
  1. A Circulatory Transcriptional Regulation Among Daf‐9, Daf‐12, AndDaf‐16 Mediates Larval Development Upon Cholesterol Starvation In Caenorhabditis Elegans†
  2. A Conserved NeuronalDaf-16/Foxo Plays An Important Role In Conveying Pheromone Signals To Elicit Repulsion Behavior In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  3. A Daf‐16/Foxo3A‐Dependent Longevity Signal Is Initiated By Antioxidants
  4. A NewDaf-16 Isoform Regulates Longevity
  5. A Review Of Genes That Act Downstream Of TheDaf-16 Foxo Transcription Factor To Influence The Life Span Of C. Elegans
  6. Activation OfDaf-16/Foxo By Reactive Oxygen Species Contributes To Longevity In Long-Lived Mitochondrial Mutants In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  7. Activation Of The Caenorhabditis Elegans Foxo Family Transcription FactorDaf-16 By Pathogenic Bacillus Thuringiensis
  8. Activation Of The Foxo Family Transcription FactorDaf-16 By Pathogenic Bacillus Thuringiensis
  9. Adaptive Responses To Oxidative Damage In Three Mutants Of Caenorhabditis Elegans (Age-1, Mev-1 AndDaf-16) That Affect Life Span
  10. Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus And Their Effects On Lys-7 Expression Of Innate Immune Pathway Daf-2/Daf-16 In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  11. Ages/Rage-Related Neurodegeneration:Daf-16 As A Mediator, Insulin As An Ameliorant, And C. Elegans As An Expedient Research Model
  12. Agrimonia Procera Wallr. Extract Increases Stress Resistance And Prolongs Life Span In Caenorhabditis Elegans Via Transcription FactorDaf-16 (Foxo Orthologue)
  13. Agro‐Industrial Waste Based Phycocyanin Production From Oscillatoria Sp. 50 A: Daf‐16 Modulating Effect In Caenorhabditis Elegans And P53 Dependent …
  14. Anthocyanin-Rich Purple Wheat Prolongs The Life Span Of Caenorhabditis Elegans Probably By Activating TheDaf-16/Foxo Transcription Factor
  15. Antioxidative Activities Of Both Oleic Acid And Camellia Tenuifolia Seed Oil Are Regulated By The Transcription FactorDaf-16/Foxo In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  16. Apigenin Inhibits Larval Growth Of Caenorhabditis Elegans ThroughDaf‐16 Activation
  17. Arsenite Exposure Accelerates Aging Process Regulated By The Transcription FactorDaf-16/Foxo In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  18. Aspirin Extends The Lifespan Of Caenorhabditis Elegans Via Ampk AndDaf-16/Foxo In Dietary Restriction Pathway
  19. Asymmetric Arginine Dimethylation Determines Life Span In C. Elegans By Regulating Forkhead Transcription FactorDaf-16
  20. Baicalein Modulates Stress-Resistance And Life Span In C. Elegans Via Skn-1 But NotDaf-16
  21. Benzimidazole Derivative M084 Extends The Lifespan Of Caenorhabditis Elegans In ADaf-16/Foxo-Dependent Way
  22. Betula Utilis Extract Prolongs Life Expectancy, Protects Against Amyloid-Β Toxicity And Reduces Alpha Synuclien In Caenorhabditis Elegans ViaDaf-16 And Skn-1
  23. Bioactive Peptides From Meretrix Meretrix Protect Caenorhabditis Elegans Against Free Radical-Induced Oxidative Stress Through The Stress Response FactorDaf-16 …
  24. Blueberry Extract Promotes Longevity And Stress Tolerance ViaDaf-16 In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  25. C. Elegans 14-3-3 Proteins Regulate Life Span And Interact With Sir-2.1 AndDaf-16/Foxo
  26. C. ElegansDaf-16/Foxo Interacts With Tgf-ß/Bmp Signaling To Induce Germline Tumor Formation Via Mtorc1 Activation
  27. C. Elegans Host Cell Factor (Cehcf) Associates With Sir-2.1 To Mediate Target Specificity OfDaf-16 And Lifespan
  28. C. Elegans Sir-2.1 Interacts With 14-3-3 Proteins To ActivateDaf-16 And Extend Life Span
  29. C. Elegans Sirt6/7 Homolog Sir-2.4 PromotesDaf-16 Relocalization And Function During Stress
  30. Caenorhabditis Elegans Akt/Pkb Transduces Insulin Receptor-Like Signals From Age-1 Pi3 Kinase To TheDaf-16 Transcription Factor
  31. Caenorhabditis ElegansDaf-16/Foxo Transcription Factor And Its Mammalian Homologs Associate With Age-Related Disease
