Antiaging effects of coffee

  1. Less Diabetes With Coffee
  2. New Research Shows That Coffee Drinking Is Healthy
  3. The Healing Powers of Coffee
  4. Coffee: The revolutionary drink for pleasure and health
  5. Coffee silverskin extract protects against accelerated aging caused by oxidative agents
  6. Coffee silverskin extract for aging and chronic diseases
  7. Coffee silverskin: a low-cost substrate for bioproduction of high-value health promoting products
  8. Valorization of spent Coffee grounds as the specialty material for dullness and aging of skin treatments
  9. Coffee pulp supplement affects antioxidant status and favors anti‐aging of skin in healthy subjects
  10. Coffee Protects Against Liver Cirrhosis
  11. Coffee: emerging health effects and disease prevention
  12. Caffeinated Coffee, decaffeinated Coffee, and the phenolic phytochemical chlorogenic acid up-regulate NQO1 expression and prevent H2O2-induced apoptosis in …
  13. Coffee, Tea, Vitamin C And E Prevent Stroke And Dementia
  14. The Healing Powers of Coffee
  15. Coffee, but not caffeine, has positive effects on cognition and psychomotor behavior in aging
  16. Anti-diabetic Effect of Coffee in Zebrafish
  17. Can Coffee prevent caries?
  18. The impact of Coffee on health
  19. Caffeine synergizes with another Coffee component to increase plasma GCSF: linkage to cognitive benefits in Alzheimer’s mice
  20. Effects of habitual Coffee consumption on cardiometabolic disease, cardiovascular health, and all-cause mortality
  21. Coffee consumption induces GSTP in plasma and protects lymphocytes against (±)-anti-benzo [a] pyrene-7, 8-dihydrodiol-9, 10-epoxide induced DNA-damage …
  22. A pooled analysis of case–control studies of thyroid cancer: cigarette smoking and consumption of alcohol, Coffee, and tea
  23. Does Coffee enriched with chlorogenic acids improve mood and cognition after acute administration in healthy elderly? A pilot study
  24. Coffee consumption and CYP1A2* 1F genotype modify age at breast cancer diagnosis and estrogen receptor status
  25. Genetic Mechanisms of Coffee Extract Protection in a Caenorhabditis elegans Model of β-Amyloid Peptide Toxicity
  26. Coffee and gastric cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis
  27. The association of Coffee intake with liver cancer incidence and chronic liver disease mortality in male smokers
  28. Coffee Tied to Measures of Elders’ Health
  29. Coffee, colon function and colorectal cancer
  30. Prevention of colonic aberrant crypt foci and modulation of large bowel microbial activity by dietary Coffee fiber, inulin and pectin.
  31. Effect of Coffee-like Green Tea Preparation on Cytotoxicity of Human Cancer and Normal Cells
  32. A prospective investigation of Coffee drinking and endometrial cancer incidence
  33. Coffee, tea, and incident type 2 diabetes: the Singapore Chinese Health Study
  34. Coffee, tea, and fatal oral/pharyngeal cancer in a large prospective US cohort
  35. Cuppa Joe: Friend or Foe?: Effects of Chronic Coffee Consumption on Cardiovascular and Brain Health
  36. Effect of Coffee Melanoidin on human hepatoma HepG2 cells. Protection against oxidative stress induced by tert‐butylhydroperoxide
  37. Tobacco use, occupation, Coffee, various nutrients, and bladder cancer
  38. Coffee, diabetes, and weight control
  39. Modulatory effect of Coffee fruit extract on plasma levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in healthy subjects
  40. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of the Coffee diterpenes kahweol and cafestol on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice
  41. Decaffeinated Coffee prevents scopolamine-induced memory impairment in rats
  42. 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine in DNA from leukocytes of healthy adults: relationship with cigarette smoking, environmental tobacco smoke, alcohol and Coffee …
  43. Moderate Coffee consumption increases plasma glutathione but not homocysteine in healthy subjects
  44. Coffee consumption and incidence of impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, and type 2 diabetes: the Hoorn Study
  45. Regular Coffee but not espresso drinking is protective against fibrosis in a cohort mainly composed of morbidly obese European women with NAFLD undergoing …
  46. Decaffeinated Coffee and nicotine-free tobacco provide neuroprotection in Drosophila models of Parkinson’s disease through an NRF2-dependent mechanism
  47. Coffee prevents early events in tamoxifen-treated breast cancer patients and modulates hormone receptor status
  48. Coffee and type 2 diabetes: from beans to beta-cells
  49. Coffee and health: explaining conflicting results in hypertension
  50. Association of tumor differentiation with caffeine and Coffee intake in women with breast cancer
  51. Coffee consumption could affect the activity of some liver enzymes and other biochemical parameters in healthy drinkers
  52. A dose–response meta-analysis of Coffee consumption and bladder cancer
  53. Coffee consumption protects human lymphocytes against oxidative and 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido [4, 3-b] indole acetate (Trp-P-2) induced DNA-damage: results of …
  54. Caffeine and Coffee: effects on health and cardiovascular disease
  55. Caffeinated Coffee enhances co-operative behavior in the Mixed Motive Game in healthy volunteers
  56. Coffee drinking increases levels of urinary hydrogen peroxide detected in healthy human volunteers
  57. A perception on health benefits of Coffee
  58. Association between Coffee drinking and K-ras mutations in exocrine pancreatic cancer. PANKRAS II Study Group.
  59. Coffee phenolic phytochemicals and kaempferol protect against oxidative damage of neuronal cells and memory impairments
  60. Nutritional contribution of Coffee, cacao and tea phenolics to human health
  61. Intakes of Coffee, tea, milk, soda and juice and renal cell cancer in a pooled analysis of 13 prospective studies
  62. Teas, cocoa and Coffee: plant secondary metabolites and health
  63. Telomere shortening in COPD: potential protective effects of Coffee consumption
  64. Instant Coffee with high chlorogenic acid levels protects humans against oxidative damage of macromolecules
  65. Coffee intake and CYP1A2* 1F genotype predict breast volume in young women: implications for breast cancer
  66. Coffee in Sweden: a question of morality, health, and economy
  67. Type 2 diabetes-related bioactivities of Coffee: assessment of antioxidant activity, NF-κB inhibition, and stimulation of glucose uptake
  68. Antioxidant and genoprotective effects of spent Coffee extracts in human cells
  69. Caffeinated Coffee blunts the myocardial protective effects of statins against ischemia–reperfusion injury in the rat
  70. Coffee and tea consumption in relation to prostate cancer prognosis
  71. Activity-guided identification of a chemopreventive compound in Coffee beverage using in vitro and in vivo techniques
  72. A Systematic Review: Examining the Relationship Between Coffee Consumption and Breast Cancer
  73. The emerging health benefits of Coffee with an emphasis on type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  74. Antioxidant and neuronal cell protective effects of columbia arabica Coffee with different roasting conditions
  75. Moderate Coffee and alcohol consumption improves the estrogen metabolite profile in adjuvant treated breast cancer patients: a pilot study comparing pre-and post …
  76. Prohibition or Coffee shops: regulation of amphetamine and methylphenidate for enhancement use by healthy adults
  77. Long-term, moderate Coffee consumption is associated with lower prevalence of diabetes mellitus among elderly non-tea drinkers from the mediterranean …
  78. Coffee component hydroxyl hydroquinone (HHQ) as a putative ligand for PPAR gamma and implications in breast cancer
  79. Depression in Women: Could Drinking Coffee Be Protective?
  80. Effect of Varied Doses of Coffee-Caffeine on Resting Cardiovascular system of Healthy Black African Adults
  81. Stimulatory effect of whole Coffee fruit concentrate powder on plasma levels of total and exosomal brain-derived neurotrophic factor in healthy subjects: An …
  82. Prevention of diet-induced obesity in C57BL/BJ mice with addition of 2% dietary green tea but not with cocoa or Coffee to a high-fat diet
  83. Socioeconomic benefits of shade trees in Coffee production systems in Bonga and Yayuhurumu districts, southwestern Ethiopia: farmers’ perceptions
  84. Maya Coffee farmers and fair trade: Assessing the benefits and limitations of alternative markets
  85. Protective effect of the Coffee diterpenes kahweol and cafestol on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced oxidative hepatotoxicity
  86. Induction of cancer chemopreventive enzymes by Coffee is mediated by transcription factor Nrf2. Evidence that the Coffee-specific diterpenes cafestol and kahweol …
  87. Coffee, cholesterol, and colon cancer: is there a link.
  88. Acute effects of Coffee on QT interval in healthy subjects
  89. The Coffee components kahweol and cafestol induce γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase, the rate limiting enzyme of chemoprotective glutathione synthesis, in several …
  90. Coffee consumption and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  91. Coffee consumption and cystatin-C-based estimated glomerular filtration rates in healthy young adults: results of a clinical trial
  92. Chemopreventive effects of Coffee bean and rice constituents on colorectal carcinogenesis
  93. Tea, Coffee and prostate cancer
  94. A double-blind, placebo controlled human study investigating the effects of Coffee derived manno-oligosaccharides on the faecal microbiota of a healthy adult …
  95. Effects of Habitual Coffee Consumption on Cardiometabolic Disease, Cardiovascular Health, and All-cause Mortality Running title: Coffee Drinking and Heart …
  96. Coffee and tea for health?
  97. Protection by Coffee against somatic genotoxicity in Drosophila: role of bioactivation capacity
  98. Effects of ochratoxin A-contaminated Arabian Coffee seeds on liver and kidney functions and structure in mice: Protective role of roasting and vitamin C
  99. Coffee and tea: some comments on reforming the system of health insurance in Hungary
  100. P1-351 Effect of Coffee consumption on all-cause and total cancer mortality: findings from the JACC study
  101. The Link Between Coffee and Type 2 Diabetes: Chlorogenic Acid and Intestinal Glucose Absorption
  102. Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of a health claim related to Coffee C21 and reduction of spontaneous DNA strand breaks pursuant to Article 13 (5) of …
  103. Coffee or tea? From the historically alleged curative properties of common beverages to their current evidence-based benefits on human health
  104. Coffee Eco-Labeling: Profit, Prosperity and Healthy Nature?
  105. Epidemiologic studies of Coffee consumption, dietary patterns, and body weight: Implications for colorectal cancer prevention
  106. Coffee: The revolutionary drink for pleasure and health
  107. The world’s favorite beverage–Coffee–and health
  108. About Coffee, cappuccino and connective tissue growth factor—Or how to protect your liver!?
  109. From shifting cultivation to Coffee farming: the impact of change on the health and ecology of the Suruí Indians in the Brazilian Amazon
  110. Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to Coffee, including chlorogenic acids from Coffee, and protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from …
  111. Fair Trade certification and social determinants of health: the case of Coffee producers in Rwanda
  112. The preparation of healthy low calorie ice milk containing green Coffee and Stevia
  113. Effects of Coffee and tomatoes in prostate cancer cells and xenografts
  114. Investigating the differences in health, pathogen prevalence and diversity of wild birds inhabiting shade-grown Coffee plantations and forest fragments in San …
  115. Green Coffee extract enhances oxidative stress resistance and delays aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
  116. Potential of aceh arabica Coffee extract (Coffea arabica L.) in rejuvenation of aging skin in rat
  117. Synergistic effect of green Coffee oil and synthetic sunscreen for health care application
  118. Current evidence for the use of Coffee and caffeine to prevent age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease
  119. Coffee treatment prevents the progression of sarcopenia in aged mice in vivo and in vitro
  120. Do Coffee polyphenols have a preventive action on metabolic syndrome associated endothelial dysfunctions? An assessment of the current evidence
  121. The benefit of bone health by drinking Coffee among Korean postmenopausal women: A cross-sectional analysis of the fourth & fifth Korea national health and …
  122. An insight towards anticancer potential of major Coffee constituents
  123. The potential effects of chlorogenic acid, the main phenolic components in Coffee, on health: a comprehensive review of the literature
  124. Quercetin, not caffeine, is a major neuroprotective component in Coffee
  125. Acute effects of Coffee consumption on self-reported gastrointestinal symptoms, blood pressure and stress indices in healthy individuals
  127. The benefits of Coffee on skeletal muscle
  128. Skin photoprotection and consumption of Coffee and polyphenols in healthy middle‐aged J apanese females
  129. Association of Coffee intake with reduced incidence of liver cancer and death from chronic liver disease in the US multiethnic cohort
  130. Coffee: biochemistry and potential impact on health
  131. Therapeutic benefits of a component of Coffee in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease
  132. Association of Coffee consumption with sarcopenia in Korean elderly men: analysis using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2008 …
  133. Coffee consumption is positively associated with longer leukocyte telomere length in the nurses’ health study
  134. Culture, health, gender and Coffee drinking: A Costa Rican perspective
  135. In vitro health promoting properties of antioxidant dietary fiber extracted from spent Coffee (Coffee arabica L.) grounds
