Extracellular Matrix Stiffening (10th Hallmark of Aging)

  1. EXTRACELLULAR GLYCATION crosslinks: prospects for removal
  2. Attenuation of EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX accumulation in diabetic nephropathy by the advanced GLYCATION end product cross-link BREAKER ALT-711 via a protein kinase C-α …
  3. Advanced GLYCATION endproduct CROSSLINKING in the cardiovascular system
  4. Advanced GLYCATION End Product Cross‐Linking: Pathophysiologic Role and Therapeutic Target in Cardiovascular Disease
  5. GLYCATION end-product cross-link BREAKER reduces collagen and improves cardiac function in AGING diabetic heart
  6. Advanced GLYCATION end-product cross-link BREAKERs: a novel approach to cardiovascular pathologies related to the AGING process
  7. Advanced GLYCATION endproduct crosslink BREAKER (alagebrium) improves endothelial function in patients with isolated systolic hypertension
  8. BREAKERs of advanced GLYCATION end products restore large artery properties in experimental diabetes
  9. Role of the AGE crosslink BREAKER, alagebrium, as a renoprotective agent in diabetes
  10. Glycated collagen cross-linking alters cardiac mechanics in volume-overload hypertrophy
  11. A BREAKER of advanced GLYCATION end products attenuates diabetes-induced myocardial structural changes
  12. Crosslink BREAKERs: a new approach to cardiovascular therapy
  13. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts and osteoarthritis
  14. Accumulation of advanced GLYCATION endproducts reduces chondrocyte-mediated EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX turnover in human articular cartilage
  15. Cross-link BREAKERs as a new therapeutic approach to cardiovascular disease
  16. Cross-linking of glycated collagen in the pathogenesis of arterial and myocardial stiffening of AGING and diabetes
  17. The role of advanced GLYCATION end products in retinal ageing and disease
  18. AGE-BREAKERs cleave model compounds, but do not break Maillard crosslinks in skin and tail collagen from diabetic rats
  19. The AGE of the MATRIX: chemistry, consequence and cure
  20. Advanced GLYCATION: an important pathological event in diabetic and age related ocular disease
  21. The relationship between myocardial EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX remodeling and ventricular function
  22. Importance of advanced GLYCATION end products in diabetes-associated cardiovascular and renal disease
  24. Novel inhibitors of advanced GLYCATION endproducts
  25. Does accumulation of advanced GLYCATION end products contribute to the AGING phenotype?
  26. The role of AGEs in AGING: causation or correlation
  27. Diabetes and advanced GLYCATION endproducts
  28. Role of advanced GLYCATION end products in diabetic nephropathy
  29. Advanced GLYCATION end‐products (AGEs) and heart failure: pathophysiology and clinical implications
  30. AGEing and osteoarthritis: a different perspective
  31. Combination therapy with the advanced GLYCATION end product cross-link BREAKER, alagebrium, and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in diabetes: synergy or …
  32. Characteristics, formation, and pathophysiology of glucosepane: a major protein cross-link
  33. The breakdown of pre‐existing advanced GLYCATION end products is associated with reduced renal fibrosis in experimental diabetes
  34. EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX maturation in the left ventricle of normal and diabetic swine
  35. Inhibitors of the Maillard reaction and AGE BREAKERs as therapeutics for multiple diseases
  36. Advanced GLYCATION end-products: implications for diabetic and non-diabetic nephropathies
  37. The role of advanced GLYCATION end products in progression and complications of diabetes
  38. AGE, RAGE, and ROS in diabetic nephropathy
  39. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs): pharmacological inhibition in diabetes
  40. Prevention and Repair of Protein Damage by the Maillard Reaction In Vivo
  41. Alagebrium chloride, a novel advanced GLYCATION end-product cross linkage BREAKER, inhibits neointimal proliferation in a diabetic rat carotid balloon injury …
  42. Advanced GLYCATION end products: a Nephrologist’s perspective
  43. Collagen cross-link BREAKERs: a beginning of a new era in the treatment of cardiovascular changes associated with AGING, diabetes, and hypertension
  44. AGEs and their interaction with AGE-receptors in vascular disease and diabetes mellitus. I. The AGE concept
  45. Molecular mechanisms of ageing in connective tissues
  46. Effects of alagebrium, an advanced GLYCATION end‐product BREAKER, in patients with chronic heart failure: study design and baseline characteristics of the BENEFICIAL …
  47. Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic complications
  48. Vascular AGING: from molecular mechanism to clinical significance
  49. Advanced GLYCATION end products: sparking the development of diabetic vascular injury
  50. Cardiac fibrosis and AGING
  51. Role of advanced GLYCATION end products in diabetic neuropathy
  52. Restraining cross-links responsible for the mechanical properties of collagen fibers: natural and artificial
  53. Getting better without AGE: new insights into the diabetic heart
  54. Arterial stiffness and EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX
  55. Limited joint mobility in diabetes and ageing: recent advances in pathogenesis and therapy
  56. Effects of advanced GLYCATION end-product inhibition and cross-link breakage in diabetic rats
  57. An agent cleaving glucose-derived protein crosslinks in vitro and in vivo
  58. Advanced GLYCATION end products, diabetes and ageing
  59. The role of AGEs in cardiovascular disease
  60. Effect of the age cross-link BREAKER alagebrium on anterior segment physiology, morphology, and ocular age and rage
  61. Clinical studies of advanced GLYCATION end product inhibitors and diabetic kidney disease
  62. Ultrasonic detection of the anisotropy of protein cross-linking in myocardium
  63. TRC4149 a novel advanced GLYCATION end product BREAKER improves hemodynamic status in diabetic spontaneously hypertensive rats
  64. Long-term exercise training attenuates age-related diastolic dysfunction: association of myocardial collagen cross-linking
  65. Inhibitors and BREAKERs of advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs): a review
  66. The pathogenesis of myocardial fibrosis in the setting of diabetic cardiomyopathy
  67. Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic foot disease
  68. Serum carboxymethyl–lysine, an advanced GLYCATION end product, is associated with increased aortic pulse wave velocity in adults
  69. Mechanisms of maturation and ageing of collagen
  70. Below the Radar: Advanced GLYCATION End Products that Detour “around the side”: Is HbA1c not an accurate enough predictor of long term progression and …
  71. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts—role in pathology of diabetic complications
  72. New therapies for advanced GLYCATION end product nephrotoxicity: current challenges
  73. The role of advanced GLYCATION in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy
  74. Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic complications: a general overview
  75. Advanced GLYCATION end products and vascular inflammation: implications for accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetes
  76. Evolution and modulation of age-related medial elastocalcinosis: impact on large artery stiffness and isolated systolic hypertension
  77. Agents that block advanced GLYCATION end product (AGE)-RAGE (receptor for AGEs)-oxidative stress system: a novel therapeutic strategy for diabetic vascular …
  78. Ultrasonic detection of the anisotropy of protein cross linking in myocardium at diagnostic frequencies
  79. Advanced GLYCATION end products and the progressive course of renal disease
  80. Glucose, GLYCATION, and RAGE: implications for amplification of cellular dysfunction in diabetic nephropathy
  81. Protein CROSSLINKING by the maillard reaction with ascorbic acid and glucose
  82. Green tea attenuates diabetes induced Maillard-type fluorescence and collagen cross-linking in the heart of streptozotocin diabetic rats
  83. EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX changes and vascular smooth muscle signaling
  84. Mechanisms, pathophysiology, and therapy of arterial stiffness
  85. Inhibition of NADPH oxidase prevents advanced GLYCATION end product–mediated damage in diabetic nephropathy through a protein kinase C-α–dependent pathway
  86. The effect of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGE) BREAKER, alagebrium on the cardiac structural and functional change in type I diabetic rat model
  87. Glucose-mediated cross-linking of collagen in rat tendon and skin
  88. The role of advanced GLYCATION end products in the development of atherosclerosis
  89. Advanced GLYCATION end products accumulate in vascular smooth muscle and modify vascular but not ventricular properties in elderly hypertensive canines
  90. Advanced GLYCATION end-products and arterial stiffness in hypertension
  91. Beneficial effects of C36, a novel BREAKER of advanced GLYCATION endproducts cross‐links, on the cardiovascular system of diabetic rats
  92. Advanced GLYCATION: implications in tissue damage and disease
  93. Regulation of advanced GLYCATION end product (AGE)-receptor (RAGE) system by PPAR-gamma agonists and its implication in cardiovascular disease
  94. Potential Usefulness of AGE Cross–Link BREAKERs for Modulating the Progression of AMD
  95. Feasibility of using magnetic resonance elastography to study the effect of AGING on shear modulus of skeletal muscle
  96. AGES in brain ageing: AGE-inhibitors as neuroprotective and anti-dementia drugs?
  97. Advanced GLYCATION end product interventions reduce diabetes-accelerated atherosclerosis
  98. GLYCATION and carboxymethyllysine levels in skin collagen predict the risk of future 10-year progression of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy in the diabetes control …
  99. Arguing for the motion: yes, RAGE is a receptor for advanced GLYCATION endproducts
  100. Oxidative stress and AGING: is methylglyoxal the hidden enemy?
  101. Changes in bone collagen with age and disease
  102. Advanced GLYCATION and ROS: a link between diabetes and heart failure
  103. Methylglyoxal and advanced GLYCATION endproducts: new therapeutic horizons?
  104. Trends in advanced GLYCATION end products research in diabetes mellitus and its complications
  105. Prevention and reversal of diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice treated with alagebrium (ALT-711)
  106. Diabetic nephropathy: important pathophysiologic mechanisms
  107. Decreased plasma levels of soluble receptor for advanced GLYCATION end-products in patients with essential hypertension
  108. Role of lysyl oxidase in myocardial fibrosis: from basic science to clinical aspects
  109. LR-90 a new advanced GLYCATION endproduct inhibitor prevents progression of diabetic nephropathy in streptozotocin-diabetic rats
  110. Diabetic cardiomyopathy
  111. AGE-RAGE and AGE Cross-link interaction: important players in the pathogenesis of diabetic kidney disease
  112. Arterial AGING: a journey into subclinical arterial disease
  113. AGING of myocardial collagen
  114. Advanced GLYCATION end products and the kidney
  115. Therapeutic potential of AGE inhibitors and BREAKERs of AGE protein cross-links
  116. Reactive oxygen species amplify glucose signalling in renal cells cultured under high glucose and in diabetic kidney
  117. The effects of the Maillard reaction on the physical properties and cell interactions of collagen
  118. The clinical relevance of advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGE) and recent developments in pharmaceutics to reduce AGE accumulation
  119. Advanced GLYCATION end-products as a potential target for treatment of cardiovascular disease
  120. Protein GLYCATION and Eye Diseases
  121. Advanced GLYCATION and retinal pathology during diabetes
  122. Advanced glycoxidation end products in chronic diseases—clinical chemistry and genetic background
  123. Role of AGEs in diabetic nephropathy
  124. Skin-autofluorescence, a measure of tissue advanced GLYCATION end-products (AGEs), is related to diastolic function in dialysis patients
  125. Heart, AGING, and hypertension
  126. Combination therapy with the AGE cross-link BREAKER, alagebrium and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in diabetes: Synergy or redundancy
  127. Microvascular Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
  128. Advanced GLYCATION end products, oxidative stress and diabetic nephropathy
  129. XLF-III-43, a novel coumarin–aspirin compound, prevents diabetic nephropathy in rats via inhibiting advanced GLYCATION end products
  130. Advanced GLYCATION end products and their circulating receptors predict cardiovascular disease mortality in older community-dwelling women
  131. Pathophysiology, genetic, and therapy of arterial stiffness
  132. Mechanisms of diastolic dysfunction in heart failure
  133. Receptor for advanced GLYCATION endproducts and atherosclerosis: from basic mechanisms to clinical implications
  134. AGING hearts and vessels: masters of adaptation and survival
  135. The role of inflammatory and fibrogenic pathways in heart failure associated with AGING
  136. Diastolic heart failure: mechanisms and controversies
  137. RAGE signaling in inflammation and arterial AGING
  138. Reversal of chaperone activity loss of glycated αA-crystallin by a crosslink BREAKER
  139. Cells and tissue interactions with glycated collagen and their relevance to delayed diabetic wound healing
  140. The clinical relevance of assessing advanced GLYCATION endproducts accumulation in diabetes
  141. Alagebrium chloride, a novel AGE cross linkage BREAKER, inhibits neointimal proliferation after carotid balloon injury in diabetic animal model
  142. Advanced GLYCATION end-products induce connective tissue growth factor-mediated renal fibrosis predominantly through transforming growth factor β-independent …
  143. The AGE/RAGE axis in diabetes‐accelerated atherosclerosis
  144. Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic nephropathy
  145. The maillard reaction in eye diseases
  146. Republished paper: arterial stiffness in chronic kidney disease: causes and consequences
  147. Accelerated nephropathy in diabetic apolipoprotein e-knockout mouse: role of advanced GLYCATION end products
  148. Medical treatment of Marfan syndrome: a time for change
  149. Oxidative stress, AGE, and atherosclerosis
  150. Mechanisms of diabetic vasculopathy: an overview
  151. The breakdown of preformed advanced GLYCATION end products reverses erectile dysfunction in streptozotocin‐induced diabetic rats: Preventive versus curative …
  152. Accumulation of advanced GLYCATION end products as a molecular mechanism for AGING as a risk factor in osteoarthritis
  153. Advanced GLYCATION and endothelial functions: a link towards vascular complications in diabetes
  154. Advanced GLYCATION end-products and the progress of diabetic vascular complications
  155. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts: a biomarker for age as an outcome predictor after cardiac surgery?
  156. AntiGLYCATION properties of aged garlic extract: possible role in prevention of diabetic complications
  157. GLYCATION—a sweet tempter for neuronal death
  158. Advanced GLYCATION end-products: a review
  159. The next generation of diabetic nephropathy therapies: an update
  160. Clinical relevance of advanced GLYCATION endproducts for vascular surgery
  161. Advanced GLYCATION end products are associated with pulse pressure in type 1 diabetes: the EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study
  162. Hyperglycemia and the pathobiology of diabetic complications
  163. Arterial AGING: is it an immutable cardiovascular risk factor?
  164. The receptor for advanced GLYCATION endproducts (RAGE) and cardiovascular disease
  165. Interactions between advanced GLYCATION end-products (AGE) and their receptors in the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy-are these receptors …
  166. Advanced glycosylated end products and hyperglycemia in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications
  167. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts: activators of cardiac remodeling in primary fibroblasts from adult rat hearts
  168. Diabetic heart disease
  169. The road to advanced GLYCATION end products: a mechanistic perspective
  170. Blockade of diabetic vascular injury by controlling of AGE-RAGE system
  171. Clinical potential of advanced GLYCATION end-product inhibitors in diabetes mellitus
  172. GLYCATION increases human annulus fibrosus stiffness in both experimental measurements and theoretical predictions
  173. Phase I clinical studies of the advanced GLYCATION end-product (AGE)-BREAKER TRC4186
  174. Protein GLYCATION: a firm link to endothelial cell dysfunction
  175. Treating diastolic heart failure with AGE crosslink BREAKERs: thinking outside the heart failure box
  176. MATRIX biology of abdominal aortic aneurysms in diabetes: mechanisms underlying the negative association
  177. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts and rat dental implant osseointegration
  178. AGEs induce oxidative stress and activate protein kinase C-βII in neonatal mesangial cells
  179. Advanced GLYCATION end products and vascular structure and function
  180. Nitrite-induced cross-linking alters remodeling and mechanical properties of collagenous engineered tissues
  181. Do diabetes and hypertension interact to accelerate vascular ageing?
  182. Molecular targets of diabetic cardiovascular complications
  183. Skin autofluorescence, a marker for advanced GLYCATION end product accumulation, is associated with arterial stiffness in patients with end-stage renal disease
  184. Age associated changes of AGE-receptor expression: RAGE upregulation is associated with human heart dysfunction
  185. Transition metal‐mediated glycoxidation accelerates cross‐linking of β‐amyloid peptide
  186. Ventricular remodeling/fibrosis, renal arterial brachytherapy, collagen crosslink BREAKERs, salt, and therapeutic adherence
  187. Effects of Compounds Isolated from the Fruits of Rumex japonicus on the Protein GLYCATION
  188. Therapeutic interventions in the glyc (oxid) ation pathway
  189. Skin autofluorescence is a strong predictor of cardiac mortality in diabetes
  190. Modification of the effect of glycemic status on aortic distensibility by age in the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis
  191. The role of AGEs and AGE inhibitors in diabetic cardiovascular disease
  192. Clinical and prognostic value of advanced GLYCATION end-products in chronic heart failure
  193. Glycosylation Inhibitors, PKC Inhibitors and Related Interventions Against Complications
  194. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: insights into pathogenesis, diagnostic challenges, and therapeutic options
  195. Significance of advanced GLYCATION end products in AGING-related disease
  196. The role of collagen crosslinks on passive cardiac mechanics in volume-overload hypertrophy
  197. Dicarbonyls linked to damage in the powerhouse: GLYCATION of mitochondrial proteins and oxidative stress
  198. Advanced GLYCATION end products and RAGE: a common thread in AGING, diabetes, neurodegeneration, and inflammation
  199. Potential new therapeutic agents for diabetic kidney disease
  200. TRC4186, a novel AGE-BREAKER, improves diabetic cardiomyopathy and nephropathy in Ob-ZSF1 model of type 2 diabetes
  201. Accumulation of advanced GLYCATION end products and chronic complications in ESRD treated by dialysis
  202. MATRIX metalloproteinase 2 activation of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and TGF-β1–type II receptor signaling within the aged arterial wall
  203. Modulation of soluble receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products by angiotensin-converting enzyme-1 inhibition in diabetic nephropathy
  204. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts: what is their relevance to diabetic complications?
  205. AGING and arterial stiffness
  206. Development of age-dependent glomerular lesions in galectin-3/AGE-receptor-3 knockout mice
  207. Pyridoxamine, an inhibitor of advanced GLYCATION and lipoxidation reactions: a novel therapy for treatment of diabetic complications
  208. Emerging concepts in cardiac MATRIX biology
  209. Ageing of the conduit arteries
  210. Fe2+-catalyzed non-enzymatic glycosylation alters collagen conformation during AGE-collagen formation in vitro
  211. Microvascular complications of diabetes
  212. Intervention against the Maillard reaction in vivo
  213. Age-associated changes in cardiac MATRIX and integrins
  214. Advanced GLYCATION end products and cardiovascular disease
  215. Arterial AGING and subclinical arterial disease are fundamentally intertwined at macroscopic and molecular levels
  216. The AGING hypertensive heart: a brief update
  217. Reciprocal relationships between abnormal metabolic parameters and endothelial dysfunction
  218. Combined immunoelectron microscopic and computer-assisted image analyses to detect advanced GLYCATION end-products in human myocardium
  219. ALT-946 and aminoguanidine, inhibitors of advanced GLYCATION, improve severe nephropathy in the diabetic transgenic (mREN-2) 27 rat
  220. Lens AGING: effects of crystallins
  221. Causes and consequences of increased arterial stiffness in chronic kidney disease patients
  222. Therapeutic effect of green tea extract on advanced GLYCATION and cross‐linking of collagen in the aorta of streptozotocin diabetic rats
  223. Advanced GLYCATION end products induce apoptosis in fibroblasts through activation of ROS, MAP kinases, and the FOXO1 transcription factor
  224. Targeting MATRIX remodeling in cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure
  225. Detection of noncarboxymethyllysine and carboxymethyllysine advanced GLYCATION end products (AGE) in serum of diabetic patients
  226. Hyperglycemia and GLYCATION in diabetic complications
  227. Smooth muscle cell pathophysiology and advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs)
  228. Connective tissue growth factor plays an important role in advanced GLYCATION end product–induced tubular epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition: implications for …
  229. RAGE and its ligands in retinal disease
  230. Advanced GLYCATION end‐products and the kidney
  231. Advanced GLYCATION and advanced lipoxidation: possible role in initiation and progression of diabetic retinopathy
  232. Do advanced GLYCATION end products contribute to the development of long-term diabetic complications?
  233. Evaluation of advanced GLYCATION end-products in diabetic and inherited canine cataracts
  235. Advanced GLYCATION End Products in Diabetes‐Associated Atherosclerosis and Renal Disease: Interventional Studies
  236. Interaction of metabolic and haemodynamic factors in mediating experimental diabetic nephropathy
  237. Can you reduce your AGE?: Strategies to prevent AGE accumulation in diabetes
  238. Basic Science for Clinicians
  239. Chelating activity of advanced GLYCATION end-product inhibitors
  240. Serum carboxymethyllysine concentrations are reduced in diabetic men with abdominal aortic aneurysms: Health In Men Study
  241. Systolic hypertension in the elderly: arterial wall mechanical properties and the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system
  242. The metal chelators, trientine and citrate, inhibit the development of cardiac pathology in the Zucker diabetic rat
  243. Inhibition of NADPH oxidase prevents AGE mediated damage in diabetic nephropathy through a protein kinase C-α dependent pathway.
  244. Diabetes increases formation of advanced GLYCATION end products on Sarco (endo) plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase
  245. Pulse pressure and arterial stiffness in type 1 diabetic patients
  246. Advanced GLYCATION end products decrease mesangial cell MMP-7: a role in MATRIX accumulation in diabetic nephropathy?
  247. Advanced GLYCATION End Products in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  248. Glucose, advanced GLYCATION end products, and diabetes complications: what is new and what works
  249. Protection against GLYCATION and similar post-translational modifications of proteins
  250. Pimagedine: a novel therapy for diabetic nephropathy
  251. AGEs and diabetic retinopathy
  252. Cardiac inflammation associated with a Western diet is mediated via activation of RAGE by AGEs
  253. Advanced GLYCATION end products in kidney transplant patients: a putative role in the development of chronic renal transplant dysfunction
  254. Renal accumulation and clearance of advanced GLYCATION end-products in type 2 diabetic nephropathy: effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme and …
  255. Failure of mineralized collagen fibrils: modeling the role of collagen cross-linking
  256. Medical bioremediation of age-related diseases
  257. Rosiglitazone prevents advanced GLYCATION end products–induced renal toxicity likely through suppression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
  258. What is the future of diabetic wound care?
  259. Free radicals and antioxidants in human health: current status and future prospects
  260. Diabetic nephropathy: where hemodynamics meets metabolism
  261. Nitric oxide, oxidative excess, and vascular complications of diabetes mellitus
  262. Diabetes and advanced glycoxidation end products
  263. Molecular determinants of heart failure with normal left ventricular ejection fraction
  264. GLYCATION and tubulointerstitial injury; in vitro and in vivo studies
  265. Central arterial AGING: humans to molecules
  266. Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade prevents diastolic heart failure through modulation of Ca2+ regulatory proteins and EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX
  267. RAGE: a multi-ligand receptor unveiling novel insights in health and disease
  268. Non-enzymatic GLYCATION of proteins: from diabetes to cancer
  269. Vascular endothelial dysfunction in diabetic cardiomyopathy: pathogenesis and potential treatment targets
  270. Effects of puerarin on receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products in nephridial tissue of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  271. A tense situation: forcing tumour progression
  272. RAGE: a novel target for drug intervention in diabetic vascular disease
  273. Oxidative stress mediates protein kinase C activation and advanced GLYCATION end product formation in a mesangial cell model of diabetes and high protein diet
  274. Advanced GLYCATION end products stimulate osteoblast apoptosis via the MAP kinase and cytosolic apoptotic pathways
  275. Advanced GLYCATION–New AGE Focus for Diabetes
  276. Cardiac dysfunction in AGING conscious rats: altered cardiac cytoskeletal proteins as a potential mechanism
  277. Diabetic threesome (hyperglycaemia, renal function and nutrition) and advanced GLYCATION end products: evidence for the multiple-hit agent?