  32. Caenorhabditis Elegans Eak-3 Inhibits Dauer Arrest Via Nonautonomous Regulation Of NuclearDaf-16/Foxo Activity
  33. Caenorhabditis Elegans Hcf-1 Functions In Longevity Maintenance As ADaf-16 Regulator
  34. Caenorhabditis Elegans Host Cell Factor (Cehcf) Associates With Sir-2.1 To Mediate Target Specificity OfDaf-16 And Lifespan
  35. Caenorhabditiselegans Lifespan Extension Caused By Treatment With An Orally Active Ros-Generator Is Dependent OnDaf-16 And Sir-2.1
  36. Caffeic Acid Phenethylester Increases Stress Resistance And Enhances Lifespan In Caenorhabditis Elegans By Modulation Of The Insulin-LikeDaf-16 Signalling …
  37. Calycosin Promotes Lifespan In Caenorhabditis Elegans Through Insulin Signaling Pathway ViaDaf-16, Age-1 And Daf-2
  38. Camkii And Calcineurin Regulate The Lifespan Of Caenorhabditis Elegans Through The Foxo Transcription FactorDaf-16
  39. Catalpol Modulates Lifespan ViaDaf-16/Foxo And
  40. Catalpol Modulates Lifespan ViaDaf-16/Foxo And Skn-1/Nrf2 Activation In
  41. Catalpol Modulates Lifespan ViaDaf-16/Foxo And Skn-1/Nrf2 Activation In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  42. Cell-Autonomous And Non-Autonomous Roles OfDaf-16 In Muscle Function And Mitochondrial Capacity In Aging C. Elegans
  43. Cell-Nonautonomous Effects Of Dfoxo/Daf-16 In Aging
  44. Cell-Nonautonomous Signaling Of Foxo/Daf-16 To The Stem Cells Of Caenorhabditis Elegans
  45. Central Nervous System Promotes Thermotolerance Via Foxo/Daf-16 Activation Through Octopamine And Acetylcholine Signaling In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  46. Cholesterol RegulatesDaf-16 Nuclear Localization And Fasting-Induced Longevity In C. Elegans
  47. Clozapine And Lithium Require Caenorhabditis Elegans Β‐Arrestin And Serum‐ And Glucocorticoid‐Inducible Kinase To Affect Daf‐16 (Foxo) Localization
  48. Combined Informatic And Expression Screen Identifies The NovelDaf-16 Target Hlh-13
  49. Control Of Cell-Fate Plasticity And Maintenance Of Multipotency ByDaf-16/Foxo In Quiescent Caenorhabditis Elegans
  50. Co-Regulation Of TheDaf-16 Target Gene, Cyp-35B1/Dod-13, By Hsf-1 In C. Elegans Dauer Larvae And Daf-2 Insulin Pathway Mutants
  51. Correction:Daf-16 And Tcer-1 Facilitate Adaptation To Germline Loss By Restoring Lipid Homeostasis And Repressing Reproductive Physiology In C. Elegans
  52. Coupling Of Cell-Cycle Regulation And Resistance To Oxidative Damage ByDaf-16-Like Forkhead Transcription Factors
  53. Daf-16
  54. Daf-16 And Pqm-1: Partners In Longevity
  55. Daf-16 And Smk-1 Contribute To Innate Immunity During Adulthood In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  56. Daf-16 And Tcer-1 Facilitate Adaptation To Germline Loss By Restoring Lipid Homeostasis And Repressing Reproductive Physiology In C. Elegans
  57. Daf-16 And Δ9 Desaturase Genes Promote Cold Tolerance In Long-Lived Caenorhabditis Elegans Age-1 Mutants
  58. Daf-16 Employs The Chromatin Remodeller Swi/Snf To Promote Stress Resistance And Longevity
  59. Daf-16 Integrates Developmental And Environmental Inputs To Mediate Aging In The Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans
  60. Daf-16 Integrates Developmental And Environmental Inputs To Mediate Aging In The Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans
  61. Daf-16 Protects The Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans During Food Deprivation
  62. Daf-16 Recruits The Creb-Binding Protein Coactivator Complex To The Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1 Promoter In Hepg2 Cells
  63. Daf‐16 Stabilizes The Aging Transcriptome And Is Activated In Mid‐Aged Caenorhabditis Elegans To Cope With Internal Stress
  64. Daf-16 Target Genes That Control C. Elegans Life-Span And Metabolism
  65. Daf-16 Target Genes That The 17 (–35%) PredictedDaf-16 Down
  66. Daf-16 Target Identification In C. Elegans: Past, Present And Future
  67. Daf-16/Forkhead Box O Transcription Factor: Many Paths To A Single Fork (Head) In The Road
  68. Daf-16/Foxo And Egl-27/Gata Promote Developmental Growth In Response To Persistent Somatic Dna Damage
