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Neurochemistry Of Addiction
Neurochemistry Of Addiction
Microdialysis and the NEUROCHEMISTRY of addiction
NEUROCHEMISTRY of addiction : monitoring essential neurotransmitters of addiction
addiction : Imaging in clinical neuroscience
Sex addiction and women: A nursing issue
Basic NEUROCHEMISTRY: principles of molecular, cellular, and medical neurobiology
Understanding the means and objects of addiction : Technology, the internet, and gambling
Educating treatment professionals about addiction science research: demographics of knowledge and belief changes
A neurochemical basis for alcohol and other drug addiction
Variations in addiction : The molecular and the molar in neuroscience and pain medicine
Conclusion: Defining the Future of addiction Research in South and East Africa
addiction in South and East Africa
Anne Lingford-Hughes: to get into addiction , just say yes
Introduction: Making a Case for addiction in Africa
The neural substrates of addiction
Sexual addiction & Its Treatment
Pain management and the so-called “risk” of addiction
The most important unresolved issue in the addiction s: conceptual chaos
Opioid maintenance, weaning and detoxification techniques: where we have been, where we are now and what the future holds
Review of neurotransmitters and their role in alcoholism treatment
addiction to food and brain reward systems
addiction : Reward, motivation and stress
A Reply to Wade: ” Say When: Critics Cannot Stop”
The effects of lobeline and naltrexone on methamphetamine-induced place preference and striatal dopamine and serotonin levels in adolescent rats with a history of …
Advances in the Neuroscience of addiction
Don’t call it love: Recovery from sexual addiction
Drug discovery for the treatment of addiction : medicinal chemistry strategies
addiction medicine: A place for faculty development
Effectiveness of addiction science presentations to treatment professionals, using a modified Solomon study design
Neurochemical Approaches to addiction Treatment
Brain stimulation in the study and treatment of addiction
Ethnopharmacology of love
Rapid detox: understanding new treatment approaches for the addicted patient
Sex addiction : Controversy within mainstream addiction medicine, diagnosis based on the DSM-III-R, and physician case histories
The addiction Conspiracy: Unlocking Brain Chemistry and addiction So You Don’t Have to Struggle
From white bullets to black markets and greened medicine: the neuroeconomics and neuroracial politics of opioid pharmaceuticals
No stones: Women redeemed from sexual addiction
Bargains with chaos: Sex addicts and addiction interaction disorder
Traditional and New Treatments of addiction –Ethical and Legal Aspects
Effect of rat parental morphine exposure on passive avoidance memory and morphine conditioned place preference in male offspring
Neurophysiology, Politics and Personhood in Russian addiction Medicine
Review of Two Books on NeuroEconomics
Jeffery Satinover statement to congress on pornography
The ins and outs of the striatum: role in drug addiction
Elasticity and Hegemony: A Brief History of addiction Narrative in the Postwar United States
PERERA, SYLVIA BRINTON. Queen Maeve and Her Lovers. New York: Carrowmore Books, 1999. Pp. 490. Hbk. $39.00
Translational approach to develop novel medications on alcohol addiction : focus on neuropeptides
addiction ‘s defining characteristics
Imaging receptor changes in human drug abusers
Pain and addiction
Behavioural and Pharmacological Assessment of addiction in Planaria
Targeting extinction and reconsolidation mechanisms to combat the impact of drug cues on addiction
addiction for nurses
Fifty years in the development of a glutaminergic-dopaminergic optimization complex (KB220) to balance brain reward circuitry in reward deficiency syndrome …
Learning to forget: manipulating extinction and reconsolidation processes to treat addiction
“Diminished Impressibility”: addiction , Neuroadaptation, and Pleasure in Coleridge
Seminar on addictive disorders: An exploration of students’ knowledge, attitudes, and behavior
Economic models of pathological gambling
The pharmacology of alcohol and drugs of abuse and addiction
… And if that doesn’t work: A seminar for clergy designed to help with the understanding, diagnosing and treating of the bio-psycho-spiritual disease of …
How to change Michael Pollan’s mind: a critical analysis of ‘addiction ‘, spirituality, and psychedelics
Interview with Dr. Vincent Dole, MD Methadone: The Next 30 Years
SPECT neuroimaging in translational research of CNS disorders
The management of acute dental pain in the recovering alcoholic
addiction s
What can neuroscience tell us about the potential of psychedelics in healthcare? How the neurophenomenology of psychedelics research could help us to flourish …
Suggestions for changes in DSM-III-R criteria for substance use disorders
Anticraving Effect of Adjunctive Propranolol Administration Prior to Reactivation of addiction Related Memories by Imagery Cues: A Comparative Study
Journeys from addiction to recovery
addiction ‘s defining characteristics.
