Polyphenols As Covid-19 Treatment & Prevention

  1. Potential use of POLYPHENOLS in the battle against COVID-19
  2. Phytochemicals containing biologically active POLYPHENOLS as an effective agent against COVID-19-inducing coronavirus
  3. POLYPHENOLS are potential nutritional adjuvants for targeting COVID‐19
  4. A comprehensive review of the potential use of green tea POLYPHENOLS in the management of COVID-19
  5. Antiviral activity of green tea and black tea POLYPHENOLS in prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19: A review
  6. Can natural POLYPHENOLS help in reducing cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients?
  7. POLYPHENOLS as alternative treatments of COVID-19
  8. Cell clearing systems as targets of POLYPHENOLS in viral infections: Potential implications for COVID-19 pathogenesis
  9. The impact of POLYPHENOLS -based diet on the inflammatory profile in COVID-19 elderly and obese patients
  10. Can phytotherapy with POLYPHENOLS serve as a powerful approach for the prevention and therapy tool of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
  11. Tea POLYPHENOLS Prevent and Intervene in COVID-19 through Intestinal Microbiota
  12. Natural POLYPHENOLS as immunomodulators to rescue immune response homeostasis: Quercetin as a research model against severe COVID-19
  13. Exploitation of POLYPHENOLS and proteins using nanoencapsulation for anti-viral and brain boosting properties–Evoking a synergistic strategy to combat COVID-19 …
  14. Battle against Coronavirus: Repurposing old friends (Food borne POLYPHENOLS ) for new enemy (COVID-19)
  15. An In-silico investigation of potential natural POLYPHENOLS for the targeting of COVID main protease inhibitor
  16. Identification of potent COVID-19 main protease (Mpro) inhibitors from natural POLYPHENOLS : an in silico strategy unveils a hope against CORONA
  17. The impact of curcumin derived POLYPHENOLS on the structure and flexibility COVID-19 main protease binding pocket: A molecular dynamics simulation study
  18. Potential Application of Tea POLYPHENOLS to the Prevention of COVID-19 Infection: Based on the Gut-Lung Axis
  19. POLYPHENOLS during the pandemic of COVID-19
  20. Beneficial effect of POLYPHENOLS in COVID‐19 and the ectopic F1FO‐ATP synthase: Is there a link?
  21. Multidimensional in silico strategy for identification of natural POLYPHENOLS -based SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro) inhibitors to unveil a hope against COVID-19
  22. POLYPHENOLS be Used as Anti-Inflammatory Agents against COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)-Induced Inflammation?
  23. A perspective on the use of POLYPHENOLS nano-formulation as a nutritional strategy to manage the symptoms of the infected patient with COVID-19
  24. Possible health benefits of POLYPHENOLS in neurological disorders associated with COVID-19
  25. Potential of the triad of fatty acids, POLYPHENOLS , and prebiotics from cucurbita against COVID-19 in diabetic patients: A review
  26. … Insights into Potential Beneficial Effects of Bioactive Compounds of Bee Products in Boosting Immunity to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic: Focus on Zinc and POLYPHENOLS
  27. Exploration of plant-derived natural POLYPHENOLS toward COVID-19 main protease inhibitors: DFT, molecular docking approach, and molecular dynamics …
  28. Chemical profiling of POLYPHENOLS in Thunbergia alata and in silico virtual screening of their antiviral activities against COVID-19
  29. A Comprehensive Review of the Potential Use of Green Tea POLYPHENOLS in the Management of COVID-19
  30. Flavonoids are promising safe therapy against COVID-19
  31. Flavonoids: A complementary approach to conventional therapy of COVID-19?
  32. New perspectives on natural flavonoids on COVID‐19‐induced lung injuries
  33. Molecular docking reveals the potential of Salvadora persica flavonoids to inhibit COVID-19 virus main protease
  34. A drug repurposing approach towards elucidating the potential of flavonoids as COVID-19 spike protein inhibitors
  35. Food containing bioactive flavonoids and other phenolic or sulfur phytochemicals with antiviral effect: Can we design a promising diet against COVID-19?
