
Remyelination is the process by which damaged or lost myelin, the insulating sheath that surrounds nerve fibers in the central nervous system (CNS), is replaced. This process involves the generation and differentiation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, which mature into myelinating oligodendrocytes that wrap new myelin around the nerve fibers. Successful remyelination can restore normal nerve function, but incomplete or inefficient remyelination can lead to neurological dysfunction, including cognitive impairment, motor deficits, and sensory disturbances. Remyelination is a complex process that involves multiple molecular and cellular mechanisms, and is the focus of intense research efforts aimed at developing new therapies for demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

  1. Remyelination in the CNS: from biology to therapy
  2. Why does Remyelination fail in multiple sclerosis?
  3. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  4. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  5. Pattern of Remyelination in the CNS
  6. The biology of CNS Remyelination
  7. Remyelination capacity of the MS brain decreases with disease chronicity
  8. Enhancing Remyelination in disease—can we wrap it up?
  9. Remyelination is extensive in a subset of multiple sclerosis patients
  10. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  11. The translational biology of Remyelination: past, present, and future
  12. Multiple sclerosis: Remyelination of nascent lesions: Remyelination of nascent lesions
  13. The restoration of conduction by central Remyelination.
  14. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  15. Central Remyelination restores secure conduction
  16. Multiple sclerosis: Remyelination in acute lesions
  17. Extensive Remyelination of the CNS leads to functional recovery
  18. Macrophages and CNS Remyelination
  19. Extensive cortical Remyelination in patients with chronic multiple sclerosis
  20. Pathophysiology of the brain extracellular matrix: a new target for Remyelination
  21. Identification of a microglia phenotype supportive of Remyelination
  22. Remyelination can be extensive in multiple sclerosis despite a long disease course
  23. Efficient central nervous system Remyelination requires T cells
  24. Regulation of Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  25. Ultrastructural study of Remyelination in an experimental lesion in adult cat spinal cord
  26. Remyelination: the true regeneration of the central nervous system
  27. Multicontrast MRI of Remyelination in the central nervous system
  28. Glia disease and repair—Remyelination
  29. Age-dependent epigenetic control of differentiation inhibitors is critical for Remyelination efficiency
  30. Remyelination therapy in multiple sclerosis
  31. Immunoglobulins promote Remyelination in the central nervous system
  32. Central nervous system Remyelination in culture—A tool for multiple sclerosis research
  33. Remyelination of the spinal cord following intravenous delivery of bone marrow cells
  34. Axin2 as regulatory and therapeutic target in newborn brain injury and Remyelination
  35. Inflammation stimulates Remyelination in areas of chronic demyelination
  36. Remyelination in experimental models of toxin-induced demyelination
  37. The neurotoxicant, cuprizone, as a model to study demyelination and Remyelination in the central nervous system
  38. Remyelination after spinal cord injury: is it a target for repair?
  39. TNFα promotes proliferation of oligodendrocyte progenitors and Remyelination
  40. A functional role for EGFR signaling in myelination and Remyelination
  41. Cortical Remyelination: a new target for repair therapies in multiple sclerosis
  42. Demyelination versus Remyelination in progressive multiple sclerosis
  43. Characterisation of microglia during de-and Remyelination: can they create a repair promoting environment?
  44. Prolonged survival and Remyelination after hematopoietic cell transplantation in the twitcher mouse
  45. Enhancing central nervous system Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  46. Promotion of central nervous system Remyelination by induced differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells
  47. Retinoid X receptor gamma signaling accelerates CNS Remyelination
  48. Remyelination therapy for multiple sclerosis
  49. Repair of the peripheral nerve—Remyelination that works
  50. Remyelination of the rat spinal cord by transplantation of identified bone marrow stromal cells
  51. Demyelination and Remyelination after spinal cord injury
  52. Statin therapy inhibits Remyelination in the central nervous system
  53. Remyelination—An effective means of neuroprotection
  54. Ageing and CNS Remyelination
  55. Chronic oligodendrogenesis and Remyelination after spinal cord injury in mice and rats
  56. Overcoming Remyelination failure in multiple sclerosis and other myelin disorders
  57. Imaging outcomes for trials of Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  58. Insufficient OPC migration into demyelinated lesions is a cause of poor Remyelination in MS and mouse models
  59. Understanding CNS Remyelination: clues from developmental and regeneration biology
  60. Promoting Remyelination in multiple sclerosis—recent advances
  61. Demyelination and Remyelination after acute spinal cord compression
  62. Glial response during cuprizone-induced de-and Remyelination in the CNS: lessons learned
  63. Mechanisms of CNS Remyelination—the key to therapeutic advances
  64. Quantifying the early stages of Remyelination following cuprizone‐induced demyelination
  65. Myelin recovery in multiple sclerosis: the challenge of Remyelination
  66. Pattern of Remyelination in the CNS
  67. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  68. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in demyelinated lesions impair Remyelination
  69. Central nervous system demyelination and Remyelination in the mouse: an ultrastructural study of cuprizone toxicity.
  70. White matter plasticity and enhanced Remyelination in the maternal CNS
  71. Functional genomic analysis of Remyelination reveals importance of inflammation in oligodendrocyte regeneration
  72. Fibronectin aggregation in multiple sclerosis lesions impairs Remyelination
  73. Myelin impairs CNS Remyelination by inhibiting oligodendrocyte precursor cell differentiation
  74. Multiple sclerosis-Remyelination failure as a cause of disease progression
  75. Human monoclonal antibodies reactive to oligodendrocytes promote Remyelination in a model of multiple sclerosis
  76. Drug-based modulation of endogenous stem cells promotes functional Remyelination in vivo
  77. Cells of the oligodendroglial lineage, myelination, and Remyelination
  78. Differentiation block of oligodendroglial progenitor cells as a cause for Remyelination failure in chronic multiple sclerosis
  79. M2 microglia and macrophages drive oligodendrocyte differentiation during CNS Remyelination
  80. Remyelination protects axons from demyelination-associated axon degeneration
  81. Promoting Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: current drugs and future prospects
  82. Lithium enhances Remyelination of peripheral nerves
  83. Gene expression in brain during cuprizone-induced demyelination and Remyelination
  84. Chronic demyelination inhibits Remyelination in the central nervous system. An analysis of contributing factors.
  85. Pivotal role of choline metabolites in Remyelination
  86. Is there Remyelination during aging of the primate central nervous system?
  87. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: a new role for neurotrophins?
  88. In vivo evaluation of Remyelination in rat brain by magnetization transfer imaging
  89. The quest for Remyelination: a new role for neurotrophins and their receptors
  90. Dysregulation of the Wnt pathway inhibits timely myelination and Remyelination in the mammalian CNS
  91. Interferon-γ inhibits central nervous system Remyelination through a process modulated by endoplasmic reticulum stress
  92. Suppression of Remyelination in the CNS by X-irradiation
  93. In vivo proliferation of oligodendrocyte progenitors expressing PDGFαR during early Remyelination
  94. Re‐expression of PSA‐NCAM by demyelinated axons: an inhibitor of Remyelination in multiple sclerosis?
  95. Late motor decline after accomplished Remyelination: impact for progressive multiple sclerosis
  96. Inhibition of CNS Remyelination by the presence of semaphorin 3A
  97. Notch1 signaling plays a role in regulating precursor differentiation during CNS Remyelination
  98. Long-term Remyelination after optic neuritis: a 2-year visual evoked potential and psychophysical serial study
  99. Locomotor deficits induced by experimental spinal cord demyelination are abolished by spontaneous Remyelination.
  100. Long-term Remyelination fails to reconstitute normal thickness of central myelin sheaths
  101. A new model of cuprizone-mediated demyelination/Remyelination
  102. Transplantation of human olfactory ensheathing cells elicits Remyelination of demyelinated rat spinal cord
  103. The role of oligodendrocytes and oligodendrocyte progenitors in CNS Remyelination
  104. Endogeneous Remyelination: findings in human studies
  105. De-and Remyelination in the CNS white and grey matter induced by cuprizone: the old, the new, and the unexpected
  106. Vitamin B12, demyelination, Remyelination and repair in multiple sclerosis
  107. Genetic deletion of BACE1 in mice affects Remyelination of sciatic nerves
  108. Oligodendrocyte-protection and Remyelination post-spinal cord injuries: a review
  109. Remyelination of mouse spinal cord axons demyelinated by local injection of lysolecithin
  110. The age-related decrease in CNS Remyelination efficiency is attributable to an impairment of both oligodendrocyte progenitor recruitment and differentiation
  111. Hyaluronan blocks oligodendrocyte progenitor maturation and Remyelination through TLR2
  112. Macrophage depletion impairs oligodendrocyte Remyelination following lysolecithin‐induced demyelination
  113. Transplantation options for therapeutic central nervous system Remyelination
  114. Notch1 and Jagged1 are expressed after CNS demyelination, but are not a major rate-determining factor during Remyelination
  115. Remyelination is altered by bone morphogenic protein signaling in demyelinated lesions
  116. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: cellular mechanisms and novel therapeutic approaches
  117. Oestrogen receptor β ligand: a novel treatment to enhance endogenous functional Remyelination
  118. Mediators of oligodendrocyte differentiation during Remyelination
  119. CXCR4 promotes differentiation of oligodendrocyte progenitors and Remyelination
  120. Remyelination and multiple sclerosis: therapeutic approaches and challenges
  121. Acceleration in the rate of CNS Remyelination in lysolecithin-induced demyelination
  122. Identification of post-mitotic oligodendrocytes incapable of Remyelination within the demyelinated adult spinal cord
  123. Antiapoptotic signaling by a Remyelination-promoting human antimyelin antibody
  124. Digestion products of the PH20 hyaluronidase inhibit Remyelination
  125. Human oligodendrocytes in Remyelination research
  126. Magnetization transfer ratio evolution with demyelination and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis lesions
  127. Axonal Remyelination by cord blood stem cells after spinal cord injury
  128. Behavioral deficits in the cuprizone-induced murine model of demyelination/Remyelination
  129. Identification of a human olfactory ensheathing cell that can effect transplant-mediated Remyelination of demyelinated CNS axons
  130. Fingolimod modulates microglial activation to augment markers of Remyelination
  131. Engineering an in situ crosslinkable hydrogel for enhanced Remyelination
  132. Remyelination of the injured spinal cord
  133. IFNγ-stimulated dendritic cell exosomes as a potential therapeutic for Remyelination
  134. Differences in the early inflammatory responses to toxin-induced demyelination are associated with the age-related decline in CNS Remyelination
  135. Targeting of IgMκ antibodies to oligodendrocytes promotes CNS Remyelination
  136. Immunomodulation neuroprotection and Remyelination–The fundamental therapeutic effects of glatiramer acetate: A critical review
  137. Fibrin inhibits peripheral nerve Remyelination by regulating Schwann cell differentiation
  138. Activation status of human microglia is dependent on lesion formation stage and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  139. Astrogliosis during acute and chronic cuprizone demyelination and implications for Remyelination
  140. In vitro modeling of central nervous system myelination and Remyelination
  141. From demyelination to Remyelination: the road toward therapies for spinal cord injury
  142. Remyelination occurs as extensively but more slowly in old rats compared to young rats following gliotoxin‐induced CNS demyelination
  143. Significance of Remyelination by neural stem/progenitor cells transplanted into the injured spinal cord
  144. Macrophage-depletion induced impairment of experimental CNS Remyelination is associated with a reduced oligodendrocyte progenitor cell response and altered …
  145. Neuronal activity regulates Remyelination via glutamate signalling to oligodendrocyte progenitors
  146. Remyelination during optic nerve compression
  147. Remyelination of optic nerve lesions: spatial and temporal factors
  148. A functional role of NMDA receptor in regulating the differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and Remyelination
  149. Chronic toxic demyelination in the central nervous system leads to axonal damage despite Remyelination
  150. Astrocyte regulation of CNS inflammation and Remyelination
  151. Sequential myelin protein expression during Remyelination reveals fast and efficient repair after central nervous system demyelination
  152. Delayed changes in growth factor gene expression during slow Remyelination in the CNS of aged rats
  153. Ascl1/Mash1 promotes brain oligodendrogenesis during myelination and Remyelination
  154. Remyelination in the spinal cord of the cat following intraspinal injections of lysolecithin
  155. Episodic demyelination and subsequent Remyelination within the murine central nervous system: changes in axonal calibre
  156. Mechanisms of Remyelination: recent insight from experimental models
  157. In vitro and in vivo pharmacological models to assess demyelination and Remyelination
  158. Inhibition of Gli1 mobilizes endogenous neural stem cells for Remyelination
  159. Remyelination by oligodendrocytes stimulated by antiserum to spinal cord
  160. Failure of Remyelination in areas of demyelination produced in the spinal cord of old rats
  161. Mechanisms of cell–cell interaction in oligodendrogenesis and Remyelination after stroke
  162. Delayed transplantation of adult neural precursor cells promotes Remyelination and functional neurological recovery after spinal cord injury
  163. Remyelination after transient experimental compression of the spinal cord
  164. Remyelination by Schwann cells of axons demyelinated by intraspinal injection of 6-aminonicotinamide in the rat
  165. Skin-derived precursors generate myelinating Schwann cells that promote Remyelination and functional recovery after contusion spinal cord injury
  166. Saltatory conduction precedes Remyelination in axons demyelinated with lysophosphatidyl choline
  167. Observations on oligodendrocyte degeneration, the resolution of status spongiosus and Remyelination in cuprizone intoxication in mice
  168. Morphological characteristics of central demyelination and Remyelination: A single‐fiber study
  169. Remyelination in the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.
  170. Demyelination and Remyelination in anatomically distinct regions of the corpus callosum following cuprizone intoxication
  171. Thyroid hormone administration enhances Remyelination in chronic demyelinating inflammatory disease
  172. Delayed Remyelination in rat spinal cord following ethidium bromide injection
  173. Cuprizone-induced demyelination as a tool to study Remyelination and axonal protection
  174. Iron efflux from astrocytes plays a role in Remyelination
  175. A role for apolipoprotein E, apolipoprotein AI, and low density lipoprotein receptors in cholesterol transport during regeneration and Remyelination of the rat sciatic …
  176. An autoradiographic study of cellular proliferation in Remyelination of the central nervous system.
  177. Progesterone and Nestorone facilitate axon Remyelination: a role for progesterone receptors
  178. Daam2-PIP5K is a regulatory pathway for Wnt signaling and therapeutic target for Remyelination in the CNS
  179. Macrophages in CNS Remyelination: friend or foe?
  180. Defining the role of olfactory ensheathing cells in facilitating axon Remyelination following damage to the spinal cord
  181. Nodal, paranodal and juxtaparanodal axonal proteins during demyelination and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  182. Disruption of neurofascin localization reveals early changes preceding demyelination and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  183. Can imaging techniques measure neuroprotection and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis?
  184. Remyelination in the human central nervous system
  185. Chronic nerve compression induces local demyelination and Remyelination in a rat model of carpal tunnel syndrome
  186. Demyelination arrest and Remyelination induced by glatiramer acetate treatment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  187. Remyelination of CNS axons by Schwann cells transplanted from the sciatic nerve
  188. Remyelination reporter reveals prolonged refinement of spontaneously regenerated myelin
  189. Adult-born SVZ progenitors receive transient synapses during Remyelination in corpus callosum
  190. Effectors of demyelination and Remyelination in the CNS: implications for multiple sclerosis
  191. Inhibition of soluble tumour necrosis factor is therapeutic in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and promotes axon preservation and Remyelination
  192. Alterations in metabolism and gene expression in brain regions during cuprizone‐induced demyelination and Remyelination
  193. Osteopontin is upregulated during in vivo demyelination and Remyelination and enhances myelin formation in vitro
  194. Remyelination by transplanted olfactory ensheathing cells
  195. An examination of the mechanisms by which neural precursors augment recovery following spinal cord injury: a key role for Remyelination
  196. Wnt signaling in Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: friend or foe?
  197. Oligodendrocyte PTEN is required for myelin and axonal integrity, not Remyelination
  198. Strategies for protecting oligodendrocytes and enhancing Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  199. Schwann cell Remyelination of demyelinated axons in spinal cord multiple sclerosis lesions
  200. Repairing the damaged spinal cord: a summary of our early success with embryonic stem cell transplantation and Remyelination
  201. Adult neural precursor cells from the subventricular zone contribute significantly to oligodendrocyte regeneration and Remyelination
  202. Fingolimod (FTY720) enhances Remyelination following demyelination of organotypic cerebellar slices
  203. Multiexponential T2 and magnetization transfer MRI of demyelination and Remyelination in murine spinal cord
  204. Central axons in injured cat spinal cord recover electrophysiological function following Remyelination by Schwann cells
  205. Human antibodies accelerate the rate of Remyelination following lysolecithin‐induced demyelination in mice
  206. Remyelination of the superior cerebellar peduncle in the mouse following demyelination induced by feeding cuprizone
  207. From fish to man: understanding endogenous Remyelination in central nervous system demyelinating diseases
  208. Targeting CXCR7/ACKR3 as a therapeutic strategy to promote Remyelination in the adult central nervous system
  209. Transplantation of ciliary neurotrophic factor-expressing adult oligodendrocyte precursor cells promotes Remyelination and functional recovery after spinalcord injury
  210. A genetic mouse model of adult-onset, pervasive central nervous system demyelination with robust Remyelination
  211. Demyelination and Remyelination of the caudal cerebellar peduncle of adult rats following stereotaxic injections of lysolecithin, ethidium bromide, and complement/anti …
  212. Effects of commissural de-and Remyelination on motor skill behaviour in the cuprizone mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  213. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug indometacin enhances endogenous Remyelination
  214. Nerve conduction during peripheral demyelination and Remyelination
  215. The role of NCAM in Remyelination
  216. Demyelination and Remyelination in the rat central nervous system following ethidium bromide injection.
  217. Taking ageing into account in Remyelination-based therapies for multiple sclerosis
  218. Spider silk constructs enhance axonal regeneration and Remyelination in long nerve defects in sheep
  219. Steroids and the reversal of age-associated changes in myelination and Remyelination
  220. Human umbilical cord stem cells ameliorate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by regulating immunoinflammation and Remyelination
  221. Multiple sclerosis: re‐expression of a developmental gene in chronic lesions correlates with Remyelination
  222. A new focal EAE model of cortical demyelination: multiple sclerosis-like lesions with rapid resolution of inflammation and extensive Remyelination
  223. Failure to achieve Remyelination of demyelinated rat axons following transplantation of glial cells obtained from the adult human brain.
