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Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
The role of animal behaviour in the study of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals and disease susceptibility
Ten years of mixing cocktails: a review of combination effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and public health protection: a statement of principles from The endocrine Society
New modes of action for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: an endocrine Society scientific statement
Developmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in wildlife and humans.
Thyroid effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Cognitive effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in animals.
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: from basic research to clinical practice
endocrine disrupting chemicals in indoor and outdoor air
Health effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on wildlife, with special reference to the European situation
State of the science of endocrine disrupting chemicals 2012: summary for decision-makers
Impact of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals on the development of obesity
endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and obesity development in humans: a review
Immunomodulatory effects of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals
Environmental signaling: what embryos and evolution teach us about endocrine disrupting chemicals
Small fish models for identifying and assessing the effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in activated sludge treatment works
Heavy metals as endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Hormones and endocrine–disrupting chemicals: low-dose effects and nonmonotonic dose responses
endocrine–disrupting chemicals use distinct mechanisms of action to modulate endocrine system function
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: associated disorders and mechanisms of action
Occurrence and treatment trials of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in wastewaters
Definition, classification and mechanism of action of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Sources of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in urban wastewater, Oakland, CA
Review of the effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in birds
Large effects from small exposures. I. Mechanisms for endocrine–disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity.
Sorption and degradation of selected five endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquifer material
endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish: developing exposure indicators and predictive models of effects based on mechanism of action
The steroid hormone biosynthesis pathway as a target for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals and sexual behaviors in fish–a critical review on effects and possible consequences
Review of evidence: are endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the aquatic environment impacting fish populations?
Occurrence and removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater
Occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in indoor dust
Study on endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plants
endocrine disrupting chemicals: a new and emerging public health problem?
The EDKB: an established knowledge base for endocrine disrupting chemicals
The male reproductive system and its susceptibility to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Estrogen-like endocrine disrupting chemicals affecting puberty in humans–a review.
endocrine disrupting chemicals targeting estrogen receptor signaling: identification and mechanisms of action
Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on adrenal function
Degradation of five selected endocrine–disrupting chemicals in seawater and marine sediment
Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by ozone/AOPs
endocrine disrupting chemicals and the developmental programming of adipogenesis and obesity
Analytical methodologies for determining the occurrence of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage treatment plants and natural waters
The challenge posed by endocrine–disrupting chemicals.
Effects of Ag and Pt on photocatalytic degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water
Analysis of synthetic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in food: a review
Hypothesis: exposure to endocrine‐disrupting chemicals may interfere with timing of puberty
Role of nutrition and environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals during the perinatal period on the aetiology of obesity
Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: effects on behavioral development
endocrine disrupting chemicals: human exposure and health risks
Sorption and degradation of estrogen‐like‐endocrine disrupting chemicals in soil
endocrine–disrupting chemicals as modulators of sex steroid synthesis
Degrading endocrine disrupting chemicals from Wastewater by T i O 𝟐 Photocatalysis: A Review
Low-dose effects and nonmonotonic dose–responses of endocrine disrupting chemicals: has the case been made?
Analysis of industrial effluents to determine endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Anthropogenic tracers, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and endocrine disruption in Minnesota lakes
Cryptorchidism and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Potential effects of certain persistent organic pollutants and endocrine disrupting chemicals on the health of children
Zearalenone and its metabolites as endocrine disrupting chemicals
Fate and seasonal variation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in a sewage treatment plant with A/A/O process
endocrine potency of wastewater: contents of endocrine disrupting chemicals and effects measured by in vivo and in vitro assays
Behavior of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in leachate from MSW landfill sites in Japan
Developmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in wildlife and humans
endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in a source water
Toxicological characteristics of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: developmental toxicity, carcinogenicity, and mutagenicity
Human risk assessment of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals derived from plastic food containers
Potential endocrine disrupting organic chemicals in treated municipal wastewater and river water
Sorption of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals to different aquatic colloids
Epigenetic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on female reproduction: an ovarian perspective
Developmental effects of dioxins and related endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals (phenol and phthalates) in the South African environment: a need for more monitoring
Assessment of human contamination of estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their risk for human reproduction
Modeling effects of mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals at the river catchment scale
In silico tools to aid risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
A graphene oxide-based molecularly imprinted polymer platform for detecting endocrine disrupting chemicals
Bridging epidemiology and model organisms to increase understanding of endocrine disrupting chemicals and human health effects
endocrine–disrupting activity of chemicals in diesel exhaust and diesel exhaust particles.
Distribution and accumulation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals in wastewater irrigated soils in Hebei, China
Preparation and characterization of cross-linked laccase aggregates and their application to the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Regulation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Critical overview and deficiencies in toxicology and risk assessment for human health
endocrine disrupting chemicals and endocrine active agents
Pharmaceuticals, personal care products and endocrine–disrupting chemicals in US surface and finished drinking waters: a proposed ranking system
Oxidation of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by potassium permanganate in synthetic and real waters
Application of the OECD 301F respirometric test for the biodegradability assessment of various potential endocrine disrupting chemicals
The fate and behavior of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in full scale wastewater and sludge treatment unit processes
Hazard identification and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals with regard to developmental effects
Behaviour of selected endocrine–disrupting chemicals in three sewage treatment plants of Beijing, China
Exposures to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and age of menarche in adolescent girls in NHANES (2003–2008)
Science based guidance for the assessment of endocrine disrupting properties of chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and climate change: a worst-case combination for arctic marine mammals and seabirds?
endocrine disrupting chemicals and other substances of concern in food contact materials: an updated review of exposure, effect and risk assessment
endocrine disrupting chemicals accumulate in earthworms exposed to sewage effluent
… matrix effects in environmental liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry water analysis for endocrine disrupting chemicals
Ozonation and advanced oxidation technologies to remove endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in …
Elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals using white rot fungi and their lignin modifying enzymes: a review
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the expression of CYP19 genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) juveniles
Detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in samples of second trimester human amniotic fluid
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: A review of the state of the science
Consequences of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproductive endocrine function in birds: establishing reliable end points of exposure
Peer reviewed: Monitoring endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Decay of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in aerobic and anoxic groundwater
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: prepubertal exposures and effects on sexual maturation and thyroid function in the male rat. A focus on the EDSTAC …
Risk of hypospadias in relation to maternal occupational exposure to potential endocrine disrupting chemicals
Role of metabolism in the endocrine–disrupting effects of chemicals in aquatic and terrestrial systems
The use of in vitro bioassays to quantify endocrine disrupting chemicals in municipal wastewater treatment plant effluents
Bird populations as sentinels of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Occupation and occupational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in male breast cancer: a case–control study in Europe
Interference of endocrine disrupting chemicals with aromatase CYP19 expression or activity, and consequences for reproduction of teleost fish
Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals bisphenol A, ethinyl estradiol, and estradiol during UV photolysis and advanced oxidation processes
A survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in municipal sewage and animal waste effluents in the Waikato region of New Zealand
Proteomics in zebrafish exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Behaviour of endocrine disrupting chemicals during the treatment of municipal sewage sludge
Maternal exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals and hypospadias in offspring
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals from leather industry effluents on male reproductive system
Characterization of endocrine–disrupting chemicals based on hormonal balance disruption in male and female adult rats
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Multiple effects on testicular signaling and spermatogenesis
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: prepubertal exposures and effects on sexual maturation and thyroid activity in the female rat. A focus on the EDSTAC …
endocrine disrupting chemicals research program of the US Environmental Protection Agency: summary of a peer-review report
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in food
Developmental exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals programs for reproductive tract alterations and obesity later in life
Occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in riverine sediments from the Pearl River Delta, China
Sexual dimorphic responses in wildlife exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Physiological effects and mechanisms of action of endocrine disrupting chemicals that alter estrogen signaling
The exposure of fetuses and children to endocrine disrupting chemicals: a European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) and Pediatric endocrine Society …
Cellular responses, biodegradation and bioaccumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in marine diatom Navicula incerta
Effects of activated carbon types and service life on removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals: amitrol, nonylphenol, and bisphenol-A
Neuroendocrine and behavioral effects of embryonic exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in birds
Microwave-assisted extraction followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in river sediments
Bioaccumulation and occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs), persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and other organic compounds in fish and other …
Epigenetic mechanisms in the actions of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals: gonadal effects and role in female reproduction
endocrine disrupting chemicals: interference of thyroid hormone binding to transthyretins and to thyroid hormone receptors
Removal of selected pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) during sand filtration and ozonation at a …
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in stormwater canals and Bayou St. John in New Orleans …
The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the ovary
endocrine disrupting chemicals: effects on human male reproductive health.
Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the transcription of genes related to the innate immune system in the early developmental stage of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in sewage and sludge samples in Toronto, Canada
Human exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and prenatal risk factors for cryptorchidism and hypospadias: a nested case–control study
Generation of reactive oxygen species in sperms of rats as an earlier marker for evaluating the toxicity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Molecular effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the Chironomus riparius estrogen-related receptor gene
Problems in testing and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals with regard to developmental toxicology
Occurrence and environmental risk of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in surface waters of the Pearl River, South China
Development of a Reproductive Performance Test for endocrine disrupting chemicals Using Pair-Breeding Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas)
A new database for food safety: EDID (endocrine disrupting chemicals-Diet Interaction Database)
endocrine disrupting chemicals, phthalic acid and nonylphenol, activate pregnane X receptor-mediated transcription
Chemical communication threatened by endocrine–disrupting chemicals.
Parental occupational exposure to potential endocrine disrupting chemicals and risk of hypospadias in infants
A job–exposure matrix for potential endocrine–disrupting chemicals developed for a study into the association between maternal occupational exposure and …
Removal of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) during ferrate (VI) treatment of secondary …
endocrine disrupting chemicals in house dust: results of a representative monitoring
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment by Fenton-like oxidation
Decomposition of various endocrine–disrupting chemicals at boron-doped diamond electrode
The water flea Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera) as a test species for screening and evaluation of chemicals with endocrine disrupting effects on crustaceans
Solid-phase microextraction with on-fiber silylation for simultaneous determinations of endocrine disrupting chemicals and steroid hormones by gas chromatography …
Nondestructive biomarkers of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in endangered species of wildlife
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in industrial wastewater samples in Toronto, Ontario
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human follicular fluid impair in vitro oocyte developmental competence
Immobilisation of laccase on Eupergit supports and its application for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a packed-bed reactor
Mysid crustaceans as standard models for the screening and testing of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Sorption of endocrine disrupting chemicals by condensed organic matter in soils and sediments
Female sexual maturation and reproduction after prepubertal exposure to estrogens and endocrine disrupting chemicals: a review of rodent and human data
Analyses of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in marine samples by both gas and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry
Detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aerial invertebrates at sewage treatment works
Determination of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals and acidic pharmaceuticals in surface water of the Pearl Rivers in South China by gas chromatography …
Towards an integrated biosensor array for simultaneous and rapid multi-analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Marijuana extracts possess the effects like the endocrine disrupting chemicals
Early life exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals causes lifelong molecular reprogramming of the hypothalamus and premature reproductive aging
Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in South and Southeast Asian mussels
Is exposure to environmental or industrial endocrine disrupting estrogen-like chemicals able to cause genomic instability?
Neuroendocrine and behavioral implications of endocrine disrupting chemicals in quail
Decomposition of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water by use of TiO2 photocatalysts immobilized on polytetrafluoroethylene mesh sheets
Partition of endocrine–disrupting chemicals between colloids and dissolved phase as determined by cross-flow ultrafiltration
Analysis of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals using the E-screen method and stir bar sorptive extraction in wastewater treatment plant effluents
Research efforts towards the development and validation of a test method for the identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the liquid and solid phases of activated sludge by solid phase extraction and gas chromatography–mass …
Actions of estrogens and endocrine disrupting chemicals on human prostate stem/progenitor cells and prostate cancer risk
Experimental study of behavior of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in leachate treatment process and evaluation of removal efficiency
endocrine disrupting chemicals affect the adipogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in distinct ontogenetic windows
… molecular imprinted polymer by the surface RAFT polymerization for the fast and selective removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from aqueous solutions
Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction in Japanese quail
endocrine disrupting chemicals in urine of Japanese male partners of subfertile couples: a pilot study on exposure and semen quality
Short-term effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the expression of estrogen-responsive genes in male medaka (Oryzias latipes)
Utilization of cross‐linked laccase aggregates in a perfusion basket reactor for the continuous elimination of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
Profile and removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by using an ER/AR competitive ligand binding assay and chemical analyses
Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in surface water and industrial wastewater from Beijing, China
Distribution and bioaccumulation of steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in wild fish species from Dianchi Lake, China
Comparison of two fluorescence immunoassay methods for the detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water
Synergistic interaction of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals: model development using an ecdysone receptor antagonist and a hormone synthesis inhibitor
The effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on thyroid hormone binding to Japanese quail transthyretin and thyroid hormone receptor
Novel modes of capillary electrophoresis for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Human exposures and body burdens of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals in New Orleans surface waters and Mississippi Sound sediments
… of laccase from the white rot fungus Coriolopsis polyzona and use of the immobilized biocatalyst for the continuous elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on wildlife in Canada: past, present and future
Brain and gonadal aromatase as potential targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a model species, the zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Identification of estrogen-regulated genes by microarray analysis of the uterus of immature rats exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Ethotoxicology: an evolutionary approach to the study of environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Toxicity monitoring and classification of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) using recombinant bioluminescent bacteria
Sonophotocatalysis of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals nonylphenol and bisphenol A and personal care product ingredient triclosan using enzyme preparation from the white …
… Validation of Endogenous Reference Genes for Expression Profiling of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals by Quantitative Real …
Differential Estrogenic Actions of endocrine–disrupting chemicals Bisphenol A, Bisphenol AF, and Zearalenone through Estrogen Receptor α and β in Vitro
Interactions of endocrine–disrupting chemicals with stress responses in wildlife
Parental occupational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and male genital malformations: a study in the Danish National Birth Cohort study
Specific issues in health risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals and international activities
Modulation of cytokine expression in human myeloid dendritic cells by environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals involves epigenetic regulation
The possible role of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the aetiology of cryptorchidism and hypospadias: a population‐based case–control study in rural Sicily
An analytical method for the simultaneous trace determination of acidic pharmaceuticals and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater and sewage …
Phytoestrogen signaling and symbiotic gene activation are disrupted by endocrine–disrupting chemicals.
Occurrence and removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plants in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, Chongqing, China
endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in mammals
Diverse animal models to examine potential role (s) and mechanism of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the tumor progression and prevention: Do they …
Neuroendocrine systems as targets for environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Mechanisms of interaction of endocrine–disrupting chemicals with glutamate-evoked secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor-α and nitric oxide production by mouse macrophages
Potential toxicological hazard due to endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Mediterranean top predators: state of art, gender differences and methodological tools
Fate simulation and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a reservoir receiving recycled wastewater
Degradation of the endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) carbamazepine, clofibric acid, and iopromide by corona discharge over water
VirtualToxLab™-In silico prediction of the toxic (endocrine–disrupting) potential of drugs, chemicals and natural products. Two years and 2,000 compounds of …
Validation of housekeeping genes as internal controls for studying biomarkers of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in disk abalone by real-time PCR
A repeated 28-day oral dose toxicity study of methoxychlor in rats, based on the’Enhanced OECD Test Guideline 407’for screening endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Spatial distribution and quantification of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Sado River estuary, Portugal
Factors considered in using birds for evaluating endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Chemical monitoring and temporal variation in levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals (priority phenols and phthalate esters) from selected wastewater treatment …
Biological effects and bioaccumulation of steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in high-back crucian carp exposed to wastewater treatment plant …
Feminisation of male clams Scrobicularia plana from estuaries in Southwest UK and its induction by endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals during ozonation of municipal sewage with brominated byproducts control
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and testicular cancer: a case-control study
Screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals with MELN cells, an ER-transactivation assay combined with cytotoxicity assessment
Expression of two cytochrome P450 aromatase genes is regulated by endocrine disrupting chemicals in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus juveniles
Environmental effect assessment for sexual endocrine‐disrupting chemicals: Fish testing strategy
Effects of possible endocrine disrupting chemicals on bacterial component-induced activation of NF-κB
Occurrence and effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the environment
Predicting the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on fish populations
Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental solid matrices by extraction with a non-ionic surfactant (Tween 80)
Optical biosensor for pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, hormones, endocrine disrupting chemicals and pesticides in water: Assay optimization process for estrone as …
Treatment of model soils contaminated with phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals with laccase from Trametes sp. in a rotating reactor
Misregulated inflammation as an outcome of early-life exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Analysis and occurrence of typical endocrine–disrupting chemicals in three sewage treatment plants
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on China’s rivers and coastal waters
Blocked Pathways: Potential Legal Responses to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Suppression of NO production and 8-nitroguanosine formation by phenol-containing endocrine–disrupting chemicals in LPS-stimulated macrophages: involvement of …
Removal efficiencies of endocrine disrupting chemicals by coagulation/flocculation, ozonation, powdered/granular activated carbon adsorption, and chlorination
Phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in Anzali Wetland, Iran: Elevated concentrations of 4-nonylphenol, octhylphenol and bisphenol A
Parasitism as a source of potential distortion in studies on endocrine disrupting chemicals in molluscs
Pesticides as endocrine–disrupting chemicals
… and cholesterol side-chain cleavage (P450scc)-regulated steroidogenesis as an organ-specific molecular and cellular target for endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish
An alternative mode of action of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and chemoprevention
Aromatase in zebrafish: a potential target for endocrine disrupting chemicals
Environmental and biological monitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Association of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals with total organic carbon in riverine water and suspended particulate matter from the Pearl River, China
Influence of rainfall and basic water quality parameters on the distribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in coastal area
Review of suggested testing methods for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
… via reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerization: A facile three-in-one system for recognition and separation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Fully automated immunoassay system of endocrine disrupting chemicals using monoclonal antibodies chemically conjugated to bacterial magnetic particles
endocrine disrupting chemicals and environmental diseases
Developmental programming: impact of fetal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals on gonadotropin-releasing hormone and estrogen receptor mRNA in sheep …
UV/H2O2 degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water evaluated via toxicity assays
In vivo testing system for determining the estrogenic activity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Behavior, mass inventories and modeling evaluation of xenobiotic endocrine–disrupting chemicals along an urban receiving wastewater river in Henan Province …
Removal characteristics of endocrine–disrupting chemicals by laccase from white-rot fungi
Neuropeptides and enzymes are targets for the action of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the vertebrate brain
Pathology of the liver, kidney and gonad of flounder (Platichthys flesus) from a UK estuary impacted by endocrine disrupting chemicals
Differential transcription of heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) in the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum by copper and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Modelling the interaction of steroid receptors with endocrine disrupting chemicals
Significance of experimental studies for assessing adverse effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) with (anti) estrogenic and (anti) androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis: II. Effects on …
The application of membrane bioreactors as decentralised systems for removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals
Investigation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a drinking water work located in Songhua River basin
A pretreatment method for GC–MS determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in mollusk tissues
Study of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environment
Influence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the immune system
Facile and rapid magnetic relaxation switch immunosensor for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Molecular characterization of estrogen receptor genes in Gobiocypris rarus and their expression upon endocrine disrupting chemicals exposure in juveniles
Laccase-mediated transformations of endocrine disrupting chemicals abolish binding affinities to estrogen receptors and their estrogenic activity in zebrafish
… 28 days) oral toxicity study of flutamide in rats, based on the draft protocol for theEnhanced OECD Test Guideline 407’for screening for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Improvement of marine environmental pollution using eco-system: decomposition and recovery of endocrine disrupting chemicals by marine phyto-and zooplanktons
Interaction of endocrine disrupting chemicals, singly and in combination, with estrogen-, androgen-, and corticosteroid-binding sites in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus …
Organizational and activational effects of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
Rapid magnetic-mediated solid-phase extraction and pre-concentration of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in natural waters by poly (divinylbenzene-co …
Molecular cloning and characterization of estrogen receptor gene in the Scallop Chlamys farreri: expression profiles in response to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Human exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals: assessing the total estrogenic xenobiotic burden
endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pathogens removal in an hybrid CW system for a tourist facility wastewater treatment and reuse
Rejection of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by low pressure reverse osmosis membranes
A novel hybrid system for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals: nanofiltration and homogeneous catalytic oxidation
Incorporation of endocrine disruption into chemical hazard scoring for pollution prevention and current list of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Photocatalytic behavior of TOPO-capped TiO2 nanocrystals for degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
On-line solid-phase extraction and fluorescence detection of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in water by high-performance liquid chromatography
Do endocrine disrupting chemicals threaten Mediterranean swordfish? Preliminary results of vitellogenin and Zona radiata proteins in Xiphias gladius
Effects of estrogens and endocrine–disrupting chemicals on cell differentiation–survival–proliferation in brain: contributions of neuronal cell lines
Rapid resolution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), pharmaceuticals and …
endocrine disrupting chemicals (bisphenol A, 4-nonylphenol, 4-tert-octylphenol) modulate expression of two distinct cytochrome P450 aromatase genes differently in …
Dechlorination of endocrine disrupting chemicals using Mg0/ZnCl2 bimetallic system
Sensors and biosensors for endocrine disrupting chemicals: State-of-the-art and future trends
Mechanistic evaluation of the sorption properties of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage sludge biomass
… -responsive gene transcription in the embryo, larval, juvenile and adult life stages of zebrafish as biomarkers of short-term exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals. What? Where
Validation of in vitro and in vivo methods for assessing endocrine disrupting chemicals
Molecular characterization of mu class glutathione-S-transferase from disk abalone (Haliotis discus discus), a potential biomarker of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
… characterization of glutathione S-transferase gene in the intertidal copepod Tigriopus japonicus and its expression after exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Permeability characteristics of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using an in vitro cell culture model, Caco-2 cells
A repeated 28-day oral dose toxicity study of genistein in rats, based on the’Enhanced OECD Test Guideline 407’for screening endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Neuroendocrine impacts of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in birds: life stage and species sensitivities
Impact of induced fit on ligand binding to the androgen receptor: a multidimensional QSAR study to predict endocrine–disrupting effects of environmental chemicals
Computational studies of interactions between endocrine disrupting chemicals and androgen receptor of different vertebrate species
Determination of natural and synthetic endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in sewage based on SPE and MEKC with amperometric detection
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals and microbial indicators by a decentralised membrane bioreactor for water reuse
Introduction to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Characteristics of 3, 5, 3′-triiodothyronine (T3)-uptake system of tadpole red blood cells: effect of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on cellular T3 response
Full automation of solid-phase microextraction/on-fiber derivatization for simultaneous determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and steroid hormones by gas …
Analysis of six phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in surface water and sediment
Removal of estrogenic activity from endocrine–disrupting chemicals by purified laccase of Phlebia tremellosa
Induced growth of BG-1 ovarian cancer cells by 17β-estradiol or various endocrine disrupting chemicals was reversed by resveratrol via downregulation of cell cycle …
Cross-talk between endocrine–disrupting chemicals and cytokine signaling through estrogen receptors
Choice of animal feed can alter fetal steroid levels and mask developmental effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Differential expression of metallothionein (MT) gene by trace metals and endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the hermaphroditic mangrove killifish, Kryptolebias …
Biomarkers as diagnostic and prognostic tools for wildlife risk assessment: integrating endocrine–disrupting chemicals
An advanced biosensor for the prediction of estrogenic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the estrogen receptor alpha
Wildlife as models for the study of how mixtures, low doses, and the embryonic environment modulate the action of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a surface plasmon resonance sensor
An improved method for simultaneous analysis of steroid and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in biological samples
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: origins, fates and transmission into the food chain
endocrine–disrupting chemicals probed as potential pathways to illness
Mobilization of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and estrogenic activity in simulated rainfall runoff from land‐applied biosolids
The implementation of a battery of in vivo and in vitro bioassays to assess river water for estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
The effects of UV-B radiation and endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on the biology of amphibians
LANCE: Laccase-nanoparticle conjugates for the elimination of micropollutants (endocrine disrupting chemicals) from wastewater in bioreactors
… in zebrafish and channel catfish brains: changes in transcript abundance associated with the reproductive cycle and exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Prenatal testosterone exposure as a model for the study of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the gerbil prostate
Predicting the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on healthy and disease impacted populations of perch (Perca fluviatilis)
Non-traditional targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals: the roots of hormone signaling
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in CAPD dialysate and effluent
chemicals with endocrine‐disrupting Potential: A Threat to Human Health?
