Glutamate & Brain

  1. Glutamate: a neurotransmitter in mammalian brain
  2. Metabolism and role of Glutamate in mammalian brain
  3. Glutamate and the pathophysiology of hypoxic–ischemic brain damage
  4. Molecular diversity of Glutamate receptors and implications for brain function
  5. Metabotropic Glutamate receptors in brain function and pathology
  6. Cloning and expression of a rat brain L-Glutamate transporter
  7. Cellular localization of a metabotropic Glutamate receptor in rat brain
  8. Glutamate: its role in learning, memory, and the aging brain
  9. brain lesions, obesity, and other disturbances in mice treated with monosodium Glutamate
  10. A simulation study of brain compartments. Metabolism of Glutamate and related substances in mouse brain
  11. Decreased Glutamate transport by the brain and spinal cord in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  12. Structure, expression, and functional analysis of a Na (+)-dependent Glutamate/aspartate transporter from rat brain
  13. Glutamate‐and GABA‐containing neurons in the mouse and rat brain, as demonstrated with a new immunocytochemical technique
  14. N‐Acetyl‐Aspartyl‐Glutamate: Regional Levels in Rat brain and the Effects of brain Lesions as Determined by a New HPLC Method
  15. Distribution of N-methyl-D-aspartate-sensitive L-[3H] Glutamate-binding sites in rat brain
  16. Distribution of the mRNA for a metabotropic Glutamate receptor (mGluR3) in the rat brain: an in situ hybridization study
  17. brain lesions in an infant rhesus monkey treated with monosodium Glutamate
  18. Extracellular hippocampal Glutamate and spontaneous seizure in the conscious human brain
  19. Glutamate-induced brain damage in infant primates
  20. Immunohistochemical localization of a metabotropic Glutamate receptor, mGluR5, in the rat brain
  21. Massive increases in extracellular potassium and the indiscriminate release of Glutamate following concussive brain injury
  22. AMPA Glutamate receptor subunits are differentially distributed in rat brain
  23. Cellular origin of ischemia‐induced Glutamate release from brain tissue in vivo and in vitro
  24. Photostimulation using caged Glutamate reveals functional circuitry in living brain slices
  26. Triggering and execution of neuronal death in brain ischaemia: two phases of Glutamate release by different mechanisms
  27. An [Na++ K+] coupledl-Glutamate transporter purified from rat brain is located in glial cell processes
  28. Direct measurement of Glutamate release in the brain using a dual enzyme-based electrochemical sensor
  29. The Glutamate antagonist MK‐801 reduces focal ischemic brain damage in the rat
  30. Light and electron immunocytochemical localization of AMPA‐selective Glutamate receptors in the rat brain
  31. Glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid in brain
  32. RNA editing in brain controls a determinant of ion flow in Glutamate-gated channels
  33. The toxic effects of Glutamate and related compounds in the retina and the brain.
  34. Biochemical evidence for Glutamate as neurotransmitter in corticostriatal and corticothalamic fibres in rat brain
  35. Compartmentation of Glutamate metabolism in brain. Evidence for the existence of two different tricarboxylic acid cycles in brain
  36. Phosphorylation and modulation of brain Glutamate transporters by protein kinase C.
  37. brain damage in infant mice following oral intake of Glutamate, aspartate or cysteine
  38. Active transport of L-Glutamate by membrane vesicles isolated from rat brain
  39. Hydrolysis of the brain dipeptide N-acetyl-L-aspartyl-L-Glutamate. Identification and characterization of a novel N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase …
  40. Characterization of L-Glutamate uptake into and release from astrocytes and neurons cultured from different brain regions
  41. FATE OF l‐Glutamate IN THE brain
  42. Murine brain macrophages induce NMDA receptor mediated neurotoxicity in vitro by secreting Glutamate
  43. Purification and characterization of Glutamate decarboxylase from mouse brain
  44. The Flux from Glucose to Glutamate in the Rat brain in vivo as Determined by 1-Observed, 13C-Edited NMR Spectroscopy
  45. Uptake and metabolism of Glutamate in astrocytes cultured from dissociated mouse brain hemispheres
  46. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha potentiates Glutamate neurotoxicity in human fetal brain cell cultures
  47. Quantitative autoradiographic analysis of Glutamate binding sites in the hippocampal formation in normal and schizophrenic brain post mortem
  48. Regional development of Glutamate dehydrogenase in the at brain
  50. Glutamate uptake by brain synaptic vesicles. Energy dependence of transport and functional reconstitution in proteoliposomes.
  51. brain Glutamate metabolism: neuronal-astroglial relationships
  52. 1H-Observe/13C-decouple spectroscopic measurements of lactate and Glutamate in the rat brain in vivo
  53. The characterization and localization of the Glutamate receptor subunit GluR1 in the rat brain
  54. Differential expression of two glial Glutamate transporters in the rat brain: an in situ hybridization study
  55. Purification and reconstitution of the sodium-and potassium-coupled Glutamate transport glycoprotein from rat brain
  56. Interplay between Glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid transmitter systems in the physiological regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth …
  57. Glial Glutamate receptors: likely actors in brain signaling
  58. The neuroexcitotoxic amino acids Glutamate and aspartate are altered in the spinal cord and brain in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  59. NMR determination of the TCA cycle rate and α-ketoglutarate/Glutamate exchange rate in rat brain
  60. L-Glutamate has higher affinity than other amino acids for [3 H]-D-AP5 binding sites in rat brain membranes
  61. Selective association of N-methyl aspartate and quisqualate types of L-Glutamate receptor with brain postsynaptic densities
  62. … effect of transient global ischemia on extracellular levels of Glutamate, glycine, and γ‐aminobutyric acid in vulnerable and nonvulnerable brain regions in the rat
  63. Differential expression of three Glutamate receptor genes in developing rat brain: an in situ hybridization study.
  64. brain‐derived neurotrophic factor is a survival factor for cultured rat cerebellar granule neurons and protects them against Glutamate‐induced neurotoxicity
  65. Regulatory properties of brain Glutamate decarboxylase (GAD): the apoenzyme of GAD is present principally as the smaller of two molecular forms of GAD in brain
  66. Biochemical Characterization and Localization of a Non‐N‐Methyl‐D‐Aspartate Glutamate Receptor in Rat brain
  67. Glutamate in rat brain cortex synaptic vesicles: influence of the vesicle isolation procedure
  68. Normal cerebrospinal fluid and brain Glutamate levels in schizophrenia do not support the hypothesis of Glutamatergic neuronal dysfunction
  69. brain Glutamate deficiency in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  70. Cloning and expression of a Glutamate transporter from mouse brain
  71. Critical levels of extracellular Glutamate mediating gerbil hippocampal delayed neuronal death during hypothermia: brain microdialysis study
  72. Glutamate binding to brain membranes is increased in pentylenetetrazole‐kindled rats
  73. … characterization of the non-NMDA Glutamate receptor using subunit-specific antibodies. Evidence for a hetero-oligomeric structure in rat brain.
  74. brain Glutamate decarboxylase cloned in lambda gt-11: fusion protein produces gamma-aminobutyric acid
  75. Differential localization of phosphoinositide-linked metabotropic Glutamate receptor (mGluR1) and the inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate receptor in rat brain
  76. Pharmacologically distinct sodium-dependentl-[3H] Glutamate transport processes in rat brain
  77. Regional distribution of astrocytes with intense immunoreactivity for Glutamate dehydrogenase in rat brain: implications for neuron-glia interactions in Glutamate …
  78. Regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression and release from hippocampal neurons is mediated by non-NMDA type Glutamate receptors
  79. Purification and characterization of a soluble and a particulate Glutamate dehydrogenase from rat brain
  80. Effects of lsoflurane and Hypothermia on Glutamate Receptor-mediated Calcium Influx in brain Slices
  81. Cloning, expression, and gene structure of a G protein-coupled Glutamate receptor from rat brain
  82. … on brain lesions after administration of monosodium L-Glutamate to mice. II. Absence of brain damage following administration of monosodium L-Glutamate in the diet
  83. brain damage in mice from voluntary ingestion of Glutamate and aspartate.
  84. Glutamate-evoked release of arachidonic acid from mouse brain astrocytes
  85. Glycine and D-serine increase the affinity of N-methyl-D-aspartate sensitive Glutamate binding sites in rat brain synaptic membranes
  86. Effect of the convulsive agent 3-mercaptopropionic acid on the levels of GABA, other amino acids and Glutamate decarboxylase in different regions of the rat brain
  87. An analysis of factors influencing measurements of dopamine, noradrenaline, Glutamate decarboxylase and choline acetylase in human post-mortem brain tissue.
  88. Hypobaric-ischemic conditions produce Glutamate-like cytopathology in infant rat brain
  89. Protective effects of the Glutamate antagonist MK-801 on pyrithiamine-induced lesions and amino acid changes in rat brain
  90. Regulatory properties of brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  91. The metabolism of Glutamate in homogenates and slices of brain cortex
  92. “Epileptic” brain damage is replicated qualitatively in the rat hippocampus by central injection of Glutamate or aspartate but not by GABA or acetylcholine
  93. Biochemical evidence for Glutamate as a transmitter in hippocampal efferents to the basal forebrain and hypothalamus in the rat brain
  94. Purification and Some Properties of l‐Glutamate Decarboxylase from Human brain
  95. High-affinity transport of Glutamate in rat brain microvessels
  96. Release of Glutamate and of free fatty acids in vasogenic brain edema
  97. Comparative studies on Glutamate metabolism in synpatic and non-synaptic rat brain mitochondria
  98. Transaminations catalysed by brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  99. Pharmacological characterization of metabotropic Glutamate receptors in several types of brain cells in primary cultures.
  100. Sex differences in γ-aminobutyric acid and Glutamate concentrations in discrete rat brain nuclei
  101. Online measurement of brain Glutamate with an enzyme/polymer-coated tubular electrode
  102. The differential expression patterns of messenger RNAs encoding non-N-methyl-D-aspartate Glutamate receptor subunits (GluR1–4) in the rat brain
  103. Glucose can fuel Glutamate uptake in ischemic brain
  104. A monoclonal antibody raised against an [Na+K+]coupled l‐Glutamate transporter purified from rat brain confirms glial cell localization
  105. Nature and extent of brain lesions in mice related to ingestion of monosodium Glutamate: a light and electron microscope study
  106. Activation of Glutamate dehydrogenase by leucine and its nonmetabolizable analogue in rat brain synaptosomes
  107. Glutamate transporters from brain: a novel neurotransmitter transporter family
  108. Control of Glutamate oxidation in brain and liver mitochondrial systems
  109. Localization of L-Glutamate receptors in rat brain by quantitative autoradiography
  110. Ultrastructural immunocytochemical observations on the localization, metabolism and transport of Glutamate in normal and ischemic brain tissue
  112. Glutamate receptor agonists increase the expression of Fos, Fra, and AP‐1 DNA binding activity in the mammalian brain
  113. Increased density of Glutamate-immunoreactive vertical processes in superficial laminae in cingulate cortex of schizophrenic brain
  114. Purification and characterization of cysteic acid and cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase and L-Glutamate decarboxylase from bovine brain
  115. Calcium green-5N, a novel fluorescent probe for monitoring high intracellular free Ca2+ concentrations associated with Glutamate excitotoxicity in cultured rat brain …
  116. Reductions of Γ‐Aminobutyric Acid and Glutamate Uptake and (Na++ K+)‐ATPase Activity in brain Slices and Synaptosomes by Arachidonic Acid
  117. … in extracellular concentrations of Glutamate, aspartate, glycine, dopamine, serotonin, and dopamine metabolites after transient global ischemia in the rabbit brain
  118. Calcineurin-mediated protein dephosphorylation in brain nerve terminals regulates the release of Glutamate.
  119. Enzyme packed bed system for the on-line measurement of glucose, Glutamate, and lactate in brain microdialyzate
  120. Combination therapy protects ischemic brain in rats. A Glutamate antagonist plus a gamma-aminobutyric acid agonist.
  121. The purification and properties of rat brain Glutamate dehydrogenase
  122. Counterflow of L-Glutamate in plasma membrane vesicles and reconstituted preparations from rat brain
  123. N-acetylaspartylGlutamate: an endogenous peptide with high affinity for a brain” Glutamate” receptor
  124. Molecular cloning of human brain Glutamate/aspartate transporter II
  125. Seizures and brain injury in neonatal rats induced by 1S, 3R-ACPD, a metabotropic Glutamate receptor agonist
  126. Extracellular brain Glutamate during acute liver failure and during acute hyperammonemia simulating acute liver failure: an experimental study based on in vivo brain …
  127. Uptake of exogenous Glutamate and aspartate by circumventricular organs but not other regions of brain
  128. Aluminum transfer as Glutamate complex through blood-brain barrier
  129. Inhibition of brain Glutamate decarboxylase by glutarate, glutaconate, and β-hydroxyglutarate: explanation of the symptoms in glutaric aciduria?
  130. 1H-[13C] NMR measurements of [4-13C] Glutamate turnover in human brain.
  131. The physiologically induced release of ascorbate in rat brain is dependent on impulse traffic, calcium influx and Glutamate uptake
  132. A simulation study of the metabolism and compartmentation in brain of Glutamate, aspartate, the Krebs cycle, and related metabolites
  133. Selective vulnerability of hippocampal CA1 neurons cannot be explained in terms of an increase in Glutamate concentration during ischemia in the gerbil: brain …
  134. Cellular uptake disguises action of L‐Glutamate on N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptors: With an appendix: Diffusion of transported amino acids into brain slices
  135. Glutamate uptake by brain slices and its relation to the depolarization of neurones by acidic amino acids
  136. Glutaminase in neurons and astrocytes cultured from mouse brain: kinetic properties and effects of phosphate, Glutamate, and ammonia
  137. Metabotropic Glutamate receptor heterogeneity in rat brain.
  138. Detection of brain Glutamate and glutamine in spectroscopic images at 4.1 T
  139. Glutamate receptor subtypes may be classified into two major categories: a study on Xenopus oocytes injected with rat brain mRNA
  140. Subcellular localization of N‐acetyl‐aspartyl‐Glutamate, N‐acetyl‐Glutamate and glutathione in brain
  141. The distribution of Glutamate decarboxylase and aspartate transaminase in subcellular fractions of rat and guinea-pig brain
  142. Plasma and brain levels of Glutamate and pyroGlutamate after oral monosodium Glutamate to rats
  143. Characterization of a H+-ATPase in rat brain synaptic vesicles: coupling to L-Glutamate transport
  144. A model of Glutamate metabolism in brain: a biochemical analysis of a heterogeneous structure
  145. Selective Loss of N‐Methyl‐d‐Aspartate‐Sensitive l‐[3H]Glutamate Binding Sites in Rat brain Following Portacaval Anastomosis
  146. RNA editing of the Glutamate receptor subunits GluR2 and GluR6 in human brain tissue
  147. Inhibition of rat brain Glutamate receptors by philanthotoxin.
  148. Monosodium Glutamate-induced brain lesions: electron microscopic examination
  149. Glutamate and aspartate transport in rat brain mitochondria
  150. Studies on brain lesion by administration of monosodium L-Glutamate to mice. I. brain lesions in infant mice caused by administration of monosodium L-glutamae
  151. Characterization of Glutamate uptake systems in astrocyte primary cultures from rat brain
  152. Micromolar calcium stimulates proteolysis and Glutamate binding in rat brain synaptic membranes
  153. Therapeutic hypothermia is cytoprotective without attenuating the traumatic brain injury-induced elevations in interstitial concentrations of aspartate and Glutamate
  154. Glutamate recognition sites in human fetal brain
  155. Monosodium Glutamate neurotoxicity, hyperosmolarity, and blood-brain barrier dysfunction.
  156. Synapsin I regulates Glutamate release from rat brain synaptosomes
  157. Inhibition of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and l-Glutamate-induced noradrenaline and acetylcholine release in the rat brain by ethanol
  158. Retinal GABA neurons: localization in vertebrate species using an antiserum to rabbit brain Glutamate decar☐ ylase
  159. Reduction of Glutamate release and protection against ischemic brain damage by BW 1003C87
  160. Electrogenic L-Glutamate uptake in Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing a cloned rat brain L-Glutamate/L-aspartate transporter (GLAST-1)
  161. Glutamine and Glutamate as precursors of the releasable pool of GABA in brain cortex slices
  162. Hypoxia-ischemia stimulates hippocampal Glutamate efflux in perinatal rat brain: an in vivo microdialysis study
  163. Age-related changes in transmitter Glutamate and NMDA receptor/channels in the brain of senescence-accelerated mouse
  164. Glutamate modulates dopamine release in the striatum as measured by brain microdialysis
  165. [3H] AMPA binding to Glutamate receptor subpopulations in rat brain
  166. brain ACTH and endorphin reduced in rats with monosodium Glutamate-induced arcuate nuclear lesions
  167. Development profile of metabotropic Glutamate receptor mRNA in rat brain.
  168. Tricarboxylic acid-cycle metabolism in brain. Effect of fluoroacetate and fluorocitrate on the labelling of Glutamate aspartate, glutamine and γ-amino butyrate
  169. Exchange transamination and the metabolism of Glutamate in brain
  170. Monosodium Glutamate: lack of effects on brain and reproductive function in rats
  171. Massive astrocytic swelling in response to extracellular Glutamate—a possible mechanism for post-traumatic brain swelling?
  172. Glutamate metabolism and transport in rat brain mitochondria
  173. Localized 1H NMR spectra of Glutamate in the human brain
  174. Respiratory motoneuronal activity is altered by injections of picomoles of Glutamate into cat brain stem
  175. Characterization of three kinetically distinct forms of Glutamate decarboxylase from pig brain
  176. Genetically epilepsy-prone rats have increased brain regional activity of an enzyme which liberates Glutamate from N-acetyl-aspartyl-Glutamate
  177. Neuron-specific human Glutamate transporter: molecular cloning, characterization and expression in human brain
  178. Regional patterns of cholinergic and Glutamate activity in the developing and aging human brain
  179. Ontogenesis of N-acetyl-aspartate and N-acetyl-aspartyl-Glutamate in rat brain
  180. Expression of functional GABA, glycine and Glutamate receptors in Xenopus oocytes injected with rat brain mRNA
  181. The effect of MK-801 and other antagonists of NMDA-type Glutamate receptors on brain-stimulation reward
  182. Glutamate activation of neurons in CV-reactive areas of cat brain stem affects urinary bladder motility
  183. Molecular cloning, chromosomal mapping, and functional expression of human brain Glutamate receptors
  184. Acute and short-term effects of lithium on Glutamate metabolism in rat brain
  185. Glutamate and kainate receptors induced by rat brain messenger RNA in Xenopus oocytes
  186. Transplacental neurotoxic effects of monosodium Glutamate on structures and functions of specific brain areas of filial mice
  187. Comparison of the properties of γ‐aminobutyric acid and L‐Glutamate uptake into synaptic vesicles isolated from rat brain
  188. Glutathione-induced inhibition of Na+-independent and-dependent bindings of L-[3H] Glutamate in rat brain
  189. Hydrolysis of the brain Dipeptide N‐Acetyl‐l‐Aspartyl‐l‐Glutamate: Subcellular and Regional Distribution, Ontogeny, and the Effect of Lesions on N‐Acetylated‐α …
  190. brain Glutamate decarboxylase in Parkinson’s disease with particular reference to a premortem severity index
  191. Control of glutaminase activity in rat brain cortex in vitro: influence of Glutamate, phosphate, ammonium, calcium and hydrogen ions
  192. Biochemical evidence for overlapping neocortical and allocortical Glutamate projections to the nucleus accumbens and rostral caudatoputamen in the rat brain
  193. In vivo monitoring of Glutamate in the brain by microdialysis and capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection
  194. Effect of aminooxyacetic acid, thiosemicarbazide and haloperidol on the metabolism and half-lives of Glutamate and GABA in rat brain
  195. Expression of the metabotropic Glutamate receptor mGluR1α and the ionotropic Glutamate receptor GluR1 in the brain during the postnatal development of normal …
  196. brain-derived neurotrophic factor pretreatment exerts a partially protective effect against Glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in cultured rat cortical neurons
  197. L-Glutamate, excitatory amino acid receptors and brain function
  198. Differential intracellular calcium responses to Glutamate in type 1 and type 2 cultured brain astrocytes
  199. A new quisqualate receptor subtype (sAA2) responsible for the Glutamate-induced inositol phosphate formation in rat brain synaptoneurosomes
  200. Continuous Glutamate leakage from brain cells is balanced by compensatory high-affinity reuptake transport
  201. The regulation and Glutamate metabolism by tricarboxylic acid-cycle activity in rat brain mitochondria
  202. Kinetically different, multiple forms of Glutamate decar☐ ylase in rat brain
  203. Modifications of brain Glutamate decarboxylase activity by pyridoxal phosphate-γ-glutamyl hydrazone
  204. Effect of antemortem and postmortem factors on [3H] Glutamate binding in the human brain
  205. Mapping rat brain structures activated during ethanol withdrawal: role of Glutamate and NMDA receptors
  206. Activation of a brain type Na pump after Glutamate excitation of cerebral neurons
  208. Production and characterization of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to rat brain l-Glutamate decar☐ ylase
  209. Chelidonic acid and other conformationally restricted substrate analogues as inhibitors of rat brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  210. Latent iron deficiency alters gamma-aminobutyric acid and Glutamate metabolism in rat brain
  211. Glutamate receptors mediate acoustic input to the reticular brain stem.
  212. … –Glutamate excitation of A10 dopamine neurons is preferentially mediated by activation of NMDA receptors: extra-and intracellular electrophysiological studies in brain …
  213. Glutamate receptor changes in brain synaptic membranes from human alcoholics
  214. The subcellular localization of Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH): is GDH a marker for mitochondria in brain?
  215. Kinetic study of Glutamate transport in rat brain mitochondria
  216. The Glutamate analogue quisqualic acid is neurotoxic in striatum and hippocampus of immature rat brain
  217. Rate of utilization of glucose andcompartmentation’of α-oxoglutarate and Glutamate in rat brain
  218. Purification and molecular characterization of the brain synaptic membrane Glutamate‐binding protein
  219. D‐and L‐stereoisomers of allylglycine: convulsive action and inhibition of brain L‐Glutamate decarboxylase
  220. Chloride ions enhance L-Glutamate binding to rat brain synaptic membranes
  221. Effects of potassium and of Glutamate on swelling and on sodium and potassium content in brain-cortex slices from adult rats
  222. Energy Coupling of L-Glutamate Transport and Vacuolar H+-ATPf in brain Synaptic Vesicles
  223. The pathway of Glutamate metabolism in rat brain mitochondria
  224. Neuroprotective effects of tetrodotoxin as a Na+ channel modulator and Glutamate release inhibitor in cultured rat cerebellar neurons and in gerbil global brain …
  225. Origin of ischemia‐induced Glutamate efflux in the CA1 field of the gerbil hippocampus: an in vivo brain microdialysis study
  226. A spider toxin (JSTX) inhibits L-Glutamate uptake by rat brain synaptosomes
  227. Post-mortem changes implicate adenine nucleotides and pyridoxal-5′-phosphate in regulation of brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  228. Disclosure by Triton X-100 of NMDA-sensitive [3H] Glutamate binding sites in brain synaptic membranes
  229. … labeling and purification of a 71-kDa Glutamate-binding protein from brain synaptic membranes. Possible relationship of this protein to physiologic Glutamate …
  230. Stability and activation of Glutamate apodecarboxylase from pig brain
  231. Hypoxia-ischemia produces focal disruption of Glutamate receptors in developing brain
  232. Multiple forms of Glutamate decarboxylase in porcine brain
  233. A new enzymatic cycling technique for Glutamate determination in brain microdialysates
  234. brain Glutamate metabolism during hypoxia and peripheral chemodenervation
  235. Glutamate metabolism in ageing rat brain
  236. brain L-Glutamate decarboxylase: purification and subunit structure
  237. Changes in gene expression of AMPA-selective Glutamate receptor subunits induced by status epilepticus in rat brain
  238. Spider venoms inhibit L-Glutamate binding to brain synaptic membrane receptors
  239. … in metabotropic Glutamate receptor mRNA levels following global ischemia: increase of a putative presynaptic subtype (mGluR4) in highly vulnerable rat brain areas
  240. Computer simulation of steady-state Glutamate metabolism in rat brain
  241. Effects of hypoglycemia on the transmitter pool and the metabolic pool of Glutamate in rat brain
  242. Effects of Glutamate, quisqualate, and N-methyl-D-aspartate in neonatal brain
  243. Molecular characteristics of Glutamate receptors in the mammalian brain
  244. Partial purification and characterization of a Glutamate-binding membrane glycoprotein from rat brain
  245. Changes in rat brain extracellular Glutamate concentration during seizures induced by systemic picrotoxin or focal bicuculline injection: an in vivo dialysis study with …
  246. Aluminum-induced decreases in choline acetyltransferase, tyrosine hydroxylase, and Glutamate decarboxylase in selected regions of rabbit brain
  247. Quisqualate‐ and NMDA‐sensitive [3H]Glutamate binding in primate brain
  248. Effect of dichloroacetate on recovery of brain lactate, phosphorus energy metabolites, and Glutamate during reperfusion after complete cerebral ischemia in rats
  249. GABAergic synapses in the brain identified with antisera to GABA and its synthesizing enzyme, Glutamate decarboxylase
  250. Uptake of [3H]serotonin and [3H]Glutamate by primary astrocyte cultures. II. Differences in cultures prepared from different brain regions
  251. Interrelationships between ornithine, Glutamate, and GABA. II. Consequences of inhibition of GABA-T and ornithine aminotransferase in brain
  252. Distribution and stress-induced increase of Glutamate and aspartate levels in discrete brain nuclei of rats
  253. Purification of Glutamate dehydrogenase from ox brain and liver. Evidence that commercially available preparations of the enzyme from ox liver have suffered …
  254. Molecular cloning and amino acid sequence of brain L-Glutamate decarboxylase.
  255. Glutamate‐evoked release of endogenous brain dopamine: inhibition by an excitatory amino acid antagonist and an enkephalin analogue
  256. The Glutamate and glutamine content of rat brain after portocaval anastomosis
  257. Serotonergic inhibition of extracellular Glutamate in the suprachiasmatic nuclear region assessed using in vivo brain microdialysis
  258. Axon-sparing brain lesioning technique: the use of monosodium-L-Glutamate and other amino acids
  259. Distribution of choline acetyltransferase and Glutamate decarboxylase within the substantia nigra and in other brain regions from control and parkinsonian patients
  260. Efflux of L-Glutamate by synaptic plasma membrane vesicles isolated from rat brain
  261. Nondestructive detection of Glutamate by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in cortical brain slices from the guinea pig: evidence for changes in …
  262. Comparison of L-[3H] Glutamate, D-[3H] aspartate, DL-[3H] AP5 and [3H] NMDA as ligands for NMDA receptors in crude postsynaptic densities from rat brain
  263. Impairment of Glutamate uptake and absence of alterations in the energy-transducing ability of old rat brain mitochondria
  264. Detectability of high and low affinity uptake systems for GABA and Glutamate in rat brain slices and synaptosomes
  265. Regulation of glutaminase by exogenous Glutamate, ammonia and 2-oxoglutarate in synaptosomal enriched preparation from rat brain
  266. Stimulation of Glutamate receptors increases expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA in rat hippocampus.
  267. NBQX, an AMPA antagonist, reduces Glutamate-mediated brain edema
  268. Quisqualate‐sensitive, chloride‐dependent transport of Glutamate into rat brain synaptosomes
  269. beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (L-BMAA) decreases brain Glutamate receptor number and induces behavioral changes in rats.
  270. brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  271. Extent of RNA editing of Glutamate receptor subunit GluR5 in different brain regions of the rat
  272. Proline, Glutamate and glutamine metabolism in mouse brain synaptosomes
  273. Immunological detection of the NMDAR1 Glutamate receptor subunit expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells and in rat brain
  274. Regional differences in cofactor saturation of Glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) in discrete brain nuclei of the rat
  275. Rapid inactivation of brain Glutamate decarboxylase by aspartate
  276. L-[3H] Glutamate labels the metabotropic excitatory amino acid receptor in rodent brain
  277. The Differential Effect of Ischemia on the Active Uptake of Dopamine, γ‐Aminobutyric Acid, and Glutamate by brain Synap to somes
  278. Amperometric biosensors for on-line monitoring of extracellular glucose and Glutamate in the brain
  279. Cyanide induces Ca2+-dependent and-independent release of Glutamate from mouse brain slices
  280. … localization of γ-aminobutyrate transaminase and Glutamate dehydrogenase in adult rat brain. Evidence for at least two small Glutamate compartments in brain
  281. Regional activities of metabolic enzymes and Glutamate decarboxylase in human brain
  282. Characterization of metabotropic Glutamate receptors negatively linked to adenylyl cyclase in brain slices
  283. Receptor subtype involved and mechanism of norepinephrine‐induced stimulation of Glutamate uptake into primary cultures of rat brain astrocytes
  284. Interaction of L-Glutamate and magnesium with phencyclidine recognition sites in rat brain: evidence for multiple affinity states of the phencyclidine/N-methyl-D …
  286. Effects of chronic amphetamine treatment on the Glutamate concentration in cerebrospinal fluid and brain: implications for a theory of schizophrenia
  287. Cloning and characterization of a Glutamate transporter cDNA from human brain and pancreas
  288. Enzymatically active truncated cat brain Glutamate decarboxylase: expression, purification, and absorption spectrum
  289. Differential effects of agonal status on measurements of GABA and Glutamate decarboxylase in human post‐mortem brain tissue from control and Huntington’s chorea …
  290. Lipid peroxidation potential and antioxidant status of circumventricular organs of rat brain following neonatal monosodium Glutamate.
  291. Monosodium Glutamate metabolism in the neonatal pig: effect of load on plasma, brain, muscle and spinal fluid free amino acid levels
  292. Inhibition of brain Glutamate decarboxylase activity is related to febrile seizures in rat pups
  293. Quantitative autoradiography of L-[3H] Glutamate binding to rat brain
  294. Glutamate receptor subtype expression in human postmortem brain
  295. Ethanol, sedative hypnotics, and Glutamate receptor function in brain and cultured cells
  296. In vivo monitoring of brain Glutamate by microdialysis coupled to capillary electrophoresis and laser induced fluorescence detection
  297. Ornithine as a precursor of neurotransmitter Glutamate: Effect of canaline on ornithine aminotransferase activity and Glutamate content in the septum of rat brain
  298. Glutamate as a precursor of GABA in rat brain and peripheral tissues
  299. Regional changes in the concentrations of Glutamate, glycine, taurine, and GABA in the vitamin B-6 deficient developing rat brain: association with neonatal seizures
  300. The synthesis of Glutamate by rat brain mitochondria
  301. Glutamate and aspartate binding sites are enriched in synaptic junctions isolated from rat brain
  302. The measurement of Glutamate decarboxylase activity in brain tissues by a simple microradiometric method
  303. Inactivation of brain Glutamate decarboxylase and the effects of adenosine 5′-triphosphate and inorganic phosphate.
  304. Characteristics of chloride-dependent incorporation of Glutamate into brain membranes argue against a receptor binding site
  305. The effects of lanthanum chloride administration in newborn chicks on Glutamate uptake and release by brain synaptosomes
  306. … L‐[3H] Glutamate to fresh or frozen synaptic membrane and postsynaptic density fractions isolated from cerebral cortex and cerebellum of fresh or frozen canine brain
  307. Effects of fasting and diabetes on some enzymes and transport of Glutamate in cortex slices or synaptosomes from rat brain
  308. Monosodium L-Glutamate-induced convulsions: temporary alteration in blood-brain barrier permeability to plasma proteins.