The substance abuse pandemic: Determinants to guide interventions
Modern disease models of alcoholism and other chemical dependencies: The new biopsychosocial models
Pharmacological aspects of drug dependence: Toward an integrated neurobehavioral approach
The neurochemical investigation and treatment of cocaine addiction using rodent models
The impact of electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) flavors on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and nicotine addiction -related behaviors
Characterizing intercellular signaling peptides in drug addiction
Quality and Performance Improvement: What’sa Program to Do?
Food junkies: Recovery from food addiction
Neuroendocrine correlates of temperament traits in abstinent opiate addicts
Ceftriaxone attenuates locomotor activity induced by acute and repeated cocaine exposure in mice
Effectiveness of outreach to homeless substance abusers
A novel highly selective 5-HT6 receptor antagonist attenuates ethanol and nicotine seeking but does not affect inhibitory response control in Wistar rats
Ethical aspects of developments in neuroscience and drug addiction
Midbrain mutiny: The picoeconomics and neuroeconomics of disordered gambling: Economic theory and cognitive science
Emerging pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation
Gamma-aminobutyric acidergic projections from the dorsal raphe to the nucleus accumbens are regulated by neuromedin U
Clinical evaluation of substance abuse
The Behavioral Concepts of Abuse and addiction in Diagnosis
addiction , Alienation and Assertiveness in Saudi and English Drug Addicts
Autonomy and Addictive Design
Front & Back Matter
The impact of technological culture on addiction in twentieth century America
Blockade of D3 receptors by YQA14 inhibits cocaine’s rewarding effects and relapse to drug-seeking behavior in rats
Substance abuse disorders in nurses
8. Is there an ecstasy (MDMA) dependence syndrome?
A feminist call for transforming the criminal justice system
Spit (smokeless)-tobacco use by baseball players entering the professional ranks
Chemical dependency and relapse prevention: Having fun instead of abstinence
Clinical neuroscience
Advances in genetic studies of substance abuse in China
No stones: Women redeemed from sexual shame
Cytoplasmic Polyadenylation Element Binding Proteins CPEB1 and CPEB3 Regulate the Translation of FosB and Are Required for Maintaining addiction -Like …
N1′-fluoroethyl-naltrindole (BU97001) and N1′-fluoroethyl-(14-formylamino)-naltrindole (BU97018) potential δ-opioid receptor PET ligands
Effect of intracerebroventricular injection of GABA receptors antagonists on morphine-induced changes in GABA and GLU transmission within the mPFC: an in …
Effects of dopamine antagonists on alfentanil–induced locomotor activity in horses
On the arterial consequences of smoking
Brain-implantable multifunctional probe for simultaneous detection of glutamate and GABA neurotransmitters
Instagram, addiction , and Spirituality: Remaining Human in a Social Media World
Is ecstasy a drug of dependence?
Straight talk from Claudia Black: what recovering parents should tell their kids about drugs and alcohol
Front & Back Matter
Ethical Implications of Advances in Neuroscience Research on the addiction s
Perinatal Staff Education on Opioid Use Disorder
Alcohol-induced Reward Memory is Positively Associated With Persistent High Levels of RACK1, LC3-II/I and Synaptophysin in Hippocampus of C57BL/6J Mice.
