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Conditioned Place Preference
Conditioned Place Preference
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: what does it add to our preclinical understanding of drug reward?
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE using opiate and stimulant drugs: a meta-analysis
Measuring reward with the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm: a comprehensive review of drug effects, recent progress and new issues
Rewarding properties of β-endorphin as measured by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Drug-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and aversion in mice
Ontogenesis of behavioral sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by psychostimulants in laboratory rodents
Evidence for the rewarding effects of ethanol using the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE method
Review on CPP: Measuring reward with the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) paradigm: update of the last decade
The CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is affected by two independent reinforcement processes
Neuroanatomical sites mediating the motivational effects of opioids as mapped by the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm in rats.
Pharmacologic characterization of nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Neurobiological mechanisms of the reinstatement of drug-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent and adult rats
Age-dependent effects of nicotine on locomotor activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm: a novel approach for analgesic drug assessment against chronic pain
Sexual behavior regulated (paced) by the female induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
The development of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to morphine: effects of microinjections into various CNS sites.
Persistent disruption of an established morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Historical factors in the development of ETOH-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Reinstatement of both a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and a CONDITIONED PLACE aversion with drug primes
CONDITIONED activation induced by ethanol: role in sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in female hamsters following aggressive or sexual encounters
Further studies on nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
Reinforcing effects of brain microinjections of morphine revealed by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Cocaine reward models: CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE can be established in dopamine-and in serotonin-transporter knockout mice
Toward understanding ethanol’s capacity to be reinforcing: a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE following injections of ethanol
Effects of oil intake in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test in mice
Successful intermale aggression and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Postretrieval propranolol disrupts a cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Dorsal/ventral hippocampus, fornix, and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Cannabinoid receptors and reward in the rat: a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE study
The novel neuropeptide orphanin FQ fails to produce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE or aversion
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: An evaluation of morphine’s positive reinforcing properties
Modulation of chromatin modification facilitates extinction of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Social reward-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: a model revealing an interaction between cocaine and social context rewards in rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE from intra-accumbens but not intra-caudate amphetamine injections
PRECLINICAL STUDY: systemic administration of ghrelin induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and stimulates accumbal dopamine
Pairings of a distinctive chamber with the aftereffect of wheel running produce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol: comparison with cocaine, morphine, and food reward
Leptin reverses sucrose-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in food-restricted rats
The role of mu-and kappa-opioid receptors in cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Failure to establish a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with ethanol in rats
The lateral nucleus of the amygdala mediates expression of the amphetamine-produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by sexual interaction in female rats
Motivational properties of oxytocin in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Persistence and drug-induced reinstatement of a morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by the cannabinoid agonist CP 55,940: interaction with the opioid system
Ethanol-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is reduced in dopamine D2 receptor-deficient mice
Involvement of the σ1 receptor in the cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Gonadal hormones differentially modulate cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male and female rats
Stress or drug priming induces reinstatement of extinguished CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
d-Cycloserine facilitates extinction of a cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The basolateral amygdala-ventral striatal system and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: further evidence of limbic-striatal interactions underlying reward-related processes
PREFERENCE for corn oil in olfactory-blocked mice in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test and the two-bottle choice test
Ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is expressed through a ventral tegmental area dependent mechanism.
Cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice: induction, extinction and reinstatement by related psychostimulants
Food-deprivation increases cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity in rats
Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and intracerebroventricular self-administration in rats
Cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: reinstatement by priming injections of cocaine after extinction
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by intraventricular infusions of acetaldehyde
CONDITIONED fear stimuli reinstate cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The development of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to morphine: effects of lesions of various CNS sites.
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: A parametric analysis using systemic heroin injections
Extinction of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and CONDITIONED PLACE aversion: effects of naloxone
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activation produced by injection of psychostimulants into ventral pallidum
High levels of estradiol disrupt CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE learning, stimulus response learning and reference memory but have limited effects on working memory
Localization of genes influencing ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity in BXD recombinant inbred mice
Differential effects of methamphetamine and cocaine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity in adult and adolescent male rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the corral: a procedure for measuring reinforcing properties of drugs
Acquisition of a spatial CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is impaired by amygdala lesions and improved by fornix lesions
Continued trends in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE literature from 1992 to 1996, inclusive, with a cross-indexed bibliography
Effect of imipramine on the expression and acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with morphine: the effect of extinction training on the reinforcing CR
Involvement of the sigma1 receptor in cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: possible dependence on dopamine uptake blockade
Nucleus accumbens CREB activity is necessary for nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Differential effects of excitotoxic lesions of the amygdala on cocaine-induced CONDITIONED locomotion and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
D1 receptor blockade stereospecifically impairs the acquisition of drug-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and PLACE aversion.
The amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: differential involvement of dopamine receptor subtypes and two dopaminergic terminal areas
Cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by dopamine-deficient mice is mediated by serotonin
Do antidepressants affect motivation in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE?
Susceptibility to CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by addictive drugs in mice of the C57BL/6 and DBA/2 inbred strains
Retained cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in D1 receptor deficient mice.
Role of matrix metalloproteinases in the acquisition and reconsolidation of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… and Lewis rat strains show differential cocaine effects in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and behavioral sensitization but not in locomotor activity or CONDITIONED …
Role of stress in acquisition of alcohol‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent and adult mice
The β2 but not α7 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is required for nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Prefrontal cortex lesions differentially disrupt cocaine-reinforced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not CONDITIONED taste aversion.
(—)‐nicotine produces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Lewis, but not Fischer 344 rats
Cocaine, but not morphine, induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and sensitization to locomotor responses in CB1 knockout mice
Single-trial CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE using intravenous morphine
Role of dopamine receptor subtypes in the acquisition of a testosterone CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Baclofen enhances extinction of opiate CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Delayed extinction and stronger reinstatement of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent rats, compared to adults.
Interstimulus interval determines whether ethanol produces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE or aversion in mice
Dorsal hippocampus inhibition disrupts acquisition and expression, but not consolidation, of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
Augmented cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats pretreated with systemic ghrelin
N-methyl-D-aspartic acid-receptor antagonists block morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
… of the rat medial prefrontal cortex: effects of discrete subarea‐specific lesions on drug‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and behavioural sensitization
Repeated testing attenuates CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with cocaine
Differential effects of isolation housing on the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produced by cocaine and amphetamine
Apparent absence of nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Influence of SCH23390 and Spiperone on the Expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Adolescents differ from adults in cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and cocaine-induced dopamine in the nucleus accumbens septi
The role of D1 and D2 receptors in the cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE of male and female rats
Expression of testosterone CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is blocked by peripheral or intra-accumbens injection of α-flupenthixol
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produced by intra-hippocampal morphine
Evaluation of rewarding effect of toluene by the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE procedure in mice
Cocaine and caffeine: CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, locomotor activity, and additivity
… receptor antagonism attenuates cocaine-and amphetamine-induced locomotor stimulation, accumbal dopamine release, and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Ethanol induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in genetically selected alcohol-preferring rats
Naloxone attenuates the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by wheel running in rats
Acquisition, expression, and reinstatement of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice: effects of opioid receptor-like 1 receptor agonists and naloxone
Endogenous kappa-opioid mediation of stress-induced potentiation of ethanol-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and self-administration
Morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in preweanling and adult rats
The amygdala mediates memory consolidation for an amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
SCH 23390 blocks drug-CONDITIONED PLACE–PREFERENCE and PLACE-aversion: anhedonia (lack of reward) or apathy (lack of motivation) after dopamine-receptor blockade …
Social and physical environment alter cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and dopaminergic markers in adolescent male rats
The neural substrates of amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: implications for the formation of CONDITIONED stimulus–reward associations
… of nociceptin/orphanin FQ blocks the acquisition of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to morphine and cocaine, but not CONDITIONED PLACE aversion to naloxone in mice
Time of day modulation of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats depends on the strain of rat used
… low doses of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol on the extinction of cocaine-induced and amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE learning in rats
Effects of intraaccumbens administration of SCH‐23390 on cocaine‐induced locomotion and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Reactivation of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by drug priming: role of environmental cues and sensitization
Naloxone disrupts the expression but not the acquisition by male rats of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE response for an oestrous female
… of dopamine d1-like receptor activation in the rat medial prefrontal cortex alters stress-and cocaine-induced reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE behavior
Effects of excitotoxic lesions of the basolateral amygdala on cocaine-seeking behavior and cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Independence of amphetamine reward from locomotor stimulation demonstrated by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Conditioning trial duration affects ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Genetic differences in cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice depend on conditioning trial duration
Ethanol self-administration and ethanol CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE are reduced in mice lacking cannabinoid CB1 receptors
Naloxone inhibits mating and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for an estrous female in male rats soon after castration
Neuroanatomical boundaries of the reward-relevant opiate-receptor field in the ventral tegmental area as mapped by the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE method in rats
Effects of lesions of various brain areas on drug priming or footshock-induced reactivation of extinguished CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Differential effects of intra-accumbens sulpiride on cocaine-induced locomotion and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
Potentiation by low doses of selected neuroleptics of food-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Reinforcer revaluation and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotion: the effect of confinement during training
Effect of social isolation on the reinforcing properties of morphine in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test
CB1 receptor knockout mice display reduced ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and increased striatal dopamine D2 receptors
Cross-tolerance between morphine-and nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Clitoral stimulation induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and Fos activation in the rat
Effects of the NOP receptor agonist Ro65-6570 on the acquisition of opiate-and psychostimulant-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effects of oxytocin on methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and the possible role of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the medial prefrontal …
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by licit drugs: establishment, extinction, and reinstatement
Motivational effects of opiates in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and aversion paradigm—a study in three inbred strains of mice
Reduced ethanol-induced CONDITIONED taste aversion and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in GIRK2 null mutant mice
Haloperidol reduces ethanol-induced motor activity stimulation but not CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… of opioid peptides, lesions and castration on sexual behaviour in male rats: studies of instrumental behaviour, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and partner PREFERENCE
A novel molecule “shati” is involved in methamphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion, sensitization, and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… of the selective D3 receptor antagonist SB-277011A blocks the acquisition and expression of the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE response to heroin in male rats
Female rats exhibit a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for nonpaced mating
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by social play behavior: parametrics, extinction, reinstatement and disruption by methylphenidate
DNQX in the nucleus accumbens inhibits cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
In vivo microdialysis and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE studies in rats are consistent with abuse potential of tramadol
Chronic social stress in adolescence influenced both amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor sensitization
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by microinjection of 8-OH-DPAT into the dorsal or median raphe nucleus
… , but not dorsomedial, striatum impair acquisition of a stimulus-response-based instrumental discrimination task, while sparing CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE learning
Individual differences in novelty seeking on the playground maze predict amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Locomotion and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produced by acute intravenous amphetamine: role of dopamine receptors and individual differences in amphetamine …
CONDITIONED locomotor activity but not CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE following intra-accumbens infusions of cocaine
The anti‐relapse compound acamprosate inhibits the development of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to ethanol and cocaine but not morphine
Role of accumbens BDNF and TrkB in cocaine-induced psychomotor sensitization, CONDITIONED–PLACE PREFERENCE, and reinstatement in rats
A role for α₁-adrenergic receptors in extinction of CONDITIONED fear and cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
Social and environmental enrichment enhances sensitivity to the effects of kappa opioids: studies on antinociception, diuresis and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats: sex differences and the role of mGluR5 receptors
Role of the prelimbic subregion of the medial prefrontal cortex in acquisition, extinction, and reinstatement of cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Noradrenaline in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is critical for stress-induced reactivation of morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effects of MPEP on expression of food‐, MDMA‐or amphetamine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Levo-tetrahydropalmatine attenuates oxycodone-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Differential effects of dopamine antagonists on locomotor activity, CONDITIONED activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by cocaine in rats
The sigma1 (σ1) receptor activation is a key step for the reactivation of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by drug priming
… of the dose and the number of drug-context pairings on the magnitude and the long-lasting retention of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in C57BL/6J …
Effect of memantine and CNQX in the acquisition, expression and reinstatement of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Key role of ethanol‐derived acetaldehyde in the motivational properties induced by intragastric ethanol: a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE study in the rat
The facilitative effects of D-cycloserine on extinction of a cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE can be long lasting and resistant to reinstatement
Role of nitric oxide in the rat hippocampal CA1 area on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effect of gabapentin-like compounds on development and maintenance of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Baclofen alters ethanol-stimulated activity but not CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE or taste aversion in mice
Toluene inhalation produces a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Evidence for multiple sites within rat ventral striatum mediating cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activation
Neonatal stress or morphine treatment alters adult mouse CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Modulation of opiate-related signaling molecules in morphine-dependent CONDITIONED behavior: CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to morphine induces CREB …
… neurotransmission in the stress-but not cocaine-induced reinstatement of extinguished cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice: role for β-2 …
Chronic and voluntary exercise enhances learning of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to morphine in rats
Blockade of the acquisition of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists.
Effects of early handling on amphetamine-induced locomotor activation and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the adult rat
Identification of brain nuclei implicated in cocaine-primed reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: a behaviour dissociable from sensitization
Artificial vaginocervical stimulation induces a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in female rats
Effects of reversible inactivation of the ventral tegmental area on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
Role of withdrawal in reinstatement of morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Blockade of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: relevance to cocaine abuse therapeutics
Nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced CREB phosphorylation and Fos expression in the adult rat brain
Effects of the histaminergic system on the morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Influence of sex on reinstatement of cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Post-retrieval disruption of a cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by systemic and intrabasolateral amygdala β2-and α1-adrenergic antagonists
Dopamine receptor antagonists attenuate CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE following sexual behavior in female Syrian hamsters
Effects of medial dorsal thalamic and ventral pallidal lesions on the acquisition of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: further evidence for the involvement of the ventral …
The extinction of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by histone deacetylase inhibition
Reinstatement of nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by drug priming: effects of calcium channel antagonists
Injection timing determines whether intragastric ethanol produces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE or aversion in mice
Absence of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE or reinstatement with bivalent ligands containing mu-opioid receptor agonist and delta-opioid receptor antagonist …
Simultaneous monitoring of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor sensitization following repeated administration of cocaine and methamphetamine
The ventral pallidum area is involved in the acquisition but not expression of the amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
A cannabinoid receptor antagonist attenuates CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not behavioural sensitization to morphine
D-cycloserine accelerates the extinction of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in C57bL/c mice
Role of the NMDA receptor and nitric oxide in memory reconsolidation of cocaine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Sexual experience and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats
Clozapine attenuates cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Blockade of alcohol-induced locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in DBA mice by 7-nitroindazole
The CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm in rats: effect of bupropion
Corticosterone fails to produce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE or CONDITIONED PLACE aversion in rats
Isolation rearing prevents the reinforcing properties of amphetamine in a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Individual differences in activity predict locomotor activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to amphetamine in both adolescent and adult rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produced by infusion of Met-enkephalin into the medial preoptic area
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1 mediates stress-induced relapse to cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Role of DRD3 in morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE using drd3-knockout mice
Effects of Papaver rhoeas extract on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Ethanol consumption patterns and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice lacking preproenkephalin
Female and male rats in late adolescence differ from adults in amphetamine-induced locomotor activity, but not in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for amphetamine
Dose-and conditioning trial-dependent ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Swiss-Webster mice
Low and high locomotor responsiveness to cocaine predicts intravenous cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male Sprague–Dawley rats
Effects of MDMA exposure on the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produced by other drugs of abuse
Food restriction modulates amphetamine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and nucleus accumbens dopamine release in the rat
Lack of evidence for appetitive effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the intracranial self-stimulation and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE procedures in rodents
Prenatal morphine enhances morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adult rats
Ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, but not aversion, is blocked by treatment with D-penicillamine, an inactivation agent for acetaldehyde
The testosterone metabolite and neurosteroid 3α-androstanediol may mediate the effects of testosterone on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Chronic forced exercise during adolescence decreases cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Lewis rats
Effects of varenicline and mecamylamine on the acquisition, expression, and reinstatement of nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by drug priming in rats
Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid affects the acquisition and reinstatement of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Intra-amygdala infusions of scopolamine impair performance on a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE task but not a spatial radial maze task
Cocaethylene produces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Prenatal exposure to cocaine disrupts cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Social influences on morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
Opioidergic contribution to CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by corn oil in mice
The attenuation of morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE following chronic mild stress is reversed by a CCKB receptor antagonist
The role of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Inhibition by agmatine on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Potentiation of pentazocine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by tripelennamine in rats
Low dose of ethanol induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats after repeated exposures to ethanol or saline injections
Methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is facilitated by estradiol pretreatment in female mice
Olfactory bulbectomy distrupts the expression of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Intraaccumbens injections of substance P, morphine and amphetamine: effects on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and behavioral activity
Effect of MDMA neurotoxicity upon its CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and discrimination
Neuropeptide S inhibits the acquisition and the expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to morphine in mice
The testosterone metabolite and neurosteroid 3α-androstanediol may mediate the effects of testosterone on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Memantine and ACPC affect CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by cocaine in rats.