  309. [1] l-Glutamate decarboxylase from brain
  310. Regional development of carbachol-, Glutamate-, norepinephrine-, and serotonin-stimulated phosphoinositide metabolism in rat brain
  311. Protein deprivation and the brain: effect on enzymes and free amino acids related to Glutamate metabolism in rats
  312. Transport of cysteate by synaptosomes isolated from rat brain: evidence that it utilizes the same transporter as aspartate, Glutamate, and cysteine sulfinate
  313. Regional levels of GABA and Glutamate in mouse brain following exposure to pain
  314. Effects of potassium and Glutamate on brain cortex slices: uptake and release of glutamic and other amino acids
  315. Solubilisation and characterisation of a putative quisqualate‐type Glutamate receptor from chick brain
  316. Ultrastructural description of Glutamate‐, aspartate‐, taurine‐, and glycine‐like immunoreactive terminals from five rat brain regions
  317. Reactivation of substrate-inactivated brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  318. Imaging of brain tumors after administration of L-(N-13) Glutamate: concise communication.
  319. Regional brain levels of N-acetyl-aspartyl-Glutamate: the effect of kindled seizures.
  320. Studies on the regulation of GABA synthesis: The interaction of adenine nucleotides and Glutamate with brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  321. Gangliosides modulate Glutamate receptor binding in rat brain synaptic plasma membranes
  322. L-Glutamate increases internal free calcium levels in synaptoneurosomes from immature rat brain via quisqualate receptors
  323. Glutamate receptor changes in brain synaptic membranes during chronic alcohol intake.
  324. Protective effect of mono-and disaccharides on Glutamate-induced brain damage in mice
  325. Balance of Glutamate and dopamine in the nucleus accumbens modulates self-stimulation behavior after injection of cholecystokinin and neurotensin in the rat brain
  326. Phosphates of brain during in vitro metabolism: effects of oxygen, glucose, Glutamate, glutamine, and calcium and potassium salts
  327. Neurochemical effects of nicotine on Glutamate and GABA mechanisms in the rat brain
  328. Activation of arginine metabolism to Glutamate in rat brain synaptosomes in thioacetamide‐induced hepatic encephalopathy: An adaptative response?
  329. Ischaemic brain damage associated with tissue hypermetabolism in acute subdural haematoma: reduction by a Glutamate antagonist
  330. Compartmentation of Glutamate metabolism in the developing brain: experiments with labelled glucose, acetate, phenylalanine, tyrosine and proline
  331. Effect of aspartame on N-methyl-D-aspartate-sensitive L-[3H] Glutamate binding sites in rat brain synaptic membranes
  332. Inhibitory effects of noradrenaline and dopamine on calcium influx and neurotransmitter Glutamate release in mammalian brain slices
  334. Developmental changes in the extent of RNA editing of Glutamate receptor subunit GluR5 in rat brain
  335. Glutamine and 2-oxoglutarate as metabolic precursors of the transmitter pools of Glutamate and GABA: correlation of regional uptake by rat brain synaptosomes
  336. The effect of chronic ethanol on Glutamate binding in human and rat brain
  337. Regional effects of ethanol on Glutamate levels, uptake and release in slice and synaptosome preparations from rat brain.
  338. An artifact in the radiochemical assay of brain mitochondrial Glutamate decarboxylase
  339. Effects of tissue storage and freezing on brain Glutamate uptake
  340. Stereochemistry of Reactions Catalysed by Mammalian‐brain L‐Glutamate 1‐Carboxy‐lyase and 4‐Aminobutyrate: 2‐Oxoglutarate Aminotransferase
  341. Isolation, purification, and probable structural configuration of N-acetyl aspartyl Glutamate in human brain
  342. Glutamate dehydrogenase in human brain: regional distribution and properties
  343. Characterization of Na+-dependent binding sites of [3H] Glutamate in synaptic membranes from rat brain
  344. Hypoxic-ischemic injury in the neonatal rat brain: effects of pre-and post-treatment with the Glutamate release inhibitor BW1003C87
  345. Nitric oxide does not mediate acute Glutamate neurotoxicity, nor is it neuroprotective, in rat brain slices
  346. A rapid assay for neurotransmitter amino acids, aspartate, Glutamate, glycine, taurine and γ-aminobutyric acid in the brain by high-performance liquid chromatography …
  347. Anatomical distribution of metabotropic Glutamate receptors in mammalian brain
  348. Solubilization, partial purification, and reconstitution of Glutamate-and N-methyl-D-aspartate-activated cation channels from brain synaptic membranes
  349. Regional distribution of Glutamate and aspartate in adult and old human brain
  350. Immunochemical characterization of brain synaptic membrane Glutamate-binding proteins.
  351. The action of kainic acid and quisqualic acid on the Glutamate receptors of three identifiable neurones from the brain of the snail, Helix aspersa
  352. Differences in some properties of newborn and adult brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  353. Prenatal Monosodium Glutamate Causes Long‐Lasting Cholinergic and Adrenergic Changes in Various brain Regions
  354. Functional properties and substrate specificity of the cloned L-Glutamate/L-aspartate transporter GLAST-1 from rat brain expressed in Xenopus oocytes
  355. Differential Glutamate release in brain regions of long sleep and short sleep mice
  356. Properties of Quisqualate‐Sensitive L‐[3H]Glutamate Binding Sites in Rat brain as Determined by Quantitative Autoradiography
  357. Age dependent sensitivity to monosodium Glutamate inducing brain damage in the chicken
  358. A membrane form of brain L-Glutamate decarboxylase: identification, isolation, and its relation to insulin-dependent mellitus
  359. Biosynthesis of taurine and enhancement of decar☐ ylation of cysteine sulphinate and Glutamate by the electrical stimulation of rat brain slices
  360. Effects of different levels of dietary protein on brain Glutamate dehydrogenase and decarboxylase in young albino rats
  361. Depolarization-evoked release of N-acetyl-L-aspartlyl-L-Glutamate from rat brain synaptosomes
  362. brain lesions in the mouse fetus caused by maternal administration of monosodium Glutamate (preliminary report)
  363. Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone: reduction in adult rat brain after monosodium Glutamate treatment of neonates
  364. brain Glutamate uptake: regional distribution study from sensorimotor areas in the cat
  365. The inhibition of mouse brain Glutamate decarboxylase by some structural analogues of L-glutamic acid
  366. Effects of various substituted hydrazones and hydrazines of pyridoxal-5′-phosphate on brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  367. Characterization of Glutamate receptors induced in Xenopus oocytes after injection of rat brain mRNA
  368. Post-mortem high affinity Glutamate uptake in human brain
  369. Zinc and Glutamate dehydrogenase in putative Glutamatergic brain structures
  370. Inhibition of brain Glutamate decarboxylase by adenosine triphosphate
  371. Dynamic storage of Glutamate in rat brain synaptic vesicles
  372. Decreased GABA and Glutamate concentration in rat brain after treatment with 6-aminonicotinamide
  373. Monoclonal antibody directed against glutaraldehyde conjugated Glutamate and immunocytochemical applications in the rat brain
  374. Effect of nitric oxide onl-[3H] Glutamate binding to rat brain synaptic membranes
  376. Ethanol, sedative hypnotics and Glutamate receptor function in brain and cultured cells.
  378. Isolation of a human brain cDNA for Glutamate dehydrogenase
  379. Uptake and release for glutamine and Glutamate in a crude synaptosomal fraction from rat brain
  380. Barium Evokes Glutamate Release from Rat brain Synaptosomes by Membrane Depolarization: Involvement of K+, Na+, and Ca2+ Channels
  381. GABA—2-oxoglutarate transaminase, Glutamate decarboxylase and the half-life of GABA in different areas of rat brain
  382. Effect of age and monosodium-L-Glutamate (MSG) treatment on neurotransmitter content in brain regions from male Fischer-344 rats
  383. … Mechanism for the Glutamate Action on Phosphoinositide Metabolism via the Quisqualate Metabotropic Receptor in Rat brain Synaptoneurosomes: I. External Na+ …
  384. brain lesions and short-term endocrine effects of monosodium L-Glutamate in goldfish, Carassius auratus
  385. The stimulation of ion fluxes in brain slices by Glutamate and other excitatory amino acids
  386. Protection of brain metabolism with glutathione, Glutamate, γ-aminobutyrate and succinate
  387. Blood and brain levels of glutamic acid in young rats given monosodium Glutamate.
  388. Inhibitory effect of 2, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetylasparagine, a common moiety of spider toxin, on Glutamate binding to rat brain synaptic membranes
  389. Glutamate‐dependent active‐site labeling of brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  390. Characterization of the binding of dl‐[3H]‐2‐amino‐4‐phosphonobutyrate to l‐Glutamate‐sensitive sites on rat brain synaptic membranes
  391. Action of inhibitors on brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  392. The association of [3H] D-aspartate binding and high-affinity Glutamate uptake in the human brain
  393. Postnatal alterations in effects of potassium on uptake and release of Glutamate and GABA in rat brain cortex slices
  394. Regional ontogeny of a unique Glutamate recognition site in rat brain: an autoradiographic study
  395. A re-examination of the interaction of N-acetyl-L-aspartyl-L-Glutamate with a subpopulation of rat brain membrane L-[3H] Glutamate binding sites
  396. Development of Glutamate binding sites in the visual structures of the rat brain. Effect of visual pattern deprivation.
  397. Glutamate-gated ion channels in the brain. Genetic mechanism for generating molecular and functional diversity.
  398. Compartmentation of amino acids in brain: the GABA-glutamine-Glutamate cycle
  399. A monoclonal antibody against a Na (+)-L-Glutamate cotransporter from rat brain
  400. brain 3-hydroxybutyrate, Glutamate, and GABA in a rat model of dietary obesity
  401. Solubilisation of a Glutamate binding protein from rat brain
  402. brain damage in the male domestic fowl treated with monosodium Glutamate
  403. Metabolism of the Glutamate group of amino acids in rat brain as a function of age
  404. Production of an antiserum to rat brain Glutamate (GAD)/cysteine sulfinate (CSD) decarboxylase
  405. brain Glutamate inhibition and amnesia: evidence provided by proline analog action
  406. Interactions Between the Glutamate and Glycine Recognition Sites of the N‐Methyl‐d‐Aspartate Receptor from Rat brain, as Revealed from Radioligand Binding …
  407. Glutamate neurotoxicity in culture depends on the presence of glutamine: implications for the role of glial cells in normal and pathological brain development
  408. Glutamate receptor GluR-Kl: structure, function, and expression in the brain
  410. Postnatal development of mRNA specific for a metabotropic Glutamate receptor in the rat brain
  411. Effects of domoate, Glutamate and glucose deprivation on calcium uptake by rat brain tissue in vitro
  412. Modulation of edema by dizocilpine, kynurenate, and NBQX in respiring brain slices after exposure to Glutamate
  413. Glutamate, aspartate, and γ-aminobutyrate transport by membrane vesicles prepared from rat brain
  414. Betaine attenuates Glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in primary cultured brain cells
  415. … of GABA Metabolism in Discrete Rabbit brain Regions under Methoxypyridoxine—Regional Differences in Cofactor Saturation and the Preictal Activation of Glutamate …
  416. Free amino acids and Glutamate decarboxylase activity in brain of mice during drug-induced convulsions
  417. Quantitation of N-acetyl-aspartyl-Glutamate in microdissected rat brain nuclei and peripheral tissues: findings with a novel liquid phase radioimmunoassay
  418. Glutamate uptake by the isolated toad brain
  420. Enhancement of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase activity and Glutamate oxidation by adenine nucleotides
  421. Purification, biochemical characterization, binding activity, and selectivity of a Glutamate binding protein from bovine brain
  422. Correlation of Glutamate binding activity with Glutamate-binding protein immunoreactivity in the brain of control and alcohol-treated rats
  423. The Glutamate receptor-like protein of brain synaptic membranes is a metalloprotein
  424. Age-dependent changes in Glutamate oxidation by non-synaptic and synaptic mitochondria from rat brain
  425. Long‐term cultures of neurons from adult frog brain express GABA and Glutamate‐activated channels
  426. The ontogeny of the uptake systems for Glutamate, GABA, and glycine in synaptic vesicles isolated from rat brain
  427. Molecular cloning, structure and expression analysis of a full-length mouse brain Glutamate dehydrogenase cDNA
  428. Characterization of galanin-like immunoreactivity in the rat brain: effects of neonatal Glutamate treatment
  429. Direct and indirect responses to metabotropic Glutamate receptor activation in the brain
  431. Incorporation of label from [1-14C]ethanol into the Glutamate–glutamine pools of rat brain in vivo
  432. Alterations in uptake and metabolism of aspartate and Glutamate in brain of thiamine deficient animals
  433. Veratridine-induced release of endogenous Glutamate from rat brain cortex slices: a reappraisal of the role of calcium
  434. L-Glutamate and L-aspartate bind to separate sites in rat brain synaptic membranes
  435. Effects of methionine sulfoximine on the enzymes of Glutamate metabolism in isolated astrocytes of rat brain
  436. Evidence for compartmentalization of Glutamate in rat brain synaptosomes using the Glutamate sensitivity of phosphate-activated glutaminase as a functional test
  437. brain Glutamate and γ-aminobutyrate (GABA) metabolism in thiamin-deficient rats
  438. The incorporation of double‐labelled acetate into Glutamate and related amino acids from adult mouse brain: compartmentation of amino acid metabolism in brain
  439. Ontogeny of Glutamate accumulating activity in rat brain synaptic vesicles
  440. … Changes in the Modulation of Cyclic AMP Formation by the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Agonist 1S,3R‐Aminocyclopentane‐1,3‐Dicarboxylic Acid in brain …
  442. Metabolism of glucose into Glutamate via the hexose monophosphate shunt and its inhibition by 6-aminonicotinamide in rat brain in vivo
  443. Effects of oxygen at high pressure on the transport of potassium, sodium and Glutamate in guinea pig brain cortex
  444. Immunochemical studies of brain Glutamate decar☐ ylase and GABA-transaminase of six inbred strains of mice
  445. Primary cultures from defined brain areas. III. Effects of seeding time on [3H] L-Glutamate transport and glutamine synthetase activity
  446. Localization ofl-Glutamate binding sites in chick brain by quantitative autoradiography
  447. The depolarization-induced outflow of D-[3H] aspartate from rat brain slices is modulated by metabotropic Glutamate receptors
  448. Regional brain atrophy and reductions in Glutamate release and uptake after intrastriatal kainic acid.
  449. brain Glutamate Decarboxylase: Properties of Its Calcium‐Dependent Binding to Liposomes and Kinetics of the Bound and the Free Enzyme
  450. Regional distribution of γ-aminobutyrate and l-Glutamate uptake into synaptic vesicles isolated from rat brain
  451. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and metabolism. Applications of proton and 13C NMR to the study of Glutamate metabolism in cultured glial cells and human brain …
  452. Non-steady-stake kinetics of brain Glutamate decarboxylase resulting from interconversion of the apo-and holoenzyme
  453. Chloride transport blockers inhibit the chloride-dependent Glutamate binding to rat brain membranes
  454. Study on the inhibition of brain Glutamate decarboxylase by pyridoxal phosphate oxime‐O‐acetic acid
  455. Inhibition of Glutamate Dehydrogenase in brain Mitochondria and Synaptosomes by Mg2+ and Polyamines: A Possible Cause for Its Low In Vivo Activity
  456. … of Glutamate and aspartate in human ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (vCSF) during episodes of increased CSF pressure and clinical signs of impaired brain circulation
  457. Inhibition of rat brain Glutamate decarboxylase activity by salicylate in vitro
  458. Regional alterations of brain biogenic amines and GABA/Glutamate levels in rats following chronic lead exposure during neonatal development
  459. The effects of magnesium ions on the interactions of ox brain and liver Glutamate dehydrogenase with ATP and GTP
  460. Developmental changes in choline acetyltransferase and Glutamate decarboxylase activity in various regions of the brain of the male, female, and neonatally …
  461. Maternal ethanol consumption: binding of L-Glutamate to synaptic membranes from whole brain, cortices, and cerebella of offspring
  462. Synthesis of Glutamate and aspartate in rat brain synaptosomes.
  464. Characterization of L-Glutamate and kainate binding sites in the brain of a freshwater fish, Telapilia monsanbica
  465. N-acetyl-L-Glutamate in brain: assay, levels, and regional and subcellular distribution
  466. The CSF HCO3− increase in hypercapnia relationship to HCO3−, Glutamate, glutamine and NH3 in brain
  467. Glutamate-evoked gene expression in brain cells—focus on transcription factors
  468. Enflurane-induced release of an excitatory amino acid, Glutamate, from mouse brain synaptosomes
  469. Effect of insulin hypoglycaemia on brain Glutamate
  470. The effects of hyperketonemia on Glutamate and glutamine metabolism in developing rat brain
  471. brain Glutamate metabolism during metabolic alkalosis and acidosis
  472. Antibodies to a C‐terminal peptide of the rat brain Glutamate receptor subunit, GluR‐A, recognize a subpopulation of AMPA binding sites but not kainate sites
  473. … OF Glutamate, GLUTAMINE, AND ASPARTATE FROM brain LABELLED WITH [1‐14C] ACETATE, l‐[U‐14C]‐ASPARTATE, AND l‐[U‐14C]Glutamate
  474. Antibodies against the bovine brain Glutamate binding protein
  475. Glutamate stimulates dopamine release from cortical and limbic rat brain in vitro
  476. Molecular size of the high-affinity Glutamate-binding site on synaptic membranes from rat brain
  477. Possible heterogeneity of metabotropic Glutamate receptors in duced in Xenopus oocytes by rat brain mRNA
  478. Glutamate decarboxylase distribution in discrete motor nuclei in the cat brain
  479. Alterations in Glutamate dehydrogenase of the brain of rats of various ages
  480. Comparison of human brain and liver Glutamate dehydrogenase cDNAs
  481. 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Cerebral Glutamate in an Ex Vivo brain Preparation of Guinea Pig
  482. Methods for the isolation and determination of Glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, and γ-aminobutyrate in brain
  483. Purification and characterization of a novel form of brain L-Glutamate decarboxylase. A Ca (2+)-dependent peripheral membrane protein.
  484. Effect of free malonate on the utilization of Glutamate by rat brain mitochondria
  485. Isolation of Glutamate-binding proteins from rat and bovine brain synaptic membranes and immunochemical and immunocytochemical characterization
  486. The Effect of Acute and Chronic Hypercapnia upon the Lactate, Pyruvate, α‐ketoglutarate, Glutamate and Phosphocreatine Contents of the Rat brain
  487. Calcium‐dependent binding of brain Glutamate decarboxylase to phospholipid vesicles
  488. Changes in some properties of Glutamate decarboxylase activity during the maturation of the brain
  489. γ-d-glutamylaminomethyl sulfonic acid (GAMS) distinguishes kainic acid-from AMPA-induced responses in Xenopus oocytes expressing chick brain Glutamate …
  490. Reduction of125I-angiotensin II binding sites in rat brain following monosodium Glutamate treatment
  491. Monosodium L-Glutamate-induced convulsions–II. Changes in catecholamine concentrations in various brain areas of adult rats.
  492. Effects of Li+ on the metabolism in brain of Glutamate, glutamine, aspartate and GABA from [1-14C] acetate in vitro
  493. Binding of ATP to brain Glutamate decarboxylase as studied by affinity chromatography
  494. Partial purification of the sodium-and potassium-coupled L-Glutamate transport glycoprotein from rat brain
  495. Effect of Glutamate analogues on brain tumor cell lines
  496. Studies on the release of exogenous and endogenous GABA and Glutamate from rat brain synaptosomes
  497. Inhibition of ox brain Glutamate dehydrogenase by perphenazine
  498. Effects of amines on the level of N‐acetyl‐aspartate and N‐acetyl‐aspartyl‐Glutamate in mouse brain tissue slices
  499. Glutamate, calcium ion-chelating agents and the sodium and potassium ion contents of tissues from the brain
  500. Differential changes in Glutamate receptor subunit messenger RNAs in rat brain after haloperidol treatment
  501. … 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid and characterization of its binding to rat brain membranes: a selective ligand for the chloride/calcium-dependent class ofl-Glutamate …
  502. Purification of the Glutamate decarboxylase from human brain
  503. Glutamate-containing dipeptides enhance specific binding at Glutamate receptors and inhibit specific binding at kainate receptors in rat brain
  505. N-methyl-d-aspartate-sensitive [3H] Glutamate binding sites in brain synaptic membranes treated with Triton X-100
  506. Regulatory aspects of endogenous Glutamate in brain
  507. Synaptic vesicles from hog brain—their isolation and the coupling between synthesis and uptake of γ-aminobutyrate by Glutamate decarboxylase
  508. Altered Glutamate binding following quinolinate lesions in developing rat brain
  509. Glutamate dehydrogenase: some properties of the rat brain enzyme from different cellular compartments.
  510. Pharmacology of putative Glutamate receptors from insect skeletal muscles, insect central nervous system and rat brain
  511. Functional adenosine Al receptors in goldfish brain: regional distribution and inhibition of K+-evoked Glutamate release from cerebellar slices
  512. Intrauterine malnutrition and the brain: effects on enzymes and free amino acids related to Glutamate metabolism
  513. Analysis of Glutamate decarboxylase in post-mortem brain tissue in Huntington’s chorea
  514. Seizure susceptibility in the developing mouse and its relationship to Glutamate decarboxylase and pyridoxal phosphate in brain
  515. Purification of L‐Glutamate decarboxylase from rabbit brain and preparation of a monospecific antiserum
  516. Glutamate and GABA levels and Glutamate decarboxylase activity in brain regions of rats after prolonged treatment with alkali cations
  517. Structure and function of the sodium and potassium-coupled Glutamate transporter from rat brain
  518. Characterization and partial purification of a chloride-and calcium-dependent Glutamate-binding protein from rat brain
  519. Characterization of metabotropic Glutamate receptors coupled to a pertussis toxin sensitive G‐protein in bovine brain coated vesicles
  520. Inhibition of Glutamate-elicited accumulation of adenosine cyclic 3′, 5′-monophosphate in brain slices by α, ω-diaminocarboxylic acids
  521. Excitotoxic brain injury suppresses striatal high‐affinity Glutamate uptake in perinatal rats
  522. brain mitochondrial citrate synthase and Glutamate dehydrogenase: differential inhibition by fatty acyl coenzyme A derivatives
  523. brain damage in neonatal mice following monosodium Glutamate administration: Possible involvement of hypernatremia and hyperosmolality
  524. Distinguishing characteristics between Glutamate and kainic acid binding sites in brain synaptic membranes
  525. Constant infusion of [13C6] glucose: simultaneous measurement of turnover of GABA and Glutamate in defined regions of the brain of individual animals
  526. L-Glutamate stimulation of Na+ efflux from brain synaptic membrane vesicles.
  527. Rat brain Glutamate receptors activate chloride channels in Xenopus oocytes coupled by inositol trisphosphate and Ca2+.
  528. Morphine and pain: effects on aspartate, GABA and Glutamate in four discrete areas of mouse brain
  529. Glutamate formed from lignoceric acid by rat brain preparation in the presence of pyridine nucleotide and cytosolic factors: a brain-specific oxidation of very long chain …
  531. Interrelationships between ornithine, Glutamate and GABA—I. Feed-back inhibition of ornithine aminotransferase by elevated brain GABA levels
  532. Effect of undernutrition on metabolic compartmentation of Glutamate and on the incorporation of [14C] leucine into protein in the developing rat brain
  533. Dithiotreitol specifically inhibits metabotropic responses of Glutamate and depolarizing agents in rat brain synaptoneurosomes
  534. Glutamate and glutamine in the brain: influence of acute PCO2 changes in normal rats and in rats under sustained hypercapnia or hypocapnia
  535. Acute and short-term effects of intraventricular injection of somatostatin and LHRH on Glutamate and GABA levels in rat brain.
  536. Interaction between brain enzymes Glutamate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase
  537. Glutamate enhances brain damage and albumin content in cerebrospinal fluid after intracarotid protamine infusion
  538. GABA-ergic system in brain regions of Glutamate-lesioned rats.
  539. Glutamate autoreceptors in mammalian brain
  540. Evidence for the presence of N-Acetyl-α-l-aspartyl-l-Glutamate in human brain
  541. Effects of N6-monobutyryl-cyclic AMP on Glutamate decarboxylase activity in fetal rat brain cells and glial tumor cells in culture
  542. … and quantitative characteristics of Glutamate dehydrogenase of the hippocampus formation during the postnatal development of the rat brain: Comparative studies on …
  543. Regional distribution and ionic requirement of Cl−/Ca2+-activated and Cl−/Ca2+-independent Glutamate receptors in rat brain
  544. Effect of elevated extracellular potassium on the release of labelled noradrenaline, Glutamate, glycine, β-alanine and other amino acids from rat brain cortex slices
  545. Separate binding sites in rat brain synaptic membranes for L-cysteine sulfinate and for L-Glutamate
  546. A chloride-and calcium-dependent Glutamate-binding protein from rat brain. Identification as a ubiquitous constituent of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
  547. Are Ca2+-dependent proteases really responsible for Cl−-dependent and Ca2+-stimulated binding of [3H] Glutamate in rat brain?
  548. Pharmacological properties of quisqualate-and kainate-preferring Glutamate receptors induced in Xenopus oocytes by rat and chick brain mRNA
  549. On the localization of the two Glutamate pools in the brain. Comparison of their metabolic activities in human and rat brain tissue in vitro.
  550. Sulfur amino acid metabolism in the developing rhesus monkey brain: interrelationship of taurine and Glutamate
  552. Potentiating effects of serotonin and vasoactive intestinal peptide on the action of Glutamate on suprachiasmatic neurons in brain slices
  553. Potassium and veratrine-stimulated l-[3H] cysteine sulfinate and l-[3H] Glutamate release from rat brain slices
  554. Glutamate compartmentation in developing cat brain
  555. Calcium ions induce Glutamate transport into rat brain membrane vesicles in the absence of sodium and chloride evidence for a novel uptake site?
  556. Measurement of Glutamate, aspartate and glycine and its potential precursors in human brain using high-performance liquid chromatography by pre-column …
  558. Glutamate Transport and Not Glutamate Receptor Binding Is Stimulated by Gangliosides in a Ca2+‐Dependent Manner in Rat brain Synaptic Plasma Membranes
  559. Glutamate decarboxylase and γ-Aminobutyrate transaminase in developing rat brain
  560. Taurine biosynthesis in rat brain in vivo: lack of relationship with cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase Glutamate decarboxylase‐associated activity (GAD/CSDII)
  561. Reassessment of [3H] Glutamate binding to human brain membrane preparations
  562. Isolation of 4.5‐Dihydroxyisophthalic Acid, an Inhibitor of brain Glutamate Decarboxylase, Produced by a Streptomyces Species
  563. Effect of dietary monosodium L-Glutamate on some brain and liver metabolites in rats
  564. ATP binding to brain l-Glutamate decarboxylase: A study by affinity chromatography
  565. Effects in vitro of L-Glutamate and kainic acid on the ATPase activities of synaptosomal membranes from different areas of rat brain
  566. Adenosine A1 receptor-mediated inhibition of evoked Glutamate release is coupled to calcium influx decrease in goldfish brain synaptosomes
  567. Effect of vitamin B6 on L-Glutamate dehydrogenase activity in mice brain
  568. Regional distribution of metabotropic Glutamate response in the rat brain using Xenopus oocytes
  569. Action of the neurotoxin β-N-oxalyl-L-α, β-diaminopropionic acid on Glutamate metabolism of brain mitochondria
  570. The relation between monosodium Glutamate inducing brain damage, and body weight, food intake, semen production and endocrine criteria in the fowl
  571. Effects of acute hepatic encephalopathy and in vitro treatment with ammonia on Glutamate oxidation in bulk-isolated astrocytes and mitochondria of the rat brain
  572. brain glutaminase activity in relation to transmitter Glutamate biosynthesis
  573. Synthesis of affinity chromatography resins for the purification of brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  574. The development of monoamine oxidase, Glutamate decarboxylase and choline acetyltransferase in the guinea pig brain
  575. Effect of ethanol on the uptake by rat brain synaptosomes of {3H} DL-norepinephrine,{3H} 5-hydroxytryptamine,{3H} GABA and {3H} Glutamate
  576. Slow Diffusion of Glutamate and ATP‐Mg into High‐Molecular‐Weight Complexes Containing the Glutamyl‐tRNA Synthetase from Bovine brain
  577. Functional characteristics of L-Glutamate, N-methyl-D-aspartate and kainate receptors in isolated brain synaptic membranes
  578. Convulsive effect elicited by topical application of penicillin on Glutamate–glutamine system of brain
  579. Effect of disulfiram administration on Glutamate uptake by synaptosomes in the rat brain
  581. Solubilization of quisqualate-sensitive L-[3H] Glutamate binding sites from guinea pig brain membranes using a zwitterionic detergent
  582. A comparative study on the elicitability of vocalization by electrical brain stimulation, Glutamate, aspartate and quisqualate in the squirrel monkey
  583. Reciprocal regulation of fatty acid release in the brain by GABA and Glutamate
  584. Effects of pharmacological manipulations on basal and newly synthesized levels of GABA, Glutamate, aspartate and glut amine in mouse brain cortex
  585. Solubilization and characterization of Glutamate binding sites from porcine brain
  587. Effects of subchronic treatment of methamphetamine haloperidol on the rat brain levels of GABA, Glutamate and aspartate
  588. Role of carbon dioxide fixation, blood aspartate and Glutamate in the adaptation of amphibian brain tissues to a hyperosmotic internal environment
  589. Differentiation of the Ca2+-stimulated binding from the Cl−-dependent binding of [3H] Glutamate in synaptic membranes from rat brain
  590. Effect of undernutrition in early life on Glutamate decarboxylase activity in the adult brain.
  591. A histochemical study of Glutamate receptor in rat brain using biotinyl spider toxin
  592. brain lactate and alanine-Glutamate ratios during and after asphyxia in rats
  593. … between seizure-prone and non-seizure-prone mice with regard to Glutamate and GABA receptor binding in the hippocampus and other regions of the brain
  594. An integral membrane protein form of brain l-Glutamate decar☐ ylase: purification, characterization and its relationship to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  595. Ethacrynic acid-induced Glutamate release from mouse brain synaptosomes
  596. Deficit of [3H] L-689,560 binding to the glycine site of the Glutamate/NMDA receptor in the brain in Huntington’s disease
  597. Effects of in vitro ethanol addition on brain synaptic membrane Glutamate binding
  598. Histochemical demonstration of sodium-dependent Glutamate uptake in brain tissues by Glutamate dehydrogenase reaction
  599. 19F NMR calcium changes, edema and histology in neonatal rat brain slices during Glutamate toxicity
  600. Free radicals, Glutamate, dopamine, and serotonin after ischemia reperfusion insult in aging gerbil brain
  602. Characterization of L-[3H] Glutamate binding sites in bovine brain coated vesicles
  603. Effects of ouabain, Glutamate and cations on phosphate incorporation in brain slices
  604. Inhibition of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase by a metabolite of cycloheximide: Its relevance for the ammonia formation of brain slices
  605. A comparative study of L[3H]‐Glutamate and L[3H]‐cysteine sulfinate binding sites in subcellular fractions of rat brain
  606. Decarboxylases brain Glutamate Decarboxylase as a Model
  607. Age-dependent changes in some aspects of Glutamate metabolism in the brain of the teleost, Channa punctatus. I. Ammonia and glutamine contents and Glutamate …
  608. Lactate dehydrogenase and Glutamate dehydrogenase activities in the circumventricular organs of rat brain following neonatal monosodium Glutamate
  609. Isoacceptor tRNAs for Glutamate, glutamine, aspartate and asparagine in calf brain
  610. Effect of Monocular Deprivation on Uptake and Binding of [3H]Glutamate in the Visual System of Rat brain
  611. Histidine 326 is critical for the function of GLT-1, a (Na++ K+)-coupled Glutamate transporter from rat brain.
  612. Effects of Dieldrin or DDT in vivo on Alpha-Alanine, Gamma-Amino-butyrate, Glutamine, and Glutamate in Rat brain
  613. The Glutamate uptake inhibitor L-trans-2, 4-pyrrolidine dicarboxylate is neurotoxic in neonatal rat brain
  614. Ammonia added in vitro, but not moderate hyperammonemia in vivo, stimulates Glutamate uptake and H+-ATPase activity in synaptic vesicles of the rat brain
  615. A comparison of the kinetic properties of mouse brain Glutamate decarboxylase activities in the mitochondrial and supernatant fractions
  616. Effect of systemic monosodium L-Glutamate on muscarinic cholinergic receptors in selected rat brain regions during development.
