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Leydig Cell Steroidogenesis
Leydig Cell Steroidogenesis
Testicular macrophage modulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Mitochondrial function in Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Nitric oxide inhibits Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Vitamin E, aging and Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
A role for kit receptor signaling in Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Long-term suppression of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisprevents Leydig Cell aging
The peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor is functionally linked to Leydig Cell steroidogenesis.
The role of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the regulation of mouse Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Leydig Cell steroidogenesis: unmasking the functional importance of mitochondria
Energized, polarized, and actively respiring mitochondria are required for acute Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Age-dependent stimulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisby interleukin-1 isoforms
Mitochondria-associated membrane formation in hormone-stimulated Leydig Cell steroidogenesis: role of ATAD3
Bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide and reactive oxygen species inhibit Leydig Cell steroidogenesisvia perturbation of mitochondria
Phthalates exert multiple effects on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Regulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisby extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2: role of protein kinase A and protein kinase C signaling
Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin aging rats
cAMP-specific phosphodiesterases 8A and 8B, essential regulators of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Protein kinase G-mediated stimulation of basal Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Effects of acute and chronic immobilization stress on rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Evidence to suggest nitric oxide is an interstitial regulator of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Functional Compensation by Egr4 inEgr1-Dependent Luteinizing Hormone Regulation and Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Direct stimulatory effects of insulin-like growth factor-I on Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin primary culture
Sildenafil treatment in vivo stimulates Leydig Cell steroidogenesisvia the cAMP/cGMP signaling pathway
Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibits Leydig Cell steroidogenesisthrough a decrease in steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression
Interleukin-1 inhibits Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin primary culture
Transforming growth factor-β inhibits Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin primary culture
Regulatory mechanism of Toona sinensis on mouse Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Upregulation of Peripubertal Rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesisFollowing 24 h In Vitro and In Vivo Exposure to Atrazine
Effect of myxothiazol on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis: inhibition of luteinizing hormone-mediated testosterone synthesis but stimulation of basal steroidogenesis
Effect of glutathione depletion on Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin young and old brown Norway rats
The in vivo and in vitro stimulatory effects of cordycepin on mouse Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Proposed role for COUP-TFII in regulating fetal Leydig Cell steroidogenesis, perturbation of which leads to masculinization disorders in rodents
Regulatory mechanism of Cordyceps sinensis mycelium on mouse Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Interaction of thyroid hormone and steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein in the regulation of murine Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Effect of kisspeptin antagonist on goat in vitro Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Interleukin-1 inhibits Leydig Cell steroidogenesisprimarily by decreasing 17 alpha-hydroxylase/C17-20 lyase cytochrome P450 expression
Aging and caloric restriction: effects on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Stimulatory effect of LHRH and its agonists on Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin vitro
The calcium signaling pathway regulates Leydig Cell steroidogenesisthrough a transcriptional cascade involving the nuclear receptor NR4A1 and the steroidogenic …
The effect of midazolam on mouse Leydig Cell steroidogenesisand apoptosis
Dual role of histamine in modulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisvia HRH1 and HRH2 receptor subtypes
Environmental doses of arsenic exposure are associated with increased reproductive-age male urinary hormone excretion and in vitro Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
The role of StAR in Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Role of P2-purinergic receptors in rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Tnf-α-mediated suppression of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisinvolves DAX-1
Effects of the calcium-channel blockers cobalt, verapamil, and D600 on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Tumor necrosis factor-α enhances inhibitory effects of interleukin-1β on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
In vitro acute and prolonged effects of melatonin on purified rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesisand adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate production
Involvement of nitric oxide synthase in the mechanism of histamine-induced inhibition of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisvia histamine receptor subtypes in Sprague …
… delivery of tumor necrosis factor-α and ceramide directly abrogates steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression and Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin adult rats
… of procymidone, a fungicide with anti-androgenic effects, or the phytoestrogen genistein to rats on the pituitary–gonadal axis and Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Cultured Sertoli cell-mediated FSH stimulatory effect on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide stimulates rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesisthrough a novel transduction pathway
The role of calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase in Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Direct regulating effects of transforming growth factor β on the Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin primary culture
An in vitro Cell model system to study the action of retinoids on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis.