The influence of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the proliferation of ERα knockdown-human breast cancer cell line MCF-7; new attempts by RNAi technology
Sonic spray ionization applied to liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in environmental water samples
Fast GC-MS of endocrine disrupting chemicals
p53 gene expression is modulated by endocrine disrupting chemicals in the hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus
Enhanced expression of laccase during the degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Trametes versicolor
Development of an analytical method to determine phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage and sludge by GC/MS
Enzymatic degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in aquatic plants and relations to biological Fenton reaction
Molecular cloning of Foxl2 gene and the effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on its mRNA level in rare minnow, Gobiocypris rarus
Development of a nanomechanical biosensor for analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Multiresidue screening of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals in aqueous samples by multi-stir bar sorptive extraction–single desorption–capillary …
… 28-day oral dose toxicity study of 17α-methyltestosterone in rats, based on the’Enhanced OECD Test Guideline 407’for screening the endocrine–disrupting chemicals
The UV-filter benzophenone-1 inhibits 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3: Virtual screening as a strategy to identify potential endocrine disrupting chemicals
Differing effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on basal and FSH-stimulated progesterone production in rat granulosa-luteal cells
Preliminary investigation on endocrine disrupting chemicals in a sewage treatment plant of Beijing
Zebrafish for testing endocrine disrupting chemicals
Improvement of a two-stage carcinogenesis model to detect modifying effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on thyroid carcinogenesis in rats
Analysis of the stress effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on Escherichia coli
Fate and analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in some sewage treatment plants in Australia
endocrine disrupting chemicals—Linking internal exposure to vitellogenin levels and ovotestis in Abramis brama from Dutch surface waters
Quantification of steroids and endocrine disrupting chemicals in rat ovaries by LC-MS/MS for reproductive toxicology assessment
Determination of four phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in Dianchi Lake, China
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the brain
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the microtubule network in Chinese hamster V79 cells in culture and in Sertoli cells in rats
Alterations in male reproductive development: the role of endocrine disrupting chemicals
A toxicological assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals found in the BMW (Border, Midland and Western) region of Ireland
Risk communication of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: improving knowledge translation and transfer
Our toxics regulatory system and why risk assessment does not work: endocrine disrupting chemicals as a case in point
Electrochemical treatment of trace endocrine disrupting chemicals with a three-dimensional electrode system
Environmental biosensors for organochlorines, cyanobacterial toxins and endocrine disrupting chemicals
New strategies to screen for endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Portuguese marine environment utilizing large volume injection–capillary gas chromatography …
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on expression of phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase mRNA in rat testes
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on distinct expression patterns of estrogen receptor, cytochrome P450 aromatase and p53 genes in oryzias latipes liver
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) using low pressure reverse osmosis membrane (LPROM)
The different effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on estrogen receptor-mediated transcription through interaction with coactivator TRAP220 in uterine tissue
Rachel Carson’s legacy: endocrine disrupting chemicals and gender concerns
endocrine disrupting chemicals and domestic animals.
A survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage and a preliminary treatment trial
Achievements of the RIANA and AWACSS EU projects: immunosensors for the determination of pesticides, endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals
In ovo exposure quail assay for risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Screening for genotoxicity and oestrogenicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals in vitro
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on amphibian metamorphosis and mitochondrial membrane permeability transition
Natural attenuation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in on-site domestic wastewater treatment systems
Piezo electric sensor for endocrine–disrupting chemicals using receptor-co-factor interaction
Human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: the case of bisphenols
Suitability of zebrafish as test organism for detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Determining indicators of exposure and effects for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): An introduction
Exploration of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on estrogen receptor α by the agonist/antagonist differential-docking screening (AADS) method: 4-(1-Adamantyl) …
Inhibitory effects of some possible endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the isozymes of human 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and expression of their mRNA in …
endocrine–disrupting chemical pollution: why the EPA should regulate these chemicals under the clean water act
Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by genetic transformants with two lignin degrading enzymes in Phlebia tremellosa
Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals by ozonation in sewage treatment
A hierarchical approach to the evaluation of chemicals for estrogenic and other endocrine–disrupting properties
Development and evaluation of a tool for retrospective exposure assessment of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals and EMF in the car manufacturing industry
Study on contamimation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic environment of Qiantang River
Toxicological mechanism of endocrine disrupting chemicals: is estrogen receptor involved?
Removal of typical endocrine disrupting chemicals by membrane bioreactor: in comparison with sequencing batch reactor
Fate of indicator endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage during treatment and polishing for non-potable reuse
Novel type of Gq/11 protein‐coupled neurosteroid receptor sensitive to endocrine disrupting chemicals in mast cell line (RBL‐2H3)
Removal of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals and personal care products in surface waters and secondary wastewater by ozonation
Screening California surface waters for estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EEDC) with a juvenile rainbow trout liver vitellogenin mRNA procedure
Biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aerobic and anaerobic sludges
A UV-transparent passive concentrator/spectrum deconvolution method for simultaneous detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and related …
The feasibility of using mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) for detecting endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in the freshwater environment
Emerging issues related to endocrine disrupting chemicals and environmental androgens and antiandrogens
endocrine disrupting chemicals and pubertal development
Determination of trace chlorophenols endocrine disrupting chemicals in water sample using [Bmim] BF4-NaH2PO4 aqueous two-phase extraction system coupled …
Understanding ligninase-mediated reactions of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water: reaction rates and quantitative structure–activity relationships
Comparison of the legal regulations of pesticides and hazardous chemicals in the European Union with emphasis on genotoxic and endocrine disrupting effects
Toxicity monitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) using freeze-dried recombinant bioluminescent bacteria
Reproductive and developmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on marine mammals
Brominated Flame Retardants–endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Swiss Environment
Marsupial development in the mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea) to evaluate the effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Behavioural effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on laboratory rodents: statistical methodologies and an application concerning developmental PCB exposure
endocrine disrupting chemicals and carcinogenesis–breast, testis and prostate cancer
In vitro exposure of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) testis to estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals: mRNA expression of genes encoding steroidogenic …
Preliminary investigation on 13 endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Songhua River
A cause without a disease: endocrine‐disrupting chemicals have become a topic of public concern because they could potentially cause cancer and male …
A repeated 28-day oral dose toxicity study of nonylphenol in rats, based on the ‘Enhanced OECD Test Guideline 407’for screening of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Gene expression profiling of HepG2 cells treated with endocrine disrupting chemicals using the HazChem human array V3
18 endocrine disrupting chemicals
Enhanced treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicals by a granular bed electrochemical reactor
Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on expression of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase mRNA in testis and brain of the Japanese common goby
New discoveries of heating effect on trimethylsilyl derivatization for simultaneous determination of steroid endocrine disrupting chemicals by GC–MS
Discovery and validation of gene classifiers for endocrine–disrupting chemicals in zebrafish (danio rerio)
Two-generation reproductive toxicity studies in rats with extra parameters for detecting endocrine disrupting activity: introductory overview of results for nine chemicals
Ultra‐trace analysis of multiple endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in municipal and bleached kraft mill effluents using gas chromatography–high‐resolution mass …
Toxicity tests with crustaceans for detecting sublethal effects of potential endocrine disrupting chemicals
Circuits of regulation: transatlantic perspectives on persistent organic pollutants and endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals: a conceptual framework
Homology model of the rainbow trout estrogen receptor (rtERα) and docking of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Biological analysis of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in animal meats from the Pearl River Delta, China
Liquid Chromatography—Mass Spectrometry Methods for Analysis of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Wastewaters
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on fetal testes hormone production
Hydroxyl group derivatization of steroid environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aqueous solution by interaction of photocatalytic oxidation and ferrate (VI) oxidation
endocrine disrupting chemicals bind to a novel receptor, microtubule‐associated protein 2, and positively and negatively regulate dendritic outgrowth in hippocampal …
The effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on thyroid hormone binding to Xenopus laevis transthyretin and thyroid hormone receptor
Breast and prostate cancer: Sources and pathways of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Determination of three endocrine disrupting chemicals, triclosan, 4-n-nonylphenol, and di-n-butyl phthalate using stir bar sorptive extraction in samples of different …
Effect of known and suspected endocrine disrupting chemicals on the demographic parameters of the copepod Tigriopus japonicus
Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by genetic transformants in Irpex lacteus with an inducible laccase gene of Phlebia tremellosa
Novel detection method of endocrine disrupting chemicals utilizing liposomes as cell membrane model
Perinatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity and the development of obesity
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: testing to protect future generations
Priority analysis for controlling endocrine disrupting chemicals in municipal wastewater treatment plants of China
Mass spectrometric analytical methods for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Corrigendum to “Science based guidance for the assessment of endocrine disrupting properties of chemicals”[Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 59 (2011) 37–46]
Modeling the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Atlantic croaker: understanding biomarkers and predicting population responses
Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water using textile-related wastes. I Removal of 4-nonylphenol by microporous carbons prepared from cotton waste
A Review of Epidemiological Studies about the Incidence and Etiological Factors of Cryptorchidism Relevance to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Embryonic effects of androgen active endocrine disrupting chemicals on avian immune and reproductive systems
Human biomonitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals by HPLC methods
Environmental agents, endocrine disrupting chemicals and rat thyroid carcinogenesis
Enhanced one-generation reproductive toxicity study in rats for detecting endocrine–disrupting effects of chemicals
Fluorescence molecular sensing for endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their analogues based on dansyl or anthranilate modified β-and γ-cyclodextrins
endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCS) and childhood obesity: what do epidemiological studies tell us?
Hormonal processes in decapod crustacean larvae as biomarkers of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the marine environment
endocrine control of sexual differentiation: effects of the maternal–fetal environment and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Thyroid hormone biosynthesis is a sensitive target for the action of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC)
NIH panel confirms that endocrine disrupting chemicals cause effects at very low doses
Development of an analytical method to determine phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage and sludge by GC/MS
Detection and assessment of androgenic potency of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus
The Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens)–An alternative fish species to use in evaluating the impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals with focus on …
Fluorescent molecular recognition for endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their analogs by fluorescent hetero-modified cyclodextrins
DR-and ER-CALUX assays as tools to direct toxicity identification and evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Degradation of liposome cluster caused by the interaction with endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals and personal care products in water
Developmental effects of dioxins and other endocrine disrupting chemicals
Treatment of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals by lignin-degrading enzymes.
endocrine disrupting chemicals in pesticides and herbicide in Fars Province, Iran.
Health risk assessment protocol for endocrine disrupting chemicals
Exposure to very low doses of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) during fetal life permanently alters brain development and behavior in animals and humans
Occurrence and effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in frogs and soil samples
Removal of Pharmaceutical and endocrine disrupting chemicals by Sequential Photochemical and Biological Oxidation Processes.
Talking with patients and the public about endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Spatial distribution of three endocrine disrupting chemicals in sediments of the Suzhou Creek and their environmental risks
Research development of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water in China
Evaluation of a bioluminescent mouse model expressing aromatase PII-promoter-controlled luciferase as a tool for the study of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Apoptosis-inducing activity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in cultured PC12 cells
Expression of R-ras oncogenes in the hermaphroditic fish Kryptolebias marmoratus, exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Research trace of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Human Health A Review of Epidemiological Studies Focused on Hypospadias and Cryptorchidism
Application of Photocatalysis for the degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals: Endosulphan and lindane
Gene Expression Characteristics in the Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Liver after Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water samples by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with liquid chromatography–fluorescence …
Epigenetic control of endocrine disrupting chemicals on gynecological disease: Focused on phthalates
Biological functions of protein disulfide isomerase as a target of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Effect of polyphosphate on removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals of nonylphenol and bisphenol-A by activated carbons
Decomposition of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by potassium permanganate and γ-ray irradiation
endocrine disrupting chemicals and reproductive disorder in birds
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Children’s Health Problems in Epidemiological Studies
Concentration levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental media of Korea
Issues related to screening and testing for endocrine disrupting chemicals
In Vivo and In Vitro Exposures of Carp and Carp Tissues to Graded Concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals
The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on pubertal development in the rat: use of the EDSP pubertal assays as a screen
Changes in serum α2u-globulin levels in male rats given diethylstilbestrol and applicability to a screening test for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Effects of salinity and endocrine–disrupting chemicals on expression of prolactin and prolactin receptor genes in the euryhaline hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias …
An evaluation of the factors controlling biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals during wastewater treatment
Cumulative exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: A study of pregnant women in the lower Rio Grande Valley
endocrine disrupting substances and ecological risk assessment of commercial chemicals in Canada
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by phytoremediation
Development of plasma vitellogenin assay for estrogenic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using ovariectomized goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Microfluidic system for endocrine disrupting chemicals detection in waterish solution
Behavior of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Johkasou improved septic tank in Japan
endocrine disrupting chemicals modulate expression of O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (O6-MGMT) gene in the hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias …
Mechanisms and performance of potassium ferrate in endocrine disrupting chemicals
Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in activated sludge.
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in polycystic ovary syndrome: an evidence-based minireview
A high-throughput screening assay of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using a receptor-modified Au-electrode
Reflections on bioanalytical techniques for detecting endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine System and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Policy implications of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in humans
Analytical study of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in leachate treatment process of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill sites.
Distribution characteristics of five kinds of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Yangtze River Estuary and adjcent areas
Effects of embryonic exposure to androgen-active endocrine disrupting chemicals in Japanese quail
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from aqueous phase using spherical microporous carbon prepared from waste polymeric exchanger
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the immune system of the edible bivalve mollusc Mytilus.
Human epidemiologic studies of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and altered hormone levels
Electrolysis and its hybrid methods applied to decomposition of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membrane rejection of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Construction and validation of human cDNA microarray for estimation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (KISTCHIP-400 ver. 1.0)
Early origins of endometriosis: role of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Chemical analysis of household and personal care products for endocrine disrupting compounds and other chemicals of emerging concern
The two faces of endocrine disrupting chemicals and genital development
High sensitive immunoassay for endocrine disrupting chemicals using antibody immobilized microcapillary bundle structure
endocrine disrupting chemicals and carcinogenicity
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: From basic research to clinical practice
Health risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Issues associated with the validation of in vitro and in vivo methods for assessing endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemical pollution: why the EPA should regulate these chemicals under the clean water act
Distribution and accumulation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals in wastewater irrigated soils in Hebei, China
Toxicity evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals using human HepG2 cell line, Lumbricus rubellus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Investigation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in source water and tap water in a city
Advanced Oxidation Processes for Destruction of endocrine disrupting chemicals In Water Treatment: Kinetic Modeling and Free-Radical Reaction …
Isolation of polyphenol oxidase genes from Portulaca oleracea and evaluation of their ability to metabolize endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals in Minnesota Lakes: Water-quality and Hydrological Data from 2008 and 2010
Advances of endocrine disrupting chemicals research
Toxicologic/carcinogenic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the female genital organs of rodents
Discharges of endocrine disrupting chemicals by combined sewer overflows into receiving water: case-study of the Paris conurbation
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) as model species for evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
National Security, Risk, and the Politics of Precaution: Addressing the Military Role in endocrine disrupting chemicals
… Pleurotus ostreatus DSM 1833 during submerged cultivation on banana peels and enzyme applicability for the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Concentration of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceutical and personal care products entering wastewater treatment plants in South East …
Transgenerational teratogenesis by prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Distribution characteristics of five endocrine disrupting chemicals in Luoshi River.
Decomposition of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by potassium permanganate
Mechanisms of action of particular endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Emerging environmental threats: endocrine–disrupting chemicals
A State of the Art of Testing Methods for endocrine disrupting chemicals in Fish and Daphnids
The Japanese Quail as an avian model for testing endocrine disrupting chemicals: endocrine and behavioral end points
Concentration and ecological risk level of estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the effluents from wastewater treatment plants.
Fate and mass balance of 13 kinds of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a sewage treatment plant
Epidemiological Approaches to the Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Human Health
Effect of humic acid on the oxidation of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by permanganate
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on invertebrates in the marine environment
Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on fish reproduction and reproductive indicators
Studies on the evaluation of the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals using transgenic see-through medaka (Oryzias latipes), olvas-GFP/STII-YI strain.
Study of invertebrate-specific effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer (Leach, 1814)
endocrine disrupting chemicals and spermatogenesis
endocrine disrupting chemicals
Community Interventions to Reduce Exposure to chemicals with endocrine–disrupting Properties
Characteristics, behavior and potential assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in surface water and suspended solid of the Pearl River Delta, China.
The effects of sex steroids of endocrine disrupting chemicals on fishes.
Association between glycodelin and aryl hydrocarbon receptor in Iranian breast cancer patients: impact of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
Regulatory Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials: Are we facing the same challenges as the regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals?
Separation and deter mination of vitelllogenin and lts Application as a biomarker for the screening of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by the ligninolytic enzyme versatile peroxidase
The study of endocrine disrupting chemicals in waterplant
What Can We Do About endocrine–disrupting chemicals?
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Interaction with Estrogen Receptors an in vitro Assessment of endocrine Activity Potential
A Balanced Approach to Regulating endocrine disrupting chemicals in Drinking Water
Human health risk-based prioritization of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water: a perspective
High sensitive molecular recognition by monomer and exciplex emissions for endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their analogs based on fluorescent hetero-modified …
Symbiotic gene activation is interrupted by endocrine disrupting chemicals
Study on DNA damage of spermary cell in mice induced by environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
Assays for endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Beyond environmental estrogens
Apoptosis induction of mouse splenic cells by exposure to high-level 17β-estradiol and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Development of Exposure Biomarkers for endocrine disrupting chemicals Using DNA Microarray
An Evaluation of the Factors Controlling Biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals During Wastewater Treatment
Development of multi-residue and selective methods for the ultra-sensitive determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aqueous samples
endocrine disrupting chemicals: linking internal exposure to effects in wild fish
Optimization of accelerated solvant extraction (ASE) of wide range of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) in sediment
Modifying effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on N-bis (2-hydroxypropyl) nitrosamine and sulfadimethoxine-induced thyroid carcinogenesis in rats
Mutistep fractionation based on normal phase SPE and reverse phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) for isolation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental extracts
In vivo and in vitro screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity in Japanese quail
endocrine disrupting chemicals: A Challenge for the EU?
Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by Laccase Transformant of Phlebia tremellosa
Effects of Ginseng Radix Against Osteoblasts Damaged by endocrine disrupting chemicals
Study on water quality criteria of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Weihe River based on species sensitivity distributions theory
… to low doses of estrogen: reproductive effects in male and female mice and implications for regulation of endocrine disrupting environmental chemicals
Effect of Coexisting Natural Organic Matters (NOM) on the Rejection of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by A Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis (LPRO) …
Kinetics of photoelectrocatalytic degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals using sulfur-doped TiO_2/Ti photoelectrodes
The feminizing environment: How endocrine disrupting chemicals may be impacting human reproductive development
… Contaminants When Wastewater is Used for Ground-Water Recharge3rd International Conference on Pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting chemicals in Water
Field survey on the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceutical residues in oxidation ponds and constructed wetlands in tropical areas
New paper questions low-dose effects in endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Computer-aided methodologies to predict endocrine–disrupting potency of chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the coastal sediments in Japan
Framework for quantitative ranking of endocrine–disrupting chemicals according to risk
Data exploration and knowledge extraction: their application to the study of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on semen quality
The concentrations, distribution and health risk assessment of suspected endocrine disrupting chemicals (phenols, phthalates and heavy metals) in freshwater …
The population-level impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish
On the ecological risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals in Drinking Water: Risks to Human Health and the Environment
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Male Reproductive Function Epidemiological Views
Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Male Reproductive System
Contribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals to the obesity epidemic: consequences of developmental exposure
endocrine disrupting chemicals in Hungarian canned foods
Emerging Global Issues–endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and Cyanotoxins
The TSCA Interagency Testing Committee (ITC) proposed strategy for identifying and coordinating US government data needs for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals and Conservation of Terrestrial Mammals
Discussion by Reinhard Länge et al. on” Degradation of the endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) carbamazepine, clofibric acid, and iopromide by corona discharge …
Screening method of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a surface plasmon resonance sensor
Genetics, epigenetics and genomic technologies: importance and application to the study of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Investigation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a sewage treatment plant of Changchun in frozen period
A mechanism of reduced sperm count–exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Sensitive Determination of Eleven Phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Human Urine using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry-Selected Ion Monitoring
Behaviour and health risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals from wastewater
Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on estrone and estradiol content in fish
The Apoptotic Molecular Changes of Cellular Injury in Mouse Testis Induced by endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: Is there a connection with birth and childhood weights?
Epidemiological evidence on impaired reproductive function and cancer related to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on sexual differentiation in Japanese quail
… for Water Resources: Field Reconnaissance Investigation of Risks to Fishes and Other Aquatic Biota Exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in Lake …
endocrine-immune interactions and the immunotoxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Sorption and decomposition of endocrine disrupting chemicals in solid waste layer
Assessment of the physiological impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on salmonid fish from selected sites in Scotland and Northern Ireland
The Importance of Reverse Osmosis in Removal of Notification Level chemicals and Selected endocrine disrupting chemicals-A Pilot Study
Rejection Capabilities of RO Membranes to DHS Notification-Level chemicals and Selected endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Molecular responses of the Murray River rainbowfish, Melanotaenia fluviatilis exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Formulation and characterization of immobilized laccase biocatalysts and their application to eliminate endocrine disrupting chemicals
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity on the female reproductive system in rats
Biosensor for the detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals based on the degradation of cell membrane model immobilized on qcm and its application to the …
Laccases immobilized on magnetic particles and their application in bioreactor for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Removal of the endocrine disrupting chemicals nonylphenol from water by activated carbon
An evaluation of the fate and behaviour of endocrine disrupting chemicals during anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Selected Reproductive Features of the Male Sharptooth Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
Behavior of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment process and their removal by ozonation
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to the QSPR Study–Automated Classification of endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals lead to earlier age of menopause: a cross-sectional study using the US population-based NHANES database
B,“Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals Using Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Membrane,”
Development of SPR immunosensing system using microchannel cell for simultaneous detection of several endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Exposure to very low doses of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) during fetal life permanently alters brain development and behavior in animals and humans
Preliminary Study on the Development of HPLC-fluorescence Determination of Phenolic Compounds as endocrine disrupting chemicals (PROCEEDINGS OF 24TH …
Short term accumulation and recovery of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals in water to medaka, oryzias latipes
endocrine disrupting chemicals-Assaying androgenicity by quantitating the induced expression levels in two different prostate cell lines: Human prostate carcinoma …
Adsorptive removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by calix [4] crown oligomer: Significant improvement of removal efficiency by oligomerization
Effects of perinatal exposure of five putative endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), methoxychlor, genistein, diisononylphthalate, 4-nonylphenol and bisphenol A, on …
The use of molecular biological methods to assess the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals and natural hormones on growth in the sheepshead minnow …
endocrine disrupting chemicals and ovotoxicity
… displayed the Inhibitory effect of BG-1 ovarian cancer cell growth Induced by 17beta-estradiol or various endocrine disrupting chemicals via down-regulating cell …
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals bisphenol A and p-nonylphenol on marine microalga Nannochloropsis oculata ST-3
Short-Term Exposure Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Brain-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis Response of the Fathead Minnow.
… : Taylor and Francis, 2000. McLachlan, JA Environmental signaling: What embryos and evolution teach us about endocrine disrupting chemicals. endocrine Rev. 22 …
Biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by genetic transformants of Phlebia tremellosa using manganese peroxidase gene from Trametes versicolor
endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Review of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
Assessing the risks of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: FROM BASIC RESEARCH TO CLINICAL PRACTICE
EDITORIAL OVERVIEW: Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals 249
endocrine disrupting chemicals—how to strengthen safety assessment
Cognitive effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): Its Impact On Health
Sources and Pathways of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Their biological aspects
Changing concept of endocrine disrupting chemicals and its background
endocrine disrupting chemicals and endocrine Active Agents
Emerging issues for endocrine disrupting chemicals in naval operations
Activities of MOE on endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting environmental chemicals-hazards to man and animal
Development of a Research, Screening, and Testing Strategy for endocrine disrupting chemicals
The Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Wildlife
Progress in the rapid screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals.
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Marine Environment
endocrine disrupting chemicals in Foods
endocrine disrupting chemicals and Human Health
endocrine disrupting chemicals—A Strategy of the European Commission
Toxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting Action of Environmental chemicals on Mammals
Environmental Risk of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Potential effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the health of children
endocrine disrupting chemicals: an emerging threat to public health?
endocrine disrupting chemicals in Natural Water Sources
endocrine disrupting chemicals and emerging contamination issues
Surveillance of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in foods
Monitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals in surface water
Andrea C. Gore (ed): endocrine–disrupting chemicals: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice
The Ecological Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Japan
The involvement of endocrine disrupting chemicals in spermatogenic cell apoptosis
Behaviour of endocrine disrupting chemicals and nitrate in the environment
Ten years of mixing cocktails: a review of combination effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals.
Review of the Scientific Basis for Dealing with endocrine disrupting chemicals within the EC Reach Regulations
Social Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals and the growth of environmental health in Israel
The Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Freshwater Supplies: CWA and SDWA Revisited
US Environmental Protection Agency’s endocrine disrupting chemicals Research Program: Summary of a Peer-Review Report
Analytiek van hormoon verstorende stoffen in milieumatrices= Analytics of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental matrices
endocrine disrupting chemicals and male fertility
endocrine disrupting chemicals in streams of Northern and Southern Missouri
Impedance measurements as a tool for the detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Chemical Genomic Study of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Metabolic Pathways
Fish Toxicity Tests for endocrine disrupting chemicals
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Its Effects on Breast Cancer
QSAR Study of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Metabolism and degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Development of a porcine model for exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Environmental Modelling of EDCs (endocrine disrupting chemicals)
Influence of endocrine disrupting chemicals (Environmental Hormones) on Human Health
Guidelines for measuring endocrine disrupting chemicals in water: the interface: human-environment
Selected endocrine disrupting chemicals and Their Analysis by Capillary GC-MS
Research advance in joint effects of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Study on the treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater by ionizing radiation
Incidence and toxicological significance of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in drinking water
endocrine disrupting chemicals and endocrine potency of wastewater measured by in vivo and in vitro assays
Potential of metals to act as endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human reproduction
Risk Assessment of Classic endocrine disrupting chemicals in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan District
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Sex Differentiation in Fish
Chemical Industry’s approach for endocrine disrupting chemicals; Naibunpitsu kakuran kagaku busshitsu mondai eno kagaku kogyokai no taio. Nichibeio {center_dot} …
Ecotoxicity Evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Health Hazards of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Humans as Examined from the Standpoints of Their Mechanisms of Action
Determination of Carcinogenic and endocrine disrupting chemicals in Airborne Particulates
97 THE REGULATION OF UTERINE CONTRACTION BY endocrine–disrupting chemicals IN RATS
Assessing Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals: Functional Outcomes of Exposure to Mixtures.
A Single Cell Multimedia Fate Model for endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting compounds in the Antarctic: How man-made chemicals could put the continent’s future at risk
Effects and interactions of endocrine disrupting chemicals and diet on the mouse reproductive system
Environmental screening of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and biological characterization of their effects on reproductive health
Screening for Genotoxicity and Oestrogenicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Vitro
Comparison of Automated and Manual Methods for Solid Phase Extraction from endocrine disrupting chemicals
The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the sexual development of fish
Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Pike River
Study on the Treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Wastewater by Ionizing Radiation
Thyroid gland affected by environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals: an update
A nationwide survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals in source and drinking waters in Japan
WARNING: pesticides are dangerous to your health! Stop endocrine disrupting chemicals!
Eliminating endocrine–disrupting chemicals from our plastic drinking bottles
Role of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Occurrence of Female Reproductive Tumors in Tehran Sepideh Arbabi Bidgoli
Preparation of Activated Carbon from Wastepaper and Adsorption of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Water Environment on Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Developmental and behavioral neurotoxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Effect of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the Development of Macaque Socialization
Bioavailability assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in soil and sediment
Role of xenoestrogens and endocrine disrupting chemicals on the occurrence of breast cancer and female reproductive disorders
Treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by Constructed Wetlands
Dynamic Behavior of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Domestic Wastewater Treatment Facility (Gappei-shori Johkasou)
An Improved Method for the Derivatization of Phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals
The Efficiencies of Subsoils for on-site wastewater disposal with respect to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Partitioning of 13 Kinds of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a Sewage Treatment Plant
Session 8-National security, risk, and the politics of precaution: Addressing the military role in endocrine disrupting chemicals
Phytochemical Signaling and Symbiosis: Potential Threats from endocrine disrupting chemicals
The fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals during activated sludge treatment
National Security, Risk, and the Politics of Precaution: the Military Role in endocrine disrupting chemicals
Elution and Behavior of endocrine disrupting chemicals from FRP or DCPD-made Gappei-shori Johkasous
Changes in interrenal stress responsiveness and immune activity of fish exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Transformation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by Manganese (IV) Oxide
DNA-adducts and Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Contribution of effect directed analysis approach to the identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic systems
Treatment of wastewater and sludge, and decomposition of endocrine disrupting chemicals with radiation
Development Of A Suite Of Bioassays To Detect endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) And Evaluate EDC Synergy
endocrine disrupting chemicals, exposures and clinical outcomes in 324 pregnancies in Calgary, Canada
endocrine disrupting chemicals Addressing this Emerging Concern in the Wastewater Industry
Potential sources of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals among companion canines
Proteomics and ecotoxicoldgy:. marine invertebrates and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Restructuring Regulatory Review of endocrine–disrupting chemicals under California’s Proposition 65: Lessons from the Review of BPA
Development of a stably transfected cell line to screen for potential endocrine disrupting chemicals
Effects of androgen-active endocrine disrupting chemicals in Japanese quail
The Impact of Estrogens and endocrine disrupting chemicals on Prostate Disease
An Indicative Evaluation to Determine if Selected endocrine disrupting chemicals can be Detected and Warrant Further Investigation in Royal Navy Submarines
The WHO/UNEP/ILO International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) Global Assessment of the State-of-the-Science of endocrine disrupting chemicals …
Epigenetic Changes After Intrauterine Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Development of a bioassay for thyroid disruption in patients exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Assessing Levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Groundwater Associated with Karst Areas in Northeast Wisconsin
A Survey on endocrine disrupting chemicals in Animal Wastes Treated with Methane Fermentation
Factoring removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals into drinking water treatment plant design
Effect of Natural Aquatic Colloids on the Adsorption of Three Selected endocrine disrupting chemicals by Sediments
Highly sensitive detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in sewage using immunoassay
GIS study of occurrence and distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plant and groundwater in El Paso
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Bisphenol A and the Developing Brain
Application of estrogen receptor binding assay in the endocrine disrupting chemicals screening tests.
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals may interfere with reproductive development in humans and affect timing of puberty
Personal Care Product Use and endocrine disrupting chemicals in Urban Minority Children
Evaluation of an in vitro-model for standardized testing of endocrine disrupting chemicals and their effects on female reproduction
GIS study of occurrence and distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plant and groundwater in El Paso
Analysis, occurrence and control of chloro-s-triazine endocrine disrupting chemicals in drinking water
Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)-BP by combination of UV/micro-aeration process and impact factors
Genome-Wide Analysis of Methylation Patterns in Ovaries Exposed to endocrine–disrupting chemicals.
Development of chemosensors for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): synthesis and evaluation of solid-phase bound receptors
The fate and behaviour of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Australia sewage treatment plants and the receiving environment
An integrated approach to unravel the effect pathways of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the developing zebrafish, Danio rerio
Fate of Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care Products, and endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Water 2
Fate and Transport of Selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in Recycled Water Through a Tropical Soil
Apoptosis-inducing activity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in cultured PC12 cells
Detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Fish and the Use of Fish Vitellogenin as a Biomarker
Evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals-Complex Mixture in Diesel Exhaust Respirable Particulate Matter
Evaluation of the contamination of North Sea Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) by endocrine disrupting chemicals using CG-MS and in vitro assays
Disruption of nitrogen fixing symbiosis by pesticides and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Multiple site of action of endocrine–disrupting chemicals.-Possible effects on neuronal membrane and transcriptional machinery.
Qualitative analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water bodies of southeastern parts of Texas using retention time locking technique (RTL) on …
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Wastewater by Nitrifying Sludge
Risk assessment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in consumer products
Toxicogenomic analysis of alkylphenols, endocrine disrupting chemicals, using human c-DNA microarray in MCF-7 cell line
The endocrine disrupting activities of major industrial chemicals-the phthalate esters and 4-nonylphenol
Cyberspace Chat: Part II: Beyond genetics—evidence suggests environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) impact our hormones and could …
Criterial Time vs. Impact Time: Entraining Timescales in the Governance of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the air: investigation of emission sources and ambient concentrations with reporter gene assays and chemical analysis
The influence of endocrine disrupting chemicals on postnatal growth and male reproductive health–a prospective longitudinal birth cohort study
… by the Dean of the Graduate School, have examined the thesis entitled Effects and Interactions of Diet and endocrine disrupting chemicals On the Mouse …
234 Autism Spectrum (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD) Disorders Epidemics: Does Fetal Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals Play a Role?
Identifying the characteristics of individuals with high body burdens of endocrine disrupting chemicals: An analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination …
Sensitive Determination of the Eleven Phenol endocrine disrupting chemicals using GC/MS-SIM in Human Urine
The Effect of Some endocrine disrupting chemicals on Mouse Testis Leydig cel1s (TM3) and Sertoli cells (TM4)
Bioavailability of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): liposome-water partitioning and lipid membrane permeation
Removal of steroidal sex hormones and related synthetic compounds considered as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by ultrafiltration
Exposure of Ovarian Cancer Cells Expressing Estrogen Receptors to endocrine disrupting chemicals Resulted in the Gene Alteration with Proliferation and …
Quadrupole ion trap tandem mass spectrometry to probe ion chemistry and for trace analysis of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Bombina orientalis Aromatase Activity Expressed in Cultured Mammalian Cells
Laccases immobilized on mesoporous silica particles and their application in a continuous stirred reactor for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Use of medaka (Oryzias latipes) as a model teleost to identify reproductive endpoints indicative of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Differential regulation of nuclear receptors and aminoacyl-TRNA-synthetases by endocrine disrupting chemicals
Sperm Functions Impairments and Steroidogenesis Transcriptomic Alternations in Fish Exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
The Effects of Coexisting Substances on Rejection of endocrine disrupting chemicals by Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Membrane
Preparation of cross-linked laccase aggregates using mild cross-linking conditions and their application to the elimination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals induced alteration of cell cycle related genes resulting in proliferation of human breast cancer cells via an estrogen receptor-mediated …
Induction of Imposex in Rock Shell, Thais clavigera, Exposed to Organotins and Other endocrine disrupting chemicals
Development of evaluation systems for the detection of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in aquatic environments using estrogen-inducible …
Treatment with resveratrol resulted in an inhibition of cell proliferation induced by 17 [beta]-estradiol or various endocrine disrupting chemicals via down-regulating the …
Inhibitory Effect of Some Known and Probable endocrine disrupting chemicals on Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Gene Expression in Testis Leydig K28 Tumor Cells
Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals and removal of estrogenic activity by Lentinus tigrinus and its extracellular enzymes
The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on sex differentiation in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) and the role of brain aromatase
Alteration of gonadotropin-immunoreactive cell numbers in pituitary anterior lobe of rat offspring perinatally exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Regulation of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein by nuclear receptor signaling pathways and by endocrine disrupting chemicals in largemouth bass …
Evaluation of DNA strand-breakage of seven phthalate analogues, potential endocrine disrupting chemicals, using single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet assay)
Effects on Detection of DNA Strand-Breakage of Phthalate Analogues. Potential endocrine disrupting chemicals, Using Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis …
State of the science of endocrine disrupting chemicals 2012
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health
Critical comments on the WHO-UNEP State of the Science of endocrine disrupting chemicals–2012
Introduction to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Why endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) challenge traditional risk assessment and how to respond
endocrine disrupting chemicals in the atmosphere: Their effects on humans and wildlife
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the regulation of energy balance
Regulatory decisions on endocrine disrupting chemicals should be based on the principles of endocrinology
Analytical tools monitoring endocrine disrupting chemicals
EDC-2: the endocrine Society’s second scientific statement on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Estimating burden and disease costs of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the European Union
Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the ovary
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and fatty liver disease
Scientific principles for the identification of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a consensus statement
endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health
endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and female cancer: Informing the patients
Obesity, diabetes, and associated costs of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the European Union
endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and reproductive health
Direct action of endocrine disrupting chemicals on human sperm
endocrine disrupting chemicals and endometriosis
A proposed framework for the systematic review and integrated assessment (SYRINA) of endocrine disrupting chemicals
A path forward in the debate over health impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: review of toxicological mechanisms using molecular pathway analysis
endocrine disrupting chemicals and immune responses: a focus on bisphenol-A and its potential mechanisms
Human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: effects on the male and female reproductive systems
Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the USA: a population-based disease burden and cost analysis
Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on neural development and the onset of neurological disorders
Executive summary to EDC-2: the endocrine Society’s second scientific statement on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Non-monotonic dose responses in studies of endocrine disrupting chemicals: bisphenol a as a case study
In silico methods in the discovery of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Blood plasma concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Hong Kong populations
Male reproductive disorders, diseases, and costs of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the European Union
endocrine–disrupting chemicals—Mechanisms of action on male reproductive system
Introduction to endocrine disrupting chemicals–is it time to act?
Marked for life: epigenetic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Using in Vitro High Throughput Screening Assays to Identify Potential endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Neurobehavioral deficits, diseases, and associated costs of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the European Union
Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals during pregnancy and weight at 7 years of age: a multi-pollutant approach
Environmental estrogen-like endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on in vitro global DNA methylation and adipocyte differentiation
Gut microbiota, endocrine–disrupting chemicals, and the diabetes epidemic
Estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals: molecular mechanisms of actions on putative human diseases
Methodological issues in human studies of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and fertility: A case–control study in male subfertility patients
A comparison of various rural wastewater treatment processes for the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Molecular mechanism (s) of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and their potent oestrogenicity in diverse cells and tissues that express oestrogen receptors
Omics’ and endocrine–disrupting chemicals—new paths forward
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: some actions of POPs on female reproduction
Analysis and occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in airborne particles
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and uterine fibroids
Childhood obesity and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Environmental signaling: from environmental estrogens to endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and beyond
Polycystic ovary syndrome: do endocrine–disrupting chemicals play a role?