A Neurochemical pattern generator SoC with switched-electrode Management for single-chip electrical stimulation and 9.3 µW, 78 pA rms, 400 V/s FSCV sensing
Evaluation of efavirenz on neurochemical and oxidative stress markers and addictive-like behaviours in rats
Governing desire in the biomolecular era: addiction science and the making of neurochemical subjects
An in vitro comparison of microdialysis relative recovery of Met-and Leu-enkephalin using cyclodextrins and antibodies as affinity agents
Double dissociation between actions of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors of the ventral and dorsolateral striatum to produce reinstatement of cocaine seeking behavior
Overcoming crystal meth addiction : An essential guide to getting clean
Using [11C] diprenorphine to image opioid receptor occupancy by methadone in opioid addiction : clinical and preclinical studies
Hypothesizing that a pro-dopaminergic regulator (KB220z™ Liquid Variant) can induce “dopamine homeostasis” and provide adjunctive detoxification …
Investigation of Carbamathione Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics by In Vivo Microdialysis and Capillary Electrophoresis
The potential rewarding and reinforcing effects of the substituted benzofurans 2-EAPB and 5-EAPB in rodents
The heart of darkness: a journey into chronic sexual addiction and the quest for recovery
Attentional functioning among polysubstance-abusing adolescents: Heroin users versus non-heroin users and implications for school-based learning
The Spiritual Recovery Manual: Vedic Knowledge and Yogic Techniques to Accelerate Recovery
Problematic internet use in turkish high school students: prevalence and related factors
Lesion of medial prefrontal cortex reduces morphine-induced extracellular dopamine level in the ventral tegmental area: a microdialysis study in rats
Integrated Microsystems for High-Fidelity Sensing and Manipulation of Brain NEUROCHEMISTRY
The Epigenome: Possible Mechanisms by which Early Life Stress May Prime Vulnerability towards Substance Use Disorder
A postmarketing surveillance program to monitor Ultram®(tramadol hydrochloride) abuse in the United States
Subject Guides: Neurosurgery: Home
A group intervention targeting substance abuse in low-income communities
The novel modafinil analog, JJC8-016, as a potential cocaine abuse pharmacotherapeutic
The role of GABAB receptors in morphine self-administration
Literature Calling: A Review of Recent Publications of Interest to Functional Neurology
“Waltzing with the Monster,” Interventions with the Substance-Abusing Adolescent for Pastors, Treatment Providers, and Family
Nicotine addiction : Behavioural and Neurochemical Mechanisms
Unprotected anal intercourse in HIV‐infected and non‐HIV‐infected gay men
Moral Mode Switching: From Punishment to Public Health
Amphetamine regulation of mesolimbic dopamine/cholecystokinin neurotransmission
Taming Nicotine: Big Tobacco’s Quest to Hide and Harness addiction
Core curriculum of addiction s nursing: An official publication of the IntNSA
Do morphine and its metabolites morphine-6-glucuronide and morphine-3-glucuronide affect dopamine release in nucleus accumbens in mice?
Glutamate transporter subtype 1 (GLT-1) activator ceftriaxone attenuates amphetamine-induced hyperactivity and behavioral sensitization in rats
National Drug Control Strategy: 1999
Extinction training following cocaine or MDMA self-administration produces discrete changes in D2-like and mGlu5 receptor density in the rat brain
What is comorbidity and why does it occur?
Effects of gaboxadol on the expression of cocaine sensitization in rats.
Investigating the microstructural and neurochemical environment within the basal ganglia of current methamphetamine abusers
Cannabis use and cannabis use disorders among individuals with mental illness
Ethanol-sensitive NMDAR-dependent synaptic plasticity and synaptic transmission in the bed nucleus of the stria terminals
Fabrication of Highly Sensitive Pt-black Electrochemical Sensors for GABA Detection
Wireless integrated microsystems for monitoring brain chemical and electrical activity
Research into the place of nutritional therapy and exercise therapy in a program of recovery from substance addiction and process addiction
Neurotensin in the ventral pallidum increases extracellular γ-aminobutyric acid and differentially affects cue-and cocaine-primed reinstatement
Animal well-being and behavioural needs on the farm
The National Drug Control Strategy, 1998: A Ten Year Plan
Potential non-hypoxic/ischemic causes of increased cerebral interstitial fluid lactate/pyruvate ratio: a review of available literature
Quinine enhances the behavioral stimulant effect of cocaine in mice
Enhanced microdialysis sampling of neuropeptides using affinity agents