Leydig Cell steroidogenesisunexpectedly escapes mitochondrial dysfunction in prematurely aging mice
Pachytene spermatocytes regulate the secretion of Sertoli Cell protein (s) which stimulate Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I stimulate Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Substance P‐induced inhibition of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin primary culture
Mechanism of action of gonadotropin-releasing hormone stimulated Leydig Cell steroidogenesisIII. The role of arachidonic acid and calcium/phospholipid dependent …
Is cAMP the obligatory second messenger in the action of lutropin on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis?
Effect of Cell purity, Cell concentration, and incubation conditions on rat testis Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Receptors for anti-Müllerian hormone on Leydig cells are responsible for its effects on steroidogenesis and Cell differentiation
Disrupting mitochondrial function with surfactants inhibits MA-10 Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
The interaction of hCG, hydroxysteroids and interstitial fluid on rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin vitro
Evidence for the involvement of lutropin-independent RNA synthesis in Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Nitric oxide: An autocrine regulator of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin the Asian catfish, Clarias batrachus
Prolactin and MA-10 Leydig Cell steroidogenesis: biphasic effects of prolactin and signal transduction
The mechanism of action of lutropin on regulator protein (s) involved in Leydig-Cell steroidogenesis
Rat seminiferous tubular culture medium contains a biological factor that inhibits Leydig Cell steroidogenesis: its purification and mechanism of action
The role of calcium ions in rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesisinduced by atrial natriuretic peptide
Effect of chronic treatment with Rosiglitazone on Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin rats: In vivo and ex vivo studies
Interleukin-1 inhibits Leydig Cell steroidogenesiswithout affecting steroidogenic acute regulatory protein messenger ribonucleic acid or protein levels
Environmental factors that disrupt Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Diazepam binding inhibitor is a paracrine/autocrine regulator of Leydig Cell proliferation and steroidogenesis: action via peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor and …
Discrete stimulatory effects of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB) on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Growth hormone regulates steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression and steroidogenesis in Leydig Cell progenitors
Effect of LH on steroidogenesis and cyclic AMP accumulation in rat Leydig Cell preparations and mouse tumor Leydig cells
Testicular STAC3 regulates Leydig Cell steroidogenesisthrough potentiating mitochondrial membrane potential and StAR processing
Role of heat shock factor 1 in conserving cholesterol transportation in Leydig Cell steroidogenesisvia steroidogenic acute regulatory protein
Steroidogenesis-activator polypeptide isolated from a rat Leydig Cell tumor
Identification of an inhibitory factor from a Sertoli clonal Cell line (TM4) that modulates adult rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Characterization of adrenergic control of the Leydig Cell steroidogenesis: identification of both stimulatory and inhibitory components.
… of peroxisome proliferators on Leydig Cell peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor gene expression, hormone-stimulated cholesterol transport, and steroidogenesis …
Effects of Monobutyl and Di(n-butyl) Phthalate in Vitro on steroidogenesis and Leydig Cell Aggregation in Fetal Testis Explants from the Rat: Comparison with Effects in Vivo in …
Assessment of in vitro effects of metyrapone on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Development of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Effects of corticosterone deficiency and its replacement on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
The effect of testicular macrophages, macrophage-conditioned medium and interleukin-1α on bank vole Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Prohibitin-1 plays a regulatory role in Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Leydig Cell protein synthesis and steroidogenesis in response to acute stimulation by luteinizing hormone in rats
Evaluation of the effect of peritubular Cell secretions and the testicular paracrine factor P‐Mod‐S on Leydig Cell steroidogenesisand immunoactive inhibin production
HDAC7 modulates TNF-α-mediated suppression of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
… : do G protein-coupled estrogen receptor and peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor regulate lipid metabolism and steroidogenesis in Leydig Cell tumors?