  69. Daf-16/Foxo And Glod-4/Glyoxalase-1 Are Required For The Life-Prolonging Effect Of Human Insulin Under High Glucose Conditions In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  70. Daf-16/Foxo And Hlh-30/Tfeb Function As Combinatorial Transcription Factors To Promote Stress Resistance And Longevity
  71. Daf-16/Foxo And Pqm-1/Gata Factors Up-Regulate Ferritin To Promote Cold Survival Upon Ets-4/Spdef Depletion
  72. Daf-16/Foxo Directly Regulates An Atypical Amp-Activated Protein Kinase Gamma Isoform To Mediate The Effects Of Insulin/Igf-1 Signaling On Aging In …
  73. Daf-16/Foxo In Caenorhabditis Elegans And Its Role In Metabolic Remodeling
  74. Daf-16/Foxo Isoform B In Aiy Neurons Is Involved In Low Preference For Bifidobacterium Infantis In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  75. Daf-16/Foxo Promotes Gluconeogenesis And Trehalose Synthesis During Starvation To Support Survival
  76. Daf-16/Foxo Promotes Taste Avoidance Learning Independently Of Axonal Insulin-Like Signaling
  77. Daf-16/Foxo Regulates Homeostasis Of Essential Sleep-Like Behavior During Larval Transitions In C. Elegans
  78. Daf-16/Foxo Regulates Transcription Of Cki-1/Cip/Kip And Repression Of Lin-4 During C. Elegans L1 Arrest
  79. Daf-16/Foxo Requires Protein Phosphatase 4 To Initiate Transcription Of Stress Resistance And Longevity Promoting Genes
  80. Daf-16/Foxo Suppresses The Transgenerational Sterility Of Prg-1 Pirna Mutants Via A Systemic Small Rna Pathway
  81. Daf-16/Foxo Targets Genes That Regulate Tumor Growth In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  82. Daf-16/Foxo Transcription Factor In Aging And Longevity
  83. Daf-16: An Hnf-3/Forkhead Family Member That Can Function To Double The Life-Span Of Caenorhabditis Elegans
  84. Daf-16: Foxo In The Context Of C. Elegans
  85. Daf-16-Dependent And Independent Expression Targets Of Daf-2 Insulin Receptor-Like Pathway In Caenorhabditis Elegans Include Fkbps
  86. Daf-16-Dependent Regulation Of Innate Immune Responses To Fungal Infection And Wounding In The C. Elegans Epidermis
  87. Daf-16-Dependent Suppression Of Immunity During Reproduction In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  88. Daf-2,Daf-16 And Daf-23: Genetically Interacting Genes Controlling Dauer Formation In Caenorhabditis Elegans.
  89. Daf-21/Hsp90 Is Required For C. Elegans Longevity By EnsuringDaf-16/Foxo Isoform A Function
  90. Damid In C. Elegans Reveals Longevity‐Associated Targets OfDaf‐16/Foxo
  91. Dataset Of The Human Homologues And Orthologues Of Lipid-Metabolic Genes Identified AsDaf-16 Targets Their Roles In Lipid And Energy Metabolism
  92. Dbl-1/Tgf-Β And Daf-12/Nhr Signaling Mediate Cell-Nonautonomous Effects OfDaf-16/Foxo On Starvation-Induced Developmental Arrest
  93. Deficiency For Piwi Results In Transmission Of A Heritable Stress That Promotes Longevity ViaDaf-16/Foxo
  94. Dhhp-6 Extends Lifespan Of Caenorhabditis Elegans By Enhancing Nuclear Translocation And Transcriptional Activity OfDaf-16
  95. Diabetes Autoantigen Ia-2, Potentially Acts As A Common Modulator Between Parkinson’S Disease And Diabetes: Role Of Daf-2/Daf-16 Insulin Like Signalling …
  96. Dianxianning Improved Amyloid Β-Induced Pathological Characteristics Partially Through Daf-2/Daf-16 Insulin Like Pathway In Transgenic C. Elegans
  97. Diapause Formation And Downregulation Of Insulin-Like Signaling ViaDaf-16/Foxo Delays Axonal Degeneration And Neuronal Loss
  98. Diapause Formation And Downregulation Of Insulin-Like Signaling ViaDaf-16/Foxo Delays Axonal Degeneration And Neuronal Loss
  99. Dietary Supplements May Increase Longevity By Up-Regulation OfDaf-16/Foxo Gene
  100. Differential Regulation Of The Heat Shock Factor 1 AndDaf-16 By Neuronal Nhl-1 In The Nematode C. Elegans
  101. Diosgenin A Phytosterol Substitute For Cholesterol, Prolongs The Lifespan And Mitigates Glucose Toxicity ViaDaf-16/Foxo And Gst-4 In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  102. Diosgenin Extend Lifespan Of Caenorhabditis Elegans Via ModulatingDaf 16 Foxo Skn 1 Nrf2 And Pha 4 Foxa
