Fear Extinction

  1. Mechanisms of Fear Extinction
  2. Fear Extinction as a model for translational neuroscience: ten years of progress
  3. Fear Extinction and relapse: state of the art
  4. Neuronal circuits of Fear Extinction
  5. The learning of Fear Extinction
  6. Neurons in medial prefrontal cortex signal memory for Fear Extinction
  7. The study of Fear Extinction : implications for anxiety disorders
  8. Different mechanisms of Fear Extinction dependent on length of time since Fear acquisition
  9. Context modulation of memory for Fear Extinction in humans
  10. Brain mechanisms of Fear Extinction : historical perspectives on the contribution of prefrontal cortex
  11. Fear Extinction to an out-group face: The role of target gender
  12. Amygdala depotentiation and Fear Extinction
  13. HDAC1 regulates Fear Extinction in mice
  14. Fear Extinction in rats: implications for human brain imaging and anxiety disorders
  15. Hippocampal involvement in contextual modulation of Fear Extinction
  16. Induction of Fear Extinction with hippocampal-infralimbic BDNF
  17. Timing of Extinction relative to acquisition: a parametric analysis of Fear Extinction in humans.
  18. Extinction in human Fear conditioning
  19. Can Fear Extinction be enhanced? A review of pharmacological and behavioral findings
  20. State-dependent Fear Extinction with two benzodiazepine tranquilizers.
  21. Synaptic correlates of Fear Extinction in the amygdala
  22. Consolidation of Fear Extinction requires protein synthesis in the medial prefrontal cortex
  23. Infralimbic D2 receptors are necessary for Fear Extinction and Extinction -related tone responses
  24. Recall of Fear Extinction in humans activates the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in concert
  25. Hippocampal inactivation disrupts the acquisition and contextual encoding of Fear Extinction
  26. Erasing Fear memories with Extinction training
  27. Prefrontal mechanisms in Extinction of conditioned Fear
  28. Prefrontal control of Fear : more than just Extinction
  29. Neuroscience of Fear Extinction : implications for assessment and treatment of Fear -based and anxiety related disorders
  30. Neural correlates of trait anxiety in Fear Extinction
  31. The influence of gonadal hormones on conditioned Fear Extinction in healthy humans
  32. Estrous cycle phase and gonadal hormones influence conditioned Fear Extinction
  33. Brief uncontrollable stress causes dendritic retraction in infralimbic cortex and resistance to Fear Extinction in mice
  34. Amygdala intercalated neurons are required for expression of Fear Extinction
  35. Deficits in conditioned Fear Extinction in obsessive-compulsive disorder and neurobiological changes in the Fear circuit
  36. Inactivation of the infralimbic but not the prelimbic cortex impairs consolidation and retrieval of Fear Extinction
  37. Fear Extinction and BDNF: translating animal models of PTSD to the clinic
  38. A meta-analysis of D-cycloserine and the facilitation of Fear Extinction and exposure therapy
  39. Presence and acquired origin of reduced recall for Fear Extinction in PTSD: results of a twin study
  40. Role of the amygdala in Fear Extinction measured with potentiated startle
  41. Sex differences, gonadal hormones and the Fear Extinction network: implications for anxiety disorders
  42. Fear Extinction in rodents
  43. Facilitation of Fear Extinction by D-cycloserine: theoretical and clinical implications
  44. Facilitation of conditioned Fear Extinction by systemic administration or intra-amygdala infusions of D-cycloserine as assessed with Fear -potentiated startle in rats
  45. Empirical support for an involvement of the mesostriatal dopamine system in human Fear Extinction
  46. Altered processing of contextual information during Fear Extinction in PTSD: an fMRI study
  47. Systemic or intrahippocampal delivery of histone deacetylase inhibitors facilitates Fear Extinction .
  48. Synaptic encoding of Fear Extinction in mPFC-amygdala circuits
  49. Fear Extinction in traumatized civilians with posttraumatic stress disorder: relation to symptom severity
  50. Emotional perseveration: an update on prefrontal-amygdala interactions in Fear Extinction
  51. Conditioned Fear Extinction and reinstatement in a human Fear -potentiated startle paradigm
  52. NMDA receptors and Fear Extinction : implications for cognitive behavioral therapy
  53. A contextual analysis of Fear Extinction .
  54. Fear Extinction causes target-specific remodeling of perisomatic inhibitory synapses
  55. Fear Extinction in rodents: basic insight to clinical promise
  56. Impaired stress-coping and Fear Extinction and abnormal corticolimbic morphology in serotonin transporter knock-out mice
  57. Impaired Fear Extinction learning and cortico-amygdala circuit abnormalities in a common genetic mouse strain
  58. Consolidation of Fear Extinction requires NMDA receptor-dependent bursting in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex
  59. Chronic antidepressant treatment impairs the acquisition of Fear Extinction
  60. The brain-specific microRNA miR-128b regulates the formation of Fear –Extinction memory
  61. The use of cognitive enhancers in animal models of Fear Extinction
  62. Noradrenergic signaling in infralimbic cortex increases cell excitability and strengthens memory for Fear Extinction
  63. Delayed recall of Fear Extinction in rats with lesions of ventral medial prefrontal cortex
  64. Cannabinoid facilitation of Fear Extinction memory recall in humans
  65. D-cycloserine facilitates context-specific Fear Extinction learning
  66. Blockade of estrogen by hormonal contraceptives impairs Fear Extinction in female rats and women
  67. The effects of neurotoxic hippocampal lesions on two effects of context after Fear Extinction .
  68. Extinction , generalization, and return of Fear : a critical review of renewal research in humans
  69. Adrenergic transmission facilitates Extinction of conditional Fear in mice
  70. Cannabidiol enhances consolidation of explicit Fear Extinction in humans
  71. A window of vulnerability: Impaired Fear Extinction in adolescence
  72. Temporally massed CS presentations generate more Fear Extinction than spaced presentations.
  73. Orbitofrontal thickness, retention of Fear Extinction , and extraversion
  74. Opposite effects of Fear conditioning and Extinction on dendritic spine remodelling
  75. Hippocampal–prefrontal BDNF and memory for Fear Extinction
  76. Acquisition of Fear Extinction requires activation of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in the lateral amygdala
  77. Chronic alcohol remodels prefrontal neurons and disrupts NMDAR-mediated Fear Extinction encoding
  78. Estradiol modulates medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala activity during Fear Extinction in women and female rats
  79. The role of Fear in theories of avoidance learning, flooding, and Extinction .
  80. Hippocampal molecular mechanisms involved in the enhancement of Fear Extinction caused by exposure to novelty
  81. Test–retest reliability during Fear acquisition and Fear Extinction in humans
  82. Increasing histone acetylation in the hippocampus-infralimbic network enhances Fear Extinction
  83. Stimulus-specific enhancement of Fear Extinction during slow-wave sleep
  84. Fear Extinction across development: the involvement of the medial prefrontal cortex as assessed by temporary inactivation and immunohistochemistry
  85. The role of glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid in Fear Extinction : clinical implications for exposure therapy
  86. Cholinergic blockade frees Fear Extinction from its contextual dependency
  87. Molecular specificity of multiple hippocampal processes governing Fear Extinction
  88. Fear conditioning and Extinction : influence of sex and menstrual cycle in healthy humans.
  89. Stressor controllability modulates Fear Extinction in humans
  90. Convergent translational evidence of a role for anandamide in amygdala-mediated Fear Extinction , threat processing and stress-reactivity
  91. Cannabinoid CB1 receptor mediates Fear Extinction via habituation-like processes
  92. Chronic stress and sex differences on the recall of Fear conditioning and Extinction
  93. Dissociable roles for the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and amygdala in Fear Extinction : NR2B contribution
  94. A history of corticosterone exposure regulates Fear Extinction and cortical NR2B, GluR2/3, and BDNF
  95. The endocannabinoid system in the processing of anxiety and Fear and how CB1 receptors may modulate Fear Extinction
  96. Regulatory mechanisms of Fear Extinction and depression-like behavior
  97. Device‐based brain stimulation to augment Fear Extinction : Implications for PTSD treatment and beyond
  98. D-cycloserine enhancement of Fear Extinction is specific to successful exposure sessions: evidence from the treatment of height phobia
  99. Inhibition of estradiol synthesis impairs Fear Extinction in male rats
  100. The effect of intranasal oxytocin treatment on conditioned Fear Extinction and recall in a healthy human sample
  101. Functional anatomy of neural circuits regulating Fear and Extinction
  102. Strain difference in the effect of infralimbic cortex lesions on Fear Extinction in rats.
  103. Extinction of auditory Fear conditioning requires MAPK/ERK activation in the basolateral amygdala
  104. Generalization of human Fear acquisition and Extinction within a novel arbitrary stimulus category
  105. Patterns of coupled theta activity in amygdala-hippocampal-prefrontal cortical circuits during Fear Extinction
  106. The role of the medial prefrontal cortex-amygdala circuit in stress effects on the Extinction of Fear
  107. Estrogen modulates sexually dimorphic contextual Fear Extinction in rats through estrogen receptor β
  108. Central administration of oxytocin receptor ligands affects cued Fear Extinction in rats and mice in a timepoint-dependent manner
  109. Effects of rapid eye movement sleep deprivation on Fear Extinction recall and prediction error signaling
  110. Exposure to variable prenatal stress in rats: effects on anxiety-related behaviors, innate and contextual Fear , and Fear Extinction
  111. Hippocampal low-frequency stimulation and chronic mild stress similarly disrupt Fear Extinction memory in rats
  112. Avoidant symptoms in PTSD predict Fear circuit activation during multimodal Fear Extinction
  113. Human Fear Extinction and return of Fear using reconsolidation update mechanisms: The contribution of on-line expectancy ratings
  114. Post-Extinction fluoxetine treatment prevents stress-induced reemergence of extinguished Fear
  115. Memory for Fear Extinction requires mGluR5-mediated activation of infralimbic neurons
  116. Active, phosphorylated fingolimod inhibits histone deacetylases and facilitates Fear Extinction memory
  117. Learning and memory in conditioned Fear Extinction : effects of D-cycloserine
  118. Effects of post-session administration of methylene blue on Fear Extinction and contextual memory in adults with claustrophobia
  119. The neural correlates and temporal sequence of the relationship between shock exposure, disturbed sleep and impaired consolidation of Fear Extinction
  120. Effects of elevation of brain magnesium on Fear conditioning, Fear Extinction , and synaptic plasticity in the infralimbic prefrontal cortex and lateral amygdala
  121. Fear conditioning and Extinction differentially modify the intrinsic excitability of infralimbic neurons
  122. Rapid eye movement sleep deprivation selectively impairs recall of Fear Extinction in hippocampus-independent tasks in rats
  123. Effects of single prolonged stress and D-cycloserine on contextual Fear Extinction and hippocampal NMDA receptor expression in a rat model of PTSD
  124. Prevention of stress-impaired Fear Extinction through neuropeptide s action in the lateral amygdala
  125. Enhancement of conditioned Fear Extinction by infusion of the GABAA agonist muscimol into the rat prefrontal cortex and amygdala
  126. Pharmacological facilitation of Fear Extinction and the search for adjunct treatments for anxiety disorders-the case of yohimbine
  127. Prefrontal cortex lesions and sex differences in Fear Extinction and perseveration
  128. Stress exposure prior to Fear acquisition interacts with estradiol status to alter recall of Fear Extinction in humans
  129. Contextual Fear Extinction ameliorates sleep disturbances found following Fear conditioning in rats
  130. Resting heart rate variability predicts safety learning and Fear Extinction in an interoceptive Fear conditioning paradigm
  131. Low levels of estradiol are associated with elevated conditioned responding during Fear Extinction and with intrusive memories in daily life
  132. Histone modifications around individual BDNF gene promoters in prefrontal cortex are associated with Extinction of conditioned Fear
  133. Resting amygdala and medial prefrontal metabolism predicts functional activation of the Fear Extinction circuit
  134. Mechanisms to medicines: elucidating neural and molecular substrates of Fear Extinction to identify novel treatments for anxiety disorders
  135. Directional theta coherence in prefrontal cortical to amygdalo-hippocampal pathways signals Fear Extinction
  136. NPY controls Fear conditioning and Fear Extinction by combined action on Y1 and Y2 receptors
  137. Facilitation of Fear Extinction in phobic participants with a novel cognitive enhancer: a randomized placebo controlled trial of yohimbine augmentation
  138. Brain oxytocin in social Fear conditioning and its Extinction : involvement of the lateral septum
  139. Cannabinoid modulation of prefrontal–limbic activation during Fear Extinction learning and recall in humans
  140. Serotonin transporter polyadenylation polymorphism modulates the retention of Fear Extinction memory
  141. Fear Extinction as a model for synaptic plasticity in major depressive disorder
  142. Impaired Fear Extinction learning in adult heterozygous BDNF knock-out mice
  143. Polyaminergic agents modulate contextual Fear Extinction in rats
  144. Hippocampal train stimulation modulates recallof Fear Extinction independently of prefrontalcortex synaptic plasticity and lesions
  145. Transgenic inhibition of neuronal protein kinase A activity facilitates Fear Extinction
  146. Prefrontal infusion of PD098059 immediately after Fear Extinction training blocks Extinction ‐associated prefrontal synaptic plasticity and decreases prefrontal ERK2 …
  147. Temporal properties of Fear Extinction —Does time matter?
  148. Fear Extinction in humans: Effects of acquisition–Extinction delay and masked stimulus presentations
  149. Concomitant deficits in working memory and Fear Extinction are functionally dissociated from reduced anxiety in metabotropic glutamate receptor 7-deficient mice
  150. Muscarinic receptors modulate the intrinsic excitability of infralimbic neurons and consolidation of Fear Extinction
  151. Reorganization of learning-associated prefrontal synaptic plasticity between the recall of recent and remote Fear Extinction memory
  152. D-cycloserine facilitation of Fear Extinction and exposure-based therapy might rely on lower-level, automatic mechanisms
  153. Neuropeptide S-mediated control of Fear expression and Extinction : role of intercalated GABAergic neurons in the amygdala
  154. Deep brain stimulation, histone deacetylase inhibitors and glutamatergic drugs rescue resistance to Fear Extinction in a genetic mouse model
  155. Bidirectional modulation of Fear Extinction by mediodorsal thalamic firing in mice
  156. Does yohimbine hydrochloride facilitate Fear Extinction in virtual reality treatment of Fear of flying? A randomized placebo-controlled trial
  157. Extinction of conditioned Fear is better learned and recalled in the morning than in the evening
  158. Fear Extinction induces mGluR5-mediated synaptic and intrinsic plasticity in infralimbic neurons
  159. Infusion of cannabidiol into infralimbic cortex facilitates Fear Extinction via CB1 receptors
  160. Immunohistochemical analyses of long-term Extinction of conditioned Fear in adolescent rats
  161. Impact of predatory threat on Fear Extinction in Lewis rats
  162. Cortisol modifies Extinction learning of recently acquired Fear in men
  163. Fear Extinction memory consolidation requires potentiation of pontine-wave activity during REM sleep
  164. Histamine facilitates consolidation of Fear Extinction
  165. Social defeat: impact on Fear Extinction and amygdala-prefrontal cortical theta synchrony in 5-HTT deficient mice
  166. The hypocretin/orexin system mediates the Extinction of Fear memories
  167. Paradoxical enhancement of Fear Extinction memory and synaptic plasticity by inhibition of the histone acetyltransferase p300
  168. Learning-induced changes in mPFC–BLA connections after Fear conditioning, Extinction , and reinstatement of Fear
  169. Deep brain stimulation of the ventral striatum enhances Extinction of conditioned Fear
  170. Effects of recent exposure to a conditioned stimulus on Extinction of Pavlovian Fear conditioning
  171. … of temporary amygdala inactivation on Extinction and reExtinction of Fear in the developing rat: unlearning as a potential mechanism for Extinction early in development
  172. L-type voltage-gated calcium channels in the basolateral amygdala are necessary for Fear Extinction
  173. … by inducible and targeted deletion of ERK5 mitogen-activated protein kinase specifically in adult neurogenic regions impairs contextual Fear Extinction and remote Fear …
  174. Methylphenidate enhances Extinction of contextual Fear
  175. Fear Extinction deficits following acute stress associate with increased spine density and dendritic retraction in basolateral amygdala neurons
  176. p300/CBP-associated factor selectively regulates the Extinction of conditioned Fear
  177. Effect of ablated hippocampal neurogenesis on the formation and Extinction of contextual Fear memory
  178. Medial prefrontal cortex activation facilitates re-Extinction of Fear in rats
  179. Cell-type specific deletion of GABA (A) α1 in corticotropin-releasing factor-containing neurons enhances anxiety and disrupts Fear Extinction
  180. Cannabinoids and traumatic stress modulation of contextual Fear Extinction and GR expression in the amygdala-hippocampal-prefrontal circuit
  181. Sex differences and estrous cycle in female rats interact with the effects of fluoxetine treatment on Fear Extinction
  182. Retrieval induces reconsolidation of Fear Extinction memory
  183. Rescue of impaired Fear Extinction and normalization of cortico-amygdala circuit dysfunction in a genetic mouse model by dietary zinc restriction
  184. Dendritic structural plasticity in the basolateral amygdala after Fear conditioning and its Extinction in mice
  185. Microinfusion of the D1 receptor antagonist, SCH23390 into the IL but not the BLA impairs consolidation of Extinction of auditory Fear conditioning
  186. Segregated populations of hippocampal principal CA1 neurons mediating conditioning and Extinction of contextual Fear
  187. Caloric restriction enhances Fear Extinction learning in mice
  188. Chronic stress disrupts Fear Extinction and enhances amygdala and hippocampal Fos expression in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder
  189. Role of beta-adrenergic receptors in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex during contextual Fear Extinction in rats
  190. Opioid receptors in the midbrain periaqueductal gray regulate Extinction of pavlovian Fear conditioning
  191. Prior chronic nicotine impairs cued Fear Extinction but enhances contextual Fear conditioning in rats
  192. Systemic blockade of D2-like dopamine receptors facilitates Extinction of conditioned Fear in mice
  193. Augmentation of Fear Extinction by D-cycloserine is blocked by proteasome inhibitors
  194. Effects of systemic administration of oxytocin on contextual Fear Extinction in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder
  195. … fewer dendritic spines, reduced extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling, enhanced long-term depression, and impaired spatial learning and Fear Extinction
  196. Cannabinoid modulation of Fear Extinction brain circuits: a novel target to advance anxiety treatment
  197. Medial prefrontal cortex: multiple roles in Fear and Extinction
  198. Deep brain stimulation of the ventral striatum increases BDNF in the Fear Extinction circuit
  199. Impaired Pavlovian Fear Extinction is a common phenotype across genetic lineages of the 129 inbred mouse strain
  200. Consequences of Extinction training on associative and non-associative Fear in a mouse model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  201. Training‐induced changes in the expression of GABAA‐associated genes in the amygdala after the acquisition and Extinction of Pavlovian Fear
  202. Sortilin-related receptor SORCS3 is a postsynaptic modulator of synaptic depression and Fear Extinction
  203. Versatility of Fear -potentiated startle paradigms for assessing human conditioned Fear Extinction and return of Fear
  204. Role of NMDA receptors and MAP kinase in the amygdala in Extinction of Fear : clinical implications for exposure therapy
  205. In vivo knockdown of GAD67 in the amygdala disrupts Fear Extinction and the anxiolytic-like effect of diazepam in mice
  206. Prefrontal dopamine D4 receptors are involved in encoding Fear Extinction
  207. Vorinostat ameliorates impaired Fear Extinction possibly via the hippocampal NMDA-CaMKII pathway in an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder
  208. Role of adult neurogenesis in hippocampus-dependent memory, contextual Fear Extinction and remote contextual memory: new insights from ERK5 MAP kinase
  209. Opioid receptors regulate the Extinction of Pavlovian Fear conditioning.
  210. Impaired Extinction of learned Fear in rats selectively bred for high anxiety–evidence of altered neuronal processing in prefrontal‐amygdala pathways
  211. Vorinostat, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, facilitates Fear Extinction and enhances expression of the hippocampal NR2B-containing NMDA receptor gene
  212. Electrolytic lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex do not interfere with long-term memory of Extinction of conditioned Fear
  213. Effects of memory age and interval of Fear Extinction sessions on contextual Fear Extinction
  214. Network model of Fear Extinction and renewal functional pathways
  215. Blockade of dopamine activity in the nucleus accumbens impairs learning Extinction of conditioned Fear
  216. Blockade of amygdala metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 1 impairs Fear Extinction
  217. A hippocampal insulin‐growth factor 2 pathway regulates the Extinction of Fear memories
  218. NMDA receptor antagonism in the basolateral but not central amygdala blocks the Extinction of Pavlovian Fear conditioning in rats
  219. Fear Extinction learning can be impaired or enhanced by modulation of the CRF system in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala
  220. The 5-HT3A receptor is essential for Fear Extinction
  221. The effects of yohimbine and amphetamine on Fear expression and Extinction in rats
  222. Exogenous prenatal corticosterone exposure mimics the effects of prenatal stress on adult brain stress response systems and Fear Extinction behavior
  223. Temporal factors in the Extinction of Fear in inbred mouse strains differing in Extinction efficacy
  224. Fear Extinction and acute stress reactivity reveal a role of LPA1 receptor in regulating emotional-like behaviors
  225. Testing the effects of Δ9-THC and D-cycloserine on Extinction of conditioned Fear in humans
  226. Modulating Fear Extinction memory by manipulating SK potassium channels in the infralimbic cortex
  227. Age and adolescent social stress effects on Fear Extinction in female rats
  228. Glutamate NMDA receptors within the amygdala participate in the modulatory effect of glucocorticoids on Extinction of conditioned Fear in rats
  229. d-serine enhances Extinction of auditory cued Fear conditioning via ERK1/2 phosphorylation in mice
  230. Involvement of cannabinoid receptors in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex of rats in Fear learning, consolidation, retrieval and Extinction
  231. Facilitation of conditioned Fear Extinction by d-cycloserine is mediated by mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase cascades and requires …
  232. The effects of intra-hippocampal microinfusion of D-cycloserine on Fear Extinction , and the expression of NMDA receptor subunit NR2B and neurogenesis in the …
  233. Facilitation of Fear Extinction by midbrain periaqueductal gray infusions of RB101 (S), an inhibitor of enkephalin-degrading enzymes.