  136. Coffee and non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease: Brewing evidence for hepatoprotection?
  137. Protective effect of Coffee consumption on all-cause mortality of French HIV-HCV co-infected patients
  138. Light Coffee consumption is protective against sarcopenia, but frequent Coffee consumption is associated with obesity in Korean adults
  139. The evaluation of inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers on Coffee–diabetes association: results from the 10-year follow-up of the ATTICA Study (2002 …
  140. Effects of chlorogenic acid-enriched and hydroxyhydroquinone-reduced Coffee on postprandial fat oxidation and antioxidative capacity in healthy men: A randomized …
  141. Coffee silverskin extract improves glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and protects against streptozotocin-induced damage in pancreatic INS-1E beta cells
  142. Association between Coffee intake after diagnosis of colorectal cancer and reduced mortality
  143. Coffee: A health fuel-blot popular drinking
  144. Association of Coffee Consumption with Sarcopenia in Korean Elderly Men: Analysis Using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2008? 2011
  145. The impact of Coffee on health
  146. Coffee consumption and health: umbrella review of meta-analyses of multiple health outcomes
  147. Coffee consumption increases the antioxidant capacity of plasma and has no effect on the lipid profile or vascular function in healthy adults in a randomized controlled …
  148. Chlorogenic acid and Coffee prevent hypoxia-induced retinal degeneration
  149. Chlorogenic acid complex (CGA7), standardized extract from green Coffee beans exerts anticancer effects against cultured human colon cancer HCT-116 …
  150. Coffee consumption, obesity and type 2 diabetes: A mini-review
  151. Coffee polyphenol consumption improves postprandial hyperglycemia associated with impaired vascular endothelial function in healthy male adults
  152. Coffee intake, recurrence, and mortality in stage III colon cancer: results from CALGB 89803 (Alliance)
  153. Does Coffee drinking have beneficial effects on bone health of Taiwanese adults? A longitudinal study
  154. Coffee, caffeine, and health outcomes: an umbrella review
  155. Synergistic neuroprotection by Coffee components eicosanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide and caffeine in models of Parkinson’s disease and DLB
  156. The acute effect of Coffee on endothelial function and glucose metabolism following a glucose load in healthy human volunteers
  157. The association between Coffee consumption and bladder cancer incidence in a pooled analysis of the Miyagi Cohort Study and Ohsaki Cohort Study
  158. Association of Coffee intake with total and cause-specific mortality in a Japanese population: the Japan Public Health Center–based Prospective Study
  159. Chlorogenic acid, a polyphenol in Coffee, protects neurons against glutamate neurotoxicity
  160. Influence of Coffee and its components on breast cancer: A review
  162. Effects of chlorogenic acid, caffeine, and Coffee on behavioral and biochemical parameters of diabetic rats
  164. Low-energy diets differing in fibre, red meat and Coffee intake equally improve insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes: a randomised feasibility trial
  166. Ferulic acid may target MyD88-mediated pro-inflammatory signaling–implications for the health protection afforded by whole grains, anthocyanins, and Coffee
  167. Associations of Coffee drinking and cancer mortality in the cancer prevention study-II
  168. Coffee and its active compounds are neuroprotective
  169. Coffee consumption, newly diagnosed diabetes, and other alterations in glucose homeostasis: a cross-sectional analysis of the longitudinal study of adult …
  170. Effect of green Coffee bean extract consumption on blood pressure and anthropometric measures in healthy volunteers: a pilot crossover placebo controlled study
  171. The Effects of Coffee Intake on Survival in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
  172. Coffee and depression in Korea: the fifth Korean National Health and nutrition examination survey
  173. Coffee in health and disease prevention
  174. Coffee for cardioprotection and longevity
  175. Coffee consumption protects against progression in liver cirrhosis and increases long‐term survival after liver transplantation
  176. The impact of Coffee and its selected bioactive compounds on the development and progression of colorectal cancer in vivo and in vitro
  177. Topical application of spent Coffee ground extracts protects skin from ultraviolet B-induced photoaging in hairless mice
  178. Coffee consumption and coronary artery calcium score: Cross‐sectional results of ELSA‐Brasil (Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health)
  179. Coffee consumption attenuates short-term fructose-induced liver insulin resistance in healthy men
  180. Association between consumption of Coffee and the prevalence of periodontitis: The 2008–2010 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
  181. Coffee prevents proximal colorectal adenomas in Japanese men: a prospective cohort study
  182. I drink for my liver, Doc: emerging evidence that Coffee prevents cirrhosis
  183. Green Coffee as a novel agent for Alzheimer’s disease prevention by attenuating diabetes
  184. Evaluation of the anticancer potential of Coffee beans: An in vitro study
  185. Analysis of Coffee-herbal beverages for potential benefits against dementia diseases
  186. A dark brown roast Coffee blend is less effective at stimulating gastric acid secretion in healthy volunteers compared to a medium roast market blend
  187. Coffee consumption is inversely associated with depressive status in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes
  188. Coffee consumption has no deleterious effects on periodontal health but its benefits are uncertain
  189. Health promotion: Medicines mobility and a good Coffee
  190. Healthy components of Coffee processing by-products
  191. Serum sCD163 levels are associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and are influenced by Coffee and wine consumption: results of the Di@ bet. es study
  192. Consumer health benefits of habitual consumption of chlorogenic acid-enriched Coffee: a large single-arm study
  193. Association of Coffee Consumption and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Middle-Aged Koreans without Renal Impairment: The Korea National Health and …
  194. Protective effects of Coffee against oxidative stress induced by the tobacco carcinogen benzo [α] pyrene
  195. Soap formulation with Coffee grounds-a new concept of food by-products valorization and health promotion
  196. Acute effects of light and dark roasted Coffee on glucose tolerance: a randomized, controlled crossover trial in healthy volunteers
  197. Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of functional healthy drinks from some medicinal herbs and Coffee mixture
  198. Association between Coffee consumption and different types of cancers: A review of meta-analysis
  199. Coffee has hepatoprotective benefits in Brazilian patients with chronic hepatitis C even in lower daily consumption than in American and European populations
  201. Effect of caffeine contained in a cup of Coffee on microvascular function in healthy subjects
  202. Coffee inhibits nuclear factor-kappa B in prostate cancer cells and xenografts
  203. Effect of Coffee consumption on oral health
  204. Protective Effects Of Phenolic Acid Derivatives Of Coffee And Indian Gooseberry Extracts On Retinal Degeneration
  205. Cafestol, a bioactive substance in Coffee, has antidiabetic properties in KKAy mice
  206. Coffee consumption and its impact on health
  207. A combination of Coffee compounds shows insulin-sensitizing and hepatoprotective effects in a rat model of diet-induced metabolic syndrome
  208. The fermented non-digestible fraction of spent Coffee grounds induces apoptosis in human colon cancer cells (SW480)
  209. Effects of chlorogenic acid, caffeine and Coffee on components of the purinergic system of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  210. Exploring Associations of Coffee Consumption with Cancer and Mortality and Unraveling the Underlying Mechanisms
  211. Impact of Coffee-consuming habits on plasma biomarkers in a healthy adult population
  212. I drink for my liver, Doc: emerging evidence that Coffee prevents cirrhosis [version 1; referees: 3 approved]
  213. Coffee and tea breaks for liver health
  214. Chemopreventive and Possible Toxicological Effects of Cocoa and Coffee in AOM-Induced Fisher 344 Male Rats
  215. Effect of decaffeinated Coffee-enriched chlorogenic acid on blood glucose levels in healthy controls: A systematic review
  216. Coffee or Tea? Implications for Cardiovascular Health
  217. Effect of simultaneous consumption of soymilk and Coffee on the urinary excretion of isoflavones, chlorogenic acids and metabolites in healthy adults
  218. Coffee and Sandals: Interventions for Falls Prevention in a Nursing Home Resident
  219. The Dutch Coffee shop system, Tensions and benefits
  220. Coffee drinking and endometrial cancer
  221. Effect of green Coffee consumption on resting energy expenditure, blood pressure, and body temperature in healthy women: A pilot study
  222. Biological studies on green Coffee beans extracts and its relationship with obesity and diabetes mellitus diseases
  223. Health status and productivity of sheep fed Coffee pulp during fattening
  224. Tea, Coffee and Health Benefits
  225. … placebo-controlled trial of the effect of Coffee consumption on insulin sensitivity: Design and baseline characteristics of the Coffee for METabolic Health …
  226. Coffee, Traditional Chinese Medicine and cannabinoids as potential tools for prevention and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
  227. Potential antioxidant, genoprotective and neuroprotective effect of spent Coffee
  228. Coffee and cancer
  229. Organic and conventional Arabica Coffee L: protective effects on liver under pre-neoplastic conditions
  230. Alterations of hepatocyte function with free radical generators and reparation or prevention with Coffee polyphenols
  232. Effects of Coffee powder supplementation on the blood glucose and antioxidative enzyme activity of liver tissue in STZ-induced diabetic rats
  233. A Human Study on the Intra-and Interindividual Variation in Absorption and Metabolism of Coffee Chlorogenic Acids and Effects on Biomarkers of Health in Humans
  234. The Coffee Protective Effect on Catalase System in the Preneoplastic Induced Rat Liver
  235. Effects of Coffee intake on oxidative stress during aging-related alterations in periodontal tissue
  236. The Role of Coffee and its bioactive components in platelet function and aging
  237. Oral administration of Bali Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora) extract prevented the reduction of Leydig cells and testosterone levels in male Wistar rats (Rattus …
  238. Chemical composition and health properties of Coffee and Coffee by-products
  239. Is Turkish Coffee protects Drosophila melanogaster on cadmium acetate toxicity by promoting antioxidant enzymes?
  240. … 3 fatty acids in fish; polyphenols in fruits, vegetables, cereals, Coffee, tea, cacao and wine; probiotics and vitamins in prevention of stroke, age-related cognitive decline …
  241. Inhibitory Effects of Collagen Coated Coffee Bean Intake on Skin Aging
  242. Development of Smart Healthcare Cosmetic Ingredients Using Lactic Acid Fermented Coffee
  243. Coffee variety, origin and extraction procedure: Implications for Coffee beneficial effects on human health
  244. Coffee-derived phenolic compounds activate Nrf2 antioxidant pathway in I/R injury in vitro model: a nutritional approach preventing age related-damages
  245. Coffee and caffeine consumption for human health
  246. The Nutritional and Health Value of Coffee, Tea and Herbal Infusions®
  247. Coffee brew intake can prevent the reduction of lens glutathione and ascorbic acid levels in HFD‑fed animals
  248. Anti-cancer effects of green tea epigallocatchin-3-gallate and Coffee chlorogenic acid
  249. Neuroprotective properties of Coffee: An update
  250. Association of Coffee intake with survival in patients with advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer
  251. Coffee intake (Coffea arabica L.) reduces advanced glycation end product (AGEs) formation and platelet aggregation in diabetic rats
  252. Coffee and health: what we still don’t know
  253. Coffee polyphenols prevent cognitive dysfunction and suppress amyloid β plaques in APP/PS2 transgenic mouse
  254. Consumption of polyphenols in Coffee and green tea alleviates skin photoaging in healthy Japanese women
  255. Coffee, caffeine, and health
  256. Consumers’ perceptions of Coffee health benefits and motives for Coffee consumption and purchasing
  257. Consumption of chlorogenic acids through Coffee and health implications
  258. Coffee consumption, antioxidant properties and stomach cancer
  259. Bioactive Compounds in Coffee: Health Benefits of Macronutrients and Micronutrients
  260. Coffee Consumption and Its Inverse Relationship with Gastric Cancer: An Ecological Study
  261. Additive effects of green tea and Coffee on all-cause mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Fukuoka Diabetes Registry
  262. Decaffeinated Coffee and its benefits on health: focus on systemic disorders
  263. Anti-proliferative and anti-migratory properties of Coffee diterpenes kahweol acetate and cafestol in human renal cancer cells
  264. Environmental Factors Enhance Production of Plant Secondary Metabolites Toward More Tolerance and Human Health: Cocoa and Coffee Two Model Species
  265. Coffee consumption and diabetic retinopathy in adults with diabetes mellitus
  266. Coffee consumption and plasma biomarkers of metabolic and inflammatory pathways in US health professionals
  267. Coffee in cancer chemoprevention: an updated review
  268. The chemistry of chlorogenic acid from green Coffee and its role in attenuation of obesity and diabetes
  269. Post-diagnostic Coffee and tea consumption and breast cancer survival
  270. Neuroprotective effects of Coffee bioactive compounds: a review
  271. Coffee, but neither decaffeinated Coffee nor caffeine, elicits chemoprotection against a direct carcinogen in the colon of wistar rats
  272. Association of Coffee consumption and its types according to addition of sugar and creamer with metabolic syndrome incidence in a korean population from the health …
  273. Coffee prevents fatty liver disease induced by a high-fat diet by modulating pathways of the gut–liver axis
  274. New trends in Coffee diterpenes research from technological to health aspects
  275. Health effects of Coffee: Mechanism unraveled?
  276. Relationship of Coffee consumption with a decline in kidney function among patients with type 2 diabetes: the Fukuoka Diabetes Registry
  277. The acute effects of single cup of Coffee on ocular biometric parameters in healthy subjects
  278. Oxylipin regulation by phenolic compounds from Coffee beverage: Positive outcomes from a randomized controlled trial in healthy adults and macrophage derived …
  279. Coffee consumption, health benefits and side effects: a narrative review and update for dietitians and nutritionists
  280. Protective effects of Coffee consumption following liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis
  281. Coffee consumption and mortality from all causes of death, cardiovascular disease and cancer in an elderly Spanish population
  282. The difference in effect of Arabica Coffee gayo beans and leaf (Coffea Arabica Gayo) extract on decreasing blood sugar levels in healthy mice
  283. Longitudinal study of the relationship between Coffee consumption and type 2 diabetes in Chinese adult residents: Data from China Health and Nutrition …
  284. Neuromodulatory effects of green Coffee bean extract against brain damage in male albino rats with experimentally induced diabetes
  285. Coffee intake and trace element blood concentrations in association with renal cell cancer among smokers
  286. The association between Coffee consumption and bladder cancer in the bladder cancer epidemiology and nutritional determinants (BLEND) international …
  287. Coffee and tea on cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention
  288. Delta Cafés marketing plan: launching a green Coffee blend with slimming properties and other health benefits
  289. Inter‐Individual Variation in Cancer and Cardiometabolic Health Outcomes in Response to Coffee Consumption: A Critical Review
  290. Caffeinated Coffee Consumption and Health Outcomes in the US Population: A Dose–Response Meta-Analysis and Estimation of Disease Cases and Deaths Avoided
  291. Caffeine intake from Coffee and tea and invasive breast cancer incidence among postmenopausal women in the Women’s Health Initiative
  292. Prevention and management of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome in the time of COVID-19: Should we add a cup of Coffee?
  293. Neuroprotective and neurodegenerative aspects of Coffee and its active ingredients in view of scientific literature
  294. The Coffee–Acrylamide Apparent Paradox: An Example of Why the Health Impact of a Specific Compound in a Complex Mixture Should Not Be Evaluated in Isolation
  295. Coffee consumption and overall and cause-specific mortality: the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC)
  296. Prospective investigation of serum metabolites, Coffee drinking, liver cancer incidence, and liver disease mortality
  297. Bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and antiproliferative effects in prostate cancer cells of green and roasted Coffee extracts obtained by microwave-assisted …
  298. The Effect of Caffeine on Health and Exercise Performance with a Cold Brew Coffee Approach: A Scoping Review
  299. Coffee: Consumption and Health Implications
  300. Green Coffee methanolic extract and silymarin protect against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in albino male rats
  301. Coffee and tea consumption and mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease and cancer: A pooled analysis of prospective studies from the Asia Cohort …
  302. Coffee and its biologically active components: is there a connection to breast, endometrial, and ovarian cancer?-a review
  303. Drinking for protection? Epidemiological and experimental evidence on the beneficial effects of Coffee or major Coffee compounds against gastrointestinal and liver …
  304. How do Coffee substitutes compare to Coffee? A comprehensive review of its quality characteristics, sensory characters, phytochemicals, health benefits and safety
  305. Coffee consumption and all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality in an adult mediterranean population
  306. Coffee, caffeine and cognition: a benefit or disadvantage?
  307. Coffee consumption and cardiovascular diseases and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and dose–response meta-analysis of cohort …
  308. Green Coffee: Economic relevance and a systematic review of the effects on human health
  309. Dark Coffee consumption protects human blood cells from spontaneous DNA damage
  310. How do green and black Coffee brews and bioactive interaction with gut microbiome affect its health outcomes? Mining evidence from mechanistic studies …
  311. Association between Coffee Consumption/Physical Exercise and Gastric, Hepatic, Colon, Breast, Uterine Cervix, Lung, Thyroid, Prostate, and Bladder Cancer
  312. Association of Coffee Intake With Survival in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
  313. Neuroprotective effects of green Coffee bean extract against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease: a mini review
  314. Changes in choroidal component ratio and circulation after Coffee intake in healthy subjects
  315. Inverse Association of Coffee with Liver Cancer Development: an Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
  316. Validation of Coffee by-products as food ingredients for a sustainable nutrition and health
  317. The impact of Coffee on human health
  318. Hepatoprotective effect of Coffee pulp aqueous extract combined with simvastatin against hepatic steatosis in high-fat diet-induced obese rats
  319. Effects of consumption of Coffee, tea, or soft drinks on open-angle glaucoma: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010 to 2011
  320. Antitumor effects of freeze-dried Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora) extracts on breast cancer cell lines
  321. Efficacy of arabica versus robusta Coffee in improving weight, insulin resistance, and liver steatosis in a rat model of type-2 diabetes
  322. Supplementation of green Coffee bean extract in healthy overweight subjects increases lean mass/fat mass ratio: A randomized, double-blind clinical study
  323. Bitter Coffee for Sweet Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial For Treatment Of Type 2 Diabetes With Black Coffee In Balb c Albino Mice
  324. Effects of Coffee and Tea on Ocular Health and Disease
  325. Effect of Coffee and cocoa-based confectionery containing Coffee on markers of cardiometabolic health: Results from the pocket-4-life project
  326. A randomized double blinded placebo controlled clinical trial for the evaluation of green Coffee extract on immune health in healthy adults
  327. Changes in the plasma lipidome of healthy subjects after Coffee consumption reveal potential cardiovascular benefits: A randomized controlled trial
  328. A dose–response meta-analysis of Coffee consumption and thyroid cancer occurrence
  329. Effect of green Coffee beans extract ointments for wound healing
  330. Insulin-Related Liver Pathways and the Therapeutic Effects of Aerobic Training, Green Coffee, and Chlorogenic Acid Supplementation in Prediabetic Mice
  331. The possible effects of green Coffee bean extract on progression of experimental diabetes in different organs; A review article
  332. Coffee and Colorectal Cancer: Is Improved Survival a “Perk” of Coffee Drinking?
  333. Chemopreventive effect of Coffee against colorectal cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma
  334. Cytoprotective compounds interfere with the nutraceutical potential of bread supplemented with green Coffee beans
  335. … whitening effect of toothpaste containing high cleaning silica and sodium hexametaphosphate and the preventive effect of staining by Coffee, tea and wine
  336. The Effect of Combined Exercise with Coffee Consumption on Fasting Blood Sugar Levels and Abdominal Obesity in Overweight Middle-aged Prediabetic Men
  337. Active packaging films containing antioxidant extracts from green Coffee oil by-products to prevent lipid oxidation
  338. Beverages from Coffee beans of Arabica as a source of health-promoting and psychoactive compounds
  339. Coffee protection against the development of hepatocellular carcinoma
  340. Coffee Silverskin and Spent Coffee Suitable as Neuroprotectors against Cell Death by Beauvericin and α-Zearalenol: Evaluating Strategies of Treatment
  341. A Cross-Sectional Study on the Combined Effect of Body Weight and Coffee Consumption on Serum Levels of Leptin, Vitamin B12, and Folic Acid in Healthy …
  342. Modulation of brain insulin signaling in Alzheimer’s disease: New insight on the protective role of green Coffee bean extract
  343. Better Latte Than Never: Should Coffee Consumption be Encouraged in Public Health Guidelines?
  344. Green Coffee oil cream (Coffea arabica L.): healing potential of skin wounds of wistar rats
  345. Functional and Healthy Properties of Yoghurt adding to Green Tea and Coffee Extracts on Reducing Obese and its Complications in Rats
  346. Mitochondrial protection promoted by the Coffee diterpene kahweol in methylglyoxal-treated human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells
  347. Consumption of caffeinated and decaffeinated Coffee enriched with cocoa and fructo‐oligosaccharides among non‐diabetic persons: Double blind randomized clinical …
  348. Preventive effects of Coffee against cardiovascular diseases
  349. Diet as a cornerstone of cardiovascular prevention: the key role of Coffee consumption
  350. I Slay Demons While Drinking Coffee: Racism and How It Affects Black Peoples Mental Health
  351. Functional and Health Properties of Yogurt Supplemented with Green Tea or Green Coffee Extracts and its Effect on Reducing Obesity Complications in Rats
  352. Coffee, Tea and Cancer
  353. Coffee and Gastrointestinal Health: A Review
  354. Phenolic compounds profile, neuroprotective effect and antioxidant potential of a commercial Turkish Coffee
  355. Simultaneous administration of Coffee and rasagiline/l-dopa protects against paraquat-induced neurochemical and motor behavior impairments in vivo
  356. Caffeinated instant Coffee prevents an increase in exercise-mediated superoxide anion production in rat peritoneal neutrophils
  357. Comparative study of the sensory quality and health promoting properties of yogurts containing Coffee and wine-making byproduct extracts
  358. Chemopreventative Potential of Plant-Based Extracts Coffee (Coffea) and Mauby (Colubrina Arborescens) Using the Global Antioxidant Response (GAR) …
  359. Making Instant Spiced Coffee Drink to Prevent Covid-19
  360. Coffee, will it be Healthy Choice
  361. China Manufactory Supplier Health Coffee Slimming Anti Ageing Tea Food Packaging Foil Bag Popcorn Envelope Plastic Mylar Pouchfor flotation machines
  362. The Healing Powers of Coffee
  363. Coffee: emerging health effects and disease prevention
  364. Insights on the health benefits of the bioactive compounds of Coffee silverskin extract
  365. Coffee brews as food matrices for delivering probiotics: Opportunities, challenges, and potential health benefits
  366. Assessment of healthy and harmful Maillard reaction products in a novel Coffee cascara beverage: melanoidins and acrylamide
