Addiction Treatment

  1. Supplemental social services improve outcomes in public addiction treatment
  2. Slaying the dragon: The history of addiction treatment and recovery in America
  3. Myths about the treatment of addiction.
  4. Effectiveness of coerced addiction treatment (alternative consequences): A review of the clinical research
  5. Staff beliefs about addiction treatment
  6. Drug abuse and addiction treatment research: the next generation
  7. Integrating primary medical care with addiction treatment: a randomized controlled trial
  8. Problem-service’matching’in addiction treatment: A prospective study in 4 programs
  9. A community reinforcement approach to addiction treatment.
  10. addiction treatment: Theory and practice
  11. The origins of the Minnesota model of addiction treatment–a first person account
  12. Coming clean: Overcoming addiction without treatment
  13. Does clinical case management improve outpatient addiction treatment
  14. Taboo topics in addiction treatment: An empirical review of clinical folklore
  15. Overview of addiction treatment effectiveness
  16. Internet addiction: Evaluation and treatment
  17. The handbook of addiction treatment for women: Theory and practice
  18. Opiate addiction: A critique of theory and some implications for treatment
  19. Diagnosis and treatment of sexual addiction
  20. Effective medical treatment of opiate addiction
  21. The Maudsley addiction Profile (MAP): a brief instrument for assessing treatment outcome
  22. Developing a national addiction treatment information system: An introduction to the Drug Evaluation Network System
  23. addiction: brain mechanisms and their treatment implications
  24. Research on the treatment of narcotic addiction: State of the art
  25. Measuring treatment process beliefs among staff of specialized addiction treatment services
  26. Science-based views of drug addiction and its treatment
  27. History and review of contemporary addiction treatment
  28. The treatment of addiction: what can research offer practice?
  29. The ego, the self and opiate addiction: Theoretical and treatment considerations
  30. Acupuncture and addiction treatment
  31. Sexual addiction: Designation and treatment
  32. Alcohol addiction and its treatment
  33. Shame reduction, affect regulation, and sexual boundary development: Essential building blocks of sexual addiction treatment
  34. Sex and love: addiction, treatment, and recovery
  35. RESEARCH REPORT A meta‐analysis of predictors of continued drug use during and after treatment for opiate addiction
  36. “Out there”: The ecology of addiction in drug abuse treatment discourse
  37. The neurobiology of craving: implications for the understanding and treatment of addiction.
  38. Research on psychopathology and addiction: treatment implications.
  39. Therapeutic communities vs methadone maintenance: a prospective controlled study of narcotic addiction treatment: design and one-year follow-up
  40. A novel strategy for the treatment of cocaine addiction
  41. Drug addiction and treatment careers among clients in the Drug Abuse treatment Outcome Study (DATOS).
  42. A study of barriers to the engagement of significant others in adult addiction treatment
  43. An integrated treatment model for dual diagnosis of psychosis and addiction
  44. Creativity and shame reduction in sex addiction treatment
  45. The relationship of Axis II personality disorders to other known predictors of addiction treatment outcome
  46. Perceived social support and treatment retention on an inpatient addiction treatment unit
  47. The dynamics and treatment of chronic alcohol addiction
  48. What psychologists can learn from addiction treatment research.
  49. Benefit-cost analysis of residential and outpatient addiction treatment in the State of Washington
  50. Enhancing addiction treatment through psychoeducational groups
  51. Substance use disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder comorbidity: addiction and psychiatric treatment rates.
  52. Tobacco addiction: implications for treatment and cancer prevention
  53. Understanding drugs of abuse: The processes of addiction, treatment, and recovery
  54. Survey of Hepatitis B and C in addiction treatment Unit*
  55. Heroin addiction: Theory, research and treatment.
  56. addiction in the treatment of pain: significance, recognition, and management
  57. What works in addiction treatment and what doesn’t: is the best therapy no therapy?
  58. Comorbid cigarette and alcohol addiction: epidemiology and treatment
  59. The ego, the self and opiate addiction: Theoretical and treatment considerations
  60. A study of visualization and addiction treatment
  61. Spiritual thinking in addiction–treatment providers: The Spiritual Belief Scale (SBS)
  62. Women and addiction: Process, treatment, and outcome
  63. A pharmacologic strategy for the treatment of nicotine addiction
  64. addiction: treatment and outcome.