  234. Lesions of the entorhinal cortex or fornix disrupt the context-dependence of Fear Extinction in rats
  235. No erasure effect of retrieval–Extinction trial on Fear memory in the hippocampus-independent and dependent paradigms
  236. Extinction of cued Fear memory involves a distinct form of depotentiation at cortical input synapses onto the lateral amygdala
  237. ERK-associated changes of AP-1 proteins during Fear Extinction
  238. Early stress exposure impairs synaptic potentiation in the rat medial prefrontal cortex underlying contextual Fear Extinction
  239. Passive avoidance is linked to impaired Fear Extinction in humans
  240. Recent Fear is resistant to Extinction
  241. Potentiation of GluN2C/D NMDA receptor subtypes in the amygdala facilitates the retention of Fear and Extinction learning in mice
  242. Baclofen administration alters Fear Extinction and GABAergic protein levels
  243. Cortisol enhances neural differentiation during Fear acquisition and Extinction in contingency aware young women
  244. Conditioned stimulus familiarity determines effects of MK-801 on Fear Extinction .
  245. Neuronal circuits of Fear memory and Fear Extinction
  246. Repeated valproate treatment facilitates Fear Extinction under specific stimulus conditions
  247. The Extinction of conditioned Fear : structural and molecular basis and therapeutic use
  248. Neural substrates for the distinct effects of presynaptic group III metabotropic glutamate receptors on Extinction of contextual Fear conditioning in mice
  249. Role of L-type Ca2+ channel isoforms in the Extinction of conditioned Fear
  250. D-cycloserine into the BLA reverses the impairing effects of exposure to stress on the Extinction of contextual Fear , but not conditioned taste aversion
  251. Hippocampal Erk mechanisms linking prediction error to Fear Extinction : roles of shock expectancy and contextual aversive valence
  252. Abnormal medial prefrontal cortex connectivity and defective Fear Extinction in the presymptomatic G93A SOD1 mouse model of ALS
  253. … interference with metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 but not subtype 5 differentially affects within-and between-session Extinction of Pavlovian conditioned Fear
  254. Translational approaches to anxiety: focus on genetics, Fear Extinction and brain imaging
  255. Behavioural therapy based on distraction alleviates impaired Fear Extinction in male serotonin transporter knockout rats
  256. The effects of cocaine, amphetamine, and the dopamine D₁ receptor agonist SKF 38393 on Fear Extinction as measured with potentiated startle: Implications for …
  257. The midbrain periaqueductal gray and Fear Extinction : opioid receptor subtype and roles of cyclic AMP, protein kinase A, and mitogen-activated protein kinase.
  258. D-serine enhances Fear Extinction by increasing GluA2-containing AMPA receptor endocytosis
  259. Deficiency of the 65 kDa isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase impairs Extinction of cued but not contextual Fear memory
  260. Fear Extinction and emotional processing theory
  261. Early postnatal stress alters the Extinction of context-dependent conditioned Fear in adult rats
  262. Murine GRPR and stathmin control in opposite directions both cued Fear Extinction and neural activities of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex
  263. The effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on Fear Extinction in rats
  264. The role of the amygdala in the Extinction of conditioned Fear
  265. Co-activation of NR2A and NR2B subunits induces resistance to Fear Extinction
  266. Stress-induced enhancement of Fear conditioning and sensitization facilitates Extinction -resistant and habituation-resistant Fear behaviors in a novel animal model of …
  267. Fear Extinction requires Arc/Arg3. 1 expression in the basolateral amygdala
  268. Impaired Fear Extinction in mice lacking protease nexin‐1
  269. Impaired P50 suppression in Fear Extinction in obsessive–compulsive disorder
  270. Inhibition of the PI3 kinase cascade in corticolimbic circuit: temporal and differential effects on contextual Fear and Extinction
  271. Unconditioned stimulus revaluation to promote conditioned Fear Extinction in the memory reconsolidation window
  272. Amygdala upregulation of NCAM polysialylation induced by auditory Fear conditioning is not required for memory formation, but plays a role in Fear Extinction
  273. Fear Extinction can be made state-dependent on peripheral epinephrine: role of norepinephrine in the nucleus tractus solitarius
  274. Chronic morphine selectively impairs cued Fear Extinction in rats: implications for anxiety disorders associated with opiate use
  275. Neural correlates of individual variability in Fear Extinction
  276. Spontaneous recovery of Fear reverses Extinction -induced excitability of infralimbic neurons
  277. Paradoxical enhancement of Fear expression and Extinction deficits in mice resilient to social defeat
  278. Pharmacological treatments that facilitate Extinction of Fear : relevance to psychotherapy
  279. Extrasynaptic GABA A receptors in mediodorsal thalamic nucleus modulate Fear Extinction learning
  280. Beyond Extinction : erasing human Fear responses and preventing the return of Fear
  281. Methylene blue facilitates the Extinction of Fear in an animal model of susceptibility to learned helplessness
  282. New findings on Extinction of conditioned Fear early in development: theoretical and clinical implications
  283. Amphetamine and Extinction of cued Fear
  284. Effect of D‐cycloserine in conjunction with Fear Extinction training on extracellular signal‐regulated kinase activation in the medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala in rat
  285. The occurrence of a deficit in contextual Fear Extinction in adult amyloid-over-expressing TASTPM mice is independent of the strength of conditioning but can be …
  286. Neural circuitry underlying the regulation of conditioned Fear and its relation to Extinction
  287. Neural substrates of Fear conditioning, Extinction , and spontaneous recovery in passive avoidance learning: A c-fos study in rats
  288. The contextual brain: implications for Fear conditioning, Extinction and psychopathology
  289. Human Fear conditioning and Extinction in neuroimaging: a systematic review
  290. Facilitation of Fear Extinction by the 5‐HT1A receptor agonist tandospirone: Possible involvement of dopaminergic modulation
  291. Impairment of contextual conditioned Fear Extinction after microinjection of alpha-1-adrenergic blocker prazosin into the medial prefrontal cortex
  292. D-cycloserine does not facilitate Fear Extinction by reducing conditioned stimulus processing or promoting conditioned inhibition to contextual cues
  293. Adolescent traumatic stress experience results in less robust conditioned Fear and post-Extinction Fear cue responses in adult rats
  294. Alterations of excitatory transmission in the lateral amygdala during expression and Extinction of Fear memory
  295. Transgenic inhibition of neuronal calcineurin activity in the forebrain facilitates Fear conditioning, but inhibits the Extinction of contextual Fear memories
  296. Impaired Fear Extinction as displayed by serotonin transporter knockout rats housed in open cages is disrupted by IVC cage housing
  297. Extinction circuits for Fear and addiction overlap in prefrontal cortex
  298. Amygdala microcircuits mediating Fear expression and Extinction
  299. Enhancement of acoustic prepulse inhibition by contextual Fear conditioning in mice is maintained even after contextual Fear Extinction
  300. Fear learning and Extinction are linked to neuronal plasticity through Rin1 signaling
  301. Valproic acid but not D-cycloserine facilitates sleep-dependent offline learning of Extinction and habituation of conditioned Fear in humans
  302. Modulation of the Extinction of Fear learning
  303. Auditory cortex is important in the Extinction of two different tone-based conditioned Fear memories in rats
  304. Oxytocinergic manipulations in corticolimbic circuit differentially affect Fear acquisition and Extinction
  305. Fear erasure in mice requires synergy between antidepressant drugs and Extinction training
  306. Molecular mechanisms mediating a deficit in recall of Fear Extinction in adult mice exposed to cocaine in utero
  307. A NMDA receptor antagonist, MK-801 impairs consolidating Extinction of auditory conditioned Fear responses in a Pavlovian model
  308. Stress during puberty boosts metabolic activation associated with Fear –Extinction learning in hippocampus, basal amygdala and cingulate cortex
  309. Melatonin facilitates Extinction , but not acquisition or expression, of conditional cued Fear in rats
  310. Development of Fear acquisition and Extinction in children: Effects of age and anxiety
  311. Low-frequency stimulation of the hippocampus following Fear Extinction impairs both restoration of rapid eye movement sleep and retrieval of Extinction memory
  312. Contextual control of the Extinction of conditioned Fear
  313. Modulation of the Extinction of two different Fear -motivated tasks in three distinct brain areas
  314. Sleep promotes generalization of Extinction of conditioned Fear
  315. Evidence for recovery of Fear following immediate Extinction in rats and humans
  316. Dissociation of within-and between-session Extinction of conditioned Fear
  317. Overlapping neural systems mediating Extinction , reversal and regulation of Fear
  318. Dreaming your Fear away: A computational model for Fear Extinction learning during dreaming
  319. Chronic stress impairs recall of Extinction of conditioned Fear
  320. Dissociable roles of prelimbic and infralimbic cortices, ventral hippocampus, and basolateral amygdala in the expression and Extinction of conditioned Fear
  321. Protection from Extinction in human Fear conditioning
  322. D-cycloserine facilitates Extinction of learned Fear : effects on reacquisition and generalized Extinction
  323. Activation of the infralimbic cortex in a Fear context enhances Extinction learning
  324. Genetic gating of human Fear learning and Extinction : possible implications for gene-environment interaction in anxiety disorder
  325. Enhancing cannabinoid neurotransmission augments the Extinction of conditioned Fear
  326. Novel Cage Stress Alters Remote Contextual Fear Extinction and Regional T 2 Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Times in TASTPM Mice Overexpressing Amyloid
  327. Return of Fear in a human differential conditioning paradigm caused by a stimulus change after Extinction
  328. Memory for Extinction of conditioned Fear is long-lasting and persists following spontaneous recovery
  329. Medial prefrontal cortex activity during the Extinction of conditioned Fear : an investigation using functional near-infrared spectroscopy
  330. Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex is required for Fear Extinction in a modified delay conditioning paradigm in rats
  331. Prelimbic cortical BDNF is required for memory of learned Fear but not Extinction or innate Fear
  332. Failure of Extinction of Fear responses in posttraumatic stress disorder: evidence from second-order conditioning
  333. Effects of chlorpromazine on Fear Extinction .
  334. Neural and cellular mechanisms of Fear and Extinction memory formation
  335. Seeking a spotless mind: Extinction , deconsolidation, and erasure of Fear memory
  336. Electrolytic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus disrupt renewal of conditional Fear after Extinction
  337. Contextual control of the Extinction of conditioned Fear : tests for the associative value of the context.
  338. Reconsolidation in a human Fear conditioning study: a test of Extinction as updating mechanism
  339. Effects of unconditioned stimulus intensity and Fear Extinction on subsequent sleep architecture in an afternoon nap
  340. Fear conditioning and Extinction across development: evidence from human studies and animal models
  341. Identification of calcineurin as a key signal in the Extinction of Fear memory
  342. Inhibition of PKA anchoring to A-kinase anchoring proteins impairs consolidation and facilitates Extinction of contextual Fear memories
  343. Cocaine enhances the expression of Fear -potentiated startle: evaluation of state-dependent Extinction and the shock-sensitization of acoustic startle.
  344. Single dose of L-dopa makes Extinction memories context-independent and prevents the return of Fear
  345. The basolateral amygdala is necessary for learning but not relearning Extinction of context conditioned Fear
  346. Plastic synaptic networks of the amygdala for the acquisition, expression, and Extinction of conditioned Fear
  347. Extinction -reconsolidation boundaries: key to persistent attenuation of Fear memories
  348. Memory retrieval before or after Extinction reduces recovery of Fear in adolescent rats
  349. Effects of postretrieval-Extinction learning on return of contextually controlled cued Fear .
  350. Hippocampal and prefrontal projections to the basal amygdala mediate contextual regulation of Fear after Extinction
  351. Effects of multiple exposures to D-cycloserine on Extinction of conditioned Fear in rats
  352. Dopamine and Extinction : a convergence of theory with Fear and reward circuitry
  353. Hippocampal Fyn activity regulates Extinction of contextual Fear
  354. Looking beyond Fear : The Extinction of other emotions implicated in anxiety disorders
  355. Factors regulating the effects of hippocampal inactivation on renewal of conditional Fear after Extinction
  356. Lesions of the basal amygdala block expression of conditioned Fear but not Extinction
  357. Reconsolidation and Extinction of conditioned Fear : inhibition and potentiation
  358. The role of context in the re-Extinction of learned Fear
  359. The role of amygdala glutamate receptors in Fear learning, Fear -potentiated startle, and Extinction
  360. Cognitive processes during Fear acquisition and Extinction in animals and humans: Implications for exposure therapy of anxiety disorders
  361. Human Fear conditioning and Extinction : timing is everything… or is it?
  362. Contribution of serotonin type 3 receptors in the successful Extinction of cued or contextual Fear conditioned responses: interactions with GABAergic signaling
  363. Sustained conditioned responses in prelimbic prefrontal neurons are correlated with Fear expression and Extinction failure
  364. Long-term synaptic changes in two input pathways into the lateral nucleus of the amygdala underlie Fear Extinction
  365. Fear conditioning and Extinction : emotional states encoded by distinct signaling pathways
  366. Short-and long-term effects of cannabinoids on the Extinction of contextual Fear memory in rats
  367. Delayed Extinction attenuates conditioned Fear renewal and spontaneous recovery in humans.
  368. Facilitating actions of an AMPA receptor potentiator upon Extinction of contextually conditioned Fear response in stressed mice
  369. Reciprocal patterns of c-Fos expression in the medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala after Extinction and renewal of conditioned Fear
  370. Maternal separation results in early emergence of adult-like Fear and Extinction learning in infant rats.
  371. From Pavlov to PTSD: the Extinction of conditioned Fear in rodents, humans, and anxiety disorders
  372. Effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME on Fear Extinction in rats: a task-dependent effect
  373. A randomized controlled trial of the effect of D-cycloserine on Extinction and Fear conditioning in humans
  374. Augmentation of Fear Extinction by infusion of glycine transporter blockers into the amygdala
  375. Low-frequency stimulation of the ventral hippocampus facilitates Extinction of contextual Fear
  376. Fear generalization in humans: Impact of feature learning on conditioning and Extinction
  377. Impaired contextual modulation of memories in PTSD: an fMRI and psychophysiological study of Extinction retention and Fear renewal
  378. Single-unit activity in the medial prefrontal cortex during immediate and delayed Extinction of Fear in rats
  379. Retention and Extinction of learned Fear in infant and adult rats.
  380. Fear conditioning in panic disorder: Enhanced resistance to Extinction .
  381. The MAP (K) of Fear : from memory consolidation to memory Extinction
  382. Attention bias toward threat is associated with exaggerated Fear expression and impaired Extinction in PTSD
  383. Facilitation of contextual Fear memory Extinction and anti-anxiogenic effects of AM404 and cannabidiol in conditioned rats
  384. The similarities and diversities of signal pathways leading to consolidation of conditioning and consolidation of Extinction of Fear memory
  385. Strength of Fear as a function of the number of acquisition and Extinction trials.
  386. Facilitation of Fear Extinction and psychotherapy by D-cycloserine.
  387. Brain region-specific gene expression activation required for reconsolidation and Extinction of contextual Fear memory
  388. Hippocampal inactivation disrupts contextual retrieval of Fear memory after Extinction
  389. The histone deacetylase inhibitor valproic acid enhances acquisition, Extinction , and reconsolidation of conditioned Fear
  390. Context-dependent neuronal activity in the lateral amygdala represents Fear memories after Extinction
  391. Contextual Fear Extinction and re-Extinction in Carioca high-and low-conditioned freezing rats
  392. Disruption of AMPA receptor endocytosis impairs the Extinction , but not acquisition of learned Fear
  393. Amygdala and hippocampal activity during acquisition and Extinction of human Fear conditioning
  394. Gradual Extinction prevents the return of Fear : implications for the discovery of state
  395. Temporal factors control hippocampal contributions to Fear renewal after Extinction
  396. A hippocampal Cdk5 pathway regulates Extinction of contextual Fear
  397. An unconditioned stimulus retrieval Extinction procedure to prevent the return of Fear memory
  398. Effects of D-cycloserine on Extinction of learned Fear to an olfactory cue
  399. Extinction partially reverts structural changes associated with remote Fear memory
  400. Effects of psilocybin on hippocampal neurogenesis and Extinction of trace Fear conditioning
  401. Behavior therapy for specific Fear s and phobias: Context specificity of Fear Extinction
  402. A review on experimental and clinical genetic associations studies on Fear conditioning, Extinction and cognitive-behavioral treatment
  403. AX+, BX-discrimination learning in the Fear -potentiated startle paradigm: possible relevance to inhibitory Fear learning in Extinction
  404. Rapid remission of conditioned Fear expression with Extinction training paired with vagus nerve stimulation
  405. Effects of prenatal chronic mild stress exposure on hippocampal cell proliferation, expression of GSK-3α, β and NR2B in adult offspring during Fear Extinction in rats
  406. L-type voltage-gated calcium channels are required for Extinction , but not for acquisition or expression, of conditional Fear in mice
  407. Extending Fear Extinction beyond anxiety disorders
  408. Human amygdala activation during conditioned Fear acquisition and Extinction : a mixed-trial fMRI study
  409. Renewal of formerly conditioned Fear in rats after extensive Extinction training
  410. Extinction and reconditioning of classically conditioned Fear before and after instrumental learning: Effects of depth of Fear Extinction
  411. Rethinking the role of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels in Fear memory Extinction
  412. Early Extinction after Fear conditioning yields a context-independent and short-term suppression of conditional freezing in rats
  413. Sex differences in the neurobiology of Fear conditioning and Extinction : a preliminary fMRI study of shared sex differences with stress-arousal circuitry
  414. Extinction of Fear -potentiated startle: blockade by infusion of an NMDA antagonist into the amygdala
  415. Other people as means to a safe end: vicarious Extinction blocks the return of learned Fear
  416. Early experience and social grouping in Fear Extinction of rats
  417. Systemic and intra-amygdala administration of glucocorticoid agonist and antagonist modulate Extinction of conditioned Fear
  418. Systemic propranolol acts centrally to reduce conditioned Fear in rats without impairing Extinction
  419. Differential contribution of dorsal and ventral medial prefrontal cortex to the acquisition and Extinction of conditioned Fear in rats.