  224. Assaying the functional effects of demyelination and Remyelination: revisiting field potential recordings
  225. Clemastine rescues behavioral changes and enhances Remyelination in the cuprizone mouse model of demyelination
  226. Zebrafish myelination: a transparent model for Remyelination?
  227. In vivo evaluation of demyelination and Remyelination in a nerve crush injury model
  228. Measuring demyelination and Remyelination in acute multiple sclerosis lesion voxels
  229. Thyroid hormones promote differentiation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells and improve Remyelination after cuprizone-induced demyelination
  230. Remyelination after cuprizone-induced demyelination in the rat is stimulated by apotransferrin
  231. Neuroprotection and Remyelination after autoimmune demyelination in mice that inducibly overexpress CXCL1
  232. Neural stem cells: a potential source for Remyelination in neuroinflammatory disease
  233. Gain of Olig2 function in oligodendrocyte progenitors promotes Remyelination
  234. Corticosteroids delay Remyelination of experimental demyelination in the rodent central nervous system
  235. Vitamins E and D3 attenuate demyelination and potentiate Remyelination processes of hippocampal formation of rats following local injection of ethidium bromide
  236. Spontaneous long-term Remyelination after traumatic spinal cord injury in rats
  237. Experimental demyelination and Remyelination of murine spinal cord by focal injection of lysolecithin
  238. Imaging the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor response in central nervous system demyelination and Remyelination
  239. Genetically induced adult oligodendrocyte cell death is associated with poor myelin clearance, reduced Remyelination, and axonal damage
  240. Retinoid X receptor activation reverses age-related deficiencies in myelin debris phagocytosis and Remyelination
  241. Revisiting Notch in Remyelination of multiple sclerosis lesions
  242. Systemic progesterone administration results in a partial reversal of the age‐associated decline in CNS Remyelination following toxin‐induced demyelination in male …
  243. Electrical stimulation to conductive scaffold promotes axonal regeneration and Remyelination in a rat model of large nerve defect
  244. Liver X receptors alpha and beta promote myelination and Remyelination in the cerebellum
  245. … a key role in EAE pathophysiology by orchestrating in the CNS the inflammatory response of resident and peripheral immune cells and by suppressing Remyelination
  246. Axonal signals in central nervous system myelination, demyelination and Remyelination
  247. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis with peripheral type myelin
  248. PDGF and FGF2 pathways regulate distinct oligodendrocyte lineage responses in experimental demyelination with spontaneous Remyelination
  249. Loss of branched O-mannosyl glycans in astrocytes accelerates Remyelination
  250. An experimental model of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis that shows regional variation in gliosis, Remyelination, axonal and neuronal loss
  251. Remyelination of the demyelinated CNS: the case for and against transplantation of central, peripheral and olfactory glia
  252. Importance of oligodendrocyte protection, BBB breakdown and inflammation for Remyelination
  253. Minocycline-mediated inhibition of microglia activation impairs oligodendrocyte progenitor cell responses and Remyelination in a non-immune model of demyelination
  254. Cellular GDNF delivery promotes growth of motor and dorsal column sensory axons after partial and complete spinal cord transections and induces Remyelination
  255. In vivo quantitative magnetization transfer imaging correlates with histology during de‐ and Remyelination in cuprizone‐treated mice
  256. Impaired Remyelination and depletion of oligodendrocyte progenitors does not occur following repeated episodes of focal demyelination in the rat central nervous …
  257. New insights into Remyelination failure in multiple sclerosis: implications for glial cell transplantation
  258. Integrin-linked kinase is required for radial sorting of axons and Schwann cell Remyelination in the peripheral nervous system
  259. Axonal thinning and extensive Remyelination without chronic demyelination in spinal injured rats
  260. Transplantation of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural stem cells mediate functional recovery following thoracic spinal cord injury through Remyelination of …
  261. Monitoring demyelination and Remyelination by magnetization transfer imaging in the mouse brain at 9.4 T
  262. Immunoglobulins reactive with myelin basic protein promote CNS Remyelination
  263. Imaging of repeated episodes of demyelination and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  264. Remyelination of the nonhuman primate spinal cord by transplantation of H‐transferase transgenic adult pig olfactory ensheathing cells
  265. A human antibody that promotes Remyelination enters the CNS and decreases lesion load as detected by T2‐weighted spinal cord MRI in a virus‐induced murine …
  266. Antiserum‐mediated demyelination: relationship between Remyelination and functional recovery
  267. Modelling large areas of demyelination in the rat reveals the potential and possible limitations of transplanted glial cells for Remyelination in the CNS
  268. Effects of fumaric acids on cuprizone induced central nervous system de-and Remyelination in the mouse
  269. Cytokines in multiple sclerosis: pro-inflammation or pro-Remyelination?
  270. Transcript profiling of different types of multiple sclerosis lesions yields FGF1 as a promoter of Remyelination
  271. β1-integrin signaling mediates premyelinating oligodendrocyte survival but is not required for CNS myelination and Remyelination
  272. The demonstration of recurrent demyelination and Remyelination of axons in the central nervous system
  273. The cellular and molecular events of central nervous system Remyelination
  274. Transfer of myelin-reactive th17 cells impairs endogenous Remyelination in the central nervous system of cuprizone-fed mice
  275. Exogenous leukemia inhibitory factor stimulates oligodendrocyte progenitor cell proliferation and enhances hippocampal Remyelination
  276. Remyelination induced by a DNA aptamer in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  277. Axonal protection in multiple sclerosis—a particular need during Remyelination?
  278. Astrocytes produce CNTF during the Remyelination phase of viral-induced spinal cord demyelination to stimulate FGF-2 production
  279. In vitro analysis of the oligodendrocyte lineage in mice during demyelination and Remyelination.
  280. Quantitation of spinal cord demyelination, Remyelination, atrophy, and axonal loss in a model of progressive neurologic injury
  281. Ciliary neurotrophic factor controls progenitor migration during Remyelination in the adult rodent brain
  282. … with active relapsing‐remitting multiple sclerosis synthesize antibodies recognizing oligodendrocyte progenitor cell surface protein: implications for Remyelination
  283. Microglial cystatin F expression is a sensitive indicator for ongoing demyelination with concurrent Remyelination
  284. Failure of Remyelination in the nonhuman primate optic nerve
  285. Early events in node of Ranvier formation during myelination and Remyelination in the PNS
  286. Molecular reconstruction of nodes of Ranvier after Remyelination by transplanted olfactory ensheathing cells in the demyelinated spinal cord
  287. Inflammation and Remyelination in the central nervous system: a tale of two systems
  288. Antibody-mediated Remyelination operates through mechanism independent of immunomodulation
  289. Meningeal cells enhance limited CNS Remyelination by transplanted olfactory ensheathing cells
  290. Voxel-based analysis of the evolution of magnetization transfer ratio to quantify Remyelination and demyelination with histopathological validation in a multiple …
  291. SEMA4D compromises blood–brain barrier, activates microglia, and inhibits Remyelination in neurodegenerative disease
  292. Olig1 needed for Remyelination
  293. Estrogen receptor β ligand therapy activates PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling in oligodendrocytes and promotes Remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  294. PDGF is required for Remyelination-promoting IgM stimulation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cell proliferation
  295. Permanent axotomy, a model of axonal atrophy and secondary segmental demyelination and Remyelination
  296. Endogenous Remyelination is induced by transplant rejection in a viral model of multiple sclerosis
  297. Astroglial‐derived lymphotoxin‐α exacerbates inflammation and demyelination, but not Remyelination
  298. Segmentation of magnetization transfer ratio lesions for longitudinal analysis of demyelination and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  299. The Remyelination Philosopher’s Stone: stem and progenitor cell therapies for multiple sclerosis
  300. Remyelination after cuprizone-induced demyelination is accelerated in juvenile mice
  301. The Notch signaling pathway: its role in focal CNS demyelination and apotransferrin‐induced Remyelination
  302. Remyelination, axonal sparing, and locomotor recovery following transplantation of glial-committed progenitor cells into the MHV model of multiple sclerosis
  303. Review of the morphological aspects of Remyelination
  304. Notch1 and its ligand Jagged1 are present in Remyelination in a T-cell-and antibody-mediated model of inflammatory demyelination
  305. Remyelination of the central nervous system: a valuable contribution from the periphery
  306. The neurotrophin receptor p75NTR in Schwann cells is implicated in Remyelination and motor recovery after peripheral nerve injury
  307. An immunohistochemical study of myelin proteins during Remyelination in the central nervous system
  308. Schwann-like mesenchymal stem cells within vein graft facilitate facial nerve regeneration and Remyelination
  309. Remyelination after olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation into diverse demyelinating environments
  310. Remyelination in demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system.
  311. Corticosteroids impair Remyelination in the corpus callosum of cuprizone‐treated mice
  312. FTY720 on the way from the base camp to the summit of the mountain: relevance for Remyelination
  313. Attenuation of corpus callosum axon myelination and Remyelination in the absence of circulating sex hormones
  314. Spontaneous Remyelination following extensive demyelination is associated with improved neurological function in a viral model of multiple sclerosis
  315. An apolipoprotein E-mimetic stimulates axonal regeneration and Remyelination after peripheral nerve injury
  316. Stimulation of monocytes, macrophages, and microglia by amphotericin B and macrophage colony-stimulating factor promotes Remyelination
  317. Regenerative medicines for Remyelination: from aspiration to reality
  318. Fibroblast growth factors and their receptors in oligodendrocyte development: implications for demyelination and Remyelination
  319. Delayed accumulation of activated macrophages and inhibition of Remyelination after spinal cord injury in an adult rodent model
  320. Schwann cell Remyelination is restricted to astrocyte‐deficient areas after transplantation into demyelinated adult rat brain
  321. Cuprizone-induced demyelination in the rat cerebral cortex and thyroid hormone effects on cortical Remyelination
  322. Promoting Remyelination for the treatment of multiple sclerosis: opportunities and challenges
  323. Longitudinal in vivo coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering imaging of demyelination and Remyelination in injured spinal cord
  324. Sox2 sustains recruitment of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells following CNS demyelination and primes them for differentiation during Remyelination
  325. Glial cell transplanatation and Remyelination of the central nervous system
  326. Complement C5 in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) facilitates Remyelination and prevents gliosis
  327. To what extent is oligodendrocyte progenitor migration a limiting factor in the Remyelination of multiple sclerosis lesions?
  328. Progesterone attenuates neurological behavioral deficits of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis through Remyelination with nucleus-sublocalized Olig1 …
  329. The effect of cyclophosphamide on brainstem Remyelination following local ethidium bromide injection in Wistar rats.
  330. Cdk2 loss accelerates precursor differentiation and Remyelination in the adult central nervous system
  331. Bone marrow-derived Schwann cells achieve fate commitment–a prerequisite for Remyelination therapy
  332. Gelsolin is required for macrophage recruitment during Remyelination of the peripheral nervous system
  333. Remyelination of the superior cerebellar peduncle in old mice following demyelination induced by cuprizone
  334. Remyelination of the central nervous system
  335. Combination of growth factors enhances Remyelination in a cuprizone-induced demyelination mouse model
  336. Up-regulation of ciliary neurotrophic factor in astrocytes by aspirin: implications for Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  337. Cellular approaches for stimulating CNS Remyelination
  338. Minocycline reduces Remyelination by suppressing ciliary neurotrophic factor expression after cuprizone‐induced demyelination
  339. Human Remyelination promoting antibody inhibits apoptotic signaling and differentiation through Lyn kinase in primary rat oligodendrocytes
  340. Cryopreserved cells isolated from the adult canine olfactory bulb are capable of extensive Remyelination following transplantation into the adult rat CNS
  341. Inactivation of protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type Z by pleiotrophin promotes Remyelination through activation of differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor …
  342. Observations on Remyelination in the rabbit spinal cord following demyelination induced by lysolecithin
  343. Schwann cell-like Remyelination following transplantation of human umbilical cord blood (hUCB)-derived mesenchymal stem cells in dogs with acute spinal cord injury
  344. The anti-aging protein Klotho enhances Remyelination following cuprizone-induced demyelination
  345. Up‐regulation of oligodendrocyte precursor cell αV integrin and its extracellular ligands during central nervous system Remyelination
  346. Immunosuppression promotes CNS Remyelination in chronic virus‐induced demyelinating disease
  347. Demyelination and Remyelination in recurrent idiopathic polyneuropathy
  348. Lymphotoxin β Receptor (LtβR): Dual Roles in Demyelination and Remyelination and Successful Therapeutic Intervention Using LtβR–Ig Protein
  349. Mesenchymal stromal-cell transplants induce oligodendrocyte progenitor migration and Remyelination in a chronic demyelination model
  350. RETRACTED: Electrical stimulation enhanced Remyelination of injured sciatic nerves by increasing neurotrophins
  351. Remyelination assessment by MRI texture analysis in a cuprizone mouse model
  352. Quercetin improves hypoxia-ischemia induced cognitive deficits via promoting Remyelination in neonatal rat
  353. The expression of myelin protein mRNAs during Remyelination of lysolecithin-induced demyelination.
  354. Triiodothyronine administration ameliorates the demyelination/Remyelination ratio in a non‐human primate model of multiple sclerosis by correcting tissue …
  355. 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid suppresses experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis through inhibition of microglia activation and promotion of Remyelination
  356. Method of identifying natural antibodies for Remyelination
  357. Therapeutic laquinimod treatment decreases inflammation, initiates axon Remyelination, and improves motor deficit in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  358. CNTF promotes the survival and differentiation of adult spinal cord-derived oligodendrocyte precursor cells in vitro but fails to promote Remyelination in vivo
  359. Immunoglobulins stimulate central nervous system Remyelination: electron microscopic and morphometric analysis of proliferating cells.
  360. Programming hippocampal neural stem/progenitor cells into oligodendrocytes enhances Remyelination in the adult brain after injury
  361. Effects of dietary intervention on MRI activity, de-and Remyelination in the cuprizone model for demyelination
  362. Cell replacement therapies to promote Remyelination in a viral model of demyelination
  363. Thyroid hormone and Remyelination in adult central nervous system: a lesson from an inflammatory-demyelinating disease
  364. Cellular approaches to central nervous system Remyelination stimulation: thyroid hormone to promote myelin repair via endogenous stem and precursor cells.
  365. Rolipram promotes Remyelination possibly via MEK-ERK signal pathway in cuprizone-induced demyelination mouse
  366. Regeneration and Remyelination ofXenopus tadpole optic nerve fibres following transection or crush
  367. Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells with forced expression of hepatocyte growth factor enhance Remyelination and functional recovery in a rat …
  368. A unique population of circulating autoantibodies promotes central nervous system Remyelination
  369. Short‐term low‐frequency electrical stimulation enhanced Remyelination of injured peripheral nerves by inducing the promyelination effect of brain‐derived …
  370. Lysosomal exocytosis in Schwann cells contributes to axon Remyelination
  371. Cerebroside synthesis as a measure of the rate of Remyelination following cuprizone‐induced demyelination in brain
  372. The effects of the growth factor‐antagonist, trapidil, on Remyelination in the CNS
  373. The presence of astrocytes in areas of demyelination influences Remyelination following transplantation of oligodendrocyte progenitors
  374. Astrocyte activation via Stat3 signaling determines the balance of oligodendrocyte versus Schwann cell Remyelination
  375. Thyroid hormone alleviates demyelination induced by cuprizone through its role in Remyelination during the remission period
  376. CXCR4 signaling regulates Remyelination by endogenous oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in a viral model of demyelination
  377. Remyelination after chronic spinal cord injury is associated with proliferation of endogenous adult progenitor cells after systemic administration of guanosine
  378. Axonal and Schwann cell BACE1 is equally required for Remyelination of peripheral nerves
  379. Schwann cell proliferation during Wallerian degeneration is not necessary for regeneration and Remyelination of the peripheral nerves: axon-dependent removal of …
  380. Endogenous or exogenous oligodendrocytes for Remyelination
  381. Evolving concepts and issues in Remyelination
  382. Translational control of myelin basic protein expression by ERK2 MAP kinase regulates timely Remyelination in the adult brain
  383. Matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in cuprizone-induced demyelination and Remyelination of brain white and gray matter
  384. Are there indicators of Remyelination in blood or CSF of multiple sclerosis patients?
  385. Implications of protease M/neurosin in myelination during experimental demyelination and Remyelination
  386. Enhanced Remyelination following lysolecithin-induced demyelination in mice under treatment with fingolimod (FTY720)
  387. Remyelination in the central diphtheria toxin lesion
  388. A single intracerebral microinjection of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) accelerates the rate of Remyelination in vivo
  389. Remyelination by transplanted oligodendrocytes of a demyelinated lesion in the spinal cord of the adult shiverer mouse
  390. Combined treatment with platelet-rich plasma and brain-derived neurotrophic factor-overexpressing bone marrow stromal cells supports axonal Remyelination in a rat …
  391. The re-expression of the homeodomain transcription factor Gtx during Remyelination of experimentally induced demyelinating lesions in young and old rat brain
  392. Evidence for neuroprotection and Remyelination using imaging techniques
  393. Sample sizes for lesion magnetisation transfer ratio outcomes in Remyelination trials for multiple sclerosis
  394. Promotion of Remyelination by adipose mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in a cuprizone model of multiple sclerosis
  395. What roles do growth factors play in CNS Remyelination?
  396. Prostacyclin promotes oligodendrocyte precursor recruitment and Remyelination after spinal cord demyelination
  397. Long‐term impact of neonatal inflammation on demyelination and Remyelination in the central nervous system
  398. PET imaging of focal demyelination and Remyelination in a rat model of multiple sclerosis: comparison of [11C] MeDAS,[11C] CIC and [11C] PIB
  399. The polarity protein Scribble regulates myelination and Remyelination in the central nervous system
  400. Electron microscope observations on demyelination and Remyelination in experimental allergic neuritis: Part 1. Demyelination
  401. Analysis of structural and molecular events associated with adult rat optic chiasm and nerves demyelination and Remyelination; possible role for 3rd ventricle …
  402. Endothelin-B receptor activation in astrocytes regulates the rate of oligodendrocyte regeneration during Remyelination
  403. Remodelling during Remyelination in the peripheral nervous system
  404. Remyelination-promoting antibodies activate distinct Ca2+ influx pathways in astrocytes and oligodendrocytes: relationship to the mechanism of myelin repair
  405. … in the subventricular zone to undergo oligodendrogenesis in the Theiler’s virus model of multiple sclerosis: implications for Remyelination at lesions sites
  406. Involvement of Apolipoprotein E in Multiple Sclerosis: Absence of Remyelination Associated with Possession of the APOE ε2 Allele
  407. Schwann cell Remyelination is not replaced by oligodendrocyte Remyelination following ethidium bromide induced demyelination
  408. Remyelination of dorsal column axons by endogenous Schwann cells restores the normal pattern of Nav1.6 and Kv1.2 at nodes of Ranvier
  409. Triterpenoid modulation of IL-17 and Nrf-2 expression ameliorates neuroinflammation and promotes Remyelination in autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  410. Focal immune-mediated white matter demyelination reveals an age-associated increase in axonal vulnerability and decreased Remyelination efficiency
  411. Mesenchymal stem cells do not exert direct beneficial effects on CNS Remyelination in the absence of the peripheral immune system
  412. Lack of interferon-beta leads to accelerated Remyelination in a toxic model of central nervous system demyelination
  413. Peripheral demyelination and Remyelination initiated by the calcium-selective ionophore ionomycin: in vivo observations
  414. Restoration of blood-nerve barrier in neuropathy is associated with axonal regeneration and Remyelination
  415. A novel model of demyelination and Remyelination in a GFP-transgenic zebrafish
  416. Central nervous system Remyelination clinical application of basic neuroscience principles
  417. Myelination and Remyelination in the central nervous system by transplanted oligodendrocytes using the shiverer model
  418. … long-term hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) administered after experimental traumatic brain injury in rats induces significant Remyelination and a recovery …
  419. Neuroimaging of demyelination and Remyelination models
  420. Spinal cord multiple sclerosis lesions in Japanese patients: Schwann cell Remyelination occurs in areas that lack glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)
  421. An in vitro model for de‐ and Remyelination using lysophosphatidyl choline in rodent whole brain spheroid cultures
  422. The choline pathway as a strategy to promote central nervous system (CNS) Remyelination
  423. Boundary cap cells are highly competitive for CNS Remyelination: fast migration and efficient differentiation in PNS and CNS myelin-forming cells
  424. Limited Remyelination in Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis due to insufficient oligodendroglial differentiation of nerve/glial antigen 2 (NG2)‐positive putative …
  425. Remyelination through engraftment
  426. Transplantation of human adipose-derived stem cells enhances Remyelination in lysolecithin-induced focal demyelination of rat spinal cord
  427. Promotion of Remyelination by immunoglobulins: implications for the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  428. Extensive oligodendrocyte Remyelination following injection of cultured central nervous system cells into demyelinating lesions in adult central nervous system
  429. Myelination and Remyelination of aggregate rat brain cell cultures enriched with macrophages
  430. Remyelination and restoration of axonal function by glial cell transplantation
  431. Myelin gene expression during demyelination and Remyelination in aggregating brain cell cultures
  432. Promotion of Remyelination by polyclonal immunoglobulin in Theiler’s virus-induced demyelination and in multiple sclerosis.
  433. Remyelination in demyelinating disease.
  434. Nuclear factor‐κB activation in schwann cells regulates regeneration and Remyelination
  435. A quantitative morphometric analysis of rat spinal cord Remyelination following transplantation of allogenic Schwann cells
  436. Osteopontin is extensively expressed by macrophages following CNS demyelination but has a redundant role in Remyelination
  437. Combination of electroacupuncture and grafted mesenchymal stem cells overexpressing TrkC improves Remyelination and function in demyelinated spinal …
  438. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: what do we know and where are we going?
