Inhibition Of Advanced Glycation End Products

  1. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products by red grape skin extract and its antioxidant activity
  2. Extract of Cassiae semen attenuates diabetic nephropathy via Inhibition of advanced glycation end products accumulation in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  3. The extract of Litsea japonica reduced the development of diabetic nephropathy via the Inhibition of advanced glycation end products accumulation in db/db …
  4. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products formation by Mangifera indica leaf extract
  5. Inhibition of advanced glycation end–product Formation and Antioxidant Activity by Extracts and Polyphenols from Scutellaria alpina L. and S. altissima L.
  6. Inhibitors of aldose reductase and advanced glycation end–products formation from the leaves of Stelechocarpus cauliflorus RE Fr.
  7. The mechanisms of Inhibition of advanced glycation end products formation through polyphenols in hyperglycemic condition
  8. Litsea japonica extract inhibits neuronal apoptosis and the accumulation of advanced glycation end products in the diabetic mouse retina
  9. Nephroprotective effect of Paeonia emodi via Inhibition of advanced glycation end products and oxidative stress in streptozotocin–nicotinamide induced …
  10. Renoprotective effect of Bacopa monnieri via Inhibition of advanced glycation end products and oxidative stress in STZ-nicotinamide-induced diabetic nephropathy
  11. The Inhibition of advanced glycation end–products by five fractions and three main flavonoids from Camellia nitidissima Chi flowers
  12. Naphthopyrone glucosides from the seeds ofCassia tora with inhibitory activity on advanced glycation end products (AGEs) formation
  13. Dillenia indica L. attenuates diabetic nephropathy via Inhibition of advanced glycation end products accumulation in STZ-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats
  14. Anti-advanced glycation end–product and free radical scavenging activity of plants from the Yucatecan flora
  15. Health Promoting Effect of Phyllanthus emblica and Azadiractha indica against advanced glycation end products Formation
  16. … for in vitro modulation of aldose reductase, sorbitol accumulation and advanced glycation end products by flavonoid rich extract of Coriandrum sativum L …
  17. Potential role of Tribulus terrestris fruit extract in Inhibition of advanced glycation end products
  18. Puerariafuran, a new inhibitor of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) isolated from the roots of Pueraria lobata
  19. Potential dual role of eugenol in inhibiting advanced glycation end products in diabetes: proteomic and mechanistic insights
  20. Chemo-biological evaluation of antidiabetic activity of Mentha arvensis L. and its role in Inhibition of advanced glycation end products
  21. Osteomeles schwerinae extracts inhibits the binding to receptors of advanced glycation end products and TGF-β1 expression in mesangial cells under diabetic …
  22. A review on mechanism of Inhibition of advanced glycation end products formation by plant derived polyphenolic compounds
  23. Flavonoids and proanthocyanidins-rich fractions from Eugenia dysenterica fruits and leaves inhibit the formation of advanced glycation end–products and the activities …
  24. In vitro inhibitory activity of Acca sellowiana fruit extract on end products of advanced glycation
  25. Inhibition of highland barley bran-derived carbon dots on the formation of advanced glycation end products
  26. Effect of Italian Sour Cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) on the Formation of advanced glycation end products and Lipid Peroxidation
  27. New Pregnane Glycosides Isolated from Caralluma hexagona Lavranos as Inhibitors of α-Glucosidase, Pancreatic Lipase, and advanced glycation end products …
  28. Inhibition of protein glycoxidation and advanced glycation end–product formation by barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea) phenolics
  29. … -induced atherosclerosis and renal disease by D-carnosine-octylester: effects of early vs late Inhibition of advanced glycation end–products in Apoe-null mice
  30. Inhibitory effect of phenolic compounds and plant extracts on the formation of advance glycation end products: A comprehensive review
  31. Eucommia ulmoides Ameliorates Glucotoxicity by Suppressing advanced glycation end–products in Diabetic Mice Kidney
  32. The multifunctional roles of flavonoids against the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and AGEs-induced harmful effects
  33. Inhibiting the formation of advanced glycation end–products by three stilbenes and the identification of their adducts
  34. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products by Punica granatum Linn. leaves and its antioxidant activity
  35. Linolenic acid prevents early and advanced glycation end–products (AGEs) modification of albumin
  36. The Inhibition of advanced glycation end–products-induced retinal vascular permeability by silver nanoparticles
  37. Antioxidant and anti-advanced glycation end products formation properties of palmatine
  38. Evaluation of the relationship between bioactive components in seaweeds and advanced glycation end–products inhibitory activities using principal component …
  39. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products formation and inflammation in C. elegans: Studies of potential of Lyngbya sp. against expression of stress related genes …
  40. Secondary metabolites from lichen as potent inhibitors of advanced glycation end products and vasodilative agents
  41. Emerging role of advanced glycation–end products (AGEs) in the pathobiology of eye diseases
  42. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products by isoferulic acid and its free radical scavenging capacity: An in vitro and molecular docking study
  43. Adverse health consequences of dietary advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and inhibitory effects of natural ingredients on ages
  44. The protective effect of Smilax glabra extract on advanced glycation end products-induced endothelial dysfunction in HUVECs via RAGE-ERK1/2-NF-κB pathway
  45. Dihydrochalcones: Implication in resistance to oxidative stress and bioactivities against advanced glycation end–products and vasoconstriction
  46. glycation inhibitors extend yeast chronological lifespan by reducing advanced glycation end products and by back regulation of proteins involved in mitochondrial …
  47. Angiotensin II receptor antagonists and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors lower in vitro the formation of advanced glycation end products: biochemical …
  48. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products (AGEs): an implicit goal in clinical medicine for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy?
  49. advanced glycation end products and diabetic complications
  50. Inhibition of advanced glycation end–product formation on eye lens protein by rutin
  51. Individual and Combined Effects of Food Components in Attenuating the Formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
  52. Encapsulation of phenolics in β-lactoglobulin: Stability, antioxidant activity, and Inhibition of advanced glycation end products
  53. Müller glial dysfunction during diabetic retinopathy in rats is linked to accumulation of advanced glycation end–products and advanced lipoxidation end …
  54. Inhibitory activities of some Folklore remedies on Aldose reductase of rat lens and generation of advanced glycation end products
  55. Anti-hyperglycemic Activity and Inhibition of advanced glycation end products by Lonicera japonica Thunb. in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats
  56. In vitro inhibitory effect of selected parts of Moringa oleifera against the formation of major types of advanced glycation end–products
  57. Effect of advanced glycation end products on accelerated apoptosis of retinal capillary cells under in vitro conditions
  58. The role of advanced glycation end products in retinal ageing and disease
  59. Inhibitory effect and cross-link breaking activity of Moringa oleifera leaf crude extracts on fructose-derived advanced glycation end–products
  60. Insights into oat polyphenols constituent against advanced glycation end products mechanism by spectroscopy and molecular interaction
  61. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products by aminoguanidine restores mast cell numbers and reactivity in alloxan-diabetic rats
  62. Inhibitory Mechanism of advanced glycation end–product Formation by Avenanthramides Derived from Oats through Scavenging the Intermediates
  63. Protective effects of Artemisia herba-alba in diabetic peripheral artery disease mediated via Inhibition of advanced glycation end products
  64. Ability of resveratrol to inhibit advanced glycation end product formation and carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzyme activity, and to conjugate methylglyoxal
  65. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products (AGE) formation by pomegranate (Punica granatum) stem bark methanol extract
  66. advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in diabetic complications
  67. Anti-advanced glycation end–product and free radical scavenging activity of plants from the yucatecan flora
  68. Kinetics of nonenzymatic glycation of ribonuclease A leading to advanced glycation end products. Paradoxical Inhibition by ribose leads to facile isolation of protein …
  69. Effect of aqueous pericarp extract of Punica granatum (APPG) on the role of Inhibition of advanced glycation end products in STZ induced diabetic retinopathy
  70. A novel inhibitor of advanced glycation end–product formation inhibits mesenteric vascular hypertrophy in experimental diabetes
  71. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) accumulation by pyridoxamine modulates glomerular and mesangial cell estrogen receptor α …
  72. Phytochemicals against anti‐diabetic complications: targeting the advanced glycation end product signaling pathway
  73. Inhibition of advanced glycation end–products formation and antioxidant properties of Ficus deltoidea var. intermedia
  74. Molecular dynamic simulation of centella asiatica compound as an inhibitor of advanced glycation end products
  75. Evaluation of advanced glycation end–products in diabetic and inherited canine cataracts
  76. Carnosine and advanced glycation end products: a systematic review
  77. Inhibitory mechanism of catechins against advanced glycation end products of glycated myofibrillar protein through anti-aggregation and anti-oxidation
  78. advanced glycation end–products induce basement membrane hypertrophy in endoneurial microvessels and disrupt the blood–nerve barrier by stimulating …
  79. Effect of protocatechualdehyde on receptor for advanced glycation end products and TGF-β1 expression in human lens epithelial cells cultured under diabetic …
  80. Therapeutic interventions against accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
  81. Evaluation of effect of alcoholic extract of heartwood of Pterocarpus marsupium on in vitro antioxidant, anti-glycation, sorbitol accumulation and Inhibition of …