  36. An in silico perception for newly isolated flavonoids from peach fruit as privileged avenue for a countermeasure outbreak of COVID-19
  37. Pharmacological significance of hesperidin and hesperetin, two citrus flavonoids, as promising antiviral compounds for prophylaxis against and combating COVID-19
  38. Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of flavonoids in post‐COVID‐19 therapy
  39. Lead finding from selected flavonoids with antiviral (SARS-CoV-2) potentials against COVID-19: An in-silico evaluation
  40. Repositioning microbial biotechnology against COVID‐19: the case of microbial production of flavonoids
  41. Targeting CoV-2 spike RBD and ACE-2 interaction with flavonoids of Anatolian propolis by in silico and in vitro studies in terms of possible COVID-19 therapeutics
  42. … , ADMET profiling, PASS prediction, and bioactivity studies of potential inhibitory roles of alkaloids, phytosterols, and flavonoids against COVID-19 main protease …
  43. Isolation and in silico anti-COVID-19 main protease (Mpro) activities of flavonoids and a sesquiterpene lactone from Artemisia sublessingiana
  44. COVID-19 and flavonoids: In silico molecular dynamics docking to the active catalytic site of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 main protease
  45. Investigation of Major Flavonoids from Artemisia argyi as a Potential COVID-19 Drug: Molecular Docking and DFT Calculations
  46. Systems pharmacology-based drug discovery and active mechanism of natural products for coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19): An example using flavonoids
  47. Identification of potent COVID-19 main protease (MPRO) inhibitors from flavonoids
  48. Flavonoids of Zinnia elegans: Chemical profile and, in vitro antioxidant and in silico anti-COVID-19 activities
  49. Therapeutic Potential of Flavonoids and Zinc in COVID-19
  50. In Silico identification of flavonoids from corriandrum sativum seeds against coronavirus COVID-19 main protease
  51. Are Antiviral Flavonoids Part of the Solution to the COVID-19 Pandemic?
  52. In silico study of some natural flavonoids as potential agents against COVID-19: Preliminary results
  53. Flavonoids and ω3-polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in renal transplant recipients: new arguments from COVID-19
  54. Role of Flavonoids against COVID-19
  55. Flavonoids and Nucleotide Analogs Show High Affinity for Viral Proteins of SARS-CoV-2 by in silico Analysis: New Candidates for the Treatment of COVID-19.