  439. Methylcobalamin promotes the differentiation of Schwann cells and Remyelination in lysophosphatidylcholine-induced demyelination of the rat sciatic nerve
  440. Heterogeneity of pathogenesis in multiple sclerosis: implications for promotion of Remyelination
  441. Does inflammation stimulate Remyelination?
  442. … neural progenitors require commitment to the oligodendrocyte lineage prior to transplantation in order to achieve significant Remyelination of demyelinated lesions in …
  443. Tellurium‐induced neuropathy: Metabolic alterations associated with demyelination and Remyelination in rat sciatic nerve
  444. Demyelination and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  445. Oligodendrocyte regeneration and CNS Remyelination require TACE/ADAM17
  446. Connexins-mediated glia networking impacts myelination and Remyelination in the central nervous system
  447. Thyroid hormone induces glial lineage of primary neurospheres derived from non-pathological and pathological rat brain: implications for Remyelination-enhancing …
  448. Oligoprogenitor cells derived from spermatogonia stem cells improve Remyelination in demyelination model
  449. Oscillating field stimulation promotes spinal cord Remyelination by inducing differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells after spinal cord injury
  450. Remyelination and recovery of conduction in cat optic nerve after demyelination by pressure
  451. Impaired spinal cord Remyelination by long‐term cultured adult porcine olfactory ensheathing cells correlates with altered in vitro phenotypic properties
  452. Targeting oligodendrocyte protection and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  453. Demyelination, and Remyelination by Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes after kainate-induced neuronal depletion in the central nervous system
  454. Induction of oligodendrocyte proliferation and Remyelination after chronic demyelination. Relevance to multiple sclerosis.
  455. Antibody-mediated Remyelination: relevance to multiple sclerosis
  456. Immune promotion of central nervous system Remyelination
  457. Deletion of Nrf2 impairs functional recovery, reduces clearance of myelin debris and decreases axonal Remyelination after peripheral nerve injury
  458. Time-dependent changes in the brain arachidonic acid cascade during cuprizone-induced demyelination and Remyelination
  459. Remyelination during remission in Theiler’s virus infection.
  460. De-and Remyelination and onion bulb in cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis
  461. Fingolimod does not enhance cerebellar Remyelination in the cuprizone model
  462. Remyelination of demyelinated rat axons by transplanted mouse oligodendrocytes
  463. Minocycline promotes Remyelination in aggregating rat brain cell cultures after interferon-γ plus lipopolysaccharide-induced demyelination
  464. Central nervous system demyelination and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis and viral models of disease
  465. CCR5 expression on macrophages/microglia is associated with early Remyelination in multiple sclerosis lesions
  466. A monoclonal autoantibody that promotes central nervous system Remyelination in a model of multiple sclerosis is a natural autoantibody encoded by germline …
  467. Two-photon imaging of Remyelination of spinal cord axons by engrafted neural precursor cells in a viral model of multiple sclerosis
  468. Reduced Axonopathy and Enhanced Remyelination After Chronic Demyelination in Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (Fgf2)-Null Mice: Differential Detection With Diffusion …
  469. Increasing local levels of IGF-I mRNA expression using adenoviral vectors does not alter oligodendrocyte Remyelination in the CNS of aged rats
  470. Role of adult oligodendrocytes in Remyelination after neural injury
  471. A monoclonal autoantibody which promotes central nervous system Remyelination is highly polyreactive to multiple known and novel antigens
  472. … cells in the cuprizone mouse model reveals increased neurogenic potential for the olfactory bulb pathway, but no contribution to Remyelination of the corpus …
  473. Direct visualization of Remyelination in multiple sclerosis using T2-weighted high-field MRI
  474. Ion-dependent conformational switching by a DNA aptamer that induces Remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  475. Peripheral nerve injuries and transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells for axonal regeneration and Remyelination: fact or fiction?
  476. The chemokine receptor CXCR2 is differentially regulated on glial cells in vivo but is not required for successful Remyelination after cuprizone‐induced demyelination
  477. Cellular targets and mechanistic strategies of Remyelination-promoting IgMs as part of the naturally occurring autoantibody repertoire
  478. Remyelination therapy goes to trial for multiple sclerosis
  479. Growth factor regulation of Remyelination: behind the growing interest in endogenous cell repair of the CNS
  480. Promotion of endogeneous Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  481. Live imaging of Remyelination after antibody-mediated demyelination in an ex-vivo model for immune mediated CNS damage
  482. Remyelination by endogenous glia
  483. Remyelination by cells introduced into a stable demyelinating lesion in the central nervous system
  484. Olfactory Ensheathing Cell Transplantation Into Spinal Cord Prolongs the Survival of Mutant SOD1G93A ALS Rats Through Neuroprotection and Remyelination
  485. Transplantation of oligodendrocyte precursors in the adult demyelinated spinal cord: migration and Remyelination
  486. Short‐term treatment with interferon‐α/β promotes Remyelination, whereas long‐term treatment aggravates demyelination in a murine model of multiple sclerosis
  487. Differential exon expression in myelin basic protein transcripts during central nervous system (CNS) Remyelination
  488. Promotion of Remyelination by sulfasalazine in a transgenic zebrafish model of demyelination
  489. PET imaging of demyelination and Remyelination in the cuprizone mouse model for multiple sclerosis: a comparison between [11C] CIC and [11C] MeDAS
  490. Limited Remyelination of CNS axons by Schwann cells transplanted into the sub-arachnoid space
  491. The role of CD36 in peripheral nerve Remyelination after crush injury
  492. Olig1 function is required for Remyelination potential of transplanted neural progenitor cells in a model of viral-induced demyelination
  493. Monoclonal Remyelination-promoting natural autoantibody SCH 94.03: pharmacokinetics and in vivo targets within demyelinated spinal cord in a mouse model of …
  494. Anti‐GM1 antibodies and impaired blood–nerve barrier may interfere with Remyelination in multifocal motor neuropathy
  495. Some aspects of Remyelination after demyelination produced by the intraneural injection of lysophosphatidyl choline
  496. Ectopic expression of polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule in adult macaque Schwann cells promotes their migration and Remyelination potential in the central …
  497. Proteolipid protein gene expression in demyelination and Remyelination of the central nervous system: a model for multiple sclerosis
  498. Knockout of TLR4 and TLR2 impair the nerve regeneration by delayed demyelination but not Remyelination
  499. Dorsally‐derived oligodendrocytes in the spinal cord contribute to axonal myelination during development and Remyelination following focal demyelination
  500. Imaging of Remyelination and neuronal health
  501. … phospholipases A2 group III injections induce cervical white matter injury and functional deficits with delayed recovery concomitant with Schwann cell Remyelination
  502. Recurrent demyelination and Remyelination in 37 young Bengal cats with polyneuropathy
  503. The road to Remyelination in demyelinating diseases: current status and prospects for clinical treatment
  504. Delayed Schwann cell and oligodendrocyte Remyelination after ethidium bromide injection in the brainstem of Wistar rats submitted to streptozotocin …
  505. Single-dose application of CNTF and BDNF improves Remyelination of regenerating nerve fibers after C7 ventral root avulsion and replantation
  506. Axonal regeneration and Remyelination evaluation of chitosan/gelatin-based nerve guide combined with transforming growth factor-β1 and Schwann cells
  507. Schwann cell Remyelination and recurrent demyelination in the central nervous system of mice infected with attenuated Theiler’s virus.
  508. Monoclonal autoantibody SCH94. 03, which promotes central nervous system Remyelination, recognizes an antigen on the surface of oligodendrocytes
  509. Semliki Forest virus-induced demyelination and Remyelination—involvement of B cells and anti-myelin antibodies
  510. Neuroprotection and enhancement of Remyelination by estradiol and dexamethasone in cocultures of rat DRG neurons and Schwann cells
  511. Axonal lesions and PDGF-enhanced Remyelination in the rat corpus callosum after lysolecithin demyelination
  512. Reversible behavioral deficits in rats during a cycle of demyelination-Remyelination of the fimbria
  513. Remyelination-promoting human IgMs: developing a therapeutic reagent for demyelinating disease
  514. Remyelination strategies: new advancements toward a regenerative treatment in multiple sclerosis
  515. Remyelination in human CNS lesions
  516. Absence of spontaneous central nervous system Remyelination in class II-deficient mice infected with Theiler’s virus
  517. Dynamics of Remyelination in the brain of adult rats after exposure to ethidium bromide.
  518. Changes in cerebrospinal fluid IgG and apolipoprotein E indices in patients with multiple sclerosis during demyelination and Remyelination.
  519. Remyelination in the CNS of the hypothyroid rat.
  520. Remyelination after lysophosphatidyl choline-induced demyelination is stimulated by bone marrow stromal cell-derived oligoprogenitor cell transplantation
  521. Tissue transglutaminase activity is involved in the differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells into myelin‐forming oligodendrocytes during CNS Remyelination
  522. Paclitaxel (Taxol) attenuates clinical disease in a spontaneously demyelinating transgenic mouse and induces Remyelination
  523. Astrocyte-derived endothelin-1 inhibits Remyelination through notch activation
  524. Remyelination after cuprizone induced demyelination is accelerated in mice deficient in the polysialic acid synthesizing enzyme St8siaIV
  525. LINGO-1 antagonist promotes spinal cord Remyelination and axonal integrity in MOG-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  526. Myelination and Remyelination in the regenerating visual system of the goldfish
  527. Schwann cell nerve growth factor receptor expression during initiation of Remyelination
  528. Remyelination of cytokine‐or antibody‐demyelinated CNS aggregate cultures is inhibited by macrophage supplementation
  529. Remyelination: cellular and gene therapy
  530. Experimental strategies to promote central nervous system Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: insights gained from the Theiler’s virus model system
  531. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 facilitates Remyelination in part by processing the inhibitory NG2 proteoglycan
  532. Remyelination within the CNS: do Schwann cells pave the way for oligodendrocytes?
  533. Neurotoxicity, blood-brain barrier breakdown, demyelination and Remyelination associated with NMDA-induced lesions of the rat lateral hypothalamus
  534. Promoting Remyelination in multiple sclerosis by endogenous adult neural stem/precursor cells: defining cellular targets
  535. Factors that retard Remyelination in multiple sclerosis with a focus on TIP30: a novel therapeutic target
  536. Induction of myelin-associated glycoprotein mRNA in experimental Remyelination
  537. The effects of mitomycin C on the process of Remyelination in the mammalian peripheral nervous system
  538. IGF binding protein alterations on periplaque oligodendrocytes in multiple sclerosis: implications for Remyelination
  539. Contribution of Schwann cells to Remyelination in a naturally occurring canine model of CNS neuroinflammation
  540. Pioglitazone promotes peripheral nerve Remyelination after crush injury through CD36 upregulation
  541. Remyelination of nerve fibers in the transected frog sciatic nerve
  542. Transplantation of glial-committed progenitor cells into a viral model of multiple sclerosis induces Remyelination in the absence of an attenuated inflammatory …
  543. Adenosine A1 receptor agonist, N6-cyclohexyladenosine, protects myelin and induces Remyelination in an experimental model of rat optic chiasm demyelination; …
  544. Cortical pathology in multiple sclerosis: experimental approaches to studies on the mechanisms of demyelination and Remyelination
  545. The p38α mitogen-activated protein kinase is a key regulator of myelination and Remyelination in the CNS
  546. Remyelination occurs as extensively but more slowly in old rats compared to young rats following fliotoxin‐induced CNS demyelination
  547. Endogenous Remyelination in the CNS
  548. ES cell‐derived glial precursors contribute to Remyelination in acutely demyelinated spinal cord lesions
  549. Mature oligodendrocyte apoptosis precedes IGF‐1 production and oligodendrocyte progenitor accumulation and differentiation during demyelination/Remyelination
  550. Distinctive patterns of PDGF-A, FGF-2, IGF-I, and TGF-β1 gene expression during Remyelination of experimentally-induced spinal cord demyelination
  551. Sequential proton MRS study of brain metabolite changes monitored during a complete pathological cycle of demyelination and Remyelination in a lysophosphatidyl …
  552. Spontaneous CNS Remyelination in beta 2 microglobulin-deficient mice following virus-induced demyelination
  553. Strategies for repair and Remyelination in demyelinating diseases.
  554. Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and FGF receptor expression in an experimental demyelinating disease with extensive Remyelination
  555. A role for Schwann cell–derived neuregulin-1 in Remyelination
  556. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in multiple sclerosis: progress from Remyelination in the Theiler’s virus model to a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled …
  557. Adult neural stem cells expressing IL-10 confer potent immunomodulation and Remyelination in experimental autoimmune encephalitis
  558. Remyelination of demyelinated CNS axons by transplanted human schwann cells: the deleterious effect of contaminating fibroblasts
  559. Peripheral neuropathy of metachromatic leucodystrophy: observations on segmental demyelination and Remyelination and the intracellular distribution of sulphatide.
  560. Remyelination of the corpus callosum by olfactory ensheathing cell in an experimental model of multiple sclerosis
  561. … nerve stimulation promotes axon-protective neurofilament phosphorylation, accelerates immune cell clearance and enhances Remyelination in vivo in focally …
  562. CD40L is critical for protection from demyelinating disease and development of spontaneous Remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  563. Migration and Remyelination by oligodendrocyte progenitor cells transplanted adjacent to focal areas of spinal cord inflammation
  564. 17β-Estradiol enhances the efficacy of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells on Remyelination in mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  565. Demyelination and Remyelination in the dorsal funiculus of the rat spinal cord after heat injury
  566. The effects of mitomycin C on Remyelination in the peripheral nervous system
  567. Increased oligodendrogenesis by humanin promotes axonal Remyelination and neurological recovery in hypoxic/ischemic brains
  568. Myelin phagocytosis and Remyelination of macrophage‐enriched central nervous system aggregate cultures
  569. Partial inhibition of proteasome activity enhances Remyelination after cuprizone-induced demyelination
  570. Segmental demyelination and Remyelination in lumbar spinal root of patients dying with diabetes mellitus
  571. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling through type 1 IGF receptor plays an important role in Remyelination
  572. Remyelination after transient compression of the spinal cord.
  573. … ‐heat shock protein 90β antibodies decrease pre‐oligodendrocyte population in perinatal and adult cell cultures. Implications for Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  574. Neuromyelitis optica with intraspinal expansion of Schwann cell Remyelination
  575. The oligodendrocyte lineage during myelination and Remyelination
  576. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: a challenge for therapy: The 1996 European Charcot Foundation Lecture
  577. Axonally derived neuregulin-1 is required for Remyelination and regeneration after nerve injury in adulthood
  578. Effects of acute and repeated exposure to lipopolysaccharide on cytokine and corticosterone production during Remyelination
  579. Class 3 semaphorins influence oligodendrocyte precursor recruitment and Remyelination in adult central nervous system
  580. Spontaneous Remyelination following prolonged inhibition of α4 integrin in chronic EAE
  581. Spontaneous and induced Remyelination in multiple sclerosis and the Theiler’s virus model of central nervous system demyelination
  582. An electron microscopic study of Remyelination in the brainstem of thiamin deficient rats.
  583. Catalpol induces oligodendrocyte precursor cell-mediated Remyelination in vitro
  584. The neuregulin, glial growth factor 2, diminishes autoimmune demyelination and enhances Remyelination in a chronic relapsing model for multiple sclerosis
  585. A sensitive, noise-resistant method for identifying focal demyelination and Remyelination in patients with multiple sclerosis via voxel-wise changes in magnetization …
  586. Growth changes in sensory nerve fibre aggregates undergoing Remyelination
  587. Stimulation of myelin gene expression in vitro and of sciatic nerve Remyelination by interleukin‐6 receptor–interleukin‐6 chimera
  588. Remyelination—a regenerative process in the CNS
  589. Schwann cell Remyelination of CNS axons following injection of cultures of CNS cells into areas of persistent demyelination
  590. Glial cells in the rat optic nerve and some thoughts on Remyelination in the mammalian CNS
  591. The effect of immunosuppressive protocols on spontaneous CNS Remyelination following toxin-induced demyelination
  592. Induction of myelin genes during peripheral nerve Remyelination requires a continuous signal from the ingrowing axon
  593. Remyelination of the adult demyelinated mouse brain by grafted oligodendrocyte progenitors and the effect of B-104 cografts
  594. Expression of insulin‐like growth factors in Remyelination following ethidium bromide‐induced demyelination in the mouse spinal cord
  595. Differential motor and sensory functional recovery in male but not female adult rats is associated with Remyelination rather than axon regeneration after sciatic nerve …
  596. K+ channel blockade impairs Remyelination in the cuprizone model
  597. Identification of endothelin 2 as an inflammatory factor that promotes central nervous system Remyelination
  598. Remyelination as neuroprotection
  599. Nucleic acid and protein metabolism in white matter: observations during experimental demyelination and Remyelination; a histochemical and autoradiographic study …
  600. Axonal neuregulin 1 is a rate limiting but not essential factor for nerve Remyelination
  601. SCIP/Oct‐6, Krox‐20, and desert hedgehog mRNA expression during CNS Remyelination by transplanted olfactory ensheathing cells
  602. Remyelination following viral‐induced demyelination: Ferric ion—ferrocyanide staining of nodes of ranvier within the CNS
  603. Soluble neuregulin and Schwann cell myelination: a therapeutic potential for improving Remyelination of adult axons
  604. Neurotrophin-3 specifically increases mature oligodendrocyte population and enhances Remyelination after chemical demyelination of adult rat CNS
  605. Rat Schwann cell Remyelination of demyelinated cat CNS axons: evidence that injection of cell suspensions of CNS tissue results in Schwann cell Remyelination
  606. Genetic analysis of CNS Remyelination
  607. Enhancement of central nervous system Remyelination in immune and non-immune experimental models of demyelination
  608. Alterations in gene expression associated with primary demyelination and Remyelination in the peripheral nervous system
  609. Persistence of Theiler’s virus infection following promotion of central nervous system Remyelination
  610. Thirteen compounds promoting oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation and Remyelination for treating multiple sclerosis: WO2010054307
  611. Pattern of Schwann cell Remyelination in a spinal cord lesion
  612. Transplantation of mature adipocyte-derived dedifferentiated fat cells promotes locomotor functional recovery by Remyelination and glial scar reduction after spinal …
  613. The effect of the number of oligodendrocytes transplanted into X-irradiated, glial-free lesions on the extent of oligodendrocyte Remyelination
  614. Effects of propentofylline on CNS Remyelination in the rat brainstem
  615. Apolipoprotein E is released by rat sciatic nerve during segmental demyelination and Remyelination
  616. Conduction velocity in the central nervous system of the cat during experimental demyelination and Remyelination
  617. Schwann cell and oligodendrocyte Remyelination in lysolecithin-induced lesions in irradiated rat spinal cord
  618. An ultrastructural analysis of Remyelination following segmental demyelination
  619. Demyelination and early Remyelination in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis passively ransferred with myelin basic protein-sensitized lymphocytes in the Lewis …
  620. Trapidil-mediated inhibition of CNS Remyelination results from reduced numbers and impaired differentiation of oligodendrocytes.
  621. A monoclonal natural autoantibody that promotes Remyelination suppresses central nervous system inflammation and increases virus expression after Theiler’s virus …
  622. Promoting Remyelination: utilizing a viral model of demyelination to assess cell-based therapies
  623. Return of axonal and glial membrane specializations during Remyelination after tellurium-induced demyelination
  624. Polyclonal IgM influence oligodendrocyte precursor cells in mixed glial cell cultures: implications for Remyelination
  625. TMEV and neuroantigens: myelin genes and proteins, molecular mimicry, epitope spreading, and autoantibody-mediated Remyelination
  626. Effect of high‐dose 1.25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 on Remyelination in the cuprizone model
  627. The reaction of glial progenitor cells in Remyelination following ethidium bromide‐induced demyelination in the mouse spinal cord
  628. Myelin protein metabolism in demyelination and Remyelination in the sciatic nerve
  629. Aberrant Remyelination in chronic relapsing experimental allergic neuritis
  630. Early netrin‐1 expression impairs central nervous system Remyelination
  631. Transient upregulation of Nkx2. 2 expression in oligodendrocyte lineage cells during Remyelination
  632. A single prenatal exposure to the endocrine disruptor 2,3,7,8‐tetrachlorodibenzo‐p‐dioxin alters developmental myelination and Remyelination potential in the rat …
  633. WIN55, 212-2 promotes differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and improve Remyelination through regulation of the phosphorylation level of the ERK 1/2 via …
  634. Immunization with a peptide of Semliki Forest virus promotes Remyelination in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  635. Mechanisms of Virus‐Induced Demyelination and Remyelination
  636. Copper binding at PNS nodes of Ranvier during demyelination and Remyelination in the perineurial window
  637. Immunomodulation and Remyelination: two aspects of human polyclonal immunoglobulin treatment in immune mediated neuropathies?
  638. Propentofylline reverses delayed Remyelination in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  639. Progesterone enhanced Remyelination in the mouse corpus callosum after cuprizone induced demyelination
  640. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase‐4 promotes oligodendrocyte precursor cell differentiation and enhances CNS Remyelination
  641. Multiple sclerosis: prospects for Remyelination
  642. Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor modulator fingolimod (FTY720) does not promote Remyelination in vivo
  643. Multi-organ reactivity of a monoclonal natural autoantibody that promotes Remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis.
