Advanced Glycation End Products (Ages)

Advanced glycation end products

Key players in skin aging?


Aging is the progressive accumulation of damage to an organism over time leading to disease and death. Aging research has been very intensive in the last years aiming at characterizing the pathophysiology of aging and finding possibilities to fight age-related diseases. Various theories of aging have been proposed. In the last years advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have received particular attention in this context. AGEs are formed in high amounts in diabetes but also in the physiological organism during aging. They have been etiologically implicated in numerous diabetes- and age-related diseases. Strategies inhibiting AGE accumulation and signaling seem to possess a therapeutic potential in these pathologies. However, still little is known on the precise role of AGEs during skin aging. In this review the existing literature on AGEs and skin aging will be reviewed. In addition, existing and potential anti-AGE strategies that may be beneficial on skin aging will be discussed.

Keywords: : advanced glycation end products,skin aging,photoaging,RAGE,AGEs


Aging is defined as the progressive accumulation of damage over time, leading to disturbed function on the cellular, tissue and organ level and eventually to disease and death. Aging is a complex, multifactorial process where genetic, endogenous and environmental factors play a role.

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and also the boundary between an organism and environment. As such, skin is subjected not only to the internal aging process but also to various external stressors, leading to distinct structural changes and affecting not only its youthful appearance, but also its various physiological functions. Aged skin shows disturbed skin permeability, angiogenesis, lipid and sweat production, immune function and vitamin D synthesis, manifesting among others as impaired wound healing, atrophy, vulnerability to external stimuli and development of several benign and malignant diseases (reviewed in Zouboulis et al.).

Endogenously aged skin refers to changes reflecting the internal aging process of the organism and is being observed mainly in ultraviolet (UV) light-protected skin areas, such as the inner side of the arms. Macroscopically it is recognized by fine wrinkles, loss of elasticity, reduced epidermal and dermal thickness, while microscopically epidermal atrophy, decreased mitotic rate of basal keratinocytes, decreased proliferative capacity and cellular senescence, atrophy of the dermal extracellular matrix and change of the physiological properties of the connective tissue are typical characteristics.24 Exogenously aged skin or photoaged skin is the skin where endogenous aging processes are being aggravated by external stressors, mainly UV irradiation,2,5 but also by tobacco,6 chemicals and pollution.2,4 Apart from many similarities with endogenously aged skin, extrinsic aged skin is also characterized by a thickened epidermis and a hyperplasia of elastic tissue (solar elastosis).2,4

Until today, more than 300 theories of aging have been proposed, among them the theory of cellular senescence, decreased proliferative capacity and telomere shortening, mitochondrial DNA single mutations, the free radical theory and others, none of which can fully explain all changes observed in aging.
11 According to the inflammatory theory of aging, a common characteristic of skin aging factors is their ability to induce or maintain proinflammatory changes and trigger a local inflammatory response which through subsequent immune responses, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activation and proinflammatory cytokine production contributes to the structural changes observed in aged skin.

In the recent years, the role of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) has been increasingly discussed in skin aging, and the potential of anti-AGE strategies has received high interest from pharmaceutical companies for the development of novel anti-aging cosmeceutical compounds.

The aim of this work is to critically review the existing literature on AGEs and provide evidence that they play an important role in the pathogenesis of skin aging. Furthermore, existing and potential strategies against the deleterious effects of AGEs on skin aging will be discussed.

Biochemistry of AGEs

Glycation is the non-enzymatic reaction between reducing sugars, such as glucose, and proteins, lipids or nucleic acids.
13 Glycation has to be distinguished from glycosylation, which is an enzymatic reaction. Since its first description by Maillard in 1912 and its involvement in food browning during thermal processing by Hodge 50 years later, its presence in living systems and involvement in various pathologies of the human body, including aging and diabetes, have been an intensive field of research.

Formation of AGEs is a complicated molecular process involving simple and more complex multistep reactions. During the classical Maillard reaction electrophilic carbonyl groups of glucose or other reactive sugars react with free amino groups of amino acids (especially of basic lysine or arginine residues), forming a non-stable Schiff base.16 Further rearrangement leads to formation of a more stable ketoamine (Amadori product) (Fig. 1).13,16 Schiff bases and Amadori products are reversible reaction products. However, they can react irreversibly with amino acid residues of peptides or proteins to form protein adducts or protein crosslinks.13,
16 Alternatively, they can undergo further oxidation, dehydration, polymerization and oxidative breakdown reactions to give rise to numerous other AGEs.13,17 Oxygen, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and redox active transition metals accelerate AGE formation. When an oxidative step is involved, the products are called advanced glycoxidation end products.13,

Figure 1. Schematic presentation of the Maillard reaction. Reactive carbonyl groups of a reducing sugar react with neutrophilic free amino groups of proteins to form a reversible Schiff base. Through rearrangement a more stable Amadori product is formed. Dependent on the nature of these early glycation end products, protein adducts or protein crosslinks are formed.

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AGEs are a very heterogeneous group of molecules. Since the discovery of the first glycated protein, glycated hemoglobin in diabetes, numerous other AGEs have been detected. Some of them have characteristic autofluorescent properties, which simplifies their identification in situ or in vivo.13 To date, numerous AGEs have been identified. Table 1 lists the most commonly found ones in the skin.17

Table 1. Detected AGEs in skin*


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Carboxymethyl-lysine (CML) was first described by Ahmed and represents the most prevalent AGE in vivo.
30 It is a non-fluorescent protein adduct. Mechanisms of its formation include oxidative degradation of Amadori products or direct addition of glyoxal to lysine. It seems to be the major epitope of the commonly used polyclonal anti-AGE antibodies.30

Pentosidine was first isolated and characterized by Sell and Monnier. It is composed of an arginine and a lysine residue crosslinked to a pentose.
31 Pentosidine is a fluorescent glycoxidation product and forms protein-protein crosslinks.16

Dicarbonyl compounds like 3-deoxyglucosome, methylglyoxal and glyoxal derive from oxidative degradation or autooxidation of Amadori products and other pathways.
32 These dicarbonyl compounds are very reactive molecules leading to protein crosslinks.13 Other in vivo characterized AGEs include glucosepane, carboxymethyl-hydroxy-lysine, carboxyethyl-lysine (CEL), fructose-lysine, methylglyoxal-derived hydroimidazolones and pyrraline, which form non-fluorescent protein adducts, while glyoxal-lysine dimer (GOLD) and methylglyoxal-lysine dimer (MOLD) form non-fluorescent protein crosslinks.

AGEs can be exogenously ingested (through food consumption) or be endogenously produced. Endogenous AGE formation is increased in diabetes; however, AGEs are also formed at lower rates by normal metabolic processes of the organism.33 Environmental factors, such as diet and smoking influence the rate of AGE formation.34 Moreover, it seems that the level of circulating AGEs levels are genetically determined, as shown in a cohort study of healthy monozygotic and heterozygotic twins.35

The content of AGEs in the organism is not only defined by the rate of their formation but also by the rate of their removal. Many cells have developed intrinsic detoxifying pathways against accumulation of AGEs.36 The glutathione-dependent glyoxalase system, comprising of glyoxalase (Glo) I and II, has a key role in the defense against glycation.37 This system uses reduced glutathione (GSH) to catalyze the conversion of glyoxal, methylglyoxal and other α-oxoaldehydes to the less toxic D-lactate.37 Other enzymatic systems include fructosyl-amine oxidases (FAOXs) and fructosamine kinases, relatively new classes of enzymes which recognize and break Amadori products.38 However, FAOXs or “amadoriases” have been found to be expressed only in bacteria, yeast and fungi but not in mammals. They oxidatively break Amadori products but act mostly on low molecular weight compounds.39 On the contrary, fructosamine kinases are expressed in various genomes including humans.38 These intracellular enzymes phosphorylate and destabilize Amadori products leading to their spontaneous breakdown.39Fructosamine-3-kinase (FN3K), one of the most studied enzymes in this system, is almost ubiquitary expressed in human tissues including the skin. Thus, it plays an important role in the intracellular breakdown of Amadori products.

Receptors for AGEs

AGEs not only exert their deleterious actions due to their biological properties per se, but also through their interaction with specific receptors. Receptor for AGEs (RAGE) is a multiligand member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell surface receptors, encoded by a gene on chromosome 6 near the major histocompatibility complex III. It is a pattern recognition receptor binding in addition to AGEs various other molecules such as S-100/calgranulins, high motility group protein B1 (amphoterine), β-amyloid peptides and β-sheet fibrils.33,
41 The binding of ligands to RAGE stimulates various signaling pathways including the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) 1 and 2, phosphatidyl-inositol 3 kinase, p21Ras, stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun-N-terminal kinase and the janus kinases.33,41 Stimulation of RAGE results in activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa-B (NFκB) and subsequent transcription of many proinflammatory genes.41,42Interestingly, RAGE-induced activation of NFκB is characterized by a sustained and self-perpetuating action, through induction of positive feedback loops and overwhelming of the autoregulatory negative feedback loops. RAGE activation leads to new synthesis of the transcriptionally active subunit p65, which overwhelms the newly synthesized inhibitor IκBα. Moreover NFκB increases further expression of RAGE, which itself further stimulates NFκB, forming a vicious cycle of self-renewing and perpetuating proinflammatory signals.41 RAGE activation can directly induce oxidative stress by activating nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-oxidase (NOX), decreasing activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and other pathways, and indirectly by reducing cellular antioxidant defenses, like GSH and ascorbic acid.41,43,44 The reduction of GSH leads furthermore to decreased activity of Glo I, the major cellular defense system against methylglyoxal, therefore supporting further production of AGEs.37 RAGE is almost ubiquitary expressed in the organism, typically at low levels, and its expression is upregulated under various pathologic conditions.41,45 In the skin, RAGE expression was observed in both epidermis and dermis, and it was increased in sun-exposed compared with UV irradiation-protected areas. Keratinocytes, fibroblasts, dendritic cells and to a lesser extent endothelial cells and lymphocytes express RAGE.45 Not only in vivo, but also in vitro, various skin cells types have been shown to express RAGE (Table 2).43,4551

Table 2. Expression of human RAGE in skin and skin cells*

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RAGE is the most studied receptor for advanced glycation end products. Another group of cell surface receptors, AGER1, AGER2 and AGER3 seem to regulate endocytosis and degradation of AGEs, thus counteracting the effects of RAGE.52 AGER1 has been further shown to counteract AGEs-induced oxidative stress via inhibition of RAGE signaling.53,54 Soluble RAGE (sRAGE) is a truncated splice variant of RAGE containing the ligand-binding domain but not the transmembrane domain and has been found in plasma. sRAGE is a soluble extracellular protein without signaling properties and it is considered as a natural decoy receptor of RAGE.

Role of AGEs During Skin Aging

Cutaneous accumulation of AGEs is a feature of skin aging

As mentioned above, AGEs can be directly formed in the organism or be exogenously ingested. Accumulation of AGEs has been detected in various tissues during aging and diabetes, including articular collagen, skeletal and smooth vascular muscles or glomerular basement membranes.5658 Accordingly, deposited AGEs in these tissues have been implicated in various diabetes- or age-associated pathologies such as diabetic angiopathy, age- and diabetes-associated macular degeneration and osteoarthritis.5662

Skin, due to its easy accessibility, offers an excellent opportunity for minimal invasive or even non-invasive investigation of glycation, taking advantage of the characteristic autofluorescent properties of AGEs. Accumulation of AGEs in the skin has been therefore thoroughly studied and is detected not only in diabetes as expected but also during chronological aging.20,63,64 Glycation-associated skin autofluorescence was shown to correlate with chronological aging in a large number of healthy subjects.65

It is a general perception today that AGE accumulation is dependent on protein turnover rate; therefore long-lived proteins are thought to be mainly modified by glycation.66 Collagen types I and IV, exhibiting a slow turnover rate of about 10 y, and other dermal long-lived proteins like fibronectin mainly suffer from glycation during intrinsic chronological aging.19,20 The appearance of glycated collagen is first observed at the age of 20. It accumulates with a yearly rate of about 3,7% reaching a 30–50% increase at 80 y of age.20,67 CML was recently histochemically detected in human epidermis from healthy donors.18 The upper epidermal layers were mostly involved (stratum spinosum, granulosum and corneum) and the authors identified cytokeratin 10 (CK10) (expressed by differentiated keratinocytes) as a target protein for CML modification. The amount of CML in younger donors seemed to be weak in comparison to the older ones. The latter study had restrictions, as the size of the sample was small and heterogeneous, but indicates a potential involvement of AGEs in epidermal physiology and a possible involvement of more short-lived proteins in glycation chemistry. Moreover, in an in vitro reconstructed organ skin model, both epidermis and dermis, as well as their functions, were modified by glycation.68

AGEs also seem to highly accumulate in extrinsically aged skin. Until now, the deleterious effects of UV irradiation have been mainly attributed to proinflammatory changes, apoptosis, oxidative damage, mutagenesis and induction of MMPs.2,5 However, it has been shown that in young individuals, where typically no significant accumulation of AGEs in sun-protected skin is observed, sun-exposed areas display an increased deposition of these substances.20,69 Accumulation of AGEs was mainly found in sites of solar elastosis in sun-exposed skin, showing that UV irradiation may also precipitate the formation of AGEs in vivo.20,23 It is tempting to speculate that formation of AGEs in sun-exposed skin may be one additional mechanism mediating the various structural and functional modifications during photoaging.

Moreover, smoking, a typical aggravating factor of skin aging, accelerates formation of AGEs and increases their deposition in various tissues including skin.70,71 Another important environmental factor for aging is diet. The content of AGEs in food is highly dependent on the method of preparation, like cooking time and temperature. Fried food contains in general far higher amounts of AGEs than boiled or steamed food.72 Approximately 10–30% of ingested AGEs are absorbed in the circulation.73 Dietary AGEs directly correlate with serum levels of AGEs and inflammatory markers in healthy human subjects, respectively.73

It has been widely accepted that AGEs, once formed, can be only removed when the modified proteins degrade. However it has now become apparent that in the organism various enzymatic systems seem to be involved in the degradation or removal of AGEs. As mentioned above, Glo I is an enzyme responsible for the removal of reactive α-dicarbonyl compounds. Interestingly, decreased activity of such defense systems against AGEs has been reported during aging.44 These age-related changes may further increase the extent of deposited AGEs in a living organism over time.

Consequences of AGE deposition in skin

AGEs can be formed intracellularly and extracellularly. Their presence in biological molecules modifies their biomechanical and functional properties. Proteins, lipids and nucleic acids can be targets of advanced glycation, modifying enzyme-substrate interactions, protein-DNA interactions, protein-protein interactions, DNA regulation and epigenetic modulation, thus interfering with numerous physiological functions of the organism. Moreover, AGEs are themselves reactive molecules which through interaction with their receptors activate various molecular pathways in vivo, thus becoming involved in inflammation, immune response, cell proliferation and gene expression (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Effects of AGEs on skin. AGEs are formed intracellularly and extracellularly. They can react with proteins, lipids and nucleic acids in almost all skin cells as well as on intracellular or extracellular proteins. Through alteration of the physicochemical properties of dermal proteins, decreased cell proliferation, increased apoptosis and senescence, induction of oxidative stress and proinflammatory mediators as well as other pathways, AGEs contribute to the overall picture of skin aging. Triangles represent AGEs. Abbreviations: jak/stat, januskinase/signal transducers and activators of transcription; MCP-1, monocyte chemotactic protein-1; all other abbreviations are already explained in the text.

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1. Extracellular matrix proteins

Extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins have been regarded as one of the major target structures for glycation. The most abundant collagen type in the skin is type I, whereas collagen IV is being found in the basal membrane. Collagen is one of the strongest proteins. In the skin, it is not only used as a supportive framework for mechanical support for cells and tissues, but represents an active component being able to interact with cells and affect various cellular functions such as migration, differentiation and proliferation.

Collagen glycation impairs its function in various ways. Intermolecular crosslinks of adjacent collagen fibers change its biomechanical properties leading to stiffness and decreased flexibility, thus increasing its susceptibility to mechanical stimuli.74 The change of its charge and the formation of AGEs on side chains of collagen affect its contact sites with cells and other matrix proteins and inhibit its ability to react with them.75 The precise aggregation of monomers into the triple helix may be affected as well as the association of collagen IV with laminin in the basal membrane.16 Modified collagen resists degradation by MMPs, thus inhibiting its removal and replacement by newly synthesized and functional one.62Accordingly, tissue permeability and turnover is impaired.16,76

Other extracellular matrix proteins suffering from advanced glycation are elastin and fibronectin, contributing further to dermal dysfunction.19,20,23 Of note, CML-modified elastin has been found almost exclusively in sites of actinic elastosis and not in sun-protected skin, underlining its potential role in photoaging. Indeed, UV irradiation stimulates glycation of elastin in the presence of sugars. Moreover, CML-modified elastin assembled in large and irregular structures, has decreased elasticity and is resistant to proteolytic degradation.77

It has been shown that in vitro glycated skin samples have impaired biomechanical properties.78 In vivo, decreased skin elasticity characterizes diabetic subjects in comparison to healthy controls.79

2. Intracellular proteins

Intermediate filaments such as vimentin in fibroblasts and CK10 in keratinocytes have been found to be modified by AGEs.18,22 Cytoskeletal proteins are important in providing stability of the cytoskeleton and are crucially involved in numerous cellular functions such as migration and cellular division. Various other intracellular proteins including enzymes and growth factors may be targets of non-enzymatic modification by sugars. Glycated basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) displays impaired mitogenic activity in endothelial cells.80 Glycation of enzymes of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and of the lysosomal proteolytic system has been shown to inhibit their action.81 Antioxidant and other protective enzymes such as Cu-Zn-SOD can be inactivated.82 Other intracellular components, such as DNA and lipids can be glycated with detrimental effects on their function.13,83

3. Receptors for AGEs: RAGE

AGEs do not only act by altering the physicochemical properties of glycated proteins. Interestingly, AGEs may bind to their cell surface receptor, RAGE, initiating a cascade of signals influencing cell cycle and proliferation, gene expression, inflammation and extracellular matrix synthesis (reviewed in Bierhaus et al.).41 As mentioned above, RAGE is broadly expressed in human skin and in epidermal keratinocytes, dermal fibroblasts and endothelial cells in vitro. It is highly found in sites of solar elastosis, and its expression is induced by advanced glycation end products and proinflammatory cytokines like TNFα.45 In skin cells RAGE has been shown to decrease cell proliferation, induce apoptosis and increase MMPs production.47 Many of these effects involve NFκB signaling.47

4. Effects of AGEs on resident skin cells

AGEs have been shown to affect various functions of skin cells in vitro (Table 3). They decrease proliferation and enhance apoptosis of human dermal fibroblasts, an effect which is at least partly RAGE-dependent and correlates with the activation of NFκB and caspases.87 In keratinocytes, AGEs decrease cell viability and migration and induce the expression of proinflammatory mediators.84 Moreover, AGEs are able to induce premature senescence in human dermal fibroblasts and in normal human keratinocytes in vitro.86,
90 Collagen and ECM protein synthesis have been also found to be decreased, while the expression of MMPs is induced.47 Dicarbonyls such as glyoxal and methylglyoxal impair the signaling of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a receptor controlling various cellular functions such as proliferation, differentiation, motility and survival, by formation of EGFR crosslinks, blocking of phosphorylation and impaired activation of ERKs and phospholipase C.92 Various other growth factors or proteins significant for cellular functions, like bFGF, may be glycated inhibiting their functions.80 In the context of extrinsic aging, AGEs seem to render cells more sensitive to external stimuli, as UVA irradiated fibroblasts and keratinocytes exhibit decreased viability after exposure to AGEs.85,93

Table 3. Effects of AGEs/RAGE on skin morphology and physiology during aging*

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5. The role of oxidative stress

Oxidative stress has been widely accepted to mediate the deleterious effects of solar radiation in the skin during photoaging. Interestingly, in vitro exposure of AGEs to UVA irradiation leads to formation of ROS, such as superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals.93 AGEs can lead to ROS formation in cells by various ways. They can stimulate NOX to induce production of superoxide anion or they can compromise cellular antioxidant defense systems, e.g. inactivation of Cu-Zn-SOD by cross-linking and site-specific fragmentation of this molecule.82 Moreover, AGEs are themselves very reactive molecules. As early as during their crosslinking reactions they can act as electron donors leading to formation of superoxide anions.94 Glycation of proteins creates active enzyme-like centers (cation-radical sites of crosslinked proteins) able to catalyze one-electron oxidation-reduction reactions leading to ROS generation with or without presence of oxygen or transition metals such as iron and copper.94-,96

Finally, autofluorescent AGEs, such as pentosidine, can act as endogenous photosensitizers leading to increased ROS formation after UVA irradiation of human skin.97 UV irradiation of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts in the presence of AGEs led to increased ROS formation and decreased proliferation in vitro.85

6. Skin AGEs as biomarkers of aging

As AGEs have been etiologically implicated in aging and aging-related pathologies, the idea of using them as biomarkers is appealing. AGEs in the skin have been initially measured by western blots (WB) with polyclonal antibodies or by autofluorescence measurements of skin biopsies, thus restricting the wide use of these measurements. An AGE-Reader (DiagnOptics B.V., Groningen, The Netherlands) has been introduced some years ago as a new, non-invasive method to measure in vivo the skin content of AGEs based on their characteristic autofluorescence.98

Until now it has been shown that skin autofluorescence positively correlates with various diabetes- and age-related complications such as micro- and macrovascular complications, renal disease, cardiovascular events, overall mortality, age-related macular degeneration and chronic renal disease.99,101,102 Skin glycation has been proposed as a prognostic factor for the development of diabetic complications.103Lately it was shown that skin autofluorescence increases with chronological aging and correlates with skin deposition of AGEs, making this method a potential tool in investigating the effect of various anti-aging products of the cosmetic industry.104

Anti-AGE Strategies: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives

Since the emergence of AGEs as an important pathogenetic factor in diabetes and aging the development of strategies against AGEs has been in the center of scientific interest. Substances able to prevent or inhibit formation of AGEs, as well as agents able to break already formed AGEs or those antagonizing their signaling have been identified. Some of them are already being tested in clinical trials.105,106

1. Substances preventing or inhibiting AGE formation

Aminoguanidine was one of the first substances identified limiting the formation of AGEs.107Aminoguanidine is a nucleophilic hydrazine and its anti-AGE properties result from trapping of early glycation products such as carbonyl intermediate compounds. It has no effects on more advanced stages of glycation. Despite its potential effects in attenuating various diabetes- and age-related complications in animal models, its use in clinical practice is limited due to adverse effects in clinical trials with diabetic patients.108 In an in vitro skin aging model it could attenuate collagen glycation, however its effects against AGE-induced collagen modification in vivo have been contradictory.109111 Studies on topical application of aminoguanidine in the skin are lacking.

Pyridoxamine, a naturally occurring vitamin B6 isoform, seems to be another tool in the fight against AGEs. Pyridoxamine traps reactive carbonyl intermediates, scavenges ROS and in addition inhibits post-Amadori stages of AGEs formation.112 It has shown promising results in a phase II clinical trial against diabetic nephropathy.113 Oral intake of pyridoxamine resulted in potent inhibition of skin collagen CML formation in diabetic rats.111 However, its potential against skin aging remains to be shown.

2. “AGE breakers”

Chemical substances and enzymes able to recognize and break the Maillard reaction crosslinks have been identified. Such chemical AGE breakers are dimethyl-3-phenayl-thiazolium chloride (ALT-711), N-phenacylthiazolium and N-phenacyl-4,5-dimethylthiazolium.113 They have been developed to chemically break the prototypical Maillard reaction crosslink via a thiazolium structure.113 Promising results against cardiovascular complications in diabetes and aging have been reported, although their actual ability to cleave existing protein crosslinks in tissues has been questioned.114117 In the rat ALT-711 showed some promising results on skin hydration.113

Interference with intrinsic AGE-detoxifying enzymes like FAOXs, FN3K and the enzymatic system of Glo is another interesting strategy to remove AGEs, as enzymes recognize specific substrates and may be associated with fewer side effects.37,38,118 There are a lot of data supporting the significance of these enzyme systems in aging. As noted above decreased Glo I activity and increased accumulation of AGEs with age have been shown in many tissues and animals.37 Overexpression of Glo I significantly inhibits hyperglycemia-induced intracellular formation of AGEs in bovine aortic endothelial cells and in mouse mesangial cells by reduction of intracellular oxidative stress and apoptosis.119,120 A potential in vivo beneficial effect of Glo I against AGEs could be also shown in transgenic rats.121 Interestingly, it has been recently shown that Glo I is transcriptionally controlled by Nrf2, and that pharmacological Nrf2 activators increase Glo I mRNA and protein levels as well as its activity.122 The pharmacological induction of such enzymes could represent a novel future strategy against AGEs. Fructosamine phosphokinases are relatively new enzymes and currently under investigation, and until now no inductors or activators of their expression have been found.40 FAOXs on the other hand are not expressed in mammals, and their potential use in humans by enzymatic engineering remains to be discovered.39

3. Nutriceuticals

Since oxidation steps are crucially involved in formation of many AGEs, substances with antioxidative or metal chelating properties, may also have antiglycating activities.123 Thus, a lot of interest has been directed to nutrients and vitamins, so called “nutriceuticals,” as natural tools against AGEs.106,124

Accordingly, an increasing list of natural antioxidants and chelating agents such as ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol, niacinamide, pyridoxal, sodium selenite, selenium yeast, trolox, rivoflavin, zink and manganese has been shown to inhibit glycation of albumin in vitro.125 Alpha-lipoic acid was able to reverse tail tendon collagen glycation in fructose-fed rats, an effect which was attributed to its endogenous antioxidant action, its ability to recycle ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol and GSH as well as to its positive influence on glucose uptake and glycaemia.126 Green tea, vitamins C and E and a combination of N-acetylcystein with taurine and oxerutin could inhibit skin collagen glycation in mice.124,127 Another compound, the green tea-derived polyphenol and flavonoid epigallocatechin-3-gallate revealed also promising in vitro effects by antagonizing AGE-induced proinflammatory changes.128 In healthy human subjects, supplementation of vitamin C significantly decreased serum protein glycation.129

Many spices and herbs were shown to inhibit glycation of albumin in vitro, among them ginger, cinnamon, cloves, marjoram, rosemary and tarragon.130 Their protective effects correlated with their phenolic content. Recently, in vivo beneficial effects of some of these compounds were shown in zebrafish.131

Other promising compounds include blueberry extract and naturally occurring flavonoids, such as luteolin, quercetin and rutin, which can inhibit various stages of AGE formation.132,133 Recently, blueberry extract, an AGE-inhibitor and C-xyloside, a glycosaminoglycan synthesis stimulator, were tested for 12 weeks in female diabetic subjects. This treatment resulted in significant improvement of skin firmness, wrinkles and hydration although it failed to show a significant decrease in the cutaneous content of AGEs.132

4. Caloric restriction and dietary measures

As nutrition is an important factor in skin aging, dietary caloric restriction may be effective in preventing accumulation of AGEs in the human body. In mice restriction of caloric intake increases lifespan and delays many age-related dysfunctions by altering stress response and influencing the expression of various metabolic and biosynthetic genes.134 Dietary restriction could significantly decrease the levels of AGEs in rat and mice skin collagen.135,136 Skin collagen glycation and glycoxidation inversely correlated with lifespan whereas caloric restriction led to decreased accumulation of AGEs and increased lifespan.137Dietary restriction may not be a pragmatic option in humans; however a restriction in intake of dietary “glycotoxins” may be more feasible. As outlined above these dietary glycotoxins derive from nutrition. In humans dietary glycotoxins significantly increase concentrations of systemic inflammatory mediators like TNFα, interleukin (IL)-6 and C-reactive protein and are thus considered as diabetogenic, nephrotoxic and proatherogenic.59,138,139 Dietary intake of AGEs correlates with serum AGEs and can induce systemic oxidative stress, increase RAGE expression, decrease antioxidant levels and shorten lifespan in mice.54 A diet with a low content in AGEs could reduce circulating AGEs and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with diabetes and renal failure thus seeming to be an important supportive therapy in diabetes.140,141 In mice low dietary AGEs had beneficial effects in wound healing and other diabetes mellitus-associated pathologies.142 There are no studies investigating the effects of AGE-poor diets on skin aging in humans. However, it has been shown that skin collagen glycation positively correlates with blood glucose levels in diabetes and that intensive treatment can reduce the levels of skin glycation, implicating that a diet low in AGEs may have a beneficial effect on skin glycation.143,144

5. Targeting RAGE

Another potential strategy against excessive accumulation of AGEs could be the antagonism of RAGE.145Possible approaches include gene knock-down of RAGE by siRNA or anti-sense and antagonism of RAGE with putative small molecular inhibitors against RAGE-induced signaling.50,145 Promising effects in various systems have been shown in vitro and in vivo with neutralizing anti-RAGE antibodies.41 Since serum concentrations of sRAGE negatively correlate with AGE-induced pathologies, neutralization of AGEs by these decoy receptors of RAGE may be considered as another potential anti-AGE strategy. Potential protective effects of sRAGE have been shown in various diabetes and inflammatory models.41,44,45,146Interestingly, sRAGE could also attenuate impaired wound healing in diabetic mice. Therefore, studies will be needed to investigate an analogous effect on skin aging.147

6. Others

Molecular chaperones like carnosine have lately shown promise in improving skin appearance in various studies at least in part by reducing the amounts of skin AGEs.


There is ample evidence that AGEs play an important role in skin aging. There are also numerous studies investigating potential substances against excessive accumulation of AGEs in tissues. Some of these studies have already shown protective effects against diabetic complications. As controlled human studies investigating the effects of these anti-AGE strategies against skin aging are largely missing, this is a hot field for future research.