  278. Diabetic vascular disease: it’s all the RAGE
  279. Arterial elasticity in cardiovascular disease: focus on hypertension, metabolic syndrome and diabetes
  280. Regulation of MATRIX synthesis, remodeling and accumulation in glomerulosclerosis
  281. A new perspective on therapeutic inhibition of advanced GLYCATION in diabetic microvascular complications: common downstream endpoints achieved through …
  282. 5 Diabetes and Advanced
  283. Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) in diabetes
  284. Vascular stiffening and arterial compliance: implications for systolic blood pressure
  285. Advanced GLYCATION end‐products, anti‐hypertensive treatment and diastolic function in patients with hypertension and diastolic dysfunction
  286. Ablation of the gene encoding p66 Shc protects mice against AGE-induced glomerulopathy by preventing oxidant-dependent tissue injury and further AGE …
  287. Preferential stiffening of central over peripheral arteries in type 2 diabetes
  288. Protein GLYCATION: creation of catalytic sites for free radical generation
  289. Neurodegenerative diseases of the retina and potential for protection and recovery
  290. Age-dependent expression of advanced GLYCATION end product receptor genes in the human heart
  291. Molecular mechanisms of diabetic angiopathy–clues for innovative therapeutic interventions
  292. Diabetic cardiomyopathy
  293. Central arterial AGING and the epidemic of systolic hypertension and atherosclerosis
  294. Use of genetic mouse models in the study of diabetic nephropathy
  295. Soluble Receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products (RAGE) is a prognostic factor for heart failure
  296. GLYCATION, carbonyl stress, EAGLEs, and the vascular complications of diabetes
  297. Pharmacological approaches to the treatment of diabetic complications
  298. Involvement of Maillard reactions in Alzheimer disease
  299. AGEs bind to mesothelial cells via RAGE and stimulate VCAM-1 expression
  300. Diastolic stiffness of the failing diabetic heart: importance of fibrosis, advanced GLYCATION end products, and myocyte resting tension
  301. The Role of Advanced GLYCATION in Diabetic Retinopathy
  302. Therapies for hyperglycaemia-induced diabetic complications: from animal models to clinical trials
  303. Maculoplasty for age-related macular degeneration: reengineering Bruch’s membrane and the human macula
  304. Challenging but essential targets for genuine anti-ageing drugs
  305. Advanced GLYCATION: how are we progressing to combat this web of sugar anomalies in diabetic nephropathy
  306. Factors influencing crosslink formation in muscle tissue
  307. Age effects on vascular smooth muscle: an engineered tissue approach
  308. Arterial stiffness and hypertension: emerging concepts
  309. Collagen in its fibrillar state is protected from GLYCATION
  310. Evaluation of advanced GLYCATION end-products in diabetic and inherited canine cataracts
  311. Skin autofluorescence is increased in systemic lupus erythematosus but is not reflected by elevated plasma levels of advanced GLYCATION endproducts
  312. Receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products and the cardiovascular complications of diabetes and beyond: lessons from AGEing
  313. Is human AGING still mysterious enough to be left only to scientists?
  314. AGE-RAGE Interactions: Sticky Sugar Kills
  315. Cardiovascular disease: what’s all the AGE/RAGE about?
  316. The failing diabetic heart: focus on diastolic left ventricular dysfunction
  317. Maillard reaction, mitochondria and oxidative stress: potential role of antioxidants
  318. Molecular mechanisms of diabetic vasculopathy
  319. Inhibitors of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs): potential utility for the treatment of cardiovascular disease
  320. Advanced GLYCATION End Products Inhibit Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion through Nitric Oxide-Dependent Inhibition of Cytochrome c Oxidase and Adenosine …
  321. Equal and local-load-sharing micromechanical models for collagens: Quantitative comparisons in response of non-diabetic and diabetic rat tissue
  322. Advanced GLYCATION end-products and diabetic renal disease
  323. AGE-RAGE signalling in endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in diabetes
  324. Growth factors, AGEing, and the diabetes link in Alzheimer’s disease
  325. Mechanisms of vascular AGING: new perspectives
  326. Arterial and cardiac AGING: major shareholders in cardiovascular disease enterprises: Part I: AGING arteries: a “set up” for vascular disease
  327. Oxidative and nitrative stress markers in glaucoma
  328. Activation of NADPH oxidase by AGE links oxidant stress to altered gene expression via RAGE
  329. New therapeutic avenues for age-related macular degeneration: targeting Bruch’s membrane
  330. Reactive immunization suppresses advanced GLYCATION and mitigates diabetic nephropathy
  331. Protein cross-linking in the Maillard reaction
  332. Anti-age antibodies and markers of oxidative stress in spontaneously hypertensive rats at different ages
  333. What mechanisms underlie diastolic dysfunction in heart failure?
  334. Disturbance of macro-and microcirculation: relations with pulse pressure and cardiac organ damage
  335. Diabetes and Advanced Glycoxidation End-Products
  336. Polycystic ovary syndrome: the influence of environmental and genetic factors
  337. New potential agents in treating diabetic kidney disease
  338. Receptor for Advanced GLYCATION Endproducts (RAGE): a formidable force in the pathogenesis of the cardiovascular complications of diabetes & AGING
  339. New insights into the causes of heart failure
  340. Renal microvascular injury in diabetes: RAGE and redox signaling
  341. Arterial stiffness and systolic hypertension: determinants, assessment, and clinical consequences
  342. The roles of protein GLYCATION, glycoxidation, and advanced GLYCATION end-product formation in diabetes-induced atherosclerosis
  343. Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and diabetic vascular complications
  344. Alagebrium chloride protects the heart against oxidative stress in AGING rats
  345. Novel therapeutics for diabetic micro-and macrovascular complications
  346. Ageing and vascular ageing
  347. Arterial stiffness in diabetes and the metabolic syndrome: a pathway to cardiovascular disease
  348. Inhibition of renin-angiotensin system and advanced GLYCATION end products formation: a promising therapeutic approach targeting on cardiovascular diseases
  349. Advanced GLYCATION end products and nephrotoxicity of high-protein diets
  350. Methylglyoxal impairs glucose metabolism and leads to energy depletion in neuronal cells—protection by carbonyl scavengers
  351. Oxidative stress in diabetic nephropathy
  352. The sources and the targets of oxidative stress in the etiology of diabetic complications
  353. A mechanical model for collagen fibril load sharing in peripheral nerve of diabetic and nondiabetic rats
  354. Vascular complications in diabetes mellitus: the role of endothelial dysfunction
  355. Arterial stiffness: clinical relevance, measurement and treatment
  356. The RAGE axis: a fundamental mechanism signaling danger to the vulnerable vasculature
  357. GLYCATION of tau protein
  358. Large arteries and the kidney
  359. The RAGE axis and endothelial dysfunction: maladaptive roles in the diabetic vasculature and beyond
  360. MATRIX metalloproteinase-3 genotype contributes to age-related aortic stiffening through modulation of gene and protein expression
  361. Approaches to the development of cosmetic products to counter the effects of skin AGING
  362. Grape seed proanthocyanidins ameliorate diabetic nephropathy via modulation of levels of AGE, RAGE and CTGF
  363. Current concepts in targeted therapies for the pathophysiology of diabetic microvascular complications
  364. Advanced GLYCATION endproduct-induced diabetic complications
  365. Role of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) in diabetic cardiovascular and renal disease
  366. Current perspectives in diastolic dysfunction and diastolic heart failure
  367. Novel approaches to the treatment of progressive renal disease
  368. Methylglyoxal, oxidative stress, and AGING
  369. Metabolic syndrome amplifies the age-associated increases in vascular thickness and stiffness
  370. Aminoguanidine prevents arterial stiffening and cardiac hypertrophy in streptozotocin‐induced diabetes in rats
  371. 15th Golgi lecture: from hyperglycaemia to the dysregulation of vascular remodelling in diabetes
  372. Advanced GLYCATION end products in clinical nephrology
  373. Correlates of aortic stiffness in elderly individuals: a subgroup of the Cardiovascular Health Study
  374. Oxidative stress as a major culprit in kidney disease in diabetes
  375. Diabetic nephropathy: mechanisms of renal disease progression
  376. Modulation of the cellular expression of circulating advanced GLYCATION end-product receptors in type 2 diabetic nephropathy
  377. AGING of the heart and arteries
  378. Advanced GLYCATION end products, rage, and AGING
  379. Targeting the arterial wall, but what is the target?
  380. Mechanical properties of normal and diseased cerebrovascular system
  381. Structural and functional remodeling of the left atrium: clinical and therapeutic implications for atrial fibrillation
  382. Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs)‐induced expression of TGF‐β1 is suppressed by a protease in the tubule cell line LLC‐PK1
  383. The effect of the microscopic and nanoscale structure on bone fragility
  384. Effect of elastin degradation on carotid wall mechanics as assessed by a constituent-based biomechanical model
  385. Targets for pharmacological modulation of cardiac fibrosis
  386. Agents in development for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
  387. Mechanisms of Diabetic Complications (Nephropathy) as Related to Perspectives of Treatment
  388. Vascular AGING
  389. AGE and their receptor RAGE in systemic autoimmune diseases: an inflammation propagating factor contributing to accelerated atherosclerosis
  390. Advanced GLYCATION end-products induce vascular dysfunction via resistance to nitric oxide and suppression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase
  391. Validation in awake rats of a tail-cuff method for measuring systolic pressure.
  392. Biochemical process of AGEs formation in complications of hyperglycemia-induced diabetes and its pathological damage effects: A possible target for new drugs
  393. Valsartan improves arterial stiffness in type 2 diabetes independently of blood pressure lowering
  394. Diabetic retinopathy: a review
  395. Large artery stiffness predicts ischemic threshold in patients with coronary artery disease
  396. Disparate effects on renal and oxidative parameters following RAGE deletion, AGE accumulation inhibition, or dietary AGE control in experimental diabetic …
  397. Future strategies to prevent renal microvascular disease complications in diabetes
  398. Vascular compliance in the cardiometabolic syndrome
  399. Regional arterial stiffness in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease
  400. Quantitative analysis of the effect of diabetes on fibroflast migration
  401. Urinary proteomics in diabetes and CKD
  402. AGE and RAGE inhibitors in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy
  403. Arterial stiffness and hand osteoarthritis: a novel relationship?
  404. Preconditioning with Maillard reaction products improves antioxidant defence leading to increased stress tolerance in cardiac cells
  405. Chronic diabetes increases advanced GLYCATION end products on cardiac ryanodine receptors/calcium-release channels
  406. Molecular mechanisms of diabetic vascular complications
  407. Mechanisms of target organ damage caused by hypertension: therapeutic potential
  408. Left ventricular dysfunction in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  409. From hyperglycemia to diabetic kidney disease: the role of metabolic, hemodynamic, intracellular factors and growth factors/cytokines
  410. 5. Crucial involvement of advanced GLYCATION end-products in experimental diabetes-associated arterial elastocalcinosis.
  411. The vascular endothelium in diabetes: a practical target fordrug treatment?
  412. Endothelial dysfunction and vascular inflammation in type 2 diabetes: interaction of AGE/RAGE and TNF-α signaling
  413. Hormetic triggers for intervention in AGING, disease and trauma
  414. Skin autofluorescence as a measure of advanced GLYCATION endproduct deposition: a novel risk marker in chronic kidney disease
  415. Strategies for proteomic analysis of non‐enzymatically glycated proteins
  416. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts analysis of glucosamine with reducing sugars, DNA nucleosides and serum proteins
  417. Mechanisms of disease: the oxidative stress theory of diabetic neuropathy
  418. Cell biology of diabetic kidney disease
  419. 3, 5-Di-O-caffeoyl-epi-quinic acid from the leaves and stems of Erigeron annuus inhibits protein GLYCATION, aldose reductase, and cataractogenesis
  420. Mitochondrial ageing
  421. Soleus and EDL muscle contractility across the lifespan of female C57BL/6 mice
  422. Treatment of heart failure with normal ejection fraction: an inconvenient truth!
  423. Cardiovascular Changes with AGING
  424. Plasma carboxymethyl‐lysine, an advanced GLYCATION end product, and all‐cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in older community‐dwelling adults
  425. Critical appraisal of the differential effects of antihypertensive agents on arterial stiffness
  426. Oxidative stress triggers cardiac fibrosis in the heart of diabetic rats
  427. Therapeutic Approach on AGE-RAGE Interaction and Its Function in Diabetic Inflammation Process
  428. Molecular and cellular mechanisms by which diabetes mellitus promotes the development of atherosclerosis
  429. Cytotoxicity of advanced GLYCATION endproducts in human micro-and astroglial cell lines depends on the degree of protein GLYCATION
  430. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: is there a passage between Scylla and Charybdis?
  431. Tissue-advanced GLYCATION end product concentration in dialysis patients
  432. Influence of lifestyle modification on arterial stiffness and wave reflections
  433. Diabetic patients and kidney protection: an attainable target
  434. 9 Cardiovascular Changes with AGING
  435. Emerging therapies for chronic kidney disease: what is their role?
  436. Agents in development for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
  437. Drug therapy for the cardiac complications of diabetes
  438. The early life origins of vascular ageing and cardiovascular risk: the EVA syndrome
  439. New molecular histopathologic insights into the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration
  440. Diastolic dysfunction as a link between hypertension and heart failure
  441. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment
  442. Diabetic kidney disease: emerging mechanism, new therapeutic possibilities
  443. AGEs/RAGE in CKD: irreversible metabolic memory road toward CVD?
  444. Association of arterial stiffness with HbA1c in 1,000 type 2 diabetic patients with or without hypertension
  445. Impaired elastic properties of the aorta in fat-fed, streptozotocin-treated rats
  446. Macrophages and diabetic nephropathy
  447. Emerging drugs for diabetic retinopathy
  448. Pathophysiology and treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: the case for diabetic neurovascular function as an essential component
  449. Type 2 diabetes—implications for macrovascular mechanics and disease
  450. Pulse pressure and arterial stiffness in rats: comparison with humans
  451. Preservation of pressure-induced cutaneous vasodilation by limiting oxidative stress in short-term diabetic mice
  452. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: the search for a unifying hypothesis
  453. Proteins modified by malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal, or advanced GLYCATION end products in lipofuscin of human retinal pigment epithelium
  454. Characterizing the advanced GLYCATION endproducts formation of proteins and nucleotides by methylglyoxal and glyoxal
  455. Greater age-related reductions in central arterial compliance in resistance-trained men
  456. Future Therapies in Diastolic Heart Failure
  457. Inhibition of protein GLYCATION by polyphenolic extracts of culinary herbs and spices
  458. Blood pressure, large arteries and atherosclerosis
  459. Obesity and vascular compliance
  460. Nephrin loss in experimental diabetic nephropathy is prevented by deletion of protein kinase C alpha signaling in-vivo
  461. Coupled systolic-ventricular and vascular stiffening with age: implications for pressure regulation and cardiac reserve in the elderly
  462. Effects of collagen dysregulation on structure and mechanics of normal and post-infarction myocardium
  463. EXTRACELLULAR protease activation and unraveling of the myocardial interstitium: critical steps toward clinical applications
  464. Arterial stiffness and coronary ischemic disease
  465. Structural remodeling in the limb circulation: impact of obesity and diabetes
  466. Arterial stiffness and kidney function
  467. Mechanical factors in arterial AGING: a clinical perspective
  468. The future of AGING therapies
  469. Biocompatibility of icodextrin
  470. Update on the treatment of diabetic retinopathy
  471. Inhibition of protein kinase C in diabetic nephropathy—where do we stand?
  472. Animal models of arterial stiffness
  473. Impact of age and hyperglycemia on the mechanical behavior of intact human coronary arteries: an ex vivo intravascular ultrasound study
  474. Advanced GLYCATION end‐products in sickle cell anaemia
  475. Oxidative stress and uremia
  476. Recent advances in pharmacotherapy for diabetic nephropathy: current perspectives and future directions
  477. Heart failure in the elderly: advances and challenges
  478. The diabetic myocardium
  479. Aldosterone receptor inhibition alters the viscoelastic biomechanical behavior of the aortic wall
  480. … GLYCATION end products levels are related to ischaemic aetiology and extent of coronary disease in chronic heart failure patients, independent of advanced GLYCATION …
  481. Mechanisms involved in the genesis of diabetic nephropathy
  482. Effects of low‐level light therapy on hepatic antioxidant defense in acute and chronic diabetic rats
  483. Diastolic disturbances in diabetes mellitus
  484. Plasticity of kidney cells: role in kidney remodeling and scarring
  485. Modification of the Glycemic Status on Aortic Distensibility by Age in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
  486. Pentosidine accumulates in the AGING vitreous body: a gender effect
  487. Synergistic attenuation of myocardial fibrosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats by joint treatment with benazepril and candesartan
  488. Cellular therapy using microglial cells
  489. Introduction of hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in the pathogenesis of diabetic vascular complications
  490. Interactions between angiotensin ll and atrial natriuretic peptide in renomedullary interstitial cells: the role of neutral endopeptidase
  491. Emerging drugs for acute and chronic heart failure: current and future developments
  492. Experimental models for the study of the cellular and molecular pathophysiology of Peyronie’s disease
  493. Glycoxidative stress and cardiovascular complications in experimentally-induced diabetes: effects of antioxidant treatment
  494. … anti-glucose oxidase antibodies or the F (ab)′ 2/F (ab)′ fragments derived therefrom protects both the enzyme and antibody/antibody fragments against GLYCATION
  495. Skin AGING handbook: an integrated approach to biochemistry and product development
  496. Role of methylglyoxal in the pathogenesis of hypertension
  497. Mechanisms, significance and treatment of vascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus
  498. The metabolic syndrome in elderly individuals is associated with greater muscular, but not elastic arterial stiffness, independent of low-grade inflammation …
  499. Medical treatment of diabetic retinopathy
  500. Future strategies for the treatment of diastolic heart failure
  501. RAGE and soluble RAGE: potential therapeutic targets for cardiovascular diseases
  502. Disruptions and detours in the myocardial MATRIX highway and heart failure
  503. Study on the nonenzymatic GLYCATION of nucleosides/nucleotides and proteins with sugars: An in vitro investigation of advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs) …
  504. Structural emphysema does not correlate with lung compliance: lessons from the mouse smoking model
  505. Reversing chronic remodeling in heart failure
  506. Connective tissue growth factor and cardiac fibrosis
  507. [11] Advanced GLYCATION end products: Detection and reversal
  508. Arterial Stiffness and Coronary Ischemic
  509. Methylglyoxal increases cardiomyocyte ischemia-reperfusion injury via glycative inhibition of thioredoxin activity
  510. Reducing the burden of diabetic vascular complications
  511. New therapeutic agents for diabetic kidney disease
  512. Discovery of rifampicin as a new anti-glycating compound by MATRIX-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry-based insulin GLYCATION assay
  513. Intervening in atherogenesis: lessons from diabetes
  514. Large artery stiffness and antihypertensive agents
  515. Effects of blood pressure lowering and metabolic control on systolic left ventricular function in Type II diabetes mellitus
  516. Pathogenesis and pathophysiology of diabetic nephropathy
  517. Cardiac overexpression of antioxidant catalase attenuates AGING-induced cardiomyocyte relaxation dysfunction
  518. Biochemistry of tropoelastin
  519. Advanced GLYCATION end-product peptides are associated with impaired renal function, but not with biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction and inflammation …
  520. The heart, macrocirculation and microcirculation in hypertension: a unifying hypothesis
  521. Using myocardial imAGING to identify and manage subclinical heart disease in diabetes mellitus and obesity
  523. Post-translational modifications of proteins: implications for AGING, antigen recognition, and autoimmunity
  524. Diabetes complications
  525. Vitamin B1 blocks damage caused by hyperglycemia
  526. Arterial Stiffness and Hypertension: A Review of Mechanism and Clinical Relevance
  527. OCT activity and GLYCATION damage in rat liver mitochondria
  528. AGING and the Frontier Ahead
  529. The role of arterial stiffness in stratifying the overall cardiovascular risk
  530. Diabetic vascular complications: pathophysiology, biochemical basis and potential therapeutic strategy
  531. Clinical applications of arterial stiffness: therapeutics and pharmacology
  532. Pacing and Diastolic Heart Failure
  533. Low adipocyte IRS-1 protein expression is associated with an increased arterial stiffness in non-diabetic males
  534. Protein carbonylation, cellular dysfunction, and disease progression
  535. Clinical trials update from the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Meeting 2010: TRIDENT 1, BENEFICIAL, CUPID, RFA‐HF, MUSIC, DUEL, handheld BNP …
  536. The role of protein kinase C activation and the vascular complications of diabetes
  537. Atherosclerosis, arterial stiffness and antihypertensive drug therapy
  538. Developing and characterization of bioadsorbent for extracorporeal blood purification
  539. The skin
  540. Mechanisms of kidney fibrosis and the role of antifibrotic therapies
  541. Pulse wave velocity as a marker of arteriosclerosis and its comorbidities in Chinese patients
  542. New horizons in the management of cardiovascular disease
  543. Inhibition of protein GLYCATION by extracts of culinary herbs and spices
  544. Hypertension and diabetes
  545. Heart failure and nephropathy: catastrophic and interrelated complications of diabetes
  546. Role of inflammation in diabetic nephropathy
  547. The role of renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibition in chronic kidney disease
  548. EXTRACELLULAR remodeling in heart failure–potential use of MMP inhibitors
  549. Nutrition, Diet, and Supplements for Peak Physical & Mental Performance
  550. Poly (adenosine 5′-diphosphate-ribose) polymerase inhibition counteracts multiple manifestations of experimental type 1 diabetic nephropathy
  551. The pulsatile component of blood pressure–Its role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
  552. A microstructural hyperelastic model of pulmonary arteries under normo-and hypertensive conditions
  553. Pyridoxal phosphate prevents progression of diabetic nephropathy
  554. Alterations in circulatory function
  555. Aortic correlates of clinical markers of large artery structure and function. Effects of AGING and hypertension
  556. Does angiotensin receptor blockade improve outcomes in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction? Results of the I-PRESERVE study
  557. Focus on collagen: in vitro systems to study fibrogenesis and antifibrosis _ state of the art
  558. AGING of the Vasculature and Related Systems
  559. Effects of diabetes mellitus, pressure-overload and their association on myocardial structure and function
  560. Hypertension and cardiovascular disease
  561. Molecular and Cellular Phenotypes of Cardiovascular AGING
  562. Diabetic cardiomyopathy
  563. Linking diabetes and atherosclerosis
  564. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: from the pathophysiology of the cardiac myocytes to current diagnosis and management strategies
  565. Cardiovascular complications in diabetes mellitus
  566. Endothelial dysfunction in diabetes: from mechanisms to therapeutic targets
  567. Arterial stiffness in chronic inflammatory diseases
  568. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: signaling defects and therapeutic approaches
  569. Cardiovascular biomarkers in CKD: pathophysiology and implications for clinical management of cardiac disease
  570. Covalent binding antibodies suppress advanced GLYCATION: on the innate tier of adaptive immunity
  571. Large animal models for diastolic dysfunction and diastolic heart failure—a review of the literature
  572. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as a Determinant of Diabetic Nephropathy
  573. Type 2 diabetes, related conditions, in relation and dementia: an opportunity for prevention?
  574. Apoptosis in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and diabetes: a feature of diabetic cardiomyopathy?
