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Environmental obesogens: Organotins and endocrine disruption via nuclear receptor signaling
Trends in the analysis and monitoring of Organotins in the aquatic environment
Organotins: a review of their reproductive toxicity, biochemistry, and environmental fate
Implications of the ban on Organotins for protection of global coastal and marine ecology
Biodegradation of tributyltins (Organotins) by marine bacteria
Organometallic compounds in oncology: implications of novel Organotins as antitumor agents
Effect of Organotins on human aromatase activity in vitro
Neurotoxic effects of occupational exposure to Organotins.
Occurrence of Organotins in municipal wastewater and sewage sludge and behavior in a treatment plant
Involvement of the retinoid X receptor in the development of imposex caused by Organotins in gastropods
Synthetic utility of the palladium-catalyzed coupling reaction of acid chlorides with Organotins
Human exposure, biomarkers, and fate of Organotins in the environment
Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling of allyl halides with Organotins
Organotins in Biology and the Environment.
Organotins in neuronal damage, brain function, and behavior: a short review
Organotins in freshwater harbors and rivers: temporal distribution, annual trends and fate
Impacts of microplastics on Organotins‘ photodegradation in aquatic environments
Accumulation and trophic transfer of Organotins in a marine food web from the Danish coastal waters
Organotins in drinking-water
Organotins and quantitative-structure activity/property relationships
Stereochemistry of transmetalation in the palladium-catalyzed coupling of acid chlorides and Organotins
Contamination of Mediterranean (Cote d’Azur) coastal waters by Organotins and Irgarol 1051 used in antifouling paints
Organotins in agriculture
The toxicology of molluscicides. The Organotins
Endocrine disruption induced by Organotin compounds; Organotins function as a powerful agonist for nuclear receptors rather than an aromatase inhibitor
Temporal distribution of Organotins in the aquatic environment: five years after the 1987 UK retail ban on TBT based antifouling paints
Organotins induce apoptosis by disturbance of [Ca2+] i and mitochondrial activity, causing oxidative stress and activation of caspases in rat thymocytes
Organotins: toxicology and biological effects
Interactions of Organotins with biological systems
Effects of Organotins on crustaceans: update and perspectives
MED POL survey of Organotins in the Mediterranean
Worldwide occurrence of Organotins from antifouling paints and effects in the aquatic environment
Analytical methods for speciation of Organotins in the environment
Possible effects of Organotins on scallop recruitment
Flame retardants, surfactants and Organotins in sediment and mysid shrimp of the Scheldt estuary (The Netherlands)
Spatiotemporal distribution and risk assessment of Organotins in the surface water of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, China
Effects of Organotins on growth and survival of two marine diatoms, Skeletonema costatum and Thalassiosira pseudonana
Organotins disrupt the 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2–dependent local inactivation of glucocorticoids
Organotins (TBT and DBT) in water, sediments, and gastropods of the southern Venice lagoon (Italy)
Of retinoids and Organotins: The evolution of the retinoid x receptor in metazoa
Organotins are potent activators of PPARγ and adipocyte differentiation in bone marrow multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells
Differential sensitivity of three cyanobacterial and five green algal species to Organotins and pyrethroids pesticides
Organotins. formation, use, speciation, and toxicology
Assessment of Organotins and imposex in two estuaries of the northeastern Brazilian coast
The proteasome is a molecular target of environmental toxic Organotins
Differential gliotoxicity of Organotins
Reusable copper-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of aryl halides with Organotins in inexpensive ionic liquids
Inhibition of hepatic microsomal monooxygenase system by Organotins in vitro in freshwater fish
Accumulation of Organotins in seafood leads to reproductive tract abnormalities in female rats
Organotins in marine mammals and seabirds from Norwegian territory
Overview of the pathophysiological implications of Organotins on the endocrine system
Inhibition of cytochrome p4501a by Organotins in fish hepatoma cells plhc‐1
Fate of Organotins in sewage sludge during anaerobic digestion
Delayed gametogenesis and progesterone levels in soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria) in relation to in situ contamination to Organotins and heavy metals in the St …
Speciation of Organotins in environmental samples by SPME-GC: comparison of four specific detectors: FPD, PFPD, MIP-AES and ICP-MS
Predicting the migration rate of dialkyl Organotins from PVC pipe into water
Organotins in the sediments of the Zuari estuary, west coast of India
Occurrence of Organotins in the Yangtze River and the Jialing River in the urban section of Chongqing, China
QSAR approach to understand the antitumour activity of Organotins
Concentrations of heavy metals, organochlorines, and Organotins in horseshoe crab, Tachypleus tridentatus, from Japanese coastal waters
Implications of Organotins in the marine environment and their prohibition.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, phthalates and Organotins in northern Atlantic Spain’s coastal marine sediments
Effects of triphenyltin and other Organotins on hepatic monooxygenase system in fish
Organotins and new antifouling biocides in water and sediments from three Korean Special Management Sea Areas following ten years of tributyltin regulation …
An ancestral nuclear receptor couple, PPAR-RXR, is exploited by Organotins
Organotins and imposex in the rock shell, Thais clavigera, from oyster mariculture areas in Taiwan
Evolutionary exploitation of vertebrate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ by Organotins
Effects of Organotins on rat brain astrocytes in culture
The interaction of Organotins with native DNA
Analytical methods for the determination of Organotins in the marine environment
TBT contamination of remote marine environments: Ship groundings and ice-breakers as sources of Organotins in the Great Barrier Reef and Antarctica
Application of bioluminescence‐based microbial biosensors to the ecotoxicity assessment of Organotins
Organotins: their analysis and assessment in the Elbe river system, Northern Germany
Distribution of synthetic Organotins and total tin levels in Mytilus galloprovincialis along the Portuguese coast
Differential inhibition of xenobiotic-metabolizing carboxylesterases by Organotins in marine fish
Oxidation of Organotins (R4Sn, RSnMe3, and R3SnSnR3) by the thianthrene cation radical
Contamination of the coastal waters of Bermuda by Organotins and the triazine herbicide Irgarol 1051
Removal of Organotins during sewage treatment: a case study
Imposex in marine gastropods may be caused by binding of Organotins to retinoid X receptor
Organotins in the aquatic media of secondary anabranches in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, China
Organotins in sediments and biological tissues from Greek coastal areas: preliminary results
Lipid homeostasis perturbation by Organotins: effects on vertebrates and invertebrates
Organotins in fish muscle and liver from the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea: Is the total ban successful?
A simple, low cost GC/MS method for the sub-nanogram per litre measurement of Organotins in coastal water
Organotins in aquatic biota: occurrence in tissue and toxicological significance
Use of Organotins in antifouling paints
The location of Organotins within the erythrocyte membrane in relation to their toxicity
Enhanced fluorescence sensing of hydroxylated Organotins by a boronic acid-linked Schiff base
Effect of Organotins on fecal pollution indicator organisms
GFAAS determination of ultratrace quantities of Organotins in sea-water by using enhancement methods
Organotins in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and sediments of the Quebec City Harbour area of the St. Lawrence River
Toxicology of Organotins in marine organisms: a review
Organotin implications in anticarcinogenesis. Effects of several Organotins on tumour growth rate in mice
Immunotoxicity in ascidians: Antifouling compounds alternative to Organotins: III–The case of copper (I) and Irgarol 1051
DNA damage induced by Organotins on trout‐nucleated erythrocytes
Organotins in lake sediment
Monitoring of Organotins in the La Spezia Gulf—II. Results of the 1990 sampling campaigns and concluding remarks
Ecotoxicological impacts of Organotins: an overview
Biological effects by Organotins
Determination of Organotins in human breast milk by gas chromatography with flame photometric detection
Temporal and spatial variability of Organotins in an intermittent Mediterranean river
The influence of organometals on heme metabolism. In vivo and in vitro studies with Organotins.
Toxicity of Organotins towards the marine yeastDebaryomyces hansenii
Simultaneous determination of four Organotins in food packaging by high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
The role of river sediments in contamination storage downstream of a waste water treatment plant in low flow conditions: Organotins, faecal indicator bacteria and …
Pulsed distribution of Organotins in the turbidity maximum zone of the Yangtze Estuary throughout a tidal cycle
Behaviour of Organotins in the coastal environment
Organotins in North Sea brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) after implementation of the TBT ban
Immunotoxic Organotins as possible model compounds in studying apoptosis and thymocyte differentiation
Seasonal variation in Organotins in the waters of the Dona Paula Bay, west coast of India
Speciation of Organotins in poly (vinyl chloride) products
Municipal landfills exhale newly formed Organotins
Lugworm (Arenicola cristata) larvae in toxicity tests: Survival and development when exposed to Organotins
Controlled release Organotins as mosquito larvicides.
Organotins in a medium-size Mediterranean basin (the Herault River)
Mechanism of imposex induced by Organotins in gastropods
Organotins: biological activity, uses
Organotins in municipal wastewater and sewage sludge
Immunotoxicity in ascidians: Antifouling compounds alternative to Organotins–II. The case of Diuron and TCMS pyridine
Occurrence and effects of Organotins on adult common whelk (Buccinum undatum)(Mollusca, Gastropoda) in harbours and in a simulated dredging situation
Contamination status and accumulation profiles of Organotins in sea otters (Enhydra lutris) found dead along the coasts of California, Washington, Alaska (USA), and …
Occurrence and fate of Organotins in a waterworks in North China
… /K+-ATPase in rat brain and erythrocytes as a possible target and marker, respectively, for neurotoxicity: studies with chlordecone, Organotins and mercury compounds
Accumulation of Organotins in wharf roach (Ligia exotica Roux) and its ability to serve as a biomonitoring species for coastal pollution
… T cells requires coactivation of retinoic acid receptors and retinoid X receptors (RXRs): exaggerated T Cell homing to the intestine by RXR activation with Organotins
Immunotoxicity in ascidians: Antifouling compounds alternative to Organotins—IV. The case of zinc pyrithione
Organotins‐promoted peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids: A new antioxidative scavenger for promoters
Monitoring of Organotins in La Spezia Gulf I. Analytical methods and preliminary results (Summer 1989)
Organotins in Swiss lakes after their ban: assessment of water, sediment, and Dreissena polymorpha contamination over a four-year period
Organotins are co-clastogens in a whole mammalian system
Trace analysis and speciation for methylated Organotins by HPLC-hydride generation-direct current plasma emission spectroscopy (HPLC-HY-DCP)
Transactivation of the human retinoid X receptor by Organotins: use of site-directed mutagenesis to identify critical amino acid residues for Organotin-induced …
Spatial distribution of Organotins in sediments of lowland river catchments
Concentrations of the antifouling compound Irgarol 1051 and of Organotins in water and sediments of German North and Baltic Sea marinas
… of Beta‐diketones, Quinonoids, Steroids and Some Currently Used Drugs: A Review of the Literature with Emphasis on the Medicinal Potential of Organotins
Organotins disrupt components of glutamate homeostasis in rat astrocyte cultures
Retention indices of Organotins
Effects of Organotins on rat platelets
Optimisation using experimental designs of the sample pretreatment: application to the control of the Organotins in sewage sludge by GC-FPD
Plasma Membrane Perturbation Induced by Organotins on Erythrocytes from Salmo irideus Trout
Synthesis of chiral Organotins suitable for the preparation of asymmetric heterogeneous catalysts
Effect of different Organotins on DNA of mollusk (Scapharca inaequivalvis) erythrocytes assessed by the comet assay
Simultaneous determination of five Organotins in tropical fruits using modified QuEChERS combined with ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass …
… ; 04 Prof Nagy memorial; 05 Contents _Index_; 06 Foreword; 07 Preface; 08 List of contributors; 09 ABBREVIATION LIST OF Organotins; 10 Chapter 1 …
Supercritical fluid extraction of Organotins from biological samples and speciation by liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Toxicity of Organotins towards cyanobacterial photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation
Determination of Organotins in water by micro liquid chromatography–electrospray/ion trap mass spectrometry
Evaluation of developmental neurotoxicity of Organotins via drinking water in rats: Monomethyl tin
Changes in concentrations of Organotins in UK rivers and estuaries following legislation in 1986
Palladium catalyzed cross-coupling and tandem cyclization-coupling of α-halo (thio) ethers with Organotins
Evaluation of developmental neurotoxicity of Organotins via drinking water in rats: dimethyl tin
Organotins as etherfication catalysts. 11. catalytic conversion of alcohols to open-chain and cyclic ethers by Organotin trichlorides
Organotins pollutions in seawater and sediment around a shipyard
On-line supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography of Organotins with packed microbore columns and formic acid modified carbon dioxide
Action of inorganic tin and Organotins on a hydrocarbon-using yeast, Candida maltosa
Interaction of Organotins with a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase
Use of Metal Carbide Coated Graphite Cuvettes Eor the Atomic Absorption Analysis of Organotins
Determination of Organotins in natural waters by toluene extraction and graphite furnace AAS
Assessment of Organotins against the linoleic acid, glutathione and CT-DNA
Review of reproductive and developmental toxicity induced by Organotins in aquatic organisms and experimental animals
Speciation and detection of Organotins from PVC pipe by micro‐liquid chromatography–electrospray–ion trap mass spectrometry
Mass stabilisation and leaching characteristics of Organotins from contaminated dredged sediments
The accumulation of Organotins in adult and seed oysters from selected estuaries prior to the introduction of UK regulations governing the use of tributyltin-based …
Retention Indices of Organotins (II)
Organotins promoting the development of imposex in the oyster drill Thais clavigera
Organotins as etherification catalysts. III. Etherifications and hydro-hydroxy-eliminations promoted by butyltin trichloride
The pollutant Organotins leads to respiratory disease by inflammation: a mini-review
Changes in concentrations of Organotins in water and sediment in England and Wales following legislation
Organotins in the water column-enhancement in the surface microlayer
Detection of Organotins After Gas Chromatography by Flame lonization-Quenching
Synthesis of some Organotins containing the cyclopentane ring
Structure and Bonding in Organotins by Gamma Resonance Spectroscopy
Organotins in a food web from the Three Gorges Reservoir, China: Trophic enrichment and potential health risk
Organotins in obesity and associated metabolic disturbances
Newest approaches to quantitative assessment of bioactive Organotins
Kinetic monitoring of trisubstituted Organotins in soil after sewage sludge application
Methylmercury, trace metals, Organotins and their effects on the Qatari mangrove shrimp, Palaemon khori
Organotins as a locking agent in the formation of dinuclear complexes
Interference from elemental sulphur in the determination of Organotins by gas chromatography with flame photometric detection
Metals and Organotins in multiple bivalve species in a one-off global survey
Genotoxicity and immunotoxicity of Organotins
Effects of Organotins on the cholinergic system in the chicken brain in vitro
Organotins against bilharzia.
Organotins‘ fate in lagoon sewage system: dealkylation and sludge sorption/desorption
Acute toxicity of dissolved inorganic metals, Organotins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to puffer fish, Takifugu obscurus
Synergistic effects on the toxicity of Organotins on cotton leafworms
Synthesis and characterization of lipophilic Organotins. Application to the functionalization of silica gel
Influence of Organotins on rat platelet aggregation mechanisms
Immunotoxicity in ascidians: Antifouling compounds alternative to Organotins—V. the case of dichlofluanid
Speciation of Organotins in polyvinyl chloride pipe via X-ray absorption spectroscopy and in leachates using GC-PFPD after derivatisation
Further antifeedant studies with two novel Organotins, TD-5032 and Plictran.
The determination of Organotins (TBT) in fish and shellfish via gas chromatography–flame photometric detection and direct current plasma emission spectroscopy (GC …
Organotins in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) from the Saint Lawrence River
Action of tributyltin (TBT) on the lipid content and potassium retention in the Organotins degradating fungus Cunninghamella elegans
Urinary trimethyl tin reflects blood trimethyl tin in workers recycling Organotins
Phospholipase A2 from Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and Trypanosoma brucei brucei: Inhibition by Organotins
Health risk assessment for Organotins in textiles
Analysis of Organotins in seawater of the Southern Ocean and Suruga Bay, Japan, by gas chromatography/inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Comparison of metal-sensitive flame ionization and carbon-sensitive flame ionization detectors for the gas chromatographic determination of Organotins
Determination of Organotins in fish and sediments by gas chromatography with flame photometric detection
Contamination by Organotins and its population-level effects involved by imposex in prosobranch gastropods
Covalent interactions of Organotins with nuclear receptors
Emission to air of volatile Organotins from tributyltin‐contaminated harbour sediments
Implications of molecular speciation and topology of environmental metals: uptake mechanisms and toxicity of Organotins
Acute effects of Organotins on brain, liver and kidney in rats
Mode of action of Organotins to induce the development of imposex in gastropods, focusing on steroid and the retinoid X receptor activation hypotheses
Species-specific differences in the inhibition of human and zebrafish 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 by thiram and Organotins
Fluorinated Organotins as precursors of F-doped tin dioxide
Determination of Organotins in seafood by novel extraction procedures and high performance liquid chromatography–inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
Biomonitoring of the environmental contamination by Organotins in the Gulf of Tunis: occurrence of imposex in Stramonita haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1767)
Screening-method for Organotins by elimination of the inorganic tin matrix using a coupling of hydride generation (HG) and transversely heated graphite atomizer …
Organotins in the environment [Les organoétains dans l’environnement]
Ferrocene-derived semicarbazones and thiosemicarbazones as ligands in heterobimetallic complexes with Organotins. Crystal and molecular structures of …
Occurrence and health risk assessment of Organotins in waterworks and the source water of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, China
Effects of Organotins in mollusk’s lipids
Study on the contamination level and intake of Organotins of Chinese dietary
The impact of some Organotins on the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis aquatilis
Intramolecular energy transfer in the photochemistry of keto Organotins
Embryotoxicity of Organotins
Problems associated with an environmental assessment of Organotins: application to the organic polluted Saladillo harbor (southern Spain)
Preparation and DFT Studies of κ2C, N-Hypercoordinated Oxazoline Organotins: Monomer Constructs for Stable Polystannanes
(4+ 2) cycloadditions of acetylenic Organotins: synthetic applications of polyfunctional cyclic vinyltins
Major Distinctions in the Molecular and Supramolecular Structures of Selenium‐containing Organotins, (o‐MeSe‐C6H4CH2)SnPh3–nCln (n = 0, 1, 2)
Organotins and humans: threat and risk
Monitoring Organotins in marine biota.
Occurrence of phthalates and Organotins in sediments and water in Norway
Analysis of Organotins in Bass and Sea Water by GCMS
Species of Organotins in imposex of rock shells and hermaphroditic oysters from the western coast of Taiwan
Analysis the pollution level of Organotins in aquatic food and port wine
Occurrence of Organotins in the aquatic environment during an operating cycle of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
Organotins as endocrine disruptors: an examination of tributyltin-induced imposex in neogastropods
Organotins (tributyltin and triphenyltin)
Mode of action of Organotins in immune cells
Automated Analysis of Organotins Compounds: A Method for Monitoring Butyltins in the Marine Environment
Determination of Organotins in aquatic plants by headspace SPME followed by GC-PFPD determination
Quantitative bioassay used to study inhibitory effects of two Organotins in pales weevil feeding
Metabolic disturbances induced by Organotins through subchronic treatment in chickens. First communication: growth dynamics, carbohydrate and protein metabolism …
Complexes of Some Group IV Metal Halides, Acetate and Organotins with Thioacetamide
Effects of Organotins on the drug metabolizing enzymes in fish
Organotins as a Complete Physiologic and Endocrine Disruptor: Role of Disease Development
Organometallic chemistry under high pressure: Palladium catalyzed reactions of Organotins
Biological effects of Organotins in the marine environment
Improved method for detection of Organotins in food simulants
Complexes of Some Group IV Metal Tetrahalides and Organotins with Barbituric Acid
Organotins used in antifouling paints: environmental impact and contamination in a case study (Southern Venice Lagoon)
Direct gas chromatographie determination of Organotins as halide forms [Détermination des organoétains par injection directe sous forme d’halogénures et …
A study of the disproportionation equilibrium for allyldibutyltin (IV) chloride as an approach to understanding the role of Organotins in the aquatic environment
REPORTS & COMMENTS-” Domestic Production of Organotins Announced”
Determination of Organotins in aquatic food by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detection
Continuing Issues of Contamination by Organotins in the Marine Environment After Domestic and International Legislation
… of Bu(CH2—CHCH2)SnCl2 in water and water‐cosolvent media: An approach to understanding the chemical degradation of Organotins in aquatic environments
Organotins as mitochondrial toxins
A screening method for the determination of toluene extractable Organotins in water samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry and rhenium as …
Organotins and Hydromineral Homeostasis in Aquatic Animals
Government Watch: EU gets tough on Organotins
Evidence of Endocrine Disruption in Neogastropods by Organotins: 10 Years After the 1989 Regulations
Organotins and Imposex in Europe: A Pre-ban and Post-ban Perspective
Organotins and mite control on apples in Ohio
Determination of Organotins in Oyster by HPLC-ICP-MS
Current status of contamination by Organotins and imposex in prosobranch gastropods in Korea
Modeling Transfer of Dialkyl Organotins from PVC Pipe into Water: Comments on “Predicting the Migration Rate of Dialkyl Organotins from PVC Pipe into …
Hormones and Organotins in the Environmental and Food Matrices: Analytical Methodology and Occurrence
Analytical Procedures for Extractable Organotins in Soft Tissues of Marine Organisms.
Metabolic disturbances induced by Organotins through subchronic treatment in chickens. Second communication: mineral metabolism.
Organotins in the organisms collected in and around the eelgrass beds of Koajiro Bay and Moroiso Bay, Miura Peninsula, in the summer of 1990
Some aspects of the complexes of silicon (IV), titanium (IV), zirconium (IV), tin (IV), and Organotins with 2-methylthiazoline
Organotins and microorganisms. Yuki suzu kagobutsu to biseibutsu
Novel Organotins: Basic Chemistry and Medicinal Potential
Organotins in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and sediments from the Saint-Lawrence River
Mechanisms of immunosuppression by Organotins
Organotins In The Marine Environment–A review of work since 2000
the Organotins of interest. It was synthesized via the reproportionation
4.6 Biological Aspects of Organotins: Perspectives in Structural and Molecular Biology
Occurrence of Organotins in drinking water treatment in Chongqing
Aquatic toxicological effects of Organotins: An overview
Municipal landfills exhale newly formed Organotins
Bonding mode of tetrahydroborate anion towards Organotins
Complexation reaction of Organotins with 3-hydroxyflavone and its application to their fluorometric determination
Antibacterial properties of Organotins, fugicidal and 168 Antifeedant effect 168 Antifoulants 7,184,204
Acute and chronic joint effects of fullerene C60 and Organotins in Daphnia magna
Nationwide monitoring of Organotins using bivalves in the marine environment of Korea (1995-1998 and 2001 survey)
Mechanisms of immunosuppression by Organotins: apoptosis vs. proliferative arrest
Gas-phase interactions of di-and tri-Organotins with glycine and cysteine
Organotins in Medicine and an Analytical Approach to Butyltin Analysis
Organotins in the sediments of the Zuari estuary, west coast of India.
Occurrence and Effects of Organotins on Adult Common Whelk (Buccinum
The impact of some Organotins on the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis aquatilis
Distribution of Organotins in sediment samples from Dokai Bay.[Tributyltin and tripheynytin]. Dokai wan teishitsuchu no yuki suzu kagobutsu no bunpu to kyodo
Organotins in settled dust around Malta and Gozo with special reference to outdoor dust
Industrial hygiene survey report of worker exposures to Organotins at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, Virginia
One-electron oxidations and reductions of organomercurials and Organotins
The Determination of Organotins in Water Using Triple Quadrupole GC–MS–MS
Toxicity of some Organotins to Pseudoperonospora humuli under laboratory conditions.
The Prohibition of Organotins in Anti-Fouling Systems in International and EU Law
Industrial hygiene survey report of worker exposures to Organotins at Red Panther Chemical Company, Clarksdale, Mississippi. Survey report
Mono and Di-Substituted Organotins Used as Plastic Additives. Volume 1. Environmental Hazard Assessment. Volume 2. Health Hazard Identification
Catalysis with Organotins in solution and at the solid-liquid inferface: playground for tin NMR methodologies
Organotins in marine mussels from three Mediterranean islands
Organotins are potent inducers of vertebrate adipogenesis: the case for obesogens
Response to Comment on “Predicting the Migration Rate of Dialkyl Organotins from PVC Pipe into Water”
The Extraction and Derivatization of Organotins in Water Sample by Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer
Organotins are potent inducers of vertebrate adipogenesis: the case for obesogens
Organotins in Benthic Organisms in Chi-Jing Costal Areas of Kaohsiung
Organotins in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymotpha) and
Determination of Organotins in seafood by GFAAS coupled with modified green tea separation.
Regulation of microglial cell function by corticosteroids and disruption by Organotins
Cytotoxicity and interactions of Organotins and heavy metals with cytochrome P4501A in fish hepatoma cells
Phytotoxic effect of certain antifeedants (Organotins and plant products) on sweet potato Ipomoea batatas Lamp.
Fundamental reactivity of sulfur with Organotins: Underexploited Ar-S bond formation under aqueous and aerobic conditions
The Influence of Organometallic Compounds on Heme Metabolism: in Vivo and in Vitro Studies with Organotins
The Contents of Organotins in Benthic Organisms around Costal Areas of Kaohsiung
Recording High Resolution NMR Spectra of Grafted Organotins: A Novel Tool to Screen Their Solid-Liquid Interface Chemistry
Preparation and DFT Studies of 2C, N-Hypercoordinated Oxazoline Organotins: Monomer Constructs for Stable Polystannanes
High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) NMR for the Characterization of Organotins Grafted to Polymers
High resolution magic angle spinning (hr-MAS) NMR for the characterization of Organotins grafted to polymers
Industrial hygiene survey report of worker exposures to Organotins at M and T Chemicals, Inc., Axis Plant, Axis, Alabama. Survey dates-March 14, 1984 and August 14 …
Additions and Corrections-Synthetic Utility of the Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling Reaction of Acid Chlorides with Organotins.
Organotins in the wild Japanese oyster, Crassostrea gigas, collected in the early summer of 1990 from Aburatsubo Bay, Miura Peninsula, central Japan
Organotins in the organisms collected in and around the eelgrass beds of Koajiro Bay and Moroiso Bay, Miura Peninsula, in the summer of 1990
Speciation Methods for the Determination of Organotins (OTs) and Heavy Metals (MHs) in the Freshwater and Marine Environments
Use of Polydimethylsiloxane Preconcentration Sorbent for the Analysis of Organotins in Water Samples
Derivatization Followed by GC/MS Analysis of Organotins and Haloacetic Acids in Environmental Samples
Effects of Organotins on Mixed Function Oxygenase in Shellfish and Fish with in vitro Exposure Experiment
Organotins and osmoregulation: Quantifying the effects on the European flounder Platichthys flesus
Induction of Imposex in Rock Shell, Thais clavigera, Exposed to Organotins and Other Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Organotins in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and sediments from the Saint-Lawrence River (Quebec).
Organotins in North Sea brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) after implementation of the TBT ban
Organotins accumulation in the North Western Adriatic Sea food web investigated by stable isotopes rations (13C/12C; 15N/14N).
A Study of Al°, Zn°, Sn°, V°, Ti°, Co°, Cu°, Ni° or Fe° as Sole Electron Sources for Methanogenesis, and the Effects of Organotins on Methanogenic Bacteria
Polymerization of Epoxides Catalyzed by Condensates of Organotins or Friedel-Crafts Type Metal Halides with Alkyl Phosphates
Immunotoxicity in ascidians: Antifouling compounds alternative to Organotins—IV. The case of zinc pyrithione Toxicology & pharmacology
Catalytic performance of pd (11) catalyst supported on Y-Al_ (2) O_ (3) in coupling reation of Organotins and organic halides
Organotin compounds: industrial applications and biological investigation.
Organotin Compounds.
Toxicity and health effects of selected Organotin compounds: a review.
Recent advances in Organotin chemistry
Direct synthesis of Organotin compounds. I. Di-and tribenzyltin chlorides
Regioselective manipulation of hydroxyl groups via Organotin derivatives
Reduction of Alkyl Halides by Organotin Hydrides1, 2
Palladium catalyzed coupling of Organotin reagents with organic electrophiles
Fate and effects of Organotin compounds
Preparation and synthetic utility of some Organotin derivatives of nucleosides
Organotin (iv) n, n-disubstituted dithiocarbamates
Mechanisms of the palladium-catalyzed couplings of acid chlorides with Organotin reagents
119Sn Chemical Shifts in five-and six-coordinate Organotin chelates
Organotin hydrides and organic free radicals
Homolytic carbocyclization by use of a heterogeneous supported Organotin catalyst. A new synthetic route to 2-alkoxytetrahydrofurans and. Gamma …
Structural aspects of Organotin compounds
A general, selective, and facile method for ketone synthesis from acid chlorides and Organotin compounds catalyzed by palladium
Chemical shifts of 119Sn nuclei in Organotin compounds
Investigations into the antitumour activity of Organotin compounds. I. DiOrganotin dihalide and di-pseudohalide complexes
Syntheses with Radicals—C C Bond Formation via Organotin and Organomercury Compounds [New Synthetic Methods (52)]
The influence of Organotin compounds on mitochondrial functions
Applications of119mSn Mössbauer Spectroscopy to the Study of Organotin Compounds
Occurrence of Organotin compounds in Ontario lakes and rivers
The biochemistry of Organotin compounds. Trialkyltins and oxidative phosphorylation
Reduction of organic compounds by Organotin hydrides
Alkylation, arylation, and vinylation of acyl chlorides by means of Organotin compounds in the presence of catalytic amounts of tetrakis (triphenylphosphine) palladium …
Mechanism of reduction of alkyl halides by Organotin hydrides
The environmental degradation of Organotin compounds—a review
The Reaction of Organotin Halides with Diazomethane
Structure‐activity relationships for Organotin compounds
Palladium-catalyzed cross coupling of allyl halides with Organotin reagents: a method of joining highly functionalized partners regioselectively and …
NMR spectra and structures of Organotin compounds
Acute and sublethal effects of Organotin compounds on aquatic biota: an interpretative literature evaluation
Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: Organotin antifouling or sediment induced?
Kinetics and rate constants for the reduction of alkyl halides by Organotin hydrides
Tin and Organotin compounds: a preliminary review
Toxicity of Organotin compounds. II. Comparative in vivo and in vitro studies with various Organotin and organolead compounds in different animal species with special …
Mild, selective, general method of ketone synthesis from acid chlorides and Organotin compounds catalyzed by palladium
Ecotoxicological effects of Organotin compounds on oyster culture
Stannylation/destannylation. New syntheses of carbonyl compounds via Organotin intermediates
Reaction of Organotin oxides, alkoxides and acyloxides with organosilicon hydrides. New preparative method of Organotin hydrides
Organotin chemistry. Part XI. The preparation of Organotin alkoxides
Organotin biocides: I. The structure of triphenyltin acetate
QSARs for Organotin compounds on Daphnia magna
Organotin chemistry: past, present, and future
Reduction of Some Aldehydes and Ketones with Organotin Hydrides1,2
Reactions of Organotin hydrides with organic compounds
Investigations on Organotin compounds XVII: The structure of trialkyltin acylates
Reaction of Organotin hydrides with acetylenic alcohols
BioOrganotin chemistry. Metabolism of Organotin compounds in microsomal monooxygenase systems and in mammals
Reduction of alkyl halides by Organotin hydrides. Evidence for a free radical mechanism
Organotin compounds. 31. Dodecamethylcyclohexastannane and dodecaperdeuteriomethylcyclohexastannane
Radical reaction of isocyanide with Organotin hydride
Synthesis and configurations of Organotin oxinates
Structural features of some Organotin (IV) complexes of semi-and thio-semicarbazones
Determination of tin (IV) and Organotin compounds in natural waters, coastal sediments and macro algae by atomic absorption spectrometry
The biochemistry of Organotin compounds. The conversion of tetraethyltin into triethyltin in mammals
Infra-red and PMR spectra of some Organotin (IV) N, N-dimethyldithiocarbamates
Organotin compounds in isocyanate reactions. Catalysts for urethane technology
Aspects of Organotin chemistry
Studies in mössbauer spectroscopy. Part II. The structures of some Organotin halides, and a test of the point-charge model
Chemistry and toxicology of quinoxaline, Organotin, organofluorine, and formamidine acaricides.
Simple technique for performing reactions with Organotin hydrides
Coordination compounds of Organotin and organolead halides
Comparative Organotin toxicity in the developing rat: somatic and morphological changes and relationship to accumulation of total tin.
Schiff base complexes of Organotin (IV). Reactions of trialkyltin (IV) chlorides and alkoxides with N-substituted salicylideneimines
Mössbauer and infrared spectroscopic studies of some Organotin (IV) schiff base complexes
Bibliography of x-ray crystal structures of Organotin compounds
Extraction and fluorometric determination of Organotin compounds with Morin
Organotin nucleophiles. 6. Palladium-catalyzed allylic etherification with tin alkoxides
Organotin and total tin in coastal waters of southwest England
Organic and Organotin Compounds Leached From PVC and CPVC Pipe.
Cyclopentadienyltin (II) halides. A novel type of divalent Organotin compounds: Preliminary communication
Organotin and organothallium ditiophosphinates and dithiocarbamates
Organotin carboxylates
Mechanisms of SE2 reactions: Emphasis on Organotin compounds
Stereoselective aldol condensations of Organotin reagents with aldehydes
Novel hydroxymethylation of aryl bromides by means of Organotin reagents
Preparation of Organotin-phosphorus compounds and their biological activities
Reduction of halosilanes by Organotin hydrides
Recent Developments in Organotin Chemistry
Direct Synthesis of Organotin Halides. I. Preparation of Dimethyltin Dichloride1
Organotin nucleophiles. 5. Palladium-catalyzed allylic propargylation with allenylstannane
Polymeric reagents. IV. Synthesis and utilization of an insoluble polymeric Organotin dihydride reagent
Applications of Organotin compounds
Pure, unsolvated (. alpha.-methoxyvinyl) lithium and related acyl anion equivalents via the transmetalation of Organotin compounds
Organotin chemistry for synthesis applications
Toxicity of Organotin compounds. I. Atrophy of thymus and thymus-dependent lymphoid tissue in rats fed di-n-octyltindichloride
The Preparation of Some Unsymmetrical Organotin Bromides and Acetates
Tetraneophyltin and its derivatives: the effects of steric hindrance in Organotin chemistry
Reactions of aromatic sulphenyl compounds with Organotin compounds
A versatile access to unsymmetrical and symmetrical α-diketones via Organotin reagents
Tissue reactions to Organotin-stabilized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) catheters
The structure of Organotin mercaptoesters
Technoeconomic and environmental assessment of industrial Organotin compounds.
Toxicity of Organotin compounds. III. Suppression of thymus-dependent immunity in rats by di-n-butyltindichloride and di-n-octyltindichloride
The chemistry of poly (vinyl chloride) stabilization. V. Organotin stabilizers having radioactively tagged Y groups
Formation and properties of metallic Organotin films
Investigations on Organotin compounds. XXII: Hydrolysis products of alkyltin trichlorides
119Sn chemical shifts in Organotin carboxylates
Stabilization of PVC by Organotin compounds
The Reaction of Acyl Halides with Organotin Hydrides. The Mechanism of Aldehyde Formation1,2
Electrochemical behaviour of Organotin compounds: Part I. Application to the determination of trialkyl-and triaryltin derivatives
The structure of Organotin mercaptocarboxylates
Structure—activity relationships for some Organotin molluscicides
Investigation into aroylhydrazones as chelating agents: V. Synthesis and structural characterization of two seven-coordinate Organotin (IV) complexes with 2, 6 …
Organotin chemistry: VIII. The reaction of dibutyltin oxide with vic-glycols
Reversibility of Organotin radical attack on terminal olefins and 2-butenes
Inhibition and uncoupling of photophosphorylation in isolated chloroplasts by Organotin, organomercury and diphenyleneiodonium compounds
Developmental neuropathology of Organotin compounds.
Synthesis and configurations of some Organotin (IV) Schiff base complexes
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies on Organotin derivatives of biologically active Schiff bases
Studies on the persistence of the Organotin fungicide fentin acetate (triphenyltin acetate) in the soil and on surfaces exposed to light
Electrochemical preparation of some Organotin compounds
The chemistry of poly (vinyl chloride) stabilization. III. Organotin stabilizers having radioactively tagged alkyl groups
Organotin chemistry. Preparation of 2, 3-disubstituted 1, 3-butadienes using 2, 3-bis (trimethylstannyl)-1, 3-butadiene and 1, 4-bis (trimethylstannyl)-2-butyne
Carbon-13 NMR investigations on Organotin compounds
Direct Synthesis of Organotin Compounds V. Di-and trialkyltin chlorides and bromides
Studies in IVth group organometallic chemistry VIII: Synthesis of linear Organotin polymers from Organotin dihydrides and acetylenic compounds
Crystal and molecular structures of two polymeric Organotin carboxylates, C5H12O2Sn and C5H9F3O2Sn
Some Reactions of Organotin Hydrides with Organotin Oxides and Alkoxides1
Studies of Organotin‐schiff base complexes as new potential amebicidal agents
Volatile n-butyltin and phenyltin tricarboxylates. Organotin oxymonocarboxylates
Nuclear quadrupole coupling in Organotin chlorides. II. Dichlorides
On the antifungal and antibacterial activity of some trisubstituted organogermanium, Organotin and organolead compounds
Organotin-mediated exchange diffusion of anions in human red cells.
Reactions of Organotin chlorides with the cyanodithioimidocarbonate anion
New Organotin synthons providing α-alkoxyorganolithium reagents
Preparation of some Organotin compounds containing methylthio, phenylthio, and pentafluoro-phenylthio groups
Direct Synthesis of Organotin Compounds. II. Diallyltin Dibromide and Its Derivatives
Total synthesis of enterobactin via an Organotin template
The effects of Organotin on the activated sludge process
Aspects of pentacoordinated cyclic Organotin compounds
Effects of Organotin anti-fouling coatings on man and his environment
The addition of Organotin hydrides to isocyanates and isothiocyanates: synthesis and structure of some Organotin-substituted amides
On the structure-activity relationships and mechanism of Organotin induced, nonenergy dependent swelling of liver mitochondria
Organotin carboxylates I. Mösssbauer and infrared study of triphenyltin carboxylates and the novel compounds RSn (O) OCOR∨’
Effects of some Organotin compounds on tissueamine levels in rats
Preparation of Organosilicon- and Organotin-substituted Boranes and their Oxidation to Organosilicon- and Organotin-substituted Alcohols1
Multinuclear magnetic resonance and related studies on some Organotin (IV) complexes of dithiocarbazates
Organotin polyesters
Structural researches on Organotin (iv) compounds. synthesis and structure of nitratotriphenyl (triphenylphosphine oxide) tin (iv)
A modified phenylfluorone method for determining Organotin compounds in the ppb and sub-ppb range
The Determination of The Stereochemical Stability of Organotin Compounds by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Organotin implications in anticarcinogenesis. Background and thymus involvement
Temperature Dependence of the Mössbauer Recoilless Fraction in Organotin Compounds
Synthesis of linear metallic oligomers. Organotin complexes of tetracarbonylosmium
The Potential of Organotin Oxides and Alkoxides in Organic Synthesis
Investigations on Organotin compounds XIX: The preparation of some Organotin compounds with heterocyclic nitrogen bound to tin
Tin-119m Moessbauer study of five-and six-coordinated Organotin (IV) ions
Silane-silanol condensation catalyzed by Organotin compounds
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of Organotin derivatives of 3-hydroxyflavone
Unsymmetrical monoprotected α-diketones via the palladium-catalyzed vinylation of acid chlorides with Organotin compounds
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of Organotin compounds containing the Sn S bond
Organotin Derivatives of Hexafluorobenzene
Preparation of mixed Organotin chlorides by the redistribution reaction
Synthetic reactions using Organotin and sulfur compounds. 3. Regioselective desulfonylation of allylic sulfones with Organotin hydride involving double …
Structural studies in main group chemistry: XV. Di-and tri-Organotin arylsulphonates
Stereochemistry and mechanism of the bromine cleavage of Organotin compounds
Moessbauer spectroscopy of organometallic compounds. Organotin azides
Formation of Organotin-nitrogen bonds IV. N-trialkyltin derivatives of 4-mono-or 4, 5-disubstituted 1, 2, 3-triazoles, 3-phenyl-1, 2, 4-triazole, 3-phenylpyrazole and 4 …
Studies on the anti-tumour activity of di-and tri-Organotin (IV) complexes of amino acids and related compounds, of 2-mercaptoethanesulphonate, and of purine-6-thiol
Organotin chemistry: VII. The NMR spectra of a distannoxane
Environmental Organotin Chemistry Today: Experiences in the Field and Laboratory.
Preparation of metallic Organotin films by glow discharge polymerization and their properties
Synthesis of Organotin mixed dihalides
Studies on adducts of Organotin (IV) halides with bis (acetylacetone) ethylenediimine
BioOrganotin chemistry: biological oxidation of Organotin compounds
Oxidative addition reactions of some Organotin (II) and organic tin (II) compounds [1]
Molecular spectroscopy of organometallic compounds: Organotin (IV) tropolonates
Formation of an Organotin—Nitrogen Bond. II.1 Syntheses of Tris(trialkyltin)amines
Recent progress in the study of analytical methods, toxicity, metabolism and health effects of Organotin compounds
Formation of an Organotin-Nitrogen Bond
Reaction of carbon dioxide with ethylene oxide in the presence of Organotin compounds
Intermolecular exchange and configurational stability of Organotin alkoxides and phenoxides
Inhibition of neutrophil chemotaxis by Organotin compounds
Toxicity of Organotin compounds: IV. Impairment of energy metabolism of rat thymocytes by various dialkyltin compounds
Organotin complexes of 5-arylazo-8-quinolinols
New Preparative Methods for Organotin Halides
Organotin-mediated selective desulfurization: tri-n-butyltin hydride reduction of unsymmetric sulfides
Mössbauer spectra of Organotin amino-acid and glutathione derivatives
Heterogeneous Hydrogenation of Organic Halogen Compounds by Carrier‐Supported Organotin Hydrides
Organotin (II)-oxygen and-sulfur heterocycles through protolysis of tin (II) dimethoxide
Insecticidal activity and structure of some Organotin compounds
Separation and purification of Organotin halides
The Effect of Interbond Angles at Tin Upon 119Sn Chemical Shifts in Organotin Alkane‐α, ω‐Dithiolates and Some Related Compounds
Palladium-catalyzed transformation of arenediazonium salts to acyl arenes by Organotin compounds and carbon monoxide
Investigations on Organotin, organolead, lead (IV), and lead (II) dithiolates
Electrochemical behaviour of Organotin compounds: Part II. Dialkyltin dicarboxylates
An electron spin resonance study of the reactivity of Organotin and organolead radicals
Organotin (IV) derivatives of L-cysteine and DL-penicillamine
Relationships between structure and insecticidal activity of some Organotin compounds
Photoreduction of bridgehead halides with Organotin hydride
The metabolism and toxicity of some Organotin compounds in isolated rat hepatocytes
Recent advances in Organotin polymers
Organotin compounds: III. Organotin chlorohydride additions to methyl E-disubstituted propenoates
Interaction of Organotin compounds with biological ligands and the molecular structure of-ethyl L-cysteinato S, N (chlorodimethyl) stannate (IV)
Structure-performance relationships in Organotin mercaptide stabilizers
Inhibition of γ-[3H] aminobutyric acid uptake by Organotin compounds in vitro
Some unusual methylations and arylations of platinum (II) chlorides by Organotin compounds the 13C NMR spectra of bis-aryl (η-cycloocta-1, 5-diene) platinum (II) …
Studies in group VI organometallic chemistry XXV. Necleophilic trans-addtition of Organotin hydrides to carbon—carbon triple bonds.
Organotin complexes with ethyl and benzyl sulphoxides
Chirality, static and dynamic stereochemistry of Organotin compounds
Organotin compounds and their use for insect and mite control.
Moessbauer spectroscopy of organometallics. Structure and bonding in Organotin (IV) dithiocarbamates
Analysis of Organotin stabilizers
Structure Organotin chemistry
Organotin Compounds: Cyclopentadienyl and Related Derivatives
The chemistry of poly (vinyl chloride) stabilization. IV. Organotin stabilizers having radioactively tagged tin atoms
Organotin polymers formed by glow-discharge polymerization
Mechanism of the Effect of Organotin Catalysts in a Reaction Between NCO-and Hydroxy-Groups
Mössbauer and infrared spectra of Organotin oxinates
Synthesis of substituted cyclic ethers from halo ketones and halo aldehydes by palladium-catalyzed coupling with Organotin reagents
The use of 119Sn NMR for the investigation of Organotin reactions
Organometallic compounds: XXXII. Diastereotopic nonequivalence in Organotin chemistry
The synthesis and infrared spectra of Organotin (IV) mercaptoester chlorides
Mössbauer spectroscopy of mono-Organotin (IV) derivatives
Organotin esters of amino acids and their use in peptide syntheses
Differential inhibition of F0F1-ATPase-catalysed reactions in bovine-heart submitochondrial particles by Organotin compounds
Molluscicidal properties of Organotin and organolead compounds: With particular reference to triphenyllead acetate
Post column digestion methods for liquid chromatography-graphite furnace atomic absorption speciation of organolead and Organotin compounds
Optical enrichment of diols via their Organotin complexes
Organotin and tin (IV) derivatives of dimethyldithioarsinic acid
Dipole moment study of six-coordinate Organotin chelate compounds
Organotin compounds containing water-solubilizing groups: Some m-hydroxyphenyl derivatives
Organotin compounds and international treaties on the pollution of water by dangerous substances: black or grey list substances?
Investigations on Organotin compounds: Part XVIII. The basicity of triOrganotin hydroxides
Bis [(trimethylstannyl) cyclopentadienyl] tin (II),(Me3SnIVC5H4) 2SnII: The first example of a compound containing Organotin (II) and Organotin (IV) in one molecule
Reactions of Organotin sulphides II. Cleavage of Organotin sulphides by aromatic sulphenyl compounds and divalent sulphur chlorides
Speciation of Organotin compounds by complex chromatography and reaction detection
Spin trapping of radicals generated by ultrasonic decomposition of Organotin compounds
Anticancer activity of Organotin compounds. 2. Interaction of diOrganotin dihalides with nucleic acid bases and nucleosides; the synthesis of adenine, adenosine and 9 …
Mechanism of thermal stabilization of PVC by Organotin compounds: scavenging of chlorine atoms
Kinetics and mechanism of urethane formation catalyzed by Organotin compounds. I. The reaction of phenyl isocyanate with methanol in dibutyl ether under the action …
Stereochemistry of the bromine cleavage of Organotin compounds
Mössbauer spectra of Organotin compounds: V. Triphenyltin compounds
On the mechanism of the reduction of some ketones by Organotin hydrides. Hydride transfer, electron-transfer-hydrogen-atom abstraction, or free radical addition
Determination of Organotin compounds contained in aqueous samples using capillary gas chromatography
Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance investigations of Organotin compounds. Part 6. Tin-119 and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance. Spectra of …
Metathetical reactions of Organotin compounds; their use in amination
Determination of Organotin residues from Plictran in fruit crops by gas-liquid chromatography
Mössbauer spectra of Organotin compounds III. Compounds showing Mössbauer effects at room temperature
Addition of Organotin hydrides to internal olefins
Chiral Organotin Compounds
The biochemistry of Organotin compounds. Effect of triethyltin sulphate on tissue phosphates in the rat
Lymphocytotoxicity and immunosuppression by Organotin compounds. Suppression of graft-versus-host reactivity, blast transformation, and E-rosette formation by di-n …
The reaction of Organotin compounds with derivatives of triarylmethane in CH2Cl2
Direct synthesis of Organotin compounds IV. Reaction of benzyl chloride with metallic tin
Some recent chemistry related to applications of Organotin compounds
Fission of Organotin bases at transition metal centers. Synthesis, characterization, and crystal structure of hydrido (decacarbonyl) dimethylaminomethylene …
Studies in group IV organometallic chemistry XXVI. Free radical trans-addition of Organotin hydrides to carbon-carbon triple bonds
The preparation of certain radioactively tagged Organotin compounds
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of mono-and di-Organotin (IV) derivatives of pyridinecarboxylic acids
Wood Preservation by Organotin Polymers – I. In situ Polymerization of Organotin Monomers
Novel use of Organotin halide-base complex in organic synthesis. Cycloaddition reaction of oxetane with isocyanates.
Electrochemical behaviour of Organotin compounds: Part III. Dialkyltin mercaptocarboxylates
Thermodynamics of metal-ligand bond formation: XVI. Base adducts of some Organotin compounds
Halomethyl-metal compounds XXII. The preparation of trihalomethyl and other halogenated Organotin compounds
Mössbauer spectra of Organotin compounds: VI. Dithiolatotin compounds
Reaction of Organotin hydrides with acid chlorides. Mechanism of aldehyde and ester formation
Spectrophotometric and fluorimetric determination of tri-and di-Organotin and-organolead compounds using dithizone and 3-hydroxyflavone
The Reaction of Carbon Disulfide with Organotin Oxides and Related Substances
Reaction of diazonium salts with transition metals. 8. Palladium-catalyzed carbon-carbon coupling of arenediazonium salts with Organotin compounds
Organotin compounds containing an azo linkage
Kinetic analysis of the configurational rearrangements in and the stereochemistry of some Organotin (IV). beta.-ketoenolate complexes
Organotin compounds. 6. Hydrostannation of methyl (E)-disubstituted propenoates with trimethyltin hydride and dimethyltin chlorohydride
Rate study on the redistribution reactions of Organotin compounds
Carbon-13 Fourier transform NMR study of the Organotin compounds. II. Karplus-type dependence of vicinal tin-119-carbon-13 coupling
Organotin carboxylates II. Mössbauer and infrared study of bonding differences in trimethyltin haloacetates
Organotin Chemistry. III.1 Dibutyltin Diphenoxide
Chronic neonatal Organotin exposure alters radial-arm maze performance in adult rats.
Preparation, properties, and structure of some Organotin acrylates
Studies in mössbauer spectroscopy. III. an analysis of the isomer shifts of substituted Organotin (IV) compounds
Polymers for controlled release of Organotin toxin
Organotin polymers—I. Copolymerization parameters of tributyltin methacrylate with methyl methacrylate, propyl methacrylate and butyl methacrylate
The solution chemistry of Organotin compounds. Part 2. Equilibrium and thermodynamic studies of complex formation between dimethyltin dichloride and picolines
Poly (Organotin phosphonates)
Reactions of sulphenyl halides and Organotin sulphur compounds
Laboratory Evaluation of Several Organotin Compounds Against Heliothis Spp.
Halomethyl-metal compounds X. The reaction of organosilicon, organogermanium and Organotin hydrides with phenyl (trihalomethyl) mercury compounds
Nature of the Interaction of Aqueous Sulfide Ion with Organotin Oxides and Related Substances
Some Organotin Compounds Containing Water-solubilizing Groups
Substituent chemical shifts of the Organotin moiety in compounds of the type RSnMenCl3 − n (n = 0 to 3; R = n‐alkyl)
Organotin Reagents for Carbon-carbon Bond Formation.
13C Fourier transform studies of Organotin compounds: I. 119Sn-13C spin-spin coupling constants
Insecticide resistance in the house fly: identification of a gene that confers resistance to Organotin insecticides and acts as an intensifier of parathion resistance
Structural characterization of a seven-coordinated Organotin (IV) complex: Tris (dimethyl sulphoxide) nitratodiphenyltin (IV) nitrate
Organotin hydride additions to E-And Z-trisubstituted ethylenes synthesis of some new functionally substituted Organotin compounds
Reactions of Organotin Compounds. V. Studies of Additional Tri-and DiOrganotin Derivatives
Structural researches on nitrato complexes of Organotin: Coordinative interactions Sn O in nitratotripheny (pyridineN-oxidetin)(IV)
Separation and determination of trace amounts of tin present as Organotin residues on fruits
Fourier transform NMR investigations on Organotin compounds: V. Coupling constants and chemical shifts in simple tetraOrganotins
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of some Organotin (IV) compounds containing the Sn O bond
The Reaction of Acyl Halides with Organotin Hydrides. Mechanisms of Ester Formation1,2
Stereochemistry of electrophilic substitution reactions of indenyl-Organotin compounds
Biologically active Organotin polymers.
Polyvinylchloride stabilisation with Organotin compounds—Part III: Effect of lewis acidity and co-ordination of Organotin chlorides upon their catalytic activity towards …
On degradation of Organotin compounds by ultraviolet rays
Synthesis and structural studies by infrared and Mössbauer spectroscopy of adducts of tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives with 2, 2′-azopyridine
The use of Organotin compounds in the thermal stabilization of poly (vinyl chloride). Part III. Reactions of dialkyltin mercaptides, thioglycollates, and carboxylates with …
Stereoselective preparation of 6β-substituted penicillanates: Tri-Organotin hydride reduction of 6-isocyano-, 6-phenylselenenyl-, 6-halo-, and 6-isothiocyanato …
Cross-coupling reaction of allyl bromides with Organotin reagents catalyzed by zinc chloride
Organotin biocides: V. The structure of dicyclohexyltin dichloride
The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Trimethyltin Chloride at 135K. A highly Volatile Organotin Polymer.
Synthesis of phenacyl esters via an Organotin route
Inhibition of carrageenan edema formation by Organotin compounds
On the mechanism of polyurethane formation catalyzed by metal chelates and Organotin compounds
Fourier transform nmr investigations of Organotin compounds: IX. Tin-119 nmr spectra of Organotin chalcogenides of the type R6Sn3X2 and R6Sn3X3 (X= S, Se, Te)
Bis (chlorozinc) tetracarbonyliron: preparation, characterization and metathetical reactions with Organotin chlorides
The effect of Organotin chlorides on the thermal stability of PVC
House fly adenosine triphosphatases and their inhibition by insecticidal Organotin compounds
Nuclear magnetic double resonance studies of Organotin selenides
Testicular changes in rats after administration of Organotin complex
Neuromuscular function and Organotin compounds.
Schiff base complexes of Organotin (IV): infrared and mössbauer studies on the addition complexes of N-alkyl (aryl) salicylideneimines
383. The preparation of some Organotin (IV) compounds
Trimerization of isocyanates by Organotin compounds
Advances in tin compound analysis with special reference to Organotin pesticide residues
Radical copolymerization of maleic anhydride with Organotin acrylates
Differential pulse-polarographic determination of Organotin compounds coated on fishing nets
Organotin compounds I. The electric dipole moments of some trimethylphenyltin derivatives
Polymerization of N-carboxy anhydrides by Organotin catalysts
The reactions of diborane with aryl-Organotin compounds
Polymeric Organotin compounds
Organotin catalysis in urethane systems
Structure and fluxional behaviour of the adducts of orthoquinones with Organotin halides. An electron spin resonance study
Vinyl Derivatives of the Metals. VII. Preparation of Organotin Esters by Cleavage of Vinyltin Compounds
Immunosuppression induced by certain Organotin compounds
Comparative assessment of the toxic and mutagenic properties of Organotin compounds
Reaction of PVC model compounds with Organotin thermal stabilizer
Hepatotoxicity of a series of Organotin esters
A Moessbauer and single-crystal x-ray structural study of hexa-and pentacoordinate Organotin (IV) compounds containing urea-type derivatives
The neurotoxicity of Organotin: behavioural changes in rats.
Electrochemical behaviour of Organotin compounds
Organoxytitanium and Organotin Derivatives of Dibasic Tetradentate Chelating Disulphides
Reaction of Organotin hydrides with α, β-unsaturated ketones
Chemodynamics and environmental toxicology of controlled release Organotin molluscicides
Central neurotransmitter effects of Organotin compounds: trials, tribulations and observations.
Structural researches of nitrato complexes of Organotin: coordinative interactions Sn O in nitratotriphenyl (triphenylarsine oxide) tin (IV)
Effect of Organotin compounds and hexachlorophene on brain adenosine cyclic 3′, 5′-monophosphate metabolism
n-Butyltin Trioxinate in Solution. A Hepta-coordinated Organotin Compound
Inhibition of the enzymatic activity of ligandin by organogermanium, organolead or Organotin compounds and the biliary excretion of sulfobromophthalein by the rat.