Assessment and molecular actions of endocrine–disrupting chemicals that interfere with estrogen receptor pathways
Female exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and fecundity: a review
Developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals alters the epigenome: identification of reprogrammed targets
endocrine disrupting chemicals in mixture and obesity, diabetes and related metabolic disorders
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and neurodevelopmental alterations
… disrupter science–A rebuttal of industry-sponsored critical comments on the UNEP/WHO report “State of the Science of endocrine disrupting chemicals 2012 …
Exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals in consumer products—a guide for pediatricians
Environmental exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and miscarriage
Female reproductive disorders, diseases, and costs of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the European Union
Multigenerational and transgenerational effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals: A role for altered epigenetic regulation?
Assessing dose–response relationships for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): a focus on non-monotonicity
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Pearl River Delta and coastal environment: sources, transfer, and implications
Polluted pathways: mechanisms of metabolic disruption by endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs): In Vitro Mechanism of Estrogenic Activation and Differential Effects on ER Target Genes
endocrine disrupting chemicals and ovulation: Is there a relationship?
The non-genomic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on mammalian sperm
Behaviour of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting chemicals in simplified sewage treatment systems
endocrine disrupting chemicals and endometrial cancer: an overview of recent laboratory evidence and epidemiological studies
Year-long evaluation on the occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and endocrine disrupting chemicals in an urban drinking water treatment …
Gestational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and reciprocal social, repetitive, and stereotypic behaviors in 4-and 5-year-old children: the HOME study
Early-life exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and later-life health outcomes: an epigenetic bridge?
Racial/ethnic disparities in environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and women’s reproductive health outcomes: epidemiological examples across the life …
endocrine–disrupting activity of hydraulic fracturing chemicals and adverse health outcomes after prenatal exposure in male mice
The effect of maternal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals on fetal and neonatal development: A review on the major concerns
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater by enzymatic treatment with fungal laccases
The impact of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals on oxidative stress and innate immune response in zebrafish embryos
Chronic exposure of mice to environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals disturbs their energy metabolism
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and oil and natural gas operations: potential environmental contamination and recommendations to assess complex environmental …
Detection of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from maternal blood plasma and amniotic fluid in Indian population
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and skin manifestations
Burden of disease and costs of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the E uropean U nion: an updated analysis
Adsorption and aerobic biodegradation of four selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in soil–water system
The epidemiologic evidence linking prenatal and postnatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals with male reproductive disorders: a systematic review and …
Plastic bodies in a plastic world: multi-disciplinary approaches to study endocrine disrupting chemicals
Gestational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in relation to infant birth weight: a Bayesian analysis of the HOME Study
A multiresidue method for the determination of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in human breast milk based on a simple extraction procedure
Occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and birth weight and length of gestation: a European meta-analysis
… and characterization of two thermostable laccases from Pycnoporus sanguineus and potential role in degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in relation to thyroid hormone levels in infants–a Dutch prospective cohort study
Removal of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting chemicals by a submerged membrane photocatalysis reactor (MPR)
Peer-reviewed and unbiased research, rather than ‘sound science’, should be used to evaluate endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Occurrence and removal of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in the water treatment processes
Pharmaceutically active compounds and endocrine disrupting chemicals in water, sediments and mollusks in mangrove ecosystems from Singapore
Temporal changes in biological responses and uncertainty in assessing risks of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Insights from intensive time-course studies with fish
Toxicogenomics to evaluate endocrine disrupting effects of environmental chemicals using the zebrafish model
Association between some endocrine–disrupting chemicals and childhood obesity in biological samples of young girls: a cross-sectional study
Addressing the temporal fit of institutions: the regulation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Europe
Investigation of pharmaceuticals, personal care products and endocrine disrupting chemicals in a tropical urban catchment and the influence of environmental factors
Polish Society of Endocrinology Position statement on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in HSF and VF pilot-scale constructed wetlands
endocrine disrupting alkylphenolic chemicals and other contaminants in wastewater treatment plant effluents, urban streams, and fish in the Great Lakes and Upper …
Removal strategies for endocrine disrupting chemicals using cellulose-based materials as adsorbents: A review
EDCs DataBank: 3D-Structure database of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals and fatty liver disease
Interpretation of fish biomarker data for identification, classification, risk assessment and testing of endocrine disrupting chemicals
The role of epigenetics in the latent effects of early life exposure to obesogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and human growth and maturation: a focus on early critical windows of exposure
Degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals during activated sludge reduction by ozone
Using systematic reviews for hazard and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
To cull or not to cull? Considerations for studies of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on onset and development of female reproductive disorders and hormone-related cancer
… on the opinions published by Bergman et al.(2015) on Critical Comments on the WHO-UNEP State of the Science of endocrine disrupting chemicals (Lamb et al …
Cyclodextrin-Functionalized Fe3O4@TiO2: Reusable, Magnetic Nanoparticles for Photocatalytic Degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Water Supplies
Sex-specific enhanced behavioral toxicity induced by maternal exposure to a mixture of low dose endocrine–disrupting chemicals
A plea for risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Biochemical and physicochemical processes contributing to the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals by the aquatic ascomycete Phoma sp …
Occurrence, distribution and risk assessment of suspected endocrine–disrupting chemicals in surface water and suspended particulate matter of Yangtze River …
Occurrence and fate of selected endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water and sediment from an urban lake
Ecological risk of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage plant effluent and reclaimed water
Distribution and bioconcentration of endocrine disrupting chemicals in surface water and fish bile of the Pearl River Delta, South China
Advancing research on endocrine disrupting chemicals in breast cancer: expert panel recommendations
A novel framework for interpretation of data from the fish short‐term reproduction assay (FSTRA) for the detection of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
Identification of putative estrogen receptor-mediated endocrine disrupting chemicals using QSAR-and structure-based virtual screening approaches
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals perturbs lipid metabolism and circadian rhythms
endocrine disrupting chemicals and human health risk assessment: a critical review
Occurrence of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals concern in sewage plant effluent
Occurrence and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products and endocrine disrupting chemicals in reclaimed water and receiving groundwater in …
Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and birth weight—a prospective cohort study
Exposure to widespread environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and human sperm sex ratio
… epithelial mesenchymal transition related with cancer progression and metastasis and potential effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on epithelial mesenchymal …
Targeting testis-specific proteins to inhibit spermatogenesis: lesson from endocrine disrupting chemicals
Distribution and bioaccumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water, sediment and fishes in a shallow Chinese freshwater lake: Implications for ecological and …
The burden of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the USA
Estrogenic and anti-androgenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and their impact on the male reproductive system
Challenges and future directions to evaluating the association between prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and childhood obesity
endocrine disrupting chemicals and growth of children
Urinary levels of endocrine–disrupting chemicals, including bisphenols, bisphenol A diglycidyl ethers, benzophenones, parabens, and triclosan in obese and non …
Estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals influencing NRF1 regulated gene networks in the development of complex human brain diseases
Human cost burden of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals. A critical review
Neonicotinoids act like endocrine disrupting chemicals in newly-emerged bees and winter bees
Dietary exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in metropolitan population from China: a risk assessment based on probabilistic approach
Actions of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on stem/progenitor cells during development and disease
Perinatal exposure to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals reduces female rat follicle reserves and accelerates reproductive aging
Partitions and vertical profiles of 9 endocrine disrupting chemicals in an estuarine environment: effect of tide, particle size and salinity
Organophosphate flame retardants act as endocrine–disrupting chemicals in MA-10 mouse tumor Leydig cells
Considerable exposure to the endocrine disrupting chemicals phthalates and bisphenol-A in intensive care unit (ICU) patients
Application of passive sampling in assessing the occurrence and risk of antibiotics and endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Yangtze Estuary, China
Tracing endocrine disrupting chemicals in a coastal lagoon (Sacca di Goro, Italy): Sediment contamination and bioaccumulation in Manila clams
A multiclass method for the analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in human urine samples. Sample treatment by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction
Oxidation mechanism and overall removal rates of endocrine disrupting chemicals by aquatic plants
Weight of evidence approaches for the identification of endocrine disrupting properties of chemicals: Review and recommendations for EU regulatory …
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: adverse effects of bisphenol A and parabens to women’s health
The occurrence and ecological risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage effluents from three different sewage treatment plants, and in natural seawater from …
Occurrence, distribution, and sources of six phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in the 22 river estuaries around Dianchi Lake in China
Phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in an urban receiving river (Panlong river) of Yunnan–Guizhou plateau: Occurrence, bioaccumulation and sources
Impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction in wildlife
Interactions between three typical endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in binary mixtures exposure on myocardial differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cell
Development and characterization of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for the selective enrichment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water and milk …
Disruption of parenting behaviors in California Mice, a monogamous rodent species, by endocrine disrupting chemicals
Effect of maternal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction and mammary gland development in female Sprague-Dawley rats
… prevalence in intersex variation from toxicological dysregulation in fetal reproductive tissue differentiation and development by endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Impact of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals on Reproductive Function in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Bridging the gap between academic research and regulatory health risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Graphene Nanoplatelets: Electrochemical Properties and Applications for Oxidation of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
Determination of free and conjugated forms of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human biological fluids by GC− MS
Polyamide 6/chitosan nanofibers as support for the immobilization of Trametes versicolor laccase for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Modulation of aromatase activity as a mode of action for endocrine disrupting chemicals in a marine fish
Assessment of potential biological activities and distributions of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in sediments of the west coast of South Korea
The endocrine disrupting chemicals as possible stillbirth contributors
Seasonal variation and partitioning of endocrine disrupting chemicals in waters and sediments of the Pearl River system, South China
Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a Virus‐Based Colorimetric Sensor
Supported gold clusters as effective and reusable photocatalysts for the abatement of endocrine–disrupting chemicals under visible light
Revealing ecological risks of priority endocrine disrupting chemicals in four marine protected areas in Hong Kong through an integrative approach
Implication of microRNA deregulation in the response of vertebrates to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Self-assembly fabrication of ZnO hierarchical micro/nanospheres for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Occurrence, fate, and risk assessment of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plants and receiving river of Shanghai, China
Progression of breast cancer cells was enhanced by endocrine–disrupting chemicals, triclosan and octylphenol, via an estrogen receptor-dependent signaling …
Assessing human health risk to endocrine disrupting chemicals: a focus on prenatal exposures and oxidative stress
Bioaccumulation of pharmaceutically active compounds and endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic macrophytes: Results of hydroponic experiments with …
A novel approach for estimating the removal efficiencies of endocrine disrupting chemicals and heavy metals in wastewater treatment processes
Fabrication of long-range ordered, broccoli-like SERS arrays and application in detecting endocrine disrupting chemicals
Mixtures of environmentally relevant endocrine disrupting chemicals affect mammary gland development in female and male rats
The relative risk and its distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals, pharmaceuticals and personal care products to freshwater organisms in the Bohai Rim, China
Alternatives to in vivo tests to detect endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in fish and amphibians – screening for estrogen, androgen and thyroid hormone …
Possible relationship between endocrine disrupting chemicals and hormone dependent gynecologic cancers
Science-based regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Europe: which approach?
Distribution and estrogenic potential of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in estuarine sediments from Mumbai, India
Risk evaluation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: effects of developmental exposure to low doses of bisphenol A on behavior and physiology in mice (Mus musculus)
endocrine disrupting chemicals in the marine environment
Development of classification model and QSAR model for predicting binding affinity of endocrine disrupting chemicals to human sex hormone-binding globulin
endocrine disrupting chemicals promote the growth of ovarian cancer cells via the ER‐CXCL12‐CXCR4 signaling axis
An international riposte to naysayers of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Spatial and seasonal variations of occurrences and concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in unconfined and confined aquifers recharged by reclaimed …
Epigenetic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Matrix solid phase dispersion for the extraction of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals from human placental tissue prior to UHPLC-MS/MS analysis
Dimorphic placental stress: a repercussion of interaction between endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and fetal sex
The role of activated carbon and disinfection on the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from wastewater
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on bacterial communities in mangrove sediments
… ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry methods for the determination of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in human breast …
HOMO–LUMO energy interactions between endocrine disrupting chemicals and ionic liquids using the density functional theory: Evaluation and comparison
Fish biomarkers for regulatory identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals
… phenolic compounds bind stronger with transthyretin than their neutral forms: Nonnegligible mechanisms in virtual screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals and intersex in wild crucian carp from Hun River, China
Selecting the right bird model in experimental studies on endocrine disrupting chemicals
Chemical and biological assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a full scale dairy manure anaerobic digester with thermal pretreatment
… of a polymeric ionic liquid-based adsorbent for multiple monolithic fiber solid-phase microextraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals in complicated samples
Determination of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in Lake Van, Turkey
A combination of electro-enzymatic catalysis and electrocoagulation for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from water
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals among residents of a rural vegetarian/vegan community
endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic environments: A potential reason for organism extinction?
In Silico Identification and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel endocrine disrupting chemicals That Act via the Ligand-Binding Domain of the Estrogen Receptor α
Oral exposure of pubertal male mice to endocrine‐disrupting chemicals alters fat metabolism in adult livers
Simultaneous detection of 13 endocrine disrupting chemicals in water by a combination of SPE-BSTFA derivatization and GC-MS in transboundary rivers (France …
Correlation of endocrine disrupting chemicals serum levels and white blood cells gene expression of nuclear receptors in a population of infertile women
Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on birth outcomes
Performance of metal-organic framework MIL-101 after surfactant modification in the extraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals from environmental water samples
Reproductive effects of oestrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in Astyanax rivularis inhabiting headwaters of the Velhas River, Brazil
Contribution of inhibitor of dna binding/differentiation-3 and endocrine disrupting chemicals to pathophysiological aspects of chronic disease
Multiphase partitioning and risk assessment of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in the Pearl River, China
Photodegradation of the endocrine–disrupting chemicals 4n-nonylphenol and triclosan by simulated solar UV irradiation in aqueous solutions with Fe (III) and in the …
Known and emerging factors modulating estrogenic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Contributions of abiotic and biotic processes to the aerobic removal of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in a simulated estuarine aquatic environment
… tandem mass spectrometry and gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the highly sensitive determination of 15 endocrine disrupting chemicals in …
A rapid screening test for endocrine disrupting chemicals using primary cell culture of the marine medaka
Environmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a special focus on phthalates and bisphenol A
Biomonitoring of 21 endocrine disrupting chemicals in human hair samples using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
Androgen receptor involvement in rat amelogenesis: an additional way for endocrine–disrupting chemicals to affect enamel synthesis
Monitoring the contents of six steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in chicken, fish and aquaculture pond water samples using pre-column …
The effects of three selected endocrine disrupting chemicals on the fecundity of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster
Determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human milk by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction
Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals and antiretroviral compounds in surface water: a disposable sorptive sampler with comprehensive gas …
Concentrations, potential sources and behavior of organochlorines and phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in surficial sediment of the Shaying River, eastern …
Bisphenol A effects on mammalian oogenesis and epigenetic integrity of oocytes: a case study exploring risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Salinity and sensitivity to endocrine disrupting chemicals: A comparison of reproductive endpoints in small-bodied fish exposed under different salinities
Distribution and removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in industrial wastewater treatment
Sexually dimorphic effects of gestational endocrine–disrupting chemicals on microRNA expression in the developing rat hypothalamus
Bioinspired production of magnetic laccase‐biotitania particles for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Differential activation of a mouse estrogen receptor β isoform (mER β 2) with endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Proteomic Analysis of the Reproductive Organs of the Hermaphroditic Gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis Exposed to Different endocrine disrupting chemicals
Determination of 13 endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental solid samples using microwave-assisted solvent extraction and continuous solid-phase …
AroER tri-screen is a biologically relevant assay for endocrine disrupting chemicals modulating the activity of aromatase and/or the estrogen receptor
Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on female reproductive health
The scaffold protein RACK1 is a target of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) with important implication in immunity
Epigenetic impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on lipid homeostasis and atherosclerosis: a pregnane X receptor-centric view
disrupting regulation: understanding industry engagement on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Determination of 13 endocrine disrupting chemicals in sediments by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry using subcritical water extraction coupled with …
… of a full-scale newly developed stacked constructed wetland and an assembled bio-filter for reducing phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals from secondary effluent
Development of a functionalized polymeric ionic liquid monolith for solid-phase microextraction of polar endocrine disrupting chemicals in aqueous samples coupled …
Degrading two endocrine–disrupting chemicals from water by UV irradiation with the presence of nanophotocatalysts
Sustainable biodegradation of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals by Phragmites australis–rhizosphere bacteria association
Sorption behavior and modeling of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on natural sediments: role of biofilm covered on surface
Acute toxicity of industrial endocrine–disrupting chemicals, natural and synthetic sex hormones to the freshwater planarian, Dugesia japonica
Adsorption and biodegradation of three selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in river-based artificial groundwater recharge with reclaimed municipal wastewater
Efficient photodegradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals with Bi2O3–ZnO nanorods under a compact fluorescent lamp
Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in newborns and early life exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals: analysis of three European mother–child cohorts
Migration and biotransformation of three selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in different river-based aquifers media recharge with reclaimed water
Sonochemical degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol in water and wastewater
Adsorption of three selected endocrine disrupting chemicals by aquatic colloids and sediments in single and binary systems
Seasonal variation in exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Exploitation of Trametes versicolor for bioremediation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in bioreactors
Urine, peritoneal fluid and omental fat proteomes of reproductive age women: Endometriosis-related changes and associations with endocrine disrupting chemicals
Impact of operating conditions on the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by membrane photocatalytic reactor
California condors and DDT: Examining the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a critically endangered species
Estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals modulate the production of inflammatory mediators and cell viability of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages
Reprint of “In silico methods in the discovery of endocrine disrupting chemicals”
Accumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the polychaete Paraprionospio sp. from the Yodo River mouth, Osaka Bay, Japan
Photodegradation of the endocrine–disrupting chemicals benzophenone-3 and methylparaben using Fenton reagent: optimization of factors and mineralization …
Simultaneous determination of steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry …
The effect of the UV photon flux on the photoelectrocatalytic degradation of endocrine–disrupting alkylphenolic chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: elucidating our understanding of their role in sex and gender-relevant end points
Label-free detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals by integrating a competitive binding assay with a piezoelectric ceramic resonator
Occurrence and partitioning of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) between surface water and suspended particulate matter in the North Tai Lake Basin …
Simultaneous detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals including conjugates in municipal wastewater and sludge with enhanced sample pretreatment and UPLC …
Metabolic disruption in context: clinical avenues for synergistic perturbations in energy homeostasis by endocrine disrupting chemicals
Phytoplankton blooms: an overlooked marine source of natural endocrine disrupting chemicals
Aerobic biodegradation potential of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in surface‐water sediment at Rocky Mountain National Park, USA
The role of retinoic acid receptors and their cognate ligands in reproduction in a context of triorganotin based endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish bile: A rapid method of analysis using English sole (Parophrys vetulus) from Puget Sound, WA, USA
Developmental endpoints of chronic exposure to suspected endocrine–disrupting chemicals on benthic and hyporheic freshwater copepods
Quantification of the sub-lethal toxicity of metals and endocrine–disrupting chemicals to the marine green microalga Tetraselmis suecica
The impact of variations of influent loading on the efficacy of an advanced tertiary sewage treatment plant to remove endocrine disrupting chemicals
Thin-film microextraction for the preconcentration of some endocrine disrupting chemicals in aqueous samples before chromatographic analysis
Metabolic targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals assessed by cord blood transcriptome profiling
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in food and their toxicological implications
Development of predictive models for predicting binding affinity of endocrine disrupting chemicals to fish sex hormone-binding globulin
Cloning of circadian rhythmic pathway genes and perturbation of oscillation patterns in endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)-exposed mangrove killifish …
Expression of stress response HSP70 gene in Asian paddle crabs, Charybdis japonica, exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, bisphenol A (BPA) and 4 …
Inhibitory effects of 3, 3′-diindolylmethane on epithelial-mesenchymal transition induced by endocrine disrupting chemicals in cellular and xenograft mouse models …
A visible‐light driven photoelectrochemical aptasensor for endocrine disrupting chemicals bisphenol A with high sensitivity and specificity
Tumorigenic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals are alleviated by licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) root extract through suppression of AhR expression in mammalian …
Integration of in silico approaches to determination of endocrine–disrupting perfluorinated chemicals binding potency with steroidogenic acute regulatory protein
Rapid, portable detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals through ligand-nuclear hormone receptor interactions
Application of ionic liquids for the extraction and passive sampling of endocrine–disrupting chemicals from sediments
Genomic organization and transcriptional modulation in response to endocrine disrupting chemicals of three vitellogenin genes in the self-fertilizing fish Kryptolebias …
Estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish
Relative contribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals to the estrogenic potency of marine sediments of Osaka Bay, Japan
Different transcriptional responses of heat shock protein 20 in the marine diatom Ditylum brightwellii exposed to metals and endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
… expression of two 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase genes in the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis following exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Nanoporous carbon as the solid-phase extraction adsorbent for the extraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals from juice samples
Magnetic porous carbon derived from Co‐doped metal–organic frameworks for the magnetic solid‐phase extraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals
… liquid chromatography coupled with qualitative and quantitative high-resolution mass spectrometry for the evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in H295R cells
Neonatal expression of amh, sox9 and sf-1 mRNA in Caiman latirostris and effects of in ovo exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Screening for potential effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in peri-urban creeks and rivers in Melbourne, Australia using mosquitofish and recombinant receptor …
Vitellogenin gene characterization and expression of Asian paddle crabs (Charybdis japonica) following endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals and behavior: Re-evaluating the science at a critical turning point
Cultured human peripheral blood mononuclear cells alter their gene expression when challenged with endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Rapid and sensitive determination of multiple endocrine‐disrupting chemicals by ultrasound‐assisted in situ derivatization dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction …
Invasive species may offer advanced phytoremediation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic ecosystems
Bioaccumulation of dietary endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by the polychaete, Perinereis nuntia
Biomagnification of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by Pleuronectes yokohamae: Does P. yokohamae accumulate dietary EDCs?