  575. High-density lipoprotein at the interface of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disorders
  576. Studies on protein GLYCATION
  577. Diabetes and the skin: an update for dermatologists
  578. Chronic heart failure in the elderly: a current medical problem
  579. Cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes: the role of hyperglycaemia
  580. Cellular Noise and The AGING Process
  581. Plasma protein advanced GLYCATION end products, carboxymethyl cysteine, and carboxyethyl cysteine, are elevated and related to nephropathy in patients with …
  582. Biochemical and molecular mechanisms of diabetic retinopathy
  583. Urinary peptidome may predict renal function decline in type 1 diabetes and microalbuminuria
  584. Assessment of protein glycoxidation in ventricular tissues
  585. Arterial stiffness and the systolic hypertension syndrome
  586. Cardiac metabolism in diabetes mellitus
  587. Differential regulation of collagen types I and III expression in cardiac fibroblasts by AGEs through TRB3/MAPK signaling pathway
  588. Pioglitazone improves aortic wall elasticity in a rat model of elastocalcinotic arteriosclerosis
  589. Reactivity-based drug discovery using vitamin B6-derived pharmacophores
  590. Covalent binding antibodies suppress advanced GLYCATION: on the innate tier of adaptive
  591. Is AGE accumulation a therapeutic target for diabetic complications?
  592. Role of increased aortic stiffness in the pathogenesis of heart failure
  593. Renoprotective properties of angiotensin receptor blockers beyond blood pressure lowering
  594. Fibrosis in diabetes complications: pathogenic mechanisms and circulating and urinary markers
  595. Development and post-pilot modification of a questionnaire for assessing dietary AGE intake in Australian children with and without type 1 diabetes mellitus
  596. Metabolism, cell surface organization, and disease
  597. The association of heart failure with insulin resistance and the development of type 2 diabetes
  598. Methylglyoxal, diabetes mellitus and diabetic complications
  599. Aortic correlates of clinical markers of large artery structure and function. Effects of AGING and hypertension
  600. Hypertension and Cardiovascular
  601. Interventions in AGING and Age-Related Diseases: The Present and the Future
  602. Diabetes mellitus-associated atherosclerosis
  603. Development of an experimental system to determine the contribution of titin and collagen to passive stiffness of myocardium
  604. Diabetic cardiomyopathy
  605. Antioxidants reverse age-related collateral growth impairment
  606. Redox changes precede the occurrence of oxidative stress in eyes and aorta, but not in kidneys of diabetic rats
  607. Pulse pressure, arterial stiffness, and drug treatment of hypertension
  608. PLC/CAMK IV–NF-κB involved in the receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products mediated signaling pathway in human endothelial cells
  609. Intake of advanced GLYCATION endproducts: Role in the development of diabetic complications
  610. Pulse pressure—a review of mechanisms and clinical relevance
  611. RAGE in diabetic nephropathy
  612. Age-and gender-related oxidative status determined in healthy subjects by means of OXY-SCORE, a potential new comprehensive index
  613. Walking may be related to less vascular stiffness in the Activity Counseling Trial (ACT)
  614. Pyridoxamine inhibits chemical modification of proteins by lipid peroxidation reactions, in vitro: Mechanism of action of pyridoxamine
  615. Characteristics of arterial stiffness in very low birth weight premature infants
  616. Oxidative stress and functional deficit in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  617. Central blood pressure and hypertension: role in cardiovascular risk assessment
  618. Altered Glucose Transport and Its Metabolic Effects in Glomerular Cells
  619. Angiotensin II and the cardiac complications of diabetes mellitus
  620. The role of scavenging antioxidants and the transcription factor NRF2 in protection against advanced GLYCATION end products in a neuronal-derived cell line
  621. Chronic estradiol treatment attenuates stiffening, glycoxidation, and permeability in rat carotid arteries
  622. Specific aspects of high blood pressure in the elderly
  623. Ascorbic acid selectively improves large elastic artery compliance in postmenopausal women
  624. Altered Glucose Transport and Its Metabolic Effects in Glomerular Cells
  625. Response to Comment on: Thallas-Bonke et al.(2008) Inhibition of NADPH Oxidase Prevents Advanced GLYCATION End Product–Mediated Damage in Diabetic …
  626. Therapeutic interventions and oxidative stress in diabetes
  627. AGING and arterial structure-function relations
  628. Fifth Pivotal Research in Cardiology in the Elderly (PRICE‐V) Symposium: Preventive Cardiology in the Elderly—Executive Summary. Part I: Morning Session
  629. Physiologic basis and pathophysiologic implications of the diastolic properties of the cardiac muscle
  630. Effects of fixed-dose isosorbide dinitrate/hydralazine on diastolic function and exercise capacity in hypertension-induced diastolic heart failure
  631. Early predictors of cardiac decompensation in experimental volume overload
  632. Reduced acute vascular injury and atherosclerosis in hyperlipidemic mice transgenic for lysozyme
  633. CCN genes and the kidney
  634. Predictors of congestive heart failure in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study
  635. Hypertension, systolic blood pressure, and large arteries
  636. Heart failure with normal ejection fraction: consideration of mechanisms other than diastolic dysfunction
  637. Arterial stiffness: a potential therapeutic target to reduce cardiovascular mortality
  638. Role of exercise and metabolism in heart failure with normal ejection fraction
  639. Pathogenic factors in vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  640. MATRIX metalloproteinase in left ventricular remodeling and heart failure
  641. The RAGE Axis
  642. Diabetic neuropathy: mechanisms to management
  643. Hepatocyte susceptibility to glyoxal is dependent on cell thiamin content
  644. Animal models of diabetes mellitus: relevance to vascular complications
  645. Emerging drugs for diabetic nephropathy
  646. Evolving insights into the pathophysiology of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
  647. Arterial stiffness and stroke in hypertension
  648. Recapitulation of embryological programmes in renal fibrosis–the importance of epithelial cell plasticity and developmental genes
  649. Constituents of the flowers of Platycodon grandiflorum with inhibitory activity on advanced GLYCATION end products and rat lens aldose reductase in vitro
  651. Twenty-five years since the discovery of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF): does a dysfunctional endothelium contribute to the development of type 2 …
  653. Inflammatory mediators in diabetic retinopathy
  654. Drug discovery for heart failure: a new era or the end of the pipeline?
  655. Proinsulin C‐peptide abrogates type‐1 diabetes‐induced increase of renal endothelial nitric oxide synthase in rats
  656. Examination of advanced GLYCATION end-products in children with type 1 diabetes
  657. Comprehensive nanorobotic control of human morbidity and AGING
  658. Effects of blocking the renin-angiotensin system on expression and translocation of protein kinase C isoforms in the kidney of diabetic rats
  659. Pathophysiologic Aspects of Myocardial Relaxation and End-Diastolic Stiffness of Cardiac Ventricles
  660. Integrins as unique receptors for vascular control
  661. Mitochondrial function and toxicity: role of B vitamins on the one-carbon transfer pathways
  662. Why don’t fistulas mature?
  663. Leg flow-mediated arterial dilation in elderly patients with heart failure and normal left ventricular ejection fraction
  664. Diastolic dysfunction in diabetic normotensive patients, regardless of the presence of microangiopathy
  666. 15 Large artery stiffness and
  668. The effects of diabetes and aminoguanidine treatment on endothelial function in a primate model of type 1 diabetes
  670. The central arterial burden of the metabolic syndrome is similar in men and women: the SardiNIA Study
  671. Diabetic microangiopathy in ischemic limb is a disease of disturbance of the platelet-derived growth factor-BB/protein kinase C axis but not of impaired expression of …
  672. Hyperglycemic oxoaldehyde, glyoxal, causes barrier dysfunction, cytoskeletal alterations, and inhibition of angiogenesis in vascular endothelial cells: aminoguanidine …
  673. Cross-talk between cardiac muscle and coronary vasculature
  674. Natural compounds with potential antioxidant activity; in vitro study in a model of protein glycoxidation
  675. Arterial stiffness and cardiovascular risk factors
  676. Heart failure with normal ejection fraction
  677. Altered multiaxial mechanical properties of the porcine anterior lens capsule cultured in high glucose
  678. Insulin resistance syndrome: interaction with coagulation and fibrinolysis
  679. Redox control of renal function and hypertension
  680. Nonenzymatic antioxidative and antiglycative effects of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid
  681. Heart failure with normal left ventricular ejection fraction: what is the evidence?
  682. AGING and the Cardiovascular System
  683. The kidney in diabetes: dynamic pathways of injury and repair. The Camillo Golgi Lecture 2007
  684. Investigational drugs for diabetic nephropathy
  685. Influence of alpha-lipoic acid on streptozotocin induced diabetic cardiomyopathy in adult male albino rats: A biochemical and microscopical study
  686. Novel therapeutic targets for diabetic nephropathy
  687. The gero-inflammatory manifold
  688. Association of plasma pentosidine concentrations with renal function in kidney graft recipients
  689. Structure-function studies of amadoriase enzymes from Aspergillus sp., relevance for treatment of diabetic complications
  690. Lipoproteins, glycoxidation and diabetic angiopathy
  691. The Impact of Diabetic Renal Disease
  692. 28 Diabetes, lipids and other cardiovascular risk factors
  693. Will new antihypertensive drugs emerge? Part 1
  694. Cardiomyopathy and heart failure in AGING
  695. Risk factors preceding type 2 diabetes and cardiomyopathy
  696. Arterial Stiffness is Related to Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Calcium-phosphate Metabolism in Haemodialysis Patients
  697. The AGING of the heart and blood vessels: a consideration of anatomy and physiology in the era of computed tomography, magnetic resonance imAGING, and positron …
  698. The role of GLYCATION and glycoxidation of low-density lipoproteins in foam cell formation.
  699. Mechanisms linking diabetes mellitus to the development of atherosclerosis: a role for endoplasmic reticulum stress and glycogen synthase kinase-3
  700. Development of an oral fluid assay for the detection of uncontrolled diabetics using glycated albumin as a marker
  701. Body weight control by a high-carbohydrate/low-fat diet slows the progression of diabetic kidney damage in an obese, hypertensive, type 2 diabetic rat model
  702. Mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetes: from molecular mechanisms to functional significance and therapeutic opportunities
  703. Sweet heart–contributions of metabolism in the development of heart failure in diabetes mellitus
  704. Murine models to investigate the influence of diabetic metabolism on the development of atherosclerosis and restenosis
  705. Recent advances in diabetic nephropathy
  706. Novel pharmacological treatments for heart failure
  707. Current perspectives on cardiac function in patients with diastolic heart failure
  708. Agents that modulate peritoneal membrane structure and function
  709. Laboratory forum: experimental models of Peyronie’s disease. Implications for new therapies
  710. Renal effects of C-peptide in experimental type-1 diabetes mellitus
  711. Erectile dysfunction in the type II diabetic db/db mouse: impaired venoocclusion with altered cavernosal vasoreactivity and MATRIX
  712. A mechanistic strain energy function and experimental results for the human annulus fibrosus
  713. Diastolic dysfunction and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: rationale for RAAS antagonist/CCB combination therapy
  714. Evolving pandemic diabetic nephropathy
  715. Vascular pharmacology: opportunities for intervention
  716. Clinical and therapeutic aspects of diabetic nephropathy
  717. Basic Mechanisms Mediating Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure in AGING
  718. Current therapies and emerging targets for the treatment of diabetes
  719. Subclinical left ventricular dysfunction in hypertension and diabetes assessed by tissue Doppler imAGING
  720. Structure-function relationships in soft tissue mechanics: Examining how the micro-scale architecture of biochemical constituents effects health
  721. Ultrasonic delineation of aortic microstructure: the relative contribution of elastin and collagen to aortic elasticity
  722. Oxidative Stress in Diabetes-A Key Therapeutic Agent
  723. Ambulatory monitoring of the cardiovascular system: the role of pulse wave velocity
  724. The impact of the diabetic state on gingival tissues: The role of tetracyclines in disease management
  725. The relationship between the continuum of elevated adiposity, hyperinsulinemia, and type 2 diabetes and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease: An epidemiological …
  726. Mechanisms in protein O-glycan biosynthesis and clinical and molecular aspects of protein O-glycan biosynthesis defects: a review
  727. Targeting the protein kinase C family in the diabetic kidney: lessons from analysis of mutant mice
  728. Progress towards medical bioremediation by enzymatic transformation of 7-ketocholesterol and the pyridinium bisretinoid A2E
  729. Pathogenesis of renal microvascular complications in diabetes mellitus
  730. Preservation of protein in marine systems: Hydrophobic and other noncovalent associations as major stabilizing forces
  731. Reduced wall compliance suppresses Akt-dependent apoptosis protection stimulated by pulse perfusion
  732. Chasing the wave. Unfashionable but important new concepts in arterial wave travel
  733. A mechanical model of porcine vascular tissues-Part II: Stress–strain and mechanical properties of juvenile porcine blood vessels
  734. KIOM-79 prevents S100b-induced TGF-β1 and fibronectin expression in mouse mesangial cells
  735. 11 Diagnosis and assessment of non-pulmonary arterial hypertension masquerading as idiopathic pulmonary arterial
  736. Interplay between impaired calcium regulation and insulin signaling abnormalities in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  737. Preventive strategies for diabetic nephropathy
  738. Intracellular substrate cleavage: a novel dimension in the biochemistry, biology and pathology of MATRIX metalloproteinases
  739. Micronutrients that decrease endogenous toxins, a strategy for disease prevention
  740. Endogenous secretory RAGE as a novel biomarker for metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases
  741. Clinical studies on coronary revascularization in patients with type 2 diabetes
  742. The diabetic, hypertensive heart: epidemiology and mechanisms of a very high-risk situation
  743. Novel insights in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
  744. Rationale for a metabolic approach in diabetic coronary patients
  745. Atrial remodeling and atrial fibrillation: mechanistic interactions and clinical implications
  746. Nephrin in diabetes and in diabetes-related conditions: Emphasis on urinary proteins immunoreactive with nephrin antibodies
  747. Arterial stiffness and subclinical atherosclerosis in elderly participants from the Cardiovascular Health Study
  748. Heart failure with normal left ventricular ejection fraction
  749. Hypertension and Diabetes: A Dangerous Liaison
  750. Omega-3 fatty acid rich diet prevents diabetic renal disease
  751. The effect of age and ovarian hormones on skeletal muscle contractility and myosin in female mice
  752. Methylglyoxal-induced increase in peroxynitrite and inflammation related to diabetes
  753. The effects of strength training on arterial structure and function in middle-aged and older adults
  754. Acute effects of interferon-alpha administration on testosterone concentrations in healthy men
  755. Biogenesis and metabolism of Alzheimer’s disease Aβ amyloid peptides
  757. Ageing: biology and nutrition
  758. Characterization of the Alzheimer´ s disease-associated clac protein
  759. Retinal blood flow and vascular reactivity in diabetic retinopathy
  760. Impact of Oxidative Stress on Diabetes Mellitus and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
  761. Applied healthspan engineering
  762. Mechanical and structural changes in diabetic rat peripheral nerve collagens
  763. Calcified splenic artery
  764. Bibliography Current World Literature Vol 19 No 4 July 2004
  765. Fisiopatología de la nefropatía diabética
  766. Diabetic nephropathy: diagnosis, prevention, and treatment
  767. Effect of telmisartan on expression of protein kinase C‐α in kidneys of diabetic mice1
  768. Clinical presentation, treatment, and prognosis of heart failure in diabetes
  769. Candidate Genes for Late Diabetic Complications
  770. Diabetic vascular disease: from endothelial dysfunction to atherosclerosis
  771. Rôle du système rénine-angiotensine intrarénal dans l’hypertension et les dommages rénaux chez les souris transgéniques diabétiques
  772. The effect of blood glucose on the vasculature in young patients with type 1 diabetes
  773. Myocardial infarction, heart failure and sympathetic nervous system activity: new pharmacological approaches that affect neurohumoral activation
  774. Beta amyloid peptide: from different aggregation forms to the activation of different biochemical pathways
  775. Relationship between Insulin Resistance and Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction
  776. Uremic toxins
  777. Protective effect of calcium dobesilate against inflammation and oxidative/nitrosative stress in the retina of a diabetic rat model
  778. Mechanisms underlying changes in microvascular blood flow in a diabetic rat model: relevance to tissue repair
  779. Textbook of pathology
  780. Effects of AGING and exercise training on structural and vasoconstrictor properties of skeletal muscle arterioles
  781. Cardiovascular dysfunction in Zucker obese and Zucker diabetic fatty rats: role of hydronephrosis
  782. Biomechanics of the Lens Capsule from Native to After Cataract Surgery
  783. The structural basis of arterial stiffness and its relationship to cardiovascular outcome
  784. Angiotensin II contributes to arterial compliance in congestive heart failure
  785. Enhancement of fruit shelf life by suppressing N-glycan processing enzymes
  786. Age-related changes in vascular structure and function Determinants and cardiovascular risk
  787. Renal immunology and pathology
  788. The amyloid‐β peptide and its role in Alzheimer’s disease
  789. Current Therapies and Emerging Targets for the Treatment of Diabetes
  790. Arterial stiffness, functional decline and mortality risk in older adults
  791. Substrate Metabolism in the Diabetic Heart: Relationship to the Observed Cardiac Dysfunction and the Significance of Putative Mechanisms in the Control of …
  792. Detection of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Damage Induced by Metal Ion Interactions and Repair of Metal Ion Deoxyribonucleic Acid Cross-links
  793. To what extent can coronary calcification and arterial stiffness be influenced by the nephrologist?
  794. Ultrastructural Dynamics of Human Reproduction, from Ovulation to Fertilization and Early Embryo Development1
  795. Hormones, autacoids, neurotransmitters and growth factors
  796. The Influence of Exercise on Inflammation and IGF-1 Signaling in Diabetes
  797. 10 Vitamin B6
  798. Comprehensive assessment and pulsed electromagnetic therapy for diabetic peripheral neuropathy
  799. Emerging drugs for renal failure
  800. Heart failure: A combined medical and surgical approach
  801. Michael R. Graham, Julien S. Baker
  802. The Effects of Weight Gain and Atorvastatin Treatment on Arterial Stiffness
  803. Causes and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: a proteomics approach
  804. Revisiting methods for assessing and comparing left ventricular diastolic stiffness: impact of relaxation, external forces, hypertrophy, and comparators
  805. Agarwal MR, Feldon SE, Nguyen V. Clinical Features of Graves’ Ophthalmopathy in a Latino Incidence Cohort. E-337. Agarwal N, Patel N, Cai ZY, Covey D, Simpkins …
  806. Rapid Review Biochemistry E-Book
  807. Molecular genetics
  808. Emerging affinity-based techniques in proteomics
  809. Mineral metabolism
  810. Insights into structure and dynamics of MATRIX metalloproteinase-9
  811. Viscoelastic behavior of small intestine in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  812. Anthraquinones inhibit tau aggregation and dissolve Alzheimer’s paired helical filaments in vitro and in cells
  813. The Bimodal Features of Butyrylcholinesterase in Cholinergic Neurotransmission and Amyloid Suppression
  815. Pharmacotherapeutic targets in Alzheimer’s disease
  816. Pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer disease: from psychotropic drugs and cholinesterase inhibitors to pharmacogenomics
  817. Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6340
  818. The effects of acute muscle damage and autoimmune disease on vascular function: The potential role of inflammation
  819. WSLB01–Macrophages, Neutrophils and other Myeloid Cells
  820. Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiology, etiologies, complications, management, and laboratory evaluation: special topics in diagnostic testing
  821. Misfolding of the prion protein: linking biophysical and biological approaches
  822. Beta-amyloid/plasma lipoprotein interactions: Implications got vascular damage
  823. Interaction of viruses with human joint material
  824. Pulse transit time and the pulse wave contour as measured by photoplethysmography: the effect of drugs and exercise
  825. Influence of glycemic control on the development of diabetic cardiovascular and kidney disease
  826. The role of Rab GTPases in cell wall metabolism
  827. Studies of vascular function in patients with heart failure and either preserved or reduced left ventricular systolic function
  828. In vitro modelling of neurodegeneration and neuroprotection specific for Alzheimer’s disease in cell cultures
  829. Evaluation of the ability of antioxidants to counteract lipid oxidation: Existing methods, new trends and challenges
  830. The development and use of a new animal model for inflammatory bowel disease
  832. Biogenesis of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoforms 5a and 5b in cell and animal models
  833. Structural elements that regulate interactions between the EXTRACELLULAR and transmembrane domains of human nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase …
  834. Synthesis and biological activity of gramicidin S analogues containing constrained phenylalanines
  835. Protein aggregation: A perspective from amyloid and inclusion-body formation
  836. Strength and compassion in kidney failure: writings of Mildred (Barry) Friedman, professional kidney patient
  837. Growing bone
  838. Prediction of factors determining changes in stability in protein mutants
  839. Biomechanics, biochemistry, and molecular biology of a molluscan scleroprotein elastomer: whelk egg capsules
  840. Engineering Cell Function by RNA Interference
  841. Survey of the year 2003 commercial optical biosensor literature
  842. The cloning and analysis of LEK1 identifies variations in the LEK/centromere protein F/mitosin gene family
  843. Molecular aspects of ripening-and stress-related protein metabolism in higher plants
  844. Food proteins: properties and characterization
  845. Pathogenic interactions between the amyloid β-protein and cerebrovascular smooth muscle cells
  846. BIOT 1 Investigation of the use of FACS in cell line development
  847. Diffusion of protease inhibitors in the muscle cell
  848. Molecular cloning and characterization of the beta-subunit of tomato fruit polygalacturonase isoenzyme 1
  849. Characterization of growth hormone induced signal transduction intermediates in liver, kidney, and fat of “Dwarf” and “Giant” mice