  644. Downregulating DR6 to drive Remyelination
  645. Changes in the distribution of a calcium-dependent ATPase during demyelination and Remyelination in the central nervous system
  646. Sequence of demyelination-Remyelination in Guillain-Barré disease.
  647. Local overexpression of interleukin-11 in the central nervous system limits demyelination and enhances Remyelination
  648. Remyelination follows antibody‐induced central nervous system demyelination
  649. Spontaneous Remyelination and intracerebral grafting of myelinating cells in mammals
  650. Biotherapies in multiple sclerosis: a step toward Remyelination and neuroprotection?
  651. G protein‐coupled receptor 30 contributes to improved Remyelination after cuprizone‐induced demyelination
  652. De‐and Remyelination in spinal roots during normal perinatal development in the cat: a brief summary of structural observations and a conceptual hypothesis
  653. Targeting semaphorins in MS as a treatment strategy to promote Remyelination: a tale of mice, rats and men
  654. Remyelination by resident oligodendrocyte precursor cells in a Xenopus laevis inducible model of demyelination
  655. Demyelination and Remyelination in spinal cord lesions of human lymphotropic virus type I-associated myelopathy
  656. Revitalizing Remyelination—the answer is circulating
  657. Geissoschizine methyl ether, an alkaloid from the Uncaria hook, improves Remyelination after cuprizone-induced demyelination in medial prefrontal cortex of adult …
  658. Remyelination in the rat dorsal funiculus following demyelination by laser irradiation
  659. Morphological study of Schwann cells Remyelination in contused spinal cord of rats
  660. Expression of an acyl‐CoA synthetase, lipidosin, in astrocytes of the murine brain and its up‐regulation during Remyelination following cuprizone‐induced …
  661. Haplotype matching is not an essential requirement to achieve Remyelination of demyelinating CNS lesions
  662. Node’formation precedes Remyelination
  663. Increasing local levels of neuregulin (glial growth factor‐2) by direct infusion into areas of demyelination does not alter Remyelination in the rat CNS
  664. Olfactory ensheathing glia: their application to spinal cord regeneration and Remyelination strategies
  665. Astrocyte and Macrophage Interactions in Promoting Oligodendrocyte Remyelination
  666. Spontaneous central nervous system Remyelination in strain A mice after infection with the Daniel’s (DA) strain of Theiler’s virus
  667. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  668. Ultrastructure of Remyelination of peripheral nerves in Landry-Guillain-Barré syndrome
  669. Deletion of virus-specific T-cells enhances Remyelination in a model of multiple sclerosis
  670. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: realizing a long-standing challenge
  671. Drug-enhanced Remyelination in a multiple sclerosis model
  672. In vivo CNS Remyelination: HNK-1 labels newly differentiated oligodendrocytes but not precursors
  673. Coronavirus-Induced Demyelination and Spontaneous Remyelination
  674. Repurposing for Remyelination
  675. Toward a transgenic mouse model of Remyelination
  676. Paralesional reparative Remyelination after chronic local cold injury of the cerebral cortex
  677. Imaging of demyelination and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  678. Expression of the POU-domain transcription factors SCIP/Oct-6 and Brn-2 is associated with Schwann cell but not oligodendrocyte Remyelination of the CNS
  679. Remyelination of a chemically induced demyelinated lesion in the spinal cord of the adult shiverer mouse by transplanted oligodendrocytes
  680. Promoting Remyelination as a future therapeutic principle in multiple sclerosis?
  681. Remyelination of central nervous system lesions in experimental genital herpes simplex virus infection
  682. Remyelination of the central nervous system
  683. Schwann cell Remyelination in experimental herpes simplex encephalitis at the trigeminal root entry zone
  684. Myelination, demyelination and Remyelination in the central nervous system
  685. Promoting Remyelination by reducing an inhibitory microenvironment
  686. Remyelination and restoration of axonal function by glial cell transplantation
  687. Cyclosporine improves Remyelination in diabetic rats submitted to a gliotoxic demyelinating model in the brainstem
  688. Recent Insights into the Cellular Biology of Remyelination
  689. Transdifferentiation of differentiated stem cells contributes to Remyelination
  690. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: the therapeutic potential of neural and mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells
  691. … of a PEGylated Fab′ of the anti-LINGO-1 Li33 antibody and assessment of its biochemical and functional properties in vitro and in a rat model of Remyelination
  692. Does chronic Remyelination occur for all spared axons after spinal cord injury in mouse?
  693. Type 1 astrocytes fail to inhibit Schwann cell Remyelination of CNS axons in the absence of cells of the O-2A lineage
  694. Semi-quantitative analysis of the effects of cyclosporine on Remyelination following gliotoxic injection in the brainstem
  695. Remyelination in vitro following protein kinase C activator-induced demyelination
  696. Neuregulin-1 type I: a hidden power within Schwann cells for triggering peripheral nerve Remyelination
  697. Spontaneous central nervous system Remyelination is not altered in NFH‐lacZ transgenic mice after chemical demyelination
  698. Transplantation of CNTF-expressing adult oligodendrocyte precursor cells promotes Remyelination and functional recovery after spinal cord injury
  699. Effect of insulin, proinsulin and pancreatic extract on myelination and Remyelination in organotypic nerve tissue in culture
  700. Demyelination and Remyelination after multiple intramedullary injections of ethidium bromide in Wistar rats
  701. Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis induced by the peptide encoded by exon 2 of the MBP gene, a peptide implicated in Remyelination
  702. Aberrant Remyelination of axons after heat injury in the dorsal funiculus of rat spinal cord
  703. … strain of mouse alters the pattern of Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus-induced white matter disease and favors oligodendrocyte-mediated Remyelination
  704. Understanding multiple sclerosis better in 2014–Environmental factors, Remyelination, diagnostic techniques, treatment decisions and the future focus of multiple …
  705. Postinflammatory Remyelination in the spinal cord of mice infected with mouse hepatitis virus, JHM strain.
  706. Automated analysis of Remyelination therapy for spinal cord injury
  707. PET imaging of demyelination and Remyelination in the cuprizone mouse model for multiple sclerosis: A comparison between [C-11] CIC and [C-11] MeDAS
  708. Alteration of sulfatide synthesis in control and Trembler mice during Wallerian degeneration and Remyelination
  709. Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis–How Close are We?
  710. Remyelination in the central nervous system
  711. Recurrent paraplegia after Remyelination of the spinal cord
  712. Research advancements of axonal Remyelination in spinal cord injury
  713. Molecular Signaling and Regulation in Glial Cells: A Key to Remyelination and Functional Repair
  714. Oligodendrocyte proliferation: its relationship to central nervous system Remyelination
  715. Ultrastructural study of Remyelination in an experimental lesion in adult cat spinal cord.
  716. Effect of the adenosine A1 receptor agonist on demyelination and Remyelination processes in lysolecithin induced demyelination in rat optic chiasm
  717. Thyroid hormone musters Remyelination in MS model
  718. Proliferation and differentiation of neuroglial cells isolated during demyelination and Remyelination
  719. Signaling for Remyelination
  720. Remyelination in the chicken sciatic nerve
  721. The research progress of tumor necrosis factor alpha in multiple sclerosis and Remyelination
  723. Brain fibroblast growth factors do not stimulate myelination or Remyelination in tissue culture
  724. The O-2A progenitor during development and Remyelination
  725. Regional differences of molecular factors during demyelination and early Remyelination in the CNS
  726. Role of oligodendrocyte precursor cells in myelination and Remyelination: Recent advance
  727. Multiple sclerosis: Remyelination
  729. … 1 of the myelin proteolipid protein gene (Plp1) in mouse reveals that the element is dispensable for Plp1 expression in brain during development and Remyelination
  730. Multiple sclerosis: role of growth factors and Remyelination
  731. Proliferation of Oligodendrocytes and Remyelination
  732. Identification of the antigen recognized by rHIgM22, a Remyelination-promoting human monoclonal antibody
  733. Functional Regeneration and Remyelination in the Zebrafish Optic Nerve
  734. Neural crest derived niche of human dental pulp stem cells promotes peripheral nerve regeneration and Remyelination in animal model of critical sized sciatic nerve …
  735. Immune mediators of central nervous system demyelination and Remyelination
  736. Remyelination in experimentally demyelinated connexin 32 KnockOut mice
  737. Oligodendroglial defect and insufficiency of Remyelination during MS: anatomoclinical and experimental comparative study
  738. Efficacy for Remyelination and safety of anti-lingo-1 monoclonal antibody (biib033) in acute optic neuritis: results from the renew study
  739. NEWS FROM THE AAN ANNUAL MEETING: Multiple Sclerosis: Spontaneous Remyelination, Visualized With PET Tracer, Could Be Marker of Clinical Course
  740. Role of cAMP during the process of demyelination and Remyelination in peripheral nerve
  741. Rodent EAE model for the study of axon integrity and Remyelination
  742. Effects of recombinant human erythropoietin in the cuprizone mouse model of de-and Remyelination
  743. Promoting Remyelination in multiple sclerosis by endogenous adult neural stem/precursor cells
  744. Promotion of Remyelination by adipose mesenchymal stem cell in cuprizone model of demyelination
  745. Extracellular matrix and oligodendrocyte regulators in different types of multiple sclerosis lesions: Implications for lesion development and regulation of Remyelination
  746. Neuroimmune signaling of environmental enrichment; the role of exosomes in Remyelination
  747. Pilot Trial Of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone For Remyelination In Multiple Sclerosis: Current Status And Preliminary Safety Analysis (P3. 155)
  748. Remyelination by Schwann cell transplantation for CNS demyelinated axons: functional comparison with developmental myelination
  749. Thyroid hormone regulation of neural and oligodendrocyte precursors in the mature brain: a possibility for Remyelination and neuroprotection
  750. Gray matter demyelination and Remyelination detected with multimodal quantitative analysis at 11.7 T in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis.
  751. Aspects of Remyelination by endogenous and transplanted glial cells in regenerating goldfish visual system
  752. Diffusion Tensor Tractography Identifies Demyelination and Remyelination in the Spinal Cord of a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
  753. P72: Can violations of nitric oxide and superoxide anion radical cycles influence the process of demyelination-Remyelination at Guillain–Barre syndrome?
  754. Remyelination failure following white matter stroke: new targets for repair identified by oligodendrocyte progenitor cell transcriptome database.
  755. Remyelination biology: The neurobiology of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells and their potential for myelin repair in Multiple Sclerosis
  756. The effects of 2, 5-hexane dione on Remyelination in the peripheral nervous system of the mouse
  757. CNS Remyelination-from mechanism to medicine
  758. High throughput Remyelination
  759. Symposium S07: Pathogenesis of Demyelination and Its Consequences for Remyelination
  760. The biology of CNS Remyelination
  761. Mechanisms of Remyelination: recent insight from experimental models
  762. Novel Remyelination strategy for multiple sclerosis in the era of oligodendrocytopathy
  764. Strategies to Promote Central Nervous System Remyelination In Vivo
  765. New Clues to Remyelination Provide Potential Targets for MS Therapy
  766. The Remyelination phenomenon in multiple sclerosis
  767. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  769. The LINGO of Remyelination
  770. A vitamin supplement for Remyelination
  771. DUOC-01, a candidate cell therapy product derived from banked cord blood, accelerates brain Remyelination in NSG mice following cuprizone feeding
  772. Manipulating developmental mechanisms to promote Remyelination
  773. Blueprint for the development of Remyelination medicines for multiple sclerosis
  774. Functional Remyelination from the freezer
  775. Treatment Approaches Toward Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis
  776. Antibody-mediated Remyelination
  777. The effect of aging and senescence on the process of Remyelination
  778. Remyelination strategies following spinal cord injury
  779. Assessing Demyelination & Remyelination Using MRI Texture Analysis
  780. New therapeutic strategies for Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  781. Promoting Remyelination as a novel therapy in multiple sclerosis
  782. Monoclonal antibodies which promote central nervous system Remyelination
  783. Role of Elongator in Central Nervous System Remyelination
  784. Altering Inhibitory Extracellular Matrix Promotes Remyelination
  785. Site-directed nanotherapeutics to abrogate RRMS and promote Remyelination repair
  786. Role of galectins in inflammation and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  787. Ion Channel Reorganization During Remyelination
  788. Effects of aescine on content of serum MBP and Remyelination of ischemic focus in rats of ischemical stroke
  789. An investigation into the role of Remyelination failure as a contributing cause of axonal degeneration in the CNS
  790. Macrophages in demyelination and Remyelination
  791. Studying the role of the Wnt signaling in Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis
  792. Gene expression during peripheral nerve Remyelination.
  793. Erratum to: Promoting Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis—Recent Advances
  794. Fibroblast-derived OPCs—hope for Remyelination therapy?
  795. Achieving Remyelination in the taiep rat: a model for understanding repair of chronic demyelination
  796. Remyelination properties of human embryonic nerve cells in conditions of long-term culture
  797. Tissue Culture Studies of Demyelination and Remyelination
  798. Investigating myelination and Remyelination in zebrafish
  799. Cell Biology and Pharmacologic Action of Remyelination-Promoting Autoantibodies
  800. Site-directed Nanotherapeutics to Abrogate RRMS and Promote Remyelination Repair (Rev)
  801. Effects of electro-acupuncture on Remyelination of the transected sciatic nerve in rats
  802. Functional and Celluar Assessment of Limited Remyelination in the Cuprizone Model
  803. Identification and evaluation of potential Remyelination therapeutics for multiple sclerosis (S9. 006)
  804. Live imaging and monitoring of demyelination and Remyelination
  805. Neurophysiological Studies in Demyelination and Remyelination
  806. Does Myelin Inhibit Regeneration and Remyelination?
  807. Regulation of Oligodendrocyte Differentiation: Relevance for Remyelination
  808. The role of monocytes in Remyelination and repair processes in the CNS
  809. Influence of regulatory T cells on Remyelination in the central nervous system
  810. Death receptor deals blow to Remyelination
  812. The Research Progress of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha in Multiple Sclerosis and Remyelination.
  813. Remyelination properties of human embryonic nerve cells in the course of long-term cultivation
  814. Behavioural consequences of demyelination and Remyelination in the dorsal funiculus of the rat spinal cord
  815. The role of microglia in Remyelination in MS and their therapeutic potential
  816. Manganese-enhanced MRI in a mouse model of de-and Remyelination
  817. Axonal degeneration and protection during early Remyelination in multiple sclerosis and an animal model
  818. Remyelination of demyelinated rat spinal cord model by transplanting neural stem cells
  819. Coronavirus-Induced Demyelination and Spontaneous Remyelination
  820. Remyelination action of olfactory ensheathing cells in contused spinal cord
  822. Multiple sclerosis, Remyelination and the role of fibronectin
  823. Remyelination of Demyelinated Rat Spinal Cord Model by Transplanting Neural Stem Cells
  824. Central nervous system regeneration approach in the toxic cuprizone model of de-and Remyelination
  825. Mechanisms of DE—and Remyelination in Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis and Multiple Sclerosis
  826. Development and Commercialization of Remyelination Therapeutics to Restore Neural Function in Multiple Sclerosis
  827. Two Topical Drugs Found to Promote Functional Remyelination in Cellular Models of Multiple Sclerosis
  828. Encouraging Remyelination: Rejuvenating Aged Macrophages through the Use of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
  829. Administration of Ad-L-periaxin promotes Remyelination and damaged nerves repairment after sciatic nerve injury
  830. Remyelination promotes axon regeneration after spinal cord injury
  831. Functional implications of demyelination and the molecular control of Remyelination in the adult mouse.
  832. Detection of demyelination and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis by analysis of T2* relaxation at 7T
  833. Deletion of Virus-specific T-cells Enhances Remyelination in a Model of Multiple Sclerosis (P1. 178)
  834. Olig1 gene expression in brain tissue of newborn rat of periventricular leukomalacia and the relation with Remyelination
  835. Hyaluronan Oligosaccharides for the Promotion of Remyelination (Revised)
  836. Hyaluronan Oligosaccharides for the Promotion of Remyelination (Revised)
  837. Assessing Demyelination and Remyelination in Mouse Brain by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
  838. The role of inflammation in demyelination and Remyelination in the CNS
  839. The role of beta1 integrin in myelination and Remyelination
  840. Zebrafish: a novel animal model for demyelination and Remyelination
  841. Axonal damage and protection during early Remyelination in multiple sclerosis and an animal model
  842. Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells: from experimental Remyelination to multiple sclerosis
  843. A Rapidly-gelling Injectable Chitosan Sponge to Enhance Remyelination Post-Spinal Cord Injuries
  844. The role of astrocytes for oligodendrocyte death and Remyelination
  845. Cyclical partial Remyelination provokes demyelination in multiple sclerosis
  846. Intrinsic regulators of OPC activation during CNS Remyelination-role of Sox2
  847. Adult neural stem cells: metabolic regulation, fate determinants and Remyelination potential
  848. Metabolism and gene expression during cuprizone‐induced demyelination/Remyelination
  849. Remyelination in the acoustic cortex of the rat following Wallerian degeneration
  850. Role of S100B on central nervous system demyelination and Remyelination
  851. Enhancing neural repair and Remyelination via direct in vitro and in vivo cells reprogramming
  852. Expression of the chemokine receptor CXCR2 during Remyelination and its influence on oligodendrocytes
  853. Drug-Based Modulation of Endogenous Stem Cells Promotes Functional Remyelination In Vivo
  854. Expression of the chemokine receptor CXCR2 during Remyelination and its influence on oligodendrocytes
  855. Contribution of demyelination and Remyelination in Xenopus laevis
  856. Propentofylline inhibits lipid peroxidation and improves oligodendrocyte Remyelination following gliotoxic injury in the rat brainstem
  857. Function of Notch1 signaling in oligodendrocyte development and CNS Remyelination
  858. Demyelination and Remyelination in New Multiple Sclerosis Lesions: Insights from Serial Myelin Water Imaging
  860. Sciatic nerve Remyelination and nodal formation following olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation
  861. Effect of Melatonin on inflammation and Remyelination in EAE rat as an animal model of mono phasic Multiple sclerosis
  862. The best basic science paper in MS in 2013: Antimuscarinic therapies in Remyelination
  863. Detrimental and beneficial effects of interferon-gamma on oligodendrocytes and the myelination/Remyelination process
  864. Central nervous system regeneration approach in the toxic cuprizone model of de-and Remyelination: application of mesenchymal stem cells
  865. Electrical Stimulation to Conductive Scaffold Promotes Axonal Regeneration and Remyelination in a
  866. Region-specific characterization of the cuprizone model for Multiple Sclerosis and impairment of Remyelination by corticosteroids
  868. Electrophysiological and histological comparison of the processes of demyelination and Remyelination in optic chiasm and nerves of male-castrated and female rats
  869. Remyelination effect of p-Coumaric acid via reducing MMP9 gene expression in Cuprizone mice model
  870. Role of endogenous neural precursor cells in demyelination and Remyelination after cuprizone-induced injury
  871. The effects of insulin-like growth factor I on the processes of myelination, oligodendrocyte regeneration, and Remyelination in vitro.