  420. Extract of Ginkgo biloba EGb761 facilitates Extinction of conditioned Fear measured by Fear -potentiated startle
  421. Evidence that GABA transmission mediates context-specific Extinction of learned Fear
  422. The role of neuropeptide Y in the expression and Extinction of Fear -potentiated startle
  423. Effects of instruction on acquisition and Extinction of electrodermal responses to Fear -relevant stimuli.
  424. Safety behaviours preserve threat beliefs: Protection from Extinction of human Fear conditioning by an avoidance response
  425. Ventral hippocampal muscimol disrupts context‐specific Fear memory retrieval after Extinction in rats
  426. Nicotine and Extinction of Fear conditioning
  427. Sleep deprivation facilitates Extinction of implicit Fear generalization and physiological response to Fear
  428. Prefrontal cortex long-term potentiation, but not long-term depression, is associated with the maintenance of Extinction of learned Fear in mice
  429. Extinction in multiple virtual reality contexts diminishes Fear reinstatement in humans
  430. A biologically realistic network model of acquisition and Extinction of conditioned Fear associations in lateral amygdala neurons
  431. Immediate Extinction causes a less durable loss of performance than delayed Extinction following either Fear or appetitive conditioning
  432. Synaptic Modulation via Basolateral Amygdala on the Rat Hippocampus Medial–Prefrontal Cortex Pathway in Fear Extinction
  433. Behavioral and neural analysis of GABA in the acquisition, consolidation, reconsolidation, and Extinction of Fear memory
  434. Positron emission tomographic imaging of neural correlates of a Fear acquisition and Extinction paradigm in women with childhood sexual-abuse-related post …
  435. Contextual-specificity of short-delay Extinction in humans: renewal of Fear -potentiated startle in a virtual environment
  436. A model of amygdala–hippocampal–prefrontal interaction in Fear conditioning and Extinction in animals
  437. Lesion of infralimbic cortex occludes stress effects on retrieval of Extinction but not Fear conditioning
  438. D-cycloserine and the facilitation of Extinction of conditioned Fear : consequences for reinstatement.
  439. Inactivation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex reduces expression of conditioned Fear and impairs subsequent recall of Extinction
  440. Facilitation of Extinction learning for contextual Fear memory by PEPA: a potentiator of AMPA receptors
  441. Sex differences and chronic stress effects on the neural circuitry underlying Fear conditioning and Extinction
  442. Reversal learning of an avoidance response as a function of prior Fear conditioning and Fear Extinction .
  443. Distinct contributions of the basolateral amygdala and the medial prefrontal cortex to learning and relearning Extinction of context conditioned Fear
  444. The role of the dorsal hippocampus on the Ginkgo biloba facilitation effect of Fear Extinction as assessed with Fear -potentiated startle
  445. Acute nicotine delays Extinction of contextual Fear in mice
  446. Fear conditioning in posttraumatic stress disorder: evidence for delayed Extinction of autonomic, experiential, and behavioural responses
  447. Nonassociative learning processes determine expression and Extinction of conditioned Fear in mice
  448. Cotinine enhances the Extinction of contextual Fear memory and reduces anxiety after Fear conditioning
  449. The effect of morphine on Fear Extinction in rats
  450. REM sleep deprivation affects Extinction of cued but not contextual Fear conditioning
  451. Vagus nerve stimulation enhances Extinction of conditioned Fear and modulates plasticity in the pathway from the ventromedial prefrontal cortex to the …
  452. The effect of yohimbine on the Extinction of conditioned Fear : a role for context.
  453. Bidirectional synaptic plasticity in intercalated amygdala neurons and the Extinction of conditioned Fear responses
  454. Extinction after retrieval: effects on the associative and nonassociative components of remote contextual Fear memory
  455. M-type potassium channels modulate the intrinsic excitability of infralimbic neurons and regulate Fear expression and Extinction
  456. Avoided by association: Acquisition, Extinction , and renewal of avoidance tendencies toward conditioned Fear stimuli
  457. The effects of attention allocation on Fear Extinction
  458. Spontaneous recovery of extinguished Fear responses deepens their Extinction : a role for error-correction mechanisms.
  459. Alterations of auditory P50 suppression in human Fear conditioning and Extinction
  460. Early life programming of Fear conditioning and Extinction in adult male rats
  461. Extinction is not a sufficient condition to prevent Fear memories from undergoing reconsolidation in the basolateral amygdala
  462. Regulation of gephyrin and GABAA receptor binding within the amygdala after Fear acquisition and Extinction
  463. Retrieval of memory for Fear -motivated training initiates Extinction requiring protein synthesis in the rat hippocampus
  464. Ameliorating effect of histamine on impairment of cued Fear Extinction induced by morphine withdrawal in histidine decarboxylase gene knockout mice
  465. Fear response failed to return in AAB Extinction paradigm accompanied with increased NR2B and GluR1 per845 in hippocampal CA1
  466. Preventing return of Fear in an animal model of anxiety: Additive effects of massive Extinction and Extinction in multiple contexts
  467. Young and old Pavlovian Fear memories can be modified with Extinction training during reconsolidation in humans
  468. Stimulation of serotonin 2A receptors facilitates consolidation and Extinction of Fear memory in C57BL/6J mice
  469. Different requirements for protein synthesis in acquisition and Extinction of spatial preferences and context-evoked Fear
  470. Sleep promotes consolidation and generalization of Extinction learning in simulated exposure therapy for spider Fear
  471. Neural encoding of contextual cues during Fear Extinction and reinstatement
  472. Neural systems involved in Fear inhibition: Extinction and conditioned inhibition
  473. Fear conditioning in an abdominal pain model: neural responses during associative learning and Extinction in healthy subjects
  474. Noradrenergic enhancement of reconsolidation in the amygdala impairs Extinction of conditioned Fear in rats—a possible mechanism for the persistence of traumatic …
  475. Block of γ-aminobutyric acid-A receptor insertion in the amygdala impairs Extinction of conditioned Fear
  476. Exposure to a novel context after Extinction causes a renewal of extinguished conditioned responses: implications for the treatment of Fear
  477. Extinction of conditioned Fear in rats as a function of several parameters of CS exposure.
  478. Extinction training during the reconsolidation window prevents recovery of Fear
  479. Contribution of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex to the acquisition and Extinction of conditioned Fear in rats
  480. Stronger renewal in human Fear conditioning when tested with an acquisition retrieval cue than with an Extinction retrieval cue
  481. Persistence of amygdala gamma oscillations during Extinction learning predicts spontaneous Fear recovery
  482. Blockade of CB1 receptors prevents retention of Extinction but does not increase low pre-incubated conditioned Fear in the Fear incubation procedure
  483. Safety behavior can hamper the Extinction of Fear of movement-related pain: an experimental investigation in healthy participants
  484. Stress-enhanced Fear learning in rats is resistant to the effects of immediate massed Extinction
  485. Context-dependent encoding of Fear and Extinction memories in a large-scale network model of the basal amygdala
  486. The neural substrates of Fear Extinction
  487. Consequences of ethanol exposure on cued and contextual Fear conditioning and Extinction differ depending on timing of exposure during adolescence or adulthood
  488. Prefrontal cortical contributions during discriminative Fear conditioning, Extinction , and spontaneous recovery in rats
  489. Concurrent excitors limit the Extinction of conditioned Fear in humans
  490. The influence of state anxiety on the acquisition and Extinction of Fear
  491. Inhibition of spontaneous recovery of Fear by mGluR5 after prolonged Extinction training
  492. Positive affect protects against deficient safety learning during Extinction of Fear of movement-related pain in healthy individuals scoring relatively high on trait anxiety
  493. Mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade in the basolateral nucleus of amygdala is involved in Extinction of Fear -potentiated startle
  494. Pharmacological discrimination of Extinction and reconsolidation of contextual Fear memory by a potentiator of AMPA receptors
  495. Post-session administration of USP methylene blue facilitates the retention of pathological Fear Extinction and contextual memory in phobic adults
  496. Prenatal stress induces long term stress vulnerability, compromising stress response systems in the brain and impairing Extinction of conditioned Fear after adult stress
  497. Excitatory strength of expressive faces: Effects of happy and Fear expressions and context on the Extinction of a conditioned Fear response.
  498. Distinct roles of hippocampal de novo protein synthesis and actin rearrangement in Extinction of contextual Fear
  499. Is Extinction of Fear erasure or inhibition? Why both, of course
  500. Block of glucocorticoid synthesis during re-activation inhibits Extinction of an established Fear memory
  501. Pre-synaptic control of remote Fear Extinction in the neocortex
  502. NMDA GluN2A and GluN2B receptors play separate roles in the induction of LTP and LTD in the amygdala and in the acquisition and Extinction of conditioned Fear
  503. Normal conditioning inhibition and Extinction of freezing and Fear -potentiated startle following electrolytic lesions of medial prefrontal cortex in rats.
  504. Chronic cannabinoid administration in vivo compromises Extinction of Fear memory
  505. Functional gene polymorphisms in the serotonin system and traumatic life events modulate the neural basis of Fear acquisition and Extinction
  506. Prefrontocortical dopamine loss in rats delays long-term Extinction of contextual conditioned Fear , and reduces social interaction without affecting short-term …
  507. Evidence for the persistence of contextual Fear memories following immediate Extinction
  508. Effects of two counterconditioning procedures on the Extinction of Fear .
  509. Extinction of remotely acquired Fear depends on an inhibitory NR2B/PKA pathway in the retrosplenial cortex
  510. PostExtinction infusion of a mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor into the medial prefrontal cortex impairs memory of the Extinction of conditioned Fear
  511. Resistance to Extinction of Fear -relevant stimuli: Preparedness or selective sensitization?
  512. Effect of D-cycloserine and valproic acid on the Extinction of reinstated Fear -conditioned responses and habituation of Fear conditioning in healthy humans: a …
  513. Prefrontal tetanic stimulation, following Fear reconditioning, facilitates expression of previously acquired Extinction
  514. Instructed Extinction differentially affects the emotional and cognitive expression of associative Fear memory
  515. On the resistance to Extinction of Fear conditioned to angry faces
  516. Acute early-life stress results in premature emergence of adult-like Fear retention and Extinction relapse in infant rats.
  517. A bout of voluntary running enhances context conditioned Fear , its Extinction , and its reconsolidation
  518. Comparative effectiveness of flooding and response prevention in the Extinction of human Fear and avoidance responding
  519. A parametric analysis of factors affecting acquisition and Extinction of contextual Fear in C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice
  520. Hippocampal SH2-containing protein-tyrosine phosphatases are involved in Extinction of contextual Fear
  521. Histone acetylation rescues contextual Fear conditioning in nNOS KO mice and accelerates Extinction of cued Fear conditioning in wild type mice
  522. Effects of ethanol on encoding, consolidation, and expression of Extinction following contextual Fear conditioning.
  523. Opposing effects of D-cycloserine on Fear despite a common Extinction duration: interactions between brain regions and behavior
  524. Long-term expression of human contextual Fear and Extinction memories involves amygdala, hippocampus and ventromedial prefrontal cortex: a reinstatement study …
  525. Dispositional cognitive reappraisal modulates the neural correlates of Fear acquisition and Extinction
  526. The effect of the μ-opioid receptor antagonist naloxone on Extinction of conditioned Fear in the developing rat
  527. Extensive Extinction in multiple contexts eliminates the renewal of conditioned Fear in rats
  528. Role of the hippocampus and amygdala in the Extinction of Fear -motivated learning
  529. Novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): facilitating Fear Extinction
  530. Corticosterone facilitates Extinction of Fear memory in BALB/c mice but strengthens cue related Fear in C57BL/6 mice
  531. CB1 cannabinoid receptors modulate kinase and phosphatase activity during Extinction of conditioned Fear in mice
  532. Conducting Extinction in multiple contexts does not necessarily attenuate the renewal of shock expectancy in a Fear -conditioning procedure with humans
  533. Use of the ABA Fear renewal paradigm to assess the effects of Extinction with co-present Fear inhibitors or excitors: Implications for theories of Extinction and for treating …
  534. Aging redistributes medial prefrontal neuronal excitability and impedes Extinction of trace Fear conditioning
  535. Activation of CREB in the nucleus accumbens shell produces anhedonia and resistance to Extinction of Fear in rats
  536. Noradrenaline, Fear and Extinction
  537. Electrolytic lesion of the nucleus incertus retards Extinction of auditory conditioned Fear
  538. The role of NMDA glutamate receptors, PKA, MAPK, and CAMKII in the hippocampus in Extinction of conditioned Fear
  539. Nocturnal hyperactivity, increased social novelty preference and delayed Extinction of Fear responses in post-weaning socially isolated mice
  540. The renewal of extinguished conditioned Fear with Fear -relevant and Fear -irrelevant stimuli by a context change after Extinction
  541. Recent exposure to a dangerous context impairs Extinction and reinstates lost Fear reactions.
  542. Extinction of Fear : From animal studies to clinical interventions
  543. The effects of muscimol and AMN082 injections into the medial prefrontal cortex on the expression and Extinction of conditioned Fear in mice
  544. Extinction of aversive eliciting functions as an analog of exposure to conditioned Fear : Does it alter avoidance responding?
  545. Effects of neonatal amygdala lesions on Fear learning, conditioned inhibition, and Extinction in adult macaques.
  546. Brief neonatal maternal separation alters Extinction of conditioned Fear and corticolimbic glucocorticoid and NMDA receptor expression in adult rats
  547. Decrements in human instrumental performance due to response competition and Fear Extinction .
  548. Histone acetylation in the hippocampus and Fear Extinction
  549. Differences in Extinction of conditioned Fear in C57BL/6 substrains are unrelated to expression of α-synuclein
  550. A role for α₁-adrenergic receptors in Extinction of conditioned Fear and cocaine conditioned place preference.
  551. Signals for threat modulate attentional capture and holding: Fear -conditioning and Extinction during the exogenous cueing task
  552. Effect of acute mild exercise on Fear Extinction : Role of hippocampal BDNF
  553. Systemic or intra-amygdala injection of a benzodiazepine (midazolam) impairs Extinction but spares re-Extinction of conditioned Fear responses
  554. The effect of D-cycloserine on immediate vs. delayed Extinction of learned Fear
  555. Multimodal assessment of long-term memory recall and reinstatement in a combined cue and context Fear conditioning and Extinction paradigm in humans
  556. Fear acquisition and Extinction in offspring of mothers with anxiety and depressive disorders
  557. Impaired Extinction of Fear and maintained amygdala‐hippocampal theta synchrony in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy
  558. Pharmacological enhancement of mGluR5 facilitates contextual Fear memory Extinction
  559. Role of NPY Y1 receptor on acquisition, consolidation and Extinction on contextual Fear conditioning: dissociation between anxiety, locomotion and non-emotional …
  560. Subchronic rolipram delivery activates hippocampal CREB and arc, enhances retention and slows down Extinction of conditioned Fear
  561. Fear memory formation can affect a different memory: Fear conditioning affects the Extinction , but not retrieval, of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) memory
  562. Bidirectional changes in the intrinsic excitability of infralimbic neurons reflect a possible regulatory role in the acquisition and Extinction of Pavlovian conditioned Fear
  563. Effects of REM deprivation and an NMDA agonist on the Extinction of conditioned Fear
  564. Benzodiazepine administration prevents the use of error-correction mechanisms during Fear Extinction
  565. 5-hydroxytryptamine type-3A receptor in the process of Fear Extinction
  566. Role of the basolateral amygdala in the reinstatement and Extinction of Fear responses to a previously extinguished conditioned stimulus
  567. Alteration of synaptic transmission in the hippocampal‐mPFC pathway during Extinction trials of context‐dependent Fear memory in juvenile rat stress models
  568. The control of contextual Extinction effects during a Fear -incubation procedure
  569. Extinction in Fear conditioning: Effects on startle modulation and evaluative self‐reports
  570. Spironolactone and low-dose dexamethasone enhance Extinction of contextual Fear conditioning
  571. Delay and trace Fear conditioning in a complex virtual learning environment—neural substrates of Extinction
  572. Reduction of Fear in social phobics: an examination of Extinction patterns
  573. Combination of fluoxetine and Extinction treatments forms a unique synaptic protein profile that correlates with long-term Fear reduction in adult mice
  574. Looking beyond Fear and Extinction learning: considering novel treatment targets for anxiety
  575. GABAA receptors containing the α5 subunit mediate the trace effect in aversive and appetitive conditioning and Extinction of conditioned Fear
  576. Picrotoxin enhances latent Extinction of conditioned Fear .
  577. Facilitation of Extinction of conditioned Fear by D-cycloserine: Implications for psychotherapy
  578. Blockade of Cav2. 1-mediated NMDA receptor signaling disrupts conditioned Fear Extinction
  579. Learning pain-related Fear : neural mechanisms mediating rapid differential conditioning, Extinction and reinstatement processes in human visceral pain
  580. Distinctive roles for amygdalar CREB in reconsolidation and Extinction of Fear memory
  581. Effects of mild TBI from repeated blast overpressure on the expression and Extinction of conditioned Fear in rats
  582. Extinction deficit and Fear reinstatement after electrical stimulation of the amygdala: implications for kindling-associated Fear and anxiety
  583. US habituation, like CS Extinction , produces a decrement in conditioned Fear responding that is NMDA dependent and subject to renewal and reinstatement
  584. Effect of instructed Extinction on verbal and autonomic indices of Pavlovian learning with Fear -relevant and Fear -irrelevant conditional stimuli.
  585. Angiotensin type 1 receptor inhibition enhances the Extinction of Fear memory
  586. Extinction of avoidance behavior and the problem of residual Fear
  587. Secondary Extinction in Pavlovian Fear conditioning
  588. Changes of NR2B in infra-limbic cortex after Fear Extinction
  589. Prior cocaine exposure disrupts Extinction of Fear conditioning
  590. The NMDA antagonist MK-801 blocks the Extinction of Pavlovian Fear conditioning.
  591. The cannabinoid receptor agonist WIN 55,212-2 facilitates the Extinction of contextual Fear memory and spatial memory in rats
  592. Effects of alcohol and diazepam on Fear of acquisition and Extinction in rats.
  593. Extinction of conditioned Fear as a function of percentage of reinforcement.
  594. Counterconditioning and Extinction of Fear fail to transfer from amobarbital to nondrug state
  595. The role of NPY in expression and Extinction of conditioned Fear
  596. Impaired Extinction of learned contextual Fear memory in early growth response 1 knockout mice
  597. The conditioning and Extinction of Fear in youths: what’s sex got to do with it?
  598. Strain differences in acquisition and Extinction of Fear responses in rats
  599. Impairment in Extinction of contextual and cued Fear following post-training whole-body irradiation
  600. Extinction -induced “despair” in the water maze, exploratory behavior and Fear : effects of chronic antidepressant treatment
  601. Counterconditioning versus forced exposure in Extinction of avoidance responding and conditioned Fear in rats.
  602. Age differences in Fear retention and Extinction in male Sprague-Dawley rats: effects of ethanol challenge during conditioning
  603. Entorhinal cortex contribution to contextual Fear conditioning Extinction and reconsolidation in rats
  604. Extinction , applied after retrieval of auditory Fear memory, selectively increases zinc-finger protein 268 and phosphorylated ribosomal protein S6 expression in …
  605. Zinc transporter 3 is involved in learned Fear and Extinction , but not in innate Fear
  606. Venlafaxine facilitates between-session Extinction and prevents reinstatement of auditory-cue conditioned Fear
  607. Observational Fear conditioning in the acquisition and Extinction of attentional bias for threat: An experimental evaluation.
  608. Preparedness and resistance to Extinction to Fear -relevant stimuli: A failure to replicate
  609. Extinction of Fear conditioning: Relevance of recent findings for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.
  610. Extinction of an avoidance response motivated by intense Fear : social facilitation of the action of response prevention (flooding) in rats
  611. Treatment of Fear memories: interactions between Extinction and reconsolidation
  612. Dual-tasking attenuates the return of Fear after Extinction
  613. 129S1/SvImJ mice display impaired contextual Fear Extinction , enhanced Fear incubation and deficit Extinction consolidation phenotypes: rescue via pharmacological …
  614. The effect of the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 on the acquisition and Extinction of learned Fear in the developing rat
  615. C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice differ in Extinction and renewal of extinguished conditioned Fear
  616. Return of Fear after retrospective inferences about the absence of an unconditioned stimulus during Extinction
  617. ApoE isoform‐dependent deficits in Extinction of contextual Fear conditioning
  618. Visual imagery, expected roles and Extinction as possible factors in reducing Fear and avoidance behavior
  619. The interaction between serotonergic and cannabinoidergic modulations involved in the Fear Extinction
  620. Selective and protracted effect of nifedipine on Fear memory Extinction correlates with induced stress response
  621. Clinical implications of impaired Fear Extinction in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  622. Visual cortex ablations do not prevent Extinction of Fear -potentiated startle using a visual conditioned stimulus
  623. Rapid reacquisition of Fear to a completely extinguished context is replaced by transient impairment with additional Extinction training.