Tamoxifen inhibits Leydig Cell steroidogenesis: in vivo and in vitro studies
Sertoli cell‐derived exosome‐mediated transfer of miR‐145‐5p inhibits Leydig Cell steroidogenesisby targeting steroidogenic factor 1
Regulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis: intriguing network of signaling pathways and mitochondrial signalosome
Slit/Robo signaling regulates Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Ascorbic acid supplementation enhances recovery from ethanol induced inhibition of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisthan abstention in male guinea pigs
Paracrine role of macrophage produced-nitric oxide (NO) in Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin a teleost, Clarias batrachus: impact of gonadotropin, growth hormone and …
Evidence for the involvement of phospholipase A2 in the regulation of luteinizing hormone-stimulated steroidogenesis in rat testis Leydig cell
Aquaporin 9 regulates Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin diabetes
Mechanism of Action of Gonadotropin‐releasing Hormone‐stimulated Leydig Cell steroidogenesis. I. The Stimulatory Effect is Calcium Dependent and Not Mediated …
Modulation of mouse Leydig Cell steroidogenesisthrough a specific arginine-vasopressin receptor
Mechanism of Action of Gonadotropin‐releasing Hormone‐stimulated Leydig Cell steroidogenesis. II. Gonadotropin‐releasing Hormone Stimulates Phospholipid …
Effects of restraint stress on plasma LH and testosterone concentrations, Leydig Cell LH/hCG receptors, and in vitro testicular steroidogenesis in adult rats
In vitro modulation of porcine Leydig Cell steroidogenesisby phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate and 1, 2-dioctanoylglycerol
Androgen-induced changes in Leydig Cell ultrastructure and steroidogenesis in juvenile African catfish, Clarias gariepinus
Short-term stimulatory effect of Sertoli Cell conditioned medium on Leydig Cell steroidogenesisis not mediated by inhibin
Endocrine and paracrine control of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisand proliferation in the wall lizard: an in vitro study
Requirement for heparan sulphate proteoglycans to mediate basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2)-induced stimulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Effects of hexafluoroacetone on Leydig Cell steroidogenesisand spermatogenesis in the rat
Effect of LH injections on testicular steroidogenesis, cholesterol side-chain cleavage P450 mRNA content and Leydig Cell morphology in hypogonadal mice
Restoration effects of exogenous luteinizing hormone on the testicular steroidogenesis and Leydig Cell ultrastructure
Recombinant monocyte-derived interleukin-1 receptor antagonist reverses inhibitory effects of interleukin-1 on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Acute effects of hexabromocyclododecane on Leydig Cell cyclic nucleotide signaling and steroidogenesis in vitro
Stimulation and inhibition of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisby the phorbol ester 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate: similarity to the effects of gonadotropin-releasing …
Mechanisms of MEHP Inhibitory Action and Analysis of Potential Replacement Plasticizers on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Effect of experimental infection with Trypanosoma congolense and scrotal insulation on Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin the ram
steroidogenesis in HCG-responsive Leydig Cell tumor variants
The stimulation of rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesisby human ovarian steroidogenesis-inducing protein (SIP) may not require endogenous cAMP
The effect of ketoconazole on steroidogenesis: I. Leydig Cell enzyme activity in vitro.