  872. Demyelination, Remyelination, Macrophage Apo E and Schwann Cell Nerve Growth Factor Receptor in Diabetic Rats
  873. Promoting oligodendrocyte progenitor cell maturation and Remyelination as a novel therapeutical approach for multiple system atrophy
  874. Remyelination in the central nervous system by transplatation of human fetal glial cells and co-transplantation of insulin like growth factor-1 in the SHIVERER mouse …
  875. Thalamo-cortical networking during de-and Remyelination events in the cuprizone model of multiple sclerosis: A voltage-sensitive dye story
  876. The age‐related decrease in CNS Remyelination efficiency is caused by an impairment of both oligodendrocyte progenitor recruitment and differentiation
  877. Characterization of toxin induced de-and Remyelination in the central nervous system and role of the chemokine receptor CXCR2
  878. Assessing the Potential of Skin Derived Schwann Cells for Peripheral Nerve Remyelination (P03. 274)
  879. Effect of the adenosine A1 receptor agonist on demyelination and Remyelination processes in lysolecithin induced demyelination in rat optic chiasm
  880. The Importance of Remyelination by Exogenous and Endogenous Cells in a Neural Precursor Cell Transplantation Paradigm for Rodent Spinal Cord Injury Repair
  882. PET imaging of focal demyelination and Remyelination in a rat model of multiple sclerosis: comparison of [{sup 11} C] MeDAS,[{sup 11} C] CIC and [{sup 11} C] PIB
  883. Remyelination of the non-human primate CNS axons by transplantation of porcine olfactory ensheathing cells
  884. Development of tissue directionality-based measures of demyelination and Remyelination for multiple sclerosis using structure tensor analysis
  885. Spontanous Remyelination has a major impact on clinical disability in multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal PET study with 11C-PIB (I11-5D)
  886. Immunochemical Study on the Changes of Carbonic anhydrase-II and Iron-binding Proteins in the Demyelinationand and Remyelination model Mouse induced with …
  887. Enhancement of oligodendrocyte Remyelination through the ablation of non-muscle myosin II B
  888. CNTF is up‐regulated in astrocytes during spinal cord Remyelination and stimulates FGF‐2 production
  889. Stab wounds to rat brains: demyelination, Remyelination and the cellular response, particularly of oligodendrocytes
  890. The Effect of 17Beta-and 17Alpha-estradiol on Myelination and Remyelination in Cerebellar Slices
  891. Progesterone enhanced Remyelination in the mouse corpus callosum after cuprizone induced demyelination
  892. Cord blood derived cell therapy product, DUOC-01, accelerates Remyelination in a murine model of cuprizone induced demyelination
  893. A Novel Nerve Graft Based On Spider Silk Fibres Enables Axonal Regeneration and Remyelination in Long Distance Nerve Defects in Adult Sheep
  894. Remyelination is correlated with regulatory T cell induction following human iPSC-derived neural precursor cell transplantation in a viral model of multiple sclerosis
  895. Sim FJ, Zhao C, Penderis J, Franklin RJM. The age-related decrease in CNS Remyelination efficiency is attributable to an impairment of both oligodendrocyte …
  896. Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) transplantation in spinal cord prolongs the survival of mutant SOD1 (G93A) ALS rats through neuroprotection and Remyelination
  897. The in vivo PDGF response during Remyelination in mouse spinal cord following murine hepatitis virus strain A59-induced transient demyelination
  898. The role of lymphotoxin alpha and lymphotoxin beta receptor in cuprizone induced demyelination and Remyelination
  900. Hepatocyte growth factor modified human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell therapy promotes Remyelination after intracerebral hemorrhage in rats
  901. Protein Kinase C Stimulation Induces Astrocyte and Oligodendrocyte Proliferation, Demyelination and Enhanced Remyelination in Aggregating Rat Brain Cell
  902. The effects of CNS-accessible multiple sclerosis-directed immuno-modulatory therapies on oligodendroglial lineage cells, myelin maintenance, and Remyelination
  903. Protein Kinase C Stimulation Induces Astrocyte and Oligodendrocyte Proliferation, Demyelination and Enhanced Remyelination in Aggregating Rat Brain Cell …
  904. The small Rho GTPase Cdc42 regulates Schwann cell proliferation, peripheral nervous system demyelination, Remyelination and myelin maintenance
  905. … Abilities of Acutely and Chronically Denervated Nerve Derived Schwann Cells and Skin Derived Schwann Cells to Support Axonal Regeneration and Remyelination
  906. SCIP/Oct‐6, Krox‐20 and desert hedgehog mRNA expression during CNS Remyelination by transplanted olfactory ensheathing cells
  907. Phenotypic analysis of the Plp1 gene overexpressing mouse model# 72: Implications for demyelination and Remyelination failure
  908. … -Hydroxy-Cholesterol Synthesis Rate Measured in Blood in a Preclinical Mouse Model Suggests a Non-invasive Biomarker of Brain Demyelination and Remyelination …
  909. 17 beta-estradiol enhances the efficacy of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells on Remyelination in mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  911. 447: Remyelination is extensive in a subset of multiple sclerosis patients
  912. 22. Galectin-9 is increased during cuprizone intoxication and promotes Remyelination
  913. Investigating the role of muscarinic receptor subytpe 3 on OPC differentiation during Remyelination
  914. 13 Effects of Macrophages and Monocytes in Remyelination of the CNS
  916. Remyelination and ageing: Reversing the ravages of time
  917. Remyelination therapies: a new direction and challenge in multiple sclerosis
  918. The pro-Remyelination properties of microglia in the central nervous system
  919. Promoting Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  920. Lesion stage-dependent causes for impaired Remyelination in MS
  921. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: from basic science to clinical translation
  922. The adult oligodendrocyte can participate in Remyelination
  923. Motor learning promotes Remyelination via new and surviving oligodendrocytes
  924. Defective cholesterol clearance limits Remyelination in the aged central nervous system
  925. The role of astrocytes in Remyelination
  926. Pushing forward: Remyelination as the new frontier in CNS diseases
  927. The landscape of targets and lead molecules for Remyelination
  928. Drug discovery for Remyelination and treatment of MS
  929. Revisiting Remyelination: towards a consensus on the regeneration of CNS myelin
  930. Problems and pitfalls of identifying Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  931. Current advancements in promoting Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  932. Evoked potentials as a biomarker of Remyelination
  933. Cortical Remyelination is heterogeneous in multiple sclerosis
  934. Regenerative capacity of macrophages for Remyelination
  935. The molecular basis for Remyelination failure in multiple sclerosis
  936. Metformin restores CNS Remyelination capacity by rejuvenating aged stem cells
  937. Butyrate suppresses demyelination and enhances Remyelination
  938. Transcriptional control of myelination and Remyelination
  939. Accelerated Remyelination during inflammatory demyelination prevents axonal loss and improves functional recovery
  940. The Remyelination effect of DNA framework nucleic acids on demyelinating diseases
  941. Intracellular signaling pathway regulation of myelination and Remyelination in the CNS
  942. Remyelination alters the pattern of myelin in the cerebral cortex
  943. CNS Remyelination and the innate immune system
  944. Multimodal enhancement of Remyelination by exercise with a pivotal role for oligodendroglial PGC1α
  945. Astrocytes in myelination and Remyelination
  946. The extracellular matrix as modifier of neuroinflammation and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  947. Experimental models of demyelination and Remyelination
  948. Approaches to Remyelination therapies in multiple sclerosis
  949. Macroglial diversity: white and grey areas and relevance to Remyelination
  950. Metachromatic leukodystrophy and transplantation: Remyelination, no cross‐correction
  951. Effect of glial cells on Remyelination after spinal cord injury
  952. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: from concept to clinical trials
  953. An inhibitor of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan synthesis promotes central nervous system Remyelination
  954. Efficient Remyelination requires DNA methylation
  955. Emerging cellular and molecular strategies for enhancing central nervous system (CNS) Remyelination
  956. Live imaging of Remyelination in the adult mouse corpus callosum
  957. Cellular senescence in progenitor cells contributes to diminished Remyelination potential in progressive multiple sclerosis
  958. Myelin regulatory factor drives Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  959. Locomotor recovery following contusive spinal cord injury does not require oligodendrocyte Remyelination
  960. Vitamin D and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  961. EEF1A1 deacetylation enables transcriptional activation of Remyelination
  962. Gene expression in oligodendrocytes during Remyelination reveals cholesterol homeostasis as a therapeutic target in multiple sclerosis
  963. Circulating transforming growth factor-β1 facilitates Remyelination in the adult central nervous system
  964. Multiple sclerosis risk gene Mertk is required for microglial activation and subsequent Remyelination
  965. Monocytes in central nervous system Remyelination
  966. Identification of the kappa-opioid receptor as a therapeutic target for oligodendrocyte Remyelination
  967. Remyelination trials: are we expecting the unexpected?
  968. Microenvironmental regulation of oligodendrocyte replacement and Remyelination in spinal cord injury
  969. An unmet clinical need: roads to Remyelination in MS
  970. Circulating factors that influence the central nervous system Remyelination
  971. TET1-mediated DNA hydroxymethylation regulates adult Remyelination in mice
  972. P2X4 receptor controls microglia activation and favors Remyelination in autoimmune encephalitis
  973. MedXercise: a promising strategy to promote Remyelination
  974. Adaptive human immunity drives Remyelination in a mouse model of demyelination
  975. Laquinimod supports Remyelination in non-supportive environments
  976. TREM2 activation on microglia promotes myelin debris clearance and Remyelination in a model of multiple sclerosis
  977. Remyelination promoting therapies in multiple sclerosis animal models: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  978. Endogenous clues promoting Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  979. Molecular mechanisms of central nervous system axonal regeneration and Remyelination: a review
  980. Systemic TLR2 tolerance enhances central nervous system Remyelination
  981. Vitamin C promotes oligodendrocytes generation and Remyelination
  982. Brain region-specific enhancement of Remyelination and prevention of demyelination by the CSF1R kinase inhibitor BLZ945
  983. Hedgehog Signaling in CNS Remyelination
  984. New targets and therapeutics for neuroprotection, Remyelination and repair in multiple sclerosis
  985. T he extracellular matrix: F ocus on oligodendrocyte biology and targeting CSPG s for Remyelination therapies
  986. CNS myelination and Remyelination depend on fatty acid synthesis by oligodendrocytes
  987. Peripherally derived FGF21 promotes Remyelination in the central nervous system
  988. A dual effect of ursolic acid to the treatment of multiple sclerosis through both immunomodulation and direct Remyelination
  989. Detrimental and protective action of microglial extracellular vesicles on myelin lesions: astrocyte involvement in Remyelination failure
  990. TREM2-dependent lipid droplet biogenesis in phagocytes is required for Remyelination
  991. The Xenopus tadpole: An in vivo model to screen drugs favoring Remyelination
  992. Vitamin K enhances the production of brain sulfatides during Remyelination
  993. Thin myelin sheaths as the hallmark of Remyelination persist over time and preserve axon function
  994. An alternative cuprizone-induced demyelination and Remyelination mouse model
  995. Schwann cell Remyelination of the central nervous system: why does it happen and what are the benefits?
  996. Local cholesterol metabolism orchestrates Remyelination
  997. Grafted human iPS cell-derived oligodendrocyte precursor cells contribute to robust Remyelination of demyelinated axons after spinal cord injury
  998. Resveratrol promotes Remyelination in cuprizone model of multiple sclerosis: biochemical and histological study
  999. Microglia depletion exacerbates demyelination and impairs Remyelination in a neurotropic coronavirus infection
  1000. Promoting in vivo Remyelination with small molecules: A neuroreparative pharmacological treatment for Multiple Sclerosis
  1001. Spatio-temporal patterns of demyelination and Remyelination in the cuprizone mouse model
  1002. Pericytes stimulate oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation during CNS Remyelination
  1003. Fibrinogen activates BMP signaling in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells and inhibits Remyelination after vascular damage
  1004. Myelin water imaging to detect demyelination and Remyelination and its validation in pathology
  1005. CNS Remyelination and inflammation: From basic mechanisms to therapeutic opportunities
  1006. Pre-existing mature oligodendrocytes do not contribute to Remyelination following toxin-induced spinal cord demyelination
  1007. Selective estrogen receptor modulators enhance CNS Remyelination independent of estrogen receptors
  1008. Central nervous system Remyelination: roles of glia and innate immune cells
  1009. Grey matter OPCs are less mature and less sensitive to IFNγ than white matter OPCs: consequences for Remyelination
  1010. Vitamin D increases Remyelination by promoting oligodendrocyte lineage differentiation
  1011. The formation of a glial scar does not prohibit Remyelination in an animal model of multiple sclerosis
  1012. Mechanisms of demyelination and Remyelination in the young and aged brain following white matter stroke
  1013. Niacin-mediated rejuvenation of macrophage/microglia enhances Remyelination of the aging central nervous system
  1014. Oligodendrocyte intrinsic miR-27a controls myelination and Remyelination
  1015. Models for studying myelination, demyelination and Remyelination
  1016. Peripheral nerve‐derived matrix hydrogel promotes Remyelination and inhibits synapse formation
  1017. Microglia‐driven regulation of oligodendrocyte lineage cells, myelination, and Remyelination
  1018. Microglia-neuron interaction at nodes of Ranvier depends on neuronal activity through potassium release and contributes to Remyelination
  1019. Delayed demyelination and impaired Remyelination in aged mice in the cuprizone model
  1020. Chd7 cooperates with Sox10 and regulates the onset of CNS myelination and Remyelination
  1021. Enhanced Remyelination during late pregnancy: involvement of the GABAergic system
  1022. Role of oligodendrocyte dysfunction in demyelination, Remyelination and neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis
  1023. Correlated heterospectral lipidomics for biomolecular profiling of Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  1024. Promoting Remyelination: A case study in regenerative medicine
  1025. Therapeutic inhibition of soluble brain TNF promotes Remyelination by increasing myelin phagocytosis by microglia
  1026. rHIgM22 enhances Remyelination in the brain of the cuprizone mouse model of demyelination
  1027. mTOR signaling regulates metabolic function in oligodendrocyte precursor cells and promotes efficient brain Remyelination in the cuprizone model
  1028. Toxin-based models to investigate demyelination and Remyelination
  1029. Remodeling of the interstitial extracellular matrix in white matter multiple sclerosis lesions: Implications for Remyelination (failure)
  1030. Cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning macrophage activation during Remyelination
  1031. Prolonging the integrated stress response enhances CNS Remyelination in an inflammatory environment
  1032. Transient hypothyroidism favors oligodendrocyte generation providing functional Remyelination in the adult mouse brain
  1033. Dendrosomal nanocurcumin promotes Remyelination through induction of oligodendrogenesis in experimental demyelination animal model
  1034. Activation of oligodendroglial Stat3 is required for efficient Remyelination
  1035. Social isolation impairs Remyelination in mice through modulation of IL‐6
  1036. Csf1 deficiency dysregulates glial responses to demyelination and disturbs CNS white matter Remyelination
  1037. Remyelination pharmacotherapy investigations highlight diverse mechanisms underlying multiple sclerosis progression
  1038. Nanocatalytic activity of clean-surfaced, faceted nanocrystalline gold enhances Remyelination in animal models of multiple sclerosis
  1039. DCX+ neuronal progenitors contribute to new oligodendrocytes during Remyelination in the hippocampus
  1040. Regulatory B cells normalize CNS myeloid cell content in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis and promote oligodendrogenesis and Remyelination
  1041. Diffusion kurtosis imaging probes cortical alterations and white matter pathology following cuprizone induced demyelination and spontaneous Remyelination
  1042. Human spinal oligodendrogenic neural progenitor cells promote functional recovery after spinal cord injury by axonal Remyelination and tissue sparing
  1043. Thyroid hormone potentially benefits multiple sclerosis via facilitating Remyelination
  1044. The current challenges for drug discovery in CNS Remyelination
  1045. IL4I1 augments CNS Remyelination and axonal protection by modulating T cell driven inflammation
  1046. Neuroprotection by central nervous system Remyelination: Molecular, cellular, and functional considerations
  1047. Phase I randomized trial of liothyronine for Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: A dose-ranging study with assessment of reliability of visual outcomes
  1048. Proteomic changes during experimental de-and Remyelination in the corpus callosum
  1049. Exosomes derived from bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells promote Remyelination and reduce neuroinflammation in the demyelinating central nervous system
  1050. G-protein-coupled receptor Gpr17 expression in two multiple sclerosis Remyelination models
  1051. Physical exercise improves cognitive function together with microglia phenotype modulation and Remyelination in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion
  1052. Inhibitory milieu at the multiple sclerosis lesion site and the challenges for Remyelination
  1053. Roles of progesterone, testosterone and their nuclear receptors in central nervous system myelination and Remyelination
  1054. Seeing is believing: Identifying Remyelination in the central nervous system
  1055. Iron metabolism in oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, implications for myelination and Remyelination
  1056. Neuroprotective effects of melatonin during demyelination and Remyelination stages in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  1057. … TNFR2 mediates membrane TNF-dependent repair in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by promoting oligodendrocyte differentiation and Remyelination
  1058. Age-dependent decline in Remyelination capacity is mediated by apelin–APJ signaling
  1059. … , lineage tracing shows that myelin and Remak Schwann cells elongate extensively and branch to form repair Schwann cells, which shorten radically on Remyelination
  1060. Antibody-mediated neutralization of myelin-associated EphrinB3 accelerates CNS Remyelination
  1061. Δ9‐Tetrahydrocannabinol promotes functional Remyelination in the mouse brain
  1062. BMP receptor blockade overcomes extrinsic inhibition of Remyelination and restores neurovascular homeostasis
  1063. Nimodipine fosters Remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis and induces microglia-specific apoptosis
  1064. Nalfurafine reduces neuroinflammation and drives Remyelination in models of CNS demyelinating disease
  1065. Nogo receptor blockade overcomes Remyelination failure after white matter stroke and stimulates functional recovery in aged mice
  1066. Zeb2 recruits HDAC–NuRD to inhibit Notch and controls Schwann cell differentiation and Remyelination
  1067. A TCF7L2-responsive suppression of both homeostatic and compensatory Remyelination in Huntington disease mice
  1068. MiR-146a promotes Remyelination in a cuprizone model of demyelinating injury
  1069. Quantitative imaging of white and gray matter Remyelination in the cuprizone demyelination model using the macromolecular proton fraction
  1070. Mechanisms and medicines for Remyelination
  1071. AlphaB-crystallin regulates Remyelination after peripheral nerve injury
  1072. Targeting Fibronectin to Overcome Remyelination Failure in Multiple Sclerosis: The Need for Brain-and Lesion-Targeted Drug Delivery
  1073. Interactions between the canonical WNT/beta-catenin pathway and PPAR gamma on neuroinflammation, demyelination, and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  1074. Evoked potentials as a translatable biomarker to track functional Remyelination
  1075. Impaired Remyelination in a mouse model of Huntington disease
  1076. Multiple Sclerosis and Aging: The Dynamics of Demyelination and Remyelination
  1077. Local low dose curcumin treatment improves functional recovery and Remyelination in a rat model of sciatic nerve crush through inhibition of oxidative stress
  1078. OCT4-induced oligodendrocyte progenitor cells promote Remyelination and ameliorate disease
  1079. Remyelination modulators in multiple sclerosis patients
  1080. Sox2 is essential for oligodendroglial proliferation and differentiation during postnatal brain myelination and CNS Remyelination
  1081. Gsta4 controls apoptosis of differentiating adult oligodendrocytes during homeostasis and Remyelination via the mitochondria-associated Fas-Casp8-Bid-axis
  1082. Rnf43 is “lord of the ring” finger proteins in Remyelination
  1083. Aging restricts the ability of mesenchymal stem cells to promote the generation of oligodendrocytes during Remyelination
  1084. Remyelination in humans due to a retinoid‐X receptor agonist is age‐dependent
  1085. Targeting central nervous system extracellular vesicles enhanced triiodothyronine Remyelination effect on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1086. Does the preclinical evidence for functional Remyelination following myelinating cell engraftment into the injured spinal cord support progression to clinical trials?
