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Addiction & Dopamine
Addiction & Dopamine
Addiction, dopamine, and the molecular mechanisms of memory
dopamine and Addiction
Personality, Addiction, dopamine: insights from Parkinson’s disease
Reward system and Addiction: what dopamine does and doesn’t do
The dopamine hypothesis of drug Addiction: hypodopaminergic state
Roles for nigrostriatal—not just mesocorticolimbic—dopamine in reward and Addiction
dopamine in drug abuse and Addiction: results from imaging studies and treatment implications
Addiction: beyond dopamine reward circuitry
dopamine and Addiction: what have we learned from 40 years of research
dopamine in drug abuse and Addiction: results of imaging studies and treatment implications
The dopamine hypothesis of drug Addiction and its potential therapeutic value
Role of dopamine in the behavioural actions of nicotine related to Addiction
dopamine, Addiction and reward
The dopamine theory of Addiction: 40 years of highs and lows
The dopamine motive system: implications for drug and food Addiction
Genetics of dopamine receptors and drug Addiction: a comprehensive review
Drug Addiction as dopamine-dependent associative learning disorder
Nucleus accumbens shell and core dopamine: differential role in behavior and Addiction
New concepts in cocaine Addiction: the dopamine depletion hypothesis
The dopamine-containing neuron: maestro or simple musician in the orchestra of Addiction?
dopamine and drug Addiction: the nucleus accumbens shell connection
dopamine ‘ups and downs’ in Addiction revisited
dopamine signaling in food Addiction: role of dopamine D2 receptors
Role of dopamine in drug reinforcement and Addiction in humans: results from imaging studies
Neuroplasticity in the mesolimbic dopamine system and cocaine Addiction
Genetics of dopamine receptors and drug Addiction
dopamine, reinforcement learning, and Addiction
Neurocircuitry involved in the development of alcohol Addiction: the dopamine system and its access points
The role of learning-related dopamine signals in Addiction vulnerability
Effects of stress and aversion on dopamine neurons: implications for Addiction
Phasic dopamine release in appetitive behaviors and drug Addiction
Imaging studies on the role of dopamine in cocaine reinforcement and Addiction in humans
The role of central dopamine D3 receptors in drug Addiction: a review of pharmacological evidence
The role of dopamine in human Addiction: from reward to motivated attention
Sufficiency of mesolimbic dopamine neuron stimulation for the progression to Addiction
Reduced striatal dopamine D2 receptors in people with Internet Addiction
Role of dopamine, the frontal cortex and memory circuits in drug Addiction: insight from imaging studies
Medication discovery for Addiction: translating the dopamine D3 receptor hypothesis
dopamine prediction errors in reward learning and Addiction: from theory to neural circuitry
dopamine dysregulation syndrome, Addiction and behavioral changes in Parkinson’s disease
Rapid regulation of the dopamine transporter: role in stimulant Addiction?
Addiction and its reward process through polymorphisms of the D2 dopamine receptor gene: a review
Role of dopamine signaling in drug Addiction
dopamine D2 receptors and striatopallidal transmission in Addiction and obesity
Neuroanatomy of dopamine: reward and Addiction
Deficits in dopamine D2 receptors and presynaptic dopamine in heroin dependence: commonalities and differences with other types of Addiction
Mesolimbic dopamine signaling in acute and chronic pain: implications for motivation, analgesia, and Addiction
dopamine and food Addiction: lexicon badly needed
dopamine D2 receptors in Addiction-like reward dysfunction and compulsive eating in obese rats
Identifying medication targets for psychostimulant Addiction: unraveling the dopamine D3 receptor hypothesis
Cocaine cues and dopamine in dorsal striatum: mechanism of craving in cocaine Addiction
Allostasis and Addiction: role of the dopamine and corticotropin-releasing factor systems
Exercise reduces dopamine D1R and increases D2R in rats: implications for Addiction
Roles of dopamine signaling in nicotine Addiction.
