Anti Glycative

  1. ANTI‐GLYCATIVE and ANTI‐inflammatory effects of caffeic acid and ellagic acid in kidney of diabetic mice
  2. ANTI-oxidative, ANTI–GLYCATIVE and ANTI-apoptotic effects of oleanolic acid in brain of mice treated by D-galactose
  3. ANTI–GLYCATIVE effects of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid in kidney of diabetic mice
  4. ANTI–GLYCATIVE potential of triterpenes: a mini-review
  5. ANTI–GLYCATIVE and ANTI-inflammatory effects of protocatechuic acid in brain of mice treated by D-galactose
  6. The ANTI-inflammatory and ANTI–GLYCATIVE effects of rosmarinic acid in the livers of type 1 diabetic mice
  7. ANTI–GLYCATIVE effects of asiatic acid in human keratinocyte cells
  8. Preserving brain function in aging: The ANTI–GLYCATIVE potential of berry fruit
  9. GLYCATIVE stress and ANTI-aging. 4: The evaluation of GLYCATIVE Stress: Evaluation for ANTI–GLYCATIVE effect
  10. Biochemistry of Kuromoji (Lindera umbellata) extract: ANTI-oxidative and ANTI–GLYCATIVE actions
  11. Asiatic acid and maslinic acid protected heart via ANTI–GLYCATIVE and ANTI-coagulatory activities in diabetic mice
  12. ANTI-apoptotic and ANTI–GLYCATIVE effects of asiatic acid in the brain of D-galactose treated mice
  13. Screening and selection of ANTI–GLYCATIVE materials: Kuromoji (Lindera umbellata)
  14. ANTI–GLYCATIVE effect of yogurt: Prevention of advanced glycation end product formation
  15. ANTI–GLYCATIVE stress effect of yogurt whey.
  16. Explorative investigation of the ANTI–GLYCATIVE effect of a rapeseed by-product extract
  17. ANTI–GLYCATIVE and ANTI-inflammatory effects of macamides isolated from Tropaeolum tuberosum in skin cells
  18. New ANTI–GLYCATIVE flavonoids from Cirsium setidens with potent radical scavenging activities
  19. An open-label clinical trial of Geranium dielsianum extract administered for 12 weeks: ANTI–GLYCATIVE actions, skin quality, and intestinal environment
  20. ANTI–GLYCATIVE effect of palladium and platinum nanoparticle solution
  21. ANTI–GLYCATIVE effect of Japanese sake (seishu): prevention of advanced glycation end product (AGE) formation
  22. Effect of mangosteen pericarp extract-containing black vinegar drink on skin quality through ANTI–GLYCATIVE actions
  23. The ANTI–GLYCATIVE potentials of pregnane glycosides from Gymnema sylvestre
  24. Inhibitory effects and actions of pentacyclic triterpenes upon glycation
  25. ANTI–GLYCATIVE effect of vegetables and fruit extract on multiple glycation models
  26. Inhibitory effects of Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis, L.) extract on the formation of advanced glycation end products
  27. Development of Natural Products for Having ANTI–GLYCATIVE Effects
  28. The ANTI–GLYCATIVE potentials of pregnane glycosides from Gymnema sylvestre
  29. KRIT1/CCM1 Loss-of-function Mutations Impair ANTI–GLYCATIVE and ANTI-oxidant Systems Worsening High Fructose Diet-induced Hepatic Dismetabolism
  30. ANTI–GLYCATIVE effect and total phenolic content of rice water of different Japonica and Indica varieties
  31. Renal protective effects of extracts from guava fruit (Psidium guajava L.) in diabetic mice
  32. Oligomeric procyanidins of lotus seedpod inhibits the formation of advanced glycation end-products by scavenging reactive carbonyls
  33. Explorative investigation on the ANTI–GLYCATIVE activity of rapeseed by-product extract
  34. ANTI–GLYCATIVE and ANTIoxidant properties of purple muscadine and concord grape juices and their wines
  35. Phytochemical profiles and ANTI-diabetic benefits of two edible Amaranthus species
  36. Inhibitory effect of different fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) samples and their phenolic compounds on formation of advanced glycation products and comparison of …
  37. ANTIGLYCATIVE effect of black galangal, Kaempferia parviflora Wall. Ex. Baker (Zingiberaceae)
  38. A significant inhibitory effect on advanced glycation end product formation by catechin as the major metabolite of lotus seedpod oligomeric procyanidins
  39. Analysis of ANTIGLYCATIVE components in Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacon)
  40. Using HPLC and multivariate analyses to investigate variations in the polyphenolic compounds as well as ANTIoxidant and ANTIGLYCATIVE activities of some Lamiaceae …
  41. Glycation is regulated by isoflavones
  42. Aqueous extract prepared from steamed red amaranth (Amaranthus gangeticus L.) leaves protected human lens cells against high glucose induced GLYCATIVE and …
  43. Development of a test system for evaluating the ANTIGLYCATIVE effect of bioactive substances of medicinal plants
  44. In vitro and in vivo ANTIdiabetic and ANTIglycation properties of apium graveolens in type 1 and 2 diabetic rats
  45. GLYCATIVE stress and glyoxalase in kidney disease and aging
  46. Oridonin Attenuates the Effects of Chronic Alcohol Consumption Inducing Oxidative, GLYCATIVE and Inflammatory Injury in the Mouse Liver
  47. Houttuynia cordata aqueous extract attenuated GLYCATIVE and oxidative stress in heart and kidney of diabetic mice
  48. Protective effect of rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid against streptozotocin-induced oxidation, glycation, inflammation and microbiota imbalance in diabetic rats
  49. In vitro effects of Geranium dielsianum extract on GLYCATIVE stress
  50. Do green tea polyphenols inhibit protein glycation?
  51. Formulation of five curry spice mixtures and investigation of their effect on advanced glycation endproduct formation
  52. In vitro bioactivities of coffee brews fermented with the probiotics Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG and Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM-I745
  53. Pepino: An Exotic Vegetable
  54. Inhibition of Protein Glycation by Combined ANTIoxidant and ANTIglycation Constituents from a Phenolic Fraction of Sage (Salvia officinalis L.)
  56. Ginnalins and maplexins from maple species inhibit the formation of advanced glycation endproducts
  57. Role of DJ‐1 in modulating GLYCATIVE stress in heart failure
  58. Sulfated polysaccharides from red seaweed Gelidium amansii: Structural characteristics, ANTI-oxidant and ANTI-glycation properties, and development of bioactive films
  59. Chinese bayberry (Myrica rubra) phenolics mitigated protein glycoxidation and formation of advanced glycation end-products: A mechanistic investigation
  60. GLYCATIVE stress and ANTI-aging: 14. Regulation of GLYCATIVE stress. 2. Inhibition of the AGE production and accumulation
  61. Memory enhancement and protective effects of crocin against D-galactose aging model in the hippocampus of Wistar rats
  62. ANTI‐Glycation of Active Compounds Purified from Graptopetalum Paraguayense
  63. Natural ANTIoxidant polyphenols on inflammation management: ANTI-glycation activity vs metalloproteinases inhibition
  64. Effect of curcumin and quercetin on lysosomal enzyme activities in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  65. Development of a neuroprotective potential algorithm for medicinal plants
  66. Fructose-derived advanced glycation end-products drive lipogenesis and skeletal muscle reprogramming via SREBP-1c dysregulation in mice
  67. Variation in Polyphenolic Profiles, ANTIoxidant and ANTImicrobial Activity of Different Achillea Species as Natural Sources of ANTIGLYCATIVE Compounds
  68. Improved mitochondrial and methylglyoxal‐related metabolisms support hyperproliferation induced by 50 Hz magnetic field in neuroblastoma cells
  69. ANTIoxidant activity and protective role on protein glycation of synthetic aminocoumarins
  70. Cosmetic applications of glucitol-core containing gallotannins from a proprietary phenolic-enriched red maple (Acer rubrum) leaves extract: inhibition of …
  71. ANTI-degenerative effect of Apigenin, Luteolin and Quercetin on human keratinocyte and chondrocyte cultures: SAR evaluation
  72. Development and validation of a liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of urolithin C in rat plasma …
  73. Microbial Metabolite Urolithin B Inhibits Recombinant Human Monoamine Oxidase A Enzyme
  74. The AGEs inhibitor pyridoxamine prevents kidney injury and dysfunction in mice fed high-fat high-fructose diet
  75. Novel targets of sulforaphane in primary cardiomyocytes identified by proteomic analysis
  76. The Tibetan herbal medicines Padma 28 and Padma Circosan inhibit the formation of advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) and advanced oxidation protein …
  77. Probing protein glycation by chromatography and mass spectrometry: Analysis of glycation adducts
  78. Maillard proteomics: Opening new pages
  79. ANTIGLYCATIVE effect of genipin and crocetin
  80. Global proteomic analysis of advanced glycation end products in the Arabidopsis proteome provides evidence for age-related glycation hot spots
  81. A low glycemic diet protects disease-prone Nrf2-deficient mice against age-related macular degeneration
  82. GC-MS analysis of Phytocomponents in the Methanol Extract of Premna latifolia Roxb
  83. ANTI-glycation and improvement microbiota by Geranium dielsianum extract: Relation to health problems in athletes.
  84. Aqueous Extract of Gynura Bicolor Attenuated Hepatic Steatosis, GLYCATIVE, Oxidative, and Inflammatory Injury Induced by Chronic Ethanol Consumption in Mice
  85. Attenuation of non-enzymatic thermal glycation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) using β-carotene
  86. Flavonoids identification and pancreatic beta-cell protective effect of Lotus Seedpod
  87. Inhibition of alpha-glucosidase by synthetic derivatives of lupane, oleanane, ursane and dammarane triterpenoids
  88. Chemical composition and yield of essential oil from lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) under foliar applications of jasmonic and salicylic acids
  89. ANTI-glycation effect of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) extract: An open clinical study
  90. Preparative isolation and purification of five flavonoid glycosides and one benzophenone galloyl glycoside from Psidium guajava by high-speed counter-current …
  91. Involvement of GLYCATIVE stress in diabetic nephropathy and effects of ANTI-glycation material Kuromoji (Lindera umbellate Thunb.)
  92. ANTIGLYCATIVE effect of Kaempferia parviflora Wall. Ex. Baker (Zingiberaceae): Prevention of advanced glycation end product formation.
  93. Naturally occurring inhibitors against the formation of advanced glycation end-products
  94. Aldose Reductase and AGE‐RAGE Pathways: Key Players in Myocardial Ischemic Injury
  95. 2 ANTIoxidant activity and protective role on protein glycation of 3 synthetic aminocoumarins
  96. Influence of different phonological stage of Achillea pachycephala Rech. f. on albumin glycation inhibition, an in vitro study.
  97. ANTIGLYCATIVE and ANTI-inflammatory effects of lipophilized tyrosol derivatives
  98. Exotic pepino: a shrub for prophylactic consequence & nutritional regime
  99. Historical perspective of the Maillard reaction in food science
  100. The role of apoptosis in the normal aging brain, skeletal muscle, and heart
  101. Protein glycation: creation of catalytic sites for free radical generation
  102. Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and statins as ANTI-glycation agents
  103. Studying the mechanisms and targets of glycation and advanced glycation end-products in simple eukaryotic model systems
  104. Dietary sugars and endogenous formation of advanced glycation endproducts: emerging mechanisms of disease
  105. Effect of rice bran extract on in vitro advanced glycation end product formation
  106. Effectiveness of kuromoji (Lindera umbellate Thunb.) extract in the prevention of influenza infection after vaccination: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled …
  107. Optimisation of ultrasound and microwave-assisted extraction of caffeoylquinic acids and caffeine from coffee silverskin using response surface methodology
  108. 3-(4-Hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid, a major microbial metabolite of procyanidin A2, shows similar suppression of macrophage foam cell formation as its …
  109. Syzygium cumini leaf extract inhibits LDL oxidation, but does not protect the liproprotein from glycation
  110. Asiatic acid attenuates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury via Akt/GSK-3β/HIF-1α signaling in rat H9c2 cardiomyocytes
  111. Ursolic acid inhibits early lesions of diabetic nephropathy
  112. Attenuation of protein glycation by functional polyphenolics of dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus); an in vitro and in silico evaluation
  113. Maslinic acid protects against pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy in mice
  114. ANTI‐diabetic effects of Gynura bicolor aqueous extract in mice
  115. ANTIGLYCATIVE activity of sulforaphane: a new avenue to counteract neurodegeneration?
  116. DJ-1 attenuates the glycation of mitochondrial complex I and complex III in the post-ischemic heart
  117. Effects of Kuromoji (Lindera umbellata Thunb.) Extract-containing Candy on Cold Symptoms—Reanalysis of 2017/2018 season randomized, double-blind, placebo …
  118. Ketogenic diet will be further clinically applied with positive effects
  119. Stop the “Vicious Cycle” induced by GLYCATIVE Stress.
  121. Type 1 diabetic patients exhibit enhanced leukocyte-endothelium interaction and mitochondrial alterations
  122. Data on possible in vitro ANTI-diabetic effects of verticinone on β-TC6 pancreatic and C2C12 skeletal muscle cells
  123. Comparison of α-dicarbonyl compound contents in alcoholic beverages.
  124. Perturbation of cellular and vascular function by hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia and their role in cardiovascular disease
  125. Isolation of Ursolic Acid from Bruckenthalia Spiculifolia Followed by HPLC Analysis
  126. The ameliorative effects of a Tocotrienol-rich fraction on the AGE-RAGE Axis and hypertension in high-fat-diet-fed rats with metabolic syndrome
  127. Olive oil and skin ANTI-aging.
  128. Identification of ANTIGLYCATIVE Compounds in Japanese Red Water Pepper (Red Leaf Variant of the Persicaria hydropiper Sprout)
  129. Ellagic acid attenuates oxidative stress on brain and sciatic nerve and improves histopathology of brain in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  130. Polyphenols with ANTIglycation activity and mechanisms of action: A review of recent findings
  131. Molecular cloning and expression of squalene synthase and 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase genes in persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) fruits
  132. The aqueous soluble polyphenolic fraction of Psidium guajava leaves exhibits potent ANTI-angiogenesis and ANTI-migration actions on DU145 cells
  133. The role of ANTI-Aging Medicine promoting “Dynamic Engagement of All Citizens.”
  134. Modification of the mechanical properties of red blood cell membrane by spent plasmodium falciparum culture supernatant.
