Genomic Instability

  1. Genomic instability and cancer
  2. Genomic instability and colon cancer
  3. Apoptosis and genomic instability
  4. Genomic instability induced by ionizing radiation
  5. The connection between transcription and genomic instability
  6. The role of nuclear architecture in genomic instability and ageing
  7. Radiation-induced genomic instability
  8. Genomic instability—the engine of tumorigenesis?
  9. Genomic instability in laminopathy-based premature aging
  10. Chromosomal biomarkers of genomic instability relevant to cancer
  11. Genomic instability and radiation
  12. Patterns of genomic instability in gastric cancer: clinical implications and perspectives
  13. Characterization of sporadic colon cancer by patterns of genomic instability
  14. Genomic instability and tumor progression: mechanistic considerations
  15. Genomic instability in colorectal cancer: relationship to clinicopathological variables and family history
  16. Mechanisms of genomic instability in human cancer: insights from studies with human papillomavirus oncoproteins
  17. Radiation-induced genomic instability and its implications for radiation carcinogenesis
  18. Genomic instability in Ip and human malignancies
  19. Genomic instability in Gadd45a-deficient mice
  20. The role of DNA breaks in genomic instability and tumorigenesis
  21. Genomic instability and bystander effects: a historical perspective
  22. Activation of the DNA damage checkpoint and genomic instability in human precancerous lesions
  23. Heavy metals of relevance to human health induce genomic instability
  24. Radiation-induced genomic instability: radiation quality and dose response
  25. Radiation-induced genomic instability in haemopoietic cells
  26. Radiation-induced DNA damage and delayed induced genomic instability
  27. Segmental duplications: an’expanding’role in genomic instability and disease
  28. The onset and extent of genomic instability in sporadic colorectal tumor progression
  29. The presence of p53 mutations in human osteosarcomas correlates with high levels of genomic instability
  30. DNA damage tumor suppressor genes and genomic instability
  31. The impact of a negligent G2/M checkpoint on genomic instability and cancer induction
  32. Genomic instability and cancer
  33. Breast tumor copy number aberration phenotypes and genomic instability
  34. Genomic instability and aging-like phenotype in the absence of mammalian SIRT6
  35. MicroRNAs and genomic instability
  36. The role of genomic instability in human carcinogenesis.
  37. Genomic instability in mice lacking histone H2AX
  38. Genomic instability induced by high and low LET ionizing radiation
  39. A role for mitochondrial dysfunction in perpetuating radiation-induced genomic instability
  40. Progression to cancer in Barrett’s esophagus is associated with genomic instability.
  41. Genomic instability in repeated sequences is an early somatic event in colorectal tumorigenesis that persists after transformation
  42. Inactivation of the SR protein splicing factor ASF/SF2 results in genomic instability
  43. Transient excess of MYC activity can elicit genomic instability and tumorigenesis
  44. Hypoxia and defective apoptosis drive genomic instability and tumorigenesis
  45. Radiation-induced genomic instability
  46. Genomic instability in MycER-activated Rat1A-MycER cells
  47. Suppression of genomic instability by SLX5 and SLX8 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  48. Small polydispersed circular DNA (spcDNA) in human cells: association with genomic instability
  49. Increased ionizing radiation sensitivity and genomic instability in the absence of histone H2AX
  50. DNA helicases, genomic instability, and human genetic disease
  51. Genomic instability and cancer: networks involved in response to DNA damage
  52. Mitochondrial dysfunction leads to telomere attrition and genomic instability
  53. Genomic instability is an early event during the progression pathway of ulcerative-colitis-related neoplasia
  54. Radiation-induced genomic instability: a paradigm-breaking phenomenon and its relevance to environmentally induced cancer
  55. Human SHPRH suppresses genomic instability through proliferating cell nuclear antigen polyubiquitination
  56. Genomic instability and tolerance to alkylating agents.
  57. Derivation of Human Tumor Cells in Vitro without Widespread Genomic Instability
  58. Genomic instability and colorectal cancer
  59. Genomic instability and apoptosis are frequent in p53 deficient young mice
  60. Telomere dysfunction increases mutation rate and genomic instability
  61. Is there a common mechanism underlying genomic instability, bystander effects and other nontargeted effects of exposure to ionizing radiation?
  62. Lethal mutations and genomic instability
  63. Radiation-induced genomic instability and persisting oxidative stress in primary bone marrow cultures
  64. Radiation-induced genomic instability and bystander effects: inter-related nontargeted effects of exposure to ionizing radiation
  65. Chromosomal instability and its relationship to other end points of genomic instability
  66. Telomere dysfunction as a cause of genomic instability in Werner syndrome
  67. Evidence of Genomic Instability inCampylobacter jejuni Isolated from Poultry
  68. Centrosome replication, genomic instability and cancer
  69. mRNA processing and genomic instability
  70. Matrix metalloproteinase-induced genomic instability
  71. Genomic instability and enhanced radiosensitivity in Hsp70. 1-and Hsp70. 3-deficient mice
  72. The human Ha-ras oncogene induces genomic instability in murine fibroblasts within one cell cycle.
  73. Centrosome abnormalities, genomic instability and carcinogenic progression
  74. Inverted DNA repeats: a source of eukaryotic genomic instability
  75. Overexpression of Eg5 Causes Genomic Instability and Tumor Formation in Mice
  76. Oxidative DNA Damage Causes Mitochondrial Genomic Instability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  77. Epstein–Barr virus promotes genomic instability in Burkitt’s lymphoma
  78. Genomic instability and prognosis in breast carcinomas
  79. c-Myc, genomic instability and disease
  80. Genomic instability: first step to carcinogenesis.
  81. Radiation-induced genomic instability: delayed mutagenic and cytogenetic effects of X rays and alpha particles
  82. Destructive cycles: the role of genomic instability and adaptation in carcinogenesis
  83. Mitochondrial dysfunction, persistently elevated levels of reactive oxygen species and radiation-induced genomic instability: a review
  84. Rb inactivation promotes genomic instability by uncoupling cell cycle progression from mitotic control
  85. Genomic instability, centrosome amplification, cell cycle checkpoints and Gadd45a
  86. Non-targeted and Delayed Effects of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation: II. Radiation-Induced Genomic Instability and Bystander Effects In Vivo, Clastogenic Factors and …
  87. Genomic instability and the role of radiation quality
  88. Genomic instability and bystander effects induced by high-LET radiation
  89. Defective DNA repair and increased genomic instability in Artemis-deficient murine cells
  90. Role of genomic instability and p53 in AID-induced c-myc–Igh translocations
  91. Human papillomaviruses and centrosome duplication errors: modeling the origins of genomic instability
  92. Diet, lifestyle, and genomic instability in the North Carolina Colon Cancer Study
  93. Interrelationships amongst radiation-induced genomic instability, bystander effects, and the adaptive response
  94. Genomic instability in Schistosoma mansoni
  95. Initiation of apoptosis in cells exposed to medium from the progeny of irradiated cells: a possible mechanism for bystander-induced genomic instability?
  96. DNA breaks promote genomic instability by impeding proper chromosome segregation
  97. The genomic structure of the DMBT1 gene: evidence for a region with susceptibility to genomic instability
  98. Extracellular signaling through the microenvironment: a hypothesis relating carcinogenesis, bystander effects, and genomic instability
  99. Aneuploidy, the primary cause of the multilateral genomic instability of neoplastic and preneoplastic cells
  100. Deregulated G1-cyclin expression induces genomic instability by preventing efficient pre-RC formation
  101. Mutation of Succinate Dehydrogenase Subunit C Results in Increased O2·−, Oxidative Stress, and Genomic Instability
  102. Genomic instability in cancer
  103. DNA double-strand breaks, chromosomal rearrangements, and genomic instability
  104. The Mouse Genomic Instability Mutation chaos1 Is an Allele of Polq That Exhibits Genetic Interaction with Atm
  105. Reactive oxygen species, DNA damage, and error-prone repair: a model for genomic instability with progression in myeloid leukemia?
  106. The RAS oncogene induces genomic instability in thyroid PCCL3 cells via the MAPK pathway
  107. Genomic instability and catalase gene amplification induced by chronic exposure to oxidative stress
  108. Genomic instability in neoplasia
  109. Genomic instability and endoreduplication triggered by RAD17 deletion
  110. Genomic instability and the role of p53 mutations in cancer cells.
  111. The yeast CDK inhibitor Sic1 prevents genomic instability by promoting replication origin licensing in late G1
  112. Inactivation of mouse Hus1 results in genomic instability and impaired responses to genotoxic stress
  113. Genomic instability in cancer
  114. Genomic instability in the type II TGF-beta1 receptor gene in atherosclerotic and restenotic vascular cells.
  115. Bloom syndrome, genomic instability and cancer: the SOS-like hypothesis
  116. Radiation-induced genomic instability and bystander effects: related inflammatory-type responses to radiation-induced stress and injury? A review
  117. Targeted and nontargeted effects of low-dose ionizing radiation on delayed genomic instability in human cells
  118. Cell-adhesion-dependent influences on genomic instability and carcinogenesis
  119. c-Myc-induced genomic instability
  120. Genomic instability, DNA methylation, and natural selection in colorectal carcinogenesis
  121. Regulated genomic instability and neoplasia in the lymphoid lineage
  122. C-myc overexpression and p53 loss cooperate to promote genomic instability
  123. Improved grading of breast adenocarcinomas based on genomic instability
  124. BCR/ABL regulates response to DNA damage: the role in resistance to genotoxic treatment and in genomic instability
  125. RAD50 and NBS1 are breast cancer susceptibility genes associated with genomic instability
  126. Checkpoint adaptation precedes spontaneous and damage-induced genomic instability in yeast
  127. Attenuation of radiation-induced genomic instability by free radical scavengers and cellular proliferation
  128. The ever expanding role for c-Myc in promoting genomic instability
  129. The role of p53-mediated apoptosis as a crucial anti-tumor response to genomic instability: lessons from mouse models
  130. Genomic instability of microsatellite repeats and its association with the evolution of chronic myelogenous leukemia [see comments]
  131. Chromosome breaks and genomic instability
  132. UV-A induces persistent genomic instability in human keratinocytes through an oxidative stress mechanism
  133. Genomic instability of the host cell induced by the human papillomavirus replication machinery
  134. Combing the genome for genomic instability
  135. End resection initiates genomic instability in the absence of telomerase
  136. Genomic instability and its role in neoplasia
  137. Bystander effects in radiation-induced genomic instability
  138. Increased genomic instability is not a prerequisite for shortened lifespan in DNA repair deficient mice
  139. Anaphase-promoting complex-dependent proteolysis of cell cycle regulators and genomic instability of cancer cells
  140. Genomic instability: environmental invasion and the enemies within
  141. Mechanisms and implications of genomic instability and other delayed effects of ionizing radiation exposure
  142. Delayed expression of lethal mutations and genomic instability in the progeny of human epithelial cells that survived in a bystander‐killing environment
  143. 53BP1 and p53 synergize to suppress genomic instability and lymphomagenesis
  144. Role of telomeres and telomerase in genomic instability, senescence and cancer
  145. G-rich proto-oncogenes are targeted for genomic instability in B-cell lymphomas
  146. Spontaneous transformation of human adult nontumorigenic stem cells to cancer stem cells is driven by genomic instability in a human model of glioblastoma
  147. Outer breast quadrants demonstrate increased levels of genomic instability
  148. Genomic instability within centromeres of interspecific marsupial hybrids
  149. Rac1b and reactive oxygen species mediate MMP-3-induced EMT and genomic instability
  150. Radiation-induced genomic instability is associated with DNA methylation changes in cultured human keratinocytes
  151. Genomic instability in head and neck cancer patients
  152. Radiation-induced genomic instability: delayed cytogenetic aberrations and apoptosis in primary human bone marrow cells
  153. Fusion tyrosine kinases: a result and cause of genomic instability
  154. Centrosome abnormalities and genomic instability induced by human papillomavirus oncoproteins.
  155. The RNA binding protein RNPS1 alleviates ASF/SF2 depletion-induced genomic instability
  156. Multiple mechanisms account for genomic instability and molecular mutation in neoplastic transformation
  157. Genomic instability within tumor stroma and clinicopathological characteristics of sporadic primary invasive breast carcinoma
  158. Genomic instability in multiple myeloma: evidence for jumping segmental duplications of chromosome arm 1q
  159. Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase gene expression status and genomic instability in human breast cancer.
  160. Genomic instability occurs in colorectal carcinomas but not in adenomas
  161. Colonic tumorigenesis in BubR1+/–ApcMin/+ compound mutant mice is linked to premature separation of sister chromatids and enhanced genomic instability
  162. Regulation of telomere length and suppression of genomic instability in human somatic cells by Ku86
  163. A role for genomic instability in cellular radioresistance?
  164. Transforming Growth Factor β1 Suppresses Genomic Instability Independent of a G1 Arrest, p53, and Rb
  165. Inducible genomic instability: Inducible genomic instability: New insights into the biological effects of ionizing radiation
  166. Telomere-driven genomic instability in cancer cells
  167. Long-term genomic instability in human lymphocytes induced by single-particle irradiation
  168. Cancer: cell structures, carcinogens and genomic instability
  169. Disruption of β-catenin pathway or genomic instability define two distinct categories of liver cancer in transgenic mice
  170. p16INK4a Prevents Centrosome Dysfunction and Genomic Instability in Primary Cells
  171. Disruption of murine Mus81 increases genomic instability and DNA damage sensitivity but does not promote tumorigenesis
  172. Regions of genomic instability on 22q11 and 11q23 as the etiology for the recurrent constitutional t (11; 22)
  173. … in mice conditionally mutant for Brca1 exhibit gross genomic instability and centrosome amplification yet display a recurring distribution of genomic imbalances that is …
  174. Genomic instability in haematopoietic cells of F1 generation mice of irradiated male parents
  175. Altered methionine metabolism and global DNA methylation in liver cancer: relationship with genomic instability and prognosis
  176. Genomic instability and tumor stem cells
  177. Overexpression of DNA polymerase β: a genomic instability enhancer process
  178. Endogenous expression of phosphorylated histone H2AX in tumors in relation to DNA double-strand breaks and genomic instability
  179. Genomic instability in histologically normal breast tissues: implications for carcinogenesis
  180. Genomic instability, aging, and cellular senescence
  181. Enhanced Genomic Instability and Defective Postreplication Repair in RAD18 Knockout Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
  182. Genomic instability in Rhizobium phaseoli
  183. Second cancers after radiotherapy: any evidence for radiation-induced genomic instability?
  184. Large-scale genomic instability predicts long-term outcome for women with invasive stage I ovarian cancer
  185. Genomic instability in human osteoblast cells after exposure to depleted uranium: delayed lethality and micronuclei formation
  186. A stochastic carcinogenesis model incorporating genomic instability fitted to colon cancer data
  187. Poly (APD-ribosyl) ation, a DNA damage-driven protein modification and regulator of genomic instability
  188. Tumor-specific low molecular weight forms of cyclin E induce genomic instability and resistance to p21, p27, and antiestrogens in breast cancer
  189. Clonal chromosome aberrations and genomic instability in X-irradiated human T-lymphocyte cultures
  190. p53-mediated apoptosis and genomic instability diseases
  191. Genomic instability and recurrent breakpoints are main cytogenetic findings in Hodgkin’s disease
  192. Particulate debris from a titanium metal prosthesis induces genomic instability in primary human fibroblast cells
  193. Defective DNA repair and increased genomic instability in Cernunnos-XLF-deficient murine ES cells
  194. Deletion of mouse rad9 causes abnormal cellular responses to DNA damage, genomic instability, and embryonic lethality
  195. The DNA helicase activity of BLM is necessary for the correction of the genomic instability of bloom syndrome cells
  196. Plant genomic instability detected by microsatellite-primers
  197. Role of genomic instability in meningioma progression
  198. Clinical implications of radiation-induced genomic instability
  199. V (D) J-mediated translocations in lymphoid neoplasms: a functional assessment of genomic instability by cryptic sites
  200. Centrosome abnormalities and genomic instability by episomal expression of human papillomavirus type 16 in raft cultures of human keratinocytes
  201. Genomic instability in phenotypically normal regenerants of medicinal plant Codonopsis lanceolata Benth. et Hook. f., as revealed by ISSR and RAPD markers
  202. In Vivo Enhancement of Genomic Instability in Minisatellite Sequences of Mouse C3H/10T½ Cells Transformed in Vitro by X-Rays
  203. Mutations, expression and genomic instability of the H-ras proto-oncogene in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck
  204. Centrosomes, genomic instability, and cervical carcinogenesis
  205. Stochastic modelling of colon cancer: is there a role for genomic instability?
  206. Cdc42 GTPase-activating protein deficiency promotes genomic instability and premature aging-like phenotypes
  207. CpG methylation reduces genomic instability
  208. Detection of genomic instability in lung cancer tissues by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis.
  209. DNA replication and genomic instability
  210. Increasing genomic instability during premalignant neoplastic progression revealed through high resolution array‐CGH
  211. Genomic instability in colorectal carcinomas: comparison of different evaluation methods and their biological significance
  212. Genomic instability in Down syndrome and Fanconi anemia assessed by micronucleus analysis and single-cell gel electrophoresis
  213. Zebrafish genomic instability mutants and cancer susceptibility
  214. Genomic instability and breast cancer
  215. Mutation at the polymerase active site of mouse DNA polymerase δ increases genomic instability and accelerates tumorigenesis
  216. … of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor checkpoint during keratinocyte immortalization is not sufficient for induction of centrosome-mediated genomic instability
  217. The grapefruit flavanone naringin protects against the radiation-induced genomic instability in the mice bone marrow: a micronucleus study
  218. Haploinsufficiency of Anx7 tumor suppressor gene and consequent genomic instability promotes tumorigenesis in the Anx7 (+/-) mouse
  219. Genomic instability and increased expression of BUB1B and MAD2L1 genes in ductal breast carcinoma
  220. Fumarylacetoacetate, the metabolite accumulating in hereditary tyrosinemia, activates the ERK pathway and induces mitotic abnormalities and genomic instability
  221. Genomic instability: potential contributions to tumour and normal tissue response, and second tumours, after radiotherapy
  222. Quantitative evaluation of genomic instability as a possible predictor for development of hepatocellular carcinoma: comparison of loss of heterozygosity and replication …
  223. p53 Abnormalities and Genomic Instability in Primary Human Breast Carcinomas
  224. Genetic disorders associated with cancer predisposition and genomic instability
  225. The current clinical value of genomic instability
  226. Bystander effects in UV-induced genomic instability: antioxidants inhibit delayed mutagenesis induced by ultraviolet A and B radiation
  227. Reduced telomere DNA content is correlated with genomic instability and metastasis in invasive human breast carcinoma
  228. Could MYC induction of mitochondrial biogenesis be linked to ROS production and genomic instability?
  229. Genomic instability, endoreduplication, and diminished Ig class-switch recombination in B cells lacking Nbs1
  230. Genomic instability and metastatic progression
  231. Interlocus VJ recombination measures genomic instability in agriculture workers at risk for lymphoid malignancies.
  232. Thyroid carcinoma is characterized by genomic instability: evidence from p53 mutations
  233. Emerging roles of DNA tumor viruses in cell proliferation: new insights into genomic instability
  234. Human premature aging syndromes and genomic instability
  235. The loss of PIN1 deregulates cyclin E and sensitizes mouse embryo fibroblasts to genomic instability
  236. Genomic instability of microsatellite repeats in prostate cancer: relationship to clinicopathological variables
  237. Evolutionarily conserved low copy repeats (LCRs) in 22q11 mediate deletions, duplications, translocations, and genomic instability: an update and literature …
  238. A gain of function p53 mutant promotes both genomic instability and cell survival in a novel p53‐null mammary epithelial cell mode.
  239. Genomic instability: The cause and effect of BCR/ABL tyrosine kinase
  240. Telomeric repeats on small polydisperse circular DNA (spcDNA) and genomic instability
  241. RAPD‐based detection of genomic instability in soybean plants derived from somatic embryogenesis
  242. Radiation sensitivity and genomic instability in the hematopoietic system: Frequencies of micronucleated reticulocytes in whole‐body X‐irradiated BALB/c and C57BL …
  243. Viral carcinogenesis and genomic instability
  244. The absence of the yeast chromatin assembly factor Asf1 increases genomic instability and sister chromatid exchange
  245. Sparsely ionizing diagnostic and natural background radiations are likely preventing cancer and other genomic-instability-associated diseases
  246. Is exposure to environmental or industrial endocrine disrupting estrogen-like chemicals able to cause genomic instability?
  247. The human papillomavirus type 16 E6 and E7 oncoproteins cooperate to induce mitotic defects and genomic instability by uncoupling centrosome duplication from the …
  248. Genomic instability in chronic viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma
  249. Non-clonability correlates with genomic instability: a case study of a unique DNA region
  250. p53 protein accumulation and genomic instability in head and neck multistep tumorigenesis
  251. Mutation of the Drosophila homologue of the Myb protooncogene causes genomic instability
  252. Genomic instability due to V (D) J recombination-associated transposition
  253. Telomeric sequences, radiation sensitivity and genomic instability
  254. Genomic instability and tumor-specific alterations in oral squamous cell carcinomas assessed by inter-(simple sequence repeat) PCR
  255. Allelic loss and gain, but not genomic instability, as the major somatic mutation in primary hepatocellular carcinoma
  256. High-Resolution Analysis of Chromosomal Breakpoints and Genomic Instability Identifies PTPRD as a Candidate Tumor Suppressor Gene in Neuroblastoma
  257. A biological-based model that links genomic instability, bystander effects, and adaptive response
  258. Genomic instability in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.
  259. Evidence for genomic instability in human colonic aberrant crypt foci.
  260. The death-inducing effect and genomic instability
  261. Genomic instability and AIDS
  262. High-risk but not low-risk HPV E2 proteins bind to the APC activators Cdh1 and Cdc20 and cause genomic instability
  263. Biomarker correlations of urinary 2, 4-D levels in foresters: genomic instability and endocrine disruption.
  264. Variability: the common factor linking low dose-induced genomic instability, adaptation and bystander effects
  265. IR-inducible clusterin gene expression: a protein with potential roles in ionizing radiation-induced adaptive responses, genomic instability, and bystander effects
  266. Genomic instability at exposure of low dose radiation with low LET. Mythical mechanism of unproved carcinogenic effects
  267. Deregulated CDC25A expression promotes mammary tumorigenesis with genomic instability
  268. Genomic instability in pituitary adenomas
  269. Increased incidence of CAD gene amplification in tumorigenic rat lines as an indicator of genomic instability of neoplastic cells
  270. Lens epithelial cells derived from αB‐crystallin knockout mice demonstrate hyperproliferation and genomic instability
  271. Cancer-specific genomic instability in bronchial lavage: a molecular tool for lung cancer detection
  272. Chromosomal biomarkers for detection of human papillomavirus associated genomic instability in epithelial cells of cervical cytology specimens
  273. Inhibition of BUB1 Results in Genomic Instability and Anchorage-independent Growth of Normal Human Fibroblasts
  274. Overexpression of the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome inhibitor Emi1 leads to tetraploidy and genomic instability of p53-deficient cells
  275. A rapid method for detection of plant genomic instability using unanchored-microsatellite primers
  276. Bystander effects, adaptive response and genomic instability induced by prenatal irradiation
  277. Genomic instability in Chinese hamster cells after exposure to X rays or alpha particles of different mean linear energy transfer
  278. Sequential chromosome aberration analysis following radiotherapy—no evidence for enhanced genomic instability
  279. High frequency of genomic instability in Ewing family of tumors
  280. Genomic instability in non-neoplastic oral mucosa cells can predict risk during 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide-induced rat tongue carcinogenesis
  281. Differences in genomic instability between intestinal-and diffuse-type gastric cancer
  282. Overexpression of the oncogenic kinase Pim-1 leads to genomic instability
  283. Genomic instability measurement in the diagnosis of thyroid neoplasms
  284. Genomic instability-based transgenic models of prostate cancer
  285. Increased cell proliferation is associated with genomic instability: elevated micronuclei frequencies in estradiol-treated human ovarian cancer cells
  286. Genomic instability of prawn white spot bacilliform virus (WSBV) and its association to virus virulence
  287. Increased tumor proliferation and genomic instability without decreased apoptosis in MMTV-ras mice deficient in p53
  288. Genomic instability in human lymphocytes irradiated with individual charged particles: Involvement of tumor necrosis factor α in irradiated cells but not bystander cells
  289. An anoxia inducible endonuclease and enhanced DNA breakage as contributors to genomic instability in cancer
  290. Chromosomal aberrations and genomic instability induced by topoisomerase-targeted antitumour drugs
  291. Transposon-induced hotspots for genomic instability
  292. Transgenerational transmission of radiation induced genomic instability
  293. Genomic instability: on the birth and death of cancer
  294. Assessment of genomic instability in breast cancer and uveal melanoma by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis
  295. Loss of heterozygosity and genomic instability in synchronous endometrioid tumors of the ovary and endometrium
  296. Chromosome analysis in childhood cancer survivors and their offspring—no evidence for radiotherapy-induced persistent genomic instability
  297. Effects of hTERT on metal ion-induced genomic instability
  298. Correlation of levels and patterns of genomic instability with histological grading of DCIS
  299. High-Copy-Number Expression of Sub2p, a Member of the RNA Helicase Superfamily, Suppresses hpr1-Mediated Genomic Instability
  300. Intrachromosomal genomic instability in human sporadic colorectal cancer measured by genome-wide allelotyping and inter-(simple sequence repeat) PCR
  301. Genomic instability in sporadic colorectal cancer quantitated by inter‐simple sequence repeat PCR analysis
  302. Mutations of the transforming growth factor-β type II receptor gene and genomic instability in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
  303. Control of Genomic Instability and Epithelial Tumor Development by the p53-Fbxw7/Cdc4 Pathway
  304. Hepatitis C virus core protein transforms murine fibroblasts by promoting genomic instability
  305. SMC3 knockdown triggers genomic instability and p53-dependent apoptosis in human and zebrafish cells
  306. Bystander-mediated genomic instability after high LET radiation in murine primary haemopoietic stem cells
  307. Induced genomic instability in irradiated germ cells and in the offspring; reconciling discrepancies among the human and animal studies
  308. Radiation-induced genomic instability in immortalized haemopoietic stem cells
  309. … lesion‐specific microsatellite alterations in premalignant and malignant neoplasia of uterine cervix: a local field effect of genomic instability and clonal evolution
  310. Genomic Instability of Microsatellite Repeats and Mutations of H-, K-, and N-ras, and p53 Genes in Renal Cell Carcinoma
  311. Genomic instability in ovarian cancer: a reassessment using an arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction.
  312. p53 tumor suppressor gene status and the degree of genomic instability in sporadic colorectal cancers
  313. Radiation‐induced genomic instability: A role for secreted soluble factors in communicating the radiation response to non‐irradiated cells
  314. Genomic instability in wheat induced by chromosome 6B (S) of Triticum speltoides.
  315. Analysis of genomic instability in Li-Fraumeni fibroblasts with germline p53 mutations
  316. Some aspects on radiation induced transmissible genomic instability
  317. Transgenerational transmission of radiation damage: genomic instability and congenital malformation
  318. Genomic instability in scleroderma
  319. Abnormal telomere metabolism in Fanconi’s anaemia correlates with genomic instability and the probability of developing severe aplastic anaemia
  320. Lethal and teratogenic effects in two successive generations of the HLG mouse strain after radiation exposure of zygotes—association with genomic instability?
  321. Precocious G1/S transitions and genomic instability: the origin connection
  322. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of genomic instability at the 1q12–22 chromosomal site in B‐cell non‐Hodgkin lymphoma
  323. Oxidative stress signalling: a potential mediator of tumour necrosis factor α-induced genomic instability in primary vascular endothelial cells
  324. Genomic instability in the offspring of irradiated parents: facts and interpretations
  325. Mutations in Drosophila myb lead to centrosome amplification and genomic instability
  326. Telomeric fusions in cultured human fibroblasts as a source of genomic instability
  327. Bystander effects, genomic instability, adaptive response, and cancer risk assessment for radiation and chemical exposures
  328. Induction of genomic instability in normal human bronchial epithelial cells by 238 Pu α-particles
  329. DNA mismatch repair proteins: potential guardians against genomic instability and tumorigenesis induced by ultraviolet photoproducts
  330. Genomic instability, bystander effects and radiation risks: implications for development of protection strategies for man and the environment.
  331. Aberrant expression of cell‐cycle regulator cyclin D1 in breast cancer is related to chromosomal genomic instability
  332. Mutant p53 and genomic instability in a transgenic mouse model of breast cancer
  333. Genomic instability in radiation-induced mouse lymphoma from p53 heterozygous mice
  334. Radiation-induced carcinogenesis: individual sensitivity and genomic instability
  335. Anoxia-inducible endonuclease activity as a potential basis of the genomic instability of cancer cells
  336. Replication errors in hematological neoplasias: genomic instability in progression of disease is different among different types of leukemia.
  337. G2 and spindle assembly checkpoint adaptation, and tetraploidy arrest:: Implications for intrinsic and chemically induced genomic instability
  338. Analysis of genomic instability using multiple assays in a patient with Rothmund–Thomson syndrome
  339. Delayed activation of DNA damage checkpoint and radiation-induced genomic instability
  340. c-MYC overexpression in Ba/F3 cells simultaneously elicits genomic instability and apoptosis
  341. Analysis of genomic instability in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck using the random amplified polymorphic DNA method
  342. Genomic Instability Induced by Mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae POL1
  343. Deregulated Expression of c-mos in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinomas: Relationship with p53 Status, Genomic Instability, and Tumor Kinetics
  344. Unbalanced expression of licensing DNA replication factors occurs in a subset of mantle cell lymphomas with genomic instability
  345. Genomic instability and telomerase activity in human bronchial epithelial cells during immortalization by human papillomavirus-16 E6 and E7 genes
  346. Genomic instability in multistage carcinogenesis
  347. Bloom’s and Werner’s syndrome genes suppress hyperrecombination in yeast sgs1 mutant: Implication for genomic instability in human diseases
  348. Multiple pathways leading to genomic instability and tumorigenesis
  349. Manifestations and mechanisms of radiation-induced genomic instability in V-79 Chinese hamster cells
  350. Tumors of DNA mismatch repair-deficient hosts exhibit dramatic increases in genomic instability
  351. The ribonucleotide reductase R2 gene is a non-transcribed target of c-Myc-induced genomic instability
  352. APE1 overexpression in XRCC1-deficient cells complements the defective repair of oxidative single strand breaks but increases genomic instability
  353. Poly (ADP‐ribosyl) ation, genomic instability, and longevity
  354. Prognostic significance of cell cycle proteins and genomic instability in borderline, early and advanced stage ovarian carcinomas
  355. In memoriam Bernard Strehler—genomic instability in ageing: a persistent challenge
  356. Characterisation of breast fine-needle aspiration biopsies by centrosome aberrations and genomic instability
  357. A measure of genomic instability and its relevance to lymphomagenesis
  358. Genomic instability during Myc-induced lymphomagenesis in the bursa of Fabricius
  359. Aberrant activation of γ-catenin promotes genomic instability and oncogenic effects during tumor progression
  360. The role of genomic instability in the development of human cancer
  361. Induction of genomic instability in SV40 transformed human cells: sufficiency of the N-terminal 147 amino acids of large T antigen and role of pRB and p53.
  362. Impact of genomic imprinting on genomic instability and radiation-induced mutation
  363. Susceptibility to radiation-induced leukaemia/lymphoma is genetically separable from sensitivity to radiation-induced genomic instability
  364. Genomic Instability at the BUB1 Locus in Colorectal Cancer, but not in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer1
  365. Genomic instability of the DYZ1 repeat in patients with Y chromosome anomalies and males exposed to natural background radiation
  366. Carcinogenic potential and genomic instability of beryllium sulphate in BALB/c-3T3 cells
  367. Alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay): a simple technique to show genomic instability in sporadic breast cancer
  368. Loss of Brca2 and p53 synergistically promotes genomic instability and deregulation of T-cell apoptosis
  369. First case of aplastic anemia in a Japanese child with a homozygous missense mutation in the NBS1 gene (I171V) associated with genomic instability
  370. Mitotic and post mitotic consequences of genomic instability induced by oncogenic Ha-Ras
  371. Constitutional genomic instability, chromosome aberrations in tumor cells and retinoblastoma
  372. Transgenerational genomic instability as revealed by a somatic mutation assay using the medaka fish
  373. p53 mutations, methylation and genomic instability in the progression of chronic myeloid leukaemia
  374. The genomic instability of yeast cdc6-1/cdc6-1 mutants involves chromosome structure and recombination
  375. Genomic instability of human mammary epithelial cells overexpressing a truncated form of EMSY
  376. Genomic instability in bone marrow failure syndromes
  377. Position effect variegation and genomic instability
  378. Radiation-induced genomic instability: manifestations and mechanisms
  379. Genomic instability due to germline p53 mutations drives preneoplastic progression toward cancer in human cells
  380. The contribution of epigenetic changes to abnormal centrosomes and genomic instability in breast cancer
  381. Persistent Genomic Instability in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Induced by Ionizing Radiation and DNA-Damaging Agents
  382. DNA profiling analysis of 100 consecutive de novo acute myeloid leukemia cases reveals patterns of genomic instability that affect all cytogenetic risk groups
  383. Genomic instability and alterations in Apc, Mcc and Dcc in Hong Kong patients with colorectal carcinoma
  384. Ovarian cancer genomic instability correlates with p53 frameshift mutations
  385. Genomic instability and bystander effects: a paradigm shift in radiation biology?
  386. Genomic instability in rat: breakpoints induced by ionising radiation and interstitial telomeric-like sequences
  387. Spontaneous mutations in digestive tract of old mice show tissue-specific patterns of genomic instability
  388. Indirect mechanisms of genomic instability and the biological significance of mutations at tandem repeat loci
  389. Werner syndrome: molecular insights into the relationships between defective DNA metabolism, genomic instability, cancer and aging
  390. Deficiency of the Cockayne syndrome B (CSB) gene aggravates the genomic instability caused by endogenous oxidative DNA base damage in mice
  391. The RAG-1/2 endonuclease causes genomic instability and controls CNS complications of lymphoblastic leukemia in p53/Prkdc-deficient mice
  392. Evidence for a role of delayed death and genomic instability in radiation-induced neoplastic transformation of human hybrid cells
  393. The role of genomic instability in the pathogenesis of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
  394. Fermentation of starch and protein in the colon: implications for genomic instability
  395. Genomic Instability in Gadd45a-/- Cells is Coupled with S-Phase Checkpoint Defects
  396. Regulation of the DNA replication fork: a way to fight genomic instability
  397. Genomic instability in radial growth phase melanoma cell lines after ultraviolet irradiation
  398. Genomic instability in mouse Burkitt lymphoma is dominated by illegitimate genetic recombinations, not point mutations
  399. Nucleophosmin suppresses oncogene-induced apoptosis and senescence and enhances oncogenic cooperation in cells with genomic instability
  400. c-Myc-associated genomic instability of the dihydrofolate reductase locus in vivo.