  1. Increase in the Advanced Glycation end product pentosidine in Bruch’s membrane with age.
  2. Chelating activity of Advanced Glycation end-product inhibitors
  3. The Advanced Glycation end product , N∊-(carboxymethyl) lysine, is a product of both lipid peroxidation and glycoxidation reactions
  4. Advanced Glycation end product interventions reduce diabetes-accelerated atherosclerosis
  5. Recent progress in Advanced Glycation and diabetic vascular disease: role of Advanced Glycation end product receptors
  6. Improved arterial compliance by a novel Advanced Glycation end-product crosslink breaker
  7. Plasma levels of pentosidine in diabetic patients: an Advanced Glycation end product .
  8. The effect of Advanced Glycation end-product formation upon cell-matrix interactions
  9. Advanced Glycation end product ligands for the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : biochemical characterization and formation kinetics
  10. Reaction of metformin with dicarbonyl compounds. Possible implication in the inhibition of Advanced Glycation end product formation
  11. Immunological detection of a novel Advanced Glycation end-product
  12. Advanced Glycation end product Cross‐Linking: Pathophysiologic Role and Therapeutic Target in Cardiovascular Disease
  13. Advanced Glycation end product recognition by the receptor for AGEs
  14. Dietary glycotoxins correlate with circulating Advanced Glycation end product levels in renal failure patients
  15. Therapeutic potential of breakers of Advanced Glycation end product –protein crosslinks
  16. High serum level of pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) , is a risk factor of patients with heart failure
  17. Inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end product formation and neurovascular dysfunction in experimental diabetes
  18. Effect of Advanced Glycation end product intake on inflammation and aging: a systematic review
  19. N. epsilon.-(Carboxymethyl) lysine is a dominant Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) antigen in tissue proteins
  20. Advanced Glycation end product receptor‐mediated cellular dysfunction
  21. Immunohistochemical detection of imidazolone, a novel Advanced Glycation end product , in kidneys and aortas of diabetic patients.
  22. Advanced Glycation end product -induced activation of NF-κB is suppressed by α-lipoic acid in cultured endothelial cells
  23. Advanced Glycation end product level, diabetes, and accelerated cognitive aging
  24. Clearance of pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product , by different modalities of renal replacement therapy
  25. Advanced Glycation end-product cross-link breakers: a novel approach to cardiovascular pathologies related to the aging process
  26. Advanced Glycation end product precursors impair epidermal growth factor receptor signaling
  27. ELISA of pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product , in biological specimens
  28. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end product formation on collagen by rutin and its metabolites
  29. Oxidative stress, Advanced Glycation end product , and coronary artery calcification in hemodialysis patients
  30. Glucosepane: a poorly understood Advanced Glycation end product of growing importance for diabetes and its complications
  31. … transforming growth factor beta and vascular endothelial growth factor in diabetic nephropathy in rats by a novel Advanced Glycation end product inhibitor, OPB-9195
  32. Advanced Glycation end product modification of bone proteins and bone remodelling: hypothesis and preliminary immunohistochemical findings
  33. Advanced Glycation end product accumulation: a new enemy to target in chronic kidney disease?
  34. … and glomerulosclerosis in a new mouse model of diabetic nephropathy and its regression by bone morphogenic protein-7 and Advanced Glycation end product …
  35. Increased pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product , in plasma and synovial fluid from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and its relation with inflammatory …
  36. Skin Advanced Glycation end product accumulation and muscle strength among adult men
  37. Role of oxidative stress in Advanced Glycation end product -induced mesangial cell activation
  38. Characterization of the Advanced Glycation end-product receptor complex in human vascular endothelial cells
  39. Inhibition of NADPH oxidase prevents Advanced Glycation end product –mediated damage in diabetic nephropathy through a protein kinase C-α–dependent pathway
  40. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) –mediated induction of tissue factor in cultured endothelial cells Is dependent on RAGE
  41. Significance of fructose-induced protein oxidation and formation of Advanced Glycation end product
  42. Advanced Glycation end product -induced apoptosis and overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in …
  43. Glycationand Advanced Glycation end-product formation with icodextrin and dextrose
  44. Identification of Nω-carboxymethylarginine as a novel acid-labile Advanced Glycation end product in collagen
  45. Advanced Glycation end-product of low density lipoprotein activates the toll-like 4 receptor pathway implications for diabetic atherosclerosis
  46. Contribution of the Advanced Glycation end product pentosidine and of maturation of type I collagen to compressive biomechanical properties of human lumbar …
  47. Blockade of Advanced Glycation end-product formation restores ischemia-induced angiogenesis in diabetic mice
  48. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) receptor 1 suppresses cell oxidant stress and activation signaling via EGF receptor
  49. … suppresses Advanced Glycation end product –induced monocyte chemoattractant protein–1 expression in mesangial cells by reducing Advanced Glycation end product …
  50. Role of hyperglycemia-induced Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) accumulation in atherosclerosis
  51. Pathological implications of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product (AGER) gene polymorphism
  52. Effect of an Advanced Glycation end product -restricted diet and exercise on metabolic parameters in adult overweight men
  53. Advanced Glycation end product associated skin autofluorescence: a mirror of vascular function?
  54. Serum carboxymethyl–lysine, an Advanced Glycation end product , is associated with increased aortic pulse wave velocity in adults
  55. Role of the Maillard reaction in aging of tissue proteins: Advanced Glycation end product -dependent increase in imidazolium cross-links in human lens …
  56. Decreased endogenous secretory Advanced Glycation end product receptor in type 1 diabetic patients: its possible association with diabetic vascular complications
  57. Accumulation of carbonyls accelerates the formation of pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product : carbonyl stress in uremia.
  58. Dietary Advanced Glycation end-product restriction for the attenuation of insulin resistance, oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction: a systematic review
  59. Role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and signalling events in Advanced Glycation end-product-induced monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 …
  60. Genistein inhibits Advanced Glycation end product formation by trapping methylglyoxal
  61. Connective tissue growth factor plays an important role in Advanced Glycation end product –induced tubular epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition: implications for …
  62. Prevention of diabetic vascular dysfunction by guanidines: inhibition of nitric oxide synthase versus Advanced Glycation end-product formation
  63. Tissue-Advanced Glycation end product concentration in dialysis patients
  64. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end product formation by medicinal plant extracts correlates with phenolic metabolites and antioxidant activity
  65. Role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐product (RAGE) and the JAK/STAT‐signaling pathway in AGE‐induced collagen production in NRK‐49F cells
  66. Advanced Glycation end product precursors impair ABCA1-dependent cholesterol removal from cells
  67. Skin autofluorescence, a marker for Advanced Glycation end product accumulation, is associated with arterial stiffness in patients with end-stage renal disease
  68. Advanced Glycation end product homeostasis: exogenous oxidants and innate defenses
  69. Quercetin inhibits Advanced Glycation end product formation by trapping methylglyoxal and glyoxal
  70. Agents that block Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -RAGE (receptor for AGEs)-oxidative stress system: a novel therapeutic strategy for diabetic vascular …
  71. Advanced Glycation end-product Nɛ-carboxymethyl-Lysine accelerates progression of atherosclerotic calcification in diabetes
  72. Recombinant Advanced Glycation end product receptor pharmacokinetics in normal and diabetic rats
  73. Relationship of an Advanced Glycation end product , plasma carboxymethyl-lysine, with slow walking speed in older adults: the InCHIANTI study
  74. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) accumulation on Bruch’s membrane: links to age-related RPE dysfunction
  75. The cross-link breaker, N-phenacylthiazolium bromide prevents vascular Advanced Glycation end-product accumulation
  76. Argpyrimidine, a methylglyoxal-derived Advanced Glycation end-product in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy
  77. Role of Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced receptor (RAGE) expression in diabetic vascular complications
  78. Pigment epithelium-derived factor protects cultured retinal pericytes from Advanced Glycation end product -induced injury through its antioxidative properties
  79. Involvement of Advanced Glycation end product -induced asymmetric dimethylarginine generation in endothelial dysfunction
  80. Antihyperglycemic activity and inhibition of Advanced Glycation end product formation by Cuminum cyminum in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
  81. ERK and Akt signaling pathways are involved in Advanced Glycation end product -induced autophagy in rat vascular smooth muscle cells
  82. The serum concentration of the Advanced Glycation end-product Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine is increased in uremia
  83. Elevated serum levels of N ε-carboxymethyl-lysine, an Advanced Glycation end product , are associated with proliferative diabetic retinopathy and macular …
  84. Impact of oxidative stress biomarkers and carboxymethyllysine (an Advanced Glycation end product ) on prostate cancer: a prospective study
  85. Regulation of Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) receptors and apoptosis by AGEs in osteoblast-like cells
  86. Blockade of receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) attenuates ischemia and reperfusion injury to the liver in mice
  87. Reduction of Advanced Glycation end product levels by on-line hemodiafiltration in long-term hemodialysis patients
  88. Advanced Glycation end-product accumulation and associated protein modification in type II skeletal muscle with aging
  89. Effect of Moringa oleifera on Advanced Glycation end-product formation and lipid metabolism gene expression in HepG2 cells
  90. The Advanced Glycation end‐product Nϵ‐carboxymethyllysine promotes progression of pancreatic cancer: implications for diabetes‐associated risk and its …
  91. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced proliferation of HEL cells via receptor for AGE-related signal pathways
  92. Pigment epithelium-derived factor inhibits Advanced Glycation end product -induced retinal vascular hyperpermeability by blocking reactive oxygen species …
  93. Advanced–Glycation-end-product-induced formation of immunoproteasomes: involvement of RAGE and Jak2/STAT1
  94. The Contribution of Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) accumulation to the decline in motor function
  95. Effect of pseudophosphorylation and cross-linking by lipid peroxidation and Advanced Glycation end product precursors on tau aggregation and filament …
  96. Low Advanced Glycation end product diet improves the lipid and inflammatory profiles of prediabetic subjects
  97. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end-product formation by high antioxidant-leveled spices commonly used in European cuisine
  98. Role of microRNA-214–targeting phosphatase and tensin homolog in Advanced Glycation end product -induced apoptosis delay in monocytes
  99. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -receptor for AGE (RAGE) signaling and up-regulation of Egr-1 in hypoxic macrophages
  100. Olive leaf extracts are a natural source of Advanced Glycation end product inhibitors
  101. Metabolization of the Advanced Glycation end product N-ε-Carboxymethyllysine (CML) by Different Probiotic E. coli Strains
  102. Increased receptor for Advanced Glycation end product expression in the human alcoholic prefrontal cortex is linked to adolescent drinking
  103. Increased serum levels of the specific Advanced Glycation end product methylglyoxal-derived hydroimidazolone are associated with retinopathy in patients with type 2 …
  104. Confocal Raman microscopy can quantify Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) modifications in Bruch’s membrane leading to accurate, nondestructive prediction of …
  105. Implication of receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) in pulmonary health and pathophysiology
  106. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) upregulation in human gingival fibroblasts incubated with nornicotine
  107. Clinical studies of Advanced Glycation end product inhibitors and diabetic kidney disease
  108. Methylglyoxal induces Advanced Glycation end product (AGEs)formation and dysfunction of PDGF receptor‐β: implications for diabetic atherosclerosis
  109. Type IV collagen is transcriptionally regulated by Smad1 under Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) stimulation
  110. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) modified proteins in tears of diabetic patients
  111. Plasma carboxymethyl‐lysine, an Advanced Glycation end product , and all‐cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in older community‐dwelling adults
  112. Attenuation of extracellular matrix accumulation in diabetic nephropathy by the Advanced Glycation end product cross-link breaker ALT-711 via a protein kinase C-α …
  113. Dietary protein intake and circulating Advanced Glycation end product /receptor for Advanced Glycation end product concentrations in the Health, Aging, and Body …
  114. Advanced Glycation end products induce the expression of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 by receptor for Advanced Glycation end product -mediated activation of …
  115. Serum carboxymethyl-lysine, an Advanced Glycation end product , is associated with arterial stiffness in older adults
  116. Vildagliptin blocks vascular injury in thoracic aorta of diabetic rats by suppressing Advanced Glycation end product –receptor axis
  117. Combination therapy with the Advanced Glycation end product cross-link breaker, alagebrium, and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in diabetes: synergy or …
  118. Effects of alagebrium, an Advanced Glycation end‐product breaker, in patients with chronic heart failure: study design and baseline characteristics of the BENEFICIAL …
  119. Anti-inflammatory effects of the Advanced Glycation end product inhibitor LR-90 in human monocytes
  120. Diastolic dysfunction of aging is independent of myocardial structure but associated with plasma Advanced Glycation end-product levels
  121. Ability of resveratrol to inhibit Advanced Glycation end product formation and carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzyme activity, and to conjugate methylglyoxal
  122. Fat mass is inversely associated with serum carboxymethyl-lysine, an Advanced Glycation end product , in adults
  123. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product -dependent activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase contributes to amyloid-β-mediated cortical synaptic …
  124. COX‐2 and iNOS are critical in Advanced Glycation end product ‐activated chondrocytes in vitro
  125. Mdia1 is crucial for Advanced Glycation end product -induced endothelial hyperpermeability
  126. Potential clinical utility of Advanced Glycation end product cross-link breakers in age-and diabetes-associated disorders
  127. … effect of OPB-9195 [(±)-2-isopropylidenehydrazono-4-oxo-thiazolidin-5-ylacetanilide] on Advanced Glycation end product and Advancedlipoxidation end product …
  128. Mangostanaxanthones III and IV: Advanced Glycation end-product inhibitors from the pericarp of Garcinia mangostana
  129. Inhibition of protein glycoxidation and Advanced Glycation end-product formation by barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea) phenolics
  130. Effect of metformin administration on plasma Advanced Glycation end product levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
  131. Increased pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product , in serum and synovial fluid from patients with knee osteoarthritis and its relation with cartilage oligomeric …
  132. Diphlorethohydroxycarmalol attenuates methylglyoxal-induced oxidative stress and Advanced Glycation end product formation in human kidney cells
  133. Glucagon-like peptide-1 protects hippocampal neurons against Advanced Glycation end product -induced tau hyperphosphorylation
  134. Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibits Advanced Glycation end product -induced expression of tumor necrosis factor-α and matrix …
  135. Regulation of Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -receptor (RAGE) system by PPAR-gamma agonists and its implication in cardiovascular disease
  136. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end-product formation on eye lens protein by rutin
  137. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end product formation by cymene–A common food constituent
  138. Relationship between Advanced Glycation end‐product accumulation and low skeletal muscle mass in Japanese men and women
  139. Nε-(Carboxymethyl)lysine-Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product Axis Is a Key Modulator of Obesity-Induced Dysregulation of Adipokine Expression and …
  140. Advanced Glycation end product accumulation is associated with low skeletal muscle mass, weak muscle strength, and reduced bone density: the Nagahama Study
  141. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product : a biomarker for acute coronary syndrome
  142. Dietary intake associated with serum versus urinary carboxymethyl-lysine, a major Advanced Glycation end product , in adults: the Energetics Study
  143. Anti-Advanced Glycation end-product and free radical scavenging activity of plants from the Yucatecan flora
  144. Beneficial effect of Corni Fructus, a constituent of Hachimi-jio-gan, on Advanced Glycation end-product-mediated renal injury in streptozotocin-treated diabetic rats
  145. Advanced Glycation end product cross-link breaker attenuates diabetes-induced cardiac dysfunction by improving sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium handling
  146. Increased concentration of pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product , and interleukin-6 in the vitreous of patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy
  147. … dimethylarginine generation in the kidney of Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by blocking Advanced Glycation end product –induced protein arginine …
  148. Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) -damaged IgG and IgM autoantibodies to IgG-AGE in patients with early synovitis
  149. Molecular basis of maillard amide-Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) formation in vivo
  150. Accumulation of argpyrimidine, a methylglyoxal-derived Advanced Glycation end product , increases apoptosis of lens epithelial cells both in vitro and in vivo
  151. Tissue Advanced Glycation end product deposition after kidney transplantation
  152. Sitagliptin augments protective effects of GLP-1 against Advanced Glycation end product receptor axis in endothelial cells
  153. Stilbene glucoside from Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.: a novel natural inhibitor of Advanced Glycation end product formation by trapping of methylglyoxal
  154. Role of Advanced Glycation end product receptors in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy
  155. A comparative study of sulphated polysaccharide effects on Advanced Glycation end-product uptake and scavenger receptor class A level in macrophages
  156. Complement C3a, CpG oligos, and DNA/C3a complex stimulate IFN-α production in a receptor for Advanced Glycation end product -dependent manner
  157. Ginseng improves cognitive deficit via the RAGE/NF-κB pathway in Advanced Glycation end product -induced rats
  158. Long-term administration of Advanced Glycation end-product stimulates the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome and sparking the development of renal injury
  159. Circulating soluble receptor of Advanced Glycation end product inversely correlates with atherosclerosis in patients with chronic kidney disease
  160. Increased glyoxalase I levels inhibit accumulation of oxidative stress and an Advanced Glycation end product in mouse mesangial cells cultured in high glucose
  161. Age-related increase in an Advanced Glycation end product in penile tissue
  162. The Advanced Glycation end product methylglyoxal-derived hydroimidazolone-1 and early signs of atherosclerosis in childhood diabetes
  163. Benfotiamine alleviates diabetes-induced cerebral oxidative damage independent of Advanced Glycation end-product, tissue factor and TNF-α
  164. Aspirin inhibits the formation of pentosidine, a cross-linking Advanced Glycation end product , in collagen
  165. The Advanced Glycation end product Nepsilon-(carboxymethyl) lysine is increased in serum from children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.
  166. … uptake of methylglyoxal-modified serum albumin. Competition with Advanced Glycation end product -modified serum albumin at the Advanced Glycation end product …
  167. Recombinant antibody color resulting from Advanced Glycation end product modifications
  168. Advanced Glycation end product accumulation in the cardiomyocytes of heart failure patients with and without diabetes.
  169. The Advanced Glycation end product pentosidine correlates to IL-6 and other relevant inflammatory markers in rheumatoid arthritis
  170. Pioglitazone inhibits Advanced Glycation end product -induced matrix metalloproteinases and apoptosis by suppressing the activation of MAPK and NF-κB
  171. Pathological roles of Advanced Glycation end product receptors SR‐A and CD36
  172. Pyridoxamine, an inhibitor of Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) formation ameliorates insulin resistance in obese, type 2 diabetic mice
  173. The neuroprotective role of metformin in Advanced Glycation end product treated human neural stem cells is AMPK-dependent
  174. Phase I clinical studies of the Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) -breaker TRC4186
  175. Impairment of glyoxalase-1, an Advanced Glycation end-product detoxifying enzyme, induced by inflammation in age-related osteoarthritis
  176. Plasma S100A12 and soluble receptor of Advanced Glycation end product levels and mortality in chronic kidney disease Stage 5 patients
  177. Sulforaphane inhibits Advanced Glycation end product –induced pericyte damage by reducing expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  178. Interactions of the Advanced Glycation end product inhibitor pyridoxamine and the antioxidant α-lipoic acid on insulin resistance in the obese Zucker rat
  179. AGER gene polymorphisms and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  180. Proteomic analysis defines altered cellular redox pathways and Advanced Glycation end-product metabolism in glomeruli of db/db diabetic mice
  181. Effects of scavenger receptors-1 class A stimulation on macrophage morphology and highly modified Advanced Glycation end product -protein phagocytosis
  182. Levels of soluble Advanced Glycation end product -receptors and other soluble serum markers as indicators of diabetic neuropathy in the foot
  183. The effect of an Advanced Glycation end-product crosslink breaker and exercise training on vascular function in older individuals: a randomized factorial design trial
  184. Diabetes impairs hippocampal function via Advanced Glycation end product mediated new neuron generation in animals with diabetes-related depression
  185. Siphonaxanthin, a carotenoid from green algae, suppresses Advanced Glycation end product -induced inflammatory responses
  186. Profiling of methylglyoxal blood metabolism and Advanced Glycation end-product proteome using a chemical probe
  187. Constituents with α-glucosidase and Advanced Glycation end-product formation inhibitory activities from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.
  188. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end-product formation and antioxidant activity by extracts and polyphenols from Scutellaria alpina L. and S. altissima L.
  189. Are Advanced Glycation end‐product‐modified proteins of pathogenetic importance in fibromyalgia?
  190. The Advanced Glycation end product Nε-carboxymethyllysine is not a predictor of cardiovascular events and renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetic kidney …
  191. Advanced Glycation end product accumulation in subjects with open-angle glaucoma with and without Exfoliation
  192. Differential contribution of possible pattern‐recognition receptors to Advanced Glycation end product –induced cellular responses in macrophage‐like RAW264. 7 cells
  193. 1 h Postload Glycemia is associated with low endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end product levels and early markers of cardiovascular disease
  194. The diabetic milieu modulates the Advanced Glycation end product -receptor complex in the mesangium by inducing or upregulating galectin-3 expression.
  195. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end-product formation by Origanum majorana L. in vitro and in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  196. Role of the Janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducters and activators of transcription (STAT) cascade in Advanced Glycation end-product-induced cellular mitogenesis in …
  197. Blockade of receptor for Advanced Glycation end product attenuates pulmonary reperfusion injury in mice
  198. Blockade of Advanced Glycation end product formation attenuates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats
  199. Quercetin inhibits Advanced Glycation end product formation via chelating metal ions, trapping methylglyoxal, and trapping reactive oxygen species
  200. Red blood cell adhesion in diabetes mellitus is mediated by Advanced Glycation end product receptor and is modulated by nitric oxide
  201. An expeditious synthesis of pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product
  202. Proteomic studies on receptor for Advanced Glycation end product variants in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  203. Advanced Glycation end product receptor-1 transgenic mice are resistant to inflammation, oxidative stress, and post-injury intimal hyperplasia
  204. Efficacy of alogliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase‐4 inhibitor, on glucose parameters, the activity of the Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) –receptor for AGE (RAGE) …
  205. An Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -rich diet promotes Nε-carboxymethyl-lysine accumulation in the cardiac tissue and tendons of rats
  206. Advanced Glycation end-product pentosidine accumulates in various tissues of rats with high fructose intake.
  207. Pigment epithelium-derived factor inhibits Advanced Glycation end product -elicited mesangial cell damage by blocking NF-κB activation
  208. The association between various smoking behaviors, cotinine biomarkers and skin autofluorescence, a marker for Advanced Glycation end product …
  209. Dehydroepiandrosterone administration counteracts oxidative imbalance and Advanced Glycation end product formation in type 2 diabetic patients
  210. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) accumulation in the skin is associated with depression: the maastricht study
  211. Danshensu ameliorates the cognitive decline in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice by attenuating Advanced Glycation end product -mediated neuroinflammation
  212. Irbesartan inhibits Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced proximal tubular cell injury in vitro by suppressing receptor for AGEs (RAGE) expression
  213. Microglial receptor for Advanced Glycation end product -dependent signal pathway drives β-amyloid-induced synaptic depression and long-term depression …
  214. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE)-dependent modulation of early growth response-1 in hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury
  215. Toxicological evaluation of Advanced Glycation end product Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine: Acute and subacute oral toxicity studies
  216. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product antagonist reduces blood–brain barrier damage after intracerebral hemorrhage
  217. Angiotensin II augments Advanced Glycation end product -induced pericyte apoptosis through RAGE overexpression
  218. Serum‐soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product levels in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  219. Microbiome–metabolomics analysis of the impacts of long-term dietary advanced–Glycation-end-product consumption on C57BL/6 mouse fecal microbiota and …
  220. Mutagenesis and Repair Induced by the DNA Advanced Glycation end product N2-1-(Carboxyethyl)-2′-deoxyguanosine in Human Cells
  221. Advanced Glycation end-product 2 and Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide increase sclerostin expression in mouse osteocyte-like cells
  222. A novel monoclonal antibody targeting carboxymethyllysine, an Advanced Glycation end product in atherosclerosis and pancreatic cancer
  223. Autoantibody against N (epsilon)-(carboxymethyl) lysine: an Advanced Glycation end product of the Maillard reaction.
  224. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) inhibits Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced up-regulation of VCAM-1 mRNA levels in endothelial cells by suppressing …
  225. Circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product identifies patients with bicuspid aortic valve and associated aortopathies
  226. Increased serum endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product (esRAGE) levels in type 2 diabetic patients with decreased renal function
  227. Advanced Glycation end-product cross-linking inhibits biomechanical plasticity and characteristic failure morphology of native tendon
  228. Effect of Advanced Glycation end product on paraoxonase 2 expression: Its impact on endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation in HUVECs
  229. Morpho-mechanical intestinal remodeling in type 2 diabetic GK rats—is it related to Advanced Glycation end product formation?
  230. Autophagy protects Advanced Glycation end product -induced apoptosis and expression of MMP-3 and MMP-13 in rat chondrocytes
  231. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) : Characterization of the products from the reaction between D‐glucose and serum albumin
  232. Identification of a novel Advanced Glycation end product derived from lactaldehyde
  233. Efficacy of adjunctive photodynamic therapy on the clinical periodontal, HbA1c and Advanced Glycation end product levels among mild to moderate chronic …
  234. Korean red ginseng extract alleviates Advanced Glycation end product -mediated renal injury
  235. Telmisartan, an angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker, inhibits Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) -induced monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression in …
  236. Serum carboxymethyl-lysine, a dominant Advanced Glycation end product , is associated with chronic kidney disease: the Baltimore longitudinal study of aging
  237. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product ameliorates chronic intermittent hypoxia induced renal injury, inflammation, and apoptosis via P38/JNK …
  238. … inhibits inflammation via phospho-P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and nuclear factor (NF)-κB pathways in Advanced Glycation end product -stimulated …
  239. Effect of age and menopause on serum concentrations of pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product
  240. Attenuating effects of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on myocardial collagen cross-linking relates to Advanced Glycation end product and antioxidant enzymes …
  241. Targeting the AGE‐RAGE axis improves renal function in the context of a healthy diet low in Advanced Glycation end‐product content
  242. Imidazolone, a novel Advanced Glycation end product , is present at high levels in kidneys of rats with streptozotocin‐induced diabetes
  243. The relationship of glycaemic level to Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) accumulation and retinal pathology in the spontaneous diabetic hamster
  244. Polymorphism screening of four genes encoding Advanced Glycation end-product putative receptors: association study with nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients
  245. Non-invasive skin autofluorescence, blood and urine assays of the Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) pentosidine as an indirect indicator of AGE content …
  246. Evaluation of autofluorescent property of hemoglobin-Advanced Glycation end product as a long-term glycemic index of diabetes
  247. Dietary genistein inhibits methylglyoxal-induced Advanced Glycation end product formation in mice fed a high-fat diet
  248. Advanced Glycation end-product expression is upregulated in the gastrointestinal tract of type 2 diabetic rats
  249. Advanced Glycation end product Inhibition by Alkaloids from Ocotea paranapiacabensis for the Prevention of Skin Aging
  250. Curcumin inhibits Advanced Glycation end product ‑induced oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in endothelial cell damage via trapping …
  251. Regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in Advanced Glycation end product –stimulated RAW 264.7 cells: the role of heme oxygenase-1 and …
  252. Immunogenicity of DNA-Advanced Glycation end product fashioned through glyoxal and arginine in the presence of Fe3+: its potential role in prompt recognition of …
  253. Glucagon-like peptide-1 regulates mitochondrial biogenesis and tau phosphorylation against Advanced Glycation end product -induced neuronal insult: Studies in vivo …
  254. Inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end product -associated protein cross-linking
  255. Relation between development of nephropathy and the p22phox C242T and receptor for Advanced Glycation end product G1704T gene polymorphisms in type 2 …
  256. Arginine side-chain modification that occurs during copper-catalysed azide–alkyne click reactions resembles an Advanced Glycation end product
  257. Concentrations of pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end-product, in umbilical cord blood
  258. Effect on the mechanical properties of type I collagen of intra-molecular lysine-arginine derived Advanced Glycation end-product cross-linking
  259. Exercise training initiated in late middle age attenuates cardiac fibrosis and Advanced Glycation end-product accumulation in senescent rats
  260. Effect of diabetes and aminoguanidine therapy on renal Advanced Glycation end-product binding
  261. Biocatalytic Reversal of Advanced Glycation end product Modification.
  262. Decreased Soluble Receptor of Advanced Glycation end product Levels Correlated with Inflammation in Silicosis
  263. Atrial fibrillation coincides with the Advanced Glycation end product Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine in the atrium
  264. Skin autofluorescence as a measure of Advanced Glycation end product levels is associated with carotid atherosclerotic plaque burden in an elderly population
  265. Oral administration of AST-120 (Kremezin) is a promising therapeutic strategy for Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -related disorders
  266. Carnosine prevents testicular oxidative stress and Advanced Glycation end product formation in D‐galactose‐induced aged rats
  267. AntiGlycationeffect of various vegetables: Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end product formation in glucose and human serum albumin reaction system
  268. Advanced Glycation end product formation in human cerebral cortex increases with Alzheimer-type neuropathologic changes but is not independently associated with …
  269. Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) ameliorates Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced hepatic insulin resistance in vitro by suppressing Rac-1 …
  270. Advanced Glycation end products accelerate ischemia/reperfusion injury through receptor of Advancedend product /nitrative thioredoxin inactivation in cardiac …
  271. … exfoliated deciduous teeth ameliorate diabetic nephropathy in vivo and in vitro by inhibiting Advanced Glycation end product -activated epithelial-mesenchymal …
  272. Advanced Glycation end product deposits in climatic droplet keratopathy
  273. Dietary Advanced Glycation end-product consumption leads to mechanical stiffening of murine intervertebral discs
  274. Advanced Glycation end product 3 (AGE3) suppresses the mineralization of mouse stromal ST2 cells and human mesenchymal stem cells by increasing TGF-β …
  275. Role of moesin, Src, and ROS in Advanced Glycation end product ‐induced vascular endothelial dysfunction
  276. Advanced Glycation end product in diabetic rat skeletal muscle in vivo
  277. Use of skin Advanced Glycation end product levels measured using a simple noninvasive method as a biological marker for the diagnosis of neuropsychiatric diseases
  278. Effect of Advanced Glycation end product –modified albumin on tissue factor expression by monocytes: role of oxidant stress and protein tyrosine kinase activation
  279. Psoralea corylifolia L. Seed Extract Attenuates Methylglyoxal-Induced Insulin Resistance by Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end product Formation
  280. Diabetic kidney disease: a role for Advanced Glycation end-product receptor 1 (AGE-R1)?
  281. Advanced Glycation end product -induced peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ gene expression in the cultured mesangial cells
  282. Correlation between diabetic retinopathy severity and elevated skin autofluorescence as a marker of Advanced Glycation end-product accumulation in type 2 diabetic …
  283. Food restriction prevents Advanced Glycation end product accumulation and retards kidney aging in lean rats
  284. Advanced Glycation end product receptor interactions on microvascular cells occur within caveolin‐rich membrane domains
  285. Inhibiting receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) and oxidative stress involved in the protective effect mediated by glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor on …
  286. Homoisoflavanones from Polygonatum odoratum rhizomes inhibit Advanced Glycation end product formation
  287. Oxidative stress mediates protein kinase C activation and Advanced Glycation end product formation in a mesangial cell model of diabetes and high protein diet
  288. Beneficial effect of traditional chinese medicinal formula Danggui-Shaoyao-San on Advanced Glycation end-product-mediated renal injury in streptozotocin …
  289. Cardiomyocyte mitochondrial respiration is reduced by receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product signaling in a ceramide-dependent manner
  290. Exosomes derived from mesenchymal stromal cells pretreated with Advanced Glycation end product -bovine serum albumin inhibit calcification of vascular …
  291. Reaction time in healthy elderly is associated with chronic low-grade inflammation and Advanced Glycation end product
  292. Carboxymethyl-lysine, an Advanced Glycation end product , and decline of renal function in older community-dwelling adults
  293. High levels of urinary pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product , in children with acute exacerbation of atopic dermatitis: relationship with oxidative stress
  294. Gly82Ser polymorphism of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product (RAGE) potential high risk in patients with colorectal cancer
  295. Intra-molecular lysine-arginine derived Advanced Glycation end-product cross-linking in Type I collagen: A molecular dynamics simulation study
  296. S 100 A 9 promotes human lung fibroblast cells activation through receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐product‐mediated extracellular‐regulated kinase 1/2, mitogen …
  297. Localization of identified Advanced Glycation end‐product structures, Nε=(carboxymethyl) lysine and pentosidine, in age‐related inclusions in human brains
  298. Astaxanthin and Corni Fructus protect against diabetes-induced oxidative stress, inflammation, and Advanced Glycation end product in livers of streptozotocin-induced …
  299. Drugs of abuse that mediate Advanced Glycation end product formation: a chemical link to disease pathology
  300. Beneficial effect of Azadirachta indica on Advanced Glycation end-product in streptozotocin-diabetic rat
  301. … effects of the hexane extract from Piper auritum leaves in vitro and beneficial activity on oxidative stress and Advanced Glycation end-product-mediated renal injury in …
  302. Accumulation of the Advanced Glycation end product carboxymethyl lysine in breast cancer is positively associated with estrogen receptor expression and unfavorable …
  303. Lung level of HMBG1 is elevated in response to Advanced Glycation end product ‐enriched food in vivo
  304. New therapies for Advanced Glycation end product nephrotoxicity: current challenges
  305. Circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (sRAGE) and left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD)
  306. Circulating levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product are inversely associated with vascular calcification in patients on haemodialysis independent …
  307. Bridging Advanced Glycation end product , receptor for Advanced Glycation end product and nitric oxide with hormonal replacement/estrogen therapy in …
  308. Circulating Advanced Glycation end product levels in rats rapidly increase with acute renal failure
  309. Clinical implications of Nε‐(carboxymethyl)lysine, Advanced Glycation end product , in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes
  310. Autophagy plays a protective role in Advanced Glycation end product -induced apoptosis in cardiomyocytes
  311. Serum carboxymethyl-lysine, a dominant Advanced Glycation end product , is increased in women with gestational diabetes mellitus
  312. Advanced Glycation end product free adducts are cleared by dialysis
  313. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end product formation by Pu-erh tea ameliorates progression of experimental diabetic nephropathy
  314. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of heparan sulfate mimetic glycopolymers and their interactions with the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product
  315. The Advanced Glycation end-product Nɛ-(carboxymethyl) lysine level is elevated in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  316. Skin Advanced Glycation end product accumulation is poorly reflected by glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients (ZODIAC-9)
  317. Advanced Glycation end product 3 (AGE3) increases apoptosis and the expression of sclerostin by stimulating TGF-β expression and secretion in osteocyte-like MLO …
  318. A novel inhibitor of Advanced Glycation end-product formation inhibits mesenteric vascular hypertrophy in experimental diabetes
  319. Modulation of the cellular expression of circulating Advanced Glycation end-product receptors in type 2 diabetic nephropathy
  320. Myricetin inhibits Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced migration of retinal pericytes through phosphorylation of ERK1/2, FAK-1, and paxillin in vitro and in …
  321. Immunodistribution of amyloid beta protein (Aβ) and Advanced Glycation end-product receptors (RAGE) in choroid plexus and ependyma of resuscitated patients
  322. Differential effects of α-tocopherol and N-acetyl-cysteine on Advanced Glycation end product -induced oxidative damage and neurite degeneration in SH-SY5Y …
  323. Loratadine alleviates Advanced Glycation end product -induced activation of NLRP3 inflammasome in human chondrocytes
  324. Expression and significance of high-mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1) and the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product (RAGE) in knee osteoarthritis
  325. An Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -receptor for AGEs (RAGE) axis restores adipogenic potential of senescent preadipocytes through modulation of …
  326. Altered serum glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) and soluble AGE receptor levels indicate carbonyl stress in patients with schizophrenia
  327. Amadori albumin and Advanced Glycation end-product formation in peritoneal dialysis using icodextrin
  328. Protective effect of extractive and biotechnological chondroitin in insulin amyloid and Advanced Glycation end product ‐induced toxicity
  329. Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) induces apoptosis in human retinal ARPE-19 cells via promoting mitochondrial dysfunction and activating the Fas-FasL …
  330. Catalpol ameliorates Advanced Glycation end product ‐induced dysfunction of glomerular endothelial cells via regulating nitric oxide synthesis by inducible nitric oxide …
  331. Elevated serum carboxymethyl-lysine, an Advanced Glycation end product , predicts severe walking disability in older women: The Women’s Health and Aging …
  332. Advanced Glycation end product Nε‐carboxymethyllysine induces endothelial cell injury: the involvement of SHP‐1‐regulated VEGFR‐2 dephosphorylation
  333. Renal proximal tubular metabolism of protein-linked pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product
  334. … -Weight Polyphenol Derived from Lychee Fruit, Attenuates Diabetes-Induced Renal Damage through the Advanced Glycation end product –Related Pathway in db/db …
  335. Vitamin D attenuates human gingival fibroblast inflammatory cytokine production following Advanced Glycation end product interaction with receptors for AGE
  336. Effects of monascin on anti-inflammation mediated by Nrf2 activation in Advanced Glycation end product -treated THP-1 monocytes and methylglyoxal-treated Wistar …
  337. Implication of altered redox regulation by antioxidant enzymes in the increased plasma pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product , in uremia
  338. Endoplasmic reticulum stress plays a role in the Advanced Glycation end product -induced inflammatory response in endothelial cells
  339. Relationship between Advanced Glycation end-product accumulation in the skin and pulmonary function
  340. Differential effect of estrogen receptor alpha and beta agonists on the receptor for Advanced Glycation end product expression in human microvascular …
  341. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product expression in experimental diabetic retinopathy
  342. Clinical potential of Advanced Glycation end-product inhibitors in diabetes mellitus
  343. Accelerated Formation of Nϵ-(carboxymethyl) Lysine, an Advanced Glycation end product , by Glyoxal and 3-Deoxyglucosone in Cultured Rat Sensory Neurons
  344. An emerging role of glucagon-like peptide-1 in preventing advanced–Glycation-end-product-mediated damages in diabetes
  345. Benazepril, an angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitor, alleviates renal injury in spontaneously hypertensive rats by inhibiting Advanced Glycation end‐product …
  346. Longistatin in tick saliva blocks Advanced Glycation end-product receptor activation
  347. The inhibitory effect of the catechin structure on Advanced Glycation end product formation in alcoholic media
  348. Early plasma soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐product levels are associated with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
  349. Detection and determination of glyceraldehyde-derived pyridinium-type Advanced Glycation end product in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  350. Structure of a synthetic glucose derived Advanced Glycation end product that is immunologically cross-reactive with its naturally occurring counterparts
  351. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product (sRAGE)/pentosidine ratio: a potential risk factor determinant for type 2 diabetic retinopathy
  352. Diabetes mellitus exacerbates Advanced Glycation end product accumulation in the veins of end-stage renal failure patients
  353. Dietary Intake of Nε-carboxymethyl-lysine, a Major Advanced Glycation end product , is Not Associated with Increased Risk of Mortality in Japanese Adults in the …
  354. Circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product levels are decreased in patients with calcific aortic valve stenosis
  355. N‐Phenacylthiazolium Bromide Inhibits the Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) –AGE Receptor Axis to Modulate Experimental Periodontitis in Rats
  356. Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) inhibits Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced C-reactive protein expression in hepatoma cells by …
  357. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) inhibitors and their therapeutic implications in diseases.
  358. Pyridoxamine alleviates mechanical allodynia by suppressing the spinal receptor for Advanced Glycation end product -nuclear factor-κ B/extracellular signal-regulated …
  359. Accumulation of methylglyoxal increases the Advanced Glycation end-product levels in DRG and contributes to lumbar disk herniation-induced persistent pain
  360. Protective effect of ISO‑1 against Advanced Glycation end product aggravation of PC12 cell injury induced by Aβ1‑40
  361. Effect of nitric oxide-cGMP-dependent protein kinase activation on Advanced Glycation end-product–induced proliferation in renal fibroblasts
  362. Sitagliptin ameliorates Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) -induced degradation of extracellular matrix in human primary chondrocytes
  363. Second generation 2-aminoimidazole based Advanced Glycation end product inhibitors and breakers
  364. Phosphorylation of low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6 is involved in receptor for Advanced Glycation end product -mediated β-catenin stabilization in a …
  365. Effects of Advanced Glycation end-product inhibition and cross-link breakage in diabetic rats
  366. Increased pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end‐product, in urine and tissue reflects disease activity in inflammatory bowel diseases
  367. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end-product formation by Origanum majorana L. in vitro and in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  368. Advanced Glycation end product Accumulation is Associated with Lower Cognitive Performance in an Older General Population: The Nagahama Study
  369. Advanced Glycation end-product levels in subtotally nephrectomized rats: beneficial effects of angiotensin II receptor 1 antagonist losartan
  370. Neuronal and glial Advanced Glycation end product [Nε-(carboxymethyl)lysine] in Alzheimer’s disease brains
  371. Advanced Glycation end-product induces fractalkine gene upregulation in normal rat glomeruli
  372. Amyloid β2-microglobulin is modified with imidazolone, a novel Advanced Glycation end product , in dialysis-related amyloidosis
  373. Advanced Glycation end product -mediated matrix metallo-proteinase-9 and apoptosis via renin-angiotensin system in type 2 diabetes
  374. Advanced Glycation end product -induced proliferation in NRK-49F cells is dependent on the JAK2/STAT5 pathway and cyclin D1
  375. Therapeutic potentials of unicellular green alga Chlorella in Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -related disorders
  376. Nifedipine, a calcium channel blocker, inhibits Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -elicited mesangial cell damage by suppressing AGE receptor (RAGE) …
  377. Dietary Genistein Reduces Methylglyoxal and Advanced Glycation end product Accumulation in Obese Mice Treated with High-Fat Diet
  378. Beta carotene protects H9c2 cardiomyocytes from Advanced Glycation end product -induced endoplasmic reticulum stress, apoptosis, and autophagy via the …
  379. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product (RAGE) gene polymorphism 2245G/A is associated with pro-inflammatory, oxidative-Glycationmarkers and sRAGE in …
  380. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced hepatic stellate cell activation via autophagy contributes to hepatitis C-related fibrosis
  381. Pioglitazone alleviates inflammation in diabetic mice fed a high‐fat diet via inhibiting Advanced Glycation end‐product‐induced classical macrophage activation
  382. Model studies of Advanced Glycation end product modification of heterograft biomaterials: The effects of in vitro glucose, glyoxal, and serum albumin on collagen …
  383. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -AGE receptor (RAGE) system upregulated connexin43 expression in rat cardiomyocytes via PKC and Erk MAPK pathways
  384. Circulating levels and dietary intake of the Advanced Glycation end-product marker carboxymethyl lysine in chronic kidney disease patients on conservative …
  385. Antibodies against Advanced Glycation end product Nɛ-(carboxymethyl) lysine in healthy controls and diabetic patients
  386. Advanced Glycation end‐product‐induced mitogenesis and collagen production are dependent on angiotensin II and connective tissue growth factor in NRK‐49F cells
  387. Impaired permeability and antimicrobial barriers in type 2 diabetes skin are linked to increased serum levels of Advanced Glycation end‐product
  388. Age dependent accumulation patterns of Advanced Glycation end product receptor (RAGE) ligands and binding intensities between RAGE and its ligands …
  389. Nifedipine, a calcium channel blocker, inhibits inflammatory and fibrogenic gene expressions in Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -exposed fibroblasts via …
  390. The Advanced Glycation end product -lowering agent ALT-711 is a low-affinity inhibitor of thiamine diphosphokinase
  391. Amyloid-beta mediates the receptor of Advanced Glycation end product -induced pro-inflammatory response via toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway in retinal …
  392. The effects of a maternal Advanced Glycation end product -rich diet on somatic features, reflex ontogeny and metabolic parameters of offspring mice
  393. Panax notoginseng saponins alleviates Advanced Glycation end product ‑induced apoptosis by upregulating SIRT1 and antioxidant expression levels in HUVECs
  394. Inhibitory effects of Siegesbeckia orientalis extracts on Advanced Glycation end product formation and key enzymes related to metabolic syndrome
  395. Association of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product with increasing central aortic stiffness in hypertensive patients
  396. Angiopoietin‐1 protects the endothelial cells against Advanced Glycation end product injury by strengthening cell junctions and inhibiting cell apoptosis
  397. … -6-methoxycyclohexa-2, 5-diene-1, 4-dione, isolated from Averrhoa carambola L.(Oxalidaceae) roots, on Advanced Glycation end-product-mediated renal injury in type …
  398. Differences in the modulating potential of Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) peptides versus AGE proteins
  399. DL‑3‑n‑butylphthalide protects endothelial cells against Advanced Glycation end product ‑induced injury by attenuating oxidative stress and inflammation responses
  400. Alagebrium chloride, a novel Advanced Glycation end-product cross linkage breaker, inhibits neointimal proliferation in a diabetic rat carotid balloon injury …
  401. Formation of pentosidine cross-linking in myoglobin by glyoxal: detection of fluorescent Advanced Glycation end product
  402. Circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product : Cross-sectional associations with cardiac markers and subclinical vascular disease in older …
  403. Effect of high Advanced Glycation end product diet on pulmonary inflammatory response and pulmonary function following gastric aspiration
  404. Rosiglitazone reduces angiotensin II and Advanced Glycation end product -dependent sustained nuclear factor-κB activation in cultured human proximal tubular …
  405. Isolation and identification of the 3-hydroxy-5-hydroxymethyl-pyridinium compound as a novel Advanced Glycation end product on glyceraldehyde-related Maillard …
  406. Telmisartan, an angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker, inhibits Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) -elicited hepatic insulin resistance via peroxisome proliferator …
  407. Lysine‐Arginine Advanced Glycation End‐Product Cross‐links and the Effect on Collagen Structure: A Molecular Dynamics Study
  408. Minodronate, a nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate, inhibits Advanced Glycation end product -induced vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 expression in endothelial …
  409. Peel extract of water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa Roxb.) inhibits Glycation, degradesα-dicarbonyl compound, and breaks Advanced Glycation end product …
  410. Advanced Glycation end-product-induced mitogenesis is dependent on Janus kinase 2-induced heat shock protein 70 in normal rat kidney interstitial fibroblast cells
  411. Effects of Advanced Glycation end product modification on proximal tubule epithelial cell processing of albumin
  412. Study of an unusual Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) derived from glyoxal using mass spectrometry
  413. Increased Advanced Glycation end product and meat consumption is associated with childhood wheeze: analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination …
  414. Irbesartan inhibits Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced up-regulation of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) mRNA levels in glomerular …
  415. Advanced Glycation end product in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP)
  416. iRAGE as a novel carboxymethylated peptide that prevents Advanced Glycation end product -induced apoptosis and endoplasmic reticulum stress in vascular smooth …
  417. Coptis chinensis Polysaccharides Inhibit Advanced Glycation end product Formation
  418. Age-related accumulation of Advanced Glycation end-products-albumin, S100β, and the expressions of Advanced Glycation end product receptor differ in visceral and …
  419. Inhibitory effect of Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) and its phenolics against methylglyoxal-derived Advanced Glycation end product toxicity
  420. Novel inhibitory effects of glycyrrhizic acid on the accumulation of Advanced Glycation end product and its receptor expression
  421. The downregulation of thioredoxin accelerated Neuro2a cell apoptosis induced by Advanced Glycation end product via activating several pathways
  422. A significant inhibitory effect on Advanced Glycation end product formation by catechin as the major metabolite of lotus seedpod oligomeric procyanidins
  423. Serum Carboxymethyllysine, an Advanced Glycation end product , and Age-Related Macular Degeneration: The Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility–Reykjavik …
  424. The neuroprotective role of rosiglitazone in Advanced Glycation end product treated human neural stem cells is PPARgamma-dependent
  425. Advanced Glycation end product levels were correlated with inflammation and carotid atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes patients
  426. Skin Advanced Glycation end-product accumulation is negatively associated with calcaneal osteo-sono assessment index among non-diabetic adult …
  427. Kuwanon G protects HT22 cells from Advanced Glycation end product -induced damage
  428. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product levels are related to albuminuria and arterial stiffness in essential hypertension
  429. Pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end-product, may reflect clinical and morphological features of hand osteoarthritis
  430. Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) -albumin from activated macrophage is critical in human mesenchymal stem cells survival and post-ischemic …
  431. Characterization of anti-Advanced Glycation end product antibodies to nonenzymatically lysine-derived and arginine-derived glycated products
  432. The antioxidant 3H-1, 2-dithiole-3-thione potentiates Advanced Glycation end-product-induced oxidative stress in SH-SY5Y cells
  433. Troxerutin suppresses the inflammatory response in Advanced Glycation end-product-administered chondrocytes and attenuates mouse osteoarthritis development
  434. Simultaneous determination of the Advanced Glycation end product N ɛ-carboxymethyllysine and its precursor, lysine, in exhaled breath condensate using isotope …
  435. Hydrogen-rich medium suppresses the generation of reactive oxygen species, elevates the Bcl-2/Bax ratio and inhibits Advanced Glycation end product …
  436. Advanced Glycation end-product pentosidine is not a relevant marker of disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
  437. Leptin and connective tissue growth factor in Advanced Glycation end‐product‐induced effects in NRK‐49F cells
  438. The role of autophagy in Advanced Glycation end product -induced proliferation and migration in rat vascular smooth muscle cells
  439. Agonism of GPR39 displays protective effects against Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) -induced degradation of extracellular matrix in human SW1353 cells
  440. Free Advanced Glycation end product distribution in blood components and the effect of genetic polymorphisms
  441. Pioglitazone Inhibits Advanced Glycation end product -Induced TNF-E and MMP-13 Expression via the Antagonism of NF-TB Activation in Chondrocytes
  442. Silybin, a flavonolignan from milk thistle seeds, restrains the early and Advanced Glycation end product modification of albumin
  443. Methylglyoxal-hydroimidazolones (MG-Hs) instead of Nɛ-(carboxymethyl)-l-lysine (CML) is the major Advanced Glycation end-product during drying process in black …
  444. Age-dependent expression of Advanced Glycation end product receptor genes in the human heart
  445. … n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids revert renal responses induced by a combination of 2 protocols that increase the amounts of Advanced Glycation end product …
  446. Serum pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product , indicates poor outcomes after acute ischemic stroke
  447. Advanced Glycation end product is implicated in amyloid‐related kidney complications
  448. Programmed cell death protein 4 deficiency suppresses foam cell formation by activating autophagy in Advanced Glycation end‐product low‐density lipoprotein …
  449. Imaging receptor for Advanced Glycation end product expression in mouse model of hind limb ischemia
  450. TRC4149 a novel Advanced Glycation end product breaker improves hemodynamic status in diabetic spontaneously hypertensive rats
  451. Renoprotective and lipid‐lowering effects of LR compounds, Novel Advanced Glycation end product inhibitors, in streptozotocin‐induced diabetic rats
  452. Advanced Glycation end-product peptides are associated with impaired renal function, but not with biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction and inflammation …
  453. C-Type Natriuretic Peptide Protects the Retinal Pigment Epithelium against Advanced Glycation end product –Induced Barrier Dysfunction
  454. RETRACTED: Pigment epithelium-derived factor inhibits Advanced Glycation end-product-induced angiogenesis and stimulates apoptosis in retinal endothelial cells
  455. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) Pathway in COVID-19
  456. Absence of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) Reduces Inflammation and Extends Survival in the hSOD1 G93A Mouse Model of Amyotrophic …
  457. … and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors: implication of radical scavenging and transition metal chelation in inhibition of Advanced Glycation end product …
  458. Grape seed procyanidin B2 inhibits Advanced Glycation end product ‐induced endothelial cell apoptosis through regulating GSK3β phosphorylation
  459. Angelica Acutiloba Root Alleviates Advanced Glycation End‐Product‐Mediated Renal Injury in Streptozotocin‐Diabetic Rats
  460. Circulating soluble Advanced Glycation end product is inversely associated with the significant risk of developing cancer: evidence from a meta-analysis
  461. … atherogenesis via inhibiting Advanced Glycation end product -induced receptor for Advancedglycosylation end product expression in apolipoprotein-E …
  462. Minimum stable structure of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end product possesses multi ligand binding ability
  463. Carboxymethyl lysine, an Advanced Glycation end product , and incident diabetes: a case–cohort analysis of the ARIC Study
  464. Advanced Glycation end-product accumulation reduces vitreous permeability
  465. Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) blocks Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced angiogenesis in vitro
  466. Can Advanced Glycation end product inhibitors modulate more than one pathway to enhance renoprotection in diabetes?
  467. The role of black soybean and purple sweet potato active compound on Advanced Glycation end-product in streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetes mellitus rat
  468. Suppression of high-mobility group box-1 and receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product axis by polymyxin B–immobilized fiber hemoperfusion in septic shock …
  469. Low Advanced Glycation end product diet improves the central obesity, insulin resistance and inflammatory profiles in Iranian patients with metabolic syndrome: a …
  470. Inhibitory effect of zinc on the Advanced Glycation end product -induced apoptosis of mouse osteoblastic cells
  471. Inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) Formation and Accumulation
  472. Inhibitory effect of lotus seedpod oligomeric procyanidins on Advanced Glycation end product formation in a lactose-lysine model system
  473. Rivaroxaban inhibits oxidative and inflammatory reactions in Advanced Glycation end product -exposed tubular cells by blocking thrombin/protease-activated receptor …
  474. Blocking the receptor for Advanced Glycation end product activation attenuates autoimmune myocarditis
  475. Elevated soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product levels in patients with acute coronary syndrome and positive cardiac troponin I
  476. 2 ″, 4 ″-O-diacetylquercitrin, a novel Advanced Glycation end-product formation and aldose reductase inhibitor from Melastoma sanguineum
  477. Formation of Advanced Glycation end‐product‐modified superoxide dismutase‐1 (SOD1) is one of the mechanisms responsible for inclusions common to familial …
  478. Lower serum endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end product level as a risk factor of metabolic syndrome among Japanese adult men: a 2-year …
  479. High serum concentrations of pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product , are associated with low normal value of ankle-brachial index in apparently healthy …
  480. Higher serum soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product levels and lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Japanese adult men: a cross …
  481. An interactive association of Advanced Glycation end-product receptor gene four common polymorphisms with coronary artery disease in northeastern Han …
  482. Relationship of a dominant Advanced Glycation end product , serum carboxymethyl-lysine, and abnormal glucose metabolism in adults: the Baltimore Longitudinal …
  483. The effect of packed red blood cell storage on arachidonic acid and Advanced Glycation end-product formation
  484. The roles of protein Glycation, glycoxidation, and Advanced Glycation end-product formation in diabetes-induced atherosclerosis
  485. 2-ammonio-6-(3-oxidopyridinium-1-yl) hexanoate (OP-lysine) is a newly identified Advanced Glycation end product in cataractous and aged human lenses
  486. Advanced Glycation end product -induced astrocytic differentiation of cultured neurospheres through inhibition of Notch-Hes1 pathway-mediated neurogenesis
  487. Functional polymorphisms of the receptor for the Advanced Glycation end product promoter gene in inflammatory bowel disease: a case–control study
  488. The protective effects of bexarotene against Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) -induced degradation of articular extracellular matrix (ECM)
  489. Singlet oxygen induced Advanced Glycation end-product photobleaching of in vivo human fingertip autofluorescence
  490. TRB3 mediates Advanced Glycation end product -induced apoptosis of pancreatic β-cells through the protein kinase C β pathway
  491. Involvement of caspase-10 in Advanced Glycation end-product-induced apoptosis of bovine retinal pericytes in culture
  492. Carboxymethyllysine, an Advanced Glycation end-product, promotes the invasion and migration of lung cancer A549 cells
  493. Advanced–Glycation-end-product-cholesterol-aggregated-protein accelerates the proliferation of mesangial cells mediated by transforming-growth-factor-beta 1 …
  494. Advanced Glycation end product -modified β2-microglobulin is a component of amyloid fibrils of primary localized cutaneous nodular amyloidosis
  495. Immunochemical detection of N2-[1-(1-carboxy) ethyl] guanosine, an Advanced Glycation end product formed by the reaction of DNA and reducing sugars or L …
  496. Pioglitazone attenuates atherosclerosis in diabetic mice by inhibition of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product (RAGE) signaling
  497. Advanced Glycation end product concentrations in follicular fluid of women undergoing IVF/ICSI with a GnRH agonist protocol
  498. Allium sativum aqueous extract inhibitory effect on Advanced Glycation end product
  499. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product polymorphisms and type 2 diabetes: the CODAM study
  500. Caffeoylated phenylpropanoid glycosides from Brandisia hancei inhibit Advanced Glycation end product formation and aldose reductase in vitro and vessel …
  501. Antiglycative effect of Kaempferia parviflora Wall. Ex. Baker (Zingiberaceae): Prevention of Advanced Glycation end product formation.
  502. Mass spectrometry to detect the site specificity of AdvancedGlycation/lipoxidation end-product formation on protein: some challenges and solutions
  503. … medoxomil, a newly developed angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist, protects against renal damage in Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -injected rats.
  504. Gelatin as a convenient surrogate protein to model the in vitro effects of Advanced Glycation end‐product formation
  505. Receptor of Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) expression in the minor salivary glands of patients with Sjo˝ gren’s syndrome: a preliminary study
  506. Prostaglandin E2 inhibits Advanced Glycation end product -induced adhesion molecule expression, cytokine production, and lymphocyte proliferation in human …
  507. Reduced systemic Advanced Glycation end products in children receiving peritoneal dialysis with low glucose degradation product content
  508. Amelioration of experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis by inhibition of glyceraldehyde‐derived Advanced Glycation end‐product formation
  509. Paradox of circulating Advanced Glycation end product concentrations in patients with congestive heart failure and after heart transplantation
  510. … and biological activity of 4-aryl-3-benzoyl-5-phenylspiro [pyrrolidine-2.3′-indolin]-2′-one derivatives as novel potent inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end product
  511. Anti-glycative effect of yogurt: Prevention of Advanced Glycation end product formation
  512. Up-regulation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) in esophageal cancer and down-regulation in lung cancer and their relationship to …
  513. Nifedipine, a calcium-channel blocker, inhibits Advanced Glycation end-product-induced expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in human cultured …
  514. An inhibitor of Advanced Glycation end product formation reducesNϵ-(carboxymethyl) lysine accumulation in glomeruli of diabetic rats
  515. Association of Advanced Glycation end-product accumulation with overactive bladder in community-dwelling elderly: A cross-sectional Sukagawa study
  516. Vardenafil, an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase-5, blocks Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced up-regulation of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 mRNA …
  517. DW1029M, a novel botanical drug candidate, inhibits Advanced Glycation end-product formation, rat lens aldose reductase activity, and TGF-β1 signaling
  518. Morphological adaptation of muscle collagen and receptor of Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) in osteoarthritis patients with 12 weeks of resistance training …
  519. Identification of (−)-epigallocatechin (EGC) as a methylglyoxal (MGO)-trapping agent and thereby as an inhibitor of Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) …
  520. A novel pleiotropic effect of atorvastatin on Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -related disorders
  521. Advanced Glycation end product accumulation in rho0 cells without a functional respiratory chain
  522. A novel crosslinked type of Advanced Glycation end-product derived from lactaldehyde
  523. Role of peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor-gamma in Advanced Glycation end product -mediated functional loss of voltage-gated potassium channel …
  524. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product blockade enhances the chemotherapeutic effect of cisplatin in tongue squamous cell carcinoma by reducing autophagy …
  525. Impact of diet-induced obesity in male mouse reproductive system: The role of Advanced Glycation end product –receptor for Advanced Glycation end product axis
  526. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product rs1800624 polymorphism contributes to increase breast cancer risk: Evidence from a meta-analysis
  527. Anti-glycative effect of Japanese sake (seishu): prevention of Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) formation
  528. RACK1 mediates the Advanced Glycation end product ‐induced degradation of HIF‐1α in nucleus pulposus cells via competing with HSP90 for HIF‐1α binding
  529. … activity are related to components of the metabolic syndrome, but not to circulating concentrations of the Advanced Glycation end-product Nɛ-carboxymethyl-lysine in …
  530. Effect of rice bran extract on in vitro Advanced Glycation end product formation
  531. Association analysis between genomic variants within Advanced Glycation end product specific receptor (AGER) gene and risk of breast cancer in Iranian …