Co-assembly of CdTe and Fe3O4 with molecularly imprinted polymer for recognition and separation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on estrogen receptor alpha and heat shock protein 60 gene expression in primary cultures of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta …
Histomorphological changes in testes of broad‐snouted caimans (Caiman latirostris) associated with in ovo exposure to endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the diabetes epidemic in countries in the WHO South-East Asia region
Adsorption and desorption behaviors of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in simulated gastrointestinal fluids
Assessment of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals Attenuation in a Coastal Plain Stream Prior to Wastewater Treatment Plant Closure
Risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals–introduction to this special issue
Detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals and evidence of their effects on the HPG axis of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus
The multigenerational effects of water contamination and endocrine disrupting chemicals on the fitness of Drosophila melanogaster
Enhanced screening efficiency for endocrine–disrupting chemicals in milk and powdered milk using UPLC/QTOF-MS by the introduction of dansyl chloride …
Probing the binding of an endocrine disrupting compound-Bisphenol F to human serum albumin: Insights into the interactions of harmful chemicals with functional …
A review on environmental distributions and risk management of phenols pertaining to the endocrine disrupting chemicals in Taiwan
List of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Determination of 26 endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish and water using modified QuEChERS combined with solid-phase extraction and UHPLC-MS/MS
Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and conventional pollutants in a continuous-operating activated sludge process integrated with ozonation for excess …
Assessing exposure of young children to common endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the home environment: a review and commentary of the questionnaire-based …
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in coastal lagoons of the Po River delta: sediment contamination, bioaccumulation and effects on Manila clams
Transgenerational epigenetics of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
The evolutionary consequences of disrupted male mating signals: an agent-based modelling exploration of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the guppy
Managing the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater-impacted streams
… of the mitochondria dysfunction hypothesis of metabolic syndrome to atherosclerosis with emphasis on the endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and biophysical laws
Emerging endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals in Vietnam: A review of environmental occurrence and fate in aquatic and indoor environments
… transcriptional responses of heat shock protein 70/90 in the marine diatom Ditylum brightwellii exposed to metal compounds and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
… and characterization of a nanodendritic silver-based solid-phase extraction sorbent for selective enrichment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water and milk …
Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on thyroid function and brain development
Graphene oxide coated capillary for the analysis of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals by open‐tubular capillary electrochromatography with amperometric detection
Refinement of the ECETOC approach to identify endocrine disrupting properties of chemicals in ecotoxicology
Luteinizing hormone receptor (lhcgr) as a marker gene for characterizing estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in zebrafish ovarian follicle cells
Prostate-specific antigen levels in relation to background factors: are there links to endocrine disrupting chemicals and AhR expression?
Distribution and health risk assessment of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in two fish species obtained from Choba River in Rivers State, Nigeria
Differentiation of PC12 cells expressing estrogen receptor alpha: A new bioassay for endocrine–disrupting chemicals evaluation
Regulation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals insufficient to safeguard public health
Sorption and toxicity reduction of pharmaceutically active compounds and endocrine disrupting chemicals in the presence of colloidal humic acid
Coming to grips with scientific ignorance in the governance of endocrine disrupting chemicals and nanoparticles
Potential exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and selected adverse pregnancy outcomes: a follow-up study of pregnant women referred for …
Soil ecotoxicity of seven endocrine‐disrupting chemicals: a review
Neonatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals impairs learning behaviour by disrupting hippocampal organization in male Swiss Albino mice
Simultaneous enzymatic hydrolysis and extraction of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in fish bile using polyethersulfone polymer
endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in municipal wastewaters: effective degradation and detoxification by fungal laccases
3.4 occurrence, effects, and treatment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Water
endocrine–disrupting chemicals
The distributions, removals and estrogenic effects of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in two drinking water factories in China
The ecological cost of continued use of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Predicting Fecundity of Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) Exposed to endocrine–disrupting chemicals Using a MATLAB®-Based Model of Oocyte …
Simultaneous profiling of 17 steroid hormones for the evaluation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in H295R cells
Developmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the ovary and on female fertility
endocrine–disrupting chemicals with estrogenicity posing the risk of cancer progression in estrogen-responsive organs
Actions of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals on human prostate stem/progenitor cells and prostate carcinogenesis
Re: neurobehavioral deficits, diseases, and associated costs of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the European Union
Pollution of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water and its adverse reproductive effect on fish
Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals activating SXR-mediated transactivation of CYP3A and CYP7A1
endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and fish health: a brief review
The role of cocatalysts on bismuth vanadate in the Abatement of endocrine disrupting chemicals and related compounds under visible light
Rapid and ultrasensitive detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a nanosensor-enabled cell-based platform
Occurrence and biological effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Yellow River (Zhengzhou section)
Behaviour of estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in permeable carbonate sands
Enzymatic reactors applied for the biotransformation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Long-term pre-exposure of pheochromocytoma PC12 cells to endocrine–disrupting chemicals influences neuronal differentiation
Contamination of paddy soil by endocrine–disrupting chemicals affects soil microbe abundance and diversity
endocrine disrupting chemicals exposure and other parental factors in hypospadias and cryptorchidism etiology
Kinetic modeling and equilibrium studies of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals on to low cost adsorbent
Occurrence of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and estrogenic activity in the Nan River, Phitsanulok, Thailand.
Early life developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals increases the risk of adult onset of uterine fibroids by permanently reprograming the epigenome …
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Water with the Natural Mineral Alginite
Removal efficiency of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals pollutants-phthalate esters in Northern WWTP
Commentary:“Estrogenic and Anti-Androgenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and Their Impact on the Male Reproductive System”
Accumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the liver of Diplodus sargus sargus in Torre Guaceto Natural Reserve
Electrochemical analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals over carbon electrode modified with cameroon’s clay
The stolen dreams, endocrine disrupting chemicals and childhood obesity
Introduction to the science and regulation concerning endocrine disrupting chemicals: the challenges ahead
Why research on endocrine disrupting chemicals is still worthwhile
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on mast cell function
Photodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by ZnO nanorod arrays
Fluorescence sensing of the interaction between biomembranes with different lipid composition and endocrine disrupting chemicals
A memoir of my researches on xenobiotic metabolism for 48 years–researches on Kanemi Yusho and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Effect of wastewater treatment facility closure on endocrine disrupting chemicals in a coastal plain stream
Characteristics, behavior and potential risks of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in surface water and suspended particle matter of the Xiaohe River, North …
Identification of California condor estrogen receptors 1 and 2 and their activation by endocrine disrupting chemicals
A lecture to explain endocrine disrupting chemicals to the second class students of a medical faculty
Potential mechanisms of effects of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals on disrupting insulin secretion
Salting-out assisted liquid/liquid extraction coupled with low-temperature purification for analysis of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in milk and infant formula by ultra …
endocrine disrupting chemicals within EU legal frameworks: environmental perspective
Identification of risks from exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals at the country level
Research on temporal-spatial migration and transformation of typical endocrine disrupting chemicals in the drinking water source area of Chengdu
endocrine disrupting chemicals and the battle to ban them
Occurrence and fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals in ASP based sewage treatment plant in Hardwar
Assessing estrogenic activities of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals and their combination effects
Occurrence of colloid-bound endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Pearl River, China.
Estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated activation by endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) A comparison between synthetic and natural compounds
Isolated hypospadias and exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals during pregnancy: A multi-institutional controlled study in a high prevalence area
Response to fish specific reproductive hormones and endocrine disrupting chemicals of a Sertoli cell line expressing endogenous receptors from an endemic cyprinid …
Monitoring and Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and cardiac arrhythmogenesis
The commonly used plasticisers (bisphenols and phthalates) as endocrine disrupting chemicals in healthy women and women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Food Samples
endocrine disrupting potential of environmental chemicals characterized by high-throughput screening
Centennial Celebration–An Interview With Dr Ana Soto on 25 Years of Research on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
European Union’s strategy on endocrine disrupting chemicals and the current position of Slovenia
The Prospects for Routine Testing of chemicals for endocrine–disrupting Properties and Potential Ecological Impacts
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment applications
Ecotoxicity Test Methods for endocrine‐disrupting chemicals: An Introduction
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Gestational Diabetes
WITHDRAWN: The potential contribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals to acne
endocrine disrupting chemicals, Transgenerational Epigenetics and Metabolic Diseases
Simultaneous and efficient extraction of nine endocrine disrupting chemicals in aqueous matrices
Estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish
Cytotoxicity Analysis of Typical endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in Landfill Leachate
endocrine disrupting Compounds–do we need to consider thyroid hormones? Mechanism-based testing strategy using in vitro approaches for identification of thyroid …
endocrine disrupting chemicals in the EU legal frameworks: Human health perspective
Early-life exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) leads to the development ofuterine fibroids by impairing DNA repair capacity in myometrial stem cells
Concentrations of bisphenol A and estradiol are elevated by exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Impedance Biosensing to detect food allergens, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and food pathogens
PO-0357 Prenatal Exposure To endocrine disrupting chemicals (edcs) In Relation To Thyroid Hormone Levels In Infants
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Inducers of Epigenetic Gene Expression and Enhancers of Cell Death in Neurons
Occurrence and fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals and other hydrophobic organic compounds in a tropical river in Kenya
The wild male mink as a sentinel for endocrine–disrupting chemicals and reproductive toxicity
Multi-target determination of trace endocrine disrupting chemicals in biota using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
A Survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in Marine Sediments, Influents/Effluents and Biosolids in Vancouver Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs)
Impacts and mechanisms of action of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the hermaphroditic freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Highly Sensitive Analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Pharmaceutical Wastes using Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Extraction hyphenated with Liquid …
The Emerging Battlefield: Should the Use of a Nonmonotonic, Non-Threshold Dose-Response Curve for Alleged endocrine–disrupting chemicals Survive a Daubert …
Mixed lineage leukemia histone methylases in hormonal regulation of HOX genes and their disruption by endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals in water, sediments and fish observed in urban tributaries of the freshwater tidal Potomac River: occurrence, bioaccumulation and …
Statement of Health and Enviroi inental Organizations on endocrine disrupting chemicals
Identification of, and action on, endocrine disrupting chemicals
Research progress of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water
Toxicology of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the human organism
The (non) regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals: where next in the EU??
endocrine disrupting chemicals, Obesogens, and the Obesity Epidemic
Application of Computer Modelling in Predicting endocrine disrupting chemicals Functions
endocrine disrupting chemicals; MYTHS & FACTS
Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals by in Silico Methods
An interaction network approach to study the correlation between endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer
endocrine–disrupting chemicals Call for Policy Change
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Presence in Environmental Matrices
The Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Wildlife Conservation
EFFECTS OF endocrine disrupting chemicals ON LIVING ORGANISMS
Centennial Celebration–A Focus on endocrine disrupting chemicals… One Hundred Years in the Making
Developmental Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Wildlife and Humans(1993), by Theo Colborn, Frederick S. vom Saal, and Ana M. Soto
Application and Prospect of Computational Toxicology in Screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Pharmacokinetics and metabolism for the alternatives to endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting Effects of Halogenated chemicals on Fish
The Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Environmental and their Potential Biotransformation by White-rot Fungi and their Oxidative Enzymes
Silkworm-A New Target for endocrine disrupting chemicals Screening
Late effects of early exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals in rats
Female reproduction and endocrine disrupting chemicals (FEMREP 2013)
endocrine disrupting chemicals and Male Reproductive Health
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Inducers of Epi
Occurrence and effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the St. Croix River
The current debate on cost burden by human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Ecological Survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Environmental Media: An Insight into Public Health Protection
Wastewater treatment: Occurrence, effects, and treatment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water
endocrine disrupting chemicals exacerbate type 1 diabetes mellitus model
Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation Upon Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Determination of the Common Phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Water
A Comparative Study of Standard Methods for Assessing Ecotoxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Assessment of the sensitivity of North American fish species to endocrine disrupting chemicals in vitro
Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals acting on human aromatase
Ecotoxicity Test Methods for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Occurrence and removal of typical endocrine disrupting chemicals in a wastewater treatment plant
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in personal care products
AB159. endocrine disrupting chemicals: toxicological risk assessment in vivo and in vitro models
Modulation of Estrogen Receptor Signaling by endocrine disrupting chemicals
Screening and Testing for endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in Amphibian Models
The Presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals Found in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products for Children
Slow Violence and the Regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Exposure to environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and effects on thyroid function
Environmental fate of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Association with biosolids-derived dissolved organic matter
Managing the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater-impacted streams (Chapter 1)
Female Reproductive Disorders, Diseases & Costs of Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the European Union
Association of endocrine disrupting chemicals with circulating levels of adipocytokines-role in genesis of obesity.
Response to “Second Scientific Statement on endocrine–disrupting chemicals” by Gore et al
The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals and genetic susceptibility on male infertility
Managing the impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater-impacted streams
Chemical and Biological Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Waste-and Coastal Waters in Kuwait
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from aqueous solution by adsorption using modified ceramicites
Concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in liver and adipose tissue in United Kingdom
Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water and sediment samples from British Columbia, Canada
Investigation of Phytoplankton as an Overlooked Marine Source of Natural endocrine disrupting chemicals
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by nanofiltration membrane from water
endocrine disrupting chemicals and Sensitive Reproductive Endpoint Measures: Evidence from the MIREC and MIREC-ID Cohort Study in Canada
Differentially expressed genes in endocrine disrupting chemicals exposed marine medaka
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Impact in Placenta Transporter of BeWo Cell
Cdse Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Adult Male Mice
Characterization and Hazard Assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Municipal Wastewater Effluents
endocrine disrupting chemicals and their possible effects on the bovine and human ovarian follicle
Addressing Agency in the Institutionalised Timescapes of endocrine–disrupting chemicals Governance
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Human Endometrial Endothelial Cells In Vitro
April 3, 2016 endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Environment
Potamonautes spp. As a bioindicator for oestrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
Detection and evaluation of the fate of estrogen endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment
Developing a Dynamic Model of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis for Risk Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Spatio-temporal distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in marine sediments from industrialized coastal regions in Korea
Biological activity conferred by endocrine disrupting chemicals in hospital effluent and river water from the Brussels Region, Belgium
Spatial distribution of typical endocrine disrupting chemicals in Pearl River estuaries.
Remediation Technologies for Aquatic Bioterrorism Using endocrine disrupting chemicals
The detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals leaching from reusable plastic water bottles.
Effects of carbon-based nanoparticles (CNPs) on the fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in different agricultural soils.
P281 Exposure to widespread environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and human sperm sex ratio
ANN and Bayesian Classification Models for Virtual Screening of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
The detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals leaching from branded bottled water
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Estrogenic activities of indoor dust in kindergartens
endocrine disrupting chemicals, bisphenol A alters cardiomyocytes beating rate and cell morphology
Human relevant dose of endocrine disrupting chemicals effect on the rat plasma metabolome
Female sexual maturation and reproduction after developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Quantitative High Throughput Assay for Detection of Biologically Active endocrine disrupting chemicals in Water
The association of ovarian reserve with exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in Korean reproductive-aged women
New transgenic zebrafish models to study the expression of key steroidgenic enzymes and their perturbation by endocrine disrupting chemicals
Filaggrin Gene Loss-of-Function Mutations and Exposure to endocrine disrupting Environmental chemicals
Oxidation of endocrine disrupting chemicals Using Sodium Persulfate
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Effects on mammary gland development and female genital malformations
O23-4 Prenatal occupational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals affects birth weight and gestational age
Early life exposure for endocrine disrupting chemicals and the risk for asthma and allergy in children
Treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicals using the downflow gas contractor reactor
… of streams and aquatic organisms in the vicinity of Birmingham, Alabama for the presence and biological activity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Unconventional oil and gas extraction as a novel source of endocrine disrupting chemicals to water and the potential for adverse human and animal health …
O-165 Prenatal Exposure To endocrine disrupting chemicals (edcs) Is Related To Allergic Symptoms In 12 Month Old Children
endocrine–disrupting chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, and Personal Care Products
Characterisation of the dog as a sentinel species for human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Effects of in utero-lactational-and direct exposure to selected endocrine disrupting chemicals on the rat male reproductive system
Exposure to Multiple endocrine disrupting chemicals in a Cohort of Reproductive-Aged Danish Women
The Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Pubertal Development in the Rat: Use of the EDSP Pubertal Assays as a
Urine sample collection methods for measuring urinary concentrations of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals and their comparison in pregnant women
The effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the hepatosomatic index and Gonadosomatic index of Oreochromis mossambicus
… and repoductive health: Developmental toxicity effects in rats after mixed exposure to environmentally relevant endocrine disrupting chemicals, with focus on …
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on childhood growth and obesity: evidence from the Spanish INMA Birth Cohort Study
The Relation of IVF Success as Assessed by Oocyte Retrieval to Environmental Exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Towards impact based monitoring of Estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals (eEDC). eEDC sources and behaviour in the Zenne river, Brussels-Presentation …
Efficient Photodegradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals with Bi₂O ₃–ZnO Nanorods Under a Compact Fluorescent Lamp
Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and birth weight—A prospective cohort study Part A Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering
Environmental Inequality and Obesogenics: Understanding the Relationship Between Unequal Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Obesity Prevalence
S07-2 Occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and birth weight and length of gestation: a european meta-analysis
S07-2 Occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and birth weight and length of gestation: a european meta-analysis
Systems Biology Analysis of the Fate and Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Models of Adipose Tissue and the Gut Microbiota
Paternal Occupational Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals as a Risk Factor for Leukaemia in Children: A Case-Control Study from the North of …
Ferrate (vi) a green chemical in the treatment of wastewater contaminated with some endocrine disrupting chemicals (edcs)
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by the Ligninolytic Enzyme Versatile Peroxidase
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and other hormone-related variables, DNA methylation, and breast cancer
Inside Cover: Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a Virus‐Based Colorimetric Sensor (Chem. Asian J. 21/2016)
Effects of complex mixtures of antagonistic endocrine disrupting chemicals using the model fish Danio rerio
Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Nuclear Receptor Signaling in Marine Organisms: Invertebrate Insights
Analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water by sorptive extraction, GCxGC-TOFMS and UPLC-MS/MS/Die ontleding van endokrienontwrigtende chemikaliee …
Effects of exposure to four endocrine disrupting–chemicals on fertilization and embryonic development of Barbel chub (Squaliobarbus curriculus)
Prepubertal and Pubertal Predictors of Semen Quality in a Prospective Cohort Study of Russian Young Men: Focus on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Proteomic analysis of the reproductive organs of the hermaphroditic gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis exposed to different endocrine disrupting chemicals
Role of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the tissue levels of AhR and sex steroid receptors in breast tumours
Role of biofilm on surface of sediments in adsorption of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on sediments in Taihu Lake
Marked exposure to the endocrine–disrupting chemicals phthalates and bisphenol A in the ICU
Aerobic removal of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in simulated estuarine aquatic environment: contribution of abiotic and biotic processes
Neuroendocrine Disruption: Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the hippocampus, the cerebral cortex and the hypothalamus
Strengths and limits of transgenic zebrafish models to study the expression and the perturbation of steroidogenic genes by endocrine disrupting chemicals
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor transactivation assays to study health impacts of exposure to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Transcriptional responses and prediction of metabolic changes in marine medaka fish (Oryzias javanicus) to acute exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Environmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a special focus on phthalates and bisphenol A
Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a colorimetric sensor based on M13 bacteriophage
Steroidomic footprinting based on UHPLC qualitative and quantitative high-resolution MS for the evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in H295R cells
Selective Tumor Targeting Using Therapeutic Stem Cells and Effect (s) of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Progression and Metastasis of Diverse Human …
Evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Florida Coastal Pelagic Fish Complex Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Event
Mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals alter the rat ovary proteome: a search for early biomarkers of late life adverse effects
Journal: Toxicological Sciences In silico identification and pharmacological evaluation of novel endocrine disrupting chemicals that act via the ligand binding …
O30-1 Maternal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (perfluoro-alkyls, phthalates and pcb/dioxins) and children’s reproductive hormone levels at birth; the …
Enzyme Encapsulation, Biosensing endocrine disrupting chemicals, and Bio-Therapeutic Expression Platforms Using Cell-Free Protein Synthesis
A zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo bioassay for endocrine disrupting chemicals: Biomarkers of estrogen- and arylhydrocarbon-receptor actions and interactions
Bisphenol a effects on mammalian oogenesis and epigenetic integrity of oocytes: A case study exploring risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals
The endocrine disrupting chemicals bisphenol A, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), methoxyclor and ethinylestradiol modulate thecal steroidogenesis in vitro
… and Prenatal Programming: PPTOX IV: The Role of Epigenetics in the Latent Effects of Early Life Exposure to Obesogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
An in vivo Multi-Generation Propagation Assay for endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Fruit Fly Drosophila melanogaster: Reproductive Functions Disrupted …
endocrine disrupting chemicals with anti-androgenic potential reduce the number of primordial follicles and disturb follicle assembly in neonatal rat ovary …
Perinatal psychological distress as a potential modifier of the association between prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals (PBDEs, PCBs, and PFASs) …
… ; http://ec. europa. eu/environment/chemicals/reach/legislation_en. htm 15. De Coster, S. and Van Larebeke, N., endocrine–disrupting chemi-cals: associated …
… to enhance the phytoremediation of contaminants in soil and water. Part B: The sustainable biodegradation of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals by bacteria in …
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: implications for human health
endocrine disrupting chemicals: effects on endocrine glands
The history of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
A mechanism for the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on placentation
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: economic, regulatory, and policy implications
Praegnatio Perturbatio—Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and child health
Consensus on the key characteristics of endocrine–disrupting chemicals as a basis for hazard identification
Obesity and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Environment-friendly removal methods for endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human fetal growth
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Impact on human health, wildlife and the environment
endocrine disrupting chemicals and impact on male reproductive health
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and risk of diabetes: an evidence-based review
Biodegradable polymers and their nano-composites for the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from wastewater: a review
endocrine disrupting chemicals and type 1 diabetes
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and child health
A review of the evidence for endocrine disrupting effects of current-use chemicals on wildlife populations
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their effects on puberty
endocrine disrupting chemicals and thyroid cancer: an overview
Methods for the analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in selected environmental matrixes
Combined toxicity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: A review
Placenta disrupted: endocrine disrupting chemicals and pregnancy
Nuclear receptors are the major targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals: exposure, effects on human health, mechanism of action, models for testing and strategies for prevention
Understanding epigenetic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals: From mechanisms to novel test methods
Current knowledge on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from animal biology to humans, from pregnancy to adulthood: highlights from a national Italian …
Obesogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals: identifying knowledge gaps
endocrine disrupting chemicals and COVID-19 relationships: A computational systems biology approach
endocrine disrupting chemicals: an occult mediator of metabolic disease
New insights on the effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on children
Statistical methodology in studies of prenatal exposure to mixtures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a review of existing approaches and new alternatives
Measurement of endocrine disrupting and asthma-associated chemicals in hair products used by Black women
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in pigs
Immunomodulatory effects of synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals on the development and functions of human immune cells
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their effects during female puberty: a review of current evidence
endocrine disrupting chemicals and bone
Evidence of the possible harm of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in humans: ongoing debates and key issues
Transgenerational effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on male and female reproduction
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Effects on neuroendocrine systems and the neurobiology of social behavior
Low dose effects challenge the evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Experimental approaches for characterizing the endocrine–disrupting effects of environmental chemicals in fish
Impacts of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on prostate function and cancer
endocrine disrupting chemicals and reproductive health in boys and men
Treatment strategies for enhancing the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water and wastewater systems
Disparities in environmental exposures to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and diabetes risk in vulnerable populations
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and insulin resistance in children
A comprehensive review on current technologies for removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from wastewaters
Innovation in regulatory approaches for endocrine disrupting chemicals: The journey to risk assessment modernization in Canada
An introduction to the sources, fate, occurrence and effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals released into the environment
Environmental toxins and the impact of other endocrine disrupting chemicals in women’s reproductive health
Role of endocrine disrupting chemicals in children’s neurodevelopment
Exposure to modern, widespread environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and their effect on the reproductive potential of women: an overview of current …
A restatement of the natural science evidence base on the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on wildlife
Environmental exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and their role in endometriosis: A systematic literature review
A curated knowledgebase on endocrine disrupting chemicals and their biological systems-level perturbations
Developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and type 1 diabetes mellitus
Agrochemicals in freshwater systems and their potential as endocrine disrupting chemicals: A South African context
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in aquatic environment: what are the risks for fish gametes?
