
  1. DEPERSONALIZATION: neurobiological perspectives
  4. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: thinking without feeling
  5. DEPERSONALIZATION: a selective impairment of self-awareness
  6. Autonomic response in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  7. DEPERSONALIZATION in response to life-threatening danger
  8. Unpacking the DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome: an exploratory factor analysis on the Cambridge DEPERSONALIZATION Scale
  9. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: pharmacological approaches
  10. Analysis of a schizophrenic state with DEPERSONALIZATION
  11. Feeling unreal: a DEPERSONALIZATION disorder update of 117 cases
  12. The role of childhood interpersonal trauma in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  13. DEPERSONALIZATION: A new look at a neglected syndrome
  14. Feeling unreal: DEPERSONALIZATION disorder and the loss of the self
  15. DEPERSONALIZATION: A valid dimension of burnout?
  16. The phenomenological stability of DEPERSONALIZATION: comparing the old with the new
  17. Feeling unreal: a PET study of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  18. DEPERSONALIZATION: I. Aetiology and phenomenology
  19. Feeling unreal: Cognitive processes in DEPERSONALIZATION
  20. DEPERSONALIZATION in the face of life-threatening danger: A description
  21. In-group identification as a function of DEPERSONALIZATION, distinctiveness, and status
  22. DEPERSONALIZATION phenomena in a sample population of college students
  23. The DEPERSONALIZATION of retailing: Its impact on the’lone
  24. The Phobic Anxiety-DEPERSONALIZATION Syndrome [Abridged]
  25. DEPERSONALIZATION: a conceptual history
  26. Social categorization, DEPERSONALIZATION, and group behavior
  27. DEPERSONALIZATION in accident victims and psychiatric patients.
  28. Gender-role differences, work stress and DEPERSONALIZATION
  29. The detection and measurement of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  30. DEPERSONALIZATION phenomena in psychiatric patients
  31. Koro—a culture-bound DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome
  32. Review of the relationship between obsession and DEPERSONALIZATION
  33. Cognitive functioning in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  34. Self-induced DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome.
  35. A case series of 223 patients with DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization syndrome
  36. DEPERSONALIZATION of business in ancient Rome
  37. Intergroup differentiation in computer-mediated communication: Effects of DEPERSONALIZATION.
  38. The spectrum of organic DEPERSONALIZATION: a review plus four new cases
  39. DEPERSONALIZATION: Standing in the spaces between recognition and interpellation
  40. A study of DEPERSONALIZATION in students
  41. Objectification leads to DEPERSONALIZATION: The denial of mind and moral concern to objectified others
  42. DEPERSONALIZATION in the face of life-threatening danger: An interpretation
  43. De-constructing DEPERSONALIZATION: further evidence for symptom clusters
  44. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder and anxiety: a special relationship?
  45. Treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder with clomipramine
  46. Single item measures of emotional exhaustion and DEPERSONALIZATION are useful for assessing burnout in medical professionals
  47. DEPERSONALIZATION in panic disorder: a clinical study
  48. Normal and abnormal DEPERSONALIZATION
  49. Prevalence of DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization experiences in a rural population
  50. Emotion and the unreal self: DEPERSONALIZATION disorder and de-affectualization
  51. Outcomes and antecedents of teacher DEPERSONALIZATION: The role of intrinsic orientation for teaching.
  52. DEPERSONALIZATION, mindfulness, and childhood trauma
  53. The role of anxiety in DEPERSONALIZATION
  54. Concurrent validity of single-item measures of emotional exhaustion and DEPERSONALIZATION in burnout assessment
  55. The DEPERSONALIZATION of patients: A profile gleaned from narratives
  56. When and how does DEPERSONALIZATION increase conformity to group norms in computer-mediated communication?
  57. Teacher burnout: A quantitative analysis of emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment, and DEPERSONALIZATION
  58. Feelings of unreality: A conceptual and phenomenological analysis of the language of DEPERSONALIZATION
  59. The effects of DEPERSONALIZATION and organizational cynicism levels on the job satisfaction of educational inspectors
  60. Regional cerebral blood flow and DEPERSONALIZATION after tetrahydrocannabinol administration.
  61. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: a functional neuroanatomical perspective
  62. Fair trade and the DEPERSONALIZATION of ethics
  63. Prevalence, correlates, and predictors of DEPERSONALIZATION experiences in the German general population
  64. Bodily feeling in DEPERSONALIZATION: A phenomenological account
  65. Effect of naloxone therapy on DEPERSONALIZATION: a pilot study
  66. Anomalous self-experience in DEPERSONALIZATION and schizophrenia: a comparative investigation
  67. DEPERSONALIZATION and self-mutilation
  68. Instrument to assess DEPERSONALIZATION‐derealization in panic disorder
  69. Basal norepinephrine in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  70. Treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION with serotonin reuptake blockers.
  71. An open trial of naltrexone in the treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  72. Job burnout of the information technology worker: Work exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and personal accomplishment
  73. Theories of DEPERSONALIZATION: a re-appraisal
  74. Emotional experience and awareness of self: functional MRI studies of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  75. The neurobiology and clinical significance of DEPERSONALIZATION in mood and anxiety disorders: a critical reappraisal
  76. DEPERSONALIZATION in a nonclinical population
  77. Ideologies of moral exclusion: A critical discursive reframing of DEPERSONALIZATION, delegitimization and dehumanization
  78. Towards a four-dimensional model of burnout: A multigroup factor-analytic study including DEPERSONALIZATION and cynicism
  79. The relationship of akathisia with suicidality and DEPERSONALIZATION among patients with schizophrenia
  81. Prevalence and childhood antecedents of DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome in a UK birth cohort
  82. Temporal lobe epilepsy and the phobic anxiety-DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome: I: A comparative study.
  83. DEPERSONALIZATION in a group of normal subjects
  84. DEPERSONALIZATION: A self-relations perspective
  85. Symptom variability in DEPERSONALIZATION–derealization disorder: A latent profile analysis
  86. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  87. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder and self-injurious behavior.
  88. DEPERSONALIZATION and basic symptoms in schizophrenia
  89. Temporal disintegration and DEPERSONALIZATION during marihuana intoxication
  90. The Koro pattern of DEPERSONALIZATION in an American schizophrenic patient
  91. Emotional memory in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: a functional MRI study
  92. Chronic DEPERSONALIZATION following illicit drug use: a controlled analysis of 40 cases
  93. DEPERSONALIZATION after marijuana smoking
  94. The psychotherapeutic treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder.
  95. Neglected burnout dimensions: Effect of DEPERSONALIZATION and personal nonaccomplishment on organizational commitment of salespeople
  96. Left hemispheric activation in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: a case report
  97. DEPERSONALIZATION or cynicism, efficacy or inefficacy: what are the dimensions of teacher burnout?
  98. Burnout, DEPERSONALIZATION, and anxiety contribute to post‐traumatic stress in frontline health workers at COVID‐19 patient care, a follow‐up study
  99. DEPERSONALIZATION and personality in panic disorder
  100. DEPERSONALIZATION as a defense mechanism in survivors of trauma
  101. Nursing management challenges: Effect of quality of work life on DEPERSONALIZATION
  102. Mescalin and DEPERSONALIZATION: therapeutic experiments
  103. A placebo-controlled, cross-over trial of lamotrigine in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  104. DEPERSONALIZATION in relation to erotization of thought
  105. DEPERSONALIZATION, self-esteem and body image in male-to-female transsexuals compared to male and female controls
  106. Losing ourselves: active inference, DEPERSONALIZATION, and meditation
  107. Examination of the pathological dissociation taxon in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  108. DEPERSONALIZATION: II. Clinical syndromes
  109. Limbic and prefrontal responses to facial emotion expressions in DEPERSONALIZATION
  110. Desipramine: a possible treatment for DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  111. The treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION
  112. Lamotrigine in the treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  113. DEPERSONALIZATION and the sense of realness
  114. The obliteration of life: DEPERSONALIZATION and disembodiment in the terabyte era
  115. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder, affective processing and predictive coding