  532. Levels of mature cross-links and Advanced Glycation end product cross-links in human vitreous
  533. Myocardial infarction coincides with increased expression of NO2X2 and the Advanced Glycation end product Ne-(carboxymethyl) lysine in the microvasculature of the …
  534. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) inhibition as a possible pharmacotherapeutic strategy in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
  535. Processing Advanced Glycation end product ‐Modified Albumin by the Renal Proximal Tubule and the Early Pathogenesis of Diabetic Nephropathy
  536. Reasons to investigate the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product (sRAGE) pathway in aortic disease
  537. Effect of nicotine on Advanced Glycation end product -induced immune response in human monocytes
  539. Production of single-chain Fv antibodies specific for GA-Pyridine, an Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) , with reduced inter-domain motion
  540. Pioglitazone suppresses Advanced Glycation end product -induced expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in vascular smooth muscle cells
  541. The protection of 4, 4′-diphenylmethane-bis (methyl) carbamate from Cortex Mori on Advanced Glycation end product -induced endothelial dysfunction: Via inhibiting …
  542. Advanced Glycation end (AGE) product modification of laminin downregulates Kir4. 1 in retinal Müller cells
  543. Advanced Glycation end product Inhibitor Pyridoxamine Attenuates IVD Degeneration in Type 2 Diabetic Rats
  544. Therapeutic effects of antigen affinity-purified polyclonal anti-receptor of Advanced Glycation end-product (RAGE) antibodies on cholestasis-induced liver injury in rats
  545. Hypoxia‐induced increases in glucose uptake do not cause oxidative injury or Advanced Glycation end‐product (AGE) formation in vascular endothelial cells
  546. SOCS3 overexpression inhibits Advanced Glycation end product -induced EMT in proximal tubule epithelial cells
  547. Protective effects of physiological testosterone on Advanced Glycation end product ‑induced injury in human endothelial cells
  548. Expression of Advanced Glycation end‐product receptors in the cochlea
  549. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end-product formation by lutein from Tagetes erecta
  550. Role of urotensin II in Advanced Glycation end product -induced extracellular matrix synthesis in rat proximal tubular epithelial cells
  551. Reduction of lipid peroxidation products and Advanced Glycation end‐product precursors by cyanobacterial aldo‐keto reductase AKR3G1—a founding member of the …
  552. Preventive effects of Rosa rugosa root extract on Advanced Glycation end product -induced endothelial dysfunction
  553. SUN-LB131 Association of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) Gene Polymorphisms & Serum Levels of Soluble RAGE (sRAGE) With Metabolic …
  554. Nε-(Carboxymethyl)Lysine, a Major Advanced Glycation end product in Exhaled Breath Condensate as a Biomarker of Small Airway Involvement in Asthma
  555. The potential role of Advanced Glycation end product and iNOS in chronic renal failure-related testicular dysfunction
  556. Pentosidine, Advanced Glycation end product , in acute ischaemic stroke patients with and without atrial rhythm disturbances
  557. Advanced Glycation end-product-inhibited cell proliferation and protein expression of β-catenin and cyclin D1 are dependent on glycogen synthase kinase 3β in LLC …
  558. Domain I-IV of β2-glycoprotein I inhibits Advanced Glycation end product -induced angiogenesis by down-regulating vascular endothelial growth factor 2 …
  559. Association of serum carboxymethyl-lysine, a dominant Advanced Glycation end product , with anemia in adults: the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
  560. Isolation and identification of 5-methyl-imidazolin-4-one derivative as glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end product
  561. Interferon-γ mediates the protective effects of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion
  562. The Advanced Glycation end product Nϵ‐carboxymethyllysine and its precursor glyoxal increase serotonin release from Caco‐2 cells
  563. Reduction of Advanced Glycation end‐product (AGE) levels in nervous tissue proteins of diabetic Lewis rats following islet transplants is related to different durations of …
  564. … analysis of contractility in the ileum in response to flow and ramp distension in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats—Association with Advanced Glycation end product …
  565. Phenolic Compounds from the Leaves of Homonoia riparia and their Inhibitory Effects on Advanced Glycation end product Formation
  566. Abundance, localization, and functional correlates of the Advanced Glycation end‐product carboxymethyl lysine in human myocardium
  567. … evaluation of novel 2, 3, 5-triaryl-4H, 2, 3, 3a, 5, 6, 6a-hexahydropyrrolo [3, 4-d] isoxazole-4, 6-diones for Advanced Glycation end product formation inhibitory activity
  568. Possible involvement of altered RGD sequence in reduced adhesive and spreading activities of Advanced Glycation end product -modified fibronectin to vascular …
  569. Nitroxidized-Albumin Advanced Glycation end product and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  570. Detection and determination of glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end product
  571. Impact of chronic renal failure and peritoneal dialysis fluids on Advanced Glycation end product and iNOS levels in penile tissue: an experimental study
  572. The marine natural product Scalarin inhibits the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and autophagy in the PANC-1 and MIA PaCa-2 pancreatic …
  573. Combination of medicinal herbs KIOM-79 reduces Advanced Glycation end product accumulation and the expression of inflammatory factors in the aorta of …
  574. Immunohistochemistry of Advanced Glycation end product N ε-(carboxymethyl) lysine in coronary arteries in relation to cardiac fibrosis and serum N-terminal …
  575. The Development of Maillard Reaction, and Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -Receptor for AGE (RAGE) Signaling Inhibitors as Novel Therapeutic Strategies for …
  576. Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) inhibits diabetes-or Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced platelet CD40 ligand overexpression in rats
  577. Role of peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor-gamma in Advanced Glycation end product -mediated functional loss of voltage-gated potassium channel in rat …
  578. GW28-e0833 Inhibition of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion apoptosis by soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product (sRAGE) via interferon-induced …
  579. Advanced Glycation end product carboxymethyl-lysine and risk of incident peripheral artery disease in older adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study
  580. N ε-Carboxymethyllysine (CML), a Maillard reaction product, stimulates serotonin release and activates the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in …
  581. Identification of N2-(1-carboxymethyl) guanine (CMG) as a guanine Advanced Glycation end product
  582. Endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end product levels are inversely associated with HbA1c in type 2 diabetic patients
  583. On resin synthesis and cross-linking of collagen peptides containing the Advanced Glycation end-product pyrraline via Maillard condensation
  584. … -6-(2-formyl-5-hydroxymethyl-pyrrol-l-yl)-hexanoic acid (‘pyrraline’) as an early-stage product or Advanced Glycation end product in non-enzymic protein Glycation
  585. The Association Between Anemia and Skin Autofluorescence, a Marker for Advanced Glycation end product Accumulation
  586. Comment on: Thallas-Bonke et al.(2008) Inhibition of NADPH Oxidase Prevents Advanced Glycation end product –Mediated Damage in Diabetic Nephropathy …
  587. Can soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product (sRAGE) levels in blood be used as a predictor of cardiovascular diseases?
  588. Blue native/SDS‐PAGE combined with iTRAQ analysis reveals Advanced Glycation end‐product‐induced changes of synaptosome proteins in C57 BL/6 mice
  589. Potential therapeutic implication of nifedipine, a dihydropyridine-based calcium antagonist, in Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -related disorders
  590. Renoprotective effects of azelnidipine, a dihydropyridine-based calcium antagonist in Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -injected rats.
  591. Protective effect of Gymnema sylvestre L. against Advanced Glycation end‑product, sorbitol accumulation and aldose reductase activity in Homoeopathic Formulation
  592. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end product mRNA by human peritoneal mesothelial cells
  593. Inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end products from coffee bean roasting by-product
  594. Genistein attenuates Advanced Glycation end product -induced expression of fibronectin and connective tissue growth factor
  595. Blockade by nifedipine of Advanced Glycation end product -induced CD40-CD40 ligand interaction in endothelial cells.
  596. Prevention of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and cataract in SDT rats with aminoguanidine, an anti-Advanced Glycation end product agent
  597. Ginsenoside derivatives inhibit Advanced Glycation end-product formation and glucose–fructose mediated protein Glycationin vitro via a specific structure–activity …
  598. Preparation of monoclonal antibodies against different epitopes on extracellular domain of human receptor for Advanced Glycation end product .
  599. Cold Storage Increases Albumin and AdvancedGlycation–end product -Albumin Levels in Kidney Transplants: A Possible Cause for Exacerbated Renal …
  600. Inhibitory effect of caffeic acid on Advanced Glycation end product ‐induced renal fibrosis in vitro: A potential therapeutic target
  601. Prostaglandin E2 inhibits Advanced Glycation end product -induced adhesion molecule expression on monocytes, cytokine production, and lymphocyte proliferation …
  602. Inhibitory effect of receptor for Advanced Glycation end product ‑specific small interfering RNAs on the development of hepatic fibrosis in primary rat hepatic …
  603. Anti-Advanced Glycation end-product and free radical scavenging activity of plants from the yucatecan flora
  604. Combination therapy with nateglinide and telmisartan ameliorates insulin resistance in Zucker fatty rats by suppressing Advanced Glycation end product receptor axis
  605. … product peritoneal dialysis regimen is associated with lower plasma EN‐RAGE and HMGB‐1 proinflammatory ligands of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  607. Increased Advanced Glycation end product specific fluorescence in repeatedly heated used cooking oil
  608. Telmisartan blocks Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -induced plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) gene expression in endothelial cells via activation of …
  609. Chlorogenic acid isomers from Sorbus commixta of ulleung island origin and their inhibitory effects against Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) formation and …
  610. Correlation of endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (esRAGE) with metabolic health related biomarkers of skeletal muscle
  611. Deterioration of Glutaraldehyde Crosslinked Heterograft Biomaterials due to Advanced Glycation end product Formation and Serum Albumin Infiltration
  612. Analysis of differentially expressed Advanced Glycation end product -modified proteins in diabetic rat kidney
  613. Advanced Glycation end product inhibitory effect of quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, isolated from Teucrium polium
  614. Role of myosin light chain and myosin light chain kinase in Advanced Glycation end product –induced endothelial hyperpermeability in vitro and in vivo
  615. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) ‐immunoreactive materials in chronic prurigo patients receiving a long‐standing haemodialysis
  616. Prokaryotic expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end product and screening of its interaction proteins [J]
  617. Abstract B26: A novel dietary Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) model to assess impact on tumor progression
  618. Effect of γ-Glutamyl Cysteine Derivatives from Garlic on Advanced Glycation End-Product (AGE) Formation during Food Processing
  619. Effects of arginine supplementation on exogenous Advanced Glycation end product -induced renal inflammatory mediator expression in rats
  620. Interrelationship of elevated serum Advanced Glycation End-product levels and malnutrition (Subjective Global Assessment) scores with the severity of retinopathy in …
  621. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) binding to HMGB1 and subsequent NADPH oxidase activation mediates ectopic intestinal inflammation in …
  622. Expression of receptors of Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) and types I, III and IV collagen in the vastus lateralis muscle of men in early stages of knee …
  623. Effect of Process Conditions on Advanced Glycation end product Formation in BSA-Glucose System [J]
  624. Advanced Glycation end-product cross-link breakers: A novel therapeutic pathway for cardiovascular disease
  625. A soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product levels in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
  626. 2215-PUB: Serum Levels of the Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) Pentosidine Do Not Correlate with the Extent of Coronary Artery Disease Assessed by …
  628. Anti-skin-aging Effect of Mori Folium through decreased Advanced Glycation end product (AGEs)
  629. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end product formation by burdock root extract
  630. Diabetic nephropathy and low molecular weight Advanced Glycation end-product in urine
  631. Autophagy plays a protective role in Advanced Glycation end product -induced apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells [J]
  632. 135: Interruption of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product pathway attenuates pulmonary reperfusion injury
  633. … to” Methylglyoxal-hydroimidazolones (MG-Hs) instead of Nɛ-(carboxymethyl)-l-lysine (CML) is the major Advanced Glycation end-product during drying process in …
  635. Assessment of Serum Advanced Glycation End-Product Level and Its Effect on Periodontal Health Status in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Chronic Periodontitis.
  636. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -Mediated Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Cultured Endothelial Cells is Dependent on NADPH Oxidase Activation.
  637. OxiSelect™ Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) ELISA Kit
  638. Effect of Advanced Glycation end product on Cellular Proliferation and Expression of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 in Rat Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell
  639. Pentosidine and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product (RAGE) are important prognostic factors independent of renal function in heart failure
  640. Garlic (Allium sativum) Modulates the Expression of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) Isoforms in Renal Tissues of Streptozotocin‐Induced …
  641. Transient cytosolic free calcium changes in cultured neonatal rat cardiac myocytes in response to Advanced Glycation end-product treatment
  642. OxiSelect™ Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) Competitive ELISA Kit
  643. Nervous System Pathophysiology: Accumulation of methylglyoxal increases the Advanced Glycation end-product levels in DRG and contributes to lumbar disk …
  645. Changes of high mobility protein B1 and soluble Advanced Glycation end product receptor in heart failure
  646. Significantly High Level of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (sRAGE) in Serum: A Predictor of Acute Coronary Syndrome
  647. GW28-e0060 Changes of high mobility protein B1 and soluble Advanced Glycation end product receptor in elderly patients with congestive heart failure at high altitude
  648. OxiSelect™ Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) Competitive ELISA Kit, Trial Size
  649. Assessment of serum ɛN-carboxymethyllysine and soluble receptor of Advanced Glycation end product levels among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with …
  650. Ellisras Longitudinal Study 2017: elevated serum levels of carboxymethyl-lysine, an Advanced Glycation end-product, are associated with higher odds of developing …
  651. An Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -receptor for AGEs (RAGE) axis restores adipogenic potential of senescent preadipocytes through modulation of p53 protein …
  652. Antioxidant and anti-AGEs (Advanced Glycation end-product) activities of ethanolic extract of Ficus carica Linn from Indonesia
  653. Peel extract of water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa Roxb.) inhibits Glycation, degradesα-dicarbonyl compound, and breaks Advanced Glycation end product crosslinks
  654. Altered serum glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) and
  655. High Serum Level of Pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) , is a Risk Factor of Patients with Heart Failure
  656. Non-invasive skin autofluorescence, blood and urine assays of the Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) pentosidine as an indirect indicator of AGE content in …
  657. Neuroprotective effects of the Advanced Glycation end-product inhibitors LR90 and pyridoxamine in experimental diabetes.
  658. Advanced Glycation end product inhibitory assay-‘Achyranthes Aspera leaf’
  659. Advanced Glycation end product and Glycosaminoglycans Levels in Patients with Diabetic Ketoacidosis
  660. Leptin and connective tissue growyh factor in Advanced Glycation end-product efects in NRK-49F cells.
  661. … Structural, hemodynamic and clinical improvements among patients with Advancedheart failure treated with Alagebrium (a novel oral Advanced Glycation end-product …
  662. Effects of dietary AGE (Advanced Glycation end product ) on ovarian microenvironment and oocyte quality
  663. Biochemical and biophysical characterization of hemoglobin-Advanced Glycation end product and its relevance to diabetes mellitus
  664. Expression of Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) receptors in corneal endothelial cells
  665. The Effect of Advanced Glycation end product Inhibition on the Development of Diabetic Encephalopathy in Rats
  666. AB0291 Association between Pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation End-Product, and Disease Activity in Patients with Untreated Rheumatoid Arthritis. A Preliminary …
  667. Pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation end product , Is a Negative Predictor of Cortical Bone Geometric Endpoints in Children
  668. Correlation between receptor for Advanced Glycation end product gene polymorphism and left ventricular hypertrophy
  669. Promoting effect of receptor for Advanced Glycation end product in periodontitis
  670. Impact of interaction of Advanced Glycation end product and its receptor on podocytes apoptosis
  671. Advanced Glycation end product precursors in diabetes: a crucial link between oxidative stress and inflammation?
  672. Effects of Saengjihwangeum-ja Extracts on the Expression of Inflammatory Response in Human Monocyte Cells Induced by Advanced Glycation end product
  673. The effect of an insulin releasing agent, BTS 67 582, on Advanced Glycation end product formation in vitro
  674. Advanced Glycation end product and its Receptor RAGE promote the in-vitro wound healing of HCE corneal epithelial cells
  675. The Role of Soluble Subtype of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (sRAGE) in Rheumatoid Arthrirtis Disease Activity and Treatment Follow-up
  676. Relationship Between Soluble Receptor of Advanced Glycation end product and Carotid Atherosclerosis in Patients Under Hemodialysis
  677. Analysis of the expression of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product and its influencing factors in patients with acute cerebral infarction
  678. Effect of stimulation to alveolar macrophage by SiO_2 on Advanced Glycation end product receptor and ligand
  679. The differential effects of fructose and glucose on Advanced Glycation end-product formation and cellular damage in vitro
  680. Diet-induced obesity may initiate Advanced Glycation end-product-mediated inflammation in articular cartilage
  681. Association of diabetic retinopathy severity with lens fluorescence ratio reflecting Advanced Glycation end product level
  682. Advanced Glycation end product and Amadori Product Are Increased and Related to Apoptosis in the Human Diabetic Retina.
  683. Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products Are Decreased But Not The Levels Of Advanced Glycation end product Ne-(Carboxymethyl) Lysine In …
  684. Corni Fructus Inhibits Wrinkle Formation by Reduced Advanced Glycation end product (AGEs)
  685. Pre-Existing Emphysema Affects Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Product Levels in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  686. Key functional domains of human cardiac troponin-C are susceptible to Advanced Glycation end-product formation in vitro
  687. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE) mediates retinal ganglion cell loss in experimental glaucoma
  688. The effect of oral metformin on vitreous Advanced Glycation end-product content in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy
  689. The Effects of Different Diets (High Fat and High Fructose Diet) on the Development of Insulin Resistance and Tissue Advanced Glycation end product Levels in Rats
  690. Altered Cell-surface Receptor Levels Result from Fructose Advanced Glycation end product -Induced Inflammation
  691. Evaluation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end product /high-mobility group box 1 (RAGE/HMGB1) expression status and its prognostic value in breast cancer
  692. Screening breaker of advanced–Glycationend-product cross-links by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method in vitro
  693. Dialysis-related amyloidosis: role of Advanced Glycation end product -β-microglobulin in joint inflammation
  694. Effects of pro-inflammatory mediators on Advanced Glycation end product receptors in type-b synovial cells
  695. Expression and Clinical Meaning of Plasma Soluble Receptor of Advanced Glycation end product in Patients With Gestational Hypertension Heart Disease
  696. The Role of Glutathione Maintenance in Protection against Advanced Glycation end product Induced Neurite Degeneration in SH‐SY5Y Cells
  697. The effects of Buyang Huanwu decoction on Advanced Glycation end product receptor of hippocampus in Alzheimer’s disease mice
  698. Serum levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end product in type 2 diabetic patients: possible association with urinary albumin excretion
  699. The Advanced Glycation end-product inhibitor pyridoxamine traps intermediates formed during lipid peroxidation reactions in vitro and in vivo: Mechanism of action of …
  700. Effects of Advanced Glycation End-Product Inhibition and Protein Cross-Link Breaking in Diabetic Rats
  701. Correlation between p. 82G> S polymorphisms of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product gene and susceptibility to inflammatory bowel diseases
  702. … and 3H-1, 2-Dithiole-3-Thione in Maintaining Glutathione Status and Protection Against Advanced Glycation end product Induced Neurite Degeneration in SH-SY5Y …
  703. Advanced Glycation end-product-induced mitogenesis and collagen production are dependent on angiotensin II and connective tissue growth factor in NRK-49F cells.
  704. Rhinacanthins-rich extract: A potent superoxide scavenger and Advanced Glycation end-product formation inhibitor
  705. Up-regulation of Receptors for Advanced Glycation end product in the Spinal Cord after Peripheral Nerve Injury
  707. Trichostatin A abrogates Advanced Glycation end-product-induced retinal pigment epithelium dysfunction in an in vivo model of diabetic eye disease
  708. N-(carboxymethyl) valine adduct in hemoglobin: A biomarker of Advanced Glycation end product formation and oxidative stress.
  709. Association of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (sRAGE) with increasing central aortic stiffness in hypertensive patients
  710. The expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end product in gingival tissues of type 2 diabetic patients with periodontitis
  711. Can Different Diets (High Fat and High Fructose Diet) Affect Insulin Resistance, Tissue Advanced Glycation end product Levels in Rats’ Pancreas
  712. Advanced Glycation end product associated skin autofluorescence and serum corboxymethyl lysine levels in acromegaly
  713. The Glp-1 Analogue Liraglutide Inhibits the Advanced Glycation End-Product Cml and Nox2 in the Diabetic Heart and Brain
  714. Dynamics of Circulating Ligands and Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Product in Liver Transplantation: 1746
  715. Response to Comment on: Thallas-Bonke et al.(2008) Inhibition of NADPH Oxidase Prevents Advanced Glycation end product –Mediated Damage in Diabetic …
  716. Biophysical Characterization of the Interaction between the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product and High Mobility Group Box 1
  717. Enhanced Advanced Glycation end product Receptors are Associated With Plaque Neovascularization and Inflammation in Peripheral Atheroma From Patients With …
  718. Modulation of nicotine and Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) mediated effects by the antioxidant glutathione (G) in fibroblasts
  719. Effect of Advanced Glycation end product receptor signal transduction on MCP-1 expression of podocyte induced by carboxymethyllysine
  720. Change and clinical significance of high mobility group protein B1 and its Advanced Glycation end product receptor in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
  721. Nucleophilic Compounds Block Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) Formation From Ascorbic Acid in the hSVCT2-enA Transgenic Mouse Model of Lenticular …
  722. Renal Fibrosis and Glomerulosclerosis in a New Mouse Model of Diabetic Nephropathy and its Regression by BMP-7 and Advanced Glycation End-Product …
  723. The Role of Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) Activity inMice Devoid of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (RAGE)
  724. Advanced Glycation End-Product Inhibition With Alagebrium Slows Age-Related Large Vessel Arterial Stiffening in Healthy Elderly Humans
  725. A role for angiotensin-(1-7) to attenuate Advanced Glycation end product -induced myofibroblast transition in the NRK-52E renal proximal tubule cell line
  726. Accumulation of argpyrimidine, a methylglyoxal-derived Advanced Glycation end product , increases apoptosis of lens epithelial cells both in vitro and in vivo
  728. Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) , soluble receptor for AGE (sRAGE) and inflammation in smokers and mild/moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease …
  729. Effects of grape seed proanthocyanidin extracts on Advanced Glycation end product receptor and connective tissue growth factor in the myocardium of diabetic rats
  730. Advanced Glycation end-product-induced mitogenesis is dependent on Janus kinase 2-induced heat shock protein 70 in normal rat kidney interstitial fibroblast cells.
  731. An Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -Rich Diet Promotes Nε-Carboxymethyl-lysine Accumulation in the Cardiac Tissue and Tendons of Rats
  732. 2-Ammonio-6-(3-oxidopyridinium-1-yl) hexanoate (OP-lysine) is a newly identified Advanced Glycation end product in cataractous and aged human lenses. Vol. 279 …
  733. Liraglutide alleviates arteriosclerotic lesions and inhibits receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product expression in diabetic ApoE-/-mice
  734. Vaccination Using Advanced Glycation end product of Low-Density Lipoprotein Pulsed Dendritic Cells Reduces Atherosclerosis in Diabetic Apoe-/- Mice
  735. Functional and immunochemical characterization of Advanced Glycation end-product (AGE) -modified low-density lipoproteins (AGE-LDL).
  736. Treatment With Nitric Oxide (NO) Donors or Pioglitazone Improves CD34+ Cell Dynamics on Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) Modified Basement Membrane
  737. Circulating Levels and Dietary Intake of the Advanced Glycation End-product Marker Carboxymethyl Lysine in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on …
  738. Advanced Glycation end-product-inhibited cell proliferation and protein expression of beta-catenin and cyclin D1 are dependent on glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta in …
  739. Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-product (RAGE) Inhibitor
  740. Advanced Glycation end product Modification of Laminin Alters Kir4. 1 Expression in Retinal Glia Cells
  741. Expression of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end product mRNA and Protein in Cultured Hepatic Stellate Cells Inhibited by Specific Small Interfering RNA
  742. GW24-e1023 Advanced Glycation end product Modified Low Density Lipoprotein Activates Mast Cells via Toll-Like 4 Receptor Pathway
  743. Pioglitazone reduces expression of Advanced Glycation end product receptor mRNA in renal cortex of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  744. The anti-ALS drug riluzole attenuates MCP-1 by high glucose, Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) or TNF-α in cultured human retinal pericytes
  745. Effect of glycaemic control on the diurnal blood pressure variation and endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end product (esRAGE) levels in type 1 …
  746. Effect of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6-p38 alpha signal pathway on receptor for Advanced Glycation end-product expression in alveolar epithelial cells …
  747. Development of New Antibody Based Theranostic Agents Targeting the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Product (Rage)
  748. Proteomic Analysis of Advanced Glycation End-Product (AGE) Modified Proteins in High Glucose-Exposed Retinal Müller Glia: Evidence for Age-Mediated Cell …
  749. Fundus Autofluorescence in a Rabbit Model of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Induced by Advanced Glycation end product Microspheres as Imitation Lipofuscin
  751. An Advanced Glycation end product (AGE) -receptor for AGEs (RAGE) axis restores adipogenic potential of senescent preadipocytes through modulation of p53 protein …
  752. … Candido R, Jandeleit-Dahm KA, Thomas MC, Burns WC, Deemer EK, Thorpe SR, Cooper ME, Allen TJ: Advanced Glycation end product intervention reduce diabetes …
  754. Nᵋ-Carboxymethyllysine (CML), a Maillard reaction product, stimulates serotonin release and activates the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in …
  755. L-Arginine inhibits in vitro nonenzymatic Glycationand Advancedglycosylated end product formation of human serum albumin
  756. Advanced Glycation end-products: a review
  757. Advanced Glycation end products : sparking the development of diabetic vascular injury
  758. Advanced Glycation end products and the kidney
  759. Advanced Glycation end-products and atherosclerosis
  760. Advanced Glycation end products : a Nephrologist’s perspective
  761. Advanced Glycation end-products and the progress of diabetic vascular complications
  762. Role of Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic nephropathy
  763. Effect of collagen turnover on the accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products
  764. Recent progress in Advanced Glycation end products and diabetic complications
  765. Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic corneas
  766. Angiogenesis induced by Advanced Glycation end products and its prevention by cerivastatin
  767. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in the development of atherosclerosis
  768. Advanced Glycation end products and the progressive course of renal disease
  769. Inhibition of protein Glycationand Advanced Glycation end products by ascorbic acid and other vitamins and nutrients
  770. Advanced Glycation end products in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases
  771. Advanced Glycation end-products and Advancedoxidation protein products in patients with diabetes mellitus
  772. Advanced Glycation end products and vascular inflammation: implications for accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetes
  773. Advanced Glycation end products and diabetic complications
  774. Advanced Glycation end products contribute to amyloidosis in Alzheimer disease
  775. The biology of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and its ligands
  776. Advanced Glycation end products increase retinal vascular endothelial growth factor expression.
  777. Advanced Glycation end products and endothelial dysfunction in type 2 diabetes
  778. Understanding RAGE, the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  779. Advanced Glycation end products , oxidant stress and vascular lesions
  780. Implication of an increased oxidative stress in the formation of Advanced Glycation end products in patients with end-stage renal failure
  781. Survey of the distribution of a newly characterized receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in tissues
  782. Renal catabolism of Advanced Glycation end products : the fate of pentosidine
  783. Advanced Glycation end products and mortality in hemodialysis patients
  784. Advanced Glycation end products and diabetic complications: a general overview
  785. Glucose, Advanced Glycation end products , and diabetes complications: what is new and what works
  786. Randomized trial of an inhibitor of formation of Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic nephropathy
  787. Enhanced cellular oxidant stress by the interaction of Advanced Glycation end products with their receptors/binding proteins
  788. Advanced Glycation end products and nutrition
  789. Determination of Advanced Glycation end products in serum by fluorescence spectroscopy and competitive ELISA
  790. Receptor for advanced–Glycationend products
  791. Regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor expression by Advanced Glycation end products
  792. Differential accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in the course of diabetic retinopathy
  793. Advanced Glycation end products and bone loss during aging
  794. Advanced Glycation end products and diabetic nephropathy
  795. Role of Advanced Glycation end products and their receptors in development of diabetic neuropathy
  796. Breakers of Advanced Glycation end products restore large artery properties in experimental diabetes
  797. A role for Advanced Glycation end products in diminished bone healing in type 1 diabetes
  798. Advanced Glycation end products up-regulate gene expression found in diabetic glomerular disease
  799. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and diabetic vascular complications
  800. Modification of low density lipoprotein by Advanced Glycation end products contributes to the dyslipidemia of diabetes and renal insufficiency
  801. Restriction of dietary glycotoxins reduces excessive Advanced Glycation end products in renal failure patients
  802. Advanced Glycation end products cause epithelial-myofibroblast transdifferentiation via the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  803. Advanced Glycation end products , their receptors and diabetic angiopathy
  804. Advanced Glycation end products and RAGE: a common thread in aging, diabetes, neurodegeneration, and inflammation
  805. Association between serum levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and circulating Advanced Glycation end products in type 2 diabetes
  806. In vitro kinetic studies of formation of antigenic Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) : novel inhibition of post-Amadori Glycationpathways
  807. Importance of Advanced Glycation end products in diabetes-associated cardiovascular and renal disease
  808. The relationship between accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in human diabetic retinas
  809. Cellular receptors for Advanced Glycation end products . Implications for induction of oxidant stress and cellular dysfunction in the pathogenesis of vascular lesions.
  810. A breaker of Advanced Glycation end products attenuates diabetes-induced myocardial structural changes
  811. Vascular hypertrophy in experimental diabetes. Role of Advanced Glycation end products .
  812. Toxic Advanced Glycation end products (TAGE) theory in Alzheimer’s disease
  813. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products as a molecular mechanism for aging as a risk factor in osteoarthritis
  814. Differential effects between amphoterin and Advanced Glycation end products on colon cancer cells
  815. Advanced Glycation end products induce glomerular sclerosis and albuminuria in normal rats
  816. Reduction of the accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products by ACE inhibition in experimental diabetic nephropathy
  817. Characterization of Advanced Glycation end products for biochemical studies: side chain modifications and fluorescence characteristics
  818. Advanced Glycation end products in nondiabetic patients with coronary artery disease
  819. Advanced Glycation end products in age-related macular degeneration
  820. Involvement of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in Alzheimer’s disease
  821. Serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products are increased in patients with type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.
  822. RAGE: a novel cellular receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  823. Possible participation of Advanced Glycation end products in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis in diabetic patients
  824. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : from disease marker to potential therapeutic target
  825. Neurotoxicity of Advanced Glycation end-products for cultured cortical neurons
  826. Glycationin food and metabolic transit of dietary AGEs (Advanced Glycation end-products): studies on the urinary excretion of pyrraline
  827. Role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in thrombogenic abnormalities in diabetes
  828. … association between serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products and the soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in nondiabetic subjects
  829. Advanced Glycation end-products pentosidine and Nϵ-carboxymethyllysine are elevated in serum of patients with osteoporosis
  830. Increased serum levels of Advanced Glycation end-products and diabetic complications
  831. Characterization and functional analysis of the promoter of RAGE, the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  832. Regulation of human mononuclear phagocyte migration by cell surface-binding proteins for Advanced Glycation end products .
  833. Serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products are associated with left ventricular diastolic function in patients with type 1 diabetes.
  834. Advanced Glycation end products in human optic nerve head
  835. Association between acute-phase reactants and Advanced Glycation end products in type 2 diabetes
  836. Plasma levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and coronary artery disease in nondiabetic men
  837. Detection of noncarboxymethyllysine and carboxymethyllysine Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) in serum of diabetic patients
  838. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is induced by the Glycationproducts themselves and tumor necrosis factor-α through nuclear factor-κB, and …
  839. Increased levels of Advanced Glycation end products in human cataractous lenses
  840. Expression of receptors for Advanced Glycation end products in peripheral occlusive vascular disease
  841. Lipid peroxidation and Advanced Glycation end products in the brain in normal aging and in Alzheimer’s disease
  842. Advanced Glycation end products in vitreous: Structural and functional implications for diabetic vitreopathy.
  843. Purification and characterization of mouse soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE)
  844. Relationship of serum Advanced Glycation end products with deterioration of periodontitis in type 2 diabetes patients
  845. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products is a marker of type I cell injury in acute lung injury
  846. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in patients with decreased renal function
  847. Advanced Glycation end products are associated with pulse pressure in type 1 diabetes: the EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study
  848. Genotoxicity of Advanced Glycation end products in mammalian cells
  849. Identification of galectin-3 as a high-affinity binding protein for Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) : a new member of the AGE-receptor complex
  850. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is highly expressed in the skin and upregulated by Advanced Glycation end products and tumor necrosis …
  851. beta 2-Microglobulin modified with Advanced Glycation end products is a major component of hemodialysis-associated amyloidosis.
  852. Advanced Glycation end products in renal failure
  853. FEEL-1 and FEEL-2 are endocytic receptors for Advanced Glycation end products
  854. Expression of Advanced Glycation end products and their cellular receptor RAGE in diabetic nephropathy and nondiabetic renal disease
  855. Activation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : a mechanism for chronic vascular dysfunction in diabetic vasculopathy and atherosclerosis
  856. RAGE (receptor for Advanced Glycation end products ): a central player in the inflammatory response
  857. Advanced Glycation end products activate endothelium through signal-transduction receptor RAGE: a mechanism for amplification of inflammatory responses
  858. Immunochemical approach to characterize Advanced Glycation end products of the Maillard reaction: evidence for the presence of a common structure
  859. Increased proinflammatory endothelial response to S100A8/A9 after preactivation through Advanced Glycation end products
  860. Skin autofluorescence, a measure of cumulative metabolic stress and Advanced Glycation end products , predicts mortality in hemodialysis patients
  861. Advanced Glycation end products and their receptors co-localise in rat organs susceptible to diabetic microvascular injury
  862. Blockade of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products restores effective wound healing in diabetic mice
  863. Impairment of vascular endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity by Advanced Glycation end products
  864. The breakdown of pre‐existing Advanced Glycation end products is associated with reduced renal fibrosis in experimental diabetes
  865. Induction of Advanced Glycation end products and alterations of the tensile properties of articular cartilage
  866. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in retinal microvascular leukostasis
  867. Advanced Glycation end products and nephrotoxicity of high-protein diets
  868. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) regulates sepsis but not the adaptive immune response
  869. Scavenger receptors that recognize Advanced Glycation end products
  870. Immunochemical evidence for the presence of Advanced Glycation end products in human lens proteins and its positive correlation with aging.
  871. Increased Advanced Glycation end products in atherosclerotic lesions of patients with end-stage renal disease
  872. Specific fluorescence assay for Advanced Glycation end products in blood and urine of diabetic patients
  873. Decreased plasma levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in patients with essential hypertension
  874. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products -binding COOH-terminal motif of amphoterin inhibits invasive migration and metastasis
  875. Expression of receptors for Advanced Glycation end‐products (RAGE) is closely associated with the invasive and metastatic activity of gastric cancer
  876. Methylglyoxal-derived hydroimidazolone Advanced Glycation end-products of human lens proteins
  877. Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural detection of Advanced Glycation end products in atherosclerotic lesions of human aorta with a novel specific monoclonal …
  878. Increased accumulation of skin Advanced Glycation end-products precedes and correlates with clinical manifestation of diabetic neuropathy
  879. Age-related changes in cells and tissues due to Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  880. Advanced Glycation end products induce blood–retinal barrier dysfunction in normoglycemic rats
  881. Advanced Glycation end products in Human Cancer Tissues: Detection of Nε‐(Carboxymethyl)lysine and Argpyrimidine
  882. Immunological evidence that non-carboxymethyllysine Advanced Glycation end-products are produced from short chain sugars and dicarbonyl compounds in …
  883. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products is a marker of type I lung alveolar cells
  884. Age-and stage-dependent accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in intracellular deposits in normal and Alzheimer’s disease brains
  885. Enzymatic digestion and mass spectrometry in the study of Advanced Glycation end products /peptides
  886. RAGE‐mediated neutrophil dysfunction is evoked by Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  887. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)co-localize with AGE receptors in the retinal vasculature of diabetic and of AGE-infused rats.
  888. Diabetes increases formation of Advanced Glycation end products on Sarco (endo) plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase
  889. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in the peritoneal vasculature of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients with low ultra-filtration.
  890. Advanced Glycation end products in clinical nephrology
  891. Increased serum concentrations of Advanced Glycation end products : a marker of coronary artery disease activity in type 2 diabetic patients
  892. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is a cellular binding site for amphoterin: mediation of neurite outgrowth and co-expression of rage …
  893. Immunohistochemical distribution of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in neurons and astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease
  894. Crosslinking by Advanced Glycation end products increases the stiffness of the collagen network in human articular cartilage: a possible mechanism through which …
  895. Rapid formation of Advanced Glycation end products by intermediate metabolites of glycolytic pathway and polyol pathway
  896. Oxidation conspires with Glycationto generate noxious Advanced Glycation end products in renal failure.
  897. Activation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products triggers a p21 ras-dependent mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway regulated by oxidant …
  898. Coregulation of neurite outgrowth and cell survival by amphoterin and S100 proteins through receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) activation
  899. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , inflammation, and accelerated periodontal disease in diabetes: mechanisms and insights into therapeutic modalities
  900. Increased levels of serum Advanced Glycation end‐products in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
  901. Thiazolidinediones reduce endothelial expression of receptors for Advanced Glycation end products
  902. Advanced Glycation end products in human penis: elevation in diabetic tissue, site of deposition, and possible effect through iNOS or eNOS
  903. Release of high mobility group box 1 by dendritic cells controls T cell activation via the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  904. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and its ligand, amphoterin are overexpressed and associated with prostate cancer development
  905. Serum levels of low molecular weight Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic subjects
  906. N ε-(carboxymethyl) lysine adducts of proteins are ligands for receptor for Advanced Glycation end products that activate cell signaling pathways and modulate …
  907. Tomato paste fraction inhibiting the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products
  908. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)-mediated neurite outgrowth and activation of NF-κB require the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor but …
  909. Advanced Glycation end products enhance expression of pro-apoptotic genes and stimulate fibroblast apoptosis through cytoplasmic and mitochondrial …
  910. Influence of Advanced Glycation end-products and AGE-inhibitors on nucleation-dependent polymerization of β-amyloid peptide
  911. Advanced Glycation end products and Advancedoxidation protein products in hemodialyzed patients
  912. Role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and their receptor (RAGE) in the pathogenesis of diabetic microangiopathy.
  913. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products has a central role in mediating the effects of Advanced Glycation end-products on the development of vascular …
  914. Advanced Glycation end products activate Smad signaling via TGF‐β‐dependent and‐independent mechanisms: implications for diabetic renal and vascular disease
  915. Advanced Glycation end products in uremia
  916. Articular chondrocytes express the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : potential role in osteoarthritis
  917. Role of Advanced Glycation end products in adynamic bone disease in patients with diabetic nephropathy
  918. Advanced Glycation end products -induced apoptosis and overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor in bovine retinal pericytes
  919. Role of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE) in late diabetic complications
  920. Circulating levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia
  921. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is involved in impaired angiogenic response in diabetes
  922. Advanced Glycation end products induce crosslinking of collagen in vitro
  923. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products , measured as skin autofluorescence, in renal disease
  924. At least 2 distinct pathways generating reactive oxygen species mediate vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 induction by Advanced Glycation end products
  925. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and its ligands: a new inflammatory pathway in lung disease?
  926. Advanced Glycation end products in neurodegeneration: more than early markers of oxidative stress?
  927. Thiamine pyrophosphate and pyridoxamine inhibit the formation of antigenic Advanced Glycation end-products: comparison with aminoguanidine
  928. Markedly elevated levels of plasma Advanced Glycation end products in patients with liver cirrhosis–amelioration by liver transplantation
  929. Co-expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and the ligand amphoterin associates closely with metastasis of colorectal cancer
  930. Enhanced expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in chronic kidney disease
  931. Alternative routes for the formation of immunochemically distinct Advanced Glycation end-products in vivo
  932. Receptor-mediated endothelial cell dysfunction in diabetic vasculopathy. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products blocks hyperpermeability in diabetic …
  933. Expression profiling of endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in human organs
  934. 3-Deoxyglucosone, a promoter of Advanced Glycation end products in fluids for peritoneal dialysis
  935. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)has a central role in vessel wall interactions and gene activation in response to circulating AGE proteins
  936. Advanced Glycation end products in end-stage renal disease and their removal
  937. Constitutive nitric oxide synthase expression in retinal vascular endothelial cells is suppressed by high glucose and Advanced Glycation end products .
  938. Novel splice variants of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products expressed in human vascular endothelial cells and pericytes, and their putative roles in …
  939. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and its ligands: a journey from the complications of diabetes to its pathogenesis
  940. Advanced Glycation end products induce expression of vascular endothelial growth factor by retinal Müller cells
  941. … system of human phagocytes generates Nε-(carboxymethyl)lysine on proteins: a mechanism for producing Advanced Glycation end products at sites of …
  942. Modulation of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products by angiotensin-converting enzyme-1 inhibition in diabetic nephropathy
  943. … prevents macro-and microvascular endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress following a meal rich in Advanced Glycation end products in individuals with type 2 …
  944. Nε-(Carboxymethyl)lysine Protein Adduct Is a Major Immunological Epitope in Proteins Modified with Advanced Glycation end products of the Maillard Reaction
  945. Inflammation-induced chondrocyte hypertrophy is driven by receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  946. Reduced cell replication and induction of apoptosis by Advanced Glycation end products in rat Schwann cells
  947. Advanced Glycation end‐products attenuate human mesenchymal stem cells and prevent cognate differentiation into adipose tissue, cartilage, and bone
  948. Enhanced interaction of Advanced Glycation end products with their cellular receptor RAGE: implications for the pathogenesis of accelerated periodontal disease in …
  949. Accelerated nephropathy in diabetic apolipoprotein e-knockout mouse: role of Advanced Glycation end products
  950. Circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is inversely associated with glycemic control and S100A12 protein
  951. Formation of Advanced Glycation end products during CAPD
  952. Cd36, a member of the class b scavenger receptor family, as a receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  953. Advanced Glycation end products -driven angiogenesis in vitro: induction of the growth and tube formation of human microvascular endothelial cells through …
  954. Advanced Glycation end products in serum predict changes in the kidney morphology of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  955. Decreased levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in patients with rheumatoid arthritis indicating deficient inflammatory control
  956. Increased methylglyoxal and Advanced Glycation end products in kidney from spontaneously hypertensive rats
  957. Advanced Glycation end products and vascular structure and function
  958. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) directly binds to ERK by a D-domain-like docking site
  959. Possible involvement of Advanced Glycation end-products in bone resorption
  960. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and age-related macular degeneration
  961. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)on the surface of diabetic erythrocytes bind to the vessel wall via a specific receptor inducing oxidant stress in the …
  962. Angiotensin II receptor antagonists and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors lower in vitro the formation of Advanced Glycation end products : biochemical …
  963. Anti-hypertensive agents inhibit in vivo the formation of Advanced Glycation end products and improve renal damage in a type 2 diabetic nephropathy rat model
  964. Advanced Glycation end products upregulate angiogenic and pro-inflammatory cytokine production in human monocyte/macrophages
  965. Accumulation of fructosyl-lysine and Advanced Glycation end products in the kidney, retina and peripheral nerve of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  966. Evaluation of Advanced Glycation end products and carbonyl compounds in patients with different conditions of oxidative stress
  967. Macrophage scavenger receptor mediates the endocytic uptake and degradation of Advanced Glycation end products of the Maillard reaction
  968. Proteins modified by malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal, or Advanced Glycation end products in lipofuscin of human retinal pigment epithelium
  969. Down-regulation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) supports non-small cell lung carcinoma
  970. Advanced Glycation end products induce tubular epithelial-myofibroblast transition through the RAGE-ERK1/2 MAP kinase signaling pathway
  971. Identification of polymorphisms in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) gene: prevalence in type 2 diabetes and ethnic groups.
  972. Chronic diabetes increases Advanced Glycation end products on cardiac ryanodine receptors/calcium-release channels
  973. Induction of 1, 2-dicarbonyl compounds, intermediates in the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products, during heat-sterilization of glucose-based peritoneal …
  974. Plasma levels of Advanced Glycation end products in healthy, long-term vegetarians and subjects on a western mixed diet
  975. Corneal Advanced Glycation end products increase in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy
  976. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and HMGB1/amphoterin in colorectal adenomas
  977. Regulation of cyclooxygenase-2 expression in monocytes by ligation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  978. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit de novo protein synthesis and induce TGF-β overexpression in proximal tubular cells
  979. Blockade of late stages of autoimmune diabetes by inhibition of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  980. Inflammation and Advanced Glycation end products in uremia: Simple coexistence, potentiation or causal relationship?
  981. Effects of Advanced Glycation end-products on the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblast-like cells
  982. Effect of Advanced Glycation end-products on gene expression and synthesis of TNF-α and endothelial nitric oxide synthase by endothelial cells
  983. Expression of the receptor of Advanced Glycation end products in gingival tissues of type 2 diabetes patients with chronic periodontal disease: a study utilizing …
  984. Advanced Glycation end products are eliminated by scavenger-receptor-mediated endocytosis in hepatic sinusoidal Kupffer and endothelial cells
  985. Scavenger receptor class B type I-mediated reverse cholesterol transport is inhibited by Advanced Glycation end products
  986. Age‐related decrease in susceptibility of human articular cartilage to matrix metalloproteinase–mediated degradation: The role of Advanced Glycation end products
  987. Damage to the peritoneal membrane by glucose degradation products is mediated by the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products
  988. N‐Glycans on the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products influence amphoterin binding and neurite outgrowth
  989. Advanced Glycation end-products in diabetic nephropathy
  990. Advanced Glycation end-products induce connective tissue growth factor-mediated renal fibrosis predominantly through transforming growth factor β-independent …
  991. Glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end products in Alzheimer’s disease
  992. Advanced Glycation end-products in patients with chronic alcohol misuse
  993. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products mediates inflammation and enhanced expression of tissue factor in vasculature of diabetic apolipoprotein E–null mice
  994. Enhancing effect of Advanced Glycation end products on serotonin-induced platelet aggregation in patients with diabetes mellitus
  995. Familial amyloid polyneuropathy: receptor for Advanced Glycation end products -dependent triggering of neuronal inflammatory and apoptotic pathways
  996. Impaired retinal angiogenesis in diabetes: role of Advanced Glycation end products and galectin-3
  997. Low phagocytic activity of resident peritoneal macrophages in diabetic mice: relevance to the formation of Advanced Glycation end products .
  998. … production of matrix metalloproteinase 13 by human articular chondrocytes due to stimulation with S100A4: Role of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  999. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on accelerated apoptosis of retinal capillary cells under in vitro conditions
  1000. Glyoxalase I deficiency is associated with an unusual level of Advanced Glycation end products in a hemodialysis patient
  1001. Immunohistochemical localisation of Advanced Glycation end products in pulmonary fibrosis.
  1002. Advanced Glycation end products enhance osteoclast-induced bone resorption in cultured mouse unfractionated bone cells and in rats implanted subcutaneously with …
  1003. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products of the Maillard reaction with age in human hippocampal neurons
  1004. Advanced Glycation end products induce apoptosis and procoagulant activity in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  1005. Naphthopyrone glucosides from the seeds of Cassia tora with inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)formation
  1006. Immunohistochemical localization of Advanced Glycation end products , pentosidine, and carboxymethyllysine in lipofuscin pigments of Alzheimer’s disease and aged …
  1007. Glycolaldehyde, a reactive intermediate for Advanced Glycation end products , plays an important role in the generation of an active ligand for the macrophage …
  1008. Positive association of serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products with thrombogenic markers in humans
  1009. High serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products predict increased coronary heart disease mortality in nondiabetic women but not in nondiabetic men: a …
  1010. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and MMP-9 in human pancreatic cancer cells.
  1011. Advanced Glycation end products in children and adolescents with diabetes: relation to glycemic control and early microvascular complications
  1012. Immunohistochemical localization of different epitopes of Advanced Glycation end products in human atherosclerotic lesions
  1013. Advanced Glycation end‐products are responsible for the impairment of corpus cavernosal smooth muscle relaxation seen in diabetes
  1014. In vitro formation of Advanced Glycation end products in peritoneal dialysis fluid
  1015. Activation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in osteoarthritis leads to increased stimulation of chondrocytes and synoviocytes
  1016. Key role of Src kinase in S100B-induced activation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in vascular smooth muscle cells
  1017. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is a central mediator of the interaction of AGE-beta2microglobulin with human mononuclear phagocytes via …
  1018. Immunochemical detection of Advanced Glycation end products in lens crystallins from streptozocin-induced diabetic rat
  1019. Advanced Glycation end products in human senile and diabetic cataractous lenses
  1020. Interaction of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) with transthyretin triggers nuclear transcription factor kB (NF-kB) activation
  1021. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in women with preeclampsia: possible involvement of placental oxidative and nitrative stress
  1022. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products triggers a proinflammatory cytokine cascade via β2 integrin Mac‐1
  1023. Characterization of Advanced Glycation end products : mass changes in correlation to side chain modifications
  1024. Up‐regulated expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in cultured rat hepatic stellate cells during transdifferentiation to myofibroblasts
  1025. High levels of dietary Advanced Glycation end products transform low-dersity lipoprotein into a potent redox-sensitive mitogen-activated protein kinase stimulant in …
  1026. Membrane proteins of human erythrocytes are modified by Advanced Glycation end products during aging in the circulation
  1027. Plasma levels of Advanced Glycation end products during haemodialysis, haemodiafiltration and haemofiltration: potential importance of dialysate quality
  1028. … in vitro by physiological levels of glucose: pyridoxamine inhibits conversion of Amadori intermediate to Advanced Glycation end-products through binding of …
  1029. Involvement of beta 2-microglobulin modified with Advanced Glycation end products in the pathogenesis of hemodialysis-associated amyloidosis. Induction of human …
  1030. Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) and their receptor (RAGE) in the brain of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with prion plaques.
  1031. Histones from diabetic rats contain increased levels of Advanced Glycation end products
  1032. Generation of active oxygen species from Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)during ultraviolet light A (UVA) irradiation and a possible mechanism for cell …
  1033. Identification of pentosidine as a native structure for Advanced Glycation end products in beta-2-microglobulin-containing amyloid fibrils in patients with dialysis-related …
  1034. Toxic action of Advanced Glycation end products on cultured retinal capillary pericytes and endothelial cells: relevance to diabetic retinopathy
  1035. Effects of Advanced Glycation End-products on the Proliferation and Fibronectin Production of Smooth Muscle Cells
  1036. The role of galectin-3 in endocytosis of Advanced Glycation end products and modified low density lipoproteins
  1037. Acid-stable fluorescent Advanced Glycation end products : vesperlysines A, B, and C are formed as crosslinked products in the Maillard reaction between lysine or …
  1038. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on lens epithelial cells in vitro
  1039. Possible participation of Advanced Glycation end products in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer in diabetic patients
  1040. Type II alveolar epithelial cells in lung express receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) gene
  1041. Expression of a novel secreted splice variant of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in human brain astrocytes and peripheral blood …
  1042. Advanced Glycation end-products in diabetic nephropathy.
  1043. Effect of buformin and metformin on formation of Advanced Glycation end products by methylglyoxal
  1044. Association of expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and invasive activity of oral squamous cell carcinoma
  1045. Lectin-like oxidized low density lipoprotein receptor-1 (LOX-1) serves as an endothelial receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (AGE)
  1046. Upregulation of mesangial growth factor and extracellular matrix synthesis by Advanced Glycation end products via a receptor-mediated mechanism
  1047. Advanced Glycation end products induce angiogenesis in vivo
  1048. Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic complications
  1049. Expression and function of receptors for Advanced Glycation end products in bovine corneal endothelial cells
  1050. Advanced Glycation end products -cytokine-nitric oxide sequence pathway in the development of diabetic nephropathy: aminoguanidine ameliorates the …
  1051. Modification of enzymatic antioxidants in retinal microvascular cells by glucose or Advanced Glycation end products
  1052. Deposition of Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) and expression of the receptor for AGE in cardiovascular tissue of the diabetic rat.
  1053. Advanced Glycation end-products and methionine sulphoxide in skin collagen of patients with type 1 diabetes
  1054. High levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products may be a marker of extreme longevity in humans
  1055. Relationship between the expression of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE) and the receptor for AGE (RAGE) mRNA in diabetic nephropathy
  1056. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) signaling induces CREB-dependent chromogranin expression during neuronal differentiation
  1057. Candesartan reduced Advanced Glycation end-products accumulation and diminished nitro-oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic KK/Ta mice
  1058. Advanced Glycation end-products induce apoptosis involving the signaling pathways of oxidative stress in bovine retinal pericytes
  1059. Inhibition of human endothelial cell nitric oxide synthesis by Advanced Glycation end-products but not glucose: relevance to diabetes
  1060. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products decreases collagen turnover by bovine chondrocytes
  1061. … Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) ligands is not sufficient to induce inflammatory signals: lack of activity of endotoxin-free albumin-derived Advanced…
  1062. Synergistic action of Advanced Glycation end products and endogenous nitric oxide leads to neuronal apoptosis in vitro: a new insight into selective nitrergic …
  1063. β2-Microglobulin modified with Advanced Glycation end products modulates collagen synthesis by human fibroblasts
  1064. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) , free radicals and diabetes
  1065. The role of reactive oxygen species in TNFα-dependent expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in human umbilical vein endothelial …
  1066. Identification of the Advanced Glycation end products Nε-carboxymethyllysine in the synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  1067. Advanced Glycation end products can induce glial reaction and neuronal degeneration in retinal explants
  1068. Elevation of Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine-modified Advanced Glycation end products in chronic liver disease is an indicator of liver cirrhosis
  1069. β2-Microglobulin modified with Advanced Glycation end products delays monocyte apoptosis
  1070. From benefit to damage. Glutamate and Advanced Glycation end products in Alzheimer brain
  1071. Constituents of the roots of Pueraria lobata inhibit formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  1072. Atorvastatin decreases serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in patients with type 2 diabetes
  1073. Below the Radar: Advanced Glycation end products that Detour “around the side”: Is HbA1c not an accurate enough predictor of long term progression and …
  1074. Roles of Advanced Glycation end-products in the progression of diabetic nephropathy
  1075. Advanced Glycation end products induce choroidal endothelial cell proliferation, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and VEGF upregulation in vitro
  1076. Increased expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products by synovial tissue macrophages in rheumatoid arthritis
  1077. Effects of a diet rich in Advanced Glycation end products in the rat remnant kidney model
  1078. Single exposure of mesothelial cells to glucose degradation products (GDPs) yields early Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)and a proinflammatory response
  1079. cDNA cloning of a novel secreted isoform of the human receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and characterization of cells co-expressing cell-surface …
  1080. Pigment epithelium-derived factor prevents Advanced Glycation end products -induced monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 production in microvascular …
  1081. Thiamine corrects delayed replication and decreases production of lactate and Advanced Glycation end-products in bovine retinal and human umbilical vein …
  1082. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end‐products protects against retinal capillary basement membrane expansion during long‐term diabetes
  1083. Advanced Glycation end products induce secretion of chemokines and apoptosis in human first trimester trophoblasts
  1084. Serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products are associated with in-stent restenosis in diabetic patients
  1085. Puerariafuran, a new inhibitor of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)isolated from the roots of Pueraria lobata
  1086. … acid reduces expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and endothelial adhesion of human monocytes after stimulation with Advanced Glycation end products
  1087. Advanced–Glycationend products in insulin-resistant states
  1088. [11] Advanced Glycation end products : Detection and reversal
  1089. Genotoxicity of Advanced Glycation end products : involvement of oxidative stress and of angiotensin II type 1 receptors
  1090. Increased serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in children and adolescents with IDDM
  1091. High‐fat diet enhances visceral Advanced Glycation end products , nuclear O‐Glc‐Nac modification, p38 mitogen‐activated protein kinase activation and apoptosis
  1092. Increased expression of Advanced Glycation end-products and their receptor, and activation of nuclear factor kappa-B in lacrimal glands of diabetic rats
  1093. Advanced Glycation end products and oxidative stress are increased in chronic allograft nephropathy
  1094. What’s the RAGE?: The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and the dark side of glucose
  1095. Are food Advanced Glycation end products toxic in biological systems?
  1096. The endothelial cell binding site for Advanced Glycation end products consists of a complex: an integral membrane protein and a lactoferrin-like polypeptide
  1097. Role of vitamin E-coated membrane in reducing Advanced Glycation end products in hemodialysis patients: a pilot study
  1098. Bimodal effect of Advanced Glycation end products on mesangial cell proliferation is mediated by neutral ceramidase regulation and endogenous …
  1099. Advanced Glycation end products in Diabetes‐Associated Atherosclerosis and Renal Disease: Interventional Studies
  1100. Advanced Glycation end products and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in AA amyloidosis
  1101. Effect of Advanced Glycation end-products on cell proliferation and cell death
  1102. Decreased levels of Advanced Glycation end-products in patients with Gilbert syndrome.
  1103. Advanced Glycation end products increase collagen-specific chaperone protein in mouse diabetic nephropathy
  1104. Effects of ramipril in nondiabetic nephropathy: improved parameters of oxidatives stress and potential modulation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1105. Nitric oxide inhibits the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1106. Blockade of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products attenuates acetaminophen‐induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  1107. Advanced Glycation end‐products in sickle cell anaemia
  1108. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products mediates the chemotaxis of rabbit smooth muscle cells
  1109. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and their receptor (RAGE) system in diabetic retinopathy
  1110. Advanced Glycation end-products induce apoptosis of bovine retinal pericytes in culture: involvement of diacylglycerol/ceramide production and oxidative stress …