Reduced striatal dopamine transporters in people with internet Addiction disorder
The dopamine D3 receptor and drug Addiction
Parallel roles for dopamine in pathological gambling and psychostimulant Addiction
Early adverse experience and substance Addiction: dopamine, oxytocin, and glucocorticoid pathways
Brain dopamine response in human opioid Addiction
Circadian clock genes: effects on dopamine, reward and Addiction
Psychostimulant drugs and a dopamine hypothesis regarding Addiction: update on recent research.
dopamine receptor partial agonists and Addiction
dopamine D4 receptors in psychostimulant Addiction
dopamine D3 receptor agents as potential new medications for drug Addiction
Pharmacogenetics of nicotine Addiction: role of dopamine
Glutamate‐dopamine cotransmission and reward processing in Addiction
Drug Addiction as a disorder of associative learning: role of nucleus accumbens shell/extended amygdala dopamine
The potential of dopamine agonists in drug Addiction
dopamine D3 receptor ligands for drug Addiction treatment: update on recent findings
A meta-analysis of the relationship between brain dopamine receptors and obesity: a matter of changes in behavior rather than food Addiction?
dopamine and the Neural “Now” Essay and Review of Addiction: A Disorder of Choice
A ventral tegmental CRF–glutamate–dopamine interaction in Addiction
Overeating and food Addiction in Major Depressive Disorder: Links to peripheral dopamine
dopamine receptor agonists, partial agonists and psychostimulant Addiction
Relationship between peripheral blood dopamine level and internet Addiction disorder in adolescents: a pilot study
Genetics of dopamine and its contribution to cocaine Addiction
dopamine transport inhibitors based on GBR12909 and benztropine as potential medications to treat cocaine Addiction
Decreased dopamine brain reactivity in marijuana abusers is associated with negative emotionality and Addiction severity
A research on social media Addiction and dopamine driven feedback
Imaging Addiction: D2 receptors and dopamine signaling in the striatum as biomarkers for impulsivity
The roles of cannabinoid and dopamine receptor systems in neural emotional learning circuits: implications for schizophrenia and Addiction
KOR control over Addiction processing: an exploration of the mesolimbic dopamine pathway
Plasticity of Addiction: a mesolimbic dopamine short-circuit?
Modulation of the glutamatergic transmission by dopamine: a focus on Parkinson, Huntington and Addiction diseases
Genetic variants altering dopamine D2 receptor expression or function modulate the risk of opiate Addiction and the dosage requirements of methadone substitution
Addictive behaviors and Addiction-prone personality traits: associations with a dopamine multilocus genetic profile
Increased striatal dopamine synthesis capacity in gambling Addiction
Positron emission tomography imaging studies of dopamine receptors in primate models of Addiction
Endocannabinoid release from midbrain dopamine neurons: a potential substrate for cannabinoid receptor antagonist treatment of Addiction
The role of dopamine pharmacotherapy and Addiction-like behaviors in Parkinson’s disease
dopamine transporter function fluctuates across sleep/wake state: potential impact for Addiction
The raphe dopamine system: roles in salience encoding, memory expression, and Addiction
A brain on cannabinoids: the role of dopamine release in reward seeking and Addiction
Striatal and extrastriatal dopamine transporter in cannabis and tobacco Addiction: a high‐resolution PET study
Blunted dopamine transmission in Addiction: potential mechanisms and implications for behavior
Dual dopamine/serotonin releasers: potential treatment agents for stimulant Addiction.
Neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) and its role in the development of social media Addiction
The importance of the adenosine A2A receptor-dopamine D2 receptor interaction in drug Addiction
The Role of Glia in Addiction: dopamine as a Modulator of Glial Responses in Addiction
Effects of methylphenidate on resting-state functional connectivity of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathways in cocaine Addiction
Pharmacokinetics trumps pharmacodynamics during cocaine choice: a reconciliation with the dopamine hypothesis of Addiction
The food and drug Addiction epidemic: targeting dopamine homeostasis
Reduced dopamine response to amphetamine in subjects at ultra-high risk for Addiction
The dopamine Receptor D2 (DRD2) SNP rs1076560 is Associated with Opioid Addiction
Loss of phasic dopamine: a new Addiction marker?
dopamine in the brain: hypothesizing surfeit or deficit links to reward and Addiction
Chronic cocaine alters limbic extracellular dopamine. Neurochemical basis for Addiction
A novel precision approach to overcome the “Addiction pandemic” by incorporating genetic Addiction risk severity (GARS) and dopamine homeostasis restoration
Repeat variation in the human PER2 gene as a new genetic marker associated with cocaine Addiction and brain dopamine D2 receptor availability
The hypodopaminergic state ten years after: transcranial magnetic stimulation as a tool to test the dopamine hypothesis of drug Addiction
Selective antagonism at dopamine D3 receptors as a target for drug Addiction pharmacotherapy: a review of preclinical evidence
Glutamate homeostasis and dopamine signaling: implications for psychostimulant Addiction behavior
Addiction and the brain: The dopamine pathway is helping researchers find their way through the Addiction maze
dopamine mechanisms of cocaine Addiction
Heightened D3 dopamine receptor levels in cocaine dependence and contributions to the Addiction behavioral phenotype: A positron emission tomography …
dopamine, behavior, and Addiction
Addiction-related alterations in D1 and D2 dopamine receptor behavioral responses following chronic cocaine self-administration
Addiction-like reward dysfunction and compulsive eating in obese rats: Role for dopamine D2 receptors
Differential striatal spine pathology in Parkinson’s disease and cocaine Addiction: a key role of dopamine?
