
Klotho is a transmembrane protein that, in addition to other effects, provides some control over the sensitivity of the organism to insulin and appears to be involved in ageing. Its discovery was documented in 1997 by Makoto Kuro-o et al.[9] The name of the gene comes from Klotho or Clotho, one of the Moirai, or Fates, in Greek mythology.

The Klotho protein is a novel β-glucuronidase (EC number capable of hydrolyzing steroid β-glucuronides. Genetic variants in KLOTHO have been associated with human aging,[10][11] and Klotho protein has been shown to be a circulating factor detectable in serum that declines with age.[12]

The binding of certain fibroblast growth factors(FGF’s) viz., FGF19, FGF21, and FGF23, to their fibroblast growth factor receptors, is promoted via their interactions as co-receptors with β-Klotho.[13][14]

Klotho-deficient mice manifest a syndromeresembling accelerated human aging and display extensive and accelerated arteriosclerosis. Additionally, they exhibit impaired endotheliumdependent vasodilation and impaired angiogenesis, suggesting that Klotho protein may protect the cardiovascular system through endothelium-derived NO production.

Although the vast majority of research has been based on lack of Klotho, it was demonstrated that an overexpression of Klotho in mice might extend their average life span between 19% and 31% compared to normal mice.[8] In addition, variations in the Klotho gene (SNP Rs9536314) are associated with both life extension and increased cognition in human populations.[15]

The mechanism of action of klotho is not fully understood, but it changes cellular calcium homeostasis, by both increasing the expression and activity of TRPV5 and decreasing that of TRPC6.[16]Additionally, klotho increases membrane expression of the inward rectifier channel ROMK.[16] Klotho-deficient mice show increased production of vitamin D, and altered mineral-ion homeostasis is suggested to be a cause of premature aging‑like phenotypes, because the lowering of vitamin D activity by dietary restriction reverses the premature aging‑like phenotypes and prolongs survival in these mutants. These results suggest that aging‑like phenotypes were due to klotho-associated vitamin D metabolic abnormalities (hypervitaminosis).[17][18][19][20]

Recently it has been found that the decreased Klotho expression may be due to DNA hypermethylation, which may have been induced by the overexpression of DNMT3a.[21] Klotho may be a reliable gene for early detection of methylation changes in oral tissues, and can be used as a target for therapeutic modification in oral cancer during the early stages.

Suppression of Aging in Mice by the Hormone Klotho

A defect in Klotho gene expression in mice accelerates the degeneration of multiple age-sensitive traits. Here, we show that overexpression of Klotho in mice extends life span. Klotho protein functions as a circulating hormone that binds to a cell-surface receptor and represses intracellular signals of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), an evolutionarily conserved mechanism for extending life span. Alleviation of aging-like phenotypes in Klotho-deficient mice was observed by perturbing insulin and IGF1 signaling, suggesting that Klotho-mediated inhibition of insulin and IGF1 signaling contributes to its anti-aging properties. Klotho protein may function as an anti-aging hormone in mammals.

Life Extension Factor Klotho Prevents Mortality and Enhances Cognition

Aging is the principal demographic risk factor for Alzheimer disease (AD), the most common neurodegenerative disorder. Klotho is a key modulator of the aging process and, when overexpressed, extends mammalian lifespan, increases synaptic plasticity, and enhances cognition. Whether klotho can counteract deficits related to neurodegenerative diseases, such as AD, is unknown. Here we show that elevating klotho expression decreases premature mortality and network dysfunction in human amyloid precursor protein (hAPP) transgenic mice, which simulate key aspects of AD. Increasing klotho levels prevented depletion of NMDA receptor (NMDAR) subunits in the hippocampus and enhanced spatial learning and memory in hAPP mice. Klotho elevation in hAPP mice increased the abundance of the GluN2B subunit of NMDAR in postsynaptic densities and NMDAR-dependent long-term potentiation, which is critical for learning and memory. Thus, increasing wild-type klotho levels or activities improves synaptic and cognitive functions, and may be of therapeutic benefit in AD and other cognitive disorders.

Biological Role of Anti-aging Protein Klotho

Klotho-deficient mice have accelerated aging phenotypes, whereas overexpression of Klotho in mice extends lifespan. Klotho is an anti-aging single-pass membrane protein predominantly produced in the kidney, with shedding of the amino-terminal extracellular domain into the systemic circulation. Circulating levels of soluble Klotho decrease with age, and the klotho gene is associated with increased risk of age-related diseases. The three forms of Klotho protein have distinct functions. Membrane Klotho forms a complex with fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors, functions as an obligatory co-receptor for FGF23, which is involved in aging and the development of chronic diseases via regulation of Pi and vitamin D metabolism. Secreted Klotho functions as a humoral factor with pleiotropic activities including regulation of oxidative stress, growth factor signaling, and ion homeostasis. Secreted Klotho is also involved in organ protection. The intracellular form of Klotho suppresses inflammation-mediated cellular senescence and mineral metabolism. Herein we provide a brief overview of the structure and function and recent research about Klotho.

Effect of cordyceps sinensis extract on Klotho expression (in ACB)

CONCLUSION: Cordyceps Sinensis can increase the expression of Klotho down-regulated by Ang II, decrease P53 and P21 expression and caspase-3 activity, and reduce Ang II induced NRK-52E cell apoptosis, which may be part of its mechanism of the protective effects on hypertensive renal damage.

High-intensity physical exercise increases Klotho

The recently discovered klotho proteins have roles in a diverse range of metabolic processes with the oldest protein, α-klotho, implicated in various cellular pathways in energy, glucose, and phosphate metabolism. Circulating soluble klotho (sKl), derived from membrane α-klotho cleavage, not only has effects on ion channels and insulin signaling pathways, but is inversely associated with mortality. Effects of physical exercise on sKl have not been well studied. The effect of a single high-intensity standardized exercise on sKl and serum phosphate (sPi) levels in healthy adults was investigated.  In conclusion, a single high-intensity exercise session is associated with a transient increase in sKl, a delayed reduction in blood glucose, and a nonsignificant decrease in sPi levels in healthy adults. The evaluation of long-term effects of cardiovascular fitness programs on sKl and sPi in healthy individuals and disease cohorts are required to identify potential lifestyle modifications to help improve chronic disease management and long-term outcomes.

Acetyl‐11‐keto‐β‐boswellic acid from Boswellia Serrata  (frankincense) increases Klotho (in ACB)

Acetyl 11‐keto‐β‐boswellic acid (AKBA), a pentacyclic triterpenoid compound (Figure 1A), is one of the most potent active principles within the multi‐component mixture of Boswellia serrata resin.

Klotho is a multifunctional protein that is well known for its anti‐ageing property. Deficiency of Klotho in mice often leads to short lifespan, cognitive dysfunction, osteoporosis, vascular calcification, etc.22 While overexpression of Klotho could extend lifespan23 and alleviate renal disease.24, 25 It was reported that full Klotho knockout mice (Klotho−/−) have a more striking phenotype and serious pathological changes than heterozygous Klotho mice (Klotho+/−).4 Compared to the wild‐type mice, constitutive overexpression of Klotho in mice could lead to less expression of fibrosis‐related proteins, such as α‐SMA and collagen I.25 As expected, the results in our study showed that the levels of Klotho were significantly decreased in obstructed kidneys and hypoxia‐induced HK‐2 cells. AKBA administration up‐regulated the expression of Klotho in a dose‐dependent manner. And the renal protective effect of AKBA was reversed with the transfection of siRNA‐Klotho. FEATURED IN ACB

Anti-aging Gene Klotho Deficiency Causes Hypertension and Vascular Dysfunction via Upregulation of mTOR

Klotho is a recently discovered anti-aging gene. Genetic mutation of klotho expedites the aging process and shortens the lifespan while overexpression of klotho slows down the aging process and extends the lifespan by 20%. Interestingly, blood pressure (BP) was elevated significantly and vasodilatory responses to acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside were impaired in klotho heterozygeous (+/-) mice, suggesting that klotho deficiency causes hypertension and vascular dysfunction. It is noted that klotho deficiency is associated with upregulation of mTOR expression and NADPH oxidase activity and downregulation of Mn-SOD expression in aortas and kidneys. Inhibition of mTOR by rapamycin abolished the upregulation of NADPH oxidase activity and O2– production and the downregulation of Mn-SOD expression and decreased BP to the control levels. Inhibition of mTOR also abolished vascular endothelial dysfunction and macrophage infiltration in kidneys in klotho (+/-) mice. The upregulation of NADPH oxidase activity and downregulation of Mn-SOD may be involved in klotho deficiency-induced hypertension which can be decreased significantly by apocynin (NADPH oxidase inhibitor) or Tempol (O2–scavenger). These results demonstrate, for the first time, that klotho is essential in the maintenance of normal blood pressure. Klotho deficiency-induced hypertension and vascular dysfunction are mediated by upregulation of mTOR. This study also reveals a previously unidentified role of mTOR in the regulation of NADPH oxidase and MnSOD.

Longevity factor klotho and chronic psychological stress

Chronic psychological stress is associated with accelerated aging and premature morbidity and mortality; however, the biology linking chronic psychological stress and its maladaptive effects remains largely unknown. Klotho is a pleiotropic hormone that regulates the aging process and promotes better brain and body health. Whether klotho is linked to psychosocial stress or its negative impact in humans has not been investigated. To address this gap, we recruited 178 healthy women who were either chronically high-stress maternal caregivers for a child with autism spectrum disorder (n= 90) or low-stress control mothers of a typically developing child (n= 88). We found that women under high chronic stress displayed significantly lower levels of the longevity hormone klotho compared with low-stress controls (t (176)= 2.92, P= 0.004; d= 0.44), and the decrease among those under high stress was age-dependent. In addition, high-stress caregivers who reported more depressive symptoms displayed even lower klotho levels compared with low-stress participants. These findings provide the first evidence that klotho levels are sensitive to psychosocial stressors and raise the possibility that klotho may serve as a novel biological link connecting stress, depression and risk for accelerated disease development. Furthermore, these findings have important implications for understanding the plasticity of the aging process and may represent a therapeutic target for mitigating the deleterious effects of chronic psychological stress on health and well-being.

EGCG (in ACB & matcha green tea) increases Klotho

(−)-Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG) has long been known as a potent inducer of keratinocyte differentiation. Although its molecular mechanisms have been extensively studied, its actions on human skin remain to be elucidated. In this study, we demonstrated that methylated EGCG and EGCG increase the expression of klotho, and that klotho functions as a downstream target of EGCG and methylated EGCG in keratinocyte differentiation. We demonstrated that methylated EGCG3 and EGCG induce morphological changes in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEKs) that are related to up-regulation of klotho expression. We also demonstrated that a klotho-induced keratinocyte differentiation marker in NHEKs is inhibited by H-89, a protein kinase (PKA) inhibitor. These results suggest that methylated EGCG and EGCG may function as inducers of keratinocyte differentiation via transcriptional regulation of the klotho protein.

Klotho recovery by genistein (in ACB)

Renal fibrosis is a common histomorphological feature of renal aging and chronic kidney diseases of all etiologies, and its initiation and progression are substantially influenced by aberrant epigenetic modifications of fibrosis-susceptible genes, yet without effective therapy. “Epigenetic diets” exhibit tissue-protective and epigenetic-modulating properties; however, their anti-renal fibrosis functions and the underlying mechanisms are less understood. In this study, we show that genistein, a phytoestrogenic isoflavone enriched in dietary soy products, exhibits impressive anti-renal fibrosis activities by recovering epigenetic loss of Klotho, a kidney-enriched anti-aging and fibrosis-suppressing protein. Mouse fibrotic kidneys induced by UUO (unilateral ureteral occlusion) displayed severer Klotho suppression and adverse expression of renal fibrosis-associated proteins, but genistein administration markedly recovered the Klotho loss and attenuated renal fibrosis and the protein expression abnormalities. The examination of possible causes of the Klotho recovery revealed that genistein simultaneously inhibited histone 3 deacetylation of Klotho promoter and normalized the promoter DNA hypermethylation by suppressing elevated DNA methyltransferase DNMT1 and DNMT3a. More importantly, genistein’s anti-renal fibrosis effects on the renal fibrotic lesions and the abnormal expressions of fibrosis-associated proteins were abrogated when Klotho is knockdown by RNA interferences in UUO mice. Thus, our results identify Klotho restoration via epigenetic histone acetylation and DNA demethylation as a critical mechanism of genistein’s anti-fibrosis function and shed new lights on the potentials of epigenetic diets in preventing or treating aging or renal fibrosis-associated kidney diseases. FEATURED IN ACB