  82. Trans-resveratrol mitigates type 1 diabetes-induced oxidative DNA damage and accumulation of advanced glycation end products in glomeruli and tubules of rat …
  83. Caffeoylated phenylpropanoid glycosides from Brandisia hancei inhibit advanced glycation end product formation and aldose reductase in vitro and vessel dilation in …
  84. Flavonoids derived from buckwheat hull can break advanced glycation end–products and improve diabetic nephropathy
  85. Relationship of advanced glycation end products with cardiovascular disease in menopausal women
  86. An in silico approach reveals the potential function of cyanidin-3-o-glucoside of red rice in inhibiting the advanced glycation end products (AGES)-receptor …
  87. Antioxidant and anti-AGEs (advanced glycation end–product) activities of ethanolic extract of Ficus carica Linn from Indonesia
  88. Inhibition of protein glycation by extracts of culinary herbs and spices
  89. Skin wrinkle improvement effect of Paeoniae radix and processed Paeoniae radix through Inhibition of advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
  90. Diet with high content of advanced glycation end products induces systemic inflammation and weight gain in experimental mice: Protective role of curcumin and gallic …
  91. Novel advances in inhibiting advanced glycation end product formation using natural compounds
  92. Inhibition of advanced glycation and absence of galectin-3 prevent blood-retinal barrier dysfunction during short-term diabetes
  93. Inhibitory Activity of Unripe Fruits of Linseed on Aldose Reductase and production of advanced glycation end products
  94. Role of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids on dicarbonyl–albumin derived advanced glycation end products in vitro
  95. Mangosteen pericarp extract inhibits the formation of pentosidine and ameliorates skin elasticity
  96. Anti-glycation effects of brown algae extracts and its phenolic compounds
  97. Accelerated aging in glaucoma: immunohistochemical assessment of advanced glycation end products in the human retina and optic nerve head
  98. advanced glycation end products cause increased CCN family and extracellular matrix gene expression in the diabetic rodent retina
  99. Binding Studies of Caffeic and p-Coumaric Acid with α-Amylase: Multispectroscopic and Computational Approaches Deciphering the Effect on advanced glycation …
  100. Inhibition of glucose-and fructose-mediated protein glycation by infusions and ethanolic extracts of ten culinary herbs and spices
  101. Endophytes, a Potential Source of Bioactive Compounds to Curtail the Formation–Accumulation of advanced glycation end products: A Review
  102. Causative or associative: A critical review of the role of advanced glycation end–products in bone fragility
  103. Berberine suppresses advanced glycation end products‐associated diabetic retinopathy in hyperglycemic mice
  104. Effects of advanced glycation end–products (AGEs) on skin keratinocytes by nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) activation
  105. Garlic Extract: Inhibition of Biochemical and Biophysical Changes in Glycated HSA
  106. advanced glycation end products and their relevance in female reproduction
  107. advanced glycation end products and diabetic retinopathy
  108. Inhibitory effect of Clitoria ternatea flower petal extract on fructose-induced protein glycation and oxidation-dependent damages to albumin in vitro
  109. Mesona Chinensis Benth extract prevents AGE formation and protein oxidation against fructose-induced protein glycation in vitro
  110. Protein glycation inhibitory activity and antioxidant capacity of clove extract
  111. advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and its receptor, RAGE, modulate age-dependent COVID-19 morbidity and mortality. A review and hypothesis
  112. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products in Yogurt by Lotus Seedpod Oligomeric Procyanidin
  113. Comprehensive analysis of the anti-glycation effect of peanut skin extract
  114. Protective effect of Gymnema sylvestre L. against advanced glycation end‑product, sorbitol accumulation and aldose reductase activity in Homoeopathic Formulation
  115. Potential of Birds to Serve as Pathology-Free Models of Type 2 Diabetes, Part 2: Do High Levels of Carbonyl-Scavenging Amino Acids (eg., Taurine) and Low …
  116. Inhibition of protein glycoxidation and advanced glycation end–product formation by barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea) phenolics
  117. Effect of drinking green tea on glycation and oxidation of aortic collagen in diabetic rat
  118. Urolithin A alleviates advanced glycation end–product formation by altering protein structures, trapping methylglyoxal and forming complexes
  119. Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Anti-glycation Agents from Ecklonia cava
  120. Polyphenols and AGEs/RAGE axis. Trends and challenges
  121. Combined effect of total flavonoids from seed residues of Hippophae rhamnoides L. and zinc on advanced glycation end products-induced endothelial cell dysfunction
  122. Does dietary fat affect advanced glycation end products and their receptors? A systematic review of clinical trials
  123. Anti-skin-aging effect of mori folium through decreased advanced glycation end product (AGEs)
  124. Healthy eating recommendations: good for reducing dietary contribution to the body’s advanced glycation/lipoxidation end products pool?
  125. A comparative study on skin and plasma advanced glycation end products and their associations with arterial stiffness
  126. advanced glycation end products in the Skin: Molecular Mechanisms, Methods of Measurement, and Inhibitory Pathways
  127. Higher skin autofluorescence detection using AGE-Reader™ technology as a measure of increased tissue accumulation of advanced glycation end products in …
  128. Lignin, an active component in the corn silk water extract, inhibits glycation
  129. Evaluation of advanced glycation end–products in diabetic and inherited canine cataracts
  130. Anti-glycation effect and the α-amylase, lipase, and α-glycosidase Inhibition properties of a polyphenolic fraction derived from citrus wastes
  131. Inhibitory Effect of Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) and Its Phenolics against Methylglyoxal-Derived advanced glycation end product Toxicity
  132. Phytochemical, antioxidant and antidiabetic activity in aqueous extract of Trigonella foenumgraceum L.
  133. Ginseng extract modified by pectin lyase inhibits retinal vascular injury and blood-retinal barrier breakage in a rat model of diabetes
  134. In vitro α-amylase and protein glycation inhibitory activity of the aqueous extract of Flueggea leucopyrus Willd
  135. Profile of urinary amino acids and their post-translational modifications (PTM) including advanced glycation end–products (AGEs) of lysine, arginine and …
  136. Comparative effects of pioglitazone and rosiglitazone on plasma levels of soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
  137. Flavonoids from Litsea japonica inhibit AGEs formation and rat lense aldose reductase in vitro and vessel dilation in zebrafish
  138. Coriandrum sativum seeds extract mitigate progression of diabetic nephropathy in experimental rats via AGEs Inhibition
  139. Inhibition of In Vitro Fructose-Induced Protein glycation by Litchi chinensis
  140. Evaluation of an olive leaf extract as a natural source of antiglycative compounds
  141. A systematic review of antiglycation medicinal plants
  142. L-Carnosine supplementation attenuated fasting glucose, triglycerides, advanced glycation end products, and tumor necrosis factor–α levels in patients with type 2 …
  143. Corni Fructus Inhibits Wrinkle Formation by Reduced advanced glycation end product (AGEs)
  144. Dietary polyphenols: regulate the advanced glycation end products-RAGE axis and the microbiota-gut-brain axis to prevent neurodegenerative diseases
  145. glycation end–product cross-link breaker reduces collagen and improves cardiac function in aging diabetic heart
  146. glycation and oxidative stress increase autoantibodies in the elderly
  147. advanced glycation end products and Oxidative Stress in a Hyperglycaemic Environment
  148. Invitro Studies of Antioxidant, Antiradical, Antidiabetic Activities and prevention of advanced glycation Endproducts by Cinnamomum zeylanicum
  149. Galangin inhibits α-glucosidase activity and formation of non-enzymatic glycation products
  150. New compounds of Siolmatra brasiliensis and Inhibition of in vitro protein glycation damage
  151. Bio-guided identification of antiglycative constituents from the leaves of Mangifera indica L.
  152. Water Extract of Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) Inhibits Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase-1B in Insulin-Resistant HepG2 Cells
  153. Specific bioactive compounds in ginger and apple alleviate hyperglycemia in mice with high fat diet-induced obesity via Nrf2 mediated pathway
  154. Protective effects of ginger extract against glycation and oxidative stress-induced health complications: an in vitro study
  155. Natural products as a source of inspiration for novel inhibitors of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) formation
  156. Evaluation of α-glucosidase, α-amylase and protein glycation inhibitory activities of edible plants
  157. Antidiabetic and antioxidant activity of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) extract
  158. Olive leaves extract alleviate diabetic nephropathy in diabetic male rats: impact on oxidative stress and protein glycation
  159. Epimedium koreanum Extract and Its Flavonoids Reduced Atherosclerotic Risk via Suppressing Modification of Human HDL
  160. Antioxidant and antiglycation properties of two mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars from Senegal
  161. Therapeutic Potential of Phlorotannin-Rich Ecklonia cava Extract on Methylglyoxal-Induced Diabetic Nephropathy in In Vitro Model
  162. GS-E3D, a new pectin lyase-modified red ginseng extract, inhibited diabetes-related renal dysfunction in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  163. Xanthium strumarium as an Inhibitor of α-Glucosidase, Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1β, Protein glycation and ABTS+ for Diabetic and Its Complication
  164. Hypoglycemic, Antiglycation, and Cytoprotective Properties of a Phenol-Rich Extract From Waste Peel of Punica granatum L. var. Dente di Cavallo DC2
  165. Facile Synthetic Design and Characterization of Curcumin-Metformin Adduct: Potential Insights into the Role of This Conjugate in Diseases of Aging
  166. An intracellular modulation of free radical production could contribute to the beneficial effects of metformin towards oxidative stress
  167. Macrocarquinoids A–C, new meroterpenoids from Sargassum macrocarpum
  169. Amadori glycated proteins: role in production of autoantibodies in diabetes mellitus and effect of inhibitors on non-enzymatic glycation
  170. Attenuation of diabetic nephropathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by Punica granatum Linn. leaves extract
  171. Absolute configuration of mycosporine-like amino acids, their wound healing properties and in vitro anti-aging effects
  172. Dietary polyphenols and type 2 diabetes: current insights and future perspectives