  1111. Advanced Glycation end products co-localized with astrocytes and microglial cells in Alzheimer’s disease brain
  1112. Advanced Glycation end products -induced gene expression of scavenger receptors in cultured human monocyte-derived macrophages
  1113. Advanced Glycation end products and their recognition by macrophage and macrophage-derived cells
  1114. Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) prevents diabetes-or Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) -elicited retinal leukostasis
  1115. Significance of proximal tubular metabolism of Advanced Glycation end products in kidney diseases
  1116. Are Advanced Glycation end products cardiovascular risk factors in patients with CRF?
  1117. Telmisartan inhibits expression of a receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in angiotensin-II-exposed endothelial cells and decreases serum levels of …
  1118. Low-molecular but not high-molecular Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)are removed by high-flux dialysis.
  1119. Impact of metabolic control and serum lipids on the concentration of Advanced Glycation end products in the serum of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes …
  1120. Immunochemical detection of Advanced Glycation end products in renal cortex from STZ-induced diabetic rat
  1121. Advanced Glycation end products in children with chronic renal failure and type 1 diabetes
  1122. Identification of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  1123. Risk factors for chronic transplant dysfunction and cardiovascular disease are related to accumulation of Advanced Glycation end-products in renal transplant …
  1124. Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)induce concerted changes in the osteoblastic expression of their receptor RAGE and in the activation of extracellular signal …
  1125. Elevated release of sCD40L from platelets of diabetic patients by thrombin, glucose and Advanced Glycation end products
  1126. CD36-mediated endocytic uptake of Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) in mouse 3T3-L1 and human subcutaneous adipocytes
  1127. Advanced Glycation end-products and peritoneal sclerosis
  1128. A developmental nephron deficit in rats is associated with increased susceptibility to a secondary renal injury due to Advanced Glycation end-products
  1129. Suppression of nNOS expression in rat enteric neurones by the receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products
  1130. Advanced Glycation end‐products increase monocyte adhesion to retinal endothelial cells through vascular endothelial growth factor‐induced ICAM‐1 expression …
  1131. Activation of astrocytes by Advanced Glycation end products : cytokines induction and nitric oxide release
  1132. Advanced Glycation end products : a highly complex set of biologically relevant compounds detected by mass spectrometry
  1133. Identification of mouse orthologue of endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products: structure, function and expression
  1134. Plasma levels of Advanced Glycation end products in children with renal disease
  1135. Estimation of age of human cadavers by immunohistochemical assessment of Advanced Glycation end products in the hippocampus
  1136. Autofluorescence characterization of Advanced Glycation end products of hemoglobin
  1137. Regulation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products during bleomycin-induced lung injury
  1138. Transition Metal–Catalyzed Oxidation of Ascorbate in Human Cataract Extracts: Possible Role of Advanced Glycation end products
  1139. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is elevated in women with preeclampsia
  1140. … Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine is impaired in mice deficient in NADPH oxidase: a role for phagocyte-derived oxidants in the formation of Advanced Glycation end products …
  1141. Glycationand Advanced Glycation end-products in laboratory experiments in vivo and in vitro
  1142. Kinetics of nonenzymatic Glycationof ribonuclease A leading to Advanced Glycation end products . Paradoxical inhibition by ribose leads to facile isolation of protein …
  1143. Induction of aldose reductase in cultured human microvascular endothelial cells by Advanced Glycation end products
  1144. The role of metal-catalyzed oxidation in the formation of Advanced Glycation end products : an in vitro study on collagen
  1145. Age-dependent accumulation of Advanced Glycation end-products in adult Drosophila melanogaster
  1146. Interaction between β2-microglobulin and Advanced Glycation end products in the development of dialysis related-amyloidosis
  1147. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on endotoxin-induced TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and IL-8 in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
  1148. Advanced Glycation end products increase, through a protein kinase C-dependent pathway, vascular endothelial growth factor expression in retinal endothelial cells …
  1149. Are Advanced Glycation end-products associated with amyloidosis in Alzheimer’s disease?
  1150. Proliferative stimulus of lung fibroblasts on lung cancer cells is impaired by the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products
  1151. Advanced Glycation end products modulate the maturation and function of peripheral blood dendritic cells
  1152. The amphoterin (HMGB1)/receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) pair modulates myoblast proliferation, apoptosis, adhesiveness, migration …
  1153. Incadronate disodium inhibits Advanced Glycation end products -induced angiogenesis in vitro
  1154. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is a promising target of diabetic nephropathy
  1155. Two immunochemical assays to measure Advanced Glycation end-products in serum from dialysis patients
  1156. Expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in Huntington’s disease caudate nucleus
  1157. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in human biliary cancer cells.
  1158. Selective formation of certain Advanced Glycation end products in spinal cord astrocytes of humans and mice with superoxide dismutase-1 mutation
  1159. Pathophysiology of Advanced Glycation end-products in renal failure
  1160. Chemoselective synthesis of peptides containing major Advanced Glycation end‐products of lysine and arginine
  1161. Immunohistochemical distribution and subcellular localization of three distinct specific molecular structures of Advanced Glycation end products in human tissues.
  1162. Immunohistochemical study of Advanced Glycation end products in aging and Alzheimer’s disease brain
  1163. Inhibitory effect of metformin on formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1164. Acute modulation of albumin microvascular leakage by Advanced Glycation end products in microcirculation of diabetic rats in vivo.
  1165. Dysfunction of dermal fibroblasts induced by Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)and the contribution of a nonspecific interaction with cell membrane and AGEs
  1166. Relationship between autofluorescence and Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic lenses
  1167. Role of Advanced Glycation end products in aging collagen
  1168. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ down-regulates receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and inhibits smooth muscle cell proliferation in a diabetic …
  1169. Role of megalin in endocytosis of Advanced Glycation end products : implications for a novel protein binding to both megalin and Advanced Glycation end products
  1170. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products on human synovial fibroblasts: role in the pathogenesis of dialysis-related amyloidosis
  1171. The breakdown of preformed Advanced Glycation end products reverses erectile dysfunction in streptozotocin‐induced diabetic rats: Preventive versus curative …
  1172. Activation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced form) oxidase by Advanced Glycation end products links oxidative stress to altered retinal …
  1173. The effects of valsartan on the accumulation of circulating and renal Advanced Glycation end products in experimental diabetes
  1174. Genomic damage in end-stage renal failure: potential involvement of Advanced Glycation end products and carbonyl stress
  1175. Advanced Glycation end products in kidney transplant patients: a putative role in the development of chronic renal transplant dysfunction
  1176. Low‐Molecular Weight Advanced Glycation end products : Markers of Tissue AGE Accumulation and More?
  1177. Nifedipine inhibits gene expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in endothelial cells by suppressing reactive oxygen species generation.
  1178. Activated protein C, a natural anticoagulant protein, has antioxidant properties and inhibits lipid peroxidation and Advanced Glycation end products formation
  1179. Substrates modified by Advanced Glycation end-products cause dysfunction and death in retinal pericytes by reducing survival signals mediated by platelet …
  1180. Serum or cerebrospinal fluid levels of glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)may be a promising biomarker for early detection of …
  1181. In vitro effect of Advanced Glycation end‐products on human polymorphonuclear superoxide production
  1182. Removal of Advanced Glycation end products in clinical renal failure by peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis
  1183. C-Reactive protein upregulates receptor for Advanced Glycation end products expression in human endothelial cells
  1184. Immunohistochemical localization of Advanced Glycation end products in pinguecula
  1185. Susceptibility of brain microvascular endothelial cells to Advanced Glycation end products -induced tissue factor upregulation is associated with intracellular reactive …
  1186. Advanced Glycation end products in Descemet’s membrane and their effect on corneal endothelial cell
  1187. Low molecular weight Advanced Glycation end products predict mortality in asymptomatic patients receiving chronic haemodialysis
  1188. Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) -modified proteins and their potential relevance to atherosclerosis
  1189. Phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase-dependent activation of renal mesangial cell Ki-Ras and ERK by Advanced Glycation end products
  1190. Selective inhibition by grape seed proanthocyanidin extracts of cell adhesion molecule expression induced by Advanced Glycation end products in endothelial cells
  1191. Inhibitor for Advanced Glycation end products formation attenuates hypertension and oxidative damage in genetic hypertensive rats
  1192. Insulin enhances macrophage scavenger receptor-mediated endocytic uptake of Advanced Glycation end products
  1193. Serum levels of glucose-derived Advanced Glycation end products are associated with the severity of diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetic patients without renal …
  1194. Differential expression of receptors for Advanced Glycation end‐products in peritoneal mesothelial cells exposed to glucose degradation products
  1195. The− 374A allele of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene is associated with a decreased risk of ischemic heart disease in African-Brazilians with …
  1196. Isolation and characterization of Advanced Glycation end products derived from the in vitro reaction of ribose and collagen
  1197. Aminoguanidine inhibits Advanced Glycation end products formation on beta2-microglobulin.
  1198. Possible significance of Advanced Glycation end products in serum in end-stage renal disease and in late complications of diabetes
  1199. Advanced Glycation and lipoxidation end products : role of reactive carbonyl compounds generated during carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
  1200. Immunohistochemical distribution and quantitative biochemical detection of Advanced Glycation end products in fetal to adult rats and in rats with …
  1201. Generation of active oxygen species from Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE) under ultraviolet light A (UVA) irradiation
  1202. Aminoguanidine and metformin prevent the reduced rate of HDL-mediated cell cholesterol efflux induced by formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1203. Advanced Glycation end products Stimulate an Enhanced Neutrophil Respiratory Burst Mediated Through the Activation of Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 and …
  1204. Modification of β2m with Advanced Glycation end products as observed in dialysis-related amyloidosis by 3-DG accumulating in uremic serum
  1205. Role of Advanced Glycation end products and growth factors in peritoneal dysfunction in CAPD patients
  1206. Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in hyperglycemic patients
  1207. Inhibition of matrix-induced bone differentiation by Advanced Glycation end-products in rats
  1208. Distribution of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene polymorphisms in patients with chronic periodontitis: a preliminary study
  1209. Presence of dopa and amino acid hydroperoxides in proteins modified with Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) : amino acid oxidation products as a possible …
  1210. Induction of macrophage growth by Advanced Glycation end products of the Maillard reaction.
  1211. Dietary bread crust Advanced Glycation end products bind to the receptor for AGEs in HEK‐293 kidney cells but are rapidly excreted after oral administration to healthy …
  1212. Importance of homocysteine, lipoprotein (a) and non-classical cardiovascular risk factors (fibrinogen and Advanced Glycation end-products) for atherogenesis in …
  1213. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on cytosolic Ca2+ signaling of cultured human mesangial cells
  1214. Blockade of angiotensin II receptors reduces the expression of receptors for Advanced Glycation end products in human endothelial cells
  1215. Immunohistochemical detection of Advanced Glycation end products in dialysis-related amyloidosis
  1216. Skin autofluorescence, a marker of Advanced Glycation end products and oxidative stress, is increased in recently preeclamptic women
  1217. Monocyte/macrophage response to β2-microglobulin modified with Advanced Glycation end products
  1218. Renal accumulation and clearance of Advanced Glycation end-products in type 2 diabetic nephropathy: effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme and …
  1219. Advanced Glycation end products /Peptides: An in Vivo Investigation
  1220. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and the cardiovascular complications of diabetes and beyond: lessons from AGEing
  1221. Advanced Glycation end products : specific fluorescence changes of pentosidine-like compounds during short daily hemodialysis
  1222. Detection of N epsilon-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML) and non-CML Advanced Glycation end-products in the anterior horn of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis spinal cord.
  1223. Hepatic clearance of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) —myth or truth?
  1224. 3-Deoxyosone-related Advanced Glycation end products in foods and biological systems
  1225. Immunohistochemical study of human Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE) and growth factors in cardiac tissues of patients on maintenance dialysis and with …
  1226. Mechanisms involved in the stimulatory effect of Advanced Glycation end products on growth of rat aortic smooth muscle cells
  1227. Induction of reactive oxygen species and cell survival in the presence of Advanced Glycation end products and similar structures
  1228. … and reduced viability of Alzheimer’s disease neuronal cybrids is reproduced by β-amyloid peptide acting through receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE …
  1229. Advanced Glycation end products and hyperglycaemia
  1230. Developmental expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE), amphoterin and sulfoglucuronyl (HNK‐1) carbohydrate in mouse cerebellum and …
  1231. Advanced Glycation end products impair the scavenger function of rat hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells
  1232. Rheumatoid arthritis: links with cardiovascular disease and the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1233. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products plays a more important role in cellular survival than in neurite outgrowth during retinoic acid-induced …
  1234. Expression and purification of the soluble isoform of human receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) from Pichia pastoris
  1235. The amino-terminal domains of the ezrin, radixin, and moesin (ERM) proteins bind Advanced Glycation end products , an interaction that may play a role in the …
  1236. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase activity by early and Advanced Glycation end products in cultured rabbit proximal tubular epithelial cells
  1237. Accurate mass measurements by Fourier transform mass spectrometry in the study of Advanced Glycation end products /peptides
  1238. Benfotiamine inhibits intracellular formation of Advanced Glycation end products in vivo
  1239. Effect of high-dose thiamine and pyridoxine on Advanced Glycation end products and other oxidative stress markers in hemodialysis patients: a randomized placebo …
  1240. Advanced Glycation end products -modified proteins and oxidized LDL mediate down-regulation of leptin in mouse adipocytes via CD36
  1241. β2-Microglobulin modified with Advanced Glycation end products induces interleukin-6 from human macrophages: Role in the pathogenesis of hemodialysis …
  1242. Amyloidosis, Advanced Glycation end products and Alzheimer disease
  1243. Increased serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products in NIDDM patients with diabetic complications
  1244. New hypothesis on etiopathogenesis of Alzheimer syndrome. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  1245. Signalling pathways involved in retinal endothelial cell proliferation induced by Advanced Glycation end products : inhibitory effect of gliclazide
  1246. N-Terminal pyrazinones: a new class of peptide-bound Advanced Glycation end-products
  1247. Beraprost sodium, a prostaglandin I 2 analogue, protects against Advanced Glycation end products -induced injury in cultured retinal pericytes
  1248. Neurotoxicity of acetaldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end products for cultured cortical neurons
  1249. The-429 T/C and-374 T/A gene polymorphisms of the receptor of Advanced Glycation end products gene are not risk factors for diabetic retinopathy in Caucasians with …
  1250. Advanced Glycation end products modulate transcriptional regulation in mesangial cells
  1251. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on hyaluronan photolysis: a new mechanism of diabetic vitreopathy
  1252. Receptors for Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE) —expression by endothelial cells in non-diabetic uraemic patients
  1253. a-Series gangliosides mediate the effects of Advanced Glycation end products on pericyte and mesangial cell proliferation: a common mediator for retinal and renal …
  1254. Graded sensitiveness of the various retinal neuron populations on the glyoxal-mediated formation of Advanced Glycation end products and ways of protection
  1255. Advanced Glycation end-products downregulating intervertebral disc cell production of proteoglycans in vitro
  1256. Amino acids injure mesangial cells by Advanced Glycation end products , oxidative stress, and protein kinase C
  1257. Advanced Glycation end products stimulate tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1 beta secretion by peritoneal macrophages in patients on continuous …
  1258. Endocytic uptake of Advanced Glycation end products by mouse liver sinusoidal endothelial cells is mediated by a scavenger receptor distinct from the macrophage …
  1259. Augmentation of the neutrophil respiratory burst through the action of Advanced Glycation end products : a potential contributor to vascular oxidant stress
  1260. Reactive oxygen species accelerate production of vascular endothelial growth factor by Advanced Glycation end products in RAW264. 7 mouse macrophages
  1261. Aminoguanidine inhibits albuminuria, but not the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products in skin collagen of diabetic rats
  1262. The induction of surface β-amyloid binding proteins and enhanced cytotoxicity in cultured PC-12 and IMR-32 cells by Advanced Glycation end products
  1263. Immunochemical evidence for increased formation of Advanced Glycation end products and inhibition by aminoguanidine in diabetic rat lenses
  1264. In vitro inhibition of transthyretin aggregate-induced cytotoxicity by full and peptide derived forms of the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products …
  1265. Potential benefit of inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end products in the progression of type II diabetes: a study with aminoguanidine in C57/BLKsJ diabetic mice
  1266. Advanced Glycation end products of the Maillard reaction in aortic pepsin-insoluble and pepsin-soluble collagen from diabetic rats
  1267. Enhanced plasma levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) and pro-inflammatory cytokines in children/adolescents with chronic renal insufficiency and after …
  1268. Advanced Glycation end products induce death of retinal neurons via activation of nitric oxide synthase
  1269. Effects of eparlestat on plasma levels of Advanced Glycation end products in patients with type 2 diabetes.
  1270. Antibodies to Advanced Glycation end products in children with diabetes mellitus
  1271. The human and rat recombinant receptors for Advanced Glycation end products have a high degree of homology but different pharmacokinetic properties in rats
  1272. Epitopes close to the apolipoprotein B low density lipoprotein receptor-binding site are modified by Advanced Glycation end products
  1273. Nuclear factor-κB and Advanced Glycation end-products expression in lacrimal glands of aging rats
  1274. Cytotoxicity of acetaldehyde‐derived Advanced Glycation end‐products (AA‐AGE) in alcoholic‐induced neuronal degeneration
  1275. Rapid determination of Advanced Glycation end products of proteins using MALDI-TOF-MS and PERL script peptide searching algorithm
  1276. Pathogenic role of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs) : an overview
  1277. The–429 T/C and–374 T/A gene polymorphisms of the receptor of Advanced Glycation end products gene (RAGE) are not risk factors for coronary artery disease in …
  1278. Damaging effects of Advanced Glycation end-products in the murine macrophage cell line J774A. 1
  1279. Advanced Glycation end products induce actin rearrangement and subsequent hyperpermeability of endothelial cells THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN RETRACTED
  1280. The effect of Advanced Glycation end-products and aminoguanidine on TNFα production by rat peritoneal macrophages
  1281. Early and Advanced Glycation end-products are increased in dietary copper deficiency
  1282. Gene polymorphisms (G82S, 1704G/T, 2184A/G and 2245G/A) of the receptor of Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in plaque psoriasis
  1283. Advanced Glycation end-products as a potential target for treatment of cardiovascular disease
  1284. Advanced Glycation end-products in the peritoneal fluid and in the peritoneal membrane of continuous ambulant peritoneal dialysis patients
  1285. Mechanism of Advanced Glycation end products -induced hyperpermeability in endothelial cells
  1286. Advanced Glycation end products in adolescents and young adults with diabetic angiopathy
  1287. Ribozyme targeting of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in mouse mesangial cells
  1288. In vitro nonenzymatic Glycationof DNA nucleobases: an evaluation of Advanced Glycation end products under alkaline pH
  1289. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on oxidative stress in endothelial cells in culture: a warning on the use of cells studied in serum-free media
  1290. Chemistry and Biological Effects of Melanoidins and Glyceraldehyde‐Derived Pyridinium as Advanced Glycation end products
  1291. Expression of receptors for Advanced Glycation end-products in occlusive vascular and renal disease
  1292. Advanced Glycation end products and the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy
  1293. Advanced Glycation end products of the Maillard reaction and their relation to aging
  1294. Detection of DNA‐bound Advanced Glycation end‐products by immunoaffinity chromatography coupled to HPLC‐diode array detection
  1295. Induction of an aging mRNA retinal pigment epithelial cell phenotype by matrix-containing Advanced Glycation end products in vitro
  1296. Pathological significance and mechanism of Advanced Glycation end-products [J]
  1297. Differential expression of receptors for Advanced Glycation end products on monocytes in patients with IDDM
  1298. Inhibitory effects of amlodipine and fluvastatin on the deposition of Advanced Glycation end products in aortic wall of cholesterol and fructose-fed rabbits
  1299. Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) and the receptor for AGE are present in gastrointestinal tract of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy patients but do not induce …
  1300. Distribution of Advanced Glycation end products in the cerebellar neurons of dogs
  1301. A food chemist’s view of Advanced Glycation end-products
  1302. Screening of Korea Traditional Herbal Medicines with Inhibitory Activity on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Formation
  1303. Identification of Advanced Glycation end products of the Maillard reaction in Pick’s disease
  1304. Influence of hemodialysis membrane permeability on serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and homocysteine metabolites.
  1305. Angiogenic effects of Advanced Glycation end products of the Maillard reaction on cultured human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells
  1306. Identification of monoclonal antibody of Advanced Glycation end products
  1307. Advanced Glycation end products potentiate the stimulatory effect of glucose on macrophage lipoprotein lipase expression
  1308. Serum levels of 3-deoxyglucosone and tissue contents of Advanced Glycation end products are increased in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats with nephropathy
  1309. Serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products in poorly metabolically controlled children with diabetes mellitus: relation to HbA1c.
  1310. Pentosidine in Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)during UVA irradiation generates active oxygen species and impairs human dermal fibroblasts
  1311. Overexpression of receptor of Advanced Glycation end products hypersensitizes cells for amyloid beta peptide-induced cell death
  1312. Immunolocalization and quantification of Advanced Glycation end products in retinal neovascular membranes and serum: a possible role in ocular neovascularization
  1313. Study of the− 429 T/C and− 374 T/A receptor for Advanced Glycation end products promoter polymorphisms in diabetic and nondiabetic subjects with macrovascular …
  1314. Advanced Glycation end products in peritoneal dialysis
  1315. Analysis of serum of patients with Alzheimer’s disease for the level of Advanced Glycation end products
  1316. Hemodialysis techniques and Advanced Glycation end products
  1317. Cardiovascular risk in patients with end-stage renal disease: a potential role for Advanced Glycation end products
  1318. Hereditary ceruloplasmin deficiency increases Advanced Glycation end products in the brain
  1319. AU-rich elements in the mRNA 3′-untranslated region of the rat receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and their relevance to mRNA stability
  1320. Local application of Advanced Glycation end products and intimal hyperplasia in the rabbit collared carotid artery
  1321. Association of Advanced Glycation end products with A549 cells, a human pulmonary epithelial cell line, is mediated by a receptor distinct from the scavenger receptor …
  1322. Immunolocalization of lipid peroxidation/Advanced Glycation end products in amyloid A amyloidosis
  1323. Advanced Glycation end products : a possible link to angiotensin in an animal model
  1324. Inhibition by Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)of pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) gene expression in microvascular endothelial cells.
  1325. Ultrastructural changes and immunohistochemical localization of nitric oxide synthase, Advanced Glycation end products and NF-κB in aorta of streptozotocin treated …
  1326. Glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end-products preferentially induce VEGF expression and reduce GDNF expression in human astrocytes
  1327. Importance of Advanced Glycation end products –AGE products
  1328. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit tubulogenesis and migration of kidney epithelial cells in an ezrin-dependent manner
  1329. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) ‐induced expression of TGF‐β1 is suppressed by a protease in the tubule cell line LLC‐PK1
  1330. … of erythroleukaemia cell differentiation by extracellular high-mobility group-box protein 1 is independent of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products
  1331. Advanced Glycation end-products/peptides: a preliminary investigation by LC and LC/MS
  1332. Advanced Glycation end products impair protein turnover in LLC-PK1: Amelioration by trypsin
  1333. Suppressive effects of tea polyphenol and conformational changes with receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) expression in human hepatoma cells.
  1334. Increased expression of tissue factor and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus …
  1335. High glucose and Advanced Glycation end products induce phospholipid hydrolysis and phospholipid enzyme inhibition in bovine retinal pericytes
  1336. Pathological significance and mechanism of Advanced Glycation end-products
  1337. Ultrastructural localization of Advanced Glycation end products and beta2-microglobulin in dialysis amyloidosis.
  1338. Diabetic nephropathy and Advanced Glycation end products
  1339. Effect of intraperitoneal administration of heparin on Advanced Glycation end-products in CAPD
  1340. Determination of Advanced Glycation end products
  1341. … factor and interleukin-18 in maintenance hemodialysis patients: comparative study of Advanced Glycation end products , carboxymethyllysine and pentosidine
  1342. Glycosphingolipid changes induced by Advanced Glycation end-products
  1343. Mass spectrometry of Advanced Glycation end products
  1344. N‐phenacylthiazolium bromide decreases renal and increases urinary Advanced Glycation end products excretion without ameliorating diabetic nephropathy in …
  1345. Advanced Glycation end-products in anterior chamber aqueous of cataractous patients
  1346. Advanced Glycation end products quench nitric oxide in vitro
  1347. Oleate, not ligands of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products, promotes proliferation of human arterial smooth muscle cells
  1348. Advanced Glycation end products accelerate atherosclerosis via enhancement of oxidative stress
  1349. Advanced Glycation end products are involved in microvascular permeability changes observed in microcirculation of diabetic rats in vivo
  1350. Advanced Glycation end products induce specific glycoprotein alterations in retinal microvascular cells
  1351. Cloning and characterization of the canine receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1352. Phototransformations of Advanced Glycation end products in the human eye lens due to ultraviolet A light irradiation
  1353. Ultrastructural changes and immunohistochemical localization of Advanced Glycation end products in the heart of streptozotocin-treated Mongolian gerbils
  1354. Advanced Glycation end-products prepared in solution under high pressure contain epitopes distinct from those formed in the dry reaction at high temperature
  1355. Advanced Glycation end-products in corneas of patients with keratoconus
  1356. Studies on Advanced Glycation end products by recent mass spectrometric techniques
  1357. Amyloid, Advanced Glycation end products , and dialysis related arthropathy
  1358. Constituents of the stems of Rumex japonicus with Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and rat lens aldose reductase (RLAR) inhibitory activity
  1359. Experimental effect of Puerarin on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products and expression of RAGE in the arota of diabetic rats [J]
  1360. Advanced Glycation end products stimulate plasminogen activator activity via GM-CSF in RAW 264.7 cells
  1361. Advanced Glycation end products , their receptors and diabetic angiopathy
  1362. Molecular heterogeneity of amyloid β2-microglobulin and modification with Advanced Glycation end products
  1363. Proliferation-inhibiting effect of Advanced Glycation end products modified human serum albumin to vascular endothelial cell ecv304
  1364. Advanced Glycation end-products reduce the viability of human peritoneal mesothelial cells
  1365. Protective effects of carnosine and relative compounds on DNA cleavage by Advanced Glycation end products
  1366. Intraperitoneal infusion of glucose-based dialysate in the rat—an animal model for the study of peritoneal Advanced Glycation end-products formation and effect on …
  1367. Relationship between vascular endothelial growth factors and Advanced Glycation end products in the human vitreous
  1368. Nitric oxide, Advanced Glycation end products , and uremia
  1369. Role of lipid peroxidation products in the formation of Advanced Glycation end products : An in vitro study on collagen
  1370. Localization of Advanced Glycation end products of Maillard reaction in bovine tissues and their endocytosis by macrophage scavenger receptors
  1371. … radical trapping and carbonyl group trapping anti-AGE agent: a pyridoxamine analogue for inhibiting Advanced Glycation (AGE) and lipoxidation (ALE) end products
  1372. Advanced Glycation end products and β2-microglobulin. The story unfolds
  1373. Advanced Glycation and lipoxidation end products : reactive carbonyl compounds‐related uraemic toxicity
  1374. In vitro-prepared Advanced Glycation end-products and the modulating potential of their low-molecular weight degradation products in IRPTC-A rat proximal-tubular …
  1375. Lipid peroxidation, Advanced Glycation end products and antioxidant status in patients on dialysis
  1376. The relation between impaired wound healing and Advanced Glycation end products [J]
  1377. New aspects in the pathogenesis of dialysis-related amyloidosis: pathophysiology of Advanced Glycation end products in renal failure
  1378. Formation of Advanced Glycation end (AGE) products in diabetes: Prevention by pyruvate and a-keto glutarate
  1379. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit production of nitric oxide by human endothelial cells through activation of the p38 signal pathway
  1380. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products during rat tongue carcinogenesis by 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide and effect of a selective cyclooxygenase-2 …
  1381. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on Ezrin‐Dependent Functions in LLC‐PK1 Proximal Tubule Cells
  1382. Induction of GM-CSF production of macrophages by Advanced Glycation end products of the Maillard reaction
  1383. Immunohistochemical study with anti‐Advanced Glycation end‐products antibody in murine amyloidosis
  1384. Advanced Glycation end products in hemodialyzed patients with diabetes mellitus correlate with leptin and leptin/body fat ratio
  1385. Decrease in the glyceraldehyde derived Advanced Glycation end products in the sera of patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease
  1386. Increased levels of circulating Advanced Glycation end products in a model of acute renal insufficiency in rats
  1387. … renal biopsy samples in patients with diabetic nephropathy in non‐insulin dependent diabetes mellitus using monoclonal antibody to Advanced Glycation end products
  1388. Protective effect of inducible type nitric oxide synthase against intracellular oxidative stress caused by Advanced Glycation end-products in vascular smooth muscle …
  1389. Crossline-like structure accumulates as fluorescent Advanced Glycation end products in renal tissues of rats with diabetic nephropathy
  1390. Hepatocyte growth factor protects against apoptosis induced by Advanced Glycation end products in endothelial cells.
  1391. Experimental effect of Puerarin on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products and expression of RAGE in the arota of diabetic rats
  1392. RAGE engagement and vascular cell derangement by short chain sugar-derived Advanced Glycation end products
  1393. Evidence for accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in acute renal failure
  1394. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and renal failure
  1395. Recombinant human interleukin-10 inhibits proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells stimulated by Advanced Glycation end products and neointima hyperplasia …
  1396. Advanced Glycation end products stimulate human endothelial cells to produce monocyte chemoattractant protein-1
  1397. Immunochemical determination of Advanced Glycation end products in erythrocyte peripheral-membrane proteins from diabetic patients
  1398. Effects of Advanced Glycation end-products on cell cycle distribution and apoptosis in neonatal rat cardiac myocytes
  1399. Activation of smad signaling and collagenⅠ synthesis in NRK52E cells induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  1400. Inhibitory effect of dilazep hydrochloride on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1401. Activation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : a mechanism for monocyte-mediated inflammation in chronic renal failure
  1402. The Mechanism of Advanced Glycation end products -Induced Morphological Changes of Tight Junction in Endothelial Cell
  1403. Inhibitory effect of peptide-free forms of Advanced Glycation end products on the proliferation and extracellular matrix protein production of cultured cells
  1404. Advanced Glycation end products and coronary heart disease in type 2 diabetes.
  1405. Formation and ways of detecting Advanced Glycation end-products in isolated human glomerular basement membrane and human serum albumin nonenzymatically …
  1406. Advanced Glycation end products induce apoptosis and expression of apoptotic genes in cultured bovine retinal capillary pericytes
  1407. Intracellular changes in astrocytes and NG 108-15 neuroblastoma X glioma cells induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  1408. Sodium sulfite and N-acetylcysteine: new additives to dialysate for inhibiting formation of glucose degradation products and Advanced Glycation end-products
  1409. Mass Spectrum in the Study of Advanced Glycation end products
  1410. Diabetic erythrocytes bearing Advanced Glycation end products induce vascular dysfunctions
  1411. … Use of Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges as a Pre-Fractionation Step in the Quantisation of Intermolecular Collagen Crosslinks and Advanced Glycation End-Products
  1412. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cells
  1413. In vitro glycoxidation of insoluble fibrous type I collagen: solubilization and Advanced Glycation end products
  1414. Expression and function of receptors for Advanced Glycation end products in bovine corneal endothelial cells
  1415. Expression of receptors for Advanced Glycation end products at surface of peripheral blood monocytes and relationship thereof to plasma proinflammatory cytokines in …
  1416. Advanced Glycation end products in intervertebral discs and hip joint capsules: Correlation with senile amyloid?
  1417. Effects of flavone from leaves of Diospyros kaki on adventitial fibroblast proliferation induced by Advanced Glycation end-products in vitro
  1418. Effects of Advanced Glycation End-products on Expression of Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor-γ mRNA in Cultured Human Vascular Endothelial Cells [J]
  1419. A modulatory role for Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in retinal microvascular leukostasis
  1420. Molecular mechanism of diabetic retinopathy: role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and their receptor (RAGE) in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy
  1421. Advanced Glycation end products -induced TNF-α and IL-6 production by peripheral lymphocytes of diabetic patients [J]
  1422. Effects of tonifying shen recipe on Advanced Glycation end products , amyloid-beta peptide in telencephalon and hippocampus of ovariectomized rats
  1423. Screening of natural resources with inhibitory activity on free radicals and Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)formation
  1424. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on oxidative stress in endothelial cells
  1425. Immunohistochemistry of Advanced Glycation end products in neurofilamentous axonal spheroids induced by β-β′-iminodipropionitrile in lower motor neurons of rat
  1426. The pathobiological effect of β_2-microglobulin modified with Advanced Glycation end products on human type B synovial cells [J]
  1427. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on changes of glomerulus of STZ-induced diabetic rat
  1428. Recombinant human interleukin-10 inhibits proliferation of rat vascular smooth muscle cells stimulated by Advanced Glycation end products [J]
  1429. The Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on Macrophage Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Activity and the Intervention Effect of Simvastatin
  1430. AGE (Advanced Glycation end products ) receptors in age–related macular degeneration
  1431. Advanced Glycation end products and pseudoexfoliation–correlation between clinical outcome and histological findings
  1432. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in rat mesangial cells [J]
  1433. Advanced Glycation end-products and diabetic renal disease
  1434. The changes of Advanced Glycation end products in a rat liver fibrosis model and the interventional effect of aminoguanidin
  1435. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)on proliferation of vascular endothelial cells cultured in vitro
  1436. Evaluation of Advanced Glycation End–Products in Diabetic and Inherited Canine Cataracts
  1437. Effect of Wenjintong Composita on mRNA expression of receptor of the Advanced Glycation end products in sciatic nerve of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  1438. Advanced Glycation end products induce apoptosis in corneal endothelium
  1439. Effects of carvedilol and metoprolol on plasma Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) and Advancedoxidation protein products (AOPP) in patients with chronic heart …
  1440. Inhibitory effect of pycnogenol on generation of Advanced Glycation end products in vitro
  1441. Expression of Advanced Glycation end products receptors on human joint synovial cells
  1442. Elevated Level of Imidazolone and Pyrraline, Major Components of Advanced Glycation end products , in the Vitreous Fluid of Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy
  1443. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on activity and expression of eNOS in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  1444. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products and hypoxia on endothelin-1 secretion by bovine retinal microvascular pericytes
  1445. Non-invasive assessment of Advanced Glycation end products , markers of oxidative stress, in recently preeclamptic women
  1446. In vitro effects of flavone from leaves of Diospyros kaki on rat cardiac myocyte apoptosis induced by hypoxia-reoxygenation and Advanced Glycation end products .
  1447. Effect of Different Advanced Glycation end products on Proliferation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell
  1448. Advanced Glycation end products in Nephrology
  1449. A new model of age-related macular degeneration induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  1450. Dietary Copper Deficiency Causes Elevation of Early and Advanced Glycation End-Products
  1451. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the activity of NF-kappaB and the expression of fibronectin mRNA in the endothelial cells in aged rats
  1452. Polymorphism 2184A/G in the gene encoding Receptor of Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is a newly identified risk factor for diabetic nephropathy
  1453. Influence of Advanced Glycation end-products in the development of atherosclerosis
  1454. Relation between dialysis-related amyloidosis and Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  1455. Advanced Glycation end products -induced TNF-? and IL-6 production by peripheral lymphocytes of diabetic patients
  1456. Structure and function of the metal-binding protein S100B and its interaction with the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1457. Monocyte/macrophage receptors for proteins modified by Advanced Glycation end products : role in normal tissue remodeling and in pathology
  1458. The Correlation Between Serum Advanced Glycation end products and Nitric Oxide Levels in Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Complications of Diabetes
  1459. Alterations of retinal microvascular cell glycoproteins by Advanced Glycation end products
  1460. Immunohistochemical localization of Advanced Glycation end products in pinguecula.
  1461. Inhibitory effects of extracts from Ginkgo biloba and grape seed on the generation of Advanced Glycation end products in vitro
  1462. Pattern of CTGF mRNA expression induced by Advanced Glycation end products in mesangial cells [J]
  1463. Advanced Glycation end-products-LDL stimulates adhesion molecule expression by human aortic endothelial cells
  1464. Accelerated Aging in Glaucoma: Immunohistochemical Assessment of Advanced Glycation End–Products in the Human Retina and Optic Nerve Head
  1465. Effects of perindopril on expression of transformation growth factor-β type receptorⅡ in cultured human vascular endothelial cells by Advanced Glycation end products
  1466. Advanced Glycation end products and senile dementia
  1467. Recombinant Lapemis hardwickii phospholipase A2 inhibits rat vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation stimulated by Advanced Glycation end products
  1468. Advanced Glycation end products Act As A Skin Tumor Initiator in Mice
  1469. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay development for Advanced Glycation end products and brochocin-C.
  1470. Role of peroxisome proliferators activated receptor gamma in mediating proliferation of rat vascular smooth muscle cells induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  1471. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on protein and mRNA expression of macrophage inflammatory protein-1α in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial …
  1472. The correlation between the Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs-P) and diabetic retinopathy
  1473. Proteolysis of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products by matrix metalloproteinases
  1474. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on osteoblastic cells
  1475. Advanced Glycation end-products induce global endothelial activation
  1476. Interaction of reactive oxygen species in atherogenetic properties of Advanced Glycation end products in diabetes
  1477. Effects of crocetin on formation of Advanced Glycation end products and expression of releptor for Advanced Glycation and prodmts protein in diabetic rats
  1478. Advanced Glycation end products in urine: Are some sugar-derived products better than others?
  1479. Effect of quercetin on generation of Advanced Glycation end products in vitro
  1480. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on Rat Bladder Fibroblast
  1481. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on inflammation in cultured cardiomyocytes
  1482. Diet and diabetes, Advanced Glycation end products or AGEs
  1483. Deposition of Advanced Glycation end products in Climatic Droplet Keratopathy
  1484. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)related complications in diabetic nephropathy
  1485. Hypertension and Atherosclerosis: Advanced Glycation end products —A Common Link
  1487. EFFECTS OF Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)ON ADHESION AND MULTIPLICATION IN E. coli
  1488. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in ECV-304 cells
  1489. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on expression and activity of PAI-1 in rat renal cortex
  1490. The effect of exogenous Advanced Glycation end products on the alteration of visual evoked potential in the rats
  1491. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and its ligands S100/calgranulins and amphoterin is increased in the vitreous cavity of patients …
  1492. Immunological Approach to Advanced Glycation end products of The Maillard Reaction
  1493. Role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) in the development of diabetic microangiopathies and the beneficial effects of AGE inhibitors
  1494. Effects of Advanced Glycation end-products on skin keratinocytes by NF-? B activation
  1495. Advanced Glycation end products accumulate in the diabetic gallbladder
  1497. Advanced Glycation end products are Associated With Diabetic Peripheral Macrovascular Complications
  1498. Inhibition of Inflammation due to Advanced Glycation End‐products by Pentoxifylline
  1499. Serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products are associated with in-stent restenosis in diabetic patients
  1500. Endocytosis of Advanced Glycation end products in Bovine Choriocapillary Endothelial Cells
  1501. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on activi ty and expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in renal cortex of rats
  1502. Impaired glucose tolerance, angiopathy and Advanced Glycation end products
  1503. Effects of vitamin E on secretion of inflammatory mediators of human monocytes by Advanced Glycation end products
  1504. The presence and activity of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in osteoblasts
  1505. Glycationof basement membranes: Location of Advanced Glycation end products within type IV collagen and their effect on degradation by matrix proteases.
  1507. Role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in diabetic cardiovascular and renal disease
  1508. Gly82Ser polymorphism in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) gene is not associated with the progression of diabetic nephropathy and …
  1509. Biodistribution of the 18F-labelled Advanced Glycation end products Nε-carboxymethyllysine (CML) and Nε-carboxyethyllysine (CEL)
  1512. Glyoxalase I deficiency is associated with an unusual level of Advanced Glycation end products in a hemodialysis patient
  1513. Response to ‘Do Advanced Glycation end products and glucose induce similar signaling events in mesangial cells?’
  1514. Advanced Glycation end products cross-links and diabetic-induced endothelium dysfunction
  1515. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Reduce Vesicular Transport in RPE Cells
  1517. Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) enhance vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production in promonocytic leukaemia THP-1 cells
  1518. Induction of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) by Advanced Glycation End (AGE) Products and S100B
  1519. The Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium and in Bruch’s membrane of human donors.
  1520. Heparin blocks the binding of Advanced Glycation end products to its receptors on human monocytes
  1521. Advanced Glycation end products and Loss of Pericytes in Early Diabetic Retinopathy
  1523. 3.3 INHIBITON OF PROTEIN GlycationAND Advanced Glycation end products BY FOODSTATE® VITAMIN C AND OTHER VITAMINS AND …
  1524. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-? mRNA expression in rat renal cortex
  1525. Advanced Glycation end products induce proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and antagonism of drugs
  1526. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in rat mesangial cells
  1527. Formation of Advanced Glycation end products by glyceraldehyde and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate with proteins.
  1528. P9 Participation of Advanced Glycation end products in actinic elastosis
  1529. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)lower the clearance function of hepatic scavenger endothelial cells (SEC)
  1530. Diabetic erythrocytes bearing Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) bind to the receptor for age and increase vascular permeability
  1532. Effect of high concentration glucose and Advanced Glycation end products on MIP-1# alpha# mRNA expression in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  1533. Relationship between the Advanced Glycation end products content and expressions of RAGE, ICAM-1 in vascular tissue of diabetic rats
  1534. Biodistribution of the {sup 18} F-labelled Advanced Glycation end products N {sup {epsilon}}-carboxymethyllysine (CML) and N {sup {epsilon}}-carboxyethyllysine (CEL …
  1535. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the survival and the morphology of bovine retinal endothelial cells and pericytes
  1536. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Induce Glomerular Sclerosis and Albuminuria in Normal Rats
  1537. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on glycosphingolipids of retinal pericytes
  1538. < SYMPOSIUM: Biology of Aging and Age-associated Skin Disorders> POSSIBLE ROLES OF Advanced Glycation END-PRODUCTS IN PROMOTING SKIN …
  1539. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on protein and mRNA expression of macrophage inflammatory protein-1? in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial …
  1540. Advanced Glycation end products -induced inflammatory reaction in human monocytes: cellular receptor pathway & intracellu-lar signaling
  1541. Vector construction for the intracellular domain of human receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and expression of the fusion protein
  1542. Effects of Wen-Jin-Tong on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products and expressions of RAGE and ICAM-1 in cardiovascular tissues of diabetic rats
  1543. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Is Induced by the GlycationProducts Themselves and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α through Nuclear Factor-κB, and by …
  1544. Advanced Glycation end products Induce Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor by Retinal Müller Cells.
  1545. Mechanism of migration of vascular adventitial fibroblasts enhanced by Advanced Glycation end-products and the inhibition effect of candesartan
  1547. Effects of Probenecid on the Elimination of the Advanced Glycation End-products Ne-Carboxymethyllysine (CML) and Ne-Carboxyethyllysine (CEL) Using …
  1548. Rapid Communication: Blockade of Angiotensin II Receptors Reduces the Expression of Receptors for Advanced Glycation end products in Human Endothelial Cells
  1549. Immunohistochemical demonstration of Advanced Glycation end products in synovial amyloid deposits of patients on long-term hemodialysis
  1550. Advanced Glycation end products Increases U937 Macrophages Expression of Scavenger Receptor Class B Type I
  1551. Inhibitory effects of extracts from {\sl Ginkgo biloba} and grape seed on the generation of Advanced Glycation end products {\sl in vitro}
  1552. Effects of tetramethylpyrazine on the expression of nuclear factorkappa B induced by Advanced Glycation end products in retinal pigment epithelium
  1553. Naphthopyrone Glucosides from the Seeds of Cassia tora with Inhibitory Activity on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Formation
  1555. Effect of aminoguanidine on mRNA expression of specific receptor of the Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic kidney tissue in rats
  1556. Puerarin reduces serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in diabetic rats
  1557. Advanced Glycation end products -induced MCP-1 expression via its receptor RAGE in mouse podocytes
  1558. N-acetylcysteine inhibits Advanced Glycation end products -induced VCAM-1 expression in mouse cardiac microvascular endothelial cells
  1559. Inhibition of green tea polyphenols on proliferation of rat vascular smooth muscle cells stimulated by Advanced Glycation end products
  1560. Localization of Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) in actinic elastosis.
  1561. Advanced Glycation end products induce actin rearrangement and subsequent hyperpermeability in endothelial cells
  1562. Macrophage Scavenger Receptor Mediates The Endocytic Uptake of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  1563. Galectin-3,[Beta]-Galactoside-Binding Lectin, as a Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1564. Modification of enzymatic antioxidants in bovine retinal capillary pericytes by Advanced Glycation end products
  1565. A 24-nor-Triterpenoid from the Steins of Rumex japonicus with Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs)Inhibitory Activity
  1566. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in Pulmonary Fibrosis
  1567. Ginkgo biloba extract attenuates Advanced Glycation end products -induced TGF-? _1, CTGF mRNA expression and oxidative stress in NRK-49F cells
  1568. Regulation of adhesion molecule expression on retinal capillary endothelium by exposure to high glucose: a role for Advanced Glycation end–products (AGEs) ?
  1569. Effects of Advanced Glycation end-products on expression of acyl coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase-1 in THP-1 macrophages
  1570. Role of Advanced Glycation end products in TGF-β1 and Fibronectin Expression in Mesangial Cells Cultured under High Glucose
  1571. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition Influences Serum Levels of Advanced Glycation end products in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: Results from a …
  1572. Insulin Accelerates the Endocytic Uptake and Degradation of Advanced Glycation End-Products Mediated by The Macrophage Scavenger Receptor
  1573. Functional Hyperhomocysteinemia in Healthy Vegetar-ians: No Association with Advanced Glycation end products , Markers of Protein Oxidation, or Lipid …
  1574. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)exacerbate NAFLD progression to liver fibrosis via receptor for AGEs (RAGE) in high fat fed mice
  1575. Identification of N ε carboxymethyl lysine as a native structure for Advanced Glycation end products in circulation and amyloid fibrils in chronic hemodialysis patients
  1576. Advanced Glycation end products and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance in gingival tissues of diabetic and non-diabetic patients with chronic periodontitis
  1577. The inflammatory and immunogenic properties of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and its ligand, high mobility group box chromosomal …
  1578. Screening and identification of proteins that interact with receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) via T7 select phage display system
  1579. Inhibition of Diabetic Leukostasis and Blood–Retinal Barrier Breakdown With a Soluble Form of a Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1581. Superoxide Mediates Through ERK Signaling TGF-β1 Expression in Rat Kidney Proximal Tubule Epithelial Cells Treated with Advanced Glycation end products
  1582. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on expression of scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) in U937 macrophages
  1583. Essential role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in the inflammatory response and mucosal injury after hemorrhagic shock (HS)
  1584. … System (RAS) Inhibits Increased Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression and Apoptosis Induced by Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) and Attenuates Receptor …
  1585. Small Interfering RNA (siRNA) Targeting Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) Downregulates Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1 (SDF-1) in …
  1586. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in progression and complications of diabetes
  1587. Advanced Glycation end products in foods and a practical guide to their reduction in the diet
  1588. Advanced Glycation end‐products and the kidney
  1589. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products and aging
  1590. Does accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products contribute to the aging phenotype?
  1591. Advanced Glycation end products and insulin resistance
  1592. The road to Advanced Glycation end products : a mechanistic perspective
  1593. Advanced Glycation end products , diabetes and ageing
  1594. Role of Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic neuropathy
  1595. Advanced Glycation end‐products (AGEs)and heart failure: pathophysiology and clinical implications
  1596. Advanced Glycation end products , oxidative stress and diabetic nephropathy
  1597. Advanced Glycation end products and diabetic foot disease
  1598. Possible involvement of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease
  1599. Mechanisms of disease: Advanced Glycation end-products and their receptor in inflammation and diabetes complications
  1600. Advanced Glycation end-products: implications for diabetic and non-diabetic nephropathies
  1601. Advanced Glycation end-products and arterial stiffness in hypertension
  1602. Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs) : involvement in aging and in neurodegenerative diseases
  1603. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in retinal ageing and disease
  1604. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and their involvement in liver disease
  1605. Advanced Glycation end-products and bone fractures
  1606. Calcitriol blunts the deleterious impact of Advanced Glycation end products on endothelial cells
  1607. Advanced Glycation end products and cardiovascular disease
  1608. Food-derived Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) : a novel therapeutic target for various disorders
  1609. Collagen, cross-linking, and Advanced Glycation end products in aging human skeletal muscle
  1610. Trends in Advanced Glycation end products research in diabetes mellitus and its complications
  1611. Plasma receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and clinical outcomes in acute lung injury
  1612. Soluble form of a receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) as a biomarker.
  1613. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and the lung
  1614. Significance of Advanced Glycation end products in aging-related disease
  1615. A role for the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  1616. Rutin metabolites: novel inhibitors of nonoxidative Advanced Glycation end products
  1617. Role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and oxidative stress in diabetic retinopathy
  1618. Clinical and prognostic value of Advanced Glycation end-products in chronic heart failure
  1619. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGEs) and experimental diabetic neuropathy
  1620. Elevated levels of serum Advanced Glycation end products in patients with non‐alcoholic steatohepatitis
  1621. The role of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in lung fibrosis
  1622. Advanced Glycation end products stimulate osteoblast apoptosis via the MAP kinase and cytosolic apoptotic pathways
  1623. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products –a risk to human health? A call for an interdisciplinary debate
  1624. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) deficiency attenuates the development of atherosclerosis in diabetes
  1625. The extracellular region of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is composed of two independent structural units
  1626. Role of Advanced Glycation end products in hypertension and atherosclerosis: therapeutic implications
  1627. Advanced Glycation end products in renal failure: an overview
  1628. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products activation injures primary sensory neurons via oxidative stress
  1629. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : a new biomarker in diagnosis and prognosis of chronic inflammatory diseases
  1630. Advanced Glycation end products and antioxidant status in type 2 diabetic patients with and without peripheral artery disease
  1631. Inhibitory effects of Chrysanthemum species extracts on formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1632. Advanced Glycation end products increases matrix metalloproteinase-1,-3, and-13, and TNF-α in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes
  1633. Advanced Glycation end products accumulate in the reproductive tract of men with diabetes
  1634. Advanced Glycation end products enhance the proliferation and activation of hepatic stellate cells
  1635. Structural basis for pattern recognition by the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  1636. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is subjected to protein ectodomain shedding by metalloproteinases
  1637. Advanced Glycation end products induce production of reactive oxygen species via the activation of NADPH oxidase in murine hepatic stellate cells
  1638. Single oral challenge by Advanced Glycation end products acutely impairs endothelial function in diabetic and nondiabetic subjects
  1639. Elevated serum Advanced Glycation end products and poor grip strength in older community-dwelling women
  1640. Elevation of soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) in diabetic subjects with coronary artery disease
  1641. Advanced Glycation end-products enhance calcification in vascular smooth muscle cells
  1642. Effect of pyridoxamine (K-163), an inhibitor of Advanced Glycation end products , on type 2 diabetic nephropathy in KK-Ay/Ta mice
  1643. Expression of high-mobility group box 1 and of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  1644. Advanced Glycation end products attenuate cellular insulin sensitivity by increasing the generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species in adipocytes
  1645. Plasma Advanced Glycation end products are decreased in obese children compared with lean controls
  1646. Hyperglycemia-induced reactive oxygen species increase expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and RAGE ligands
  1647. Advanced Glycation end products strongly activate platelets
  1648. Role of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products on endotoxin-induced lung injury
  1649. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the expression of COX-2, PGE2 and NO in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes
  1650. Endothelial dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease results from Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) -mediated inhibition of endothelial nitric oxide …
  1651. Advanced Glycation end-products induce tubular CTGF via TGF-β–independent Smad3 signaling
  1652. Protection against loss of innate defenses in adulthood by low Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) intake: role of the antiinflammatory AGE receptor-1
  1653. Advanced Glycation end products in extracellular matrix proteins contribute to the failure of sensory nerve regeneration in diabetes
  1654. Homodimerization is essential for the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)-mediated signal transduction
  1655. Advanced Glycation end products and receptor–oxidative stress system in diabetic vascular complications
  1656. Interactions between Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE) and their receptors in the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy-are these receptors …
  1657. Immunohistochemical localization of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)and their receptor (RAGE) in polycystic and normal ovaries
  1658. Role of Toll-like receptors 2 and 4, and the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in high-mobility group box 1–induced inflammation in vivo
  1659. Serum levels of sRAGE, the soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , are associated with inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 …
  1660. Increased serum Advanced Glycation end‐products is a distinct finding in lean women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  1661. Advanced Glycation end products enhance amyloid precursor protein expression by inducing reactive oxygen species
  1662. Advanced Glycation end products and their circulating receptors predict cardiovascular disease mortality in older community-dwelling women
  1663. Advanced Glycation end products as biomarkers and gerontotoxins–a basis to explore methylglyoxal-lowering agents for Alzheimer’s disease?
  1664. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products and chronic complications in ESRD treated by dialysis
  1665. Advanced Glycation end products induce calcification of vascular smooth muscle cells through RAGE/p38 MAPK
  1666. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) sustains autophagy and limits apoptosis, promoting pancreatic tumor cell survival
  1667. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) and soluble RAGE (sRAGE): cardiovascular implications
  1668. Accelerated aging in glaucoma: immunohistochemical assessment of Advanced Glycation end products in the human retina and optic nerve head
  1669. Advanced Glycation end products depress function of endothelial progenitor cells via p38 and ERK 1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways
  1670. S100A8 and S100A9 mediate endotoxin-induced cardiomyocyte dysfunction via the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1671. Role of Advanced Glycation end products with oxidative stress in resistance artery dysfunction in type 2 diabetic mice
  1672. Effects of atorvastatin on serum soluble receptors for Advanced Glycation end-products in type 2 diabetes
  1673. Plasma levels of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , blood transfusion, and risk of primary graft dysfunction
  1674. Convergence and amplification of toll-like receptor (TLR) and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) signaling pathways via high mobility group B1 …
  1675. Advanced Glycation end products increase endothelial permeability through the RAGE/Rho signaling pathway
  1676. Involvement of Advanced Glycation end products in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications: the protective role of regular physical activity
  1677. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : fundamental roles in the inflammatory response: winding the way to the pathogenesis of endothelial …
  1678. Association between circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and atherosclerosis: observations from the Dallas Heart Study
  1679. Advanced Glycation end products induce apoptosis in fibroblasts through activation of ROS, MAP kinases, and the FOXO1 transcription factor
  1680. Deletion of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products reduces glomerulosclerosis and preserves renal function in the diabetic OVE26 mouse
  1681. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in a dash to the rescue: inflammatory signals gone awry in the primal response to stress
  1682. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE): a novel therapeutic target for diabetic vascular complication
  1683. Astragalosides isolated from the root of astragalus radix inhibit the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1684. Chondroprotective effects and mechanisms of resveratrol in Advanced Glycation end products -stimulated chondrocytes
  1685. Higher plasma soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) levels are associated with incident cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in …
  1686. Alternative splicing of the murine receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products (RAGE) gene
  1687. … enhances the proinflammatory activity of lipopolysaccharide by promoting the phosphorylation of MAPK p38 through receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1688. Dihydrochalcones: Implication in resistance to oxidative stress and bioactivities against Advanced Glycation end-products and vasoconstriction
  1689. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on renal fibrosis and oxidative stress in cultured NRK-49F cells
  1690. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)—soluble form (sRAGE) and gene polymorphisms in patients with breast cancer
  1691. Cancer malignancy is enhanced by glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end-products
  1692. In skeletal muscle Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)inhibit insulin action and induce the formation of multimolecular complexes including the receptor …
  1693. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)activate mast cells
  1694. The combination of high glucose and Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)inhibits the mineralization of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells through glucose-induced …
  1695. Distribution of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the human male reproductive tract: prevalence in men with diabetes mellitus
  1696. Advanced Glycation end products in senile diabetic and nondiabetic patients with cataract
  1697. Role of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in hepatic fibrosis
  1698. Thiazolidinedione increases serum soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in type 2 diabetes
  1699. Advanced Glycation end products impair function of late endothelial progenitor cells through effects on protein kinase Akt and cyclooxygenase-2
  1700. Oxygen deprivation triggers upregulation of early growth response-1 by the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1701. Advanced Glycation end-products induce vascular dysfunction via resistance to nitric oxide and suppression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase
  1702. Plasma protein Advanced Glycation end products , carboxymethyl cysteine, and carboxyethyl cysteine, are elevated and related to nephropathy in patients with …
  1703. Inhibitors of aldose reductase and Advanced Glycation end-products formation from the leaves of Stelechocarpus cauliflorus RE Fr.
  1704. Immunological detection of fructose-derived Advanced Glycation end-products
  1705. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products expression on T cells contributes to antigen-specific cellular expansion in vivo
  1706. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : its role in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological diseases
  1707. Advanced Glycation end-products induce cell cycle arrest and hypertrophy in podocytes
  1708. Decreased formation of Advanced Glycation end-products in peritoneal fluid by carnosine and related peptides
  1709. S100B and S100A6 differentially modulate cell survival by interacting with distinct RAGE (receptor for Advanced Glycation end products ) immunoglobulin …
  1710. Inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) : potential utility for the treatment of cardiovascular disease
  1711. … of Advanced Glycation end products levels are related to ischaemic aetiology and extent of coronary disease in chronic heart failure patients, independent of Advanced…