Reactivation of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by stress is reversed by cholecystokinin-B receptors antagonist in rats
Haloperidol does not alter expression of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Involvement of opioid μ1 receptors in morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE depends on glucocorticoid receptors in both hippocampus and nucleus accumbens
The NMDA antagonist MK-801 disrupts reconsolidation of a cocaine-associated memory for CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not for self-administration in rats
Blockade of morphine-and amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat by riluzole
Naloxone enhances the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of periadolescent versus adult cocaine exposure on cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and motor sensitization in mice
7-Nitroindazole blocks nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not LiCl-induced CONDITIONED PLACE aversion
Influence of nitric oxide on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat central amygdala
Ontogeny of cocaine hyperactivity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Role of MEK‐ERK pathway in morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in ventral tegmental area of rats
Effect of MDMA (ecstasy) on activity and cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adult and adolescent rats
Reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice by priming injections
Effects of scopolamine and ketamine on reconsolidation of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Simultaneous expression of cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in individual rats
Inhibition by MK-801 of cocaine-induced sensitization, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, and dopamine-receptor supersensitivity in mice
Clonidine produces a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effect of rhynchophylline on central neurotransmitter levels in amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE rat brain
… of brain corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1 blockade on footshock-stress-or drug-priming-induced reinstatement of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Effects of ritanserin on the rewarding properties of d-amphetamine, morphine and diazepam revealed by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE after single doses or “binge” cocaine in C57BL/6J and 129/J mice
Wheel running simultaneously produces CONDITIONED taste aversion and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Concentration-dependent CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to inhaled toluene vapors in rats
Effects of ethanol and ecstasy on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
Effects of anisomycin on consolidation and reconsolidation of a morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Morphine–nicotine interaction in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice after chronic nicotine exposure
μ-Opioid receptor knockout mice display reduced cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but enhanced sensitization of cocaine-induced locomotion
Involvement of brain catalase activity in the acquisition of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Transient inactivation of the ventral tegmental area selectively disrupts the expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for pup-but not cocaine-paired contexts.
… CB1 receptor antagonist within the nucleus accumbens on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in morphine-sensitized …
Morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats is inhibited by electroacupuncture at 2 Hz: role of enkephalin in the nucleus accumbens
Prenatal exposure to cocaine alters the development of CONDITIONED PLACE–PREFERENCE to cocaine in adult mice
MDMA produces a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and elicits ejaculation in male rats: a modulatory role for the endogenous opioids
The effects of fruit essential oil of the Pimpinella anisum on acquisition and expression of morphine induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Effects of the fruit essential oil of Cuminum cyminum L. on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Infusions of naloxone into the medial preoptic area, ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, and amygdala block CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by paced …
Progesterone attenuates cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in female rats
… effect of L-stepholidine, a novel extract of Chinese herb, on the acquisition, expression, maintenance, and re-acquisition of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
Baclofen inhibits opiate-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and associated induction of Fos in cortical and limbic regions
Cannabinoid-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the spontaneously hypertensive rat–an animal model of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Blockade of ventral pallidal opioid receptors induces a CONDITIONED PLACE aversion and attenuates acquisition of cocaine PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
Reducing the time needed to conduct CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE testing.
Suppression of c‐fos induction in the nucleus accumbens prevents acquisition but not expression of morphine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Histamine and H3 receptor-dependent mechanisms regulate ethanol stimulation and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Heroin-induced locomotor activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in C57BL/6J and 129P3/J mice
Effects of the AMPA/kainate receptor antagonist DNQX in the nucleus accumbens on drug-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant attenuates reinstatement of ketamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Role of the nNOS gene in ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Post-training and post-reactivation administration of amphetamine enhances morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Neuropeptide FF (NPFF) reduces the expression of morphine-but not of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Dual effects of dextromethorphan on cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Glycyl-glutamine inhibits nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and withdrawal
The mu opioid receptor is involved in buprenorphine-induced locomotor stimulation and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity in response to methylphenidate, amphetamine and cocaine in mice lacking dopamine D4 receptors
Calcium-dependent mechanisms of the reinstatement of nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by drug priming in rats
Obesity-resistant S5B rats showed greater cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE than the obesity-prone OM rats
Roles of hippocampal N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in amphetamine-produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
The effects of nitric oxide on the acquisition and expression of nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine is attenuated in mice over-expressing the 5-HT3 receptor
Role of the cholinergic system in the rat basolateral amygdala on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Nitric oxide mediation of cocaine-induced dopaminergic behaviors: ambulation-accelerating activity, reverse tolerance and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
Changes of CREB in rat hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens during three phases of morphine induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to morphine in cannabinoid CB1 receptor knockout mice
Concurrent evaluation of locomotor response to novelty and propensity toward cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Modafinil reinstates a cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE following extinction in rats
Dopamine antagonists do not block CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by paced mating behavior in female rats.
Ethanol-induced delta-opioid receptor modulation of glutamate synaptic transmission and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in central amygdala
Agmatine potentiates morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice: modulation by alpha (2)-adrenoceptors
Reassessment of buprenorphine in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: temporal and pharmacological considerations
Dose-dependent CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produced by etonitazene and morphine
Repeated treatment with the NMDA antagonist MK-801 disrupts reconsolidation of memory for amphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE after prolonged pre-exposure to ethanol.
Increase in matrix metalloproteinase‐9 levels in the rat medial prefrontal cortex after cocaine reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Cocaine induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and increases locomotor activity in male Japanese quail
Cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is attenuated by chronic buprenorphine treatment
Reward value of intromissions and morphine in male rats evaluated by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Expression and acquisition of the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE response to cocaine in rats is blocked by selective inhibitors of the enzyme N‐acetylated‐α‐linked …
Inhibitory effects of velvet antler water extract on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and DA receptor supersensitivity in mice
The effects of a single exposure to uncontrollable stress on the subsequent CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE responses to oxycodone, cocaine, and ethanol in rats
A neuropeptide FF agonist blocks the acquisition of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to morphine in C57Bl/6J mice
GABAA receptors modulate ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and taste aversion in mice
Conditional knockout of NMDA receptors in dopamine neurons prevents nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Methadone produces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
Effects of NMDA receptor antagonists (MK-801 and memantine) on the acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produced by the psychostimulant cathinone
The food-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE task in adolescent, adult and aged rats of both sexes
The role of alpha-adrenoceptor mechanism (s) in morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in female mice
… in the nucleus accumbens and CREB, ERK, and GluR1 phosphorylation in the dorsal hippocampus is associated with cocaine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Characterization of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to cocaine in congenic dopamine transporter knockout female mice
Enhancement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE response to cocaine in rats following subchronic administration of 3, 4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
Differential effects of ventral striatal lesions on the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine or amphetamine
Estradiol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE may require actions at estrogen receptors in the nucleus accumbens
Anatomical and neurochemical substrates of drug reward determined by the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE technique
Proteomic analysis of rat prefrontal cortex in three phases of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
LSD produces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male but not female fawn hooded rats
The NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 elicits CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effects of pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus lesions on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and analgesia in the formalin test
Ethanol with small doses of morphine establishes a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of galanin on cocaine-mediated CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and ERK signaling in mice
Naloxone facilitates extinction but does not affect acquisition or expression of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
… D3 receptor ligand, BP 897, on acquisition and expression of food-, morphine-, and cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, and food-seeking …
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm can be a mouse model of relapse to opiates
d-Amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in developing mice: Relations with changes in activity and stereotypies.
… transfer of GLT‐1, a glutamate transporter, into the nucleus accumbens shell attenuates methamphetamine‐and morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
Effect of learned behavior upon CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to cathinone
The Type IV phosphodiesterase inhibitor rolipram interferes with drug‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not immediate early gene induction in mice
Inhibition by MK-801 of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and postsynaptic dopamine receptor supersensitivity in mice
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of the dorsal hippocampus and the basolateral amygdala are involved in ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Opposite effects of MK-801 on the expression of food and morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Maternal separation fails to render animals more susceptible to methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The medial prefrontal cortex regulates the differential expression of morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE following a single exposure to controllable or …
The effect of neurotoxic doses of methamphetamine on methamphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Cholecystokinin is necessary for the expression of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Individual and combined effects of methamphetamine and ketamine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and NR1 receptor phosphorylation in rats
Brain opioid-receptors are involved in mediating peripheral electric stimulation-induced inhibition of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Handling blocks expression of CONDITIONED PLACE aversion but not CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produced by ethanol in mice
The effects of excitotoxic lesions of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to 4%, 12% and 20% sucrose solutions
Estrogen pretreatment modulates morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in ovariectomized mice
Development of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by intra-accumbens infusion of amphetamine is attenuated by co-infusion of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor …
Yohimbine impairs extinction of cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in an α2-adrenergic receptor independent process
Genetic selection for nicotine activity in mice correlates with CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Decreased sensitivity to ethanol reward in adolescent mice as measured by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Topiramate does not affect the acquisition or expression of ethanol CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in DBA/2J or C57BL/6J mice
Opposite CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE responses to endomorphin-1 and endomorphin-2 in the mouse
MDL72222, a serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, blocks MDMA’s ability to establish a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Adenosine receptor ligands and cocaine in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) test in rats
Nicotine increases microdialysate brain amino acid concentrations and induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine and morphine-6-glucuronide in mice
TrkB signaling is required for behavioral sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by a single injection of cocaine
PRECLINICAL STUDY: The effect of naltrexone on amphetamine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor behaviour in the rat
Post‐treatment of dextromethorphan reverses morphine effect on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Glycyl-glutamine, an endogenous β-endorphin-derived peptide, inhibits morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal
Medial prefrontal cortex infusions of bupivacaine or AP-5 block extinction of amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
MK-801 inhibits methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and behavioral sensitization to apomorphine in mice
Effects of oxazepam on methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Unlike morphine the endogenous enkephalins protected by RB101 are unable to establish a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Haloperidol (but not ziprasidone) withdrawal enhances cocaine-induced locomotor activation and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Male Syrian hamsters demonstrate a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for sexual behavior and female chemosensory stimuli
Dimenhydrinate produces a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Attenuation of cocaine-induced reinstatement of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by acamprosate
Selective antagonist at D3 receptors, but not non-selective partial agonists, influences the expression of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in free-feeding …
Somatosensory cortices are required for the acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Surgical and pharmacological suppression of glucocorticoids prevents the enhancement of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by uncontrollable stress in rats
PRECLINICAL STUDY: Acquisition and reinstatement of MDMA‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice pre‐treated with MDMA or cocaine during adolescence
Effects of neonatal testosterone treatment on pacing behaviors and development of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effect of 7-nitroindazole on drug-priming reinstatement of D-methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Different effects of GABAergic receptors located in the ventral tegmental area on the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rat
Lesions of the medial preoptic area interfere with the display of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for vaginocervical stimulation in rats.
Effects of ginseng total saponin on morphine-induced hyperactivity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Expression of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE or spatial navigation task following muscimol-induced inactivations of the amygdala or dorsal hippocampus: A double …
Gamma‐vinyl GABA (GVG) blocks expression of the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE response to heroin in rats
Naloxone blocks CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by substance P and [pGlu6]-SP (6–11)
A study examining intravenous ethanol‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in C57BL/6J mice
Dissociation of locomotor and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE responses following manipulation of GABA-A and AMPA receptors in ventral pallidum.
Lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex prevent the acquisition but not reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Protein synthesis inhibition in the basolateral amygdala following retrieval does not impair expression of morphine-associated CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The rewarding properties of NMDA and MK-801 (dizocilpine) as indexed by the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Paradoxical simultaneous occurrence of amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED taste aversion and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with the same single drug injection: a …
Effects of the selective μ1-opioid receptor antagonist, naloxonazine, on cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor behavior in rats
Effects of buspirone on the immediate positive and delayed negative properties of intravenous cocaine as measured in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test
Involvement of α1-adrenoceptors in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE supported by nicotine in rats
Effects of diazepam on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine or amphetamine in the rat
Effects of rimonabant on the reinstatement of nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by drug priming in rats
Using antagonists to assess neurochemical coding of a drug’s ability to establish a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Magnesium-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Low dose domoic acid in neonatal rats abolishes nicotine induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE during late adolescence
Dopamine D3 receptor ligands modulate the acquisition of morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Pentylenetetrazole can induce a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Novel approach to data analysis in cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Reinforcing properties of substance P in the lateral hypothalamus revealed by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… of glucocorticoids in the uncontrollable stress-induced potentiation of nucleus accumbens shell dopamine and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE responses to morphine
7-Nitroindazole blocks CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not hyperactivity induced by morphine
Ohmefentanyl stereoisomers induce changes of CREB phosphorylation in hippocampus of mice in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Differential CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE responses to endomorphin-1 and endomorphin-2 microinjected into the posterior nucleus accumbens shell and ventral …
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE from ventral tegmental injection of morphine in neonatal rats
Effects of nicotine and epibatidine on locomotor activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Rhynchophylline down-regulates NR2B expression in cortex and hippocampal CA1 area of amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE rat
A role for AMPA/kainate receptors in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by diazepam in the rat
Enkephalinase inhibition facilitates sexual behavior in the male rat but does not produce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: no tolerance to the rewarding properties of morphine
Lack of effect of dopamine receptor blockade on expression of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Blockade by ginseng total saponin of methamphetamine-induced hyperactivity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor sensitization after repeated administration of cocaine or methamphetamine in rats treated with epidermal growth factor …
CONDITIONED PLACE–PREFERENCE analysis in the goldfish with the H1 histamine antagonist chlorpheniramine
The role of endogenous PACAP in motor stimulation and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine in mice
The amphetamine-like reinforcing effect and mechanism of L-deprenyl on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Differential effects of intra-amygdala lidocaine infusion on memory consolidation and expression of a food CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
3, 4 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) is mediated by endocannabinoid system
Morphine induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE behavior in histidine decarboxylase knockout mice
Morphine-and cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: effects of quinpirole and preclamol
Genetic liability increases propensity to prime-induced reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice exposed to low cocaine
Disruption of morphine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by a δ2‐opioid receptor antagonist: study of μ‐opioid and δ‐opioid receptor expression at the synapse
Melatonin reverses the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE through its receptors within central nervous system in mice
Reducing hippocampal cell proliferation in the adult rat does not prevent the acquisition of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE associates with the mRNA expression of diazepam binding inhibitor in brain regions of the addicted rat during withdrawal
Different effects of zimelidine on the reinforcing properties of d-amphetamine and morphine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Positive reinforcing effects of substance P in the rat globus pallidus revealed by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for mating is preserved in rats with pelvic nerve transection.
Methamphetamine-disrupted sensory processing mediates CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE performance
… tegmental area injection of rat cocaine and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide 55-102 induces locomotor activity and promotes CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Locomotor activity but not CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is differentially affected by a moderate dose of ethanol administered to P and NP rats
Effect of light/dark cycle alteration on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of dopamine D3 preferring compounds on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and intracranial self-stimulation in the rat
Isradipine suppresses amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor stimulation in the rat
Ascorbate potentiates amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and forebrain dopamine release in rats
Enhanced ethanol-, but not cocaine-induced, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Apoe−/− mice
Neuropeptide FF (NPFF) reduces the expression of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and cocaine-induced sensitization in animals
Neuronal mechanisms of phencyclidine-induced PLACE aversion and PREFERENCE in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE task
Pipradrol CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is blocked by SCH23390
Maternal deprivation and handling modify the effect of the dopamine D3 receptor agonist, BP 897 on morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Facilitation of morphine withdrawal symptoms and morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by a glutamate transporter inhibitor DL-threo-β-benzyloxyaspartate …
Effects of calcium antagonists on the cocaine-and methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
Allopregnanolone does not influence ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in DBA/2J mice
Intra-accumbens protein kinase C inhibitor NPC 15437 blocks amphetamine-produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Attenuation of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by Polygala tenuifolia root extract
Ethanol, but not the anxiolytic drugs buspirone and diazepam, produces a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats exposed to CONDITIONED fear stress
The effects of progabide (SL 76002) on locomotor activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by d-amphetamine
Effects ofCoptis japonica on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Dissociation of buprenorphine-induced locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Roles of hippocampal NMDA receptors and nucleus accumbens D1 receptors in the amphetamine-produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
PRECLINICAL STUDY: Effects of venlafaxine and desipramine on heroin‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
Orphanin FQ/nociceptin but not Ro 65-6570 inhibits the expression of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The expression of both amphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and pentylenetetrazol-CONDITIONED PLACE aversion is attenuated by the NMDA receptor antagonist …
Effects of ethanol on nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in C57BL/6J mice
Specific blockade of morphine-and cocaine-induced reinforcing effects in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by nitrous oxide in mice
Cannabinoid CB1 receptors of the dorsal hippocampus are important for induction of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) but do not change morphine CPP
Endogenous histamine inhibits the development of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Blockade by naloxone of cocaine-induced hyperactivity, reverse tolerance and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The anabolic steroids testosterone propionate and nandrolone, but not 17α-methyltestosterone, induce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adult mice
Stress-induced reinstatement of amphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and changes in tyrosine hydroxylase in the nucleus accumbens in adolescent …
Electrolytic lesions and pharmacological inhibition of the dorsal raphe nucleus prevent stressor potentiation of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Modulation of corticosterone does not affect the acquisition or expression of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in DBA/2J mice
Olfactory priming reinstates extinguished chocolate-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… agonist baclofen administered into the median and dorsal raphe nuclei is rewarding as shown by intracranial self-administration and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
Suppression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by l-12-chloroscoulerine, a novel dopamine receptor ligand
Administration of estrogen to ovariectomized rats promotes CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and produces moderate levels of estrogen in the nucleus accumbens
The effects of the naltrexone implant on rodent social interactions and cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Influence of new deltorphin analogues on reinstatement of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by Ro 16-6028, a benzodiazepine receptor partial agonist
Potentiation of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with concurrent use of amantadine and fluvoxamine by the intraperitoneal and intracerebroventricular …
Intraventricular insulin and leptin reverse PLACE PREFERENCE CONDITIONED with high-fat diet in rats.