The chemical tools for imaging dopamine release
Inhibition of monoacylglycerol lipase reduces the reinstatement of methamphetamine-seeking and anxiety-like behaviors in methamphetamine self-administered rats
Mass spectrometric detection of neuropeptides using affinity-enhanced microdialysis with antibody-coated magnetic nanoparticles
Nicotinamide co-administration with methamphetamine: Effects on the P450 and dopaminergic systems
Melatonin does not produce sedation in rats: A chronobiological study
Nasal Spray Can Save Lives: Engaging Emergency Department Nurses in the Provision of Naloxone Nasal Spray to High Risk Patients
Characterization of ultrananocrystalline diamond microsensors for in vivo dopamine detection
A novel microbiosensor microarray for continuous ex vivo monitoring of gamma-aminobutyric acid in real-time
Topiramate-phentermine combinations reduce cocaine self-administration in humans
Mass spectrometric characterization of the crustacean neuropeptidome
Animal well-being and behavioural needs on the farm
Interactive effects of morphine and nicotine on memory function depend on the central amygdala cannabinoid CB1 receptor function in rats
Dopamine and binge eating behaviors
Sandrine Parrot and Bernard Renaud
Success factors in smoking cessation: Age, gender, socioeconomic status and readiness for change
Improving in situ electrode calibration with principal component regression for fast-scan cyclic voltammetry
Experimental evaluation and computational modeling of tissue damage from low-flow push–pull perfusion sampling in vivo
Does enhancing the self-efficacy of participants in smoking cessation programs reduce relapse?
Modafinil activates phasic dopamine signaling in dorsal and ventral striata
Analytical considerations for microdialysis sampling
Smokeless tobacco use among Big Ten wrestlers and factors associated with use
Arousal theory and the interrelationships of caffeine, nicotine and impulsivity
Advances in mass spectrometric tools for probing neuropeptides
Alcohol, cannabis and tobacco use and the mental health of Australians: A comparative analysis of their associations with other drug use, affective and anxiety …
High-resolution 4D PET image reconstruction with the Quad-HIDAC
Chronic infection with Mycobacterium lepraemurium induces alterations in the hippocampus associated with memory loss
Technological evolution of wireless neurochemical sensing with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry
Characterizing Self-Inserting Carbon-Fiber Microelectrode Arrays for Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry
New techniques, applications and perspectives in neuropeptide research
Microdialysis and the NEUROCHEMISTRY of addiction
NEUROCHEMISTRY of addiction : monitoring essential neurotransmitters of addiction
addiction : Imaging in clinical neuroscience
Sex addiction and women: A nursing issue
Basic NEUROCHEMISTRY: principles of molecular, cellular, and medical neurobiology
Understanding the means and objects of addiction : Technology, the internet, and gambling
Educating treatment professionals about addiction science research: demographics of knowledge and belief changes
A neurochemical basis for alcohol and other drug addiction
Variations in addiction : The molecular and the molar in neuroscience and pain medicine
Conclusion: Defining the Future of addiction Research in South and East Africa
addiction in South and East Africa
Anne Lingford-Hughes: to get into addiction , just say yes
Introduction: Making a Case for addiction in Africa
The neural substrates of addiction
Sexual addiction & Its Treatment
Pain management and the so-called “risk” of addiction
The most important unresolved issue in the addiction s: conceptual chaos
Opioid maintenance, weaning and detoxification techniques: where we have been, where we are now and what the future holds
Review of neurotransmitters and their role in alcoholism treatment
addiction to food and brain reward systems
addiction : Reward, motivation and stress
A Reply to Wade: ” Say When: Critics Cannot Stop”
The effects of lobeline and naltrexone on methamphetamine-induced place preference and striatal dopamine and serotonin levels in adolescent rats with a history of …
Advances in the Neuroscience of addiction
Don’t call it love: Recovery from sexual addiction
Drug discovery for the treatment of addiction : medicinal chemistry strategies
addiction medicine: A place for faculty development
Effectiveness of addiction science presentations to treatment professionals, using a modified Solomon study design
Neurochemical Approaches to addiction Treatment
Brain stimulation in the study and treatment of addiction
Ethnopharmacology of love
Rapid detox: understanding new treatment approaches for the addicted patient