  116. Further studies on DEPERSONALIZATION.
  117. Relationship of metacognition, absorption, and DEPERSONALIZATION in patients with auditory hallucinations
  118. Deja vu and DEPERSONALIZATION in normal subjects
  119. Incidence and correlates of DEPERSONALIZATION following head trauma
  121. DEPERSONALIZATION, fantasies, and coping behavior in clinical context
  122. Relevance of social categories, DEPERSONALIZATION and group processes: Two field tests of self‐categorization theory
  123. Zoomed out: digital media use and DEPERSONALIZATION experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown
  124. DEPERSONALIZATION, adversity, emotionality, and coping with stressful situations
  125. Cognitive-affective neuroscience of DEPERSONALIZATION
  126. Development of a DEPERSONALIZATION severity scale
  127. How do you feel when you can’t feel your body? Interoception, functional connectivity and emotional processing in DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization disorder
  128. Toward the clarification of the construct of DEPERSONALIZATION and its association with affective and cognitive dysfunctions
  129. Vestibular function and DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization symptoms
  130. DEPERSONALIZATION as a defense mechanism
  131. DEPERSONALIZATION experiences in undergraduates are related to heightened stress cortisol responses
  132. Striking discrepancy of anomalous body experiences with normal interoceptive accuracy in DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization disorder
  133. On the etiology of DEPERSONALIZATION
  134. DEPERSONALIZATION and social anxiety
  135. DEPERSONALIZATION under academic stress: Frequency, predictors, and consequences
  136. Depression, hypomania, and DEPERSONALIZATION
  137. DEPERSONALIZATION phenomena in obsessional personalities and in depression
  138. Prevalence and correlates of DEPERSONALIZATION in students aged 12–18 years in Germany
  141. Episodic DEPERSONALIZATION: observations on 7 patients
  142. DEPERSONALIZATION in psychiatric patients: a transcultural study
  143. Pain response in DEPERSONALIZATION: a functional imaging study using hypnosis in healthy subjects
  144. Autonomic response in the perception of disgust and happiness in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  145. DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization during acute social stress in social phobia
  146. Induction of DEPERSONALIZATION by the serotonin agonist meta-chlorophenylpiperazine
  147. Temporo-parietal junction stimulation in the treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  148. Feeling unreal: 30 cases of DSM-III-R DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  149. Altered patterns of heartbeat-evoked potentials in DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization disorder: neurophysiological evidence for impaired cortical representation of bodily …
  150. Stress and trauma: Psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization disorder
  151. DEPERSONALIZATION and the dream
  152. Testing a neurobiological model of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
  153. Clinical correlates of DEPERSONALIZATION symptoms in patients with bipolar disorder
  154. Temporal disintegration in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  155. DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization
  156. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: disconnection of cognitive evaluation from autonomic responses to emotional stimuli
  157. Reliability and validity of a Japanese version of the Cambridge DEPERSONALIZATION scale as a screening instrument for DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  158. DEPERSONALIZATION and individualism: the effect of culture on symptom profiles in panic disorder
  159. White matter network alterations in patients with DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization disorder
  160. Empathy and enduring DEPERSONALIZATION: the role of self-related processes
  162. Relationship between emotional labor and customer orientation among airline service employees: Mediating role of DEPERSONALIZATION
  164. DEPERSONALIZATION reconsidered: an empirical analysis of the relation between DEPERSONALIZATION and cynicism in an extended version of the Maslach Burnout …
  165. The dialectical tension between individuation and DEPERSONALIZATION in cancer patients’ mediation of complementary, alternative and biomedical cancer treatments
  166. The relationship between workplace incivility and DEPERSONALIZATION towards co-workers: Roles of job-related anxiety, gender, and education
  167. Grey matter alterations in patients with DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: a voxel-based morphometry study
  168. Lamotrigine as an add-on treatment for DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: a retrospective study of 32 cases
  169. Interoceptive–reflective regions differentiate alexithymia traits in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  170. On so-called” DEPERSONALIZATION
  171. Individuation or DEPERSONALIZATION: The influence of personal status position
  172. Type-D personality and DEPERSONALIZATION are associated with suicidal ideation in the German general population aged 35–74: results from the Gutenberg Heart Study
  173. The DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome: report of a case
  174. Describing the emotional exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and low personal accomplishment symptoms associated with Maslach Burnout Inventory subscale …
  175. Dissociable brain correlates for depression, anxiety, dissociation, and somatization in DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization disorder
  176. DEPERSONALIZATION in temporal lobe epilepsy and the organic psychoses
  177. Cannabis-induced DEPERSONALIZATION disorder in adolescence
  178. DEPERSONALIZATION‐and derealization‐like phenomena of epileptic origin
  179. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: effects of caffeine and response to pharmacotherapy.
  180. Emotional response in DEPERSONALIZATION: A systematic review of electrodermal activity studies
  181. Prolonged DEPERSONALIZATION after marijuana use.
  182. The interaction of DEPERSONALIZATION and deindividuation
  183. Is panic disorder with psychosensorial symptoms (DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization) a more severe clinical subtype?
  184. Role of fantasy proneness, imaginative involvement, and psychological absorption in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  185. Interoceptive exposure exercises for evoking DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization: A pilot study
  186. Basal activity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis in patients with DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  187. DEPERSONALIZATION and self-destruction
  188. Alexithymia, absorption, and cognitive failures in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: a comparison to posttraumatic stress disorder and healthy volunteers
  189. DEPERSONALIZATION as a mediator in the relationship between self-focused attention and auditory hallucinations
  190. DEPERSONALIZATION: An exploratory factor analysis of the Italian version of the Cambridge DEPERSONALIZATION Scale
  191. Anxiety and DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization experiences
  192. DEPERSONALIZATION and mood changes in schizophrenia
  193. The experimental induction of DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization in panic disorder and nonanxious subjects
  194. DEPERSONALIZATION in patients with persecutory delusions
  195. 27 DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder
  196. Independence of DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization.
  197. DEPERSONALIZATION and agoraphobia associated with marijuana use
  198. Assessing latent level associations between PTSD and dissociative factors: Is DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization related to PTSD factors more so than alternative …
  199. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: Dissociation and affect
  200. It’s not DEPERSONALIZATION, It’s emotional labor: Examining surface acting and use-of-force with evidence from the US
  201. DEPERSONALIZATION in a non-clinical sample
  202. Individual differences and emotional labor: The effects of core self-evaluations on DEPERSONALIZATION
  203. The depersonalized brain: New evidence supporting a distinction between DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization from discrete patterns of autonomic suppression …
  204. The New Social Disease: From High tech DEPERSONALIZATION to survival of the soul
  205. Mindfulness and DEPERSONALIZATION: a Nuanced Relationship
  206. Emotional exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and mental health in nurses from Huelva: A cross-cutting study during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
  207. Psychometric properties of the Cambridge DEPERSONALIZATION scale in Puerto Rico
  208. Skin conductance and memory fragmentation after exposure to an emotional film clip in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  209. Base rates for DEPERSONALIZATION according to the 2-item version of the Cambridge DEPERSONALIZATION Scale (CDS-2) and its associations with depression/anxiety in …
  210. The dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among adolescents: Co-occurring PTSD, DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization, and other dissociation …
  211. Association of neglect-like symptoms with anxiety, somatization, and DEPERSONALIZATION in complex regional pain syndrome
  212. Alcohol-induced DEPERSONALIZATION
  213. Use of directive therapy in the treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION neurosis
  214. Is DEPERSONALIZATION disorder initiated by illicit drug use any different? A survey of 394 adults
  215. Prolonged DEPERSONALIZATION following cannabis abuse.
  216. Some Reflections on the Economic Aspects of “DEPERSONALIZATION”
  217. DEPERSONALIZATION: An effort at clarification
  218. Medication-associated DEPERSONALIZATION symptoms: report of transient DEPERSONALIZATION symptoms induced by minocycline
  219. Ignoring leaders who break promises or following god: How DEPERSONALIZATION and religious faith inform employees’ timely work efforts
  220. Fluoxetine in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder.
  221. DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization in self-report and clinical interview: the spectrum of borderline personality disorder, dissociative disorders, and healthy controls
  222. DEPERSONALIZATION in early adolescence
  223. Daily elevations in dissociative absorption and DEPERSONALIZATION in a nonclinical sample are related to daily stress and psychopathological symptoms
  224. Anxiety changes DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization symptoms in vestibular patients
  225. Effects of gendered language on gender stereotyping in computer-mediated communication: The moderating role of DEPERSONALIZATION and gender-role orientation
  226. Assessing responsiveness to direct verbal suggestions in DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization disorder