Alpha-2 agonists decrease expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Different roles of dopamine receptor subtypes in footshock stress-induced enhancement of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Analysis of the effects of CPA and L-histidine on goldfish tested on a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE model
The effect of ginseng extract on locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by methamphetamine and cocaine in mice
The role of vaginal stimulation for the acquisition of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in female Syrian hamsters
Neurotensin receptor antagonist administered during cocaine withdrawal decreases locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Inhibition by ginsenosides Rb1 and Rg1 of methamphetamine-induced hyperactivity, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and postsynaptic dopamine receptor …
Hormonal and testing conditions for the induction of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by paced mating
Amphetamine-and cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and concomitant psychomotor sensitization in mice with genetically inactivated melanin …
Biphasic modulation of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE through inhibition of histone acetyltransferase and histone deacetylase.
Intra-hippocampal inhibition of protein kinase AII attenuates morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Racemic gamma vinyl‐GABA (R, S‐GVG) blocks methamphetamine‐triggered reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of β-funaltrexamine and naloxonazine on single-trial morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity
Dansyl-PQRamide, a possible neuropeptide FF receptor antagonist, induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Buspirone fails to affect cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the mouse
Intragastric infusion of glucose enhances the rewarding effect of sorbitol fatty acid ester ingestion as measured by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in young precocial domestic fowl.
Amphetamine infused into the ventrolateral striatum produces oral stereotypies and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of adenosine receptor agonists and antagonists in amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test in rats
The effect of cocaine on the expression of motor activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in high and low alcohol-preferring Wistar rats
Postconditioning effects of magnesium on cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
dextro-Morphine attenuates the morphine-produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE via the sigma1 receptor activation in the rat
Aripiprazole blocks reinstatement but not expression of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Ginseng total saponin inhibits nicotine-induced hyperactivity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
A morphine-paired environment alters c-Fos expression in the forebrain of rats displaying CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE or aversion.
The nucleus accumbens core has a more important role in resisting reactivation of extinguished CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in morphine-addicted rats
Male aromatase knockout mice acquire a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine but not for contact with an estrous female
ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS ON CPP: Effects of scopolamine on morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Methamphetamine reward in mice as assessed by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test with Supermex® sensors: effect of subchronic clorgyline pretreatment
Brief exposure to a mild stressor enhances morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats
Involvement of nitric oxide system in enhancement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by agmatine in male mice
Cycloheximide enhances maintenance of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Potentiation of opioid-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine
… agonist, 1-(3, 4-dimethoxyphenethyl)-4-(phenylpropyl) piperazine (SA4503), blocks the acquisition of the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE response to (−)-nicotine in rats
The dopamine D3 receptor-preferring partial agonist BP 897 dose-dependently attenuates the expression of amphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not rewarding self-stimulation after electrical activation of the external lateral parabrachial nucleus
Chronic Unpredictable Stress Enhances Cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in CB1 Receptor Knockout Mice
Expression of morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is more vulnerable than naloxone-CONDITIONED PLACE aversion to disruption by nociceptin in mice
The reserpine-sensitive dopamine pool mediates (+)-amphetamine-CONDITIONED reward in the PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Scopolamine enhances expression of an amphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
Behavioural and dopaminergic alterations induced by a low dose of WIN 55,212-2 in a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE procedure
Differential involvement of enkephalins in analgesic tolerance, locomotor sensitization, and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine.
Long-term opiate effects on amphetamine-induced dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens core and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED increase in PLACE PREFERENCE by access to novel objects: antagonism by MK-801
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for ethanol and individual differences in rats
Adenosine receptor agents and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Amperozide attenuates the reinforcing effects of cocaine in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm in rats
Effect of repeated administrations upon cathinone discrimination and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Isradipine produces neither a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE nor aversion
Effects of dietary n-3 fatty acid deficiency on Morris water-maze performance and amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
… )-pyridine (MPEP) potentiates ketamine and heroin reward as assessed by acquisition, extinction, and reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
CONDITIONED fear stress induces ethanol-associated PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
A computer approach to measuring shuttle box activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… infusions within the perifornical region of the lateral hypothalamus and the nucleus accumbens on measures of locomotor activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
Valproic acid sodium inhibits the morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the central nervous system of rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by a combination of L-dopa and a COMT inhibitor, entacapone, in rats
Mianserin enhancement of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
Carnosine ameliorates morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Discrimination between cocaine-associated context and cue in a modified CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm: role of the nNOS gene in cue conditioning
Histaminergic receptors of medial septum and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: D1 dopamine receptor mechanism
Effects of ultra-low doses of nicotine on the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Inhibition by ginsenosides Rb1 and Rg1 of cocaine-induced hyperactivity, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, and postsynaptic dopamine receptor supersensitivity in mice
… of 1R,4S‐4‐amino‐cyclopent‐2‐ene‐carboxylic acid, a reversible inhibitor of GABA transaminase, blocks expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to cocaine and …
Testosterone plays a limited role in cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity in male rats
Treatment with a serotonin-depleting regimen of MDMA prevents CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to sex in male rats.
Differential effects of calcineurin inhibition and protein kinase A activation on nucleus accumbens amphetamine‐produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effects of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist AM 251 on the reinstatement of nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by drug priming in rats
Altered ambient temperature and ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Involvement of nucleus accumbens in L-arginine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is attenuated by perinatal lead exposure
Differential effects of 7-OH-DPAT on amphetamine-induced stereotypy and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine in non-copulating male rats
The effects of crocus sativus extract on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Chronic cadmium exposure attenuates CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produced by cocaine and other drugs
Theophylline inhibits tolerance and sensitization induced by morphine: a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm study in female mice
A novel cryptic peptide derived from the rat neuropeptide FF precursor reverses antinociception and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine
Effect of the CB1 cannabinoid agonist WIN 55212-2 on the acquisition and reinstatement of MDMA-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Isolation rearing enhances the locomotor stimulant properties of intra-perifornical sulpiride, but impairs the acquisition of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone-induced CONDITIONED PLACE–PREFERENCE in male rats
Morphine, MDMA, MDA, and nexus produce a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in newly hatched chickens.
Effects of ginseng total saponin on cocaine-induced hyperactivity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in 12‐day‐old Japanese quail
The importance of the stomach for CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produced by drinking sucrose in rats
Proximal ethanol pretreatment interferes with acquisition of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The effect of a systemically active ORL-1 agonist, Ro 64-6198, on the acquisition, expression, extinction, and reinstatement of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of the dopamine D3-and autoreceptor preferring antagonist (-)-DS121 on locomotor activity, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and intracranial self-stimulation in …
Facilitation of ejaculation induced by 8-OH-DPAT does not produce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats.
(+)-Morphine attenuates the (−)-morphine-produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and the µ-opioid receptor-mediated dopamine increase in the posterior nucleus …
Hippocampal theta rhythm and drug-related reward-seeking behavior: an analysis of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
… optical isomers of 3, 4-methylenedioxy-methylamphetamine (‘Ecstasy’) and 3, 4-methylenedioxy-ethylamphetamine (‘Eve’) measured by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
NMDA or AMPA/kainate receptor blockade prevents acquisition of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by D2/3 dopamine receptor stimulation in rats
6-Hydroxydopamine lesions of the olfactory tubercle do not alter (+)-amphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Prenatal blockade of androgen receptors reduces the number of intromissions needed to induce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE after paced mating in female rats
A potent mu-opioid receptor agonist, dihydroetorphine, fails to produce the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril modifies CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine and morphine withdrawal signs in rats
… mGlu5 receptor antagonist 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl) pyridine (MPEP) supports intravenous self-administration and induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
The effect of paragigantocellularis lateralis lesion on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) in presence or absence of a 2 adrenergic agonist (clonidine) in …
Ibogaine attenuates morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
A five‐minute, but not a fifteen‐minute, conditioning trial duration induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine administration into the olfactory tubercle
Interactions between morphine and the morphine-glucuronides measured by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity
Calmodulin inhibitor trifluoperazine attenuates the development and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
A comparison of the self-stimulation reaction and of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with fenamine administration in rats
Progesterone does not affect cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE or locomotor activity in male rats
Effect of adolescent exposure to WIN 55212-2 on the acquisition and reinstatement of MDMA-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Different time schedules affect CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE after morphine and morphine-6-glucuronide administration
Blockade of mu-opioid receptors in the medial thalamus inhibits acquisition, but not expression, of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Prenatal oxazepam effects on cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in developing mice
Different roles of μ-, δ-and κ-opioid receptors in ethanol-associated PLACE PREFERENCE in rats exposed to CONDITIONED fear stress
Inhibition of the cyclooxygenase pathway attenuates morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Influence of l-tetrahydropalmatine on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Inhibitory effects of paeonol on morphine-induced locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Effects of urokinase-type plasminogen activator in the acquisition, expression and reinstatement of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED–PLACE PREFERENCE
The effects of infusions of CART 55–102 into the basolateral amygdala on amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
CONDITIONED taste aversion and PLACE PREFERENCE with buspirone and gepirone
Acamprosate does not induce a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and reveals no state-dependent effects in this paradigm
Interferon-alpha reinstates morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE through opioid receptors in rats
Diazepam modifies the effect of pedunculopontine lesions on morphine but not on amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Synthetic double-stranded RNA polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid augments morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Assessment of the rewarding effects of dimenhydrinate using the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm in mice
Interactions between intra-perifornical region sulpiride and intra-ventral tegmental area AP5 on measures of locomotor activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
PREFERENCE and aversion for brain stimulations estimated by the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor nimesulide induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The role of NR2B containing NMDA receptor in PLACE PREFERENCE CONDITIONED with morphine and natural reinforcers in rats
Accumbal FosB/ΔFosB immunoreactivity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in alcohol-preferring AA rats and alcohol-avoiding ANA rats treated repeatedly with …
Usefulness of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) paradigm and its practical application
The method of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in pharmaco-dependence research
Effect of Ro 15-4513 on ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Tiospirone and the reinforcing effects of cocaine in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm in rats
Enhanced tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylation in the nucleus accumbens and nucleus tractus solitarius-A2 cell group after morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of the Crocus sativus L. extract on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in female mice
The effects of concurrent administration of (±) 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and cocaine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the adult male rat
Involvement of glucose and ATP-sensitive potassium (K+) channels on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effect of glycine site/NMDA receptor antagonist MRZ2/576 on the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity induced by morphine in mice
Nicotine-CONDITIONED single-trial PLACE PREFERENCE: selective role of nucleus accumbens shell dopamine D1 receptors in acquisition
Morphine-CONDITIONED single-trial PLACE PREFERENCE: role of nucleus accumbens shell dopamine receptors in acquisition, but not expression
Blockade of cue-and drug-induced reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with intermittent sucrose intake
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE/aversion to fenfluramine in fawn hooded and Sprague-Dawlet rats
Anti-craving drugs acamprosate and naloxone do not reduce expression of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in isolated and group-housed rats
Sex differences in luteinizing hormone releasing hormone‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
Effects of amphetamine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotion in the male green tree frog, Hyla cinerea
… STUDY: Pentylenetetrazole‐induced status epilepticus following training does not impair expression of morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED locomotion and PLACE PREFERENCE elicited by tactile cues paired exclusively with morphine in an open field
TECHNICAL NOTES ON CPP: Amygdala cannulation alters expression of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotion in rats
Amphetamine-induced PLACE PREFERENCE and CONDITIONED motor sensitization requires activation of tyrosine kinase receptors in the hippocampus
Effects of memantine, an NMDA receptor antagonist, on PLACE PREFERENCE CONDITIONED with drug and nondrug reinforcers in mice
Bee venom suppresses methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Parametric analysis of sojourn times in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE experiments
Effects of clobenpropit and histidine on reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Involvement of μ‐Opioid Receptor in the Salsolinol‐Associated PLACE PREFERENCE in Rats Exposed to CONDITIONED Fear Stress
Expression of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in apomorphine susceptible and unsusceptible rats
A pharmacological and neuroanatomical investigation of the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produced by amphetamine
Chronic haloperidol enhances cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Mild postnatal manipulation reduces proenkephalin mRNA in the striatum in developing mice and increases morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adulthood
Brief exposures to theta-burst magnetic fields impair the consolidation of food-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Study of the effects of alcohlic extract of Crocus sativus on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Restrained rats learn amphetamine-CONDITIONED locomotion, but not PLACE PREFERENCE
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate does not maintain self-administration but induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE when injected in the ventral tegmental area
Inhibitory Effects of (-)-Epigallocatechin gallate on Morphine-Induced Locomotor Sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice
Rewarding property of nicotine and methamphetamine tested by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats: effect of chronic nicotine pretreatment
… the levels of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol in the striatum and nucleus accumbens and attenuates methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
… gaba-b receptors of the shell part of nucleus accumbens in the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in morphine-sensitized …
Evaluation of the rewarding effects of drugs by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) paradigm: properties of volatile organic solvents and uncontrolled newly-abused …
Involvement of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in the ethanol-associated PLACE PREFERENCE in rats exposed to CONDITIONED fear stress
… of intra-nucleus accumbens shell injections of alcohlic extract of Crocus sativus on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
The action of histamine and dopamine neuron in the experiment of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of Y-IP5 on morphine-induced behaviorals ensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The Effect of Concurrent Injection of Amantadine and Paroxetine on Positive Reinforcing Effect of Morphine in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) Model in Mice.
The effects of microinjections of the protein kinase inhibitor Rp-cAMPS into the nucleus accumbens of rats: A CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE study.
Irregular morphine administration affects the retention but not acquisition of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
CONDITIONED taste aversion and PLACE PREFERENCE induced by the calcium channel antagonist nimodipine in rats
Prior exposure to stress delays extinction but does not modify reinstatement of nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Female hormonal influences on stress-and drug-induced reinstatement of extinguished amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Electroacupuncture suppresses morphine–induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) in rats
… oil of Cuminum cyminum L. reduced the acquisition but not expression of ineffective dose of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in morphine-sensitized …
Establishment of computer-based video-tracking CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE experiment system in mice
Enhancement of CONDITIONED PREFERENCE for a PLACE paired with amphetamine produced by blocking the association between PLACE and amphetamine-induced …
Mice exhibit enhanced macronutrient-specific CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE under hypocaloric conditions.
The reinforcing properties of psychostimulating preparations on models of CONDITIONED-reflex PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The effects of quinine and 4-aminopyridine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and changes in motor activity induced by morphine in rats
Neural mechanisms underlying a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine
Roles of 5-HT3 and opioid receptors in the ethanol-induced PLACE PREFERENCE in rats exposed to CONDITIONED fear stress
The role of dopamine D3 receptor in the amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Effects of Orexin-A Microinjections in the Lateral Hypothalamus on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Rats
Effects of Papaver rhoeas L. extract on the expression and development of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Analysis of the reconsolidation phenomenon in a morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The effects of two different routes of naltrexone administration on amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The effects of lobeline on methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and dopaminergic alterations in the nucleus accumbens shell
Amphetamine and morphine produce a CONDITIONED taste and PLACE PREFERENCE in the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus).