Methylphenidate treatment in adolescent rats with an attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder phenotype: cocaine Addiction vulnerability and dopamine …
Convergent actions of orexin/hypocretin and CRF on dopamine neurons: emerging players in Addiction
Endocannabinoid signaling in motivation, reward, and Addiction: influences on mesocorticolimbic dopamine function
Unifying mechanism for Addiction and toxicity of abused drugs with application to dopamine and glutamate mediators: electron transfer and reactive oxygen species
A herbal medicine used in the treatment of Addiction mimics the action of amphetamine on in vitro rat striatal dopamine release
Cognitive control and the dopamine D2‐like receptor: a dimensional understanding of Addiction
Individual differences in nucleus accumbens dopamine receptors predict development of Addiction-like behavior: a computational approach
Compulsive use of dopamine replacement therapy: a model for stimulant drug Addiction?
A shared molecular and genetic basis for food and drug Addiction: overcoming hypodopaminergic trait/state by incorporating dopamine agonistic therapy in psychiatry
Evidence for dopamine abnormalities in the substantia nigra in cocaine Addiction revealed by neuromelanin-sensitive MRI
dopamine D1 receptor gene variation modulates opioid dependence risk by affecting transition to Addiction
Pharmacological Actions of NGB 2904, a Selective dopamine D3 Receptor Antagonist, in Animal Models of Drug Addiction
dopamine D4 receptor stimulation prevents nigrostriatal dopamine pathway activation by morphine: relevance for drug Addiction
Cocaine sensitization and dopamine mediation of cue effects in rodents, monkeys, and humans: areas of agreement, disagreement, and implications for Addiction
Shared Behavioral and Neurocircuitry Disruptions in Drug Addiction, Obesity, and Binge Eating Disorder: Focus on Group I mGluRs in the Mesolimbic dopamine …
dopamine receptors in human peripheral blood lymphocytes: changes in mRNA expression in opioid Addiction
Addiction and dopamine: sex differences and insights from studies of smoking
Conceptualizing Addiction from an osteopathic perspective: dopamine homeostasis
Addiction to nicotine is due to high intrinsic levels of dopamine
Effect of circadian rhythm disturbance on morphine preference and Addiction in male rats: involvement of period genes and dopamine D1 receptor
Received Wisdom Regarding the Roles of Craving and dopamine in Addiction: A Response to Lewis’s Critique of Addiction: A Disorder of Choice
dopamine antagonists for the treatment of drug Addiction: PF-4363467 and related compounds
Neurocircuitry of reward and Addiction: Potential impact of dopamine–glutamate co-release as future target in substance use disorder
dopamine genetic risk is related to food Addiction and body mass through reduced reward-related ventral striatum activity
Food cravings, food Addiction, and a dopamine-resistant (DRD2 A1) receptor polymorphism in Asian American college students
dopamine-beta hydroxylase polymorphism and cocaine Addiction
Molecular mechanisms of drug Addiction in the mesolimbic dopamine pathway
GABA site agonist gaboxadol induces Addiction-predicting persistent changes in ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons but is not rewarding in mice or baboons
Occupancy of dopamine D2 receptors by antipsychotic drugs is related to nicotine Addiction in young patients with schizophrenia
… homeostasis, astrocytes may contribute to dopamine‐dependent intrastriatal functional shifts that underlie the development of drug Addiction: A working hypothesis
Studying dopamine in Addiction: the cart should follow the horse
dopamine gene variants in opioid Addiction: comparison of dependent patients, nondependent users and healthy controls
Nonhuman primate models of Addiction and PET imaging: dopamine system dysregulation
Near-infrared fluorescent Nanoprobes for revealing the role of dopamine in drug Addiction
The genetics of Addiction: alcohol-dependence and D3 dopamine receptor gene
Sex differences in the nicotinic acetylcholine and dopamine receptor systems underlying tobacco smoking Addiction
New clues to brain dopamine control, cocaine Addiction
Argonaute 2 in dopamine 2 receptor–expressing neurons regulates cocaine Addiction