  227. Pain asymbolia as DEPERSONALIZATION for pain experience. An interoceptive active inference account
  228. Imaginary companions, fantasy twins, mirror dreams and DEPERSONALIZATION
  229. Defensive and arrested developmental aspects of death anxiety, hypochondriasis and DEPERSONALIZATION
  230. Phobic anxiety-DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome.
  231. Transient DEPERSONALIZATION in youth
  232. Emotional memory and perception of emotional faces in patients suffering from DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  233. Construct validity of three DEPERSONALIZATION measures in trauma-exposed college students
  234. Factors of emotional exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and sense of accomplishment among teachers of the gifted
  235. DEPERSONALIZATION, fantasies, and coping behavior in clinical context
  236. When the Body Stands in the Way: Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, DEPERSONALIZATION, and Schizophrenia
  237. Personality and DEPERSONALIZATION under sensory deprivation conditions
  238. Severe DEPERSONALIZATION treated by behavior therapy.
  239. DEPERSONALIZATION following minor closed head injury.
  240. DEPERSONALIZATION treated with fluoxetine.
  241. Poor sleep efficiency and daytime napping are risk factors of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder in female university students
  242. DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization
  243. Reduced recognition of facial emotional expressions in global burnout and burnout DEPERSONALIZATION in healthcare providers
  244. On the role of DEPERSONALIZATION in Merleau-Ponty
  245. Symptoms of DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization are independent risk factors for the development or persistence of psychological distress in the general population …
  246. Depicting DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  247. Altered ego states allied to DEPERSONALIZATION
  248. DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome: An overview
  249. DEPERSONALIZATION, dysphoria, and thought disturbance
  250. Abnormal cardiovascular sympathetic and parasympathetic responses to physical and emotional stimuli in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  251. Psychology and treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION
  252. Face processing in DEPERSONALIZATION: An fMRI study of the unfamiliar self
  253. Aspects of DEPERSONALIZATION Derealization in the Experience of Children
  254. Distinctiveness and overlap of DEPERSONALIZATION with anxiety and depression in a community sample: results from the Gutenberg Heart Study
  255. DEPERSONALIZATION and the masochistic wish
  256. Somatoform dissociation in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  257. Developmental DEPERSONALIZATION: The prefrontal cortex and self-functions in autism
  258. Validity and reliability of the Structured Clinical Interview for DEPERSONALIZATION–Derealization Spectrum (SCI-DER)
  259. DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome–a report of 9 cases.
  260. The effectiveness of physical activity training on DEPERSONALIZATION and lack of accomplishment of employees
  261. Virtual reality induces symptoms of DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization: A longitudinal randomised control trial
  262. Lamotrigine in the immediate treatment of outpatients with DEPERSONALIZATION disorder without psychiatric comorbidity: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled …
  263. The etiology of student misbehavior and the DEPERSONALIZATION of blame
  264. Preliminary physiological evidence for impaired emotion regulation in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  265. A theoretical framework development for hotel employee turnover: Linking trust in supports, emotional exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and reduced personal …
  266. Cardiac modulation of startle is altered in DEPERSONALIZATION-/derealization disorder: evidence for impaired brainstem representation of baro-afferent neural traffic
  267. Exclusion: A study of DEPERSONALIZATION in health care
  268. Whatever next and close to my self—The transparent senses and the “second skin”: Implications for the case of DEPERSONALIZATION
  269. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves DEPERSONALIZATION: a case report
  270. Overcoming DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder: A mindfulness and acceptance guide to conquering feelings of numbness and unreality
  271. Perception, denial, and DEPERSONALIZATION
  272. DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization disorder
  273. DEPERSONALIZATION of Personal Service Contracts: The Search for a Modern Approach to Assignability
  274. Reduction of DEPERSONALIZATION during social stress through cognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial
  275. Association of structural and psychological empowerment with DEPERSONALIZATION and personal accomplishment among nurses: a systematic review
  276. Oxidative modification of blood proteins in patients with psychiatric disorders (depression, DEPERSONALIZATION)
  277. Functional connectivity between extrastriate body area and default mode network predicts DEPERSONALIZATION symptoms in major depression: findings from an a priori …
  278. Emotion regulation strategies moderate the relationship of fatigue with DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization symptoms
  279. Depressive phenomenology in regard to DEPERSONALIZATION level
  280. DEPERSONALIZATION, vertigo and Meniere’s disease
  281. On retaining the sense of reality in states of DEPERSONALIZATION
  282. A preliminary evaluation of repeated exposure for DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization
  283. The Prevalence of DEPERSONALIZATION-Derealization Disorder: A Systematic Review
  284. DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization in embarrassing social interactions: an experience sampling study in social phobia, major depression and controls
  285. Dissociative symptoms as measured by the Cambridge DEPERSONALIZATION Scale in patients with a bipolar disorder
  286. DEPERSONALIZATION–current data
  287. The effect of emotional exhaustion and DEPERSONALIZATION on physician–patient communication: A theoretical model, implications, and directions for future research
  288. Altered orientation of spatial attention in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  289. DEPERSONALIZATION experiences are strongly associated with dizziness and vertigo symptoms leading to increased health care consumption in the German general …
  290. The role of attention in DEPERSONALIZATION
  291. A case of DEPERSONALIZATION–derealization syndrome during treatment with quetiapine
  292. Episodic DEPERSONALIZATION in focal epilepsy
  293. Resting-state networks of adolescents experiencing DEPERSONALIZATION-like illusions: Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings
  294. DEPERSONALIZATION in cyberspace
  295. From DEPERSONALIZATION to hallucination
  296. Implicit self-esteem in borderline personality and DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  297. Emergency Psychiatry: The DEPERSONALIZATION of Health Care
  298. The use of fluoxetine and buspirone for treatment-refractory DEPERSONALIZATION disorder.
  299. Illness perceptions in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: testing an illness attribution model
  300. Humor: A nursing intervention for the elderly: Used appropriately, humor can aid in education, reduce stress, and relieve the DEPERSONALIZATION many elderly people …
  301. From brooding to detachment: Rumination longitudinally predicts an increase in DEPERSONALIZATION and derealisation
  302. DEPERSONALIZATION as a manifestation of evolving health
  303. Anomalous self-experiences: markers of schizophrenia vulnerability or symptoms of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder? A phenomenological investigation of two cases
  304. High betrayal adolescent sexual abuse and nonsuicidal self-injury: The role of DEPERSONALIZATION in emerging adults
  305. Life on Autopilot: A Guide to Living with DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder
  306. DEPERSONALIZATION: Definition and treatment
  307. Childhood maltreatment type and severity predict DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization in treatment-seeking women with posttraumatic stress disorder
  308. Mania occurring during treatment for DEPERSONALIZATION: a report of two cases.
  309. Psychophysiological investigations in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder and effects of electrodermal biofeedback
  310. DEPERSONALIZATION in adolescence
  311. Factor structure of the Cambridge DEPERSONALIZATION Scale in trauma-exposed college students
  312. The relationship of DEPERSONALIZATION and absorption to hallucinations in psychotic and non-clinical participants
  313. Study of pain sensitivity based on the indicators of electro-odontometry in patients with DEPERSONALIZATION and depressive disorders
  314. Human development or DEPERSONALIZATION? The company as total community
  315. DEPERSONALIZATION in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, first-degree relatives and normal controls
  316. A case of DEPERSONALIZATION with treatment-resistant depression successfully treated with sertraline-lamotrigine combination
  317. What was once essential, may become detrimental: The mediating role of DEPERSONALIZATION in the relationship between childhood emotional maltreatment and …
  318. Distinguishing affective DEPERSONALIZATION from anhedonia in major depression and bipolar disorder
  319. Methylphenidate in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: a case report
  320. DEPERSONALIZATION and temporal disintegration in acute mental illness.
  321. Tracking potentiating states of dissociation: an intensive clinical case study of sleep, daydreaming, mood, and DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization
  322. Exploration of self-and world-experiences in DEPERSONALIZATION traits
  323. Cognitive load and autonomic response patterns under negative priming demand in DEPERSONALIZATION‐derealization disorder
  324. The effects of emotional exhaustion and DEPERSONALIZATION on personal accomplishment in pharmaceutical industry
  325. Effect of Emotional Exhaustion and Knowledge Sharing on DEPERSONALIZATION, Work Accomplishment, and Organizational Performance
  326. Multifaceted self-consciousness: DEPERSONALIZATION, shame, flow, and creativity in performing artists.
  327. How often is the DEPERSONALIZATION-Derealization Disorder (ICD-10: F48. 1) diagnosed in the outpatient health-care service?