Key messages

  • Genistein prevents renal fibrosis and the associated Klotho suppression in UUO mice.
  • Genistein upregulates Klotho in part by reversing the promoter histone 3 hypoacetylation.
  • Genistein also preserves Klotho via relieving Klotho promoter hypermethylation.
  • Genistein demethylates Klotho promoter by inhibiting aberrant DNMT1/3a expression.
  • Genistein restoration of Klotho is essential for its anti-renal fibrosis function.
  1. Structures of β-klotho reveal a ‘zip code’-like mechanism for endocrine FGF signalling
  2. Activity-dependent neuronal Klotho enhances astrocytic aerobic glycolysis
  3. Klotho and Phosphate Are Modulators of Pathologic Uremic Cardiac Remodeling
  4. α-Klotho is a non-enzymatic molecular scaffold for FGF23 hormone signalling
  5. The FGF23 and Klotho system beyond mineral metabolism
  6. Update on FGF23 and Klotho signaling
  7. FGF19, FGF21, and an FGFR1/β-Klotho-Activating Antibody Act on the Nervous System to Regulate Body Weight and Glycemia
  8. Molecular Basis of Klotho: From Gene to Function in Aging
  9. FGF23-Klotho signaling axis in the kidney
  10. Vascular calcification in CKD-MBD: Roles for phosphate, FGF23, and Klotho
  12. Novel functions of circulating Klotho
  13. α-Klotho Expression in Human Tissues
  14. Klotho Protects Against Indoxyl Sulphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy
  15. Soluble Klotho Protects against Uremic Cardiomyopathy Independently of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and Phosphate
  16. The Klotho proteins in health and disease
  17. Lower Levels of Serum Klotho Is Associated with Decreased Lung Function Tests in Individuals with Interstitial Lung Abnormalities
  18. Recombinant α-Klotho may be prophylactic and therapeutic for acute to chronic kidney disease progression and uremic cardiomyopathy
  19. Klotho, stem cells, and aging
  20. Implication of alpha-Klotho as the predictive factor of stress
  21. Structures of ligand-occupied β-Klotho complexes reveal a molecular mechanism underlying endocrine FGF specificity and activity
  22. Biological Role of Anti-aging Protein Klotho
  23. Inhibition of Age-Related Therapy Resistance in Melanoma by Rosiglitazone-Mediated Induction of Klotho
  24. Thymic Epithelial Cell Support of Thymopoiesis Does Not Require Klotho
  25. KLB is associated with alcohol drinking, and its gene product β-Klotho is necessary for FGF21 regulation of alcohol preference
  26. Vitamin D-mediated Regulation of Anti-Aging Klotho and FOXO Signaling
  27. Klotho May Ameliorate Proteinuria by Targeting TRPC6 Channels in Podocytes
  28. Performance of soluble Klotho assays in clinical samples of kidney disease
  29. Life Extension Factor Klotho Prevents Mortality and Enhances Cognition in hAPP Transgenic Mice
  30. Effect of systemically increasing human full-length Klotho on glucose metabolism in db/db mice
  31. Klotho attenuates renal hypertrophy and glomerular injury in Ins2Akita diabetic mice
  32. Soluble klotho binds monosialoganglioside to regulate membrane microdomains and growth factor signaling
  33. Cooperative Inhibition of Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling by Klotho and Vitamin D: Implications for Chemoprevention
  34. Klotho controls the brain–immune system interface in the choroid plexus
  35. FGF23 Regulates Bone Mineralization in a 1,25(OH)2D3 and Klotho‐Independent Manner
  36. Klotho regulates CA1 hippocampal synaptic plasticity
  37. The impact of preserved Klotho gene expression on antioxidative stress activity in healthy kidney
  38. Chronic nicotine exposure reduces klotho expression and triggers different renal and hemodynamic responses in klotho-haploinsufficient mice
  39. Klotho and endocrine fibroblast growth factors: markers of chronic kidney disease progression and cardiovascular complications?
  40. [Klotho not only antiageing protein].
  41. Klotho suppresses colorectal cancer through modulation of the unfolded protein response.
  42. Systemic klotho is associated with KLOTHO variation and predicts intrinsic cortical connectivity in healthy human aging
  43. Macrophages escape Klotho gene silencing in the mdx mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and promote muscle growth and increase satellite cell numbers through a Klotho-mediated pathway
  44. Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Accelerated Aging by Defects in the FGF23-Klotho System
  45. Randomized Clinical Trial of Sevelamer Carbonate on Serum Klotho and Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 in CKD
  46. Association between Soluble Klotho and Change in Kidney Function: The Health Aging and Body Composition Study
  47. Klotho: a novel biomarker for cancer
  48. Klotho Lacks an FGF23‐Independent Role in Mineral Homeostasis
  49. Klotho deficiency aggravates sepsis-related multiple organ dysfunction
  50. Implications of Fibroblast growth factor/Klotho system in glucose metabolism and diabetes
  51. Soluble α-Klotho Serum Levels in Chronic Kidney Disease
  52. Xeno‐Klotho Inhibits Parathyroid Hormone Signaling
  53. Klotho gene silencing promotes pathology in the mdx mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  54. Effects of Klotho on fibrosis and cancer: A renal focus on mechanisms and therapeutic strategies
  55. The anti‐ageing hormone klotho induces Nrf2‐mediated antioxidant defences in human aortic smooth muscle cells
  56. Overexpression of β-Klotho in Adipose Tissue Sensitizes Male Mice to Endogenous FGF21 and Provides Protection From Diet-Induced Obesity
  57. NH4Cl Treatment Prevents Tissue Calcification in Klotho Deficiency
  58. Acetazolamide sensitive tissue calcification and aging of klotho-hypomorphic mice
  59. Klotho is upregulated in human cardiomyopathy independently of circulating Klotho levels
  60. Klotho expression in osteocytes regulates bone metabolism and controls bone formation
  61. Klotho protein and related compounds for the treatment and diagnosis of cancer
  62. Potential application of klotho in human chronic kidney disease
  63. In Search of Alpha-Klotho Protein Expression in the Lung
  64. Chapter Eight – 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D and Klotho: A Tale of Two Renal Hormones Coming of Age
  65. The Effect of Klotho on Murine Astrocyte Reactivity
  66. Klotho expression in long bones regulates FGF23 production during renal failure
  67. Adiponectin alters renal calcium and phosphate excretion through regulation of klotho expression
  68. Klotho expression is a prerequisite for proper muscle stem cell function and regeneration of skeletal muscle
  69. Longevity factor klotho and chronic psychological stress
  70. Inhibition of H3K9 histone methyltransferase G9a attenuates renal fibrosis and retains klotho expression
  71. Genetic Ablation of Fgf23 or Klotho Does not Modulate Experimental Heart Hypertrophy Induced by Pressure Overload
  72. Chronic Hyperphosphatemia and Vascular Calcification Are Reduced by Stable Delivery of Soluble Klotho
  73. Plasma Klotho and Frailty in Older Adults: Findings From the InCHIANTI Study
  74. In vivo evidence for a limited role of proximal tubular Klotho in renal phosphate handling
  75. Chapter Nine – Klotho Is a Neuroprotective and Cognition-Enhancing Protein
  76. Klotho variant polypeptides
  77. Albumin downregulates Klotho in tubular cells
  78. The role of the anti-ageing protein Klotho in vascular physiology and pathophysiology
  79. Klotho/FGF23 Axis in Chronic Kidney Disease and Cardiovascular Disease
  80. β‐Klotho sustains postnatal GnRH biology and spins the thread of puberty
  81. Antiaging Gene Klotho Regulates Adrenal CYP11B2 Expression and Aldosterone Synthesis
  82. Inhibition of TRPC6 channels ameliorates renal fibrosis and contributes to renal protection by soluble klotho
  83. FGF21 resistance is not mediated by downregulation of beta-klotho expression in white adipose tissue
  84. Hormonal Regulation of Phosphorus Homeostasis: Parathyroid Hormone, Fibroblast Growth Factor 23, and Klotho
  85. Towards a Role for the Antigeronic Factor Klotho in Osteoarthritis & Autophagy in Chondrocytes
  86. Fibroblast growth factor 23 and α-Klotho co-dependent and independent functions
  87. Circulating Klotho Associates With Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality During Hemodialysis
  88. Chapter Five – Klotho Prevents Translocation of NFκB
  89. Effects of Pentoxifylline on Soluble Klotho Concentrations and Renal Tubular Cell Expression in Diabetic Kidney Disease
  90. The relevance of α-KLOTHO to the central nervous system: Some key questions
  91. Mammalian target of rapamycin signaling inhibition ameliorates vascular calcification via Klotho upregulation
  92. Epigenetic Regulation of the Klotho/miz1 Axis Promotes Cigarette-Smoke Extract (CSE)-Induced Alveolar Epithelial Cell (AEC) mtDNA Damage and Apoptosis
  93. Alpha-Klotho Protects Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rat Lung Against Hyperoxic Injury
  94. Klotho: a tumor suppressor and modulator of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in human hepatocellular carcinoma
  95. Klotho Inhibits Interleukin-8 Secretion from Cystic Fibrosis Airway Epithelia
  96. A klotho gene single nucleotide polymorphism is associated with the onset of stroke and plasma klotho concentration
  97. Intracellular Signaling of the Aging Suppressor Protein Klotho
  98. Shedding of klotho by ADAMs in the kidney
  99. Klotho and Pulmonary Hypertension
  100. Anti-Aging Protein Klotho Modulates the Neutrophil Response to Mediators of Sepsis
  101. Circulating Klotho is linked to prognosis of acute intracerebral hemorrhage
  102. Involvement of the anti-aging protein Klotho in chondrocyte autophagy and apoptosis during osteoarthritis
  103. Intact FGF23 and α‐klotho during acute inflammation/sepsis in CKD patients
  104. KLB, encoding β‐Klotho, is mutated in patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
  105. Antibodies with high affinity for alpha-Klotho
  106. The vascular secret of Klotho
  107. Role of the anti-aging protein Klotho in the autophagy and senescence-associated development of osteoarthritis
  108. Fibroblast growth factor 23 and Klotho contribute to airway inflammation
  109. New Insights into the Mechanism of Action of Soluble Klotho
  110. Abstract 5417: The tumor suppressor klotho: A master regulator of metabolism in breast cancer
  111. Klotho Prevents Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition through Egr-1 Down-Regulation in Diabetic Kidney Disease
  112. Klotho deficiency affects the spine morphology and network synchronization of neurons
  113. Variation in longevity gene KLOTHO is associated with greater cortical volumes
  114. The Role of FGF23 and Klotho in Uremic Cardiomyopathy
  115. Bispecific antibodies binding to beta-klotho and fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
  116. A Novel Fc-FGF21 With Improved Resistance to Proteolysis, Increased Affinity Toward β-Klotho, and Enhanced Efficacy in Mice and Cynomolgus Monkeys
  117. Antiaging Gene Klotho Attenuates Pancreatic β-Cell Apoptosis in Type 1 Diabetes
  118. Tumor Suppressors Klotho and 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Cooperate via Synergistic Inhibition of Oncogenic Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling
  119. Klotho Regulates 14-3-3ζ Monomerization and Binding to the ASK1 Signaling Complex in Response to Oxidative Stress
  120. Klotho suppresses the inflammatory responses and ameliorates cardiac dysfunction in aging endotoxemic mice
  121. FXR Primes the Liver for Intestinal FGF15 Signaling by Transient Induction of β-Klotho
  122. Klotho and fibroblast growth factor 23 in cerebrospinal fluid in children
  123. Klotho, an antiaging molecule, attenuates oxidant-induced alveolar epithelial cell mtDNA damage and apoptosis
  124. The goddess who spins the thread of life: Klotho, psychiatric stress, and accelerated aging
  125. The Antiaging Gene Klotho Regulates Proliferation and Differentiation of Adipose‐Derived Stem Cells
  126. Role of the Anti-Aging Hormone Klotho in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
  127. Age-related declines in α-Klotho drive progenitor cell mitochondrial dysfunction and impaired muscle regeneration
  129. Interrelated role of Klotho and calcium-sensing receptor in parathyroid hormone synthesis and parathyroid hyperplasia
  130. Klotho Ameliorates Kidney Injury and Fibrosis and Normalizes Blood Pressure by Targeting the Renin-Angiotensin System
  131. The angiotensin‐(1‐7)/Mas receptor axis protects from endothelial cell senescence via klotho and Nrf2 activation
  132. Longevity Klotho gene polymorphism and the risk of dementia in older men
  133. Klotho modulates FGF23-mediated NO synthesis and oxidative stress in human coronary artery endothelial cells
  134. Association between Coronary Flow Reserve, Klotho and Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 in Patients with Acromegaly
  135. Association of physical activity and fitness with S-Klotho plasma levels in middle-aged sedentary adults: The FIT-AGEING study
  136. Rhein reverses Klotho repression via promoter demethylation and protects against kidney and bone injuries in mice with chronic kidney disease
  137. Klotho Increases Airway Surface Liquid Volume in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells
  138. Serum Klotho Levels in Trained Athletes
  139. Differential expression and regulation of Klotho by paricalcitol in the kidney, parathyroid, and aorta of uremic rats
  140. Serum klotho levels in acute kidney injury
  141. Klotho, APOEε4, cognitive ability, brain size, atrophy, and survival: a study in the Aberdeen Birth Cohort of 1936
  142. Klotho suppresses the renin-angiotensin system in adriamycin nephropathy
  143. Klotho Ameliorates Medullary Fibrosis and Pressure Natriuresis in Hypertensive Rat Kidneys
  144. Complement Modulation of Anti‐Aging Factor Klotho in Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury and Delayed Graft Function
  147. Klotho Protects Dopaminergic Neuron Oxidant-Induced Degeneration by Modulating ASK1 and p38 MAPK Signaling Pathways
  148. Agonistic β-Klotho antibody mimics fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) functions
  149. Vitamin D and Klotho in Chronic Kidney Disease
  150. Abstract 263: A Decline in Kidney-derived Protein Klotho Contributes to Aging-related Heart Failure
  151. Soluble α-Klotho in Liver Cirrhosis and Alcoholism
  152. Peripheral Elevation of a Klotho Fragment Enhances Brain Function and Resilience in Young, Aging, and α-Synuclein Transgenic Mice