  617. Effects of Different Potassium Ion Concentrations and of Procaine and Pentobarbital on [14C]Glutamate Fluxes in Rat brain-Cortex Slices
  618. Effects of ammonia intoxication and liver injury on rat brain Glutamate-dehydrogenase and glutaminase activity.
  619. Dopamine turnover and Glutamate decarboxylase activity in the rat brain after acute and chronic treatment with raclopride, a dopamine D2-selective antagonist
  620. Glutamate decarboxylase activity in chick brain and retina
  621. Effect of Wheat and Bengalgram Diets on brain Glutamate Metabolism in Postweanling Rats
  622. Preconvulsive changes in brain glucose metabolism following drugs inhibiting Glutamate decarboxylase
  623. Sodium, potassium and Glutamate content of guinea pig brain following exposure to oxygen at high pressure
  624. Identification and characterization of a high-affinity Glutamate-controlled TCP binding site in rat brain postsynaptic densities
  625. Biochemical changes of brain and liver in neonatal offspring of rats fed monosodium-L-Glutamate
  626. Effect ofd-andl-α-aminoadipate on the efflux ofl-aspartate, l-Glutamate and γ-aminobutyrate from superfused rat brain slices
  627. Glutamate metabolism in the brain of young rats exposed to organic and inorganic lead
  628. Binding of L-[3H] Glutamate to repeatedly frozen-thawed rat brain membranes
  629. Steroid-monoamine feedback interactions in discrete brain regions using as a model the monosodium Glutamate (MSG)-lesioned rat
  630. Further evidence for Glutamate and the kallikrein-kinin-system as brain edema factors
  631. brain Glutamate decarboxylase and pyrroloquinoline quinone.
  632. Interaction of phospholipid with brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  633. … effects of SH-reactive agents on [3H](±)-3-(2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl) propyl-1-phosphonate and [3H] Glutamate binding in brain synaptic membranes treated with …
  634. D-aspartate binding to the Glutamate uptake site in human brain tissue—effects of leucotomy
  635. Further studies on the role of calcium in the regulation of Glutamate decarboxylase activity in brain slices
  636. Determination of 4-aminobutyric acid, aspartate, Glutamate and glutamine and their 13C stable-isotopic enrichment in brain tissue by gas chromatography-mass …
  637. Binding of [3H] MK-801, NMDA-displaceable [3H] Glutamate,[3H] glycine,[3H] spermidine,[3H] kainate and [3H] AMPA to regionally discrete brain membranes of the …
  638. Efflux of GABA, Glutamate and glutamine from the brain: a mass fragmentographic study
  639. brain Glutamate decarboxylase and cholinergic enzyme activities in scrapie
  640. High concentrations of calmodulin antagonists inhibit accumulation and binding activities of [3H] Glutamate in rat brain
  641. Stereochemical action of mouse brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  642. Specific labelling of brain receptors with [3H]N-acetyl-aspartyl-Glutamate
  643. Ionotropic Glutamate receptor types leading to adenosine‐mediated inhibition of electrically evoked [3H]‐noradrenaline release in rabbit brain cortex slices
  644. Purine nucleotides inhibit the binding of DL-[3H] 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (DL-[3H] APB) to L-Glutamate-sensitive sites on rat brain membranes
  645. Binding’of Glutamate and aspartate to synaptosomal fractions of six regions of the feline brain
  646. Molecular aspects of Glutamate receptors and sodium-calcium exchange carriers in mammalian brain: implications for neuronal development and degeneration
  647. Possible involvement of c-fos translational regulation in the interaction between Glutamate and neurotrophic factors in brain ischemia
  648. Secondary brain damage from severe head injury and cerebral ischemia–the role of Glutamate
  649. The sulphydryl groups of ox brain and liver Glutamate dehydrogenase preparations and the effects of oxidation on their inhibitor sensitivities
  650. … and Ontogeny of 1S,3R‐1‐Aminocyclopentane‐1,3‐Dicarboxylic Acid‐Sensitive and Quisqualate‐Insensitive [3H]Glutamate Binding Sites in the Rat brain
  651. Studies on permeability in relation to nerve function: IV. Effect of Glutamate and aspartate upon the rate of entrance of potassium into brain cortical slices
  652. L‐Leucine Prevents Ammonia‐Induced Changes in Glutamate Receptors in the brain and in Visual Evoked Potentials in the Rabbit
  653. Amino acid contents and Glutamate decarboxylase activity in brain of methylazoxymethanol-induced microencephalic rats
  654. Differential action of adenosine triphosphate on high affinity transport of L-Glutamate and L-aspartate in rat brain synaptosomes
  655. Possible dysfunction of ionotropic Glutamate receptors in cerebellum of epileptic E1 mouse brain
  656. Glutamate and glutamine in the brain of the neonatal rat during hypercapnia
  657. Effect of different classes of psychotropic substances on 14C-Glutamate uptake by crude synaptosomal fractions in the rat brain
  658. Continuous measurement of net potassium movements in rat brain cortex suspensions: Effects of Glutamate, veratridine, creatine and other substances
  659. Development of a Pyrrolidinone Derivative (Cyclic GABA) for Modulating brain Glutamate Transmission
  660. Inhibition of brain Glutamate Decarboxylase by 4, 5-Dihydroxyisophthalic Acid and Related Compounds
  661. Effects of the Glutamate analogue AMPA and its interaction with antagonists on cultured rat spinal and brain stem neurones
  662. Influence of hyperoxia (1 ATA) on mouse brain GABA, Glutamate, and glutamine.
  663. Increase in Na Pump Activity of brain-type Isoforms via Increased Turnover Rate after Glutamate Excitation of Cerebral Neurons
  664. The stimulus-evoked release of Glutamate and GABA from brain subregions following transient forebrain ischemia in the rat
  665. Behavioural pharmacology of brain Glutamate
  666. Glutamate decarboxylase activity in brain regions of differentially-housed mice; a difference in the olfactory bulb
  667. Interrelationships of Glucose, Glutamate and Aspartate Metabolism in Developing Rabbit brain
  668. Glutamate decarboxylase inhibition and vitamin B6 metabolism in brain of cirrhotic rats chronically treated with carbon tetrachloride
  669. Traumatic brain Damage Mediated by Excitatory Amino Acid Neurotransmitters: Glutamate Release from Contused brain Tissue
  670. Differential Expression of Three Glutamate Receptor Genes in Developing Rat brain: An in Situ Hybridization Study
  671. Effects of neonatal administration of monosodium Glutamate on four neuropeptide concentrations in the rat brain
  672. Features of the interconversion of alpha-ketoglutarate–Glutamate in brain mitochondria of exothermic animals during hibernation
  673. Reversible activation of GABA and l-Glutamate uptake intosynaptosomes isolated from the rat brain in response to a single carbacholine injection into hippocampus
  674. Ionic Regulation of the Binding of dl‐[3H]2‐Amino‐4‐Phosphonobutyrate to l‐Glutamate‐Sensitive Sites on Rat brain Membranes
  675. … -dependent effects of estradiol-17-β catecholamine turnover rates, gamma-aminobutyric acid and Glutamate concentrations in various hypothalamic and limbic brain …
  676. Activity of Glutamate decarboxylase in the brain of rats exposed to carbon disulfide
  677. Changes in Oxygenation States of Rat brain Tissues during Glutamate-Related Epileptic Seizures-Near-Infrared Study
  678. Adenosine receptors in rat brain synaptosomes: Receptor characterization and relationships with Glutamate release
  679. Age related effects of nutritional vitamin B6 deficiency on B6-dependent enzymes of Glutamate, γ-aminobutyrate and glutamine systems in the rat brain
  680. brain lesions and obesity in mouse offspring caused by maternal administration of monosodium Glutamate during pregnancy
  681. Biochemical-molecular characteristics of the brain synaptic membrane Glutamate receptor.
  682. Effect of acrylonitrile on gamma-aminobutyric acid levels, Glutamate decarboxylase activity, and lipid peroxidation in rat brain
  683. Participation of Glutamate and alanine in amino acid biosynthesis, in lipogenesis, and in gluconeogenesis in the brain
  684. Time course of Glutamate receptor expression in individual oocytes of Xenopus laevis after injection of rat brain RNA
  685. Pretreatment of rat brain slices with ouabain decreases chloride-dependent L-Glutamate transport in synaptic membrane
  686. Pressor response induced by Glutamate injection into caudal ventrolateral part of periaqueductal gray matter and its efferent pathway in brain-stem
  687. Changes in dehydrogenase Glutamate in the rat brain caused by thyroid hormone deficiency
  688. Effects of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) on levels of Glutamate and aspartate in the mouse brain
  689. Effect of diphenylhydantoin, granatane-3-spiro-5′-hydantoin and leptazol on mouse brain Glutamate dehydrogenase, urea and ammonia levels in brain.
  690. Effect of hypothermia on Glutamate dehydrogenase activity of the brain
  691. Purification and some physico-chemical properties of Glutamate dehydrogenase from beef brain
  692. Multiple Cl−-independent binding sites for the excitatory amino acids: Glutamate, aspartate and cysteine sulfinate in rat brain membranes
  693. Chronic bombesin treatment increased the [3H] spiperone binding, Glutamate decar☐ ylase and choline acetyltransferase activity in the rat brain
  694. Purine nucleoside and nucleotide regulation of high affinity [3H] Glutamate and [3H] aspartate uptake into rat brain synaptosomes.
  695. Glucose, Glutamate and Succinate Oxidation in brain
  696. Methionine‐Induced Changes in Glutamate, Aspartate, Glutamine, and γ‐Aminobutyrate Levels in brain Tissue
  697. Effect of sublethal daily dosing of monocrotophos on activities of aminotransferases and Glutamate dehydrogenase in rat brain
  698. Selective Distribution of Radioactivity in the Neonatal Mouse brain following Subcutaneous Administration of^< 14> C-labeled Monosodium Glutamate
  699. … in liver, upon the NAD content in liver and brain, and upon the activity of Glutamate oxalate aminotransferase and Glutamate pyruvate aminotransferase in the serum of …
  700. Molecular and functional characterization of a brain neuronal membrane Glutamate-binding protein
  701. β‐N‐γ‐Glutamyl Diaminopropionic Acid, a Convulsant and an Inhibitor of brain Glutamate Decarboxylase
  702. Studies of effects of Helicid on Glutamate decarboxylase and γ-aminobutyric acid transaminase in mouse brain by using isotope paper chromatography [J]
  703. … , and Partial Purification of α‐Amino‐3‐Hydroxy‐5‐Methyl‐4‐Isoxazolepropionic Acid‐, Quisqualate‐, Kainate‐Sensitive l‐Glutamate Binding Sites from Porcine brain …
  704. The Role of Glutamate Decarboxylase and GABA Transaminase in Post Mortem GABA Increases in Discrete Regions of Rat brain
  705. [2-14C] Ethanol as a precursor of glutamine, Glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid and aspartate in hamster brain in vivo
  706. Influence of malathion on the catalytic potential of Glutamate dehydrogenase in sheep brain
  708. Identification of L-Glutamate binding sites in chick brain by photoaffinity labeling
  710. Study of brain Glutamate decarboxylase activity in rats during the action of strychnine and isonicotinylhydraside
  711. Effects of betaine on the Glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in primary cultured chicken brain cells
  712. Regional and cellular distribution of Glutamate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in brain: implications for neurodegenerative disorders
  713. Glutamate: Three Meetings but How Many Receptors? Excitatory Amino Acids 1990: A Fidia Research Foundation Symposium, Padua, Italy, May 21-26, 1990 …
  714. Tracking Glutamate lesions in the neonatal brain
  715. Differentiation of Cl−/Ca2+-dependent and sodium dependent3H-Glutamate binding to cortical membranes from rat brain by high energy radiation inactivation …
  716. Characterization of the calcium and chloride [3H] Glutamate binding site in crude synaptic membranes from human brain tissue.
  717. Partial purification of [3H] Glutamate-associating-proteins with sensitivity to displacement by N-methyl-d-aspartate from rat brain
  718. Intracerebral injection of tumor necrosis factor-α does not increase brain concentrations of Glutamate
  720. Effects of prenatal exposure to 2, 4-D/2, 4, 5-T mixture on postnatal changes in rat brain Glutamate, GABA, protein, and nucleic acid levels
  721. Epidermal growth factor treatment during early postnatal development: Glutamine synthetase and Glutamate decarboxylase activities in mouse brain
  722. … pharmacological characterization of putative α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid/kainate-sensitive l-Glutamate receptors solubilized from pig brain
  723. Characteristics of the Glutamate decarboxylase reaction in homogenates of various regions of the rat brain
  724. Glutamate dehydrogenase from rat brain. Properties of the enzyme when acting in the direction of Glutamate degradation
  725. Molecular and functional properties of metabotropic Glutamate receptors in the brain
  726. Molecular and electrophysiological characterization of rat brain Glutamate receptors
  727. Early changes in GABA and Glutamate levels and aminotransferase activity in parts of the rat brain following whole-body gamma irradiation at an absolutely lethal …
  729. The effect of electrical stimulation upon the activity of brain Glutamate decarboxilase” in vitro”.
  730. Labeling of Glutamate, glutamine, and aspartate in brain from c14 aspartate and acetate/WJ Ncklas DD Clarke and S. Berl Chemistry Dept., Fordham University and …
  731. Original Articles; Interaction of phospholipid with brain Glutamate Decarboxylase
  733. Original Articles; Catalytic and Structural Properties of brain Glutamate Decarboxylase
  734. Evaluation of serum Glutamate decarboxylase levels as a parameter in assessing brain damage
  735. Protein deficiency and regional chemistry of the brain. 2. Effects of protein deficiency on regional distribution of enzymes of Glutamate metabolism in rat brain.
  736. Rat brain gaba and Glutamate content in m-fluorotyrosine convulsions
  737. Solubilization of a Glutamate-binding protein from brain membranes
  739. Glutamate and related substances in the brain: histochemical methodology and Alzheimer’s pathology
  740. Infant rats exposure to aspartate and Glutamate: Neuroendocrinopathies and structural analysis of brain damage
  743. Energy Coupling of L-Glutamate Transport and Vacuolar H+-ATPf in brain Synaptic Vesicles1
  744. Glutamate decarboxylase activity in the central structures of the dog brain visual analyzer in the early period of postnatal ontogenesis
  745. Ontogeny of Glutamate-stimulated phosphoinositide turnover in brain and its response to neuronal injury.
  746. Subcellular Glutamate and glutamine pools in rat brain
  747. Glutamate and GABA concentration in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of rats treated with phosphatidylcholine
  748. Effect of early visual deprivation on Glutamate decarboxylase activity in the visual analyzer of the brain
  749. Veratridine-induced release of endogenous Glutamate from rat brain cortex slices: a reappraisal of the role of calcium
  750. Content of N-acetyl-alpha-l-aspartyl-l-Glutamate in bird brain in ontogenesis and under hyperoxia
  751. Ischemic and hypoglycemic brain damage: An experimental study in the rat on the effects of Glutamate receptor antagonists.
  753. Effects of betaine on the Glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in primary cultured chicken brain cells
  754. Purification and characterization of a high-molecular-weight endogenous Glutamate-binding inhibitor in porcine brain
  756. Expression of the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor mGluRla and the Ionotropic Glutamate Receptor GluR1 in the brain during the Postnatal Development of …
  758. Effect of Ca++ and GABA on oxidation of Glutamate and glutamine by rat brain synaptosomes
  759. Effect of phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) on brain tissue arachidonic acid and extracellular Glutamate level in complete cerebral ischemia in rats
  761. … of Glutamate-sensitive chemo-stimulated nerve cell membranes. Interaction of monoclonal antibodies with Glutamate-binding membrane proteins in the rat brain …
  762. Enzyme histochemical demonstration of sodium-dependent Glutamate uptake in Glutamatergic brain structures in the rat
  763. Effect of hydrocortisone on gamma-aminobutyric acid content and Glutamate decarboxylase activity in various areas of the rat brain
  764. Glutamate decarboxylase activity in subcellular fractions of tissues of brain visual analyzer in dogs during postnatal ontogenesis
  766. Tryptophan inhibits the [3H] Glutamate uptake into Xenopus oocytes injected with rat brain mRNA
  767. Effect of sodium and calcium ions on Glutamate and glutamine oxidation by rat brain synaptosomes
  769. Changes in medium radioactivity and composition accompany high-affinity uptake of Glutamate and aspartate by mouse brain slices
  770. Ionotropic Glutamate recetor gene expression in the rat brain during development and effects of visual deprivation
  771. Axon-Sparing brain Lesioning Technique: The Use of Monosodium-L-Glutamate and Other Amino Acids: EL Simson et al……………….. 515
  773. Aspartate aminotransferase and Glutamate dehydrogenase activity in the rat brain during infrared laser exposure
  774. Effect of Ca2+ and gamma-aminobutyric acid on Glutamate and glutamine oxidation by rat brain synaptosomes
  775. Effects of kainic and domoic acids on the release of Glutamate and aspartate from rat brain synaptosomes
  776. Glutamate decarboxylase activity in subcellular fractions of tissue of brain visual analyzer of dogs subjected to visual deprivation
  777. Characterization of Glutamate receptors coupled to a pertussis toxin sensitive G-protein in bovine brain coated vesicles
  778. Interhemispherical study of the activities of aminopeptidases, lactate dehydrogenase and Glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase in the rat brain
  779. Glutamate Stably Enhances the Activity of Two Cytosolic Forms of Phospholipase A2 in brain Cortical Neuronal Cultures
  780. Comparative sensitivity of the somas and dendrites of pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus to Glutamate, aspartate and GABA in isolated sections of rat brain
  781. Functional Reconstitution of Binding-ion Channel Activity and Immunochemical Characterization of brain Synaptic Membrane Glutamate Binding Protein
  782. Effects of LI+ on the metabolism in brain of Glutamate, glutamine, aspartate and gaba from [I-14] acetate in vitro/S. Berl and DD Clarke Department of Neurology …
  784. Glutamate decarboxylase and GABA transaminase activity in the mitochondrial fraction of the dog brain limbic system during postnatal development
  785. Uptake of gamma-aminobutyric acid and Glutamate decarboxylase activity in synaptosomes of various regions of the brain of rats in adrenalectomy and in subsequent …
  786. 6-Aminonicotinamide: EEG changes and effects on the activities of enzymes related to Glutamate metabolism in rat brain regions
  787. N-acyl derivatives of D,L-aspartic acid: Synthesis, psychotropic properties, and effect on binding of3H-Glutamate to brain membranes
  788. Glutamate and glycine modulation of 3H-MK801 binding to the NMDA receptor-ion channel complex in the vitamin B-6 deficient neonatal rat brain
  789. Characterization of L-(sup 3 H) Glutamate binding sites in the synaptic membranes of rat brain
  790. … activity of some amino acids. 3. Changes in the glutamic acid and glutamine brain ratio in rats after sodium Glutamate and effervescent compound Glutamate …
  791. Characterization of L-(hydrogen-3) Glutamate binding sites in the synaptic membranes of rat brain.
  792. Regulation of/sup 3/H-dopamine release by presynaptic GABA and Glutamate heteroreceptors in rat brain nucleus accumbens synaptosomes
  793. Regulation of 3H-dopamine release by presynaptic GABA and Glutamate heteroreceptors in rat brain nucleus accumbens synaptosomes
  794. Selective distribution of radioactivity in the neonatal mouse brain following subcutaneous administration of/sup 14/C-labeled monosodium Glutamate
  795. Differentation of Cl/sup-//Ca/sup 2+/-dependent and sodium dependent/sup 3/H-Glutamate binding to cortical membranes from rat brain by high energy radiation …
  796. Effect of insulin on the rate of conversion of glycine-2-14C to serine, aspartate and Glutamate in brain and liver.
  797. Glutamate as a neurotransmitter in the brain: review of physiology and pathology
  798. brain Glutamate transporter proteins form homomultimers
  799. Book review: GABA and Glutamate in the human brain
  800. Glutamate receptors: brain function and signal transduction
  801. The role of Glutamate transporters in Glutamate homeostasis in the brain.
  802. Glutamate receptor expression in schizophrenic brain
  803. The Glutamate‐glutamine cycle is not stoichiometric: Fates of Glutamate in brain
  804. Group I metabotropic Glutamate receptors: implications for brain diseases
  805. Glutamate release in severe brain ischaemia is mainly by reversed uptake
  806. Transport of Glutamate and other amino acids at the blood-brain barrier
  807. Measurement of brain Glutamate using TE‐averaged PRESS at 3T
  808. Differential expression of two glial Glutamate transporters in the rat brain: quantitative and immunocytochemical observations
  809. Molecular mechanisms of Glutamate-dependent neurodegeneration in ischemia and traumatic brain injury
  810. brain microdialysis of GABA and Glutamate: what does it signify?
  811. Na+-dependent Glutamate transporters (EAAT1, EAAT2, and EAAT3) of the blood-brain barrier: a mechanism for Glutamate removal
  812. Glutamate and GABA receptor signalling in the developing brain
  813. Expression of Glutamate carboxypeptidase II in human brain
  814. In vivo NMR studies of the Glutamate neurotransmitter flux and neuroenergetics: implications for brain function
  815. Regulation of human Glutamate dehydrogenases: implications for Glutamate, ammonia and energy metabolism in brain
  816. Use-dependent exaggeration of brain injury: is Glutamate involved?
  817. Postmortem brain abnormalities of the Glutamate neurotransmitter system in autism
  818. Compartmentation of brain Glutamate metabolism in neurons and glia
  819. Distribution of metabotropic Glutamate receptor mGluR5 immunoreactivity in rat brain
  820. Identification of differentiation-associated brain-specific phosphate transporter as a second vesicular Glutamate transporter (VGLUT2)
  821. Immunohistochemical localization of candidates for vesicular Glutamate transporters in the rat brain
  822. Modulation of extracellular Glutamate concentration in rat brain slices by cystine‐Glutamate exchange
  823. Functions of Glutamate transporters in the brain
  824. Distribution of Glutamate transporter subtypes during human brain development
  825. Selective inhibition of NAALADase, which converts NAAG to Glutamate, reduces ischemic brain injury
  826. Epilepsy and exacerbation of brain injury in mice lacking the Glutamate transporter GLT-1
  827. Glutamate release and free radical production following brain injury: effects of posttraumatic hypothermia
  828. brain neuroprotection by scavenging blood Glutamate
  829. RNA editing of brain Glutamate receptor channels: mechanism and physiology
  830. Excitotoxic mechanisms and the role of astrocytic Glutamate transporters in traumatic brain injury
  831. Glutamate, calcium, and free radicals as mediators of ischemic brain damage
  832. TNFα potentiates Glutamate neurotoxicity by inhibiting Glutamate uptake in organotypic brain slice cultures: neuroprotection by NFκB inhibition
  833. brain uptake of Glutamate: food for thought
  834. Is high extracellular Glutamate the key to excitotoxicity in traumatic brain injury?
  835. Determination of the rate of the Glutamate/glutamine cycle in the human brain by in vivo 13C NMR
  836. Indispensability of the Glutamate transporters GLAST and GLT1 to brain development
  837. Age-related Glutamate and glutamine concentration changes in normal human brain: 1H MR spectroscopy study at 4 T
  838. Effects of aluminium exposure on brain Glutamate and GABA systems: an experimental study in rats
  839. Neuroprotection afforded by prior citicoline administration in experimental brain ischemia: effects on Glutamate transport
  840. An increase in lactate output by brain tissue serves to meet the energy needs of Glutamate-activated neurons
  841. Glutamate: a role in normal brain function, anaesthesia, analgesia and CNS injury.
  842. Glutamate concentrations in human brain using single voxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 3 Tesla
  843. T2 measurement and quantification of Glutamate in human brain in vivo
  844. Differential developmental expression of the two rat brain Glutamate transporter proteins GLAST and GLT
  845. Uptake of l‐Glutamate into Rat brain Synaptic Vesicles: Effect of Inhibitors that Bind Specifically to the Glutamate Transporter
  846. Immunocytochemical visualization of D-Glutamate in the rat brain
  847. The number of Glutamate transporter subtype molecules at Glutamatergic synapses: chemical and stereological quantification in young adult rat brain
  848. Monitoring Glutamate and ascorbate in the extracellular space of brain tissue with electrochemical microsensors
  849. Comparative analysis of Glutamate transporter expression in rat brain using differential double in situ hybridization
  850. In vivo monitoring of extracellular Glutamate in the brain with a microsensor
  851. Decreased expression of Glutamate transporters in astrocytes after human traumatic brain injury
  852. Inhibition of the high‐affinity brain Glutamate transporter GLAST‐1 via direct phosphorylation
  853. Understanding safety of Glutamate in food and brain
  854. Glutamate induces phosphorylation of Elk-1 and CREB, along with c-fos activation, via an extracellular signal-regulated kinase-dependent pathway in brain slices
  855. Localization of VGLUT3, the vesicular Glutamate transporter type 3, in the rat brain
  856. Increase in extracellular Glutamate caused by reduced cerebral perfusion pressure and seizures after human traumatic brain injury: a microdialysis study
  857. Pre-and postsynaptic localization of a metabotropic Glutamate receptor, mGluR2, in the rat brain: an immunohistochemical study with a monoclonal antibody
  858. Traumatic brain injury down‐regulates glial Glutamate transporter (GLT‐1 and GLAST) proteins in rat brain
  859. The neuropeptide Y/agouti gene-related protein (AGRP) brain circuitry in normal, anorectic, and monosodium Glutamate-treated mice
  860. Long-term effects of prenatal stress on dopamine and Glutamate receptors in adult rat brain
  861. Changes in dialysate concentrations of Glutamate and GABA in the brain: an index of volume transmission mediated actions?
  862. Distribution of the Cystine/Glutamate Antiporter System x−c in the brain, Kidney, and Duodenum
  863. Microelectrode array studies of basal and potassium‐evoked release of l‐Glutamate in the anesthetized rat brain
  864. Expression of a variant form of the Glutamate transporter GLT1 in neuronal cultures and in neurons and astrocytes in the rat brain
  865. Ischemic disruption of Glutamate homeostasis in brain: quantitative immunocytochemical analyses
  866. The role of Glutamate receptor maturation in perinatal seizures and brain injury
  867. Metabotropic Glutamate 5 receptor blockade may attenuate cocaine self-administration by decreasing brain reward function in rats
  868. Differential promotion of Glutamate transporter expression and function by glucocorticoids in astrocytes from various brain regions
  869. [3H] LY341495 binding to group II metabotropic Glutamate receptors in rat brain
  870. … brain energy metabolism in humans revealed by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: elucidation of the dominant pathway for neurotransmitter Glutamate …
  871. Vesicular Glutamate transporters in the brain
  872. Distribution of cystine/Glutamate exchange transporter, system xc−, in the mouse brain
  873. Localized in vivo 13C-NMR of Glutamate metabolism in the human brain: initial results at 4 tesla
  874. Ketogenic diet, brain Glutamate metabolism and seizure control
  875. Decreasing Glutamate buffering capacity triggers oxidative stress and neuropil degeneration in the Drosophila brain
  876. In vivo13C NMR measurement of neurotransmitter Glutamate cycling, anaplerosis and TCA cycle flux in rat brain during [2‐13C]glucose infusion
  877. Glutamate transporters in kidney and brain
  878. Clinical significance of CSF Glutamate concentrations following severe traumatic brain injury in humans
  879. Distribution and developmental regulation of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 7a in rat brain
  880. Developmental changes in the Ca2+-regulated mitochondrial aspartate–Glutamate carrier aralar1 in brain and prominent expression in the spinal cord
  881. Reduced N-acetylaspartate levels in mice lacking aralar, a brain-and muscle-type mitochondrial aspartate-Glutamate carrier
  882. Exercise affects Glutamate receptors in postsynaptic densities from cortical mice brain
  883. Anoxic depolarization mediates acute damage independent of Glutamate in neocortical brain slices
  884. The expression pattern of the Drosophila vesicular Glutamate transporter: a marker protein for motoneurons and Glutamatergic centers in the brain
  885. Creatine supplementation lowers brain Glutamate levels in Huntington’s disease
  886. Stimulation of endocannabinoid formation in brain slice cultures through activation of group I metabotropic Glutamate receptors
  887. Temporal profile of cerebrospinal fluid Glutamate, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α in relation to brain edema and contusion following controlled cortical …
  888. Regional brain Glutamate transport in rats at normal and raised concentrations of circulating Glutamate
  889. Neurotransmitters and brain maturation: early paracrine actions of GABA and Glutamate modulate neuronal migration
  890. Simultaneous determination of the rates of the TCA cycle, glucose utilization, α-ketoglutarate/Glutamate exchange, and glutamine synthesis in human brain by NMR
  891. brain Temperature Modifies Glutamate Neurotoxicity In Vivo
  892. The glial Glutamate transporter, GLT‐1, is oxidatively modified by 4‐hydroxy‐2‐nonenal in the Alzheimer’s disease brain: the role of Aβ1–42
  893. Proton MRS in acute traumatic brain injury: role for Glutamate/glutamine and choline for outcome prediction
  894. Excitatory amino acid neurotransmission. Pathways for metabolism, storage and reuptake of Glutamate in brain
  895. Glutamate receptor subtype expression in human postmortem brain tissue from schizophrenics and alcohol abusers
  896. Enhanced early developmental expression of the metabotropic Glutamate receptor mGluR5 in rat brain: protein, mRNA splice variants, and regional distribution
  897. Proton MR spectroscopy detected Glutamate/glutamine is increased in children with traumatic brain injury
  898. The brain Glutamate system in liver failure
  899. Altered histone acetylation at Glutamate receptor 2 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor genes is an early event triggered by status epilepticus
  900. Effects of aluminum on activity of Krebs cycle enzymes and Glutamate dehydrogenase in rat brain homogenate
  901. Expression and coupling to polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis of group I metabotropic Glutamate receptors in early postnatal and adult rat brain
  902. Characterization and distribution of the neuronal Glutamate transporter EAAC1 in rat brain
  903. An isocratic high performance liquid chromatography method for the determination of GABA and Glutamate in discrete regions of the rodent brain
  904. Guanosine enhances Glutamate uptake in brain cortical slices at normal and excitotoxic conditions
  905. The upregulation of glial Glutamate transporter-1 participates in the induction of brain ischemic tolerance in rats
  906. Regulation of GABA level in rat brain synaptosomes: fluxes through enzymes of the GABA shunt and effects of Glutamate, calcium, and ketone bodies
  907. Rate of Glutamate Synthesis from Leucine in Rat brain Measured In Vivo by 15N NMR
  908. The role of astroglia in Pb-exposed adult rat brain with respect to Glutamate toxicity
  909. Glutamate up-regulates P-glycoprotein expression in rat brain microvessel endothelial cells by an NMDA receptor-mediated mechanism
  910. Regional distribution and relative amounts of Glutamate decarboxylase isoforms in rat and mouse brain
  911. … Glutamate transporter GLT-1, but not the neuronal Glutamate transporter EAAC1, exacerbates transient focal cerebral ischemia-induced neuronal damage in rat brain
  912. The fragile X mental retardation protein and group I metabotropic Glutamate receptors regulate levels of mRNA granules in brain
  913. Nitric oxide causes Glutamate release from brain synaptosomes
  914. The determination of the extracellular concentration of brain Glutamate using quantitative microdialysis
  915. Isolation and expression of a rat brain cDNA encoding Glutamate carboxypeptidase II
  916. Cellular and subcellular mRNA localization of Glutamate transporter isoforms GLT1a and GLT1b in rat brain by in situ hybridization
  917. Ketone bodies and brain Glutamate and GABA metabolism
  918. Distribution of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 7 messenger RNA in the developing and adult rat brain
  919. Real-time monitoring of Glutamate following fluid percussion brain injury with hypoxia in the rat
  920. Lithium induces brain-derived neurotrophic factor and activates TrkB in rodent cortical neurons: an essential step for neuroprotection against Glutamate excitotoxicity
  921. brain-derived neurotrophic factor induces rapid and transient release of Glutamate through the non-exocytotic pathway from cortical neurons
  922. Glutamate measured by 6-s resolution brain microdialysis: capillary electrophoretic and laser-induced fluorescence detection application
  923. CPG2: a brain-and synapse-specific protein that regulates the endocytosis of Glutamate receptors
  924. Vesicular Glutamate transporter 2 in the brain–gut axis
  925. Stress-induced increase in blood–brain barrier permeability in control and monosodium Glutamate-treated rats
  926. Epistasis between catechol-O-methyltransferase and type II metabotropic Glutamate receptor 3 genes on working memory brain function
  927. Glutamate-induced disruption of the blood-brain barrier in rats: role of nitric oxide
  928. Effect of hyperventilation on extracellular concentrations of Glutamate, lactate, pyruvate, and local cerebral blood flow in patients with severe traumatic brain injury
  929. The NMDA and AMPA/KA receptors are involved in Glutamate-induced alterations of occludin expression and phosphorylation in brain endothelial cells
  930. Ontogeny of ionotropic Glutamate receptor expression in human fetal brain
  931. Effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists on brain glucose and Glutamate transporters after stress in rats
  932. Particular subpopulations of midbrain and hypothalamic dopamine neurons express vesicular Glutamate transporter 2 in the rat brain
  933. Glutamate receptor phenotypes in the auditory brainstem and mid‐brain of the developing rat
  934. Regulation of c‐Jun N‐terminal kinase, p38 kinase and AP‐1 DNA binding in cultured brain neurons: roles in Glutamate excitotoxicity and lithium neuroprotection
  935. Mild hypothermia delays the onset of coma and prevents brain edema and extracellular brain Glutamate accumulation in rats with acute liver failure
  936. The mGlu5 metabotropic Glutamate receptor is expressed in zones of active neurogenesis of the embryonic and postnatal brain
  937. brain L-Glutamate decarboxylase: Inhibition by phosphorylation and activation by dephosphorylation
  938. Ontogenetic profile of Glutamate uptake in brain structures slices from rats: sensitivity to guanosine
  939. Immunohistochemical localization of the neuron-specific Glutamate transporter EAAC1 (EAAT3) in rat brain and spinal cord revealed by a novel monoclonal antibody