  135. Inhibitory mechanism of morin on α-glucosidase and its ANTI-glycation properties
  136. Triphala Churna—A Traditional Formulation in Ayurveda Mitigates Diabetic Neuropathy in Rats
  137. The Glyoxalase System in Age-Related Diseases: Nutritional Intervention as ANTI-Ageing Strategy
  138. Effects of Toona Sinensis Roem leaves ethanol extract on the perosixome proliferator-activated receptor of alpha/gamma expression in liver of high fat diet mice.
  139. Plant-derived agents with ANTI-glycation activity
  140. Autophagy and GLYCATIVE Stress: A Bittersweet Relationship in Neurodegeneration.
  141. DHEA: Effects on oxidative and GLYCATIVE stress and glucose metabolism.
  142. Glycation of plant proteins in ageing and stress response: potential mechanisms and proposed biological role
  143. Regulatory functions of L-Carnitine, acetyl, and propionyl L-Carnitine in a PCOS mouse model: focus on ANTIoxidant/ANTIGLYCATIVE molecular pathways in the ovarian …
  144. Studies targeting α-glucosidase inhibition, ANTIangiogenic effects, and lipid modification regulation: background, evaluation, and challenges in the development of …
  145. Oleanolic acid prevents progression of streptozotocin induced diabetic nephropathy and protects renal microstructures in Sprague Dawley rats
  146. Measurement of pentosidine in human plasma by the high performance liquid chromatography
  147. Studies on the effects of different surface sterilization agents under in vitro culture of Pepino (Solanum muricatum Ait.) cv. Valentia
  148. The effect of GLYCATIVE stress on human symbiotic bacterium Staphylococcus epidermidis.
  149. High-density lipoprotein impedes glycation of low-density lipoprotein
  150. Three pentacyclic triterpenes protect H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells against high-glucose-induced injury
  151. Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Centella asiatica Compound as an Inhibitor of Advanced Glycation End Products
  152. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products formation and inflammation in C. elegans: Studies of potential of Lyngbya sp. against expression of stress related genes …
  153. Effect of proteins, sugars and extraction methods on the ANTIglycation activity of spices
  154. Oleanolic and ursolic acid in the fruit of Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.
  155. Effect of melatonin intake on postprandial blood glucose in the breakfast
  156. Marine organisms with ANTI-diabetes properties
  157. Methylglyoxal-Dependent GLYCATIVE Stress Is Prevented by the Natural ANTIoxidant Oleuropein in Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells through Nrf2/Glo1 Pathway
  158. Asiatic acid attenuates renin-angiotensin system activation and improves vascular function in high-carbohydrate, high-fat diet fed rats
  159. Protective effect of s-allyl cysteine and s-propyl cysteine on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  160. Reducing effect of the long term intake of water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa Roxb.) pericap extract on GLYCATIVE stress in the placebo-controlled double blinded clinical …
  161. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of aldose reductase and advanced glycation end products by phloretin, epigallocatechin 3-gallate and [6]-gingerol
  162. Sodium 4‑phenylbutyrate inhibits protein glycation
  163. AGE and RAGE: Hazardous to the Mind? A plea for translational work
  164. Evaluation of methylglyoxal toxicity in human erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets
  165. Melatonin has no direct effect on inflammatory gene expression in CML-HSA stimulated RAW264. 7 cells
  166. AGE and RAGE: Hazardous to the Mind?
  167. Bax, Reactive Oxygen, and Cytochrome c Release in Neuronal Apoptosis
  168. Impact of different extraction solvents and techniques on the biological activities of Cirsium yildizianum (Asteraceae: Cynareae)
  169. Effect of Viscum schimperi on advanced glycation endproducts formation.
  170. Profiling of organosulphur compounds using HPLC-PDA and GC/MS system and ANTIoxidant activities in hooker chive (Allium hookeri)
  171. Amelioration of postprandial hyperglycemia by exercise with ultra-soft rubber bands: A non-crossover test.
  172. Effects on skin by dewaxed brown rice: An open label test.
  173. ANTIdiabetic effects of Punica granatum L,(Pomegranate): a review
  174. Bioavailability, distribution, and ANTIoxidative effects of selected triterpenes in mice
  175. A study of glycaemic effects following acute anthocyanin-rich blueberry supplementation in healthy young adults
  176. Effect of mangosteen pericarp extract on skin moisture and arterial stiffness: Placebo-controlled double-blinded randomized clinical trial
  177. Effect of supplement containing Silybum marianum extract, soy extract, collagen peptide, bifidobacteria and apple extract on skin: A randomized placebo-controlled …
  178. Inhibition of protein glycation by pomegranate (Punica Granatum)
  179. Phenolic composition, caffeine content and ANTIoxidant capacity of coffee silverskin
  180. ANTIoxidative and ANTIGLYCATIVE Properties of Mycosporine-Like Amino Acids-Containing Aqueous Extracts Derived from Edible Terrestrial Cyanobacteria
  181. The Effects of Ellagic Acid on Hippocampal Cell Damage in Pentylenetetrazole Induced Kindling Seizure Model
  182. Unusual rectal submucosal tumor in melanosis coli
  183. Proton pump inhibitors therapy and the risk of hip fracture in older people in Taiwan
  184. Comparison of the Physical and Microbiological Characteristics of Peel-off Face Mask Yogurt from Fresh Cow’s Milk and UHT Milk Fermented
  185. Pharmacological activities of protocatechuic acid
  186. DNA chip analysis of comprehensive food function: inhibition of angiogenesis and telomerase activity with unsaturated vitamin E, tocotrienol
  187. Noxious and Invasive Weeds as Medicine
  189. Effect of mats with “A Distinctive 4-Layer 3-Dimensional Structure” on sleep quality and nocturnal blood glucose: A crossover trial.
  190. Protective effects from Houttuynia cordata aqueous extract against acetaminophen-induced liver injury
  191. Current Topics in Food and Biodynamic
  192. Effects of mats with” A Distinctive 4-Layer 3-Dimensional Structure” on sleep quality, skin function, and fatigue: A non-controlled open-label study.
  193. Neuroprotective effects of oral ellagic acid on locomotor activity and anxiety-induced by ischemia/hypoperfusion in rat
  194. The effect of protocatechuic acid on blood pressure and oxidative stress in glucocorticoid-induced hypertension in rat
  195. Metal ion chelation and ANTI-glycation properties of polysaccharides of Phyllanthus amarus plant
  196. Asiatic acid protects against cardiac hypertrophy through activating AMPKα signalling pathway
  197. Ursolic acid prevents endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis induced by heat stress in mouse cardiac myocytes
  198. The role of triterpenes in the management of diabetes mellitus and its complications
  199. Genetic diversity and structure of apomictic and sexually reproducing Lindera species (Lauraceae) in Japan
  200. Current Topics in Food and Biodynamic
  201. Evaluation of ANTIbacterial and ANTIfungal activity of medicinal plant Solanum erianthum
  202. Changes in the phenolic compositions of Elaeagnus umbellata and Sambucus lanceolata after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion and evaluation of their potential ANTI …
  203. Association between allopurinol use and Parkinson’s disease in older adults
  204. Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside functions like chemical chaperone and attenuates the glycation mediated amyloid formation in albumin
  205. Triterpene derivative: A potential signaling pathway for the fern-9 (11)-ene-2α, 3β-diol on insulin secretion in pancreatic islet
  206. Lower Plants as Potential Source of ANTIdiabetic Compounds: The Present Knowledge and Future Prospects
  207. s-Ethyl cysteine, an amino acid derivative, attenuated cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity
  208. The protective effect of neonatal oral administration of oleanolic acid against the subsequent development of fructose-induced metabolic dysfunction in male …
  209. Protective effect of hyperbaric oxygen on cognitive impairment induced by D-galactose in mice
  210. Head and neck cancer associated with increased rate of pulmonary tuberculosis in a population-based cohort study
  211. Physical effects of a 12-week protocol of daily gyudon (beef bowl) ingredients consumption: Implications for fast food research
  212. Food & Function
  213. ANTIoxidant properties of HDL
  214. Pomegranate phenolics inhibit formation of advanced glycation endproducts by scavenging reactive carbonyl species
  215. Asiatic acid protects against cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury via ANTI-apoptosis and ANTI-inflammation
  216. In vitro ANTIdiabetic potential of the fruits of Crataegus pinnatifida
  217. Received: 18 February, 2014; revised: 16 April, 2014; accepted: 29 April, 2014; available on-line: 11 June, 2014
  218. Histidine and carnosine alleviated hepatic steatosis in mice consumed high saturated fat diet
  219. The therapeutic effect of Oleanolic acid on experimentally induced Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
  220. The ANTIoxidant mechanisms underlying the aged garlic extract-and S-allylcysteine-induced protection
  221. Development of DNA-based species-specific real-time PCR markers for four berry fruits and their application in commercial berry fruit foods
  222. Tomato seed extract containing lycoperoside h improves skin elasticity in japanese female subjects: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial
  223. Carnosine and taurine treatments diminished brain oxidative stress and apoptosis in D-galactose aging model
  224. Zolpidem administration and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma: a case-control study in Taiwan
  225. A novel sample preparation and on-line HPLC–DAD–MS/MS–BCD analysis for rapid screening and characterization of specific enzyme inhibitors in herbal extracts …
  226. Citrate-Coated Platinum Nanoparticles Exhibit a Primary Particle-Size Dependent Effect on Stimulating Melanogenesis in Human Melanocytes
  227. AGE/RAGE in diabetic kidney disease and ageing kidney
  228. Exercise training augments Sirt1-signaling and attenuates cardiac inflammation in D-galactose induced-aging rats
  229. Effects of ursolic acid on glucose metabolism, the polyol pathway and dyslipidemia in non-obese type 2 diabetic mice
  230. Evaluation of ANTIhyperglycaemic activity of Calotropis procera leaves extract on streptozotocin-induced diabetes in Wistar rats
  231. Polyphenolic compounds and nutraceutical properties of old and new apple cultivars
  232. ANTIoxidant activity and ANTI-photoaging effects on UVA-irradiated human fibroblasts of rosmarinic acid enriched extract prepared from Thunbergia laurifolia leaves
  233. Hyperbaric Oxygen Prevents Cognitive Impairments in Mice Induced by d-Galactose by Improving Cholinergic and ANTI-apoptotic Functions
  234. An insight into ANTI-diabetic properties of dietary phytochemicals
  235. Effect of ginger and turmeric rhizomes on inflammatory cytokines levels and enzyme activities of cholinergic and purinergic systems in hypertensive rats
  236. Action of metformin therapy against advanced glycation, oxidative stress and inflammation in type 2 diabetes patients: 3 months follow-up study
  238. Protocatechuic acid extends lifespan and increases stress resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans
  239. Application of pomegranate (Punica granatum Linn.) fruit extract for accelerating post-tooth extraction wound healing
  240. Lipid lowering with dietary supplements: focus on diabetes
  241. Therapeutic potentials of triterpenes in diabetes and its associated complications
  242. Nanocomposite of montmorillonite/nettle extract: A potential ingredient for functional foods development
  243. Impact of ellagic acid in bone formation after tooth extraction: an experimental study on diabetic rats
  244. Geraniol Attenuates Oxidative Stress and Neuro-inflammation Mediated Cognitive Impairment in D‑galactose‑induced Mouse Aging Model
  245. The protective effect of caffeic acid on global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
  246. ANTI-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of Carica papaya
  247. Reseaerch trend on advanced glycation end products and its mechanism, and development of therapeutic control for diabetic complications
  248. β-Caryophyllene Reduces DNA Oxidation and the Overexpression of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein in the Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus of d-Galactose-Induced …
  249. Potent ANTIcancer, ANTIoxidant and ANTIbacterial activities of isolated flavonoids from Asplenium nidus
  250. Ursolic acid increases SIRT1 protein level and β-cells number in diabetic rats
  251. Protocatechuic acid improves cognitive deficits and attenuates amyloid deposits, inflammatory response in aged AβPP/PS1 double transgenic mice
  252. Inhibitory effect of caffeic acid on human organic anion transporters hOAT1 and hOAT3: a novel candidate for food-drug interaction
  253. Gastrectomy correlates with increased risk of pulmonary tuberculosis: A population-based cohort study in Taiwan
  254. Protective effects of protocatechuic acid against cisplatin-induced renal damage in rats
  255. Hibiscus sabdariffa Polyphenolic Extract Inhibits Hyperglycemia, Hyperlipidemia, and Glycation-Oxidative Stress while Improving Insulin Resistance