  154. Klotho connects intermedin1–53 to suppression of vascular calcification in chronic kidney disease
  155. P040 Involvement of the anti-ageing protein klotho in chondrocyte autophagy and apoptosis during osteoarthritis
  156. Klotho gene polymorphism, brain structure and cognition in early-life development
  157. In vivo evidence for an interplay of FGF23/Klotho/PTH axis on the phosphate handling in renal proximal tubules
  159. Shedding of klotho by ADAMs in the kidney.
  160. The effects of partial sleep deprivation and the sub-maximal NDKS exercise testing protocol on S-Klotho and hemodynamic responses in men
  161. Klotho upregulation contributes to the neuroprotection of ligustilide against cerebral ischemic injury in mice
  162. Chimeric FGF21 proteins with enhanced binding affinity for β-klotho for the treatment of type II diabetes, obesity, and related metabolic disorders
  163. Activation of SIRT1 Attenuates Klotho Deficiency–Induced Arterial Stiffness and Hypertension by Enhancing AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Activity
  164. Aging and sex affect soluble alpha klotho levels in bonobos and chimpanzees
  165. Klotho: A Promising Biomarker Closely Related to Kidney Transplant.
  166. β-Klotho deficiency protects against obesity through a crosstalk between liver, microbiota, and brown adipose tissue
  167. Perturbations of the anti-ageing hormone Klotho in patients with type 1 diabetes and microalbuminuria
  168. Sustained Klotho delivery reduces serum phosphate in a model of diabetic nephropathy
  169. Abstract 666: Klotho Suppresses the Protein Kinase R-mediated Inflammatory Response to Soluble Matrilin-2 in Human Aortic Valve Interstitial Cells
  170. Association between FGF23, α-Klotho, and Cardiac Abnormalities among Patients with Various Chronic Kidney Disease Stages
  171. Characterization of Klotho/FGF23 signaling in cardiorenal syndrome-induced cardiac hypertrophy
  172. Klotho Gene Deficiency Causes Salt-Sensitive Hypertension via Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1/CC Chemokine Receptor 2–Mediated Inflammation
  173. Abstract P419: Klotho Ameliorate Medullary Fibrosis and Pressure Natriuresis in Hypertensive Rat Kidneys
  174. Ablation of the p16INK4a tumour suppressor reverses ageing phenotypes of klotho mice
  175. Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents arterial calcification in klotho mutant mice
  176. microRNA-200c regulates KLOTHO expression in human kidney cells under oxidative stress
  178. Plasma Klotho and Cognitive Decline in Older Adults: Findings From the InCHIANTI Study
  179. Inhibiting binding of FGF23 to the binary FGFR-Klotho complex for the treatment of chronic kidney disease and symptoms and/or complications thereof
  180. KLOTHO heterozygosity attenuates APOE4-related amyloid burden in preclinical
  181. Klotho regulates postnatal neurogenesis and protects against age-related spatial memory loss
  182. Cord blood klotho levels are inversely associated with leptin in healthy Latino neonates at risk for obesity
  183. Abstract 13959: SIRT1 Deacetylase Mediates Klotho Gene Deficiency-induced Arterial Remodeling and Stiffness
  184. Decreased Circulating Klotho Levels in Patients Undergoing Dialysis and Relationship to Oxidative Stress and Inflammation
  185. Association of Serum Klotho with Loss of Bone Mineral Density and Fracture Risk in Older Adults
  187. FGF23 and Klotho Levels are Independently Associated with Diabetic Foot Syndrome in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  188. Methods of treatment with bispecific antibodies binding to beta-klotho and fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
  189. Modeled structural basis for the recognition of α2-3-sialyllactose by soluble Klotho
  190. Klotho, fibroblast growth factor‐23, and the renin–angiotensin system — an analysis from the PEACE trial
  191. Association between Serum Soluble Klotho Levels and Mortality in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients
  192. Klotho: a humeral mediator in CSF and plasma that influences longevity and susceptibility to multiple complex disorders, including depression
  193. The neuroprotective effect of latanoprost acts via klotho‐mediated suppression of calpain activation after optic nerve transection
  194. Antiaging Gene Klotho Deficiency Promoted High-Fat Diet–Induced Arterial Stiffening via Inactivation of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase
  195. Role of fibroblast growth factor 23 and klotho cross talk in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  196. Klotho Gene and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: Response to Treatment in Late-Life Major Depressive Disorder
  197. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet, dietary factors, and S-Klotho plasma levels in sedentary middle-aged adults
  198. Lower levels of α-Klotho in serum are associated with decreased lung function in individuals with interstitial lung abnormalities
  199. Circulating Klotho levels can predict long-term macrovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetic patients
  200. Klotho expression is reduced in COPD airway epithelial cells: effects on inflammation and oxidant injury
  201. Secreted α-Klotho maintains cartilage tissue homeostasis by repressing NOS2 and ZIP8-MMP13 catabolic axis
  202. Abstract 047: Activation of Sirt1 Deacetylase Attenuates Klotho Deficiency-induced Arterial Stiffness and Hypertension
  203. Klotho‐beta and fibroblast growth factor 19 expression correlates with early recurrence of resectable hepatocellular carcinoma
  204. Abstract 4507: Upregulation of unfolded protein response (UPR): A novel activity of the tumor suppressor klotho in colorectal cancer
  205. Decreased expression of Klotho in cardiac atria biopsy samples from patients at higher risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  206. Proangiogenic effects of soluble α-Klotho on systemic sclerosis dermal microvascular endothelial cells
  207. Genetic Diseases Resulting from Disordered FGF23/Klotho Biology
  208. Alteration in serum klotho levels in anorexia nervosa patients
  209. Study on mechanism of Klotho reversing resistance of breast cancer to paclitaxel by inhibiting autophagy
  210. P2.03-33 Anti-Aging Gene, Klotho is a Predictive Factor of Pemetrexed for Lung Cancer Treatment
  211. Noncoding variations in Cyp24a1 gene are associated with Klotho‐mediated aging phenotypes in different strains of mice
  212. Klotho dysfunction: A pathway linking the aging process to bipolar disorder?
  213. FGF23 Actions on Target Tissues—With and Without Klotho
  214. Local Klotho Enhances Neuronal Progenitor Proliferation in the Adult Hippocampus
  215. Fibroblast growth factor 23 and soluble Klotho in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
  216. Klotho Regulates Cigarette Smoke-Induced Autophagy: Implication in Pathogenesis of COPD
  217. 814. Klotho Dysfunction: A New Piece in Bipolar Disorder’s Inflammation Puzzle
  218. Antibodies and Elisas for Alpha Klotho
  219. Chapter Eight – The Role of Alpha-Klotho as a Universal Tumor Suppressor
  220. 1,25(OH)2D3 dependent overt hyperactivity phenotype in klotho-hypomorphic mice
  221. Abstract from the Chinese Journal of Hypertension
  222. FGF23-FGF Receptor/Klotho Pathway as a New Drug Target for Disorders of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
  223. Klotho Gene and Protein in Human Placentas According to Birth Weight and Gestational Age
  225. 140-LB: NGM313, a Novel Activator of b-Klotho/FGFR1c, Improves Insulin Resistance and Reduces Hepatic Fat in Obese, Nondiabetic Subjects
  226. Methods and compositions using Klotho-FGF fusion polypeptides
  227. Klotho Deficiency Accelerates Stem Cells Aging by Impairing Telomerase Activity
  229. Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 drives MMP13 expression in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes in a Klotho-independent manner
  230. Protective Effect of Klotho against Ischemic Brain Injury Is Associated with Inhibition of RIG-I/NF-κB Signaling
  231. A Paradox: α-Klotho Levels and Smoking Intensity
  232. Reduction of Oxidative Stress in Chronic Kidney Disease Does Not Increase Circulating α-Klotho Concentrations
  233. Urine Klotho Is Lower in Critically Ill Patients With Versus Without Acute Kidney Injury and Associates With Major Adverse Kidney Events
  234. Klotho, the Key to Healthy Brain Aging?
  235. Klotho Deficiency and the Cardiomyopathy of Advanced CKD
  236. Klotho expression in cervical cancer: differential expression in adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma
  237. Effect of Paricalcitol on FGF-23 and Klotho in Kidney Transplant Recipients
  238. Serum klotho: a potential predictor of cerebrovascular disease in hemodialysis patients
  239. Klotho Is Neuroprotective in the Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1G93A) Mouse Model of ALS
  240. Klotho allele status is not associated with Aβ and APOE ε4–related cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease
  241. FGF21 protein with enhanced binding affinity for β-Klotho for the treatment of type II diabetes, obesity, and related metabolic disorders
  242. Evaluation of anti-aging klotho protein in COPD rehabilitation
  243. Is osteocyte Klotho bad for bone health?
  244. Klotho sensitive regulation of dendritic cell functions by vitamin E
  245. The longevity gene Klotho is differentially associated with cognition in subtypes of schizophrenia
  247. Soluble levels and endogenous vascular gene expression of KLOTHO are related to inflammation in human atherosclerotic disease
  248. Intermedin1–53 attenuates vascular calcification in rats with chronic kidney disease by upregulation of α-Klotho
  249. Klotho restoration via acetylation of Peroxisome Proliferation–Activated Receptor γ reduces the progression of chronic kidney disease
  250. Antibodies against mammal secreted klotho protein
  251. Abstract 11709: Klotho, Fibroblast Growth Factor-23, and the Renin-Angiotensin System – An Analysis From the PEACE Trial
  252. TGFβ-incurred epigenetic aberrations of miRNA and DNA methyltransferase suppress Klotho and potentiate renal fibrosis
  253. Klotho protects the heart from hyperglycemia-induced injury by inactivating ROS and NF-κB-mediated inflammation both in vitro and in vivo
  254. The Anti-Aging Protein Klotho Enhances Remyelination Following Cuprizone-Induced Demyelination
  255. Klotho Contributes to Pravastatin Effect on Suppressing IL-6 Production in Endothelial Cells
  256. Klotho-FGF23, Cardiovascular Disease, and Vascular Calcification: Black or White?
  257. Soluble klotho, an antiaging factor, prevents cardiomyocyte calcium mishandling and arrhythmia in an experimental model of chronic kidney disease
  258. Short-term exercise training increases plasma levels of klotho and total antioxidant capacity in male Wistar rats
  259. Decreased expression of Klotho in cardiac atria biopsy samples from patients at higher risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  260. Effects of klotho deletion from bone during chronic kidney disease
  261. Theanine attenuates memory impairments induced by klotho gene depletion in mice
  262. Decreased plasma α-Klotho predict progression of nephropathy with type 2 diabetic patients
  263. Low Plasma Klotho Concentrations and Decline of Knee Strength in Older Adults
  264. Membrane-bound Klotho is not expressed endogenously in healthy or uraemic human vascular tissue
  265. Alcohol consumption and S-Klotho plasma levels in sedentary healthy middle-aged adults: A cross sectional study
  266. Secreted Klotho Attenuates Inflammation-Associated Aortic Valve Fibrosis in Senescence-Accelerated Mice P1
  267. Therapeutic Interference With Vascular Calcification—Lessons From Klotho-Hypomorphic Mice and Beyond
  268. Editorial: Endocrine and Paracrine Role of FGF23 and Klotho in Health and Disease
  269. α-Klotho is unstable in human urine
  270. Haplodeficiency of Klotho Gene Causes Arterial Stiffening via Upregulation of Scleraxis Expression and Induction of Autophagy
  271. Klotho inhibits angiotensin II-induced cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis, and dysfunction in mice through suppression of transforming growth factor-β1 signaling pathway
  272. Biomarkers of Kidney Injury and Klotho in Patients with Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease
  273. Smoking Upregulates the Serum Levels of Klotho-Related Molecules
  274. Abstract 3679: Klotho suppresses colon cancer through modulation of the Wnt pathway and unfolded protein response
  275. 90 – Inhibition of P2X7 receptor delays the progression of diabetic nephropathy and represses klotho expression
  276. Monocrotaline-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension Involves Downregulation of Antiaging Protein Klotho and eNOS Activity
  277. Antibodies With High Affinity For Alpha-Klotho
  278. Inorganic Phosphate Activates the AKT/mTORC1 Pathway and Shortens the Life Span of an α‑Klotho–Deficient Model
  279. Soluble Klotho is associated with mortality and cardiovascular events in hemodialysis
  280. Rhein reversal of DNA hypermethylation-associated Klotho suppression ameliorates renal fibrosis in mice
  281. Klotho and smoking – An interplay influencing the skeletal muscle function deficits that occur in COPD
  282. Is klotho a potential mediator between obstructive sleep apnoea and telomere length?
  283. Soluble Klotho and Brain Atrophy in Alcoholism
  285. Anti-aging factor, serum alpha-Klotho, as a marker of acute physiological stress, and a predictor of ICU mortality, in patients with septic shock
  286. Reduced Levels of Anti-Ageing Hormone Klotho Predict Renal Function Decline in Type 2 Diabetes
  287. The central fibroblast growth factor receptor/beta klotho system: Comprehensive mapping in Mus musculus and comparisons to nonhuman primate and human samples using an automated in situ hybridization platform
  288. Differential regulation of renal Klotho and FGFR1 in normal and uremic rats
  290. Reciprocal Effects of Antiretroviral Drugs Used To Treat HIV Infection on the Fibroblast Growth Factor 21/β-Klotho System
  291. The FGF23–Klotho axis and cardiac tissue Doppler imaging in pediatric chronic kidney disease—a prospective cohort study
  292. β-Klotho deficiency shifts the gut-liver bile acid axis and induces hepatic alterations in mice
  293. Klotho preservation via histone deacetylase inhibition attenuates chronic kidney disease-associated bone injury in mice
  294. The Potential Role of Klotho as a Prognostic Biomarker in Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation
  295. Association between circulating FGF23, α-Klotho, and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction among patients with preserved ejection fraction
  296. DPP-4 inhibition with linagliptin ameliorates the progression of premature aging in klotho−/− mice
  297. Potential Role of Placental Klotho in the Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia
  298. The Anti-Aging and Tumor Suppressor Protein Klotho Enhances Differentiation of a Human Oligodendrocytic Hybrid Cell Line
  299. Assessment of Plasma Klotho Concentration in Lung Cancer Patients
  300. Chapter Six – The FGF23/KLOTHO Regulatory Network and Its Roles in Human Disorders
  301. Curcumin attenuates cyclosporine A‑induced renal fibrosis by inhibiting hypermethylation of the klotho promoter
  302. Soluble Klotho causes hypomineralization in Klotho-deficient mice
  303. Role of Klotho in bone and implication for CKD
  304. Chapter One – Klotho-Related Protein KLrP: Structure and Functions
  305. The FGF23/Klotho axis in the regulation of mineral and metabolic homeostasis
  306. Role of Klotho protein in tumorigenesis, cancer progression, and prognosis in patients with high-grade glioma
  307. In Vivo Pancreatic β-Cell–Specific Expression of Antiaging Gene Klotho: A Novel Approach for Preserving β-Cells in Type 2 Diabetes
  308. Energy restriction in humans enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis-associated memory and the longevity protein α-klotho
  309. Inhibitory effects of Klotho hormone on antigen-specific clonal expansion of CD4+ T cells
  310. Hearing analysis in heterozygous and homozygous klotho gene deficient mice
  311. Chapter Three – Klotho-Dependent Cellular Transport Regulation
  312. Sol uble Klot ho levelsin diabetic nep hr opathy:rel ationshipwit h arterialstiff ne
  313. Circulating soluble Klotho is inversely associated with coronary artery calcification evaluated by three-dimensional intravascular ultrasound
  314. Klotho and activin A in kidney injury: plasma Klotho is maintained in unilateral obstruction despite no upregulation of Klotho biosynthesis in the contralateral kidney
  315. MicroRNA-34a Promotes Renal Fibrosis by Downregulation of Klotho in Tubular Epithelial Cells
  316. Overexpression of Klotho suppresses liver cancer progression and induces cell apoptosis by negatively regulating wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway
  317. Klotho protein supplementation reduces blood pressure and renal hypertrophy in db/db mice, a model of type 2 diabetes
  318. Renal Klotho is Reduced in Septic Patients and Pretreatment With Recombinant Klotho Attenuates Organ Injury in Lipopolysaccharide-Challenged Mice
  319. C30 ACUTE LUNG INJURY: CELL FUNCTION, SIGNALING AND STRETCH: Alpha-Klotho Protects Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rat Lung Against Hyperoxic Injury
  320. Expression and localization of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)23 and Klotho in the spleen: its physiological and functional implications
  321. Klotho Prevented Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in High-Fat Diet/Streptozotocin-Induced Mice by Targeting NFkB/Microrna-21/Smad7 Signaling Pathway
  322. Soluble klotho and mortality: The Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health Study
  323. Enpp1 is an anti-aging factor that regulates Klotho under phosphate overload conditions
  324. Measurement of Serum Klotho in Systemic Sclerosis
  325. DNA methylation-mediated Klotho silencing is an independent prognostic biomarker of head and neck squamous carcinoma
  326. PO-171 New insights into exercise intervention for chronic diseases: by promoting α-Klotho expression
  327. Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and Klotho in AKI
  328. Beta-klotho binding proteins
  329. Clinical significance of α‑ and β‑Klotho in urothelial carcinoma of the bladder
  331. Association of the rs495392 Klotho polymorphism with atheromatosis progression in patients with chronic kidney disease
  332. Ubiquitin COOH-terminal hydrolase L1 deletion is associated with urinary α-klotho deficiency and perturbed phosphate homeostasis
  333. Therapeutic Challenge of Minicircle Vector Encoding Klotho in Animal Model
  334. Activation of the Anti-Aging and Cognition-Enhancing Gene Klotho by CRISPR-dCas9 Transcriptional Effector Complex
  335. Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ inhibits vascular calcification by upregulating Klotho
  336. Genetic Variants in KLOTHO Associate With Cognitive Function in the Oldest Old Group
  337. Soluble α-Klotho treatment protects adenine-induced uremia rats from sciatic nerve damage.
  338. OR32-2 Alpha Klotho as a Marker of Disease Activity in Acromegaly
  339. Exercise training as S-Klotho protein stimulator in sedentary healthy adults: Rationale, design, and methodology
  340. Neuroprotective Effect of Ligustilide through Induction of α-Secretase Processing of Both APP and Klotho in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
  341. High serum soluble α-Klotho levels in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
  342. Systemic and placental α-klotho: Effects of preeclampsia in the last trimester of gestation
  343. Klotho enhances FoxO3-mediated manganese superoxide dismutase expression by negatively regulating PI3K/AKT pathway during tacrolimus-induced oxidative stress
  344. Extracellular Vesicles from Albumin-Induced Tubular Epithelial Cells Promote the M1 Macrophage Phenotype by Targeting Klotho
  345. Klotho in cardiovascular disease: Current and future perspectives
  346. Intact FGF23 and α-klotho during acute inflammation/sepsis in CKD patients.
  347. Decreased Expression of Thrombomodulin in Endothelial Cells by Fibroblast Growth Factor‐23/α‐Klotho
  348. Bicarbonate-sensitive calcification and lifespan of klotho-deficient mice
  349. [Klotho and vascular calcification].
  350. Tumor Suppressor Activity of Klotho in Breast Cancer Is Revealed by Structure–Function Analysis
  351. Human alternative Klotho mRNA is a nonsense-mediated mRNA decay target inefficiently spliced in renal disease
  352. Role of Exercise on S-Klotho Protein Regulation: A Systematic Review
  353. Body Composition and S-Klotho Plasma Levels in Middle-Aged Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study
  354. A systematic dissection of sequence elements determining β-Klotho and FGF interaction and signaling
  355. Lentiviral vector–mediated overexpression of Klotho in the brain improves Alzheimer’s disease–like pathology and cognitive deficits in mice
  356. Lentivirus-mediated klotho up-regulation improves aging-related memory deficits and oxidative stress in senescence-accelerated mouse prone-8 mice
  357. Partial Reversal of Tissue Calcification and Extension of Life Span following Ammonium Nitrate Treatment of Klotho-Deficient Mice
  358. The anti-aging protein Klotho is induced by GABA therapy and exerts protective and stimulatory effects on pancreatic beta cells
  359. AB0635 Measurement of Serum Alpha-Klotho in Systemic Sclerosis Patients: Results from A Pivotal Study
  360. Deficiency in the anti‐aging gene Klotho promotes aortic valve fibrosis through AMPKα‐mediated activation of RUNX2
  361. Loss of Klotho in CKD Breaks One’s Heart
  362. Klotho Reduction in Alveolar Macrophages Contributes to Cigarette Smoke Extract-induced Inflammation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  364. GH Treatment Causes an Increase in Klotho Concentration in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency
  365. LDL-cholesterol level is associated with downregulation of Klotho expression in patients with IgA nephropathy
  366. Enhanced Expression of Secreted α-Klotho in the Hippocampus Alters Nesting Behavior and Memory Formation in Mice
  367. Low plasma Klotho is associated with cardiovascular events in hemodialysis, independently of major risk factors, FGF-23, arterial stiffness and intima-media-thickness
  368. Abstract 133: Kidney-specific Conditional Knockout of Klotho Gene Impairs Natriuresis and Causes Arterial Stiffness and Hypertension
  369. Klotho gene polymorphisms are related to colorectal cancer susceptibility
  370. Plasma Klotho and Mortality Risk Among Nursing Home Residents: Results From the SENIOR Cohort
  371. Ectopic expression of Klotho in fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23)-producing tumors that cause tumor-induced rickets/osteomalacia (TIO)
  372. Bicarbonate Supplement Restores Urinary Klotho Excretion in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Pilot Study
  373. Antibodies With High Affinity For Alpha-Klotho
  374. Prognostic potential of KLOTHO and SFRP1 promoter methylation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
  375. Epigenetic reactivation of p21CIP1/WAF1 and KLOTHO by a combination of bioactive dietary supplements is partially ERα-dependent in ERα-negative human breast cancer cells
  376. Association of High-Density Lipoprotein Subclasses with Chronic Kidney Disease Progression, Atherosclerosis, and Klotho
  377. Enhanced inflammatory damage by microRNA-136 targeting Klotho expression in HK-2 cells by modulating JAK/STAT pathway
  378. Alpha Klotho and Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 Among Alcoholics
  379. Klotho recovery by genistein via promoter histone acetylation and DNA demethylation mitigates renal fibrosis in mice
  380. Klotho at the Edge of Alzheimer’s Disease and Senile Depression
  381. FGF-23 Klotho Axis: Will Intervention Improve Kidney Transplant Outcomes?
  382. Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, Plasma Klotho, and Lower-Extremity Physical Performance Among Older Adults: Findings From the InCHIANTI Study
  383. Klotho, an antiaging molecule, attenuates oxidant-induced alveolar epithelial cell mtDNA damage and apoptosis
  384. Klotho: An Elephant in Aging Research
  385. FGF21 Protects the Blood–Brain Barrier by Upregulating PPARγ via FGFR1/β-klotho after Traumatic Brain Injury
  386. Klotho ameliorates cyclosporine A–induced nephropathy via PDLIM2/NF-kB p65 signaling pathway
  387. Longevity protein klotho is induced by a single bout of exercise
  388. Decreased concentration of Klotho in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis
  389. Klotho negatively regulated aerobic glycolysis in colorectal cancer via ERK/HIF1α axis
  390. Soluble klotho regulates TRPC6 calcium signaling via lipid rafts, independent of the FGFR-FGF23 pathway
  391. Influence of Klotho gene polymorphisms on vascular gene expression and its relationship to cardiovascular disease
  392. microRNA-199a may be involved in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis via modulating the activation of NF-κB by targeting Klotho
  393. Multiple sclerosis influences on the augmentation of serum Klotho concentration
  394. Phylogenetic analysis and expression profiling of the Klotho gene family in the short-lived African killifish Nothobranchius furzeri
  395. Is serum Klotho protective against atherosclerosis in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus?
  396. Atrasentan increased the expression of klotho by mediating miR-199b-5p and prevented renal tubular injury in diabetic nephropathy
  397. Altered KLOTHO and NF-κB-TNF-α Signaling Are Correlated with Nephrectomy-Induced Cognitive Impairment in Rats
  398. Signals mediating Klotho-induced neuroprotection in hippocampal neuronal cells
  399. Klotho mitigates cyclosporine A (CsA)-induced epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) and renal fibrosis in rats
  400. Plasma Klotho concentrations predict functional outcome at three months after acute ischemic stroke patients
  401. Klotho suppresses high phosphate-induced osteogenic responses in human aortic valve interstitial cells through inhibition of Sox9
  402. Melatonin Attenuates Memory Impairment Induced by Klotho Gene Deficiency Via Interactive Signaling Between MT2 Receptor, ERK, and Nrf2-Related Antioxidant Potent
  403. Down-Regulation of Soluble α-Klotho is Associated with Reduction in Serum Irisin Levels in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  404. Low Phosphate Diet Prevents Klotho Deficiency-induced Aortic Aneurysm
  405. Assessment of the circulating klotho protein in lung cancer patients
  406. Lower soluble Klotho and higher fibroblast growth factor 23 serum levels are associated with episodes of atrial fibrillation
  407. Aldosterone induces renal fibrosis by promoting HDAC1 expression, deacetylating H3K9 and inhibiting klotho transcription
  408. Hmgb1 inhibits Klotho expression and malignant phenotype in melanoma cells by activating NF-κB
  409. FGF23-klotho axis, bone fractures, and arterial stiffness in dialysis: a case-control study
  410. Klotho inhibits angiotensin II-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through suppression of the AT1R/beta catenin pathway
  411. Klotho inhibits EGF-induced cell migration in Caki-1 cells through inactivation of EGFR and p38 MAPK signaling pathways
  412. Klotho Improves Alzheimer’s Disease-like Pathology and Cognitive Deficits in APP/PS1 Mice
  413. Simvastatin enhances the hippocampal klotho in a rat model of streptozotocin-induced cognitive decline
  414. Soluble α-Klotho treatment protects adenine-induced uremia rats from sciaticnerve damage.
  415. Recombinant Klotho prevents CKD progression and uremic cardiomyopathy
  416. Klotho in vascular biology
  417. Klotho and S100A8/A9 as Discriminative Markers between Pre-Renal and Intrinsic Acute Kidney Injury
  418. The impact of klotho gene polymorphisms on urinary tract stone disease
  419. Lower Plasma Klotho Concentrations Are Associated with Vascular Dementia but Not Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease
  420. Klotho, the Holy Grail of the kidney: from salt sensitivity to chronic kidney disease
  421. Serum klotho protein levels and their correlations with the progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  422. The relationship between serum fibroblast growth factor 23, Klotho, and lumbar spine bone mineral density in northern Chinese postmenopausal women
  423. Soluble klotho may be a marker of phosphate reabsorption
  424. Immunohistochemical evaluation of Klotho and DNA methyltransferase 3a in oral squamous cell carcinomas
  425. Alpha‐Klotho Enrichment in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Secretome Contributes to Antioxidative Protection in Acute Lung Injury
  426. Ameliorating Effect of Klotho on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Renal Fibrosis Induced by Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction.
