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ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: update on xenoestrogens
Evaluating the effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on ENDOCRINE function during development.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: present issues, future directions
Antiandrogens as environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS¤
The effects of metals as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on obesity
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and human health–is there a problem? An update.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and human health: is there a problem
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in marine organisms: approaches and perspectives
Cancer and developmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: from Wingspread to environmental developmental biology
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the obesity epidemic
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the environment (IUPAC Technical Report)
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: can biological effects and environmental risks be predicted?
Research needs for the risk assessment of health and environmental effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a report of the US EPA-sponsored workshop.
Putative environmental-ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and obesity: a review
Clinical correlates of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Association of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and obesity: perspectives from epidemiological studies
Are brominated flame retardants ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Long-term effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on reproductive physiology and behavior
OECD test strategies and methods for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Epigenetic transgenerational actions of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Amphibians as a model for the study of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and prostate cancer risk
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and thyroid hormone physiology
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and reproductive development: a weight-of-evidence overview
Epigenetic transgenerational actions of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and male fertility
Environmental causes of cancer: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS as carcinogens
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and water quality: a state-of-the-art review
Ah receptor agonists as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: antiestrogenic activity and mechanisms
Developmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the obesity epidemic
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and reproductive health: the case of bisphenol-A
Biosensors for environmental monitoring of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a review article
Neoplasia as development gone awry: the role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Polyethylene terephthalate may yield ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Identification and assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: limitations of in vivo and in vitro assays.
Vitellogenin–a biomarker for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and breast cancer
Ecological risk assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and abnormalities of pubertal development
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in aquatic mammals
Welcome to the revolution: integrative biology and assessing the impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on environmental and public health
The impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on oocyte competence
Mass flows of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Glatt River during varying weather conditions
Aqueous chlorination kinetics of some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Synthetic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the environment and water remediation by advanced oxidation processes
Role of membranes and activated carbon in the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Leydig cell function
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: effects on male and female reproductive systems
Summary of the National Toxicology Program’s report of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS low-dose peer review.
Occurrence and removal of pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in South Korean surface, drinking, and waste waters
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and estrogenic effects on male reproductive axis
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on developmental and reproductive functions
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the marine environment: mechanisms of toxicity and their influence on reproductive processes in fish
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the enviroment
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, genital development, and hypospadias
The biomarker and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in mammals
Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human cell lines
Assessing the effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the National Children’s Study.
Kinetics of aqueous ozone-induced oxidation of some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water: implications for the water industry
Peer Reviewed: Comprehending ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in aquatic environments
Review of the etiology of breast cancer with special attention to organochlorines as potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: effects on male fertility and screening tools for their assessment
Ozone oxidation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals in surface water and wastewater
The influence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on pubertal timing
Amphibians as a model to study ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: II. Estrogenic activity of environmental chemicals in vitro and in vivo
Effects of physical− chemical characteristics on the sorption of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by dissolved organic matter surrogates
Monitoring of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in surface waters by the yeast recombinant assay
Health surveillance and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Phytoestrogens: potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in males
Tunnel vision: The regulation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Ozone oxidation of pharmaceuticals, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pesticides during drinking water treatment
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals: implications for water sustainability
Development of a research strategy for assessing the ecological risk of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Laboratory degradation studies of four ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in two environmental media
Occurrence and sources of selected phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Ria de Aveiro, Portugal
The occurrence of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and illicit drugs in surface water in South Wales, UK
Developmental exposure to environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: consequences within the ovary and on female reproductive function
Distribution of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Llobregat River basin (Catalonia, NE Spain)
The removal of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and illicit drugs during wastewater treatment and its impact on the quality of receiving …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and male reproductive function–a short review
Development of fish tests for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the Thyroid Gland—A Combined in Vitro and in Vivo Analysis of Potential New Biomarkers
Use of freshwater rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus in screening assay for potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in bottled mineral water: total estrogenic burden and migration from plastic bottles
Effects of bisphenol-A and other ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS compared with abnormalities of schizophrenia: an ENDOCRINE-disruption theory of schizophrenia
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in female reproductive tract development and carcinogenesis
Exposure assessment for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: some considerations in the design of studies.
Amphibians as a model to study ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: I. Environmental pollution and estrogen receptor binding
An in vivo testing system for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in fish early life stages using induction of vitellogenin
Epigenetic programming of the germ line: effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the development of transgenerational disease
Mammalian development in a changing environment: exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS reveals the developmental plasticity of steroid‐hormone target organs
Relevance of the sludge retention time (SRT) as design criteria for wastewater treatment plants for the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals from …
Human exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and breast milk
Recombinant human estrogen, androgen and progesterone receptors for detection of potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products in water using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry
Biological and physical attenuation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals: implications for water reuse
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and obesity: an examination of selected persistent organic pollutants in the NHANES 1999–2002 data
Influence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on human male fertility
Genetic polymorphisms and metabolism of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in cancer susceptibility
Broad range analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals using gas chromatography and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of adipocyte metabolism
Epigenetic transgenerational effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on male reproduction
UV-irradiated DNA matrixes selectively bind ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS with a planar structure
Modelling of the fate of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in a municipal wastewater treatment plant in South East Queensland, Australia
Biomarkers of exposure and reproduction-related effects in mussels exposed to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Accumulation and leaching potential of some pharmaceuticals and potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in soils irrigated with wastewater in the Tula Valley, Mexico
Modeling the demographic effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Life style-related diseases of the digestive system: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS stimulate lipid accumulation in target cells related to metabolic syndrome
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (environmental estrogens) enhance autoantibody production by B1 cells
Removal of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by Portulaca oleracea
Pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wastewater treatment effluents and in the water supply system of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Effects of some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the proliferation and viability of human endometrial endothelial cells in vitro
Determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water after derivatization with N-methyl-N-(tert.-butyldimethyltrifluoroacetamide) using gas chromatography with mass …
Distribution of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Mondego River estuary, Portugal
Developmental exposure to low-dose estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS alters sex differences in exploration and emotional responses in mice
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: challenges for environmental research in the 21st century
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in sewage treatment plants, receiving river waters, and sediments: integration of chemical analysis and biological effects on feral carp
Occupational and environmental agents as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: experimental and human evidence
Photodegradation and advanced oxidation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in aqueous solutions
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on prosobranch snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the laboratory. Part I: Bisphenol A and octylphenol as xeno-estrogens
Effects of medical therapy, alcohol, smoking, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on male infertility
Occupational exposure to potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: further development of a job exposure matrix
Kinetics of the oxidation of phenols and phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during water treatment with ferrate (Fe (VI))
Comparison between estrogenicities estimated from DNA recombinant yeast assay and from chemical analyses of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during sewage treatment
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS promote adipogenesis in the 3T3‐L1 cell line through glucocorticoid receptor activation
Photoassisted degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS over CuOx–FeOOH with H2O2 at neutral pH
Environmental effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and current methodologies for assessing wildlife health effects
… (DES) or bisphenol-A (BPA) increases EZH2 expression in the mammary gland: an epigenetic mechanism linking ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to breast cancer
Analysis of natural and synthetic estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environmental waters using online preconcentration coupled with LC-APPI-MS/MS
Activation of RXR–PPAR heterodimers by organotin environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The interplay of insulin-like growth factors, gonadotropins, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in ovarian follicular development and function
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a new scientific role for clinical pharmacologists? Impact on human health, wildlife, and the environment
Developmental neurotoxicology of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pesticides: identification of information gaps and research needs.
Biomarkers for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in three species of Mediterranean large pelagic fish
… pathways by estrogens and estrogenic chemicals and potential implications in obesity associated with increased exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS atrazine and PCB 153 on the protein expression of MCF-7 human cells
Multiple piscine vitellogenins: biomarkers of fish exposure to estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in aquatic environments
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS targeting ERβ function
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the water industry
The use of metabolising systems for in vitro testing of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in freshwater streams of Hesse, Germany: changes in concentration levels in the time span from 2003 to 2005
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on prosobranch snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the laboratory. Part III: Cyproterone acetate and vinclozolin as antiandrogens
Relationships of putative ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to human sexual maturation and thyroid activity in youth
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the workplace, hair spray, folate supplementation, and risk of hypospadias: case–control study
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of the stress axis in natural populations: how can we tell?
Environmental fate of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: field and laboratory studies
Adsorptive and photocatalytic performance of TiO2 pillared montmorillonite in degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS having different hydrophobicity
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS induce cytochrome P450 by affecting transcriptional regulation via pregnane X receptor
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and testis development.
Disturbed sexual characteristics in male mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) from a lake contaminated with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: an overview and discussion on issues surrounding their impact on marine animals
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and epigenetic transgenerational disease etiology
Activity of Environmentally Relevant Low Doses of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the Bisphenol A Controversy: Initial Results Confirmed (44515)
Testosterone conjugating activities in invertebrates: are they targets for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Motor hyperactivity caused by a deficit in dopaminergic neurons and the effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a study inspired by the physiological roles of PACAP in the …
A QSAR model for predicting rejection of emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS) by nanofiltration membranes
Antiandrogenic effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
In vitro assessment of thyroid and estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wastewater treatment plants, rivers and drinking water supplies in the greater Paris area (France)
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on prosobranch snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the laboratory. Part II: Triphenyltin as a xeno-androgen
Screening of some anti-androgenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using a recombinant cell-based in vitro bioassay
Biological assessments of a mixture of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS at environmentally relevant concentrations in water following UV/H2O2 oxidation
Analysis of multiple ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environmental waters via wide-spectrum solid-phase extraction and dual-polarity ionization LC-ion trap-MS/MS
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS promote invasion and metastasis of SK-N-SH human neuroblastoma cells
Alteration of gene expression of G protein-coupled receptors in ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS-caused hyperactive rats
Quantification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pesticides in water by gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Method validation using weighted linear regression …
Ferrate (VI) oxidation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and antimicrobials in water
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS affect developmental programming of HOX gene expression
Fluorescence of sediment humic substance and its effect on the sorption of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric method for separation and detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from environmental water samples
Spreeta-based biosensor assays for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Seminiferous cord formation and germ‐cell programming: Epigenetic transgenerational actions of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Exposure to selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and neonatal outcome of 86 healthy boys from Nice area (France)
The menace of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on thyroid hormone physiology and their impact on intrauterine development
The effects of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS dithiocarbamates on the mammalian ovary with particular regard to mancozeb
Organochlorine ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human tissue
Assessment of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in bald eagles of the Great Lakes
Recent advances in mass spectrometry analysis of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and related compounds
Adverse effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the foetal testis development: focus on the phthalates.
Application of on-line solid-phase extraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry to the determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water samples
Can ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS influence neuroplasticity in the aging brain?
Evaluating bioaccumulation of suspected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS into periphytons and benthos in the Tama River
Determination of suspected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in foods and food packaging
Possible effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on male reproductive function.
Bisphenol A and related ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A proposed multigeneration protocol for Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) to evaluate effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Delayed gametogenesis of Mya arenaria in the Saguenay fjord (Canada): a consequence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Estrogen receptor binding assay method for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using fluorescence polarization
Environmental contaminants and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Passive sampling methods for monitoring ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Svratka and Svitava rivers in the Czech Republic
Preparation of porous polysulfone beads for selective removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of possible ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on MyD88-independent TLR4 signaling
Determination of estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environmental samples—a review of chromatographic methods
Exposure assessment of prepubertal children to steroid ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS. 2. Determination of steroid hormones in milk, egg, and meat samples
Column silylation method for determining ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from environmental water samples by solid phase micro-extraction
Partitioning of moderately hydrophobic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS between water and synthetic membrane vesicles
Effects of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on meiotic maturation, cumulus expansion, synthesis of hyaluronan and progesterone by porcine oocyte–cumulus complexes
Comparative study of reactions of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS bisphenol A and diethylstilbestrol in electrochemical treatment and chlorination
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and hypospadias: role of genistein and the fungicide vinclozolin
Non-isothermal bioreactors in enzymatic remediation of waters polluted by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: BPA as a model of pollutant
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and congenital anomalies
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and spontaneous premature labor: a case control study
Changes in male reproductive health and effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Scandinavian countries
Neurotoxic effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Carcinogenesis and Its Modification by Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: In Vivo Experimental and Epidemiological Findings
Levels of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in umbilical cord blood and maternal blood of low-birth-weight infants
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS that deplete glutathione levels in APC promote Th2 polarization in mice leading to the exacerbation of airway inflammation
Stir bar sorptive extraction and trace analysis of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water, biosolids and sludge samples by thermal desorption with gas chromatography …
Modeling of signaling pathways for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
An invertebrate embryo test with the apple snail Marisa cornuarietis to assess effects of potential developmental and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Recognition, information acquisition behavior, knowledge, behaviors to decrease exposure and education need toward ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS among middle and …
Commentary: Setting aside tradition when dealing with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on genes associated with 17β-estradiol metabolism and excretion
The US federal framework for research on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and an analysis of research programs supported during fiscal year 1996.
Effect modification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and testicular germ cell tumour risk by hormone‐metabolizing genes
Environmental antiandrogens as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Mediterranean top marine predators
Characterization of additional sewage treatment technologies: Ecotoxicological effects and levels of selected pharmaceuticals, hormones and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
… of cryptorchidism with a specific haplotype of the estrogen receptor α gene: implication for the susceptibility to estrogenic environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Historical perspectives: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the timing of puberty
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and timing of human exposure.
Introduction of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: approaches, issues, and uncertainties.
Effect of sediment humic substances on sorption of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Teratology Society Public Affairs Committee position paper: developmental toxicity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to humans
PCBs are ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Mixture affects reproductive development in female mice
Organochlorine pesticides as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wildlife.
D-amphetamine-related reinforcing effects are reduced in mice exposed prenatally to estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by tertiary treatments and constructed wetlands in subtropical Australia
Are ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS among the causes of the deterioration of aquatic biodiversity?
Differential expression of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase mRNA in rat testes exposed to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Necessity to establish new risk assessment and risk communication for human fetal exposure to multiple ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Japan
Policy requirements for protecting wildlife from ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
An overview and future perspective on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A treatise on hazards of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and tool to evaluate them
Simple and rapid analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in liquid medicines and intravenous injection solutions by automated in-tube solid-phase microextraction/high …
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: an evolutionary perspective
Screening of some anti-progestin ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using a recombinant yeast based in vitro bioassay
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Irish aquatic environment
… serum estrogenic bioactivity in three male newborns with ambiguous genitalia: a potential consequence of prenatal exposure to environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Determination of trace ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in ultrapure water for laboratory use by the yeast estrogen screen (YES) and chemical analysis (GC/MS)
Estrogen receptor–ligand complexes measured by chip‐based nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry: An approach for the screening of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Development of partial life-cycle experiments to assess the effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis: a case-study with …
Estrogenic and androgenic activity of PCBs, their chlorinated metabolites and other ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS estimated with two in vitro yeast assays
A broad spectrum analytical scheme for the screening of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EDs), pharmaceuticals and personal care products in wastewaters and natural waters
Measuring complex behavior patterns in fish—effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the guppy reproductive behavior
Development of a stable dual cell‐line GFP expression system to study estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals in drinking water
… ‐4 production in CD4+ T cells and elevated immunoglobulin E levels in antigen‐primed mice by bisphenol A and nonylphenol, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: involvement of nuclear …
Ovotoxic environmental chemicals: indirect ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Long-term effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on male fertility
Application of toxicogenomic analysis to risk assessment of delayed long-term effects of multiple chemicals including ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human fetuses
The role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in pubertal development
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and development of the reproductive system in the fetus and children: is there cause for concern?
In-drop derivatisation liquid-phase microextraction assisted by ion-pairing transfer for the gas chromatographic determination of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A Critical Review of In Vitro and In Vivo Testing Strategies for Assessing Their Toxic Hazard to Humans
Surface plasmon resonance detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using immunoprobes based on self-assembled monolayers
Intersex gonads in frogs: understanding the time course of natural development and role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Detection of potential (anti) progestagenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using a recombinant human progesterone receptor binding and transactivation assay
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS provoke differential modulatory responses on androgen receptor and pregnane and xenobiotic receptor: potential implications in metabolic …
Total analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in a microchip with gold nanoparticles
Toxicological research on environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Introduction–workshop on characterizing the effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on human health at environmental exposure levels
Differential regulation of thyroid hormone receptor-mediated function by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Biotransformation of genistein and bisphenol A in cell lines used for screening ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Partitioning thermodynamics of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS between water and synthetic membrane vesicles: effects of membrane compositions
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS signal the need for receptor models and mechanisms to inform policy
Prediction of toxicity and data exploratory analysis of estrogen-active ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using counter-propagation artificial neural networks
Introduction to meeting on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Application of chemometric methods to the investigation of main microcontaminant sources of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in coastal and harbour waters and sediments
A modeling framework for exploring the population‐level effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Occurrence and fate of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS through the San Marcos wastewater treatment plant
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and breast cancer: new risk factors?