Sex addiction : Controversy within mainstream addiction medicine, diagnosis based on the DSM-III-R, and physician case histories
The addiction Conspiracy: Unlocking Brain Chemistry and addiction So You Don’t Have to Struggle
From white bullets to black markets and greened medicine: the neuroeconomics and neuroracial politics of opioid pharmaceuticals
No stones: Women redeemed from sexual addiction
Bargains with chaos: Sex addicts and addiction interaction disorder
Traditional and New Treatments of addiction –Ethical and Legal Aspects
Effect of rat parental morphine exposure on passive avoidance memory and morphine conditioned place preference in male offspring
Neurophysiology, Politics and Personhood in Russian addiction Medicine
Review of Two Books on NeuroEconomics
Jeffery Satinover statement to congress on pornography
The ins and outs of the striatum: role in drug addiction
Elasticity and Hegemony: A Brief History of addiction Narrative in the Postwar United States
PERERA, SYLVIA BRINTON. Queen Maeve and Her Lovers. New York: Carrowmore Books, 1999. Pp. 490. Hbk. $39.00
Translational approach to develop novel medications on alcohol addiction : focus on neuropeptides
addiction ‘s defining characteristics
Imaging receptor changes in human drug abusers
Pain and addiction
Behavioural and Pharmacological Assessment of addiction in Planaria
Targeting extinction and reconsolidation mechanisms to combat the impact of drug cues on addiction
addiction for nurses
Fifty years in the development of a glutaminergic-dopaminergic optimization complex (KB220) to balance brain reward circuitry in reward deficiency syndrome …
Learning to forget: manipulating extinction and reconsolidation processes to treat addiction
“Diminished Impressibility”: addiction , Neuroadaptation, and Pleasure in Coleridge
Seminar on addictive disorders: An exploration of students’ knowledge, attitudes, and behavior
Economic models of pathological gambling
The pharmacology of alcohol and drugs of abuse and addiction
… And if that doesn’t work: A seminar for clergy designed to help with the understanding, diagnosing and treating of the bio-psycho-spiritual disease of …
How to change Michael Pollan’s mind: a critical analysis of ‘addiction ‘, spirituality, and psychedelics
Interview with Dr. Vincent Dole, MD Methadone: The Next 30 Years
SPECT neuroimaging in translational research of CNS disorders
The management of acute dental pain in the recovering alcoholic
addiction s
What can neuroscience tell us about the potential of psychedelics in healthcare? How the neurophenomenology of psychedelics research could help us to flourish …
Suggestions for changes in DSM-III-R criteria for substance use disorders
Anticraving Effect of Adjunctive Propranolol Administration Prior to Reactivation of addiction Related Memories by Imagery Cues: A Comparative Study
Journeys from addiction to recovery
addiction ‘s defining characteristics.
The substance abuse pandemic: Determinants to guide interventions
Modern disease models of alcoholism and other chemical dependencies: The new biopsychosocial models
Pharmacological aspects of drug dependence: Toward an integrated neurobehavioral approach
The neurochemical investigation and treatment of cocaine addiction using rodent models
The impact of electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) flavors on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and nicotine addiction -related behaviors
Characterizing intercellular signaling peptides in drug addiction
Quality and Performance Improvement: What’sa Program to Do?
Food junkies: Recovery from food addiction
Neuroendocrine correlates of temperament traits in abstinent opiate addicts
Ceftriaxone attenuates locomotor activity induced by acute and repeated cocaine exposure in mice
Effectiveness of outreach to homeless substance abusers
A novel highly selective 5-HT6 receptor antagonist attenuates ethanol and nicotine seeking but does not affect inhibitory response control in Wistar rats
Ethical aspects of developments in neuroscience and drug addiction
Midbrain mutiny: The picoeconomics and neuroeconomics of disordered gambling: Economic theory and cognitive science
Emerging pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation
Gamma-aminobutyric acidergic projections from the dorsal raphe to the nucleus accumbens are regulated by neuromedin U
Clinical evaluation of substance abuse
The Behavioral Concepts of Abuse and addiction in Diagnosis
addiction , Alienation and Assertiveness in Saudi and English Drug Addicts
Autonomy and Addictive Design
Front & Back Matter
The impact of technological culture on addiction in twentieth century America
Blockade of D3 receptors by YQA14 inhibits cocaine’s rewarding effects and relapse to drug-seeking behavior in rats