  367. Sustainable use of Coffee silverskin as a natural source of bioactive compounds for diabetes
  368. Coffee controversy: is it healthy or not?
  369. Coffee: The revolutionary drink for pleasure and health
  370. The Coffee Sliver Skin Extracts from Coffee Beans Exhibited Cosmetic Properties with Antioxiant Activity and Inhibitory Effects for Elastase, Collagenase and …
  371. Cafestol, a Coffee-specific Diterpene, In hibits AP-1 on PGE 2 Production through ERK Inhibition in LPS-activated Macrophages
  372. Coffee and chlorogenic acid inhibit hydrogen peroxide induced apoptosis in primary cortical neurons
  373. The inhibitory effects of Coffee on radical-mediated oxidation and mutagenicity
  374. Extract of oregano, Coffee, thyme, clove, and walnuts inhibits NF-κB in monocytes and in transgenic reporter mice
  375. Caffeic acid, a phenolic phytochemical in Coffee, directly inhibits Fyn kinase activity and UVB-induced COX-2 expression
  376. The inhibition of the mammalian DNA methyltransferase 3a (Dnmt3a) by dietary black tea and Coffee polyphenols
  377. Inhibitory effects of Coffee on transplacental genotoxicity in mice
  378. Coffee cysteine proteinases and related inhibitors with high expression during grain maturation and germination
  379. Coffee Diterpene Kahweol Inhibits Metastasis via STAT3 Inactivation
  380. Inhibition of Peroxynitrite-induced Nitration by Coffee Ingredients: Effect on Glutathione Reductase
  381. Inhibitors of advanced glycation end products from Coffee bean roasting by-product
  382. Phenylindanes in brewed Coffee inhibit amyloid-beta and tau aggregation
  383. Daily Coffee intake inhibits pancreatic beta cell damage and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in a mouse model of spontaneous metabolic syndrome, tsumura-suzuki …
  384. Cafestol, a Coffee diterpene, inhibits urotensin II-induced interleukin-8 expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  385. Coffee and caffeine potentiate the antiamyloidogenic activity of melatonin via inhibition of Aβ oligomerization and modulation of the Tau-mediated pathway in …
  386. Lipoxygenase inhibitors and antioxidants from green Coffee—mechanism of action in the light of potential bioaccessibility
  387. Preparation of Coffee oil-algae oil-based nanoemulsions and the study of their inhibition effect on UVA-induced skin damage in mice and melanoma cell …
  388. Green and roasted Coffee extracts as antioxidants in βTC3 cells with induced oxidative stress and lipid accumulation inhibitors in 3T3L1 cells, and their …
  389. Effect of Coffee roasting on in vitro α-glucosidase activity: Inhibition and mechanism of action
  390. Inhibitory effects of caffeic acid, a Coffee-related organic acid, on the propagation of hepatitis C virus
  391. Evaluation of butyrylcholinesterase inhibitory activity by chlorogenic acids and Coffee extracts assed in ITC and docking simulation models
  392. Effect of Extraction Methods on Chemical Composition, Angiotensin I‐Converting Enzyme Inhibitory and Antioxidant Activity of Coffee Residue
  393. The Inhibition of the Mammalian DNA Methyltransferase 3a (Dnmt3a) by Dietary Black Tea and Coffee Polyphenols
  394. Atractyligenin, a terpenoid isolated from Coffee silverskin, inhibits cutaneous photoaging
  395. Three major compounds showing significant antioxidative, α-glucosidase inhibition, and antiglycation activities in Robusta Coffee brew
  396. Pyrocatechol, a component of Coffee, suppresses LPS-induced inflammatory responses by inhibiting NF-κB and activating Nrf2
  397. Evaluation of the chemical constituents, antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory activities of six Yemeni green Coffee beans varieties
  398. Coffee ingredients, hydroquinone, pyrocatechol, and 4-ethylcatechol exhibit anti-inflammatory activity through inhibiting NF-κB and activating Nrf2
  399. Inhibition of the Maillard reaction by phytochemicals composing an aqueous Coffee silverskin extract via a mixed mechanism of action
  400. Coffee extracts effectively inhibit the formation of α-chymotrypsin amyloid-like fibrils in aqueous ethanol in vitro
  401. Fat concentration and high-pressure homogenization affect chlorogenic acid bioaccessibility and α-glucosidase inhibitory capacity of milk-based Coffee beverages
  402. Chemical composition, antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory properties of different extracts obtained from spent Coffee ground and Coffee silverskin
  403. Quantification of Major Bioactive Constituents, Antioxidant Activity, and Enzyme Inhibitory Effects of Whole Coffee Cherries (Coffea arabica) and Their Extracts
  404. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester, a Coffee polyphenol, inhibits DNA methylation in vitro and in vivo
  405. Decaffeinated Coffee and green tea extract inhibit foam cell atherosclerosis by lowering inflammation and improving cholesterol influx/efflux balance through …
  406. Ultrasonication increases γ‐aminobutyric acid accumulation in Coffee leaves and affects total phenolic content and angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitory activity
  407. Coffee and liver disease
  408. Coffee toxicology, processing of the Coffee and liver diseases (is it a miracle of nature?)
  409. Caffeine and Coffee as therapeutics against Alzheimer’s disease
  410. Association of Coffee consumption with all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality
  411. No association of Coffee consumption with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, reflux esophagitis, and non-erosive reflux disease: a cross-sectional study of 8,013 …
  412. Coffee consumption, the metabolic syndrome and non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease
  413. Coffee and cardiovascular disease: in vitro, cellular, animal, and human studies
  414. A case-control study on cigarette, alcohol, and Coffee consumption preceding Parkinson’s disease
  415. Alcohol, Coffee, fish, smoking and disease progression in multiple sclerosis
  416. Genome-Wide Gene-Environment Study Identifies Glutamate Receptor Gene GRIN2A as a Parkinson’s Disease Modifier Gene via Interaction with Coffee
  417. Coffee intake and cardiovascular disease: virtue does not take center stage
  418. High Coffee intake is associated with lower grade nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: the role of peripheral antioxidant activity
  419. Coffee and Alzheimer’s disease—epidemiologic evidence
  420. Coffee and progression of liver disease
  421. 4 Coffee and Alzheimer’s Disease: Animal and Cellular Evidence
  422. Newcastle disease in village chickens in the Colombian Coffee area
  423. Clinical evidence linking Coffee and tea intake with Parkinson’s disease
  424. The Effects of Coffee, Caffeine and Chlorogenic Acid Supplementation on Functional, Disease and Molecular Outcome Measures in Male and Female G93A …
  425. Coffee and the liver: a potential treatment for liver disease?
  426. Water‐borne spore dispersal in Coffee berry disease and its relation to control
  427. Investigations on Coffee berry disease—laboratory studies
  428. Coffee and Parkinson’s disease
  429. Coffee, Disease, and the “Simultaneity of Stories-So-Far” in the Highlands of 19th-Century Ceylon
  430. Coffee, Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF), and Neurodegenerative Diseases
  431. Coffee consumption and periodontal disease in males
  432. Coffee intake is associated with a lower liver stiffness in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatitis C, and hepatitis B
  433. Chronic Coffee consumption and respiratory disease: A systematic review
  434. Long-term effect of Coffee consumption on autosomal dominant polycystic kidneys disease progression: results from the Suisse ADPKD, a Prospective …
  435. Having a Coffee break: the impact of caffeine consumption on microglia-mediated inflammation in neurodegenerative diseases
  436. Coffee intake, cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: observational and Mendelian randomization analyses in 95 000–223 000 individuals
  437. Effect Of Artesunate, Esomeprazole And Coffee Intake On Prodromal Parkinson’s Disease Features In Adult Men
  438. Association of Coffee consumption and chronic kidney disease: A meta‐analysis
  439. Effect Of Artesunate, Esomeprazole And Coffee Intake On Prodromal Parkinson’s Disease Features In Adult Men
  440. Beneficial role of Coffee and caffeine in neurodegenerative diseases: A minireview
  441. Association between Coffee intake and gastroesophageal reflux disease: a meta-analysis
  442. Effects of Coffee intake on incident chronic kidney disease: a community-based prospective cohort study
  443. Chronic Coffee consumption and striatal DAT-SPECT findings in Parkinson’s disease
  444. J-shaped relationship between habitual Coffee consumption and 10-year (2002–2012) cardiovascular disease incidence: the ATTICA study
  445. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in morbid obese patients: Coffee consumption vs. disease severity
  446. Coffee: The magical bean for liver diseases
  447. Linking Smoking, Coffee, Urate, and Parkinson’s Disease–A Role for Gut Microbiota?
  448. The rationale of using Coffee and melatonin as an alternative treatment for alzheimer’s disease
  449. Article–Coffee and Liver Disease
  450. Coffee and wine consumption is associated with reduced mortality from alcoholic liver disease: follow-up of 219,279 Norwegian men and women aged 30–67 years
  451. Coffee, genetic variants, and Parkinson’s disease: gene–environment interactions
  452. Oily fish, Coffee and walnuts: Dietary treatment for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  453. The impact of Coffee and caffeine on multiple sclerosis compared to other neurodegenerative diseases
  454. Coffee Consumption, Smoking, and Genetic Factors of Parkinson’s Disease: Gene-Environment Interaction and Genome-wide DNA Methylation Studies
  455. Espresso Coffee for the treatment of somnolence in Parkinson’s disease: Results of n-of-1 trials
  456. Development of sustainable novel foods based on Coffee by-products for chronic diseases
  457. Developing sustainable disease resistance in Coffee: breeding vs. transgenic approaches
  458. Coffee, smoking and aspirin are associated with age at onset in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease
  459. Anti‐Alzheimer’s disease potential of Arabian Coffee versus Date palm seed extract in male rats
  460. Coffee consumption and mortality from cardiovascular diseases and total mortality: Does the brewing method matter?
  461. The role of tea and Coffee in the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease
  462. An outlook on the role of decaffeinated Coffee in neurodegenerative diseases
  463. Supplementary Information: Coffee, smoking and aspirin are associated with age at onset and clinical severity in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease
  464. Does drinking Coffee and tea affect bone metabolism in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases?
  465. The effect of Coffee consumption on the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and liver fibrosis: A meta-analysis of 11 epidemiological studies
  466. Effect of green Coffee extract supplementation on serum adiponectin concentration and lipid profile in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomized …
  467. The Role of Coffee in Alzheimer Disease
  468. Sub-chronic administration of brewed Coffee on rat behavior and cognition and oxidative stress Alzheimer’s disease model
  469. The Association Between Coffee Consumption and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in the South Korean General Population
  470. Coffee consumption and disease correlations
  471. A systematic review and a dose–response meta-analysis of Coffee dose and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  472. Beneficial effects of Coffee in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a narrative review
  474. Association of Coffee with severity of periodontal disease-A comparative cross-sectional clinical study
  475. Associations between green tea consumption and Coffee consumption and the prevalence of coronary artery disease
  476. Interaction between Coffee drinking and TRIB1 rs17321515 single nucleotide polymorphism on coronary heart disease in a Taiwanese population
  477. Effects of green Coffee extract supplementation on glycemic indexes, leptin, and obesity values in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  478. Development of sustainable novel foods and beverages based on Coffee by-products for chronic diseases
  479. Coffee Roasters and Their Occupational Lung Disease: A Literature Review
  480. Coffee antioxidants in chronic diseases
  481. No evidence of foliar disease impact on crop root functional strategies and soil microbial communities: what does this mean for organic Coffee?
  482. Systematic analysis of the molecular mechanisms mediated by Coffee in Parkinson’s disease based on network pharmacology approach
  483. Effects of Coffee on intestinal microbiota, immunity, and disease
  484. Coffee Consumption and Chronic Diseases: Nutrigenomics Perspectives
  485. PE-317: Association of Coffee and Caffeine Consumption with Fatty Liver Disease, Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis, and Degree of Hepatic Fibrosis
  486. Coffee and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a review
  487. Alcohol, tobacco and Coffee consumption and liver disease severity among individuals with Chronic Hepatitis B infection in North America
  488. … divalent metal transporter 1 and dopamine receptors D1 interrelationship in Parkinson’s disease and the role of grape seed and green Coffee bean extracts and …
  489. Coffee Consumption and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Umbrella Review and a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
  490. Estimating the Value of Disease Regulation Services Under Climate Change: A Bioeconomic Model of Coffee Leaf Rust and Shade-grown Coffee
  491. The Effects of Coffee Consumption on Cardiovascular Heart Diseases and Other Diseases
  493. Effect of yerba mate tea caffeine and green Coffee by-products on in vitro adipogenesis and lipid accumulation and their incorporation into functional beverages
  494. Converting spent Coffee grounds into bioactive extracts with potential skin antiaging and lightening effects
  495. Phytochemical composition, antioxidant activity, and the effect of the aqueous extract of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) bean residual press cake on the skin wound …
  496. Effectiveness test of Robusta Coffee (Coffea cenephora) extract from North Sumatra in collagen and hydration skin level of female Wistar Rattus norvegicus
  497. Quantification of Caffeine and Chlorogenic Acid in Green and Roasted Coffee Samples Using HPLC-DAD and Evaluation of the Effect of Degree of Roasting on Their …
  498. In vitro and in vivo effect of Coffee components on the glycoxidative stress
  499. Anti-Fibrogenic Effects of Coffee and its Mechanisms
  500. Anti-cariogenic effects of polyphenols from plant stimulant beverages (cocoa, Coffee, tea)
  501. CYP1A2 and Coffee intake and the modifying effect of sex, age, and smoking
  502. Effects of Coffee, smoking, and alcohol on liver function tests: a comprehensive cross-sectional study
  503. Effects of Coffee consumption on oxidative susceptibility of low-density lipoproteins and serum lipid levels in humans
  504. Chronic Coffee and caffeine ingestion effects on the cognitive function and antioxidant system of rat brains
  505. Placental glutathione S-transferase (GST-P) induction as a potential mechanism for the anti-carcinogenic effect of the Coffee-specific components cafestol and …
  506. Modulatory Effect of Coffee Diterpene Kahweol on A cute Inflammation in The Rat Air Pouch Model
  507. Anti-atherogenic effects of fermented fresh Coffee bean, soybean and rice bran extracts
  508. Effect of negative awareness of Coffee on its preference and recommendation intention
  509. Degree of roasting is the main determinant of the effects of Coffee on NF-κB and EpRE
  510. Recent developments on polyphenol–protein interactions: effects on tea and Coffee taste, antioxidant properties and the digestive system
  511. Effect of Coffee and tea drinking on postprandial hypotension in older men and women
  512. The effect of Coffee consumption on the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis B virus endemic area
  513. On the Effects of Coffee and Their Remedy
  514. Effects of hot tea, Coffee and water ingestion on physiological responses and mood: the role of caffeine, water and beverage type
  515. Coffee antioxidant properties: effects of milk addition and processing conditions
  516. Coffee drinking: the rationale for treating it as a potential effect modifier of carcinogenic exposures
  517. A randomised placebo-controlled trial to differentiate the acute cognitive and mood effects of chlorogenic acid from decaffeinated Coffee
  518. Coffee acutely modifies gastrointestinal hormone secretion and glucose tolerance in humans: glycemic effects of chlorogenic acid and caffeine
  519. Antihypertensive effect of green Coffee bean extract on mildly hypertensive subjects
  520. Coffee and cigarette consumption and perceived effects in recovering alcoholics participating in alcoholics anonymous in Nashville, Tennessee
  521. Effects of Coffee consumption in chronic hepatitis C: a randomized controlled trial
  522. Effects of fair trade certification on social capital: The case of Rwandan Coffee producers
  523. Effect of nutritionally enriched Coffee consumption on aerobic and anaerobic exercise performance
  524. Coffee: good, bad, or just fun? A critical review of Coffee‘s effects on liver enzymes
  525. Green Coffee bean extract and its metabolites have a hypotensive effect in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  526. Effects of caffeine and Coffee on females.