A Role for-Adrenergic Receptors in Extinction of CONDITIONED Fear and Cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Acquisition and extinction of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE behavior
Patterns of brain activation associated with CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: An Approach to Evaluating Positive and Negative Drug-Induced Stimuli
Methodological study of nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effects of alpha-Ethyltryptamine (Monase) on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Male Sprague-Dawley and Long-Evans Rats
Nucleus accumbens encoding of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The effect of intraaccumbal injection of L-arginine and L-NAME on induction and removal of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rat
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and spatial memory: contributions towards thalamus and memory
Effect of development of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE on behavioral sensitization induced by morphine in mice
Buprenorphine: A dose-response study of expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Involvement of brain catalase activity in the acquisition of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
A comparative study on the effect of L-arginine and morphine in induction of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rat
The Role of Mu-and Kappa-Opioid Receptors in Cocaine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Yohimbine impairs extinction of cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in an 2-adrenergic receptor independent process
The role of nitric oxide in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine in male mice
Investigation of the neuropharmacological mechanisms of barbiturate reinforcement using the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
The Role of Dopamine D3 Receptor in the Amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice
Comparison Of Affective Analgesia And CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Following Cholinergic Activation Of
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to Acetone Inhalation and the Effects on Locomotor Behavior and 18FDG Uptake
Effects of papaver rhoeas L. extract on the expression and development of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The effect of clozapine on the expression of an amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The ability of acute corticosterone to facilitate morphine-induced CONDITIONED locomotion activity can be dissociated from its effects on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The role of amygdala group I mGluRs in synaptic plasticity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rodents
Somatosensory Cortices Are Required for the Acquisition of Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE. PLoS ONE4 (11): e7742
Glycyl-glutamine inhibits nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and withdrawal
Positive and Negative Regulators of Nucleus Accumbens Amphetamine-produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Rats
Reinforcing and stimulus-cue properties of magnesium and cocaine investigated through the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm.
Persistence of the Ability of Methamphetamine Preexposure to Induce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in SHR and Wistar Rats
Memory consolidation for a morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE blocked by protein synthesis inhibition
The involvement of matrix metalloproteinases in nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent female rats
Differential effects of morphine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity in adult and adolescent rats
Cross-reinstatement of nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Role of Gabaa Receptors of CA1 Regions of Hippocamp in The Acquisition and-Expression of Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Different Psychological States Sustain Drug-Induced Reactivation of Cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the Mouse
Effects of reversible inactivation of the ventral tegmental area on the acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
Developmental exposure of rats to a reconstituted mixture of PCBs: Effects on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, sweet PREFERENCE behavior, and sex steroid levels
Involvement Of μ‐Opioid Receptors Of Ventral pallidum In Morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of progesterone on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and levels of?-receptor in hippocampus and striatum
The effects of nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in D 2 primed adolescent rats: Age-related and gender effects
Interaction of Muscarinic Receptors of Dorsal Hippocampus on Learning CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Induced by Morphine in Wistar Rats
The Role of Muscarinic Receptors in Ventral Tegmental Area in The Acquisition of Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice
Role of Specific Synaptic Plasticity Interfering Peptides in the Expression of Morphine Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice
Intra-accumbens neuropeptide Y produces a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE that is blocked by a dopamine antagonist in the rat.
Oxytocin mediates the inhibition of lithium on the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine in rats
Effect of penehyclidine hydrochloride on the reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in morphine dependent rats
Inhibitory Effects of Coptis Japonica on Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice
Olanzapine antagonizes the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male and female mice
[Dopamine D2 receptor and transportor [corrected] in the medial prefrontal contex of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Sprague-Dawley rats].
Low and high locomotor responsiveness to cocaine predicts intravenous cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male…
In hibitory Effects of Paeonol on Morphine-Induced Reverse Tolerance and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice
Effects of repeatedly administered morphine on locomotor activity, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and extracellular dopamine in GDNF+/-knockout mice
Tuberomammillary nucleus lidocaine injections are not rewarding in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm but are anxiolytic in the elevated plus maze.
Glycyl-glutamine, an endogenous beta-endorphin-derived peptide, inhibits morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal
Locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for amphetamine in late adolescent and adult male and female rats
Increase in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and Feeding After Mu-opioid Activation in the Bed Nucleas of the Stria Terminalis
Inhibitory Effects of (-)-Epigallocatechin gallate on Morphine-Induced Locomotor Sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice
Neural mechanisms of acquisition and extinction of an amphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: Role of prefrontal cortex and amygdala
Effects of L-Tetrahydropalmatine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and Locomotor Sensitization Induced by Methamphetamine
P03-221-Somatosensory cortices are required for the acquisition but not retention of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
[< The> effect of concurrent injection of amantadine and paroxetine on positive reinforcing effect of morphine in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE [CPP] model in mice]
Androsterone has rewarding and aversive prosperities and alters the rewarding effect of cocaine in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE procedure (CPP)
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to and Self-administration of Stimulant ADHD therapeutics in Spontaneously Hypertensive rats (SHR)
Effects of progesterone on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and levels of endogenous opioid peptides in hypothalamus of rat brain
Effects of Ginseng Total Saponin on Morphine Induced Hyperactivity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice
Basolateral amygdala lesions retard extinction of cocaine-seeking behavior and cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Nicotinic and muscarinic receptors in the rat dorsal hippocampus mediate the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by ethanol
Blockade by naloxone of cocaine-induced hyperactivity, reverse tolerance and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Changes of ERK1 and ERK2 phosphorylation in hippocampus during morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mouse brain
80 Hz electrical stimulus to nucleus accumbens influencing the formation of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine in rats
Effect of preweanling methylphenidate exposure on the induction, extinction and reinstatement of morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Dopamine-induced synaptic plasticity in the amygdala in saline-and cocaine-treated animals undergoing CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… of Nitric Oxide within the Ventral Tegmental Area on the Acquisition and Expression of Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Morphine-Sensitized Rats
Ethanol Self-Administration and CONDITIONED–PLACE PREFERENCE are Altered in Desensitization-resistant Cannabinoid 1 Receptor (CB1) Mutant Mice
… of the behavioral effects of the potent 5-HT (2A) receptor antagonist, amperozide: Use of the tether, free moving, and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigms
Erratum:(Delta) 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and intracerebroventricular self-administration in rats (European Journal of …
Testing the effectiveness of anti-craving drugs acamprosate and naloxone on expression of morphine or cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by applying a …
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity in response to methylphenidate, amphetamine and cocaine in mice lacking dopamine D4 receptors
Effects of scopolamine on expression of p-CREB and c-Fos in amygdala nucleus in rats with recurrence of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine
Effects of MDL-72222 on cocaine-and morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in preweanling rats
Does HIV-1 Affect Sensitivity to Addictive drugs? Methamphetamine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in HIV-1 Transgenic Rats
Modulation of GABAA Receptors Mediates the Effect of MDL72222, the 5-HT3 Antagonist, on Methamphetamine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Inhibitory effects of (-) epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate on morphine induced reverse tolerance and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Strain differences in the acquisition of nicotine-induced CONDITIONED taste aversion and PLACE PREFERENCE
The effects of concurrent administration of (±) 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and cocaine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the…
PLACE PREFERENCE CONDITIONED during adolescence persists into adulthood and is preventable by immunization against nicotine
CONDITIONED and unCONDITIONED effects of morphine: A comparison of PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity in preweanling and adult rats.
Parameters Influencing the Acquisition and Expression of a CONDITIONED–PLACE and CONDITIONED-cue PREFERENCE
Using CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to identify relapse prevention medications
Drug-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and its practical use in substance use disorder research
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for social interaction in rats: contribution of sensory components
Reversal of cocaine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and mesocorticolimbic Zif268 expression by social interaction in rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE reveals tonic pain in an animal model of central pain
Stress and opioids: role of opioids in modulating stress-related behavior and effect of stress on morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Activation of astrocytic μ-opioid receptor causes CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Gut microbiota analysis in rats with methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Zebrafish and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: a translational model of drug reward
Cocaine-induced structural plasticity in frontal cortex correlates with CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The utility of the zebrafish model in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to assess the rewarding effects of drugs
Concurrent choice for social interaction and amphetamine using CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats: effects of age and housing condition
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE reveals ongoing pain in calves 3 weeks after disbudding
Limited physical contact through a mesh barrier is sufficient for social reward-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent male rats
Mephedrone (‘bath salt’) elicits CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and dopamine-sensitive motor activation
Use of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE/avoidance tests to assess affective states in fish
Behavioral and molecular analysis of nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in zebrafish
Brain regions associated with the acquisition of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine vs. social interaction
Persistent CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to aggression experience in adult male sexually‐experienced CD‐1 mice
Stress-induced activation of the dynorphin/κ-opioid receptor system in the amygdala potentiates nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Reversal of cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE through methyl supplementation in mice: altering global DNA methylation in the prefrontal cortex
Removal of perineuronal nets in the medial prefrontal cortex impairs the acquisition and reconsolidation of a cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE memory
Ghrelin receptor antagonism attenuates nicotine-induced locomotor stimulation, accumbal dopamine release and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
A ventral CA1 to nucleus accumbens core engram circuit mediates CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine
Ghrelin knockout mice show decreased voluntary alcohol consumption and reduced ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Sex differences in cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in C57BL/6J mice
Assessing the value of the zebrafish CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE model for predicting human abuse potential
The CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test for assessing welfare consequences and potential refinements in a mouse bladder cancer model
Cannabidiol efficiently suppressed the acquisition and expression of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
Brain regions associated with the reversal of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by environmental enrichment
Oxycodone-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and sensitization of locomotor activity in adolescent and adult mice
Effects of cannabidiol on morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Opioid receptors mediate the acquisition, but not the expression of mitragynine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Environmental enrichment enhances CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to ethanol via an oxytocinergic-dependent mechanism in male mice
Effects of ifenprodil on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and spatial learning and memory in rats
Adolescent social defeat increases adult amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and alters D2 dopamine receptor expression
Methoxetamine, a ketamine derivative, produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and was self-administered by rats: Evidence of its abuse potential
The cannabinoid CB2 receptor is necessary for nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, but not other behavioral effects of nicotine in mice
A CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE protocol for measuring incubation of craving in rats
Reinstatement of drug-seeking in mice using the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Long-term effects of repeated social stress on the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by MDMA in mice
Effects of Yuanhu-Zhitong tablets on alcohol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Inactivation of the paraventricular thalamus abolishes the expression of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Social influences on morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent mice
Cannabidiol prevents priming-and stress-induced reinstatement of the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by cocaine in mice
Infralimbic BDNF/TrkB enhancement of GluN2B currents facilitates extinction of a cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Involvement of the orexin/hypocretin system in ethanol CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
αCaMKII autophosphorylation controls the establishment of alcohol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Lesions of orexin neurons block CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for sexual behavior in male rats
Long-term effects of neonatal stress on adult CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) and hippocampal neurogenesis
Oxytocin directly administered into the nucleus accumbens core or subthalamic nucleus attenuates methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of acute stress on acquisition of nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent rats: a role for corticotropin-releasing factor 1 receptors
Cannabidiol enhanced the development of sensitization to the expression of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats
Changes in microRNA expression profile in hippocampus during the acquisition and extinction of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
… of p38 signaling in the microglia in the nucleus accumbens contributes to the acquisition and maintenance of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and aversion for music in a virtual reality environment
The effect of phosphodiesterase inhibitors on the extinction of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Chemical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats: involvement of OX1 and CB1 receptors in the ventral tegmental area
Wheel running can accelerate or delay extinction of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine in male C57BL/6J mice, depending on timing of wheel access
Monosodium glutamate-associated alterations in open field, anxiety-related and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE behaviours in mice
… modulation of BDNF expression using micro RNA 124a‐expressing lentiviral vectors impairs ethanol‐induced CONDITIONED‐PLACE PREFERENCE and voluntary alcohol …
High impulsivity in rats predicts amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Genetic relationship between ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and other ethanol phenotypes in 15 inbred mouse strains.
Behavioral traits associated with resilience to the effects of repeated social defeat on cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Baclofen blocks the acquisition and expression of mitragynine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Differential effects of accumbens core vs. shell lesions in a rat concurrent CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm for cocaine vs. social interaction
Ketamine blocks morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and anxiety-like behaviors in mice
… profiling of urine and blood plasma in rat models of drug addiction on the basis of morphine, methamphetamine, and cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Cannabidiol attenuates methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE via the Sigma1R/AKT/GSK-3β/CREB signaling pathway in rats
Modafinil‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE via dopaminergic system in mice
… or granular insular cortex on the acquisition of the morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and naloxone-precipitated CONDITIONED PLACE aversion in rats
Effects of the kappa opioid receptor antagonist, norbinaltorphimine, on stress and drug-induced reinstatement of nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The role of group I mGlu receptors in the expression of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and ethanol withdrawal seizures in rats
Food restriction increases acquisition, persistence and drug prime-induced expression of a cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Role of leptin in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to high-fat diet in leptin-deficient ob/ob mice
The extracellular matrix protein brevican limits time-dependent enhancement of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and self-administration induced by nicotine in adolescent and adult rats
Oxytocin enhances the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The role of dopaminergic signaling in the medial prefrontal cortex for the expression of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Metabotropic glutamate receptor I (mGluR1) antagonism impairs cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE via inhibition of protein synthesis
Effects of dopamine receptor antagonists on the acquisition of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The mGluR5 antagonist fenobam induces analgesic CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice with spared nerve injury
Crucial role of dopamine D2 receptor signaling in nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and aversion differentially alter plasticity in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis
… of MiR-124, Let-7d, and MiR-181a in the accumbens affects the expression, extinction, and reinstatement of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Calcium‐permeable AMPA receptors and silent synapses in cocaine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Cannabidiol attenuated the maintenance and reinstatement of extinguished methylphenidate-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Behavioral and biochemical impact of chronic unpredictable mild stress on the acquisition of nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Involvement of nucleus accumbens dopamine D1 receptors in ethanol drinking, ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, and ethanol-induced psychomotor …
Social influences on morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent BALB/cJ and C57BL/6J mice
Persistent hyperalgesia in the cisplatin-treated mouse as defined by threshold measures, the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm and changes in dorsal …
The effects of 4-methylethcathinone on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, locomotor sensitization, and anxiety-like behavior: a comparison with methamphetamine
Pharmacological reduction of adult hippocampal neurogenesis modifies functional brain circuits in mice exposed to a cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Range use is related to free-range broiler chickens’ behavioral responses during food and social CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE tests
The histone deacetylase inhibitor sodium butyrate modulates acquisition and extinction of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE or aversion as animal welfare assessment tools: Limitations in their application
Cannabidiol modulates the METH-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE through D2-like dopamine receptors in the hippocampal CA1 region
Baclofen facilitates the extinction of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats.