The retreat from precaution: Regulating diethylstilbestrol (DES), ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, and environmental health
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and cytostatics from effluent by nanofiltration in combination with adsorption on powdered activated carbon
An experimental design approach employing artificial neural networks for the determination of potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in food using matrix solid-phase …
Separation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from aqueous solutions by pervaporation
Instrumental and bioanalytical measures of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water
UV-C photolysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS. The influence of inorganic peroxides
The low down on low-dose ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
The ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS nonylphenol and octylphenol exert direct effects on T cells to suppress Th1 development and enhance Th2 development
Androgenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wastewater treatment plant effluents in India: their influence on reproductive processes and systemic toxicity in male rats
Sorption of the natural ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, oestrone and 17β-oestradiol in the aquatic environment
Determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in automobile exhaust particulate matter
Contribution of European research to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Combined effects of two environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS nonyl phenol and di-n-butyl phthalate on rat Sertoli cells in vitro
The nationwide investigation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in sediment of harbours
Perspectives: the possible influence of assisted reproductive technologies on transgenerational reproductive effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Other Food‐contaminating Environmental Pollutants as Risk Factors in Animal Reproduction
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of testicular function
A risk assessment perspective on the neurobehavioral toxicity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and male infertility
Biology and physiology of Calbindin-D9k in female reproductive tissues: involvement of steroids and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Study on interactions of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS with estrogen receptor using fluorescence polarization
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by selective sorption method using polydimethylsiloxane membranes
The immune system of geriatric mice is modulated by estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (diethylstilbestrol, α-zearalanol, and genistein): effects on interferon-γ
Pharmacodynamic model of the rat estrus cycle in relation to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and dental materials: health implications associated with their use in Brazil
Analysis of selected pharmaceutical compounds and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in municipal wastewater using solid‐phase microextraction and gas chromatography
Helena Valley ground water: pharmaceuticals, personal care products, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (PPCPs), and microbial indicators of fecal contamination
Steroid Hormones and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Recent advances in receptor-mediated actions
Use of the australian crimson‐spotted rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis) as a model test species for investigating the effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Are pesticides really ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environmental waters using poly (acrylamide-vinylpyridine) monolithic capillary for in-tube solid-phase microextraction …
Solid-phase extraction/high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry to determine ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water samples
Steroid levels in crinoid echinoderms are altered by exposure to model ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in honey by CZE‐MS using restricted access materials for matrix cleanup
Beyond screening: Problems and prospects for risk characterization of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Testosterone and energy metabolism in the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea) following exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Studies on the occurrence and quantification of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Risk Assessment: Potential for a Big Mistake
Monitoring of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by capillary electrophoresis amperometric detector
New methods for detection of potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Status and regulatory aspects
Employment of immobilised lipase from Candida rugosa for the bioremediation of waters polluted by dimethylphthalate, as a model of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A synchronized amphibian metamorphosis assay as an improved tool to detect thyroid hormone disturbance by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and apolar sediment extracts
Transfer of maternally injected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS through breast milk during lactation induces neonatal Calbindin-D9k in the rat model
… microfibrous poly (styrene-alt-maleic anhydride)/poly (styrene-co-maleic anhydride) mats tailored for enzymatic remediation of waters polluted by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
All ZZ male Xenopus laevis provides a clear sex-reversal test for feminizing ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
An integrated study of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in sediments and reproduction-related parameters in bivalve molluscs from the Biosphere’s Reserve of Urdaibai (Bay of …
Monitoring and risk assessment for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the aquatic environment: a biomarker approach
Introduction: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—Exposure Assessment, Novel End Points, and Low-Dose and Mixture Effects
Impact of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on sexual differentiation in birds and mammals
Effects of neonatal treatment with 6-hydroxydopamine and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on motor activity and gene expression in rats
Regulatory application of SAR/QSAR for priority setting of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A perspective
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and breast cancer
Growth-promoting effect of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and sexually dimorphic behaviors: a question of heads and tails.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Do family lines carry an epigenetic record of previous generations’ exposures?
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and hypothalamic sexual differentiation
Genetic mechanisms of fetal male undermasculinization: a background to the role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Versatile biosensor surface based on peptide nucleic acid with label free and total internal reflection fluorescence detection for quantification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Maternal-fetal transfer of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the induction of Calbindin-D9k mRNA and protein during pregnancy in rat model
Determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environmental water samples by stir bar sorptive extraction-liquid desorption-Large volume injection-gas chromatography
Novel Progestogenic Activity of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Upregulation of Calbindin-D9k in an Immature Mouse Model
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, epigenetically induced changes, and transgenerational transmission of characters and epigenetic states
Unmasking the truth: Behind ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Molecular recognition of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by synthetic and natural 17β-estradiol receptors: a comparative study
Biosensors for the Environmental Monitoring of Aquatic Systems: Bioanalytical and Chemical Methods for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Separation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from aqueous solutions by pervaporation: dioctylphthalate and butylated hydroxytoluene in mineral water
A confirmatory method for the determination of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in honey using restricted-access material–liquid chromatography–tandem mass …
Protective effects of vitamin E on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, PCB-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity
Removal of a type of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—di-n-butyl phthalate from water by ozonation
Progression of the dose-related effects of estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, an important factor in declining fertility, differs between the hypothalamo-pituitary axis and …
Development of a simple screening system for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
The process of thermodialysis in bioremediation of waters polluted by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS modulate expression of hepatic choriogenin genes in the hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus
[Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and male urogenital tract malformations [cryptorchidism and hypospadias]].
Neurotransmitters and the control of hypophyseal gonadal functions: possible implications of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A Study of the Cognition and Behavior of Middle School Students on the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Focusing on Suwon City
Preparation and characterization of a new design of carbon-felt electrode for phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and rat adrenocortical function: studies on freshly dispersed and cultured cells
Measurement uncertainty arising from trueness of the analysis of two ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and their metabolites in environmental samples: Part II. Solid-phase …
Differential Activity of Diethylstilbestrol versus Estradiol As Neonatal ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Female Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) Reproductive Tract
Will we be taught ethics by our clones? The mutations of the living, from ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to genetics
An approach to the development of quantitative models to assess the effects of exposure to environmentally relevant levels of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on homeostasis in …
Estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: molecular characteristics and human impacts
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A case study on atrazine
Fluorescent Molecular Sensory System Based on Bis Pyrene-Modified γ-Cyclodextrin Dimer for Steroids and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Evaluation on antagonist activities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using the yeast two-hybrid detection system for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals: Implications for the water industry
Effects of suspended sediment content on biodegradation of three common ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in river water
Neonatal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS suppresses juvenile testis weight and steroidogenesis but spermatogenesis is considerably restored during puberty
Testing potential effect of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in cow milk on reproductive index in female rats
Why epidemiology of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS warrants the precautionary principle
A study on the degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and dioxins by ozonation and advanced oxidation processes
Study on Interactions of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS with Estrogen Receptor-β Using Fluorescence Polarization
Effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the sex differentiation in Korean rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli
Yeast two-hybrid detection systems that are highly sensitive to a certain kind of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE active substances in wildlife species: Genetic, biochemical, and physiological factors in variable susceptibility to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Corn and corn-derived products: sources of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
Effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the oocyte maturation and ovulation in amphibians, rana dybowskii
Monitoring research for residual pesticides as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in natural medicines (I)
Mammalian glucocorticoid metabolites act as androgenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the medaka (Oryzias latipes)
NMR studies on lipid bilayer interfaces coupled with anesthetics and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Effects on Male and Female Reproductive Systems
Broad-spectrum analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environmental samples
Female reproductive tract and mammary disorders caused by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferase and enzymes involved in PAPS synthesis: genomic and nongenomic pathways
Study of neonatal exposure to androgenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone by normal‐phase HPLC
Bioassay for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by using yeast two-hybrid system
Annelid ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and a survey of invertebrate FMRFamide-related peptides
Occurrence and treatment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals
Expression profiling of estrogen responsive genes using genomic and proteomic techniques for the evaluation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides as potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Estrogenicity in bile of juvenile rainbow trout as measure of exposure and potential effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on human and wildlife health
The Case for Taking Account of Metabolism when Testing for Potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS In Vitro
Monitoring research for heavy metals as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in sibjeondaebotang and its ingredients herbal medicines (II)
Large-scale gene expression analysis for evaluation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A new test to identify ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using sex hormone‐binding globulins from human serum
Adverse health consequences of environmental exposure to’ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS‘
Construction of high sensitive detection system for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS with yeast n-alkane-assimilating Yarrowia lipolytica
Effects of some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the secretory and proliferative activity of the regenerating rat adrenal cortex
Mitochondrial metabolism of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone in male sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): a potential target for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of various chemicals including ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and analogs on the secretion of Th1 and Th2 cytokines from anti CD3-stimulated mouse spleen cells
Epidemiologic evidence on the relationship between environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and male reproductive and developmental health
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS as a factor in mental retardation
Photodegradation of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water in the presence of Fe (III)-carboxylate complexes
Environmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS with estrogenic activity and the association with pubertal disorders in children
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in zebrafish (Danio rerio) as revealed with the fish sexual development test
Chemical and biological analyses of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wastewater treatment plants in south east Queensland, Australia
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the maternal and fetal compartments
Re: the use of offspring sex ratios in the search for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from the Environment in the Aetiology of Obesity and Diabetes.
Uncoupling proteins: Targets of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Prediction of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Based on a New Structure—Activity Relationship for Sex and Environmental Hormones Using Chemical Hardness Concept
Screening for 926 pesticides and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by GC/MS with deconvolution reporting software and a new pesticide library
Integrative risk assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Switzerland
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on arachidonic acid metabolism in rabbit platelets
Environmental and dietary ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and women’s health
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—A Controversy in Science and Policy: Session III Summary and Research Needs
Pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in rivers and on tap
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the pituitary gland
Microbial degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Response to Randhir P. Deo and Rolf U. Halden’s comments regarding ‘The removal of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and illicit drugs …
Modulatory effect of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on N-ras oncogene expression in the hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus
Assessing Risks from Bisphenol A: Evaluating human health risks from ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS such as BPA is difficult, but animal studies suggest trouble is afoot
Critical review of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in applied entomology.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and brain estrogen receptors: the current state of behavioral, neurochemical, and molecular biological studies
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and reproductive health
Theoretical approach to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
EPA’s Investigation and Regulation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Can migration of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from plastic bottles be the cause of estrogenic burden recently determined in bottled mineral water
Development of a screening method for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in crustaceans using Daphnia magna (Cladocera, Crustacea)
Determination of a Screening System of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by the Induction of Vitellogenin mRNA in C. elegans Larvae (PROCEEDINGS OF 24TH SYMPOSIUM …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS-ecotoxicological assays
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Properties, Effects, and Removal Processes
Determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Kafue lechwe (Kobus leche kafuensis) samples from the Lochinvar National Park of Zambia
DNA-modified polysulphone microspheres for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and heavy metal ions removal
Emerging research on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The effect of dietary ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the developing fetus
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and environmental impact in Japan
Small heat shock protein 20 gene (Hsp20) of the intertidal copepod Tigriopus japonicus as a possible biomarker for exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in membrane separation activated sludge process
Amperometric detection at carbon felt electrodes. Application to the determination of nitro musk derivatives and phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Bombina orientalis P450 aromatase activity
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on preimplantation embryo development
Simultaneous analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, 4-alkylphenol and bisphenol A, contained in synthetic resin products used for drug containers and household utensils
A study on the cognition of high school students and science teachers of Seoul and province of gyeonggi on the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: effects on sex steroid hormone receptors and sex development
Ovotoxic environmental chemicals: indirect ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Monitoring research for heavy metals as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in herbal medicines and ssangwha-tang
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS that disrupt the transcription mediated by androgen receptor
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS as a new regulatory endpoint
Expression pattern of sulfated glycoprotein-2 (SGP-2) mRNA in rat testes exposed to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Transcriptional roles of AhR in expression of biological effects induced by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Study on the level of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in serum of precocious puberty patients
Preparation of insolubilized-DNA film with three-dimensional network and removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Survey of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in King County surface waters
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Estrogens in a Bottle?
Analysis of several ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS detected in human umbilical cords and cord serum in Japan
Bioassay of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS TBT and DMSO using recombinant Escherichia coli
Comment on “the removal of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and illicit drugs during wastewater treatment and its impact on the …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Overview and a pathologist’s perspective
Occupational exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: state of the art
… compartmentalization of steroid receptors in living cells as a strategic screening method to determine the biological impact of suspected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Selective recognition of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by fluorogenic γ-cyclodextrin having pyrene-tosyl substituents on hetero rims
In vitro testing for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Analysis of toxicogenomic response to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the mouse testis
Peer review of validation studies: an assessment of the role of the OECD by reference to the validation of the uterotrophic assay for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A feminist perspective on the precautionary principle and the problem of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS under neoliberal globalization policies
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human milk and the health-related issues of breastfeeding
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: literature review on toxicology and application field in occupational medicine
Relevant activities for risk management of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Japanese government agencies
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using homogeneous metal catalyst combined with nanofiltration membrane
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Sexual Dysfunction
Electronic and charge aspects of potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Applications to pharmacological clustering
Conventional and advanced water treatment processes for the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals
Contaminating the hallowed maternal body: A feminist approach to the dilemma of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on maternal and child health
Trace Determinations of Emerging Water Pollutants: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Pharmaceuticals, and Specialty Chemicals: Focal Point: Environmental Analytical …
Advances in chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry-related techniques for analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in food
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in food contact articles and baby toys with their transition
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the formation of prostaglandin and arachidonoyl-CoA formed from arachidonic acid in rabbit kidney medulla microsomes
The Action Mechanism of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effect of Ca2+ and Na+ on the sorption of three selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to sediments
Potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the workplace
Analytical methods for measuring ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals
Solid-phase extraction for cleanup of pesticide residues suspected as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in foods
Levels of selected nonpersistent ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in humans
Pathology in Baltic grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in relation to environmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Identifying ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Relevance to humans, animals and ecosystems
Adsorption of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and related compounds using natural polymer composite fibers formed by polyion complexes
The development and implementation of biomarker assays for estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Polyethylene terephthalate and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: are they carcinogens?
Possible roles of B1 cells and environmental estrogens (ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS) in the development of autoimmune diseases
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Sewage–Perception v Reality
Development of ELISAs for quantification of surfactants, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and estrogens, and their application for environmental and biological sample …
DNA-modified porous polysulfone microspheres for selective removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Monitoring of Effects
Miniaturisation of a capillary electrophoresis microchip for the sensing of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effect of instruction using multimedia program related to the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Infertility Caused by Exposure to Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on nervous system related gene expression: comprehensive analysis of medaka fish
Metabolic disturbance of tryptophan-nicotinamide conversion pathway by putative ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, bisphenol A and styrene monomer
Newly arising ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: UV screens and PBDE
Behaviors and environmental risk assessment of estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in anaerobic domestic wastewater treatment
Epigenetic Transgenerational Actions of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS through the Male Germ-Line
Synthesis of fluorescent molecular sensory system for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS based on dansylthiacalix [6] arenes
Argument for the motion that ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS pose a major risk to human health
Assays and microbial biosensors for detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EDs).
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by activated carbons and Hypersol-Macronet hypercrosslinked polymeric adsorbents
Reproductive toxicology of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: effects of cadmium, phthalates and phytoestrogens on testicular steroidogenesis
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in developing embryo on Daphnia magna
Monitoring on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in commercial agricultural products in the northern area of Seoul (2007)
Treatment/Destruction of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Kohonen and counterpropagation neural networks employed for modeling ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and male sexual dysfunction
Human exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, an overview
Sorption of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS onto Cell Membrane and the Effect of NOM
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wastewater and sludge treatment processes
Solid-liquid two phase numerical simulation on removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in activated sludge process
Developmental and reproductive abnormalities associated with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wildlife
Molecular similarity of potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Structural index control of pharmacological clustering
Affinity biosensors for characterization of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Evaluation of Bioassay for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Ozonation of representative ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EDs) in water
Solubilization of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in micellar media
The Issue of Water Pollution Caused by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Environmental Contamination with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Pharmaceuticals: An Environmetrical Evaluation Approach.
Chemicals in foods: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: The Next Generation of Regulatory Concern?
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in marine organisms: Approaches and perspectives
Environmental transport and fate of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from non-potable reuse of municipal wastewater
Performance of physical and chemical treatment processes to remove ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in sewage effluent
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by selective sorption method using activated carbons
Expression Analysis of Sex-Specific and ENDOCRINE–DISRUPTORS-Responsive Genes in Japanese Medaka, Oryzias latipes, using Oligonucleotide Microarrays
Exposure levels of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Nordic Countries
Elimination of estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from laboratory-derived sewage sludge by means of simultaneous aerobic sludge stabilisation
Metal ions as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: implications for prostate cancer
Evaluation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environmental water using yeast two-hybrid system
ELF-EMF, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, light: what if we apply triage to research?