  1087. Targeting demyelination via α-secretases promoting sAPPα release to enhance Remyelination in central nervous system
  1088. MiR-146a promotes oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation and enhances Remyelination in a model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1089. Nicotinamide administration improves Remyelination after stroke
  1090. Glycyrrhizic acid promotes neural repair by directly driving functional Remyelination
  1091. The orphan G protein‐coupled receptor GPR149 is a negative regulator of myelination and Remyelination
  1092. Nogo-A antibodies enhance axonal repair and Remyelination in neuro-inflammatory and demyelinating pathology
  1093. The transcriptome of type I murine astrocytes under interferon-gamma exposure and Remyelination stimulus
  1094. E6020, a synthetic TLR4 agonist, accelerates myelin debris clearance, Schwann cell infiltration, and Remyelination in the rat spinal cord
  1095. Overexpression of P2X4 receptor in Schwann cells promotes motor and sensory functional recovery and Remyelination via BDNF secretion after nerve injury
  1096. Breaking the barriers to Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  1097. Remyelination strategies in multiple sclerosis: a critical reflection
  1098. Orthologous proteins of experimental de-and Remyelination are differentially regulated in the CSF proteome of multiple sclerosis subtypes
  1099. Quantitative temporal changes in DTI values coupled with histological properties in cuprizone-induced demyelination and Remyelination
  1100. Kappa opioid receptor activation alleviates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and promotes oligodendrocyte-mediated Remyelination
  1101. Derivation of Oligodendrocyte Precursors from Adult Bone Marrow Stromal Cells for Remyelination Therapy
  1102. A cord blood monocyte–derived cell therapy product accelerates brain Remyelination
  1103. Human olfactory mesenchymal stromal cell transplants promote Remyelination and earlier improvement in gait co‐ordination after spinal cord injury
  1104. Clobetasol promotes Remyelination in a mouse model of neuromyelitis optica
  1105. CNS Remyelination as a novel reparative approach to neurodegenerative diseases: The roles of purinergic signaling and the P2Y-like receptor GPR17
  1106. Remyelination: a potential therapeutic strategy for Alzheimer’s disease?
  1107. Regulatory T cells promote Remyelination in the murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model of multiple sclerosis following human neural stem …
  1108. Muscarinic receptor M3R signaling prevents efficient Remyelination by human and mouse oligodendrocyte progenitor cells
  1109. The contribution of oligodendrocytes and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells to central nervous system repair in multiple sclerosis: perspectives for Remyelination …
  1110. Spontaneous Remyelination in lesions protects the integrity of surrounding tissues over time in multiple sclerosis
  1111. Graded elevation of c-Jun in Schwann cells in vivo: gene dosage determines effects on development, Remyelination, tumorigenesis, and hypomyelination
  1112. Multiple Sclerosis CD49d+CD154+ As Myelin-Specific Lymphocytes Induced During Remyelination
  1113. Effect of the CSF1R inhibitor PLX3397 on Remyelination of corpus callosum in a cuprizone‐induced demyelination mouse model
  1114. Remyelination trial failures: Repercussions of ignoring neurorehabilitation and exercise in repair
  1115. A paradigm shift: Bioengineering meets mechanobiology towards overcoming Remyelination failure
  1116. Remyelination therapies for multiple sclerosis: optimizing translation from animal models into clinical trials
  1117. ErbB receptor signaling directly controls oligodendrocyte progenitor cell transformation and spontaneous Remyelination after spinal cord injury
  1118. Scaffold-mediated sequential drug/gene delivery to promote nerve regeneration and Remyelination following traumatic nerve injuries
  1119. Probing demyelination and Remyelination of the cuprizone mouse model using multimodality MRI
  1120. … of G as6 and A xl signaling results in extensive axonal damage, motor deficits, prolonged neuroinflammation, and less Remyelination following cuprizone exposure
  1121. … , inflammation suppression, angiogenesis promotion, oxidative stress inhibition, neurogenesis induction, MMPs regulation, and Remyelination stimulation
  1122. miR-30c promotes Schwann cell Remyelination following peripheral nerve injury
  1123. The microbiota regulates murine inflammatory responses to toxin-induced CNS demyelination but has minimal impact on Remyelination
  1124. The guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav3 modulates oligodendrocyte precursor differentiation and supports Remyelination in white matter lesions
  1125. Three‐dimensional lesion phenotyping and physiologic characterization inform Remyelination ability in multiple sclerosis
  1126. C-Phycocyanin and phycocyanobilin as Remyelination therapies for enhancing recovery in multiple sclerosis and ischemic stroke: A preclinical perspective
  1127. Microglia as therapeutic targets for central nervous system Remyelination
  1128. Myeloid‐derived suppressor cells support Remyelination in a murine model of multiple sclerosis by promoting oligodendrocyte precursor cell survival, proliferation, and …
  1129. Melatonin therapy modulates cerebral metabolism and enhances Remyelination by increasing PDK4 in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  1130. The prion protein is not required for peripheral nerve de-and Remyelination after crush injury
  1131. Minocycline plus N-acteylcysteine induces Remyelination, synergistically protects oligodendrocytes and modifies neuroinflammation in a rat model of mild traumatic …
  1132. Ceria nanoparticles ameliorate white matter injury after intracerebral hemorrhage: microglia-astrocyte involvement in Remyelination
  1133. Physical exercise modulates the astrocytes polarization, promotes myelin debris clearance and Remyelination in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion rats
  1134. Potential of adult endogenous neural stem/progenitor cells in the spinal cord to contribute to Remyelination in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1135. Axon-dependent expression of YAP/TAZ mediates Schwann cell Remyelination but not proliferation after nerve injury
  1136. Remyelination in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder is promoted by edaravone through mTORC1 signaling activation
  1137. Acute motor deficit and subsequent Remyelination‐associated recovery following internal capsule demyelination in mice
  1138. Pathways involved in Remyelination after cerebral ischemia
  1139. Icariin enhances Remyelination process after acute demyelination induced by cuprizone exposure
  1140. Possible regenerative effects of fingolimod (FTY720) in multiple sclerosis disease: An overview on Remyelination process
  1141. Artemisinin facilitates motor function recovery by enhancing motoneuronal survival and axonal Remyelination in rats following brachial plexus root avulsion
  1142. EED-mediated histone methylation is critical for CNS myelination and Remyelination by inhibiting WNT, BMP, and senescence pathways
  1143. Intraventricular injections of mesenchymal stem cells activate endogenous functional Remyelination in a chronic demyelinating murine model
  1144. Schwann cell O-GlcNAcylation promotes peripheral nerve Remyelination via attenuation of the AP-1 transcription factor JUN
  1145. Disruption of Sema3A/Plexin‐A1 inhibitory signalling in oligodendrocytes as a therapeutic strategy to promote Remyelination
  1146. Inhibitors of myelination and Remyelination, bone morphogenetic proteins, are upregulated in human neurological disease
  1147. Effect of Notch1 gene on Remyelination in multiple sclerosis in mouse models of acute demyelination
  1148. Baicalin Promotes CNS Remyelination via PPARγ Signal Pathway
  1149. A higher proportion of ermin-immunopositive oligodendrocytes in areas of Remyelination
  1150. Characterizing structural changes with evolving Remyelination following experimental demyelination using high angular resolution diffusion MRI and texture analysis
  1151. Surfen, a proteoglycan binding agent, reduces inflammation but inhibits Remyelination in murine models of Multiple Sclerosis
  1152. Molecular imaging of immune cell dynamics during de-and Remyelination in the cuprizone model of multiple sclerosis by [18F] DPA-714 PET and MRI
  1153. Oligodendrocyte progenitor cell recruitment and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: the more, the merrier?
  1154. Proliferation is a requirement for differentiation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells during CNS Remyelination
  1155. CXCL12/CXCR4/CXCR7 chemokine axis in the central nervous system: therapeutic targets for Remyelination in demyelinating diseases
  1156. Postnatal Sonic hedgehog (Shh) responsive cells give rise to oligodendrocyte lineage cells during myelination and in adulthood contribute to Remyelination
  1157. Transient redirection of SVZ stem cells to oligodendrogenesis by FGFR3 activation promotes Remyelination
  1158. Therapeutic strategies for oligodendrocyte-mediated Remyelination
  1159. The mechanism of Naringin-enhanced Remyelination after spinal cord injury
  1160. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Metformin Attenuates Cognitive Impairments in Hypoxia–Ischemia Neonatal Rats via Improving Remyelination
  1161. Structural adaption of axons during de‐and Remyelination in the Cuprizone mouse model
  1162. Lithium accelerates functional motor recovery by improving Remyelination of regenerating axons following ventral root avulsion and reimplantation
  1163. Oligodendrogliogenesis and axon Remyelination after traumatic spinal cord injuries in animal studies: a systematic review
  1164. Heterozygote galactocerebrosidase (GALC) mutants have reduced Remyelination and impaired myelin debris clearance following demyelinating injury
  1165. Melatonin improves vascular cognitive impairment induced by ischemic stroke by Remyelination via activation of ERK1/2 signaling and restoration of …
  1166. Clemastine fumarate for promotion of optic nerve Remyelination
  1167. Human induced pluripotent cell-derived sensory neurons for fate commitment of bone marrow-derived Schwann cells: implications for Remyelination therapy
  1168. Remyelination improvement after neurotrophic factors secreting cells transplantation in rat spinal cord injury
  1169. Myt1L promotes differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and is necessary for Remyelination after lysolecithin-induced demyelination
  1170. Calorie restriction promotes Remyelination in a Cuprizone-Induced demyelination mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  1171. Modulation of the innate immune response by human neural precursors prevails over oligodendrocyte progenitor Remyelination to rescue a severe model of Pelizaeus …
  1172. Analysis of the Information Capacity of Neuronal Molecular Communications Under Demyelination and Remyelination
  1173. Effects of the transcription factor Olig1 on the differentiation and Remyelination of oligodendrocyte precursor cells after focal cerebral ischemia in rats
  1174. The mechanistic target of rapamycin as a regulator of metabolic function in oligodendroglia during Remyelination
  1175. Attempts to overcome Remyelination failure: toward opening new therapeutic avenues for multiple sclerosis
  1176. Repurposing of omeprazole for oligodendrocyte differentiation and Remyelination
  1177. Leptin sustains spontaneous Remyelination in the adult central nervous system
  1178. Prevalence, dynamics, and biochemical predictors of optic nerve Remyelination after methanol-induced acute optic neuropathy: a 2-year prospective study in 54 …
  1179. (R)-ketamine ameliorates demyelination and facilitates Remyelination in cuprizone-treated mice: A role of gut–microbiota–brain axis
  1180. The flavonoid agathisflavone modulates the microglial neuroinflammatory response and enhances Remyelination
  1181. GDNF Schwann cells in hydrogel scaffolds promote regional axon regeneration, Remyelination and functional improvement after spinal cord transection in rats
  1182. Astrocyte ablation induced by La-aminoadipate (L-AAA) potentiates Remyelination in a cuprizone demyelinating mouse model
  1183. Loss of tuberous sclerosis complex1 in adult oligodendrocyte progenitor cells enhances axon Remyelination and increases myelin thickness after a focal …
  1184. The effect of stereotactic injections on demyelination and Remyelination: a study in the cuprizone model
  1185. Central Nervous System Demyelination and Remyelination is Independent from Systemic Cholesterol Level in T heiler’s Murine Encephalomyelitis
  1186. Demyelination-Remyelination in the central nervous system: ligand-dependent participation of the Notch signaling pathway
  1187. Sequential contribution of parenchymal and neural stem cell-derived oligodendrocyte precursor cells toward Remyelination
  1188. Comparison of the effects of BMSC-derived schwann cells and autologous schwann cells on Remyelination using a rat sciatic nerve defect model
  1189. Changes in neurosteroidogenesis during demyelination and Remyelination in cuprizone‐treated mice
  1190. A subpopulation of Foxj1-expressing, nonmyelinating schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system contribute to schwann cell Remyelination in the central nervous …
  1191. Using the anterior visual system to assess neuroprotection and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis trials
  1192. Distinct patterns of glia repair and Remyelination in antibody‐mediated demyelination models of multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica
  1193. Impact of amino acids on microglial activation and CNS Remyelination
  1194. Demyelination–Remyelination of the rat caudal cerebellar peduncle evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging
  1195. Organotypic cultures from the adult CNS: a novel model to study demyelination and Remyelination ex vivo
  1196. Sodium phenylbutyrate inhibits Schwann cell inflammation via HDAC and NFκB to promote axonal regeneration and Remyelination
  1197. Plasma neurofilament light chain levels suggest neuroaxonal stability following therapeutic Remyelination in people with multiple sclerosis
  1198. Innate and adaptive immune mechanisms regulating central nervous system Remyelination
  1199. Genetic detection of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) expression and cellular response in the progression of acute through chronic demyelination and Remyelination
  1200. Radiation-induced demyelination and Remyelination in the central nervous system: a literature review
  1201. Shikimic acid promotes oligodendrocyte precursor cell differentiation and accelerates Remyelination in mice
  1202. Increased Remyelination and Proregenerative Microglia Under Siponimod Therapy in Mechanistic Models
  1203. ADAM17 Regulates p75NTR-Mediated Fibrinolysis and Nerve Remyelination
  1204. Conventional and quantitative MRI in a novel feline model of demyelination and endogenous Remyelination
  1205. Bu-Shen-Yi-Sui capsule, an herbal medicine formula, promotes Remyelination by modulating the molecular signals via exosomes in mice with experimental …
  1206. Gray and white matter demyelination and Remyelination detected with multimodal quantitative MRI analysis at 11.7 T in a chronic mouse model of multiple …
  1207. Targeting PKC in microglia to promote Remyelination and repair in the CNS
  1208. Electroacupuncture promotes Remyelination after cuprizone treatment by enhancing myelin debris clearance
  1209. Correcting gut dysbiosis can ameliorate inflammation and promote Remyelination in multiple sclerosis–No
  1210. Remyelination is enhanced by Astragalus polysaccharides through inducing the differentiation of oligodendrocytes from neural stem cells in cuprizone model of …
  1211. Effect of Schwann cell transplantation combined with electroacupuncture on axonal regeneration and Remyelination in rats with spinal cord injury
  1212. Ethyl pyruvate enhances spontaneous Remyelination by targeting microglia phagocytosis
  1213. Retracted: Effect of Fasudil on Remyelination following cuprizone‐induced demyelination
  1214. Correcting gut dysbiosis can ameliorate inflammation and promote Remyelination in multiple sclerosis–Yes
  1215. EBI2 is expressed in glial cells in multiple sclerosis lesions, and its knock‐out modulates Remyelination in the cuprizone model
  1216. Failed Remyelination of the nonhuman primate optic nerve leads to axon degeneration, retinal damages, and visual dysfunction
  1217. The extracellular matrix and Remyelination strategies in multiple sclerosis
  1218. Metformin promotes CNS Remyelination and improves social interaction following focal demyelination through CBP Ser436 phosphorylation
  1219. Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: Pathology and treatment strategies
  1220. X-linked genetic risk factors that promote autoimmunity and dampen Remyelination are associated with multiple sclerosis susceptibility
  1221. Activation of FXR by ganoderic acid A promotes Remyelination in multiple sclerosis via anti-inflammation and regeneration mechanism
  1222. Validating visual evoked potentials as a preclinical, quantitative biomarker for Remyelination efficacy
  1223. Effect of catalpol on Remyelination through experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis acting to promote Olig1 and Olig2 expressions in mice
  1224. Diffusion tensor imaging identifies aspects of therapeutic estrogen receptor β ligand-induced Remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  1225. Antibody-mediated oligodendrocyte Remyelination promotes axon health in progressive demyelinating disease
  1226. GABAB receptor agonist baclofen promotes central nervous system Remyelination
  1227. Remyelination is correlated with regulatory T cell induction following human embryoid body-derived neural precursor cell transplantation in a viral model of …
  1228. The fatty acid binding protein FABP7 is required for optimal oligodendrocyte differentiation during myelination but not during Remyelination
  1229. MicroRNAs in oligodendrocyte development and Remyelination
  1230. Metformin-induced AMPK activation stimulates Remyelination through induction of neurotrophic factors, downregulation of NogoA and recruitment of Olig2+ precursor …
  1231. Imaging central nervous system demyelination and Remyelination by positron-emission tomography
  1232. Demyelination and Remyelination detected in an alternative cuprizone mouse model of multiple sclerosis with 7.0 T multiparameter magnetic resonance …
  1233. The spatial and temporal characters of demyelination and Remyelination in the cuprizone animal model
  1234. GSK3β inhibition accelerates axon debris clearance and new axon Remyelination
  1235. EGFP transgene: a useful tool to track transplanted bone marrow mononuclear cell contribution to peripheral Remyelination
  1236. … transplantation exerts neuroprotective roles in rat model of spinal cord injury by combating inflammasome activation and improving motor recovery and Remyelination
  1237. Remyelination therapy for demyelinating disease
  1238. Cellular signal-regulated schwann cell myelination and Remyelination
  1239. Expression profiles of metallothionein I/II and megalin in cuprizone model of de-and Remyelination
  1240. Specific blockade of bone morphogenetic protein-2/4 induces oligodendrogenesis and Remyelination in demyelinating disorders
  1241. In vivo imaging of Mauthner axon regeneration, Remyelination and synapses re-establishment after laser axotomy in zebrafish larvae
  1242. Decellularized optic nerve functional scaffold transplant facilitates directional axon regeneration and Remyelination in the injured white matter of the rat spinal …
  1243. Promoting Remyelination through cell transplantation therapies in a model of viral‐induced neurodegenerative disease
  1244. Transection and crush models of nerve injury to measure repair and Remyelination in peripheral nerve
  1245. Berberine enhances L1 expression and axonal Remyelination in rats after brachial plexus root avulsion
  1246. Mechanism of demyelination and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  1247. Conditional deletion of foxg1 alleviates demyelination and facilitates Remyelination via the Wnt signaling pathway in cuprizone-induced demyelinated mice
  1248. Fingolimod downregulates brain sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 levels but does not promote Remyelination or neuroprotection in the cuprizone model
  1249. Coenzyme Q10 enhances Remyelination and regulate inflammation effects of cuprizone in corpus callosum of chronic model of multiple sclerosis
  1250. The roles of neuron-NG2 glia synapses in promoting oligodendrocyte development and Remyelination
  1251. Stemazole Promotes Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Survival In Vitro and Remyelination In Vivo
  1252. Axonal mitochondria adjust in size depending on g‐ratio of surrounding myelin during homeostasis and advanced Remyelination
  1253. Long-term monitoring of chronic demyelination and Remyelination in a rat ischemic stroke model using macromolecular proton fraction mapping
  1254. Microglia contributes to Remyelination in cerebral but not spinal cord ischemia
  1255. The antibody rHIgM22 facilitates hippocampal Remyelination and ameliorates memory deficits in the cuprizone mouse model of demyelination
  1256. Exogenous Antioxidants in Remyelination and Skeletal Muscle Recovery
  1257. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy enhances peripheral nerve Remyelination and gait function in a crush model
  1258. The Role of Molecular Imaging as a Marker of Remyelination and Repair in Multiple Sclerosis
  1259. Tofacitinib enhances Remyelination and improves myelin integrity in cuprizone-induced mice
  1260. Combination therapy of apo‐transferrin and thyroid hormones enhances Remyelination
  1261. Effect of Sox10 on Remyelination of the hippocampus in cuprizone‐induced demyelinated mice
  1262. The balance between cathepsin C and cystatin F controls Remyelination in the brain of Plp1‐overexpressing mouse, a chronic demyelinating disease model
  1263. Neurotropin® Accelerates the Differentiation of Schwann Cells and Remyelination in a Rat Lysophosphatidylcholine-Induced Demyelination Model
  1264. Cytoskeletal signal-regulated oligodendrocyte myelination and Remyelination
  1265. Assessing Remyelination-metabolic labeling of myelin in an animal model of multiple sclerosis
  1266. Effect and Mechanism of Catalpol on Remyelination via Regulation of the NOTCH1 Signaling Pathway
  1267. Retracted: enriched environment promotes Remyelination and motor function recovery through modulation of HDAC1/2 in mice
  1268. Olig2 ablation in immature oligodendrocytes does not enhance CNS myelination and Remyelination
  1269. Lanthionine Ketimine Ethyl Ester Accelerates Remyelination in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
  1270. Amiloride promotes oligodendrocyte survival and Remyelination after spinal cord injury in rats
  1271. Reactivation of denervated schwann cells by embryonic spinal cord neurons to promote axon regeneration and Remyelination
  1272. Remyelination varies between and within lesions in multiple sclerosis following bexarotene
  1273. Beyond immunomodulation: The regenerative role for regulatory T cells in central nervous system Remyelination
  1274. Ischemia-Induced Cognitive Impairment Is Improved via Remyelination and Restoration of Synaptic Density in the Hippocampus after Treatment with COG-Up® in a …
  1275. The Integration of Cell Therapy and Biomaterials as Treatment Strategies for Remyelination
  1276. Demyelination/Remyelination and expression of interleukin-1β, substance P, nerve growth factor, and glial-derived neurotrophic factor during trigeminal neuropathic …
  1277. EphA4 regulates white matter Remyelination after ischemic stroke through Ephexin‐1/RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway
  1278. The interleukin-4/PPARγ signaling axis promotes oligodendrocyte differentiation and Remyelination after brain injury
  1279. Dynamic glial response and crosstalk in demyelination-Remyelination and neurodegeneration processes
  1280. Vitamin B3 promotes Remyelination
  1281. Neuronal mitochondrial calcium uniporter deficiency exacerbates axonal injury and suppresses Remyelination in mice subjected to experimental autoimmune …
  1282. Astroglial and oligodendroglial markers in the cuprizone animal model for de-and Remyelination
  1283. q-Space Myelin Map imaging for longitudinal analysis of demyelination and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis patients treated with fingolimod: A preliminary study
  1284. High-efficiency brain-targeted intranasal delivery of BDNF mediated by engineered exosomes to promote Remyelination
  1285. TET1-mediated DNA hydroxy-methylation regulates adult Remyelination
  1286. Reversible loss of hippocampal function in a mouse model of demyelination/Remyelination
  1287. Accumulation of 8, 9-unsaturated sterols drives oligodendrocyte formation and Remyelination
  1288. Motor Learning and Physical Exercise in Adaptive Myelination and Remyelination
  1289. CXCR2 antagonism promotes oligodendrocyte precursor cell differentiation and enhances Remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  1290. Dynamics of central Remyelination and treatment evolution in a model of Multiple Sclerosis with Optic Coherence Tomography
  1291. Aging compromises oligodendrocyte precursor cell maturation and efficient Remyelination in the monkey brain
  1292. Astroglial and oligodendroglial markers in the cuprizone animal model for de-and Remyelination
  1293. Regenerative Effects of CDP-Choline: A Dose-Dependent Study in the Toxic Cuprizone Model of De-and Remyelination
  1294. Oligodendrocyte precursor cell transplantation promotes angiogenesis and Remyelination via Wnt/β-catenin pathway in a mouse model of middle cerebral artery …
  1295. Class switching of carbonic anhydrase isoforms mediates Remyelination in CA3 hippocampal neurons during chronic hypoxia
  1296. MMP 7 cleaves Remyelination‐impairing fibronectin aggregates and its expression is reduced in chronic multiple sclerosis lesions
  1297. Activin A improves the neurological outcome after ischemic stroke in mice by promoting oligodendroglial ACVR1B-mediated white matter Remyelination
  1298. Central nervous system regeneration: the roles of glial cells in the potential molecular mechanism underlying Remyelination
  1299. A monoclonal natural human IgM protects axons in the absence of Remyelination
  1300. Remyelination and the gut− brain axis
  1301. Pinocembrin Promotes OPC Differentiation and Remyelination via the mTOR Signaling Pathway
  1302. Myelin quantification in white matter pathology of progressive multiple sclerosis post-mortem brain samples: A new approach for quantifying Remyelination
  1303. The protein tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 regulates oligodendrocyte differentiation and early myelination and contributes to timely Remyelination
  1304. Intranasal delivery of SDF‐1α‐preconditioned bone marrow mesenchymal cells improves Remyelination in the cuprizone‐induced mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  1305. Dynamic CCN3 expression in the murine CNS does not confer essential roles in myelination or Remyelination
  1306. Remyelination in PNS and CNS: current and upcoming cellular and molecular strategies to treat disabling neuropathies