  173. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and characterization of their inhibitory effects on AGEs formation using biophysical techniques
  174. Polyphenols composition and anti-diabetic properties in vitro of haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.) berries in relation to cultivar and harvesting date
  175. Antiglycation and antioxidant activities of mogroside extract from Siraitia grosvenorii (Swingle) fruits
  176. Hypoxia driven glycation: Mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities
  178. Inhibition of non-enzymatic glycation by capsaicin: targeting AGE-induced diabetic complications
  179. Dietary polyphenols as antidiabetic agents: Advances and opportunities
  180. Pomegranate (Punicagranatum) juice decreases lipid peroxidation, but has no effect on plasma advanced glycated end–products in adults with type 2 diabetes: a …
  181. Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease: the preventive and therapeutic potential of polyphenolic nutraceuticals
  182. Amelioration of hyperglycemia-induced oxidative damage in ARPE-19 cells by myricetin derivatives isolated from Syzygium malaccense
  183. Synthetic-free compounds as the potential glycation inhibitors performed in in vitro chemical models: Molecular mechanisms and structure requirements
  184. Inhibitory Effect of 6-Shogaol on Fructose-Induced Protein glycation and Oxidation in Vitro
  185. A Green Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Optimization of the Natural Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Flavonolignans from Milk Thistle Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Fruits …
  186. Cross-linking of glycated collagen in the pathogenesis of arterial and myocardial stiffening of aging and diabetes
  187. A new italian purple corn variety (Moradyn) byproduct extract: antiglycative and hypoglycemic in vitro activities and preliminary bioaccessibility studies
  188. Analysis of anti-glycative components in Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacon)
  189. Evaluation of the Antidiabetic and Antihyperlipidemic Activity of Spondias purpurea Seeds in a Diabetic Zebrafish Model
  190. Roles of alkaloids from medicinal plants in the management of diabetes mellitus
  191. Non-standard AGE4 epitopes that predict polyneuropathy independently of obesity can be detected by slot dot-blot immunoassay
  192. Two new naphthalenic lactone glycosides from Cassia obtusifolia L. seeds
  193. Evaluation of the anti-glycation effect and the safety of a vinegar beverage containing indigestible dextrin and a mixed herbal extract: A placebo-controlled, double …
  194. Preventive Effects of Pectin Lyase-Modified Red Ginseng Extract on renal injury in db/db mice
  195. Antidiabetic activity of Aloe vera leaves
  196. AGEs and diabetic retinopathy
  197. Polyphenols from Euphorbia pekinensis inhibit AGEs formation in vitro and vessel dilation in larval zebrafish in vivo
  198. The protective effect of brazilian propolis against glycation stress in mouse skeletal muscle
  199. AGEs induce oxidative stress and activate protein kinase C-βII in neonatal mesangial cells
  200. A novel advanced glycation index and its association with diabetes and microangiopathy
  201. AGEs decrease insulin synthesis in pancreatic β-cell by repressing Pdx-1 protein expression at the post-translational level
  202. Potent SIRT1 Enzyme-stimulating and Anti-glycation Activities of Polymethoxyflavonoids from Kaempferia parviflora
  203. Moracin derivatives from Morus Radix as dual BACE1 and cholinesterase inhibitors with antioxidant and anti-glycation capacities
  204. Antioxidant activity and in vitro antiglycation of the fruit of Spondias purpurea
  205. Review of the Characteristics of Food-Derived and Endogenous Nɛ-Carboxymethyllysine
  206. Antiglycating potential of ellagic acid against glucose and methylglyoxal-induced glycation of superoxide dismutase
  207. Effect of high glucose concentration on aging and glycation in Caenorhabditis elegans
  208. Target oriented synthesis and mass spectral characterization of curcumin-phenformin adduct: Potential insights into the role of this conjugate as anti-diabetic …
  209. In vivo Screening of Herbal Extracts on High Glucose-induced Changes in Hyaloid-Retinal Vessels of Zebrafish
  210. Preparative Isolation, Fast Centrifugal Partition Chromatography Purification and Biological Activity of Cajaflavanone from Derris ferruginea Stems
  211. Matrine suppresses AGE-induced HAEC injury by inhibiting ROS-mediated NRLP3 inflammasome activation
  212. An investigation on the enzyme inhibitory activities, phenolic profile and antioxidant potentials of Salvia virgata Jacq
  213. Antidiabetic, Antiglycation, and Antioxidant Activities of Ethanolic Seed Extract of Passiflora edulis and Piceatannol In Vitro
  214. Industrial potential of domestic Zanthoxylum piperitum and Zanthoxylum schinifolium: Protective effect of both extracts on high glucose-induced neurotoxicity
  215. Inhibitory potential of proanthocyanidins from the fruit pulp of Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels against α-glucosidase and non-enzymatic glycation: Activity and …
  216. Effect of Kaempferol isolated from seeds of Eruca sativa on changes of pain sensitivity in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic neuropathy
  217. Hydroalcoholic and Alkaloidal Extracts of Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng Augments Glucose Uptake Potential against Insulin Resistance Condition in L6 Myotubes and …
  218. The noncovalent conjugations of bovine serum albumin with three structurally different phytosterols exerted antiglycation effects: a study with AGEs-Inhibition …
  219. Nilamadana, new fungal fermented cereal based food
  220. A comprehensive review of advanced glycosylation end products and N-Nitrosamines in thermally processed meat products
  221. Attenuation of methylglyoxal-induced glycation and cellular dysfunction in wound healing by Centella cordifolia
  222. The antiglycoxidative ability of selected phenolic compounds—An in vitro study
  223. advanced glycation and advanced lipoxidation: possible role in initiation and progression of diabetic retinopathy
  224. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid prevents glycation induced structural alterations and aggregation of albumin
  225. advanced glycation Endproducts (AGEs) in Food: Health Implications and Mitigation Strategies
  226. Preparative Isolation, Fast Centrifugal Partition Chromatography Purification and Biological Activity of Cajaflavanone from
  227. In vitro evaluation of the bioactivity and bioaccessibility of Hypericum olympicum L.
  228. Protein glycation and Eye Diseases
  229. Notoginsenoside R1 Protects db/db Mice against Diabetic Nephropathy via Upregulation of Nrf2-Mediated HO-1 Expression
  230. Antioxidant properties and Inhibition of lipid formation in 3T3‐L1 adipocytes of in vitro digested mageu, a commercial sample
  231. Effects of insulin-loaded chitosan-alginate nanoparticles on RAGE expression and oxidative stress status in the kidney tissue of rats with type 1 diabetes
  232. Bacosine isolated from aerial parts of Bacopa monnieri improves the neuronal dysfunction in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic neuropathy
  233. Modulators of receptor for advanced glycation end products signalling in the human endometrium
  234. Natural antioxidant polyphenols on inflammation management: Anti-glycation activity vs metalloproteinases Inhibition
  235. Diabetes prolongs the inflammatory response to a bacterial stimulus through cytokine dysregulation
  236. Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of guanidinederivatives with potential hypoglycemic activity
  237. Prevention of Protein glycation by Nanoparticles: Potential Applications in T2DM and Associated Neurodegenerative Diseases
  238. Comparison the effect of Bee venom and Aspirin on the fructation of human hemoglobin
  239. Antidiabetic functional foods with antiglycation properties
  240. Inhibitory effect of epicatechin gallate on protein glycation
  241. The pathogenic role of Maillard reaction in the aging eye
  242. Identification of differences in the formation of plasma glycated proteins between dogs and humans under diabetes-like glucose concentration conditions
  243. Prevention of protein glycation by natural compounds
  244. Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of guanidinederivatives with potential hypoglycemic activity
  245. The neoepitopes on methylglyoxal (MG) glycated LDL create autoimmune response; autoimmunity detection in T2DM patients with varying disease duration
  246. Pyrogallol-phloroglucinol-6, 6-bieckol alleviates obesity and systemic inflammation in a mouse model by reducing expression of RAGE and RAGE ligands
  247. Phenethyl isothiocyanate attenuates diabetic nephropathy via modulation of glycative/oxidative/inflammatory signaling in diabetic rats
  248. In vitro evaluation of anti-methylglyoxal/glyoxal activity of three phytosterols using glycated bovine serum albumin models
  249. OSSC1E-K19, a novel phytochemical component of Osteomeles schwerinae, prevents glycated albumin-induced retinal vascular injury in rats
  250. An integrated peptidomics and in silico approach to identify novel anti-diabetic peptides in Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
  251. Pioglitazone inhibits advanced glycation induced protein modifications and down-regulates expression of RAGE and NF-κB in renal cells
  252. Protective ability of phenolics from white grape vinification by-products against structural damage of bovine serum albumin induced by glycation
  253. Diabetes and pancreatic cancer—A dangerous liaison relying on carbonyl stress
  254. Nephrin loss is reduced by grape seed proanthocyanidins in the experimental diabetic nephropathy rat model
  255. AGE/RAGE in diabetic kidney disease and ageing kidney
  256. Biophysical, Biochemical, and Molecular Docking Investigations of Anti-Glycating, Antioxidant, and Protein Structural Stability Potential of Garlic
  257. glycation and carboxymethyllysine levels in skin collagen predict the risk of future 10-year progression of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy in the diabetes control …
  258. Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum enriched with organic/inorganic selenium on the quality and microbial communities of fermented pickles
  259. AGEs promote oxidative stress and induce apoptosis in retinal pigmented epithelium cells RAGE-dependently
  260. Investigations on the Reaction of C3 and C6 α-dicarbonyl compounds with hydroxytyrosol and related compounds under competitive conditions
  261. Ways the Lukomir Highlanders of Bosnia and Herzegovina treat diabetes
  262. The Sulforaphane and pyridoxamine supplementation normalize endothelial dysfunction associated with type 2 diabetes
  263. Hydrogen-rich water inhibits glucose and α, β-dicarbonyl compound-induced reactive oxygen species production in the SHR. Cg-Lepr cp/NDmcr rat kidney
  264. Determination of (+)-Dihydrorobinetin as An Active Constituent of the Radical-Scavenging Activity of Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium) Heartwood
  265. Comparison of Anti-glycation Capacity of Two New Purple-Colored-Leaf Tea Cultivars with an Ordinary Green-Colored-Leaf Tea Cultivar in Taiwan