  328. The circumplex structure of DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization
  329. The relationship between obsessive mechanisms and a state of self disturbance: DEPERSONALIZATION
  330. The phobic anxiety-DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome.
  331. Changes of P300 elicited during a working memory test in individuals with DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization experiences
  332. Regaining the soul lost (the limits of DEPERSONALIZATION in organizational management)
  333. The analysis of episodes of DEPERSONALIZATION in a borderline patient
  334. DEPERSONALIZATION: physiological or pathological in adolescents?
  335. Strange-face illusions during eye-to-eye gazing in dyads: Specific effects on derealization, DEPERSONALIZATION and dissociative identity
  336. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder may be related to glutamate receptor activation imbalance
  337. Burnout and Psychological Vulnerability in First Responders: Monitoring DEPERSONALIZATION and Phobic Anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  338. Thiopentone Treatment of the Phobic Anxiety-DEPERSONALIZATION Syndrome a Preliminary Report [Abridged]
  340. Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on specific symptom clusters in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder (DPD)
  341. Mindfulness and body awareness in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  342. Dissection of schizotypy and dissociation in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  343. An overview of DEPERSONALIZATION in the organizational context
  344. On DEPERSONALIZATION in adolescence: A consideration from the viewpoints of habituation and ‘identity’
  345. Trapped in a Glass Bell Jar: Neural Correlates of DEPERSONALIZATION and Derealization in Subjects at Clinical High-Risk of Psychosis and DEPERSONALIZATION …
  346. DEPERSONALIZATION of Personal Data in Information Systems
  347. DEPERSONALIZATION, ego splitting, non-human fantasy and shame
  348. Dual role as a protective factor for burnout‐related DEPERSONALIZATION in oncologists
  349. The Development of Prison Officers’ Job Satisfaction and its Impact on DEPERSONALIZATION of Incarcerated Persons: The Role of Organizational Dehumanization
  350. Impotence, frigidity and DEPERSONALIZATION.
  351. The DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome
  352. White matter abnormalities in first-episode patients with DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization disorder: A tract-based spatial statistics study
  353. Zoomed out? DEPERSONALIZATION is Related to Increased Digital Media Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown
  354. DEPERSONALIZATION following nitrazepam withdrawal.
  355. Paroxetine for DEPERSONALIZATION associated with multiple sclerosis
  356. Italian (cross cultural) adaptation and validation of the Cambridge DEPERSONALIZATION Scale (CDS)
  357. Third-year medical students’ reactions to surgical patients in pain: doubt, distress, and DEPERSONALIZATION
  358. Pharmacological dissection of panic and DEPERSONALIZATION.
  359. Igitur or Elbehnon’s Folly: The DEPERSONALIZATION Process and the Creative Encounter
  360. … environment interaction of the oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism (rs53576) and unresolved attachment status predict DEPERSONALIZATION symptoms: An exploratory …
  361. Temporal lobe epilepsy and the phobic anxiety-DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome. Part I: A comparative study
  362. DEPERSONALIZATION and allied disturbances in childhood
  363. DEPERSONALIZATION in a 16-year-old boy.
  364. Temporal disorganization, DEPERSONALIZATION, and persecutory ideation in acute mental illness.
  365. Quetiapine: focus on emotional numbing in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: an fMRI case report
  366. DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization syndrome: report on a case study and pharmacological management
  367. DEPERSONALIZATION treated by cannabis indica and psychotherapy
  368. DEPERSONALIZATION in the light of Brentano’s phenomenology
  369. Affect changes in DEPERSONALIZATION
  370. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder and schizotypal personality disorder.
  371. The effects of being spurned and self-esteem on DEPERSONALIZATION and coping preferences in kindergarten teachers: The case of Hong Kong
  372. Student behavior, the DEPERSONALIZATION of blame, and the society of victims
  373. Stranger to my self: Inside DEPERSONALIZATION: The hidden epidemic
  374. Trauma and DEPERSONALIZATION during panic attacks
  375. The experience of DEPERSONALIZATION: A written report by a patient
  376. Adaptive immersive Virtual Environments as a treatment for DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  377. Symptom profiles in DEPERSONALIZATION and anxiety disorders: an analysis of the Beck Anxiety Inventory
  378. The Problems of DEPERSONALIZATION in Freud’s” Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis”
  379. Phenomenal depth: a common phenomenological dimension in depression and DEPERSONALIZATION
  380. The DEPERSONALIZATION of medicine, and the promises of spiritual care
  381. The Relationship Between Emotional Exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, Personal Accomplishment, and Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study in Saudi Arabia
  382. Experiential avoidance, uncompassionate self‐responding, and peritraumatic DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization: A novel mediation model for war‐related PTSD …
  384. DEPERSONALIZATION:(A phenomenological study in psychiatric patients).
  385. Introducing a Group Therapy Program (PLAN D) for Young Outpatients with Derealization and DEPERSONALIZATION: A Pilot Study
  386. DEPERSONALIZATION: A review and rethinking of a nuclear problem
  387. Orientational perception: III. Orientational percept distortions in DEPERSONALIZATION
  389. Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: A consecutive case series
  390. Minocycline-induced transient DEPERSONALIZATION: A case report
  391. The Anxiety Phobic DEPERSONALIZATION Syndrome: Role of the cognitive-perceptual style.
  392. Aesthetic DEPERSONALIZATION in Louise Welsh’s The Cutting Room
  393. Group Indoctrination: Techniques of DEPERSONALIZATION and Domination of Individual Consciousness
  395. Descartes, consciousness and DEPERSONALIZATION: viewing the history of philosophy from a strausian perspective
  396. DEPERSONALIZATION and the use of LSD: a psychodynamic study
  397. DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome after acquired brain damage. Overview based on 3 case reports and the literature and discussion of etiological models
  398. The significance of DEPERSONALIZATION in the life and writings of Joseph Conrad
  399. The role of fearful attachment in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  400. What is it like to be disconnected from the body?: A phenomenological account of disembodiment in DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization disorder
  401. Economic crisis, emotional exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION and personal accomplishment of teachers in Greece
  402. DEPERSONALIZATION experiences in adolescents
  403. Delusions, DEPERSONALIZATION, and unusual psychopathological symptoms
  404. Self-DEPERSONALIZATION and ingroup favoritism in minimal group hierarchies.
  405. Early emotional processing deficits in DEPERSONALIZATION: An exploration with event-related potentials in an undergraduate sample
  406. DEPERSONALIZATION and the body ego with special reference to the genital representation
  407. Mescalin and DEPERSONALIZATION
  408. Experience of being spurned: coping style, stress preparation, and DEPERSONALIZATION in beginning kindergarten teachers
  409. DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization syndrome induced by reboxetine
  410. Who is the man in the mirror? DEPERSONALIZATION disorder after obesity surgery
  411. The moderating role of rumination and social sharing in the relationship between mistreatment and service sabotage and DEPERSONALIZATION: A cross-sectional study of …
  412. The effects of job demands and resources on turnover intention: The mediating roles of emotional exhaustion and DEPERSONALIZATION
  413. DEPERSONALIZATION in a female adolescent.
  414. Investigating DEPERSONALIZATION
  415. Persistent DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization disorder induced by synthetic cannabinoids
  416. Evaluation of a brief cognitive behavioral group intervention to reduce DEPERSONALIZATION in students with high levels of trait test anxiety: a randomized controlled trial
  417. Factor Influencing DEPERSONALIZATION on Prison Employees
  418. A case report of dissociative neurosis (DEPERSONALIZATION disorder) in an adolescent treated with family therapy and behavior modification.