  56. Flavonoids as potential agents for development of multi‐target drugs for covid‐19 treatment: An in silico study
  57. Dietary Flavonoids as competitive Inhibitors of covid 19 major protease
  58. COVID-19.pdf”>Flavonoids: A complementary approach to conventional therapy of COVID-19?
  59. Therapeutic potential of flavonoids and Zinc in COVID-19. Medp Nutr Food Sci. 2021; 1 (1): mpnfs-202111001. MedPress Nutrition & Food Sciences Yousef …
  60. Immunosuppressive Effect of Licorice Flavonoids Investigated by the Cytokine Storm Caused by COVID-19 Simulated by Lipopolysaccharide
  61. Targeting CoV-2 Spike RBD and ACE-2 Interaction with Flavonoids of Anatolian Propolis byin silicoandin vitroStudies in terms of possible COVID-19 therapeutics
  62. In silico molecular docking studies and ADME/T analysis of Some Flavonoids against the target of Mpro in COVID-19
  63. … flavonoids and synthetic indole chalcones against essential proteins of SARS-CoV-2.(Special Issue: Therapeutic targets and pharmacological treatment of COVID-19 …
  64. … to as black elder; Sambucus nigra). 9 Often marketed for immune system support due to its high content of vitamin C, fibre, and flavonoids, it has shown to …
  65. Medicinal plants as sources of active molecules against COVID-19
  66. Potential roles of medicinal plants for the treatment of viral diseases focusing on COVID‐19: A review
  67. Possible role of medicinal plants in COVID-19-a brief review
  68. Medicinal plants in COVID-19: potential and limitations
  69. The use of medicinal plants to prevent COVID-19 in Nepal
  70. Role of medicinal plants of traditional use in recuperating devastating COVID-19 situation
  71. A pharmacology‐based comprehensive review on medicinal plants and phytoactive constituents possibly effective in the management of COVID‐19
  72. Therapeutic potential of medicinal plants against COVID-19: The role of antiviral medicinal metabolites
  73. Medicinal plants used for the prevention purposes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Morocco
  74. Indian medicinal plants and formulations and their potential against COVID-19–preclinical and clinical research
  75. Medicinal Plants and zinc: Impact on COVID-19 pandemic
  76. Antiviral Activity Of Indian Medicinal Plants: Prventive Measures For COVID-19
  77. South Indian medicinal plants can combat deadly viruses along with COVID-19?-A review
  78. Use of medicinal plants for COVID-19 prevention and respiratory symptom treatment during the pandemic in Cusco, Peru: A cross-sectional survey
  79. Combating COVID-19: The role of drug repurposing and medicinal plants
  80. Bioactive compounds from medicinal plants and their possible effect as therapeutic agents against COVID-19: a review
  81. In silico studies reveal potential antiviral activity of phytochemicals from medicinal plants for the treatment of COVID-19 infection
  82. Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants Against COVID-19: An In Silico Analysis
  83. A systematic review on COVID-19 pandemic with special emphasis on curative potentials of Nigeria based medicinal plants
  84. Candidate anti-COVID-19 medicinal plants from Ethiopia: a review of plants traditionally used to treat viral diseases
  85. Evaluation of certain medicinal plants compounds as new potential inhibitors of novel corona virus (COVID-19) using molecular docking analysis
  86. Targeting COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) main protease through active phytochemicals of ayurvedic medicinal plants – Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), Tinospora cordifolia …
  87. Network pharmacology of AYUSH recommended immune-boosting medicinal plants against COVID-19
  88. A review of Cameroonian medicinal plants with potentials for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic
  89. Targeting COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) main protease through active phytocompounds of ayurvedic medicinal plants–Emblica officinalis (Amla), Phyllanthus niruri Linn …
  90. Potentiality and possibility of Medicinal Plants on Ayurvedic Principle in prevention and treatment of COVID-19
  91. Structure-based virtual screening and molecular dynamics of phytochemicals derived from Saudi medicinal plants to identify potential COVID-19 therapeutics
  92. In silico screening of hundred phytocompounds of ten medicinal plants as potential inhibitors of nucleocapsid phosphoprotein of COVID-19: an approach to prevent …
  93. The perspectives of medicinal plants for COVID-19 treatment: A review