Chronic morphine alters dopamine transporter density in the rat brain: possible role in the mechanism of drug Addiction
Rats classified as low or high cocaine locomotor responders: a unique model involving striatal dopamine transporters that predicts cocaine Addiction-like behaviors
Amphetamine maintenance therapy during intermittent cocaine self-administration in rats attenuates psychomotor and dopamine sensitization and reduces Addiction …
Pharmacogenetic Role of dopamine Transporter (SLC6A3) Variation on Response to Disulfiram Treatment for Cocaine Addiction
PRECLINICAL STUDY: Long‐term haloperidol treatment (but not risperidone) enhances Addiction‐related behaviors in mice: role of dopamine D2 receptors
Therapeutic-like properties of a dopamine uptake inhibitor in animal models of amphetamine Addiction
BP 897, a Selective dopamine D3 Receptor Ligand with Therapeutic Potential for the Treatment of Cocaine‐Addiction
dopamine D1-D2 receptor heteromer regulates signaling cascades involved in Addiction: potential relevance to adolescent drug susceptibility
Combining stress and dopamine based models of Addiction: Towards a psycho-neuro-endocrinological theory of Addiction
The anticipatory dopamine response in Addiction: A common neurobiological underpinning of gambling disorder and substance use disorder?
Dual dopamine–5-HT releasers: potential treatment agents for cocaine Addiction
Effect of genetic modifications in the synaptic dopamine clearance systems on Addiction‐like behaviour in mice
The role of the dopamine system in Addiction
… increases sensitivity to cocaine self-administration and suppresses dopamine efflux in nucleus accumbens: support for the reward deficiency hypothesis of Addiction
Acute effect of the anti-Addiction drug bupropion on extracellular dopamine concentrations in the human striatum: an [11C] raclopride PET study
Association of the dopamine D2 receptor rs1800497 polymorphism with food Addiction, food reinforcement, and eating behavior in Chilean adults
The Addiction-related gene Ankk1 is oppositely regulated by D1R-and D2R-like dopamine receptors
The weaver mutant mouse: a model to study the ontogeny of dopamine transmission systems and their role in drug Addiction
Synaptic plasticity within midbrain dopamine centers contributes to nicotine Addiction
A window on the role of dopamine in Addiction disorders
Molecular genetic probing of dopamine receptors in drug Addiction.
D3 dopamine receptors and a missense mutation of fatty acid amide hydrolase linked in mouse and men: implication for Addiction
… and self-reported measures of psychostimulant effects. Commentary on Volkow et al.’Role of dopamine in drug reinforcement and Addiction in humans: results from …
Probing the role of the dopamine D1 receptor in psychostimulant Addiction
… Nano Cluster on Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Quantum Dots for the Simultaneous Electrochemical Sensing of dopamine, Serotonin, and Nicotine; a Possible Addiction …
… in Humans: Putative Induction of dopamine Homeostasis via Coupling of Genetic Addiction Risk Severity (GARS) testing and Precision Pro-dopamine …
… of D1 and D3 binding and dopamine-and cyclic AMP-regulated phosphoprotein of 32 kDa mRNA expression in the Roman rat strains: Implications for drug Addiction
Heterogeneous dopamine signals support distinct features of motivated actions: implications for learning and Addiction
A potential link between gambling Addiction severity and central dopamine levels: Evidence from spontaneous eye blink rates
Changes of dopamine transporter function in striatum during acute morphine Addiction and its abstinence in rhesus monkey
Early environmental enrichment and impoverishment differentially affect Addiction-related behavioral traits, cocaine-taking, and dopamine D2/3 receptor …
Striatal dopamine receptors and adenylyl cyclase activity in a rat model of alcohol Addiction: effects of ethanol and lisuride treatment.
Cadherin 13: human cis-regulation and selectively altered Addiction phenotypes and cerebral cortical dopamine in knockout mice
dopamine agonist-induced substance Addiction: the next piece of the puzzle
T cell Addiction: can pathogenic T cells be controlled using dopamine receptors?
Diminished role for dopamine D1 receptors in cocaine Addiction?