  427. Perturbations of the anti-ageing hormone Klotho in patients with diagonal earlobe crease
  428. Differential Effects of Calcitriol, FGF-23, and Klotho on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Calcification and Their Role in Medial Calcification
  429. α-Klotho expression determines nitric oxide synthesis in response to FGF-23 in human aortic endothelial cells
  430. Assessment of the Anti-Aging Klotho Protein in Patients with COPD Undergoing Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  431. Circulating soluble klotho is not associated with an elevated ankle-brachial index as a surrogate marker of early arterial calcification in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and no evidence of renal dysfunction.
  432. Role of Anti-aging Gene Klotho in Oral and Gastro-intestinal Cancers
  433. Bone mineral disorder in chronic kidney disease: Klotho and FGF23; cardiovascular implicationsEnfermedad óseo mineral relacionada con la enfermedad renal crónica: Klotho y FGF23; implicaciones cardiovasculares
  434. Klotho Deficiency Aggravates Tacrolimus-Induced Renal Injury via the Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase-Akt-Forkhead Box Protein O Pathway
  435. P2X7 receptor and klotho expressions in diabetic nephropathy progression
  437. Aging-related renal injury and inflammation are associated with downregulation of Klotho and induction of RIG-I/NF-κB signaling pathway in senescence-accelerated mice
  438. Reduced expression and growth inhibitory activity of the aging suppressor klotho in epithelial ovarian cancer
  439. P3.01-046 Klotho Regulates Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  440. Chronic Kidney Diseases – Recent Advances in Clinical and Basic Research
  441. N‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids increase hepatic fibroblast growth factor 21 sensitivity via a PPAR‐γ‐β‐klotho pathway
  442. 2068-P: Alpha Klotho Modulation with Remission of Prediabetes in Human Subjects
  443. Regulation of α-Klotho Expression by Dietary Phosphate During Growth Periods
  444. The role of Klotho in renal ischemia-reperfusion injury of aged mice
  445. Influence of exogenous growth hormone administration on circulating concentrations of α-klotho in healthy and chronic kidney disease subjects: a prospective, single-center open case-control pilot study
  446. IL-1β inhibits β-Klotho expression and FGF19 signaling in hepatocytes
  447. A1751 Association of Klotho Gene Variants with Arterial Stiffness
  448. The KL-VS polymorphism of KLOTHO gene is protective against retinopathy incidence in patients with type 1 diabetes
  449. Role of Klotho in migration and proliferation of human dermal microvascular endothelial cells
  450. Klotho inhibits human follicular thyroid cancer cell growth and promotes apoptosis through regulation of the expression of stanniocalcin-1
  451. Soluble Klotho and intact fibroblast growth factor 23 in long-term kidney transplant patients
  452. Significant roles of anti-aging protein klotho and fibroblast growth factor23 in cardiovascular disease
  453. Secreted Klotho Protects Against Aging-associated Coronary Endothelial Dysfunction via SIRT1 Activation
  454. The anti-aging protein klotho alleviates injury of nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway in 6-hydroxydopamine rat model of Parkinson’s disease: Involvement of PKA/CaMKII/CREB signaling
  455. Klotho ameliorates oxidized low density lipoprotein (ox-LDL)-induced oxidative stress via regulating LOX-1 and PI3K/Akt/eNOS pathways
  456. Klotho preservation by Rhein promotes toll-like receptor 4 proteolysis and attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute kidney injury
  458. Klotho, an anti-aging gene, acts as a tumor suppressor and inhibitor of IGF-1R signaling in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
  459. Decreased Level of Klotho Contributes to Drug Resistance in Lung Cancer Cells: Involving in Klotho-Mediated Cell Autophagy
  460. Structural Basis of Endocrine FGF Recognition by Beta-Klotho
  461. The role of klotho in chronic kidney disease
  462. Circulating α-Klotho is Related to Plasma Aldosterone and Its Follow-Up Change Predicts CKD Progression
  463. Low Serum Level of Klotho Is an Early Predictor of Atherosclerosis
  464. Regulation of dendritic cell function by insulin/IGF-1/PI3K/Akt signaling through klotho expression
  465. An implication of Klotho-related molecules in different smoking-related health outcomes between men and women
  466. Opposing Roles of Klotho and Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 in TGF β-Induced Airway Inflammation in Cystic Fibrosis
  467. Predictive value of serum Klotho level for progression of renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease
  468. Role of Klotho, an antiaging protein, in pulmonary fibrosis
  469. Expression of klotho and β-catenin in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, and their clinicopathological and prognostic significance
  470. Development of [89Zr]DFO-anti-Klotho mAb for PET imaging of kidneys
  471. Klotho plays a protective role against glomerular hypertrophy in a cell cycle-dependent manner in diabetic nephropathy
  472. Klotho levels: association with insulin resistance and albumin-to-creatinine ratio in type 2 diabetic patients
  474. Acetyl‐11‐keto‐β‐boswellic acid ameliorates renal interstitial fibrosis via Klotho/TGF‐β/Smad signalling pathway
  475. Upregulation of PRMT6 by LPS suppresses Klotho expression through interaction with NF‐κB in glomerular mesangial cells
  477. The association between soluble klotho and cardiovascular parameters in chronic kidney disease: results from the KNOW-CKD study
  478. Secreted klotho from exosomes alleviates inflammation and apoptosis in acute pancreatitis
  479. Klotho, a new marker for osteoporosis and muscle strength in β-thalassemia major
  480. Klotho restrain RIG-1/NF-κB signaling activation and monocyte inflammatory factor release under uremic condition
  481. Role of soluble α-klotho on lung and skeletal muscle function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  482. β-Klotho as a Negative Regulator of the Peptide Transporters PEPT1 and PEPT2
  483. Effect of Klotho on autophagy clearance in tacrolimus-induced renal injury
  484. Klotho Improves Cardiac Function by Suppressing Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Mediated Apoptosis by Modulating Mapks/Nrf2 Signaling in Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity
  486. Genetic Variants in KLOTHO Associate With Cognitive Function in the Oldest OldGroup
  487. Association between klotho expression and malignancies risk and progression: A meta-analysis
  488. D27 MITOCHONDRIA: LIVE AND LET DIE: Klotho And Pai-1 Modulate Oxidant-Induced Alveolar Epithelial Cell Mitochondrial Dna Damage And Apoptosis
  489. Soluble α-klotho is a potential biomarker associated with neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus
  490. The interplay of Klotho with signaling pathway and microRNAs in cancers
  491. Expression of the hormonal FGF co‐receptor Klotho beta in the Xenopus laevis model
  492. Klotho inhibits PKCα/p66SHC-mediated podocyte injury in diabetic nephropathy
  493. Activation of Nrf2RestoresKlothoExpressionandAttenuates Oxidative StressandInflammationinCKD
  494. Thyroid Hormone-Induced Expression of the Hepatic Scaffold Proteins Sestrin2, β-Klotho, and FRS2α in Relation to FGF21-AMPK Signaling
  495. Inhibition of the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin May Augment the Increase in Soluble Klotho Levels in Renal Transplantation Recipients
  496. FGF23-Klotho axis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
  497. A Paradox:a-Klotho Levels and Smoking Intensity
  498. Physical performance, plasma S-klotho, and all-cause mortality in elderly dialysis patients: A prospective cohort study
  499. The Pituitary Is a Candidate Organ That Modulates Circulating Klotho Levels
  500. α-Klotho in Health and Diseases
  501. Genetically modified mesenchymal stem cell expressing klotho
  502. Klotho Reduces Necroptosis by Targeting Oxidative Stress Involved in Renal Ischemic-Reperfusion Injury
  503. Serum Klotho, vitamin D, and homocysteine in combination predict the outcomes of Chinese patients with multiple system atrophy
  504. Abnormality of Klotho Signaling Is Involved in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  505. GW28-e0221 Associations between Cardiac Fibrosis and Expression of Klotho, Collagen I and Collagen III mRNA in Rats with Chronic Heart Failure
  506. Necrostatin-1 Attenuates Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity Through Suppression of Apoptosis and Oxidative Stress and Retains Klotho Expression
  507. Therapeutic effect of astragaloside-IV on bradycardia is involved in up-regulating klotho expression
  508. Exercise training increases the S-Klotho plasma levels in sedentary middle-aged adults: A randomised controlled trial. The FIT-AGEING study
  509. Serum α-klotho concentrations during preimplantation can predict aging or quality of human oocytes and clinical pregnancy rates
  510. Administration of alpha klotho reduces liver and adipose lipid accumulation in obese mice
  511. Chimeric fgf21 proteins with enhanced binding affinity for beta-klotho for the treatment of type ii diabetes, obesity, and related metabolic disorders
  512. Effects of Klotho polymorphisms on Preeclampsia risk in a case-control study
  514. The Iron-Klotho-VDR Axis Is a Major Determinant of Proximal Convoluted Tubule Injury in Haptoglobin 2-2 Genotype Diabetic Nephropathy Patients and Mice
  515. Soluble klotho as a marker of renal fibrosis and podocyte injuries in human kidneys
  517. G-395A polymorphism in the promoter region of the KLOTHO gene associates with reduced cognitive impairment among the oldest old
  518. Human antigen binding proteins that bind to a complex comprising β-Klotho and an FGF receptor
  519. Changes in Serum Concentrations of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and Soluble Klotho in Hemodialysis Patients after Total Parathyroidectomy
  520. Indoxyl Sulfate Enhance the Hypermethylation of Klotho and Promote the Process of Vascular Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease
  522. Hydrogen-Rich Saline Alleviates Kidney Fibrosis Following AKI and Retains Klotho Expression
  523. Klotho suppresses tumor progression via inhibiting IGF-1R signaling in T‑cell lymphoma
  524. miR-15b induces premature ovarian failure in mice via inhibition of α-Klotho expression in ovarian granulosa cells
  525. Soluble extracellular Klotho decreases sensitivity to cigarette smoke induced cell death in human lung epithelial cells
  526. Klotho protein: Its role in aging and central nervous system pathology
  527. Global analysis of gene expression profiles in the submandibular salivary gland of klotho knockout mice
  528. Gamma-Klotho exhibits multiple roles in tumor growth of human bladder cancer
  529. The klotho-related protein KLPH (lctl) has preferred expression in lens and is essential for expression of clic5 and normal lens suture formation
  530. Periodontitis aggravated pancreatic β‐cell dysfunction in diabetic mice through interleukin‐12 regulation on Klotho
  531. Melatonin attenuates cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury in rats via induction of anti-aging protein, Klotho
  532. Protective effect of anti-aging Klotho protein on human umbilical vein en-dothelial cells treated with high glucose
  533. Antiaging Gene “Klotho” Deficiency Accelerates Stem Cells Aging by Impairing Telomere
  534. Frequent methylation of the KLOTHO gene and overexpression of the FGFR4 receptor in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast
  535. Calcitonin gene-related peptide inhibits the cardiac fibroblasts senescence in cardiac fibrosis via up-regulating klotho expression
  536. 2,3,5,4′-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glucoside Promotes Expression of the Longevity Gene Klotho
  537. Study of the association of DHEAS, testosterone and cortisol with S-Klotho plasma levels in healthy sedentary middle-aged adults
  538. High-intensity physical exercise increases serum α-klotho levels in healthy volunteers
  539. Chapter Ten – Function and Change with Aging of α-Klotho in the Kidney
  540. Abstract 16687: Aging-Related Klotho Deficiency in Human Aortic Valve Interstitial Cells Exaggerates the Inflammatory Response Through Down-Regulation of Autophagy Activity
  541. The Effect of Klotho Treatment on Atherogenesis, Blood Pressure, and Metabolic Parameters in Experimental Rodent Models
  542. Association between α-Klotho and Deep White Matter Lesions in the Brain: A Pilot Case Control Study Using Brain MRI
  543. Interactions of sclerostin with FGF23, soluble klotho and vitamin D in renal transplantation
  544. The relationship between renalasetogether with catecholaminesand anti-aging factors -sirtuin1 and αKlotho in hemodialysis patients.
  545. Klotho and Aminopeptidases as Early Biomarkers of Renal Injury in Zucker Obese Rats
  546. Association Between Plasma Concentration of Klotho Protein, Osteocalcin, Leptin, Adiponectin, and Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
  547. Subtle Difference Generates Big Dissimilarity: Comparison of Enzymatic Activity in KL1 and KL2 Domains of Lancelet Klotho
  548. Soluble Klotho and fibroblast growth factor 23 levels in diabetic nephropathy with different stages of albuminuria
  549. Effect of Klotho protein on calcium and phosphorus metabolism in chronic kidney disease
  550. Wound healing delays in α-Klotho-deficient mice that have skin appearance similar to that in aged humans – Study of delayed wound healing mechanism
  551. Abstract 1184: The tumor suppressor klotho: a master regulator of metabolism in breast cancer
  552. Lower soluble Klotho and higher impact fibroblast growth factor 23 serum levels are associated with episodes of atrial fibrillation
  553. Abstract 17069: Inhibition of Autophagy Attenuates Klotho Gene Deficiency-Induced Arterial Stiffening and Hypertension
  554. Notch promotes DNMT-mediated hypermethylation of Klotho leads to COPD-related inflammation
  555. Klotho down-regulates Egr-1 by inhibiting TGF-β1/Smad3 signaling in high glucose treated human mesangial cells
  556. The Role of the Anti-Aging Protein Klotho in IGF-1 Signaling and Reticular Calcium Leak: Impact on the Chemosensitivity of Dedifferentiated Liposarcomas
  557. Tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside extends mouse life span via upregulating neural klotho and downregulating neural insulin or insulin-like growth factor 1