  527. Effect of different Coffees on esophageal acid contact time and symptoms in Coffee-sensitive subjects
  528. Relation of Coffee consumption and serum liver enzymes in Japanese men and women with reference to effect modification of alcohol use and body mass index
  529. Effects of Coffee Cherry, the Residue Left after Removal of the Beans from the Coffeee Fruit, on Mammary Glands, Automatic Behavior and Related Parameters in …
  530. Coffee consumption and reduced self-reported side effects in HIV-HCV co-infected patients during PEG-IFN and ribavirin treatment: Results from ANRS CO13 …
  531. Effect of Coffee consumption on bone metabolism
  532. The apolipoprotein E polymorphism and the cholesterol-raising effect of Coffee
  533. Effect of Coffee drinking on cell proliferation in rat urinary bladder epithelium
  534. Ergogenic effect of varied doses of Coffee-caffeine on maximal aerobic power of young African subjects
  535. The effect of green Coffee bean extract supplementation on body fat reduction in overweight/obese women
  536. Gender and body mass index modify the effect of increasing amounts of caffeinated Coffee on postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations; a randomized …
  537. Coffee and caffeine effects on hypertension
  538. Combined effects of Coffee consumption and serum γ-glutamyltransferase on serum C-reactive protein in middle-aged and elderly Japanese men and women
  539. Combining Several Experimental Data from Coffee as an Effective Discrimination Tool in Metabolomics
  540. The effect of preheat treatment and other process parameters on the Coffee stability of instant whole milk powder
  541. The effects of Coffee on enzymes involved in metabolism of the dietary carcinogen 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4, 5-b] pyridine in rats
  542. Effect of green Coffee bean extract supplementation on body fat reduction in mildly obese women
  543. Effects of caffeine and used Coffee grounds on biological features of Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) and their possible use in alternative control
  544. Effects of hydroxyhydroquinone-reduced Coffee on blood pressure in high-normotensives and mild hypertensives
  545. The CO2 release and Oxygen uptake from Fossil Fuel Emission Estimate (Coffee) dataset: effects from varying oxidative ratios
  546. The effect of storage conditions on Coffee seed and seedling quality
  547. Effect of β-blockade on the pressor response to Coffee plus smoking in patients with mild hypertension
  548. Effects of acute caffeinated Coffee consumption on energy utilization related to glucose and lipid oxidation from short submaximal Treadmill exercise in sedentary Men
  549. Effects of Coffee on Physical Performance in Mice
  550. Effects of Coffee Components on the Response of GABAA Receptors Expressed in Xenopus Oocytes
  551. The cholesterol-raising effect of Coffee in the Syrian hamster
  552. Cytotoxicity and antiproliferative effects of extracts from Coffee cherry fruit on cell lines from normal breast tissue and from non-invasive and invasive breast …
  553. Effect of supplementation of a reductone in Coffee, hydroxyhydroquinone, on lipid peroxidation and DNA damage of rat organs
  554. The effect of caffeinated Coffee on airway response to methacholine and exhaled nitric oxide
  555. Cerebral effects of noncaffeine constituents in roasted Coffee
  556. The effectiveness of market-based social governance schemes: The case of fair trade Coffee
  557. Effect of Coffee on ambulatory blood pressure in patients with treated hypertension
  558. Effects of Coffee Cherry on Lactation in Mice: Improvement of Nesting Behavior
  559. The effect of caffeine and Coffee on blood pressure.
  560. Effect of Coffee on some physiological parameters
  561. The high price of (criticizing) Coffee: the chilling effect of the federal trademark dilution act on corporate parody
  562. Coffee & Tea-The Artifical Stressors A Review of the Negative Physiologucal & Psychological Effects of the Xanthines
  563. Effects of green, black and rooibos tea, Coffee and buchu on testosterone production by mouse testicular cultures
  564. Effects of Coffee and caffeine on mood and mood disorders.
  565. The physiological effects of Coffee consumption
  566. Effect of a combination of extract of Centella asiatica L. leaves and extract of green Coffee (Coffea canephora robusta P.) Beans in a cream preparation for grade 1-3 …
  567. Effects of dietary supplementation of Coffee meal on growth performance, blood biochemical profiles and antioxidant defense system in broiler chickens
  568. … you like the sight or the feel of milk in Coffee? Ecology and effortful attention in differential acuity and preference for sensed effects of milk substitute in vended Coffee
  569. Effect of Caffeine in Coffee and Tea on Locomotor Activity and Specific Behavior in Rats
  570. The Effects of Unions on Productivity: Evidence from Large Coffee Producers in Guatemala
  571. Effect of photoperiod on flower initiation of Coffee
  572. Physiological effects of Coffee and its components
  573. Characterization of fungal extracts from Trichoderma isolates: their effects against Coffee wilt pathogen (Gibberella xylarioides)
  574. In vitro and in vivo biofunctional effects of selected Coffee compounds, extracts and brews on key elements of adenosine receptor-mediated signaling pathways and on …
  575. The Effects of Unions on Productivity: Evidence from Large Coffee Producers in Guatemala
  576. Nitrogen balance in college women: the effect of Coffee on the nitrogen balance
  577. 249 Shading Effects on Vegetative Growth and Fruiting of Coffee
  578. Specialty Coffee in Costa Rica: Effect of Environmental Factors and Management Options on Soil Chemistry and Microbial Composition
  579. Anti-aging effects of Coffee
  580. Environmental effect of the Coffee waste and anti-microbial property of oyster shell waste treatment
  581. Effect of Coffee or Coffee components on gut microbiome and short-chain fatty acids in a mouse model of metabolic syndrome
  582. Effects of processing method and age of leaves on phytochemical profiles and bioactivity of Coffee leaves
  583. Roasting enhances the anti-cataract effect of Coffee beans: Ameliorating selenite-induced cataracts in rats
  584. The Effects of Coffee and Korean Red Ginseng with Body Wrap Steam Bathing on Stress Markers and Lipid Profiles
  585. The beneficial effects of Coffee in human nutrition
  586. Antenatal Coffee and tea consumption and the effect on birth outcome and hypertensive pregnancy disorders
  587. Application of Coffee silverskin in cosmetic formulations: Physical/antioxidant stability studies and cytotoxicity effects
  588. Effects of Coffee and tea consumption on glucose metabolism: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
  589. The effects of preexercise caffeinated Coffee ingestion on endurance performance: an evidence-based review
  590. Effects of Coffee intake and intraperitoneal caffeine on bone repair process-a histologic and histometric study
  591. Short-term effects of espresso Coffee on heart rate variability and blood pressure in habitual and non-habitual Coffee consumers–a randomized crossover study
  592. The effect of green Coffee bean extract supplementation on anthropometric indices, lipid profile and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in adult men with …
  593. Coffee: a selected overview of beneficial or harmful effects on the cardiovascular system?
  594. Does green Coffee has a positive effect on body mass index and lipid profile in a sample of obese people
  595. Effect of Coffee (caffeine) against human cataract blindness
  596. Effects of green Coffee extract supplementation on oxidative stress, systemic and vascular inflammation in patients with metabolic syndrome: a randomized …
  597. Cascading effects of insectivorous birds and bats in tropical Coffee plantations
  598. The effect of ground Coffee on the mechanical and application properties of rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate foams
  600. Cardiometabolic effects of two Coffee blends differing in content for major constituents in overweight adults: a randomized controlled trial
  601. The effect of Coffee intake on lysophosphatidylcholines: A targeted metabolomic approach
  602. Comparison of the effect of 8 weeks concurrent training and green Coffee supplementation on serum adipsin and insulin resistance in obese women
  603. The effect of green Coffee bean extract on the weight rats with high fat diet
  605. Comparative effect of Coffee robusta and Coffee arabica (Qahwa) on memory and attention
  606. Effect of green Coffee extract on rheological, physico-sensory and antioxidant properties of bread
  607. The effect of aerobic training with green Coffee on body composition and lipid profile in overweight women
  608. Physiological Effects of Caffeine and Its Congeners Present in Tea and Coffee Beverages
  609. The effects of Coffee and tea on leukemia cells
  611. Effect of green Coffee bean extract on Streptococcus mutans count: A randomised control trial
  612. Effects of combined extract of cocoa, Coffee, green tea and garcinia on lipid profiles, glycaemic markers and inflammatory responses in hamsters
  613. Coffea arabica variety KP423 may be resistant to the cerambycid Coffee stemborer Monochamus leuconotus, but common stem treatments seem ineffective against …
  614. Effects of creatine, Coffee, and caffeine anhydrous on strength and sprint performance
  615. The effects of Coffee on glucose metabolism.
  616. Is Coffee an effective pre-workout drink?–The effects of ingesting naturalistic doses of caffeine on one-repetition maximum muscular strength and muscular endurance …
  617. Impacts of Efficacy and Side Effect on Awareness and Consumption Pattern about Coffee among College Students
  618. Coffee intake and the effects on intestinal inflammation, metabolic homeostasis and intestinal barrier function in mice
  619. The effect of governance on the growth of collective entrepreneurship in the Coffee sector in Kenya
  620. Effects of dietary supplementation of Coffee meal on intestinal enzyme activity, biochemical profiles and microbial population in broiler chicks
  621. Boron, copper and zinc effects on photosynthesis, enzymatic activity, nutritional status, production, chemical composition and cup quality of Coffee
  622. Comparison of anti-aging effectiveness from gotu kola extract cream (Centella asiatica) and robusta Coffee cream (Coffea canephora) toward hydration levels in male …
  623. Effect of fermentation time on antioxidant and anti-ageing properties of green Coffee Kombucha ferments
  624. Occurrence of endophytic bacteria in Vietnamese Robusta Coffee roots and their effects on plant parasitic nematodes
  625. The Effects of Lampung Robusta Green Coffee Extract (Coffee Canephora Var Robusta) on Layer Chicken’s Humoral Immune System and Intestinal …
  626. An ultrasensitive PVDF-based molecularly imprinted fluorescent test strip for the rapid and off-line detection of 4-NP with improved anti-Coffee ring effect
  627. Traditional Turkish Coffee with Medicinal Effect
  628. The effect of green Coffee extract supplementation on serum oxidized LDL cholesterol and total antioxidant capacity in patients with dyslipidemia: a randomized …
  629. The beneficial effects of principal polyphenols from green tea, Coffee, wine, and curry on obesity
  630. The effect of Coffee consumption on glucose homeostasis and redox-inflammatory responses in high-fat diet-induced obese rats
  631. Effect of preparation method and roasting temperature on total polyphenol content in Coffee beverages
  632. edonic effects on Coffee consumption in Brazil 1Jonas Fernando Petry 2Gustavo da Rosa Borges 3Leonardo Aureliano-Silva
  633. Cognitive short-and long-term effects of Coffee cherry extract in older adults with mild cognitive decline
  634. Hedonic effects on Coffee consumption in Brazil
  635. Effect of green Coffee bean extract supplementation on liver function and inflammatory biomarkers: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
  636. Coffee silverskin extract: Nutritional value, safety and effect on key biological functions
  637. Effect of processing on bioavailability and bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds in Coffee beans
  638. Effect of Coffee consumption on dyslipidemia: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  639. Effects of Coffee consumption on glucose metabolism: a systematic review of clinical trials
  640. Is that Coffee mug smiling at me? How anthropomorphism impacts the effectiveness of desirability vs. feasibility appeals in sustainability advertising
  641. Effects of Coffee and its components on the gastrointestinal tract and the brain–gut axis
  642. Systematic review of the effects of Coffee or its components on platelets and their regulators
  643. The effect of green-Coffee extract supplementation on obesity: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  644. Role of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) in mediating the effects of Coffee in the colon
  645. Neurophysiological effects of whole Coffee cherry extract in older adults with subjective cognitive impairment: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross …
  646. The effect of green Coffee extract supplementation on lipid profile: A systematic review of clinical trial and in-vivo studies
  647. Effect of Postoperative Coffee Consumption on Postoperative Ileus after Abdominal Surgery: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  648. Effects of Coffee consumption on arterial stiffness and endothelial function: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
  649. Effects of enteric environmental modification by Coffee components on neurodegeneration in rotenone-treated mice
  651. Effect of a freeze-dried Coffee solution in a high-fat diet-induced obesity model in rats: Impact on inflammatory response, lipid profile, and gut microbiota
  652. The effect of green Coffee extract supplementation on anthropometric measures in adults: A comprehensive systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of …
  653. In vivo modulatory effect of Coffee (Coffea canephora var. Robusta) on the expression levels of murine microRNA-124-3p associated with antioxidant defenses
  654. Effects of Coffee on the Gastro-Intestinal Tract: A Narrative Review and Literature Update
  655. The antioxidant content of Coffee and its in vitro activity as an effect of its production method and roasting and brewing time
  656. Effect of roasting on antioxidants and related compounds in green Coffee beans
  657. Effect of green Coffee supplementation on androgens level in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial
  658. Effect of Fermentation Media on the Quality of Arabica Wine Coffee
  659. The effects of flavonoids, green tea polyphenols and Coffee on DMBA induced LINE-1 DNA hypomethylation
  660. Effect of Fermentation Media on the Quality of Arabica Wine Coffee
  661. The Effect of Roasting Temperature on Ferulic Acid Levels of Robusta Coffee Bean with Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)-Densitometry.
  662. Effects of supplementation with main Coffee components including caffeine and/or chlorogenic acid on hepatic, metabolic, and inflammatory indices in patients …
  663. Effect of Coffee against MPTP-Induced Motor Deficits and Neurodegeneration in Mice Via Regulating Gut Microbiota
  664. Effects of Coffee, energy drinks and their components on hemostasis: The hypothetical mechanisms of their action
  665. … on cardiovascular mortality in congestive heart failure: CanrenOne eFFects on cardiovascular mortality in patiEnts with congEstIve hearT failure: The Coffee-IT …
  666. The effects of green Coffee extract supplementation on glycemic indices and lipid profile in adults: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of …
  667. Effect of Coffee Consumption on the Incidence of Post Dural Puncture Headache among Patients Receiving Spinal Anesthesia
  668. Quantification of the effects of Coffee on postoperative ileus after laparoscopic ventral rectopexy: a randomized controlled trial
  669. The effects of kahweol, a diterpene present in Coffee, on the mitochondria of the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide
  670. Effect of elastic band resistance training with green Coffee extract supplementation on adiposity indices and TyG-related Indicators in Obese Women
  671. Trump’s wall and gourmet Coffee sales: The effect of a consumer boycott in Mexico
  672. The Effects of Coffee Consumption on Self-reported Job Performance in Yangon, Myanmar
  673. Effects of green Coffee bean extract on C-reactive protein levels: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  674. The effects of green Coffee bean extract supplementation on lipid profile in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  675. Bowel sound-based features to investigate the effect of Coffee and soda on gastrointestinal motility