Substance abuse disorders in nurses
8. Is there an ecstasy (MDMA) dependence syndrome?
A feminist call for transforming the criminal justice system
Spit (smokeless)-tobacco use by baseball players entering the professional ranks
Chemical dependency and relapse prevention: Having fun instead of abstinence
Clinical neuroscience
Advances in genetic studies of substance abuse in China
No stones: Women redeemed from sexual shame
Cytoplasmic Polyadenylation Element Binding Proteins CPEB1 and CPEB3 Regulate the Translation of FosB and Are Required for Maintaining addiction -Like …
N1′-fluoroethyl-naltrindole (BU97001) and N1′-fluoroethyl-(14-formylamino)-naltrindole (BU97018) potential δ-opioid receptor PET ligands
Effect of intracerebroventricular injection of GABA receptors antagonists on morphine-induced changes in GABA and GLU transmission within the mPFC: an in …
Effects of dopamine antagonists on alfentanil–induced locomotor activity in horses
On the arterial consequences of smoking
Brain-implantable multifunctional probe for simultaneous detection of glutamate and GABA neurotransmitters
Instagram, addiction , and Spirituality: Remaining Human in a Social Media World
Is ecstasy a drug of dependence?
Straight talk from Claudia Black: what recovering parents should tell their kids about drugs and alcohol
Front & Back Matter
Ethical Implications of Advances in Neuroscience Research on the addiction s
Perinatal Staff Education on Opioid Use Disorder
Alcohol-induced Reward Memory is Positively Associated With Persistent High Levels of RACK1, LC3-II/I and Synaptophysin in Hippocampus of C57BL/6J Mice.
A Neurochemical pattern generator SoC with switched-electrode Management for single-chip electrical stimulation and 9.3 µW, 78 pA rms, 400 V/s FSCV sensing
Evaluation of efavirenz on neurochemical and oxidative stress markers and addictive-like behaviours in rats
Governing desire in the biomolecular era: addiction science and the making of neurochemical subjects
An in vitro comparison of microdialysis relative recovery of Met-and Leu-enkephalin using cyclodextrins and antibodies as affinity agents
Double dissociation between actions of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors of the ventral and dorsolateral striatum to produce reinstatement of cocaine seeking behavior
Overcoming crystal meth addiction : An essential guide to getting clean
Using [11C] diprenorphine to image opioid receptor occupancy by methadone in opioid addiction : clinical and preclinical studies
Hypothesizing that a pro-dopaminergic regulator (KB220z™ Liquid Variant) can induce “dopamine homeostasis” and provide adjunctive detoxification …
Investigation of Carbamathione Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics by In Vivo Microdialysis and Capillary Electrophoresis
The potential rewarding and reinforcing effects of the substituted benzofurans 2-EAPB and 5-EAPB in rodents
The heart of darkness: a journey into chronic sexual addiction and the quest for recovery
Attentional functioning among polysubstance-abusing adolescents: Heroin users versus non-heroin users and implications for school-based learning
The Spiritual Recovery Manual: Vedic Knowledge and Yogic Techniques to Accelerate Recovery
Problematic internet use in turkish high school students: prevalence and related factors
Lesion of medial prefrontal cortex reduces morphine-induced extracellular dopamine level in the ventral tegmental area: a microdialysis study in rats
Integrated Microsystems for High-Fidelity Sensing and Manipulation of Brain NEUROCHEMISTRY
The Epigenome: Possible Mechanisms by which Early Life Stress May Prime Vulnerability towards Substance Use Disorder
A postmarketing surveillance program to monitor Ultram®(tramadol hydrochloride) abuse in the United States
Subject Guides: Neurosurgery: Home
A group intervention targeting substance abuse in low-income communities
The novel modafinil analog, JJC8-016, as a potential cocaine abuse pharmacotherapeutic
The role of GABAB receptors in morphine self-administration
Literature Calling: A Review of Recent Publications of Interest to Functional Neurology
“Waltzing with the Monster,” Interventions with the Substance-Abusing Adolescent for Pastors, Treatment Providers, and Family
Nicotine addiction : Behavioural and Neurochemical Mechanisms
Unprotected anal intercourse in HIV‐infected and non‐HIV‐infected gay men
Moral Mode Switching: From Punishment to Public Health
Amphetamine regulation of mesolimbic dopamine/cholecystokinin neurotransmission
Taming Nicotine: Big Tobacco’s Quest to Hide and Harness addiction
Core curriculum of addiction s nursing: An official publication of the IntNSA
Do morphine and its metabolites morphine-6-glucuronide and morphine-3-glucuronide affect dopamine release in nucleus accumbens in mice?