  1712. Circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is inversely associated with body mass index and waist/hip ratio in the general population
  1713. The expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is associated with angiogenesis in human oral squamous cell carcinoma
  1714. Inhibition of diabetic leukostasis and blood-retinal barrier breakdown with a soluble form of a receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1715. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products impairs host defense in pneumococcal pneumonia
  1716. Rosiglitazone via upregulation of Akt/eNOS pathways attenuates dysfunction of endothelial progenitor cells, induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  1717. Hyperglycaemia-induced pro-inflammatory responses by retinal Müller glia are regulated by the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE)
  1718. Nox1-based NADPH oxidase-derived superoxide is required for VSMC activation by Advanced Glycation end-products
  1719. Solution Structure of the Variable-Type Domain of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : New Insight into AGE−RAGE Interaction,
  1720. Advanced Glycation end-products affect transcription factors regulating insulin gene expression
  1721. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is detrimental during influenza A virus pneumonia
  1722. Opposing effects of bisphosphonates and Advanced Glycation end-products on osteoblastic cells
  1723. Decrease in serum levels of Advanced Glycation end-products by short-term lifestyle modification in non-diabetic middle-aged females
  1724. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) soluble form (sRAGE): a new biomarker for lung cancer
  1725. Receptors for Advanced Glycation end-products targeting protect against hyperoxia-induced lung injury in mice
  1726. A novel function of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) in association with tumorigenesis and tumor differentiation of HCC
  1727. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) is an indicator of direct lung injury in models of experimental lung injury
  1728. Advanced Glycation end products induce cell cycle arrest and proinflammatory changes in osteoarthritic fibroblast-like synovial cells
  1729. Association of polymorphism in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) gene with circulating RAGE levels
  1730. Induction of apoptosis of β cells of the pancreas by Advanced Glycation end‐products, important mediators of chronic complications of diabetes mellitus
  1731. … Glycationend products on stored red blood cells increase endothelial reactive oxygen species generation through interaction with receptor for Advanced Glycation end …
  1732. Anti-receptor for Advanced Glycation end products therapies as novel treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm
  1733. Advanced Glycation end products and their circulating receptors and level of kidney function in older community-dwelling women
  1734. Possible involvement of Advanced Glycation end products in periodontal diseases
  1735. Kinetics, role and therapeutic implications of endogenous soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) in diabetes
  1736. ERM protein moesin is phosphorylated by Advanced Glycation end products and modulates endothelial permeability
  1737. S100B Interaction With the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) A Novel Receptor-Mediated Mechanism for Myocyte Apoptosis Postinfarction
  1738. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 mediates neuronal expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products following hypoxia/ischemia
  1739. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in physiological and pathological pregnancy
  1740. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products —soluble form and gene polymorphisms in chronic haemodialysis patients
  1741. Role of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in inflammation
  1742. Serum levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and of S100 proteins are associated with inflammatory, autoantibody, and classical risk …
  1743. Decreased plasma levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in mild cognitive impairment
  1744. Advanced Glycation end products Inhibit Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion through Nitric Oxide-Dependent Inhibition of Cytochrome c Oxidase and Adenosine …
  1745. Citrus Fruit Extracts Reduce Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) – and H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress in Human Adipocytes
  1746. Glutaraldehyde is an effective cross-linker for production of antibodies against Advanced Glycation end-products
  1747. Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is a prognostic factor for heart failure
  1748. Short-term low calorie diet intervention reduces serum Advanced Glycation end products in healthy overweight or obese adults
  1749. The formation of intracellular glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end-products and cytotoxicity
  1750. … increase is associated with skeletal muscle immunostaining for Advanced Glycation end products , receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , and oxidation injury
  1751. Chemotactic activity of S100A7 (Psoriasin) is mediated by the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and potentiates inflammation with highly homologous but …
  1752. Advanced Glycation end products in patients with cerebral infarction
  1753. Serum levels of soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) are positively associated with circulating AGEs and soluble form of VCAM-1 in …
  1754. The role of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in the development of vascular diabetic complications
  1755. Soluble receptors for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) as a predictor of restenosis following percutaneous coronary intervention
  1756. Advanced Glycation end products cause increased CCN family and extracellular matrix gene expression in the diabetic rodent retina
  1757. Evidence for activation of Toll-like receptor and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in preterm birth
  1758. Effect of taurine-conjugated ursodeoxycholic acid on endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis induced by Advanced Glycation end products in cultured mouse …
  1759. Smooth muscle cell pathophysiology and Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  1760. An in vitro model to test the contribution of Advanced Glycation end products to bone biomechanical properties
  1761. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) system in women with intraamniotic infection and inflammation
  1762. Mitigating effects of antioxidant properties of Artemisia campestris leaf extract on hyperlipidemia, Advanced Glycation end products and oxidative stress in alloxan …
  1763. Association of the Gly82Ser polymorphism in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) gene with circulating levels of soluble RAGE and inflammatory …
  1764. Gly82Ser polymorphism of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer in a Chinese population
  1765. Do Advanced Glycation end products contribute to the development of long-term diabetic complications?
  1766. Low serum level of the endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (esRAGE) is a risk factor for prevalent vertebral fractures independent of …
  1767. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit the expression of collagens type I and III by human gingival fibroblasts
  1768. Advanced Glycation end products assessed by skin autofluorescence in type 1 diabetics are associated with nephropathy, but not retinopathy
  1769. Circulating Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and soluble form of receptor for AGEs (sRAGE) are independent determinants of serum monocyte …
  1770. Advanced Glycation end products induce in vitro cross‐linking of α‐synuclein and accelerate the process of intracellular inclusion body formation
  1771. Advanced Glycation end products decrease mesangial cell MMP-7: a role in matrix accumulation in diabetic nephropathy?
  1772. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) modulates neutrophil adhesion and migration on glycoxidated extracellular matrix
  1773. Olmesartan blocks inflammatory reactions in endothelial cells evoked by Advanced Glycation end products by suppressing generation of reactive oxygen species
  1774. Plasma levels of Advanced Glycation end products are associated with haemolysis‐related organ complications in sickle cell patients
  1775. Plasma receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products predicts duration of ICU stay and mechanical ventilation in patients after lung transplantation
  1776. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Facilitates Host Defense during Escherichia coli–Induced Abdominal Sepsis in Mice
  1777. Metformin reduces endothelial cell expression of both the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and lectin-like oxidized receptor 1
  1778. … -to-basolateral transport of amyloid-β peptides through blood-brain barrier cells is mediated by the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and is restricted by P …
  1779. Elevated levels of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , a marker of alveolar epithelial type I cell injury, predict impaired alveolar fluid clearance in …
  1780. Ribosylation rapidly induces α-synuclein to form highly cytotoxic molten globules of Advanced Glycation end products
  1781. Monocyte CD147 is induced by Advanced Glycation end products and high glucose concentration: possible role in diabetic complications
  1782. Biologic variability in plasma glucose, hemoglobin A1c, and Advanced Glycation end products associated with diabetes complications
  1783. Identifying Advanced Glycation end products as a major source of oxidants in aging: implications for the management and/or prevention of reduced renal function in …
  1784. Blockade of PKC-beta protects HUVEC from Advanced Glycation end products induced inflammation
  1785. Effect of circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) and the proinflammatory RAGE ligand (EN-RAGE, S100A12) on mortality in …
  1786. Plasma concentrations of high-mobility group box protein 1, soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and circulating DNA in patients with acute …
  1787. Glycated albumin, a precursor of Advanced Glycation end‐products, up‐regulates NADPH oxidase and enhances oxidative stress in human endothelial cells …
  1788. Flavan-3-ols having a γ-lactam from the roots of Actinidia arguta inhibit the formation of Advanced Glycation end products in vitro
  1789. Transport of the Advanced Glycation end products alanylpyrraline and pyrralylalanine by the human proton-coupled peptide transporter hPEPT1
  1790. … elevated in patients with stable coronary artery disease and is associated with serum levels of neopterin and the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1791. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and its inflammatory ligand EN-RAGE in non-diabetic subjects with pre-mature coronary artery disease
  1792. Restricted intake of dietary Advanced Glycation end products retards renal progression in the remnant kidney model
  1793. Amyloid β interaction with receptor for Advanced Glycation end products up-regulates brain endothelial CCR5 expression and promotes T cells crossing the blood …
  1794. The inhibition of Advanced Glycation end-products-induced retinal vascular permeability by silver nanoparticles
  1795. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in diabetes
  1796. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (sRAGE) and polymorphisms of RAGE and glyoxalase I genes in patients with pancreas cancer
  1797. Serum levels of soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) are correlated with AGEs in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects
  1798. Precursor of Advanced Glycation end products mediates ER-stress-induced caspase-3 activation of human dermal fibroblasts through NAD (P) H oxidase 4
  1799. Pigment-epithelium-derived factor suppresses expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the eye of diabetic rats
  1800. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is important in the prediction of recurrence in human oral squamous cell carcinoma
  1801. Developmental expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) and its response to hyperoxia in the neonatal rat lung
  1802. Skin-autofluorescence, a measure of tissue Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs) , is related to diastolic function in dialysis patients
  1803. … ribonuclear protein K and microRNA-16 in cyclooxygenase-2 RNA stability induced by S100b, a ligand of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1804. Effect of long‐term orlistat treatment on serum levels of Advanced Glycation end‐products in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
  1805. Possible link of food-derived Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)to the development of diabetes
  1806. Advanced Glycation end products subspecies-selectively induce adhesion molecule expression and cytokine production in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
  1807. Increased serum Advanced Glycation end products are associated with impairment in HDL antioxidative capacity in diabetic nephropathy
  1808. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in multiple sclerosis: a potential marker of disease severity
  1809. Blockage of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products prevents development of cardiac dysfunction in db/db type 2 diabetic mice
  1810. Advanced Glycation end products in pregnancies complicated with diabetes mellitus or preeclampsia
  1811. Diagnostic utility of serum or cerebrospinal fluid levels of toxic Advanced Glycation end-products (TAGE) in early detection of Alzheimer’s disease
  1812. Low levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in non-ST elevation myocardial infarction patients
  1813. PPARγ-mediated Advanced Glycation end products regulation of neural stem cells
  1814. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) and endogenous secretory RAGE (esRAGE) in amniotic fluid: modulation by infection and …
  1815. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and their receptors (RAGEs) in diabetic vascular disease
  1816. Advanced Glycation end products induce chemokine/cytokine production via activation of p38 pathway and inhibit proliferation and migration of bone marrow …
  1817. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) regulation of adiposity and adiponectin is associated with atherogenesis in apoE-deficient mouse
  1818. Advanced Glycation end products of DNA: Quantification of N2-(1-Carboxyethyl)-2′-deoxyguanosine in Biological Samples by Liquid Chromatography …
  1819. Expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in oligodendrocytes in response to oxidative stress
  1820. Expression of the receptor of Advanced Glycation end products in the gingival tissue of smokers with generalized periodontal disease and after nornicotine induction in …
  1821. Advanced Glycation end products regulate extracellular matrix protein and protease expression by human glomerular mesangial cells
  1822. Positive association of serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products and high mobility group box–1 with asymmetric dimethylarginine in nondiabetic chronic …
  1823. A neutralizing antibody against receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) reduces atherosclerosis in uremic mice
  1824. Androgens associated with Advanced Glycation end-products in postmenopausal women
  1825. Advanced Glycation and lipoxidation end products –amplifiers of inflammation: the role of food
  1826. A novel role for the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products in neural progenitor cells derived from adult SubVentricular Zone
  1827. Advanced Glycation end-products suppress neuropilin-1 expression in podocytes
  1828. Combined immunoelectron microscopic and computer-assisted image analyses to detect Advanced Glycation end-products in human myocardium
  1829. Olmesartan blocks Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -induced angiogenesis in vitro by suppressing receptor for AGEs (RAGE) expression
  1830. Internalization of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is required to mediate intracellular responses
  1831. The role of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in a murine model of silicosis
  1832. Advanced Glycation end products and the absence of premature atherosclerosis in glycogen storage disease Ia
  1833. Serum level of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)is an independent determinant of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) in nondiabetic general population
  1834. Role of maltol in Advanced Glycation end products and free radicals: in‐vitro and in‐vivo studies
  1835. Analysis of DNA-bound Advanced Glycation end-products by LC and mass spectrometry
  1836. Expression of Advanced Glycation end products and their receptor in skin from patients with systemic sclerosis with and without calcinosis
  1837. Angiotensin II receptor blocker inhibits abnormal accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products and retinal damage in a rat model of type 2 diabetes
  1838. Analysis and biological relevance of Advanced Glycation end‐products of DNA in eukaryotic cells
  1839. Cloning, characterisation, and comparative quantitative expression analyses of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) transcript forms
  1840. Effect of taurine on Advanced Glycation end products -induced hypertrophy in renal tubular epithelial cells
  1841. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) : An implicit goal in clinical medicine for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy?
  1842. Induction of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products by EBV latent membrane protein 1 and its correlation with angiogenesis and cervical lymph node metastasis …
  1843. Diabetic threesome (hyperglycaemia, renal function and nutrition) and Advanced Glycation end products : evidence for the multiple-hit agent?
  1844. Detection of feto-maternal infection/inflammation by the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE): results of a pilot study
  1845. Hepatic expression of galectin-3 and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in patients with liver disease
  1846. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in donor lungs is associated with primary graft dysfunction after lung transplantation
  1847. Serum amyloid A activates nuclear factor-kappaB in rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts through binding to receptor of Advanced Glycation end-products.
  1848. … cardiac fibrosis in type 2 diabetic rats: the effect of rosiglitazone on myocardial expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and of connective tissue …
  1849. Immunohistochemical demonstration of Advanced Glycation end products and the effects of Advanced Glycation end products in ossified ligament tissues in vitro
  1850. Constituents of the flowers of Platycodon grandiflorum with inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation end products and rat lens aldose reductase in vitro
  1851. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and neuronal deficit in the fatal brain edema of diabetic ketoacidosis
  1852. Pigment epithelium-derived factor inhibits Advanced Glycation end products -induced retinal vascular permeability
  1853. Plasma levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products are associated with endothelial function and predict cardiovascular events in nondiabetic …
  1854. Inhibitors of Aldose Reductase and Formation of Advanced Glycation End-Products in Moutan Cortex (Paeonia suffruticosa)
  1855. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) mediates neuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth
  1856. Ectodomain shedding of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : a novel therapeutic target for Alzheimer’s disease
  1857. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is related to prognosis in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
  1858. Adverse effects of Advanced Glycation end products on embryonal development
  1859. Fluorescent Advanced Glycation end products in the detection of factual stages of cartilage degeneration.
  1860. Expression of senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal) by human skin fibroblasts, effect of Advanced Glycation end-products and fucose or rhamnose-rich …
  1861. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is upregulated in optic neuropathy of Alzheimer’s disease
  1862. Levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in acute ischemic stroke without a source of cardioembolism
  1863. Assaying soluble forms of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1864. C-reactive protein (CRP) up-regulates expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and its inflammatory ligand EN-RAGE in THP-1 cells …
  1865. Grape seed proanthocyanidin extracts inhibit vascular cell adhesion molecule expression induced by Advanced Glycation end products through activation of …
  1866. Peroxyl radicals are essential reagents in the oxidation steps of the Maillard reaction leading to generation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1867. Specific siRNA targeting the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products inhibits experimental hepatic fibrosis in rats
  1868. … epithelium‐derived factor (PEDF) prevents platelet activation and aggregation in diabetic rats by blocking deleterious effects of Advanced Glycation end products …
  1869. Inhibition of L-arginine metabolizing enzymes by L-arginine-derived Advanced Glycation end products
  1870. Inhibitory effect of GSPE on RAGE expression induced by Advanced Glycation end products in endothelial cells
  1871. Advanced Glycation end products ‐induced apoptosis attenuated by PPARδ activation and epigallocatechin gallate through NF‐κB pathway in human embryonic …
  1872. Atorvastatin reduces proteinuria in non-diabetic chronic kidney disease patients partly via lowering serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  1873. Effects of nitric oxide and antioxidants on Advanced Glycation end products -induced hypertrophic growth in human renal tubular cells
  1874. Involvement of Na+/H+ exchanger 1 in Advanced Glycation end products -induced proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cell
  1875. Circulating levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) are independent determinants of serum asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) …
  1876. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in sarcoid granulomas
  1877. Receptors for Advanced Glycation end products and their physiological and clinical significance
  1878. Blockade of renin-angiotensin system attenuates Advanced Glycation end products -mediated signaling pathways
  1879. Endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and cardiovascular disease in end-stage renal disease
  1880. Advanced Glycation end products and receptors in Fuchs’ dystrophy corneas undergoing Descemet’s stripping with endothelial keratoplasty
  1881. Positive association of circulating levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)with pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) in a general population
  1882. Association of 1704G/T and G82S polymorphisms in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene with diabetic retinopathy in Chinese population
  1883. Advanced Glycation end‐products, anti‐hypertensive treatment and diastolic function in patients with hypertension and diastolic dysfunction
  1884. Nifedipine inhibits Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and their receptor (RAGE) interaction-mediated proximal tubular cell injury via peroxisome proliferator …
  1885. Glucagon-like peptide-1 counteracts the detrimental effects of Advanced Glycation End-Products in the pancreatic beta cell line HIT-T 15
  1886. Hepatocyte growth factor prevents Advanced Glycation end products -induced injury and oxidative stress through a PI3K/Akt-dependent pathway in human endothelial …
  1887. Flavonoid glycosides from the leaves of Uvaria rufa with Advanced Glycation end-products inhibitory activity
  1888. PLC/CAMK IV–NF-κB involved in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products mediated signaling pathway in human endothelial cells
  1889. Sinomenine inhibits activation of rat retinal microglia induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  1890. Low levels of plasma soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products are associated with severe leukoaraiosis in acute stroke patients
  1891. C-reactive protein upregulates receptor for Advanced Glycation end products expression and alters antioxidant defenses in rat endothelial progenitor cells
  1892. Advanced Glycation end‐products activate extracellular signal‐regulated kinase via the oxidative stress‐EGF receptor pathway in renal fibroblasts
  1893. Advanced Glycation end products downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ expression in cultured rabbit chondrocyte through MAPK pathway
  1894. Advanced Glycation end products and lipopolysaccharide synergistically stimulate proinflammatory cytokine/chemokine production in endothelial cells via activation of …
  1895. Inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end‐products prevent loss of enteric neuronal nitric oxide synthase in diabetic rats
  1896. Advanced Glycation end products increase transglutaminase activity in primary porcine tenocytes
  1897. Serum levels of soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) may reflect tissue RAGE expression in diabetes
  1898. Investigation of pathways of Advanced Glycation end‐products accumulation in macrophages
  1899. Evaluation of Advanced Glycation end-products in diabetic and inherited canine cataracts
  1900. Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) prevents Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -elicited endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) reduction through its …
  1901. Advanced Glycation end products enhance monocyte activation during human mixed lymphocyte reaction
  1902. The HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor cerivastatin lowers Advanced Glycation end products in patients with type 2 diabetes
  1903. Advanced Glycation end products Upregulate C‐reactive Protein Synthesis by Human Hepatocytes Through Stimulation of Monocyte IL‐6 and IL‐1β Production
  1904. Concentrations of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , VEGF and CML in plasma, follicular fluid, and peritoneal fluid in women with and without …
  1905. Comparison of distinct protein isoforms of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products expressed in murine tissues and cell lines
  1906. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end (AGEs)products in intensive care patients: an observational, prospective study
  1907. Serum leptin, but not adiponectin and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , is able to distinguish autoimmune pancreatitis from both chronic pancreatitis and …
  1908. Effect of protocatechualdehyde on receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and TGF-β1 expression in human lens epithelial cells cultured under diabetic …
  1909. Possible involvement of tobacco-derived Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in an increased risk for developing cancers and cardiovascular disease in former …
  1910. Genomic damage and malignancy in end-stage renal failure: do Advanced Glycation end products contribute?
  1911. Endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in non–small cell lung carcinoma
  1912. Effects of glucose and Advanced Glycation end products on oxidative stress in MIN6 cells
  1913. An α-glucosidase inhibitor, acarbose treatment decreases serum levels of glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in patients with type 2 …
  1914. Raman spectroscopy of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) , possible markers for progressive retinal dysfunction
  1915. Microwave-assisted Maillard reactions for the preparation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  1916. Advanced Glycation end products and C-peptide—modulators in diabetic vasculopathy and atherogenesis
  1917. Advanced Glycation end products and sorbitol in blood from differently compensated diabetic dogs
  1918. Modulation of high sensitivity C-reactive protein by soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1919. Telmisartan inhibits Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -elicited endothelial cell injury by suppressing AGE receptor (RAGE) expression via peroxisome …
  1920. Salvia reuterana extract prevents formation of Advanced Glycation end products : an in vitro study
  1921. Mechanical ventilation during experimental sepsis increases deposition of Advanced Glycation end products and myocardial inflammation
  1922. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in diabetes
  1923. Genetic predisposition to Advanced Glycation end products toxicity is related to prognosis of chronic hemodialysis patients
  1924. Decreased levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome
  1925. Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs) : a novel therapeutic target for osteoporosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  1926. Effects of puerarin on receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in nephridial tissue of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  1927. Maillard reaction of proteins and Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in food
  1928. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) in plasma and synovial fluid is inversely associated with disease severity of knee osteoarthritis
  1929. Tissue-specific expression profiling of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and its soluble forms in esophageal and lung cancer
  1930. Relation between polymorphisms of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and cardiovascular diseases in Chinese patients with diabetic nephropathy …
  1931. Extracellular superoxide released from mitochondria mediates mast cell death by Advanced Glycation end products
  1932. … activity of caffeoylquinic acids from the aerial parts of Artemisia princes on rat lens aldose reductase and on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1933. Comparative effects of pioglitazone and rosiglitazone on plasma levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
  1934. Blockade of the Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and their receptor (RAGE) system is a possible mechanism for sustained beneficial effects of multifactorial …
  1935. Increased concentration of two different Advanced Glycation end-products detected by enzyme immunoassays with new monoclonal antibodies in sera of …
  1936. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein a and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products after kidney transplantation
  1937. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in canine atherosclerosis
  1938. Inhibitory effect of fermentation byproducts on formation of Advanced Glycation end-products
  1939. Enhancement of epithelial sodium channel expression in renal cortical collecting ducts cells by Advanced Glycation end products
  1940. The different isoforms of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products are modulated by pharmacological agents
  1941. The effects of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) on bone metabolism under physiological and diabetic conditions
  1942. Neuropathy induced by exogenously administered Advanced Glycation end‐products in rats
  1943. Involvement of Advanced Glycation end-products, pentosidine and Nɛ-(carboxymethyl) lysine, in doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy in rats
  1944. Plasma aminothiol compounds, but not serum tumor necrosis factor receptor II and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , are related to the cognitive …
  1945. Receptor of Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) positively regulates CD36 expression and reactive oxygen species production in human monocytes in diabetes
  1946. Therapeutic effects of modified Danggui Sini Decoction on plasma level of Advanced Glycation end products in patients with Wagner grade 0 diabetic foot: a …
  1947. Endocytosis of Advanced Glycation end-products in bovine choriocapillaris endothelial cells
  1948. Advanced Glycation end products , oxidative stress and metalloproteinases are altered in the cerebral microvasculature during aging
  1949. Formation mechanisms of melanoidins and fluorescent pyridinium compounds as Advanced Glycation end products
  1950. Advanced Glycation end products induce T cell apoptosis: Involvement of oxidative stress, caspase and the mitochondrial pathway
  1951. Constituents of the flowers of Erigeron annuus with inhibitory activity on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and aldose reductase
  1952. Glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) . A novel biomarker of postprandial hyperglycaemia in diabetic rats
  1953. Hyperglycemia attenuates acute permeability response to Advanced Glycation end products in retinal microvasculature
  1954. Independent determinants of soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in elderly hypertensive patients
  1955. The− 374A allele of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) gene promoter is a protective factor against cardiovascular lesions in type 2 diabetes …
  1956. XLF-III-43, a novel coumarin–aspirin compound, prevents diabetic nephropathy in rats via inhibiting Advanced Glycation end products
  1957. Does hepatitis C increase the accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in haemodialysis patients?
  1958. Development of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products –directed imaging of atherosclerotic plaque in a murine model of spontaneous atherosclerosis
  1959. Circulating levels of a soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and high-mobility group box chromosomal protein 1 in patients with acute …
  1960. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit production and activity of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  1961. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products : an implicit goal in clinical medicine for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy?
  1962. Anthraquinones from the roots of Knoxia valerianoides inhibit the formation of Advanced Glycation end products and rat lens aldose reductase in vitro
  1963. Insulin resistance is an independent correlate of high serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and low testosterone in non-diabetic men
  1964. Advanced Glycation end products elicit externalization of phosphatidylserine in a subpopulation of platelets via 5-HT2A/2C receptors
  1965. Nɛ-(carboxymethyl) lysine linkage to α-synuclein and involvement of Advanced Glycation end products in α-synuclein deposits in an MPTP-intoxicated mouse model
  1966. Vitamin C and urea inhibit the formation of Advanced Glycation end products in vitro
  1968. Neutralization of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and high mobility group box-1 attenuates septic diaphragm dysfunction in rats with peritonitis
  1969. Advanced Glycation end products serve as ligands for lectin‐like oxidized low‐density lipoprotein receptor‐1 (LOX‐1): biochemical and binding characterizations …
  1970. … of rosiglitazone on cardiac fibroblast proliferation, nitric oxide production and connective tissue growth factor expression induced by Advanced Glycation end-products
  1971. Ligands of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , including high-mobility group box 1, limit bacterial dissemination during Escherichia coli …
  1972. Advanced Glycation end products of bovine serum albumin-induced endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in cultured human and monkey endothelial cells …
  1973. … and have significant impact on the treatment of chronic diseases associated with increased oxidative stress and the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1974. Insulin prevents latent skin lesions by inhibiting the generation of Advanced Glycation end products in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  1975. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products ‐inductor glyoxal and hydrogen peroxide as oxidative stress factors on rat retinal organ cultures and neuroprotection by UK …
  1976. Rosiglitazone prevents Advanced Glycation end products –induced renal toxicity likely through suppression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
  1977. Cell cycle related signaling in Neuro2a cells proceeds via the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  1978. Ciprofloxacin inhibits Advanced Glycation end products ‐induced adhesion molecule expression on human monocytes
  1979. Assay validation and biological variation of serum receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products
  1980. Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic patients with optimized glycaemic control and their effects on endothelial reactivity: possible implications in venous graft …
  1981. Serum Levels of the Advanced Glycation end products Nε-Carboxymethyllysine and Pentosidine Are Not Influenced by Treatment with the Angiotensin Receptor II …
  1982. Modulation of Advanced Glycation end products by candesartan in patients with diabetic kidney disease-a dose-response relationship study
  1983. Relationship between the− 374T/A receptor of Advanced Glycation end products gene polymorphism and peritoneal solute transport status at the initiation of peritoneal …
  1984. Immunohistochemical detection of Advanced Glycation end products in human bladder with specific monoclonal antibody
  1985. Involvement of inducible nitric oxide synthase and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in periapical granulomas
  1986. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)damaged IgG, a target for circulating autoantibodies in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
  1987. Regulation of Src homology 2–containing protein tyrosine phosphatase by Advanced Glycation end products : the role on atherosclerosis in diabetes
  1988. High-mobility group B1 (HMGB1) and receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) expression in canine lymphoma
  1989. Intra-coronary administration of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products attenuates cardiac remodeling with decreased myocardial transforming growth …
  1990. Two new dihydrofuranoisoflavanones from the leaves of Lespedeza maximowiczi and their inhibitory effect on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1991. Inhibition of human muscle-specific enolase by methylglyoxal and irreversible formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  1992. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Glycine 82 Serine polymorphism and risk of cardiovascular events in rheumatoid arthritis
  1993. Pathological role of D-amino acid-containing proteins and Advanced Glycation end products in the development of age-related macular degeneration
  1994. Up-regulation in receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in inflammatory circumstances in bovine coccygeal intervertebral disc specimens in vitro
  1995. Involvement of the receptor for AdvancedGlycation–end products (RAGE) in β-amyloid-induced toxic effects in rat cerebromicrovascular endothelial cells cultured in …
  1996. The binding of Advanced Glycation end products to cell surfaces can be measured using bead-reconstituted cellular membrane proteins
  1997. Screening of Korean herbal medicines with inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)formation (II)
  1998. Advanced Glycation end products suppress neuropilin-1 expression in podocytes by a reduction in Sp1-dependent transcriptional activity
  1999. Elevated serum Advanced Glycation end products and their circulating receptors are associated with anaemia in older community-dwelling women
  2000. Differential expressions of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in prostate cancer and normal prostate
  2001. Inhibition of renin-angiotensin system and Advanced Glycation end products formation: a promising therapeutic approach targeting on cardiovascular diseases
  2002. Positive correlation between vitreous levels of Advanced Glycation end products and vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with diabetic retinopathy sufficiently …
  2003. Advanced Glycation end-products in senile diabetic and non-diabetic patients with cardiovascular complications
  2004. The association of Advanced Glycation end-products with glutathione status
  2005. Urinary excretion of fluorescent Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in the elderly
  2006. Advanced Glycation end products in the development of ischemic and dilated cardiomyopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
  2007. … and characterization of recombinant C-terminal biotinylated extracellular domain of human receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (hsRAGE) in Escherichia coli
  2008. Therapeutic intervention in diseases with Advanced Glycation end products in their pathogenesis
  2009. Macronutrients, Advanced Glycation end products , and vascular reactivity
  2010. Cytotoxic effect of Advanced Glycation end products
  2011. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit Na+ K+ ATPase in proximal tubule epithelial cells: role of cytosolic phospholipase A2α and phosphatidylinositol 4 …
  2012. Amplifiers of systemic inflammation-the role Advanced Glycation and and lipoxidation end products in foods
  2013. A possible involvement of crosstalk between Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), an endogenous nitric oxide synthase …
  2014. Advanced Glycation end products and antioxidant status in nondiabetic and streptozotocin induced diabetic rats: effects of copper treatment
  2015. Screening of Korean herbal medicines with inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)formation (III)
  2016. Expression of Advanced Glycation end products and related molecules in diabetic fibrovascular epiretinal membranes
  2017. Impaired transcription factor interplay in addition to Advanced Glycation end products suppress podocalyxin expression in high glucose-treated human podocytes
  2018. Advanced Glycation end products and their receptors elevate the activity of endothelin-1 in rat cavernosum
  2019. Advanced Glycation end products and acute myocardial infarction
  2020. Low‐Density Lipoprotein Levels are One of the Independent Determinants of Circulating Levels of Advanced Glycation end products in Nondiabetic Subjects
  2021. Relevance of apoptosis and tolerance to hypoxic stress in cells transfected with receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  2022. Different role of Advanced Glycation end products in pathology of transplanted heart in patients with or without diabetes mellitus type 2
  2023. Establishment of An Analyzing Approach for Advanced Glycation end products Formed in Vitro by Flow Injection Assay [J]
  2024. … effects of dietary flavonoids on reactive dicaronyl species and their possible implications on the inhibition of the formation of AdvancedGlycation–end products
  2025. Immunogenicity of Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic patients and in nephropathic non-diabetic patients on hemodialysis or after renal transplantation
  2026. Atorvastatin inhibits Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) -induced C-reactive expression in hepatoma cells by suppressing reactive oxygen species generation
  2027. The anti-apoptotic activity of albumin for endothelium is inhibited by Advanced Glycation end products restricting intramolecular movement
  2028. Impairment effect and mechanism of Advanced Glycation end products on hippocampi rats
  2029. Advanced‐Glycationend products (AGEs)derived from glycated albumin suppress early β1‐adrenergic preconditioning
  2030. Canadian diabetes association national nutrition committee technical review: Advanced Glycation end-products in diabetes management
  2031. GLUT-1 expression in bovine retinal capillary endothelial cells and pericytes exposed to Advanced Glycation end products
  2032. Association of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)-374 T/A gene polymorphism and circulating soluble RAGE with nephropathy in type 1 …
  2033. P4‐389: An oral antagonist of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is safe and well‐tolerated in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: Results from …
  2034. Novel application of surface plasmon resonance biosensor chips for measurement of Advanced Glycation end products in serum of Zucker diabetic fatty rats
  2035. … of TLR9 dependent DNA Immune complex mediated cell activation by High Mobility Group Box Protein 1 (HMGB1) and Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products …
  2036. Association of Gly82Ser polymorphism of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene in a type 2 diabetic Chinese population
  2037. Correlation of low molecular weight Advanced Glycation end products and nitric oxide metabolites with chronic complications in type 1 diabetic patients
  2038. Visfatin and endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in diabetic type 2 and non-diabetic patients undergoing intermittent hemodialysis
  2039. Advanced Glycation End-Products Increase Calcification in Rat Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells [J]
  2040. Rutin metabolites as powerful inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end products
  2041. Advanced Glycation end products , rage, and aging
  2042. Increased reactive oxygen species in endothelial cells stimulated by Advanced Glycation end products mediated by NADPH oxidase
  2043. Correlation between the expression of high mobility group box 1 and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and the onset of pre-eclampsia
  2044. Effects of Shenkangwan on renal Advanced Glycation end products and their receptor expression in early diabetic nephropathy rats [J]
  2045. Cardiac troponin T and Advanced Glycation end-products in hemodialysis patients
  2046. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on injuring of rat renal microvascular endothelial cells and protective effect of probucol
  2047. Role of protein kinase C in Advanced Glycation end products -induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in renal proximal tubular epithelial cells
  2048. Impaired glucose tolerance, angiopathy and Advanced Glycation end products [J]
  2049. Advanced Glycation end products alters functions of end othelial progenitor cells in vitro [J]
  2050. Effect of treatment with anti-receptor for Advanced Glycation end products antibody on multiple organ dysfunction and mortality in rats after severe thermal injury
  2051. What is the influence of renal function on the prognostic value of Advanced Glycation end-products and sRAGE in heart failure?
  2052. Puerarol from the roots of Pueraria lobata inhibits the formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in vitro
  2053. A possible mechanism for link between Advanced Glycation end products and the development of osteoarthritis
  2054. Effecs of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)on Diabetic Microangiopathy [J]
  2055. Letter by Connelly et al regarding article,“Diastolic stiffness of the failing diabetic heart: importance of fibrosis, Advanced Glycation end products , and myocyte resting …
  2056. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on the content of nitric oxide and the activity of nitric oxide synthase in rat cavernosum
  2057. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)accumulate in the reproductive tract of men with diabetes
  2058. … albuminuria by angiotensin receptor blocker beyond blood pressure lowering: evaluation in megsin/receptor for Advanced Glycation end products /inducible nitric oxide …
  2059. The effects of caspase-3 in apoptosis of cultured retinal microvascular pericytes induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2060. Nucleophilic compounds decrease Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)from ascorbic acid in the hSVCT2 transgenic mouse model of lenticular aging
  2061. Effects of Jiejufushenning on Advanced Glycation end products in serum and expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in kidney in diabetic rats
  2062. Possible involvement of Advanced Glycation end products in carry-over benefits of atorvastatin in ASCOT-BPLA
  2063. Clinical significance of serum concentrations of Advancedoxidation protein products and Advanced Glycation end products in patients with acute coronary syndrome
  2064. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on proliferation and apoptosis of human heptical cell line LO2 [J]
  2065. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products of different concentration on the expression of Fractalkine in human tubular epithelial cells [J]
  2066. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on expressions of EMMPRIN and MMP-2 in mouse osteoblasts
  2067. Advanced Glycation end products and food
  2068. Advanced Glycation end-products and mechanical properties are altered in cortical bone of beagle dogs following 1-year treatment with high-doses, but not …
  2069. Clinical and prognostic value of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in chronic heart failure
  2070. Effect of isoflurane on Advanced Glycation end products and oxidative stress in rat brain
  2071. The Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) exerts renoprotective effects via the AT-2 receptor in Diabetic Nephropathy
  2072. The effects of Advanced Glycation end products and homocystein on the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 via NADPH oxidase in human umbilical vein …
  2073. Clinical significance of serum Advanced Glycation end products in coronary artery disease patients with metabolic syndrome [J]
  2074. Non-Invasive Method for Detecting Skin Autofluorescence of Advanced Glycation end products
  2075. The Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on Primary Culture of Neonatal Rat Kidney Cells
  2076. The immunocytochemical location of exogenous Advanced Glycation end products on the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in the rats [J]
  2077. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the expression of urotensin in rat NRK-52E cells
  2078. Experimental Study on Advanced Glycation end products Induced Proliferation of Rat’s Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells in Vitro [J]
  2079. Identification of methylglyoxal-lowering agents for the treatment of Advanced Glycation end products -related diseases
  2080. Low serum level of the endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (esRAGE) is a risk factor for prevalent vertebral fractures independent of …
  2081. Increased Advanced Glycation End-Products (AGEs)in Trabecular Meshwork of Patients With Primary and Secondary Glaucoma
  2082. The Pro‐Adipogenic Effect of Advanced Glycation End‐Products (AGEs)in Adipogenesis
  2083. Determination of Advanced Glycation end-products on IgG in liver cirrhosis.
  2084. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on proliferation and apotosis of human renal tubular epithelial cells [J]
  2085. Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in the anterior chamber angle of patients with glaucoma
  2086. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on insulin-like growth factor-1 expression in rat mesangial cells [J]
  2087. Role of Advanced Glycation end products and nitric oxide in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy [J]
  2088. Increased serum Advanced Glycation end products are associated with impairment in HDL antioxidative capacity in diabetic nephropathy
  2089. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in pancreatic stellate cells of rats [J]
  2090. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on Expression of Lectin-Like Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 [J]
  2091. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) Activates Ras and NFκ-β in Pulmonary Epithelial Cells Exposed to Cigarette Smoke.
  2092. Estrogen Attenuates the Inhibition of Nitric Oxide Synthase Type 3 Induced by Advanced Glycation End-Products [J]
  2093. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in periodontal diseases [J]
  2094. Effect of Advanced Glycation end-products on the gene expression of osteoprotegerin in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells [J]
  2095. Effect of depside salt from salvia miltiorrhizae in repairing Advanced Glycation end products -induced late endothelial progenitor cell dysfunction and its molecular …
  2096. Non-invasive measurement of Advanced Glycation end products in patients with cerebral infarction
  2097. Improved methods for quantifying plasma protein Advanced Glycation end products as biomarkers for age-related macular degeneration
  2098. Automating a 96-well microtiter plate assay for Advanced Glycation end-products inhibitors or inducers identification: application to the screening of a small natural …
  2099. A Pathophysiologic Evaluation of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in the Lung
  2100. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on Activity and Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells and the Protective Effects …
  2101. Response to Letter Regarding Article,“Diastolic Stiffness of the Failing Diabetic Heart: Importance of Fibrosis, Advanced Glycation end products , and Myocyte Resting …
  2102. Letter by Hartog et al Regarding Article,” Advanced Glycation end products Accumulate in Vascular Smooth Muscle and Modify Vascular but Not Ventricular …
  2103. Role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in brain ischemia injury and its mechanisms
  2104. Crocetin Reduces Expression of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) on Endothelial Cells Induced by AGE
  2105. Role of Advanced Glycation end products and nitric oxide in patients.
  2106. Comparison of inhibitory activities of Advanced Glycation end products and angiotension-I-converting enzyme by the extract from wild and cultured Inonotus Obliquus …
  2107. The Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on the Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinase Inducer and the Activity of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Cultured Mouse …
  2108. Relationship between plasma level of endogenous secretory receptor of Advanced Glycation end products and oxidative stress in diabetic patients with hypertension
  2109. Diet high in Advanced Glycation end products exacerbates pulmonary inflammatory response and impairs lung compliance in mice following gastric aspiration
  2110. Common pathogenetic features between calcific aortic stenosis and atherosclerosis: role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products
  2111. Metabolic syndrome in dialyzed patients. Advanced Glycation end-products, adipocytokines, and principles of treatment
  2112. Oxidative stress, Advanced Glycation end products and residual renal function in the rat model of unilateral ureteral obstruction: effects of phlogenzym and losartan
  2113. ROLE OF Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)IN CELL GROWTH AND DEATH
  2114. Preparation and identification of monoclonal antibody of Advanced Glycation end products
  2115. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in canine atherosclerosis
  2116. Advanced Glycation end products induce expression of PAI-1 in cultured human proximal tubular epithelial cells through NADPH oxidase dependent pathway
  2117. Establishment of a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction for detection of human receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) mRNA and its …
  2118. Globular adiponectin protects human umbilical endothelial cells against apoptosis induced by Advanced Glycation end products through increasing adiponectin …
  2121. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in brain aging
  2122. Mechanism of Advanced Glycation end products Induced Oxidative Effects in Cultured ECV304 Cells
  2123. A Novel Biomaterial for the Targeted Removal of Advanced Glycation end products from Blood
  2124. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) : Pathological Entanglement
  2125. The effect of Advanced Glycation end products on biological activity of hepatic stellate cell
  2126. Erythropoietin (Epo) Protects Retinal Neurons From Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -Induced Apoptosis via Erk and AKT Pathways
  2127. Clinical observations on correlation between Advanced Glycation end products and coronary heart disease or diabetes
  2128. Rosiglitazone inhibits expression of acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase-1 in THP-1 macrophages induced by Advanced Glycation end-products⋆
  2129. Effect of Advanced Glycation End-products on High Gluclose Induced Transdifferentiation in NRK-52E Cells
  2130. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is associated with systemic and organ-specific severity of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome
  2131. HMGB1 is an early mediator of inflammation and may be negatively regulated by soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in experimental endotoxinemia …
  2132. Advanced Glycation end products in Patients with Leukoaraiosis
  2133. The correlation of serum level of Advanced Glycation end products and the expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in white blood cells with senile …
  2134. Association Between Diet-Induced Advanced Glycation end products , AMD and Cataract
  2135. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on aortic structure and function in diabetic rats
  2136. Advanced Glycation end products in Histone H1 In Vivo
  2137. Su. 70. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is Associated with the Tumor Cell Response to Stress
  2138. 103: Is the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) involved in preterm birth?
  2139. Novel neutraceutical properties of some Sri Lankan traditional rice: Inhibition of protein Glycationand breaking of cross links of Advanced Glycation end products
  2140. Advanced Glycation end products Impair Function of Endothelial Progenitor Cells
  2141. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in intensive care patients
  2142. … derived receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) does not attenuate plaque formation but inhibits plaque progression in a mouse model of Advanced…
  2143. Advanced Glycation end products Increase Matrix Metalloproteinases in Human Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes
  2144. Na~+/H~+ exchanger 1 and renal cortical injury induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2145. Study of Damaging Effect of Exogenous Advanced Glycation end products on Vascular Endothelial Cell in Vitro
  2146. Examination of Advanced Glycation end-products in children with type 1 diabetes
  2147. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and high glucose in endothelial cells: gene expression analysis
  2148. Involvement of Na {sup+}/H {sup+} exchanger 1 in Advanced Glycation end products -induced proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cell
  2149. Effect of nicotine on Advanced Glycation end products -induced immune
  2150. Advanced Glycation end products in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  2151. 700: Plasma Levels of Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) Are Associated with Primary Graft Dysfunction
  2152. A Research on Lysozyme, Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs)and Diabetic Complications [J]
  2153. Estimation of Advanced Glycation end products in Saliva of Diabetic Patients
  2154. 186. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) Limits NK Activity
  2155. Role of Advanced Glycation end products and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Pathophysiology of Diabetic Retinopathy
  2156. e0305 The effect of profilin-1 on vascular injury caused by Advanced Glycation end products
  2157. Urinary excretion of fluorescent Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in the elderly
  2158. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on the Activity of Na~+/H~+ Exchanger 1 of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell in Rat
  2159. Adhesion, monocytic cells to endothelial cells, 53-54 Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) diabetic complications, 24
  2160. 5. Crucial involvement of Advanced Glycation end-products in experimental diabetes-associated arterial elastocalcinosis.
  2161. Relationship between Advanced Glycation end-products, inflammatory factors and diffuse coronary artery disease in patients with diabetes mellitus
  2162. Formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) in vitro and their impact on adipocyte function
  2163. Effects of Advanced Glycation end-products on differentiation of vascular endothelial cells from bone marrow stem cells of mice
  2164. Induction of Advanced Glycation end products and Alterations of the Tensile Properties of Articular cartilage
  2165. EFFECT OF Advanced Glycation end products ON THE EXPRESSION OF ADIPONECTIN IN 3T3-L1 ADIPOCYTES [J]
  2166. Outcomes of blood purification on clearance of serum Advanced Glycation end products and beta 2-microglobulin
  2167. Relationship between receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and preeclampsia
  2168. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in cultured rabbit retinal M? ller cells
  2169. Expressions of Advanced Glycation end products and their receptors in keloid.
  2170. Serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 and Advanced Glycation end-products in diabetic patients with or without diabetic foot problems
  2171. Advanced Glycation End-Products, Release Of Their Soluble Receptors (es And SRAGE) And Relationship To CRP After Surgery Necessitating Cardiopulmonary …
  2172. Mechanisms of disordered cell cycle in keratinocytes mediated by Advanced Glycation end products
  2173. In-Vitro Studies on banana flower and stem as the inhibitors of formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  2174. Co-effects of human cytomegalovirus infection and Advanced Glycation end products on vascular endothelial cells
  2175. Concentration time profiles of plasma pentosidine in healthy volunteers following a breakfast rich in Advanced Glycation end products
  2176. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on Inducing Rat Retinal Microvascular Endothelial Cells to Form New Blood Vessels
  2177. Inhibition effects of Alpina officicarum on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products and the activity of aldose reductase
  2178. Badania kliniczne i doświadczalne w chorobach serca, płuc i naczyń Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) in the pathogenesis of ischaemic cardiomyopathy in …
  2179. Long-standing diabetes in Africa and recent ideas about Advanced Glycation end products : 39 patients in Dakar
  2180. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products: Expression and signaling
  2181. The Effects of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)on Primary Human Microvascular Retinal Endothelial Cells (HMRECs)
  2182. Effect of Advanced Glycation end-products on high gluclose inducing oxidative stress in NRK-52E and inhibited by probucol
  2183. Effect of alcoholic extraction of the Cornel on Advanced Glycation end products and DNA damage induced by D-gal in aging rats [J]
  2184. 010 Advanced Glycation end products induce functional impairment in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes through enhanced production of reactive oxygen species
  2185. Advanced Glycation end products Stimulate Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Production From Human Airway Epithelial Cells In Vitro And In Vivo
  2186. Soluble receptors for Advanced Glycation end products as predictors of restenosis following percutaneous coronary intervention
  2187. Mechanism of Advanced Glycation end products -stimulated phosphorylation of ERM protein in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  2188. The Isolation of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End‐Products from Avian Vasculature
  2189. Amplifiers of systemic inflammation-the role Advanced Glycation and lipoxidation end products in foods
  2190. Elevated serum Advanced Glycation end products and poor grip strength in older community‐dwelling women
  2191. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on the oxidative damage of PC12 cells induced by amyloid beta protein 25-35 [J]
  2193. Endocytosis of Advanced Glycation end products in Bovine Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells
  2194. Production of Advanced Glycation end products from the glycosylation of avian serum albumin
  2195. Inhibition of glutathione on vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation mediate by Advanced Glycation end products
  2196. Insulin resistance and oxidative stress induce Advanced Glycation end products formation in patients with clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism
  2197. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on tubule-like structure formation and collapse in cardiac microvascular endothelial cells and their mechanisms
  2198. Effects of irbesartan on renal Advanced Glycation end products and their receptor in rats with early diabetic nephropathy
  2199. Immunohistochemical Study of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in Alzheimer’s Disease Optic Nerves
  2200. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on the gene expression of EMMPRIN in human renal mesangial cells
  2201. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Cause β-Cell Dysfunction in Mice by Impairing Mitochondrial Function.
  2202. Correlation of the receptor of Advanced Glycation end-products and angiogenesis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  2203. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on the human gingival fibroblast proliferation and type I collagen synthesis
  2204. Effects of isoflurance on learning and memory function and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products expression of hippocampus in rats
  2205. hnRNP K-Mediated Regulation of COX-2 Expression in Monocytes by Ligation of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE).
  2206. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on dilation of rat skeletal muscle arterioles
  2207. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on secretion of MMP-2 in cultured mouse embryo/fetus calvaria fibroblasts
  2208. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on proliferation and differentiation of neural precursor cells from embryonic rat hippocampus
  2209. Chronic Alcohol Ingestion Decreases Protein Expression of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the Rat Lung.
  2211. Effect of taurine on Advanced Glycation end products -induced hypertrophy in renal tubular epithelial cells
  2212. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the expression of VEGF and NF-κB in cultured human RPE cells
  2213. Association of endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products with carotid atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes mellitus
  2214. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the expressions of β1-integrin and focal adhesion kinase (FAK)
  2215. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)up-regulate the expressions of nuclear factor-kB and cyclooxygenase-2 in rat cardiac microvascular endothelial cells …
  2216. Structural characterization of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products reveals a two domain modular architecture
  2217. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ mRNA expression in rat renal cortex [J]
  2218. Functional analysis of the susceptibility haplotype in the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products gene and its role in the hyperglycemia-driven pathology
  2219. Effects of dietary Advanced Glycation end products on endocrine and metabolic parameters of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
  2220. Effects of Genistin on Oxidative Stress State and Expression of TGF-β_1 in Advanced Glycation End-Products Stimulated SD Rat Renal Mesangial Cells
  2221. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on expressions of EMMPRIN and MMP-2 in mouse osteoblasts.
  2222. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE) are associated with poor outcomes in IVF/ICSI: a possible novel therapy for poor responders by decreasing …
  2223. P-456 Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE) are novel markers to predict poor IVF outcomes independently of age and FSH: novel therapy for poor responders
  2224. The expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is associated with angiogenesis in human oral squamous cell carcinoma
  2225. Inhibitory effects of compounds isolated from Thuja orientalis on human recombinant aldose reductase and Advanced Glycation end-products
  2226. Exposures of Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) to Bovine Retinal Capillary Endothelial Cell (BREC) and Assess Their Glucose Uptake
  2227. Tissue Advanced Glycation End-products Are Associated With Diastolic Dysfunction and Aerobic Exercise Capacity in Diabetic Patients With Heart Failure
  2228. Advanced Glycation end products increased angiopoietin-1 expression via oxidative stress and NF-κB pathways in cultured NRK-49F cells
  2229. Uncovering the Role of Circulating Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in Hypertension: Relationships With Albuminuria
  2230. Effect of valsartan on expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in renal tissues of diabetic rats
  2233. Photooxidation and Cleavage of A2E Releases Methylglyoxal a Dicarbonyl Known to Form Advanced Glycation end products . Implications for Drusen Formation
  2234. Flavan-3-ols from the roots of Actinidia arguta inhibit the formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in vitro
  2235. Expression of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) and the Relation of Metastatic Activity in Gastric Carcinomas′ tissue
  2236. The expression change of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in lung tissue of rats exposed to cigarette smoke.
  2237. Hydrolyzable tannins from the cores of Cornus officinalis with inhibitory activity in vitro on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  2238. Effect of compound Chinese sour taste herbs on Advanced Glycation end products content and gene expression of their receptors in aorta of rats with type 2 diabetes …
  2239. Protection of Rat Retinal Neurons From Apoptosis Induced by Glyoxal-Mediated Formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in vitro
  2240. Inhibitory effects of the compounds isolated from Purple corn on aldose reductase and Advanced Glycation end-products formation
  2241. Rosiglitazone ameliorates the effect of Advanced Glycation end products on plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 in rat glomerular mesangial cells
  2242. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products protects against Klebsiella pneumoniae induced pneumonia in mice
  2243. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is required for normal T cell activation and development of T cell induced lung inflammation (36.10)
  2244. C reactive protein induced the expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products via NF-κB
  2245. Establishing the links between the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , asymmetric dimethylarginine and low-grade inflammation in essential …
  2246. Advanced Glycation end-products activate extracellular signal-regulated kinase via the oxidative stress-EGF receptor pathway in renal fibroblasts.
  2247. Post-Infarct Remodeling is Altered in Diabetes: Role for Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products and S100B
  2248. Response to Letter Regarding Article,“Advanced Glycation end products Accumulate in Vascular Smooth Muscle and Modify Vascular but Not Ventricular Properties …
  2249. On the expression of fractalkine by rosiglitazone in human renal mesangial cells induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2250. Advanced Glycation end products activate MMP‐9 secretion in macrophage cells, the involvement of MAP Kinase and NF‐kappaB signaling pathways
  2251. Arterial Stiffness and Urinary Albumin Excretion in Hypertension: The Emerging Role of the Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  2252. Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-products Is A Marker Of Acute Lung Injury In Critically-ill Patients, Regardless Of Associated Sepsis
  2253. Effects of PPAR-γ activation on the expressions of TGF-β and CTGF mRNA in rat mesangial cells induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2254. Glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end products decrease white adipose tissue weight and downregulate leptin, adiponectin, and macrophage marker
  2255. Metabolism Of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)By The Polyol Pathway Enzyme-Aldose Reductase Decreases AGE Accumulation In Diabetes
  2256. Effects of Ligustrazine on Expression of Extracellular Matrix in Human Proximal Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells Induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2257. Low Serum Level of the Endogenous Secretory Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (esRAGE) Is a Risk Factor for Prevalent Vertebral Fractures …
  2258. Aldose Reductase and Advanced Glycation end products Inhibitory Effect of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch
  2259. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) Is a Marker of Alveolar Epithelial Damage in ARDS.
  2260. The Role of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
  2261. High mobility group box 1, receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and IkappaB kinase are potential pharmacological targets in cerebral ischemia
  2262. … to Letter Regarding Article,“Diastolic Stiffness of the Failing Diabetic Heart: Importance of Fibrosis, Advanced Glycation end products , and Myocyte Resting …
  2263. … in Hemoglobin A1c Measurement: Biologic Variability in Plasma Glucose, Hemoglobin A1c, and Advanced Glycation end products Associated with Diabetes …
  2264. Rosiglitazone attenuates Advanced Glycation end products induced endothelial progenitor cells dysfunction via upregulating Akt/eNOS signal pathways
  2265. Effects of grape seed proanthocyanidin extracts on Advanced Glycation end products and expression of bone morphogenetic protein-7 in diabetic nephropathy rats.
  2266. 702: Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Expression in Lung Allograft Recipients with Primary Graft Dysfunction (PGD)
  2267. Constituents of the Flowers of Platycodon grandiflorum with Inhibitory Activity on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and Aldose Reductase
  2268. Effect of C-RP on the expressions of receptor of Advanced Glycation end-products and monocyte chemoattractant protein-l in human saphenous vein endothelial cells …