  624. Glutamate receptors in the medial geniculate nucleus are necessary for expression and Extinction of conditioned Fear in rats
  625. Kappa opioid receptors mediate where Fear is expressed following Extinction training
  626. Protection of the Fear -eliciting capacity of a stimulus from Extinction .
  627. … and D-cycloserine on the release of glutamate and GABA in the basolateral amygdala of low and high anxiety rats during Extinction trial of a conditioned Fear test
  628. The type IV phosphodiesterase inhibitor rolipram disturbs expression and Extinction of conditioned Fear in mice
  629. Proteins linked to Extinction in contextual Fear conditioning in the C57BL/6J mouse
  630. … stress on plasma corticosterone and brain monoamine levels in bidirectionally selected DxH recombinant inbred mouse strains differing in Fear recall and Extinction
  631. Fear of cultural Extinction and psychopathology among Mandaean refugees: an exploratory path analysis
  632. Separate effects of Extinction , counterconditioning and progressive approach in overcoming Fear
  633. Cognitive processes in Fear Extinction and reduction
  634. Failure to loose Fear : the impact of cognitive load and trait anxiety on Extinction
  635. Extinction of reinstated or ABC renewed Fear responses renders them resistant to subsequent ABA renewal.
  636. Belief bias and the Extinction of induced Fear
  637. A novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): enhancing the impaired Extinction of Fear memory
  638. The paradigm of abnormal sensory gating in Fear Extinction as pathophysiology in obsessive-compulsive disorder
  639. Extinction and reacquisition of a Fear -motivated memory require activity of the Src family of tyrosine kinases in the CA1 region of the hippocampus
  640. Specific phobia: a disorder of Fear conditioning and Extinction
  641. Fear relief is neither sufficient nor essential for long-term Fear Extinction
  642. … accumbens core, dorsomedial striatum, and dorsolateral striatum in learning: performance and Extinction of Pavlovian Fear -conditioned responses and …
  643. Dynamical emergence of Fear and Extinction cells in the amygdala–a computational model
  644. Extinction of Fear II: Effects of chlordiazepoxide and chlorpromazine on Fear and exploratory behaviour in rats
  645. The L-Type voltage-gated calcium channel Cav1. 3 mediates consolidation, but not Extinction , of contextually conditioned Fear in mice
  646. Recovery of conditioned Fear by a single postExtinction shock: Effect of similarity of shock contexts and of time following Extinction
  647. Extinction of Fear I: Effects of amylobarbitone and dexamphetamine given separately and in combination on Fear and exploratory behaviour in rats
  648. Changes in amygdala neural activity that occur with the Extinction of context-dependent conditioned Fear stress
  649. Extinction of contextual Fear and preference for signaled shock
  650. Effects of forced and free exposure on Fear Extinction .
  651. Massed Extinction trials produce better short-term but worse long-term loss of context conditioned Fear responses than spaced trials.
  652. Inhibitory Functioning in Fear Extinction : GABA and BOLD Responses
  653. Effects of blocking an instrumental avoidance response: Facilitated Extinction but persistence of” Fear .”
  654. Learning not to Fear : Extinction , erasure, and the recovery of Fear memories
  655. Role of the hippocampus in contextual modulation of Fear Extinction *⋆
  656. Molecular mechanisms of D-cycloserine in a Fear Extinction posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) animal model
  657. … colocalisation of c-Fos and glucocorticoid receptors in brain structures of low and high anxiety rats subjected to Extinction trials and re-learning of a conditioned Fear …
  658. Effects of contingency violations on the Extinction of a conditioned Fear inhibitor and a conditioned Fear excitor.
  659. Systemic or intra-amygdala infusion of the benzodiazepine, midazolam, impairs learning, but facilitates re-learning to inhibit Fear responses in Extinction
  660. Pharmacological intervention of conditioned Fear and its Extinction
  661. Amygdala Depotentiation and Fear Extinction
  662. Brain Mechanisms of Fear Extinction : Historical Perspectives on the Contribution of Prefrontal Cortex: Errata.
  663. Research Progress on Neural Mechanisms of Conditioned Fear Extinction
  664. Effects of the presence of another animal during acquisition and Extinction upon the strength of a Fear response.
  665. Mechanisms of conditional Fear Extinction in mice
  666. Fear conditioning-and Extinction -induced neuronal plasticity in the mouse amygdala
  667. State dependent Fear Extinction : differential effects of anxiolytic drugs
  668. Behavioral and physiological analysis of Fear inhibition: Extinction and conditioned inhibition.
  669. Memory of Fear ful events: the role of fibroblast growth factor-2 in Fear acquisition and Extinction
  671. The contingent negative variation (CNV) to Fear -related stimuli in acquisition and Extinction
  672. Fkbp5 and its interaction in Fear Extinction (728.15)
  673. Examination of a backchaining/counterconditioning process during the Extinction of conditioned Fear
  674. Fear conditioning and Extinction in rats at different times of day
  675. Dopaminergic Augmentation of Human Fear Extinction
  676. Modulation of Fear memory by retrieval and Extinction : a clue for memory deconsolidation
  677. Effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME on Fear Extinction in rats
  678. Acquisition, Extinction , and reinstatement of Pavlovian Fear conditioning: the roles of the NMDA receptor and nitric oxide
  679. Developmental lead exposure impairs Extinction of conditioned Fear in young adult rats
  680. The effects of neurotoxic hippocampal lesions on two effects of context after Fear Extinction : Errata.
  681. Effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME on Fear Extinction in rats
  682. Perceptual generalization of introceptive Fear Extinction and baseline heart rate variability
  683. Pharmacological manipulations of the Extinction process of Fear -induced ultrasonic vocalization in rats
  684. Erasure of traumatic Fear memory in mice by a combination of fluoxetine and Fear Extinction training
  685. Neuropeptide Y modulates Fear and Fear Extinction in distinct nuclei of the amygdala
  686. Like Extinction , latent inhibition of conditioned Fear in mice is blocked by systemic inhibition of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels
  687. Fibroblast growth factor-2 enhances Extinction and reduces renewal of conditioned Fear
  688. Hippocampal inactivation disrupts the acquisition and contextual encoding of Fear Extinction : Correction.
  689. Amygdala depotentiation and Fear Extinction
  690. Behavioural and neural mechanisms involved in Fear Extinction , inhibition of responding, and the return of Fear
  691. Conditioned Fear Extinction and Fear Inhibition as Psychophysiological Indices of Trauma-related Psychopathology
  692. One-trial backward excitatory Fear conditioning in rats: Acquisition, retention, Extinction , and spontaneous recovery
  693. Second-order ‘Fear ‘conditioning in humans: Persistence of CR2 following Extinction of CR1
  694. Arthropods and the Current Great Mass Extinction : Effective Themes to Decrease Arthropod Fear and Disgust and Increase Positive Environmental Beliefs in Children …
  695. Extinction of a conditioned “Fear ” response as a function of reinforcement schedules for competing behavior
  696. Enhanced Extinction of contextual Fear conditioning in ClockΔ19 mutant mice.
  697. Translational Approaches to Anxiety: Focus on Genetics, Fear Extinction and Brain Imaging
  698. Learning not to Fear : Amygdala, prefrontal cortex and synaptic plasticity involvement in Fear Extinction
  699. An Examination of the Extended Effects of D-Cycloserine Treatment on Fear Extinction in Rats
  701. The role of muscarinic receptors in prefrontal excitability and Fear Extinction
  702. L-type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels in Fear Conditioning, Fear Extinction , and Amygdala Neurophysiology.
  703. Conditioned Fear Extinction and Generalization in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  704. The effect of music exposure in juvenile stage on anxiety-like behavior and Fear Extinction in adult rat
  705. The Effect of Mild Copper Deficiency on Fear Extinction and Motor Functioning
  706. A Transient Fear Reduction by Pair-Exposure with a Non-Fear ful Partner during Fear Extinction Independent from Corticosterone Level in Mice
  707. Acute systemic fibroblast growth factor-2 enhances long-term Extinction of Fear and reduces reinstatement in rats
  708. Substantia nigra, nucleus basalis magnocellularis and basolateral amygdala roles in Extinction of contextual Fear conditioning in the rat
  709. Sex differences in Fear conditioning and Extinction
  710. The effects of venlafaxine on the Extinction of Fear memory in rat
  711. Effects of Extinction training on conditioned Fear behaviour and synaptic structure in hippocampal CA1 area in Fear conditioned rats
  712. The effects of social housing on Extinction of Fear conditioning in rapid eye movement sleep-deprived rats
  713. The impact of state anxiety on Fear acquisition and Extinction
  714. Metabolic mapping of rat brain activity associated with conditioned Fear Extinction and renewal, and improvement of Extinction memory by the metabolic enhancer …
  715. Sex differences in Extinction return of conditioned Fear memory
  716. Erasing Fear memory via enhancement of Extinction memory trace
  717. Histone deacetylase inhibitors, glutamatergic drugs and deep brain stimulation rescue resistance to Fear Extinction in a genetic mouse model
  718. The acquisition and Extinction of the Fear response
  719. Exposure to acute stress induces different patterns of Fear Extinction and habituation behavior in an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder
  720. Repetitive thought in human (Fear ) conditioning: Strengthening the acquisition and Extinction memory
  721. BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Facilitation of Fear Extinction by Midbrain Periaqueductal Gray Infusions of RB101 (S), An Inhibitor of Enkephalin-Degrading Enzymes
  722. Spontaneous recovery in Pavlovian Fear Extinction and latent inhibition
  723. Myocardial infarction increases noradrenergic activity in medial prefrontal cortex and impairs consolidation of Fear Extinction more in female rats
  724. Prelimbic prefrontal neurons drive Fear expression: a clue for Extinction –reconsolidation interactions
  725. The Extinction of Fear as a function of distance versus dissimilarity from the original conflict situation.
  726. No sex difference in contextual control over the expression of latent inhibition and Extinction in Pavlovian Fear conditioning in rats
  727. Bidirectional modulation of Fear Extinction by mediodorsal thalamic firing in mice
  728. Effect of percentage of reinforcement and distribution of acquisition trials on Extinction of conditioned Fear
  729. The effects of exposure to a spatial ordered Fear stimulus: A study of generalization of Extinction effects
  730. The Effects of Overexpressing CREB in the Lateral Amygdala on the Consolidation of Auditory Fear Extinction Memory
  731. The role of the IKK/NF-kappa B signaling pathways in the Extinction of auditory Fear condition
  732. The effects of D-cycloserine on the consolidation of Fear Extinction learning, emotional processing and subjective mood in healthy volunteers
  733. Instructions and the Extinction of a learned Fear in the context of taped implosive therapy.
  734. Inhibition of the amygdala central nucleus by stimulation of cerebellar output in rats: a putative mechanism for Extinction of the conditioned Fear response
  735. Impaired Fear Extinction as Displayed by Serotonin Transporter Knockout Rats Housed in Open
  736. Caloric restriction enhances Fear Extinction learning: A new approach to our understanding of anorexia nervosa
  737. Extinction of cognitively conditioned Fear in Borderline Personality Disorder
  739. The Role of the Amygdala, Retrosplenial Cortex, and Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Trace Fear Extinction and Reconsolidation
  740. Mechanisms of reconsolidation and Extinction of Fear memory
  741. The hypocretin/orexin system mediates the Extinction of Fear memories
  742. … paradox: Attempts by two-factor Fear theory and alternative avoidance models to resolve the issues associated with sustained avoidance responding in Extinction .
  743. Research on the change of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 in hippocampus CA1 after conditioned Fear Extinction
  744. Fear conditioning and Extinction as a model of PTSD in mice
  745. Ventral hippocampal kappa opioid receptors mediate the renewal of Fear following Extinction in the rat
  746. The effects of massing and distribution of Extinction trials on the persistence of a Fear -motivated instrumental response.
  747. Prenatal cocaine effects on Fear conditioning:: Exaggeration of sex-dependent context Extinction
  748. Extinction of an incapacitating Fear of earthworms.
  749. Modeling acquisition and Extinction of conditioned Fear in LA neurons using learning algorithm
  750. Block of Fear conditioning induced by habituation or Extinction
  751. Unlearning Fear : Calcium channel blockers and the process of Extinction
  753. Extinction of an avoidance response in rats via response prevention (flooding): A test for residual Fear
  754. Using reconsolidation and Extinction to weaken Fear memories in animal models
  755. The effects of cocaine, amphetamine, and the dopamine D₁ receptor agonist SKF 38393 on Fear Extinction as measured with potentiated startle: Implications for …
  756. The effect of hypocapnia on Extinction of conditioned Fear responses
  757. 2 Pharmacological facilitation of Fear Extinction and the search for adjunct treatments for anxiety disorders-the case of yohimbine 8 Protein kinase C: disease regulator …
  758. Reasons block Extinction of conditioned Fear memory
  759. Behavioral and neural analysis of GABA in the acquisition, consolidation, reconsolidation, and Extinction of Fear memory: Corrigendum.
  760. Dissociative effects of flooding on a multivariate assessment of Fear reduction and on jump-up avoidance Extinction
  761. Enhancement of conditioned Fear during Extinction
  762. The effects of retrieval-Extinction training on the restoration of Pavlovian conditioned Fear
  763. Extinction of Fear memory in experimental models of depression
  764. A retrieval-Extinction paradigm to treat conditioned Fear memory
  765. Low level lindane exposure alters Extinction of conditioned Fear in rats
  766. Cognitive restructuring-assistance in the clinical Extinction of Fear and avoidance
  767. Cue exposure and overt Fear responses as determinants of Extinction of avoidance in rats.
  768. Context specificity in the Extinction of learned Fear
  769. Acquisition and Extinction in a substance dependent sample: A de novo Fear conditioning study
  770. Interactions between Extinction and reconsolidation in the treatment of Fear memory
  771. Effects of acute stress and corticosterone on Fear memory Extinction in mice
  772. The effect of a conditioned Fear inhibitor (CS-) during response prevention upon Extinction of an avoidance response
  773. Loud noise potentiates conditioned Fear in Extinction using a CER (lick suppression) paradigm in rats
  774. Resistance to Extinction of conditioned electrodermal responses: A study of the incubation Fear hypothesis
  775. Potential mechanisms underlying the facilitation of Fear memory Extinction by cotinine
  776. Tricyclic antidepressants: effects on Extinction and Fear learning
  777. Extinction of unsignaled shuttlebox avoidance and the effect exerted subsequently by a conditioned Fear stimulus as a function of amobarbital
  778. Differential activation of anatomically defined neuronal subpopulations in the amygdala during Fear conditioning and Extinction
  779. Generalization of Extinction effects in Fear scene hierarchies.
  780. Return of Fear : When Extinction is not enough
  781. Within-session analysis of the Extinction of pavlovian Fear -conditioning using robust regression
  782. Changes in resting-state functional connectivity following delay and trace Fear conditioning acquisition and Extinction
  783. Conditioned excitation and conditioned inhibition of Fear : Asymmetrical processes as evident in Extinction .
  784. Extinction of Recent Fear : Behavioral and Neural Mechanisms.
  785. Skeletal muscle effects of the chemical block of autonomic impulses and the Extinction of Fear .
  787. Citrulline extracellular level in the nucleus accumbens during acquisition and Extinction of classical conditioned Fear response with pain reinforcement
  788. Regulation of Fear by Amygdala Intercalated Cells in a Network Model of Fear Acquisition and Extinction
  789. Dynamics of intracellular dopamine contents in the rat brain during the formation of conditioned contextual Fear and Extinction of an acoustic startle reaction
  790. A Role for-Adrenergic Receptors in Extinction of Conditioned Fear and Cocaine Conditioned Place Preference
  791. Changes of neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex related to the expression and Extinction of conditioned Fear responses
  792. Role of the basolateral amygdala and NMDA receptors in the acquisition and Extinction of higher-order conditioned Fear
  793. Neural Circuitry Underlying Contextual Regulation of Fear after Extinction .
  794. Network analysis of human Fear conditioning: Differential acquisition, Extinction , and reversal.
  795. Supplemental Data Neural circuitry underlying the regulation of conditioned Fear and its relation to Extinction
  796. The Effect of Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor L-NAME on Extinction of Cued Fear [J]
  798. Effects of a Pavlovian conditioned Fear stimulus on avoidance performance attenuated by experimental Extinction
  799. Vampire Dogs and Marsupial Hyenas: Fear , Myth, and the Tasmanian Tiger’s Extinction
  800. Avoided by Association: Acquisition, Extinction , and Renewal of Avoidance Tendencies towards Conditioned Fear Stimuli Angelos-Miltiadis Krypotos, Marieke …
  801. Conditioned alpha Fear responses and protection from Extinction
  802. Participation of the dorsal hippocampus in the acquisition, expression, and context-dependency of Extinction of learned Fear
  803. Genetic gating of human Fear , Fear learning and Extinction : Psychophysiological, brain imaging (fMRI) and clinical studies
  804. Extinction of the avoidance response and Fear reduction through second-order conditioning
  805. Enhanced Extinction of Contextual Fear Conditioning in Clock 19 Mutant Mice
  806. Prefrontal cortex subregions and their involvement in the acquisition and Extinction of conditioned Fear .
  807. Extinction learning of conditioned Fear in adult Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  808. Altering Fear Memories: Reactivation, Extinction & Erasure
  809. Role of Sleep Deprivation in Fear Conditioning and Extinction : Implications for Treatment of PTSD
  810. Self-punitive behavior: Strength of Fear of startbox and third runway segment stimuli over punished-Extinction trials
  811. Role of the basolateral amygdala in learning and relearning context conditioned Fear and its Extinction .
  812. Contextual control of the Extinction of conditioned Fear : Tests for the associative value of the context
  813. The ventrolateral periaqueductal gray contributes to the Extinction of conditional Fear and related changes in the medial prefrontal cortex
  814. Self-punitive behavior: strength of Fear in the startbox and third runway segment during punished Extinction
  815. Postnatal supplemental choline facilitates Extinction of Fear in adolescent rats
  816. Moderate Levels of Stress Inhibit Auditory Fear Memory Extinction in Rats
  817. Fear Conditioning and Extinction in Twins Discordant for Combat Exposure and PTSD
  818. Effects of acute THC administration on Extinction of conditioned Fear responses in humans
  819. Adolescent traumatic stress experience shapes adulthood Fear conditioning and Extinction responses
  820. Fear conditioning and Extinction as a function of escape from black to white vs. escape from white to black.
  821. Politics, Animal Rights, Fear and Ignorance: A Recipe For Extinction
  822. Consequences of adolescent ethanol exposure in male Sprague-Dawley rats on Fear conditioning and Extinction in adulthood
  823. … of oxytocin into the basolateral amygdala facilitates, whereas infusion into the central nucleus impairs Extinction of context conditioned Fear responses in rats.
  824. Reactivation conditions are critical to permanently reduce a Fear memory through the reactivation-Extinction procedure
  825. Extinction of conditioned Fear memory to a context is related to anxiety levels
  826. Neuropeptide Y and cholecystokinin modulation of the expression and Extinction of Fear -potentiated startle
  827. Neural circuits for context-specific expression of Pavlovian Fear memory after Extinction
  829. Does safety behaviour hamper the Extinction of movement-related Fear of pain? An experimental investigation in healthy participants
  830. Memory Reconsolidation: Chapter eight. Using Reconsolidation and Extinction to Weaken Fear Memories in Animal Models
  831. A Dynamic Circuit: Interactions Between the Amygdala, Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex Control Context-sensitive Fear and Extinction
  833. Effects of acute THC administration on Extinction of conditioned Fear responses in humans: A functional analysis of high density EEG
  835. Unlearning of vicariously acquired Fear responses via counter-conditioning but not direct Extinction
  837. Sleep deprivation does not affect acquisition and consolidation of memory Extinction on contextual Fear conditioning in rats
  838. Facilitation of Extinction of conditioned Fear in the rat cortex and amygdala
  839. Fear memory Extinction accelerated by simultaneous activation of GABA (B) and NMDA receptors
  840. Role of NTRK3 in the Extinction of Fear memories and streess-coping: studies in a mouse model of panic disorder
  841. The effects of estradiol replacement therapy on novel-object recognition and Extinction of conditioned Fear memory in ovariectomized rats
  842. Neural substrates for the opposing effects of distinct presynaptic group III metabotropic glutamate receptors on Extinction of contextual Fear conditioning in mice.
  843. Protein synthesis inhibition in the basolateral nucleus of amygdala facilitates Extinction of auditory Fear memory
  844. The effect of estrogen replacement therapy on novel-object recognition and Extinction of conditioned Fear memory in ovariectomized rats
  845. Evaluative learning, emotional processing, and Extinction of Fear and disgust in Blood-Injection-Injury (BII) phobia.
