Resting Energy Expenditure

  1. Resting energy expenditure: systematic organization and critique of prediction methods
  2. Relative changes in Resting energy expenditure during weight loss: a systematic review
  3. A new predictive equation for Resting energy expenditure in healthy individuals
  4. Dietary intake, Resting energy expenditure, weight loss and survival in cancer patients
  5. Resting energy expenditure in patients with pancreatitis
  6. Skeletal muscle metabolism is a major determinant of Resting energy expenditure.
  7. A new device for measuring Resting energy expenditure (REE) in healthy subjects
  8. Effect of different tumor types on Resting energy expenditure
  9. Comparison of Resting energy expenditure prediction methods with measured Resting energy expenditure in obese, hospitalized adults
  10. Assessment of Resting energy expenditure in mechanically ventilated patients
  11. Determinants of Resting energy expenditure in young children
  12. World Health Organization equations have shortcomings for predicting Resting energy expenditure in persons from a modern, affluent population: generation of a new …
  13. Resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  14. Influence of methods used in body composition analysis on the prediction of Resting energy expenditure
  15. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in patients with newly detected cancer
  16. Measured Resting energy expenditure in children
  17. Cytokines, the acute-phase response, and Resting energy expenditure in cachectic patients with pancreatic cancer.
  18. Dietary intake and Resting energy expenditure in relation to weight loss in unselected cancer patients
  19. Prediction of Resting energy expenditure from fat-free mass and fat mass
  20. Increased Resting energy expenditure in patients with end‐stage renal disease
  21. Resting energy expenditure, activity energy expenditure and total energy expenditure at age 91–96 years
  22. Resting energy expenditure-fat-free mass relationship: new insights provided by body composition modeling
  23. Ascites increases the Resting energy expenditure in liver cirrhosis
  24. Raised Resting energy expenditure in Parkinson’s disease and its relationship to muscle rigidity
  25. Metabolically active components of fat‐free mass and Resting energy expenditure in humans: recent lessons from imaging technologies
  26. Investigating heterogeneity in studies of Resting energy expenditure in persons with HIV/AIDS: a meta-analysis
  27. Measurement of Resting energy expenditure in a clinical setting
  28. Increased Resting energy expenditure and weight loss are related to a systemic inflammatory response in lung cancer patients.
  29. Total daily energy expenditure relative to Resting energy expenditure in clinically stable patients with COPD
  30. Validation of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in adult outpatients and inpatients
  31. Metabolically active components of fat free mass and Resting energy expenditure in nonobese adults
  32. Sex hormone suppression reduces Resting energy expenditure and β-adrenergic support of Resting energy expenditure
  33. The cystic fibrosis gene and Resting energy expenditure
  34. Estimation of Resting energy expenditure considering effects of race and diabetes status
  35. Resting energy expenditure should be measured in patients with cirrhosis, not predicted
  36. Resting energy expenditure in short-term starvation is increased as a result of an increase in serum norepinephrine
  37. Resting energy expenditure is increased in stable, malnourished HIV-infected patients
  38. Association between blood pressure and Resting energy expenditure independent of body size
  39. Resting energy expenditure and its determinants in hemodialysis patients
  40. Resting energy expenditure is sensitive to small dose changes in patients on chronic thyroid hormone replacement
  41. Resting energy expenditure and subsequent mortality risk in peritoneal dialysis patients
  42. Resting energy expenditure in morbid obesity.
  43. Assessement of Resting energy expenditure of obese patients: comparison of indirect calorimetry with formulae
  44. Can measured Resting energy expenditure be estimated by formulae in daily clinical nutrition practice?
  45. Body composition and Resting energy expenditure in long term spinal cord injury
  46. Resting energy expenditure in the critically ill: estimations versus measurement
  47. Resting energy expenditure in malnourished patients with and without cancer
  48. Accuracy of predictive methods to estimate Resting energy expenditure of thermally‐injured patients
  49. Body composition and Resting energy expenditure in elderly male patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  50. Effects of a low–glycemic load diet on Resting energy expenditure and heart disease risk factors during weight loss
  51. Contribution of individual organ mass loss to weight loss–associated decline in Resting energy expenditure
  52. Total and Resting energy expenditure in obese women reduced to ideal body weight.
  53. New specific equation to estimate Resting energy expenditure in severely obese patients
  54. Relationships between Resting and total energy expenditure in injured and septic patients
  55. Resting energy expenditure in manic episode
  56. Quantitative analysis of the relationship between sedation and Resting energy expenditure in postoperative patients
  57. Total and Resting energy expenditure in children with sickle cell disease
  58. Specific metabolic rates of major organs and tissues across adulthood: evaluation by mechanistic model of Resting energy expenditure
  59. Changes in Resting energy expenditure in children with congenital heart disease
  60. Decreased Resting energy expenditure in non-dialysed chronic kidney disease patients
  61. Resistance training conserves fat‐free mass and Resting energy expenditure following weight loss
  62. Resting energy expenditure in chronic cardiac failure
  63. Increased Resting energy expenditure is related to plasmaTNF-α concentration in stable COPD patients
  64. Measured and predicted Resting energy expenditure in clinically stable patients
  65. Increased Resting energy expenditure in human immunodeficiency virus-infected men
  66. Body-size dependence of Resting energy expenditure can be attributed to nonenergetic homogeneity of fat-free mass
  67. Resting energy expenditure and oxygen cost of breathing in patients with cystic fibrosis.
  68. A longitudinal study of Resting energy expenditure in thermally injured patients
  69. Prediction of Resting energy expenditure in a large population of obese children
  70. Prediction of Resting energy expenditure in severely obese Italian women
  71. Differences in Resting energy expenditure in African-American vs Caucasian overweight females
  72. Resting energy expenditure in children and adolescents: agreement between calorimetry and prediction equations
  73. Resting energy expenditure in patients with thermal injuries.
  74. Resting energy expenditure in pre‐dialysis diabetic patients
  75. Validity of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in US and Dutch overweight and obese class I and II adults aged 18–65 y
  76. Relationship between diet composition and body fatness, with adjustment for Resting energy expenditure and physical activity, in preadolescent children
  77. Weight-adjusted Resting energy expenditure is not constant in critically ill patients
  78. Estimating Resting energy expenditure in obesity
  79. The relationship between active ghrelin levels and human obesity involves alterations in Resting energy expenditure
  80. Influence of whole body protein turnover rate on Resting energy expenditure in patients with cancer
  81. Increased Resting energy expenditure in cystic fibrosis
  82. The effects of a single bout of exercise on Resting energy expenditure and respiratory exchange ratio
  83. The relationship between Resting energy expenditure and weight loss in benign and malignant disease.
  84. Validation of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in obese adolescents
  85. Exercise in the treatment of obesity: effects of four interventions on body composition, Resting energy expenditure, appetite, and mood.
  86. Resting energy expenditure and body mass changes in women during adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer
  87. Determinants of Resting energy expenditure in hemodialysis patients, and comparison with healthy subjects
  88. Resting energy expenditure in patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis
  89. Aerobic fitness and Resting energy expenditure in young adult males
  90. Resting energy expenditure in obese African American and Caucasian women
  91. Prediction equation of Resting energy expenditure in an adult Spanish population of obese adult population
  92. Increased Resting energy expenditure in hemodialysis patients with severe hyperparathyroidism
  93. Effects of energy-restricted diets containing increased protein on weight loss, Resting energy expenditure, and the thermic effect of feeding in type 2 diabetes
  94. Grade of adiposity affects the impact of fat mass on Resting energy expenditure in women
  95. Muscle function and Resting energy expenditure in female athletes with cystic fibrosis
  96. Prevalence of an elevated Resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in relation to body composition and lung function
  97. Changes in Resting energy expenditure and body composition after weight loss following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
  98. Resting energy expenditure in clinical pediatrics: measured versus prediction equations
  99. Resting energy expenditure in reduced-obese subjects in the National Weight Control Registry
  100. Influence of water drinking on Resting energy expenditure in overweight children
  101. Validity of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in Belgian normal weight to morbid obese women
  102. Resting energy expenditure in lung and colon cancer
  103. Small organs with a high metabolic rate explain lower Resting energy expenditure in African American than in white adults
  104. Resting energy expenditure is increased in infants and children with extrahepatic biliary atresia
  105. Resting energy expenditure in peritoneal dialysis patients
  106. Effect of green tea on Resting energy expenditure and substrate oxidation during weight loss in overweight females
  107. Resting energy expenditure of chronic kidney disease patients: influence of renal function and subclinical inflammation
  108. Subclinical hypothyroidism in obese patients: relation to Resting energy expenditure, serum leptin, body composition, and lipid profile
  109. Low Resting energy expenditure in Asians can be attributed to body composition
  110. Validity of Resting energy expenditure predictive equations before and after an energy-restricted diet intervention in obese women
  111. Resting energy expenditure in patients with non‐small cell lung cancer
  112. The age-related decline in Resting energy expenditure in humans is due to the loss of fat-free mass and to alterations in its metabolically active components
  113. Measuring longitudinally the metabolic demands of stroke patients: Resting energy expenditure is not elevated
  114. The influence of age and gender on Resting energy expenditure in severely burned children
  115. Resting energy expenditure, body composition, and excess weight in the obese
  116. Validation of a predictive method for an accurate assessment of Resting energy expenditure in medical mechanically ventilated patients
  117. Brain and high metabolic rate organ mass: contributions to Resting energy expenditure beyond fat-free mass
  118. Metabolic predictors of obesity. Contribution of Resting energy expenditure, thermic effect of food, and fuel utilization to four-year weight gain of post-obese and never …
  119. Influence of body composition and Resting metabolic rate on variation in total energy expenditure: a meta-analysis
  120. Challenge of predicting Resting energy expenditure in children undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease
  121. Measurement reliability and reactivity using repeated measurements of Resting energy expenditure with a face mask, mouthpiece, and ventilated canopy
  122. Effect of organ and tissue masses on Resting energy expenditure in underweight, normal weight and obese adults
  123. Resting energy expenditure in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients: comparison between patients with and without secondary infections
  124. Resting energy expenditure, caloric intake, and short-term weight change in human immunodeficiency virus infection and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  125. Resting energy expenditure in young adults born preterm—the Helsinki study of very low birth weight adults
  126. New equation for the prediction of Resting energy expenditure during pregnancy
  127. Resting energy expenditure in children with phenylketonuria
  128. Resting energy expenditure and energy substrate utilization in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  129. Resting energy expenditure in controls and cancer patients with localized and diffuse disease.
  130. Prediction of daily energy expenditure during a feeding trial using measurements of Resting energy expenditure, fat-free mass, or Harris-Benedict equations
  131. Positive association between Resting energy expenditure and weight gain in a lean adult population
  132. Clinical comparison of three methods to determine Resting energy expenditure
  133. A cellular-level approach to predicting Resting energy expenditure across the adult years
  134. Resting energy expenditure in patients with end‐stage liver disease and in normal population
  135. A comparison of the Resting energy expenditure of Korean adults using indirect calorimetry
  136. Measurement of Resting energy expenditure in healthy children
  137. Changes in measured Resting energy expenditure after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for clinically severe obesity
  138. Smoking, oxidative stress and inflammation: impact on Resting energy expenditure in diabetic nephropathy
  139. Influence of physical activity and dietary restraint on Resting energy expenditure in young nonobese females
  140. Bioimpedance for severe obesity: comparing research methods for total body water and Resting energy expenditure
  141. Comparison of Harris Benedict and Mifflin-ST Jeor equations with indirect calorimetry in evaluating Resting energy expenditure
  142. Resting energy expenditure in children in a pediatric intensive care unit: comparison of Harris-Benedict and Talbot predictions with indirect calorimetry values
  143. Bedside measurement of Resting energy expenditure and respiratory quotient via indirect calorimetry
  144. Lean-body-mass composition and Resting energy expenditure before and after long-term overfeeding
  145. Prediction of Resting energy expenditure in severely obese Italian males
  146. Resting energy expenditure in patients with alcoholic hepatitis
  147. Resting energy expenditure and nitrogen balance in critically ill pediatric patients on mechanical ventilation
  148. … supplementation decreases plasma homocysteine concentrations but does not affect body weight, body composition, or Resting energy expenditure in human subjects
  149. Comparison of indirect calorimetric measurements of Resting energy expenditure with a ventilated hood, face mask, and mouthpiece
  150. Racial differences in the relation between uncoupling protein genes and Resting energy expenditure
  151. Resting energy expenditure during mechanical ventilation and its relationship with the type of lesion
  152. … screening of the CART gene in obese children: identifying a mutation (Leu34Phe) associated with reduced Resting energy expenditure and cosegregating with obesity …
  153. Changes in Resting energy expenditure after weight loss in obese African American and white women
  154. Variability in results from predicted Resting energy needs as compared to measured Resting energy expenditure in Korean children
  155. Effects of growth hormone on pulmonary function, sleep quality, behavior, cognition, growth velocity, body composition, and Resting energy expenditure in Prader-Willi …
  156. Determinants of Resting energy expenditure in obese and non-obese children and adolescents.
  157. Resting energy expenditure and protein turnover are increased in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  158. The prediction of Resting energy expenditure in type 2 diabetes mellitus is improved by factoring for glycemia
  159. New Resting energy expenditure prediction equations for patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  160. Total but not Resting energy expenditure is increased in infants with ventricular septal defects
  161. Are prediction equations reliable for estimating Resting energy expenditure in chronic kidney disease patients?
  162. An evaluation of Resting energy expenditure in hospitalized, severely underweight patients
  163. Differences in Resting energy expenditure in prepubertal black children and white children
  164. Body composition and Resting energy expenditure in humans: role of fat, fat-free mass and extracellular fluid
  165. Effect of caffeine and/or cigarette smoking on Resting energy expenditure.
  166. Resting energy expenditure measured vs. estimated and this relationship with body composition in women
  167. Resting energy expenditure in chronic hepatitis C
  168. Tumour necrosis factor-α, Resting energy expenditure and cachexia in cystic fibrosis
  169. Plasma and muscle amino acid levels in relation to Resting energy expenditure and inflammation in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  170. Assessment of daily steps, activity coefficient, body composition, Resting energy expenditure and daily energy expenditure in female university students
  171. Short-term effects of a progestational contraceptive drug on food intake, Resting energy expenditure, and body weight in young women
  172. Clinical accuracy of the MedGem™ indirect calorimeter for measuring Resting energy expenditure in cancer patients
  173. Effects of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on Resting energy expenditure in women
  174. Elevated Resting energy expenditure among HIV-seropositive persons receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy
  175. Poor prediction of Resting energy expenditure in obese women by established equations
  176. Effects of exercise training on Resting energy expenditure and lean mass during pediatric burn rehabilitation
  177. A cellular level approach to predicting Resting energy expenditure: Evaluation of applicability in adolescents
  178. Resting energy expenditure in adults with sleep disordered breathing
  179. Determinants of Resting energy expenditure in obese non-diabetic caucasian women
  180. The effects on Resting energy expenditure of different tumor types
  181. Increased Resting energy expenditure after 40 minutes of aerobic but not resistance exercise
  182. Longitudinal analysis of Resting energy expenditure in patients with cystic fibrosis
  183. Determinants of Resting energy expenditure in young black girls and young white girls
  184. Impact of regional and total body composition and hormones on Resting energy expenditure in overweight postmenopausal women
  185. Greater than predicted decrease in Resting energy expenditure with age: cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence
  186. Standard equations are not accurate in assessing Resting energy expenditure in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  187. Resting energy expenditure of children and adolescents undergoing hemodialysis
  188. Resting energy expenditure in disorders of propionate metabolism
  189. Resting energy expenditure in patients with solid tumors undergoing anticancer therapy
  190. Estimating energy requirements in burned children: a new approach derived from measurements of Resting energy expenditure
  191. A longitudinal study of Resting energy expenditure relative to body composition during puberty in African American and white children
  192. Resting and sleeping energy expenditure in the elderly
  193. Larger mass of high-metabolic-rate organs does not explain higher Resting energy expenditure in children
  194. Changes in Resting energy expenditure among children undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation
  195. Fluoxetine increases Resting energy expenditure and basal body temperature in humans
  196. The effect of burn wound size on Resting energy expenditure
  197. DXA: Potential for creating a metabolic map of organ‐tissue Resting energy expenditure components
  198. Altered postprandial glucose, insulin, leptin, and ghrelin in liver cirrhosis: correlations with energy intake and Resting energy expenditure
  199. Resting energy expenditure in obese children aged 4 to 15 years: measured versus predicted data
  200. Correlation between measured Resting energy expenditure and predicted basal energy expenditure in female college students
  201. Enhanced rate of Resting energy expenditure in women using hormone-replacement therapy: preliminary results
  202. Resting energy expenditure in cystic fibrosis as an indicator of disease severity
  203. Assessing the Resting energy expenditure of cancer patients in the Penang General Hospital.
  204. Artifacts in measurement of Resting energy expenditure
  205. Effect of weight reduction on Resting energy expenditure, substrate utilization, and the thermic effect of food in moderately obese women
  206. Resting energy expenditure in children following major operative procedures
  207. Resting energy expenditure during lactation
  208. Resting energy expenditure and nutritional state in patients with liver cirrhosis before and after liver transplantation
  209. Resting energy expenditure and delayed-onset muscle soreness after full-body resistance training with an eccentric concentration
  210. Resting energy expenditure in infants with cystic fibrosis
  211. Comparison of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in overweight and obese adults
  212. Age, sex, ethnicity, body composition, and Resting energy expenditure of obese African American and white children and adolescents
  213. The relationship between total body potassium and Resting energy expenditure in individuals with paraplegia
  214. Do patients with nonmetastatic non-small cell lung cancer demonstrate altered Resting energy expenditure?
  215. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in morbidly obese, obese and control subjects
  216. Changes in Resting energy expenditure and body composition in anorexia nervosa patients during refeeding
  217. Body size and human energy requirements: reduced mass-specific Resting energy expenditure in tall adults
  218. Resting energy expenditure and fat-free mass do not decline during aging in severely obese women
  219. The effect of sibutramine on Resting energy expenditure and adrenaline-induced thermogenesis in obese females
  220. Familial influences and obesity-associated metabolic risk factors contribute to the variation in Resting energy expenditure: the Kiel Obesity Prevention Study
  221. Prospective evaluation of Resting energy expenditure, nutritional status, pulmonary function, and genotype in children with cystic fibrosis
  222. Resting energy expenditure in cancer patients before and after gastrointestinal surgery
  223. Resting energy expenditure can be assessed by fat-free mass in female athletes regardless of body size
  224. Resting energy expenditure is not increased in mildly hyperglycaemic obese diabetic patients
  225. Resting energy expenditure and substrate utilisation rate in children with constitutional leanness or obesity
  226. Evaluation of oxygen consumption and Resting energy expenditure in critically ill patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome
  227. Alterations in basal nutrient metabolism increase Resting energy expenditure in sickle cell disease
  228. Intensity of resistance exercise determines adipokine and Resting energy expenditure responses in overweight elderly individuals
  229. Predicting Resting energy expenditure in healthy Puerto Rican adults
  230. Prediction equations for Resting energy expenditure in overweight and normal-weight black and white children
  231. … loss and low body cell mass in males with lung cancer: relationship with systemic inflammation, acute-phase response, Resting energy expenditure, and catabolic and …
  232. Factors associated with the increase in Resting energy expenditure during refeeding in malnourished anorexia nervosa patients
  233. Resting energy expenditure and lung disease in cystic fibrosis
  234. Resting energy expenditure in Gaucher’s disease type 1: effect of Gaucher’s cell burden on energy requirements
  235. Differences in Resting energy expenditure between male and female children with cystic fibrosis
  236. Resting energy expenditure in children with cyanotic and noncyanotic congenital heart disease before and after open heart surgery
  237. Persistent suppression of Resting energy expenditure after acute hypoxia
  238. Equations for the prediction of Resting energy expenditure in chronic obstructive lung disease
  239. Characteristics of body composition and Resting energy expenditure in lean young women
  240. Altered body composition affects Resting energy expenditure and interpretation of body mass index in chiloren with spinal cord injury
  241. Effects of medroxyprogesterone acetate on food intake, body composition, and Resting energy expenditure in patients with advanced, nonhormone‐sensitive cancer: a …
  242. A paradoxical increase in Resting energy expenditure in malnourished patients near death: the king penguin syndrome
  243. Prospective study of Resting energy expenditure changes in head and neck cancer patients treated with chemoradiotherapy measured by indirect calorimetry
  244. Effects of alcohol intake on Resting energy expenditure in young women social drinkers
  245. Resting energy expenditure in relation to energy intake in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, multi-infarct dementia and in control women
  246. Estimating total versus Resting energy expenditure: methodological considerations
  247. Resting energy expenditure in severely burned children: Analysis of agreement between indirect calorimetry and prediction equations using the Bland–Altman method
  248. Resting energy expenditure and nutritional status in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
  249. Resting energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected asymptomatic men: HIV affects host metabolism in the early …
  250. Age-related decrease in Resting energy expenditure in sedentary white women: effects of regional differences in lean and fat mass
  251. Resting energy expenditure is lower than predicted in people taking atypical antipsychotic medication
  252. Influence of Resting energy expenditure on weight gain in adolescents taking second-generation antipsychotics
  253. Resting energy expenditure and body composition following cerebro-vascular accident
  254. Resting energy expenditure in women: impact of obesity and body-fat distribution
  255. Resting energy expenditure, pulmonary inflammation, and genotype in the early course of cystic fibrosis
  256. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in children with myelomeningocele