  850. The phagotrophic origin of eukaryotes and phylogenetic classification of Protozoa.
  851. Targeted siRNA carrier systems for the treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
  852. … G2, to Achieve High Level Active Enzyme Expression at the Plasma Membrane of Tumour Cells, Facilitating Localised Extra-Cellular Prodrug Activation and …
  853. Industrial fermentation: principles, processes, and products
  854. The secreted aspartic proteinases of Candida albicans: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Institute …
  855. Single chain antibodies against the 37 kDa/67 kDa laminin receptor as tools for prion diseases therapy
  856. Peptides for Youth: The Proceedings of the 20th American Peptide Symposium
  858. Biotechnology for New Zealand engineers: A review.
  859. HIF-1α modulates energy metabolism in cancer cells by inducing over-expression of specific glycolytic isoforms
  860. The Molecular Basis of Familial Danish Dementia
  861. Interaction studies between biocompatible polymers and amyloid-B peptides
  862. Intracellular pathways involved in formation and degradation of prions
  863. Vertebrate membrane proteins: structure, function, and insights from biophysical approaches
  864. Natural protein motifs and their use in design
  865. Importance of methionine 35 in free radical-associated mechanisms of Alzheimer’s amyloid beta-peptide neurotoxicity, and experimental rationale for the use …
  866. Microarrays and mass spectrometry-the future of proteomics
  867. Abstracts, Division of Biological Chemistry, 219th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, March 26− 30, 2000
  868. Aggregation of therapeutic proteins
  869. The design, synthesis and evaluation of affinity ligands for prion proteins
  870. Aptamers for proteomics
  871. Analysis of the Molecular Basis of the Conversion and Aggregation of Prion Proteins induced by Oxidative Stress
  872. The 37kDa/67kDa laminin receptor as a therapeutic target in prion diseases: potency of antisense LRP RNA, siRNAs specific for LRP mRNA and a LRP decoy mutant
  874. Anti-viral immunity in Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes
  875. Development of ss DNA aptamers for c-Myc: Max by SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment)
  876. Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography of Carbohydrates and Glycoconjugates
  877. Bioactivity and structure of biophenols as mediators of chronic diseases
  878. Engineering the bioelectronic interface: applications to analyte biosensing and protein detection
  879. Peptide Design Considerations
  880. 1. Teaching Evolution through Evo-Devo. Scott F. Gilbert. Swarth
  881. Structure-function analysis of Phytophthora parasitica elicitins
  882. Studies of the refolding processes of recombinant growth hormones
  883. 12 Sugar and abscisic acid regulation of germination and transition to seedling growth
  884. Maternal and placental adaptations to hypoxia
  885. Cloning and expression analysis of tomato abscission cell wall hydrolases
  886. Interaction of deamidated soluble wheat protein (SWP) with other food proteins and metals
  887. DNase 1 hypersensitive sites in rabbit cytochrome P-450IIC subfamily genes and binding of liver nuclear proteins
  888. Industrial fermentation: principles, processes, and products
  889. Evaluation of some food processing by-products as sources for natural antioxidants
  890. The Role of Glycoprotein H in Varicella-Zoster Virus Pathogenesis
  891. Evaluation of some food processing by-products as sources for natural antioxidants Untersuchung und Charakterisierung von Nebenprodukten der …
  892. Synthesis of irisquinone and analogues: Evaluation of their anti-cancer properties
  893. The Effects of Cholesterol on the Structure and Function of
  894. Characterization of RNA aptamers that bind to HIV-1 gp120
  895. Intracellular pathways in prion peptide trafficking
  896. Colour changes during chilling of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit, surface topology of injury and some physiological changes
  897. The role of collagen crosslinks in ageing and diabetes-the good, the bad, and the ugly
  898. Potential clinical utility of advanced GLYCATION end product cross-link BREAKERs in age-and diabetes-associated disorders
  899. Protein GLYCATION during AGING and in cardiovascular disease
  900. Role of advanced GLYCATION end products in cardiovascular disease
  901. Attenuating effects of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on myocardial collagen cross-linking relates to advanced GLYCATION end product and antioxidant enzymes …
  902. The impact of AGING on cardiac EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX
  903. Advanced GLYCATION end products mediated cellular and molecular events in the pathology of diabetic nephropathy
  904. An update on advanced GLYCATION endproducts and atherosclerosis
  905. Emerging role of advanced GLYCATION-end products (AGEs) in the pathobiology of eye diseases
  906. Advanced GLYCATION end products: key players in skin AGING?
  907. Advanced GLYCATION end products: role in pathology of diabetic cardiomyopathy
  908. Advanced GLYCATION end products: association with the pathogenesis of diseases and the current therapeutic advances
  909. Cardiac fibroblast-dependent EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX accumulation is associated with diastolic stiffness in type 2 diabetes
  910. Molecular basis of arterial stiffening: role of GLYCATION–a mini-review
  911. Involvement of advanced GLYCATION end products in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy
  912. Advanced GLYCATION end product associated skin autofluorescence: a mirror of vascular function?
  913. Exercise training initiated in late middle age attenuates cardiac fibrosis and advanced GLYCATION end-product accumulation in senescent rats
  914. The role of nonenzymatic GLYCATION and carbonyls in collagen cross-linking for the treatment of keratoconus
  915. Proinflammation: the key to arterial AGING
  916. Molecular mechanisms of AGE/RAGE-mediated fibrosis in the diabetic heart
  917. A fast and mild decellularization protocol for obtaining EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX
  918. Age-related vascular stiffening: causes and consequences
  919. Therapeutic interventions against accumulation of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs)
  920. Potential of collagen cross-linking therapies to mediate tendon mechanical properties
  921. Molecular effects of advanced GLYCATION end products on cell signalling pathways, ageing and pathophysiology
  922. Advanced GLYCATION end-products: a common pathway in diabetes and age-related erectile dysfunction
  923. Large elastic artery stiffness with AGING: novel translational mechanisms and interventions
  924. Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic complications
  925. Effects of alagebrium, an advanced GLYCATION endproduct BREAKER, on exercise tolerance and cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure
  926. Age-related intimal stiffening enhances endothelial permeability and leukocyte transmigration
  927. Pharmacological control of receptor of advanced GLYCATION end-products and its biological effects in psoriasis
  928. GLYCATION stress and photo-AGING in skin
  929. Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and cardiovascular dysfunction: focus on high molecular weight AGEs
  930. Mechanistic targeting of advanced GLYCATION end-products in age-related diseases
  931. Advanced GLYCATION end products
  932. Naturally occurring inhibitors against the formation of advanced GLYCATION end-products
  933. Advanced GLYCATION end products: a link between periodontitis and diabetes mellitus?
  934. Targeting EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX stiffness to attenuate disease: From molecular mechanisms to clinical trials
  935. AGING and ocular tissue stiffness in glaucoma
  936. Implication of advanced GLYCATION end products (Ages) and their receptor (Rage) on myocardial contractile and mitochondrial functions
  937. The Effect of Advanced GLYCATION End Products (AGE) BREAKER, Alagebrium on the Cardiac Structural and Functional Change in Type I Diabetic Rat Model
  938. Current therapeutic interventions in the GLYCATION pathway: evidence from clinical studies
  939. Significance of advanced GLYCATION end-products (AGE) and the receptor for AGE (RAGE) in diabetic nephropathy
  940. AGING and cardiac fibrosis
  941. Limited joint mobility (LJM) in elderly subjects with type II diabetes mellitus
  942. Effect of GLYCATION inhibitors on AGING and age-related diseases
  943. The AGE-RAGE axis: implications for age-associated arterial diseases
  944. Current perspectives on the health risks associated with the consumption of advanced GLYCATION end products: recommendations for dietary management
  945. Soft-tissue wound healing by anti-advanced GLYCATION end-products agents
  946. Relationship of advanced GLYCATION end products with cardiovascular disease in menopausal women
  947. Advanced GLYCATION End-products (AGEs): an emerging concern for processed food industries
  948. Chelation: a fundamental mechanism of action of AGE inhibitors, AGE BREAKERs, and other inhibitors of diabetes complications
  949. Natural products as anti-GLYCATION agents: possible therapeutic potential for diabetic complications
  950. Pharmacologic approaches against advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) in diabetic cardiovascular disease
  951. Do advanced GLYCATION end products and its receptor play a role in pathophysiology of hypertension?
  952. Advanced GLYCATION Endproducts,(AGEs): Formation, Complication and Pharmacological Evaluation to Its Inhibition
  953. Tissue taurine depletion induces profibrotic pattern of gene expression and causes AGING-related cardiac fibrosis in heart in mice
  954. GLYCATION: Implication in perceived age and dermatology
  955. The accumulation of the glycoxidation product Nε-carboxymethyllysine in Cardiac Tissues with age, diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease
  956. Phytochemicals against advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and the receptor system
  957. Natural inhibitors of advanced GLYCATION end‐products
  958. The effects of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) on dermal wound healing and scar formation: a systematic review
  959. Cross-linking versus RAGE: How do high molecular weight advanced GLYCATION products induce cardiac dysfunction?
  960. The pathogenic role of Maillard reaction in the AGING eye
  961. Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs): Emerging mediators of skin AGING
  962. N‐Phenacylthiazolium Bromide Inhibits the Advanced GLYCATION End Product (AGE)–AGE Receptor Axis to Modulate Experimental Periodontitis in Rats
  963. Therapeutic interventions for advanced GLYCATION-end products and its receptor-mediated cardiovascular disease
  964. Early-and advanced non-enzymatic GLYCATION in diabetic vascular complications: the search for therapeutics
  965. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: emerging drug strategies
  966. The axis AGE-RAGE-soluble RAGE and oxidative stress in chronic kidney disease
  967. Dynamic changes in myocardial MATRIX and relevance to disease: translational perspectives
  968. AGE–RAGE stress, stressors, and antistressors in health and disease
  969. Role of AGEs-RAGE system in cardiovascular disease
  970. Normalizing aberrant vasculature characteristics generated by elevated EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX stiffness
  971. Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic retinopathy
  972. AGING and the cardiac collagen MATRIX: Novel mediators of fibrotic remodelling
  973. Advanced GLYCATION end products: a molecular target for vascular complications in diabetes
  974. Plasma advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and NF-κB activity are independent determinants of diastolic and pulse pressure
  975. Disruption of collagen homeostasis can reverse established age-related myocardial fibrosis
  976. Role of advanced GLYCATION end products in carcinogenesis and their therapeutic implications
  977. Advanced GLYCATION Endproducts in AGING Skin
  978. Diabetes-induced alterations in the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX and their impact on myocardial function
  979. Role of tissue transglutaminase in age-associated ventricular stiffness
  980. Alagebrium in combination with exercise ameliorates age-associated ventricular and vascular stiffness
  981. Transglutaminse 2 and EGGL, the protein cross-link formed by transglutaminse 2, as therapeutic targets for disabilities of old age
  982. Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic retinopathy
  983. GLYCATION, carbonyl stress and AGEs inhibitors: a patent review
  984. Glycoxidative stress in AGING and pathology
  985. To AGE or not to age. The effect of physical activity and advanced GLYCATION end-products (AGEs) on the vasculature in older individuals
  986. Dichotomous mechanisms of aortic stiffening in high‐fat diet fed young and old B 6 D 2 F 1 mice
  987. The role of advanced GLYCATION end-products in the development of coronary artery disease in patients with and without diabetes mellitus: a review
  988. Targeting advanced GLYCATION with pharmaceutical agents: where are we now?
  989. Evaluation of tissue accumulation levels of advanced GLYCATION end products by skin autofluorescence: a novel marker of vascular complications in high-risk patients …
  990. Arterial stiffness and cardiovascular therapy
  991. Dietary advanced GLYCATION end-products: molecular mechanisms and preventive tools
  992. Effects of alagebrium, an AGE BREAKER, on exercise tolerance and cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure
  993. Advanced GLYCATION end products upregulate lysyl oxidase and endothelin-1 in human aortic endothelial cells via parallel activation of ERK1/2–NF-κB and JNK–AP-1 …
  994. Glycated lysine residues: a marker for non-enzymatic protein GLYCATION in age-related diseases
  995. Betanin reduces the accumulation and cross-links of collagen in high-fructose-fed rat heart through inhibiting non-enzymatic GLYCATION
  996. Diabetes, AGING, and their tissue complications
  997. Mechanical regulation of cardiac AGING in model systems
  998. Alagebrium attenuates methylglyoxal induced oxidative stress and AGE formation in H9C2 cardiac myocytes
  999. Pathologic role of dietary advanced GLYCATION end products in cardiometabolic disorders, and therapeutic intervention
  1000. The role of GLYCATION in the pathogenesis of AGING and its prevention through herbal products and physical exercise
  1001. Effects of alagebrium, an AGE BREAKER, in patients with chronic heart failure: study design and baseline characteristics of the BENEFICIAL trial
  1002. Targeting Fibrosis for the Treatment of Heart Failure: A Role for Transforming Growth Factor‐β
  1003. KIOM-79, an inhibitor of AGEs–protein cross-linking, prevents progression of nephropathy in Zucker diabetic fatty rats
  1004. AGING: Drugs to eliminate methylglyoxal, a reactive glucose metabolite, and advanced GLYCATION endproducts
  1005. Glycated proteome: From reaction to intervention
  1006. Advanced GLYCATION end-products produced systemically and by macrophages: A common contributor to inflammation and degenerative diseases
  1007. Sodium nitrite de-stiffening of large elastic arteries with AGING: role of normalization of advanced GLYCATION end-products
  1008. Advanced GLYCATION end product accumulation in the cardiomyocytes of heart failure patients with and without diabetes
  1009. Consequences of advanced GLYCATION end products accumulation in chronic kidney disease and clinical usefulness of their assessment using a non-invasive …
  1010. Targeting advanced GLYCATION endproducts and mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiovascular disease
  1011. New Approach to Preventing and Treating Diabetes Mellitus: Focus on Advanced GLYCATION End Products (AGE)
  1012. Abnormal levels of age-elastin derived peptides in sera of diabetic patients with arterial hypertension
  1013. Inhibitory effect of gallic acid on advanced GLYCATION end products induced up-regulation of inflammatory cytokines and MATRIX proteins in H9C2 (2-1) cells
  1014. AGE-RAGE axis blockade in diabetic nephropathy: current status and future directions
  1015. A simple method to detect plant based inhibitors of GLYCATION induced protein cross-linking
  1016. Collagen cross-linking but not collagen amount associates with elevated filling pressures in hypertensive patients with stage C heart failure: potential role of lysyl …
  1017. Receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products (RAGE): novel biomarker and therapeutic target for atrial fibrillation
  1018. Advanced GLYCATION end products in the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease
  1019. RAGE and TGF-β1 cross-talk regulate EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX turnover and cytokine synthesis in AGEs exposed fibroblast cells
  1020. Advanced GLYCATION end products inhibitor
  1021. Pharmacological modulation of arterial stiffness
  1022. The presence of fructosamine in human aortic valves is associated with valve stiffness
  1023. Effects of EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX Stiffness on Muscle Fiber Mechanotransduction Signaling in Aged Rats
  1024. Endurance Exercise Training Attenuates Fibrosis and Collagen Cross-linking in Myocardium of Aged Rats
  1025. The role of collagen metabolism in CKD-associated arterial senescence: underestimated and underappreciated
  1026. The role of titin and EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX remodelling in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
  1027. Glycoxidation and wound healing in diabetes: an interesting relationship
  1028. Advanced GLYCATION end‐products accelerate the cardiac AGING process through the receptor for advanced GLYCATION end‐products/transforming growth factor‐β‐Smad …
  1029. … management and cosmetic skincare solutions against oxidative GLYCATION and free-radical production as a causal mechanism of diabetic complications and skin AGING
  1030. GLYCATION research in amino acids: a place to call home
  1031. Dicarbonyls and advanced GLYCATION end-products in the development of diabetic complications and targets for intervention
  1032. The role of AGE/RAGE signaling in diabetes-mediated vascular calcification
  1033. Effects of maturation and advanced GLYCATION on tensile mechanics of collagen fibrils from rat tail and Achilles tendons
  1034. Molecular strategies to prevent, inhibit, and degrade advanced glycoxidation and advanced lipoxidation end products
  1035. IgG GLYCATION and diabetes: a review
  1036. Kidney, heart and brain: three organs targeted by ageing and GLYCATION
  1037. The effect of 1 year of Alagebrium and moderate-intensity exercise training on left ventricular function during exercise in seniors: a randomized controlled trial
  1038. Uremic toxicity of advanced GLYCATION end products in CKD
  1039. Fibrosis, enzymatic and non-enzymatic cross-links in hypertensive heart disease
  1040. Sex differences in the association of skin advanced GLYCATION endproducts with knee osteoarthritis progression
  1041. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts: from precursors to RAGE: round and round we go
  1042. Advanced GLYCATION end-products induce basement membrane hypertrophy in endoneurial microvessels and disrupt the blood–nerve barrier by stimulating …
  1043. Basic and clinical research against advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs): new compounds to tackle cardiovascular disease and diabetic complications
  1044. Influence of advanced GLYCATION endproducts on neuronal plasticity
  1045. Cardiac AGING–a review
  1046. Mitigation of diabetes-related complications in implanted collagen and elastin scaffolds using MATRIX-binding polyphenol
  1047. More than genes and cells: drug discovery in the ECM
  1048. Evaluate the effect of Withania somnifera methanolic extracts as in-vitro antiglycating agents
  1049. Soluble receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products and increased aortic stiffness in the general population
  1050. Diabetes, non-enzymatic GLYCATION, and AGING
  1051. Role of advanced GLYCATION end products in mobility and considerations in possible dietary and nutritional intervention strategies
  1052. Ellagic acid inhibits non-enzymatic GLYCATION and prevents proteinuria in diabetic rats
  1053. Targeting AGEs signaling ameliorates central nervous system diabetic complications in rats
  1054. Cardiovascular effects of 1 year of alagebrium and endurance exercise training in healthy older individuals
  1055. Reduction of advanced-GLYCATION end products levels and inhibition of RAGE signaling decreases rat vascular calcification induced by diabetes
  1056. The status of GLYCATION in protein aggregation
  1057. Ramipril inhibits AGE-RAGE-induced MATRIX metalloproteinase-2 activation in experimental diabetic nephropathy
  1058. Remodeling of the rat distal colon in diabetes: function and ultrastructure
  1059. Stimulatory effects of non-enzymatic GLYCATION on fibronectin MATRIX assembly
  1060. Glucose as an agent of post-translational modification in diabetes—New cardiac epigenetic insights
  1061. Fully Atomistic Modelling of Collagen Cross-linking
  1062. Nonenzymatic glycosylation: A biochemical link between chronic hyperglycemia and pathophysiologic processes associated with diabetic complications and AGING …
  1063. Advanced GLYCATION/glycoxidation endproduct carboxymethyl-lysine and incidence of coronary heart disease and stroke in older adults
  1064. Neurite regeneration in adult rat retinas exposed to advanced GLYCATION end-products and regenerative effects of neurotrophin-4
  1065. RAGE and cardiovascular disease
  1066. Structural alterations in arterial stiffness: role of arterial fibrosis
  1067. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts in diabetes and diabetic complications
  1068. Chelation therapy for the management of diabetic complications: a hypothesis and a proposal for clinical laboratory assessment of metal ion homeostasis in plasma
  1069. Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) in diabetic complications
  1070. Localised micro-mechanical stiffening in the ageing aorta
  1071. Role of hyperglycemia-induced advanced GLYCATION end product (AGE) accumulation in atherosclerosis
  1072. Functional effects of alagebrium (alt-711)–isolated rat carotid artery
  1074. Advanced GLYCATION end-products are associated with the presence and severity of paratonia in early stage Alzheimer disease
  1075. Effect of type 2 diabetes-related non-enzymatic GLYCATION on bone biomechanical properties
  1076. 21. GLYCATION-An imperative target in diabetes and complications
  1077. The AGE–RAGE pathway and its relation to cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease
  1078. Oxidation as an important factor of protein damage: Implications for Maillard reaction
  1079. GLYCATION, antiGLYCATION, and deGLYCATION: Their role in AGING mechanisms and geroprotective effects (literature review)
  1080. An anti-glycating property roots ethanol and methanol extracts of Withania somnifera on in vitro GLYCATION of elastin protein
  1081. Vitamin B6: beyond coenzyme functions
  1082. Diabetes-induced cardiovascular disease
  1083. N-phenacylthiazolium bromide reduces bone fragility induced by nonenzymatic GLYCATION
  1084. Therapeutic agents targeting at AGE-RAGE axis for the treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease: a review of clinical evidence
  1085. Stiffening of the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX in skeletal muscle of aged rats and the effect on muscle fiber mechanotransduction
  1086. Vascular stiffness and increased pulse pressure in the AGING cardiovascular system
  1087. Nitrite modification of EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX alters CD46 expression and VEGF release in human retinal pigment epithelium
  1088. Advanced GLYCATION endproduct changes to Bruch’s membrane promotes lipoprotein retention by lipoprotein lipase
  1089. Vascular effects of advanced GLYCATION endproducts: clinical effects and molecular mechanisms
  1090. Linking RAGE and Nox in diabetic micro-and macrovascular complications
  1091. Decreasing Arterial Stiffness and/or Wave Reflections Independently of Mean Arterial Pressure: Effect of Non-antihypertensive Drugs (Part 2)
  1092. Diabetes mellitus: novel insights, analysis and interpretation of pathophysiology and complications management with imidazole-containing peptidomimetic …
  1093. Role of receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products (RAGE) and its ligands in cancer risk
  1094. Vascular mechanics in decellularized aortas and coronary resistance microvessels in type 2 diabetic db/db mice
  1095. Novel in Vitro Modification of Bone for an Allograft with Improved Toughness Osteoconductivity
  1096. Oxidative stress in early diabetic nephropathy: fueling the fire
  1097. RAGE biology, atherosclerosis and diabetes
  1098. Increased collagen, per se, may not affect left ventricular function in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  1099. Mechanisms of arterial remodeling: lessons from genetic diseases
  1100. Coronary microvascular disease as an early culprit in the pathophysiology of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
  1101. Arterial stiffness and wave reflections in relation to plasma advanced GLYCATION end products in a Chinese population
  1102. A glimpse of various pathogenetic mechanisms of diabetic nephropathy
  1103. Glycoxidation of biological macromolecules: a critical approach to halt the menace of GLYCATION
  1104. Recent insights into diabetic renal injury from the db/db mouse model of type 2 diabetic nephropathy
  1105. Skin autofluorescence and pentosidine are associated with aortic stiffening: The Maastricht Study
  1106. AGING-Associated Alterations in Myocardial Inflammation and Fibrosis: Pathophysiological Perspectives and Clinical Implications