Would induction of dopamine homeostasis via coupling genetic Addiction risk score (GARS®) and pro-dopamine regulation benefit benzodiazepine use …
Histamine H3 receptors, the complex interaction with dopamine and its implications for Addiction
… properties and prediction of human PK using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for YQA‐14, a new dopamine D3 receptor antagonist candidate for treatment of drug Addiction
… , synthesis and preliminary bioactivity evaluation of bitopic benzopyranomorpholine analogues as selective dopamine D3 receptor ligands as anti-drug Addiction …
Association of dopamine receptor gene polymorphism and psychological personality traits in liability for opioid Addiction
Imaging dopamine Signaling in Addiction
dopamine receptor D4 promoter hypermethylation increases the risk of drug Addiction
Gambling rats and gambling Addiction: reconciling the role of dopamine in irrationality
Coupling genetic Addiction risk score (GARS) and pro dopamine regulation (KB220) to combat substance use disorder (SUD)
The benefits of genetic Addiction risk score (GARS™) and pro-dopamine regulation in combating suicide in the American Indian population
The sigma-1 receptor as a regulator of dopamine neurotransmission: a potential therapeutic target for methamphetamine Addiction
The Mesolimbic dopamine Reward System and Drug Addiction
Characterizing organism x environment interactions in nonhuman primate models of Addiction: PET imaging studies of dopamine D2 receptors
Correlation between Depressive Syndrome and dopamine Transporter (DAT) Serum Level with Smartphone Addiction among Medical Students of Universitas …
Exercise intervention can reduce the degree of drug dependence of patients with amphetamines/Addiction by improving dopamine level and immunity and …
Perspective: Translational studies on glutamate and dopamine neurocircuitry in Addictions: implications for Addiction treatment
Lateral Habenula contribution in nicotine Addiction: Focus on dopamine, GABA and serotonin interactions
Corrigendum: dopamine D2 receptors in Addiction-like reward dysfunction and compulsive eating in obese rats.
Mesolimbic dopamine signaling in cocaine Addiction
What role does dopamine really play in tobacco Addiction?
… Guided Therapy to Induce dopamine Homeostatic Neuro-signaling in Reward Deficiency and Associated Drug and Behavioral Addiction Seeking: A 60 Year …
Regulation of gene expression by dopamine: implications in drug Addiction
You never told me I would turn into a gambler’: a first person account of dopamine agonist–induced gambling Addiction in a patient with restless legs syndrome
… Therapy During Intermittent Cocaine Self-Administration in Rats: Reduction of Addiction-like Behavior is Associated with Attenuation of Psychomotor and dopamine …
The dopamine Receptor Locus as a Modifying Gene in Korean Schizophrenia, Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
Individualizing drug Addiction: a test of low dopamine and high risk
There is more to dopamine than just pleasure. Commentary on Volkow et al.’Role of dopamine in drug reinforcement and Addiction in humans: results from imaging …
Maladaptive or misunderstood? dopamine fasting as a potential intervention for behavioral Addiction
Food and Addiction: the dopamine made me do it
The involvement of endorphins and dopamine in experimental Addiction
… effective treatments of alcohol Addiction on the basis of their properties of inhibition of noradrenergic activity and/or thromboxane or on the activation of the dopamine …
Endocannabinoid-like lipid neuromodulators in the regulation of dopamine signaling: relevance for drug Addiction
Wrestling Satan and conquering dopamine: Addiction and free will
Assessment of the dopamine system in Addiction using positron emission tomography
The dopamine Transporter and Addiction
The Relationship between Stress, Personality, dopamine Transporter, and Serotonin Transporter Level with Internet Addiction in Secondary School Students …
Role of the dopamine and serotonin transporters in Addiction: prediction of the abuse potential of new psychoactive substances
Ups, downs, and sideways’ of dopamine in drug Addiction
The value of dopamine transporter 99Tcm-TRODAT-1 imaging for evaluating the therapeutic effects of Junfukang capsule on prevention and cure of drug Addiction …
The relevance between dopamine D3 receptor gene variations and drug Addiction
Opioid, dopamine, and GABA Receptor Addiction and Mental Health Enriched Genomic Areas Co-Located with 16 Cancer, Immunity and Parkinson’s Disease …
Ethology of Addiction and dopamine
Role of prefrontal cortex dopamine and noradrenaline circuitry in Addiction