  257. Resting energy expenditure in moderate obesity. Predicting velocity of weight loss.
  258. Resting energy expenditure in Interstitial Lung Disease1, 2
  259. Role of cytokines and testosterone in regulating lean body mass and Resting energy expenditure in HIV-infected men
  260. Influence of fat-free mass and functional status on Resting energy expenditure in underweight elders
  261. Resting energy expenditure and substrate metabolism in patients with acute-on-chronic hepatitis B liver failure
  262. Regional lean body mass and Resting energy expenditure in non-obese adults
  263. Comparison of the standard predictive equation for calculation of Resting energy expenditure with indirect calorimetry in hospitalized and healthy dogs
  264. Resting energy expenditure in Duchenne patients using home mechanical ventilation
  265. Measured versus predicted Resting energy expenditure in infants: a need for reappraisal
  266. Effects of weight cycling on the Resting energy expenditure and body composition of obese women
  267. The prognostic effect of increased Resting energy expenditure prior to treatment for lung cancer
  268. Comparison of the Cosmed K4 b2 and the Deltatrac IITM metabolic cart in measuring Resting energy expenditure in adults
  269. Serum leptin in relation to Resting energy expenditure and fuel metabolism in obese subjects
  270. Body composition and Resting energy expenditure in patients aged 11 to 21 years with spinal cord dysfunction compared to controls: comparisons and relationships …
  271. Equation to estimate Resting energy expenditure in adolescents with sickle cell anemia
  272. A practical approach to estimate Resting energy expenditure in frail elderly people
  273. Impact of disease activity on Resting energy expenditure in children with inflammatory bowel disease
  274. Validity of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure among Iranian women
  275. Bioimpedance analysis and Resting energy expenditure in undernourished and refed anorectic patients.
  276. Caffeine–herbal ephedra combination increases Resting energy expenditure, heart rate and blood pressure
  277. Is it necessary to measure Resting energy expenditure in clinical practice in children?
  278. Resting energy expenditure changes with weight loss: racial differences
  279. Effect of orlistat treatment on body composition and Resting energy expenditure during a two-year weight-reduction programme in obese Finns
  280. Accuracy of a portable multisensor body monitor for predicting Resting energy expenditure in older people: a comparison with indirect calorimetry
  281. Assessment of activity coefficient, Resting energy expenditure and daily energy expenditure in elementary school children
  282. Development and cross-validation of a prediction equation for estimating Resting energy expenditure in healthy African-American and European-American women
  283. Effects of exercise training on Resting energy expenditure during caloric restriction
  284. Resting energy expenditure in patients with newly detected gastric and colorectal cancers
  285. Elevated Resting energy expenditure in adolescents with sickle cell anemia
  286. The effect of disease activity on body composition and Resting energy expenditure in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  287. Postoperative changes in Resting energy expenditure and interleukin 6 level in infants
  288. Differences in Resting energy expenditure and body composition between patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls
  289. Cross-validation of prediction equations for Resting energy expenditure in young, healthy children
  290. Measurements of Resting energy expenditure and body composition before and after treatment of small cell lung cancer
  291. Sex differences in Resting energy expenditure and their relation to insulin resistance in children (EarlyBird 13)
  292. Validation of a 5-minute steady state indirect calorimetry protocol for Resting energy expenditure in critically ill patients.
  293. Changes in body composition and Resting energy expenditure after rapid weight loss: is there an energy-metabolism adaptation in obese patients?
  294. How accurate are Resting energy expenditure prediction equations in obese trauma and burn patients?
  295. Smoking multiple high-versus low-nicotine cigarettes: impact on Resting energy expenditure
  296. Physical activity and muscle function but not Resting energy expenditure impact on weight gain
  297. Higher fasting plasma concentrations of glucagon-like peptide 1 are associated with higher Resting energy expenditure and fat oxidation rates in humans
  298. Free and bound plasma leptin in normal weight and obese men and women: relationship with body composition, Resting energy expenditure, insulin‐sensitivity, lipid …
  299. Transepidermal water loss and Resting energy expenditure in preterm infants.
  300. Predicted and measured Resting energy expenditure in healthy young women
  301. The effect of levothyroxine treatment on Resting energy expenditure of hypothyroid dogs
  302. Effect of weight loss on Resting energy expenditure in obese prepubertal children.
  303. Long-term exercise training with constant energy intake. 2: Effect on glucose metabolism and Resting energy expenditure.
  305. Indirect calorimetry: comparison of hood and mask systems for measuring Resting energy expenditure in healthy volunteers
  306. The agreement between measured and predicted Resting energy expenditure in patients with pancreatic cancer: a pilot study
  307. Measurement of Resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a clinical setting
  308. Resting energy expenditure in patients undergoing pylorus preserving pancreatoduodenectomies for bile duct cancer or pancreatic tumors
  309. Predictive equation of Resting energy expenditure in obese adult Taiwanese
  310. Resting energy expenditure in brain death
  311. MedGem hand‐held indirect calorimeter is valid for Resting energy expenditure measurement in healthy children
  312. Resting energy expenditure and nutritional status in patients undergoing transthoracic esophagectomy for esophageal cancer
  313. Associations between uncoupling protein 2, body composition, and Resting energy expenditure in lean and obese African American, white, and Asian children
  314. Longitudinal study of Resting energy expenditure, body cell mass and the inflammatory response in male patients with non-small cell lung cancer
  315. Total energy expenditure, Resting metabolic rate and physical activity level in free-living rural elderly men and women from Cuba, Chile and Mexico
  316. Low Resting and sleeping energy expenditure and fat use do not contribute to obesity in women
  317. Comparison of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in severely obese Caucasian children and adolescents
  318. Effects of recombinant human leptin treatment as an adjunct of moderate energy restriction on body weight, Resting energy expenditure and energy intake in obese …
  319. Resting energy expenditure and prediction equations in young children with failure to thrive
  320. A new equation to predict the Resting energy expenditure of surgical infants
  321. Resting energy expenditure of female athletes in different types of sport.
  322. Poor agreement between a portable armband and indirect calorimetry in the assessment of Resting energy expenditure
  323. Resting energy expenditure in children with inflammatory bowel disease
  324. Resting energy expenditure in children newly diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma
  325. Differences between brain mass and body weight scaling to height: potential mechanism of reduced mass-specific Resting energy expenditure of taller adults
  326. Resting energy expenditure and insulin resitance in obese patients, differences in women and men
  327. Resting energy expenditure in stroke patients who are dependent on tube feeding: A pilot study
  328. Comparability of Resting energy expenditure in Nigerians and US blacks
  329. Effects of hepatic metastases on Resting energy expenditure in patients with colorectal cancer
  330. Normal value of Resting energy expenditure in healthy neonates
  331. Validity of an abbreviated indirect calorimetry protocol for measurement of Resting energy expenditure in mechanically ventilated and spontaneously breathing …
  332. Resting energy expenditure in the obese: a cross-validation and comparison of prediction equations
  333. Operation does not increase Resting energy expenditure in the neonate
  334. Resting energy expenditure before and after surgical resection of gut lesions in pediatric Crohn’s disease
  335. The impact of significant weight loss on Resting energy expenditure in obese youth.
  336. Impact of HAART on survival, weight gain and Resting energy expenditure in HIV-1-infected children in India
  337. The effect of disease activity on fat-free mass and Resting energy expenditure in patients with rheumatoid arthritis versus noninflammatory arthropathies/soft tissue …
  338. Meal-induced rise in Resting energy expenditure in patients with complete cervical spinal cord lesions
  339. Increased Resting energy expenditure in childhood asthma: does this contribute towards growth failure?
  340. Resting energy expenditure in diabetic and nondiabetic patients with liver cirrhosis: relation with insulin sensitivity and effect of liver transplantation and …
  341. Comparison of Resting energy expenditure in bronchopulmonary dysplasia to predicted equation
  342. Resting energy expenditure and food‐induced thermogenesis in obese children
  343. What Kind of Factors Is Influencing Resting energy expenditure on Major Burn Patients?
  344. A simple and accurate indirect calorimetry system for assessment of Resting energy expenditure
  345. Beta-blockers and their effects on protein metabolism and Resting energy expenditure
  346. Increased Resting energy expenditure, fat oxidation, and food intake in patients with highly active antiretroviral therapy-associated lipodystrophy
  347. Resting energy expenditure and substrate metabolism in Chinese patients with acute or chronic hepatitis B or liver cirrhosis
  348. Oral glutamine supplementation decreases Resting energy expenditure in children and adolescents with sickle cell anemia
  349. Indirect calorimetry protocol development for measuring Resting metabolic rate as a component of total energy expenditure in free-living postmenopausal women
  350. Difference between predictive and measured Resting energy expenditure in healthy subjects
  351. Effect of salbutamol on Resting energy expenditure in patients with cystic fibrosis
  352. Determination of Resting energy expenditure utilizing the thermodilution pulmonary artery catheter
  353. Prevalence of obesity and dyslipidemia in middle-aged men and women in Tanzania, Africa: relationship with Resting energy expenditure and dietary factors
  354. Relationships of serum leptin to body composition and Resting energy expenditure
  355. Body circumferences are predictors of weight adjusted Resting energy expenditure in older people
  356. Resting energy expenditure before and after treatment for Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in patients with cystic fibrosis
  357. Resting energy expenditure and body cell mass alterations in noncachectic patients with sarcomas
  358. Whole-body protein turnover and Resting energy expenditure in obese, prepubertal children
  359. Editorials: Comparison of Proposed Alternative Methods for Rescaling Dialysis Dose: Resting energy expenditure, High Metabolic Rate Organ Mass, Liver Size, and …
  360. … in women with breast cancer treated with adjuvant cyclophosphomide, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil. Analysis of Resting energy expenditure and body composition
  361. Reproducibility of measurement of Resting energy expenditure in prepubertal girls
  362. Resting energy expenditure in chronic kidney disease: relationship with glomerular filtration rate.
  363. Increased Resting energy expenditure is associated with failure to thrive in infants with severe combined immunodeficiency
  364. Resting energy expenditure: evolution during antibiotic treatment for pulmonary exacerbation in cystic fibrosis
  365. Anthropometric measured fat-free mass as essential determinant of Resting energy expenditure for pregnant and non-pregnant women
  366. Effects of intravenous glucose loading on oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and Resting energy expenditure in infants with bronchopulmonary …
  367. Resting energy expenditure in non-ventilated, non-sedated patients recovering from serious traumatic brain injury: comparison of prediction equations with indirect …
  368. UCP1 genetic polymorphism (–3826 A/G) diminishes Resting energy expenditure and thermoregulatory sympathetic nervous system activity in young females
  369. Twenty-four-hour energy expenditure and Resting metabolic rate in obese, moderately obese, and control subjects
  370. Effect of acute resistance exercise on postexercise energy expenditure and Resting metabolic rate
  371. Resting energy expenditure and nutritional state of patients with increased oxygen cost of breathing due to emphysema, scoliosis and thoracoplasty.
  372. Body Composition Modeling: Application to Exploration of the Resting energy expenditure Fat‐free Mass Relationship
  373. Comparison of respiratory quotient and Resting energy expenditure in two regimens of enteral feeding–continuous vs. intermittent in head-injured critically ill …
  374. Resting energy expenditure of patients with gynecologic malignancies.
  375. Effect of malabsorption on nutritional status and Resting energy expenditure in HIV-infected patients
  376. Resting energy expenditure and weight loss in human immunodeficiency: Virus-infected patients
  377. Validity of Resting energy expenditure estimated by an activity monitor compared to indirect calorimetry
  378. Resting energy expenditure in asymptomatic HIV-infected females
  379. Nutritional rehabilitation increases Resting energy expenditure without affecting protein turnover in patients with cystic fibrosis
  380. Measurement of body potassium with a whole-body counter: relationship between lean body mass and Resting energy expenditure
  381. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in pediatric HIV infection.
  382. Resting energy expenditure and metabolic changes after lung volume reduction surgery for emphysema
  383. Fat-free mass can be utilized to assess Resting energy expenditure for male athletes of different body size
  384. Resting energy expenditure and substrate oxidation rates in cystic fibrosis.
  385. Body Composition and Resting energy expenditure of Individuals With Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy
  386. Relationship between blood adipocytokines and Resting energy expenditure in young and elderly women
  387. The short-term effect of a balanced defecit diet on Resting energy expenditure in overweight and obese males and females.
  388. Metabolism in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Resting energy expenditure, physical activity and diet-induced thermogenesis. Invited review
  389. Increase of Resting energy expenditure during flare-ups in Crohn disease
  390. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in rural Sarawaki adults
  391. Resting energy expenditure and fuel metabolism following laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in severely obese women: relationships with excess weight lost
  392. Comparison of measured Resting energy expenditure versus predictive equations in pediatric burn patients
  393. Predictive equations over-estimate the Resting energy expenditure in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients who are dependent on invasive ventilation support
  394. Acute effects of ingesting Java Fit™ energy extreme functional coffee on Resting energy expenditure and hemodynamic responses in male and female coffee drinkers
  395. Effect of exocrine pancreatic function on Resting energy expenditure in cystic fibrosis
  396. Resting energy expenditure, weight loss, and altered body composition in HIV infection
  397. A comparison of calculated and measured Resting energy expenditure in obese women
  398. Changes in protein turnover and Resting energy expenditure after treatment of malaria in Gambian children
  399. Ability of commonly used prediction equations to predict Resting energy expenditure in children with inflammatory bowel disease
  400. Resting and total energy expenditure in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
  401. Estimating Resting energy expenditure in patients requiring nutritional support: a survey of dietetic practice
  402. Resting energy expenditure in the parenterally fed pediatric population with Crohn’s disease
  403. Low Resting energy expenditure in middle-aged and elderly hemodialysis patients with poor nutritional status
  404. A genome scan among Nigerians linking Resting energy expenditure to chromosome 16
  405. Interaction of acute changes in exercise energy expenditure and energy intake on Resting metabolic rate
  406. Effects of carbohydrate and lipid on Resting energy expenditure, heart rate, sleepiness, and mood
  407. Effects of race, cigarette smoking, and use of contraceptive medications on Resting energy expenditure in young women
  408. Resting energy expenditure in uremic, diabetic, and uremic diabetic subjects
  409. Resting energy expenditure, cardiovascular risk factors and insulin resistance in obese patients
  410. Resting energy expenditure in young patients with cystic fibrosis receiving antibiotic therapy for acute respiratory exacerbations
  411. Effects of estrogen and testosterone on Resting energy expenditure in older men
  412. Estimation of Resting energy expenditure in children with spinal cord injuries
  413. Ghrelin and PYY3− 36 in gastrectomized and vagotomized patients: relations with appetite, energy intake and Resting energy expenditure
  414. Effects of parasites on host energy expenditure: the Resting metabolic rate stalemate
  415. Little impact of Resting energy expenditure on childhood weight and body composition:: A longitudinal study (EarlyBird 47)
  416. Genes and biochemical pathways in human skeletal muscle affecting Resting energy expenditure and fuel partitioning
  417. Relationships of Resting energy expenditure with body fat distribution and abdominal fatness in Japanese population
  418. Resting energy expenditure in dogs with nonhematopoietic malignancies before and after excision of tumors.
  419. Measured and expected Resting energy expenditure in patients with bipolar disorder on maintenance treatment
  420. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in children with HIV infection
  421. Resting energy expenditure among Japanese.
  422. Physical activity and Resting energy expenditure in fourth-grade children
  423. Protein turnover and Resting energy expenditure in patients with undernutrition and chronic lung disease
  424. Effect of chemotherapy on Resting energy expenditure in patients with non‐Hodgkin’s lymphoma results of a sequential study
  425. Differences in Resting energy expenditure between black and white smokers: implications for postcessation weight gain
  426. Resting energy expenditure and metabolic parameters in small for gestational age moderately preterm infants
  427. Agreement between measured and calculated by predictive formulas Resting energy expenditure in severe and morbid obese women
  428. Validation of prediction equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure in obese Chinese children
  429. Effect of hydroxyurea therapy on Resting energy expenditure in children with sickle cell disease
  430. Reliability and validity of a multi-sensor armband in estimating Resting and exercise energy expenditure
  431. Body composition and Resting energy expenditure in clinically stable, non–weight-losing patients with severe emphysema
  432. Resting energy expenditure in pregnant Japanese women
  433. Prevalence of overweight and hypertension in Tanzania: special emphasis on Resting energy expenditure and leptin.
  434. Pregnancy-related changes in activity energy expenditure and Resting metabolic rate in Switzerland
  435. Comparison of oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and Resting energy expenditure in premature and full-term infants
  436. Ideal weight better predicts Resting energy expenditure than does actual weight in patients with short bowel syndrome
  437. Resting energy expenditure can be assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in women regardless of age and fitness
  438. A predictive equation for determination of Resting energy expenditure in mechanically ventilated patients
  439. Resting energy expenditure in patients with thalassemia major
  440. Resting energy expenditure and its relationship with patterns of obesity and visceral fat area in Chinese adults
  441. Measurement of Resting energy expenditure in infants
  442. Correction of anemia in patients with congestive heart failure increases Resting energy expenditure
  443. Agreements between indirect calorimetry and prediction equations of Resting energy expenditure in end-stage renal disease patients on continuous ambulatory …
  444. energy intake and Resting energy expenditure in adult male rats after early postnatal food restriction
  445. The individual and combined effects of cigarette smoking and food on Resting energy expenditure.
  446. Metabolic and respiratory effects of continuous and discontinuous lipid infusions: occurrence in excess of Resting energy expenditure
  447. Factors regulating Resting energy expenditure and thermic effect of food in elderly women
  448. Influence of soy protein intake and weight training on the Resting energy expenditure of postmenopausal women
  449. The role of oils containing triacylglycerols and medium-chain fatty acids in the dietary treatment of obesity. The effect on Resting energy expenditure and serum lipids
  450. A prospective analysis of the impact of dietary intake, physical activity, and Resting energy expenditure on weight change in a biracial sample of women
  451. Effect of daytime on Resting energy expenditure and thermic effect of food in obese adolescents.
  452. Resting energy expenditure: a better marker than BMI for BMD in African-American women.
  453. Lipomatosis-associated inflammation and excess collagen may contribute to lower relative Resting energy expenditure in women with adiposis dolorosa
  454. Resting energy expenditure per lean body mass determined by indirect calorimetry and bioelectrical impedance analysis in cats
  455. Several obesity-and nutrient-related gene polymorphisms but not FTO and UCP variants modulate postabsorptive Resting energy expenditure and fat-induced …
  456. Management trends. Resting energy expenditure in the HAART era.
  457. The practical use of charts to estimate Resting energy expenditure in adults
  458. Resting energy expenditure in females with cystic fibrosis: is it affected by puberty?
  459. Early decrease in Resting energy expenditure with bedtime insulin therapy
  460. The effect of a 5-month supervised program of physical activity on anthropometric indices, fat-free mass, and Resting energy expenditure in obese male military recruits
  461. Decreased respiratory quotient in relation to Resting energy expenditure in HIV-infected and noninfected subjects
  462. Resting energy expenditure, oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production during sleep in children with atopic dermatitis
  463. Resting energy expenditure, adiponectin and changes in body composition of young children (EarlyBird 34)
  464. Effect of birth weight and postnatal age upon Resting energy expenditure in preterm infants
  465. Influence of mild cold on 24 h energy expenditure, Resting metabolism and diet-induced thermogenesis
  466. Validation of the BIOPAC indirect calorimeter for determining Resting energy expenditure in healthy free-living older people
  467. Effect of elective antibiotic therapy on Resting energy expenditure and inflammation in cystic fibrosis
  468. Resting energy expenditure in injured, septic, and malnourished adult patients on intravenous diets
  469. The Thermodilution Technique for Measuring Resting energy expenditure Does Not Agree With Indirect Calorimetry for the Critically III Patient
  470. Weight suppression and risk of future increases in body mass: effects of suppressed Resting metabolic rate and energy expenditure
  471. Effects of 12 weeks of aerobic exercise plus dietary restriction on body composition, Resting energy expenditure and aerobic fitness in mildly obese middle-aged …
  472. Resting energy expenditure and glucose, protein and fat oxidation in severe chronic virus hepatitis B patients
  473. Changes in body composition, Resting energy expenditure, and thermic effect of food in short children on growth hormone therapy
  474. Acute effects of nebulized salbutamol on Resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and in healthy subjects
  475. Whole body protein metabolism and Resting energy expenditure in pregnant Gambian women
  476. Growth failure in children with intractable epilepsy is not due to increased Resting energy expenditure
  477. Resting energy expenditure measured longitudinally following hip fracture compared to predictive equations: is an injury adjustment required?