Bad News for Boys Linking Hypospadias and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and nuclear receptors
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Relevance to Humans, Animals and Ecosystems: Research Highlights from the National Research Programme NRP50
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, travel-associated illness, and media violence: important health considerations for children and adolescents
HPLC with Mass Spectrometry Detection for the Analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Rejection of trance steroid ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water by nanofiltration membrane
Deleterious effects of estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on marine organisms: Histological Observed Effects and Some Novel Useful Monitoring Bioassays
Unexpected estrogenicity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS may evoke a failure of pregnancy derived from uterine function: overview of their possible mechanism (s) through …
International Cooperation Study for Evaluation of OECD Screening and Testing Method for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Amphibians as sensors of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Water by Solid Phase Extraction-Liquid Chromatography-Ion Trap Mass/Mass Spectrometry
… of opinion leaders on environmental health hazards and their management policies in Korea-focusing on the genetically modified organisms and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and reproductive toxicology: a molecular approach
NIEHS and CDC track human exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
Examining granular activated carbon adsorption of organic contaminants from water: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS/pharmaceuticals, methyl tert-butyl ether, and …
A reconnaissance of the intersex condition in Micropterus dolomieu of the Upper Ohio River Basin as an indicator of anthropogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Alkylphenols, alkylphenolethoxylates and their metabolites (APEs) as potential Great Lakes, tributaries, and effluent dominated stream ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the expression of estrogen receptors in ovary and uterus from immature rats
Developmental Abnormalities in Wildlife Induced by Envifonmntal ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Analysis of steroid hormones as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in sewage, seawater and mussels using GC-MS techniques
A strategy to explore the target receptor of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Estrogen-related receptor γ (ERRγ) as a genuine acceptor of Bisphenol A
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the environment and their influence
Toxic effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the growth rate of lactic acid bacteria
Shift in the sexes: are ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS changing birth ratios?
An integrated biomarker approach for assessing exposure and effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and other contaminants in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) from …
Strengthening the application of the precautionary principle in the regulation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Canada.
Treatment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wastewater by using a white-rot fungal laccase immobilized into dialysis tubing.
Deficit in neuronal development and neurodegeneration by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Current Status of using vitellogenin as a biomarker to screen ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Irish Aquatic Environment (2000-MS-2-M1)
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Bisphenol A and the Brain
Effect of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Kinetics of Aqueous Ozone-Induced Oxidation of Some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
Effects of two ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS prochloraz and ethinylestradiol on development of Rana temporaria
Treatment Technologies for the Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from Wastewater and Drinking water
Should We Be Concerned About ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Fetal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during human pregnancy in Japan
Fate of Selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during Soil Aquifer Treatment
Methods of analysis for chemicals that disrupt cellular signaling pathways: risk assessment for potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in milk by circulation through polydimethylsiloxane tubing
Effects of some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on human and grey seal uterine cells
Degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in landfill leachates by ozonation
Determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS-phthalate esters in plastic packaging materials
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS-what are they and why is there so much interest?
434: Brominated flame retardants: Emerging developmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS calling for risk assessment
Application of immunoassay to microquantitation of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—dioxins-specific immunoassay
Preparation of a novel aminated fungal biomass and its sorption for typical ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on adreno-cortical and Leydig cell steroidogenesis
Determination of four kinds of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in blood serum of precocious puberty patients by high performance liquid chromatography
Transthyretin and thyroid hormone transport in fish and the effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on this process
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Mechanisms and Impacts
Possible effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the reproductive system
Fate of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during the anaerobic digestion of contaminated sewage sludge: involvement of bioavailability and cometabolism
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and chemical industry; Kankyo horumon to kagaku kogyo
Qualitatively Fluorescent Guest-Response of 2A, 2x-Disulfonyl Dibenzosulfolane-Diphenyl-Capped β-and γ-Cyclodextrins for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: An Evaluation of Solvents, Deicers and Jet Fuels
Reproductive and genomic effects of gestational and lactational exposure to estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in male mice
EDEN. ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS. Exploring novel endpoints, exposure, low-dose and mixture effects in humans, aquatic wildlife and laboratory animals. Third annual …
Evaluation of corn furan fatty acid putative ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on reproductive performance in adult female chickens
Analysis of selected natural compounds and their degradation products in pulp and paper mill effluent: Exploration of possible ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Development Of In Vitro Systems To Study ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A proposed classification scheme
Reproductive Health Problems from ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Comments on the European Community Strategy for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Test Methods for Detecting ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and occupational hazards
Carcinogenic Potency Database; ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Top Priority for Research
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Analytical and toxicological aspects
An overview of the influence to the ecosystem by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: the Regulatory Future for Wastewater
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS used in textile industry in Spain.
Risk management options for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in national and international programs
ICCVAM Evaluation of In Vitro Test Methods for Detecting Potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and waste management
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and reproductive health: a critical assessment.
Decision trees for classification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Detailed Disruptor Data: Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS. A Handbook of Property Data, by Lawrence H. Keith
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on ecology–reports from the Gordon Reserch Conference of Environmental ENDROCRINE DISRUPTORS
Workshop. ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: from biomarkers to risk assessment. The PREVIENI Project.
A Study on the Removal Efficiency of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Raiders of Reproduction: How Disruptive Are ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS. Effects on Male and Female Reproductive Systems Edited by Rajesh K …
Degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in a hybrid system of sonolysis and photocatalysis
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A New Category of Waterborne Risk
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and disorders of neurobehavioral development
Causal Criteria for Assessing ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—A Proposed Framework
Invisible hazards: a social health analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
States Up Pressure On EPA To Regulate ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS In Water
Books and Software: A Taste of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Book Review: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Effects on Male and Female Reproductive Systems
ENDOCRINE disruption potential of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and the research needs to assess ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Research Profiles: Electrochemistry, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, and the environment
Evaluation of Lactic Acid Bacteria for the Resistance to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and developmental abnormalities in wildlife; Kankyo horumon (gaiinsei naibunpi kakuran kagaku busshitsu) no kankyo seibutsu …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Environment: A US EPA Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Progress Review
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: The issue hits closer to home
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS contained in the plastics; Purasuchikku ni fukumareru kankyo horumon
Research Advance in Biological Effect of Low Does ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Exposure
A Study on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS I: E-Screen Assay of Alkylphenolic Compounds
Mice Beat Rats The Best Model for Testing ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Histopathologic Changes to Additive Effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Mice
Risk assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in cosmetics
Theoretical Study on QSAR Analysis for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Risk assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in cosmetics
Assessment of organochlorines and environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS among different environmental compartments in Hong Kong mudflats
Assessment of organochlorines and environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS among different environmental compartments in Hong Kong mudflats
The Toll Of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS On Human Health
Construction of Risk Information Database for Risk Assessment on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Problems in assessing risk of plastic related ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS; Purasuchikku ni kanrenshita kankyo horumon no mondaiten ni tsuite
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS related to the equipment and packages used in contact with foods
Research advance in biological effect of low does ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS exposure.
The Current Situation of Human Fetal Exposure to Several ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Japan
The presence and effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on reproductive organs of fish in a reservoir used for aquiculture
Effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the male mouse reproductive system
Policy Development at a Local Level to Mitigate Depositing ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS into Aquatic Ecosystems
Endometriosis and Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Construction of the Detection Systems for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using Yeasts and their Application
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Risk Factors For Undescended Testes?
The effects of 4-tert octylphenol on the reproductive behavior of zebrafish (Danio rerio): A behavioral assay for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and endometriosis
A Survey on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS among Agricultural Products in the North of Seoul
Monitoring Studies on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (Cd, Pb, Hg) in Humans
Ecotoxicological investigations for the effectiveness of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in fish
Immunoassay of Pesticide Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A Study of Exposure Monitoring of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Phenols
Targets of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in External Genitalia
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Endometriosis
Investigation of 13 kinds of typical environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EEDs) in human serum by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring …
Action of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Urogenital Development in Chicken Embryo
Performance of Physical and Chemical Treatment Processes to Remove ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Sewage Effluent
Analysis of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS. Lawrence H. Keith, Tammy L. Jones-Lepp, and Larry L. Needham, eds. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society …
Defeminization in Daphnia magna: A screening test for ENDOCRINE–DISRUPTORS in the environment?
Impact of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Spermatogenesis in Rat Experimental Model
Application of rule induction techniques for detecting the possible impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the North Sea ecosystem
The identification and distribution of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay
Pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Implications for Water Sustainability (part II)
Mathematical Model of Steroidogenesis to Predict Dynamic Response to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and children’s sex‐dimorphic behaviour
Epigenetic Transgenerational Effects Of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS On Male Fertility And Other Diseases
Zebrafish assay detects ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Using a Bayesian network to assess the population-level risks of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to brown trout
Effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on sexual differentiation of the brain and behavior
The ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: effects and action mechanisms on estrogen-induced cell functions
Measurement of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (Environmental Hormones) ENDOCRINE-Disrupting Effects and Chemical Analysis of Hydroxylated PCBs Metabolites
Removing ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from municipal landfill leachate
The Association between obesity, central adiposity and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the development of Xenopus embryos
Involvement of epigenetic and apoptotic effectors in the hypospermatogenesis induced by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Monitoring natural ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water and pesticides in conventional cereal products
Effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Thais clavigera in Nagasaki prefecture [Japan]
Toxicity Monitoring and Classification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using Bioluminescent Bacteria.
Development of in vitro screening and test methods for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to androgen activities in LNCaP cells
Recognition, Knowledge, and Behavior to Decrease Exposure toward ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Dietary Life among Elementary School Students
Effect of organophosphorous pesticides as neuro-ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the immune system of Balb/c mice
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS stimulate lipid accumulation in target cells related to metabolic syndrome
Relationship between Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Genetic Polymorphism of Related Metabolic Enzymes and Breast Cancer
Mechanism of Phenoxy Compounds as Androgenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A Whole-Cell Biosensor Panel for Agricultural ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Halogenated ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Wildlife: Is there (still) a global problem?
Studies on Reproductive Function of Sex Hormone with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Estrogenic Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and establishment of screening methods in mice
Epigenetic effects if ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in fetal germ cells
Yeast Two-Hybrid Detection Systems That Are Highly Sensitive to a Certain Kind of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Recent Issues of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Medicine and Cosmetics
Comparative activation of estrogen receptor α (ERα) by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Investigation into ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS at the city of Oklahoma City’s selected wastewater treatment plants
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in whole-organ culture of mouse mammary glands
Role of AhR in reproduction of female mice and expression of biological effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Disorders of sex differentiation caused by exogenous sex hormones and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) and environment: A possible role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
Determination of trace-level ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in seawater by online SPE-HPLC using the SolEx HRP cartridge
Tuesday, November 14, 2000-3: 10 PM Abstract# 9813 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and current science policy developments
The effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the monogamous pine vole, Microtus pinetorum
Role of Oxidation in the Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Pharmaceuticals during Water Treatment Processes
Improvement of the Biosensor for Detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by Combination of Human Estrogen Receptorα and Co-Activator
Application of Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) assay to monitor ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in surface water in Cantho City, Vietnam
The Possible Influence of Assisted Reproductive Technologies on Transgenerational Reproductive Effects of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Environmental fate of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: field and laboratory studies. Phil Trans R Soc A Math Phys Eng Sci
Antagonistic Effect of Ziyin Xiehuo Recipe on Estrogen-like Activity of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Exposed Rats
Combined effects of temperature due to eg climate change and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on sex steroid titres in the African frog, Xenopus laevis
Establishment of Purification and Incubation Conditions of Leydig Cells for Screen ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Altering Steroidogenesis
Estimation of Estrogenic Activity by E-screen Assay and Stepwise Analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Pilot Sewage Treatment Plant
Influence of Estradiol-17β on Medaka, Orizias latipes: a model of screening for the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
Screening Methods for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Based on the Mechanism of Transcriptional Regulation by Nuclear Hormone Receptor (PROCEEDINGS OF 24TH …
Applications of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry in Residue Analysis of Veterinary Hormonal Substances and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Ethinylestradiol and Procloraz on the vocal system of the frog Xenopus tropicalis
Persistent ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS contamination in North Sea harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)
Using a Sensitive Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Fish Model for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Screening
The development and characterization of fish gene expression bioassays for detecting aquatic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and other emerging contaminants
Inverse Effects on Growth and Development Rates by Means of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in African Clawed Frog Tadpoles
… a wide range of chemicals of interest for breast cancer research: Indoor air and dust and urinary measures for pesticides, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, and animal mammary …
On-Line Derivatization Gas Chromatography Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry for Determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Surface Water
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using mouse mammary gland organ culture system on the formation of preneoplastic lesion
Development and application of a GC/MS rapid screening method for selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, pharmaceuticals, antioxidants, and plasticizers
Development of a Capillary Electrophoresis Microchip Format Electrochemical Detector for the Sensing of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS elimination by UV aided oxidation processes in water via kinetics study and reaction mechanisms
Role of Membranes and Activated Carbon in the Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Pharmaceuticals during Water Treatment Processes
Androgen-dependent Sertoli cell proliferation as a target for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS relevant to human male reproductive health
… of Phospholipid Hydroperoxide Glutathione Peroxidase (PHGPx) mRNA in the Rat Prostates and Seminal Vesicles Exposed to Exogenous ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
… to changes in ENDOCRINE function.” A potential ENDOCRINE disruptor was defined as a “substance that possesses properties that might be expected to lead to ENDOCRINE …
NeuroENDOCRINE effects of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Vinclozolin and Equol in the adult male rat
… measurement in the freshwater amphipod Gammarus fossarum: first step to propose a relevant biomarker for reproductive impact assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
2P388 Acute morphological effects of sex steroids and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in hippocampal dendritic spines (44. Neuro-biophysics, Poster Session, Abstract, Meeting …
Modulatory effect of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on N-ras oncogene expression in the hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus
Activation of RXR-PPAR heterodimers by organotin environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Mining of Potential Biomarker Gene for Assessing Impacts of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Self-fertilizing Fish, Rivulus marmoratus
… effects of the fungicide thiophanate methyl on the adrenal gland of reptilian and amphibian bioindicator organisms: differences in the response to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS …
Development of transgenic marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) as a sentinel species for biomonitoring estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Physiological Responses of the Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) to Anthropogenic Sources of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Genistein and Phthalate, on the Onset of Puberty in the Immature Female Rat
Effects of subacute oral administration of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, bisphenol A and Mancozeb, on LPS-induced tumor necrosis factor (TNF-) production in vivo.
Simple Screening Method of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using spot-test procedure of yeast-based steroid hormone receptor gene transcription assay
Genotoxic Evaluation of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (Atrazine, Perfluorooctanoic Acid, Zearalenone) Using in Vitro Micronuclei Assay
Relationship between soy-derived isoflavones and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in cultured Chinese hamster lung fibroblast (CHL/IU) cells.
Chemistry 505–Environmental Chemistry PIM# 3–ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS July 31, 2006
Endocriene verstoringen in het Schelde estuarium (1)= ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Scheldt estuary (1)
Determination of 11 Phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry-Selected Ion Monitoring in Five Selected Wastewater Influents
… President’s Message by Janet Hugo 8 Student Paper: Inverse Effects On Growth And Development Rates By Means Of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS In African Clawed …
11 Molecular Field Analysis Methods for Modeling ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Phytosterols act as ENDOCRINE and metabolic DISRUPTORS in the European polecat (Mustela putorius)
Optimazation of the Assement and Apotosis of ENDOCRINE-Bisphenol A DISRUPTORS
Residue and exposure levels of dietary ENDOCRINE modulators and DISRUPTORS.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: from ENDOCRINE to metabolic disruption
A review on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and their possible impacts on human health
State of the science of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the environment
The effects of nanomaterials as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and childhood social impairment
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: New diabetogens?
Minireview: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: past lessons and future directions
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the etiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Exposure to environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and child development
The influence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on growth and development of children
Guidance for the identification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the context of Regulations (EU) No 528/2012 and (EC) No 1107/2009
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS leading to obesity and related diseases
Low-dose effects of hormones and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Steroids and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—History, recent state of art and open questions
Epigenetic transgenerational actions of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: effects on the human male reproductive system
The influence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in a selected population of infertile women
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the development of the female reproductive tract
Water contamination by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Impacts, microbiological aspects and trends for environmental protection
Elucidating the links between ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and neurodevelopment
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and testicular function
Non-monotonic dose-response relationships and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a qualitative method of assessment
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and asthma-associated chemicals in consumer products
Statistical approaches for estimating sex-specific effects in ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS research
Estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Molecular mechanisms of action
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the environment and their impact on human health.
Carcinogenetic mechanisms of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in female cancers
Human infertility: are ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to blame?
Effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on pubertal development
Biological impact of environmental polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (ePAHs) as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Revisiting concepts and dogma in toxicology
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the developing immune system
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS as a threat to neurological function
Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during adulthood: consequences for female fertility
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: new players in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes?
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and bone metabolism
Epigenetic impacts of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the brain
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and obesity.
Sun lotion chemicals as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Prenatal exposure to nonpersistent ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and behavior in boys at 3 and 5 years
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the breast: early life effects and later life disease
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and obesity: obesogens
Cosmetics as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: are they a health risk?
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, environmental oxygen, epigenetics and pregnancy
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and health effects in Africa: a call for action
In vitro and in vivo testing methods of epigenomic endpoints for evaluating ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Spatial and seasonal variations of pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Atibaia River, São Paulo State (Brazil)
Scientific Opinion on the hazard assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: scientific criteria for identification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and appropriateness of existing test …
Lipid metabolism alteration by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in animal models: an overview
Emergent contaminants: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and their laccase-assisted degradation–a review
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a potential risk factor for gestational diabetes mellitus
Drug residues and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in drinking water: risk for humans?
The effects of estrogenic and androgenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the immune system of fish: a review
Neurotoxicity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: possible involvement in brain development and neurodegeneration
The association between some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and hypospadias in biological samples
Photocatalyzed degradation/abatement of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Breast cancer risk in relation to occupations with exposure to carcinogens and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a Canadian case–control study
Concerns about the widespread use of rodent models for human risk assessments of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Immune system: an emerging player in mediating effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on metabolic health
Obesogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and obesity: myths and truths
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in bottled mineral water: estrogenic activity in the E-Screen
Distribution of non-persistent ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in two different regions of the human brain
Obesogenic effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, what do we know from animal and human studies?