  65. Mortality in heroin addiction: impact of methadone treatment
  66. Nicotine addiction and treatment
  67. A medical treatment for diacetylmorphine (heroin) addiction: a clinical trial with methadone hydrochloride
  68. addiction and the brain: the role of neurotransmitters in the cause and treatment of drug dependence
  69. The role of the physician in addiction prevention and treatment
  70. addiction careers: Etiology, treatment, and 12-year follow-up outcomes
  71. The concept of paradigm and the treatment of addiction.
  72. Access to narcotic addiction treatment and medical care: prospects for the expansion of methadone maintenance treatment
  73. Reductions in acquisitive crime and drug use after treatment of addiction problems: 1-year follow-up outcomes
  74. Sexual addiction and compulsion: Recognition, treatment, and recovery
  75. Ideological implications of addiction theories and treatment
  76. Gender differences in drug addiction and treatment: Implications for social work intervention with substance-abusing women
  77. Change in alcohol effect and self-efficacy expectancies during addiction treatment
  78. The use of hallucinogens in the treatment of addiction
  79. Oral spit tobacco: addiction, prevention and treatment
  80. The addiction of overeating: Self‐help groups as treatment models
  81. Including narcotic addiction treatment in an office-based practice
  82. Assessing spirituality in addiction treatment and follow-up: Development of the Brown-Peterson Recovery Progress Inventory (B-PRPI)
  83. “To every thing there is a season”—social time and clock time in addiction treatment
  84. Developing an integrated information system for specialized addiction treatment agencies
  85. Opioid use in the treatment of chronic pain: assessment of addiction
  86. Comorbidity of pathological gambling in addiction treatment facilities
  87. The treatment of alcohol addiction: a review of the literature.
  88. The prospects and limitations of compulsory treatment for drug addiction
  89. Commentary: Reconsidering the self-selection factor in addiction treatment research.
  90. Compulsary treatment of narcotic addiction
  91. Recovery from opiate addiction without treatment: A summary
  92. A systems approach to the treatment of chemical addiction
  93. Pharmacological advances in addiction treatment
  94. Clinical studies of cyclazocine in the treatment of narcotic addiction
  95. Policy issues for integrating parenting interventions and addiction treatment for women
  96. Costs and benefits of treatment for cocaine addiction in DATOS
  97. Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction
  98. The influence of recovery status and education on addiction counselors’ approach to treatment
  99. Simple fairness: ending discrimination in health insurance coverage of addiction treatment
  100. Understanding drug addiction: implications for treatment
  101. The “concerned other” call: Using family links and networks to overcome resistance to addiction treatment
  102. The theoretical basis of narcotic addiction treatment with narcotic antagonists
  103. Reducing resistance and denial by exercising ambivalence during the treatment of addiction
  104. Cocaine addiction: theory, research, and treatment
  105. Narcotics addiction and its treatment
  106. Development of a “treatment program” descriptor: The addiction treatment inventory
  107. Natural recovery from addiction treatment implications
  108. Heroin addiction and the role of methadone in its treatment
  109. Opiate addiction in adult offspring through possible imprinting after obstetric treatment.
  110. Three therapeutic communities: A prospective controlled study of narcotic addiction treatment: Process and two-year follow-up results
  111. The treatment of drug addiction: Toward new models
  112. Models for addiction treatment in psychiatric populations
  113. Adding a choice-based program for tobacco smoking to an abstinence-based addiction treatment program
  114. An epidemiologic evaluation of long-term methadone maintenance treatment for heroin addiction
  115. A case of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid withdrawal syndrome during alcohol addiction treatment: utility of diazepam administration.
  116. Clonidine and opiate receptor antagonists in the treatment of heroin addiction
  117. Support for harm-reduction among staff of specialized addiction treatment services in Ontario, Canada
  118. addiction Severity Index data from general membership and treatment samples of HMO members: one case of norming the ASI
  119. treatment for drug addiction: it won’t work if they don’t receive it
  120. Cocaine addiction as a neurological disorder: implications for treatment
  121. Development of a therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of cocaine addiction
  122. Preventing relapse in the treatment of nicotine addiction: current issues and future directions
  123. Evaluation of patients treated for pathological gambling in a combined alcohol, substance abuse and pathological gambling treatment unit using the addiction Severity …
  124. Development of a heroin-addiction treatment program: Effect on urban crime
  125. Issues in the treatment of female addiction: A review and critique of the literature
  126. Incorporating nicotine dependence into addiction treatment
  127. Psychoanalytic approaches to alcoholism and addiction: treatment and research.
  128. New European instruments for treatment outcome research: reliability of the maudsley addiction profile and treatment perceptions questionnaire in Italy, Spain and …
  129. Crack addiction: treatment and recovery issues
  130. Cigarette smoking, nicotine addiction, and its pharmacologic treatment
  131. In search of a new pharmacological treatment for drug and alcohol addiction: N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists
  132. treatment of drinamyl addiction.