Schiff base complexes of Organotin (IV): infrared and mössbauer studies on the addition complexes of mono-and di-Organotin (IV) chlorides with N-alkyl (aryl)-2 …
Preparation and Properties of Some Organotin Nitramines
The Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Organotin and Organogermanium Hydrides
Diels-Alder Reactions of Alkynyltin Compounds with Polychlorocyclopentadienes. Organotin-Substituted Polychloronorbornadienes. Cleavage Reactions and …
N-Organotin aziridines and other cyclic amines and their adducts
Vibrational spectra of Organotin compounds: II. Spectra of the methyltin hydrides and methyltin deuterides
Reaction of acyl halides with Organotin hydrides. Mechanism of aldehyde formation
Complex formation between Organotin chlorides and bis (1-pyrazolyl) methane ligand
Kinetics of the reduction of tert-butyl chloride and tert-butyl bromide by Organotin hydrides
Microdetermination of Organotin compounds by TLC and spectrophotometry using haematoxylin as reagent
Mössbauer Effect of 119Sn in Some Organotin Compounds
Microanalytical determination of tin in Organotin compounds
Schiff base complexes of Organotin (IV): reactions of trimethyltin hydroxide and trialkyltin ethoxides with benzothiazolines
Structure, mechanism, and reactivity of Organotin carboxylate polymers
New tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) chelates of ferrocenyl hydrazones
Complexes of organolead and Organotin ions with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol
Fourier transform NMR investigations of Organotin compounds: VIII. Propenyl-and isopropenyl-tin compounds; detection and identification of isomers using 119Sn and …
Organotin biocides. Part 2. Variable-temperature 119 Sn Mössbauer study of phenyl-and cyclohexyl-tin compounds
Stereoselectivity in hydrogen atom transfer. Reduction of cis-and trans-9-chlorodecalins with Organotin hydrides
119Sn Mössbauer spectral studies in Sn (IV) and Organotin (IV) substituted oxinates
Complexes of organometallic compounds: XXXVII. Mössbauer and other studies on adducts of Organotin (IV) chlorides with N, N′-ethylenebis (salicylideneiminato) …
Studies of organometallic compounds The five-membered ring structure of Organotin containing dicarboxylic esters
Organotin derivatives of maleic acid
Chemistry of the metal carbonyls. Part LI. Organotin–(carbonyl) ruthenium complexes
Complexes of organometallic compounds XXVIII. The solution chemistry of bis (acetylacetone) ethylenediimine adducts of Organotin (IV) halides
Stannanedithiocarboxylates: novel α-functional Organotin ligands
Efficacy of two Organotin compounds and neem extract against the sorghum shoot fly
Chemistry of the metal carbonyls. Part XXXIX. Organotin (carbonyl)-iron complexes
Kinetics and mechanism of urethane formation catalyzed by Organotin compounds. II. The reaction of phenyl isocyanate with methanol in DMF and cyclohexane under …
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of some fluorinated Organotin compounds
The acute toxicity of some organolead and Organotin compounds in the rat, with particular reference to a gastric lesion
Vibrational spectra of Organotin compounds—III Infrared spectra and normal coordinate analysis of methylstannane
Substoichiometric determination of inorganic tin in Organotin compounds
Intramolecular chlorine-tin coordination in an Organotin derivatives of seven-coordinate molybdenum
Organotin polymers. IV. Binary and ternary copolymerizations of tributyltin acrylate and methacrylate with styrene, allyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate, butyl acrylate …
Wood Preservation by Organotin Polymers. II. Improvements in Strength and Decay Resistance
The physical chemistry of Organotin compounds: Part I. The ultraviolet spectra of phenyltin compounds
Magnetic double resonance studies of 119 Sn chemical shifts in Organotin compounds
The use of Organotin compounds in the thermal stabilization of poly (vinyl chloride)—V. A radiochemical study of the reaction between PVC and di (butylthiolato) …
Tin-119 chemical shifts by the double resonance of Organotin compounds
Structural researches on nitrato complexes of Organotin compounds; The crystal and molecular structures of Nitratotriphenylstannyltin (II) and Nitratotris (triphenyl …
On the Sn–H Bond in Some Organotin Hydrides
The Solution Chemistry of Organotin Compounds. III. A Thermodynamic Study of the Molecular Interaction of Me2SnCl2 with Lewis Bases by Means of Nuclear …
An evaluation of Organotin compounds as preservatives for marine timbers
Antifouling paints based on Organotin compounds—Part I. Colorimetric determination of microgram amounts of Organotin compounds in aqueous solutions
Spectrophotometric studies of complex formation. Equilibria of some Organotin chlorides and tin tetrachloride with 2, 2′-bipyridine in solution.
Photoelectron spectroscopy as a tool in Organotin chemistry
Antifouling Paints based on Organotin Compounds. Leaching of Organotin Toxins from Paint Films
Formation of Organotin-nitrogen bonds: VII. Structural studies of 2-(trialkylstannyl)-4, 5-bis (alkoxycarbonyl)-1, 2, 3-triazoles by 13C-NMR spectroscopy
Effects of Organotin compounds on maximal electroshock seizure (MES) responsiveness in mice. I. Tri(n‐ALKYL)tin compounds
Ecological-Evaluation of Organotin-Contaminated Sediment.
Semiempirical calculation of diamagnetic susceptibilities of Organotin compounds
The use of Organotin compounds in the thermal stabilization of poly (vinyl chloride). VI. An assessment of the relative importance of HCl‐scavenging, exchange, and …
119Sn spin–lattice relaxation times and nuclear Overhauser enhancement factors in some Organotin compounds
Addition polymerization of nitrile compounds by Organotin catalysts
Reactions of silylated Schiff bases with organotitanium (IV) and Organotin (IV) chlorides
Reactions of Organotin compounds. VIII. The reactions of tin hydrides with perfluorovinyl silicon compounds
Separation of Organotin compounds by using the difference in partition behaviour between hexane and methanolic buffer solution. Part 1. Determination of butyltin …
Fungal-Resistant Organotin Resins.
The influence of the organic groups on the effectiveness of Organotin bis (isooctyl thioglycolates) as thermal stabilizers for PVC
Organotin sulfates from the oxidation of Organotin sulfides with hydrogen peroxide
Mössbauer studies of some Organotin compounds
The Solution Chemistry of Organotin Compounds. I. A 1H NMR Study of the Complex Formation between Methyltin Trichloride and 4-Substituted Pyridines
HPTLC analysis of Organotin compounds in preservative solutions and preservative‐treated wood
A 119mSn Mössbauer study of the degradation of Organotin stabilised PVC by gamma-irradiation
On the Relationship between Mössbauer Spectroscopy and the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Organotin Compounds
Functionally substituted Organotin compounds: V. Beckmann rearrangement of oximes containing Organotin substituents
Synthesis and reactivity of Organotin (IV) nitrates with heterocyles systems
Organotin chemistry. Part V. Structure of the dialkyltin methoxide halides in solution: an analogy with the Grignard reagent
Mössbauer spectra and electric dipole moments of Organotin (IV) complexes with organic ligands
Coordination Compounds of Organotin (IV) Chlorides with the Schiff Bases Derived from 2-Hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde
A review of the migration of food-contact Organotin stabilizers from poly (vinyl chloride)
Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling in Organotin Halides. I. Phenyl- and n-Butyltin Chlorides1
Complex formation between Organotin chlorides and 2-aminomethyl-and 2-(2′ aminoethyl)-pyridine
Purge and Trap Flame Photometric Gas Chromatography Technique for the Speciation of Trace Organotin and OrganosuIfur Compounds in a Human Urine Standard …
Enantioselective synthesis of. alpha.-functionally substituted cyclic ketones via chiral Organotin enamines
A hammett correlation for the addition of Organotin hydride to benzaldehydes
Properties of polyisocyanurate resins obtained by polymerization of hexamethylene diisocyanate by Organotin catalysts
Thermodynamics of metal ligand bond formation: XXVIII. Lewis acidity of Organotin carboxylates and isocyanates
The reactions of some Organotin (IV) chlorides with antimony (V) chloride and boron (III) chloride
Schiff Base Complexes of Organotin (IV) Halides: Reaction of DiOrganotin Dichlorides with Dibasic Tetradentate Schiff Bases
Synthesis and reactivity of some bridgehead Organotin derivatives of triptycene
Crystal structure of and metallic bonding in an Organotin–ruthenium carbonyl cluster complex, di-µ-dimethylstannylene-bis [tricarbonyl (trimethylstannyl) ruthenium]
Molar Refraction. Extension of the Eisenlohr-Denbigh System of Correlation to Liquid Organotin Compounds.
Additive model for 119 Sn Mössbauer quadrupole splitting in five-co-ordinate Organotin (IV) compounds
A flow-through bioassay system for the evaluation of Organotin antifouling compounds
Studies in group IV organometallic chemistry XXXI. Organotin hydride adducts with tin atoms in α, β-or β, β-positions
Direct Synthesis of Organotin Compounds. III. Reaction of α-Substituted Benzyl Halides with Metallic Tin
Ultrastructural hepatotoxicity induced by an Organotin ester
Characterization of polyethyleneimine modified with Organotin halides. Thermal, solubility, and fungal properties
Interaction of hexafluoroacetone and hexafluoroisopropylidenimine with some organosilicon-and Organotin-amines, azides and phosphinimines
1041. Organotin chemistry. Part II. Compounds of the composition R 4 Sn 2 X 2 O
Carbon-13 fourier transform NMR studies of Organotin compounds: III. Carbon-13 chemical shifts and tin-119—carbon-13 spin—spin coupling constants in acyclic …
The potent induction of intestinal heme oxygenase by the Organotin compound, bis (tri-n-butyltin) oxide
Prolonged induction of hepatic haem oxygenase and decreases in cytochrome P-450 content by Organotin compounds
Functionally substituted Organotin compounds: III (Epoxyalkyl) tin compounds
Intermolecular Dynamics of Organotin Compounds from Mossbauer and Raman Spectroscopy
The mechanism of stabilization of poly (vinyl chloride). II. Cleavage of Organotin sulfur compounds by anhydrous hydrogen chloride
Interaction of ammonium salts with organometallic oxides, hydroxides and alkoxides. A convenient synthesis of Organotin halides and pseudohalides
Preparation and properties of some Organotin compounds: I. Dibutyltin glycolates
Some reactions of Organotin compounds under gamma-irradiation
Adhesion properties of poly (hexamethylene diisocyanate) obtained by Organotin catalysis
15N, 13C and 119Sn NMR and other spectroscopic studies of 8-quinolinol, its O-and N-methyl derivatives, and chelate di-and tri-Organotin (IV) complexes
Laboratory evaluations of wood preservatives. VI. Effectiveness of Organotin and organolead preservatives against decay and soft rot fungi
Orbital Populations Derived from the Mössbauer Spectra of Organotin Halides
Mossbauer Data and NMR Spectra for Some Organotin Compounds
Pollution analysis of the sea and waterways. Determination of Organotin compounds in waterways and seaways
The origin of the quadrupole splitting in the mössbauer spectra of some Organotin halide complexes
Investigations of the direct determination of tin in Organotin compounds using carbon furnace atomisation
Formation of Organotin nitrogen bonds: VI. The intermolecular association of 2-(tri-n-butylstannyl)-tetrazoles in solution
Gamma irradiation of food contact plastics: identification of tin-containing intermediates in the degradation of Organotin-stabilised PVC by gamma irradiation
Tin-119 NMR spectroscopic studies of Organotin phosphates as catalysts for the polymerization of epoxides
Micro-determination of tin in Organotin compounds by flame-emission and atomic-absorption spectrophotometry
Responses of European red mite populations to cyhexatin, an Organotin miticide
Vibrational modes in covalent Organotin compounds from Mössbauer effect and Raman data
Equilibria between Organotin trichlorides and nitrogen donors in ether and the comparison of their acceptor strengths with stannic chloride
Interception of bis (. eta. 3-allylic) palladium intermediates by maleic anhydride: a change in an overall carbon-carbon bond forming scheme using Organotin reagents
Complexes of organometallic compounds: IX. Investigations on Organotin-fluoride systems by means of anion exchange paper chromatography and paper …
Toxicity of Organotin compounds in chicken and rats
Effects of Organotin compounds on maximal electroshock seizure (MES) responsiveness in mice. II. Tricyclohexyltin and triphenyltin
Variable-temperature tin-119m Moessbauer study of Organotin-substituted styrene monomers and polymers
Organotin derivatives of arylazobenzoic acids: II. Absorption spectra and structure
Organotin chemistry XI.(2-cyanoethyl) tin bromides
Some reactions and spectroscopic studies on the Organotin thiolates Bu3SnSR and Bu2Sn (SR) 2
Organotin polymers-V. Binary and ternary copolymerization reactions of tributyltin acrylate and methacrylate with vinyl acetate and N-vinylpyrrolidone
119Sn NMR spectroscopic determination of diastereomeric ratio of some optically active Organotin compounds.
The behaviour of Organotin chlorides as chloride-ion acceptors in non-aqueous solvents
An immobilized Organotin catalyst for reduction of ketones and aldehydes
Twospotted Spider Mites: Control on Strawberry with Organotin, Naphthoquinone, and Cyclopropane Acaricides
Potentiometric titrations of Organotin chlorides with tetraphenylarsonium chloride in acetonitrile media
Synthesis of bis (tetramethylstibonium) tetracyclopentadienylstannate a novel type of Organotin (II) compound
Mössbauer spectra of six-co-ordinate Organotin (IV) compounds with oxygen donors: structure, bonding, and correlation with antimony (V) e 2 qQ values
Preparation and properties of some Organotin dimethyl-and diphenyl-dithioarsinates. The crystal structure of (CH3) 2Sn [S2As (CH3) 2] 2
Amperometric titrations of organolead and Organotin ions
Organotin chemistry: XII. The structure and reactions of some mono-Organotin (IV) compounds
BioOrganotin chemistry: a commentary on the reactions of Organotin compounds with a cytochrome P-450 dependent monooxygenase enzyme system.
Reactions of Tri-and Di-Organotin (IV) Compounds with 2-Thenoyltrifluoroacetone
Complexes of organometallic compounds. XLVI. Synthesis of adducts formed by Organotin (IV) trichlorides with 1, 2-bis (diphenylphosphino) ethane, and their …
Poly (vinyl chloride) stabilisation with Organotin compounds: Part IV—Catalysis of the reverse reaction: Addition of HCl to double bonds
Organotin reagents for the synthesis of π-allyl, π-cyclopentadienyl, π-indenyl, and other related π-enyl carbonyl derivatives of the transition metals
… organometallic compounds. Part X. Further evidence as to the mechanism of borohydride reduction of organomercurials from a study of photochemical and Organotin …
Mechanism of stabilization of poly (vinyl chloride). I. The cleavage of Organotin compounds by aqueous hydrochloric acid
Improved Syntheses of (±)-Ar-Turmerone via Organotin Reagents
Organotin-119m Mössbauer spectroscopy: the first quarter century
Adducts of Organotin halides with some sulphoxides
Organotin chemistry. Part VII. Functionally substituted distannoxanes and oligostannoxanes
N-di-and tri-Organotin (IV) derivatives of saccharin
Regioselective N-alkylation of benzimidazole via an Organotin route
Organotin maleates as PVC stabilizers: The effect of introducing halogen into the maleate residues
Organotin polymers: 6. Copolymerization parameters for tri-n-butyltin maleate, acrylate and methacrylate with some vinyl monomers
Inductive effects on benzene solvent shifts in PMR spectra of (acetylacetonato)-organoantimony (V) and bis (acetylacetonato) Organotin (IV) compounds
Alizarin red-S complexes of Organotin compounds
1098. Organotin chemistry. Part III. Intermediates and products in the hydrolysis of dialkyltin (IV) compounds
Organotin polymers—VIII. Binary and ternary copolymerizations of triphenyltin methacrylate with arylonitrile, styrene, N-vinyl pyrrolidone and n-butyl methacrylate
Unstable intermediates. Part CXLVII. Electron spin resonance spectra of radicals in irradiated Organotin compounds: the radicals R 3 Sn, R 4 Sn–, R 5 Sn, R 3 SnCl …
Functionally substituted Organotin compounds: I. Preparation and hydrostannation of stannylated allylic alcohols and related compounds
Organotin Polyesters and Polyethers—Synthesis and Biocidal Properties
Friction, wear, and thermal stability studies of some Organotin and organosilicon compounds
The reactivity of Organotin–platinum complexes
Thermodynamic study of complex formation: 2, 2′-bipyridine and some Organotin and tin tetrachloride systems
Nuclear magnetic resonance and Mössbauer spectra of some Organotin anions
Mössbauer spectra of some Organotin compounds of type R 3 SnX
Infrared and ultraviolet study of the stabilization of polyvinyl chloride by Organotin compounds
Simple molecular-orbital model for the correlation of Mössbauer quadrupole splitting with stereochemistry in Organotin (IV) compounds
X-ray crystal and molecular structure of bis (biphenylyl-2) tin (IV) dichloride, a discrete, molecular, Organotin chloride
Separation of Toxic Organotin Compounds from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption
Complexes of tin (IV) halides and Organotin (IV) halides with organic sulphides and selenides: The low temperature cessation of sulphur and selenium inversion and …
Organosilicon and Organotin phosphines and arsines as mono-and poly-dentate ligands to metal carbonyls
The physical chemistry of Organotin compounds: Part II. The infrared spectra of phenyltin compounds
Reply to “Orbital Populations Derived from Mössbauer Spectra of Organotin Halides”
Organotin Chemistry. IV.1 Reduction of Hexaorganoditins with Lithium Aluminum Hydride
Environmental fate of Organotin antifoulants: chemical speciation of toxicants in aqueous solutions
Reactions of Organotin compounds. X. Reactions of tin hydrides with CF2=CFRe(CO)5, CF3CF=CFRe(CO)5, and some fluorinated alkenes
Tin-119 chemical shifts of ortho, meta, para, 2, 6-, and polysubstituted aryltrimethyltin derivatives and related Organotin compounds
Reactions of PVC with Organotin Stabilizers Under Controlled Conditions
Altered induction response of hepatic cytochrome P-450 to phenobarbital, 3-methylcholanthrene, and β-naphthoflavone in Organotin-treated animals
Organotin (IV) derivatives of the ambidentate ligand 2-thiouracil. Infrared, Mössbauer, 1H and 13C nmr studies
Studies on some Organotin (IV) complexes of azomethines derived from sulphadrugs
Studies in Mössbauer spectroscopy. Part IV. Signs of the quadrupole coupling constants for some Organotin (IV) compounds
Effect of some Organotin compounds on the functional state of the central and autonomic nervous system
Reactions of Organotin compounds. IX. The reactions of tin hydrides with perfluorovinyl germanium and tin compounds
Organotin polymers. VII. Copolymerization of triphenyltin methacrylate with some acrylic and methacrylic acid esters
Organotin (IV) isothiocyanatochromates
Molecular asymmetry and magnetic nonequivalence in organometallic compounds. Rapid inversion of an asymmetric Organotin chloride
Bioactivity of antifouling paints based on Organotin toxicants
Carbon-functional Organotin Compounds
A 119mSn Mossbauer study of the thermal degradation of PVC stabilised by various Organotin (IV) and tin (II) compounds
Organotin Antifouling Paints and the Environment—Drydock Phase
Biocidal activities of some heterocyclic Organotin sulphides
Laboratory evaluations of wood preservatives. VII. Effect of chemical structure on toxicity of Organotin and organolead compounds to wood-destroying fungi
Use of Organotin compounds in the thermal stabilization of PVC: 6. A radiochemical study of the effect of variations in molecular weight on the reaction between PVC …
286. Addition compounds of Organotin halides with Lewis bases
Sulphur substituted Organotin compounds.: X. Preparations and reactions of Ph3Sn (CH2) nSOC6H4Me-p (n= 3 or 4) and Ph3Sn (CH2) nSO2C6H4Me-p (n= 2, 3 or 4)
Copper, dithiocarbamates and Organotin compounds for the control of potato blight, 1962–65
The effect of Organotin and copper sulfate on the late development and presettlement behavior of the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria
Quantitative evaluation of the heat-stabilizing properties of Organotin compounds in rigid polyvinyl chloride using differential thermal analysis
Karl Fischer Reagent for Determination of and Differentiation between Trialkyl (Aryl) Organotin Hydroxides and Corresponding Oxides.
Organotin derivatives of (arylazo) benzoic acids: I. Preparation, spectrophotometric titrations and IR spectra
Organotin halide equilibria II. Aryltin trichlorides with aromatic amines in ether solution
Interaction of Organotin compounds with trans-carbonylchlorobis (triphenylphosphine) platinum (II) perchlorate
Evaluation of the potential use for several Organotin compounds against the sheep blowfly (Lucilia spp.)
Mechanism of carbene insertion into Group 4 element hydrides via chromium carbene complexes. Part II. Organogermanium and Organotin hydrides
Mössbauer studies on tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) diacetylbis (benzoylhydrazone) complexes
1267. Organometallic reactions. Part III. Trimerisation of isocyanates by Organotin alkoxides and oxides
An Evaluation of Leaching Mechanisms for Organotin Containing Antifouling Coatings.
Synthesis and structure of Organotin polymers
Sulphur substituted Organotin compounds. Part 6. Reactions of mercaptomethyltin compounds with arenesulphenyl chlorides
1,2-Diacyloxyditins: A New Class of Organotin Compound1
The Optical Stability of Organotin Compounds
Homolytic Reactions Involving Organotin Compounds
Organotin Compounds as Multipurpose Additives for Lubricating Oils
… organic electrosynthesis reactor with at wo-phase gas-electrolyte stream flowing through a mercury cathode. I. Application in electrochemical preparation of Organotin …
Organotin chemistry. Part VIII. Functionally substituted distannathianes and tristannathianes
Organotin (IV) monothio-β-diketonates
Synthesis and transmetalation of alkyl (E)-2, 3-bis (trimethylstannyl)-2-alkenoates, novel Organotin compounds
Tomato Pinworm: Larval Survival, Development, and Damage on Tomato Treated with Organotin Compounds
Action of Pyridine upon Organotin Compounds of the R2SnO-SnR′2X2 Mixed Type
Coordination effects in formation and cross-linking reactions of Organotin macromolecules
Schiff base complexes of Organotin (IV): Synthesis, IR and Mössbauer spectral studies of addition complexes of mono-and di-Organotin (IV) chlorides with bifunctional …
The Solution Chemistry of Organotin Compounds. IV. Thermodynamic Parameters of the Complex Formation between MeSnCl3 and Alkyl Sulfoxides Determined …
Organotin chemistry XII. New (2-cyanoethyl) tin derivatives
Highly reduced organometallics. 14. Six-and seven-coordinate Organotin derivatives of the tetrasodium tetracarbonylmetalates (4-) of chromium, molybdenum, and …
Organotin chemistry. Part IV. The preparation of compounds of the composition R 2 Sn (OMe) X
Mossbauer Studies on Some Hexacoordinated Organotin Adducts
Reaction of acyl halides with Organotin hydrides. The effect of halide and hydride structure on product distribution
Analysis of Organotin pesticide residues by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
6-Thiopurine complexes of Organotin (IV) moieties. Synthesis and structural characterization by infrared and Mössbauer spectroscopy
Polymerization of Nitriles by Organotin Catalysts
Colorimetric Determination of Organotin Hydrides with Isatin or Ninhydrin
Electrochemical behaviour of Organotin compounds: Part IV. Phenyltin trichloride
Organometallic Compounds. 42. Organotin Chelates, Synthesis, Spectroscopic Properties and Stereochemical Won Rigidity
Organotin complexes of pyridine-2-carbothioamide
An assessment of ablative Organotin antifouling (AF) coatings
Auto-association in Organotin compounds: butyltin trialkoxides
Release Mechanisms of Organotin Toxicants from Coating Surfaces: A Leaching Model for Antifouling Coatings.
Organotin Esters and their Reaction with Grignard Reagents
Solubility and diffusivity of Organotin stabilizers in non-plasticized PVC
Sulphur substituted Organotin compounds: IX. Formation of [(3-chloro-4-o-nitrophenylthio) butyl]-triphenyltin, Ph3SnCH2CH2CHClCH2SC6H4NO2-o, from reaction of …
Thin layer chromatography of inOrganotin and Organotin compounds in foods
Speciation of antifoulant Organotin compounds in water
Preparation. Reactions and Spectroscopic Studies of Some. New Organosilicon and. Organotin Derivatives of Amine-ox Dae S
Homolytic organometallic reactions. Part 14. Homolytic reactivity of β-C–H groups in Organotin compounds. An alternative source of trialkyltin radicals
Antifouling paints based on Organotin compounds—Part II. Spectrographic determination of microgram amounts of bis-(tri-n-butyltin) oxide in aqueous solutions
Organometallic oxides, alkoxides, and peroxides. Part I. The addition of Organotin alkyl peroxides to alkyl isocyanates
A method for the determination of tin in the range 0· 2 to 1· 6 µ g, and its application to the determination of an Organotin stabiliser in certain foodstuffs
Formation of metal carbonyl derivatives of monothiocarbamates, dithiocarbamates, ureas, and thioureas from Organotin intermediates
Organotin Compounds as Antiwear Additives for Lubricating Oils
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) coordination complexes with nitrogen and oxygen (sulfur) containing ligands
Characterization of Bioactive Organotin Polymers: Fractionation and Determination of MW by SEC-GFAA
Biocidal Activity of Organotin Polymers in Wood
Organotin aryloxyacetates: Examples of intramolecularly coordinated monomeric carboxylates
Exchange reactions of bis (triethylgermyl) mercury with Organotin halides and related compounds
… electrosynthesis reactor with a two-phase gas-electrolyte stream flowing through a mercury cathode, II. Limiting currents and mass-transfer studies in Organotin …
Soil Disposal of Organotin-Contaminated Grit Waste.
Organotin compounds I. The synthesis of dibutyltin dihalides
Exchange reactions of Organotin carboxylates
Organotin chemistry X. The alkaline saponification of tetrakis-(2-Cyanoethyl) tin
Utilization of hexamethylditin in the synthesis of Organotin-transitional metal complexes
Tin-119 Mössbauer spectra of Organotin oxines in applied magnetic fields
Radiochemical studies of free‐radical vinyl polymerizations. VI. Polymerization of methyl methacrylate in the presence of Organotin PVC stabilizers
Stabilization of polyvinylchloride by Organotin compounds
Organotin (IV) Derivatives of p-Bromobenzoyl-acetone
928. Some Organotin isocyanates and their hydrolysis products
Use of ligands as optical structural probes. 4. A solution Kerr effect study of Organotin (IV) tropolonates, oxinates, and dibenzoylmethanates
The physical chemistry of Organotin compounds: Part IV. The infrared spectra of some aryltin compounds
Novel Organotin compounds from the reactions of p-alkylphenoxysilanes and tin tetrachloride. Synthesis, physical properties and x-ray crystal structure of Sn3Cl8 (R …
Organosilicon and Organotin Derivatives of N-Aryl Amidoximes
A carbon‐13 NMR study of sterically hindered Organotin derivatives
Impact assessment of Organotin chemicals in harbor environments
Study of destruction process of Organotin derivatives of copolymers on basis vinyl‐chloride and unsaturated acids
Organotin chemistry XIII. Molecular addition complexes of tin (IV) halides with tetrakis (2-cyanoethyl) tin
A novel purification of nonvolatile Organotin halides
Preparation and properties of some Organotin compounds: II. β-Diketone complexes of alkyltin compounds
… of 10, 10-dimethylphenoxastannin, 10, 10-diethylphenoxastannin and 10, 10-dimethylphenothiastannin. The characterization of a new twelve-membered Organotin …
Synthesis of Organotin Polymers by Poly-addition
Organotin compounds: II. The synthesis of dibutyl-and dioctyltin compounds
Convenient one-step syntheses of tri-n-butyltin bromide or iodide and di-n-butyltin dibromide or diiodide from the corresponding Organotin chlorides
Organotin Compounds of the R2SnO·SnR′2X2 and H(R2SnO)3OH·SnR′2X2 Mixed Types
Physical properties of polyacrylonitrile fibres treated with Organotin compounds
Hydride hydrogen-exchange between Organotin and-lead compounds: Formation of organolead hydride adducts
Cationic and neutral Organotin complexes with oxygen-donor ligands—II: Phosphine and arsine oxide chelates and related complexes
The physical chemistry of Organotin compounds: Part V. The infrared spectra of tetra-p-tolyltin and tetrakis-p-chlorophenyltin
Organotin esters
Some exchange reactions involving phenyltin hydrides and Organotin halides
Organotin (IV) oxides and sulfides as modifiers of propene polymerization catalysts
Organotin chemistry. Part IX. Functionally substituted metallostanoxanes
Tin-119, phosphorus-31, carbon-13 and proton nuclear magnetic resonance and Mössbauer studies of mono-, di-and tri-Organotin (IV) dialkyldithiophosphates
Tin-119 Mössbauer spectral studies in Organotin (IV) and tin (II) substituted oxinates
Organosilicon–Organotin indenyl derivatives. A nuclear magnetic resonance study of their fluxional characteristics
Controlled-Release Organotin Pesticides Biochemistry: Toxicology: Environmental Factors
Sulphur substituted Organotin compounds: VII. Charge transfer interactions of arylthiomethyl (triphenyl) tin compounds with tetracyanoethylene
Selective reduction of α‐keto esters with Organotin hydrides application to asymmetric syntheses
Tolerance of Barnacle Larvae to Organotin Antifoulants
Use of ligand probes in light scattering. 1. Structural analysis of some Organotin (IV) complexes in cyclohexane and benzene solutions
Outdoor exposure of Organotin-stabilized rigid PVC
Comparative toxicology of Organotin compounds
Separation and quantitative” in situ”-determination of Organotin compounds on thin layer plates
Bimolecular homolytic substitution reactions of thermal fluorine-18 atoms with Organotin compounds in the gas phase
Chemistry of Organotin Compounds, Its Recent Advances and Prospects
Application of Organotin Compounds in Plastics
Organotin Polymers
Organotin Alkoxides and Amines: New Chemistry and Applications
Comparative dermal irritation by tributyltin and Organotin-containing antifouling paints
Dependence of 2J(SnCH) of Organotin Halides on Electronegativity and s-Character
Some Aspects of Organotin Hydride Chemistry with a View to the Possibility of Preparing Organotin Polymers
Preparation of polymeric Organotin carboxylates and organostannoxanes. Mössbauer and infrared characterization
Organotin Acrylic Polymers.
Suppression of Penicillium purpurogenum growth by Organotin compounds
Spectroscopic properties of Organotin sulphides
The stereochemistry of Organotin (IV) oxinates in solution: TIN-119 nuclear magnetic resonance study of triOrganotin (IV) oxinates
Exchange of functional groups in the series of Organotin compounds
Magnetic isotope effect of tin and isotope exchange in the reactions of Organotin compounds
Sulphur-substituted Organotin compounds. Part 8. Preparation and reactions of 3-(p-tolylthio) propyl-and 4-(p-tolylthio) butyl-triphenyltin. Interactions with …
Reactions of Organotin compounds VII. Dimethyltin derivatives
Radiation-Induced Formation of Organotin Compounds
… -diketonate complexes of Yttrium (III), and kinetic and mechanistic studies of intermolecular ligand exchange in some Organotin (IV) acetylacetonate complexes …
The Biological Fate and Effects of Organotin Compounds in the Marine Environment.
Regioselective acylation of glycols: evidence for Organotin-mediated reversal of chemoselectivity
The synthesis and characterisation of some organosilicon, organogermanium, and Organotin arsines
Intermolecular bonding and characteristic lattice temperatures in Organotin halides
Stability of 3, 5-dimethylpyrazole complexes of Organotin halides
Organotin Compounds in Stabilization of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Mossbauer spectroscopic studies on the molecular dynamics of Organotin (IV) polymers
Molecular dynamics of adducts of Organotin (IV) and tin (IV) chlorides with NN′-ethylenebis (salicylideneimine) studied by temperature-dependent Mössbauer …
Organotin carboxylates IV. Mössbauer and infrared spectra of some triphenyltin haloacetates, and a test of the point-charge model
Organotin antifouling coatings: today and tomorrow
Factors affecting efficiency of some Organotin compounds against cotton leaf and boll worms
Photochemical behaviour of thio-Organotin stabilizers in polystyrene films
Ligand exchange between bis-acetylacetonato cobalt (II) and Organotin compounds SnR2Cl2 (R= Ph, Et), I. NMR identification of exchange products in the Co (AA) 2 …
Glass‐reinforced composites of antifouling Organotin epoxy polymers
Use of ligand probes in light scattering. 2. Structure of labile, six-coordinate Organotin (IV) complexes having octyl and cyclohexyl groups
Relation between the chemical structure and the insecticidal activity of Organotin compounds (test on the larvae of C. p. pipiens).
Studies on the anti-tumour activity of di-and tri-Organotin (IV) complexes of amino acids and related compounds, of 2-mercaptoethanesulphonate, and of purine-6-thiol
Organotin Compounds
Ligand exchange between bis-acetylacetonato cobalt (II) and Organotin compounds SnR2Cl2 (R= Ph, Et), II. Mechanism of ligand exchange between acetylacetonate …
Studies of Organotin Compounds
Organotin (IV) azido and mixed azidothiocyanato complex anions; A Mössbauer and vibrational spectroscopic study
Organotin compounds
Toxicity of Organotin Compounds
Studies on organometallic derivatives of group-IVA elements: on preparation, properties and reactions of some Sn-O bonded and related Organotin compounds
Organotin Compounds
A dielectric and dynamic mechanical study of epoxy-crosslinked Organotin polyesters
Tin-119 Mössbauer and nuclear magnetic resonance studies of Organotin compounds. Part 1. Sterically crowded tetraOrganotin derivatives
Influence of donor-acceptor and steric effects of substituents on the formation of Organotin acetylenide complexes with iodine and phenol
Stoichiometric reactions of Tπ-allyl complexes of palladium with Organotin compounds and the nature of the palladium intermediate in catalytic reactions of RSnMe3 …
Infrared and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis of Organotin Toxicants for Marine Antifouling Coatings.
A Mossbauer study of some industrial applications of Organotin compounds
Organotin Chemistry
Organotin Compounds: Industrial Applications and Biological
Enantioselective synthesis of (R)-or (S)-2-alkylglutaraldehydic acid methyl esters via chiral Organotin enamines
Control of coffee berry disease, coffee leaf rust and coffee bacterial blight by some new Organotin compounds.
Tin and Organotin compounds
… : XIX. Organotin (IV) derivatives of tetracyanoethylene, 7, 7, 8, 8-tetracyanoquinodimethane and 2, 3, 5, 6-tetrachlorobenzoquinone. The isolation of stable Organotin …
Studies on Organotin compounds using the del re method: V. The chemical reactivity of Organotin compounds
Organotin Polymers For
Synthetic Studies on Organotin Compounds
Organoxytitanium (IV) & Organotin (IV) Derivatives of Saligenin
Organotin Phosphines, Arsines, Stibines, and Bismuthines: Starting Materials for New Catalysts
Studies on some physico-chemical properties of Organotin compounds
Studies on Organotin compounds using the del re method: IV. NMR spectra of Organotin compounds
Preparation and properties of Organotin complex compounds-studies on Organotin dithizonates
Some asymmetric Organotin compounds
Studies on Organotin compounds using the Del Re method: VIII. Mössbauer spectra or Organotin compounds
Studies on Organotin compounds using the Del Re method: VII. Bond polarisability index and reactivity of Organotin compounds
Investigations of some physical properties of Organotin compounds
Effects of Some Organotin Compounds on Tissue
Environmental Organotin chemistry today: experiences in the field and laboratory.[100 references]
Physical-organic Studies of Organotin Compounds
Action of thionyl chloride on Organotin oxides
Some correlations between Organotin compounds and their organogermanium analogs
Synthesis of reactive Organotin dichlqrides from organomercury compounds and SnCl2 in dimethoxyethane
Some aspects of neighbouring group participation in Organotin chemistry
Chirality and dynamic sterochemistry in Organotin chemistry
Co-ordination complexes of Organotin compounds with some selected ligands-a study on Organotin hydroxamates
Vibrational spectra of Organotin compounds
Tautomery of Organotin carbonyl derivatives
Current Status of the Chemical Specification of Organotin Toxicants in Antifoulants.
I. Synthesis and Polymerization Studies of Organotin Compounds. II. Synthesis of Novel Organotin Compounds
Synthesis of five new Organotin esters
Degradation spectrofluorescence and NMR studies of Organotin compounds
A spectroscopic study of oxygen-containing Organotin compounds of the acetylenic series
Co-ordination compounds of Organotin halides with 4, 4′-bipyridyl
Organosilicon Reactions Catalysed by Organotin Compounds
Synthesis and vibrational analysis of some Organotin compounds
Chemistry and technology of Organotin compounds. 8. State of application of biologically active Organotin compounds in the DDR
Reactions of pentacarbonyliron with Organotin derivatives: formation of bis (diOrganotintetracarbonyliron) complexes
Controlling Insect and Fungal Pests with Organotin
Chemical Studies With Organotin Hydrides
New synthesis of tetradentate organosulphur ligands by Organotin reduction of bis (dithiolanes)
The synthesis and characterisation of novel Organotin biocides
Wood Preservation Utilizing Organotin Polymers
A Review of:“Organotin COMPOUNDS: NEW CHEMISTRY AND APPLICATIONS. JJ Zuckerman, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1976, 299 …
… from Organotin compounds containing tin-oxygen linkages on preparation and properties of some Organotin carboxylates, stannoxanes and related Organotin …
Organotin (IV) & Organoxytitanium (IV) Diphenyl Phosphinates
Chelated Organotin (IV) Compounds of Substituted Benzophenones
Some Reactions of Organotin Compounds under Gamma-Irradiation: Preliminary Communication
Solvent effects on rate of reaction of Organotin compounds with ozone
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of some novel bicyclic Organotin compounds
Variable-temperature mossbauer spectroscopic studies and the structures of Organotin (IV) compounds
Diels–Alder reactions of Organotin maleates
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) Derivatives of N-Benzalanthranilic Acid
Preparation and characterisation of branched decaorganyltetratins, a new class of Organotin compound
The leaching of Organotin compounds from PVC pipe
Synthesis and elimination reactions of Organotin norbornyl compounds
Correction. The Reactions of Organotin Chlorides with Cyanodithioimidocarbonate Anion.
The action of metal halides on tetra-, penta-, and hexa-coordinated Organotin compounds: III. The action of mercuric halides on Organotin oxinates
The synthesis and structural studies of tin (IV) and Organotin (V) sulfonates
Unsymmetrical Organotin compounds containing functional groups
Organotin complex compounds of N-substituted benzohydroxamic acids
Organotin derivatives of diphenyl carbazone
The Mössbauer effect and chemistry. Part IV. Some further work on the stereochemistry of Organotin complexes and results for Organotin dithiocarbamates
Studies on orgnotin compounds using the del re method: I. Heats of atomisation of Organotin compounds
Mechanisms of reactions between Organotin compounds and platinum complexes
Reactions of nitroso napthols and related molecules on some Organotin compounds
The Heats of Combustion of Some Sulphur Heterocycles and Organotin Compounds
The determination of the sign of the quadrupole interaction in some Organotin (IV) compounds
Studies on Molecular Adducts of Organotin Halides with Urea & Tetramethylurea
Use of the “interfacial polymerization method” for the preparation of Organotin esters
The reaction of Organotin halides with zinc. The occurrence of 1, 2-intermetallic shifts
Graphite furnace atomic absorption analysis of Organotin compounds
Metabolism of some Organotin compounds (with appendices on (i) liquid scintillation counting efficiencies and (ii) flourescence of compounds related to pyridoxol)
Studies on Organotin compounds using the remethod II. Dipole moments of Organotin compounds and variation in the tin chlorine and tin carbon bond polarity
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Cyclic Organotin Coordination Compounds
Organotin (benzeneazo) phenoxy Acetates-Examples of Seven-coordinated TriOrganotin Chelates
A 119Sn Mössbauer study of the thermal degradation of Organotin stabilisers in PVC
Preparation of Some Heterocyclic and Divalent Organotin Compounds
Studies on the Formation & Reactivity of Organotin Compounds Containing Tin-Sulphur Bond
The physical chemistry of Organotin compounds: Part III. The ultraviolet spectra of some aryltin compounds
Reactions of tri-Organotin compounds with ethylene bis (triphenylphosphine) platinum (0)
A review of:“Organotin Compounds in Modern Technology. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry Library 16. CJ Evans and S. Karpe1, Elsevier Science Publishers …
The Structural Chemistry of Some Organotin Oxygen-Bonded Compounds
Organotin chemistry: IX. Investigations of the structure of some 1, 3-difunctional tetraalkyl distannoxanes by mössbauer spectroscopy and 119Sn Heteronuclear …
Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of adducts of Organotin (IV) nitrates with diphosphines
Variation of the EEG and Some Autonomic Reactions in Cases of Poisoning by Organotin Compounds
Studies on chelated Organotin carboxylates and some related compounds
Some Calorimetric Measurements on Adducts of Organotin Halides with Nitrogen Bases
A Mössbauer study of some nitrogen-containing adducts of Organotin (IV) chlorides
Organotin polyimides: structure-property relationship
Toxicity of some Organotin compounds to P. infestans under laboratory conditions.
Bioactivity of some Organotin compounds and their selectivity against beneficial insects in cotton.
Studies of organometallic compounds: XLIII. Reactions of Organotin chlorides with sodium azide
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of Organotin complexes of crown ethers
The Syntheses of Organotin Compounds by the Direct Reaction between Haloethers and Tin Foil
The Syntheses of Organotin Compounds by the Direct Reaction between β-Halopropionamides and Tin Foil
Structural & Biocidal Studies on Some Di-& Tri-Organotin (IV) Dithiocarbamates
A tracer study of Organotin leaching in antifouling paints
Exchange reactions between Organotin compounds and thallium trichloride
Group 4 organometallic compounds. Part 8. Preparation and Mössbauer spectra of five-and six-co-ordinate di-and tri-Organotin compounds containing mixed phenyl …
Synthesis and Structural Chemistry of Organotin and Organosilicon Compounds
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, Sn, Organotin Compounds, Part 9, TriOrganotin-Sulfur Compounds
Studies on Organotin co-ordination compounds: an investigation on beta-carboalkoxy alkyl tin complexes of some ligands
Infrared spectra of some Organotin oxygen-containing compounds of the acetylene series
Infrared spectroscopic studies of some Organotin (IV) and organoantimony (V) derivatives
Mössbauer quadrupole splittings in tetra-Organotin compounds
Diels-Alder reactions of Organotin acetylides and the chemistry of the adducts
Solid-state association in Organotin compounds containing bulky organic groups. Tricyclohexyltin hydroxide
Multinuclear Organotin complexes of polyfunctional ligand
Organotin Piezo-and Pyroelectric Polymer Films
The synthesis of Organotin-transition metal carbonyl complexes from tris (trimethylstannyl) amine and hexamethyldistannoxane
The electron spin resonance spectra and structures of Organotin derivatives of 3, 6-di-t-butyl-1, 2-benzosemiquinone
Functionally substituted Organotin compounds I. Addition of thiols to alkenyltin compounds
Structural Organotin chemistry I. Some diOrganotin (IV) schiff base complexes
The synthetic and spectroscopic study of some new tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) fluorine compounds
The synthesis of Organotin and organosilicon derivatives of fluorene and related compounds
Organotin polymers as components for marine anti-fouling paints
Functionally substituted Organotin compounds. Part IV. The use of protecting groups in the formation of 4-oxopentyltin compounds
Antifouling Polymers: Room-Temperature-Curing Organotin Polymers
Configurational stability of asymmetrically substituted Organotin compounds. An example of optical activity at the tin centre
An electron spin resonance study of the reactions of organosilicon, organogermanium, and Organotin radicals with carbonyl compounds
Mössbauer spectra and structures of Organotin compounds. The relationship between quadrupole splitting and intermolecular association
The synthesis of silyl-, disilyl-and silylmethyl-substituted π-cyclopentadienyl metal carbonyls via Organotin intermediates
Properties of Some Free Radicals Generated in the Reduction of Alkyl Halides by Organotin Hydrides
Homolytic organometallic reactions. Part XI. The reactions of t-butoxyl radicals and of ketone triplets with Organotin compounds
High resolution MMR of Organotin compounds and ESR study of X-ray irradiated organic single crystals
A review of:“Ghelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, Sn: Organotin Compounds, Part II, by H. Schumann and I. Schumann, x+ 292 pages, Springer Verlag, Berlin …
Metal Complexes of Sulphur-Nitrogen Chelating Agents-Organotin (IV) Derivatives of Methyl Ester of 2-Amino-1-cyclopentene-1-carbodithioic Acid
Studies on biocidal properties of some Organotin co-ordination compounds: fungicidal and phytotoxic properties
Studies on Synthetic & Structural Aspects of Some New Unsymmetric & Asymmetric Organotin (IV) Halides, Pseudohalides & Carboxylates & Their Complex …
Functionally substituted Organotin compounds: II. Reactions between (bromomethyl) tin compounds and sodium thiolates.
Action of metal halides on tetra-, penta-and hexacoordinated Organotin compounds: I. The rections of mercuric halides with bis (triphenyltin) oxide, and some related …
A simplified method for the qualitative detection of copper and Organotin and lead compounds in antifouling paints leachates
Studies on Organotin compounds using the Del Re method: VI. Tin-aryl and tin-vinyl bond cleavage in trialkylaryltin and trialkylvinyltin compounds
The formation of sulphur-bridged manganese and rhenium clusters via Organotin intermediates
Titanium (IV) & Organotin (IV) Chelates of S-Benzyl-β-N-(2-Hydroxy-phenyl) methylen Dithiocarbazate
Studies of Organotin chemistry: I. Preparation and properties of new, soluble forms of trimethyltin formate and acetate
Organotin chemistry: VI. The preparation and Mössbauer spectra of some butyltin (IV), dialkyltin (IV) and simple and mixed hexahalogenostannate complexes
Reactions of Organotin compounds: IV. Complex formation and solvation of trimethyltin derivatives
The formation of thioamide complexes of manganese, molybdenum and rhodium from organosilicon and Organotin intermediates
Organotin carboxylates III. Mössbauer study of tetra-and pentacoordination in branched-chain triphenyltin carboxylates
Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy of Organotin compounds: IX. Geminal tin tin coupling constants of the type 2J (Sn tC Sn)
Organotin isothiocyanate complexes: the interaction of alkyltin isothiocyanates with ligands containing oxygen or nitrogen as the donor atom
Oxidative addition reactions of Organotin and organolead compounds to the platinum (0) complex [Pt (C2H4)(PPh3) 2]. Insertion of platinum, into Sn Cl, Sn C, and …
Organotin piezo-and pyroelectric polymer films.[Synthesis, glass transition, and piezo-and pyroelectric activity]
Spectroscopic studies on organometallic compounds. Part XVI. Infrared spectra of Organotin (carbonyl) iron complexes in the carbonyl stretching region
Organotin halide equilibria. Part III. Comparison of the stability constants of 2, 2′-bipyridyl adducts of diOrganotin di-isothiocyanates and dichlorides in benzene and …
113. Some Organotin compounds containing the o-phenoxyphenyl group
Organotin polymers—II. Copolymerization parameters for tributyltin methacrylate with methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, butyl acrylate and acrylonitrile
Topics in Current Chemistry. 104. Organotin Compounds
Organotin polymers—III: Copolymerization and terpolymerization of tributyltin acrylate with methyl methacrylate, propyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate and …
… compounds. L. The correlation between 119Sn mössbauer isomer shifts and calculated partial charges on tin in adducts of tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) halides with …
Organotin complexes: the acceptor properties of triphenyltin isothiocyanate and diphenyltin di-isothiocyanate and the infrared spectra of complexes containing oxygen …
… replacement of the nitro group by hydrogen using tri-n-butyltin hydride, a variation of the Kornblum reaction: on the mechanism of reduction of ketones by Organotin …
n J (SnD) Coupling constants: a powerful tool for structural analysis of Organotin compounds by 119 Sn fourier transform nmr spectroscopy
(^ 119) Sn NMR Studies of the reactions of some Organotin (IV) compounds
Gas phase 1, 3-deoxystannylation reactions of γ-substituted Organotin alcohols utilizing chemical ionization mass spectrometry
Heteronuclear double resonance: 119 Sn–13 C spin–spin coupling in Organotin compounds
Biological activity of Organotin compounds—an overview
Ecotoxicology of Organotin compounds
Organotin compounds: toxicology and biomedicinal applications
Organotin cluster chemistry
Palladium-catalysed reactions of Organotin compounds
Organotin compounds
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: a review of the crystallographic literature
Alkynylation of mixed acetals with Organotin acetylides
The palladium‐catalyzed cross‐coupling reactions of Organotin reagents with organic electrophiles [new synthetic methods (58)]
Imposex and Organotin compounds in Thais clavigera and T. bronni in Japan
Occurrence of Organotin compounds in water and sediment in Canada
Intramolecular coordination in Organotin chemistry
Toxicity of dibutyltin, tributyltin and other Organotin compounds to humans and to experimental animals
Organotin compounds in the Mediterranean: a continuing cause for concern
Pilot study on the contamination of drinking water by Organotin compounds from PVC materials
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin hexacyanoferrates
Determination of Organotin compounds in the foodweb of a shallow freshwater lake in the Netherlands
A practical method for the removal of Organotin residues from reaction mixtures
Organotin compounds in municipal wastewater and sewage sludge: contamination, fate in treatment process and ecotoxicological consequences
Synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from carbon dioxide and methanol in the presence of Organotin compounds
Small-scale survey of Organotin compounds in household commodities
General routes to functional Organotin trichlorides and trialkoxides involving the tricyclohexylstannyl group
Organotin esters of 3-(2-furanyl)-2-propenoic acid: their characterization and biological activity
Oxo carboxylate tin ladder clusters. A new structural class of Organotin compounds
Preparation of dimethyl carbonate from methanol and carbon dioxide in the presence of Organotin compounds
The early history of Organotin chemistry
Comprehensive trace level determination of Organotin compounds in environmental samples using high-resolution gas chromatography with flame photometric …
Cellular and molecular effects of trimethyltin and triethyltin: relevance to Organotin neurotoxicity
Aquatic environmental aspects of non-pesticidal Organotin compounds
Microwave-assisted leaching of Organotin compounds from sediments for speciation analysis
The chemistry and applications of Organotin (IV) complexes of phosphorus-based acids
Cycloaddition reaction of heterocumulenes with oxiranes catalyzed by Organotin iodide-Lewis base complex
Transmetalation, Involving Organotin Aryl, Thiolate, and Amide Compounds. An Unusual Type of Dissociative Ligand Substitution Reaction
Tin and Organotin in water, sediments, and benthic organisms of Poole Harbour
Synthesis, structure, antimicrobial, and genotoxic activities of Organotin compounds with 2, 6-diacetylpyridine nicotinoyl-and isonicotinoylhydrazones
Leaching of Organotin compounds from poly (vinyl chloride)(PVC) material
Organotin compounds and aquatic bacteria: a review
Organotin biocides. 4. Crystal and molecular structure of tricyclohexylstannyl 3-indolylacetate, incorporating the first monodentate carboxylate group bonded to a …
Palladium catalysis in Organotin chemistry: addition of hexaalkylditins to alkynes
Carbonate formation from oxiranes and carbon dioxide catalyzed by Organotin halide-tetraalkylphosphonium halide complexes
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: II. The crystal structure of the dicarboxylato tetraorganodistannoxane:{sunBu2Sn (O2CC5H4N)] 2O} 2
Polylactones: 23. Polymerization of racemic and mesod, l-lactide with various Organotin catalysts—Stereochemical aspects
Organotin-Mediated Monoacylation of Diols with Reversed Chemoselectivity. Mechanism and Selectivity1
Effect of Organotin Compounds on the Growth of the Freshwater AlgaScenedesmus quadricauda
Regiochemistry in Pd-catalyzed Organotin Reactions with Halopyrimidines
Organotin (Iv) complexes of schiff bases: A review
Organotin compounds induce calcium overload and apoptosis in PC12 cells.
Organotin in the surface microlayer and subsurface waters of southwest England
The genotoxicity of Organotin compounds in SOS chromotest and rec-assay
Organotin compounds in agriculture since 1980. Part I. Fungicidal, bactericidal and herbicidal properties
Biological indicators used to map Organotin contamination in Cork Harbour, Ireland
The mutagenicity of Organotin compounds as environmental pollutants
Some chemistry of Organotin synthons containing two Organotin moieties
Oriented growth of tin oxide thin films on glass substrates by spray pyrolysis of Organotin compounds
In vitro effect of Organotin-substituted steroids in human tumor cell lines
2-1. THE NEUROTOXICOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY OF ORGANOMERCURY, ORGANOLEAD, AND Organotin (<????????????(2)>「Environmental toxicology」)
Regiospecific palladium catalysed tandem cyclisation-anion capture processes. Stereospecific group transfer from Organotin reagents.