  478. Variability of Resting energy expenditure in healthy volunteers during fasting and continuous enteral feeding.
  479. Resting metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure among two indigenous Siberian populations
  480. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in bedridden institutionalized elderly women with advanced-stage pressure sores
  481. Effect of acclimation on Resting energy expenditure measurements
  482. Comparison of various predictive formulae for the estimation of Resting energy expenditure
  483. Resting energy expenditure and thermal balance during isothermic and thermoneutral haemodialysis—heat production does not explain increased body temperature …
  484. Metabolically active components of fat free mass (FFM) and Resting energy expenditure (REE) in humans.
  485. Maintenance of Resting energy expenditure after weight loss in premenopausal women: potential benefits of a high-protein, reduced-calorie diet
  486. Resting energy expenditure and the thermic effect of adrenaline in patients with liver cirrhosis.
  487. Effects of administration of aerosolized recombinant human deoxyribonuclease on Resting energy expenditure in patients with cystic fibrosis
  488. Effect of ephedrine and theophylline on weight loss, Resting energy expenditure and lipoprotein lipase activity in obese over-fed rats.
  489. Changes in measured Resting energy expenditure after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for clinically severe obesity are not related to bypass limb-length
  490. Comparison of a face-mask and a mouthpiece for measuring Resting energy expenditure with the ‘Oxylog’
  491. Resting energy expenditure of rats acclimated to hypergravity.
  492. Weekly measurements accurately represent trends in Resting energy expenditure in children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
  493. Higher fasting serum insulin is associated with increased Resting energy expenditure in nondiabetic schizophrenia patients
  494. Resting energy expenditure is not increased in prepubertal children with Alagille syndrome
  495. Interleukin‐6, tumour necrosis factor‐alpha and insulin relationships to body composition, metabolism and Resting energy expenditure in a migrant Asian Indian …
  496. energy intake, Resting energy expenditure, activity levels, energy balance and serum hormone concentrations in sedentary and athletic males
  497. Repeatability and methodology of Resting energy expenditure in patients with cystic fibrosis
  498. High Resting energy expenditure in normal-weight bulimics and its normalization with control of eating behaviour
  499. … therapy-induced lipodystrophy has minor effects on human immunodeficiency virus-induced changes in lipolysis, but normalizes Resting energy expenditure
  500. Resting energy expenditure in patients undergoing transhiatal or transthoracic oesophagectomy for carcinoma of the thoracic oesophagus
  501. Increased Resting energy expenditure by fat-free mass in children and teenagers with constitutional leanness
  502. Comparison of three methods of determining oxygen consumption and Resting energy expenditure
  503. Resting energy expenditure in long-term postobese subjects after weight normalization by dieting or biliopancreatic diversion
  504. Effects of red blood cell transfusion on Resting energy expenditure in adolescents with sickle cell anemia
  505. energy intake and Resting energy expenditure of middle-aged obese Korean women
  506. Resting energy expenditure is not influenced by classical music
  507. Effect of oral theophylline on Resting energy expenditure in normal volunteers.
  508. Associations among calcium intake, Resting energy expenditure, and body fat in a multiethnic sample of children
  509. Effects of Pseudomonas colonization on body composition and Resting energy expenditure in children with cystic fibrosis
  510. Oxygen consumption and Resting energy expenditure during phototherapy in full term and preterm newborn infants
  511. Resting energy expenditure in African American and white children
  512. Variations in the measurement of Resting energy expenditure in children with cystic fibrosis
  513. The influence of the human immunodeficiency virus on Resting energy expenditure
  514. Estimating Resting energy expenditure by simple lean-body-mass indicators in children on total parenteral nutrition
  515. Resting energy expenditure in obese and non-obese Chilean subjects: comparison with predictive equations for the Chilean population
  516. Resting energy expenditure in children with neonatal chronic lung disease and obstruction of the airways
  517. Increased Resting energy expenditure in subjects with Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
  518. Changes in Resting and walking energy expenditure and walking speed during pregnancy in obese women–
  519. Short-term energy restriction reduces Resting energy expenditure in patients with HIV lipodystrophy and hypermetabolism
  520. Measurement of Resting energy expenditure via indirect calorimetry among adult hemodialysis patients
  521. Greater Resting energy expenditure and lower respiratory quotient after 1 week of supplementation with milk relative to supplementation with a sugar-only beverage in …
  522. Habitual meal frequency in relation to Resting and activity-induced energy expenditure in human subjects: the role of fat-free mass
  523. Resting energy expenditure in young vegetarian and nonvegetarian wome
  524. Evaluation of accuracy and reliability of indirect calorimetry for the measurement of Resting energy expenditure in healthy dogs
  525. Comparison of energy prediction equations with measured Resting energy expenditure in children with sickle cell anemia
  526. Resting energy expenditure and body composition of Labrador Retrievers fed high fat and low fat diets
  527. Working capacity and Resting energy expenditure after ileal pouch–anal anastomosis
  528. Perspectives on predicting Resting energy expenditure in pediatric obesity
  529. Resting energy expenditure, growth hormone indices, body composition and adipose tissue distribution in premenopausal women
  530. Short-term overfeeding increases Resting energy expenditure in patients with HIV lipodystrophy
  531. Is UCP2 gene polymorphism associated with decreased Resting energy expenditure in nondialyzed chronic kidney disease patients?
  532. Predictive equations underestimate Resting energy expenditure in female adolescents with phenylketonuria
  533. Resting energy expenditure and plasma leptin levels in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa
  534. Reduction in Resting energy expenditure in relation to lean tissue loss in obese subjects during prolonged dieting
  535. Shwachman–Kulczycki score and Resting energy expenditure in cystic fibrosis
  536. Effect of a high-protein, very-low-calorie diet on Resting metabolism, thyroid hormones, and energy expenditure of obese middle-aged women
  537. Effect of aerosolized albuterol sulfate on Resting energy expenditure determined by use of open-flow indirect calorimetry in horses with recurrent airway obstruction
  538. Effects of ephedrine and aminophylline on Resting energy expenditure in obese adolescents.
  539. Effect of weight loss on Resting energy expenditure in hypertensive and normotensive obese women
  540. Does intra-abdominal fluid increase the Resting energy expenditure?
  541. Postoperative effects of anesthesia and surgery on Resting energy expenditure in horses as measured by indirect calorimetry
  542. A multi-center, randomized, controlled trial of parenteral nutrition titrated to Resting energy expenditure in children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation …
  543. Nomograms for predicting Resting energy expenditure of hospitalized patients
  544. Failure of preoperative Resting energy expenditure in predicting weight loss after gastroplasty
  545. Effect of polymorphism of uncoupling protein 3 gene-55 (C> T) on the Resting energy expenditure, total body fat and regional body fat in Chinese.
  546. Comparative effectiveness of two popular weight loss programs in women I: body composition and Resting energy expenditure
  547. Resting energy expenditure and plasma leptin levels in anorexia nervosa during acute refeeding
  548. Resting energy expenditure in patients with isolated head injuries and spontaneous intracranial haemorrhages
  549. Effect of a novel beta-adrenoceptor agonist (Ro 40-2148) on Resting energy expenditure in obese women.
  550. Relationship of Resting energy expenditure with liver function and nutritional status in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.
  551. Measured Resting energy expenditure: Relationship to Apache II Score and obesity
  552. Increased Resting energy expenditure in the chronic fatigue syndrome
  553. Influence of changes in body composition on Resting energy expenditure during weight loss: a preliminary analysis.
  554. Twenty-four hour urinary creatinine: A simple technique for estimating Resting energy expenditure in normal population and the hospitalised patients
  555. In vivo whole-body Resting energy expenditure and insulin action in human malignant hyperthermia
  556. Increased Resting energy expenditure in children with attention-deficithyperactivity disorder
  557. Resting and activity energy expenditure during total parenteral nutrition in rats with methylcholanthreneinduced sarcoma
  558. Brown fat activity is not apparent in subjects with HIV lipodystrophy and increased Resting energy expenditure
  559. Comparison of Resting energy expenditure measurements by ventilated canopy and by respiration chamber
  560. Resting energy expenditure in patients with intermittent claudication and critical limb ischemia
  561. Heart rate and energy expenditure in Resting and running Svalbard and Norwegian reindeer
  562. energy expenditure among children: Implications for childhood obesity I: Resting and dietary energy expenditure
  563. Human Resting energy expenditure in relation to dietary potassium
  564. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry modeling to explain the increased Resting energy expenditure associated with the HIV lipoatrophy syndrome
  565. The effect of partial refeeding on serum levels of leptin and Resting energy expenditure in female patients with anorexia nervosa
  566. Validity of some prediction equations to assess Resting energy expenditure (REE) in 29 elderly obese subjects (> 60 years)
  567. Measured Resting energy expenditure among adults undergoing peripheral blood stem cell transplantation
  568. Resting energy expenditure in overweight and obese adults: agreement between indirect calorimetry and predictive formulas
  569. Resting metabolic rate and total energy expenditure in acute and weight recovered patients with anorexia nervosa and in healthy young women
  570. Validation of a new method for estimating Resting energy expenditure of non-ambulatory tube-fed patients with severe neurodevelopmental disabilities
  571. Acute effects of caloric intake and macronutrient type on body weight, body composition, Resting energy expenditure, and total metabolic rate.
  572. Resting energy expenditure in patients with cirrhosis of the liver measured by indirect calorimetry, anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance analysis
  573. Effects of estrogen and progesterone on Resting energy expenditure and sympathetic nervous system activity
  574. Alpha 2-adrenoceptor-mediated effects on Resting energy expenditure.
  575. Influence of soy protein and exercises with weights on the Resting energy expenditure of women in post-menopause
  576. Resting metabolic rate of esophageal carcinoma patients: a model for energy expenditure measurement in a homogenous cancer population
  577. Changes in Resting energy expenditure and their relationship to insulin resistance and weight gain: a longitudinal study in pre-pubertal children (EarlyBird 17)
  578. Evaluation of Resting energy expenditure in sarcoma patients with localized disease
  579. Circulating adipocytokines in obese nondiabetic patients in relationship with cardiovascular risk factors, anthropometry and Resting–energy expenditure
  580. Calculation of Resting energy expenditure in obese children.
  581. Resting energy expenditure in vasospastic subjects and its potential relevance in glaucoma
  582. Estimation of Resting energy expenditure by anthropometry
  583. Inter-relationships between single carbon units’ metabolism and Resting energy expenditure in weight-losing patients with small cell lung cancer. Effects of methionine …
  584. Effects of the Curves® Fitness & Weight Loss Program on Weight Loss and Resting energy expenditure
  585. Resting, activity and total energy expenditure at age 91-96 compared to age 73.
  586. A longitudinal study of leptin and appetite, Resting energy expenditure and body fat mass in weight-stable cancer patients
  587. Resting energy expenditure and nitrogen loss after surgery in chronically undernourished patients
  588. Reply: Estimating total versus Resting energy expenditure. Methodological considerations
  589. The inflammatory response and Resting energy expenditure in lung cancer
  590. A comparison of activity patterns, Resting energy expenditure, percent body fat and dietary patterns in normal weight children
  591. Effect of upper extremity posturing on measured Resting energy expenditure of nonambulatory tube‐fed adult patients with severe neurodevelopmental disabilities
  592. Assessment of Resting energy expenditure in mechanically ventilated patients
  593. Resting energy expenditure in subjects with and without intermittent claudication
  594. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in normal and sick children.
  595. Resting energy expenditure: a stronger marker than body weight for BMD in caucasian women but not Men? The Rancho Bernardo study
  596. Resting energy expenditure in type 2 diabetes subjects: is obesity important?
  597. Resting energy expenditure in insulin resistance falls with decompensation of insulin secretion in obese children
  598. Comparison of the BodyGem, Harris Benedict prediction equation, and a metabolic cart on Resting energy expenditure
  599. Resting energy expenditure in 18-20 Year Old Males and Females: Validation of Indirect Calorimetry and Published Predictive Methods
  600. The validity of body composition measurement using dual energy X-Ray absorptiometry for estimating Resting energy expenditure
  601. The effects of fat distribution on Resting energy expenditure in premenopausal morbidly obese females
  602. Evaluation of the use of indirect calorimetry for the measurement of Resting energy expenditure in dogs
  603. Clinical significance of measurement of Resting energy expenditure in childhood
  604. Effect of regular use of high-dose nebulized β2-agonists on Resting energy expenditure, weight, and handgrip strength in patients with chronic airflow limitation
  605. Comment on: Measurement of Resting energy expenditure in healthy children
  606. Resting energy expenditure in cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
  607. Predicting Resting energy expenditure in patients with musculoskeletal deformities
  608. A comparison of calculated energy requirements to measured Resting energy expenditure in HIV-1-infected subjects.
  609. Measuring Resting energy expenditure in pediatrics
  610. Activity levels and Resting energy expenditure in an elderly population: a pilot study
  611. Resting energy expenditure in female children with cystic fibrosis-effect of puberty.
  612. Effect of chronic treatment with β-blockers on Resting energy expenditure in obese hypertensive patients during a low-calorie and physical training program
  613. Resting energy expenditure and nutrient oxidation in children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  614. Resting energy expenditure in cancer patients.
  615. Fluctuations in Resting energy expenditure
  616. Increased Resting energy expenditure in malnourished patients with cystic fibrosis.
  617. Influence of rapid amino acid and lipid emulsion administration on gas exchange and Resting energy expenditure.
  618. Resting energy expenditure and respiratory quotient in adolescents following spinal fusion surgery
  619. Resting energy expenditure in patients with thermal injuries
  620. Effects of a Weight Loss Program on Body Composition and Resting energy expenditure according to UCP 2 Genotype in Overweight Subjects
  621. Blood pressure, Resting energy expenditure, and creatine kinase activity
  622. Resting energy expenditure in children after major surgery.
  623. Relation of serum leptin levels and regulation of Resting energy expenditure
  624. The contribution of tone to Resting energy expenditure in children with moderate to severe cerebral palsy: Evaluation utilizing intrathecal baclofen injection
  625. Differences in the rate of energy expenditure of Resting activities between European and African men.
  626. Comparison of handheld to metabolic cart indirect calorimetry for Resting energy expenditure assessment in extremely obese women
  627. Predicting Resting energy expenditure (REE): Misapplying equations can lead to clinically significant errors
  628. Dependence of weight loss during very-low-calorie diets on total energy expenditure rather than on Resting metabolic rate, which is associated with fat-free mass
  629. Resting energy expenditure and food-induced thermogenesis in diabetic children receiving continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion.
  630. Resting energy expenditure in healthy newborn infants
  631. Modeling of energy expenditure and Resting metabolic rate during weight loss in humans
  632. Tyrosine requirements and Resting energy expenditure in patients with phenylketonuria
  633. The effect of smoking on Resting energy expenditure in patients with early diabetic kidney disease
  634. Does moderate aerobic activity have a stimulatory effect on 24 h Resting energy expenditure: a direct calorimeter study
  635. Reduction in Resting energy expenditure following lung volume reduction surgery in subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  636. Resting energy expenditure in relation to body composition, fat distribution, and growth hormone indices in premenopausal overweight women.
  637. Validity of the BodyGem calorimeter and prediction equations for the assessment of Resting energy expenditure in overweight and obese Saudi males.
  638. Resting energy expenditure of children attending a rehabilitation programme following head injury
  639. An association study of Resting energy expenditure, total and regional body fat with the polymorphism of UCP2 gene
  640. Estimation of Resting energy expenditure in Children With Spinal Cord Injuries
  641. Serum leptin levels and Resting energy expenditure during weight gain in a patient with anorexia nervosa: A case study
  642. Resting energy expenditure in patients with lung cancer
  643. Association of sex, age and parameters of body fat with Resting energy expenditure
  644. Changes in Resting energy expenditure (REE) as a function of tumor response to sunitinib in a cachexic patient with a metastatic endocrine tumor of the pancreas
  645. Comparisons of Resting energy expenditure before and after heart assist device implantation
  646. Effect of a Seven-Week Weight Training Course on Resting energy expenditure.
  647. Acute effects of ingesting Java Fit™ energy extreme functional coffee on Resting energy expenditure and hemodynamic responses in male and female coffee drinkers
  648. Effect of intensive insulin therapy on Resting energy expenditure in postoperative patients underwent radical distal gastrectomy
  649. Effects of strength training on Resting metabolic rate, energy expenditure, and body composition: Age and gender comparisons
  650. Comparison of measured energy expenditures to Resting energy expenditure equations in preadolescent children with cystic fibrosis
  651. Resting energy expenditure in stroke patients who are dependent on tube feeding
  652. Techniques for measurement of Resting energy expenditure in children
  653. Acute administration of phenylpropanolamine fails to affect Resting energy expenditure in men of normal weight
  654. Resting energy expenditure (REE) and growth velocity (GV) in HIV-infected children
  655. Resting energy expenditure, substrate use, and video tapes
  656. Preoperative Resting energy expenditure does not predict weight loss and maintenance after vertical banded gastroplasty
  657. Determination of total energy expenditure, Resting metabolic rate and physical activity in lean and overweight people.