  1107. Advanced GLYCATION end products in diabetes mellitus: mechanism of action and focused treatment
  1108. What are new avenues for renal protection, in addition to RAAS inhibition?
  1109. Optic nerve head biomechanics in AGING and disease
  1110. Jakyakgamcho-tang and Its major component, paeonia lactiflora, exhibit potent anti-GLYCATION properties
  1111. Relationship between tissue GLYCATION measured by autofluorescence and pulse wave velocity in young and elderly non-diabetic populations
  1112. Methylglyoxal and Other AGEs: Good and Bad Dual Role in the Body
  1113. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: pathophysiology and clinical features
  1114. Advanced GLYCATION end-products and skin autofluorescence in end-stage renal disease: a review
  1115. The clinical usefulness of glycated albumin in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease: Progress and challenges
  1116. Integrating the myocardial MATRIX into heart failure recognition and management
  1117. Proinflammation of AGING central arteries: a mini-review
  1118. Alagebrium inhibits neointimal hyperplasia and restores distributions of wall shear stress by reducing downstream vascular resistance in obese and diabetic rats
  1119. Impact of non-enzymatic GLYCATION in neurodegenerative diseases: Role of natural products in prevention
  1120. AGE-RAGE Axis in the AGING and Diabetic Heart
  1121. A potential role for glycated cross-links in abdominal aortic aneurysm disease
  1122. Recent development of plant products with anti-GLYCATION activity: a review
  1123. The role of titin and EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX remodelling in HFpEF
  1124. Inhibition of advanced GLYCATION end product formation by cymene–A common food constituent
  1125. Effect of ageing on left ventricular compliance and distensibility in healthy sedentary humans
  1126. Predictive value of advanced GLYCATION end products for the development of post-infarction heart failure: a preliminary report
  1127. DNA-aptamers raised against AGEs as a blocker of various AGING-related disorders
  1128. Therapeutic modification of arterial stiffness: an update and comprehensive review
  1129. Arterial Stiffness and Hypertension–Which Comes First?
  1130. Inhibition of miR-25 aggravates diabetic peripheral neuropathy
  1131. AGE-RAGE Axis in the AGING and Diabetic Heart: Prime Target for Adjunctive Therapeutic Intervention
  1132. How AGEs cause disease: cellular mechanisms
  1133. Natural antioxidant polyphenols on inflammation management: Anti-GLYCATION activity vs metalloproteinases inhibition
  1134. In vitro GLYCATION of an endothelialized and innervated tissue-engineered skin to screen anti-AGE molecules
  1135. Emerging role of post-translational modifications in chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease
  1136. Altered enzyme mechanokinetic cleavage of type I collagen following GLYCATION
  1137. The AGE-BREAKER ALT-711 restores high blood flow–dependent remodeling in mesenteric resistance arteries in a rat model of type 2 diabetes
  1138. Arterial stiffness gradient
  1139. Treatment of arterial remodeling in essential hypertension
  1140. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: a hyperglycaemia-and insulin-resistance-induced heart disease
  1141. Accumulation of Advanced GLYCATION End Products, Measured by Skin Auto-fluorescence is Associated with Presence and Number of Diabetes Complications; …
  1142. AGEs and chronic subclinical inflammation in diabetes: disorders of immune system
  1143. Targeting the AGE‐RAGE axis improves renal function in the context of a healthy diet low in advanced GLYCATION end‐product content
  1144. Proteome wide reduction in AGE modification in streptozotocin induced diabetic mice by hydralazine mediated transGLYCATION
  1145. Is increased arterial stiffness a cause or consequence of atherosclerosis?
  1146. The mechanisms of inhibition of advanced GLYCATION end products formation through polyphenols in hyperglycemic condition
  1147. The role of advanced GLYCATION end products on sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium handling during diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1148. Diabetic cardiovascular disease induced by oxidative stress
  1149. Molecular mechanisms of diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1150. Inhalation therapy for repairing damaged elastin fibers and decelerating elastinolysis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  1151. The diverse ligand repertoire of the receptor for advanced GLYCATION endproducts and pathways to the complications of diabetes
  1152. A Potential Mechanism for Diabetic Wound Healing: Cutaneous Environmental Disorders
  1153. Baking, ageing, diabetes: a short history of the Maillard reaction
  1154. Compromised mechanical homeostasis in arterial AGING and associated cardiovascular consequences
  1155. Therapeutic potential of DNA-aptamers raised against AGE-RAGE axis in diabetes-related complications
  1156. Mechanistic insight of diabetic nephropathy and its pharmacotherapeutic targets: an update
  1157. Cellular mechanisms for diastolic dysfunction in the human heart
  1158. DamAGING effects of hyperglycemia on cardiovascular function: spotlight on glucose metabolic pathways
  1159. Lifelong cyclic mechanical strain promotes large elastic artery stiffening: increased pulse pressure and old age-related organ failure
  1160. AGEs and cardiovascular diseases in patients with end-stage renal diseases
  1161. Cardiovascular calcifications in old age: mechanisms and clinical implications
  1162. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: the case for a role of fructose in disease etiology
  1163. The influence of disease and age on human cardiac stem cells
  1164. Arterial stiffness
  1165. Future treatment of hypertension: shifting the focus from blood pressure lowering to arterial stiffness modulation?
  1166. Abundance, localization, and functional correlates of the advanced GLYCATION end‐product carboxymethyl lysine in human myocardium
  1167. Arterial stiffening: Causes and consequences
  1168. Tuning a 96-well microtiter plate fluorescence-based assay to identify AGE inhibitors in crude plant extracts
  1169. Diastolic heart failure: progress, treatment challenges, and prevention
  1170. Renoprotective antioxidant effect of alagebrium in experimental diabetes
  1171. Mechanisms Involved in Premature AGING in the Heart—Is There an Implication for Cardiac Surgery?
  1172. Parkinsonism-associated protein DJ-1/Park7 is a major protein deglycase that repairs methylglyoxal-and glyoxal-glycated cysteine, arginine, and lysine residues
  1173. Pulse pressure partially explains the higher incidence of cardiovascular disease associated with advanced GLYCATION endproducts and low-grade inflammation …
  1174. Effect of diet-derived advanced GLYCATION end products on inflammation
  1175. Glucose-induced cell signaling in the pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1176. Recent advances in understanding the biochemical and molecular mechanism of diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1177. Advanced GLYCATION end products are direct modulators of β-cell function
  1178. Novel therapies in acute and chronic heart failure
  1179. Arterial stiffness, vascular calcification and bone metabolism in chronic kidney disease
  1180. Dietary interventions to reduce advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs)
  1181. Delayed intervention with AGE inhibitors attenuates the progression of diabetes-accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetic apolipoprotein E knockout mice
  1182. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: understanding the molecular and cellular basis to progress in diagnosis and treatment
  1183. AGE and RAGE: Hazardous to the Mind?
  1184. Study of GLYCATION and drug induced protein CROSSLINKING
  1185. Hemoglobin A1c and arterial and ventricular stiffness in older adults
  1186. In vitro study of GLYCATION of pyruvate kinase and its effect on activity and proteolytic resistance in absence and presence of aminoguanidine
  1187. Role of Amino Acids on Prevention of Nonenzymatic GLYCATION of Lens Proteins in Senile and Diabetic Cataract
  1188. Dietary glycotoxins and infant formulas
  1189. Amadori albumin in diabetic nephropathy
  1190. Quantifying analysis of advanced glycosylation end products (ages) expression in periodontitis patients with diabetes type II
  1191. Dynamic Changes in Myocardial MATRIX and Relevance to Disease
  1192. Arterial stiffness: A review in type 2 diabetes
  1193. Seeds of Cornus officinalis and diabetic cataracts
  1194. The pathobiology of diabetic vascular complications—cardiovascular and kidney disease
  1195. Diabetes mellitus worsens diastolic left ventricular dysfunction in aortic stenosis through altered myocardial structure and cardiomyocyte stiffness
  1196. IE Diabetic Vitreopathy
  1197. Regulatory mechanism of gallic acid against advanced GLYCATION end products induced cardiac remodeling in experimental rats
  1198. Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) increase renal lipid accumulation: a pathogenic factor of diabetic nephropathy (DN)
  1199. Differential effects of glyoxalase 1 overexpression on diabetic atherosclerosis and renal dysfunction in streptozotocin‐treated, apolipoprotein E‐deficient mice
  1200. Diabetic kidney disease: a role for advanced GLYCATION end-product receptor 1 (AGE-R1)?
  1201. Advanced GLYCATION end-products and their receptor-mediated roles: inflammation and oxidative stress
  1202. Functional decorations: post-translational modifications and heart disease delineated by targeted proteomics
  1203. The AGING ovary—the poor granulosa cells
  1204. Oxidative stress in AGING human skin
  1205. Ezrin contributes to impaired podocyte migration and adhesion caused by advanced GLYCATION end products
  1206. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: an immunometabolic perspective
  1207. Heat stable inhibitors of protein cross-linking from Sri Lankan medicinal plants
  1208. Contribution of receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products to vasculature-protecting effects of exercise training in aged rats
  1209. Relation of diabetes to coronary artery ectasia: A meta-analysis study.
  1210. Role of antihypertensive drugs in arterial ‘de-stiffening’and central pulsatile hemodynamics
  1211. Novel therapies for diabetic kidney disease
  1212. Pharmacological evaluation of novel alagebrium analogs as methylglyoxal scavengers in vitro in cardiac myocytes and in vivo in SD rats
  1213. The inhibitory activities of the edible green alga Capsosiphon fulvescens on rat lens aldose reductase and advanced GLYCATION end products formation
  1214. Pyridoxamine improves survival and limits cardiac dysfunction after MI
  1215. Diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease: clinical insights and vascular mechanisms
  1216. Arterial stiffness, pulse pressure, and cardiovascular disease—is it possible to break the vicious circle?
  1217. Higher levels of advanced GLYCATION endproducts in human carotid atherosclerotic plaques are associated with a rupture-prone phenotype
  1218. Muscle creatine kinase deficiency triggers both actin depolymerization and desmin disorganization by advanced GLYCATION end products in dilated cardiomyopathy
  1219. Diabetes and advanced GLYCATION end products
  1220. AGEs induce ectopic endochondral ossification in intervertebral discs
  1221. Structural proteins and arterial ageing
  1222. Differential impact of glucose levels and advanced GLYCATION end-products on tubular cell viability and pro-inflammatory/profibrotic functions
  1223. Role of Smad1 in diabetic nephropathy: molecular mechanisms and implications as a diagnostic marker
  1224. Diabetic cardiomyopathy—What do we know about it?
  1225. Arterial stiffness and stroke: de-stiffening strategy, a therapeutic target for stroke
  1226. Diabetes and complications: cellular signaling pathways, current understanding and targeted therapies
  1227. Abdominal aortic aneurysms and diabetes mellitus
  1228. Lipoprotein GLYCATION in diabetes mellitus
  1229. Methylglyoxal promotes oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction
  1230. Changes in the myocardial interstitium and contribution to the progression of heart failure
  1231. Identifying and interpreting novel targets that address more than one diabetic complication: a strategy for optimal end organ protection in diabetes
  1232. Left ventricular hypertrophy regression and allopurinol: more questions than answers
  1233. Predictors and prevention of diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1234. Circulating levels of carboxy‐methyl‐lysine (CML) are associated with hip fracture risk: the Cardiovascular Health Study
  1235. Aortic stiffness: current understanding and future directions
  1236. The reality of AGING viewed from the arterial wall
  1237. Arterial stiffness
  1238. Oxidative stress-related mechanisms and antioxidant therapy in diabetic retinopathy
  1239. Intraoperative sRAGE kinetics
  1240. Advanced GLYCATION end products and schizophrenia: A systematic review
  1241. Hyperglycemia and endothelial dysfunction in atherosclerosis: lessons from type 1 diabetes
  1242. Nox-4 and progressive kidney disease
  1243. Metabolic Karma—the atherogenic legacy of diabetes: the 2017 Edwin Bierman Award Lecture
  1244. CCN-2 is up-regulated by and mediates effects of MATRIX bound advanced glycated end-products in human renal mesangial cells
  1245. Advanced GLYCATION end products promote proliferation of cardiac fibroblasts by upregulation of K Ca 3.1 channels
  1246. Advanced GLYCATION end-products: modifiable environmental factors profoundly mediate insulin resistance
  1248. Role of advanced GLYCATION end products related to the onset of diabetic kidney disease complications
  1249. Toxicity of protein and DNA-AGEs in neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) with decisive approaches to stop the deadly consequences
  1250. Skin autofluorescence is associated with inappropriate left ventricular mass and diastolic dysfunction in subjects at risk for cardiovascular disease
  1251. Advanced GLYCATION end products, diabetes, and the brain
  1252. Age-and diabetes-induced regulation of oxidative protein modification in rat brain and peripheral tissues: Consequences of treatment with antioxidant pyridoindole
  1253. Receptor for advanced GLYCATION endproducts and progressive kidney disease
  1254. Osseous wound repair under inhibition of the axis of advanced GLYCATION end-products and the advanced GLYCATION end-products receptor
  1255. Dietary AGEs in the Development and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease
  1256. Similarities and differences between the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of diastolic and systolic heart failure
  1257. Pathophysiology and medical treatment of carotid artery stenosis
  1258. Changes in the mechanical and biochemical properties of aortic tissue due to cold storage
  1259. GLYCATION: the angiogenic paradox in AGING and age-related disorders and diseases
  1260. Advanced GLYCATION end-products and outcome in heart failure patients with preserved and reduced ejection fraction
  1261. An in vitro study on the non-enzymatic GLYCATION of melamine and serum albumin by reducing sugars
  1262. The possible role of advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs) in experimentally-induced ischemic brain damage.
  1263. Strategies for achieving healthy vascular AGING
  1264. Arterial stiffness, cognitive impairment and dementia: confounding factor or real risk?
  1265. Significance of Advanced GLYCATION End Products in AGING-Related Disease
  1266. Determinants of progression of aortic stiffness in hemodialysis patients: a prospective longitudinal study
  1267. Dietary glycotoxins exacerbate progression of experimental fatty liver disease
  1268. Substrate stiffness regulates PDGF-induced circular dorsal ruffle formation through MLCK
  1269. The effect of BAPN on heart structure and function in the angiotensin II hypertensive mouse
  1270. Aldolase B knockdown prevents high glucose-induced methylglyoxal overproduction and cellular dysfunction in endothelial cells
  1271. Novel Treatments in Diabetic Nephropathy
  1272. Regenerative therapies for diabetic microangiopathy
  1273. Arterial stiffness and pulse pressure in CKD and ESRD
  1274. Age-related changes in the mechanical properties of large arteries
  1275. Exercise amaliorates metabolic disturbances and oxidative stress in diabetic cardiomyopathy: possible underlying mechanisms
  1276. Curcumin ameliorates arterial dysfunction and oxidative stress with AGING
  1277. Proteomic quantification and identification of carbonylated proteins upon oxidative stress and during cellular AGING
  1278. Amino carbonylation of epidermal basement membrane inhibits epidermal cell function and is suppressed by methylparaben
  1279. Effects of atorvastatin on progression of diabetic nephropathy and local RAGE and soluble RAGE expressions in rats
  1280. 5.2 Integrin function in heart fibrosis: mechanical strain, transforming growth factor-beta 1 activation, and collagen GLYCATION
  1281. Arterial function in cardio-metabolic diseases: from the microcirculation to the large conduits
  1282. Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: Insights into Pathogenesis, Diagnostic Challenges, and Therapeutic Options
  1283. Osteoarthritis: an update with relevance for clinical practice
  1284. Prevention of protein GLYCATION by natural compounds
  1285. The question is, my dear watson, why did the dog not bark?: The joslin 50-year medalist study
  1286. Diabetic nephropathy–complications and treatment
  1287. Antioxidants in health, disease and AGING
  1288. Factors associated with pentosidine accumulation in the human vitreous
  1289. Management of limited joint mobility in diabetic patients
  1290. Interrelationship between diabetes mellitus and heart failure: The role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in left ventricle performance
  1291. Advanced GLYCATION end product 3 (AGE3) suppresses the mineralization of mouse stromal ST2 cells and human mesenchymal stem cells by increasing TGF-β …
  1292. Flow (shear stress)-mediated remodeling of resistance arteries in diabetes
  1293. Elastin, Calcium and Age-Related Stiffening of the Arterial Wall
  1294. Comparative evaluation of fosinopril and herbal drug Dioscorea bulbifera in patients of diabetic nephropathy
  1295. Toward regeneration of articular cartilage
  1296. Inhibitory effects and actions of pentacyclic triterpenes upon GLYCATION
  1297. The renal endothelium in diabetic nephropathy
  1298. AGE–RAGE interaction and oxidative stress in obesity-related renal dysfunction
  1299. A review on advanced GLYCATION end-products (age) and their role in diabetes mellitus
  1300. Advanced GLYCATION end products in children with type 1 diabetes and early reduced diastolic heart function
  1301. Tandem inhibition of PKC in Diαβetic nephropathy: it takes two to tango?
  1302. The efficiency of compounds with α-amino-β-mercapto-ethane group in protection of human serum albumin carbonylation and cross-linking with methylglyoxal
  1303. Blocking Gastrointestinal Absorption of AGEs
  1304. AGING-induced biological changes and cardiovascular diseases
  1305. Tiny molecule, big power: multi-target approach for curcumin in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1306. AGE and RAGE: Hazardous to the Mind? A plea for translational work
  1307. How exercise may amend metabolic disturbances in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1308. Collagen processing and its role in fibrosis
  1310. AGING in blood vessels. Medicinal agents FOR systemic arterial hypertension in the elderly
  1311. Increased levels of advanced GLYCATION end products positively correlate with iron overload and oxidative stress markers in patients with β-thalassemia major
  1312. The effectiveness of the peel extract of water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa Roxb.) in an α-crystallin GLYCATION model with glyoxal
  1313. Advanced GLYCATION End Products And Risks For Chronic Diseases: Intervening Through Lifestyle Modification
  1314. Aortic stiffness is reduced beyond blood pressure lowering by short-term and long-term antihypertensive treatment: a meta-analysis of individual data in 294 patients
  1315. Halting arterial AGING in patients with cardiovascular disease: hypolipidemic and antihypertensive therapy
  1316. Current concepts in the management of diabetic nephropathy
  1317. Coronary Microvascular Disease as an Early Culprit in
  1318. Multiligands/Rage Axis: an Emerging Actor in Tumour Angiogenesis
  1319. Receptor for AGEs (RAGE) as mediator of NF-kB pathway activation in neuroinflammation and oxidative stress
  1320. Skin autofluorescence as a marker of cardiovascular risk in children with chronic kidney disease
  1321. Dietary AGEs and their role in health and disease
  1322. The low AGE diet: a neglected aspect of clinical nephrology practice?
  1323. Phaseolamin treatment prevents oxidative stress and collagen deposition in the hearts of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  1324. Understanding the viscoelastic behavior of collagen matrices through relaxation time distribution spectrum
  1325. Synergistic effects of telmisartan and pyridoxamine on early renal damage in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  1326. Study of advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs) of human fibrinogen and nucleobases with methyl glyoxal: An in vitro investigation of ages formation
  1327. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: the new devil in the pandemic
  1328. The AGING Arterial Wall
  1329. Targeting inflammation in diabetic nephropathy: a tale of hope
  1330. Interference of amlodipine combined with ALT-711 on arteriosclerosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  1331. Novel Mechanistic Insights into the Role of Advanced GLYCATION End Products in the Development of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
  1332. Relation between glycemia level and common carotid artery intima-media thickness in females
  1333. Expression and regulation of facilitative glucose transporters in equine insulin-sensitive tissue: from physiology to pathology
  1334. Cardiovascular Complications in Renal Failure: Implications of Advanced GLYCATION End Products and Their Receptor RAGE
  1335. Protective role of sulphoraphane against vascular complications in diabetes
  1336. Healthy lifestyle-based approaches for successful vascular AGING
  1337. Effects of mesenchymal stromal cells on diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1338. Controlling the receptor for advanced GLYCATION end‐products to conquer diabetic vascular complications
  1339. A comparison of dicarbonyl stress and advanced GLYCATION endproducts in lifelong endurance athletes vs. sedentary controls
  1340. The two faces of hypertension: role of aortic stiffness
  1341. Receptor for advanced GLYCATION end-products (RAGE) provides a link between genetic susceptibility and environmental factors in type 1 diabetes
  1342. Aortic stiffness as a surrogate endpoint to micro-and macrovascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes
  1343. The role of advanced GLYCATION end-products in cancer disparity
  1344. A novel in vitro method to identify protein GLYCATION inhibitors
  1345. Hypertension and chronic kidney disease: respective contribution of mean and pulse pressure and arterial stiffness
  1346. Role of Rap1a in AGE/RAGE-mediated Signaling in Type II Diabetes Mellitus
  1347. Regulation Of The Human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Transcriptome By EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX Stiffness
  1348. Novel drug treatment for diabetic nephropathy
  1349. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts and diabetes. Beyond vascular complications
  1350. Arterial stiffness
  1351. Plant-derived agents with anti-GLYCATION activity
  1352. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy: current perspective and future directions
  1353. Animal models of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
  1354. Diabetic Nephropathy: Current and Novel Therapeutic Approaches to Prevent Its Development and Progression
  1355. A novel in vitro method to detect inhibitors of protein GLYCATION
  1356. Regulation of RAGE for attenuating progression of diabetic vascular complications
  1357. Cardiovascular Complications
  1358. MATRIX metalloproteinases are possible targets in monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension: investigation of anti-remodeling effects of alagebrium and …
  1359. Renal nerve ablation reduces augmentation index in patients with resistant hypertension
  1360. Impaired redox signaling and antioxidant gene expression in endothelial cells in diabetes: a role for mitochondria and the nuclear factor-E2-related factor 2-Kelch-like …
  1361. Tendinopathy in diabetes mellitus patients—epidemiology, pathogenesis, and management
  1362. Molecular mechanisms associated with diabetic endothelial–erectile dysfunction
  1363. The multiple faces of RAGE–opportunities for therapeutic intervention in AGING and chronic disease
  1364. Insulin-like growth factor-1 overexpression in cardiomyocytes diminishes ex vivo heart functional recovery after acute ischemia
  1365. Elevated glucose levels promote contractile and cytoskeletal gene expression in vascular smooth muscle via Rho/protein kinase C and actin polymerization
  1366. Inhibition of Na+/H+ exchanger 1 attenuates renal dysfunction induced by advanced GLYCATION end products in rats
  1367. Attenuation of glucose-induced myoglobin GLYCATION and the formation of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) by (R)-α-lipoic acid in vitro
  1368. Localized micro-and nano-scale remodelling in the diabetic aorta
  1369. Type 2 diabetes and cognitive impairment: linking mechanisms
  1370. Mitofusin 2 attenuates the histone acetylation at collagen IV promoter in diabetic nephropathy
  1371. L-Carnosine supplementation attenuated fasting glucose, triglycerides, advanced GLYCATION end products, and tumor necrosis factor–α levels in patients with type 2 …