  419. DEPERSONALIZATION and the Dream in” The Red Badge of Courage”
  420. A Sociological View of DEPERSONALIZATION
  421. Interoceptive cue exposure for DEPERSONALIZATION: A case series
  422. Memory for Prediction Error Minimization: From DEPERSONALIZATION to the Delusion of Non-Existence
  424. The efficacy of lamotrigine in a resistant case of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder.
  425. The DEPERSONALIZATION of education and the language of accountability: A view from a local newspaper
  426. The DEPERSONALIZATION of violence: Reflections on the future of personal responsibility
  427. An episode of acute, self-limiting DEPERSONALIZATION following a first session of hypnosis
  428. A disembodied man: A case of somatopsychic DEPERSONALIZATION in schizotypal disorder
  429. The strange case of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Robert Stevenson in the Victorian Age: A protest against the DEPERSONALIZATION
  430. On Entering the Military Organization: Decivilianization, DEPERSONALIZATION, Order, and Command in the Zimbabwe National Army 1
  431. Strategies of camouflage: DEPERSONALIZATION, schizoanalysis and contemporary photography
  432. Pain and tactile dissociation, derealization and DEPERSONALIZATION symptoms in women and recalled traumatic events in childhood, adolescence and early …
  433. DEPERSONALIZATION, social phobia and shame
  434. Attention and Memory in DEPERSONALIZATION-Spectrum Dissociative Disorders: Impact of Selective-Divided Attentional Condition, Stimulus Emotionality, and Stress
  435. Study of dissociative disorders and DEPERSONALIZATION in a sample of young adult French population
  436. Method of data DEPERSONALIZATION in protected automated information systems
  437. Levels of DEPERSONALIZATION and Derealization reported by recovered and non-recovered borderline patients over 20 years of prospective follow-up
  438. DEPERSONALIZATION in Balkan endemic nephropathy.
  439. of DEPERSONALIZATION: A Disorder of Self-Awareness
  440. DEPERSONALIZATION and deja vu experiences: Prevalences in nonclinical samples
  441. ECEM (Eye Closure, Eye Movements): application to DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  442. DEPERSONALIZATION after withdrawal from cannabis usage
  443. The occurrence of DEPERSONALIZATION symptoms after accelerated HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC in a patient with treatment-resistant depression: a case report
  444. Correlational Study of Principal Leadership Styles and Teacher’s Emotional Exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and Feeling of Reduced Personal Accomplishment
  445. Relationship of DEPERSONALIZATION and suicidality in depressed patients
  446. DEPERSONALIZATION affects self-prioritization of bodily, but not abstract self-related information
  447. DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization during panic and hypnosis in low and highly hypnotizable agoraphobics
  448. Reducing the Risks to the Institutionalized Elderly: Part I-DEPERSONALIZATION, Negative Relocation Effects, and Medical Care Deficiencies/Part II-Fire, Food Poisoning …
  449. DEPERSONALIZATION as a side effect of fluphenazine.
  450. Some Impacts of Office Automation upon Status, Role Change, and DEPERSONALIZATION
  451. Derealization without DEPERSONALIZATION
  452. A profile analysis of psychopathology in clusters of DEPERSONALIZATION types.
  453. Discussion of Dr. Torch’s paper: DEPERSONALIZATION and the pathology of the self.
  454. DEPERSONALIZATION and Daydreaming: A pattern of disturbance in the sense of reality
  455. Clinical characteristics of vital DEPERSONALIZATION in schizophrenia
  456. From collateral to money: social meaning, security devices and the law in the DEPERSONALIZATION of monetary relationships
  458. DEPERSONALIZATION as a developmental disorder of self-consciousness
  459. Alexithymia and DEPERSONALIZATION in child sex offenders: the role of emotion regulation
  460. Case Study: DEPERSONALIZATION and Vestibular Impairment
  461. The relationship of motivation for sewing, amount of sewing, perceived DEPERSONALIZATION of the job, and creativity
  462. Hemi-DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome
  463. “Robbed of my life”: The Felt Loss of Familiar and Engaged Presence in DEPERSONALIZATION/Derealization Disorder
  464. Symptom profile and diagnostic utility of DEPERSONALIZATION–derealization disorder: A retrospective critical review from India
  465. Effect of cultural themes on forming Cotard’s syndrome: reporting a case of Cotard’s syndrome with DEPERSONALIZATION and out of body experience symptoms
  466. “It Was Our Great Generational Decision”: Capitalism, the Internet and DEPERSONALIZATION in Some Millennial Irish Women’s Writing
  467. What can a Woman Know? Epistemic Bias as DEPERSONALIZATION
  468. Assessment of the DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization syndrome using the German version of the Dissociative Experiences Scale
  469. Examination of Trauma, DEPERSONALIZATION, and Schizophrenia Through the Ipseity Disturbance Model
  470. DEPERSONALIZATION and feelings of unreality: Significant symptoms with a variety of meanings
  471. The Fractured Self: Postmodernism and DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder
  472. Adjunctive citalopram is effective on hallucinations and DEPERSONALIZATION symptoms: a case report
  473. DEPERSONALIZATION and the Self
  475. Individualization as DEPERSONALIZATION: Minority Studies and Political Anthropology
  476. Construct Validity of Three Measures of DEPERSONALIZATION in College-Exposed College Students
  477. 313. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: neural correlates of thinking without feeling
  478. Naltrexone for DEPERSONALIZATION Study!
  479. Multiple clinical traits predict clinical diagnosis of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: implications for DSM-V
  480. DEPERSONALIZATION and intent
  481. DEPERSONALIZATION in kindergarten teachers in relation to rejection of help by fellow teachers and emotional support from family
  482. Data Ethics, AI, and Accompaniment: The Dangers of DEPERSONALIZATION in Catholic Health Care
  483. Rating scales for the assessment of DEPERSONALIZATION symptoms: a review
  484. Treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder and associated depression with electroconvulsive therapy
  485. Anxiety sensitivity, distress intolerance, and negative interpretation bias strengthen the relationship between trait anxiety and DEPERSONALIZATION
  486. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in DEPERSONALIZATION-Derealization disorder: A Case Report
  487. Cannabis-Induced DEPERSONALIZATION-Derealization Disorder
  488. DEPERSONALIZATION in gender dysphoria: widespread and widely unrecognized
  490. Single-item burnout measure correlates well with emotional exhaustion domain of burnout but not DEPERSONALIZATION among medical students
  491. What’s In a Name? DEPERSONALIZATION at the Hands of the State
  492. You get me: Examining the implications of couples’ DEPERSONALIZATION agreement for employee recovery
  493. Human DEPERSONALIZATION as a symptom of the postmodern society
  494. Treatment of a patient with DEPERSONALIZATION disorder with low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the right temporo-parietal junction in a private …
  495. Treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
  496. Aripiprazole in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder comorbid with major depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder: 3 cases
  497. Burnout and DEPERSONALIZATION Among Correctional Officers in Security Compared to Criminal Prison
  498. DEPERSONALIZATION/Derealization disorder and schizotypal personality disorder
  499. Masks and puppets: Metamorphosis and DEPERSONALIZATION in European avant-garde art criticism, 1915–1939
  500. DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization disorder: Epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, course, and diagnosis
  501. Influence of visual and vestibular hypersensitivity on derealization and DEPERSONALIZATION in chronic dizziness
  502. DEPERSONALIZATION: from disorder to the symptom
  503. High performance liquid chromatography of corticosteroids in patients with depression and DEPERSONALIZATION
  504. “I Hear My Voice, but Who Is Talking?”: Understanding DEPERSONALIZATION
  505. Analysis and Research of Threat, Attacker and Security Models of Data DEPERSONALIZATION in Decentralized Networks
  506. Feeling Unreal: DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder and the Loss of the Self
  507. Do the depression, anxiety and stress factors predict the dimension of DEPERSONALIZATION and low personal accomplishment in professorate?
  508. Emotional Exhaustion DEPERSONALIZATION and Health in Two Swedish Human Service Organizations
  510. French translation of the Cambridge DEPERSONALIZATION scale
  511. Chlorpromazine, DEPERSONALIZATION, and visual hallucinosis
  512. On competencies and incompetencies, instruction and destruction, individualization and DEPERSONALIZATION: Reflections on the now-movement
  513. The tourist complex spa Băile Felix-Băile 1 mai–personality, distinctiveness by protection versus DEPERSONALIZATION and nonspecific by globalization. conceptual …
  514. Burnout in college resident assistants: Indicators of emotional exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and personal accomplishment
  515. DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization in the psychosomatic outpatient and consultation-liaison service
  516. Estrangement in psychopathology: DEPERSONALIZATION, derealization, disorders of the self?
  517. Neuropsychological and PET study of DEPERSONALIZATION and Derealization: a single case report
  518. Prolonged DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization-like symptom after migraine headache: a case report
  519. Three Defences Against Inner Persecution: Examination Anxiety, DEPERSONALIZATION and Hypochondria
  520. Differential diagnosis of an elderly manic-depressive patient with DEPERSONALIZATION and other symptoms
  521. The Power of Retheatricalization and DEPERSONALIZATION: Maurice Maeterlinck and Hugo von Hofmannsthal
  522. Emotional Exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and Feelings of Decreased Personal Accomplishment Oh My: What Message Are We Sending To Our Students?