  658. Resting energy expenditure, Caloric Intake, and Short‐Term Change in HIV Infection and AIDS C. GRUNFELD, M. PANGE, L. SHIMIZU, ET AL American Journal of …
  659. Resting energy expenditure during hemodialysis
  660. Resting and total energy expenditure in patients with ischemic heart disease.
  661. … potential with total body carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS-1) activity in newborn piglets infused with alanine at 50% of Resting energy expenditure for 36 hours
  662. The effect of physical activity on body composition and Resting energy expenditure in college women
  663. Dietary Intake, Resting energy expenditure, Weight Loss, and Survival in Cancer Patients
  664. energy partition of protein synthesis in Resting energy expenditure of neonates on TPN
  665. Low–glycemic load diet and Resting energy expenditure
  666. Measurement of Resting energy expenditure in patients with liver disease.
  667. Comparision of measured Resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry and predicted value in the obese.
  668. Resting energy expenditure in cystic fibrosis
  669. Resting energy expenditure in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.
  670. Accuracy of predictive formulas to estimate Resting energy expenditure of thermally injured patients
  671. Quazepam as preoperative hypnotic decreases Resting energy expenditure at pre-induction period: A-153
  672. Hormonal regulation of adipocytes and its probable effects on Resting energy expenditure in muscular dystrophy
  674. Resting energy expenditure in children with spina bifida from 6 to 18 years of age
  675. Measured Resting energy expenditure using a fixed function indirect calorimeter in the clinical setting as a predictor of success with weight change in an obese …
  676. Resting energy expenditure and Dietary Intake in Vaso-occlusive Crisis in Children with Sickle Cell Disease† 583
  677. Comparison of two methods, the thermodilution method of Fick and the Douglas bag method, in estimating the Resting energy expenditure (REE)
  678. Effects of changes in exercise intensity on Resting metabolic rate (RMR) and energy expenditure in young men
  679. Effects of Ramadan fasting on Resting energy expenditure in T2DM
  680. Comparison of measured versus calculated Resting energy expenditure in bariatric patients
  681. 73 Malaria, Fever and Resting energy expenditure in Gambian Children
  682. The influence of nutritional intervention on Resting energy expenditure in obese adolescents aged 15-18 years
  683. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss program in women with medically managed conditions: body composition and Resting energy expenditure
  684. Change in disease activity and Resting energy expenditure in children with Crohn’s disease
  685. P-83. An Evaluation of Resting energy expenditure (REE) of Japanese Women During Peri-menopausal Period.
  686. The effects of early escharectomy on Resting energy expenditure in the severely burned patients
  687. Effects of protein intake on energy‐restriction‐induced changes in lipid‐lipoprotein profile, glycemic control, Resting energy expenditure, and appetite in overweight …
  688. Increased Resting energy expenditure: a cause of undernutrition in paediatric liver disease
  689. Resting energy expenditure and adipose tissue leptin expression in patients with COPD
  690. Resting energy expenditure in Morbid Obesity
  691. Resting energy expenditure in children with sickle cell disease
  692. Agreement between estimated and measured Resting energy expenditure in rehabiliative neurotrauma patients
  693. 33 Determinants of Resting energy expenditure in childhood liver disease
  694. Low Resting energy expenditure in constitutionally lean children: may a high energy efficiency be a factor maintenance of a low body weight?
  695. Predicting Resting energy expenditure in obese patients undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery
  696. Relation of Resting energy expenditure to respiratory mechanics and arterial blood gases in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
  697. Fat-Free Mass Can Be Utilized to Assess Resting energy expenditure for Male Athletes of Different Body Size
  698. A new handheld indirect calorimeter is acceptable to evaluate Resting energy expenditure in Japanese adults with metabolic syndrome
  699. Measureing Resting energy expenditure in HD patients
  700. Predictive equations not always overestimate the Resting energy expenditure in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients
  701. Resting energy expenditure (REE) is attenuated in a pediatric bone marrow transplant (BMT) patient
  702. Resting energy expenditure in cystic fibrosis
  703. 747: DEVELOPMENT OF AN EQUATION ESTIMATING Resting energy expenditure AFTER ICH
  704. Resting energy expenditure and Nukitional Status in CysSc Fibrosis Related Diabetes
  705. Methodological Comparison between Measured and Predicted Resting energy expenditure in Korea Obese Women
  706. Aggregate prediction of Resting energy expenditure may perform better than individual estimates
  707. Improving Estimation of Resting energy expenditure in Seriously Injured Individuals
  708. Rapid decrease of Resting energy expenditure after a 3-month lifestyle intervention in OSAS patients
  709. … OF Resting energy expenditure WITH PREDICTION EQUATIONS VERSUS MEASURED Resting energy expenditure IN SEVERELY OBESE …
  710. Increased Total and Resting energy expenditure in Children with Cystic Fibrosis
  711. Relationship between obesity and Resting energy expenditure in systolic heart failure
  712. The latest in Resting energy expenditure prediction: New! Improved! Better?
  713. The study of Resting energy expenditure equation for short bowel syndrome patients
  714. Resting energy expenditure and its relationship to weight loss in benign and malignant disease.
  716. Effects of diet cycling during training on weight loss and Resting energy expenditure: a preliminary analysis
  717. Low–Glycemic Load Diet and Resting energy expenditure—Reply
  718. Body Fat Distribution and Resting energy expenditure in Obese Premenopausal Women
  719. Clinical significance of measurement of Resting energy expenditure in childhood
  720. Female Resting energy expenditure and obesity-related indicators
  721. The Relationship of the Severity of Sleep Apnea Syndrome to the Resting energy expenditure and Leptin
  722. Resting energy expenditure in 18-20 year old males and females: Validation of indirect calorimetry and Harris-Benedict prediction equation.
  723. Resting energy expenditure and physical activity level of rice farmers in Lao PDR during the post-harvest season
  724. Effects of diet cycling on weight loss, fat loss and Resting energy expenditure in women
  726. Correlation between the Resting energy expenditure and Brain Atrophy in Neurodegenerative Diseases
  727. Are prediction equations reliable for estimating Resting energy expenditure in chronic kidney disease patients?
  728. A clinical study of Resting energy expenditure in patients with lung cancer Effect of branched chain amino acid
  729. Gender Differences in the Body Composition, Resting energy expenditure, and Leptin Levels of Obese Adults
  730. The effect of different pattern of relaxed breathing exercises on the Resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  731. Resting energy expenditure and Body Composition of Children and Adolescents with Spina Bifida From Six to Eighteen Years of Age
  732. Influence of Inhalation Injury on Resting energy expenditure in Severely Burned Children
  733. The Role of Anthropometry in Predicting Resting energy expenditure and Outcome in Surgical Patients
  734. Resting energy expenditure Measured by Indirect Calorimetry in Major Burn Patients 1) Metabolic Rates 2) The Factors Influencing “Resting energy expenditure”
  735. Effect of pistachios on Resting energy expenditure and weight in subjects with metabolic syndrome
  736. Body composition, Resting energy expenditure, and pubertal maturation in African American and Caucasian children and adolescents
  737. Cytokine levels and Resting energy expenditure in melanoma patients treated by interleukin-2 and interferon-α
  738. Does Chronic Dieting Lower Resting energy expenditure Below That Estimated by Predictive Equations Thereby Increasing an Individuals Risk for Becoming …
  739. The significance of exercise energy and Resting energy expenditure data as physiological variables
  740. Increased Resting energy expenditure is Associated With Failure to Thrive in Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
  741. Effect of interval versus continuous exercise training on Resting energy expenditure in dieting college-aged women
  742. Effects of diet cycling on weight loss and Resting energy expenditure in women participating in the Curves® fitness program
  743. Is Resting energy expenditure Elevated in Children Newly Diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma?.
  746. 9 Deviations from Regular Resting energy expenditure in Severely Disabled Children
  747. Predicting the Resting energy expenditure of a female with anorexia nervosa within the first week of refeeding
  748. Comparison between bioimpedance and anthropometry and the relationship of body indexes to Resting energy expenditure and biochemistry blood markers in obese …
  749. Improvements in Resting energy expenditure in severely burned pediatric patients after 14 days of treatment with an intensive insulin therapy protocol in the acute care …
  750. 360 Factors Affecting Resting energy expenditure and Urinary Nitrogen in Ventilated Critically Ill Children
  751. The Effects of Usual Intervention Versus Usual Intervention Plus Knowledge of Measured Resting energy expenditure on Body Weight and Body Fat in Active Duty Air …
  752. Comparison of a high-protein versus a normal-protein reduced-kilocalorie diet on fat-free mass and Resting energy expenditure in overweight women
  753. Effects of caloric restriction and resistive exercise on the Resting energy expenditure of weight-reduced obese women
  755. GP 12.06 Resting energy expenditure and nutritional inadequacy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  756. Changes in Resting energy expenditure in end state liver disease subjects following orthotopic liver transplantation
  757. Changes in Resting energy expenditure, body temperature and jugular bulb oxygen saturation after brain death
  758. Effects of calcium supplementation in post‐menopausal women participating in the Curves® fitness & weight loss program II: Resting energy expenditure
  759. Role of Cytokines and Testosterone in Regulating Lean Body Mass and Resting energy expenditure in HIV-Infected Men
  760. … , not triazolam, the night before general anaesthesia intensifies intraoperative core hypothermia with little effect on preanaesthetic Resting energy expenditure: A-523
  761. Relationships between Resting energy expenditure and lean body mass in Italian population
  763. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss program in women with medically‐managed conditions: body composition and Resting energy expenditure
  764. Evaluation of Resting energy expenditure in children with cystic fibrosis
  765. Differences Between Brain Mass and Body Weight Scaling to Height: Potential Mechanism of Reduced Mass-Specific Resting energy expenditure of Taller Adults
  766. Resting energy expenditure in patients with malignant tumors
  767. Changes in TNF-a and IL-6 Levels and Resting energy expenditure in Esophageal Cancer Patients After Transthoracic Esophagectomy
  768. Calculation of Resting energy expenditure: To the Editor
  769. Metabolic adaptations in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patients after a significant weight loss: Is Resting energy expenditure affected?
  771. The effects of a very-low-calorie-diet on Resting energy expenditure, body composition, and biochemical data in obese outpatients
  772. Measurements of Resting energy expenditure and body composition before and after treatment of small cell lung cancer
  773. Inter-relationships between single carbon units’ metabolism and Resting energy expenditure in weight-losing patients with small cell lung cancer. Effects of methionine …
  774. Association between Uncoupling Protein 2, Body Composition, and Resting energy expenditure in Lean and Obese African American, Asian, and Caucasian Children
  775. Annual variation in Resting energy expenditure and body composition
  776. Comparison of Harris Benedict and Mifflin-St Jeor Equations and Indirect Calorimetry for Assesing Resting energy expenditure
  777. Resting energy expenditure is not associated with disease activity in children with Crohn’s disease
  778. Ingesting Amino Acid-Carbohydrate Prior To And During Consecutive Bouts Of Resistance Training Elevates Resting energy expenditure
  779. Resting energy expenditure comparison in women with twin and singleton pregnancies
  780. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss program II: Resting energy expenditure
  781. Assessment of Resting energy expenditure using a portable hand held analyzer vs. stationary unit
  782. Weight and lean mass as the major predictors of Resting energy expenditure in Mexican Adults
  783. Relationship of Resting energy expenditure with wound depth in burn patients
  784. Resting energy expenditure and physical activity level of rice farmers in Lao PDR during the post-harvest season
  786. Relationship between Resting and actual energy expenditure in sedated patients with severe trauma and sepsis
  787. Equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure from childhood through adulthood in an African population
  788. Resting energy expenditure in prepubescent children with cystic fibrosis.
  789. Contribution of fat mass to Resting energy expenditure before and after bariatric surgery
  790. The effect of the estimate of Resting metabolic rate on the correlation between energy expenditure as estimated using self-reports of physical activity and food …
  791. Resting energy expenditure (related to lean mass) increases with percent body fat
  792. Is FFM the best factor to predict the Resting energy expenditure (REE) in children with obesity or leanness?
  793. Body composition and Resting energy expenditure during the menstrual cycle
  794. An evaluation of the proposed mechanisms of the relationship between cigarette smoking and Resting energy expenditure.
  795. Prospective evaluation of Resting energy expenditure, nutritional status, pulmonary function, and genotype in children with cystic fibrosis
  796. Effects of the Curves® fitness and weight loss program in senior‐aged women: Resting energy expenditure
  797. Validation of a Hand‐Held Indirect Calorimeter to Measure Resting energy expenditure in Obese Women
  798. Resting energy expenditure of female adolescents with phenylketonuria: agreement of predictive equations
  799. Validity of the BodyGem calorimeter and prediction equations for the assessment of Resting energy expenditure in overweight and obese Saudi males
  800. Effects of the Curves® fitness & weight loss program on body composition & Resting energy expenditure
  801. Resting energy expenditure in patients affected by glicogen storage disease type I and III
  802. Long–term effects of caloric restriction on total and Resting energy expenditure in healthy adults
  803. Response: Blood Pressure, Resting energy expenditure, and Creatine Kinase Activity
  804. Resting energy expenditure of host and tumor is similar in rats with methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma
  805. Insulin Resistance Is Associated with Elevated Resting energy expenditure in Pre-Pubertal Children-A Longitudinal Study.
  806. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in male athletes with spinal cord injury and cerebral palsy: a pilot study
  807. An investigation on the relative ratio of carbohydrate, fat and protein in Resting energy expenditure after burns
  808. Effect of ketogenic therapy on Resting energy expenditure and respiratory quotient in patients with intractable epilepsy
  809. An investigation on the relative ratio of carbohydrate, fat and protein in Resting energy expenditure after burns
  810. Comparison of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure (REE) in obese and nonobese children and adolescents
  811. Maternal glucose production and Resting energy expenditure determine fetal size
  812. Effects of energy-restricted diets containing increased protein on weight loss, Resting energy expenditure, and the thermic effect of feeding of type 2 diabetes
  813. Resting energy expenditure and Nutritional Status in Children with Sickle Cell Disease after Glutamine Supplementation
  814. A Positive Relationship Between Resting energy expenditure (REE) and Bone Resorption Markers in Obese Subjects
  815. Nicotine gum: Dose-related effects on Resting energy expenditure in female smokers.
  816. A new device for measuring Resting energy expenditure in severely obese children and adolescents with and without non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  817. Total But Not Resting energy expenditure is Increased in Infants with Ventricular Septal Defects† 89
  818. Determination of Resting energy expenditure (REE) for assessment of children with orthostatic intolerance
  819. Abstract P189: Cardiac Repolarization and Resting energy expenditure in Patients Hospitalized With Severe Anorexia Nervosa
  820. Several gene polymorphisms but not FTO variants modulate Resting energy expenditure and fat-induced thermogenesis in obese subjects: the NUGENOB study
  821. A study of the relationship between Resting energy expenditure (REE) and extensiveness of burned area in burn victims
  822. Short term effects of green tea on Resting energy expenditure, oxidant stress and inflammation in overweight/obese, post‐menopausal women
  824. The Effect of Red Blood Cell (RBC) Transfusion Therapy on Resting energy expenditure (REE) in Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA).† 658
  825. Effects of 30‐day diet cycling on weight loss and Resting energy expenditure in women participating in the Curves® fitness program: a preliminary long‐term analysis
  826. Food intake, appetite, gut hormones, and Resting energy expenditure in resistance trained vs. sedentary older adults
  827. ORIGNAL PAPER: Effects of oral caffeine and capsaicin administration on energy expenditure and energy substrates utilization in Resting rats
  828. Role of Vitamin B12in Modulating Resting and Norepinephrine Stimulated energy expenditure in Healthy Adult Men
  829. Assessment of activity coefficient, Resting metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure in elementary school children
  831. energy expenditure in humans: Factors influencing Resting metabolic rate and diet-induced thermogenesis.(Dutch text)
  833. … of fasting hyperglycaemia with insulin or sulphonylurea lowers fasting ketone levels, but does not alter Resting or post-glucose energy expenditure in non insulin …
  834. Prediction of Resting energy expenditure in healthy older adults: A systematic review
  835. Resting energy expenditure in the elderly: systematic review and comparison of equations in an experimental population
  836. Estimates of Resting energy expenditure and total energy expenditure using predictive equations in adults with overweight and obesity: a systematic review with meta …
  837. Predicting Resting energy expenditure among athletes: a systematic review
  838. Resting energy expenditure prediction equations in the pediatric population: A systematic review
  839. The influence of physical characteristics on the Resting energy expenditure of youth: A meta‐analysis
  840. Impact of estrogens on Resting energy expenditure: A systematic review
  841. Estimates of Resting energy expenditure and Total energy expenditure Using Predictive Equations for Individuals After Bariatric Surgery: a Systematic Review with …
  842. Resting energy expenditure and body composition: critical aspects for clinical nutrition
  843. Resting energy expenditure: from cellular to whole‐body level, a mechanistic historical perspective
  844. Comparison of Resting energy expenditure between cancer subjects and healthy controls: a meta-analysis
  845. The anatomy of Resting energy expenditure: body composition mechanisms
  846. Predictive equations for energy expenditure in adult humans: From Resting to free‐living conditions
  847. A systematic review and quantitative analysis of Resting energy expenditure prediction equations in healthy overweight and obese children and adolescents
  848. Best practices for determining Resting energy expenditure in critically ill adults
  849. The impact of the metabolic syndrome and its components on Resting energy expenditure
  850. Determinants of Resting energy expenditure in very old nursing home residents
  851. Predicting Resting energy expenditure: a critical appraisal
  852. Resting energy expenditure of morbidly obese patients using indirect calorimetry: a systematic review
  853. Normalizing Resting energy expenditure across the life course in humans: challenges and hopes
  854. Estimating Resting energy expenditure from dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry: A cross‐sectional study in healthy young adults
  855. Human Resting energy expenditure varies with circadian phase
  856. Greater than predicted decrease in Resting energy expenditure and weight loss: results from a systematic review
  857. Accuracy and validity of Resting energy expenditure predictive equations in middle-aged adults
  858. Resting energy expenditure in the Critically Ill and Healthy Elderly—A Retrospective Matched Cohort Study
  859. Longitudinal estimates of Resting energy expenditure using predictive equations in individuals with excess weight after weight loss: a systematic review with meta …
  860. Resting energy expenditure prediction in recreational athletes of 18–35 years: confirmation of Cunningham equation and an improved weight-based …
  861. Estimation of Resting energy expenditure using predictive equations in critically ill children: results of a systematic review
  862. Resting energy expenditure, calorie and protein consumption in critically ill patients: a retrospective cohort study