  558. The trend of changes in expression of Klotho and autophagy in sepsis-induced acute kidney injury mice model
  559. Endoplasmic reticulum stress induces up-regulation of hepatic β-Klotho expression through ATF4 signaling pathway
  560. Fish Oil Supplementation Reduces Inflammation but Does Not Restore Renal Function and Klotho Expression in an Adenine-Induced CKD Model
  561. The Klotho gene G-395A polymorphism and metabolic syndrome in very elderly people
  562. Relationship between Klotho gene and growth axis GH-IGF1
  563. Vitamin D protection from rat diabetic nephropathy is partly mediated through Klotho expression and renin–angiotensin inhibition
  564. Bone micro-fragility caused by the mimetic aging processes in α-klotho deficient mice: In situ nanoindentation assessment of dilatational bands
  565. Chapter Four – Klotho and the Growth Hormone/Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Axis: Novel Insights into Complex Interactions
  566. Changes in serum FGF23 and Klotho levels and calcification scores of the abdominal aorta after parathyroidectomy for secondary hyperparathyroidism
  567. Reduction in serum biomarkers of acromegaly post-surgery and post-pharmacotherapy: are insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and soluble (s)Klotho levels decreased to a similar extent?
  568. Role of Klotho Polymorphisms and Vitamin D Receptor in Bone Mineral Density in Mexican Children and Adolescents with Turner Syndrome
  570. Overexpression of Klotho Inhibits HELF Fibroblasts SASP-related Protumoral Effects on Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells
  571. Interleukin-18 promotes fibroblast senescence in pulmonary fibrosis through down-regulating Klotho expression
  572. Effect of olmesartan on oxidative stress and klotho protein in rats with adriamycinnephropathy
  573. Sclerostin, TNF‐alpha and Interleukin‐18 Correlate and are Together with Klotho Related to Other Growth Factors and Cytokines in Haemodialysis Patients
  574. N-ethyl-N-Nitrosourea (ENU) Induced Mutations within the Klotho Gene Lead to Ectopic Calcification and Reduced Lifespan in Mouse Models
  575. Klotho/fibroblast growth factor 23- and PTH-independent estrogen receptor-α-mediated direct downregulation of NaPi-IIa by estrogen in the mouse kidney
  577. G-395A polymorphism in the promoter region of the KLOTHO gene associates with frailty among the oldest-old
  578. Urine klotho is a potential early biomarker for acute kidney injury and associated with poor renal outcome after cardiac surgery
  579. Hepatocyte β-Klotho regulates lipid homeostasis but not body weight in mice
  580. Fighting CAVD: Secreted Klotho Protects Osteoclastogenesis via Regulation of Canonical NF-κB (P65) Pathway and RANK-RANKL/OPG Axis
  581. Ischemic acute kidney injury and klotho in renal transplantation
  582. The effect of GH treatment on serum FGF23 and Klotho in GH-deficient children
  583. Kidney-specific Conditional Knockout of Klotho Gene Impairs Natriuresis and causes hypertension by upregulating Epithelial Sodium Channel alpha
  584. Klotho ameliorated isoproterenol-induced pathological changes in cardiomyocytes via the regulation of oxidative stress
  585. Peripheral levels of the anti-aging hormone Klotho in patients with depression
  586. Klotho-related Molecules Upregulated by Smoking Habit in Apparently Healthy Men: A Cross-sectional Study
  587. Role of Klotho in age-related melanoma progression
  588. Effects of FGF23 and Klotho on adult rat cardiomyocytes in culture
  589. Binding Potential between miR-126 and Klotho to Inhibit Inflammation in U937 Monocytes
  590. Klotho: A helpful marker for the differential diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma from reactive mesothelium
  591. Abnormality in FGF-23–α-Klotho Axis: A Possible Mechanism Underlying Hemodialysis-Related Cognitive Dysfunction?
  592. Klotho as a Therapeutic Target during the Development of Renal Fibrosis
  593. Serum klotho is inversely associated with metabolic syndrome in chronic kidney disease: results from the KNOW-CKD study
  594. Klotho response to treatment with growth hormone and the role of IGF-I as a mediator
  595. Assessment of the relationship between serum soluble Klotho and carotid intima–media thickness and left ventricular dysfunction in hemodialysis patients
  596. Effect of osthole on advanced glycation end products-induced renal tubular hypertrophy and role of klotho in its mechanism of action
  597. Electroconvulsive therapy enhances the anti-ageing hormone Klotho in the cerebrospinal fluid of geriatric patients with major depression
  598. Aerobic exercise‑stimulated Klotho upregulation extends life span by attenuating the excess production of reactive oxygen species in the brain and kidney
  599. Expression of Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 and β-Klotho Regulates Hepatic Fibrosis through the Nuclear Factor-κB and c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Pathways
  600. P1.02-053 A New Strategy of Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer Based on the Expression of Anti-Aging Gene Klotho
  602. Klotho G-395A gene polymorphism: impact on progression of end-stage renal disease and development of cardiovascular complications in children on dialysis
  603. The role of klotho in systemic sclerosis
  604. Regulates Klotho-Mediated Inhibition of Cell Migration and Invasiveness by Directly Modulating its Surface Expression in Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
  605. Exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin promotes inflammation in mouse testes: The critical role of Klotho in Sertoli cells
  606. MECHANISMS IN CYSTIC FIBROSIS AND OTHER BRONCHIECTATIC DISEASES: Opposing Roles Of Klotho And Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 In Tgf β-Induced Airway Inflammation In Cystic Fibrosis
  607. KLOTHO polymorphisms in the elderly population from the Sao Paulo Ageing & Health Study
  608. Methods and compositions using klotho-fgf fusion polypeptides
  609. Serum Klotho: Relation to Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 and Other Regulators of Phosphate Metabolism in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease
  610. Fibroblast growth factor 21, fibroblast growth factor receptor 1, and β-Klotho expression in bovine growth hormone transgenic and growth hormone receptor knockout mice
  611. Induction of anti-aging gene klotho with a small chemical compound that demethylates CpG islands
  612. Sulodexide Protects Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells from Oxidative Stress-Induced Injury via Upregulating Klotho Expression at an Early Stage of Diabetic Kidney Disease
  613. Klotho Inhibits Proliferation and Migration of Angiotensin II-Induced Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells (VSMCs) by Modulating NF-κB p65, Akt, and Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinase (ERK) Signaling Activities
  614. Assessment of plasma klotho concentration in stable COPD
  615. Decreased Levels of Anti-Aging Klotho in Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  616. Conditional knock-down of Kidney-specific Klotho Gene Impairs Sodium Reabsorption by Downregulating Epithelial Sodium Channel Expression
  617. Klotho gene polymorphisms are associated with progression of atheromatosis in patients with CKD. Results of two years follow-up of the NEFRONA cohort
  618. Variation in Longevity Gene KLOTHO is Associated with Greater Cortical Volumes in Aging (S41.002)
  619. Klotho expression is correlated to molecules associated with epithelial‑mesenchymal transition in lung squamous cell carcinoma
  620. Abstract A11: Crosstalk between klotho and wnt5A drives age-related melanoma progression
  621. Klotho prevents DEX-induced apoptosis in MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts through the NF-κB signaling pathway
  622. Reduced Klotho expression contributes to poor survival rates in human patients with ovarian cancer, and overexpression of Klotho inhibits the progression of ovarian cancer partly via the inhibition of systemic inflammation in nude mice
  623. Association of liver and kidney functions with Klotho gene methylation in a population environment exposed to cadmium in China
  624. The association of serum soluble Klotho levels and residual diuresis and overhydration in peritoneal dialysis patients.
  625. The Involvement of NF-κB/Klotho Signaling in Colorectal Cancer Cell Survival and Invasion
  626. Renal Klotho expression in patients with acute kidney injury is associated with the severity of the injury
  628. Correlation between Certain Klotho Gene Polymorphisms and IGF-1 Levels of Colorectal Cancer Patients in Northern Iran
  629. Klotho protects human monocytes from LPS-induced immune impairment associated with immunosenescent-like phenotype
  630. Corrigendum to(Glucose Oxidase Induces CellularSenescence in Immortal Renal Cells through ILK byDownregulatingKlothoGene Expression)
  632. Rapid decline of kidney function in diabetic kidney disease is associated with high soluble Klotho levelsEl rápido deterioro de la función renal en la nefropatía diabética se asocia con niveles elevados de Klotho soluble
  633. Correlation between Klotho changes and calcium-phosphate concentration in the serum at early stages of multiple sclerosis
  634. Klotho ameliorates hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative injury in TCMK-1 cells
  635. [Role of parathyroid hormone in Klotho-FGF23 system].
  636. Epi ge ne tic chan ge s of th e Kloth o genein age -re lat ed cat
  639. N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Increase Hepatic Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Sensitivity Through PPARγ-β-klotho Pathway
  640. Regulation of S-formylglutathione hydrolase by the anti-aging gene klotho
  641. RTEF-1 protects against oxidative damage induced by H2O2 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells through Klotho activation
  642. [Decreased Serum Levels of Klotho Protein in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: Clinical Imortance].
  643. KLOTHO 1818T polymorphism associated with myocardial infarction, abdominal aortic calcification and lower creatinine clearance in community-dwelling older subjects: the Sao Paulo Ageing & Health Study (SPAH)
  644. Activation of SIRT1 Attenuates Klotho Deficiency-induced Arterial Stiffness and Hypertension via Enhancing AMPKα and eNOS activity
  645. The Expressions of Klotho Family Genes in Human Ocular Tissues and in Anterior Lens Capsules of Age-Related Cataract
  646. Chapter Twelve – Deficiency of Soluble α-Klotho as an Independent Cause of Uremic Cardiomyopathy
  647. Protective effect of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells modified with klotho on renal ischemia-reperfusion injury
  649. The function of miR-199a-5p/Klotho regulating TLR4/NF-κB p65/NGAL pathways in rat mesangial cells cultured with high glucose and the mechanism
  650. Secreted klotho protein attenuates osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in vitro via inactivation of the FGFR1/ERK signaling pathway
  651. Impact of cigarette smoking cessation on plasma α-klotho levels
  652. The Longevity Hormone Klotho is a New Player in the Interacion of the Growth Hormone/Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Axis.
  653. Long Lasting Chronic Resistive Training Effects on Circulating S-Klotho and IGF-1
  654. Downregulation of klotho β is associated with invasive ductal carcinoma progression
  655. Klotho attenuates diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice and ameliorates high glucose-induced injury of human renal glomerular endothelial cells
  656. Plasmatic Klotho and FGF23 Levels as Biomarkers of CKD-Associated Cardiac Disease in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
  657. Decreased plasma levels of anti-inflammatory klotho protein in obstructive sleep apnoea
  658. Klotho attenuated antibody‐mediated porcine endothelial cell activation and injury
  659. Circulating CD34+ and CD34+VEGFR2+ progenitor cells are associated with KLOTHO KL-VS polymorphism
  660. Transplantation of Klotho-Overexpressed Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Ameliorates Heart Failure in Rats
  661. Klotho/IGF-1R Regulates Tumor Growth and Predicts Prognosis in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
  662. Serum klotho concentrations inversely correlate with the severity of nailfold capillaroscopic patterns in patients with systemic sclerosis
  663. Klotho gene polymorphisms are associated with healthy aging and longevity: Evidence from a meta-analysis
  664. Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum-Like in β-Thalassemia Major, a matter of α-Klotho and Parathyroid Hormone?
  665. Klotho gene expression decreases in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
  666. PTH, vitamin D, and the FGF‐23–klotho axis and heart: Going beyond the confines of nephrology
  667. Methods and compositions using klotho variant polypeptides
  668. Klotho ameliorates sepsis-induced acute kidney injury but is irrelevant to autophagy
  669. Concentrations of fetuin-A, osteoprotegerin and α-Klotho in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis
  670. Klotho Inhibits Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction-Induced Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition via TGF-β1/Smad2/Snail1 Signaling in Mice
  671. Association Between Klotho Gene Polymorphism and Markers of Bone Metabolism in Patients Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis in Iran
  672. Corrigendum: Atrasentan increased the expression of klotho by mediating miR-199b-5p and prevented renal tubular injury in diabetic nephropathy
  674. Impact of Renal Transplantation and Nephrectomy on Urinary Soluble Klotho Protein
  675. The effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercises on circulating soluble-Klotho and IGF-I in young and elderly adults and in CAD patients
  676. Cerebral Klotho Protein as a Humoral Factor for Maintenance of Baroreflex
  677. Human antigen binding proteins that bind betta-klotho, fgf receptors and complexes thereof
  678. The greater effect of high-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training on cardioprotection against ischemia-reperfusion injury through Klotho levels and attenuate of myocardial TRPC6 expression
  679. Targeted inhibition of Klotho binding to fibroblast growth factor 23 prevents hypophosphetemia
  680. Klotho protein in neurodegenerative disorders
  681. The Role of Klotho Protein in Chronic Kidney Disease: Studies in Animals and Humans