An Emerging Role of micro-RNA in the Effect of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of prenatal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and toxic metals on the fetal epigenome
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and female cancer: Informing the patients
Lifestyle behaviors associated with exposures to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Perinatal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: sex, timing and behavioral endpoints
Does perinatal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS induce autism spectrum and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders? Review
Should oral gavage be abandoned in toxicity testing of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Many putative ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS inhibit prostaglandin synthesis
The OBELIX project: early life exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and obesity
Pharmaceuticals, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, personal care products, nanomaterials and perfluorinated pollutants: a review
The emerging role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in pathogenesis of insulin resistance: a concept implicating nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): elevated serum levels of bisphenol A in women with PCOS
Pyrethroid pesticides as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: molecular mechanisms in vertebrates with a focus on fishes
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS alter social behaviors and indirectly influence social hierarchies via changes in body weight
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and developmental origins of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
High throughput analysis of solid-bound ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by LDTD-APCI-MS/MS
Plastics derived ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (BPA, DEHP and DBP) induce epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of obesity, reproductive disease and sperm …
Structural and functional evidences for the interactions between nuclear hormone receptors and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS at low doses
Association between precocious puberty and some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human plasma
Determination of a broad spectrum of pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in biofilm from a waste water treatment plant-impacted river
Exposure levels of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in mother-newborn pairs in China and their placental transfer characteristics
The evaluation of possible role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in central and peripheral precocious puberty
Deleterious effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS are corrected in the mammalian germline by epigenome reprogramming
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EDs) and hormone-dependent cancers: Correlation or causal relationship?
First year growth in relation to prenatal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—a Dutch prospective cohort study
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pregnancy: knowledge, attitudes and prevention behaviors of French women
Cell-free protein synthesis approach to biosensing hTRβ-specific ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Does cancer start in the womb? Altered mammary gland development and predisposition to breast cancer due to in utero exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
miRNAs regulated by estrogens, tamoxifen, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and their downstream gene targets
Policy decisions on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS should be based on science across disciplines: a response to Dietrich et al.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, brain, and behavior
Development of an extraction and purification method for the determination of multi-class pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in freshwater invertebrates
Presence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in freshwater in the northern Antarctic Peninsula region
Reporter cell lines for the characterization of the interactions between human nuclear receptors and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in domestic animal reproduction: A clinical issue?
Study of the occurrence and ecosystem danger of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the urban water cycle of the city of Bogotá, Colombia
Negative role of the environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the human neurodevelopment
Early developmental actions of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the hypothalamus, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex
Current changes in pubertal timing: revised vision in relation with environmental factors including ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Reduced graphene oxide-silver nanoparticle composite as visible light photocatalyst for degradation of colorless ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on cell cycle progression and murine dendritic cell differentiation
NeuroENDOCRINE effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in teleost fish
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in food contact materials; is there a health threat?
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Xochimilco wetland, Mexico City
Analysis and occurrence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Brazilian water by HPLC-fluorescence detection
Impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the thyroid hormone system
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the tumor microenvironment: A new paradigm in breast cancer biology
Multi-residue analytical method for the determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and related compounds in river and waste water using dual column liquid …
Pharmacologic and environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the pathogenesis of hypospadias: a review
Is hypospadias associated with prenatal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS? A French collaborative controlled study of a cohort of 300 consecutive children without …
Direct UV photolysis of selected pharmaceuticals, personal care products and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in aqueous solution
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS compounds, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in urban wastewater: implications for agricultural reuse and their removal by …
Developmental variations in environmental influences including ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on pubertal timing and neuroENDOCRINE control: revision of human observations …
Contribution of primary and secondary treatment on the removal of benzothiazoles, benzotriazoles, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, pharmaceuticals and perfluorinated …
In vitro monitoring of i-NOS concentrations with an immunosensor: the inhibitory effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on i-NOS release
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on imprinted gene expression in the mouse embryo
Comparison of different wastewater treatments for removal of selected ENDOCRINE–DISRUPTORS from paper mill wastewaters
Effects of growth environments and two environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on children with idiopathic precocious puberty
Industrial ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and polycystic ovary syndrome
Effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and phytoestrogens on the kisspeptin system
Do ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS cause hypospadias?
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS are a novel direction of endocrinologic scientific investigation
… enzyme aggregates from versatile peroxidase and glucose oxidase: Production, partial characterization and application for the elimination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in breeding ponds and reproductive health of toads in agricultural, urban and natural landscapes
LC-MS/MS determination of potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of cortico signalling in rivers and wastewaters
Exposure to environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and human health
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from urban wastewater by advanced oxidation processes (AOPs): a review
Potential health risk of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in construction sector and plastics industry: a new paradigm in occupational health
The effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on adipogenesis and osteogenesis in mesenchymal stem cells: a review
Bioaccumulation and trophic magnification of pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in a Mediterranean river food web
Engineered nanomaterials: an emerging class of novel ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
An evaluation on combination effects of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by estrogen receptor binding assay
Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in raw sewage and their behavior in UASB reactors operated at different hydraulic retention times
The ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS among the environmental risk factors for stillbirth
Phthalates and heavy metals as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in food: a study on pre-packed coffee products
Developmental toxicity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in early life stages of zebrafish, a genetic and embryogenesis study
Estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS present in sports supplements. A risk assessment for human health
Biodegradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in urban wastewater using Pleurotus ostreatus bioreactor
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and prostate cancer
Our stolen figures: The interface of sexual differentiation, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, maternal programming, and energy balance
Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and nuclear receptors gene expression in infertile and fertile men from Italian areas with different environmental features
Maternal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and placental transmission: a pilot study
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a missing link in the pandemy of type 2 diabetes and obesity?
Prenatal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a developmental etiology for polycystic ovary syndrome
β‐blockers as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: the potential effects of human β‐blockers on aquatic organisms
Passing experiences on to future generations: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and transgenerational inheritance of epimutations in brain and sperm
Analysis and occurrence of some phenol ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in two marine sites of the northern coast of Sicily (Italy)
Green adsorbents for removal of antibiotics, pesticides and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Membrane processes used for removal of pharmaceuticals, hormones, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and their metabolites from wastewaters: A review
The mechanism of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (DEHP) induces epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of cryptorchidism
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS affect larval zebrafish behavior: testing potential mechanisms and comparisons of behavioral sensitivity to alternative biomarkers
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the human fetal testis
Effect of nanoporous carbon surface chemistry on the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from water phase
Enamel hypomineralization due to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
High-throughput effect-directed analysis using downscaled in vitro reporter gene assays to identify ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in surface water
Oxidative removal of selected ENDOCRINE–DISRUPTORS and pharmaceuticals in drinking water treatment systems, and identification of degradation products of triclosan
Targeted high-resolution ion mobility separation coupled to ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in complex mixtures
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of the bisphenol and paraben families and bone metabolism
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (Xenoestrogens): an overview
Assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS effects on zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos by untargeted LC-HRMS metabolomic analysis
… phthalates (MEHP, DEHP) and bisphenol A concentrations in children with autism spectrum disorder: the role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in autism etiopathogenesis
A testing strategy for the identification of mammalian, systemic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS with particular focus on steroids
ZnO–ZnS heterojunctions: a potential candidate for optoelectronics applications and mineralization of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in direct sunlight
Nuclear receptors and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in fetal and neonatal testes: a gapped landscape
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS fludioxonil and fenhexamid stimulate miR-21 expression in breast cancer cells
Exogenous hormonal regulation in breast cancer cells by phytoestrogens and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The promiscuous estrogen receptor: Evolution of physiological estrogens and response to phytochemicals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Proteomic Investigation of Male Gammarus fossarum, a Freshwater Crustacean, in Response to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Sorptive removal of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by functionalized biochar: Competitive interaction mechanism, removal efficacy and application in wastewater
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and female fertility: focus on (bovine) ovarian follicular physiology
Genotoxic effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the aquatic insect Chironomus riparius evaluated using the comet assay
Biosensing estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human blood and urine: A RAPID cell-free protein synthesis approach
Review on crosstalk and common mechanisms of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Scaffolding to improve PBPK/PD model of EDC mixture
Unexpected metabolic disorders induced by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Xenopus tropicalis provide new lead for understanding amphibian decline
Continuous removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by versatile peroxidase using a two‐stage system
Occupational exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and lymphoma risk in a multi-centric European study
Maternal exposure to domestic hair cosmetics and occupational ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS is associated with a higher risk of hypospadias in the offspring
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, gene deregulation and male germ cell tumors
… approach to evaluating combined chemical exposures from consumer products: a case study of asthma-associated chemicals and potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Differentially Target ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters in the Blood-Testis Barrier and Affect Leydig Cell Testosterone Secretion In Vitro
Selected personal care products and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in biosolids: an Australia-wide survey
From ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to nanomaterials: advancing our understanding of environmental health to protect public health
Identifying potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS among industrial chemicals and their metabolites–development and evaluation of in silico tools
Diuron metabolites act as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and alter aggressive behavior in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in raw and cooked seafood from European market: Concentrations and human exposure levels
Histone methyltransferase EZH2 is transcriptionally induced by estradiol as well as estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS bisphenol-A and diethylstilbestrol
The effects of different ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS defining compound-specific alterations of gene expression profiles in the developing testis
Effect‐directed identification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in plastic baby teethers
Polyamide-6 for the removal and recovery of the estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS estrone, 17β-estradiol, 17α-ethinylestradiol and the oxidation product 2 …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and breast cancer risk-time to consider the environment
Dioxins and health: including other persistent organic pollutants and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The crisis of the hormonal system: the health-effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Characterizing the effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on human health: The role of epidemiological cohorts
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs through wastewater chlorination: the effect of pH, total suspended solids and humic acids …
Parental occupational exposures to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the risk of simple isolated congenital heart defects
Liquid-phase exfoliated graphene as highly-sensitive sensor for simultaneous determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Diethylstilbestrol and estradiol
Evaluation of the Daphnia magna reproduction test for detecting ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The use of a unique co-culture model of fetoplacental steroidogenesis as a screening tool for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: The effects of neonicotinoids on aromatase activity …
Penile length and genital anomalies in Egyptian male newborns: epidemiology and influence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Know thy unknowns: why we need to widen our view on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Urban ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS targeting breast cancer proteins
Effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the ratio of X and Y chromosome-bearing live spermatozoa
A Computational Model to Predict Rat Ovarian Steroid Secretion from In Vitro Experiments with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in soil: effects of bisphenol A on gene expression of the earthworm Eisenia fetida
Evaluation of magnetic nanoparticles to serve as solid-phase extraction sorbents for the determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in milk samples by gas chromatography …
Modeling the dispersion of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Santos estuarine system (Sao Paulo State, Brazil)
Sexually dimorphic effects of early-life exposures to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: sex-specific epigenetic reprogramming as a potential mechanism
Developmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS expands murine myometrial stem cell compartment as a prerequisite to leiomyoma tumorigenesis
Organophosphates as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and human reproductive failure: the in vitro effect of phthalates on human luteal cells
Electrochemical performance of porous diamond-like carbon electrodes for sensing hormones, neurotransmitters, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and falling sperm counts: lessons learned or not!
Determinants of risk perception related to exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during pregnancy: a qualitative and quantitative study on French women
Biodegradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in solid-liquid two-phase partitioning systems by enrichment cultures
Biodegradation of pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS with oxygen, nitrate, manganese (IV), iron (III) and sulfate as electron acceptors
The current environmental levels of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (mercury, cadmium, organochlorine pesticides and PCBs) in a Belgian adult population and their predictors …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and neonatal anthropometry, NICHD fetal growth studies-singletons
Binding of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS 4-tert-octylphenol and 4-nonylphenol to human serum albumin
Degradation and toxicity reduction of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS nonylphenol, 4-tert-octylphenol and 4-cumylphenol by the non-ligninolytic fungus Umbelopsis isabellina
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS differently influence estrogen receptor β and androgen receptor in male and female rat VSMC
Histologic study of testis injury after bisphenol A exposure in mice: Direct evidence for impairment of the genital system by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Metabolic and immune impairments induced by the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS benzo [a] pyrene and triclosan in Xenopus tropicalis
… recovery of histopathological alterations in the gonads of zebrafish (Danio rerio) after single and combined exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (17α-ethinylestradiol and …
Developmental and reproductive disorders—role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in testicular toxicity
Interactions of carbon nanotubes and/or graphene with manganese peroxidase during biodegradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and triclosan
Novel approach to high-throughput determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using recycled diatomaceous earth as a green sorbent phase for thin-film solid-phase …
Recent advances in sample preparation methods for analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from various matrices
ZnO nanorods surface-decorated by WO3 nanoparticles for photocatalytic degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS under a compact fluorescent lamp
Disruption of reproductive aging in female and male rats by gestational exposure to estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Verifying community-wide exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in personal care products–In quest for metabolic biomarkers of exposure via in vitro studies and …
Phenotypic malignant changes and untargeted lipidomic analysis of long-term exposed prostate cancer cells to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: echoes of congress of Endocrinology in 2012
Effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on male reproduction in humans: why the evidence is still lacking?
Linking inter-individual variability to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Insights for epigenetic inheritance
The influence of Lemna sp. and Spirogyra sp. on the removal of pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in treated wastewaters
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the diet of male Sparus aurata: Modulation of the endocannabinoid system at the hepatic and central level by Di-isononyl phthalate and …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in utero cause ovarian damages linked to endometriosis
The role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the epigenetics of reproductive disease and dysfunction: potential relevance to humans
Stimulatory effects of combined ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on MA-10 Leydig cell steroid production and lipid homeostasis
Considerations for estimating daily intake values of nonpersistent environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS based on urinary biomonitoring data
Removal and fate of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS chemicals under lab-scale postreatment stage. Removal assessment using light, oxygen and microalgae
Mixtures of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: how similar must mechanisms be for concentration addition to apply?
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: new discoveries and possible progress of evaluation
Sustained reprogramming of the estrogen response after chronic exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, including insecticides used for malaria vector control on reproductive parameters of male rats
Esterification of vertebrate like steroids in molluscs: a target of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: adverse health effects mediated by EGFR?
The association between some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human plasma and the occurrence of congenital hypothyroidism
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Leça River and nearby Porto Coast (NW Portugal): presence of estrogenic compounds and hypoxic conditions
Association between exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in drinking water and preterm birth, taking neighborhood deprivation into account: a historic cohort …
Adsorptive removal of ascertained and suspected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from aqueous solution using plant-derived materials
Elevated gonadal atresia as biomarker of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: field and experimental studies using Mytilus trossulus (L.) and 17-alpha ethinylestradiol (EE2)
High levels of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS bisphenol-A and 17β-estradiol detected in populations of green mussel, Perna viridis, cultured in the Gulf of Thailand
Maternal levels of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, in early pregnancy are not associated with lower birth weight in the Canadian birth …
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: does a sex-related susceptibility exist?
Exposure assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in bottled drinking water of Lebanon
Pollution by oestrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and β-sitosterol in a south-western European river (Mira, Portugal)
Advanced treatment process for pharmaceuticals, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, and flame retardants removal
Risk assessment of ‘ENDOCRINE substances’: Guidance on identifying ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Trends in human concentrations of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: possible reasons and consequences
Chronic low-dose exposure to a mixture of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS induces microRNAs/isomiRs deregulation in mouse concomitant with …
Multi-residue analysis of free and conjugated hormones and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in rat testis by QuEChERS-based extraction and LC-MS/MS
Factors affecting behavior of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, estrone and estradiol, in constructed wetlands for domestic sewage treatment
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and other inhibitors of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 and 2: Tissue-specific consequences of enzyme inhibition
Prenatal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and reprogramming of adipogenesis: an early-life risk factor for childhood obesity
… composite materials from cellulose, chitosan, and cyclodextrin: facile preparation and their selective inclusion complex formation with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Biomarker genes for detecting estrogenic activity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS via estrogen receptors
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on reproduction in viviparous teleosts with intraluminal gestation
Autistic-like traits in Lewis rats exposed perinatally to a mixture of common ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Clues to autistic behaviors: Exploring the role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Novel extraction for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in atmospheric particulate matter
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs)–New ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in polar bears (Ursus maritimus)?
