
  2115. Obesity, an independent predictor of pre and postoperative tumor grading disagreement in endometrial cancer
  2116. The anti-obesity effect of Allium cepa L. leaves on high fat diet induced obesity in male wistar rats
  2117. Turning the clock forward: New pharmacological and non pharmacological targets for the treatment of obesity
  2118. Association between socioeconomic positions and overweight/obesity in rural Nepal
  2119. Impact of digital monitoring on compliance and outcome of lifestyle-change measures in patients with coexistent atrial fibrillation and obesity
  2120. Obesity and dyslipidemia are associated with partially reversible modifications to DNA hydroxymethylation of apoptosis-and senescence-related genes in …
  2121. Tumor suppressor Par-4 regulates complement factor C3 and obesity
  2122. Obesity Hypertension: Clinical Aspects
  2123. Skeletal muscle non-shivering thermogenesis as an attractive strategy to combat obesity
  2124. Characterization of Allograft Inflammatory Factor-1-Like (AIF1L) in Diet-Induced Obesity
  2125. A novel dual-targeted rosiglitazone-loaded nanoparticle for the prevention of diet-induced obesity via the browning of white adipose tissue
  2126. Preventing ovariectomy-induced weight gain decreases tumor burden in rodent models of obesity and postmenopausal breast cancer
  2127. Obesity and bariatric surgery in kidney transplantation: a clinical review
  2128. Weight loss and/or sulindac mitigate obesity-associated transcriptome, microbiome, and protumor effects in a murine model of colon cancer
  2129. Are individual or group interventions more effective for long‐term weight loss in adults with obesity? A systematic review
  2130. The impact of school-based physical activity programs on obesity prevention
  2131. The potential mechanisms of white adipose tissue browning: a novel target for the treatment of obesity.
  2132. Sacubitril/valsartan inhibits obesity-associated diastolic dysfunction through suppression of ventricular-vascular stiffness
  2133. Childhood overweight and obesity abatement policies in Europe
  2134. Cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors require an arcuate-to-paraventricular hypothalamus melanocortin circuit to treat diet-induced obesity
  2135. Brown adipose tissue in adults as a study target in the development of new therapies for the management and treatment of obesity: an integrative review
  2136. The gut microbiota as a therapeutic target for obesity: a scoping review
  2137. Longitudinal gut microbial signals are associated with weight loss: insights from a digital therapeutics program
  2138. Actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 1 up‐regulation in the hypothalamus prevents high‐fat diet induced obesity
  2139. Association between distinct body mass index trajectories according to the group‐based trajectory modeling and the risk of incident diabetes: A systematic review
  2140. Epicardial adipose tissue, obesity, and the occurrence of atrial fibrillation: an overview of pathophysiology and treatment methods
  2141. MPA alters metabolic phenotype of endometrial cancer-associated fibroblasts from obese women via IRS2 signaling
  2142. Gastrokine-1, an anti-amyloidogenic protein secreted by the stomach, regulates diet-induced obesity
  2143. Role of obesity-induced inflammation in the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes: History of the research and remaining questions
  2144. Adipose-targeted triiodothyronine therapy counteracts obesity-related metabolic complications and atherosclerosis with negligible side effects
  2145. Obese adipose tissue as a driver of breast cancer growth and development: Update and emerging evidence
  2146. Characteristic MicroRNAs linked to dysregulated metabolic pathways in qatari adult subjects with obesity and metabolic syndrome
  2147. Crosstalk between Melanin Concentrating Hormone and Endocrine Factors: Implications for Obesity
  2148. Combining a β3 adrenergic receptor agonist with alpha‐lipoic acid reduces inflammation in male mice with diet‐induced obesity
  2149. Regulation of body weight: lessons learned from bariatric surgery
  2150. An overview of epigenetics in obesity: The role of lifestyle and therapeutic interventions
  2151. Lycopene alleviates ionic disturbances and anaemia by improving iron homeostasis, insulin sensitivity, and ATPases activities in obese female rats
  2152. Deciphering biochemical and molecular signatures associated with obesity in context of metabolic health
  2153. Gintonin-enriched fraction protects against sarcopenic obesity by promoting energy expenditure and attenuating skeletal muscle atrophy in high-fat diet-fed …