Organotin distribution in sediments and waters of selected east coast estuaries in the UK
Organotin clusters. 4. Cubic, butterfly, and oxygen-capped clusters of n-butyloxotin phosphinates. A new class of Organotin compounds
Adducts of tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives with 2, 2′-azopyridine II. Crystal and molecular structure of SnMe2Br2AZP and further mössbauer and …
Comparison of GC/MSD and GC/AED for the determination of Organotin compounds in the environment
Organotin stability during storage of marine waters and sediments
Insecticidal Effects of Organotin (IV) Compounds on Plutella Xylostella (L.) Larvae. II. Inhibitory Potencies Against Acetylcholinesterase and Evidence for …
Organotin Enolates in Organic Synthesis. A Review
Simplified sample preparation for GC speciation analysis of Organotin in marine biomaterials
Evaluation of sample preparation methods for Organotin speciation analysis in sediments—focus on monobutyltin extraction
General synthetic route to γ-butyrolactones via stereoselective radical cyclization by Organotin species
Cytotoxicity in vitro of Organotin compounds to fish hepatoma cells PLHC-1 (Poeciliopsis lucida)
Effects of Organotin and organolead compounds on yeasts
Toxicity of Organotin compounds on embryos of a marine invertebrate (Styela plicata; Tunicata)
The extraction of Organotin compounds from polyvinyl chloride pipe
Photodegradation of PVC stabilized by Organotin compounds
Studies on the mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation. ATP synthesis by submitochondrial particles inhibited at F0 by venturicidin and Organotin compounds …
Participation of Organotin Lewis Acids in Radical Reactions: Manipulation of Rotamer Population in N-Enoyloxazolidinones
Effects of salinity, pH and temperature on aqueous solubility of four Organotin compounds
Toxic effects of Organotin species on algae
Copper, zinc, and Organotin as long-term factors governing the distribution of organisms in the Fal Estuary in southwest England
Relationship of cytotoxic groups in Organotin molecules and the effectiveness of the compounds against leukemia
Palladium catalyzed iminocarbonylation of bromobenzene with isocyanide and Organotin compounds
Polymeric membrane salicylate-sensitive electrodes based on Organotin (IV) carboxylates
Air activated Organotin catalysts for silicone curing and polyurethane preparation
Oxiranyllithium reagents: Generation from Organotin precursors, addition to aldehydes and ketones, and dimerization to α, α′-dialkoxyolefins
Widespread Organotin pollution in New Zealand coastal waters as indicated by imposex in dogwhelks
An introduction to Organotin compounds and their use in antifouling coatings
A polymer-supported Organotin hydride and its multipurpose application in radical organic synthesis
Organotin (IV) compounds of 2-thiopyridine. Crystal and molecular structure of dicyclohexyltin (IV) bis (2-pyridylthiolate)
Organotin triflate as practical catalyst for Michael addition of enol silyl ethers
Cesium fluoride-promoted esterification of carboxylic acids. A practical alternative to the diazomethane method and direct conversion of Organotin carboxylates
Optimization of comprehensive speciation of Organotin compounds in environmental samples by capillary gas chromatography helium microwave-induced plasma …
Organotin compounds and deoxyribonucleic acid
In vitro cytotoxicity of heavy metals, acrylamide, and Organotin salts to neural cells and fibroblasts
Reduction of. alpha.-halo ketones by Organotin hydrides. An electron-transfer-hydrogen atom abstraction mechanism
Organotin residue determination in poultry and turkey sample survey in the United States
Source of Organotin at a marine water/sediment interface—a field study
Reaction of carbon dioxide with oxetane catalyzed by Organotin halide complexes: control of reaction by ligands
Coordination chemistry of Organotin (IV) dithiocarbamate complexes
Organotin templates in organic reactions. 6. Reactivity profile of 1, 3-disubstituted tetraorganodistannoxanes assessed in urethane formation reaction
Polymer-supported Organotin hydrides as immobilized reagents for free radical synthesis
Influence of storage conditions on the determination of Organotin in mussels
Sterically hindered Organotin compounds: II. Synthesis of the Organotin halides (mesityl) 2SnXnY2-n,(mesityl) SnXnY3-n and R4Sn2X2 (R= 2, 4, 6-iPr3C6H2, X Cl, Y …
First hyperpolarizability of Organotin compounds with Td symmetry
Concentrations of Organotin compounds in blue mussels from the wharves of Tokyo Bay
Organotin triflates as functional lewis acids. A new entry to simple and efficient robinson annulation
Organotin clusters. 3. Novel drums and mixed-drum organooxotin clusters from carboxylic, phosphinic, and phosphoric acids
Acute nephropathy of Organotin compounds
Biosorption of tributyltin and other Organotin compounds by cyanobacteria and microalgae
Comparative toxicity of Organotin compounds to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) yolk sac fry
Organotin speciation in aquatic matrices by CGC/FPD, ECD and MS, and LC/MS
Organotin biocides. Part 11. Triphenyltin benzoates: electronic versus steric control of structure
Cellular interactions of Organotin compounds in relation to their antitumor activity
Tin and Organotin speciation during wastewater and sludge treatment processes
Plasma surface modification of polyethylene with organosilicon and Organotin monomers
Preparation and crystal structures of the crowded Organotin fluorides (PhMe2Si) 3CSnMe2F,(Me3Si) 3CSnMe2F, and (Me3Si) 3CSnPh2F
Organotin diphenylmonothiophosphinates. Crystal structure of bis (diphenylmonothiophosphinato) dimethyltin (IV), Me2Sn (OSPPh2) 2
Speciation for analysis of Organotin compounds by GC AA and GC MS after ethylation by sodium tetraethylborate
Organotin mediated cycloaddition reactions: a re-investigation of the reaction between Organotin azides and isothiocyanates
Solution and solid-state structures of several dialkyltin dicarboxylate complexes,[R2Sn (O2CR’CO2)] x: polymorphic Organotin polymers
Organomercury (II) and Organotin (IV) compounds with nitrogen-containing substituents
Mono‐Organotin (IV) compounds as esterification and transesterification catalysts
Spider mite management on pome fruits, revisited: Organotin and acaricide resistance management
Synthesis and properties of Organotin (IV) complexes of dimethyldithiocarbamate. The crystal structure of CH3OOCCH2CH2Sn (S2CNMe2) Cl2
Pattern of Organotin inhibition of methanogenic bacteria
Claisen rearrangement of Organotin compounds
Towards non‐polluting Organotin reagents for synthesis
Organotin compounds in agriculture since 1980. Part 2. Acaricidal, antifeedant, chemosterilant and insecticidal properties
119Sn NMR study of Organotin compounds having intramolecular Sn—N coordination
Palladium-catalyzed coupling between organic halides and Organotin compounds involving CN unsaturated bonds at the reaction centers
Survey of Organotin compounds in blended wines
Organotin concentrations in the southern Chesapeake Bay
Ultrasonic treatment of molluscan tissue for Organotin speciation
Speciation of Organotin compounds in fish samples
Utilization of hypervalently activated Organotin compounds in synthesis. Preparation and reactions of Me2N (CH2) 3SnPh3
Organotin esters of dithiocarbamylacetic acids
Depositional profiles and relationships between Organotin compounds in freshwater and estuarine sediment cores
Structure–activity relationships for Organotin compounds on the red killifish Oryzias latipes
Effect of different spray chambers on the determination of Organotin compounds by high-performance liquid chromatography–inductively coupled plasma mass …
Novel polynuclear Organotin complexes of samarium and ytterbium
The use of high‐performance liquid chromatography for the speciation of Organotin compounds
Synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals via Organotin intermediates
Survey of nine Organotin compounds in the netherlands using the zebra mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) as biomonitor
Organotin Biocides: XIII. C-Triorganostannylimidazoles,-benzoxazoles and-benzothiazoles
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: XIV. DiOrganotin (IV) complexes of monochloroacetyl-lphenylalanine. Crystal structure of [nBu2Sn (O2C (CH2Ph) C (H) …
Organotin cations stabilized by π coordination–synthesis and NMR studies in solution and in the solid state
Thermal stabilisation of PVC via the polaron mechanism Part III: Stabilisation with Organotin compounds
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: XI. X-ray crystal structure of dimethyltin dibenzoate
Antimicorbial effects of newly synthesized Organotin (IV) and organolead (IV) derivatives
Palladium catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of alkenyl (phenyl) iodonium salts with Organotin compounds
Determination of Organotin compounds in environmental samples by supercritical fluid extraction and gas chromatography with atomic emission detection
Speciation analysis of Organotin in water and sediments by gas chromatography with optical spectrometric detection after extraction separation
Accumulation of Organotin in Littorina littorea and Mya arenaria from Danish coastal waters
Organotin (IV) complex with tridentate ligands—II. Synthesis and characterization of mono-and dimethyltin (IV) complexes with N-(2-pyridinylmethylene) …
Cleavage of carboxylic esters effected by Organotin oxides and hydroxides under classical heating and microwave irradiation. A comparative study
Palladium-catalyzed reaction of organic haldids with Organotin compounds involving olefin insertion: synthesis of 2, 3-di-substituted norbornanes
The preparation of pure allyl-and benzyl-type organoalkali intermediates via Organotin compounds
Organotin concentrations in the Rivers Bure and Yare, Norfolk Broads, England
Organotin and-mercury routes to enones, dienones amd spiroacetals
Di-and tri-Organotin (IV) diphenyldithiophosphinates
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Investigations of Some Binuclear Organotin(IV) Complexes of Malonobis(salicylidenehydrazide) and Crystal Structure Study of [(C2H5)2Sn]2[OC6H4CH …
Organotin Compounds
… coupled plasma mass spectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography for speciation and detection of Organotin …
… /supercritical fluid extraction and gas chromatography with atomic emission detection for the determination and speciation of Organotin compounds in soils and …
Organotin (IV) derivatives of acylpyrazol-5-ones
Determination of Organotin compounds in aqueous samples by means of HPGC-AED
Regioselective ring cleavage of oxiranes catalyzed by Organotin halide-triphenylphosphine complex
Complexation of Organotin halides with ambidentate, S, N, and O donor ligands
Bioaccumulation of Organotin compounds in the red sea bream (Pagrus major) by two uptake pathways: dietary uptake and direct uptake from water
Stereospecific cycloaddition of heterocumulenes to oxiranes catalyzed by Organotin halide complexes
Speciation analysis for Organotin compounds in biomaterials after integrated dissolution, extraction, and derivatization in a focused microwave field
… resonance studies and structural investigations of the chemistry of Organotin compounds: Part I. 119Sn NMR studies of the pyrazine adducts of some Organotin …
Synthesis and structure of Organotin complexes of ytterbium
Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Tetrathiafulvalene Derivatives via Me3Al-Promoted Reactions of Organotin Compounds with Esters
Organotin (IV) polypyrazolylborates: III. Tris (3, 5-dimethylpyrazolyl) borates
Labelling of Organotin compounds for fluorimetric detection
Organotin phosphate condensates as a catalyst of selective ring-opening of oxiranes by alcohols
Organotin biocides. Part 8. The crystal structure of triphenyltin formate and a comparative variable-temperature tin-119 Mössbauer spectroscopic study of Organotin …
Effect of Organotin compounds on membrane lipids: fluorescence spectroscopy studies
Liquid chromatography of Organotin compounds in cyanopropyl silica gel
Organotin compounds induce aneuploidy in human peripheral lymphocytes in vitro
Particle water partitioning and Organotin dispersal in an estuary
Organotin biocides: XIV. Synthesis of new Organotin heterocycles from thermal cyclisatioin of Organotin tetrazoles. Crystal structure of 2, 3, 4, 5-tetraaza-6 …
Cellular and molecular aspects of Organotin-induced thymus atrophy
Speciation of Organotin compounds in water by gas chromatography/atomic absorption spectrometry
Organotin triflate promoted carbonyl activation. Does acetalization deactivate or activate carbonyl groups?
Coordination behaviour of diphosphine and diarsine oxides in four Organotin (IV) adducts
Organotin in the marine surface microlayer and subsurface waters of south-west England: Relation to toxicity thresholds and the UK environmental quality standard
High-resolution solid-state 119Sn NMR spectroscopy of some Organotin (IV) oxinates and thiooxinates
Catalysis in competing isocyanate reactions. I. Effect of Organotin–tertiary amine catalysts on phenyl isocyanate and N‐butanol reaction
Correlation of molecular total surface area with Organotin toxicity for biological and physicochemical applications
Environmental significance and interpretation of Organotin bioassays
Structural chemistry of Organotin caboxylates: IX. Synthesis and characterization of n-butyltinoxo carboxylates:[nBuSn (O)(O) 2CR′)] 6, R′= iPr or tBu, and the crystal …
High‐resolution solid‐state 119Sn and 207Pb NMR study of Organotin and organolead chalcogenides: Observation of J‐coupling in solids
Organotin-substituted organosiloxanes: synthesis and characterisation, including the crystal structure of 1, 3-bis (triphenylstannoxy)-1, 1, 3, 3-tetraphenyl-1, 3 …
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates IV. Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of diOrganotin (IV) complexes with o-anisic acid. The crystal and molecular …
Organotin (IV) complexes with tridentate ligand-IV Organotin (IV) complexes with N-salicylidene-and N-pyridoxylideneacylhydrazines. crystal and molecular structure …
Organotin (IV) complexes with tetraethyl ethylene‐and propylene‐diphosphonates
Speciation of inorganic and Organotin compounds in biological samples by liquid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric detection
Validation of the analysis of Organotin compounds in biological tissues using alkylation and gas chromatography
Synthesis and characterization of di-and tri-Organotin (IV) dimethyldithiophosphinates
Speciation analysis for Organotin compounds in sediments by capillary gas chromatography with flame photometric detection after microwave-assisted acid leaching
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: XII. Synthesis and characterization of diOrganotin (IV) carboxylates containing 2-thiophene-or 2-furan-carboxylic acid …
Palladium catalyzed reactions of organic halides with Organotin compounds involving insertion of norbornene. Synthesis of 2, 3-disubstituted norbornane
Modulation of Organotin-induced apoptosis by the water pollutant methyl mercury in a human lymphoblastoid tumor cell line and a marine sponge
Toxicity of Organotin compounds for polymorphonuclear leukocytes: the effect on phagocytosis and exocytosis
Organotin clusters. 7. Polynuclear chlorine containing organooxotin clusters
Anionic Organotin Compounds in Organic Synthesis-Trialkylstannyllithium And Trialkylstannylmethyllium
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) complexes containing mono or bidentate N-donor ligands—I. 1-benzylimidazole derivatives
Fitness and immigration: factors affecting reversion of Organotin resistance in the twospotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae)
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates VI. Characterization of {[R2Sn (O2CR′)] 2O} 2 (R= Me, Et, nPr and nBu; R′= thiophene and furan). X-ray crystal …
Preparation of benzylstannanes by zinc-mediated coupling of benzyl bromides with Organotin derivatives. Physicochemical characterization and crystal structures
Organotin (IV) compounds 2-(Me2NCHR) C6H4 (SnR′ R ″Br) with a fixed s-cis arrangement of the chiral carbon and tin centers. Crystal structure of 2-(Me2NCHBut) …
Flow-injection sample preparation for Organotin speciation analysis of water by capillary gas chromatography-microwave-induced plasma atomic emission …
Estimation of the hemolytic effects of various Organotin compounds by structure–activity relationships
Organotin-mediated synthesis of macrocyclic polyesters: Mechanism and selectivity in the reaction of dioxastannolanes with diacyl dichlorides
The role of supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography in Organotin speciation studies
Electrospray mass spectrometry: an alternative method for the identification of Organotin compounds
Field reversion of Organotin resistance in the twospotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) following relaxation of selection pressure
Studies of the degradation of Organotin stabilizers in poly (vinyl chloride) during gamma irradiation
Speciation of Organotin and organolead compounds in drinking water by gas chromatography—atomic emission spectrometry
Occurrence of Organotin compounds in water and biota from Alexandria harbours
Hydroliquefaction of Yallourn coal catalysed by Organotin compounds
Mössbauer, multinuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometric studies of Organotin carboxylates of m-methyltrans-cinnamic acid
Role of Organotin mercaptide stabilizer in heat and light stability of PVC
Investigations on the Giese reaction carried out with polymer-supported Organotin reagents
Organotin (IV) Derivatives of Phthalanilic Acid
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin complexes with 2‐mercaptopyridine derivatives
Organotin-protein interactions. Binding of triethyltin bromide to cat haemoglobin
Simultaneous determination of Organotin, organolead, and organomercury compounds in environmental samples using capillary gas chromatography with atomic …
The distribution of Organotin compounds in the North-Eastern Mediterranean
The in vitro antiherpes activity of some selected antitumor Organotin compounds
Determination of Organotin compounds in water by bonded-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography with long-tube atomic absorption …
Effects of Organotin compounds on mitosis, spindle structure, toxicity and in vitro microtubule assembly
Organotin (IV) complexes with tridentate ligands—III. Synthesis and characterization of some Organotin (IV) complexes with N-(2-pyridinylmethylene) …
Organotin compounds in sediments of the rivers Elbe and Mulde
Speciation of Organotin compounds by capillary electrophoresis using indirect ultraviolet absorbance detection
New synthetic applications of Organotin compounds: synthesis of stereodefined 2-iodo-2-alkenones, 2-substituted (E)-2-alkenones and 2-methyl-2-cycloalkenones
Structural and spectroscopic studies of cation-anion interactions in pentacoordinate Organotin compounds
Mössbauer spectroscopic investigations of intra-and intermolecularly coordinated Organotin compounds
Organoiron-mediated oxygenation of allylic Organotin compounds. A possible chemical model for enzymatic lipoxygenation
Laboratory and field investigations on the effects of Organotin (tributyltin) on the oyster, Ostrea edulis
Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumour activity of novel Organotin derivatives of 1, 2-and 1, 7-Dicarba-Closo-dodecaboranes
The Organotin (IV) coordination polymer [(Me3Sn) 4Fe (CN) 6.2 H2O. C4H8O2]. infin.: a three-dimensional host-guest network involving” cascade type” guests
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: V. X-ray crystal structure of polymeric trimethylstannyl thiophene-2-carboxylate
Organotin heterocycles
New latent Organotin catalysts: preparation and mechanism of the thermal decomposition of bis [2-(acyloxy) alkyl] diOrganotins
Dehydrochlorination of hydroximic acid chlorides by the use of Organotin compounds: an application for synthesis of isoxazolines and isoxazoles
Organotin (IV) Derivatives of 3-Substituted 2-Mercaptoquinazol-4-Ones
The determination of Organotin compounds in fruit juices using gas chromatography‐atomic absorption spectrometry
Organotin compounds: XI. Organotin hydride additions to various methyl dihydronaphthalenecar☐ ylates
Isolation and x-ray crystal structure of (phenylselenito) triphenyltin: the first example of an Organotin ester of phenylseleninic acid
Organotin biocides XV: modelling the interactions of triOrganotins with cell membranes
Adsorption behaviour and QSPR studies of Organotin compounds on estuarine sediment
Speciation of Organotin compounds in environmental matrices
Interactions of Organotin (IV) halides with reduced glutathione in aqueous solution
Organotin-based bifunctional reagents: 4-chloro-2-lithio-1-botene and related substances: Methylenecyclopentane annotations. Total synthesis of (±)-δ9 (12) …
Organotin derivatives of 4-acyl-5-pyrazolones. Crystal structure of trans-di (t-butyl) bis (1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-pyrazolon-5-ato) tin (IV)
Adducts of Organotin (IV), tin (IV) and tin (II) halides with 1-methyl-imidazoline-2 (3H)-thione (Hmimt) and imidazoline-2 (1, 3H)-thione (Himt). Synthesis, spectroscopic …
Organotin-induced hemolysis, shape transformation and intramembranous aggregates in human erythrocytes
Synthesis and characterisation of some Organotin (IV) derivatives of the Schiff base derived from salicyldehyde and 2-aminothiophenol
Organotin (IV) polypyrazolylborates II. Tetrakis (pyrazolyl) borates
Organotin homoenolate equivalents-access to β-acyl-and β-aryl-propionaldehydes through heterosubstituted allyltins and vinyltins
Organotin biocides. X. Synthesis, structure and biocidal activity of Organotin derivatives of 2‐mercaptobenzothiazole, 2‐mercaptobenzoxazole and 2 …
Synthesis and spectroscopic investigations (IR, NMR and Mössbauer) of tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives of bis (pyrazol-1-yl) alkanes: X-ray crystal structures of …
Speciation of Organotin and organoarsenic in water samples
Spectral studies and bactericidal, fungicidal, insecticidal and parasitological activities of Organotin (IV) complexes of thio schiff bases having no donor atoms
Stereochemistry and mechanisms of reactions of electrophiles with Organotin compounds
Cyclic Organotin Lewis acids
Organotin speciation in municipal wastewater and sewage sludge: Ecotoxicological consequences
A highly effective one-pot bicycloannulation methodology for the synthesis of berban and yohimban systems based on Organotin-mediated three-component coupling …
Structural chemistry of Organotin ferrocenecarboxylic esters I. Synthesis and spectroscopic studies on dialkyltin esters of ferrocenecarboxylic acid FcCOOH and 1, 1 …
Reactions of Organotin hydrides with lithium diisopropylamide and organolithiums. Reactivities of the intermediates and of the lithium hydride produced
Synthesis of Organotin complexes with ligands of biological significance
Speciation of Organotin compounds using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with micellar liquid chromatography
Organotin (IV) complexes with tridentate ligands I. Dimethyltin (IV) complexes with N-salicylidene derivatives of Aroylhydrazines, S-methylhydrazinecarbodithioate …
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: VIII. Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of diOrganotin (IV) complexes with thiophenoxyacetic acid. X-ray crystal …
Organotin complexes of 4-pyrones
Aqueous ethylation of Organotin compounds in simple solution for speciation analysis by cryofocussing and detection by atomic absorption spectrometry—comparison …
New supramolecular architectures based on polyfunctional Organotin tetrazoles: synthesis and characterisation of phenylene-bridged bis (Organotin tetrazoles)
Examination of the different procedural steps in the determination of Organotin compounds in water samples
NMR Studies of Three Types of Highly Coordinated Organotin Hydrides: Chemo-, Regio-, and Stereoselective Reduction of 2, 3-Epoxy Ketones
Determination and speciation of Organotin compounds by gas chromatography—microwave induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry
Polyoxometalate Derivatives with Multiple Organic Groups. 1. Synthesis and Structures of Tris (Organotin). beta.-Keggin and. alpha.-Dawson Tungstophosphates
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: I. The crystal structure of di-n-butylbis (thiophenoxyacetato) tin (IV): nBu2Sn (O2CCH2SC6H5) 2
Organotin-mediated preparation of monothioacetals
Thymus atrophy and immunosuppression induced by Organotin compounds
Fungicidal Activity of Some Organotin Compounds against Ceratocystis ulmi
Palladium-Catalyzed Consecutive One-Pot Reaction of Acetylenes with Allyl Bromide and Organotin Compounds
A comparative study of gas chromatography with atomic absorption and atomic emission detection for the speciation analysis of Organotin
Synthesis of heterocyclic compounds by the Organotin alkoxide-promoted cleavage of. gamma.-bromo. beta.-lactones
The scope of the Organotin issue in Scandinavia
Crystal and molecular structure and in vitro antiproliferative and antitumor activity of two Organotin (IV) carbohydrate compounds
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: X. Synthesis and characterization of [{R2Sn (O2CtBu)] 2O} 2 (R= Me, Et, nPr and nBu). X-ray crystal structures of {[R2Sn …
Preparation of pentylated Organotin standards for use in trace analysis with gas chromatography
An evaluation of reversed‐phase and ion‐exchange chromatography for use with inductively coupled plasma—mass spectrometry for the determination of Organotin …
In vitro antiproliferative effects, toxicity profiles in vivo in mice and antitumour activity in tumour-bearing mice of five Organotin compounds.
Corrosion behavior and inhibitive effects of Organotin compounds on nickel in formic acid
Cytoskeletal modifications induced by Organotin compounds in human neutrophils
Use of cartridges for speciation of Organotin compounds in environmental samples
The stoichiometry of Organotin trihalides in solution
Monitoring Organotin concentrations in Maryland waters of Chesapeake Bay
Organometallic complexes with biological molecules, IV. Di‐and tri‐Organotin (IV) amoxicillin derivatives: Solid‐state and solution‐phase spectroscopic investigations
Organotin halides and their hydrolysed species studied in solution by positive and negative ion electrospray mass spectrometry
Assessment of the in vitro broad‐spectrum antiviral activity of some selected antitumor Organotin complexes
Helium microwave-induced plasma mass spectrometry for capillary gas chromatographic detection: speciation of Organotin compounds
Synthesis and properties of some crowded Organotin compounds
Pentylated Organotin standards: guidelines for their synthesis, purity control and quantification
Silver-assisted reactions of Organotin oxides. A mild, neutral and anhydrous one-step conversion of primary organic halides to alcohols
Associative Organotin polymers. 2. Solution properties of symmetric trialkyltin fluorides
Acid extraction treatment of sediment samples for Organotin speciation; occurrence of butyltin and phenyltin compounds on the cadiz coast, south‐west spain
Organotin derivatives of hexaborane (10)
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) complexes containing mono or bidentate N-donor ligands II. 14-Phenylimidazole derivatives. Crystal and molecular structure of [bis (4 …
Interferences generated by organic and inorganic compounds during Organotin speciation using hydride generation coupled with cryogenic trapping, gas …
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) complexes containing the anion of some substituted-3-methyl-4-acyl-5-pyrazolones. Crystal structure of dimethylbis (1-phenyl-3-methyl-4 …
Optimization study for the speciation analysis of Organotin and organogermanium compounds by on-column capillary gas chromatography with flame photometric …
Interferences in ultratrace speciation of organolead and Organotin by gas chromatography with atomic spectrometric detection
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates XV. Diorganostannate esters of dicyclohexylammonium hydrogen oxalate. Synthesis, crystal structure and in vitro …
Mathematical modeling of the transport and fate of Organotin in harbors
Determination of tri-and tetra-Organotin compounds by supercritical fluid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric detection
A facile preparation of 1-perflouroalkylalkenes and alkynes. Palladium catalyzed reaction of perfluoroalkyl iodides with Organotin compounds
Organotin-DMIT complexes: crystal structure of [Bu4N][Me2SnCl (DMIT)]
Laser-excited atomic fluorescence in a flame as a high-sensitivity detector for organomanganese and Organotin compounds following separation by high-performance …
Studies on some Organotin (IV) complexes of semicarbazones and thiosemicarbazones
New Organotin (IV) derivatives of 1-phenyl-1H-tetrazole-5-thiol. Crystal and molecular structure of 1∞[Bz3SnSCN4Ph], a polymer built through secondary …
Determination of Organotin compounds in marine mussel samples by using high-performance liquid chromatography–hydride generation inductively coupled plasma …
Silicone curing and polyurethane preparation promoted by latent Organotin catalysts
Mechanistic aspects of the thermal stabilisation of PVC by Organotin compounds
Novel polymers containing carbon–anchored Organotin groups
Computer assisted structure-antileukemic activity correlations of Organotin compounds and initial exploration of their potential anti-HIV activity
Palladium-catalyzed cyclization and cross-coupling of acetylenic aryl triflates with Organotin reagents
Oxirane ring-opening with alcohol catalyzed by Organotin phosphate condensates. Complete inversion at tertiary and benzylic centers
Determination of organolead and Organotin compounds in water samples by micellar electrokinetic chromatography
A new approach to the construction of BEDT-TTF derivatives condensed with heterocycles via BF3-promoted reactions of Organotin thiolates
Transformation and transmission of Organotin compounds inside a gas chromatograph
Synthesis, characterization and spectroscopic investigations of tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives of 4-aroyl-5-pyrazolones. Crystal structure of trans-dimethylbis [1 …
Differential cytotoxic effects of methylmercury and Organotin compounds on mature and immature neuronal cells and non-neuronal cells in vitro
Oxidative-addition reactions of molecular diiodine and dibromine to divalent Organotin compounds. Crystal structures of bis [8-(dimethylamino)-1-naphthyl] tin (IV) …
Nuclear magnetic resonance and structural investigations of the chemistry of Organotin compounds: II. 119Sn NMR investigations of the pyrazine adducts of dialkyltin …
Use of Organotin stabilizers—risk assessment analysis
Organotin compounds in marine mussels collected from Italian coasts
Synthesis and characterization of biologically active organosilicon and Organotin complexes of phenylglycyl hydrazones
Research needs concerning Organotin compounds used in antifouling paints in coastal environments
Organotin (IV) Derivatives of Substituted N-Aryl-O-hydroxyacetophenoneimine
Mössbauer and NMR study of tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) hydridotris (3-Me-1H-pyrazol-1-yl) borates. The X-ray crystal structure of phenyldichlorotin (IV) derivative
Determination of Organotin compounds in polyvinyl chloride products by GC
Chemical species of Organotin compounds in seawater and their seasonal variations
Pillaring of montmorillonite by Organotin cationic complexes
Synthesis of cis-Olefins via Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling of Organic Halides, Norbornadiene, and Organotin Compounds
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: VII. Synthesis of triorganostannate esters of dicarboxylic acids. Crystal structure of dicyclohexylammonium 2, 6 …
Cyclic bis (amino) Organotin cations, stabilized by π-coordination and new spirocyclic stannole derivatives
The determination of Organotin compounds in edible oils by gas chromatography-atomic absorption spectrometry
Organotin (IV) polypyrazolylborates VII. Hydridotris (3, 4, 5-trimethyl-1 H-pyrazol-1-yl) borates. X-ray crystal structures of K (HB (3, 4, 5-Me3Pz) 3] and [HB (3, 4, 5 …
Organotin Antifouling Hull Paints and the US Navy–A Historical Perspective
Trichloro-, mono-, di-and tri-Organotin (IV) derivatives of hydridotris (4-methylpyrazol-1-yl) borates
Organotin (IV) polypyrazolylborates. XII. Hydridotris (4-bromo-1H-pyrazol-1-yl) borates: characterization, Mössbauer study and X-ray crystal structure of MeCl2Sn (4 …
Organotin clusters. 6. Tetranuclear organooxotin cage compounds formed with phosphate and phosphonate ligands. A new class of Organotin clusters
Effect of Organotin stabiliser on the thermal stabilisation of PVC: Part II—Structure changes in PVC and the mechanism of stabilisation
Determination of inorganic tin and Organotin compounds by graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with a new matrix modifier
Normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with UV irradiation, morin complexation and fluorescence detection for the determination of Organotin …
Organotin compounds. I. The synthesis of some dibutyltin and dibenzyltin azides and sulfonates
Cycloaddition of oxetanes with heterocumulenes catalyzed by Organotin iodide‐lewis base complex
Thermal Decomposition of Organotin Sulfamates: A One Pot Synthesis of Vinyltributyltin Compounds
Accumulation and effects of Organotin compounds in oysters and mussels: correlation with serum biochemical and cytological factors and tissue burdens
Cyano and fluorodestannylation: A new methodology using some powerful sulfur transfer reagents, the Organotin sulfides
Organotin (IV) Complexes of N-(Salicylidene) Anthranilic Acid
A reinvestigation of the structures of Organotin sulphates and chromates, including the crystal and molecular structure of bis (trimethyltin) sulphate dihydrate
The different behaviour of the di-2-pyridylketone 2-thenoylhydrazone in two Organotin compounds. Synthesis, X-ray structure and biological activity
Summary report-interagency workshop on aquatic sampling and analysis for Organotin compounds
Sulphur substituted Organotin compounds. Part 9. Crystal and molecular structure and reactions of [(p-chlorophenylthio) methyl] tricyclohexylstannane
Sterically hindered Organotin compounds. Part 3. The reaction between di-tert-butyltin oxide and organoboronic acids
Application of helium microwave-induced plasma emission detection system to analysis of Organotin compounds in biological samples
The use of Organotin chemistry to achieve chemospecificity in a one-pot [3+ 2] annulation sequence
New Organotin catalysts in urethane and polyurethane technology
Use of Organotin halides as catalytic precursors in dehydration processes
Biocidal Organotin compounds: Part 1. Preparation and characterization of triOrganotin (IV) 4‐pyridyl‐and 2‐pyrimidyl‐thioacetates and the crystal structure of …
Optimization of a flame photometric detector for supercritical fluid chromatography of Organotin compounds
Synthesis and chemistry of novel 2, 2′-binaphthyl-substituted Organotin Lewis acids
Organotin polymers—XVI. Synthesis of p-acryloyloxybenzoic acid and n-methacryloyloxytetrabromophthalimide and copolymerizations with tri-n-butyltin acrylate and …
Antitumor activity of Organotin compounds. Reaction, synthesis and structure of Et2SnCl2 (phen) with 5-fluorouracil
Simultaneous determination of Organotin compounds in fish and shellfish by gas chromatography with a flame photometric detector
An investigation of the genotoxic effects of an Organotin antifouling compound (bis (tributyltin) oxide) on the chromosomes of the edible mussel, Mytilus edulis
Interference mechanisms and reduction during the speciation of Organotin compounds by hydride generation, cryoseparation and detection by atomic absorption …
Synthesis and biological activity of five-coordinate platinum (II) complexes including Organotin fragments.
Determination of tin in Organotin compounds by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry in organic media
Preparation, IR, 13C and 119mSn Mössbauer spectral studies of Organotin (IV) derivatives of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
A programme to improve the quality of analytical results in the environmental monitoring of Organotin compounds
Effect of Organotin stabiliser on the thermal stabilisation of PVC: Part I—The influence of dibutyltin dilaurate on polyene sequences
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of Organotin derivatives of N‐benzoylglycylglycine
Easy access to a new class of anionic cyano-bridged di-and tri-nuclear Organotin adducts. Crystal structure of [N (PPh3) 2][ClPh3Sn (µ-NC) Ag (CN)]
Biocidal Organotin compounds. Part 2. Synthesis, characterization and biocidal properties of triOrganotin (IV) hydantoic acid derivatives and the crystal structures of …
Tin for organic synthesis, part 9: Preparation and investigation of a polystyrene-based Organotin hydride as a versatile multiple-use reagent in organic synthesis. Part I …
Organotin polymers. I. Copolymerization on tributyltin methacrylate with (hydroxy) alkyl methacrylates
Determination of inorganic and Organotin compounds in sea water by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation by Organotin thiocarbamates
Acute effect of Organotin compounds to red sea bream and red carp using biological parameters
Organotin (IV) compounds derived from 2-Me2NC6H4CH2Li and its chiral. alpha.-Me3Si derivative. X-ray structure of pentacoordinate [{2-(dimethylamino) phenyl} …
Organotin-functionalised poly (tetrazoles), including the supramolecular structure of 1, 6-(2-Bu 3 SnN 4 C) 2 (CH 2) 6
Molecular receptors for tin: structural studies of Organotin-coronand adducts mediated by hydrogen-bonding interactions
17. Speciation of Organotin compounds in environmental samples by GC-MS
Ring enlargement of dichloromethylcyclohexadienones via polystyrene-supported Organotin hydride
Organotin (IV) complexes of some N, N-dimethylaniline N-oxide derivatives
Speciation analysis of Organotin in the river Scheldt by capillary Gas chromatography Atomic emission spectrometry (Gc-Aes)
Organotin thiosemicarbazates. Crystal structure of triphenyltin 1-amino-4-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-2, 3-diazapenta-(E)-1,(E)-3-dienyl-1-thiolate
Optimization of a gas chromatograph-atomic absorption spectrometer system for Organotin determination
119Sn, 15N, 13C and 1H NMR study of some tri-and di-Organotin (IV) 8-quinolinethiolates
Optimization of atomization parameters in the speciation of Organotin compounds by hydride generation–gas chromatography–electrothermal atomic absorption …
Actions of orally administered Organotin compounds on heme metabolism and cytochrome P-450 content and function in intestinal epithelium
Organotin clusters. 5. Crown and extended organooxotin compounds formed with phosphinate ligands. A new class of tetranuclear tin clusters
Electrochemical speciation of Organotin compounds in water and sediments. Application to sea water after ion-exchange separation
A thermal analytical study of some mono‐and di‐Organotin oxides and carboxylates
Dioxin and Organotin compounds as model immunotoxic chemicals
Application of gas chromatographic determination of Organotin compounds to basic research on the metabolism of triphenyltin chloride in rats
Organotin compounds as energy‐potentiated uncouplers of rat liver mitochondria
Polyoxometalate derivatives with multiple organic groups. 2. Synthesis and structures of tris (Organotin) α, β-Keggin tungstosilicates
Coordination Behaviour and Antimicrobial Studies of Organotin (IV) Complexes of Biologically Active Heterocyclic Benzothiazolines
Modes of coordination of 1, 2-aminothiols in Organotin (IV) complexes, as demonstrated by 119Sn, 15N and 13C NMR spectroscopy
The influence of fenbutatin-oxide use on Organotin resistance in two-spotted mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)
Pollution of fish and shellfish with Organotin compounds and estimation of daily intake
Motional processes in solid Organotin polymers investigated by one-and two-dimensional carbon-13 and tin-119 NMR spectroscopy
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: XVII. DiOrganotin (IV) derivatives of N-phthaloyl-DL-valine
Improvements in the liquid chromatography-flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of Organotin compounds using a nebulizer interface
Antitumor activity of some Organotin complexes of hydroxamic acids derived from dibasic carboxylic acid
Speciation of Organotin compounds by tandem mass spectrometry
The physiological effects of the leachates from a self-polishing Organotin antifouling paint on marine diatoms
Inhibition of mouse spleen cell activity by Organotin compounds: effect of attachment of a maltose residue to the Organotin group
Organotin chemistry. 16. Reactions of stannane with organic functional groups
Speciation of Organotin compounds in water and sediments by gas chromatography/atomic absorption spectrometry (GC-AAS)
Organotin-flavone complexes: a new class of fluorescent probes for F1F0ATPase
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) adducts of bis (3, 5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl) methane or of 2, 2′-bis (pyrazol-1-yl) propane and their behaviour in solution
Methylmercury generation in seawater by transmethylation reactions of organolead and Organotin compounds with inorganic mercury as monitored by multinuclear …
Formation of 1, 3-diynes, 1, 3-dienes, and biphenyls via the copper (II) nitrate mediated coupling of Organotin compounds
Organotin esters of 3-benzoylpropionic acid. Crystal structure of triphenyltin (IV) 3-benzoylpropionate,(C6H5) 3SnOC (O)(CH2) 2C (O) C6H5
Organotin compounds: X. Organotin hydride addition to methyl cyclohexene-1-carboxylate and methyl indene-3-carboxylate
Studies of Organotin (Iv) derivatives of thiosemicarbazones
The effect of microbial biofilms on Organotin release by an antifouling paint
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives of anionic 4-acyl-5-pyrazolonato ligands: synthesis, spectroscopic characterization (IR, far-IR, 119Sn mössbauer, 1H, 13C and …
Insecticidal effects of Organotin(IV) compounds on Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) larvae I: Topical application toxicity and antifeedant effect
Rearrangement of a phosphorus-carbon-phosphorus bridge to a phosphorus-nitrogen-phosphorus bridge via organogermanium-or Organotin-assisted cleavage of a …
Regulatory policies and strategies for Organotin compounds
Di‐ and Tri‐Organotin(IV) Complexes of N‐Acetyltriglycine and N‐Benzoyltriglycine: Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization
Characterization of Organotin species using microbore and capillary liquid chromatographic techniques with an epifluorescence microscope as a novel imaging …
Fluorimetric determination of tin and Organotin compounds in hydroorganic and micellar media in the presence of 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid
Preparation and homogeneity study of a mussel candidate reference material for certification of Organotin compounds
High-resolution solid-state tin-119 and carbon-13 NMR studies of novel Organotin (IV) coordination polymers involving R3Sn and M (CN) m fragments
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: XVIII. Synthesis, characterization and X-ray crystal structure of bis (μ-hydroxo)-bis [di-t-butyltin (IV) acetate]:[tBu2Sn …
Synthesis, spectroscopic studies (Mössbauer and infrared), and the crystal and molecular structure of the Organotin (IV)-pyrazine adducts [Sn (CH3) 2Cl2] 2pyz and …
Adducts of organogermanium and Organotin chlorides with triphenylphosphine oxide and hexamethylphosphoramide
Synthesis, vibrational and Mössbauer spectra studies of complexes of Organotin chlorides and 2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazone
Sampling method of Organotin compounds in air using a quartz-fibre filter and an activated carbon-fibre filter for gas chromatographic determination
Organotin (IV) polypyrazolyborates VIII. Hydridotris (4-chloro-3, 5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl) borates. Characterization, Mössbauer study and x-ray crystal structures of …
High-resolution Tin-119 NMR of some solid Organotin compounds
Speciation and determination of tin (IV) and Organotin compounds in sea-water by hydride generation—atomic-absorption spectrometry with an electrically heated …
Sensitive fluorescence labelling for analysis of Organotin compounds with morin
Synthesis and Structure of a Novel Organotin Compound,{Me2SnN (C3N3Cl2)} 3
The Lewis acidities of Organotin halides toward tributylphosphine and tributylphosphine oxide: the effect of the donor site
Synthesis, spectroscopic studies, and x-ray crystallographic analysis of the Organotin carbohydrate: 1, 2∶ 3, 4-di-O-isopropylidene-6-O-triphenylstannylmethyl-α-D …
Bromodestannylation reactions of some functionally substituted Organotin compounds
Electron Affinities and Gas-Phase Acidities of Organogermanium and Organotin Compounds
Immunotoxicity of Organotin compounds. A cell biological approach to dialkyltin induced thymus atrophy
Syntheses of 5-alkenylpyrimidines by Organotin reactions
Recognition of Organotin compounds by macrocyclic polyethers: a novel pentacoordinate tin-coronand complex
Organotin biocides: IX. TriOrganotin phosphorodiamidates
Determination of Organotin species by capillary gas chromatography with alternating current plasma emission detection
Structure—activity relationships of Organotin biocides and Ceratocystis ulmi
Organotin-induced thymus atrophy concerns the OX-44+ immature thymocytes. Relation to the interaction between early thymocytes and thymic epithelial cells?
Reactions of (acenaphthylene) chromium tricarbonyl with organolithium compounds, trifluoroacetic acid, and Organotin hydrides
In vitro Organotin administration alters guinea pig cochlear outer hair cell shape and viability
In vitro assessment of teratogenic potential of Organotin compounds using rat embryo limb bud cell cultures
Organotin-mediated synthesis of macrocyclic tetraesters. A combined proton NMR spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography, and fast atom bombardment mass …
A comparison of the rates of methylation of mercury (II) species in aquatic media by various Organotin and organosilicon moieties
Determination of Organotin compounds in marine sediments using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
Speciation and GC retention indices of some Organotin compounds in water
Organotin (IV) derivatives of mercaptosuccinic and thiodiacetic acids
Oxygen-and Sulfur-Capped Organotin Clusters
The control of Organotin use in antifouling paint-the UK’s basis for action
Synthesis and Structural Features of S-Benzyldithiocarbazate Schiff Base Complexes of Organotin (IV)
Synthesis of functionalized Organotin compounds via palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of aryl or 1-alkenyl halides with 9-(ω-Stannylalkyl)-9-borabicyclo …
Analysis of Organotin Compounds via a Thermabeam® LC–MS Interface
Carbon-13 NMR studies of some Organotin (IV) compounds
Automatization of a Hydride Generation/AAS System-An Improvement for Organotin Analysis
The Organotin-induced thymus atrophy, characterized by depletion of CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes, is preceded by a reduction of the immature CD4-CD8+ TcR alpha beta …
Capillary Gas Chromatography–Atomic Emission Detection Method for the Determination of Pentylated Organotin Compounds: Interlaboratory Study
Organotin compounds: IX. Reactions between trialkylstannyl-substituted esters and trimethylsilyl halides: exchange vs. hydrolysis
Electroanalysis for Organotin in natural waters including sea-water by cathodic stripping voltammetry
Effects of Organotin antifouling paint leachates on Pearl Harbor organisms: A site specific flowthrough bioassay
Mono-, bi-and high-nuclearity Organotin complexes
Studies on the antitumor activity of Organotin compounds
Organotin (IV) Pyrrole-N-carbodithioates
A novel photoalkylation of electron-deficient alkenes by use of Organotin compounds via photoinduced electron transfer
Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry of Organotin Compounds
Inhibitory effects of Organotin compounds on histamine release from rat serosal mast cells
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) complexes with heterocyclic β-diketonates: I. Bis-[4 (1-phenyl-3-methylpyrazol-5-one)]-dioxoalkane derivatives
Cobaloximes as environmentally advantageous alternatives to Organotin hydrides in iodine atom abstraction routes to benzyl radicals
Differential effects of Organotin compounds on voltage-gated potassium currents in lymphocytes and neuroblastoma cells
Melt polymerization of hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene in the presence of Organotin (IV) compounds
Magnitudes and relative signs of J(119Sn, 13C) and J(119Sn,H) coupling constants in some Organotin(IV) compounds using 2D NMR methods
Ion—Molecule reactions of environmentally significant Organotin compounds in a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer system
Antitumour activity of Organotin compounds and membrane-mediated inhibition of signal transduction leading to DNA synthesis
Group 14 organometallic reagents. 9. Organotin-mediated monoacylation of diols with reversed chemoselectivity: a convenient synthetic method
Organotin (IV) polypyrazolylborates. IX. Tetrakis (4-methyl-1 H-pyrazol-l-yl) borates. Characterisation, Mössbauer study and X-ray crystal structure of Cl3Sn (μ-4-MePz) …
Trypanocidal activity of an Organotin compound (tri-n-butyltin oxide) toward Trypanosoma brucei
Organotin complexes with 1-methyl-2 (3H)-imidazolinethione. The crystal structure of dichloro [1-methyl-2 (3H)-imidazolinethione] dimethyltin (IV)
Concerning the Role of Organotin Compounds in Olefin Metathesis: Synthesis, Structure, and Lewis Acidity of [(η5‐C5Me5)CH3ReCl3]
Preparation of Acyclic α-Methylene Ketones: Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling of Acid Chlorides with Organotin Reagents
Syntheses and spectroscopic studies of inorganic tin and Organotin derivatives of 1-(4-methylphenylimino) methyl]-2-naphthol. Crystal structure of chlorotrimethyl 1-(4 …
Inhibitory Activity of Organotin Compounds Against Colony Formation of Estuarine Bacteria.
The thymus atrophy-inducing Organotin compound DBTC inhibits the binding of thymocytes to thymic epithelial cells
Organotin compounds and their effects on aquatic organisms, focusing on imposex in gastropods
Tributyl phosphate as a sensitivity-enhancing solvent for Organotin in carbon furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
Studies on the phytotoxic effects of some Organotin(IV) compounds on the germination of the mung bean seed, Phaseolus aureus
Determination of Organotin compounds by capillary supercritical fluid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric detection
Structural effects on the antitumour activity of Organotin compounds 2. Further diaryltin dichloride complexes with nitrogen‐donor ligands
Structural Features of Some Organotin (IV) Complexes of Schiff Bases Derived from Sulfadrugs
Catalytic Effect of Five-Coordinate Organotin Bromide or Tetraphenylstibonium Bromide on the Chemo- and Stereoselective Addition of Tin Enolate to α-Halo Ketone
Solid-State Tin-117 NMR: A Powerful Tool for the Analysis of Organotin Functionalities Anchored to Insoluble Polymers
Spectral and biological studies on Organotin (IV) complexes of heterocyclic benzothiazolines
Comparison of sulphur-mode and tin-mode flame photometric detectors for the gas chromatographic determination of Organotin compounds
Motion in solid Organotin (IV) coordination polymers: a two-dimensional exchange magic angle spinning 13 C NMR study
Organogermanium and Organotin amido derivatives of carbon suboxide. Crystal and molecular structure of (Me3M) 2C (CONMe2) 2 (M= germanium, tin)
Assessing impacts of Organotin paint use
Seven coordinated Organotin (IV) complexes of 1, 3-dihydro-l, 3-dioxo-a (substituted)-2H-isoindole-2-acetic acids
Studies of heterocyclic compounds. X. The synthesis and properties of some Organotin (IV)-oxygen and-nitrogen heterocycles
Analysis of water, sediments, and biota for Organotin compounds
Organotin biocides: VII. Tri-and diOrganotin derivatives of piperazine bis (dithiocarbamic) acid
Thermal and photochemical reactions of Organotin with aminophenols. ESR and other spectroscopic study of a novel Organotin radical complex of 2-amino-4-tert …
The Reactivity of Nucleophilic Organotin Species
European policy and regulatory action for Organotin-based antifouling paints
Kinetics and mechanism of isocyanate reactions. III. Reactions of Aryl Isocyanates with Alcohols in the presence of Organotin compounds
High-resolution solid-state tin-119 NMR investigations of Organotin halides R3SnX and R2SnX2 (R= alkyl, aryl; X= Cl, Br)
Organotin toxicity studies conducted with selected marine organisms at EPA’s environmental research laboratory, Gulf Breeze, Florida
Tolerance of marine bacteria for Organotin compounds (OTCs) in areas with or without OTC contamination
The comparative studies of Organotin and organogermanium carboxylates
Synthesis of 2, 3-disubstituted 1, 3-butadienes from Organotin precursors and butadienyllithium reagents: Diels-Alder reactivity
Structural analysis of the condensation products of xylan with Organotin halides
The effect of the halide on the Lewis acidity of Organotin halides
The fate of Organotin stabilisers in poly (vinyl chloride)(PVC) under processing conditions and during thermal degradation
Reaction of diazonium salts with transition metals. Part 13. Palladium-catalyzed carbonylative coupling of arenediazonium salts with Organotin reagents to give …
A 119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopic study on complexes of di‐and tri‐Organotin(IV) moieties with 2‐mercaptoethanesulfonates, in the solid state and in aqueous …
Organotin (IV) derivatives of N-(salicylidene) sulfanilamide
Development of a simple method for the determination of toluene extractable Organotin by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry and its application to effluent …
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: XIII. Crystal structure of dicyclohexylammonium tri-n-butyltin 2-sulfobenzoate,[(c-C6H11) 2NH2][nBu3Sn (O2CC6H4-2 …
Polyvinyl chloride and its Organotin stabilizers with special reference to packaging materials and commodities: A review
Associative Organotin polymers. I. Symmetric trialkyltin fluorides: Synthesis and properties
Organotin derivatives of alkanedisulfonic acids
Syntheses and characterization of some inorganic tin and Organotin (IV) adducts of Np-methoxyphenylpyridine-2-carbaldimine
No-carrier-added [123I] 1-(β-d-arabinofuranosyl)-5 (E)-(2-iodovinyl) uracil (IVaraU): High yielding radiolabeling via Organotin and exchange reactions
Synthesis, characterization, biotoxicity and antifouling study of a new Organotin monomer and polymer
Determination of “Heavy” Organotin Pollution of Water and Shellfish by a Modified Hydride Atomic Absorption Procedure
The Thymus Atrophy Inducing Organotin Compound DBTC Stimulates TCRαβ-CD3 Signaling in Immature Rat Thymocytes
An NMR and mössbauer spectroscopic study of antifouling rubbers containing Organotin compounds
Synthesis and Characterization of New Organotin (IV)-phenylenebisdithiocarbamate Complexes
Organotin Transition Metal Complexes of 18-Membered Binuclear Hexaazamacrocycles: Synthesis and Characterization
Unusual addition of the indium-butyl bond to Organotin oxides. Preparation and characterization of novel dibutylindio-or butyl (propionyloxy) indio-substituted …
Determination of trace quantities of Organotin compounds in coastal waters of Greece by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
Organotin (IV) Complexes of Bi-and Tridentate Schiff Bases Having NS and ONS Donor Systems
Evaluation of a 13.56 MHz capacitively coupled plasma as a detector for gas chromatographic determination of Organotin compounds
Stabilization of the binuclear Organotin (IV) cation [(μ-OH)(Me3Sn) 2]+ within the planar, heterobimetallic macrocyclic anion:[{(μ-OH)(Me3Sn) 2} 2 {(μ-NC) 2Ni (CN) 2} …
… of substituted [2-(acyloxy) alkyl] diOrganotin compounds, Bu2Sn (X) CH2 CHR1OCOR2 (X halogen 2, 4-pentanedionate or OCOR), potential sources of Organotin …
Sterically hindered Organotin compounds. Part 1. Synthesis and reaction chemistry of tris (trimethylsilyl) methyltin (IV) derivatives. X-Ray crystal structures of Sn (CH 2 …
Bicycloannulation of C= N double bonds through Organotin-aided three component coupling. A short and stereoselective synthesis of (±)-allo-berbane and (±)-allo …
Cyano-bridged Organotin compounds. Crystal structure of a trinuclear dianion containing a nearly linear array of nine atoms
A reinvestigation of the crystal structure of the Organotin complex formed in the reaction of butyltin trichloride with 1-(2-methyl-2, 3-dihydrobenzothiazol-2-yl)-propan-2 …
Organotin polymers XIV. Synthesis and copolymerization reactions of p‐acryloyloxy‐tri‐n‐butyltin benzoate with some vinyl monomers
Treatment of Yeast Infections Employing Organotin-Containing Modified Poly (vinyl alcohol)
Encapsulation of Organotin compounds in metal acetate glasses
Acute toxicity of Organotin compounds to benthos
Analysis of Organotin uptake in Escherichia coli K-12
An investigation of the efficacy of Organotin compounds for the control of the cotton stainer, Dysdercus cingulatus, the mosquito,Anophelese stephensi, and the common house …
13C NMR study of poly (propylene oxide) s prepared with Organotin-alkyl phosphate condensates of various degrees of condensation
Organotin polymers. IX. Copolymerization parameters of di‐(tri‐n‐butyltin) itaconate with styrene and methyl methacrylate
Differentiation between carbonyls and acetals in 1, 3-dithiane and 1, 3-dithiolane synthesis catalyzed by Organotin triflates
The effect of Organotin compounds on chloride secretion by the in vitro perfused rectal gland of Squalus acanthias
Organotin compounds, fouling and the marine environment
European red mite resistance to Organotin miticides in Hawkes Bay apple orchards
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) adducts of bis (1-pyrazolyl) methane
Organotin concentrations in centrifuged versus uncentrifuged water column samples and in sediment pore waters of a northern Chesapeake Bay tributary
Chemiluminescence detection of Organotin compounds with bis (2, 4, 6-trichlorophenyl) oxalate by flow-injection analysis
A Practical Organotin (IV) Catalyst for Urethan and Polyurethan Technology
Effect of organochlorine and Organotin compounds on active conformation of calmodulin
Organotin (IV) complexes of dibasic tridentate Schiff bases containing ONO donor atoms
Organotin-containing resists (TMAR) for X-ray lithography
Biological reference materials for metal speciation: National Institute for Environmental Studies fish tissue reference material for Organotin compounds
Total molecular surface areas as a predictor for reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography in various Organotin systems: importance and applications of …
Spindle‐inhibiting effects of Organotin compounds. II. Induction of chromosomal supercontraction by di‐and tri‐alkyl and‐aryl compounds
Regioselective phthalation and succinylation of D‐glucose and D‐galactose using protecting groups: Conversion of the products to Organotin derivatives
Hybrid organic-inorganic systems derived from Organotin nanobuilding blocks
Effect of substitution on the reactivity of some new p‐phenylacrylamide derivatives with Organotin monomers
An easy access to β-acyl-and β-aryl-propionaldehydes through a new silylated Organotin homoenolate equivalent
Structural chemistry of Organotin carboxylates: XVI. Structural variation in dicarboxylato tetraorganostannoxanes: Crystal structrure of {[Me2Sn (O2CC4H3S)] 2O} 2
Synthesis and Mössbauer spectra of five-and six-coordinate complexes of di-and tri-Organotin chlorides with p-anisaldehydethiosemicarbazone
Inhibition of trout gill and soybean lipoxygenases by Organotin compounds
Spectral, Thermal and Biological Studies of Thiosemicarbazones of Organotin (IV) Chlorides
Polymerization of 1-(trimethylstannyl) alkyl methacrylates: a new class of Organotin polymers and a novel case of degradative chain transfer to polymer
Thermal analysis of organocopper and Organotin metal films. Part 8
Histopathologic investigations of acute and subchronic toxicities of some Organotin compounds in chickens.
Genotoxicity of various Organotin compounds
Polarographic behaviour of some Organotin (IV) compounds in dimethyl sulphoxide
Solid Phase Extraction of Organotin Compounds in Seawater
X-ray and NMR study of the structure of the Organotin carbohydrate: 6-Deoxy-1, 2-O-isopropylidene-6-(triphenylstannyl)-α-D-glucofuranose
Some new Organotin (IV), aluminium (III)-μ-oxoisopropoxides and their benzoylacetone derivatives
Organotin polymers. XII. Azeotropy in binary and ternary copolymerization reactions of di(tri‐n‐butyltin) itaconate with acrylic acid esters, styrene, and acrylonitrile
Organotin polymers. XV. Azeotropy in terpolymerization reactions of tributyltin acrylate or methacrylate with itaconic acid or dimethylitaconate and acrylonitrile
Organotin (IV) polypyrazolylborates I. Tris (pyrazolyl) borates
Electrochemical behaviour of some Organotin (IV) compounds by rotating disc voltammetry in non‐aqueous solvents
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives of bis (azol-1-yl) methanes
Organotin polymers: 10. Copolymerization parameters for di-(tri-n-butyltin) itaconate with methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, N-vinyl pyrrolidone and acrylonitrile
Solid-state carbon-13 NMR probe for Organotin (IV) structural polymorphism
18. Development of supercritical fluid extraction procedures for the determination of Organotin compounds in sediment
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies on Organotin (IV) complexes of some pyrazoles and pyrazol‐5‐ones and their antibacterial activity
Polyethers for biomedical applications. Polymerization of propylene oxide by organozinc/Organotin catalysts
Synthesis and1H NMR study of some Organotin derivatives of diethanolamines
The adsorption of phenolic and Organotin compounds by clays and cation exchanged clays
Differential pulse polarographic determination of some Organotin (IV) compounds in dimethyl sulfoxide
Organotin resistance in tetranychus urticae koch on pear: components and their integration for resistance management
Differential Mortality of Organotin Resistant and Susceptible Two spotted Spider Mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) to Formulations of Cyhexatin and Fenbutatin Oxide
Synthesis and Flash‐pyrolysis of Organotin‐Substituted Carbamates and Oxalates
Development of Highly Selective Methods for Introduction of Carbon Substituents to Nitrogen Heterocycles by Means of Organotin Reagents and Application to …
Organotin Compounds in the Coastal Biota of British Columbia: An Overview
A new class of oligomeric Organotin compounds
Progress in studies of environmental Organotin pollution and monitoring method
Thermodynamics of metal ligand bond formation: XXXIV. Lewis acidity of Organotin iodides
The Generation of Double Bonds of Specific Geometry by Regioselective Addition of Organotin Cuprates to Propargylic Ethers
Organotin compounds: their analyses and effect on model biomembranes
Trapping of three-center Ir-Sn-X intermediates in the reaction of IrI [C6H4 (CH2NMe2)-2](COD) with Organotin (IV) halides. X-ray structure of [2-(Me2NCH2) C6H4] …
Ecotoxicity studies of some Organotin monomers and polymers
1,2-Addition of Allyl and 2-Oxo-2H-pyran-6-ylcarbonyl Groups to Cyclic C=N Double Bonds by Means of Organotin Reagent for Alkaloids Synthesis; A Facile …
1H and 2H NMR analyses of poly (propylene oxide) prepared with Organotin-alkyl phosphate condensate in the presence of methanol or methanol-d4
Breakage of λ‐DNA by inorganic tin and Organotin compounds as environmental pollutants
Research information requirements associated with the environmental fate and effects of Organotin compounds
Tolerance of aggressive and non‐aggressive isolates of Ceratocystis ulmi to Organotin fungicides
Effect of oxygen atoms in the solvent and ligand in graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry of Organotin and inorganic tin with the use of an organopalladium …
Synthesis, IR and 119mSn Mössbauer spectra of di‐ and tri‐Organotin molybdates
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies (Mössbauer, IR and NMR) of Biologically Active Organotin (IV) Complexes of Schiff Bases Derived from 2-Amino-5-phenyl-1, 3, 4 …
1H and 13C NMR Assignment of Regioirregular Sequence in Poly ((S)-(−)-propylene oxide) Prepared with Organotin-Alkyl Phosphate Condensate by 2D NMR …
Mechanistic aspects of Organotin stabilization of PVC
Photo-chemical reactions of some thio-Organotin stabilisers and corresponding monochlorides
Acute toxic effects of Organotin compounds on benthic organisms: Tubifex tubifex and Chironomus plumosus
Synthesis and characterization of tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) 1, 4-dimethylpiperazine-2, 5-dione (cyclosarcosylsarcosine) adducts
A correlation between NMR chemical shifts and Mössbauer quadrupole splittings for 119Sn and 125Te in Organotin and organotellurium compounds
The Use of a Tin Nucleophile for the Preparation of a Novel Sn~ 5 Organotin Cluster
Exchange reactions of Organotin and organosilicon compounds with vinylic fluorine
Ultracytochemistry of thymic epithelial cells in rats given Organotin.