  863. Accuracy of predictive equations for the measurement of Resting energy expenditure in older subjects
  864. Resting energy expenditure in the risk assessment of anticancer treatments
  865. An artificial neural network to predict Resting energy expenditure in obesity
  866. Resting energy expenditure in obese women: comparison between measured and estimated values
  867. Predicting Resting energy expenditure in young adults
  868. Issues in characterizing Resting energy expenditure in obesity and after weight loss
  869. Evolving concepts on adjusting human Resting energy expenditure measurements for body size
  870. Does diet and activity lead to difference in Resting energy expenditure in obese women?
  871. Variations in Resting energy expenditure: impact on gestational weight gain
  872. Resting energy expenditure of master athletes: accuracy of predictive equations and primary determinants
  873. Association of irisin with fat mass, Resting energy expenditure, and daily activity in conditions of extreme body mass index
  874. Accuracy of the Resting energy expenditure estimation equations for healthy women
  875. Evaluation of Resting energy expenditure in subjects with severe obesity and its evolution after bariatric surgery
  876. Approximate time to steady-state Resting energy expenditure using indirect calorimetry in young, healthy adults
  877. Changes in Resting energy expenditure in relation to body weight and composition following gastric restriction: a systematic review
  878. Development and validation of new predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in physically active boys
  879. Assessment of Resting energy expenditure in patients with cirrhosis
  880. Biomarker for energy intake: Resting energy expenditure and physical activity
  881. Longitudinal analysis of Resting energy expenditure and body mass composition in physically active children and adolescents
  882. Accuracy of Resting energy expenditure predictive equations in patients with cancer
  883. Modifications of Resting energy expenditure after sleeve gastrectomy
  884. Resting energy expenditure of a diverse group of South African men and women
  885. Validation of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in children and adolescents with different body mass indexes
  886. Analysis of predictive equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure in a large cohort of morbidly obese patients
  887. Enhanced parasympathetic activity of sportive women is paradoxically associated to enhanced Resting energy expenditure
  888. Measured vs estimated Resting energy expenditure in children and adolescents with obesity
  889. No consistent evidence of a disproportionately low Resting energy expenditure in long-term successful weight-loss maintainers
  890. Development and validation of new predictive equation for Resting energy expenditure in adults with overweight and obesity
  891. Reduction of Resting energy expenditure and sarcopenic obesity in adults with overweight and obesity: A brief report
  892. Validity of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure according to the body mass index in a population of 1726 patients followed in a Nutrition Unit
  893. Resting energy expenditure in children at risk of hypothalamic dysfunction
  894. Methods for data analysis of Resting energy expenditure measured using indirect calorimetry
  895. Prediction and evaluation of Resting energy expenditure in a large group of obese outpatients
  896. Assessment of Resting energy expenditure and nutrient oxidation by indirect calorimetry: methodological implications
  897. Congruent validity of Resting energy expenditure predictive equations in young adults
  898. Accuracy of predictive equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure in obese adolescents
  899. Predicting Resting energy expenditure in underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese adult hospital patients
  900. Resting energy expenditure in cancer patients: Agreement between predictive equations and indirect calorimetry
  901. Resting energy expenditure depends on energy intake during weight loss in people with obesity: a retrospective cohort study
  902. Current predictive Resting metabolic rate equations Are Not sufficient to determine proper Resting energy expenditure in Olympic young adult national team …
  903. The relationship between Resting energy expenditure and thyroid hormones in response to short-term weight loss in severe obesity
  904. Resting energy expenditure in anorexia nervosa: measured versus estimated
  905. Growth pattern, Resting energy expenditure, and nutrient intake of children with food allergies
  906. Resting energy expenditure in Korean type 2 diabetes patients: comparison between measured and predicted values
  907. Resting energy expenditure in critically ill patients: Evaluation methods and clinical applications
  908. Prediction of Resting energy expenditure in Italian older adults with severe obesity
  909. Predicting Resting energy expenditure in people with chronic spinal cord injury
  910. Evaluating steady-state Resting energy expenditure using indirect calorimetry in adults with overweight and obesity
  911. Applied nutritional investigation Effect of age on Resting energy expenditure in patients with cancer
  912. Resting energy expenditure, body composition and phase angle in anorectic, ballet dancers and constitutionally lean males
  913. Association between uncoupling protein 2, adiponectin and Resting energy expenditure in obese women with normal and low Resting energy expenditure
  914. Anthropometry, body composition and Resting energy expenditure in human
  915. Time to achieve steady state for an accurate assessment of Resting energy expenditure in adolescents with healthy weight and obesity: A cross-sectional study
  916. Resting energy expenditure (REE) in an old-old population: Implications for metabolic stress
  917. New equations to estimate Resting energy expenditure in obese adults from body composition
  918. Resting energy expenditure is not altered in children and adolescents with obesity. effect of age and gender and association with serum leptin levels
  919. Changes in body composition and homeostatic control of Resting energy expenditure during dietary weight loss
  920. Age-dependent changes in Resting energy expenditure (REE): insights from detailed body composition analysis in normal and overweight healthy Caucasians
  921. Prediction of Resting energy expenditure in Children: May Artificial Neural Networks Improve Our Accuracy?
  922. Higher than predicted Resting energy expenditure and lower physical activity in healthy underweight Chinese adults
  923. New predictive equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure in subjects with normal weight and overweight
  924. Estimating Resting energy expenditure by different methods as compared with indirect calorimetry for patients with pulmonary hypertension
  925. Resting energy expenditure in Older Inpatients: A Comparison of Prediction Equations and Measurements
  926. Agreement between different methods and predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in overweight and obese Brazilian men
  927. High-Intensity Interval Resistance Training (HIRT) influences Resting energy expenditure and respiratory ratio in non-dieting individuals
  928. Resting energy expenditure and oxygen consumption in critically ill patients with vs without sepsis
  929. Are raw BIA variables useful for predicting Resting energy expenditure in adults with obesity?
  930. Resting energy expenditure, body composition, and dietary intake: a longitudinal study before and after liver transplantation
  931. No difference in young adult athletes’ Resting energy expenditure when measured under inpatient or outpatient conditions
  932. Measured and predicted Resting energy expenditure in wheelchair rugby athletes
  933. Age-related changes in Resting energy expenditure in normal weight, overweight and obese men and women
  934. Investigation of Methods to Estimate Resting energy expenditure in Infants and Young Children
  935. Adipose tissue Resting energy expenditure and expression of genes involved in mitochondrial function are higher in women than in men
  936. Estimation of Resting energy expenditure: validation of previous and new predictive equations in obese children and adolescents
  937. External Validation of Equations to Estimate Resting energy expenditure in Critically Ill Children and Adolescents with and without Malnutrition: A Cross-Sectional …
  938. Prediction of Non-Resting energy expenditure using Accelerometry
  939. High Resting energy expenditure in women with episodic migraine: exploring the use of predictive formulas
  940. New predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in normal to overweight and obese population
  941. A single-center prospective observational study comparing Resting energy expenditure in different phases of critical illness: indirect calorimetry versus predictive …
  942. Accuracy of Resting energy expenditure calculations in unselected overweight and obese patients
  943. Resting energy expenditure in adolescents with Down syndrome: a comparison of commonly used predictive equations
  944. Increased Resting energy expenditure compared with predictive theoretical equations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  945. Determination of Resting energy expenditure after severe burn
  946. Resting energy expenditure in adults with Becker’s muscular dystrophy
  947. External Validation with Accuracy Confounders of VCO2-Derived Predicted energy expenditure Compared to Resting energy expenditure Measured by Indirect …
  948. Weight loss and Resting energy expenditure in male patients with newly diagnosed esophageal cancer
  949. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in patients with head and neck cancer: An observational study leading to a new predictive equation
  950. Factors related to Resting energy expenditure and physical activity of 6–9-year old children in two primary schools in the City of Tshwane metropolitan area
  951. Gender-specific associations in age-related changes in Resting energy expenditure (REE) and MRI measured body composition in healthy Caucasians
  952. High ratio of Resting energy expenditure to body mass in childhood and adolescence: a mechanistic model
  953. Resting energy expenditure in Elite Female Athletes of Different Sports.
  954. Resting costs too: the relative importance of active and Resting energy expenditure in a sub-arctic seabird
  955. Resting energy expenditure equations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, creation of an ALS-specific equation
  956. Resting energy expenditure is elevated in asthma
  957. Study of Resting energy expenditure and weight changes during pregnancy
  958. Resting energy expenditure from DXA: A Cross-Sectional Study
  959. Resting energy expenditure of physically active boys in southeastern Poland—the accuracy and validity of predictive equations
  960. Measuring Resting energy expenditure during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: preliminary clinical experience with a proposed theoretical model
  961. Accuracy of the common predictive equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure among normal and overweight girl university students
  962. External validation of equations to estimate Resting energy expenditure in 14952 adults with overweight and obesity and 1948 adults with normal weight from Italy
  963. Resting energy expenditure early after cardiac surgery and validity of predictive equations: a prospective observational study
  964. Comparison of Measured Versus Predicted Resting energy expenditure in Individuals With Excess Body Weight
  965. Resting energy expenditure is decreased in pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1A
  966. Determinants of change in Resting energy expenditure in patients with stage III/IV colorectal cancer
  967. Preoperative and postoperative Resting energy expenditure of patients undergoing major abdominal operations
  968. Effects of a personalized VLCKD on body composition and Resting energy expenditure in the reversal of diabetes to prevent complications
  969. Resting energy expenditure in OSAS: the impact of a single CPAP application
  970. Association between Resting energy expenditure and Heat Pattern in Traditional Medicine
  971. Predicted versus measured Resting energy expenditure in patients requiring home parenteral nutrition
  972. Novel equations to estimate Resting energy expenditure during sitting and sleeping
  973. Dietary intake, Resting energy expenditure, and eating behavior in women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome
  974. Resting energy expenditure and metabolic adaptation in adolescents at 12 months after bariatric surgery
  975. Predicted vs. actual Resting energy expenditure and activity coefficients: post-gastric bypass, lean and obese women
  976. Body composition affects the accuracy of predictive equations to estimate Resting energy expenditure in older adults: An exploratory study
  978. Gut hormones, early dumping and Resting energy expenditure in patients with good and poor weight loss response after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
  979. Smoking is associated with increased Resting energy expenditure in the general population: the NEO study
  980. Resting energy expenditure in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: accuracy of available prediction formulas and development of population-specific …
  981. Routine Resting energy expenditure measurement increases effectiveness of dietary intervention in obesity
  982. Accuracy and reliability of a portable indirect calorimeter compared to whole-body indirect calorimetry for measuring Resting energy expenditure
  983. Spinal muscular atrophy, types I and II: what are the differences in body composition and Resting energy expenditure?
  984. Decreased Resting energy expenditure in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  985. Effects of adiposity and body composition on adjusted Resting energy expenditure in women
  986. Body composition and Resting energy expenditure in women with anorexia nervosa: Is hyperactivity a protecting factor?
  987. Association of Resting energy expenditure with phase angle in hospitalized older patients: a cross-sectional analysis
  988. Long‐term impact of the ketogenic diet on growth and Resting energy expenditure in children with intractable epilepsy
  989. The effects of second-generation antipsychotics on food intake, Resting energy expenditure and physical activity
  990. Resting energy expenditure in male athletes with a spinal cord injury
  991. Impact of fat-free mass quality and detailed body composition on changes of Resting energy expenditure with age
  992. Aerobic capacity modulates adaptive thermogenesis: Contribution of non-Resting energy expenditure
  993. Resting energy expenditure and gut microbiota in obese and normal weight subjects.
  994. Resting energy expenditure in type 2 diabetic patients and the effect of insulin bolus
  995. Resting energy expenditure and body composition of women with weight regain 24 months after bariatric surgery
  996. Validity of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in Korean non-obese adults
  997. Effect of diet composition and weight loss on Resting energy expenditure in the POUNDS LOST study
  998. Resting energy expenditure and Body Composition in Children and Adolescents With Genetic, Hypothalamic, Medication-Induced or Multifactorial Severe …
  999. Factors related to increased Resting energy expenditure in men with liver cirrhosis
  1000. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in overweight men and women living in a temperate climate
  1001. The use of Resting energy expenditure divided by body weight (kcal/kg) may yield inconsistencies and should be avoided
  1002. The associations of frailty status and body composition with Resting energy expenditure, physical activity energy expenditure, and sleep quality: A Cross-sectional …
  1003. Resting energy expenditure relationship with macronutrients and gestational weight gain: a pilot study
  1004. Relationship of insulin dynamics to body composition and Resting energy expenditure following weight loss
  1005. Accuracy of Resting energy expenditure Estimation Equations in Polio Survivors
  1006. Night-time consumption of protein or carbohydrate results in increased morning Resting energy expenditure in active college-aged men
  1007. Resting energy expenditure during breastfeeding: body composition analysis vs. predictive equations based on anthropometric parameters
  1008. Metabolite profiles evaluated, according to sex, do not predict Resting energy expenditure and lean body mass in healthy non-obese subjects
  1009. Resting energy expenditure measured by indirect calorimetry in obese patients: variation within different BMI ranges
  1010. Anthropometrics, diet, and Resting energy expenditure in Norwegian adults with achondroplasia
  1011. Independent association of Resting energy expenditure with blood pressure: confirmation in populations of the African diaspora
  1012. Novel equation for estimating Resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic kidney disease
  1013. Substituting dietary monounsaturated fat for saturated fat is associated with increased daily physical activity and Resting energy expenditure and with changes in mood
  1014. Relationship between Resting energy expenditure and sleep parameters on gestational weight gain and the mediation effect of macronutrient composition
  1015. Long-term green tea extract supplementation does not affect fat absorption, Resting energy expenditure, and body composition in adults
  1016. Is overweight in stunted preschool children in Cameroon related to reductions in fat oxidation, Resting energy expenditure and physical activity?
  1017. Harris-Benedict equation and Resting energy expenditure estimates in critically ill ventilator patients
  1018. New prediction equations for Resting energy expenditure in older hospitalized patients: Development and validation
  1019. … intake is required for body weight loss and weight maintenance, and elevated protein intake for additional preservation of Resting energy expenditure and fat free …
  1020. Resting energy expenditure is not altered in children and adolescents with obesity. Effect of age and gender and association with serum Leptin levels
  1021. Ability to predict Resting energy expenditure with six equations compared to indirect calorimetry in octogenarian men
  1022. The Diagnostic-Measurement Method—Resting energy expenditure Assessment of Polish Children Practicing Football
  1023. Accuracy of a portable indirect calorimeter for measuring Resting energy expenditure in individuals with cancer
  1024. Understanding growth failure in Costello syndrome: increased Resting energy expenditure
  1025. Association between Resting energy expenditure, diet and uncoupling protein 2 in obese women with normal and low Resting energy expenditure
  1026. Effect of weight loss and regain on adipose tissue distribution, composition of lean mass and Resting energy expenditure in young overweight and obese adults
  1027. Resting energy expenditure (REE) in six-to seventeen-year-old Japanese children and adolescents
  1028. Resting energy expenditure in head and neck cancer patients before and during radiotherapy
  1029. High vegetable fats intake is associated with high Resting energy expenditure in vegetarians
  1030. Reliability of Resting energy expenditure in major burns: comparison between measured and predictive equations
  1031. Chronic starvation secondary to anorexia nervosa is associated with an adaptive suppression of Resting energy expenditure
  1032. RM-493, a melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) agonist, increases Resting energy expenditure in obese individuals
  1033. Effects of the ketogenic diet on nutritional status, Resting energy expenditure, and substrate oxidation in patients with medically refractory epilepsy: A 6-month …
  1034. Effects of commercially available dietary supplements on Resting energy expenditure: a brief report
  1035. Validation of Resting energy expenditure Equations in Older Adults with Obesity
  1036. A pocket-sized metabolic analyzer for assessment of Resting energy expenditure
  1037. Validation of prediction equations for Resting energy expenditure in Singaporean Chinese men
  1038. Simplified equation for Resting energy expenditure in a population of elderly chileans compared to indirect calorimetry
  1039. Medium term effects of a ketogenic diet and a Mediterranean diet on Resting energy expenditure and respiratory ratio
  1040. Resting energy expenditure in elite athletes: development of new predictive equations based on anthropometric variables and bioelectrical impedance analysis …
  1041. Impact of body composition during weight change on Resting energy expenditure and homeostasis model assessment index in overweight nonsmoking adults
  1042. Resting energy expenditure and energetic cost of feeding are augmented after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in obese mice
  1043. Acute oral sodium propionate supplementation raises Resting energy expenditure and lipid oxidation in fasted humans
  1044. Case study: improving energy status in a wheelchair athlete with suppressed Resting energy expenditure
  1045. Early reduction of Resting energy expenditure and successful weight loss after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
  1046. Predictive equations based on body composition for Resting energy expenditure estimation in adults with obesity
  1047. Resting energy expenditure in CrossFit® Participants: Predictive Equations versus Indirect Calorimetry
  1048. Comparison of predicted and measured Resting energy expenditure in overweight and obese Korean women
  1049. … with resistance training does not differentially influence measures of body composition, muscle performance, Resting energy expenditure, and blood biomarkers
  1050. Comparison of estimates of Resting energy expenditure equations in haemodialysis patients
  1051. Nutritional Status and Other Clinical Variables Are Associated to the Resting energy expenditure in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Validity Study
  1052. Resting energy expenditure and carbohydrate oxidation are higher in elderly patients with COPD: a case control study
  1053. Comparison of Resting energy expenditure measured with metabolic cart and calculated with predictive formulas in critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation
  1054. Resting energy expenditure and adiposity accretion among children with Down syndrome: a 3-year prospective study
  1055. Seasonal effects on Resting energy expenditure are dependent on age and percent body fat
  1056. Accuracy of prediction formulae for the assessment of Resting energy expenditure in hospitalized children
  1057. Organ-tissue level model of Resting energy expenditure across mammals: new insights into Kleiber’s law
  1058. Effect of acute and chronic dietary supplementation with green tea catechins on Resting metabolic rate, energy expenditure and respiratory quotient: A systematic …
  1059. Accuracy of equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure in children and adolescents living with phenylketonuria
  1060. External validation of equations to estimate Resting energy expenditure in 2037 children and adolescents with and 389 without obesity: a cross-sectional study
  1061. The acute effect of exercise modality and nutrition manipulations on post-exercise Resting energy expenditure and respiratory exchange ratio in women: a …
  1062. The Relationship Between Exogenous Testosterone and Resting energy expenditure in Adults: A Systematic Review
  1063. Resting energy expenditure at 3 Months of Age Following Neonatal Surgery for C ongenital H eart D isease
  1064. Effects of ingestion of a commercially available thermogenic dietary supplement on Resting energy expenditure, mood state and cardiovascular measures
  1065. Minimum time to achieve the steady state and optimum abbreviated period to estimate the Resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry in healthy young adults
  1066. The validity of Resting energy expenditure predictive equations in adults with central obesity: A sub-sample of the RaNCD cohort study
  1067. New equation to estimate Resting energy expenditure in non-critically ill patients
  1068. Body Composition, Basal Metabolic Rate, Resting energy expenditure, and Other Surrogate Measures as Biomarkers in Nutrition: Applications to Anorexia Nervosa
  1069. The rate of weight loss does not affect Resting energy expenditure and appetite sensations differently in women living with overweight and obesity
  1070. Comparison between two models of training with regard to Resting energy expenditure and body composition in obese adolescents
  1071. Comparison of five equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure in Chinese young, normal weight healthy adults
  1072. Association of serum adipokines and Resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic kidney disease
  1073. Relationship between thyroid hormones, Resting energy expenditure and cardiometabolic risk factors in euthyroid subjects
  1074. Estimate of Resting energy expenditure by DXA in Boys of different nutritional Statuses
  1075. Relationship between submaximal oxygen uptake, detailed body composition, and Resting energy expenditure in overweight subjects
  1076. Development and validation of novel equation for prediction of Resting energy expenditure in active Saudi athletes
  1077. Resting energy expenditure measured by indirect calorimetry in mechanically ventilated patients during ICU stay and post-ICU hospitalization: A prospective …
  1078. Nutritional rehabilitation increases the Resting energy expenditure of malnourished children with severe cerebral palsy
  1079. New predictive equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure in adults with Crohn’s disease
  1080. Validation of carbon dioxide production (VCO2) as a tool to calculate Resting energy expenditure (REE) in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients: a …
  1081. Effects of a 4-month active weight loss phase followed by weight loss maintenance on adaptive thermogenesis in Resting energy expenditure in former elite athletes
  1082. Resting energy expenditure assessment in anorexia nervosa: comparison of indirect calorimetry, a multisensor monitor and the Müller equation
  1083. Resting energy expenditure in critically ill patients with spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage
  1084. Validity of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure developed for obese patients: impact of body composition method
  1085. Relationship between diet and body fitness, with adjustment for Resting energy expenditure and physical activity
  1086. Resting energy expenditure, Insulin Resistance and UCP1 Expression in Human Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue of Patients With Obesity
  1087. Resting energy expenditure in Parkinson’s disease patients under dopaminergic treatment
  1088. Applicability of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea
  1089. Bach music in preterm infants: no ‘Mozart effect’on Resting energy expenditure
  1090. Basal energy expenditure, Resting energy expenditure and one metabolic equivalent (1 MET) values for young Chinese adults with different body weights
  1091. Resting energy expenditure after Roux-en Y gastric bypass surgery
  1092. A Comparison of the indirect calorimetry and Different energy equations for the Determination of Resting energy expenditure of patients with renal transplantation
  1093. Estimating Resting energy expenditure of patients on dialysis: development and validation of a predictive equation
  1094. Partial-body cryostimulation increases Resting energy expenditure in lean and obese women
  1095. Evaluating the predictive factors of Resting energy expenditure and validating predictive equations for Chinese obese children
  1096. Resting energy expenditure in adult patients with Crohn’s disease
  1097. Clinical Correlates of Measured and Predicted Resting energy expenditure in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa: A Retrospective Cohort Study
  1098. Resting energy expenditure in a controlled group of young Arab females: correlations with body composition and agreement with prediction equations
  1099. Profiling determinants of Resting energy expenditure in colorectal cancer
  1100. Resting energy expenditure and related factors in 6-to 9-year-old southern African children of diverse population groups
  1101. Resting energy expenditure, body composition, and metabolic alterations in breast cancer survivors vs. healthy controls: A cross-sectional study
  1102. Attenuation of Resting energy expenditure following hematopoietic SCT in children
  1103. Low Resting energy expenditure Is Associated with High Gestational Weight Gain Only When Resting energy expenditure Fluctuates
  1104. Resting energy expenditure and organ-tissue body composition 5 years after bariatric surgery
  1105. Influence of gastric bypass surgery on Resting energy expenditure, body composition, physical activity, and thyroid hormones in morbidly obese patients
  1106. Validating predictive factors for Resting energy expenditure of adolescents in Indonesia
  1107. Resting energy expenditure in children with cerebral palsy: Accuracy of available prediction formulae and development of a population-specific formula
  1108. Resting energy expenditure in Athletes: Accuracy of Cunningham Prediction Equation Using DXA-Derived Fat Free Mass
  1109. Predicting Resting energy expenditure in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  1110. Performance of predictive equations specifically developed to estimate Resting energy expenditure in ventilated critically ill children
  1111. The complicated relation between Resting energy expenditure and maintenance of lost weight
  1112. Poor performance of predictive equations to estimate Resting energy expenditure in patients with Crohn’s disease
  1113. Changes in Body Composition and Resting energy expenditure After Bariatric Surgery
  1114. Imposed rate and extent of weight loss in obese men and adaptive changes in Resting and total energy expenditure
  1115. Handheld calorimeter is a valid instrument to quantify Resting energy expenditure in hospitalized cirrhotic patients: a prospective study
  1116. Predictive equations for evaluation for Resting energy expenditure in Brazilian patients with type 2 diabetes: what can we use?