  1372. How drugs influencing central blood pressure prevent atherosclerosis complications?
  1373. Mechanism for the development of bone disease in diabetes: increased oxidative stress and advanced GLYCATION end products
  1374. Anti-glycative potential of triterpenes: a mini-review
  1375. Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and musculoskeletal disease: common inflammatory pathways suggest a central role for loss of muscle integrity
  1376. Pathophysiology of the diabetic kidney
  1377. The role of human serum carnosinase 1 in diabetic nephropathy
  1378. Phytate decreases formation of advanced GLYCATION end-products in patients with type II diabetes: Randomized crossover trial
  1379. Panvascular risk factor–diabetes
  1380. Trans-resveratrol mitigates type 1 diabetes-induced oxidative DNA damage and accumulation of advanced GLYCATION end products in glomeruli and tubules of rat …
  1381. Aldolase B Knockdown Prevents High Glucose-Induced Methylglyoxal Overproduction and
  1382. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: current understanding and emerging concepts
  1383. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and future pharmacological strategies: a glance in the crystal ball
  1384. Abnormal thiamine-dependent processes in Alzheimer’s Disease. Lessons from diabetes
  1385. Molecular mechanism of diabetic cardiomyopathy and modulation of microRNA function by synthetic oligonucleotides
  1386. The vulnerable myocardium
  1387. 30. Optic nerve head biomechanics in health, AGING, and disease
  1388. Meta-profiles of gene expression during AGING: limited similarities between mouse and human and an unexpectedly decreased inflammatory signature
  1389. Pharmacologic targets and peritoneal membrane remodeling
  1390. Molecular players at the intersection of obesity and osteoarthritis
  1391. Biomolecular basis of the role of diabetes mellitus in osteoporosis and bone fractures
  1392. Pregnancy and Hypertension
  1393. Pathological Role of AGEs in Osteoporosis
  1394. Low glial angiotensinogen improves body habitus, diastolic function, and exercise tolerance in AGING male rats
  1395. Anti-GLYCATION skin care–a promising approach for young, mature and diabetic skin
  1396. Mesenchymal stem cells: a future experimental exploration for recession of diabetic nephropathy
  1397. The Role of Cortical and Cancellous Bone Quality on Vertebral Fragility
  1398. Modeling of bone failure by cohesive zone models
  1399. Antioxidant and AntiGLYCATION effect of some Phytochemicals
  1400. Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: Current Status
  1401. Diabetes mellitus and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
  1402. Vascular stiffness and AGING in HIV
  1403. Longitudinal left ventricular function in normotensive prediabetics: a tissue Doppler and strain/strain rate echocardiography study
  1404. A constituent-based model of age-related changes in conduit arteries
  1405. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: A new perspective of mechanistic approach
  1406. AGING and vascular endothelial function in humans
  1407. Present insights on cardiomyopathy in diabetic patients
  1408. A method to quantify intracellular GLYCATION in dermal fibroblasts using liquid chromatography coupled to fluorescence detection–Application to the selection of …
  1409. Role of protein kinase C in podocytes and development of glomerular damage in diabetic nephropathy
  1410. Diabetes Mellitus and Limited Joint Mobility in the Upper Extremity
  1411. Breakthrough in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: are we there yet?
  1412. Are targeted therapies for diabetic cardiomyopathy on the horizon?
  1413. About AGEs
  1414. Advanced GLYCATION end products overload might explain intracellular cobalamin deficiency in renal dysfunction, diabetes and AGING
  1415. Advances in the non-invasive assessment of vascular dysfunction in metabolic syndrome and diabetes: focus on endothelium, carotid mechanics and renal vessels
  1416. Structures required of polyphenols for inhibiting advanced GLYCATION end products formation
  1417. Skin autofluorescence, as marker of accumulation of advanced GLYCATION endproducts and of cumulative metabolic stress, is not increased in patients with …
  1418. Measurement of arterial stiffness: a novel tool of risk stratification in hypertension
  1419. Vascular Stiffening Regulates Endothelial Permeability And Smooth Muscle Cell Motility
  1420. Associations between structural and functional changes to the kidney in diabetic humans and mice
  1421. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a clinical dilemma
  1422. ImAGING in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1423. Biology of diabetic neuropathy
  1424. Dynamic micro-and macrovascular remodeling in coronary circulation of obese Ossabaw pigs with metabolic syndrome
  1425. AGING biology in the kidney
  1426. Mechanisms of diabetic complications
  1427. Protein GLYCATION and oxidative stress in pathophysiology of diabetic complications
  1428. Radical roles for RAGE in the pathogenesis of oxidative stress in cardiovascular diseases and beyond
  1429. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: an ongoing enigma
  1430. Immune-inflammatory dysregulation modulates the incidence of progressive fibrosis and diastolic stiffness in the AGING heart
  1431. Structural and functional properties, chaperone activity and posttranslational modifications of alpha-crystallin and its related subunits in the crystalline lens: N …
  1432. Improved diabetes control in the elderly delays global cognitive decline
  1433. Dicarbonyls induce senescence of human vascular endothelial cells
  1434. Arterial stiffness in chronic kidney disease: an update
  1435. Glucose, insulin and potential strategies of vascular stiffening
  1436. S100B Expression Modulates Diabetic Myocardium following Myocardial Infarction and Development of Diabetes
  1437. New insight into the molecular drug target of diabetic nephropathy
  1438. Study of association between carboxymethyllysine and circulating soluble receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products and cardiovascular dysfunction in …
  1439. The AGE of Biomaterials: Preserving the Myocardium after Infarction to Promote Heart Repair and Function
  1440. Worse cardiac remodeling in response to pressure overload in type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1441. Protein modification and maintenance systems as biomarkers of ageing
  1442. Role of serum biomarkers in early detection of diabetic cardiomyopathy in the West Virginian population
  1443. The impracticality of biomedical rejuvenation therapies: translational and pharmacological barriers
  1444. Stiffness-induced endothelial DLC-1 expression forces leukocyte spreading through stabilization of the ICAM-1 adhesome
  1445. Glucotoxic mechanisms and related therapeutic approaches
  1446. Regulation of AGING in yeast by GLYCATION inhibitors
  1447. A review on role of advanced GLYCATION end products (ages) in rheumatoid arthritis
  1448. Barrier Maintenance in Neovessels
  1449. Slowing the AGING process
  1450. Attenuated age-related carotid arterial remodeling in adults with a high level of cardiorespiratory fitness
  1451. RAGE deletion confers renoprotection by reducing responsiveness to transforming growth factor-β and increasing resistance to apoptosis
  1452. Diabetic microvascular disease: an endocrine society scientific statement
  1453. The vascular smooth muscle cell: a therapeutic target in type 2 diabetes?
  1454. Challenging the dogma of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species overproduction in diabetic kidney disease
  1455. Salvianolic acid A protects against diabetic nephropathy through ameliorating glomerular endothelial dysfunction via inhibiting AGE-RAGE signaling
  1456. Effect of KIOM-79 on diabetes-induced myocardial fibrosis in Zucker diabetic fatty rats
  1457. Metabolic effects of metformin in the failing heart
  1458. Chelation therapy: overlooked in the treatment and prevention of diabetes complications?
  1459. Investigation of circulating RAGE in patients with cardiovascular disease
  1460. Food processing: The influence of the maillard reaction on immunogenicity and allergenicity of food proteins
  1461. Development and evaluation of delayed CT arthrography of cartilage
  1462. New molecular insights in diabetic nephropathy
  1463. Limited joint mobility syndrome in diabetes mellitus: a minireview
  1464. New drugs under development for cardiovascular prevention
  1465. Insulin resistance and progression of heart failure in the older adult
  1466. Advanced GLYCATION end products induced immune maturation of dendritic cells controls heart failure through NF-κB signaling pathway
  1467. VU Research Portal
  1468. IL-1β, RAGE and FABP4: targeting the dynamic trio in metabolic inflammation and related pathologies
  1469. Diabetes with heart failure increases methylglyoxal modifications in the sarcomere, which inhibit function
  1470. Diabetes‐induced mechanophysiological changes in the esophagus
  1471. Effect of AGING on metabolic pathways in endothelial progenitor cells
  1472. Targeting Blood Pressure Lowering and the Sympathetic Nervous System
  1473. Challenges in vascular tissue engineering for diabetic patients
  1474. Distinct myocardial targets for diabetes therapy in heart failure with preserved or reduced ejection fraction
  1475. Elucidating molecular mechanism of antiGLYCATION compounds by proteomic approaches
  1476. The role of fibrinogen GLYCATION in ATTR: evidence for chaperone activity loss in disease
  1477. Stain-free LED scanning lifetime imAGING system for diabetes modified tissue matrices
  1478. Diabetic Glomerulopathy
  1479. Inhibitory effect of Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) and its phenolics against methylglyoxal-derived advanced GLYCATION end product toxicity
  1480. Finite element modeling of collagen fibers in the mechanical interaction between cells and the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX
  1481. The arterial microenvironment: the where and why of atherosclerosis
  1482. Current update in the management of diabetic nephropathy
  1483. Anti-Ageing Medicines: The Facts, What Works and What Doesn’t
  1484. New approaches to the treatment of nephropathy in diabetes
  1485. Early functional and structural microvascular changes in hypertension related to AGING
  1486. Glucose, Insulin and Potential
  1487. Heart and Arterial AGING
  1488. Novel therapies for diabetic kidney disease: storied past and forward paths
  1489. Diastolic dysfunction in hypertension
  1490. Could Advanced GLYCATION End Products Explain the Poor Response to Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation in Obese Women?
  1491. Blood proteome characterization of the interplay between GLYCATION and aspirin-mediated acetylation in vitro and in diabetic patients
  1492. AGEs promote oxidative stress and induce apoptosis in retinal pigmented epithelium cells RAGE-dependently
  1493. New insights into arterial stiffening: does sex matter?
  1494. The Evolving Face of Heart Failure Associated with Elevated Cardio-Metabolic Risk Factors
  1495. Antidiabetic functional foods with antiGLYCATION properties
  1496. Pathology of AD
  1497. Do advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) contribute to the comorbidities of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?
  1498. α‑lipoic acid can greatly alleviate the toxic effect of AGES on SH‑SY5Y cells
  1499. Treatment of chronic kidney disease
  1500. Soluble RAGEs—Prospects for treating & tracking metabolic and inflammatory disease
  1501. Inhibitory efficacy of Ligularia fischeri against aldose reductase and advanced GLYCATION end products formation
  1502. An update on the evidence for pathogenic mechanisms that may link periodontitis and diabetes
  1503. Cyclopeptide alkaloids: isolation, structure elucidation, antiplasmodial activity and AGEs inhibiting properties
  1504. The role of matricellular proteins Nov and Wisp1 in AGING and myocardial infarction
  1505. Targeting Signaling Pathways
  1506. Effect of Nebivolol and Lifestyle Modification on Large Artery Stiffness in Middle-Aged and Older Hypertensive Adults
  1507. Brachial-ankle PWV: current status and future directions as a useful marker in the management of cardiovascular disease and/or cardiovascular risk factors
  1508. RAGE in the pathophysiology of skeletal muscle
  1509. Vascular changes in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Application to restenosis after stenting
  1510. Diabetic microangiopathy—etiopathogenesis, new possibilities in diagnostics and management
  1511. Small artery remodeling in obesity and insulin resistance
  1512. Vascular Complications in Diabetes 15
  1513. AGING Does Not Affect Radial Viscoelastic Behavior of the Left Ventricle
  1514. A histopathological investigation of Tenon’s capsule in diabetic eyes
  1516. Metabolic dysfunction in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1518. Coronary arterioles in type 2 diabetic (db/db) mice undergo a distinct pattern of remodeling associated with decreased vessel stiffness
  1519. Vascular Complications in Diabetes
  1520. Effects of diabetes-induced hyperglycemia in the heart: Biochemical and structural alterations
  1521. Coronary microvascular remodeling in type 2 diabetes: synonymous with early AGING?
  1522. Peripheral Nerve Disorders: Chapter 34. Biology of diabetic neuropathy
  1523. Roles of claudin-5 and von Willebrand factor in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  1524. Endothelial dysfunction—a major mediator of diabetic vascular disease
  1525. Study of antioxidant activity of formononetin by in vitro method
  1526. Type-1 pericytes participate in fibrous tissue deposition in aged skeletal muscle
  1527. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation
  1528. Effect of mononuclear cells versus pioglitazone on streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy in rats
  1529. The biology of AGING: implications for diseases of AGING and health care in the twenty-first century
  1530. Cardiovascular tissue engineered constructs for patients with diabetes
  1531. Exercise training ameliorates MATRIX metalloproteinases 2 and 9 messenger RNA expression and mitigates adverse left ventricular remodeling in streptozotocin …
  1532. Off the beaten renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system pathway: New perspectives on antiproteinuric therapy
  1533. Impact of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome on myocardial structure and microvasculature of men with coronary artery disease
  1534. Functional aortic stiffness: role of CD4+ T lymphocytes
  1535. Cellular stress responses, hormetic phytochemicals and vitagenes in AGING and longevity
  1536. Can targeting the incretin pathway dampen RAGE-mediated events in diabetic nephropathy?
  1537. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: current management and future strategies
  1538. Deficiency in Mitochondrial Complex I Activity Due to Ndufs6 Gene Trap Insertion Induces Renal Disease
  1539. Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lipid-derived aldehydes in human metabolic disease and cardiomyopathy
  1540. Dialysis initiation and clinical outcomes in chronic kidney disease: Role of education and biomarkers
  1541. AGE/RAGE as a mediator of insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome: another aspect of metabolic memory
  1543. Metabolic and biochemical stressors in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1544. Anagliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor ameliorates arterial stiffness in association with reduction of remnant-like particle cholesterol and alanine transaminase …
  1545. AGING disorders of the eye: Challenges and approaches for their treatment
  1546. Hyperglycemia impairs atherosclerosis regression in mice
  1547. Metabolic alterations in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1548. The role of fibrinogen GLYCATION in ATTR: evidence for chaperone activity loss in
  1549. Cardiac effects of HDL and its components on diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1550. Testing isotopic labeling with [13C6] glucose as a method of advanced GLYCATION sites identification
  1551. Anthranilic acid derivatives: novel inhibitors of protein GLYCATION and the associated oxidative stress in the hepatocytes
  1552. Effect of some plant extract on non enzymatic glycosylation of IgG under in-vitro conditions
  1553. A comparative study of levels of methylglyoxal and reduced glutathione in different organs of rats treated with high carbohydrate diets
  1554. Effects of adipose-derived stem cells plus insulin on erectile function in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  1555. Impact of Dietary Polyphenols on Arterial Stiffness: Outline of Contributing Mechanisms
  1556. Role of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system activation in promoting cardiovascular fibrosis and stiffness
  1557. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: fighting misconceptions for a new approach
  1558. Effects of methylglyoxal and pyridoxamine in rat brain mitochondria bioenergetics and oxidative status
  1559. Preventative role of alpha-lipoic acid, curcumin and ginger in inhibiting myoglobin GLYCATION and the formation of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs)
  1560. Diet with high content of advanced GLYCATION end products induces systemic inflammation and weight gain in experimental mice: Protective role of curcumin and gallic …
  1561. Microvascular modifications in diabetic retinopathy
  1562. Study of oxidation and non-enzymatic glycosylation posttranslational modifications using a proteomic approach
  1563. The role of invasive diagnostics and its impact on the treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy: a systematic review
  1564. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: current and future therapies. Beyond glycemic control
  1565. The inhibitory effect of selenium nanoparticles on protein GLYCATION in vitro
  1566. Mechanics and function of the pulmonary vasculature: implications for pulmonary vascular disease and right ventricular function
  1567. Effects of Vascular Nitric Oxide Bioactivity and Vascular Ageing on Arterial Blood Pressure and Flow Waveforms
  1568. Targeting mitochondria and reactive oxygen species-driven pathogenesis in diabetic nephropathy
  1569. The Roles of Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Adaptive Immunity in Aortic Stiffening
  1570. Perturbation of cellular and vascular function by hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia and their role in cardiovascular disease
  1571. The role of glucosamine-induced ER stress in diabetic atherogenesis
  1572. Evolving insights into the pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathy: implications of malfunctioning glia and discovery of novel therapeutic targets
  1573. Hyperglycemia-induced cardiac contractile dysfunction in the diabetic heart
  1574. Sex Differences in Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Physiology, Disease, and Signaling Mechanisms: New insights into arterial stiffening: does sex matter …
  1575. Inhibitory activities of tree bark extracts against AGEs formation and their correlation with phenolic components
  1576. Étude de l’impact de la GLYCATION sur la guérison des plaies cutanées
  1577. Different impact of hemodialysis vintage on cause-specific mortality in long-term hemodialysis patients
  1578. Visualizing the RAGE: Molecular ImAGING After MI Provides Insight Into a Complex Receptor
  1579. Age associated endothelial dysfunction: Role of oxidative stress, inflammation and Western Diet
  1580. Heart failure with normal ejection fraction: a growing pandemic
  1581. Assessment of oral glycine and lysine therapy on receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products and transforming growth factor beta expression in the kidney of …
  1582. Diabetic Membrane Repair Deficiency and Repair Promotion By Vitamin E
  1583. Clinical implications for patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
  1584. Dicarbonyl stress and dysfunction of the glyoxalase system in periodontal diseases
  1587. Natural compounds with anti-ageing activity
  1588. Association of metabolic syndrome with the cardioankle vascular index in asymptomatic Korean population
  1589. Emerging role of epigenetics and miRNA in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1590. Enhanced formation of methylglyoxal-derived advanced GLYCATION end products in Arabidopsis under ammonium nutrition
  1591. Calcium signaling in the ventricular myocardium of the Goto-Kakizaki type 2 diabetic rat
  1592. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: ongoing controversies in 2012
  1593. Carbonylation induces heterogeneity in cardiac ryanodine receptor function in diabetes mellitus
  1594. Effects of conjugated linoleic acid on cardiomyocyte abnormalities in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1595. Cardiovascular AGING: the next frontier in cardiovascular prevention
  1596. New antihypertensive drugs under development
  1597. Elevated plasma B-type natriuretic peptide concentration and resistive index, but not decreased aortic distensibility, associate with impaired blood flow at popliteal …
  1598. Pathological effects of exosomes in mediating diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1599. Therapy for diabetic neuropathy: an overview
  1600. The role of inflammation in diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1601. Literature-related discovery techniques applied to ocular disease: a vitreous restoration example
  1602. Time-course morphological and functional disorders of the kidney induced by long-term high-fat diet intake in female rats
  1603. Preventive aspects in peripheral artery disease
  1604. Blood pressure and arterial load after transcatheter aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis
  1605. Novel therapeutic targets in the management of atrial fibrillation
  1606. Optimization of Biophotonics and Optomechanics for Frequency Domain Tissue Fluorescence Measurements
  1607. Immune modulation of vascular stiffening
  1608. In vitro efficacy evaluation for prevention of diabetes and diabetic complications using Aster sphathulifolius
  1609. Regulation and bioactivity of the CCN family of genes and proteins in obesity and diabetes
  1610. Oxidative stress and inflammation as a response to glucose exposure and dialysis
  1611. Pawan K. Singal, Adriane Belló-Klein
  1612. Vasculopathy in the setting of cardiorenal syndrome: roles of protein-bound uremic toxins
  1613. Signaling in Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
  1614. Myocardial reverse remodeling: how far can we rewind?
  1615. Differential cardiovascular profiles of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors: critical evaluation of empagliflozin
  1616. Amyloid beta: structure, biology and structure-based therapeutic development
  1618. Diastolic dysfunction in spontaneous type 2 diabetes rhesus monkeys: a study using echocardiography and magnetic resonance imAGING
  1619. Large arterial stiffness and associated cardiovascular risk factors in black South Africans
  1620. Increased Bacterial Adherence and Decreased Bacterial Clearance in Urinary Tract Infections with Diabetes Mellitus
  1621. AntiGLYCATION and antioxidant properties of Momordica charantia
  1622. Mitochondrial fission triggered by hyperglycemia is mediated by ROCK1 activation in podocytes and endothelial cells
  1623. Interdisciplinary challenges and promising theranostic effects of nanoscience in Alzheimer’s disease
  1624. The role of reactive oxygen species in microvascular remodeling
  1625. Traditional, Nontraditional, and Uremia-Related Threats for Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease
  1626. Carbohydrate Directed Photoaffinity Labelling
  1627. The diagnosis and treatment of myocardial and arterial dysfunction in Marfan Syndrome.
  1628. Drugs for Diabetic Nephropathy-full review
  1629. Improved glycemic control induced by both metformin and repaglinide is associated with a reduction in blood levels of 3-deoxyglucosone in nonobese patients …
  1630. Li-Li Tong and Sharon Adler
  1631. Jessica Cervantes, Ana Paula Lamas, Andre Lencastre, Daniel Coelho de Sá, and Antonella Tosti
  1632. Formation and inhibition of advanced GLYCATION endproducts in meat and model systems
  1633. Cardiac adaptation in prolonged inverted bats (Eidolon helvum)
  1634. Deciphering non-coding RNAs in cardiovascular health and disease
  1635. Role of oxidative stress and targeted antioxidant therapies in experimental models of diabetic complications
  1637. Protein folding and aggregation into amyloid: the interference by natural phenolic compounds
  1638. Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetes: An Update on Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets
  1639. Chemical Approaches to Modulate Biological Processes: Unique Activity of N-Phenacylthiazolium Compounds, Bacterial Cell Wall Engineering and Other …
  1640. Effects of methylglyoxal and pyridoxamine in rat brain mitochondria bioenergetics and oxidative status
  1641. Treating heart failure with preserved ejection fraction related to arterial stiffness. Can we kill two birds with one stone?