  940. Increased extracellular brain Glutamate in acute liver failure: decreased uptake or increased release?
  941. Effects of maternal oral administration of monosodium Glutamate at a late stage of pregnancy on developing mouse fetal brain
  942. Spillover and synaptic cross talk mediated by Glutamate and GABA in the mammalian brain
  943. Quinolinic acid inhibits Glutamate uptake into synaptic vesicles from rat brain
  944. Down‐regulation of glial Glutamate transporters after Glutamatergic denervation in the rat brain
  945. Expression of groups I and II metabotropic Glutamate receptors in the rat brain during aging
  946. Glia re‐sealed particles freshly prepared from adult rat brain are competent for exocytotic release of Glutamate
  947. Glutamate decarboxylase65-immunoreactive terminals in cingulate and prefrontal cortices of schizophrenic and bipolar brain
  948. Changes in NMDA-receptor gene expression are associated with neurotoxicity induced neonatally by Glutamate in the rat brain
  949. Molecular determinant of ion selectivity of a (Na++ K+)-coupled rat brain Glutamate transporter
  950. Functional metabotropic Glutamate receptors on nuclei from brain and primary cultured striatal neurons: role of transporters in delivering ligand
  951. Role of Glutamate receptor-mediated excitotoxicity in bilirubin-induced brain injury in the Gunn rat model
  952. Cloning and expression of a neuronal rat brain Glutamate transporter
  953. Methylmercury increases Glutamate release from brain synaptosomes and Glutamate uptake by cortical slices from suckling rat pups: modulatory effect of ebselen
  954. Diversity of Glutamate dehydrogenase in human brain
  955. … at gene promoters is associated with developmental regulation and region‐specific expression of ionotropic and metabotropic Glutamate receptors in human brain
  956. The effect of polychlorinated biphenyls on the high affinity uptake of the neurotransmitters, dopamine, serotonin, Glutamate and GABA, into rat brain synaptosomes
  957. Calcium movements in traumatic brain injury: the role of Glutamate receptor-operated ion channels
  958. Effects of chronic administered guanosine on behavioral parameters and brain Glutamate uptake in rats
  959. … between somatodendritic dopamine release, Glutamate receptors and brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in mesencephalic structures of the brain
  960. … of cocaine‐and methamphetamine‐evoked dopamine and Glutamate overflow in somatodendritic and terminal field regions of the rat brain during acute, chronic, and …
  961. Exposure to ebselen changes Glutamate uptake and release by rat brain synaptosomes
  962. Transient focal cerebral ischemia down-regulates Glutamate transporters GLT-1 and EAAC1 expression in rat brain
  963. Progesterone increases brain‐derived neuroptrophic factor expression and protects against Glutamate toxicity in a mitogen‐activated protein kinase‐and …
  964. Two soluble forms of Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins from bovine brain
  965. Early adoption modifies the effects of prenatal stress on dopamine and Glutamate receptors in adult rat brain
  966. Purification of human double-stranded RNA-specific editase 1 (hRED1) involved in editing of brain Glutamate receptor B pre-mRNA
  967. New insights into the compartmentation of Glutamate and glutamine in cultured rat brain astrocytes
  968. In vitro binding characteristics of a new selective group II metabotropic Glutamate receptor radioligand,[3H] LY354740, in rat brain
  969. From benefit to damage. Glutamate and advanced glycation end products in Alzheimer brain
  970. Glutamate is transported across the rat blood-brain barrier by a sodium-independent system
  971. Hypothermia and brain-derived neurotrophic factor reduce Glutamate synergistically in acute stroke
  972. … oxidation and expression of brain proteins associated with age-related impaired cellular processes: Mitochondrial dysfunction, Glutamate dysregulation and impaired …
  973. Neurotensin receptor mechanisms and its modulation of Glutamate transmission in the brain: relevance for neurodegenerative diseases and their treatment
  974. Changes in anesthetic sensitivity and Glutamate receptors in the aging canine brain
  975. Dynamic changes in expression of Glutamate transporter mRNAs in developing brain.
  976. Glutamate receptor blockade attenuates glucose hypermetabolism in perihematomal brain after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage in rat
  977. Distribution of Glutamate decarboxylase65 immunoreactive puncta on pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons in hippocampus of schizophrenic brain
  978. Effect of Glutamate on inflammatory responses of intestine and brain after focal cerebral ischemia
  979. Glutamate hyperexcitability and seizure-like activity throughout the brain and spinal cord upon relief from chronic Glutamate receptor blockade in culture
  980. Aluminium impairs the Glutamate-nitric oxide-cGMP pathway in cultured neurons and in rat brain in vivo: molecular mechanisms and implications for neuropathology
  981. Biotinylation of single cysteine mutants of the Glutamate transporter GLT-1 from rat brain reveals its unusual topology
  982. Mice lacking Glutamate carboxypeptidase II are protected from peripheral neuropathy and ischemic brain injury
  983. Symbiosis between in vivo and in vitro NMR spectroscopy: the creatine, N-acetylaspartate, Glutamate, and GABA content of the epileptic human brain
  984. L‐Glutamate and insulin enhance glycogen synthesis in cultured astrocytes from the rat brain through different intracellular mechanisms
  985. Spectroscopic imaging of human brain Glutamate by water‐suppressed J‐refocused coherence transfer at 4.1 T
  986. brain-derived neurotrophic factor-induced potentiation of Glutamate and GABA release: different dependency on signaling pathways and neuronal activity
  987. AMPA receptor protein in developing rat brain: Glutamate receptor-1 expression and localization change at regional, cellular, and subcellular levels with maturation
  988. Roles of metabotropic Glutamate receptors in brain plasticity and pathology
  989. Agmatine reduces extracellular Glutamate during pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rat brain: a potential mechanism for the anticonvulsive effects
  990. Antisense knockdown of the glial Glutamate transporter GLT‐1 exacerbates hippocampal neuronal damage following traumatic injury to rat brain
  991. NRF2-dependent Glutamate-L-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit expression mediates insulin protection against hyperglycemia-induced brain endothelial cell apoptosis
  992. … Glutamate 5 receptor antagonist MPEP decreased nicotine and cocaine self‐administration but not nicotine and cocaine‐induced facilitation of brain reward function in …
  993. brain‐derived neurotrophic factor increases the stimulation‐evoked release of Glutamate and the levels of exocytosis‐associated proteins in cultured cortical neurons …
  994. Age-related changes in the uptake and release of Glutamate and aspartate in the mouse brain
  995. … phospholipase Cβ4 with metabotropic Glutamate receptor type 1α and 1, 4, 5‐trisphosphate receptor at the perisynapse and endoplasmic reticulum in the mouse brain
  996. Changes in the expression of glial Glutamate transporters in the rat brain accompanied with morphine dependence and naloxone-precipitated withdrawal
  997. … exposure to ammonia and nitrite in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): effects on electrolyte status, blood respiratory properties and brain glutamine/Glutamate …
  998. The metabotropic Glutamate receptor system protects against ischemic free radical programed cell death in rat brain endothelial cells
  999. Chronic antidepressants potentiate via sigma-1 receptors the brain-derived neurotrophic factor-induced signaling for Glutamate release
  1000. Structural features and regulatory properties of the brain Glutamate decarboxylases
  1001. … sodium channel blocker and Glutamate release inhibitor BW1003C87 and magnesium attenuate regional cerebral edema following experimental brain injury in the rat
  1002. Effect of latent iron deficiency on GABA and Glutamate neuroreceptors in rat brain
  1003. Metabotropic Glutamate 1 receptor distribution and occupancy in the rat brain: a quantitative autoradiographic study using [3H] R214127
  1004. brain glutathione content and Glutamate uptake are reduced in rats exposed to pre-and postnatal protein malnutrition
  1005. Long-term changes of ionotropic Glutamate and GABA receptors after unilateral permanent focal cerebral ischemia in the mouse brain
  1006. Effects of handling on extracellular levels of Glutamate and other amino acids in various areas of the brain measured by microdialysis
  1007. Interaction between metals and chelating agents affects Glutamate binding on brain synaptic membranes
  1008. Chronic administration of aluminium L-Glutamate in young mature rats: effects on iron levels and lipid peroxidation in selected brain areas
  1009. Increased detectability of alpha brain Glutamate/glutamine in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
  1010. Characterization of [3H]Quisqualate Binding to Recombinant Rat Metabotropic Glutamate 1a and 5a Receptors and to Rat and Human brain Sections
  1011. Beta-amyloid and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF, up-regulate the expression of Glutamate transporter GLT-1/EAAT2 via different signaling pathways utilizing …
  1012. Inhibition of Glutamate-induced intensification of free radical reactions by gangliosides: possible role in their protective effect in rat cerebellar granule cells and brain …
  1013. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 in Glutamate-dependent adult brain function and dysfunction
  1014. Measurement of brain Glutamate and glutamine by spectrally‐selective refocusing at 3 Tesla
  1015. Feline immunodeficiency virus causes increased Glutamate levels and neuronal loss in brain
  1016. Group I metabotropic Glutamate antagonist reduces acute neuronal degeneration and behavioral deficits after traumatic brain injury in rats
  1017. Spectroscopic imaging of Glutamate C4 turnover in human brain
  1018. Inhibition of Glutamate uptake into synaptic vesicles of rat brain by the metabolites accumulating in maple syrup urine disease
  1019. Inhibition of synaptosomal [3H] Glutamate uptake and [3H] Glutamate binding to plasma membranes from brain of young rats by glutaric acid in vitro
  1020. Regional localization of dopamine and ionotropic Glutamate receptor subtypes in striatolimbic brain regions
  1021. Initial Observations on Effect of Vigabatrin on In Vivo 1H Spectroscopic Measurements of γ‐Aminobutyric Acid, Glutamate, and Glutamine in Human brain
  1022. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a cDNA encoding a Glutamate transporter in the honeybee brain
  1023. Guanosine enhances Glutamate transport capacity in brain cortical slices
  1024. Glutamate-stimulated peroxynitrite production in a brain-derived endothelial cell line is dependent on N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation
  1025. Regional difference of Glutamate-induced swelling in cultured rat brain astrocytes
  1026. Leucine‐nitrogen metabolism in the brain of conscious rats: its role as a nitrogen carrier in Glutamate synthesis in glial and neuronal metabolic compartments
  1027. Detection of Glutamate in the human brain at 3 T using optimized constant time point resolved spectroscopy
  1028. Inhibition of glial Glutamate transporter GLT-1 augments brain edema after transient focal cerebral ischemia in mice
  1029. 4-Carboxymethoxy-5, 7-dinitroindolinyl-Glu: an improved caged Glutamate for expeditious ultraviolet and two-photon photolysis in brain slices
  1030. Metabotropic Glutamate receptor antagonists and agonists: potential neuroprotectors in diffuse brain injury
  1031. Group II metabotropic Glutamate receptor activation attenuates traumatic neuronal injury and improves neurological recovery after traumatic brain injury
  1032. Role of aralar, the mitochondrial transporter of aspartate‐Glutamate, in brain N‐acetylaspartate formation and Ca2+ signaling in neuronal mitochondria
  1033. Systemic neurochemical alterations in schizophrenic brain: Glutamate metabolism in focus
  1034. Glutamate receptor plasticity at excitatory synapses in the brain
  1035. Identification and localisation of the NR1 sub-unit homologue of the NMDA Glutamate receptor in the honeybee brain
  1036. Effects of repeated inhalation of toluene on ionotropic GABAA and Glutamate receptor subunit levels in rat brain
  1037. Gender associations with cerebrospinal fluid Glutamate and lactate/pyruvate levels after severe traumatic brain injury.
  1038. Carbamoylation of brain Glutamate receptors by a disulfiram metabolite
  1039. A peptide preparation protects cells in organotypic brain slices against cell death after Glutamate intoxication
  1040. Decreased gene expression of glial and neuronal Glutamate transporters after chronic antipsychotic treatment in rat brain
  1041. Glutamate, glutamine and glutamine synthetase in the neonatal rat brain following hypoxia
  1042. … of ferulic acid against excitotoxic effects of maternal intragastric administration of monosodium Glutamate at a late stage of pregnancy on developing mouse fetal brain
  1043. In vivo simultaneous monitoring of γ‐aminobutyric acid, Glutamate, and L‐aspartate using brain microdialysis and capillary electrophoresis with laser‐induced fluorescence …
  1044. Glutamate stably enhances the activity of two cytosolic forms of phospholipase A2 in brain cortical cultures
  1045. brain‐derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin receptors modulate Glutamate‐induced phase shifts of the suprachiasmatic nucleus
  1046. Ethanol dependence has limited effects on GABA or Glutamate transporters in rat brain
  1047. Dithiocarbamate pesticides affect Glutamate transport in brain synaptic vesicles
  1048. Role of synaptic vesicle proton gradient and protein phosphorylation on ATP-mediated activation of membrane-associated brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  1049. Excitatory amino acid neurotoxicity and modulation of Glutamate receptor expression in organotypic brain slice cultures
  1050. Ionotropic Glutamate receptors: still a target for neuroprotection in brain ischemia? Insights from in vitro studies
  1051. Hallucinogen-induced UP states in the brain slice of rat prefrontal cortex: role of Glutamate spillover and NR2B-NMDA receptors
  1052. Modification of Glutamate binding sites in newborn brain during hypoglycemia
  1053. Volatile and intravenous anesthetics decrease Glutamate release from cortical brain slices during anoxia
  1054. … of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in rat brain. V. alpha-Bungarotoxin-sensitive nicotinic receptors in olfactory bulb neurons and presynaptic modulation of Glutamate …
  1055. The rationale for Glutamate antagonists in the treatment of traumatic brain injury.
  1056. brain‐derived neurotrophic factor enhances depolarization‐evoked Glutamate release in cultured cortical neurons
  1057. Acute reserpine and subchronic haloperidol treatments change synaptosomal brain Glutamate uptake and elicit orofacial dyskinesia in rats
  1058. Properties and Interaction of Heterologously Expressed Glutamate Decarboxylase Isoenzymes GAD65kDa and GAD67kDa from Human brain with Ginkgotoxin and …
  1059. Glutamate receptor RNA editing: a molecular analysis of GluR2, GluR5 and GluR6 in human brain tissues and in NT2 cells following in vitro neural differentiation
  1060. Increased cerebrospinal fluid Glutamate and taurine concentrations are associated with traumatic brain edema formation in rats
  1061. Metabotropic Glutamate antagonist, MCPG, treatment of traumatic brain injury in rats
  1062. Localization of metabotropic Glutamate receptor type 2 in the human brain
  1063. Protection of neonatal rat brain from hypoxicischemic injury by LY379268, a Group II metabotropic Glutamate receptor agonist
  1064. Extracellular glutamine to Glutamate ratio may predict outcome in the injured brain: a clinical microdialysis study in children
  1065. … determination of basal and evoked output levels of aspartate, Glutamate, taurine and 4-aminobutyric acid during microdialysis and from superfused brain slices
  1066. Structural characteristics of brain Glutamate decarboxylase in relation to its interaction and activation
  1067. Penetration of Glutamate into brain of 7-day-old rats
  1068. Proteolysis of Glutamate receptor‐interacting protein by calpain in rat brain: implications for synaptic plasticity
  1069. Aspirin inhibits stress-induced increase in plasma Glutamate, brain oxidative damage and ATP fall in rats
  1070. Properties of Glutamate receptors of Alzheimer’s disease brain transplanted to frog oocytes
  1071. Acamprosate is neuroprotective against Glutamate‐induced excitotoxicity when enhanced by ethanol withdrawal in neocortical cultures of fetal rat brain
  1072. Effects of valproate and other antiepileptic drugs on brain Glutamate, glutamine, and GABA in patients with refractory complex partial seizures
  1073. Neuroprotection against ischemic/hypoxic brain damage: blockers of ionotropic Glutamate receptor and voltage sensitive calcium channels
  1074. Glutamate and taurine are increased in ventricular cerebrospinal fluid of severely brain-injured patients
  1075. Nocistatin reverses nociceptin inhibition of Glutamate release from rat brain slices
  1076. The function of the Glutamate–nitric oxide–cGMP pathway in brain in vivo and learning ability decrease in parallel in mature compared with young rats
  1077. Expression of metabotropic Glutamate receptors in rat meningeal and brain microvasculature and choroid plexus
  1078. Effect of α-ketoisocaproate and leucine on the in vivo oxidation of Glutamate and glutamine in the rat brain
  1079. Bilobalide, a component of the Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761), protects against neuronal death in global brain ischemia and in Glutamate-induced excitotoxicity.
  1080. Consolidation of transient ionotropic Glutamate signals through nuclear transcription factors in the brain
  1081. Differential abundance of Glutamate transporter subtypes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-vulnerable versus ALS-resistant brain stem motor cell groups
  1082. An improved method for the detection of changes in brain extracellular Glutamate levels
  1083. Methamphetamine treatment rapidly inhibits serotonin, but not Glutamate, transporters in rat brain
  1084. Regulation of Glutamate level in rat brain through activation of Glutamate dehydrogenase by Corydalis ternata
  1085. Distribution and abundance of metabotropic Glutamate receptor subtype 2 in rat brain revealed by [3H]LY354740 binding in vitro and quantitative radioautography: Correlation …
  1086. Pentylenetetrazole decreases metabolic Glutamate turnover in rat brain
  1087. Quantitative analysis of Glutamate transporter mRNA expression in prefrontal and primary visual cortex in normal and schizophrenic brain
  1088. Inhibitors of Glutamate transport modulate distinct patterns in brain metabolism
  1089. The expression of two splice variants of metabotropic Glutamate receptor subtype 5 in the rat brain and neuronal cells during development
  1090. Behaviourally induced changes in extracellular levels of brain Glutamate monitored at 1 s resolution with an implanted biosensor
  1091. Loss of glial Glutamate transporters and induction of neuronal expression of GLT-1B in the hypoxic neonatal pig brain
  1092. Glutamate 404 is involved in the substrate discrimination of GLT-1, a (Na++ K+)-coupled Glutamate transporter from rat brain
  1093. brain-derived neurotrophic factor facilitates Glutamate and inhibits GABA release from hippocampal synaptosomes through different mechanisms
  1094. The effects of the N-terminal tripeptide of insulin-like growth factor-1, glycine-proline-Glutamate in different regions following hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in adult rats
  1095. Group II metabotropic Glutamate receptor activation protects striatal dopaminergic nerve terminals against MPP+‐induced neurotoxicity along with brain‐derived …
  1096. Selective detection of extracellular Glutamate in brain tissue using microelectrode arrays coated with over-oxidized poly pyrrole
  1097. Neonatal monosodium Glutamate treatment modifies glutamic acid decarboxylase activity during rat brain postnatal development
  1098. Imaging the induction and spread of seizure activity in the isolated brain of the guinea pig: the roles of GABA and Glutamate receptors
  1099. A new model for diffuse brain injury by rotational acceleration: II. Effects on extracellular Glutamate, intracranial pressure, and neuronal apoptosis
  1100. Effect of resuscitative mild hypothermia on Glutamate and dopamine release, apoptosis and ischaemic brain damage in the endothelin‐1 rat model for focal cerebral …
  1101. brain-specific BNIP-2-homology protein Caytaxin relocalises glutaminase to neurite terminals and reduces Glutamate levels
  1102. Lead potentiates cytokine-and Glutamate-mediated increases in permeability of the blood-brain barrier.
  1103. [3H] Methoxymethyl-3-[(2-methyl-1, 3-thiazol-4-yl) ethynyl] pyridine binding to metabotropic Glutamate receptor subtype 5 in rodent brain: in vitro and in vivo …
  1104. Expression of three Glutamate transporter subtype mRNAs in human brain regions and peripheral tissues
  1105. Effect of oxidative stress on the uptake of GABA and Glutamate in synaptosomes isolated from diabetic rat brain
  1106. … vesicular Glutamate transporter 1 and 2 genes, as well as coexpression with genes for choline acetyltransferase or glutamic acid decarboxylase in neurons of rat brain
  1107. ALS-linked Cu/Zn-SOD mutation impairs cerebral synaptic glucose and Glutamate transport and exacerbates ischemic brain injury
  1108. Glutamate and its receptors in the pathophysiology of brain and spinal cord injuries
  1109. Effect of low pH on Glutamate uptake and release in isolated presynaptic endings from rat brain
  1110. Altered Glutamate receptor and corticoliberin gene expression in brain regions related to hedonic behavior in rats
  1111. Modification of the blood-brain barrier through chronic intoxication by aluminum Glutamate
  1112. Delayed IGF-1 administration rescues oligodendrocyte progenitors from Glutamate-induced cell death and hypoxic-ischemic brain damage
  1113. Developmental regulation of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5b protein in rodent brain
  1114. Roles of diverse Glutamate receptors in brain functions elucidated by subunit-specific and region-specific gene targeting
  1115. … of L-Glutamate: antisense knockout in rat brain in vivo and changes in the neurotransmitter metabolism following inhibition of Glutamate transport in guinea pig brain …
  1116. Regulation of ionotropic Glutamate receptors in the rat brain in response to the atypical antipsychotic seroquel (quetiapine fumarate)
  1117. P glycoprotein regulated transport of Glutamate at blood brain barrier.
  1118. Neural segregation of Fos-protein distribution in the brain following freezing and escape behaviors induced by injections of either Glutamate or NMDA into the dorsal …
  1119. Interactions between ephrin-B and metabotropic Glutamate 1 receptors in brain tissue and cultured neurons
  1120. Localization of ionotropic Glutamate receptors in caudate‐putamen and nucleus accumbens septi of rat brain: comparison of NMDA, AMPA, and kainate receptors
  1121. … evaluation of extracellular Glutamate concentration in postischemic Glutamate re-uptake, dependent on brain temperature, in the rat following severe global brain …
  1122. Cell-selective effects of ammonia on Glutamate transporter and receptor function in the mammalian brain
  1123. Hypothermia and isoflurane similarly inhibit Glutamate release evoked by chemical anoxia in rat cortical brain slices
  1124. Region-specific decline in the expression of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 7 mRNA in rat brain during aging
  1125. Contribution of altered signal transduction associated to Glutamate receptors in brain to the neurological alterations of hepatic encephalopathy
  1126. Seizures induced in immature rats by homocysteic acid and the associated brain damage are prevented by group II metabotropic Glutamate receptor agonist (2R, 4R) …
  1127. Interactions of the C terminus of metabotropic Glutamate receptor type 1α with rat brain proteins: evidence for a direct interaction with tubulin
  1128. Real time monitoring of biphasic Glutamate release using dialysis electrode in rat acute brain ischemia.
  1129. The effect of groups II and III metabotropic Glutamate receptor activation on neuronal injury in a rodent model of traumatic brain injury
  1130. Influence of the oestrous cycle on L-Glutamate and L-aspartate transport in rat brain synaptosomes
  1131. Effects of chronic ethanol treatment on the expression of calcium transport carriers and NMDA/Glutamate receptor proteins in brain synaptic membranes
  1132. … during adolescence alters phosphate-activated glutaminase and Glutamate receptor 1 (GluR1) subunit immunoreactivity in Hamster brain: correlation with offensive …
  1133. Traumatic brain injury: developmental differences in Glutamate receptor response and the impact on treatment
  1134. Distributions of the mRNAs for L‐2‐amino‐4‐phosphonobutyrate‐sensitive metabotropic Glutamate receptors, mGluR4 and mGluR7, in the rat brain
  1135. … gonadotropin‐releasing hormone neurons by Glutamatergic neurons in the ewe brain: An immunohistochemical study using an antibody against vesicular Glutamate …
  1136. Distribution of two splice variants of the Glutamate transporter GLT‐1 in rat brain and pituitary
  1137. Effect of pyridoxine and insulin administration on brain Glutamate dehydrogenase activity and blood glucose control in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  1138. CPG15, a new factor upregulated after ischemic brain injury, contributes to neuronal network re-establishment after Glutamate-induced injury
  1139. Effects of dopamine on posttraumatic cerebral blood flow, brain edema, and cerebrospinal fluid Glutamate and hypoxanthine concentrations
  1140. A novel method for expression and large-scale production of human brain l-Glutamate decarboxylase
  1141. … of perfusate glucose concentration on dialysate lactate, pyruvate, aspartate, and Glutamate levels under basal and hypoxic conditions: a microdialysis study in rat brain
  1142. … isoflurane anesthesia on plasma, extracellular, and CSF Glutamate, neuronal activity, 125 I-Mk801 NMDA receptor binding, and brain edema in traumatic brain …
  1143. Effects of post-mortem delay on subunits of ionotropic Glutamate receptors in human brain
  1144. Prevention of trauma-induced neurodegeneration in infant and adult rat brain: Glutamate antagonists
  1145. Regional distribution and pharmacological characteristics of [3H] N-acetyl-aspartyl-Glutamate (NAAG) binding sites in rat brain
  1146. Insights into the activation of brain serine racemase by the multi‐PDZ domain Glutamate receptor interacting protein, divalent cations and ATP
  1147. Stimulation of serotonin release in the rat brain cortex by activation of ionotropic Glutamate receptors and its modulation via α2-heteroreceptors
  1148. Midazolam and ketamine inhibit Glutamate release via a cloned human brain Glutamate transporter
  1149. Glutamate antagonists are neurotoxins for the developing brain
  1150. Posttraumatic secondary brain insults exacerbates neuronal injury by altering metabotropic Glutamate receptors
  1151. The effect of glucose during ischemia on brain ATP, lactate, and Glutamate in piglets
  1152. In vivo glutamine hydrolysis in the formation of extracellular Glutamate in the injured rat brain
  1153. … epilepsy patients harbor autoantibodies to Glutamate receptors and dsDNA on both sides of the blood-brain barrier, which may kill neurons and decrease in brain …
  1154. PhTx4, a new class of toxins from Phoneutria nigriventer spider venom, inhibits the Glutamate uptake in rat brain synaptosomes
  1155. The role of Glutamate, calcium and magnesium in secondary brain injury
  1156. D4 dopamine and metabotropic Glutamate receptors in cerebral cortex and striatum in rat brain
  1157. Post-mortem degradation of brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  1158. Identification of Glutamate receptor subtype mRNAs in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons in rat brain
  1159. Dietary protein restriction causes modification in aluminum-induced alteration in Glutamate and GABA system of rat brain
  1160. Concentration‐dependent isoflurane effects on depolarization‐evoked Glutamate and GABA outflows from mouse brain slices
  1161. Glutamate‐like immunoreactivity marks compartments of the mushroom bodies in the brain of the cricket
  1162. GLT1, glial Glutamate transporter, is transiently expressed in neurons and develops astrocyte specificity only after midgestation in the ovine fetal brain
  1163. A brain slice model for in vitro analyses of astrocytic gap junction and connexin43 regulation: actions of ischemia, Glutamate and elevated potassium
  1164. brain inflammation, cholesterol, and Glutamate as interconnected participants in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease
  1165. Altered expression patterns of metabotropic Glutamate receptors in diffuse brain injury
  1166. Acute effects of irradiation on the rat brain: protection by Glutamate blockade
  1167. Molecular cloning of two Glutamate transporter subtypes from mouse brain
  1168. … of 3-fluoro-5-(2-(2-(fluoromethyl) thiazol-4-yl) ethynyl) benzonitrile as a high affinity radioligand for imaging monkey brain metabotropic Glutamate subtype-5 receptors …
  1169. Monitoring extracellular concentrations of lactate, Glutamate, and glycerol by in vivo microdialysis in the brain during liver transplantation in acute liver failure
  1170. Impairment of brain kynurenic acid production by Glutamate metabotropic receptor agonists
  1171. Optimized diffusion‐weighted spectroscopy for measuring brain Glutamate apparent diffusion coefficient on a whole‐body MR system
  1172. … of Excitatory Amino Acid Release in Contused brain Tissue: Effects of Hypothermia and in Situ Administration of Co2+ on Extracellular Levels of Glutamate
  1173. Thiopental attenuates energetic impairment but fails to normalize cerebrospinal fluid Glutamate in brain-injured patients.