  103. Direct And Indirect Transcriptional Targets OfDaf-16.
  104. Djr-1.2 Of Caenorhabditis Elegans Is Induced ByDaf-16 In The Dauer State
  105. Dysregulation OfDaf-16/Foxo3A-Mediated Stress Responses Accelerates Oxidative Dna Damage Induced Aging
  106. Eak-7 Controls Development And Life Span By Regulating NuclearDaf-16/Foxo Activity
  107. Effect Of Oxidative Stress On Translocation OfDaf-16 In Oxygen-Sensitive Mutants, Mev-1 And Gas-1 Of Caenorhabditis Elegans
  108. Effects Of Caenorhabditis Elegans Sgk-1 Mutations On Lifespan, Stress Resistance, AndDaf-16/Foxo Regulation
  109. Effects Of Caenorhabditis Elegans Sgk‐1 Mutations On Lifespan, Stress Resistance, AndDaf‐16/Foxo Regulation
  110. Effects Of Liu-Wei Di-Huang Pill Prescription On Caenorhabditis Elegans Life Span, Daf-2 M Rna AndDaf-16 M Rna Expressions
  111. Effects Of Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharides On Health And Aging Of C. Elegans Depend On Daf-12/Daf-16
  112. Effects Of The Flavonoids Kaempferol And Fisetin On Thermotolerance, Oxidative Stress And Foxo Transcription FactorDaf-16 In The Model Organism Caenorhabditis …
  113. Electrolyzed-Reduced Water Mitigates Amyloid Beta Toxicity ViaDaf-16 In C. Elegans
  114. Emodin Extends Lifespan Of Caenorhabditis Elegans Through Insulin/Igf-1 Signaling Pathway Depending OnDaf-16 And Sir-2.1
  115. Enhanced Ros Production Leads To Excessive Fat Accumulation ThroughDaf-16 In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  116. Enrichment Of Regulatory Motifs Upstream Of PredictedDaf-16 Targets
  117. Epimedium Flavonoids Mitigate Proteotoxicity And Extend Healthspan ViaDaf-16 In C. Elegans
  118. Eps7630® From Pelargonium Sidoides Increases Stress Resistance In Caenorhabditis Elegans Probably Via TheDaf-16/Foxo Pathway
  119. Erratum To: Ethosuximide Ameliorates Neurodegenerative Disease Phenotypes By ModulatingDaf-16/Foxo Target Gene Expression
  120. Ethosuximide Ameliorates Neurodegenerative Disease Phenotypes By ModulatingDaf-16/Foxo Target Gene Expression
  121. Extract Exerts Antioxidative Effects And Increases Life Span And Stress Resistance In The Model Organism Caenorhabditis Elegans ViaDaf-16 And Sir-2.1
  122. Extract Prolongs Lifespan And Protects Against Amyloid-Β Toxicity In Caenorhabditis Elegans: Involvement Of The Foxo And Nrf2 OrthologuesDaf-16 And Skn-1
  123. Fermented Brown Sugar Residue Prolongs The Caenorhabditis Elegans Lifespan ViaDaf-16
  124. Fermented Product Of Rice With Lactobacillus Kefiranofaciens Induces Anti-Aging Effects And Heat Stress Tolerance In Nematodes ViaDaf-16
  125. Fluoxetine Protects Against Amyloid-Beta Toxicity, In Part ViaDaf-16 Mediated Cell Signaling Pathway, In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  126. Foxo/Daf-16 Activation Slows Down Turnover Of The Majority Of Proteins In C. Elegans
  127. Foxo/Daf-16 Restored Thrashing Movement Reduced By Heat Stress In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  128. Function Of Rsks-1-Aak-2-Daf-16 Signaling Cascade In Enhancing Toxicity Of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Can Be Suppressed By Mir-259 Activation In …
  129. G2019S Lrrk2 Increases Stress Susceptibility Through Inhibition OfDaf-16 Nuclear Translocation In A 14-3-3 Associated-Manner In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  130. Genes That Act Downstream OfDaf-16 To Influence The Lifespan Of Caenorhabditis Elegans
  131. Gengnianchun, A Traditional Chinese Medicine, Enhances Oxidative Stress Resistance And Lifespan In Caenorhabditis Elegans By ModulatingDaf-16/Foxo
  132. Genome-Wide EndogenousDaf-16/Foxo Recruitment Dynamics During Lowered Insulin Signalling In C. Elegans
  133. Germ-Cell Loss Extends C. Elegans Life Span Through Regulation OfDaf-16 By Kri-1 And Lipophilic-Hormone Signaling
  134. Glochidion Zeylanicum Leaf Extracts Exhibit Lifespan Extending And Oxidative Stress Resistance Properties In Caenorhabditis Elegans ViaDaf-16/Foxo And Skn-1/Nrf-2 …
  135. Glucose Shortens The Life Span Of C. Elegans By DownregulatingDaf-16/Foxo Activity And Aquaporin Gene Expression
  136. Gravity Force Transduced By The Mec-4/Mec-10 Deg/Enac Channel ModulatesDaf-16/Foxo Activity In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  137. High-Molecular Weight Polyphenols From Black Tea Increase Lifespan In Caenorhabditis Elegans Via The Forkhead Transcription FactorDaf-16