  401. Conversion of normal to malignant phenotype: telomere shortening, telomerase activation, and genomic instability during immortalization of human oral keratinocytes
  402. c-Myc dependent initiation of genomic instability during neoplastic transformation
  403. Molecular pathogenesis of thyroid cancer: the significance of oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and genomic instability
  404. Postreplicative joining of DNA double-strand breaks causes genomic instability in DNA-PKcs–deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts
  405. The role of DNA repeats and associated secondary structures in genomic instability and neoplasia
  406. Role of transposable elements in age-related genomic instability
  407. Lymphocyte-specific genomic instability and risk of lymphoid malignancy
  408. Radiation-induced genomic instability in repair deficient mutants of Chinese hamster cells
  409. Constitutional Genomic Instability with Inversions, Duplications, and Amplifications in 9p23–24 in BRCA2 Mutation Carriers
  410. Mammalian DNA repair responses and genomic instability
  411. Induction of chromosome aberrations and delayed genomic instability by photochemical processes
  412. Genomic instability in oral squamous cell carcinoma: relationship to betel-quid chewing
  413. A comparison of folic acid deficiency-induced genomic instability in lymphocytes of breast cancer patients and normal non-cancer controls from a Chinese population …
  414. Genomic instability driven by the human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) oncoprotein, Tax
  415. Genomic instability and poor prognosis associated with abnormal TP53 in breast carcinomas. Molecular and immunohistochemical analysis
  416. Tracing radiation induced genomic instability in vivo in the haemopoietic cells from fetus to adult mouse
  417. Genomic instability in cancer development
  418. Bystander effect and genomic instability. Challenging the classic paradigm of radiobiology
  419. Protection against prenatal irradiation‐induced genomic instability and its consequences in adult mice by Ocimum flavonoids, orientin and vicenin
  420. Enhancement of genomic instability by 17βestradiol in minisatellite sequences of X-ray-transformed mouse 10T1/2 cells
  421. Genomic instability in picornaviruses
  422. Genomic instability and tumorigenic induction in immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells by heavy ions
  423. Genomic instability and cancer: scanning the Caenorhabditis elegans genome for tumor suppressors
  424. Absence of genomic instability in mice following prenatal low dose-rate γ-irradiation
  425. Genomic instability in hepatocellular carcinoma revealed by using the random amplified polymorphic DNA method
  426. Radiation induces genomic instability and mammary ductal dysplasia in Atm heterozygous mice
  427. Emerging roles of centrosomal amplification and genomic instability in cancer
  428. Bcr/Abl, leukemogenesis, and genomic instability: a complex partnership
  429. Regulation of genomic instability in preneoplastic cells.
  430. Gamma irradiation of Type B spermatogonia leads to heritable genomic instability in four generations of mice
  431. Genomic instability in both wild-type and telomerase null MEFs
  432. Low-level genomic instability is a feature of papillary thyroid carcinoma: an array comparative genomic hybridization study of laser capture microdissected papillary …
  433. Genomic instability induced by ionizing radiation
  434. Transmission of genomic instability from a single irradiated human chromosome to the progeny of unirradiated cells
  435. An evaluation of the role of LIG4 in genomic instability and adaptive mutagenesis in Candida albicans
  436. Sec13 induces genomic instability in U2OS cells
  437. c-Myc-mediated genomic instability proceeds via a megakaryocytic endomitosis pathway involving Gp1bα
  438. Correspondence re: D. Zimonjic et al., Derivation of Human Tumor Cells in Vitro without Widespread Genomic Instability. Cancer Res., 61: 8838–8844, 2001.
  439. In vitro analysis of genomic instability triggered by BRCA1 missense mutations
  440. Involvement of telomere dysfunction in the induction of genomic instability by radiation in scid mouse cells
  441. A mathematical model of radiation carcinogenesis with induction of genomic instability and cell death
  442. Genomic instability in cancer: biological and mathematical approaches
  443. Multiple manifestations of X‐ray–induced genomic instability in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells
  444. Characterization of genomic instability in ulcerative colitis neoplasia leads to discovery of putative tumor suppressor regions
  445. Genomic instability in colorectal cancers in Turkey
  446. Coming of age:’dysgenetics’-a theory connecting induction of persistent delayed genomic instability with disturbed cellular ageing
  447. Bcl-2 over-expression promotes genomic instability by inhibiting apoptosis of cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide
  448. Cyclooxygenase-2 expression induces genomic instability in MCF10A breast epithelial cells
  449. Non-Targeted Radiation Effects in Radiotherapy &Roles of Radiation-Induced Genomic Instability and of the Bystander Effect in Cancer Cure by Radiotherapy
  450. The genomic instability associated with integrated simian virus 40 DNA is dependent on the origin of replication and early control region
  451. Genomic instability analysis of urine sediment versus tumor tissue in transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder
  452. The breast cancer susceptibility allele CHEK2* 1100delC promotes genomic instability in a knock-in mouse model
  453. Spontaneous and radiation-induced genomic instability in human cell lines differing in cellular TP53 status
  454. N-MYC oncogene amplification: a consequence of genomic instability in human neuroblastoma
  455. Genomic instability in precancerous lesions before inactivation of tumor suppressors p53 and APC in patients
  456. Genomic instability and target gene mutations in colon cancers with different degrees of allelic shifts
  457. Genomic instability is associated with lack of telomerase activation in ovarian cancer
  458. Persistent oxidative stress and gene expression changes in radiation-induced genomic instability
  459. Radiation-induced genomic instability and bystander effects: implications for radiation protection
  460. Patterns of genotoxicity and contaminant exposure: Evidence of genomic instability in the marsh frogs (rana ridibunda) of sumgayit, azerbaijan
  461. Genomic instability in the bank vole: population-ecological aspects
  462. The problem of induced genomic instability in the child body cells under conditions of long-term effect of small radiation doses
  463. … hepatitis B virus genome binds to members of the HMG domain protein family and the Y box binding protein family; implication of these proteins in genomic instability
  464. Telomere Higher‐Order Structure and Genomic Instability
  465. Vincristine increases the genomic instability in irradiated cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes
  466. A mutation in the centriole-associated protein centrin causes genomic instability via increased chromosome loss in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
  467. Molecular prognosticators and genomic instability in papillary thyroid cancer
  468. Genomic instability and mobile genetic elements in regions surrounding two discoidin I genes of Dictyostelium discoideum
  469. Cis-acting transmission of genomic instability
  470. DNA repair genes and genomic instability in severe male factor infertility
  471. Association of p53 genomic instability with the glutathione S-transferase null genotype in gastric cancer in the Portuguese population.
  472. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of hobo, mdg1 and Dm412 transposable elements reveals genomic instability following the Drosophila …
  473. Measurement of Genomic Instability in Preleukemic P190BCR/ABL Transgenic Mice Using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat Polymerase Chain Reaction
  474. Uncoupling of genomic instability and tumorigenesis in a mouse model of Burkitt’s lymphoma expressing a conditional box II-deleted Myc protein
  475. Induction of Genomic Instability in TK6 Human Lymphoblasts Exposed to 137Cs γ Radiation: Comparison to the Induction by Exposure to Accelerated 56Fe Particles
  476. Genomic instability in basal cell carcinomas
  477. In utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) does not increase genomic instability in normal or neoplastic breast epithelium
  478. Retracted: Impact of genomic instability in risk assessment and chemoprevention of oral premalignancies
  479. Chromosome division figures reveal genomic instability in tumorigenesis of human colon mucosa
  480. New Research on Genomic Instability
  481. The medaka as a model for studying germ-cell mutagenesis and genomic instability
  482. Genomic instability and tissue expression of angiogenic growth factors in sporadic colorectal cancer
  483. aCGH local copy number aberrations associated with overall copy number genomic instability in colorectal cancer: coordinate involvement of the regions including …
  484. Rarity of genomic instability in pathogenesis of systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) in immunocompetent patients
  485. Genomic instability and radiation mutagenesis
  486. Genomic instability in head and neck cancer
  487. ENU administration causes genomic instability along with single nucleotide polymorphisms in p53 during gliomagenesis: T11TS administration demonstrated in vivo …
  488. Molecular characterization of a cryptic wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium translocation line: evidence for genomic instability in nascent allopolyploid and …
  489. Widespread bimodal intrachromosomal genomic instability in sporadic breast cancers associated with 13q allelic imbalance
  490. Genomic instability in silica-and cadmium chloride-transformed BALB/c-3T3 and tumor cell lines by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis
  491. Papillary thyroid cancer: High inter‐(simple sequence repeat) genomic instability in a typically indolent cancer
  492. Genomic instability, bystander effect, cytoplasmic irradiation and other phenomena that may achieve fame without fortune.
  493. Genomic instability after exposure to radiation at low doses (in the 10-kilometer zone of the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station and under …
  494. Genomic instability of human aberrant crypt foci measured by inter-(simple sequence repeat) PCR and array-CGH
  495. Lethal sectoring, genomic instability, and delayed division delay in HeLa S3 cells surviving alpha-or X-irradiation
  496. Genomic instability involved in virus-related hepatocarcinogenesis
  497. p53 loss of function enhances genomic instability and accelerates clonal evolution of murine myeloid progenitors expressing the p (210) BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase
  498. Expression of Cyclins A, E and Topoisomerase II α correlates with centrosome amplification and genomic instability and influences the reliability of cytometric …
  499. Genetic rearrangements beget genomic instability
  500. Telomeres, genomic instability, DNA repair and Breast Cancer
  501. Architecture of Burkholderia cepacia complex σ70 gene family: evidence of alternative primary and clade-specific factors, and genomic instability
  502. Identification of additional complementation groups that regulate genomic instability
  503. Genomic instability on hMSH2, hMLH1, CD48 and IRF4 loci in pulmonary sarcoidosis
  504. Implications of delayed reproductive cell death (lethal mutations/genomic instability) for the interpretation of tissue responses
  505. Frequent HPRT mutations in paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria reflect T cell clonal expansion, not genomic instability
  506. Replication status as a possible marker for genomic instability in cells originating from genotypes with balanced rearrangements
  507. Design, spectrum measurements and simulations for a 238Pu α-particle irradiator for bystander effect and genomic instability experiments
  508. Characteristics of Genomic Instability in Clones of TK6 Human Lymphoblasts Surviving Exposure to 56Fe Ions
  509. Genomic instability associated with human LINE-1 retrotransposition
  510. Update of genetics in colorectal carcinomas: genomic instability and somatic evolution.
  511. Genomic instability in a PARP-1−/− cell line expressing PARP-1 DNA-binding domain
  512. Correlations of centrosome abnormality and genomic instability to tumor
  513. Mosaic eyes, genomic instability mutants, and cancer susceptibility
  514. Expression ofRap 1 suppresses genomic instability ofH-ras transformed mouse fibroblasts
  515. Genomic Instability: Signaling Pathways Orchestrating the Responsesto Ionizing Radiation and Cisplatin
  516. Progression elevated gene‐3, PEG‐3, induces genomic instability in rodent and human tumor cells
  517. Germline genomic instability in PCNA mutants of Drosophila: DNA fingerprinting and microsatellite analysis
  518. Genomic instability in invasive breast carcinoma measured by inter-Simple Sequence Repeat PCR
  519. Genomic instability of murine hepatocellular carcinomas with low and high metastatic capacities
  520. Lack of specificity of chromosome breaks resulting from radiation-induced genomic instability in Chinese hamster cells
  521. Genomic instability in drug-resistant human melanoma cell lines detected by Alu-I-arbitrary-primed PCR.
  522. DNA repair and genomic instability in tobacco induced malignancies of the lung and upper aerodigestive tract
  523. Determination of genomic damage in neuroblastic tumors by arbitrarily primed PCR: MYCN amplification as a marker for genomic instability in neuroblastomas
  524. Genomic instability in human lymphoid cells exposed to 1 GeV/amu Fe ions.
  525. Demonstration by DNA fingerprint analysis of genomic instability in mouse BALB 3T3 cells during cell transformation
  526. Genomic instability and the development of metastatic lymph node tumors
  527. Allelic losses at genomic instability-associated loci in villous adenomas and adjacent colorectal cancers
  528. SV40 recombinants carrying ad (CT· GA) 22 sequence show increased genomic instability
  529. Genomic Instability and Loh at 2 Polymorphic Sites in the H-Ras1 Gene
  530. Neoplastic progression in Barrett’s esophagus: Genomic instability, cell cycle abnormalities, and clonal evolution
  531. Genomic instability in B-cells and diversity of recombinations that activate c-myc
  532. MYC-Induced Cyclin D2 Genomic Instability in Murine B Cell Neoplasms
  533. Non-homologous recombination between Alu and LINE-1 repeats caused a 430-kb deletion in the dystrophin gene: a novel source of genomic instability
  534. Genomic instability and male infertility
  535. Genomic instability in the progression of sporadic nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  536. c-Myc deregulation promotes a complex network of genomic instability
  537. Induced germ line genomic instability at mini-and micro-satellites in animals
  538. The influence of DNA methylation on topoisomerase II activity and its possible link with genomic instability in different cell lines of the Syrian hamster
  539. Clastogenic Factors, Bystander Effects and Genomic Instability In Vivo
  540. Genomic instability associated with limb defects: case report and review of the literature.
  541. Genomic stability and instability: a working paradigm
  542. Genomic instability in uranium miners after high radiation exposures
  543. Rarity of microsatellite genomic instability in B‐cell non‐Hodgkin’s lymphomas in hepatitis C virus‐infected patients
  544. Induction of stem cell cycling in mice increases their sensitivity to a chemical leukaemogen: implications for inherited genomic instability and the bystander effect
  545. Genomic heterogeneity and instability in colorectal cancer: spectral karyotyping, glutathione transferase-Ml and ras
  546. US‐Japan Seminar on “Genomic Instability during Carcinogenesis and Tumor Progression”
  547. Genomic instability induced by AZT in cultured normal human mammary epithelial cells (NHMECs) generates aneuploidy
  548. Towards resolving conflicting reports of radiation-induced genomic instability in populations exposed to ionizing radiation: Implications for the hibakusha
  549. Genomic instability and breast cancer progression
  550. Cytogenetic signs of genomic instability in Alzheimer’s disease.
  551. Genomic instability, as measured by microsatellite alterations, is not associated with liver tumor development in the genetically susceptible B6C3F1 mouse
  552. Investigation of genomic instability in paediatric Barrett’s oesophagus using laser microdissection on paraffin-embedded endoscopic biopsies
  553. Is delayed genomic instability specifically induced by high-LET particles?
  554. Radiation-induced genomic instability in tandem repeat sequences is not predictive of unique sequence instability
  555. Genomic instability associated with myotonic dystrophy does not involve p53 expression and activity
  556. Radioadaptive response and genomic instability: a phenotypic dichotomy of genome–environment interaction
  557. Genomic mechanisms and measurement of structural and numerical instability in cancer cells
  558. The contribution of communication between irradiated cells and between bystander cells to clonogenic survival and genomic instability
  559. Decoupling of normal CD40/interleukin-4 immunoglobulin heavy chain switch signal leads to genomic instability in SGH-MM5 and RPMI 8226 multiple myeloma cell …
  560. 18 Niacin Status, Poly (ADP-ribose) Metabolism and Genomic Instability
  561. Non-homologous end-joining genes are not inactivated in human radiation-induced sarcomas with genomic instability
  562. Genomic instability, susceptibility genes, and carcinogenesis
  563. Genomic instability at the human CD5 gene promoter
  564. Estrogen Receptor-mediated Genomic Instability in the Syrian Hamster Kidney: A Critical Event in Hormonal Oncogenesis
  565. Possible mechanisms of ionizing radiation-induced genomic instability
  566. Genetic predisposition and genomic instability: Studies with mouse embryos
  567. Random Amplified DNA Disclosed Genomic Instability in Successive Cutting-Propagated Clones of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas (L) Lam.) with N-Fertilizer …
  568. Genomic instability and colorectal cancer
  569. Telomerase as a potential anticancer target: growth inhibition and genomic instability
  570. Genomic instability after low level irradiation in the zone of Chernobyl disaster and in laboratory conditions
  571. [22] Gene amplification as marker for studying genomic instability
  572. The absence of the facts connected with the genomic instability after the irradiation in low doses by radiation with low LET
  573. Crystalline nickel sulfide-induced genomic instability in transformed human broncho-epithelial cells
  574. Genomic instability of the APC gene found in glioblastoma
  575. Analysis of genomic instability by fluorescence DNA sequencer
  576. Models for stuyding genomic instability during aging
  577. Genomic Instability, DNA Alterations and Tumor Eosinophilic Expression in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  578. In vitro analysis of cultured Barrett’s esophagus cells: insights into mechanisms of genomic instability and possible therapeutic strategies
  579. Conditional coalescent trees with two mutation rates and their application to genomic instability
  580. Radiation-induced genomic instability in haemopoietic cells
  581. The Role of Telomeres in Genomic Instability
  582. Mitotic instability associated with late genomic changes in bone and soft tissue tumours
  583. BCR/ABL Kinase Disrupts Formation of Mismatch Repair Complex To Induce Genomic Instability.
  584. Genomic Instability in Fanconi Anaemia and Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome
  585. Low dose studies with focused X-rays in cell and tissue models: mechanisms of bystander and genomic instability responses
  586. Age-induced genomic instability in budding yeast.
  587. Genomic instability analysis in hereditary cancer syndrome
  588. Indirect mechanisms of radiation induced genomic instability at repeat loci
  589. Genomic instability in human premature aging
  590. Plant genomic instability detected by microsatellite-primers
  591. Comparative genomic hybridisation divides retinoblastomas into a high and a low level chromosomal instability group
  592. Response to comment on” Chromosomal instability and tumors promoted by DNA hypomethylation” and” induction of tumors in mice by genomic hypomethylation”
  593. Telomere shortening and genomic instability: primary cells from patients with telomere repair complex mutations are susceptible to end-to-end chromosome fusion …
  594. The role of cyclin E in cell cycle regulation and genomic instability
  595. Analysis of genomic instability in bronchial cells from uranium miners
  596. Mutation of p53 gene and genomic instability in testicular tumors
  597. Genomic instability and radiation effects
  598. Genomic instability in the progression of chronic myelogenous leukemia to blast crisis by PCR-microsatellite instability assay (MIA)
  599. Genomic Instability in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer: A Destabilized Genome Producing Accelerated Cellular Evolution as the Fundamental Nature of Cancer
  600. Genomic instability following irradiation
  601. Molecular Characterization of a Prototype Family Harboring Two Genomic Instability Disorders: Ataxia Telangiectasia and Fanconi Anemia.
  602. Promoter Shuffling by Sequential Genomic Rearrangements in Follicular Lymphoma Reveals an Ongoing Genomic Instability at the BCL6 Locus.
  603. Telomere Dysfunction Increases Mutation Rate and Genomic Instability
  604. Detection of genomic instability in offspring of male mice chronically exposed to gamma-radiation by the” adaptive response” test
  605. Aberrant genes expression, genomic instability and increased cell proliferation of mouse testicular Leydig cells by sodium arsenite: a possible mechanism for arsenic …
  606. Development of genomic instability after irradiation
  607. Non B-DNA structures and genomic instability associated with myotonic dystrophy type 2 (CCTG)•(CAGG) repeats
  608. … of FLT3 induces increased ROS production, DNA damage and misrepair: implications for RAC1-STAT5 function in genomic instability in myeloid malignancies
  609. Genomic instability switch identified
  610. Internal Tandem Duplications of FLT3 Induces Increased ROS Production, DNA Damage and Misrepair: Implications for Genomic Instability and Disease Resistance …
  611. Genomic instability in interspecific cell hybrids III. Repression of Colcemid resistance in hybrids suggests preferential β-tubulin expression
  612. Mechanism of Genomic Instability and Its Clinical Applications.
  613. Radiation-induced genomic instability
  614. Prostate Cancer Models of Genomic Instability
  615. DNA damage and genomic instability
  616. Radiation induced genomic instability
  617. … Strand Annealing (SSA), the Rare and Extremely Unfaithful DNA Double-Strand Break Repair Pathway To Facilitate Genomic Instability in Hematologic Malignancies.
  618. Role of genomic instability in breast cancer
  619. Genomic Instability and DNA Repair
  620. Genomic instability cytogenetic indicators; Indicadores citogeneticos de inestabilidad genomica
  621. Radiation-induced Genomic Instability
  622. Genomic instability in nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  623. Alpha-particles radiation and genomic instability
  624. Evaluation of genomic instability and cancer prevention
  625. Genomic instability in colorectal carcinoma
  626. The Mouse Genomic Instability Mutation
  627. Origin of genomic instability induced by ionizing radiation
  628. Alpha-particles radiation and genomic instability
  629. Evaluation of adult papillary thyroid carcinomas by comparative genomic hybridization and microsatellite instability analysis
  630. Spontaneous genomic instability in humans
  631. Induced radiation genomic instability; Indutsirovannaya radiatsiej nestabil’nost’genoma
  632. Genomic instability. New insight into the health effects of radiation; Perimaen epaevakaisuus. Uusi naekoekulma saeteilyn terveysvaikutuksiin
  633. The role of radiation types and dose in induced genomic instability
  634. Induced radiation genomic instability
  635. Genomic instability in chronic myelogenous leukemia
  636. Genetic Predisposition to Genomic Instability in Cancer
  637. Autophagy and genomic instability
  638. Genomic instability links diet to cancer
  639. The interplay of genomic instability and transformation in carcinogenesis
  640. Evaluation of Genomic Instability in the Abnormal Prostate
  641. HRAD51 Involvement in Genomic Instability and Development of Breast Cancer
  642. Evaluation of Genomic Instability in the Abnormal Prostate
  643. Characterizing regions associated with genomic instability in colon cancer
  644. Genomic instability: Environmental invasion and the enemies within
  646. Measuring the amount of genomic instability during early development of Human tumors
  647. Genomic instability and neurodegenerative disease
  648. Genomic instability is not described by aneuploidy
  649. Genomic instability and mismatch repair mechanism
  650. Genetic Predisposition to Genomic Instability in Cancer (Volume 1)
  651. Genomic Instability and Yeast Aging
  652. The genomic instability induced by {sup 60} Co {gamma} ray radiation
  653. Patterns of genomic instability differentiate clinical outcomes in patients with invasive breast cancer
  654. Genomic Instability Induced by Low Dose Irradiation
  655. Induced gamete genomic instability on mini-and microsatellite sequences in animals
  656. Role of polymerase? in DNA metabolism and genomic instability
  657. Genomic instability in primary haemopoietic cells induced by ionizing radiation
  658. An analysis of genomic instability in osteosarcoma
  659. PTTG induces genomic instability in thyroid cells
  660. Genomic instability in sporadic colorectal cancer
  661. In situ quantification of genomic instability in breast cancer progression
  662. Genomic instability induced by variation in the DNA methylation pattern
  663. In situ quantification of genomic instability in breast cancer progression
  664. Genomic instability happens early in sporadic colorectal cancer
  665. Deregulation of cyclin E and genomic instability
  666. Investigation of microRNAs on genomic instability regions in breast cancer
  667. Tumor progression, metastatic potential and genomic instability
  668. The regulation of homologous recombination and its contribution to genomic instability
  669. Genomic instability after low level irradiation
  670. Differentiation and Genomic Instability in a Human Mammary Cell Model
  671. Delayed Genomic Instability in Bystander Cells
  672. The role of genomic instability and mutation hypersensitivity in tumor development
  673. TNF-{alpha}-induced genomic instability in primary vascular endothelial cells
  674. Mitochondrial dysfunction may perpetuate radiation induced genomic instability
  675. Mathematical Implication for Radiation Carcinogenesis based on Hypothesis of Induction of Genomic Instability
  676. Biochemistry of mismatch recognition and its relevance to genomic instability
  677. The Ha-ras oncogene: mechanisms of transformation and genomic instability
  678. Persistence of the genomic instability in the adult hemopoetic cells after fetal irradiation of mouse
  679. Radiation-induced genomic instability, and the cloning and functional analysis of its related gene
  680. Colon Cancer at Molecular Level: Genomic Instability in the Pathogenesis of Colorectal Cancer
  681. Ionizing radiation induced genomic instability and its relation to radiation carcinogenesis
  682. Study of genomic instability of CHL cells induced by different dose of gamma ray
  683. Radiation-induced genomic instability and delayed activation of p53
  684. Characterization of genomic instability in neoplastic progression of ulcerative colitis
  685. The Visualization, Quantification and Modeling of Genomic Instability in the Mouse and in Cultured Cells
  686. Genomic Instability in Transformed 16HBE Cells Induced by Nickel Acetate
  687. Genomic instability due to telomere insufficiencies
  688. HER2 gene amplification is a marker for global genomic instability
  689. Chromosome segregational defects: their origin, fate and contribution to genomic instability
  690. A positive selection assay for genomic instability
  691. Detection of genomic instability in normal human bronchial epithelial cells exposed to {sup 238} Pu
  692. Analysis of mouse models of genomic instability and cancer predisposition
  693. The problems of heritability of radiation-induced genomic instability; Problemy nasledovaniya radiatsionno-indutsirovannoj nestabil’nosti genoma
  694. Molecular mechanisms of radiation-induced genomic instability in human cells
  695. Mechanism of genomic instability in Prelamin A based premature ageing
  696. Genetics of osteosarcoma: a model of human cancer genomic instability
  697. Genomic instability—a story of repair, cancer and evolution with existential impact on the individual
  698. Inherited Disorders of Genomic Instability and Cancer Susceptibility
  699. Telomere dysfunction and mechanisms of genomic instability
  700. Prenatal irradiation induced genomic instability and its expression in adult mice
  701. Cytogenetic and molecular investigations of genomic instability related to human cellular aging
  702. The problems of heritability of radiation-induced genomic instability
  704. Genomic instability induced by {sup 60} Co {gamma} ray radiation in normal human liver cells
  705. The onset of genomic instability in sporadic colorectal polyps
  706. Telomerase activity in cells with arsenic-induced genomic instability
  707. Ionizing radiation induced genomic instability and bystander effects
  708. Induction of Genomic Instability In Vivo by Low Doses of 137Cs gamma rays
  709. Delayed manifestation of DNA damage and genomic instability caused by radiation-induced large deletion
  710. Genomic instability in a Bcr-abl leukemia mouse model
  711. Visualizing genomic instability: In situ detection and quantification of mutation in mice.
  712. Retrotransposable activation of Alu elements, genomic instability and carcinogenesis
  713. Genomic instability and the changes of K-ras and 15 gene in transformed 15HBE cells nickel sulfate.
  714. Correlation between radio-therapeutic efficacy and telomeric fusion-induced genomic instability
  715. Significance of genetic predisposition and genomic instability for individual sensitivity to radiation. Implications for radiation protection
  716. Genomic instability and accelerated cellular senescence inlaminopathy-based premature
  717. Genomic instability in non-functioning pituitary adenomas
  718. Radiation-induced genomic instability and bystander effects
  719. DNA repair and genomic instability in yeast aging
  720. Telomere dysfunction in cells with arsenic-induced genomic instability
  721. Genomic instability in F1 mice born to irradiated spermatozoa and p53 dependent genomic cross-talk
  722. The problem of induced genomic instability in the child organism under conditions of long-term effect of small radiation doses; Problema indutsirovannoj genomnoj …
  723. Long Interspersed Nuclear Element (LINE) Mediated Genomic Instability
  724. Radiation-Induced Genomic Instability in the Offspring of Irradiated Parents
  725. Loss of Nucleotide Excision Repair as a Source of Genomic Instability in Breast Cancer
  726. Expression of genomic instability in lymphocytes from children living under conditions of long term exposure to radioactive factors
  727. Genomic instability induced by 60Co γ ray radiation in normal human liver cells
  728. Genomic Instability and Epigenetic Alteration in Colorectal Carcinogenesis
  729. Zebrafish genomic instability mutants and cancer susceptibility, pp. 585–600
  730. Genomic instability induced by {sup 137} Cs {gamma}-ray irradiation in CHL surviving cells
  731. Constitutional genomic instability of 9p23-24 in BRCA2 mutation carriers
  732. Anatomy of a pericentric inversion and other instances of genomic instability
  733. Mechanisms of apoptosis modulation and their contribution to genomic instability in tumor cells
  734. Chromosomal aberrations and genomic instability after X-ray and {alpha} irradiation; Chromosomenaberrationen und genomische Instabilitaet nach Roentgen-und …
  736. Genetic predisposition and genomic instability in murine stem cells exposed to low LET radiation
  737. Multi-target model for carcinogenesis incorporating the genomic instability hypothesis
  738. Telomerase activity and genomic instability in colorectal cancers
  739. Genomic Instability at Premalignant and Early Stages of Breast Cancer Development.
  740. Crystalline nickel sulfide-induced genomic instability in transformed human broncho-epithelial cells
  741. The induction of genomic instability in related human lymphoblasts following exposure to Cs gamma radiation vs accelerated {sup 56} Fe Ions
  742. Genomic instability, deregulation of apoptosis and treatment responsiveness in sporadic colorectal cancer
  743. p53-mediated apoptosis and genomic instability syndromes
  744. Testing the Genomic Instability During the Haploid Life Cycle
  745. Testing the Genomic Instability During the Haploid Life Cycle
  746. Radiation-induced genomic instability driven by de novo chromosomal rearrangement hot spots
  747. Quantitative three-dimensional microscopy approaches with applications in breast cancer biology including measurement of genomic instability
  748. Radiation-induced genomic instability: Delayed mutagenic and cytogenetic effects
  749. Genomic instability in cancer: the role of the mitotic spindle checkpoint gene hBUB1
  750. A mathematical multistage model for radiation carcinogenesis accounting for induced genomic instability and cell death
  751. Genomic instability in an excision repair mutant of drosophila melanogaster
  752. Telomere mediated genomic instability correlates with the clinico-pathological parameters of breast cancer
  753. Genomic instability of intrachromosomal telomere repeat sequences
  754. Tailed’-nuclei as a possible express-indicator of radiation-induced genomic instability
  755. Genomic instability induced by 137Cs γ-ray irradiation in CHL surviving cells
  756. The role of free radicals and stress signalling in persistent genomic instability induced by long wavelength UV light
  757. Characterization of inter-(simple sequence repeat) genomic instability in sporadic colorectal cancer
  758. Elevated ROS production is closely associated with radiation-induced genomic instability in cultured human cells
  759. Genomic instability as assessed by micro satellite analysis in childhood rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS)
  760. Tumor Necrosis Factor-Mediated Inflammation Exacerbates Genomic Instability and Promotes Leukemia Development.
  761. Induction of genomic instability and mitotic dysregulation in immortalized nasopharyngeal epithelial cells
  762. Radiation-induced genomic instability triggered by telomere dysfunction
  763. Regions of genomic instability are potential resources for studies of miRNA function as well as the discovery of novel microRNAs
  764. Cellular protein (s) related to genomic instability in HBV-induced hepatocarcinogenesis.
  765. Genomic instability in children born from the Chernobyl accident victims
  766. Studies on ultraviolet radiation induced carcinogenesis and genomic instability using human epithelial cell lines
  767. Analysis of genomic instability by microsatellite analysis in childhood Burkitt’s and large cell diffuse lymphoma
  768. The role of cyclin D1 in cell cycle control, tumorigenesis, and genomic instability
  769. DNA Damage and Genomic Instability Induced by Inappropriate DNA Re-replication
  770. X-ray-induced genomic instability in Atm knock-out mouse cells
  771. Persistent genomic instability by arsenic exposure in V79 Chinese hamster cells
  772. Outer breast quadrants demonstrate increased patterns of DNA genomic instability
  773. Molecular Basis of Genomic Instability and Progression in Multiple Myeloma: Potential Role of Apurinic (Apyrimidinic) Endonuclease.
  774. Genomic instability in mammalian cell hybrids. IV. Is mutation frequency elevated in hybrid cells?
  775. Lethal Sectoring, Genomic Instability, and Delayed Division Delay in HeLa S3 Cells Surviving Alpha-or X-irradiation
  776. Intratumoral genetic heterogeneity in sporadic colorectal cancer and its association with underlying genomic instability
  777. Detection of high-level copy number changes in oral lesions suggests genomic instability at the premalignant stage
  778. Induction of Genomic Instability During Transformation of Human Cells with SV40 Large T Antigen
  779. Fetal irradiation induced genomic instability is expressed as chromosomal aneuploidy in adult mouse
  780. Telomere Structure and Function Provides Insights into the Generation of Genomic Instability and Carcinogenesis
  781. Transgenerational radiation genetics: a feasibility study for the use of the Japanese Medaka to investigate adaptive responses and genomic instability
  782. Genomic instability was frequently seen and was associated with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) gene expression in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)
  783. Stochastic models of the bystander effect and of transmissible genomic instability: implications for mechanisms and low dose risks
  784. Genomic instability in normal human fibroblasts for chronically low-dose radiation in heavy-ion radiation field
  785. Enhanced chemotherapeutic efficacy of paclitaxel by telomeric fusion-induced genomic instability
  786. Analysis of chemical species of long-lived radicals generated by ion beam radiation to mammalian cells and relationship with genomic instability
  787. Polymorphisms In BRCA2 And WRN, Genomic Instability And Benzene Hematotoxicity
  788. Detection of genomic instability in descendants of male mice exposed to chronic low-level gamma-radiation using the test’adaptive response’
  789. The influence of elevated endogenous free radical production on apoptosis and genomic instability in transgenic growth hormone mice
  790. Detection of genomic instability in {alpha}-irradiated and bystander human fibroblasts
  791. Symposium Address: Hormones, Centrosomes, and Genomic Instability in Mammary Carcinogenesis
  792. Ewing sarcomas-characterization by high resolution CGH array reveals distinct genomic instability patterns
  793. Segmental duplications promote genomic instability in human chromosome 15q11-q13
  794. Studies in mammalian ribosomal DNA: Functional genes and curious descendents of genomic instability.
  795. Symposia: DNA Damage Response and Genetic Instability; Genomic instability caused by the defect of chromosomal replication initiation replication
  796. … hybridization of osteosarcomas reveals genomic profiles indicative of breakage-fusion-bridge mechanisms and implicates RECQL4 as a marker for genomic instability …
  797. Lens epithelial cells derived from B-crystallin knockout mice demonstrate hyperproliferation and genomic instability
  798. Centrosome alterations and genomic instability during the development of Barrett’s esophagus and associated adenocarcinoma
  799. c-Myc-induced genomic instability: characterization of c-Myc-induced extrachromosomal elements
  800. Genomic Instability Induced by Two Chemical Carcinogens, Cadmium and Nickel and by Particulate Titanium Debris from an Implant
  801. Genomic instability induced by DNA ligase I overexpression in budding yeast
  802. Cancer: Cell Structures, Carcinogens and Genomic Instability/Ed. Leon P. Bignold.-Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhauser Verlag, 2006.-375 p.