  2154. Neuroimaging Investigations of Obesity: a Review of the Treatment of Sex from 2010
  2155. Evaluation of a group family-based intervention programme for adolescent obesity: the LITE randomised controlled pilot trial
  2156. Investigation of the anti-obesity effects of citrate-capped gold nanoparticles on 3T3-L1 cells and their genetic profiling
  2157. Zebrafish and flavonoids: adjuvants against obesity
  2158. The role of the gut microbiome in pediatric obesity and bariatric surgery
  2159. Lycopene abrogates obesity-provoked hyperactivity of neurosignalling enzymes, oxidative stress and hypothalamic inflammation in female Wistar rats
  2160. Diet-derived antioxidants and their role in inflammation, obesity and gut microbiota modulation
  2161. Enhancing fatty acids oxidation via l-carnitine attenuates obesity-related atrial fibrillation and structural remodeling by activating AMPK signaling and …
  2162. Role of obesity related inflammation in pathogenesis of peripheral artery disease in patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  2163. Potential therapeutic effect of medium chain triglyceride oil in ameliorating diabetic liver injury in a streptozotocin-induced diabetic murine model.
  2164. New insights into adipose tissue macrophages in obesity and insulin resistance
  2165. Injectable cell-targeting fiber rods to promote lipolysis and inflammatory regulation for obesity treatment
  2166. Obesity and altered angiogenic-related gene expression in endometrial cancer
  2167. Photoacoustic molecular imaging-escorted adipose photodynamic–browning synergy for fighting obesity with virus-like complexes
  2168. Macrophage membrane-camouflaged lipoprotein nanoparticles for effective obesity treatment based on a sustainable self-reinforcement strategy
  2169. Involvement of TRP channels in adipocyte thermogenesis: An update
  2170. Improved outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis with obesity after a weight loss intervention: randomized trial
  2171. Does obesity put your brain at risk?
  2172. Transdermal photothermal-pharmacotherapy to remodel adipose tissue for obesity and metabolic disorders
  2173. Perillartine protects against metabolic associated fatty liver in high-fat diet-induced obese mice
  2174. The impacts of exercise on pediatric obesity
  2175. Neural vulnerability factors that predict future weight gain
  2176. #VALUE!
  2177. CREG1 administration stimulates BAT thermogenesis and improves diet-induced obesity in mice
  2178. 4-Hydroxyisoleucine alleviates macrophage-related chronic inflammation and metabolic syndrome in mice fed a high-fat diet
  2179. Outcome of mini gastric bypass after failed vertical band gastroplasty in treatment of morbid obese patients
  2180. Circulating acyl and des-acyl ghrelin levels in obese adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  2181. Transcriptome sequencing of 3, 3′, 4, 4′, 5-Pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126)-treated human preadipocytes demonstrates progressive changes in pathways …
  2182. Metformin Mitigated Obesity-Driven Cancer Aggressiveness in Tumor-Bearing Mice
  2183. Hepatokine Fetuin B expression is regulated by leptin-STAT3 signalling and associated with leptin in obesity
  2184. Adipose endothelial cells mastering adipose tissues metabolic fate
  2185. Immune checkpoint blockade reprograms systemic immune landscape and tumor microenvironment in obesity-associated breast cancer
  2186. Effects of Obesogenic Environment on Body Weight Regulation: A Review
  2187. The physiologic and physiopathologic roles of perivascular adipose tissue and its interactions with blood vessels and the renin-angiotensin system
  2188. Liraglutide suppresses obesity and promotes browning of white fat via miR-27b in vivo and in vitro
  2189. Cell death and inflammation during obesity:“Know my methods, WAT (son)”
  2190. Adipokines, myokines, and hepatokines: crosstalk and metabolic repercussions
  2191. Positive effect of combined exercise on adipokines levels and pubertal signs in overweight and obese girls with central precocious puberty
  2192. Obesity as a premature aging phenotype—Implications for sarcopenic obesity
  2193. Astragalus mongholicus powder, a traditional Chinese medicine formula ameliorate type 2 diabetes by regulating adipoinsular axis in diabetic mice
  2194. N-Trimethylated chitosan coating white adipose tissue vascular-targeting oral nano-system for the enhanced anti-obesity effects of celastrol
  2195. Optogenetic activation of UCP1-dependent thermogenesis in brown adipocytes
  2196. Piecing together human adult comparative pharmacokinetic trials and rodent studies: What happens to drug clearance in obesity?