Effects of a Rhodiola rosea L. extract on the acquisition, expression, extinction, and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Role of intra-accumbal orexin receptors in the acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rats
Involvement of the dorsal hippocampus in expression and extinction of cocaine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Mutant DISC1 affects methamphetamine-induced sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: a comorbidity model
Role of orexinergic receptors in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effect of rat parental morphine exposure on passive avoidance memory and morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male offspring
Gut dysbiosis associated with the rats’ responses in methamphetamine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Sex differences in the rat hippocampal opioid system after oxycodone CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Absence of social CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in BTBR T+ tf/J mice: relevance for social motivation testing in rodent models of autism
Cannabinoid exposure in adolescent female rats induces transgenerational effects on morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male offspring
The differential effects of OX1R and OX2R selective antagonists on morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in naive versus morphine-dependent mice
Effects of sex on ethanol CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, activity and variability in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice
Acquisition, expression, and reinstatement of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice: effects of exposure to stress and modulation by mecamylamine
Acquisition of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE increases the dendritic complexity of nucleus accumbens core neurons
Sex differences in neuroplasticity-and stress-related gene expression and protein levels in the rat hippocampus following oxycodone CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Role of the dopaminergic system in the acquisition, expression and reinstatement of MDMA-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent mice
High fat diet intake during pre and periadolescence impairs learning of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adulthood
Ghrelin receptor antagonism of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and behavioral and accumbens dopaminergic sensitization in rats
Dyadic social interaction inhibits cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and the associated activation of the accumbens corridor
Role of orexin receptors in the ventral tegmental area on acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rats
… of CREB, ERK, and c-fos induction in rat ventral tegmental area, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex after CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by chemical …
Induction of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and dopamine release by salsolinol in posterior VTA of rats: involvement of μ-opioid receptors
Parvalbumin interneurons of the mouse nucleus accumbens are required for amphetamine-induced locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Differential roles of intra-accumbal orexin receptors in acquisition and expression of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rats
The effect of gabapentin and ketorolac on allodynia and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in antibody‐induced inflammation
Inhibition of phosphodiesterase10A attenuates morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… of GABAB receptor positive allosteric modulators inhibit the expression of previously established methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Post-retrieval extinction training enhances or hinders the extinction of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats dependent on the retrieval-extinction …
Ghrelin receptor antagonism of fentanyl‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, intravenous self‐administration, and dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens in …
Preventive role of social interaction for cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: correlation with FosB/DeltaFosB and pCREB expression in rat …
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE following concurrent treatment with 3, 4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) and methamphetamine in male and female Sprague …
Chronic risperidone administration leads to greater amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The roles of cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors in cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Acute estradiol treatment affects the expression of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in ovariectomized female rats
Impaired Acquisition of Nicotine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 3 Null Mice
Changes in the levels of p-ERK, p-CREB, and c-fos in rat mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system after morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: the role of …
Linalool attenuates acquisition and reinstatement and accelerates the extinction of nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male mice
TRPV1 modulates morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE via p38 MAPK in the nucleus accumbens
Role of perineuronal nets in the anterior dorsal lateral hypothalamic area in the acquisition of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and self-administration
Withania somnifera prevents acquisition and expression of morphine-elicited CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Early methylphenidate exposure enhances cocaine self-administration but not cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in young adult rats
Environmental enrichment blocks reinstatement of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Increased adult hippocampal neurogenesis is not necessary for wheel running to abolish CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine in mice
Role of single prolonged stress in acquisition of alcohol CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
… D1-Like Dopamine Receptors in the Inhibitory Effect of Cannabidiol on Acquisition and Expression of Methamphetamine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Ethanol‐induced locomotor activity in adolescent rats and the relationship with ethanol‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and CONDITIONED taste aversion
β-adrenergic receptor mediation of stress-induced reinstatement of extinguished cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice: roles for β1 and β2 …
Intrahippocampal administration of D2 but not D1 dopamine receptor antagonist suppresses the expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine in …
Role of intra-accumbal cannabinoid CB1 receptors in the potentiation, acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of maternal separation on nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and subsequent learning and memory in adolescent female rats
Critical evaluation of the use of extinction paradigms for the assessment of opioid-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Dopamine D3 receptor deletion or blockade attenuates cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Naltrexone attenuates methamphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
… receptor antagonist almorexant, alone and in combination with morphine, cocaine and amphetamine, on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor sensitization in …
Activation of TLR4/STAT3 signaling in VTA contributes to the acquisition and maintenance of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Vasopressin in the lateral septum decreases CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to amphetamine and nucleus accumbens dopamine release
Variability in nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and stress‐induced reinstatement in mice: effects of sex, initial chamber PREFERENCE, and guanfacine
Diverging frequency-modulated 50-kHz vocalization, locomotor activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE effects in rats given repeated amphetamine treatment
The longitudinal effects of early developmental cadmium exposure on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and cardiovascular physiology in zebrafish
α2A-adrenergic heteroreceptors are required for stress-induced reinstatement of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Ayahuasca and its DMT-and β-carbolines–containing ingredients block the expression of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice: Role of the …
Electroacupuncture prevents cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE reinstatement and attenuates ΔFosB and GluR2 expression
Mitragynine reduced morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and withdrawal in rodents
Inhibitory effects of Shati/Nat8l overexpression in the medial prefrontal cortex on methamphetamine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Ghrelin receptor antagonism of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and intravenous self-administration in rats
CONDITIONED taste avoidance, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and hyperthermia induced by the second generation ‘bath salt’α-pyrrolidinopentiophenone (α-PVP)
Rhodiola rosea impairs acquisition and expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by cocaine
Involvement of NMDA glutamate receptors in the acquisition and reinstatement of the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by MDMA
Involvement of tissue plasminogen activator “tPA” in ethanol-induced locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED–PLACE PREFERENCE
Chronic forced exercise inhibits stress-induced reinstatement of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Opposite regulation of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and intravenous drug self-administration in rodent models: motivational and non-motivational examples
Inhibition of vesicular glutamate transporters contributes to attenuate methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effects of acute social stress on the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by MDMA in adolescent and adult mice
Nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent rats
Sigma1 receptor antagonist BD1047 enhances reversal of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE from cocaine to social interaction
Effects of varenicline on ethanol‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, locomotor stimulation, and sensitization
Gabapentin blocks methamphetamine-induced sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE via inhibition of α2/δ-1 subunits of the voltage-gated calcium channels
Memantine abolishes the formation of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE possibly via its IL-6-modulating effect in medial prefrontal cortex
Spectral power and theta-gamma coupling in the basolateral amygdala related with methamphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Voluntary wheel running produces resistance to inescapable stress-induced potentiation of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Evidence for CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to a moderate dose of ethanol in adult male Sprague–Dawley rats
Changes of protein expression profiles in the amygdala during the process of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
… -like dopamine receptors in the CA1 region of the hippocampus are involved in the acquisition and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effect of rhynchophylline on the expression of p-CREB and sc-Fos in triatum and hippocampal CA1 area of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Attenuation of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and motor activity via cannabinoid CB2 receptor agonism and CB1 receptor antagonism in rats
Repeated mirtazapine nullifies the maintenance of previously established methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effects of time of feeding on psychostimulant reward, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, metabolic hormone levels, and nucleus accumbens biochemical measures in food …
A selective D3 receptor antagonist YQA14 attenuates methamphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Hindbrain orexin 1 receptors influence palatable food intake, operant responding for food, and food-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Serotonin (2C) receptor regulation of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor sensitization
Evaluation of the rewarding properties of nicotine and caffeine by implementation of a five-choice CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE task in zebrafish
Preliminary evidence from planarians that cotinine establishes a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… mediated knockdown of mGluR7 in the nucleus accumbens mediates excessive alcohol drinking and increased ethanol-elicited CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
α-Conotoxin TxIB: a uniquely selective ligand for α6/α3β2β3 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor attenuates nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Effects of cocaine combined with a social cue on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and nucleus accumbens monoamines after isolation rearing in rats
The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor paroxetine, but not fluvoxamine, decreases methamphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and spontaneous dorsal horn neuron activity in chronic constriction injury model in rats
Orexin A in the ventral tegmental area induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in a dose-dependent manner: involvement of D1/D2 receptors in the nucleus accumbens
… , non‐aversive buprenorphine/naltrexone combination attenuates drug‐primed reinstatement to cocaine and morphine in rats in a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Sleep deprivation enhances cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in an orexin receptor-modulated manner
The personality trait of intolerance to uncertainty affects behavior in a novel computer-based CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE task
Microinjection of ghrelin into the ventral tegmental area potentiates cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Post-retrieval propranolol treatment does not modulate reconsolidation or extinction of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Region and context-specific intracellular responses associated with cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE expression
Orexin a‐mediated AKT signaling in the dentate gyrus contributes to the acquisition, expression and reinstatement of morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The kisspeptin derivative kissorphin reduces the acquisition, expression, and reinstatement of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Microinjections of a dopamine D1 receptor antagonist into the ventral tegmental area block the expression of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
… of alpha7 nicotinic receptors in the ventral hippocampus selectively attenuates reinstatement of morphine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and associated changes in …
Reversal of oxycodone CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by oxytocin: promoting global DNA methylation in the hippocampus
Effect of baclofen on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, extinction, and stress-induced reinstatement in chronically stressed mice
Spontaneous chronic pain after experimental thoracotomy revealed by CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: morphine differentiates tactile evoked pain from spontaneous …
Modulation of stress-and cocaine prime-induced reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE after memory extinction through dopamine D3 receptor
… treatment during abstinence inhibited context-or restraint stress-induced reinstatement of methamphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and promoted adult …
Transient inactivation of the nucleus accumbens reduces both the expression and acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The varied uses of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in behavioral neuroscience research: an investigation of alcohol administration in model organisms
Mephedrone, methylone and 3, 4‐methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) induce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
A role for matrix metalloproteinases in nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and relapse in adolescent female rats
Differential roles of orexin receptors within the dentate gyrus in stress-and drug priming-induced reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats.
Orexin receptors within the nucleus accumbens shell mediate the stress but not drug priming-induced reinstatement of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Mating and social exposure induces an opioid-dependent CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male but not in female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster)
Mice lacking the galanin gene show decreased sensitivity to nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Forced swim stress but not exogenous corticosterone could induce the reinstatement of extinguished morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats: involvement of …
Effects of crocin on the acquisition and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Assessment of cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Effect of amygdaloid complex inhibition on nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Role of the treatment environment in the effects of aripiprazole on ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in female mice
Effect of caffeine on alcohol consumption and alcohol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rodents
Aripiprazole and topiramate, alone or in combination, block the expression of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Effects of prenatal immune activation and peri-adolescent stress on amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
Effect of rhynchophylline on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE on expression of NR2B in methamphetamine-dependent mice
Effects of D-cycloserine on extinction and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Approach and Avoidance Beyond Verbal Measures: A Quantitative Meta-Analysis of Human CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Studies
The novel dopamine D3 receptor antagonist, SR 21502, reduces cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The effect of protein phosphatase 2A inhibitor LB100 on regulating methamphetamine induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
CC-chemokine ligand 2 facilitates CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to methamphetamine through the activation of dopamine systems
A limited and intermittent access to a high-fat diet modulates the effects of cocaine-induced reinstatement in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male and female mice
Alcohol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is modulated by CB2 cannabinoid receptors and modifies levels of endocannabinoids in the mesocorticolimbic system
The cytisine derivatives, CC4 and CC26, reduce nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in zebrafish by acting on heteromeric neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine …
Methylation in Syn and Psd95 genes underlie the inhibitory effect of oxytocin on oxycodone-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effect of morphine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rhesus monkeys
Oral methylphenidate establishes a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Chronic psychosocial stress causes delayed extinction and exacerbates reinstatement of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Context-dependent effects of a single administration of mirtazapine on the expression of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Social factors in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with morphine in mice
Factors affecting ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor sensitization in mice
Repeated exposure to cocaine during adolescence enhances the rewarding threshold for cocaine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adulthood
The role of intraamygdaloid neurotensin and dopamine interaction in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Inhibition of RPTPβ/ζ blocks ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in pleiotrophin knockout mice
Increased cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE during periadolescence in maternally separated male BALB/c mice: the role of cortical BDNF, microRNA-212 …
Social CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the captive ground squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus): Social reward as a natural phenotype.
Inhibition of monoacylglycerol lipase reduces nicotine reward in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test in male mice
Blockage of acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats due to activation of glutamate receptors type II/III in nucleus …
The effect of early environmental manipulation on locomotor sensitivity and methamphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE reward
A CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for heroin is signaled by increased dopamine and direct pathway activity and decreased indirect pathway activity in the nucleus …
Effect of co-injection of arachydonilcyclopropylamide and ethanol on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by electrical stimulation of the insular cortex: effects of naloxone
Loss of CELF6 RNA binding protein impairs cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and contextual fear conditioning
Levo-tetrahydropalmatine inhibits the acquisition of ketamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by regulating the expression of ERK and CREB phosphorylation …
Adolescent oxycodone self administration alters subsequent oxycodone-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and anti-nociceptive effect in C57BL/6J mice in …
… neuromedin U (NMU) attenuates amphetamine-induced locomotor stimulation, accumbal dopamine release and expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Persistent CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to cocaine and withdrawal hypo-locomotion to mephedrone in the flatworm planaria
Facilitated extinction of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with Tat-GluA23Y interference peptide
… of the mGluR5 antagonist MTEP into the nucleus accumbens attenuates the acquisition but not expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effects of berberine on acquisition and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Effects of environmental enrichment upon ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and pre-frontal BDNF levels in adolescent and adult mice
Omega-3 decreases D1 and D2 receptors expression in the prefrontal cortex and prevents amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Virtual reality CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE using monetary reward
The effects of prenatal cocaine, post-weaning housing and sex on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent rats
Cocaine and caffeine effects on the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test: concomitant changes on early genes within the mouse prefrontal cortex and nucleus …
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE models of drug dependence and relapse to drug seeking: studies with nicotine and ethanol
Elevated BDNF mRNA expression in the medial prefrontal cortex after d-amphetamine reinstated CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Adolescent cannabinoid exposure modulates the vulnerability to cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and DNMT3a expression in the prefrontal cortex in …
Corticosterone potentiation of cocaine-induced reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice is mediated by blockade of the organic cation …
Interactions between modafinil and cocaine during the induction of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor sensitization in mice: implications for addiction
The histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor valproic acid reduces ethanol consumption and ethanol-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Chemogenetic excitation of accumbens-projecting infralimbic cortical neurons blocks toluene-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Lentiviral vector‐mediated dopamine d3 receptor modulation in the rat brain impairs alcohol intake and ethanol‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The potential role of PKA/CREB signaling pathway concerned with gastrodin administration on methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE rats and SH …
Enhanced cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and associated brain regional levels of BDNF, p-ERK1/2 and p-Ser845-GluA1 in food-restricted rats
The competitive NMDA receptor antagonist CPP disrupts cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, but spares behavioral sensitization
Effect of Chaihu-jia-Longgu-Muli decoction on withdrawal symptoms in rats with methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Dissociated modulation of CONDITIONED PLACE–PREFERENCE and mechanical hypersensitivity by a TRPA1 channel antagonist in peripheral neuropathy
Ethanol induces a dose-dependent CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and CONDITIONED PLACE aversion in Japanese quail.
Sodium butyrate modulates a methamphetamine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Tramadol induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats: interactions with morphine and buprenorphine
Role of medial prefrontal cortex Narp in the extinction of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of resveratrol on the acquisition and reinstatement of morphine‑induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
… CB1 receptors in the ventral tegmental area in the potentiation of morphine rewarding properties in acquisition but not expression in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Corydaline and l-tetrahydropalmatine attenuate morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and the changes in dopamine D2 and GluA1 AMPA receptor …
D-Serine in the nucleus accumbens region modulates behavioral sensitization and extinction of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CaMKII is activated in opioid induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, but αCaMKII Thr286 autophosphorylation is not necessary for its establishment
Blocking TRPV1 in nucleus accumbens inhibits persistent morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE expression in rats
Sulpiride, but not SCH23390, modifies cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and expression of tyrosine hydroxylase and elongation factor 1α in zebrafish
D-serine facilitates the effectiveness of extinction to reduce drug-primed reinstatement of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
NMDA receptors on dopaminoceptive neurons are essential for drug-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Phosphodiesterase 4 inhibition impairs cocaine-induced inhibitory synaptic plasticity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Lesions of cholinergic pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus neurons fail to affect cocaine or heroin self-administration or CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Gastrodia elata Bl attenuates cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and convulsion, but not behavioral sensitization in mice: importance of GABAA receptors
Methylphenidate self-administration and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in an animal model of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: the spontaneously hypertensive …
Ethanol pre‐exposure during adolescence or adulthood increases ethanol intake but ethanol‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is enhanced only when pre …
The use of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to determine broiler PREFERENCEs for quantitative or qualitative dietary restriction
Serum-and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase 1 activity in ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons regulates cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not cocaine self …
The dopamine D3 receptor antagonist YQA14 that inhibits the expression and drug-primed reactivation of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Nicotine enhances the expression of a sucrose or cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adult male rats
Exploring time-dependent changes in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for food reward and associated changes in the nucleus accumbens
Modulation of neuropeptide FF (NPFF) receptors influences the expression of amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and amphetamine withdrawal …
The activation of NMDA receptor–ERK pathway in the central amygdala is required for the expression of morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
JQ1 attenuates psychostimulant-but not opioid-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The selective dopamine D3 receptor antagonist, SR 21502, reduces cue-induced reinstatement of heroin seeking and heroin CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Blockade of Cannabinoid CB1 receptor attenuates the acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE along with a downregulation of ERK, CREB …
Agmatine attenuates methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Acute and chronic bupropion treatment does not prevent morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The role of CA3‐LS‐VTA loop in the formation of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by context‐associated reward memory for morphine
Dorsal hippocampal neural immune signaling regulates heroin-CONDITIONED immunomodulation but not heroin-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effect of transient inactivation of ventral tegmental area on the expression and acquisition of nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Wheel-running mitigates psychomotor sensitization initiation but not post-sensitization CONDITIONED activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by cocaine in …
Assessment of the abuse potential of MDMA in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm: role of CB1 receptors
Neural Circuits Associated with 5-HT1B Receptor Agonist Inhibition of Methamphetamine Seeking in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Model
The mixed-action delta/mu opioid agonist MMP-2200 does not produce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but does maintain drug self-administration in rats, and induces in …
The effect of dihydromyricetin, a natural flavonoid, on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and physical dependence in mice
Morphine and ethanol pretreatment effects on expression and extinction of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and aversion in mice
Morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice: Metabolomic profiling of brain tissue to find “molecular switch” of drug abuse by gas chromatography/mass …
D-cycloserine, sarcosine and D-serine diminish the expression of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Involvement of insular muscarinic cholinergic receptors in morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Functional interaction between morphine and central amygdala cannabinoid CB1 receptors in the acquisition and expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The selective metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 allosteric agonist AMN082 prevents reinstatement of extinguished ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
Acquisition and expression of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice is inhibited by naloxone
… glial condition medium in the nucleus accumbens extended extinction and intensified reinstatement of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Do prenatally methamphetamine-exposed adult male rats display general predisposition to drug abuse in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test?