  803. FANCG knockout CHO cells display sensitivity to diverse DNA damaging agents and possible genomic instability
  804. DNA Damage Response and Genetic Instability; A Novel Function for HSF1-Induced Mitotic Exit Failure and Genomic Instability through Direct Interaction between …
  805. Lethal Sectoring, genomic instability and cell cycle variation of HeLa S3 cells survived after alpha-and X-ray irradiation
  806. High-LET-Induced Long Lived Radicals (LLR) May Initiate Genomic Instability (TGI): Effects of Certain Antioxidants
  807. The Adaptive Response in p53 Cancer Prone Mice: Loss of heterozygosity and Genomic Instability
  808. c-Myc dependent genomic instability of the ribonucleotide reductase R2 gene
  809. 7.340 Avoiding Genomic Instability: DNA Replication, the Cell Cycle, and Cancer, Fall 2006
  810. Increased DNA Damage and Error-Prone Repair in MPD/MDS Mice with Disease Progression: Key Indicators for Increased Genomic Instability.
  811. Genomic instability induced by mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA polymerase alpha
  812. Development of An Assay System to Detect Genomic Instability in Human Cells Bearing Partially Duplicated HPRT Gene
  814. Homologous recombination in mammalian somatic cells: DNA repair, genomic instability and cancer
  815. Multiple Myeloma (MM) Is Characterized by Genomic Instability Regardless of Ploidy Categories and Degree of Karyotypic Complexity Is an Important Prognostic …
  816. The expression of γ‐glutamyltransferase in cancer cells is a factor in genomic instability, progression and drug resistance
  817. Molecular Basis of Genomic Instability in Breast Cancer: Regulation of the Centrosome Duplication Cycle
  818. The Adaptive Response in p53 Cancer Prone Mice: Loss of heterozygosity and Genomic Instability
  819. The Roles of Chromosome Breaks and Telomere Dynamics in the Genomic Instability Associated With Human Breast Cancer.
  820. Molecular epidemiological studies on the significance of oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and genomic instability in colorectal carcinomas among Hong Kong …
  821. … : DNA Damage Response and Genetic Instability; AIMP3 Haploinsufficiency inhibit p53 activation by oncogene including Ras and c-myc, result to Genomic instability
  822. Genomic instability, cancer predisposition and premature aging in a mouse model of Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome
  823. Genomic instability induced by γ-ray irradiation analyzed by cytokinesis-block MN assay in CHL cell line
  824. Genomic instability in a knock-in mouse model of the breast cancer susceptibility allele CHEK2*1100delC
  825. Investigations into genomic instability of endogenous and transfected hprt genes in mouse and human tumour cells.
  826. Transforming Growth Factor β1 Suppresses Genomic Instability Independent of a G1 Arrest, p53, and Rb (Cancer Research (1996) 56 (16)(3645-3650))
  827. Genomic instability by mutant p53 leading to allelic loss and translocation via illegitimate recombination
  828. X-irradiation to Spermatozoa Executes Delayed Apoptosis, Genomic Instability and Altered Development at Peri-Implantation Stage Mouse Embryos
  829. X-irradiation to Spermatozoa Executes Delayed Apoptosis, Genomic Instability and Altered Development at Peri-Implantation Stage Mouse Embryos
  830. Stochastic carcinogenesis model allowing for genomic instability fitted to SEER colon cancer data, and comparisons with patterns of risk in Japanese A-bomb survivor …
  831. Genomic instability in mutation induction on normal human fibroblasts irradiated with chronic low-dose radiations in heavy-ion radiation field
  832. ROS, DNA damage and error-prone repair: A model for genomic instability in mice with myeloid leukaemia disease progression
  833. Genomic Instability in Multiple Myeloma: Inducible Transfectants Provide a Model To Define the Role of RHAMM and Centrosome/Mitotic Spindle Stability in …
  834. RET oncogene amplification in thyroid cancer: Correlations with radiation-associated, high-grade malignancy, and genomic instability
  835. DNA Damage Response and Genetic Instability; AIMP3 Haploinsufficiency inhibit p53 activation by oncogene including Ras and c-myc, result to Genomic instability
  836. … of residents of high background radiation area (HBTA) in the southern China occur as well as radiation-induced genomic instability by telomere dysfunction
  837. Mitochondrial dysfunction leads to telomere shortening, apoptosis and genomic instability: Toward a unified theory of reproductive aging
  838. Genomic instability and tumor progression: a cytochemical, molecular biological and cytogenetic study of human tissue from uterine cervix, colon, breast and …
  839. Investigation of genomic instability by analysis of AP-PCR DNA fingerprints in the offspring of male mice exposed to chronic low doses of gamma-radiation; …
  840. Free communications: Association of p53 genomic instability with glutathione S-transferase: null: genotype in gastric cancer in the Portuguese population
  841. Correspondence re: G. Anderson et al., Intrachromosomal Genomic Instability in Human Sporadic Colorectal Cancer Measured by Genome-Wide Allelotyping and Inter-(Simple …
  842. The Role of hCDC 4 as a Tumor Suppressor Gene in Genomic Instability Underlying Prostate Cancer
  843. Protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor-induced AKT activation overrides cell cycle checkpoints, potentially leading to genomic instability
  844. P226: Cyclooxygenase-2 expression induces genomic instability in MCF10A breast epithelial cells
  845. Analysis chemical species of long-lived radicals generated by ion beam radiation to mammalian cells and relationship with mutation and genomic instability
  846. Investigating the Role of Nuclear Clusterin (nCLU) in Lethality and Genomic Instability in Paclitaxel (taxol)-treated Human Breast Cancer Cells
  847. A model of genomic instability: Diploid and tetraploid p53 knock-out mouse skin keratinocytes, growth in soft agar and in mouse xenografts.
  848. Transgenerational radiation genetics: The use of the Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) to investigate adaptive response and genomic instability
  849. … parameters in aberrant crypt foci evaluation in colon carcinogenesis (glutathione S-transferases, B-RAF mutation, genomic instability, single nucleotide polymorphism …
  851. Genomic Instability Study on the Japanese Familial Ovarian Cancer without Germline Mutation of BRCA1 or BRCA2 by Loss of Heterozygosity Analysis
  852. Superoxide Dismutase 2 Deficient Mice: The Role of Increased Reactive Oxygen Species in Genomic Instability
  853. Kaposi (KS) pathogenesis: cell origin, HHV-8 permissiveness, proliferation, genomic instability
  854. … RNA polymerase I-targeted ribozyme in prostate cancer gene therapy, and, The development and analysis of genomic instability-based transgenic models of …
  855. 774: COX2 Expression is Frequent in Advanced Urinary Bladder Cancer with Features of Genomic Instability
  856. Decoupling of Normal CD40/Interleukin-4 Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Switch Signal Leads to Genomic Instability in RPMI 8226 and SGH-MM5 Multiple Myeloma …
  857. … growth factor (EGF) on invasive and metastatic potential of rat regressor tumor cell ER-1 Part 3: Oxidative stress and the induction of genomic instability by long-term …
  858. … mutagens, and are involved in genomic instability. It has been shown that damage of DNA and its precursors causes genomic instability. We have recently studied …
  859. Genomic stability and instability in different neuroepithelial tumors. A role for chromosome structure?
  860. 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide induced Ha-ras point mutations are associated with loss of heterozygosity, gene amplification and genomic instability
  861. Genomic heterogeneity and instability of the AZF locus on the human Y chromosome
  862. … genomic hybridization and single-nucleotide polymorphism-loss of heterozygosity analysis reveals complex changes and multiple forms of chromosomal instability in …
  863. Frequent genomic alterations in epithelium measured by microsatellite instability following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in humans
  864. Large genomic duplicons map to sites of instability in the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome chromosome region (15q11–q13)
  865. … translocations are accompanied by chromosomal instability:: analysis of seven human colon cancer cell lines by comparative genomic hybridization and spectral …
  866. Short Telomeres Are Associated with Genetic Instability and the Occurrence of High Risk Genomic Aberrations in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
  867. Comparative genomic hybridization and chromosomal instability in solid tumours
  868. Chromosomal Instability and Genomic Amplification in Bone and Soft Tissue Tumours
  869. Pathophysiology of plaque instability: insights at the genomic level
  870. Unfavorable prognostic factors associated with high frequency of microsatellite instability and comparative genomic hybridization analysis in endometrial cancer
  871. Comment on” Chromosomal instability and tumors promoted by DNA hypomethylation” and” Induction of tumors in mice by genomic hypomethylation”
  872. Lerner’s theory on the genetic relationship between heterozygosity, genomic co-adaptation, and developmental instability revisited
  873. Genetic instability of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma by comparative genomic hybridization analysis
  874. Transgenic mice carrying large human genomic sequences with expanded CTG repeat mimic closely the DM CTG repeat intergenerational and somatic instability
  875. Genomic context drives SCA7 CAG repeat instability, while expressed SCA7 cDNAs are intergenerationally and somatically stable in transgenic mice
  876. Principal components analysis exposes a genomic basis for microsatellite instability status
  877. Increased Genome Instability in Escherichia coli lon Mutants: Relation to Emergence of Multiple-Antibiotic-Resistant (Mar) Mutants Caused by Insertion Sequence …
  878. Comparative Genomic Hybridization Detects Secondary Chromosomal Deletions in Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 Mutants and Highlights Instability in the flhDC …
  879. Developmental instability of the Drosophila wing as an index of genomic perturbation and altered cell proliferation
  880. Carcinogenesis, genetic instability and genomic entropy: Insight derived from malignant brain tumor age specific mortality rate dynamics
  881. beta-Catenine as a genomic target of high-grade microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer
  882. Model-based clustering of genomic aberrations: Generalizing the instability selection network model
  883. Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube: comparative genomic hybridization reveals high genetic instability and a specific, recurring pattern of chromosomal …
  884. Replication in mammalian cells recapitulates the locus-specific differences in somatic instability of genomic GAA triplet-repeats
  885. Karyotype, chromosome instability and other genomic alterations in epithelial cancers. Do they correlate?
  886. Stimulation of genetic instability and associated large genomic rearrangements in Streptomyces ambofaciens by three fluoroquinolones
  887. Extremely large chromosomal deletions are intimately involved in genetic instability and genomic rearrangements inStreptomyces glaucescens
  888. Genomic locus-specific differences in GAA triplet-repeat instability
  889. Analysis of microsatellite instability and X-inactivation in ovarian borderline tumors lacking numerical abnormalities by comparative genomic hybridization
  890. … instability and associated genome plasticity in Streptomyces ambofaciens: pulsed-field gel electrophoresis evidence for large DNA alterations in a limited genomic …
  891. Microsatellite instability and large, genomic alterations of DNA mismatch repair genes in the etiology of HNPCC and sporadic tumors
  892. Genomic instability—an evolving hallmark of cancer
  893. Genomic instability in cancer
  894. Genomic instability and cancer: lessons learned from human papillomaviruses
  895. Genomic instability and cancer: an introduction
  896. Genomic instability and cancer
  897. The patterns and dynamics of genomic instability in metastatic pancreatic cancer
  898. Genomic instability in induced stem cells
  899. Loss of A-type lamins and genomic instability
  900. Genomic instability in breast cancer: pathogenesis and clinical implications
  901. Genomic instability and the selection of treatments for cancer
  902. Mitotic catastrophe: a mechanism for avoiding genomic instability
  903. Hypomethylation of retrotransposable elements correlates with genomic instability in non‐small cell lung cancer
  904. The consequences of structural genomic alterations in humans: genomic disorders, genomic instability and cancer
  905. Transcription-replication encounters, consequences and genomic instability
  906. Mechanisms of cadmium induced genomic instability
  907. Mechanism of genomic instability in cells infected with the high-risk human papillomaviruses
  908. Nucleotide deficiency promotes genomic instability in early stages of cancer development
  909. Aneuploidy drives genomic instability in yeast
  910. c-MYC-induced genomic instability
  911. Genomic instability in iPS: time for a break
  912. Links between mutant p53 and genomic instability
  913. Mechanisms of programmed DNA lesions and genomic instability in the immune system
  914. Genomic instability and colon carcinogenesis: from the perspective of genes
  915. Spatial and temporal diversity in genomic instability processes defines lung cancer evolution
  916. Human embryonic stem cells reveal recurrent genomic instability at 20q11. 21
  917. Targeted and nontargeted effects of ionizing radiation that impact genomic instability
  918. Strong association between cancer and genomic instability
  919. The RAG2 C terminus suppresses genomic instability and lymphomagenesis
  920. Histone deacetylase inhibitors and genomic instability
  921. Genomic instability in pluripotent stem cells: implications for clinical applications
  922. MicroRNAs, genomic instability and cancer
  923. DNA structure-induced genomic instability in vivo
  924. Genomic instability and carcinogenesis: an update
  925. Escherichia coli induces DNA damage in vivo and triggers genomic instability in mammalian cells
  926. c-Myc: linking transformation and genomic instability
  927. Genomic instability in human cancer: Molecular insights and opportunities for therapeutic attack and prevention through diet and nutrition
  928. Flavonoids and genomic instability induced by ionizing radiation
  929. Role of genomic instability in arsenic-induced carcinogenicity. A review
  930. The gene expression signature of genomic instability in breast cancer is an independent predictor of clinical outcome
  931. How do cytokines trigger genomic instability?
  932. Terahertz radiation increases genomic instability in human lymphocytes
  933. Topoisomerase I suppresses genomic instability by preventing interference between replication and transcription
  934. Do bacterial genotoxins contribute to chronic inflammation, genomic instability and tumor progression?
  935. SPOP mutation leads to genomic instability in prostate cancer
  936. Effects of acute versus chronic hypoxia on DNA damage responses and genomic instability
  937. Polyubiquitination of proliferating cell nuclear antigen by HLTF and SHPRH prevents genomic instability from stalled replication forks
  938. High variability of genomic instability and gene expression profiling in different HeLa clones
  939. A selective requirement for 53BP1 in the biological response to genomic instability induced by Brca1 deficiency
  940. Prognostic impact of genomic instability in colorectal cancer
  941. Assessment of genomic instability in normal and diabetic rats treated with metformin
  942. Radiation-induced genomic instability: are epigenetic mechanisms the missing link?
  943. Genome-wide analysis of HPV integration in human cancers reveals recurrent, focal genomic instability
  944. Inactivation of murine Usp1 results in genomic instability and a Fanconi anemia phenotype
  945. TAp73 knockout shows genomic instability with infertility and tumor suppressor functions
  946. Genomic instability and myelodysplasia with monosomy 7 consequent to EVI1 activation after gene therapy for chronic granulomatous disease
  947. Limited mitochondrial permeabilization causes DNA damage and genomic instability in the absence of cell death
  948. Potential for genomic instability associated with retrotranspositionally-incompetent L1 loci
  949. Loss of RB1 induces non-proliferative retinoma: increasing genomic instability correlates with progression to retinoblastoma
  950. RECQL4 in genomic instability and aging
  951. R-loop-mediated genomic instability is caused by impairment of replication fork progression
  952. Alternative pathways of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) in genomic instability and cancer
  953. Ploidy and Large-Scale Genomic Instability Consistently Identify Basal-like Breast Carcinomas with BRCA1/2 Inactivation
  954. Loss of Rb proteins causes genomic instability in the absence of mitogenic signaling
  955. Epigenetics and cancer without genomic instability
  956. Noncanonical mismatch repair as a source of genomic instability in human cells
  957. Complementary functions of ATM and H2AX in development and suppression of genomic instability
  958. Ribosomal proteins as unrevealed caretakers for cellular stress and genomic instability
  959. Smad4 loss in mice causes spontaneous head and neck cancer with increased genomic instability and inflammation
  960. Stem-like cancer cells are inducible by increasing genomic instability in cancer cells
  961. High-risk prostate cancer: a disease of genomic instability
  962. Profiles of genomic instability in high-grade serous ovarian cancer predict treatment outcome
  963. Crossing the LINE toward genomic instability: LINE-1 retrotransposition in cancer
  964. Med12 gain-of-function mutation causes leiomyomas and genomic instability
  965. Loss of the epigenetic tumor suppressor SNF5 leads to cancer without genomic instability
  966. Potential mechanisms of endogenous retroviral-mediated genomic instability in human cancer
  967. A 12-gene genomic instability signature predicts clinical outcomes in multiple cancer types
  968. Mutations in SPRTN cause early onset hepatocellular carcinoma, genomic instability and progeroid features
  969. Nucleosome loss leads to global transcriptional up-regulation and genomic instability during yeast aging
  970. Radiation-induced genomic instability
  971. Mitochondrial complex II dysfunction can contribute significantly to genomic instability after exposure to ionizing radiation
  972. γH2AX as a marker of DNA double strand breaks and genomic instability in human population studies
  973. Genomic instability may originate from imatinib-refractory chronic myeloid leukemia stem cells
  974. Genomic instability in multiple myeloma: mechanisms and therapeutic implications
  975. Induction of senescence with doxorubicin leads to increased genomic instability of HCT116 cells
  976. Genome-wide hypomethylation in head and neck cancer is more pronounced in HPV-negative tumors and is associated with genomic instability
  977. Plasmodium infection promotes genomic instability and AID-dependent B cell lymphoma
  978. Papillomavirus DNA replication—from initiation to genomic instability
  979. PTEN C-terminal deletion causes genomic instability and tumor development
  980. Mitotic spindle destabilization and genomic instability in Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
  981. SIRT6 recruits SNF2H to DNA break sites, preventing genomic instability through chromatin remodeling
  982. Dysfunctional homologous recombination mediates genomic instability and progression in myeloma
  983. MicroRNAs in mutagenesis, genomic instability, and DNA repair
  984. Hydrophobic bile acids, genomic instability, Darwinian selection, and colon carcinogenesis
  985. Genomic instability in myeloid malignancies: increased reactive oxygen species (ROS), DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) and error-prone repair
  986. Variant base excision repair proteins: contributors to genomic instability
  987. β-Catenin induces T-cell transformation by promoting genomic instability
  988. Ionizing radiation-induced oxidative stress, epigenetic changes and genomic instability: the pivotal role of mitochondria
  989. Cognitive impairment, genomic instability and trace elements
  990. Basal-like Breast cancer DNA copy number losses identify genes involved in genomic instability, response to therapy, and patient survival
  991. BRCA1 deficiency exacerbates estrogen-induced DNA damage and genomic instability
  992. Human embryonic stem cells and genomic instability
  993. Exposure to anticancer drugs can result in transgenerational genomic instability in mice
  994. Genomic instability in the PARK2 locus is associated with Parkinson’s disease
  995. Kinase-dead ATM protein causes genomic instability and early embryonic lethality in mice
  996. Concise review: Genomic instability in human stem cells: current status and future challenges
  997. Mutation of a single allele of the cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 leads to genomic instability in human breast epithelial cells
  998. Short loop length and high thermal stability determine genomic instability induced by G‐quadruplex‐forming minisatellites
  999. … associated fibroblasts drives tumor-stroma co-evolution: A new paradigm for understanding tumor metabolism, the field effect and genomic instability in cancer cells
  1000. Spartan deficiency causes genomic instability and progeroid phenotypes
  1001. Cancer models, genomic instability and somatic cellular Darwinian evolution
  1002. Convergent transcription at intragenic super-enhancers targets AID-initiated genomic instability
  1003. Combining ATR suppression with oncogenic Ras synergistically increases genomic instability, causing synthetic lethality or tumorigenesis in a dosage-dependent …
  1004. Regulation of Myc by miR-34c: A mechanism to prevent genomic instability?
  1005. A Pan‐European Study of the C9orf72 Repeat Associated with FTLD: Geographic Prevalence, Genomic Instability, and Intermediate Repeats
  1006. Overexpression of RAD51 suppresses recombination defects: a possible mechanism to reverse genomic instability
  1007. How cancer cells hijack DNA double-strand break repair pathways to gain genomic instability
  1008. Raf kinase inhibitor protein: mechanism of loss of expression and association with genomic instability
  1009. Hypoxia causes downregulation of mismatch repair system and genomic instability in stem cells
  1010. The yeast Pif1 helicase prevents genomic instability caused by G-quadruplex-forming CEB1 sequences in vivo
  1011. A Polymerase Theta-dependent repair pathway suppresses extensive genomic instability at endogenous G4 DNA sites
  1012. Genomic instability in breast and ovarian cancers: translation into clinical predictive biomarkers
  1013. WEE1 inhibition and genomic instability in cancer
  1014. PARI overexpression promotes genomic instability and pancreatic tumorigenesis
  1015. Epstein–Barr Virus DNase (BGLF5) induces genomic instability in human epithelial cells
  1016. NADPH oxidase inhibition attenuates total body irradiation-induced haematopoietic genomic instability
  1017. Cell cycle checkpoint defects contribute to genomic instability in PTEN deficient cells independent of DNA DSB repair
  1018. Genomic instability, defective spermatogenesis, immunodeficiency, and cancer in a mouse model of the RIDDLE syndrome
  1019. Genomic instability en route to and from cancer stem cells
  1020. Genomic instability: Crossing pathways at the origin of structural and numerical chromosome changes
  1021. Interference between DNA replication and transcription as a cause of genomic instability
  1022. Antimicrobial-induced DNA damage and genomic instability in microbial pathogens
  1023. Genomic instability of gold nanoparticle treated human lung fibroblast cells
  1024. Evolution of genomic instability in diethylnitrosamine‐induced hepatocarcinogenesis in mice
  1025. Upregulation of FOXM1 induces genomic instability in human epidermal keratinocytes
  1026. Telomere length, telomeric proteins and genomic instability during the multistep carcinogenic process
  1027. The Epstein–Barr virus nuclear antigen-1 promotes genomic instability via induction of reactive oxygen species
  1028. Dysregulation of DNA polymerase κ recruitment to replication forks results in genomic instability
  1029. Inflammation‐mediated genomic instability: roles of activation‐induced cytidine deaminase in carcinogenesis
  1030. Haploinsufficiency for BRCA1 leads to cell-type-specific genomic instability and premature senescence
  1031. Genomic instability induced by human papillomavirus oncogenes
  1032. High genomic instability predicts survival in metastatic high-risk neuroblastoma
  1033. Three Epstein–Barr virus latency proteins independently promote genomic instability by inducing DNA damage, inhibiting DNA repair and inactivating cell cycle …
  1034. Rac2-MRC-cIII–generated ROS cause genomic instability in chronic myeloid leukemia stem cells and primitive progenitors
  1035. Six1 overexpression in mammary cells induces genomic instability and is sufficient for malignant transformation
  1036. Gastric cancers of Western European and African patients show different patterns of genomic instability
  1037. Oral ingestion of silver nanoparticles induces genomic instability and DNA damage in multiple tissues
  1038. Amplification of HER2 is a marker for global genomic instability
  1039. Chromosome-breakage genomic instability and chromothripsis in breast cancer
  1040. Bacterial composition of the human upper gastrointestinal tract microbiome is dynamic and associated with genomic instability in a Barrett’s esophagus cohort
  1041. Genomic instability and cancer: lessons from analysis of Bloom’s syndrome
  1042. Ultradeep sequencing of a human ultraconserved region reveals somatic and constitutional genomic instability
  1043. DNA replication timing, genome stability and cancer: late and/or delayed DNA replication timing is associated with increased genomic instability
  1044. Genomic instability of human embryonic stem cell lines using different passaging culture methods
  1045. Molecular mechanisms of low dose ionizing radiation-induced hormesis, adaptive responses, radioresistance, bystander effects, and genomic instability
  1046. Cells expressing FLT3/ITD mutations exhibit elevated repair errors generated through alternative NHEJ pathways: implications for genomic instability and therapy
  1047. Genomic instability and DNA damage responses in progeria arising from defective maturation of prelamin A
  1048. DHX9 helicase is involved in preventing genomic instability induced by alternatively structured DNA in human cells
  1049. Limiting replication stress during somatic cell reprogramming reduces genomic instability in induced pluripotent stem cells
  1050. Whole-exome sequencing of human pancreatic cancers and characterization of genomic instability caused by MLH1 haploinsufficiency and complete deficiency
  1051. One-hit wonders of genomic instability
  1052. Genomic instability and radiation risk in molecular pathways to colon cancer
  1053. The evolution of genomic instability in the obligate endosymbionts of whiteflies
  1054. Induction of genomic instability, oxidative processes, and mitochondrial activity by 50 Hz magnetic fields in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells
  1055. Fingerprinting genomic instability in oral submucous fibrosis
  1056. Genomic instability in chronic renal failure patients
  1057. Epstein-Barr virus BALF3 mediates genomic instability and progressive malignancy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  1058. Cyclin E2 induces genomic instability by mechanisms distinct from cyclin E1
  1059. BCR/ABL stimulates WRN to promote survival and genomic instability
  1060. Analysis of genomic instability in the offspring of fathers exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation
  1061. Chronic exposure to the cytolethal distending toxins of G ram‐negative bacteria promotes genomic instability and altered DNA damage response
  1062. Histone demethylase JARID1C inactivation triggers genomic instability in sporadic renal cancer
  1063. Solitary fibrous tumors: loss of chimeric protein expression and genomic instability mark dedifferentiation
  1064. A germline polymorphism of DNA polymerase beta induces genomic instability and cellular transformation
  1065. Accumulation of abasic sites induces genomic instability in normal human gastric epithelial cells during Helicobacter pylori infection
  1066. Genomic instability of osteosarcoma cell lines in culture: impact on the prediction of metastasis relevant genes
  1067. Oncogenic YAP promotes radioresistance and genomic instability in medulloblastoma through IGF2-mediated Akt activation
  1068. Grape seed polyphenols and curcumin reduce genomic instability events in a transgenic mouse model for Alzheimer’s disease
  1069. Regional genomic instability predisposes to complex dystrophin gene rearrangements
  1070. EBV and genomic instability—a new look at the role of the virus in the pathogenesis of Burkitt’s lymphoma
  1071. Regulation of DNA polymerase POLD4 influences genomic instability in lung cancer
  1072. A stochastic carcinogenesis model incorporating multiple types of genomic instability fitted to colon cancer data
  1073. Copy number losses define subgroups of dedifferentiated liposarcoma with poor prognosis and genomic instability
  1074. Histone methyltransferase EZH2 induces Akt-dependent genomic instability and BRCA1 inhibition in breast cancer
  1075. Mammalian BTBD12 (SLX4) protects against genomic instability during mammalian spermatogenesis
  1076. Genomic instability in cultured stem cells: associated risks and underlying mechanisms
  1077. KIAA1018/FAN1 nuclease protects cells against genomic instability induced by interstrand cross-linking agents
  1078. IMP2/p62 induces genomic instability and an aggressive hepatocellular carcinoma phenotype
  1079. Transcription and replication: breaking the rules of the road causes genomic instability
  1080. Replication independent DNA double-strand break retention may prevent genomic instability
  1081. Genomic instability in chronic myeloid leukemia: targets for therapy?
  1082. Telomere Loss Provokes Multiple Pathways to Apoptosis and Produces Genomic Instability in Drosophila melanogaster
  1083. Genomic instability and p53 alterations in patients with malignant glioma
  1084. Genomic instability caused by hepatitis B virus: into the hepatoma inferno
  1085. Nuclear remodeling as a mechanism for genomic instability in cancer
  1086. DNA end resection by CtIP and exonuclease 1 prevents genomic instability
  1087. Preventing AID, a physiological mutator, from deleterious activation: regulation of the genomic instability that is associated with antibody diversity
  1088. BCR-ABL1–positive microvesicles transform normal hematopoietic transplants through genomic instability: Implications for donor cell leukemia
  1089. Characterization of a novel mechanism of genomic instability involving the SEI1/SET/NM23H1 pathway in esophageal cancers
  1090. Heavy ions, radioprotectors and genomic instability: implications for human space exploration
  1091. Lung adenocarcinoma of never smokers and smokers harbor differential regions of genetic alteration and exhibit different levels of genomic instability
  1092. Cyclooxygenase-2 induces genomic instability, BCL2 expression, doxorubicin resistance, and altered cancer-initiating cell phenotype in MCF7 breast cancer cells
  1093. SEPT9_i1 and genomic instability: mechanistic insights and relevance to tumorigenesis
  1094. Telomere‐mediated genomic instability and the clinico‐pathological parameters in breast cancer
  1095. Genomic instability induced by mutant succinate dehydrogenase subunit D (SDHD) is mediated by O2-• and H2O2
  1096. Mdmx promotes genomic instability independent of p53 and Mdm2
  1097. HPV16 E6 and E7 proteins induce a chronic oxidative stress response via NOX2 that causes genomic instability and increased susceptibility to DNA damage in head …
  1098. Coupling of V (D) J recombination to the cell cycle suppresses genomic instability and lymphoid tumorigenesis
  1099. Paternal exposure to ethylnitrosourea results in transgenerational genomic instability in mice
  1100. iPSC lines that do not silence the expression of the ectopic reprogramming factors may display enhanced propensity to genomic instability
  1101. Large scale genomic instability as an additive prognostic marker in early prostate cancer
  1102. Cadmium induced cell apoptosis, DNA damage, decreased DNA repair capacity, and genomic instability during malignant transformation of human bronchial …
  1103. Mutational inactivation of TGFBR2 in microsatellite unstable colon cancer arises from the cooperation of genomic instability and the clonal outgrowth of transforming …
  1104. A cancer-associated DNA polymerase δ variant modeled in yeast causes a catastrophic increase in genomic instability
  1105. Longevity mutation in SCH9 prevents recombination errors and premature genomic instability in a Werner/Bloom model system
  1106. Germ-line variant of human NTH1 DNA glycosylase induces genomic instability and cellular transformation
  1107. Recurrent genomic instability of chromosome 1q in neural derivatives of human embryonic stem cells
  1108. Radiation-generated short DNA fragments may perturb non-homologous end-joining and induce genomic instability
  1109. Genomic instability in blood cells is able to predict the oral cancer risk: an experimental study in rats
  1110. Genomic Instability of the Sex-Determining Locus in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
  1111. Human DNA damage response and repair deficiency syndromes: linking genomic instability and cell cycle checkpoint proficiency
  1112. Significance of genomic instability in breast cancer in atomic bomb survivors: analysis of microarray-comparative genomic hybridization
  1113. Transgenerational genomic instability in children of irradiated parents as a result of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
  1114. A genomic instability score in discriminating nonequivalent outcomes of BRCA1/2 mutations and in predicting outcomes of ovarian cancer treated with …
  1115. Contrast enhancement in 1p/19q-codeleted anaplastic oligodendrogliomas is associated with 9p loss, genomic instability, and angiogenic gene expression
  1116. Ribosomal protein S27-like is a physiological regulator of p53 that suppresses genomic instability and tumorigenesis
  1117. Primary Microcephaly, Impaired DNA Replication, and Genomic Instability Caused by Compound Heterozygous ATR Mutations
  1118. Ectopic expression of cancer/testis antigen SSX2 induces DNA damage and promotes genomic instability
  1119. Genomic instability induced by 50 Hz magnetic fields is a dynamically evolving process not blocked by antioxidant treatment
  1120. The moyamoya disease susceptibility variant RNF213 R4810K (rs112735431) induces genomic instability by mitotic abnormality
  1121. Genomic instability of micronucleated cells revealed by single‐cell comparative genomic hybridization
  1122. Transposable Elements as Stress Adaptive Capacitors Induce Genomic Instability in Fungal Pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae
  1123. Beta human papillomavirus E6 expression inhibits stabilization of p53 and increases tolerance of genomic instability
  1124. Abatement by naringin of lomefloxacin-induced genomic instability in mice
  1125. Global and MGMT promoter hypomethylation independently associated with genomic instability of lymphocytes in subjects exposed to high-dose polycyclic aromatic …
  1126. Polyploidy‐associated genomic instability in Arabidopsis thaliana
  1127. Genomic instability in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on hemodialysis
  1128. The tammar wallaby major histocompatibility complex shows evidence of past genomic instability
  1129. Mitochondria regulate DNA damage and genomic instability induced by high LET radiation
  1130. Long duration exposure to cadmium leads to increased cell survival, decreased DNA repair capacity, and genomic instability in mouse testicular Leydig cells
  1131. Hexavalent chromium exposure, genomic instability and lung cancer
  1132. Implications of genomic instability in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer
  1133. Activating WASP mutations associated with X-linked neutropenia result in enhanced actin polymerization, altered cytoskeletal responses, and genomic instability in …
  1134. Genomic instability, mutations and expression analysis of the tumour suppressor genes p14ARF, p15INK4b, p16INK4a and p53 in actinic keratosis
  1135. Colon cancer-associated DNA polymerase β variant induces genomic instability and cellular transformation
  1136. Array CGH and gene-expression profiling reveals distinct genomic instability patterns associated with DNA repair and cell-cycle checkpoint pathways in Ewing’s …
  1137. … as neoadjuvant therapy for triple-negative and BRCA1/2 mutation–associated breast cancer with assessment of a tumor-based measure of genomic instability …
  1138. Loss of polycystin-1 causes centrosome amplification and genomic instability
  1139. Impairment of the telomere/telomerase system and genomic instability are associated with keratinocyte immortalization induced by the skin human papillomavirus type …
  1140. … defence genes in myelofibrosis and related neoplasms. Potential implications of downregulation of Nrf2 for genomic instability and disease progression
  1141. Progressive Genomic Instability in the FVB/KrasLA2 Mouse Model of Lung Cancer
  1142. A study of genomic instability in early preneoplastic colonic lesions
  1143. UV-C–Irradiated Arabidopsis and Tobacco Emit Volatiles That Trigger Genomic Instability in Neighboring Plants
  1144. DNA-RNA hybrids contribute to the replication dependent genomic instability induced by Omcg1 deficiency
  1145. Organelle DNA rearrangement mapping reveals U-turn-like inversions as a major source of genomic instability in Arabidopsis and humans
  1146. Somatic complex I disruptive mitochondrial DNA mutations are modifiers of tumorigenesis that correlate with low genomic instability in pituitary adenomas
  1147. Oxidative stress preferentially induces a subtype of micronuclei and mediates the genomic instability caused by p53 dysfunction
  1148. Breast cancer risk and possible mechanisms of radiation-induced genomic instability in the Swedish hemangioma cohort after reanalyzed dosimetry
  1149. Non-targeted and Delayed Effects of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation: I. Radiation-Induced Genomic Instability and Bystander Effects In Vitro
  1150. Role of DNA damage and epigenetic DNA methylation changes in radiation-induced genomic instability and bystander effects in germline in vivo
  1151. Mps1 as a link between centrosomes and genomic instability
  1152. Impact of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Genomic Instability on the Application of Typing Methods for Chronic Cystic Fibrosis Infections
  1153. Sonic Hedgehog signaling impairs ionizing radiation–induced checkpoint activation and induces genomic instability
  1154. Emerging evidence for the role of genomic instability in male factor infertility
  1155. Reducing MCM levels in human primary T cells during the G0→ G1 transition causes genomic instability during the first cell cycle
  1156. GLI2 induces genomic instability in human keratinocytes by inhibiting apoptosis
  1157. T-cell-specific deletion of Mof blocks their differentiation and results in genomic instability in mice
  1158. Genomic instability in chronic airway inflammatory diseases
  1159. Mutual regulation between DNA-PKcs and Snail1 leads to increased genomic instability and aggressive tumor characteristics
  1160. p53-Driven apoptosis limits centrosome amplification and genomic instability downstream of NPM1 phosphorylation
  1161. Opposite roles for p38MAPK-driven responses and reactive oxygen species in the persistence and resolution of radiation-induced genomic instability
  1162. Development of cancer-initiating cells and immortalized cells with genomic instability
  1163. Genomic instability resulting from Blm deficiency compromises development, maintenance, and function of the B cell lineage
  1164. Loss of caspase-2 augments lymphomagenesis and enhances genomic instability in Atm-deficient mice
  1165. High-level HOOK3 expression is an independent predictor of poor prognosis associated with genomic instability in prostate Cancer
  1166. Genomic instability in newborn with short telomeres
  1167. Genomic instability causes HGF gene activation in colon cancer cells, promoting their resistance to necroptosis
  1168. Genomic instability and vascular aging: A focus on nucleotide excision repair
  1169. Genomic instability and oncogene amplifications in colorectal adenomas predict recurrence and synchronous carcinoma