  846. Adolescent nicotine exposure enhances alcohol self‐administration, and subsequently affects Extinction of conditioned Fear response
  847. Extinction of Fear -cue induced inhibition of eating in male and female rats: Activation of brainstem nuclei
  848. Normal conditioning inhibition and Extinction of freezing and Fear -potentiated startle following electrolytic lesions of medial prefrontal cortex in rats
  849. Effects of activation and inactivation of glucocorticoid receptors of basolateral amygdala on Fear memory Extinction in rats
  850. An Analysis of Late-Developing Learning and Memory Systems in Rats: Fear -Potentiated Startle and Context-Specific Latent inhibition and Extinction
  851. 145 Fear conditioning and Extinction : emotional states encoded by distinct signaling pathways
  852. … penguin on brink of Extinction : Volunteers have begun a count of little penguins on Granite Island off South Australia’s Victor Harbor, but say they Fear the total number …
  853. EPA-0138–Comt val158met polymorphism interacts with sex to influence Fear conditioning and Extinction in healthy humans
  856. 8. Bilateral vs. unilateral ECS: effects on Extinction of conditioned Fear response in mice.
  857. Stress and Fear Extinction
  858. Sex differences in Fear Extinction
  859. A dopaminergic basis for Fear Extinction
  860. Effects of sleep on memory for conditioned Fear and Fear Extinction .
  861. Rodent models of impaired Fear Extinction
  862. Amount of Fear Extinction changes its underlying mechanisms
  863. Fear Extinction retention: is it what we think it is?
  864. Fear Extinction in the human brain: a meta-analysis of fMRI studies in healthy participants
  865. Revisiting the role of infralimbic cortex in Fear Extinction with optogenetics
  866. Cellular and oscillatory substrates of Fear Extinction learning
  867. Low-cost avoidance behaviors are resistant to Fear Extinction in humans
  868. The microbiota regulate neuronal function and Fear Extinction learning
  869. Fear Extinction requires infralimbic cortex projections to the basolateral amygdala
  870. The rostroventral part of the thalamic reticular nucleus modulates Fear Extinction
  871. Neural underpinnings of cortisol effects on Fear Extinction
  872. Failure of Fear Extinction in insomnia: an evolutionary perspective
  873. Running from Fear : Exercise modulation of Fear Extinction
  874. State-of-the-art and future directions for Extinction as a translational model for Fear and anxiety
  875. The validity of laboratory-based treatment research: Bridging the gap between Fear Extinction and exposure treatment
  876. Nothing is safe: Intolerance of uncertainty is associated with compromised Fear Extinction learning
  877. Dopamine-dependent prefrontal reactivations explain long-term benefit of Fear Extinction
  878. Deficient Fear Extinction memory in posttraumatic stress disorder
  879. Activation of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons during Fear Extinction prevents the renewal of Fear
  880. … -based Extinction of safety behaviors: Positive outcomes competing with aversive outcomes trigger Fear -opposite action to prevent protection from Fear Extinction
  881. Modulation of Fear Extinction by stress, stress hormones and estradiol: a review
  882. Sex differences in mouse models of Fear inhibition: Fear Extinction , safety learning, and Fear –safety discrimination
  883. Brain activation during Fear Extinction predicts exposure success
  884. Impaired Fear Extinction in adolescent rodents: behavioural and neural analyses
  885. Distinct hippocampal engrams control Extinction and relapse of Fear memory
  886. Differential effects of prior stress on conditioned inhibition of Fear and Fear Extinction
  887. Amygdala reward neurons form and store Fear Extinction memory
  888. The centrality of Fear Extinction in linking risk factors to PTSD: A narrative review
  889. Does Fear Extinction in the laboratory predict outcomes of exposure therapy? A treatment analog study
  890. Fear Extinction reverses dendritic spine formation induced by Fear conditioning in the mouse auditory cortex
  891. Prefrontal inputs to the amygdala instruct Fear Extinction memory formation
  892. Dopamine neurons drive Fear Extinction learning by signaling the omission of expected aversive outcomes
  893. Excitatory connections between the prelimbic and infralimbic medial prefrontal cortex show a role for the prelimbic cortex in Fear Extinction
  894. Common and distinct neural correlates of Fear Extinction and cognitive reappraisal: a meta-analysis of fMRI studies
  895. Assessment of conditioned Fear Extinction in male and female adolescent rats
  896. Response-specific sex difference in the retention of Fear Extinction
  897. A translational perspective on neural circuits of Fear Extinction : Current promises and challenges
  898. The effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on conditioned Fear Extinction in humans
  899. Prefrontal cortex stimulation enhances Fear Extinction memory in humans
  900. Estradiol and progesterone have opposing roles in the regulation of Fear Extinction in female rats
  901. Hunger promotes Fear Extinction by activation of an amygdala microcircuit
  902. L-DOPA improves Extinction memory retrieval after successful Fear Extinction
  903. Fear Extinction learning as a predictor of response to cognitive behavioral therapy for pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder
  904. Temporal dynamics of relief in avoidance conditioning and Fear Extinction : Experimental validation and clinical relevance
  905. Novel approaches for strengthening human Fear Extinction : The roles of novelty, additional USs, and additional GSs
  906. Requirement for BDNF in the reconsolidation of Fear Extinction
  907. Characterization of Fear conditioning and Fear Extinction by analysis of electrodermal activity
  908. Activation of medial orbitofrontal cortex abolishes Fear Extinction and interferes with Fear expression in rats
  909. Preimmunization with a heat-killed preparation of Mycobacterium vaccae enhances Fear Extinction in the Fear -potentiated startle paradigm
  910. Treatment with a heat-killed preparation of Mycobacterium vaccae after Fear conditioning enhances Fear Extinction in the Fear -potentiated startle paradigm
  911. Ketamine accelerates Fear Extinction via mTORC1 signaling
  912. … , less avoidance: Rewards competing with aversive outcomes do not buffer Fear acquisition, but attenuate avoidance to accelerate subsequent Fear Extinction
  913. Identification of a novel gene regulating amygdala-mediated Fear Extinction
  914. The effect of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on Fear generalization and subsequent Fear Extinction
  915. Impaired Fear Extinction associated with PTSD increases with hours‐since‐waking
  916. Modulation of Fear Extinction processes using transcranial electrical stimulation
  917. Inconsistent analytic strategies reduce robustness in Fear Extinction via skin conductance response
  918. Prefrontal projections to the thalamic nucleus reuniens mediate Fear Extinction
  919. Inhibition of diacylglycerol lipase impairs Fear Extinction in mice
  920. Maximizing the generalization of Fear Extinction : Exposures to a peak generalization stimulus
  921. Delayed Fear Extinction in individuals with insomnia disorder
  922. The BDNF Val66Met prodomain disassembles dendritic spines altering Fear Extinction circuitry and behavior
  923. The role of Neuropeptide Y in Fear conditioning and Extinction
  924. Dopamine in Fear Extinction
  925. Sex differences in Fear Extinction and involvements of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)
  926. Combined brain‐derived neurotrophic factor with Extinction training alleviate impaired Fear Extinction in an animal model of post‐traumatic stress disorder
  927. Traumatic stress causes distinctive effects on Fear circuit catecholamines and the Fear Extinction profile in a rodent model of posttraumatic stress disorder
  928. l-DOPA and consolidation of Fear Extinction learning among women with posttraumatic stress disorder
  929. Distinct signals in medial and lateral VTA dopamine neurons modulate Fear Extinction at different times
  930. 2-arachidonoylglycerol signaling impairs short-term Fear Extinction
  931. Neurocircuitry of Fear Extinction in adult and juvenile rats
  932. Cholinergic regulation of Fear learning and Extinction
  933. Neural circuitry underlying effects of context on human pain‐related Fear Extinction in a renewal paradigm
  934. Noradrenergic blockade stabilizes prefrontal activity and enables Fear Extinction under stress
  935. Estrogen and Extinction of Fear memories: implications for posttraumatic stress disorder treatment
  936. A-to-Z interactions in Fear Extinction
  937. MicroRNA-mediated rescue of Fear Extinction memory by miR-144-3p in Extinction -impaired mice
  938. Sleep deprivation disrupts recall of conditioned Fear Extinction
  939. Acute exercise enhances the consolidation of Fear Extinction memory and reduces conditioned Fear relapse in a sex-dependent manner
  940. Higher threat avoidance costs reduce avoidance behaviour which in turn promotes Fear Extinction in humans
  941. Fear Extinction requires ASIC1a-dependent regulation of hippocampal-prefrontal correlates
  942. Persistent activation of central amygdala CRF neurons helps drive the immediate Fear Extinction deficit
  943. Enhancing dopaminergic signaling and histone acetylation promotes long-term rescue of deficient Fear Extinction
  944. Estradiol shifts interactions between the infralimbic cortex and central amygdala to enhance Fear Extinction memory in female rats
  945. Sound check, stage design and screen plot–how to increase the comparability of Fear conditioning and Fear Extinction experiments
  946. Effects of trauma in adulthood and adolescence on Fear Extinction and Extinction retention: Advancing animal models of posttraumatic stress disorder
  947. The role of carbonic anhydrases in Extinction of contextual Fear memory
  948. Augmentation of Fear Extinction by transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
  949. Retrieval and reconsolidation accounts of Fear Extinction
  950. Individual differences in Fear Extinction and anxiety-like behavior
  951. D‐cycloserine enhances generalization of Fear Extinction in children
  952. Extinction during memory reconsolidation blocks recovery of Fear in adolescents
  953. Forming competing Fear learning and Extinction memories in adolescence makes Fear difficult to inhibit
  954. Dexamethasone treatment leads to enhanced Fear Extinction and dynamic Fkbp5 regulation in amygdala
  955. Vagus nerve stimulation promotes generalization of conditioned Fear Extinction and reduces anxiety in rats
  956. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism moderates the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder and Fear Extinction learning
  957. Intolerance of uncertainty predicts Fear Extinction in amygdala-ventromedial prefrontal cortical circuitry
  958. MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD: are memory reconsolidation and Fear Extinction underlying mechanisms?
  959. It’s time: A commentary on Fear Extinction in the human brain using fMRI
  960. Mothers do it differently: reproductive experience alters Fear Extinction in female rats and women
  961. Early-life inflammation with LPS delays Fear Extinction in adult rodents
  962. Dynamic regulation of Z-DNA in the mouse prefrontal cortex by the RNA-editing enzyme Adar1 is required for Fear Extinction
  963. A rodent model of exposure therapy: the use of Fear Extinction as a therapeutic intervention for PTSD
  964. Contribution of estradiol levels and hormonal contraceptives to sex differences within the Fear network during Fear conditioning and Extinction
  965. Controlled cortical impact before or after Fear conditioning does not affect Fear Extinction in mice
  966. Mechanisms of Fear learning and Extinction : Synaptic plasticity–Fear memory connection
  967. Dexamethasone facilitates Fear Extinction and safety discrimination in PTSD: A placebo-controlled, double-blind study
  968. Incentive-based, instructed, and social observational Extinction of avoidance: Fear -opposite actions and their influence on Fear Extinction
  969. Prefrontal NMDA receptors expressed in excitatory neurons control Fear discrimination and Fear Extinction
  970. Chronic cannabis use is associated with impaired Fear Extinction in humans.
  971. Effect of d-cycloserine on Fear Extinction training in adults with social anxiety disorder
  972. The Class I HDAC inhibitor RGFP963 enhances consolidation of cued Fear Extinction
  973. The molecular motor KIF21B mediates synaptic plasticity and Fear Extinction by terminating Rac1 activation
  974. Adiponectin regulates contextual Fear Extinction and intrinsic excitability of dentate gyrus granule neurons through AdipoR2 receptors
  975. The effect of cathodal tDCS on Fear Extinction : A cross-measures study
  976. Elevated anandamide, enhanced recall of Fear Extinction , and attenuated stress responses following inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase: a randomized …
  977. Evaluating differences in Pavlovian Fear acquisition and Extinction as predictors of outcome from cognitive behavioural therapy for anxious children
  978. Dentate gyrus contributes to retrieval as well as encoding: evidence from context Fear conditioning, recall, and Extinction
  979. Adrenal-dependent diurnal modulation of conditioned Fear Extinction learning
  980. Estradiol levels in women predict skin conductance response but not valence and expectancy ratings in conditioned Fear Extinction
  981. The role of the medial prefrontal cortex in trace Fear Extinction
  982. Selective control of Fear expression by optogenetic manipulation of infralimbic cortex after Extinction
  983. Adolescent social isolation increases anxiety-like behavior and ethanol intake and impairs Fear Extinction in adulthood: Possible role of disrupted noradrenergic …
  984. Concomitant THC and stress adolescent exposure induces impaired Fear Extinction and related neurobiological changes in adulthood
  985. Effects of systemic estradiol on Fear Extinction in female rats are dependent on interactions between dose, estrous phase, and endogenous estradiol levels
  986. Distinct roles of prelimbic and infralimbic proBDNF in Extinction of conditioned Fear
  987. Fear Extinction recall modulates human frontomedial theta and amygdala activity
  988. Facilitation of Fear Extinction by novelty depends on dopamine acting on D1-subtype dopamine receptors in hippocampus
  989. A ventral striatal prediction error signal in human Fear Extinction learning
  990. Fear conditioning and Extinction in youth with obsessive‐compulsive disorder
  991. Curculigoside facilitates Fear Extinction and prevents depression-like behaviors in a mouse learned helplessness model through increasing hippocampal BDNF
  992. A cross species study of heterogeneity in Fear Extinction learning in relation to FKBP5 variation and expression: Implications for the acute treatment of posttraumatic …
  993. Neural circuits via which single prolonged stress exposure leads to Fear Extinction retention deficits
  994. Calcineurin inhibition blocks within-, but not between-session Fear Extinction in mice
  995. Fear Extinction learning ability predicts neuropathic pain behaviors and amygdala activity in male rats
  996. N-Methyl D-aspartate receptor subunit signaling in Fear Extinction
  997. Control of Fear Extinction by hypothalamic melanin-concentrating hormone–expressing neurons
  998. No evidence for blocking the return of Fear by disrupting reconsolidation prior to Extinction learning
  999. Fear Extinction and memory reconsolidation as critical components in behavioral treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder and potential augmentation of these …
  1000. Mixed evidence for the potential of non-invasive transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation to improve the Extinction and retention of Fear
  1001. Fluoxetine facilitates Fear Extinction through amygdala endocannabinoids
  1002. Prefrontal-amygdala connectivity and state anxiety during Fear Extinction recall in adolescents
  1003. Enhancement of Fear Extinction with deep brain stimulation: evidence for medial orbitofrontal involvement
  1004. Effect of continuous and partial reinforcement on the acquisition and Extinction of human conditioned Fear .
  1005. Resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex following Fear reminder predicts Fear Extinction
  1006. Inhibiting corticosterone synthesis during Fear memory formation exacerbates cued Fear Extinction memory deficits within the single prolonged stress model
  1007. Alterations in neuronal morphology in infralimbic cortex predict resistance to Fear Extinction following acute stress
  1008. Increased perceived self-efficacy facilitates the Extinction of Fear in healthy participants
  1009. Examining the cardiovascular response to Fear Extinction in a trauma-exposed sample
  1010. Early life social experience affects adulthood Fear Extinction deficit and associated dopamine profile abnormalities in a rat model of PTSD
  1011. … lesions in the medial septum and vertical limb of the diagonal bands of Broca induce contextual Fear memory generalization and impair acquisition of Fear Extinction
  1012. Repeated social defeat-induced neuroinflammation, anxiety-like behavior and resistance to Fear Extinction were attenuated by the cannabinoid receptor agonist …
  1013. The association between Fear Extinction , the ability to accomplish exposure and exposure therapy outcome in specific phobia
  1014. Fear conditioning and Extinction in pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder
  1015. Leptin: a potential anxiolytic by facilitation of Fear Extinction
  1016. Timing is everything: differential effects of chronic stress on Fear Extinction
  1017. Fasting enhances Extinction retention and prevents the return of Fear in humans
  1018. Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 activation is required for long-term depression in medial prefrontal cortex and Fear Extinction
  1019. Effects of ghrelin receptor activation on forebrain dopamine release, conditioned Fear and Fear Extinction in C57BL/6J mice
  1020. The role of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in Fear and Extinction memory
  1021. The divergent effects of CDPPB and Cannabidiol on Fear Extinction and anxiety in a predator scent stress model of PTSD in rats
  1022. Dopamine, endocannabinoids and their interaction in Fear Extinction and negative affect in PTSD
  1023. Estradiol is associated with altered cognitive and physiological responses during Fear conditioning and Extinction in healthy and spider phobic women.
  1024. Effects of approach-avoidance training on the Extinction and return of Fear responses
  1025. Maternal separation facilitates Extinction of social Fear in adult male mice
  1026. Neural processing during Fear Extinction predicts intrusive memories
  1027. Fear acquisition and Extinction in elderly patients with depression
  1028. Impaired Fear Extinction retention and increased anxiety-like behaviours induced by limited daily access to a high-fat/high-sugar diet in male rats: Implications for diet …
  1029. Subchronic administration of aripiprazole improves Fear Extinction retrieval of Pavlovian conditioning paradigm in rats experiencing psychological trauma
  1030. Neuroepigenetic mechanisms underlying Fear Extinction : emerging concepts
  1031. Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation and Extinction of prepared Fear : A conceptual non-replication
  1032. Extinction retention and Fear renewal in a lifetime obsessive–compulsive disorder sample
  1033. Association of resting metabolism in the Fear neural network with Extinction recall activations and clinical measures in trauma-exposed individuals
  1034. Cortisol administration after Extinction in a Fear -conditioning paradigm with traumatic film clips prevents return of Fear
  1035. Inhibition of serotonin transporters disrupts the enhancement of Fear memory Extinction by 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
  1036. Fear Extinction in an obsessive-compulsive disorder animal model: Influence of sex and estrous cycle
  1037. Cerebellar vermis contributes to the Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1038. Selective sub-nucleus effects of intra-amygdala oxytocin on Fear Extinction
  1039. The DNA modification N6-methyl-2′-deoxyadenosine (m6dA) drives activity-induced gene expression and is required for Fear Extinction
  1040. Estradiol modulation of the renin–angiotensin system and the regulation of Fear Extinction
  1041. Early-childhood social reticence predicts SCR-BOLD coupling during Fear Extinction recall in preadolescent youth
  1042. Effects of acute exercise on Fear Extinction in rats and exposure therapy in humans: null findings from five experiments
  1043. Augmenting Extinction learning with D-cycloserine reduces return of Fear : a randomized, placebo-controlled fMRI study
  1044. Mild traumatic brain injury with social defeat stress alters anxiety, contextual Fear Extinction , and limbic monoamines in adult rats
  1045. Role of hippocampal β-adrenergic and glucocorticoid receptors in the novelty-induced enhancement of Fear Extinction
  1046. Effects of increased attention allocation to threat and safety stimuli on Fear Extinction and its recall
  1047. Fear Extinction requires reward
  1048. Vicarious conditioned Fear acquisition and Extinction in child–parent dyads
  1049. Sex‐dependent effects of endocannabinoid modulation of conditioned Fear Extinction in rats
  1050. GABAergic synapses at the axon initial segment of basolateral amygdala projection neurons modulate Fear Extinction
  1051. Fear Extinction learning improvement in PTSD after EMDR therapy: an fMRI study
  1052. Infralimbic EphB2 modulates Fear Extinction in adolescent rats
  1053. Sleep supports cued Fear Extinction memory consolidation independent of circadian phase
  1054. Timing matters: Transcranial direct current stimulation after Extinction learning impairs subsequent Fear Extinction retention
  1055. Continuous exposure to α-glycosyl isoquercitrin from developmental stage facilitates Fear Extinction learning in rats
  1056. Angiotensin II signaling and Fear Extinction : translational evidence and novel receptor targets
  1057. Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the ventromedial prefrontal cortex enhances Fear Extinction in healthy humans: A single blind sham-controlled study