  1642. Mesenchymal stem cells as therapeutic candidates for halting the progression of diabetic nephropathy
  1643. N⁶-formylation of lysine: a pathological secondary modification of proteins
  1644. Oxidative Stress in Retinal Diseases
  1645. Efficacy of sitagliptin in retarding the progression of albuminuria and assessing its safety and efficacy in patients with diabetic nephropathy
  1646. Effects of vitamin D restricted diet administered during perinatal and postnatal periods on the penis of Wistar rats
  1647. Mediators of renal cell injury in diabetic kidney disease: A role for ADAM17
  1648. The Arterial Pulse: Vascular Biology, Vascular Function Testing, and Therapies
  1649. Basic Science Liver
  1650. Antioxidants in health and disease
  1651. Obesity in a model of haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lipid-derived aldehydes in human metabolic disease and cardiomyopathy
  1652. Pre-Diabetes, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Arterial Stiffness—ADMA: Mechanisms of Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes: Modulation of Cardiac Tissues
  1653. Neurodegeneration is dependant on microglial proximity and nitric oxide production
  1654. Probiotic Supplementation, The Gut Microbiota, and Cardiovascular Health
  1655. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of diabetic glomerulopathy
  1656. Diabetes and chronic oxidative stress. A perspective based on the possible usefulness of ozone therapy
  1657. Effects of phosphate binding with sevelamer carbonate on cardiovascular structure and function in patients with early chronic kidney disease
  1658. Identification and characterization of enzymes responsible for methylglyoxal overproduction in the metabolic syndrome
  1659. Investigation into the role of the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway in hyperglycemia-induced atherosclerosis
  1660. Short-term rapamycin persistently improves cardiac function after cessation of treatment in aged male and female mice.
  1661. Implications of metal binding and asparagine deamidation for amyloid formation
  1662. Functional Genomics of Ageing and Its Modulation by Diet
  1663. The Role of the IRE1α Pathway in Vascular Stiffening and Fibrosis
  1664. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells inhibit apoptosis and fibrosis in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  1665. Daily monitoring of arterial stiffness in children with end-stage renal disease
  1666. Arteries and veins
  1667. … of DNAzymes catalyzing thymine dimer photoreactivation and phosphodiester cleavage using a new method of iodine-mediated phosphorothioate cross-linking
  1668. Investigating Type 2 Diabetes Related Biosensing and Amyloid Peptide Fibrillation
  1669. Potential of Curcuma Longa and Withania Somnifera for Diabetes and Associated Neurological Comorbidities
  1670. Review of erectile dysfunction in diabetic animal models
  1671. The AGING Gap Between Species
  1672. Daily Monitoring of Arterial Stiffness in Children with End-stage Renal Disease
  1673. Reduction of arterial stiffness after kidney transplantation: a systematic review and Meta‐Analysis
  1674. Vascular Stem and Progenitor Cells in Diabetic Complications
  1675. Phytopharmacology of Ashwagandha as an anti-diabetic herb
  1676. Stiff Heart and Stiff Arteries. Could We Soften Both?
  1677. Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Prevention of Glucose-Induced Life Span Reduction by the Polyphenol Quercetin in the mev-1 Mutant of Caenorhabditis …
  1678. Physiology and pathophysiology of carnosine
  1679. The physical measurement of bone
  1680. The effect of spices on carboxymethyllyinse levels in biscuits
  1681. Flavor addition in dairy products: health benefits and risks
  1682. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
  1683. The eggshell: structure and protective function
  1684. The Role of Intestinal Derived Remnant Lipoproteins in the Progression of Atherosclerosis in Animal Models of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.
  1685. Traditional, Nontraditional, and Uremia-Related Threats for Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Kidney
  1686. Drugs and the peroxisome proliferator activated receptors
  1687. Heart failure: novel therapeutic approaches
  1688. Is endothelial dysfunction the one to blame in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction?
  1689. Pathophysiologie diabetischer Spätschäden
  1690. Impact of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome on myocardial structure and microvasculature of men with coronary artery
  1691. Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress in Diabetes
  1692. Effect of age and chronic hypoxia on oxidative status, mitochondria and apoptosis in rat liver
  1693. The role of antioxidants in the chemistry of oxidative stress: A review
  1694. Diabetes alters the expression and translocation of the insulin-sensitive glucose transporters 4 and 8 in the atria
  1696. Vascular function and structure in the rat aorta
  1697. Diabetes mellitus type 2 and proteinuria
  1698. Assessing the functional properties of high-density lipoproteins: an emerging concept in cardiovascular research
  1699. Amyloids of multiple species: are they helpful in survival?
  1700. Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Diseases: A New Insight and Emerging Strategies
  1701. Aorto-Coronary Haemodynamics: Studies in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
  1702. Peptides as potential therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease
  1704. Studies on antibodies that form immune complexes with lipoprotein (a)[Lp (a)] in plasma
  1705. Expression and function of cellular prion protein in blood cells
  1706. Irbesartan ameliorates diabetic cardiomyopathy by regulating protein kinase D and ER stress activation in a type 2 diabetes rat model
  1707. Autoxidation of Plasma Lipids, Generation of Bioactive Products, and Their Biological Relevance
  1708. Histochemistry and cell biology: the annual review 2010
  1709. Stressful signaling: A role for endoplasmic retuculum stress in aortic stiffening during hypertension
  1710. AGING and Cardiovascular Risk
  1711. Immunomodulatory effects of human adipose derived stem cells on human macrophages in diabetic environment
  1712. Antioxidant-based therapies for angiotensin II-associated cardiovascular diseases
  1713. Mammalian thioredoxin reductase 1 in antioxidant defense, regulation of adipocyte differentiation and as an anticancer drug target
  1714. Reactive carbonyl species and their roles in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ cycling defect in the diabetic heart
  1715. Virulence factors of Clostridium difficile and their role during infection
  1716. The Study of the Properties of Collagen Hydrogel and 3T3 Fibroblast Cells’ Behavior Within Collagen Hydrogel by Multiphoton Microscopy (MPM)
  1717. Protective effects of desacyl ghrelin on doxorubicin-induced and diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1718. Delivery of nanoformulated superoxide dismutase to the brain for the treatment of angiotensin II-mediated hypertension
  1719. Cardiology Research and Practice
  1720. Micropatterns for Surface Potential Mapping of Biomolecules by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
  1721. Health Library
  1722. Mechanisms of Methylglyoxal-elicited Leukocyte Recruitment
  1724. Amyloid fibril based bionanotechnologies.
  1725. The amyloid beta peptide: a chemist’s perspective. Role in Alzheimer’s and fibrillization
  1726. Myocardial metabolism in diabetic cardiomyopathy: potential therapeutic targets
  1727. Biomaterials: a systems approach to engineering concepts
  1728. PASPCR
  1729. Overview of antibody drug delivery
  1730. The effect of curcumin on cardiovascular health in obese men
  1731. Ph. D in Engineering of Materials and Structures XXV Cycle
  1732. Methodological approaches and insights on protein aggregation in biological systems
  1733. Animal Models of Myocardial Disease
  1734. Aptamer-based biosensors for biomedical diagnostics
  1736. A proangiogenic strategy to promote diabetic wound closure
  1737. IgG pharmacokinetics in a rat model of type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy
  1738. Study to Correlate HBA1c and Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Newly Diagnosed Type II Diabetes Mellitus
  1739. Ventricular-vascular Coupling and Central Arterial Pulse Pressure
  1740. Kidney disease in diabetes
  1741. Mechanism of 12/15 Lipoxygenase-induced Retinal Microvascular Dysfunction in Diabetic Retinopathy
  1742. The effect of topical therapies on ulcer healing and the wound micro-environment in diabetes mellitus
  1743. The HSP47-Procollagen Interaction: Mechanism of pH-Dependent Client Release and Development of Antifibrotic Inhibitors
  1744. Helix 8 plays a crucial role in bradykinin B2 receptor trafficking and signaling
  1745. Renal mitochondrial response to low temperature in non-hibernating and hibernating species
  1746. Beneficial effects of co-administration of PPAR-γ agonist with melatonin on cardiovascular complications associated with diabetes.
  1747. The anti-cancer effect of polyphenols against breast cancer and cancer stem cells: molecular mechanisms
  1748. Functional nucleic acids as molecular recognition elements for small organic and biological molecules
  1749. The Effect of Submerged Culture Mycelium of Higher Basidiomycetes Medicinal Mushrooms Agaricus Brasiliensis and Ganoderma Lucidum on …
  1750. Generation and characterization of RNA aptamer againtrHuEPO-α by SELEX technology
  1751. CD59a–A novel role in bone
  1752. Carnosine and cognitive deficits
  1753. Evidence for a Reversible, Redox-Mediated Component to Eccentric Contraction-Induced Force Loss in Dystrophin-Deficient Skeletal Muscle
  1754. Animal Models for the Study of Human Disease: Chapter 7. Animal Models of Myocardial Disease
  1755. From sequence to structure: determinants of functional and non-functional. Protein aggregation
  1756. Tomato proteomics: tomato as a model for crop proteomics
  1757. Oxidative Stress and Friedreich’s Ataxia
  1758. Neuroprotective properties of curcumin in Alzheimer’s disease-merits and limitations
  1759. A DFT study on the complexation of metal cations by the protein α-synuclein
  1760. Interventional Study of Low-magnitude High Frequency Vibration on the Healing of Foot Wound in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rat Model
  1761. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in a community of African ancestry
  1762. Antioxidant capacity determination in plants and plant-derived products: A review
  1763. Investigation on key molecular targets responsible for antidiabetic properties of Symplocos Cochin Chinensis (Lour.) S. Moor
  1764. Gene Regulatory Networks: Modeling, Intervention and Context
  1765. Probing Early Stage Aggregates of Amyloidogenic Proteins using Mass Spectrometry Based Methods
  1766. Transforming the blood glucose meter into a general healthcare meter for in vitro diagnostics in mobile health
  1767. Oligomerisation-Aggregation and Fragmentation of Synuclein Polypeptides Revealed by Mass Spectrometry
  1768. Detection of Sap2 in the secretome of Candida albicans cell wall and secretory mutants
  1769. Proteomics in food science: From farm to fork
  1770. Biochemical basis for functional ingredient design from fruits
  1771. Molecular characterization of fruit-specific class III peroxidase genes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
  1772. Composition, properties and nutritional aspects of milk fat globule membrane-a review
  1774. Engineering Microdevices for Global Health Diagnostics
  1775. Vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B9–occurrence, biosynthesis pathways and functions in human nutrition
  1776. HIV, Immune activation and Endothelial Damage in Malawian Adults
  1777. Discovery and Mechanisms of Small Molecule Amyloid Formation Inhibitors
  1778. Aneurysm: New Insights for the Healthcare Professional: 2013 Edition
  1779. BRICHOS
  1780. Targeted nanoparticles for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
  1781. Interaction-mediating sequences within Class I viral fusion glycoproteins: their roles in viral infection and in applications
  1782. Peroxidase Catalyzed Degradation of Partially Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide
  1783. Development of therapeutic systems to treat the infarcted heart
  1784. Intracellular Trafficking Governs the Processing of the Amyloid Precursor Protein and the Secretion of Beta-Amyloid
  1785. Efrosini Artikis1, Charles L. Brooks III1, 2 1Biophysics Program, University of Michigan, 930 North University, 2Department of Chemistry, Univer-sity of Michigan, 930 …
  1786. Structure and composition of the sorghum grain
  1787. Molecular basis of prion pathogenesis and development of a novel therapeutic strategy
  1788. Butylglyceryl-modified Polysaccharide Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery to the Brain
  1789. Impact of the environmental conditions and substrate pre-treatment on whey protein hydrolysis: A review
  1790. Neuroprotective effects of amantadine–flavonoid conjugates
  1791. 4–8 December, 201 Cancuīn, Meīxico
  1792. Organized by ISEV and ISEV-Americas
  1793. Overview of polyphenols and their properties
  1794. Psychosocial and Oxidative Stress and Health of Adults
  1795. A comparative portrait of retroviral fusogens and syncytins
  1796. Development of New Tools for the Synthesis of” difficult Peptides”
  1797. Investigations into Structure Formation of Dairy Products
  1798. Chemical protein synthesis to study structure and function of amyloid fibers
  1800. A Novel Approach To Accommodative Human Intraocular Lenses
  1801. Process chromatography: a guide to validation
  1802. The identification and validation of GRIN2D as a novel endothelial target in colorectal cancer, and the investigation of its effects as a therapeutic tumour vaccine
  1803. Polyphenols: properties, recovery, and applications
  1804. Identification of beta-amyloid fibrillogenesis modulators as pharmacological tools in Alzheimer’s disease: an integrated approach
  1805. Production of recombinant Immunoglobulin A in plants for passive immunotherapy.
  1806. Biosensor evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wines and teas. Interference studies and comparison with other
  1807. Biosensor evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wines and teas. Interference studies and comparison with other methods
  1808. Spider silk: understanding the structure–function relationship of a natural fiber
  1809. Nutritional composition, antioxidant activity and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds in selected wild cereal and pseudo-cereal grains found in Zimbabwe
  1810. Dengue virus type 3 in Malaysia: Diversity, origin, and spread/Tan Kim Kee
  1812. Graduate Option in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Caltech 277. Computational design of a novel aldolase Jessica Mao, Stephen L. Mayo Designed …
  1813. Assessment of structural properties of amyloid aggregates and their application potential
  1814. Halanaerobium congolense: A Transplanted Microbe that Dominates Hydraulically Fractured Well Microbial Communities
  1815. Founder virus envelope glycoproteins as novel oligomeric HIV-1 vaccine immunogens
  1816. Influenza virus hemagglutinin contains a cholesterol consensus motif required for efficient intracellular transport and lipid raft integration
  1817. RNA Secondary Structure Inference and Functionalized Virus-Like Particles for Tumor Cell Detection and Enumeration
  1818. Textbook of structural biology
  1819. Defining the in vivo effects of divalent manganese in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1820. 10. Large-Scale Mammalian Cell Culture Technology, edited by Anthony
  1821. Nucleic acids: function and potential for abiogenesis
  1822. From bee venom to blood-brain barrier shuttles. Development of minimized apamin derivatives for brain delivery of antibodies and other cargoes
  1823. Enzymes in non-conventional media
  1824. Long non-coding RNA antisense to Uchl1 increases its protein translation and identifies a new class of protein translation activators
  1825. Integrated atomic force microscopy techniques for analysis of biomaterials: Study of membrane proteins
  1826. Is It Time to Abandon Darwin?
  1827. Aptamer sensors for live-cell imAGING of Pol II promoter activity
  1828. Modeling The 3-Dimensional Structure Of D (Cgcgaattcgcg) And Its 8-Oxo-Da5 Adduct With 1H Nmr Noesy Refinements
  1829. Nano-fabrication of Accommodative Intraocular Lenses Using Gray-scale Electron Beam and Soft Lithography
  1830. Department of Biology Biotechnology Program
  1831. Designed and Evolved Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology
  1833. Aggregation of alpha-synuclein using single-molecule spectroscopy
  1834. Chimera Ligand for Pili and Lectin A Protein Controls Antibiotic-Promoted Biofilm Formation, Swarming Motility, Tolerance and Persister Formation by Pseudomonas …
  1835. PARMA. A full text search based method for matching non-patent literature citations with scientific reference databases. A pilot study.
  1836. Theoretical studies of apolipoprotein interactions
  1837. Oxidation of Marine Oils during In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion and Its Effects on Stress in Human Intestinal Caco-2 Cells
  1838. Principal components of buffalo and cow milk from Bangladesh: Proteolysis and lipolysis of buffalo, cow and omega-3 enriched milk by ex vivo digestion
  1839. Construction and Characterization of Genomically Recoded Organisms and Synthetic Auxotrophs
  1840. Simulation Studies of Signaling and Regulatory Proteins
  1841. Reprint of “The complex dynamics of myocardial interstitial fibrosis in heart failure. Focus on collagen cross-linking”
  1842. Advanced GLYCATION End Products Are Retained in Decellularized Muscle MATRIX Derived from Aged Skeletal Muscle
  1843. Effect of Defatted Torreya nucifera Seed Extract on the Cross-linking of Advanced GLYCATION End Products to Collagen
  1844. Corneal stiffness and collagen cross-linking proteins in glaucoma: Potential for novel therapeutic strategy
  1845. GLYCATION-induced modification of tissue-specific ECM proteins: A pathophysiological mechanism in degenerative diseases
  1846. Alagebrium and complications of diabetes mellitus
  1847. Tumor necrosis factor Alpha-mediated inflammation and remodeling of the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX underlies aortic stiffening induced by the common chemotherapeutic …
  1848. Collagen CROSSLINKING: effect on structure, mechanics and fibrosis progression
  1849. Stochastic non-enzymatic modification of long-lived macromolecules-A missing hallmark of AGING
  1850. Clinical/translational aspects of advanced GLYCATION end-products
  1851. More than genes and cells: Drug discovery in the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX (ECM)
  1852. Too sweet: Problems of protein GLYCATION in the eye
  1853. Cross your heart? Collagen cross-links in cardiac health and disease
  1854. GLYCATION-induced protein aggregation and cellular toxicity: an insight into the disease realm of high dietary sugar intake
  1855. The role of inflammAGING and advanced GLYCATION end products on paratonia in patients with dementia
  1856. Effect of tetrahydrocurcumin analysis of fluorescence of collagenin experimental diabetes
  1857. The Putative Role of Methylglyoxal in Arterial Stiffening: A Review
  1858. Effect of advanced GLYCATION end‐products (AGE) lowering drug ALT‐711 on biochemical, vascular, and bone parameters in a rat model of CKD‐MBD
  1859. The impact of diabetic conditions and AGE/RAGE signaling on cardiac fibroblast migration
  1860. Advanced GLYCATION end products: A potential contributor of oxidative stress for cardio-vascular problems in diabetes
  1861. Inhibitors of Advanced GLYCATION End Product (AGE) Formation and Accumulation
  1862. Advanced GLYCATION end products: potential mechanism and therapeutic target in cardiovascular complications under diabetes
  1863. Deterioration of Glutaraldehyde Crosslinked Heterograft Biomaterials due to Advanced GLYCATION End Product Formation and Serum Albumin Infiltration
  1864. Advanced GLYCATION end-products, measured as skin autofluorescence, associate with vascular stiffness in diabetic, pre-diabetic and normoglycemic …
  1865. MATRIX metalloproteinase-9-dependent mechanisms of reduced contractility and increased stiffness in the AGING heart
  1866. Gut Microbiome-Derived Metabolite Trimethylamine N-Oxide Induces Aortic Stiffening and Increases Systolic Blood Pressure With AGING in Mice and Humans
  1867. Development and progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: The role of advanced GLYCATION end products
  1868. Therapeutic potential of vitamin D in AGE/RAGE-related cardiovascular diseases
  1869. Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs), receptor for AGEs, diabetes, and bone: review of the literature
  1870. A review on prevention of GLYCATION of proteins: Potential therapeutic substances to mitigate the severity of diabetes complications
  1871. Inhibitory effect and cross-link breaking activity of Moringa oleifera leaf crude extracts on fructose-derived advanced GLYCATION end-products
  1872. Mechanical characterization of native and sugar-modified decellularized kidneys
  1873. A review on mechanism of inhibition of advanced GLYCATION end products formation by plant derived polyphenolic compounds
  1874. Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) may be a striking link between modern diet and health
  1875. Are Finger Skin Fluorophores Other Than Advanced GLYCATION End Products (AGEs) Associated With Impaired Musculoskeletal Properties?
  1876. Model studies of advanced GLYCATION end product modification of heterograft biomaterials: The effects of in vitro glucose, glyoxal, and serum albumin on collagen …
  1877. Large artery stiffness and brain health: Insights from animal models
  1878. Role of changes in state of bound water and tissue stiffness in development of age-related diseases
  1879. Targeting mechanosensitive MDM4 promotes lung fibrosis resolution in aged mice
  1880. Mechanosensing dysregulation in the fibroblast: a hallmark of the AGING heart
  1881. Anti-AGING effects of Muntingia calabura leaves extract in D-galactose-induced skin AGING mouse model
  1882. Flavonoids derived from buckwheat hull can break advanced GLYCATION end-products and improve diabetic nephropathy
  1883. The impact of advanced GLYCATION end products on bone properties in chronic kidney disease
  1884. Arterial stiffness: a focus on vascular calcification and its link to bone mineralization
  1885. The melibiose-derived GLYCATION product mimics a unique epitope present in human and animal tissues
  1886. The collagen suprafamily: from biosynthesis to advanced biomaterial development
  1887. Advanced GLYCATION End Products: Origins and Role in AGING
  1888. Diabetic fibrosis
  1889. Rise and fall of elastic fibers from development to AGING. Consequences on arterial structure-function and therapeutical perspectives
  1890. GLYCATION and antioxidants: hand in the glove of antiGLYCATION and natural antioxidants
  1891. AGE/Non-AGE GLYCATION: An Important Event in Rheumatoid Arthritis Pathophysiology
  1892. Cellular and molecular differences between HFpEF and HFrEF: a step ahead in an improved pathological understanding
  1893. Clinical complications of tendon tissue mechanics due to collagen cross-linking in diabetes
  1894. Constitutive interpretation of arterial stiffness in clinical studies: a methodological review
  1895. Methylglyoxal, a highly reactive dicarbonyl compound, in diabetes, its vascular complications, and other age-related diseases
  1896. AGE/RAGE in diabetic kidney disease and ageing kidney
  1897. Advanced GLYCATION endproducts and bone quality: practical implications for people with type 2 diabetes
  1898. GLYCATION and Glycosylation in Cardiovascular Remodeling: Focus on Advanced GLYCATION End Products and O-Linked Glycosylations as Glucose-Related …
  1899. … of Maillard reaction, and Advanced GLYCATION End Product (AGE)-Receptor for AGE (RAGE) signaling inhibitors as novel therapeutic strategies for patients with age …
  1900. The multifunctional roles of flavonoids against the formation of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and AGEs-induced harmful effects
  1901. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 is associated with advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) measured as skin autofluorescence: The Rotterdam Study
  1902. Engineered cardiac tissues: a novel in vitro model to investigate the pathophysiology of mouse diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1903. Microvascular and lymphatic dysfunction in HFpEF and its associated comorbidities
  1904. Hypoglycemic Drugs and Advanced GLYCATION End products
  1905. Role of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and its receptor (RAGE)-mediated diabetic vascular complications
  1906. Soluble receptor for advanced GLYCATION end-products independently influences individual age-dependent increase of arterial stiffness
  1907. GLYCATION and serum albumin infiltration contribute to the structural degeneration of bioprosthetic heart valves
  1908. Cardiac tissue remodeling in healthy AGING: the road to pathology
  1909. Role of Amino Acids on Prevention of Lens Proteins Nonenzymatic GLYCATION In Vitro, in Senile, and Diabetic Cataract
  1910. Central artery stiffness and thoracic aortopathy
  1911. Of mice and men: models and mechanisms of diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1912. Tendon EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX Assembly, Maintenance and Dysregulation Throughout Life
  1913. Advanced GLYCATION End Products: New Clinical and Molecular Perspectives
  1914. Arterial stiffness in chronic kidney disease: a modifiable cardiovascular risk factor?
  1915. A novel treatment for heart failure targets myocardial fibrosis
  1916. The Gut-Arterial Stiffness Axis: Is TMAO a Novel Target to Prevent Age-Related Aortic Stiffening?
  1917. Book Chapter The Receptor for Advanced GLYCATION End Products (RAGE): A Potential Target for Therapeutic Intervention in the Progression of Non-Alcoholic …
  1918. Interleukin-10 protects schwann cells against advanced GLYCATION end products-induced apoptosis via NF-κB suppression
  1919. Uremic toxin–targeting as a therapeutic strategy for preventing cardiorenal syndrome
  1920. Concerns about clinical efficacy and safety of warfarin in diabetic patients with atrial fibrillation
  1921. Fibrosis in chronic kidney disease: Pathogenesis and consequences
  1922. Fibrosis of the diabetic heart: clinical significance, molecular mechanisms, and therapeutic opportunities
  1923. Ryanodine receptor GLYCATION favors mitochondrial damage in the senescent heart
  1924. In Vitro and In Vivo AntiGLYCATION Effects of Connarus ruber Extract
  1925. Advanced GLYCATION end products and their receptors in serum of patients with type 2 diabetes
  1926. Endothelial dysfunction: a contributor to adverse cardiovascular remodeling and heart failure development in type 2 diabetes beyond accelerated atherogenesis
  1927. L-carnosine and its Derivatives as New Therapeutic Agents for the Prevention and Treatment of Vascular Complications of Diabetes
  1928. The diabetic cardiomyopathy: The contributing pathophysiological mechanisms
  1929. The relevance of toxic AGEs (TAGE) cytotoxicity to NASH pathogenesis: A mini-review
  1930. D-ribose induces podocyte NLRP3 inflammasome activation and glomerular injury via AGEs/RAGE pathway
  1931. Natural Products as a Source of Inspiration for Novel Inhibitors of Advanced GLYCATION Endproducts (AGEs) Formation
  1932. Chronic kidney disease as a risk factor for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a focus on microcirculatory factors and therapeutic targets
  1933. Role of advanced GLYCATION end products and insulin resistance in diabetic nephropathy
  1934. An Electrochemical Chip to Monitor In Vitro GLYCATION of Proteins and Screening of AntiGLYCATION Potential of Drugs
  1935. Linking LOXL2 to Cardiac Interstitial Fibrosis
  1936. Advanced GLYCATION End-Products (AGEs) and Their Soluble Receptor (sRAGE) in Women Suffering from Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
  1937. AGE/RAGE signaling-mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress and future prospects in non-coding RNA therapeutics for diabetic nephropathy
  1938. Skin Autofluorescence, a Noninvasive Biomarker for Advanced GLYCATION End‐Products, Is Associated With Prevalent Vertebral and Major Osteoporotic Fractures: The …
  1939. Role of the lysyl oxidase enzyme family in cardiac function and disease
  1940. Advanced GLYCATION End Products Are Associated With Inflammation and Endothelial Dysfunction in HIV
  1941. Oxidative stress and diabetic retinopathy: Molecular mechanisms, pathogenetic role and therapeutic implications
  1942. Nitroxidized-Albumin Advanced GLYCATION End Product and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  1943. Poor bone MATRIX quality: What can be done about it?