Sexually dimorphic intracellular responses after cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE expression
Beta-2 adrenergic receptors mediate stress-evoked reinstatement of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and increases in CRF mRNA in the bed nucleus of …
Effects of swimming exercise on morphine-induced reward and behavioral sensitization in maternally-separated rat pups in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Ayahuasca blocks the reinstatement of methylphenidate-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice: behavioral and brain Fos expression evaluations
Reinstatement of methamphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in nicotine-sensitized rats
Inhibitory effects of processed Aconiti tuber on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Neonatal exposure to oestradiol increases dopaminergic transmission in nucleus accumbens and morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adult female …
Reduction of the morphine maintenance by blockade of the NMDA receptors during extinction period in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm of rats
… and chronic stress differentially alter phosphorylated mu and delta opioid receptor levels in the rat hippocampus following oxycodone CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Inhibition of anterior cingulate cortex excitatory neuronal activity induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in a mouse model of chronic inflammatory pain
Spermidine, a positive modulator of the NMDA receptor, facilitates extinction and prevents the reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
Involvement of AMPA/kainate glutamate receptor in the extinction and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: a behavioral and molecular …
Disrupting the Interaction of nNOS with CAPON Prevents the Reinstatement of Morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of synthetic cathinone naphyrone in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test–Evidence of its addictive potential
Adolescent nicotine or cigarette smoke exposure changes subsequent response to nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and self-administration
Different current intensities electrical stimulation of prelimbic cortex of mPFC produces different effects on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Region-specific expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor splice variants in morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
… cortex by escapable stress is necessary for protection against subsequent inescapable stress‐induced potentiation of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Assessment of rewarding and reinforcing properties of biperiden in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
… of D1-and D2-like dopamine receptors in the dentate gyrus in the acquisition, expression, and extinction of the morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Absence of methamphetamine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in weaver mutant mice
Acquisition and reconditioning of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice is blocked by the H2O2 scavenger alpha lipoic acid
… peptide 1 analogue Exendin-4 attenuates the nicotine-induced locomotor stimulation, accumbal dopamine release, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE as well as …
Effects of propofol on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats: involvement of nitrergic system
Adapting social CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for use in young children
Melatonin attenuates morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Wistar rats
The mGluR5 antagonist MPEP suppresses the expression and reinstatement, but not the acquisition, of the ethanol-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Neuroplasticity transcript profile of the ventral striatum in the extinction of opioid-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CREST in the nucleus accumbens core regulates cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, cocaine-seeking behavior, and synaptic plasticity
Agmatine attenuates nicotine induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice through modulation of neuropeptide Y system
The effect of quetiapine (Seroquel™) on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and elevated plus maze tests in rats when administered alone and in combination with (+) …
Influence of cholinesterase inhibitors, donepezil and rivastigmine on the acquisition, expression, and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Environmental enrichment decreases chronic psychosocial stress-impaired extinction and reinstatement of ethanol CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in C57BL/6 male …
Sex-dependent effects of early maternal deprivation on MDMA-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent rats: possible neurochemical correlates
Dorsal Raphe Nucleus Serotoninergic Neurons Mediate Morphine Rewarding Effect and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Ginger (zingiber officinale roscoe) prevents morphine-induced addictive behaviors in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test in rats
Morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and associated behavioural plasticity in HIV-1 transgenic rats
The role of the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus in methamphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity
The influence of a new derivate of kisspeptin-10–Kissorphin (KSO) on the rewarding effects of morphine in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) test in male rats
Comparing of the effects of hypericin and synthetic antidepressants on the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Sex differences in the development of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by intragastric alcohol administration in mice
Effects of the adenosinergic system on the expression and acquisition of sensitization to CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in morphine-CONDITIONED rats
D1-like antagonist blocks CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by ejaculation in male rats
Effects of dopamine D1-and D2-like receptors in the CA1 region of the hippocampus on expression and extinction of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Effects of biperiden (cholinergic muscarinic m1/m4 receptor antagonist) on ethanol CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
NMDA receptors in the basolateral amygdala mediate acquisition and extinction of an amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
… D2-like dopamine receptors within the dentate gyrus attenuates food deprivation stress-induced reinstatement of morphine-extinguished CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Sex differences in dopamine binding and modafinil CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Role of cytokine and neurotrophic factors in nicotine addiction in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
d‐Cycloserine enhanced extinction of cocaine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is attenuated in serotonin transporter knockout rats
Involvement of ventral tegmental area ionotropic glutamate receptors in the expression of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Extended paced mating tests induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE without affecting sexual arousal
Pre-treatment with high doses of cocaine decreases the reinforcing effects of cocaine in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Amphetamine locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent male and female rats neonatally treated with quinpirole
Vulnerability factors for mephedrone-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats—the impact of sex differences, social-conditioning and stress
Oxycodone injections not paired with CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE have little effect on the hippocampal opioid system in female and male rats
Geranylgeranylacetone blocks the reinstatement of morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Intake of dried bonito broth flavored with dextrin solution induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rhesus monkeys: Resistance to inactivation of insula and extinction
Morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and the alterations of p-ERK, p-CREB and c-fos levels in hypothalamus and hippocampus: The effects of physical …
Effects of compound 511 on BDNF-TrkB signaling in the mice ventral tegmental area in morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Corticotropin-releasing factor 1 receptor mediates the activity of the reward system evoked by morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Time-of-day effect on a food-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE task in monkeys
(-)-Stepholidine blocks expression, but not development, of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Inhibition of apomorphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats co-injected with buspirone: Relationship with serotonin and dopamine in the striatum
Cocaine-dependent acquisition of locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE requires d1 dopaminergic signaling through a cyclic amp, ncs-rapgef2 …
The effect of O-1602, an atypical cannabinoid, on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and physical dependence
Nucleus accumbens AMPA receptor involvement in cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE under different dietary conditions in rats
Reacquisition of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and its inhibition by previous social interaction preferentially affect D1-medium spiny neurons in the …
Biperiden (M1 antagonist) impairs the expression of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but potentiates the expression of cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization
Circular RNA expression profiling in the nucleus accumbens: Effects of electroacupuncture treatment on morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Context-dependent effects of rimonabant on ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in female mice
The novel non-imidazole histamine H3 receptor antagonist DL77 reduces voluntary alcohol intake and ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The association between risky decision making and cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is moderated by sex
Resveratrol fails to affect cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE behavior, but alleviates anxiety-like behaviors in cocaine withdrawn rats
Effects of combined nicotine and fluoxetine treatment on adult hippocampal neurogenesis and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Pregabalin induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat during the early, but not late, stage of neuropathic pain
Involvement of dopaminergic receptors of the rat nucleus accumbens in decreasing the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by lateral hypothalamus stimulation
Melatonin decreases cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization and cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
… protein (Arc/Arg3. 1) in the nucleus accumbens is critical for the acquisition, expression and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… the new enkephalin derivative, cyclo [Nε, Nβ-carbonyl-d-Lys2, Dap5] enkephalinamide (cUENK6), on reinstatement of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
The dopamine D3 receptor antagonist, SR 21502, facilitates extinction of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Novelty-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, sucrose PREFERENCE, and elevated plus maze behavior in adult rats after repeated exposure to methylphenidate during …
Conditioning of sexual proceptivity in female quail: Measures of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… and dopamine concentrations in the ventral tegmental area-nucleus accumbens projection during the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
MicroRNA-31-3p/RhoA signaling in the dorsal hippocampus modulates methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Effect of fendiline on the maintenance and expression of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Sprague–Dawley rats
… effects of forced swim stress and corticosterone on the acquisition but not expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: involvement of glucocorticoid …
Zebrafish CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE models of drug reinforcement and relapse to drug seeking
… and chronic stress alter the distribution of glutamate receptors within rat hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells following oxycodone CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Inhibition of naltrexone on relapse in methamphetamine self-administration and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Parameters for abolishing CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine from running and environmental enrichment in male C57BL/6J mice
Brain stress system response after morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is predicted by previous anxiety-like behavior and is related to an increased number of neurons in the basolateral amygdala
Increased CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine in high anxiety related behavior (HAB) mice is associated with an increased activation in the accumbens …
Cannabidiol Produces Distinct U-Shaped Dose-Response Effects on Cocaine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and Associated Recruitment of …
The influence of social stress on the reinforcing effect of ecstasy under the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm: the role played by age, dose and type of stress
Dopamine D1 receptor agonist treatment attenuates extinction of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE while increasing dendritic complexity in the nucleus …
Dyadic social interaction of C57BL/6 mice versus interaction with a toy mouse: CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE/aversion, substrain differences, and no …
Environmental enrichment attenuates morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor sensitization in maternally separated rat pups
Role of GABAA receptors in dorsal raphe nucleus in stress-induced reinstatement of morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Functional interaction between the orexin-1 and CB1 receptors within the nucleus accumbens in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by the lateral …
Effect of a 5-HT1D receptor agonist on the reinstatement phase of the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test and hippocampal long-term potentiation in methamphetamine …
Effect of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal aqueous root extract on reinstatement using CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and brain GABA and dopamine levels in alcohol …
Methamphetamine and social rewards interact to produce enhanced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male adolescent rats
Dopamine D1/D2 receptors do not mediate the expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by the aftereffect of wheel running
Rewarding and aversive doses of caffeine alter activity but not CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by ethanol in DBA/2J mice
Examining affective structure in chickens: valence, intensity, persistence and generalization measured using a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Test
Adaptive changes in local field potential oscillation associated with morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Alcohol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE negatively correlates with anxiety-like behavior in adolescent mice: inhibition by a neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist
Sexual experience blocks the ability of clitoral stimulation to induce a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
Effect of topiramate on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) in rats: role of ERK and CREB proteins in hippocampus and cerebral cortex
Nortriptyline enhances morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in neuropathic rats: role of the central noradrenergic system
Dexmedetomidine induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats: Involvement of opioid receptors
Nicotine induces a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Behavioral validation of a wireless low-power neurostimulation technology in a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE task
Epigenetic upregulation of CXCL12 expression contributes to the acquisition and maintenance of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Susceptibility to extinction and reinstatement of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE is related to differences in astrocyte cystine-glutamate antiporter content
Effects of combining tactile with visual and spatial cues in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Striatal RGS7 regulates depression-related behaviors and stress-induced reinstatement of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Food deprivation facilitates reinstatement of morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: Role of intra‐accumbal dopamine D2‐like receptors in associating …
The lack of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, but unaltered stimulatory and ataxic effects of alcohol in mGluR3-KO mice
Environmental enrichment reduces cocaine neurotoxicity during cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats
… mGluR2/3 agonist, LY379268, into the nucleus accumbens attenuates extinction latencies and the reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Impact of modulation of the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor on nicotine reward in the mouse CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test
Preventive strength of dyadic social interaction against reacquisition/reexpression of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Strain-dependent performance in nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
Methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in LG/J and SM/J mouse strains and an F45/F46 advanced intercross line
Absence of the GPR37/PAEL receptor impairs striatal Akt and ERK2 phosphorylation, ΔFosB expression, and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to amphetamine and …
Up-regulation of dopamine D1 receptor in the hippocampus after establishment of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by cocaine
Orexin signaling is necessary for hypoglycemia-induced prevention of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effect of lacosamide on ethanol induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and withdrawal associated behavior in mice: Possible contribution of hippocampal CRMP-2
NMDAR dependent intracellular responses associated with cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE behavior
The role of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in adolescent methylphenidate CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: sex differences and brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Interactive effects of methylphenidate and alcohol on discrimination, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and motor coordination in C57BL/6J mice
Vagus nerve stimulation during extinction learning reduces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and context-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking
Withania somnifera Dunal (Indian ginseng) impairs acquisition and expression of ethanol-elicited CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and CONDITIONED PLACE aversion
Intracerebroventricular microinjection of the 5-HT1F receptor agonist LY 344864 inhibits methamphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE reinstatement in rats
Triadimefon triggers circling behavior and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE/aversion in zebrafish in a dose dependent manner
Amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in planarians
Acute blockade of CB1 receptor leads to reinstatement of MDMA-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… leg syndrome or Willis-Ekbom disease and addiction: reduced expression alters locomotion, sleep behaviors and cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Abstinence from cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE produces discrete changes in glutamatergic synapses onto deep layer 5/6 neurons from …
Demethylation of c-MYB binding site mediates upregulation of Bdnf IV in cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Pre-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE treatment of chloral hydrate interrupts the rewarding effect of morphine
The nociceptin receptor (NOP) agonist AT-312 blocks acquisition of morphine-and cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Involvement of orexin-2 receptor in the ventral tegmental area in stress-and drug priming-induced reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Influence of sigma-1 receptor modulators on ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the extinction–reinstatement model
Similar role of mPFC orexin-1 receptors in the acquisition and expression of morphine-and food-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats
Nigella sativa extract affects CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine in rats
Genetic knockout of the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 facilitates the acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and aversion in …
Anxiety status affects nicotine‐and baclofen‐induced locomotor activity, anxiety, and single‐trial CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male adolescent rats
Rewarding effect of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice: Effect of the monoterpenoid linalool
High versus low fat/sugar food affects the behavioral, but not the cortisol response of marmoset monkeys in a CONDITIONED–PLACE–PREFERENCE task
Ameliorative effects of alkaloid extract from Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.) Havil. Leaves on methamphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Effects of pharmacological inhibition of the centrally-projecting Edinger-Westphal nucleus on ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and body temperature
Glutathione peroxidase‐1 gene rescues cocaine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice by inhibiting σ‐1 receptor expression
Formation of a morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE does not change the size of evoked potentials in the ventral hippocampus–nucleus accumbens …
… -activated protein kinase-mediated threonine 30-dependent norepinephrine transporter regulation in cocaine sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Role of orexin-1 receptors in the dorsal hippocampus (CA1 region) in expression and extinction of the morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rats
Amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and changes in mGlu1/5 receptor expression and signaling in the rat medial prefrontal cortex
… D1/D2-like dopamine receptors within the dentate gyrus of hippocampus decreased the reinstatement of morphine-extinguished CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
HIV-1 Tat protein exposure potentiates ethanol reward and reinstates extinguished ethanol-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of a 5-HT1B receptor agonist on locomotion and reinstatement of cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE after abstinence from repeated injections in …
Comparison of nafadotride, CNQX, and haloperidol on acquisition versus expression of amphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Differential perturbations of gut microbial profiles and co‐occurrence networks among phases of methamphetamine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Availability of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor coagonists affects cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor sensitization: implications for comorbid …
SKF 38393 reverses cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Glycyrrhizae radix methanol extract attenuates methamphetamine-induced locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Female rat hippocampal cell density after CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
mPer1 promotes morphine-induced locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE via histone deacetylase activity
The mGluR5 antagonist 2‐methyl‐6‐(phenylethynyl)‐pyridine (MPEP) potentiates CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by various addictive and non‐addictive drugs …
The effect of the anabolic steroid, nandrolone, in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and D1 dopamine receptor expression in adolescent and adult mice
Modafinil alone and in combination with low dose amphetamine does not establish CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male Sprague-Dawley rats.
