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Altered Intercellular Communication
Altered Intercellular Communication
Altered intercellular communication in lung fibroblast cultures from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Altered intercellular communication and extracellular matrix signaling as a potential disease mechanism in human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Immunoactivation and altered intercellular communication mediate the pathophysiology of spinal cord injury
Epigenetic toxicology as toxicant-induced changes in intracellular signalling leading to altered gap junctional intercellular communication
Single nucleus RNA-sequencing reveals altered intercellular communication and dendritic cell activation in nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
MicroRNA-mediated vascular intercellular communication is altered in chronic kidney disease
Altered homologous and heterologous gap‐junctional intercellular communication in primary human liver tumors associated with aberrant protein localization but not …
Altered regulation of intercellular communication by epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor-β and peptide hormones in normal human keratinocytes
Altered gap junctional intercellular communication in neoplastic rat esophageal epithelial cells.
Enhancement of altered hepatic foci in rat liver and inhibition of intercellular communication in vitro by the pyrethroid insecticides fenvalerate, flucythrinate and …
Deciphering the Intercellular Communication Between Immune Cells and Altered Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotypes in Aortic Aneurysm From Single …
Reduced intercellular communication and altered morphology of bovine corneal endothelial cells with prolonged time in cell culture
Reduced gap junctional intercellular communication and altered biological effects in mouse osteoblast and rat liver oval cell lines transfected with dominant‐negative …
Altered Intercellular Communication And Extracellular Matrix Signaling As A Disease Mechanism In Human Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Altered gap junctional communication, intercellular signaling, and growth in cultured astrocytes deficient in connexin43
Altered expression of connexin43 in the inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by chlorohydroxyfuranones in WB-F344 rat liver epithelial cells
Altered intercellular communication in human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy inferred from single nuclei RNA-seq, Ligand-Receptor gene expression analysis and …
Chlorobenzilate-induced effects on enzyme-altered foci in rat liver and intercellular communication in rat liver WB-F344 epithelial cells
Altered expression of connexin-43 and impaired capacity of gap junctional intercellular communication in prostate cancer cells
Gap junction intercellular communication should be altered in mitosis
A10789 Effect of omega-3 fatty acids on the extracellular matrix and intercellular communication in the heart of hypertensive rats with altered thyroid status
Carcinoma In Situ of the Testis and Testicular Germ Cell Tumour: Impaired Intercellular Communication Due to Altered Sertoli Cell Differentiation?
… : I. Effect of short-term oral administration of polybrominated biphenyls. II. Effect of dietary vitamin A levels. III. Effects on intercellular communication in cultured rat liver …
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