  256. Pharmacological properties of protocatechuic acid and its potential roles as complementary medicine
  257. Ellagic acid mitigates sodium arsenite-induced renal and hepatic toxicity in male Wistar rats
  258. How can diet affect the accumulation of advanced glycation end-products in the human body?
  259. ANTI-diabetic effects of the Indian indigenous fruit Emblica officinalis Gaertn: active constituents and modes of action
  260. Cantharidin induces apoptosis of H460 human lung cancer cells through mitochondria-dependent pathways
  261. Current perspective in the discovery of ANTI-aging agents from natural products
  262. Apigenin and its methylglyoxal-adduct inhibit advanced glycation end products-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in endothelial cells
  263. Cereal bran fortified-functional foods for obesity and diabetes management: Triumphs, hurdles and possibilities
  264. ANTIGLYCATIVE effect of fruit and vegetable seed extracts: inhibition of AGE formation and carbonyl‐trapping abilities
  265. Fibroblast growth factor 21 protects mouse brain against D-galactose induced aging via suppression of oxidative stress response and advanced glycation end …
  266. Liuwei Dihuang exhibits ANTIdiabetic effects through inhibiting α-amylase and α-glucosidase
  267. EPA or DHA enhanced oxidative stress and aging protein expression in brain of d-galactose treated mice
  268. ANTI-glycation properties of the aqueous extract solutions of dried algae products harvested and made in the Miura Peninsula, Japan, and effect of lactic acid …
  269. Solid dispersions containing ursolic acid in Poloxamer 407 and PEG 6000: A comparative study of fusion and solvent methods
  270. Metabolism of dietary flavonoids in liver microsomes
  271. Protein glycation inhibitory activity and ANTIoxidant capacity of clove extract
  272. Glycation of plant proteins under environmental stress—Methodological approaches, potential mechanisms and biological role
  273. Vanillic acid activates thermogenesis in brown and white adipose tissue
  274. Attenuation of oxidative stress, inflammation and early markers of tumor promotion by caffeic acid in Fe-NTA exposed kidneys of Wistar rats
  275. Study of the ANTIdiabetic activity of Punica granatum L. fruits aqueous extract on the alloxan-diabetic wistar rats
  276. Study for investigation of symptomatic improvement and safety of the ingestion of rooster comb degradation product containing low-molecular hyaluronic acid (INJUV) …
  277. Kinetics and ANTIradical activity of natural and synthetic phenolic compounds by DPPH method: a comparative study
  278. Caffeic acid protects against iron-induced cardiotoxicity by suppressing angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and modulating lipid spectrum, gluconeogenesis and …
  279. ANTI-glycation properties of the aqueous extract solutions of dried algae products and effect of lactic acid fermentation on the properties
  280. Inhibition of advanced glycation end products by Punica granatum Linn. leaves and its ANTIoxidant activity
  281. Ligustilide prevents cognitive impairment and attenuates neurotoxicity in D-galactose induced aging mice brain
  282. Ursolic acid ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative DNA damage and inflammation in mouse kidney by inhibiting the STAT3 and NF-κB activities
  283. The effect of crocin (the main active saffron constituent) on the cognitive functions, craving, and withdrawal syndrome in opioid patients under methadone maintenance …
  284. Influence of varying dietary protein levels on glycation of albumin, tryptophan and valine in the plasma of chickens
  285. ANTI-Inflammatory Effect of Immature Sword Bean Pod (Canavalia gladiata) in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced RAW264.7 Cells
  286. The nutraceutical benefits of subfractions of Abelmoschus esculentus in treating type 2 diabetes mellitus
  287. Japanese Quince Chaenomeles Japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. ex Spach Leaves a New Source of ANTIoxidants for Food
  288. Food & Function
  289. HPLC-PDA combined with chemometrics for quANTItation of active components and quality assessment of raw and processed fruits of Xanthium strumarium L.
  290. Involvement of opioid receptors in the systemic and peripheral ANTInociceptive actions of ellagic acid in the rat formalin test
  291. Optimization of Caffeic Acid Extraction from Dendropanax morbifera Leaves Using Response Surface Methodology and Determination of Polyphenols and ANTIoxidant …
  292. Inhibitory effects of ginger and processed (Beopje) ginger extracts on HCl-ethanol induced gastritis in rats
  293. Bioactivities of phenolics by focusing on suppression of chronic diseases: a review
  294. Separation and purification of the ANTIoxidant compounds, caffeic acid phenethyl ester and caffeic acid from mushrooms by molecularly imprinted polymer
  295. Combination of carnosine and asiatic acid provided greater ANTI-inflammatory protection for HUVE cells and diabetic mice than individual treatments of carnosine or …
  296. The effect of Prunella on ANTI-inflammatory activity in RAW264. 7 mouse macrophage cells
  297. Effect of polyphenol from rambutan peel extract on serum lipidand protein profileof visceral fat on normal and obesity rat model
  298. ANTIhypertensive and ANTIoxidant effects of protocatechuic acid in deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt hypertensive rats
  299. A review of the ANTI-inflammatory effects of rosmarinic acid on inflammatory diseases
  300. Curcumin against advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and AGEs-induced detrimental agents
  301. Oleanolic acid attenuates renal fibrosis in mice with unilateral ureteral obstruction via facilitating nuclear translocation of Nrf2
  302. ANTI-glycation and ANTI-oxidative effects of a phenolic-enriched maple syrup extract and its protective effects on normal human colon cells
  303. ANTIdepressant-like activity of ellagic acid in unstressed and acute immobilization-induced stressed mice
  304. Preventive effect of garlic flower extract on hematocrit levels in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  305. Establishing EDI for a Clinical Trial of a Treatment for Chikungunya
  306. Effect of Artemisia fruit extract on TNF-α and IL-6 levels in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice
  307. 5-lipoxygenase activation is involved in the mechanisms of chronic hepatic injury in a rat model of chronic aluminum overload exposure
  308. Preventive effect of hydroalcoholic extract of garlic flower on hematocrit in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes in male rats
  309. Purple corn anthocyanins retard diabetes-associated glomerulosclerosis in mesangial cells and db/db mice
  310. ANTI-glyaction and radical scavenging activities of ligustri fructus by extraction method
  311. Role of fruits, nuts, and vegetables in maintaining cognitive health
  312. In vitro cytotoxic potential of friedelin in human MCF-7 breast cancer cell: Regulate early expression of Cdkn2a and pRb1, neutralize mdm2-p53 amalgamation and …
  313. Decaffeinated coffee prevents scopolamine-induced memory impairment in rats
  314. Optimizing a male reproductive aging mouse model by D-galactose injection
  315. Journal of Herbal Drug
  316. Hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives: a potential class of natural compounds for the management of lipid metabolism and obesity
  317. Oral supplementation with ursolic acid ameliorates sepsis-induced acute kidney injury in a mouse model by inhibiting oxidative stress and inflammatory …
  318. Functionalization of selenium nanoparticles using the methanolic extract of Cirsium setidens and its ANTIbacterial, ANTIoxidant, and cytotoxicity activities
  319. Association between oral corticosteroid use and pyogenic liver abscesses in a case-control study
  320. Neuroprotective effects of methyl 3, 4-dihydroxybenzoate against H2O2-induced apoptosis in RGC-5 cells
  321. What is the role of the receptor for advanced glycation end products–ligand axis in liver injury?
  322. Effect of the solvent composition on the profile of phenolic compounds extracted from chia seeds
  323. Identification of sesamol byproducts produced by plasma treatment with inhibition of advanced glycation endproducts formation and ONOO− scavenging activities
  324. Comparison of the neuroprotective and ANTI-inflammatory effects of the anthocyanin metabolites, protocatechuic acid and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid
  325. In vitro ANTIoxidant and ANTIbacterial activity of sulfated polysaccharides isolated from Spatoglossum asperum
  326. Biomedical grade stainless steel coating of polycaffeic acid via combined oxidative and ultraviolet light-assisted polymerization process for bioactive implant …
  327. Inhibitory effects of curcumin on high glucose-induced damages: Implications for alleviating diabetic complications
  328. Pseudoginsenoside-F11 attenuates cognitive impairment by ameliorating oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in d‑galactose-treated mice
  329. Asiatic acid protects oocytes against in vitro aging-induced deterioration and improves subsequent embryonic development in pigs
  330. ANTIoxidant and ANTI-inflammatory activities of aqueous extract of Centipeda minima
  331. Galangin inhibits α-glucosidase activity and formation of non-enzymatic glycation products
  332. Food processing and the Mediterranean diet
  333. Alterations in renal mitochondrial respiration in response to the reactive oxoaldehyde methylglyoxal
  334. Higher consumption of Allium vegetables may modulate insulin homeostasis: A longitudinal follow-up study
  335. Health effects of Psidium guajava L. Leaves: An overview of the last decade
  336. ANTIdiabetic potential of oleanolic acid from Ligustrum lucidum Ait.
  337. Nrf2 activator corosolic acid meliorates alloxan induced diabetic nephropathy in mice
  338. Effects of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on the expression of sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) in rat mesangial cells and ANTI-Thy-1 nephritis
  339. The inhibition of oleanolic acid on protein non-enzymatic glycation
  340. Ameliorative effects of oleanolic acid on fluoride induced metabolic and oxidative dysfunctions in rat brain: experimental and biochemical studies
  341. The Effect of Prunella on ANTI-Inflammatory Activity in RAW264.7 Mouse Macrophage Cells
  342. The Inhibitory Effects of Pentacyclic Triterpenes from Loquat Leaf against Th17 Differentiation
  343. Protective Effects of Ursolic Acid in the Kidneys of Diabetic Rats
  344. A review on advanced microencapsulation technology to enhance bioavailability of phenolic compounds: Based on its activity in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
  345. ANTIoxidant potential of non-oil seed legumes of Indonesian’s ethnobotanical extracts
  346. Zhenqing recipe improves glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity by repressing hepatic FOXO1 in type 2 diabetic rats
  347. Plant constituent as ANTI-cancer drugs
  348. Effect of Mimosa scabrella Bentham honeydew honey on inflammatory mediators
  349. Yacon–prozdrowotna roślina bulwiasta Yacon: Healthy tuberous plant
  350. Use of NMR techniques to investigate the changes on the chemical composition of coffee melanoidins
  351. High-density lipoprotein ameliorates palmitic acid-induced lipotoxicity and oxidative dysfunction in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells via ROS suppression
  352. Maslinic Acid Attenuates Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury-Induced Myocardial Inflammation and Apoptosis by Regulating HMGB1-TLR4 Axis
  353. ANTIoxidant and ANTI-inflammatory effects of Urtica pilulifera extracts in type2 diabetic rats
  354. Activity guided fractionation of pomegranate extract and its ANTIoxidant, ANTIdiabetic and ANTIneurodegenerative properties
  355. Further evidence for the neuroprotective role of oleanolic acid in a model of focal brain hypoxia in rats
  356. The multicomponent medication Lymphomyosot improves the outcome of experimental lymphedema
  358. The protective effect of protocatechuic acid on hepatotoxicity induced by cisplatin in mice
  359. Healthy eating recommendations: good for reducing dietary contribution to the body’s advanced glycation/lipoxidation end products pool?