Zingerone attenuates zearalenone-induced steroidogenesis impairment and apoptosis in TM3 Leydig Cell line
Changes in mouse Leydig Cell steroidogenesisfollowing infrared and helium-neon laser irradiation
Gender-specific adverse effects of mono-ethylhexyl phthalate on steroidogenesis in immature granulosa cells and rat Leydig Cell progenitors in vitro
Cordyceps sinensis and Its Fractions Stimulate MA‐10 Mouse Leydig Tumor Cell Steroidogenesis
DD–RT–PCR identifies 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase as a key marker of early Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Inhibition of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis: Effect of Actinomycin D Before and After Preincubation of Leydig Cells In Vitro
… and inhibitory factors of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisare secreted simultaneously by the rat seminiferous tubules and do not affect Leydig Cell inhibin production in …
Cessation of steroidogenesis in Leydig Cell tumors after removal of luteinizing hormone and adenosine cyclic 3′, 5′-monophosphate
Currently available murine Leydig Cell lines can be applied to study early steps of steroidogenesis but not testosterone synthesis
Effects of peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor antisense knockout on MA-10 Leydig Cell proliferation and steroidogenesis
d-Aspartic acid stimulates steroidogenesis through the delay of LH receptor internalization in a mammalian Leydig Cell line
Type 1 and 2 isoenzymes of cAMP-dependent protein kinase in Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Fatty acids suppress the steroidogenesis of the MA-10 mouse Leydig Cell line by downregulating CYP11A1 and inhibiting late-stage autophagy
Stimulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisby
Catecholamine effects on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
steroidogenesis in the two enriched-Leydig Cell populations of human testis: evidence for a positive control by seminiferous tubules secreted factor (s)
The aging Leydig cell: 2. Two distinct populations of Leydig cells and the possible site of defective steroidogenesis
A Sertoli cell-secreted paracrine factor (s) stimulates proliferation and inhibits steroidogenesis of rat Leydig cells
Presence in mouse Sertoli cell-conditioned medium of a factor that expresses AVP-like inhibition of steroidogenesis by mouse Leydig cells in long-term culture
Inhibition of Leydig tumor Cell steroidogenesis by 10-propargylestr-4-ene-3, 17-dione, an irreversible aromatase inhibitor
Gonadotropin induction of a regulatory mechanism of steroidogenesis in fetal Leydig Cell cultures
Hormonal and paracrine influences on Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Effects of endocrine disruptors on adreno-cortical and Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Novel role for histamine through classical H1 and H2 receptors: regulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisand its implications for male reproductive function
Graves’ autoimmune serum inhibits gonadal steroidogenesis: development of a Leydig Cell bioassay to identify broad spectrum anti-endocrine autoantibodies
Specificity and partial purification of a factor in spent media from Sertoli cell-enriched cultures that stimulates steroidogenesis in Leydig cells
cGMP-Protein kinase G signaling pathway is involved in stimulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Sesquiterpene lactone helenalin suppresses Leydig and adrenocortical Cell steroidogenesis by inhibiting expression of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein
Effects of Glutathione Depletion on Leydig Cell Aging and Steroidogenesis
… of leydiogioma. G protein-coupled receptor and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor crosstalk regulates lipid metabolism and steroidogenesis in Leydig Cell …
A factor in spent media from Sertoli cell-enriched cultures that stimulates steroidogenesis in Leydig cells
Quantitative evaluation of Leydig Cell number and steroidogenesis in tandem with spermatogenic macro-parameters following experimentally induced diabetes …
Effect of 4-hydroxyandrostenedione on murine Leydig tumor Cell steroidogenesis
… inhibition of the long-acting luteinizing hormone releasing hormone agonist Buserelin and human chorionic gonadotropin in stimulating Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Rat tumor Leydig cells as a test system for the study of Sertoli Cell factors that stimulate steroidogenesis
Leydig Cell ultrastructure and steroidogenesis in differents species of mammals.
The involvement of calcium and chloride ions in the regulation of rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Protein kinase G‐dependent stimulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Effects of di (n-butyl) and monobutyl phthalate on steroidogenesis pathways in the murine Leydig tumor Cell line MLTC-1
Proposed Role for COUP-TFII in Regulating Fetal Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Targeted disruption of the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor gene inhibits steroidogenesis in the R2C Leydig tumor Cell line
The effect of interleukin-1alpha and testicular macrophages on adult rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesisin vitro.