  1307. Defining milestones for the study of Remyelination using the cuprizone mouse model: How early is early?
  1308. PDK4 Inhibition Ameliorates Melatonin Therapy by Modulating Cerebral Metabolism and Remyelination in an EAE Demyelinating Mouse Model of Multiple …
  1309. Effects of vitamin D on axonal damage during de-and Remyelination in the cuprizone model
  1310. Vitamin D Promotes Remyelination by Suppressing c-Myc and Inducing Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Differentiation after Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
  1311. Particles Containing Cells as a Strategy to Promote Remyelination in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis
  1312. Theophylline Induces Remyelination and Functional Recovery in a Mouse Model of Peripheral Neuropathy
  1313. A modified flavonoid accelerates oligodendrocyte maturation and functional Remyelination
  1314. Ganaxolone enhances microglial clearance activity and promotes Remyelination in focal demyelination in the corpus callosum of ovariectomized rats
  1315. Restoring nuclear entry of Sirtuin 2 in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells promotes Remyelination during ageing
  1316. Combination Therapy of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation and Astrocyte Ablation Improve Remyelination in a Cuprizone-Induced Demyelination Mouse Model
  1317. Role of Multifocal Visually Evoked Potential as a Biomarker of Demyelination, Spontaneous Remyelination, and Myelin Repair in Multiple Sclerosis
  1318. Bu Shen Yi Sui capsule promotes Remyelination correlating with Sema3A/NRP-1, LIF/LIFR and Nkx6. 2 in mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1319. Microglial neuropilin-1 promotes oligodendrocyte expansion during development and Remyelination by trans-activating platelet-derived growth factor receptor
  1320. Neuregulin‐1 promotes Remyelination and fosters a pro‐regenerative inflammatory response in focal demyelinating lesions of the spinal cord
  1321. OPCs on a diet: A youthful serving of Remyelination
  1322. Total astragalosides promote oligodendrocyte precursor cell differentiation and enhance Remyelination in cuprizone-induced mice through suppression of Wnt/β …
  1323. Nexilin regulates oligodendrocyte progenitor cell migration and Remyelination and is negatively regulated by protease-activated receptor 1/Ras-proximate-1 …
  1324. Effect of CSF1R inhibitor on glial cells population and Remyelination in the cuprizone model
  1325. Bu Shen Yi Sui Capsules Promote Remyelination by Regulating MicroRNA-219 and MicroRNA-338 in Exosomes to Promote Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell …
  1326. Korean Red Ginseng and Rb1 facilitate Remyelination after cuprizone diet-induced demyelination
  1327. 2-Arachidonoylglycerol reduces proteoglycans and enhances Remyelination in a progressive model of demyelination
  1328. 4‐Aminopyridine promotes functional recovery and Remyelination in acute peripheral nerve injury
  1329. Modulating proteoglycan receptor PTPσ using intracellular sigma peptide improves Remyelination and functional recovery in mice with demyelinated optic chiasm
  1330. Remyelination: what are the prospects for regenerative therapies in multiple sclerosis?
  1331. Nestorone®, a 19nor‐progesterone derivative boosts Remyelination in an animal model of demyelination
  1332. Scaffold-mediated sustained, non-viral delivery of miR-219/miR-338 promotes CNS Remyelination
  1333. Inactivation of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 2 (S1PR2) decreases demyelination and enhances Remyelination in animal models of multiple sclerosis
  1334. Transplanted miR-219-overexpressing oligodendrocyte precursor cells promoted Remyelination and improved functional recovery in a chronic demyelinated …
  1335. Exploring the factors underlying Remyelination arrest by studying the post‐transcriptional regulatory mechanisms of cystatin F gene
  1336. Conditional deletion of the L-type calcium channel Cav1. 2 in NG2-positive cells impairs Remyelination in mice
  1337. Newly Identified Deficiencies in the Multiple Sclerosis Central Nervous System and Their Impact on the Remyelination Failure
  1338. CTGF/CCN2 has a possible detrimental role in the inflammation and the Remyelination failure in the early stages of multiple sclerosis
  1339. Histamine Receptor 3 negatively regulates oligodendrocyte differentiation and Remyelination
  1340. Tanshinone IIA attenuates demyelination and promotes Remyelination in A. cantonensis-infected BALB/c mice
  1341. Ex vivo myelination and Remyelination in cerebellar slice cultures as a quantitative model for developmental and disease-relevant manipulations
  1342. Reactivated astrocytes as a possible source of oligodendrocyte precursors for Remyelination in remitting phase of experimental autoimmune …
  1343. Rosmarinic acid ameliorates hypoxia/ischemia induced cognitive deficits and promotes Remyelination
  1344. Magnetization transfer ratio for assessing Remyelination after transcranial ultrasound stimulation in the lysolecithin rat model of multiple sclerosis
  1345. The endocannabinoid 2-AG enhances spontaneous Remyelination by targeting microglia
  1346. Manipulating oligodendrocyte intrinsic regeneration mechanism to promote Remyelination
  1347. Lipocalin-2 is increased in progressive multiple sclerosis and inhibits Remyelination
  1348. Dl-3-n-butylphthalide promotes Remyelination and suppresses inflammation by regulating AMPK/SIRT1 and STAT3/NF-κB signaling in chronic cerebral …
  1349. Nano-hesperetin enhances the functional recovery and endogenous Remyelination of the optic pathway in focal demyelination model
  1350. Connexin 43 deletion in astrocytes promotes CNS Remyelination by modulating local inflammation
  1351. Anacardic acid induces IL-33 and promotes Remyelination in CNS
  1352. Cordycepin (3′-deoxyadenosine) promotes Remyelination via suppression of neuroinflammation in a cuprizone-induced mouse model of demyelination
  1353. 17β-Estradiol promotes Schwann cell proliferation and differentiation, accelerating early Remyelination in a mouse peripheral nerve injury model
  1354. Xenogeneic acellular nerve scaffolds supplemented with autologous bone marrow‐derived stem cells promote axonal outgrowth and Remyelination but not nerve …
  1355. Internode length is reduced during myelination and Remyelination by neurofilament medium phosphorylation in motor axons
  1356. Isobaric Incorporation of C13-Histidine for the Assessment of Remyelination
  1357. LINGO-1 siRNA nanoparticles promote central Remyelination in ethidium bromide-induced demyelination in rats
  1358. Ginsenoside Rg1 promotes Remyelination and functional recovery in demyelinating disease by enhancing oligodendrocyte precursor cells-mediated myelin repair
  1359. Remyelination in the medulla oblongata of adult mouse brain during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1360. A comparison of human natural monoclonal antibodies and aptamer conjugates for promotion of CNS Remyelination: where are we now and what comes next?
  1361. Oncostatin M-induced astrocytic tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 drives Remyelination
  1362. Investigation of the effects of laminin present in the basal lamina of the peripheral nervous system on axon regeneration and Remyelination using the nerve acellular …
  1363. Ginkgolide K supports Remyelination via induction of astrocytic IGF/PI3K/Nrf2 axis
  1364. Neurodegeneration and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  1365. Temporal changes in in vivo glutamate signal during demyelination and Remyelination in the corpus callosum: a glutamate-weighted chemical exchange saturation …
  1366. CZ-7, a new derivative of Claulansine F, promotes Remyelination induced by cuprizone by enhancing myelin debris clearance
  1367. Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor flavopiridol promotes Remyelination in a cuprizone induced demyelination model
  1368. The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on central nervous system Remyelination in fat-1 mice
  1369. Conditional Demyelination and Remyelination in a Transgenic Xenopus laevis
  1370. Remyelination-promoting DNA Aptamer conjugate myaptavin-3064 binds to adult oligodendrocytes in vitro
  1371. Donepezil, a drug for Alzheimer’s disease, promotes oligodendrocyte generation and Remyelination
  1372. Mitochondrial Transplantation Promotes Remyelination and Long-Term Locomotion Recovery following Cerebral Ischemia
  1373. Gene products promoting Remyelination are up-regulated in a cell therapy product manufactured from banked human cord blood
  1374. Promotion of microglial phagocytosis by tuftsin stimulates Remyelination in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Corrigendum in/10.3892/mmr …
  1375. Effects of EHP-101 on inflammation and Remyelination in murine models of Multiple sclerosis
  1376. A case of chronic asymptomatic central pontine myelinolysis with histological evidence of Remyelination
  1377. 1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin-D3 induces brain proteomic changes in cuprizone mice during Remyelination involving calcium proteins
  1378. Dl-3-n-butylphthalide promotes Remyelination process in cerebral white matter in rats subjected to ischemic stroke
  1379. Inhibition of RIPK1 by ZJU-37 promotes oligodendrocyte progenitor proliferation and Remyelination via NF-κB pathway
  1380. Inhibition of neutral sphingomyelinase 2 promotes Remyelination
  1381. Versican promotes T helper 17 cytotoxic inflammation and impedes oligodendrocyte precursor cell Remyelination
  1382. An extract of chinpi, the dried peel of the citrus fruit unshiu, enhances axonal Remyelination via promoting the proliferation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells
  1383. Hes3 expression in the adult mouse brain is regulated during demyelination and Remyelination
  1384. Quantitative MRI and histopathology detect Remyelination in inactive multiple sclerosis lesions
  1385. Transcription factor 7 like 2 promotes oligodendrocyte differentiation and Remyelination
  1386. Remyelination: a brief history
  1387. Gas6-Tyro3 signaling is required for Schwann cell myelination and possible Remyelination
  1388. TREM2 activation promotes Remyelination
  1389. Huntington Disease Mice Exhibit a TCF7L2-Responsive Suppression of Both Homeostatic and Compensatory Remyelination
  1390. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells promote Remyelination in spinal cord by driving oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation via TNFα/RelB-Hes1 …
  1391. MMP9 gene expression variation by ingesting tart cherry and P-coumaric acid during Remyelination in the cuprizone mouse model
  1392. Delayed short-term tamoxifen treatment does not promote Remyelination or neuron sparing after spinal cord injury
  1393. Clemastine in Remyelination and protection of neurons and skeletal muscle after spinal cord injury
  1394. Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition promotes Remyelination by MCP-1/CCR-2 and MMP-9 regulation in a cuprizone-induced demyelination model
  1395. The role of hyaluronan in myelination and Remyelination after white matter injury
  1396. Amyloid precursor protein and amyloid precursor‐like protein 2 have distinct roles in modulating myelination, demyelination, and Remyelination of axons
  1397. The role of galectin-3: from oligodendroglial differentiation and myelination to demyelination and Remyelination processes in a cuprizone-induced demyelination …
  1398. Development of zebrafish demyelination model for evaluation of Remyelination compounds and RORγt inhibitors
  1399. Human Remyelination promoting antibody stimulates astrocytes proliferation through modulation of the sphingolipid rheostat in primary rat mixed glial cultures
  1400. Lipocalin-2-Mediated Insufficient Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cell Remyelination for White Matter Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage via SCL22A17 …
  1401. The effect of triiodothyronine on maturation and differentiation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells during Remyelination following induced demyelination in male albino …
  1402. Activation of glutamatergic neurons in the somatosensory cortex promotes Remyelination in ischemic vascular dementia
  1403. Ten-eleven translocation 1 mediated-DNA hydroxymethylation is required for myelination and Remyelination in the mouse brain
  1404. Correcting gut dysbiosis can ameliorate inflammation and promote Remyelination in multiple sclerosis–Commentary
  1405. Experimental demyelination and Remyelination of murine spinal cord by focal injection of lysolecithin
  1406. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis accelerates Remyelination after lysophosphatidylcholine-induced demyelination in the corpus callosum
  1407. β-caryophyllene causes Remyelination and modifies cytokines expression in C57BL/6 mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1408. Unconventional myosin ID is involved in Remyelination after cuprizone-induced demyelination
  1409. Sphingosine kinase 2 is essential for Remyelination following cuprizone intoxication
  1410. The role of peripheral myelin protein 2 in Remyelination
  1411. Quantification of individual Remyelination during short-term disease course by synthetic magnetic resonance imaging
  1412. Remyelination researchers regroup after proof-of-concept setback in multiple sclerosis: the leading candidate for the repair of the central nervous system in multiple …
  1413. Kappa opioid receptor and oligodendrocyte Remyelination
  1414. Ageing reduces potential for Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  1415. Inhibiting bone morphogenetic protein 4 type I receptor signaling promotes Remyelination by potentiating oligodendrocyte differentiation
  1416. 17β-estradiol enhances schwann cell differentiation via the ERβ-ERK1/2 signaling pathway and promotes Remyelination in injured sciatic nerves
  1417. Utilizing mouse optic nerve crush to examine CNS Remyelination
  1418. Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 as a novel regulator of oligodendrocyte differentiation in the central nervous system Remyelination
  1419. Abstract 5 Human Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Cell Therapy Product, DUOC-01, Promotes Remyelination by Driving the Differentiation of Oligodendrocyte …
  1420. CNS Remyelination and the gut microbiota
  1421. Leukemia/lymphoma‐related factor (LRF) exhibits stage‐and context‐dependent transcriptional controls in the oligodendrocyte lineage and modulates Remyelination
  1422. Transcranial and pulsed focused ultrasound that activates brain can accelerate Remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  1423. Regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation: new targets for drug discovery in Remyelination
  1424. Remyelination and neuroprotective effects of alemtuzumab therapy in patients with multiple sclerosis
  1425. Remyelination: a good neuroprotective strategy for preventing axonal degeneration?
  1426. GABABR agonist baclofen promotes central nervous system Remyelination
  1427. Beneficial contribution of induced pluripotent stem cell‐progeny to Connexin 47 dynamics during demyelination‐Remyelination
  1428. Vitamin D3 Improves Behavioral Dysfunction and Promotes Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis Model Induced by Cuprizone
  1429. Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis: A Mechanistic Look
  1430. Teriflunomide Promotes Oligodendroglial 8, 9-Unsaturated Sterol Accumulation and CNS Remyelination
  1431. Retraction: Effect of Fasudil on Remyelination following cuprizone‐induced demyelination.
  1432. Perilipin-2 limits Remyelination by preventing lipid droplet degradation
  1433. … proliferation and differentiation that is induced by ferulic acid through MEK1/ERK1/2 signalling promotes peripheral nerve Remyelination following crush injury …
  1434. FDA-approved drug promotes Remyelination
  1435. Efficacy of different intensity of aquatic exercise in enhancing Remyelination and neuronal plasticity using cuprizone model in male Wistar rats
  1436. Phloroglucinol derivative compound 21 attenuates cuprizone-induced multiple sclerosis mice through promoting Remyelination and inhibiting neuroinflammation
  1437. Cortical Remyelination failure predicts cortical atrophy and clinical progression in early multiple sclerosis (P2-4.008)
  1438. Ex vivo slice cultures to study myelination, demyelination, and Remyelination in mouse brain and spinal cord
  1439. New ex vivo demyelination/Remyelination models to defeat multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica
  1440. Cuprizone-Dependent De/Remyelination Responses and Functional Correlates in Mouse Strains Adopted to Model Relapsing, Chronic and Progressive …
  1441. CXCR2 signaling and Remyelination in preclinical models of demyelination
  1442. Encapsulation of bryostatin-1 by targeted exosomes enhances Remyelination and neuroprotection effects in the cuprizone-induced demyelinating animal model of …
  1443. Sodium‐dependent Vitamin C transporter 2 deficiency impairs myelination and Remyelination after injury: Roles of collagen and demethylation
  1444. Remyelination of regenerating axons
  1445. Remyelination stops degeneration in MS
  1446. Transcriptional analysis of astrocytes reveals protective functions during Remyelination
  1447. Identification of the Lipid Antigens Recognized by rHIgM22, a Remyelination-promoting Antibody
  1448. Abstract 4 Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Suppress Neuroinflammation and Promote Remyelination in the Spinal Cord
  1449. Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensing on Naturally Derived Membranes: A Remyelination-Promoting Human Antibody Binds Myelin with Extraordinary Affinity
  1450. Methylthioadenosine promotes Remyelination by inducing oligodendrocyte differentiation
  1451. Effects of increasing cortical neuronal activity in mice on axon Remyelination and motor function recovery after spinal cord injury by DREADDs
  1452. Electrical stimulation of cortical neurons promotes oligodendrocyte development and Remyelination in the injured spinal cord
  1453. Recent Advances on Immunosuppressive Drugs and Remyelination Enhancers for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
  1454. Remyelination Improves Voiding Dysfunction in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
  1455. In Vivo MRI of Endogenous Remyelination in a Nonhuman Primate Model of Multiple Sclerosis
  1456. Vaginal Estriol as a potential adjunctive therapy for MS Remyelination (P5-4.007)
  1457. Translocator protein agonist Ro5-4864 alleviates neuropathic pain and promotes Remyelination in the sciatic nerve
  1458. Remyelination restores myelin content on distinct neuronal subtypes in the cerebral cortex
  1459. Effect of cerebrolysin on Remyelination processes in multiple sclerosis patients in stage of relapse regression
  1460. Remyelination-Promoting Inflammation: Novel Role for MyD88 Signaling in Microglia/Macrophages
  1461. Development of a screening platform that uses genome engineered hPSC-derived OPCs for the discovery of Remyelination promoting compounds
  1462. The proteome of Remyelination is different from that of developmental myelination
  1463. CXCR7 antagonism with ACT-1004-1239 reduces Neuroinflammation and accelerates Remyelination in murine demyelinating models (2236)
  1464. Catherine Lubetzki—expert on Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  1465. 18 F-florbetapir PET/MRI for quantitatively monitoring demyelination and Remyelination in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
  1466. Inactivation of LCN2/EGR1 promotes oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation and Remyelination after white matter injury
  1467. Elucidating the Mechanism of Action of the Novel Remyelination Therapy Nefiracetam
  1468. Derivation of Oligodendrocyte Precursors from Adult Bone Marrow Stromal Cells for Remyelination Therapy. Cells 2021, 10, 2166
  1469. Investigating demyelination, efficient Remyelination and Remyelination failure in organotypic cerebellar slice cultures: Workflow and practical tips.