  1174. Correlation between brain/plasma ratios and efficacy in neuropathic pain models of selective metabotropic Glutamate receptor 1 antagonists
  1175. … II metabotropic and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA)/kainate Glutamate receptors regulate the deficit in brain reward function associated …
  1176. brain‐derived neurotrophic factor triggers a rapid Glutamate release through increase of intracellular Ca2+ and Na+ in cultured cerebellar neurons
  1177. The Glutamate AMPA receptor antagonist, YM872, attenuates cortical tissue loss, regional cerebral edema, and neurological motor deficits after experimental brain …
  1178. Evaluation of brain mitochondrial Glutamate and α‐ketoglutarate transport under physiologic conditions
  1179. Glutamate receptor metabotropic 7 is cis-regulated in the mouse brain and modulates alcohol drinking
  1180. Prenatal infection obliterates Glutamate‐related protection against free hydroxyl radicals in neonatal rat brain
  1181. Dual effect of DL‐homocysteine and S‐adenosylhomocysteine on brain synthesis of the Glutamate receptor antagonist, kynurenic acid
  1182. Effects of sleep deprivation on gamma-amino-butyric acid and Glutamate contents in rat brain.
  1183. Involvement of brain Glutamate release in pyrogenic fever
  1184. Inhibitory effect of MS-153 on elevated brain Glutamate level induced by rat middle cerebral artery occlusion.
  1185. Whole‐brain Glutamate metabolism evaluated by steady‐state kinetics using a double‐isotope procedure: effects of gabapentin
  1186. Bilirubin exerts additional toxic effects in hypoxic cultured neurons from the developing rat brain by the recruitment of Glutamate neurotoxicity
  1187. Glutamate-stimulated secretion of amyloid precursor protein from cortical rat brain slices
  1188. Role of Glutamate transporters in the modulation of stress-induced lactate metabolism in the rat brain
  1189. Activation of two types of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins by gabapentin
  1190. Metabotropic Glutamate 2/3 receptor activation induced reward deficits but did not aggravate brain reward deficits associated with spontaneous nicotine withdrawal in …
  1191. Regional and cellular expression of glial (GLT1) and neuronal (EAAC1) Glutamate transporter proteins in ovine fetal brain
  1192. Cefoselis, a β-lactam antibiotic, easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and causes seizure independently by Glutamate release
  1193. Ebselen and diorganylchalcogenides decrease in vitro Glutamate uptake by rat brain slices: prevention by DTT and GSH
  1194. Nigral neurotensin receptor regulation of nigral Glutamate and nigroventral thalamic GABA transmission: a dual-probe microdialysis study in intact conscious rat brain
  1195. … method for the measurement of Glutamate and aspartate using capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection and its application to brain …
  1196. Effect of neonatal monosodium Glutamate on lipid peroxidation in adult rat brain.
  1197. Increased brain uptake and CSF clearance of 14C-Glutamate in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  1198. … open reading frame of the Na+‐dependent Glutamate transporter GLAST‐1 is expressed in bone and a splice variant of this molecule is expressed in bone and brain
  1199. The antibipolar drug valproate mimics lithium in stimulating Glutamate release and inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate accumulation in brain cortex slices but not …
  1200. Ionotropic Glutamate receptor modulation of 5-HT 6 and 5-HT 7 mRNA expression in rat brain
  1201. Changes in expression of neuronal and glial Glutamate transporters in lead-exposed adult rat brain
  1202. Fluid percussion brain injury exacerbates Glutamate-induced focal damage in the rat
  1203. Metabotropic Glutamate receptor protein alterations after traumatic brain injury in rats
  1204. A microdialysis study in rat brain of dihydrokainate, a Glutamate uptake inhibitor
  1205. Influence of norepinephrine and dopamine on cortical perfusion, EEG activity, extracellular Glutamate, and brain edema in rats after controlled cortical impact injury
  1206. Real-time monitoring of the effects of normothermia and hypothermia on extracellular Glutamate re-uptake in the rat following global brain ischemia
  1207. Effect of carbon monoxide on dopamine and Glutamate uptake and cGMP levels in rat brain
  1208. Steady-state in vivo Glutamate dehydrogenase activity in rat brain measured by 15N NMR
  1209. brain glutamine and Glutamate levels in patients with liver cirrhosis: assessed by 3.0-T MRS
  1210. Glutamate antagonism during secondary deafferentation enhances cognition and axo‐dendritic integrity after traumatic brain injury
  1211. Regulation of Glutamate carboxypeptidase II function in corticolimbic regions of rat brain by phencyclidine, haloperidol, and clozapine
  1212. In vitro metal inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate specific Glutamate receptor binding in neonatal and adult rat brain
  1213. Different effects of volatile anesthetics and polyhalogenated alkanes on depolarization-evoked Glutamate release in rat cortical brain slices
  1214. Sub‐neurotoxic neonatal anoxia induces subtle behavioural changes and specific abnormalities in brain group‐I metabotropic Glutamate receptors in rats
  1215. Guanine derivatives modulate L-Glutamate uptake into rat brain synaptic vesicles
  1216. Binding of the Glutamate carboxypeptidase II (NAALADase) inhibitor 2-PMPA to rat brain membranes
  1217. Nuclear disintegration as a leading step of Glutamate excitotoxicity in brain neurons
  1218. Effects of single and repeated phencyclidine administration on the expression of metabotropic Glutamate receptor subtype mRNAs in rat brain
  1219. Excitatory amino acid synthesis in hypoxic brain slices: does alanine act as a substrate for Glutamate production in hypoxia?
  1220. In vivo monitoring of extracellular noradrenaline and Glutamate from rat brain cortex with 2-min microdialysis sampling using capillary electrophoresis with laser …
  1221. Flow-cytometric estimation on Glutamate-and kainate-induced increases in intracellular Ca2+ of brain neurons: a technical aspect
  1222. Sex steroid regulation of Glutamate decarboxylase mRNA expression in goldfish brain is sexually dimorphic
  1223. Elevated extracellular Glutamate concentrations increased malondialdehyde production in anesthetized rat brain cortex
  1224. Effects of increased extracellular Glutamate levels on the local field potential in the brain of anaesthetized rats
  1225. A glass capillary microelectrode based on capillarity and its application to the detection of L-Glutamate release from mouse brain slices
  1226. The effect of nucleotides and adenosine on stimulus‐evoked Glutamate release from rat brain cortical slices
  1227. Group II metabotropic Glutamate receptors regulate the vulnerability to hypoxic brain damage
  1228. brain Glutamate dehydrogenase changes in streptozotocin diabetic rats as a function of age
  1229. … effects of thiopental sodium, propofol, and halothane on brain ischemia in the gerbil: effects of the anesthetics on ischemic depolarization and extracellular Glutamate …
  1230. The difference in the effect of Glutamate and NO synthase inhibitor on free calcium concentration and Na+, K+-ATPase activity in synaptosomes from various brain …
  1231. Prolonged stimulation of respiration by brain stem metabotropic Glutamate receptors
  1232. Nitric oxide in mechanisms of brain damage induced by neurotoxic effect of Glutamate
  1233. Glutamate carboxypeptidase II levels in rodent brain using [125I] DCIT quantitative autoradiography
  1234. Neuroprotective effects of the N-terminal tripeptide of IGF-1, glycine-proline-Glutamate, in the immature rat brain after hypoxic–ischemic injury
  1235. Regional differences in the extent of RNA editing of the Glutamate receptor subunits GluR2 and GluR6 in rat brain
  1236. In vivo microdialysis and gas-chromatography/mass-spectrometry for 13C-enrichment measurement of extracellular Glutamate in rat brain
  1237. Conjugation with L-Glutamate for in vivo brain Drug Delivery
  1238. Effects of Glutamate transport substrates and Glutamate receptor ligands on the activity of Na+/K+‐ATPase in brain tissue in vitro
  1239. Differences between immature and adult rats in brain Glutamate decarboxylase inhibition by 3-mercaptopropionic acid
  1240. GLAST1b, the exon-9 skipping form of the Glutamate-aspartate transporter EAAT1 is a sensitive marker of neuronal dysfunction in the hypoxic brain
  1241. Effect of phosphatidylserine on the binding properties of Glutamate receptors in brain sections from adult and neonatal rats
  1242. … of the NMDA‐R1 Glutamate receptor in astrocytes and presynaptic axon terminals in the nucleus locus coeruleus of the rat brain: an immunoelectron microscopic …
  1243. PyroGlutamate stimulates Na+-dependent Glutamate transport across the blood–brain barrier
  1244. Net Glutamate release from astrocytes is not induced by extracellular potassium concentrations attainable in brain
  1245. Response of regional brain Glutamate transaminases of rat to aluminum in protein malnutrition
  1246. Metabotropic Glutamate receptors, transmitter output and fatty acids: studies in rat brain slices
  1247. The surfactant poloxamer-188 protects against Glutamate toxicity in the rat brain
  1248. Immunocytochemical localization of metabotropic Glutamate receptor type 1α and tubulin in rat brain
  1249. … the non-substrate inhibitor DL-threo-β-benzyloxyaspartate (DL-TBOA) of Glutamate transporters on neuronal damage and extracellular amino acid levels in rat brain …
  1250. Metabotropic Glutamate receptor agonists increase release of soluble amyloid precursor protein derivatives from rat brain cortical and hippocampal slices
  1251. Prenatal exposure to polybrominated diphenylether 99 enhances the function of the Glutamate–nitric oxide–cGMP pathway in brain in vivo and in cultured neurons
  1252. Simultaneous Glutamate and perfusion fMRI responses to regional brain stimulation
  1253. Glutamate in brain: transmitter and poison
  1254. Effect of chronic gestational treatment with caffeine or theophylline on Group I metabotropic Glutamate receptors in maternal and fetal brain
  1255. Real-time monitoring of L-Glutamate release from mouse brain slices under ischemia with a glass capillary-based enzyme electrode
  1256. Regulation of ionotropic Glutamate receptor subunits in different rat brain areas by a preferential sigma 1 receptor ligand and potential atypical antipsychotic
  1257. … Glutamate Receptor Ligands to the Central Nervous System: Structural Tolerance and Potential of the l-system Amino Acid Transporter at the Blood-brain Barrier
  1258. brain growth spurt-prenatal ethanol exposure and the guinea pig hippocampal Glutamate signaling system
  1259. Glutamate modulates intracellular Ca2+ stores in brain stem auditory neurons
  1260. brain regional alterations in the modulation of the Glutamate–nitric oxide-cGMP pathway in liver cirrhosis: Role of hyperammonemia and cell types involved
  1261. Gene expression analysis reveals altered brain transcription of Glutamate receptors and inflammatory genes in a patient with chronic focal (Rasmussen’s) encephalitis
  1262. Illuminating the location of brain Glutamate receptors
  1263. Glutamate regulates neurite outgrowth of cultured descending brain neurons from larval lamprey
  1264. Ionotropic Glutamate receptor antagonists inhibit the proliferation of granule cell precursors in the adult brain after seizures induced by pentylenetrazol
  1265. [U-13C] Glutamate metabolism in rat brain mitochondria reveals malic enzyme activity
  1266. Methylmercury inhibits Glutamate uptake by synaptic vesicles from rat brain
  1267. Interference of S-alkyl derivatives of glutathione with brain ionotropic Glutamate receptors
  1268. Survival of energy failure in the anoxic frog brain: delayed release of Glutamate.
  1269. … of volatile and intravenous anesthetics on the uptake of GABA, Glutamate and dopamine by their transporters heterologously expressed in COS cells and in rat brain …
  1270. Main subunits of ionotropic Glutamate receptors are expressed in isolated rat brain microvessels
  1271. Simultaneous isolation of glial and neuronal fractions from rat brain homogenates: comparison of high-affinity L-Glutamate transport properties
  1273. Effect of L-Glutamate on cholinergic neurotransmission in various brain regions and during the development of rats, when administered perinatally
  1274. Adenosine A1 receptor agonist treatment up-regulates rat brain metabotropic Glutamate receptors
  1275. Immunocytochemical localization of Glutamate receptor subunits in the brain stem and cerebellum of the turtle Chrysemys picta
  1276. A two-dimensional imaging biosensor to monitor enhanced brain Glutamate release stimulated by nicotine
  1277. An evaluation of erythrocytes as plasma Glutamate scavengers for enhanced brain-to-blood Glutamate efflux
  1278. Decreased expression of vesicular GABA transporter, but not vesicular Glutamate, acetylcholine and monoamine transporters in rat brain following focal ischemia
  1279. … of transcription up-regulates N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor function by acting at metabotropic Glutamate receptor 1 receptors coexisting on human and rat brain …
  1280. Delta sleep-inducing peptide blocks excitatory effects of Glutamate on rat brain neurons
  1281. Glucose-induced decrease in Glutamate levels in ischemic human brain by in-vivo microdialysis
  1282. Potent, stereoselective, and brain region selective modulation of second messengers in the rat brain by (+) LY354740, a novel group II metabotropic Glutamate …
  1283. Group I and II metabotropic Glutamate receptors alter brain cortical metabolic and Glutamate/glutamine cycle activity: a 13C NMR spectroscopy and metabolomic …
  1284. Distributions of taurine, Glutamate, and Glutamate receptors during post-natal development and plasticity in the rat brain
  1285. Different antigenic reactivities of bovine brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins
  1286. Enhancement of transport of D-melphalan analogue by conjugation with L-Glutamate across bovine brain microvessel endothelial cell monolayers
  1287. Expression of messenger RNAs encoding ionotropic Glutamate receptors in rat brain: regulation by haloperidol
  1288. Single microinjection of L‐Glutamate induces oxidative stress in discrete regions of rat brain
  1289. Alcohol exposure during brain development reduces 3H-MK-801 binding and enhances metabotropic-Glutamate receptor-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis in …
  1290. 13C enrichment of extracellular neurotransmitter Glutamate in rat brain–combined mass spectrometry and NMR studies of neurotransmitter turnover and uptake into …
  1291. Methodological aspects of in vitro sensing of L‐Glutamate in acute brain slices
  1292. … of L-Glutamate transport inhibition by a conformationally restricted Glutamate analogue (2S, 1’S, 2’R)-2-(carboxycyclopropyl) glycine (L-CCG III) on metabolism in brain …
  1293. Differential RNA cleavage and polyadenylation of the Glutamate transporter EAAT2 in the human brain
  1294. … group II metabotropic Glutamate receptor agonist on EEG activity, cortical perfusion, tissue damage, and cortical Glutamate, glucose, and lactate levels in brain-injured …
  1295. NMDAR-2C and 2D subunits gene expression is induced in brain by neonatal exposure of monosodium L-Glutamate to adult rats
  1296. Nicergoline enhances Glutamate re-uptake and protects against brain damage in rat global brain ischemia
  1297. Effects of brain temperature on CBF thresholds for extracellular Glutamate release and reuptake in the striatum in a rat model of graded global ischemia
  1298. The effect of stress on behaviors and Glutamate levels of four brain regions
  1299. Polyamine metabolism and Glutamate receptor agonists‐mediated excitotoxicity in the rat brain
  1300. Mechanisms of destabilization of Ca2+-homeostasis of brain neurons caused by toxic Glutamate challenge.
  1301. Age and brain structural related effects of glutaric and 3-hydroxyglutaric acids on Glutamate binding to plasma membranes during rat brain development
  1302. Second-messenger responses in brain slices to elucidate novel Glutamate receptors
  1303. brain-derived neurotrophic factor in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with chronic daily headache: relationship with nerve growth factor and Glutamate levels
  1304. Generation of lentiviral transgenic rats expressing Glutamate receptor interacting protein 1 (GRIP1) in brain, spinal cord and testis
  1305. Imaging of l-Glutamate Fluxes in Mouse brain Slices Based on an Enzyme-Based Membrane Combined with a Difference-Image Analysis
  1306. Optical illustration of Glutamate-induced cell swelling coupled with membrane depolarization in embryonic brain stem slices
  1307. L-α-Aminoadipate Reduces Glutamate Release from brain Tissue Exposed to Combined Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation
  1308. Cloning of the cDNA for a brain Glycine-, Glutamate-and Thienylcyclohexylpiperidine (TCP)-Binding Protein
  1309. Up‐regulation of Glutamate concentration in the putamen and in the prefrontal cortex of asymptomatic SIVmac251‐infected macaques without major brain involvement
  1310. NMDA and non-NMDA sensitive [L-3H] Glutamate receptor binding in the brain of the Naples high-and low-excitability rats: an autoradiographic study
  1311. Opposite effects of Glutamate antagonists and antiparkinsonian drugs on the activities of DOPA decarboxylase and 5-HTP decarboxylase in the rat brain
  1312. Glutamate dehydrogenase mRNA is immediately induced after phencyclidine treatment in the rat brain
  1313. Molecular gene cloning, expression, and characterization of bovine brain Glutamate dehydrogenase
  1314. Contribution of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor mGluR4 to L‐2‐[3H]Amino‐4‐Phosphonobutyrate Binding in Mouse brain
  1315. Identification of a peptide of the guanosine triphosphate binding site within brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins using 8-azidoguanosine triphosphate
  1316. Assessment of Glutamate and glutamine contribution to in vivo N‐acetylaspartate quantification in human brain by 1H‐magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  1317. 13C editing of Glutamate in human brain using J‐refocused coherence transfer spectroscopy at 4.1 T
  1318. Effect of Glutamate transporter on neuronal damage induced by photochemical thrombotic brain ischemia
  1319. The model of Glutamate-induced intracellular Ca2+ oscillation and intercellular Ca2+ wave in brain astrocytes
  1320. Differential expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neurotrophin-3, and neurotrophin-4/5 in the adult rat spinal cord: regulation by the Glutamate receptor …
  1321. Effect of Glutamate antagonists on nitric oxide production in rat brain following intrahippocampal injection
  1322. Minimal effect of brain temperature changes on Glutamate release in rat following severe global brain ischemia: a dialysis electrode study
  1323. Regional gene expression of the Glutamate receptor subtypes GluR1, GluR2, and GluR3 in human postmortem brain
  1324. On-line derivatization for continuous and automatic monitoring of brain extracellular Glutamate levels in anesthetized rats: a microdialysis study
  1325. Coupling between neuronal and glial cells via Glutamate metabolism in brain of healthy persons and patients with mental disorders
  1326. … of metabotropic Glutamate receptors in Gi-and Gs-dependent modulation of adenylate cyclase activity induced by a novel cognition enhancer NS-105 in rat brain
  1327. … subtype which contributes to the potassium-induced release of acetylcholine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, dopamine, γ-aminobutyric acid and Glutamate from rat brain slices
  1328. Dodecylglycerol provides partial protection against Glutamate toxicity in neuronal cultures derived from different regions of embryonic rat brain
  1329. Effect of antibodies against AMPA Glutamate receptors on brain neurons in primary cultures of the cerebellum and hippocampus
  1330. … -2-methyl-4-(3-methylbutanoyl) phenoxy] butoxy} phenyl) propanoic acid: a brain penetrant allosteric potentiator at the metabotropic Glutamate receptor 2 (mGluR2)
  1331. Activation of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 is associated with effect of amphetamine on brain neurons
  1332. Influence of hypotonic shock on Glutamate and GABA uptake in rat brain synaptosomes
  1333. The release of Glutamate and aspartate from rat brain synaptosomes in response to domoic acid (amnesic shellfish toxin) and kainic acid
  1334. Reproducible peracute Glutamate-induced focal lesions of the normal rat brain using microdialysis
  1335. … interaction between adenosine A2A receptors and metabotropic Glutamate 5 receptors a general mechanism in the brain? Differences and similarities …
  1336. Capillary electrophoresis of Glutamate and aspartate in rat brain dialysate Improvements in detection and analysis time using cyclodextrins
  1337. Glutamate and benzodiazepine receptor autoradiography in rat brain after repetition of alcohol dependence
  1338. Lasting effect of NO on Glutamate release in rat striatum revealed by continuous brain dialysis
  1339. The effects of ebselen on [3H] Glutamate uptake by synaptic vesicles from rat brain
  1340. Reversible activation of Glutamate transport in rat brain glia by protein kinase C and an okadaic acid-sensitive phosphoprotein phosphatase
  1341. Inhibition of Glutamate uptake into synaptic vesicles from rat brain by 3-nitropropionic acid in vitro
  1342. Characterization of Na+-coupled Glutamate/aspartate transport by a rat brain astrocyte line expressing GLAST and EAAC1
  1343. Methotrexate induces seizure and decreases Glutamate uptake in brain slices: prevention by ionotropic Glutamate receptors antagonists and adenosine
  1344. Effects of methylprednisolone on the GABA-and Glutamate-induced currents: relevance to glucocorticoid-induced neurotoxicity and brain aging
  1345. Comparison of glutamine-enhanced Glutamate release from slices and primary cultures of rat brain.
  1346. TBOA-sensitive uptake limits Glutamate penetration into brain slices to a few micrometers
  1347. Glutamate metabolism in epilepsy: 13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy observation in the human brain
  1348. Glutamate release correlates with brain-derived neurotrophic factor and trkB mRNA expression in the CA1 region of rat hippocampus
  1349. Glutamate-containing parenteral nutrition doubles plasma Glutamate: A risk factor in neurosurgical patients with blood-brain barrier damage?
  1350. Effect of guanine nucleotides on [3 H] Glutamate binding and on adenylate cyclase activity in rat brain membranes
  1351. Localization of N‐Glycosylation Sites and Functional Role of the Carbohydrate Units of GLAST‐1, a Cloned Rat brain l‐Glutamate/l‐aspartate Transporter
  1352. Glutamate in the human brain: possible roles in synaptic transmission and ischemia
  1353. Aspartoacylase deficiency does not affect N-acetylaspartylGlutamate level or Glutamate carboxypeptidase II activity in the knockout mouse brain
  1354. Effects of isoflurane on Glutamate and taurine releases, brain swelling and injury during transient ischemia and reperfusion
  1355. … elevation in extracellular Glutamate in the rat hippocampus when brain temperature is maintained at physiological levels: implications for the use of human brain …
  1356. The expression and binding of kainate receptors is modified in different brain regions by Glutamate neurotoxicity during postnatal rat development
  1357. Isoflurane doubles plasma Glutamate and increases posttraumatic brain edema
  1358. ω-Agatoxin-TK is a useful tool to study P-type Ca2+ channel-mediated changes in internal Ca2+ and Glutamate release in depolarised brain nerve terminals
  1359. Effects of gonadal steroids on the GABA and Glutamate contents of the early developing tilapia brain
  1360. Vitamin E protects against bacterial endotoxin-induced increase of plasma corticosterone and brain Glutamate in the rat.
  1361. … study of [3H] AMPA receptor binding and in situ hybridization of AMPA sensitive Glutamate receptor A (GluR-A) subunits following morphine withdrawal in the rat brain
  1362. Identification of lysine residue involved in inactivation of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins by o-phthalaldehyde
  1363. A use-dependent sodium channel antagonist, 619C89, in reduction of ischemic brain damage and Glutamate release after acute subdural hematoma in the rat
  1364. Molecular Biologic Study on the Changes of Glutamate Receptor (mGluR5) in Rat Hippocampus after brain Ischemia
  1365. The importance of Glutamate receptors in brain ischemia
  1366. Essential active‐site lysine of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins
  1367. A weakly inward rectifying potassium channel of the salmon brain: Glutamate 179 in the second transmembrane domain is insufficient for strong rectification
  1368. Autoradiographic studies indicate regional variations in the characteristics of L-Glutamate transporters in the rat brain
  1369. Glutamate dehydrogenase induction in the brain of streptozotocin diabetic rats
  1370. Angiotensin II and Glutamate influence area postrema neurons in rat brain slices
  1371. N-terminal splice variants of the NMDAR1 Glutamate receptor subunit: differential expression in human and monkey brain
  1372. Effect of acute alcohol on ischemia-induced Glutamate release and brain damage
  1373. N-Acetyl-l-aspartyl-l-Glutamate changes functional and structural properties of rat blood–brain barrier
  1374. Loss of [3 H] kainate and of NMDA-displaceable [3 H] Glutamate binding sites in brain in thiamine deficiency: Results of a quantitative autoradiographic study
  1375. brain O2 consumption and Glutamate release during hypoglycemic coma in piglets are temperature sensitive
  1376. Microdialysis as a tool for in vivo investigation of Glutamate transport capacity in rat brain
  1377. Changes of Glutamate in brain of rats exposed to infrasound
  1378. Identification of an NAD+ binding site of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins by photoaffinity labeling
  1379. Changes in Glutamate receptors, c-fos mRNA expression and activator protein-1 (AP-1) DNA binding activity in the brain of phenobarbital-dependent and-withdrawn …
  1380. Temporal and spatial expression of preprotachykinin A mRNA in the developing filial mice brain after maternal administration of monosodium Glutamate at a late stage …
  1381. Glutamate and Glutamine in the brain
  1382. Inositol hexakisphosphate‐mediated regulation of Glutamate receptors in rat brain sections
  1383. Effects of bilobalide on hypoxia/hypoglycemia-stimulated Glutamate efflux from rat cortical brain slices
  1384. Nociceptin/orphanin FQ inhibits Glutamate release from rat cerebellar and brain stem slices
  1385. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor does not affect contusion size, brain edema or cerebrospinal fluid Glutamate concentrations in rats following controlled cortical …
  1386. IgG isolated from LP-BM5 infected mouse brain activates ionotropic Glutamate receptors
  1387. Expression of mRNA and proteins for testicular steroidogenic enzymes and brain and pituitary mRNA for Glutamate receptors in rats exposed to immobilization stress
  1388. Expression profiling to understand actions of NMDA/Glutamate receptor antagonists in rat brain
  1389. Amino acid concentrations in the blood of the jugular vein and peripheral artery after traumatic brain injury: decreased release of Glutamate into the jugular vein in the …
  1390. Chronic hyperammonemia alters protein phosphorylation and Glutamate receptor-associated signal transduction in brain
  1391. … differences in the effects of Glutamate uptake inhibitor L-trans-pyrrolidine-2, 4-dicarboxylic acid on extracellular amino acids and dopamine in rat brain: an in vivo …
  1392. Effects of fructose‐1, 6‐bisphosphate on Glutamate release and ATP loss from rat brain slices during hypoxia
  1393. Glutamate Release from the Ovine Fetal brain during Maternal Hemorrhage A Study Using Chronic I Utero Cerebral Microdialysis
  1394. Modification of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins with pyridoxal 5′-phosphate
  1395. … reduces delayed neuronal death in gerbil hippocampal CA1 neurons after transient global ischemia without reduction of brain temperature or extracellular Glutamate …
  1396. Effect of chronic Glutamate administration to pregnant rats during gestation on metabotropic Glutamate receptors from mothers and full-term fetuses brain
  1397. Aluminum L-Glutamate complex in rat brain cortex: in vivo prevention of aluminum deposit by magnesium D-aspartate
  1398. Inhibition of Glutamate uptake in rat brain synaptosome by pyrethroids
  1399. Alteration of beta-amyloid and Glutamate transporter in the brain of diabetes rats and the underlying mechanism
  1400. … a combination of caffeine and N-methyl-D-aspartate but not alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate or metabotropic Glutamate receptor-5 receptor …
  1401. Expression of Glutamate transporter, GABRA6, serine proteinase inhibitor 2 and low levels of Glutamate and GABA in the brain of knock-out mouse for Canavan …
  1402. Acetylcholine, GABA, Glutamate and NO as putative transmitters indicated by immunocytochemistry in the olfactory mushroom body system of the insect brain
  1403. Reactive cysteine residue of bovine brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins.
  1404. Anandamide uptake by synaptosomes from human, mouse and rat brain: inhibition by glutamine and Glutamate
  1405. Novel Secoergoline Derivatives Inhibit Both GABA and Glutamate Uptake in Rat brain Homogenates:  Synthesis, in Vitro Pharmacology, and Modeling
  1406. BAL modulates Glutamate transport in synaptosomes and synaptic vesicles from rat brain
  1407. Autoradiographic study of NMDA-displaceable [3H] Glutamate and [3H] MK-801 binding during butorphanol withdrawal in the rat brain
  1408. Differential development of vesicular Glutamate transporters in brain: an in vitro study of cerebellar granule cells
  1409. Substantia nigra pars reticulata lesion induces preconvulsive behavior and changes in Glutamate receptor gene expression in the rat brain
  1410. Ependymocytes and supra‐ependymal axons in rat brain contain Glutamate
  1411. The Glutamate AMPA receptor antagonist, YM872, attenuates regional cerebral edema and IgG immunoreactivity following experimental brain injury in rats
  1412. Simultaneous Glutamate and GABAA receptor agonist administration increases calbindin levels and prevents hippocampal damage induced by either agent alone in a …
  1413. … of 4-Methoxy-7-nitroindolinyl-d-aspartate, a Caged Compound for Selective Activation of Glutamate Transporters and N-Methyl-d-aspartate Receptors in brain …
  1414. Glutamate receptor GluR1 expression is altered selectively by chronic audiogenic seizures in the Frings mouse brain
  1415. Glutamate uptake by rat brain astroglia incubated in human cerebrospinal fluid
  1416. Modulation of neuronal Glutamate transporter rEAAC1 mRNA expression in rat brain by amitriptyline
  1417. Photoaffinity labeling of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins with an azido-ADP
  1418. Synaptosomal and brain slice cerebrocortical [3H] L-Glutamate uptake in a rat model of chronic hepatic encephalopathy
  1419. … of the second messenger functions of the Glutamate metabotropic receptor is associated with degenerative changes in the retina and brain of immature rodents
  1420. Decreased expression of Glutamate dehydrogenase by prolonged intake of monosodium Glutamate in rat brain
  1421. Interleukin 1β-induced inhibition of gastric acid secretion involves Glutamate, NO and cGMP synthesis in the brain
  1422. The post-mortem concentration of Glutamate in the structures of rat brain as an exponent of short aversive sensory stimulation preceding death
  1423. Detection and Imaging of L-Glutamate Released from Mouse-brain Slices with an Enzyme-Based Membrane
  1424. In vivo carbon‐edited detection with proton echo‐planar spectroscopic imaging (ICED PEPSI): [3,4‐13CH2]Glutamate/glutamine tomography in rat brain
  1425. Chronic exposure to 2, 5-hexanedione impairs the Glutamate-nitric oxide-cyclic GMP pathway in cerebellar neurons in culture and in rat brain in vivo
  1426. Does Glutamate mediate brain damage in acute encephalitis?
  1427. Lowered brain glutathione by diethylmaleate decreased the Glutamate release induced by cerebral ischemia in anesthetized rats
  1428. Artificial gravity loading increases the effects of the Glutamate transporter inhibitors on the Glutamate release and uptake in rat brain nerve terminals
  1429. Altered expression of Glutamate transporter GLAST mRNA in rat brain after photochemically induced focal ischemia
  1430. Preferential blockade of cholecystokinin-8S-induced increases in aspartate and Glutamate levels by the CCKB receptor antagonist, l-365,260, in rat brain
  1431. For ischemic brain damage, is preclinical evidence of neuroprotection by presynaptic blockade of Glutamate release enough?
  1432. Delayed labelling of brain Glutamate after an intra-arterial [13C] glucose bolus: evidence for aerobic metabolism of guinea pig brain glycogen store
  1433. Expression of AMPA-type Glutamate receptors in pretectal nuclei of the chick brain
  1434. Glutamate-related mechanism of ginsenosides against anoxic-ischemic brain damage
  1435. Cryptic expression of functional Glutamate transporters in the developing rodent brain
  1436. The effects of hypothermia on a cloned human brain Glutamate transporter (hGLT-1) expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells:−[3H] l-Glutamate uptake study
  1437. A study of the uptake of Glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine and β-alanine in synaptic brain vesicles from fish and avians
  1438. Effects of metabotropic Glutamate receptor stimulation on blood–brain barrier permeability during focal cerebral ischemia
  1439. DOPA causes Glutamate release and delayed neuron death by brain ischemia in rats
  1440. Two distinct components of initial Glutamate release synchronized with anoxic depolarization in rat global brain ischemia
  1441. Contribution of Glutamate receptors to brain-derived neurotrophic factor-induced elevation of intracellular Ca2+ levels
  1442. Metabotropic Glutamate receptor/phospholipase C pathway is increased in rat brain at the end of pregnancy
  1443. Cofactor and tryptophan accessibility and unfolding of brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  1444. Determination of Glutamate by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection in superfusates of rat brain preparations
  1445. … Glutamate receptor involvement in phosphoinositide hydrolysis stimulation by an endogenous Na+, K+-ATPase inhibitor and ouabain in neonatal rat brain
  1446. In vivo investigation of Glutamate–glutamine metabolism in hyperammonemic monkey brain using 13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  1447. Quantitative autoradiography of Na+-dependent [3H] l-aspartate binding to l-Glutamate transporters in rat brain: structure-activity studies using l-trans-pyrrolidine-2, 4 …
  1448. Effect of neonatal monosodium Glutamate on the activities of Glutamate dehydrogenase and aminotransferases in the circumventricular organs of rat brain
  1449. Specificity of Glutamate receptors in P 2 synaptosomal fraction from rat brain cortex
  1451. Developmental changes of Glutamate acid decarboxylase-67 in mouse brain after hypoxia ischemia.
  1452. … recovery by the NMDA Glutamate antagonist MK801 after compression of the sensorimotor cortex: implications for treatment of tumors or other mass-related brain …
  1453. Glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA receptor antagonists administered into the brain stem depress the renal sympathetic reflex discharges …
  1454. The fate of Glutamate in different brain regions of the chick during Newcastle disease virus infection.
  1455. High affinity Glutamate uptake in rat brain slices at experimental crush syndrome.
  1456. Selected pyrethroid insecticides stimulate Glutamate uptake in brain synaptic vesicles
  1457. Glutamate efflux from rat brain slices and cultures: a comparison of the depolarizing agents potassium, 4-aminopyridine, and veratrine
  1458. Dominant-negative suppression of big brain ion channel activity by mutation of a conserved Glutamate in the first transmembrane domain
  1459. Changes of metabotropic Glutamate receptor subtype 1a in diffuse brain injury with secondary brain insults and the effects of 2-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine.