Effects of neuromedin B on steroidogenesis, Cell proliferation and apoptosis in porcine Leydig cells
TNF alpha-guided paracrine regulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesisby testicular interstitial macrophages
A novel repressor mechanism regulating fetal Leydig Cell steroidogenesis, perturbation of which results in masculinization disorders
Evidence that ADP-ribosylation is not necessary for luteinizing hormone stimulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
… -binding inhibitor and a higher affinity mitochondrial peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor sustain constitutive steroidogenesis in the R2C Leydig tumor Cell line.
Divergent effects of phenothiazines on Leydig tumor Cell steroidogenesis and adenylate cyclase activity
… Officinale and Calendula Officinalis L. on Cell Viability, Membrane Integrity, Steroidogenesis, and Intercellular Communication in Mice Leydig Cells in Vitro.
Immune activation via injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in mice results in disruption of Leydig Cell steroidogenesiscaused by oxidative mitochondrial …
Endocrine disruptors target ATP binding cassette transporters in the blood-testis barrier and impair Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
The role of sterol carrier protein 2 in the regulation of Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
Constitutive steroidogenesis in the R2C Leydig tumor Cell line is maintained by the adenosine 3′, 5′-cyclic monophosphate-independent production of a …
Effects of overexpression of CXCL10 (cytokine-responsive gene-2) on MA-10 mouse Leydig tumor Cell steroidogenesis and proliferation
Role of protein kinase C in the regulation of steroidogenesis in the mouse Leydig cell
Leydig Cell and steroidogenesis during postnatal development of the rabbit testis
Diverse effects of endocrine-disruptive chemicals on Leydig and adrenocortical Cell steroidogenesis in rodents and humans
Function and regulation of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta in Leydig Cell development and steroidogenesis
… Leydig Cell line MLTC-1 prefers L-thyroxine over 3, 3′, 5-triiodo-L-thyronine in transport across plasma membrane and shows steroidogenesis response to thyroid …
Precocious Puberty, Elevated Steroidogenesis, and Leydig Cell Hyperplasia in Male Mice with a Gain of Function Mutation in the Luteinizing Hormone Receptor Gene …
Midazolam Regulates StAR-Dependent steroidogenesis and Cell Death in Mouse Leydig Cells.
Effect of chronic treatment with new benzylidene-thiazolidine-2, 4-dione (LPSF/GQ-06) with potential hypoglycemic on rat Leydig Cell steroidogenesis
… of low concentrations of di-(2-ethylhexyl) and mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on steroidogenesis pathways and apoptosis in the murine Leydig tumor Cell line MLTC-1
… Suppl 2): S431-434. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) refers to group of congenital diseases resulting from impaired adrenal steroidogenesis, and its most …
Regulation of steroidogenesis in subclones of the MA-10 mouse Leydig tumor Cell line
The endocrine disruptor Benzo [a] Pyrene inhibits gonadotropin-mediated steroidogenesis in a mouse Leydig tumor Cell line
steroidogenesis expression depends on negative control (s): analysis in Leydig× adrenal intraspecific Cell hybrids
… [1, 2-a] pyridine-containing ligands of the 18-kDa translocator protein (TSPO) behave as agonists and antagonists of steroidogenesis in a mouse Leydig tumor Cell line
Effects of Overexpression of IP-10 Gene on MA-10 Mouse Leydig Tumor Cell Steroidogenesis and Cell Proliferation
Parallel effect of 4-octylphenol and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) alters steroidogenesis, Cell viability and ROS production in mice Leydig cells
… Leydig cells by unit gravity sedimentation and demonstration of binding sites for gonadotropin in light cells versus enhanced steroidogenesis in heavier cells.
Neuromedin B regulates steroidogenesis, Cell viability and apoptosis in rabbit Leydig cells
Expression and regulation of two steps of steroidogenesis in human Leydig cells× murine Cell line Clone 1D hybrids
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