  1170. What mechanisms/processes underlie radiation-induced genomic instability?
  1171. The propensity for tumorigenesis in human induced pluripotent stem cells is related with genomic instability
  1172. Genomic instability in a healthy elderly population: a pilot study of possible cytogenetic markers related to ageing
  1173. Genomic instability and telomere fusion of canine osteosarcoma cells
  1174. Mutations in XRCC4 cause primary microcephaly, short stature and increased genomic instability
  1175. Correlation of MLH1 and MGMTexpression and promoter methylation with genomic instability in patients with thyroid carcinoma
  1176. Dendritic cell–mediated activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID)–dependent induction of genomic instability in human myeloma
  1177. Long‐lasting genomic instability following arsenite exposure in mammalian cells: The role of reactive oxygen species
  1178. Determination of genomic instability and DNA methylation effects of Cr on maize (Zea mays L.) using RAPD and CRED-RA analysis
  1179. HDAC1 overexpression independently predicts biochemical recurrence and is associated with rapid tumor cell proliferation and genomic instability in prostate cancer
  1180. Downregulation of CRNN gene and genomic instability at 1q21.3 in oral squamous cell carcinoma
  1181. Does interference between replication and transcription contribute to genomic instability in cancer cells?
  1182. BCR-ABL1 kinase inhibits uracil DNA glycosylase UNG2 to enhance oxidative DNA damage and stimulate genomic instability
  1183. MicroRNA-22 suppresses DNA repair and promotes genomic instability through targeting of MDC1
  1184. Persistent genomic instability in peripheral blood lymphocytes from Hodgkin lymphoma survivors
  1185. Genomic instability after targeted irradiation of human lymphocytes: evidence for inter-individual differences under bystander conditions
  1186. Genomic instability induced by α-pinene in Chinese hamster cell line
  1187. Lamin A Δexon9 mutation leads to telomere and chromatin defects but not genomic instability
  1188. Influence of the antifolate drug Methotrexate on the development of murine neural tube defects and genomic instability
  1189. Genomic Instability Is Associated with Natural Life Span Variation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1190. RECQL5 suppresses oncogenic JAK2-induced replication stress and genomic instability
  1191. Genomic instability and cellular stress in organ biopsies and peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with colorectal cancer and predisposing pathologies
  1192. JAK2 and genomic instability in the myeloproliferative neoplasms: a case of the chicken or the egg?
  1193. DNA damage in cells exhibiting radiation-induced genomic instability
  1194. Genomic instability in giant cell tumor of bone. A study of 52 cases using DNA ploidy, relocalization FISH, and array‐CGH analysis
  1195. Mcph1/Brit1 deficiency promotes genomic instability and tumor formation in a mouse model
  1196. Role of microRNAs and DNA methyltransferases in transmitting induced genomic instability between cell generations
  1197. Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) deficiency decreases reprogramming efficiency and leads to genomic instability in iPS cells
  1198. Cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay adapted for analyzing genomic instability of human mesenchymal stem cells
  1199. Genomic and epigenetic instability in colorectal cancer pathogenesis
  1200. Early telomere shortening and genomic instability in tubo-ovarian preneoplastic lesions
  1201. 56Fe particle exposure results in a long-lasting increase in a cellular index of genomic instability and transiently suppresses adult hippocampal neurogenesis in vivo
  1202. Warburg effect and translocation-induced genomic instability: two yeast models for cancer cells
  1203. Targeting homologous recombination and telomerase in Barrett’s adenocarcinoma: impact on telomere maintenance, genomic instability and tumor growth
  1204. Genomic instability, driver genes and cell selection: Projections from cancer to stem cells
  1205. Metabolic and environmental conditions determine nuclear genomic instability in budding yeast lacking mitochondrial DNA
  1206. Induction of genomic instability in cultured human colon epithelial cells following exposure to isocyanates
  1207. FAVL elevation in human tumors disrupts Fanconi anemia pathway signaling and promotes genomic instability and tumor growth
  1208. Association of genomic instability, and the methylation status of imprinted genes and mismatch-repair genes, with neural tube defects
  1209. CD24−/low stem-like breast cancer marker defines the radiation-resistant cells involved in memorization and transmission of radiation-induced genomic instability
  1210. Mechanotransduction, metastasis and genomic instability
  1211. Dioxin induces genomic instability in mouse embryonic fibroblasts
  1212. Aberrant methylation and associated transcriptional mobilization of Alu elements contributes to genomic instability in hypoxia
  1213. Radiation and chemotherapy bystander effects induce early genomic instability events: telomere shortening and bridge formation coupled with mitochondrial …
  1214. Centromere Replication Timing Determines Different Forms of Genomic Instability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Checkpoint Mutants During Replication Stress
  1215. RAS promotes tumorigenesis through genomic instability induced by imbalanced expression of Aurora‐A and BRCA2 in midbody during cytokinesis
  1216. Spatiotemporal regulation of DNA replication in the human genome and its association with genomic instability and disease
  1217. Rsf-1, a chromatin remodeling protein, induces DNA damage and promotes genomic instability
  1218. A novel function for HSF1-induced mitotic exit failure and genomic instability through direct interaction between HSF1 and Cdc20
  1219. PCR-free method detects high frequency of genomic instability in prostate cancer
  1220. Genomic instability and proliferative activity as risk factors for distant metastases in breast cancer
  1221. A genetic variant of Aurora kinase A promotes genomic instability leading to highly malignant skin tumors
  1222. The role of activation-induced deaminase in antibody diversification and genomic instability
  1223. No Evidence for the in vivo Induction of Genomic Instability by Low Doses of 137Cs Gamma Rays in Bone Marrow Cells of BALB/cJ and C57BL/6J Mice
  1224. Lack of Evidence for Genomic Instability in Autistic Children as Measured by the Cytokinesis‐Block Micronucleus Cytome Assay
  1225. Chking and executing cell division to prevent genomic instability
  1226. Inflammatory response to isocyanates and onset of genomic instability in cultured human lung fibroblasts
  1227. Apc and p53 interaction in DNA damage and genomic instability in hepatocytes
  1228. Intrastrand triplex DNA repeats in bacteria: a source of genomic instability
  1229. Breast cancer risk among Swedish hemangioma patients and possible consequences of radiation-induced genomic instability
  1230. Unlocking the steric gate of DNA polymerase η leads to increased genomic instability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1231. CDK4 deficiency promotes genomic instability and enhances Myc-driven lymphomagenesis
  1232. Sociology in an age of genomic instability: Copy number variation, somatic mosaicism, and the fallen genome
  1233. WR-1065, the active metabolite of amifostine, mitigates radiation-induced delayed genomic instability
  1234. Correlation of levels and patterns of genomic instability with histological grading of invasive breast tumors
  1235. Possible expressions of radiation-induced genomic instability, bystander effects or low-dose hypersensitivity in cancer epidemiology
  1236. The problem of genomic instability of cultivated human stem cells
  1237. Genomic instability after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation is frequent in oral mucosa, particularly in patients with a history of chronic graft-versus-host …
  1238. Rad51C is essential for embryonic development and haploinsufficiency causes increased DNA damage sensitivity and genomic instability
  1239. Translational compensation of genomic instability in neuroblastoma
  1240. Cytoplasmic accumulation of sequestosome 1 (p62) is a predictor of biochemical recurrence, rapid tumor cell proliferation, and genomic instability in prostate cancer
  1241. Novel deletions causing pseudoxanthoma elasticum underscore the genomic instability of the ABCC6 region
  1242. High-throughput SNP/CGH approaches for the analysis of genomic instability in colorectal cancer
  1243. Topographical analysis of telomere length and correlation with genomic instability in whole mount prostatectomies
  1244. Genomic instability and tumor‐specific DNA alterations in oral leukoplakias
  1245. Molecular characterization of isocyanate-induced male germ-line genomic instability
  1246. Epstein–Barr virus latent membrane protein 1 increases genomic instability through Egr-1-mediated up-regulation of activation-induced cytidine deaminase in B-cell …
  1247. Rb1 Haploinsufficiency Promotes Telomere Attrition and Radiation-Induced Genomic Instability
  1248. Foci formation of P53‐binding protein 1 in thyroid tumors: activation of genomic instability during thyroid carcinogenesis
  1249. Genomic instability influences the transcriptome and proteome in endometrial cancer subtypes
  1250. An improved method for genome wide DNA methylation profiling correlated to transcription and genomic instability in two breast cancer cell lines
  1251. Learning networks from high dimensional binary data: An application to genomic instability data
  1252. Pharmacotherapeutic implications of the association between genomic instability at chromosome 15q13. 3 and autism spectrum disorders
  1253. Growth factor dependent regulation of centrosome function and genomic instability by HuR
  1254. Genomic instability in the epidermis induced by atomic bomb (A‐bomb) radiation: A long‐lasting health effect in A‐bomb survivors
  1255. Molecular subtypes in stage II-III colon cancer defined by genomic instability: early recurrence-risk associated with a high copy-number variation and loss of …
  1256. WEE1 murine deficiency induces hyper-activation of APC/C and results in genomic instability and carcinogenesis
  1257. Myc oncogene-induced genomic instability: DNA palindromes in bursal lymphomagenesis
  1258. Genomic instability: a stronger prognostic marker than proliferation for early stage luminal breast carcinomas
  1259. Thyrotropin Signaling Confers More Aggressive Features with Higher Genomic Instability on BRAFV600E-Induced Thyroid Tumors in a Mouse Model
  1260. p38 MAPK stress signalling in replicative senescence in fibroblasts from progeroid and genomic instability syndromes
  1261. Loss of CHFR in human mammary epithelial cells causes genomic instability by disrupting the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint
  1262. Genomic instability: The driving force behind refractory/relapsing Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  1263. Genomic instability in human lymphocytes from male users of crack cocaine
  1264. Sarcoid-derived fibroblasts: links between genomic instability, energy metabolism and senescence
  1265. Estrogens and genomic instability in human breast cancer cells—involvement of Src/Raf/Erk signaling in micronucleus formation by estrogenic chemicals
  1266. Hydrogen peroxide induced genomic instability in nucleotide excision repair-deficient lymphoblastoid cells
  1267. Role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in radiation-induced genomic instability in human bronchial epithelial cells
  1268. Lack of genomic instability in bone marrow cells of SCID mice exposed whole-body to low-dose radiation
  1269. Genomic instability and mouse microRNAs
  1270. Radio-protective effect of cinnamic acid, a phenolic phytochemical, on genomic instability induced by X-rays in human blood lymphocytes in vitro
  1271. Genomic instability in patients with autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease
  1272. Genomic instability at both the base pair level and the chromosomal level is detectable in earliest PanIN lesions in tissues of chronic pancreatitis
  1273. Effects of hTERT on genomic instability caused by either metal or radiation or combined exposure
  1274. Genomic instability demonstrates similarity between DCIS and invasive carcinomas
  1275. Acquired genomic aberrations associated with methotrexate resistance vary with background genomic instability
  1276. A polyglutamine expansion disease protein sequesters PTIP to attenuate DNA repair and increase genomic instability
  1277. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma two years after autologous stem cell transplant for Hodgkin lymphoma: evidence for genomic instability
  1278. Genomic instability in sunflower interspecific hybrids
  1279. BLM protein mitigates formaldehyde-induced genomic instability
  1280. … , but not purines, determine recombination activating gene (RAG)-induced breaks on heteroduplex DNA structures: implications for genomic instability
  1281. Genomic Instability in Mice Is Greater in Fanconi Anemia Caused by Deficiency of Fancd2 than Fancg
  1282. A germline polymorphism of thymine DNA glycosylase induces genomic instability and cellular transformation
  1283. Identification of a predominant co-regulation among kinetochore genes, prospective regulatory elements, and association with genomic instability
  1284. Tracking genomic instability within irradiated and bystander populations
  1285. Alteration of p53‐binding protein 1 expression during skin carcinogenesis: association with genomic instability
  1286. Estimating genomic instability mediated by Alu retroelements in breast cancer
  1287. … bile acid-induced micronuclei formation, mitotic perturbations, and decreases in spindle checkpoint proteins: relevance to genomic instability in colon carcinogenesis
  1288. Intrachromosomal changes and genomic instability in site-specific microbeam-irradiated and bystander human-hamster hybrid cells
  1289. Learning oncogenic pathways from binary genomic instability data
  1290. Assessment of mutational load in biopsy tissue provides additional information about genomic instability to histological classifications of Barrett’s esophagus
  1291. Synergistic interaction of Rnf8 and p53 in the protection against genomic instability and tumorigenesis
  1292. DNA hypomethylation and oxidative stress-mediated increase in genomic instability in equine sarcoid-derived fibroblasts
  1293. An array CGH based genomic instability index (G2I) is predictive of clinical outcome in breast cancer and reveals a subset of tumors without lymph node …
  1294. Mobilization of LINE-1 in irradiated mammary gland tissue may potentially contribute to low dose radiation-induced genomic instability
  1295. R/G-band boundaries: genomic instability and human disease
  1296. Genomic instability in the breast microenvironment? A critical evaluation of the evidence
  1297. The effect of growth architecture on the induction and decay of bleomycin and X-ray-induced bystander response and genomic instability in lung adenocarcinoma …
  1298. MRE11 and H2AX biomarkers in the response to low-dose exposure: balance between individual susceptibility to radiosensitivity and to genomic instability
  1299. Studying age-dependent genomic instability using the S. cerevisiae chronological lifespan model
  1300. Genomic instability of surgical sample and cancer-initiating cell lines from human glioblastoma
  1301. ATM deficiency augments constitutively nuclear cyclin D1-driven genomic instability and lymphomagenesis
  1302. Effects of As2O3 on DNA methylation, genomic instability, and LTR retrotransposon polymorphism in Zea mays
  1303. CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein δ mediates tumor necrosis factor α-induced Aurora kinase C transcription and promotes genomic instability
  1304. Loss of LIN9, a member of the DREAM complex, cooperates with SV40 large T antigen to induce genomic instability and anchorage-independent growth
  1305. Folate deficiency is not associated with increased mitochondrial genomic instability: results from dietary intake and lymphocytic mtDNA 4977-bp deletion in healthy …
  1306. Protein profiling of genomic instability in endometrial cancer
  1307. The neuro-glial-vascular interrelations in genomic instability symptoms
  1308. Inactivation of chk2 and mus81 leads to impaired lymphocytes development, reduced genomic instability, and suppression of cancer
  1309. Quantitative proteomic analysis of mitochondrial proteins reveals prosurvival mechanisms in the perpetuation of radiation-induced genomic instability
  1310. Biomarkers of genotoxicity and genomic instability in a non-human primate, Cebus libidinosus (Cebidae, Platyrrhini), exposed to nitroimidazole derivatives
  1311. A quantitative analysis of genomic instability in lymphoid and plasma cell neoplasms based on the PIG-A gene
  1312. Increased frequency of micronuclei in lymphocytes of infertile males after exposure to gamma irradiation: a possible sign of genomic instability
  1313. Variability in estrogen-metabolizing genes and their association with genomic instability in untreated breast cancer patients and healthy women
  1314. Double‐strand break repair‐adox: restoration of suppressed double‐strand break repair during mitosis induces genomic instability
  1315. Genomic instability and copy-number heterogeneity of chromosome 19q, including the kallikrein locus, in ovarian carcinomas
  1316. Appearance of epithelial and stromal genomic instability in background colorectal mucosa of sporadic colorectal cancer patients: relation to age and gender
  1317. Loss of the Thioredoxin Reductase Trr1 Suppresses the Genomic Instability of Peroxiredoxin tsa1 Mutants
  1318. Evolutionary comparison of the mechanism of DNA cleavage with respect to immune diversity and genomic instability
  1319. Genomic instability in patients with non-small cell lung cancer assessed by the arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction
  1320. Gene signatures of genomic instability as prognostic tools for breast cancer
  1321. Colorectal carcinomas from Middle East. Molecular and tissue microarray analysis of genomic instability pathways.
  1322. Genomic instability in the brain: etiology, pathogenesis and new biological markers of psychiatric disorders
  1323. ICAD deficiency in human colon cancer and predisposition to colon tumorigenesis: linkage to apoptosis resistance and genomic instability
  1324. Genomic Instability of I Elements of Drosophila melanogaster in Absence of Dysgenic Crosses
  1325. Significance of p53‐binding protein 1 nuclear foci in uterine cervical lesions: endogenous DNA double strand breaks and genomic instability during carcinogenesis
  1326. Prognostic significance of cell cycle-and invasion-related molecular markers and genomic instability in primary carcinoma of the vagina
  1327. Loss of the Histone Pre-mRNA Processing Factor Stem-Loop Binding Protein in Drosophila Causes Genomic Instability and Impaired Cellular Proliferation
  1328. Regeneration in sugarcane via somatic embryogenesis and genomic instability in regenerated plants
  1329. Functional significance of Aurora kinase A in centrosome amplification and genomic instability
  1330. Deregulated expression of DNA polymerase β is involved in the progression of genomic instability
  1331. Telomere alterations and genomic instability in long-term cultures of normal human fibroblasts irradiated with X rays and protons
  1332. Nitric oxide coordinates development of genomic instability in realization of combined effect with ionizing radiation
  1333. Loss of anchorage in checkpoint-deficient cells increases genomic instability and promotes oncogenic transformation
  1334. Telomere-centromere-driven genomic instability contributes to karyotype evolution in a mouse model of melanoma
  1335. Large‐scale genomic instability in colon adenocarcinomas and correlation with patient outcome
  1336. LINE-1 activity as molecular basis for genomic instability associated with light exposure at night
  1337. Breast cancer risk after radiation treatment at infancy: potential consequences of radiation-induced genomic instability
  1338. RAPD-based detection of genomic instability in cucumber plants derived from somatic embryogenesis
  1339. Repetitive sequences, genomic instability, and Barrett’s esophageal adenocarcinoma
  1340. Genomic instability in human actinic keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma
  1341. Telomere attrition and genomic instability in xeroderma pigmentosum type‐b deficient fibroblasts under oxidative stress
  1342. Niacin status and genomic instability in bone marrow cells; mechanisms favoring the progression of leukemogenesis
  1343. An update on the mechanisms and pathophysiological consequences of genomic instability with a focus on ionizing radiation
  1344. Genomic instability and histone H3 phosphorylation induction by the Ras‐mitogen activated protein kinase pathway in pancreatic cancer cells
  1345. Genomic instability in context of the chromosomal theory
  1346. Developmental defects and genomic instability after x-irradiation of wild-type and genetically modified mouse pre-implantation and early post-implantation embryos
  1347. Linking PTEN with genomic instability and DNA repair
  1348. Genomic Instability in Regions Adjacent to a Highly Conserved pch Prophage in Escherichia coli O157:H7 Generates Diversity in Expression Patterns of the LEE …
  1349. Widespread Genomic Instability Mediated by a Pathway Involving Glycoprotein Ibα and Aurora B Kinase
  1350. Increased genomic instability and altered chromosomal protein phosphorylation timing in HRAS‐transformed mouse fibroblasts
  1351. Reducing genomic instability in iPSCs
  1352. Genomic instability induced by ionizing radiation in human hepatocytes
  1353. Mitochondrial Genomic Instability in Colorectal Cancer: No Correlation to Nuclear Microsatellite Instability and Allelic Deletion of hMSH2, hMLH1, and p53 Genes …
  1354. Chlorpyrifos Induces MLL Translocations Through Caspase 3-Dependent Genomic Instability and Topoisomerase II Inhibition in Human Fetal Liver Hematopoietic …
  1355. Chk2 protects against radiation-induced genomic instability
  1356. RAD51 can inhibit PDGF-B–induced gliomagenesis and genomic instability
  1357. Progressive genomic instability in the Nup98-HoxD13 model of MDS correlates with loss of the PIG-A gene product
  1358. Genomic Instability and Cancer Metastasis: Mechanisms, Emerging Themes, and Novel Therapeutic Strategies
  1359. Effect of Cu supplementation on genomic instability in chemically-induced mammary carcinogenesis in the rat
  1360. Transformation, genomic instability and senescence mediated by platelet/megakaryocyte glycoprotein Ibα
  1361. Continuous in vitro exposure to low-dose genistein induces genomic instability in breast epithelial cells
  1362. Ionizing radiation-induced genomic instability in CHO cells is followed by selection of radioresistant cell clones
  1363. Hyperdiploidy tetraploidization and genomic instability in breast cancer–a case report study
  1364. Genomic instability in complicated and uncomplicated Egyptian schistosomiasis haematobium patients
  1365. Induction of genomic instability after an acute whole-body exposure of mice to 56Fe ions
  1366. The role of the chlamydial effector CPAF in the induction of genomic instability
  1367. Long-term persistence of X-ray-induced genomic instability in quiescent normal human diploid cells
  1368. Transposable elements occur more frequently in autism-risk genes: Implications for the role of genomic instability in autism
  1369. Comparison of Proliferation and Genomic Instability Responses to WRN Silencing in Hematopoietic HL60 and TK6 Cells
  1370. Geosmin induces genomic instability in the mammalian cell microplate-based comet assay
  1371. Enhanced micronucleus formation in the descendants of γ-ray-irradiated tobacco cells: Evidence for radiation-induced genomic instability in plant cells
  1372. Secondary radiation-induced bone tumours demonstrate a high degree of genomic instability predictive of a poor prognosis
  1373. Subtle genomic alterations and genomic instability revealed in diploid cancer cell lines
  1374. Transgenerational transmission of radiation-induced genomic instability and predisposition to carcinogenesis
  1375. Dysfunctional telomeres promote genomic instability and metastasis in the absence of telomerase activity in oncogene induced mammary cancer
  1376. Genomic instability and DNA ploidy are linked to DNA copy number aberrations of 8p23 and 22q11. 23 in gastric cancers
  1377. Individual susceptibility to radiosensitivity and to genomic instability: its impact on low-dose phenomena
  1378. Nitric Oxide: Genomic Instability And Synthetic Lethality
  1379. Genomic instability in patients with Barrett’s esophagus
  1380. … time-dependent changes of micronucleus frequency and gene expression in the progeny of irradiated cells: Two components in radiation-induced genomic instability …
  1381. Role of Ku80-dependent end-joining in delayed genomic instability in mammalian cells surviving ionizing radiation
  1382. Hormone escape is associated with genomic instability in a human prostate cancer model
  1383. Epigenetic gene silencing is a novel mechanism involved in delayed manifestation of radiation-induced genomic instability in mammalian cells
  1384. Genomic instability in liver cells caused by an LPS-induced bystander-like effect
  1385. Genomic instability at the 13q31 locus and somatic mtDNA mutation in the D-loop site correlate with tumor aggressiveness in sporadic Brazilian breast cancer …
  1386. Transgenerational developmental effects and genomic instability after x-irradiation of preimplantation embryos: Studies on two mouse strains
  1387. Cancer models, ionizing radiation, and genomic instability: a review
  1388. Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1β induced by chemical stress accelerates cell proliferation and increases genomic instability in mouse liver
  1389. Genetic alterations, genomic instability and cancer in celiac disease
  1390. ATM in prevention of genomic instability
  1391. Tracking profiles of genomic instability in spontaneous transformation and tumorigenesis
  1392. Genomic instability in chidren born after the Chernobyl nuclear accident (in vivo and in vitro studies)
  1393. Aberrant Non-Homologous End Joining in Multiple Myeloma: A Role in Genomic Instability and As Potential Prognostic Marker.
  1394. The low-dose phenomenon: How bystander effects, genomic instability, and adaptive responses could transform cancer-risk models
  1395. Genomic instability in blood cells from murine model of mucopolysaccharidosis type I
  1396. Akt promotes tumorigenesis in part through modulating genomic instability via phosphorylating XLF
  1397. Renal genomic instability induced by aspartame and the possible influence of the flaxseed oil and coenzyme Q10 in male rats
  1398. No evidence for transgenerational genomic instability in the F1 or F2 descendants of Muta™ Mouse males exposed to N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea
  1399. … -Induced Complex Chromosome Exchanges Transmitted through Extra-Thymic Lymphopoiesis In Vitro Show Evidence of Emerging Genomic Instability
  1400. The R280H X-ray cross-complementing 1 germline variant induces genomic instability and cellular transformation
  1401. Effect of silver nanoparticle and glycyrrhizic acid (SN-GLY) complex on repair of whole body radiation-induced cellular DNA damage and genomic instability in mice
  1402. Genomic Instability or One-Gene Theory for Tumor Progression: A Breast Cancer Study
  1403. R-loops and genomic instability in Bre1 (RNF20/40)-deficient cells
  1404. Increased genomic instability in somatic cells of the progeny of female mice exposed to acute X-radiation in the preconceptional period
  1405. Genomic instability and repair mediated by common repeated sequences
  1406. Analysis of genomic instability in adult-onset celiac disease patients by microsatellite instability and loss of heterozygosis
  1407. CMTX1 patients’ cells present genomic instability corrected by CamKII inhibitors
  1408. Genomic instability in chidren born after the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident (in vivo and in vitro studies)
  1409. No influence of serotonin levels in foetal bovine sera on radiation-induced bystander effects and genomic instability
  1410. CpG site-specific RASSF1a hypermethylation is associated with occupational PAH exposure and genomic instability
  1411. Malaria-induced B cell genomic instability
  1412. The Transient Inactivation of the Master Cell Cycle Phosphatase Cdc14 Causes Genomic Instability in Diploid Cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1413. Multifunctionality of MDM2 protein and its role in genomic instability of cancer cells
  1414. Cellular exposure to muscle relaxants and propofol could lead to genomic instability in vitro
  1415. Role of alteration/deficiency in activation (ADA) complex in cell cycle, genomic instability and cancer
  1416. Genomic instability in quartz dust exposed rat lungs: Is inflammation responsible?
  1417. PI3Kdelta inhibitors increase genomic instability by upregulating aid expression
  1418. Genomic instability measured by inter-(simple sequence repeat) PCR and high-resolution microsatellite instability are prognostic of colorectal carcinoma survival after …
  1419. Hyperproliferation in nasal polyposis tissues is not associated with somatic genomic instability.
  1420. A role for reactive oxygen species in the resolution of persistent genomic instability after exposure to radiation
  1421. Rac2-mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III-generated ROS cause genomic instability in chronic myeloid leukemia stem cells and primitive progenitors
  1422. Radiation-induced genomic instability and radiation sensitivity
  1423. Epigenetic inactivation of the RB1 gene as a factor of genomic instability: A possible contribution to etiology of chromosomal mosaicism during human embryo …
  1424. INMAP Overexpression Inhibits Cell Proliferation, Induces Genomic Instability and Functions through p53/p21 Pathways
  1425. Early telomere shortening and genomic instability in tubo-ovarian preneoplastic lesions—response
  1426. The generation, detection, and prevention of genomic instability during cancer progression and metastasis
  1427. Glutathione S-transferase gene polymorphisms in celiac disease and their correlation with genomic instability phenotype
  1428. Restoration of proliferation ability with increased genomic instability from Rad2p-induced mitotic catastrophe in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1429. A novel diagnostic method targeting genomic instability in intracystic tumors of the breast
  1430. Genomic instability in the offspring of irradiated parents
  1431. Mechanisms generating free radicals in CML stem/progenitor cell populations causing DNA damage and genomic instability
  1432. Detection of genomic instability in hypospadias patients by random amplified polymorphic DNApolymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) method
  1433. Effect of genomic instability and mutations on the signaling pathways in colon cancer cells
  1434. Increased genomic instability may contribute to the development of kinase domain mutations in chronic myeloid leukemia
  1435. Nuclear and mitochondrial genome defects in Autism: Genomic instability and impact of epigenetic and environmental factors
  1436. Nuclear DNA-content in mesenchymal lesions in dogs: its value as marker of malignancy and extent of genomic instability
  1437. Genomic instability and immortality in cancer
  1438. Confounding by repetitive elements and CpG islands does not explain the association between hypomethylation and genomic instability
  1439. Genomic instability in ulcerative colitis: a prerequisite for cancer in the inflammatory colon?
  1440. RNF8-independent Lys63 poly-ubiquitylation prevents genomic instability in response to replication-associated DNA damage
  1441. NUAK1 links genomic instability and senescence
  1442. Genomic instability in obesity-associated colon cancer
  1443. Genomic instability originates from leukemia stem cells in a mouse model of CML-CP
  1444. … into account the emotional tension of adults and children in the evaluation of the influence of environmental factors on genomic instability and sensitivity: results and …
  1445. Molecular studies on Aβ (42) induced genomic instability in aged rabbit brain
  1446. Genomic instability in fanconi anemia results from a combination of chromosome mis-segregation in mitosis and unresolved interphase DNA damage
  1447. … (PTP) inhibition enhances chromosomal stability after genotoxic stress: Decreased chromosomal instability (CIN) at the expense of enhanced genomic instability (GIN …
  1448. Detection of genomic instability in oral squamous cell carcinoma using random amplified polymorphic DNA based on polymerase chain reaction method (RAPD …
  1449. … Macroglobulinemia Shows Highly Variable Subclonal Distribution, and Multiple Mutations within Individual Patients Indicative of Targeted Genomic Instability
  1450. Abstract NG01: SPOP mutation is associated with genomic instability in prostate cancer
  1451. Analysis of genomic instability in patients with breast cancer
  1452. MYC overexpression combined with Pten loss generates genomic instability and rapid metastasis in a new mouse model of lethal prostate adenocarcinoma.
  1453. Comprehensive characterization of genomic instability in pluripotent stem cells and their derived neuroprogenitor cell lines
  1454. Nuclease activity is associated with genomic instability as well as survival in myeloma; underlying mechanisms and significance
  1455. The Role of Stem Cell Genomic Instability in Aging
  1456. Involvement of Non-Homologous End-Joining in Radiation-Induced Genomic Instability
  1457. Genomic instability in oral cancer: An update and review
  1458. The effect of treatment of chrysotile with chloride iron (III) on the effect of genomic instability in cultured human lymphocytes
  1459. Spontaneous DNA Damage and Aberrant Epigenome In Multiple Myeloma Constitute The Path To Disease Genomic Instability
  1460. Mitotic spindle dysfunction promotes genomic instability in marrow failure
  1461. MicroRNA-19b enhances heavy ion induced genomic instability by down-regulation of BTG1
  1462. New facts in favor of the absence of genomic instability induced by low doses of low LET radiation and conclusions about the threshold effect reported in the …
  1463. Genomic instability in pre-neoplastic colonic lesions
  1464. Problems with genomic instability in cells of young children associate with problems of their family and teacher
  1465. Genomic instability and rapid clinical course in adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia patient
  1466. Targeting aberrant non-homologous end joining in multiple myeloma: Role of the classical and alternative pathways in genomic instability
  1467. Comments on Rithidech, KN; et al. Lack of Genomic Instability in Bone Marrow Cells of SCID Mice Exposed Whole-Body to Low-Dose Radiation. Int. J. Environ. Res …
  1468. … 04-03: Deconvoluting immune cell populations using ‘in silico flow cytometry’with CIBERSORT: Association with neoadjuvant therapy response and genomic instability …
  1469. Genomic instability establishes dependencies on acquired gene regulatory networks: A novel role of p62 in myeloid malignancies with del (5q)
  1470. Unraveling genomic instability in multiple myeloma-Mechanisms, biological and clinical implications
  1471. Transgene Expression Facilitated by the v-src Splice Acceptor Can Impair Replication Kinetics and Lead to Genomic Instability of Rous Sarcoma Virus-Based Vectors
  1472. Genomic Instability in Colorectal Cancer; from Bench to Bed.
  1473. Cell genomic instability in pathological conditions of infectious genesis
  1474. Investigating the role of cyelin D1 in the promotion of genomic Instability and breast cancer
  1475. CEP55 is a determinant of genomic instability in aneuploid breast cancer cells and facilitates anti-mitotic drugs resistance by interacting directly with HSF1
  1476. Analysis of genomic instability in primary spermatocytes of interspecific hybrids of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus)
  1477. Targeting Rac2-Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex III Signaling to Prevent Genomic Instability in Leukemia Stem and Progenitor Cells
  1478. Genomic instability: Ada3 and HPV E6-acetyltransferase connections?
  1479. OC-123 Obesity drives radioresistance and enhances genomic instability in oesophageal adenocarcinoma
  1480. XRCC1 deficiency influences the cytotoxicity and the genomic instability induced by Me-lex, a specific inducer of N3-methyladenine
  1481. BCR-ABL1 kinase inhibits DNA glycosylases to enhance oxidative DNA damage and stimulate genomic instability
  1482. The role of telomere dysfunction in driving genomic instability
  1483. Gene Mutation as Biomarker of Radiation Induced Cell Injury and Genomic Instability
  1484. Abstract PR-10: PARP inhibition induces genomic instability in normal human cells.
  1485. Intraclonal recovery of ‘slow clones’—a manifestation of genomic instability: Are mitochondria the key to an explanation?