  682. Klotho-Mediated Changes in Shelterin Complex Promote Cytotoxic Autophagy and Apoptosis in Amitriptyline-Treated Hippocampal Neuronal Cells
  683. Activated p300 acetyltransferase activity modulates aortic valvular calcification with osteogenic transdifferentiation and downregulation of Klotho
  684. Association of klotho gene polymorphism and the regulation of calcium‐phosphate metabolism disorders in patients with end‐stage renal disease
  685. Klotho plays a critical role in clear cell renal cell carcinoma progression and clinical outcome
  686. FGF-23, Klotho and Vitamin D Levels in Scleroderma
  687. Human FGF receptor and β-Klotho binding proteins
  688. Klotho reduction in alveolar macrophages contributes to CSE-induced inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  689. Klotho and Endothelin-1 in Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Glaucoma
  690. Endothelin-1, α-Klotho, 25(OH) Vit D levels and severity of disease in scleroderma patients
  691. Secreted splicing variant of mammal klotho as a medicament for cognition and behaviour impairments
  692. Beta klotho binding proteins and methods of use thereof
  693. Chloroquine Attenuates Klotho Gene Deficiency-induced Arterial Stiffening and Hypertension by Suppression of Autophagy
  694. Klotho gene delivery ameliorates renal hypertrophy and fibrosis in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by suppressing the Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase signaling pathway
  695. Long noncoding RNA MALAT1 mediates high glucose‐induced glomerular endothelial cell injury by epigenetically inhibiting klotho via methyltransferase G9a
  696. Empagliflozin, SGLT2 inhibitor, attenuates renal fibrosis in rats exposed to unilateral ureteric obstruction: potential role of klotho expression
  697. MiR-130a protects against lipopolysaccharide-induced glomerular cell injury by upregulation of Klotho
  698. [Research update of Klotho in kidney injury and repair].
  699. Serum Klotho (but not haplotypes) associate with the post-myocardial infarction status of older adults
  700. FGF21 promotes functional recovery after hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in neonatal rats by activating the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway via FGFR1/β-klotho
  701. Correlation between KLOTHO gene and mild cognitive impairment in the Uygur and Han populations of Xinjiang
  702. Plasma s-Klotho is related to kidney function and predicts adverse renal outcomes in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease
  703. Circulating α-Klotho Levels in Hemodialysis Patients and Their Relationship to Atherosclerosis
  704. Klotho: a novel and early biomarker of acute kidney injury after cardiac valve replacement surgery in adults
  705. Ginsenoside-Rg1 Protects against Renal Fibrosis by Regulating the Klotho/TGF-β1/Smad Signaling Pathway in Rats with Obstructive Nephropathy
  706. Klotho Protein Protects Human Keratinocytes from UVB-Induced Damage Possibly by Reducing Expression and Nuclear Translocation of NF-κB
  707. Association Study of Klotho Gene Polymorphism With Calcium Oxalate Stones in The Uyghur Population of Xinjiang, China
  708. A Novel Heterozygous Deletion Variant in KLOTHO Gene Leading to Haploinsufficiency and Impairment of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 Signaling Pathway
  709. Impaired function of fibroblast growth factor 23 / Klotho protein axis in prediabetes and diabetes mellitus: Promising predictor of cardiovascular risk
  710. A57 LUNG INJURY, REPAIR, AND FIBROSIS: THE PLOT THICKENS FOR THREE’S COMPANY: Alpha-Klotho Protects Against Pulmonary Complications Of Acute Kidney Injury
  711. 103-OR: Central α-Klotho Suppresses Food Intake and Improves Glucose Regulation in Mouse Models of Metabolic Disease
  712. Relationship of Serum Soluble Klotho Levels and Echocardiographic Parameters in Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis
  713. THU0608 The relationship between serum soluble klotho, fgf-23 levels and flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) in patients with familial mediterranean fever (FMF)
  714. Differential Expression of Klotho in the Brain and Spinal Cord is Associated with Total Antioxidant Capacity in Mice with Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
  715. Protective potential of klotho protein on diabetic retinopathy: Evidence from clinical and in vitro studies
  716. Clinical implication of alterations in serum Klotho levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and its associated complications
  717. Protective role of klotho protein on epithelial cells upon co-culture with activated or senescent monocytes
  718. Klotho, vitamin D and homocysteine levels during acute episode and remission periods in schizophrenia patients
  719. The age-related changes of dietary phosphate responsiveness in plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels and renal Cyp27b1 and Cyp24a1 gene expression is associated with renal α-Klotho gene expression in mice
  720. The Value of Older Donors’ Klotho Level in Predicting Recipients’ Short-Term Renal Function
  721. The effect of nephrectomy on Klotho, FGF-23 and bone metabolism
  722. The Role and Mechanism of α-Klotho in the Calcification of Rat Aortic Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
  723. Human antigen binding proteins that bind β-Klotho, FGF receptors and complexes thereof
  724. The mechanism of attenuation of epithelial‐mesenchymal transition by a phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor via renal klotho expression
  725. Relationship between cFGF23/Klotho ratio and phosphate levels in patients with chronic kidney disease
  726. Serum Soluble Klotho Level Is Associated with Abdominal Aortic Calcification in Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis
  727. Klotho expression in long bones is critical for FGF23 production during renal failure
  728. Association of FGF23 and Klotho protein with bone mineral density in maintenance hemodialysis patients
  729. Methods and compositions using a Klotho-FGF23 fusion polypeptide
  730. Overexpression of klotho in adipose-derived stem cells protects against UVB-induced photoaging in co-cultured human fibroblasts
  731. Comparative proteome analysis of wild‐type and klotho‐knockout mouse kidneys using a combination of MALDI‐IMS and LC‐MS/MS
  732. Klotho Ameliorates Cellular Inflammation via Suppression of Cytokine Release and Upregulation of miR-29a in the PBMCs of Diagnosed Alzheimer’s Disease Patients
  733. Abstract 4959: Klotho suppresses colon cancer through modulation of the Wnt pathway and unfolded protein response
  734. Correlation between Soluble α-Klotho and Renal Function in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Review and Meta-Analysis
  735. Transcription factor organic cation transporter 1 (OCT-1) affects the expression of porcine Klotho (KL) gene
  737. Upregulation of klotho and erythropoietin contributes to the neuroprotection induced by curcumin-loaded nanoparticles in experimental model of chronic epilepsy
  738. Elevated serum concentrations of FGF23 and Klotho in patients with Graves disease and their significance
  739. Abstract 13828: Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 Induces Cellular Senescence in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells From Skeletal Muscle Independently of Klotho Pathway
  740. Klotho upregulation by rapamycin protects against vascular disease in CKD
  741. Upregulation of Klotho potentially inhibits pulmonary vascular remodeling by blocking the activation of the Wnt signaling pathway in rats with PM2.5‐induced pulmonary arterial hypertension
  742. The Three Sisters of Fate in Multiple Sclerosis: Klotho (Clotho), Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 (Lachesis), and Vitamin D (Atropos)
  743. Protective effect of restructuring klotho protein combined with trimetazidine on myocardial injury in mice
  744. 2171-P: Excessive Drinking Impairs FGF-21/Beta-Klotho-Mediated Protective Effects against Islet Dysfunction and Apoptosis in Mouse Pancreatic Islets
  745. B37 TELL ME WHY: COPD PATHOGENESIS: Klotho Expression Is Reduced In COPD Airway Epithelial Cells
  746. Klotho protein protects against aging and nicotine-induced chronic cellular stress
  747. Recombinant α-Klotho Protein Alleviated Acute Cardiorenal Injury in a Mouse Model of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Septic Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 5
  748. [Effects of multimodal combination dialysis on Klotho protein, FGF-23 and BNP in patients with maintenance hemodialysis].
  749. Correlation analysis between serum α-klotho level and the development of obesity-related glomerulopathy
  750. Discovery of Klotho peptide antagonists against Wnt3 and Wnt3a target proteins using combination of protein engineering, protein–protein docking, peptide docking and molecular dynamics simulations
  751. Evaluation of FGF-19 and β-klotho as biomarkers in patients with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
  752. Phosphate handling in kidney disease: the role of klotho and fibroblast growth factor-23
  753. The Biological Role of Klotho Protein in the Development of Cardiovascular Diseases
  754. Human antigen binding proteins that bind β-klotho, FGF receptors and complexes thereof
  755. Relationship between Serum Soluble Klotho Protein and Coronary Artery Calcification and Prognosis in Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis
  756. Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 to Alpha-Klotho Index Correlates with Systemic Sclerosis Activity: A Proposal for Novel Disease Activity Marker
  757. Studies on the anti-aging activity of a glycoprotein isolated from Fupenzi (Rubus chingii Hu.) and its regulation on klotho gene expression in mice kidney
  758. Study on Protective Mechanism of Panax Notoginseng Saponins on Rats with Renal Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Based on Klotho
  759. Association of Klotho gene polymorphism with hypertension and coronary artery disease in an Iranian population
  761. [Overexpression of Klotho inhibits differentiation of RAW264.7 cells into osteoclasts].
  762. Senescence-inducing effects of radiation on non-cancer tissues : the role of neuraminidase Klotho on radiation nephropathy
  763. Establishment of Transgenic Porcine Fibroblasts Expressing a Human klotho Gene and Its Effects on Gene Expression and Preimplantation Development of Cloned Embryos
  764. Daidzein upregulates anti-aging protein Klotho and NaPi 2a cotransporter in a rat model of the andropause
  766. Circulating Levels of Soluble Klotho and Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 in Diabetic Patients and Its Association with Early Nephropathy
  767. The FGF‐23/klotho axis and its relationship with phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D, PTH, aldosterone, severity of disease, and outcome in hospitalised foals
  768. Neural Crest-Derived Valve Interstitial Cells Calcify In The Klotho-Deficient Mouse Model Of Aortic Valve Disease
  769. Correlation of serum levels of fibroblast growth factor 23 and Klotho protein levels with bone mineral density in maintenance hemodialysis patients
  770. Histochemical Examination on Periodontal Tissues of Klotho-Deficient Mice Fed With Phosphate-Insufficient Diet
  771. The suppressive effect of soluble Klotho on fibroblastic growth factor 23 synthesis in UMR‐106 osteoblast‐like cells
  772. Klotho Protein Reduced the Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and Matrix Metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) in Fibroblasts from Patients with Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) by Down-Regulating the Phosphorylation of ERK1/2
  773. Role of miR-10b in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells by targeting Klotho
  774. Expressions of Kidney β-Klotho and Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 in Experimental Rats Model With Vascular Calcification
  775. Glucose Oxidase Induces Cellular Senescence in Immortal Renal Cells through ILK by Downregulating Klotho Gene Expression
  776. Is Klotho deficiency independently associated with cardiovascularrisk in chronic kidney disease?
  777. Central resitin infusion impairs FGF21/FGFR1/β-Klotho hypothalamic expression and promotes peripheral FGF21 resistance: involvement of resistin/TLR4 signalling pathway
  778. [α-Klotho protein in neurodegenerative and mental diseases].
  779. Increased oxidative stress in diabetic nephropathy and its relationship with soluble Klotho levels
  780. H2O2 decreases Klotho expression in mouse renal tubular epithelial cells
  781. Effects of Bufei Yishen formula on klotho gene expression and inflammation-related RIG-I/NF-κB pathway in cigarette smoke extract-treated BEAS-2B cells
  782. Up-Regulation of Excitatory Amino Acid Transporters EAAT1 and EAAT2 by ß-Klotho
  783. Klotho/FGF23 axis mediates high phosphate‐induced vascular calcification in vascular smooth muscle cells via Wnt7b/β‐catenin pathway
  784. Klotho gene‐modified BMSCs showed elevated antifibrotic effects by inhibiting the Wnt/β‐catenin pathway in kidneys after acute injury
  785. Is Low Serum Klotho Level Associated with Alterations in Coronary Flow Reserve?
  786. The Effects of Valsartan on Renal Klotho Expression and Oxidative stress in Alleviation of Cyclosporine Nephrotoxicity
  787. Correlation of serum SFRP5 and Klotho expression with oxidative stress and adipocytokine secretion in patients with diabetic nephropathy
  788. GW28-e0507 Klotho protects the heart from hyperglycemia-induced injury by inactivating ROS and NF-κB-mediated inflammation both in vitro and in vivo
  789. Treating Systemic Klotho Deficiency
  790. The Prognostic Role of Klotho in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
  792. Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin, Fibroblast Growth Factor 23, and Soluble Klotho in Long-Term Kidney Donors
  793. Lack of functional KL-VS polymorphism of the KLOTHO gene in the Korean population
  794. Abstract 061: Kidney-specific Klotho Gene Deficiency Impairs Sodium Excretion and Causes Hypertension
  795. Research progress of the relationship between klotho protein and chronic kidney disease
  796. Klotho modulates ER-mediated signaling crosstalk between prosurvival autophagy and apoptotic cell death during LPS challenge
  797. Products and methods for assessing and increasing klotho protein levels