Steroids in semen, their role in spermatogenesis, and the possible impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Accurate and sensitive determination of selected hormones, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, and pesticides by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry after the multivariate …
Pollution by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in a southwest European temperate coastal lagoon (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal)
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and autism spectrum disorder in pregnancy: A review and evaluation of the quality of the epidemiological evidence
Determination of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in organic, free-range, and battery-produced hen eggs and risk assessment
Binding modes of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to human serum albumin: insights from STD-NMR, ITC, spectroscopic and molecular docking studies
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Data-based survey of in vivo tests, predictive models and the Adverse Outcome Pathway
Hormones and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human seminal plasma.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: strategies for determination and occurrence in marine environments
Fate of some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in batch experiments using activated and inactivated sludge
Polymeric and silica sorbents on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS determination
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in blue mussels and sediments from the Gulf of Gdańsk (Southern Baltic)
Tracking major ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in coastal waters using an integrative approach coupling field-based study and hydrodynamic modeling
Biomonitoring of infant exposure to phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using urine expressed from disposable gel diapers
Spherical covalent organic frameworks as advanced adsorbents for preconcentration and separation of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, followed by high …
New insights into the photocatalytic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS dimethyl phathalate esters degradation by UV/MWCNTs-TiO2 nanocomposites
Dangerous assemblages: Salts, trihalomethanes and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the water palimpsest of the Llobregat River, Catalonia
Toxicological relevance of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Tagus River estuary (Lisbon, Portugal)
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS cause toxic fallout
… the health belief model to illustrate factors that influence risk assessment during pregnancy and implications for prenatal education about ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and diethylstilbestrol (DES) influence Leydig cell regeneration following ethane dimethane sulphonate treatment of …
Effects of 4-nonylphenol and/or diisononylphthalate on THP-1 cells: impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on human immune system parameters
Graphene and gold nanoparticles based reagentless biodevice for phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS monitoring
EU regulation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a missed opportunity
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: hormone-active chemicals from the environment: a risk to humans?
Simultaneous removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from a wastewater using white rot fungi and various adsorbents
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in farm animal reproduction: research and reality
A green method for the quantification of plastics-derived ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in beverages by chemometrics-assisted liquid chromatography with simultaneous diode …
Factors related to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS exposing behaviors in mothers of infants
Two CYP3A-like genes in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis: mRNA expression modulation following short-term exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Changes in gene expression following long-term in vitro exposure of Macaca mulatta trophoblast stem cells to biologically relevant levels of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, the increase of autism spectrum disorder and its comorbidity with gender identity disorder–a hypothetical association
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, reproduction and hormone-dependent cancers
Familiar and novel reproductive ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: xenoestrogens, dioxins and nanoparticles
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and polycystic ovary syndrome: a focus on Bisphenol A and its potential pathophysiological aspects
Coumestrol and its metabolite in mares’ plasma after ingestion of phytoestrogen-rich plants: potent ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS inducing infertility
Restricted access property supramolecular solvents for combined microextraction of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in sediment and sample cleanup prior to their quantification …
An evaluation of the combined effects of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on vitellogenin induction in goldfish Carassius auratus
… androgenic activities in total plasma measured with reporter-gene bioassays: relevant exposure measures for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in epidemiologic studies?
Screening systems for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS–from simple assays to whole genome scanning
A multi-residue method for characterization of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in gaseous and particulate phases of ambient air
Meeting report: international workshop on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: exposure and potential impact on consumers health
TiO2-assisted photocatalytic degradation of diclofenac, metoprolol, estrone and chloramphenicol as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water
Development and characterization of a human reporter cell line for the assessment of thyroid receptor transcriptional activity: a case of organotin ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Characterization of the interactions between ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and aquatic humic substances from tropical rivers
RETRACTED ARTICLE: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS induce perturbations in endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria of human pluripotent stem cell derivatives
Effect of in utero exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on fetal steroidogenesis governed by the pituitary-gonad axis: A study in rats using different ways of administration
Nitrate (NO3−) and nitrite (NO2−) are ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to downregulate expression of tyrosine hydroxylase and motor behavior through conversion to nitric oxide …
Study on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS levels in raw milk from cow’s farms: Risk assessment
Effect-directed analysis of Ah-receptor mediated toxicants, mutagens, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in sediments and biota
LC-MS/MS analytical procedure to quantify tris(nonylphenyl)phosphite, as a source of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS 4-nonylphenols, in food packaging materials
Effects of (anti) androgenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (DEHP and butachlor) on immunoglobulin M (IgM) and leukocytes counts of male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus …
Alternative methods in vitro for screening of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A negative correlation between insulin-like peptide 3 and bisphenol A in human cord blood suggests an effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on testicular descent during fetal …
European Commission tables scientific criteria for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Polymeric particles for the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Occupational exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and time to pregnancy among couples in a large birth cohort study: the Generation R Study
Tandem dehalogenation–hydrogenation reaction of halogenoarenes as model substrates of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water: Rhodium nanoparticles in suspension vs …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and child health: new insights
Testosterone levels and fecundity in the hermaphroditic aquatic snail Lymnaea stagnalis exposed to testosterone and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
In vitro steroid profiling system for the evaluation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Groundwater from infiltration galleries used for small public water supply systems: contamination with pesticides and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Thyroid volume, iodine intake, autoimmune thyroid disorders, inborn factors, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: twenty-year studies of multiple effects puzzle in Slovakia.
Decontamination of a municipal landfill leachate from ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using a combined sorption/bioremoval approach
Review of the Environmental Protection Agency’s State-of-the-Science evaluation of nonmonotonic dose-response relationships as they apply to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Diagnostic tools for effect-directed analysis of mutagens, AhR agonists, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Removal capacity and pathways of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in an estuarine wetland of natural reed bed
Polyethersulfone nanofibers for the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of eight environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on insulin resistance in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: a preliminary investigation
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Human Corpus Luteum: In vitro Effects of Phenols on Luteal Cells Function
Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS 17alpha-ethinylestradiol and estradiol influences cytochrome P450 1A1-mediated genotoxicity of benzo [a] pyrene and …
The application of reporter gene assays for the detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in sport supplements
Evaluation of two membrane‐based microextraction techniques for the determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in aqueous samples by HPLC with diode array detection
Long‐term exposure of 3T3 fibroblast cells to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS alters sensitivity to oxidative injury
Casting a wide net for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
An analytical method for measuring specific ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in activated sludge (biosolids) using solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—putting the mechanistic cart before the phenomenological horse
Electrosprayed porous microspheres for the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Contamination, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and cancer
The silent spermatozoon: are man-made ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS killing male fertility?
Early ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS exposure acts on 3T3-L1 differentiation and ENDOCRINE activity
Sources, distribution and major transformation process of typical ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the environment
Twenty-five years after “Wingspread”–Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EDCs) and human health
Feasible policy development and implementation for the destruction of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wastewater
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and neurological disorders
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS found in food contaminants enhance allergic sensitization through an oxidative stress that promotes the development of allergic airway …
Determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environmental water by single-drop microextraction and high-performance liquid chromatography
Natural extranuclear androgen receptor ligands as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of cancer cell growth
Comparison of individual and combined effects of four ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on estrogen receptor beta transcription in cerebellar cell culture: The modulatory role of …
Reproductive neuroENDOCRINE targets of developmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Expert survey on identification of gaps in available test methods for evaluation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Identification, assessment and management of “ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS” in wildlife in the EU substance legislation—Discussion paper from the German Federal …
… in gene expression during sexual differentiation in androgen receptor knockout mice induced by environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Corrigendum in/ijmm/35 …
Impact on human health of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS present in environmental water bodies: is there an association with obesity?
CE with a boron‐doped diamond electrode for trace detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water samples
Thyroid hormone-and estrogen receptor interactions with natural ligands and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the cerebellum
Validation of an ultra high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method for detection and quantitation of 19 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in milk
Impact of three ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Bisphenol A, Genistein and Vinclozolin on female rat enamel
Comparative assessment of three ligninolytic fungi for removal of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from freshwaters and sediments
Screening for potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in fish: evidence from structural alerts and in vitro and in vivo toxicological assays
Programed nebulizing‐gas pressure mode for quantitative capillary electrophoresis‐mass spectrometry analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in honey
In Silico Computational Transcriptomics Reveals Novel ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Oligomers of styrene are not ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Ubiquity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Nonylphenol and Its Mono‐and Di‐E thoxylates in Freshwater, Sediments, and Biosolids Associated with High and Low Density …
Magnetic recovery of modified activated carbon powder used for removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS present in water
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and fetal programming
… ) functionalized ZIF-8 membrane prepared by coordination-based post-synthetic strategy for the enhanced adsorption of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from …
Assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS–DDTs and DEHP (plasticizer) in source water: a case study from Selangor, Malaysia
Co-exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: effect of bisphenol A and soy extract on glucose homeostasis and related metabolic disorders in male mice
Remediation efficiency of three treatments on water polluted with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Assessment by means of in vitro techniques
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water filters used in the Rio dos Sinos Basin region, Southern Brazil
Determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and endogenic androgens and estrogens in rat serum by high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
Reprint of: policy decisions on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS should be based on science across disciplines: a response to Dietrich et al
Human exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS via ambient air: an unknown health risk
Pituitary, gonadal, thyroid hormones and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in pre and postmenopausal Nigerian women with ER-, PR-and HER-2-positive and negative breast …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS as pollutants in marine ecosystem: a case study in Egypt
Efficient degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using 1D and 3D copper (I) oxide nanostructures
Spectrofluorimetric study of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in cyclodextrin media
The YES assay as a tool to analyse ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in different matrices in Vietnam
Association between exposure to estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS-polychlorinated biphenyls, phthalates, and bisphenol A and gynecologic cancers-cervical …
Prenatal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and cardiometabolic risk in preschoolers: a systematic review based on cohort studies
Revising the EU strategy on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: nearing a decisive moment
Amplified crosstalk between estrogen binding and GFR signaling mediated pathways of ER activation drives responses in tumors treated with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in waste waters by means of bioreactors
Effects of dissolved organic matter in landfill leachate on photodegradation of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Development and validation of an HPLC method for the determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS bisphenol A and benzophenone in thermochromic printing inks
Ecotoxicological risk of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Epidemiologic Basis of the Role of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Breast Cancer
Effect-directed analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in aquatic ecosystems
The low‐dose issue and stochastic responses to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and puberty disorders from mice to men (and women)
Developmental exposure to environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and adverse effects on mammary gland development
Developmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and male urogenital tract malformations
Quantitative analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography
High absorption of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by Hytrel: towards the development of a two‐phase partitioning bioreactor
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, polychlorinated biphenyls-induced gC1qR-dependent apoptosis in human trophoblast cell line HTR-8/SVneo
Inhibitor of Differentiation-3 and Estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Implications for Susceptibility to Obesity and Metabolic Disorders
Chemometric interpretation on the occurrence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in source water from Malaysia
Sources and effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and other contaminants of emerging concern in the Southern California Bight Coastal Ecosystem
Developmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and ovarian function
Characterization of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from a complex matrix using estrogen receptor affinity columns and high performance liquid chromatography–high resolution …
Determination of four phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environmental water samples by high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection using …
Pre-conception susceptibility to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The influence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on male pubertal timing
… of a fast and cost‐effective in situ derivatization method prior to gas chromatography with mass spectrometry to monitor ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water matrices
Environmental Endocrinology: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Endocrinopathies
Zombie ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS May Threaten Aquatic Life
Exposure of rats to exogenous ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS 17alpha-ethinylestradiol and benzo (a) pyrene and an estrogenic hormone estradiol induces expression of …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and health: Should South Africa be concerned?
Apparent rapid loss of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from wetlands used to store either tertiary treated sewage effluent or stormwater runoff
Introduction to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and puberty
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: General characteristics, chemical nature and mechanisms of action. A review.
Speciation, phenotypic variation and plasticity: what can ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS tell us?
Development of a molecular recognition based approach for multi-residue extraction of estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from biological fluids coupled to liquid …
Pesticides as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in South Africa: Laboratory and field studies
Epigenetic reprogramming in the mammalian germ line: possible effects by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on primordial germ cells
Determination of Phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Cosmetics by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
… pathway: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α activation and reproductive toxicity—development and application in assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS …
Organic pollutants as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: organometallics, PAHs, Organochlorine, organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, phthalates, dioxins …
Science-based decision matrix for the identification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS for regulatory purposes
Side effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the human reproductive function
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Evidence from epidemiological studies necessitates a critical review of model systems
The impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on female pubertal timing
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in artificial nutrition
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: mechanism of action and impacts on health and environment
The amphibian Pelophylax bergeri (Günther, 1986) testis poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases: relationship to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during spermatogenesis
Nanofiltration of surface water for the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Developmental and environnemental origin of male infertility: role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and autoimmune disease
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and ovine reproductive development
The infants’ parents’ awareness, knowledge, and decrease behavior of ENDOCRINE–DISRUPTORS (EDCs)
Porous electrospun PES/PEG ultrafine fibers for the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and reproductive health in males
Contribution of inhibitor of differentiation and estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to neurocognitive disorders
IFPA meeting 2015 workshop report III: nanomedicine applications and exosome biology, xenobiotics and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pregnancy, and lipid
Biodegradation Effect of some Bacterial Isolates on some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EDCS)
Simultaneous determination of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water samples by poly (sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) modified CE coupled with hollow-fiber liquid …
Evaluation of three different types of nitrogen, heavy metals, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water and sediments of Wenyu River
Advanced Paternal age and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Two causes of Psychiatric Disorders in Children, with DNA Methylation Dys-Regulation as a Common …
… evaluation of the pubertal development and thyroid function assay (OPPTS 890.1450, OPPTS 890.1500) in rats to screen for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of the mixture of two ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel) on selected ecological endpoints of Anuraeopsis fissa and Brachionus …
Histopathological Liver and Testis Alterations in Male Half-Smooth Tongue Sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) Exposed to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Developmental and reproductive disorders: role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in testicular toxicity
Environmental chemicals as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Environmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: can we identify the link with genital disorders?
Estrogenic compounds–ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Setting criteria on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Follow-up to the General Court judgment
Global pollution by organochlorinated ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS-‐possible challenge for mankind at the onset of millennium
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and their effects on Biomphalaria glabrata oviposition
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A real concern for humans?
Whither the impending european regulation of presumed ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Screening of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water samples by SPME-GC/MS
Impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on sexuality: A pediatric aspect
The role of titania layers in decomposition of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS under UV Light
Precocious puberty and environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on metabolic dysfunction
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a relevant issue for neuroendocrinology also
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: bisphenol A and its relation with obesity
Detection and quantification of oestrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water in Mwanza Gulf in the Lake Victoria Basin, Tanzania
Study of neonatal exposure to estrogenic and androgenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by normal-phase HPLC
Altered glucose homeostasis resulting from developmental exposures to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A comparative study of occurrence and fate of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: diethyl phthalate and dibutyl phthalate in ASP-and SBR-based wastewater treatment plants
Monitoring of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (bisphenol A and styrene oligomers) in the streams of Cholla-namdo province in South Korea
Research progress in non-monotonic dose-response of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Diet containing ENDOCRINE–DISRUPTORS and reproductive health
The microbiome as a target for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Novel chemicals may disrupt androgen and microbiome-mediated autoimmunity
Monitoring of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Surface Waters of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam
ChemPSy: identification, classification and prioritization of novel ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by integrating massive toxicogenomics datasets
Occurrence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wastewater from combined sewers in Paris and Beirut: what about parabens
Organotins as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: an examination of tributyltin-induced imposex in neogastropods
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (NP, DBP and BPA) on sperm characteristics and development of IVF embryos in pig
Removal of a combination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from aqueous systems by seedlings of radish and ryegrass
Determination of 4 environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS involving bisphenol A in dairy products by on-line solid phase extraction coupled with liquid chromatography …
Monitoring of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in czech waste waters and their recipients
Degradation Characteristic of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (DEP, NP) Using Combined Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A Most Relevant Issue for the Pediatric Endocrinologist
Stem cell-derived in vitro models for investigating the effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on developing neurons and neuroENDOCRINE cells
Characterization of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and particulate matter emissions from laser cutting of plastic film in the TFT-LCD industry
Removal of some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS via adsorption on activated carbon
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Can it be the missing link explaining the diabetes epidemic in India?
ENDOCRINE control of mucosal immunity in the female reproductive tract: impact of environmental DISRUPTORS
Chemical substances on the frontiers of health security: Metrological controversies over ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and low doses
Road to regulation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and combination effects
Female fertility and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: is there an impact?
Sexual differentiation of the human brain: Hormonal control and effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
Androgen receptor genotype in humans and susceptibility to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in serum of sexually precocious girls.
Blood testosterone in middle aged males heavily exposed to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS is decreasing more with HCB and p, p’-DDE related to BMI and lipids, but not with …
Structure-Activity Modeling of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Simple, sensitive and reliable in vivo assays to evaluate the estrogenic activity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Erratum to: LC-MS/MS determination of potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of cortico signalling in rivers and wastewaters
Gut: A new target for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Response to” The path forward on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS requires focus”
Testosterone and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Influence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Male Reproductive Tract
Relationship among pro-environmental attitude, behavior to decrease exposure, knowledge of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, and obesity-related profiles in nursing students
Removal of trace ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from polluted water with nanofiltration process
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the thyroid gland
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: an occupational risk in need of recognition
Effects of In-Utero Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the Ovine Fetal Adrenal Gland
Research progress on environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and prostate diseases.
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in adult rats: Integrative evaluation from gonadal steroidogenic gene expression profiles to hormonal balance
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: improving regulatory science policy
In silico approaches to screening dietary ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Direct removal of typical ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from heavily polluted river water by ozonation
Fate of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS following long-term land application of Class B biosolids and risks to public health
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Environment Affecting Erectile Function
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS as Pollutants in Marine Ecosystem: A Case Study in Egypt
Masculine fertility threatened by the presence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environment?
… impacting the reproductive fitness of Tursiops truncatus (Atlantic bottlenose dolphin): Interactions between native endocrinology and ENDOCRINE–DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Adipokines, and the Metabolic Syndrome
Neurotoxicity of pesticides as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS agents: A review
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and fulminant type 1 diabetes: is there a link?