  360. Pharmacological properties, molecular mechanisms, and pharmaceutical development of asiatic acid: a pentacyclic triterpenoid of therapeutic promise
  361. Preventive effect of combining zinc sulphate and garlic flowers extract on diabetes induced by streptozotocin (STZ) in male rats
  362. Determination of sinapic acid derivatives in canola extracts using high‐performance liquid chromatography
  363. Zingerone (4-(4-hydroxy-3-methylphenyl) butan-2-one) ameliorates renal function via controlling oxidative burst and inflammation in experimental diabetic …
  364. Evaluation of polyphenol anthocyanin-enriched extracts of blackberry, black raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, red raspberry, and strawberry for free radical scavenging …
  365. Phenolic compounds reduce formation of Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine and pyrazines formed by Maillard reactions in a model bread system
  366. Intranasal cerebrolysin attenuates learning and memory impairments in D-galactose-induced senescence in mice
  367. ANTIoxidant and ANTIglycation properties of different solvent extracts from Chinese olive (Canarium album L.) fruit
  368. Seed sprouting: a way to health promoting treasure
  369. Ellagic acid alleviates adjuvant induced arthritis by modulation of pro-and ANTI-inflammatory cytokines
  370. Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors Use and Relative Risk of Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetic Patients in a Case-Control Study
  371. Transcriptome study of oleanolic acid in the inhibition of breast tumor growth based on high-throughput sequencing
  372. PQQ ameliorates D-galactose induced cognitive impairments by reducing glutamate neurotoxicity via the GSK-3β/Akt signaling pathway in mouse
  373. Functional potato bioactive peptide intensifies Nrf2-dependent ANTIoxidant defense against renal damage in hypertensive rats
  374. Gymsyloside F and Gymsyloside G, Two New Pregnane Glycosides From the Leaves of Gymnema sylvestre and Their α-Glucosidase and α-Amylase Inhibitory …
  375. Radiosensitizing effect of oleanolic acid on tumor cells through the inhibition of GSH synthesis in vitro
  376. Supramolecular Caffeic Acid and Bortezomib Nanomedicine: Prodrug Inducing Reactive Oxygen Species and Inhibiting Cancer Cell Survival
  377. Asiatic acid attenuates diabetic retinopathy through TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB p65 mediated modulation of microglia polarization
  378. Nutritional intervention and impact of polyphenol on glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) in non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic subjects: Systematic review and meta-analysis
  379. Effects of rosmarinic acid on cognitive and biochemical alterations in ovariectomized rats treated with D-galactose
  380. Protective role of Clitoria ternatea L. flower extract on methylglyoxal-induced protein glycation and oxidative damage to DNA
  381. A diet based on multiple functional concepts improves cardiometabolic risk parameters in healthy subjects
  382. Caffeic acid exhibits ANTI-pruritic effects by inhibition of multiple itch transmission pathways in mice
  383. Action Mechanism and Signal Pathways of Psidium guajava L. Aqueous Extract in Killing Prostate Cancer LNCaP Cells
  384. A food-based approach that targets interleukin-6, a key regulator of chronic intestinal inflammation and colon carcinogenesis
  385. Therapeutic Effect of Sunflower Seeds and Flax Seeds on Diabetes
  386. The Best Supplement Ever?
  387. Amelioration of hyperglycemia-induced oxidative damage in ARPE-19 cells by myricetin derivatives isolated from Syzygium malaccense
  388. E2/ER β inhibit ISO-induced cardiac cellular hypertrophy by suppressing Ca2+-calcineurin signaling
  389. Case-Control Study Examining the Association between Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Use and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
  390. Genetic determinants of hydroxycinnamic acid metabolism in heterofermentative lactobacilli
  391. Feruloylated oligosaccharides from maize bran alleviate the symptoms of diabetes in streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetic rats
  392. An Overview on ANTIoxidant and ANTI-inflammatory Properties of Ellagic Acid in Renal Dysfunction
  393. Untargeted LC-QTOF-MS/MS based metabolomics approach for revealing bioactive components in probiotic fermented coffee brews
  394. Health benefits of walnut polyphenols: An exploration beyond their lipid profile
  395. Ellagic acid attenuates streptozocin induced diabetic nephropathy via the regulation of oxidative stress and inflammatory signaling
  396. Tamoxifen use correlates with increased risk of the first episode of ischemic cerebrovascular disease in older women with breast cancer: a case-control study …
  397. Diabetes-induced cardiomyopathy is ameliorated by heat-killed Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 in diabetic rats via the repression of the toll-like receptor 4 pathway
  398. Traditional drink of black cincau (Mesona palustris BL)-based wedang uwuh as immunomodulator on alloxan-induced diabetic rats
  399. Plant triterpenoid saponins: biosynthesis, in vitro production, and pharmacological relevance
  400. Maslinic Acid Activates Renal Ampk/sirt1 Signaling Pathway to Protect Against Diabetic Nephropathy in Mice
  401. In silico analyses and cytotoxicity study of asiaticoside and asiatic acid from malaysian plant as potential mTOR inhibitors
  402. Effects of ellagic acid in the testes of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
  403. The role of the catecholic and the electrophilic moieties of caffeic acid in Nrf2/Keap1 pathway activation in ovarian carcinoma cell lines
  404. In vitro study of ANTI-glycation and radical scavenging activities of the essential oils of three plants from Morocco: Origanum compactum, Rosmarinus officinalis and …
  405. Diabetes, Zinc, Garlic flowers, Streptozotocin, Rats
  406. Ethanolic Extract of Centella asiatica Ameliorates Kidney Ischemia/reperfusion Injury Through Inhibition of Inflammatory Process
  407. Therapeutic effect of garlic flower extract and zinc sulphate combined on hematocrit in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  408. Elsholtzia ciliata (thunb.) hyl. extracts from different plant parts: phenolic composition, ANTIoxidant, and ANTI-inflammatory activities
  409. The role of human serum carnosinase 1 in diabetic nephropathy
  410. Neuropharmacological effects of triterpenoids
  411. Asiatic acid interferes with invasion and proliferation of breast cancer cells by inhibiting WAVE3 activation through PI3K/AKT signaling pathway
  412. Oleanolic acid reduces hyperglycemia beyond treatment period with Akt/FoxO1-induced suppression of hepatic gluconeogenesis in type-2 diabetic mice
  413. Genotoxic and carcinogenic effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields
  414. Fern-9 (11)-ene-2α, 3β-diol Action on Insulin Secretion under Hyperglycemic Conditions
  415. Attenuation of oxidative stress, inflammation and early markers of tumor promotion by caffeic acid in Fe-NTA exposed kidneys of Wistar rats.
  416. Current evidence on the effect of dietary polyphenols intake on chronic diseases
  417. (−)-Epicatechin and the colonic metabolite 2, 3-dihydroxybenzoic acid protect against high glucose and lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in renal …
  418. Oleanolic acid improves pulmonary morphofunctional parameters in experimental sepsis by modulating oxidative and apoptotic processes
  419. Structural and bioactive studies of terpenes and cyclopeptides from the Genus Rubia
  420. Inhibition of protein glycoxidation and advanced glycation end-product formation by barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea) phenolics
  421. Evaluation of genotoxicity and subchronic toxicity of standardized rose hip extract
  422. Role of medicinal plants in the management of diabetes mellitus: a review
  423. Actions and Therapeutic Potential of Madecassoside and Other Major Constituents of Centella asiatica: A Review
  424. New applications of oleanolic acid and its derivatives as cardioprotective agents: A review of their therapeutic perspectives
  425. ANTI-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of alpinate oxyphyllae fructus (AOF) in a d-galactose-induced aging heart
  426. Preparation, characterization and evaluation of the in vivo trypanocidal activity of ursolic acid-loaded solid dispersion with poloxamer 407 and sodium caprate
  427. Asiatic acid attenuates the progression of left ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure induced by pressure overload by inhibiting myocardial remodeling in mice
  428. ANTIaging effect of metformin on brain in naturally aged and accelerated senescence model of rat
  429. Insights into drug discovery from natural products through structural modification
  430. Beneficial effects of dietary polyphenols on gut microbiota and strategies to improve delivery efficiency
  431. Oleanolic acid rejuvenates testicular function through attenuating germ cell DNA damage and apoptosis via deactivation of NF-κB, p53 and p38 signalling pathways
  432. The mechanism of action of ursolic acid as insulin secretagogue and insulinomimetic is mediated by cross-talk between calcium and kinases to regulate …
  433. Oryeongsan suppressed high glucose-induced mesangial fibrosis
  434. Limonene and ursolic acid in the treatment of diabetes: Citrus phenolic limonene, triterpenoid ursolic acid, ANTIoxidants and diabetes
  435. Oleanolic acid ameliorates cognitive dysfunction caused by cholinergic blockade via TrkB-dependent BDNF signaling
  437. Oleanolic acid and N-acetylcysteine ameliorate diabetic nephropathy through reduction of oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress in a type 2 diabetic rat …
  438. Pomegranate juice and extract extended lifespan and reduced intestinal fat deposition in Caenorhabditis elegans
  439. Contribution of Glycation and Oxidative Stress to Thyroid Gland Pathology—A Pilot Study
  440. Zhenqing recipe attenuates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by regulating the SIK1/CRTC2 signaling in experimental diabetic rats
  441. Study of the ANTIdiabetic activity of Punica granatum L. fruits aqueous extract on the Alloxan-diabetic Wistar rats
  442. Lotus seedpod extracts reduced lipid accumulation and lipotoxicity in hepatocytes
  443. Ellagic acid, an NF-κB inhibitor, ameliorates renal function in experimental diabetic nephropathy
  444. A systematic review on the role of natural products in modulating the pathways in Alzheimer’s disease
  445. Reduction in serum glucose with garlic extracts
  446. Phenethyl ester of rosmarinic acid attenuates autoimmune responses during type 1 diabetes development in mice
  447. Therapeutic effect of garlic flower extract and zinc sulphate combined on hematocrit in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  448. Unraveling the role of ER stress inhibitors in the context of metabolic diseases
  449. Disparate effects on renal and oxidative parameters following RAGE deletion, AGE accumulation inhibition, or dietary AGE control in experimental diabetic …
  450. Protective Effects of Swertiamarin against Methylglyoxal induced Damage and its Role in Preventing Diabetic Nephropathy by Improving Oxidative Stress in Rat …
  451. Purple corn anthocyanins dampened high-glucose-induced mesangial fibrosis and inflammation: possible renoprotective role in diabetic nephropathy
  452. Lead discovery for Alzheimer’s disease related target protein RbAp48 from traditional Chinese medicine
  453. Indole-4-carboxaldehyde isolated from seaweed, Sargassum thunbergii, attenuates methylglyoxal-induced hepatic inflammation
  454. E2/ER β enhances calcineurin protein degradation and PI3K/Akt/MDM2 signal transduction to inhibit ISO-induced myocardial cell apoptosis
  455. ANTImalarial phytochemicals: Delineation of the triterpene asiatic acid malarial ANTI-disease and pathophysiological remedial activities-part I
  456. ANTIoxidant hydrocolloids from herb Graptopetalum paraguayense leaves show ANTI-colon cancer cells and ANTI-neuroinflammatory potentials
  457. Diuretic effect of extracts, fractions and two compounds 2α, 3β, 19α-trihydroxy-urs-12-en-28-oic acid and 5-hydroxy-3, 6, 7, 8, 4′-pentamethoxyflavone from Rubus …
  458. Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease: the preventive and therapeutic potential of polyphenolic nutraceuticals
  459. Phenolic and flavonoid compounds in aqueous extracts of thunbergia laurifolia leaves and their effect on the toxicity of the carbamate insecticide methomyl to murine …
  460. Ursolic acid improves podocyte injury caused by high glucose
  461. Bioactive Compounds of Loquat (Eriobotrya
  462. Food as pharma? The case of glucosinolates
  463. Timbe (Acaciella angustissima) pods extracts reduce the levels of glucose, insulin and improved physiological parameters, hypolipidemic effect, oxidative stress and …
  464. ANTIoxidant capacity and ANTI-inflammatory potential of two extracts of Ficus carica leaves dried in the shade and in the oven