  138. Hypotaurine Promotes Longevity And Stress Tolerance Via The Stress Response FactorsDaf-16/Foxo And Skn-1/Nrf2 In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  139. Identification And Characterization Of Regulators Of The Longevity FactorDaf-16 In C. Elegans
  140. Identification Of ADaf-16 Transcriptional Target Gene, Scl-1, That Regulates Longevity And Stress Resistance In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  141. Identification Of DirectDaf-16 Targets Controlling Longevity, Metabolism And Diapause By Chromatin Immunoprecipitation
  142. Identification Of Direct Target Genes Using Joint Sequence And Expression Likelihood With Application ToDaf-16
  143. Identification Of HookwormDaf-16/Foxo Response Elements And Direct Gene Targets
  144. Identification Of The Differential Distribution Patterns Of Mrnas And Consensus Binding Sequences For MouseDaf-16 Homologues
  145. Increased Age ReducesDaf-16 And Skn-1 Signaling And The Hormetic Response Of Caenorhabditis Elegans To The Xenobiotic Juglone
  146. Ingredients In Zijuan Pu’Er Tea Extract Alleviate Β-Amyloid Peptide Toxicity In A Caenorhabditis Elegans Model Of Alzheimer’S Disease Likely ThroughDaf-16
  147. Inhibition Of Polyglutamine-Mediated Proteotoxicity By Astragalus Membranaceus Polysaccharide Through TheDaf-16/Foxo Transcription Factor In Caenorhabditis …
  148. Ins-7 Gene Expression Is Partially Regulated By TheDaf-16/Iis Signaling Pathway In Caenorhabditis Elegans Under Celecoxib Intervention
  149. Insulin Signaling Promotes Ras/Mapk Cascade Activity By Inhibiting The Foxo Transcription FactorDaf-16
  150. Insulin Signaling-Independent Activation OfDaf-16 Shapes The Transcriptome During Normal Aging
  151. Integration Of Diverse Inputs In The Regulation Of Caenorhabditis ElegansDaf‐16/Foxo
  152. Interaction Of Hookworm 14-3-3 With The Forkhead Transcription FactorDaf-16 Requires Intact Akt Phosphorylation Sites
  153. Interplay Of Neuronal And Non-Neuronal Genes Regulates IntestinalDaf-16-Mediated Immune Response During Fusarium Infection Of Caenorhabditis Elegans
  154. Intrinsic Jnk-Mapk Pathway Involvement RequiresDaf-16-Mediated Immune Response During Shigella Flexneri Infection In C. Elegans
  155. Investigating Mechanisms That Control Ubiquitin-MediatedDaf-16/Foxo Protein Turnover
  156. Investigating The Functions OfDaf-16 Age-Dependent Transcriptionaltargets As Identified From Rna-Sequencing In C. Elegans
  157. Investigating The Potential Age-Dependent Regulation OfDaf-16-Mediatedstress Resistance By Smk-1 In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  158. Isoamyl Alcohol Odor Promotes Longevity And Stress Tolerance ViaDaf-16 In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  159. Isoxanthohumol, A Constituent Of Hop (Humulus Lupulus L.), Increases Stress Resistance In Caenorhabditis Elegans Dependent On The Transcription FactorDaf-16
  160. Jnk Regulates Lifespan In Caenorhabditis Elegans By Modulating Nuclear Translocation Of Forkhead Transcription Factor/Daf-16
  161. Killed Bifidobacterium Longum Enhanced Stress Tolerance And Prolonged Life Span Of Caenorhabditis Elegans ViaDaf-16
  162. Klotho Proteins Klo-1 And Klo-2 Interact With Daf-2/Daf-16 Pathway To Regulate Energy Metabolism, Stress Resistance And Ageing
  163. L1 Arrest,Daf-16/Foxo And Nonautonomous Control Of Post-Embryonic Development
  164. Liangyi Gao Extends Lifespan And Exerts An Antiaging Effect In Caenorhabditis Elegans By ModulatingDaf-16/Foxo
  165. Life-Span Extension From Hypoxia In Caenorhabditis Elegans Requires Both Hif-1 AndDaf-16 And Is Antagonized By Skn-1
  166. Lifespan Extension In Caenorhabditis Elegans By Dmso Is Dependent On Sir-2.1 AndDaf-16
  167. Lin‐28 Balances Longevity And Germline Stem Cell Number In Caenorhabditis Elegans Through Let‐7/Akt/Daf‐16 Axis
  168. Longevity Genes Revealed By Integrative Analysis Of Isoform-SpecificDaf-16/Foxo Mutants Of Caenorhabditis Elegans
  169. Longevity Promoting Effect Of Catharanthus Roseus (L.) G. Don In C. Elegans Is Modulated ByDaf-16 And Other Genes
  170. Long-Term Starvation And Ageing Induce Age-1/Pi 3-Kinase-Dependent Translocation OfDaf-16/Foxo To The Cytoplasm
  171. Lowbush Cranberry Acts ThroughDaf-16/Foxo Signaling To Promote Increased Lifespan And Axon Branching In Aging Posterior Touch Receptor Neurons
  172. Manipulating The Caenorhabditis Elegans GeneDaf-16 To Understand Longevity
  173. Mechanistic Links Between Aging And Aggregation-Mediated Proteotoxicity: Role Of Hsf-1 AndDaf-16