  1117. The contribution of fat-free mass to Resting energy expenditure: implications for weight loss strategies in the treatment of adolescent obesity
  1118. The Difference in Resting and Predicted energy expenditure in Critically Ill Patients with Varying Muscle Mass
  1119. Hypometabolizers: characteristics of obese patients with abnormally low Resting energy expenditure
  1120. High Resting energy expenditure, less fat-free mass, and less muscle strength in HIV-infected children: a matched, cross-sectional study
  1121. Resting energy expenditure in obese women with primary hypothyroidism and appropriate levothyroxine replacement therapy
  1122. Management of gestational weight gain in obese or overweight women based on Resting energy expenditure: A pilot cohort study
  1123. Early protein intake is associated with body composition and Resting energy expenditure in young adults born with very low birth weight
  1124. TG/HDL Ratio Is an Independent Predictor for Estimating Resting energy expenditure in Adults with Normal Weight, Overweight, and Obesity
  1125. Exploring Soccer Referees’ energy expenditure, Dietary Intake, and Resting Metabolic Rate
  1126. Association of Resting energy expenditure with fat gain during pregnancy
  1127. Evaluation of a portable armband device to assess Resting energy expenditure in patients with anorexia nervosa
  1128. Effects of fructose-containing caloric sweeteners on Resting energy expenditure and energy efficiency: a review of human trials
  1129. Resting energy expenditure in patients with stroke during the subacute phases-relationships with stroke types, location, severity of paresis, and activities of daily living
  1130. Resting energy expenditure prediction using bioelectrical impedance analysis in patients with severe motor and intellectual disabilities
  1131. Resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry versus the ventilator-VCO2 derived method in critically ill patients: the DREAM-VCO2 prospective …
  1132. equations for Resting energy expenditure in sarcopenic older adults in long-term care
  1133. The effects of chemotherapy on Resting energy expenditure, body composition, and cancer-related fatigue in women with breast cancer: a prospective cohort …
  1134. Comparison of Resting energy expenditure in Stable Preterm Infants with Adequate and Inadequate Weight Gain During Hospitalization
  1135. The association between amount and distribution of protein intake with body composition, Resting energy expenditure, substrate oxidation, and muscle function in …
  1136. … before/after an intervention designed to restore menstrual function: Resting metabolic rate and comparison of four methods to quantify energy expenditure and energy …
  1137. Accuracy and preference of measuring Resting energy expenditure using a handheld calorimeter in healthy adults
  1138. Evolution of low-grade systemic inflammation, insulin resistance, anthropometrics, Resting energy expenditure and metabolic syndrome after bariatric surgery …
  1139. Poor sleep quality and sleep apnea are associated with higher Resting energy expenditure in obese individuals with short sleep duration
  1140. Acute administration of capsaicin increases Resting energy expenditure in young obese subjects without affecting energy intake, appetite, and circulating levels of …
  1141. Assessment of Resting energy expenditure and body composition in Japanese pregnant women with diabetes
  1142. Body composition and Resting energy expenditure in a group of children with achondroplasia: Effectiveness of predictive models in the treatment of obesity
  1143. Measuring the Resting energy expenditure in children on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a prospective pilot study
  1144. Association of Irisin with Fat Mass, Resting energy expenditure, and Daily Activity in Conditions of Extreme Body Mass Index
  1145. Association of thyroid hormones with Resting energy expenditure and complement C3 in normal weight high body fat women
  1146. Estimation of activity related energy expenditure and Resting metabolic rate in freely moving mice from indirect calorimetry data
  1147. Longitudinal changes in nutritional parameters and Resting energy expenditure in end-stage renal disease
  1148. Resting energy expenditure after Fontan surgery in children with single‐ventricle heart defects
  1149. Equations to estimate Resting energy expenditure in school children from Mexico City. A diagnostic accuracy study
  1150. Anthropometric and body composition equations to predict Resting energy expenditure in overweight and obese men and women living in a temperate climate
  1151. Comparison of predictive equations and measured Resting energy expenditure among obese youth attending a pediatric healthy weight clinic: one size does not fit all
  1152. Lean body mass and endocrine status but not age are determinants of Resting energy expenditure in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
  1153. Understanding the Role of Resting energy expenditure in Gestational Weight Gain in Pregnant Women with Overweight or Obesity
  1154. Determining the relationship between Resting energy expenditure and muscle mass in critically ill adults
  1155. Profile and factors influencing Resting energy expenditure in adult burn patients
  1156. Comparison between two metabolic monitors in the measurement of Resting energy expenditure and oxygen consumption in diabetic and non-diabetic ambulatory and …
  1157. Dietary intake of energy and nutrients in relation to Resting energy expenditure and anthropometric parameters of Czech pregnant women
  1158. Obesity, inflammation and Resting energy expenditure: possible mechanism of progranulin in this pathway.
  1159. Weight and body composition changes affect Resting energy expenditure predictive equations during a 12‐month weight‐loss intervention
  1160. Validation of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in treatment-seeking adults with overweight and obesity: measured versus estimated
  1161. Measured and predicted Resting energy expenditure in malnourished older hospitalized patients: A cross-sectional and longitudinal comparison
  1162. Age‐associated changes of Resting energy expenditure, body composition and fat distribution in Chinese Han males
  1163. Evidence of a link between Resting energy expenditure and bone remodelling, glucose homeostasis and adipokine variations in adolescent girls with anorexia …
  1164. Differences in body composition and Resting energy expenditure in childhood in preterm children born with very low birth weight
  1165. Comparison of Prediction Equations for Resting energy expenditure vs the KORR ReeVue Indirect Calorimeter in Obesity
  1166. Relationships Between Resting energy expenditure and Transcranial Doppler Measurements in Patients With and Without Brain Death
  1167. Effects of acute ingestion of a pre-workout dietary supplement with and without p-synephrine on Resting energy expenditure, cognitive function and exercise …
  1168. Comparisons of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in patients with cerebral infarct during acute care
  1169. Clinical assessment underestimates fat mass and overestimates Resting energy expenditure in children with neuromuscular diseases
  1170. Validity of Wearable Activity Monitors for Estimation of Resting energy expenditure in Adults
  1171. Resting energy expenditure using indirect calorimetry in individuals with moderate to low burns: A pilot study of associated factors, patient acceptability and …
  1172. The prognostic influence of body mass index, Resting energy expenditure and fasting blood glucose on postoperative patients with esophageal cancer
  1173. Resting energy expenditure and protein balance in people with epidermolysis bullosa
  1174. Artificial neural network algorithms to predict Resting energy expenditure in critically ill children
  1175. Resting energy expenditure of children and adolescents with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  1176. Comparison of measured and estimated Resting energy expenditure in adolescents and young adults with severe obesity before and 1 year after sleeve …
  1177. … body weight reduction program in obese females: is measured Resting energy expenditure essential for tailoring adequately the amount of energy intake?
  1178. Predictive equations are inaccurate in the estimation of the Resting energy expenditure of children with end‐stage liver disease
  1179. The acute effects of a multi-ingredient pre-workout supplement on Resting energy expenditure and exercise performance in recreationally active females
  1180. Investigation of pool workouts on weight, body composition, Resting energy expenditure, and quality of life among sedentary obese older women
  1181. Accuracy of SenseWear Pro2 Armband to predict Resting energy expenditure in childhood obesity
  1182. The association of predicted Resting energy expenditure with risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women in the women’s health initiative cohort
  1183. Weight loss and Resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic hepatitis C before and during standard treatment
  1184. Practicing Tai Chi had lower energy metabolism than walking but similar health benefits in terms of aerobic fitness, Resting energy expenditure, body composition and …
  1185. Body composition, Resting energy expenditure, and metabolic changes in women diagnosed with differentiated thyroid carcinoma
  1186. Evaluating the contribution of differences in lean mass compartments for Resting energy expenditure in African American and Caucasian American children
  1187. Resting energy expenditure in malnourished older patients at hospital admission and three months after discharge: predictive equations versus measurements
  1188. Assessing Resting energy expenditure in overweight and obese adolescents in a clinical setting: validity of a handheld indirect calorimeter
  1189. Proposal for a new formula for estimating Resting energy expenditure for healthy Spanish population
  1190. Validation and improvement of the predictive equation for Resting energy expenditure in advanced gastrointestinal cancer
  1191. Validity of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in Greek adults
  1192. Browning formation markers of subcutaneous adipose tissue in relation to Resting energy expenditure, physical activity and diet in humans
  1193. Resting energy expenditure and cold-induced thermogenesis in patients with overt hyperthyroidism
  1194. Assessment of Resting energy expenditure in pediatric mitochondrial diseases with indirect calorimetry
  1195. Resting energy expenditure of black overweight women in South Africa is lower than of white women
  1196. The Influence of Maturity Status on Resting energy expenditure, Body Composition and Blood Pressure in Physically Active Children
  1197. Low prenatal Resting energy expenditure and high energy intake predict high gestational weight gain in pregnant women with overweight/obesity
  1198. Motion sickness and Resting energy expenditure in Chinese male adults
  1199. Comparison of Measured Resting energy expenditure between Cancer Patients and Non-Cancer Controls
  1200. The effect of omega3 fatty acid supplementation on PPARγ and UCP2 expressions, Resting energy expenditure, and appetite in athletes
  1201. Resting energy expenditure and substrate oxidation rates correlate to temperature and outcome after cardiac arrest-a prospective observational cohort study
  1202. Pre-sleep protein in casein supplement or whole-food form has no impact on Resting energy expenditure or hunger in women
  1203. Dual endothelin receptor antagonism increases Resting energy expenditure in people with increased adiposity
  1204. Effects of Adaptive Thermogenesis on Measures of Resting energy expenditure in Anthropometric and Tissue-Organ Predictive Models
  1205. Resting energy expenditure of patients on venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for adult respiratory distress syndrome: a pilot study
  1206. Increased Resting energy expenditure after endovascular coiling for subarachnoid hemorrhage
  1207. Effects of inulin propionate ester incorporated into palatable food products on appetite and Resting energy expenditure: a randomised crossover study
  1208. Predictions of Resting energy expenditure in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are greatly impacted by reductions in fat free mass
  1209. Triglycerides and systolic blood pressure negatively mediate the direct relationship of vitamin D status to Resting energy expenditure: A cross sectional analysis
  1210. Abbreviated steady state intervals for measuring Resting energy expenditure in patients on maintenance hemodialysis
  1211. Predicted and measured Resting energy expenditure in children with spinal muscular atrophy 2
  1212. Dark Chocolate Supplementation Elevates Resting energy expenditure in Exercise Trained Females
  1213. Reading and Listening to Music Increase Resting energy expenditure During Indirect Calorimetry in Healthy Adults
  1214. Resting energy expenditure adaptation after short-term caloric restriction in morbidly obese women
  1215. Measurement of Resting energy expenditure with Indirect Calorimetry and Predictive Equations in Healthy Young Adults: A Cross-sectional Study.
  1216. Role of Resting metabolic rate and energy expenditure in hunger and appetite control: a new formulation
  1217. Impact of disease activity on Resting energy expenditure and body composition in adult Crohn’s disease: a prospective longitudinal assessment
  1218. Resting energy expenditure is lower in Japanese female athletes with menstrual disorders than in eumenorrheic athletes
  1219. Resting energy expenditure in japanese athletes-as applied to dietary management for athletes
  1220. Smaller size of high metabolic rate organs explains lower Resting energy expenditure in Asian-Indian Than Chinese men
  1221. Resting energy expenditure and blood pressure: Evidence of perpetual association
  1222. … treatment increases [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose uptake by brown adipose tissue without affecting oxidative Resting energy expenditure in nondiabetic males
  1223. Effect of oxyntomodulin, glucagon, GLP-1, and combined glucagon+ GLP-1 infusion on food intake, appetite, and Resting energy expenditure
  1224. Assessment of registered dietitians’ ability to estimate Resting and total energy expenditure in hepatocellular carcinoma patients
  1225. The Impact of 14-Day Head-Down tilt Bedrest, with or without Exercise, on Body Composition, Resting energy expenditure and Nutrient Adequacy Among Healthy …
  1226. Relation between anthropometric variations and Resting energy expenditure, VO2 max and anaerobic capacity of young, healthy individuals– an update
  1227. Changes in leptin and peptide YY do not explain the greater-than-predicted decreases in Resting energy expenditure after weight loss
  1228. Modifications of activity of autonomic nervous system, and Resting energy expenditure in women using hormone-replacement therapy
  1229. Relative contribution of organs other than brain to Resting energy expenditure is consistent among male power athletes
  1230. Moderate to high levels of exercise are associated with higher Resting energy expenditure in community-dwelling postmenopausal women
  1231. The Acute Effect of Intermittent Fasting on Resting energy expenditure in College-Aged Males
  1232. Comparison of Resting energy expenditure Using Indirect Calorimetry and Predictive Equations in Trauma Patients: A Pilot Study
  1233. Osteogenesis imperfecta: the impact of genotype and clinical phenotype on adiposity and Resting energy expenditure
  1234. Examining the acute effects of exercise intensity on subsequent appetite, food intake, Resting energy expenditure and fat oxidation
  1235. Effects of resistance training with or without protein supplementation on body composition and Resting energy expenditure in patients 2–7 years postroux-en-y gastric …
  1236. Dietary energy intake, body composition and Resting energy expenditure in prepubertal children with Prader-Willi syndrome before and during growth hormone …
  1237. Effects of capsinoid intake on brown adipose tissue vascular density and Resting energy expenditure in healthy, middle-aged adults: a randomized, double-blind …
  1238. Hypothesized pathways for the association of vitamin D status and insulin sensitivity with Resting energy expenditure: a cross sectional mediation analysis in …
  1239. A comparison of the pre-and postoperative Resting energy expenditure in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy
  1240. Comparison of Resting energy equations and total energy expenditure in haemodialysis patients and body composition measured by multi‐frequency bioimpedance
  1241. Tomato juice intake increases Resting energy expenditure and improves hypertriglyceridemia in middle-aged women: an open-label, single-arm study
  1242. Resting energy expenditure and optimal nutrition in critical care: how to guide our calorie prescriptions
  1243. energy expenditure after liver resection: validation of a mobile device for estimating Resting energy expenditure and an investigation of energy expenditure change …
  1244. Prediction of Resting energy expenditure in overweight men and women living in a temperate climate
  1245. Accuracy of predictive equations for evaluation of Resting energy expenditure in Brazilian patients with type 2 diabetes.