  266. Ameliorative effect of Cephalandra indica homeopathic preparation in STZ induced diabetic nephropathy rats
  267. In vitro evaluation of the inhibitory effect of lutein from marigold flower on sorbitol accumulation.
  268. Diabetes-related adduct formation and retinopathy
  269. Loganin and catalpol exert cooperative ameliorating effects on podocyte apoptosis upon diabetic nephropathy by targeting AGEs-RAGE signaling
  270. Phlorotannins Remarkably Suppress the Formation of Nε-(Carboxymethyl)lysine in a Collagen-Glyoxal Environment
  271. Activation of RAGE-dependent endoplasmic reticulum stress associates with exacerbated postmyocardial infarction ventricular arrhythmias in diabetes
  272. Activation of AMPK is neuroprotective in the oxidative stress by advanced glycosylation end products in human neural stem cells
  273. Too sweet: Problems of protein glycation in the eye
  274. Development of a conventional immunochemical detection system for determination of Nδ-(5-hydro-5-methyl-4-imidazolone-2-yl)-ornithine in methylglyoxal-modified …
  275. advanced glycation of fibronectin impairs vascular repair by endothelial progenitor cells: implications for vasodegeneration in diabetic retinopathy
  276. Chromane isolated from leaves of Dillenia indica improves the neuronal dysfunction in STZ-induced diabetic neuropathy
  277. Litsea japonica extract inhibits aldose reductase activity and hyperglycemia-induced lenticular sorbitol accumulation in db/db mice
  278. The in vitro Inhibition effect of 2 nm gold nanoparticles on non-enzymatic glycation of human serum albumin
  279. New insights into oxidative stress and inflammation during diabetes mellitus-accelerated atherosclerosis
  280. Bioaccessibility of anti-AGEs activity, antioxidant capacity and phenolics from water biscuits prepared from fermented buckwheat flours
  281. Rhinacanthin-C and Its Potential to Control Diabetes Mellitus
  282. Anti-skin Aging Activities of Sideritis scardica and 3 Flavonoids With an Uncommon 8-Hydroxyl Moiety
  283. Pentosan polysulfate ameliorates fibrosis and inflammation markers in SV40 MES13 cells by suppressing activation of PI3K/AKT pathway via miR-446a-3p
  284. Effects of different homeopathic potencies of Cephalendra indica in treatment of neuropathic pain in streptozotocin induced diabetes
  285. Extraction, characterization and evaluation of Eruca sativa against streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy in rat
  286. The taming of nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor-2 (Nrf2) deglycation by fructosamine-3-kinase (FN3K)-inhibitors-a novel strategy to combat cancers
  287. Effect of cysteine on methylglyoxal-induced renal damage in mesangial cells
  288. Catalpol ameliorates diabetic atherosclerosis in diabetic rabbits
  289. Black soybean tempeh and purple sweet potato improve sperm quality in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  290. Antidiabetic potential of marine brown algae—a mini review
  291. Antioxidant Activity and In Vitro Antiglycation of
  292. Salvianolic acid A protects against diabetic nephropathy through ameliorating glomerular endothelial dysfunction via inhibiting AGE-RAGE signaling
  293. The Role of advanced glycation in Diabetic Retinopathy
  294. Binding of β-lactoglobulin to three phenolics improves the stability of phenolics studied by multispectral analysis and molecular modeling
  295. Hesperetin, a dietary flavonoid, inhibits AGEs-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in RAW264. 7 cells
  296. Thiazolidinedione ameliorates renal injury in experimental diabetic rats through anti-inflammatory effects mediated by Inhibition of NF-κB activation
  297. Development and validation of HPTLC method for identification and quantification of sterols from leaves of Erythroxylum monogynum Roxb. and in vitro evaluation of …
  299. Determination of 14 Isoflavone Isomers in Natto by UPLC-ESI-MS/MS and Antioxidation and Antiglycation Profiles
  300. Multifaceted Protective Effects of Hesperidin by Aromatic Hydrocarbon Receptor in Endothelial Cell Injury Induced by Benzo [a] Pyrene
  301. Association of dietary AGEs with circulating AGEs, glycated LDL, IL-1α and MCP-1 levels in type 2 diabetic patients
  302. Dicoma anomala (Sond.) abates glycation and DPP-IV activity and modulates glucose utilization in Chang liver cells and 3T3-L1 adipocytes
  303. Maillard reaction harmful products in dairy products: Formation, occurrence, analysis, and mitigation strategies
  304. On the anticataractogenic effects of L-carnosine: is it best described as an antioxidant, metal-chelating agent or glycation inhibitor?
  305. AGE and RAGE: Hazardous to the Mind?
  306. Protective effect of cyanidin against glucose-and methylglyoxal-induced protein glycation and oxidative DNA damage
  307. Oxidative stress and diabetic retinopathy: pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment perspectives
  308. Therapeutic potentials of triterpenes in diabetes and its associated complications
  309. Enhanced Metabolism of Water Soluble Ellagate & Natural Urolithin production
  310. Chemical composition, antioxidant activity and inhibitory capacity of α-amylase, α-glucosidase, lipase and non-enzymatic glycation, in vitro, of the leaves of Cassia …
  311. Agrimonia eupatoria L. and Cynara cardunculus L. Water Infusions: Comparison of Anti-Diabetic Activities
  312. Effect of a New Formulation of Nutraceuticals as an Add-On to Metformin Monotherapy for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Suboptimal Glycemic Control: A …
  313. advanced pharmacological uses of marine algae as an anti-diabetic therapy
  314. Last Five Years Development In Food Safety Perception of n-Carboxymethyl Lysine
  315. Clinical aspects of protein glycation
  316. South African traditional herbal formulation inhibits α-glucosidase, DPP-IV and glycation activities, and modulates glucose utilisation in Chang liver cells and …
  317. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester, a 5-lipoxygenase enzyme inhibitor, alleviates diabetic atherosclerotic manifestations: effect on vascular reactivity and stiffness
  318. Aminoguanidine treatment increased NOX2 response in diabetic rats: Improved phagocytosis and killing of Candida albicans by neutrophils
  319. Intervening oxidative stress integrated with an excellent biocompatibility of hemodialysis membrane fabricated by nucleobase-recognized co-immobilization strategy …
  320. Influence of the traditional Brazilian drink Ilex paraguariensis tea on glucose homeostasis
  321. The role of plant-derived compounds in managing diabetes mellitus: a review of literature from 2014 To 2019
  322. AGEs/RAGE-Related Neurodegeneration: daf-16 as a Mediator, Insulin as an Ameliorant, and C. elegans as an Expedient Research Model
  323. Glutathione reverses early effects of glycation on myosin function
  324. Antiglycation and antioxidant properties of Ficus deltoidea varieties
  325. Antioxidation and antiglycation properties of a natural sweetener: Stevia rebaudiana
  326. The RAGE axis in early diabetic retinopathy
  327. Aqueous extract of Anethum Graveolens L. has potential antioxidant and antiglycation effects
  328. Therapeutic benefit of Dillenia indica in diabetes and its associated complications
  329. Modulation of 1, 2-Dicarbonyl Compounds in Postprandial Responses Mediated by Food Bioactive Components and Mediterranean Diet
  330. Stem bark exudate (resin) of Araucaria cunninghamii Aiton ex D. Don (hoop pine) abates glycation, α-glucosidase and DPP-IV activity and modulates glucose …
  331. The role of CTGF in diabetic retinopathy
  332. Glyoxalase system as a therapeutic target against diabetic retinopathy
  333. advanced glycation of the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) tripeptide motif modulates retinal microvascular endothelial cell dysfunction
  334. Protection against methylglyoxal-derived AGEs by regulation of glyoxalase 1 prevents retinal neuroglial and vasodegenerative pathology
  335. miR-3934 regulates the apoptosis and secretion of inflammatory cytokines of basophils via targeting RAGE in asthma
  336. Camel milk attenuates the biochemical and morphological features of diabetic nephropathy: Inhibition of Smad1 and collagen type IV synthesis
  337. The role of glycation on the aggregation properties of IAPP
  338. Epac1 blocks NLRP3 inflammasome to reduce IL-1β in retinal endothelial cells and mouse retinal vasculature
  339. Limonin alleviates macro-and micro-vascular complications of metabolic syndrome in rats: A comparative study with azelnidipine
  340. Characterization, biological activities and safety evaluation of different varieties of Thai pigmented rice extracts for cosmetic applications
  341. AGE and RAGE: Hazardous to the Mind? A plea for translational work
  342. Metformin does not prevent DNA damage in lymphocytes despite its antioxidant properties against cumene hydroperoxide-induced oxidative stress
  343. Hyper-Activation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress PERK/Calcineurin/RyR2 Signaling Pathway is Involved in AGEs-Exacerbated Post-Myocardial Infarction …
  344. Diabetes promotes invasive pancreatic cancer by increasing systemic and tumour carbonyl stress in KrasG12D/+ mice
  345. A review on phytochemical and pharmacological profile of Cassia tora Linn
  347. Phlorotannins: Towards new pharmacological interventions for diabetes mellitus type 2
  348. An in vitro approach to unveil the structural alterations in d-ribose induced glycated fibrinogen
  349. AGE and RAGE inhibitors in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy
  350. Current options and perspectives in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy
  351. Anti-α-Glucosidase and Antiglycation Activities of α-Mangostin and New Xanthenone Derivatives: Enzymatic Kinetics and Mechanistic Insights through In Vitro Studies
  352. Curcumin suppresses AGEs induced apoptosis in tubular epithelial cells via protective autophagy
  353. miR-3934 suppresses basophil apoptosis and secretion of inflammatory cytokines by targeting RAGE in asthma
  354. Carnosine and the processes of ageing
  355. Structural and Biochemical Characterization of a Polysaccharide Isolated From Vaccinium uliginosum L
  356. Nephroprotective effect of Curculigo orchiodies in streptozotocin–nicotinamide induced diabetic nephropathy in wistar rats
  357. AGE-RAGE axis in the pathophysiology of chronic lower limb ischemia and a novel strategy for its treatment
  358. Recent developments in alpha-glucosidase inhibitors for management of type-2 diabetes: An update
  359. Effect of chitooligosaccharides on human gut microbiota and antiglycation
  360. Protein oxidation in muscle-based products: effects on physicochemical properties, quality concerns, and challenges to food industry
  361. Evaluation of in vivo hypoglycemic potential of 4-ethyloxychalcone in alloxan-induced diabetic rats
  362. Changes in the phenolic compositions of Elaeagnus umbellata and Sambucus lanceolata after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion and evaluation of their potential anti …
  363. Iron chelators in obesity therapy–Old drugs from a new perspective?
  364. In silico anti-diabetic study of T. diversifolia
  365. Anti-glycation Supplements Part III (glycation: Part II of II)
  366. In vitro antioxidant activity of Mangifera indica leaf extracts
  367. Inhibitory Effect of Antidesma bunius Fruit Extract on Carbohydrate Digestive Enzymes Activity and Protein glycation In Vitro
  368. Nutraceuticals and functional foods for diabetes and obesity control
  369. Antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with and without nephropathy
  370. C-glucosidic ellagitannins and galloylated glucoses as potential functional food ingredients with anti-diabetic properties: A study of α-glucosidase and α-amylase …
  371. Effect of ultraviolet-C radiation and melatonin stress on biosynthesis of antioxidant and antidiabetic metabolites produced in in vitro callus cultures of Lepidium sativum …
  372. Insight into the mechanism of urea inhibit ovalbumin-glucose glycation by conventional spectrometry and liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry
  373. The antidiabetic effect of grape pomace polysaccharide-polyphenol complexes
  374. Anti-tyrosinase and Anti-oxidative Activities by Asana: the Heartwood of Pterocarpusmarsupium
  375. Identification of phenolic acids of Pandan anggur (Sararanga sinuosa Hemsley) fruits and their potential antiglycation through molecular docking study
  376. Effects of beetroot (Beta vulgaris) preparations on the Maillard reaction products in milk and meat-protein model systems
  377. Laghumanjishthadi Kwatha and Somraji Taila in Dadru Kushtha (Fungal Dermatophytosis): An Exploratory Review Study
  378. Anti-diabetic and renoprotective effects of Cassiae Semen extract in the streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  379. In Vitro Anti-diabetic Activity of Free Amino Acid and Protein Amino Acid Extracts from Four Iranian Medicinal Plants
  380. Evaluation of renoprotective potential of Ficus religiosa in attenuation of diabetic nephropathy in rats
  381. Mechanistic physicochemical insights into glycation and drug binding by serum albumin: Implications in diabetic conditions
  382. glycation-induced protein aggregation and cellular toxicity: an insight into the disease realm of high dietary sugar intake
  383. Involvement of glycative stress in diabetic nephropathy and effects of anti-glycation material Kuromoji (Lindera umbellate Thunb.)