  676. Drug Abuse Prevalence and Effects in Coffee Shop Workers: A Cross Sectional Study.
  677. Effects of green Coffee extract supplementation on level of chemerin, malondialdehyde, nutritional and metabolic status in patients with metabolic syndrome
  678. Effect of Green Coffee Supplement on Autonomic Cardiovascular Functions in Obese Subjects
  679. Effect of Coffee constituents, caffeine and caffeic acid on anxiety and lipopolysaccharide-induced sickness behavior in mice
  680. Effect of Coffee and cocoa-based confectionery containing Coffee on markers of DNA damage and lipid peroxidation products: results from a human …
  681. The effect of combined exercises with the approach of ultimate-fit and Coffee consumption on liver enzymes of middle-aged men with non-alcoholic fatty liver
  682. Acute effects of combined Bacopa, American ginseng and whole Coffee fruit on working memory and cerebral haemodynamic response of the prefrontal cortex: a …
  683. Symbiotic effect of lactobacillus acidophilus, Ginger, Pineapple and Green Coffee in the complex management of obesity in rats
  684. Upstream Collusion, Resale Price Maintenance, and Umbrella Effects: An Anatomy of the German Coffee Cartel
  685. Study of the Antioxidant Effects of Coffee Phenolic Metabolites on C6 Glioma Cells Exposed to Diesel Exhaust Particles
  686. The effect of pressure filtration Coffee preparation methods (Coffea arabica L. var. Castillo) on antioxidant content and activity, and beverage acceptance
  687. Turnitin_C2_NW Effects of The Administration of Brewed Robusta Coffee Leaves on Total Antioxidant Status in Rats with High-Fat, High-Fructose Diet-Induced …
  688. Effect of Decaffeinated Coffee Consumption on Markers of Atherogenesis and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Diet-Induced Dyslipidemia in Rats. Adv in Nutri …
  689. The Effect of Green Coffee on Blood Pressure, Liver and Kidney Functions in Obese Model Rats
  690. Effect of Mixing Coffee with Some Therapeutic Potential Plants on Some Quality Indicators of the End Product: A Case Study
  691. The Effect of Combined Exercises with the Approach of Ultimate-Fit and Coffee Consumption on Liver Enzymes of Middle-aged Men with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver
  692. Down-regulatory effects of green Coffee extract on las I and las R virulence-associated genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  693. Acid hydrolysis of spent Coffee grounds: effects on possible prebiotic activity of oligosaccharides
  694. Effect of thermal and acid pre-treatment on increasing organic loading rate of anaerobic digestion of Coffee pulp for biogas production
  695. Effects of raspberry ketone and green Coffee bean extract on body mass and substrate utilisation
  696. The effects of low-dose caffeinated Coffee ingestion on strength and muscular endurance performance in male athletes
  697. Effects of Coffee and Its Components on the Gastrointestinal Tract and the Brain–Gut Axis. Nutrients 2021, 13, 88
  698. Effect of feeding coconut sugar-mix Coffee rich in antioxidants on blood pressure, serum SOD and MDA of sprague dawley rats
  699. Effect of Green Coffee, Green Tea, Cinnamon and Rosemary Extracts on Productive Performance, Feeding Behavior, Immunity and Oxidative Stress in Broilers …
  700. The calming effect of roasted Coffee aroma in patients undergoing dental procedures
  701. A Study of Millenial Viewers of the “Christ and Coffee” Facebook Page and Its Effect on Living the Word
  703. Effects of brewing conditions and Coffee species on the physicochemical characteristics, preference and dynamics of sensory attributes perception in cold brews
  704. Quantification of Chlorogenic Acid and Vanillin from Coffee Peel Extract and its Effect on α-Amylase Activity, Immunoregulation, Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress …
  705. Appetite and Satiety Effects of the Acute and Regular Consumption of Green Coffee Phenols and Green Coffee Phenol/Oat β-Glucan Nutraceuticals in Subjects with …
  706. Effect of Green Coffee Bean Extract on Steroid Hormones Synthesis, Blood Lipids and Body Weight in Rats
  707. … arabica L. var. Castillo) sobre el contenido y actividad antioxidante, y la aceptación de la bebida/The effect of pressure filtration Coffee preparation methods (Coffea …
  708. Automated Detection of Caffeinated Coffee-Induced Short-Term Effects on ECG Signals Using EMD, DWT, and WPD
  709. Investigating the Effect of Eight Weeks of Resistance Band Training along with Green Coffee Supplementation on Lipid profiles and Atherogenic Index of Plasma …
  710. The effect of Coffee fruit skin extract on sperm characteristics and testicular of mice with ethanol-induced
  711. The effect of elastic resistance band training with green Coffee supplementation on novel hepatic steatosis biomarkers in obese women: A randomized controlled trial
  712. The effect of gravity-drip filtration methods on the chemical and sensorial properties of Coffee (Coffea arabica L. var. Castillo)
  713. One Week of Low or Moderate Doses ofCaffeinated Coffee Consumption Does NotInduce Tolerance to The Acute Effects of Caffeine on Sprint Performance
  714. Investigation of the effect of Coffee on body weight, serum glucose, uric acid and lipid profile levels in male albino Wistar rats feeding on high-fructose diet
  715. Effect of caffeinated and decaffeinated Coffee on serum uric acid and uric acid clearance, a randomised within-subject experimental study
  716. Effect of Increasing Supplementation Levels of Coffee Pulp on Milk Yield and Food Intake in Dual-Purpose Cows: An Alternative Feed Byproduct for Smallholder Dairy …
  717. Valorization of Coffee wastes for effective recovery of value-added bio-based products: an aim to enhance the sustainability and productivity of the Coffee industry
  718. Effects of fermented Coffee on human gut microbiota
  719. Effect of Coffee cascara dietary fiber on the physicochemical, nutritional and sensory properties of a gluten-free bread formulation
  720. Effect of Roasting Degree, Extraction Time, and Temperature of Coffee Beans on Anti-Hyperglycaemic and Anti-Hyperlipidaemic Activities Using Ultrasound …
  721. Phytochemical composition, antioxidant activity, and the effect of the aqueous extract of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) bean residual press cake on the skin wound …
  722. Chemical Composition and Potential Biological Activity of Melanoidins From Instant Soluble Coffee and Instant Soluble Barley: A Comparative Study
  723. Antioxidant and antiradical activity of Coffee
  724. Extraction, characterization and bioactivity of Coffee anthocyanins
  725. Cafestol and kahweol, two Coffee specific diterpenes with anticarcinogenic activity
  726. Cof a 1: identification, expression and immunoreactivity of the first Coffee allergen
  727. Phosphorus ameliorates crop productivity, photosynthesis, nitrate reductase activity and nutrient accumulation in Coffee senna (Senna occidentalis L.) under …
  728. Induced changes in the consumption of Coffee alter ad libitum dietary intake and physical activity level
  729. Hydroquinone from Coffee Modulates Reactivity of Peroxynitrite and Nitric Oxide Production
  730. Selective peroxynitrite scavenging activity of 3-methyl-1, 2-cyclopentanedione from Coffee extract
  731. Studies on the estrogenic activity of a Coffee extract
  732. Effect of Caffeine in Coffee and Tea on Locomotor Activity and Specific Behavior in Rats
  733. Effects of processing method and age of leaves on phytochemical profiles and bioactivity of Coffee leaves
  734. Impact of Waste Coffee Residue Disposal on the Environment and Anti-microbic Activity of Oyster Shell Waste
  735. Stable radical content and anti-radical activity of roasted Arabica Coffee: from in-tact bean to Coffee brew
  736. Antioxidant activity of the spent Coffee ground infused virgin coconut oil under different extraction conditions and the efficiency of emulsifier types
  737. Preliminary phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity of robusta Coffee blossom
  738. Physiological activity of Coffee beans and roasted black beans (Rhynchosia nulubilis) mixture extracts for Coffee alternative beverage development
  739. Antioxidant activity of the aqueous and methanolic extracts of Coffee beans (Coffea arabica L.)
  740. A daily cup of tea or Coffee may keep you moving: association between tea and Coffee consumption and physical activity
  741. High antioxidant action and prebiotic activity of hydrolyzed spent Coffee grounds (HSCG) in a simulated digestion–fermentation model: toward the development of a …
  742. Coffee modulates transcription factor Nrf2 and highly increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes in rats
  743. Effects of dietary supplementation of Coffee meal on intestinal enzyme activity, biochemical profiles and microbial population in broiler chicks
  744. Antifungal Activity of Coffee senna (Cassia occidentalis) and Tilt fungicides against (Fusarium solani) in Potato
  745. Boron, copper and zinc effects on photosynthesis, enzymatic activity, nutritional status, production, chemical composition and cup quality of Coffee
  746. Spent Coffee as a new source of bioaccessible and bioactive compounds with antimutagenic and antimicrobial activity
  747. Antioxidant activity of blended of robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora L.) with The White Turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Roscoe) and Wild Ginger (Curcuma …
  748. Evaluation of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of green Coffee beans methanolic extract in rat skin
  749. Estrogenic activity of Coffee constituents
  750. Identification of Molecules from Coffee Silverskin That Suppresses Myostatin Activity and Improves Muscle Mass and Strength in Mice
  751. Spent Coffee grounds and tea leaf residues: Characterization, evaluation of thermal reactivity and recovery of high-value compounds
  752. The antioxidant content of Coffee and its in vitro activity as an effect of its production method and roasting and brewing time
  753. Sensorial profile, content, and antioxidant activity in Coffee beverages prepared by direct contact methods
  754. A Comparative Analysis of Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity between Green Tea, Green Coffee, Pine Apple and Lemon Juice
  755. Bioactivity of fermented green Coffee bean extract containing high chlorogenic acid and surfactin
  756. In vitro bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity of Coffee silverskin polyphenolic extract and characterization of bioactive compounds using UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS
  757. In Vitro Bioaccessibility and Antioxidant Activity of Polyphenolic Compounds from Spent Coffee Grounds-Enriched Cookies
  758. Alternative use of Coffee beans and leaves from seven regions of Guatemala for its antioxidant activity and chemical composition
  759. Antioxidant dietary fiber isolated from spent Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) grounds improves chronotype and circadian locomotor activity in young adults
  760. An assessment of the bioactivity of Coffee silverskin melanoidins
  761. The effect of pressure filtration Coffee preparation methods (Coffea arabica L. var. Castillo) on antioxidant content and activity, and beverage acceptance
  762. Acid hydrolysis of spent Coffee grounds: effects on possible prebiotic activity of oligosaccharides
  763. Green Coffee VS dietary supplements: A comparative analysis of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity
  764. Antioxidant activity optimisation of young Robusta Coffee leaf kombucha by modifying fermentation time and withering pre-treatment
  765. Conventional and microwave-assisted extraction for bioactive compounds from dried Coffee cherry peel by-products and antioxidant activity of the aqueous …
  766. Antifungal activity of plant extracts against postharvest mould fungi associated with Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in Bale Zone, Ethiopia
  767. Quantification of Chlorogenic Acid and Vanillin from Coffee Peel Extract and its Effect on α-Amylase Activity, Immunoregulation, Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress …
  768. Methods for the Production of a High-Activity Positron Sources: Na-22 Coffee-Ring Minimization and Kr-79 Isotope Separation
  769. Bioactive components and antibacterial activity in robusta Coffee leaves (Coffea canephora)
  770. In vivo antimalarial activity of ethanol extracts of the leaves of three plant species collected from Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve, Southwest Ethiopia
  771. Chemical Composition, Production of Secondary Metabolites and Antioxidant Activity in Coffee Cultivars Susceptible and Partially Resistant to Bacterial Halo Blight
  772. An Assessment of the Bioactivity of Coffee Silverskin Melanoidins.
  773. China Green Coffee Bean Extract-Natural Organic Red Clover Flower Extract 30% 40% Isoflavones HPLC-Ningbo J&S Botanics
  774. Effect of yerba mate tea caffeine and green Coffee by-products on in vitro adipogenesis and lipid accumulation and their incorporation into functional beverages
  775. Idebenone, green tea, and Coffeeberry® extract: new and innovative antioxidants
  776. Development of Green Coffee Beans Extract Loaded Anti-aging Liposomal Gel
  777. Green Coffee beans
  778. Formulation of body scrub cream from extract of arabika green Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) as antioxidant
  779. Cold pressed green Coffee oil
  780. Quantification of Caffeine and Chlorogenic Acid in Green and Roasted Coffee Samples Using HPLC-DAD and Evaluation of the Effect of Degree of Roasting on Their …
  781. Bioactivities of low-grade green Coffee and spent Coffee in different in vitro model systems
  782. Coffee consumption but not green tea consumption is associated with adiponectin levels in Japanese males
  783. The use of green Coffee extract as a weight loss supplement: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials
  784. Lung function consequences of exposure and hypersensitivity in workers who process green Coffee beans
  785. Relationship between Coffee and green tea consumption and all-cause mortality in cohort of a rural Japanese population
  786. Isolation and determination of α-dicarbonyl compounds by RP-HPLC-DAD in green and roasted Coffee
  787. Antihypertensive effect of green Coffee bean extract on mildly hypertensive subjects
  788. Consumption of Coffee, not green tea, is inversely associated with arterial stiffness in Japanese men
  789. Green Coffee bean extract and its metabolites have a hypotensive effect in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  790. Sensitization to green Coffee beans and work‐related allergic symptoms in Coffee workers
  791. Reduction of carbon tetrachloride-induced rat liver injury by Coffee and green tea
  792. Green Coffee oil analysis by high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  793. The effect of green Coffee bean extract supplementation on body fat reduction in overweight/obese women
  794. Green Coffee? The contradictions of global sustainability initiatives from an Indian perspective
  795. Factors related to the development of sensitization to green Coffee and castor bean allergens among Coffee workers
  796. Occupational asthma caused by roasted Coffee: immunologic evidence that roasted Coffee contains the same antigens as green Coffee, but at a lower concentration
  797. Effect of green Coffee bean extract supplementation on body fat reduction in mildly obese women
  798. Diagnostic tests in allergy to green Coffee
  799. Removal of -Gal Epitopes in Aortic Valve and Pericardium of Pig Using Green Coffee Bean -Galactosidase
  800. Effects of green, black and rooibos tea, Coffee and buchu on testosterone production by mouse testicular cultures
  801. The Green Coffee Bean Quick Weight Loss Diet: Turbo Charge Your Weight Loss and Eat What You Love
  803. Effect of a combination of extract of Centella asiatica L. leaves and extract of green Coffee (Coffea canephora robusta P.) Beans in a cream preparation for grade 1-3 …
  804. Chlorogenic acid content of green Coffee beans
  805. The Terrible Green Monster: Recent Literature on Sugar, Coffee, and Coerced Labor in the Caribbean
  806. Determination of the geographical origin of green Coffee beans via elemental and isotopic fingerprinting using ICPMS
  807. Evaluation of antioxidant and anti-tyrosinase activities as well as stability of green and roasted Coffee bean extracts from Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora grown …
  808. Efficacy of a novel green Coffee bean extract (GCB‐70) in weight management (1107.2)
  809. NMR-driven identification of anti-amyloidogenic compounds in green and roasted Coffee extracts
  810. Green Coffee bean extract improves obesity by decreasing body fat in high-fat diet-induced obese mice
  811. Coffee and green tea consumption is associated with insulin resistance in Japanese adults
  812. High pressure phase equilibrium of the crude green Coffee oil–CO2–ethanol system and the oil bioactive compounds
  813. Integrated approach in the assessment of skin compatibility of cosmetic formulations with green Coffee oil
  814. Energy restriction combined with green Coffee bean extract affects serum adipocytokines and the body composition in obese women
  815. The effect of green Coffee bean extract supplementation on anthropometric indices, lipid profile and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in adult men with …
  816. Green tea and Coffee consumption is inversely associated with depressive symptoms in a Japanese working population
  817. Green tea, Coffee, and caffeine consumption are inversely associated with self-report lifetime depression in the Korean population
  818. Identification of new diterpene esters from green Arabica Coffee beans, and their platelet aggregation accelerating activities
  819. Green Coffee bean extract and 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid regulate fat metabolism in Caenorhabditis elegans
  820. Does green Coffee has a positive effect on body mass index and lipid profile in a sample of obese people
  821. Effects of green Coffee extract supplementation on oxidative stress, systemic and vascular inflammation in patients with metabolic syndrome: a randomized …
  822. On Green Revolutions and Golden Beans: Memories and Metaphors of Costa Rican Coffee Co-op Founders.
  824. Long-term consumption of a green/roasted Coffee blend positively affects glucose metabolism and insulin resistance in humans
  825. Coffee but not green tea consumption is associated with prevalence and severity of hepatic steatosis: the impact on leptin level
  826. Chemical characterization and antioxidant properties of a new Coffee blend with cocoa, Coffee silverskin and green Coffee minimally processed