  798. Moderate aerobic exercise training decreases middle-aged induced pathologic cardiac hypertrophy by improving Klotho expression, MAPK signaling pathway, and oxidative stress status in Wistar rats
  799. Klotho protein inhibits H2O2-induced oxidative injury in endothelial cells via regulation of PI3K/AKT/Nrf2/HO-1 pathways
  800. Bicarbonate-Sensitive Calcification and Life Span of klotho-deficient mice
  801. Urinary Klotho measured by ELISA as an early biomarker of acute kidney injury in patients after cardiac surgery or coronary angiographyKlotho urinario determinado por ELISA como biomarcador precoz de fracaso renal agudo en pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardiaca o angiografía coronaria
  802. Emerging Roles of Klotho in Cardiovascular
  803. Klotho/fgf23-Independent and ERα Mediated Downregulation of NaPi-IIa and NaPi-IIc by Estrogen in the Mouse Kidney Proximal Tubule
  804. Seasonal expression of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), its receptor IGF-1R and klotho in testis and epididymis of the European bison (Bison bonasus, Linnaeus 1758)
  805. Klotho protects against LPS-induced inflammation injury by inhibiting Wnt and NF-κB pathways in HK-2 cells
  806. Klotho beta
  807. Klotho expression and nodal involvement as predictive factors for large cell lung carcinoma
  808. Klotho attenuates isoproterenol-induced hypertrophic response in H9C2 cells by activating Na+/K+-ATPase and inhibiting the reverse mode of Na+/Ca2+-exchanger
  809. Klotho protein as a biomarker for the detection and prognosis of acute kidney injury among adult patients in the intensive care units
  810. The effect of high-fat diet-induced obesity on oxidative stress and klotho methylation in lung tissue of C57/BL6 mice
  811. Klotho Restraining Egr1/TLR4/mTOR Axis to Reducing the Expression of Fibrosis and Inflammatory Cytokines in High Glucose Cultured Rat Mesangial Cells
  812. Reduced klotho is one risk factor for the occurrence and development of coronary artery disease in elderly people
  813. [Protective effects of Klotho protein on acute kidney injury in septic mice and its mechanism].
  814. Evaluation of serum soluble klotho protein in patients with different degrees of chronic kidney disease
  815. Association of Klotho single nucleotide polymorphisms with cardiovascular diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  816. Suppression of Apoptosis in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) by Klotho Protein is Associated with Reduced Endoplasmic Reticulum Oxidative Stress and Activation of the PI3K/AKT Pathway
  817. Klotho protein: A potential therapeutic agent during myocardial ischemia and reperfusion
  818. Use of Klotho Nucleic Acids or Proteins for Treatment of Diabetes and Diabetes-Related Conditions
  819. [310-POS]: Potential role of Klotho protein in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia
  821. Klotho gene polymorphisms and their association with sickle cell disease phenotypes
  822. A Novel Approach to Klotho Aimed at Delaying and Reversing Aging
  823. Klothoprotectstheheartfromhyperglycemia-inducedinjurybyinactivatingROSandNF-κB-mediatedinflammationbothinvitroand in vivo
  824. Plasma FGF21 concentrations, adipose fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 and β-klotho expression decrease with fasting in northern elephant seals
  825. [Expression of mRNA and protein of Klotho gene in placental tissue of macrosomia and its relationship with birth weight of neonates].
  829. Effect of secondary hyperparathyroidism serum on endothelial cells and intervention with Klotho
  830. α-klotho: a novel regulator in female reproductive outcomes and hormone-related cancer
  831. FRI0429 Evaluation of Soluble α-Klotho in Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  832. Up-regulation of megakaryocytic Na+/Ca2+ exchange in klotho-deficient mice
  833. Klotho expression in cardiomyocytes in patients at a higher atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk
  834. The protective effect of Klotho on apoptosis of MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts induced by dexamethasone
  835. Relationship of Serum Klotho Level With ACE Gene Polymorphism in Stable Kidney Allograft Recipients
  836. Soluble α-Klotho — a new marker of acromegaly?
  837. Changes in expression of klotho affect physiological processes, diseases, and cancer
  838. Anti-aging Gene Klotho Deficiency Causes Arterial Calcification via Activating the Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling
  839. Association of circular Klotho and insulin-like growth factor 1 with cardiac hypertrophy indexes in athlete and non-athlete women following acute and chronic exercise
  840. Role of sclerostin, fibroblast growth factor-23, and Klotho in hemodialysis patients
  841. α-Klotho Induces FGF23-derived Signal as a Scaffold Molecule Without Glycosidase Activity
  842. FGF23-Klotho and its correlation with abnormal bone metabolism
  843. Gender Specific Association between Serum Fibroblast Growth Factor 23/α-Klotho and Coronary Artery and Aortic Valve Calcification
  844. Klotho beta
  845. Abnormally high levels of serum α-klotho result in a poor outcome for clinical pregnancy-A prospective cohort study
  846. Soluble Klotho protein as a novel serum biomarker in patients with acromegaly
  847. Production of homozygous klotho knockout porcine embryos cloned from genome-edited porcine fibroblasts
  848. A decreased soluble Klotho level with normal eGFR, FGF23, serum phosphate, and FEP in an ADPKD patient with enlarged kidneys due to multiple cysts
  849. A6.29  In vitro protective effects of soluble klotho (SKL) protein on endothelial cells in systemic sclerosis (SSc)
  850. α‑klotho and anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease patients: A new perspective (Review)
  851. Epigenetic suppression of the anti-aging gene KLOTHO in human prostate cancer cell lines
  852. The predictive value of Klotho polymorphism, in addition to classical markers of CKD-MBD, for left ventricular hypertrophy in haemodialysis patients
  853. Antagonistic role of Klotho-derived peptides dynamics in the pancreatic cancer treatment through obstructing WNT-1 and Frizzled binding
  854. [Research Progress of Klotho].
  856. GW27-e0476 A nomogram to predict contrast induced nephropathy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: is the “anti-aging” agent klotho a candidate predictor?
  857. A correlation between decreased parathyroid α-Klotho and fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 expression with pathological category and parathyroid gland volume in dialysis patients
  858. Klotho and Postmenopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy in Women with Chronic Kidney Disease
  859. FGF-23, α-Klotho Gene Polymorphism and Their Relationship with the Markers of Bone Metabolism in Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
  860. Metadichol® a Novel Agonist of the Anti-aging Klotho Gene in Cancer Cell Lines
  861. Evaluation of the effect of oral taurine supplementation on fasting levels of fibroblast growth factors, β-Klotho co-receptor, some biochemical indices and body composition in obese women on a weight-loss diet: a study protocol for a double-blind, randomized controlled trial
  862. The Effects of Losartan on Expressions of Klotho and Wnt in the 5/6 Nephrectomy Model of Progressive Chronic Kidney Disease
  863. Effect of hesperidin treatment on α-Klotho/FGF-23 pathway in rats with experimentally-induced diabetes
  865. G-395A polymorphism in the promoter region of the KLOTHO gene and hypertension among elderly (90 years and older) Chinese individuals
  866. Serum α-klotho levels are not informative for the evaluation of growth hormone secretion in short children
  867. Effects of Angiotensin II Receptor Blockade on Soluble Klotho and Oxidative Stress in Calcineurin Inhibitor Nephrotoxicity in Rats
  868. The Vitamin D – Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 – Klotho Axis and Progression of ChronicKidney Disease
  869. [Correlations of FGF23 and Klotho with cardiovascular injury in chronic kidney disease patients].
  870. The association of the Klotho polymorphism rs9536314 with parameters of calcium-phosphate metabolism in patients on long-term hemodialysis
  871. Renal Function and Klotho Gene Polymorphisms among Uygur and Kazak Populations in Xinjiang, China
  872. [Effect of Ronghuang Granule on serum FGF23, FGFRs and Klotho in non-dialysis patients with CKD-MBD and kidney deficiency and damp-heat syndrome].
  873. Longevity gene KLOTHO may play a role in Alzheimer disease
  875. Klotho in diabetes and diabetic nephropathy: a brief update review
  876. Circulating beta-Klotho Levels in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Are Influenced by the Time of Onset Diabetes
  878. Klotho Enhances Postnatal Skeletal Muscle Growth
  879. Compound H Increases Anti-aging Protein Klotho Expression and Attenuates Arterial Stiffening and Hypertension
  880. Protective role of Klotho on cardiomyocytes upon hypoxia/reoxygenation via downregulation of Akt and FOXO1 phosphorylation
  882. Resveratrol and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D co-administration protects the heart against d-galactose-induced aging in rats: evaluation of serum and cardiac levels of klotho
  883. Nestin and Klotho protein expression in neuroendocrine tumors of the lung
  884. Klotho: An emerging factor in neurodegenerative diseases
  886. Klotho Deficiency Causes Kidney Fibrosis via Activation of the Notch2 Signaling pathway
  887. Abstract A24: Beta-klotho expression is associated with the antitumor activity of pan-FGFR inhibitor in human malignancies with FGF19 amplification
  888. Secreted Klotho Augments the Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Monocrotaline-induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
  889. Effect of Sevelamer on Serum Levels of Klotho and Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor-like Weak Inducer of Apoptosis in Rats With Adenine-induced Chronic Kidney Disease.
  890. Diurnal variation and short-term pre-analytical stability of serum soluble α-klotho in healthy volunteers: a pilot study
  891. The related study of α-klotho and obesity related glomerulonephritis
  892. Effect of Klotho Gene Delivery on Hypertension and Arterial Stiffness in Senescence Accelerated Mice P1 (SAMP1)
  894. Changes of Klotho protein and Klotho mRNA expression in a hydroxy-L-proline induced hyperoxaluric rat model
  895. Polymorphism of klotho G-395A and susceptibility of coronary artery disease in East-Asia population: a meta-analysis
  896. Abstract 18495: Potential Influence of Klotho Plasma Levels on the Prognostic Value of Mineral Metabolism in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
  897. The effect of vitamin D supplementation on plasma levels of anti-aging protein Klotho in elderly
  898. Validity of Klotho, CYR61 and YKL-40 as ideal predictive biomarkers for acute kidney injury: review study
  899. The relationship of fibroblast growth factors 21 and 23 and α-Klotho with platelet activity measured by platelet volume indices
  900. Effect of platelet-rich plasma on wnt3 gene and klotho gene of adipose-derived stem cells of rabbit
  901. The relationship of fibroblast growth factors 21 and 23 and α-Klotho with platelet activity measured by platelet volume indices
  902. Klotho as a Novel Cardioprotective Protein in Aged Heart
  903. Klotho protein lowered in senile patients with brady sinus arrhythmia
  904. [Impact of anemia correction on the production of the circulating morphogenetic protein α-Klotho in patients with Stages 3B-4 chronic kidney disease: A new direction of cardionephroprotection].
  905. Participation of Immune Cells in Klotho Deficiency-induced Salt-sensitive Hypertension
  906. Dietary and Pharmacological Modification of FGF23 and Klotho in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
  907. Decreased Circulating Klotho Levels in Patients Undergoing Dialysis and Relationship to Oxidative Stress and Inflammation
  908. F5. Klotho, PTSD, and Advanced Cellular Age: Spinning the Thread of Life
  909. Serum alpha-klotho concentrations in girls with anorexia nervosa
  910. Clinical implications of the cross-talk between renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system andvitamin D-FGF23-klotho axis
  911. Klotho gene variant moderates the relationship between stress and epigenetic aging.
  912. [Impact of transfection with recombinant adenovirus vector-mediated Klotho gene on myocardial remodeling in a rat model of heart failure].
  913. Letter to the Editor regarding Dounousi E et al. Intact FGF23 and α‐Klotho during acute inflammation/sepsis in CKD patients
  914. Promoter hypermethylation of KLOTHO; an anti-senescence related gene in colorectal cancer patients of Kashmir valley
  915. [Role of the morphogenetic proteins FGF-23 and Klotho and the glycoprotein sclerostin in the assessment of the risk of cardiovascular diseases and the prognosis of chronic kidney disease].
  916. Clinical significance of fibroblast growth factor-23 and soluble alpha klotho in different stages of chronic kidney disease
  917. The Bone Phenotype of the Klotho Mutant Mouse Does Not Reflect Changes in Skeletal Architecture that occur with Aging.
  919. In Reply to ‘Abnormality in FGF-23–α-Klotho Axis: A Possible Mechanism Underlying Hemodialysis-Related Cognitive Dysfunction?’
  921. Identifying Significant Biological Markers in Klotho Gene Variants Across Wide Ranging Taxonomy
  922. Soluble klotho attenuates angiotensin II-mediated vascular smooth muscle cell ageing: role of Nrf2-antioxidant signalling
  923. Klotho: The Protein of Faith
  924. GW26-e0495 Impact of Myocardial Remodeling in a Rat Model of Heart Failure Transfected with Recombinant Adenovirus Vector-mediated Klotho Gene
  925. [Vascular Calcification – Pathological Mechanism and Clinical Application – . Vascular calcification in klotho deficient environment].
  926. Management of apolipoprotein D and klotho levels, redox pattern and oxidative damages in plasma from MCI and Alzheimer′s Disease patients
  927. Le couple fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23)/Klotho
  928. No apparent link between serum Klotho and phosphate in human chronic kidney disease
  930. Is Klotho F352V Polymorphism the Missing Piece of the Bone Loss Puzzle in Renal Transplant Recipients?
  931. Abnormally High Levels of Serum Alpha-Klotho May Result in a Poor Clinical Outcome for a 41-Year-Old Woman
  933. Klotho suppresses tumor growth of T‐cell lymphoma via inhibiting IGF‐1R signaling

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