  94. Structural basis of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro and anti-COVID-19 drug discovery from medicinal plants
  95. Pharmacological effects of selected medicinal plants and vitamins against COVID-19
  96. A review on antiviral and immunomodulatory polysaccharides from Indian medicinal plants, which may be beneficial to COVID-19 infected patients
  97. Beneficial role of Indian medicinal plants in COVID-19
  98. Use of vitamin/zinc supplements, medicinal plants, and immune boosting drinks during COVID-19 pandemic: A pilot study from Benha city, Egypt
  99. A Possible Role of Medicinal Plants in finding a Cure for COVID-19
  100. Natural compounds from Djiboutian medicinal plants as inhibitors of COVID-19 by in silico investigations
  101. Efficacy of medicinal plants in combating COVID-19
  102. Natural dietary and medicinal plants with anti-obesity therapeutics activities for treatment and prevention of obesity during lock down and in post-COVID-19 era
  103. Role of medicinal plants in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 and in the management of post-COVID-19 complications
  104. Ayurveda and its Medicinal Plants: Halting the Surge of COVID-19
  105. Medicinal plants with anti-SARS-CoV activity repurposing for treatment of COVID-19 infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  106. COVID-19 and medicinal plants: A critical perspective
  107. Pharmacological intervention of various Indian medicinal plants in combating COVID-19 infection
  108. Foods, nutraceuticals and medicinal plants used as complementary practice in facing up the coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms: a review
  109. Medicinal plants and isolated molecules demonstrating immunomodulation activity as potential alternative therapies for viral diseases including COVID-19
  110. Peruvian Medicinal Plants and Cosmopolitan Plants with Potential use in the Treatment of Respiratory Diseases and COVID-19
  111. Potential medicinal plants for COVID-19
  112. Review of antiviral medicinal plants used in Taraba state Nigeria: A possible source for COVID-19 drug discovery
  113. Therapeutic role of traditionally used Indian medicinal plants and spices in combating COVID-19 pandemic situation
  114. Cultural belief and medicinal plants in treating COVID 19 patients of Western Colombia
  115. Role of medicinal plants in the prevention of COVID-19 pandemic
  116. Prevention of COVID 19 by aromatic and medicinal plants: A systematic review
  117. Curative Potential of Nigerian Medicinal Plants in COVID-19 Treatment: A Mechanistic Approach.
  118. Computational screening of phytochemicals from medicinal plants as COVID-19 inhibitors
  119. Potential of Prospective Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh for the Complementary Management of COVID-19
  120. Antiviral Potential of Medicinal Plants and Plant Lectins: Use in COVID-19 Pandemic Era
  121. The Potential of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants for Prevention and Therapeutic Treatment of COVID-19: A Review Article
  123. The role of natural products from medicinal plants against COVID-19: traditional medicine practice in Tanzania
  124. In silico investigation of phytoconstituents from Cameroonian medicinal plants towards COVID-19 treatment
  125. COVID-19: The role of medicinal plants and research institutions
  126. Nature’s therapy for COVID-19: Targeting the vital non-structural proteins (NSP) from SARS-CoV-2 with phytochemicals from Indian medicinal plants
  127. West African medicinal plants and their constituent compounds as treatments for viral infections, including SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
  128. COVID-19
  129. Bioprospecting for Anti-COVID-19 Interventions From African Medicinal Plants: A Review
  130. Importance Of Medicinal Plants And Herbs As An Immunity Booster For Pandemic COVID-19
  131. Medicinal Plants as COVID-19 Remedy
  132. Role of Medicinal plants in COVID-19 pandemic: An Ayurveda perspective
  133. Family empowerment in the COVID-19 pandemic with the family-centered nursing approach and the utilization of family medicinal plants: a systematic review
  134. Phytochemical analysis and potential natural compounds against SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 in essential oils derived from medicinal plants originating from Lebanon. An …
  135. Preventive Medicinal Plants and their Phytoconstituents against SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
  136. Common medicinal plants and their role against COVID-19 for protection and treatment
  137. Molecular docking study of the main phytochemicals of some medicinal plants used against COVID-19 by the rural population of Al-Haouz region, Morocco