15. Speciation analysis of Organotin by GC-AAS and GC-AES after extraction and derivatization
Organotin derivatives in the umpolung of 1, 3-dithian-2-ylides to 1, 3-dithian-2-ylium salts
Synthesis, Spectral, Thermal, and Biological Studies of Adducts of Organotin(IV) Halides with Schiff Bases Derived from 2-Amino-5-(o-methoxyphenyl)-1,3,4 …
Organotin (IV) chloride complexes of bis-β-ketophosphonium ylides
Bioactivity of a New Organotin Compound, Bis (2-Methyl-2-Phenylpropyl)-Trimethyl-Silylmethyl Stannyl Chloride II. Effects on ATPases from Cyhexatin-Susceptible …
The development of imposex in relation to Organotin contamination in the common whelk Buccinum undatum
Triphenyltin (IV) 8-quinolyloxyacetate hydrate,[Ph3SnO2CCH2 (8-C9H6NO)· H2O] n, an Organotin ester derivative built of hydrogen-bonded helical chains
Organotin paint release rate methodology
Organotin anions in solution and in the solid state
Preparation of radiohalogenated biomolecules via Organotin intermediates. Ch. 8
Organotin polymers—XIX. Copolymerization parameters of p-acryloyloxy-tri-N-butyltin benzoate with allyl methacrylate, N-vinylpyrrolidone and vinyl acetate
Organotin derivatives of diphenyl glycolates
The phthalation of 2‐amino‐2‐deoxy‐D‐glucose and N‐methyl‐1‐amino‐1‐deoxy‐D‐glucitol; conversion of the products to Organotin derivatives. A ready migration …
A Mössbauer study of tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) adducts of bis (pyrazolyl) methane-type ligands
Organotin Chemistry. 17. Reactions of Stannane with Olefins
Organic Synthesis through the Transmetallation Reaction of Organotin Compounds Regio-and Stereoselective Synthesis
Synthesis of some Organotin monomers and copolymerisation with acrylic monmers
Thio‐Organotin Antioxidants for Polypropylene: Reactivity towards t‐Butyl Hydroperoxide
Organotin (IV) compounds 2-(Me2NCHR) C6H4 (SnR’R’Br) with a fixed s-cis arrangement of the chiral carbon and tin centers
Synthesis of 3-(triethylstannyl) propanoic acid: An Organotin mass label for DNA
Structures and relationship between the 119SnNMR chemical shifts and pKa of their parent acids in Organotin (I∇) carboxylates
Miticidal activity of a new Organotin compound against tetranychidae species
The synthesis, structure and lewis acidity of bidentate Organotin alkanes and carboxylates
Ionic conductivity induced by photooxidation of ferrocene in polymer film containing Organotin compound
The gender toxicity of select Organotin compounds
Group 14 organometallic reagents. 8. Organotin-mediated synthesis of macrocyclic tetraesters: regio-and stereochemistry
New optically active Organotin compounds for heterogeneous bimetallic catalysis
Chemo-and Regioselective Reactions Promoted by Activated Organotin Complexes and Organoantimony Compound
Synthesis, characterisation and spectral (IR, 1H, 13C and 119Sn NMR) studies of some Organotin(IV) complexes of 4-acyl- 2, 4-dihydro5- methyl- 2-phenyl- 3H …
Negative ion mass spectrometry of Organotin compounds—an aid to environmental monitoring?
Two-dimensional carbon-13-tin-119 correlation: a new NMR tool for Organotin chemistry
Activation of hydroxyl groups in sugars using bis (tributyltin) oxide: retention of the Organotin residues to give biologically active products
Solid state 119-Sn NMR studies on some Organotin compounds
Organotin wood preservatives: their compatibility with synthetic pyrethroid insecticides
Synthesis and Biological Activity of Five-and Six-Coordinated Organotin (IV) Complexes of S-Benzyldithiocarbazate and a Schiff Base
Development of a method to measure Organotin release rates
The Physiological Effects of Organotin on Marine Microalgae–II. Effects of Triphenyltin and Tributyltin on Photosynthesis of Dicrateria zhanjiangensis and Platymonas …
Group 4 organometallic reagents. Part 6. The Organotin-mediated monofunctionalization of diols: an insight into the selective monoesterification with acyl chlorides
Ecotoxicity studies of some Organotin compounds
Synthesis of Organotin polymers by the reaction of diallyl carbonates with Bu3SNH
Antifouling performance of some new Organotin polymers in the Mediterranean and Red Sea
An Evaluation of Proposed Sampling Procedures for Determining Organotin Release Rates.
Organotin Reagents in Fine Chemical Synthesis
Synthesis of Organotin polymers from diallylidenepentaerithritol (DAPE) and Organotin monohydrides having an alkenyl substituent
Tin (II) and Organotin derivatives of heteropolytungstates: synthesis and characterization
Organotin and organotitanium-containing polydyes for color permanence, reduction of laser damage and biological resistance to rot and mildew
Study on Pollution of Organotin Compounds in Sendai Bay
Phytotoxicity evaluations for a series of potential Organotin fungicides against Ophiostoma ulmi
Organotin-based antifouling systems
Anion-Conducting Film Composed of Poly (vinyl chloride), Quarternary Ammonium Iodide, and Organotin Compound
Arsenic passivation of GaAs and pyrolytic decomposition of Organotin compounds for in situ selected area doping of GaAs molecular beam epitaxy
Tin-119 Mössbauer and nuclear magnetic resonance studies of Organotin compounds. Part 2. Sterically crowded Organotin halides and carboxylates
Interaction of Organotin and organolead compounds with model membranes
The thermal stability encapsulation in glass, and exchange reactions, of Organotin compounds
Organotin polymers—XVII. Azeotropy in terpolymerization reactions of tri‐n‐butyltin 4‐acryloyloxybenzoate wit alkyl acrylates or styrene and acrylonitrile
Carbon-13 and tin-119 relaxation studies of some axially symmetrical Organotin compounds
Synthesis and Characterization of Pt (II), Pt (IV), Pd (II), and Di-and Tri-Organotin (IV) Complexes of Some BN Bonded Ligands
… -temperature Mössbauer spectroscopic study of tricyclohexyltin isothiocyanate including the first observation of resolved 117,119 Sn–14 N coupling in an Organotin …
Preparation, properties and reactions of Organotin hydrides
Direct and Indirect Assessment of the Aneuploidy-inducing Potency of Organotin Compounds
Determination of toxicity of Organotin compounds on root growth of Sinapis alba seeds.
Trace level analysis of environmental Organotin residues using liquid chromatography
Synthesis, polymerization and copolymerization of a new Organotin monomer. Application of a copolymer as catalyst for reductive dehalogenation of alkyl halides
Oxidative substitution reactions of Organotin compounds with lead tetra-acetate
Organotin polysiloxanes—a new antifouling coating
Mössbauer investigations on intramolecularly phosphoryl coordinated Organotin compounds
Modern antifouling coatings. Part I—Synthesis and testing of some Organotin polymer systems
Synthesis and characterization of diisocyanate-cured Organotin polymers
Adsorption behaviour and QSPR studies of Organotin compounds on estuarine sediment
Structural Studies on Organotin (IV) & Thallium (III) Chelates: Dipole Moments
Spindle-inhibiting effects of Organotin compounds: effects of trimethyltin on chromosome length
Organotin esters of 3-ureidopropionic acid. Crystal structure of triphenyltin (IV) 3-ureidopropionate,(C6H5) 3SnOCO (CH2) 2NHCONH2
The UK Ministry of Defence’s Experiences, Practices, and Monitoring Programmes for the Application, Maintenance and Removal of Erodable Organotin Antifouling …
The toxic effects of mysid, Neomysis awatschensis exposed to Organotin
Immobilization of an Organotin catalyst on a polymeric carrier as a means of activating it in the reaction of urethane formation
First example of polytopal dominance of square pyramidal geometry in Organotin pentacoordination: crystal structure of tribenzyl (2-thiolatopyridine-N-oxide) tin (IV)
Literatuuronderzoek naar het gebruik, gedrag en voorkomen van Organotin bevattende bestrijdingsmiddelen
Organotin Chemistry’
Determination of occupational exposure to Organotin compounds after multivariate optimization of a liquid chromatography flame atomic absorption spectrometry …
Organotin complexes with phosphines
Analysis of the effectiveness of sodium arsenite and Organotin polymer latex in protection of collection skins of mammals from dermestid beetles (Coleoptera …
Organotin (IV) Complexes of Arylazopyridines
Organotin intercalation compounds of iron chloride oxide (FeOCl): synthesis, iron-57 and tin-119m Moessbauer and infrared spectroscopy, and powder x-ray …
Aspects of Organotin Chemistry
Some Aspects of Organotin Chemistry
Sulphur (IV) compounds as ligands: XX. Adduct formation and ring opening of thiirane-1-oxide with Organotin halides. Crystal structure of [(4-FC6H4) 2SnCl2 …
Synthesis and structures of pentacoordinated Organotin compounds.
Organotin Cluster Chemistry
Research and development of multipurpose Organotin compounds.
Studies on sterically hindered Organotin compounds.
Organotin complexes of succinyl bis-N-phenylhydroxamic acid
Determination of some organoarsenic, Organotin and organomercury compounds
Determination of Organotin Miticides in Water and Vegetables
Kinetic studies of Lewis acidity. Part 2. Catalysis by tin (IV) chloride, by some Organotin (IV) chlorides, and by tin (II) chloride of the anionotropic rearrangement of 1 …
The development of new Organotin reagents for organic synthesis
Novel Organic Synthesis Using Organotin (IV) Triflates
The preparation and use of sterically hindered Organotin compounds
Synthesis and Structure Characterization of Dichloromaleimide Organotin Compounds
Teratogenicity of Organotin Compounds
Neurotoxicity of Organotin compounds in vitro
Synthesis of Biologically Active Organotin Derivatives: Their Characterization and Application
Pattern of Organotin compounds in the river Elbe; Muster zinnorganischer Verbindungen in der Elbe
Preparation of radiohalogenated compounds via Organotin intermediates
Synthesis and microstructure of Organotin polymers
Isotope incorporation via Organotin chemistry
Organotin reagents toward the preparation of cyclic disulfides and related compounds
Human Exposure Assessment of Organotin
A Portable Environment Test System: A Field Assessment of Organotin Leachates–Test and Evaluation.
Studies on synthetic use of Organotin halide-base systems
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies on some Organotin compounds
Dioxin and Organotin Compounds as
Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry of Organotin
Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of Organotin and related species
Studies of hypervalent Organotin complexes and Organotin clusters
Preparation and reactions of some Organotin compounds: applications to organic synthesis
Synthesis of mixed Organotin compounds via dialkylstannyl derivatives of sulphomaleic anhydride
Synthetic and spectroscopic studies of some Organotin (iv) complexes
Local structure of Organotin (IV) carbohydrate complexes
Reaction of Organotin iodides with metallic lanthanides
Polymerization of formaldehyde in the presence of Organotin compounds
Assessment of Organotin Compounds as Marine Pollutants in the Mediterranean. MAP Technical Series No. 33
Studies on selective reactions using highly coordinated Organotin compounds
Lewis-acid Induced Reactions of Organotin Compounds
A Mossbauer study of gamma-irradiated Organotin-stabilised poly (vinylchloride)
Statistical Analysis of Blood Parameter Surveillance Data from Workers at an Organotin Production Facility
Selective formation of isonitriles by anodic oxidation of α-heteroatom-substituted Organotin compounds
Detoxification of Organotin biocides
A convenient synthesis of functional [2‐2H]cyclohexa‐1, 4‐dienes via vinyl Organotin reagents
Stabilization of poly (vinyl chloride) with Organotin compounds: Part VIII—Catalytic action of organic acids and anhydrides with Organotin carboxylate
Effects of Organotin Compounds on the DT-Diaphorase Activity (Proceedings of the 16 th Symposium on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology)
Multinuclear NMR Studies of Mixed Organotin (IV) Derivatives
Synthesis, multinuclear NMR, mass, Moessbauer, crystallographic and biological studies of Organotin carboxylates
Organotin derivatives of some selected ligands containing and some related groups
Exchange Reactions of Organotin and Organosilicon Compounds with Mild Fluorinating Agents
Structural Studies of Some Biologically Active Complexes of Organotin (IV) with 2-Pyridinecarboxaldehyde and p-Anisaldehyde Thiosemicarbazones
The formation of Organotin halide adducts with triethylphosphine oxide
Novel method for generation of an Organotin enolate by the cleavage of diketene with bis (tributyltin) oxide, and its Michael reactions
Growth of SnO2 Thin Films from Organotin Compounds by Spray Pyrolysis
Arylazo phenoxy derivatives of Organotin compounds
Synthesis of Organotin polymers from diallyl terephthalate and Bu3SnH
Analytical description of the hydrolytic breakdown of bioresistant Organotin polymers using the theory of graphs
Synthesis and Characterization of Some Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) Derivatives of 1-Phenyl-3-Methyl-4-Aroyl-5-Pyrazolones
Organotin compound as inhibitor of digestive enzymes of gastrimargus transverses and oxya velox
Chromatographic determination of Organotin compounds by using spectrophotometric and thermospray ionization mass spectrometric detection
Book Review: Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry. Sn, Organotin Compounds. Part 11. Trimethyltin-and Tri-ethyltin-Oxygen Compounds
Base‐Catalyzed Hydrogenation of Chlorosilanes by Organotin Hydrides
Equilibrium studies, co-ordination isomers and local structure of Organotin (IV) complexes formed with carbohydrates
Laboratory and field investigations on the effects of Organotin (tributyltin) on the oyster, Ostrea edulis
Reaction between the OH group of hydroxyproline and diisocyanate catalyzed by an Organotin compound
The synthesis of allylic Organotin compounds for the enantioselective formation of homoallylic alcohols
The formation of Organotin halide adducts with 1, 2-bis (diphenylphosphine oxy) ethane and methyldiphenylphosphine oxide
Synthesis of Carboxylic Ester by Organotin Catalyzed Transesterification
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) chlorosulphates, Li2 [R2Sn (SO3Cl) 4], Ba [R2Sn (SO3Cl) 4] and Sn [R2Sn (SO3Cl) 4](R= CH3, C2H5, C3H7, C4H9)
Evaluation of new Organotin copolymer coatings for antifouling activity in marine environment
Oxo carboxylate tin ladder clusters. A new structural class of Organotin compounds
Speciation of Organotin compounds by liquid chromatography and gas chromatography with plasma spectrometric detection
Light scattering characterization of Organotin polymers: 1. Tributyltin acrylate copolymer Cutinox-1000
Synthesis, spectroscopy, crystallography and biological activity of Organotin complexes of oxygen and sulfur containing ligands
Organotin derivatives of carbonyl activated unsaturated organic compounds and their Lewis acid characters
Development and characterization of Organotin-resistant spider mite predator Phytoseiulus persimilis
Analysis of the efficiency of sodium arsenite and Organotin polymer latex in the protection of collection skins of mammals from dermestid beetles (Coleoptera)
The fate of Organotin biocides in marine antifouling elastomers
Palladium-mediated CC bond forming reactions: Cross-coupling reactions of organozinc and Organotin reagents with purinones and triazines
Speciation of Organotin compounds by supercritical fluid chromatography with plasma mass spectrometric detection
Associative Organotin Polymers: TriOrganotin Fluorides in Miscible Gas Enhanced Oil Recovery
Development of a simple method for the determination of toluene extractable Organotin by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry and its application to effluent …
Radio frequency cold plasma deposition of Organotin and iron onto polypropylene fabric surfaces
Azine Derivatives of 5, 5′-Dithiobis (salicylaldehyde) and Their Organoxytitanium (IV) and Organotin (IV) Complexes
… the organotion carboxylates and related compounds: syntheses, structures and properties, including biocidal properties of Organotin derivatives of carboxylate …
Organotin compounds with 2, 2′-biimidazole derivatives. The crystal structure of dibromo (N, N′-dimethyl-2, 2′-biimidazole) dimethyltin (IV)
Modern antifouling compositions Part III. The effect of filler and extender pigments on the efficiency of Organotin polymers, copper antifouling paints
A useful method in Organotin chemistry: diimine hydrogenation of 1, 2-bis (trimethylstannyl)-1-alkenes, 1-trimethylsilyl-2-trimethylstannyl-1-alkenes and some …
I. The synthesis of Organotin-modified poly (vinyl alcohol) for the inhibition of Candida albicans. II. The synthesis and structural characterization of titanocene …
A tetranuclear β-diketonato complex of Organotin (IV): synthesis and crystal structure of (benzoyltrifluoroacetonato)(trifluoroacetato) tetramethyldistannoxane dimer …
A teratogenicity study of Organotin compounds: effects of single and consecutive doses of di-n-butyltin diacetate on rat fetuses
Reactions of tri-n-butyl and di-n-butyltin oxides with carboxylic acids-chain and ladder Organotin carboxylates
Speciation of Organotin compounds in waters and sediments using gas chromatography quartz furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GC-QFAAS) and/or …
Organotin polymers—XVIII. Azeotropy in binary and ternary copolymerizations of di-(tri-n-butyltin) itaconate with methyl acrylate, methyl methacrylate, styrene and n …
Organotin (IV) compounds derived from 2-Me2NC6H4CH2Li and its chiral a-Me3Si-derivative. X-ray structure of penta-coordinate [{2-(dimethylamino) phenyl} …
Synthesis, Structure, and Reactions of 10-Sn-5 Organotin Ate Complexes
The first authenticated example of geometrical isomers in Organotin (IV) co-ordination chemistry. The crystal and molecular structures of octahedral cis-and trans-SnR …
2, 2-Functionally disubstituted Organotin compounds: synthesis and reactivity
Tin-119 M÷ ssbauer and nuclear magnetic resonance studies of Organotin compounds. Part 2. Sterically crowded Organotin halides and carboxylates
Crystal structure of tribenzyl (2-pyridinethiolato-N-oxide) tin (IV): a rare example of a square pyramidal Organotin (IV) compound
No-carrier-added [[sup 123] I] 1-([beta]-D-arabinofuranosyl)-5 (E)-(2-iodovinyl) uracil (IVaraU): high yielding radiolabeling via Organotin and exchange reactions
Organotin compounds in the environment—an overview
A review of Organotin regulatory strategies, pending actions, related costs and benefits
Synthetic aspects of tetraOrganotins and Organotin (IV) halides
Organotin compounds: from kinetics to stereochemistry and antitumour activities
Organotin compounds: toxicokinetic aspects
Organotin compounds and their therapeutic potential: a report from the Organometallic Chemistry Department of the Free University of Brussels
Sea-nine antifoulant: an environmentally acceptable alternative to Organotin antifoulants
Organotin assemblies containing Sn O bonds
Organotin (IV) complexes of amino acids and peptides
Organotin levels in seafood
Organotin antifouling paints and their alternatives
An overview of forty years Organotin chemistry developed at the Free Universities of Brussels ULB and VUB
Thermal stabilisation of poly (vinyl chloride) by Organotin compounds
Survey of Organotin compounds in rivers and coastal environments in Portugal 1999–2000
Organotin compounds
Organotin (IV) n+ complexes formed with biologically active ligands: equilibrium and structural studies, and some biological aspects
Organotin compounds in the environment
A study on Organotin levels in Canadian drinking water distributed through PVC pipesa
The development of novel Organotin anti-tumor drugs: structure and activity
Effects of Organotin compounds on pubertal male rats
Organotin flufenamates: synthesis, characterization and antiproliferative activity of Organotin flufenamates
Organotin contamination in sediments from the Western Mediterranean enclosures following 10 years of TBT regulation
Derivatization methods for the determination of Organotin compounds in environmental samples
Dealkylation of Organotin compounds by biological dithiols: toward the chemistry of Organotin toxicity
Biological aspects of new Organotin (IV) compounds of 3-maleimidopropionic acid
Organotin polymers
Analytical procedures for the determination of Organotin compounds in sediment and biota: a critical review
Distribution pattern of Organotin compounds at different trophic levels of aquatic ecosystems
Headspace single-drop microextration for the detection of Organotin compounds
Cohydrolysis of Organotin chlorides with trimethylchlorosilane. Okawara’s pioneering work revisited and extended
Effects of triphenyltin chloride and five other Organotin compounds on the development of imposex in the rock shell, Thais clavigera
Organotin pollution in deep-sea fish from the northwestern Mediterranean
Monitoring of Organotin compounds and their effects in marine molluscs
Occurrence of Organotin compounds in house dust in Berlin (Germany)
Palladium-catalyzed cyanation of aryl bromides promoted by low-level Organotin compounds
Organotin and Irgarol-1051 contamination in Singapore coastal waters
Volatilization of Organotin compounds from estuarine and coastal environments
Organotin compounds promote adipocyte differentiation as agonists of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ/retinoid X receptor pathway
Organotin survey in the Adour–Garonne basin
Sorption and desorption behavior of Organotin compounds in sediment− pore water systems
Contamination of French coastal waters by Organotin compounds: 1997 update
Organotin Derivatives of α-[XIIIW9O33] 9-(X= As, Sb) Heteropolytungstates. Solution-and Solid-State Characterization of [{(C6H5Sn) 2O} 2H (α-AsW9O33) 2] 9-and …
Antimicrobial and mutagenic properties of Organotin (IV) complexes with isatin and N-alkylisatin bisthiocarbonohydrazones
Response of fish immune cells to in vitro Organotin exposures
The ion channel of F-ATP synthase is the target of toxic Organotin compounds
Organotin compounds in water, sediment, and biological samples from the Port of Osaka, Japan
Synthesis and characterisation of tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives 2-{[(2-hydroxyphenyl) imino] methyl} phenol
Organotin (IV) derivatives of some O, C, O-chelating ligands
Toxicity, bioaccumulation, and interactive effects of Organotin, cadmium, and chromium on Artemia franciscana
Characteristic spectral studies andin vitro antifungal activity of some Schiff bases and their Organotin (IV) complexes
New Organotin(IV) derivatives of dipeptides as models for metal–protein interactions: in vitro anti‐tumour activity
Occurrence of four biocides utilized in antifouling paints, as alternatives to Organotin compounds, in waters and sediments of a commercial estuary in the UK
Susceptibility of bacterial populations to Organotin compounds and microbial degradation of Organotin compounds in environmental water
Imposex in the rock shell, Thais clavigera, as evidence of Organotin contamination in the marine environment of Korea
Sorption of Organotin biocides to mineral surfaces
Determination of Organotin compounds in environmental samples
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin Schiff base chelates
Organic matrix synthesis in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata: role in biomineralization and potential target of the Organotin tributyltin
Polymeric membrane phosphate sensitive electrode based on binuclear Organotin compound
Synthesis, characteristic spectral studies and in vitro antimicrobial and antitumour activities of Organotin(IV) complexes of Schiff bases derived from amino‐acids
Cross-coupling reaction of α-chloroketones and Organotin enolates catalyzed by zinc halides for synthesis of γ-diketones
Assessment of Organotin contamination in marine sediments and biota from the Gulf and adjacent region
Synthesis and antifungal activity of some Organotin (IV) carboxylates
Comparative study of structure–activity relationship of di-and tri-Organotin (IV) derivatives of amino acid and peptides
Imposex and surface sediment speciation: a combined approach to evaluate Organotin contamination in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Some Organotin compounds enhance histone acetyltransferase activity
Temporal trends of Organotin compounds in the aquatic environment of the Port of Osaka, Japan
Biologically potent Organotin (IV) complexes of 2-maleimidoacetic acid
Structure–activity comparison of Organotin species: dibutyltin is a developmental neurotoxicant in vitro and in vivo
Imposex in sea snails, caused by Organotin (tributyltin and triphenyltin) pollution in Japan: a survey
Polymer-supported Organotin reagents for regioselective halogenation of aromatic amines
Organotin speciation in Bizerte lagoon (Tunisia)
Solventless reactions for the synthesis of Organotin clusters and cages
Alternative and mild procedures for the removal of Organotin residues from reaction mixtures
Highly Efficient Deacetylation by Use of the Neutral Organotin Catalyst [tBu2SnOH(Cl)]2
Organotin (IV) complexes of thiohydrazones: synthesis, characterization and antifungal study
Studies of Organotin (IV)-orthoquinone systems
Assessment of Organotin pollution along the Polish coast (Baltic Sea) by using mussels and fish as sentinel organisms
Screening for Organotin compounds in European landfill leachates
Evaluation of derivatization techniques for the analysis of Organotin compounds in biological tissue
A new approach for the generation and reaction of Organotin hydrides: The development of reactions catalytic in tin
Concentrations of Organotin compounds in sediment and clams collected from coastal areas in Vietnam
Cationic Organotin clusters for highly efficient alcohol acetylation catalysts
Retrospective monitoring of Organotin compounds in marine biota from 1985 to 1999: results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank
Speciation of Organotin in environmental sediment samples
Biotransformation of tributyltin to tin in freshwater river-bed sediments contaminated by an Organotin release
Carbon dioxide fixation by the cooperative effect of Organotin and organotellurium oxides
Organotin leachates in drinking water from chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride)(CPVC) pipe
Organometallic reactions in aqueous media. The nature of the Organotin intermediate in the tin-mediated allylation of carbonyl compounds
Occurrence of Organotin compounds in the Canadian aquatic environment five years after the regulation of antifouling uses of tributyltin
Synthesis and structural studies on dimeric Organotin cations
Specific detection of Organotin compounds with a recombinant luminescent bacteria
Rapid determination of Organotin compounds by headspace solid-phase microextraction
The first rigid O, C, O-pincer ligand and its application for the synthesis of penta-and hexacoordinate Organotin (IV) compounds
Interactions of two cytotoxic Organotin (IV) compounds with calf thymus DNA
Detection techniques in speciation analysis of Organotin compounds by liquid chromatography
Gas chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry based method for the simultaneous determination of nine Organotin compounds in water, sediment and …
Organotin unsymmetric dithiocarbamates: synthesis, formation and characterisation of tin (II) sulfide films by atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition
Structural studies on Organotin (IV) complexes formed with ligands containing {S, N, O} donor atoms
Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and Biological Studies of Organotin Derivatives of 2-(2, 6-dichlorophenyl) aminophenylaceticacid
Synthesis, structural investigations on Organotin (IV) chlorin-e6 complexes, their effect on sea urchin embryonic development and induced apoptosis
Organotin complexes with pyrrole-2, 5-dicarboxaldehyde bis (acylhydrazones). Synthesis, structure, antimicrobial activity and genotoxicity
Solid phase microextraction to study the sorption of Organotin compounds onto particulate and dissolved humic organic matter
Stir bar sorptive extraction for the determination of ppq-level traces of Organotin compounds in environmental samples with thermal desorption-capillary gas …
Organotin compounds alter the physical organization of phosphatidylcholine membranes
Organotin compounds and polychlorinated biphenyls of livers in squid collected from coastal waters and open oceans
Determination of Organotin compounds in water by headspace solid phase microextraction with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Imposex, female sterility and Organotin contamination of the prosobranch Nassarius reticulatus from the Portuguese coast
Efficient Organotin catalysts for urethanes: kinetic and mechanistic investigations
Organotin and organogermanium linkers for simple, direct functionalization of polyoxotungstates
Survey of Organotin compounds in the Western Mediterranean using molluscs and fish as sentinel organisms
Optimisation of the storage of natural freshwaters before Organotin speciation
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin substituted heteropolytungstophosphates and their biological activity
Improved routine speciation of Organotin compounds in environmental samples by pulsed flame photometric detection
Organotin contamination in fishes with different living patterns and its implications for human health risk in Taiwan
Determination of Organotin compounds in water, sediments, and sewage sludge using perdeuterated internal standards, accelerated solvent extraction, and large …
New supramolecular Organotin (IV)/-copper (I) cyanides containing the unique {CuI2 (μ-CN) 2} building block
Studies on coordination compounds of Organotin (IV) with schiff bases of amino acids
A multicriteria ranking of Organotin (IV) compounds with fungicidal properties
Biological indicators used to map Organotin contamination from a fishing port, Killybegs, Ireland
Antitumor activity of a new orally active Organotin compound: a preliminary study in murine tumor models
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin-substituted heteropoly tungstosilicates and their biological activity I
Tin-Carbon Cleavage of Organotin Compounds by Pyoverdine from Pseudomonas chlororaphis
Synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity of new Organotin (IV) derivatives of N-methylglycine
Extraction procedure for Organotin analysis in plant matrices: optimisation and application
Immunotoxic effects of Organotin compounds in Tapes philippinarum
Field studies on imposex and Organotin accumulation in the rock shell, Thais clavigera, from the Seto Inland Sea and the Sanriku region, Japan
Mixed aryl-alkyl Organotin compounds
Comparison of in vitro submitochondrial particle and Microtox® assays for determining the toxicity of Organotin compounds
Organotin-induced caspase activation and apoptosis in human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Organotin compounds in solid waste: a review of their properties and determination using high-performance liquid chromatography
Organotin (IV) complexes of aniline derivatives. I. Synthesis, spectral and antibacterial studies of di‐and triOrganotin (IV) derivatives of 4‐bromomaleanilic acid
Characterization of Organotin-resistant bacteria from Boston Harbor sediments
Organotin‐drug interactions. Organotin adducts of tenoxicam: synthesis and characterization of the first Organotin complex of Tenoxicam
Organotin concentrations in three intertidal neogastropods from the coastal waters of Taiwan
Organotin compounds decrease in vitro survival, proliferation and differentiation of normal human B lymphocytes
Organotin macromolecules as anticancer drugs
Organotin compounds bearing mesogenic sidechains: synthesis, X-ray structures and polymerisation chemistry
Preparations and spectroscopic studies of Organotin complexes of diclofenac
Imposex, Organotin bioaccumulation and sterility of female Nassarius reticulatus in polluted areas of NW Spain
Novel dimeric Organotin cations: highly effective alcohol acetylation catalysts
Aerobic biodegradation of Organotin compounds in activated sludge batch reactors
Syntheses, crystal structures and coordination modes of tri-and di-Organotin derivatives with 2-mercapto-4-methylpyrimidine
Novel synthetic approach for antifungal and antibacterial Organotin compounds
Organotin pollution in China
Analysis of Organotin compounds by grignard derivatization and gas chromatography–ion trap tandem mass spectrometry
Organotin films deposited by laser-induced CVD as active layers in chemical gas sensors
Imposex and Organotin concentrations in Buccinum undatum and Neptunea antiqua from the North Sea: relationship to shipping density and hydrographical …
Organotin (IV) Complexes of Aniline Derivatives Part-II-Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of Organotin (IV) Derivatives of 2-[(4-Bromoanilino) carboxyl] …
Organotin (IV) Derivatives of 2-Acetylpyridine-N (4)-Phenylthiosemicarbazone, HAP4P, and 2-Hydroxyacetophenone-N (4)-Phenylthiosemicarbazone, H2DAP4P …
Organotin levels in the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal
Organotin compounds in the marine environment of the Bay of Piran, Northern Adriatic Sea
Synthesis of benzene-and pyridinediboronic acids via Organotin compounds
Preparation, spectroscopic investigation and antibacterial activity of some organomercury (II) and Organotin (IV) dithio complexes
Stability and storage problems in Organotin speciation in environmental samples
In situ generated, polymer-supported Organotin hydrides as clean reducing agents
Metal‐Rich, Neutral and Cationic Organotin Clusters
Synthesis and characterization of coordination compounds of Organotin (IV) with nitrogen and sulfur donor ligands
Organosilicon(IV) and Organotin(IV) complexes as biocides and nematicides: synthetic, spectroscopic and biological studies of N∩N donor sulfonamide imine and its …
Synthesis and Characterization of Biologically Potent Di‐Organotin (IV) Complexes of Mono‐Methyl Glutarate
Synthesis, properties and biological activity of Organotin decatungstophosphates, Part 2
Ovo-testis and disturbed reproductive cycle in the giant abalone, Haliotis madaka: possible linkage with Organotin contamination in a site of population decline
Organotin compounds in the environment: still a critical issue
Occurrence of imposex in Thais haemastoma: possible evidence of environmental contamination derived from Organotin compounds in Rio de Janeiro and …
Organochlorine and Organotin compounds in Caspian seals (Phoca caspica) collected during an unusual mortality event in the Caspian Sea in 2000
Degradation of Organotin compounds in organic and mineral forest soils
Adsorption and desorption of Organotin compounds in organic and mineral soils
… -solid-phase micro extraction–retention time locked-isotope dilution gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for the analysis of Organotin compounds in water and …
Synthesis, structural characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity of Organotin (IV) derivatives of heterocyclic thioamides, 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, 5-chloro-2 …
Organotin (IV) derivatives of L-cysteine and their in vitro anti-tumor properties
Organotin (IV) derivatives of N-maleoylamino acids: Their synthesis and structural elucidation
Inorganic tin and Organotin interactions with Candida maltosa
Biomonitoring Organotin pollution with gastropods and mussels
Novel Molecular Organotin Oxides Derived from Alkylidene Bridged Ditin Precursors: Syntheses and Structures,
Quantification of Organotin compounds and determination of imposex in populations of dogwhelks (Nucella lapillus) from Norway
Synthesis, spectroscopic investigations and crystal structures of Organotin (IV) derivatives of 2-amino-1-cyclopentene-1-carbodithioic acid
Contamination of Organotin compounds and imposex in molluscs from Vancouver, Canada
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin triflate clusters
Imposex and Organotin contamination in Nassarius reticulatus (L.) along the Portuguese coast
Concentrations of Organotin compounds and imposex in the gastropod Hexaplex trunculus from the Lagoon of Venice
Current status of Organotin studied in China and abroad
Mussels as sentinels of Organotin pollution: Bioaccumulation and effects on P450‐mediated aromatase activity
Toxicity of Organotin compounds to activated sludge
Synthesis and Application of an Organotin Functionalised Highly Porous Emulsion‐Derived Foam
Structure of poly(L‐lactic acid)s prepared by the dehydropolycondensation of L‐lactic acid with Organotin catalysts
Spectral studies and in vitro antimicrobial activity of new Organotin (IV) complexes of Schiff bases derived from amino acids
Organotin compounds in precipitation, fog and soils of a forested ecosystem in Germany
Preparation and Stille cross-coupling reaction of the first Organotin reagents of azulenes. Easy access to poly (azulen-6-yl) benzene derivatives
Reactions of Organotin tetrazoles: synthesis of functionalised poly-tetrazoles
Monitoring of Organotin compounds in seawater using semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs)—tentative resultsPresented at QUASIMEME–QUASH 1999 …
Synthesis and crystal structures of the first two novel dicarboxylate Organotin polymers constructed from dimeric tetraorganodistannoxane units
Organotin-Induced Apoptosis as Observedin VitroIs Not Relevant for Induction of Thymus Atrophy at Antiproliferative Doses
Organotin (IV) derivatives of 3, 4-(methylenedioxy) phenylacetic acid: synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and in vitro antitumour properties
The in vitro trypanocidal activity of Organotin compounds
Organotin compounds in the liver tissue of marine mammals from the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea
Organotin pollution in the marine environment
Synthesis and evaluation of the in vivo trypanocidal activity of water soluble Organotin compounds
Simultaneous extraction of Organotin, organolead and organomercury species from soils and litter
Determination of Organotin compounds by headspace solid-phase microextraction–gas chromatography–pulsed flame-photometric detection (HS-SPME–GC–PFPD)
Effect of length of ligand in Organotin compounds on their catalytic activity for the polycondensation of silicone
Toxic properties of metals and Organotin compounds and their interactions on Daphnia magna and Vibrio fischeri
Localization and characterization of stannin: relationship to cellular sensitivity to Organotin compounds
Organotin (IV) complexes of biologically active Schiff bases derived from heterocyclic ketones and sulpha drugs
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of biologically active Schiff bases derived from sulpha drugs
A new polymeric adsorbent for screening and pre-concentration of Organotin compounds in sediments and seawater samples
Determination of Organotin compounds in biological samples using accelerated solvent extraction, sodium tetraethylborate ethylation, and multicapillary gas …
Characteristic spectral studies and in vitro Antimicrobial and in vivo multi‐infection antifungal activities in mice of new Organotin(IV) derivatives of heterocyclic amino …
Studies of Organotin(IV) Derivatives of DL-Methionine and L-Asparagine
Effects of the Organotin pesticide azocyclotin in aquatic microcosms
Inhibition of cell proliferation and antitumor activity of a novel Organotin compound
Pressurised solvent extraction for Organotin speciation in vegetable matrices
New Organotin (IV) ascorbates: synthesis, spectral characterization, biological and potentiometric studies
Synthesis, characterization and thermal analysis of Organotin (IV) derivatives of 4-(N-Maleoyl) butanoate
Synthesis of isomers of Organotin substituted polyoxotungstates and comparison of the antitumor activity of isomers
Organotin (IV) derivatives containing bis (diphenylphosphine)-and bis (diphenylphosphineoxo) alkanes
Role of Speciation in Organotin Toxicity to the Yeast Candida maltosa
Hybrid organic-inorganic copolymers based on oxo-hydroxo Organotin nanobuilding blocks
Complete elimination of interferences in the Organotin determination by oxidation with dimethyldioxirane combined with alumina cleanup
Organotin adducts of indomethacin: synthesis, crystal structures and spectral characterization of the first Organotin complexes of indomethacin
Preliminary investigation of a sensitive biomarker of Organotin pollution in Chinese coastal aquatic environment and marine organisms
Contamination and biomethylation of Organotin compounds in pearl/fish culture areas in Japan
Hypervalent Organotin (IV) derivatives containing [2-(Me2NCH2) C6H4] Sn moieties. Competition between nitrogen and chalcogen atoms for coordination to the metal …
Organotin mefenamic complexes—preparations, spectroscopic studies and crystal structure of a triphenyltin ester of mefenamic acid: novel anti‐tuberculosis agents
Antiproliferative activity and interactions with cell-cycle related proteins of the Organotin compound triethyltin (IV) lupinylsulfide hydrochloride
A new structurally characterized Organotin/Schiff-base complex with approximately rectangular molecular boxes formed through hydrogen bonds
Studies of biologically potent Organotin (IV) and organosilicon (IV) complexes of a sulfur donor ligand derived from 1‐acetylferrocene
Antiproliferative and cytotoxic effect of a novel Organotin compound on mammalian cells both in vitro and in vivo
Novel Phosphorescent Cyclometalated Organotin (IV) and Organolead (IV) Complexes of 2, 6-Bis (2 ‘-indolyl) pyridine and 2, 6-Bis [2 ‘-(7-azaindolyl)] pyridine
Structural chemistry of mononuclear, tetranuclear and hexanuclear Organotin (IV) carboxylates from the reaction of di-n-butyltin oxide or diphenyltin oxide with …
Synthesis of a cyclic dinuclear Organotin carboxylate via simultaneous debenzylation and decarbonylation reactions: X-ray crystal structure of [(PhCH2) 2 {O2CC6H4 …
Organotin contamination in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from Portuguese coastal waters
Heteropolytungstates containing Organotin and cobalt or zinc atoms
Accumulation of Organotin compounds in Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, collected from aquaculture sites in Taiwan
Convenient catalytic free radical reductions of alkyl halides using an Organotin reagent on non-cross-linked polystyrene support
Environmental contamination for Organotin compounds
Organotin compounds in sediments from the Göta älv estuary
Accumulation of Organotin compounds and mercury in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the Danish waters and West Greenland
Biological impact of Organotin compounds on mollusks in marine and freshwater ecosystems
Capillary electrophoresis of Organotin compounds with indirect UV detection
New Polyfluorinated Organotin Reagents. Stereoselective Synthesis of (Z)-α-Fluoro-β-trifluoromethylvinylstannanes
Speciation of Organotin compounds in NaCl aqueous solution: interaction of mono‐, di‐and tri‐Organotin (IV) cations with nucleotide 5′ monophosphates
Di(p‐tert‐butylphenyl)‐N,N‐di‐(iso‐butyl)carbamoylmethylphosphine oxide and its Organotin and uranyl adducts: structural and spectroscopic characterization
Phosphate‐Binding Characteristics and Selectivity Studies of Bifunctional Organotin Carriers
On the use of mixtures of Organotin species for catalytic enantioselective ketone allylation—A detective story
The Effects of Organotin Compounds on Growth, Respiration Rate, and ChlorophyllaContent ofScenedesmus quadricauda
Calculations of magnetic shielding for the tin nucleus in a series of tetra-Organotin compounds using density functional theory
Ubiquitous imposex and Organotin bioaccumulation in gastropods Nucella lapillus from Galicia (NW Spain): A possible effect of nearshore shipping
Mechanistic Studies on the Cyclization of Organosilicon and Organotin Compounds Containing the O,C,O-Coordinating Pincer-Type Ligand {4-t-Bu-2,6-[P(O)(OR)2]2C6H2}- (R = i-Pr, Et) …
Preparation and structural studies on Organotin (IV) complexes with flavonoids
Organotin in the Tagus estuary
Organotin Dithiohydrazodicarbonamides as Corrosion Inhibitors for Mild Steel-Dimethyl Sulphoxide Containing of HCl
Validation of Organotin compound determination in environmental samples using NaBEt4 ethylation and GC-FPD
Synthesis, spectral characterization and biological studies of some Organotin (IV) complexes of L-proline, trans-hydroxy-L-proline and L-glutamine
Effects of in vitro exposure to low levels of Organotin and carbamate pesticides on human natural killer cell cytotoxic function
Synthetic and spectroscopic characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes of biologically active Schiff bases derived from sulpha drugs
Preliminary evaluation of human health risks from ingestion of Organotin contamined seafood in Brazil
1H, 13C, 119Sn NMR, 119mSn Mössbauer, Infrared and Mass Spectrometric Studies of Organotin Carboxylates of 2-(2,3-dimethylphenyl)Aminobenzoic Acid and …
Cytotoxicity in vitro and preliminary antitumor activity in vivo of a novel Organotin compound.
Comparison of different liquid chromatography conditions for the separation and analysis of Organotin compounds in mussel and oyster tissue by liquid …
Bioconcentration and bioavailability of Organotin compounds: influence of pH and humic substances
Synthesis, characterisation and reaction chemistry of Organotin-substituted bis (thiotetrazoles): supramolecular metallotetrazole structures containing hard and soft …
Organotin compounds in surface and pore waters of Ganga Plain in the Kanpur-Unnao industrial region, India
Thermal studies on some Organotin (IV) complexes with piperidine and 2-aminopyridine dithiocarbamates
Organotin perchlorates as gentle Lewis acid catalysts in Mukaiyama reaction
Intramolecular Donor‐Assisted Cyclization of Organotin Compounds
Synthesis, characterization, and biological activity of some Organotin pyrazolecarboxylates
Synthesis, structural studies and some biological aspects, including nematicidal and insecticidal properties, of Organotin (IV) complexes formed with biologically active …
Headspace solid-phase microextraction-capillary gas chromatography-ICP mass spectrometry for the determination of the Organotin pesticide fentin in environmental …
Synthesis and characterization of novel Organotin monomers and copolymers and their antibacterial activity
Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro antimicrobial activity of Organotin (IV) complexes with triazolo-pyrimidine ligands containing exocyclic oxygen atoms
An ab initio computational study on the reaction of Organotin enolates: Comparison of highly coordinated tin reagent with noncoordinated reagent
Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structure of the Novel Organotin Dication [n-Bu2Sn(H2O)4]2+: A Lamellar Layered Structure Assisted by Intermolecular Hydrogen …
Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of Organotin and organosilicon complexes of substituted hydrazones
Organotin compounds promote the formation of non-lamellar phases in phosphatidylethanolamine membranes
Pencemaran Laut oleh Senyawa Organotin
Inorganic speciation of Organotin (IV) cations in natural waters with particular reference to seawater
Solution and cross-polarization/magic angle spinning NMR investigation of intramolecular coordination Sn N in some Organotin (IV) C, N-chelates
Preparation and structural studies of Organotin (IV) complexes formed with organic carboxylic acids
Speciation of Organotin compounds, total tin, and major trace metal elements in poisoned human organs by gas chromatography-flame photometric detector and …
Organotin and osmoregulation: quantifying the effects of environmental concentrations of sediment-associated TBT and TPhT on the freshwater-adapted European …
Speciation of Organotin compounds in marine biomaterials after basic leaching in a non-focused microwave extractor equipped with pressurized vessels
… liquid chromatography with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry as an alternative method for the speciation analysis of Organotin …
Application of supported liquid membrane probe for extraction and preconcentration of Organotin compounds from environmental water samples
Association of Organotin compounds with aquatic and terrestrial humic substances
Organotin(IV) complexes of ethylsarcosine hydrochloride: synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytotoxic activity
A new approach in the development and testing of antifouling paints without Organotin derivatives
Structure of azo dye Organotin (IV) compounds containing a C, N‐chelating ligand
Synthesis and spectral characterisation of Organotin (IV) 1, 3, 5-triazine-2, 4, 6-trithiolato complexes, including the crystal structures of 1, 3, 5-(R3Sn) 3C3N3S3 (R= Me …
Trace determination of Organotin compounds in water, sediment and mussel samples by low‐pressure gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry
Accumulation of Organotin compounds in the deep-sea environment of Nankai Trough, Japan
Synthesis, characterization and biological applications of Organotin (IV) derivatives of 2-(2-Fluoro-4-biphenyl) propanoic acid
Effect of the Organotin compound triethyltin on Ca2+ handling in human prostate cancer cells
Identification by DNA macroarray of nur77 as a gene induced by di-n-butyltin dichloride: its role in Organotin-induced apoptosis
Organotin analysis by gas chromatography–pulsed flame-photometric detection (GC–PFPD)
Continuing observation of disturbed reproductive cycle and ovarian spermatogenesis in the giant abalone, Haliotis madaka from an Organotin-contaminated site of …
Kinetic study of Organotin-catalyzed alcohol–isocyanate reactions: Part 1: Inhibition by carboxylic acids in toluene
New multinuclear experiments on solid Organotin fluorides
Fine‐Tuned Characterization at the Solid/Solution Interface of Organotin Compounds Grafted onto Cross‐Linked Polystyrene by Using High‐Resolution MAS NMR …
Health and environmental risk assessment of Organotin pollution in Japan
Microporous membrane liquid–liquid extraction technique combined with gas chromatography mass spectrometry for the determination of Organotin compounds
Fate of the Organotin pesticide azocyclotin in aquatic microcosms
Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumour activity of di‐ and tri‐Organotin derivatives of fenbufen
Organotin (IV) derivatives as biocides: An investigation of structure by IR, solution NMR, electron impact MS and assessment of structure correlation with biocidal …
Organotin speciation in environmental samples by capillary gas chromatography and pulsed flame photometric detection (PFPD)
Biologically potent sulphonamide imine complexes of Organotin (IV): Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and biological screening
Speciation analysis of Organotin compounds in Thermaikos Gulf by GC-MIP-AED
Organotin(IV) complexes of N‐[(2Z)‐3‐hydroxy‐1‐methyl‐2‐butenylidene]glycine
Influence of Organotin compounds on phosphatidylserine membranes
Organotin–oxometalate coordination polymers as catalysts for the epoxidation of olefins
Organotin‐drug interactions. Organotin adducts of lornoxicam, synthesis and characterisation of the first complexes of Lornoxicam
Evaluation of desulfurization procedures for the elimination of sulfur interferences in the Organotin analysis of sediments
Dose-dependent induction of apoptosis or necrosis in human cells by Organotin compounds
The small‐scale preparation and NMR characterization of isotopically enriched Organotin compounds
Comparison of sodium tetraethylborate and sodium tetra (n-propyl) borate as derivatization reagent for the speciation of Organotin and organolead compounds in …
Speciation analysis of Organotin compounds by HPLC-ICP-MS
Volatile Organotin compounds (butylmethyltin) in three European estuaries (Gironde, Rhine, Scheldt)
Role of hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions of Organotin and organolead compounds with model lipid membranes
Polymer-supported Organotin reagents in the catalytic Stille reaction
Synthesis and characterisation of the first Organotin complex of piroxicam. An extended network system via non-hydrogen, hydrogen bonding linkages and C …
Organotin compounds in Mersey and Thames Estuaries a decade after UK TBT legislation
Bioaccumulation of Organotin compounds and imposex occurrence in a marine food chain (Eastern Scheldt, The Netherlands)
Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Organotin Derivatives of 2‐Thionaphthalene, Including the Crystal Structures of (Naphthalenethiolato‐S)triphenyltin(IV) and …
Organotin adducts with pyrimidinethione: crystal structure of dimethyldi (pyrimidine‐2‐thiolato) tin (IV) and diphenyldi (pyrimidine‐2‐thiolato) tin (IV)
Acute toxicity of Organotin compounds to the larvae of the rock shell, Thais clavigera, the disk abalone, Haliotis discus discus and the giant abalone, Haliotis madaka
Organotin(IV) complexes with various donor ligands and their cytotoxicity against tumour cell lines. Part(I): R2SnCl2 with Schiff bases; unusual CN bond cleavage …
Studies on the catalysis of the reaction of Organotin phenoxides with diethyl azodicarboxylate by lithium perchlorate
Preparation and reactivity of a macroporous polymer-supported Organotin hydride catalyst
First Example of a Hydrogen-Bonded Three-Dimensional Pillared Structure Involving an Organotin Motif: Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structures of {[nBu2Sn(H2O)3(L)Sn(H2O)3nBu2]2+[L]2-}·2MeOH·2H2O …
Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of a novel binuclear Organotin complex, Ph3Sn(HL)·Ph2SnL [L = 3,5‐Br2‐2‐OC6H2CHNCH(i‐Pr)COO]
Cytotoxicity of Organotin compounds in different cultured cell lines
Bioactive versatile azomethine complexes of Organotin (IV) and organosilicon (IV)
Determination of Organotin compounds in biological samples using ethyl derivatization and GC/MS
Solvent-controlled assembling by hydrogen bridges and halogen-halogen interactions of novel Organotin oxo clusters
The presence of brominated flame retardants and Organotin compounds in dusts collected from Parliament buildings from eight countries
Atmospheric pressure deposition of fluorine‐doped SnO2 thin films from Organotin fluorocarboxylate precursors
Organotin compounds in a Norwegian fjord. A comparison of concentration levels in semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs), blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and …
Accumulation, Metabolism, and Depuration of Organotin Compounds in the Marine Mussels Mytilus graynus and Mytilus edulis under Natural Conditions
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and biological applications of Organotin (IV) derivatives of 2-(N-maleoyl)-3-phenylpropanoic acid
Chiral Organotin hydrides containing intramolecular coordinating substituents
Distribution of Organotin compounds in tissues of mussels Mytilus edulis and clams Mya arenaria
Structures, semi-empirical calculations and thermolyses of some five-and six-membered chelate Organotin mercaptide complexes
Chemical species of Organotin compounds in sediment at a marina
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) 2, 4‐Dinitrophenoxides
Transmetallations between aryltrialkyltins and borane: synthesis of arylboronic acids and Organotin hydrides
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) complexes containing mono or bidentate N-donor ligands: III. 1-methylimidazole derivatives: synthesis, spectroscopic and structural …
Spectral and antimicrobial studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of bidentate schiff bases having nitrogen and sulphur donor systems
Acid/extraction treatment of bivalves for Organotin speciation
In vivo toxicological effects and spectral studies of Organotin(IV) N‐maleoylglycinates
Identification of sulfur interferences during Organotin determination in harbour sediment samples by sodium tetraethyl borate ethylation and gas chromatography …
Direct Grignard pentylation of Organotin-contaminated lard samples followed by capillary gas chromatography with flame photometric detection
Synthesis and characterization of bioactive Organotin (IV) and organosilicon (lV) complexes
The interaction of DNA with Organotin (IV) salts and complexes
Speciation of Organotin compounds in sediment cores from Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) by gas chromatography–pulsed flame photometric detection
Determination of Organotin compounds in plastic products by GC/MS after ethyl derivatization with sodium tetraethylborate
A convenient sublethal assay of alkylphenol and Organotin compounds using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Organotin complexes with pyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde monoacylhydrazones. Synthesis, spectroscopic properties, antimicrobial activity, and genotoxicity
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) complexes containing mono or bidentate N-donor ligands—IV. 2-methyl-, 2-isopropyl-and 4-methyl-imidazole derivatives: synthesis …
Effects of Organotin compounds in fish: from the molecular to the population level
Synthesis and evaluation of molecularly imprinted polymers for Organotin compounds: a screening method for tributyltin detection in seawater
Speciation of Organotin compounds in waters and marine sediments using purge-and-trap capillary gas chromatography with atomic emission detection
Atomic absorption spectrometric screening and gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination of Organotin compounds in marine mussels: an application in …
… microextraction, capillary gas chromatography and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry for the routine speciation of Organotin compounds in the …
Hydrolysis processes of Organotin (IV) compounds in sea water
Synthesis and Reactivity of Intramolecularly Stabilized Organotin Compounds Containing the C, N-Chelating o-Carboranylamino Ligand [o-C2B10H10 (CH2NMe2)-C …
New complexes of Organotin (IV) 2-(N-maleoylamino)-2-methylpropanoate: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and biological activity
Application of a low power/reduced pressure helium ICP ionization source for mass spectrometric detection of organobromine compounds and derivatized Organotin …
Organotin levels in bivalves in Southeast Asia
Preparation and Stille cross-coupling reaction of the first Organotin reagents of azulenes. An efficient Pd (0)-catalyzed synthesis of 6-aryl-and biazulenes
Speciation of Organotin compounds in shellfish by liquid chromatography—fluorimetric detection
Determination of Organotin compounds by liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with a direct injection nebulizer
Aqueous Organotin chemistry: Tin hydride mediated dehalogenation of organohalides and a novel Organotin mediated nucleophilic substitution on 2-iodobenzoates in …
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of new Organotin (IV) complexes with bis (3, 5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl) dithioacetate
Synthesis and Reactivity of Organotin Compounds Containing the C, P-Chelating o-Carboranylphosphino Ligand [o-C2B10H10PPh2-C, P](Cab C, P). X-ray …
Preparation and reactivity of a non-styrenic polymer-supported Organotin chloride catalyst
New Heptacoordinated Organotin (IV) Complexes Derivatives of 2, 6-diacetylpyridinebis (2-furanoylhydrazone), H2dapf, and 2, 6-diacetylpyridinebis (2 …
Supercritical fluid extraction of priority Organotin contaminants from biological matrices
Preparation and structural characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes with ligands containing a hetero {N} atom and a hydroxy group or hydroxy and carboxyl groups
Organotin (IV) complexes of Schiff bases derived by condensation of heterocyclic ketones and sulfa drugs
Synthesis and structural behavior of the P-functional Organotin chlorides [Ph2P (CH2) 3] 2SnCl2, Ph2P (CH2) 3SnCl2Me, and Ph2P (CH2) nSnCl3 (n= 2, 3)
Organotin (IV) derivatives of novel β-diketones: Part V. Synthesis and characterization of di-and triOrganotin (IV) derivatives of 4-acyl-5-pyrazolones modified in …
New carbon materials from pitch containing Organotin compounds for anode of lithium ion batteries
Electrospray tandem mass spectrometric measurements of Organotin compounds
Di‐and tri‐Organotin derivatives of 3S, 4S‐3‐[(R)‐1‐(tert‐butyl‐dimethylsilyloxy) ethyl]‐4‐[(R)‐1‐carboxyethyl]‐2‐azetidinone: synthesis, characterization and in vitro …
Organotin pollution in Malta coastal zone
Structural characterization and effects of Gibberellic acid-containing Organotin polymers on sawgrass and cattail germination and seedling growth for everglades …
Organotin (IV) compounds as intramolecular transesterification catalysts in thermal depolymerization of poly (L-lactic acid) oligomer to form LL-lactide
Stability of model membranes in the presence of Organotin compounds
Easy general method for interhalide conversions in Organotin compounds
Reactions of Organotin (IV) compounds with platinum complexes: Part II. Oxidative addition of SnRxCl4− x to [Pt (COD) 2] and subsequent reactions with tertiary …
Preparation and Characterization of Organotin–Oxomolybdate Coordination Polymers and Their Use in Sulfoxidation Catalysis
Palladium Catalysed Tandem Cyclisation–Anion Capture Processes. Part 4: Organotin (IV) Transfer Agents
A simple method for the speciation of Organotin compounds in water samples using ethylation and GC-QFAAS
Toxicity of Organotin compounds in primary cultures of rat cortical astrocytes
The promoting effect of Organotin compounds upon peroxidation of oleic acid
Kinetic study of Organotin catalyzed alcohol-isocyanate reactions: Part 2: Inhibition by foreign substances in acetonitrile and toluene
Syntheses, characterizations and crystal structures of new Organotin complexes with 2-mercapto-6-nitrobenzothiazole
Novel inorganic oxide supported Organotin hydrides for fine chemical catalysis
Equilibrium studies of Organotin (IV) complexes with vitamin B6
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives of novel β-diketones. III Diorgano-and dihalotin (IV) complexes of 1, 3-dimethyl-4-R (C O)-pyrazol-5-one (R= CH3, C6H5) and …
Occurrence of Organotin compounds in water, sediments and mollusca in estuarine systems in the southwest of Spain
Quest for Organotin (IV) cations containing O, C, O-chelating ligands
Synthesis and characterization of some Organotin (iv) complexes of α-benzoin oxime
α, ω-Bis (trichlorostannyl) alkanes: Unravelling the Hydrolysis Pathway to Organotin-oxo Oligomers
Novel low power/reduced pressure inductively coupled plasma ionization source for mass spectrometric detection of Organotin species
Di‐and tri‐Organotin (IV) derivatives of (Z)‐3‐(4‐nitrophenyl)‐2‐phenyl‐2‐propenoic acid: spectroscopic characterization and biocidal studies. Crystal structure …
Organotin compounds and their adsorption behavior on sediments
Organotin-induced apoptosis occurs in small CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes and is accompanied by an increase in RNA synthesis
Organotin (IV) complexes of aromatic acid hydrazides: Preparation and spectroscopic studies
Structural chemistry of Organotin ferrocenecarboxylic esters II. The crystal structure of dibutyltin ferrocenecarboxylate oxide
Dioxin, dioxin-like PCBS and Organotin compounds in the River Elbe and the Hamburg Harbour: Identification of sources
Synthesis, Characterization & Thermal Studies of Some Dithiocarbazate Schiff Bases-Organotin (IV), Organozinc (II) Complexes
Synthesis, spectral studies, in vitro antimicrobial and in vivo multi-infection antifungal activities in mice of new Organotin (IV) derivatives of amino acids
Mono‐Organotin (IV) and tin (IV) derivatives of 2‐mercaptopyridine and 2‐mercaptopyrimidine: X‐ray structures of methyl‐tris (2‐pyridinethiolato) tin (IV) and phenyl …
Contamination by Organotin (tributyltin and triphenyltin) compounds from antifouling paints and endocrine disruption in marine gastropods
Isolation, characterization and anti-tumour properties of novel chiral Organotin (IV) complexes of phenanthrolines
Biogeochemistry of Organotin compounds and tin in a forested catchment in Germany
Use of imposex (pseudohermaphroditism) as indicator of the occurrence of Organotin compounds in Portuguese coastal waters—Sado and Mira estuaries
Chemo-and stereoselective monobenzoylation of 1, 2-diols catalyzed by Organotin compounds
The effect of Organotin compounds on the permeability of model biological membranes
Convenient syntheses of aryl and perfluoroaryl trichlorogermanes and germatranes via an Organotin route
Slurry nebulization ICP-AES spectrometry method for the determination of tin in Organotin (IV) complexes
Accumulation of Organotin compounds in the common whelk Buccinum undatum and the red whelk Neptunea antiqua in association with imposex
Organotin (IV) complexes of 4, 6-dimethylpyrimidine-2-thione, Me2PymtH. Preparation, characterization and crystal structure determination of cis-[Ph2Sn (Me2Pymt) 2] …
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of new adducts of Organotin (IV) chlorides with a polydentate N, S ligand
Surface analysis study of the oxidation of Organotin films deposited by ArF excimer laser chemical vapor deposition
Organotin Esters of N-Phthaloylamino Acids: Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization, and Biological Activities
The structural chemistry of Organotin derivatives of 5-mercapto-3-phenyl-1, 3, 4-thiadiazoline-2-thione: supramolecular structures involving intermolecular Sn⋯ S, N–H …
Syntheses, characterizations, and crystal structures of Organotin (IV) chloride complexes with 4, 4′‐bipyridine
Organotin compounds in liver tissue of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) from the coastal waters of England and Wales
Organotin (IV) complexes of polyhydroxyalkyl carboxylic acids and some related ligands
Column preconcentration of Organotin with tropolone-immobilized and their determination by electrothermal atomization absorption spectrometry
Synthesis, Spectral and Thermal Studdes of Organotin (IV) Complexes of N-Acetylamino Acids
Effects of tin (IV) chloride and of Organotin compounds on aquatic micro‐organisms
Organotin contamination, imposex and androgen/oestrogen ratios in natural populations of Nassarius reticulatus along a ship density gradient
… of an off-line supercritical fluid extraction and gas chromatography with atomic emission detection method for the determination of Organotin compounds in soil and …
Synthesis, molecular, and crystal structure of a new Organotin/Schiff-base complex C28H31Cl3NO4Sn
Synthesis and spectroscopic study of some Organotin (IV) derivatives of benzilmonothiosemicarbazone
Preparation, spectroscopic studies and biological activity of mono-Organotin (IV) derivatives of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Significant Organotin Contamination of Sediment and
GC analysis of Organotin compounds using pulsed flame photometric detection and conventional flame photometric detection
Polystyrene‐Supported Organotin Dichloride as a Recyclable Catalyst in Lactone Ring‐Opening Polymerization: Assessment and Catalysis Monitoring by High …
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as donor ligands in Organotin (IV) derivatives: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and biological applications
Isotope dilution analysis as a definitive tool for the speciation of Organotin compounds
Microwave accelerated sample preparation for speciation analysis of Organotin compounds in biomaterials
Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-(2′-pyridyl) quinoxaline (L): The crystal structure of the [SnEt2Cl2L]· 0.5 benzene
Organotin compounds in trimethyltin-treated rats and in human brain in Alzheimer’s disease
Speciation of Organotin compounds by capillary electrophoresis: comparison of aqueous and mixed organic-aqueous systems
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives of novel β-diketones: II. Mono-and diaryltin (IV) complexes of 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-R (C O)-pyrazol-5-one (R= CCl3, OCH3 …
Diphenylphosphine oxide: An alternative to Organotin hydrides in the radical deoxygenation of alcohols
Synthesis and characterization of some Organotin (IV) derivatives of 2-(N-salicylidene)-5-chlorobenzophenone
Contamination and distribution of persistent organochlorine and Organotin compounds in deep-sea organisms from East China Sea
Structure of azo dye Organotin(IV) compounds containing a C,N‐chelating ligand, part II, and their in vitro antifungal activity
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of new Organotin (IV) complexes with dithiocarbamate derivative of L-proline
Application of a heated electrospray interface for on-line connection of the AAS detector with HPLC for detection of Organotin and organolead compounds
Comparative assessment of weak intramolecular coordinations at tin in functionalized mono-Organotin trichlorides and mono-organotrialkynyltins by multinuclear …
Zwitterionic forms of salicylaldimine donor ligands in unusual adduct formation with Organotin (IV) Lewis acids
Synthesis and spectral studies of Organotin (IV) complexes with bifunctional tetradentate Schiff bases
Mechanism of Organotin stabilization of poly (vinyl chloride). 6. Compatibility of Organotin stabilizers with PVC
Some Complexes of Organotin (1V) Chldrlde with Salicylaldehyde Thiosemicarbazone
Modeling in Organotin Chemistry Using NMR Restraints: A Case Study on the 9R,12S-[tBu2Sn]2O Derivative of Erythromycin A
Organotin (IV) enamines as selective reagents: Coupling with α-halocarbonyls for synthesis of substituted pyrroles
The Organotin industry rises to the HPV challenge
Organotin speciation analyses in marine biota using sodium tetraethylborate ethylation and gas chromatography with flame photometric detection
Atmospheric speciation of ionic Organotin, organolead and organomercury compounds in NE Bavaria (Germany)
Novel Organotin-functionalized, polymeric transition metal cyanides: From Me3Sn-to Me2Sn (CH2) 3SnMe2 spacers
Organotin dithiocarbamates derived from hydroxylated amines
Organotin speciation in environmental matrices by automated on-line hydride generation-programmed temperature vaporization-capillary gas chromatography–mass …
Physico-chemical approach to study Organotin sorption–desorption during solid-phase microextraction
Correlation of Coordination Geometries and Stability Factors in Organotin (IV) Derivatives of 4‐Acylpyrazol‐5‐onates with their Fungicidal (Mycelial Control) and …
Organotin compounds in the Danish marine environment: analysis & fate studies
Molecular structures of Organotin tropolonato complexes with tin coordination numbers 5–7, seen by single‐crystal x‐ray diffraction and solid‐ and solution‐state 119 …
Speciation of Organotin compounds released from poly (vinyl chloride) at increased temperature by gas chromatography with atomic emission detection
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives of bis (pyrazolyl) acetate: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and behaviour in solution.: X-ray single crystal study of bis …
Speciation of selenium and Organotin compounds in sewage sludge applied to land
A simple method for synthesis of Organotin species to investigate extraction procedures in sediments by isotope dilution-gas chromatography-inductively coupled …
Detection of Organotin, organomercury, and organolead compounds with a pulsed discharge detector (PDD)
Tandem mass spectral studies of the fragmentation pathways of Organotin compounds of general formula R3SnR′
Mixed aryl–alkyl Organotin compounds, ArnMeSnCl3−n (Ar = RC6H4, R = H, ethyl, i‐propyl, t‐butyl; n‐hexyl, n‐octyl) and the effect of R upon antibiotic activity
Organotin compounds suppress testosterone production in Leydig cells from neonatal pig testes
Organotin gibberellates: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and antitumour activity
The Isoelectronic Replacement of E = P+ and Si in the Trinuclear Organotin−Oxo Clusters [Ph2E(OSntBu2)2O·tBu2Sn(OH)2]
Solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-fluorimetry for Organotin speciation in natural waters
… mass spectrometric procedure for the speciation analysis of Organotin compounds in specimens of marine mussels. An evaluation of the Organotin pollution of the …
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives of novel β-diketones I. Dialkyltin (IV) complexes of 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-R′(C O)-pyrazol-5-one (R′= CCl3, O CH3, O …
Interaction of Organotin compounds with phospholipid membranes
Synthesis and structures of intramolecularly hexacoordinated Organotin chlorides containing the (3-(2-methoxy) ethoxy) propyl moiety
[(n-C_4H_9) _3SnO_2C (CH_2) _2CO_2Sn (C_4H_9-n) _3]: A Novel Three-dimensional Framework Structure of Organotin Complex
Development of the antagonist assay system for estrogen receptor using yeast and its application to Organotin compounds
Organotin compounds containing a bulky (Me3Si) 3C or related ligand. Crystal structures of {(Me3Si) 3CMe (O2NO) Sn} 2O,(PhMe2Si) 3CSnMeCl2 and (PhMe2Si) …
Quantitative evaluation of Lewis acidity of Organotin compounds and the catalytic reactivity in electron transfer
Pentacoordinate Organotin complexes as neutral carriers for salicylate-selective PVC membrane electrodes
Organotin Dyes: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Dibutyltin and Dimethyltin Complexes with 2, 2′‐Dihydroxyazobenzene
Solution and solid state structural investigations of Organotin (IV) compounds containing asymmetric imidodiphosphinato ligands. X-ray structures of R′′ 2Sn …
Speciation of Organotin in sediments by multicapillary gas chromatography with atomic emission detection after microwave-assisted leaching and solvent extraction …
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) derivatives of novel β-diketones: Part IV. TriOrganotin (IV) complexes of fluorinated 4-acyl-5-pyrazolones. Crystal structure of (1-(4 …
Pyrolysis of Organotin compounds: A preparative method for nanometric tin dioxide powders
Synthesis and characterization of a linked, π-π stacked Organotin compound of 2-mercapto-6-nitrobenzothiazolyl diphenyltin chloride with 2-ethoxyl-6 …
Modification of hydrocarbon sorption properties of cloverite by grafting Organotin complexes
Imposex and population characteristics of Thais distinguen da as an indicator of Organotin contamination along the south east coast of Phuket island, Thailand
Synthesis, characterization and thermal studies of some new Organotin (IV) complexes with aniline N-thiohydrazide and benzaldehyde aniline N-thiohydrazone
Electrostatic inhibition of hemolysis induced by Organotin compounds
Heptacoordination in Organotin (IV) Complexes: Spectroscopic and Structural Studies of 2, 6–Diacetylpyridine bis (thiosemicarbazone) di–n–butyltin (IV) Chloride …
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and X-ray studies of new complexes of Organotin (IV) chlorides with N-alkylated 2-amino-1-cyclopentene-1-carbodithioic …
Assessment of toxicity and bioaccumulation of Organotin compounds.