  465. Evaluation of the potential hypoglycemic and Beta-cell protective constituents isolated from Corni fructus to tackle insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  466. Escitalopram ameliorates cognitive impairment in D-galactose-injected ovariectomized rats: modulation of JNK, GSK-3β, and ERK signalling pathways
  467. Methylglyoxal, obesity, and diabetes
  468. Effects of mushroom waster medium and stalk residues on the growth performance and oxidative status in broilers
  469. Tannins and vascular complications of Diabetes: An update
  470. Cognitive enhancing effect of diapocynin in D-galactose-ovariectomy-induced Alzheimer’s-like disease in rats: Role of ERK, GSK-3β, and JNK signaling
  471. Ursolic acid in cancer treatment and metastatic chemoprevention: from synthesized derivatives to nanoformulations in preclinical studies
  472. Transcranial low-level laser therapy improves brain mitochondrial function and cognitive impairment in D-galactose–induced aging mice
  473. Discovery of new stilbene ANTIoxidants of the bio-elicited peanut sprout powder (BPSP) and longevity extension of mice fed with BPSP-supplemented diets
  474. Optimization and Pharmacological Validation of a Leukocyte Migration Assay in Zebrafish Larvae for the Rapid In Vivo Bioactivity Analysis of ANTI …
  475. Inhibitory effect and cross-link breaking activity of Moringa oleifera leaf crude extracts on fructose-derived advanced glycation end-products
  476. Protocatechuic acid, a phenolic from Sansevieria roxburghiana leaves, suppresses diabetic cardiomyopathy via stimulating glucose metabolism, ameliorating …
  477. In silico design of BACE1 inhibitor for Alzheimer’s disease by traditional Chinese medicine
  478. Continentalic acid exhibited nephroprotective activity against the LPS and E. coli-induced kidney injury through inhibition of the oxidative stress and inflammation
  479. An Investigation of potential sources of nutraceuticals from the Niger Delta Areas, Nigeria for attenuating oxidative stress
  480. Chemical composition of golden berry leaves against hepato-renal fibrosis
  481. Chinese medicines in the treatment of experimental diabetic nephropathy
  482. Effect of lotus seedpod oligomeric procyanidins on AGEs formation in simulated gastrointestinal tract and cytotoxicity in Caco-2 cells
  483. The potential of ANTI-diabetic rākau rongoā (Māori herbal medicine) to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) mate huka: A review
  484. Insulin stimulus‐secretion coupling is triggered by a novel thiazolidinedione/sulfonylurea hybrid in rat pancreatic islets
  485. Inhibitory kinetics and mechanism of oleanolic acid on α-glucosidase
  486. Functionalised Flouroquinolones as a Potentially Novel Class of ANTI-inflammatory and ANTI-glycation Compounds; Synthesis and Pharmacological Appraisal
  487. Salvia miltiorrhiza prevents methylglyoxal-induced glucotoxicity via the regulation of apoptosis-related pathways and the glyoxalase system in human umbilical vein …
  488. Estrogen and/or estrogen receptor α inhibits BNIP3-induced apoptosis and autophagy in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells
  489. Neuroprotective Benefits of Exercise and MitoQ on Memory Function, Mitochondrial Dynamics, Oxidative Stress, and Neuroinflammation in D-Galactose-Induced …
  490. Chebulic Acid Prevents Methylglyoxal-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction in INS-1 Pancreatic β-Cells
  491. Therapeutic Potential of Olive’s Bioactive Compounds in COVID-19 Disease Management: A Review
  492. Modulation of renal dysfunction by Smilax cordifolia and Eryngium carlinae, and their effect on kidney proteome in obese rats
  493. Ursolic Acid: 5 cyclic triterpenoid in apple peel With a wide range of therapeutic effects
  494. Triterpenes in cancer: significance and their influence
  495. In Vitro and In Vivo Protective Effects of Flavonoid-Enriched Lotus Seedpod Extract on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Hepatic Inflammation
  496. The gastro-intestinal tract as the major site of biological action of dietary melanoidins
  497. Properties and characterization of ANTIoxidant and ANTIGLYCATIVE activities for the multiple harvests of aquatic-and field-cultivated peanut leaves and stems
  498. Effects of the consumption of proanthocyanidins derived from acacia bark on blood pressure in healthy Japanese adults: A randomized, double-blind, placebo …
  499. Poly (lactic acid) nanoparticles loaded with ursolic acid: Characterization and in vitro evaluation of radical scavenging activity and cytotoxicity
  500. Phenol-Boronic surface functionalization of gold nanoparticles; to induce ROS damage while inhibiting the survival mechanisms of cancer cells
  501. Current Perspective in the Discovery of ANTI-aging Agents from Natural Products
  502. ANTIdiabetic Effects and Mechanisms of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and its Phenolic Components
  503. Caffeic acid improves memory impairment and brain glucose metabolism via ameliorating cerebral insulin and leptin signaling pathways in high-fat diet-induced …
  504. Acute effect of 3β-hidroxihop-22 (29) ene on insulin secretion is mediated by GLP-1, potassium and calcium channels for the glucose homeostasis
  505. Novel intriguing strategies attenuating to sarcopenia
  506. Propylene glycol-linked amino acid/dipeptide diester prodrugs of oleanolic acid for PepT1-mediated transport: synthesis, intestinal permeability, and pharmacokinetics
  507. Huang Qi Jian Zhong pellet attenuates TNBS-induced colitis in rats via mechanisms involving improvement of energy metabolism
  508. ANTIoxidant, ANTInociceptive, and ANTI-inflammatory activities from Actinidia callosa var. callosa in vitro and in vivo
  509. Asiatic acid alleviates ischemic myocardial injury in mice by modulating mitophagy-and glycophagy-based energy metabolism
  510. Protective role of oryeongsan against renal inflammation and glomerulosclerosis in db/db mice
  511. Feruloylated oligosaccharides: structure, metabolism and function
  512. Extraction and characterization of polyphenols from Artocarpus heterophyllus and its effect on oxidative stability of peanut oil
  513. Hepatoprotective effects of rosmarinic acid: Insight into its mechanisms of action
  514. Ellagic acid-derived urolithins as modulators of oxidative stress
  515. Effect of triclosan on the renal cortex of adult male albino rats and the possible protective role of ellagic acid: histological and biochemical study
  516. Chongcao-shencha attenuates liver and kidney injury through attenuating oxidative stress and inflammatory response in D-galactose-treated mice
  517. Carnosine treatment diminished oxidative stress and glycation products in serum and tissues of D-galactose-treated rats
  518. Role of advanced glycation end products and insulin resistance in diabetic nephropathy
  519. ANTIdiarrheal and protein conservative activities of Psidium guajava in diarrheal rats
  520. ANTI-Cancer Effects of Asiatic Acid, a Triterpene from Centilla asiatica L: A Review
  521. Novel nutraceutic therapies for the treatment of metabolic syndrome
  522. MSBA-S–A pentacyclic sulfamate as a new option for radiotherapy of human breast cancer cells
  523. Comparative study on therapeutic potential of caffeic acid and silymarin in paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity: effect on HO-1, oxidative stress, hepatic inflammation …
  524. Plant-Derived Products with ANTIglycation Activity
  525. Improvements in metabolic health with consumption of ellagic acid and subsequent conversion into urolithins: evidence and mechanisms
  526. Pregnane glycosides from Adonis amurensis and their bioactivity
  527. Asiatic acid ameliorates obesity-related osteoarthritis by inhibiting myeloid differentiation protein-2
  528. 11 Pharmacological Intervention for Sarcopenia in Chronic Kidney
  529. Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus) waste as a natural source of carbonyl trapping and ANTIGLYCATIVE agents
  530. Nicotine modulates cognitive function in D-galactose-induced senescence in mice
  531. Amelioration of oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in lipopolysaccharide-induced memory impairment using Rosmarinic acid in mice
  532. Hyperbaric Oxygen Combined with Alginate Oligosaccharide Delay D-gal-induced Liver, Kidney and Spleen Senescence in Mice by Attenuating Oxidative …
  533. Metabolic engineering of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 for the production of aromatic amino acids and derived phenylpropanoids
  534. Protective effects of Indian spice curcumin against amyloid-β in Alzheimer’s disease
  535. Protective Effects of Ethanolic Extract from Rhizome of Polygoni avicularis against Renal Fibrosis and Inflammation in a Diabetic Nephropathy Model
  536. Ellagic acid a multi-target bioactive compound for drug discovery in CNS? A narrative review
  537. Radical Scavenging and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Oxidation Inhibitory Effects of Polysaccharides Extracted from Chinese Yam, Pumpkin, and …
  538. ANTI-Glycation Supplements Part III (Glycation: Part II of II)
  539. Chemical profile and bioprospecting of cocoa beans analyzed by paper spray mass spectrometry
  540. Taxifolin retards the d-galactose-induced aging process through inhibiting Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress and regulating the gut microbiota in mice
  541. Protocatechuic acid impacts rotator cuff healing and reduces fatty degeneration in a chronic rotator cuff tear model in rats
  542. Bioavailability and metabolism of ellagic acid and ellagitannins
  543. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
  544. The urinary phenolic acid profile varies between younger and older adults after a polyphenol-rich meal despite limited differences in in vitro colonic …
  545. Efficacy of Thunbergia laurifolia (Rang Jued) aqueous leaf extract for specific biological activities using RAW 264.7 macrophage cells as test model
  546. V. CHAPTER IV: Urolithin A, C and D, but not iso-Urolithin A and Urolithin B, attenuate triglyceride accumulation in primary cultures of human adipocytes
  547. Proteomics Analysis for the Functionality of Toona sinensis
  548. Neuroprotective effect of terpenoids recovered from olive oil by-products
  549. Pharmacological review on asiatic acid and its derivatives: a potential compound
  550. Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel oleanolic acid analogues as potential α-glucosidase inhibitors
  551. Spent coffee (Coffea arabica L.) grounds positively modulate indicators of colonic microbial activity
  552. Protocol implementation for the detection of advanced glycation end products and screening of natural extracts involve d in the prevention of diabetic …
  553. Clinacanthus nutans attenuates atherosclerosis progression in rats with type 2 diabetes by reducing vascular oxidative stress and inflammation
  554. Healthy eating recommendations: good for reducing dietary contribution to the body’s advanced glycation/lipoxidation end products pool?
  555. Food & Function
  556. Glycation of mitochondrial proteins from diabetic rat kidney is associated with excess superoxide formation
  557. Allspice and clove as source of triterpene acids activating the G protein-coupled bile acid receptor TGR5
  558. Cardiac troponins may be irreversibly modified by glycation: novel potential mechanisms of cardiac performance modulation
  559. Phytochemical Studies
  560. The ANTIcancer Potential of Maslinic Acid and Its Derivatives: A Review
  561. Nephroprotective potential of Anogeissus latifolia Roxb.(Dhava) against gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats
  562. Caffeic Acid on Metabolic Syndrome: A Review
  563. The ANTI-neuroinflammatory role of anthocyanins and their metabolites for the prevention and treatment of brain disorders
  564. Ellagic acid as a tool to limit the diabetes burden: Updated evidence
  565. Role of the glyoxalase system in Alzheimer’s disease
  566. Role of natural compounds in preventing and treating breast cancer
  567. Effects of Ellagic Acid Supplementation on Quality of Life in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial
  568. A review of scientific literature on ANTI-diabetic activity in medicinal plants used by folk medicinal practitioners of two villages in Narail and Chuadanga districts …
  569. Ellagic Acid Mitigates Lead Acetate Induced Testicular and Hepato-Renal Oxidative Damages and Pathophysiological Changes in Male Long Evans Rats
  570. Diabetes mellitus and nature’s pharmacy of putative ANTIdiabetic plants
  571. Charting the structural and thermodynamic determinants in phenolic acid natural product–cyclodextrin encapsulations
  572. Ursolic and Oleanolic Acids: Plant Metabolites with Neuroprotective Potential
  573. Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid
  574. Perfil químico e bioprospecção de amêndoas de cacau analisadas por espectrometria de massas com ionização por paper spray Chemical profile and …
  575. Ellagic acid reduces murine schistosomiasis mansoni immunopathology via up-regulation of IL-10 and down-modulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines production