MP70-16 the mechanism of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (dehp) induces epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of cryptorchidism
A Review on the Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the Interaction between HPG, HPT, and HPA Axes in Fish
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and their influence in the origin of breast neoplasm and other breast pathologies
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the environment
The effect of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on gene regulative networks related to steroidogenesis
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS PAEs in drinking water by gamma-ray irradiation
Effect of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on male urogenital system development and reproductive parameters in rats/Effek van selektiewe endokrien-steurende …
Monitoring the effect of thiobencarb as an ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on fecundity of tilapia cultured female Oreochromis niloticus
Phytodecontamination of water systems from phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the regulation role of natural organic matter
Systemic enamel pathologies may be due to anti-androgenic effects of some ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: an emerging pollutant in pulp and paper mill wastewaters and their removal
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS-Arsenic, cadmium and lead in pre and postmenopausal black women with breast cancer.
Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and nuclear receptors gene expression in infertile and fertile men from Italian areas with different environmental features
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: New diabetogens?
… Approach to Evaluating Combined Chemical Exposures from Consumer Products: A Case Study of Asthma-Associated Chemicals and Potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS …
Proceedings of the Workshop on” ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Impact on Health”
Commission proposals on identifying ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
… to Evaluating Combined Chemical Exposures from Consumer Products: A Case Study of Asthma-Associated Chemicals and Potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS‘”
Pathophysiological aspects of vascular remodeling in cardiopulmonary lesions: influence of ID3 & estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Crop Protection Compounds: A Source of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Uruguay?
Hazards of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on mullets (Chelon labrosus) from the basque coast (Bay of Biscay) applying a biomarker based approach
The ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS cadmium chloride and sodium arsenate induce human lung adenocarcinoma cell proliferation by activating the estrogen receptor‐mediated …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: issues for the consumer and scientific challenges
Cross-training of biologists and chemists–new book entitled “ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Environment”
Correction: The Mechanism of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (DEHP) Induces Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance of Cryptorchidism
The establishment of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS induced precocious puberty Macaca fascicularis model and the intervention of yin nourishing fire purging …
Environment and Health: The Problem of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Phytoremediation of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Bisphenol A, Linuron and 17α-ethinylestradiol in NOM-Enriched Water and Freshwaters
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Is it all Greek to us?
Low-dose Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, with Laura Vandenberg
Effects of estrogens and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on mouse embryonal germ cells and somatic gonadal cells
Removing of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from water.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: history and difficulties in predicting effects
The Effects of Nanomaterials as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Molecular mechanisms of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Interference with the ENDOCRINE system activity
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a risk to fertility
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: their effects on the environment and health
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Ubiquitous, yet less known
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Phallusia mammillata embryonic development
Effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Human Reproductive Health
The effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the in vitroAVP hormone regulation
System chemical biology studies of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and thyroid function.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS as threat to ecosystems function: a genotoxicological approach
Development of an Educational Program for Women’s Health Related to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The Effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Neuron Development
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Regulatory vs. Scientific Perspectives (regulatory view point)
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EDs) in aquatic animals: Impacts on their reproduction and development.
Multivariate Technique For Substances Considered As ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and thyroid function-a relationship? a systematic review about thyroid effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
Precuationary Principle Usages and ECs ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Market Access Implications for Indian Trade
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Neurobehavioral Disorders
Health threats from ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A scientific and regulatory challenge
Study of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Sediment of a South Brazilian River
Study of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Sediment of a South Brazilian River
Erratum:“Prenatal Exposure to Nonpersistent ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Behavior in Boys at 3 and 5 Years”
A systematic review about thyroid effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The assessment of Namibian water resources for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and epidemiological evidence in occupational health: methodological challenges
A Biography of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: The Narrative Surrounding the Appearance and Regulation of a New Category of Toxic Substances
Regulation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the European Union: Originality, Expectations, Hurdles
Status of Sperm Motiltity Treated with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS In Vitro
Screening methodology to identify potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS according to different options in the context of an impact assessment
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A gut role in diabetes and obesity?
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and hormone dependant cancers. Mechanisms and proposals to reduce the risks
Lifestyle and environmental factors in metabolic diseases; ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: new diabetogens?
Factors of risk behaviors for exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in female college students in Korea
EFSA new guidance on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: comments, critical aspects and a case study
Proposal of how to update the standard information requirements in REACH, PPPR and BPR–a testing strategy for identification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and their Harmful Health Implications: Between Old Thoughts and New Findings
Differential information from blood vs urine levels in studies of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Do ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS cause hypospadias?
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and kisspeptin system
Outcome of the different consultations on the Guidance for the identification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the context of Regulations (EU) No. 528/2012 and (EC) No …
Drugged Wildlife: The Potential Impacts of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Reproductive Development
Evaluation of the contamination of the Loire estuary by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water for human consumption: chemical and biological monitoring
Library Briefing-Health threats from ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS-A scientific and regulatory challenge
Effect of mixtures of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in zebrafish: the mixez project
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and disorder of sexual development
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the Reproductive Function in Rodents
The Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Measurement and risk assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS present in sport supplements
Effect of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the male mouse reproductive system in vivo
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and feline hyperthyroidism.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on treated water of leachate generated from landifill
Hypomineralized teeth as biomarkers of exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and traditional Chine medicine on the development of zebrafish
Environmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and male reproductive health. Preliminary results.
Food safety and environmental contaminants: the problem of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the Risk of Lymphoma in a Multi-Centric European Study
Exposure of pregnant consumers to suspected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS as ligands of breast cancer proteins
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the Regulation of Voluntary Physical Activity in Mice
Bioremediation of Waters Polluted by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by Means of the Process of Thermodialysis
The impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on membrane fatty acid composition of carp organs
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS mixtures: the real scenario of human exposure
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Passage and Actions in Human Placenta
Detection of low level estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS PAEs in drinking water by gamma-ray irradiation
Testing for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in South African waters: A comparative study employing in vitro and in vivo screening approaches
Windows of susceptibility to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and gene expression in mammary tissue
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and abnormalities of sexual differentiation and sexual development inchildren
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in the United States: An Environmental, Health, and Financial Crisis
Consequences of Dietary Habits and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in School Performance of Children Aged 10-12 in Greece.
Mammary Gland as a Sensitive End Point to Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The effect of phthalates as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human health.
The Effect of Products Containing ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Colgate total ®, Microbeads, and BPa, on the Regenerative Abilities of Dugesia iigrina
Effects of environment on brain sexual differentiation: role of steroids and of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the in vitro hormone regulation of rat pituitary
Study Questions EPA ToxCast’s Ability To Identify ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: mode of action and effects on the fertility of the cattle herd.
Prenatal Exposure To ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS And Markers Of Metabolic Syndrome In Preschool Children From Morelos, Mexico
Prenatal Exposure To ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS And Respiratory Function In A Cohort Of Mexican Preschoolers
Integrated risk assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Uruguay River
Is the contamination of the Belgian population by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS linked to thyroid disorders?
Community awareness of the sources and impact of pollutants with emphasis on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Lake Victoria: the case of Jinja in Uganda
Effect of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on gene expression and male urogenital system development in male rats/Effek van selektiewe endokrien-steurende chemiese …
A multi-residue method for analysis of various ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in ambient air: application to urban habitats.
EPI-SPECIAL SESSION: Defining the Impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EDCs) on Metabolic Disease and Obesity through Epidemiologic Research
Early-onset androgenetic alopecia and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of environment on brain sexual differentiation: role of steroids and of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Brain aromatase and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in zebrafish: from basic to applied research
Long term consequences of in utero ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS exposure on male offspring development
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on rat mammary transcriptome at critical developmental windows
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Affect the Genomic Profile of the Rat Mammary Gland at Different Developmental Stages
Prioritizing emerging pollutants for in vitro testing of potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by means of molecular docking and (Q) SAR tools
Mapping commonalities and differences in approaches for testing and assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS within the EU and among relevant international trading …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Bisphenol and Its Relation to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on reproduction in viviparous teleosts with intraluminal gestation
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, growth and pubertal development in Mexican-American girls
Epigenetic transgenerational effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS via female germ line
Nanoscale level determination methods of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in animal fluids, and their effect upon the female genital tract
Analysis of mechanisms and diversity of fish estrogen receptors for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Sex Specific Impact of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on NeuroENDOCRINE Development and Behavior
Emerging Chemicals Targeting Aromatase: Protective Compounds or ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: accumulation in aquatic biota and environmental effects
Determination of PPCPs and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Guandu River basin by UPLC-ESI-MS/MS
Dioxins and Health Including Other Persistent Organic Pollutants and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Concentrations of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Newborn Dried Blood Spots and Child Behavior
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS over progesterone production in human granulosa cells
NeuroENDOCRINE circuits controlling food intake: a target for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Modelling similarities of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Pine Needles and Human Breast Milk
Prenatal Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Markers of Metabolic Syndrome in Preschool Age: A Birth Cohort Study
Development of an extraction and purification method for the determination of multi-class pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in freshwater invertebrates
Aspects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS remediation using in vitro and in vivo ecotoxicological assays
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Nonylphenol in Daphnia magna
Book Review: Dioxins and Health Including Other Persistent Organic Pollutants and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and nuclear receptors in the control of neural progenitors proliferation
Multi-class screening of feedstuff contaminants and potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in farmed fish
How to evaluate pollution, degradation and metabolisation of multi-families of pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in multiple compartments of the surface water …
Commercial fish feed can contain sterols that are ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Cell-Free Protein Synthesis Approach to Biosensing hTRβ-Specific ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A Review on Migration of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from Food Packaging, Degradable Plastics and Recycling
Current Fetal Exposure Level of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Heavy Metals and Brominated Flame Retardants in Japan
Mechanism of action of phthalate ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in male reproductive development.
Assessment of Possible Sources of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Microbial Pathogens and their Impacts in the Lake Victoria Basin in the East African Region
Correlation between the level of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in meconium of newborns and low birth weight.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Alter Sex Ratio Via Decreasing Y Chromosome-Bearing Spermatozoa Viability
Sex Differences in the Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Low Doses of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Stress‐Related Behavior
2. Molecular mechanisms of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Interference with the ENDOCRINE system activity
Bisphenol A, genistein and vinclozolin: three ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS which differentially affect the mammary gland development in rats
The 21st century is not all it’s cracked up to be! ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the risk of type 2 diabetes : living with diabetes
B54 PEDIATRIC DIAGNOSTIC TESTS AND INFECTIONS: Prenatal Exposure To ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS And Respiratory Function In A Cohort Of Mexican Preschoolers
Zebrafish as a model to study the neuroENDOCRINE system and toxicity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Detection and Quantification of Estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria in Kenya
Spectrofluorimetric study of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in cyclodextrin media
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (TCDD and PFOA) on implantation
Development, Optimization, and Application of Nuclear Receptor Dependent Cell-based Bioassays for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Towards understanding the effects of putative ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis: experimental and toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic …
Reproductive factors, hormone use, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the etiology of lymphoid neoplasms= Factors reproductius, ús d’hormones i DISRUPTORS endocrins en l’ …
Reproductive factors, hormone use, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the etiology of lymphoid neoplasms= Factors reproductius, ús d’hormones i DISRUPTORS endocrins en l’ …
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (TCDD and PFOA) on implantation: an in vitro co-culture study
A Two-Sided Tale: The Influence of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Sperm Chromatin Status on Male Fertility
… liquid chromatography coupling with photo-diode array and fluorescence detector for sensitive analysis of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EDCs) in wastewater
Proteomic Investigation of Male Gammarus fossarum, a Freshwater Crustacean, in Response to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Relationship of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (bisphenol A and diethyl phthalate) with premature thelarche in infant girls
The ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS cadmium chloride and sodium arsenate activate estrogen receptor‐mediated signaling and induce human lung adenocarcinoma cell …
Stimulatory effects of combined ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on MA-10 leydig cell steroid production and lipid homeostasis
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Water Sources: Human Health Risks and EDs Removal from Water Through Nanofiltration
Plasticizers as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: the case of the endocannabinoid system in teleost species
The combination sewage treatment process of Nanofiltration and Photocatalytic Oxidation for the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
[Corrigendum] Alterations in gene expression during sexual differentiation in androgen receptor knockout mice induced by environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and their association with male reproductive disorders and testicular dysgenesis syndrome: establishing a xenografting model of human fetal …
The Effects of Estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the Osmoregulatory Functions in Euryhaline Fish
Erratum: Haraux, E., et al. Maternal Exposure to Domestic Hair Cosmetics and Occupational ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Is Associated with a Higher Risk of Hypospadias in …
Electrochemical Performance of Porous Diamond-like Carbon Electrodes for Sensing Hormones, Neurotransmitters, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Analytical methods for the determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, UV filters and plastic additives in packaging and pharmaceuticals
Application of reverse osmosıs, nanofiltration and sorption-ultrafiltration hybrid processes for removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water
Response to Elwood, M. et al., Comment on: Maternal Exposure to Domestic Hair Cosmetics and Occupational ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Is Associated with a Higher Risk …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS target ATP binding cassette transporters in the blood-testis barrier and impair Leydig cell steroidogenesis
Pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in raw and cooked seafood from European markets: human health risk assessment
Notice of Retraction: Morin-Ce4+ Chemiluminescence for the Determination of Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS-Nonylphenol
Is Hypospadias Associated with Prenatal Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS? A French Collaborative Controlled Study of a Cohort of 300 Consecutive Children …
… of male reproductive structures sometimes fails. An epidemiologic study on hypospadias and undescended testis with a focus on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
4 Monitoring of Toxic Effects 4.1 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Monitoring of Effects
Removal rate of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (phthalates and phenolic compounds) in effluents of selected wastewater treatment plants operated under different treatment …
Serum concentrations of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS-organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in Greek children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Bioaccumulation and trophic magnification of pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in a Mediterranean river food web
… levels and activity in breast cancer cells reveals heterogeneous subpopulations: Development of biological response fingerprints for ligands and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS …
Targeted High-Resolution Ion Mobility Separation Coupled to Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Complex Mixtures
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in seminal fluid: bisphenol A, triclosan and benzophenone-3
Evaluation of magnetic nanoparticles to serve as solid-phase extraction sorbents for the determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in milk samples by gas …
Development of a Multidrug Transporter Deleted Yeast-Based Highly Sensitive Fluorescent Biosensor to Determine the (Anti) Androgenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from …
Induction of Calbindind-D9k Gene for Synergic Effects of Combined ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Octylphenol and Isobutyl Paraben in GH3 Cells.
Mechanistic insight into antibiotics and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS removal by wood-derived biochar, functionalized biochar and biochar composite
Incidence of intersex along a contamination gradient in 13 estuaries of NW France: relation with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS compounds?
Efficiency of soil aquifer treatment in the removal of wastewater contaminants and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS. A study on the removal of triclocarban and estrogens and the …
Session 2–Identification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and amendments of standard information requirements
… quantification, principal component and mass spectrometry analysis for biomarkers discovery in MCF-7/BOS cells exposed to 17β-estradiol and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
381 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the risk of lymphoma in the Epilymph study
Monitoring of Emerging Pollutants in Surface Water. Calibration of 25 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and 17 Pharmaceuticals on POCIS and CHEMCATCHER with Potential …
… -like peptide 3 is reduced in idiopathic cryptorchidism and inversely related to free bisphenol A: a marker and/or an actor of foetal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Environmental thyroid DISRUPTORS and human ENDOCRINE health
7. ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and endometriosis: The role of BPA
Abstract LB-089: Defining windows of susceptibility for low-dose exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in rat mammary development by microRNA profiling
§ 16 The regulation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in plant protection products–a hazard for food safety?
PS-357 First Year Growth In Relation To Prenatal Exposure To ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS–A Dutch Prospective Cohort Study
1.02 Alternative Approaches to Dose–Response Modeling of Toxicological Endpoints for Risk Assessment: Nonmonotonic Dose Responses for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Thyroid Gland as a Target for ENDOCRINE Chemical DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water and their effects on the reproductive system
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from the environment affecting breast cancer
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Challenges and future directions in epidemiologic research
Oestrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the placenta and the fetus
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in teleosts: Evaluating environmental risks and biomarkers
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the future of toxicology testing—lessons from CLARITY–BPA
Thresholds and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: an ENDOCRINE society policy perspective
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: from scientific evidence to human health protection
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS also function as nervous DISRUPTORS and can be renamed ENDOCRINE and nervous DISRUPTORS (ENDs)
Advances in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
In Silico Predictions of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Properties
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the male reproductive system
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and prostate cancer
Review of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on male and female reproductive systems
OECD approaches and considerations for regulatory evaluation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Chemical components of plastics as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Overview and commentary
Clinical expression of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in children
The EDCMET project: metabolic effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in food: impact on gut microbiota and metabolic diseases
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in waters by adsorption, membrane filtration and biodegradation. A review
The epigenetic impacts of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on female reproduction across generations
A systematic overview on treatment towards ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS upon non-genetic inheritance
The association between environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and thyroid autoimmunity
The insulin-like growth factor system: A target for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
How to educate pregnant women about ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Integrative strategy of testing systems for identification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS inducing metabolic disorders—An introduction to the oberon project
Temporal decline of sperm concentration: Role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Changes in fish sex ratio as a basis for regulating ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the reproductive system-current knowledge
Adsorption behavior of engineered carbons and carbon nanomaterials for metal ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: experiments and theoretical calculation
Adipogenesis regulation and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: emerging insights in obesity
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the induction of insulin resistance
Impact of Chemical ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Hormone Modulators on the ENDOCRINE System
A critical review of presence, removal and potential impacts of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS bisphenol A
Ultrasensitive detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS via superfine plasmonic spectral combs
Biochar from fungiculture waste for adsorption of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water
Latest advanced oxidative processes applied for the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from aqueous media–A critical report
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of sex hormone activities
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and gut microbiome interactions
Fetal–maternal exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Correlation with diet intake and pregnancy outcomes
Effect of electrochemically-driven technologies on the treatment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in synthetic and real urban wastewater
New trends in the electrochemical detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in complex media
Deep learning model for identifying critical structural motifs in potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Invertebrates facing environmental contamination by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Novel evidences and recent insights
The effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on fish
Aquatic insects transfer pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems
Occurrence of emerging organic contaminants and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in different water compartments in Mexico–A review
Role of cadmium and arsenic as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the metabolism of carbohydrates: inserting the association into perspectives
Neither soyfoods nor isoflavones warrant classification as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a technical review of the observational and clinical data
Food advanced glycation end products as potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: An emerging threat to contemporary and future generation
The EU ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS‘ regulation and the glyphosate controversy
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS acting on estrogen and androgen pathways cause reproductive disorders through multiple mechanisms: a review
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and endometrial cancer: molecular mechanisms of action and clinical implications, a systematic review
Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and risk of breast cancer: A systematic review
Unwitting accomplices: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS confounding clinical care
Artificial intelligence to link environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EEDs) with bone diseases
The role of epigenetics in the reproductive toxicity of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Pesticides as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and neurotoxicants
Environmental neglect: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS as underappreciated but potentially modifiable diabetes risk factors
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, obesity, and cytokines-how relevant are they to PCOS?