  2197. Caloric restriction overcomes pre-diabetes and hypertension induced by a high fat diet and renal artery stenosis
  2198. Interleukin-1 in obesity-related low-grade inflammation: From molecular mechanisms to therapeutic strategies
  2199. Obesity Is Associated with Immunometabolic Changes in Adipose Tissue That May Drive Treatment Resistance in Breast Cancer: Immune-Metabolic Reprogramming …
  2200. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 associated cancers
  2201. Macrophages, chronic inflammation, and insulin resistance
  2202. Brown/Beige Adipose Tissue: Novel Players in the Fight Against Obesity
  2203. 3-N-butylphthalide protects against high-fat-diet-induced obesity in C57BL/6 mice and increases metabolism in lipid-accumulating cells
  2204. The effect of healthy lifestyle strategies on the management of insulin resistance in children and adolescents with obesity: a narrative review
  2205. Next generation GLP-1/GIP/glucagon triple agonists normalize body weight in obese mice
  2206. Deletion of the feeding-induced hepatokine TSK ameliorates the melanocortin obesity syndrome
  2207. Understanding Pericardial Adipose Tissue Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in the Context of Obesity
  2208. Adipocyte IRE1α promotes PGC1α mRNA decay and restrains adaptive thermogenesis
  2209. Induction of lipid catabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis in white adipose tissue as therapeutic target for obesity and associated metabolic disorders
  2210. Functionalized nanoformulation based on enriched-triterpenes fraction target adipose tissue, as a potential treatment to obesity and type-2 diabetes: preliminary data
  2211. Gut Microbiota Modulation and Its Relationship with Obesity Using Prebiotic Fibers and Probiotics: A
  2212. Adipocyte phenotype flexibility and lipid dysregulation
  2213. Revisiting the contribution of mitochondrial biology to the pathophysiology of skeletal muscle insulin resistance
  2214. Revisiting the Principles of Preservation in an Era of Pandemic Obesity
  2215. Progress toward molecular therapy for diabetes mellitus: a focus on targeting inflammatory factors
  2216. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: the interplay between metabolism, microbes and immunity
  2217. Prohibitin inactivation in adipocytes results in reduced lipid metabolism and adaptive thermogenesis impairment
  2218. Is overweight still a problem of rich in sub-Saharan Africa? Insights based on female-oriented demographic and health surveys
  2219. #VALUE!