  1486. DNA and chromosomal damage as a hallmark of the induced genomic instability in barley
  1487. Epigenetic changes suggest genomic instability in IPF patient samples compared to controls
  1488. Transgenerational genomic instability in children of liquidators of the accident at the ChNPP (cytogenetic and immunogenetic characteristics)
  1490. Study of Genomic Instability of Arabidopsis Thaliana Induced by Low energy ion Radiation
  1491. Genomic instability induced by low-dose ionizing radiation and tumor necrosis factor-alpha
  1492. Analysis of Genomic Instability and Tumor-Specific Genetic Alterations by Arbitrarily Primed PCR
  1493. Signs of late radiation-induced genomic instability in persons chronically exposed to radiation.
  1494. The tumor suppressor APC/CCdh1 and its role in replication stress and the origin of genomic instability
  1495. Assessment of genomic instability in blood and tissues from prostate cancer patients by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis
  1496. Dysregulation of SHFM1, a novel target for prevention of genomic instability in myeloma, is associated with epigenetic changes at specific CpG Sites
  1497. Mathematical modelling of the radiation-induced bystander effect and transmissible genomic instability applied to cancer
  1498. The magic trick of hepatocytes: uncoupling genomic instability from cancer
  1499. A computational homology analysis of CGH data finds recurrent genomic instability in older breast cancer patients
  1500. 41. Cyclooxygenase-2 Induces Genomic Instability, BCL2 Expression, Doxorubicin Resistance, and Altered Cancer Initiating Cell Phenotype in MCF7 Breast Cancer …
  1501. Non Homologous end joining, a marker of genomic instability is elevated in multiple myeloma: a new prognostic factor
  1502. Investigation of Genomic Instability in Patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome by Using Sister Chromatid Exchange Analysis.
  1503. Induction of genomic instability after an acute whole-body exposure of mice to 56Fe ions
  1504. Hematopoietic Cells Undergo Homotypic Cell Fusion: A Novel Platform to Study Genomic Instability and Leukemogenesis.
  1505. Telomere-mediated genomic instability in cells from ataxia telangiectasia patients
  1506. Of Mice and Men: the Nonrandom Genomic Instability in HepatocarcinogenesisΔσ
  1507. Genomic instability associated to impairment of Fe-S clusters synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells
  1508. 11q21. 1‐11q23. 3 Is a site of intrinsic genomic instability triggered by irradiation
  1509. New insights in the development of biological chimeras: Genomic instability and epithelial chimerism after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
  1510. Genomic instability and activation of the DNA damage response pathway is an independent predictor of poor prognosis, is associated with MYC expression …
  1511. Colorectal cancers in patients with the (9A/6A) polymorphism of TGFBR1 exhibit lesser inter-(simple sequence repeat) PCR genomic instability and present clinically …
  1512. Initiation of Genomic Instability, Cellular Senescence, and Organismal Aging by Dysfunctional Telomeres
  1513. ATR checkpoint kinase suppression in combination with oncogenic Ras expression synergistically increases genomic instability and potentiates tumorigenesis in mice
  1514. Methylation status of endogenous DNA double strand breaks: possible connection between genomic hypomethylation and instability
  1515. Oxidative stress induces DNA strand breaks may lead to genomic instability in ovarian tumorigenesis
  1516. Bridging genomic instability disorders
  1517. Immunomodulation and Genomic Instability
  1518. Retraction: Cadmium induced cell apoptosis, DNA damage, decreased DNA repair capacity, and genomic instability during malignant transformation of human …
  1519. ROS-Induced DNA Damage Causing Genomic Instability in CML Stem and/or Progenitor Cells and in Quiescent and/or Proliferating Cells: Role of Mitochondrial …
  1520. Genomic instability in atherosclerosis
  1521. Physiological responses to genomic instability
  1522. Analysis of Genomic Instability in Colorectal Carcinoma
  1523. Genomic instability and carcinogenesis
  1524. Genomic Instability and Breast Cancer
  1525. Abstract LB-103: Circulating chromatin is a novel DNA damaging agent that induces genomic instability and malignant transformation
  1526. 3D nuclear organization and genomic instability in cancer
  1527. Carcinogenesis and Genomic Instability I
  1528. Genomic Instability and the Mechanical Microenvironment
  1529. Genomic Instability, Inflammation, and Cancer
  1530. Final Technical Report-Mechanisms and pathways controlling genomic instability
  1531. Impact of genomic instability in colorectal cancers
  1532. Nucleotide shortage and genomic instability
  1533. Role of genomic instability within the context of chromosomal rerrangements
  1534. Radiation-induced retroelement-mediated genomic instability
  1535. Genomic instability in South African breast cancer patients
  1536. Mechanisms and role of genomic instability in radiation-induced carcinogenesis
  1537. Causation of cancer by ionizing radiation and genomic instability
  1538. Mechanisms of c-Myc dependent genomic instability
  1539. Genomic Instability, Inflammation, and Cancer
  1540. Mechanisms of Low Dose Radio-Suppression of Genomic Instability
  1541. Genomic Instability in Acute Transformation of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
  1542. Characterization of genomic instability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and engaging teaching strategies described in two curricula
  1543. Role of genomic instability in gastric carcinogenesis
  1544. The patterns and dynamics of genomic instability in metastatic pancreatic cancer
  1545. The role of genomic instability for estimating the formation of radiodeterminated pathology in children living in radiocontaminated regions; Rol’genomnoj nestabil’nosti …
  1546. Timing and importance of genomic instability in colorectal tumourigenesis, and association with clinico-pathological features
  1547. Genomic instability in mice long term after radiation exposure at low dozes
  1548. Laboratory of Genomic Instability Control and Mitochondria Dynamics
  1549. Stem Cell Survival in the Face of Genomic Instability
  1550. Genomic Instability-Indicated Mechanisms of Early Carcinogenesis Following Hepatocarcinogen Treatment
  1551. Cancer genesis models with radiation-induced genomic instability: application to two epide, miological cohortes; Krebsentstehungsmodelle mit strahleninduzierter …
  1552. Genomic instability of breast stroma
  1553. Genomic Instability Resulting from Blm
  1554. Microenvironment-Induced Genomic Instability in Multiple Myeloma
  1555. Bcr. Abl induced genomic instability & progression of disease in CML
  1557. Exposure to microgravity environment may induce genomic instability
  1558. Connections between Genomic Instability and Cancer Stem Cells
  1560. Analysis of Heterochromatin-Associated Genomic Instability
  1561. Radiation-induced genomic instability and LINE-1 hypomethylation in radiographers
  1562. CML-CP Mouse Model of Genomic Instability.
  1563. Evaluation of genomic instability as an early event in the progression of breast cancer
  1564. HBx targets centrosomal protein TAX1BP2 to promote genomic instability
  1565. Evaluation of Genomic Instability in the Abnormal Prostate PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR
  1566. Genomic instability of human pluripotent cells
  1567. Genomic Instability, DNA Repair Pathways and Cancer
  1568. Genomic instability within the short arm of chromosome 1 in colorectal cancer
  1569. Genomic instability in hepatitis B virus-induced hepatoma and its clinical implication
  1570. The Role of Telomere Dysfunction in Driving Genomic Instability
  1571. Causes and Consequences of Genomic Instability in Prostatic Carcinogenesis
  1572. Genomic instability induced by heat-inactivated bacteria: Implication to tumorigenesis
  1573. Genomic instability in non-targeted bystander mammalian cells
  1574. TGF-β enforces genomic instability in liver cancers
  1575. Transcription and replication: breaking the rules of the road causes genomic instability
  1576. Genomic instability may be a signal of human embryonic stem cell differentiation
  1577. The structure of conformational junctions in DNA and genomic instability
  1578. Altered helical structures: Repair and induction of genomic instability
  1579. Inflammation and genomic instability in murine hematopoietic system
  1580. Epstein-Barr virus and genomic instability-a new look at the mechanisms of viral oncogenesis
  1581. Role of Backup NHEJ Repair in Creating Genomic Instability in CML. Addendum
  1582. Epigenetic Alterations in Radiation-Induced Genomic Instability
  1583. Investigation of Genomic Instability in Clonal Descendants after X-ray Irradiation S. Zahnreich1, M. Durante1, 3, C. Fournier1, L. Melnikova2, E. Nasonova2, S …
  1585. Association of key antioxidants and their gene variants with prostate tumor genomic instability
  1586. Radiation-induced Genomic Instability and Cellular Communication: Mechanistic Investigations
  1587. Impact of chromosomal translocation and genomic instability on personalized medicine
  1588. Genome-wide hypomethylation in HNSCC is more pronounced in HPV-negative tumors and is associated with genomic instability
  1589. The Adaptive Response, Genetic Haplo-Insufficiency and Genomic Instability
  1590. Role of thymidylate synthase in genomic instability and tumorigenesis.
  1591. Evolutionary Comparison of the Mechanism of DNA Cleavage with Respect to Immune Diversity and Genomic Instability
  1592. Genomic instability at late time after chronic radiation exposure
  1593. Genomic study of familial breast cancer-genomic instability, classification and predisposition
  1594. DNA Repair Deficient Cell Lines—Tools to Study Genomic Instability
  1595. The regional genomic instability induced by 60Co γ-rays in B16 cells transfected by GFP
  1596. Study on the relationship between DNA-PKcs and genomic instability and hyper-radiosensitivity
  1597. The Role of Backup NHEJ Repair in Creating Genomic Instability in CML
  1598. Defining risk factors for genomic instability in B cells: Novel insights from NGS-based technologies
  1599. Genomic instability promoted by expression of human transposase-derived gene
  1600. The common fragile site genes CNTLN and LINGO2 are associated with increased genomic instability in different tumors
  1601. The role of SEPT9_v1 in breast cancer: Insights into the development of pro-oncogenic phenotypes and genomic instability
  1602. Perturbation of Genomic Instability by Wortmannin in Myeloma.
  1603. β-Catenin induces T-cell transformation by promoting genomic instability (HEM4P. 237)
  1604. Reciprocal Regulation between DNA-PKcs and Snail1 Conferring Genomic Instability
  1606. Exploring the role of genomic instability in cancer and neurodegenerative disease through mouse models
  1607. The Role of Lysosomes in Radiation Induced Genomic Instability
  1608. Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Genomic Instability in Brca-Deficient Cells
  1609. From DNA to Protein: a study of genomic instability candidate genes during zebrafish development
  1610. DNA: RNA hybrid genome-wide profiling and links to genomic instability
  1611. Somatic Variation and Genomic Instability Generated by Retrotransposons
  1612. 80P Expression of Hormad1, A Cancer/Testis Antigen, In Triple-Negative Breast Cancers with High Genomic Instability
  1613. Telomere-Mediated Genomic Instability and the Clinico-Pathological Parameters in Breast Cancer
  1614. Genomic instability in induced stem cells and regulation of P14ARF expression
  1615. Hypoxia causes down-regulation of Mismatch Repair System and genomic instability in Stem Cells
  1616. The X chromosome: does it have a role in Bloom syndrome, a genomic instability disorder?
  1617. Phenotypes of genomic instability in peripheral blood lymphocytes of greenhouse workers with exposure to pesticides.
  1618. Loss of the Thioredoxin Reductase Trr1 Suppresses the Genomic Instability
  1619. Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex III Causes Genomic Instability In CML-CP.
  1620. Loss of the RB tumor suppressor contributes to genomic instability
  1621. Persistent dysregulation of DNA methylation in cells with arsenic-induced genomic instability
  1622. The characterization of genomic instability in Schizosaccharomyces pombe cdc24 mutants
  1623. e MMSET oncogene promotes telomere-induced genomic instability
  1624. Vegetarians exhibit a low level of genomic instability
  1625. Increased chemosensitivity of paclitaxel by telomeric fusion-induced genomic instability
  1626. The effect of genomic instability on responsiveness to angiotensin II type 1 receptor stimulation and blockade
  1627. Genomic instability in EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines
  1628. Adaptive response and genomic instability: allosteric response of genome to negative impact
  1629. Genomic instability of the breast tumor microenvironment: Stromal alterations or technological artifact
  1630. Do Deregulated Cas Proteins Induce Genomic Instability in Early-Stage Ovarian Cancer
  1631. Topographical analysis of telomere length and correlation with genomic instability in whole mount prostatectomies
  1632. Lack of CK1δ increases DNA damage and genomic instability due to defects in DNA repair and mitotic checkpoints
  1633. Interrelation of effects of genomic instability and restructuring of DNA methylation under chronic γ-irradiation
  1634. Validation of expression of HORMAD1 protein, a cancer/testis antigen, in triple-negative breast cancers with high genomic instability
  1635. Lack of checkpoint control in human pluripotent stem cells: a cause for genomic instability?
  1636. A time course study of genomic instability in breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant therapy with or without bevacizumab
  1637. Genomic instability and telomere characteristics as predictive biomarkers of therapeutic response in triple-negative breast cancer
  1638. Colorectal carcinomas from Middle East. Molecular and tissue microarray analysis of genomic instability pathways
  1639. Pim2 cooperates with PML-RARα to induce acute myeloid leukemia by enhancing genomic instability
  1640. The oncogene Mdmx promotes genomic instability independent of p53.
  1641. Chromatin dynamics and genomic instability during replicative aging
  1642. Inflammatory mediator-induced bystander effects and genomic instability: role of tissue-specificity
  1643. Genomic instability in freshly Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)-infected B cells
  1644. Cytosines, but not purines, determine RAG induced breaks on heteroduplex DNA structures: implications for genomic instability
  1645. Genomic instability of the histone repeats in the Drosophila virilis group
  1646. Ribonucleotide reductase promotes genomic instability and tumor heterogeneity via increasing dUTP misincorporation into DNA
  1647. Genomic Instability Is Frequent in Oral and Rare in Nasal Mucosal Cells of Allogeneic HCT Recipients.
  1648. Genomic instability in human breast epithelial cells induced by malathion and estrogen
  1650. Male-specific cancers in Iceland: Family history, genomic instability and genetic predisposition
  1651. Dysfunctional homologous recombination mediates genomic instability and progression in myeloma
  1652. Overexpression of the DNA repair regulator PARI in pancreatic cancers promotes genomic instability and tumorigenesis.
  1653. Genomic Instability from Loss of XPG, a BRCA1/2 Partner: Role in Ovarian Cancer?
  1654. T315I Mutation INCREASES the GENOMIC Instability and the Mutator Phenotype IN BCR-ABL-Expressing LEUKEMIC CELLS.
  1655. Genomic Instability in Common Fragile Sites (CFSs) Is Associated With Less Favorable Outcome in Patients With Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer (IR-CaP)
  1656. Genomic Instability After Allogeneic HCT: Frequent in Oral and Rare in Nasal Mucosal Cells
  1657. Telomere resolution and genomic instability in mouse embryonic stem cells
  1658. Comparison of mortality and incidence cancer risk and models of genomic instability: the Techa River cohort
  1659. Genomic Instability in CML-CP originates From the Most Primitive Imatinib-Refractory Leukemia Stem Cells
  1660. Expression of a mutant succinate dehydrogenase subunit D and its role in superoxide production and genomic instability
  1661. Research Upregulation of FOXM1 induces genomic instability in human epidermal keratinocytes
  1662. The comparison of genomic instability between epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation status of lung adenocarcinoma
  1663. Increased Oxidative Stress and Genomic Instability in Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow of Individuals with Fanconi Anemia
  1664. Role of latent EBV genes in the induction of genomic instability in Burkitt s lymphoma
  1665. The Bloom’s complex mousetrap: genomic instability often underlies cancer. Analyses of proteins implicated in a cancer-predisposing condition called Bloom’s …
  1666. Genomic and epigenomic instability, fragile sites, schizophrenia and autism
  1667. Dietary Restriction Improves Vasodilator Dysfunction Caused by Accelerated Vascular Aging Due to Genomic Instability
  1668. Vitamin D has protective effects against cyclophosphamide-induced genomic instability in CHL cells in vitro and in mice in vivo
  1669. The enhanced genomic instability was induced by alpha particle and low-energy ion irradiation in somatic cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
  1670. Age Related Expression of hMLH1 but Not hMSH2 in Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells Predicts Genomic Instability.
  1671. γH2AX as a marker of genomic instability predicts cisplatin sensitivity in triple negative breast cancer cells
  1672. Replication stress and DNA damage promote genomic instability in near-tetraploid colorectal cancer cells
  1673. Abstract# 1286: Genomic instability phenotype induced by loss of FancJ helicase function
  1674. Overexpression of EVI1 Causes Genomic Instability and Cell Cycle Arrest in Hematopoietic Cells.
  1675. Dietary restriction improves vasomotor changes caused by accelerated vascular aging due to genomic instability
  1677. Cytoskeletal defects lead to cytokinesis failure and genomic instability in cancer cells
  1678. Radio-protective effect of cinnamic acid, a phenolic phytochemical, on genomic instability induced by X-rays in human blood lymphocytes in vitro
  1679. Gastric cancer associated variant of DNA polymerase Beta (Leu22Pro) induce genomic instability and cellular transformation
  1680. Role of gene tp53 in mechanism of transgenerational genomic instability under chronic exposure to radiation in small doses
  1681. Induction of activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) by dendritic cells leads to genomic instability in human myeloma
  1682. Response to Baverstock, K. Comments on Rithidech, KN; et al. Lack of Genomic Instability in Bone Marrow Cells of SCID Mice Exposed Whole-Body to Low-Dose …
  1683. Mechanism Of RAG Action As A Structure-Specific Nuclease: Implications In Genomic Instability In Lymphoid Cells
  1684. Telomerase-Mediated Repair of Induced DNA Breaks Leads to Increased Genomic Instability in Multiple Myeloma Cells: Possible Mechanism and …
  1685. Deregulated EVI1 Expression Leads to Genomic Instability and G1 Cell Cycle Arrest
  1686. ICAD deficiency in human colon cancer and predisposition to colon tumorigenesis in mice: Linkage to resistance to apoptosis and susceptibility to genomic instability
  1687. Abstract# 4337: PCR-free approach detects high rate of genomic instability in prostate cancer
  1688. Role of VHL in DNA double-strand break repair and genomic instability in renal cell carcinoma
  1689. Escherichia coli induces DNA double strand breaks in gut cells and triggers genomic instability
  1690. The Role of Lipoproteins/cholesterol in Genomic Instability and Chromosome Mis-segregation in Alzheimer’s and Cardiovascular Disease
  1691. Genomic Instability after allogeneic HCT is frequent in oral and rare in nasal mucosal cells: effect of chronic GvHD?
  1692. The Role of DNA Methylation Changes in Radiation-Induced Transgenerational Genomic Instability and Bystander Effects in cranial irradiated Mice
  1693. Radiation-induced genomic instability in directly irradiated versus bystander Cho-K1 cells
  1694. Identification of a predominant pattern of co-regulation among kinetochore genes; prospective regulatory elements, and association with genomic instability
  1695. Abstract P5-02-03: Large-scale genomic instability consistently identifies BRCA1/2 inactivation in breast cancers
  1696. The consequences of head-on replication-transcription conflicts on replication restart and genomic instability in Bacillus subtilis
  1697. Prostate cancer health disparity in African American and Caucasian American men characterized through the landscape of genomic instability
  1698. A next-generation sequencing approach reveals U-turn-like inversions as a major source of genomic instability in organelles of Arabidopsis and humans
  1699. P1. 15 Phosphorylated HSP90A as a Biomarker for Genomic Instability and DNA Repair Inhibition
  1700. Aberrant regulation of the DNA replication licensing system and genomic instability in penile squamous cell carcinoma
  1701. The tumor suppressor gene Rb1 controls telomeric length and genomic instability that predisposes to osteosarcoma development in irradiated mice
  1702. A cancer-associated DNA polymerase δ variant modeled in yeast causes a catastrophic increase in genomic instability
  1703. Abstract# 1885: Genomic instability is not required for the acute transforming phenotype of c-Myc
  1704. … Leukemia Stem Cells (LSCs) and Leukemia Progenitor Cells (LPCs) Display Overlapping and Unique Mechanisms of Genomic Instability: The Role of PI3k …
  1706. Abstract IA18: Tumor suppressor gene silencing by somatic mutations and promoter methylation leads to genomic instability in head and neck squamous cell …
  1707. Bystander effect and genomic instability in human cells and their progeny after irradiation with X rays, protons or carbon ions: role of gap junction communication
  1708. Thymocyte selection-associated HMG box protein (TOX) induces genomic instability in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  1709. … Deacetylase Inhibitors Promote Abnormal Binding of DNA Repair Proteins to DNA Double Strand Breaks: Consequences for DNA Repair and Genomic Instability?.
  1710. Genomic instability at the 13q31 locus and somatic mtDNA mutation in the D-loop site correlate with tumor aggressiveness in sporadic Brazilian breast cancer cases
  1711. … at relapse in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with FLT3 internal tandem duplication (ITD) and normal karyotype at diagnosis: Evidence for genomic instability?
  1713. Abstract P3-04-04: Amplification and overexpression of TLK2 promote genomic instability in invasive breast cancer
  1714. Wee1 deficiency in the mammary gland results in genomic instability and tumorigenesis by affecting cell cycle coordination and mitotic spindle morphogenesis
  1715. RKIP-1 and the Cell Cycle: Novel Insight Into Genomic Instability
  1716. Thymocyte Selection-Associated High-Mobility Group Box Protein (TOX) Induces Genomic Instability in T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
  1718. Abstract A2-13: Targeting genomic instability to identify molecular drivers of poor prognosis in cancer.
  1719. Yeast Assay Highlights the Intrinsic Genomic Instability of Human PML Intron 6 over Intron 3 and the Role of Replication Fork Proteins
  1720. Role Of Sirtuin-6 In Maintenance Of Genomic Instability In Multiple Myeloma Cells
  1721. MTHFR Functional Polymorphism C677T and Genomic Instability in the Etiology of Idiopathic Autism in Simplex Families
  1722. Microdeletions at Apparently Balanced Translocation Breakpoints Are Biomarkers for Heightened Genomic Instability in Patients with Non-MLL Acute Myeloid …
  1723. Abstract P5-10-01: Clinical relevance of TP53 mutations and genomic instability in node positive breast cancer
  1724. MTHFR Functional Polymorphism C677T and Genomic Instability in the Etiology of Idiopathic Autism in Simplex Families. Revision
  1725. … FLT3/ITD Mutations Exhibit Elevated Repair Errors Generated through Alternative DNA Double Strand Break Repair Pathways: Implications for Genomic Instability.
  1726. Abstract P4-14-01: A time course study of genomic instability in breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant therapy with or without bevacizumab
  1727. Abstract# 2084: Smad4 deletion leads to spontaneous head and neck cancer formation associated with genomic instability
  1728. Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease 1 Induced Genomic Instability Causes T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Zebrafish
  1729. Abstract# 3485: Correlations between telomere dysfunction and genomic instability in prostatic carcinogenesis
  1730. … Defence Genes in Myelofibrosis and Related Neoplasms. Potential Implications of Downregulation of Nrf2 for Genomic Instability and Disease Progression
  1731. Abstract B1-62: Bumphunting analysis identifies PAX5 promoter methylation and p53 somatic mutations in genomic instability pathways linked to very poor survival in …
  1732. Instability of succinate dehydrogenase in SDHD polymorphism connects reactive oxygen species production to nuclear and mitochondrial genomic mutations in yeast
  1733. Estrogens and genomic instability in human cancer cells-involvement of Src/Raf/Erk signaling in micronucleus formation by estrogenic chemicals
  1734. Deletion of the Chromatin Remodeling Factor Brg1 Leads to Genomic Instability During Development, and Confers Sensitivity to Adult-onset Doxorubicin …
  1735. Abstract# 788: Long-term exposure to Nano-TiO2 promotes genomic instability and cell transformation in mammalian cells
  1736. Abstract# 1653: Expression of putative intestinal stem cell marker GPR49 and genomic instability in Barrett# 8217; s esophagus and associated adenocarcinoma
  1737. P2-06-01: Genomic Instability in Breast Cancers from Atomic Bomb Survivors: An Analysis of Microarray-Comparative Genomic Hybridization with Old Archival Tissues …
  1738. … : Nuclear architecture in human thyroid carcinoma revealed by three-dimensional (3D) telomere imaging: New insight into genomic instability and potential diagnostic …
  1739. S. 85. Chronic GVHD Appears to Cause Genomic Instability in Oral Mucosal Cells After Allogeneic Hematopoeitic Cell Transplantation (HCT)
  1740. … of chromosomal region 20q11. 21 provides a selective advantage in human ES cells-effects on growth, differentiation and further genomic instability
  1741. Regulation of the Insulin-like Growth Factor 1-Secretory Clusterin Expression Axis in Genomic Instability and Cell Stress
  1742. … bearing FLT3/ITD mutations exhibit elevated repair errors generated through alternative DNA double strand break repair pathways: implications for genomic instability …
  1743. Inhibition of IGF-1 suppress genomic instability and epithelial lineage aberrations in the mammary gland of BRCA1 deficient mice
  1744. Role of Nuclear Heme Oxygenase 1 (HO-1) in Bortezomib Induced Cell Death and Genomic Instability of Multiple Myeloma (MM) Cells
  1745. … : Chapter 32. Developmental Disabilities, Autism, and Schizophrenia at a Single Locus: Complex Gene Regulation and Genomic Instability of 15q11–q13 …
  1746. Abstract P2-04-05: Prolonged targeted overexpression of Aurora-A in mammary epithelium promotes mammary adenocarcinoma with genomic instability
  1747. Genomic signatures of chromosomal instability and osteosarcoma progression detected by high resolution array CGH and interphase FISH
  1748. Reducing MCM levels in human primary T cells during the [G. sub. 0][right arrow][G. sub. 1] transition causes genomic instability during the first cell cycle
  1749. … assembly checkpoint adaptation, and tetraploidy arrest:: Implications for intrinsic and chemically induced genomic instability. Mutation Research/Fundamental …
  1750. Radiation-induced hyperproliferation of intestinal crypts results in elevated genome instability with inactive p53-related genomic surveillance
  1751. Association of survival and disease progression with chromosomal instability: a genomic exploration of colorectal cancer
  1752. Identification of protein signatures of genomic stability/instability in epithelial cancers
  1753. Genomic and epigenetic instability in colorectal cancer
  1754. Amplicon, genomic background and genome instability in heterogeneous MYCN amplified neuroblastoma
  1755. Dynamic instability of genomic methylation patterns in pluripotent stem cells
  1756. Dynamic instability of the major urinary protein gene family revealed by genomic and phenotypic comparisons between C57 and 129 strain mice
  1757. Genomic and epigenetic instability in chordoma: current insights
  1758. Genomic view of factors leading to plaque instability
  1759. Microsatellite instability in pediatric high grade glioma is associated with genomic profile and differential target gene inactivation
  1760. Instability at the FRA8I common fragile site disrupts the genomic integrity of the KIAA0146, CEBPD and PRKDC genes in colorectal cancer
  1761. Imidazopurinones are markers of physiological genomic damage linked to DNA instability and glyoxalase 1-associated tumour multidrug resistance
  1762. A robust genomic signature for the detection of colorectal cancer patients with microsatellite instability phenotype and high mutation frequency
  1763. Reversion of a fungal genetic code alteration links proteome instability with genomic and phenotypic diversification
  1764. Low-frequency microsatellite instability in genomic di-nucleotide sequences correlates with lymphatic invasion and poor prognosis in gastric cancer
  1765. Microsatellite Instability in Pediatric High Grade Glioma Is Associated with Genomic
  1766. Genomic and Epigenetic Instability in Colorectal Cancer
  1767. Genomic landscape of the Alzheimer’s disease brain: chromosome instability-aneuploidy, but not tetraploidy-mediates neurodegeneration
  1768. Molecular pathogenesis of MDS: genomic and epigenetic instability
  1769. Focal 9p instability in hematologic neoplasias revealed by comparative genomic hybridization and single‐nucleotide polymorphism microarray analyses
  1770. Microsatellite Instability (MSI) as Genomic Marker in Endometrial Cancer: Toward Scientific Evidences
  1771. Comprehensive genomic analysis provides further evidence that iron overload can induce genetic instability in myelodysplastic syndromes
  1772. Microsatellite instability in pediatric high grade glioma is associated with genomic profile and differential target gene inactivation
  1773. Development and validation of a genomic signature to identify colorectal cancer patients with microsatellite instability.
  1774. Evolutionary hypothesis of telomere length in primary breast cancer and brain tumour patients: a tracer for genomic—tumour heterogeneity and instability
  1775. Mathematical Modeling of a Metabolic Network to Study the Impact of Food Contaminants on Genomic Methylation and DNA Instability
  1776. Genomic organization, rapid evolution and meiotic instability of nucleotide-binding-site-encoding genes in a new fruit crop,“chestnut rose”
  1777. Genomic profiling of chromosomal instability in renal carcinoma primary cultures and cell lines by SNP array technology
  1778. Compromised DNA Damage Repair Promotes Genetic Instability of the Genomic Magnetosome Island in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1
  1779. Genomic instability of iPSCs: challenges towards their clinical applications
  1780. Nuclear genomic instability and aging
  1781. Genomic instability in cancer: teetering on the limit of tolerance
  1782. Mechanisms of genomic instability in breast cancer
  1783. Endogenous DNA damage as a source of genomic instability in cancer
  1784. Patterns of genomic instability in breast cancer
  1785. Genomic instability of iPSCs and challenges in their clinical applications
  1786. The presence of extra chromosomes leads to genomic instability
  1787. Role of genomic instability in human carcinogenesis
  1788. Sex differences in aging: genomic instability
  1789. Genomic instability in the naturally and prematurely aged myocardium
  1790. MYO10 drives genomic instability and inflammation in cancer
  1791. Tumor hypoxia drives genomic instability
  1792. ZSCAN10 expression corrects the genomic instability of iPSCs from aged donors
  1793. DNA hypomethylation contributes to genomic instability and intestinal cancer initiation
  1794. Genomic instability and metabolism in cancer
  1795. Toward understanding genomic instability, mitochondrial dysfunction and aging
  1796. Mitochondrial control of genomic instability in cancer
  1797. Frequently mutated genes/pathways and genomic instability as prevention targets in liver cancer
  1798. Complex DNA damage: a route to radiation-induced genomic instability and carcinogenesis
  1799. Metformin: Prevention of genomic instability and cancer: A review
  1800. miRNA dysregulation is an emerging modulator of genomic instability
  1801. Chronic p53-independent p21 expression causes genomic instability by deregulating replication licensing
  1802. Transcription dynamics prevent RNA-mediated genomic instability through SRPK2-dependent DDX23 phosphorylation
  1803. Cyclin E deregulation and genomic instability
  1804. High speed of fork progression induces DNA replication stress and genomic instability
  1805. Mechanistic insights into KDM4A driven genomic instability
  1806. Genomic instability and cancer risk associated with erroneous DNA repair
  1807. Cribriform and intraductal prostate cancer are associated with increased genomic instability and distinct genomic alterations
  1808. Global DNA hypomethylation in epithelial ovarian cancer: passive demethylation and association with genomic instability
  1809. Genomic instability is induced by persistent proliferation of cells undergoing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
  1810. The role of tumor microenvironment in genomic instability of malignant tumors
  1811. Distinct DNA repair pathways cause genomic instability at alternative DNA structures
  1812. Homing in on genomic instability as a therapeutic target in cancer
  1813. Air pollution and genomic instability: The role of particulate matter in lung carcinogenesis
  1814. Pan-Cancer Analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Genomic Alterations and Their Association With Genomic Instability as Measured by Genome-Wide Loss of …
  1815. Telomeres and genomic instability during early development
  1816. Necessities in the processing of DNA double strand breaks and their effects on genomic instability and cancer
  1817. Tools used to assay genomic instability in cancers and cancer meiomitosis
  1818. Pan-cancer inference of intra-tumor heterogeneity reveals associations with different forms of genomic instability
  1819. Genomic instability and cancer: lessons from Drosophila
  1820. Transient genomic instability drives tumorigenesis through accelerated clonal evolution
  1821. Female-biased embryonic death from inflammation induced by genomic instability
  1822. Choices have consequences: the nexus between DNA repair pathways and genomic instability in cancer
  1823. Cancer testis antigens and genomic instability: More than immunology
  1824. Multiple molecular targets associated with genomic instability in lung cancer
  1825. Fanconi anemia and the underlying causes of genomic instability
  1826. cGAS suppresses genomic instability as a decelerator of replication forks
  1827. The genomic health of human pluripotent stem cells: genomic instability and the consequences on nuclear organization
  1828. Bad neighbours: hypoxia and genomic instability in prostate cancer
  1829. Genomic instability in pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a new step towards precision medicine and novel therapeutic approaches