  1460. Glutamate metabolism in primary cultures of rat brain astrocytes: rationale and initial efforts toward developing a compartmental model
  1461. Ncm-D-aspartate: a novel caged D-aspartate suitable for activation of Glutamate transporters and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in brain tissue
  1462. … herbal medicine toki-shakuyaku-san (TJ-23) and its effect on superoxide dismutase activity, lipid peroxides, Glutamate, and monoamine metabolites in aged rat brain
  1463. Glutamate receptors and transporters in the brain and peripheral tissues
  1464. Differences between D-and L-aspartate binding to the Na+-dependent binding sites on Glutamate transporters in frozen sections of rat brain
  1465. Predominant expression of group-II metabotropic Glutamate receptors in the goldfish brain
  1466. Determination of Glutamate and γ-Aminobutyric Acid in Rat brain by HPLC with Pre Column Derivation and Electrochemical Detection [J]
  1467. Energy metabolism and NAD-NADH redox state in brain slices in response to Glutamate exposure and ischemia
  1468. Detection of Glutamate in the human brain at 3 Tesla using optimized CT-PRESS
  1469. Effect of amphetamine on the expression of the metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 mRNA in developing rat brain
  1470. A study of the oligomeric state of the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid-preferring Glutamate receptors in the synaptic junctions of porcine brain
  1471. Effects of mild versus deep hypothermia on a cloned human brain Glutamate transporter (GLT-1) expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells
  1472. Microdialysis of Glutamate and GABA in the brain: analysis and interpretation
  1473. Glutamate toxicity in primary cerebellar cultures from mouse brain is unaffected by changes in cGMP levels.
  1474. Glutamate receptor antagonists modulate heat shock protein response in focal brain ischemia
  1475. Effects of ADP on different inhibitory properties of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins by perphenazine.
  1476. Adenosine A1 receptors in rat brain synaptosomes: Transductional mechanisms, effects on Glutamate release, and preservation after metabolic inhibition
  1477. Functional coupling between metabotropic Glutamate receptors and G proteins in rat brain membranes
  1478. Expression pattern of Glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) in the developing cortex of the embryonic chick brain
  1479. A novel Glutamate dehydrogenase from bovine brain: purification and characterization.
  1480. Changes of GABA and Glutamate Immunoreaction in brain of Rats with Epilepsy Induced by IL-1beta or IL-6
  1481. Influence of stereoisomers of 4-fluoroGlutamate on rat brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  1482. Okadaic acid induces the expression of Glutamate transporter EAAT1 in the neurons of rat brain
  1483. Purification and biochemical characterization of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid/kainate-sensitive l-Glutamate receptors of pig brain
  1484. Chemical modification of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins with phenylglyoxal
  1485. Ultrastructural localization of the kainate selective Glutamate receptor in noradrenergic perikarya and dendrites of the nucleus locus coeruleus in the rat brain
  1486. The enhancement and the inhibition of noradrenaune-induced cyclic amp accumulation in rat brain by stimulation of metabotropic Glutamate receptors
  1487. Effects of K+, pH and Glutamate on 45Ca kinetics in hippocampal brain slices
  1488. The alteration of γ-aminobutyric acid and Glutamate contents in the discrete brain offemale tilapia during certain stages of gonadal cycle
  1489. Gender, age and regional differences of brain Glutamate concentration in healthy subjects
  1490. Inactivation of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins by MDL 29951
  1491. Thiopental and midazolam do not seem to impede metabolism of Glutamate in brain-injured patients
  1492. Exercise and Glutamate Receptors in brain and the Expression of its Gene [J]
  1493. Direct radiolabeling by [3H] quisqualic acid of group I metabotropic Glutamate receptor in rat brain synaptic membranes
  1494. Comparison of Changes in Glutamate Levels in the Nucleus Accumbens of the Rat brain during Food Consumption in Conditions of Blockade of Dopamine D 1 and D …
  1495. Metabolic responses in discrete regions of rat brain following acute administration of Glutamate
  1496. … Interference with Depolarization-Dependent Phosphorylation of Synapsin I and Evoked Release ofl-Glutamate in Nerve-Terminal Preparations from Mammalian brain
  1497. Effect of Qingkailin on free calcium of synaptosomes in rats with neurotoxic brain edema induced by L-Glutamate
  1498. Metabotropic Glutamate receptor analogues inhibit p [NH] ppG-stimulated phospholipase C activity in bovine brain coated vesicles: involvement of a pertussis toxin …
  1499. ATP’s impact on the conformation and holoenzyme formation in relation to the regulation of brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  1500. … but not AMPA and kainate Glutamate receptor genes show altered expression in response to long term treatment with trans-and cis-flupenthixol in the rat brain
  1501. Glutamate transport across blood brain barrier after transient global ischemia/reperfusion in rats
  1502. Protecting the brain from a Glutamate Storm
  1503. The Effect of Chrono-exercise on Glutamate Neurotransmitters in Rat’s Three brain Levels [J]
  1504. Differential responsiveness of metabotropic Glutamate receptors coupled to phosphoinositide hydrolysis to agonists in various brain areas of the adult rat
  1505. In vivo CSI of Glutamate in Macaca mulatta brain
  1506. Separate signal detection of Glutamate and glutamine in the rat brain in vivo at 4.7 T using optimized 1H‐CT‐PRESS with effective homonuclear decoupling
  1507. Morphological study on excitotoxic neurodegeneration of exogenous Glutamate in newborn rat brain
  1509. Stimulated release of exogenous GABA and Glutamate from cerebral cortical synaptosomes and brain slices by bis (acetato) tetrakis (imidazole) copper (II) complex
  1510. Molecular mechanism of Glutamate-triggered brain glucose metabolism: a parametric model from FDG PET-scans
  1511. Changes of Glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid contents in brain tissue of brain edema and effects of Baicalin on them in rats
  1512. In cortical cultures of trisomy 16 mouse brain the upregulated metallothionein-I/II fails to respond to H2O2 exposure or Glutamate receptor stimulation
  1513. Identification and characterization of inhibitors of L-Glutamate transport into rat brain synaptic vesicles
  1514. Methyl-beta-cyclodextrin influences Glutamate transport in the rat brain nerve terminals by depletion of membrane cholesterol
  1515. Glutamate up-regulates inflammatory responses of intestine and brain after focal cerebral ischemia [J]
  1516. Involvement of enhanced Glutamate release in halogenated volatile anesthetic-induced excitation in mouse brain
  1517. Purification of Glutamate dehydrogenase from liver and brain
  1518. Changes in dopamine D2 and GluR-1 Glutamate receptor mRNAs in the rat brain after treatment with phencyclidine.
  1519. Regulation of two soluble forms of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins by leucine
  1520. [1-13C] glucose metabolism in brain cells: isotopomer analysis of glutamine from cerebellar astrocytes and Glutamate from granule cells
  1521. Efficacy of Glutamate receptor antagonists in the management of functional disorders in cytotoxic brain oedema induced by hexachlorophene
  1522. Intraoperative enzyme-amperometric monitoring of extracellular Glutamate concentration with a dialysis electrode in ischemic human brain
  1523. Purification and characterization of a low molecular weight endogenous Glutamate binding inhibitor (LGBI) in porcine brain
  1524. The inorganic phosphate transport system in the brain and the potency as vesicular Glutamate transporters
  1525. Glutamate enhances brain damage from ischemia and trauma
  1526. Changes of lactate, glucose, ionized calcium and Glutamate concentrations in cephalic vein blood during brain hypothermia using extracorporeal membrane …
  1527. Effects of Qingkailing Injection on c-fos Gene Expression in Treating Neurotoxic brain Injury Induced by Glutamate
  1528. Autoantibodies to Glutamate receptor subtypes–markers of functional brain damage: their diagnostic significance for detecting paroxysmal activity and ischemia
  1529. Glutamate transporters of blood platelets as potential peripheral markers to analyze changes of Glutamate transport activity in brain under altered gravity conditions.
  1530. Protective effect of c-fos antisense oligonucleotides on brain damage induced by Glutamate
  1531. Determination of Glutamate in microamount cerebrospinal fluid after acute brain injury in mice
  1532. … study of methamphetamine psychosis–role of Glutamate and nitric oxide in methamphetamine-induced dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotoxicity in the rat brain
  1533. Decrease of (+)-3-[125I] MK-801 binding to NMDA brain receptors revealed at puberty in rats treated neonatally with monosodium Glutamate
  1535. Group II metabotropic and AMPA/kainate Glutamate receptors regulate the deficit in brain reward function associated with nicotine withdrawal in rats
  1536. Unilateral eyeball enucleation differentially alters AMPA-, NMDA-and kainate Glutamate receptor binding in the newborn rat brain
  1537. Non-NMDA Glutamate receptor binding in canine brain after global cerebral ischemia and reperfusion
  1538. The effects of motivational and emotional factors in Glutamate release in the nucleus accumbens of the rat brain during food consumption
  1539. Spermidine attenuation of volatile anesthetic inhibition of Glutamate-stimulated [3H](5D, 10S)-(+)-methyl-10, 11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo [a, d] cyclohepten-5, 10-imine ([3H …
  1540. Glutamate neurotoxicity as a mechanism of ischemic brain damage: a basic study using a new in vivo model
  1541. Characteristics of changes of Glutamate receptors in the brain during acute cerebral ischemia in rats
  1542. Subunit selective decrease of AMPA and metabotropic Glutamate receptor mRNA expression in rat brain by systemic administration of the NMDA receptor blocker MK …
  1543. Metabotropic Glutamate receptors and brain ischemia: differential effects on phospoinositide turnover in young and aged rats.
  1544. Determination of Glutamate in rat brain microdialysates by microbore liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection
  1545. 2D MR spectroscopic characterization of NAA, Glutamate and glutathione in human brain in vivo
  1546. … relevant measures of Glutamate transmission? Commentary on Di Chiara et al.,’Estimation of in-vivo neurotransmitter release by brain microdialysis the issue of …
  1547. Experimental study of protective effect of Qingkailing on Glutamate induced neurotoxic damage of brain
  1548. Glutamate connections in brain
  1549. Effective transverse relaxation time of the C4 proton multiplet resonance of Glutamate in tissue phantoms and human brain at 3 Tesla
  1550. The effect of the synthetic neuroprotective dipeptide noopept on Glutamate release from rat brain cortex slices
  1551. Effects of subchronic arsenic exposure on Glutamate-glutamine cycle in mice brain
  1552. (S)-4-Carboxy-3-hydroxyphenylglycine activates phosphatidyl inositol linked metabotropic Glutamate receptors in different brain regions of the neonatal rat
  1553. Kainate receptors are involved in the Glutamate-induced indirect, purinergic inhibition of [3 H]-noradrenaline release in rabbit brain cortex
  1554. In vivo CSI of Glutamate in the monkey brain
  1555. Stimulation of cyclic AMP formation by pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide is attenuated by Glutamate in rat brain slices
  1556. Glutamate‐induced alterations of tight junction protein expression and distribution in brain endothelial cells
  1557. Aldrin-induced stimulation of locomotor activity and brain regional Glutamate
  1560. The localization and distribution of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 1 and 1alpha subtypes in the rat brain
  1561. Effect of β-cypermethrin on Glutamate-glutamine circulation of brain in mice [J]
  1562. Effects of β-asarone on Glutamic Acid, Gamma-aminobutyric Acid, Glutamate Decarboxylase in Epileptic Rats’ brain Cortex [J]
  1563. Toxic effects of Rotenone on Glutamate transporter and glutamine synthetase in rat brain
  1564. Zn2+ inhibition of [3H] MK-801 binding is different in mouse brain and spinal cord: effect of glycine and Glutamate
  1565. brain Glutamate proton transverse relaxation time as measured by spectrally-selective refocusing
  1566. Inhibitory effects of berberine on c fos expression and intracellular free calcium elevation induced by Glutamate in dissociated brain cells of neonatal rats [J]
  1567. Hypoxia-ischemia altered expression of Glutamate transporter EAAT1 in neonatal rat brain.
  1569. Expression and localization of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase with its monoclonal antibody
  1570. Can secondary brain insults exacerbate diffuse brain injuries through Glutamate excitotoxicity and cyclic nucleotides system: a randomly controlled study in SD rats
  1571. Variant functions of metabotropic Glutamate receptors between taste and brain type
  1573. Glutamate transport in the heart: lessons learned from the brain
  1574. Comparative study neurotoxicity of monosodium Glutamate on different parts of rat brain
  1575. A 13-mer peptide of a brain injury-derived protein supports neuronal survival and rescues neurons from injury caused by Glutamate
  1576. Immunoreactivity to synaptosomal-associated protein-25 in developing rat retinas: effects of a Glutamate agonist and retinal transplantation to a host brain.
  1577. Changes in metabotropic Glutamate receptor 4 expression and the effects of L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate in a rodent model of diffuse brain injury.
  1579. Effects of the metabotropic Glutamate receptor ligand (s)-4C3HPG on the induction of brain ischemic tolerance in the rat
  1580. Free-radical processes and Glutamate metabolism in the brain of newborn rats developed in uteroplacental circulatory insufficiency
  1581. Glutamate mapping at 3 and 4 Tesla in human brain using short TE proton echo planar spectroscopic imaging
  1582. Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors as a Drug Target in brain Ischemia
  1583. Glutamate-Mediated Astrocyte-Neuron Communication in brain Physiology and Pathology
  1584. Extracellular concentrations of Glutamate and aspartate in the injured brain measured by microdialysis
  1585. … of L-Glutamate transport inhibition by a conformationally restricted Glutamate analogue (2S, 1’S, 2’R)-2-(carboxycyclopropyl) glycine (L-CCG III) on metabolism in brain …
  1586. Quantitation of Glutamate and GABA in the human brain in vivo using localized 2D constant time COSY at 4.7 T
  1587. Physiology and pathology of the Glutamate-mediated neurotransmission in the brain
  1588. The role of adrenoreceptors in the regulation of blood Glutamate level in a brain self-protecting mechanism after closed head injury
  1589. Glutamate and Glutamine in the brain
  1590. Glutamate in traumatic brain injuries
  1591. Expression of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 1alpha in different brain areas of the kindled epilepsia models of rats by Coriaria lactone
  1592. Effect of t-butylhydroperoxide on Glutamate Uptake in Rabbit brain Synaptosome
  1593. Molecular biological studies of brain Glutamate receptors.
  1594. Ionotropic Glutamate receptors are involved in malondialdehyde production in anesthetized rat brain cortex: a microdialysis study
  1595. The enhancement and the inhibition of noradrenaline-induced cyclic AMP accumulation in rat brain by stimulation of metabotropic Glutamate receptors.
  1596. Effects of a Glutamate transport inhibitor on brain metabolism
  1597. An essential histidine residue in GTP binding domain of bovine brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins
  1598. Glutamate and Glutamine in the brain
  1599. Involvement of Glutamate receptors (NMDA type) in reaction of brain neurons to anoxia of different duration
  1600. Improvement of the Spectral Resolution for Glutamate and Glutamine in the Human brain at 4.7 T by using a Localized 2D Constant Time COSY
  1601. Immunocytochemical study on the localization of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 subtype (mGluR5) in the rat brain
  1602. Effect of melatonin on Glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in various regions in brain of morphine withdrawal rats
  1603. brain self-protective scavenging of blood Glutamate
  1604. Experimental study of protective effect of Qingkailing () on brain damage induced by Glutamate) on brain damage induced by Glutamate
  1605. Glutamate release and free radical production following brain injury: effects of posttraumatic hypothermia
  1606. Application of a Glutamate microsensor to brain tissue
  1607. Reduction of brain Infarct Size and Extracellular Glutamate Accumulation by Dihydrokinate in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat after Transient Forebrain …
  1608. Resolution Enhancement of brain Glutamate at PRESS {TE1, TE2}={35, 75} ms at 3T
  1609. Catalytic and structural properties of brain Glutamate decarboxylase
  1610. Ontogeny of Glutamate transporters in the sheep brain
  1611. Hyposmotic‐induced Glutamate release in different brain preparations: possible role of PKC
  1612. Novel Rat brain Glutamate Receptor cDNA
  1613. Structure and expression of Glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) in rat brain.
  1614. Defining a relationship between Glutamate labeling from carbon-13-pyruvate and related pathways in brain mitochondria.
  1615. A word on Glutamate uptake by rat brain astroglia incubated in human cerebrospinal fluid
  1616. Current concepts of involvement of Glutamate in ischemic damage of the brain tissue
  1617. In vivo MR spectroscopic imaging of Glutamate in the monkey brain
  1618. ONTOGENY OF Glutamate TRANSPORTERS IN THE SHEEP brain.† 375
  1619. Reaction of Phospholipid with brain Glutamate Decarboxylase
  1620. The effect of Na-Glutamate treatment on enzyme-and bioelectric activities in rat brain
  1621. Roles and regulation of brain Glutamate transporters in normal and pathological brain function
  1622. Functional Study of Glutamate Receptor Channels in brain Slices
  1623. Effect of hypoxia-ischemia on Glutamate in brain of neonatal rats and its damage
  1624. Posttranslational regulation of brain soluble L-Glutamate decarboxylase.
  1625. The effectiveness of bipeptide of Glutamate and alanine on severe trauma brain injury [J]
  1626. Inhibition of Glutamate Uptake in Rat brain Synaptosome by Pyrethroids
  1627. Effect of cortaria lactone on Glutamate release of brain slices and Glutamate uptake of synaptosomes
  1628. Is Glutamate or Glutamine Elevated Following Traumatic brain Injury?
  1629. Changes in activities of enzymes of Glutamate metabolism in rat brain during phosphamidon treatment with reference to behavioral tolerance
  1630. Measuring Glutamate in the Human brain by MRS: Reproducibility using Time Domain fitting at 3 Tesla.
  1631. Cellular localization of Glutamate transporter GLAST mRNA expression in rat brain
  1632. Effects of sodium Glutamate on traumatic brain edema in cats
  1633. Modulatory effects of PTZ on Glutamate receptors from rat brain
  1634. Study on the Effect of Gamisihotang (GSHT) on Glutamate Receptor, Free Radical and brain Damage in Rats Subjected to brain Ischemia
  1635. Inhibition of Glutamate uptake in rat brain synaptosome by methylmercury
  1636. Regulation of two soluble forms of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins by protein kinases
  1637. Experimental Study on the Influence of Sodium Glutamate on Embryonal brain Development of Mouse
  1638. Guanosine increases Glutamate release on synaptosomal preparations from rat brain
  1639. Glutamate neurotoxicity does not modify aminopeptidase activities in mouse brain homogenates
  1640. Experimental study on the influence of sodium Glutamate on embryonal brain development of mouse
  1641. Study on the protective effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on Glutamate-injured neurons [J]
  1642. Effect of methylmercury on Glutamate release from rat brain slices
  1643. HBO Alleviates brain Injury and Improves Glucose Metabolism and Reduces Glutamate Release
  1644. Glutamate decarboxylase activity in rat brain during experimental epileptic seizures induced by pilocarpine
  1645. Age-related alterations in the pharmacology and expression of Glutamate receptors in the mouse brain
  1646. Effects of acute hypoxia on the expression of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 1α in the brain cortex of rats with brain injury
  1648. The effects of ketamine on brain Glutamate metabolism, behavior and cognition in healthy, human volunteers.
  1649. Changes of Blood Glutamate Levels in Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Patients Undergoing brain Hypothermia
  1650. Changes of Blood Glutamate Levels in Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Patients Undergoing brain Hypothermia
  1651. Effect of pyrethroids on the binding level of metabotropic Glutamate receptor in rat brain
  1652. Splice Variants of a Rat brain Glutamate Receptor cDNA: 508
  1653. Effect of qingkailing on Glutamate and NMDA receptor of brain tissue
  1654. Study on the effect of hypergravity stress on L-Glutamate uptake by rat brain nerve endings
  1655. Effects of the metabotropic Glutamate receptor ligands on the induction of brain ischemic tolerance in rats
  1657. Changes of GABA and Glutamate immunoreaction in brain of rats with epilepsy induced by IL-# beta# or IL-6
  1658. The influence of prolonged hypokinesia on the levels of GABA, Glutamate and glycine in white rat brain cortex
  1659. Glutamate diffusion in brain: a dual probe microdialysis study
  1660. Role of brain Glutamate in pressor response of lateral hypothalamus-perifornical region
  1661. Localization of a metabotropic Glutamate receptor mGluR8 in the rat brain: an immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization study.
  1662. Immunological screening of a rat brain cDNA library for genes encoding potential novel Glutamate receptors.
  1663. Alteration and significance of metabotropic Glutamate receptors group Ⅰ, Ⅱin cerebral cortex in diffuse brain injury
  1664. Effects of blockade of sodium-dependent Glutamate transporters on brain metabolism
  1665. Effect of X-ray on Glutamate, c-fos and GS in brain of Epileptic Rat
  1666. The inhibitory effect of melatonin on the level of MDA in the animal^ s brain induced by L-Glutamate
  1667. Effect of Ascorbic Acid and Alprazolam on Behaviour, Skeletal Muscle Activity and brain Glutamate Levels in Albino Rats
  1668. Damage of Glutamate transporter function during ischemia-reperfusion injury of rat brain and antagonistical effect of dexamethasone
  1669. Concentration variations of Glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid in brain tissues of uremia encephalopathy rat
  1670. Spring Forward or Fall Back? Redox State as a Determinant in Glutamate Signaling Pathways Adjusting Our brain Clock
  1671. Functional imaging of ketamine in the rat brain: a model for Glutamate dysfunction in schizophrenia
  1672. The Role of brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Glutamate-Induced Circadian Phase Advances
  1673. Modulating effect of Glutamate transporter inhibitors on accumulation and release of the neuromediator by the brain nerve terminals in rats
  1674. Alleviation of brain ischemic edema in rats by LY367385, a selective antagonist of metabotropic Glutamate receptor
  1675. Changes and effects of group II metabotropic Glutamate receptors in the cerebral cortex of rats after diffuse brain injuries coupled with hypopiesia secondary brain …
  1676. The influence of various organic acids on ({sup 3} H) Glutamate uptake into brain synaptic vesicles
  1677. Short-echo-time 1H MRS of the mouse lacking brain-specific Glutamate-dehydrogenase
  1678. The effect of hypothermia on the expression of c-fos and the extracellular release of Glutamate following traumatic brain injury of the rat
  1679. Simulated biological effects of microgravity on Glutamate release from brain cells of embryonic chicks
  1680. N-methyl-D-aspartate, anoxia and Glutamate antagonists in mammalian brain.
  1681. Group Ⅱ metabotropic Glutamate receptors participate in the induction of brain ischemic tolerance through inhibiting apoptosis
  1682. Amino acid carbamates as inhibitors and substrates of high-affinity Glutamate transport in rat brain synaptosomes
  1683. brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) prevents nitric oxide (NO)-mediated Glutamate cytotoxicity.
  1684. Protective effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on high dose Glutamate-injured rat cortical neurons and its mechanism
  1685. The relationship between Glutamate in cerebrospinal fluid and GCS, ICP, CPP on patients with acute brain injury and brain edema
  1686. Effect of Regional Abnomal Glutamate Release on Lactate Content in Rats with Traumatic brain Injury: a Microdialysis Study
  1687. The effects of development of a food-related operant reflex on the receptor binding of Glutamate in the rat brain
  1689. Effect of the protonophore carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenyl-hydrazon on the Glutamate release from rat brain nerve terminals under altered gravity …
  1690. The Role of GM1 in Changes of Glutamate Receptors following the Fluid Percussive brain Injury in Rat
  1691. Presynaptic Na+-dependent transport and exocytose of GABA and Glutamate in brain in hypergravity.
  1692. … of brain electric activity after intraventricular administration of GABA and Glutamate: It there any correlation between specific neurochemical modifications in the brain …
  1693. Pharyngeal Cooling Decreased brain Temperature and Glutamate Concentration during Resuscitation
  1694. Effect of mild brain cooling on Glutamate content in cerebrospinal fluid in dogs after cardiac arrest
  1695. Effects of pyrethroids on excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter Glutamate release from rat brain slices
  1696. Effects of Glutamate transporter inhibitor on rat cortical pyramidal cells in organotypic cultured brain slices
  1697. Low CSF branched chain amino acids: Evidence for increased brain Glutamate synthesis due to impaired mitochondrial function?
  1698. Measuring the Glutamate-glutamine cycle rate in the brain: simulated comparison between [1-13C] glucose and [2-13C] acetate
  1699. Effects of Electroacupuncture on Levels of Glutamate, Aspartate, γ-Aminobuyric Acid and Glycine in Rat brain after Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion
  1700. Selective Measurement of brain Glutamate and Glutamine In Vivo by Spectrally-selective Refocusing at 7T
  1701. Effects of Nerve Growth Factor on the Glutamate-and Hydrogen Peroxide-induced Elevation of free Ca2+ Levels in Isolated brain Cells from Neonatal Rats
  1702. Spectrally-Selective Refocusing for brain Glutamate and Glutamine Measures: Application to Human Prefrontal and Motor Cortices
  1703. 809 Amplification and Cloning of Human Genomic DNA Segments Homologous to a New Rat brain Glutamate Receptor Gene
  1704. The Effect of Juglandis Semen Extract Solution on Oxidant-Induced Alteration of Glutamate Uptake in Rabbit brain Synaptosome
  1705. In vivo 13C-NMR spectroscopy measurement of the rate of Glutamate synthesis in monkey brain after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion
  1706. BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) induces Glutamate and aspartate release from cultured rat CNS neurons
  1707. Platelets as potential peripheral markers to study functioning of the high-affinity sodium-dependent Glutamate transporters in the nerve terminals of the brain
  1708. Exposure of animals to artificial gravity conditions leads to the alteration of the Glutamate release from rat brain nerve terminals.
  1709. The Effect of Glutamate, Antioxid Ants, and Gangliosides on Na+,K+-Atpase Activity in Rat brain Cortex Synaptosomes
  1710. brain-derived neurotrophic factor and TrkB in the hippocampus: Relation to Glutamate and GABA neurotransmission following cognitive or pharmacological …
  1711. Global hypoxia-ischemia in the late-gestation ovine: Assessment of brain damage and the protective effects of Glutamate receptor antagonists.
  1712. cpg2 encodes a brain-and synapse-specific protein that regulates the endocytosis of Glutamate receptors
  1713. Effects of isoflurane, propofol and mild hypothermia on Glutamate releases evoked by chemical anoxia in hippocampus brain slices of rats
  1714. Epilepsy and exacerbation of brain injury in mice lacking the Glutamate transporter GLT-1
  1716. Observation of label accumulation at Glutamate/Glutamine C&2, 3, 4 and HC03-in human brain after intravenous l-13C labeled Glucose infusion
  1717. Increased Detectability of Alpha Glutamate/Glutamine on brain 1H-MRS in Neonatal Seizures Caused by Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
  1718. Guanine nucleotides modulate L-Glutamate but not GABA uptake into rat brain synaptic vesicles
  1719. Simultaneous Detection of Glutamate, GABA and Glutamine in the Human brain at 4.7 T by using a Localized 2D CT-COSY with an ISIS Pulse
  1720. 736 The Effect of Group II and III Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Activation on Neuronal Injury in a Rodent Model of Traumatic brain Injury
  1721. … on the effect of neuroprotective prolonged and intermittent normobaric hyperoxia on serum level of TNF-α and Glutamate transporters expression in rat brain
  1722. Investigation of muscarinic and metabotropic (Glutamate) response properties of adult and immature olfactory cortical brain slices in vitro.
  1723. Hyperbaric Oxygenation Treatment during Ischemia Alleviates brain Injury and Reduces Striatal Hydroxyl Free Radicals Formation and Glutamate Release
  1724. Initial Observations on Effect of Vigabatrin on In Vivo^ 1H Spectroscopic Measurements of γ-Aminobutyric Acid, Glutamate, and Glutamine in Human brain
  1725. … mammalian brain: Correlation with GABA and Glutamate in the primate visual cortex, and regulation of its mitochondrial-and nuclear-encoded subunits in murine brain …
  1726. Effects of isoflurane, propofol and mild hypothermia on Glutamate releases evoked by chemical anoxia in hippocampus brain slices of rats
  1727. Effects of Immediate, Post-Ischemic Selective brain Cooling on Extracellular Ascorbate Release and Glutamate Re-Uptake during Reperfusion after Forebrain …
  1728. Centrifuge-induced hypergravity and Glutamate efflux by reversal of high-affinity, sodium-dependent transporters from rat brain synaptosomes.
  1729. Repeated exposure to amphetamine promotes the self-administration of cocaine: Sensitization and the contribution of brain dopamine-Glutamate interactions.
  1730. … of Glutamate and inhibitors of various pathways of free radical production on Na+, K+-ATPase activity and accumulation of lipids peroxidation products in rat brain …
  1731. Glutamate decarboxylase activity and GABA binding in the brain synaptic membranes in rats with compensatory activation of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal system in …
  1732. Study of Nicotinic, Muscarinic, and Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors in Kindled Rat brain and Correlation with Behavior During Kindling in Preparation for …
  1733. Blockade of the N-methyl-D-aspartate-type Glutamate receptor in the animal: Target for neuroprotection in head trauma and brain ischemia
  1734. Effects of Glutamate receptor antagonists and protein synthesis inhibitor on delayed neuronal death induced by transient global ischemia in rat brain
  1735. Particular subpopulations of midbrain and hypothalamic dopamine neurons express vesicular Glutamate transporter 2 in the rat brain
  1736. brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Enhances Depolarization-induced Glutamate Release through Activation of Phospholipase C-γ and Mitogen …
  1737. Glutamate decarboxylase activity and GABA binding by synaptic membranes of brain structure under stress in intact rats and rats with hormonal blockade of the …
  1738. A DOPA antagonist, DOPA cyclohexyl ester inhibits transient brain ischemia-induced release of Glutamate and delayed neuronal cell death in striatal and …
  1739. … effects of thiopental sodium, propofol and halothane on brain ischemia in the gerbil: effects of the anesthetics on ischemic depolarization and extracellular Glutamate …
  1740. Transport mechanism of L-[14 C] Glutamate in cortical slices and synaptosomes of rabbits exposed to brain ischemia and reperfusion
  1741. Kinetic modeling of the metabotropic Glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5) PET radiotracer [18F] F-PEB in Rhesus monkey brain
  1742. Glutamate receptor-mediated synaptic responses in rat hippocampus after cholinergic deafferentation by the immunotoxin 192 IgG-saporin. Possible implications for …
  1743. … extracts of several naturally-occurring products on [{sup 3} H] Glutamate binding in membrane preparations from brain of rats and on [{sup 3} H] Glutamate uptake in rat …
  1744. Proton MRS at 3 tesla in brain of schizophrenic patients: elevated Glutamate and reduced NAA in hippocampus
  1745. Effects of glutaric acid on [{sup 3} H] Glutamate binding in synaptic membranes and mitochondrial fraction of brain of young rats
  1746. The effect of 4.6 MPa heliox on extracellular Glutamate concentration in mice brain
  1747. Expression of Bax and Bcl-2 in Glutamate-induced neuronal apoptosis in fetal mice brain after maternal oral administration of monosodium Glutamate
  1748. The effect of 4.6 Mpa heliox on extracellular Glutamate concentration in mice brain
  1749. L-2-hydroxyglutaric acid increases [{sup 3} H] Glutamate binding of metabotropic receptors in brain of young rats
  1750. Effect of Low Level Laser Irradiation at Wavelengths 488 and 515 nm on Glutamate Neurotransmitter in Mitochondria of Visual brain Cortex in Albino Rat
  1751. The Use of [2-13C] Acetate to Determine the Pathway for Neurotransmitter Glutamate Repletion in the Human brain
  1752. Visualization and characterization of group 2 and 3 metabotropic Glutamate receptors using [3 5 S] GTPγS binding in rat brain
  1753. … protein and lipid oxidation in animal models relevant to Alzheimer’s disease and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal modification of a Glutamate transporter in the Alzheimer’s brain.