  2220. Genetic advancements in obesity management and CRISPR–Cas9-based gene editing system
  2221. Brain regulation of hunger and motivation: The case for integrating homeostatic and hedonic concepts and its implications for obesity and addiction
  2222. Sodium salicylate rewires hepatic metabolic pathways in obesity and attenuates IL-1β secretion from adipose tissue: The implications for obesity-impaired …
  2223. Role of insulin resistance in MAFLD
  2224. Antidiabetic and Antioxidant Activity of Zanthoxylum armatum DC. On Type 2 Diabetic Rats.(2022)
  2225. New Insights into Adipose Tissue Macrophages in Obesity and Insulin Resistance. Cells 2022, 11, 1424
  2226. Regenerative Medicine for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Stem Cell-Based Therapies and Brown Adipose Tissue Activation
  2227. Obesity and Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Epidemiology and Mechanisms
  2228. Impact of inflammasome inhibition on the development of insulin
  2229. Jean Himms-Hagen, D. Phil.(1933–2021): Pioneering research in brown adipose tissue thermogenesis
  2230. Excessive weight gain and poor growth
  2231. Durability of changes in biomarkers of cardiometabolic disease: 1-year family-based intervention in children with obesity
  2232. Inhibition of LIFR Blocks Adiposity-Driven Endometrioid Endometrial Cancer Growth
  2233. REDD1 promotes obesity-induced metabolic dysfunction via atypical NF-κB activation
  2234. Inflammatory Mediators and Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors before and in Response to Lifestyle Intervention among Latino Adolescents with Obesity
  2235. Cissus Quadrangularis enhances UCP1 mRNA, indicative of white adipocyte browning and decreases central obesity in humans in a randomized trial
  2236. Uncoupling hepatic insulin resistance–hepatic inflammation to improve insulin sensitivity and to prevent impaired metabolism-associated fatty liver disease in …
  2237. Effect of 8-Week Short-Term Sprint Interval Training on Serum Levels of Adipokines, Inflammatory Markers and Lipid Profile in Overweight Boys
  2238. Obesity protects against sepsis-induced and norepinephrine-induced white adipose tissue browning
  2239. What Happens to Adipokines and Cytokine in Overweight and Obese Girls with Central Precocious Puberty When They Exercise and Stop Exercising? A randomized …
  2240. Evaluation of serum irisin, retinol-binding protein-4 in human obesity
  2241. Browning epicardial adipose tissue: friend or foe?
  2242. The adipose organ is a unitary structure in mice and humans
  2243. Epigallocatechin gallate decreases plasma triglyceride, blood pressure, and serum kisspeptin in obese human subjects
  2244. Thermoregulatory responses, heart rate, and the susceptibility to anxiety in obese animals subjected to stress
  2245. Endothelial TrkA coordinates vascularization and innervation in thermogenic adipose tissue and can be targeted to control metabolism
  2246. Sodium salicylate induces browning of white adipocytes via M2 macrophage polarization by HO-1 upregulation
  2247. Obesity Induced Insulin Resistance, Type 2 Diabetes and Emerging Therapeutic Approaches
  2248. Deoxysphingolipids – atypical skeletal muscle lipids related to insulin resistance in humans that decrease insulin sensitivity in vitro
  2249. Effect of 8-weeks of Combined Exercise Training on Plasma Leptin and Adiponectin levels in Obese Boys
  2250. The Influence of Aerobic Exercise on Extracellular Vesicles in Obesity
  2251. Peptide Adjuvant to Invigorate Cytolytic Activity of NK Cells in an Obese Mouse Cancer Model
  2252. Endothelial prohibitin mediates bidirectional long-chain fatty acid transport in white and brown adipose tissues
  2253. Healthy for My Baby Research Protocol-a Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing a Preconception Intervention to Improve the Lifestyle of Overweight Women …
  2254. Effects of N-3 PUFA-Derived Epoxides Combined with sEH Inhibition on Brown Adipose Tissue and Brown Adipocytes in Obesity
  2255. Eicosapentaenoic Acid Ethyl Esters Prevent Obesity Associated Metabolic Impairments in Male and Female Mice
  2256. Weight Loss Strategies
  2257. Mechanisms of Action of Berry Bioactives on Obesity-induced Inflammation
  2258. Research Article Regulation of UCP1 in the Browning of Epididymal Adipose Tissue by 𝛽3-Adrenergic Agonist: A Role for MicroRNAs
  2259. Adipose‐specific ATGL ablation reduces burn injury‐induced metabolic derangements in mice
  2260. #VALUE!