  827. Coffee polyphenols extracted from green Coffee beans improve skin properties and microcirculatory function
  828. Is Coffee and green tea consumption related to serum levels of adiponectin and leptin?
  829. Extraction and Characterization of Caffeine and Chlorogenic Acid from Green Coffee (Coffee arabica L.) Beans
  830. Comparison of pH and flow rate of saliva after using black tea, green tea and Coffee in periodontal patients and normal group
  831. Enrichment of diterpenes in green Coffee oil using supercritical fluid extraction–Characterization and comparison with green Coffee oil from pressing
  832. Organic compounds in green Coffee beans
  833. Assessing self-reported green tea and Coffee consumption by food frequency questionnaire and food record and their association with polyphenol biomarkers in …
  834. Comparison of the effect of 8 weeks concurrent training and green Coffee supplementation on serum adipsin and insulin resistance in obese women
  835. The effect of green Coffee bean extract on the weight rats with high fat diet
  836. Antihypertensive potential of combined extracts of olive leaf, green Coffee bean and beetroot: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial
  837. The Nutraceutical Impact of Polyphenolic Composition in Commonly Consumed Green Tea, Green Coffee and Red Wine Beverages: A Review. Recent Adv …
  838. Topical use and systemic action of green and roasted Coffee oils and ground oils in a cutaneous incision model in rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus)
  839. ABTS radical scavenging capacity in green and roasted Coffee extracts
  840. Effect of green Coffee extract on rheological, physico-sensory and antioxidant properties of bread
  841. Anxiety behaviour displayed in C57BL/6J mice consuming Coffee and cocoa, but not observed in mice consuming Japanese green tea in a high fat diet …
  842. The effect of aerobic training with green Coffee on body composition and lipid profile in overweight women
  843. Beverages from Green Coffee Beans
  844. Effect of green Coffee bean extract on Streptococcus mutans count: A randomised control trial
  845. Effects of combined extract of cocoa, Coffee, green tea and garcinia on lipid profiles, glycaemic markers and inflammatory responses in hamsters
  846. Black Tea, Green Tea, White Tea, and Coffee: Understanding the variation in attachment to the tea party among members of Congress
  847. Marketing plan for Coffee chop Green
  848. Effect of fermentation time on antioxidant and anti-ageing properties of green Coffee Kombucha ferments
  849. Awarding of green Coffee bean (Coffea arabica) extract improved lipid profile in dyslypidemic male wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus)
  850. Oral administration of arabica green Coffee extract increased fasting insulin, decreased fasting blood glucose, but did not decrease insulin resistance on wistar male …
  851. Characterization of phytochemical mixtures with inflammatory modulation potential from Coffee leaves processed by green and black tea processing methods
  852. The Effects of Lampung Robusta Green Coffee Extract (Coffee Canephora Var Robusta) on Layer Chicken’s Humoral Immune System and Intestinal …
  853. Plant-derived bioactives in oral mucosal lesions: a key emphasis to curcumin, lycopene, chamomile, aloe vera, green tea and Coffee properties
  854. The effect of green Coffee extract supplementation on serum oxidized LDL cholesterol and total antioxidant capacity in patients with dyslipidemia: a randomized …
  855. Phytochemical profile and antioxidant potential of Coffee leaves influenced by green extraction techniques and in vitro bio-accessibility of its functional compounds
  856. The beneficial effects of principal polyphenols from green tea, Coffee, wine, and curry on obesity
  857. Association between Coffee and green tea intake and pneumonia among the Japanese elderly: a case-control study
  858. Impacts of green Coffee powder supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics, blood indices, meat quality and gut microbial load in broilers
  859. Effect of green Coffee bean extract supplementation on liver function and inflammatory biomarkers: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
  860. Daily Coffee and green tea consumption is inversely associated with body mass index, body fat percentage, and cardio-ankle vascular index in middle-aged Japanese …
  861. Green Coffee derived supplements and infusions as a source of polyamines and free amino acids
  862. Phytochemical profile and antioxidant capacity of Coffee plant organs compared to green and roasted Coffee beans
  863. The effect of green-Coffee extract supplementation on obesity: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  864. The effect of green Coffee extract supplementation on lipid profile: A systematic review of clinical trial and in-vivo studies
  865. Resveratrol and green Coffee extract gel as anticaries agent
  866. Nanoemulsions containing oil and aqueous extract of green Coffee beans with antioxidant and antimicrobial activities
  867. Development of polypropylene composites with green Coffee cake fibers subjected to water vapor explosion
  868. The effect of green Coffee extract supplementation on anthropometric measures in adults: A comprehensive systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of …
  869. Molecular networking based LC/MS reveals novel biotransformation products of green Coffee by ex vivo cultures of the human gut microbiome
  870. Glass transition of green and roasted Coffee investigated by calorimetric and dielectric techniques
  871. Effect of roasting on antioxidants and related compounds in green Coffee beans
  872. Effect of green Coffee supplementation on androgens level in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial
  873. The effects of flavonoids, green tea polyphenols and Coffee on DMBA induced LINE-1 DNA hypomethylation
  874. Assessment of chemical changes and skin penetration of green Arabica Coffee beans biotransformed by Aspergillus oryzae
  876. The effects of green Coffee extract supplementation on glycemic indices and lipid profile in adults: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of …
  877. Antioxidant efficacy and in silico toxicity prediction of free and spray-dried extracts of green Arabica and Robusta Coffee fruits and their application in edible oil
  878. Effect of elastic band resistance training with green Coffee extract supplementation on adiposity indices and TyG-related Indicators in Obese Women
  879. Analysis of the relationship between asthma and Coffee/green tea/soda intake
  880. Effects of green Coffee bean extract on C-reactive protein levels: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  881. The effects of green Coffee bean extract supplementation on lipid profile in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  882. Decaffeinated light-roasted green Coffee and green tea extract combination improved metabolic parameters and modulated inflammatory genes in metabolic …
  883. Updated pharmacological, clinical and phytochemical prospects of green Coffee: A review
  884. Effects of green Coffee extract supplementation on level of chemerin, malondialdehyde, nutritional and metabolic status in patients with metabolic syndrome
  885. Effect of Green Coffee Supplement on Autonomic Cardiovascular Functions in Obese Subjects
  886. Evaluation of novel nutraceuticals based on the combination of oat beta-glucans and a green Coffee phenolic extract to combat obesity and its comorbidities. A …
  887. Symbiotic effect of lactobacillus acidophilus, Ginger, Pineapple and Green Coffee in the complex management of obesity in rats
  888. Green Coffee extract attenuates Parkinson’s-related behaviors in animal models
  889. Torrefaction of Coffee Husk Flour for the Development of Injection-Molded Green Composite Pieces of Polylactide with High Sustainability
  890. The Effect of Green Coffee on Blood Pressure, Liver and Kidney Functions in Obese Model Rats
  891. Acute and subacute (28 days) toxicity of green Coffee oil enriched with diterpenes cafestol and kahweol in rats
  892. The” Green Diamond”: Coffee and Conflict in the Central African Republic
  893. Down-regulatory effects of green Coffee extract on las I and las R virulence-associated genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  894. Effects of raspberry ketone and green Coffee bean extract on body mass and substrate utilisation
  895. Impact of interactions between ferulic and chlorogenic acids on enzymatic and non-enzymatic lipids oxidation: An example of bread enriched with green Coffee flour
  896. Green Coffee Extract Blockades Haloperidol-Induced Catalepsy and Contralateral Rotations Induced by Apomorphine After Unilateral 6-OHDA Lesion on …
  897. Green Coffee Bean Extract Reduces Fat Accumulation in Drosophila melanogaster
  898. Acute and subacute oral toxicity assessment of dry encapsulated and non-encapsulated green Coffee fruit extracts.
  899. Effect of Green Coffee, Green Tea, Cinnamon and Rosemary Extracts on Productive Performance, Feeding Behavior, Immunity and Oxidative Stress in Broilers …
  900. Trapping acrolein by theophylline/caffeine and their metabolites from green tea and Coffee in mice and humans
  901. Optimization of Microencapsulation Process of Green Coffee Extract With Spray Drying Method as a Dietary Supplement.
  902. Antibacterial, Antiradical and Antiproliferative Potential of Green, Roasted, and Spent Coffee Extracts
  903. Application of green marketing in the use of Coffee waste as a business creative industry based on social enterprise
  904. Appetite and Satiety Effects of the Acute and Regular Consumption of Green Coffee Phenols and Green Coffee Phenol/Oat β-Glucan Nutraceuticals in Subjects with …
  905. Effect of Green Coffee Bean Extract on Steroid Hormones Synthesis, Blood Lipids and Body Weight in Rats
  906. Investigating the Effect of Eight Weeks of Resistance Band Training along with Green Coffee Supplementation on Lipid profiles and Atherogenic Index of Plasma …
  907. Green brand equity and COVID-19 post-pandemic: The case of the world’s first Coffee face mask in Vietnam
  908. The effect of elastic resistance band training with green Coffee supplementation on novel hepatic steatosis biomarkers in obese women: A randomized controlled trial
  909. Evaluation of Deodorization Capabilities, Morphologies, and Thermal Stabilities of Baking Soda, Charcoal, Coffee, and Green Tea for Kimchi Packaging Application
  910. In utero exposure of green Coffee extract alters rat fetal neurodevelopment in a dose dependent manner
  911. Green Tea and Decaffeinated Light Roasted Green Coffee Extract Combination Improved Cardiac Insulin Resistance through Free Fatty Acids and …
  912. Green Coffee (Coffea arabica) and its residual biomass: Characterization for the industrial approach
  913. Development and validation of RRLC–UV method for determination of chlorogenic acid in green Coffee
  914. Evaluating the influence of germination as a post-harvest treatment on green and roasted South African Coffee beans (Coffea arabica)
  915. Factors Affecting the Quality and Shelf Life of Specialty Coffea arabica Green Coffee.
  916. What is Green Coffee Bean Extract?
  917. Experimental Study of Efficacy of Reducing Lipid in Hyperlipidemia Persons Comparing between Green Coffee Bean Extract and Green Tea Extract
  918. Evaluation of exploiting Coffee wastes in production of PLA green composites
  919. Stillbirth Associated With High Coffee Consumption In Pregnancy
  920. Coffee consumption in aged mice increases energy production and decreases hepatic mTOR levels
  921. Coffee consumption promotes skeletal muscle hypertrophy and myoblast differentiation
  922. Coffee, decaffeinated Coffee, caffeine, and tea consumption in young adulthood and atherosclerosis later in life: the CARDIA study
  923. Effects of Coffee consumption on oxidative susceptibility of low-density lipoproteins and serum lipid levels in humans
  924. Cigarette, alcohol, and Coffee consumption and spontaneous abortion.
  925. Moderate Coffee consumption is associated with a less rapid cognitive decline in elderly men: the FINE study
  926. Coffee and tea consumption in relation to inflammation and basal glucose metabolism in a multi-ethnic Asian population: a cross-sectional study
  927. Blood pressure, Coffee, tea and tobacco consumption: an epidemiological study in Algiers
  928. Association between Coffee consumption and the estimated glomerular filtration rate in the general Japanese population: preliminary data regarding C-reactive protein …
  929. Socio‐economic determinants, maternal smoking and Coffee consumption, and exclusive breastfeeding in 10 205 children
  930. Consumption of a boiled Greek type of Coffee is associated with improved endothelial function: the Ikaria study
  931. Bioappearance and pharmacokinetics of bioactives upon Coffee consumption
  932. Coffee consumption and serum aminotransferases in middle-aged Japanese men
  933. Relation of smoking and alcohol and Coffee consumption to active Helicobacter pylori infection: cross sectional study
  934. The relationship between usual Coffee consumption and serum C-reactive protein level in a Japanese female population
  935. Consumption of dietary caffeine and Coffee in physically active populations: physiological interactions
  936. The effect of Coffee consumption on the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis B virus endemic area
  937. Consumption of Coffee polyphenols increases fat utilization in humans
  938. Coffee consumption enhances high-density lipoprotein-mediated cholesterol efflux in macrophages
  939. Coffee consumption and the incidence of antihypertensive drug treatment in Finnish men and women
  940. The relationship between Coffee consumption and serum cholesterol under consideration of smoking history
  941. Coffee and cigarette consumption and perceived effects in recovering alcoholics participating in alcoholics anonymous in Nashville, Tennessee
  942. Effects of Coffee consumption in chronic hepatitis C: a randomized controlled trial
  943. Coffee consumption and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in Croatia
  944. Heavy Coffee consumption in conjunction with smoking is accompanied by increased inflammatory processes and impaired thrombosis/fibrinolysis system in …
  945. Habitual Coffee consumption inversely associated with metabolic syndrome-related biomarkers involving adiponectin
  946. Obesity, Coffee consumption and CRP levels in postmenopausal overweight/obese women: importance of hormone replacement therapy use
  947. Effect of nutritionally enriched Coffee consumption on aerobic and anaerobic exercise performance
  948. Elevated serum dopamine increases while Coffee consumption decreases the occurrence of reddish streaks in the intact stomach
  949. Association between Coffee consumption and markers of inflammation and cardiovascular function during mental stress
  950. Higher Coffee consumption is associated with reduced cerebral grey matter volume: A Mendelian Randomization Study
  951. Influence of Coffee (Coffea arabica) and galacto-oligosaccharide consumption on intestinal microbiota and the host responses
  952. Coffee and tea consumption in relation to inflammation and basal glucose metabolism in a multi-ethnic Asian popu…
  953. Moderate Coffee consumption lowers the likelihood of developing left ventricular systolic dysfunction in post-acute coronary syndrome normotensive patients
  954. Relation of Coffee consumption and serum liver enzymes in Japanese men and women with reference to effect modification of alcohol use and body mass index
  955. Cytochrome P450 1A2 polymorphisms, Coffee consumption and impaired glucose metabolism in Japanese men
  956. Coffee consumption and reduced self-reported side effects in HIV-HCV co-infected patients during PEG-IFN and ribavirin treatment: Results from ANRS CO13 …
  957. Effect of Coffee consumption on bone metabolism
  958. Combined effects of Coffee consumption and serum γ-glutamyltransferase on serum C-reactive protein in middle-aged and elderly Japanese men and women
  959. Change in alcohol, tobacco and Coffee consumption in pregnant women: evolution between 1988 and 1992 in an area of high consumption
  960. Coffee activism and the politics of fair trade and ethical consumption in the global north: political consumerism and cultural citizenship
  961. Analysis of trends and forecasts in Coffee prices and consumer consumption in the Northeast and United States
  963. The speciality Coffee shop market–are today’s consumers demanding more than store ambience and good Coffee from their consumption experience?
  964. Effects of acute caffeinated Coffee consumption on energy utilization related to glucose and lipid oxidation from short submaximal Treadmill exercise in sedentary Men
  965. Ethical consumption: An analysis of consumer views and ethical Coffee purchasing trends
  966. Examining Brain Volumetry and Morphometry in Relation to Body Mass Index and Coffee Consumption: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Approaches
  967. The physiological effects of Coffee consumption
  968. Coffee trade between México and Germany Status quo, challenges and opportunities in alternative Coffee production, consumption and trade
  969. The socio-economic and cultural discrepancies in the production and consumption of Coffee between Guatemala and North America
  970. Stress, Coping and Coffee Consumption
  971. Face to Face with the Farmer: Narratives of Production and Consumption in Specialty Coffee Value Chains Between the United States and Guatemala
  972. Understanding Coffee Activism, Ethical Consumption and Political Consumerism
  973. Material Objects and Everyday Nationalism in Design: The Electric Turkish Coffee Maker, Its Design and Consumption
  974. Ethical Consumption in the Global Age: Coffee? s Promise of a Better World
  975. You May Want To Cut Down Coffee Consumption
  976. Coffee consumption modulates inflammatory processes in an individual fashion
  977. Coffee and tea consumption in relation with non-alcoholic fatty liver and metabolic syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