  1754. Glutamate as a neurotransmitter in the healthy brain
  1755. The blood-brain barrier and Glutamate
  1756. A role for Glutamate in growth and invasion of primary brain tumors
  1757. Glutamate-dependent neuroglial calcium signaling differs between young and adult brain
  1758. GABA and Glutamate transporters in brain
  1759. Glutamate metabolism in the brain focusing on astrocytes
  1760. Glutamate release by primary brain tumors induces epileptic activity
  1761. Imaging extrasynaptic Glutamate dynamics in the brain
  1762. Homeostasis of Glutamate in brain fluids: an accelerated brain-to-blood efflux of excess Glutamate is produced by blood Glutamate scavenging and offers protection …
  1763. Effects of age and sex on brain Glutamate and other metabolites
  1764. Glutamate and GABA imbalance following traumatic brain injury
  1765. The Glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia: evidence from human brain tissue studies
  1766. Exciting times beyond the brain: metabotropic Glutamate receptors in peripheral and non-neural tissues
  1767. Glutamate neurotransmission in rodent models of traumatic brain injury
  1768. How Glutamate is managed by the blood–brain barrier
  1769. Glutamate and glutamine: a review of in vivo MRS in the human brain
  1770. Blood and brain Glutamate levels in children with autistic disorder
  1771. Glutamate heteroreceptor complexes in the brain
  1772. Inflammation effects on brain Glutamate in depression: mechanistic considerations and treatment implications
  1773. Regional variations and the effects of age and gender on Glutamate concentrations in the human brain
  1774. Metabolic pathways and activity-dependent modulation of Glutamate concentration in the human brain
  1775. brain Glutamate levels measured by magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients with bipolar disorder: a meta‐analysis
  1776. Glutamate and brain glutaminases in drug addiction
  1777. Effect of cannabis on Glutamate signalling in the brain: A systematic review of human and animal evidence
  1778. Monosodium Glutamate in the diet does not raise brain Glutamate concentrations or disrupt brain functions
  1779. In vitro evidence for the brain Glutamate efflux hypothesis: brain endothelial cells cocultured with astrocytes display a polarized brain‐to‐blood transport of Glutamate
  1780. Development of a novel micro biosensor for in vivo monitoring of Glutamate release in the brain
  1781. brain Glutamate levels are decreased in Alzheimer’s disease: a magnetic resonance spectroscopy study
  1782. Astroglial Glutamate transporters coordinate excitatory signaling and brain energetics
  1783. Neurodegeneration in the brain tumor microenvironment: Glutamate in the limelight
  1784. Diffuse brain injury elevates tonic Glutamate levels and potassium-evoked Glutamate release in discrete brain regions at two days post-injury: an enzyme-based …
  1785. Distribution of vesicular Glutamate transporters in the human brain
  1786. Glutamate transport and preterm brain injury
  1787. Central role of Glutamate metabolism in the maintenance of nitrogen homeostasis in normal and hyperammonemic brain
  1788. Role of extracellular Glutamate measured by cerebral microdialysis in severe traumatic brain injury
  1789. Glutamate transporters in brain ischemia: to modulate or not?
  1790. Microsensors for in vivo measurement of Glutamate in brain tissue
  1791. Glutamate imaging (GluCEST) reveals lower brain GluCEST contrast in patients on the psychosis spectrum
  1792. Regional distributions of brain Glutamate and glutamine in normal subjects
  1793. Seizure-induced up-regulation of P-glycoprotein at the blood-brain barrier through Glutamate and cyclooxygenase-2 signaling
  1794. Local Glutamate level dictates adenosine A2A receptor regulation of neuroinflammation and traumatic brain injury
  1795. Mapping Glutamate in subcortical brain structures using high‐resolution GluCEST MRI
  1796. Activation of the gut-brain axis by dietary Glutamate and physiologic significance in energy homeostasis
  1797. Ketosis and brain handling of Glutamate, glutamine, and GABA
  1798. Combined fMRI-MRS acquires simultaneous Glutamate and BOLD-fMRI signals in the human brain
  1799. Traumatic brain injury increases cortical Glutamate network activity by compromising GABAergic control
  1800. Metabolic signaling in the brain and the role of astrocytes in control of Glutamate and GABA neurotransmission
  1801. Regulation of brain Glutamate metabolism by nitric oxide and S-nitrosylation
  1802. Astroglial Glutamate transporters in the brain: regulating neurotransmitter homeostasis and synaptic transmission
  1803. Reduced brain Glutamate in patients with Parkinson’s disease
  1804. Ketamine effects on brain GABA and Glutamate levels with 1H-MRS: relationship to ketamine-induced psychopathology
  1805. brain to blood Glutamate scavenging as a novel therapeutic modality: a review
  1806. Deep brain stimulation results in local Glutamate and adenosine release: investigation into the role of astrocytes
  1807. Effects of antipsychotic administration on brain Glutamate in schizophrenia: a systematic review of longitudinal 1H-MRS studies
  1808. Glutamate-mediated blood–brain barrier opening: implications for neuroprotection and drug delivery
  1809. Effects of age and sex on the concentrations of Glutamate and glutamine in the human brain
  1810. The concentrations and distributions of three C-terminal variants of the GLT1 (EAAT2; slc1a2) Glutamate transporter protein in rat brain tissue suggest differential …
  1811. Myoinositol and Glutamate complex neurometabolite abnormality after mild traumatic brain injury
  1812. GDH-dependent Glutamate oxidation in the brain dictates peripheral energy substrate distribution
  1813. Membrane estrogen receptors acting through metabotropic Glutamate receptors: an emerging mechanism of estrogen action in brain
  1814. Relationship between brain Glutamate levels and clinical outcome in individuals at ultra high risk of psychosis
  1815. The impact of gabapentin administration on brain GABA and Glutamate concentrations: a 7T 1 H-MRS study
  1816. Mapping the changes of Glutamate using Glutamate chemical exchange saturation transfer (GluCEST) technique in a traumatic brain injury model: a longitudinal pilot …
  1817. Effect of Glutamate and blood Glutamate scavengers oxaloacetate and pyruvate on neurological outcome and pathohistology of the hippocampus after traumatic brain …
  1818. Role of Glutamate transporters in redox homeostasis of the brain
  1819. Estrogen receptors stimulate brain region specific metabotropic Glutamate receptors to rapidly initiate signal transduction pathways
  1820. Inhibitors of Glutamate dehydrogenase block sodium-dependent Glutamate uptake in rat brain membranes
  1821. Glucocorticoid attenuates brain-derived neurotrophic factor-dependent upregulation of Glutamate receptors via the suppression of microRNA-132 expression
  1822. Improved high-performance liquid chromatographic method for GABA and Glutamate determination in regions of the rodent brain
  1823. Moderate UV exposure enhances learning and memory by promoting a novel Glutamate biosynthetic pathway in the brain
  1824. Blockade of microglial Glutamate release protects against ischemic brain injury
  1825. Glutamate receptors of the delta family are widely expressed in the adult brain
  1826. An amperometric Glutamate biosensor for monitoring Glutamate release from brain nerve terminals and in blood plasma
  1827. Region-specific alteration in brain Glutamate: possible relationship to risk-taking behavior
  1828. Glutamate is critically involved in seizure-induced overexpression of P-glycoprotein in the brain
  1829. Iduna protects the brain from Glutamate excitotoxicity and stroke by interfering with poly (ADP-ribose) polymer-induced cell death
  1830. Imaging of Glutamate in brain slices using FRET sensors
  1831. Optogenetic countering of glial acidosis suppresses glial Glutamate release and ischemic brain damage
  1832. Sleep quality is related to brain Glutamate and symptom severity in schizophrenia
  1833. Immobilization method to preserve enzyme specificity in biosensors: consequences for brain Glutamate detection
  1834. Ceftriaxone modulates uptake activity of glial Glutamate transporter‐1 against global brain ischemia in rats
  1835. Lower brain Glutamate is associated with cognitive deficits in HIV patients: A new mechanism for HIV‐associated neurocognitive disorder
  1836. Glutamate-releasing SWELL1 channel in astrocytes modulates synaptic transmission and promotes brain damage in stroke
  1837. … -and depression-like behaviors, downregulates glucocorticoid receptor expression, and attenuates Glutamate release induced by brain-derived neurotrophic factor in …
  1838. Expression mapping, quantification, and complex formation of GluD1 and GluD2 Glutamate receptors in adult mouse brain
  1839. GLAST But Not Least—Distribution, Function, Genetics and Epigenetics of l-Glutamate Transport in brain—Focus on GLAST/EAAT1
  1840. Integration between glycolysis and Glutamate-glutamine cycle flux may explain preferential glycolytic increase during brain activation, requiring Glutamate
  1841. The role of Glutamate receptors in traumatic brain injury: implications for postsynaptic density in pathophysiology
  1842. Adenosine receptor containing oligomers: their role in the control of dopamine and Glutamate neurotransmission in the brain
  1843. brain GABA and Glutamate levels across pain conditions: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of 1H-MRS studies using the MRS-Q quality …
  1844. Distribution of the branched chain aminotransferase proteins in the human brain and their role in Glutamate regulation
  1845. Evidence of alterations in brain structure and antioxidant status following ‘low-dose’monosodium Glutamate ingestion
  1846. Traumatic brain injury induces alterations in cortical Glutamate uptake without a reduction in Glutamate transporter-1 protein expression
  1847. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurement of brain Glutamate levels in premenstrual dysphoric disorder
  1848. In vivo imaging of brain Glutamate defects in a knock-in mouse model of Huntington’s disease
  1849. Increased metabotropic Glutamate receptor subtype 5 availability in human brain after one night without sleep
  1850. Fast-acting antidepressant activity of ketamine: highlights on brain serotonin, Glutamate, and GABA neurotransmission in preclinical studies
  1851. Glutamate-glutamine and GABA in brain of normal aged and patients with cognitive impairment
  1852. Glial Glutamate transporters: new actors in brain signaling
  1853. Modulation of Glutamate transport and receptor binding by Glutamate receptor antagonists in EAE rat brain
  1854. Effects of depressive-like behavior of rats on brain Glutamate uptake
  1855. The overlooked aspect of excitotoxicity: Glutamate‐independent excitotoxicity in traumatic brain injuries
  1856. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy reveals oral Lactobacillus promotion of increases in brain GABA, N-acetyl aspartate and Glutamate
  1857. Glutamate system genes and brain volume alterations in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: a preliminary study
  1858. Monitoring of the velocity of high-affinity Glutamate uptake by isolated brain nerve terminals using amperometric Glutamate biosensor
  1859. A multimodal approach to studying the relationship between peripheral glutathione, brain Glutamate, and cognition in health and in schizophrenia
  1860. brain mitochondrial metabolic dysfunction and Glutamate level reduction in the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy in mice
  1861. Glutamate synapse in developing brain: an integrative perspective beyond the silent state
  1862. Glutamate excitoxicity is the key molecular mechanism which is influenced by body temperature during the acute phase of brain stroke
  1863. Region-specific effects of Scrapper on the abundance of Glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid in the mouse brain
  1864. Cholesterol and presynaptic Glutamate transport in the brain
  1865. Disruptions in the regulation of extracellular Glutamate by neurons and glia in the rat striatum two days after diffuse brain injury
  1866. Glutamate receptor subunits expression in memory‐associated brain structures: regional variations and effects of aging
  1867. Glutamine-Glutamate cycle flux is similar in cultured astrocytes and brain and both Glutamate production and oxidation are mainly catalyzed by aspartate …
  1868. The role of excitatory neurotransmitter Glutamate in brain physiology and pathology
  1869. Localization of CGRP, CGRP receptor, PACAP and Glutamate in trigeminal ganglion. Relation to the blood–brain barrier
  1870. brain glutamine synthesis requires neuronal-born aspartate as amino donor for glial Glutamate formation
  1871. On B1 inhomogeneity correction of in vivo human brain Glutamate chemical exchange saturation transfer contrast at 7T
  1872. Activation of group II metabotropic Glutamate receptors promotes DNA demethylation in the mouse brain
  1873. Exercise-induced plasticity of AMPA-type Glutamate receptor subunits in the rat brain
  1874. Time-resolved functional 1H MR spectroscopic detection of Glutamate concentration changes in the brain during acute heat pain stimulation
  1875. Increased inflammation and brain Glutamate define a subtype of depression with decreased regional homogeneity, impaired network integrity, and anhedonia
  1876. Physiological roles of dietary Glutamate signaling via gut–brain axis due to efficient digestion and absorption
  1877. Are Glutamate and lactate increases ubiquitous to physiological activation? A 1H functional MR spectroscopy study during motor activation in human brain at 7 Tesla
  1878. Elevated Glutamate and lactate predict brain death after severe head trauma
  1879. Phosphorylation and assembly of Glutamate receptors after brain ischemia
  1880. Genetic polymorphism associated prefrontal glutathione and its coupling with brain Glutamate and peripheral redox status in early psychosis
  1881. Glutamate transporter type 3 knockout reduces brain tolerance to focal brain ischemia in mice
  1882. Remission from antipsychotic treatment in first episode psychosis related to longitudinal changes in brain Glutamate
  1883. … effects of dexmedetomidine against Glutamate agonist-induced neuronal cell death are related to increased astrocyte brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression
  1884. Chitosan Glutamate-coated niosomes: A proposal for nose-to-brain delivery
  1885. brain-derived neurotrophic factor modulates the severity of cognitive alterations induced by mutant huntingtin: involvement of phospholipaseCγ activity and Glutamate …
  1886. Regional mapping of brain Glutamate distributions using Glutamate-weighted chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging
  1887. Diverse roles for ionotropic Glutamate receptors on inhibitory interneurons in developing and adult brain
  1888. Glutamate, glutamine and GABA levels in rat brain measured using MRS, HPLC and NMR methods in study of two models of autism
  1889. The effects of chronic repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on Glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid in rat brain
  1890. Mice lacking Glutamate carboxypeptidase II develop normally, but are less susceptible to traumatic brain injury
  1891. Neuroprotective evaluation of extract of ginger (Zingiber officinale) root in monosodium Glutamate-induced toxicity in different brain areas male albino rats.
  1892. Ceftriaxone treatment after traumatic brain injury restores expression of the Glutamate transporter, GLT-1, reduces regional gliosis, and reduces post-traumatic …
  1893. Combined Glutamate and glutamine levels in pain-processing brain regions are associated with individual pain sensitivity
  1894. brain Glutamate in medication-free depressed patients: a proton MRS study at 7 Tesla
  1895. Dietary Glutamate and the brain: In the footprints of a Jekyll and Hyde molecule
  1896. … inflammation leads to impaired Glutamate homeostasis and up-regulation of Glutamate carboxypeptidase II in activated microglia in the fetal/newborn rabbit brain
  1897. … Glutamate, through specific substrate interactions, enhances mitochondrial ATP production and reactive oxygen species generation in nonsynaptic brain …
  1898. brain vitamin E deficiency during development is associated with increased Glutamate levels and anxiety in adult mice
  1899. Effect of monosodium Glutamate on behavioral phenotypes, biomarkers of oxidative stress in brain tissues and liver enzymes in mice
  1900. Ginkgo extract EGb761 confers neuroprotection by reduction of Glutamate release in ischemic brain
  1901. … between the immune and Glutamate hypotheses of schizophrenia and major depression: potential role of glial NMDA receptor modulators and impaired blood–brain …
  1902. Glutamate affects the production of epoxyeicosanoids within the brain: The up-regulation of brain CYP2J through the MAPK-CREB signaling pathway
  1903. The dual dopamine‐Glutamate phenotype of growing mesencephalic neurons regresses in mature rat brain
  1904. NDRG2 protects the brain from excitotoxicity by facilitating interstitial Glutamate uptake
  1905. Effects of experimental traumatic brain injury and impaired Glutamate transport on cortical spreading depression
  1906. Adaptation of brain Glutamate plus glutamine during abstinence from chronic methamphetamine use
  1907. Reactive astrocytes as therapeutic targets for brain degenerative diseases: roles played by metabotropic Glutamate receptors
  1908. Optimized in vivo brain Glutamate measurement using long‐echo‐time semi‐LASER at 7 T
  1909. Energy metabolism and Glutamate-glutamine cycle in the brain: a stoichiometric modeling perspective
  1910. Targeted over-expression of Glutamate transporter 1 (GLT-1) reduces ischemic brain injury in a rat model of stroke
  1911. Hypersensitive Glutamate signaling correlates with the development of late-onset behavioral morbidity in diffuse brain-injured circuitry
  1912. Curcumin protects against Glutamate excitotoxicity in rat cerebral cortical neurons by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor level and activating TrkB
  1913. Ultrafast Glutamate biosensor recordings in brain slices reveal complex single exocytosis transients
  1914. Regulation of the brain–gut axis by group III metabotropic Glutamate receptors
  1915. … forced arm use improves long-term outcome after photothrombotic stroke and transiently upregulates binding densities of excitatory Glutamate receptors in the rat brain
  1916. brain glycogen and its role in supporting Glutamate and GABA homeostasis in a type 2 diabetes rat model
  1917. Glutamate dehydrogenase as a neuroprotective target against brain ischemia and reperfusion
  1918. Chronic metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 inhibition corrects local alterations of brain activity and improves cognitive performance in fragile X mice
  1919. Circadian variation of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 availability in the rat brain
  1920. Mechanisms of Glutamate Efflux at the Blood—brain Barrier: Involvement of Glial Cells
  1921. Chronic cigarette smoking in healthy middle-aged individuals is associated with decreased regional brain N-acetylaspartate and Glutamate levels
  1922. Altered functional brain network connectivity and Glutamate system function in transgenic mice expressing truncated Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia 1
  1923. Ceftriaxone-and N-acetylcysteine-induced brain tolerance to ischemia: Influence on Glutamate levels in focal cerebral ischemia
  1924. Protective effect of Calendula officinalis L. flowers against monosodium Glutamate induced oxidative stress and excitotoxic brain damage in rats
  1925. Anthocyanins abrogate Glutamate-induced AMPK activation, oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration in postnatal rat brain
  1926. Clinical validation of blood/brain Glutamate grabbing in acute ischemic stroke
  1927. Imaging of Glutamate in acute traumatic brain injury using chemical exchange saturation transfer
  1928. Vitamin C neuroprotection against dose-dependent Glutamate-induced neurodegeneration in the postnatal brain
  1929. Aqueous Extract of Saffron (Crocus sativus) Increases brain Dopamine and Glutamate Concentrations in Rats
  1930. Effects of N-acetylcysteine on brain Glutamate levels and resting perfusion in schizophrenia
  1931. GABA and Glutamate pathways are spatially and developmentally affected in the brain of Mecp2-deficient mice
  1932. Monitoring single-synapse Glutamate release and presynaptic calcium concentration in organised brain tissue
  1933. Up-regulation of brain-enriched miR-107 promotes excitatory neurotoxicity through down-regulation of Glutamate transporter-1 expression following ischaemic stroke
  1934. In vivo electrochemical biosensor for brain Glutamate detection: A mini review
  1935. brain penetration, target engagement, and disposition of the blood‐brain barrier‐crossing bispecific antibody antagonist of metabotropic Glutamate receptor type 1
  1936. Regional regulation of Glutamate signaling during cuprizone-induced demyelination in the brain
  1937. Alterations in Glutamate transport and group I metabotropic Glutamate receptors in the rat brain during acute phase of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1938. A high performance liquid chromatography method with electrochemical detection of gamma-aminobutyric acid, Glutamate and glutamine in rat brain homogenates
  1939. Physical and functional interaction of NCX1 and EAAC1 transporters leading to Glutamate-enhanced ATP production in brain mitochondria
  1940. Oxidative stress and brain Glutamate-mediated excitability in depressed patients
  1941. Increased concentrations of Glutamate and glutamine in normal-appearing white matter of patients with multiple sclerosis and normal MR imaging brain scans
  1942. … molecules and endogenous ligands regulate the interaction between brain cellular prion protein (PrPC) and metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5)
  1943. Heterogeneous cellular distribution of Glutamate dehydrogenase in brain and in non-neural tissues
  1944. Intelligence and brain efficiency: investigating the association between working memory performance, Glutamate, and GABA
  1945. Traumatic brain injury-induced sex-dependent changes in late-onset sensory hypersensitivity and Glutamate neurotransmission
  1946. Autoantibodies to Glutamate receptors can damage the brain in epilepsy, systemic lupus erythematosus and encephalitis
  1947. Normobaric hyperoxia induces ischemic tolerance and upregulation of Glutamate transporters in the rat brain and serum TNF-α level
  1948. Regional increase in the expression of the BCAT proteins in Alzheimer’s disease brain: implications in Glutamate toxicity
  1949. Towards the molecular origin of Glutamate CEST (GluCEST) imaging in rat brain
  1950. A quantitative meta-analysis of brain Glutamate metabolites in aging
  1951. Dynamic gradient of Glutamate across the membrane: Glutamate/aspartate-induced changes in the ambient level of l-[14 C] Glutamate and d-[3 H] aspartate in rat brain …
  1952. AGO CLIP reveals an activated network for acute regulation of brain Glutamate homeostasis in ischemic stroke
  1953. Expression and functional analysis of Na+-dependent Glutamate transporters from zebrafish brain
  1954. Activation of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 reduces the secondary brain injury after traumatic brain injury in rats
  1955. Chronic electrographic seizure reduces glutamine and elevates Glutamate in the extracellular fluid of rat brain
  1956. Oxytocin regulates changes of extracellular Glutamate and GABA levels induced by methamphetamine in the mouse brain
  1957. Superoxide dismutase reduces monosodium Glutamate-induced injury in an organotypic whole hemisphere brain slice model of excitotoxicity
  1958. Simultaneous measurements of ascorbate and Glutamate in vivo in the rat brain using carbon fiber nanocomposite sensors and microbiosensor arrays
  1959. Neuronal and peripheral pentraxins modify Glutamate release and may interact in blood–brain barrier failure
  1960. Novel osmotin attenuates Glutamate-induced synaptic dysfunction and neurodegeneration via the JNK/PI3K/Akt pathway in postnatal rat brain
  1961. Hyperbaric oxygenation alleviates MCAO-induced brain injury and reduces hydroxyl radical formation and Glutamate release
  1962. Tau clearance improves astrocytic function and brain Glutamate-glutamine cycle
  1963. Group II metabotropic Glutamate receptor activation by agonist LY379268 treatment increases the expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor in the mouse brain
  1964. Bacterial cytolysin during meningitis disrupts the regulation of Glutamate in the brain, leading to synaptic damage
  1965. The cystine‐Glutamate exchanger (xCT, Slc7a11) is expressed in significant concentrations in a subpopulation of astrocytes in the mouse brain
  1966. Enzymes in the Glutamate-glutamine cycle in the anterior cingulate cortex in postmortem brain of subjects with autism
  1967. Group 1 metabotropic Glutamate receptors trigger Glutamate-induced intracellular Ca 2+ signals and nitric oxide release in human brain microvascular endothelial …
  1968. Effects of risperidone on Glutamate receptor subtypes in developing rat brain
  1969. Dramatic increases in blood Glutamate concentrations are closely related to traumatic brain injury-induced acute lung injury
  1970. N-Acetylcysteine and Ceftriaxone as Preconditioning Strategies in Focal brain Ischemia: Influence on Glutamate Transporters Expression
  1971. Metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 deficiency inhibits neutrophil infiltration after traumatic brain injury in mice
  1972. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency alters levels of Glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid in brain tissue
  1973. … , structure–activity relationship, and antiparkinsonian effect of a potent and brain-penetrant chemical series of positive allosteric modulators of metabotropic Glutamate …
  1974. Methionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase, lowers brain glutamine and Glutamate in a mouse model of ALS
  1975. In Vivo Glutamate Sensing inside the Mouse brain with Perovskite Nickelate–Nafion Heterostructures
  1976. Glutamate efflux at the blood–brain barrier: cellular mechanisms and potential clinical relevance
  1977. Pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures affect binding site densities for GABA, Glutamate and adenosine receptors in the rat brain
  1978. Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia preconditioning induced brain ischemic tolerance by up-regulating glial Glutamate transporter-1 in rats
  1979. Effects of antagonists of Glutamate receptors on pro-inflammatory cytokines in the brain cortex of rats subjected to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1980. Heterogeneity in expression of functional ionotropic Glutamate and GABA receptors in astrocytes across brain regions: insights from the thalamus
  1981. Fluvastatin prevents Glutamate-induced blood-brain-barrier disruption in vitro
  1982. Prostaglandin E2-induced masculinization of brain and behavior requires protein kinase A, AMPA/kainate, and metabotropic Glutamate receptor signaling
  1983. Alterations of GABAA and Glutamate receptor subunits and heat shock protein in rat hippocampus following traumatic brain injury and in posttraumatic epilepsy
  1984. Glutamate and GABA concentrations following mild traumatic brain injury: a pilot study
  1985. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase enables anaplerotic refilling of TCA cycle intermediates in stroke‐affected brain
  1986. Glutamate carboxypeptidase II gene knockout attenuates oxidative stress and cortical apoptosis after traumatic brain injury
  1987. Neuroprotection mediated by remote preconditioning is associated with a decrease in systemic oxidative stress and changes in brain and blood Glutamate …
  1988. Selective potentiation of the metabotropic Glutamate receptor subtype 2 blocks phencyclidine-induced hyperlocomotion and brain activation
  1989. Increased cerebral (R)-[11 C] PK11195 uptake and Glutamate release in a rat model of traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal pilot study
  1990. Excitotoxicity triggered by neonatal monosodium Glutamate treatment and blood–brain barrier function
  1991. Investigating the role of the hypothalamus in outcomes to repetitive mild traumatic brain injury: neonatal monosodium Glutamate does not exacerbate deficits
  1992. Elevated brain Glutamate levels in type 1 diabetes: correlations with glycaemic control and age of disease onset but not with hypoglycaemia awareness status
  1993. Physiological fluctuations in brain temperature as a factor affecting electrochemical evaluations of extracellular Glutamate and glucose in behavioral experiments
  1994. Overexpression of calcium-permeable Glutamate receptors in glioblastoma derived brain tumor initiating cells
  1995. Challenges of simultaneous measurements of brain extracellular GABA and Glutamate in vivo using enzyme-coated microelectrode arrays
  1996. Glutamate triggers intracellular Ca2+ oscillations and nitric oxide release by inducing NAADP‐ and InsP3‐dependent Ca2+ release in mouse brain endothelial cells
  1997. Status epilepticus triggers early and late alterations in brain-derived neurotrophic factor and NMDA Glutamate receptor Grin2b DNA methylation levels in the …
  1998. A protein cross‐linking assay for measuring cell surface expression of Glutamate receptor subunits in the rodent brain after in vivo treatments
  1999. The role of Glutamate transporter‐1a in the induction of brain ischemic tolerance in rats
  2000. Perinatal glyphosate-based herbicide exposure in rats alters brain antioxidant status, Glutamate and acetylcholine metabolism and affects recognition memory
  2001. A Glutamatergic component of lead toxicity in adult brain: the role of astrocytic Glutamate transporters
  2002. brain Glutamate, GABA, and glutamine levels and associations with recent drinking in treatment‐naive individuals with alcohol use disorder versus light drinkers
  2003. Pre-ischemic treadmill training induces tolerance to brain ischemia: involvement of Glutamate and ERK1/2
  2004. brain-derived neurotrophic factor released from engineered mesenchymal stem cells attenuates Glutamate-and hydrogen peroxide-mediated death of staurosporine …
  2005. Adenosine A2A receptor deficiency reduces striatal Glutamate outflow and attenuates brain injury induced by transient focal cerebral ischemia in mice
  2006. Early life stress increases brain Glutamate and induces neurobehavioral manifestations in rats
  2007. Personalized approach in brain protection by hypothermia: individual changes in non-pathological and ischemia-related Glutamate transport in brain nerve …
  2008. Calcium-permeable ion channels involved in Glutamate receptor-independent ischemic brain injury
  2009. An ultra-high field magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of post exercise lactate, Glutamate and glutamine change in the human brain
  2010. Plasma Glutamate–modulated interaction of A2AR and mGluR5 on BMDCs aggravates traumatic brain injury–induced acute lung injury
  2011. Qualification of LSP1-2111 as a brain penetrant group III metabotropic Glutamate receptor orthosteric agonist
  2012. Delayed post-conditioning reduces post-ischemic Glutamate level and improves protein synthesis in brain
  2013. Group 1 metabotropic Glutamate receptor function and its regulation of learning and memory in the aging brain
  2014. Neuromodulatory properties of fluorescent carbon dots: effect on exocytotic release, uptake and ambient level of Glutamate and GABA in brain nerve terminals
  2015. Metabolism of galactose in the brain and liver of rats and its conversion into Glutamate and other amino acids
  2016. Postsynaptic scaffold protein Homer 1a protects against traumatic brain injury via regulating group I metabotropic Glutamate receptors
  2017. Identification, localization and function of Glutamate‐gated chloride channel receptors in the honeybee brain
  2018. brain Glutamate in anorexia nervosa: a magnetic resonance spectroscopy case control study at 7 Tesla
  2019. Intracellular ion and protein nanoparticle-induced osmotic pressure modify astrocyte swelling and brain edema in response to Glutamate stimuli
  2020. Glutamate dehydrogenase in brain mitochondria: do lipid modifications and transient metabolon formation influence enzyme activity?