… catalysed queuing processes. Part 1: Termolecular cyclization–anion capture employing carbon monoxide as a relay switch and hydride, Organotin (IV) or boron …
Synthesis and copolymerization reactions of p‐acryloyloxybenzoic acid with Organotin monomers
Effect of Organotin compounds on trout hemoglobins
Synthesis, characterization and hydrolytic behavior of new bis (2-pyridylthio) acetate ligand and related Organotin (IV) complexes
Transition-metal Schiff-base complexes as ligands in tin chemistry. Part 7. Reactions of Organotin (IV) Lewis acids with [M (L)] 2 [M= Ni, Cu and Zn; H2L= N, N′-bis (3 …
New Organotin derivatives of Keggin polyoxomolybdates
Novel coordination isomerization in Organotin (IV) compounds. Synthesis, molecular structures, and NMR studies of LSnPhX2 (X= Ph, Cl, Br, I, SPh), LCH2SnPhX2 (X …
[μ2-, η2-Alkynyl-hexacarbonyldicobalt] Organotin complexes and the molecular structure of bis [μ2-, η2-ethynylhexacarbonyldicobalt] diphenyltin
Thais (Stramonita) rustica (Lamarck, 1822)(Mollusca: Gastropoda: Thaididae), a potential bioindicator of contamination by Organotin Northeast Brazil
Organotin dithiocarbamate chlorides: X-ray structures of n-BuSn (S2CNEt2) Cl2 and n-BuSn (S2CNEt2) 2Cl
Sources, consumer exposure and risks of Organotin contamination in seafood
Thermal decomposition of sulfur-containing Organotin molecular precursors to produce phase-pure SnS
Screening of Organotin compounds in the Swedish environment
Imposex in Thais rustica (Mollusca: Neogastropoda)(Lamark, 1822) as an indicator of Organotin compounds pollution at Maceio Coast (northeastern Brazil)
Studies on the catalysis of the reaction of Organotin phenoxides with bis (2, 2, 2‐trichloroethyl) azodicarboxylate by lithium perchlorate
Separation of Organotin compounds by ion-exchange chromatography and their determination by inverse voltammetry
Validation, using a chemometric approach, of gas chromatography–inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectrometry (GC–ICP–AES) for Organotin …
Optimization of a sample preparation procedure for the speciation of Organotin compounds in sediment samples using GC-AED
Synthesis of chiral Organotin reagents: synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of bicyclo [2.2. 1] heptan-2-yl (diphenyl) tin chlorides with cis-disposed nitrogen …
Si (CH2CH2SnH3) 4—a unique Organotin hydride featuring 12 SnH units in a dendritic molecule. Single-crystal X-ray structures of tetrakis (2-stannylethylene) silane …
Organotin mediated nitration in heteroaromatic series using tetranitromethane or dinitrogen tetroxide
The interaction of Organotin (IV) acceptors with a benzoic acid containing two pyrazolone groups
Effect of Organotin compounds on trout AMP‐deaminases
Potentiometric membrane electrode for salicylate based on an Organotin complex with a salicylal Schiff base of amino acid
Mono-Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-acetylpyridine 3-hexamethyleneiminylthiosemicarbazone (HAchexim). The crystallographic structures of [SnX (Ahexim) Cl2](X …
Evaluation of PM3 calculations applied to Organotin compounds: crystal structure of [Ph2SnCl2 (1,10‐phenanthroline‐5,6‐dione)]·2Me2CO
119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopic study of nanometric tin dioxide powders prepared by pyrolysis of Organotin oxides
… organometallic chemistry on metals in water: Chemical modification of platinum catalyst surface by reaction with hydrosoluble Organotin complexes: application to the …
Hydrogen bonding and π–π stacking interaction in the coordination of sulfur and nitrogen donor heterocycle to Organotin (IV): syntheses and crystal structures of di …
Nonenzymatic kinetic resolution of 1, 2-diols catalyzed by an Organotin compound
Ligand behaviour of P-functionally substituted Organotin halides: synthesis, structure, and intramolecular oxidative addition of [{Me2 (Cl) SnCH2CH2PPh2} 2Rh (CO) …
An Organotin oxo-carboxylate cluster functionalized by triethoxysilyl groups
Book Review: Organotin Chemistry
A simple method for synthesis of Organotin species to investigate extraction procedures in sediments by isotope dilution gas chromatography-inductively coupled …
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and in vitro biological activity of Organotin(IV) complexes of (E)‐3‐(4‐methoxyphenyl)‐2‐phenyl‐2‐propenoic acid
Effect of different Organotin compounds on DNA of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) erythrocytes assessed by the comet assay
Speciation of Organotin compounds in marine sediments by capillary column gas chromatography-atomic absorption spectrometry coupled with hydride generation
The in vitro antitumour profile of some 1, 2-diaminocyclohexane Organotin complexes
Toxicity of Certain Penta-Coordinated Organotin (IV) and Tetra-Coordinated Tin (II) Complexes of Heterocyclic β–Diketones Against the Larvae of Aedes …
Synthesis of head‐to‐tail polyurethanes from nonsymmetric diisocyanate and ethylene glycol with Organotin catalysts
Capillary gas chromatography coupled with microplasma mass spectrometry for Organotin speciation
Self‐Assembly of Organotin(IV) Moieties with the Schiff‐Base Ligands Pyruvic Acid Isonicotinyl Hydrazone and Pyruvic Acid Salicylhydrazone: Synthesis …
In Vitro and In Vivo Screening of Organosilicon (IV) and Organotin (IV) Complexes of Salicylanilide and its Derivatives
Effect of Organotin compounds and their complexes with phosphatidylcholine on peroxide oxidation of lipid structural fragments
Toxicological and pesticidal studies on novel bioactive sulfonamide imine Organotin (IV) complexes
Synthesis and characterisation of Organotin (IV) derivatives of benzilmonohydrazone
The behaviour of polydentate hydrazonic ligands derived from 2-acetylpyridine towards Organotin compounds. Part I: The diOrganotin (IV) complexes
Establishment of a sampling strategy for the use of blue mussels as an indicator of Organotin contamination in the coastal environment
Contribution of pendant ester group hydrolysis to the erosion of acrylic polymers in binders aimed at Organotin-free antifouling paints
Patterning of SnO2 Thin Films by Combination of Lithographic Photoirradiation and Pyrolysis of an Organotin Polymer
Syntheses, Structures and biological activites of Organogermaniun and Organotin derivatives of hydroxamic acids
Recent Applications of Organotin Oxides/Hydroxides and Alkylstannonic Acids in Organic Synthesis
Organotin compounds in marine water and sediments from the port of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
Comparative Studies on the Induction of Muscle Contracture in Mouse Diaphragm and Ca2+ Release from Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Vesicles by Organotin …
Organotin sulfides as precursors for nanometric γ‐Sn2S3 powders: a study by 119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy and X‐ray powder diffraction
The behaviour of polydentate hydrazonic ligands derived from 2-acetylpyridine towards Organotin compounds: Part II. The monoOrganotin (IV) complexes
A novel technique for direct derivatization of ionic Organotin and alkyl‐lead compounds in sediment: simultaneous determination of Organotin and alkyl‐lead …
Organotin hydride reduction of benzyl bromides
Organotin (IV) complexes of 4-(2, 5-dioxo-2, 5-dihydro-1H-pyrrol-1-yl) benzoic acid: Synthesis, spectral characterization and biological applications
Synthesis, Characterization and Bio‐activities of Novel Organotin(IV) Complexes with N‐Phthaloyl‐D‐valine
Assessment of Organotin in waters of selected Gulf of Maine estuaries
Synthesis of chiral Organotin reagents: Synthesis of enantiomerically enriched bicyclo [2.2. 1] hept-2-yl tin hydrides from camphor. X-ray crystal structures of (dimethyl) …
In situ propylation of ionic Organotin and organolead species in water samples–Extraction and determination of the resulting tetraorganometallic compounds by gas …
A synergistic effect of select Organotin compounds and ionic surfactants on liposome membranes
The synthesis, NMR (1H, 13C, 119Sn) and IR spectral studies of some di‐and tri‐Organotin (IV) sulfonates: X‐ray crystal structure of [(n‐C4H9) 2Sn (OSO2C6H4CH3 …
Organotin (IV) coordination by oxime analogues of amino acids and peptides
A study of the tribological behaviour of an Organotin compound
Synthesis and solution studies by electrospray mass spectroscopy of new bis (imidazolyl) borate Organotin (IV) complexes
Different behavior of Organotin compounds by anodic stripping voltammetry and their quantification after partial ion exchange separation
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization (IR, 1H, 13C and 119Sn NMR, electrospray mass spectrometry) and toxicity of new Organotin (IV) complexes with N, N′, O …
Synthesis of polystyrene-bound Organotin derivatives as intermediates for the production of hybrid materials
The uses of Organotin compounds in organic synthesis
Synthesis and biological properties of Organotin and organosilicon derivatives using microwave irradiations
One-Pot p-Toluenesulfonylation of Adenosine and Methyl Glycosides with a Substoichiometric Amount of Organotin Mediators
Marine invertebrates as bioindicators of Organotin contaminants: immuno-and embryotoxicity
Novel Organotin halides. Organometallic substituted stannoles and alkene derivatives with tin chlorine and tin bromine bonds—exceptionally small magnitude of …
The O,C,O-Coordinating Pincer-Type Ligand {2,6-[P(O)(OEt)2]2-4-t-Bu-C6H2}- in Organotin Chemistry. Halide Exchange, Cyclization, and Novel Coordination …
Determination of Organotin Compounds in Water and Sediment Samples by Isotope Dilution GC/MS
Radiohalogenation of terguride via Organotin intermediate
Rationalization of the metal-ligand bonding in Organotin (IV) complexes of anionic nitrogen heterocycles containing a thioketo exocyclic group. The case of 1-organyl …
Quantitative structure-activity relationship study for toxicity of Organotin compounds on algae
Synthesis of Organotin derivatives using microwave irradiations
Organotin speciation using fast flow glow discharge mass spectrometry
Solid phase extraction for the speciation of Organotin compounds in shellfish samples
Organotin-oxomolybdate coordination polymers as catalysts for the epoxidation of cyclooctene
Laser-enhanced ionization and laser-induced atomic fluorescence as element-specific detection methods for gas chromatography: Application to Organotin analysis
Ligand driven assembly of a monoorganooxotin cage from the reactions of Organotin precursors with phosphonate ligands
Tin (IV) and Organotin (IV) complexes containing mono or bidentate N-donor ligands. V. Imidazole and imidazoline-2-thione derivatives: synthesis and spectroscopic …
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes of N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-salicylaldimine
Trypanocidal activity of Organotin chlorides on Trypanosoma brucei-infected mice
Determination of Organotin compounds in seawater by capillary column gas chromatography-atomic absorption spectrometry
A Tin-119 NMR investigation of phosphine and phosphine oxide adducts of Organotin chlorides
Reducing blank values for trace analysis of ionic Organotin compounds and their adsorption to different materials
Nanocrystalline F-doped tin dioxide materials: texture, morphology and photosensitization with a perylene-substituted Organotin
Synthesis and characterization of the first poly (imidazolyl) borate Organotin (IV) complex exhibiting a polymeric chain structure
Simultaneous determination of Organotin compounds by hydride generation–gas phase molecular absorption spectrometry
Tin compounds and major trace metal elements in Organotin-poisoned patient’s urine and blood measured by gas chromatography-flame photometric detector and …
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and structural studies of Organotin monothiocarbonates. Crystal structures of Ph3Sn[SCO2Me] and Ph3Sn[SCO2(i-Pr)]
Organotin‐Substituted Crown Ethers for Ditopic Complexation of Anions and Cations
Synthesis and characterisation of heterobimetallic Organotin (IV) glycolates containing aluminium
Pd (0)-catalysed formation of diarylated dienes from propargyl carbonates and organoboron and Organotin (IV) reagents
Hypercoordinated Organotin compounds containing sulfur and chlorine. Molecular structures of [(Ph3P) 2N]+[S (SnR2Cl) 2Cl]−(R= Me, t-Bu)
Mechanism of Organotin stabilization of poly (vinyl chloride). 2: Significance for PVC stabilization of structure and equilibria of alkyltin thioglycolates/chlorides
Determination of Organotin compounds in polyvinyl chloride toys
Influence of the support structure on the activity, stability, and metal leaching of a polymer‐supported Organotin chloride catalyst
Evidence for new surface Organotin and germanium complexes with functional groups grafted at the surface of Pt and Rh
Spectroscopic Investigation of Organotin (IV) Derivatives of Ν, Ν’-Bis (2-Pyridil) Oxalamide
Determination of Organotin compounds in fish by gas chromatography-atomic absorption spectrometry using 8-quinolinol as a complexing agent
Synthesis and in vitro fungicidal study of Organotin (IV) complexes of monomethyl glutarate
Inhibitory effect of Organotin compounds on rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase through interaction with calmodulin
Bioaccumulation of Organotin compounds through the food web developed in the deep water of Japan Sea
Synthesis, Properties and Crystal Structure of Seven‐coordinated Organotin Complex [nBu2Sn(OOCC5H4N‐2)2(H2O)]
Theoretical calculations concerning the fragmentation of Organotin and organosilicon radical cations
Investigation on steric effect in the coordination of S, N and O donor heterocycle to Organotin (IV): Syntheses and crystal structures of triOrganotin (IV) derivatives with 5 …
Mixed gas helium/argon low-power/reduced-pressure ICP as a tunable ionization source for the mass spectrometric detection of Organotin compounds
Thiolate anchor in Organotin (IV) induced amide deprotonation: equilibrium and NMR spectroscopic studies on dimethyltin (IV) complexes formed with N-(2 …
New Organotin and organosilicon derivatives of P/As/Sb/Bi-polyoxotungstates
Organotin(IV) chloride complexes with phosphocholine and dimyristoyl‐L‐α‐phosphatidylcholine
Novel Supramolecular Frameworks Self‐Assembled from a Two‐Dimensional Polymeric Network: Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Macrocyclic Organotin(IV) …
Organotin substituted cholesteryl ethers and esters
Distribution and origin of Organotin species in seawater of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan
Analysis of Organotin compounds by gas chromatography–reactive-flow detection
Speciation analysis of Organotin compounds in lard poisoning accident in Jiangxi Province, China
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin(IV) complexes of p-phenylphenol
One‐dimensional Infinite Chain Organotin Compounds: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Triphenyltin Thiazole‐2‐carboxylate and Triphenyltin 3 …
Reaction of Bis(pyrazol-1-yl)methanes Modified by Organotin Groups on the Methine Carbon with W(CO)5THF to Give Novel Heterodinuclear Organometallic …
Synthesis and characterization of some dibutylbis{5‐[(E)‐2‐(aryl)‐1‐diazenyl]‐2‐hydroxybenzoato}tin(IV) compounds. Toxicity studies of di‐ and tri‐Organotin complexes on the …
Catalysis of the Diels-Alder reaction by Organotin halides
The antiwear synergism between an Organotin compound and a ZnDDP
Studies on the catalysis of the reaction of Organotin phenoxides with diethyl acetylenedicarboxylate
Artificial neural network approach to the evaluation of the coordination geometry in Organotin (IV) compounds
Tin (IV) compounds derivatives of reaction between Organotin (IV), SNCL4 and rutin trihydrate: characterization and hypolipidemic effects
Some new Organotin (IV) complexes with kojic acid and maltol
Synthesis of 3, 5-disubstituted pyridazines by regioselective [4+ 2] cycloadditions with ethynyltributyltin and subsequent replacement of the Organotin substituent
In Vitro Cytotoxicity of the Organotin Compound Bis-(tri-n-butyltin)oxide to FG Cells
DFT based reactivity descriptors and their application to the study of Organotin compounds
Effect of Organotin compounds on trout erythrocyte.
Formation of SnO2 by pyrolysis of a polymer network containing Organotin groups
Highly Versatile Synthesis of Some Organotin (IV) Complexes of 2‐Hydroxyacetophenone Semicarbazone and Thiosemicarbazone
Syntheses and structures of novel molecular Organotin chalcogenides
Michael Addition of Ketone Enolates to α, β-Unsaturated Esters or Amides in a One-Pot Procedure: Highly Efficient Effect of Lithium Salt Generated in situ on Organotin …
… of reactants in the kinetics and catalysis of liquid phase reactions: X. Synergism in the combined catalysis of urethane formation by Organotin compounds and tertiary …
Immunotoxicity in ascidians: the case of Organotin compounds
Organotin-induced hyperglycemia in the crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex fabricius
An overview of recent Organotin studies in the Georgia Basin
Synthesis of chiral Organotin reagents: Diels–Alder reactions of methyl 3-(triphenylstannyl) acrylate: synthesis of diphenyl (3-substituted bicyclo [2.2. 1] heptan-2-yl) tin …
Organotin survey in the Adour-Garonne basin.
Distribution of Organotin compounds in sediments, seawater and oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in Okpo Bay
Acute toxicities of Organotin compounds, pesticides and chromium (VI) to Penaeus japonicus and Heptacarpus futilirostris: effects of moulting, water temperature and …
Semi Volatile Organochemicals in Indoor Environment-Chlorinated Phosphorus and Organotin Compounds in Material und House Dust Samples
Synthesis and spectral characterization of unsymmetric Organotin (IV) derivatives
Efficiency of Organotin dithiocarbamate derivatives against wood destroying fungi
Mechanism of Organotin stabilization of poly (vinyl chloride). 1: The structure and equilibria of alkyltin thioqlycolates and their compatibility with PVC
Synthesis and photochemical reactions of functional Organotin macromolecules
Selective oxidation of 1, 2-diols by electrochemical method using Organotin compound and bromide ion as mediators
Synthesis and Characterization of Some New Organotin (Iv) Complexes of a Schiff Base Derived from Salicylaldehyde and Hydrazine Hydrate
Molecular structure of a penta-coordinate Organotin compound with a three-dentate ligand derived from the lithiation of 2-methylbenzoxazole
Actin modifications and calcium homoeostasis in neurotoxicity. The case of Organotin salts
Pathways and determinations of organometallic compounds in the marine environment with a particular emphasis on Organotin
Novel reaction system using highly coordinated Organotin enolates
The analysis of Organotin compounds from the natural environment
The first ionization potentials and conjugation in benzene derivatives containing organosilicon, organogermanium, Organotin, and organolead substituents
A comparison of GC-ICP-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS for the analysis of Organotin compounds
… groups. III. Kinetics of the reactions of hydroxy‐terminated fluoropolyethers and model fluorinated alcohols with cyclohexyl isocyanate catalyzed by Organotin …
Relationship between Hemolytic Toxicity and Signal Intensity of Various Organotin Compounds by a Spin‐labeling Technique
Study of the racemic and enantioselective hydrogenation of acetophenone and 3, 4-dimethoxyacetophenone using platinum-based Organotin catalysts
Complex equilibria of Organotin (IV) in aqueous solution with imidazole derivatives
An example of an integrated approach for health and environmental risk assessment: the case of Organotin compounds
Organometallic complexes with biological molecules: XIII. Organotin(IV)[meso‐tetra (4‐carboxyphenyl)porphinate]s and the cell cycle: a flow‐cytometric approach
Improved Organotin stabilizers: continuing health and environmental research
The reactivity of hydrotris (3-methyl-2-thioxo-1-imidazolyl) borate (Tm) towards Organotin (IV) acceptors. An unprecedented monodentate coordination mode of Tm …
On the Nature of the Polymeric Organotin(IV) Chromates(VI), [(Me3Sn)2CrO4] and [(Me3Sn)3CrO4(OH)]. An Extension of Non-consolidated Earlier Findings
Asymmetric radical reduction with planar chiral Organotin hydrides
Functional organotrialkynyltins: Preparation by transmetallation of tetraalkynyltins with Grignard reagents and transformation into Organotin oxides, alkoxides and …
M. Potin-Gautier (2004). Organotin speciation in waters and sediments in the Adour-Garonne basin
Synthesis of thiophene oligomers via Organotin compounds
Synthesis of functionally substituted chiral Organotin compounds
Formation of SnO2 Thin Film by Pyrolysis of a Photo-Cross-Linked Organotin Polymer
Solvent effects on an Organotin-catalyzed alcohol-isocyanate reaction
1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7-Octaphenyl-1, 3, 5, 7-tetrasiloxane-1, 7-diol and Its Organotin Derivatives. Model Compounds for Diphenylsiloxane Polymer
Multimethods for the determination of pesticides in citrus fruits-Part 4: determination of Organotin pesticides.
Activation Parameters of an Organotin Catalyzed Alcohol-isocyanate Reaction
Influence of heavy metals, ammonia, and Organotin compounds on the survival of arkshell clams, Scapharca broughtonii
Organotin compounds in consumer relevant products and food.
Analysis of Organotin compounds in seawater using GC/pulsed flame photometric detection
Exposure effects of Organotin compounds (TPT-Cl) on regenerative potential of crinoids
Characteristic spectral studies and in vitro antifungal activity of some Schiff bases and their Organotin (Ⅳ) complexes
Reactions of Organotin (IV) compounds with platinum complexes. Part (III). Reactions of (R2Sn) n,(R= Me or Ph, n= 6; R= Et, n= 9) with platinum complexes
Synthesis, Characterization and Anti-Cancer Properties of Organotin (IV) Cyanoximates
Functional Organotin Alkynides as Precursors of Tin-Based Hybrid Materials
… against the epstein barr virus (EBV)-DNA positive Raji and the P-388 murine leukaemia cell lines, and evidence for the suppression by Organotin of the early …
Combining coordination chemistry with hydrogen bonds: perturbation of the structures by interaction of an Organotin (IV) complex with O-donor solvent molecules
Biocide effect of Organotin mandelates on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense
Determination of the standard potentials and equilibrium constants for eleven Organotin compounds
Coordination Behaviour of Benzilmonoxime and Benzii. Dioxime Towards Organotin (IV): Synthesis and Characterization
New Organotin derivatives of trilacunary keggin polyanions
Synthesis and Spectroscopic [IR, NMR (1Η, 13C, and 119Sn)] Studies of Organotin (IV) Aryloxides
Preparation of new Organotin polymers via exchange reactions
Potentiometric SCN− Selectivity of Polymer Membranes with Fixed Organotin Compounds
Ligand behaviour of P-functionally substituted Organotin halides: palladium (II) and platinum (II) complexes with Ph2PCH2CH2SnCl3
Equilibrium Studies of Organotin (IV) Complexes of Peptides
1, 2-Asymmetric induction in the radical addition of Organotin hydrides to (−)-menthyl (E)-2, 3-disubstituted propenoates
Organotin amine complexes as latent catalysts for epoxy resins
Thiohydrazone complexes of Organotin (IV): Synthesis, spectroscopy and thermal studies
Synthesis, Spectroscopic Studies and Antileishmanial, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Cytotoxicity and Insecticidal Activities of Organotin (IV) Derivatives of (E)-4-oxo …
Coupling of Organotin Reagents with Aryl, Acyl and Heteroaryl Halides. Part 2.† Synthesis of Thienylpyridine Derivatives
Novel carbon-carbon bond formation through Mizoroki-Heck type reaction of silanols and Organotin compounds
Complex Salts Derived from the Reactions of Organotin (IV) with 6-Methylpyridine-2-Carboxaldehyde Phenylhydrazone: X-Ray Crystal Structure of BIS [6 …
Organotin hydride catalyzed radical desulfurization of thionoesters and thionolactones
Organotin compounds in synthesis of chemically modified silica
Organotin compounds in Kenting coastal area
On the behaviour of Organotin compounds with cyclodextrins: Part 1. The complex between allyl-di-n-butyltin chloride and β-cyclodextrin
Organotin levels and imposex development in the benthic gastropods Buccinum undatum, Neptunea antiqua from the North Sea. Relations to shipping density and …
Substituted Organotin tetrazoles: Introducing phosphine functionalities
Framework for quality assessment of Organotin in sediments in view of re-use on land
Preparation and characterisation of heteronuclear mixed ligand complexes of aluminium containing organosilicon/Organotin moieties
Stable Stannaneselone and Diselenastannirane: Novel Organotin Compounds Derived from an Extremely Hindered Tetraselenastannolane
Endocrine disrupters in municipal sewage sludge-the example of Organotin compounds; Endokrin wirkende Stoffe in kommunalen Klaerschlaemmen-Beispiel …
Contamination of organochlorines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and Organotin in coastal shellfishes from the Ariake Sea and the effects of tributyltin on imposex …
Modelling the kinetics of migration of an Organotin stabiliser from polyvinyl chloride
Organotin esterification of (E)-3-(3-fluoro-phenyl)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-propenoic acid: synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and in vitro biological activities …
Synthesis, Characterisation and Spectral Studies of some Molecular Adducts of Organotin(IV) Chlorides with Free Base Meso-Tetraarylporphyrins
Inhibitory effects of Organotin compounds on voltage-dependent, tetrodotoxin-resistant Na+ channel current in guinea pig dorsal root ganglion cells
Novel synthetic organic reactions of Organotin reagents based on tin-hetero atom bond
The study of the distribution of Organotin in the Love River in Kaohsiung
Detoxifying Effect of Desalinated Deep Seawater on Organotin-poisoned Euglena gracilis
ESR probe study of acid sites on the silica surface modified by Organotin compounds
Improvement of extraction recovery for the Organotin compounds in sediment
… of minerals in various functionalized aqueous solution, or ‘Function Water’, in exertion of detoxification effect on Organotin intoxicated Euglena gracilis
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Organotin Complex [(o-Cl-PhCH_2) _3SnOCOC_ (10) H_8N]· 0.5 C_6H_6
A diparametric QSAR pattern for Organotin compounds on rotifer brachionus plicatilis
Enantioselective Radical Mediated Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds with Organotin Reagents
Some new examples of the catalysis of the reaction of Organotin phenoxides with diethyl azodicarboxylate by litium perchlorate
Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin (IV) Complexes with Donor Ligands
Toxic properties of cyanide, chromium and Organotin compounds and their interactions on Daphnia magna
Organotin Analysis by GC and LC ICP-MS
Radical cyclisation of 1-bromo-2-(prop-2-enyloxy) benzene using a polymer-supported Organotin hydride
Preparation of some Organotin polymers via new synthetic route
Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Organotin Complexes Dibutyltin (Ⅳ) Bis (heteroaromatic carboxylate) and Crystal Structure of Dibutyltin (Ⅳ) Bis (2 …
Stereoselective addition of Organotin anions to R-(+)-pulegone: a route to 8-triorganostannylmenthols
Substituent Effect on Organotin Tp* Compounds as the Tp* Reagent for the Preparation of Mono Tp* Complexes of Group 4—6 Metals (Tp* = Tris(3,5 …
Level Kontaminasi Senyawa Organotin di Produk Seafood dari Indonesia
Photoinduced transformations in low-temperature matrices containing radical cations of Organotin compounds
Modified analytical method for Organotin compounds in high-volume water samples, and concentrations in seawater and suspended solids in Hiroshima Bay [Japan]
^ 1H NMR, Infrared and Mass Spectrometry of Di-and Tri-Organotin Derivatives of 1-Nitroso-2-Naphthol
Synthesis of bis(tri-n-butyltin) esters of dicarboxylic acid and crystal structure of the three-dimensional framework of Organotin polymer, bis(tri-n-butyltin) ester of …
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Properties of Some New Types of Heterobimetallic Derivatives Involving Organotin (IV) and Ge (Oet) 3 Moieties
Synthesis and Spectral Studies (FT‐IR, 1H, 13C, 119Sn, and Mass Spectrometry) of Mixed Organotin (IV) Compounds Containing a Long Chain Alkyl Group (n …
Selective extraction of Organotin from biological sample by supercritical fluid extraction
Synthesis and structural aspects of some Organotin (IV) oximates derived from α-diones
The Organotin distribution and pollution history in Kaohsiung harbor areas
The interaction of Organotin (iv) acceptors with 1, 4-bis (5-hydroxy-1-phenyl-3-methyl-1 H-pyrazol-4-yl) butane-1, 4-dione
Synthetic Applications of a Series of Organotin Hydrides
119Sn Mössbauer Spectroscopy Studies on the Interaction of Organotin(IV) Salts and Complexes with Biological Systems and Molecules
Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of [N-(4-carboxyphenyl) salicylideneiminato] di-and tri-Organotin (IV) complexes and crystal structures of {[nBu2Sn (2 …
Intensity of the η (C≡ C) Bands in the IR Spectra of Acetylene Derivatives and σR 0 Constants of Organosilicon, Organogermanium, and Organotin Substituents
NMR as a tool for kinetic studies: Application to the assessment of Organotin reactivity
Organotin compounds in water, fish and shellfish from rivers and lakes
Facile formation of hypercoordinated Organotin anions containing sulfur and chlorine
Effects of an Organotin stabilizer on anoxic degradation of organic matter
Neurotoxicity of trimethyltin-An Organotin compound in adult hens
Synthetic and spectroscopic studies of some Organotin pseudohalide 4-picoline complexes
Organotin and osmoregulation: quantifying the effects of environmental concentrations of sediment-associated tri-n-butyltin and triphenyltin on osmoregulatory …
Synthesis and characterization of ionic Organotin compounds [R2SnCl2 (2-quin)]−(HNEt3)+ and crystal structures of [(2, 4-Cl2-C6H3CH2) 2SnCl2 (2-quin)]−(HNEt3)+
Detection of Organotin compounds in the surface seawater and sediments along the coast of Okinawa Island, Japan
Organotin oligomeric drugs containing the antiviral agent acyclovir
Changes of Organotin concentration in mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) by size, vertical habitat and season
Development of Analytical Method for Trace Level of Organotin Compounds Using Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction/GC-MS
Preparation and structural studies of Organotin (IV) complexes formed with organic carboxylic acids
Ferrocene and silicon containing Organotin (IV) halides as Lewis acidic hosts for anions
Biological indicators used to map Organotin contamination in Cork Harbour, Ireland
Modification of Organotin hydrides for chemo-, stereo-and regiocontrolled reductions
Syntheses, dynamic stereochemistry, and unusual reactivity of intramolecularly coordinated Organotin fluorides
Physiochemical and biochemical studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of 2-[(3-chloroanilinocarbonyl)] benzoic acid containing peptide linkage
Kinetic studies of the thermal decomposition of di-and tri-Organotin derivatives of 1-Nitroso-2-Naphthol
Organotin Compounds in the
Analysis of Organotin Compounds in Environmental Samples
Synthesis of chiral Organotin hydrides containing menthyl and oxazoline substituents
Determination of Organotin compounds in water samples by solid phase microextraction (SPME) and GC./POISONING
New applications of Organotin reagents
Organotin antifoulants: Background, regulation, and future possibilities
Reaction of 1-hydroxybenzotriazole and its Organotin derivatives with vanadocene
Organotin Chemistry (Davies, Alwyn G.)
Organotin levels and imposex development in the benthic gastropods Buccinum undatum, Neptunea antiqua from the North Sea. Relations to shipping density and …
Organotin compounds for catalysis
Silica-supported Phosphine Palladium (0) Complex Catalysed Cross-coupling of Organic Halides with Organotin and Organomagnesium Reagents
Poly (4-vinylpyridine N-oxide) as a Ligand: Its Complexes with Group IV Metal Tetrachlorides and Organotin (IV) Chlorides
Key Events In Organotin Cytotoxicity
Analytical condition of Organotin compounds by GC-MS.
Search for practical alternatives to Organotin hybrides
Polymeric structure of Organotin derivatives
Development of an analytical method for a trace analysis of Organotin compounds and its application to a survey on environmental pollution
Organotin-Environmental Fate and Effects
New bis (Organotin) materials containing a xylyl bridge
Screening of Organotin compounds in the Swedish environment: SNV contract: 219 0102: March 2004
The development of Organotin reagents for organic synthesis
Analysis and Risk Assessment of Organotin Compounds in Seafood
Novel Organotin Compounds with High In Vitro Antitumour Activity
Non-pesticidal Organotin Compounds
Analysis of Organotin compounds in seawaters using GC/MS.
Organotin contamination of urban dust in Malta
Optimal Precipitation of Organotin Fluorides by Cation Exchange and Subsequent Conversion to Organotin Chlorides
Novel Organotin and organotellurium complexes: building blocks for new materials?
Comparative study of the chronic toxicity of two Organotin compounds on albino rats
New Organotin (IV) Fluorides
Organotin compounds with very high in vitro antitumour activities
The role of the mitochondrion in Organotin-induced T-cell apoptosis
Reactions of organoytterbium compounds RYbI (R= Me, Et, Ph) with Organotin oxides and acetates
Speciation analysis of Organotin compounds in the Maltese marine environment
Organotin concentrations in three intertidal neogastropods from the coastal waters of Taiwan
Preparation and reactions of Organotin copolymers
The synthesis and structure elucidation of Organotin-steroids
Environmental fate of Organotin compounds: a chemical and microbiological study
Part One, Bisthiosemicarbazone Ligands: Part Two, Preparation and Application of Organotin Polymers
Species analysis of Organotin compounds to investigate their pathway in the aquatic environment; Speziesanalytik von zinnorganischen Verbindungen zur …
Environmental influences on Organotin-yeast interactions
Organotin compounds in the Danish marine environment: analysis & fate studies
Organotin-oxo clusters
Organotin Cinnamates Grafted to Polymeric Matrix: Synthesis and Characterization
Organotin compounds alter endocrine functions of human placental cells
Synthesis and characterisation of Organotin phthalimide polymers
Identification and characterization of Organotin inducible bacterial genes
DOSY NMR for the investigation of anion-microcluster interactions in Organotin chemistry
Organotin Determination in Marine Sediment and Seawater from India by GC-ICP-MS
Association of Organotin compounds with aquatic humic substances
Investigations on the conductivity of Organotin-doped polyethyleneoxide polymer system
Effect of Organotin species on the emission signal in ICP-AES
Determination of the Organotin in Textiles by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
New sulfur and oxygen containing Organotin compounds
Determination of Organotin compounds in the foodweb of a shallow freshwater lake in the Netherlands
Analysis of Organotin Compounds in Fish and Shellfish from Guryongpo Harbor
Complexation of Organotin chlorides with selected N, N’and N, O-donor ligands
Preparation and Characterization of Soluble Organotin Functionalized Polystyrene
Genotoxic effects of a new Organotin compound Et2SnCl2, l {l= to N-[P-(2-pyridylmethylene) methylbenzenamine]} in mammalian system
Validation of Organotin compound determination in environmental samples using NaBEt 4, ethylation and GC-FPD
Synthesis of biologically active Organotin compounds containing germanium and silicon
The effects of different Organotin compounds on peripheral blood T and B lymphocytes in mice
Speciation analysis of Organotin compounds in Thermaikos Gulf By Capillary GC-MIP-AED
Synthesis of Organotin Catalysts for the Polymerization of Lactide
Precision isotopic analysis of Organotin compounds by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy; Pretsizionnyj izotopnyj analiz olovoorganicheskikh soedinenij metodom …
Some organic and Organotin reactions of 2-(2’dimethylaminoethylimino-methyl) phenols
Development and validation of a routine method for Organotin speciation in environmental samples [Développement et validation d’une méthode de routine pour la …
Solubilization and adsolubilization of Organotin compounds in non-ionic surfactants
Organotin (IV) derivatives of dipeptides: synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumour activity
Improving the Analysis of Organotin Compounds Using Retention Time Locked Methods and Retention Time Databases
The structural study of Organotin coumpounds containing” Pincer” ligands
Assessment and monitoring of supported Organotin catalysts by hr-MAS NMR spectroscopy
Preparation and tribological performance of novel Organotin compound as lubricant additive
Investigation of Molecularly Mobile and Immobile Organotin Compounds Using Novel NMR Methodologies
Systematic studies of Organotin compounds using Ab initio molecular orbital calculations
Molecular Mobility and Immobility in Organotin Chemistry Addressed by Novel NMR Strategies
Biological Characterization of TBTC (Organotin) Resistant Bacteria from Marine Environment of West Coast of India
Solvent Extraction of Organotin from Ship Wash Wastewater
Tuning the reactivity of Organotin (IV) by LiOH: allylation and propargylation of epoxides via redox transmetalation
The Toxicity of Organotin Compounds on Acetes Intermedious in Kaohsiung Harbor Area
Addition of Organotin Anions to α, β-Unsaturated Nitriles
Mussel and Oyster Watch: Assessment of Organotin Contamination in the Marine Environment of Korea
Investigation into the application of chiral Organotin hydrides as enantioselective free radical reducing agents
Analysis of Organotin compounds in sea bottom sediment using gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry.
Determining long range nJ (1H-117Sn) scalar couplings in structural Organotin chemistry using 1H-117Sn J-HMBC Spectroscopy
Solid phase microextraction and stir bar sorptive extraction for Organotin compounds-a comparison (P9)
Novel usage of indium catalyst for organic synthesis with organosilicon or Organotin compounds
Investigating Organotin grafted polymers using high resolution MAS NMR spectroscopy, a new and potentially powerful tool
A New Approach for the Generation and Reaction of Organotin Hydrides: The Development of Reactions Catalytic in Tin.
Structure, topology, and Organotin interactions of the membrane protein stannin: A solution and solid-state NMR investigation
One-electron reactions involving Organotin and silicon hydrides
Investigation on coordination modes of Organotin (IV) complexes with 6-thiopurine and related ligands
Transition Metal-catalyzed Carbon-carbon Bond Formation Promoted by Organotin and Organoboron Reagents
Multidimensional NMR studies of branching polyethylenes, Organotin polymer chain ends and polymer precursors
Chiral Organotin hydrides as enantioselective reducing agents
Preparation and Characterisation of Heteronuclear Mixed Ligand Complexes of Aluminium Containing Organosilicon/Organotin Moieties
Synthesis and structural characterization of Organotin and group IVB metallocene dichlorides with kinetin
Preparation and structural characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes with ligands containing a hetero {N} atom and a hydroxy group or hydroxy and carboxyl groups …
Bulky Organotin Hydrides in Palladium Catalized Hydrostannation of Terminal Triple Bonds
Examination for analyzing Organotin compounds and the survey result of Tributyltin (TBT) pollution in the major bays in Japan.
Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Organotin Complexes Dibutyltin (IV) Bis (heteroaromatic carboxylate) and Crystal Structure of Dibutyltin (IV) Bis (2 …
Toxicity of Organotin compounds on embryos of a marine invertebrate (Styela plicata; Tunicata)
Bioaccumulation of Organotin compounds and imposex occurrence in a marine food chain (Eastern Scheldt, The Netherlands)
Qualitative Determination of Organotin Species in Lard byGas Chromatography with Flame Photometric Detector andGas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Organotin compounds and polychlorinated biphenyls of livers in squid collected from coastal waters and open oceans
Occurrence of imposex in Thais haemastoma: possible evidence of environmental contamination derived from Organotin compounds in Rio de Janeiro and Fortaleza …
Novel tandem mass spectrometric measurements of Organotin compounds and irgarol 1051 antifouling agents in selected water and sediment samples in the …
High resolution magic angle spinning (hr-MAS) NMR on and around the tin-119 nucleus: a tool for characterizing Organotin catalysts and monitoring Organotin …
Accumulation of Organotin compounds in the common whelk Buccinum undatum and the red whelk Neptunea antigua in association with imposex
… between Sn–F and Li–X: Selective 1,2- and 1,4-Reductions of α,β-Unsaturated Ketones and Effects of Halogen Substituents on the Regioselectivity of Organotin …
Spacer-bridged ditin compounds as bicentric Lewis acids and synthons for novel Organotin oxo clusters
Development and applications of enantioselective organometallic catalysts: I. Organotin catalysts; and, II. Planar-chiral nitrogen heterocyclic catalysts
Synthesis of chiral Organotin reagents: synthesis of bicyclo [2.2. 1] heptan-2-yl (diphenyl) tin hydrides with cis-disposed, oxygen-containing substituents
Contamination of organochlorines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and Organotin in coastal shellfishes from the Ariake Sea [Japan] and the effects of tributyltin on …
The interaction of Organotin (iv) acceptors with 1, 4-bis (5-hydroxy-1-phenyl-3-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl) butane-1, 4-dioneCoordination chemistry of bis (pyrazolones): a …
Synthesis of chiral Organotin reagents: synthesis of diphenyl-{(1 S, 2 R, 3 S, 4 R)-3-(alkoxymethyl) bicyclo [2.2. 1] heptan-2-yl} tin hydrides. X-Ray crystal structure of (R …
The protective effect of quercetin-5-sulphonic acid on the membrane Organotin adsorption
Growth of Oriented SnO2 Thin Films from Organotin Compounds On Glass Substrates by Spray Pyrolysis
Imposex in the neogastropod Thais sp. as an indicator of Organotin contamination in Pelabuhan Ratu Bay, West Java, Indonesia
[Me {sub 3} SnVO {sub 3}] and [(Me {sub 2} Sn){sub 4} V {sub 2} O {sub 9}], two Organotin vanadates with novel 3D network structures;[Me {sub 3} SnVO {sub 3}] und …
… The biochemistry of Organotin compounds. Trialkyltins and oxidative phosphorylation. By WN ALDRIDGE.(With four figures)………….. 367 The biochemistry of Organotin …
An exact coordination mode of 6-thiopurine with an Organotin (IV): preparation and crystal structure of triphenyl (6-thiopurinyl) tin (IV)
Structural investigation of 18-crown-6 complexes of Tri Organotin carboxylate by {sup 1} H,{sup 13} C,{sup 19} F and {sup 119} Sn nuclear magnetic resonance …
Susceptibility of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939)(Acari: Tenuipalpidae) to Organotin acaricides in citrus
Organotin chemistry
Antiproliferative and anti-tumor activity of Organotin compounds
Chemical and biotechnological developments in Organotin cancer chemotherapy
Toxicity and the cardiovascular activity of Organotin compounds: a review
Organotin: environmental fate and effects
Occurrence and chemical speciation analysis of Organotin compounds in the environment: a review
Chemistry and applications of Organotin (IV) complexes of Schiff bases
Organotin pollution in China: an overview of the current state and potential health risk
The effects of Organotin on female gastropods
Organotin contamination in South American coastal areas
Synthesis, spectral characterization and bio-analysis of some Organotin (IV) complexes
Biological activity studies on Organotin (IV) n+ complexes and parent compounds
Sources environmental levels and toxicity of Organotin in marine environment: a review.
Novel Organotin antibacterial and anticancer drugs
Molecular mechanisms of environmental Organotin toxicity in mammals
Endocrine-disrupting Organotin compounds are potent inducers of adipogenesis in vertebrates
Organotin compounds, including butyltins and octyltins, in house dust from Albany, New York, USA
Structural chemistry of Organotin (IV) complexes
Toxicity of Organotin compounds: shared and unshared biochemical targets and mechanisms in animal cells
Toxicity and speciation analysis of Organotin compounds
Biological chemistry of Organotin compounds: Interactions and dealkylation by dithiols
Organotin catalysts in organosilicon chemistry
Organotin compounds and selected metals in the marine environment of Northern Adriatic Sea
A case of acute Organotin poisoning
Recent advances on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs: Organotin complexes of NSAIDs
Aquatic Organotin pollution in Taiwan
Activation of RXR–PPAR heterodimers by Organotin environmental endocrine disruptors
Biological studies of new Organotin (IV) complexes of thioamide ligands
Organotin compounds in technology and industry
Organotin (IV) 4-nitrophenylethanoates: synthesis, structural characteristics and intercalative mode of interaction with DNA
Di-and tri-Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde 5-chloro-2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone: Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumor …
Factors influencing Organotin distribution in different marine environmental compartments, and their potential health risk
The in vitro antifungal activity of some dithiocarbamate Organotin(IV) compounds on Candida albicans— a model for biological interaction of Organotin complexes
Synthesis, structural characterization and biological study of new Organotin (IV), silver (I) and antimony (III) complexes with thioamides
Environmental behavior of Organotin compounds in the coastal environment of Xiamen, China
Imposex and Organotin prevalence in a European post-legislative scenario: temporal trends from 2003 to 2008
Organotin levels in seafood and its implications for health risk in high-seafood consumers
Palladium-Catalyzed Alkylation of Aryl C−H Bonds with sp3 Organotin Reagents Using Benzoquinone as a Crucial Promoter
Ecological risk assessments of endocrine disrupting Organotin compounds using marine neogastropods in Hong Kong
Direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate with supercritical carbon dioxide: Characterization of a key Organotin oxide intermediate
Organotin polyethers as biomaterials
Calibration and use of the Chemcatcher® passive sampler for monitoring Organotin compounds in water
Cytotoxic effects of two Organotin compounds and their mode of inflicting cell death on four mammalian cancer cells
Blood levels of Organotin compounds and their relation to fish consumption in Finland
Synthesis, characterization, and biological studies of Organotin (IV) derivatives with o-or p-hydroxybenzoic acids
Fate and remediation of Organotin compounds in seawaters and soils.
Potassium carbonate–silica: a highly effective stationary phase for the chromatographic removal of Organotin impurities
Synthesis, structure and biological activity of Organotin derivatives with pyridylmethylthiobenzoic acid
Microwave-assisted synthesis, characterization and biological activities of Organotin (IV) complexes with some thio Schiff bases
Organotin levels in seafood from Portuguese markets and the risk for consumers
Organotin compounds in seawater and Mytilus galloprovincialis mussels along the Croatian Adriatic Coast
structural diversity in Organotin (IV) dithiocarboxylates and carboxylates
Synthesis, chemical characterization and biological screening for cytotoxicity and antitumor activity of Organotin (IV) derivatives of 3, 4-methylenedioxy 6 …
Organotin compounds: environmental fate and analytics
Occurrence of Organotin compounds in the aquatic environment of Greece
A novel macrocyclic Organotin carboxylate containing a nona-nuclear long ladder
Synthetic, structural, and biochemical studies of Organotin (IV) with Schiff bases having nitrogen and sulphur donor ligands
Distribution and fate of Organotin compounds in Japanese coastal waters
Syntheses, molecular structures, electrochemical behavior, theoretical study, and antitumor activities of Organotin (IV) complexes containing 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-1 …
Structural properties and antibacterial potency of new supramolecular Organotin (IV) dithiocarboxylates
Dietary intake of Organotin compounds in Finland: a market-basket study
Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of Organotin (IV) complexes with hydrazone ligand
Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumor activity of three Organotin (IV) complexes with carbazole ligand
Synthesis, structural characterization, and ability to inhibit cancer growth of a series of Organotin poly (ethylene glycols)
Retrospective monitoring of Organotin compounds in freshwater fish from 1988 to 2003: results from the German environmental specimen bank
Organotin (IV) complexes of 2-pyridineformamide-derived thiosemicarbazones: Antimicrobial and cytotoxic effects
Characterization and antimicrobial activity of Organotin (IV) complexes of 2-[(2, 6-diethylphenylamido)] benzoates and 3-[(2, 6-diethylphenylamido)] propanoates
Structure-dependent activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ by Organotin compounds
Organotin Perfluorooctanesulfonates as Air‐Stable Lewis Acid Catalysts: Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalysis
Studies on electrochemical treatment of wastewater contaminated with Organotin compounds
Organotin meclofenamic complexes: synthesis, crystal structures and antiproliferative activity of the first complexes of meclofenamic acid–novel anti-tuberculosis …
Synthesis, crystal structure and in vitro antitumor activity of carboxylate bridged dinuclear Organotin (IV) complexes
Macrocyclic Organotin (IV) carboxylates based on benzenedicarboxylic acid derivatives: Syntheses, crystal structures and antitumor activities
Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-acetylpyridine benzoyl hydrazones: antimicrobial activity
Organotin intake through fish consumption in Finland
Biological studies of Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-mercaptopyrimidine
Halide promoted Organotin-mediated carbohydrate benzylation: mechanism and application
Organotin (IV) complexes of 2-hydroxyacetophenone-N (4)-cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone (H2dact): Synthesis, spectral characterization, crystal structure and …
Chromiumpentacarbonyl-coordinated Organotin (II) cation
Potential toxicity of Organotin compounds via nuclear receptor signaling in mammals
In situ preparation of functional heterogeneous Organotin catalyst tethered on SBA-15
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, X-ray structures, biological screenings, DNA interaction study and catalytic activity of Organotin (IV) 3-(4-flourophenyl)-2 …
Effects of Organotin alternative antifoulants on oyster embryo
Occurrence and distribution of Organotin compounds in leachates and biogases from municipal landfills
Preliminary results for the inhibition of pancreatic cancer cells by Organotin polymers
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activities of Organotin(IV) Complexes with 2‐Acetylpyridine‐N(4)‐cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone (HAPCT)
Intramolecularly coordinated Organotin tellurides: stable or unstable?