  523. The Power of Retheatricalization and DEPERSONALIZATION
  526. On the Significance of’World 3’for the DEPERSONALIZATION of Inquiry and the Democratization of Education
  527. DEPERSONALIZATION and psychosensory disorders amongst young people who do not seek psychiatric help appeal for psychiatrysts (prevalence, clinical features and …
  528. The Relationship Among Reflective Functioning, History of Childhood Trauma, and Symptoms of DEPERSONALIZATION and Derealization in Patients with Panic …
  529. The Effectiveness of Physical Activity Training on DEPERSONALIZATION and lack of accomplishment of Employees
  530. … parietal junction for assessing and treating disembodiment phenomena: a systematic review of TMS effect on DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization disorders …
  531. Diagnosis of DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder
  532. On the differential diagnostics of DEPERSONALIZATION experiences
  533. … stress experienced by New York state special education administrators and emotional exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and personal accomplishment
  534. … Zare Anari A, Pouya F. Effect of cultural themes on forming Cotard’s syndrome: reporting a case of Cotard’s syndrome with DEPERSONALIZATION and out of body …
  535. A phenomenological test of a theory of DEPERSONALIZATION
  536. Investigating the Structural Relationships among Hospitality Industry Employee’s Job Resources, Burnout, DEPERSONALIZATION, and Customer Orientation
  537. Alternative treatments for DEPERSONALIZATION
  538. DEPERSONALIZATION and Creative Writing: Unreal City
  539. The effects of the behavioral characteristics of teacher emotional exhaustion and DEPERSONALIZATION on student engagement, knowledge acquisition, and …
  540. DEPERSONALIZATION: Systematic Assessment
  541. Anomalous Self-and World Experiences in DEPERSONALIZATION Traits: a Qualitative Study
  542. Isolation, DEPERSONALIZATION and Repeat Trauma: Reflections on Surgery During a Hospital Quarantine
  543. Brief Communications: DEPERSONALIZATION in Adolescence
  544. EfFects of crowding and DEPERSONALIZATION on perception of group atmosphere
  545. “No Heart for Human Pity”: The US–Mexican War, DEPERSONALIZATION, and Power in EDEN Southworth and María Amparo Ruiz de Burton
  546. Dissociation in virtual reality: DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization
  547. Treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION disorder with fluoxetine: a case report
  549. A review of feeling unreal: DEPERSONALIZATION disorder and the loss of self
  550. Moderators of the Relationships Between State and Trait Anxiety and DEPERSONALIZATION
  551. The Aesthetics of Impersonation and DEPERSONALIZATION: Samuel Beckett and Philip Roth
  552. The Flip Side: An Investigation into the DEPERSONALIZATION of Communication
  553. DEPERSONALIZATION in panic disorders
  554. Stone’s Hypothesis of “Personalizing” Shopping as Compensation for Urban DEPERSONALIZATION: A Reconsideration
  555. Childhood Interpersonal Trauma Predicts DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder in Adults.
  556. Visual distortions and DEPERSONALIZATION-de-realization syndrome
  557. Ptsd, DEPERSONALIZATION and Psychosomatic Symptoms in Health Care Workers During the Covid-19 Outbreak
  558. The development of novel interoceptive exposure methods for inducing derealization and DEPERSONALIZATION symptoms
  559. An experiential education in DEPERSONALIZATION
  560. Types of DEPERSONALIZATION and their Relation to Severity of Psychopathology.
  561. DEPERSONALIZATION, the experience of prosthesis, and our cosmic insignificance: The experimental phenomenology of an altered state
  562. DEPERSONALIZATION and a severe form of agoraphobia: A case report and review
  564. Use of Mixed Amphetamine Salts in a Patient with DEPERSONALIZATION/Derealization Disorder
  565. The Effects of Primary Care Nursing and Feelings of Isolation/DEPERSONALIZATION of the Critical Care Nurse: Part II—Results of a Descriptive-Correlational Study: The …
  566. A language not of this world”: DEPERSONALIZATION and Unintelligibility in Robert Bolaño’s “The Part about the Crimes
  567. Marijuana-Induced DEPERSONALIZATION
  568. Response of traumatized patients with DEPERSONALIZATION–from the perspective of attachment theory
  569. DEPERSONALIZATION and estrangement: individual or social processes?
  572. Losing Oneself: Persistent Nonduality, DEPERSONALIZATION, Dissociation, Mental Health, and Memory
  574. Response to aversive stimuli in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: neural activation patterns in two patients before and after treatment with lamotrigine
  575. Emotional Fatigue, DEPERSONALIZATION, and Professional Fulfillment among Students of a Private Dental College in Chennai, India
  576. Resolution of Acute-Onset DEPERSONALIZATION/Derealization With Clonazepam and Inpatient Hospitalization
  577. Virtual Self and Digital DEPERSONALIZATION: Between Existential Dasein and Digital Design
  578. Exploring the Prevalence of Emotional Exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and Personal Accomplishment Among Registered Dietitians Working with People on Dialysis …
  579. The psychophysiological aspects of DEPERSONALIZATION disorders in schizophrenia
  580. Neurobiology and Neuroimaging of DEPERSONALIZATION, Conversion, and Dissociation
  581. In our own words: transgender experiences of DEPERSONALIZATION
  582. The psychopathology of DEPERSONALIZATION depression
  583. Combined Therapies–rTMS meets CBT. Novel approach for the treatment of Derealization/DEPERSONALIZATION Syndrome
  585. Screening for DEPERSONALIZATION/Derealization Disorder among Medical Students at a Brazilian Public University
  586. … and burnout with a predictive analysis of the characteristics of teachers most likely to experience emotional exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION and low personal …
  588. Emergentology: DEPERSONALIZATION, Emotional Exhaustion, Burnout
  589. DEPERSONALIZATION crisis: between acute anxiety and psychosis
  591. DEPERSONALIZATION and Personalization as Factors in a Taxonomy of Acting
  593. Reliability, Validity, and Psychometric Properties of the Greek Translation of the Cambridge DEPERSONALIZATION Scale (CDS)
  594. Koro—A Culture-Bound DEPERSONALIZATION Syndrome
  595. DEPERSONALIZATION: Deconstructing Eliot’s Notion in The Waste Land
  596. DEPERSONALIZATION and self-consciousness, self-esteem, and shame
  597. Sylvia Plath Revisited in the Lens of DEPERSONALIZATION
  598. Levels of DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization in emergency response personnel
  599. A Clinical and EEG Study of a Case of DEPERSONALIZATION as a Residual Symptom of Schizophrenia
  600. DEPERSONALIZATION Derealization Disorder in Teens
  601. The look of DEPERSONALIZATION: Visual rhetoric in personality textbook covers
  602. The Effects of Primary Care Nursing and Feelings of Isolation/DEPERSONALIZATION of the Critical Care Nurse: Part I—Background for the Study: Many factors contribute …
  603. The Effects of Attachment Relationships on the Development of Effects of Empathy or DEPERSONALIZATION in Adolescence
  604. Psychopatholy of DEPERSONALIZATION
  606. Oseltamivir-related derealization and DEPERSONALIZATION experiences
  607. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder: Erratum.