  1058. Regulation of Fear Extinction and relapse by hippocampal engrams.
  1059. Enhanced histone acetylation in the infralimbic prefrontal cortex is associated with Fear Extinction
  1060. Mindfulness and Fear Extinction : a brief review of its current neuropsychological literature and possible implications for posttraumatic stress disorder
  1061. Activation of orexin/hypocretin neurons is associated with individual differences in cued Fear Extinction
  1062. Sex differences in learned Fear expression and Extinction involve altered gamma oscillations in medial prefrontal cortex
  1063. Hormonal, reproductive, and behavioural predictors of Fear Extinction recall in female rats
  1064. Genome-wide translational profiling of amygdala Crh-expressing neurons reveals role for CREB in Fear Extinction learning
  1065. Acoustic startle response in rats predicts inter-individual variation in Fear Extinction
  1066. Excitation of diverse classes of cholecystokinin interneurons in the basal amygdala facilitates Fear Extinction
  1067. Individual variation in working memory is associated with Fear Extinction performance
  1068. Fear Extinction memory is negatively associated with REM sleep in insomnia disorder
  1069. Contextual Fear Extinction induces hippocampal metaplasticity mediated by metabotropic glutamate receptor 5
  1070. PSD-95-nNOS coupling regulates contextual Fear Extinction in the dorsal CA3
  1071. A single dose of the organophosphate triazophos induces Fear Extinction deficits accompanied by hippocampal acetylcholinesterase inhibition
  1072. Voluntary exercise during Extinction of auditory Fear conditioning reduces the relapse of Fear associated with potentiated activity of striatal direct pathway neurons
  1073. Reproductive experience alters the involvement of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in Fear Extinction , but not Fear conditioning, in female Sprague Dawley rats
  1074. Cold pressor test improves Fear Extinction in healthy men
  1075. Facilitation of contextual Fear Extinction by orexin-1 receptor antagonism is associated with the activation of specific amygdala cell subpopulations
  1076. Stress influences the dynamics of hippocampal structural remodeling associated with Fear memory Extinction
  1077. Effects of early life social experience on Fear Extinction and related glucocorticoid profiles–behavioral and neurochemical approaches in a rat model of PTSD
  1078. Plasticity of Fear and safety neurons of the amygdala in response to Fear Extinction
  1079. Acute exercise enhances Fear Extinction through a mechanism involving central mTOR signaling
  1080. Effects of optogenetic photoexcitation of infralimbic cortex inputs to the basolateral amygdala on conditioned Fear and Extinction
  1081. Using c-Jun to identify Fear Extinction learning-specific patterns of neural activity that are affected by single prolonged stress
  1082. Longitudinal changes of resting-state functional connectivity of amygdala following Fear learning and Extinction
  1083. Impaired Fear Extinction recall in serotonin transporter knockout rats is transiently alleviated during adolescence
  1084. Thought suppression inhibits the generalization of Fear Extinction
  1085. d-Cycloserine and estradiol enhance Fear Extinction in nulliparous but not primiparous female rats
  1086. Negative appraisals and Fear Extinction are independently related to PTSD symptoms
  1087. Regulation of Fear Extinction by long-term depression: the roles of endocannabinoids and brain derived neurotrophic factor
  1088. Deficits in opioid receptor-mediated prediction error contribute to impaired Fear Extinction during adolescence
  1089. Involvement of CRFR1 in the basolateral amygdala in the immediate Fear Extinction deficit
  1090. Estradiol-induced enhancement of Fear Extinction in female rats: The role of NMDA receptor activation
  1091. Modeling hierarchical versus random exposure schedules in Pavlovian Fear Extinction : No evidence for differential Fear outcomes
  1092. Alterations in Fear Extinction neural circuitry and Fear -related behavior linked to trauma exposure in children
  1093. Differential alterations in cortico-amygdala circuitry in mice with impaired Fear Extinction
  1094. 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) impairs the Extinction and reconsolidation of Fear memory in rats
  1095. Cholinergic neurotransmission in the basolateral amygdala during cued Fear Extinction
  1096. Intranasal cotinine plus krill oil facilitates Fear Extinction , decreases depressive-like behavior, and increases hippocampal calcineurin a levels in mice
  1097. Impaired contextual Fear Extinction and hippocampal synaptic plasticity in adult rats induced by prenatal morphine exposure
  1098. AMPA receptors control Fear Extinction through an Arc-dependent mechanism
  1099. Vagus nerve stimulation enhances Extinction of conditioned Fear in rats and modulates Arc protein, CaMKII, and GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors in the …
  1100. Impaired Fear Extinction in serotonin transporter knockout rats is associated with increased 5‐hydroxymethylcytosine in the amygdala
  1101. Individual variability in the recall of Fear Extinction is associated with phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase in the infralimbic cortex
  1102. Nicotine modulates contextual Fear Extinction through changes in ventral hippocampal GABAergic function
  1103. Acute food deprivation enhances Fear Extinction but inhibits long-term depression in the lateral amygdala via ghrelin signaling
  1104. Regulation of Fear Extinction in the basolateral amygdala by dopamine D2 receptors accompanied by altered GluR1, GluR1-Ser845 and NR2B Levels
  1105. Cortico-limbic connectivity changes following Fear Extinction and relationships with trait anxiety
  1106. Facilitation of Fear Extinction by novelty is modulated by β-adrenergic and 5-HT1A serotoninergic receptors in hippocampus
  1107. Bilateral alternating auditory stimulations facilitate Fear Extinction and retrieval
  1108. Elucidating the mechanisms of Fear Extinction in developing animals: a special case of NMDA receptor-independent Extinction in adolescent rats
  1109. Glycyrrhizin treatment facilitates Extinction of conditioned Fear responses after a single prolonged stress exposure in rats
  1110. Candesartan ameliorates impaired Fear Extinction induced by innate immune activation
  1111. Diminished Fear Extinction in adolescents is associated with an altered somatostatin interneuron–mediated inhibition in the infralimbic cortex
  1112. Variance and Scale-Free Properties of Resting-State Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent Signal After Fear Memory Acquisition and Extinction
  1113. Acute and long-lasting effects of oxytocin in cortico-limbic circuits: consequences for Fear recall and Extinction
  1114. Differential behavioral, stress, and sleep responses in mice with different delays of Fear Extinction
  1115. Partial and Total Sleep Deprivation Interferes With Neural Correlates of Consolidation of Fear Extinction Memory
  1116. Hypobaric hypoxia induced Fear and Extinction memory impairment and effect of Ginkgo biloba in its amelioration: Behavioral, neurochemical and molecular correlates
  1117. Rolipram improves facilitation of contextual Fear Extinction in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine-induced mouse model of Parkinson’s disease
  1118. Fear Extinction in 17 day old rats is dependent on metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 signaling
  1119. Fear conditioning and Extinction induce opposing changes in dendritic spine remodeling and somatic activity of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the mouse motor …
  1120. Pharmacological evidence that a failure to recruit NMDA receptors contributes to impaired Fear Extinction retention in adolescent rats
  1121. 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine facilitates Fear Extinction learning
  1122. The role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and context in regulating Fear learning and Extinction .
  1123. MK-801 Exposure during Adolescence Elicits Enduring Disruption of Prefrontal E–I Balance and Its Control of Fear Extinction Behavior
  1124. Sleep deprivation disrupts acquisition of contextual Fear Extinction by affecting circadian oscillation of hippocampal-infralimbic proBDNF
  1125. Environmental enrichment prevents the late effect of acute stress-induced Fear Extinction deficit: the role of hippocampal AMPA-GluA1 phosphorylation
  1126. Different forms of Fear Extinction are supported by distinct cortical substrates
  1127. Cell-type-specific interrogation of CeA Drd2 neurons to identify targets for pharmacological modulation of Fear Extinction
  1128. Fear Extinction disruption in a developmental rodent model of schizophrenia correlates with an impairment in basolateral amygdala-medial prefrontal cortex plasticity
  1129. Intra‐Amygdala Metaplasticity Modulation of Fear Extinction Learning.
  1130. Learn to forget: Does post-exposure administration of d-cycloserine enhance Fear Extinction in agoraphobia?
  1131. Neuropeptide Y2 receptors in anteroventral BNST control remote Fear memory depending on Extinction training
  1132. Ketamine reverses the impaired Fear memory Extinction and accompanied depressive-like behaviors in adolescent mice
  1133. An Analysis of Fear Inhibition and Fear Extinction in a Sample of Veterans with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): Implications for Co-morbidity with Post-Traumatic …
  1134. Circadian disruption impairs Fear Extinction and memory of conditioned safety in mice
  1135. DPP4-deficient congenic rats display blunted stress, improved Fear Extinction and increased central NPY
  1136. Effects of repeated anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on auditory Fear Extinction in C57BL/6J mice
  1137. Combined neuropeptide S and D-cycloserine augmentation prevents the return of Fear in Extinction -impaired rodents: advantage of dual versus single drug …
  1138. Attentional control and Fear Extinction in subclinical Fear : an exploratory study
  1139. Preventing the return of Fear using reconsolidation updating and methylene blue is differentially dependent on Extinction learning
  1140. Dopamine and serotonin in Fear Extinction : some key questions to be addressed
  1141. Is glutamate associated with Fear Extinction and cognitive behavior therapy outcome in OCD? A pilot study
  1142. Administration of riluzole to the basolateral amygdala facilitates Fear Extinction in rats
  1143. COMT val158met polymorphism links to altered Fear conditioning and Extinction are modulated by PTSD and childhood trauma
  1144. Neural oscillatory correlates for conditioning and Extinction of Fear
  1145. Cholinergic basal forebrain neurons regulate Fear Extinction consolidation through p75 neurotrophin receptor signaling
  1146. Single stimulation of Y2 receptors in BNSTav facilitates Extinction and dampens reinstatement of Fear
  1147. Cotinine enhances Fear Extinction and astrocyte survival by mechanisms involving the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors signaling
  1148. Habituation and Extinction of Fear recruit overlapping forebrain structures
  1149. Coordination between prefrontal cortex clock gene expression and corticosterone contributes to enhanced conditioned Fear Extinction recall
  1150. Pancreatic polypeptide and its central Y4 receptors are essential for cued Fear Extinction and permanent suppression of Fear
  1151. Orexin A differentially influences the Extinction retention of recent and remote Fear memory
  1152. Functional deficit in hippocampal activity during Fear Extinction recall in the single prolonged-stress model of PTSD in male rats
  1153. Effects of bright light exposure on human Fear conditioning, Extinction , and associated prefrontal activation
  1154. The small molecule GAT1508 activates brain-specific GIRK1/2 channel heteromers and facilitates conditioned Fear Extinction in rodents
  1155. Methylphenidate dose-dependently affects aggression and improves Fear Extinction and anxiety in BALB/cJ mice
  1156. Don’t Fear ‘Fear conditioning’: Methodological considerations for the design and analysis of studies on human Fear acquisition, Extinction , and return of Fear
  1157. Fear -potentiated startle and Fear Extinction in a sample of undergraduate women exposed to a campus mass shooting
  1158. High-affinity α4β2 nicotinic receptors mediate the impairing effects of acute nicotine on contextual Fear Extinction
  1159. Intra-prefrontal cyclosporine potentiates ketamine-induced Fear Extinction in rats
  1160. A unique safety signal: Social-support figures enhance rather than protect from Fear Extinction
  1161. Spontaneous resurgence of conditioned Fear weeks after successful Extinction in brain injured mice
  1162. … the uncinate fasciculus is associated with subthreshold posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and Fear potentiated startle during early Extinction in recently deployed …
  1163. Extinction recall of Fear memories formed before stress is not affected despite higher theta activity in the amygdala
  1164. Gonadal hormone fluctuations do not affect the expression or Extinction of Fear -potentiated startle in female rats.
  1165. d-Cycloserine facilitates Fear Extinction in adolescent rats and differentially affects medial and lateral prefrontal cortex activation
  1166. BET proteins inhibitor JQ-1 impaired the Extinction of remote auditory Fear memory: An effect mediated by insulin like growth factor 2
  1167. Predictable chronic mild stress during adolescence promotes Fear memory Extinction in adulthood
  1168. Impairment of contextual Fear Extinction by chronic nicotine and withdrawal from chronic nicotine is associated with hippocampal nAChR upregulation
  1169. Pharmacological activation of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex on regulation of learned Fear and Extinction
  1170. Impaired Extinction of cued Fear memory and abnormal dendritic morphology in the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices in VPAC2 receptor (VIPR2)-deficient mice
  1171. Inhibition of Rac1 activity in the hippocampus impaired Extinction of contextual Fear
  1172. Continuous exposure to α-glycosyl isoquercitrin from developmental stages to adulthood is necessary for facilitating Fear Extinction learning in rats
  1173. The L-type voltage-gated calcium channel CaV1. 2 mediates Fear Extinction and modulates synaptic tone in the lateral amygdala
  1174. Maintenance of aversive memories shown by Fear Extinction -impaired phenotypes is associated with increased activity in the amygdaloid-prefrontal circuit
  1175. Dissociated role of D-serine in Extinction during consolidation vs. reconsolidation of context conditioned Fear
  1176. Differential histone acetylation in sub-regions of bed nucleus of the stria terminalis underlies Fear consolidation and Extinction
  1177. Chronic activation of Fear engrams induces Extinction ‐like behavior in ethanol‐exposed mice
  1178. Human-specific neuropeptide S receptor variants regulate Fear Extinction in the basal amygdala of male and female mice depending on threat salience
  1179. Persistence of the Extinction of Fear memory requires late-phase cAMP/PKA signaling in the infralimbic cortex
  1180. Continuous exposure to amorphous formula of curcumin from the developmental stage facilitates anti-anxiety-like behavior and Fear –Extinction learning in rats
  1181. Early weaning impairs Fear Extinction and decreases brain‐derived neurotrophic factor expression in the prefrontal cortex of adult male C57BL/6 mice
  1182. Activation of D1/5 dopamine receptors: a common mechanism for enhancing Extinction of Fear and reward-seeking behaviors
  1183. Infralimbic dopamine D2 receptors mediate glucocorticoid-induced facilitation of auditory Fear memory Extinction in rats
  1184. Inositol polyphosphate multikinase mediates Extinction of Fear memory
  1185. The role of mediodorsal thalamic nucleus in Fear Extinction
  1186. The role of the medial prefrontal cortex in the conditioning and Extinction of Fear
  1187. Pulsed electromagnetic field attenuated PTSD-induced failure of conditioned Fear Extinction
  1188. Fear Extinction , persistent disruptive behavior and psychopathic traits: fMRI in late adolescence
  1189. … Light on the Transcriptomic Dark Matter in Biological Psychiatry: Role of Long Noncoding RNAs in D-cycloserine-Induced Fear Extinction in Posttraumatic Stress …
  1190. Oxytocin facilitates the Extinction of conditioned Fear in humans
  1191. Sex differences in the effects of adult short-term isolation rearing on contextual Fear memory and Extinction
  1192. Fear Extinction memory performance in a sample of stable, euthymic patients with bipolar disorder
  1193. MGluR2/3 in the lateral amygdala is required for Fear Extinction : cortical input synapses onto the lateral amygdala as a target site of the mGluR2/3 action
  1194. Projections from Infralimbic Cortex to Paraventricular Thalamus Mediate Fear Extinction Retrieval
  1195. Pre-Extinction activation of hippocampal AMPK prevents Fear renewal in mice
  1196. Multiple Fear -related stimuli enhance physiological arousal during Extinction and reduce physiological arousal to novel stimuli and the threat conditioned …
  1197. Short-term enriched environment exposure facilitates Fear Extinction in adult rats: The NPY-Y1 receptor modulation
  1198. The relationship between Fear Extinction and resilience to drug-dependence in rats
  1199. Chemogenetic activation of the mPFC alleviates impaired Fear memory Extinction in an animal model of PTSD
  1200. Freezing response-independent facilitation of Fear Extinction memory in the prefrontal cortex
  1201. Administration of moclobemide facilitates Fear Extinction and attenuates anxiety‐like behaviors by regulating synaptic‐associated proteins in a rat model of post …
  1202. Neural circuits for a top-down control of Fear and Extinction
  1203. Minocycline attenuates interferon-α-induced impairments in rat Fear Extinction
  1204. Regulation of Fear Extinction versus other affective behaviors by discrete cortical scaffolding complexes associated with NR2B and PKA signaling
  1205. Postnatal stress is associated with impaired Fear conditioning and Extinction , and heightened hippocampal fibroblast growth factor 2, in mother rats
  1206. The impact of maternal separation and isolation stress during stress hyporesponsive period on Fear retention and Extinction recall memory from 5-week-to 1-year-old …
  1207. Impairment in Extinction of cued Fear memory in syntenin-1 knockout mice
  1208. Sex-dependent opposite effects of a tropomyosin-related kinase B receptor (TrkB) agonist 7, 8-dihydroxyflavone on cued Fear Extinction in mice
  1209. SKF83959, an agonist of phosphatidylinositol-linked dopamine receptors, prevents renewal of extinguished conditioned Fear and facilitates Extinction
  1210. Acute nicotine disrupts consolidation of contextual Fear Extinction and alters long-term memory-associated hippocampal kinase activity
  1211. Enhancing effects of contingency instructions on Fear acquisition and Extinction in anxiety disorders.
  1212. Sex differences in the effects of nicotine on contextual Fear Extinction
  1213. Oxytocin enhancement of Fear Extinction : a new target for facilitating exposure-based treatments?
  1214. More than just noise: Inter-individual differences in Fear acquisition, Extinction and return of Fear in humans-Biological, experiential, temperamental factors, and …
  1215. Impaired contextual Fear Extinction learning is associated with aberrant regulation of CHD-type chromatin remodeling factors
  1216. Brd4 participates in epigenetic regulation of the Extinction of remote auditory Fear memory
  1217. Impaired Fear Extinction due to a deficit in Ca2+ influx through L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in mice deficient for tenascin-C
  1218. Retention of perceptual generalization of Fear Extinction
  1219. ADRB2 gene polymorphism modulates the retention of Fear Extinction memory
  1220. Extending the examination of the Fear Extinction network beyond anxiety and Fear -based disorders: insight into autism spectrum disorder
  1221. Effects of intranasal insulin as an enhancer of Fear Extinction : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled experimental study
  1222. Visuocortical tuning to a threat-related feature persists after Extinction and consolidation of conditioned Fear
  1223. Apelin-13 enhances contextual Fear Extinction in rats
  1224. Temporary inactivation of the infralimbic cortex impairs while the blockade of its dopamine D2 receptors enhances auditory Fear Extinction in rats
  1225. Predicting Extinction phenotype to optimize Fear reduction
  1226. Noradrenergic modulation of Fear conditioning and Extinction
  1227. Nucleus reuniens mediates the Extinction of contextual Fear conditioning
  1228. Critical evaluation of current data analysis strategies for psychophysiological measures of Fear conditioning and Extinction in humans
  1229. Increased amygdalar metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 mRNA in a genetic mouse model of impaired Fear Extinction
  1230. Long-term characterization of hippocampal remapping during contextual Fear acquisition and Extinction
  1231. Generalization of Extinction of a generalization stimulus in Fear learning
  1232. Extinction of conditioned Fear in adolescents and adults: a human fMRI study
  1233. Tyrosine receptor kinase B receptor activation reverses the impairing effects of acute nicotine on contextual Fear Extinction
  1234. Social Company by a Receptive Mating Partner Facilitates Fear Extinction
  1235. White matter correlates of contextual pavlovian Fear Extinction and the role of anxiety in healthy humans
  1236. Harnessing reconsolidation to weaken Fear and appetitive memories: A meta-analysis of post-retrieval Extinction effects.