Prior extended daily access to cocaine elevates the reward threshold in a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test
Differential effects of intra-accumbal orexin-1 and-2 receptor antagonists on the expression and extinction of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Lesion of olfactory epithelium attenuates expression of morphine-induced behavioral sensitization and reinstatement of drug-primed CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
Estrous cycle and HIV-1 Tat protein influence cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and induced locomotion of female mice
Positive reinforcing effect of neurotensin microinjection into the ventral pallidum in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test
Temporal and dose-dependent differences in simultaneously-induced cocaine hypervigilance and CONDITIONED–PLACE–PREFERENCE in marmoset monkeys
Noni (Morinda citrifolia Linn.) fruit juice attenuates the rewarding effect of ethanol in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Neuronal calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-II mediates nicotine reward in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test in mice
Effect of linalool on the acquisition and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Role of intra-hippocampal orexin 1 and orexin 2 receptors in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by chemical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus
Comparison and interaction of morphine and CB1 agonist CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat model of early life stress
Post-training intra-basolateral complex of the amygdala infusions of clenbuterol enhance memory for CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and increase ARC protein …
Naloxone effects on extinction of ethanol-and cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
… enrichment during rearing protects against cocaine behavioral effects but as an intervention reduces an already established cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: unexpected suppression of PREFERENCE due to testing combined with strong conditioning
Inactivation of the nucl. accumbens core exerts no effect on nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Candidate l‐methionine target piRNA regulatory networks analysis response to cocaine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Galanin‐induced decreases in nucleus accumbens/striatum excitatory postsynaptic potentials and morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE require both galanin …
The role of HINT1 in methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Initial subjective reward: single-exposure CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to alcohol in mice
The selective D3 receptor antagonist SB‐277011A attenuates morphine‐triggered reactivation of expression of cocaine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Sleep deprivation precipitates the development of amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on the reinstatement of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Low-cost CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE setup including video recording and analysis of behaviour
… stimulation of the substantia nigra pars reticulata facilitates extinction and prevents reinstatement of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Electroacupuncture of 2 Hz Has a rewarding effect: evidence from a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE study in rats
Effect of memory attenuation and light music on morphine dependency in male mature mice using CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation inhibits the development of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… receptor type 7 allosteric agonist in the NAc facilitates extinction and inhibits the reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE as a Preclinical Model for Screening Pharmacotherapies for Drug Abuse
Effects of the GluN2B-selective antagonist Ro 63-1908 on acquisition and expression of methamphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male and female rats
Prenatal L-DOPA exposure produces lasting changes in brain dopamine content, cocaine-induced dopamine release and cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Uridine attenuates morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and regulates glutamate/GABA levels in mPFC of mice
Effect of yulangsan polysaccharide on the reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in sprague–dawley rats
Different doses of estradiol benzoate induce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE after paced mating
Cannabinoid-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, intravenous self-administration, and behavioral stimulation influenced by ghrelin receptor antagonism in rats
… in the basolateral amygdala are involved in the potentiation of morphine rewarding properties in the acquisition, but not expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
Effects of bupropion on the reinstatement of nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by drug priming in rats
Effect of PPM1F in dorsal raphe 5-HT neurons in regulating methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE performance in mice
Altered CSMD1 Expression Alters Cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: Mutual Support for a Complex Locus from Human and Mouse Models
Overexpression of thioredoxin-1 blocks morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE through regulating the interaction of γ-aminobutyric acid and …
Extinction and drug‐induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking following self‐administration or CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent and adult rats
Combined action of MK-801 and ceftriaxone impairs the acquisition and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, and delays morphine …
Molecular chaperone heat shock protein 70 inhibitors suppress CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine exposure in male rats
… profiling in the striatum of amphetamine-treated spontaneously hypertensive rats which showed amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and self-administration
Orexin‐mediated restoration of hippocampal synaptic potentiation in mice with established cocaine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of clavulanic acid on the acquisition and reinstatement following morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
NPY alterations induced by chronic morphine exposure affect the maintenance and reinstatement of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Biperiden (an M1 antagonist) reduces memory consolidation of cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Pleiotrophin modulates morphine withdrawal but has no effects on morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Single prazosin infusion in prelimbic cortex fosters extinction of amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The role of mGlu4 receptors within the nucleus accumbens in acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats
Effects of acute and chronic restraint stress on reinstatement of extinguished methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Contribution of D1R-expressing neurons of the dorsal dentate gyrus and Cav1. 2 channels in extinction of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Involvements of stress hormones in the restraint-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) fruit extract attenuates the rewarding effect of heroin in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not withdrawal in rodents
Single trial nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in pre-adolescent male and female rats
Effects of electrical stimulation and temporary inactivation of basolateral amygdala on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effect of physical stress on the alteration of mesolimbic system apoptotic factors in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Blockade of orexin receptors in the ventral tegmental area reduced the extinction period of the lateral hypothalamic-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Tamoxifen and mifepriston modulate nicotine induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in female rats
Compensatory Role of Insulin in the Extinction but Not Reinstatement of Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
Intolerance of uncertainty and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in opioid addiction
Genetic inactivation of midkine, not pleiotrophin, facilitates extinction of alcohol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of risperidone on the acquisition and reinstatement of the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by MDMA
… AMN082, a metabotropic glutamate receptor type 7 allosteric agonist, inhibits the acquisition but not the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Effects of docosanyl ferulate, a constituent of Withania somnifera, on ethanol-and morphine-elicited CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and ERK phosphorylation in …
Effect of histone acetylation on maintenance and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and ΔFosB expression in the nucleus accumbens …
… dopamine D3 receptor antagonist SB‐277011A attenuates drug‐ or food‐deprivation reactivation of expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine in male …
iTRAQ proteomic analysis of the hippocampus in a rat model of nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
NFκB1 and NFκB2 gene expression in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of early life stressed mice exposed to cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
The caudal part of the posterior insula of rats participates in the maintenance but not the acquisition of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Ethanol intake and ethanol-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE are reduced in mice treated with the bioflavonoid agent naringin
Differential alteration of the effects of MDMA (ecstasy) on locomotor activity and cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male adolescent rats by social and …
Involvement of the insular nitric oxide signaling pathway in the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Cross-reinstatement between 3, 4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) and cocaine using CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Levo-tetrahydropalmatine attenuates the acquisition of fentanyl-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and the changes in ERK and CREB phosphorylation …
Inhibition of urokinase plasminogen activator “uPA” activity alters ethanol consumption and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Agmatine attenuates acquisition but not the expression of ethanol CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice: a role for imidazoline receptors
Effects of temporary inactivation and electrical stimulation of the dorsal raphe nucleus on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
A nonrewarding NMDA receptor antagonist impairs the acquisition, consolidation, and expression of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Acquisition and reinstatement of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats: Effects of the cholinesterase inhibitors donepezil and rivastigmine
Intra-accumbal cannabinoid agonist attenuated reinstatement but not extinction period of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE; evidence for different …
No evidence that wheel-running exercise impacts cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male C57BL/6J mice
Repeated restraint stress reduces the acquisition and relapse of methamphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not behavioral sensitization
Stress induces reinstatement of extinguished cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by a sequential signaling via neuropeptide S, orexin, and endocannabinoid
… within the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in the acquisition, expression and extinction of lateral hypothalamic-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rats
Effects of environmental enrichment on reinstatement of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Alleviation of diazepam-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and its withdrawal-associated neurobehavioral deficits following pre-exposure to enriched environment …
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE associated with level of palmitoylation of PSD-95 in rat hippocampus and nucleus accumbens
Role of orexin-1 receptor within the ventral tegmental area in mediating stress-and morphine priming-induced reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and effects of morphine pre-exposure in adolescent and adult male C57BL/6J mice
Differential effects of the MEK inhibitor SL327 on the acquisition and expression of ethanol-elicited CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and aversion in mice
Modulation of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole and D-penicillamine depends on ethanol dose and number of …
Repeated microinjections into the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) impair extinction of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
GluR2-3Y inhibits the acquisition and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effects of isoniazid on tolerance and sensitization to the rewarding properties of morphine: A CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE procedure investigation in mice
… L. prevents the acquisition of and promotes resilience against stress-induced reinstatement of the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by cocaine
Simvastatin Blocks Reinstatement of Cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Male Mice with Brain Lipidome Remodeling
A Scutellaria baicalensis radix water extract inhibits morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Cannabinoid-elicited CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in a modified behavioral paradigm
Swimming exercise during morphine abstinence in parents-to-be attenuated morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor sensitization only in male …
The effects of lesion of the olfactory epithelium on morphine-induced sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Changes in apoptotic factors in hypothalamus and hippocampus after acute and subchronic stress induction during CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
… and transient inactivation of ventral tegmental area modify reinstatement of acquisition phase of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats
High affinity α3β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ligands AT-1001 and AT-1012 attenuate cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and behavioral sensitization …
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE successfully established in typically developing children
H3K4 dimethylation at FosB promoter in the striatum of chronic stressed rats promotes morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Sensitivity to morphine reward associates with gut dysbiosis in rats with morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Murine model of OPRM1 A118G alters oxycodone self-administration and locomotor activation, but not CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Blocking serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptors attenuates the acquisition of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adult female rats
Lifelong, central corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) overexpression is associated with individual differences in cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
A 5-HT2C receptor antagonist potentiates a low dose amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Lithium chloride disrupts consolidation of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male mice: the nitric oxide/cyclic GMP signaling pathway
Cannabinoid 1 receptor blockade in the dorsal hippocampus prevents the reinstatement but not acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Partial lesion of dopamine neurons of rat substantia nigra impairs CONDITIONED PLACE aversion but spares CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of the novel cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist PF 514273 on the acquisition and expression of ethanol CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effect of ASF (a Compound of Traditional Chinese Medicine) on behavioral sensitization induced by ethanol and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Blockade of patch-based μ opioid receptors in the striatum attenuates methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and reduces activation of the patch …
Glutamate transporter type 3 participates in maintaining morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… protein, nuclear receptor-related-1, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the hippocampus of ketamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
The FDA Mandate to Reassess Benzodiazepines: Alprazolam Induces a Positive CONDITIONED PLACE–PREFERENCE in Male Rats
Repeated paired-testing impairs extinction of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE dependent on the inter-test interval in rats
… of the stress response system and novelty‐induced hyperactivity correlate with enhanced cocaine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in NCAM‐deficient mice
Sex differences in pregabalin-seeking like behavior in a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Effects of multi-modal cues on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice
Peripubertal stress of male, but not female rats increases morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotion in adulthood
Combined effects of mephedrone and cocaine on locomotor activity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male Sprague–Dawley rats
Palmitoylethanolamide attenuates cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Knockout of p11 attenuates the acquisition and reinstatement of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male but not in female mice
Severe dopaminergic neuron loss in rhesus monkey brain impairs morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… antagonist MK 801 in nucleus accumbens core but not shell disrupts the restraint stress-induced reinstatement of extinguished cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
The effect of vitamin C on expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male mice
5-HT1A autoreceptor in dorsal raphe nucleus mediates sensitization of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to cocaine in mice experienced with chronic pain
The role of mu opioid receptors in psychomotor stimulation and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine-6-glucuronide
… reduces gamma-aminobutyric acid-ergic transmission and gephyrin expression at medial prefrontal cortex in cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE–PREFERENCE rats, which shows …
… role of nitric oxide in the effects of cumin (Cuminum Cyminum L.) fruit essential oil on the acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adult male …
Benzodiazepines increase the reward effects of buprenorphine in a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE test in the mouse
Attenuation of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice after a drug-free period and facilitation of this effect by exposure to a running wheel
The Effects of isoniazid on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Study on effects of Corydalis yanhusuo and L-THP on dopamine of reward circuitry in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE rats and comparison
Effects of maternal separation on nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and later spatial learning and memory function in adolescent male rats
Rabbits can be CONDITIONED in a food-induced PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Enhanced methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in risk-taking rats
Effects of withdrawal from chronic escalating-dose binge cocaine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to cocaine and striatal preproenkephalin mRNA in C57BL/6J mice
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type-2 is involved in the cocaine-primed reinstatement of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effects of acute withdrawal on ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in DBA/2J mice
A neurotensin analog blocks cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and reinstatement
Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus is critical for the expression of memory of methamphetamine-produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The involvement of intra-hippocampal dopamine receptors in the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by orexin administration into the rat ventral tegmental …
The snoRNA MBII-52 regulates cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotion in mice
Inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 by SB 216763 affects acquisition at lower doses than expression of amphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Female Japanese quail with high levels of estradiol demonstrate cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
Norepinephrine in prelimbic cortex delays extinction of amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Cannabinoid receptor modulation changes the accumbal neuronal responses to morphine in the reinstatement of morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine and methylphenidate in female mice from lines selectively bred for high voluntary wheel‐running behavior
The effects of d-govadine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with d-amphetamine or food reward
Oxytocin attenuates expression, but not acquisition, of sucrose CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Chronic NMDA receptor blockade in early postnatal period, but not in adulthood, impairs methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Influence of abstinence and intervals between extinction trials on the expression of cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescent rats
CP-154,526 modifies CREB phosphorylation and thioredoxin-1 expression in the dentate gyrus following morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Glycogen synthase kinase‐3 β in the ventral tegmental area mediates diurnal variations in cocaine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Involvement of 5-hydroxytryptamine 5-HT3 serotonergic receptors in the acquisition and reinstatement of the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by MDMA
SYVN1, an ERAD E3 ubiquitin ligase, is involved in GABAAα1 degradation associated with methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Projections from lateral habenular to tail of ventral tegmental area contribute to inhibitory effect of stress on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
α-Conotoxin TxID and [S9K] TxID, α3β4 nAChR Antagonists, Attenuate Expression and Reinstatement of Nicotine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice
Ethanol CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and alterations in ΔFosB following adolescent nicotine administration differ in rats exhibiting high or low behavioral reactivity to …
Amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in high and low impulsive rats
Effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids on cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Pre-exposure of adolescent mice to morphine results in stronger sensitization and reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE than pre-exposure to hydrocodone
… expression of endocannabinoid system-related genes in the dorsal hippocampus following expression and reinstatement of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
Opposing roles of prelimbic and infralimbic dopamine in CONDITIONED cue and PLACE PREFERENCE
Enduring effects of tacrine on cocaine-reinforced behavior: Analysis by CONDITIONED–PLACE PREFERENCE, temporal separation from drug reward, and reinstatement
Nicotine Facilitation of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to Food Reward in Humans
Erratum to: Cannabidiol attenuates methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE via the Sigma1R/AKT/GSK-3β/CREB signaling pathway in rats
CONDITIONED social PREFERENCE, but not PLACE PREFERENCE, produced by intranasal oxytocin in female mice.
Bulleyaconitine A Inhibits Morphine-Induced Withdrawal Symptoms, CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, and Locomotor Sensitization Via Microglial Dynorphin A …
… ventral tegmental area on the firing rate of neurons in the shell sub-region of the nucleus accumbens and on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat …
Normal extinction and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the GluA1-KO mouse line
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE studies with atomoxetine in an animal model of ADHD: Effects of previous atomoxetine treatment
Cocaine-induced reinstatement of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in developing rats: Involvement of the D2 receptor
… (1‐(1‐((cis)‐4‐isopropylcyclohexyl) piperidin‐4‐yl)‐1H‐indol‐2‐yl) methanol (AT‐312) decreases acquisition of ethanol‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
Pup-associated CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and maternal behavior in depressive WAG/Rij rats
Effects of processed Aconiti tuber on the extinction and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Effects of the monoamine stabilizer,(-)-OSU6162, on cocaine-induced locomotion and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The influence of electrical stimulation on dorsal raphe nucleus with different current intensities on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats
Effect of Pingan Fang, a Traditional Chinese Medicine compound, on behavioral sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by ethanol in mice
The citrus flavanone naringenin prevents the development of morphine analgesic tolerance and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE training prevents hippocampal depotentiation in an orexin-dependent manner
8-pCPT, an Epac activator, impairs CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE based on nucleus accumbens amphetamine in rats
Effects of aqueous saffron extract (Crocus sativus L.) on the acquisition and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Spatiotemporal expression of Rap1 and Ras mediates the acquisition and reinstatement of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice via …
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE deficits in adulthood following high fat and high sugar diet intake in pre-and periadolescence: a test of the specificity hypothesis
Oral Methylphenidate Treatment of an Adolescent ADHD Rat Model Does Not Alter Cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE during Adulthood: A Negative …
Effect of electrical stimulation of nucleus accumbens with low, median and high currents intensities on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine in …
Comparative Evaluation of A Partial Dopamine Agonist with A Preferential D2 and D3 Receptor Antagonist on Ethanol Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice
Augmentation of morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by food restriction is associated with alterations in the oxytocin/oxytocin receptor in rat models
Phosphorylation of GluN2B subunits of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors in the frontal association cortex involved in morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
Apomorphine induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and sensitization is greater in rats exposed to unpredictable chronic mild stress.
Effects of propranolol on acquisition and retrieval of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE memories in ICR mice
Prepubertal ovariectomy modulates paced mating behavior but not sexual PREFERENCE or CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for mating in female rats
Cav1. 2, but not Cav1. 3, L-type calcium channel subtype mediates nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Parents induced-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and the neuronal expression of oxytocin and tyrosine hydroxylase in preweanling female pups
Test of the Popular Benzodiazepine Alprazolam in a Positive CONDITIONED PLACE–PREFERENCE Model in Female Rats
Concomitant D1 and D2 dopamine receptor agonist infusion in prelimbic cortex is required to foster extinction of amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Galnon facilitates extinction of morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but also potentiates the consolidation process
Differences in morphine-induced and food-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE between adolescent and adult mice
5-HT2A serotonin receptor density in adult male rats’ hippocampus after morphine-based CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Metabolomic Analysis of the Serum in Rats with Methamphetamine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… High-Frequency Electrical Stimulation of Bilateral Nucleus Accumbens on the Behavior of Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Rats at Extinction …
Memantine Prevents the WIN 55,212-2 Evoked Cross-Priming of Ethanol-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP)
Dosage and Conditioning Period Determine Reward or Aversion to Cannabis-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Sprague-Dawley Rats.
Cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization is greater in adolescent than in adult mice and heightens cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adolescents
Effects of Withania somnifera nicotine induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
M3 but not M4 muscarinic receptors in the rostromedial tegmental nucleus are involved in the acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Methylphenidate CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in juvenile and adolescent male and female rats
Effects of Desipramine on Morphine‑Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice
Sertraline influence on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The projection from ventral CA1, not prefrontal cortex, to nucleus accumbens core mediates recent memory retrieval of cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
mGluR5 knockout mice exhibit normal CONDITIONED PLACE–PREFERENCE to cocaine
Interference of norepinephrine transporter trafficking motif attenuates amphetamine-induced locomotor hyperactivity and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Inhibition of Wnt signalling dose-dependently impairs the acquisition and expression of amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The effect of microinjection of CART 55-102 into the nucleus accumbens shell on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats: Involvement of the NMDA …
Effects of imidazoline agents in a rat CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE model of addiction
Stereotaxic microinjection of viral vectors expressing Cre recombinase to study the role of target genes in cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of nano-ZnO and bulk ZnO on the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The hepatocyte growth factor/c-Met antagonist, divalinal-angiotensin IV, blocks the acquisition of methamphetamine dependent CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The effect of zolpidem on creating dependency of morphine in male mature mice using CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (cpp) method
… of a dopamine-D1 receptor agonist into the ventral tegmental area reverses the blocked expression of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by N-methyl-D …
[D-Lys 3]-GHRP-6, an antagonist of ghrelin receptors, decreases expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE reaction of ethanol in rats
The effect of memory reinforcement by cholinergic agonist and music on creating morphine dependency in mice using CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) method
Amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and modeling domains of bipolar disorder
Zinc enhances the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE through dopaminergic and serotonergic systems
Effect of acute and subchronic stress on electrical activity of basolateral amygdala neurons in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm: An electrophysiological study
Catha edulis Forsk (Khat) induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Test for Assessing the Rewarding Effects of Drugs of Abuse
Intra-nucleus accumbens shell injection of baclofen blocks the reconsolidation of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in morphine-addicted mice
mGlu5 receptor antagonist blocks bromocriptine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in bilateral mesolimbic-lesioned rat
Regional expression of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2 mRNA in a morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE model
… Assessment between D1 receptor agonist and D2 receptor antagonist into the ventral tegmental area on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity
Methylphenidate Produces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, and cannabidiol Exposure during Extinction does not Inhibit the Reinstatement of Methylphenidate in …
Testosterone induces a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to the nest of a monogamous mouse under field conditions
Study on acting mechanism of anti-morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE between aqueous extract of Corydalis yanhusuo and L-THP and comparison of their effects
Intra‐nucleus‐accumbens SKF38393 improved the impaired acquisition of morphine‐CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in depression‐like rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) in Rats: From Conditioning to Reinstatement Test
Prior activation of 5-HT7 receptors modulates the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with methylphenidate
Effect of Corydalis Rhizoma and L-tetrahydropalmatine on dopamine system of hippocampus and striatum in morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE rats
Effect of Intervals of Drug Administration on Morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Models in Mice
Genetic background influences nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and PLACE aversion in mice
Effects of acute mitragynine exposure on the establishment of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and locomotor activity
The effect of naltrexone on nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The short-term and long-term effects of stressors on the acquisition of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The distinct roles of various neurotransmitters in modulating methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in relevant brain regions in mice.
Effects and Mechanisms of Jinniu Capsule on Methamphetamine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Rats
Curcumin attenuates methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE via an inhibition of CC chemokine ligand 2 expression
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE reveals tonic pain in Octopus
Endotoxin enhancement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Primary investigation on the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to parents and cocaine in pre-weanling mandarin vole pups
Dopamine responsiveness in the nucl. Accumbens shell and parameters of the Heroin-Influenced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Chronic nicotine up-regulates hippocampal BDNF-TrkB signaling pathway and ANA-12 inhibits nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The Effects of Nicotine on Conditioning, Extinction, and Reinstatement in Humans Using a Virtual Reality CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Paradigm
Insular cortex dopamine 1 and 2 receptors in methamphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and aversion: Age and sex differences
Effects of magnesium sulfate on the acquisition and reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
The blockade of glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors into the prelimbic of prefrontal cortex decreases morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
The Effect of Orphenadrine on Rewarding Property of Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The role of context PREFERENCE and age on single trial nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, and the role of dosing context on MAPK activation in the ventral striatum
Effects of l-tetrahydropalmatine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and expression of dopamine in the striatum of morphine dependent rats
Distinct roles for two chromosome 1 loci in ethanol withdrawal, consumption, and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The Effects of Eating a High Fat Diet on Sensitivity of Rats to Methamphetamine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Chronic delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol induces monoamine release but not CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Learning a non-neutral CONDITIONED stimulus: PLACE PREFERENCE in the crab Neohelice granulata
Persistent Nociception Facilitates the Extinction of Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effect of morphine on apoptotic factors caspase-3, PARP and Bax/Bcl-2 ratio in nucleus accumbens in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE model in rat
Differential Aspects of Natural and Morphine Reward-Related Behaviors in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Paradigm
Effect of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3-β on the Acquisition & Expression of Intra-Accumbal Amphetamine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Rats
Effects of the κ‑opioid receptor on the inhibition of 100 Hz electroacupuncture on cocaine‑induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Power and True Report Probability in the Literature on Mice Nicotine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of Norharmane and Nicotine on the CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE of Mice
Reacquisition of cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and its inhibition by previous social interaction: Neurochemical and electrophysiological correlates in the …
Quercetin attenuates the rewarding effect of ethanol in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice.
Effect of electroacupuncture on morphine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and activation of glutamatergic neurons in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in rats
Comparison between Two Methodological Paradigms of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with Methlyphenidate.
The Effect of the mGluR8 Agonist, S-3, 4-DCPG on Acquisition and Expression of Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Male Rats
Downregulation of thioredoxin-1 in the ventral tegmental area delays extinction of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Central mechanisms of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Use of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE/avoidance tests to
Differences in Fentanyl-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and Open Field Activity in A/J and B6J Mice; Potential Role for Glyoxalase 1
… activity of prefrontal cortex neurons in the reinstatement of extinguished methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE: An electrophysiological study
11, 2-bis-N-cytisinylethane (CC4), a new nicotinic partial agonist, blocks nicotine-and Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in zebrafish
The effect of the mGlu8 receptor agonist,(S)-3, 4-DCPG on acquisition and expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats
Memantine increases NMDA receptor level in the prefrontal cortex but fails to reverse apomorphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Establishing CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Typically Developing Children
Spatial training in the Water Maze facilitates extinction and prevents reinstatement of cocaine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Divergent Behavioral Phenotypes in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Oxycodone CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and Aversion in Mice
0159 Conditional Knockout Of Adenosine A1 Receptors Occludes Sleep Deprivation-induced Enhancement Of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE studies with Zoletil??: effects of repeated drug treatment
Changes of regional cerebral glucose metabolism in morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE rats
T275. Going Wireless: Validation of a Novel Neurostimulation Technology in a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Task
Effects of brain insulin in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE using exercise as a reward stimulus
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE with Low Dose Mixtures of α-pyrrolidinoipentiophenone (α-PVP) and 3, 4-Methylenedioxypyrovalreone (MDPV) in Male and Female …
The Effects of Maternal Defense on Development of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and Tyrosine Hydroxylase Activation in Lactating Primiparous Mice
Effects of cannabidiol on morphine and methylphenidate-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE during extinction/reinstatement in monkeys and rats
The study on methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE model in zebrafish
Non-Painful Peripheral Inflammation Blocks CONDITIONED PLACE–PREFERENCE to Morphine and Nicotine through an Ibuprofen-Sensitive and an Ibuprofen …
Distinct Behavioral Responses of Chocolate and Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE In Mice
Retraction: Blocking TRPV1 in Nucleus Accumbens Inhibits Persistent Morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Expression in Rats
Optimizing a human model of the amphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE paradigm
Buphedrone induces CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE via dopaminergic system
The Effect of Litter Separation on Methamphetamine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Post-Partum Dams
The use of unbiased CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE procedure as the predictive analysis of vulnerability to psychostimulant addiction in rats
Drug reward memory: implication from drug-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE model
Estradiol enhances CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to cocaine in male rats
The Effects of Eating a High Fat Diet on Methamphetamine‐Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The Relation between Anxiety and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to Methamphetamine in Female versus Male Rats
Effects of Methylphenidate on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Adolescent Mice Data collection is in progress
The role of neurotensin and dopamine interaction in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by valeriana officinalis
Effect of morphine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rhesus monkeys
Methylphenidate CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Adolescent Male and Female Rats
Effects of Social Interaction on Morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Adolescent Male Rats
Periadolescent oral manganese exposure affects CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by cocaine and CONDITIONED PLACE aversion by lithium chloride in rats
Intracellular Mechanisms Associated with Cocaine Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Nicotine enhances the expression of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in adult male rats
Methamphetamine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE In Adolescent Male and Female Mice of Two Strains
Effect of different extinction methods on morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mouse
Ventral tegmental area C-FOS expression is associated with CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to cocaine in mice.
Disruption of D2R× DI SC1 binding prevents CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by morphine in mice
… effects of orexin antagonists on the reinforcing properties of amphetamine during brain self-stimulation and the development of a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Analysis of the role of D2 receptors in methylphenidate-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE.
Using CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to Investigate changes in the Rewarding Effects of Running and Eating Following Activity-Based Anorexia
Themes: Title: The corticosterone could not induce the extinguished morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Hypothalamic regulation of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
The Effects of Clozapine on Methylphenidate-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Assessing the Role of GAP-43 in Learning using Zebrafish in a CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Assay
Themes: Title: Effect of zinc oxide nano particles and the bulk zinc oxide on the expression of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE as a Means to Measure Analgesic Drug Effects on Cancer Pain in Murine Models
Methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rats eating standard or high fat chow
Cannabidiol Mitigates Opioid Reward On CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE In Mice
Nicotine Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE; Difference between Adolescent and Adult Rats
Activation of the dorsal cerebellum and ventral tegmental area in the expression of cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice.
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE of Tiletamine and Zolazepam
Design of Scent Separating CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Apparatus and Rat Head Restraint
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE of Mice Selectively Bred for High Voluntary Wheel Running
Isolation stress during adolescence increases CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to cocaine in female rats
The interplay between ventro striatal BDNF levels and the effects of valproic acid on the acquisition of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
< The> effect of vitamin C on expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male mice
Adolescent Stress Enhances Morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Rats
Prenatal Stress Alters Single-trial CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Adolescent Rats
Effecr of an Enriched Environment on Morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Rats
Themes: Title: Effect of Transient inactivation of shell and core part of the nucleus accumbens on nicotine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Pharmacological inhibition of FK506-binding protein 51 reduces alcohol consumption and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
Reducing the Morphine Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Acquisition by Inhibition of Glial Cells in the Hippocampus
Chronic Early Nicotine Exposure And The Effects On Cannabinoid Agonist-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Methylphenidate CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Juvenile and Adolescent Male and Female Rats _ A thesis presented to
Hippocampal Neurogenesis Leads to the Erasure of a Cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
How modulation of glutamatergic neurons of pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus affects food intake, locomotion and morphine induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE …
The effect of adolescent intermittent ethanol exposure on ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE and anxiety-like behavior in adolescent mice
The Effect of Ldopa on Creating Dependency of Morphine in Male Mature Mice Using CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) Method
The Effect of Compulsory and Voluntary Exercise on Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Rats
CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE studies with atomoxetine in an animal model of ADHD: Effects of previous atomoxetine treatment
Pup-Associated CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Reaction and Maternal Care in Depressive WAG/Rij Rats
Time-Dependent Effects of Stress on Cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Using a Rat Model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Influence of pharmacological stimulation of kappa-opioid receptors on learning of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rat pups
Comparing the effect of chronic facial pain on tendency to morphin and cannabinoid in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the male rat
Effects of Early-Adolescent, Mid-Adolescent, or Adult Stress on Morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Role of NR2B and CREB in ginsenoside Rbl regulation of methamphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Changes of dopamine neurotransmitter and its receptor in striatum from CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE of rats administrated of morphine
Effects of bupropion on the reinstatement of nicotine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by drug priming in rats
Analysis of Electroencephalogram Sample Entropy Measurement in Frontal Association Cortex Based on Heroin-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Rats
The acquisition of alcohol-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in post-traumatic stress disorder-like rats and its relationship with the dopamine D1 receptor
Repeated restraint stress reduces the acquisition and relapse of methamphetamine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not behavioral sensitization
Mk-801 Administration in Adolescent Male Rats and Cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Effects of physical exercise and exercise-induced adult hippocampal neurogenesis on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE for cocaine in mice
… decreases CB1 receptor expression in the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex and prevents amphetamine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
The anabolic androgenic steroid 17α‐methyltestosterone induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE but not psychomotor sensitization in adolescent mice
The Role of Beta-Endorphin in Cocaine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE, Its Extinction, and Reinstatement in Male and Female Mice
Effects of galanin on striatal excitation and morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Acquisition and reconditioning of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice is blocked by the H2O2 scavenger alpha lipoic acid
The acquisition and extinction of morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE have opposite effects on the morphology of neurons in the nucleus accumbens
Betaine facilitates extinction of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by methamphetamine and morphine in rats
Wheel-running exercise during adolescence may not convincingly impact cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male C57BL/6J mice
Blockade of striatal mu opioid receptors attenuates methamphetamine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Wheel-running exercise during adolescence does not substantially affect cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male C57BL/6J mice
Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus is critical for the expression of memory of methamphetamine-produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Ibogaine Blocks Cue-and Drug-Induced Reinstatement of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE to Ethanol in Male Mice
Dopamine D1/D2 receptors do not mediate the expression of CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE induced by the aftereffect of wheel running
Effect of nitric oxide on the attenuation of acquisition of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE by the essential oil from Cuminum cyminum L. fruit in mice
Is the cystine-glutamate antiporter involved in the extinction of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE?
Post-retrieval propranolol treatment does not modulate reconsolidation or extinction of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
… stress during adolescence alters alcohol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice selectively bred for high alcohol PREFERENCE but not low alcohol PREFERENCE
Endotoxin-Induced inflammation and Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the HIV-1 Transgenic Rat
Modulation of ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole and D-penicillamine depends on ethanol dose and number of …
Administration of Cannabinoid Receptor Antagonist into the Ventral Tegmental Area Could Inhibit CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE Induced by Chemical …
34. Effects of Adolescent Exposure to Methylphenidate and Amphetamine on CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Adulthood
The new derivate of kisspeptine-54-kissorphin (KSO) reduces the expression of morphine-and ethanol-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
CTXn from the venom of Naja atra Cantor inhibits the acquisition and maintenance of morphine‐induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
Dissociation of β1 and β2 Adrenergic Receptor Subtypes in Retrieval and Reconsolidation of a Cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
A transgenic mouse disrupted a circadian clock-related gene showed increased locomotor sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE toward methamphetamine
Cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica): A focus on sex differences and …
GSK-3 Beta Inhibition More Strongly Blocks Acquisition Than Expression of Amphetamine-produced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Rats
α-Conotoxin TxIB Inhibits Development of Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice via Blocking α6β2* Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors.
Effect of Satureja khuzestanica essential oil on acquisition, extinction and reinstatement of morphine induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in male rat
… role of GABA-B receptors within the shell part of nucleus accumbens on the expression of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in morphine-tolerant rats
The Kappa Opioid Agonist, Salvinorin A, Attenuates Locomotor Effects of Morphine but not Morphine-Induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE
Galanin-induced decreases in nucleus accumbens/striatum EPSPs and morphine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE require both GalR1 and GalR2
… Effect of Intraperitoneal and Intracerebroventricular Injection of Vitamin B6 on Positive Reinforcing Effect of Morphine in CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE (CPP) Model in …
CP 47,497 and its Derivatives, Synthetic Cannabinoids, Induce CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in Mice and Modulate Dopaminergic System in PC12 Cells
… of D1/D2-Like dopamine receptors in the dentate gyrus of hippocampus decreased the reinstatement of morphine-extinguished CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in rats
… in down-regulation of expression of excitatory amino acid transporter 3 in hippocampi caused by reinstatement of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in …
Addendum: Effects of a 5-HT1B Receptor Agonist on Locomotion and Reinstatement of Cocaine-CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE after Abstinence from Repeated …
Ventral tegmental area infusion of the alpha-1 adrenergic receptor antagonist prazosin blocks ethanol, morphine and cocaine CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in mice
PLACE PREFERENCE Can Be CONDITIONED by Corticolimbic Glutamate Blockade of Accumbens Shell in a Familiar Environment
… caspase-3, PARP and Bax/Bcl-2 ratio in the ventral tegmental area after the acquisition and extinction of morphine-induced CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE in the rat
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