  576. Pharmacology of Bombax ceiba Linn.
  577. Mechanisms by which dietary ellagic acid attenuates obesity and obesity-mediated metabolic complications
  578. Protocatechuic acid attenuates chronic unpredictable mild stress induced-behavioral and biochemical alterations in mice
  579. Triterpenoids impede the fibrillation and cytotoxicity of human islet amyloid polypeptide
  580. Protective effects of terpenes on the cardiovascular system: Current advances and future perspectives
  581. Association of lung cancer with skin diseases: A nationwide cohort study based on the “lung governing skin and hair” theory
  582. Effect of Nanoconfinement of Polyphenolic Extract from Grape Pomace into Functionalized Mesoporous Silica on Its Biocompatibility and Radical Scavenging Activity
  583. Catechin inhibits glycated phosphatidylethanolamine formation by trapping dicarbonyl compounds and forming quinone
  584. Natural ANTIoxidants in the treatment and prevention of diabetic nephropathy; a potential approach that warrants clinical trials
  585. ANTIaging and anxiolytic effects of combinatory formulas based on four medicinal herbs
  586. Recent advances in pharmacological, hormonal, and nutritional intervention for sarcopenia
  587. Optimization and Pharmacological Validation of a
  588. Nutritional Composition and Bioactive Compounds in Tomatoes and Their Impact on Human Health and Disease: A Review
  589. Maillard Browning Inhibition by Ellagic Acid via Its Adduct Formation with the Amadori Rearrangement Product
  590. Advanced glycation end-products (AGE) trapping agents: Design and synthesis of nature inspired indeno [2, 1-c] pyridinones
  591. Inhibition of protein glycoxidation and advanced glycation end-product formation by barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea) phenolics
  592. 9 Bioavailability and
  593. Drugs of muscle wasting and their therapeutic targets
  594. Program & Schedule of Events
  595. Rosmarinic acid as a potent influenza neuraminidase inhibitor: In vitro and in silico study
  596. Prediction of Prediabetes and Its Prevention by Functional Food Compounds
  597. Contribution of polyol pathway to arteriolar dysfunction in hyperglycemia. Role of oxidative stress, reduced NO, and enhanced PGH2/TXA2 mediation
  598. Ursolic and Oleanolic Acids: Plant Metabolites with Neuromodulatory Potential
  599. Potential protein ANTIglycation, ANTIproliferation, and in silico study on the ANTIdiabetic enzymes of bioactive metabolites from Adonis microcarpa DC and their …
  600. Metabolomics-assisted biotechnological interventions for developing plant-based functional foods and nutraceuticals
  601. Phytochemicals: Target-based therapeutic strategies for diabetic retinopathy
  602. Role of dietary advanced glycation end products in diabetes mellitus
  603. Glycated proteins in nutrition: friend or foe?
  604. The Effect of Neonatally Administered Oleanolic Acid on Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in a Fructose–Induced Sprague Dawley Rat Model of Metabolic …
  605. ANTI-inflammatory role of natural polyphenols and their degradation products
  606. Targeting type II diabetes with plant terpenes: the new and promising ANTIdiabetic therapeutics
  607. Effects of vasoactive Chinese herbs on the endothelial NO system
  608. Polyphenolic bioactives as an emerging group of nutraceuticals for promotion of gut health: A review
  609. Linarin, a Glycosylated Flavonoid, with Potential Therapeutic Attributes: A Comprehensive Review
  610. Phytometabolomic analysis of boiled rhizome of Nymphaea nouchali (Burm. f.) using UPLC-Q-TOF-MSE, LC-QqQ-MS & GC–MS and evaluation of ANTIhyperglycemic …
  611. Insights into the redox control of blood coagulation: role of vascular NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species in the thrombogenic cycle
  612. Changes of auditory event-related potentials in ovariectomized rats injected with d-galactose: Protective role of rosmarinic acid
  613. Dietary Polyphenols and Their Gut Microbiota Metabolites as Potential Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease
  614. ANTI-Diabetic Potential of Plant-Based Pentacyclic Triterpene Derivatives: Progress Made to Improve Efficacy and Bioavailability
  615. A pharmacological update of ellagic acid
  616. Alzheimer’s disease and natural products: Future regimens emerging from nature
  617. Review of functional and pharmacological activities of berries
  618. Early responses of mature Arabidopsis thaliana plants to reduced water potential in the agar-based polyethylene glycol infusion drought model
  619. Ursolic Acid and Related Analogues: Triterpenoids with Broad Health Benefits
  620. Novel intriguing strategies attenuating to sarcopenia
  621. ANTIoxidant Effects of Protocatechuic Acid and Protocatechuic Aldehyde: Old Wine in a New Bottle
  622. ANTI-Inflammatory Functional Foods
  623. Molecular mechanisms of biological activity of oleanolic acid-A source of inspiration for a new drugs design
  624. Role of Advanced Glycation End-Products and Other Ligands for AGE Receptors in Thyroid Cancer Progression
  625. Determination ursolic acid and ANTIoxidANTIn Grass jelly (Mesona procumbens Hemsley.)
  626. Coffee brews as food matrices for delivering probiotics: Opportunities, challenges, and potential health benefits
  627. Exploring phytotherapeutic approach in the management of valproic acid-induced toxicity
  628. Relationships of dietary patterns, foods, and micro-and macronutrients with Alzheimer’s disease and late-life cognitive disorders: a systematic review
  629. Potato and grape polyphenols, respectively, suppress high-fat diet-elevated oxidative stress/innate inflammation markers in porcine model and induce apoptosis in …
  630. Obesity: A Bad Partner for the Elderly
  631. Sarcopenia and its intervention
  632. Changes in volatile compounds in a fresh lamb sausage refrigerated stored under anaerobic modified atmosphere
  633. Bioactive Polyphenols and Carotenoids
  634. The pentacyclic triterpenoids in herbal medicines and their pharmacological activities in diabetes and diabetic complications
  635. Effects of ursolic acid on sub-lesional muscle pathology in a contusion model of spinal cord injury
  636. The Maillard reaction reconsidered: cooking and eating for health
  637. Imprinted oxide and MIP/Oxide hybrid nanomaterials for chemical sensors
  638. Efficacy of germination and probiotic fermentation on underutilized cereal and millet grains
  639. Ethnomedicinal Plants for the Management of Diabetes Worldwide: A Systematic Review
  640. Bioactive Compounds and Biological Properties of Thunbergia laurifolia Leaf Extract and Its Potential Use as Functional Drink
  641. The relationship between dietary advanced glycation end products and diabetes related complications
  642. Anthocyanins and their metabolites as therapeutic agents for neurodegenerative disease
  643. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli to produce plant specific secondary metabolites from aromatic amino acids
  644. In Vitro Propagation and Biotechnological Improvement Strategies of Plants with High-Intensity Sweetener and ANTI-Diabetic Activities
  645. Oleanolic acid synthetic oligoglycosides: a review on recent progress in biological activities
  646. Using polyphenols as a relevant therapy to diabetes and its complications, a review
  647. Overview of Beneficial Effects of (Poly) phenol Metabolites in the Context of Neurodegenerative Diseases on Model Organisms
  648. Journal of Herbal Medicine
  649. Diabetic complications: A natural product perspective
  650. Milk and Parkinson disease: Could galactose be the missing link
  651. Exploring phytotherapeutic approach in the management of valproic acid-induced toxicity
  652. A comparative study between the medicinal mushrooms Inonotus obliquus and Ganoderma lucidum-An analysis between polysaccharides, triterpenes and their …
  653. Terpenoids in Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disease
  655. ANTI-inflammatory Effects of Polyphenol-enriched Extracts and Their Gut Microbial Metabolites
  656. Synergistic ANTI-Vascular Inflammatory Effects and Molecular Mechanisms of Combined Phytochemicals in Endothelial Cells and Mice
  657. Molecular Mechanistic Pathways Targeted by Natural ANTIoxidants in the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease
  658. Medicinal plants with ANTIdiabetic effects-An overview (Part 1)
  659. Studies of chemical constituents on the aerial parts of pelargoniumcapitatum
  660. Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum ER Stress-Induced Cell Death Mechanisms
  661. The effect of plant-derived oleanolic acid on selected markers of lipid metabolism and insulin signalling pathway in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
  662. Using the QBEST Equation to Evaluate Ellagic Acid Safety Data: Generating a QNOAEL with Confidence Levels from Disparate Literature
  663. Potential application of non-flavonoid phenolics in diabetes: ANTIinflammatory effects
  664. A pharmacological update of ellagic acid/José Luis Ríos, Rosa M. Giner, Marta Marín and M. Carmen Recio.
  666. Pharmacognostic Phytochemical and Invitro Platelet Aggregation Inhibitory Activity of Psidium Guajava Linn
  667. Revalorization of food by-products as sources of bioactive compounds
  668. Coffee: A Rich Source of ANTImicrobial and ANTIviral Compounds
  669. Molecular Mechanism of Ellagic Acid and Urolithin A in the Suppression of Prostate Cancer by Influencing the p53-MDM2 Pathway
  670. Coffee phenolic phytochemicals and kaempferol protect against oxidative damage of neuronal cells and memory impairments
  671. Isolation, synthesis, and metabolism of polyphenols: Stilbenoids, gallotannins and ellagitannins
  672. Glycation and hypoxia: two key factors for adipose tissue dysfunction
  673. July 2 nd
  674. Preventative role of alpha-lipoic acid, curcumin and ginger in inhibiting myoglobin glycation and the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