  384. Comparison of Bee Venom’s-and Aspirin’s Effect on Fructation of Human Hemoglobin
  385. Inhibitory Effect of Antidesma bunius Fruit Extract on Carbohydrate Digestive Enzymes Activity and Protein glycation In Vitro. Antioxidants 2021, 10, 32
  386. Characterization of MK8(H2) from Rhodococcus sp. B7740 and Its Potential Antiglycation Capacity Measurements
  387. Skin Protective Activity of LactoSporin-the Extracellular Metabolite from Bacillus Coagulans MTCC 5856
  388. Polyphenols attenuate highly-glycosylated haemoglobin-induced damage in human peritoneal mesothelial cells
  389. Passiflora edulis leaf extract: evidence of antidiabetic and antiplatelet effects in rats
  390. Comparative study of Litsea japonica leaf and fruit extract on the anti-inflammatory effects
  391. Hibiscus, Rooibos, and Yerba Mate for Healthy Aging: A Review on the Attenuation of In Vitro and In Vivo Markers Related to Oxidative Stress, Glycoxidation, and …
  392. Impact of different pre-treatment strategies on the quality of fatty acid composition, tocols content & metabolic syndrome related activities of Perilla frutescens seed oil
  393. In vitro anti-oxidant, anti-glycation, and bile acid-lowering capacity of chickpea milk fermented with Lactiplantibacillus pentosus Himuka-SU5 and Lactococcus lactis …
  394. Bridging cyanobacteria to neurodegenerative diseases: A new potential source of bioactive compounds against Alzheimer’s disease
  395. Determining the amount and bioaccessibility of methylglyoxal and glyoxal in functional snack foods with herbal teas: effect of different herbal teas on α-Dicarbonyls
  396. Interference with AGEs formation and AGEs-induced vascular injury mediates curcumin vascular protection in metabolic syndrome
  397. Pelagia research library
  398. Ameliorative effect of rubiadin-loaded nanocarriers in STZ-NA-induced diabetic nephropathy in rats: formulation optimization, molecular docking, and in vivo biological …
  399. Protective role of Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. fruit extract against gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity in rats
  400. Diabetes–a metabolic disorder: Herbal medicines on rescue
  401. Camellia nitidissima Chi extract potentiates the sensitivity of gastric cancer cells to paclitaxel via the induction of autophagy and apoptosis
  402. Protective effects of Croton hookeri on streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy
  403. Several herbal compounds in Okinawa plants directly inhibit the oncogenic/aging kinase PAK1
  404. Cyanidin 3-rutinoside defibrillated bovine serum albumin under the glycation-promoting conditions: A study with multispectral, microstructural, and computational …
  405. Pharmacological Profile of Nigella sativa Seeds in Combating COVID-19 through In-Vitro and Molecular Docking Studies
  406. SARS-CoV-2 and the Possible Connection to ERs, ACE2 and RAGE: Focus on Susceptibility Factors
  407. Cassiae semen: A review of its phytochemistry and pharmacology
  408. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor linagliptin attenuates neointima formation after vascular injury
  409. Java red rice (oryza sativa L.) nutritional value and anthocyanin profiles and its potential role as antioxidant and anti-diabetic
  410. Role of Amino Acids on Prevention of Lens Proteins Nonenzymatic glycation In Vitro, in Senile, and Diabetic Cataract
  411. Hair Growth Defects of Diabetic and Hypercholesterolemic Wistar Albino Rats and Amelioration of Fish Oil-Treatment
  412. In vitro antioxidant, anti-glycation, and bile acid-lowering capacity of peanut milk fermented with Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Kinko-SU4
  413. Proanthocyanidin and anthocyanins from the hulls and beards of red-kerneled rice and their antiglycation properties
  414. Ecofriendly Synthesis of l-Carnosine in Metabolically Engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum by Reinforcing Precursor Accumulation
  415. Role of Ajwa date fruit pulp and seed in the management of diseases through in vitro and in silico analysis
  416. A new quantification method for polyphenols in medicinal plants using quantitative NMR, and new polyphenols from pomegranate
  417. Antitumor activity of silver nanoparticles in Dalton’s lymphoma ascites tumor model
  418. Controversial effects of Calendula officinalis L. on biochemical and pathological factors of nephropathy in diabetic Wistar rats
  419. Molineria recurvata Ameliorates Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Nephropathy through Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Pathways
  420. Assessment of Carnosine Functional Properties during in vitro Digestion of Meat Differing in Composition and Cooking Conditions
  421. Nicousamide normalizes renovascular hypertension in two-kidney one-clip hypertensive rats
  422. Grape seed extract ameliorates tumor necrosis factor-α-induced inflammatory status of human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  423. Bushen Huoxue attenuates diabetes-induced cognitive impairment by improvement of cerebral microcirculation: involvement of RhoA/ROCK/moesin and src …
  424. The potential for renoprotection with incretin-based drugs
  425. Short-chain β-manno-oligosaccharides from copra meal: structural characterization, prebiotic potential and anti-glycation activity
  426. Role of changes in state of bound water and tissue stiffness in development of age-related diseases
  427. Carnosine protects mouse podocytes from high glucose induced apoptosis through PI3K/AKT and Nrf2 pathways
  428. Evaluation of the anti-osteoporotic effects of metformin and sitagliptin in postmenopausal diabetic women
  429. Role of glycated proteins in vivo: enzymatic glycated proteins and non-enzymatic glycated proteins
  430. Potential of lichen compounds as antidiabetic agents with antioxidative properties: A review
  431. The effect of Kappaphycus alvarezii active fraction on oxidative stress and inflammation in streptozotocin and nicotinamide-induced diabetic rats
  432. Phytochemical Composition and Cytoprotective Properties of the Endemic Sideritis sipylea Boiss Greek Species: A Valorization Study
  433. Natural food sources for the control of glycemia and the prevention of diabetic complications
  434. Research progress of coumarins and their derivatives in the treatment of diabetes
  435. Antihypertensive effect of total flavones extracted from seed residues of Hippophae rhamnoides L. in sucrose-fed rats
  436. Comparative profiling of polyphenols and antioxidants and analysis of antiglycation activities in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) under different moisture regimes
  437. A Network Pharmacology Study on the Molecular Mechanism of Protocatechualdehyde in the Treatment of Diabetic Cataract
  438. Dietary phytonutrients in the prevention of diabetes-related complications
  439. Combating combination of hypertension and diabetes in different rat models
  440. Efficacy of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor linagliptin in patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing hemodialysis
  441. A mass spectrometry and 1H NMR study of hypoglycemic and antioxidant principles from a Castanea sativa tannin employed in oenology
  442. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of Litsea japonica fruit are mediated via suppression of NF-κB and JNK/p38 MAPK activation
  443. The protective effects of oral low-dose quercetin on diabetic nephropathy in hypercholesterolemic mice
  444. Polyphenols: potential future arsenals in the treatment of diabetes
  445. Nawarathne Kalka: Antiinflammatory Actions and Potential Usage for Arthritic Conditions
  446. The inflammasome in chronic complications of diabetes and related metabolic disorders
  447. Metabolite Profiling of Antioxidant Rich Fractions of Punica granatum L. Mesocarp and CD36 Expression Regulation
  448. Protective Role Of Natural products In Alloxan And Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Nephropathy: A Concise Review
  449. Marine resources effective in controlling and treating diabetes and its associated complications
  450. Treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy
  451. Calorie restriction effect of heat-processed onion extract (ONI) using in vitro and in vivo animal models
  452. Diabetic complications and oxidative stress: A 20-year voyage back in time and back to the future
  453. Quantification of Histidine-Containing Dipeptides in Dolphin Serum Using a Reversed-Phase Ion-Pair High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Method
  454. Peroxisome proliferated activated receptors (PPARs): opportunities and challenges for ocular therapy
  455. Current Physiological Histological Embryological Studies
  456. Anti-diabetic effects of the ethyl-acetate fraction of Trichilia catigua in streptozo-tocin-induced type 1 diabetic rats
  457. Tannic acid and Poly (N-acryloyl morpholine) layer-by-layer built hemodialysis membrane surface for intervening oxidative stress integrated with high biocompatibility …
  458. Coumarins improved type 2 diabetes induced by high-fat diet and streptozotocin in mice via antioxidation
  459. Free radicals, diabetes, and its complexities
  460. Potential of microalgal compounds in trending natural cosmetics: A review
  461. Emerging signal regulating potential of small molecule biflavonoids to combat neuropathological insults of Alzheimer’s disease
  462. Early Neural Changes as Underlying Pathophysiological Mechanism in Diabetic Retinopathy
  463. Therapeutic potential of algal natural products against metabolic syndrome: A review of recent developments
  464. Macroalgae of Izmir Gulf: Cystoseira barbata, Cystoseira compressa and Cystoseira crinita species have high α-glucosidase and Moderate Pancreatic Lipase …
  465. A Protocol Outline of Dietary Intervention to Contrast Diabetic Nephropathy
  466. Phytosterols disaggregate bovine serum albumin under the glycation conditions through interacting with its glycation sites and altering its secondary structure …
  467. Synthesis, spectroscopic and X-ray characterization of a copper (II) complex with the Schiff base derived from pyridoxal and aminoguanidine: NMR spectral studies of …
  468. Exercise-induced regulation of matrix metalloproteinases in the skeletal muscle of subjects with type 2 diabetes
  469. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of diabetic atherosclerosis: herbal medicines as a potential therapeutic approach