  1830. Neutrophil-induced genomic instability impedes resolution of inflammation and wound healing
  1831. Telomeres, reproductive aging, and genomic instability during early development
  1832. Inflammation-associated genomic instability in cancer
  1833. Bursting the bubble–nuclear envelope rupture as a path to genomic instability?
  1834. A prostate cancer “nimbosus”: genomic instability and SChLAP1 dysregulation underpin aggression of intraductal and cribriform subpathologies
  1835. Replication licensing aberrations, replication stress, and genomic instability
  1836. Genomic instability signals offer diagnostic possibility in early cancer detection
  1837. Combined MYC Activation and Pten Loss Are Sufficient to Create Genomic Instability and Lethal Metastatic Prostate Cancer
  1838. Degradation of 5hmC-marked stalled replication forks by APE1 causes genomic instability
  1839. Characterization of systemic genomic instability in budding yeast
  1840. Catastrophic endgames: emerging mechanisms of telomere-driven genomic instability
  1841. Exploiting MYC-induced PARPness to target genomic instability in multiple myeloma
  1842. Sperm DNA damage causes genomic instability in early embryonic development
  1843. DNA double-strand-break repair in higher eukaryotes and its role in genomic instability and cancer: Cell cycle and proliferation-dependent regulation
  1844. Anaphase: a fortune-teller of genomic instability
  1845. Perturbations in the replication program contribute to genomic instability in cancer
  1846. Occupational exposure to anesthetics leads to genomic instability, cytotoxicity and proliferative changes
  1847. Dysregulated APOBEC3G causes DNA damage and promotes genomic instability in multiple myeloma
  1848. WWOX, the FRA16D gene: A target of and a contributor to genomic instability
  1849. Genomic instability in mutant p53 cancer cells upon entotic engulfment
  1850. p53 coordinates base excision repair to prevent genomic instability
  1851. Genomic instability in human pluripotent stem cells arises from replicative stress and chromosome condensation defects
  1852. Genomic instability in fungal plant pathogens
  1853. Genomic instability in cancer: Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic potentials
  1854. The dual roles of MYC in genomic instability and cancer chemoresistance
  1855. Cyclin E/CDK2: DNA replication, replication stress and genomic instability
  1856. R-loop proximity proteomics identifies a role of DDX41 in transcription-associated genomic instability
  1857. Genomic instability in multiple myeloma
  1858. R-loop-dependent replication and genomic instability in bacteria
  1859. Whole chromosome loss and genomic instability in mouse embryos after CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing
  1860. Genome-wide map of R-loop-induced damage reveals how a subset of R-loops contributes to genomic instability
  1861. Single-cell circulating tumor cell analysis reveals genomic instability as a distinctive feature of aggressive prostate cancer
  1862. Synergistic therapy of a naturally inspired Glycopolymer‐based biomimetic nanomedicine harnessing tumor genomic instability
  1863. Identification of the prognostic significance of somatic mutation-derived LncRNA signatures of genomic instability in lung adenocarcinoma
  1864. Global analysis of genomic instability caused by DNA replication stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1865. G-quadruplex DNA drives genomic instability and represents a targetable molecular abnormality in ATRX-deficient malignant glioma
  1866. Role of genomic instability in immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors
  1867. G2/M-phase checkpoint adaptation and micronuclei formation as mechanisms that contribute to genomic instability in human cells
  1868. CtIP-mediated fork protection synergizes with BRCA1 to suppress genomic instability upon DNA replication stress
  1869. The replication stress response on a narrow path between genomic instability and inflammation
  1870. Pharmacological effects and toxicogenetic impacts of omeprazole: genomic instability and cancer
  1871. PARP inhibitors in clinical use induce genomic instability in normal human cells
  1872. A study of meiomitosis and novel pathways of genomic instability in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCL)
  1873. Genomic instability in circulating tumor cells
  1874. Chromatin-associated MRN complex protects highly transcribing genes from genomic instability
  1875. Oxidation of phosphorothioate DNA modifications leads to lethal genomic instability
  1876. More than causing (epi) genomic instability: emerging physiological implications of transposable element modulation
  1877. Genomic instability in adult men involved in processing electronic waste in Northern China
  1878. Elevated glucose increases genomic instability by inhibiting nucleotide excision repair
  1879. Mechanisms of oncogene-induced genomic instability
  1880. Fluid shear stress impacts ovarian cancer cell viability, subcellular organization, and promotes genomic instability
  1881. Chronic inflammation-associated genomic instability paves the way for human esophageal carcinogenesis
  1882. Inherited mitochondrial genomic instability and chemical exposures
  1883. Impaired DNA double-strand break repair contributes to the age-associated rise of genomic instability in humans
  1884. Genomic instability and DNA damage repair pathways induced by human papillomaviruses
  1885. Genomic instability and DNA replication defects in progeroid syndromes
  1886. Mutational signatures reveal the role of RAD52 in p53-independent p21-driven genomic instability
  1887. QNBC is associated with high genomic instability characterized by copy number alterations and miRNA deregulation
  1888. Periodontitis: genomic instability implications and associated risk factors
  1889. KHDC3L mutation causes recurrent pregnancy loss by inducing genomic instability of human early embryonic cells
  1890. Loss of p53-mediated cell-cycle arrest, senescence and apoptosis promotes genomic instability and premature aging
  1891. Temporal DNA-PK activation drives genomic instability and therapy resistance in glioma stem cells
  1892. Elevated retrotransposon activity and genomic instability in primed pluripotent stem cells
  1893. TOX regulates growth, DNA repair, and genomic instability in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  1894. Genomic instability and carcinogenesis of heavy charged particles radiation: Clinical and environmental implications
  1895. The role of APC/CCdh1 in replication stress and origin of genomic instability
  1896. ATM deficiency generating genomic instability sensitizes pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells to therapy-induced DNA damage
  1897. Predicting human genes susceptible to genomic instability associated with Alu/Alu-mediated rearrangements
  1898. Induction of DNA damage and erroneous repair can explain genomic instability caused by endosulfan
  1899. Ovarian Cancers Harboring Inactivating Mutations in CDK12 Display a Distinct Genomic Instability Pattern Characterized by Large Tandem Duplications
  1900. MSL pushes genomic instability over the edge
  1901. TGFβ promotes genomic instability after loss of RUNX3
  1902. Association of genomic instability with HbA1c levels and medication in diabetic patients
  1903. BRCA2 antagonizes classical and alternative nonhomologous end-joining to prevent gross genomic instability
  1904. Elevated signature of a gene module coexpressed with CDC20 marks genomic instability in glioma
  1905. Ectopic expression of testis germ cell proteins in cancer and its potential role in genomic instability
  1906. Development and interpretation of a genomic instability derived lncRNAs based risk signature as a predictor of prognosis for clear cell renal cell carcinoma …
  1907. Multiple signaling kinases target Mrc1 to prevent genomic instability triggered by transcription-replication conflicts
  1908. Long noncoding RNA: A resident staff of genomic instability regulation in tumorigenesis
  1909. ATM-deficiency increases genomic instability and metastatic potential in a mouse model of pancreatic cancer
  1910. Obesity, oxidative DNA damage and vitamin D as predictors of genomic instability in children and adolescents
  1911. Integrated analysis of the genomic instability of PTEN in clinically insignificant and significant prostate cancer
  1912. Radiation-induced genomic instability, epigenetic mechanisms and the mitochondria: a dysfunctional ménage a trois?
  1913. Transcribing malignancy: transcription-associated genomic instability in cancer
  1914. Genomic instability of circulating tumor DNA as a prognostic marker for pancreatic cancer survival: a prospective cohort study
  1915. Causes and consequences of genomic instability in laminopathies: Replication stress and interferon response
  1916. Genomic instability of mutation-derived gene prognostic signatures for hepatocellular carcinoma
  1917. Genomic instability as a main driving factor of unsuccessful ageing: potential for translating the use of micronuclei into clinical practice
  1918. Geminin ablation in vivo enhances tumorigenesis through increased genomic instability
  1919. Cytoplasmic accumulation of ELAVL1 is an independent predictor of biochemical recurrence associated with genomic instability in prostate cancer
  1920. … for ionizing radiation and breast cancer involve direct and indirect DNA damage, oxidative stress, inflammation, genomic instability, and interaction with …
  1921. Staining against phospho-H2AX (γ-H2AX) as a marker for DNA damage and genomic instability in cancer tissues and cells
  1922. Clonal chromosomal and genomic instability during human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells long-term culture
  1923. Genomic instability in people living with HIV
  1924. Independent mechanisms lead to genomic instability in Hodgkin lymphoma: Microsatellite or chromosomal instability
  1925. ATM pathway activation limits R-loop-associated genomic instability in Werner syndrome cells
  1926. Associations between circulating carotenoids, genomic instability and the risk of high‐grade prostate cancer
  1927. Science in focus: genomic instability and its implications for clinical cancer care
  1928. Genomic instability and innate immune responses to self-DNA in progeria
  1929. Genomic instability promoted by overexpression of mismatch repair factors in yeast: a model for understanding cancer progression
  1930. Germline risk contribution to genomic instability in multiple myeloma
  1931. CTCF prevents genomic instability by promoting homologous recombination-directed DNA double-strand break repair
  1932. Genomic instability associated with p53 knockdown in the generation of Huntington’s disease human induced pluripotent stem cells
  1933. Chronic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure causes DNA damage and genomic instability in lung epithelial cells
  1934. A Case Study of Genomic Instability in an Industrial Strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1935. Cadmium-induced genomic instability in Arabidopsis: Molecular toxicological biomarkers for early diagnosis of cadmium stress
  1936. Dysregulation of DNA methylation induced by past arsenic treatment causes persistent genomic instability in mammalian cells
  1937. Premature mitotic entry induced by ATR inhibition potentiates olaparib inhibition‐mediated genomic instability, inflammatory signaling, and cytotoxicity in BRCA2 …
  1938. Replication stress, genomic instability, and replication timing: A complex relationship
  1939. Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species-mediated genomic instability in low-dose irradiated human cells through nuclear retention of cyclin D1
  1940. Prediction of bladder cancer outcome by identifying and validating a mutation-derived genomic instability-associated long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) signature
  1941. Carbon content in airway macrophages and genomic instability in Chinese carbon black packers
  1942. hnRNP H/F drive RNA G-quadruplex-mediated translation linked to genomic instability and therapy resistance in glioblastoma
  1943. The EZH2–PHACTR2–AS1–ribosome axis induces genomic instability and promotes growth and metastasis in breast cancer
  1944. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase δ blockade increases genomic instability in B cells
  1945. The H3. 3K27M oncohistone affects replication stress outcome and provokes genomic instability in pediatric glioma
  1946. R-loops cause genomic instability in T helper lymphocytes from patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
  1947. Tumors overexpressing RNF168 show altered DNA repair and responses to genotoxic treatments, genomic instability and resistance to proteotoxic stress
  1948. SPOP promotes transcriptional expression of DNA repair and replication factors to prevent replication stress and genomic instability
  1949. Parental gamma irradiation induces reprotoxic effects accompanied by genomic instability in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos
  1950. SETD2 Haploinsufficiency for Microtubule Methylation Is an Early Driver of Genomic Instability in Renal Cell Carcinoma
  1951. TP53 mutation-mediated genomic instability induces the evolution of chemoresistance and recurrence in epithelial ovarian cancer
  1952. Estimation of genomic instability and mutation induction by graphene oxide nanoparticles in mice liver and brain tissues
  1953. Induction of genomic instability and activation of autophagy in artificial human aneuploid cells
  1954. Overexpression of the base excision repair NTHL1 glycosylase causes genomic instability and early cellular hallmarks of cancer
  1955. Understanding how genetic mutations collaborate with genomic instability in cancer
  1956. Locked in a vicious cycle: the connection between genomic instability and a loss of protein homeostasis
  1957. Genomic instability during reprogramming by nuclear transfer is DNA replication dependent
  1958. Genomic instability-associated lncRNA signature predicts prognosis and distinct immune landscape in gastric cancer
  1959. Lingering questions about enhancer RNA and enhancer transcription-coupled genomic instability
  1960. Genomic instability in fragile sites—still adding the pieces
  1961. Genomic instability-derived plasma extracellular vesicle-microRNA signature as a minimally invasive predictor of risk and unfavorable prognosis in breast …
  1962. Maf1‐dependent transcriptional regulation of tRNAs prevents genomic instability and is associated with extended lifespan
  1963. A fast and reliable method for monitoring genomic instability in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans
  1964. Cep55 overexpression promotes genomic instability and tumorigenesis in mice
  1965. Bioinformatic identification of genomic instability-associated lncRNAs signatures for improving the clinical outcome of cervical cancer by a prognostic model
  1966. Prostate cancer-associated SPOP mutations lead to genomic instability through disruption of the SPOP–HIPK2 axis
  1967. Environmental exposure to mineral coal and by-products: influence on human health and genomic instability
  1968. Loss of G9a preserves mutation patterns but increases chromatin accessibility, genomic instability and aggressiveness in skin tumours
  1969. Genomic instability and cellular senescence: Lessons from the budding yeast
  1970. Drug targeting of genomic instability in multiple myeloma
  1971. CRL4ADTL degrades DNA-PKcs to modulate NHEJ repair and induce genomic instability and subsequent malignant transformation
  1972. Regional signals in the planarian body guide stem cell fate in the presence of genomic instability
  1973. Genomic instability in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies using the micronucleus assay
  1974. The NEIL1 G83D germline DNA glycosylase variant induces genomic instability and cellular transformation
  1975. Frequency of the TP53 R337H variant in sporadic breast cancer and its impact on genomic instability
  1976. Crucial role of the C-terminal domain of Hfq protein in genomic instability
  1977. PLOD3 is associated with immune cell infiltration and genomic instability in colon adenocarcinoma
  1978. Genomic instability at the locus of sterol C24-methyltransferase promotes amphotericin B resistance in Leishmania parasites
  1979. Assessment of genomic instability in medical workers exposed to chronic low-dose X-Rays in Northern China
  1980. Genomic instability signature of palindromic non-coding somatic mutations in bladder cancer
  1981. 53BP1 loss rescues embryonic lethality but not genomic instability of BRCA1 total knockout mice
  1982. Loss of the transforming growth factor‐β effector β2‐Spectrin promotes genomic instability
  1983. Mycobacterium tuberculosis EsxO (Rv2346c) promotes bacillary survival by inducing oxidative stress mediated genomic instability in macrophages
  1984. Catalytically inactive Cas9 impairs DNA replication fork progression to induce focal genomic instability
  1985. Translesion synthesis or repair by specialized dna polymerases limits excessive genomic instability upon replication stress
  1986. Uranium induces genomic instability and slows cell cycle progression in human lymphocytes in acute toxicity study
  1987. Polycomb repressor complex 2 in genomic instability and cancer
  1988. … TPX2 suppresses the tumorigenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells resulting in arrested mitotic phase progression and increased genomic instability
  1989. Double strand breaks (DSBs) as indicators of genomic instability in PATRR-mediated translocations
  1990. Hydrogen peroxide, a potent inducer of global genomic instability
  1991. Increased levels of genomic instability and mutations in homologous recombination genes in locally advanced rectal carcinomas
  1992. Histone H3G34R mutation causes replication stress, homologous recombination defects and genomic instability in S. pombe
  1993. Survival outcomes are associated with genomic instability in luminal breast cancers
  1994. FBXO31 protects against genomic instability by capping FOXM1 levels at the G2/M transition
  1995. Comprehensive analyses identify APOBEC3A as a genomic instability-associated immune prognostic biomarker in ovarian cancer
  1996. Dystrophin deficiency leads to genomic instability in human pluripotent stem cells via NO synthase-induced oxidative stress
  1997. … -AS1 promotes paclitaxel resistance in triple negative breast cancer by regulation of miR-26a-5p/MTDH pathway-mediated autophagy and genomic instability
  1998. Using telomeric chromosomal aberrations to evaluate clastogen-induced genomic instability in mammalian cells
  1999. Sunitinib induces genomic instability of renal carcinoma cells through affecting the interaction of LC3-II and PARP-1
  2000. Pyruvate kinase M2 phosphorylates H2AX and promotes genomic instability in human tumor cells
  2001. Separase prevents genomic instability by controlling replication fork speed
  2002. A signature of genomic instability resulting from deficient replication licensing
  2003. Prognostic immunity and therapeutic sensitivity analyses based on differential genomic instability-associated lncRNAs in left-and right-sided colon …
  2004. … of arsenic induced toxicity based on arsenic accumulation, translocation and its implications on physio-chemical changes and genomic instability in indica rice (Oryza …
  2005. Constitutive aneuploidy and genomic instability in the single‐celled eukaryote Giardia intestinalis
  2006. Amplification of TLK2 Induces Genomic Instability via Impairing the G2–M Checkpoint
  2007. Cancer and Genomic Instability
  2008. Chromatin remodeller SMARCA4 recruits topoisomerase 1 and suppresses transcription-associated genomic instability
  2009. Expression of genomic instability-related molecules: cyclin F, RRM2 and SPDL1 and their prognostic significance in pancreatic adenocarcinoma
  2010. Genomic instability induced in distant progeny of bystander cells depends on the connexins expressed in the irradiated cells
  2011. Genomic instability and proliferation/survival pathways in RB1-deficient malignancies
  2012. Genomic instability in lower-grade glioma: Prediction of prognosis based on lncRNA and immune infiltration
  2013. Checkpoint defects elicit a WRNIP1-mediated response to counteract R-loop-associated genomic instability
  2014. TCR clonality and genomic instability signatures as prognostic biomarkers in high grade serous ovarian cancer
  2015. … tumours of the uterus and ovaries with Mullerian and germ cell or trophoblastic components have a somatic origin and are characterised by genomic instability
  2016. The frequencies of micronuclei, nucleoplasmic bridges and nuclear buds as biomarkers of genomic instability in patients with urothelial cell carcinoma
  2017. … -and-see treatment strategy could be considered for lung adenocarcinoma with special pleural dissemination lesions, and low genomic instability correlates with better …
  2018. Modeling genomic instability and selection pressure in a mouse model of melanoma
  2019. Epstein–Barr virus BRLF1 induces genomic instability and progressive malignancy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
  2020. Progressing from recurring tissue injury to genomic instability: a new mechanism of neutrophil pathogenesis
  2021. Genomic instability and cytotoxicity in buccal mucosal cells of workers in banana farming evaluated by micronucleus test
  2022. Genomic instability is a principle pathologic feature of FLT3 ITD kinase activity in acute myeloid leukemia leading to clonal evolution and disease progression
  2023. Toxicogenetic study of Persea americana fruit pulp oil and its effect on genomic instability
  2024. 271 Comparison of genomic instability test scores used for predicting PARP activity in ovarian cancer
  2025. Infection with genotoxin‐producing Salmonella enterica synergises with loss of the tumour suppressor APC in promoting genomic instability via the PI3K pathway in …
  2026. Heme oxygenase-1 nuclear translocation regulates bortezomib-induced cytotoxicity and mediates genomic instability in myeloma cells
  2027. ER stress and genomic instability induced by gamma radiation in mice primary cultured glial cells
  2028. 53 BP 1 ablation rescues genomic instability in mice expressing ‘RING‐less’ BRCA 1
  2029. … the diversity of mating mechanisms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae x Saccharomyces kudriavzevii hybrids, and the genomic instability that promotes phenotypic …
  2030. Genomic instability in exfoliated buccal cells among cement warehouse workers
  2031. Estimation of genomic instability and DNA methylation due to aluminum (Al) stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using iPBS and CRED-iPBS analyses
  2032. Genomic instability is an early event in aluminium-induced tumorigenesis
  2033. Kynurenine signaling increases DNA polymerase kappa expression and promotes genomic instability in glioblastoma cells
  2034. Transcriptome analysis of pterygium and pinguecula reveals evidence of genomic instability associated with chronic inflammation
  2035. Alternative non-homologous end joining repair: A master regulator of genomic instability in cancer
  2036. Loss of p27kip1 increases genomic instability and induces radio-resistance in luminal breast cancer cells
  2037. YM155 and BIRC5 downregulation induce genomic instability via autophagy-mediated ROS production and inhibition in DNA repair
  2038. cAMP-mediated regulation of melanocyte genomic instability: A melanoma-preventive strategy
  2039. Frailty syndrome and genomic instability in older adults: suitability of the cytome micronucleus assay as a diagnostic tool
  2040. Nitric oxide alleviates the effects of copper-induced DNA methylation, genomic instability, LTR retrotransposon polymorphism and enzyme activity in lettuce
  2041. Transient endoreplication down-regulates the kinesin-14 HSET and contributes to genomic instability
  2042. Genomic instability in an interspecific hybrid of the genus Saccharomyces: A matter of adaptability
  2043. FANCD2 limits acetaldehyde‐induced genomic instability during DNA replication in esophageal keratinocytes
  2044. Tying up loose ends: telomeres, genomic instability and lamins
  2045. miR-155 overexpression promotes genomic instability by reducing high-fidelity polymerase delta expression and activating error-prone DSB repair
  2046. Mycobacterium tuberculosis promotes genomic instability in macrophages
  2047. A Novel Model Based on Genomic Instability-Associated Long Non-Coding RNAs for Predicting Prognosis and Response to Immunotherapy in Patients With …
  2048. Identification of a somatic mutation-derived long non-coding RNA signatures of genomic instability in renal cell carcinoma
  2049. Genomic Instability-Related LncRNA Signature Predicts the Prognosis and Highlights LINC01614 Is a Tumor Microenvironment-Related Oncogenic lncRNA …
  2050. The miR-205-5p/BRCA1/RAD17 axis promotes genomic instability in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas
  2051. Genomic instability and clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: clinical relevance
  2052. DMBA promotes ErbB2‑mediated carcinogenesis via ErbB2 and estrogen receptor pathway activation and genomic instability
  2053. Overall tumor genomic instability: an important predictor of recurrence-free survival in patients with localized clear cell renal cell carcinoma
  2054. Short tandem repeats, segmental duplications, gene deletion, and genomic instability in a rapidly diversified immune gene family
  2055. LINE‐ and Alu‐containing genomic instability hotspot at 16q24.1 associated with recurrent and nonrecurrent CNV deletions causative for ACDMPV
  2056. Protective role of humic acids against picloram-induced genomic instability and DNA methylation in Phaseolus vulgaris
  2057. Role of the antioxidant defence system and telomerase in arsenic-induced genomic instability
  2058. LINE‐1 hypomethylation is associated with radiation‐induced genomic instability in industrial radiographers
  2059. Peripheral blood lymphocytes as in vitro model to evaluate genomic instability caused by low dose radiation
  2060. Dietary riboflavin deficiency induces genomic instability of esophageal squamous cells that is associated with gut microbiota dysbiosis in rats
  2061. Deletion of Topoisomerase 1 in excitatory neurons causes genomic instability and early onset neurodegeneration
  2062. Rint1 inactivation triggers genomic instability, ER stress and autophagy inhibition in the brain
  2063. Genomic instability and replicative stress in multiple myeloma: the final curtain?
  2064. Affected chromosome homeostasis and genomic instability of clonal yeast cultures
  2065. Increasing genomic instability during cancer therapy in a patient with Li-Fraumeni syndrome
  2066. Tumor evolution and therapeutic choice seen through a prism of circulating tumor cell genomic instability
  2067. “Doubled-haploid” allohexaploid Brassica lines lose fertility and viability and accumulate genetic variation due to genomic instability
  2068. Global analysis of furfural-induced genomic instability using a yeast model
  2069. Ruthenium (II) complexes with N, O-chelating proline and threonine ligands cause selective cytotoxicity by the induction of genomic instability, cell cycle arrest and …
  2070. DNA mismatch repair deficiency promotes genomic instability in a subset of papillary thyroid cancers
  2071. Interleukin 6–dependent genomic instability heralds accelerated carcinogenesis following liver regeneration on a background of chronic hepatitis
  2072. Mitotic errors promote genomic instability and leukemia in a novel mouse model of Fanconi anemia
  2073. Rif1 and Exo1 regulate the genomic instability following telomere losses
  2074. FANCJ compensates for RAP80 deficiency and suppresses genomic instability induced by interstrand cross-links
  2075. Phyllanthus emblica Fruit Extract Activates Spindle Assembly Checkpoint, Prevents Mitotic Aberrations and Genomic Instability in Human Colon Epithelial NCM460 …
  2076. Joint single cell DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq of cancer reveals subclonal signatures of genomic instability and gene expression
  2077. Integrin-linked-kinase overexpression is implicated in mechanisms of genomic instability in human colorectal cancer
  2078. Elucidating the genetic architecture underlying IGF1 levels and its impact on genomic instability and cancer risk
  2079. Hepatitis C virus-cross-reactive TCR gene-modified T cells: a model for immunotherapy against diseases with genomic instability
  2080. The use of murine models for studying mechanistic insights of genomic instability in multiple myeloma
  2081. miR-18a reactivates the Epstein-Barr virus through defective DNA damage response and promotes genomic instability in EBV-associated lymphomas
  2082. Electromagnetic fields, genomic instability and cancer: a systems biological view
  2083. Smoking index, lifestyle factors, and genomic instability assessed by single-cell gel electrophoresis: a cross-sectional study in subjects from Yucatan, Mexico
  2084. … of chemo-immune resistance by a TDO2-targeted Pt (IV) prodrug via attenuating endogenous Kyn-AhR-AQP4 metabolic circuity and TLS-promoted genomic instability
  2085. Prevention of mitochondrial genomic instability in yeast by the mitochondrial recombinase Mhr1
  2086. Chronic exposure to lead and cadmium pollution results in genomic instability in a model biomonitor species (Apodemus flavicollis Melchior, 1834)
  2087. Investigation of belinostat-induced genomic instability by molecular cytogenetic analysis and pathway-focused gene expression profiling
  2088. HIV Nef enhances the expression of oncogenic c-MYC and activation-induced cytidine deaminase in Burkitt lymphoma cells, promoting genomic instability
  2089. Aberrant levels of SUV39H1 and SUV39H2 methyltransferase are associated with genomic instability in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  2090. Aberrant (pro) renin receptor expression induces genomic instability in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma through upregulation of SMARCA5/SNF2H
  2091. Assessment of genomic instability and proliferation index in cultured lymphocytes of patients with Down syndrome, congenital anomalies and aplastic anaemia
  2092. Anti-hyperlipidemic effects of Campomanesia xanthocarpa aqueous extract and its modulation on oxidative stress and genomic instability in Wistar rats
  2093. … ‐Diamond syndrome with clonal interstitial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 20 in bone marrow: haematological features, prognosis and genomic instability
  2094. MYBL2-driven transcriptional programs link replication stress and error-prone DNA repair with genomic instability in lung adenocarcinoma
  2095. Identification of Mutator-Derived Alternative Splicing Signatures of Genomic Instability for Improving the Clinical Outcome of Cholangiocarcinoma
  2096. Higher incidence of B cell malignancies in primary immunodeficiencies: a combination of intrinsic genomic instability and exocytosis defects at the …
  2097. Mdm2 overexpression and p73 loss exacerbate genomic instability and dampen apoptosis, resulting in B-cell lymphoma
  2098. Aberrant MCM10 SUMOylation induces genomic instability mediated by a genetic variant associated with survival of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
  2099. Mathematical modelling the pathway of genomic instability in lung cancer
  2100. Humic acids protective activity against manganese induced LTR (long terminal repeat) retrotransposon polymorphism and genomic instability effects in Zea …
  2101. Ddx19 links mRNA nuclear export with progression of transcription and replication and suppresses genomic instability upon DNA damage in proliferating cells
  2102. Aberrant kynurenine signaling modulates DNA replication stress factors and promotes genomic instability in gliomas
  2103. Thermodynamic energetics underlying genomic instability and whole-genome doubling in cancer
  2104. IRX5 prompts genomic instability in colorectal cancer cells
  2105. A novel ATM‐dependent checkpoint defect distinct from loss of function mutation promotes genomic instability in melanoma
  2106. Induction of genomic instability in a primary human fibroblast cell line following low-dose alpha-particle exposure and the potential role of exosomes
  2107. Primary and secondary bystander effect and genomic instability in cells exposed to high and low linear energy transfer radiations
  2108. Spatial UBE2N protein expression indicates genomic instability in colorectal cancers
  2109. Increased genomic instability following treatment with direct acting anti-hepatitis C virus drugs
  2110. Persistent increased frequency of genomic instability in women diagnosed with breast cancer: before, during, and after treatments
  2111. Telomere elongation through hTERT immortalization leads to chromosome repositioning in control cells and genomic instability in Hutchinson‐Gilford progeria …
  2112. Systematic Analysis of the Stress-Induced Genomic Instability of Type Three Secretion System in Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida
  2113. A hypothesis to explain how the DNA of elderly people is prone to damage: genome-wide hypomethylation drives genomic instability in the elderly by …
  2114. Cancer‐associated mutations in the condensin II subunit CAPH2 cause genomic instability through telomere dysfunction and anaphase chromosome bridges
  2115. Extract of bulbus Fritillaria cirrhosa perturbs spindle assembly checkpoint, induces mitotic aberrations and genomic instability in human colon epithelial cell line
  2116. Sister chromatid exchange and genomic instability in soft tissue sarcomas: Potential implications for response to DNA-damaging treatments
  2117. Programmed genomic instability regulates neural transdifferentiation of human brain microvascular pericytes
  2118. Genomic instability during aging of postmitotic mammalian cells
  2119. Cancer and genomic instability
  2120. Absence of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 or p18 increases efficiency of iPSC generation without induction of iPSC genomic instability
  2121. Hsp90 induces increased genomic instability toward DNA-damaging agents by tuning down RAD53 transcription
  2122. Loss of dystroglycan drives cellular senescence via defective mitosis-mediated genomic instability
  2123. Aggressive morphologic variants of mantle cell lymphoma characterized with high genomic instability showing frequent chromothripsis, CDKN2A/B loss, and TP53 …
  2124. Genomic instability and aging: causes and consequences
  2125. Lack of casein kinase 1 delta promotes genomic instability-the accumulation of dna damage and down-regulation of checkpoint kinase 1
  2126. Genomic Instability in Stem Cells: The Basic Issues
  2127. Estimation of low-dose radiation-responsive proteins in the absence of genomic instability in normal human fibroblast cells
  2128. Genetic profile of GNAQ-mutated blue melanocytic neoplasms reveals mutations in genes linked to genomic instability and the PI3K pathway
  2129. Age dependence of radiation-induced genomic instability in mouse hematopoietic stem cells
  2130. Histone demethylase JARID1C inactivation triggers genomic instability in sporadic renal cancer
  2131. Functional deficiency of DNA repair gene EXO5 results in androgen-induced genomic instability and prostate tumorigenesis
  2132. Early, on-treatment levels and dynamic changes of genomic instability in circulating tumor DNA predict response to treatment and outcome in metastatic breast cancer …
  2133. … a comprehensive view of 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine: Highlighting the intertwined roles of DNA damage and epigenetics in genomic instability
  2134. A genomic instability-derived risk index predicts clinical outcome and immunotherapy response for clear cell renal cell carcinoma
  2135. Mechanisms of glycosylase induced genomic instability
  2136. A bacterial genotoxin causes virus reactivation and genomic instability in Epstein–Barr virus infected epithelial cells pointing to a role of co‐infection in viral …
  2137. Chromosomal Abnormalities: A Hallmark Manifestation of Genomic Instability
  2138. Functional Inactivation of Drosophila GCK Orthologs Causes Genomic Instability and Oxidative Stress in a Fly Model of MODY-2
  2139. Estimation of genomic instability and mitochondrial DNA damage induction by acute oral administration of calcium hydroxide normal-and nano-particles in mice
  2140. Genomic instability in the brain: chromosomal mosaicism in schizophrenia
  2141. MicroRNA-34a promotes genomic instability by a broad suppression of genome maintenance mechanisms downstream of the oncogene KSHV-vGPCR
  2142. Genomic instability profiles at the single cell level in mouse colorectal cancers of defined genotypes
  2143. Reduction in replication‐independent endogenous DNA double‐strand breaks promotes genomic instability during chronological aging in yeast
  2144. The presence of genomic instability in cerebrospinal fluid in patients with meningeal metastasis
  2145. Helicase-like transcription factor is a RUNX1 target whose downregulation promotes genomic instability and correlates with complex cytogenetic features in …
  2146. Lack of superoxide dismutase in a rad51 mutant exacerbates genomic instability and oxidative stress-mediated cytotoxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2147. 3D Telomere Structure Analysis to Detect Genomic Instability and Cytogenetic Evolution in Myelodysplastic Syndromes
  2148. PIGN gene expression aberration is associated with genomic instability and leukemic progression in acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplastic features
  2149. SEI1 induces genomic instability by inhibiting DNA damage response in ovarian cancer
  2150. … and acute myeloid leukemia intermediated by “occult” myelodysplastic neoplasm: two cases of adult patients with evidence of genomic instability and clonal selection …
  2151. Endoscopic ablation is a cost-effective cancer preventative therapy in patients with Barrett’s esophagus who have elevated genomic instability
  2152. Assessment of genotoxicity and genomic instability in rat primary astrocytes exposed to 872 MHz radiofrequency radiation and chemicals
  2153. RNF8 dysregulation and down-regulation during HTLV-1 infection promote genomic instability in adult T-cell leukemia
  2154. Dynamics of replication proteins during lagging strand synthesis: a crossroads for genomic instability and cancer
  2155. Inefficient differentiation response to cell cycle stress leads to genomic instability and malignant progression of squamous carcinoma cells
  2156. Genomic instability and shared mechanisms for gene diversification in two distant immune gene families: the plant NBS-LRR genes and the Echinoid 185/333 genes
  2157. Comet and cytogenetic tests as tools for evaluating genomic instability in seeds of Oryza sativa L. and Phaseolus vulgaris L. from gene banks
  2158. Detection of impaired DNA replication and repair in micronuclei as indicators of genomic instability and chromothripsis
  2159. Genomic instability in multiple myeloma: A “non-coding rna” perspective
  2160. Clinical outcomes associated with pathogenic genomic instability mutations in prostate cancer: a retrospective analysis of US pharmacy and medical claims data
  2161. Characterization of a clival chordoma xenograft model reveals tumor genomic instability
  2162. Identification of mutator-derived lncRNA signatures of genomic instability for promoting the clinical outcome in hepatocellular carcinoma
  2163. MCM4 is a novel biomarker associated with genomic instability, BRCAness phenotype, and therapeutic potentials in soft-tissue sarcoma
  2164. Breast cancer and paradigm of genomic instability
  2165. Predisposed genomic instability in pre-treatment bone marrow evolves to therapy-related myeloid neoplasms in malignant lymphoma
  2166. Low E2F2 activity is associated with high genomic instability and PARPi resistance
  2167. Chromatin and genomic instability in cancer
  2168. A 17-marker panel for global genomic instability in breast cancer
  2169. IL-17-mediated inflammation promotes cigarette smoke-induced genomic instability
  2170. TDP2 suppresses genomic instability induced by androgens in the epithelial cells of prostate glands
  2171. Genomic instability and aging: Causes and consequences
  2172. Heat shock drives genomic instability and phenotypic variations in yeast
  2173. Replication stress and FOXM1 drive radiation induced genomic instability and cell transformation
  2174. Abnormal RNA splicing and genomic instability after induction of DNMT3A mutations by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing
  2175. Structural maturation of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase—a metamorphic solution to genomic instability
  2176. Patterns of genomic instability in interspecific yeast hybrids with diverse ancestries
  2177. Genomic instability in a chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient with mono-allelic deletion of the DLEU and RB1 genes
  2178. Inactivation of parkin by promoter methylation correlated with lymph node metastasis and genomic instability in nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  2179. MED28 over-expression shortens the cell cycle and induces genomic instability
  2180. Genomic instability and DNA repair in cancer
  2181. The role of oncogenic tyrosine kinase NPM-ALK in genomic instability
  2182. Review of how genetic research on segmental progeroid syndromes has documented genomic instability as a hallmark of aging but let us now Pursue Antigeroid …
  2183. Genomic instability in Buccal mucosal cells of children living in abnormal conditions from Santos-Sao Vicente Estuary
  2184. A somatic mutation-derived LncRNA signature of genomic instability predicts prognosis for patients with liver cancer
  2185. … (PTC) Harboring the AGK-BRAF and RET/PTC3 Fusion in a Mutually Exclusive Pattern Reveals Distinct Levels of Genomic Instability and Nuclear Organization
  2186. DNA damage and genomic instability among workers formerly and currently exposed to asbestos
  2187. A novel diagnostic method for thyroid follicular tumors based on immunofluorescence analysis of p53-binding protein 1 expression: Detection of genomic instability
  2188. Genomic instability related to zinc deficiency and excess in an in vitro model: is the upper estimate of the physiological requirements recommended for children safe?