  2269. Conditional up‐regulation of Receptors for Advanced Glycation End‐Products (RAGE) in Alveolar Epithelium Causes Respiratory Distress and Perinatal Lethality
  2270. The Expression of Receptor Advanced Glycation End-products and Type IV Collagen in Ovary Tissues of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  2271. Quercetin-3-rutinoside, a flavonol glycoside from Teucrium polium suppresses Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)formation: A structural study
  2272. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on Expression of Urotensin Ⅱ and G-Protein-Couple Receptor mRNAs in Rat Mesangial Cells
  2274. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Overexpression in the Retina and Serum and Lens Opacities of …
  2275. Relation of Serum Levels of Endogenous Secretory Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products and Glycated Albumin to Coronary Artery Disease in Type 2 …
  2276. Constituents of the Leaves and Steins of Erigeron annuus with Inhibitory Activities on Advanced Glycation end products Formation and Aldose Reductase
  2277. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) Plays an Integral Role in Non-Diabetic Atherosclerosis and Oxidized LDL Stimulation
  2278. Ligands of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE), including high mobility group box (HMGB) 1, limit bacterial dissemination during …
  2279. Diesel Particulate Matter Induces Receptor for Advanced Glycation End‐Products (RAGE) Expression in Alveolar Epithelial Cells and Mediates an Inflammatory …
  2280. The role of scavenging antioxidants and the transcription factor NRF2 in protection against Advanced Glycation end products in a neuronal-derived cell line
  2281. The combination of high glucose and Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)inhibits the mineralization of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells through glucose-induced …
  2282. Consequences of the interaction of amyloid beta with amyloid binding alcohol dehydrogenase and the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  2283. S100A6 Promotes Myocyte Survival by Interacting with the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and Activating Akt
  2284. 766: Evidence for participation of high mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) in activation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) and toll-like …
  2285. Advanced Glycation and lipoxidation end-products amplify inflammation. The role of a healthy diet
  2286. … Activity of Caffeoylquinic Acids from the Aerial Parts of Artemisia princeps on Rat Lens Aldose Reductase and on the Formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  2287. Gly82Ser Polymorphism of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Gene (RAGE) and the Endogenous Secretory RAGE (esRAGE) and its …
  2290. Analysis of the impact of heparin on the affinity of high mobility group box-1 protein and the receptor of Advanced Glycation end products by surface plasmon …
  2291. Receptor for advanced–Glycationend products inhibits myocardin function and induces msx2-dependent osteoblastic differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells
  2292. Activation of Receptor for Advanced–Glycationend products (Rage) Induces Notch-msx2-Dependent Osteoblastic Differentiation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
  2293. … , Thomas MC, Brammar GC, Lee F, Grant SL, Burrell LA, Jerums G, Osicka TM. Reduction of the accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products by ACE inhibition in …
  2294. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) ‐induced ERK5‐SUMOylation antagonizes anti‐inflammatory effect of shear stress in …
  2295. Advanced Glycation end products
  2296. Role of Advanced Glycation end products in cardiovascular disease
  2297. Advanced Glycation end products and neurodegenerative diseases: mechanisms and perspective
  2298. Advanced Glycation end products and diabetic cardiovascular disease
  2299. Advanced Glycation end products : key players in skin aging?
  2300. Naturally occurring inhibitors against the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products
  2301. Advanced Glycation end products and diabetic retinopathy
  2302. Role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in osteoporosis in diabetes
  2303. Serum Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)are associated with insulin resistance
  2304. Role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and oxidative stress in vascular complications in diabetes
  2305. Molecular effects of Advanced Glycation end products on cell signalling pathways, ageing and pathophysiology
  2306. Advanced Glycation end products and diabetic retinopathy
  2307. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and its involvement in inflammatory diseases
  2308. Cellular signalling of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  2309. Advanced Glycation end products affect growth and function of osteoblasts
  2310. Role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and receptor for AGEs (RAGE) in vascular damage in diabetes
  2311. PF-04494700, an oral inhibitor of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE), in Alzheimer’s disease
  2312. Effect of dietary Advanced Glycation end products on mouse liver
  2313. Advanced Glycation end products , soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , and risk of colorectal cancer
  2314. Advanced Glycation end products and its receptor (RAGE) are increased in patients with COPD
  2315. Advanced Glycation end products are direct modulators of β-cell function
  2316. Higher plasma levels of Advanced Glycation end products are associated with incident cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in type 1 diabetes: a 12-year …
  2317. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) , oxidative stress and diabetic retinopathy
  2318. Reduced soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in COPD
  2319. Advanced Glycation end-products diminish tendon collagen fiber sliding
  2320. Inhibitory effect of metformin and pyridoxamine in the formation of early, intermediate and Advanced Glycation end-products
  2321. Advanced Glycation end products augment experimental hepatic fibrosis
  2322. Structures required of polyphenols for inhibiting Advanced Glycation end products formation
  2323. The novel function of Advanced Glycation end products in regulation of MMP-9 production
  2324. Critical role for the Advanced Glycation end‐products receptor in pulmonary arterial hypertension etiology
  2325. Serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)are independent correlates of insulin resistance in nondiabetic subjects
  2326. Restriction of Advanced Glycation end products improves insulin resistance in human type 2 diabetes: potential role of AGER1 and SIRT1
  2327. Evidence for a role of Advanced Glycation end products in atrial fibrillation
  2328. The immunobiology of the receptor of Advanced Glycation end-products: trends and challenges
  2329. Advanced Glycation end-products and their receptor-mediated roles: inflammation and oxidative stress
  2330. Effects of sevelamer on HbA1c, inflammation, and Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic kidney disease
  2331. Septic shock is associated with receptor for Advanced Glycation end products ligation of LPS
  2332. … glial dysfunction during diabetic retinopathy in rats is linked to accumulation of Advanced Glycation end-products and Advancedlipoxidation end-products
  2333. Progression of periodontal destruction and the roles of Advanced Glycation end products in experimental diabetes
  2334. Relationship between Advanced Glycation end products and increased lipid peroxidation in semen of diabetic men
  2335. Advanced Glycation end-products accumulation compromises embryonic development and achievement of pregnancy by assisted reproductive technology
  2336. Advanced Glycation end products accelerate rat vascular calcification through RAGE/oxidative stress
  2337. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products by red grape skin extract and its antioxidant activity
  2338. Functional role of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in stroke
  2339. Advanced Glycation end products , measured as skin autofluorescence and diabetes complications: a systematic review
  2340. Development of nonalcoholic hepatopathy: contributions of oxidative stress and Advanced Glycation end products
  2341. Overexpression of glyoxalase-I reduces hyperglycemia-induced levels of Advanced Glycation end products and oxidative stress in diabetic rats
  2342. Signal Transduction in Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  2343. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products binds to phosphatidylserine and assists in the clearance of apoptotic cells
  2344. Relationship between Advanced Glycation end products and plaque progression in patients with acute coronary syndrome: the JAPAN-ACS sub-study
  2345. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is a central mediator of asthma pathogenesis
  2346. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products: a complex signaling scenario for a promiscuous receptor
  2347. Early progression of diabetic nephropathy correlates with methylglyoxal-derived Advanced Glycation end products
  2348. Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic and non-diabetic human subjects suffering from cataract
  2349. Advanced Glycation end products : a link between periodontitis and diabetes mellitus?
  2350. Role of Advanced Glycation end products in hypertension and cardiovascular risk: human studies
  2351. Induction of HO-1 and redox signaling in endothelial cells by Advanced Glycation end products : a role for Nrf2 in vascular protection in diabetes
  2352. Gingival Advanced Glycation end‐products in diabetes mellitus‐associated chronic periodontitis: an immunohistochemical study
  2353. Involvement of Advanced Glycation end products , oxidative stress and nuclear factor-kappaB in the development of diabetic keratopathy
  2354. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in vascular and inflammatory diseases
  2355. Advanced Glycation end-products induce injury to pancreatic beta cells through oxidative stress
  2356. Advanced Glycation end products inhibitors from Alpinia zerumbet rhizomes
  2357. Participation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in efferocytosis
  2358. Advanced Glycation end products in diabetes mellitus: mechanism of action and focused treatment
  2359. Vitamin D reduces deposition of Advanced Glycation end-products in the aortic wall and systemic oxidative stress in diabetic rats
  2360. Advanced Glycation end products induce peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ down-regulation-related inflammatory signals in human chondrocytes …
  2361. Cathepsins D and L reduce the toxicity of Advanced Glycation end products
  2362. The receptor of Advanced Glycation end products plays a central role in Advancedoxidation protein products-induced podocyte apoptosis
  2363. … brain β-amyloid accumulation, cognitive impairment, and memory deterioration through activation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in brain vasculature
  2364. Advanced Glycation end-products, a pathophysiological pathway in the cardiorenal syndrome
  2365. Skin autofluorescence as a measure of Advanced Glycation end products deposition is elevated in peripheral artery disease
  2366. Advanced Glycation end products induce a prothrombotic phenotype in mice via interaction with platelet CD36
  2367. Sodium‐glucose cotransporter 2‐mediated oxidative stress augments Advanced Glycation end products ‐induced tubular cell apoptosis
  2368. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome
  2369. Sodium nitrite de-stiffening of large elastic arteries with aging: role of normalization of Advanced Glycation end-products
  2370. Up-regulated expression of Advanced Glycation end-products and their receptor in the small intestine and colon of diabetic rats
  2371. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in COPD: relationship with emphysema and chronic cor pulmonale: a case-control study
  2372. Advanced Glycation end products and diabetic retinopathy
  2373. Advanced Glycation end products enhance reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generation in neutrophils in vitro
  2374. Inhibition of the formation of Advanced Glycation end products by thymoquinone
  2375. Advanced Glycation end-products: a common pathway in diabetes and age-related erectile dysfunction
  2376. Phytochemicals from berries and grapes inhibited the formation of Advanced Glycation end‐products by scavenging reactive carbonyls
  2377. Soluble form of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is a marker of acute lung injury but not of severe sepsis in critically ill patients
  2378. Intracellular accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products induces apoptosis via endoplasmic reticulum stress in chondrocytes
  2379. Total soluble and endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products as predictive biomarkers of coronary heart disease risk in patients with type 2 …
  2380. High-mobility group box-1 impairs memory in mice through both toll-like receptor 4 and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  2381. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and risk of liver cancer
  2382. Statins stimulate the production of a soluble form of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  2383. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and implications for the pathophysiology of heart failure
  2384. … and calcium-based phosphate binders on coronary artery calcification and accumulation of circulating Advanced Glycation end products in hemodialysis patients
  2385. Evidence that serum levels of the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products are inversely associated with pancreatic cancer risk: a prospective study
  2386. Advanced Glycation end products evoke endothelial cell damage by stimulating soluble dipeptidyl peptidase-4 production and its interaction with mannose 6 …
  2387. Advanced Glycation end products impair the migration, adhesion and secretion potentials of late endothelial progenitor cells
  2388. Heparan sulfate is essential for high mobility group protein 1 (HMGB1) signaling by the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  2389. … induces the expression of COX-2 through activation of eIF2α, p38-MAPK and NF-κB in Advanced Glycation end products stimulated human chondrocytes
  2390. Enhanced expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products is associated with low circulating soluble isoforms of the receptor in Type 2 diabetes
  2391. The role of Advanced Glycation end-products and their receptor on outcome in heart failure patients with preserved and reduced ejection fraction
  2392. Genotoxicity and immunogenicity of DNA-Advanced Glycation end products formed by methylglyoxal and lysine in presence of Cu2+
  2393. Rehmannia glutinosa Suppresses Inflammatory Responses Elicited by Advanced Glycation end products
  2394. Advanced Glycation end products measured by skin autofluorescence in a population with central obesity
  2395. Increased accumulation of skin Advanced Glycation end products is associated with microvascular complications in type 1 diabetes
  2396. A study on serum Advanced Glycation end products and its association with oxidative stress and paraoxonase activity in type 2 diabetic patients with vascular …
  2397. HMGB1 promotes the synthesis of pro-IL-1β and pro-IL-18 by activation of p38 MAPK and NF-κB through receptors for Advanced Glycation end-products in …
  2398. Metformin inhibits Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -induced renal tubular cell injury by suppressing reactive oxygen species generation via reducing receptor …
  2399. Activation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products induces osteogenic differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells
  2400. Advanced Glycation end‐products inhibition improves endothelial dysfunction in rheumatoid arthritis
  2401. Tissue Advanced Glycation end products are associated with diastolic function and aerobic exercise capacity in diabetic heart failure patients
  2402. Inhibitory effects of Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis, L.) extract on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  2403. Glycosaminoglycans are functional ligands for receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products in tumors
  2404. Reference values for the Chinese population of skin autofluorescence as a marker of Advanced Glycation end products accumulated in tissue
  2405. Chlorogenic acid inhibits the formation of Advanced Glycation end products and associated protein cross-linking
  2406. Bioguided fractionation and isolation of natural inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)from Calophyllum flavoramulum
  2407. Advanced Glycation end products of human β2 glycoprotein I modulate the maturation and function of DCs
  2408. Structural insights into the oligomerization mode of the human receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products
  2409. Advanced Glycation end products induce human corneal epithelial cells apoptosis through generation of reactive oxygen species and activation of JNK and …
  2410. Ethnic and gender differences in Advanced Glycation end products measured by skin auto-fluorescence
  2411. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products restriction diminishes inflammation markers and oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  2412. Role of the Advanced Glycation end products receptor in Crohn’s disease inflammation
  2413. Advanced Glycation end products promote proliferation of cardiac fibroblasts by upregulation of K Ca 3.1 channels
  2414. Solution structure of the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE)
  2415. Increased Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)assessed by skin autofluorescence in schizophrenia
  2416. Differential effects of Advanced Glycation end‐products on renal tubular cell inflammation
  2417. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) protects vascular endothelial cells against Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) –induced apoptosis
  2418. The role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma
  2419. Sirt1 resists Advanced Glycation end products -induced expressions of fibronectin and TGF-β1 by activating the Nrf2/ARE pathway in glomerular mesangial cells
  2420. Accumulation of tissue Advanced Glycation end products correlated with glucose exposure dose and associated with cardiovascular morbidity in patients on peritoneal …
  2421. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products regulates adipocyte hypertrophy and insulin sensitivity in mice: involvement of Toll-like receptor 2
  2422. Positive association between serum level of glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end products and vascular inflammation evaluated by [18F] …
  2423. Paradoxical function for the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in mouse models of pulmonary fibrosis
  2424. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products signals through Ras during tobacco smoke–induced pulmonary inflammation
  2425. Catalpol suppresses Advanced Glycation end-products-induced inflammatory responses through inhibition of reactive oxygen species in human monocytic THP-1 cells
  2426. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in relation to atherosclerotic lipid profiles in middle-aged and elderly diabetic patients
  2427. Identification of Maillard reaction products on peanut allergens that influence binding to the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  2428. Elevated serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products and their monocyte receptors in patients with type 2 diabetes
  2429. Association of serum soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products with subclinical cerebrovascular disease: the Northern Manhattan Study (NOMAS)
  2430. Advanced Glycation end products suppress osteoblastic differentiation of stromal cells by activating endoplasmic reticulum stress
  2431. S100A14 stimulates cell proliferation and induces cell apoptosis at different concentrations via receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  2432. Increased levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) are associated with death in patients with …
  2433. Expression of Advanced Glycation end-products on sun-exposed and non-exposed cutaneous sites during the ageing process in humans
  2434. Proteolytic release of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products from in vitro and in situ alveolar epithelial cells
  2435. Calycosin protects HUVECs from Advanced Glycation end products -induced macrophage infiltration
  2436. Advanced Glycation end products -induced reactive oxygen species generation is partly through NF-kappa B activation in human aortic endothelial cells
  2437. Relationship Between AdvancedOxidation Protein Products, Advanced Glycation end products , and S-Nitrosylated Proteins With Biological Risk and MDR-1 …
  2438. Pravastatin inhibits Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -induced proximal tubular cell apoptosis and injury by reducing receptor for AGEs (RAGE) level
  2439. Impairment of human keratinocyte mobility and proliferation by Advanced Glycation end products -modified BSA
  2440. The functional− 374T/A polymorphism of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products may modulate Crohn’s disease
  2441. Interaction between Advanced Glycation end products formation and vascular responses in femoral and coronary arteries from exercised diabetic rats
  2442. Advanced Glycation end products , carotid atherosclerosis, and circulating endothelial progenitor cells in patients with end-stage renal disease
  2443. Predictive value of Advanced Glycation end products for the development of post-infarction heart failure: a preliminary report
  2444. Effect of insulin on the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  2445. Lack of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products attenuates E. coli pneumonia in mice
  2446. Expression of high-mobility groups box-1/receptor for Advanced Glycation end products /osteopontin/early growth response-1 pathway in proliferative …
  2447. Targeting receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) expression induces apoptosis and inhibits prostate tumor growth
  2448. What is the role of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products –ligand axis in liver injury?
  2449. Increased receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in spermatozoa of diabetic men and its association with sperm nuclear DNA fragmentation
  2450. Inhibitory effect of polysaccharides from pumpkin on Advanced Glycation end-products formation and aldose reductase activity
  2451. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) on iNKT cells mediates lung ischemia–reperfusion injury
  2452. Puerarin inhibits the retinal pericyte apoptosis induced by Advanced Glycation end products in vitro and in vivo by inhibiting NADPH oxidase-related oxidative stress
  2453. Fluorescent Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)detected by spectro-photofluorimetry, as a screening tool to detect diabetic microvascular complications
  2454. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products (RAGE) protects pancreatic tumor cells against oxidative injury
  2455. Plasma levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) and proinflammatory ligand for RAGE (EN-RAGE) are associated with carotid …
  2456. Advanced Glycation end products as an upstream molecule triggers ROS-induced sFlt-1 production in extravillous trophoblasts: a novel bridge between oxidative …
  2457. High-mobility group box 1 and the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products contribute to lung injury during Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia
  2458. Conditional overexpression of receptors for Advanced Glycation end-products in the adult murine lung causes airspace enlargement and induces inflammation
  2459. Advanced Glycation end-products disrupt the blood–brain barrier by stimulating the release of transforming growth factor–β by pericytes and vascular endothelial …
  2460. … protects against β-amyloid-induced toxicity in neurons through inhibiting receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)-independent signaling …
  2461. Beneficial effects of metformin and irbesartan on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) –RAGE-induced proximal tubular cell injury
  2462. Plasma levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and coronary atherosclerosis: possible correlation with clinical presentation
  2463. Levels of oxidized LDL and Advanced Glycation end products –modified LDL in circulating immune complexes are strongly associated with increased levels of carotid …
  2464. Advanced Glycation end products : possible link between metabolic syndrome and periodontal diseases
  2465. Ligand-based design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of 2-aminopyrimidines, a novel series of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) inhibitors
  2466. Advanced Glycation end products as environmental risk factors for the development of type 1 diabetes
  2467. Advanced Glycation end products , diabetes, and the brain
  2468. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products supports lung tissue biomechanics
  2469. Acetaldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end-products promote alcoholic liver disease
  2470. Activation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products system in women with severe preeclampsia
  2471. Specific siRNA targeting receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) decreases proliferation in human breast cancer cell lines
  2472. Methylglyoxal, Advanced Glycation end products and autism: is there a connection?
  2473. Effects of combined lipoic acid and pyridoxine on albuminuria, Advanced Glycation end-products, and blood pressure in diabetic nephropathy
  2474. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) , but not high glucose, inhibit the osteoblastic differentiation of mouse stromal ST2 cells through the suppression of osterix …
  2475. Inflammatory effect of Advanced Glycation end products on human meniscal cells from osteoarthritic knees
  2476. Regulation of heparanase by albumin and Advanced Glycation end products in proximal tubular cells
  2477. Curcumin eliminates the inhibitory effect of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)on gene expression of AGE receptor-1 in hepatic stellate cells in vitro
  2478. Curcumin inhibits gene expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products (RAGE) in hepatic stellate cells in vitro by elevating PPARγ activity and …
  2479. Role of N–epsilon-carboxy methyl lysine, Advanced Glycation end products and reactive oxygen species for the development of nonproliferative and …
  2480. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)induce apoptosis via a novel pathway: involvement of Ca2+ mediated by interleukin-8 protein
  2481. A meta-analysis of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene: four well-evaluated polymorphisms with diabetes mellitus
  2482. Serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)are inversely associated with the number and migratory activity of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in …
  2483. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products predicts 28-day mortality in critically ill patients with sepsis
  2484. Two Fluorescent Wavelengths, 440ex/520em nm and 370ex/440em nm, Reflect Advanced Glycation and Oxidation end products in Human Skin Without Diabetes
  2485. Involvement of formyl peptide receptors in receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)-and amyloid beta 1-42-induced signal transduction in glial …
  2486. Diet-derived Advanced Glycation end products or lipofuscin disrupts proteostasis and reduces life span in Drosophila melanogaster
  2487. Advanced Glycation end products promote hepatosteatosis by interfering with SCAP-SREBP pathway in fructose-drinking mice
  2488. Advanced Glycation end products -induced vascular calcification is mediated by oxidative stress: functional roles of NAD (P) H-oxidase
  2489. Inhibition effect of curcumin on TNF-α and MMP-13 expression induced by Advanced Glycation end products in chondrocytes
  2490. Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)and functionality of reverse cholesterol transport in patients with type 2 diabetes and in mouse models
  2491. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) activates divergent signaling pathways to augment neurite outgrowth of adult sensory neurons
  2492. High serum Advanced Glycation end-products predict coronary artery disease irrespective of arterial stiffness in diabetic patients
  2493. Resveratrol prevents dendritic cell maturation in response to Advanced Glycation end products
  2494. Pioglitazone attenuates progression of aortic valve calcification via down-regulating receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  2495. Matrix metalloproteinase‐1 of gingival fibroblasts influenced by Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and their association with receptor for AGEs and nuclear …
  2496. Metformin inhibits Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -induced growth and VEGF expression in MCF-7 breast cancer cells by suppressing AGEs receptor …
  2497. Advanced Glycation end products in infant formulas do not contribute to insulin resistance associated with their consumption
  2498. Hydrogen sulfide protects SH-SY5Y neuronal cells against d-galactose induced cell injury by suppression of Advanced Glycation end products formation and oxidative …
  2499. Advanced Glycation end products delay corneal epithelial wound healing through reactive oxygen species generation
  2500. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products inhibits proliferation in osteoblast through suppression of Wnt, PI3K and ERK signaling
  2501. Advanced Glycation End-Products as Markers of Aging and Longevity in the Long-Lived Ansell’s Mole-Rat (Fukomys anselli)
  2502. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) provides a link between genetic susceptibility and environmental factors in type 1 diabetes
  2503. The relationship between receptor for Advanced Glycation end products expression and the severity of periodontal disease in the gingiva of diabetic and non diabetic …
  2504. The role of profilin-1 in endothelial cell injury induced by Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  2505. The plasma level of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is decreased in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
  2506. Advanced Glycation end products cause collagen II reduction by activating Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 pathway in porcine …
  2507. Advanced Glycation end-products induce basement membrane hypertrophy in endoneurial microvessels and disrupt the blood–nerve barrier by stimulating …
  2508. … and β-amyloid oligomers promote neuronal differentiation of adult hippocampal neural progenitors via receptor for Advanced Glycation end products /nuclear factor-κB …
  2509. Beneficial effects of banana (Musa sp. var. elakki bale) flower and pseudostem on hyperglycemia and Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in streptozotocin …
  2510. Oligomeric procyanidins of lotus seedpod inhibits the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products by scavenging reactive carbonyls
  2511. Advanced Glycation end products suppress lysyl oxidase and induce bone collagen degradation in a rat model of renal osteodystrophy
  2512. The in vitro protective effects of curcumin and demethoxycurcumin in Curcuma longa extract on Advanced Glycation end products -induced mesangial cell apoptosis …
  2513. Association of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene polymorphisms and circulating RAGE levels with diabetic retinopathy in the Chinese …
  2514. Arterial stiffness and wave reflections in relation to plasma Advanced Glycation end products in a Chinese population
  2515. Advancedoxidation protein products and Advanced Glycation end products in children and adolescents with chronic renal insufficiency
  2516. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products contributes to postnatal pulmonary development and adult lung maintenance program in mice
  2517. Serum level of endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and other factors in type 2 diabetic patients with mild cognitive impairment
  2518. Induction of lactadherin mediates the apoptosis of endothelial cells in response to Advanced Glycation end products and protective effects of grape seed procyanidin …
  2519. Polymorphisms of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in Chinese patients
  2520. High-mobility group box 1 protein is implicated in Advanced Glycation end products –induced vascular endothelial growth factor A production in the rat retinal …
  2521. Immunohistochemical distribution of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in human osteoarthritic cartilage
  2522. The Associations of Advanced Glycation end products and its soluble receptor with pancreatic cancer risk: A case–control study within the prospective EPIC cohort
  2523. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) partially mediates HMGB1-ERKs activation in clear cell renal cell carcinoma
  2524. Activation of Akt by Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) : involvement of IGF-1 receptor and caveolin-1
  2525. Effects of zinc and manganese on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)formation and AGEs-mediated endothelial cell dysfunction
  2526. Serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)are independently correlated with circulating levels of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) in humans
  2527. Serum soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) is independently associated with cigarette smoking in non-diabetic healthy subjects
  2528. Advanced Glycation end products , measured as skin autofluorescence, during normal pregnancy and pregnancy complicated by diabetes mellitus
  2529. Potential Inhibitory Effects of l-Carnitine Supplementation on Tissue Advanced Glycation end products in Patients with Hemodialysis
  2530. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is protective during murine tuberculosis
  2531. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) functions as receptor for specific sulfated glycosaminoglycans, and anti-RAGE antibody or sulfated …
  2532. … -derived factor (PEDF) inhibits proximal tubular cell injury in early diabetic nephropathy by suppressing Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -receptor (RAGE) axis
  2533. Plasma Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) , receptors for AGEs and their correlation with inflammatory markers in middle school-age children
  2534. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) polymorphisms are associated with systemic lupus erythematosus and disease severity in lupus nephritis
  2535. What is the significance of soluble and endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in liver steatosis in obese prepubertal children?
  2536. Controlling the receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products to conquer diabetic vascular complications
  2537. … levels of soluble low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (sLRP) and the soluble form of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) in the …
  2538. Prognostic potential and tumor growth-inhibiting effect of plasma Advanced Glycation end products in non-small cell lung carcinoma
  2539. Advanced Glycation end products and ultrastructural changes in corneas of long-term streptozotocin-induced diabetic monkeys
  2540. Changes in Advancedoxidation protein products, Advanced Glycation end products , and s-nitrosylated proteins, in patients affected by polycythemia vera and …
  2541. … for Advanced Glycation end products in bacterial infection: is there a role for immune modulation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the treatment of …
  2542. High-mobility group box 1 inhibits gastric ulcer healing through Toll-like receptor 4 and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  2543. Natural inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end‐products
  2544. Fluorescent Advanced Glycation end products and their soluble receptor: the birth of new plasmatic biomarkers for risk stratification of acute coronary …
  2545. Losartan protects liver against ischaemia/reperfusion injury through PPAR‐γ activation and receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products down‐regulation
  2546. Advanced Glycation end products increase permeability of brain microvascular endothelial cells through reactive oxygen species–induced vascular endothelial growth …
  2547. Lipocalin-2 elicited by Advanced Glycation end-products promotes the migration of vascular smooth muscle cells
  2548. Influence of physical activity intervention on circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in elderly subjects
  2549. Multispecificity of immunoglobulin M antibodies raised against Advanced Glycation end products : involvement of electronegative potential of antigens
  2550. Development of a method for the determination of Advanced Glycation end products precursors by liquid chromatography and its application in human urine samples
  2551. Advanced Glycation end products assessed by skin autofluorescence: a new marker of diabetic foot ulceration
  2552. Ex vivo detection of histone H1 modified with Advanced Glycation end products
  2553. Atorvastatin exerts its anti-atherosclerotic effects by targeting the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  2554. S100A12 and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products levels during human severe sepsis
  2555. The G82S polymorphism promotes glycosylation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) at asparagine 81: comparison of wild-type rage …
  2556. Liquiritin attenuates Advanced Glycation end products -induced endothelial dysfunction via RAGE/NF-κB pathway in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  2557. Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) induce the receptor for AGE in the colonic mucosa of azoxymethane-injected Fischer 344 rats fed with a high-linoleic acid and …
  2558. Low molecular weight heparin suppresses receptor for Advanced Glycation end products ‐mediated expression of malignant phenotype in human fibrosarcoma cells
  2559. Differences in the behavior of Advanced Glycation end products and Advancedoxidation protein products in patients with allergic rhinitis
  2560. Dual effect of Advanced Glycation end products in pancreatic islet apoptosis
  2561. Ferulsinaic acid attenuation of Advanced Glycation end products extends the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans
  2562. Increased expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products in human peripheral neuropathies
  2563. Heparanase induced by Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)promotes macrophage migration involving RAGE and PI3K/AKT pathway
  2564. Blockade by phosphorothioate aptamers of Advanced Glycation end products -induced damage in cultured pericytes and endothelial cells
  2565. Interaction of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products with Advancedoxidation protein products induces podocyte injury
  2566. Hypoxia promotes danger-mediated inflammation via receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in cystic fibrosis
  2567. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products promotes pancreatic carcinogenesis and accumulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells
  2568. Vascular endothelial growth factor-C secretion is increased by Advanced Glycation end-products: possible implication in ocular neovascularization
  2569. Consequences of Advanced Glycation end products accumulation in chronic kidney disease and clinical usefulness of their assessment using a non-invasive …
  2570. … creatine kinase deficiency triggers both actin depolymerization and desmin disorganization by Advanced Glycation end products in dilated cardiomyopathy
  2571. Efficacy and tolerability of Advanced Glycation end-products inhibitor in osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
  2572. The extract of Litsea japonica reduced the development of diabetic nephropathy via the inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products accumulation in db/db …
  2573. Role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in cardiogenic shock
  2574. Inhibitory effect of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) on the TGF-β-induced alveolar epithelial to mesenchymal transition
  2575. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on oxidative stress and senescence of trabecular meshwork cells
  2576. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)increase human mesangial foam cell formation by increasing Golgi SCAP glycosylation in vitro
  2577. Protective effects of hesperidin derivatives and their stereoisomers against Advanced Glycation end-products formation
  2578. Hepatic disposal of Advanced Glycation end products during maturation and aging
  2579. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products alleviates nephritis in (NZB/NZW) F1 mice
  2580. … protein-A, soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , extracellular newly identified receptor for receptor for Advanced Glycation end products …
  2581. Induction of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products by insufficient leptin action triggers pancreatic β‐cell failure in type 2 diabetes
  2582. Increased serum levels of Advanced Glycation end-products is associated with severity of sleep disordered breathing but not insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic men …
  2583. Detection of an aging-related increase in Advanced Glycation end products in fast-and slow-twitch skeletal muscles in the rat
  2584. Relation of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products to predict mortality in patients with chronic heart failure independently of Seattle Heart Failure Score
  2585. Pigment epithelium-derived factor inhibits Advanced Glycation end-products-induced cytotoxicity in retinal pericytes
  2586. Evaluation of Advanced Glycation end products accumulation, using skin autofluorescence, in CKD and dialysis patients
  2587. Dietary consumption of meat, fat, animal products and Advanced Glycation end‐products and the risk of Barrett’s oesophagus
  2588. Tissue level of Advanced Glycation end products is an independent determinant of high‐sensitivity C‐reactive protein levels in haemodialysis patients
  2589. Intrafollicular soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) and embryo quality in assisted reproduction
  2590. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products mediates lung endothelial activation by RBCs
  2591. … -regulates endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression and promotes apoptosis in endothelial progenitor cells through receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products
  2592. S100A7 promotes the migration and invasion of osteosarcoma cells via the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  2593. Cell signaling and receptors in toxicity of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) : α-dicarbonyls, radicals, oxidative stress and antioxidants
  2594. Could receptors for Advanced Glycation end products be considered cardiovascular risk markers in obese children?
  2595. Grape seed procyanidin b2 inhibits human aortic smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2596. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) inhibits signaling pathways of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in endothelial cells via its antioxidative …
  2597. Upregulation of S100P, receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and ezrin in malignant melanoma
  2598. Calcitriol treatment increases serum levels of the soluble receptor of Advanced Glycation end products in hemodialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism
  2599. Embryonic overexpression of receptors for Advanced Glycation end-products by alveolar epithelium induces an imbalance between proliferation and apoptosis
  2600. Up-regulation of receptors for Advanced Glycation end-products by alveolar epithelium influences cytodifferentiation and causes severe lung hypoplasia
  2601. Advanced Glycation end products and arterial stiffness in patients with diabetic nephropathy and patients with chronic kidney disease without diabetes
  2602. Advanced Glycation end products and lipofuscin deposits share the same location in cardiocytes of the failing heart
  2603. … end products (RAGE) and promotes proliferation in ECV304 cells via the c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) pathway following stimulation by Advanced Glycation end …
  2604. Clinical study of Advanced Glycation end products in egyptian diabetic obese and non-obese patients
  2605. Serum levels of receptors for Advanced Glycation end products in normal-weight and obese children born small and large for gestational age
  2606. Advanced Glycation end products induce moesin phosphorylation in murine brain endothelium
  2607. Advanced Glycation end products acutely impair Ca2+ signaling in bovine aortic endothelial cells
  2608. Advanced Glycation end-products stimulate basic fibroblast growth factor expression in cultured Müller cells
  2609. Activation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products contributes to aortic remodeling and endothelial dysfunction in sinoaortic denervated rats
  2610. Advanced Glycation end products in children with type 1 diabetes: family matters?
  2611. Advanced Glycation end-products activate the renin-angiotensin system through the RAGE/PI3-K signaling pathway in podocytes
  2612. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on lectin-like oxidized low density lipoprotein receptor-1 expression in endothelial cells
  2613. Phytoestrogen calycosin‐7‐O‐β‐D‐glucopyranoside ameliorates Advanced Glycation end products ‐induced HUVEC damage
  2614. Usefulness of preprocedural levels of Advanced Glycation end products to predict restenosis in patients with controlled diabetes mellitus undergoing drug-eluting stent …
  2615. Advanced Glycation end products promote human aortic smooth muscle cell calcification in vitro via activating NF-κB and down-regulating IGF1R expression
  2616. Plasma soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and risk of colorectal adenoma
  2617. … , relative validity, and reliability of a food frequency questionnaire for a case-control study on dietary Advanced Glycation end products and diabetes complications
  2618. Receptor Mediated Elevation in FABP4 Levels by Advanced Glycation end products Induces Cholesterol and Triacylglycerol Accumulation in THP‐1 Macrophages
  2619. Diesel particulate matter induces receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) expression in pulmonary epithelial cells, and rage signaling influences NF-κB …
  2620. The in vitro effects of Advanced Glycation end products on basophil functions
  2621. Association analysis of− 429T/C and− 374T/A polymorphisms of receptor of Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) gene in Malaysian with type 2 diabetic …
  2622. Interaction of the S100A6 mutant (C3S) with the V domain of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  2623. Reduced soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products (sRAGE) scavenger capacity precedes pre‐eclampsia in Type 1 diabetes
  2624. Effects of Allium victorialis leaf extracts and its single compounds on aldose reductase, Advanced Glycation end products and TGF-β1 expression in mesangial …
  2625. Rosuvastatin blocks Advanced Glycation end products -elicited reduction of macrophage cholesterol efflux by suppressing NADPH oxidase activity via inhibition of …
  2626. Effect of cinnamoyl and flavonol glucosides derived from cherry blossom flowers on the production of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and AGE‐induced …
  2627. Highly-sensitive detection of free Advanced Glycation end-products by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry with 2, 4, 6 …
  2628. Advanced Glycation end products contribute to the immunogenicity of IFN-β pharmaceuticals
  2629. Advanced Glycation end products induce moesin phosphorylation in murine retinal endothelium
  2630. A soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products inhibits hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced apoptosis in rat cardiomyocytes via the mitochondrial pathway
  2631. Statins modulate feedback regulation mechanisms between Advanced Glycation end-products and C-reactive protein: evidence in patients with acute myocardial …
  2632. Decreased serum carnitine is independently correlated with increased tissue accumulation levels of Advanced Glycation end products in haemodialysis patients
  2633. Advanced Glycation end-products enhance calcification in cultured rat dental pulp cells
  2634. … of reactive oxygen species/extracellular signal-regulated kinases pathway by pioglitazone attenuates Advanced Glycation end products -induced proliferation of …
  2635. Serum soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products levels and aortic augmentation index in early rheumatoid arthritis—a prospective study
  2636. Rosiglitazone protects neuroblastoma cells against Advanced Glycation end products -induced injury
  2637. Overexpression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products induces monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression in rat vascular smooth muscle cell line
  2638. … markers associated with osteoarthritis after destabilization surgery in young mice with and without Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products (RAGE)
  2639. Monocyte-endothelium-smooth muscle cell interaction in co-culture: proliferation and cytokine productions in response to Advanced Glycation end products
  2640. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) prevents endothelial cell membrane resealing and regulates F-actin remodeling in a β-catenin …
  2641. Protection against Advanced Glycation end products and oxidative stress during the development of diabetic keratopathy by KIOM‐79
  2642. Differential modulation of angiogenesis by Advanced Glycation end products
  2643. The role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in neuronal differentiation
  2644. Skin autofluorescence as marker of tissue Advanced Glycation end-products accumulation in formerly preeclamptic women
  2645. Role of dietary Advanced Glycation end products in diabetes mellitus
  2646. Deletion of bone marrow‐derived receptor for Advanced Glycation end products inhibits atherosclerotic plaque progression
  2647. Mesenchymal stem cells protects hyperoxia-induced lung injury in newborn rats via inhibiting receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products/nuclear factor κB signaling
  2648. Pioglitazone attenuates the detrimental effects of Advanced Glycation end-products in the pancreatic beta cell line HIT-T15
  2649. Limited role of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products during Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteremia
  2650. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit adhesion ability of differentiated podocytes in a neuropilin-1-dependent manner
  2651. Influence of dietary Advanced Glycation end products on wound healing in nondiabetic mice
  2652. Kinetics of Advanced Glycation end products formation on bovine serum albumin with various reducing sugars and dicarbonyl compounds in equimolar ratios
  2653. Amelioration effects of berberine on diabetic microendothelial injury model by the combination of high glucose and Advanced Glycation end products in vitro
  2654. Interaction effect between the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and high-mobility group box-1 (HMGB-1) for the migration of a squamous cell …
  2655. Nicousamide blocks the effects of Advanced Glycation end products on renal cells
  2656. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue is related to coronary artery disease
  2657. Acute hyperglycemic exacerbation of lung ischemia–reperfusion injury is mediated by receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products signaling
  2658. … growth factor has a role in the amelioration of diabetic vascular complications via autophagic clearance of Advanced Glycation end products : Dispo85E, an HGF …
  2659. Inhibitory effect of gallic acid on Advanced Glycation end products induced up-regulation of inflammatory cytokines and matrix proteins in H9C2 (2-1) cells
  2660. Serum Advanced Glycation end-products and receptors as prognostic biomarkers in diabetics undergoing coronary artery stent implantation
  2661. Advanced Glycation end products and β2-Microglobulin as predictors of carpal tunnel syndrome in hemodialysis patients
  2662. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products by aminoguanidine restores mast cell numbers and reactivity in alloxan-diabetic rats
  2663. Endogenous soluble receptor of Advanced Glycation end-products (esRAGE) is negatively associated with vascular calcification in non-diabetic hemodialysis patients
  2664. Age‐related expression, enzymatic solubility and modification with Advanced Glycation end‐products of fibrillar collagens in mouse lung
  2665. Suppression of Advanced Glycation and lipoxidation end products by angiotensin II type-1 receptor blocker candesartan in type 2 diabetic patients with essential …
  2666. Advanced Glycation end-products induce heparanase expression in endothelial cells by the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and through activation of the …
  2667. Metalloproteinases and Advanced Glycation end products : coupled navigation in atherosclerotic plaque pathophysiology?
  2668. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) is present at high concentrations in the lungs of children and varies with age and the pattern of lung …
  2669. New Advanced Glycation end-products inhibitors from Dichrostachys cinerea Wight & Arn.
  2670. Association of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene polymorphisms with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis
  2671. Bone-targeting endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products rescues rheumatoid arthritis
  2672. Uptake of Advanced Glycation end products by proximal tubule epithelial cells via macropinocytosis
  2673. The soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products can prospectively identify patients at greatest risk for preterm birth
  2674. Evidence of involvement of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) in the adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to gastric epithelial cells
  2675. Activation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) exacerbates experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis symptoms
  2676. … ε-Carboxymethyllysine (CML), a Maillard reaction product, stimulates serotonin release and activates the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in SH …
  2677. … -induced fibrosis in hepatic stellate cells through regulating the oxidative stress pathway but independent of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products …
  2678. Associations of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products -374 T/A and Gly82 Ser and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma Pro12Ala polymorphisms …
  2679. Advanced Glycation end–products and Advancedoxidation protein products in patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and first degree relatives
  2680. Imaging of receptors for Advanced Glycation end products in experimental myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury
  2681. Advanced Glycation end products , measured as skin autofluorescence, at diagnosis in gestational diabetes mellitus compared with normal pregnancy
  2682. Identification of haplotype tag single nucleotide polymorphisms within the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene and their clinical relevance in …
  2683. A randomized controlled trial of lycopene treatment on soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in seminal and blood plasma of normospermic men
  2684. Associations of serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products with nutrition markers and anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease
  2685. Semiquantitative Analysis of Apolipoprotein A‐I Modified by Advanced Glycation end products in Diabetes Mellitus
  2686. Advanced Glycation end‐products induce calpain‐mediated degradation of ezrin
  2687. The relationship between dietary Advanced Glycation end products and indicators of diabetes severity in Mexicans and non-Hispanic whites: a pilot study
  2688. Beta-D-glucoside protects against Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -mediated diabetic responses by suppressing ERK and inducing PPAR gamma DNA …
  2689. Increased serum levels of Advancedoxidation protein products and Glycationend products in subjects exposed to low-dose benzene
  2690. The Rho/Rho-associated protein kinase inhibitor fasudil in the protection of endothelial cells against Advanced Glycation end products through the nuclear …
  2691. Rapid and sensitive determination of the intermediates of Advanced Glycation end products in the human nail by ultra-performance liquid chromatography with …
  2692. Neurite regeneration in adult rat retinas exposed to Advanced Glycation end-products and regenerative effects of neurotrophin-4
  2693. L-165,041, troglitazone and their combination treatment to attenuate high glucose-induced receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) expression
  2694. PPARγ-mediated Advanced Glycation end products regulate neural stem cell proliferation but not neural differentiation through the BDNF–CREB pathway
  2695. Association between the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene polymorphisms and coronary artery disease
  2696. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is associated with in-stent restenosis in patients with type 2 diabetes with drug-eluting coronary stents
  2697. Skin autofluorescence relates to soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and albuminuria in diabetes mellitus
  2698. Genetic variation in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products (RAGE) gene and ischaemic stroke
  2699. Pharmacological control of receptor of Advanced Glycation end-products and its biological effects in psoriasis
  2700. Endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and chronic kidney disease in the elderly population
  2701. Injury of cortical neurons is caused by the Advanced Glycation end products -mediated pathway
  2702. On the in vivo early toxic properties of Aβ25–35 peptide in the rat hippocampus: Involvement of the Receptor-for-AdvancedGlycation-End-Products and changes in …
  2703. 2245G/A polymorphism of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) gene is associated with diabetic retinopathy in the Malaysian population
  2704. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products‐mediated inflammation and diabetic vascular complications
  2705. Immunohistochemical localization of receptor for Advanced Glycation end (RAGE) products in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington’s disease
  2706. Formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)are influenced by lipids in milk powders
  2707. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ downregulates the expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and pro-inflammatory cytokines in the …
  2708. Opposing roles of membrane and soluble forms of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in primary respiratory syncytial virus infection
  2709. Continuous positive air pressure treatment reduces serum Advanced Glycation end products in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome: a pilot study
  2710. Inverse association between circulating levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and coronary plaque burden
  2711. The renin-angiotensin system and Advanced Glycation end-products in diabetic retinopathy: impacts and synergies.
  2712. Soluble isoform of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products as a biomarker for postoperative respiratory failure after cardiac surgery
  2713. Advanced Glycation end-products in myocardium-supported vessels: effects of heart failure and diabetes mellitus
  2714. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products and its receptor on oxidative stress in diabetic wounds
  2715. Association study of polymorphisms in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) gene with susceptibility and prognosis of heart failure
  2716. Association between serum endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus with combined depression in the …
  2717. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE): novel biomarker and therapeutic target for atrial fibrillation
  2718. COMP-Ang1 inhibits apoptosis as well as improves the attenuated osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2719. … ‐bis (methyl) Carbamate Isolated from Cortex Mori on Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell Dysfunction Induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2720. Advanced Glycation end products downregulate glucokinase in mice
  2721. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products involved in lung ischemia reperfusion injury in cardiopulmonary bypass attenuated by controlled oxygen reperfusion in …
  2722. Polymorphisms of the promoter and exon 3 of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in Euro‐ and Afro‐Brazilians
  2723. Immunolocalization of Advanced Glycation end products in human diabetic eyes: an immunohistochemical study
  2724. Hypoxia in the diabetic kidney is independent of Advanced Glycation end-products
  2725. The expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) in RA-FLS is induced by IL-17 via Act-1
  2726. Depletion of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) sensitizes towards apoptosis via p53 and p73 posttranslational regulation
  2727. Advanced Glycation end products in myocardial reperfusion injury
  2728. Screening of herbal medicines from China with inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)formation (VI)
  2729. Protection effect of endomorphins on Advanced Glycation end products induced injury in endothelial cells
  2730. Low plasma levels of the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in HIV-infected patients with subclinical carotid atherosclerosis receiving combined …
  2731. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and liver stiffness in postoperative biliary atresia
  2732. Inhibitory activity of aromadendrin from prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) root on aldose reductase and the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  2733. EN-RAGE (extracellular newly identified receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products binding protein) and mortality of long-term hemodialysis patients: Aprospective …
  2734. Extract of Ginkgo biloba and alpha-lipoic acid attenuate Advanced Glycation end products accumulation and RAGE expression in diabetic nephropathy rats
  2735. Circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is inversely correlated to oxidized low-density lipoproteins in asymptomatic subjects
  2736. Screening of herbal medicines from China with inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)formation (V)
  2737. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and glyoxalase I gene polymorphisms in pathological pregnancy
  2738. Reverse regulation of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and proinflammatory factor resistin and S100A12 in Kawasaki disease
  2739. Soluble receptor of Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) indicates response to chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer patients
  2740. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : a new theraputic target for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
  2741. Is there a role for high mobility group box 1 and the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the genesis of long-term cognitive impairment in sepsis …
  2742. Endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products inhibits amyloid-β 1-42 uptake into mouse brain
  2743. Advanced Glycation end products measured by AGE Reader in a group of patients with obesity
  2744. Determination of types and binding sites of Advanced Glycation end products for substance P
  2745. Advanced Glycation end products -mediated hypertrophy is negatively regulated by tetrahydrobiopterin in renal tubular cells
  2746. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is dispensable in a mouse model of oral and esophageal carcinogenesis
  2747. Irbesartan treatment does not influence plasma levels of the Advanced Glycation end products Nε(1-carboxymethyl)lysine and Nε(1-carboxyethyl)lysine in patients …
  2748. Bioactive Compounds from Okra Seeds: Potential Inhibitors of Advanced Glycation end products
  2749. Role of receptors of Advanced Glycation end‐products (RAGE) in type 2 diabetic and non‐diabetic individuals with chronic periodontal disease: an …
  2750. Erythropoietin protects podocytes from damage by Advanced Glycation end-products
  2751. The myeloid response to pancreatic carcinogenesis is regulated by the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products
  2752. LL-37 induced cystitis and the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) pathway
  2753. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and vascular endothelial growth factor proteins in RF/6A cells
  2754. Advanced Glycation end‑products reduce podocyte adhesion by activating the renin‑angiotensin system and increasing integrin‑linked kinase
  2755. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products as an indicator of pulmonary vascular injury after cardiac surgery
  2756. Roles of Advanced Glycation end products and its receptor on the fetal brain injury in pregnant rats with gestational diabetes mellitus
  2757. Presence of glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end-products in the liver of insulin-resistant mice
  2758. A PKC-beta inhibitor prompts the HUVECs apoptosis-induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2759. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in the hyperinflammatory response of diabetic wounds.
  2760. Detection of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)during dry-state storage of β-lactoglobulin/lactose
  2761. Maternal plasma Advanced Glycation end products concentrations in response to oral 50-gram glucose load in mid-pregnancy: a pilot study.
  2762. Inverse association between cardiac troponin-I and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in patients with non-ST-segment elevation …
  2763. Advanced Glycation end products overload might explain intracellular cobalamin deficiency in renal dysfunction, diabetes and aging
  2764. Effects of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on Advanced Glycation end products and receptor of aorta pectoralis in T2DM rats
  2765. Screening of Korean herbal medicines with inhibitory Activity on Advanced Glycation end products formation (VII)
  2766. Metabolic syndrome, Advanced Glycation end products and knee osteoarthritis progression: a report from OAI
  2767. Roles of collagen enzymatic and Advanced Glycation end products associated crosslinking as a determinant of bone quality
  2768. Screening of Korean herbal medicines with inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation end products formation (XI)
  2769. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit both infection and transmission in trans of HIV-1 from monocyte-derived dendritic cells to autologous T cells
  2770. Co-localisation of Advanced Glycation end products and D-β-aspartic acid-containing proteins in gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy
  2771. TTP4000, a soluble fusion protein inhibitor of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is an effective therapy in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease
  2772. Serum adiponectin, resistin, and circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in colectomy patients
  2773. Pyridoxamine ameliorates the effects of Advanced Glycation end products on subtotal nephrectomy induced chronic renal failure rats
  2774. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) on the surface of circulating endothelial cells is upregulated in Kawasaki disease
  2775. Screening of herbal medicines from China and Vietnam with inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)formation (VIII)
  2776. Development and application of a stable isotope dilution analysis for the quantitation of Advanced Glycation end products of creatinine in biofluids of type 2 diabetic …
  2777. Suppression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products improves angiogenic responses to ischemia in diabetic mouse hindlimb ischemia model
  2778. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
  2779. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : a balancing act in chronic obstructive pulmonary …
  2780. Advanced Glycation end products inhibitor
  2781. Inhibition of protein Glycationand Advanced Glycation end products by ascorbic acid
  2782. Possible participation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in the origin of cancer stem cells in diabetic patients with colon cancer
  2783. Cariporide, a Specific Na+/H+ Exchanger 1 Blocker, Inhibits Neointimal Proliferation Induced by Advanced Glycation end products in a Balloon Injury Rat Model
  2784. Opposite behavior of plasma levels surfactant protein type B and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in pulmonary sarcoidosis
  2785. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE), inflammatory ligand EN-RAGE and soluble RAGE (sRAGE) in subjects with Takayasu’s arteritis
  2786. … of gallic acid on the activation of ROS and down-regulation of antioxidant enzymes in cardiac tissue of rats infused with Advanced Glycation end products
  2787. Effects of Hwanggeum-tang Water Extract on the expression of pro-inflammatory responses elicited by Advanced Glycation end products in THP-1 cells
  2788. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (sRAGE): a potential indicator of ovarian response to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
  2789. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in atrial fibrillation
  2790. Property and detection of Advanced Glycation end products [J]
  2791. AdvancedResearch on Formation Mechanism, Detection Methods and Mitigation Ways of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) [J]
  2792. Tissue distribution of albumin‐glucose Advanced Glycation end products administrated to chickens
  2793. Endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is associated with low serum interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and elevated IL-6 in older …
  2794. bFGF and TGFbeta1 growth factors, inflammatory markers (IL-6, TNF-alpha, CRP) and Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE, RAGE) in patients with …
  2795. Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic cardiomyopathy: an alternative hypothesis
  2796. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)-expressing endothelial cells co-express AGE and S100 in human periapical granulomas
  2797. A portable system for noninvasive assessment of Advanced Glycation end-products using skin fluorescence and reflectance spectrum
  2798. Role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in pathogenesis of psoriasis
  2799. β-amyloid protein up-regulates the expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products by increasing ROS production
  2800. Oxidative stress in myocardial infarction: Advanced Glycation end-products causes oxidative stress in older myocardial infarction patients
  2801. Paradox of Advanced Glycation end-products in late cardiac biopsies of heart transplant recipients
  2802. Screening of Korean herbal medicines with inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation end products formation (IX)
  2803. Oat protects against diabetic nephropathy in rats via attenuating Advanced Glycation end products and nuclear factor kappa B
  2804. Combined effect of total flavonoids from seed residues of Hippophae rhamnoides L. and zinc on Advanced Glycation end products -induced endothelial cell dysfunction
  2805. Advanced Glycation end-products in hemodialysis patients
  2806. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in Diabetic Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
  2807. Characteristics of Advanced Glycation end products self-fluorescence spectra in human skin
  2808. Role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in pathgenesis of psoriasis
  2809. Angiogenic response of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)involves PPARgamma.
  2810. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) in non-diabetic hemodialysis patients and chronic kidney disease
  2811. Recent Advances in Research on Dietary Advanced Glycation end products
  2812. May soluble form of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products be considered a mediator of acute lung injury?
  2813. Effect of Glycine on Protein Oxidation and Advanced Glycation end products Formation
  2814. Biological Role and Measurement of Advanced Glycation end products and Their Precursors
  2815. Six-month feeding of low-dose fish oil decreases vascular expression of high mobility group box1 and receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in rat chronic …
  2816. The study of the relationship between single nucleotide polymorphism of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and coronary angiography in a positive
  2817. Progress of receptor of Advanced Glycation end products in cardiovascular disease
  2818. The role of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in acute lung injury
  2819. Effects of a Diet Low in Advanced Glycation end products in Humans
  2820. Cardiovascular Complications in Renal Failure: Implications of Advanced Glycation end products and Their Receptor RAGE
  2821. Influence of Guanxin Shutong containing serum on vascular smooth muscle cells proliferation induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2822. … serum on the osteoblast differentiation and the expressions of osteoprotegerin and bone morphogenetic protein 2 after treatment by Advanced Glycation end products …
  2823. Understanding the mechanism of antidiabetic activity and efficacy of functional foods against Advanced Glycation end products : Nigella sativa and Moringa oleifera
  2824. Effects of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)on skin keratinocytes by nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) activation
  2825. Quantification and Analysis of Advanced Glycation end products in avian plasma
  2826. Effect of atorvastatin on Advanced Glycation end products induced monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression in cultured human endothelial cells
  2827. Skin Advanced Glycation end products as a marker of reproductive age in women—a pilot study