  2261. Deconstructing adipose tissue heterogeneity one cell at a time
  2262. Manipulation of growth conditions of cyanobacteria to potentiate the production of high value compounds for obesity treatment
  2263. Application in medicine: obesity and satiety control
  2264. The Role of Catechins in Regulating Diabetes: An Update Review
  2265. Tissue-specific insulin sensitivity and changes in brain reward reactivity in overweight or obese pre-diabetic adults
  2266. Linseed oil supplementation improves altered lipid metabolism and insulin resistance in induced obese rats
  2267. Use of DREADD technology to identify novel targets for antidiabetic drugs
  2268. Salicylate Sodium Suppresses Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Production by Directly Inhibiting Phosphodiesterase 3B in TNF-α-Stimulated Adipocytes
  2269. Factors associated with choice of behavioural weight loss program by adults with obesity
  2270. Impact of inflammasome inhibition on the development of insulin resistance in the context of diet-induced obesity
  2271. Principal predictors of major adverse limb events in diabetic peripheral artery disease: A narrative review
  2272. Sandalwood seed oil ameliorates hepatic insulin resistance by regulating the JNK/NF-κB inflammatory and PI3K/AKT insulin signaling pathways
  2273. Browning and Beiging of Adipose Tissue: Its Role in the Regulation of Energy Homeostasis and as a Potential Target for Alleviating Metabolic Diseases …
  2274. Effects of ADIPOQ Gene Polymorphisms on Combined Training-induced Weight Loss of Obese Boys
  2275. Children With Asparaginase-associated Pancreatitis Present Elevated Levels of Insulin, Total Cholesterol, and HOMA-IR Before Starting Acute Lymphoblastic …
  2276. Insulin resistance and cancer: In search for a causal link
  2277. Development of predictive models for successful weight loss in people living with obesity
  2278. High-throughput mediation analysis of human proteome and metabolome identifies mediators of post-bariatric surgical diabetes control
  2279. White adipose tissue depots respond to chronic beta-3 adrenergic receptor activation in a sexually dimorphic and depot divergent manner
  2280. Somatic ablation of IKKβ in liver and leukocytes is not tolerated in obese mice but hepatic IKKβ deletion improves fatty liver and insulin sensitivity
  2281. Diabetes and Hypertension Prevention in Vanuatu: A Community Service Project
  2282. Links between insulin resistance and periodontal bacteria: Insights on molecular players and therapeutic potential of polyphenols
  2283. The β3 adrenergic receptor agonist CL316243 ameliorates the metabolic abnormalities of high-fat diet-fed rats by activating AMPK/PGC-1α signaling in skeletal …
  2284. The crucial role and mechanism of insulin resistance in metabolic disease
  2285. Anthocyanins as promising molecules affecting energy homeostasis, inflammation, and gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes with special reference to impact of acylation
  2286. Divergence of Chemerin Reduction by an ATS9R Nanoparticle Targeting Adipose Tissue In Vitro vs. In Vivo in the Rat
  2287. Adiponectin synthesis, secretion and extravasation from circulation to interstitial space
  2288. Apolipoprotein A-IV reduced metabolic inflammation in white adipose tissue by inhibiting IKK and JNK signaling in adipocytes
  2289. Repurposing lenvatinib as a potential therapeutic agent against thyroid eye disease by suppressing adipogenesis in orbital adipose tissues
  2290. Effects of a high-fat diet and global aryl hydrocarbon receptor deficiency on energy balance and liver retinoid status in male Sprague-Dawley rats
  2291. Regulatory modules of human thermogenic adipocytes: functional genomics of large cohort and Meta-analysis derived marker-genes
  2292. Endothelial cells induced progenitors into Brown fat to reduce atherosclerosis
  2293. Calcium-deficiency during pregnancy affects insulin resistance in offspring
  2294. Novel biomarkers of inflammation for the management of diabetes: immunoglobulin-free light chains
  2295. Diabetes as a potential compounding factor in COVID-19-mediated male subfertility
  2296. Altered glucose-dependent secretion of glucagon and ACTH is associated with insulin resistance, assessed by population analysis
  2297. A randomized placebo-controlled cross-over study on the effects of anthocyanins on inflammatory and metabolic responses to a high-fat meal in healthy …
  2298. Insulin resistance in children and adolescents: mechanisms and clinical effects