Halogenated ingredients of household and personal care products as emerging ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Remediation and toxicity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a review
Understanding the occurrence and distribution of emerging pollutants and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in sensitive coastal South Florida Ecosystems
Interplay between ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and immunity: Implications for diseases of autoreactive etiology
Is there an optimal sampling time and number of samples for assessing exposure to fast elimination ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS with urinary biomarkers?
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and endometriosis
A review of the impact of selected anthropogenic chemicals from the Group of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on human health
Perinatal exposure to environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the emergence of neurodevelopmental psychiatric diseases: a systematic review
Long-term stability of several ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the first morning urine samples and their associations with lifestyle characteristics
Investigating exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS via hair analysis of pregnant women
Air pollution and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS induce human microbiome imbalances: A systematic review of recent evidence and possible biological mechanisms
Are glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS that alter female fertility?
Detoxification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water using visible-light-active nanostructures: a review
Multigenerational and transgenerational effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in an estuarine fish model
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on fetal testis development, male puberty, and transition age
Sludge from a water treatment plant as an adsorbent of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Toxic Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Worsens Parkinson’s Disease Progression through NRF2/HO-1 Alteration
Perfluoroalkyl substances cause Leydig cell dysfunction as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A new identity of microcystins: Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS? An evidence-based review
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on and in fruits and vegetables: Estimation of the potential exposure of the French population
Luminescence-sensing Tb-MOF nanozyme for the detection and degradation of estrogen ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The ENDpoiNTs Project: novel testing strategies for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS linked to developmental neurotoxicity
Emerging ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in two edible fish from the Persian Gulf: Occurrence, congener profile, and human health risk assessment
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of inhibiting testicular 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
Landfill leachates and wastewater of maritime origin as possible sources of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in municipal wastewater
Immune and nervous systems interaction in ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS toxicity: the case of atrazine
Pesticides as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: programming for obesity and diabetes
Early life exposure to environmentally relevant levels of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS drive multigenerational and transgenerational epigenetic changes in a fish …
Overview on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in food and their effects on infant’s health
In Vivo Estimation of the Biological Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Rabbits after Combined and Long-Term Exposure: Study Protocol
An epigenome-wide association study identifies multiple DNA methylation markers of exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Surfactant-assisted carbon black for the electrochemical detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Biomonitoring of fast-elimination ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS–Results from a 6-month follow up on human volunteers with repeated urine and hair collection
Critical Overview on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Diabetes Mellitus
Pollution Characteristics and Risk Prediction of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Lakes of Wuhan
Co-exposure to environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the US population
The analysis of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in patients with central precocious puberty
Low-dose environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, increase aromatase activity, estradiol biosynthesis and cell proliferation in human breast cells
Bioaccumulation and bioamplification of pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in aquatic insects
Assessing the presence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and markers of anthropogenic activity in a water supply system in northeastern Brazil
In vitro biochemical assessment of mixture effects of two ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on INS-1 cells
Several environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in beverages from South China: occurrence and human exposure
1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)-ethane (DDT) and 1, 1-Dichloro-2, 2-bis (p, p’-chlorophenyl) ethylene (DDE) as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human and wildlife: A …
The role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in ocular surface diseases
Pregnant Women and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Role of P2X7 Receptor and Mitochondrial Alterations in Placental Cell Disorders
Determination and ecological risk assessment of two ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from River Buffalo, South Africa
Multi-exposures to suspected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in electronic waste recycling workers: Associations with thyroid and reproductive hormones
Biosensors for toxic metals, polychlorinated biphenyls, biological oxygen demand, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, hormones, dioxin, phenolic and organophosphorus …
Sustainable 2D Bi2WO6/g-C3N5 heterostructure as visible light-triggered abatement of colorless ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wastewater
Epigenetic inheritance: Intergenerational effects of pesticides and other ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on cancer development
Perspective on health effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS with a focus on data gaps
Long term transcriptional and behavioral effects in mice developmentally exposed to a mixture of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS associated with delayed human …
Removal of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS ethinyl estradiol, bisphenol A, and levonorgestrel by subsurface constructed wetlands
Identification of known and novel nonpolar ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human amniotic fluid
Exploring associations between prenatal exposure to multiple ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and birth weight with exposure continuum mapping
… -doped reduced graphene oxide as a novel magnetic solid-phase extraction adsorbent for the separation of bisphenol ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in carbonated beverages
A preliminary study on the relationship between environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and precocious puberty in girls
Membrane hormone receptors and their signaling pathways as targets for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
An azine-linked covalent organic framework as stationary phase for separation of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by open-tubular capillary …
Microtopography of immune cells in osteoporosis and bone lesions by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Combined exposure to multiple ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and uterine leiomyomata and endometriosis in US women
A Mixture of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the Pesticide Roundup® Induce Oxidative Stress in Rabbit Liver When Administered under the Long-Term Low-Dose Regimen …
Effects on puberty of nutrition-mediated ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS employed in agriculture
Probiotic antigenotoxic activity as a DNA bioprotective tool: a minireview with focus on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
… magnetic covalent organic framework nanocomposites as an adsorbent for effervescent reaction-enhanced microextraction of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in liquid matrices
ReadEDTest: a tool to assess the readiness of in vitro test methods under development for identifying ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Synthesis and characterization of bimetallic TiO2/CNT/Pd-Cu for efficient remediation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS under solar light
Relationship between ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and obesity with a focus on bisphenol A: A narrative review
In utero exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and developmental neurotoxicity: Implications for behavioural and neurological disorders in adult life
Combinatorial pathway disruption is a powerful approach to delineate metabolic impacts of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Treatment of saline wastewater amended with ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by aerobic granular sludge: Assessing performance and microbial community dynamics
LED irradiated photo-Fenton for the removal of estrogenic activity and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from wastewater treatment plant effluent
Effect-based and chemical analyses of agonistic and antagonistic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in multiple matrices of eutrophic freshwaters
Examining ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS measured in newborn dried blood spots and early childhood growth in a prospective cohort
The effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the male germline: an intergenerational health risk
Scientific discrepancies in European regulatory proposals on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—REACH regulation quo vadis?
Perinatal Environmental Health Education Intervention to Reduce Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: The PREVED Project
Human exposure to a mixture of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and serum levels of thyroid hormones: A cross-sectional study
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS-(estrone and β-estradiol) removal from water by nutshell activated carbon: Kinetic, isotherms and thermodynamic studies
Insights into the activation mechanism of human estrogen-related receptor γ by environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A critical analysis of the impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS as a possible etiology of primary ovarian insufficiency
Vitamin D3 ameliorates DNA damage caused by developmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the uterine myometrial stem cells of Eker rats
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS as a New Etiologic Factor of Bone Tissue Diseases
Determination of contamination levels for multiple ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in hair from a non-occupationally exposed population living in Liege (Belgium)
The EU chemicals strategy for sustainability: critical reflections on proposed regulatory changes for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and mixture toxicity
Determination of estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water at sub-ng L− 1 levels in compliance with Decision 2015/495/EU using offline-online solid phase extraction …
Developmental exposure to a human relevant mixture of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS alters metabolism and adipogenesis in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Inorganic arsenic and its methylated metabolites as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the placenta: Mechanisms underpinning glucocorticoid receptor (GR) pathway …
Effects of two environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) and mono-n-butyl phthalate (MBP) on human sperm functions in vitro
Assessment of automated off-line solid-phase extraction LC-MS/MS to monitor EPA priority ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in tap water, surface water, and wastewater
The Relationship between Typical Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Kidney Disease
Low dose effects and nonmonotonic dose responses for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Co‐Aggregation Induced by Amphiphilic Membrane Interface for the Capture of Trace ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from Water
Cyanobacterial blooms act as sink and source of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the third largest freshwater lake in China
Direct and indirect parental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and elevated temperature influences gene expression across generations in a euryhaline model …
Fast and simultaneous removal of microplastics and plastic-derived ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using a magnetic ZIF-8 nanocomposite
Occurrence and risk assessment of five typical environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The classic azole antifungal drugs are highly potent ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in vitro inhibiting steroidogenic CYP enzymes at concentrations lower than therapeutic Cmax
… of a hierarchical NiFe2O4/CuInSe2 (pn) heterojunction: Highly efficient visible-light-driven photocatalyst in the degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in an aqueous …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Obesity: An Overview
Hydrophobic eutectic solvents for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS purification from water: Natural and synthetic estrogens study
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and pregnancy: Knowledge, attitudes and practice of perinatal health professionals. A French multicentre survey
Non-essential heavy metals as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: evaluating impact on reproduction in teleosts
Classical toxicity endpoints in female rats are insensitive to the human ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS diethylstilbestrol and ketoconazole
Impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Vitellogenin Concentrations in Wild Brown Trout (Salmo trutta trutta)
Environmental exposure to oestrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS mixtures reflecting on gonadal sex steroids and gametogenesis of the neotropical fish Astyanax …
Environmental Contaminants Acting as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Modulate Atherogenic Processes: New Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases in Women?
The Male Reproductive System and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Optimized LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and PAHs bound to PM2. 5: Sources and health risk in Indo-Gangetic Plain
The beneficial role of natural ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Phytoestrogens in Alzheimer’s disease
Novel hyphenation of DGT in-situ passive sampling with YES assay to ascertain the potency of emerging ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water systems in New Zealand
Novel visible-light-induced P-doped g-C3N4/α-Bi2O3 nanocomposite photocatalysts for enhanced degradation of refractory ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—benzophenones
Occurrence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Malaysia’s water systems: A scoping review
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in cosmetics: a review
REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY: Impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on neurons expressing GnRH or kisspeptin and pituitary gonadotropins
Determinants of exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS following hurricane Harvey
In situ formation of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from phytosterol degradation: A temporal model for agricultural soils
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and human reproduction
Effects of defined mixtures of POPs and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the steroid metabolome of the human H295R adrenocortical cell line
Simultaneous determination of a suite of endogenous steroids by LC-APPI-MS: Application to the identification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in aquatic toxicology
Simultaneous determination of fluoxetine, estrone, pesticides, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in wastewater by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) following …
… -tunable hollow Mn2O3 nanostructures: highly efficient electrocatalysts and their electrochemical sensing for phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS via toughening of …
Determination of atrazine and propazine metabolites deemed ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human seminal plasma by LC–ESI-MS/MS
… metal–organic frameworks for stir bar sorptive extraction coupled with liquid chromatography for determination of estrogen ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water and …
Lignin immobilized cyclodextrin composite microspheres with multifunctionalized surface chemistry for non-competitive adsorption of co-existing ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS …
The role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the present and future human ENDOCRINE evolution: The ED-exohormone system
The correlation between UDP-glucuronosyltransferase polymorphisms and environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS levels in polycystic ovary syndrome patients
Lipophilicity profiling and cell viability assessment of a selected panel of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Impact of perinatal environmental health education intervention on exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during pregnancy—PREVED study: study protocol for a …
Structure-based virtual screening of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of androgen receptor activity using molecular …
Contribution of common plastic-related ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and tumor progression
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in boiled drinking water carried in plastic containers: a pilot study in Thrissur, Kerala, India
Effects of the environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate and mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate on human sperm function in vitro
Emerging contaminants in sludge (ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, pesticides, and pharmaceutical residues, including illicit drugs/controlled substances, etc.)
Nanomagnets based on activated carbon/magnetite nanocomposite for determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environmental water samples
Predicting toxicity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and blood–brain barrier permeability using chirality-sensitive descriptors and machine learning
Mechanistic insights into the adsorption of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS onto polystyrene microplastics in water
Analytical determination of oestrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: the method of choice for wastewater treatment plant effluents
Miniaturized solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in drinking water
Preparation of a Novel Resin Based Covalent Framework Material and Its Application in the Determination of Phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Beverages by SPE …
Occurrence and removal of drugs and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Bolonha Water Treatment Plant in Belém/PA (Brazil)
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in ancient times and Greek mythology: the spring of Salmacis and the curse of Hermaphroditus
In silico modeling method for computational aquatic toxicology of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A software-based approach using QSAR toolbox
Xenopus laevis as a Bioindicator of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the Region of Central Chile
Calretinin is a novel candidate marker for adverse ovarian effects of early life exposure to mixtures of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the rat
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and polycystic ovary syndrome: phthalates
Determinants of protective behaviors against ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in young Korean women
Polyacrylonitrile/Reduced Graphene Oxide Free-Standing Nanofibrous Membranes for Detecting ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Presence of estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in three European estuaries in Northwest Iberian Peninsula (Portugal)
A new strategy to alleviate the obesity induced by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—A unique lysine metabolic pathway of nanoselenium Siraitia grosvenorii to repair gut …
A multi-site recognition molecularly imprinted solid-phase microextraction fiber for selective enrichment of three cross-class environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Fate and effects of microplastics in combination with pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in freshwaters: Insights from a microcosm experiment
Comparison and quantification of estrogen receptor-mediated responsiveness to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in bivalves by using complementary model and a novel yeast …
A new analytical framework for multi-residue analysis of chemically diverse ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in complex environmental matrices utilising ultra …
The impact of air pollution and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on reproduction and assisted reproduction
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs act as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Astyanax lacustris (Teleostei: Characidae) reproduction: An ex vivo approach
A fast-multiclass method for the determination of 21 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human urine by using vortex-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (VADLLME) …
Bioaccumulation of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the clam Rangia cuneata: Storage in shells and influence of size and sex
The Role of Biotransformation in the Activity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
A Clinical Preventive Strategy Based on a Digital Tool to Improve Access to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Exposure Prevention: The MEDPREVED Study
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Baby Formulas: A Literature Review
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS induced distinct expression of thyroid and estrogen receptors in rat versus mouse primary cerebellar cell cultures
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the electrical activity of leptin receptor neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamus and anxiety-like behavior in male mice
GnRHa treatments of Atlantic Salmon broodstock suppresses effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, benefitting offspring quality
Structural and energetic basis of interaction between human estrogen-related receptor γ and environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from multiple molecular dynamics …
Development of Adverse Outcome Pathways relevant for the identification of substances having ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS properties
Dual stir bar sorptive extraction coupled to thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human tissues
Characterization and quantification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in female menstrual blood samples
Impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from mother’s diet on immuno-hormonal orchestration of brain development and introduction of the virtual human twin tool
Combined proteomic and miRNome analyses of mouse testis exposed to an ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS chemicals mixture reveals altered toxicological pathways involved in …
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and amphibian immunity: A bridge between the thyroid hormone axis and T cell development
Effect of various reagents on the decomposition of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by ozonation: A detailed study
Decontamination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from water by graphene nanoplatelet/UiO-66 nanocomposites
Putative involvement of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the alzheimer’s disease Via the insulin-regulated Aminopeptidase/GLUT4 pathway
Role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in male infertility and impact of COVID-19 on male reproduction
Transcriptional profiling of the developing rat ovary following intrauterine exposure to the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS diethylstilbestrol and ketoconazole
Removal of batch effects using stratified subsampling of metabolomic data for in vitro ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS screening
Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (Di (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and Bisphenol A (BPA)) in Women from Different Residing Areas in Italy: Data from the …
Evaluating the alterations of the estrogen-responsive genes in Cyprinodon variegatus larvae for biomonitoring the impacts of estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS …
Regulating ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS linked to cancer
The dark side of the breastfeeding: In the light of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Is there a link between ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and COVID-19 severe pneumonia?