  138. … of medicinal plants of bejaia localities from algeria to prevent and treat coronavirus (COVID-19) infection shortened title: phytomedicine to manage COVID-19 …
  139. Immunity Boosting Medicinal Plants to Beat COVID-19 in Seraj Block of Mandi District, Himachal Pradesh
  140. Potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19) spike protein of the delta and delta plus variant: In silico studies of medicinal plants of North-East India
  141. Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Novel Corona (COVID-19) Virus Infection Using Medicinal Plants
  142. Role of Iranian Medicinal Plants in the Prevention of COVID-19
  143. Perspective study of exploring some medicinal plants to manage the pandemic COVID-19
  144. Potential of Malawi’s medicinal plants in COVID-19 disease management: A review
  145. Uses of the antiviral potential of medicinal plants and their derivatives or products in prevention and treatment of COVID-19
  146. Medicinal Plants Preferences for the Treatment of COVID-19 Symptoms in Central and Eastern Anatolia
  147. Food, medicinal plants, and homemade beverages, used as a response to the pandemic in Ethiopia: Response of Ethiopian communities to COVID-19 …
  148. Prediction of anti-COVID 19 therapeutic power of medicinal Moroccan plants using molecular docking
  149. Consumer Behavior of Middle-Income Class Towards The Utilization of Medicinal Plants During The COVID-19 Pandemic
  150. Potential use of Eastern Hararghe Ethiopia medicinal plants for COVID-19-like symptoms: A review
  151. Using Traditional Medicinal Plants from Arid and Desert Rangelands as a Potential Treatment for COVID-19 in Southern Tunisia
  152. The Use Of Medicinal Plants During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspective Of Literacy And Consumption Interests For Millennial Generation
  153. Correlation of Trace Elemental Content in Selected Anti-Viral Medicinal Plants as Source of Active Molecules Used Against COVID-19 by ED-XRF Technique
  154. Searching nature-based solutions to emerging diseases: a preliminary review of Cameroonian medicinal plants with potentials for the management of COVID-19 …
  155. Traditional Medicinal Plants as the Potential Adjuvant, Prophylactic and Treatment Therapy for COVID-19 Disease: A Review
  156. Medicinal plants used for treating mild COVID-19 symptoms among Thai Karen and Hmong
  157. Knowledge about the effects of medicinal plants against COVID-19 among dental students-A questionnaire study
  158. Identification of potential anti-COVID-19 drug leads from Medicinal Plants through Virtual High-Throughput Screening
  159. An Ethnomedicinal Appraisal of Medicinal Plants Used in COVID-19 Pandemic in Buddhabumi Municipality, Southern Nepal
  160. Medicinal plants of Bhavaprakasha Nighantu having Jwarahara (anti-pyretic), Shwasahara (anti-asthmatic) and Kasahara (anti-tussive) properties for the …
  161. Potentials of Medicinal Plants with Antiviral Properties: The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Developing Novel Antivirals Against COVID-19
  162. Perspective approach to psycho-somatic disorders in elderly patients with certain medicinal plants in Covid pandemic
  163. The Potential of Medicinal Plants and Bioactive Compounds in the Fight Against COVID-19
  164. Covid 19 Disease and the Role of Nurses in the Culture of Using Medicinal Plants
  165. Medicinal plants and the communication on precautionary use of herbs during COVID-19 outbreak in Thailand
  166. Traditional medicine and COVID-19, opportunity for the revaluation of Peruvian Medicinal Plants
  167. A Review of Potential Medicinal Plants in Prevention and Cure of COVID-19
  168. COVID-19
  169. Rethinking on Using of Traditional Indigenous Medicinal Plants for the Management of COVID-19 In India-A Review
  170. The Study of Potential Antiviral Compounds from Indonesian Medicinal Plants as Anti-COVID-19 with Molecular Docking Approach
  171. Exploring indigenous knowledge on medicinal plants used to treat COVID-19 related symptoms
  172. Factors That Influence the Interests of Households in Medicinal Plants Farming in the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation
  173. Investigation of the effects of six medicinal plants with antiviral effects against COVID-19
  174. A review on five medicinal plants considering the therapeutic potentials in the management of COVID-19
  175. COVID-19
  176. Potential effects of specific natural bioactive compounds in medicinal plants, essential oils and probiotics related to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