  978. Impact of Coffee, wine, and chocolate consumption on cognitive outcome and MRI parameters in old age
  979. Coffee consumption, metabolic syndrome and clinical severity of psoriasis: good or bad stuff?
  980. Coffee consumption and oxidative stress: a review of human intervention studies
  981. Association of Coffee consumption with hearing and tinnitus based on a national population-based survey
  982. Long-term Coffee consumption is associated with decreased incidence of new-onset hypertension: A dose–response meta-analysis
  983. Reduced Coffee consumption among individuals with primary sclerosing cholangitis but not primary biliary cirrhosis
  984. Coffee consumption and calcified atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries: The NHLBI Family Heart Study
  985. Antenatal Coffee and tea consumption and the effect on birth outcome and hypertensive pregnancy disorders
  986. Moderate Coffee consumption is inversely associated with the metabolic syndrome in the Korean adult population
  987. Coffee consumption and incident dementia
  988. Coffee consumption and purchasing behavior review: Insights for further research
  989. … postmenopausal women’s sclerostin levels and their bone density, age, body mass index, hormonal status, and smoking and consumption of Coffee and dairy products
  990. Coffee and herbal tea consumption is associated with lower liver stiffness in the general population: The Rotterdam study
  991. Coffee consumption is associated with DNA methylation levels of human blood
  992. Effects of Coffee and tea consumption on glucose metabolism: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
  993. Coffee consumption and total mortality: a meta-analysis of twenty prospective cohort studies
  994. Habitual Coffee consumption and changes in measures of adiposity: a comprehensive study of longitudinal associations
  995. Coffee consumption delays the hepatitis and suppresses the inflammation related gene expression in the Long-Evans Cinnamon rat
  996. Coffee consumption and bone mineral density in Korean premenopausal women
  997. Association of Coffee Consumption with Sarcopenia in Korean Elderly Men
  998. Association of Coffee consumption with MRI markers and cognitive function: A population-based study
  999. Severe periodontitis is inversely associated with Coffee consumption in the maintenance phase of periodontal treatment
  1000. Coffee consumption and total mortality in a Mediterranean prospective cohort
  1001. Coffee consumption and NAFLD: a community based study on 1223 subjects
  1002. Association between tea and Coffee consumption and prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Poland–results from the WOBASZ II study (2013–2014)
  1003. Coffee consumption and nonalcoholic fatty liver onset: a prospective study in the general population
  1004. Inconsistency of association between Coffee consumption and cognitive function in adults and elderly in a cross-sectional study (ELSA-Brasil)
  1005. Inverse relationship between Coffee consumption and cerebral microbleeds in men, but not women
  1006. Tea and Coffee consumption in relation to DNA methylation in four European cohorts
  1007. Associations of Coffee consumption with circulating level of adiponectin and leptin. A meta-analysis of observational studies
  1008. Targeted proteomic analysis of habitual Coffee consumption
  1009. Anemia and its association with Coffee consumption and hookworm infection among pregnant women attending antenatal care at Debre Markos Referral …
  1010. Coffee and caffeine consumption and depression: A meta-analysis of observational studies
  1011. Association between elevated Coffee consumption and daily chocolate intake with normal liver enzymes in HIV-HCV infected individuals: Results from the ANRS …
  1012. Association between metabolic syndrome and Coffee consumption in the Korean population by gender: a cross-sectional study in Korea
  1013. Is Coffee consumption associated with a lower level of serum C-reactive protein? A meta-analysis of observational studies
  1015. Association between Coffee consumption and circulating levels of adiponectin and leptin
  1016. Coffee and beverages are the major contributors to polyphenol consumption from food and beverages in Japanese middle-aged women
  1017. Chronic Coffee consumption in the diet-induced obese rat: impact on gut microbiota and serum metabolomics
  1018. The role of Coffee consumption on the 10-year (2004–2014) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) incidence among cardiac patients: the GREECS observational study
  1019. Coffee consumption and melanoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
  1020. GC/MS method to quantify bioavailable phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity determination of plasma after acute Coffee consumption in human volunteers
  1021. Consumption of alcohol, Coffee, and tobacco is associated with gait
  1022. The impact of Coffee consumption on fibrosis and steatosis in HIV-HCV co-infected patients
  1023. Doping to underperform: the impact of Coffee consumption on test scores
  1024. Coffee and Pregnancy: Attitudes, Consumption and Maternal Vascular Function
  1025. Evolution of Excise (Coffee, Tobacco and Beer) over the Years. Its Impact on Consumption for the Period 2010–2015
  1026. One More Cup of Coffee–Mundane Consumption of Everyday Consumer Goods
  1027. Coffee consumption influence upon the clinico-neurophysiological manifestations of primary sleep bruxism
  1028. A Couple Cups of Coffee a Day Keeps Gout Away: A Look at the Inverse Relationship Between Coffee Consumption and Incidence of Gout
  1029. The consumption experience of Tim Hortons’ Coffee fans
  1030. Assessment of Serum Lipids Profile among Coffee Consumption People in Khartoum State
  1031. Another Cup of Coffee? A study of the underlying meanings and practices of everyday Coffee consumption
  1032. Impacts of Efficacy and Side Effect on Awareness and Consumption Pattern about Coffee among College Students
  1033. Sleep deprivation and Coffee consumption induced changes in blood pressure, body mass index and blood glucose in male Wistar albino rats
  1034. Taste for hot drinks–the consumption of Coffee and tea in two Swedish nineteenth-century novels
  1035. Coffee consumption in Korea and Japan: An analytical study
  1036. Consumption of Coffee or caffeine and serum concentration of inflammatory markers: A systematic review
  1037. Association between habitual Coffee consumption and skeletal muscle mass in middle‐aged and older Japanese people
  1038. Associations of Coffee and tea consumption with survival to age 90 years among older women
  1039. Coffee consumption and c-reactive protein levels: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  1040. Coffee consumption and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a meta-analysis by potential modifiers
  1041. Association between Habitual Coffee Consumption and Indices of Body Fat
  1042. Coffee Consumption and Blood Pressure: Results of the Second Wave of the Cognition of Older People, Education, Recreational Activities, Nutrition, Comorbidities …
  1043. The effect of Coffee consumption on glucose homeostasis and redox-inflammatory responses in high-fat diet-induced obese rats
  1044. edonic effects on Coffee consumption in Brazil 1Jonas Fernando Petry 2Gustavo da Rosa Borges 3Leonardo Aureliano-Silva
  1045. Habitual Coffee and caffeinated beverages consumption is inversely associated with arterial stiffness and central and peripheral blood pressure
  1046. Association between Coffee consumption and functional disability in older US adults
  1047. Hedonic effects on Coffee consumption in Brazil
  1048. Habitual tea and Coffee consumption and mean reaction time among Qatari adults
  1049. Coffee consumption and incident tachyarrhythmias: reported behavior, mendelian randomization, and their interactions
  1050. Association between Coffee consumption and total dietary caffeine intake with cognitive functioning: Cross-sectional assessment in an elderly Mediterranean …
  1051. Long-term Coffee consumption is associated with fecal microbial composition in humans
  1052. CYP1A2 polymorphisms modify the association of habitual Coffee consumption with appetite, macronutrient intake, and body mass index: results from an observational …
  1053. Effect of Coffee consumption on dyslipidemia: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  1054. Patients with Autoimmune Hepatitis Report Lower Lifetime Coffee Consumption
  1055. Effects of Coffee consumption on glucose metabolism: a systematic review of clinical trials
  1056. Consumer choices and habits related to Coffee consumption by Poles
  1057. Influences of Product Attributes and Lifestyles on Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of Coffee Consumption in Indonesia
  1058. New trends in consumption on the Coffee Market
  1059. Coffee Consumption and All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality―Three-Prefecture Cohort in Japan―
  1060. Caffeinated Coffee and tea consumption, genetic variation and cognitive function in the UK biobank
  1061. Effect of Postoperative Coffee Consumption on Postoperative Ileus after Abdominal Surgery: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  1062. Serum metabolome of Coffee consumption and its association with bone mineral density: the Hong Kong Osteoporosis Study
  1063. Effects of Coffee consumption on arterial stiffness and endothelial function: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
  1064. Association of Coffee consumption and liver fibrosis progression in patients with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B: A 5-year population-based cohort study
  1065. The interaction between Coffee: caffeine consumption, UCP2 gene variation, and adiposity in adults—a cross-sectional study
  1066. Coffee consumption and kidney function: A Mendelian randomization study
  1067. Is Rheumatoid Arthritis Related to Coffee Consumption in Korea? A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Observational Study
  1068. The association between Coffee consumption and periodontitis: a cross-sectional study of a northern German population
  1070. Relationship between Coffee consumption, sleep duration and smoking status with elastographic parameters of liver steatosis and fibrosis; controlled attenuation …
  1071. Tea and Coffee consumption in relation to glioma: a case-control study
  1072. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in relation to Coffee and tea consumption: The Japan environment and children’s study
  1073. Consumption of a dark roast Coffee blend reduces DNA damage in humans: Results from a 4-week randomised controlled study
  1074. Tea and Coffee consumption and pathophysiology related to kidney stone formation: A systematic review
  1075. Coffee Consumption Is Associated With Lower Liver Stiffness: A Nationally Representative Study
  1076. Associations between Coffee consumption and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in a Japanese city: the Takayama study
  1077. Spaces of consumption, connection, and community: Exploring the role of the Coffee shop in urban lives
  1078. Daily consumption of Coffee and eating bread at breakfast time is associated with lower visceral adipose tissue and with lower prevalence of both visceral obesity and …
  1079. Effect of Coffee Consumption on the Incidence of Post Dural Puncture Headache among Patients Receiving Spinal Anesthesia
  1080. Trends in Coffee and Tea Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  1081. Coffee consumption and liver-related hospitalizations and deaths in the ARIC study
  1082. Daily consumption of a dark-roast Coffee for eight weeks improved plasma oxidized LDL and alpha-tocopherol status: A randomized, controlled human intervention …
  1083. The Effects of Coffee Consumption on Self-reported Job Performance in Yangon, Myanmar
  1084. The effect of combined exercises with the approach of ultimate-fit and Coffee consumption on liver enzymes of middle-aged men with non-alcoholic fatty liver
  1085. Cytochrome P450 1A2 Polymorphisms, Coffee Consumption and Impaired Glucose Metabolism in Japanese Men
  1086. Caffeine uptake into the vitreous after peroral Coffee consumption
  1087. The association between Coffee consumption and local anesthesia failure: social beliefs and scientific evidence
  1088. Effect of Decaffeinated Coffee Consumption on Markers of Atherogenesis and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Diet-Induced Dyslipidemia in Rats. Adv in Nutri …
  1089. The Cognitive and Neuropshysiological impact of Coffee Consumption
  1090. The Effect of Combined Exercises with the Approach of Ultimate-Fit and Coffee Consumption on Liver Enzymes of Middle-aged Men with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver
  1091. The association between Coffee and caffeine consumption and renal function: insight from individual-level data, Mendelian randomization, and meta-analysis
  1092. Causal Association of Coffee Consumption and Total, Knee, Hip and Self-Reported Osteoarthritis: A Mendelian Randomization Study
  1093. One Week of Low or Moderate Doses ofCaffeinated Coffee Consumption Does NotInduce Tolerance to The Acute Effects of Caffeine on Sprint Performance
  1094. Targeted proteomic response to Coffee consumption
  1095. A pilot randomized controlled trial to assess abstinence of Coffee compared to continued consumption on recurrent atrial fibrillation following electrical …
  1096. Coffee and Chicory: Their culture, chemical composition, preparation for market, and consumption, with simple tests for detecting adulteration, and practical …
  1097. Converting spent Coffee grounds into bioactive extracts with potential skin antiaging and lightening effects
  1098. Coffee extends yeast chronological lifespan through antioxidant properties
  1099. A decade of research on Coffee as an anticarcinogenic beverage
  1100. Anti-Fibrogenic Effects of Coffee and its Mechanisms
  1101. Anti-cariogenic effects of polyphenols from plant stimulant beverages (cocoa, Coffee, tea)
  1102. Anti-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory properties of kahweol, a Coffee diterpene
  1103. Anti-obesity and hypotriglyceridemic properties of Coffee bean extract in SD rats
  1104. Antiglycative and antioxidative properties of Coffee fractions
  1105. Chronic Coffee and caffeine ingestion effects on the cognitive function and antioxidant system of rat brains
  1106. Placental glutathione S-transferase (GST-P) induction as a potential mechanism for the anti-carcinogenic effect of the Coffee-specific components cafestol and …
  1107. Anti-atherogenic effects of fermented fresh Coffee bean, soybean and rice bran extracts
  1108. Antioxidative activities of fractions obtained from brewed Coffee
  1109. Coffee and endothelial function: a battle between caffeine and antioxidants?
  1110. Recent developments on polyphenol–protein interactions: effects on tea and Coffee taste, antioxidant properties and the digestive system
  1111. Coffee antioxidant properties: effects of milk addition and processing conditions
  1112. Anti-Obesity and Hypotriglyceridemic Properties of Coffee Bean Extract in SD Rats
  1113. … saliva and increased levels of this enzyme, glutathione S-transferases, and DT-diaphorase in the saliva of subjects who continually ingest large quantities of Coffee or …
  1114. Identification and quantification of bioactive compounds in Coffee brews by HPLC–DAD–MSn
  1115. In vitro antioxidant analysis of selected Coffee bean varieties
  1116. Continuous orally administered Coffee enhanced the antigen-specific Th1 response and reduced allergic development in a TCR-transgenic mice model
  1117. Cytotoxicity and antiproliferative effects of extracts from Coffee cherry fruit on cell lines from normal breast tissue and from non-invasive and invasive breast …
  1118. Effects of dietary supplementation of Coffee meal on growth performance, blood biochemical profiles and antioxidant defense system in broiler chickens
  1119. Coffee component 3-caffeoylquinic acid increases antioxidant capacity but not polyphenol content in experimental cerebral infarction
  1120. Spent Arabica Coffee as a Rich Source of Antioxidant Appraisal for Cosmetic Applications
  1121. Anti-aging effects of Coffee
  1122. Antiglycative and carbonyl trapping properties of the water soluble fraction of Coffee silverskin
  1123. Environmental effect of the Coffee waste and anti-microbial property of oyster shell waste treatment
  1124. Coffee enriched with willow (Salix purpurea and Salix myrsinifolia) bark preparation–Interactions of antioxidative phytochemicals in a model system
  1125. A novel antioxidant beverage for body weight control based on Coffee silverskin
  1126. Valorizing Coffee pulp by-products as anti-inflammatory ingredient of food supplements acting on IL-8 release
  1127. Roasting enhances the anti-cataract effect of Coffee beans: Ameliorating selenite-induced cataracts in rats
  1128. Anti-Hepatitis C Virus Treatment and Coffee Drinking
  1129. Antioxidant property of Coffee components: assessment of methods that define mechanisms of action
  1130. UHPLC-PDA-ESI-TOF/MS metabolic profiling and antioxidant capacity of arabica and robusta Coffee silverskin: Antioxidants vs phytotoxins
  1131. Application of Coffee silverskin in cosmetic formulations: Physical/antioxidant stability studies and cytotoxicity effects
  1132. Kahweol, a Coffee diterpene with anti-inflammatory properties
  1133. Packaging attributes of antioxidant-rich instant Coffee and their influence on the purchase intent
  1134. Investigation on crude and high-temperature heated Coffee oil by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy along with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties
  1135. Antioxidant extracts of Coffee leaves and its active ingredient 5-caffeoylquinic acid reduce chemically-induced inflammation in mice
  1136. Bioactive micronutrients in Coffee: recent analytical approaches for characterization and quantification
  1137. Microencapsulation of natural antioxidants for food application–The specific case of Coffee antioxidants–A review
  1139. A spent Coffee grounds based biorefinery for the production of biofuels, biopolymers, antioxidants and biocomposites
  1140. Coffee: A rich source of antimicrobial and antiviral compounds
  1141. Technical and Economic Efficiency of Smallholder Arabica Coffee Farming in Panti Sub-district, Jember
  1142. Changes in bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of Coffee under different roasting conditions
  1143. Extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds from spent Coffee ground by oil infusion method and production of scrub Coffee oil glycerin soap bar
  1144. Assay of Total Antioxidant Capacity of Coffee: Use of a DNA-Based Biosensor
  1145. Preliminary studies of Coffee natural antioxidants microencapsulation and food application
  1146. Linen, Silver, Slaves, and Coffee: A Spatial Approach to Central Europe’s Entanglements with the Atlantic Economy
  1147. Antioxidant, anti-tyrosinase, anti-aging potentials and safety of arabica Coffee cherry extract
  1148. Comparison of anti-aging effectiveness from gotu kola extract cream (Centella asiatica) and robusta Coffee cream (Coffea canephora) toward hydration levels in male …
  1149. Analysis of anti-aging performance of Coffee ground charcoal modified asphalt based on rheological parameters.
  1150. Infection model for analyzing biological control of Coffee rust using bacterial anti-fungal compounds
  1151. Anti-hairloss efficacy of Coffee berry extract
  1152. Tea processing steps affect chemical compositions, enzyme activities, and antioxidant and anti‐inflammatory activities of Coffee leaves
  1153. An ultrasensitive PVDF-based molecularly imprinted fluorescent test strip for the rapid and off-line detection of 4-NP with improved anti-Coffee ring effect
  1154. Optimization of phenolic extraction from Coffee by− product using response surface methodology and their antioxidant activities
  1155. Identification of antioxidant components of Gayo Arabica Coffee Cascara using the GC-MS method
  1156. Dietary antioxidants in Coffee leaves: Impact of botanical origin and maturity on chlorogenic acids and xanthones
  1157. Changes in Bioactive Compounds of Coffee Pulp through Fermentation-Based Biotransformation Using Lactobacillus plantarum TISTR 543 and Its Antioxidant …
  1158. Coffee silverskin extracts: Quantification of 30 bioactive compounds by a new HPLC-MS/MS method and evaluation of their antioxidant and antibacterial activities
  1159. Eco-sustainable recovery of antioxidants from spent Coffee grounds by microwave-assisted extraction: Process optimization, kinetic modeling and biological validation
  1160. Coffee Plants Anti-Virus of Decomposited Trichoderma Viride of Cow’s Manure
  1161. Mineral composition and antioxidant potential of Coffee beverages depending on the brewing method
  1162. Coffee by-products as the source of antioxidants: a systematic review
  1164. In vivo modulatory effect of Coffee (Coffea canephora var. Robusta) on the expression levels of murine microRNA-124-3p associated with antioxidant defenses
  1165. Phytochemical and antioxidant activities of Robusta Coffee leaves extracts from Alor Island, East Nusa Tenggara
  1166. Arabica and Conilon Coffee flowers: Bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity under different processes
  1167. Valorisation of Coffee Pulp for Development of Innovative Probiotic Beverage Using Kefir: Physicochemical, Antioxidant, Sensory Analysis and Shelf Life Studies
  1168. Quantification of the effects of Coffee on postoperative ileus after laparoscopic ventral rectopexy: a randomized controlled trial
  1169. Antioxidants and Mineral Contents of Chicory as Coffee Additive
  1170. Study of the Antioxidant Effects of Coffee Phenolic Metabolites on C6 Glioma Cells Exposed to Diesel Exhaust Particles
  1171. Turnitin_C2_NW Effects of The Administration of Brewed Robusta Coffee Leaves on Total Antioxidant Status in Rats with High-Fat, High-Fructose Diet-Induced …
  1172. Effect of feeding coconut sugar-mix Coffee rich in antioxidants on blood pressure, serum SOD and MDA of sprague dawley rats
  1173. Regular and decaffeinated espresso Coffee capsules: Unravelling the bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds and their antioxidant properties in milk model system …
  1175. … arabica L. var. Castillo) sobre el contenido y actividad antioxidante, y la aceptación de la bebida/The effect of pressure filtration Coffee preparation methods (Coffea …
  1176. Recovery of antifungal compounds from wood and Coffee industry side-streams and residues for wood preservative formulations
  1177. Precarious Empowerments: Sexual Labor in the Coffee Shops of Santiago, Chile
  1178. The Spread of Britishness: Coffee Houses, Circulating Libraries, and the Formation of Gender in the Atlantic World, 1750-1820
  1179. Antioxidant properties of high molecular weight compounds from Coffee roasting and brewing byproducts
  1180. Effect of Roasting Degree, Extraction Time, and Temperature of Coffee Beans on Anti-Hyperglycaemic and Anti-Hyperlipidaemic Activities Using Ultrasound …
  1181. Is Coffee a functional food?
  1182. Coffee as a speciality and functional beverage
  1183. Coffee–functional food and medicinal herb
  1184. Functional characterization of two p-coumaroyl ester 3′-hydroxylase genes from Coffee tree: evidence of a candidate for chlorogenic acid biosynthesis
  1185. Simple methodology for the cultivation of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum in Colombian Coffee farms
  1186. A functional role for the colleters of Coffee flowers
  1187. Dr. Johnson’s London: Coffee-Houses and Climbing Boys, Medicine, Toothpaste and Gin, Poverty and Press-Gangs, Freakshows and Female Education
  1188. Coffee in China and the analysis of Coffee according to traditional Chinese medicine
  1189. In vitro and in vivo biofunctional effects of selected Coffee compounds, extracts and brews on key elements of adenosine receptor-mediated signaling pathways and on …
  1190. Efficacy and safety of a herbal medicinal product containing myrrh, chamomile and Coffee charcoal for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders: a non-interventional …
  1191. Functional Coffee substitute prepared from ginger by subcritical water
  1192. An overview: Date palm seed Coffee, a functional beverage
  1193. Functionality of Jerusalem Artichoke Derived Inulin in Vietnamese Coffee and Developing a Novel Food Grade Microemulsion System
  1194. Functional Characterizations of the Reciprocal Interaction of the Circadian Clock gene Time for Coffee (TIC) with Stress and Energy in Arabidopsis
  1195. Medicinal properties of Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) oil: An Overview
  1196. Traditional Turkish Coffee with Medicinal Effect
  1197. Extraction and Chemical Characterization of Functional Phenols and Proteins from Coffee (Coffea arabica) By-Products