Amino acetate functionalized Schiff base Organotin (IV) complexes as anticancer drugs: synthesis, structural characterization, and in vitro cytotoxicity studies
Computational and experimental investigations of the urethane formation mechanism in the presence of Organotin (IV) carboxylate catalysts
Synthesis and structure of a cyanoaurate-based Organotin polymer exhibiting unusual ion-exchange properties
Organotin dithiocarbamates: single-source precursors for tin sulfide thin films by aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition (AACVD)
Comparison of two analytical methods for the determination of Organotin compounds in marine organisms
A Review: Organotin compounds in corrosion inhibition
Biologically active Organotin (IV) schiff base complexes
In vitro biological studies and structural elucidation of Organotin (IV) derivatives of 6-nitropiperonylic acid: Crystal structure of {[(CH2O2C6H2 (o-NO2) COO) SnBu2] 2O …
Antiviral activity of metal-containing polymers—Organotin and cisplatin-like polymers
Organotin (IV) complexes of carboxylic acid derivatives
Seasonal changes in Organotin compounds in water and sediment samples from the semi-closed Port of Gdynia
Directed formation of an Organotin sulfide cavitand and its transformation into a rugby-ball-like capsule
Occurrence of PCDD/F, PCB, PBDE, PFAS, and Organotin compounds in fish meal, fish oil and fish feed
Synthesis, crystal structure and biological activities of four novel tetranuclear di-Organotin (IV) carboxylates
Evaluation of cetacean exposure to Organotin compounds in Brazilian waters through hepatic total tin concentrations
Spectral and thermal studies with anti-fungal aspects of some Organotin (IV) complexes with nitrogen and sulphur donor ligands derived from 2-phenylethylamine
Understanding the molecular behavior of Organotin compounds to design their effective use as agrochemicals: exploration via quantum chemistry and experiments
Stramonita haemastoma as a bioindicator for Organotin contamination in coastal environments
Degradation of methylene blue by catalytic and photo-catalytic processes catalyzed by the Organotin-polymer 3∞[(Me3Sn) 4Fe (CN) 6]
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of new Organotin (IV) complexes with tridentate N-and O-donor Schiff bases
Determination of total tin and Organotin compounds in shellfish by ICP-MS
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-benzoylpyridine-N (4)-cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone (HBPCT): X-ray crystal structure …
Synthesis, characterization and biological activities of some new Organotin (IV) derivatives: Crystal structure of [(Sn Ph3)(OOCC6H4OH)] and [(SnMe3) 2 (OOC) …
Organotin accumulation in an estuarine food chain: comparing field measurements with model estimations
A category approach to predicting the developmental (neuro) toxicity of Organotin compounds: the value of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryotoxicity test (ZET)
Transfer of organic groups to gold using Organotin compounds
New dimeric and supramolecular Organotin (IV) complexes with a tridentate schiff base as potential biocidal agents
Organotin contaminations in Malaysia
Organotin contamination in the Atlantic Ocean off the Iberian Peninsula in relation to shipping
Masculinization of female gastropod mollusks induced by Organotin compounds, focusing on mechanism of actions of tributyltin and triphenyltin for development …
In vitro and in vivo antitumor activity of novel 3D-Organotin supramolecular coordination polymers based on CuCN and pyridine bases
Synthesis, characterization and in vitro DNA binding of chromone Schiff base Organotin (IV) complexes
Organotin compounds in surface sediments from selected fishing ports along the Chinese coast
A survey of Organotin compounds in the Northern Adriatic Sea
Larvicidal activities of some Organotin compounds on mosquito larvae: A QSAR study
Structural Consideration in Designing Organotin Polyethers to Arrest the Growth of Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro
New dimeric, trimeric and supramolecular Organotin (IV) dithiocarboxylates: synthesis, structural characterization and biocidal activities
Molecular targets of Organotin compounds in endocrine disruption: do Organotin compounds function as aromatase inhibitors in mammals?
Distribution of different Organotin and organolead compounds in sediment of Suez Gulf
Organotin compounds in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, Paraná, Brazil: Evaluation of biological effects, surface sediment, and suspended particulate …
Synthesis and structural characterization of Organotin (IV) compounds derived from the self-assembly of hydrazone Schiff base series and various alkyltin salts
Organotin (IV) triazolates: Synthesis and their spectral characterization
Functionalized Organotin‐Chalcogenide Complexes That Exhibit Defect Heterocubane Scaffolds: Formation, Synthesis, and Characterization
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, X-ray structure and biological screenings of Organotin (IV) 3-[(3, 5-dichlorophenylamido)] propanoates
Organotin (IV) 4-methoxyphenylethanoates: synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, X-ray structures and in vitro anticancer activity against human prostate cell lines …
Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure and antitumor activity of Organotin (IV) compounds bearing ferrocenecarboxylic acid
Synthesis, structural characterization and DNA-binding properties of Organotin (IV) complexes based on Schiff base ligands derived from 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldy and …
Synthesis, crystal structures, electrochemical studies and anti-tumor activities of three polynuclear Organotin (IV) carboxylates containing ferrocenyl moiety
Organotin Decomposition by Pyochelin, Secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Even in an Iron-Sufficient Environment
Chemo-and regioselective monosulfonylation of nonprotected carbohydrates catalyzed by Organotin dichloride under mild conditions
Organotin species in fish and bivalves samples collected from the Egyptian Mediterranean coast of Alexandria, Egypt.
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin complexes with dithiocarbamates and crystal structures of (4‐NCC6H4CH2) 2Sn (S2CNEt2) 2 and (2‐ClC6H4CH2) 2 Sn …
Integrative assessment of Organotin contamination in a southern European estuarine system (Ria de Aveiro, NW Portugal): tracking temporal trends in order to …
Organotin Compounds in Marine Sediments.
Speciation of Organotin compounds in sediments of semi-closed areas along the Mediterranean coast of Alexandria
Antimicrobial activity of Organotin (IV) complexes with the ligand benzil bis (benzoylhydrazone) and 4, 4′-bipyridyl as coligand
Focused ultrasound and molecularly imprinted polymers: A new approach to Organotin analysis in environmental samples
Self-assembly and characterization of a novel 2D network polymer containing a 60-membered Organotin macrocycle
Organotin pollution at Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil: increasing levels after the TBT ban
Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxic activity and crystal structures of tri-and di-Organotin (IV) complexes constructed from the β-{[(E)-1-(2-hydroxyaryl) alkylidene] …
Distribution of Organotin compounds in the bivalves of the Aegean Sea, Greece
Synthesis and characterization of di-and tri-Organotin (IV) complexes with Schiff base ligand pyruvic acid 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoyl hydrazone
Global contamination by Organotin compounds
Distribution and accumulation of Organotin species in seawater, sediments and organisms collected from a Taiwan mariculture area
Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of Organotin (IV) N-butyl-N-phenyldithiocarbamate compounds and their cytotoxicity in human leukemia cell lines.
Concentrations of Organotin compounds in various fish species in the Finnish lake waters and Finnish coast of the Baltic Sea
Organotin (IV) tryptophanylglycinates: potential non‐steroidal antiinflammatory agents; crystal structure of dibutyltin (IV) tryptophanylglycinate
Organotin compounds in surface sediments from seaports on the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic coast)
Organotin compounds in the Three Gorges Reservoir region of the Yangtze River
Synthesis, characterization, semi-empirical study, and biological activities of Organotin (IV) complexes with cyclohexylcarbamodithioic acid as biological active ligand
New tetra (Organotin)-decorated boat-like polyoxometalate
Controlling the architecture of discrete Organotin sulfide molecules by optimization of the intramolecular spacer length
Synthesis of One- and Two-Dimensional Coordination Polymers Containing Organotin Macrocycles. Reactions of (n-Bu3Sn)2O with Pyridine Dicarboxylic Acids …
Analytical methods and problems related to the determination of Organotin compounds in marine sediments
Synthesis, structural characterization, and biological studies of six-and five-coordinate Organotin (IV) complexes with the thioamides 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, 5 …
Synthesis and Optical Properties of Europium‐Complex‐Doped Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Materials Built from Oxo–Hydroxo Organotin Nano Building Blocks
Association of placenta Organotin concentrations with congenital cryptorchidism and reproductive hormone levels in 280 newborn boys from Denmark and Finland
Assessment of Chemcatcher passive sampler for the monitoring of inorganic mercury and Organotin compounds in water
Synthesis, spectroscopic investigation, crystal structure, and biological screening, including antitumor activity, of Organotin (IV) derivatives of piperonylic acid
The cyto-and genotoxicity of Organotin compounds is dependent on the cellular uptake capability
… Controlled Koenigs–Knorr‐Type Monoglycosylation of Secondary Hydroxy Groups in Carbohydrates Utilizing the High Site Recognition Ability of Organotin Catalysts
Organotin‐Catalyzed Highly Regioselective Thiocarbonylation of Nonprotected Carbohydrates and Synthesis of Deoxy Carbohydrates in a Minimum Number of Steps
Chromium Pentacarbonyl-Substituted Organotin(II) Cation Stabilized by p-Dimethylaminopyridine or Triphenylphosphane Oxide
Organohalogen and Organotin compounds in killer whales mass-stranded in the Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido, Japan
1, 1 ‘-ferrocenedicarboxylate-bridged redox-active Organotin and-tellurium-containing 16-membered macrocycles: synthesis, structure, and electrochemistry
Synthesis of an Organotin Oligomer Containing a Heptanuclear Tin Phosphonate Cluster by Debenzylation Reactions: X-ray Crystal Structure of {Na6 (CH3OH) 2 …
Developmental effects: oestrogen‐induced vaginal changes and Organotin‐induced adipogenesis
Syntheses, structural characteristics, and antimicrobial activities of new Organotin (IV) 3-(4-bromophenyl)-2-ethylacrylates
Synthesis of Organotin polyamine ethers containing acyclovir and their preliminary anticancer and antiviral activity
Organotin compounds enhance 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type I activity in human choriocarcinoma JAr cells: potential promotion of 17β-estradiol …
Organotin compounds immobilized on mesoporous silicas as heterogeneous catalysts for direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from methanol and carbon dioxide
Comparison of Organotin accumulation in the masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou accompanying migratory histories
Synthesis and initial cell line results of Organotin polyethers containing diethylstilbestrol
Monitoring of Organotin pollution in Bizerta Channel (Northern Tunisia): Temporal trend from 2002 to 2010
The speciation of Organotin compounds in sediment and water samples from the port of Gdynia
Improving detection limits for Organotin compounds in several matrix water samples by derivatization-headspace-solid-phase microextraction and GC–MS
Apoptosis of cerebellar granule cells induced by Organotin compounds found in drinking water: involvement of MAP kinases
Antibacterial Organotin (IV) compounds, their synthesis and spectral characterization
Speciation of Organotin compounds in urine by GC–MIP-AED and GC–MS after ethylation and liquid–liquid extraction
Ring-opening polymerization of l-lactide by Organotin (IV) alkoxides, R2Sn (OPri) 2: Estimation of the activation parameters
Organotin (IV) and organolead (IV) complexes as biocides and fertility regulators: synthetic, spectroscopic and biological studies
Organotin compounds: An ionophore system for fluoride ion recognition
Different formats of imprinted polymers for determining Organotin compounds in environmental samples
Organotin (IV) derivatives of some O, C, O-chelating ligands. Part 2
Optimization of an analytical method for determining Organotin compounds in fish tissue by base-hydrolysis pretreatment and simultaneous ethylation–extraction …
Synthesis, characterization, and antibacterial activity of Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-hydroxyacetophenone thiocarbohydrazone
NHC to a NHC rearrangement by an Organotin sulphide cation
Development of an analytical method for Organotin compounds in fortified flour samples using microwave-assisted extraction and normal-phase HPLC with UV …
Tartaric acid extraction of Organotin compounds from sediment samples
Microwave assisted solid-state synthesis of functional Organotin carboxylates from sterically encumbered 3, 5-di-tert-butylsalicylic acid
Synthesis and biological activity of Organotin 4-methyl-1, 2, 3-thiadiazole-5-carboxylates and benzo [1, 2, 3] thiadiazole-7-carboxylates
Structures of a novel phosphoric triamide and its Organotin (IV) complex
Organotin speciation and tissue distribution in rat dams, fetuses, and neonates following oral administration of tributyltin chloride
Pd(PPh3)4-PEG 400 Catalyzed Protocol for the Atom-Efficient Stille Cross-Coupling Reaction of Organotin with Aryl Bromides
Functionalization and solubilization of inorganic nanostructures and carbon nanotubes by employing organosilicon and Organotin reagents
Monitoring the Organotin contamination in the Taihu Lake of China by bivalve mussel Anodonta woodiana
New and efficient synthesis of solid-supported Organotin reagents and their use in organic synthesis
Binuclear Organotin (IV) complexes with adipic dihydrazones: Synthesis, spectral characterization, crystal structures and antibacterial activity
Organotin polyesters from 1, 1′-ferrocenedicarboxylic acid
A new application of imprinted polymers: Speciation of Organotin compounds
Development and application of an ultratrace method for speciation of Organotin compounds in cryogenically archived and homogenized biological materials
Occurrence and distribution of Organotin compounds in Thais clavigera from Xiamen coast
Organotin chemistry for the preparation of fullerene-rich nanostructures
Nanoscaled tin dioxide films processed from Organotin-based hybrid materials: an organometallic route toward metal oxide gas sensors
Solid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography for the speciation of Organotin compounds in honey and wine samples: A comparison of atomic emission …
Removal of Organotin compounds, Cu and Zn from shipyard wastewaters by adsorption–flocculation: A technical and economical analysis
Synthesis, characterization, crystal structures and electrochemical studies of Organotin (IV) carboxylates
Organotin pollution from pleasure craft at Paraty, a tourist area of Southeastern Brazil: amelioration or interference?
Carbostannolysis mediated by bis (pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) lanthanide catalysts. Utility in accessing Organotin synthons
Synthesis, structural characterization, and preliminary biological characterization of Organotin polyethers derived from hydroquinone and substituted hydroquinones
Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antibacterial studies of Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-hydroxyacetophenone-2-methylphenylthiosemicarbazone (H 2 …
Organotin Chalcogenide Salts: Synthesis, Characterization, and Extended Crystal Structures
Synthesis, characterization and crystal structures of the Organotin (IV) compounds with the Schiff base ligands of pyruvic acid thiophene-2-carboxylic hydrazone and …
Structural, enzyme inhibition, antibacterial and DNA protection studies of Organotin (IV) derivatives of thiophene-2-carboxylic acid
Vertical profile of PCDD/Fs, dioxin-like PCBs, other PCBs, PAHs, chlorobenzenes, DDX, HCHs, Organotin compounds and chlorinated ethers in dated sediment/soil …
Some new Organotin (IV) schiff base adducts: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and thermal studies
A Chloro-Bridged Heterobimetallic (η6-Arene)ruthenium–Organotin Complex as an Efficient Topoisomerase Iα Inhibitor
Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro antimicrobial activities of Organotin (IV) complexes of Schiff bases with ONO‐type donor atoms
Syntheses, spectroscopic characterization and crystal structures of some new phosphoramidates and an Organotin (IV) complex of N-(4-fluorobenzoyl)-N′, N ″-bis …
Investigations of the possible pharmacological effects of Organotin (II) complexes
Bioluminescent yeast assay for detection of Organotin compounds
Syntheses and crystal structures of four new Organotin complexes with Schiff bases containing triazole
Gas‐phase interactions of Organotin compounds with glycine
Accumulation of Organotin compounds in tissues and organs of stranded whales along the coasts of Thailand
New Organotin (IV) complexes of nicotinamide, isonicotinamide and some of their novel phosphoric triamide derivatives: Syntheses, spectroscopic study and crystal …
Novel Organotin (IV) complexes of organophosphorus ligands: Synthesis, spectroscopic, structural study and DFT calculations
Synthetic, structural, and antimicrobial studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of semicarbazone, thiosemicarbazone derived from 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde
Synthesis, characterization and biocidal activity of new Organotin complexes of 2-(3-oxocyclohex-1-enyl) benzoic acid
Is aphallic vas deferens development in females related to the distance from Organotin sources? A study with Stramonita haemastoma
Directed derivatization of Organotin sulfide compounds: synthesis and self-assembly of an SnS backpack-like cage and a CuSnS ternary cluster
Organotin complexes of pyruvic acid thiosemicarbazone: Synthesis, crystal structures and antiproliferative activity of neutral and cationic diOrganotin complexes
Synthesis, characterization, crystal structures and in vitro antistaphylococcal activity of Organotin (IV) derivatives with 5, 7-disubstituted-1, 2, 4-triazolo [1, 5-a] …
Influence of DMSO on the inhibition of various cancer cells by water-soluble Organotin polyethers
Diagnosis and treatment of Organotin poisoned patients
Synthesis, characterization, antibacterial, and cytotoxic activities of Organotin (IV) complexes derived from N (4)-cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone: X-ray crystal structure of …
Organotin (IV) esters of 4-maleimido-benzoic acid: synthesis, characterization and in vitro anti-leishmanial effects
Baseline of Organotin pollution in fishes, clams, shrimps, squids and crabs collected from the west coast of India
Structural and in vitro biological studies of Organotin (IV) precursors; selective inhibitory activity against human breast cancer cells, positive to estrogen receptors
Application of Organotin compounds for protecting wood and other materials and in nonfouling paints
Distribution of Organotin compounds in representative coastal areas from Japan: a review
Study on the reaction between bisphenol A and dimethyl carbonate over Organotin oxide
Differences in Organotin accumulation among ecological migratory types of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
Specific accumulation of Organotin compounds in tissues of the rock shell, Thais clavigera
Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Toxicity Studies of Novel Organotin (IV) Complexes derived from Benzoylacetone isonicotinylhydrazone (H2BAS): X …
Accumulation of Organotin compounds in tissues and organs of dolphins from the coasts of Thailand
Antifungal activity of Organotin compounds with functionalized carboxylates evaluated by the microdilution bioassay in vitro
Synthesis and structural characterization of new Organotin derivatives of polyoxotungstates via transmetallation and coupling reactions
In situ ethylation of organolead, Organotin and organomercury species by bromomagnesium tetraethylborate prior to GC‐ICP‐MS analysis
Organotin compounds from snails to humans
Interaction of Organotin with piperazine derived self-assembled cylindrical bisdithiocarbamates: Spectral and thermal investigations
C, N-chelated Organotin (IV) trifluoroacetates. Instability of the mono-and diOrganotin (IV) derivatives.
New mononuclear Organotin (IV) 4-benzhydrylpiperazine-1-carbodithioates: synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, X-ray structures and in vitro antimicrobial …
… solid state for a novel Organotin (IV) complex of a phosphoramidate: Syntheses, spectroscopic study and crystal structures of several new Organotin (IV) complexes of …
Organotin levels in Nazaré canyon (west Iberian Margin, NE Atlantic) and adjacent coastal area
Temporal and spatial trends of Organotin contamination in the livers of finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) and their association with parasitic infection …
Mixed Organotin (IV) Chalcogenides: From Molecules to Sn‐S‐Se Semiconducting Thin Films Deposited by Spin‐Coating
Optimisation of pressurised liquid extraction for elimination of sulphur interferences during determination of Organotin compounds in sulphur-rich sediments by gas …
Synthesis and structural characterization of Organotin (IV) carboxylates based on different heterocyclic substituents
2D-coordination polymer containing interconnected 82-membered Organotin macrocycles
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) thiobiurets
Diastereoselective ortho-Metalation of a Chiral Ferrocenylphosphonic Diamide and Its Organotin Derivatives
In vitro approaches to evaluate toxicity induced by Organotin compounds tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT), and monobutyltin (MBT) in neuroblastoma cells
Spectral analysis and in vitro cytotoxicity profiles of novel Organotin(IV) esters of 2-maleimidopropanoic acid
The effect of Organotin compounds on gender specific androstenedione metabolism in the freshwater ramshorn snail Marisa cornuarietis
Imposex and Organotin compounds in marine gastropods and sediments from the Mar del Plata coast, Argentina
Organotin-oxometalate coordination polymer catalyzed oxyfunctionalization of monoterpenes
Solvent-free direct reductive amination by catalytic use of an Organotin reagent incorporated on an ionic liquid
Recent advances in the chemistry of the Organotin hydrides
Accumulation of Organotin compounds and marine birnavirus detection in Korean ascidians
Organotin (IV) carboxylates of (E)-3-(2-nitrophenyl) propenoic acid: synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, crystal structure and antitumor activity
Antibacterial, yeast and fungal polymeric materials derived from Organotin-containing materials
Reactivity and selectivity of Organotin reagents in allylation and arylation: Nucleophilicity parameter as a guide
Cytotoxic effect of Organotin (IV) benzylisopropyldithiocarbamate compounds on Chang liver cell and hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cell.
Organotin Compounds: Perspectives and Potential
Biodiversity of Organotin resistant Pseudomonas from west coast of India
A bioorganometallic chemistry overview: from Cytochrome P450 enzyme metabolism of Organotin compounds to organorhodium-hydroxytamoxifen complexes with …
First Organotin complex of a phosphonic diamide RP (O)(NHR) 2
Synthesis of phase‐pure SnS particles employing dithiocarbamate Organotin (IV) complexes as single source precursors in thermal decomposition experiments
New Organotin (IV) complexes with l-Arginine, Nα-t-Boc-l-Arginine and l-Alanyl-l-Arginine: Synthesis, structural investigations and cytotoxic activity
Bioactive Organotin materials: synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial investigation
Syntheses, structural characterizations and properties of 12-MC-4 Organotin (IV) metallacrowns:[12-MCRSn (IV) N (shi)-4] and [12-MCRSn (IV) N (Clshi)-4](R= Et, Bu …
Dinuclear Monomeric and Macrocyclic Organotin Dithiocarbamates Derived from 1, 10‐Diaza‐18‐crown‐6 and 4, 4′‐Trimethylenedipiperidine
New Organotin carboxylates derived from 6-chloro-3-pyridineacetic acid exhibiting discrete molecular, drum-like, linear polymeric and ladder structures constructed …
Three‐step synthesis of arylpolyboronic acids from phenols via Organotin compounds
Directed Formation of a Ferrocenyl-Decorated Organotin Sulfide Complex and Its Controlled Degradation
Intramolecularly coordinated bis (crown ether)-substituted Organotin halides as ditopic salt receptors
Novel Organotin (IV) schiff base complexes with histidine derivatives: Synthesis, characterization, and biological activity
Synthesis and characterization of some Organotin (IV) adducts containing a related series of pyridines: Crystal structure of [SnMe2Cl2 (bu2bpy)]
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes derived of 4-(diethylamino) benzoic acid: In vitro antibacterial screening activity
Microwave-assisted synthesis, characterization and biological screening of nitrogen–sulphur and nitrogen–oxygen donor ligands and their Organotin (IV) complexes
Synthesis, spectral characterization and biological activities of Organotin(IV) complexes with ortho-vanillin-2-hydrazinopyridine (VHP)
Synthesis, structure and reactivity of hydrated and dehydrated Organotin cations
Organotin speciation in textile and plastics by microwave-assisted extraction HPLC–ESI-MS
Characterization of interactions between Organotin compounds and human serum albumin by capillary electrophoresis coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass …
Chemistry and fate of Organotin antifouling biocides in the environment
Organotin compounds act as inhibitor of transcriptional activation with human estrogen receptor
Imposex levels and concentrations of Organotin compounds (TBT and its metabolites) in Nassarius nitidus from the Lagoon of Venice
Assessment of Organotin (butyltin species) contamination in marine biota from the Eastern Aegean Sea, Turkey
Organotin (IV) complexes of thiohydrazides and thiodiamines: synthesis, spectral and thermal studies
Intramolecularly coordinated Organotin (IV) sulphides and their reactivity to iodine
Concentrations of Organotin compounds in tissues and organs of dugongs from Thai coastal waters
Synthesis and characterization of new Organotin (IV) complexes with polyfunctional ligands
Organotin dithiobiurets as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel-dimethyl sulfoxide containing HCl
Synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytotoxic effects of new Organotin(IV)‐2‐maleimidopropanoates
Analysis of mechanisms of cell death of T-lymphocytes induced by Organotin agents
Ionic liquid supported Organotin reagents: green tools for Stille cross‐coupling reactions with brominated substrates
Reactivity ratios for Organotin copolymer systems
Organotin compounds in sediments of three coastal environments from the Patagonian shore, Argentina
Organotin-Substituted [13]-Crown-4 Ethers: Ditopic Receptors for Lithium and Cesium Halides
Solution coordination chemistry of Organotin (IV) cations with bio-relevant ligands
Synthesis, structural characterization and cytotoxic activity of Organotin derivatives of indomethacin
… , Antimicrobial, Pesticidal and Nematicidal Activity of Some Nitrogen‐Oxygen and Nitrogen‐Sulfur donor Coumarins based Ligands and their Organotin (IV) …
Organotin compounds containing four‐membered distannoxane [Sn(µ‐OH)]2 units
Organotin effects on membrane-bound ATPase activities
Mechanism of augmentation of Organotin decomposition by ferripyochelin: formation of hydroxyl radical and Organotin-pyochelin-iron ternary complex
Facile, ambient temperature, double Sn–C bond cleavage: synthesis, structure, and electrochemistry of Organotin and organotellurium ferrocenecarboxylates
Synthesis and spectral studies of Organotin (IV) 4-amino-3-alkyl-1, 2, 4-triazole-5-thionates: In vitro antimicrobial activity
Nanoparticles of novel Organotin (IV) complexes bearing phosphoric triamide ligands
Comprehensive study of the parameters influencing the detection of Organotin compounds by a pulsed flame photometric detector in sewage sludge
Five new dicarboxylate Organotin complexes under hydrothermal condition: Syntheses, characterization and crystal structures of 1D, 2D and 3D polymers constructed …
Polymer-supported Organotin reagent for prosthetic group labeling of biological macromolecules with radioiodine
… in marine sediment certified reference material by species-specific isotope-dilution mass spectrometric analysis using synthesized 118Sn-enriched Organotin …
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin containing copolymers: reactivity ratio studies
Synthesis, spectral and thermal studies of some Organotin (IV) derivatives of 5-amino-3H-1, 3, 4-thiadiazole-2-thione
Effect of in vitro and in vivo Organotin exposures on the immune functions of murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii)
Organotin-oxomolybdate coordination polymer as catalyst for synthesis of unsymmetrical organic carbonates
Contamination by Organotin compounds in Asia
Organotin compounds as reagents for the synthesis of lanthanoid complexes by redox transmetallation reactions
Comparative toxicities of Organotin compounds on fertilization and development of sea urchin (Anthocidaris crassispina).
Critical evaluation of fiber coatings for Organotin determination by using solid phase microextraction in headspace mode
Synthesis, characterization and anti-inflammatory activity of some Organotin (IV) complexes
A one-year survey of Organotin compounds in the reservoirs supplying the drinking water treatment plants of Athens, Greece
Chemical Aspects of Organotin Derivatives of Beta‐diketones, Quinonoids, Steroids and Some Currently Used Drugs: A Review of the Literature with Emphasis on the …
Magnetic isotope effect in the photolysis of Organotin compounds
Reactions of Organotin chlorides R2SnCl2 (R= Et, But, or Ph) with lithium 4, 6-di (tert-butyl)-N-(2, 6-diisopropylphenyl)-o-amidophenolate. Synthesis and structures of …
Inshore/offshore gradients of imposex and Organotin contamination in Nassarius reticulatus (L.) along the Portuguese coast
Novel Organotin (IV)-Schiff base complexes: synthesis, characterization, antimicrobial activity, and DNA interaction studies
Organotin speciation in French brandies and wines by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography—Pulsed flame photometric detection
Structural and thermal stabilizations of PVC and wood/PVC composites by metal sterates and Organotin
The determination of Organotin compounds levels in sediment samples from Turkish Aegean Sea coast
Immunotoxic effects of Organotin compounds in teleost fish
Photoluminescence and electroluminescence properties of Organotin (IV) complexes
C, N-chelated Organotin (IV) trifluoromethanesulfonates: Synthesis, characterization and preliminary studies of its catalytic activity in the direct synthesis of dimethyl …
Evaluation of a combined fractionation and speciation approach for study of size-based distribution of Organotin species on environmental colloids
… trunculus at some sites on the North Mediterranean Coast as a base-line for future evaluation of the effectiveness of the total ban on Organotin based antifouling paints
The endocrine-disrupting effect of Organotin compounds for aquatic organisms
Organotin compounds in foods
Reactivity of Organotin (I) Dimers RSnSnR (R= 2, 6-(Me2NCH2) 2C6H3, 4-t-Bu-2, 6-{P (O)(Oi-Pr) 2} 2C6H2) with Diaryl Dichalcogenides, ArEEAr (E= S, Se, Te; Ar …
Using probabilistic modeling to evaluate human exposure to Organotin in drinking water transported by polyvinyl chloride pipe
Optimization of the solid phase microextraction procedure for the ultra-trace determination of Organotin compounds by gas chromatography-inductively coupled …
Synthesis, characterization, and thermal and antimicrobial activities of some novel Organotin (IV): Purine base complexes
The use of intertidal molluscs in the monitoring of heavy metals and Organotin compounds in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Synthesis of a pH dependent covalent imprinted polymer able to recognize Organotin species
The synthesis of organoantimony (III) difluorides containing Y, C, Y pincer type ligands using Organotin (IV) fluorinating agents
Synthesis, spectroscopic studies and biological applications of Organotin (IV) derivatives of 3-[N-(4-nitrophenyl)-amido] propenoic acid and 3-[N-(4-nitrophenyl)-amido] …
Synthesis, structural characterization, and ability to inhibit the growth of pancreatic cancer by Organotin polymers containing chelidonic acid
Solid‐State Structure and Behaviour in Solution of Hypervalent Organotin(IV) Derivatives Containing 2‐(Me2NCH2)C6H4 Moieties
Imposex as an indicator of Organotin pollution at Rio de Janeiro south coast: Sepetiba and Ilha Grande bays
ATR-FTIR spectroscopy detects alterations induced by Organotin (IV) carboxylates in MCF-7 cells at sub-cytotoxic/-genotoxic concentrations
Headspace sorptive extraction for the analysis of Organotin compounds using thermal desorption and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry
New Organotin complexes with trans (cis)-1, 4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid: Synthesis, characterization and crystal structures of mononuclears, 2D network polymers …
Off/on fluorescent chemosensors for Organotin halides based on binuclear ruthenium complexes
Endocrine disrupting Organotin compounds are potent inducers of imposex in gastropods and adipogenesis in vertebrates
Synthetic utility of tribenzyltin hydride and its derivatives as easily accessible, removable, and decomposable Organotin reagents
A case of acute Organotin poisoning
Synthesis, spectral, thermal and anti-fungal studies of Organotin (IV) thiohydrazone complexes
Luminescent Organotin complexes with the ligand benzil bis (benzoylhydrazone)
Mercury and Organotin compounds monitoring in fresh and marine waters across Europe by Chemcatcher passive sampler
In vitro antibacterial activity of dithiocarbamate Organotin (IV) complexes towards Staphylococcus aureus
Synthesis, crystal structures and in vitro antibacterial activity of two novel Organotin (IV) complexes
Water soluble Organotin (IV) complexes with Girard-T reagent-based hydrazones: synthesis, spectral characterization, and antibacterial activity
Synthesis, characterization, semi-empirical study and biological activities of homobimetallic complexes of tranexamic acid with Organotin (IV)
Direct Hydrolysis of Hydrated Organotin Cations: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of {[n-Bu2Sn (OH2)(Phen)(O3SC6H3-2, 5-Me2)]+[2, 5-Me2C6H3SO3]-} …
Cleavage of Sn−C and S−Calkyl Bonds on an Organotin Scaffold: Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Organotin-Sulfite Cluster Bearing Methyltin- and …
Degradation of the Organotin polyether derived from dibutyltin dichloride and hydroxyl-capped poly (ethylene glycol) in trypsin and evaluation of trypsin activity …
Imposex and accumulation of Organotin compounds in populations of Hexaplex trunculus (Gastropoda, Muricidae) from the Lagoon of Venice (Italy) and Istrian …
Synthesis, characterization, and semi-empirical study of Organotin (IV) complexes with 4-(Hydroxymethyl) piperidine-1-carbodithioic Acid: X-ray structure of …
Synthesis and characterization of new lead (II) and Organotin (IV) complexes of Schiff bases derived from histidine and methionine
Speciation analysis of Organotin compounds in shellfish by hyphenated technique of high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass …
Impacts of temperature on the leaching of Organotin compounds from poly (vinyl chloride) plastics—A study conducted under simulated landfill conditions
Speciation of Organotin compounds in environmental samples with semi-permanent coated capillaries by capillary electrophoresis coupled with inductively coupled …
Catalytic, biological and DNA binding studies of Organotin (IV) carboxylates of 3-(2-fluorophenyl)-2-methylacrylic acid: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and X …
Structural and biological studies of Organotin (IV) derivatives with 2-mercapto-benzoic acid and 2-mercapto-4-methyl-pyrimidine
… -butenylidene)] amino} phenylpropionate and 2-{[(E)-1-(2-hydroxyaryl) alkylidene] amino} phenylpropionate skeletons incorporating Organotin (IV) moieties: Synthesis …
Direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from methanol and carbon dioxide over Organotin-functionalized mesoporous benzene-silica
Imposex and Organotin body burden in the dog‐whelk (Nucella lapillus L.) along the Portuguese coast
Organotin reagents supported on ionic liquid: highly efficient catalytic free radical reduction of alkyl halides
C,N‐chelated Organotin(IV) compounds as catalysts for transesterification and derivatization of dialkyl carbonates
Effects of two Organotin (IV)(sulfonatophenyl) porphinates on MAPKs and on the growth of A375 human melanoma cells
Effects of Toxic Organotin Compounds on Bacteria Investigated by Micro‐Raman Spectroscopy
Solid phase microextraction coupled to liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the speciation of Organotin compounds in water …
Synthesis, spectral and biological studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of heteroscorpionate
Structural diversity of Organotin (IV) complexes self-assembled from hydroxamic acid and mono-or dialkyltin salts
Critical Evaluation of Different Extraction Procedures for Determination of Organotin Compounds in Mussels.
Optimisation of the headspace‐solid phase microextraction for organomercury and Organotin compound determination in sediment and biota
… interaction with calf thymus DNA as well as electrochemical studies of adducts formed by azomethine [2-((3, 5-dimethylphenylimino) methyl) phenol] and Organotin (IV …
Solvothermal synthesis and structural characterization of a novel one-dimensional Organotin polymer involving high centrosymmetric units containing polyfunctional …
De novo design of chiral Organotin cancer drug candidates: Validation of enantiopreferential binding to molecular target DNA and 5′-GMP by UV–visible …
A new catalytic transesterification for the synthesis of N, N-dimethylaminoethyl acrylate with Organotin catalyst
A Supramolecular Assembly of Organotin Complexes: Syntheses, Characterization and Crystal Structures of Organotin Complexes with meso‐2,3 …
Influence of the soil matrices on the analytical performance of headspace solid-phase microextraction for Organotin analysis by gas chromatography-pulsed flame …
Hypercoordinated Organotin (iv) Halides Containing 2‐(Me2NCH2) C6H4 Groups:{2‐(Me2NCH2) C6H4} 2SnX2 (X= F, Cl, Br, I) and {2‐(Me2NCH2) C6H4} R2SnX (R …
A Series of New Organotin− Cyanometalate Compounds Based on TriOrganotin, DiOrganotin, and Organooxotin Clusters
Coordination behavior of the carboxylate group in Organotin (IV) derivatives of 2-[(2′, 4′, 6′-tribromophenylamido)] benzoic acid and 3-[(2′, 4′, 6 …
Reduction in peripheral lymphocytes and thymus atrophy induced by Organotin compounds in vivo
Synthesis and coordination chemistry of Organotin (IV) complexes of 2, 3-methylenedioxyphenylpropenoic acid
Solvent free hydrostannation and Stille reactions using ionic liquid supported Organotin reagents
Self-assembled pentagonal bipyramidal and skew trapezoidal Organotin (IV) complexes of substituted benzoic acids: Their antibacterial, antifungal, cytotoxic …
Synthesis, Spectroscopic Studies, and In Vitro Antifungal Activity of Organosilicon(IV) and Organotin(IV) Complexes of 4-Amino-5-mercapto-3-methyl-S-triazole Schiff …
Efficacy of novel Organotin (IV) complexes on non-durable tropical wood against decay fungi
Synthesis and biological activities of new triphenyl Organotin (IV) based on the pyrazole carboxylic acids
Karplus‐Type Dependence of Vicinal 119Sn‐13C and 119Sn‐1H Spin‐Spin Couplings in Organotin(IV) Derivatives: A DFT Study
Evaluation of the curing process of polyurethane end‐capped with trialkoxysilanes by a boron trifluoride/amine complex and Organotin compound
New trends in sample preparation methods for the determination of Organotin compounds in marine matrices
Six-coordinate Organotin (IV) complexes formed using the Kläui ligands;[CpCo {P (OR′) 2O} 3] SnR3− nCln
Synthesis, spectral, and thermal studies of Organotin (IV) complexes with 4-bromo-2-{[(2-hydroxyphenyl) imino] methyl} phenol
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes derived of 3-(dimethylamino) benzoic acid: in vitro antibacterial screening activity
… geometry of monomeric, dimeric and polymeric Organotin (IV) compounds constructed from 5-bromopyridine-2-carboxylic acid and mono-, di-or tri-Organotin …
Synthesis, spectroscopic properties, X-ray single crystal analysis and antimicrobial activities of Organotin (IV) 4-(4-methoxyphenyl) piperazine-1-carbodithioates
Simultaneous determination of multi-Organotin compounds in seawater by liquid-liquid extraction-high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma …
Organotin complexes of alizarin and purpurin
New Organotin/CuCN/Quinazoline 3D-Supramolecular Coordination Polymers Having Catalytic and Luminescence Activities
Chiral Organotin hydride catalyzed enantioselective radical cyclization of aldehydes
Thermal degradation analysis of Organotin (IV) esters
Atmospheric pressure deposition of F‐doped SnO2 thin films from Organotin fluoroalkoxide precursors
Synthesis and structural characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes formed with [O, O] donor atoms of carboxylic acids
Spectral characterization and biocidal activity of Organotin(IV) (E)-3-[(2′,6′-dichlorophenylamido)]propenoates
Organotin(IV) oxo -homoscorpionate: preparation, spectroscopic characterization and antimicrobial properties
Organotin-Sulfur Intramolecular Interactions: An Overview of Current and Past Compounds and the Biological Implications of Sn—S Interactions
Synthesis, spectral characterization and X-ray crystal structure of biologically active Organotin (IV) 3-[(3′, 5′-dimethylphenylamido)] propanoates
Syntheses and characterization of 2D and 3D Organotin polymers with phenylsuccinic acid and trimethyltin chloride under different conditions
Organotin accumulation in oysters and rock shells under field conditions
Interaction of Organotin (IV) moieties with nucleic acid constituent: synthesis, structural characterization and anti-inflammatory activity of tri-i-propyltin (IV) and …
Synthetic, 119Sn NMR Spectroscopic, Electrochemical, and Reactivity Study of Organotin A3 Corrolates Including Chiral and Ferrocenyl Derivatives
Organotin Compounds Ph2XSnCH2-[19]-crown-6 (X = Ph, F, Cl, Br, I, SCN) and Ph2ISnCH2Sn(I)PhCH2-[19]-crown-6 as Ditopic Receptors for Potassium Salts
Studies on Organotin (IV) and organozinc (II) complexes with some dithiocarbazate Schiff bases
Synthesis and characterization of novel Organotin-phosphorous compounds II
Potential of Nassarius nitidus for monitoring Organotin pollution in the lagoon of Bizerta (northern Tunisia)
Development of asymmetric reactions catalyzed by chiral Organotin‐alkoxide reagents
{4-t-Bu-2,6-[P(O)(O-i-Pr)2]2C6H2Sn}2: An Intramolecularly Coordinated Organotin(I) Compound with a Sn–Sn Single Bond, Its Disproportionation toward a …
Synthesis, characterization and nonlinear optical properties in a series of new chiral Organotin (IV) Schiff base complexes
Ecotoxicological risk of Organotin compounds on zooplankton community
Reproductive disrupting effect of Organotin compound in the ark shell, scapharca broughtonii (Bivalvia: Arcidae)
Tin (IV) oxide coatings from hybrid Organotin/polymer nanoparticles
Promotion of Organotin modified SBA-15 in the selective carboxylation of BPA with DMC
The Organotin compounds trimethyltin (TMT) and triethyltin (TET) but not tributyltin (TBT) induce activation of microglia co-cultivated with astrocytes
New Organotin (IV)-phosphoramidate complexes: Breaking of the PO⋯ HN hydrogen bonds and its influence on the molecular packing
… of complex formation of some new Schiff base ligands with some transition metal ions and the adduct formation of zinc Schiff base complexes with some Organotin …
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes derived of 3-(dimethylamino) benzoic acid: Cytotoxic assay on human liver carcinoma cells (HepG2)
Reproductive and developmental toxicity of Organotin compounds
Concentrations of Organotin compounds in the stranded killer whales from Rausu, Hokkaido, Japan
Synthesis, structural characterization and electrochemistry of C, N-chelated Organotin (IV) dicarboxylates with ferrocenyl substituents
Long-term temporal trends (1992–2008) of imposex status associated with Organotin contamination in the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus along the Icelandic coast
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and biological activity studies of Organotin (IV) derivatives of (E)‐3‐(3‐fluorophenyl)‐2‐phenyl‐2‐propenoic acid. Crystal …
Bimetallic Organotin (IV) complexes with ferrocene-based azomethines: synthesis, characterization, semi-empirical study, and antibacterial activity
In vitro screening of Organotin compounds and sediment extracts for cytotoxicity to fish cells
Quality Criteria for Re-Use of Organotin-Containing Sediments on Land (7 pp)
[4‐tBu‐2,6‐{P(O)(OiPr)2}2C6H2SnL]+: An NHC‐Stabilized Organotin(II) Cation and Related Derivatives
Synthesis and structure elucidation of new series of Organotin (IV) esters with bio-screening activity and catalytic study
Accelerated solvent-based extraction and enrichment of selected plasticisers and 4-nonylphenol, and extraction of tin from Organotin sources in sediments, sludges …
Short-term exposure to the Organotin compound triphenyltin modulates esterified steroid levels in females of Marisa cornuarietis
Synthesis, spectral, and 3D molecular modeling of tin (II) and Organotin (IV) complexes of biologically active Schiff bases having nitrogen and sulfur donor ligands
Turbine shape Organotin dendrimers: Photophysical properties and direct replacement of Sn with Pt
Organotin polyamine esters from reaction of 6-aminopenicillanic acid and Organotin dihalides.
Mercapto derivatives of triOrganotin Y, C, Y-pincer complexes: Role of Y, C, Y-chelating ligands in a new coordination mode of Organotin compounds
Synthesis and Spectral Characterisation of Chloro Organotin (IV) di [3 (2-hydroxyphenyl)-5-(4-substituted phenyl) Pyrazolinates]
Modified nanoporous silicas for oral delivery of the water insoluble Organotin compound: loading and release of methylphenyltin dichloride as an anti-tumor drug …
The novel example of Organotin (IV) metallacrowns: Syntheses, characterizations and crystal structures of [12-MC [RSn (IV)] N (shi)-4] complexes (R= Et, Bu, Ph; Shi …
Organotin (IV) carboxylates based on amide carboxylic acids: Syntheses, crystal structures and characterizations
Effects of antifouling paints alternative to Organotin-based ones on macrofouling biocoenosis of hard substrates in the lagoon of Venice
Antimicrobial studies of newly synthesized Organotin (IV) complexes of dihydrobis (2-mercaptothiazolinyl) borate
Low-temperature H 2 sensing in self-assembled Organotin thin films
A novel mode of access to polyfunctional Organotin compounds and their reactivity in Stille cross-coupling reaction
Silica-anchored Organotin trichloride: a recyclable and clean Organotin catalyst for transesterification reactions
A novel Organotin-substituted polyoxomolybdate cluster
Synthesis, structural analysis, fiber formation and preliminary anticancer characterization of the Organotin polyether from dibutyltin dichloride and 2, 5-dimethyl-3 …
Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of thiosemicarbazone ligand derived from pyruvic acid: X-ray crystal structure of …
Speciation analysis of Organotin compounds in sediment by hyphenated technique of high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass …
Facile synthesis and optical property of porous tin oxide and europium-doped tin oxide nanorods through thermal decomposition of the Organotin
Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Organotin(IV) Complexes Containing Hydrazone Ligand: X-ray Single Crystal Structure of [n-Bu2Sn(H2 …
Chiral self-assembly of triOrganotin complexes: Syntheses, characterization, crystal structures and antitumor activity of Organotin (IV) complexes containing (R)-(+) …
Structural diversity in Organotin compounds derived from bulky monoaryl phosphates: dimeric, tetrameric, and polymeric tin phosphate complexes
Organotin speciation analysis based on liquid or gas chromatography.
Polymeric Organotin fibers
The determination of pesticidal and non-pesticidal Organotin compounds in water matrices by in situ ethylation and gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric …
Reactions of 3, 5-pyrazoledicarboxylic acid with Organotin chlorides and oxides. Coordination polymers containing Organotin macrocycles
Synthesis, crystal structures, and antitumor activity of three new Organotin carboxylates
… fluid extraction/headspace solid‐phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method for determinating Organotin compounds in clam …
Catalysis of reactions of allyltin compounds and Organotin phenoxides by lithium perchlorate
Organotin chemistry
A need for monitoring of heavy metals and Organotin compounds in the east coast of Johor
Structural analysis of ionic Organotin (IV) compounds using electrospray tandem mass spectrometry
Structural and biological studies of new monomeric, tetrameric, and polymeric Organotin (IV) esters of 3-(benzo [d][1, 3] dioxol-4-yl) propanoic acid
Imprinted polymers as an analytical tool for Organotin compounds speciation
Treatability of tropical wood using newly synthesized Organotin (IV) complexes.
Metal Atom Dynamics of Organotin Compounds
Organochlorine, organophosphoric and Organotin contaminants, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals in sediments of the ports from the Polish part …
Spectral and biological studies of newly synthesized Organotin (IV) complexes of 4-({[(E)-(2-hydroxyphenyl) methylidene] amino} methyl) cyclohexane carboxylic acid …
Novel Organotin‐containing shell‐cross‐linked knedel and core‐cross‐linked knedel: Synthesis and application in catalysis
Mechanisms of Organotin-induced apoptosis
Ring-opening polymerization of various oxirane derivatives using Organotin phosphate condensate; Selective synthesis of the polyether containing oxirane ring in the …
Speciation of Organotin compounds by capillary electrophoresis coupled with hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry
Supramolecular Organotin (IV) dithiocarboxylates as potential antimicrobial agents
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) compounds with Schiff base of o-vanillin-2-thiophenoylhydrazone
Utilization of regenerated iron oxide for treatment of Organotin compounds in seawater
Effect of Organotin on the thermal stability of poly (vinyl chloride)
Supported (nBuCp)2ZrCl2 Catalysts: Effects of Selected Lewis Acid Organotin Silica Surface Modifiers on Ethylene Polymerization
Isolation of tributyltin chloride resistance bacteria and rapid electrochemical determination of bacterial Organotin degradation activity
Optically Active Organotin Compounds Derived from β-Pinene. The Quest for Chiral Polystannanes
Synthesis, Characterization and Crystal Structure of New Organotin Copper Cyanide Three-Dimensional Supramolecular Coordination Polymer Containing …
New tetrahedral, square-pyramidal, trigonal-bipyramidal and octahedral Organotin (IV) 4-ethoxycarbonylpiperazine-1-carbodithioates: Synthesis, structural properties …
The chemistry, properties, and characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes of 2-(N-naphthylamido) benzoic acid
Simultaneous determination of Organotin compounds in textiles by gas chromatography–flame photometry following liquid/liquid partitioning with tert-butyl ethyl ether …
Synthetic, structural and biological studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of schiff bases derived from pyrrol-2-carboxaldehyde
N-Heterocyclic carbene catalyzed oxidative stannylation of aldehydes: a facile entry to Organotin (IV) carboxylates
Organotin compound analysis
Di-and tri-Organotin (IV) complexes of the new bis (1-methyl-1H-imidazol-2-ylthio) acetate ligand and the decarboxylated analogues
Influence of intermolecular interactions on the Mössbauer quadrupole splitting of Organotin (IV) compounds as studied by DFT calculations
Organotin (IV) carboxylates based on benzenedicarboxylic acid derivatives: Syntheses, crystal structures and characterizations
Assessment of toxicity of some penta-and hexacoordinated Organotin (IV) and tetracoordinated tin (II) complexes of heterocyclic β-diketones
Studies on insecticidal and pesticidal activity of some Organotin compounds
Organotin(IV) complexes with pyruvic acid phenylhydrazone (HPAPD): synthesis, spectral characterization, and in vitro antibacterial activity
A weight-of-evidence approach to assessing the ecological impact of Organotin pollution in Dutch marine and brackish waters; combining risk prognosis and field …
Biological activity of Organotin (IV) compounds: structural and chemical aspects
A fast and effective routine method based on SPME and GC/ICP-MS for the monitoring of Organotin compounds in surface and sea water
Spectroscopic characterisation and biological applications of Organotin (IV) derivatives of 3-(N-naphthylaminocarbonyl)-2-propenoic acid
Syntheses and Characterization of Organotin (IV) Complexes Derived from 2‐Mercapto‐1, 3, 4‐thiadiazole
Chiral Organotin complexes stabilized by C, N-chelating oxazolinyl-o-carboranes
A bioassay using sea urchin egg development to identify Organotin pollution in sea water
S,N‐Chelated Organotin(IV) compounds containing 6‐phenylpyridazine‐3‐thiolate ligand—structural, antibacterial and antifungal study
Syntheses and structural characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes derived from the self-assembly of 2, 4-diethylglutaric acid, phthalyl-glutamic acid and trialkyltin …
New bis-di-Organotin compounds derived from aminoacid-imine-hexadentate ligands. Multifunctional evaluation as corrosion inhibitors, antibacterials and asphaltene …
Efficient Oxidation of 1, 2‐Diols into α‐Hydroxyketones Catalyzed by Organotin Compounds
Thermokinetic studies of Organotin (IV) carboxylates derived from para-methoxyphenylethanoic acid
The first 3-dimensional assemblies of Organotin-functionalized polyanions
Organotin (IV) trifluoromethanesulfonates chemistry: Isolation and characterization of a new di-n-butyl derivative presenting a Sn3O3 core
Synthesis, coordination and biological aspects of Organotin (IV) derivatives of 4-[(2, 4-dinitrophenyl) amino)]-4-oxo-2-butenoic acid and 2-{[(2, 4-dinitrophenyl) amino] …
Self-assembly syntheses and crystal structure of a new Organotin (IV) Schiff base complex containing a novel Sn5O5 hydrolysis ladder
Imposex induction in Stramonita haemastoma floridana (Conrad, 1837)(Mollusca: Gastropoda: Muricidae) submitted to an Organotin-contaminated diet
Some bioactive Organotin (IV) derivatives with 3, 4-dichlorophenylacetic acid: synthesis, spectroscopic properties, and X-ray structure of [Sn_4 (C_4H_9) _8 …
Synthesis and characterization of novel Organotin carboxylate maleimide monomers and copolymers
Organotin contamination in deep sea environments
Organotin compound contamination in Shekou harbor and its adjacent waters along the city of Shenzhen
Synthesis, characterziation, semi-empirical quantum-mechanical study and biological activity of Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-ethylanilinocarbonylpropenoic acid
2-, 3-, and 4-(1-Oxo-1H-2, 3-dihydroisoindol-2-yl) benzoic acids and their corresponding Organotin carboxylates: Synthesis, characterization, fluorescent, and …
Synthesis, crystal structure and biological activities of two novel Organotin (IV) complexes constructed from 12-(4-methylbenzoyl)-9, 10-dihydro-9, l0-ethanoanthracene …
Spatial and seasonal behaviour of Organotin compounds in protected subtropical estuarine ecosystems in Okinawa, Japan
Germatranyl substituted Organotin (IV) carboxylates: synthesis spectroscopic characterization and biological activities
Contamination and accumulation feature of Organotin compounds in common cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) from Lake Biwa, Japan
Organotin (IV) derivatives of 1-ethyl-1, 4-dihydro-7-methyl-4-oxo-1, 8-naphthyridine-3-carboxylic acid (nalidixic acid): Synthesis, structural elucidation and biological …
Synthesis and characterization of pentagonal bipyramidal Organotin (IV) complexes of 2, 6-diacetylpyridine Schiff bases of S-alkyl-and aryldithiocarbazates
Development of a fast capillary electrophoresis-time-of-flight mass spectrometry method for the speciation of Organotin compounds under separation conditions of high …
Kinetic studies of the interaction between Organotin (IV) chlorides and tetraaza Schiff bases: synthesis and characterization of some novel tin (IV) Schiff base …
The synthesis of some Organotin (IV) compounds in the melt-phase
Studies on the reaction of Organotin phenoxides with ethyl propiolate catalysed by triethylamine and tin (IV) chloride
Preliminary in vitro cytotoxic assay of human liver carcinoma cells (HepG2) of Organotin (IV) complexes: Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes of …
Grafting reaction of Organotin complexes on silica catalyzed by tungstic heteropolyacids
Phase and morphology dependence on the annealing temperature of tin sulfides and oxides prepared by thermal decomposition of Organotin precursors
Simultaneous determination of Organotin compounds in white wine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Structural assignment of Organotin hydrides containing the oxazoline ligand
A DFT study of the Karplus-type dependence of vicinal 3 J (Sn–CXC), X= N, O, S, in Organotin (iv) compounds: application to conformationally flexible systems
… ′) bis(O‐aminobenzoato)tetrakis[dimethyltin(IV)] and bis(O‐aminobenzoato‐O,O′) di‐n‐butyltin(IV), on the membrane of Candida albicans cells—a mechanistic investigation of the antifungal activity of Organotin …
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and in vitro fungicidal activity of some Organotin (IV) complexes
Convergent Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin Dendrimers Sn{(CH2)nSn[(CH2)4SnPh3]3}4 (n = 3, 4)
Application of FT-IR spectroscopy to the specific migration study of an Organotin heat stabilizer from rigid poly (vinyl chloride) into food simulants
New Organotin (IV) complexes with a potentially multi-site ligand based on the cyclotriphosphazene platform: Synthesis and spectral studies
The modification of bis (pyrazol-1-yl) methanes by chalcogen (S and Se) and their related reactions with Organotin chloride and M (CO) 5THF (M= Mo and W)
Tris (Organotin) tungstogermanate, a Sandwich Organometallic Derivative of a Keggin‐Type Polyoxometalate: Synthesis and DFT Study
Synthesis and Properties of Organogermanium and Organotin Dithiophosphonate Complexes; Crystal Structures of (C6H5) 2Sn (Cl)[(p-MeOC6H4)(EtO) PS2− S, S′] …
Are Organotin Reagents Derived from Bis (trimethylsilyl) picoline Suitable Precursors for the Preparation of Cyclometallated Complexes?