  608. The Effect of Exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and Personal Achievement Variables Towards Job Performance
  609. DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder: A review of the literature
  611. DEPERSONALIZATION in The Emergency Service: Frequency of Professional Burnout
  612. DEPERSONALIZATION and the Unbearable Lightness of Being: a Depth Psychological Look at a Misunderstood Phenomenon
  613. DEPERSONALIZATION-derealization syndrome: A case report
  614. The opaque window: an investigation into the phenomenology of DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization
  615. Percy Shelley’s Touch; or, Lyric DEPERSONALIZATION
  616. Comparison of burnout, DEPERSONALIZATION, anxiety, stress and depression among clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselling psychologists
  617. Academic Effects of DEPERSONALIZATION in Secondary Educators
  619. 1829–Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on specific symptom clusters in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder (DPD)
  620. DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder Update| Psychiatrist. com
  622. Top-down recognition leads to a reduced sense of body ownership in individuals with DEPERSONALIZATION tendencies: A focus on full body illusion
  623. DEPERSONALIZATION and Creative Writing
  625. DEPERSONALIZATION In The Emergency Department
  626. The Produced Self: Conflicts of DEPERSONALIZATION in Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth
  628. DEPERSONALIZATION in structured groups
  630. The phenomenology of DEPERSONALIZATION in depressive disorders
  631. The Mechanism of DEPERSONALIZATION
  632. Symposium on DEPERSONALIZATION.: DEPERSONALIZATION and Object Relations. M. Bouvet. Pp. 449-611
  633. DEPERSONALIZATION and Projection in Groups: Two Paths to Uncertainty Reduction
  634. DEPERSONALIZATION and Erotization of Thought
  635. Relationship of DEPERSONALIZATION and suicidality in depressed patients
  636. The DEPERSONALIZATION of Geology
  637. DEPERSONALIZATION disorders in psychiatric and somatic clinic.
  638. On DEPERSONALIZATION in Medicine
  639. Existence in a Shambles: Examining the Curious Case of DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder
  640. Improvement of persistent cenesthopathy and DEPERSONALIZATION after treatment with brexpiprazole in schizophrenia
  641. Interoceptive exposure and habituation for DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization symptoms in the treatment of panic disorder
  643. Does DEPERSONALIZATION Affect Students’ Academic Performance?
  644. States of DEPERSONALIZATION [Über Depersonalisationszustände].(Internat. Zeitschr. für Psycho-analyse, i, 1924.) Nunberg, H.
  645. DEPERSONALIZATION and the sense of bodily ownership
  647. Effectiveness of a Constructive Model of Variables related to DEPERSONALIZATION-Derealization Disorder of University Students
  648. DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder Following Medication Withdrawal
  649. DEPERSONALIZATION: A New Look at a Neglected Syndrome
  651. DEPERSONALIZATION/Derealization Disorder: Theory, Treatment, and Advocacy
  652. “Everything seems like a Cartoon”-Single, Oral ingested Cannabis induced DEPERSONALIZATION-Derealization Disorder
  653. Stages of the formation of DEPERSONALIZATION in adolescence and youth.
  654. Approach to treating DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization disorder
  655. DEPERSONALIZATION: a basis for the scientific community
  656. DEPERSONALIZATION: A New Look at a Neglected Syndrome
  657. Suggestive DEPERSONALIZATION and repersonalization: The psychophysiology of hypnotism.
  658. A phenomenological inquiry of women’s experience of DEPERSONALIZATION.
  659. Mescaline and DEPERSONALIZATION.(Journ. Neur. and Psychopath., vol. xvi, p. 193, Jan., 1936.) Guttmann, E., and Maclay, WS
  660. Analysis of a schizophrenic state with DEPERSONALIZATION (1947)
  661. The DEPERSONALIZATION of Creativity
  662. Seeing Things Differently: A Phenomenological Account of DEPERSONALIZATION in Social Phobia
  663. Pharmacotherapy of DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization disorder
  664. A Pilot Study Investigation of Methylphenidate as a Potential Treatment for DEPERSONALIZATION/Derealization Disorder
  665. The implementation of DEPERSONALIZATION algorithm of digital images
  666. Methodological approach to qualitative research of DEPERSONALIZATION of moral agent in online environment
  667. India and Mystical DEPERSONALIZATION
  668. Influence of Dysfunctional Customer Behavior on DEPERSONALIZATION and Service Sabotage: Moderated Mediation Effect of a Caring Climate
  669. An Incomplete Story: DEPERSONALIZATION and Standardized Testing
  670. Rebellion, and DEPERSONALIZATION in Brazilian Popular Literature
  671. DEPERSONALIZATION of the Customer Relationship in the Age of Digitalization
  672. Personal peculiarities of epileptic patients with DEPERSONALIZATION in the interictal period
  673. DEPERSONALIZATION in Relation to Erotization of Thought.(Int. Journ. of Psycho-analysis, vol. xv, p. 271, April–July, 1934.) Oberndorf, CP
  674. DEPERSONALIZATION in Burned Patients
  675. Reflection of torture and transformation as a tool of DEPERSONALIZATION and homogenization in the novels of
  676. What does it mean to be a pariah?: assimilation, DEPERSONALIZATION and uniqueness in the thought of Hannah Arendt
  677. New Psychoanalytic Contribution to the Study of the Sentiments Called, of DEPERSONALIZATION
  678. DEPERSONALIZATION in the Light of the Libido Theory
  679. The Psychoanalytic Significance of the Feeling of DEPERSONALIZATION
  680. Analysis of possibilities of biometric techniques application for carrying out DEPERSONALIZATION of personal data
  682. Protection of personal data confidentiality using DEPERSONALIZATION
  684. Hypnagogia, Anxiety, DEPERSONALIZATION: A Phenomenological Perspective
  686. The Social Dimension of the Self: Self-formation as Revealed by DEPERSONALIZATION
  687. Two types of DEPERSONALIZATION–reconsideration from a descriptive-phenomenological view point
  688. The syndrome of depressive DEPERSONALIZATION
  689. Fluoxetine for DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder: Lack of Efficacy
  691. Psychotherapy of DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization disorder
  692. DEPERSONALIZATION: A New Look at a Neglected Syndrome. By M. Sierra.(Pp. 182; $90.00; ISBN-13: 9780521874984 hb.) Cambridge University Press: New York. 2009 …
  693. DEPERSONALIZATION on Internet from Psychological Perspective–From Fromm to Rollo May
  694. DEPERSONALIZATION affects self-prioritization of bodily, but not abstract self-related information
  695. Psychology and Treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION: Fritz Wittels. Psa. Rev., XXVII, No. 1, 1940
  696. DEPERSONALIZATION: Psychopathology and philosophy
  697. Lamotrigine in combination treatment for DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  699. Koro-A Culture Bound DEPERSONALIZATION Syndrome
  700. On Retaining the Sense of Reality in States of DEPERSONALIZATION
  701. Clinical: Fritz Wittels.’Psychology and Treatment of DEPERSONALIZATION.’Psychoanalytic Review, 1940, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, pp.
  702. Functional Budgeting: A Step toward DEPERSONALIZATION
  703. Body language group: DEPERSONALIZATION and repersonalization using make-up
  704. Social anxiety and DEPERSONALIZATION
  705. DEPERSONALIZATION disorders in schizophrenic children
  706. Cog in the Machine: Causes of DEPERSONALIZATION at the Workplace
  707. Some Clinical and Aetiological Aspects of DEPERSONALIZATION with a Case Report of Identical Twins
  708. Psychopathology of DEPERSONALIZATION and de-realization. What is the limit between normal and pathological?
  709. Elevated rates of DEPERSONALIZATION in gender dysphoria
  710. The DEPERSONALIZATION of the Concept of Ownership in Contemporary Society Brought about by the Use of Title as a Security Device
  711. DEPERSONALIZATION in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and the Organic Psychoses
  712. Pharmacological Evidence for the Role of Serotonin in DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder
  713. The DEPERSONALIZATION of Music: Mp3 versus CD
  714. Older women deserve more than chaos and DEPERSONALIZATION
  715. Soviet Translator Alexander Romm: an Experience of Literary DEPERSONALIZATION
  716. Psychosocial impact of DEPERSONALIZATION: Social and occupational impairment
  717. Understanding and treating DEPERSONALIZATION disorder eLAiNe CM HUNTer
  718. The Relationship Between DEPERSONALIZATION And Social Adjustment In Patients With Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
  719. Relationship between DEPERSONALIZATION and self-perceived medical errors
  720. Relationship between depression and DEPERSONALIZATION among Japanese nurses
  721. Empty Space: The DEPERSONALIZATION of the Future in 2001: A Space Odyssey
  722. Towards The Problem Of DEPERSONALIZATION Disorders Psychotherapy (A Pilot Study Findings Discussion)
  724. Subjectivity (DEPERSONALIZATION) in Life and Art Viewed by Existential Semiotics
  725. The Effect of DEPERSONALIZATION and Derealization Symptoms on Olfaction and Olfactory Hedonics
  726. Searl MN: A Note on DEPERSONALIZATION. Internat Journal of PsA XIII, 3
  728. FEIGENBAUM, DORIAN: DEPERSONALIZATION as a Defense Mechanism. Psa. Quarterly, VI, 1
  730. The double-edged sword of DEPERSONALIZATION: An examination of DEPERSONALIZATION‘s role in the police profession
  731. Clinical style being and doing: critical-propositional response to DEPERSONALIZATION and social suffering
  732. DEPERSONALIZATION of addicts and their non-addicted peers
  733. Inside-out Minds: Consciousness, Attention, and DEPERSONALIZATION
  734. The experience of DEPERSONALIZATION in adults as a consequence of childhood abuse
  735. DEPERSONALIZATION and Derealization–Contemporary Findings
  736. DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder/Derealization Disorder
  737. The neurobiology of DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization
  738. The informed consent “problem” from the rights of the patient to the DEPERSONALIZATION of the physician-patient relationship
  740. DEPERSONALIZATION: A New Look at a Neglected Syndrome. By Mauricio Sierra. Cambridge University Press. 2009.£ 50 (hb). 182 pp. ISBN: 9780521874984
  742. Physiological correlates of emotion regulation in DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  743. The Effect of DEPERSONALIZATION on Time Reproduction for Negative, Neutral, and Positive Images
  744. Personalization and DEPERSONALIZATION in Academic Discourse-A corpus-based Comparison of Austrian Undergraduate and Graduate Student Texts with …
  745. A Case of DEPERSONALIZATION [Ein Fall von Depersonalisation].(Zeitschr. für die ges. Neur. und Psychiat., vol. lxxiv, p. 592.) Hartmann, H.