Disruption in thyroid signaling pathway: a mechanism for the effect of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on child neurodevelopment
Leaching of endocrine disrupting chemicals from marine microplastics and mesoplastics under common life stress conditions
Application of molecular docking methods on endocrine disrupting chemicals: A review
Thresholds of adversity and their applicability to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and cardiometabolic indices during pregnancy: The HOME Study
Metabolic syndrome and endocrine disrupting chemicals: An overview of exposure and health effects
Analytical methods for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products: A review
Occurrence, spatial distribution and risk assessment of high concern endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Jiangsu Province, China
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Impacts on human fertility and fecundity during the peri-conception period
Nanomaterial-based catalysts for the degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals–A way forward to environmental remediation
Assessment of the environmental fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals in rivers
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and risk of breast cancer
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and infectious diseases: from endocrine disruption to immunosuppression
Adipose tissue and endocrine–disrupting chemicals: does sex matter?
DEDuCT 2.0: An updated knowledgebase and an exploration of the current regulations and guidelines from the perspective of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Review of the effects of perinatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in animals and humans
Grouping of endocrine disrupting chemicals for mixture risk assessment–Evidence from a rat study
endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and obesity risk: A review of recommendations for obesity prevention policies
Removal of seven endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from municipal wastewater effluents by a freshwater green alga
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on myelin development and diseases
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and breastfeeding duration: a review
Mechanisms of action of agrochemicals acting as endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals in wild freshwater fishes: Species, tissues, sizes and human health risks
Human exposure to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals (S-EDCs) is generally negligible as compared to natural compounds with higher or comparable …
The role of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in uterine fibroid pathogenesis
endocrine disrupting compounds, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the aquatic environment of China: which chemicals are the prioritized ones?
Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and anthropometric measures of obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis
endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer: a systematic review of epidemiological studies
Exposure to indoor endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and childhood asthma and obesity
Degradation aspects of endocrine disrupting chemicals: A review on photocatalytic processes and photocatalysts
The occurrence and risk assessment of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Egypt’s drinking and source water
A comprehensive assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in an Indian food basket: Levels, dietary intakes, and comparison with European data
Perturbation of nuclear hormone receptors by endocrine disrupting chemicals: mechanisms and pathological consequences of exposure
Extranuclear-initiated estrogenic actions of endocrine disrupting chemicals: Is there toxicology beyond paracelsus?
Advances in functional nanomaterial-based electrochemical techniques for screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals in various sample matrices
Early-life exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pubertal development in girls
A cross-species comparative approach to assessing multi-and transgenerational effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals: current understanding, new testing strategies and future research needs
Are marine invertebrates really at risk from endocrine–disrupting chemicals?
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Dutch general population is associated with adiposity-related traits
Racial/ethnic disparities in disease burden and costs related to exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the United States: an exploratory analysis
Degradations of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater with carbon-based nanomaterials: a critical review
Sex-biased impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on behavioral development and vulnerability to disease: Of mice and children
Impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction in wildlife and humans
Mitochondria as target of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: implications for type 2 diabetes
endocrine disrupting chemicals and metabolic disorders in the liver: What if we also looked at the female side?
Occurrence, distribution, and human exposure of several endocrine–disrupting chemicals in indoor dust: a nationwide study
Environmental exposure to non-persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and semen quality: An overview of the current epidemiological evidence
The risk of endometriosis after exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a meta-analysis of 30 epidemiology studies
Occurrence and distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals in the river Bouregreg (Rabat, Morocco)
Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on steroidogenesis and consequences on testicular function
Adrenal gland response to endocrine disrupting chemicals in fishes, amphibians and reptiles: A comparative overview
endocrine–disrupting chemicals rapidly affect intercellular signaling in Leydig cells
Morphometric signatures of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in zebrafish eleutheroembryos
Perinatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and neurodevelopment: How articles of daily use influence the development of our children
The abundance of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in downstream of the Bengawan Solo and Brantas rivers located in Indonesia
Early-life exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals associates with childhood obesity
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on gonad development: Mechanistic insights from fish and mammals
Assessing potential indicator of endocrine–disrupting property of chemicals using soil invertebrates
Bioaccumulation, metabolism, and risk assessment of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in specific tissues of wild fish
Towards regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water resources using bioassays–A guide to developing a testing strategy
endocrine disrupting chemicals in seminal plasma and couple fecundity
Role of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a comprehensive review
Diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) for in situ sampling of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in waters
Social and neuromolecular phenotypes are programmed by prenatal exposures to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Investigation and application of diffusive gradients in thin-films technique for measuring endocrine disrupting chemicals in seawaters
Ligninolytic enzymes: Versatile biocatalysts for the elimination of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in wastewater
Structures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals Correlate with the Activation of 12 Classic Nuclear Receptors
REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY: Pregnancy exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: Implications for women’s health
A year-long passive sampling of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in the East River, South China
Levels of endocrine–disrupting chemicals are associated with changes in the peri-pubertal epigenome
Erectile dysfunction in men on the rise: is there a link with endocrine disrupting chemicals?
Occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in river water and sediment of the Mahakam River
In Silico Prediction of endocrine disrupting chemicals Using Single-Label and Multilabel Models
A review of toxicity induced by persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sanitary landfill leachate, its treatment and degradation by Fenton based processes: A review
Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals acting on human aromatase
Epigenetic Mechanisms of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Obesity
Computational prediction models for assessing endocrine disrupting potential of chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer: the saga of bisphenol A
Several typical endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human urine from general population in China: Regional and demographic-related differences in exposure risk
Epigenetic modifications due to environment, ageing, nutrition, and endocrine disrupting chemicals and their effects on the endocrine system
endocrine disrupting chemicals, hormone receptors, and acne vulgaris: a connecting hypothesis
Assessment of the potential ecological risk of residual endocrine–disrupting chemicals from wastewater treatment plants
Immune cells in the uterine remodeling: are they the target of endocrine disrupting chemicals?
Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and epigenetic modifications in ovarian cancer: a review
Maternal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and preterm birth: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression analysis
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Friend or foe to brown and beige adipose tissue?
Persistent environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals in ovarian follicular fluid and in vitro fertilization treatment outcome in women
Effects of common environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals on zebrafish behavior
Pretreatment techniques and analytical methods for phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in food and environmental samples
Associations between male reproductive health and exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Rapid, sensitive and simultaneous determination of 16 endocrine–disrupting chemicals (parabens, benzophenones, bisphenols, and triclocarban) in human …
Deep learning driven QSAR model for environmental toxicology: effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on human health
Co-exposure and health risks of several typical endocrine disrupting chemicals in general population in eastern China
Assessment of endocrine–disrupting activities of alternative chemicals for bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
Magnetic mesoporous polymelamine-formaldehyde resin as an adsorbent for endocrine disrupting chemicals
In vitro estrogenic activity of representative endocrine disrupting chemicals mixtures at environmentally relevant concentrations
Cross-species physiological interactions of endocrine disrupting chemicals with the circadian clock
Environmental Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals Influences Genomic Imprinting, Growth, and Metabolism
A multi-residue method for GC-MS determination of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish and seafood from European and North African markets
Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of eight endocrine–disrupting chemicals in urban river water and sediments of South China
endocrine–disrupting chemicals used as common plastic additives: Levels, profiles, and human dietary exposure from the Indian food basket
Structures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals determine binding to and activation of the estrogen receptor α and androgen receptor
The utility of vitellogenin as a biomarker of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in molluscs
Safeguarding female reproductive health against endocrine disrupting chemicals—the FREIA project
Mate choice, sexual selection, and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Mitochondrial epigenetics and environmental health: making a case for endocrine disrupting chemicals
Prenatal exposures to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals and children’s weight trajectory up to age 5.5 in the SELMA study
Using assessment criteria for pesticides to evaluate the endocrine disrupting potential of non-pesticide chemicals: case butylparaben
Vertical profiles and distributions of aqueous endocrine–disrupting chemicals in different matrices from the Pearl River Delta and the influence of environmental factors
Toxicity testing and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Molecular mechanism of alternative P450-catalyzed metabolism of environmental phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in a typical urbanized bay of yellow sea, china: Distribution, risk assessment, and identification of priority pollutants
endocrine disrupting chemicals and risk of testicular cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in newborn blood spots and infant outcomes in the upstate KIDS study
Maternal levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the first trimester of pregnancy are associated with infant cord blood DNA methylation
Prenatal Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Asthma and Allergic Diseases.
Mini-review: Epigenetic mechanisms that promote transgenerational actions of endocrine disrupting chemicals: Applications to behavioral neuroendocrinology
Multi-and transgenerational outcomes of an exposure to a mixture of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on puberty and maternal behavior in the female rat
Racial/ethnic disparities in pregnancy and prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals commonly used in personal care products
Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on endometrial receptivity and embryo implantation: a systematic review of 34 mouse model studies
Biodegradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and residual organic pollutants of pulp and paper mill effluent by biostimulation
A multi-residue method for determination of 36 endocrine disrupting chemicals in human serum with a simple extraction procedure in combination of UPLC-MS/MS …
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Understanding what matters
Identification of potential endocrine disrupting chemicals using gene expression biomarkers
Association of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals during adolescence with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder–related behaviors
Use of Chicken Embryo Model in Toxicity Studies of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Nanoparticles
Review on the electrochemical oxidation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using BDD anodes
Epigenetic modifications associated with exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus
Steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in surface water of Bahe River, China: Distribution, bioaccumulation, risk assessment and estrogenic …
Transformation of endocrine disrupting chemicals, pharmaceutical and personal care products during drinking water disinfection
Activation of steroid hormone receptors: Shed light on the in silico evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in host health: Three-way interactions between environmental exposure, host phenotypic responses, and gut microbiota
Maternal occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and urogenital anomalies in the offspring
Occurrence and distribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in mariculture fish and the human health implications
Glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors and corticosteroid homeostasis are potential targets for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Epigenetic modifications associated with in utero exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals BPA, DDT and Pb
Firefighter exposures to potential endocrine disrupting chemicals measured by military-style silicone dog tags
The associations between endocrine disrupting chemicals and markers of inflammation and immune responses: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Environmental contamination and human exposure to select endocrine–disrupting chemicals: A review
Public awareness and risk perceptions of endocrine disrupting chemicals: a qualitative study
Disruption by stealth-Interference of endocrine disrupting chemicals on hormonal crosstalk with thyroid axis function in humans and other animals
Detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Danio rerio and Daphnia pulex: Step-one, behavioral screen
Is testicular germ cell cancer estrogen dependent? The role of endocrine disrupting chemicals
… covalent organic frameworks based on magnetic solid phase extraction for determination of six steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in food samples
Prediction of adsorption capacity for pharmaceuticals, personal care products and endocrine disrupting chemicals onto various adsorbent materials
Nonpersistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and reproductive health of women
Environmental non-persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals exposure and reproductive hormones levels in adult men
Developmental exposure of California mice to endocrine disrupting chemicals and potential effects on the microbiome-gut-brain axis at adulthood
Seasonal distribution, risks, and sources of endocrine disrupting chemicals in coastal waters: Will these emerging contaminants pose potential risks in marine …
endocrine disrupting chemicals: strategies to protect present and future generations
Migration of endocrine–disrupting chemicals into food from plastic packaging materials: an overview of chemical risk assessment, techniques to monitor migration, and …
endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer cells
In utero exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals, maternal factors and alterations in the epigenetic landscape underlying later-life health effects
Association of placental concentrations of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals with cognitive functioning in preschool children from the Environment and …
Oxidative stress markers, trace elements, and endocrine disrupting chemicals in children with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
endocrine disrupting chemicals during diet-induced weight loss–a post-hoc analysis of the LOWER study
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from water: adsorption of bisphenol-A by biobased hydrophobic functionalized cellulose
Distribution patterns and ecological risk of endocrine–disrupting chemicals at Qingduizi Bay (China): A preliminary survey in a developing maricultured bay
New insights into mechanisms of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in thyroid diseases: the epigenetic way
endocrine–disrupting chemicals alter the neuromolecular phenotype in F2 generation adult male rats
Method development using chemometric tools for determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in bottled mineral waters
Firm human evidence on harms of endocrine–disrupting chemicals was unlikely to be obtainable for methodological reasons
Gestational exposure to common endocrine disrupting chemicals and their impact on neurodevelopment and behavior
The adverse effects of psychotropic drugs as an endocrine disrupting chemicals on the hypothalamic-pituitary regulation in male
Allosteric binding on nuclear receptors: Insights on screening of non-competitive endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Adsorptive Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals from Aqueous Solutions: a Review
endocrine disrupting chemicals in the pathogenesis of hypospadias; developmental and toxicological perspectives
Multi-phase distribution and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the surface water of the Shaying River,-Huai River Basin, China
Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and risk of being born small for gestational age: pooled analysis of seven European birth cohorts
Identification of receptors for eight endocrine disrupting chemicals and their underlying mechanisms using zebrafish as a model organism
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and behaviour: A high risk to take?