  470. A novel approach of synthesizing and evaluating the anticancer potential of silver oxide nanoparticles in vitro
  471. Effect of Robo4 on retinal endothelial permeability
  472. Quercetin improves lipid metabolism via SCAP-SREBP2-LDLr signaling pathway in early stage diabetic nephropathy
  473. Managing diabetic nephropathy: recent studies
  474. Evaluation of aloe vera leaves extract in streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy in rat
  475. Can chronic nitric oxide Inhibition improve liver and renal dysfunction in bile duct ligated rats?
  476. Marine Algae in Diabetes and Its Complications
  477. Microwave-assisted green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Annona squamosa peels extract: characterization, antioxidant, and amylase Inhibition activities
  478. Stability of health-promoting bioactives and enzymes in skin and pulp of grape during storage.
  479. Mycosporine-like amino acids from marine resource
  480. FK506 reduces albuminuria through improving podocyte nephrin and podocin expression in diabetic rats
  481. Stability and Antiglycoxidant Potential of Bilberry Anthocyanins in Simulated Gastrointestinal Tract Model
  482. A mechanistic review of β-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin in eye health and disease
  483. Antioxidant Properties of Petals of Marigold Flowers
  484. Examining the role of lipid mediators in diabetic retinopathy
  485. Grape (Vitis vinifera L.): health benefits and effects of growing conditions on quality parameters
  486. Incorporation of avocado peel extract to reduce cooking-induced hazards in beef and soy burgers: A clean label ingredient
  487. Hepatoprotective effects of Cassia semen ethanol extract on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in experimental rat
  488. Lemon Pepper Extract Improves Diabetic Nephropathy in Diabetic Rats
  489. Paeonia arietina and Paeonia kesrounansis bioactive constituents: NMR, LC-DAD-MS fingerprinting and in vitro assays
  490. Litsea japonica Leaf Extract Suppresses Proinflammatory Cytokine production in Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Stimulated with Oral Pathogenic Bacteria or …
  491. Protective Effects of Ethanolic Extract from Rhizome of Polygoni avicularis against Renal Fibrosis and Inflammation in a Diabetic Nephropathy Model
  493. The inhibitory effect of Cannabis Sativa L. and Morus nigra L. against lipid peroxidation in goat liver and brain homogenates
  494. Dietary interventions to contrast the onset and progression of diabetic nephropathy: A critical survey of new data
  495. Glabridin, a bioactive component of licorice, ameliorates diabetic nephropathy by regulating ferroptosis and the VEGF/Akt/ERK pathways
  496. Stochastic non-enzymatic modification of long-lived macromolecules-A missing hallmark of aging
  497. Phytomedicine as a source of SGLT2 inhibitors, GLP-1 secretagogues and DPP-IV inhibitors for mitigation of Diabetic Nephropathy
  498. Effect of grape skin powder extract addition on functional and physicochemical properties of marshmallow
  499. Apocarotenoids: Natural Anti-Ageing Agents
  500. Potential of Gentiana lutea for the treatment of obesity-associated diseases
  501. Identification of key genes and pathways in syphilis combined with diabetes: a bioinformatics study
  502. Mangifera Indica leaf extracts promote hair growth via activation of Wnt signaling pathway in human dermal papilla cells
  503. Flavoalkaloids with a pyrrolidinone ring from Chinese ancient cultivated tea Xi-Gui
  504. Down-regulation of MicroRNA-137 improves high glucose-induced oxidative stress injury in human umbilical vein endothelial cells by up-regulation of AMPKα1
  505. Distribution of tightly and loosely bound water in biological macromolecules and age-related diseases
  506. Engineered silybin nanoparticles educe efficient control in experimental diabetes
  507. Anti-inflammatory and wound healing potential of Prosthechea michuacana in rats
  508. Five new anthraquinones from the seed of Cassia obtusifolia
  509. Dietary polyphenols targeting arterial stiffness: Interplay of contributing mechanisms and gut microbiome-related metabolism
  510. Reactive carbonyl species scavengers—novel therapeutic approaches for chronic diseases
  511. Interaction pattern of histidine, carnosine and histamine with methylglyoxal and other carbonyl compounds
  512. Regulatory effects and anti‐inflammatory activity of Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague seeds extract on alleviation of kidney injury in diabetic rats
  513. Normalizing HIF-1α Signaling Improves Cellular Glucose Metabolism and Blocks the Pathological Pathways of Hyperglycemic Damage
  514. Plants present in Mexico with studies in metabolic syndrome
  515. Reactive oxygen species, Nox and angiotensin II in angiogenesis: implications for retinopathy
  516. Tangeretin inhibits high glucose-induced extracellular matrix accumulation in human glomerular mesangial cells
  517. Hydrochloride pioglitazone protects diabetic rats against podocyte injury through preserving glomerular podocalyxin expression
  518. Nephroprotective effect of Combretum micranthum G. Don in nicotinamide-streptozotocin induced diabetic nephropathy in rats: in-vivo and in-silico experiments
  519. Recent advances of anti-hyperglycemia and anti-diabetes actions of tea in animal studies
  520. Carbonyl stress in red blood cells and hemoglobin
  521. Immunomodulatory, β-cell, and neuroprotective actions of fenugreek oil from alloxan-induced diabetes
  522. Antioxidant and antiglycation activities and inhibitory action of Passiflora cincinnata on collagenase, elastase and tyrosinase: in vitro and in silico study
  523. N -Acetylcysteine Restores Isoflurane-induced Preconditioning against Myocardial Infarction during Hyperglycemia
  524. Anti-Osteoarthritic Effects of the Litsea japonica Fruit in a Rat Model of Osteoarthritis Induced by Monosodium Iodoacetate
  525. Activation of PPARγ by restores mast cell numbers and reactivity in alloxan-diabetic rats by reducing the systemic glucocorticoid levels
  526. Extracellular matrix, gap junctions, and retinal vascular homeostasis in diabetic retinopathy
  527. Camellia japonica: A phytochemical perspective and current applications facing its industrial exploitation
  528. Achacha (Garcinia humilis) Rind Improves Cardiovascular Function in Rats with Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome
  529. Antioxidant activity of eugenol: A structure–activity relationship study
  530. In vitro hypoglycemic and antioxidant activities of Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers. fruits, traditionally used to cure diabetes in Darjeeling Hills (India)
  531. Antidiabetic green leafy vegetables currently sold in Trincomalee District in Sri Lanka
  532. True Cinnamon-v-Cassia
  533. Ameliorative effects of Helianthus annuus against nephrotoxic, cardiac, and haematological disorders in alloxan-induced hyperglycaemia in albino rats
  534. Comprehensive metabolomic, lipidomic and pathological profiles of baobab (Adansonia digitata) fruit pulp extracts in diabetic rats
  535. Altered SR protein expression associated with contractile dysfunction in diabetic rat hearts
  536. A narrative review on the main chemical constituents and bioactivity of Camellia nitidissima Chi
  537. Semen cassiae Extract Inhibits Contraction of Airway Smooth Muscle
  538. Therapeutic stratagems for vascular degenerative disorders of the posterior eye
  540. Anti-inflammatory activity of 3-cinnamoyltribuloside and its metabolomic analysis in LPS-activated RAW 264.7 cells
  541. Using polyphenols as a relevant therapy to diabetes and its complications, a review
  542. Glucagon and glucagon-like peptide-1 as novel anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory compounds
  543. Acrolein-Trapping Mechanism of Theophylline in Green Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa: Speedy and Successful
  544. Improvement of renal oxidative stress markers after ozone administration in diabetic nephropathy in rats
  545. A contemporary review on pharmacognosy and pharmacological activities of mentha arvensis.
  546. Plasma metabolomic analysis indicates flavonoids and sorbic acid are associated with incident diabetes: A nested case-control study among Women’s …
  547. Carnosine prevents different structural damages induced by methylglyoxal in lens crystallins
  548. NADH oxidoreductase is a major source of superoxide anion in bovine coronary artery endothelium
  549. Therapeutic potentials of silver nanoparticle complex of α-lipoic acid
  550. Nanoparticles in the treatment of angiogenesis-related blindness
  551. Vitamin B complex supplementation as a homocysteine-lowering therapy for early stage diabetic nephropathy in pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes: A randomized …
  552. In silico ADME-T and molecular docking study of phytoconstituents from Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray on various targets of diabetic nephropathy
  553. A review on marine algae and its applications
  554. Delayed treatment with aminoguanidine decreases focal cerebral ischemic damage and enhances neurologic recovery in rats
  555. Dietary spices in health and diseases: I
  556. Extraction and characterization of polysaccharides from Semen Cassiae by microwave-assisted aqueous two-phase extraction coupled with spectroscopy and HPLC
  557. Bright renoprotective properties of metformin beyond blood glucose regulatory effects
  558. Current nanotechnology approaches for the treatment and management of diabetic retinopathy
  559. Emerging nano-formulations and nanomedicines applications for ocular drug delivery
  560. Cytotoxicity and antiproliferative effects of ethyl acetate fraction of Padina australis against MCM-B2 and K562 cell lines.
  561. Effects of Trigonella foenum-graecum (L.) on retinal oxidative stress, and proinflammatory and angiogenic molecular biomarkers in streptozotocin-induced diabetic …
  562. Protective effect of EX-527 against high-fat diet-induced diabetic nephropathy in Zucker rats
  563. Investigating neuroprotective roles of Bacopa monnieri extracts: Mechanistic insights and therapeutic implications
  564. Search for non-acidic ALR2 inhibitors: evaluation of flavones as targeted agents for the management of diabetic complications
  565. Antidiabetic, hematoprotective and nephroprotective effects of the aqueous extract of Falcaria vulgaris in diabetic male mice
  566. Epigenomic, transcriptomic, and protective effect of carotenoid fucoxanthin in high glucose-induced oxidative stress in Mes13 kidney mesangial cells
  567. Huayu Tongluo recipe attenuates renal oxidative stress and inflammation through the activation of AMPK/Nrf2 signaling pathway in streptozotocin-(STZ-) …
  568. Role of Glyco-Persica® in targeting diabetes type 2: an integrative approach
  569. Marine organisms for the sustainable management of plant parasitic nematodes
  570. Medicinal plants from Jordan in the treatment of diabetes: traditional uses vs. in vitro and in vivo evaluations–part 2
  571. Indian traditional medicinal plants as a source of potent Anti-diabetic agents: a Review
  572. Anthraquinones in the aqueous extract of Cassiae semen cause liver injury in rats through lipid metabolism disorder
  573. Development and validation of a sensitive LC–MS/MS assay for the quantification of anserine in human plasma and urine and its application to pharmacokinetic study
  574. Defective intracellular Ca2+ signaling contributes to cardiomyopathy in Type 1 diabetic rats
  575. Beneficial effects of phytochemicals on the endocrine system
  576. Therapeutic effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and its active constituents on nervous system disorders
  577. Nutritional and bioactive composition of Spanish, Valencia, and Virginia type peanut skins
  578. Anti-inflammatory/anti-oxidant properties and the UPLC-QTOF/MS-based metabolomics discrimination of three yellow camellia species
  579. Advances in our understanding of diabetic retinopathy
  580. Inflammation: a new player in the link between Mediterranean diet and diabetes mellitus: a review
  581. Combination of pathological and spectroscopic characterization to promote diagnosis of retinal pigment epithelium-Bruch’s membrane complex in a diabetic rat model
  582. Suppressive effect of the n-hexane extract of Litsea japonica fruit flesh on monosodium-iodoacetate-induced osteoarthritis in rats