  2021. Glutamate transporters in the blood-brain barrier
  2022. Substrate competition studies demonstrate oxidative metabolism of glucose, Glutamate, glutamine, lactate and 3-hydroxybutyrate in cortical astrocytes from rat brain
  2023. Metabotropic Glutamate subtype 5 receptors are quantified in the human brain with a novel radioligand for PET
  2024. Facilitation of Glutamate and GABA release by P2X receptor activation in supraoptic neurons from freshly isolated rat brain slices
  2025. Glutamate-induced ATP synthesis: relationship between plasma membrane Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and excitatory amino acid transporters in brain and heart cell …
  2026. Clinical aspects of urea cycle dysfunction and altered brain energy metabolism on modulation of Glutamate receptors and transporters in acute and chronic …
  2027. CSF from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients produces Glutamate independent death of rat motor brain cortical neurons: protection by resveratrol but not riluzole
  2028. Cholesterol depletion attenuates tonic release but increases the ambient level of Glutamate in rat brain synaptosomes
  2029. brain energy metabolism in Glutamate-receptor activation and excitotoxicity: role for APC/C-Cdh1 in the balance glycolysis/pentose phosphate pathway
  2030. CORM-A1 prevents blood-brain barrier dysfunction caused by ionotropic Glutamate receptor-mediated endothelial oxidative stress and apoptosis
  2031. Blood Glutamate scavengers prolong the survival of rats and mice with brain-implanted gliomas
  2032. Monosodium Glutamate induced nociception and oxidative stress dependent on time of administration, age of rats and susceptibility of spinal cord and brain regions
  2033. Silymarin sex-dependently improves cognitive functions and alters TNF-α, BDNF, and Glutamate in the hippocampus of mice with mild traumatic brain injury
  2034. Regional metabolic signatures in the Ndufs4 (KO) mouse brain implicate defective Glutamate/α-ketoglutarate metabolism in mitochondrial disease
  2035. Circadian-like rhythmicity of extracellular brain Glutamate in epilepsy
  2036. Ultrastructural Changes in the Frog brain in the Presence of High Concentrations of Glutamate and an NO-Generating Compound
  2037. … factor val66met polymorphism with magnetic resonance spectroscopic markers in the human hippocampus: in vivo evidence for effects on the Glutamate …
  2038. Chronic partial sleep deprivation reduces brain sensitivity to Glutamate N‐methyl‐d‐aspartate receptor‐mediated neurotoxicity
  2039. Self-organized nanostructure modified microelectrode for sensitive electrochemical Glutamate detection in stem cells-derived brain organoids
  2040. A novel GSK-3β inhibitor YQ138 prevents neuronal injury induced by Glutamate and brain ischemia through activation of the Nrf2 signaling pathway
  2041. Microthalamotomy effect during deep brain stimulation: potential involvement of adenosine and Glutamate efflux
  2042. In vivo brain glycine and Glutamate concentrations in patients with first-episode psychosis measured by echo time–averaged proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy …
  2043. Involvement of Glutamate transporter-1 in neuroprotection against global brain ischemia-reperfusion injury induced by postconditioning in rats
  2044. Regulation of Malate Dehydrogenases and Glutamate Dehydrogenase of Mammalian brain by Thiamine in vitro and in vivo
  2045. Effect of l‐Dopa on metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 in the brain of parkinsonian monkeys
  2046. A novel method using ambient Glutamate for the electrophysiological quantification of extrasynaptic NMDA receptor function in acute brain slices
  2047. Neuroprotection by Glutamate receptor antagonists against seizure-induced excitotoxic cell death in the aging brain
  2048. Methodology for rapid measures of Glutamate release in rat brain slices using ceramic-based microelectrode arrays: basic characterization and drug pharmacology
  2049. Glutamate-Weighted CEST Contrast After Removal of Magnetization Transfer Effect in Human brain and Rat brain with Tumor
  2050. Neuroprotective Effects of the Glutamate Transporter Activator (R)-(−)-5-methyl-1-nicotinoyl-2-pyrazoline (MS-153) following Traumatic brain Injury in the Adult Rat
  2051. Localized prediction of Glutamate from whole-brain functional connectivity of the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex
  2052. Ketamine self-administration reduces the homeostasis of the Glutamate synapse in the rat brain
  2053. … anti-Glutamate receptor antibodies can bind neurons in few brain regions, activate Glutamate receptors, decrease Glutamate receptor’s expression, impair Glutamate …
  2054. Pyrroloquinoline quinine protects rat brain cortex against acute Glutamate-induced neurotoxicity
  2055. Increases in brain 1H-MR glutamine and Glutamate signals following acute exhaustive endurance exercise in the rat
  2056. Ceftriaxone attenuated anxiety-like behavior and enhanced brain Glutamate transport in zebrafish subjected to alcohol withdrawal
  2057. Ferritin, a protein containing iron nanoparticles, induces reactive oxygen species formation and inhibits Glutamate uptake in rat brain synaptosomes
  2058. … of fragile X mental retardation protein and metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 in superior frontal cortex of individuals with autism: a postmortem brain study
  2059. High t-PA release by neonate brain microvascular endothelial cells under Glutamate exposure affects neuronal fate
  2060. Frontal P3 event-related potential is related to brain glutamine/Glutamate ratio measured in vivo
  2061. Transient receptor potential A1 increase Glutamate release on brain stem neurons
  2062. Glutamate induces blood–brain barrier permeability through activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors
  2063. brain development and Glutamate
  2064. Synthesis and evaluation of novel radioligands for positron emission tomography imaging of metabotropic Glutamate receptor subtype 1 (mGluR1) in rodent brain
  2065. Risk-conferring Glutamatergic genes and brain Glutamate plus glutamine in schizophrenia
  2066. Protective role for type 4 metabotropic Glutamate receptors against ischemic brain damage
  2067. Changes in Glutamate concentration, glucose metabolism, and cerebral blood flow during focal brain cooling of the epileptogenic cortex in humans
  2068. Effect of O-methyl-β-cyclodextrin-modified magnetic nanoparticles on the uptake and extracellular level of l-Glutamate in brain nerve terminals
  2069. Regulation of blood L-Glutamate levels by stress as a possible brain defense mechanism
  2070. Targeting glia with N-acetylcysteine modulates brain Glutamate and behaviors relevant to neurodevelopmental disorders in C57BL/6J mice
  2071. Expression of Glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST in different regions of rat brain during the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  2072. Enhanced binding of metabotropic Glutamate receptor type 5 (mGluR5) PET tracers in the brain of parkinsonian primates
  2073. Ceftriaxone preserves Glutamate transporters and prevents intermittent hypoxia-induced vulnerability to brain excitotoxic injury
  2074. l-Citrulline restores nitric oxide level and cellular uptake at the brain capillary endothelial cell line (TR-BBB cells) with Glutamate cytotoxicity
  2075. Chronic brain ischemia induces the expression of glial Glutamate transporter EAAT2 in subcortical white matter
  2076. Glutamate-induced free radical formation in rat brain synaptosomes is not dependent on intrasynaptosomal mitochondria membrane potential
  2077. Subchronic ketamine alters behaviour, metabolic indices and brain morphology in adolescent rats: Involvement of oxidative stress, Glutamate toxicity and caspase-3 …
  2078. … procedures for evacuation of intracerebral hemorrhage reduces perihematomal Glutamate content, blood–brain barrier permeability and brain edema in rabbits
  2079. Intraindividual changes in brain GABA, Glutamate, and glutamine during monitored abstinence from alcohol in treatment‐naive individuals with alcohol use disorder
  2080. A magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of brain Glutamate in a model of plasticity in human pharyngeal motor cortex
  2081. Diurnal regulation of the function of the rat brain Glutamate dehydrogenase by acetylation and its dependence on thiamine administration
  2082. … cortical and amygdaloid removal of vesicular Glutamate transporter 2 in preadolescent mice impacts dopaminergic activity and neuronal circuitry of higher brain …
  2083. The equivalent of a thallium binding residue from an archeal homolog controls cation interactions in brain Glutamate transporters
  2084. Activation of group I metabotropic Glutamate receptors leads to brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in rat C6 cells
  2085. The PET radioligand 18F-FIMX images and quantifies metabotropic Glutamate receptor 1 in proportion to the regional density of its gene transcript in human brain
  2086. 2‐Methylcitric acid impairs Glutamate metabolism and induces permeability transition in brain mitochondria
  2087. Chronic unpredictable mild stress induced depression-like behaviours and Glutamate-glutamine cycling dysfunctions in both blood and brain of mice
  2088. Neuroprotection by lowering cholesterol: a decrease in membrane cholesterol content reduces transporter-mediated Glutamate release from brain nerve …
  2089. Folic acid exerts antidepressant effects by upregulating brain-derived neurotrophic factor and Glutamate receptor 1 expression in brain
  2090. The relationship between measurement of in vivo brain Glutamate and markers of iron metabolism: A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study in healthy adults
  2091. Effects of bifrontal transcranial direct current stimulation on brain Glutamate levels and resting state connectivity: multimodal MRI data for the cathodal …
  2092. brain endothelial cells induce astrocytic expression of the Glutamate transporter GLT‐1 by a Notch‐dependent mechanism
  2093. A novel protein complex in membrane rafts linking the NR2B Glutamate receptor and autophagy is disrupted following traumatic brain injury
  2094. … changes in the brain include the differential expression of genes associated with interferon, apoptosis, interleukin 17 receptor A, and Glutamate signaling as well as …
  2095. Developmental regulation of group I metabotropic Glutamate receptors in the premature brain and their protective role in a rodent model of periventricular …
  2096. Depression following traumatic brain injury in mice is associated with down-regulation of hippocampal astrocyte Glutamate transporters by thrombin
  2097. Phylogeny and expression divergence of metabotropic Glutamate receptor genes in the brain of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
  2098. Transcriptomic responses in mouse brain exposed to chronic excess of the neurotransmitter Glutamate
  2099. Preclinical models of traumatic brain injury: emerging role of Glutamate in the pathophysiology of depression
  2100. Changes in human brain Glutamate concentration during hypoglycemia: insights into cerebral adaptations in hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure in type 1 …
  2101. Involvement of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 in brain reward deficits associated with cocaine and nicotine withdrawal and somatic signs of nicotine withdrawal
  2102. Relationship between genetic variation in the glutaminase gene GLS1 and brain glutamine/Glutamate ratio measured in vivo
  2103. Partial loss of the Glutamate transporter GLT-1 alters brain Akt and insulin signaling in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
  2104. Pre-ischemic treadmill training for prevention of ischemic brain injury via regulation of Glutamate and its transporter GLT-1
  2105. Effects of adolescent alcohol exposure on stress-induced reward deficits, brain CRF, monoamines and Glutamate in adult rats
  2106. Daphnetin, a natural coumarin derivative, provides the neuroprotection against Glutamate-induced toxicity in HT22 cells and ischemic brain injury
  2107. Synthesis and characterization in monkey of [11 C] SP203 as a radioligand for imaging brain metabotropic Glutamate 5 receptors
  2108. Anticonvulsant activity of artificial sweeteners: a structural link between sweet-taste receptor T1R3 and brain Glutamate receptors
  2109. Protective effects of resveratrol on Glutamate-induced damages in murine brain cultures
  2110. The alterations of Glutamate transporter 1 and glutamine synthetase in the rat brain of a learned helplessness model of depression
  2111. 4-(1-Phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl) quinolines as novel, selective and brain penetrant metabotropic Glutamate receptor 4 positive allosteric modulators
  2112. Chronic noise stress-induced alterations of Glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid and their metabolism in the rat brain
  2113. Vesicular Glutamate transporter‐3 in the rodent brain: Vesicular colocalization with vesicular γ‐aminobutyric acid transporter
  2114. Peripheral interventions enhancing brain Glutamate homeostasis relieve Amyloid β-and TNFα-mediated synaptic plasticity disruption in the Rat Hippocampus
  2115. Glutamate, GABA, and presynaptic markers involved in neurotransmission are differently affected by age in distinct mouse brain regions
  2116. Effects of blockade of ionotropic Glutamate receptors on blood–brain barrier disruption in focal cerebral ischemia
  2117. Glutamate-mediated down-regulation of the multidrug-resistance protein BCRP/ABCG2 in porcine and human brain capillaries
  2118. Glutamate-mediated upregulation of the multidrug resistance protein 2 in porcine and human brain capillaries
  2119. Metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 antagonist 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl) pyridine produces antidepressant effects in rats: Role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
  2120. Suppression of NDRG2 alleviates brain injury after intracerebral hemorrhage through mitigating astrocyte-drived Glutamate neurotoxicity via NF-κB/GLT1 signaling
  2121. Extracellular levels of brain aspartate, Glutamate and GABA during an inhibitory avoidance response in the rat
  2122. PET brain kinetics studies of 11C-ITMM and 11C-ITDM, radioprobes for metabotropic Glutamate receptor type 1, in a nonhuman primate
  2123. Simultaneous determination of Glutamate and calcium ion in rat brain during spreading depression and ischemia processes
  2124. Blood-based Glutamate scavengers reverse traumatic brain injury-induced synaptic plasticity disruption by decreasing Glutamate level in hippocampus interstitial fluid …
  2125. The cerebral extracellular release of glycerol, Glutamate, and FGF2 is increased in older patients following severe traumatic brain injury
  2126. Determination of GABA, Glutamate and carbamathione in brain microdialysis samples by capillary electrophoresis with fluorescence detection
  2127. Exchange‐mediated dilution of brain lactate specific activity: implications for the origin of Glutamate dilution and the contributions of glutamine dilution and other …
  2128. Effects of poly-γ-glutamic acid on serum and brain concentrations of Glutamate and GABA in diet-induced obese rats
  2129. Regional and tissue-specific differences in brain Glutamate concentration measured by in vivo single voxel MRS
  2130. Glutamate carrier involvement in mitochondrial dysfunctioning in the brain white matter
  2131. Glutamate induces H2O2 synthesis in nonsynaptic brain mitochondria
  2132. … 1A parital agonism and 5-HT 7 antagonism restore episodic memory in subchronic phencyclidine-treated mice: role of brain Glutamate, dopamine, acetylcholine and …
  2133. New therapeutic strategy for amino acid medicine: effects of dietary Glutamate on gut and brain function
  2134. Effects of ethanol and acetaldehyde in zebrafish brain structures: an in vitro approach on Glutamate uptake and on toxicity-related parameters
  2135. Newborn-and adult-derived brain microvascular endothelial cells show age-related differences in phenotype and Glutamate-evoked protease release
  2136. Toward feedback controlled deep brain stimulation: dynamics of Glutamate release in the subthalamic nucleus in rats
  2137. Unique features of brain metastases-targeted AGuIX nanoparticles vs their constituents: A focus on Glutamate-/GABA-ergic neurotransmission in cortex nerve …
  2138. Pharmacological treatments inhibiting levodopa-induced dyskinesias in MPTP-lesioned monkeys: brain Glutamate biochemical correlates
  2139. Increased Glutamate and deep brain atrophy can predict the severity of multiple sclerosis
  2140. High extracellular concentration of excitatory amino acids Glutamate and aspartate in human brain abscess
  2141. Rutin improves Glutamate uptake and inhibits Glutamate excitotoxicity in rat brain slices
  2142. Expression and cell distribution of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 in the rat cortex following traumatic brain injury
  2143. Glutamate affects cholesterol homeostasis within the brain via the up-regulation of CYP46A1 and ApoE
  2144. Role of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase in brain pathologies involving Glutamate neurotoxicity
  2145. Glutamate and ATP at the Interface of Metabolism and Signaling in the brain
  2146. … of the mitochondrial transporter of aspartate/Glutamate aralar/AGC1 causes hypomyelination and neuronal defects unrelated to myelin deficits in mouse brain
  2147. Phaseic acid, an endogenous and reversible inhibitor of Glutamate receptors in mouse brain
  2148. The metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 radioligand [11C] AZD9272 identifies unique binding sites in primate brain
  2149. Changes in brain Glutamate on Switching to Clozapine in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia
  2150. Genistein inhibition of OGD-induced brain neuron death correlates with its modulation of apoptosis, voltage-gated potassium and sodium currents and Glutamate …
  2151. P2X7 receptor activation downmodulates Na+-dependent high-affinity GABA and Glutamate transport into rat brain cortex synaptosomes
  2152. β2 adrenergic-mediated reduction of blood Glutamate levels and improved neurological outcome after traumatic brain injury in rats
  2153. Decoupling of brain temperature and Glutamate in recent onset of schizophrenia: a 7T proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study
  2154. Positive correlation between rat brain Glutamate concentrations and mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase activity
  2155. Drug abuse, brain calcification and Glutamate-induced neurodegeneration
  2156. Glutamate receptor delta 1 (GRID1) genetic variation and brain structure in schizophrenia
  2157. Changes in Glutamate/NMDA receptor subunit 1 expression in rat brain after acute and subacute exposure to methamphetamine
  2158. Glutamate attenuates IGF-1 receptor tyrosine phosphorylation in mouse brain: possible significance in ischemic brain damage
  2159. Glutamate‐induced alterations in Ca2+ signaling are modulated by mitochondrial Ca2+ handling capacity in brain slices of R6/1 transgenic mice
  2160. Asenapine exerts distinctive regional effects on ionotropic Glutamate receptor subtypes in rat brain
  2161. brain GABA and Glutamate concentrations following chronic gabapentin administration: a convenience sample studied during early abstinence from alcohol
  2162. Downregulation of Src-kinase and Glutamate-receptor phosphorylation after traumatic brain injury
  2163. Impaired Glutamate Receptor Function Underlies Early Activity Loss of Ipsilesional Motor Cortex after Closed-Head Mild Traumatic brain Injury
  2164. … L-alanine-L-glutamine significantly increases plasma glutamine and alanine without elevating brain Glutamate in patients with severe traumatic brain injury
  2165. Neuroprotective effects of autophagy inhibition on hippocampal Glutamate receptor subunits after hypoxia-ischemia-induced brain damage in newborn rats
  2166. Scavenging of blood Glutamate for enhancing brain-to-blood Glutamate efflux
  2167. … of spinach extracts on a chronic stress-induced depression mouse model through lowering blood corticosterone and increasing brain Glutamate and glutamine levels
  2168. Modulation of brain Glutamate dehydrogenase as a tool for controlling seizures
  2169. MRS of brain metabolite levels demonstrates the ability of scavenging of excess brain Glutamate to protect against nerve agent induced seizures
  2170. Glutamate carboxypeptidase II: an amyloid peptide‐degrading enzyme with physiological function in the brain
  2171. The effects of the Glutamate antagonist memantine on brain activation to an auditory perception task
  2172. … effects of a dendrimer-based Glutamate carboxypeptidase inhibitor on superoxide dismutase transgenic mice after neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury
  2173. Group II metabotropic Glutamate receptor interactions with NHERF scaffold proteins: Implications for receptor localization in brain
  2174. Physiological roles of Glutamate signaling in gut and brain function
  2175. Increased susceptibility to ischemic brain injury in neuroplastin 65-deficient mice likely via Glutamate excitotoxicity
  2176. Behavioral responses to Glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists implicate the involvement of brain-expressed mGluR4 and mGluR1 in taste transduction for …
  2177. Glutamate induces formation of free radicals in rat brain synaptosomes
  2178. … with sublethal ischemia or intermittent normobaric hyperoxia up-regulates Glutamate transporters and tumor necrosis factor-α converting enzyme in the rat brain
  2179. Cholesterol as a key player in the balance of evoked and spontaneous Glutamate release in rat brain cortical synaptosomes
  2180. Glutamate gene polymorphisms predict brain volumes in multiple sclerosis
  2181. Congenital hypothyroidism is associated with intermediate filament misregulation, Glutamate transporters down-regulation and MAPK activation in developing rat brain
  2182. Simultaneous Determination of L-Glutamate, Acetylcholine and Dopamine in Rat brain by a Flow-Injection Biosensor System with Microdialysis Sampling
  2183. brain-derived neurotrophic factor promotes vesicular Glutamate transporter 3 expression and neurite outgrowth of dorsal root ganglion neurons through the activation …
  2184. Quinolinic acid-induced seizures stimulate Glutamate uptake into synaptic vesicles from rat brain: effects prevented by guanine-based purines
  2185. … of Glutamate accumulation and upregulation of phospho‐akt may account for neuroprotection afforded by bergamot essential oil against brain injury induced by focal …
  2186. Diffusion‐weighted NMR spectroscopy allows probing of 13C labeling of Glutamate inside distinct metabolic compartments in the brain
  2187. … –and MK-801–Induced Changes in Glutamate Levels Do Not Affect In Vivo Binding of Metabotropic Glutamate 5 Receptor Radioligand 11C-ABP688 in Rat brain
  2188. The protective effect of heat acclimation from hypoxic damage in the brain involves changes in the expression of Glutamate receptors
  2189. Sequential changes in brain Glutamate and adenosine A1 receptors may explain severity of adolescent alcohol withdrawal after consumption of high levels of …
  2190. Imaging of Glutamate in brain abscess using GLUCEST at 7T
  2191. DTNBP1 (dysbindin) gene variants modulate prefrontal brain function in schizophrenic patients–support for the Glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenias
  2192. Hippocampal Glutamate NMDA receptor loss tracks progression in Alzheimer’s disease: quantitative autoradiography in postmortem human brain
  2193. Characterization of the L-Glutamate clearance pathways across the blood–brain barrier and the effect of astrocytes in an in vitro blood–brain barrier model
  2194. brain alterations in GABA, Glutamate and glutamine markers after chronic atrazine exposure in the male albino rat
  2195. Influence of cooling rate on activity of ionotropic Glutamate receptors in brain slices at hypothermia
  2196. Retrospective brain motion correction in Glutamate chemical exchange saturation transfer (GluCEST) MRI
  2197. Functional spectroscopic imaging reveals specificity of Glutamate response in mouse brain to peripheral sensory stimulation
  2198. High resolution mapping of modafinil induced changes in Glutamate level in rat brain
  2199. Chronic pretreatment with acetyl-L-carnitine and±DL-α-lipoic acid protects against acute Glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in rat brain by altering mitochondrial function
  2200. Age and meloxicam modify the response of the Glutamate vesicular transporters (VGLUTs) after transient global cerebral ischemia in the rat brain
  2201. … of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on ER stress-related genes and Glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid and glycine transporter genes in mouse brain
  2202. Monosodium Glutamate toxicity: Sida acuta leaf extract ameliorated brain histological alterations, biochemical and haematological changes in wistar rats
  2203. Perihematomal Glutamate level is associated with the blood–brain barrier disruption in a rabbit model of intracerebral hemorrhage
  2204. Remote and Persistent Alterations in Glutamate Receptor Subunit Composition Induced by Spreading Depolarizations in Rat brain
  2205. Metabolism of [U-13 C] glutamine and [U-13 C] Glutamate in isolated rat brain mitochondria suggests functional phosphate-activated glutaminase activity in matrix
  2206. Distribution of vesicular Glutamate transporter 2 in auditory and song control brain regions in the adult zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata)
  2207. DIGESTIVE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PIG SYMPOSIUM: Detection of dietary Glutamate via gut–brain axis
  2208. Distribution of the branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex E1α subunit and Glutamate dehydrogenase in the human brain and their role in neuro …
  2209. Transient coating of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles with Glutamate for its delivery to and removal from brain nerve terminals
  2210. brain levels of GABA, Glutamate and aspartate in sociable, aggressive and timid mice: an in vivo microdialysis study
  2211. Activation of metabotropic Glutamate (mGlu) 2 receptors suppresses histamine release in limbic brain regions following acute ketamine challenge
  2212. … stem cell concentrated conditioned medium alters the expression pattern of Glutamate regulatory proteins and aquaporin-4 in the retina after mild traumatic brain …
  2213. Glutamate permeability at the blood-brain barrier in insulinopenic and insulin-resistant rats
  2214. Benzophenone-3 Passes Through the Blood-brain Barrier, Increases the Level of Extracellular Glutamate, and Induces Apoptotic Processes in the Hippocampus and …
  2215. Effects of cocaine-kindling on the expression of NMDA receptors and Glutamate levels in mouse brain
  2216. Astrocyte GRK2 as a novel regulator of Glutamate transport and brain damage
  2217. brain functional changes in rats administered with monosodium L-Glutamate in the stomach
  2218. Distribution of radiolabeled l-Glutamate and d-aspartate from blood into peripheral tissues in naive rats: significance for brain neuroprotection
  2219. brain-specific SNAP-25 deletion leads to elevated extracellular Glutamate level and schizophrenia-like behavior in mice
  2220. … methyl-D-aspartate modulation of nucleus accumbens dopamine release by metabotropic Glutamate receptors: fast cyclic voltammetry studies in rat brain slices in vitro
  2221. Comparison of two PET radioligands, [11C]FPEB and [11C]SP203, for quantification of metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 in human brain
  2222. Comparison of quantitative performance of three fluorescence labels in CE/LIF analysis of aspartate and Glutamate in brain microdialysate
  2223. Glutamate metabolism in cerebral mitochondria after ischemia and post‐ischemic recovery during aging: relationships with brain energy metabolism
  2224. Introductory chapter: GABA/Glutamate balance: A key for normal brain functioning
  2225. Astrocytic Mechanisms Involving Kynurenic Acid Control Δ 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Increases in Glutamate Release in brain Reward-Processing Areas
  2226. … brain nerve terminals by an external magnetic field using D-mannose-coated γ-Fe2O3 nano-sized particles and assessment of their effects on Glutamate …
  2227. Binge toluene exposure alters Glutamate, glutamine and GABA in the adolescent rat brain as measured by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  2228. Actions of Alcohol in brain: Genetics, Metabolomics, GABA Receptors, Proteomics and Glutamate Transporter GLAST/EAAT1
  2229. Chronic nicotine treatment differentially modifies acute nicotine and alcohol actions on GABAA and Glutamate receptors in hippocampal brain slices
  2230. Measurement of 13C turnover into Glutamate and glutamine pools in brain tumor patients
  2231. … ([18F] SP203), a radioligand for imaging brain metabotropic Glutamate subtype-5 receptors with positron emission tomography, occurs by glutathionylation in rat brain
  2232. Catgut implantation at acupoints increases the expression of Glutamate aspartate transporter and glial Glutamate transporter-1 in the brain of rats with …
  2233. … cigarette aerosols containing nicotine modulate nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and astroglial Glutamate transporters in mesocorticolimbic brain regions of chronically …
  2234. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan tenascin-R regulates Glutamate uptake by adult brain astrocytes
  2235. β-Citryl-L-Glutamate Is an Endogenous Iron Chelator That Occurs Naturally in the Developing brain
  2236. Acute increase of the Glutamate–glutamine cycling in discrete brain areas after administration of a single dose of amphetamine
  2237. Restricted co‐localization of Glutamate and dopamine in neurons of the adult sea lamprey brain
  2238. Effect of monosodium Glutamate (MSG) on behavior, body and brain weights of exposed rats
  2239. Changes in the behavior and oscillatory activity in cortical and subcortical brain structures induced by repeated l-Glutamate injections to the medial septal area in …
  2240. Widespread brain distribution of the Drosophila metabotropic Glutamate receptor
  2241. Metabotropic Glutamate receptor modulation of dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens shell is unaffected by phencyclidine pretreatment: In vitro assessment …
  2242. Effects of mild induced hypothermia on hippocampal connexin 43 and Glutamate transporter 1 expression following traumatic brain injury in rats
  2243. Development of Radiolabeled Ligands Targeting the Glutamate Binding Site of the N-Methyl-d-aspartate Receptor as Potential Imaging Agents for brain
  2244. Cerebral ischemic injury decreases α-synuclein expression in brain tissue and Glutamate-exposed HT22 cells
  2245. Deep brain light stimulation effects on Glutamate and dopamine concentration
  2246. brain rewarding stimulation reduces extracellular Glutamate through glial modulation in medial prefrontal cortex of rats
  2247. Combined actions of Na/K-ATPase, NCX1 and Glutamate dependent NMDA receptors in ischemic rat brain penumbra.
  2248. Effects of valproate on Glutamate metabolism in rat brain slices: A 13C NMR study
  2249. Detection of Glutamate Alterations in the Human brain Using 1H-MRS: Comparison of STEAM and sLASER at 7 T
  2250. The Glutamate biosynthetic pathway in brain: a novel mechanism of moderate UV-induced neurobehavioral changes
  2251. In vivo measurement of the affinity and density of metabotropic Glutamate receptor subtype 1 in rat brain using 18F-FITM in small-animal PET
  2252. Modulation of brain stimulation reward and locomotor activity by ionotropic Glutamate receptors of the tail of the ventral tegmental area
  2253. HIV-1 infection renders brain vascular pericytes susceptible to the extracellular Glutamate
  2254. Total and mitochondrial nitrosative stress, decreased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels and Glutamate uptake, and evidence of endoplasmic reticulum …
  2255. Analysis of a Mathematical Model for the Glutamate/Glutamine Cycle in the brain
  2256. The effect of N-acetylcysteine on brain Glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid concentrations and on smoking cessation: A randomized, double-blind, placebo …
  2257. Regulator of G-protein signaling 4 (RGS4) controls morphine reward by Glutamate receptor activation in the nucleus accumbens of mouse brain
  2258. Changes in the Neuronal Glutamate Transporter EAAT 3 in Rat brain after Exposure to Methamphetamine
  2259. Biological significance of Glutamate signaling during digestion of food through the gut-brain axis
  2260. Dopamine D1 and Glutamate Receptors Co-operate With brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and TrkB to Modulate ERK Signaling in Adult Striatal …
  2261. A conserved aspartate residue located at the extracellular end of the binding pocket controls cation interactions in brain Glutamate transporters
  2262. … of Glutamate Transporter Inhibitors and Hypothermia Discriminates Principal Constituent Processes Involved in Glutamate Homo-and Heteroexchange in brain Nerve …
  2263. brain infection with Staphylococcus aureus leads to high extracellular levels of Glutamate, aspartate, γ‐aminobutyric acid, and zinc
  2264. N‐acetyl‐aspartyl‐Glutamate detection in the human brain at 7 Tesla by echo time optimization and improved Wiener filtering
  2265. Acute restraint-mediated increases in Glutamate levels in the rat brain: an in vivo 1 H-MRS study at 4.7 T
  2266. Development of mice with brain-specific deletion of floxed glud1 (Glutamate dehydrogenase 1) using cre recombinase driven by the nestin promoter
  2267. Adenosine A2A receptor inhibition restores the normal transport of endothelial Glutamate transporters in the brain
  2268. Corynebacterium glutamicum Mechanosensing: From Osmoregulation to L-Glutamate Secretion for the Avian Microbiota-Gut-brain Axis
  2269. Experimental evidence that overexpression of NR2B Glutamate receptor subunit is associated with brain vacuolation in adult glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficient …
  2270. Effects of γ‐Aminobutyric acid transporter 1 inhibition by tiagabine on brain Glutamate and γ‐Aminobutyric acid metabolism in the anesthetized rat In vivo
  2271. Activation of brain L-Glutamate decarboxylase 65 isoform (GAD65) by phosphorylation at threonine 95 (T95)
  2272. … chromatography/tandem mass spectrometric assay for measurement of N-acetylaspartate, N-acetylaspartylGlutamate and Glutamate in brain slice superfusates and …
  2273. Effects of vitamin B6 on age associated changes of rat brain Glutamate decarboxylase activity
  2274. Glutamate and ATP: the crossroads of signaling and metabolism in the brain
  2275. Effect of metabotropic Glutamate receptor-3 variants on prefrontal brain activity in schizophrenia: An imaging genetics study using multi-channel near-infrared …
  2276. Maternal thiamine restriction during lactation induces cognitive impairments and changes in Glutamate and GABA concentrations in brain of rat offspring
  2277. Cysteine scanning mutagenesis of transmembrane helix 3 of a brain Glutamate transporter reveals two conformationally sensitive positions
  2278. Knockdown of interleukin-10 induces the redistribution of sigma1-receptor and increases the Glutamate-dependent NADPH-oxidase activity in mouse brain …
  2279. Expression of vesicular Glutamate transporter 3 mRNA in the brain and retina of the pigeon
  2280. Separate N‐acetyl aspartyl Glutamate, N‐acetyl aspartate, aspartate, and Glutamate quantification after pediatric mild traumatic brain injury in the acute phase
  2281. Effects of tamoxifen and Glutamate and glutamine levels in brain regions in repeated sleep deprivation–induced mania model in mice
  2282. Glutamate regulates Ca2+ signals in smooth muscle cells of newborn piglet brain slice arterioles through astrocyte- and heme oxygenase-dependent mechanisms
  2283. Glutamate diffusion in the rat brain in vivo under light and deep anesthesia conditions
  2284. The [18F] FDG μPET readout of a brain activation model to evaluate the metabotropic Glutamate receptor 2 positive allosteric modulator JNJ-42153605
  2285. Transplantation of N-acetyl aspartyl-Glutamate synthetase-activated neural stem cells after experimental traumatic brain injury significantly improves neurological …
  2286. In vivo N-15 MRS study of Glutamate metabolism in the rat brain
  2287. Evaluation in vitro and in animals of a new 11 C-labeled PET radioligand for metabotropic Glutamate receptors 1 in brain
  2288. Signal alterations of Glutamate-weighted chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI in lysophosphatidylcholine-induced demyelination in the rat brain
  2289. Glutamate decarboxylase and GABA aminotransferase levels in different regions of rat brain on the onset of Leptazol induced convulsions
  2290. Cardiac glycosides ouabain and digoxin interfere with the regulation of Glutamate transporter GLAST in astrocytes cultured from neonatal rat brain
  2291. Inhibition of Glutamate/glutamine cycle in vivo results in decreased benzodiazepine binding and differentially regulated GABAergic subunit expression in the rat brain
  2292. Gyroxin, a toxin from Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom, induces a calcium dependent increase in Glutamate release in mice brain cortical synaptosomes
  2293. Antagonism of Glutamate receptors in the CA1 to perirhinal cortex projection prevents long-term potentiation and attenuates levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
  2294. Expression and localization of Glutamate-gated chloride channel variants in honeybee brain (Apis mellifera)
  2295. Modulation of tyrosine hydroxylase, neuropeptide Y, Glutamate, and substance P in ganglia and brain areas involved in cardiovascular control after chronic …
  2296. … ‐activated receptor gamma participates in the acquisition of brain ischemic tolerance induced by ischemic preconditioning via glial Glutamate transporter 1 in vivo and …
  2297. Glutamate induced neonatal excitotoxicity modifies the expression level of EAAT1 (GLAST) and EAAT2 (GLT-1) proteins in various brain regions of the adult rat
  2298. Gene cloning and mRNA expression of Glutamate dehydrogenase in the liver, brain, and intestine of the swamp eel, Monopterus albus (Zuiew), exposed to …
  2299. Metabotropic Glutamate 2, 3 receptor stimulation desensitizes agonist activation of G‐protein signaling and alters transcription regulators in mesocorticolimbic brain …
  2300. Characterization of nuclear Glutamate dehydrogenase of chicken liver and brain

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