  1944. The Potential Role of Gene Editing in the AGING of Somatic cells: A Review of Literature
  1945. Arterial stiffness as a measure of vascular dysfunction in hypertensive women
  1946. Therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa in the prevention of aggregation and GLYCATION of proteins
  1947. Arterial stiffness and cardiovascular risk in hypertension
  1948. Left ventricular dysfunction in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction—molecular mechanisms and impact on right ventricular function
  1949. The AGE receptor, OST48 drives podocyte foot process effacement and basement
  1950. Pathological role of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and their receptor axis in atrial fibrillation
  1951. Advanced GLYCATION end products and risks for chronic diseases: intervening through lifestyle modification
  1952. Trapa bispinosa Roxb. extract lowers advanced GLYCATION end-products and increases live births in older patients with assisted reproductive technology: a …
  1953. Intramyocardial injections to de-stiffen the heart: A subject-specific in silico approach
  1954. The AGE receptor, OST48 drives podocyte foot process effacement and basement membrane expansion in experimental diabetic kidney disease via promotion of …
  1955. Circulating advanced GLYCATION endproducts and long-term risk of cardiovascular mortality in kidney transplant recipients
  1956. Established and emerging mechanisms of diabetic cardiomyopathy
  1957. Skin autofluorescence is associated with progression of kidney disease in type 2 diabetes: A prospective cohort study from the Hong Kong diabetes biobank
  1958. Phytochemicals against anti‐diabetic complications: targeting the advanced GLYCATION end product signaling pathway
  1959. The Impact of Advanced GLYCATION End-Products (AGEs) on Proliferation and Apoptosis of Primary Stem Cells: A Systematic Review
  1960. Effect of antidiabetic drugs on the risk of atrial fibrillation: mechanistic insights from clinical evidence and translational studies
  1961. Prevention of vascular complications in diabetes mellitus patients: focus on the arterial wall
  1962. Collagen peptide simulated bending after applied axial deformation
  1963. Absolute configuration of mycosporine-like amino acids, their wound healing properties and in vitro anti-AGING effects
  1964. Arterial Stiffness as a Measure of Vascular Dysfunction in Hypertensive Women
  1965. Dysregulated Protein Homeostasis in the AGING Organism
  1966. Effect of Citrullus colocynthis extract on glycated hemoglobin formation (In vitro)
  1967. Arterial stiffness in the heart disease of CKD
  1968. Casein Hydrolysate Containing Milk-Derived Peptides Reduces Facial Pigmentation Partly by Decreasing Advanced GLYCATION End Products in the Skin: A …
  1969. Natural products as potential inhibitors of Advanced GLYCATION Endproducts (AGEs) and modulators of autophagy
  1970. AGEs-related dysfunctions in PCOS: evidence from animal and clinical research
  1971. Induction and rescue of skeletal fragility in a high-fat diet mouse model of type 2 diabetes: An in vivo and in vitro approach
  1972. Advanced GLYCATION End Products
  1973. Glycolaldehyde-derived high-molecular-weight advanced GLYCATION end-products induce cardiac dysfunction through structural and functional remodeling of …
  1974. The association of non-invasive skin autofluorescence measurements with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in hemodialysis patients: a meta-analysis
  1975. Arterial stiffness and hypertension in the elderly
  1976. Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer—A Dangerous Liaison Relying on Carbonyl Stress
  1977. Glucose and Blood Pressure-Dependent Pathways–The Progression of Diabetic Kidney Disease
  1978. Effect of Advanced GLYCATION End-Products and Excessive Calorie Intake on Diet-Induced Chronic Low-Grade Inflammation Biomarkers in Murine Models
  1979. Microalbuminuria
  1980. Carbamylated Proteins in Renal Disease: Aggravating Factors or Just Biomarkers?
  1981. Alagebrium and spironolactone ameliorate dietary induced metabolic syndrome in male Wister rats
  1982. Glyoxalase 1 modulation in obesity and diabetes
  1983. Physical activity and markers of GLYCATION in older individuals: data from a combined cross-sectional and randomized controlled trial (EXAMIN AGE)
  1984. Short Duration Alagebrium Chloride Therapy Prediabetes Does Not Inhibit Progression to Autoimmune Diabetes in an Experimental Model
  1985. Protective effect of vanillin on diabetic nephropathy by decreasing advanced GLYCATION end products in rats
  1986. Hyperactivated RAGE in Comorbidities as a Risk Factor for Severe COVID-19—The Role of RAGE-RAS Crosstalk
  1987. Polyphenols and AGEs/RAGE axis. Trends and challenges
  1988. Novel advances in inhibiting advanced GLYCATION end product formation using natural compounds
  1989. Diabetes, Incretin Therapy and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm–What Does the Evidence Show?
  1990. The physical microenvironment of tumors: characterization and clinical impact
  1991. Soluble RAGEs and cardiovascular risk factors in adult offspring of patients with premature coronary heart disease
  1992. Switching dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors to tofogliflozin, a selective inhibitor of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 improve arterial stiffness evaluated by cardio-ankle …
  1993. Biomarkers of inflammation in left ventricular diastolic dysfunction
  1994. AGING of the Retina: Molecular and Metabolic Turbulences and Potential Interventions
  1995. Translational applications of glucose metabolism in abdominal aortic aneurysm
  1996. Basic mechanisms of diabetic heart disease
  1997. The importance of mechanical forces for in vitro endothelial cell biology
  1998. Inhibition of the receptor for advanced GLYCATION end-products in acute respiratory distress syndrome: a randomised laboratory trial in piglets
  1999. Role of GLYCATION in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Prevention through Nymphaea Species
  2000. Treating Arterial Ageing in Patients with Diabetes: From Mechanisms to Effective Drugs
  2001. Why and how do we age? A single answer to two questions
  2002. Novel paradigms in the therapeutic management of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: clinical perspectives
  2003. Perivascular drainage of amyloid beta (Aβ) and waste products from the brain and its failure.
  2004. Cross linkage between oxidative stresses in diabetic nephropathy: An updated review
  2005. Advanced GLYCATION End Products in Meat during Processing and Storage: A Review
  2006. Biocatalytic Transformation of AGING-Associated Metabolites
  2007. Arterial de-stiffing Drugs: Which Promising Therapeutic Agent is Useful?
  2008. Molecular Signature of HFpEF: Systems Biology in a Cardiac-Centric Large Animal Model
  2009. The diabetic cardiac fibroblast: mechanisms underlying phenotype and function
  2010. Metabolic syndrome and its components predict the development of arterial stiffening in a sample of adult men
  2011. Peroxidasin promotes diabetic vascular endothelial dysfunction induced by advanced GLYCATION end products via NOX2/HOCl/Akt/eNOS pathway
  2012. Macrovasculature and microvasculature at the crossroads between type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension
  2013. Novel dietary factors in diabetic and non-diabetic kidney disease
  2014. As time flies by: investigating cardiac AGING in the short-lived Drosophila model
  2015. Molecular characteristics of RAGE and advances in small-molecule inhibitors
  2016. Potential role of metal chelation to prevent the cardiovascular complications of diabetes
  2018. Synthesis, characterization and detection of novel protein modifications in vitro and in vivo:[kumulative Dissertation]
  2019. Lipoxidation in cardiovascular diseases
  2020. Therapeutic approaches in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: past, present, and future
  2021. Salvia miltiorrhiza prevents methylglyoxal-induced glucotoxicity via the regulation of apoptosis-related pathways and the glyoxalase system in human umbilical vein …
  2022. Improvement in diabetic retinopathy through protection against retinal apoptosis in spontaneously diabetic torii rats mediated by ethanol extract of Osteomeles …
  2023. Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs)
  2024. Diabetes as a risk factor for periodontal disease—plausible mechanisms
  2025. Heart failure in type 2 diabetes mellitus: impact of glucose-lowering agents, heart failure therapies, and novel therapeutic strategies
  2026. Effect of Advanced GLYCATION End Products on Regulation of Placental Growth Factor
  2027. Advanced GLYCATION End Products and Oxidative Stress in a Hyperglycaemic Environment
  2028. Myocardial Basis for Heart Failure: Role of Cardiac Interstitium
  2029. The role of inflammation and neurodegeneration in diabetic macular edema
  2030. Non-invasive measurements of arterial function: What? When? Why should we use them?
  2031. Type I Angiotensin II Receptor Blockade Reduces Uremia‐Induced Deterioration of Bone Material Properties
  2032. Skin autofluorescence is associated with rapid renal function decline in subjects at increased risk of coronary artery disease
  2033. Role of AMP-activated protein kinase on cardio-metabolic abnormalities in the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy: A molecular landscape
  2034. Diet-Derived Advanced GLYCATION End Products (dAGEs) Induce Proinflammatory Cytokine Expression in Cardiac and Renal Tissues of Experimental Mice: Protective …
  2035. Globally elevating the AGE clearance receptor, OST48, does not protect against the development of diabetic kidney disease, despite improving insulin …
  2036. Therapeutic targets for the treatment of cardiac fibrosis and cancer: focusing on TGF-β signaling
  2037. Recent advances in Raman spectroscopy of proteins for disease diagnosis
  2039. Targeting cardiac fibrosis in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: mirage or miracle?
  2040. Pathogenesis of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy and role of miRNA
  2041. Left Ventricular Diastolic Function: an Early Sign of Cardiac Damage
  2042. Reduced stiffness and augmented traction force in type 2 diabetic coronary microvascular smooth muscle
  2043. Concurrent diabetes and heart failure: interplay and novel therapeutic approaches
  2044. Phenethyl isothiocyanate attenuates diabetic nephropathy via modulation of glycative/oxidative/inflammatory signaling in diabetic rats
  2045. Pathological perturbations in diabetic retinopathy: hyperglycemia, AGEs, oxidative stress and inflammatory pathways
  2046. Methylglyoxal down-regulates the expression of cell cycle associated genes and activates the p53 pathway in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  2047. Recent advances and the potential for clinical use of autofluorescence detection of extra-ophthalmic tissues
  2048. A unifying model of glucotoxicity in human renal proximal tubular epithelial cells and the effect of the SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin
  2049. Alagebrium targets the miR-27b/TSP-1 signaling pathway to rescue Nε-carboxymethyl-lysine-induced endothelial dysfunction
  2050. Application of Animal Models in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
  2051. A concise appraisal of lipid oxidation and lipoxidation in higher plants
  2052. Novel treatments for diastolic heart failure
  2053. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction based on AGING and comorbidities
  2054. Swertiamarin mitigates nephropathy in high-fat diet/streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by inhibiting the formation of advanced GLYCATION end products
  2055. Sirtuins: To Be or Not To Be in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
  2056. The efficacy of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for improving vascular function: exploring seed coat colour as an indicator of functionality
  2057. LOX and LOX-Like Proteins as Potential Therapeutic Target for Atrial Fibrillation
  2058. Advances in research on the bioactivity of alginate oligosaccharides
  2059. Hyperglycemia-induced transcriptional regulation of ROCK1 and TGM2 expression is involved in small artery remodeling in obese diabetic Göttingen Minipigs
  2060. Biomarkers of osteoporosis: an update
  2061. Bone quality analysis of jaw bones in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus—post mortem anatomical and microstructural evaluation
  2062. Pathogenesis of Microvascular Complications
  2063. The biological basis of AGING: implications for medical genetics
  2064. Regulation of Coronary Blood Flow in Normal and Ischemic States: Reduced stiffness and augmented traction force in type 2 diabetic coronary microvascular …
  2065. Potential of Vasoprotectives to Inhibit Non-Enzymatic Protein GLYCATION, and Reactive Carbonyl and Oxygen Species Uptake
  2066. Investigating aberrant DNA methylation patterns in LOXL2 as a potential predictor of diabetes-induced cardiac dysfunction
  2067. Aortic Stiffness: Review of Life Course, Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Relevant Biomarkers
  2068. Nanomedicine for the treatment of diabetes-associated cardiovascular diseases and fibrosis
  2069. Diabetes and Cognitive Impairment
  2070. Arterial stiffness–A measurable vascular marker in clinical practice
  2071. Potential therapeutic value of melatonin in diabetic nephropathy: improvement beyond anti-oxidative stress
  2072. Lipopeptides in promoting signals at surface/interface of micelles: Their roles in repairing cellular and nuclear damages
  2073. The Mystery of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: From Early Concepts and Underlying Mechanisms to Novel Therapeutic Possibilities
  2074. Dietary N‐epsilon‐carboxymethyllysine as for a major glycotoxin in foods: A review
  2075. WOMEN IN REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCE: My WOMBan’s life: understanding human endometrial function
  2076. Reduction of renal tubular injury with a RAGE inhibitor FPS-ZM1, valsartan and their combination in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in the rat
  2077. Pyrazolotriazines: biological activities, synthetic strategies and recent developments
  2078. The impact of dietary choline-deprivation on kidneys and heart of stz-induced diabetic rats
  2080. Differential Gene Transcription in Monocytes from Chronic Kidney Disease and Healthy Patients
  2081. Reducing PD-L1 expression with a self-assembled nanodrug: an alternative to PD-L1 antibody for enhanced chemo-immunotherapy
  2082. Activation of general control nonderepressible-2 kinase ameliorates glucotoxicity in human peritoneal mesothelial cells, preserves their integrity, and prevents …
  2083. Functionalised Flouroquinolones as a Potentially Novel Class of Anti-inflammatory and Anti-GLYCATION Compounds; Synthesis and Pharmacological Appraisal
  2084. Cardiovascular changes with AGING
  2085. Conditioning Medicine
  2086. SIRT1-dependent upregulation of antiglycative defense in HUVECs is essential for resveratrol protection against high glucose stress
  2087. Diabetes and hypertension differentially affect renal catecholamines and renal reactive oxygen species
  2088. Atomic Force Microscopy-based essay for biomedical applications
  2089. A Study to Evaluate the Associated Systemic Risk Factors in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients with Clinically Significant Macular Edema
  2090. A clinical primer for the glymphatic system
  2091. Syntheses, characterization, in vitro antiGLYCATION and DPPH radical scavenging activities of isatin salicylhydrazidehydrazone and its Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II), Cu …
  2092. Understanding collagen interactions and their targeted regulation by novel drugs
  2093. Insulin Treatment Reduces Susceptibility to Atrial Fibrillation in Type 1 Diabetic Mice
  2094. The effects of diet and gut microbiota on the regulation of intestinal mucin glycosylation
  2095. Impact of diabetes on cardiac and vascular disease: Role of calcium signaling
  2096. A concise appraisal of lipid oxidation and lipoxidation in higher plants
  2097. Oxidative Stress, Ageing and Methods of Seed Invigoration: An Overview and Perspectives
  2098. Intestinal microbiota and diabetic kidney diseases: role of microbiota and derived metabolites in the modulation of renal inflammation and disease …
  2099. Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography is Preferable Measurement for Detecting the Early and Subtle Alterations of Cardiac Dysfunction in Diabetic Rats
  2100. Peptidome and Proteome Peritoneal Dialysate Evolutionary Atlas (P3DEVOATLAS)
  2101. 3, 4-dehydro-L-proline Induces Programmed Cell Death in the Roots of Brachypodium distachyon
  2102. Expression profiling and recombinant production of TomEP, a Tomato Extensin Peroxidase
  2103. Factors affecting thermal stability of collagen from the aspects of extraction, processing and modification
  2104. Examining SERCA2a acetylation in the diseased human heart
  2105. Mucolytic bacteria: prevalence in various pathological diseases
  2106. Musculoskeletal disorders associated with diabetes
  2107. Development of health products from natural sources
  2108. Solubility of extracted proteins from Chlorella sorokiniana, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and Nannochloropsis oceanica: Impact of pH-value
  2109. Preliminary evidence for the presence of multiple forms of cell death in diabetes cardiomyopathy
  2110. The Role of FCGBP in Mucus-Structure, Processing and Function
  2111. Introduction to Peptide Science
  2112. Bibliography Current World Literature Vol 15 No 2 March 2006
  2113. Nanobiotechnology in neurodegenerative diseases
  2115. Discovering inhibitors of cell surface receptor function as the basis for novel therapeutics to treat cancer
  2116. Value-a ddedUsesofEggshell andEggshellMembranes
  2117. On the Mechanobiology of Collagen Growth and Remodelling
  2118. Processing and Presentation of Hybrid Polypeptides in Type 1 Diabetes
  2119. Understanding the Structure, Toxicity and Inhibition of IAPP at the Nanoscale
  2120. Bibliography Current World Literature Vol 14 No 5 September 2005
  2121. Fluorescent diagnostic probes in neurodegenerative diseases
  2122. Pharmacological management of vascular endothelial dysfunction in diabetes: TCM and western medicine compared based on biomarkers and biochemical …
  2123. Development of oligomer-specific antibodies against tau protein and testing of therapeutic potential in a cell model of tau pathology
  2124. Receptor specific, stimuli responsive and subcellular targeted approaches for effective therapy of Alzheimer: Role of surface engineered nanocarriers
  2125. Nanoparticle-Guided Brain Drug Delivery: Expanding the Therapeutic Approach to Neurodegenerative Diseases
  2126. Computational design and experimental validation of novel Self-Assembling Peptides
  2127. Investigation into multifunctional nanoparticles for the detection, imAGING and intervention of amyloid
  2128. Development of a Yeast Biosynthetic Platform for Rapid Production and Engineering of an Influenza Virus-like Particle Vaccine
  2129. Quantitative fluorescence microscopy techniques to study three-dimensional organisation of T-cell signalling molecules.
  2130. Identification of small molecules with reactivities against multiple pathogenic elements of alzheimer’s disease
  2131. Molecular Biology Gene to Proteins
  2132. Inorganic Nanoparticles and Their Strategies to Enhance Brain Drug Delivery
  2133. Novel Delivery Systems of Polyphenols and Their Potential Health Benefits
  2134. Antioxidant and AntiGLYCATION Properties of Fifteen Cultivated and Wild Vigna Species
  2135. Advanced Fermentation and Cell Technology, 2 Volume Set
  2136. Photochromic ligands for in vivo modulation of adrenergic neurotrasmission
  2137. Microencapsulation of Thunbergia lauriforlia crude extract and its antioxidant properties
  2138. Microencapsulation of Thunbergia laurifolia crude extract and its antioxidant properties
  2139. Synthetic macromolecules as therapeutics that overcome resistance in cancer and microbial infection
  2140. A holistic view on transcriptional regulatory networks in S. cerevisiae: Implications and utilization
  2141. Molecular mechanisms underlying Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome: characterization of DCAF17 with specific, polyclonal antibodies
  2142. Laccase-mediated biotransformation of phenolic compounds for the synthesis of new antioxidants
  2143. Review of the current state of protein aggregation inhibition from a materials chemistry perspective: special focus on polymeric materials
  2144. About TFE: Old and new findings
  2145. Present health challenges in fresh and processed meat
  2146. Single-molecule mechanics and regulatory conformational transitions of the force-sensing protein von Willebrand factor
  2147. The impact of wavelength in plant’s response to extreme light-induced stress
  2148. The Impact of Wavelength in Plant’s Response to Extreme Light-Induced Stress
  2149. The Role of GAGA Motif Domains in Chromatin Remodeling of Igκ during B Cell Development
  2150. M6A Reshapes the Folding and Recognition Landscape of RNAs
  2151. Combining Computational and Experimental Approaches to Study Disordered and Aggregation Prone Proteins
  2152. From Plants to Pores: Selection, Design, and Optimization of Antimicrobial Peptide Scaffolds from Putative Bacteriocins

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Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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