  583. An overview on phytochemical and pharmacological profile of Cassia tora Linn
  584. Bone marrow-CNS connections: implications in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy
  585. Are reactive oxygen species still the basis for diabetic complications?
  586. Prevention and treatment effects of edible berries for three deadly diseases: Cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes
  587. Hyperglycemia does not affect iron mediated toxicity of cultured endothelial and renal tubular epithelial cells: influence of L-carnosine
  588. Hypoglycemic agents and potential anti-inflammatory activity
  589. Vernonia anthelmintica (L.) Willd.: An ethnomedicinal, phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological review
  590. Serum CD73 and apelin levels in patients with diabetic retinopathy and the clinical significance
  591. Characteristic of Streptozotocin-Nicotinamide-Induced Inflammation in A Rat Model of Diabetes-Associated Renal Injury
  592. Botany, ethnomedicines, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Himalayan paeony (Paeonia emodi Royle.)
  593. Review on Diabetic Nephropathy and the Biomarkers for Its Early Detection
  594. Serum albumin in health and disease: Esterase, antioxidant, transporting and signaling properties
  596. Antioxidant capacity of phenolics in Camellia nitidissima Chi flowers and their identification by HPLC Triple TOF MS/MS
  597. Oxidized glycerophosphatidylcholines in diabetes through non-targeted metabolomics: their annotation and biological meaning
  598. Agrimonia eupatoria L.: An integrative perspective on ethnomedicinal use, phenolic composition and pharmacological activity
  599. Repositioning of drugs for novel uses and understanding the molecular mechanism of drug toxicity by chemical proteomic approach
  600. Isolation, purification and structure identification of anthocyanins from Vitis davidii Foex skin
  601. Deficiency of the purinergic receptor 2X7 attenuates nonalcoholic steatohepatitis induced by high-fat diet: possible role of the NLRP3 inflammasome
  602. The progress of silver nanoparticles in the antibacterial mechanism, clinical application and cytotoxicity
  603. Simultaneous determination of three bioactive homoisoflavanones in rhizomes of Polygonatum odoratum
  604. Resveratrol ameliorates high glucose-induced oxidative stress injury in human umbilical vein endothelial cells by activating AMPK
  605. New Herbal Approaches for the Treatment of Diabetic Kidney Diseases and Its Therapeutic Implications
  606. Improved yield and antioxidant activity of essential oil from Alpinia zerumbet (Zingiberaceae) leaves by underwater shockwave pretreatment
  607. A Comprehensive Insight on the Health Benefits and Phytoconstituents of Camellia sinensis and Recent Approaches for Its Quality Control
  608. Multiple pharmacological properties and uses of an edible herb-Cassia tora. Food Ther Health Care. 2021; 3 (4): 106–114
  609. Benefits of metformin in attenuating the hallmarks of aging
  610. Influence of diabetes on the pharmacokinetic behavior of natural polyphenols
  611. Grading of diabetic retinopathy
  612. Antihyperglycemic effect of umbelliferone in streptozotocin-diabetic rats
  613. Grape polyphenols’ effects in human cardiovascular diseases and diabetes
  614. Himalayan Peony ( Paeonia emodi Royle) Enlightening Bioactive Compounds and Biological Applications towards Sustainable Use
  615. Anti-diabetic effects of plants belonging to the Genus Senna: Pharmacology, mechanism of action and phytochemistry
  616. Wild Species of Vaccinium Composition, Nutritional Value and Utilization
  617. Semen Cassiae extract improves glucose metabolism by promoting GLUT4 translocation in the skeletal muscle of diabetic rats
  618. Role of crystallins in diabetic complications
  619. Unripe papaya by-product: From food wastes to functional ingredients in pancakes
  620. Comparative effects of canagliflozin and metformin on cardiac dysfunction and testicular damage in diabetic rats
  621. Pharmacological Efficacy of Tamarix aphylla: A Comprehensive Review
  622. Anti-photoaging and potential skin health benefits of seaweeds
  623. Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant bioflavonoid, attenuates renal dysfunction in long-term experimental diabetes mellitus
  624. Impact of Dietary Polyphenols on Arterial Stiffness: Outline of Contributing Mechanisms
  625. FGF21 attenuates high-fat diet-induced cognitive impairment via metabolic regulation and anti-inflammation of obese mice
  626. Genotoxicity and molecular response of biotechnological agent Trichoderma harzianum as a result of silver nanoparticles application
  627. A glucose-centric perspective of hyperglycemia
  628. Effects of Montmorency Tart Cherry and Blueberry Juice on Cardiometabolic and Other Health-Related Outcomes: A Three-Arm Placebo Randomized Controlled Trial
  629. Gender differences in diabetic kidney disease: focus on hormonal, genetic and clinical factors
  630. Inflammation as the common biological link between depression and cardiovascular diseases: Can carnosine exert a protective role?
  631. Aquatic Phlorotannins and Human Health: Bioavailability, Toxicity, and Future Prospects
  632. The role of surface charge in cellular uptake and cytotoxicity of medical nanoparticles
  633. Mechanisms of impaired calcium handling underlying subclinical diastolic dysfunction in diabetes
  634. The diverse bioactivity of α-mangostin and its therapeutic implications
  635. Carnosine attenuates the development of both type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy in BTBR ob/ob mice
  636. Regulation and function of connective tissue growth factor/CCN2 in tissue repair, scarring and fibrosis
  637. Carbonyl Stress in Red Blood Cells and Hemoglobin. Antioxidants 2021, 10, 253
  638. LC–MS-Based Metabolomics and Lipidomics Study of High-Density-Lipoprotein-Modulated Glucose Metabolism with an apoA-I Knockout Mouse Model
  639. Metabolomics and camphor biosynthetic pathway analysis of ocimum killmandscharicum
  640. Pharmacologic vitreolysis with plasmin and hyaluronidase in diabetic rats
  641. A polyphenol-enriched supplement exerts potent epigenetic-protective activity in a cell-based model of brain ischemia
  642. PPARγ agonist ameliorates the impaired fluidity of the myocardial cell membrane and cardiac injury in hypercholesterolemic rats
  643. Potential applications of antioxidant compounds derived from algae
  644. Mycosporine-like amino acids and scytonemin: Regulations, roles for adaptation of cyanobacteria to the environment, and potential applications
  645. Analysis of retina and erythrocyte glycerophospholipid alterations in a rat model of type 1 diabetes
  646. The Effect of Hyperlipidemia on the Course of Diabetic Retinopathy—Literature Review
  647. Multitargeted effects of vitexin and isovitexin on diabetes mellitus and its complications
  648. Effects of Montmorency tart cherry and blueberry juice on cardiometabolic outcomes: a 3-arm placebo randomized controlled trial
  649. Influence of cooking methods on free and bound phenolic acids in Korean black rice
  650. Plasma-Induced Oxidation products of (–)-Epigallocatechin Gallate with Digestive Enzymes Inhibitory Effects
  651. Scavenging of reactive dicarbonyls with 2-hydroxybenzylamine reduces atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemic Ldlr−/− mice
  652. Tea, the “Ambrosia” Beverage: Biochemical, Cellular, Molecular, and Clinical Evidences
  653. Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant bioflavonoid, attenuates renal dysfunction in long-term experimental diabetes mellitus
  654. Key signaling pathways in aging and potential interventions for healthy aging
  655. Comparison of the efficacy of a Tabernaemontana divaricata extract and of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles in preventing cataract formation in an in-vivo system of …
  656. Development of an UHPLC-MS/MS method for comparative pharmacokinetics of nine anthraquinones in rats and application to dosage conversion between different …
  657. Cardiologist’s approach to the diabetic patient: No further delay for a paradigm shift
  658. Dietary Polyphenols Targeting Arterial Stiffness
  659. 6 Traditional Chinese and Kampo Medicines
  660. Towards comprehension of complex chemical evolution and diversification of terpene and phenylpropanoid pathways in Ocimum species
  661. Evaluating the Phase II drugs currently under investigation for diabetic neuropathy
  662. Pterocarpus santalinus ameliorates streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus via anti-inflammatory pathways and enhancement of insulin function
  663. Current view from Alzheimer disease to type 2 diabetes mellitus
  664. Role of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the cardiovascular system
  665. From the cover: identification of natural products as inhibitors of human organic anion transporters (OAT1 and OAT3) and their protective effect on mercury-induced …
  666. Fabrication of bioinspired chitosan/gelatin/allantoin biocomposite film for wound dressing application
  667. Natural products: an evolving role in future drug discovery
  668. Natural products to drugs: natural product-derived compounds in clinical trials
  669. Thai native chicken as a potential functional meat source rich in anserine, anserine/carnosine, and antioxidant substances
  670. Therapeutic applications of green-synthesized silver nanoparticles
  671. 13-Weeks subchronic toxicity of isoquercitrin-γ-cyclodextrin (IQC-γCD) molecular inclusion complex in Sprague-Dawley rats
  672. About AGEs
  673. High glucose induces podocyte epithelial‑to‑mesenchymal transition by demethylation‑mediated enhancement of MMP9 expression
  674. Isolation of bioactive peptides and multiple nutraceuticals of antidiabetic and antioxidant functionalities through sprouting: Recent advances
  675. Quantitative analysis of anthraquinones in Cassiae Semen by processing method
  676. The modulatory role of prime identified compounds in the bioactive fraction of Homalium zeylanicum in high-fat diet fed-streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetic rats
  677. New insights into the influences of baking and storage on the nonvolatile compounds in oolong tea: A nontargeted and targeted metabolomics study
  678. Agrofoods for Sustainable Health Benefits and Their Economic Viability
  679. Accelerated epithelial cell senescence in IPF and the inhibitory role of SIRT6 in TGF-β-induced senescence of human bronchial epithelial cells
  680. Serum adropin level and kidney functions in Type-II diabetic rat model with and without pioglitazone treatment
  681. Punica granatum as a Source of Natural Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agent: A Comprehensive Review on Related Investigations