Occurrence of chemicals with known or suspected endocrine disrupting activity in drinking water, groundwater and surface water, Austria 2017/2018
Association of endocrine disrupting chemicals levels in serum, environmental risk factors, and hepatic function among 5-to 14-year-old children
endocrine disrupting‐chemicals and biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer after prostatectomy: a cohort study in Guadeloupe (French West Indies)
… effect of submarine groundwater discharge on the pollution of coastal water: Occurrence, source, and risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals in coastal groundwater …
… magnetic amino-functionalized microporous organic network composites for magnetic solid phase extraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals from water, beverage …
Epigenetics, estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs), and the brain
Chronic toxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals used in plastic products in Korean resident species: Implications for aquatic ecological risk assessment
endocrine–disrupting chemicals‘(EDCs) Effects on Tumour Microenvironment and Cancer Progression: Emerging Contribution of RACK1
Retinoids and oestrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in saline sewage treatment plants: removal efficiencies and ecological risks to marine organisms
endocrine disrupting chemicals and thyroid hormone action
Development of QSAR models for predicting the binding affinity of endocrine disrupting chemicals to eight fish estrogen receptor
The Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Male Fertility: Focus on the Action of Obesogens
Hepatic consequences of a mixture of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in male mice
Two-dimensional MoS2-based impedimetric electronic tongue for the discrimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals using machine learning
Reproductive impacts of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on wildlife species: implications for conservation of endangered species
Preconception seminal plasma concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in relation to semen quality parameters among male partners planning for pregnancy
Contamination and risk implications of endocrine disrupting chemicals along the coastline of China: a systematic study using mussels and semipermeable membrane …
Combined process of ozone oxidation and ultrafiltration as an effective treatment technology for the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals mediated through binding androgen receptor are associated with diabetes mellitus
Electrospun nanofibres: A new vista for detection and degradation of harmful endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Patterns and variability of endocrine–disrupting chemicals during pregnancy: implications for understanding the exposome of normal pregnancy
Prenatal and postnatal exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals and timing of pubertal onset in girls and boys: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in relation to autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability
A mixture of five endocrine–disrupting chemicals modulates concentrations of bisphenol A and estradiol in mice
Determination of 17 potential endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human saliva by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and liquid chromatography-tandem …
Synergistic activation of CatSper Ca2+ channels in human sperm by oviductal ligands and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Heavy metal phytoextraction potential of native weeds and grasses from endocrine–disrupting chemicals rich complex distillery sludge and their histological …
A novel action of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on wildlife; DDT and its derivatives have remained in the environment
Distribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in colloidal and soluble phases in municipal secondary effluents and their removal by different advanced treatment …
Effects of the endocrine–disrupting chemicals, vinclozolin and polychlorinated biphenyls, on physiological and sociosexual phenotypes in F2 generation Sprague …
Biodegradation of natural and synthetic endocrine–disrupting chemicals by aerobic granular sludge reactor: Evaluating estrogenic activity and estrogens fate
Immobilization of horseradish peroxidase on Fe3O4 nanoparticles for enzymatic removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Bioremediation of endocrine disrupting chemicals-Advancements and Challenges
Association of Prenatal Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals With Liver Injury in Children
Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals is associated with altered DNA methylation in cord blood
Transcriptomic and physiological analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals Impacts on 3D Zebrafish liver cell culture system
Simple monitoring of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing medaka estrogen receptor
A multi-residue method for determining twenty-four endocrine disrupting chemicals in vegetables and fruits using ultrasound-assisted solid–liquid extraction and …
Survey on endocrine–disrupting chemicals in seafood: Occurrence and distribution
Assessment of water contamination and health risk of endocrine disrupting chemicals in outdoor and indoor swimming pools
Enhanced removal of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals from coastal waters by intertidal macroalgae
Prêt-à-porter nanoYESα and nanoYESβ bioluminescent cell biosensors for ultrarapid and sensitive screening of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Editor’s highlight: Differential effects of exposure to single versus a mixture of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on steroidogenesis pathway in mouse testes
Prenatal exposure to mixtures of persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and early menarche in a population-based cohort of British girls
Tetrafluoroterephthalonitrile-crosslinked β-cyclodextrin polymer as a binding agent of diffusive gradients in thin-films for sampling endocrine disrupting chemicals in …
endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in human nails using an alkaline digestion prior to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass …
… application of a novel magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer for simultaneous and rapid determination of three trace endocrine disrupting chemicals in lake water …
Oxidative oligomerization of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals mediated by Mn (III)-L complexes and the role of phenoxyl radicals in the enhanced removal …
Exposure to obesogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and obesity among youth of Latino or Hispanic origin in the United States and Latin America: A lifecourse …
REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY: The male mammary gland: a novel target of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Effect of gastric fluid on adsorption and desorption of endocrine disrupting chemicals on microplastics
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Leachability of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in municipal sewage sludge: Effects of EDCs interaction with dissolved organic matter
endocrine disrupting chemicals and Premenstrual Syndrome in Female College Students in East Asia: A Multi-Country Study
In utero exposure to persistent and nonpersistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals and anogenital distance. A systematic review of epidemiological studies
… 90 glutathione S-transferase (GST) subfamily genes in four rotifer Brachionus species and transcriptional modulation in response to endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals-induced metabolic disorders and treatment strategies
Cell junctions in the prostate: An overview about the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCS) in different experimental models
The effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on the epigenome-A short overview
Association between persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals (PBDEs, OH-PBDEs, PCBs, and PFASs) and biomarkers of inflammation and cellular aging during …
Structure-based discovery of the endocrine disrupting effects of hydraulic fracturing chemicals as novel androgen receptor antagonists
Effects of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals on hypothalamic oxytocin and vasopressin systems
YestroSens, a field-portable S. cerevisiae biosensor device for the detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Reliability and stability
Investigating endocrine‐disrupting properties of chemicals in fish and amphibians: Opportunities to apply the 3Rs
endocrine disrupting chemicals may deregulate DNA repair through estrogen receptor mediated seizing of CBP/p300 acetylase
Simultaneous determination of selected estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and bisphenol A residues in whole milk using fabric phase sorptive extraction …
Single and combined use of Cannabis sativa L. and carbon-rich materials for the removal of pesticides and endocrine–disrupting chemicals from water and …
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and breast cancer: Disparities in exposure and importance of research inclusivity
… poly-lysine-supported immobilization onto PEGA resin, with efficient activity and high operational stability and can be used to degrade endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Diet quality and exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals among US adults
Assessing Marine endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Critically Endangered California Condor: Implications for Reintroduction to Coastal Environments
Spatiotemporal distribution, source apportionment and risk assessment of typical hormones and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental and …
endocrine disrupting chemicals associated with dry eye syndrome
endocrine disrupting chemicals and reproductive disorders in women, men, and animal models
Association of maternal-neonatal steroids with early pregnancy endocrine disrupting chemicals and pregnancy outcomes
Magnet integrated fabric phase sorptive extraction of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals from human urine followed by high-performance liquid chromatography …
Enhanced in-out-tube solid-phase microextraction by molecularly imprinted polymers-coated capillary followed by HPLC for endocrine disrupting chemicals analysis
Characterization of a green expanded DGT methodology for the in-situ detection of emerging endocrine disrupting chemicals in water systems
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Their Adverse Effects on the Endoplasmic Reticulum
An inadvertent issue of human retina exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: A safety assessment
endocrine disrupting chemicals impact on ovarian aging: Evidence from epidemiological and experimental evidence
Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals from environment using a robust platform based on metal–organic framework nanoparticles
A multi-pollutant assessment of preconception persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and incident pregnancy loss
Performance of ozone and peroxone on the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) coupled with cost analysis
Identifying windows of susceptibility to endocrine disrupting chemicals in relation to gestational weight gain among pregnant women attending a fertility clinic
Assessment of migrating endocrine–disrupting chemicals in bottled acidic juice using type UVM-7 mesoporous silica modified with cyclodextrin
Associations between endocrine disrupting chemicals and equine metabolic syndrome phenotypes
Occurrence and seasonal disparity of emerging endocrine disrupting chemicals in a drinking water supply system and associated health risk
… effervescent tablet-assisted deep eutectic solvent-based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental water
Prenatal exposure to mixtures of persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals and birth size in a population-based cohort of British girls
Identification of a novel target for the action of endocrine disrupting chemicals: inhibitory effect of methylparaben on human neutrophil functions
… bioluminescent NanoLuc yeast-estrogen screen biosensor (nanoYES) with a compact wireless camera for effect-based detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
New progress in photocatalytic degradation of Bisphenol A as representative endocrine disrupting chemicals
Combined effects of different endocrine–disrupting chemicals (Edcs) on prostate gland
Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in utero and thyroid cancer risk in offspring
Exploring the causes of semen quality changes post-bariatric surgery: a focus on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Sulfur-aided composting facilitates ammonia release mitigation, endocrine disrupting chemicals degradation and biosolids stabilization
Acting on uncertainty: real-life mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Prenatal exposure to mixtures of persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and postnatal body size in British girls
Spatio-temporal patterns and environmental risk of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Liuxi River
endocrine activity in an urban river system and the biodegradation of estrogen-like endocrine disrupting chemicals through a bio-analytical approach using DRE-and …
endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and sex steroid receptors
Matrix softness-mediated 3D zebrafish hepatocyte modulates response to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Identification of combinations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in household chemical products that require mixture toxicity testing
… microRNA (miR) profiles and associated behavioral changes in California mice (Peromyscus californicus) developmentally exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and placental function: Impact on fetal brain development
Occupational differences in personal care product use and urinary concentration of endocrine disrupting chemicals by gender
BiOBr/Bi4O5Br2/PDI constructed for visible-light degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals: Synergistic effects of bi-heterojunction and oxygen evolution
Maternal occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals during pregnancy and semen parameters in adulthood: results of a nationwide cross-sectional …
Choriogenin transcription in medaka embryos and larvae as an alternative model for screening estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Actions of toxicants and endocrine disrupting chemicals in birds
Development of a Human Estrogen Receptor Dimerization Assay for the Estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals Using Bioluminescence Resonance Energy …
Evaluating estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo-based vitellogenin 1 (vtg1) mRNA …
… solvent-based microextraction with solidification of floating organic droplets for HPLC determination of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in bottled beverages
… in coastal saline soils using reclaimed water irrigation: Observations from alleviated accumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals and environmental burden
Virtual screening of potentially endocrine–disrupting chemicals against nuclear receptors and its application to identify PPARγ-bound fatty acids
… framework/covalent organic framework hybrid materials as adsorbents for magnetic solid‐phase extraction of four endocrine‐disrupting chemicals from milk samples
Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and their effect on health later in life
How to regulate endocrine disrupting chemicals? Feedback and future development
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in Canada: Population-Based Estimates of Disease Burden and Economic Costs
The effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the vitronectin-receptor (integrin αvβ3)-mediated cell adhesion of human umbilical vein endothelial cells
A putative adverse outcome pathway network for disrupted female pubertal onset to improve testing and regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and thyroid function in neonates: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Extraction of four endocrine–disrupting chemicals using a Fe3O4/graphene oxide/di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid nano-composite, and their quantification by HPLC …
Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in breast milk on postpartum depression in Korean mothers
An approach to classifying occupational exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals by sex hormone function using an expert judgment process
In utero exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and telomere length at birth
Refinement of an OECD test guideline for evaluating the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on aromatase gene expression and reproduction using novel …
Uptake of endocrine–disrupting chemicals by quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in an urban-impacted aquatic ecosystem
New method for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) using ultra-high performance liquid …
endocrine–disrupting chemicals, epigenetics, and skeletal system dysfunction: exploration of links using bisphenol A as a model system
Maternal care modulates transgenerational effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on offspring pup vocalizations and adult behaviors
Herbicide Diuron as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) through Histopathalogical Analysis in Gonads of Javanese Medaka (Oryzias javanicus, Bleeker 1854)
Sex‐specific endocrine‐disrupting effects of three halogenated chemicals in Japanese medaka
Removal efficiencies and risk assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals at two wastewater treatment plants in South China
Highly sensitive determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in foodstuffs through magnetic solid‐phase extraction followed by high‐performance liquid …
Environmental Exposure to Non-Persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and Endometriosis: A Systematic Review
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in cosmetics—reply
The challenging use and interpretation of blood biomarkers of exposure related to lipophilic endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental health studies
Spatiotemporal variation and removal of selected endocrine–disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plants across China: Treatment process comparison
Precocious puberty in Korean girls with and without exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in toy slime: a comparative analysis
Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals during pregnancy is associated with weight change through 1 year postpartum among women in the early-life exposure in …
… intertidal system prokaryotes from a destruction event and the role of extracellular polymeric substances in the presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Enhanced microextraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals adsorbed on airborne fine particulate matter with gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric …
The unlocking neurobehavioral effects of environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Use of plant-based sorbents and mycodegradation for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals from soil: A novel facile and low-cost method
Biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals benzyl butyl phthalate and dimethyl phthalate by Bacillus marisflavi RR014
endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in environmental matrices: Occurrence, fate, health impact, physio-chemical and bioremediation technology
The occurrence of selected endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in water and sediments from an urban lagoon in Southern Italy
Simultaneous analysis of typical halogenated endocrine disrupting chemicals and metal (loid) s in human hair
Influence of type D personality, dietary assessment and increase exposure toward endocrine disrupting chemicals on the dysmenorrhea
endocrine–disrupting chemicals impair the innate immune prophenoloxidase system in the intertidal mud crab, Macrophthalmus japonicus
… gallus domesticus) embryo as an alternative for mammalian experiments–Validation of a test method for the detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Health Effects Associated with Exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals
A systematic review: impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals exposure on fecundity as measured by time to pregnancy
Prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and subsequent brain structure changes revealed by voxel-based morphometry and generalized Q-sampling …
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Early Puberty in Girls
endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and the neuroendocrine system: Beyond estrogen, androgen, and thyroid
Does Older Age Modify Associations between endocrine disrupting chemicals and Fecundability?
Solid/liquid phase microextraction of five bisphenol-type endocrine disrupting chemicals by using a hollow fiber reinforced with graphene oxide nanoribbons, and …
… liquid–liquid microextraction method based on solidification of floating hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in …
Persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals found in human follicular fluid stimulate the proliferation of granulosa tumor spheroids via GPR30 and IGF1R but not via the …
Seasonal variation and the distribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in various matrices affected by algae in the eutrophic water environment of the pearl river …
… elegans to discover molecular initiating events in adverse outcome pathway framework: Case study on endocrine–disrupting chemicals with estrogen and androgen …
Exposome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Taiwanese children: exploring risks of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Systematic review of prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and autism spectrum disorder in offspring
Hybrid polymer-based photocatalytic materials for the removal of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from aqueous media: A review
Abatement technology of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by means of enhanced coagulation and ozonation for wastewater reuse
A Review on the Water Quality Criteria of Nonylphenol and the Methodological Construction for Reproduction Toxicity endocrine disrupting chemicals
BiOBrnI1-n solid solutions as versatile photooxidation catalysts for phenolics and endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals affect Sertoli TM4 cell functionality through dysregulation of gap junctional intercellular communication in vitro
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Disorders of Penile Development in Humans
Development of magnetic solid phase microextraction method for determination of the endocrine disrupting chemicals leached from reused plastic bottles
Interrelationships among growth hormone, thyroid function, and endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the susceptibility to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Screening of estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in meat products based on the detection of vitellogenin by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Cerebral concentration and toxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals: The implication of blood-brain interfaces
SCREENED: a multistage model of thyroid gland function for screening endocrine–disrupting chemicals in a biologically sex-specific manner
Implications of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on polycystic ovarian syndrome: A comprehensive review
The relationship of obesity with lifestyle and dietary exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Prediction, docking study and molecular simulation of 3D DNA aptamers to their targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Diurnal Variation in Biomarkers of Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Their Association with Oxidative Damage in Norwegian Adults: The EuroMix …
Improved method for the determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in urine of school-age children using microliquid–liquid extraction and UHPLC-MS/MS
A high throughput screening method for endocrine disrupting chemicals in tap water and milk samples based on estrogen receptor α and gold nanoparticles
General Challenges and Recommendations for the Water Quality Criteria of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Genistein-based reactive oxygen species-responsive nanomaterial site-specifically relieves the intestinal toxicity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water and wastewater samples by liquid chromatography-negative ion electrospray ionization-tandem mass …
Early Steps of mammary stem cell transformation by exogenous signals; effects of bisphenol endocrine disrupting chemicals and bone morphogenetic proteins
Protective effects of polyphenols against endocrine disrupting chemicals
Rapid and simultaneous determination of multiple endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their metabolites in human serum and urine samples
Hedgehog signal disruption, gonadal dysgenesis and reproductive disorders: Is there a link to endocrine disrupting chemicals?
… characterization of TiO2 films onto AISI 304 metallic meshes and their application in the decomposition of the endocrine–disrupting alkylphenolic chemicals
Single-cell distribution analysis of AR levels by high-throughput microscopy in cell models: application for testing endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Sequential reactors for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by laccase immobilized onto fumed silica microparticles
Effects of perinatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the reproductive system of F3 generation male rodents: a meta-analysis
Assessment of Five Pesticides as endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Effects on Estrogen Receptors and Aromatase
Sediments in the mangrove areas contribute to the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in coastal sediments of Macau SAR, China, and harbour microbial …
endocrine disrupting chemicals and the mammary gland
Covalently fluorophore-functionalized ZIF-8 colloidal particles as a sensing platform for endocrine–disrupting chemicals such as phthalates plasticizers
Enabling the Selective Detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals via Molecularly Surface-Imprinted “Coffee Rings”
Inhibitory effects of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals on fin regeneration in zebrafish are dependent on estrogen receptors
Non-ionic surfactants antagonize toxicity of potential phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals, including triclosan in Caenorhabditis elegans
Uncovering evidence for endocrine–disrupting chemicals that elicit differential susceptibility through gene-environment interactions
In vitro testicular toxicity of environmentally relevant endocrine–disrupting chemicals: 2D vs. 3D models of prepubertal Leydig TM3 cells
Synthesis of Metal–Organic Frameworks Quantum Dots Composites as Sensors for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Temporal exposure and consistency of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a longitudinal study of individuals with impaired fasting glucose
The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on biomarkers of inflammation produced by lipopolysaccharide stimulated RAW264. 7 macrophages
Phthalates and other endocrine–disrupting chemicals: the 21st century’s plague for reproductive health
Effects of sleep pattern, stress, menstrual attitude, and behavior that reduces exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals on premenstrual syndrome in …
Occurrence of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in river water, ground water and agricultural soils of India
endocrine disrupting chemicals: effects on pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands
Occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and other parental risk factors in hypospadias and cryptorchidism development: a case–control study
GPER as a receptor for endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Roles of membrane and organic fouling layers on the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in microfiltration
Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Later Life
Association of endocrine disrupting chemicals, bisphenol A and phthalates, with childhood obesity: a systematic review
Microalgae-Mediated Elimination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Disease burden attributable to endocrine–disrupting chemicals exposure in China: A case study of phthalates
Adsorptive properties of poly (1-methylpyrrol-2-ylsquaraine) particles for the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals from aqueous solutions: batch and fixed-bed …
The Effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the release and distribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from sediment under hydrodynamic forces, A …
Application of Transgenic Zebrafish Models for Studying the Effects of Estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals on Embryonic Brain Development
Performance Evaluation of A/O Membrane Bioreactor System in the Effective Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: the Effect of SRT and Flux Rate
Determination of 15 biomarkers of endocrine disrupting chemicals in human saliva by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Developing and applying a classification system for ranking the biological effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on male rockfish Sebastiscus marmoratus in the …
Bone Accrual During Adolescence: Do endocrine–disrupting chemicals Play a Role?
Thin-film microextraction using the metal-organic framework DUT-52 for determining endocrine disrupting chemicals in cosmetics
Distribution and bioaccumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCS) in Lagos Lagoon water, sediment and fish
… in vitellogenin and estrogen receptor expression and 17β-estradiol concentration in male juvenile tilapia can be used to evaluate endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on neurodevelopment: the need for better testing strategies for endocrine disruption-induced developmental neurotoxicity
Carbon nanotube–mediated antibody-free suspension array for determination of typical endocrine–disrupting chemicals
… Sensitive Method for Sample Preparation and Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Determination of Different endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Dairy Products
Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on Reproductive Health of Human
Factors influencing behavior of reducing exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in breastfeeding mothers
Determination of thyroidal endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) activities using a human cell-based transactivation assay
A β-cyclodextrin sorbent based on hierarchical mesoporous silica for the determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in urine samples
Environmental Monitoring of 17β-estradiol and Estrone in Ardabil’s Drinking Water Source as endocrine disrupting chemicals
Nanostructured catalysts for photo-oxidation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals found in human follicular fluid stimulate IGF1 secretion by adult ovarian granulosa cell tumor spheroids and thereby …
Health behaviors related to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the associated factors of adolescent Korean girls
Potential occupational exposure of parents to endocrine disrupting chemicals, adverse birth outcomes, and the modification effects of multi-vitamins …
endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals-the X factor in different pathologies
endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Diabetes mellitus: Plasticizers and nanomaterials acting as endocrine‑disrupting chemicals
An Introduction to the Challenges for Risk Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Interventions on Reducing Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in Human Health Care Context: A Scoping Review
… Impairment of Maternal Metabolic Health in Mouse Dams Following Pregnancy Exposure to a Mixture of Low Dose endocrine–disrupting chemicals, a Pilot Study
The potential role of endocrine disrupting chemicals in cellulite
… and transcriptional response of ecdysone receptor gene in the mud crab Macrophthalmus japonicus: Effects of osmotic stress and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Overproduction of microbial extracellular polymeric substances in subtropical intertidal sediments in response to endocrine disrupting chemicals
An In vitro dimerization assay for the adverse outcome pathway approach in risk assessment of human estrogen receptor α-mediated endocrine–disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health: a review
Inappropriately sweet: Environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the diabetes pandemic
In vitro exposure of vitellogenic rainbow trout ovarian follicles to endocrine disrupting chemicals can alter basal estradiol-17β production and responsiveness to a …
Clinical epidemiology studies on potential effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) should exclude subjects with obesity as determined by BMI
Screening data for the endocrine disrupting activities of 583 chemicals using the yeast two-hybrid assay
Tracking the historical urban and rural sources of fecal pollution in a South American tropical semi-arid region using sterols and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Long-term in vitro exposure of human granulosa cells to the mixture of endocrine disrupting chemicals found in human follicular fluid disrupts steroidogenesis
Micropellet Particles: A Vector of Hydrophobic endocrine disrupting chemicals in Lagos Lagoon
Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and exposure to persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals in two European birth cohorts
endocrine disrupting chemicals interfere with Leydig cell hormone pathways during testicular descent in idiopathic cryptorchidism
Impact of gestational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals on pregnancy and birth outcomes
Evaluation of photocatalytic process using GO/ZnO nanocomposites under LED irradiation for removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from aqueous …
Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of 31 endocrine disrupting chemicals in the water source of upstream Huangpu River
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Vitamin D Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Uterine Fibroids
Potential roles of nuclear receptors in mediating neurodevelopmental toxicity of known endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in ascidian embryos
Cancer treatment drugs and endocrine–disrupting chemicals release and fate in hospital wastewater
Effects of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells exposed to endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the differentiation of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem …
Polymer-based biosensor for estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water
Cytotoxicity evaluation and mechanism of endocrine–disrupting chemicals by the embryoid body test
… associated with methylation and expression of the a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 33 (ADAM33) gene affected by endocrine‑disrupting chemicals
Photoelectrochemical endocrine–disrupting chemicals aptasenor based on resonance energy transfer between SnSe/GR and AuNPs along with GSSG for signal …
Gonadal Soma‐Derived Factor Expression is a Potential Biomarker for Predicting the Effects of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals on Gonadal Differentiation in Japanese Medaka …
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and PCOS: A novel contributor in the etiology of the syndrome
Surviving difference: endocrine–disrupting chemicals, intergenerational justice and the future of human reproduction
The Role of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Male Fertility Decline
Fe-Based Nanomaterials for Removing the Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals in Water: A Review
… application of diffusive gradient in thin-film (DGT) equipped novel cyclodextrin polymer gels for monitoring endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and environmental …
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the brain
Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase Alpha1 Subunit as a Biomarker of Toxicity: Applications to Investigate endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Effects of environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals on female reproductive health
Development and application of a chemical ranking and scoring system for the management of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals with Laccase Isozymes from Recombinant Pichia pastori
Elucidating adverse nutritional implications of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and mycotoxins through stable isotope techniques
Machine Learning for Investigation on endocrine–disrupting chemicals with Gestational Age and Delivery Time in a Longitudinal Cohort
endocrine disrupting chemicals AND OBESITY: THE EVOLVING STORY OF OBESOGENS
Adsorption and desorption behaviors of four endocrine disrupting chemicals in soils from the water-level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
The interaction test of binary mixtures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using in vitro bioassays
Environmental pollution as a risk factor to develop colorectal cancer: The role of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the inflammatory process as a risk factor to develop …
… use between undergraduate students attending military and non-military universities: Possible implications for exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Occurrence and risk assessment of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in shallow groundwater resource from selected Nigerian rural settlements
Immunomodulatory Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
… Receptor β as a Possible Double-Edged Sword Molecule in Breast Cancer: A Mechanism of Alteration of Its Role by Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Nervous System
G-Protein Coupled Hormone Receptors of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis are Targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Chemical controversy: exploring scientific disagreement around endocrine disrupting chemicals
Recent advances in oligonucleotide-based sensor technology for detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDC) in the environment
endocrine disrupting chemicals in Aquatic Ecosystem: An Emerging Threat to Wildlife and Human Health
Single and binary component adsorption of endocrine disrupting chemicals from aqueous solutions using calcium alginate/apricot stone-activated carbon …
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, Part of Lifestyle Factors Related to Growth Disorders in Childhood and Chronic Diseases in Adulthood
endocrine disrupting chemicals Induced Childhood Obesity
Public willingness to pay for endocrine disrupting chemicals-free labelling policy in Korea
Monitoring of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by direct acetylation method: Pollution status in Tokyo rivers in 2016–2019 and estimation of their sources
Associated Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on Neuroendocrine Axes and Neurotransmitter Profile in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Condition
Bioanalytical methodologies for clinical investigation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a comprehensive update
Status quo of management of endocrine disrupting chemicals in abroad and corresponding strategies for China.
Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) Fibers: In situ measurements of endocrine disrupting chemicals in seawater
Research progress on the effects of pesticides endocrine disrupting chemicals on Anura amphibians
Transcriptional changes caused by estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in gonad-mesonephros complexes of genetic male Xenopus laevis: Multiple …
Detection of multiple endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in milk: Improved and safe high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method
Current state of knowledge on algae-mediated remediation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from wastewater
Introduction to the special issue on endocrine disrupting chemicals and behavior
… Precocious Puberty: Confirmed and Potential Neuroendocrine Genetic and Epigenetic Contributors and Their Interactions with endocrine disrupting chemicals …
endocrine disrupting chemicals, 4‐nonylphenol, bisphenol A and butyl benzyl phthalate, impair metabolism of estradiol in male and female rats as assessed by levels …
Sexual EDC-ucation: What we Have Learned About endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Reproduction
endocrine disrupting chemicals in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products and Risk of Endometriosis
Developmental toxicity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Challenges and future directions
Environmental Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals Influences Genomic Imprinting, Growth, and Metabolism. Genes 2021, 12, 1153
Possible mechanisms: hyperinsulinemia and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Air Pollution and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Development and effect of a behavior program for reducing exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in unmarried women
endocrine disrupting chemicals in clothing and cosmetics
… -Risk Behavior toward endocrine–disrupting chemicals, Occupational Environments and Daily Habits Related to endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Development of …
Predicting Potential endocrine disrupting chemicals Binding to Estrogen Receptor α (ERα) Using a Pipeline Combining Structure-Based and Ligand-Based in Silico …
Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in utero and thyroid cancer risk in offspring–Authors’ reply
Case study: reducing the impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on health in Belgium: Mutualités libres
Prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and child behavior
Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals Exposure on Reproduction and endocrine Functions Using the Zebrafish Model
Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Human Reproductive System: A Toxicological Perspective.
Environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals and human health.
Human exposure to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals (S-EDCs) is generally negligible as compared to natural compounds with higher or comparable …
Commentary: Assessing the endocrine disrupting effects of chemicals on invertebrates in the European Union
endocrine disrupting chemicals differentially alter intranuclear dynamics and transcriptional activation of estrogen receptor-α
The evidence base for the assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a comment on the EU criteria for pesticides and biocides
Epigenetic Mechanisms of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Obesity. Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1716
PI3K/Akt/mTOR signal pathway in endocrine disrupting chemicals-induced apoptosis and autophagy of thyroid follicular cells
endocrine disrupting chemicals and their detection in an IVF laboratory
Assessing the endocrine disrupting Effects of chemicals on Invertebrates in the European Union
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Introduction to the Theme.
Research Progress on Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Lipid Metabolism of Organisms and Underlying Mechanisms
Influences of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Pituitary Gonadotropins: A Review
endocrine disrupting chemicals and Thyroid Cancer: An Overview. Toxics 2021, 9, 14
A Study on the Relationship between Fatigue, Psychosocial Stress, and Behavior that Reduces endocrine disrupting chemicals Exposure in Infertile Males
Fewer Kids: Not Always by Choice-the Link Between endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Female Reproductive Health
Effects of indoor endocrine–disrupting chemicals on childhood rhinitis
Calotropis Gigentea Mediated Cr2o3 Nanoparticles Synthesis And Application In Removal Of Microbial And endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals in commercially available cling film brands in South Africa
The Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Placental Development and Function
An exploratory analysis of the current chemical regulations and guidelines from the perspective of endocrine disrupting chemicals using public resources
Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on HPG Axis: A Reproductive endocrine Homeostasis
SAT-723 Effects of organohalogenated endocrine disrupting chemicals on cell proliferation and gene expression in GH3 somatolactotropes
Actions of endocrine disrupting chemicals on pancreatic beta cells and risk of diabetes mellitus
Development of dot blot technique for detection of vitellogenin as a biomarker of endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their adverse health effects: A review of current knowledge and the Nigerian situation
Parabens as endocrine disrupting chemicals and Their Association with Metabolic Disorders
An assessment of the presence and health risks of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the drinking water treatment plant of Wu Chang, China
Epigenetic Reprogramming by endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Effects of mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals–Thyroid disruption and behavioural effects in fish models
endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Cosmetics
A Cell-Based Method to Detect Agonist and Antagonist Activities of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on GPER
A Tissue-and Species-Specific Meta-Analysis of Transcriptomic Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals and Association with Cardiometabolic Disorders
endocrine–disrupting chemicals Role in Drug Abuser: A Review Study
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Occurrence and Exposure to the Human Being
Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Cardiometabolic Disease: A Developmental Origins Approach
Study on Distribution Characteristics of Comprehensive Hormonal Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Branch of Xiaoqing River (Jinan Section)
Human Health Consequences of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Metabolic syndrome and endocrine disrupting chemicals: exposure and health effects
The Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Plants
The Role of Metabolism in the Estrogenic Activity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Effect of the Metabolic Modification of Environmental chemicals on endocrine–disrupting Activity
An image based approach for predicting the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on human health using deep learning
Systematic Review Methodologies and endocrine disrupting chemicals: Improving Evaluations of the Plastic Monomer Bisphenol A.
Early-life exposure to potential endocrine disrupting chemicals and adverse developmental outcomes in Norwegian children
Correction to Structures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals Determine Binding to and Activation of the Estrogen Receptor α and Androgen Receptor
Rapid, High-Throughput Detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals Using Autobioluminescent Cellular Bioreporters
Study of the associations between exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and endometriosis: an integrative approach
endocrine disrupting chemicals and Personal Care Products: Risk Awareness and Exposure Assessment for Women’s Reproductive Health
The Influence of Female University Students’ Life Style, Women’s Health Characteristics, and endocrine disrupting chemicals on Menstrual Symptoms
Effects of phthalates, environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals, on the neurovascular unit in adult male mouse
Endobolome, a new concept for determining the influence of microbiota disrupting chemicals (MDC) in relation to specific endocrine pathogenesis
The toxic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on gut microbiota: Bisphenol A (BPA). A review.
Measures to curb endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the United States
In Utero Exposure To endocrine disrupting chemicals, Micro-Rna Profiles, And Fetal Growth: A Pilot Study Protocol
Erwandi Bin Mohamad Haron D. endocrine–disrupting chemicals Role in Drug Abuser: A Review Study
Molecularly imprinted polymer sensor systems for environmental estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Pearl River: Is There A Potential Hazard to Local Human Health?
LC/LC-MS Methods for Detection of Multiple Pesticide Residues and endocrine disrupting chemicals: Effects of Ozonization on Degradation and Removal
Issues for Hazard Characterization of endocrine disrupting chemicals: The Use of Adverse Outcome Pathways
Review on the Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Dimerization of Nuclear Receptors
Twenty-five years beyond” Our Stolen Future”: How did we progress as an international society on screening and regulating endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)?
Spatial distribution, ecological risk and industry-dependence of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Beijiang River, South China
Recognition of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Behavior to Reduce Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Cooking Staff Working at Child Care Center …
Methods to curb endocrine disrupting chemicals in Africa
The effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on myocardial fibrosis and related mechanism
Wnt, BMP and Sox mediated gene dysregulationvia endocrine disrupting chemicals BPA and BPS; studies in neurogenesis and alteration in brain activity: A review
Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Penile Tissue Development, Histoarchitecture, and Erectile Physiology
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Their Effects on Reproductive and Neurobiological Health
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Brain–Behavior Effects on Thyroid and Sexual Differentiation
The Associations of endocrine–disrupting chemicals, the Gut Microbiome, and Breast Density in a Cohort of Adolescent Girls in Santiago, Chile
Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals Exposure in Sea Bass (Lates calcarifer) and Wild Fishes Using Vitellogenin as a Biomarker.
How to reduce fear, risk, and uncertainty in scientific knowledge? Risk communication of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: surveying the general public …
Influencing Factors of Behavior for Reducing Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Demand for Related Education
Fate of the face masks in the environment affect human and wildlife: tons of face masks are new source for the endocrine disrupting chemicals
Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water and wastewater in Saskatchewan
endocrine disrupting chemicals and Their Use in Textile Industry
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Sources, Effects And Treatments
Occurrence Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Groundwater in Wuxi-Changzhou
Investigating endocrine disrupting chemicals and reproductive disorders in Australia
Molecularly imprinting polymer sensor for the detection of testosterone and endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental and biomedical applications
Bioavailability and impact of sediment-bound endocrine disrupting chemicals on fish in context of flood events
Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals from textile industry effluents by nanofiltration
endocrine–disrupting chemicals alter embryonic brain development and adult neurobehavioral phenotypes
endocrine disrupting chemicals related to Metabolic Diseases and its Influence
endocrine disrupting chemicals in cotton lingerie
endocrine disrupting chemicals exposure impact in C57BL/6J mice reproductive performance and morphology
endocrine disrupting chemicals: An Occult Mediator of Metabolic
Corrigendum to’Refinement of an OECD test guideline for evaluating the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on aromatase gene expression and reproduction …
endocrine–disrupting chemicals: scientific, economic, regulatory, and policy implications
Correction to: endocrine disrupting chemicals-induced Metabolic Disorders and Treatment Strategies
Novel Genome-Edited Zebrafish Models for Screening Environmental Estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals (e-EDCs) and Understanding Their Action …
Investigation of Retinoid X Receptor Isoform Expression in Eastern Mud Snails (Tritia obsoleta) Exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Developmental Misprogramming of Metabolism by endocrine–disrupting chemicals: A Focus on the Glucocorticoid Receptor-Modulating Fungicide Tolylfluanid
Prenatal exposure to mixtures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and autism spectrum disorder
Knowledge, attitude and practice towards endocrine disrupting chemicals in related to the use of selected food contact materials among adolescents
The effects of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in intrauterine life on thyroid function tests during the neonatal period
endocrine–disrupting chemicals
… Repairing Effect of Γ-Oryzanol on the Ovarian Histological Structure of Transfluthrin-Exposed Female Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) from endocrine–disrupting chemicals …
A fine kettle of fish: marine fish consumption, endocrine disrupting chemicals and thyroid hormones in rural Newfoundland
An exploratory analysis of the current chemical regulations and guidelines from the perspective of endocrine disrupting chemicals using public resources
Prenatal exposure to lipophilic endocrine–disrupting chemicals and liver injury in children using chemical mixture approaches
Public awareness and risk perceptions of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Identifying patterns in environmental mixtures: a Bayesian approach and application to endocrine disrupting chemicals
The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on the native Australian fish Murray River rainbow fish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis)
Analysis of DNA methylation changes and behavioural outcomes in adulthood induced by prenatal exposure to a mixture of endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals Alter Gene Expression in Two Aquatic Model Organisms: Detection of the Estrogenic Properties of Water
In vitro study of the impacts of exposure to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the aryl hydrocarbon and steroid receptor transcriptional activity
endocrine disrupting chemicals: Identifying Reproductive Toxic Effects and Disease of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Male Spermatogenesis
Retraction: Biodegradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Residual Organic Pollutants of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent by Biostimulation
A Study of Consumer Perceptions of the Possible Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Prepubescent Development
Seasonal distribution, risks, and sources of endocrine disrupting chemicals in coastal waters: Will these emerging contaminants pose potential risks in marine …
Gender-Dependent Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Retinoic Acid-Related Orphan Receptor Alpha [RORA] and Aromatase Genes on Human …
The Behavioral Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Sexual Aggression
endocrine disrupting chemicals and Health Effects
endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Female Fertility
endocrine disrupting chemicals and COVID-19 relationships: 1 biology approach 2
Evaluation of the endocrine disrupting Potential of chemicals Used in Crumb Rubber: A Multi-Factorial Approach
endocrine disrupting chemicals mixture and pregnancy glucose levels among women from a fertility clinic
Protein-Protein Interaction Network Study Reveals New Possible endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC)’Impact on Retinoblastoma
endocrine disrupting chemicals and higher risk of hypospadias
endocrine disrupting chemicals removal in an aerobic granular sludge reactor treating simulated saline wastewater
Transgenerational epigenetics of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in mammals
Supplementary Materials: Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in Canada: Population-Based Estimates of Disease Burden and Economic Costs
Author Correction: Developmental exposure of California mice to endocrine disrupting chemicals and potential effects on the microbiome-gut-brain axis at adulthood
Analysis of the alternatives to endocrine disrupting chemicals
A curated knowledgebase enabling a network perspective on endocrine disrupting chemicals and their biological systems-level perturbations
Detection of multiple endocrine–disrupting chemicals in milk: Improved and safe HPLC-MS/MS method.
Ratio of serum to adipose levels of persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals in relation to endometriosis
Current knowledge on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from animal biology to humans, from pregnancy to adulthood: Highlights from a national italian meeting
Proposed GCMS Analysis of Hair Products Used by Black Women to Detect endocrine–disrupting chemicals
Current Knowledge on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from Animal Biology to Humans, from Pregnancy to Adulthood: Highlights from a National Italian …
Exposure to Estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and Brain Health
6-endocrine disrupting chemicals and wildlife
endocrine disrupting chemicals vs longevity in the COVID-19 era: Public health implications
Studying Bariatric Surgery Patients to Better Understand endocrine disrupting chemicals Effects on Male Reproduction
The Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Female Fertility
The impact of chronic exposure on the Dokkarat district population of Fez city to endocrine disrupting chemicals
Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and behaviors associated with ADHD in adolescents
Determination and evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in urine samples of pregnant women by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
The impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the prevalence of diabetes
Occurrence and estrogenic risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wet and dry seasons of the Nan River, Phitsanulok, Thailand.
endocrine disrupting chemicals in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
Impacts of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals on male reproduction
Analysis on the variation characteristic of endocrine disrupting chemicals nonylphenol in the reclaimed water supply river
Metrology for Monitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals Under the EU Water Framework Directive
Abstract P185: Racial Disparities In The Influence Of endocrine–disrupting chemicals On Hypertension-Related Mortality In The US Adult Population
Occupational Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: A Need for Practical Solutions and Recommendations
The Deficiencies of the European Union’s Regulatory System Governing the Classification of endocrine disrupting chemicals
… of magnetic graphene oxide modified with dodecylamine and its application for the determination of seven endocrine–disrupting chemicals in environmental water …
Association between Trimester-Specific Exposure to Multiple endocrine disrupting chemicals and Preterm Birth: Comparison of Three Statistical Models
A National Study of Maternal and Paternal Occupational Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Pregnancy Outcomes
Adsorption of typical endocrine disrupting chemicals by wheat straw biochars and the effects of the steric structure.
Prenatal exposures to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals and children’s growth up to six years of age in the SELMA study
Analysis of epigenetic changes induced by exposure to a mixture of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the mouse brain and a hippocampus mouse cell model
Associations between endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and thyroid hormones: a community-based survey in rural Newfoundland (Canada)
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Pancreas Development and the Related Mechanisms
Washington State Regulations Governing endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Current Limitations and Potential Improvements
Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on male reproductive health
Diet and endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Thyroid
A more environmentally sustainable process to remove a wide range of endocrine disrupting chemicals from water
Assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practices towards endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) among medical students of Punjab
Advanced Wastewater Treatment and a Holistic Approach Recommended to Mitigate the Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Aquatic
Navigating the Ethical Challenges Within Epidemiologic Research of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals associated with the peri-pubertal epigenome
Toxicity Study of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on Freshwater Fish Cyprinus Carpio
endocrine disrupting chemicals during foetal life and the effects on female reproduction
Occurrence and fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals and other hydrophobic organic compounds in a tropical river in Kenya
BiOBrnI1-n solid solutions as versatile photooxidation catalysts for phenolics and endocrine disrupting chemicals
Development of NanoAptamer assay and portable analyzer for detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Study shows endocrine–disrupting chemicals linked to equine metabolic syndrome
Developing an in Vitro Thicklip Grey Mullet (Chelon labrosus) Gonad Explant Culture for Assessing Effects of Reproductive endocrine disrupting chemicals
Developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals induce DNA damage in myometrium which is ameliorated by vitamin D3treatment
The mosaic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals mixtures on thyroid hormone levels: experimental study
Development of Human Estrogen Receptor Binding Assay for the Estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals Using Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer
Correlation of urinary and salivary concentrations of 15 endocrine disrupting chemicals
Invited Lecture 2: endocrine disrupting chemicals in ocean ecosystem and human health risks
Effects of the endocrine disrupting chemicals on the trace element and mineral levels in the brain.
Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Aqueous Phase by Photolysis and Hydrogen Peroxide
M-13 virus-based structural colourimetric sensor for detecting endocrine disrupting chemicals
endocrine disrupting chemicals in the agro-zootechnical environment: transgenic or untransformed cell-based sensoristic technology for early detection
Developmental exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) reprogram the epigenome to increase risk for hormone-dependent cancers and other diseases of …
Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals bisphenol A and triclosan on semen quality
A Study on Human Developing Neurons and Male Bias: Effects of Different Levels of Testosterone and endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Research progress of combined toxicity induced by endocrine disrupting chemicals in foods.
Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the calcium channel and implantation during implantation period
Methodological Issues in Studies of Prenatal Exposure to Mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals: A Systematic Review
A Study of Korean Pre-service Teachers’ Awareness, Exposure-Reducing Behaviors, and Educational Needs Regarding endocrine disrupting chemicals
An integrative analysis of the multi-and transgenerational effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on behavior and neurobiology
Occurrence and estrogenic risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wet and dry seasons of the Nan River, Phitsanulok, Thailand
Mobility of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and oxidative degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by saturated column experiments
Corrigendum to” Interactions between three typical endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in binary mixtures exposure on myocardial differentiation of mouse …
Non-Ionic Surfactants Antagonize Toxicity of Potential Phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals, Including Triclosan in Caenorhabditis elegans
Non-Ionic Surfactants Antagonize Toxicity of Potential Phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals, Including Triclosan in Caenorhabditis elegans
A Paper-Based Breast Co-Culture Model to Study Direct and Indirect Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Estrogen Signaling
Enhanced Prediction of Internal Concentrations of Phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals and Their Metabolites in Fish by a Physiologically Based Toxicokinetic …
… al. Combined Process of Ozone Oxidation and Ultrafiltration as an Effective Treatment Technology for the Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals. Appl. Sci. 2018 …
endocrine chemicals disrupting
Gonadal Soma-Derived Factor Expression is a Potential Biomarker for Predicting the Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Gonadal Differentiation in …
Retraction: Biodegradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Residual Organic Pollutants of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent by Biostimulation
OB09: Increased expressions of oxytocin receptor and connexin 43 in the mouse uterus treated with endocrine disrupting chemicals: Implication of preterm labor
OR23-1 Transgenerational Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Pubertal Timing through Epigenetic Reprogramming of the Hypothalamus
Parental Occupational Exposure to Potential endocrine disrupting chemicals, Adverse Birth Outcomes, and Effects of Multi-Vitamin Supplements
A Mixture of endocrine disrupting chemicals Associated with Lower Birth Weight in Children Induces Adipogenesis and DNA Methylation Changes in Human …
Bovine In Vitro Oocyte Maturation and Embryo Production Used as a Model for Testing endocrine disrupting chemicals Eliciting Female Reproductive …
… and characterization of TiO 2 films onto AISI 304 metallic meshes and their application in the decomposition of the endocrine–disrupting alkylphenolic chemicals
Endobolome, a New Concept for Determining the Influence of Microbiota disrupting chemicals (MDC) in Relation to Specific endocrine Pathogenesis
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