  1237. Molecular mechanisms of D-cycloserine in facilitating Fear Extinction : insights from RNAseq
  1238. Conditioned Fear and Extinction learning performance and its association with psychiatric symptoms in active duty Marines
  1239. Clinical implications of Fear Extinction in anxiety disorders
  1240. Neural circuits mediating Fear learning and Extinction
  1241. Can transcranial direct current stimulation augment Extinction of conditioned Fear ?
  1242. Sleep disruption, safety learning, and Fear Extinction in humans: implications for posttraumatic stress disorder
  1243. Protocol for studying Extinction of conditioned Fear in naturally cycling female rats
  1244. Fear conditioning and Extinction in anxious and non-anxious youth: A meta-analysis
  1245. The effect of hippocampal NMDA receptor blockade by MK-801 on cued Fear Extinction
  1246. Infralimbic neurotrophin-3 infusion rescues Fear Extinction impairment in a mouse model of pathological Fear
  1247. Stress following Extinction learning leads to a context‐dependent return of Fear
  1248. Fear conditioning and Extinction in anxiety-and depression-prone persons
  1249. The need for standards in the design of differential Fear conditioning and Extinction experiments in youth: A systematic review and recommendations for research on …
  1250. Immediate Extinction promotes the return of Fear
  1251. Skin conductance responses and neural activations during Fear conditioning and Extinction recall across anxiety disorders
  1252. Novelty-facilitated Extinction and the reinstatement of conditional human Fear
  1253. Brain sites involved in Fear memory reconsolidation and Extinction of rodents
  1254. Disruption of human Fear reconsolidation using imaginal and in vivo Extinction
  1255. Regulation of HDAC1 and HDAC2 during consolidation and Extinction of Fear memory
  1256. Effect of conditioned stimulus exposure during slow wave sleep on Fear memory Extinction in humans
  1257. Extinction of Fear generalization: a comparison between fibromyalgia patients and healthy control participants
  1258. Acute inescapable stress alleviates Fear Extinction recall deficits caused by serotonin transporter abolishment
  1259. Serotonin 5-HT4 receptor Agonists Improve Facilitation of Contextual Fear Extinction in an MPTP-Induced Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease
  1260. Understanding posttraumatic stress disorder through Fear conditioning, Extinction and reconsolidation
  1261. 0884 Morning Blue Light Exposure Improves Sleep and Fear Extinction Recall in PTSD
  1262. Generalization and Extinction of Concept-BasedPain-Related Fear
  1263. A brief review of the EEG literature on mindfulness and Fear Extinction and its potential implications for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (PTSS)
  1264. How administration of the beta-blocker propranolol before Extinction can prevent the return of Fear
  1265. … : neural mechanisms and implications for relapse prevention from a study on experimentally induced return-of-Fear following Fear conditioning and Extinction
  1266. An isolated retrieval trial before Extinction session does not prevent the return of Fear
  1267. Perirhinal cortex inactivation produces retrieval deficits in Fear Extinction to a discontinuous visual stimulus.
  1268. Contribution of Hippocampal 5-HT3 Receptors in Hippocampal Autophagy and Extinction of Conditioned Fear Responses after a Single Prolonged Stress Exposure …
  1269. High current anxiety symptoms, but not a past anxiety disorder diagnosis, are associated with impaired Fear Extinction
  1270. Extinction of Fear memory attenuates conditioned cardiovascular Fear reactivity
  1271. T32. Characterizing the Cardiovascular Response to Fear Extinction in PTSD
  1272. REM sleep is causal to successful consolidation of dangerous and safety stimuli and reduces return of Fear after Extinction
  1273. Letter to the Editor: Simply avoiding reactivating Fear memory after exposure therapy may help to consolidate Fear Extinction memory
  1274. Experience-dependent resonance in amygdalo-cortical circuits supports Fear memory retrieval following Extinction
  1275. Estradiol modulates neural and behavioral arousal in women with posttraumatic stress disorder during a Fear learning and Extinction task
  1276. Blue Light Therapy Enhances Sleep and Fear Extinction Recall in PTSD
  1277. Associative learning versus Fear habituation as predictors of long-term Extinction retention
  1278. Regular music exposure in juvenile rats facilitates conditioned Fear Extinction and reduces anxiety after foot shock in adulthood
  1279. Enduring abolishment of remote but not recent expression of conditioned Fear by the blockade of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors before Extinction training
  1280. Effects of vagus nerve stimulation on Extinction of conditioned Fear and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in rats
  1281. Acute tianeptine treatment selectively modulates neuronal activation in the central nucleus of the amygdala and attenuates Fear Extinction
  1282. Reconsolidation/destabilization, Extinction and forgetting of Fear memory as therapeutic targets for PTSD
  1283. A novelty-retrieval-Extinction paradigm leads to persistent attenuation of remote Fear memories
  1284. Instructed Extinction in human Fear conditioning: History, recent developments, and future directions
  1285. Effects of prediction error on post-retrieval Extinction of Fear to compound stimuli
  1286. Promoting long-term inhibition of human Fear responses by non-invasive transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation during Extinction training
  1287. Deficient inhibitory processing in trait anxiety: Evidence from context-dependent Fear learning, Extinction recall and renewal
  1288. Pharmacological modulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 and 7 impairs Extinction of social Fear in a time-point-dependent manner
  1289. Fear fulness, neuroticism/anxiety, and COMT Val158Met in long-term Fear conditioning and Extinction
  1290. Contextual change after Fear acquisition affects conditioned responding and the time course of Extinction learning—implications for renewal research
  1291. A review of boundary conditions and variables involved in the prevention of return of Fear after post-retrieval Extinction
  1292. A preregistered, direct replication attempt of the retrieval-Extinction effect in cued Fear conditioning in rats
  1293. Bidirectional effects of cannabidiol on contextual Fear memory Extinction
  1294. Vicarious Extinction learning during reconsolidation neutralizes Fear memory
  1295. Postnatal development of neurotransmitter systems and their relevance to Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1296. Commentary: Augmentation of Fear Extinction by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)
  1297. Juvenile female rats, but not male rats, show renewal, reinstatement, and spontaneous recovery following Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1298. Fear -potentiated startle during Extinction is associated with white matter microstructure and functional connectivity
  1299. Social buffering enhances Extinction of conditioned Fear responses in male rats
  1300. Interaction between the cholecystokinin and endogenous cannabinoid systems in cued Fear expression and Extinction retention
  1301. SUN-235 Deficient Fear Extinction in PRKAR1A-Defective Mice
  1302. The impact of unconditioned stimulus devaluation on conditional Fear Extinction
  1303. Effects of swimming exercise on the Extinction of Fear memory in rats
  1304. Corrigendum: Low-Cost Avoidance Behaviors are Resistant to Fear Extinction in Humans
  1305. Amygdaloid zif268 participated in the D-cycloserine facilitation effect on the Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1306. Insensitivity of auditory mismatch negativity to classical Fear conditioning and Extinction in healthy humans
  1307. Kainate receptor auxiliary subunit NETO2 is required for normal Fear expression and Extinction
  1308. On the transition from reconsolidation to Extinction of contextual Fear memories
  1309. Effects of post-Extinction l-DOPA administration on the spontaneous recovery and reinstatement of Fear in a human fMRI study
  1310. The effect of ketamine on the consolidation and Extinction of contextual Fear memory
  1311. Transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation to promote the Extinction of Fear
  1312. Temporal dynamics of conditioned skin conductance and pupillary responses during Fear acquisition and Extinction
  1313. Endogenous salivary α-amylase does not interact with skin conductance response during Fear Extinction in posttraumatic stress disorder
  1314. The topological properties of stimuli influence Fear generalization and Extinction in humans
  1315. Impact of life history on Fear memory and Extinction
  1316. Prazosin during Fear conditioning facilitates subsequent Extinction in male C57Bl/6N mice
  1317. Direction of attention bias to threat relates to differences in Fear acquisition and Extinction in anxious children
  1318. Extinction after Fear memory reactivation fails to eliminate renewal in rats
  1319. Aripiprazole facilitates Extinction of conditioned Fear in adolescent rats
  1320. PACAP modulates the consolidation and Extinction of the contextual Fear conditioning through NMDA receptors
  1321. Data-driven criteria to assess Fear remission and phenotypic variability of Extinction in rats
  1322. Event boundaries do not cause the immediate Extinction deficit after Pavlovian Fear conditioning in rats
  1323. Incentive-based Extinction of safety behaviors: Positive outcomes competing with aversive events reduce safety behaviors and prevent protection from Fear Extinction
  1324. Brain morphology correlates of interindividual differences in conditioned Fear acquisition and Extinction learning
  1325. Extinction and retrieval+ Extinction of conditioned Fear differentially activate medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala in rats
  1326. Teens that Fear screams: A comparison of Fear conditioning, Extinction , and reinstatement in adolescents and adults
  1327. Revisiting potential associations between brain morphology, Fear acquisition and Extinction through new data and a literature review
  1328. Chronic fluoxetine prevents Fear memory generalization and enhances subsequent Extinction by remodeling hippocampal dendritic spines and slowing down …
  1329. Extinction reverses olfactory Fear -conditioned increases in neuron number and glomerular size
  1330. Fear conditioning and Extinction in anxious and nonanxious youth and adults: examining a novel developmentally appropriate Fear ‐conditioning task
  1331. Post-Extinction conditional stimulus valence predicts reinstatement Fear : Relevance for long-term outcomes of exposure therapy
  1332. The relative effectiveness of Extinction and counter-conditioning in diminishing children’s Fear
  1333. The effect of compound stimulus to conditioned Fear Extinction in retrieval-Extinction paradigm
  1334. Extinction of learned Fear induces hippocampal place cell remapping
  1335. Fear -potentiated startle processing in humans: Parallel fMRI and orbicularis EMG assessment during cue conditioning and Extinction
  1336. Comparing counterconditioning and Extinction as methods to reduce Fear of movement-related pain
  1337. Extinction during reconsolidation eliminates recovery of Fear conditioned to Fear -irrelevant and Fear -relevant stimuli
  1338. Basolateral amygdala calpain is required for Extinction of contextual Fear -memory
  1339. The possible role of neurobeachin in Extinction of contextual Fear memory
  1340. Instructed Fear learning, Extinction , and recall: additive effects of cognitive information on emotional learning of Fear
  1341. Behavioral and immunohistochemical characterization of rapid reconditioning following Extinction of contextual Fear
  1342. Characterizing the nature of emotional-associative learning deficits in panic disorder: An fMRI study on Fear conditioning, Extinction training and recall
  1343. Extinction of Fear is facilitated by social presence: Synergism with prefrontal oxytocin
  1344. Infralimbic cortex controls Fear memory generalization and susceptibility to Extinction during consolidation
  1345. The influence of state anxiety on Fear discrimination and Extinction in females
  1346. Systemic administration of a delta opioid receptor agonist, KNT-127, facilitates Extinction learning of Fear memory in rats
  1347. Acquisition of CS-US contingencies during Pavlovian Fear conditioning and Extinction in social anxiety disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder
  1348. Microtopography of Fear memory consolidation and Extinction retrieval within prefrontal cortex and amygdala
  1349. Neural Substrates of Active Avoidance and Its Impact on Fear Extinction
  1350. Effects of verbal instructions and physical threat removal prior to Extinction training on the return of conditioned Fear
  1351. … , and brain development: probiotics reverse the effects of maternal separation on neural circuits underpinning Fear expression and Extinction in infant rats
  1352. Neural adaptation of cingulate and insular activity during delayed Fear Extinction : A replicable pattern across assessment sites and repeated measurements
  1353. Role of prediction error in destabilizing Fear memories in retrieval Extinction and its neural mechanisms
  1354. Pavlovian Extinction of Fear with the original conditional stimulus, a generalization stimulus, or multiple generalization stimuli
  1355. Variance and Scale-Free Properties of Resting-State BOLD Signal Alter after Fear Memory Acquisition and Extinction
  1356. One for all: The effect of Extinction stimulus typicality on return of Fear
  1357. Ruining the surprise: The effect of safety information before Extinction on return of Fear
  1358. A case series to investigate food‐related Fear learning and Extinction using in vivo food exposure in anorexia nervosa: A clinical application of the inhibitory learning …
  1359. Optical activation of TrkB neurotrophin receptor in mouse ventral hippocampus promotes plasticity and facilitates Fear Extinction
  1360. Augmenting exposure therapy with pre-Extinction Fear memory reactivation and deepened Extinction : A randomized controlled trial
  1361. Post-retrieval Extinction in adolescence prevents return of juvenile Fear
  1362. S14. Randomized Controlled Trial of Hydrocortisone and D-Cycloserine on Fear Extinction in PTSD
  1363. A mouse model of stress-enhanced Fear learning demonstrates Extinction -sensitive and Extinction -resistant effects of footshock stress
  1364. Prefrontal dopamine regulates Fear reinstatement through the downregulation of Extinction circuits
  1365. Effects of chemogenetic excitation or inhibition of the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray on the acquisition and Extinction of Pavlovian Fear conditioning
  1366. Biological preparedness and resistance to Extinction of skin conductance responses conditioned to Fear relevant animal pictures: A systematic review
  1367. No persistent attenuation of Fear memories in humans: A registered replication of the reactivation-Extinction effect
  1368. Differential effects of α4β2 nicotinic receptor antagonists and partial-agonists on contextual Fear Extinction in male C57BL/6 mice
  1369. Evidence for distinct genetic and environmental influences on Fear acquisition and Extinction
  1370. The Extinction and return of Fear of public speaking
  1371. The combination of long-term ketamine and Extinction training contributes to Fear erasure by Bdnf methylation
  1372. The impact of motherhood on the Extinction of learned Fear
  1373. Investigating the role of dopamine receptor-and parvalbumin-expressing cells in Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1374. The formation of Fear Extinction memory requires the accumulation of N6-methyl-2′-deoxyadenosine in DNA
  1375. Impaired Fear learning and Extinction , but not generalization, in anxious and non-anxious depression
  1376. Sensation seeking and neuroticism in Fear conditioning and Extinction : The role of avoidance behaviour
  1377. Dissociated roles of dorsal and ventral hippocampus in recall and Extinction of conditioned Fear in male and female juvenile rats
  1378. Conditioned Fear Extinction , Neuropsychological, and Psychological Aspects of OCD in Latinos
  1379. Interaction of basolateral amygdala, ventral hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex regulates the consolidation and Extinction of social Fear
  1380. Identifying Potential Factors Regulating the Fear Extinction Switch in Mice
  1381. Fear Extinction during adolescence: neural mechanisms and implications for treating anxiety disorders
  1382. Oxytocin signaling in basolateral and central amygdala nuclei differentially regulates the acquisition, expression, and Extinction of context-conditioned Fear in rats
  1383. Mild traumatic brain injury reduces spine density of projection neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex and impairs Extinction of contextual Fear memory
  1384. Exposure to violence and neglect images differentially influences Fear learning and Extinction
  1385. Plasticity of amygdala neurons underlying Fear learning and Extinction
  1386. acTh Prevents Deficits in Fear Extinction associated with early life seizures
  1387. Sociability and Extinction of conditioned social Fear is affected in neuropeptide S receptor-deficient mice
  1388. Reconsolidation-Extinction interactions in Fear memory attenuation: the role of inter-trial interval variability
  1389. A computational model integrating multiple phenomena on cued Fear conditioning, Extinction , and reinstatement
  1390. Social buffering enhances Extinction of conditioned Fear responses by reducing corticosterone levels in male rats
  1391. … of the Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation of the Prelimbic Cortex and Basolateral Amygdala for Facilitation of Extinction Process of Conditioned Fear
  1392. Hyperresponsiveness of the neural Fear network during Fear conditioning and Extinction learning in male cocaine users
  1393. Fear conditioning and Extinction in alcohol dependence: Evidence for abnormal amygdala reactivity
  1394. … Extinction learning: Occasional presentations of the unconditioned stimulus during Extinction eliminate spontaneous recovery, but not necessarily reacquisition of Fear
  1395. The role of prediction error and memory destabilization in Extinction of cued-Fear within the reconsolidation window
  1396. Selective enhancement of Fear learning and resistance to Extinction in a mouse model of acute early life trauma
  1397. Delayed Extinction fails to reduce skin conductance reactivity to Fear ‐conditioned stimuli
  1398. Extinction learning alters the neural representation of conditioned Fear
  1399. Up-Regulation of αCaMKII Impairs Cued Fear Extinction and NMDAR-Dependent LTD in the Lateral Amygdala
  1400. Oxytocin in the amygdala and not the prefrontal cortex enhances Fear and impairs Extinction in the juvenile rat
  1401. No differences in return of pain-related Fear after Extinction and counterconditioning
  1402. Uncertainty-dependent Extinction of Fear memory in an amygdala-mPFC neural circuit model
  1403. Hippocampal Src kinase is required for novelty-induced enhancement of contextual Fear Extinction
  1404. The impact of sex differences on Fear Extinction and Extinction recall
  1405. Medial orbitofrontal cortex lesion prevents facilitatory effects of d-cycloserine during Fear Extinction
  1406. Social support favors Extinction and impairs acquisition of both short-and long-term contextual Fear conditioning memory
  1407. A potential pathway to the relapse of Fear ? Conditioned negative stimulus evaluation (but not physiological responding) resists instructed Extinction
  1408. … of a new pharmacological candidate to be combined with behavioral therapy for treating post-traumatic stress disorder: BDNF-TrkB signaling and Fear Extinction
  1409. Offline tDCS modulates prefrontal cortical–subcortical cerebellar Fear pathways in delayed Fear Extinction
  1410. GABA-Receptors in Modulation of Fear Memory Extinction
  1411. Assessing Fear following retrieval+ Extinction through suppression of baseline reward seeking vs. freezing
  1412. Impaired Fear memory Extinction during adolescence is accompanied by the depressive-like behaviors
  1413. Individual differences in conditioned Fear are associated with levels of adolescent/early adult alcohol consumption and instrumental Extinction
  1414. Septal HDAC1 facilitates long-lasting Extinction of social Fear in male mice
  1415. Building physiological toughness: Some aversive events during Extinction may attenuate return of Fear
  1416. Fear acquisition and Extinction deficits in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer’s disease
  1417. Opening the reconsolidation window using the mind’s eye: Extinction training during reconsolidation disrupts Fear memory expression following mental imagery …
  1418. Chronic Stress Has Lasting Influences on Fear Extinction Cued Discrimination Early in Extinction That is Mediated by the Infralimbic Cortex
  1419. Prefrontal-limbic functional connectivity during acquisition and Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1420. Non-invasive brain stimulation and Fear Extinction . A systematic review
  1421. The Effects of Extinction in Multiple Spatial Contexts on Fear Recovery in Animals and Humans: a Meta-analysis Protocol
  1422. The acquisition and Extinction of Fear of painful touch: a novel tactile Fear conditioning paradigm
  1423. Neural mechanisms of adolescent Fear Extinction and Fear Extinction during reconsolidation: a literature review
  1424. Active transition of Fear memory phase from reconsolidation to Extinction through ERK-mediated prevention of reconsolidation
  1425. Sonic hedgehog signaling regulates amygdalar neurogenesis and Extinction of Fear memory
  1426. Fear conditioning and Extinction in anxious youth, offspring at-risk for anxiety and healthy comparisons: An fMRI study
  1427. PS253. Establishing a Fear Extinction -impaired animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder
  1428. Avoidance behavioral difference in acquisition and Extinction of pain-related Fear
  1429. Causal role of rapid-eye-movement sleep on successful memory consolidation of Fear Extinction
  1430. Exposure to Extinction -associated contextual tone during slow-wave sleep and wakefulness differentially modulates Fear expression
  1431. Systemic administration of riluzole enhances recognition memory and facilitates Extinction of Fear memory in rats
  1432. The effect of retrieval intervention paradigm to conditioned Fear Extinction and its neural mechanism
  1433. PI3-kinase cascade has a differential role in acquisition and Extinction of conditioned Fear memory in juvenile and adult rats
  1434. Estradiol replacement enhances Fear memory formation, impairs Extinction and reduces COMT expression levels in the hippocampus of ovariectomized female mice
  1435. P2X7 purinergic receptors participate in the expression and Extinction processes of contextual Fear conditioning memory in mice
  1436. Divergent prefrontal dopaminergic mechanisms mediate drug-and Fear -associated cue Extinction during adolescence versus adulthood
  1437. 583. Computational Modeling of Fear Extinction Learning in PTSD: Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms
  1438. LincRNAs involved in DCS-induced Fear Extinction : Shedding light on the transcriptomic dark matter
  1439. Extinction of contextual Fear with timed exposure to enriched environment: a differential effect
  1440. Preventing the return of Fear memories with postretrieval Extinction : A human study using a burst of white noise as an aversive stimulus.
  1441. Mapping the Neuronal Ensembles Responsible for Fear Learning and Fear Extinction
  1442. Examining the Effect of Sleep Disruption on the Neural Correlates of Fear Extinction
  1443. Individual Differences in Ultrasonic Vocalizations and Freezing Behavior During Fear Learning and Extinction in Female Rats
  1444. Involvement of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in initial conditioning and rapid reconditioning following Extinction of contextual Fear .