  682. Monkey orange fruit juice improves the nutritional quality of a maize-based diet
  683. Use of Orchids in treating Diabetes and related diseases: A
  684. Apigenin Promotes Proliferation and Mineralization of Human Osteoblasts and Up-Regulates Osteogenic Markers
  685. Antidiabetic effect of grape seed (OPC 95%) powder on nSTZ-induced type 2 diabetic model rats
  686. Dietary compounds and traditional Chinese medicine ameliorate type 2 diabetes by modulating gut microbiota
  687. Antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, and protective effects of myricitrin and its solid lipid nanoparticle on streptozotocin-nicotinamide-induced diabetic nephropathy in …
  688. Circulating MiRNA biomarkers serve as a fingerprint for diabetic atherosclerosis
  690. In Vitro Anti-Inflammatory and Immunomodulatory Activities of an Extract from the Roots of Bupleurum rotundifolium
  691. Zingerone produces antidiabetic effects and attenuates diabetic nephropathy by reducing oxidative stress and overexpression of NF-κB, TNF-α, and COX-2 …
  692. Synthesis and antidiabetic activity of selenium nanoparticles in the presence of polysaccharides from Catathelasma ventricosum
  693. Biofabrication of a novel biomolecule-assisted reduced graphene oxide: An excellent biocompatible nanomaterial
  694. Unripe Papaya By-product: From Food Wastes to Functional Ingredients in Pancakes. Foods 2021, 10, 615
  695. A novel compound AB38b attenuates oxidative stress and ECM protein accumulation in kidneys of diabetic mice through modulation of Keap1/Nrf2 signaling
  696. Predicting the potential toxicity of 26 components in Cassiae semen using in silico and in vitro approaches
  697. Potential of red winemaking byproducts as health-promoting food ingredients
  698. Aurantio-obtusin induces hepatotoxicity through activation of NLRP3 inflammasome signaling
  699. Effect of Paeonia Lactiflora Pallas on Atopic Dermatitis-Related Inflammation in HaCaT Cell
  700. Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) from basics to clinics
  701. Archives of Current Research International
  702. Effect of Cassiae semen extract on ovalbumin-induced allergic asthma in mice
  703. Silver nanoparticle-induced apoptosis in ARPE-19 cells is inhibited by Toxoplasma gondii pre-infection through suppression of NOX4-dependent ROS …
  704. Recent advances in intraocular and novel drug delivery systems for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy
  705. Normal Mode Analysis, Electronic Descriptors, NLO Properties 8 Molecular Docking of” Butein, 2′, 3, 4, 4′-Tetrahydroxychalcone: A DFT approach”
  706. Protective effect of flavonoids from Passiflora edulis Sims on diabetic complications in rats
  707. The utility and risks of therapeutic nanotechnology in the retina
  709. Cyclopeptide alkaloids: isolation, structure elucidation, antiplasmodial activity and AGEs inhibiting properties
  710. Mimicking microvascular alterations of human diabetic retinopathy: a challenge for the mouse models
  711. Hypertension exaggerates renovascular resistance via miR-122-associated stress response in aging
  712. Trends in Sustainable Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Agri-Food Waste Extracts and Their Applications in Health
  713. Alteration of the canine metabolome after a 3-week supplementation of cannabidiol (CBD) containing treats: an exploratory study of healthy animals
  714. Association between cardiometabolic risk factors and COVID-19 susceptibility, severity and mortality: a review
  715. The Effect in in Vitro Digestion on Selected Biological Activities of Hypoxis Sobolifera Corms
  716. Dillenia Indica Fruit Extract Suppressed Diet-induced Obesity in Rats by Down-regulating the mRNA Level of Proadipogenic Transcription Factors and Lipid …
  717. Recent Advances in KEAP1/NRF2-Targeting Strategies by Phytochemical Antioxidants, Nanoparticles, and Biocompatible Scaffolds for the Treatment of Diabetic …
  718. Improving cognition with nutraceuticals targeting tgf-β1 signaling
  719. Influence of imidazole-dipeptides on cognitive status and preservation in elders: A narrative review
  720. Bacterial Community Assessed by Utilization of Single Carbon Sources in Broiler Ground Meat after Treatment with an Antioxidant, Carnosine, and Cold Plasma
  721. Redox regulation of Ito remodeling in diabetic rat heart
  722. Marine Biochemistry: Applications
  723. Crystal structure, spectroscopic characterization, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of new Mg (II) and Mn (II)/Na (I) complexes of isoferulic acid
  724. Effects and mechanisms of antioxidant-rich functional beverages on disease prevention
  725. Bacopa monnieri abrogates alcohol abstinence-induced anxiety-like behavior by regulating biochemical and Gabra1, Gabra4, Gabra5 gene expression of …
  726. Isoflavone as a Functional Food and Its Butterfly Model: A Novel Approach
  727. Neuroprotective effect of He-Ying-Qing-Re formula on retinal ganglion cell in diabetic retinopathy
  728. A Metabolic Approach to Examining the Potential Role of the Hexosamine Biosynthetic Pathway in Diabetes-associated Atherosclerosis
  729. Emerging theranostic nanomaterials in diabetes and its complications
  730. Review on the characteristics of liver-pacifying medicinal in relation to the treatment of stroke: from scientific evidence to traditional medical theory
  731. Preliminary clinical assessment and non-toxicity evaluation of an ayurvedic formulation BGR-34 in NIDDM
  732. The activation of PPARγ enhances Treg responses through up-regulating CD36/CPT1-mediated fatty acid oxidation and subsequent N-glycan branching of …
  733. Isopropyl-naphthylamide-hydrazine as a novel fluorescent reagent for ultrasensitive determination of carbonyl species on UPLC
  734. Neuroprotective and Anti-nociceptive Effects of Roflumilast on Vincristine-Induced Neuropathy in Rats
  735. Ischemic vascular damage can be repaired by healthy, but not diabetic, endothelial progenitor cells
  736. Ocular Applications
  737. Gastrointestinal endogenous proteins as a source of bioactive peptides: Doctor of Philosophy in Nutritional Sciences at Riddet Institute, Massey University, Palmerston …
  738. Journal Homepage:-www. journalijar. com
  739. Network pharmacology combined with metabolomics and lipidomics to reveal the hypolipidemic mechanism of Alismatis rhizoma in hyperlipidemic mice
  740. Biomedical and drug delivery applications of functionalized inorganic nanomaterials
  741. The Emerging Promise with O/C‐Glycosides of Important Dietary Phenolic Compounds
  742. Hypoxia inducible factor pathways as targets for functional foods
  743. The safe and efficacious use of secretome from fibroblasts and adipose-derived (but not bone marrow-derived) mesenchymal stem cells for skin therapeutics
  744. An ethnobotanical study on Qīng-Căo-Chá tea in Taiwan
  745. Exposure, tissue biodistribution, and biotransformation of nanosilver
  746. Design of fluorophore-loaded human serum albumin nanoparticles for specific targeting of NIH: OVCAR3 ovarian cancer cells
  747. Influence of Imidazole-Dipeptides on Cognitive Status and Preservation in Elders: A Narrative Review. Nutrients 2021, 13, 397
  748. Galectin-3 is essential for proper bone cell differentiation and activity, bone remodeling and biomechanical competence in mice
  749. Carnosine supplementation enhances post ischemic hind limb revascularization
  750. Cerium dioxide nanoparticle exposure improves microvascular dysfunction and reduces oxidative stress in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  751. Genetic and Genomics Investigation of Structure and Function of the Kidney: Enhanced hemodynamic responses to angiotensin II in diabetes are associated …
  752. Bioavailability of dietary isoquercitrin-γ-cyclodextrin molecular inclusion complex in Sprague–Dawley rats and healthy humans
  753. Chinese herbal medicine for diabetic peripheral neuropathy
  754. Black Cumin: A Review of its Pharmacological Effects and its Main Active Constituent
  755. The effects of carrot carotenoids on diabetic retinopathy in Type 1 diabetes mellitus
  756. Effect of hyperglycaemia in combination with moxifloxacin on cardiac repolarization in male and female patients with type I diabetes
  757. Susheel K. Nethi1, 2, Chitta R. Patra1, 2 1Department of Chemical Biology, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India; 2Academy of Scientific …
  758. Influence of Low Salt Concentration on Growth Behavior and General Biomass Composition in Lyngbya purpurem (Cyanobacteria)
  759. The contrasting effect of macromolecular crowding and confinement on fibril formation of globular protein: Underlying cause of proteopathies
  760. Beneficial effects of exogenous ketogenic supplements on aging processes and age-related neurodegenerative diseases
  761. Phytochemicals and Health
  762. Effects of β-alanine supplementation and intramuscular carnosine content on exercise performance and health
  763. Plasma microRNA vary in association with the progression of Alzheimer’s disease
  764. Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disorders in the Czech Republic-Overview and Consumption Analysis in Years 2015-2019
  765. Studies on the Mechanism of Gegen Qinlian Decoction in Treating Diabetes Mellitus Based on Network Pharmacology
  766. Himalayan Peony (Paeonia emodi Royle)
  767. Expression of αvβ6 integrin in the junctional epithelium
  768. South Asian medicinal plants and chronic kidney disease
  769. Metabolomics reveals attenuation of the SLC6A20 kidney transporter in nonhuman primate and mouse models of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  770. A structural approach to investigate glycation effect on protein aggregation
  772. Fluorescent Phthalocyanine-Encapsulated Bovine Serum Albumin Nanoparticles: Their Deployment as Therapeutic Agents in the NIR Region
  773. Retinal vascular dysfunction associated with diabetes
  774. Book of Abstracts of the XX EuroFoodChem Congress
  775. Candesartan cilexetil attenuates arrhythmogenicity following pressure overload in rats via the modulation of cardiac electrical and structural remodeling and calcium …
  776. Metabolomics reveals attenuation of the
  777. Population genomics of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. and links to environmental conditions, total phenolics, and antioxidant capacity in Newfoundland and Southern …
  778. Value Addition of Southern African Monkey Orange (Strychnos Spp.): Composition, Utilization and Quality
  779. Underexploited spice crops: present status, agrotechnology, and future research directions
  780. Gerotherapeutic Interventions in Targeting Aging: A Multiomic and Translational Approach
  781. Cerium dioxide nanoparticle exposure and microvascular dysfunction: Potential mechanistic links

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