  2828. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in the hyperinflammatory response of diabetic wounds: general review
  2829. Circulating Soluble Receptor for Advanced–GlycationEnd-Products is Elevated with Heparin Administration and Not by Cardiovascular Disease
  2830. P40 Increased Advanced Glycation end products in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  2831. Advanced Glycation end products : Possible link between metabolic syndrome and periodontal diseases
  2832. Hypoxia, receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , and cystic fibrosis: a pathway to chronic inflammation?
  2833. Is glycated hemoglobin an accurate enough predictor of subclinical myocardial injury or a simple precursor of Advanced Glycation end products ?
  2834. Advanced Glycation end-products: new markers of renal dysfunction in patients with chronic heart failure
  2835. Effects of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides on the formation and harmful impacts of Advanced Glycation end products .
  2836. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on oxidative stress and apoptosis of SH-SY5Y cells
  2837. … daily consumption of Iranian yogurt drink doogh fortified with vitamin D or vitamin D plus calcium on the serum Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and oxidized …
  2838. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products levels are associated with asymmetric dimethylarginine and low-grade inflammation in essential hypertension
  2839. Mechanism of Advanced Glycation end-products in the inducement of apoptosis of human gingival fibroblast and related effect of puerarin in the process
  2840. Influence of intensive exercise on renal functions (RF) and Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)
  2841. Research progress of dietary Advanced Glycation end products
  2842. The Association between Serum Endogenous Secretory Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and Vertebral Fractures in Type 2 Diabetes.
  2843. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on expression of the β-amyloid protein in SH-SY5Y cells and its related mechanism
  2844. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE)–intra-and inter-individual variability in chronic …
  2845. Advanced Glycation end products promote
  2846. Advanced Glycation end products induce fibrogenic activity in NASH by modulating the TNFα converting enzyme activity
  2847. Expression Of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)In Patients With IPF, And NSIP
  2848. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : a new biomarker in diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy
  2849. Value of serum Advanced Glycation end products -peptide in the screening of diabetes mellitus in a community-based population of high-risk diabetics
  2850. Effects of periodontal initial therapy on Advanced Glycation end products of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with periodontitis [J]
  2851. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the secretion of proinflammatory chemokines in vascular smooth muscle cells
  2852. Cytotoxic role of Advanced Glycation end-products in PC12 cells treated with β‑amyloid peptide
  2853. Telmisartan inhibits the progression of cardiomyopathy in daunorubicin treated rats: the role of Advanced Glycation end products
  2854. Increased serum level of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) in type 2 diabetic patients with nephropathy
  2855. Research Progress of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs)in Foods
  2856. Correlation of serum soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products with coronary lesion complexity in patients with stable angina pectoris [J]
  2857. Synthesis and evaluation of naphthoic acid derivatives as fluorescent probes to screen Advanced Glycation end-products breakers
  2858. Advanced Glycation end-products in chronic heart failure
  2859. Advanced Glycation end products induce epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of rat peritoneal mesothelial cells
  2860. Advanced Glycation end products Induce the Activation of NF-κB in Retinal Microvascular Endothelial Cells and the Protection of Simvastatin
  2861. Inhibitory effect of resveratrol on Advanced Glycation end products -induced mesangial cell proliferation
  2862. Effects of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury on the level of endogenous soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (sRAGE)
  2863. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor α secretion from microglial cells [J]
  2864. The Effects of DAPT Under Advanced Glycation end products on Microvascular Endothelial Cells
  2865. Increased physical activity prevents the progress of arteriosclerosis by reducing Advanced Glycation end products and oxidative stress in patients with diabetes …
  2867. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in COPD: relationship with emphysema and chronic cor pulmonale: a case-control study
  2868. Effect of Different Treatment on Advanced Glycation end products in Kindey and Renoprotection in Diabetic Rats
  2869. The Association between Serum Endogenous Secretory Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and Vertebral Fractures in Type 2 Diabetes
  2870. Influence of soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) on hypoxia/reoxygenation myocardial oxidative stress [J]
  2871. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated human periodontal ligament stem cells [J]
  2872. Metabolic syndrome is inversely related to soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : a study in mother-infant pairs
  2873. Increased expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products worsens focal brain ischemia in diabetic rats
  2874. Effect of atorvastatin on Advanced Glycation end-products in rats
  2875. Research Progress of Preeclampsia and Advanced Glycation end products
  2876. Nutritional Status and the Relationship of Dietary and Serum Advanced Glycation End-Products with Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Healing of Diabetic Foot …
  2877. Effect of high mobility group box protein 1 on the Kupffer cells of rats with severe burn and the role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the process
  2878. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) as a novel target for inhibiting breast cancer bone metastasis
  2879. Relationship between Advanced Glycation end-products with the severity of chronic heart failure in 85 patients.
  2880. Effects of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on Advanced Glycation end products and receptor of aorta pectoralis in T2DM rats
  2881. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in the development of diabetes complications.
  2882. Advanced Glycation end products and Management of Diabetes Diet
  2883. Concentration of endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and matrix Gla protein in controlled and uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus …
  2884. Advanced Glycation end products , the Hidden Bridge between Diabetes and Periodontitis-A Review
  2885. 402: Evidence for defective regulated intramembrane proteolysis of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in fetuses with intra-uterine growth …
  2886. Blockade of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in a model of type 1 diabetic leukoencephalopathy. Diabetes. 19 November 2012
  2887. Research Progress in Role of Advanced Glycation end products in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
  2888. 795 Are Advanced Glycation end products Associated with Elevated Filling pressures in Diabetes?
  2889. Reseaerch trend on Advanced Glycation end products and its mechanism, and development of therapeutic control for diabetic complications
  2890. Relationship between Advanced Glycation End-products and Cardiorenal Syndrome
  2891. … Of Low Dose Advanced Glycation End-products On Neurite Regeneration In Adult Rat Retinas And Regenerative Effects Of Nt-4 In Advanced Glycation End-products …
  2893. Plasma levels of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) are elevated in early acute lung injury but not in severe sepsis
  2894. … in Drynaria fortunei on osteoblasts differentiation and expression of p38 and ERK1/2 signaling protein in relation to Advanced Glycation end products in vitro [J]
  2895. Expression of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) , RAGE in Patients with IPF, NSIP and Normal Control
  2896. Investigation into injury effects and related mechanisms of Advanced Glycation end-products on cortical neurons
  2897. Analysis of Avian Plasma for the Presence of Advanced Glycation end products
  2898. Inhibition the Advanced Glycation end products of Food Natural Antioxidants in Vitro [J]
  2899. ASSA13-14-5 Relationship Between Tissue Advanced Glycation End-Products with Artery Elasticity in Hypertensive Patients
  2900. Effects of Advanced Glycation end-products on matrix metalloproteinase 2 expression in INS-1 cells
  2901. The immunobiology of the receptor of Advanced Glycation end-products: Trends and challenges
  2902. Anti-tumorigenic effect of age-/diabetes-related Advanced Glycation end-products in lung carcinoma
  2903. Combined effect of shear stress and Advanced Glycation end products on endothelial cell functions
  2904. Relationship between Advanced Glycation end products and Perinatal Outcome of Gestational Diabetes Patients
  2905. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and brain health
  2906. Roles of the Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and Its Receptors in Women’s Reproductive Health
  2907. The effect of Advanced Glycation end products on endothelial cell and platelet activation and their interactions
  2908. Recent advances in diabetic cataract Advanced Glycation end products and its inhibitors
  2909. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on cell viability and level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in MIN6 cells
  2910. The effect of Advanced Glycation end products on endoplasmic reticulum stress of SH-SY5Y cell
  2911. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on angiogenesis of endothelial cells exposed to hypoxia
  2912. Mechanisms of Advanced Glycation end products -induced Production of Reactive Oxygen Species in Monocytic Cells [J]
  2913. Are Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Associated with Elevated Filling Pressures Diabetes?
  2914. The effect of Advanced Glycation end products on proliferation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and related mechanism
  2915. Serum and Dietary Advanced Glycation end products in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers
  2916. Effect of simvastatin on the function of platelet damaged by Advanced Glycation end products
  2917. The role of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in patients with chronic heart failure with or without diabetes mellitus
  2918. Effects on Expression of IL-1β, IL-6 in Cultured Bv-2 Cell Stimulated by Advanced Glycation end products
  2919. Immunolocalization of Advanced Glycation end products in human diabetic eyes: an immunohistochemical study
  2920. Excess dietary Advanced Glycation end products activate the complement system
  2921. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on apoptosis of Human Corneal Epithelial Cells
  2922. Screening of Herbal Medicines from China with Inhibitory Activity on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Formation (X)
  2924. The influence of Physioneal® on Advanced Glycation end-products and inflammatory markers in plasma and dialysate in patients on CAPD
  2925. 74 Mechanistic Study for the role of Advanced Glycation end products in the development of diabetic heart failure
  2926. Influence of Dialysis Modality on Advanced Glycation end products in Uremic Patients
  2927. The Pro-Atherogenic DNA-Binding Cytokine HMGB1 Binds to Activated Platelets via the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and Toll-Like …
  2928. The relationship between dietary Advanced Glycation end products and diabetes related complications
  2929. Protective effect and mechanism of thioredoxin on Neuro2a cell apoptosis induced by Advanced Glycation end-products
  2931. P 16: Role of short-term and Advanced Glycation end products in arterial stiffness in diabetes and prediabetes
  2932. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products in skin tissue on vascular elasticity in hypertensive patients
  2933. Plasma Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) , receptors for AGEs and their correlation with inflammatory markers in middle school-age children
  2935. Role of Advanced Glycation end products on expression of Nampt in macrophages
  2936. Angiogenic response of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)involves PPAR
  2937. Importance of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the respiratory mechanics
  2938. … 1000e 119 Page 2 of 2 10. Ramasamy R, Yan SF, Herold K, Clynes R, Schmidt AM (2008) Recepto r for Advanced Glycation end products : fundamental roles in …
  2939. The Delivery Of Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products To The Lungs
  2940. PS3-3. Vitamin D status is related to Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study
  2941. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on angiogenesis and tube formation of microvascular endothelial cells
  2942. The Effect of Breaking Advanced Glycation End-Products, With or Without Exercise Training on the Cardiovascular Effects of Aging
  2943. Erythrocyte Advanced Glycation End-Products as Novel Mediators of Endothelial Dysfunction Following Transfusion
  2944. Advanced Glycation end products in the plasma and renal tissues in experimental model of unilateral renal artery stenosis
  2945. 3.4 Publikation IV: Advanced Glycation end products -induced formation of immunoproteasomes: involvement of RAGE and Jak/STAT. Stefanie
  2946. Are Soluble Receptors of Advanced Glycation end products Associated With Pre-CLINICAL Diastolic Dysfunction in Patients With Diabetes?
  2947. Characteristics of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Expression in Patients with Diabetic Foot [J]
  2948. Skin Autofluorescence And Plasma Advanced Glycation end products Are Increased In Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  2949. Role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in Adipogenesis in Senescent Preadipocytes
  2950. Oxidative stress in diabetes–circulating Advanced Glycation end products , lipid oxidation and vascular
  2951. Effect of dietary antioxidants on Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)related complications during diabetic nephropathy in rats.
  2952. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in pulmonary hypertension
  2953. O–273 Implications of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE) in poor ART outcomes and a novel successful therapy for very severe ART patients with sitagliptin by …
  2954. Are Soluble Receptors of Advanced Glycation end products Associated with Pre-clinical Diastolic Dysfunction in Patients with Diabetes?
  2955. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament stem cells
  2956. Dietary Advanced Glycation End‐products (AGEs)of Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU)
  2957. Novel Mechanistic Insights into the Role of Advanced Glycation end products in the Development of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
  2958. A Morphological Approach to Investigate NF-κB Nuclear Translocation Induced by Advanced Glycation end products in Microvascular Endothelial Cells [J]
  2959. A Novel Therapeutic Agent for Rescuing the Adverse Effects of Advanced Glycation End-products in the Intervertebral Disk
  2960. Advanced Glycation end products Promotes Apoptosis of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Through Oxidative Stress
  2961. Correlation study of serum soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and hypertensive disorder in pregnancy
  2962. LL-37 induced cystitis and the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) pathway
  2963. The Search for the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products in Avian Vasculature
  2964. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)as pathology biomarkers: microwave assisted synthesis and biological quantitative analysis by LC-FTMS
  2965. Tu2047 Acetaldehyde-Derived Advanced Glycation End-Products Promote Alcoholic Liver Disease
  2966. The influence of Advanced Glycation end products on the proliferation and NF-κB expression of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts [J]
  2967. Metformin ameliorating the deleterious effects of Advanced Glycation end products on osteoblastic cells
  2968. Dysfunction of human adipose tissue-derived stem cells induced by Advanced Glycation end products and the involved mechanisms
  2969. What is the role of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products -ligand axis in liver injury?
  2970. Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE) , RAGE and ROS accumulation in rat isolated arteries
  2971. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in the peritonium and changes of oxidative stress in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients
  2972. Effect of bone morphogenetic protein-7 on Advanced Glycation end products induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of rat peritoneal mesothelial cells
  2973. Inhibition effects of metformin on calcification in rat vascular smooth muscle cells induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2974. Expression and significance of receptor of Advanced Glycation end products in the mouse model of acute liver injury [J]
  2975. Participation of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in Efferocytosis
  2976. Protective Effects of Danggui Buxue Tang on a Human Umbilical Vein Endothelialcell Damage Induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2977. Sodium nitrite treatment de‐stiffens large elastic arteries in old mice: modulation of Advanced Glycation end‐products
  2978. Advanced Glycation end products and its soluble receptor (sRAGE) are increased in chronic heart failure but not in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  2979. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and receptor for AGEs (RAGE) in pancreatic beta cell dysfunction
  2980. TGF-β and CTGF expression induced by Advanced Glycation end products is ameliorated by GBE [J]
  2981. Fructose-derived Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)enhance neuroinflammation and alter immune function in the brain
  2982. Effect of Tangshenning on Nonenzymatic Advanced Glycation end products of Nephridial Tissue in Early Diabetic Nephropathy Rats
  2983. Combined effect of Advanced Glycation end products and physiologically relevant dynamic shear stress on endothelial cell functions
  2984. Anti-inflmmatory Effects of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi Water Extract in the THP-1 Cells Activated by Advanced Glycation end products
  2985. Effect of caspase-dependent pathway on apoptosis of human gingival fibroblasts induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  2986. Advanced Glycation end-products inhibit insulin signaling in human granulosa cells
  2987. Instrumental variable method for the causal relationship between soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (sRAGE) and risk of pancreatic cancer
  2988. Plasma levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and risk of colorectal polyps in men
  2990. 41: Evidence for involvement of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) axis in pathogenesis of fetal intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR)
  2991. Do Soluble Receptors of Advanced Glycation end products Correlate with Invasively Determined Left Ventricular Filling Pressure?
  2992. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in rats with acute necrotizing pancreatitis
  2993. The receptor of Advanced Glycation end products -specific siRNA inhibits the expressions of profibrogenic cytokines [J]
  2994. Skin autofluorescence as a measure of tissue Advanced Glycation end products deposition is elevated in diabetic patients with peripheral artery disease
  2995. Differential expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in the tissues of colon adenocarcinoma and normal colon
  2996. Advanced Glycation End-products Accelerate In Vitro Calcification of Vascular Cell via the AGE-RAGE Pathway
  2997. Instrumental variable analysis on soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and risk of pancreatic cancer: A pilot study.
  2998. Rosiglitazone improved Advanced Glycation end products -induced calcification in vitro by suppressing receptor for AGEs expression
  2999. The Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on MCP-1 and VCAM-1 Expressions in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell and the Atorvastatin Intervention …
  3000. Vascular Effects of Imidazolones, L-Arginine–derived Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs)
  3001. The expression of Advanced Glycation end-products, its receptor and soluble RAGE in rats with focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion
  3002. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and lung development and lung injury
  3003. Effect of annexin A2 on endothelial cytoskeleton reconstruction and cells migration induced by Advanced Glycation end products [J]
  3004. The possible involvement of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in vascular senescence in diabetes
  3005. Influence of Advanced Glycation end products on prostacyclin and endothelin-1 secretion from human vascular endothelial cells
  3006. Influence of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products on hypoxia/reoxygenation myocardial mitochondrial membrane potential
  3007. The effect of valsartan on the expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in human glomerular mesangial cells
  3008. Injury effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the cultured primary rat basal forebrain cholinergic neurons
  3009. Diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease amplify accumulation of tissue Advanced Glycation end products in patients with peripheral artery disease
  3010. Impact of dietary Advanced Glycation end products modifications on metabolic and hormonal profile in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
  3011. Functional interaction between Formyl Peptide Receptor like 1 (FPRL1) and Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in the Amyloid beta 1-42 …
  3012. Advanced Glycation end products of type I collagen promote cell proliferation and resistance against doxorubicin in HT-1080 cancer cells.
  3013. 498 Targeting the Receptor of Advanced Glycation end products : A New Therapeutic Approach in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
  3014. The involvement of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)-ligand axis in liver transplantation: hepatic RAGE expression, soluble RAGE and …
  3015. The role of Advanced Glycation end products on sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium handling during diabetic cardiomyopathy
  3016. Advanced Glycation end products Upregulate CD40 in Endothelial Cells and Muller Cells and Promote CD40-dependent Pro-inflammatory Responses
  3017. Advanced Glycation end products Upregulate the Expression of Angiopoietin-like Protein 4 Via Activation the Renin-angiotensin System in Endothelials
  3018. Effects of metformin on intracellular reactive oxygen species and apoptosis induced by Advanced Glycation end products on rat cranioaural osteoblasts
  3019. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Functions as a Receptor for Glycosaminoglycans in Lung Metastasis
  3020. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is involved in remodeling of diabetic coronary arterioles
  3021. Water Extraction of Cinnamon Proanthocyanidins and Its Inhibitory Effect on the Formation of Advanced Glycation end products [J]
  3022. The Role Of Recombinant Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products On Lipopolysaccharide Induced Lung Injury
  3023. The level of endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in type 2 diabetes patients is associated with carotid intima-media thickness
  3024. Role of renin-angiotensin system in Advanced Glycation end products -induced changes of permeability in rat glomerular endothelial cells
  3025. Heparin Administration Induces Instantaneous Elevation of Circulating Soluble Receptor for Advanced–GlycationEnd-products (sRAGE)
  3026. Correlation between soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products levels in synovial fluid and disease severity of knee osteoarthritis
  3027. Expression of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the Skin of Wild Type and “bald Mill Hill” Mutant Mice
  3028. Effects of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Polymorphism on Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients
  3029. 21: Novel insights into the mechanisms responsible for the up-regulation of the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (sRAGE) in severe preeclampsia …
  3030. Effects of high glucose and Advanced Glycation end-products on osteogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stromal cells in vitro
  3031. Structural Biology of The Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3032. Modulators of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products signalling in the human endometrium
  3033. Activation of Nrf2 decreased reactive oxygen species in endothelial cells stimulated by Advanced Glycation end products [J]
  3034. Response: The Association between Serum Endogenous Secretory Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and Vertebral Fractures in Type 2 Diabetes …
  3035. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Increases renal lipid accumulation: a pathogenic factor of diabetic nephropathy (DN)
  3036. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)-a central mediator of allergic sensitization
  3038. The Inhibitory Effect on Aldose Reductase and Advanced Glycation end products by a Prunella vulgaris L. extract
  3039. Probucol inhibits NF-κB activation and ICAM-1 expression in human dermal fibroblasts induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  3040. Does Heparin Modulate Circulating Levels of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention …
  3041. Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products (RAGE) and CAC Progression in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
  3042. Candesartan early or late treatment reduced Advanced Glycation end-products accumulation and the receptor for AGE (RAGE) expression in type 2 diabetic KK/Ta …
  3043. Hyperglycemia and Advanced Glycation End-Products Prevent Cognate Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells into Bone In Vitro
  3044. Formation of Insoluble Advanced Glycation end products Deposits in Connective Tissue of Hearts Explanted Prior to Transplantation Is Enhanced both by Heart …
  3045. Decreased expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) on neutrophils following surgery necessitating cardiopulmonary bypass (snCPB) …
  3047. GW24-e1001 Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on function and angiogenesis of adipose tissue-derived stem cells and protective effects of Danhong …
  3048. The relationship of blood pressure level with the artery elasticity, AGEs (Advanced Glycation end-products) and vWF (von Willebrand factor) changes in patients with …
  3049. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the mRNA Expression of Urotensin II and G Protein-Coupled Receptor in Rat Mesangial Cells
  3050. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and human periodontal ligament stem …
  3051. AB0393 Increased in serum soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products levels are associated with improvement in augmentation index in patients with early …
  3052. Receptors for Advanced Glycation End‐Products (RAGE) are Transcriptionally Inhibited by FoxA2 in Diverse Pulmonary Cell Types
  3053. Expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and its correlation with cervical lymph node metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  3054. Inflammatory markers associated with osteoarthritis after destabilization surgery in mice with and without Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3055. Advanced Glycation end products Disrupts Calcium Homeostasis Leading to ER Stress and Cardiac Contractile Dysfunction in Diabetes
  3056. Serum Levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Are Independent Correlates of Vascular Inflammation Evaluated by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron …
  3057. Structural insights into the oligomerization mode of the human Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products (RAGE)
  3058. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products may mediate the upregulation of hypoxia-induced early growth response-1 in mouse aorta
  3060. Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) is decreased in patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (ERA category) and inversely correlates …
  3061. Up-Regulation Of The Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products Appears To Mediate Alcohol-Induced Alveolar Macrophage Immune Dysfunction
  3062. Rosiglitazone attenuates Advanced Glycation end products induced endothelial progenitor cells dysfunction via upregulating Akt/eNOS signal pathways
  3063. Abstract WMP73: Extracellular Newly Identified Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Binding Protein Predicts the Outcome in Patients with Acute Ischemic …
  3064. AGES, Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE), Reverse Transmigration of Macrophages & Polarization
  3065. The Pro-Inflammatory Contributions of Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) in Alveolar Macrophages Following Cigarette Smoke Exposure
  3066. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products blockade improves endothelial dependent vascular function in atherosclerotic mice
  3067. Abstract P271: The Association of Lifestyle Factors with Circulating Levels of the Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE): The Atherosclerosis …
  3068. Advanced Glycation end products suppress lysyl oxidase and induce bone collagen degradation in a rat model of renal osteodystrophy
  3069. Neuroprotective and regenerative effect of neurotrophin‐4 on neuronal degeneration induced by Advanced Glycation end‐products in adult rat retinas
  3070. Diabetic Status Regulates Soluable Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Levels in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass …
  3072. Contrasting Roles For The Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) In Allergic Airway Inflammation Versus Airway Hyperresponsiveness
  3073. Characterization of Altered Epithelial Cell Turnover and Differentiation in Embryonic Murine Lungs That Over-Express Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-Products …
  3074. Genetic deletion of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) Prevents formation of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in a murine model
  3075. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) and its Ligands in Systemic Inflammation following Surgery Necessitating Cardiopulmonary Bypass
  3076. Importance Of The Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) To The Development Of Elastase-Induced Pulmonary Inflammation And Emphysema In …
  3077. Plasma Homocysteine And Extracellular Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (esRage) In Aqueous Humor Of Patients With Age-related Macular …
  3078. GW24-e3729 ERK5 Mediates Advanced Glycation end products -induced impairment of angiogenic capacity in cardiac endothelial cells under hypoxia condition …
  3079. Apoptosis Associated with Osteoarthritis is Attenuated in Mice Lacking the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3081. Ligand-based design, synthesis and biological evaluation of a novel series of RAGE (Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products ) inhibitors
  3082. GW24-e1002 Advanced Glycation end products induces apoptosis and shorts telomere length in human adipose tissue-drived stem cells through modulation of MAPK …
  3083. 333 Plasma Levels of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and Its Ligands Predict Left Ventricular Apoptotic Events in Patients Undergoing …
  3084. Effects Of The Advanced Glycation end products -Inductor Glyoxal On Mouse Retinal Explants And Neuroprotection By Memantine And Erythropoietin
  3085. 1-bromopropane increases triosephosphate isomerase carbonylation and Advanced Glycation end-products in the hippocampus of F344 rats
  3086. Low Serum Levels of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Are Associated with Increased Augmentation Index in Patients with Early …
  3087. Increased Levels Of High Mobility Group Box 1 And Endogenous Secretory Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products In Induced Sputum From Asthmatic …
  3088. … -Carboxymethyllysine (CML), a Maillard reaction product, stimulates serotonin release and activates the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in SH …
  3089. Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) Ligands Induce Pulmonary Endothelial And Epithelial Cell NF-? B Activation
  3090. Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) And High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) Mediate Pulmonary Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
  3091. Nucleic Acid Sensing by the Immune System: Roles For the Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and Intracellular Receptor Proteins: A …
  3092. … fibronectin are regulated by transcriptional co-activator p300 in human mesangial cells exposed to high glucose and methylglyoxal Advanced Glycation end products
  3093. Diesel particulate matter (DPM) induces receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products (RAGE) expression by pulmonary macrophages
  3094. Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) induce the receptor for AGE in the colonic mucosa of azoxymethane-injected Fischer 344 rats fed with a high-linoleic acid and …
  3095. The involvement of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)-ligand axis in liver transplantation: hepatic RAGE expression, soluble RAGE and RAGE …
  3097. The Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) Interacts With Focal Adhesion Molecules In Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) Of Alveolar …
  3098. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) , but not high glucose, inhibit the osteoblastic differentiation of mouse stromal ST2 cells through the suppression of osterix …
  3099. Proinflammatory signalling by receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE), an important mediator of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) dysfunction and age …
  3100. Structural characterization of the metal-binding ligands S100A8/S100A9 and S100B of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  3101. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) Functions as a Receptor for Specific Sulfated Glycosaminoglycans, and Anti-RAGE Antibody or The Sulfated …
  3102. Role of Advanced Glycation end products in cellular signaling
  3103. Advanced Glycation end products and diabetic complications
  3104. Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) and diabetes: cause, effect, or both?
  3105. Advanced Glycation end products and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes mellitus
  3106. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products and their role in health and disease
  3107. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in various types of neurodegenerative disease: a therapeutic approach
  3108. Advanced Glycation end products and their relevance in female reproduction
  3109. Advanced Glycation end products : a molecular target for vascular complications in diabetes
  3110. Advanced Glycation end products : role in pathology of diabetic cardiomyopathy
  3111. Effect of diet-derived Advanced Glycation end products on inflammation
  3112. Advanced Glycation end products , diabetes, and bone strength
  3113. Uremic toxicity of Advanced Glycation end products in CKD
  3114. The possible mechanism of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)for Alzheimer’s disease
  3115. Advanced Glycation end products : association with the pathogenesis of diseases and the current therapeutic advances
  3116. Advanced Glycation end-products: a biological consequence of lifestyle contributing to cancer disparity
  3117. Advanced Glycation end-products: modifiable environmental factors profoundly mediate insulin resistance
  3118. Emerging role of AdvancedGlycation–end products (AGEs)in the pathobiology of eye diseases
  3119. How can diet affect the accumulation of Advanced Glycation end-products in the human body?
  3120. Current perspectives on the health risks associated with the consumption of Advanced Glycation end products : recommendations for dietary management
  3121. Advanced Glycation end-products and skin autofluorescence in end-stage renal disease: a review
  3122. Advanced Glycation end products play adverse proinflammatory activities in osteoporosis
  3123. Pharmacologic approaches against Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in diabetic cardiovascular disease
  3124. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products and risk factors for chronic disease: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials
  3125. Dietary consumption of Advanced Glycation end products and risk of metabolic syndrome
  3126. Advanced Glycation end products and schizophrenia: A systematic review
  3127. Advanced Glycation end products mediated cellular and molecular events in the pathology of diabetic nephropathy
  3128. Oxidative stress and Advanced Glycation end products in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  3129. Consumption of a diet low in Advanced Glycation end products for 4 weeks improves insulin sensitivity in overweight women
  3130. Glycationof H1 histone by 3-deoxyglucosone: effects on protein structure and generation of different Advanced Glycation end products
  3131. Advanced Glycation end products : A risk factor for human health
  3132. Advanced Glycation end products are associated with arterial stiffness in type 1 diabetes
  3133. Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) : an emerging concern for processed food industries
  3134. Advanced Glycation end products in the skin are enhanced in COPD
  3135. Lifestyle and Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)burden: its relevance to healthy aging
  3136. Role of Advanced Glycation end products and its receptors in the pathogenesis of cigarette smoke-induced cardiovascular disease
  3137. Role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the complication and progression of various types of cancers
  3138. Low levels of serum soluble receptors for Advanced Glycation end products , biomarkers for disease state: myth or reality
  3139. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products are associated with decline in memory in young elderly
  3140. Proteomic characterization of intermediate and Advanced Glycation end-products in commercial milk samples
  3141. Pathologic role of dietary Advanced Glycation end products in cardiometabolic disorders, and therapeutic intervention
  3142. Assessment of the concentrations of various Advanced Glycation end-products in beverages and foods that are commonly consumed in Japan
  3143. Linagliptin blocks renal damage in type 1 diabetic rats by suppressing Advanced Glycation end products -receptor axis
  3144. Vitamin D increases serum levels of the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in women with PCOS
  3145. Advanced Glycation end products , inflammation, and chronic metabolic diseases: Links in a chain?
  3146. Association of peripheral neuropathy with circulating Advanced Glycation end products , soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and other risk factors in …
  3147. Advanced Glycation end products induce obesity and hepatosteatosis in CD-1 wild-type mice
  3148. Physicochemical analysis of structural alteration and Advanced Glycation end products generation during Glycationof H2A histone by 3‐deoxyglucosone
  3149. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in neurodegenerative diseases
  3150. Advanced Glycation end-products and insulin signaling in granulosa cells
  3151. Advanced Glycation end products in idiopathic frozen shoulders
  3152. Dietary intake of Advanced Glycation end products did not affect endothelial function and inflammation in healthy adults in a randomized controlled trial
  3153. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and progression of airway disease
  3154. Platelet-secreted microRNA-223 promotes endothelial cell apoptosis induced by Advanced Glycation end products via targeting the insulin-like growth factor 1 …
  3155. The mechanisms of inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products formation through polyphenols in hyperglycemic condition
  3156. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end-products in human dentine
  3157. Observational and ecological studies of dietary Advanced Glycation end products in national diets and Alzheimer’s disease incidence and prevalence
  3158. Skin Advanced Glycation end products glucosepane and methylglyoxal hydroimidazolone are independently associated with long-term microvascular complication …
  3159. Advanced Glycation end products enhance macrophages polarization into M1 phenotype through activating RAGE/NF-κB pathway
  3160. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products and their potential role in cardiometabolic disease in children
  3161. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)promote melanogenesis through receptor for AGEs
  3162. Advanced Glycation end products : An emerging biomarker for adverse outcome in patients with peripheral artery disease
  3163. Advanced Glycation end-products induce endoplasmic reticulum stress in human aortic endothelial cells
  3164. Advanced Glycation end products and their receptor in age-related, non-communicable chronic inflammatory diseases; Overview of clinical evidence and potential …
  3165. Diet low in Advanced Glycation end products increases insulin sensitivity in healthy overweight individuals: a double-blind, randomized, crossover trial
  3166. Dietary Advanced Glycation end-products aggravate non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  3167. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on calcium handling in cardiomyocytes
  3168. Relationship between levels of Advanced Glycation end products and their soluble receptor and adverse outcomes in adults with type 2 diabetes
  3169. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products predicts impaired alveolar fluid clearance in acute respiratory distress syndrome
  3170. Advanced Glycation end-products and their receptors: Related pathologies, recent therapeutic strategies, and a potential model for future neurodegeneration studies
  3171. Glycative stress from Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and dicarbonyls: An emerging biological factor in cancer onset and progression
  3172. Evaluation of tissue accumulation levels of Advanced Glycation end products by skin autofluorescence: a novel marker of vascular complications in high-risk patients …
  3173. Potential dual role of eugenol in inhibiting Advanced Glycation end products in diabetes: proteomic and mechanistic insights
  3174. Plasma Advanced Glycation end products are associated with incident cardiovascular events in individuals with type 2 diabetes: a case-cohort study with a median …
  3175. Plasma Advanced Glycation end-products and skin autofluorescence are increased in COPD
  3176. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) is only present in mammals, and belongs to a family of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)
  3177. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) specifically recognizes methylglyoxal-derived AGEs
  3178. Pyrazole-5-carboxamides, novel inhibitors of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3179. Advanced Glycation end products in degenerative nucleus pulposus with diabetes
  3180. Role of Src in vascular hyperpermeability induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  3181. Associations of Advanced Glycation end-products with cognitive functions in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes: the Maastricht study
  3182. Role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and its ligands in cancer risk
  3183. Advanced Glycation end products modulate structure and drug binding properties of albumin
  3184. Dietary consumption of Advanced Glycation end products and pancreatic cancer in the prospective NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study
  3185. Glucitol-core containing gallotannins inhibit the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products mediated by their antioxidant potential
  3186. Role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in liver disease
  3187. Site-specific analysis of Advanced Glycation end products in plasma proteins of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
  3188. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 deficiency protects against experimental diabetic nephropathy partly by blocking the Advanced Glycation end products -receptor axis
  3189. Regulatory mechanism of gallic acid against Advanced Glycation end products induced cardiac remodeling in experimental rats
  3190. Identification of a functional interaction of HMGB1 with Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products in a model of neuropathic pain
  3191. Antibody-based detection of Advanced Glycation end-products: promises vs. limitations
  3192. Comprehensive analyses of how tubule occlusion and Advanced Glycation end-products diminish strength of aged dentin
  3193. Association of Advanced Glycation end products and chronic kidney disease with macroangiopathy in type 2 diabetes
  3194. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and its inflammatory ligands are upregulated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  3195. Circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) as a biomarker of emphysema and the RAGE axis in the lung
  3196. Advanced Glycation end products increase lipids accumulation in macrophages through upregulation of receptor of Advanced Glycation end products …
  3197. Resveratrol-dependent down-regulation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and oxidative stress in kidney of rats with diabetes
  3198. Advanced Glycation end products increase carbohydrate responsive element binding protein expression and promote cancer cell proliferation
  3199. Contribution of dietary Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) to circulating AGE: role of dietary fat
  3200. Calcitriol modulates receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in diabetic hearts
  3201. Reduction of advanced–Glycationend products levels and inhibition of RAGE signaling decreases rat vascular calcification induced by diabetes
  3202. Advanced Glycation end-products reduce collagen molecular sliding to affect collagen fibril damage mechanisms but not stiffness
  3203. Effects of sevelamer carbonate on Advanced Glycation end products and antioxidant/pro-oxidant status in patients with diabetic kidney disease
  3204. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and its ligand high-mobility group box-1 mediate allergic airway sensitization and airway inflammation
  3205. Basic and clinical research against Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) : new compounds to tackle cardiovascular disease and diabetic complications
  3206. The relationship between Advanced Glycation end products and ocular circulation in type 2 diabetes
  3207. Biological effects induced by specific Advanced Glycation end products in the reconstructed skin model of aging
  3208. Increased expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in neurons and astrocytes in a triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s …
  3209. Association of Advanced Glycation end products with coronary artery calcification in Japanese subjects with type 2 diabetes as assessed by skin autofluorescence
  3210. … growth factor 21 protects mouse brain against D-galactose induced aging via suppression of oxidative stress response and Advanced Glycation end products …
  3211. Short-term effects of dietary Advanced Glycation end products in rats
  3212. Advanced Glycation end-products induce apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells: a mechanism for vascular calcification
  3213. Sulforaphane reduces Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -induced inflammation in endothelial cells and rat aorta
  3214. Pulmonary receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products promotes asthma pathogenesis through IL-33 and accumulation of group 2 innate lymphoid cells
  3215. Effects of ginger on serum glucose, Advanced Glycation end products , and inflammation in peritoneal dialysis patients
  3216. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) enhances autophagy and neutrophil extracellular traps in pancreatic cancer
  3217. Advanced Glycation end products : a link between metabolic and endothelial dysfunction in polycystic ovary syndrome?
  3218. High dietary Advanced Glycation end products are associated with poorer spatial learning and accelerated Aβ deposition in an Alzheimer mouse model
  3219. Autofluorescence of skin Advanced Glycation end products : marker of metabolic memory in elderly population
  3220. The role of PPARγ in Advanced Glycation end products -induced inflammatory response in human chondrocytes
  3221. Impact of dietary modification of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)on the hormonal and metabolic profile of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  3222. Autophagy-lysosome pathway in renal tubular epithelial cells is disrupted by Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic nephropathy
  3223. The role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in airway inflammation in CF and CF related diabetes
  3224. Crosstalk between Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -receptor RAGE axis and dipeptidyl peptidase-4-incretin system in diabetic vascular …
  3225. Relationship of Advanced Glycation end products with cardiovascular disease in menopausal women
  3226. Advanced Glycation end products : link between diet and ovulatory dysfunction in PCOS?
  3227. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and their receptor (RAGE) induce apoptosis of periodontal ligament fibroblasts
  3228. Advanced Glycation end products are mitogenic signals and trigger cell cycle reentry of neurons in Alzheimer’s disease brain
  3229. Age-and diabetes-related nonenzymatic crosslinks in collagen fibrils: candidate amino acids involved in Advanced Glycation end-products
  3230. Advanced Glycation end products predict loss of renal function and correlate with lesions of diabetic kidney disease in American Indians with type 2 diabetes
  3231. Rifampicin reduces Advanced Glycation end products and activates DAF‐16 to increase lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans
  3232. Advanced Glycation end‐products induced VEGF production and inflammatory responses in human synoviocytes via RAGE‐NF‐κB pathway activation
  3233. Autophagy protects osteoblasts from Advanced Glycation end products -induced apoptosis through intracellular reactive oxygen species
  3234. Soluble forms and ligands of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: an observational …
  3235. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) contributes to the progression of emphysema in mice
  3236. UVA light-excited kynurenines oxidize ascorbate and modify lens proteins through the formation of Advanced Glycation end products : implications for human …
  3237. Involvement of endoplasmic reticulum stress, autophagy and apoptosis in Advanced Glycation end products -induced glomerular mesangial cell injury
  3238. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products promotes premature senescence of proximal tubular epithelial cells via activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress …
  3239. Chronic ingestion of Advanced Glycation end products induces degenerative spinal changes and hypertrophy in aging pre-diabetic mice
  3240. Protein-bound uraemic toxins, dicarbonyl stress and Advanced Glycation end products in conventional and extended haemodialysis and haemodiafiltration
  3241. A comparative study on skin and plasma Advanced Glycation end products and their associations with arterial stiffness
  3242. The effects of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)on dermal wound healing and scar formation: a systematic review
  3243. Implication of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and their receptor (Rage) on myocardial contractile and mitochondrial functions
  3244. Contribution of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products to vasculature-protecting effects of exercise training in aged rats
  3245. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit testosterone secretion by rat Leydig cells by inducing oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress
  3246. Advanced Glycation end products biphasically modulate bone resorption in osteoclast-like cells
  3247. Advanced Glycation end products , dementia, and diabetes
  3248. Advanced Glycation end-products induce apoptosis in pancreatic islet endothelial cells via NF-κB-activated cyclooxygenase-2/prostaglandin E 2 up-regulation
  3249. Role of Advanced Glycation end-products in obesity-related ovarian dysfunction.
  3250. Effects of high glucose and Advanced Glycation end products on the expressions of sclerostin and RANKL as well as apoptosis in osteocyte-like MLO-Y4-A2 cells
  3251. Metformin inhibits Advanced Glycation end products -induced inflammatory response in murine macrophages partly through AMPK activation and RAGE/NFκB …
  3252. Phenolic acids inhibit the formation of Advanced Glycation end products in food simulation systems depending on their reducing powers and structures
  3253. Effects of resveratrol on receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) expression and oxidative stress in the liver of rats with type 2 diabetes
  3254. Advanced Glycation end products potentiate citrated plasma-evoked oxidative and inflammatory reactions in endothelial cells by up-regulating protease …
  3255. The impact of salsalate treatment on serum levels of Advanced Glycation end products in type 2 diabetes
  3256. Curcumin eliminates the effect of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)on the divergent regulation of gene expression of receptors of AGEs by interrupting …
  3257. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products activates the AIM2 inflammasome in acute pancreatitis
  3258. Ellagitannin oligomers and a neolignan from pomegranate arils and their inhibitory effects on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  3259. Soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome in adolescents
  3260. Anthocyanins in blackcurrant effectively prevent the formation of Advanced Glycation end products by trapping methylglyoxal
  3261. C-reactive protein, Advanced Glycation end products , and their receptor in type 2 diabetic, elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment
  3262. Polyphosphate amplifies proinflammatory responses of nuclear proteins through interaction with receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and P2Y1 purinergic …
  3263. Relationship between Advanced Glycation end products and steroidogenesis in PCOS
  3264. Advanced Glycation end‐products induce skeletal muscle atrophy and dysfunction in diabetic mice via a RAGE‐mediated, AMPK‐down‐regulated, Akt pathway
  3265. Advanced Glycation end products , physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of cooked lamb loins affected by cooking method and addition of flavour precursors
  3266. Follicular fluid soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (sRAGE): a potential indicator of ovarian reserve
  3267. Arginine-derived Advanced Glycation end products generated in peptide–glucose mixtures during boiling
  3268. Phytochemicals from Camellia nitidissima Chi inhibited the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products by scavenging methylglyoxal
  3269. Advanced Glycation end-products and receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products expression in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and NSIP
  3270. Plasma levels of pentosidine, carboxymethyl-lysine, soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , and metabolic syndrome: the metformin effect
  3271. Evaluation of the in vitro inhibitory effects of buckwheat enhanced wheat bread extracts on the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)
  3272. Increased levels of circulating Advanced Glycation end-products in menopausal women with osteoporosis
  3273. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is required for β‐catenin stabilization in a chemical‐induced asthma model
  3274. The potential mechanisms of Aβ-receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products interaction disrupting tight junctions of the blood-brain barrier in Alzheimer’s disease
  3275. Mangiferin suppressed Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)through NF-κB deactivation and displayed anti-inflammatory effects in streptozotocin and high fat diet …
  3276. Inhibitory effect of herbal medicines and their trapping abilities against methylglyoxal-derived Advanced Glycation end-products
  3277. Increased expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) is associated with Advancedbreast cancer stage
  3278. Inhibitory effect of polyphenols in Houttuynia cordata on Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)by trapping methylglyoxal
  3279. Formula‐derived Advanced Glycation end products are involved in the development of long‐term inflammation and oxidative stress in kidney of IUGR piglets
  3280. Mediterranean diet reduces serum Advanced Glycation end products and increases antioxidant defenses in elderly adults: a randomized controlled trial
  3281. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end-products and activation of the SCAP/SREBP Lipogenetic pathway occur in diet-induced obese mouse skeletal …
  3282. Advanced Glycation end products and diabetic nephropathy: a comparative study using diabetic and normal rats with methylglyoxal-induced Glycation
  3283. Expression and cell distribution of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in the rat cortex following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage
  3284. Identification of C1q as a binding protein for Advanced Glycation end products
  3285. Effect of dietary Advanced Glycation end products on postprandial appetite, inflammation, and endothelial activation in healthy overweight individuals
  3286. Modulation of leukotriene B4 receptor 1 signaling by receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3287. … -induced atherosclerosis and renal disease by D-carnosine-octylester: effects of early vs late inhibition of Advanced Glycation end-products in Apoe-null mice
  3288. Reference values of skin autofluorescence as an estimation of tissue accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in a general Slovak population
  3289. Hyperglycemia and Advanced Glycation end products regulate miR-126 expression in endothelial progenitor cells
  3290. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)are cross-sectionally associated with insulin secretion in healthy subjects
  3291. Vascular effects of dietary Advanced Glycation end products
  3292. Tissue Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) , measured by skin autofluorescence, predict mortality in peritoneal dialysis
  3293. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in the rabbit blastocyst under maternal diabetes
  3294. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products signaling interferes with the vascular smooth muscle cell contractile phenotype and function
  3295. Signaling of serum amyloid A through receptor for Advanced Glycation end products as a possible mechanism for uremia-related atherosclerosis
  3296. Advanced Glycation end products affect osteoblast proliferation and function by modulating autophagy via the receptor of Advanced Glycation end products …
  3297. Plasma proteins modified by Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)reveal site-specific susceptibilities to glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes
  3298. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and the risk for incident heart failure: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study
  3299. … diabetic nephropathy in C57BL/6J mice with diabetes induced by streptozotocin and fed with diets containing high level of Advanced Glycation end products
  3300. Expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end‑products and frequency of polymorphism in lung cancer
  3301. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and risk of peripheral arterial disease, amputation or death in type 2 diabetes: a population-based cohort …
  3302. Eucommia ulmoides extracts prevent the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  3303. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products and risk of chronic kidney disease
  3304. Atorvastatin prevents Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -induced cardiac fibrosis via activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ)
  3305. Advanced Glycation end products upregulate the endoplasmic reticulum stress in human periodontal ligament cells
  3306. Differential receptor for Advanced Glycation end products expression in preeclamptic, intrauterine growth restricted, and gestational diabetic placentas
  3307. A soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products inhibits myocardial apoptosis induced by ischemia/reperfusion via the JAK2/STAT3 pathway
  3308. Food-Advanced Glycation end products aggravate the diabetic vascular complications via modulating the AGEs/RAGE pathway
  3309. Bone aging by Advanced Glycation end products : a multiscale mechanical analysis
  3310. HMGB1 binding to receptor for Advanced Glycation end products enhances inflammatory responses of human bronchial epithelial cells by activating p38 MAPK and …
  3311. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) affects T cell differentiation in OVA induced asthma
  3312. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products -mediated signaling impairs the maintenance of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells in diabetic model mice
  3313. Advanced Glycation end products ‐induced chondrocyte apoptosis through mitochondrial dysfunction in cultured rabbit chondrocyte
  3314. Establishment of a rabbit model to study the influence of Advanced Glycation end products accumulation on osteoarthritis and the protective effect of …
  3315. The anti-inflammation effect of moutan cortex on Advanced Glycation end products -induced rat mesangial cells dysfunction and high-glucose–fat diet and …
  3316. Advanced Glycation end products induce oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in SH-SY5Y cells
  3317. Advanced Glycation end products upregulate lysyl oxidase and endothelin-1 in human aortic endothelial cells via parallel activation of ERK1/2–NF-κB and JNK–AP-1 …
  3318. Skin autofluorescence as a measure of Advanced Glycation end products deposition predicts 5-year amputation in patients with peripheral artery disease
  3319. Influence of high glucose and Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)levels in human osteoblast-like cells gene expression
  3320. Sesamin ameliorates Advanced Glycation end products -induced pancreatic β-cell dysfunction and apoptosis
  3321. Genetic analysis of Advanced Glycation end products in the DHS MIND study
  3322. Advanced Glycation end products promote differentiation of CD4+ T helper cells toward pro-inflammatory response
  3323. Role of moesin in Advanced Glycation end products -induced angiogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  3324. Association between Advanced Glycation end products and impaired fasting glucose: results from the SALIA study
  3325. Renoprotective effect of Bacopa monnieri via inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products and oxidative stress in STZ-nicotinamide-induced diabetic nephropathy
  3326. The association between glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end-products and colorectal cancer risk
  3327. Association of plasma levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and risk of kidney disease: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study
  3328. HMGB1 contributes to the expression of P-glycoprotein in mouse epileptic brain through toll-like receptor 4 and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  3329. … soluble Advanced Glycation end products receptor (srage)-binding ligands during extensive heat treatment of whey protein/lactose mixtures is dependent on Glycation…
  3330. Low endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products levels are associated with inflammation and carotid atherosclerosis in prediabetes
  3331. Methylglyoxal mediated conformational changes in histone H2A—generation of carboxyethylated Advanced Glycation end products
  3332. DNA aptamer raised against Advanced Glycation end products inhibits melanoma growth in nude mice
  3333. Activation of the high-mobility group box 1 protein-receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products signaling pathway in rats during neurogenesis after intracerebral …
  3334. … -mediated inflammation accelerates left ventricular hypertrophy and aortic valve sclerosis in chronic kidney disease in a receptor for Advanced Glycation end products …
  3335. Soft-tissue wound healing by anti-Advanced Glycation end-products agents
  3336. Bone formation is affected by matrix Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in vivo
  3337. Fructose-derived Advanced Glycation end-products drive lipogenesis and skeletal muscle reprogramming via SREBP-1c dysregulation in mice
  3338. Blockade of high mobility group box-1 signaling via the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products ameliorates inflammatory damage after acute intracerebral …
  3339. Regulation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) ectodomain shedding and its role in cell function
  3340. Serum levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and metabolic syndrome: the Northern Manhattan Study
  3341. Serum soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products correlates inversely with measures of adiposity in young adults
  3342. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in type 1 diabetes pathogenesis
  3343. Chebulic acid prevents hepatic fibrosis induced by Advanced Glycation end-products in LX-2 cell by modulating Nrf2 translocation via ERK pathway
  3344. Antioxidant potential and ability of phloroglucinol to decrease formation of Advanced Glycation end products increase efficacy of sildenafil in diabetes-induced …
  3345. Contribution of the toxic Advanced Glycation end-products-receptor axis in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis-related hepatocellular carcinoma
  3346. DNAX-activating protein 10 (DAP10) membrane adaptor associates with receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and modulates the RAGE …
  3347. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is associated with persistent atrial fibrillation
  3348. Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) potently induce autophagy through activation of RAF protein kinase and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB)
  3349. Advanced Glycation end products accelerate arteriosclerosis after renal transplantation through the AGE/RAGE/ILK pathway
  3350. Advanced Glycation end‐products impair Na+/K+‐ATPase activity in diabetic cardiomyopathy: Role of the adenosine monophosphate‐activated protein kinase/sirtuin …
  3351. Advancedoxidation protein products induce chondrocyte apoptosis via receptor for Advanced Glycation end products -mediated, redox-dependent intrinsic apoptosis …
  3352. Advanced Glycation end products facilitate bacterial adherence in urinary tract infection in diabetic mice
  3353. Association between the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene polymorphisms and cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  3354. Elevation of Serum Levels of Advanced Glycation end products in Patients With Non‐B or Non‐C Hepatocellular Carcinoma
  3355. Interaction of S100A13 with C2 domain of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3356. Expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in epicardial fat: link with tissue thickness and local insulin resistance in coronary artery …
  3357. Three-year variability in plasma concentrations of the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE)
  3358. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and increased aortic stiffness in the general population
  3359. Early formation of serum Advanced Glycation end-products in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: relationship with glycemic control
  3360. Vascular effects of Advanced Glycation end-products: content of immunohistochemically detected AGEs in radial artery samples as a predictor for arterial …
  3361. Effect of cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) oligosaccharides on the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products
  3362. Knockdown of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products attenuate 17α-ethinyl-estradiol dependent proliferation and survival of MCF-7 breast cancer cells
  3363. Extract of Cassiae semen attenuates diabetic nephropathy via inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products accumulation in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  3364. Role of bone-marrow-and non-bone-marrow-derived receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) in a mouse model of diabetes-associated atherosclerosis
  3365. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of aldose reductase and Advanced Glycation end products by phloretin, epigallocatechin 3-gallate and [6]-gingerol
  3366. Association between intraoperative ventilator settings and plasma levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products in patients without pre‐existing lung …
  3367. Soluble form of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products attenuates inflammatory pathogenesis in a rat model of lipopolysaccharide-induced lung …
  3368. Advanced Glycation end products Activate the mi RNA/RhoA/ROCK 2 Pathway in Endothelial Cells
  3369. Blockade of TGF-β-activated kinase 1 prevents Advanced Glycation end products -induced inflammatory response in macrophages
  3370. The presence of high mobility group box-1 and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in juvenile idiopathic arthritis and juvenile systemic …
  3371. Antifibrotic properties of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  3372. Atorvastatin inhibits the expression of RAGE induced by Advanced Glycation end products on aortas in healthy Sprague–Dawley rats
  3373. Plasma levels of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and high-mobility group box 1 in patients with pulmonary hypertension
  3374. Emphysema requires the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products triggering on structural cells
  3375. Advanced Glycation end products , aortic stiffness, and wave reflection in peritoneal dialysis as compared to hemodialysis
  3376. … 1 contributes to anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-induced neutrophils activation through receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and Toll …
  3377. Human soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and tumor necrosis factor-α as gingival crevicular fluid and serum markers of inflammation in chronic …
  3378. Effect of Amaranthus on Advanced Glycation end-products induced cytotoxicity and proinflammatory cytokine gene expression in SH-SY5Y cells
  3379. Guarana (Paullinia cupana Mart.) Prevents β‐Amyloid Aggregation, Generation of AdvancedGlycation‐end products (AGEs) , and Acrolein‐Induced Cytotoxicity on …
  3380. Acute effects of statin on reduction of angiopoietin-like 2 and glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end-products levels in patients with acute myocardial …
  3381. Role of reactive oxygen species and Advanced Glycation end products in the malfunctioning of dental implants
  3382. Cinnamaldehyde and Nitric Oxide Attenuate Advanced Glycation end products ‐Induced the JAK/STAT Signaling in Human Renal Tubular Cells
  3383. Two soluble isoforms of receptors for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in carotid atherosclerosis: the difference of soluble and endogenous secretory RAGE
  3384. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and its receptors in the pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism
  3385. Plasma Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and NF-κB activity are independent determinants of diastolic and pulse pressure
  3386. Serum level of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in asthmatic children and its correlation to severity and pulmonary functions.
  3387. Advanced Glycation end products Induce Lipogenesis: Regulation by Natural Xanthone through Inhibition of ERK and NF‐κB
  3388. Genetics of plasma soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and cardiovascular outcomes in a community-based population: results from the …
  3389. … /A9 stimulates keratinocyte proliferation in the development of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin via the receptor for AdvancedGlycation–end products
  3390. Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products Regulates Lung Fluid Balance via Protein Kinase C–gp91phox Signaling to Epithelial Sodium Channels
  3391. Effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on inflammatory cytokines and Advanced Glycation end products in patients with diabetic nephropathy a randomized …
  3392. Advanced Glycation end products promote proliferation and suppress autophagy via reduction of Cathepsin D in rat vascular smooth muscle cells
  3393. A review on methods of estimation of Advanced Glycation end products
  3394. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and the soluble receptor for AGE (sRAGE) in patients with type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease
  3395. Involvement of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in the oxidative stress induced by Advanced Glycation end products in murine Leydig cells
  3396. Differential impact of glucose levels and Advanced Glycation end-products on tubular cell viability and pro-inflammatory/profibrotic functions
  3397. Advanced Glycation end products are elevated in cystic fibrosis-related diabetes and correlate with worse lung function
  3398. Glycolaldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end products (glycol-AGEs)-induced vascular smooth muscle cell dysfunction is regulated by the AGES-receptor (RAGE) …