Drug-induced synaptic plasticity in Addiction: the mesolimbic dopamine pathway and benzodiazepines
The role of the dopamine D1-D2 receptor heteromer in brain reward function: Relevance to drug Addiction and depression
Brain Glucose Metabolism and dopamine Transporters Change in Addiction and Environmental Cue-Induced Memory
Phenotype offers new perception on cocaine: researchers say glutamate is more essential to Addiction than dopamine.(News)
Chronic Effects of Indirect and Direct Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists on Addiction-Related Behaviors and dopamine Release
… of circulatory levels of endorphin, serotonin and dopamine and some health physical variables following a period of aerobic training in men with history of Addiction to …
Evaluation of the relative frequency of alleles associated with drug Addiction and violent behavior in dopamine neurotransmission genes among addicts with a …
Probing the role of dopamine at the intersection of Addiction, decision making, and sex
Limited Access to a Palatable High Fat Diet Promotes Binge‐Like Food Intake and Addiction‐Like dopamine Terminal Adaptations in the Nucleus Accumbens Core of …
Endocannabinoids and dopamine Drive Incentive Learning Processes Underlying Addiction Vulnerability
… “(GV 14) on contents of 5-HT, dopamine and ACh and expression of 5-HT mRNA, DA mRNA and AChE mRNA in the hippocampus in methamphetamine Addiction rats
Genetic Addiction Risk Testing Coupled with Pro-dopamine Homeostasis, and Electro Therapy, May Overcome Aberrant Reward Seeking Behaviors: Analytic …
Is dopamine involved in opiate Addiction?
Heterogeneity in Foraging Decisions Relates to Drug Addiction and is a Marker of Midbrain dopamine Function
The dopamine Hypothesis of Drug Addiction and Its Potential Therapeutic Value (2011)
Loss of phasic dopamine signaling: a new Addiction marker (2014)
Age related dopamine 1 and dopamine 2 receptor expression in Addiction-related behaviours
Gene Expression and Epigenetic Regulation of dopamine D2 Recep-tor and Fibroblast Growth Factor Genes in Addiction-Like Behaviour in Rat Model
dopamine could reinforce smoking Addiction
Cocaine and the dopamine Hypothesis of Addiction
Neural basis of Addiction: Recent evidence on the role of mesolimbic dopamine transmission
The Neural Mechanisms of Reward and Addiction: A Review of the Role of dopamine in Cocaine Addiction
Effects of Orexin/Hypocretin on Ventral Tegmental Area dopamine Neurons: An Emerging Role in Addiction
Cocaine, dopamine and the Endogenous Opioid System (From Neurobiology of Cocaine Addiction: From Bench to Bedside, P 73-96, 1996, Herman Joseph and …
… of important clinical lesson:’You never told me I would turn into a gambler’: a first person account of dopamine agonist–induced gambling Addiction in a patient …
miR-382 Is a Novel Regulator of Alcohol Addiction through dopamine D1 Receptor and DeltaFosB Pathway
… dopamine Transmission Regulates Emotional Memory Processing and Morphine Reward Salience: Implications for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Addiction …
dopamine and Norepinephrine Transporter Inhibition in Cocaine Addiction: Using Mice Expressing Cocaine-Insensitive Transporters
… Detection as a New Method for Determination of Major Metabolites of Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, dopamine and Serotonin of Patients with Drug Addiction
Evidence for the role of the dopamine D3 receptor in mediating methamphetamine Addiction
dopamine D3 Receptor Antagonist SB-277011A Influences Cell Firing in the Rat Ventral Tegmental Area, Parallel Role with the Cannabinoid System in Addiction and …
195. Increased dopamine Synthesis Capacity in Gambling Addiction Predicts Drug-Induced Enhances in Reward Learning
… of dopamine transporter {sup 99} Tc {sup m}-TRODAT-1 imaging for evaluating the therapeutic effects of Junfukang capsule on prevention and cure of drug Addiction …
A Systematic Review on Pharmacological Significance of Adenosine-2 A And dopamine-D2 Receptor Interaction In Drug Addiction
… : Relation to dopamine transporter occupancy measured by PET in rhesus monkeys. An investigation of substitute agonist therapeutic strategies for cocaine Addiction
S. 27.05 Nicotine and dopamine D3 receptor: Implications in drug Addiction and Parkinson’s disease
… A and the Synthesis and Optimization of a Selective dopamine Receptor 4 Antagonist for Use as a PET Tracer and an in vivo Tool to Study Cocaine Addiction
… ability of 7-OH-DPAT to decrease dopamine release during periods of anticipation, and thus prevent the subsequent cravings associated with drug Addiction
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