  177. Potential medicinal, nutritive and antiviral food plants: Africa’s plausible answer to the low COVID-19 mortality
  178. Perspective study of investigating some medicinal plants in boosting the immune system against COVID-19: A Review
  180. … Medicinal Plants to Counteract the Pandemics–Potential Remedies for COVID-19 and other Forms of SARS: Internationally Prioritized Medicinal Plants to …
  182. Searching nature-based solutions to emerging diseases: a preliminary review of Cameroonian medicinal plants with potentials for the management of COVID …
  183. Investigation of the effects of six medicinal plants with antiviral effects against COVID-19
  184. Repurposing of Medicinal plants used in Siddha formulations as Potential Protease Inhibitors of COVID-19: An in silico approach
  185. Potential Non-toxic Indian Medicinal Plants may Use as a Traditional Medicine to Treat COVID-19 and Opportunistic Fungal Infections
  186. COVID-19, health recovery by medicinal plants (health solutions): An overview
  187. The mediating role of attitude in analyzing the factors affecting the tendency of rural women to use medicinal plants during the COVID-19 outbreak
  188. COVID-19-A-review.pdf”>Efficacy of traditional Indian medicinal plants against COVID-19: A review
  189. Organoleptic Test of Herbal Drinks From Family Medicinal Plants as Body Immunity in The COVID-19 Pandemic
  190. Molecular docking study between 3 thai medicinal plants compounds and COVID-19 therapeutic protein targets: Sars-cov-2 main protease, ace-2, and pak-1
  192. Medicinal Plants for Immunity Boosting in COVID-19
  193. Medicinal plants with antimalarial activity and antiviral potential: A source of active compounds for the treatment of COVID-19? A review
  194. Counseling Regarding What Plants Can Be Used As Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) As One Of The Efforts To Prevent COVID-19
  195. Evaluation of the ethanolic extract of some medicinal plants on platelet function in COVID-19 patients
  197. Utilization of Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) in the Prevention and Recovery of Patients Due to COVID-19
  198. Traditional medicinal plants as promising source of immunomodulator against COVID-19.(Special Issue: SARS-CoV-2.)
  199. Exploring the Efficacy of Herbal & Medicinal Plants Native to China and Thailand as a Complementary & Alternative Treatment in Mitigating Mild-to-Moderate COVID …
  200. Evaluation of medicinal plants and herbal products used in Iranian volunteers during the COVID-19 outbreak
  201. Organoleptic test of herbal drinks from family medicinal plants as body immunity in the COVID-19 pandemic
  202. Medicinal plants as recent complementary and alternative therapy for COVID-19: A review
  203. Medicinal plants with antimalarial activity and antiviral potential: A source of active compounds for the treatment of COVID-19? A review
  204. Molecular Docking and Antiviral Potential of Selected Medicinal Plants to Combat COVID-19
  205. South African Researchers are Screening Traditional Southern African Medicinal Plants as Leads for COVID-19 Treatments
  208. Screening of medicinal plants for boosting immunity & as a potent treatment against COVID-19
  209. Searching nature-based solutions to emerging diseases: a preliminary review of Cameroonian medicinal plants with potentials for the management of COVID …
  210. Network pharmacology of AYUSH recommended immune-boosting medicinal plants against COVID-19 Short Title: Ayurveda against COVID-19
  211. COVID-19: An in silico approach Bhumi Shaha, b …
  212. Structure-Based Virtual Screening and Molecular Dynamics of Phytochemicals Derived from Saudi Medicinal Plants to Identify Potential COVID-19 Therapeutics
  213. Correlation of trace elemental content in selected anti-viral medicinal plants as source of active molecules used against COVID-19 by ED-XRF techniqu: No
  214. Treatment of COVID-19 Effects on Reproductive health and Fertility with Traditional Medicinal Plants-A Review
  215. Effect of COVID-19 on trade of medicinal and aromatic plants in Uttarakhand, India
  216. Traditional knowledge on the medicinal uses of plants (TKMUP) in Nigeria: Whither the patent system in COVID-19 pandemic
  217. Impact of COVID-19 on Herbal Sector; an Opportunity for Development of Traditional Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Based Natural Products for Rural and Societal …

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Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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