Glutamate transporter subtype 1 (GLT-1) activator ceftriaxone attenuates amphetamine-induced hyperactivity and behavioral sensitization in rats
National Drug Control Strategy: 1999
Extinction training following cocaine or MDMA self-administration produces discrete changes in D2-like and mGlu5 receptor density in the rat brain
What is comorbidity and why does it occur?
Effects of gaboxadol on the expression of cocaine sensitization in rats.
Investigating the microstructural and neurochemical environment within the basal ganglia of current methamphetamine abusers
Cannabis use and cannabis use disorders among individuals with mental illness
Ethanol-sensitive NMDAR-dependent synaptic plasticity and synaptic transmission in the bed nucleus of the stria terminals
Fabrication of Highly Sensitive Pt-black Electrochemical Sensors for GABA Detection
Wireless integrated microsystems for monitoring brain chemical and electrical activity
Research into the place of nutritional therapy and exercise therapy in a program of recovery from substance addiction and process addiction
Neurotensin in the ventral pallidum increases extracellular γ-aminobutyric acid and differentially affects cue-and cocaine-primed reinstatement
Animal well-being and behavioural needs on the farm
The National Drug Control Strategy, 1998: A Ten Year Plan
Potential non-hypoxic/ischemic causes of increased cerebral interstitial fluid lactate/pyruvate ratio: a review of available literature
Quinine enhances the behavioral stimulant effect of cocaine in mice
Enhanced microdialysis sampling of neuropeptides using affinity agents
The chemical tools for imaging dopamine release
Inhibition of monoacylglycerol lipase reduces the reinstatement of methamphetamine-seeking and anxiety-like behaviors in methamphetamine self-administered rats
Mass spectrometric detection of neuropeptides using affinity-enhanced microdialysis with antibody-coated magnetic nanoparticles
Nicotinamide co-administration with methamphetamine: Effects on the P450 and dopaminergic systems
Melatonin does not produce sedation in rats: A chronobiological study
Nasal Spray Can Save Lives: Engaging Emergency Department Nurses in the Provision of Naloxone Nasal Spray to High Risk Patients
Characterization of ultrananocrystalline diamond microsensors for in vivo dopamine detection
A novel microbiosensor microarray for continuous ex vivo monitoring of gamma-aminobutyric acid in real-time
Topiramate-phentermine combinations reduce cocaine self-administration in humans
Mass spectrometric characterization of the crustacean neuropeptidome
Animal well-being and behavioural needs on the farm
Interactive effects of morphine and nicotine on memory function depend on the central amygdala cannabinoid CB1 receptor function in rats
Dopamine and binge eating behaviors
Sandrine Parrot and Bernard Renaud
Success factors in smoking cessation: Age, gender, socioeconomic status and readiness for change
Improving in situ electrode calibration with principal component regression for fast-scan cyclic voltammetry
Experimental evaluation and computational modeling of tissue damage from low-flow push–pull perfusion sampling in vivo
Does enhancing the self-efficacy of participants in smoking cessation programs reduce relapse?
Modafinil activates phasic dopamine signaling in dorsal and ventral striata
Analytical considerations for microdialysis sampling
Smokeless tobacco use among Big Ten wrestlers and factors associated with use
Arousal theory and the interrelationships of caffeine, nicotine and impulsivity
Advances in mass spectrometric tools for probing neuropeptides
Alcohol, cannabis and tobacco use and the mental health of Australians: A comparative analysis of their associations with other drug use, affective and anxiety …
High-resolution 4D PET image reconstruction with the Quad-HIDAC
Chronic infection with Mycobacterium lepraemurium induces alterations in the hippocampus associated with memory loss
Technological evolution of wireless neurochemical sensing with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry
Characterizing Self-Inserting Carbon-Fiber Microelectrode Arrays for Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry
New techniques, applications and perspectives in neuropeptide research
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