  174. Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase A Expression Is Regulated By The Daf‐16/Foxo Pathway In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  175. Methyl 3, 4-Dihydroxybenzoate Enhances Resistance To Oxidative Stressors And Lifespan In C. Elegans Partially Via Daf-2/Daf-16
  176. Methylated Derivatives Of Myricetin Enhance Life Span In Caenorhabditis Elegans Dependent On The Transcription FactorDaf-16
  177. Microrna Mir-34 Provides Robustness To Environmental Stress Response Via TheDaf-16 Network In C. Elegans
  178. Microtubule Regulators Act In The Nervous System To Modulate Fat Metabolism And Longevity Through Daf‐16 In C. Elegans
  179. Mir-241; Glp-1 (Fig. 4F And Fig. S7F). Altogether, These Observations Suggest That The Mirnas Down-Regulate Lin-14 And Promote Longevity ViaDaf-16. To Test This …
  180. Molecular Characterization And Functional Analysis Of Daf‐16‐2B Gene In The Pine Wood Nematode, Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus
  181. Molecular Cloning And Dna Binding Characterization OfDaf-16 Orthologs From Ancylostoma Hookworms
  182. Monascin From Monascus-Fermented Products Reduces Oxidative Stress And Amyloid-Β Toxicity ViaDaf-16/Foxo In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  183. Monascus-Fermented Dioscorea Enhances Oxidative Stress Resistance ViaDaf-16/Foxo In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  184. Moringa Oleifera Prolongs Lifespan ViaDaf-16/Foxo Transcriptional Factor In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  185. Morphogenesis Of Strongyloides Stercoralis Infective Larvae Requires TheDaf-16 Ortholog Fktf-1
  186. Mpk-1/Erk Pathway Regulates Dna Damage Response During Development ThroughDaf-16/Foxo
  187. Myricetin-Mediated Lifespan Extension In Caenorhabditis Elegans Is Modulated ByDaf-16
  188. Neuronal Functions Of Foxo/Daf-16
  189. Neuron-Specific Proteotoxicity Of Mutant Ataxin-3 In C. Elegans : Rescue By TheDaf-16 And Hsf-1 Pathways
  190. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Extends The Lifespan Of Caenorhabditis Elegans Mediated By Sir-2.1 AndDaf-16
  191. Non-AutonomousDaf-16/Foxo Activity Antagonizes Age-Related Loss Of C. Elegans Germline Stem/Progenitor Cells
  192. Nonautonomous Regulation Of Neuronal Migration By Insulin Signaling,Daf-16/Foxo, And Pak-1
  193. Nontranscriptional Function Of Foxo1/Daf-16 Contributes To Translesion Dna Synthesis
  194. Nutritional And Hormonal Factors Control The Gene Expression Of Foxos, The Mammalian Homologues OfDaf-16
  195. Octopamine Enhances Oxidative Stress Resistance Through The Fasting‐Responsive Transcription FactorDaf‐16/Foxo In C. Elegans
  196. Oleanolic Acid ActivatesDaf-16 To Increase Lifespan In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  197. Organoruthenium (Ii) Complexes Ameliorates Oxidative Stress And Impedes The Age Associated Deterioration In Caenorhabditis Elegans Through Jnk-1/Daf-16 …
  198. Overlapping And Distinct Functions For A Caenorhabditis Elegans Sir2 AndDaf-16/Foxo
  199. Oxidative Stress Enzymes Are Required ForDaf-16-Mediated Immunity Due To Generation Of Reactive Oxygen Species By Caenorhabditis Elegans
  200. Phosphatidylcholine Extends Lifespan ViaDaf-16 And Reduces Amyloid-Beta-Induced Toxicity In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  201. Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Signaling InhibitsDaf-16 Dna Binding And Function Via 14-3-3-Dependent And 14-3-3-Independent Pathways
  202. Phosphatidylserine Modulates Response To Oxidative Stress Through Hormesis And Increases Lifespan ViaDaf-16 In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  203. Piceatannol Extends The Lifespan Of Caenorhabditis Elegans ViaDaf‐16
  204. Pmk-1 P38 Mapk Promotes Cadmium Stress Resistance, The Expression Of Skn-1/Nrf AndDaf-16 Target Genes, And Protein Biosynthesis In Caenorhabditis …
  205. Pqm-1 ComplementsDaf-16 As A Key Transcriptional Regulator Of Daf-2-Mediated Development And Longevity
  206. Pristionchus PacificusDaf-16 Is Essential For Dauer Formation But Dispensable For Mouth Form Dimorphism
  207. Protein Kinase Mpk-1 Inhibits Fat Accumulation Via Regulating Fat-7 ByDaf-16
  208. Purified Tetrastigma Hemsleyanum Vines Polysaccharide Attenuates Ec-Induced Toxicity In Caco-2 Cells And Caenorhabditis Elegans ViaDaf-16/Foxo Pathway
  209. Purple Pitanga Fruit (Eugenia Uniflora L.) Protects Against Oxidative Stress And Increase The Lifespan In Caenorhabditis Elegans Via TheDaf-16/Foxo Pathway
  210. Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Enhances The Resistance To Oxidative Stress And Extends Lifespan UponDaf-16 And Skn-1 Activities In C. Elegans