Spectral studies and antimicrobial activities of organosilicon (IV) and Organotin (IV) complexes of nitrogen and sulfur donor Schiff bases derived from 4-amino-5 …
Simultaneous determination of ten Organotin compounds in polyvinyl chloride plastics using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Structural characterization of polymeric potassium salts with 2-thiobarbituric acid: influence of Organotin (IV) chlorides on potassium cation solvation
In vitro binding studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of 1, 2-bis (1H-benzimidazol-2-yl) ethane-1, 2-diol with CT-DNA and nucleotides (5′-GMP and 5′-TMP): Effect of …
Near-infrared chromogenic sensing of Organotin species by a cyclopalladated azo dye
Construction and assessment of reaction models between F1F0-synthase and Organotin compounds: molecular docking and quantum calculations
Thermodynamic study of dinuclear adducts between copper (II) Salen-type complexes and Organotin (IV) chlorides in acetonitrile
Novel Organotin (IV) compounds derived from bis (organostannyl) methanes: synthesis and crystal structures of bis [diphenyl (pyridin-2-onato) stannyl] methane and …
Synthesis and characterization of α, ω‐bis [tri‐(w‐triphenylstannyl) butylstannyl] alkanes as starting materials for Organotin dendrimers
Organotin (IV) carboxylates of cyclopropane carboxylic acid and 3‐cyclohexylpropanoic acid: synthesis, characterization and biological activity. The crystal structure of …
Kinetic study of the specific migration of an Organotin heat stabilizer from rigid poly (vinyl chloride) into food simulants by FTIR spectroscopy
Spectroscopic studies of biologically active Organotin (IV) derivatives of 2-[N-(2, 4, 6-tribromophenylamido] propanoic acid
Synthesis and characterisation of Organotin (IV) derivatives of ambidentate ligands containing nitrogen and sulphur donor atoms
Some new Organotin (IV) complexes of biologically important semicarbazones and thiosemicarbazones
Volatilization of Organotin species from municipal waste deposits: novel species identification and modeling of atmospheric stability
Synthesis, structural elucidation and biological activities of Organotin (IV) derivatives of (E)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-propenoic acid
Catalytic, biological and DNA interaction studies of 3-(4-cyanophenyl)-2-methylacrylate Organotin (IV) carboxylates derivatives: Synthesis, spectroscopic …
New acridinium trifluoromethanesulfonate stacks induced in the presence of Organotin (IV) complexes
Organotin compound derived from 3-hydroxy-2-formylpyridine semicarbazone: Synthesis, crystal structure, and antiproliferative activity
Organotin(IV) esters of (E)‐3‐furanyl‐2‐phenyl‐2‐propenoic acid: Synthesis, investigation of the coordination modes by IR, multinuclear NMR (1H, 13C, 119Sn) …
In vitro antitumor and antibacterial assay of Organotin (IV) complexes of 2, 3-methylenedioxybenzoic acid; X-ray crystal structure of [(C2H5) 2Sn (C8H5O4) 2]
Organotin (IV) derivatives of a triazoline thione ligand. Dimeric and self-assembled supramolecular helical structures
Organotin Compounds and the Environment
Identification of Organotin compounds in Tunisian surface water by liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry
Supramolecular Organotin (IV) framework derived from pyridine-2, 6-bis (thiocarboxylate) ligand
Organotin catalysts grafted onto cross‐linked polystyrene supports through polar spacers
Synthesis and characterization of complexes of Organotin (IV) with 2-thiazoline-2-thione
Retrospective Monitoring of Organotin compounds in biological samples from North and Baltic-use restrictions are successful?
Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure and theoretical calculations of an Organotin (IV) complex with dithizone
Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling of 1, 4-disubstituted 5-iodo-1, 2, 3-triazoles with Organotin reagents
Organotin compounds in olive flounder Paralichthys Olivaceus and flathead mullet Mugil cephalus from Korean coastal waters
The first 1D tetranuclear Organotin (IV) complex with N′-acylsalicylhydrazide: Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure
Synthesis and Structural Studies of Organotin (IV) and Organolead (IV) Thiophene‐2‐thiocarboxylate
Synthesis of well-defined soluble polystyrene supports: Impact of polymer chain on grafted Organotin reagent activity
Cyanide-bridged bimetallic multidimensional structures derived from Organotin (IV) and dicyanoaurate building blocks: ion exchange, luminescence, and gas …
Application of computational modeling to analyze reactive Organotin (IV) species
New Halo-and Organotin (IV) Phenylarseniato Adducts and Derivatives
Synthesis, characterization, and molecular structures of di-and triOrganotin (IV) complexes with 9-anthracenecarboxylic acid: The structural diversity in Organotin 9 …
Pt-based chiral Organotin modified heterogeneous catalysts for the enantioselective hydrogenation of 3, 4-hexanedione
Role of O, C, O-ligand in a new coordination mode of Organotin compounds to 2-mercapto-1-methylimidazol. Stabilization of its thione form
Supramolecular Organotin tris-carboxylates: crystal and molecular structure of [Cy2NH2] 2 [1-Me3 (H2O) SnOCO-3, 5-(OOC) 2C6H3]· EtOH
Variation in Organotin accumulation in relation to the life history in the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
Synthesis of Me2LSn (o-CH3–C2B10H10): Crystal structure of Sn← O intramolecularly coordinated Organotin compound containing 1-methyl-o-carborane
Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of potential bioactive Organotin (IV) dithiocarboxylates
Reactions of in situ generated hydrated Organotin cations with chelating O, O-or O, N-ligands: a possible structure-directing influence of the organic substituent on tin
4 Equilibrium, Structural and Biological Activity Studies on (Organotin (IV)) n+ Complexes
Rapid and Sensitive Analytical Method for Monitoring of 12 Organotin Compounds in Natural Waters.
Mechanism on the cell death of T-lymphocytes induced by Organotin in vitro
Distribution of Organotin compounds in seawaters and sediments in Hiroshima Bay, Japan
Tin and Organotin (IV) complexes of thymol derivative derived from alanine: synthesis and characteristic spectral studies
[{2,6‐(Me2NCH2)2C6H3(H2O)Sn}W(CO)5]+CB11H12–: Aqua Complex of a Transition‐Metal‐Bound Organotin(II) Cation versus an Ammonium‐Type …
Static and dynamic disorder in Organotin compounds: A bis (amido) stannylene coordinated by N, N′-diisopropyl-1, 8-diamidonaphthalene
Genetic impacts of Organotin compounds
Hypervalent Organotin, aluminium, antimony and bismuth Y, C, Y-chelate complexes
Syntheses and Characterization of 1D, 2D and 3D Organotin Polymers with Benzimidazole-5, 6-dicarboxylic Acid and Trimethyltin Chloride
Bioaccumulation of Organotin in relation to the life history of the brown trout Salmo trutta
Synthesis, Characterization, and in vitro Cytotoxicity of Organotin Derivatives of 4-Biphenylcarboxylic Acid
Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Quantum Chemical Study of the Ladder Organotin Compound {[(C_6H_5CH_2) 2Sn] _2 (O)(Cl_2)} _2
New dithiocarbamate compounds from Organotin (IV)
Chiral Organotin (IV) carboxylates complexes: Syntheses, characterization, and crystal structures with chiral (S)-(+)-6-methoxy-α-methyl-2-naphthaleneaceto acid …
Some new Organotin (IV) complexes: synthesis and characterization by means of IR, 1H, 13C-NMR and FAB-mass spectral studies
Penta‐, Hexa‐, and Heptanuclear Organotin–Oxygen Arsonate Clusters Constructed from an Acetate Drum Cluster Precursor and Different Arsonate Anions
Synthesis, crystal structure and in vitro antitumor activity of a novel Organotin (IV) complex with 9-hexyl-9H-carbazole-3-carboxylic acid
Organotin (IV) complexes of 4, 5-dimethoxy-2-nitrobenzoic acid: synthesis, characterization, and biological activity
Spectroscopic Investigation of Organotin (IV) Derivatives of 7-Epiclusianone: A preliminary in vitro Antitumor Evaluation of the HN-5 Human Carcinoma Cell
Thermodynamics of adduct formation of cobalt (II) tetraaza Schiff base complexes with Organotin (IV) trichlorides
Bacterial inhibition by Organotin-Containing Polymers
Organotin-induced toxicity and nuclear receptor signaling
Structure elucidation and inhibitory effects of self-assembled Organotin(IV) esters of p-tolyl acetic acid on bacterial, fungal, brine shrimp, and potato tumor cells
Potentiality of Organotin(IV) compounds in the control of foliar blight disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum) caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana
Distribution characteristics of Organotin compounds in sediments inside Jeju harbor of Jeju Island
Syntheses and crystal structures of mononuclear, tetranuclear and hexanuclear Organotin compounds with derivatives of p -aminobenzoic acid
119Sn Mössbauer characterization of self assembled Organotin (IV) complexes with Schiff bases containing amino acetate skeletons
Synthesis and structural characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes derived of 4-(Diethylamino) benzoic acid: cytotoxic assay on human liver carcinoma cells …
Syntheses and Structures of Organotin(IV) Thioesters of N‐Phthaloylamino Acids
Study on Organotin-catalyzed decomposition of methyl N-phenyl carbamate
Biologically Potent New Organotin(IV) Complexes of N-Maleoyltranexamic Acid
The unexpected sources of Organotin contamination in aquatic toxicological laboratory studies
A case of cerebellar dysfunction after acute Organotin poisoning
Synthesis and characterization of tin (IV)/Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-benzoylpyridine-N (4)-cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone [HBPCT]: X-ray crystal structure of …
Synthesis, characterization and biological activities of some Organotin (IV) complexes
Syntheses and characterizations of di-and tri-Organotin carboxylates of 4-oxo-4-phenyl butanoic and 4-(4-biphenyl)-4-oxobutyric acid
Synthesis and structure of a new 1D infinite neutral chain based on Organotin and selenious acid monoethyl ester
Thermal behavior of Organotin (IV) triazolates: Molecular precursors for pure-phase, nanosized SnS/SnO2
Crystal and Supramolecular Structure of a Novel Organotin Sulphate:{[(Ph3Sn) 2SO4] 2·(H2O) 3}· 2EtOH
Towards a rational design of enantioselective heterogeneous catalysts: Modeling of chiral Organotin precursors
Pt− Me bond cleavage in the reactions of dimethylplatinum (II) complexes containing chelating phosphine ligands with Organotin (IV) chlorides
Relation of excessive accumulation of calcium and endonuclease activation in the Organotin-exposed olfactory system
[{2,6‐(Me2NCH2)2C6H3}Sn(μ‐OH)W(CO)5]2: A Transition‐Metal‐Coordinated Organotin(II) Hydroxide
Organotin (IV) compounds of n-propyl and isopropyl glutarate: Their synthesis, spectral characterization and antibacterial activity
Determination of Organotin compounds in textile auxiliaries by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
17O NMR spectra of some Organotin(IV) compounds containing O,C,O‐chelating ligands
Organotin pollution in marine animals along intertidal zone at Shekou Harbor and Shenzhen Bay
Organotin (IV) complexes of β-ketimines. Crystal and molecular structure of OC (Me) CHC (Me) NHR-4 [R= C6H3 iPr2-2, 6; C6H4Me-4], Bu2SnCl2 (L) and …
Palladium‐catalyzed synthesis of 8‐allyl or 8‐prenylcoumarins by using Organotin reagents as multicoupling nucleophiles
New Organotin Compounds Including a Tin–Zinc Bond
Pollution history and sources of Organotin compounds in aquaculture water of Tong’an Bay, Xiamen
Effects of Organotin compounds in Thais clavigera
Intramolecularly Sn-N coordinated Organotin hydrides
Synthesis, characterization and behaviour in solution of Organotin complexes based on azole ligands. Single crystal X-ray study of dichlorodimethylbis (1, 2, 3 …
Studies on potentially biodynamic heterocyclic Organotin (II) macrocyclic complexes
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a “butterfly” Organotin (IV) Ionic Complex
Study of ruggedness HS-SPME procedure for Organotin analysis by GC-PFPD
Synthesis and structural studies on penta and hexa coordinated Organotin (IV) complexes of alkyl pyruvate aroyl hydrazones.
Synthesis and Composite Crystal Structure of a Novel Organotin Complex (C74H60O4Sn4)
Organotin effects in different phyla: discrepancies and similarities
Structural and antimicrobial studies of potassium hydrotris (2-mercaptobenzathiazolyl) borate and its Organotin (IV) derivatives
New Organotin IV Benzoato Adducts: Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies
Preparation of new Organotin compounds and their application to esterification reaction
Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin (IV) Dithiobiurets.
Differences in Organotin accumulation in relation to life history in the white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis
Syntheses, Characterization and Crystal Structures of 1D and 2D Organotin Polymers Containing 3-Methyladipic Acid Ligand
Organotin effects in different phyla: discrepancies and similarities
Phosphinimine complex of Organotin (IV) compounds stabilized by O, C, O-chelating ligand
Synthesis, structural and spectral studies of five-and six-coordinate adducts of Organotin (IV) halides containing dibenzylsulfoxide (dbso) as ligand. The crystal …
Assessment of selected Organotin complexes against plant pathogen fungi
The synthesis of diphenyl carbonate from dimethyl carbonate and phenol over modified Organotin catalysts
Molecular modeling for the interaction between proteasome beta 5 subunit and Organotin compounds
… , and structural elucidation by spectral investigation (FT-IR, multinuclear NMR, mass spectrometry) of biologically active Organotin (IV) compounds containing …
Templating α-amylase peptide inhibitors with Organotin compounds
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes derived of 4-(diethylamino) benzoic acid: In vitro antibacterial screening activity
An Organotin coordination polymer formed from 1, 4-bis (pyridin-3-ylmethoxy) benzene and dibenzyldichlorostannane
Environmental risk limits for Organotin compounds
Organotin (IV) Complexes of 2-[(2′, 4′, 6′-Trichlorophenylamido)] benzoic Acid: Synthesis, Coordination Chemistry, and Semi-Empirical Study
Germatranyl substituted mono-and di-Organotin (IV) carboxylates: Synthesis, characterization and biological activities
Cyclotrimeric and weakly-bridged cyclotetrameric Organotin (IV) compounds assembled from 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid: Synthesis and structural characterization
Life history-related Organotin body burden in the catadromous eels Anguilla marmorata and A. bicolor pacifica in Vietnam
Organotin residues in Rock Shell, Thais clavigera, and their sources in Kagoshima Bay, Japan
Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Organotin Complex: Di (n-butyl) chloro [5-(p-dimethylaminobenzylidene) rhodanine] tin (IV) Based on a Competing N, O …
Hypercoordinated organosilicon (IV) and Organotin (IV) complexes: syntheses, spectral studies, and antimicrobial activity in vitro
Organotin (IV) methylcyclohexyldithiocarbamate compounds: synthesis, characterization and biological activities
Determination of Organotin compounds in water soluble paints and adhesives by GC-MS
Synthesis, Structural Elucidation, Biocidal and Preliminary DNA Interaction Studies of Organotin (IV) Complexes with [O, O] and [O, N, O] Donor Ligands
Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin (IV) Complexes Derivatives of Methyl-and Nitro-Substituted Monocarboxylic Acid: Preliminary in vitro Antibacterial …
Biomembrane Perturbation Induced by Organotin in Model and Biological Membranes
The first example of a dinuclear Organotin complex with a C2N2S2Sn2 planar dicyclo fragment
Cadmium and Organotin pollution in an estuarine environment from Argentina: an overview
Environmental assessment of heavy metals and Organotin compounds in Cape Town harbour, monitoring geochemistry and toxicity
Aggregation of Hydrogen Bonded Dimeric Tri-Organotin Amino Substituted Pyrimidine-2-Thiolates
Interaction of 5′-guanosine monophosphate with Organotin (IV) moieties: synthesis, structural characterization, and anti-inflammatory activity
Preparation and XAFS studies of Organotin (IV) complexes with adenosine and related compounds and calf thymus DNA
Toxicity and spectroscopic characterization of new Organotin (IV) complexes with a bidentate imine, 4-(2′-furyl ethanimino)-N-(2′-pyridyl) benzene sulphonamide
Comparison of Organotin accumulation on the white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis between sea-run and freshwater-resident types
Three‐dimensional Organotin–hexacyanoferrate polymers as effective oxidizing reagents towards phenols
Sn Organotin Compounds: Part 17: Organotin-Oxygen Compounds of the Types RSn (OR′) 3 and RSn (OR′) 2OR′′; R2Sn (X) OR′, RSnX (OR′) 2 …
On the use of Organotin reagents for the preparation of partially esterified glycerol and meso-erythritol
Multidimensional NMR in Organotin Chemistry and Catalysis
Synthesis, multinuclear (1H, 13C, 31P, 119Sn) NMR and structure of new optically active Organotin (IV). O, O’-di-(−)-menthyldithiophosphates
Synthesis and spectral characterization of chloro-Organotin (IV) complexes of S-donor ligand: Crystal structure of chloro-t-dibutyltin [4-methyl-1-piperidine] …
Specific features of curing of oligodieneurethane isocyanate prepolymer with glycerol in the presence of an Organotin catalyst at twofold excess of isocyanate groups
Isomers of Organotin Compounds II. Di-to Polymeric Compounds
Studies of the Distribution and Species of Organotin in Love River of Kaohsiung City
Computational Models of Organotin-Mediated Alkylation of Diols
New Sulphato Organotin (IV) Derivatives and Adducts: Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies
Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of the first series of heteronuclear derivatives containing organosilicon/Organotin (IV) and oxovanadium (V) moieties
Synthesis and characterization of dimeric Organotin compounds {[(ArCH2)2 Sn(2‐quin)]2O}2 and crystal structure of {[(2‐ClC6 H4CH2)2Sn(2‐quin)]2O}2
25 Assessment criteria for imposex in marine gastropods affected by exposure to Organotin compounds
An Organotin mixture found in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe is not immunotoxic to adult Sprague-Dawley rats
Physico-Mechanical Properties of Tropical Wood Treated with Novel Organotin (IV) Complexes
Synthesis and characterization of a novel spring-like Organotin complex containing guest benzene molecules
Novel Organotin-containing diblock copolymer with tunable nanostructures: Synthesis, self-assembly and morphological change
Effects of Organotin compounds on follicular steroidogenesis in frogs
Polymer-bound Organotin (IV) as an inhibitor of marine microbial biofilm: A preliminary study
Gas chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry-based method for the simultaneous determination of Organotin compounds in water
Synthesis of 2, 2, 5, 5‐Tetrasubstituted 1, 4‐Dioxa‐2, 5‐disilacyclohexanes via Organotin (IV)‐Catalyzed Transesterification of (Acetoxymethyl) alkoxysilanes
Leaching of Organotin Stabilizers from PVC under Prevailing Landfill Conditions
Synthesis and characterization of three new Organotin complexes containing piperazine as a bidentate ligand
Preparation and characterization of novel organic/inorganic hybrid nanoparticles containing an Organotin core and a polystyrene shell
The modification of ArSCH2 (3, 5-Me2Pz)(Ar= phenyl or 2-pyridyl, Pz= pyrazol-1-yl) by Organotin group and related reactions
Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin Compounds of a New Schiff Base Ligand with α‐Oxoglutaric Acid Isonicotinyl Hydrazone
Protein baggage: toxicity of Organotin tied to proteasome interference
Nitrogen Oxygen Bonded Heterocyclic Organotin (IV) Derivatives of a New Schiff Base: Synthesis and Spectral Aspects
Synthesis, Structure and Quantum Chemical Study on the Organotin Complex [Di (2, 4, 6-trichlorobenzyl)] tin Bis (quinoline-2-formate)
Synthesis of new Organotin (iv) derivatives of thio semicarbazides and SNO containing related ligands: characterization and studies on the biocidal properties of …
Synthesis, Characterization and Epoxidation of cis-Enriched New Polycarbonates Catalyzed by Efficient Organotin Compound
Study on the ecological risk of wild veined rapa whelk (Rapana venosa) exposured to Organotin compounds in Bohai Bay, China
Screening of Organotin compounds in theSwedish environment
Organotin Compounds: Perspectives and Potential Ashu Chaudhary and RV Singh 107
Control of Nucleophilicity of Organotin Reagents and Their Synthetic Application
Potential Role of Organotin Compounds (EDCs) In Aetiopathogenesis of Obesity
Organotin problem in potable water and its countermeasures
Optimization of extraction method for Organotin compounds in water sample
Organotin (IV) and simple fatty acids: preliminary assessments
The Role of Halides in Organotin-Mediated Benzylation of Carbohydrates
Organotin Levels in Coastal Areas in Vietnam
Degradation of Organotin Stabilizers
MS15 P09 Structural features of some Organotin (IV) complexes of
Development of Activation Methods of Organotin Compounds Using Transmetalation and Their Application to Organic Synthesis
Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Properties of Organotin Compound {[(o-MeC6H4CH2) 2Sn (O)] 2 (o-MeC6H4CH2NHO)} 2
Organotin (IV) FLUORIDES
Synthesis, characterization, and photocatalytic degradation of some Organotin compounds
New Trends in Sample Preparation Methods for the Determination of Organotin Compounds
Distribution of Organotin Compounds in the Fishing Ports of Pingtung County
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Study of Some Organotin (IV) Derivatives of Ν, Ν’-Ο-Phenylenebis (Salicylideneimine)
Simple and Effective Removal of Organotin Compounds from Reaction Products
Study of Organotin compounds in solution by {sup 119} Sn NMR
Advances in Antitumor Activity of Ionic Organotin Compounds
Organotin compounds: an investigation on the synthesis, structures and properties (including biocidal properties) of Organotin carboxylates and related …
Contamination and impact of Organotin compounds on the Brazilian coast
Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Organotin Polymers
Synthesis of Vinylstannanes with in Situ Generated Organotin Hydrides
Synthesis and Biological Activity Study of Ionic Organotin Compounds
Synthesis, Characterization and In Vitro Anticancer Activity of Two Novel Series of Organotin Retinoates
Structure of Biologically Active Organotin (IV) Dithiocarbamates
Preparation, Spectral Characterization, Biological and Thermal Studies of Organotin (IV) Thiohydrazide Complexes.
Photoluminescence and electroluminescence properties of Organotin complexes
Speciation of Organotin compounds in environmental samples by GC-ICPMS
Studies of biologically potent Organotin (IV) complexes of meta-xylylenediamine-containing phosphoramides
Unknown levels, uncertain sources: or all we know regarding Humans and Organotin compounds
Organotin pollution in the Portuguese coast-temporal/spatial evolution and biological effects.
Synthesis and spectral characterisation of chloro Organotin (IV) di [3 (2′-hydroxyphenyl)-5-(4-substituted pheny) pyrazolinates]
The determination of Organotin compounds in human blood of the Maltese population (Central Mediterranean)
Research Progress on Molecular Mechanism of Organotin-Induced Imposex in Marine Gastropods
Synthesis, Organotin (IV) benzoate, anticancer
Distribution of Organotin Compounds in Love River and Chen-Chang River of Kaohsiung
Some bioactive Organotin (IV) derivatives with 3, 4-dichlorophenylacetic acid: synthesis, spectroscopic…
Nuclear-Spin Isotope Effects in Organotin Compounds
Biologically Active Organotin (IV) Complexes of Schiff Bases Derived
Biological Indicators Used to Map Organotin Contamination from a Fishing Port, Killybegs, Ireland
Market basket study on the dietary intake of Organotin compounds in Finland
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes with hydrazone/carbohydrazone ligand
Synthesis, structures and bioinorganic aspects of Organotin derivatives/Lee See Mun
Study of an analytical method for determining Organotin compounds in anti-fouling paints
Organotin compounds in marine sediments near sewage outfall areas in Malta
Microbial Transformation of Organotin Compounds under Simulated Landfill Conditions
Efficacy of a series of Organotin polymers as anticancer and antiviral drugs
Specifically Regulated Pesticides in Florida–Organotin Antifouling Paints
Preparation of new cross-linked styrene-Organotin (IV) copolymers
Preparation and structural characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes with ligands containing {O, O} and {O, N} donor atoms
New synthesis process of benzyl acetate catalyzed by Organotin compound
Speciation analysis of trace quantities of Organotin compounds in natural waters and wastes
Sn Organotin Compounds: Dibutyltin-Oxygen Compounds
Organotin Accumulation Status of Organisms and Environments in Luermen Stream and Sih-Cao Fishing Port
Catalytic and biological screening of newly synthesized Organotin (IV) carboxylates
Online determination of Organotin in Jiaozhou gulf sea water.
Distribution of Organotin Compounds in the Bottom Sediment and Transportation Process of Sediment Particles in a Semi-enclosed Bay
Studies on Analyses of Organotin Compounds and Nonylphenol Isomers
Dietary intake of Organotin compounds in Finland: A market-basket study Part A Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment
Organotin (IV) derivatives neurotoxicity and their modulation by Baclofen
Licensing of Organotin Antifouling Paint Pest Control Applicators in Florida
Eco-Physiological and Molecular Biological Studies on Organotin Tolerant Marine Bacteria of Goa
Spectral studies and in vitro bio-potential of new Organotin (IV) complexes of 2-Benzyl-2-Maleimido acetic acid
Structural study on a sulfido-bridged dinuclear Organotin (IV) complex with weak Sn··· Sn bonding
Transference of Cytosolic Calcium to Nucleus in Neurons by Organotin Exposure
Organotin (IV) Complexes With O’O Donor Atoms From Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Biological study of di-Organotin (IV) complex [Bu2Sn (naproxen) 2] with the anti-inflammatory Naproxen as ligand.
Ion-pair reversed-phase chromatography for speciation of Organotin compounds
Thermal Characterization of Organotin Compound (TPT) using DTA, DSC and TG Thermal Analyses
Synthesis of benzyl acetate catalyzed by Organotin compounds containing silicon
New Organotin (IV) heteropolynuclear complexes containing [SnPh2Cl2X]-(X= Cl, Br): Synthesis and spectroscopic studies
Ranking of (neuro) developmental toxicity of Organotin com-pounds in zebrafish relative to their in vivo potencies
Organotin (IV) complexes and their biological study with Azine/Schiff base ligands containing NN/ON-donor atoms
Effect of Organotin tributyltin chloride on oxygen consumption of Macrobrachium kistnensis.
Synthesis, Spectral and Antibacterial Studies of Some Organotin (IV) Complexes With Semi-Synthetic Penicillins
Computational modeling studies of the structures and properties of Organotin (IV) and stannyl-thioether systems with comparisons to X-ray crystallography
Sn Organotin Compounds: Part 13: Other R3Sn-Oxygen Compounds, R2R′ Sn-and RR′ R′′ Sn-Oxygen Compounds
Adsorption of Organotin compounds on nano metal oxide/silica, activated carbon and fly ash composite materials
Histopathology and Lipofuscin Accumulation of the Ark Shell, Scapharca broughtonii Transplanted to Organotin-polluted Areas
Aging Complexities Induced by the Organotin Catalyst in Foamed Polysiloxane Elastomers
Modeling Mixtures of Organotin Compounds Leached From Polyvinyl Chloride Pipes Used in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
High resolution magic angle spinning (hr-MAS) NMR spectroscopy for the investigation of grafted Organotin catalysts at the solid-liquid inferface
Activation of RXR-PPAR heterodimers by Organotin environmental endocrine disruptors
Abstract B87: In vitro DNA binding studies of S‐ and R‐enantiomers of Organotin complexes: Antitumor activity of S‐enantiomer against human tumor cell lines
New Organotin (IV)-Phosphoramidate Complex: Cis-Dichlorido-Trans-Dimethyl-Cis-Bis (N, N′, N ″-Tricyclopentylphosphoric Triamide) Tin (IV)
Synthesis, characterization and biological activities of Organotin (IV) complexes with vitamin K3-2-hydrazinopyridine: X-ray crystal structure of vitamin K3-2 …
Spectroscopic Investigation of Organotin (IV) Derivatives of 7-Epiclusianone: A preliminaryin vitroAntitumor Evaluation of the HN-5 Human Carcinoma Cell Flaviana T …
Automated Headspace SPME-Retention Time Locked-Isotope Dilution GC/MS for the Analysis of Organotin Compounds in Water and Sediment Samples
Synthesis, characterization, structure and biological applications of Organotin-IV-complexes of 5-e-2-aryl-1-diazenyl-quinolin-8-ol
Study of polluted oysters from Arcachon Bay by chemical and biomolecular speciation methods: Organotin compounds
Relation of Excessive Accumulation of Calcium and Calcium-dependent Apoptotic Cell Death in the Organotin-exposed Olfactory System
Organotin functionalities grafted onto insoluble polystyrene as catalysts for the Ring-Opening Polymerization of E-caprolactone
New pathways in Organotin speciation: LC-ICP/MS by using a novel imprinted stationary phase
High Resolution MAS 1H, 13C, 119Sn NMR as a Powerful Tool for linvestigations on Grafted Organotin Catalysts in Transesterification Reactions
Developmental effects of chemicals: neonatal estrogen induced vaginal changes and prenatal Organotin induced adipogenesis in mice
Electrochemical research in chemical hydrogen storage materials: Sodium borohydride and Organotin hydrides
Advanced NMR as a Tool for Monitoring the Catalytic Process at the Solid-liquid Interface of Organotin Functionaltities Grafted on to Insoluble Polystrene: the Ring …
An efficient and recyclable mono-Organotin trichloride catalyst grafted by a C11-spacer to cross-linked polystyrene
A novel Organotin-substituted polyoxomolybdate clusterElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Selected bond lengths and angles for 1. Diagrams of the …
Supporting Information for Potassium Carbonate-Silica: A Highly Effective Stationary Phase for the Chromatographic Removal of Organotin Impurities.
Study of acute toxicity of Organotin tributyltin chloride on the freshwater bivalve mollusc, Lamellidens marginalis from Godavari River at Maharashtra State, India.
Grafted Organotin Catalysts in Transesterification Reactions and Process Monitoring by High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (hr-MAS NMR) Spectroscopy
Determination of Organotin compounds by capillary electrophoresis with triple pulsed amperometric detection at mercury film microelectrode
Non-covalent interactions in Organotin (IV) derivatives of 5, 7-ditertbutyl-and 5, 7-diphenyl-1, 2, 4-triazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidine as recognition motifs in crystalline self …
An Efficient and Recyclable Grafted Mono-Organotin Trichloride Catalyst: High Catalytic Activity in Transesterification and Ring Opening Polymerisation of E …
Functionalized bis (pyrazol-1-yl) methanes by Organotin halide on the methine carbon atom and their related reactions
Polystyrene grafted Organotin functionalities as catalysts for the Ring Opening Polymerization of epsilon-caprolactone: Advanced NMR monitoring of the catalytic …
Organotin containing crown ethers substituted ferrocene, ferrocenophanes for simultaneous complexation of cations and anions
Synthesis and characterization of an 8-membered ringlet and a novel sodium Organotin carboxylic polymer
Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 3A1/2 by Organotin Compound Di-N-Butyl-(4-chlorobenzohydroxamato) tin (IV) Chloride in Rat Liver and BRL Cells
Interaction of 5 [variant prime]-Guanosine Monophosphate with Organotin (IV) Moieties: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Anti-Inflammatory Activity
Sulphur (IV) compounds as ligands. XX: Adduct formation and ring opening of thiirane-1-oxide with Organotin halides. Crystal structure of [(4-FC6H4) 2SnC12 …
History on Organotin compounds, from snails to humans
Review of Organotin compounds: chemistry and applications
Organotin polymers as anticancer and antiviral agents
Anticancer activity of Organotin (IV) carboxylates
Deprotonation of Organogermanium and Organotin Trihydrides
Medicinal properties of Organotin compounds and their limitations caused by toxicity
Organotin (IV) dithiocarbamate complexes: Chemistry and biological activity
Anti-proliferative and antitumor activity of Organotin (IV) compounds. An overview of the last decade and future perspectives
The Synthesis, characterization and comparative anticorrosion study of some Organotin (IV) 4-chlorobenzoates
Potentially bioactive Organotin (IV) compounds: synthesis, characterization, in vitro bioactivities and interaction with SS-DNA
Recent advancements in Organotin (IV) complexes as potential anticancer agents
Methodologies limiting or avoiding contamination by Organotin residues in organic synthesis
Synthesis, characterization and biological activities of Organotin (IV) diallyldithiocarbamate complexes
Rational design of Organotin polyesters
Antituberculosis study of Organotin (IV) complexes: A review
Organotin (IV)‐loaded mesoporous silica as a biocompatible strategy in cancer treatment
A review of strategies for the detection and remediation of Organotin pollution
Organotin exposure and vertebrate reproduction: a review
Organic Cation‐Dependent Degradation Mechanism of Organotin Halide Perovskites
Initial Organotin chemistry
Synthesis, characterization, biological activities, crystal structure and DNA binding of Organotin (IV) 5-chlorosalicylates
Synthesis of industrially relevant carbamates towards isocyanates using carbon dioxide and Organotin (IV) alkoxides
Photostabilization of poly (vinyl chloride) by Organotin (IV) compounds against photodegradation
Optimization of Organotin polymers for dielectric applications
Organotin carboxylate reagents for nanopatterning: chemical transformations during direct-write electron beam processes
Regioselective benzylation of diols and polyols by catalytic amounts of an Organotin reagent
Organotin contamination in seafood and its implication for human health risk in Hong Kong
Multifunctional silica-based nanoparticles with controlled release of Organotin metallodrug for targeted theranosis of breast cancer
A nitrogen-base catalyzed generation of Organotin (II) hydride from an Organotin trihydride under reductive dihydrogen elimination
Synthesis, antiradical activity and in vitro cytotoxicity of novel Organotin complexes based on 2, 6-di-tert-butyl-4-mercaptophenol
Microextraction techniques used in the procedures for determining organomercury and Organotin compounds in environmental samples
Investigating the structural chemistry of Organotin (IV) compounds: recent advances
Homologation of halostannanes with carbenoids: a convenient and straightforward one-step access to α-functionalized Organotin reagents
Organotin-based receptors for anions and ion pairs
Photostabilizing efficiency of poly (vinyl chloride) in the presence of Organotin (IV) complexes as photostabilizers
Di-and tri-Organotin (IV) complexes of arylhydrazones of methylene active compounds and their antiproliferative activity
Synthesis and biological activities of Organotin (IV) carboxylates: a review
Two-photon active Organotin (IV) carboxylate complexes for visualization of anticancer action
Syntheses, structures and anti-tumor activity of four new Organotin (IV) carboxylates based on 2-thienylselenoacetic acid
Synthesis and comparative study on the antibacterial activity Organotin (IV) 3-hydroxybenzoate compounds
Effect of oxygen on thermal and radiation-induced chemistries in a model Organotin photoresist
Imposex and Organotin compounds in ports of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic: is the story over?
Synthesis and biological activities of Organotin (IV) complexes as antitumoral and antimicrobial agents. A review
Organotin contamination in commercial and wild oysters from China: Increasing occurrence of triphenyltin
Unveiling predominant air-stable Organotin bromide perovskite toward mechanical energy harvesting
Organotin release from polyvinyl chloride microplastics and concurrent photodegradation in water: Impacts from salinity, dissolved organic matter, and light exposure
Long-term spatio-temporal trends of Organotin contaminations in the marine environment of Hong Kong
Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of N-methyl-N-phenyldithiocarbamate
Recent advancements in DNA interaction studies of Organotin (IV) complexes
Newly designed Organotin (IV) carboxylates with peptide linkage: synthesis, structural elucidation, physicochemical characterizations and pharmacological …
Synthesis of carvedilol–Organotin complexes and their effects on reducing photodegradation of Poly (Vinyl Chloride)
Exploration of Organotin (IV) derivatives for medicinal applications: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, structural elucidation and molecular docking study
Mechanochemically driven transformations in Organotin chemistry: stereochemical rearrangement, redox behavior, and dispersion-stabilized complexes
Tellurotungstate-based Organotin–rare-earth heterometallic hybrids with four organic components
Association of placenta Organotin concentrations with growth and ponderal index in 110 newborn boys from Finland during the first 18 months of life: a cohort …
Structural basis for PPARγ transactivation by endocrine-disrupting Organotin compounds
Organotin compounds in surface sediments of the Southern Baltic coastal zone: a study on the main factors for their accumulation and degradation
Substituted Organotin complexes of 4-methoxybenzoic acid for reduction of poly (vinyl chloride) photodegradation
Organotin (IV) carboxylate derivatives as a new addition to anticancer and antileishmanial agents: design, physicochemical characterization and interaction with …
In vitro antimalarial activity of some Organotin (IV) 2-nitrobenzoate compounds against Plasmodium falciparum
Structure-activity relationships of new Organotin (IV) anticancer agents and their cytotoxicity profile on HL-60, MCF-7 and HeLa human cancer cell lines
Design of promising heptacoordinated Organotin (IV) complexes-PEDOT: pSS-Based composite for new-generation optoelectronic devices applications
Access to Base Adducts of Low‐Valent Organotin‐Hydride Compounds by Controlled, Stepwise Hydrogen Abstraction from a Tetravalent Organotin Trihydride
Frontiers in endocrine disruption: Impacts of Organotin on the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis
Molecular Tectonics with Di‐and Trinuclear Organotin Compounds
The effect of ultraviolet irradiation on the physicochemical properties of poly (vinyl chloride) films containing Organotin (IV) complexes as photostabilizers
Synthesis of telmisartan Organotin (IV) complexes and their use as carbon dioxide capture media
Organotin (IV) complexes derived from Schiff base N′-[(1E)-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) methylidene] pyridine-4-carbohydrazone: Synthesis, in vitro cytotoxicities …
Two-photon-active Organotin (IV) complexes for antibacterial function and superresolution bacteria imaging
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of Organotin (IV) diallyldithiocarbamate compounds as anticancer agent towards colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29)
Synthesis, structural characterization, and evaluation of biological activity of Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzaldehyde-N (4) …
Organotin (IV) carboxylates as an effective catalyst for the conversion of corn oil into biodiesel
Spectroscopic characterizations, structural peculiarities, molecular docking study and evaluation of biological potential of newly designed Organotin (IV) …
Synthesis, characterization, properties, and use of new fusidate Organotin complexes as additives to inhibit poly (vinyl chloride) photodegradation
Mechanistic Advantages of Organotin Molecular EUV Photoresists
Poly Organotin acetates against DNA with possible implementation on human breast cancer
Synthesis, structural characterization and in vitro antiproliferative effects of novel Organotin (iv) compounds with nicotinate and isonicotinate moieties on carcinoma …
Organotin (IV) based anti-HCV drugs: synthesis, characterization and biochemical activity
The Effect of UV Aging on the Structure of PVC in the Presence of Organotin (IV) Compounds
New Organotin(IV) complexes with N(4)-methylthiosemicarbazone derivatives prepared from 2,3-dihydroxybenzaldehyde and 2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzaldehyde …
Metabolomic responses of Haliotis diversicolor to Organotin compounds
Organotin compounds toxicity: focus on kidney
Anti-proliferative activity and DNA/BSA interactions of five mono-or di-Organotin (IV) compounds derived from 2-hydroxy-N′-[(2-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) …
Organotin (IV) complexes derived from hydrazone Schiff base: Synthesis, crystal structure, in vitro cytotoxicity and DNA/BSA interactions
Reactivity of organogermanium and Organotin trihydrides
Organotin (IV) complexes derived from 1, 4-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid: synthesis, structure, in vitro cytostatic activity
Site-and stereoselective c–h alkylations of carbohydrates enabled by cooperative photoredox, hydrogen atom transfer, and Organotin catalysis
Catalytic conversion of jojoba oil into biodiesel by Organotin catalysts, spectroscopic and chromatographic characterization
Biological screening, DNA interaction studies, and catalytic activity of Organotin (IV) 2-(4-ethylbenzylidene) butanoic acid derivatives: synthesis, spectroscopic …
Organotin-catalyzed regioselective benzylation of carbohydrate trans-diols
Anticarcinogenicity and toxicity of Organotin (IV) complexes: a review
Influence of functionalities on the structure and luminescent properties of Organotin (IV) dithiocarbamate complexes
Assessment of Organotin and tin-free antifouling paints contamination in the Korean coastal area
Developmental toxicity of Organotin compounds in animals
Total tin and Organotin speciation in historic layers of antifouling paint on leisure boat hulls
Hydrogen abstraction from Organotin di-and trihydrides by N-heterocyclic carbenes: a new method for the preparation of NHC adducts to tin (II) species and …
Organotin (IV) complexes derived from Schiff base N’-[(1E)-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) methylidene] pyridine-3-carbohydrazone: Synthesis, in vitro cytotoxicities …
A novel macrocyclic Organotin carboxylate containing a penta-nuclear long ladder
Pharmacological investigation of mono-, di-and tri-Organotin (IV) derivatives of carbodithioates: Design, spectroscopic characterization, interaction with SS-DNA and …
o-Vanillin Derived Schiff Bases and Their Organotin(IV) Compounds: Synthesis, Structural Characterisation, In-Silico Studies and Cytotoxicity
Study of passive sampler calibration (Chemcatcher®) for environmental monitoring of Organotin compounds: Matrix effect, concentration levels and laboratory vs in …
Organotin (IV) compounds with high catalytic activities and selectivities in the glycerolysis of triacylglycerides
Design and in vitro biological evaluation of a novel Organotin (IV) complex with 1-(4-carboxyphenyl)-3-ethyl-3-methylpyrrolidine-2, 5-dione
S⋅⋅⋅ Sn Tetrel Bonds in the Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator‐Activated Receptors (PPARs) by Organotin Molecules
Anti-tumor activity evaluation of novel chrysin–Organotin compound in MCF-7 cells
Synthesis and photophysical characterization of Organotin compounds derived from Schiff bases for organic light emitting diodes
Tin and Organotin coordination polymers and covalently bonded supramolecular materials–The last 15 years of research
Organotin contamination in sediments and aquatic organisms from the Yangtze Estuary and adjacent marine environments
Seasonal changes in Organotin compounds in sediments from the Bahía Blanca Estuary
The Organotin contaminants in food: Sources and methods for detection: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Kinetic Resolution of Tertiary Alcohols by Chiral Organotin-Catalyzed O-Acylation
Synthesis, crystal structure and biological activity of the Schiff base Organotin (IV) complexes based on salicylaldehyde-o-aminophenol
Organotin (IV) complexes derived from N-ethyl-N-phenyldithiocarbamate: Synthesis, characterization and thermal studies
Synthesis of Organotin polyesters from reaction of the salt of d-camphoric acid and Organotin dihalides and initial anticancer activity
Organotin in nonchemically amplified polymeric hybrid resist imparts better resolution with sensitivity for next-generation lithography
Organotin (IV) complexes of tridentate (O, N, O) Schiff base ligand: computational, spectroscopic and biological studies
Novel mono-and bimetallic Organotin (iv) compounds as potential linkers for coordination polymers
Therapeutic properties of Organotin complexes with reference to their structural and environmental features
Occurrence of Organotin compounds in seafood from Hong Kong market
Synthesis and thorough investigation of discrete Organotin telluride clusters
Ambient-Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Characterization of Radiation-Induced Chemistries of Organotin Clusters
Application of the experimental design of experiments (DoE) for the determination of Organotin compounds in water samples using HS-SPME and GC–MS/MS
Organotin (IV) derivatives of o-isobutyl carbonodithioate: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, X-ray structure, HOMO/LUMO and in vitro biological activities
Organotin compounds cause structure-dependent induction of progesterone in human choriocarcinoma Jar cells
Migration study of Organotin compounds from food packaging by surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Implications of crystal structure on Organotin carboxylate photoresists
Synthesis, characterization, antimicrobial activities, and QSAR studies of Organotin (IV) complexes
A multi-photon fluorescence “on-off-on” probe based on Organotin (IV) complex for high-sensitive detection of Cu2+
Novel Organotin (IV) complexes derived from 4-carboxybenzenesulfonamide: Synthesis, structure and in vitro cytostatic activity evaluation
Synthesis, photophysical properties and structures of Organotin-Schiff bases utilizing aromatic amino acid from the chiral pool and evaluation of the biological …
Synthesis, characterization, crystal structures and anti-diabetic activity of Organotin (IV) complexes with 2-(4-hydroxynaphthylazo)-benzoic acid
Two novel macrocyclic Organotin (IV) carboxylates based on bipyrazoledicarboxylic acid derivatives: Syntheses, crystal structures and antifungal activities
Low-line edge roughness extreme ultraviolet photoresists of Organotin carboxylates
Organotin (IV) derivatives with 5, 7-disubstituted-1, 2, 4-triazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidine and their cytotoxic activities: The importance of being conformers
New application of fluorescent Organotin compounds derived from Schiff bases: synthesis, X-ray structures, photophysical properties, cytotoxicity and fluorescent …
Study of the effect of molecular structure and alkyl groups bound with tin (IV) on their cytotoxicity of Organotin (IV) 2-phenyl-4-selenazole carboxylates
Organotin persistence in contaminated marine sediments and porewaters: In situ degradation study using species-specific stable isotopic tracers
A review of Organotin contamination in arctic and subarctic regions
Novel Organotin (IV) complexes derived from 4-fluorophenyl-selenoacetic acid: synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytostatic activity evaluation
Antioxidative vs cytotoxic activities of Organotin complexes bearing 2,6‐di‐tert‐butylphenol moieties
Homobimetallic Organotin (IV) complexes with hexadentate Schiff base: Synthesis, crystal structure and antimicrobial studies
A fast and effective routine method based on HS-SPME–GC–MS/MS for the analysis of Organotin compounds in biota samples
Hirshfeld surface analysis of new Organotin (IV)-phosphoramide complexes
Mode of action of tin-based anti-proliferative agents: Biological studies of Organotin (IV) derivatives of fatty acids
Synthesis, structural properties, DFT studies, antimicrobial activities and DNA binding interactions of two newly synthesized Organotin (IV) carboxylates
Exploration of fluorescent Organotin compounds of α-amino acid Schiff bases for the detection of organophosphorous chemical warfare agents: quantification of …
Hepatic tumor formation in adult mice developmentally exposed to Organotin
Some insight into the mode of cytotoxic action of Organotin compounds with protective 2, 6-di-tert-butylphenol fragments
Synthesis, characterization, semiempirical and biological activities of Organotin (IV) carboxylates with 4-piperidinecarboxylic acid
Synthesis, X-ray diffraction analysis and nonlinear optical properties of hexacoordinated Organotin compounds derived from Schiff bases
Organotin (IV) carboxylates as promising potential drug candidates in the field of cancer chemotherapy
Imparting Superhydrophobicity to Porphyrinic Coordination Frameworks Using Organotin
Simultaneous determination of Organotin pesticides by HPLC-ICP-MS and their sorption, desorption, and transformation in freshwater sediments
High-Resolution Lithographic Patterning with Organotin Films: Role of CO2 in Differential Dissolution Rates
Organotin (IV) hypervalent pseudohalides. Synthesis and structural characterization
Anti-cancer activity of di-and tri-Organotin (IV) compounds with D-(+)-Galacturonic acid on human tumor cells
Spectroscopic and X-ray structural characterization of new Organotin carboxylates and their in vitro antifungal activities
Low impact leaching agents as remediation media for Organotin and metal contaminated sediments
Synthesis, characterization, crystal structures, QSAR study and antibacterial activities of Organotin bisphosphoramidates
Carbohydrate linked Organotin (IV) complexes as human topoisomerase Iα inhibitor and their antiproliferative effects against the human carcinoma cell line
Raman fingerprints for unambiguous identification of Organotin compounds
Role of folic acid in the therapeutic action of nanostructured porous silica functionalized with Organotin (IV) compounds against different cancer cell lines
Multiphoton absorption iridium (III)–Organotin (IV) dimetal complex with AIE behavior for both sensitive detection of tyrosine and antibacterial activity
Synthesis, characterization, and cytotoxicity study of Organotin (IV) complexes involving different dithiocarbamate groups
Potential bioactive Vanillin–Schiff base di-and tri-Organotin (IV) complexes of 4-((3, 5-dimethylphenylimino) methyl)-2-methoxyphenol: synthesis, characterization and …
Bronze, silver and gold: functionalized group 11 Organotin sulfide clusters
Concentration of Organotin and booster biocides in sediments of seagrass area from Sungai Pulai Estuary, South of Johor, Malaysia
Synthesis and evaluation of the antibiotic and adjuvant antibiotic potential of Organotin (IV) derivatives
Organotin derivatives of cholic acid induce apoptosis into breast cancer cells and interfere with mitochondrion; Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation
Phthalates, Organotin compounds and per-polyfluoroalkyl substances in semiconfined areas of the Spanish coast: Occurrence, sources and risk assessment
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and biological screening of levofloxacin based Organotin (IV) derivatives
Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of Organotin compounds and their application as luminescent dye in silk fibroin scaffolds
Organotin (IV) N-butyl-N-phenyldithiocarbamate complexes: Synthesis, characterization, biological evaluation and molecular docking studies
Structure and surface analysis of ibuprofen-Organotin conjugate: Potential anti-cancer drug candidacy of the compound is proven by in-vitro DNA binding and …
Organotin (IV) 4-(benzo [d][1, 3] dioxol-5-ylmethyl) piperazine-1-carbodithioates: Synthesis, characterization and biological activities
Study of cytotoxic and photodynamic activities of dyads composed of a zinc phthalocyanine appended to an Organotin
Organotin Compounds in Industrial Catalysis III: Vulcanization of Blocked Isocyanates and Silicones
Organotin (IV) derivatives based on 2-((2-methoxyphenyl) carbamoyl) benzoic acid: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, assessment of antibacterial, DNA …
Organotin dyes bearing anionic boron clusters as cell‐staining fluorescent probes
Mono-and dinuclear Organotin (IV) complexes for solvent free cycloaddition of CO2 to epoxides at ambient pressure
Photostabilization of poly (vinyl chloride) films blended with Organotin complexes of mefenamic acid for outdoor applications
In vitro and in vivo biological characterization of the anti-proliferative potential of a cyclic trinuclear Organotin (iv) complex
Organotin complexes with promising therapeutic potential
Glutamine conjugated Organotin (IV) Schiff base compounds: Synthesis, structure, and anticancer properties
Hybrid Organotin and tin oxide-based thin films processed from alkynylOrganotins: synthesis, characterization, and gas sensing properties.
Cytotoxic activity of Organotin carboxylates based on synthetic phenolic antioxidants and polycyclic bile acids
Disruption of fertility, placenta, pregnancy outcome, and multigenerational inheritance of hepatic steatosis by Organotin exposure from contaminated seafood in rats
Interaction of Organotin compounds with three major glutathione S-transferases in zebrafish
Functional characterization of retinoid X receptor with an emphasis on the mediation of Organotin poisoning in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas)
Sensing and photocatalytic properties of nanosized Cu (I) CN Organotin supramolecular coordination polymer based on pyrazine
Organotin Compounds in Industrial Catalysis, Part I: Processes of (Trans) esterification
Toxicity of Organotin compounds and the ecological risk of organic tin with co-existing contaminants in aquatic organisms
Synthesis, characterization and in vitro biological evaluation of novel Organotin (IV) compounds with derivatives of 2-(5-arylidene-2, 4-dioxothiazolidin-3-yl) propanoic …
Assessing the association of mitochondrial function and inflammasome activation in murine macrophages exposed to select mitotoxic tri-Organotin compounds
Schiff base supported mononuclear Organotin (IV) complexes: Syntheses, structures and fluorescence cell imaging
Syntheses, structures and anti-tumor activity of four Organotin (iv) dicarboxylates based on (1, 3, 4-thiadiazole-2, 5-diyldithio) diacetic acid
Determination of Organotin compounds in waters by headspace solid phase microextraction gas chromatography triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry under …
Organotin selenide clusters and hybrid capsules
Heterobimetallic complexes composed of bismuth and lithium carboxylates as polyurethane catalysts–alternatives to Organotin compounds
Organotin (IV) compounds derived from ibuprofen and cinnamic acids, an alternative into design of anti-inflammatory by the cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2) …
Ecological quality status of the Adriatic coastal waters evaluated by the Organotin pollution biomonitoring
The impact of Organotin pollution on aquatic invertebrate communities—are molluscs the only group whose populations have been affected?
Spatio-temporal variation of Organotin compounds in seawater and sediments from Cape Town harbour, South Africa using gas chromatography with flame …
Novel Organotin complexes derived from 2, 2′-selenodiacetic acid: synthesis and biological evaluation
Exploration of glycosylated-Organotin (IV) complexes as anticancer drug candidates
Effect of ambient conditions on radiation-induced chemistries of a nanocluster Organotin photoresist for next-generation EUV nanolithography
Levels of TBT and other selected Organotin compounds in duplicate diet samples
Cytotoxic activity of Organotin (iv) derivatives with triazolopyrimidine containing exocyclic oxygen atoms
Pharmacological investigations and Petra/Osiris/Molinspiration (POM) analyses of newly synthesized potentially bioactive Organotin (IV) carboxylates
Synthesis, characterization, biological screenings and molecular docking study of Organotin (IV) derivatives of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Effect of the orientation and fluid flow on the accumulation of Organotin compounds to Chemcatcher passive samplers
Molecular Memory Switching Device Based on a Tetranuclear Organotin Sulfide Cage [(RSnIV)4(μ-S)6]·2CHCl3·4H2O (R = 2-(Phenylazo)phenyl): Synthesis …
Development and evaluation of a new diffusive gradients in thin-films technique for measuring Organotin compounds in coastal sediment pore water
Chiral‐Organotin‐Catalyzed Kinetic Resolution of Vicinal Amino Alcohols
Regioselective mono and multiple alkylation of diols and polyols catalyzed by Organotin and its applications on the synthesis of value-added carbohydrate …
Organotin polymers for the control of pancreatic cancer
Levels and assessment of Organotin contamination at Futian Mangrove Wetland in Shenzhen, China
Organotin complexes containing carboxylate ligands with maleimide and naphthalimide derived partial structures: TrxR inhibition, cytotoxicity and activity in resistant …
Ternary Mixed‐Valence Organotin Copper Selenide Clusters
New homobimetallic Organotin (IV) dithiocarbamates as potent antileishmanial agents
Two novel macrocyclic Organotin (IV) carboxylates based on amide carboxylic acids
Low levels of PAHs and Organotin compounds in surface sediment samples from a broad marine area of 25 de Mayo (King George) Island, South Shetland Islands
Development and characterization of a human reporter cell line for the assessment of thyroid receptor transcriptional activity: a case of Organotin endocrine disruptors
Reactivity studies on an intramolecularly coordinated Organotin (iv) carbonate
Low Organotin contamination of harbour sediment in Svalbard
Organotin (IV) complexes of carboxylate derivative as potential chemotherapeutic agents against Leishmania
Control of prostate cancer using Organotin polymers
Chemistry of Some Organotin Compounds
Organotin compounds in Brachidontes rodriguezii mussels from the Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina
Organotin exposure stimulates steroidogenesis in H295R Cell via cAMP pathway
Antitumor active Organotin compounds
Expanding the family of C, N-chelated Organotin (IV) pseudohalides: synthesis and structural characterization
Synthesis, characterization, antimicrobial, cytotoxic, DNA-interaction, molecular docking and DFT studies of novel di-and tri-Organotin (IV) carboxylates using 3-(3 …
Silica-surface reorganization during Organotin grafting evidenced by 119 Sn DNP SENS: a tandem reaction of gem-silanols and strained siloxane bridges
Introducing Distinct Structural and Optical Properties into Organotin Sulfide Clusters by the Attachment of Perylenyl and Corannulenyl Groups
Multi-photon absorption Organotin complex for bioimaging and promoting ROS generation
Synthesis, spectroscopy, single crystal XRD and biological studies of multinuclear Organotin dicarboxylates
Synthesis, characterization and the use of Organotin (IV) dithiocarbamate complexes as precursor to tin sulfide nanoparticles by heat up approach
Cellular basis of Organotin (IV) derivatives as anticancer metallodrugs: a review
Organotin (IV) carboxylate complexes containing polyether oxygen chains with two-photon absorption in the near infrared region and their anticancer activity
Spectroscopic and X‐ray structural characterization of new polymeric Organotin(IV) carboxylates and their in vitro antifungal activities: Part II
Characterization of antimicrobial effect of Organotin-based catalysts on diesel–biodiesel deteriogenic microorganisms
Organotin(IV) complexes of NSAID, ibuprofen, X‐ray structure of Ph3Sn(IBF), binding and cleavage interaction with DNA and in vitro cytotoxic studies of several …
Organotin metalloligands for selective sensing of metal ions
Microwave-assisted synthesis, third-order nonlinear optical properties, voltammetry cyclic and theoretical calculations of Organotin compounds bearing push–pull …
Synthesis, structural and in vitro biological evaluation of diamondoid-decorated lipophilic Organotin (IV) derivatives
Design, synthesis, molecular docking studies of Organotin-drug derivatives as multi-target agents against antibacterial, antifungal, α-amylase, α-glucosidase and …
Organotin(IV) complexes with 2-hydroxynaphthaldehyde-N(4)-ethylthiosemicarbazone: Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro antibacterial activity
Synthesis, Structural and Biological Studies of Organotin (IV) Complexes with N-(Dithiocarboxy) Sarcosine
Photo-Physical Studies of PVC Mixed with Organotin (IV) Complexes
Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of fluorescent Organotin complexes of terpyridine derivatives
No such thing as a free meal: Organotin transfer across the freshwater–terrestrial interface
Identification of commercial and recreational vessels coated with banned Organotin paint through screening of tin by portable XRF
Effects of Organotin halide perovskite and Pt nanoparticles in SnO2-based sensing materials on the detection of formaldehyde
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, biological screening, and theoretical studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of semicarbazone and thiosemicarbazones …
One-pot microwave-assisted synthesis of Organotin Schiff bases: an optical and electrochemical study towards their effects in organic solar cells
Ionic liquid supported Organotin reagents to prepare molecular imaging and therapy agents
Octanuclear Organotin Copper Sulfide Cage [(RSnCu) 4 (μ3-S) 8]· 2CHCl3 (R= 2-phenylazophenyl) Assembled using Intramolecular Coordination Approach …
Synthesis, structure and in vitro cytostatic activity study of the novel Organotin (IV) derivatives of p-aminobenzenesulfonic acid
Synthesis, structural characterization, density functional theory calculations and biological evaluation of a new Organotin(IV) complex containing N‐isonicotinyl‐N’,N″‐diaryl …
Organotin (IV) complexes with sulphonyl hydrazide moiety. Design, synthesis, characterization, docking studies, cytotoxic and anti-leishmanial activity
Peptide-functionalized Organotin sulfide clusters
Control of breast cancer using Organotin polymers
Heterometallic cluster coordination polymers assembled from cuprous-halide clusters and Organotin–oxygen pyridinecarboxylate clusters
Liquid membrane transport of potassium fluoride by the Organotin-based ditopic host Ph 2 FSnCH 2 SnFPh-CH 2-[19]-crown-6
Organotin Polymers As Chemotherapeutic Agents: Breast and Pancreatic Cancers.