  675. Effects of oleanolic acid on small intestine morphology and enzymes of glutamine metabolism in diabetic rats.
  676. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy
  677. Recent development of plant products with ANTI-glycation activity: a review
  678. Natural products as ANTI-glycation agents: possible therapeutic potential for diabetic complications
  679. Effects of OPB‐9195, ANTI‐glycation agent, on experimental diabetic neuropathy
  680. Natural ANTIoxidant polyphenols on inflammation management: ANTI-glycation activity vs metalloproteinases inhibition
  681. ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glycation properties of Thai herbal teas in comparison with conventional teas
  682. Comparison of ANTI-glycation capacities of several herbal infusions with that of green tea
  683. ANTIoxidant and ANTI–glycation activities correlates with phenolic composition of tropical medicinal herbs
  684. ANTIoxidative and ANTI-Glycation Activity of Garcinol from Garcinia indica Fruit Rind
  685. Isoferulic acid, a new ANTI-glycation agent, inhibits fructose-and glucose-mediated protein glycation in vitro
  686. ANTIoxidative activity, polyphenolic content and ANTI-glycation effect of some Thai medicinal plants traditionally used in diabetic patients
  687. Reconstructed skin modified by glycation of the dermal equivalent as a model for skin aging and its potential use to evaluate ANTI-glycation molecules
  688. ANTIoxidant, ANTI-glycation and ANTI-inflammatory activities of phenolic constituents from Cordia sinensis
  689. Inhibitory mechanism of morin on α-glucosidase and its ANTI-glycation properties
  690. Free radical scavenging, ANTI-glycation and tyrosinase inhibition properties of a polysaccharide fraction isolated from the rind from Punica granatum
  691. ANTI-glycation activity of gold nanoparticles
  692. Drug repurposing: In-vitro ANTI-glycation properties of 18 common drugs
  693. Vicenin 2 isolated from Artemisia capillaris exhibited potent ANTI-glycation properties
  694. Innovative cosmeceuticals: sirtuin activators and ANTI-glycation compounds
  695. ANTI-glycation effect of gold nanoparticles on collagen
  696. ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glycation potential of green pepper (Piper nigrum): Optimization of β-cyclodextrin-based extraction by response surface methodology
  697. Characterization of phenolics, in vitro reducing capacity and ANTI-glycation activity of red grape skins recovered from winemaking by-products
  698. Hypoglycemic, ANTI-glycation and ANTIoxidant in vitro properties of two Vaccinium species from Macaronesia: A relation to their phenolic composition
  699. ANTIoxidant, ANTI-amylase and ANTI-glycation potential of brans of some Sri Lankan traditional and improved rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties
  700. Plant-derived agents with ANTI-glycation activity
  701. Studies on α-glucosidase inhibition and ANTI-glycation potential of Iris loczyi and Iris unguicularis
  702. ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glycation capacities of some medicinal plants and their potential inhibitory against digestive enzymes related to type 2 diabetes mellitus
  703. ANTI-glycation and ANTI-hardening effects of microencapsulated mulberry polyphenols in high-protein-sugar ball models through binding with some glycation sites of …
  704. Seasonal phytochemical variation of ANTI-glycation principles in lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium)
  705. … methylglyoxal-induced hyperglycemia and insulin resistance mediated by suppression of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) generation and ANTI-glycation
  706. ANTI-Glycation Effects of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Fruit Extract and Its Components in Vivo and in Vitro
  707. Structural characterization and ANTI‐glycation activity in vitro of a water‐soluble polysaccharide from Dendrobium huoshanense
  708. Synthesis and characterisation of thiobarbituric acid enamine derivatives, and evaluation of their α-glucosidase inhibitory and ANTI-glycation activity
  709. ANTImicrobial, ANTIoxidant, ANTI-glycation and toxicity studies on silver nanoparticles synthesized using Rosa damascena flower extract
  710. The cellular ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glycation capacities of phenolics from Georgia peaches
  711. In vitro ANTI-glycation activity of the marine plant Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile
  712. ANTI-glycation properties of the aqueous extract solutions of dried algae products and effect of lactic acid fermentation on the properties
  713. ANTI-glycation, carbonyl trapping and ANTI-inflammatory activities of chrysin derivatives
  714. ANTI-glycation effect of mixed herbal extract in individuals with pre-diabetes mellitus a double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study
  715. ANTI-glycation and ANTI-oxidative effects of a phenolic-enriched maple syrup extract and its protective effects on normal human colon cells
  716. … , blueberry, cranberry, red raspberry, and strawberry for free radical scavenging, reactive carbonyl species trapping, ANTI-glycation, ANTI-β-amyloid aggregation, and …
  717. Moracin derivatives from Morus Radix as dual BACE1 and cholinesterase inhibitors with ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glycation capacities
  718. Polyphenol profile by UHPLC-MS/MS, ANTI-glycation, ANTIoxidant and cytotoxic activities of several samples of propolis from the northeastern semi-arid region of Brazil
  719. Comprehensive NMR analysis of two kinds of post-fermented tea and their ANTI-glycation activities in vitro
  720. Revisiting amino acids and peptides as ANTI-glycation agents
  721. Comprehensive analysis of the ANTI-glycation effect of peanut skin extract
  722. Cell cytotoxity and ANTI-glycation activity of taxifolin-rich extract from Japanese larch, Larix kaempferi
  723. ANTI-glycation and ANTI-albuminuric effects of GLY-230 in human diabetes
  724. ANTI-diabetic potential of Masclura tricuspidata leaves: Prenylated isoflavonoids with α-glucosidase inhibitory and ANTI-glycation activity
  725. Stability and ANTI-glycation properties of intermediate moisture apple products fortified with green tea
  726. Substituted benzenediol Schiff bases as promising new ANTI-glycation agents
  727. Identification of pinocembrin as an ANTI-glycation agent and α-glucosidase inhibitor from fingerroot (Boesenbergia rotunda): The tentative structure–activity relationship …
  728. … flavonoid exerts ANTIdiabetic complications and improves glucose uptake activating PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in insulin resistant C2C12 cells with ANTI-glycation …
  729. In vitro ANTIoxidant, ANTI-glycation and immunomodulation activities of fermented blue-green algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae
  730. ANTIoxidative and ANTI-glycation activity of buckwheat hull tea infusion
  731. ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glycation activity of ethanol lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) leaves extract
  732. ANTI-glycation properties of the aqueous extract solutions of dried algae products harvested and made in the Miura Peninsula, Japan, and effect of lactic acid …
  733. ANTI-glycation effect and the α-amylase, lipase, and α-glycosidase inhibition properties of a polyphenolic fraction derived from citrus wastes
  734. The ethyl acetate fraction of corn silk exhibits dual ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glycation activities and protects insulin-secreting cells from glucotoxicity
  735. Renal clearance of glycation adducts: ANTI-glycation defence in uraemia and dialysis
  736. ANTI-glycation effect of spices and chilies uses in traditional mexican cuisine
  737. Oncocalyxone A functions as an ANTI-glycation agent in vitro
  738. ANTI-glycation activities of phenolic constituents from Silybum marianum (Milk Thistle) flower in vitro and on human explants
  739. Polyphenols from flowers of Magnolia coco and their ANTI-glycation effects
  740. Evaluation of ANTI-glycation activities of phlorotannins in human and bovine serum albumin-methylglyoxal models
  741. Jakyakgamcho-tang and Its major component, paeonia lactiflora, exhibit potent ANTI-glycation properties
  742. a-Glucosidase inhibition, ANTI-glycation and ANTIoxidant activities of Liquidambar formosana Hance leaf, and identification of phytochemical profile
  743. In Vitro ANTIoxidant and ANTI-Glycation Activity of Resveratrol and Its Novel Triester with Trolox
  744. Sulfated polysaccharides from red seaweed Gelidium amansii: Structural characteristics, ANTI-oxidant and ANTI-glycation properties, and development of bioactive films
  745. ANTI-glycation effects of brown algae extracts and its phenolic compounds
  746. Impact of wedelolactone in the ANTI‐glycation and ANTI‐diabetic activity in experimental diabetic animals
  747. Characterization of polysaccharides from Gynura procumbens with relation to their ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glycation potentials
  748. Novel ANTI-glycation therapeutic agents: glyoxalase I mimetics
  749. Potent SIRT1 Enzyme-stimulating and ANTI-glycation Activities of Polymethoxyflavonoids from Kaempferia parviflora
  750. Investigation of ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glycation properties of essential oils from fruits and branchlets of Juniperus oblonga
  751. Computational investigation of inhibitory mechanism of flavonoids as bovine serum albumin ANTI-glycation agents
  752. ANTI-glycation, ANTI-hemolysis, and ORAC activities of demethylcurcumin and tetrahydroxycurcumin in vitro and reductions of oxidative stress in D-galactose …
  753. The noncovalent conjugations of human serum albumin (HSA) with MS/AK and the effect on ANTI-oxidant capacity as well as ANTI-glycation activity of Monascus yellow …
  754. ANTI-glycation effect of Ecklonia cava polysaccharides extracted by combined ultrasound and enzyme-assisted extraction
  755. The effects of fermentation with lactic acid bacteria on the ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glycation properties of edible cyanobacteria and microalgae
  756. Polydatin Alleviates Diabetes-Induced Hyposalivation through ANTI-Glycation Activity in db/db Mouse
  757. ANTI-Glycation Supplements Part III (Glycation: Part II of II)
  758. … functions by encapsulation of policosanol exerts ANTI-senescence and tissue regeneration effects via improvement of ANTI-glycation, ANTI-apoptosis, and cholesteryl …
  759. Evaluation of effect of alcoholic extract of heartwood of Pterocarpus marsupium on in vitro ANTIoxidant, ANTI-glycation, sorbitol accumulation and inhibition of …
  760. ANTI-glycation effect of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) extract: An open clinical study
  761. Inhibitory effects of bioassay-guided isolation of ANTI-glycation components from Taraxacum coreanum and simultaneous quANTIfication
  762. Carnosine and anserine in chicken: Distribution, age-dependency and their ANTI-glycation activity
  763. Gemigliptin, a novel dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor, exhibits potent ANTI-glycation properties in vitro and in vivo
  764. ANTI-Glycation and Glycation Reversing Potential of Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum) Seed Extract
  765. ANTI‐glycation activities of methyl gallate in vitro and in human explants
  766. Evaluation of the ANTI-glycation effect and the safety of a vinegar beverage containing indigestible dextrin and a mixed herbal extract: A placebo-controlled, double …
  767. ANTI‐glycation and inhibition of starch hydrolyzing enzymes by enzymatically hydrolysed djulis (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz.) hull, leaf and seedling
  768. Functionalised Flouroquinolones as a Potentially Novel Class of ANTI-inflammatory and ANTI-glycation Compounds; Synthesis and Pharmacological Appraisal
  769. Natural peptide ANTI-glycation effect in the presence of Aloe vera phenolic components on human serum albumin
  770. ANTI-glycation and ANTI-angiogenic activities of 5′-methoxybiphenyl-3, 4, 3′-triol, a novel phytochemical component of Osteomeles schwerinae
  771. Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of ANTI-Glycation Agents from Ecklonia cava
  772. Evaluation of ANTI-glycation activities of phlorotannins in human and bovine serum albumin-glyceraldehyde models
  773. Hydrolysable tannins exhibit acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and ANTI-glycation activities in vitro and learning and memory function improvements in scopolamine …
  774. ANTIoxidant, ANTI-α-glucosidase and ANTI-glycation activities of coffee brew from Robusta coffee beans roasted at different levels.
  775. pH‐Responsive Hydrogel With an ANTI‐Glycation Agent for Modulating Experimental Periodontitis
  776. Pectin lyase-modified red ginseng extract exhibits potent ANTI-glycation effects in vitro and in vivo
  777. In vitro ANTI-glycation and ANTI-oxidant properties of synthesized schiff bases
  778. Water extracts of cinnamon and clove exhibits potent inhibition of protein glycation and ANTI-atherosclerotic activity in vitro and in vivo hypolipidemic activity in …
  779. Research on ANTI-glycation activity based on dynamic particle swarm optimization for BP neural network
  780. Radiolytic Cyclization Products of Phloridzin as Potent ANTI‐Glycation Agents
  781. In vitro study of ANTI-glycation and radical scavenging activities of the essential oils of three plants from Morocco: Origanum compactum, Rosmarinus officinalis and …
  782. HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS Analysis for Simultaneous QuANTItation of Phenolics in Taiwan Elderberry and Its ANTI-Glycation Activity
  783. Inhibition of protein glycation by tiger milk mushroom [Lignosus rhinocerus (cooke) ryvarden] and search for potential ANTI-diabetic activity-related metabolic …
  784. ANTI-inflammatory, ANTI-glycation, ANTI-tyrosinase and CDK4 Inhibitory Activities of Alaternin (= 7-Hydroxyemodin)
  785. ANTI–GLYCATIVE effect of yogurt: Prevention of advanced glycation end product formation
  786. ANTI-glycation and radical scavenging activities of hydro-alcohol and aqueous extracts of nine species from Lamiaceae family
  787. A placebo-controlled, randomized, single-blind, parallel-group comparative study to evaluate the ANTI-glycation effect of a functional soymilk beverage supplemented …
  788. Alpha-synuclein glycation and the action of ANTI-diabetic agents in Parkinson’s disease
  789. … of HPTLC method for identification and quANTIfication of sterols from leaves of Erythroxylum monogynum Roxb. and in vitro evaluation of ANTI-oxidant and ANTI-glycation …
  790. ANTI-glycation and skin beautification properties from ingestion of mixed herb extract: A placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized, parallel-group study
  792. Aging of the crystalline lens from the viewpoint of ANTI-glycation and ANTI-oxidation
  793. In vitro glycation of an endothelialized and innervated tissue-engineered skin to screen ANTI-AGE molecules
  794. Advanced glycation of apolipoprotein AI impairs its ANTI-atherogenic properties
  795. Involvement of GLYCATIVE stress in diabetic nephropathy and effects of ANTI-glycation material Kuromoji (Lindera umbellate Thunb.)
  796. Development of a prototype ANTI-glycation assay kit for assessment of bone and cartilage collagen modification
  797. ANTI-advanced glycation end-product and free radical scavenging activity of plants from the Yucatecan flora
  798. Discovery of rifampicin as a new ANTI-glycating compound by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry-based insulin glycation assay
  799. … and Functional Changes of Reconstituted High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) by Incorporation of α-synuclein: A Potent ANTIoxidant and ANTI-Glycation Activity of α …
  800. Phytochemicals against ANTI‐diabetic complications: targeting the advanced glycation end product signaling pathway
  801. Evaluation of the effects of mixed herb extract on skin based on ANTI-glycation effect: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study
  802. ANTI-hypertensive agents inhibit in vivo the formation of advanced glycation end products and improve renal damage in a type 2 diabetic nephropathy rat model
  803. … of methylglyoxal, glyoxalase I inhibitor diesters and SD-lactoylglutathione, and methylglyoxal-modified protein binding and endocytosis by the advanced glycation …
  804. Evaluation of effectiveness of Prunus mume extract such as ANTI-glycation.
  805. ANTI-inflammatory effects of the advanced glycation end product inhibitor LR-90 in human monocytes
  806. ANTI-receptor for advanced glycation end products therapies as novel treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm
  807. Topical treatment with ANTI-oxidants and Au nanoparticles promote healing of diabetic wound through receptor for advance glycation end-products
  808. ANTI‐inflammatory ANTIoxidants attenuate the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase mediated by advanced glycation endproducts in murine microglia
  809. Hydrolysable Tannins Exhibit Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory and ANTI-Glycation Activities In Vitro and Learning and Memory Function Improvements in …
  810. Inhibitory mechanism of catechins against advanced glycation end products of glycated myofibrillar protein through ANTI-aggregation and ANTI-oxidation
  811. Soft-tissue wound healing by ANTI-advanced glycation end-products agents
  812. Variation in ANTI-Glycation and Cross-Link Breaking Effects of Crude Extracts of Moringa oleifera Leaf, Seed and Root