  1246. Associations between fatty acid composition in serum cholesteryl esters and liver fat, basal fat oxidation, and Resting energy expenditure: a population-based study
  1247. Predictive equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure in women with overweight and obesity at three postpartum stages
  1248. Blood Lactate Predicts Resting energy expenditure in Non-obese Caucasian Females
  1249. Circulatory and adipose tissue leptin and adiponectin in relationship to Resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  1250. Challenging obesity and sex based differences in Resting energy expenditure using allometric modeling, a sub-study of the DIETFITS clinical trial
  1251. Body composition, Resting energy expenditure and inflammatory markers: impact in users of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate after 12 months follow-up
  1252. … of nicotidamide-N-methyltransferase, FTO, and IRX3 genetic variants with body mass index and Resting energy expenditure in Mexican subjects
  1253. A longitudinal analysis of Resting energy expenditure and body composition in people with spinal cord injury undergoing surgical repair of pressure injuries: a pilot …
  1254. Association between Resting energy expenditure, psychopathology and HPA-axis in eating disorders
  1255. Development and Validation of a New Cardio‐Specific Resting energy expenditure Equation for Adults
  1256. Acetic Acid Supplementation: Effect on Resting and Exercise energy expenditure and Substrate Utilization
  1257. Impact of protein intake during weight loss on preservation of fat-free mass, Resting energy expenditure, and physical function in overweight postmenopausal women …
  1258. Resting energy expenditure in normal-weight and overweight/obese subjects was similar despite elevated sympathovagal balance
  1259. Effect of muscle strength at different intensities on Resting energy expenditure
  1260. The impact of strength training on the changes in one’s physique and Resting energy expenditure
  1261. Preliminary findings on the influence of FTO rs9939609 and MC4R rs17782313 polymorphisms on Resting energy expenditure, leptin and thyrotropin levels in obese …
  1262. Accuracy of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure (REE) in non-obese and obese Korean children and adolescents
  1263. The relationship between organ-tissue body composition and Resting energy expenditure in prepubertal children
  1264. Predicted estimates of Resting energy expenditure have limited clinical utility in patients with cirrhosis
  1265. Daily variability of Resting energy expenditure in acute kidney injury patients on dialysis
  1266. Resting energy expenditure and the effects of muscle wasting in patients with chronic heart failure: results from the Studies Investigating Comorbidities Aggravating …
  1267. Prospective changes in energy intake, physical activity, and Resting energy expenditure during pregnancy
  1268. Prediction Equations Underestimate Resting energy expenditure in Patients With End‐Stage Cystic Fibrosis
  1269. Erythropoietin administration acutely stimulates Resting energy expenditure in healthy young men
  1270. Comparison between measured and predicted Resting energy expenditure in mechanically ventilated patients with COPD
  1271. Comparison of Resting and total energy expenditure in peritoneal dialysis patients and body composition measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
  1272. Resting energy expenditure and systolic blood pressure relationships in women across 4.5 years
  1273. Relative validity of an indirect calorimetry device for measuring Resting energy expenditure and respiratory quotient
  1274. Resting energy expenditure in Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Indirect Calorimetry versus Predictive Equations
  1275. Changes in Lean Tissue Mass, Fat Mass, Biological Parameters and Resting energy expenditure over 24 Months Following Sleeve Gastrectomy
  1276. Estimating Resting energy expenditure with a portable armband device in an ambulatory setting
  1277. Increased Resting energy expenditure/body weight and decreased respiratory quotient correlate with satisfactory weight loss after sleeve gastrectomy: a 6-month follow …
  1278. Acute effect of propranolol on Resting energy expenditure in hyperthyroid patients
  1279. Variation of Resting energy expenditure after the first chemotherapy cycle in acute leukemia patients
  1280. Accuracy of two generic prediction equations and one population-specific equation for Resting energy expenditure in individuals with spinal cord injury
  1281. Effects of HIV and antiretroviral therapy on Resting energy expenditure in adult HIV-infected women—a matched, prospective, cross-sectional study
  1282. Reading and listening to music increase Resting energy expenditure during an indirect calorimetry test
  1283. Resting energy expenditure in Patients With Familial Dysautonomia: A Preliminary Study
  1284. Effects of a ready-to-drink thermogenic beverage on Resting energy expenditure, hemodynamic function, and subjective outcomes
  1285. New predictive equations to estimate Resting energy expenditure of non-dialysis dependent chronic kidney disease patients
  1286. Are predictive equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure accurate in Asian Indian male weightlifters?
  1287. Exploring Professional Soccer Referees’ energy expenditure, Dietary Intake, and Resting Metabolic Rate
  1288. The Novel Use of Point‐of‐Care Ultrasound to Predict Resting energy expenditure in Critically Ill Patients
  1289. Lower Resting and total energy expenditure in postmenopausal compared with premenopausal women matched for abdominal obesity
  1290. Agreement between prediction equations and indirect calorimetry to estimate Resting energy expenditure in elderly patients on hemodialysis
  1291. Is There a Contribution of Structural Brain Phenotypes to the Variance in Resting energy expenditure before and after Weight Loss in Overweight Females?
  1292. Capsimax Increases Resting energy expenditure in Males under Fasting State: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled, Cross-over Study
  1293. Lower Resting energy expenditure and fat oxidation in Native American and Hispanic infants born to mothers with diabetes
  1294. A prediction equation to assess Resting energy expenditure in Japanese patients with COPD
  1295. P294 Resting energy expenditure in women with Crohn’s disease: A cross-sectional study
  1296. Comparison between Resting energy expenditure measured by indirect calorimetry and metabolic rate estimate based on Harris-Benedict equation in septic …
  1297. Accuracy of prediction equations for calculating Resting energy expenditure in morbidly obese patients
  1298. Association of FTO and ADRB2 gene variation with energy restriction induced adaptations in Resting energy expenditure and physical activity
  1299. Development and Validation of prediction for estimating Resting energy expenditure in Indian subjects.
  1300. Machine learning models using non-linear techniques improve the prediction of Resting energy expenditure in individuals receiving hemodialysis
  1301. An Exonic Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor- γ Coactivator-1 α Variation May Mediate the Resting energy expenditure through a Potential Regulatory Role …
  1302. Association of Irisin with Fat Mass, Resting energy expenditure, and Daily Activity in Conditions of Extreme Body Mass Index
  1303. … crossfit training compared to high intensity swimming: a pre-post trial to assess the impact on body composition, muscle strength and Resting energy expenditure
  1304. Influence of different dialysis modalities in the measurement of Resting energy expenditure in patients with acute kidney injury in ICU
  1305. Predicting equations and Resting energy expenditure changes in overweight adults
  1306. Resting energy expenditure in argininosuccinic aciduria and in other urea cycle disorders
  1307. Soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) isoforms predict changes in Resting energy expenditure in adults with obesity during weight loss
  1308. Contribution of structural brain phenotypes to the variance in Resting energy expenditure in healthy Caucasian subjects
  1309. Can Vco2‐Based Estimates of Resting energy expenditure Replace the Need for Indirect Calorimetry in Critically Ill Children?
  1310. Comparison of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure among patients with schizophrenia in Japan
  1311. Early changes in respiratory quotient and Resting energy expenditure predict later weight changes in patients treated for poorly controlled type 2 diabetes
  1312. Resting energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in malnourished patients with type 1 glycogenosis
  1313. Short-term change in Resting energy expenditure and body compositions in therapeutic process for graves’ disease
  1314. Association of thyroid-stimulating hormone with Resting energy expenditure in euthyroid elderly subjects: a cross-sectional study
  1315. Resting energy expenditure in preterm newborns with bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  1316. Acute effect on satiety, Resting energy expenditure, respiratory quotient, glucagon-like peptide-1, free fatty acids, and glycerol following consumption of a combination …
  1317. Associations of measured Resting energy expenditure with predictive equations, NUTRIC score, and patient outcomes
  1318. Simple kcal/kg formula is comparable to prediction equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure in older cognitively impaired long term care residents
  1319. Resting energy expenditure values assessed by a multi-sensor armband show a low accuracy in obese subjects
  1320. Impact of metabolic syndrome on Resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic kidney disease
  1321. Development of new predictive equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure in adults with crohn’s disease
  1322. Resting energy expenditure in Critically Ill Patients With Spontaneous Intracranial Hemorrhage (SICH)
  1323. Evolution of Resting energy expenditure, respiratory quotient, and adiposity in infants recovering from corrective surgery of major congenital gastrointestinal tract …
  1324. Interaction effect of systemic inflammation and modifiable rheumatoid cachexia risk factors on Resting energy expenditure in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  1325. Comparison between two models of training with regard to Resting energy expenditure and body composition in obese adolescents.
  1326. Low validity of predictive equations for calculating Resting energy expenditure in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome
  1327. Short-duration cold exposure decreases fasting-induced glucose intolerance but has no effect on Resting energy expenditure
  1328. … : should cancer types, pathological stages and races be considered in assessing metabolism and could elevated Resting energy expenditure be the therapeutic …
  1329. Association of Resting energy expenditure-based energy intake sufficiency with functional recovery, dysphagia, and 1-year mortality following heart failure: A …
  1330. Thyroid hormones correlate with Resting metabolic rate, not daily energy expenditure, in two charadriiform seabirds
  1331. Association of Plasma Metabolic Profile, Body Composition and Resting energy expenditure in Obesity
  1332. The Impact of Nutritional Therapy on Resting energy expenditure in Malnourished Older Hospitalized Patients
  1333. Comparison of indirect calorimetry and other predictive equations on determination of Resting energy expenditure of patients with endocrine disorders
  1334. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry metabolic maps to Resting energy expenditure estimation, and body size dependence in Brazilian young men
  1335. … Role of Catechol-O-Methyl Transferase Val(108/158)Met Polymorphism (rs4680) in the Effect of Green Tea on Resting energy expenditure and Fat Oxidation …
  1336. Age but not menopausal status is linked to lower Resting energy expenditure
  1337. … insulinotropic polypeptide receptor antagonism during glucagon‐like peptide 1 receptor agonism does not affect appetite, Resting energy expenditure or food intake in …
  1338. Assessment of body composition and Resting energy expenditure of patients wuith head and neck cancer
  1339. Proposal of a new equation for estimating Resting energy expenditure of acute kidney injury patients on dialysis: a machine learning approach
  1340. Resting metabolic rate, total daily energy expenditure, and metabolic adaptation 6 months and 24 months after bariatric surgery
  1341. Accuracy of the MedGem® portable indirect calorimeter for measuring Resting energy expenditure in adults with class II or III obesity
  1342. Comparison of equations of Resting and total energy expenditure in peritoneal dialysis patients using body composition measurements determined by multi-frequency …
  1343. Changes in Resting energy expenditure following orthotopic liver transplantation
  1344. Low energy expenditure and Resting behaviour of humpback whale mother-calf pairs highlights conservation importance of sheltered breeding areas
  1345. Comparison of Resting energy expenditure assessment in pediatric oncology patients
  1346. Resting and total energy expenditure of patients with long-chain fatty acid oxidation disorders (LC-FAODs)
  1347. Changes in Resting energy expenditure following Gastric Bypass Surgery: Impact on Total Body Weight.
  1348. Validation of a wearable metabolic tracker (Breezing ProTM) for Resting energy expenditure (REE) measurement via Douglas bag method
  1349. Comparison of predictive equations of Resting energy expenditure in older adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  1350. Predictive equations for estimating Resting energy expenditure in women with overweight and obesity at three postpartum stages
  1351. Dark Chocolate Supplementation Elevates Resting energy expenditure in Exercise Trained Females
  1352. Influence of Resting energy expenditure on blood pressure is independent of body mass and a marker of sympathetic tone
  1353. Thermic effect of food and Resting energy expenditure after sleeve gastrectomy for weight loss in adolescent females
  1354. Circulating interleukin 6 and soluble forms of its receptors in relation to Resting energy expenditure in women with anorexia nervosa
  1355. Size dependence in non-sperm ejaculate production is reflected in daily energy expenditure and Resting metabolic rate
  1356. Persistently increased Resting energy expenditure predicts short-term mortality in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure
  1357. Comparison of three different measurement methods to determine Resting energy expenditure in patients with decompensated hepatitis B cirrhosis
  1358. Do estimated metabolic equivalent and energy expenditure verify the physical effort of type-1 diabetics in Resting and exercise situations? A randomized …
  1359. Variability of Resting energy expenditure in infants and young children with intestinal failure-associated liver disease
  1360. Changes of bile acids and Resting energy expenditure after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in type 2 diabetes patients: a prospective study
  1361. Preoperative metabolic status is associated with different evolution of Resting energy expenditure after liver transplant in adults
  1362. A Synergistic Botanical Composition Increases Resting energy expenditure and Reduces Adiposity in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats
  1363. Resting energy expenditure in acutely ill and stabilized patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
  1364. Resting energy expenditure is not associated with disease activity in women with rheumatoid arthritis: cross-sectional study
  1365. Parental history of type 2 diabetes is associated with lower Resting energy expenditure in normoglycemic subjects
  1366. The effect of laparoscopic gastric plication surgery on body composition, Resting energy expenditure, thyroid hormones, and physical activity in morbidly obese …
  1367. Resting energy expenditure guided intervention for gestational weight gain in obese and overweight women
  1368. Context-dependent correlation between Resting metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure in wild chipmunks
  1369. Factors Affecting Resting energy expenditure in Patients Treated for Head and Neck Cancer in the Perioperative Period
  1370. Resting energy expenditure based on equation estimation can predict renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and biopsy-proven diabetic kidney …
  1371. Resting energy expenditure, macronutrient utilization, and body composition in term infants after corrective surgery of major congenital anomalies: A case-study
  1372. Effective management of spasticity and impacts on weight change and Resting energy expenditure in a female with spinal cord injury: a case report
  1373. Resting energy expenditure measured by indirect calorimetry: ventilated Covid-19 patients are normometabolic
  1374. Validity of Methods in Measuring Resting energy expenditure in Pediatric Oncology Patients
  1376. Sympathomimetic increases Resting energy expenditure following bariatric surgery: A randomized controlled clinical trial
  1377. Resting energy expenditure in short-stature children
  1378. Resting sympathetic activity is associated with the sympathetically mediated component of energy expenditure following a meal
  1379. The validity of body composition measurement using dual energy X-Ray absorptiometry for estimating Resting energy expenditure
  1380. Resting energy expenditure in HIV/AIDS patients: Development and validation of a predictive equation
  1381. Comparison between Resting energy expenditure measured by indirect calorimetry and metabolic rate estimate based on Harris-Benedict equation in septic …
  1382. Determining the appropriate Resting energy expenditure requirement for severe trauma patients in Korea using indirect calorimetry: a retrospective …
  1383. Effects on Resting energy expenditure, aerobic and musculoskeletal fitness: the HEARTY exercise trial
  1384. Hypocaloric Parenteral Nutrition in Obese Patients: A Comparison of Measured Resting energy expenditure and Estimated energy expenditure
  1385. Changes in Resting energy expenditure After Sleeve Gastrectomy: a Review of the Literature
  1386. A Step-Wise Multiple Testing for Linear Regression Models with Application to the Study of Resting energy expenditure
  1387. Association of Resting energy expenditure and nutritional substrate oxidation with COPD stage and prediction indexes
  1388. Resting energy expenditure Measured by Indirect Calorimetry in Infants and Young Children with Chronic Lung Disease.
  1389. Effect of green coffee consumption on Resting energy expenditure, blood pressure, and body temperature in healthy women: A pilot study
  1390. Proposal of a new equation for estimating Resting energy expenditure for acute kidney injury patients on dialysis. A Machine Learning Approach.
  1391. Determination of the stress factor calculated from the changes in the measured Resting energy expenditure with indirect calorimetry in patients undergoing …
  1392. Handheld indirect calorimetry as a clinical tool for measuring Resting energy expenditure in children with and without obesity
  1393. Resting energy expenditure in cirrhotic patients with and without hepatocellular carcinoma
  1394. RF02| PSAT110 Resting energy expenditure and Body Composition in Children and Adolescents with Genetic, Hypothalamic, Medication-Induced or Multifactorial …
  1395. Acute Effects of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation on energy expenditure at Resting and during Uphill Walking in Healthy Young Men
  1396. Resting energy expenditure of children with end-stage chronic liver disease before and after liver transplantation
  1397. Adults with early diagnosis of phenylketonuria have higher Resting energy expenditure than adults with late diagnosis
  1398. Longitudinal measurements of Resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry in healthy term infants during the first 2 months of life
  1399. Value of Visceral Fat Area and Resting energy expenditure in Assessment of Metabolic Characteristics in Obese and Lean Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  1400. Resting energy expenditure: a valuable predictor for KT/Vurea in peritoneal dialysis patients
  1401. Resting energy expenditure in cystic fibrosis patients decreases after lung transplantation, which improves applicability of prediction equations for energy …
  1402. Changes of Resting energy expenditure in type 2 diabetes rats after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
  1403. A novel prediction equation of Resting energy expenditure for Japanese septic patients
  1404. Ontogenetic changes in energy expenditure and Resting behaviour of humpback whale mother–calf pairs examined using unmanned aerial vehicles
  1405. Approximation of Resting energy expenditure in intensive care unit patients using the sensewear bracelet: a comparison with indirect calorimetry
  1406. Resting energy expenditure in infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia without respiratory support at time of neonatal hospital discharge
  1407. Reply-Letter to the Editor–Superiority of new predictive equation for Resting energy expenditure
  1408. Development of a portable respiratory gas analyzer for measuring indirect Resting energy expenditure (REE)
  1409. The effects of whey protein on anthropometric parameters, Resting energy expenditure, oxidative stress, and appetite in overweight/obese women with type 2 diabetes …
  1410. Resting energy expenditure in girls with Turner syndrome
  1411. Growth velocity in infancy influences Resting energy expenditure in 12–14 year-old obese adolescents
  1412. Resting energy expenditure in children at risk for hypothalamic dysfunction
  1413. Concurrent training and Eri silkworm pupae ingestion improve Resting and exercise fat oxidation and energy expenditure in obese adults
  1414. The Effects of Xanthigen Supplementation on Body Weight, Resting energy expenditure, and Body Composition in an Obese Population
  1415. Different isocaloric meals and adiposity modify energy expenditure and clinical and metabolomic biomarkers during Resting and exercise states in a randomized …
  1416. Impact of Protein Intake during Weight Loss on Preservation of Fat-Free Mass, Resting energy expenditure, and Physical Function in Overweight …
  1417. Resting metabolic rate and activity: key components of seasonal variation in daily energy expenditure for the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus)
  1418. Evaluation of Variability in Resting energy expenditure and Its Relationship with Macronutrients and Gestational Weight Gain During the Second Trimester of …
  1419. Use of both quantitative and qualitative methods to improve assessment of Resting energy expenditure equation performance in hospitalized adults
  1420. Development of a Resting energy expenditure estimation in patients undergoing targeted temperature management with a surface gel pad temperature modulating …
  1421. Harris-Benedict equation well predicts Resting energy expenditure in Parkinson’s disease patients under dopaminergic treatment: A control-case study
  1422. Research methodology for in vivo measurements of Resting energy expenditure, daily body temperature, metabolic heat and non-viral tissue-specific gene therapy in …
  1423. UCP2, SHBG, leptin, and T3 levels are associated with Resting energy expenditure in obese women
  1424. Accuracy of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure estimation in mechanically ventilated Thai patients
  1425. Comparison of the Beacon and Quark indirect calorimetry devices to measure Resting energy expenditure in ventilated ICU patients
  1426. Low Resting energy expenditure in postmenopausal Japanese women with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1427. Estimation of Body Cell Mass by Whole Body Potassium Counting in Pregnant Women and Neonates and Estimation of Resting energy expenditure in Neonates by …
  1428. Comparison of Resting energy expenditure determined by indirect calorimetry and estimated by predictive formulas in women with obesity degrees I to III
  1429. P319 Effects of elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor (ETI) on nutrition parameters and Resting energy expenditure (REE) in people with cystic fibrosis (pwCF)
  1430. Metabolic Adaptations to Weight Loss: Relative Changes in Resting Metabolic Rate and energy expenditure for Physical Activity and Association With Weight …
  1431. Using genetic programming to investigate a novel model of Resting energy expenditure for bariatric surgery patients
  1432. Resting energy expenditure, Fetal Biometric Parameters by Ultrasound, and Birthweight in Chinese Pregnant Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
  1433. Effect of one-month concurrent training with or without caffeine supplementation on Resting energy expenditure and leptin resistance in overweight women
  1434. Validation of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in J apanese pediatric C rohn’s disease patients: Preliminary study
  1435. Resting energy expenditure and regional body composition in myotonic dystrophy type 1 patients
  1436. Resting energy expenditure in boys with duchenne muscular distrophy: which is the best predictive formula?
  1437. Acute Infection in Ventilated Patients in the Intensive Care Unit: Association Between Resting energy expenditure and C-Reactive Protein.
  1438. Vitamin D and calcium-sensing receptor polymorphisms differentially associate with Resting energy expenditure in peripubertal children
  1439. Dietary glycemic index does not influence adaptation of Resting energy expenditure during weight loss (371.7)
  1440. Resting energy expenditure in patients with pancreatitis
  1441. Effects of an Overnight, 8-Hour Low Oxygen Exposure on energy Intake and Resting energy expenditure in Healthy, Normal Weight Adults
  1442. … the Resting energy expenditure Calculated From Predictive Equations Had Very Good Agreements, the Swinamer Equation Could Be Used to Predict Resting energy …
  1443. Determining the Accuracy of Predictive Resting energy expenditure (PREE) Equations in Severely Obese Adolescents
  1444. Resting energy expenditure and the clearance of therapeutic proteins in pediatric subjects
  1445. The utility of forearm to fingertip skin temperature gradients during measurements of Resting energy expenditure
  1446. Resting energy expenditure may predict the relationship between obesity and susceptibility to depression disorders.