… in the organized Ti-W alloy oxide nanotubes array on the photoelectrocatalytic properties and its application in the removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using real water …
An amphibian high fat diet model confirms that ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS can induce a metabolic syndrome in wild green frogs (Pelophylax spp. complex)
Migration study of phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from pacifiers to saliva simulant by solid phase microextraction with amino-functionalized microporous organic …
Levels of Trace Elements in Erythrocytes as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Obese and Nonobese Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
… exposure during pregnancy with primary clear cell carcinoma of the cervix in an 8-year-old granddaughter: a multigenerational effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Cyp17a effected by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and its function in gonadal development of Hyriopsis cumingii
In vitro effects of selected ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (DEHP, PCB118, BPA) on narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) primary cells
Hypothalamic Expression of Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and Pro-OpioMelanoCortin (POMC) in Adult Male Mice Is Affected by Chronic Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Breast cancer and dietary intake of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a review of recent literature
Development of an estrogen-dependent breast cancer co-culture model as a tool for studying ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (Bisphenols, Parabens, and Triclosan)—A Systematic Review
Occurrence and removal of drugs and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water supply systems in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais State, Brazil)
What is known about the action of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the immune system?
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in freshwater: impact on teleost reproduction
Food contact materials as possible ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS for PPARs: a consensus scoring analysis
Hair as a noninvasive biomarker of human exposure to the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS polybrominated diphenyl ethers: a meta-analysis
Assessment of Conventional Full-Scale Treatment for the Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Pharmaceuticals Present in the Tibagi River (Paraná State …
Female reproduction: at the crossroads of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and epigenetics
Comprehending the Role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Inducing Epigenetic Toxicity
Impacts of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on reproductive health in the era of increased personal care and beauty products usage
Removal of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS for environmental protection
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (Phthalates and Alkylphenols) in Harbor Surface Sediments Reflect Anthropogenic Pollution
Integrated translation framework for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the area of computational toxicology
Histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation for detecting changes in blood hormone levels caused by ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in a 28‐day repeated‐dose …
Combinatorial pathway disruption is a powerful approach to delineate metabolic impacts of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Recent advances in understanding ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: DDT and related compounds
Adult female rats perinatally exposed to perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) and a mixture of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS display increased body/fat weights without a …
… 2D/1D BiOBr/BiVO4: Yb3+, Er3+ heterostructure photocatalyst with ultraviolet-visible-near infrared response for photocatalytic degrading dyes, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS …
Maternal exposure to environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during pregnancy is associated with pediatric germ cell tumors
Bioaccessibility study and simultaneous quantification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (bisphenol A and phthalates) in utensils and toys for infants using HPLC–UV
… base on low-density solvent-based air-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction for the simultaneous determination of 21 potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in urine samples …
Human adrenocortical carcinoma cell line (NCI-H295R): An in vitro screening model for the assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS‘ actions on steroidogenesis with an …
The effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on myocardial mitochondrial: a review
Proteomics complementation of the rat uterotrophic assay for estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A roadmap of advancing high resolution mass spectrometry-based …
Bone as a target for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Can probiotics win the battle against environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
A screening method to identify potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS using chemical toxicity big data and a deep learning model with a focus on cleaning and laundry …
Determination of 117 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (EDCs) in water using SBSE TD–GC-MS/MS under the European Water Framework Directive
Risks of toxic elements and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in some soils in Ghana
Nanomaterials for Photocatalytic Decomposition of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Water
Thyroid Function: a Target for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Air Pollution, and Radiofrequencies.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the pathogenesis of socially significant diseases such as diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms, cardiovascular diseases, pathology of the …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Aquatic Vertebrates
Multiclass determination of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in urine by hollow fiber microporous membrane and liquid chromatography
Biosensor applications in the detection of heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls, biological oxygen demand, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, hormones, dioxin, and phenolic …
Sex-specific Actions of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, burnout, and social support from peers on premenstrual syndrome in nurses
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, estrogenic activity by the YES bioassay, and acute toxicity in Southeastern Brazil metropolitan surface waters
What Is Caiman latirostris Teaching Us About ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Do mineral and corn oil serve as potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the gerbil prostate?
Real-Time Measurement of Indoor PM Concentrations on Daily Change of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Urine Samples of New Mothers
A validated search filter for the identification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS based on the ECHA/EFSA guidance recommendations
Recent Updates on the Effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Male Reproductive Functions
Current evidence for the roles of early-life ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on pubertal timing in girls
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Driven Female Reproductive Ailments
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and female fertility: a review of pesticide and plasticizer effects
Could ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS be a new player for acne pathogenesis? The effect of bisphenol A on the formation and severity of acne vulgaris: A prospective, case …
Evaluation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the environment of Eket metropolis in Nigeria: an insight into public health and risk assessment
Risk of pathoosophermia in men with joint exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Significance of and Challenges in Regulating ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS–How Regulators and Industry Can Conquer?
Presence and Daily Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: How Can Human Life Change?
Effects of in-ovo injection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and methyltransferase inhibitor on quail growth and egg-laying performances
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Food, Estrobolome and Breast Cancer
Bitter Taste Receptors and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Cellular and Molecular Insights from an In Vitro Model of Human Granulosa Cells
Everyday ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: challenges in investigation and interpretation
The effects of postnatal exposure of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on testicular function: a systematic review and a meta-analysis
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: what are we talking about and what new mecanisms of toxicity do they bring into play?
Microbial degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from industrial wastewater: Removal efficiency and metabolic mechanism
Effects of an action-guided intervention on optimistic bias and protective behaviors regarding ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in young women
Molecularly imprinting polymers for detection and removal of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Regulatory Testing for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS; Need for Validated Methods and Integrated Approaches
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS| What Are They and Why They Matter
Expression variations of two retinoid signaling pathway receptors in the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus exposed to three ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
… azine-linked covalent organic framework-coated capillary and its application to the separation of nitrophenol environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by open-tubular …
Annual Evaluation of 17 Oestrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Hazard Indexes in the Douro River Estuary—The Atlantic Discharge of the Highest-Flow River of …
The research advance on the effects of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the adolescent girls
Regulation mechanisms of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on vasodilation and vasoconstriction: Insights from ex vivo models
Microbial Polymers as Sustainable Agents for Mitigating Health Risks of Plant-Based ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Surface Water
Identification of explanatory factors of the presence and quantification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in commercially available bottled waters
Characterizing arguments about ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and human health
Troubling Figures: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Intersex Frogs, and the Logics of Environmental Science
Exposure to phthalates, potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, in an infant cohort in Modena, Italy: Camilla Lugli
A discovery‐based undergraduate laboratory exercise to investigate the effect of potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on sex hormones using human cell culture
Natural substances in supplements and nutraceuticals as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS o,p′-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, p,p′-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, and Endosulfan on the Expression of …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS induce cell death and phenotypic modifications in RPE cells
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Building Materials
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in hormone-sensitive female cancers
Letter to the Editor from Napierska and Schettler:“Unwitting Accomplices: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Confounding Clinical Care”
Glucoregulatory Reprogramming in Male Mice Offspring Induced by Maternal Transfer of Indoor Flame Retardant ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS—the lessons (not) learned
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS concentrations in drinking water samples from México and their health implications
Impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Male Sexual Development
How ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Affect Menstruation: The ubiquity of phthalates and other substances known to interfere with hormonal pathways disproportionately harms …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescents
Determination of Three ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Water Samples by Ultrasound-Assisted Salt-Induced Liquid-Liquid Microextraction (UA-SI-LLME) and High …
Response to Letter to the Editor:“Unwitting Accomplices: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Confounding Clinical Care”
Selective Recovery of Estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from 48 Environmental Samples Using a Substrate for Activity-Specific Concentration
Oral anti-diabetic drugs as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in vitro–No evidence for additive effects in binary mixtures
Integrated genomic and bioinformatics approaches to identify molecular links between ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and adverse outcomes
Degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, Pesticides, and Pharmaceuticals Using Photocatalysis
Occurrence of Phenolic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Danube Delta, Romania
The effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on reproductive health
# 46 Assessment of androgen receptor binding affinity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: A 2D-QSAR approach
Investigating local preparedness for managing ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The impact of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on spermatogonia survival: the case of methoxychlor
The effects and mechanisms of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS exposure on pubertal development in females
Influence of the matrix of aqueous solutions on the adsorption of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by fullerene C60
Interdisciplinary Collaboration between Environmental Health and Clinical Experts on Cancers and Infertility Associated with Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: a new risk factor of osteoarthritis? Experimental data on osteoarthritis murine model
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and fertility.
The Role of Flame Retardants as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Their Effect on Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes
Addendum: Effects of exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, burnout, and social support from peers on premenstrual syndrome in nurses
Influence of environmental exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on cardiometabolic health
Health Risks of Transplacental Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Our Drinking ater: Should e Be Concerned?
Occupational Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Reproductive Health
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Cancer: From Genotoxicity Mechanisms to Ethnicity-related Susceptibility
Assessment of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS under European regulations
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in a New Era of Predictive Toxicology and Dealing With the “More is Different” Challenge
Importance of Receptor Conformations in Docking Calculation-Based Risk Assessment for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS against Estrogen Receptor α
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Endometriosis Risk
Understanding exposure routes of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in livestock
Understanding the Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on the Glucocorticoid Signaling Pathway
The Male Reproductive System and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, obesity, and prostate cancer: a metabolic perspective
In silico methods for the detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in food
They Came from the Dust: Indoor ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Thyroid-Hormone Binding
Novel strategies for the assessment of exposure to fast-elimination ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS with non-invasive biological sampling
Female reproductive toxicity of environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and their roles in development and progression of gynecological tumors.
Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanoribbons for the Magnetic Solid-Phase Extraction (MSPE) of Bisphenol ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Carbonated Beverages with …
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, what risks for children?
Review on Chitosan Intake and Enhancement in Fecal Excretion of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Developmental Toxicity of Select Ultraviolet-Filters to Daphnia magna and Their Potential Role as Invertebrate ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Vitamins and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: The exohormone system
Reduced Life Expectancy Model Analyses of Exposure Time Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS to Teleost Fishes Based on Effect Concentration of Hepatic …
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and male reproduction
Regulation and Risk Management of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Current Status and Future Perspectives
An overview of the EU regulation on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
What do we know about effects of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on metabolism and obesity?
Transgenerational Epigenetic Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Reproductive NeuroENDOCRINE Systems
Investigating the Effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Breast Cancer Risk
Early exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and respiratory health
In vitro antigenotoxic activity of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum IMC 510 and IMC 513 against two different ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: bisphenol A and di-n-hexyl …
Impact of dietary intervention devoid of probable ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS among hypothyroid obese women consuming Levothyroxine-A Case study
Are Hydrogen Peroxide, Hypochlorite and Peracetic Acid Potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Remediation of water polluted with model ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS based on adsorption processes
Impact of interventions regulating ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on trade dynamics for EU Member States
Research progress on cardiac developmental toxicity induced by environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS exposure
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS transgenerationally alters pubertal timing through epigenetic reprogramming of the hypothalamus
Retraction Note: ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS induce perturbations in endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria of human pluripotent stem cell derivatives
Main ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS related to female reproductive health: biological basis of their association
Correction to: Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on fetal testis development, male puberty, and transition age
Abstract IA12: Role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in cancer development
Studies of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: nonylphenol and isomers in biological models.
Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS ketoconazole and diethylstilbestrol on BOEC air-liquid interface monolayer culture
The challenge of assessing exposure to fast-elimination ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: When collecting? Which matrix? How many samples?
O-57 Occupational exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and colorectal cancer risk in two Canadian cohorts
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A pilot study of INSULIN cohort (Catalonia, Spain)
The role of bisphenol A and its analogues as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS influencing the thyroid gland: a short review
Nutritional interventions to ameliorate the effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on human reproductive health: A semi‐structured review from FIGO
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and potential effects on communication in rodents and other species
Distribution of Pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Raw and Tap Water from Cape Coast and Takoradi Metropolises
The bad cocktail of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Studies of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: nonylphenol and isomers in biological models
Presence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Portuguese diet
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Very Low Doses with Genuinely High Impacts on Male Reproduction
Establishment and application of a detection method for environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in atmospheric particulate atter
Perinatal Environmental Health Education Intervention to Reduce Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: The PREVED Project
Impact of interventions regulating ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on trade dynamics for EU Member States
Health effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during pregnancy and childhood
Metals as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and the related health effects
Food additives can be ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS; Are Gynecologists Aware of it?
The risk of sperm demage in men with the combined effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Estrogenic activity of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the surface water of Santa Maria Madalena, Southeastern Brazil
Detection And Degradation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Using Zno Nanoparticles
Computational Examination of Degradation Reactions of Precious ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Molecules through Surface
Exposure to phthalates, potential ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, in an infant cohort in Modena, Italy
Sludge from a Water Treatment Plant as an Adsorbent of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
PMON12 Effects of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on Autophagy Markers Gene Expression in Immortalized GnRH Neurons and Hypothalami of Adult Male Mice
Non-ionic hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents as promising extraction agents for the evaluation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in environmental waters
Pediatric exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic substances by pharmaceutical forms intended for the cutaneous route …
The role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, obesity, and cytokines in PCOS
Guidance document for handling criteria for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in the construction industry
ENDOCRINE disruption assessment: exposure, biomonitoring and potential activity of widespread ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS during pregnancy and early stages of life
Impact of environmental chemicals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS on mammalian germ cell epigenome
Novel Assay for Detection of Progesterone Receptor-Interacting ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Intrauterine exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (phthalates): sources of exposure and quantification of urinary metabolites
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Food Contact Materials: A Health Threat
Estrogen as a therapeutic agent to protect against oxidative stress in aging and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in humans and murine models
A public-private platform for the pre-validation of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS characterization methods
Investigating Persistent Organic Pollutants as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of Androgen Receptor Signalling
Perinatal Environmental Health Education Intervention to Reduce Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: The PREVED Project
Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production by Caenibius tardaugens from Steroidal ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
The Association of the Polychlorinated Biphenyl Class of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Thyroid Dysfunction
Chemical mixtures, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, and their effects on the human fetus and placenta
Is there an optimal number of urinary samples to assess exposure to fast elimination ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS?
Prenatal exposure to select ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and child behaviour: a multi-pollutant approach based on a cohort with repeated exposure assessments
Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and testicular germ cell cancer
Great impact in low quantities-thyroid hormones, trace elements and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Exposures to air pollution and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and measures of semen quality in a population based cohort of US men
Effects of Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and Social Support from Peers on Clinical Practice Stress in Nursing Students with Premenstrual Syndrome
Using Pimephales promelas as an Indicator Species for the Presence of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Nebraskan Streams
Towards a framework to unify in silico methods for ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS identification: the inhibition of thyroid peroxidase
European Commission’s Fitness Check roadmap on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS–PAN Europe’s feedback
Development of novel probes for ENDOCRINE system DISRUPTORS detecting systems and its application
Fate of antibioresistance, pharmaceuticals and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS from a former municipal landfill
In-Vitro Exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Alters Inflammatory Markers in Whole Hypothalami and Immortalized GnRH Neurons
Intrauterine exposure to ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (phenols, parabens, triclosan and phthalates) & their influence on birth weight, SAMI cohort, Medellín-Colombia.
Embryonic stem cells and their differentiated cardiomyocytes: a model study of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS toxicity
Abstract PO-163: Pre-diagnostic phthalates and other ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in relation to endometrial cancer risk in the Multiethnic Cohort (MEC) Study
Development of in vitro rat, dog and human deiodinase inhibition assays with LC-MS/MS analysis for the identification of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
In vitro effects of the ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS DEHP, DBP and BPA on INSL3 receptor (RXFP2)
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS cause multigenerational and transgenerational epigenetic changes in fish exposed during early life
Effect of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (pcbs/dehp) on testicular leydig cells in adult and f1 male offspring rats
Influence of Estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Crumb Rubber on the Growth and Reproduction of Fundulus heteroclitus
Structure-Based Virtual Screening of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS of Androgen Receptor Activity Using Molecular …
Degradation and Detection of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS by Laccase-Mimetic Polyoxometalates
Alterations in gene expression during sexual differentiation in androgen receptor knockout mice induced by environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
[Corrigendum] Alterations in gene expression during sexual differentiation in androgen receptor knockout mice induced by environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS
Identifying Environmental ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Associated With the Age at Menarche by Integrating a Transcriptome-Wide Association Study With Chemical …
Determination of estrogenic ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in water samples of urban sewage treatment plants with UPLC-MS/MS.
Roles of estrogens, estrogen-like compounds, and ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in adipocytes
PAN Europe’s feedback on Commission’s roadmap:“Towards a more comprehensive EU framework on ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS”
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS affect the expression of estrogen receptor genes and proteins in the white cloud mountain minnow Tanichthys albonubes (Teleostei …
A Robust Multi-Residue Method for the Monitoring of 25 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS at Ultra-Trace Levels in Surface Waters by Spe-Lc-Ms/Ms
A Multi-Residue Method for the Routine Monitoring of 25 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in Surface Waters by Spe-Lc-Ms/Ms
252. The Role of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS In The Aetiopathogenesis of Adolescent Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
The Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 5‐mediated Symmetric Dimethylation of Histone H4R3 as a Target of ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS and its Molecular Consequences
Determination of 15 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS in human saliva using GC-MS, and the question of hydrolysis of phthalate diesters by β-glucuronidase/aryl sulfatase in saliva
ENDOCRINE CHAPTER6 DISRUPTORS and Other Environmental Influences on Hormone Action
Harmonized cross-species assessment of ENDOCRINE and metabolic DISRUPTORS by ecotox FACTORIAL assay
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