  813. The Effect of Low Molecule Collagen Peptide on Skin ANTI-glycation and Collagen Synthesis as a Skin Aging Therapy
  814. The effectiveness of putative ANTI-cataract agents in the prevention of protein glycation.
  815. Ultrasonic extraction, ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glycation activities of polysaccharides from Gynura divaricata leaves
  816. Monoacylglycerol (MAG)-oleic acid has stronger ANTIoxidant, ANTI-atherosclerotic, and protein glycation inhibitory activities than MAG-palmitic acid
  817. Study on characteristic functional groups in pumpkin polysaccharide and their relationship with ANTI-glycation activity [J]
  818. Nonenzymatic glycation of high‐density lipoprotein impairs its ANTI‐inflammatory effects in innate immunity
  819. The Science of ANTI-glycation
  820. Advanced glycation end‐products, ANTI‐hypertensive treatment and diastolic function in patients with hypertension and diastolic dysfunction
  821. Glycation of HDL blunts its ANTI-inflammatory and cholesterol efflux capacities in vitro, but has no effect in poorly controlled type 1 diabetes subjects
  822. Mangiferin suppressed advanced glycation end products (AGEs) through NF-κB deactivation and displayed ANTI-inflammatory effects in streptozotocin and high fat diet …
  823. Metal ion chelation and ANTI-glycation properties of polysaccharides of Phyllanthus amarus plant
  824. Atorvastatin exerts its ANTI-atherosclerotic effects by targeting the receptor for advanced glycation end products
  825. The ANTI-inflammation effect of moutan cortex on advanced glycation end products-induced rat mesangial cells dysfunction and high-glucose–fat diet and …
  826. ANTI-hypertensive medication use, soluble receptor for glycation end products and risk of pancreatic cancer in the women’s health initiative study
  827. ANTI–GLYCATIVE effect of Japanese sake (seishu): prevention of advanced glycation end product (AGE) formation
  828. ANTI–GLYCATIVE effect of vegetables and fruit extract on multiple glycation models
  829. The combined effect of acetylation and glycation on the chaperone and ANTI-apoptotic functions of human α-crystallin
  830. Lysine glycation of apolipoprotein AI impairs its ANTI-inflammatory function in type 2 diabetes mellitus
  831. ANTI-glycation and improvement microbiota by Geranium dielsianum extract: Relation to health problems in athletes.
  832. ANTI–Glycation Aging Prevention Strategies
  833. Ethanol and water extract of purple sweet potato exhibits ANTI-atherosclerotic activity and inhibits protein glycation
  834. Vitamin D attenuates the effect of advanced glycation end products on ANTI-Mullerian hormone signaling
  835. Inhibitory activity of advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) formation of edible plants for development of ANTI-wrinkle ingredients
  836. Effect of age receptor blocker and/or ANTI-inflammatory coadministration in relation to glycation, oxidative stress and cytokine production in stz diabetic rats
  837. … of the ANTIoxidant and ANTI-glication effects of the hexane extract from Piper auritum leaves in vitro and beneficial activity on oxidative stress and advanced glycation …
  839. Optimization of ANTI-glycation Effect of ʟ-Carnitine, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride and ᴅʟ-α-Tocopheryl Acetate in an Infant Formula Model System Using Response …
  840. ANTI-glycation Activities from Various Agricultural Products
  841. In vitro glycation of human IgG and its effect on interaction with ANTI-IgG
  842. Receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) functions as receptor for specific sulfated glycosaminoglycans, and ANTI-RAGE ANTIbody or sulfated …
  843. ANTI‐Glycation Effect of Gold Nanoparticles
  844. An ANTI-wrinkle diet: nutritional strategies to combat oxidation, inflammation and glycation
  845. Non-enzymatic glycation reduces heparin cofactor II ANTI-thrombin activity
  846. ANTI‐glycation Effect and Advanced Glycation End‐products Cross‐link Breaking Ability of Sclerocarya birrea Stembark Extracts
  847. … epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) prevents advanced glycation end products (AGEs)-elicited endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) reduction through its ANTI …
  848. Effects of monascin on ANTI-inflammation mediated by Nrf2 activation in advanced glycation end product-treated THP-1 monocytes and methylglyoxal-treated Wistar …
  849. Scientific investigation of ayurvedic formulation,“nishadi churnaya” for its ANTIoxidant capacity and activity towards ANTI glycation pathways
  850. Incorporation of selected herbal extracts to augment rice with ANTI-glycation activity
  851. Characterization of ANTI-advanced glycation end product ANTIbodies to nonenzymatically lysine-derived and arginine-derived glycated products
  852. … of HPTLC method for identification and quANTIfication of sterols from leaves of Erythroxylum monogynum Roxb. and in vitro evaluation of ANTI-oxidant and ANTI-glycation …
  853. Glycation of human serum albumin by acylglucuronides of nonsteroidal ANTI-inflammatory drugs of the series of phenylpropionates
  854. ANTI-glycation, ANTI-hemolysis, and ORAC activities of demethylcurcumin and tetrahydroxycurcumin in vitro and reductions of oxidative stress in D-galactose-induced …
  855. Comparison of ANTI-glycation Capacities of Several Herbal Infusions with that of Green Tea
  856. ANTI-Glycation and ANTIoxidant Potential of Clerodendrum glandulosum Lindl. in the Leaf Extract and Its Fractions
  857. Correction to: ANTI-glycation, ANTI-hemolysis, and ORAC activities of demethylcurcumin and tetrahydroxycurcumin in vitro and reductions of oxidative stress in d …
  858. Systemic levels of the ANTI-inflammatory decoy receptor soluble RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end products) are decreased in dogs with inflammatory bowel …
  859. Correction to: ANTI-glycation, ANTI-hemolysis, and ORAC activities of demethylcurcumin and tetrahydroxycurcumin in vitro and reductions of oxidative stress in d …
  860. Hyper-vascular change and formation of advanced glycation endproducts in the peritoneum caused by methylglyoxal and the effect of an ANTI-oxidant, sodium sulfite
  861. ANTI-Glycation and Glycation Reversing Potential of Salacia Reticulata L.(Kothala Himbutu) Root, Stem, Leaf and Twig Extracts
  862. ANTI-glycation and ANTIoxidant Activities of Australian Centella species
  863. ANTI-fibrotic effects of specific-siRNA targeting of the receptor for advanced glycation end products in a rat model of experimental hepatic fibrosis
  864. A reappraisal of the ANTI-glycation activity of a novel Centella Asiatica extract (Centevita®)
  865. ANTI-glycation skin care–a promising approach for young, mature and diabetic skin
  866. ANTI‐Glycation of Active Compounds Purified from Graptopetalum Paraguayense
  867. Does Intermittent Hypoxia Training Augment ANTIoxidant and ANTI-Glycation Enzymes in Rat Brain?
  868. High dose consumption of vitamin C for 8 weeks improved lipoprotein properties via enhancement of ANTI-oxidation and ANTI-glycation properties
  869. ANTI-glycation and Cross-linking Inhibitory Effects of Curcuma longa, Jasminum officinale, Persia americana and Vernonia cineria
  870. ANTIoxidant, ANTI-Glycation and Glycolytic Enzyme Inhibitory Potential of Musa Balbisiana Colla Seed
  871. 1, 8-cineole protected human lipoproteins from modification by oxidation and glycation and exhibited serum lipid-lowering and ANTI-inflammatory activity in zebrafish
  872. … group box 1 contributes to ANTI-neutrophil cytoplasmic ANTIbody-induced neutrophils activation through receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) …
  873. Synthesis of a novel radical trapping and carbonyl group trapping ANTI-AGE agent: a pyridoxamine analogue for inhibiting advanced glycation (AGE) and lipoxidation …
  874. N-butanol extracts of Morinda citrifolia suppress advanced glycation end products (AGE)-induced inflammatory reactions in endothelial cells through its ANTI …
  875. Potential ANTImicrobial, ANTI-glycation and ANTIoxidant properties of bioactive compounds of Indian spices and herbs extracted using ultrasound-assisted extraction …
  876. ANTIoxidant, ANTI‐glycation and ROS scavenging activities of Plantago asiatica
  877. Comparison of ANTI-Glycation Capacity of Two New Purple-Colored-Leaf Tea Cultivars with an Ordinary Green-Colored-Leaf Tea Cultivar in Taiwan
  878. In vitro ANTIoxidant, ANTI-amylase, ANTI-glycation Potentials and Mineral Elements of an Endangered Plant Syzygium caryophyllatum L. Alston (Sinhala: Heendan)
  879. Immunohistochemical study with ANTI‐advanced glycation end‐products ANTIbody in murine amyloidosis
  880. Comparative ANTI-glycation and α-glucosidase inhibition studies of microbial transformed compounds of dydrogesterone.
  881. ANTI-oxidant and ANTI-glycation constituents from Ziziphus oxyphylla and Cedrela serrata
  882. … ANTI-tumor effects of evodiamine on oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) through regulating advanced glycation end products (AGE)/receptor for advanced glycation …
  883. Inactivation of the glyoxalase ANTI‐glycation system in porcine brain post‐cardiac arrest and its preservation by pyruvate
  884. Cytoprotective and ANTI‐Glycation Defenses in Porcine Brain after Cardiac Arrest and Cardiocerebral Resuscitation
  885. Cytoprotective and ANTI-Glycation Defenses in Porcine Brain after Cardiac Arrest and Cardiocerebral Resuscitation
  886. Comparative ANTI-glycation and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Studies of Metabolite, 9β, 12β-Dihydroxy-9β, 10α-pregna-4, 6-diene-3, 20-dione with Dydrogesterone.
  888. Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and statins as ANTI-glycation agents
  889. … and receptor of advanced glycation end product (RAGE) in osteoarthritis patients with 12 weeks of resistance training: influence of ANTI-inflammatory or glucosamine …
  890. Study on ANTI-oxidation and inhibitory effect on nonenzymatic glycation reaction of fermentation extract from biotransformation of Ginkgo biloba L.(EGB) by Hericium …
  891. Soluble form of receptor for advanced glycation end-products (sRAGE): do sRAGE ligands or ANTI-sRAGE auto-ANTIbodies interfere with sRAGE quANTIfication?
  892. Investigation of ANTI Receptor Advanced Glycation End Product Effect in Pericyte Loss Prevention in Diabetic Retinopathy
  893. ANTI-tumorigenic effect of age-/diabetes-related advanced glycation end-products in lung carcinoma
  894. The Impact of Glycation on the ANTI-inflammatory Properties of High Density Lipoproteins in vivo
  895. Glycation of human IgG induces structural alterations leading to changes in its interaction with ANTI-IgG
  896. Study of the effects of selected ANTI-diabetic plants on advanced glycation end-products (Age’s) and apoptotic pathways in mouse
  897. ANTIoxidant and ANTI-AGEs (Advanced glycation end-product) activities of ethanolic extract of Ficus carica Linn from Indonesia
  898. 99m Tc-Labeled ANTI-receptor for advanced glycation endproducts polyclonal ANTIbody F (ab’) 2 fragments 99m Tc-ANTI-RAGE pF (ab’) 2
  899. … ANTI-glucose oxidase ANTIbodies or the F (ab)′ 2/F (ab)′ fragments derived therefrom protects both the enzyme and ANTIbody/ANTIbody fragments against glycation
  900. Study on ANTIoxidant and ANTI-non-enzymatic glycation activity of flavonoids in black currant
  901. Determination of advanced glycation end-products and ANTIbodies against them (ANTI-CML and ANTI-CEL) in the serum of Graves’ orbitopathy patients before and after …
  902. 42 Glycation and vascular calcification: developing an ANTI-calcification strategy
  903. ANTI-diabetic effect of Shiliangcha on glucosidase, non-enzymatic glycation of proteins and aldose reductase
  904. Effect of Advanced Glycation End Products, Serum ANTI-müllerian Hormone and Serum Inhibin B on Reproductive Organ Maturation in Children with Type 1 Diabetes …
  905. … Retinal Microvascular Pathology is Prevented by Sulindac, a Non-steroidal ANTI-inflammatory Drug, without Inhibition of Advanced Glycation, Polyol Pathway Activity …
  906. … on polycystic ovary syndrome with infertility and its influence on serum levels of apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A1 ratio, ANTI-mullerian hormone, advanced glycation …
  907. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and advanced glycation end products (AGE)‐induced ERK5‐SUMOylation antagonizes ANTI‐inflammatory effect of shear stress in …
  908. GLYCATIVE stress and ANTI-aging: 3. The evaluation of GLYCATIVE Stress: Measurement of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
  909. Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) Functions as a Receptor for Specific Sulfated Glycosaminoglycans, and ANTI-RAGE ANTIbody or The Sulfated …
  910. ANTI-inflmmatory Effects of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi Water Extract in the THP-1 Cells Activated by Advanced Glycation End Products
  911. The ANTI-ALS drug riluzole attenuates MCP-1 by high glucose, advanced glycation end product (AGE) or TNF-α in cultured human retinal pericytes

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