  746. Phenomenological Psychopathology of Common Sense and Medicalization Blankenburg and Kimura on Schizophrenia and DEPERSONALIZATION
  747. Relationship between DEPERSONALIZATION syndrome and medical malpractice among Japanese nurses
  750. Examination Anxiety, DEPERSONALIZATION and Hypochondria
  751. On Retaining the Sense of Reality in States of DEPERSONALIZATION: CP Oberndorf. Int. J. Psa., XX, 1939, p. 137
  752. Variant of auto-allopsychic DEPERSONALIZATION in patients with latent schizophrenia
  753. DEPERSONALIZATION Episodes in Self-Mutilation
  754. Empathy as the factor preventing DEPERSONALIZATION of psychologists and teachers
  755. Nurse Turnover and Burnout: The Mediating Role of DEPERSONALIZATION
  756. Relationship between DEPERSONALIZATION and eating disorders among Japanese nurses
  757. Uncomfortably numb’: the perspectives of Maltese mental health professionals towards DEPERSONALIZATION disorder
  758. DEPERSONALIZATION After Intestinal Poisoning
  759. DEPERSONALIZATION disorder in pre-adolescent child of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
  761. Out-group exploitation through DEPERSONALIZATION in a prisoner’s dilemma game
  762. Feeling Unreal: DEPERSONALIZATION Disorder and the Loss of the Self. By D. Simeon and J. Abugel.(Pp. 256; $27.50; ISBN 01951-70229 hb.) Oxford University Press …
  763. Oedipus, narcissism and DEPERSONALIZATION
  764. Combating Patient DEPERSONALIZATION: Rebuilding the Patient-Provider Relationship With a Simple Communication Tool
  765. A study on the effects of emotional exhaustion and DEPERSONALIZATION on job satisfaction among CIMB Terengganu employees
  766. On the prevalence of DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization in inpatient psychotherapy
  767. A comparison of the degree of DEPERSONALIZATION experienced by elderly persons in different living environments
  769. OBERNDORF, CP: On Retaining the Sense of Reality in States of DEPERSONALIZATION. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis
  770. Combating DEPERSONALIZATION in Caring for Terminally Ill Patients
  771. Overcoming DEPERSONALIZATION & Feelings of Unreality: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioral techniques
  772. So that Steam Rises Ritual Bathing as DEPERSONALIZATION
  774. Zolpidem Induces DEPERSONALIZATION and Derealization Symptoms: A
  775. Research Article Anxiety Changes DEPERSONALIZATION and Derealization Symptoms in Vestibular Patients
  776. The development of emotional exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and reduced personal accomplishment in in-home family service providers
  777. The interface between Sartre’s theory of emotions and DEPERSONALIZATION/derealization
  778. … PATIENT EXPERIENCE IN CRITICAL CARE: I’d Kill Myself To Get Some Juice: The Importance Of Patient Dignity And Consequence Of DEPERSONALIZATION
  779. Analysis of Violent and Non-violent Child Molesters on DEPERSONALIZATION of the Other in Correlation with the MMPI-2: Cuadra Index & Goldberg Index
  780. TS Eliot’s Negative Self-Consciousness: DEPERSONALIZATION in” Tradition and the Individual Talent” and” Little Gidding II”
  781. The Effect of Extracurricular Activities on the Emotional Exhaustion, DEPERSONALIZATION, and Sense of Personal Accomplishment (Burnout) of Academically High …
  782. 14. DEPERSONALIZATION and the Dream
  783. DEPERSONALIZATION versus Personalization: The Effect of Blank versus Sample Displays in Highly Personalized Consumer Products
  784. A hole in the mirror: The experimental and phenomenological psychopathology of psychogenic DEPERSONALIZATION
  785. Top-Down Influence Leads to a Reduced Sense of Body Ownership in Individuals With DEPERSONALIZATION Tendencies: A Focus on Full Body Illusion
  786. Past and future explanations for DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization disorder: A role for predictive coding.
  787. More than unreal: clinicians’ practice experiences with clients affected by chronic DEPERSONALIZATION and derealization
  788. Workload Area of Worklife, Need Satisfaction, Emotional Exhaustion, and DEPERSONALIZATION in General Education Teachers
  789. T66. Functional Connectivity Between Extrastriate Body Area and Default-Mode Network Predicts DEPERSONALIZATION Symptoms in Major Depression: Findings From a …
  790. Influence of naloxone on corticosteroid content and state of oxidative system in blood in depressive patients with manifested syndrome of DEPERSONALIZATION
  791. From Fragmentation to Coherence: Explaining autism and derealization/DEPERSONALIZATION in the context of child development
  792. 14. Zvyagintsev and Tarkovsky: Influence, DEPERSONALIZATION, and Autonomy
  793. British Journal of Medical Psychology. XXI, 1948: On the Structure of the DEPERSONALIZATION Neurosis. Heintick Winnik. Pp. 268
  794. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. XXVIII, 1947: Analysis of a Schizophrenic State with DEPERSONALIZATION. Herbert Rosenf
  795. P-145-Association between DEPERSONALIZATION and panic disorder in a sample of patients with anxiety disorders and mood
  796. … Effects of a Sublingual Formulation of Cyclobenzaprine (TNX-102 SL*) on Dissociative Symptoms of Derealization and DEPERSONALIZATION in a Military-Related …
  797. Psychiatric Quarterly. XL, 1966: DEPERSONALIZATION Phenomena in 214 Adult Psychiatric Inpatients. P. Waverly Davidson, III. Pp
  798. … 1994) dissociative disor-ders include dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, dissociative identity disorder, DEPERSONALIZATION disorder, dissociative disorder not …
  799. Dissociation: Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 169-175: A profile analysis of psychopathology in clusters of DEPERSONALIZATION types
  800. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. CLXIV, 1977: DEPERSONALIZATION in Accident Victims and Psychiatric Patients. Russell Noy
  801. Journal of the Hillside Hospital. IX, 1960: On a Case of DEPERSONALIZATION. Stefano Fajrajzen. Pp. 106-127
  802. 2839–Ziprasidone augmentation of lamotrigine in treatment DEPERSONALIZATION in bipolar disorder
  803. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. X, 1962: DEPERSONALIZATION and Derealization. Charles N. Sarlin. Pp. 784-8
  804. Dissociation: Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 037-045, Autohypnosis, hypnotic anaesthesias, hypnoid states, hidden ego states, DEPERSONALIZATION and other dissociative phenomena …
  805. PW01-49-DEPERSONALIZATION in patients with panic disorder: role of personality
  806. Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s Der Verdacht: Failure to Respect the Autonomy of Others and Their DEPERSONALIZATION
  807. Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray: Failure to Respect the Autonomy of Others and Their DEPERSONALIZATION
  808. Windows 8 and the DEPERSONALIZATION of PCs
  809. Ka-Tzetnik 135633: Historical DEPERSONALIZATION and the Celebrity Witness

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