  1198. Functional needs, emotions, and perceptions of Coffee consumers and non-consumers
  1199. Habitual Coffee drinkers display a distinct pattern of brain functional connectivity
  1200. Is Coffee powder extract a possible functional ingredient useful in food and nutraceutical industries?
  1201. Functional Cordyceps Coffee containing cordycepin and β-Glucan
  1202. Study for the Bio-functionality and Application of Coffee Leaf and Coffee Husk
  1203. Brewing optimization for functional properties and visual appearance of Dampit Robusta Coffee leaves tea
  1204. Optimized Dyeing Process for Enhancing the Functionalities of Spent Coffee Dyed Wool Fabrics Using a Facile Extraction Process
  1205. Comparative biological analyses on kenger and kenger Coffee as novel functional food products
  1206. Evaluation of fatty acids, phenolics and bioactivities of spent Coffee grounds prepared from Vietnamese Coffee
  1207. Coffee polyphenols suppress diet-induced body fat accumulation by downregulating SREBP-1c and related molecules in C57BL/6J mice
  1208. Phenolic compounds in Coffee
  1209. Attenuation of oxidative neuronal cell death by Coffee phenolic phytochemicals
  1210. Determination of phenolic acids in Coffee by micellar electrokinetic chromatography
  1211. Coffee polyphenols modulate whole-body substrate oxidation and suppress postprandial hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia and hyperlipidaemia
  1212. Biomarkers of tea and Coffee-derived polyphenol exposure in human subjects
  1213. Estimation of protein, total polyphenol, chlorogenic acid, caffeine, and caffeic acid contents in Indonesian palm civet Coffee (Kopi Luwak)
  1214. Phenolic compounds from red wine and Coffee are associated with specific intestinal microorganisms in allergic subjects
  1215. Generating biomedical polyphenolic compounds from spent Coffee or silverskin
  1216. Ingestion of Coffee polyphenols improves a scaly skin surface and the recovery rate of skin temperature after cold stress: A randomized, controlled trial
  1217. Bioavailability of Coffee polyphenols: focus on dose-and structure response
  1218. Biomolecules as recognition elements for bioactive polyphenols in Coffee
  1219. Phenolic compounds from Coffee by-products: Extraction and application in the food and pharmaceutical industries
  1220. Phenolic compounds and biological activities of Coffee extract for cosmetic product
  1221. Free radicals and Coffee polyphenols: Potential applications in toxicity
  1222. Effect of preparation method and roasting temperature on total polyphenol content in Coffee beverages
  1223. Bioavailability and Bioactivities of Polyphenols Eco Extracts from Coffee Grounds after In Vitro Digestion
  1224. Response surface methodology to optimise the heat-assisted aqueous extraction of phenolic compounds from Coffee parchment and their comprehensive analysis
  1225. Tea and Coffee polyphenols and their biological properties based on the latest in vitro investigations
  1226. Alcoholic fermentation as a potential tool for Coffee pulp detoxification and reuse: Analysis of phenolic composition and caffeine content by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS
  1227. Utilization of Coffee pulp waste for rapid recovery of pectin and polyphenols for sustainable material recycle
  1228. Phenolic Compounds in Coffee and Tea Beverages
  1229. Increased atmospheric CO2 combined with local climatic variation affects phenolics and spider mite populations in Coffee trees
  1230. Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) by-Products as a Source of Carotenoids and Phenolic Compounds—Evaluation of Varieties With Different Peel Color
  1231. Soil fertility and nutrient status of traditional Gayo Coffee agroforestry systems in the Takengon region, Aceh Province, Indonesia
  1232. Coffee, nutritional status, and renal artery resistive index
  1233. Confronting neoliberalism: Food security and nutrition among indigenous Coffee-growers in Oaxaca, Mexico
  1234. Coffee, Tea, and Other Nonnutritive Dietary Components
  1235. Coffee is Good for You: From Vitamin C and Organic Foods to Low-Carb and Detox Diets, the Truth about Di et and Nutrition Claims
  1236. The beneficial effects of Coffee in human nutrition
  1237. Assessment of the nutritional potentials of Theobroma cacao L. and Coffee liberica W. Bull
  1238. Coffee silverskin extract: Nutritional value, safety and effect on key biological functions
  1239. Coffee pulp: An industrial by-product with uses in agriculture, nutrition and biotechnology
  1240. Proposed Techniques to Supplement the Loss in Nutrient Cycling for Replanted Coffee Plantations in Vietnam
  1241. Coffee as a Potential Nutraceutical
  1242. Effects of Coffee and Its Components on the Gastrointestinal Tract and the Brain–Gut Axis. Nutrients 2021, 13, 88
  1243. Principle Component Analysis Study of Coffee/Tea Nutrition
  1244. Effect of Coffee cascara dietary fiber on the physicochemical, nutritional and sensory properties of a gluten-free bread formulation
  1245. The Coffee genome provides insight into the convergent evolution of caffeine biosynthesis
  1246. Study of Influential Parameters of the Caffeine Extraction from Spent Coffee Grounds: From Brewing Coffee Method to the Waste Treatment Conditions
  1247. Influence of Altitude on Caffeine, 5-caffeoylquinic acid, and nicotinic acid contents of arabica Coffee varieties
  1248. Coffee, caffeine and blood pressure: a critical review
  1249. Gastric acid secretion and lower-esophageal-sphincter pressure in response to Coffee and caffeine
  1250. Traits of persons who drink decaffeinated Coffee
  1251. Coffee, caffeine and hemostasis: results from two randomized studies
  1252. Caffeine metabolism and Coffee‐attributed sleep disturbances
  1253. Effects of hot tea, Coffee and water ingestion on physiological responses and mood: the role of caffeine, water and beverage type
  1254. Potential teratogenic and neurodevelopmental consequences of Coffee and caffeine exposure: a review on human and animal data
  1255. A randomised placebo-controlled trial to differentiate the acute cognitive and mood effects of chlorogenic acid from decaffeinated Coffee
  1256. Coffee acutely modifies gastrointestinal hormone secretion and glucose tolerance in humans: glycemic effects of chlorogenic acid and caffeine
  1257. Effects of caffeine and Coffee on females.
  1258. Ergogenic effect of varied doses of Coffee-caffeine on maximal aerobic power of young African subjects
  1259. Caffeine content in Turkish Coffee: A question of concern in sport community
  1260. Gender and body mass index modify the effect of increasing amounts of caffeinated Coffee on postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations; a randomized …
  1261. Coffee and caffeine effects on hypertension
  1262. Effects of caffeine and used Coffee grounds on biological features of Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) and their possible use in alternative control
  1263. Aflatoxin production in regular and decaffeinated Coffee beans
  1264. The effect of caffeinated Coffee on airway response to methacholine and exhaled nitric oxide
  1265. Cerebral effects of noncaffeine constituents in roasted Coffee
  1266. The effect of caffeine and Coffee on blood pressure.
  1267. Decaf and the steeplechase towards decaffito—the Coffee from caffeine-free Arabica plants
  1268. Effects of Coffee and caffeine on mood and mood disorders.
  1269. The effects of preexercise caffeinated Coffee ingestion on endurance performance: an evidence-based review
  1270. Effects of Coffee intake and intraperitoneal caffeine on bone repair process-a histologic and histometric study
  1271. Tea, Coffee, and caffeine and early-onset basal cell carcinoma in a case-control study
  1272. Coffee, tea and decaffeinated Coffee in relation to hepatocellular carcinoma in a E uropean population: Multicentre, prospective cohort study
  1273. Caffeine and catechins in fresh Coffee leaf (Coffea arabica) and Coffee leaf tea
  1274. Coffee extract and caffeine enhance the heat shock response and promote proteostasis in an HSF-1-dependent manner in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1275. Effect of Coffee (caffeine) against human cataract blindness
  1276. Associations of Coffee, tea, and caffeine intake with coronary artery calcification and cardiovascular events
  1277. … time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS)-based metabolomics for comparison of caffeinated and decaffeinated Coffee and its implications for …
  1278. Pharmacology of caffeine: the main active compound of Coffee
  1279. Coffee and caffeine intake among students of the Brazilian northeast
  1280. Use of an online extraction technique coupled to liquid chromatography for determination of caffeine in Coffee, tea, and cocoa
  1281. Physiological Effects of Caffeine and Its Congeners Present in Tea and Coffee Beverages
  1282. Roasting intensity of naturally low-caffeine Laurina Coffee modulates glucose metabolism and redox balance in humans
  1283. Effects of creatine, Coffee, and caffeine anhydrous on strength and sprint performance
  1284. Is Coffee an effective pre-workout drink?–The effects of ingesting naturalistic doses of caffeine on one-repetition maximum muscular strength and muscular endurance …
  1285. Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress Changes in Dose-Dependent Manner, Following Periodic Administration of Coffee and Caffeine
  1286. Self-directing optimization for enhanced caffeine degradation in synthetic Coffee wastewater using induced cells of Pseudomonas sp.: Bioreactor studies
  1287. Coffee, caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and the purinergic system
  1288. Exploration of association of the different types of Coffee and caffeine intake with glucose metabolism markers among adults
  1289. Hydrogen‐rich water and caffeine for alertness and brain metabolism in sleep‐deprived habitual Coffee drinkers
  1290. Wake up and smell the Coffee: caffeine supplementation and exercise performance—an umbrella review of 21 published meta-analyses
  1291. Coffee and caffeine intake in relation to symptoms of psychological disorders among adults
  1292. Effects of supplementation with main Coffee components including caffeine and/or chlorogenic acid on hepatic, metabolic, and inflammatory indices in patients …
  1293. Effect of Coffee constituents, caffeine and caffeic acid on anxiety and lipopolysaccharide-induced sickness behavior in mice
  1294. Biological, histological and immunohistochemical studies on the toxicity of spent Coffee grounds and caffeine on the larvae of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
  1295. The effects of low-dose caffeinated Coffee ingestion on strength and muscular endurance performance in male athletes
  1296. Process optimisation of low-caffeine Coffee using steam treatment
  1297. Automated Detection of Caffeinated Coffee-Induced Short-Term Effects on ECG Signals Using EMD, DWT, and WPD
  1298. Caffeine extraction from Arabic Coffee: The role of brewing and roasting
  1299. Effect of caffeinated and decaffeinated Coffee on serum uric acid and uric acid clearance, a randomised within-subject experimental study
  1300. Procaffeinating: Mapping regional Coffee fandom via social media
  1301. Determination of caffeine content in Wollega Zones, Ethiopian Coffee bean, pulp and leaves by high performance liquid chromatography
  1302. … you like the sight or the feel of milk in Coffee? Ecology and effortful attention in differential acuity and preference for sensed effects of milk substitute in vended Coffee
  1303. The Effects of Unions on Productivity: Evidence from Large Coffee Producers in Guatemala
  1304. Physiological effects of Coffee and its components
  1305. Characterization of fungal extracts from Trichoderma isolates: their effects against Coffee wilt pathogen (Gibberella xylarioides)
  1306. The Effects of Unions on Productivity: Evidence from Large Coffee Producers in Guatemala
  1307. 249 Shading Effects on Vegetative Growth and Fruiting of Coffee
  1308. The Effects of Coffee and Korean Red Ginseng with Body Wrap Steam Bathing on Stress Markers and Lipid Profiles
  1309. Short-term effects of espresso Coffee on heart rate variability and blood pressure in habitual and non-habitual Coffee consumers–a randomized crossover study
  1310. Coffee: a selected overview of beneficial or harmful effects on the cardiovascular system?
  1311. Cascading effects of insectivorous birds and bats in tropical Coffee plantations
  1312. Cardiometabolic effects of two Coffee blends differing in content for major constituents in overweight adults: a randomized controlled trial
  1313. The effects of Coffee and tea on leukemia cells
  1315. The effects of Coffee on glucose metabolism.
  1316. Coffee intake and the effects on intestinal inflammation, metabolic homeostasis and intestinal barrier function in mice
  1317. Occurrence of endophytic bacteria in Vietnamese Robusta Coffee roots and their effects on plant parasitic nematodes
  1318. Cognitive short-and long-term effects of Coffee cherry extract in older adults with mild cognitive decline
  1319. Effects of Coffee and its components on the gastrointestinal tract and the brain–gut axis
  1320. Systematic review of the effects of Coffee or its components on platelets and their regulators
  1321. Role of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) in mediating the effects of Coffee in the colon
  1322. Neurophysiological effects of whole Coffee cherry extract in older adults with subjective cognitive impairment: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross …
  1323. Effects of enteric environmental modification by Coffee components on neurodegeneration in rotenone-treated mice
  1324. Effects of Coffee on the Gastro-Intestinal Tract: A Narrative Review and Literature Update
  1325. Effects of Coffee, energy drinks and their components on hemostasis: The hypothetical mechanisms of their action
  1326. … on cardiovascular mortality in congestive heart failure: CanrenOne eFFects on cardiovascular mortality in patiEnts with congEstIve hearT failure: The Coffee-IT …
  1327. The effects of kahweol, a diterpene present in Coffee, on the mitochondria of the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide
  1328. Drug Abuse Prevalence and Effects in Coffee Shop Workers: A Cross Sectional Study.
  1329. Acute effects of combined Bacopa, American ginseng and whole Coffee fruit on working memory and cerebral haemodynamic response of the prefrontal cortex: a …
  1330. Effects of brewing conditions and Coffee species on the physicochemical characteristics, preference and dynamics of sensory attributes perception in cold brews
  1331. Effects of fermented Coffee on human gut microbiota
  1332. Identifying bioactive phytochemicals in spent Coffee grounds for cosmetic application through global metabolite analysis
  1333. Effects of Coffee, smoking, and alcohol on liver function tests: a comprehensive cross-sectional study
  1334. Coffee: good, bad, or just fun? A critical review of Coffee‘s effects on liver enzymes
  1335. Combining Several Experimental Data from Coffee as an Effective Discrimination Tool in Metabolomics
  1336. The effects of Coffee on enzymes involved in metabolism of the dietary carcinogen 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4, 5-b] pyridine in rats
  1337. Coffee: black puddle water or panacea?
  1338. Coffee and fitness-Coffee suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury in rats
  1339. Delivering the goods: Fair trade, solidarity, and the moral economy of the Coffee contract in Nicaragua
  1340. Effect of Coffee or Coffee components on gut microbiome and short-chain fatty acids in a mouse model of metabolic syndrome
  1341. How Coffee affects metabolic syndrome and its components
  1342. Coffee and metabolic impairment: An updated review of epidemiological studies
  1343. Coffee intake and liver steatosis: a population study in a Mediterranean area
  1344. Coffee and metabolic syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  1345. Coffee: a panacea or snake oil for the liver?
  1346. The effect of Coffee intake on lysophosphatidylcholines: A targeted metabolomic approach
  1347. Coffee aroma constituents and odorant metabolites in human urine
  1348. Mediation of Coffee-induced improvements in human vascular function by chlorogenic acids and its metabolites: Two randomized, controlled, crossover …
  1349. Photosynthetic and metabolic acclimation to repeated drought events play key roles in drought tolerance in Coffee
  1350. Relationship of the phytochemicals from Coffee and cocoa by-products with their potential to modulate biomarkers of metabolic syndrome in vitro
  1351. Metabolite characterization of fifteen by-products of the Coffee production chain: From farm to factory
  1352. Coffee Pulp, a By-Product of Coffee Production, Modulates Gut Microbiota and Improves Metabolic Syndrome in High-Carbohydrate, High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats
  1353. Metabolic Disorders in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection: Coffee as a Panacea?(ANRS CO22 Hepather Cohort)
  1354. Safety pharmacological evaluation of the Coffee component, caffeoylquinic acid, and its metabolites, using ex vivo and in vitro profiling assays
  1355. Associations between alcohol and liver enzymes are modified by Coffee, cigarettes, and overweight in a Swedish female population
  1356. Alkylpyrazines from Coffee are extensively metabolized to pyrazine carboxylic acids in the human body
  1357. Coffee Bioactives Regulate Lipid Metabolism in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1359. Coffee and Maillard products activate NF‐κB in macrophages via H2O2 production
  1360. Coffee constituents as modulators of Nrf2 nuclear translocation and ARE (EpRE)-dependent gene expression
  1361. Activation of the transcription factor Nrf2 in macrophages, Caco-2 cells and intact human gut tissue by Maillard reaction products and Coffee
  1362. Maillard Products and Coffee Roasting Products Activate NF-κB and Nrf2 in Cell Culture and Intact Human Gut Tissue ex vivo
  1363. The cholesterol-raising factor from Coffee beans, cafestol, activates the farnesoid and pregnane X receptors
  1364. Coffee intake down-regulates the hepatic gene expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in C57BL/6J mice fed a high-fat diet
  1365. Natural Nrf2 activators from juices, wines, Coffee, and cocoa
  1366. Coffee: All You Need to Know

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