  2189. Effect of diets, familial history, and alternative therapies on genomic instability of breast cancer patients
  2190. p53-TP53-induced glycolysis regulator mediated glycolytic suppression attenuates DNA damage and genomic instability in fanconi anemia hematopoietic stem cells
  2191. Expression pattern of p53-binding protein 1 as a new molecular indicator of genomic instability in bladder urothelial carcinoma
  2192. Genomic Instability Promotes the Progression of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Through Influencing the Immune Microenvironment
  2193. 4-Hydroxy estrogen metabolite, causing genomic instability by attenuating the function of spindle-assembly checkpoint, can serve as a biomarker for breast …
  2194. R-loops cause genomic instability in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome Thelper lymphocytes
  2195. Usnic acid attenuates genomic instability in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells as well as chemical-induced preneoplastic lesions in rat colon
  2196. The role of telomerase in radiation-induced genomic instability
  2197. Calculated identification of mutator-derived lncRNA signatures of genomic instability to predict the clinical outcome of muscle-invasive bladder cancer
  2198. 428 Genomic instability metric concordance between oncoscan™, cytosnp and an fda-approved HRD test
  2199. Pim kinase inhibitor co-treatment decreases alternative non-homologous end-joining DNA repair and genomic instability induced by topoisomerase 2 …
  2200. Association between p53-binding protein 1 expression and genomic instability in oncocytic follicular adenoma of the thyroid
  2201. Radiation‐induced genomic instability in breast carcinomas of the Swedish hemangioma cohort
  2202. Genomic instability in peripheral blood and buccal mucosal cells of marijuana smokers: The impact of tobacco smoke
  2203. Genomic instability of pluripotent stem cells: origin and consequences
  2204. Genetic predisposition to mosaic Y chromosome loss in blood is associated with genomic instability in other tissues and susceptibility to non-haematological cancers
  2205. Study the impact of astaxanthin on developing of genomic instability in human peripheral blood lymphocytes irradiated in vitro on G2 phase of cell cycle.
  2206. Pomegranate intake protects against genomic instability induced by medical X-rays in vivo in mice
  2207. Genomic Instability Decreases in HIV Patient by Complementary Therapy with Rosmarinus officinalis Extracts
  2208. The effect of pioglitazone on genomic instability in induced diabetic rats
  2209. Titanium dioxide nanofibers induce angiogenic markers and genomic instability in lung cells leading to a highly dedifferentiated and fibrotic tumor formation in a …
  2210. SATB1, genomic instability and Gleason grading constitute a novel risk score for prostate cancer
  2211. Gnal haploinsufficiency causes genomic instability and increased sensitivity to haloperidol
  2212. Genomic Instability and Cyto-Genotoxic Damage in Animal Species
  2213. Correction: Dietary riboflavin deficiency induces genomic instability of esophageal squamous cells that is associated with gut microbiota dysbiosis in rats
  2214. Elevated somatic mutation and evidence of genomic instability in veterans with Gulf War illness
  2215. Low-dose chemotherapeutic drugs induce reactive oxygen species and initiate apoptosis-mediated genomic instability
  2216. Genomic instability in buccal mucosal cells of municipal street sweepers as evaluated by micronucleus test
  2217. Genomic instability and the spectrum of response to low radiation doses
  2218. Noncanonical mismatch repair as a source of genomic instability in human cells
  2219. Genomic Instability in Cancer II: 4N-Skewed (90) Reductive Division via Fragile Sites to Fitness Increase for Solid and Hematological Cancer Beginnings
  2220. Particulate Matter Exposure: Genomic Instability, Disease, and Cancer Risk
  2221. Cell plasticity and genomic instability in cancer evolution
  2222. Possible radioprotective effect of folic acid supplementation on low dose ionizing radiation-induced genomic instability in vitro
  2223. Deeper insight in metastatic cancer progression; epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and genomic instability: Implications on treatment resistance
  2224. Nuclear and cytoplasmatic abnormalities as a tools for evaluating genomic instability
  2225. Protective effect of β-D-glucan and glutamine on the genomic instability induced by Cytarabine/Ara-C in BALB/c mice
  2226. The Promotion of Genomic Instability in Human Fibroblasts by Adenovirus 12 Early Region 1B 55K Protein in the Absence of Viral Infection
  2227. Importance of analyzing the genomic instability in stem cell-based therapies
  2228. Mechanistic insights of radiation-induced endothelial senescence impelling glioblastoma genomic instability at relapse
  2229. Genomic Instability in cancer I: DNA-Repair triggering primitive hereditary 4n-Skewed, amitotic division-system, the culprit in EMT/MET/Metaplasia cancer …
  2230. RNA processing: a new player of genomic instability in multiple myeloma
  2231. Wwox Deletion in Mouse B Cells Leads to Genomic Instability, Neoplastic Transformation, and Monoclonal Gammopathies
  2232. Aberrant DNA Polymerase Beta Enhances H. pylori Infection Induced Genomic Instability and Gastric Carcinogenesis in Mice
  2233. … virus type-1 tax oncoprotein dissociates NF-κB p65RelA-Stathmin complexes and causes catastrophic mitotic spindle damage and genomic instability
  2234. Proteomic and Interactome Approaches Reveal PAK4, PHB-2, and 14-3-3η as Targets of Overactivated Cdc42 in Cellular Responses to Genomic Instability
  2235. Effects of two organomodified clays intended to food contact materials on the genomic instability and gene expression of hepatoma cells
  2236. Abstract PO010: The inhibition of IWS1 phosphorylation promotes genomic instability, the cGAS/STING pathway activation and PD-L1 levels, through the U2AF2 …
  2237. The molecular crosstalk: oxidative stress, genomic instability and neurodegenerative disorders
  2238. Genomic instability and mitochondrial homeostasis in cancer: does chromatin have a say?
  2239. 1p36 is a chromosomal site of genomic instability in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
  2240. CTC phenotype classifier to identify mCRPC patients (pts) with high genomic instability CTCs and to predict failure of androgen ecreptor signaling (AR Tx) and taxane …
  2241. Early hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (eHDGC) is characterized by subtle genomic instability and active DNA damage response
  2242. Genomic instability: The pivotal role of mutant p53 in human cancers
  2243. Genomic instability in kidney cancer: etiologies and treatment opportunities
  2244. Genomic instability and cancer metastasis
  2245. Genomic instability of TnSMU2 contributes to Streptococcus mutans biofilm development and competence in a cidB mutant
  2246. MiRome architecture and genomic instability
  2247. The role of telomere dysfunction in genomic instability and age-related diseases
  2248. Protracted p53-independent stimulation of p21WAF1/Cip1 fuels genomic instability by deregulating the replication licensing machinery
  2249. Assessment of induced genomic instability in rat primary astrocytes exposed to intermediate frequency magnetic fields
  2250. Radiation and chemical induced genomic instability as a driver for environmental evolution
  2251. Binding of FANCD2 to SRSF1 Splicing Factor Prevents Genomic Instability through R Loop Regulation
  2252. TCDD-induced mitochondrial superoxide production does not lead to mitochondrial degeneration or genomic instability in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells
  2253. Electromagnetic Fields, Genomic Instability and Cancer: A Systems Biological View
  2254. Epigenetic error and large-scale genomic instability in cancer
  2255. Nuclear polymorphism induced genomic instability in cluster bean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.](Fabaceae)
  2256. Impact of Topoisomerases Complex Deregulation on Head and Neck Carcinoma Genomic Instability
  2257. Author Correction: hnRNP H/F drive RNA G-quadruplex-mediated translation linked to genomic instability and therapy resistance in glioblastoma
  2258. Traditional Indian sports–A case-control study on Kho Kho players investigating genomic instability and oxidative stress as a function of metabolic genotypes
  2259. Female-biased embryonic death from genomic instability-induced inflammation
  2260. Genomic Instability during Early Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
  2261. Stathmin/Op18 depletion induces genomic instability and leads to premature senescence in human normal fibroblasts
  2262. Genomic instability and circulating tumor cells in prostate cancer
  2263. Mitotic systemic genomic instability in yeast
  2264. Genomic instability and genetic heterogeneity in neuroblastoma
  2265. Association between Glycated Hemoglobin A1c Levels with Genomic Instability in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients.
  2266. Flap endonuclease 1 mutations A159V and E160D cause genomic instability by slowing reaction on double-flap substrates
  2267. Association between genomic instability and evolutionary chromosomal rearrangements in Neotropical Primates
  2268. Perspectives on the role of bystander effect and genomic instability on therapy-induced secondary malignancy
  2269. Suppression of genomic instability by replicative senescence and crisis
  2270. Genomic instability and DNA damage repair in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
  2271. Genomic instability is an early event driving chromatin reorganization and escape from oncogene-induced senescence
  2272. Distinct genomic instability landscape of lung adenocarcinoma associated with treatment and metastasis.
  2273. Genomic instability in Larynx cancer
  2274. … (PTC) harboring the AGK-BRAF and RET/PTC3 fusion in a mutually exclusive pattern reveals distinct levels of genomic instability and nuclear organization …
  2275. Disabling the Fanconi Anemia Pathway in Stem Cells Leads to Radioresistance and Genomic Instability
  2276. Author Correction: ZSCAN10 expression corrects the genomic instability of iPSCs from aged donors
  2277. Investigation of the Genes sll1354, sll1165, and sll1520 in Genomic Instability in Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
  2278. Genomic instability in peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients diagnosed with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions: CIN 2 versus CIN 3
  2279. Geminiviral βC1 orchestrates organellar genomic instability to augment viral infection by hijacking host RecA
  2280. 1141P Prediction of cancer genomic instability using MALDI-imaging
  2281. Genomic Instability and the Oncohistone H3K27M Drive Gliomagenesis in a Murine Model
  2282. Genomic Instability and TP53 Genomic Alterations Associate With Poor Antiproliferative Response and Intrinsic Resistance to Aromatase Inhibitor Treatment
  2283. RAD51 inhibitor reverses etoposide-induced genomic toxicity and instability in esophageal adenocarcinoma cells
  2284. Polyphenol rich fruit attenuates genomic instability, modulates inflammation and cell cycle progression of offspring from fatty acid intake maternal
  2285. G-quadruplex DNA drives genomic instability and represents a targetable molecular abnormality in ATRX-deficient malignant glioma
  2286. Establishment of HindIIIG-1 Cell Line, Obtained after Irradiation of HindIIIG Cells Resistant to Apoptosis, Characterizes by Genomic Instability, Altered DNA Repair …
  2287. An investigation of genomic instability and its impact on cancer development and heterogeneity
  2288. Identification of candidate regulators of genomic instability in human lung adenocarcinoma through a new cross-species in silico analysis
  2289. Developmental disabilities, autism, and schizophrenia at a single locus: complex gene regulation and genomic instability of 15q11-q13 cause a range of …
  2290. Genomic Instability and Invasion in Breast Cancer
  2291. … p53 predisposes head and neck keratinocytes and squamous cell carcinoma cells to replicative stress and genomic instability through minichromosome maintenance …
  2292. Pan-cancer analysis of clonal evolution reveals the costs and adaptive benefits of genomic instability
  2293. A genomic instability-based model for Barrett’s oesophagus progression
  2294. p53-TIGAR axis-mediated glycolytic suppression attenuates DNA damage and genomic instability in Fanconi anemia hematopoietic stem cells
  2295. Understanding How Genetic Mutations Collaborate with Genomic Instability in Cancer. Cells 2021, 10, 342
  2296. … defence mechanisms. Potential implications of IFN-alfa induced changes in TP53, NRF2 and CXCR4 for genomic instability and CD34+ mobilisation
  2297. 79 Extensively validated HLA LOH algorithm demonstrates an association between HLA LOH and genomic instability
  2298. Identification of Genomic Instability Related Lncrna Signature Associated with Immune Microenvironment in Pancreatic Cancer
  2300. Combining methylation markers, genomic instability, and next generation sequencing as a panel for endometrial cancer detection via intravaginal tampon collection
  2301. Group benefits from genomic instability
  2302. Molecular cytogenetic characterization of HPV types 16 and 18 cervical cancers: Acquired genomic instability by E6 and E7 oncoproteins
  2303. Loss of TRIM33 in Multiple Myeloma correlates with increased genomic instability
  2304. Children’s, Adult’s and Family’s Emotional Stress in Context of Genomic Instability
  2305. Cell rounding causes genomic instability by dissociation of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins
  2306. Charting the landscape of genomic instability in acute myeloid leukemia: Interaction between G-quadruplexes and heme oxygenase-1 in leukemia
  2307. Study of telomere dysfunction in TP53 mutant LoVo cell lines as a model for genomic instability
  2308. How would preclinical Alzheimer’s disease (AD pathology) occur? An insight from a genomic instability mouse model
  2309. Bone Marrow Microenvironment Induces Genomic Instability and Enables Clonal Evolution in Multiple Myeloma
  2310. P4570 Reproductive health risks and y chromosome genomic instability in male staff working in cardiac catheterization laboratory with chronic low-dose x-ray …
  2311. Genomic instability in an interspecific hybrid of the genus Saccharomyces: a matter of adaptability
  2312. … of physico-chemical parameters of non-contact (electrochemical) activated drinking water is associated with induction of genomic instability of cultivated human blood …
  2313. Genomic Instability Induced by High Energy Charged Particles
  2314. Dysregulated Aid/Apobec family proteins promote genomic instability in multiple myeloma
  2315. Despite of DNA repair ability the Fanconi anemia mutant protein FANCGR22P destabilizes mitochondria and leads to genomic instability via FANCJ helicase
  2316. Immune Microenvironment Contributes to Dysregulation of Aid/Apobec Expression and Genomic Instability in Multiple Myeloma
  2317. … an in vitro fluidics approach to model the evolution of metastatic breast cancer reveals shear stress as a possible driver of genomic instability and somatic mutation
  2318. FOXM1 Expression and Contribution to Genomic Instability and Chemoresistance in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
  2319. Genomic Instability Profiles at the Single Cell Level in Mouse Colorectal Cancers of Defined Genotypes. Cancers 2021, 13, 1267
  2320. Genomic instability associated with formation of RNA: DNA hybrids and molecular mechanisms of its suppression
  2321. IL-17-Mediated Inflammation Promotes Cigarette Smoke-Induced Genomic Instability
  2322. Temporal Dynamics of Genomic Alterations in a BRCA1 Germline–Mutated Pancreatic Cancer With Low Genomic Instability Burden but Exceptional …
  2323. Transgenerational genomic instability in the first generation offspring of mice exposed to low-intensity red and near-infrared irradiation in vivo
  2324. Group benefits from genomic instability: A tale of antibiotic warriors in Streptomyces
  2325. Abstract P4-01-03: Computer vision and machine learning allows for the prediction of genomic instability using circulating tumor cell morphology in triple negative …
  2326. The Impact of Genomic Instability on Germline Development and Mutation Accumulation in Mice
  2327. Genomic instability and its detection technologies for clinical application in cancer patients
  2328. Genomic Instability and Shared Mechanisms for Gene Diversification in Two Distant Immune Gene Families: The Plant NBS-LRR Genes and the
  2329. Tumor Evolution and Therapeutic Choice Seen through a Prism of Circulating Tumor Cell Genomic Instability. Cells 2021, 10, 337
  2330. DNA Repair, Genomic Instability and Cancer
  2331. Telomere-related genomic instability in papillary thyroid cancers: a preliminary study
  2332. Long noncoding RNAs generated from the BRCA1 pseudogene regulate genomic instability and homologous recombination repair
  2334. Mechanical Regulation of Autophagy, Chemoresistance and Genomic Instability in Breast Cancer
  2335. P-057: A helicase “ASCC3” is coupled to FEN1-mediated genomic instability and cancer cell proliferation
  2336. TDP1 deficiency and genomic instability in non-replicating cells
  2337. Genomic instability of lymphocytes in patients with lung cancer with combined ischemic heart disease
  2338. Inhibition of Kynurenine Signaling Decreases Glioblastoma Multiforme Genomic Instability and Sensitizes Cells to Chemotherapeutic Treatment
  2339. Occupational exposure to pesticides in tobacco fields: the integrated evaluation of nutritional intake and susceptibility on genomic and epigenetic instability
  2340. Characterizing the role of POLQ variants in genomic instability and cancer
  2341. Mitigation of Iron Irradiation-Induced Genotoxicity and Genomic Instability by Postexposure Dietary Restriction in Mice
  2343. Differential Genomic Instability-Associated LncRNAs Predict Differences of Clinical Outcome and Immunity in Left-And Right-Sided Colon Adenocarcinoma
  2344. P08. 18 Replication stress as a driver of genomic instability in malignant gliomas
  2345. APOBEC3B promotes genomic instability in myeloma cells
  2346. Genomic Instability: DNA Repair and Cancer
  2347. New connection between transcriptional regulation and genomic instability
  2348. A role for ARHGAP35 in regulating genomic instability in NSCLC
  2349. Comparative genomic analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis reveals evolution and genomic instability within Uganda I sub-lineage
  2350. ABL1 Kinase Plays an Important Role in Spontaneous and Melphalan-Induced Genomic Instability in Multiple Myeloma: Potential Therapeutic Application
  2351. Genomic instability as a link between cancer and aging
  2352. CML-182: SETD2 Loss of Function Induces Genomic Instability in CML and May Contribute to Disease Progression to Blast Crisis
  2353. Catalytically inactive Cas9 impairs DNA replication fork progression to induce focal genomic instability
  2354. Letter to Editor Re: Fang et al entitled “Assessment of Genomic Instability in Medical Workers Exposed to Chronic Low-Dose X-Rays in Northern China”
  2355. Genomic Instability at Single Cell Resolution
  2356. Topoisomerase 1 dependent R-loop deficiency as a mechanism underlying oncogene-induced replication stress and genomic instability
  2357. Lysosomal degradation ensures accurate chromosomal segregation to prevent genomic instability
  2358. Loss of nuclear envelope phosphatase CTDNEP1 drives aggressive medulloblastoma by triggering MYC amplification and genomic instability
  2359. Checkpoint defects require WRNIP1 to counteract R-loop-associated genomic instability
  2360. Mechanical Regulation of Genomic Instability in Cancer
  2361. Understanding genomic instability induced by telomere shortering
  2362. A special issue on the DNA damage response and genomic instability
  2363. Nuclear Envelope Rupture And Genomic Instability In Cancer
  2364. Base Excision Repair and Homologous Recombination Pathway Intermediates Drive Genomic Instability and Evolution in Myeloma
  2365. Fusion of immortalized myoblasts induces genomic instability that drives tumour development and progression
  2366. Investigating genomic instability features in hereditary cancers
  2367. Spontaneous and induced chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood of women with endometriosis: evidence of genomic instability.
  2369. Evolution of genomic instability in metastatic cancer.
  2370. Spontaneous and induced chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood of women with endometriosis: evidence of genomic instability
  2371. Metabolic Regulation of DNA Repair–Mechanistic Links between Hyperglycemia and Genomic Instability
  2372. FGF2 causes genomic instability
  2373. Studies on genomic instability induced by radiation and chemicals
  2374. Individual features of radiation-induced genomic instability in patients with glioblastoma
  2376. Microsatellite instability (MSI) and homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) are mutually exclusive mechanisms of genomic instability
  2377. Exploiting genomic instability as an Achilles’ heel in cancer
  2378. Children’s Genomic Instability in Association with Balance of the Autonomous Nerve System Departments
  2379. Investigation of genomic instability in cholesteatoma of patients
  2380. Effects of genomic instability in populations of Drosophilae melanogaster from regions of Ukraine with different radiation impact factors
  2381. Genomic instability in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients from Yucatan, Mexico
  2382. Low ribosomal RNA genes copy number provoke genomic instability and chromosomal segment duplication events that modify global gene expression and plant …
  2383. Correlative and functional analysis of genomic instability and immune response in colorectal and endometrial cancer
  2384. Early on-treatment genomic instability level in cell free DNA as a predictive and prognostic marker in metastatic breast cancer patients
  2385. Genomic instability in Hodgkin lymphoma: the past, the present and future
  2386. A dual role of genomic instability on radiosensitivity in cancer cells
  2387. Abstract A39: Molecular characterization of ETMRs reveals role for R-loop mediated genomic instability and new treatment options
  2388. Role of PMNs in inhibition of DNA repair and induction of genomic instability
  2389. Cancer‐associated variants of POLQ induce genomic instability
  2390. Regulation of V (D) J Recombination: Mechanisms that Govern Locus Accessibility and Mitigate Against Genomic Instability
  2391. Genomic instability associated to cell cycle deregulation
  2392. DNA Replication Termination and Genomic Instability
  2393. Exploiting genomic instability in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: when TP53 fails.
  2394. Evaluation of genomic instability using microsatellite instability, ploidy status, and p53 expression in archival paraffin embedded tissue from primary ovarian cancer …
  2395. The Role of the RNA-binding Protein ZFP36L1 in Suppression of Replication Stress-induced Genomic Instability
  2396. Variants of Mre11 induce genomic instability
  2397. Erratum: Cuceu, C., et al. Independent Mechanisms Lead to Genomic Instability in Hodgkin Lymphoma: Microsatellite or Chromosomal Instability. Cancers 2018, 10 …
  2398. Comprehensive genomic instability characteristics analysis in Chinese patients with osteosarcoma
  2399. Whole genome sequencing of ovarian granulosa cell tumours show heterogeneity, genomic instability and tumour evolution
  2400. Recombine and Associate to Prevent Genomic Instability and Premature Aging
  2401. Genomic instability and early-onset colorectal cancer: a new form of classifying the disease?
  2402. Comparison of genomic instability (GI) scores for predicting PARP activity in ovarian cancer
  2403. Genomic Instability in Colorectal Adenomas with and without Recurrence
  2404. Genomic scar score: a robust model to predict recombination repair deficient based on genomic instability
  2405. Proliferation during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition induces genomic instability
  2406. Disrupted Control of Origin Activation Promotes Genomic Instability Upon Loss of the Pole4 and Trp53 Tumour Suppressors
  2407. PIGN gene expression aberration is associated with genomic instability and leukemic progression in acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplastic features
  2408. Confined Cancer Cell Migration and Its Impact on DNA Damage and Genomic Instability
  2409. ABL kinase inhibitor increases cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic agents while reducing/inhibiting genomic instability in multiple myeloma
  2410. Unraveling the Interplay of XRN2 and PARP1 in Suppressing R-Loop-Generated Genomic Instability
  2411. The genomic instability in clean-up workers of Chornobyl NPP with COPD
  2412. Targeting genomic instability using a genomic and proteomic approach to identify molecular drivers of poor prognosis in cancer
  2413. Understanding the Mechanisms Driving Genomic Instability in Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma
  2414. Antioxidant Enzyme Levels as Surrogate Markers for Genomic Instability in Leukemia Patients
  2415. Prediction of genomic instability in triple-negative breast cancer patients utilizing a CTC phenotype classifier
  2416. Abstract PO-032: Mechanistic studies of hypoxia as a driver of genomic instability in prostate cancer
  2417. The role of pttg and pbf in genomic instability and DNA repair in thyroid cancer
  2418. Molecular causes and mechanisms of genomic instability in G1-deregulated cell cycle
  2419. Local Endothelial and Smooth Muscle Genomic Instability Reproduce Specific Features of Cardiovascular Aging
  2420. From DNA Damage to Mutations: A Thorough Characterization of Somatic Genomic Instability in the Human Body
  2421. Mutational profile and genomic instability according to response to therapy in rectal carcinomas
  2422. The use of whole genome copy number variation (CNV) to measure genomic instability in mCRPC CTCs.
  2423. Analysis of the Relationship between Genomic Instability, Heterozygosity Levels and Phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2424. Mechanisms That Promote Adhesion Defects and Genomic Instability to Produce Invasive Prostate Cancer
  2425. Smoke-Induced Genomic Instability in the Airway Epithelium: Role of IL-17-Mediated Inflammation
  2426. Genomic instability is associated with increased immune infiltration and PDL1 expression in epithelial ovarian cancer
  2427. Loss of NKX6. 3 During Gastric Carcinogenesis Enhances Genomic Instability and Promote Tumor Development
  2428. Genomic Instability Features Predict the Chemotherapy Response and Distinct Immune Landscape in Gastric Cancer-A lncRNA-and UBQLN4-based Study
  2429. Impact of Weight Loss Strategies and Dietary Antioxidants on Obesity Induced Genomic Instability
  2430. A human bronchial epithelial cell model demonstrates a role for glutamine regulation in genomic instability and oncogenic transformation
  2431. Genomic instability and genetic heterogeneity in neuroblastoma tumours
  2432. Deletion of putative xenobiotic response elements (XREs) in hpol κ alters the replication stress response and overall genomic instability in glioblastoma cells
  2433. MicroRNA-20a-mediated loss of autophagy contributes to breast tumorigenesis by promoting genomic damage and instability
  2434. Dicamba causes genomic instability in Phaseolus vulgaris seedlings
  2435. Genomic instability changes of circulating tumor DNA reflect the responses to chemotherapy or targeted therapy in advanced gastric cancer
  2436. Abstract PO-001: xCT expression alters the epigenome and induces genomic instability
  2437. Abstract P2-04-01: Cyclin dependent kinase 7 (CDK7) inhibition promotes genomic instability and mitotic catastrophe in triple negative breast cancer
  2438. Gnal haploinsufficiency causes genomic instability and increased sensitivity to haloperidol
  2439. Genomic instability reflected by elevated Alu retroelement copy-number among workers exposed to diesel engine exhaust
  2440. Re: Choices have consequences: the nexus between DNA repair pathways and genomic instability in cancer
  2441. Genomic Instability in Severe Congenital Neutropenia, a Leukemia Predisposition Syndrome
  2442. ABL Tyrosine Kinase Plays an Important Role in Mechanisms Involved in Genomic Instability in Multiple Myeloma
  2444. Genetically Engineering a Viral Sensor to Identify Environmental and Genetic Factors that Converge to Elicit Neuronal Genomic Instability in Parkinsonism
  2445. Understanding genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of genomic instability, phenotypic diversity and resistance in cancer
  2446. Role of PKCepsilon in cell division and differentiation: implication for genomic instability and autoimmunity
  2447. RPA exhaustion as a major cause of genomic instability in polymerase eta-deficient cells
  2448. A New Paradigm for Radiation-Induced Persistent Cellular Stress and Genomic Instability in Lung Carcinogenesis
  2449. A Neil1 DNA glycosylase germline variant induces genomic instability and cellular transformation
  2450. Targeting Homologous Recombination Increases Cytotoxicity While Reducing Genomic Instability Induced By Melphalan in Myeloma
  2452. Programmed Genomic Instability Regulates Neural Transdifferentiation of Human Microvascular Pericytes
  2453. Alterations in peroxisomal function induced by genomic instability and their relevance for aging
  2454. Characterization of Acetaldehyde-Induced Genomic Instability During DNA Replication in Esophageal Keratinocytes
  2455. Abstract B58: Modeling oncogenic events in breast cancer precursor cells to study cancer evolution and genomic instability
  2456. Contributions of Proofreading Deficiencies in DNA Polymerase ε to Genomic Instability
  2457. Role of SFPQ function in RNA: DNA hybrids related genomic instability in telomeres
  2458. Spaceflight mutagenesis of purple-leaf rice was the manifestation of genomic instability induced by the activation of transposon mPing
  2459. Methods to Monitor DNA Repair Defects and Genomic Instability in the Context of a Disrupted Nuclear Lamina
  2460. How germ line epigenetic regulators contribute to gene expression during genomic instability
  2461. Genomic instability as a marker of poor prognosis in advanced prostate cancer: Subclonal insights from whole-genome sequencing of single circulating tumor cells
  2462. A Study of Genomic Instability in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL)
  2463. Influence of aerosols of the Aral Sea on reproductive function and genomic instability
  2464. Targeting genomic instability in embryonal tumors with multilayered rosettes (ETMR)
  2465. Elucidating novel pathways of genomic instability in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas Matthew Tsang, MS, University of Ottawa; Jennifer Gantchev, MS, McGill University; …
  2466. Integrated exome-and single cell RNA-sequencing reveals a clone’s genomic instability and multifaceted fitness
  2467. Assessment of genomic instability in Chinese Hamster ovary (CHO) cells
  2468. Abstract B37: PARP inhibitor olaparib induces genomic instability in normal mammalian cells
  2469. Abstract LB-289: Genomic instability and the development of high-grade gliomas
  2470. Abstract IA06: Molecular mechanisms of lung cancer development: Between metabolic reprogramming and genomic instability in the field of cancerization
  2471. SMAD4 as a potential gatekeeper for genomic instability and mTOR-mediated tumorigenesis in esophageal adenocarcinoma
  2472. The role of retrotransposition and exosomal DNA in radiation-induced genomic instability
  2473. Physiological And Exogenous Means of Regulating DNA Damage Response: Insights into Mechanisms of DNA Repair And Genomic Instability
  2474. Neutrophil‐induced genomic instability impedes resolution of inflammation and wound healing
  2475. TREX1-induced chromosome fragmentation at the interface of innate immunity and genomic instability
  2476. Chromosomal radiosensitivity and genomic instability of Fanconi anaemia patients in South Africa
  2477. MALDI-imaging: Identification of protein signatures of genomic instability in colorectal cancers
  2478. A More Mature Immunophenotypic Make-up of Multiple Myeloma Clone (s) at Diagnosis Correlates With a Higher Genomic Instability
  2479. Binding of FANCD2 to SRSF1 splicing factor prevents genomic instability through R-loop regulation
  2480. Dietary riboflavin deficiency induces genomic instability of esophageal squamous cells that is associated with gut microbiota dysbiosis in rats [Erratum: Dec. 17, 2020 …
  2481. … Tumors of the Uterus and Ovaries With Mullerian and Germ Cell or Trophoblastic Components Have a Somatic Origin and Are Characterized by Genomic Instability
  2482. Abstract B27: The use of mouse models for understanding the in vivo impact of cancer-relevant genetic defects on genomic instability induced by human LINE-1 …
  2483. O35. Chromosomal radiosensitivity and genomic instability of Fanconi Anaemia patients in South Africa
  2484. Telomeres and Genomic Instability from Precancerous Lesions to Advanced Cancer–Understanding Through Ovarian Cancer
  2485. Abstract LB-236: Increasing global DNA hypomethylation and genomic instability in colorectal cancer development
  2486. Imaging features of genomic instability in circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (metTNBC) patients (pts) who received PIKTOR.
  2487. Genomic instability in BRCA1-deficient cells is a result of the anti-recombinogenic activity of BLM helicase
  2488. Expression of endothelial progenitor cells and vascular endothelial growth factor according to genomic instability in colorectal liver metastases
  2489. Deciphering the role of the protein phosphatase EYA4 in preventing genomic instability and breast cancer development
  2490. Genomic Instability and Gene Dosage Obscures Clues to Virulence Mechanisms of F. tularensis species
  2491. Genomic Instability and Aneuploidy of Hepatocellular Carcinomas (HCC) in Patients with Metabolic Risk Factors
  2492. Role of Shelterin Complex and Alternative Telomere Lengthening in Genomic Instability and Disease Progression in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
  2493. Abstract SY37-01: Genomic instability and hypoxia as co-drivers of prostate cancer aggression
  2494. Characterization of BRCA1-induced genomic instability and identification of a novel PARP1 interactor
  2495. miR-181a is a key driver of genomic instability and ovarian cancer tumorigenesis through the regulation of RB1
  2496. Transient Nuclear Envelope Rupture during Cell Migration: A Cause of Genomic Instability and a Novel Opportunity for Therapeutic Intervention
  2497. Genomic instability changes acquired by HPV16 E6/E7 targeting multipolar mitoses aneuploidy: Cellular sequelae
  2498. Fifteen years’ experience treating cells with inorganic arsenic, a molecule able to induce genetic/genomic instability and epigenetic changes even after its removal
  2499. Expression of Genes Associated with Telomere Homeostasis in TP53 Mutant LoVo Cell Lines as a Model for Genomic Instability
  2500. Multiple mechanisms can lead to genomic instability in Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines: Microsatellite or chromoso-mal instability related to telomere end fusion or …
  2501. The role of genomic instability and expression of the p53 protein gene network in the processes of oncogenesis in first-and second-generation children living …
  2502. Genomic Instability and a Preferential Involvement of Ras Pathway in the Myelodysplastic Syndromes Evolution to Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemia
  2503. The scent of genome complexity: exploring genomic instability in mouse Olfactory Epithelium
  2504. Induction of bystander effects and genomic instability in mammalian cells exposed to X-radiation and 241Am alpha particle radiation
  2505. HDAC3 overexpression is an independent predictor of poor prognosis and is associated with genomic instability in prostate cancer.
  2506. ATRX Protects Cells Against Replication-Induced Genomic Instability
  2507. … : Hypomethylation of Repetitive Elements in Precancerous Tissues Precedes Targeted Chromosome Instability in Primary Tumors and Widespread Genomic Instability …
  2508. TransposablE ElEmEnTs occur morE frEquEnTly In auTIsm-rIsk gEnEs: ImplIcaTIons for ThE rolE of gEnomIc InsTabIlITy In auTIsm
  2509. Signatures of genomic instability and DNA repair defects as determinants for tumour clonal dynamics and sensitivity to G-quadruplex stabilizers
  2510. YM155 and BIRC5 downregulation induce genomic instability via autophagy-mediated ROS production and inhibition in DNA repair
  2511. Correction to: miR-18a reactivates the Epstein-Barr virus through defective DNA damage response and promotes genomic instability in EBV-associated lymphomas
  2512. Retrotransposon activation and genomic instability participate to Huntington Disease pathogenesis in a Drosophila melanogaster model
  2513. Break-induced replication repair pathway promotes mutagenesis and genomic instability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2514. Investigating Nucleotide Deficiency-Based Genomic Instability and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Genomic Addition for the Therapeutic Applications of Human …
  2516. Functional characterization of the nuclear prolyl isomerase FKBP25: A multifunctional suppressor of genomic instability
  2518. Abstract P4-07-06: Cyclin dependent kinase 7 (CDK7) inhibition with THZ1 induces mitotic failure and increases genomic instability in triple negative breast cancer
  2519. Genomic instability (GI) score post-neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) to predict overall survival (OS) in high grade ovarian cancer (HGSOC).