  1447. Does endogenous GLP-1 affect Resting energy expenditure and fuel selection in overweight and obese adults?
  1448. Body composition and Resting energy expenditure in perimenopausal women
  1449. Predicted versus measured Resting energy expenditure in patients requiring home parenteral nutrition
  1450. Resting energy expenditure in COPD: development of a new predictive equation
  1451. … diet fat on sugar ratio in children with mitochondrial OXPHOS disorders: Effects of a randomized trial on Resting energy expenditure, diet induced thermogenesis and …
  1452. Validity of Apple Watch 6 and Polar A370 for monitoring energy expenditure while Resting or performing light to vigorous physical activity
  1453. Resting energy expenditure in a cohort of female patients with bipolar disorder: indirect calorimetry vs Harris-Benedict, Mifflin-St. Jeor, LARN Equations
  1454. Indirect calorimetry using a ventilated hood may be easier than using a facemask to achieve steady state when measuring Resting energy expenditure
  1455. The acute effects of propionate on Resting energy expenditure and fat oxidation in healthy human volunteers
  1456. Calcium homeostasis may influence Resting energy expenditure with effects most apparent in early pubertal girls
  1457. Changes in Lean Tissue Mass, Fat Mass, Biological Parameters and Resting energy expenditure over 24 Months Following Sleeve Gastrectomy. Nutrients …
  1458. High-dose thiamine supplementation may reduce Resting energy expenditure in individuals with hyperglycemia: a randomized, double–blind cross-over trial
  1459. Association of Serum Adipokines and Resting energy expenditure in Patients With Chronic Kidney
  1460. Age-related decline of Resting energy expenditure in humans with similar body weight: first results of the indirect-calorimetry (IC-) Basarot project
  1461. Hepatocyte-Specific Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 alpha (HNF4α) Deletion Decreases Resting energy expenditure By Disrupting Lipid and Carbohydrate …
  1462. A Comparison Between Measured and Predicted Resting energy expenditure of Pancreaticoduodenectomy Patients
  1463. 1023P Relationship between 18F-FDG PET colonic uptake, Resting energy expenditure and immune checkpoint inhibitors efficacy in metastatic non-small cell lung …
  1464. Biliary diversion increases Resting energy expenditure leading to decreased blood glucose level in mice with type 2 diabetes
  1465. Efficacy of Individual Nutrition Counseling on Resting energy expenditure, Oxygen Consumption, Fat-Free Mass and Percentage Fat of Body Weight
  1466. Postoperative Resting energy expenditure in children with congenital heart disease
  1467. Leptin and energy restriction induced adaptations in Resting energy expenditure and physical activity
  1468. Standard medical nutrition therapy of 25 kcal/kg ideal bodyweight/day often does not reach even Resting energy expenditure for patients with type 2 diabetes
  1469. P566 Impact of induction therapy and clinical remission on Resting energy expenditure in children with Crohn’s Disease
  1470. Resting energy expenditure in hemodialysis patients: which prediction equation estimates the best?
  1471. Amino Acid-Carbohydrate Intake Combined with Multiple Bouts of Resistance Exercise Increases Resting energy expenditure
  1472. Resting energy expenditure in critically ill children on mechanical ventilation
  1473. A novel prediction equation of Resting energy expenditure for Japanese septic patients
  1474. Resting energy expenditure is associated with insulin resistance and inflammatory status before and after weight loss in patients with severe obesity
  1475. Measure Resting energy expenditure and substrate utilization in patients with cirrhosis presenting with acute variceal bleeding
  1476. Effect of sedation on Resting energy expenditure in patients with extremely severe burns and the choice of energy estimation formula
  1477. Resting energy expenditure among patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: The impact of a single CPAP application
  1478. Effect of weight loss on Resting energy expenditure in pre-and post-pubertal obese children
  1479. S1666 Association of Resting energy expenditure and Satiation Parameters in Patients With Obesity
  1480. When Should Indirect Calorimetry Be Repeated To Measure Resting energy expenditure In Critically Ill Covid-19 Patients?
  1481. … crossFit training compared to high intensity swimming: A pre-post trial to assess the impact on body composition, muscle strength and Resting energy expenditure
  1483. OR10-06 Changes In Resting energy expenditure And Metabolic Adaptation In Adolescents Two Years After Sleeve Gastrectomy Compared With Non-surgical …
  1486. Resting energy expenditure in parkinson’s disease patients under dopaminergic treatment
  1487. Influence of inhalation injury on Resting energy expenditure and plasma metabolic hormones in adult burn patients
  1489. Effect of nutritional therapy on body composition and Resting energy expenditure post bariatric surgery
  1490. Resting energy expenditure in patients with cirrhosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis of indirect calorimetry versus established and derived prediction …
  1491. In Individuals with obesity, Resting energy expenditure does not decrease after weight loss with GLP-1 agonist liraglutide
  1492. Modifications of Resting energy expenditure after surgical or medical weight loss: Is there any difference?
  1493. Resting energy expenditure and Respiratory Quotient, One and Six Hours, Following Five Modes of Exercise: A Case Study.
  1494. The Effect of Dietary MUFA’s on Resting energy expenditure in Individuals with Pre‐Diabetes
  1495. Re.“Estimating Resting energy expenditure of patients on dialysis: Development and validation of a predictive equation”
  1496. Obese Women With Hypothyroidism Treated with Levothyroxine Have Reduced Resting energy expenditure
  1497. Relationship between Resting energy expenditure and metabolic disorders in Chinese obese children and adolescents
  1498. Resting energy expenditure is Important Factor to Predict Cardiac Mortality in Chronic Heart Failure
  1499. Resting energy expenditure is an Important Factor to Predict Cardiac Mortality in Chronic Heart Failure
  1500. Resting energy expenditure in Anorexia Nervosa: A Case Report in Two Monozygotic Twins
  1501. A clinical cross-sectional study of Resting energy expenditure in children with cerebral palsy
  1502. Ghrelin Resting energy expenditure Number (GREEN) Study: 2433
  1503. Analysis of sugar intake and Resting energy expenditure in adult males during a 5-week period
  1505. Validity of Wearable Activity Monitors for Estimation of Resting energy expenditure in Adults
  1506. Influence factors and clinical application progress of Resting energy expenditure
  1507. Study of the relevant threshold of Resting energy expenditure variation to screen at diagnosis patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with the higher evolving risk
  1508. … in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ptients; a confirmation by a study versus control and using different formulas for calculating theoretical Resting energy expenditure …
  1509. Is Resting energy expenditure affected by tsh in euthyroid patients?
  1510. Resting energy expenditure and gut microbiota in obese and normal weight subjects
  1511. Influences of mental and metabolic disorders on nutritional status and Resting energy expenditure
  1512. Resting energy expenditure and Body Composition of an Elite Water Polo Team
  1513. Difference of Measured and Calculated Resting energy expenditure is Correlated with Age in Overweight Korean Women
  1514. Resting energy expenditure assessment in mechanically ventilated critically ill children: the importance of Indirect Calorimetry
  1515. The effect of Resting energy expenditure on the prognosis of patients with severe coma determined by the indirect energy metabolism measurement and Harris …
  1516. The Acute Effect of Intermittent Fasting on Resting energy expenditure in College-Aged Males
  1517. Anthropometric variations and low Resting energy expenditure as a cause of metabolic risk in adult patients with Turner syndrome
  1519. Can we use old Harris and Bennedict formula for determine Resting energy expenditure in anorexia nervosa? Probably not!
  1520. Survival according to Resting energy expenditure (REE) variation using two ree formulas and without indirect calorimetry in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis …
  1521. 463: EVALUATION OF Resting energy expenditure IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS FOLLOWING ECMO
  1522. Resting energy expenditure in skilled athletes
  1523. Variability in results from predicted Resting energy expenditure (PREE) as compared to measured Resting energy expenditure (MREE) in Korean farmers
  1524. Examining Resting and Total energy expenditure in Patients with Cancer
  1525. Accuracy of Predictive Equations for Estimating Resting energy expenditure in Obese Adolescents
  1526. Effects of Time Restricted Feeding on Resting energy expenditure and Respiratory Quotient
  1527. Gas-exchange and Resting energy expenditure measurement with indirect calorimetry in children supported with non-invasive ventilation
  1528. Genetic predisposition and energy restriction induced adaptations in Resting energy expenditure and physical activity
  1530. 741: Safety and Feasibility of Resting energy expenditure Measurement in Chronically Ventilated Children
  1531. Prediction of the efficacy of nivolumab using Resting energy expenditure in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) patients
  1532. Resting energy expenditure of the Unhealthy Elderly in the” Roken” in Japan
  1533. 250: MEASURING THE Resting energy expenditure OF CHILDREN WHILE ON ECMO: A PILOT STUDY
  1534. Low Resting energy expenditure in postmenopausal Japanese women with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1536. 0065 Resting energy expenditure VARIES WITH CIRCADIAN PHASE IN NON-OBESE OLDER ADULTS
  1537. Does a bio-impedance-derived estimate better agree with measured Resting energy expenditure than the harris-benedict equation in older adults?
  1538. Correlation of Spinal Cord Injury Inpatient Rehabilitation and Resting energy expenditure
  1539. The effects of dietary fat intake on Resting energy expenditure and body composition
  1540. The long-term effects of pre-workout supplementation on Resting energy expenditure and body composition in recreationally active females
  1541. Does Chronic Dieting Lower Resting energy expenditure Below that Estimated by Predictive Equations, Thereby Increasing an Individual’s Risk of Becoming …
  1542. PTU-094 The Assessment of Resting energy expenditure in Patients with Cirrhosis Remains Problematic
  1543. 233 Resting energy expenditure in patients with cystic fibrosis decreases after lung transplantation
  1544. Changes in leptin and peptide YY do not explain the greater than predicted decreases in Resting energy expenditure following weight loss
  1545. Effects of growth hormone treatment on dietary energy intake, body composition and Resting energy expenditure in children with Prader-Willi Syndrome: a …
  1546. Validating predictive factors for Resting energy expenditure of adolescents in Indonesia (HASIL TURNITIN)
  1547. GP 179: Association between Resting energy expenditure and body weight change in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  1548. Age-related decline of Resting energy expenditure in humans with similar body weight
  1549. Serum IL18 concentration is associated with Resting energy expenditure independently of BMI
  1550. Resting energy expenditure in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
  1551. Effects of Consuming Cottage Cheese or Casein Protein Beverage Before Sleep on Morning Appetite and Resting energy expenditure in Active, Collegiate-Aged …
  1552. Does Preoperative Resting energy expenditure Predict Weight Loss after Bariatric Surgery?
  1553. Superiority of new predictive equation for Resting energy expenditure should be reconsidered
  1555. Discovering the Accuracy of Popular Mobile Applications in Predicting Resting energy expenditure in Humans
  1556. Resting energy expenditure prediction using bioelectrical impedance analysis in patients with severe motor and intellectual disabilities
  1557. Resting energy expenditure in critically ill children
  1559. Correlation analysis between Resting energy expenditure and nutritional assessment indicators in critically ill children with mechanical ventilation
  1560. Measured and predicted Resting energy expenditure in malnourished older hospitalized patients
  1561. … Abstract Background and aims: A personal indirect calorimeter allows everyone to assess Resting and non-Resting energy expenditure, thus enabling accurate …
  1562. Euthyroid Levothyroxine-Treated Women Have Slightly Lower Resting energy expenditure but the Same Body Composition as Women on TSH-Suppressive …
  1563. Acetic Acid Supplementation: Influence on Resting and Exercise energy expenditure and Substrate Utilization
  1564. MON-092 Role of Genetic Variants of NNMT rs694539 and rs1941404, FTO rs1421085 and Irx3 rs3751723 Polymorphisms on Resting energy expenditure and BMI
  1566. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in underweight male
  1567. Effects of acute ingestion of a pre-workout dietary surpplement with and without p-synephrine on Resting energy expenditure, cognitive function and exercise …
  1568. Comparison of the accuracy of Resting energy expenditure assessment using bioimpedance analysis and indirect respiratory calorimetry in children with simple …
  1569. Different Evaluation Methods of Resting energy expenditure in Obese Women Before and After Bariatric Surgery
  1570. RARE-07. Low Resting energy expenditure is associated with clinical and radiological hypothalamic damage in children surviving a suprasellar brain tumor
  1571. How to well use the predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure
  1572. Measurements of Resting energy expenditure in surgical critically ill patients with mechanical ventilator
  1573. Continuous Resting energy expenditure measurement in ventilated critically ill children
  1574. Resting energy expenditure in cancer patients at different clinical stages before its antineoplastic treatment
  1575. Comparison of Measured and Predicted Resting energy expenditure in Obese Pre-bariatric Surgery Patients
  1576. Reply-letter to the editor-how to well use the predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure
  1577. No Changes in energy Intake, Resting and Physical Activity energy expenditure, or Food Reinforcement Across the Menstrual Cycle
  1578. The Factors Impacting on Resting energy expenditure in Refractory Heart Failure Patients and the Probability of Urine Amino Acids Analysis as an Indicator for Calorie …
  1579. Authors’ response to comment re.“Estimating Resting energy expenditure of patients on dialysis: Development and validation of a predictive equation”
  1580. The novel concept infant milk formula Nuturis does not prevent bodyweight and Resting energy expenditure from rising in post-natally overfed females by altering gene …
  1581. Acute concomitant GIP receptor antagonism during GLP-1 receptor agonism does not affect appetite, Resting energy expenditure or food intake in patients with type 2 …
  1583. … behavioral multipliers to American black duck and lesser scaup Resting metabolic rate to better estimate daily energy expenditure and carrying capacity
  1584. Resting energy expenditure (REE) of stroke patients in rehabilitation phase
  1585. Acute Infection in Ventilated Patients in the Intensive Care Unit: Association Between Resting energy expenditure and C-Reactive Protein
  1586. Prediction of Resting energy expenditure in Morbidly Obese Mechanically Ventilated Patients in the Medical ICU
  1587. … to AKI itself. Given the lack of studies on energy metabolism in AKI patients, we decided to measure and compare the Resting energy expenditure (REE) in septic …
  1588. New Predictive Equations for Resting energy expenditure in Normal to Overweight and Obese Population (P16-048-19)
  1590. Resting energy expenditure Equations Have Lower Validity For Overweight And Obese Versus Healthy Weight Adolescents
  1591. Validation of the 13C-bicarbonate tracer technique against indirect calorimetry for estimation of energy expenditure in Resting ponies
  1592. Green tea consumption, weight loss and Resting energy expenditure
  1593. Comparison of Lipid Profile, Diet and Physical Activity Between Obese Women with a Normal and Those with a Low Resting energy expenditure
  1594. The significance of different predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation
  1595. Effects of dietary fat type on mood, Resting energy expenditure and daily physical activity
  1596. Time to Reach Steady State Resting energy expenditure in Healthy Adults Using Indirect Calorimetry
  1597. Pre‐pregnancy BMI, physical activity and Resting energy expenditure predicts body composition in pregnancy
  1598. Determination of Resting energy expenditure in critically ill children experiencing mechanical ventilation
  1599. Evaluation of body composition, Resting energy expenditure and micronutrient status in children with cerebral palsy
  1600. Resting energy expenditure and metabolic adaptation in adolescents at 6 and 12 months following bariatric surgery
  1601. Measured vs. Estimated Resting energy expenditure in a Clinic Population of Obese Youth
  1602. Clinical significance of measuring Resting energy expenditure for guiding an accurate nutritional support in elderly bedridden patients with nasal feeding
  1603. Role of body composition and circulating hormones on Resting energy expenditure in obese pregnant women (1101.9)
  1604. Prospective audit examing the Resting energy expenditure (REE) of paediatric patients with CF
  1605. Assessment of Resting energy expenditure in pediatric mitochondrial diseases with indirect calorimetry
  1606. Validation of carbon dioxide production (VCO2) as a tool to calculate Resting energy expenditure in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients
  1607. Resting energy expenditure in Critically Ill Burns Patients
  1608. Methods for Estimating Resting energy expenditure Using Indirect Calorimetry in Adults with Overweight and Obesity (P13-030-19)
  1609. OR25: Validity of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure for overweight older adults with and without diabetes
  1610. Which Predictive Equation Of Resting energy expenditure Has The Best Agreement With Indirect Calorimetry In Elderly Patients On Hemodialysis?
  1611. Influence of selective cerebral hypothermia on Resting energy expenditure in patients in acute period of ischemic stroke
  1612. Blood pressure is associated with Resting energy expenditure and body composition in non-obese 18–39 year-olds: results of the ic-basarot project
  1613. Early decline in Resting energy expenditure and its impact on body composition changes 3 months after bariatric surgery
  1614. The Acute Effect of Intermittent Fasting on Resting energy expenditure in College-Aged Males
  1615. Menstrual cycle phase does not influence Resting energy expenditure of collegiate Japanese female athletes
  1616. Resting energy expenditure and body composition in children with cancer: indirect calorimetry and bioimpedance analysis
  1617. Estimated vs. actual Resting energy expenditure and physical activity factor in post‐gastric bypass, lean and obese adults
  1619. Resting energy expenditure (REE) level is significantly associated with CRP, WBC and the Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score in ICU septic …
  1620. Suppression of physical activity and non‐Resting energy expenditure during calorie restriction: role in individual differences in adaptive thermogenesis (1101.8)
  1621. Comparison of the efficacy of popular weight loss programs in sedentary overweight women I: body composition and Resting energy expenditure
  1622. FemHab: Effects of 10-day planetary habitation simulation on body composition and Resting energy expenditure in females
  1623. Comparison of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure (REE) in Chinese and Korean young adults
  1625. Abstract P203: Restricting Sleep Duration Alters Resting and Postprandial Respiratory Quotient, but has Minimal Effects on Overall energy expenditure
  1626. 5.6. 2 Dietary glycemic index does not influence adaptation of Resting energy expenditure during weight loss.
  1627. Comparison of Resting energy expenditure With energy Intake in Neonates With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Following Stage 1 Palliation
  1628. 326: Resting energy expenditure AND VENTILATOR MODES IN THERMALLY INJURED PATIENTS
  1629. Effect of mirtazapine on glucose metabolism and Resting energy expenditure: Observations in “super-healthy” men under highly standardized conditions
  1630. Is a low serum adiponectin or high serum leptin associated with a low Resting energy expenditure (REE) in overweight or obese children and adolescents?
  1631. Feasibility and validity of a SenseWear™ Armband in estimating Resting energy expenditure in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  1632. Moderate caloric restriction results in significant loss of fat mass, limited decline in Resting energy expenditure and preservation of fat free mass
  1634. Assessment of Resting, activity and total energy expenditure in free-living Thai elderly: A pilot study
  1635. … management of penetrating Zone III retroperitoneal injuries in selective patients: a case reportMeasured Resting energy expenditure in patients with open abdomens …
  1636. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) variability in adults: Body surface area (BSA) vs lean body mass (LBM) and Resting energy expenditure (REE) scaling
  1637. Validation of the oral 13C-bicarbonate tracer technique against indirect calorimetry for the estimation of energy expenditure in Resting dogs
  1638. Effects of oral caffeine and capsaicin administration on energy expenditure and energy substrates utilization in Resting rats
  1639. THe order effect of eight week combined strength and endurance training on Resting ghrelin levels and energy expenditure in overweight women

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