  211. Quercetin-Mediated Longevity In Caenorhabditis Elegans: IsDaf-16 Involved?
  212. Rbti Reduced Β-Amyloid-Induced Toxicity By Promoting Autophagy-Lysosomal Degradation ViaDaf-16 In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  213. Red Seaweed Chondrus Crispus Enhance The Immune Response Of Caenorhabditis Elegans To Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Through The Pmk-1, Daf-2/Daf-16, And Skn-1 …
  214. Redox-Dependent Control Of Foxo/Daf-16 By Transportin-1
  215. Reduces The Expression Of Genes That Are Regulated By The Transcrip-Tion FactorsDaf-16 And Hsf-1, Resulting In A Shortened Lifespan. By Knocking Down Daf-2 In C …
  216. Reduction In Ovulation Or Male Sex Phenotype Increases Long-Term Anoxia Survival In ADaf-16-Independent Manner In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  217. Regulation Of Aging And Age-Related Disease ByDaf-16 And Heat-Shock Factor
  218. Regulation Of C. ElegansDaf-16 And Its Human Ortholog Fkhrl1 By The Daf-2 Insulin-Like Signaling Pathway
  219. Regulation OfDaf-16-Mediated Innate Immunity In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  220. Regulation Of Life Span ByDaf-16/Forkhead Transcription Factor In Caenorhabditis Elegans: A Dissertation
  221. Regulation Of Lysosomal Function By TheDaf-16 Forkhead Transcription Factor Couples Reproduction To Aging In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  222. Regulation Of The Caenorhabditis Elegans Longevity ProteinDaf-16 By Insulin/Igf-1 And Germline Signaling
  223. Repeated Temperature Fluctuation Extends The Life Span Of Caenorhabditis Elegans In ADaf-16-Dependent Fashion
  224. Reply To Enrichment Of Regulatory Motifs Upstream Of PredictedDaf-16 Targets
  225. Reversible Reprotoxic Effects Of Manganese ThroughDaf-16 Transcription Factor Activation And Vitellogenin Downregulation In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  226. Rifampicin Reduces Advanced Glycation End Products And ActivatesDaf‐16 To Increase Lifespan In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  227. Rle-1, An E3 Ubiquitin Ligase, Regulates C. Elegans Aging By CatalyzingDaf-16 Polyubiquitination
  228. Rna Helicase Hel-1 Promotes Longevity By Specifically ActivatingDaf-16/Foxo Transcription Factor Signaling In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  229. Rnai Screen OfDaf-16/Foxo Target Genes In C. Elegans Links Pathogenesis And Dauer Formation
  230. Rosmarinus Officinalis L. Increases Caenorhabditis Elegans Stress Resistance And Longevity In ADaf-16, Hsf-1 And Skn-1-Dependent Manner
  231. Ros-Mediated Relationships Between Metabolism AndDaf-16 Subcellular Localization In Caenorhabditis Elegans Revealed By A Novel Fluorometric Method
  232. Royal Jelly PromotesDaf-16-Mediated Proteostasis To Tolerate Β-Amyloid Toxicity In C. Elegans Model Of Alzheimer’S Disease
  233. Royal Jelly-Mediated Prolongevity And Stress Resistance In Caenorhabditis Elegans Is Possibly Modulated By The Interplays OfDaf-16, Sir-2.1, Hcf-1, And 14-3-3 …
  234. Royal Jelly-Mediated Prolongevity In Caenorhabditis Elegans Is Modulated By The Interplays OfDaf-16, Sir-2.1, Hcf-1 And 14-3-3 Proteins
  235. Saponin‐Rich Extracts From Holothuria Leucospilota Mediate Lifespan Extension And Stress Resistance In Caenorhabditis Elegans ViaDaf‐16
  236. Selenite Protects Caenorhabditis Elegans From Oxidative Stress ViaDaf‐16 And Trxr‐1
  237. Seleno-And Telluro-Xylofuranosides Attenuate Mn-Induced Toxicity In C. Elegans Via TheDaf-16/Foxo Pathway
  238. Serotonin Targets TheDaf-16/Foxo Signaling Pathway To Modulate Stress Responses
  239. Silencing The Asi Gustatory Neuron Pair Increases Expression Of The Stress-Resistance Gene Sod-3 In ADaf-16 And Daf-3 Independent Manner.
  240. Sirt3 Interacts With TheDaf-16 Homolog Foxo3A In The Mitochondria, As Well As Increases Foxo3A Dependent Gene Expression
  241. Smk-1, An Essential Regulator OfDaf-16-Mediated Longevity
  242. Specific Enhancer From The C. Elegans Vit-2 Vitellogenin Gene Is Directly Regulated By Elt-2, Mab-3, Fkh-9 AndDaf-16 And Indirectly Regulated By The …
  243. Statins Induce ADaf-16/Foxo-Dependent Longevity Phenotype Via Jnk-1 Through Mevalonate Depletion In C. Elegans
  244. Sterol-Derived Hormone (S) Controls Entry Into Diapause In Caenorhabditis Elegans By Consecutive Activation Of Daf-12 AndDaf-16
  245. Stress-Response Protein Expression AndDaf-16 Translocation Were Induced In Tributyltin-Exposed Caenorhabditis Elegans
  246. Structural And Functional Characterisation Of Foxo/Acan-Daf-16 From The Parasitic Nematode Angiostrongylus Cantonensis
  247. Structural And Functional Characterisation Of The Fork Head Transcription Factor-Encoding Gene, Hc-Daf-16, From The Parasitic Nematode Haemonchus Contortus …
  248. Structure And Developmental Expression Of Strongyloides Stercoralis Fktf-1, A Proposed Ortholog OfDaf-16 In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  249. Studies On Physiological Function Of Foxo/Daf-16 And Hsf-1 On Thermotolerance In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  250. Supplemental Data C. Elegans Sir-2.1 Interacts With 14-3-3 Proteins To ActivateDaf-16 And Extend Life Span