  1445. Letter to the Editor: Simply avoiding reactivating Fear memory after exposure therapy may help to consolidate Fear Extinction memory–a reply
  1446. Dynamic competition between large-scale functional networks differentiates Fear conditioning and Extinction in humans
  1447. Peripheral effects of vagus nerve stimulation on anxiety and Extinction of conditioned Fear in rats
  1448. Contingency awareness shapes acquisition and Extinction of emotional responses in a conditioning model of pain-related Fear
  1449. An appetitive conditioned stimulus enhances Fear acquisition and impairs Fear Extinction
  1450. Cathodal tDCS impacts the Fear network activity and connectivity patterns during a therapy-like Extinction session
  1451. Learned Fear Extinction : an interdisciplinary investigation of the neurocircuitry and the potential therapeutic benefit of cannabidiol
  1452. The effect of hydrocortisone on Fear information processing and Fear Extinction
  1453. … and neurophysiological evidence that lateral paracapsular GABAergic synapses in the basolateral amygdala contribute to the acquisition and Extinction of Fear …
  1454. Potent attenuation of context Fear by Extinction training contiguous with acquisition
  1455. Temporary changes in large-scale memory neural networks after Fear learning and Extinction in healthy adults
  1456. Predictors of Long-Term Extinction of Fear in Humans
  1457. Exercise and Dopamine Modulation of Fear Extinction
  1458. Reducing Fear Extinction deficits in a 5-HT2C receptor editing model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  1459. 14. Fear Extinction in the human brain: Four meta-analyses of fMRI studies
  1460. Effects of a flavonoid-rich fraction on the acquisition and Extinction of Fear memory: Pharmacological and molecular approaches
  1461. Orexin deficiency affects sociability and the acquisition, expression, and Extinction of conditioned social Fear
  1462. An additional prior retrieval alters the effects of a retrieval-Extinction procedure on recent and remote Fear memory
  1463. Dissecting the Role of Amygdala Circuits in the Control of Fear Extinction and Alcohol Drinking
  1464. Calpain-1 deletion impairs mGluR-dependent LTD and Fear memory Extinction
  1465. PS25. Behavioural and structural investigation of Fear Extinction in the rat
  1466. Verbal instruction can induce Extinction of Fear of movement-related pain
  1467. Sex differential effect of dexmedetomidine on Fear memory Extinction and anxiety behavior in adolescent rats
  1468. Correction to: intranasal cotinine plus krill oil facilitates Fear Extinction , decreases depressive-like behavior, and increases hippocampal calcineurin a levels in mice
  1469. Noradrenergic Modulation of Stress-Induced Deficits in Fear Extinction
  1470. Dynamic DNA structure states interact with the RNA editing enzyme ADAR1 to modulate Fear Extinction memory
  1471. Improved Discrimination Between Tone and Context During Fear Extinction in Chronically Stressed Rats Provided with a Post-Stress Rest Period
  1472. Facilitating Fear -based memory Extinction with dexamethasone: a randomized controlled trial in male veterans with combat-related PTSD
  1473. … # 1831 Repeated social defeat stress-induced neuroinflammation contributes to later Fear sensitization and impaired Extinction recall of Fear conditioning in mice …
  1474. Increased cortical gamma-aminobutyric acid precedes incomplete Extinction of conditioned Fear and increased hippocampal excitatory tone in a mouse model of mild …
  1475. 209. The role of central amygdala CRF neurons in the regulation of Fear acquisition and Extinction
  1476. Common and distinct neural correlates of Fear Extinction and cognitive reappraisal: a meta-analysis of fMRI studies
  1477. … -induced enhancement of Fear Extinction in female rats: the role of NMDA receptor activation Running title: Estradiol, NMDAr activation, and Fear Extinction
  1478. PARP-1 activity is required for the reconsolidation and Extinction of contextual Fear memory
  1480. Multimodal evidence for delayed Fear Extinction in adolescence and young adulthood
  1481. Rapid reacquisition of contextual Fear following Extinction in mice: effects of amount of Extinction , acute ethanol withdrawal, and ethanol intoxication
  1482. Publisher Correction: Dynamic regulation of Z-DNA in the mouse prefrontal cortex by the RNA-editing enzyme Adar1 is required for Fear Extinction
  1483. Effects of corticosterone on mild auditory Fear conditioning and Extinction ; role of sex and training paradigm
  1484. Exercise‐augmentation of Fear Extinction depends on mTOR signaling
  1485. The role of safety signals in Fear Extinction : An analogue study
  1486. Parvalbumin-Expressing Neurons Network Plasticity and Fear Extinction
  1487. The effect of threat information on acquisition, Extinction , and reinstatement of experimentally conditioned Fear of movement-related pain
  1488. Rescue of impaired Fear Extinction : role of dopaminergic signaling and histone acetylation
  1489. Role of Thalamic Nucleus Reuniens in Pavlovian Fear Conditioning and Extinction
  1490. Moderators of the relationship between Fear Extinction learning and posttraumatic stress disorder
  1491. Hippocampal calpain is required for the consolidation and reconsolidation but not Extinction of contextual Fear memory
  1492. Impaired Extinction of Fear conditioning after REM deprivation is magnified by rearing in an enriched environment
  1493. Reproductive experience alters the involvement of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in Fear Extinction , but
  1494. Is it possible to modify Fear memories in humans with Extinction training within a single day?
  1495. Role of the Dorsal Striatum in Fear Extinction and Relapse
  1496. Inhaled Lavandula angustifolia essential oil enhances Extinction learning and inhibits memory updating in mice submitted to the contextual Fear conditioning
  1497. Fear conditioning and Extinction
  1498. Adolescent rats show estrous cycle-mediated sex differences in Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1499. Rolipram improves facilitation of contextual Fear Extinction in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine-i nduced mouse model of Parkinson’s disease
  1500. Neural Oscillations Underlying The Extinction of Conditioned Fear Memory
  1501. Fear Extinction in anxiety patients Comparing the different Fear responses of anxiety patients and healthy controls and assessing the predictive value of Fear Extinction …
  1502. Gradients of Fear potentiated startle during generalization, Extinction , and Extinction recall—And their relations with worry
  1503. 243. Altered Fear Extinction Neural Circuitry in Trauma-Exposed Children
  1504. Basolateral amygdala Thy1-expressing neurons facilitate the inhibition of contextual Fear during consolidation, reconsolidation, and Extinction
  1505. Impact of life history on Fear memory and Extinction in mice
  1506. Selective agonists of the δ-opioid receptor, KNT-127 and SNC80, act differentially on Extinction learning of contextual Fear memory in mice
  1507. Neural Substrates of Fear Extinction : A Potential Predictor of Exposure Success
  1508. Perirhinal cortex inactivations produce recall deficits in Fear Extinction to a discontinuous visual stimulus
  1509. Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor M1’s Impact on Fear Extinction Learning
  1510. The role of α CaMKII in Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1511. 580. Glutamate in Medial Prefrontal Cortex: Associations with PTSD and Fear Extinction Recall
  1512. Aquaporin-4 deficiency facilitates Fear memory Extinction in the hippocampus through excessive activation of extrasynaptic GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors
  1513. Individual Differences in Markers of Cholinergic Signaling Correlating to Fear and Extinction Learning
  1514. Adenosinergic control of Fear Extinction : the role of adenosine A2A receptors in the basolateral amygdala
  1515. Stress modulation of Fear and Extinction in psychopathology and treatment
  1516. The effect of menstrual phase on Fear Extinction learning and recall
  1517. T13. D-Cycloserine Facilitates Fear Extinction in Adolescent Rats and Differentially Affects Medial and Lateral Prefrontal Cortex Activation
  1518. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying Fear Extinction and anxiety disorders: key role of proteinphosphatase 1
  1519. GABA Receptors in the Modulation of Fear Memory Extinction
  1520. T42. Effects of Genetic Variation in Endocannabinoid Signaling on Fear –Extinction Neural Circuitry in Children and Adolescents
  1521. The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Fear Extinction
  1522. Themes: Title: Evaluation of conditioned Fear Extinction in post-traumatic stress disorder
  1523. Estradiol levels in women predict skin conductance response but not cognitive beliefs in conditioned Fear Extinction .
  1524. Correction to ‘State-of-the-art and future directions for Extinction as a translational model for Fear and anxiety’
  1525. Biologically based neural circuit modelling for the study of Fear learning and Extinction
  1526. Feature specific attention and return of Fear after Extinction
  1527. The Effects of Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Extinction of Conditioned Fear
  1528. An Examination of an Alternative Use for the Fear -Potentiated Startle Paradigm and the Effects of Angiotensin Type 1 Receptor Inhibition on Extinction Learning
  1529. Beyond Extinction : Prolonged conditioning and repeated threat exposure abolish contextual renewal of Fear -potentiated startle discrimination but leave …
  1530. F74. Impaired Fear Extinction in Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficient Rats is Attenuated by Chronic Amphetamine Treatment
  1531. Cell-Type Specific Interrogation of Amygdala Drd2-Expressing Neurons Identifies Targets for Pharmacological Modulation of Fear Extinction
  1532. Author Correction: Dopamine-dependent prefrontal reactivations explain long-term benefit of Fear Extinction
  1533. Developmental differences in the effects of CB1/2R agonist WIN55212-2 on Extinction of learned Fear
  1534. The cannabinoid system in the retrosplenial cortex modulates Fear memory consolidation, reconsolidation, and Extinction
  1535. The activity of discrete sets of neurons in the posterior insula correlates with the behavioral expression and Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1536. Computational models of the amygdala in acquisition and Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1537. The medial pre-frontal cortex plays a distinctive role in Extinction of both recent and remote Fear in post weanling rats
  1538. Extinction recall of Fear memories formed before stress is not affected despite amygdalar hyperactivity
  1539. Angiotensin-(1-7)/Mas axis modulates Fear memory and Extinction in mice
  1541. The effect of avoidance behavior on the Extinction of a conditioned Fear -response
  1542. In the’face’of Fear : the relative effectiveness of Fear Extinction and counter-conditioning in diminishing viacriously acquired childhood Fear s
  1543. Memory reconsolidation and Extinction of Fear conditioning induced different Arc/Arg3. 1 expression
  1544. IGF-1 facilitates Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1545. Effects of moderate treadmill exercise on Fear Extinction in an experimental PTSD model
  1546. The Effect of Dietary Copper and Zinc on Fear Extinction and Motor Coordination
  1547. … OF Fear MEMORY BY ADENOSINE RECEPTORS: role in the physiology of the related brain circuitry and implications for Fear Extinction and post-traumatic stress …
  1548. Overcome Fear and Addiction by Manipulating Reconsolidation and Extinction of Emotional Memories
  1549. Repeated Social Defeat-Induced Neuroinflammation, Anxiety-like behavior and Resistance to Fear Extinction were Attenuated by the Cannabinoid Receptor Agonist …
  1551. Individual differences in Fear learning rates predict the retrieval and Extinction efficacy of Fear : from mice to human
  1552. Perirhinal cortex involvement in Fear conditioning and Fear Extinction to a discontinuous visual stimulus
  1553. Behavioral and neurobiological assessments of predator-based Fear conditioning and Extinction
  1554. Extinction and discrimination in a Bayesian model of context Fear conditioning (BaconX)
  1555. Fear Conditioning and Extinction : Examining the Role of GSK3β ser 389
  1556. Retrospective reversal of Extinction of conditioned Fear by instruction
  1557. Fear memory reactivation after Extinction activates plasticity in the lateral amygdala
  1558. Hippocampal HECT E3 ligase inhibition facilitates consolidation, retrieval, and reconsolidation, and inhibits Extinction of contextual Fear memory
  1559. Effects of Supplemented Zinc on Learning and Memory in Tau Mice (P310L/CaMKII) Using Contextual and Cued Fear Extinction
  1560. Does Chronically Administered Intermittent Restraint Stress (IRS) have Long-Lasting Effects on Fear Extinction and Depressive-Like Behavior?
  1561. Extinction of relapsed Fear does not require the basolateral amygdala
  1562. Fear Extinction , persistent disruptive behavior and psychopathic traits: fMRI in late adolescence Running title: Fear Extinction in antisocial juveniles
  1563. Secondary Extinction reduces reinstatement of threat expectancy and conditioned skin conductance responses in human Fear conditioning
  1564. … regulation of cytokine networks in hippocampal CA1 differentiates Extinction from those required for the maintenance of contextual Fear memory after recall
  1565. Activation of mineralocorticoid receptors facilitate the acquisition of Fear memory Extinction and impair the generalization of Fear memory in diabetic animals
  1566. Effect of Fear Extinction and Myocardial Infarction on Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor 1 mRNA in Rostral Locus Coeruleus of Rats
  1567. Mixed evidence for transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation to improve the Extinction and retention of Fear .
  1568. The opposite role of D-serine in immediate and retrieval Extinction of contextual Fear memory
  1569. Antidepressant use with d-Cycloserine may block Fear Extinction
  1570. Fear Conditioning and Extinction in Childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  1571. The nucleus accumbens core and shell sub‐regions differentially regulate conditioned Fear expression and Extinction
  1572. 803. Fear Conditioning and Extinction in Children: New Insights into Contextual Modulation and Approach/avoidant Behavioural Tendencies in Virtual Reality
  1573. Facilitation of contextual Fear Extinction by orexin-1 receptor antagonism is associated with the activation of specific amygdala cell subpopulations
  1574. PS257. The effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) micro-infusion on the impaired Fear Extinction of the animal model of PTSD.
  1575. The Effect of catastrophic cognitions on Fear acquisition and Extinction in posttraumatic stress disorder
  1576. ASIC1a regulates ventral hippocampal-infralimbic prefrontal plasticity and Fear Extinction via BDNF-NMDA receptor signaling
  1577. Post-Extinction selective persistence of large dendritic spines in Fear remodeled circuits may serve to reactivate Fear
  1578. Adult Neurogenesis Regulates Contextual Fear Memory Extinction by Facilitating ‘New Memory’Formation
  1579. Nuclear calcium regulates dendrite maintenance, memory formation and Fear Extinction
  1580. The formation and Extinction of Fear memory in tree shrews
  1581. Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Fear Extinction : Does Mindfulness Training Enhance Exposure?
  1582. Mapping Fear memory consolidation and Extinction -specific expression of JunB
  1583. Promoting long-term inhibition of human Fear responses by non-invasive transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation during Extinction training
  1584. Natural variations in brain morphology do not account for inter-individual differences in defensive responding during Fear acquisition training and Extinction
  1585. Fear Extinction in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder: the role of dopamine and REM sleep
  1586. Functionally Distinct Pools of Calcineurin Contribute to Depotentiation-like Synaptic Changes in the Lateral Amygdala During Auditory Fear Extinction
  1587. Reduced cAMP/CREB signaling in the dentate gyrus is involved in facilitation of Fear Extinction in the MPTP-induced mouse model of Parkinson’s disease
  1589. The blockade of the serotoninergic receptors 5-HT5A, 5-HT6 and 5-HT7 in the basolateral amygdala, but not in the hippocampus facilitate the Extinction of Fear …
  1590. Morphine Withdrawal Reveals Sex Differences in Contextual Responses During Cued Fear Conditioning and Extinction
  1591. Enhanced mental reinstatement of exposure to improve Extinction generalization: A study on claustrophobia and MRI Fear
  1592. “Prepared” Fear or socio‐cultural learning? Fear conditioned to guns, snakes, and spiders is eliminated by instructed Extinction in a within‐participant differential Fear …
  1593. Contingency awareness and its effects on Fear -potentiated startle and Extinction
  1594. Fluoxetine acts concomitantly on dorsal and ventral hippocampus to Trk-dependently modulate the Extinction of Fear memory
  1595. Deepening Extinction in a virtual reality treatment for Fear of heights
  1596. Reply to Beckers, McIntosh and Chambers on the verification of ‘preventing the return of Fear using retrieval-Extinction in humans’
  1597. Correction: Augmenting Extinction learning with D-cycloserine reduces return of Fear : a randomized, placebo-controlled fMRI study
  1598. Implementing Chronic Exercise After the Completion of Extinction Training in Mice Shows Promise in Reducing the Return of Fear in the Long Term
  1599. Central Amygdala Single Neuron Activity in Contextual Fear and Extinction Learning
  1600. Extinction of Fear generalization: a comparison between fibromyalgia patients and healthy controls
  1601. The acquisition, generalization and Extinction of Fear of pain
  1603. The effect of trait anxiety on the generalisation of Fear acquisition and Extinction
  1604. Traumatic Brain Injury: Associations with Fear Conditioning and Extinction Aberrations
  1605. Inhibition of cognitive reappraisal on the negative valence facilitates Extinction in conditioned Fear
  1606. … and Behavior: The activity of discrete sets of neurons in the posterior insula correlates with the behavioral expression and Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1607. Extinction cues do not reduce recovery of extinguished conditioned Fear in humans
  1608. Role of Sleep Deprivation in Fear Conditioning and Extinction : Implications for Treatment of PTSD
  1609. Exploring the Role of Infralimbic Cortex Inhibitory Circuits in Context-Dependent Extinction and Renewal of Fear
  1610. CXCL12 impairs the acquisition and Extinction of auditory Fear conditioning in rats via crosstalk with GABAergic system
  1611. Role of energy states and CART signalling in Fear and Extinction learning in rats
  1613. The Role of Glucocorticoid Binding During Fear Conditioning in SPS-Induced Extinction Retention Defecits
  1614. … of an Agonist and an Antagonist of GABA A Receptors into the Basolateral Nucleus of the Amygdala on the Expression and Extinction of Fear in Rats with Different …
  1615. Fear regulation: from passive Extinction to active avoidance
  1616. Hippocampal-amygdala interactions mediate uncertainty-dependent resistance to Extinction following Fear conditioning
  1617. The Effect of Positive Affect on Extinction Learning and Return of Fear
  1618. The Origin of Physiological and Functional Brain Abnormalities During Fear Conditioning and Extinction in Identical Twins Discordant for PTSD and Trauma Exposure
  1619. Brain derived neurotrophic factor mediated learning, Fear acquisition and Extinction as targets for developing novel treatments for anxiety
  1620. Immediate Extinction Renewal Deficit following Pavlovian Fear Conditioning with Mild, but not Strong Footshock Unconditioned Stimulus
  1621. Retraction: Inhibition of Spontaneous Recovery of Fear by mGluR5 after Prolonged Extinction Training
  1622. The Role of Dopamine Neurons During Mouse Fear Conditioning and Extinction
  1624. The impact of perceived self-efficacy on the Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1626. Extinction of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Responses to Conditioned Fear
  1627. The role of predictability in the acquisition and Extinction of pain-related Fear : a Fear -conditioning paradigm using tactile stimuli
  1628. Characteristics of Impulsive Prisoners in Acquisition and Extinction of Conditioned Fear Emotion
  1629. Combined administration of MK-801 and cycloheximide produces a delayed potentiation of Fear discrimination memory Extinction .
  1630. The Fear of Extinction in the fictional works of VS Naipaul: an examination of four of Naipaul’s protagonists, Mr. Biswas, Mr. Stone, Ralph Singh and Salim
  1631. Bacteria for the Brain: Subcutaneous immunization with heat-killed M. vaccae improves Fear -potentiated startle responses and Extinction learning in rats
  1632. Verbal Instruction Can Induce Extinction of Fear of Movement-Related Pain
  1633. An investigation into the effects of instructed Extinction on physiological responding and conditional stimulus valence in human differential Fear conditioning
  1634. The Amygdala, Fear and Reconsolidation: Neural and Behavioral Effects of Retrieval-Extinction in Fear Conditioning and Spider Phobia
  1635. … to” Hippocampal HECT E3 ligase inhibition facilitates consolidation, retrieval, and reconsolidation, and inhibits Extinction of contextual Fear memory”.[Neurobiol. Learn …
  1636. Themes: Title: An interaction between glucocorticoids and GABAergic system in retrieval and Extinction of Fear memory
  1637. Ouabain induces the Extinction of contextual Fear memory in rats subjected to chronic unpredictable stress.
  1638. Intrainfralimbic administration of the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU38486 facilitates Fear memory Extinction in rats
  1639. Themes: Title: An interaction between glucocorticoids and dopaminergic system in retrieval and Extinction of Fear memory in mice
  1640. Themes: Title: An interaction between serotonergic receptors and acute stress on retrieval and Extinction of Fear memory
  1641. 0115 Do Theta Power and other Baseline REM Sleep Parameters Predict Fear Conditioning, Extinction , and Extinction Recall in Healthy Adults?
  1642. Prefrontal cortex single unit activity during Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1643. Themes: Title: Role of glucocorticoids receptors of basolateral amygdala in retrieval and Extinction of Fear memory in rats
  1644. Dual Effects of Exposure Therapy and Cannabis Sativa Extract on Extinction of Conditioned Fear Memory in PTSD Male Rats
  1645. Ouabain induces the Extinction of contextual Fear memory in rats subjected to chronic unpredictable stress.
  1646. Dopamine receptors 1 and 2 in Extinction of conditioned Fear
  1647. An interaction between serotonergic receptors (5ht6) with acute stress and corticosterone on retrieval and Extinction of Fear memory in mice
  1648. Developmental ethanol exposure delays the Extinction of a conditioned Fear memory and increases ethanol consumption, differentially in males and females.
  1649. Combined Administration of MK-801 and Cycloheximide Produces a Delayed Potentiation of Fear Discrimination Memory Extinction
  1650. Central Angiotensin Type 2 Receptor (AT2R) Stimulation Promotes Enhanced Extinction of Fear Learning Independent of Cardiovascular Measures

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Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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