  3399. Inhibition of Na+/H+ exchanger 1 attenuates renal dysfunction induced by Advanced Glycation end products in rats
  3400. Soluble receptor of Advanced Glycation end-products and endothelial dysfunction in COPD
  3401. Detection of galectin-3 and localization of Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) in human chronic skin wounds
  3402. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products as a potential biomarker to predict weight loss and improvement of insulin sensitivity by a very low calorie diet of …
  3403. Serum level of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is associated with a disintegrin and metalloproteinase 10 in type 1 diabetes
  3404. Is vitamin D deficiency related to accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products , markers of inflammation, and oxidative stress in diabetic subjects?
  3405. Update on mechanisms of renal tubule injury caused by Advanced Glycation end products
  3406. Decrease in fluorescence lifetime by Glycationof collagen and its application in determining Advanced Glycation end-products in human dentin
  3407. Pioglitazone inhibits high glucose-induced expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in coronary artery smooth muscle cells
  3408. Contrasting roles for the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products on structural cells in allergic airway inflammation vs. airway hyperresponsiveness
  3409. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) attenuates haemodynamic changes to chronic hypoxia in the mouse
  3410. Heat shock protein 70 protects rat peritoneal mesothelial cells from Advanced Glycation end-products-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition through …
  3411. Advanced Glycation end products , measured in skin, vs. HbA1c in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
  3412. Advanced Glycation end-products inhibitors isolated from Schisandra grandiflora
  3413. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products protects against ischemia/reperfusion-induced myocardial apoptosis via regulating the ubiquitin proteasome …
  3414. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products influences the expression of its S100 protein ligands in melanoma tumors
  3415. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products mitigates vascular dysfunction in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  3416. Oxidative stress in diabetes–circulating Advanced Glycation end products , lipid oxidation and vascular disease
  3417. Relationship between skin intrinsic fluorescence—an indicator of Advanced Glycation end products —and upper extremity impairments in individuals with diabetes …
  3418. Epicatechin breaks preformed glycated serum albumin and reverses the retinal accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products
  3419. Advanced Glycation end products impair K Ca 3.1-and K Ca 2.3-mediated vasodilatation via oxidative stress in rat mesenteric arteries
  3420. Immunization with Advanced Glycation end products modified low density lipoprotein inhibits atherosclerosis progression in diabetic apoE and LDLR null mice
  3421. Circulating levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and ligands of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in patients with acute liver …
  3422. Polymorphisms of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and glyoxalase I in patients with renal cancer
  3423. Advanced Glycation end products induce differential structural modifications and fibrillation of albumin
  3424. Association of polymorphisms of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene with COPD in the Chinese population
  3425. … with bazedoxifene on enzymatic immature and mature cross-links and non-enzymatic Advanced Glycation end products , mineralization, and trabecular …
  3426. Relationship of Advanced Glycation end products and their receptor to pelvic organ prolapse
  3427. The spleen accumulates Advanced Glycation end products in the chicken: Tissue comparison made with rat
  3428. Human retinal pigment epithelial cell proliferation by the combined stimulation of hydroquinone and Advanced Glycation end-products via up-regulation of …
  3429. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with bipolar disorder demonstrate apoptosis and differential regulation of Advanced Glycation end products and S100B
  3430. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) Serves a Protective Role during Klebsiella pneumoniae – Induced Pneumonia
  3431. Hydrogen sulfide prevents Advanced Glycation end-products induced activation of the epithelial sodium channel
  3432. Plantamajoside Inhibits UVB and Advanced Glycation end products ‐Induced MMP‐1 Expression by Suppressing the MAPK and NF‐κB Pathways in HaCaT Cells
  3433. The potential role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and soluble receptors for AGEs (sRAGE) in the pathogenesis of adult-onset still’s disease
  3434. Generation and characterization of monoclonal antibody against Advanced Glycation end products in chronic kidney disease
  3435. Advanced Glycation end products induce glomerular endothelial cell hyperpermeability by upregulating matrix metalloproteinase activity
  3436. Advanced Glycation end-products as long-term predictors of death and reinfarction after an acute coronary syndrome
  3437. Effects of prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor L-mimosine on dental pulp in the presence of Advanced Glycation end products
  3438. Determinants of concentrations of nε-carboxymethyl-lysine and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and their associations with risk of …
  3439. Members of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products axis as potential therapeutic targets in patients with lupus nephritis
  3440. Influence of+ 1245 A/G MT1A polymorphism on Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in elderly: effect of zinc supplementation
  3441. Altered expression of NF-κB and SP1 after exposure to Advanced Glycation end-products and effects of neurotrophic factors in AGEs exposed rat retinas
  3442. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in ventilator-induced lung injury
  3443. High‐mobility group box‐1 (HMGB‐1) and serum soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) in children affected by vernal keratoconjunctivitis
  3444. Systemic stiffening of mouse tail tendon is related to dietary Advanced Glycation end products but not high-fat diet or cholesterol
  3445. A cross talk between class a scavenger receptor and receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products contributes to diabetic retinopathy
  3446. Indoxyl sulfate, not P-cresyl sulfate, is associated with Advanced Glycation end products in patients on long-term hemodialysis
  3447. Advanced Glycation end-products enhance lung cancer cell invasion and migration
  3448. Clearance kinetics and matrix binding partners of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  3449. Cleaving effect of melatonin on crosslinks in Advanced Glycation end products
  3450. The influence of body mass index on the accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in hemodialysis patients
  3451. Advanced Glycation end products induce endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition via downregulating Sirt 1 and upregulating TGF-β in human endothelial cells
  3452. Acute exposure to a precursor of Advanced Glycation end products induces a dual effect on the rat pancreatic islet function
  3453. Inhibition of fluorescent Advanced Glycation end-products and N-carboxymethyllysine formation by several floral herbal infusions
  3454. Advanced Glycation end products impair glucose-stimulated insulin secretion of a pancreatic β-cell line INS-1-3 by disturbance of microtubule cytoskeleton via …
  3455. Calycosin Rebalances Advanced Glycation end products -Induced Glucose Uptake Dysfunction of Hepatocyte In Vitro
  3456. Simultaneous quantitation of Advanced Glycation end products in soy sauce and beer by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry without ion-pair reagents …
  3457. Hidden complexities in the measurement of fructosyl-lysine and Advanced Glycation end products for risk prediction of vascular complications of diabetes
  3458. Two new prenylflavonoids from Epimedii Herba and their inhibitory effects on Advanced Glycation end-products
  3459. cAMP ameliorates inflammation by modulation of macrophage receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products
  3460. Inhibition of fluorescent Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)of human serum albumin upon incubation with 3-β-hydroxybutyrate
  3461. New treatment strategy against osteoporosis: Advanced Glycation end products as a factor for poor bone quality
  3462. … protects against hyperglycemia-induced cardiomyocytes injury by inhibiting the expressions of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and high mobility group …
  3463. Skin Advanced Glycation end-products evaluation in infants according to the type of feeding and mother’s smoking habits
  3464. Effectiveness of a diet with low Advanced Glycation end products , in improving glycoxidation and lipid peroxidation: A long-term investigation in patients with chronic …
  3465. Acetoacetate promotes the formation of fluorescent Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  3466. Confocal Raman spectroscopy as an optical sensor to detect Advanced Glycation end products of the skin dermis
  3467. Overexpression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and high-mobility group box 1 in human dental pulp inflammation
  3468. Inhibitory effect of leonurine on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  3469. DNA aptamer raised against Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)improves glycemic control and decreases adipocyte size in fructose-fed rats by suppressing …
  3470. Inhibitory effects of Advanced Glycation end‐products and Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide on the expression of osteoblastic markers of rat bone marrow …
  3471. Targeting of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products suppresses cyst growth in polycystic kidney disease
  3472. Correlation between Advanced Glycation end-products and the expression of fatty inflammatory factors in type II diabetic cardiomyopathy
  3473. Litsea japonica extract inhibits neuronal apoptosis and the accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products in the diabetic mouse retina
  3474. S100 to receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products binding assay: looking for inhibitors
  3475. Regulation of striatal astrocytic receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products variants in an early stage of experimental Parkinson’s disease
  3476. Inhibitory effects of flavonoids from stem bark of Derris indica on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  3477. Advanced Glycation end products induced immune maturation of dendritic cells controls heart failure through NF-κB signaling pathway
  3478. Role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)on the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in Alzheimer’s disease amyloid plaque
  3479. Garlic decreases liver and kidney receptor for Advanced Glycation end products expression in experimental diabetes
  3480. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products and beta 2-microglobulin in fibrotic thickening of the peritoneum in long-term peritoneal dialysis patients
  3481. Blockade of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products protects against systolic overload-induced heart failure after transverse aortic constriction in mice
  3482. Advanced Glycation end products and its soluble receptors in the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysm
  3483. Development of a monoclonal antibody-based ELISA system for glyceraldehyde-derived Advanced Glycation end products
  3484. Decrease in circulating concentrations of soluble receptors for Advanced Glycation end products at the time of seroconversion to autoantibody positivity in children with …
  3485. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products inhibits disease progression in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease by down‐regulating cell …
  3486. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products expressed on alveolar epithelial cells is the main target for hyperoxia-induced lung injury
  3487. The circulating level of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products displays different patterns in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease: a cross-sectional …
  3488. Systemic levels of the anti-inflammatory decoy receptor soluble RAGE (receptor for Advanced Glycation end products ) are decreased in dogs with inflammatory bowel …
  3489. Aspartic acid functions as carbonyl trapper to inhibit the formation of Advanced Glycation end products by chemical chaperone activity
  3490. The emerging role of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products on innate immunity
  3491. Fluorophores Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) -to-NADH ratio is predictor for diabetic chronic kidney and cardiovascular disease
  3492. Elevation of soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) in recurrent pregnancy losses (RPL): possible participation of RAGE in RPL
  3493. Advanced Glycation end products promote heart failure through inducing the immune maturation of dendritic cells
  3494. Malocclusion model of temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis in mice with and without receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  3495. Effect of statins on the serum soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and its association with coronary atherosclerosis in patients with …
  3496. Do Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)contribute to the comorbidities of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?
  3497. Phlorotannins from Brown Algae: inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products formation in high glucose induced Caenorhabditis elegans
  3498. A prospective study of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and colorectal cancer risk in postmenopausal women
  3499. Correlation among soluble receptors for Advanced Glycation end-products, soluble vascular adhesion protein-1/semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (sVAP-1) and …
  3500. Activation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products induces nuclear inhibitor of protein phosphatase-1 suppression
  3501. Correlation of the expressions of Advanced Glycation end products and its receptor in serum and placenta with the pathogenesis of preeclampsia
  3502. Anti-fibrotic effects of specific-siRNA targeting of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in a rat model of experimental hepatic fibrosis
  3503. Methylglyoxal and Advanced Glycation end-products promote cytokines expression in peritoneal mesothelial cells via MAPK signaling
  3504. The protective effect of Smilax glabra extract on Advanced Glycation end products -induced endothelial dysfunction in HUVECs via RAGE-ERK1/2-NF-κB pathway
  3505. Expression of Advanced Glycation end products in placenta and concentration in maternal and umbilical serum in pre‐eclampsia
  3506. Inhibition and breaking of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)with bis-2-aminoimidazole derivatives
  3507. Dietary Advanced Glycation end-products, its pulmonary receptor, and high mobility group box 1 in aspiration lung injury
  3508. A monoclonal antibody against the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products attenuates inflammatory and neuropathic pain in the mouse
  3509. Effect of PKC-β signaling pathway on expression of MCP-1 and VCAM-1 in different cell models in response to Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  3510. Structural insights into the binding of the human receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) by S100B, as revealed by an S100B–RAGE-derived peptide …
  3511. … the severity of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in patients with type 2 diabetes: the role of plasma soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products
  3512. Age and genetic determinants of variation of circulating levels of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in the general human population
  3513. Advanced Glycation end‐products accelerate the cardiac aging process through the receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products/transforming growth factor‐β‐Smad …
  3514. Advanced Glycation end products impair voltage-gated K+ channels-mediated coronary vasodilation in diabetic rats
  3515. Ghrelin protects human umbilical vein endothelial cells against Advanced Glycation end products -induced apoptosis via NO/cGMP signaling
  3516. Modeling the interaction between quinolinate and the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE): relevance for early neuropathological processes
  3517. The inhibitory activities of the edible green alga Capsosiphon fulvescens on rat lens aldose reductase and Advanced Glycation end products formation
  3518. Antioxidant balance and accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products after the consumption of standard diets including Maillard reaction products from silver carp …
  3519. Impact of serum high mobility group box 1 and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products on subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with …
  3520. Advanced Glycation end products increase expression of S100A8 and A9 via RAGE–MAPK in rat dental pulp cells
  3521. Thymosin beta 4 improves dermal burn wound healing via downregulation of receptor of Advanced Glycation end products in db/db mice
  3522. Up-regulation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the skin biopsy specimens of patients with severe diabetic neuropathy
  3523. Structure elucidation of secondary metabolites isolated from the leaves of Ixora undulate and their inhibitory activity toward Advanced Glycation end-products formation
  3524. Rs1800625 in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene predisposes to sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in patients with major …
  3525. … K+ Channel–and Small-Conductance Calcium-Activated K+ Channel–Mediated Vasodilatation Impaired by Advanced Glycation end products in Rat Mesenteric …
  3526. Actin cytoskeletal rearrangement and dysfunction due to activation of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is inhibited by thymosin beta 4
  3527. DNA aptamer raised against Advanced Glycation end products inhibits neointimal hyperplasia in balloon-injured rat carotid arteries
  3528. Etomidate deteriorates the toxicity of Advanced Glycation end products to human endothelial Eahy926 cells
  3529. What does cigarette smoking do to the circulating level of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products ?
  3530. Serum Advanced Glycation end products are associated with insulin resistance in male nondiabetic patients with obstructive sleep apnea
  3531. Effect of the combination of hemodialysis and hemoperfusion on clearing Advanced Glycation end products : a prospective, randomized, two-stage crossover trial in …
  3532. Levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in patients with various inflammatory lung diseases
  3533. … gene expression of gut tight junction proteins and Toll-like receptors in rats fed high-fat diets, but high Advanced Glycation end-products partially attenuate the effects
  3534. Genetic ablation of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products promotes functional recovery in mouse model of spinal cord injury
  3535. Aliskiren attenuates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats: focus on oxidative stress, Advanced Glycation end products , and matrix metalloproteinase-9
  3536. Voltammetric detection of S100B protein using His-tagged receptor domains for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) immobilized onto a gold electrode surface
  3537. A review on role of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in rheumatoid arthritis
  3538. The interplay between hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress markers and the level of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) in K562 cells
  3539. Effect of Italian Sour Cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) on the Formation of Advanced Glycation end products and Lipid Peroxidation
  3540. Ameliorating effect of Akebia quinata fruit extracts on skin aging induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  3541. Advanced Glycation end products and soluble receptor as markers of oxidative stress in children on hemodialysis
  3542. Inhibitory effect of eleven herbal extracts on Advanced Glycation end-products formation and aldose reductase activity
  3543. Impact of androgen and dietary Advanced Glycation end products on female rat liver
  3544. Suppression of antioxidant Nrf-2 and downstream pathway in H9c2 cells by Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)via ERK phosphorylation
  3545. Effects of methanolic extracts from edible plants on endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end products induced by the high glucose …
  3546. Quantitative analysis of methylglyoxal, glyoxal and free Advanced Glycation end-products in the plasma of Wistar rats during the oral glucose tolerance test
  3547. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and its ligands: focus on spinal cord injury
  3548. Deletion of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products exacerbates lymphoproliferative syndrome and lupus nephritis in B6-MRL Fas lpr/j mice
  3549. Advanced Glycation end‑products affect the cytoskeletal structure of rat glomerular endothelial cells via the Ras‑related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 …
  3550. Do Advanced Glycation end-products play a role in malaria susceptibility?
  3551. tranilast blocks the interaction between the protein S100A11 and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) V domain and inhibits cell proliferation
  3552. Expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products , a target for high mobility group box 1 protein, and its role in chronic recalcitrant rhinosinusitis …
  3553. Effect of S100A12 and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products on the occurrence of severe acute pancreatitis
  3554. A fragment of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products restores the spatial memory of animals in a model of Alzheimer’s disease
  3555. Measurement of urinary Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)using a fluorescence assay for metabolic syndrome-related screening tests
  3556. … glucagon‑like peptide‑1 receptor agonist, inhibits hyperglycemia‑induced apoptosis in myocytes by suppressing receptor for Advanced Glycation end products …
  3557. Osteomeles schwerinae extracts inhibits the binding to receptors of Advanced Glycation end products and TGF-β1 expression in mesangial cells under diabetic …
  3558. Analysis of Advanced Glycation end products in the DHS Mind Study
  3559. 6-Phenoxy-2-phenylbenzoxazoles, novel inhibitors of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3560. Toll-like receptors, triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells family members and receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in allergic airway inflammation
  3561. DNA aptamer raised against Advanced Glycation end products prevents abnormalities in electroretinograms of experimental diabetic retinopathy
  3562. A Receptor‐Based Bioadsorbent to Target Advanced Glycation end products in Chronic Kidney Disease
  3563. Serum and tissue accumulation of Advanced Glycation end-products correlates with vascular changes
  3564. Effects of photobleaching on selected Advanced Glycation end products in the human lens
  3565. The pathological role of Advanced Glycation end products -downregulated heat shock protein 60 in islet β-cell hypertrophy and dysfunction
  3566. Unexpected crosslinking and diGlycationas Advanced Glycation end-products from glyoxal
  3567. Association of genetic variants in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene with diabetic retinopathy: a meta-analysis
  3568. Pheophorbide a from Capsosiphon fulvescens inhibits Advanced Glycation end products mediated endothelial dysfunction
  3569. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products , extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer and matrix metalloproteinases on type‑I collagen metabolism
  3570. Prognostic significance of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products expression in hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatectomy
  3571. An improved expression system for the VC1 ligand binding domain of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in Pichia pastoris
  3572. Association of vascular endothelial growth factor-634G/C and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products G82S gene polymorphisms with diabetic …
  3573. Receptor of Advanced Glycation end products in childhood asthma exacerbation
  3574. Monocyte chemotactic protein-1, fractalkine, and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in different pathological types of lupus nephritis and their value …
  3575. N-acetyl cysteine attenuated the deleterious effects of Advanced Glycation end-products on the kidney of non-diabetic rats
  3576. Engineered glycated amino dendritic polymers as specific nonviral gene delivery vectors targeting the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products
  3577. Advanced Glycation end products impair the functions of saphenous vein but not thoracic artery smooth muscle cells through RAGE/MAPK signalling pathway in …
  3578. Soluble and endogenous secretory receptors for Advanced Glycation end products in threatened preterm labor and preterm premature rupture of fetal …
  3579. Olmesartan blocks Advanced Glycation end products -induced vcam-1 gene expression in mesangial cells by restoring Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 level
  3580. Polymorphisms in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene are associated with susceptibility to drug-resistant epilepsy
  3581. Chronic spontaneous urticaria is characterized by lower serum Advanced Glycation end-products
  3582. Soluble receptor of Advanced Glycation end-products in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with remote ischaemic conditioning.
  3583. High motility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein and its receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) expression in chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal …
  3584. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in late-onset neonatal infection.
  3585. Receptors for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is associated with microvessel density and is a prognostic biomarker for clear cell renal cell carcinoma
  3586. Effects of metformin on apoptosis induced by Advanced Glycation end-products and expressions of caspase-3, Bax and Bcl-2 in human dermal fibroblasts in vitro
  3587. Sildenafil ameliorates Advanced Glycation end products -induced mitochondrial dysfunction in HT-22 hippocampal neuronal cells
  3588. Effect of transient cerebral ischemia on the expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in the gerbil hippocampus proper
  3589. Advanced Glycation end products impair glucose‐induced insulin secretion from rat pancreatic β‐cells
  3590. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) knockout reduces fetal dysmorphogenesis in murine diabetic pregnancy
  3591. Plasma levels of Advanced Glycation end products are related to the clinical presentation and angiographic severity of symptomatic lower extremity peripheral …
  3592. Involvement of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in liver transplantation
  3593. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) plays a key role in the formation of nanotubes (NTs) between peritoneal mesothelial cells and in murine …
  3594. Downregulation of mi R‐146a, cyclooxygenase‐2 and Advanced Glycation end‐products in simvastatin‐treated older patients with hyperlipidemia
  3595. Short-term glutamine supplementation decreases lung inflammation and the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products expression in direct acute lung …
  3596. … -(3-alkoxyanilino) pyrimidine focusing on the activity-sensitive aminoalkoxy moiety for a therapeutically useful inhibitor of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products …
  3597. Osseous wound repair under inhibition of the axis of Advanced Glycation end-products and the Advanced Glycation end-products receptor
  3598. Neuronal cell death and regeneration in diseases associated with Advanced Glycation end-products accumulation
  3599. Disease modifying drugs modulate endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products, a new biomarker of clinical relapse in multiple sclerosis
  3600. Advanced Glycation end products of beta2-microglobulin in uremic patients as determined by high resolution mass spectrometry
  3601. Plasma levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
  3602. Eplerenone restores 24-h blood pressure circadian rhythm and reduces Advanced Glycation end-products in rhesus macaques with spontaneous …
  3603. Involvement of Advanced Glycation end‐products in ‘hyperglycemic memory’
  3604. Effects of candesartan cilexetil and amlodipine orotate on receptor for Advanced Glycation end products expression in the aortic wall of Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima …
  3605. Increased pulmonary vascular expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in experimental congenital diaphragmatic hernia
  3606. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) gene polymorphism and cardiovascular disease in end-stage renal disease patients
  3607. Dietary intake of vitamin D is related to blood levels of Advanced Glycation end products during a weight loss program in obese women
  3608. Cerebral ketone body oxidation is facilitated by a high fat diet enriched with Advanced Glycation end products in normal and diabetic rats
  3609. Soluble receptors for Advanced Glycation end products and receptor activator of NF-κB ligand serum levels as markers of premature labor
  3610. Inhibitory action on the production of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and suppression of free radicals in vitro by a Sri Lankan polyherbal formulation …
  3611. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products independently predicts cardiometabolic syndrome in Latino youth
  3612. Association between endogenous secretory receptor for AdvancedGlycation–end products (esRAGE) and carotid intima-media thickness in type 2 diabetes
  3613. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and its ligands in plasma and infrainguinal bypass vein
  3614. Advanced Glycation end-products: pathway of potentially significant pathophysiological and therapeutic relevance for metabolic syndrome in menopausal women
  3615. Soluble form of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (sRAGE): do sRAGE ligands or anti-sRAGE auto-antibodies interfere with sRAGE quantification?
  3616. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) is overexpressed in human osteosarcoma and promotes the proliferation of osteosarcoma U-2OS cells …
  3617. Mechanism for the development of bone disease in diabetes: increased oxidative stress and Advanced Glycation end products
  3618. Dietary Advanced Glycation end-products exacerbate oxidative stress in patients with diabetic foot ulcers
  3619. Central and peripheral blood pressures in relation to plasma Advanced Glycation end products in a Chinese population
  3620. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Regulates Leukotriene B4 Receptor 1 Signaling
  3621. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) : Emerging mediators of skin aging
  3622. Evaluation of in vitro inhibitory activity of rye-buckwheat ginger cakes with rutin on the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)
  3623. AGEs and RAGE-Advanced Glycation end-products and their receptor in questions and answers
  3624. Detection of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)on human skin by in vivo confocal Raman spectroscopy
  3625. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products -membrane type1 matrix metalloproteinase axis regulates tissue factor expression via RhoA and Rac1 …
  3626. -374T/A polymorphism of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is associated with decreased risk of breast cancer in a Chinese population
  3627. Dietary quercetin inhibits methylglyoxal‐induced Advanced Glycation end products formation in mice
  3628. Effect of microRNA-17 on osteogenic differentiation of Advanced Glycation end products -stimulated human periodontal ligament stem cells.
  3629. Association of polymorphisms of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene and susceptibility to sporadic abdominal aortic aneurysm
  3630. Inhibitory effects of Advanced Glycation end products formation and free radical scavenging activity of Cirsium setidens
  3631. Effects of exercise on the nephron of Goto-Kakizaki rats: morphological, and Advanced Glycation end-products and inducible nitric oxide synthase …
  3632. Ezrin contributes to impaired podocyte migration and adhesion caused by Advanced Glycation end products
  3633. Vitamin D attenuates the adverse effect of Advanced Glycation end products on human granulosa cells: implications for women with PCOS
  3634. Sildenafil inhibits Advanced Glycation end products -induced sFlt-1 release through upregulation of heme oxygenase-1
  3635. 599: A receptor for danger signals, Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in fetal systemic inflammation and clinical chorioamnionitis
  3636. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on the function and angiogenesis of adipose tissue-derived stem cells and the protective effect of danhong injection: an …
  3637. The receptor for Advanced Glycation end products promotes bacterial growth at distant body sites in Staphylococcus aureus skin infection
  3638. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in critically ill patients and its associations with other clinical markers and 28-day mortality
  3639. Melanin synthesis induction by Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)without α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) or UV exposure
  3640. Nutritional Modulation of Advanced Glycation end products
  3641. Pterostilbene alleviates diabetic nephropathy in experimental diabetic rats; inhibition of aldose reductase and Advanced Glycation end products formation
  3642. In vivo imaging of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)of albumin: first observations of significantly reduced clearance and liver deposition properties in mice
  3643. Atrial tissue expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) and atrial fibrosis in patients with mitral valve disease
  3644. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)accumulation by pyridoxamine modulates glomerular and mesangial cell estrogen receptor α …
  3645. … –copper (II) monolayer deposited on a gold electrode for the immobilization of histidine tagged V domain of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products –the basis of …
  3646. Advanced Glycation end products in progressive course of diabetic nephropathy: exploring interactive associations
  3647. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products consumption as a direct modulator of insulin sensitivity in overweight humans: a study protocol for a double-blind …
  3648. Advanced Glycation end products ‘ response to resistance training in postmenopausal women with type II diabetes
  3649. Circulating soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is decreased and inversely associated with acute phase response in chronic spontaneous …
  3650. Targeting Advanced Glycation end products in cardiac surgery: the unexplored alternative
  3651. The effects of Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)-374T/A and Gly82Ser variants and soluble-RAGE levels to obesity in children
  3652. Early expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in a toxic model produced by 6-hydroxydopamine in the rat striatum
  3653. Protective effect of loganin and morroniside on HUVEC injury induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  3654. 26. Advanced Glycation end products in infant formulas
  3655. Using serum Advanced Glycation end products -peptides to improve the efficacy of World Health Organization fasting plasma glucose criterion in screening for …
  3656. Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) decreases Advanced Glycation end products and proinflammatory cytokines in patients with non-insulin-dependent type II …
  3657. Age-related effects of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in bone matrix on osteoclastic resorption
  3658. … High Levels of Carbonyl-Scavenging Amino Acids (eg., Taurine) and Low Concentrations of Methylglyoxal Limit the Production of Advanced Glycation End-Products …
  3659. High-mobility group box 1 inhibits HCO3− absorption in medullary thick ascending limb through a basolateral receptor for Advanced Glycation end products pathway
  3660. Effects of garlic (Allium sativum) extract on the expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and proinflammatory cytokines secretion in …
  3661. Advanced Glycation end products upregulate angiopoietin-like protein 4 expression by activating the renin-angiotensin system in endothelial cells
  3662. Functional promoter polymorphisms of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes
  3663. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products : a biomarker for microangiopathy in type II diabetes
  3664. Advanced Glycation end products and retinal vascular lesions in diabetes mellitus
  3665. Targeting apoptosis, Advanced Glycation end products and transforming growth factor-β1 by Biguanides and resveratrol to ameliorate experimentally-induced …
  3666. The plasma level of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in systemic lupus erythematosus patients and its relation to disease activity
  3667. Screening of herbal medicines from korea with inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation end products formation (XII)
  3668. GW25-e3403 Advanced Glycation end products upregulated the expression of angiopoietin-like protein 4 via activation the renin-angiotensin system in endothelials
  3669. Canonical Wnt signaling pathway of the osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament stem cells induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  3670. Methyl-CpG binding protein 2, receptors of innate immunity and receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in human viral meningoencephalitis
  3671. Advanced Glycation end products in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy: a review
  3672. Special research presentation: vitamin d reverses the adverse effects of Advanced Glycation end products on granulosa cells
  3673. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on human thyroglobulin’s antigenicity as identified by the use of sera from patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and …
  3674. A review on Advanced Glycation end-products (AGE) and their role in diabetes mellitus
  3675. Influence of tea polyphenols on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in vitro and in vivo
  3676. Decreased level of endogenous secretory receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in diabetes with concomitant hyperlipidemia
  3677. Protective effect of loganin on podocyte injury induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  3678. Inhibitory effects of Blackstonia grandiflora extracts on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  3679. 7c. 06: Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and increased aortic stiffness in a general population
  3680. Inhibitory effects of extracts from Moutan Cortex on formation of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in vitro and specificity screening of its potential active …
  3681. … between Tg2576 and wild type mice in the NMDA receptor–nitric oxide pathway after prolonged application of a diet high in Advanced Glycation end products
  3682. Effect of Advanced Glycation end products on apoptosis of C57 mouse spiral ganglion cells and mRNA expression of Advanced Glycation end products receptor
  3683. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) and carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) in type 1 diabetes Mellitus: Possible association with …
  3684. Potential of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) as an eligible biomarker for therapy evaluation in patients with pulmonary hypertension
  3685. Inhibitory efficacy of Ligularia fischeri against aldose reductase and Advanced Glycation end products formation
  3686. The diagnostic utility and tendency of the soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) in exudative pleural effusion
  3687. Tandem mass spectrometry for the study of glyoxal‐derived Advanced Glycation end‐products (AGEs)in peptides
  3688. Impact of serum high mobility group box 1 and soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products on subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with …
  3689. Spatial expression of Receptor for Advanced Glycation End‐Products (RAGE) in diverse tissue and organ systems differs following exposure to secondhand cigarette …
  3690. Screening of herbal medicines from Vietnam with inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation end products formation (XIV)
  3691. Serum Advanced Glycation End‐products (AGE) of Humans Before and After Consumption of an AGE‐rich Meal
  3692. Osteogenic Differentiation of Nucleus Pulposus Cells is Induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  3693. Inhibitory effect of natural substances towards the formation of Advancedoxidation protein products and Advanced Glycation end-products
  3694. P452 Antibodies to Advanced Glycation end products and development of vascular injury in diabetics with essential hypertension.
  3695. Could Advanced Glycation end products Explain the Poor Response to Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation in Obese Women?
  3696. Association of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products levels with hypertensive albuminuria
  3697. New inhibitors of Glycationand of the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  3698. Advanced Glycation end products in hemodialysates as fluorescent and optical absorption markers of patients mortality
  3699. Excess consumption of dietary Advanced Glycation end-products induces changes in gut microbiota which is associated with inflammation
  3700. Effects of quercetin linosomes on the formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in kidney of …
  3701. Increased Physical Activity Prevents the Progress of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy via Reducing Advanced Glycation End-Products in Patients With Hypertension
  3702. Advanced Glycation end products evolution after pancreas-kidney transplantation: plasmatic and cutaneous assessments
  3703. Eucommia ulmoides extracts prevent the formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  3704. Does Inhibition of Arginase and Advanced Glycation end products Provide a Protection Against Experimentally Induced Diabetic Nephropathy?
  3705. Effect of ERK1/2 Phosphorylation on Proliferation of Human Aortic Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells stimulated by Advanced Glycation end products
  3706. Blocking the receptor for Advanced Glycation end‐products but not Toll‐like receptor 4 attenuates the progression of OA (835.13)
  3707. Levels of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) , AGE
  3708. Effect of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) in the blood for the development of cardiovascular complications-vascular type 2 diabetes
  3709. Lipopolysaccharide‐induced inflammation is associated with receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in human endothelial cells (1096.5)
  3710. Effect of Ramipril Treatment on Proteinuria and Advanced Glycation end products in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Nephropathy: One Year Follow up Study
  3711. Advanced Glycation end products , their receptors RAGE and AGER-1 and their association with insulin resistance and inflammation in obese and non-obese young …
  3712. Mechanism of action of Advanced Glycation end products and their receptors RAGE contribute to the development of diabetic vascular complications
  3713. Decreased levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in aortic valve calcification patients
  3714. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products and their role in health and disease
  3715. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products contributes to particulate induced lung function loss and hyperreactivity: Mitigating the effects of a single intense …
  3716. … (methyl) carbamate are essential for binding to receptor for Advanced Glycation end products to attenuate Advanced Glycation end products ‐induced inflammation and …
  3717. Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Improves Stromal Cell–Derived Factor-1 Activity in Model Diabetic Environments
  3718. Small interfering RNA targeting receptor for Advanced Glycation end products suppresses the generation of proinflammatory cytokines
  3719. Vessel ultrasound sonographic assessment of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products efficacy in a rat balloon injury model
  3720. Inhibitory effect of litchi pericarp procyanidins on Advanced Glycation end products formation in model system of α-Lactose/L-Lysine
  3721. Homeostatic interaction between Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is essential for DNA repair
  3722. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products involved in circulating endothelial cells release from human coronary endothelial cells induced by C-reactive …
  3723. Characterization of Advanced Glycation end products in a Myocardial Infarction Animal Model
  3724. Macrophages mediate the ability of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products to prevent formation of abdominal aortic aneurysm in a murine model
  3725. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)induce stress granule assembly in human Oa chondrocytes that captures Mrnas associated with osteoarthritis pathogenesis
  3726. II-22 Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and association with systemic lupus erythematosus
  3727. Advanced Glycation end products Alters Platelet Aggregation
  3730. Study of Advanced Glycation end products in Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy
  3731. Serial molecular imaging of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products with multimodal nanoparticle-based targeted probe in preclinical models of hindlimb …
  3732. PO-024: S100B Expression and Interaction with the Receptor Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) during Hepatofibrogenesis in Murine Model
  3733. Update of Retraction—Blockade of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in a Model of Type 1 Diabetic Leukoencephalopathy. Diabetes. 19 November 2012 …
  3734. The effect of Advanced Glycation end products associated with aging on melanocytes
  3735. Immunomodulatory effects of carbohydrates and Advanced Glycation end products
  3736. Roles and Mechanisms of Advanced Glycation end products in Diabetic Gastrointestinal Motility
  3737. … Induced Diabetic Mice and its Role in Regulating Carbohydrate Metabolic Enzymes and Their inhibitory Effect on the Formation of Advanced Glycation end products
  3738. PS-04-005 Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products prevents erectile dysfunction caused by excessive administration of fructose from childhood in rats
  3739. Inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products in skin aging–a new target for Citrus paradisi
  3740. Advanced Glycation end-products are increased in prostate cancer and may promote racial disparity
  3741. Advanced Glycation end products in the dental pulp
  3742. Expression of Advanced Glycation end-products in photoaging skin
  3743. Effects of Advanced Glycation end-products on thioltransferase expression in human lens epithelial cells
  3744. New Approach to Preventing and Treating Diabetes Mellitus: Focus on Advanced Glycation end products (AGE)
  3745. Impaired fracture healing and change of Advanced Glycation end products in vivo in type 2 diabetes rats
  3746. Mechanistic implications of Advanced Glycation end-products to prostate cancer and racial disparity
  3747. … S100A1 KO mice is Associated with endothelial cell dysfunction and Impaired eNOS activation dependent in part on the receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products …
  3748. Inhibition to Advanced Glycation end-products and activity evaluation of sap of banana stem
  3749. Abstract C76: Mechanistic implications of Advanced Glycation end-products to prostate cancer and racial disparity
  3750. Impaired fracture healing and change of Advanced Glycation end products in vivo in type 2 diabetes rats
  3752. Significance of Advanced Glycation end products in Aging-Related Disease
  3753. Formation of Advanced Glycation end products in bone matrix using different sugars
  3754. Increased expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in COPD
  3755. Advanced Glycation end products and the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in non-diabetic adults
  3756. Influence of Advanced Glycation end products on rotator cuff derived cells
  3757. Screening of Herbal Medicines from China with Inhibitory Activity on Advanced Glycation end products Formation (XIII)
  3759. THU0022 Hyperglycemia-Related Advanced Glycation End-Products Is Associated with The Altered Phosphytidylcholine Metabolism in Osteoarthritis Patients
  3760. Pyrazole-5-carboxamides as Novel and Improved Inhibitors of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3761. PS-236 Advanced Glycation end products And Cardiovascular And Renal Parameters In Children With Chronic Kidney Disease
  3762. The effects of vitamin D on Advanced Glycation end-products in prediabetic and type 2 diabetic patients with vitamin D deficiency
  3764. PS 18-16 Renal sodium handling in relation to plasma Advanced Glycation end products concentration in untreated subjects
  3765. Arterial stiffness and its association with Advanced Glycation end-products in 6-8 year old boys: the ASOS study
  3767. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products on rotator cuff in aged rats
  3768. GW27-e0697 A Comparative Study on Skin and Plasma Advanced Glycation end products and Their Associations with Arterial Stiffness in Untreated Chinese
  3769. Interactions of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) with Advanced Glycation end products and S100B
  3771. The Effect of a Phaseolus vulgaris and Dietary Fiber Based Supplement on Advanced Glycation end products : An Open-label Trial
  3773. Dietary Fat Quantity and Quality Modifies Advanced Glycation end products Metabolism in Patients With Metabolic Syndrome
  3774. Determination of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in breast cancer patients previous chemotherapy
  3775. Interference of Advanced Glycation End-products signaling with collagen cross-linking in human endothelium
  3776. The Effect of Advanced Glycation end products (AGE) Breaker, Alagebrium on the Cardiac Structural and Functional Change in Type I Diabetic Rat Model
  3777. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit testosterone production in rat Leydig cells
  3778. Mutational Studies of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) Inhibition
  3779. The Role of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in Malignant Melanoma
  3780. Computational design of a novel enzyme for the prevention of Advanced Glycation End-products protein crosslinks
  3781. Elimination of Advanced Glycation end products by double filtration plasmapheresis
  3782. Inhibiting effect of emodin on Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in food model
  3783. Abstract PR10: Advanced Glycation end-products are increased in prostate cancer and may promote racial disparity
  3784. Advanced Glycation end‐products induced activation of NFkB and its suppression by different neurotrophic factors
  3785. Advanced Glycation end products Effect on the Polarization of Macrophages Cardiac After Acute Myocardial Infarction in Wistar Rats
  3786. To AGE or not to age. The effect of physical activity and Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)on the vasculature in older individuals
  3788. β‐Hydroxypyruvate induced side chain modification of human serum albumin and the formation of Advanced Glycation end‐products (AGEs)
  3789. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation end products , Measured by Skin Auto-fluorescence is Associated with Presence and Number of Diabetes Complications; …
  3790. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)and Its Soluble Receptor in Smokers and Mild/Moderate COPD
  3792. Effects of a high FODMAPS diet on visceral sensitivity: Involvement of Advanced Glycation end products and colonic mast cells
  3793. Hematopoietic stem cell exhaustion and Advanced Glycation end-products in the unexplained anemia of the elderly
  3794. no influence of weight loss after bariatric surgery on skin autofluorescence, a marker of Advanced Glycation end products
  3796. Advanced Glycation end products influence osteoclast-induced bone resorption
  3797. Expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in mice with chronic adriamycin-induced cardiotoxicity
  3798. Effect of a diet restricted in Advanced Glycation end products and exercise on metabolic parameters in adult overweight men 2
  3799. Is Elevated Levels of Serum Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Harmful in Cigarette Smokers?
  3800. Soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products is a player in obesity-related colorectal cancer
  3801. Antiglaucoma drops influence the production of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in the conjunctival sac fluid of glaucoma patients
  3803. The effect of acetoacetate ketone body on the fluorescent Advanced Glycation end products of human serum albumin
  3804. Expression of the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in mice with chronic adriamycin-induced cardiotoxicity
  3805. Sputum–plasma ratio of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  3806. Assessment of changes in collagen associated with Advanced Glycation end-products in human bone using vibrational spectroscopy
  3807. A56 (PATHO)-PHYSIOLOGY OF THE ALVEOLUS: Levels Of Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (srage) In Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid In …
  3808. Rifampicin reduces Advanced Glycation end products and activates DAF-16 to increase lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans
  3809. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGEs) and Experimental Diabetic Neuropathy. Diabetes 2008; 57: 1002–1017
  3810. Increased Advanced Glycation End-Products Accelerate the Progress of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Under Condition of Elevated Oxidative Stress or Insulin …
  3811. Association of-429T/C and G1704 polymorphisms in the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products gene with proliferative diabetic retinopathy
  3812. Advanced Glycation End-Products Predict Loss of Renal Function and Correlate with Diabetic Nephropathy Lesions in American Indians with Type 2 Diabetes
  3813. The effects of Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)-374T/A and Gly82Ser variants and soluble-RAGE levels to obesity in children
  3814. … Care/Experimental Medicine: PS2-27; Effect of Transient Cerebral Ischemia on The Expression of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in The …
  3815. Skin Autofluorescence, a Measure of Cumulative Metabolic stress and Advanced Glycation end products , shows seasonal variations in dialysis patients
  3816. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (Ager) and Diaphanous-1 (Drf1) Suppress Regression of Diabetic Atherosclerosis
  3817. Poplar-type propolis components as trapping agents to prevent the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)
  3818. Role of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in adipose tissue: browning effect
  3819. Sputum-Plasma Ratio Of Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products In Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  3820. Effect of aqueous pericarp extract of Punica granatum (APPG) on the role of inhibition of Advanced Glycation end products in STZ induced diabetic retinopathy
  3821. Inhibitory effect of catalpol on inflammation and expression of RAGE in EA. hy926 cells induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  3822. Effects of Advanced Glycation end products on the expressions and activity of cathepsin D in ultraviolet A-irradiated human dermal fibroblasts
  3823. Erratum for: Pheophorbide a from Capsosiphon fulvescens Inhibits Advanced Glycation end products Mediated Endothelial Dysfunction
  3824. Effects of Fructose-Derived Advanced Glycation end products on Acetylation of Histones in the Brain
  3825. Transcriptional regulation of endothelin-1 expression by Advanced Glycation end-products in human aortic endothelium is mediated via NF-kappaΒ and AP-1
  3826. Association of decreased levels of soluble and endogenous secretory receptors for Advanced Glycation end products with accumulation of metabolic components: the …
  3827. The Role of Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) and Ceramide in Cardiovascular Disease
  3828. Using Diet-induced Obesity to Examine the Role for Advanced Glycation End-products in Metabolic Osteoarthritis Pathogenesis in Young Rats
  3829. … Changes of Gastric Smooth Muscle Cells and Relationship between Expressions of Contractile Proteins and Advanced Glycation end products in Patients with …
  3830. Roasting impact on acrylamide and Advanced Glycation end products content in roasted rice tea
  3831. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products axis in critically ill patients
  3832. Effect of Methylglyoxal on Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) Of Pre-Osteoblast MC3T3E1 Cell Line
  3833. Effect of Methylglyoxal on Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) Of Pre-Osteoblast MC3T3E1 Cell Line.
  3834. Protective role of soluble receptor of Advanced Glycation end-products in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  3835. Metformin Restores IKCa-and SKCa-mediated Vasodilatation Impaired by Advanced Glycation end products in Rat Mesenteric Artery
  3836. Determination of Advanced Glycation end-products and antibodies against them (anti-CML and anti-CEL) in the serum of Graves’ orbitopathy patients before …
  3837. Abstract LB-382: A prospective study of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and adiponectin and pancreatic cancer in postmenopausal women
  3838. Preventative role of α-lipoic acid, curcumin and ginger in inhibiting myoglobin Glycationand the formation of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)
  3839. Systemic Stiffening of Mouse Tail Tendon is related to Dietary Advanced Glycation End-products but not High Fat Diet or Cholesterol.
  3841. Decreased circulatory receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products is associated with poorer survival in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  3842. Advanced Glycation end products Inhibition Restores Sphingolipid Rheostat in Mice Liver and Prevents Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance
  3843. Signalling through the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is increased in acute asthma and correlates with symptom severity
  3844. The self-association of High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1): Implications for interaction with Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products (RAGE) and DNA
  3845. The effect of fibroblast growth factors and Advanced Glycation end-products on the intima-media complex thickness in patients with coronary heart disease and …
  3846. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Antibody Protects Against AGEs-induced Apoptosis and NF-ĸB p65 Subunit Overexpression in Rat Glomerular …
  3847. Quantitative analysis of Advanced Glycation end products in surgically peeled internal limiting membranes from diabetic and nondiabetic patients.
  3848. Abstract P350: Association of Plasma Levels of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and Risk of Kidney Disease is Explained by Baseline Kidney …
  3849. Circulating receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is a risk factor for developing heart failure
  3851. Rage (Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products ) in Melanoma Progression
  3852. Growth factors for uncultured bacteria and structural requirements of quercetin for inhibiting Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)formation [an abstract of …
  3853. Knockdown of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products attenuate 17α-ethinyl-estradiol dependent proliferation and survival of MCF-7 breast cancer cells
  3854. Effect of rosiglitazone on oxidative stress and collagen metabolism in rat cardiac fibroblasts induced by Advanced Glycation end products
  3855. Differential Placental Expression of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End‐Products (RAGE) in Normal and Complicated Pregnancies
  3856. B38 TALKING ABOUT COPD BIOMARKERS: Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products (srage) In Smokers, COPD And Obstructive Sleep Apnea (osa)
  3857. Plasma level of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products and aquaporin 5 in preterm infants with acute respiratory distress syndrome
  3858. Reduction of serum Advanced Glycation end-products with a low calorie mediterranean diet Reducción sérica de productos finales de glicación avanzada séricos con …
  3859. DNA Aptamer Raised against Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)Prevents Abnormalities in Electroretinograms of Experimental Diabetic Retinopathy
  3860. D41 COPD: BIOMARKERS IN STABLE DISEASE AND EXACERBATIONS: Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products And Progression Of Airway …
  3861. The Impact of Plasma Levels of Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products and High Mobility Group Box 1 in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension
  3862. Advanced Glycation end products inhibit testosterone production in rat leydig cells through oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress
  3863. Correlation analysis of the-429T> C polymorphism of Advanced Glycation end products of the receptor gene and type 2 diabetic retinopathy in Han people in the …
  3864. … Effect Of The Inhibitory Effects Of Benfotiamine, L Ascorbic Acid, And A Lipoic Acid On The Production Of Advanced Glycation end products In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  3865. Longitudinal Bioluminescence Imaging Reveals Advanced Glycation End-Products NFkB in Intervertebral Discs
  3866. Modulation of cathepsin L expression and NF-kB signalling pathway effectors by Advanced Glycation end-products in retinal pigment epithelial cells
  3867. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)induce chronic kidney disease (CKD) and changes in gut homeostasis
  3868. Effects of Voluntary Running-Wheel Exercise on Insulin, Oxidative Stress and Advanced Glycation end products in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Mice
  3870. B42 COPD: BIOMARKERS: Sputum-Plasma Ratio Of Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products In Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary …
  3871. Human retinal pigment epithelial cell proliferation by the combined addition of hydroquinone and Advanced Glycation end-products via up-regulation of VEGF gene.
  3872. Resolving the Ligand-binding to Pattern Recognition Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3874. Satellite Cells are a Major Source of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the Ischemic Leg and Play a Role in Collateral Growth
  3875. A42 ARDS: RISK, TREATMENT, AND OUTCOMES: Plasma Angiopoietin-2 (ang2) And Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (rage) Improve Diagnosis Of …
  3876. the receptor of Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE). Other DAMP receptors include CD91
  3877. Differential Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) Expression in Preeclampsia, Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Gestational Diabetes
  3878. GW25-e3385 Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products Inhibits Hypoxia/Reoxygenation Myocardial Oxidative Stress in Rat
  3879. Expression of high mobility group box 1 protein and the receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in patients with primary gouty arthritis
  3880. Assessment of oral glycine and lysine therapy on receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and transforming growth factor beta expression in the kidney of …
  3881. Targeting of Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) Diminishes Acute Secondhand Smoke-Induced Inflammation in Mice
  3882. … and Structure-Activity Relationship of 4, 6-Bisphenyl-2-(3-alkoxyanilino) pyrimidine as a Novel InhibitorofReceptor for Advanced Glycation end products …
  3883. Vitamin D Supplementation Increases Serum Levels of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Among Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome [30]
  3884. Increased Cardiac Expression of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is Associated With Myocardial Apoptosis in Patients Post Coronary Artery Bypass …
  3885. Association Between Plasma Level of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation and end products and Biomarkers of Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy in Heart …
  3886. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) is involved in cigarette smoke induced inflammation and emphysema
  3888. The Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products Mediates Vcam-1 Expression In Pulmonary Endothelial Cells: Implications For Asthma And Allergic Airway …
  3889. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Suppressed Arrhythmia by Reducing Infarct Size and Fibrosis in Ischemia Reperfusion Rat Model
  3891. Effects of Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)on retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells lysosomal function: implications for age-related macular degeneration …
  3892. Correction: S100A14 Stimulates Cell Proliferation and Induces Cell Apoptosis at Different Concentrations via Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3893. Receptors for Advanced Glycation End‐products (RAGE) inhibition protects from Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) during Second Hand Smoke (SHS) in Mice
  3894. Characterization of Secondhand Smoke (SHS) and Materno-Fetal Interactions in Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE)-Targeted Mice
  3895. Role of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products nuclear factor-κB signaling regulating pathway in li-popolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in neonatal rats
  3896. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) and its Ligands in Plasma and Infrainguinal Bypass Vein
  3897. Role of Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE) in the Regulation of Human Epicardial Fat (EAT) Thickness and EAT Adipocyte Size
  3898. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (Ager) and Diaphanous-1 (Drf1) Suppress Macrophage Reverse Transendothelial Migration and Regression of …
  3899. … of Peritoneal Dialysis Patients-A possible intraperitoneal crosstalk between asymmetric dimethylarginine and Advanced Glycation end products in peritoneal dialysis …
  3900. C32 ASTHMA: PRE-CLINICAL STUDIES: Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products Is An Early Upstream Activator Of The Th2 Inflammatory Immune Response …
  3901. … Hypertension is Associated with Apoptosis, the Downregulation of S100A1, the Upregulation of S100A6 and the Receptor for Advanced Glycation end-Products
  3902. Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1, Fractalkine and Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in Different Pathological Types of Lupus Nephritis and Their …
  3903. … , characterization, and biological evaluation of novel multimodal dendrimer-based probe for targeted imaging of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products
  3904. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products Silencing Suppress Arrhythmia and Improve Electrical Conduction by Increasing Connexin43 via Wnt1 Activation in …
  3905. Effect of Fimbristylis ovata on receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products, proinflammatory cytokines, and cell adhesion molecule level and gene expression …
  3906. Fructose-derived Advanced Glycation end-products induce a negative crosstalk between lipogenesis and muscle reprogramming in mice through SREBP-1c
  3907. … derived compounds inhibit GSH depletion and increase cGMP and nitric oxide to attenuate Advanced Glycation end products induced hypertrophic growth in …
  3908. D31 NOVEL MECHANISMS OF ALLERGY AND AIRWAY INFLAMMATION: The Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products Mediates Vcam-1 Expression In …
  3909. Expression of Osteoarthritis Biomarkers in Temporomandibular Joints of Mice with and Without Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3910. Expression of Osteoarthritis Biomarkers in Temporomandibular Joints of Mice with and Without Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (RAGE)
  3911. F Box Protein Fbxo10 Targets The Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (rage) For Ubiquitination And Degradation In Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells
  3912. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products and its ligand high-mobility group box-1 mediate allergic airway sensitization and airway inflammation
  3913. Inhibition of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products (RAGE) improves alveolar fluid clearance and lung injury in a mouse model of acute respiratory …
  3914. Effects of curcumin on expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end-products in spinal dorsal horn and dorsal root ganglion of rats with type 2 diabetic …
  3915. (332) Protein levels of high mobility group box 1 and receptor for Advanced Glycation end products are higher in young adult rats with arthritis compared to …
  3916. … Lung-Protective Ventilation On Lung Epithelial Marker Srage, The Soluble Form Of The Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products, In Patients Without …
  3917. Effect of transient cerebral ischemia on the expression of receptor for Advanced Glycation end products in the gerbil hippocampus proper
  3918. … study of phytochemicals from leaves and flowers of Camellia nitidissima Chi inhibited the formation of Advanced Glycation end-products by scavenging methylglyoxal
  3919. A21 THE MESENCHYME AND THE EPITHELIUM IN AIRWAY INFLAMMATION: The Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products Of Alveolar Epithelial Cells Is A …
  3920. Ethyl pyruvate has methylglyoxal scavenging activity in vitro and inhibits the renal accumulation of methylglyoxal-derived Advanced Glycation end products in …
  3921. Receptor for Advanced Glycation end products is Required for HMGB1/S100A4/NF-κβ Interaction In Porphyromonas gingivalis Induced Gingival Inflammation
  3922. … A JOB, BUT AN ADVENTURE: MOLECULAR UNDERPINNINGS OF ACUTE LUNG INJURY: Receptor For Advanced Glycation End-Products Regulates Lung Fluid …
  3923. … EPITHELIUM IN AIRWAY INFLAMMATION: Allergen-Induced Airway Inflammation Requires The Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products Triggering On Airway …
  3924. C67 ACUTE LUNG INJURY: F Box Protein Fbxo10 Targets The Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (rage) For Ubiquitination And Degradation In Human …
  3925. The impact of the serum levels of soluble receptor for Advanced Glycation end products (sRAGE) and its ligand S100A12 for the course and extent of lung involvement …
  3926. … REGULATION OF S100A1, S100B, AND S100A6 AND THEIR RECEPTORS, RECEPTOR FOR Advanced Glycation end products AND TOLL-LIKE …
  3927. … AND HYPERRESPONSIVENESS: NOVEL MECHANISMS AND THERAPY: Pulmonary Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (rage) Mediates Lung-Specific …
  3928. … LUNG DISEASE: LESSONS FROM HUMAN, ANIMAL MODELS, AND EFFECTOR CELLS: Receptor For Advanced Glycation end products (rage) Contributes To …
  3929. Advanced Glycation end products in the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease
  3930. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in diabetic vascular complications
  3931. The role of Advanced Glycation end products in aging and metabolic diseases: bridging association and causality
  3932. The role of Advanced Glycation end-products in the development of coronary artery disease in patients with and without diabetes mellitus: a review
  3933. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products and their relevance for human health
  3934. Perspective of Advanced Glycation end products on human health
  3935. Involvement of Advanced Glycation end products in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy
  3936. Advanced Glycation end-products (AGEs)in foods and their detecting techniques and methods: A review
  3937. Role of Advanced Glycation end products in carcinogenesis and their therapeutic implications
  3938. Clinical/translational aspects of Advanced Glycation end-products
  3939. Role of Advanced Glycation end products in mobility and considerations in possible dietary and nutritional intervention strategies
  3940. Therapeutic options to reduce Advanced Glycation end products in patients with diabetes mellitus: A review
  3941. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)may be a striking link between modern diet and health
  3942. Advanced Glycation end-products: mechanics of aged collagen from molecule to tissue
  3943. Mechanistic targeting of Advanced Glycation end-products in age-related diseases
  3944. Dietary Advanced Glycation end products and cardiometabolic risk
  3945. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)in oral pathology
  3946. Complexity of Advanced Glycation end products in foods: Where are we now?
  3947. Impact of Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs)signaling in coronary artery disease
  3948. Therapeutic interventions for AdvancedGlycation–end products and its receptor-mediated cardiovascular disease
  3949. Advanced Glycation end-products produced systemically and by macrophages: A common contributor to inflammation and degenerative diseases
  3950. Advanced Glycation end products (AGEs) , receptor for AGEs, diabetes, and bone: review of the literature
  3951. Food Advanced Glycation end products as potential endocrine disruptors: An emerging threat to contemporary and future generation

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Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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