  251. Susceptibility To Daldinia Cf. Concentrica Bioactive Volatiles Is Coupled With Expression Activation Of The Stress-Response Transcription FactorDaf-16, A Part Of …
  252. Targets OfDaf-16 Involved In Caenorhabditis Elegans Adult Longevity And Dauer Formation
  253. The 14-3-3 Protein Ftt-2 RegulatesDaf-16 In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  254. The C. Elegans Microrna Mir-71 Acts In Neurons To Promote Germline-Mediated Longevity Through Regulation OfDaf-16/Foxo
  255. The C. Elegans Ortholog Of Usp7 ControlsDaf-16 Stability In Insulin/Igf-1-Like Signaling
  256. TheDaf-16 Foxo Transcription Factor Regulates Natc-1 To Modulate Stress Resistance In Caenorhabditis Elegans, Linking Insulin/Igf-1 Signaling To Protein N …
  257. TheDaf-16/Foxo Transcription Factor Functions As A Regulator Of Epidermal Innate Immunity
  258. The Deubiquitylase Math-33 ControlsDaf-16 Stability And Function In Metabolism And Longevity
  259. The Evolutionarily Conserved Longevity Determinants Hcf-1 And Sir-2.1/Sirt1 Collaborate To RegulateDaf-16/Foxo
  260. The Fork Head Transcription FactorDaf-16 Transduces Insulin-Like Metabolic And Longevity Signals In C. Elegans
  261. The Fork Head Transcription Factor Fktf-1B From Strongyloides Stercoralis RestoresDaf-16 Developmental Function To Mutant Caenorhabditis Elegans
  262. The Foxo Transcription FactorDaf-16 Bypasses Ire-1 Requirement To Promote Endoplasmic Reticulum Homeostasis
  263. The Lignan Pinoresinol Induces Nuclear Translocation Of Daf‐16 In Caenorhabditis Elegans But Has No Effect On Life Span
  264. The Longevity Effect Of Cranberry Extract In Caenorhabditis Elegans Is Modulated ByDaf-16 And Osr-1
  265. The Longevity Effect Of Echinacoside In Caenorhabditis Elegans Mediated ThroughDaf-16
  266. The Myst Family Histone Acetyltransferase Complex Regulates Stress Resistance And Longevity Through Transcriptional Control Of Daf‐16/Foxo Transcription Factors
  267. The Old-1 Positive Regulator Of Longevity And Stress Resistance Is UnderDaf-16 Regulation In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  268. The P38 Signal Transduction Pathway Participates In The Oxidative Stress-Mediated Translocation OfDaf-16 To Caenorhabditis Elegans Nuclei
  269. The Search ForDaf-16/Foxo Transcriptional Targets: Approaches And Discoveries
  270. The Significance OfDaf-16 And Its Role In The Phenotypic Covariance Of Longevity, Immunity And Stress Resistance In The Caenorhabditis Nematodes
  271. The Stress Response FactorDaf-16/Foxo Is Required For Multiple Compound Families To Prolong The Function Of Neurons With Huntington’S Disease
  272. The Transcription FactorDaf-16 Is Essential For Increased Longevity In C. Elegans Exposed To Bifidobacterium Longum Bb68
  273. Tissue-Specific Activities Of C. ElegansDaf-16 In The Regulation Of Lifespan
  274. Tor Signaling And Rapamycin Influence Longevity By Regulating Skn-1/Nrf AndDaf-16/Foxo
  275. Towards Understanding The Lifespan Extension By Reduced Insulin Signaling: Bioinformatics Analysis OfDaf-16/Foxo Direct Targets In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  276. Transcriptional Outputs Of The Caenorhabditis Elegans Forkhead ProteinDaf‐16
  277. Transcriptional Regulation By The Insulin Signaling EffectorsDaf-16/Foxo And Skn-1/Nrf In C. Elegans
  278. Transcriptional Regulation Of Caenorhabditis Elegans Foxo/Daf-16 Modulates Lifespan
  279. Transcriptional Regulation OfDaf-16 Target Genes In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  280. Transcriptional Targets OfDaf-16 Insulin Signaling Pathway Protect C. Elegans From Extreme Hypertonic Stress
  281. Transgenic C. Elegans Dauer Larvae Expressing Hookworm Phospho NullDaf-16/Foxo Exit Dauer
  282. Two Potential HookwormDaf-16 Target Genes, Snr-3 And Lpp-1: Gene Structure, Expression Profile, And Implications Of A Cis-Regulatory Element In The …
  283. Ultraviolet-A Triggers Photoaging In Model Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans In ADaf-16 Dependent Pathway
  284. Understanding The Role OfDaf-16 Mediated Pathway In Caenorhabditis Elegans During Uv-A Mediated Photoaging Process
  285. Using The Nematode Caenorhabditis ElegansDaf-16 Mutant To Assess The Lifespan Toxicity Of Prolonged Exposure To Ecotoxic Agents
  286. Worming Pathways To And FromDaf-16/Foxo
  287. Α-Mangostin PromotesDaf-16-Mediated Thermotolerance In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  288. 14-3-3 Regulates Life Span By BothDaf-16-Dependent And Independent Mechanisms In
  289. 14-3-3 Regulates Life Span By BothDaf-16-Dependent And-Independent Mechanisms In Caenorhabditis Elegans

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Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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