  2520. Aberrant Activation of the Kynurenine Pathway in Gliomas Increases Polymerase Kappa Expression and Promotes Genomic Instability and Chemoresistance
  2521. Abstract ES6-3: Systems approaches to attacking cancer vulnerabilities defined by metabolic, de-differentiation and genomic instability states
  2522. Thymocyte selection-associated HMG box protein (TOX) induces genomic instability in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  2523. The E2F1 corepressor BIN1 is a novel tumor suppressor RB1-binding cofactor for cell-cycle arrest and genomic instability
  2524. Abstract PD5-05: Genomic instability and poor antiproliferative response to aromatase inhibitor treatment: A POETIC study
  2525. A balance of genomic instability, tumor-immune contexture and TGF-β signaling contributing to exclusion of T cells governs response to PD-L1 checkpoint blockade
  2526. Po-212 CEP55 over-expression causes genomic instability to initiate spontaneous tumour formation in vivo
  2527. Telomeres-Genome-wide identification of factors controlling the telomere damage response and telomere-driven genomic instability-ERC
  2530. B30 MOLECULAR AND IMMUNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF LUNG CANCER: Il-17-Mediated Inflammation Promotes Cigarette Smoke-Induced Genomic Instability
  2531. … of melanin to dissociate the water molecule like chlorophyll in plants: Implications in the assessment and understanding of genomic instability and Warburg effect in …
  2532. … in Base Composition Pattern but Diverse in Sequence—A Combination Ensuring Similar Function but Avoiding Repetitive‐Regions‐Related Genomic Instability
  2534. A Symbiotic Microbe’s Life: Finding the Host with the Most Leads to Genomic Instability, Deletions
  2536. … Treatment with Pim Kinase Inhibitor Downregulates Alternative Non-Homologous End-Joining Repair and Decreases Genomic Instability in FLT3-ITD Cells …
  2537. DNA Repair Deficiency, Genomic Instability and Immune Profiling in a Phase 1 Study of Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Patients Treated with Veliparib …
  2538. Phenotypic circulating tumor cell (CTC) classifier of genomic instability (GI) associates with improved overall survival (OS) for metastatic castration-resistant prostate …
  2540. PO-227 The effect of chronic mild hypoxia on genomic instability in HER2-overexpression breast cancer cell line SK-BR-3
  2541. P12-Cell-cycle perturbation, atypical mitosis and micronuclei in Caco-2 cells as indicator of radiation-induced genomic instability
  2542. Lack of Casein Kinase 1 Delta Promotes Genomic Instability-The Accumulation of DNA Damage and Down-Regulation of Checkpoint Kinase 1
  2543. LSC-2017-IL-17-mediated inflammation promotes cigarette smoke-induced genomic instability
  2544. The Role of 14-3-3 Gamma in Promoting Genomic Instability
  2545. Vitamin D3 as adjuvant in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus: modulation of genomic and biochemical instability
  2546. Genomic inversions and GOLGA core duplicons underlie disease instability at the 15q25 locus
  2547. … single cell-derived colorectal cancer cell lines is dominated by the continued selection of tumor-specific genomic imbalances, despite random chromosomal instability
  2548. Genomic clustering of fitness‐affecting mutations favors the evolution of chromosomal instability
  2549. Evaluation of oxidative DNA damage, genome instability and accelerated genomic ageing in childhood obesity
  2550. Comprehensive genomic profiling of colorectal cancers with and without microsatellite instability (MSI) and elevated microsatellite alterations at selected …
  2551. Insights into the genomic plasticity of Pseudomonas putida KF715, a strain with unique biphenyl‐utilizing activity and genome instability properties
  2552. Recurring genomic structural variation leads to clonal instability and loss of productivity
  2553. Analysis of genome instability using genomic and bioinformatic approaches
  2554. Genomic landscape of copy number variation and copy neutral loss of heterozygosity events in equine sarcoids reveals increased instability of the sarcoid genome
  2555. Fusion kinases identified by genomic analyses of sporadic microsatellite instability–high colorectal cancers
  2556. Proteomic and genomic signatures of repeat instability in cancer and adjacent normal tissues
  2557. Genomic and transcriptomic characterization of heterogeneous immune subgroups of microsatellite instability-high colorectal cancers
  2558. Genomic and immunological features of microsatellite instability in colon cancer
  2559. The genomic basis of mood instability: identification of 46 loci in 363,705 UK Biobank participants, genetic correlation with psychiatric disorders, and association with …
  2560. Isolation by instability: Historical climate change shapes population structure and genomic divergence of treefrogs in the Neotropical Cerrado savanna
  2561. Genomic Alterations of NTRK, POLE, ERBB2, and Microsatellite Instability Status in Chinese Patients with Colorectal Cancer
  2562. Genomic Profiling for KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, Microsatellite Instability, and Mismatch Repair Deficiency Among Patients With Metastatic Colon Cancer
  2563. Single cell multi-omics analysis of chromothriptic medulloblastoma highlights genomic and transcriptomic consequences of genome instability
  2564. LaCl3 induces genomic DNA instability and increases DNA methylation levels in wheat roots
  2565. Evaluation of microsatellite instability (MSI) status in 11,573 diverse solid tumors using comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP).
  2566. Integrated analysis of genomic and epigenomic instability for CHO cell line engineering
  2567. Evaluation of microsatellite instability (MSI) status in gastrointestinal (GI) tumor samples tested with comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP).
  2568. Prevalence of microsatellite instability and association with pembrolizumab (P) usage in a real-world clinico-genomic database.
  2569. Genomic profiling and mutation burden of Chinese prostate patients with microsatellite instability.
  2570. Genomic alterations, mutation burden, and microsatellite instability status of Chinese intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
  2571. Genomic signatures of past and present chromosomal instability in the evolution of Barrett’s esophagus to esophageal adenocarcinoma
  2572. The genomic basis of mood instability: identification of 46 loci in 363,705 UK Biobank participants, genetic correlation with psychiatric disorders, and association with …
  2573. … of ovarian cancer patients for immunotherapy by concurrent assessment of tumor mutation burden (TMB), microsatellite instability (MSI) status, and targetable genomic …
  2574. Correction: The genomic basis of mood instability: identification of 46 loci in 363,705 UK Biobank participants, genetic correlation with psychiatric disorders, and …
  2575. The clonal composition of colorectal cancer cell lines is defined by the maintenance of specific genomic imbalances, not by ongoing chromosomal instability
  2576. Genomic and Immunologic Markers of Intrinsic Resistance to Pembrolizumab Monotherapy in Microsatellite Instability-High Gastric Cancer: Observations from …
  2577. Correction: The genomic basis of mood instability: identification of 46 loci in 363,705 UK Biobank participants, genetic correlation with psychiatric disorders, and …
  2578. 1479P Clinicopathological and genomic characteristics of DNA Mismatch Repair-Deficient (dMMR) and microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) resected gastric …
  2579. AB095. P069. Identification of therapeutic genomic alterations by investigating cancer-related genes and microsatellite instability: road to precision medicine for …
  2580. Genomic insult oriented mitochondrial instability and proliferative hindrance in the bone marrow of aplastic mice including stem/progenitor population
  2581. ARID1A genomic alterations driving microsatellite instability through somatic MLH1 methylation with response to immunotherapy in metastatic lung …
  2582. Blood-based genomic profiling of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) to identify microsatellite instability (MSI-H), tumor mutational burden (TMB) and Wnt/B-Catenin pathway …
  2583. … triage in endometrial adenocarcinoma (EA) by concurrent assessment of tumor mutation burden (TMB), microsatellite instability (MSI) status, and targetable genomic …
  2584. Circulating tumor (ct) DNA-based comprehensive genomic profiling to identify microsatellite instability (MSI) and defective DNA damage repair (DDR) in prostate …
  2585. P60. 07 Comprehensive Genomic Profiling of Microsatellite Instability-High Lung Cancer in China
  2586. Abstract PS5-04: Therapeutic considerations in microsatellite instability high (MSI-H) breast cancers (BC) identified by comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP)
  2587. … MMR) protein expression and somatic mutations (muts), microsatellite instability (MSI) and tumor mutational burden (TMB) in MSI-H and MMR-mutated tumor genomic …
  2588. … (MMR) genes and associations with microsatellite instability (MSI), tumor mutational burden (TMB) and SM in other DNA repair pathways in 24,223 tumor genomic …
  2589. Genomic instability, inflammatory signaling and response to cancer immunotherapy
  2590. The molecular link between obesity and genomic instability in cancer development
  2591. Processing DNA lesions during mitosis to prevent genomic instability
  2592. Genomic instability in early systemic sclerosis
  2593. Genomic instability drives tumorigenesis and metastasis and its implications for cancer therapy
  2594. Apigenin in cancer therapy: Prevention of genomic instability and anticancer mechanisms
  2595. Blocking genomic instability prevents acquired resistance to MAPK inhibitor therapy in melanoma
  2596. USP1-trapping lesions as a source of DNA replication stress and genomic instability
  2597. Comprehensive analyses identify RIPOR2 as a genomic instability-associated immune prognostic biomarker in cervical cancer
  2598. Genomic Instability Evolutionary Footprints on Human Health: Driving Forces or Side Effects?
  2599. Systems modelling predicts chronic inflammation and genomic instability prevent effective mitochondrial regulation during biological ageing
  2600. Genomic Scar Score: A robust model predicting homologous recombination deficiency based on genomic instability
  2601. Immune pathway upregulation and lower genomic instability distinguish EBV-positive nodal T/NK-cell lymphoma from ENKTL and PTCL-NOS
  2602. The Role of DNA Repair in Genomic Instability of Multiple Myeloma
  2603. Metabolic regulation by p53 prevents R-loop-associated genomic instability
  2604. Loss of phosphatase CTDNEP1 potentiates aggressive medulloblastoma by triggering MYC amplification and genomic instability
  2605. The Effect of Mammalian Sex Hormones on Polymorphism and Genomic Instability in the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
  2606. Molecular chaperones in DNA repair mechanisms: Role in genomic instability and proteostasis in cancer
  2607. TYMS promotes genomic instability and tumor progression in Ink4a/Arf null background
  2608. Genomic Instability and Protumoral Inflammation Are Associated with Primary Resistance to Anti–PD-1+ Antiangiogenesis in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
  2609. Cytogenetics in fanconi anemia: The importance of follow-up and the search for new biomarkers of genomic instability
  2610. Low-molecular-weight cyclin E deregulates DNA replication and damage repair to promote genomic instability in breast cancer
  2611. Identification of LncRNA prognostic signature associated with genomic instability in pancreatic adenocarcinoma
  2612. A genomic instability-related lncRNA model for predicting prognosis and immune checkpoint inhibitor efficacy in breast cancer
  2613. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Progression: Accumulating Genomic Instability and Persistent Epstein–Barr Virus Infection
  2614. The Role of Iron in DNA and Genomic Instability in Cancer, a Target for Iron Chelators That Can Induce ROS
  2615. Genomic instability genes in lung and colon adenocarcinoma indicate organ specificity of transcriptomic impact on Copy Number Alterations
  2616. APOBEC3 mutational signatures are associated with extensive and diverse genomic instability across multiple tumour types
  2617. Theranostic Interpolation of Genomic Instability in Breast Cancer
  2618. Obesity-related genomic instability and altered xenobiotic metabolism: possible consequences for cancer risk and chemotherapy
  2619. LncRNAs-associated to genomic instability: A barrier to cancer therapy effectiveness
  2620. The signature based on seven genomic instability-related genes could predict the prognosis of acute myeloid leukemia patients
  2621. A novel genomic instability-derived lncRNA signature to predict prognosis and immune characteristics of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
  2622. Aberrant APOBEC3C expression induces characteristic genomic instability in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
  2623. Epstein–Barr virus is an agent of genomic instability
  2624. Tumour break load is a biologically relevant feature of genomic instability with prognostic value in colorectal cancer
  2625. R-loop-associated genomic instability and implication of WRN and WRNIP1
  2626. Fanconi anemia and dyskeratosis congenita/telomere biology disorders: Two inherited bone marrow failure syndromes with genomic instability
  2627. Mutagenic effects of sodium azide on in vitro mutagenesis, polymorphism and genomic instability in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
  2628. Genomic instability is defined by specific tumor microenvironment in ovarian cancer: a subgroup analysis of AGO OVAR 12 trial
  2629. Cancer metabolism challenges genomic instability and clonal evolution as therapeutic targets
  2630. Global genomic instability caused by reduced expression of DNA polymerase ε in yeast
  2631. Effects of mammalian sex hormones on regeneration capacity, retrotransposon polymorphism and genomic instability in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
  2632. Heavy metal ions exchange driven protein phosphorylation cascade functions in genomic instability in spermatocytes and male infertility
  2633. KMT2C-deficient tumors have elevated APOBEC mutagenesis and genomic instability in multiple cancers
  2634. Identification of a genomic instability-related long noncoding RNA prognostic model in colorectal cancer based on bioinformatic analysis
  2635. Characterization of a pathway of genomic instability induced by R-loops and its regulation by topoisomerases in E. coli
  2636. Multi-omics analysis based on genomic instability for prognostic prediction in lower-grade glioma
  2637. Standardization of Cell Culture Conditions and Routine Genomic Screening under a Quality Management System Leads to Reduced Genomic Instability in …
  2638. … microenvironment and cancer therapy for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma through identification of a genomic instability-related lncRNA prognostic …
  2639. Identification and validation of a novel genomic instability-associated long non-coding RNA prognostic signature in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
  2640. Genomic instability caused by Arp2/3 complex inactivation results in micronucleus biogenesis and cellular senescence
  2641. Effects of Zinc, Copper and Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on Induced DNA Methylation, Genomic Instability and LTR Retrotransposon Polymorphism in Wheat (Triticum …
  2642. Tcf-1 promotes genomic instability and T cell transformation in response to aberrant β-catenin activation
  2643. Genomic instability in individuals with sex determination defects and germ cell cancer
  2644. Begomoviral βC1 orchestrates organellar genomic instability to augment viral infection
  2645. Chemical characterization of Brazilian savannah Byrsonima species (muricis) and their impact on genomic instability and chemopreventive effects
  2646. A Genomic Instability–Associated Prognostic Signature for Glioblastoma Patients
  2647. Cerebrospinal Fluid Cell-Free DNA-Based Detection of High Level of Genomic Instability Is Associated With Poor Prognosis in NSCLC Patients With …
  2648. Somatic mutations in DCC are associated with genomic instability and favourable outcomes in melanoma patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors
  2649. The pediatric leukemia oncoprotein NUP98-KDM5A induces genomic instability that may facilitate malignant transformation
  2650. Metabolic clogging of mannose triggers dNTP loss and genomic instability in human cancer cells
  2651. Modeling Global Genomic Instability in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Using Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)
  2652. Genomic instability evaluation by BMCyt and telomere length in Brazilian family farmers exposed to pesticides
  2653. Can spike fragments of SARS-CoV-2 induce genomic instability and DNA damage in the guppy, Poecilia reticulate? An unexpected effect of the COVID-19 pandemic
  2654. Evaluation of ethyl methanesulfonate-induced in vitro mutagenesis, polymorphism and genomic instability in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
  2655. Chronic hypoxia is associated with transcriptomic reprogramming and increased genomic instability in cancer cells
  2656. Identification of a Gene-Expression-Based Surrogate of Genomic Instability during Oral Carcinogenesis
  2657. Genomic Instability in Somatic Hybridization between Poncirus and Citrus Species Aiming to Create New Rootstocks
  2658. Cleavage-defective topoisomerase I mutants sharply increase G-quadruplex-associated genomic instability
  2659. Genomic instability-related twelve-microRNA signatures for predicting the prognosis of gastric cancer
  2660. Extract of Murraya koenigii selectively causes genomic instability by altering redox-status via targeting PI3K/AKT/Nrf2/caspase-3 signaling pathway in human non …
  2661. Markers associated with genomic instability, immunogenicity and immune therapy responsiveness in Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast: Expression of …
  2662. GIP: an open-source computational pipeline for mapping genomic instability from protists to cancer cells
  2663. A somatic mutation-derived LncRNA signatures of genomic instability predicts the prognosis and tumor microenvironment immune characters in hepatocellular …
  2664. Genomic instability as a major mechanism for acquired resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors in cancer
  2665. Neutrophils and micronuclei: An emerging link between genomic instability and cancer-driven inflammation
  2666. Development and validation of a genomic instability-related lncRNA prognostic model for hepatocellular carcinoma
  2667. Ectopically Expressed Meiosis-Specific Cancer Testis Antigen HORMAD1 Promotes Genomic Instability in Squamous Cell Carcinomas
  2668. Induction of ROS mediated genomic instability, apoptosis and G0/G1 cell cycle arrest by erbium oxide nanoparticles in human hepatic Hep-G2 cancer cells
  2669. 210O Mutational signature analysis reveals patterns of genomic instability linked to resistance to endocrine therapy (ET)+/-CDK 4/6 inhibition (CDK4/6i) in estrogen …
  2670. A Genomic Instability-Related Long Noncoding RNA Signature for Predicting Hepatocellular Carcinoma Prognosis
  2671. The Influence of PARP, ATR, CHK1 Inhibitors on Premature Mitotic Entry and Genomic Instability in High-Grade Serous BRCAMUT and BRCAWT Ovarian …
  2672. p53 reactivating small molecule PRIMA‑1MET/APR‑246 regulates genomic instability in MDA‑MB‑231 cells
  2673. Human myeloid progenitor glucocorticoid receptor activation causes genomic instability, type 1 IFN‐response pathway activation and senescence in differentiated …
  2674. Circumventing drug resistance through a CK2-targeted combination via attenuating endogenous AhR-TLS-promoted genomic instability in human colorectal cancer …
  2675. p53-NEIL1 co-abnormalities induce genomic instability and promote synthetic lethality with Chk1 inhibition in multiple myeloma having concomitant 17p13 (del) and …
  2676. Identification of genomic instability related lncRNA signature with prognostic value and its role in cancer immunotherapy in pancreatic cancer
  2677. Prognostic Value of Genomic Instability of m6A-Related lncRNAs in Lung Adenocarcinoma
  2678. Concordance between single-nucleotide polymorphism–based genomic instability assays and a next-generation sequencing–based homologous …
  2679. Homologous Recombination Deficiency Score Determined by Genomic Instability in a Romanian Cohort
  2680. Long non‑coding RNAs interact with RNA‑binding proteins to regulate genomic instability in cancer cells
  2681. WiFi Related Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Promote Transposable Element Dysregulation and Genomic Instability in Drosophila melanogaster
  2682. Diagnostic and prognostic value of genomic instability-derived long non-coding RNA signature of endometrial cancer
  2683. … instability-related prognostic risk score (MSI-pRS) defines a subset of lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC) patients with genomic instability and poor clinical …
  2684. High Dietary Folic Acid Intake Is Associated with Genomic Instability in Peripheral Lymphocytes of Healthy Adults
  2685. A Novel Subgroup of UCHL1-Related Cancers Is Associated with Genomic Instability and Sensitivity to DNA-Damaging Treatment
  2686. Development of a genomic instability-derived lncRNAs-based risk signature as a predictor of prognosis for endometrial cancer
  2687. Loss of CBX2 causes genomic instability and Wnt activation in high grade serous ovarian carcinoma cells
  2688. Genomic Instability and Neurodegeneration
  2689. Targeting IKKε in Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Causes Phenotypic Senescence and Genomic Instability
  2690. Macrophage infiltration correlates with genomic instability in classic Hodgkin lymphoma
  2691. Foreword Special Issue Genomic Instability in Tumor Evolution and Therapy Response
  2692. Establishing a prognostic model based on three genomic instability-related LncRNAs for clear cell renal cell cancer
  2693. Genomic instability and eye diseases
  2694. Aflatoxin B1 Exacerbates Genomic Instability and Apoptosis in the BTBR Autism Mouse Model via Dysregulating DNA Repair Pathway
  2695. Association of Genomic Instability Score, Tumor Mutational Burden, and Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes as Biomarkers in Uterine Serous Carcinoma
  2696. Cell-type-specific nuclear morphology predicts genomic instability and prognosis in multiple cancer types
  2697. Telomere attrition and genomic instability in unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss in humans: A preliminary study
  2698. Complete genome of the toxic mold Aspergillus pseudotamarii isolate NRRL 25517 reveals genomic instability of the aflatoxin biosynthesis cluster
  2699. Macrophage Infiltration Correlates with Genomic Instability in Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma. Biomedicines 2022, 10, 579
  2700. The mutation in splicing factor genes correlates with unfavorable prognosis, genomic instability, anti-tumor immunosuppression and increased …
  2701. Genomic Instability in Cerebrospinal Fluid Cell-Free DNA Predicts Poor Prognosis in Solid Tumor Patients with Meningeal Metastasis
  2702. Relationship of radiation-induced genomic instability and antioxidant production in the chamomile plant
  2703. Modification Patterns of DNA Methylation-Related lncRNAs Regulating Genomic Instability for Improving the Clinical Outcomes and Tumour Microenvironment …
  2704. Loss of p53 tumor suppression function drives invasion and genomic instability in models of murine pancreatic cancer
  2705. The oncogenic fusion protein TAZ-CAMTA1 promotes genomic instability and senescence through hypertranscription
  2706. Effects of genomic instability in populations of Drosophila melanogaster from regions of Ukraine with different impact of radiation factors
  2707. Estrogen induces genomic instability in high-risk HPV-infected cervix and promotes the carcinogenesis of cervical adenocarcinoma
  2708. Genomic instability in long-term culture of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells
  2709. Artemisia vulgaris L., Artemisia alba Turra and their constituents reduce mitomycin C-induced genomic instability in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro
  2710. Genomic instability in patients with sex determination defects and germ cell cancer
  2711. Incorporating RNA-based risk scores for genomic instability to predict breast cancer recurrence and immunogenicity in a diverse population
  2712. Effects of Glycoalkaloids from Solanum lycocarpum on Genomic Instability
  2713. Genomic instability and aging
  2714. Oxidative Damage Induced Telomere Mediated Genomic Instability in Cells from Ataxia Telangiectasia Patients
  2715. Use of liquid-based cytology samples reveals genomic instability and cell death in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment
  2716. Bursts of genomic instability potentiate phenotypic and genomic diversification in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2717. 2022-RA-935-ESGO Development of an academic genomic instability score for ovarian cancers
  2718. WRNIP1 prevents transcription-associated genomic instability
  2719. Construction of a novel LncRNA signature related to genomic instability to predict the prognosis and immune activity of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
  2720. Interaction Among Noncoding RNAs, DNA Damage Reactions, and Genomic Instability in the Hypoxic Tumor: Is it Therapeutically Exploitable Practice?
  2721. Genomic instability, origin and evolution of cancer, and personalized immunotherapy
  2722. Exosome-like vesicles released from ob/ob mouse adipose tissue enhance cell survival of cells with radiation-induced genomic instability
  2723. SPRTN and TDP1/TDP2 Independently Suppress 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine-Induced Genomic Instability in Human TK6 Cell Line
  2724. Genomic instability induced by radiation-mimicking chemicals is not associated with persistent mitochondrial degeneration
  2725. Retraction: Genomic Instability in Liver Cells Caused by an LPS-Induced Bystander-Like Effect
  2726. KMT2C deficiency promotes APOBEC mutagenesis and genomic instability in multiple cancers
  2727. … radiation on large Japanese field mice in Fukushima reduced colony forming potential in hematopoietic progenitor cells without inducing genomic instability
  2728. Over-Activation of Minichromosome Maintenance Protein 10 Promotes Genomic Instability in Early Stages of Breast Cancer
  2729. Mutator-Derived lncRNA Landscape: A Novel Insight Into the Genomic Instability of Prostate Cancer
  2730. Effects of curcumin and soy isoflavones on genomic instability of human colon cells NCM460 and SW620
  2731. Identification of the prognostic signature based on genomic instability-related alternative splicing in colorectal cancer and its regulatory network
  2732. Recombinant cell-detecting RaDR-GFP in mice reveals an association between genomic instability and radiation-induced-thymic lymphoma
  2733. NF-κB-Induced R-Loops and Genomic Instability in HTLV-1-Infected and Adult T-Cell Leukemia Cells
  2734. Chronic oxidative stress leads to genomic instability in the pathogenesis of fanconi anemia
  2735. Development of genomic instability-associated long non-coding RNA signature: A prognostic risk model of clear cell renal cell carcinoma
  2736. GCMS analysis of sadagura (smokeless tobacco), its enhanced genomic instability causing potential due to arsenic co-exposure, and vitamin-C supplementation as a …
  2737. Genomic instability detected from the saliva of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma patients: Association with clinical implications
  2739. Combination of CDK12 inhibition and olaparib enhances genomic instability in cancer models
  2740. TP53-dependent genomic instability
  2741. The dark side of PLK1: Implications for cancer and genomic instability
  2742. Topoisomerase 1-dependent R-loop deficiency drives accelerated replication and genomic instability
  2743. Deciphering How Genomic Instability in Hematopoietic Cells Drives Tumorigenesis
  2744. Demonstration That Loss of TET2 Impairs DNA Mismatch Repair Resulting in Clonally Restricted Genomic Instability
  2745. TP53 Mutation Status Defines a Distinct Clinicopathological Entity of Therapy-Related Myeloid Neoplasm, Characterized By Genomic Instability and Extremely Poor …
  2746. Genomic Instability Is a Mechanism for Diminished Male Fertility Following Chronic Dichlorvos Exposure
  2747. PRAME induces genomic instability in uveal melanoma
  2748. Expression of the cGAS-STING pathway is associated with high levels of genomic instability and immune cell infiltration in breast cancer
  2749. Navigating the genomic instability mine field of osteosarcoma to better understand implications of non-coding RNAs
  2750. Glucocorticoid receptor activation during human microglial differentiation leads to genomic instability and senescence
  2751. ABL1 Kinase plays an important role in spontaneous and chemotherapy-induced genomic instability in multiple myeloma
  2752. 119. Concordance of integrated analysis approaches to measure HRD genomic instability
  2753. EP299/# 232 Genomic instability as a determinant of immune escape in ovarian cancer
  2754. Genomic Instability in Carcinogenesis: The Role of Oxidative Stress
  2755. Genomic instability and the link to infertility: A focus on microsatellites and genomic instability syndromes
  2756. The Role of Meiomitosis and HORMAD1 in the Modulation of Genomic Instability and Transformation of Cutaneous Malignancies
  2757. Long noncoding RNA signatures involved in the genomic instability of papillary thyroid carcinoma
  2758. A genomic instability-associated lncRNA signature for predicting prognosis and biomarkers in lung adenocarcinoma
  2759. Characterizing the role of DDX41 in opposing transcription-associated genomic instability
  2760. Chromosomal instability as a source of genomic plasticity
  2761. Mining high dimensional transcriptomic data to unravel the causes and consequences of genomic instability in cancers
  2762. Analysis of the global gene expression profiles in genomic instability-induced cervical cancer cells
  2763. Assessing patterns of genomic instability in recurrent osteosarcoma
  2764. Can Spike Fragments of Sars-Cov-2 Induce Genomic Instability and DNA Damage in the Guppy, Poecilia Reticulate? An Additional Concern Study of Covid-19
  2765. Metabolic clogging of mannose triggers genomic instability via dNTP loss in human cancer cells
  2766. EP101/# 503 Relevance of genomic instability score, tumor mutational burden, and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes as biomarkers in uterine serous carcinoma
  2767. Construction and validation of somatic mutation-derived LncRNA signatures of genomic instability to predict prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma
  2768. ATR-I774Yfs* 5 promotes genomic instability through micronuclei formation
  2770. Dynamics of genomic instability of circulating tumor DNA in pancreatic cancer patients
  2771. ATR-I774Yfs* 5 promotes genomic instability through micronuclei formation
  2772. Flap Structure-Specific Endonuclease 1 Coordinates with a Helicase (ASCC3) to Drive Genomic Instability, Proliferation and Poor Clinical Outcome in Myeloma
  2773. Analysis of BRCA2 Copy Number Loss and Genomic Instability in Circulating Tumor Cells from Patients with Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer
  2775. Defining the mechanisms contributing to genomic instability following RB loss
  2776. Molecular Dysregulation Fuels Genomic Instability & Leukemogenesis
  2777. Association of genomic instability of CDH1 gene with clinicopathological characteristics of gastric cancer
  2778. Evaluation of the genotoxicity and genomic instability in patients with HBV, HCV and HCC using micronucleus and comet assay
  2779. Gonadal Dysgenesis As A Marker Of Genomic Instability In Populations Of Drosophila Melanogaster From Different Of Radiation Factor Impact Regions Of Ukraine
  2780. Elucidating genomic instability and its outcomes as cancer origin
  2781. Mesothelioma Mouse Models with Mixed Genomic States of Chromosome and Microsatellite Instability
  2782. Induction of ROS mediated genomic instability, apoptosis andG0/G1 cell cycle arrest by erbium oxide nanoparticles in human hepatic Hep‑G2 cancer cells
  2783. Driver Gene Networks of Genomic Instability in Prostate Cancer Progression
  2784. Exonuclease 1 Drives Growth and Genomic Instability in Multiple Myeloma through Interaction with CAD, a Key Protein Involved in De Novo Pyrimidine Biosynthesis
  2785. … A057: Therapeutic efficacy of selective CDK7 inhibition in pancreatic cancer mediated by induction of R-loop formation, DNA replication stress and genomic instability
  2786. A 4-lethal gene prognostic signature correlates with genomic instability and immunotherapy biomarker in stomach adenocarcinoma
  2788. Investigating the association between Lamin B1 and genomic instability in B cells
  2789. Biomonitoring and predictive modelling of genomic instability in childhood obesity
  2790. Comet assay as a bioindicator of genomic instability in hemodialysis diabetic patients
  2791. Water Contamination by Delorazepam Induces Epigenetic Defects and Genomic Instability in the Embryos of the Clawed Frog Xenopus Laevis
  2792. Newborn ribosomal DNA content as a potential early marker of genomic instability and longevity in association with prenatal air pollution exposure
  2793. Genomic instability in blood cells from bovine with spontaneous tumours: an OneHealth perspective
  2794. Genomic instability is enriched in localized prostate cancers from men of African ancestry.
  2795. Determination of genomic instability caused by ionizing radiation in mammography
  2796. Editor’s Note: Characterization of a Novel Mechanism of Genomic Instability Involving the SEI1/SET/NM23H1 Pathway in Esophageal Cancers
  2797. The Adenylate-Uridylate-Rich element RNA binding protein ZFP36L1 suppresses replication stress-induced genomic instability
  2798. Associations between genomic instability score (GIS), molecular characterization, and clinical outcomes in high grade serous ovarian cancers (HGSOC).
  2799. Targeted protein degradation for disruption of key proteins that overcome genomic instability in cancers: Wee1 and KIFC1
  2800. Integrative genomic analysis reveals hypermethylation triggered GPER1 loss is associated with genomic instability of endometrial cancer
  2801. Targeting genomic instability in extrapulmonary small cell neuroendocrine cancers: A phase II study with ATR inhibitor berzosertib and topotecan.
  2802. Dataset of Topoisomerase 1 dependent R-loop deficiency drives accelerated replication and genomic instability
  2804. Correction to: Genomic instability induced by radiation-mimicking chemicals is not associated with persistent mitochondrial degeneration
  2805. Tumor break load is a biologically relevant characteristic of genomic instability with prognostic value for patients with localized colorectal cancer
  2806. Can Spike Fragments of Sars-Cov-2 Induce Genomic Instability and DNA Damage in the Guppy, Poecilia Reticulate? An Additional Concern Study of Covid-19
  2807. Genomic Instability Involved During the Early Carcinogenesis of 4NQO-Induced Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Mice
  2808. Correction: The EZH2-PHACTR2-AS1-Ribosome Axis Induces Genomic Instability and Promotes Growth and Metastasis in Breast Cancer
  2809. Exposure to butyrate metabolite mediates genomic instability in oropharyngeal keratinocytes
  2810. The unusual duplication of a 69.9-kb long chromosomal segment produces two copies of an inverted repeat and generates genomic instability in a laboratory …
  2811. Kub5‐Hera Deficiency Promotes R‐Loop‐Induced Genomic Instability and Carcinogenesis Following Whole‐Body Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
  2812. Augmenting genomic instability in HPV head and neck cancer tumors through combination bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) proteins inhibition and radiation …
  2813. Abstract P5-13-09: Identifying homologous recombination deficiency in breast cancer: Genomic instability score thresholds differ in breast cancer subtypes
  2814. Abstract P3-09-13: Androgen receptor loss is associated with genomic instability characterized by copy number alterations and mirna deregulation in triple-negative …
  2815. Topoisomerase 1 suppresses replication stress and genomic instability by preventing interference between replication and transcription.
  2816. Recurrent inversion polymorphisms in humans associate with genetic instability and genomic disorders
  2817. Genomic landscape of microsatellite instability in Chinese tumors: a comparison of Chinese and TCGA cohorts
  2818. Genomic and Immune Features in an Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Patient with Microsatellite Instability-High Suffered Rapid Acquired Resistance to PD-1 …
  2819. Mechanisms of chromosomal instability (CIN) tolerance in aggressive tumors: surviving the genomic chaos
  2820. Matched Paired Primary and Recurrent Meningiomas Points to Cell-Death Program Contributions to Genomic and Epigenomic Instability along Tumor Progression
  2821. Ribodysgenesis: sudden genome instability in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae arising from RNase H2 cleavage at genomic-embedded ribonucleotides
  2822. Large-scale cancer genomic analysis reveals significant disparities between microsatellite instability and tumor mutational burden
  2823. Genomic and Transcriptomic Analysis of Microsatellite Instability-High Colorectal Cancer Patients with Targetable Alterations Identifies Clinical Implications for …
  2824. Genomic characterization and translational immunotherapy of microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) in cholangiocarcinoma.
  2825. Assessment of tumor mutation burden and microsatellite instability by single-cell circulating tumor cell genomic profiling
  2826. Genomic landscapes to characterize mismatch-repair deficiency (dMMR)/microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) gastrointestinal (GI) cancers stratified by tumor mutation …
  2827. Comparative analysis of microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) BRAF V600E-mutated versus MSI-H BRAF wild type colorectal cancers (CRC), including tumor …
  2828. … mutation on immunologic characteristics of the tumor microenvironment (TME) and associated genomic alterations in patients with microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H …

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