Organotin carboxylate catalyst in urethane formation in a polar solvent: an experimental and computational study
Synthesis and characteristics of Organotin-based catalysts for acetylene hydrochlorination
Porous silver coating fiber for rapidly screening Organotin compounds by solid phase microextraction coupled with surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Occurrence of Organotin compounds in river sediments under the dynamic water level conditions in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China
The reaction of (tert-Butoxysilyl) methylmagnesium chlorides with some Organotin and organosilicon monochlorides
Determination of Organotin compounds in sediment samples by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by gas chromatography–pulsed flame photometric …
A series of two-photon absorption Organotin (IV) cyano carboxylate derivatives for targeting nuclear and visualization of anticancer activities
Bioconcentration of Organotin Cations during Molting Inhibits Heterocypris incongruens Growth
Supramolecular architecture of Organotin (IV) 4-hydroxypiperidine dithiocarbamates: Crystallographic, computational and Hirshfeld surface analyses
Disruptive effect of Organotin on thyroid gland function might contribute to hypothyroidism
Organotin polymers as antiviral agents including inhibition of Zika and Vaccinia viruses
Synthesis, spectroscopic, X-ray crystal structure, biological and DNA interaction studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of 2-(4-ethoxybenzylidene) butanoic acid
Dinuclear Organotin (IV) coordination polymers derived from Schiff bases with l-aspartic acid
SnS and SnS2 thin films deposited using a spin‐coating technique from intramolecularly coordinated Organotin sulfides
Pentaerythritol stearate ester-based tin (II) metal alkoxides: A tri-functional Organotin as poly (vinyl chloride) thermal stabilizers
The chemical reactivity study of Organotin (IV) 4-aminobenzoates using cyclic voltammetry and antioxidant activity test by the DPPH method
Structure and characterization of Organotin bimetallic supramolecular coordination polymers based on copper cyanide building blocks and pyrazine or pyrazine‐2 …
Levels of Organotin compounds in selected fish species from the Arabian Gulf
Synthesis, structural characterization, theoretical calculations and in vitro biological activities of Organotin (IV) complexes with [O, O] donor ligand
Aquatic ecotoxicology and water quality criteria of three Organotin compounds: a review
Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Organotin (IV) Complexes featuring di-2-ethylhexyldithiocarbamate and N-methylbutyldithiocarbamate …
Organotin (IV) azepane dithiocarbamates: Synthesis and characterization of the first Organotin (IV) complexes with seven-membered cyclic dithiocarbamates
Synthesis and structural characterization of monomeric and polymeric supramolecular Organotin (IV) 4-chlorophenylethanoates
Organotin compounds in sediments of Northern Lakes, Egypt
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) semiconductors and their applications in optoelectronics
Characterization and comparison of transcriptional activities of the retinoid X receptors by various Organotin compounds in three prosobranch gastropods; Thais …
Organic–Inorganic Two-Dimensional Hybrid Networks Constructed from Pyridine-4-Carboxylate-Decorated Organotin–Lanthanide Heterometallic Antimotungstates
Dinuclear Organotin compounds carrying naphthylene-and biphenylene-spacer groups
Synthesis, characterization, thermal, and antibacterial studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of indole-3-butyric acid and indole-3-propionic acid
Reactions of Imidazolio‐Phosphides with Organotin Chlorides: Surprisingly Diverse
The toxicology and biological properties of Organotin compounds
Structural peculiarities and anticancer activities of two Organotin compounds
Differential Organotin sensitivity in two Leucozonia species from a ship traffic area in southeastern Brazil
… liquid chromatography–sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method for simultaneous determination of six Organotin compounds in human …
Synthesis, characterization, semi-empirical study, and biological activities of Organotin(IV) and transition metal complexes with o-methyl carbonodithioate
Synthesis, biological activity and QSAR studies of Organotin (IV) and organosilicon (IV) complexes
Five Organotin complexes derived from hydroxycinnamic acid ligands: Synthesis, structure, in vitro cytostatic activity and binding interaction with BSA
Synthesis, Characterization, Biological Activity and Molecular Docking Studies of Novel Organotin (IV) Carboxylates.
Spatiotemporal distribution of Organotin compounds in the coastal water of the Bahía Blanca estuary (Argentina)
Spatiotemporal variation and source apportionment of Organotin compounds in sediments in the Yangtze Estuary
The Organotin coordination polymer [(n-Bu3Sn) 4Fe (CN) 6H2O] as effective catalyst towards the oxidative degradation of methylene blue
Metal load and oxidative stress driven by Organotin compounds on rainbow trout
Mesoporous silica-anchored Organotin as heterogeneous catalyst for the transesterification of dimethyl carbonate with phenol
The synthesis of low-viscosity Organotin-free moisture-curable silane-terminated poly (urethane-urea) s
Organotin(IV) complexes derived from proteinogenic amino acid: synthesis, structure and evaluation of larvicidal efficacy on Anopheles stephensi mosquito larvae
Plasma biomarkers in juvenile marine fish provide evidence for endocrine modulation potential of Organotin compounds
Di-and tri-Organotin (IV) complexes derived from aryltelluronic acids: Synthesis, structural characterization and in vitro cytotoxicities
Speciation and quantification of Organotin compounds in Lagos harbour, Nigeria
Spatio-temporal comparisons of imposex status and tissue Organotin concentration in the whelk Reishia clavigera collected along the coasts of Dapeng Bay and Daya …
Studies on DNA interaction of Organotin (IV) complexes of meso-tetra (4-sulfonatophenyl) porphine that show cellular activity
Microwave-assisted synthesis of mixed ligands Organotin (IV) complexes of 1, 10-phenanthroline and l-proline: physicochemical characterization, DFT …
Reduction of C, O-chelated Organotin (IV) dichlorides and dihydrides leading to protected polystannanes
“S” shaped Organotin (IV) carboxylates based on amide carboxylic acids: syntheses, crystal structures and antitumor activities
Conformational analysis of two new Organotin (IV) structures completed with a CSD survey
Tin and mercury and their speciation (Organotin compounds and methylmercury) in worldwide red wine samples determined by ICP-MS and GC-ICP-MS
Catalysts for the Direct Synthesis of Organotin Compounds, Part 1: Reactions between Organohalides and Tin Alloys
A temporal and spatial monitoring of Organotin pollution in a harborside region of Brazil by imposex and ecological quality ratio using Leucozonia nassa
Mononuclear homoleptic Organotin (IV) dithiocarbamates: Syntheses, structures and antimicrobial activities
Indium (III) and Organotin (IV) 2-(methoxycarbonyl) benzenethiolates: Synthesis, structure and properties
Structure and applications of Organotin complex based on trimethyltin cation and quinaldic acid
Synthesis and initial cancer cell results of Organotin polyethers derived from the anticoagulant dicumarol
Influence of coordinating groups of Organotin compounds on the Fries rearrangement of diphenyl carbonate
Structural and biochemical characterization of Organotin and organolead compounds binding to the organomercurial lyase MerB provide new insights into its …
Trapping of ZnCl 2 by bipyridyl-functionalized Organotin sulfide clusters, and its effect on optical properties
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin polyesters derived from 3, 5-pyridinedicarboxylic acid
Organotin (IV) complexes derived from Schiff base 1, 3-bis [(1E)-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl) ethylidene] thiourea: synthesis, spectral investigation and biological study to …
Ultrasonic Assisted Nano-structures of Novel Organotin Supramolecular Coordination Polymers as Potent Antitumor Agents
Synthesis of an Organotin Specific Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Organotin Passive Sampling in Seawater
Organotin Schiff bases as halofluorochromic dyes: green synthesis, chemio-photophysical characterization, DFT, and their fluorescent bioimaging in vitro
Synthesis, characterization, and antioxidant material activities of Organotin (IV) carboxylates with tin-para methoxy benzoic acid
Organotin bond dissociation energies: An interesting challenge for contemporary computational methods
From Organotin hydrides to heteronuclear main group metal compounds: isolation of the first neutral bismuth/tin clusters
Effects of an Organotin compound on radiation-induced reactions of extreme-ultraviolet resists utilizing polarity change and radical crosslinking
Why are Organotin hydride reductions of organic halides so frequently retarded? kinetic studies, analyses, and a few remedies
Synthesis, structural characterization, in vitro cytotoxicities, and BSA interaction of di-Organotin(IV) complexes derived from salicylaldehyde nicotinoyl hydrazone
Pharmacological evaluation of newly synthesized Organotin IV complex for antiulcer potential
Water stable fluorescent Organotin (IV) compounds: aggregation induced emission enhancement and recognition of lead ions in an aqueous system
Cytotoxic effect, antitumour activity and toxicity of Organotin derivatives with ortho-or para-hydroxy-benzoic acids
119Sn NMR spectral data of Organotin (IV) complexes–A review
Comparison of toxicities of metal pyrithiones including their degradation compounds and Organotin antifouling biocides to the Japanese killifish Oryzias latipes
Effect of an Organotin catalyst on the physicochemical properties and biocompatibility of castor oil-based polyurethane/cellulose composites
Nanoscale supramolecular architectures assembly of copper cyanide, Organotin, and 1, 10‐phenanthroline coordination polymers: Design and biological applications
Dimeric platinum–stannylene complexes by twofold ligand transfer from an NHC adduct to an Organotin (ii) hydride
SnS2 and SnO2 Nanoparticles Obtained from Organotin(IV) Dithiocarbamate Complex and Their Photocatalytic Activities on Methylene Blue
Ultrasensitive determination of Organotin compounds in plastic food packaging and edible oils by sheathless capillary electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-mass …
Organotin (IV) complexes derived from tridentate Schiff base ligands: Synthesis, spectroscopic analysis, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity
The use of isotopically enriched tin tracers to follow the transformation of Organotin compounds in landfill leachate
In vitro evaluation of antiproliferative properties of novel Organotin (IV) carboxylate compounds with propanoic acid derivatives on a panel of human cancer cell lines
Luminescent Silk Fibroin with Organotin Compounds from Amino Acid Schiff Bases–Microwave‐Assisted Synthesis, Chemo‐Optical Characterization, Cytotoxicity, and …
Molecular Cage Assembly by Sn− O− Sn Bridging of Di‐, Tri‐and Tetranuclear Organotin Tectons: Extending the Spacing in Double Ladder Structures
… structures, DFT studies and their photophysical properties in solution and solid state. Microwave-assisted multicomponent synthesis of Organotin bearing Schiff bases
Levels of tin and Organotin compounds in human urine samples from Iowa, United States
Dinuclear Organotin (IV) complexes with bis-acyl-hydrazones containing flexible linker: Synthesis, spectroscopic investigation and crystal structure of dimethyl-and …
Water‐Soluble Organotin Compounds–Syntheses, Structures and Reactivity towards Fluoride Anions in Water
The Potency Study of Organotin (IV) 3-Nitrobenzoate Compounds as Antimalarial Agents
Organotin (IV) carboxylates based on 2-(1, 3-dioxo-1H-benzo [de] isoquinolin-2 (3H)-yl) acetic acid: Syntheses, crystal structures, luminescent properties and …
Synthesis and structural and initial cancer cell line characterization of Organotin polyesters from dipicolinic acid
Speciation analysis of Organotin compounds in human urine by headspace solid-phase micro-extraction and gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric …
Synthesis, structure, and fungicidal activity of Organotin dithiocarbamates derived from pyridinamines and aryl diamines
Accumulation and degradation of Organotin compounds in cultivated sporophytes of the brown alga Undaria pinnatifida
Cytotoxic Effects of Valsartan Organotin (IV) Complexes on Human Lung Cancer Cells
Theoretical studies of Organotin (IV) complexes derived from ONO-donor type schiff base ligands
Removal of Organotin compounds and metals from Swedish marine sediment using Fenton’s reagent and electrochemical treatment
The first observation of antifouling Organotin compounds and booster biocides in sediments from Samsun Port area, Black Sea, Turkey
Polymeric, molecular and ionic Organotin complexes containing hypoxanthine, adenine and 2-aminopurine. Synthesis and supramolecular structures
A Hexameric Hexagonal Organotin Macrocycle. Supramolecular Entrapment of an Iodide–Iodide Short Contact
Organotin bearing polymeric resists for electron beam lithography
Polymeric seven-coordinated Organotin(IV) complexes derived from 5-amino-2-chlorobenzoic acid and in vitro anti-cancer studies
X‐ray structure of host‐guest nanosized Organotin supramolecular coordination polymer based on cobalt cyanide and quinoxaline as an efficient catalyst for treatment …
Estrogen-mediated protection of the Organotin-degrading strain Metarhizium robertsii against oxidative stress promoted by monobutyltin
Selective sensing of a Cu (II) ion by Organotin anchored keto-enamine ligands
Antimetastatic effect of Organotin compounds on the model of melanoma B16 in the experiment.
Organotin (IV) complexes from Schiff bases ligands based on 2-amino-3-hydroxypyridine: synthesis, characterization, and cytotoxicity
Syntheses and Properties of Gold–Organotin Sulfide Clusters
Organotin Compounds in Industrial Catalysis, Part 2: Processes of Polyurethane Formation
Cationic Organotin cluster [t‐Bu2Sn(OH)(H2O)]22+2OTf−‐catalyzed one‐pot three‐component syntheses of 5‐substituted 1H‐tetrazoles and 2,4,6 …
Potencies of Organotin compounds in scallop RXRa responsive activity with a GAL4-based reconstituted yeast assay in vitro
Organotin-bridged ionic liquid as a solvent-free, leaching-resistive catalyst for ring opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone
Synthesis, Spectroscopy, Semi‐empirical and Biological Activities of Organotin(IV) Complexes with o‐Isopropyl Carbonodithioic Acid
Synthesis, characterization, antimicrobial evaluation and QSAR studies of Organotin (IV) complexes of Schiff base ligands of 2-amino-6-substituted benzothiazole …
Homobimetallic Organotin (IV) complexes with succinohydrazide Schiff base: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and biological screening
Organotin (IV) derivatives of amide-based carboxylates: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, single crystal studies and antimicrobial, antioxidant, cytotoxic, anti …
Dinuclear Organotin Building Blocks and their Conversion into a Tetranuclear Macrocycle Containing Sn− O− Sn Linkages
A multiprotic ditopic thiocarbohydrazone ligand in the formation of mono-and di-nuclear Organotin (IV) complexes: Crystal structure, antibacterial activity and DNA …
Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activities of Organotin (IV) complexes with ethylthioglycolate
Synthesis, characterization and biological screenings of 5-coordinated Organotin (IV) complexes based on carboxylate ligand
Investigations of catalysis of urethane formation using Organotin dicarboxylate
New Organotin (IV) bromides containing potential donor ligands. Synthesis, characterization and supramolecular architecture
Synthesis, crystal structures and spectroscopic properties of two new Organotin (IV) complexes and their antiproliferative effect against cancerous and non …
Quantitative structure–activity/property relationships as related to Organotin chemistry
Structure‐cytotoxicity relationship for apoptotic inducers Organotin (IV) derivatives of mandelic acid and L‐proline and their mixed ligand complexes having enhanced …
Synthesis, structural elucidation and DNA binding study of fluorine substituted Organotin (IV) dithiocarbamates
Self-matrix activity of Organotin polyether ester polymers containing alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid
Synthesis and Photoelectric Properties of Metal–Organic Zeolites Built from TO4 and Organotin
Fast and effective low‐temperature freezing extraction technique to determine Organotin compounds in edible vegetable oil
Assembly of discrete and oligomeric structures of Organotin double-decker silsesquioxanes: inherent stability studies
Organotin compounds in touristic marinas of the northern Adriatic Sea: occurrence, speciation and potential recycling at the sediment-water interface
Preliminary studies about the role of physicochemical parameters on the Organotin compound dynamic in a South American estuary (Bahía Blanca, Argentina)
Variations in the Interplay of Intermetallic and Metal Chalcogenide Units in Organotin–Copper Selenide Clusters
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of mononuclear/binuclear Organotin (IV) complexes with 1H-1, 2, 4-triazole-3-thiol: Comparative studies of their …
Evaluation of esterification of oleic acid and glycerol in the presence of Organotin (IV) compounds
Luminescent Pyrene-Decorated Organotin Compounds: Observation of Monomer and Excimer Emission
Organotin compound DBDCT induces CYP3A suppression through NF-κB-mediated repression of PXR activity
Metal complexes and Organotin (IV) compounds of cefixime and their biological study
Reactivity of a carbonyl moiety in Organotin (iv) compounds: novel Pd (ii) and Cu (ii) complexes supported by Organotin (iv) ligands
Organotin (IV) complexes of thiohydrazones of phenethylamine: Synthesis, characterization, biological and thermal study
Two‐Photon Detection of Organotin Schiff Base Complexes in Cancer Cells
Structural and functional analysis of the inhibition of equine glutathione transferase A3-3 by Organotin endocrine disrupting pollutants
Organotin (IV) complexes with epigenetic modulator ligands: new promising candidates in cancer therapy
A mass spectrometry-based approach gives new insight into Organotin–protein interactions
Highly hydrophilic quaternary ammonium salt containing Organotin (IV) carboxylate for visualization of antibacterial action and multi-photon absorption activity
Synthesis, characterisation and antimicrobial studies of Organotin (IV) complexes with 1, 10-phenanthroline derivatives
Hypercoordinated Organotin (IV) compounds containing C, O-and C, N-chelating ligands: Synthesis, characterisation, DFT studies and polymerization behaviour
Anti-inflammatory and Acute Toxicity Study of Organotin (IV) Complexes: A Review
Synthesis, spectroscopic properties and biological activity of new mono Organotin (IV) complexes with 5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde-4, 4 …
Synthesis, characterization, HOMO–LUMO study, and antimicrobial activity of Organotin (IV) complexes of 4-piperidine carboxamide and its Schiff base
Novel Organotin complexes with phenol and imidazole moieties for optimized antitumor properties
Syntheses, structures and in vitro cytostatic activity of four novel homochiral Organotin (IV) phosphonates
Efficient selective deacetylation of complex oligosaccharides using the neutral Organotin catalyst [tBu2SnOH (Cl)] 2
Mobility of Organotin pesticides: azocyclotin and cyhexatin in clayey and sandy soils from the Northern Paraná state—Brazil
Rapid and sensitive determination of antifouling Organotin compounds in sediments using Gas chromatography with Tandem MS (GC–MSMS/GC–QTOF)
Cytotoxic activity of Organotin compounds containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
C, N-Chelated Organotin (IV) azides: synthesis, structure and use within click chemistry
Fit-for-Purpose Assessment of QuEChERS LC-MS/MS Methods for Environmental Monitoring of Organotin Compounds in the Bottom Sediments of the Odra River …
Interactional study of a polymeric Organotin complex in micellar media
Amino acid functionalized Organotin trichlorides and their tin sulfide clusters
Speciation analysis of Organotin compounds (OTCs) by a simultaneous hydride generation–liquid/liquid extraction and GC–MS determination
Organotin (IV) derivatives containing heteroditopic pyridyl-quinolin-8-olate ligands: Synthesis and structures
Three Organotin (IV) Schiff-base carboxylates: Synthesis, structural characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity against cis-platin-resistent cancer cells
New Organotin supramolecular complexes based on copper cyanide and auxiliary N‐donor ligands as potent inhibitors of cancer cell lines: In vitro and antioxidant …
Synthesis, spectral studies, in vitro antimicrobial activity and molecular docking studies of Organotin (IV) complexes derived from tridentate Schiff base ligands
Evaluation of structural, spectroscopic, bonding and electronic properties of some Organotin (IV)-phosphoric triamide complexes by using help of DFT, QTAIM and …
Speciation of Organotin compounds in water and seafood samples by online hyphenation of porous polymer-based magnetism-enhanced in-tube solid phase …
Investigation of the photodecomposition rate constant of poly (vinyl chloride) films containing Organotin (IV) complexes
Anti-Corrosive Application of Organotin, SnO2, and TiO2-Based Nanocomposites
Complexes of Organotin compounds with bis-and trisphosphonate derivatives of 2, 6-di-tert-butylphenol having antioxidant activity
Self-assembly and antitumor activity of an Organotin coordination polymer containing a helical structure based on copper cyanide and phenanthroline ligand
Organotin (IV) complexes as catalyst for biodiesel formation: synthesis, structural elucidation and computational studies
Antimicrobial and Cytotoxicity Studies of Some Organotin (IV) N-ethyl-N-phenyl Dithiocarbamate Complexes.
Ability of simple Organotin polyethers to inhibit pancreatic cancer
Graphite as a Matrix for Organotin Polymers
Synthesis, spectroscopy, and density functional theory of Organotin and organosilicon complexes of bioactive ligands containing nitrogen, sulfur donor atoms as …
Synthesis, structure and in vitro cytotoxic activity of two Organotin complexes of 2-phenyl-1, 2, 3-triazole-4-carboxylic acid
Synthesis of Organotin polyamine ethers containing thiamine (vitamin B1) and preliminary ability to inhibit select cancer cell lines
New Complexes of Organotin (IV) and organosilicon (IV) with 2-{(3, 4-dimethoxybenzylidene) amino}-benzenethiol: Synthesis, spectral, theoretical, antibacterial …
Synthesis, characterization, and biological evaluation of eight new Organotin (IV) complexes derived from (1R, 2S) ephedrinedithiocarbamate ligand
Cytotoxicity assessment of Organotin (IV)(2-metoxyethyl) methyldithiocarbamate compounds in human leukemia cell lines
Unsymmetrical Bicentric Organotin Lewis Acids {Me2N(CH2)3}Ph(X)Sn(CH2)nSnPh2X (X = F, I; n = 1, 3): Syntheses and Structures
Synthesis, structures, spectroscopies and properties studies of two Organotin (IV) carboxylates with 1, 4-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid
Organotin (IV) based complexes as promiscuous antibacterials: synthesis, in vitro, in silico pharmacokinetic and docking studies
Specific Features of EPR Spectroscopy of Organotin Compounds with Paramagnetic Ligands of the o-Iminobenzosemiquinone Type
Recent Advancements of Organotin (IV) Complexes Derived from Hydrazone and Thiosemicarbazone Ligands as Potential Anticancer Agents
Determination of Organotin compounds in wine by microwave-assisted extraction and high performance liquid chromatography–inductively coupled plasma mass …
Design of Organotin (IV) complexes derived from ciprofloxacin
… -tin materials with dangling aryl-methoxy and-methylthio ligands exhibiting intramolecular secondary bonding and aryl bond stabilization in reactions with Organotin …
Wastewater from Mexico City contains Organotin compounds and Organotin-resistant bacteria
Bis-substituted diphenylamine arylidene hydrazones for the synthesis of new binuclear Organotin (IV) complexes: Crystal structure, DNA cleavage and molecular …
Interplay of Lewis acidity, intramolecular O→ Sn interactions and selectivity: Organotin-functionalized crown ethers as ditopic hosts for sodium and potassium halides
Assessment of the Organotin pollution in the coastal sediments of the Western Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia
Comparative analysis of antifungal property of some Organotin (iv) derivatives of ethanedioic acid and butanedioic acid with active centres
… behavior, and preliminary biological study of functionalized poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-co-dopamine methacrylamide) copolymers with an Organotin (IV) …
Cyclic Dinuclear Organotin Cations Stabilized by Bulky Substituents
Organotin (IV) complexes containing Sn–O–Se moieties: a structural inventory
Syntheses and structural characterization of Organotin complexes derived from 2-(trifluoromethyl) benzeneseleninic acid: tetranuclear macrocycle, 1-D polymeric …
Synthesis and preliminary cancer cell line results for the product of Organotin dihalides and alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid
cyclo-Stannasiloxanes Containing both Oxygen Atoms and Methylene Moieties within the Ring and Formation of Related Organotin Oxo Clusters
Organotin (IV) complexes derived from hydrazone ligands: Synthesis, spectral analysis, antimicrobial and molecular docking studies
Novel Organotin (IV) complexes derived from 4,4′‐oxybisbenzoic acid: synthesis, structure, in vitro cytostatic activity and binding interaction with BSA
Bis‐aroylhydrazone based on 2, 2′‐bis substituted diphenylamine for synthesis of new binuclear Organotin (IV) complexes: Spectroscopic characterization, crystal …
Accumulation and rate of degradation of Organotin compounds in coastal sediments along the Red Sea, Egypt
Organotin (IV) complexes with imidazo [1, 2-a] pyridines
Organotin compounds bearing C3-symmetric Schiff base: Microwave-assisted multicomponent synthesis and their photophysical properties
Spectroscopic studies and molecular docking on the interaction of Organotin antitumor compound bis [2, 4-difluoro-N-(hydroxy-⟨ κ⟩ O) benzamidato-⟨ κ⟩ O] …
Ferrocene and Organotin (IV) conjugates containing amino acids and peptides: a promising strategy for searching new therapeutic and diagnostic tools
Selective cytotoxicity of Organotin (IV) compounds with 2, 3-dihydroxybenzyldithiocarbazate Schiff bases
A potential “green” Organotin: Bis-(methylthiopropyl) tin dichloride,[MeS (CH2) 3] 2SnCl2
Novel Organotin complexes containing the 2, 2′-bipyridine-3, 3′, 6, 6′-tetracarboxylate. Helical supramolecular structure and cytostatic activity
Insight into the mechanism of the catalysis of urethane formation by Organotin (IV) dicarboxylate
Simultaneous determination of three Organotin pesticides in fruits and vegetables by high‐performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry
A disposable electrochemical sensor based on electrospinning of molecularly imprinted nanohybrid films for highly sensitive determination of the Organotin acaricide …
An Organotin (IV) Carboxylate Based on Amide Carboxylic Acid: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Characterizations
Organotin (IV) complexes with 5-aminoisophthalic acid: Synthesis, characterization, theoretical study, and biological activities
Disruptive effects of two Organotin pesticides on the thyroid signaling pathway in Xenopus laevis during metamorphosis
Determination of Organotin compounds in coastal sediments by propylation and GC-MS analysis.
Organotin (IV) complexes with ONS donor Schiff base ligand: synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial evaluation.
New bismaleimide resin toughened by in situ ring-opening polymer of cyclic butylene terephthalate oligomer with unique Organotin initiator
Magnetic resonance imaging of leukoencephalopathy in amnestic workers exposed to Organotin
Clinical isolates of Escherichia coli are resistant both to antibiotics and Organotin compounds
Reactivity of dihydrobenzothiazole heterocycles: Synthesis, molecular and crystal structure of an Organotin compound containing a tridentate Schiff ligand
Supramolecular assemblies of Organotin (iv)–diphosphoryl adducts: insights from X-rays and DFT
Synthesis, Hypoglycemic Effect, Antimicrobial and Molecular Docking Studies of Organotin(IV) Complexes Derived From N-Phthalimido β-Amino Acid …
Control of colorectal cancer using Organotin polymers
Total tin (TSn) biomagnification: Evaluating Organotin trophic flow and dispersion using hepatic TSn concentrations and stable isotope (C, N) data of nektonic …
Synthesis of Organotin poly (ether esters) from reaction with glycyrrhetinic acid and their preliminary activity against various cancer cell lines
Synthesis, structural elucidation and biological activities of Organotin (IV) derivatives of 4-(2-thienyl) butyric acid
A series of Organotin (IV) complexes based on (E)-3-(3-nitrophenyl) acrylic acid: Syntheses, crystal structures and biological activities
… detector based on continuous-flow chemical vapor generation coupled glow discharge atomic emission spectrometry: Determination of Organotin compounds in food …
Management and Treatment of Organotin and Metal Contaminated Dredged Sediment
Suitability of Chemcatcher® passive sampling in monitoring Organotin compounds at a wastewater treatment plant
Antimalarial Activity of Some Organotin (IV) Chlorobenzoate Compounds against Plasmodium falciparum
Organotin (iv) differential fluorescent probe for controlled subcellular localization and nuclear microviscosity monitoring
Design, synthesis and theoretical analysis of functionalized dicarboxylate moieties based on Organotin (IV) dinuclear complexes: crystal structure elucidation and …
Synthesis of Water-Soluble Group 4 Metallocene and Organotin Polyethers and Their Ability to Inhibit Cancer
Medicinal Applications of Organotin (IV) Complexes and Its Important Place as Effective Antitumor Agents.
Novel Organotin-loaded Plastic Scintillators toward Gamma Spectroscopy Applications
Analysis of the Biological Property of some Synthesized Organotin (iv) Complexes of Hexanedioic Acid
Synthesis, characterization, and anticancer activity of Organotin (IV) complexes with sodium 3-(1H-indol-3-yl) propanoate
Synthesis and structural characterization of Organotin (IV) complexes with ferrocenyldithiophosphonate ligands
Organotin compounds (OTs) in surface sediments, bivalves and algae from the Russian coast of the Barents Sea (Kola Peninsula) and the Fram Strait (Svalbard …
The structure of Organotin oxides playing a key role on the transesterification of dimethyl carbonate with hydrogenated bisphenol A
Speciation and quantification of Organotin compounds in sediment and drinking water by isotope dilution liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma …
2-Phenylbutyric acid based Organotin (IV) carboxylates; synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, antibacterial action against plant pathogens and in vitro hemolysis
Organotin compounds in marine sediment: Detection and concerns
Theoretical and Experimental in vitro Antifungal and Antitumor Activities of Organotin (IV) Derivatives of 3-(4-nitrophenyl)-2-methylacrylic acid
Synthesis, characterization, and biological activity of Organotin (IV) complexes with 4-oxo-4-[3-(trifluoromethyl) phenylamino] butanoic acid
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of Organotin (IV) complexes of flumequine and cetirizine
Synthesis, structural characterization and biological activities of Organotin (IV) complexes with 5-allyl-2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde-4-thiosemicarbazone
Effects of the π-conjugation length of bipyridyl ligand on the photophysical properties of binuclear Organotin (IV) complexes: Synthesis and characterization of …
Catalysts in the Direct Synthesis of Organotin Compounds, Part 2: Reactions between Alkyl Halides and Metallic Tin
A new six-coordinate Organotin(IV) complex of OP[NC5H10]3: A comparison with an analogous five-coordinate complex by means of X-ray crystallography …
Cytotoxicity evaluation and the mode of cell death of K562 cells induced by Organotin (IV)(2-methoxyethyl) methyldithiocarbamate compounds
Formation of metal-based 21-and 22-membered macrocycles from dinuclear Organotin tectons and ditopic organic ligands carrying carboxylate or dithiocarbamate …
(n‐Bu2Sn)2O(CO3): An active, robust and recyclable Organotin(IV) for the direct synthesis of linear organic carbonates from carbon dioxide and alcohols
Two new Organotin (IV)-phosphoryl complexes: crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis
Gas chromatographic approach to evaluate the efficacy of Organotin degrading microbes
DFT Analysis of Organotin Catalytic Mechanisms in Dehydration Esterification Reactions for Terephthalic Acid and 2, 2, 4, 4-Tetramethyl-1, 3-cyclobutanediol
Mapping of Organotin compounds in sediments of Mar Piccolo (Taranto, Italy) using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry analysis and geochemical data
Fluorescent Organotin compounds as dyes in silk fibroin (Bombyx mori): ultrasound-assisted synthesis, chemo-optical characterization, cytotoxicity, and confocal …
A facile synthesis of Organotin (IV) carboxylates: application as single source precursor for deposition of tin oxide thin films and evaluation of biological activities
Molecular structures and calculations of reactivity descriptors of new di-Organotin (IV) phenoxyacetohydroxamate complexes: Insights from density functional theory
Synthesis and photoluminescence of Organotin-dithiothreitol clusters
Cytotoxic activity of Organotin (IV) complexes-a short review
An Organotin indomethacin derivative inhibits cancer cell proliferation and synergizes the antiproliferative effects of lapatinib in breast cancer cells
Ferrocene‐Based, Potentially D, C, D‐Coordinating (D= O, S), Pincer‐Type Proligands and Their Organotin Derivatives
Synthesis and characterization of a new Organotin(IV) complex as a new precursor for preparation SnO2 nanoparticles
Contamination of Organotin compounds in coastal water of Southern Thailand
Self-assembly and characterization of a 2D polymer containing hexanuclear 78-membered Organotin macrocycles and a 1D right-handed helical Organotin chain
Local Structure of Amorphous Organotin Sulfide Clusters by Low‐Energy X‐Ray Absorption Fine Structure
Organotin–oxotungstate coordination polymer: An efficient catalyst for the selective oxidation of amines
Low-temperature precipitation for the determination of residual Organotin compounds in plant oil using dispersive-solid phase extraction and gas chromatography …
Determination of Organotin compounds (OTC) at low levels in seawater by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and gas chromatography-pulsed flame photometric detection …
Synthesis, characterization and antifungal assessment of optically active bis-Organotin compounds derived from (S)-BINOL diesters
Intramolecular interactions Sn–D in Organotin heterocyclic compounds [{D (C6H4CH2)} SnBr2]
Tribological properties of Organotin compound modified UHMWPE
Synthesis, characterization, single crystal XRD and biological screenings of Organotin (IV) derivatives with 4-(2-hydroxyethyl) piperazine-1-carbodithioic acid
Organotin carboxylates: from structures to antitumour activities
Antiradical capacity of a series of Organotin (IV) compounds: A chemical reactivity study in the Density Functional Theory framework
Evaluation of the ex vivo antimalarial activity of Organotin (IV) ethylphenyldithiocarbamate on erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium berghei NK 65.
Synthesis and structures of Organotin (IV) complexes and their catalytic addition of arylamines into N, N′-diisopropylcarbodiimide
C,O‐Chelated Organotin(IV) derivatives as potential anticancer agents: Synthesis, characterization, and cytotoxic activity
Fast and feasible ultrasound-assisted pretreatment for the determination of Organotin compounds in environmental samples
Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Organotin (IV) Complexes with Benzoylacetone Benzhydrazone Ligand
Organotin (IV) derivative of Piperic acid and Phenylthioacetic acid: Synthesis, Crystal structure, Spectroscopic characterizations and Biological activities
Design, synthesis, structure information and biochemical activity of new floro substituted Organotin (IV) carboxylates
Organotin–Oxido Cluster‐Based Multiferrocenyl Complexes Obtained by Hydrolysis of Ferrocenyl‐Functionalized Organotin Chlorides
Synthesis and characterization of Organotin (IV) semicarbazones: potential precursors for nanosized tin oxide
Bioaccumulation of environmental Organotin compounds in translocated rock shell Thais clavigera in Kagoshima Bay
Comparative Anticancer Activity of Water-Soluble Organotin Poly (ethylene Glycol) Polyethers.
Impact of Organotin compounds on the growth of epidermoid Lewis carcinoma
NTP research report on Organotin and total tin levels in Danish women of reproductive age
A reliable one-pot synthesis of aryl azides from aryl amines using Organotin azides as effective and recoverable reagents
Morphological studies on Sn-O coordination driving self-assembly of well-defined Organotin-containing block copolymers
Synthesis, characterization, antimicrobial, and DNA cleavage evaluation of some Organotin (IV) complexes derived from ligands containing the 1H-indole-2, 3 …
Theoretical insights on Organotin (IV)-protein interaction: Density Functional Theory (DFT) studies on di-n-butyltin (IV) derivative of Glycylvaline
Organotin compounds as effective antimetastatic substances in the treatment of epidermoid lung carcinoma Lewis (LLC) in an experiment.
Supramolecular architecture of Organotin (IV) N-methyl ferrocenyl N-ethanol dithiocarbamates: Crystallographic and computational studies
Synthesis of novel Organotin (IV) complex for multiple applications: as biologically potent and single molecular precursor
Syntheses, crystal structures and biological activities of two new drum-shaped Organotin (IV) carboxylate complexes with 2-(4-alkylbenzoyl) benzoic acid (alkyl …
The Organotin Applications in Biological, Industrial and Agricultural Sectors: A Systematic Review
Effect of Hybrid Organotin Compound on Activity of LPO and Antioxidant Protection of the Liver Tissues in Animals with Melanoma B16
A novel tetranuclear Organotin (IV) carboxylate with chain structure: synthesis, crystal structure, and characterizations
The Organotin Spectroscopic Studies of Hydroxamic as a Ligand: A Systematic Review
Novel access to epilupeol through chemoselective hydrogenation of lupenone using platinum-based Organotin catalysts
Organotin (IV) compounds containing N, C, O-chelating ligand
Dehydrochlorination study of plasticized poly (vinyl chloride) contianing modified titanium dioxide, cerium stearate, Organotin and β-diketone complex after long-term …
Fused hexacyclic Organotin (IV) compounds derived from 3-[((2-hydroxynaphthalen-1-yl) methylene) amino] naphthalen-2-ol
Different Strategies to Anchor Organotin Methoxides on Silica and Their (Re) Use as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Transesterification Reactions
Organotin-catalyzed synthesis of hydroxyalkylamides from lactones via a ring-opening process
Evaluation of the pharmacological activity of hybrid Organotin compounds in a B16 melanoma model in the classical and metronomic administration modes
Organostannoxane-supported nucleobase arrays: synthesis and supramolecular structures of polymeric and molecular Organotin complexes containing guanine …
Deamination of N→ Sn‐Coordinated Organotin (II) Hydroxide: Formation of a New C–O Covalent Bond
TriOrganotin phosphonates polymeric chains-synthesis, infrared, Mössbauer and single crystal characterization: the first Organotin (IV) Ph2-bridged
Organotin(IV) Carboxylates of Substituted α‐Cinnamic Acid, RnSn(OCOC(R2)=CHR1)4 – n: Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and Biological …
CTAB–tributylstannic [3-(3′, 4′-dichlorophenylamido) propanoate] interaction: a tool for predicting Organotin (IV) complex–cell membrane interaction parameters
Acid‐or Base‐Induced Rearrangements of Ferrocenyl‐Decorated Organotin Sulfide Cages
Macromolecular Self‐Assembly of Organotin(IV) Squarates and Croconates – Preparation and Crystal Structures of [SnMe2(H2O)2]C4O4, [SnMe3]2C4O4, and [SnMe3(H2O)]2C …
Employing a C, N-chelate makes Organotin (IV) nitrates and nitrites exceptionally stable
Microbes a tool for the remediation of Organotin pollution determined by static headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Use of early life-stages of zebrafish to assess toxicity of sediments contaminated by Organotin compounds
Syntheses and Characterization of Polyfunctional Organotin Chlorides
Assessment of Organotin compounds in coastal sediments of Kuwait
Biological evaluations and spectroscopic characterizations of 3-(4-ethoxyphenyl)-2-methylacrylate based Organotin (IV) carboxylates derivatives
Study on the transesterification and mechanism of bisphenol A and dimethyl carbonate catalyzed by Organotin oxide
Imposex status associated with Organotin contamination in Reishia clavigera after reciprocal transplantation between clean and polluted sites in Hong Kong
Synthetic nucleic acids from thymidine and Organotin dihalides and their ability to inhibit human cancer cell lines including pancreatic acid and glioblastomas …
Synthesis of Organotin substituted tricyclic macrodiolides
Synthesis, spectral characterization and antiproliferative activity of new Organotin (IV) dithiocarbamate compounds on K562 cells.
Synthesis of Organotin derivatives of optically active eleven-membered macrodiolides
Organotin Carboxylates based on 3‐(1,3‐Dioxo‐2,3‐dihydro‐1H‐phenalen‐2‐yl)benzoic Acid and the Influence of Solvent on the Molecular Structure
Amino Acid Organotin Polymers from Diglycine-Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Initial Anticancer Activity
Gas‐phase interactions of Organotin compounds with cysteine
A case of Organotin toxic encephalopathy with atypical imaging characteristic
Molecular structure study of thio Schiff base complexes of Organotin (IV): Synthesis, spectroscopic and thermal methods
Synthesis of Organotin bis (pyrazol-1-yl) methane-tetracarboxylates and Tris (pyrazol-1-yl) methane-hexacarboxylates
Tri-substituted Organotin compounds, but not retinoic acid, are potent ligands of complement component 8 γ
Synthesis and Diagnosis New Metallotropic LCs from Organotin (IV) Complex
Organotin Polymers As Chemotherapeutic Agents in the Treatment of Cancer: General
An Organotin Route for the Preparation of 2, 6‐Bis (diphenylphosphino) bromo‐benzene and the Related Bis (Phosphine Oxide). Precursors for Novel Ligands
Organotin (IV) selenate derivatives–Crystal structure of [{(Ph3Sn) 2SeO4}⋅ CH3OH] n
Biodegradation and ligninolytic enzymes profiles of the newly synthesized Organotin (IV)-treated non durable tropical wood species.
Organotin polymeric dielectrics for energy-storage applications
Oxidative coupling of 2-aminophenol to 2-amino-phenoxazine-3-one catalyzed by Organotin (IV)–copper (I) cyanide coordination polymers as heterogeneous …
Population dynamics of the rock shell Reishia clavigera associated with different degrees of Organotin contamination in Hong Kong
Antimicrobial Activities, Characterization and Synthesis of Organotin (IV) Complexes with Benzohydrazide Derivative
Synthesis, characterization and the antifungal activity test of some Organotin (IV) benzoates
Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activities of Di-and Tri Organotin (IV) Schiff Base Complexes.
Synthesis, spectroscopic study, and crystal structure of a new Organotin (IV) selenate derivative
Recent development in synthesis and biological application of Organotin complexes
Synthesis and biological actIVity of new series of Organotin (IV) esters with N, N-diacetylglycine
Theoretical investigation of Organotin (IV) complexes of substituted benzohydroxamic acids
Organotin Compounds in Surface Sediments of Sundarban Wetland and Adjacent Coastal Regions
Organotin Phosphates Assembled from a Sterically Hindered Organophosphate, ArOP(O)(OH)2, (Ar = 2,6-(CHPh2)2-4-i-Pr-C6H2): Syntheses and Structures
Synthesis, characterization and biological activities of Organotin (IV) complexes with l-lysine monohydrate
High-Throughput Screening of the Alkoxide/Oxime-Based Library: An Alternative to Organotin Compounds for the Alkoxysilane Condensation in Adhesives and …
Determination of a variety of Organotin compounds in edible vegetable oil by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
A Novel Ferrocene‐Backboned Unsymmetrical Pincer‐Type Proligand and Its Organotin Derivatives
Determination of three Organotin pesticide residues in apples and cabbages by gas chromatography-electron impact/positive chemical ionization mass spectrometry
A Simple Method for the Removal of Organotin Residues from Acetates and a Homoallylic Alcohol Prepared from Organostannane Reagents: Column …
Toxicity and anti-tumour activity of Organotin (IV) compounds
New Organotin (IV) chlorides derived from N-(2-hydroxyphenyl) aryloxy sulfamates. Synthesis, characterization and DSC investigation
Functionalized Organotin Compounds as Synthons for Tin-containing Heterocycles and Periphery Functionalized Organotinoxo Clusters
Silica-supported PtSn catalysts obtained through surface organometallic chemistry on metals techniques using a hydrosoluble Organotin promoter. Application to the …
67. Biological and electronic transition studies of the previously reported Organotin (IV) dithiocarbamates of p-Fluoro-Nmethylbenzylaminedithiocarbamate
Analytical Techniques for Trace Levels of Organotin Compounds in the Marine Environment
Rapid preparation of SnO 2/C nanospheres by using Organotin as building blocks and their application in lithium-ion batteries
Reactions of 4-diphenylphosphino benzoic acid with Organotin oxides and-oxy-hydroxide
An Organotin Vanadate with Sodalite Topology and Catalytic Versatility in Oxidative Transformations
Apoptotic and anti-metastatic effect of Organotin coordination polymer on human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells via intrinsic pathway of apoptosis
Behavior of Organotin Sulfide Clusters towards Zinc Compounds
Organotin‐Functionalized Crown Ethers as Ditopic Hosts for Lithium Salts: Synthesis, Structures and Complexation Studies of X3SnCH2[16]‐crown‐5 (X = I, Br, Cl)
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, X-ray crystal structure, biological screening and catalytic studies of Organotin (IV) carboxylates of 3-(4-cyanophenyl) acrylic …
Synthesis, characterization, thermal and antibacterial studies of organosilicon (IV) and Organotin (IV) complexes derived from Schiff base ligand
Imposex status and Organotin concentrations in Hexaplex trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the port of Cagliari (Sardinia).
Synthesis, characterization, and antioxidant activity of some Organotin (IV) 2-nitrobenzoate using the 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) method
Synthesis and characterisation of Organotin (IV) carboxylate complexes/Kelly Tan Ching Yi
Self-assembly of Organotin (IV) 4-fluorobenzeneseleninato complexes: 1D polymeric chain, helical double-chain polymer and tetranuclear cage
A fluorescent probe for Organotin bromides based on the halogen replacement reaction of lead (II) halide anionic clusters
Synthesis, characterization and biological activities of Organotin (iv) complexes with 2-thioazoline-2-thiol
Organotin Compounds (OTCs) in Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae) from the Barents Sea
… metallization with Sn of (E)-4-((4-nitrobenzylidene) amino) phenol in non-aqueous media: Characterization and biological activity of the Organotin compound
Design of promising heptacoordinated Organotin (IV) complexes-PEDOT: PSS-based composite for new-generation optoelectronic devices applications
Computed Elementary Mechanisms of Homogeneous Catalysis by Saccharide-Derived Hydroxyls, Organophosphorus, and Organotin
Synthesis of Free Organotin (IV) Compounds Containing Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and their Immobilisation into Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles
Evaluation of microwave-Assisted extraction for Organotin determination in vegetal and soil matrices
The potential of derivatives of Organotin (IV) benzoate compounds in medicinal chemistry
Synthesis, structural elucidation, and biological activity to Organotin(IV) derivatives of (E)‐2,3‐bis(4‐chlorophenyl)‐2‐propenoic acid
Synthesis and Preliminary Anticancer Results for Polymers From the Reaction of Organotin Dihalides and Thiodiglycolic Acid
Polyamines from reaction of Organotin dihalides and 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole (3-AT)-synthesis and ability to inhibit human cancer cell lines
Speciation and NMR Spectrometric Studies of Interaction of Di-and Tri-Organotin (IV) Moieties with 5′-Guanosine Monophosphate and Guanosine in Aqueous …
Research of False Positive Phenomenon in Organotin Determination Based on Gastric Juice Migration Model
2-Phenyl-2-(p-tosylamino) acetic acid, a versatile pro-ligand for Organotin compounds
Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Activity of Organotin (IV) Complexes with Schiff Bases
Palladium‐catalyzed synthesis of 6‐allylcoumarins using Organotin reagents as multicoupling organometallic nucleophiles
The Use of Some Organotin (IV) as Candidate for Disinfectant
Heptacoordinate Structures of Organotin Halides with Three Phosphine Donors: Halogen‐Substituent Effect on Geometry
Antitumor pharmacological activity of hybrid Organotin compounds on the Lewis epidermoid carcinoma model.
Chemistry of High-Resolution Organotin Patterning Materials
A tetranuclear Organotin compound consisting of a core of three fused Sn2O2 rings
Speciation of Organotin Compounds in Biological Tissues by GC/ICP-MS Using the NexION 300D/350D
Microdistribution of tin in newly synthesized Organotin (IV)-treated tropical wood cells.
Current status of Organotin contamination and imposex in neogastropods along coastal marine environments of Southeast Asia and China
Organotin (IV) scorpionates–X-ray structure and crystal packing of TpSn (Cl) 2 (n-Bu)[Tp= hydrotris (pyrazol-1-yl) borate]
New tetranuclear and mononuclear oxalato Organotin (IV) complexes with monocyclohexylammonium as adverse cation: Synthesis and infrared study
A Method for Treatment of Organotin Contaminated Marine Sediments: Degradation, Stabilisation and Leaching
The Potential Application of Organotin (IV) Carboxylate Compounds in Medicinal Chemistry
… and Biological Studies of Organotin (IV) Complexes with 4-(Hydroxymethyl) piperidine-1-Carbodithioic Acid: Thermogravimetric and Biological Studies of Organotin …
An Atoms-in-molecules (AIM) interpretation of Organotin-peptide system: I. Di-n-butyltin (IV) derivative of glycyltryptophane
Organotin compounds
Antitumor effectiveness of combination therapy with platinum and hybrid Organotin compound on the Lewis epidermoid carcinoma model with metronomic …
Coordination polymeric chain formed by p-sulfonatocalix [4] arene and Organotin. Synthesis and crystal structure
Accumulation of Organotin compounds on mangroves in coastal ecosystems
Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Two‐Dimensional Network Polymer Containing 18‐and 26‐Membered Organotin Macrocycles
Organotin Pollution Along the Tunisian Coasts: Status of Imposex Before and After the Ratification of the Anti-Fouling Systems (AFS) Convention
Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Screening of Organotin (IV) complexes derived from Schiff bases of Pyrazine-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide
1-D Coordination Polymers of Organotin (IV) Nodes with Alternating Spacers
Organotin (IV) based Rabeprazole and Pregabalin Complexes Formation and Biocidal Investigation
Organotin (IV) triazadiphosphorines: Synthesis and characterization
Industrial Applications Of Organotin Compounds
Cytotoxic Effects of Organotin (IV) Dithiocarbamate Compounds with Different Functional Groups on Leukemic Cell Line, K-562 (Kesan Sitotoksik Sebatian Organotin …
Novel diaminopropyl substituted Organotin compounds
Similarity Index of The Synthesis, Characterization and Comparative Anticorrosion Study of Some Organotin (IV) 4-Chlorobenzoates
Degradation of Organotin in marine sediment
Organotin (IV) azepane dithiocarbamates: synthesis and characterization of the first Organotin (IV) complexes with seven-membered cyclic dithiocarbamates
Biological Potential and Structure Activity Relationships in Organotin (IV) and Pd (II) Compounds
Organotin Compounds–A Short Review on the Nature of Bonding and Other Related Properties
Results of Proficiency Test Organotin in textile December 2016
Cover Feature: Molecular Cage Assembly by Sn− O− Sn Bridging of Di‐, Tri‐and Tetranuclear Organotin Tectons: Extending the Spacing in Double Ladder Structures …
Synthesis, characterization, and antioxidant activity of some Organotin (IV) 2-nitrobenzoate using the 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method
Synthesis and Characterization of a new Organotin (IV) Complex with iminopyridine Ligand
Organotin Compounds in Sediments of Northern Lakes, Egypt
A Density Functional Theory (DFT) Perspective on Organotin (IV)-Drug Interaction: Dimethyltin (IV) Derivative of Chlordiazepoxide
Synthesis and in Vitro Cytotoxicity Study of Three Di-Organotin (Iv) Schiff Base Di-Acylhydrazone Complexes
Insight into the mechanism of the catalysis of urethane formation by Organotin (IV) dicarboxylate using experimental and computational methods
Use of Organotin Reagents in Carbon-carbon Bond Forming Reactions
GC–MS Analysis of Marine Organotin Pollution
Therapeutic activity of Organotin compounds against Trypanosoma cruzi
Studies on the Distribution of Organotin Compounds in the Gaoping River Basin
Method development for the determation of Organotin compounds by grignard derivatization in comsumer products
Determination of the Migration of Organotin Compounds in Plastic Toys by GC-MS
The Antimicrobial Activity of Selected Organotin Steroids
Water-soluble Organotin compounds. Syntheses, structures and reactivity towards fluoride anion towards the fluoride anion
Organotin Chemistry: A Brief Primer with Comments on Organometallic Chemotherapy
Organotin coordination polymers derived from polytopic carboxylate ligands: synthesis, guest inclusion and selective sensing of chromate and dichromate ions
DNA Binding Studies and Evaluation of Electrochemical Parameters of New Tri-and Di-Organotin (IV) Complexes of 4-(1H-Indol-3-yl) butanoic Acid
Organotin photoresists for extreme ultraviolet lithography
Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin Polyamine Esters from Diglycine
Organotin compounds in the marine environment-current monitoring techniques and their regulatory and environmental management requirements in England and …
Cytotoxic activity of novel Organotin compounds against different cancer cell lines
Synthesis, Spectral Characterization and Bioscreening Evaluation of Organotin (IV) Metal Complexes with Aminohippuric Acid Derivatives
Organotin (IV) O-butyl carbonodithioates: Synthesis, characterization, in vitro bioactivities, and interaction with SS-DNA
Organotin (IV) Complexes of Schiff bases: Structural Chemistry and Biological properties
Recent progress of coupling techniques of Organotin speciation analysis in aquatic products.
Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Applications of Organotin (IV) Complexes Featuring with Imines
Equilibrium Studies on Interaction of Organotin (IV) Cations with Biologically Important Ligands
Structure and Surface Analysis of Ibuprofen-Organotin Conjugate: Potential Anti-Cancer Drug Candidacy of the Compound is Proven by In-Vitro DNA Binding and …
Design, Synthesis, and Delivery Studies of Organotin (IV) based HCV Inhibitor
Organotin (IV) based Anti-HCV drugs: Synthesis, Characterization and Biochemical Activity 2
Synthesis, spectral characterization and crystal structure of binuclear Organotin (IV) complexes with adipicdihydrazones derived from benzoylacetone
New analysis method for Organotin compounds by Tandem-LC/MS without the derivatization
Determination of Organotin Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables by Gas Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry with Isotope-labeled Internal Standards
Preparation, Characterization and Catalytic Application of Pd, Ni, and Cu Nano-materials and Organotin Compounds
Syntheses, Crystal Structures, Thermal Stability and Herbicidal Activity of Two Organotin 4-Iodobenzoates
Synthesis, characterization, biological screenings and catalytic properties of Organotin (IV) complexes with carboxylate ligands
Assesment of Organotin Contamination at the Gadani Shipbreaking Yard, Pakistan
Synthesis and Characterisation of Organosilicon and Organotin Complexes derived from DHA Ligand
Synthesis and characterization of three Organotin (IV) carboxylate of ent-kaurenoic acid: antifungal activity against Trametes versicolor (L.: Fr) Pilàt.
Microextraction and gas chromatographic determination of Organotin compounds
Synthesis, spectroscopy, single crystal XRD and biological studies of multinuclear Organotin dicarboxylates
Synthesis, Structure and Biological Activities of a Novel Anionic Organotin (Ⅳ) Complex {[(pClC6H4CH2) Sn (H2O)(Cl) 2OCOCH (O) CH (O) CO2Sn (H2O)(Cl) 2 (p …
Aminopropyl-substituted Organotin compounds for sensing, detection and removal of fluoride anions
Investigations of Ferrocenyl-Functionalized Organotin Chalcogenide and Oxide Complexes
The Anti corrosion Activity of Some Organotin (IV) hydroxybenzoate Compounds towards HRP Mild Steel in NaCl
Assessment of Potential Antifungal of new Synthetic Compounds Organotin on Penicillium Fungi Growing on Cheese Ripening Chambers
Cover Feature: S⋅⋅⋅ Sn Tetrel Bonds in the Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator‐Activated Receptors (PPARs) by Organotin Molecules (Chem. Eur. J. 62/2018)
Molecular structures and supramolecular associations of Organotin (IV) adducts with a diphosphoryl ligand: Insight from X-ray crystallography and theoretical studies
Synthesis of Anionic Organotin Carboxylate by the Reaction of Ph3SnCl with o-Phthalic Acid under Organic Amines and Its Bactericidal Activity
Determination of Organotin compounds in coastal sediment pore-water by diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) technique
Enhanced the Antioxidant Activity of 1-Amino-2-naphthol-4-Sulfonic acid by Complexation with Organotin (IV) Compounds
Improved Functionality of Poly (3, 4-Ethylenedioxythiophene): Poly (Styrenesulfonate)/HeptaCoordinated Organotin Complex Films via Graphene Applied to …
Showcasing research from Professor Jiménez Pérez’s group at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico. Organotin Schiff bases as halofluorochromic dyes …
Synthesis and characterization of functionalized ordered mesoporous silica Mcm-41 with macrocyclic compounds for the adsorption of Organotin compounds
Group 15 Organotin Containing Polyamines from Histamine send Their Ability to Inhibit Cancer Cell Lines from Pancreatic, Breast and other Cancers
… reviews on the subject of this chapter which appeared during 1976 in-clude: two reports on Organotin chemistry (1, 2); an article covering Organotin hydrides (3) and a …
V. Commentary on Regulation EC/782/2003 on the Prohibition of Organotin Compounds on Ships
Reactivity of 1, 3, 5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane-6-yllithium (PTA-Li) Towards Organotin, Silicon, and Boron Chlorides
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