  2299. Glucagon shows higher sensitivity than insulin to grapeseed proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE) treatment in cafeteria-fed rats
  2300. Effects of anti-inflammatory therapies on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus
  2301. Effects of a Diabetes Prevention Program among Latino Youth with Prediabetes
  2302. Emerging roles of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in diabetes
  2303. Characterization of peptides targeting metastatic tumor cells as probes for cancer detection and vehicles for therapy delivery
  2304. Changes in protein expression due to metformin treatment and hyperinsulinemia in a human endometrial cancer cell line
  2305. Role of mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membranes in insulin sensitivity, energy metabolism, and contraction of skeletal muscle
  2306. Decreased glucocorticoid signaling potentiates lipid-induced inflammation and contributes to insulin resistance in the skeletal muscle of fructose-fed male rats …
  2307. Hypolipidemic and insulin sensitizing effects of salsalate beyond suppressing inflammation in a prediabetic rat model
  2308. Suppression of estrogen receptor beta classical genomic activity enhances systemic and adipose-specific response to chronic beta-3 adrenergic receptor …
  2309. Orexin receptor type 2 agonism inhibits thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue by attenuating afferent innervation
  2310. Berberine improves TNF-α-induced hepatic insulin resistance by targeting MEKK1/MEK pathway
  2311. Studies on Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in Type II Diabetics and Evaluation of Melatonin and DPP-IV inhibitor on Experimental Diabetic Models
  2312. Glucagon Shows Higher Sensitivity than Insulin to Grapeseed Proanthocyanidin Extract (GSPE) Treatment in Cafeteria-Fed Rats. Nutrients 2021, 13, 1084
  2313. Anti-and non-tumor necrosis factor-α-targeted therapies effects on insulin resistance in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis
  2314. CXCL2 impairs functions of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and can serve as a serum marker in high-fat diet-fed rats
  2315. A simple liking survey captures behaviors associated with weight loss in a worksite program among women at risk of type 2 diabetes
  2316. Insights on the role of anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agents in the amelioration of diabetes
  2317. Insights into the development of insulin resistance: Unraveling the interaction of physical inactivity, lipid metabolism and mitochondrial biology
  2318. Plant Protein Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  2319. Expatiating the molecular approaches of HMGB1 in diabetes mellitus: Highlighting signalling pathways via RAGE and TLRs
  2320. Ursolic acid ameliorates adipose tissue insulin resistance in aged rats via activating the Akt‑glucose transporter 4 signaling pathway and inhibiting …
  2321. Effects of 8 Weeks of Combined Rehabilitation Training on Plasma Levels of Leptin, Adiponectin, and Resistin
  2322. The Impact of Exercise on Serum Levels of Leptin and Adiponectin in Obese Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  2323. The Importance of Education in the Management of Diabetes
  2324. Genistein enhances NAD+ biosynthesis by binding to Prohibitin 1 and upregulating nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase in adipocytes
  2325. The Antidiabetic Activities of Neocryptotanshinone: Screened by Molecular Docking and Related to the Modulation of PTP1B
  2326. A randomized placebo-controlled cross-over study on the effects of anthocyanins on inflammatory and metabolic responses to a high-fat meal in healthy subjects.
  2327. The Unity of Redox and Structural Remodeling of Brown Adipose Tissue in Hypothyroidism. Antioxidants 2021, 10, 591
  2328. Critical material designs for mucus-and mucosa-penetrating oral insulin nanoparticle development
  2329. Effects of Korean Food-based Dietary Inflammatory Index Potential on the incidence of diabetes and HbA1c level in Korean adults aged 40 years and older
  2330. NLRP3 inflammasome blocked the glycolytic pathway via targeting to PKLR in arsenic-induced hepatic insulin resistance
  2331. Recent Advances in Molecular Mechanism of Metformin against Gastrointestinal Cancer in Type 2 Diabetics
  2332. Novel Muscle-Homing Peptide FGF1 Conjugate Based on AlphaFold for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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