  1470. An assay that predicts in vivo efficacy for DNA aptamers that stimulate Remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  1471. NF155-overexpression promotes Remyelination and functional restoration in a hypoxic-ischemic mixed neonatal rat forebrain cell culture system
  1472. Studying axonal and glial dynamics during CNS myelination and Remyelination in vivo using zebrafish
  1473. Role of PARP1 in oligodendrocyte differentiation during developmental myelination and Remyelination after myelin damage
  1474. Siponimod Demonstrates Pro-Remyelination Effects in the Mouse Cuprizone-Intoxication Model (2503)
  1475. Exogenous Antioxidants in Remyelination and Skeletal Muscle Recovery. Biomedicines 2022, 10, 2557
  1476. Promoting and measuring Remyelination and neuroprotection in clinical trials of people with multiple sclerosis
  1477. Model systems to define Remyelination therapies
  1478. Microglial CX3CR1I249/M280 variant limits neurogenesis and Remyelination in cuprizone-induced multiple sclerosis model
  1479. Functional Recovery Occurs Even After Partial Remyelination of Axon-Meshed Median and Ulnar Nerves in Mice
  1480. Microglial Neuropilin-1 trans-regulates oligodendrocyte expansion during development and Remyelination
  1481. PRMT1 is required for the generation of MHC-associated microglia and Remyelination in the central nervous system
  1482. Correction: Glycyrrhizic acid promotes neural repair by directly driving functional Remyelination
  1483. Deciphering the cellular and molecular events leading to a successful Remyelination in multiple sclerosis patients
  1484. Transplantation of A2 Type Astrocytes Promotes Neural Repair and Remyelination After Spinal Cord Injury
  1485. Myelin water imaging provides evidence of long-term Remyelination and neuroprotection in Alemtuzumab treated multiple sclerosis patients (P5. 335)
  1486. Lactate Transport and Signaling Mediated by AMD3100 Ameliorates Astrocyte Pathology and Remyelination Without Additional Extension of SOD1G93A Mice’Life …
  1487. A therapeutic link between astrogliosis and Remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
  1488. Astrocyte functions during cuprizone-induced de-and Remyelination
  1489. Corrigendum: Intraventricular injections of mesenchymal stem cells activate endogenous functional Remyelination in a chronic demyelinating murine model
  1490. Visualizing Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 1 (S1P1) Signaling During Central Nervous System De-and Remyelination
  1491. Electroacupuncture promotes Remyelination and alleviates cognitive deficit via promoting OPC differentiation in a rat model of subarachnoid hemorrhage
  1492. Enhancing Remyelination through a Novel Opioid-Receptor Pathway
  1493. Expression of Remyelination-modulating genes in astrocytes are controlled by MALAT1 and Lnc-DC long non-coding RNAs
  1494. Improvement of Remyelination in Demyelinated Corpus Callosum Using Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (hADSCs) and Pregnenolone in the Cuprizone Rat …
  1495. Efficacy of Different Intensities of Aquatic Exercises in Remyelination and Neuronal Plasticity Using Cuprizone Model in Male Wistar Rats
  1496. … microglia dysfunction and brain damage while cleavage-reduced TREM2 shows sustained microglia activation with enhanced Remyelination in the cuprizone …
  1497. Timing of future Remyelination therapies and their potential to stop multiple sclerosis progression
  1498. RAFF-4, magnetization transfer and diffusion tensor MRI of lysophosphatidylcholine induced demyelination and Remyelination in rats
  1499. The Development of a Novel Zebrafish Model of Demyelination Allowing Therapeutic Development to Promote Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis (I10. 003)
  1500. Retinoid-X receptor agonism promotes Remyelination in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a phase 2 clinical trial
  1501. Novel in vitro experimental approaches to study myelination and Remyelination in the central nervous system
  1502. Tenascins interfere with Remyelination in an ex vivo cerebellar explant model of demyelination
  1503. R-Spondin3 (RSPO3) Promotes Oligodendrogenesis and Remyelination via Creb-Sox10 Axis
  1504. The role of QKI and PRMT1 in microglia during de/Remyelination
  1505. Mechanisms underlying Remyelination with special focus on demyelination models of multiple sclerosis
  1506. Remyelination and neuroregenerative treatment
  1507. Identification of the antigen recognized by RHIGM22, a Remyelination-promoting human monoclonal antibody
  1508. Remyelination in the cerebral cortex
  1509. Mechanical Properties of the Injured CNS: Implications for Remyelination and Axonal Repair
  1510. Recombinant human growth hormone for Remyelination in MS: Results of a pilot trial in patients with chronically delayed VEP (P5. 344)
  1511. APOE Inhibition of Remyelination and Regulation of OPC differentiation
  1512. Microglia activation and regulation of Remyelination in the central nervous system
  1513. Retraction Note to: Metformin Attenuates Cognitive Impairments in Hypoxia–Ischemia Neonatal Rats via Improving Remyelination
  1514. Effect of electroacupuncture combined with Schwann cell transplantation on limb locomotor ability, regional Remyelination and expression of spinal CD4 and CD8 …
  1515. Specific Blockade of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2/4 induces Oligodendrogenesis and Remyelination in Demyelinating Disorders (2042)
  1516. Imaging of Demyelination, Repair and Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis
  1517. Emerging Drugs and Targets for Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis
  1518. AMPK Activator Metformin Alters Oligodendrocyte Energetics to Promote Cellular Differentiation and Accelerate Remyelination in the Cuprizone Model of Myelin …
  1519. Anacardic acid, interleukin-33, and the quest for Remyelination
  1520. Age and axon-specific forms of cortical Remyelination by divergent populations of NG2-glia
  1521. Effect of electroacupuncture combined with Schwann cell transplantation on Remyelination of axons and neuregulin1 expression in rats with compressed spinal injury
  1522. Histochemical markers of myelin damage and impaired Remyelination in the aging rhesus monkey brain: relationship to cognitive performance
  1523. Signaling via TNFR2 mediates CNS Remyelination in EAE through regulation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells
  1524. The role of oligodendrocyte Remyelination in locomotor recovery after traumatic spinal cord injury
  1525. Interleukin-4 induced 1 (IL4I1) promotes central nervous system Remyelination
  1526. The Effect of Remyelination on Behavioural Recovery following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice
  1527. Osmotic Pump-based Drug-delivery for In Vivo Remyelination Research on the Central Nervous System
  1528. Quantification of video-oculography as a biomarker for Remyelination–An example from fampridine in internuclear ophthalmoplegia
  1529. Ten-eleven translocation 1 Mediated-DNA Hydroxymethylation is Required for Myelination and Remyelination in the Mouse Brain
  1530. Deletion of Nox4 enhances Remyelination following cuprizone‐induced demyelination by increasing phagocytic capacity of microglia and macrophages in mice
  1531. Optical Probing of Hippocampal Function in a Mouse Model of Demyelination/Remyelination
  1532. Impact of intraventricular human adipose-derived stem cells transplantation with pregnenolone treatment on Remyelination of corpus callosum in rat multiple sclerosis …
  1534. Stochastic Spatial Modelling of the Remyelination Process in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
  1535. A NOVEL SMALL MOLECULE PROMOTOR OF Remyelination (P3. 2-066)
  1536. Regional diversity in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells: implications for Remyelination in grey and white matter
  1537. Effects of Low Field Magnetic Stimulation on Brain Remyelination and Cog-nitive impairment in the Chronic Cuprizone Demyelination Mouse Model of Multiple …
  1538. The role of vitamin D in the Remyelination process in multiple sclerosis: A review of the current criteria
  1539. Investigating versican as a primary inhibitor of Remyelination in models of multiple sclerosis
  1540. A novel mouse model of demyelinated lysolecithin lesions at different stages of Remyelination (P2. 2-097)
  1541. Mechanisms that drive acute and chronic Remyelination after spinal cord injury
  1542. Laying the groundwork for Remyelination
  1543. Oligodendrocyte studies reveal limits on Remyelination
  1544. Remyelination is critical for white matter stroke recovery
  1545. Targeted Delivery of Extracellular Vesicles, a Tool to Promote Remyelination
  1546. Phosphodiesterase 4D inhibition boosts Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  1547. The glycosyltransferase EXTL2 and its regulation of Remyelination and neuroinflammation
  1548. Modelling the Remyelination process as a spatial stochastic system
  1549. Impact of hypoxia on Remyelination in a mouse model of Multiple Sclerosis
  1550. Oligodendrocyte metabolism throughout its differentiation: immunocytochemistry study and its impact in Remyelination
  1551. Role of GABAergic signaling in oligodendroglial differentiation, myelination and Remyelination after demyelinating lesions.
  1552. The role of leptin in the central nervous system Remyelination
  1553. Ebi2 is temporarily upregulated in mo3. 13 oligodendrocytes during maturation and regulates Remyelination in the organotypic cerebellar slice model
  1554. Premature cellular ageing limits Remyelination in progressive MS
  1555. In vivo analysis of demyelination and Remyelination in an animal model of multiple sclerosis
  1556. Osmotic pump-based drug-delivery for In Vivo Remyelination research on the central nervous system
  1557. Cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning microglial activation during Remyelination
  1558. Cerebrospinal Fluid of Primary Progressive MS Patients Impairs Remyelination in an Experimental Model of Multiple Sclerosis (P2. 2-092)
  1559. Remyelination therapy: a new frontier in multiple sclerosis?
  1560. Altering the Lesion Microenvironment to Promote Remyelination in Aging Mice
  1561. Effects of calcitriol and fingolimod on Remyelination in the cuprizone model
  1562. Exploration of a Novel Molecular Brake for Remyelination in MS
  1563. Genetic approach to study the role of Sonic Hedgehog in physiological CNS myelination and Remyelination
  1564. The Effect of V-MANF on Remyelination in Organotypic Brain Slices and Cuprizone Induced Mouse Model
  1565. A Mathematical Model of Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis
  1566. The microbiota regulates inflammatory responses to toxin-induced CNS demyelination but has minimal impact on Remyelination
  1567. PT685. Social experience changes Remyelination through interleukin-6 in mice
  1568. Corrigendum to” Enhanced Remyelination Following Lysolecithin-induced Demyelination in Mice Under Treatment with Fingolimod (FTY720)”[Neuroscience 311 …
  1569. Cholesterol clearance restores Remyelination
  1571. Can Remyelination be enhanced by immunomodulatory therapeutic modality?
  1572. Trophic and toxic effects of iron balance in multiple sclerosis: from Remyelination to neurodegeneration
  1573. Modulation of OPC migration: improving Remyelination potential in multiple sclerosis
  1575. [Corrigendum] Promotion of microglial phagocytosis by tuftsin stimulates Remyelination in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1576. Quantitative analysis of demyelination and Remyelination in modified cuprizone mice model based on T 2WI combined with DTI using 7.0 T MR
  1577. The role of resident brain cells on OPC-based Remyelination in different white matter lesions in multiple sclerosis
  1578. Delivery of microRNAs as a Remyelination strategy in multiple sclerosis.
  1579. The limitation of rodent models in Multiple Sclerosis research on Remyelination
  1580. Study of the effect of folic acid on promoting myelination and Remyelination
  1582. The effects of a TNFR2 agonist on neuroinflammation and regeneration processes in the brain of a mouse model of de-and Remyelination
  1583. On the role of macrophages, microglia and the extracellular matrix in Remyelination
  1584. Anti-LINGO-1 improved Remyelination and neurobehavioral deficit in cuprizone-induced demyelination
  1585. Remyelination promoting therapies in multiple sclerosis animal models: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  1586. Phagocytosis and Remyelination regulated by Macrophage/microglia Pyk2
  1587. Zebrafish model of demyelination and Remyelination
  1588. Mechanisms of Neuroprotection and Remyelination in Demyelinating Disease Models of Multiple Sclerosis: A Lesson From Estrogen Receptor Specific …
  1589. Corrigendum to’Cordycepin (3′-deoxyadenosine) promotes Remyelination via suppression of neuroinflammation in a cuprizone-induced mouse model of …
  1590. A helpful link between cholesterol and Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  1591. Defective cholesterol clearance limits Remyelination in the aged central nervous system
  1592. The circulating TGF-beta contributes to the Remyelination in CNS
  1593. Studies on Tissue Protective Cytokines in Remyelination and Regenerative Medicine
  1594. Early Remyelination in the murine model exposed to cuprizone: are there any behavioral alterations?
  1595. Investigation of the modulatory effects of mesenchymal stem cells for support of Remyelination in the CNS
  1596. Demyelination-Remyelination in the CNS: ligand-dependent participation of the Notch signaling pathway
  1597. The Role of m6A mRNA Methylation in Oligodendrocyte Development, CNS Myelination, and Remyelination
  1598. Antibodies specific for myelin proteolipid protein can inhibit Remyelination in vivo.(S52. 001)
  1599. Circulating transforming growth factor-β1 facilitates Remyelination in the adult central nervous system
  1600. Determining the function of microglia in demyelination and Remyelination
  1601. 095 Remyelination in people with MS due to an RXR agonist is age-dependent
  1602. P25-T Detection of demyelination and Remyelination by advanced relaxation and diffusion MRI in rat
  1603. Characterization of Tns3 function in oligodendrogenesis during brain myelination and Remyelination in mice
  1604. Remodelling of the extracellular matrix in multiple sclerosis lesions: Implications for Remyelination
  1605. Advances in mechanisms of microglial function on demyelination and Remyelination in EAE model
  1606. Promoting Remyelination through cell transplantation therapies in a model of viral-induced neurodegenerative disease
  1607. The Search for New Regulators of Remyelination after White Matter Stroke
  1608. Developmental loss of oligodendrocytes hinders adult CNS Remyelination and increases astroglial and microglial activation
  1609. Investigating the role of creatine in oligodendrocyte regeneration during CNS Remyelination
  1610. Correction to: Methylthioadenosine promotes Remyelination by inducing oligodendrocyte differentiation
  1611. The role of regulatory T cells and CCN3 in CNS myelination and Remyelination
  1612. The effect of Remyelination blockade on axon survival and damage in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1613. DUOC-01, a cell therapy product derived from human cord blood, accelerates Remyelination
  1614. Dynamics of nodes of Ranvier assembly during myelination and Remyelination in the central nervous system
  1615. A 3D in vitro co-culture to model peripheral nerve Remyelination after injury
  1616. Local dysregulation of the GPR17 receptor in neuroinflammatory diseases: implications for Remyelination in multiple sclerosis
  1617. Optogenetic activation of glutamatergic neurons in somatosensory cortex promotes Remyelination in ischemic vascular dementia
  1618. Role of TNFR2 Signaling in Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells During Neuroinflammation and Remyelination Following CNS Disease
  1619. The Salvinorin Analogue, Ethoxymethyl Ether Salvinorin B, Promotes Remyelination in Preclinical Models of Multiple Sclerosis
  1620. At the Bench-Charcot-Marie-Tooth Type 1A: Remyelination Induced in Animal Model of CMT
  1621. Oligodendrogenesis and neurogenesis in Remyelination in the cuprizone model of multiple sclerosis: correlation with the degree of lesion
  1622. Treatment with relaxin reduces disease symptoms and enhances neuroprotection and Remyelination in murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1623. Transcranial direct current stimulation applied to prevent optic nerve damage and to promote Remyelination in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis …
  1624. Exploring the factors causing Remyelination arrest through studying Cystatin F gene expression regulatory mechanism
  1625. Electrophysiological and behavioural impairments in the cuprizone demyelination/Remyelination mouse model
  1626. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Demyelination and Remyelination in the Lysolecithin Model of Multiple Sclerosis
  1627. Crystal structure and functional characterization of the GPR17 receptor, a novel pharmacological target for Remyelination therapy in multiple sclerosis
  1628. Conditional deletion of L‐type calcium channels in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells affects Remyelination in mice
  1629. Electroacupuncture promotes Remyelination by regulating phagocytic function of microglia: relevance to the treatment of multiple sclerosis
  1630. CXCR2 Antagonist Efficiently Promotes Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Differentiation and Enhances Remyelination in A Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
  1631. Ex-Treg’derived neural antigen-specific regulatory T cells promote Remyelination
  1632. Dietary Supplementation With Acer truncatum Oil Promotes Remyelination in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
  1633. Chemical and Metabolomic Analyses of Cuprizone-Induced Demyelination and Remyelination
  1634. Nanoparticles, liposomes and exosomes as microRNA delivery systems for neurodegenerative disease: Remyelination inductors in multiple sclerosis
  1635. Clobetasol promotes Remyelination in a mouse model of neuromyelitis optica.
  1636. Effect of Fasudil on Remyelination Following the Cuprizone-Induced Demyelination in Male C57BL/6 Mice
  1637. Myt1L promotes the differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and accelerates Remyelination in multiple sclerosis models
  1638. Corrigendum: RAFF-4, Magnetization Transfer and Diffusion Tensor MRI of Lysophosphatidylcholine Induced Demyelination and Remyelination in Rats
  1639. Themes: Title: Molecular study of caffeine effect on Remyelination in DG area of rat s hippocampus following local demyelination induction by lysolecithin
  1640. Physiology of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells (OPCs) and Methylthioadenosine (MTA) treatment to potentiate endogenous Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis
  1641. Quantitative longitudinal imaging of demyelination and Remyelination in the lysolecithin-induced rat model of multiple sclerosis using [18F]-BF227 PET and MRI
  1642. MicroRNA Dynamics in an Ex Vivo Model of Multiple Sclerosis and the Impact of miR-155 in Remyelination
  1643. Electroacupuncture promotes Remyelination via the recruitment of microglia into corpus callosum clearing myelin debris
  1644. Targeting Innate Immunity in Multiple Sclerosis: Inducing TLR2 Tolerance Both Enhances Remyelination and Inhibits Immune-Mediated Inflammation in MS.
  1645. … : Zhao et al.,“Sox2 Sustains Recruitment of Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells following CNS Demyelination and Primes Them for Differentiation during Remyelination”
  1646. Cerebrospinal Fluid Derived from Primary Progressive MS Delays Remyelination after Lysolecithin-induced Demyelination (P2. 412)
  1647. The effect of clozapine and MIS416 on demyelination, Remyelination and immunomodulation in the murine cuprizone model
  1648. Beneficial contribution of iPSC-progeny to connexin 47 dynamics during demyelination-Remyelination
  1649. EB12 knock-out mice show greater loss of brain lipids followed by earlier attempts at Remyelination in the cuprizone model of demyelination
  1650. Novel strategies for Remyelination: Modifying the way oligodendrocytes translate lysine acetylation to promote myelin repair (P1. 399)
  1651. A Modified Approach to Induce Differentiation of Muscle-Derived Stem Cells into Schwann Cell-Like Cells: Implications for Remyelination Therapy
  1652. Multiple Sclerosis White Matter Demyelination and Remyelination Using T1-, T2-and T2*-Weighted Images: A Post Mortem Validation Study at 7.0 Tesla (I10. 005)
  1653. Neurotropin® Accelerates the Differentiation of Schwann Cells and Remyelination in a Rat Lysophosphatidylcholine-Induced Demyelination Model
  1654. An essential role for sphingosine 1-phosphate in oligodendrocyte survival and Remyelination
  1655. Transplantation of Neonatal Dorsal Root Ganglion Precursor Cells Promotes Remyelination and Functional Neurological Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury
  1656. The Cellular Senescence Factor Extracellular HMGB1 Directly Inhibits Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cell Differentiation and Impairs CNS Remyelination
  1657. … to” The-effect-of-triiodothyronine-on-maturation-and-differentiation-of-oligodendrocyte-progenitor-cells-during-Remyelination-following-induced-demyelination in male …
  1658. One Step Closer to Remyelination after Perinatal Brain Damage: Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes Drive Neural Progenitors towards …
  1659. Investigating the role of cellular communication network factor 3 (CCN3) in central nervous system myelination and Remyelination
  1660. P 45: De-and Remyelination Affect Cognitive and Locomotor Abilities in Mice
  1661. Themes: Title: Epigallocatechin-3-gallate stimulate Remyelination processes in rat hippocampal formation following lysolecithin induced demyelination
  1662. Inhibition of neutral sphingomyelinase-2 facilitates Remyelination
  1663. ESRA19-0042 TSPO agonist RO5–4864 alleviates neuropathic pain and promotes Remyelination in the sciatic nerve
  1664. 4492 The role of creatine in developmental myelination and Remyelination
  1665. IL-4 overcomes fibronectin aggregate-mediated inhibition of Remyelination in organotypic forebrain slice cultures
  1666. Exosomes released from Wharton’s jelly stem cells as potential Remyelination therapy in perinatal brain injury
  1667. Astrocytic connexin 43 deletion promotes central nervous system Remyelination by inhibiting local inflammation
  1668. Galectin-3 administration drives Remyelination after hypoxic-ischemic induced perinatal white matter injury
  1669. Author Correction: Transplanted miR-219-overexpressing oligodendrocyte precursor cells promoted Remyelination and improved functional recovery in a chronic …
  1670. IL-33 Expression in MS: Role in Remyelination and Repair (P5. 337)

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