  133. An immunotherapeutic program for the treatment of nicotine addiction: hapten design and synthesis
  134. Changes in HIV-related behaviors among heterosexual alcoholics following addiction treatment
  135. Patient-treatment matching in substance abuse: Drug addiction severity
  136. treatment of khat addiction
  137. The impact of managed care on substance abuse treatment: a report of the American Society of addiction Medicine
  138. Models and perspectives of addiction. Implications for treatment.
  139. The psychoanalytic treatment in a sanatorium of chronic addiction to alcohol
  140. The substance‐abusing patient and primary care: linkage via the addiction treatment system?
  141. Countertransferential and attitudinal considerations in the treatment of drug abuse and addiction
  142. treatment of maternal addiction to prevent child abuse and neglect
  143. An individual drug counseling approach to treat cocaine addiction: The collaborative cocaine treatment study model
  144. Combat addiction: Overview of implications in symptom maintenance and treatment planning
  145. Clinical Studies of Drug addiction: II.” Rossium” treatment of Drug addiction
  146. treatment of drug addiction
  147. Medical care utilization as a function of recovery status following chemical addiction treatment
  148. addiction: Some theoretical considerations as to its nature, cause, prevention and treatment
  149. addiction beliefs of treatment providers: Factors explaining variance
  150. Molecular and neuroanatomical properties of the endogenous opioid system: implications for treatment of opiate addiction
  151. The use of art therapy in treatment programs to promote spiritual recovery from addiction
  152. Rational treatment of addiction
  153. Use of buprenorphine in the treatment of opiate addiction. I. Physiologic and behavioral effects during a rapid dose induction
  154. Validation of a scale for network therapy: a technique for systematic use of peer and family support in addiction treatment
  155. Use of buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid addiction. II. Physiologic and behavioral effects of daily and alternate‐day administration and abrupt withdrawal
  156. Can the treatment Services Review be used to estimate the costs of addiction and ancillary services?
  157. Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid efficacy, potential abuse, and dependence in the treatment of alcohol addiction
  158. Mortality risks in alcoholism and effects of abstinence and addiction treatment
  159. Opiate addiction in gravidity-consequences for the newborn. Results of an interdisciplinary treatment concept
  160. A lost world of addiction treatment
  161. Federal regulation of clinical practice in narcotic addiction treatment: purpose, status, and alternatives
  162. The treatment of addiction by aversion conditioning with apomorphine
  163. Prevalence of personality disorders among clients in treatment for addiction
  164. Meta-analysis of desipramine as an adjunct in the treatment of cocaine addiction.
  165. The treatment of disabled persons with alcohol and drug problems: results of a survey of addiction services.
  166. Acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction investigation of a needle puncture control
  167. Relapse rates after treatment for heroin addiction.
  168. Adolescent gambling in Oregon: A report to the Oregon gambling addiction treatment foundation
  169. Opioid addiction treatment modalities and some guidelines to their optimal use
  170. addiction professionals’ attitudes regarding treatment of nicotine dependence.
  171. The addiction liability of methadon (amidone, dolophine, 10820) and its use in the treatment of the morphine abstinence syndrome
  172. Childhood trauma and drug addiction: Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment
  173. addiction treatment and the making of large claims.
  174. Bridges to recovery: addiction, family therapy, and multicultural treatment
  175. What treatment for addiction can do and what it can’t: What treatment for addicton should do and what it shouldn’t.
  176. treatment of drug addiction in London.
  177. Research issues in assessing addiction treatment efficacy: How cost effective are Alcoholics Anonymous and private treatment centers?
  178. Buprenorphine versus methadone in the treatment of opioid dependence: self-reports, urinalysis, and addiction severity index
  179. The treatment of addiction in group psychotherapy
  180. treatment of drinamyl addiction
  181. Tolerance and dependence: implications for the pharmacological treatment of addiction
  182. Clinical communications: Extramural psychoanalytic treatment of a case of narcotic addiction
  183. On becoming oriented to inpatient addiction treatment: Inducting new patients and professionals to the recovery movement
  184. People with physical disabilities admitted to a residential addiction treatment program
  185. Methadone vs. L-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM) in the treatment of Opiate addiction: A Meta-Analysis of the Randomized, Controlled TriaIs
  186. Auricular acupuncture as an adjunctive treatment for cocaine addiction: a pilot study
  187. Centres for treatment of drug addiction. treatment in the community.
  188. Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy finds addiction treatment works
  189. Street pharmacology: uses of cocaine and heroin in the treatment of addiction
  190. Therapeutic interventions recommended for treatment of sexual addiction/compulsivity
  191. A clinical, controlled study of l-alpha-acetylmethadol in the treatment of narcotic addiction.
  192. Hyperimmunoglobulinemia associated with narcotic addiction: effects of methadone maintenance treatment
  193. Specialized addictions assessment/referral services in Ontario: A review of their characteristics and roles in the addiction treatment system
  194. The aro drug addiction research and treatment centre: A first report
  195. Heroin addiction: sequential treatment employing pharmacologic supports
  196. Terminating addiction naturally: Post-addict identity and the avoidance of treatment
  197. Successful treatment of a case of drinamyl addiction
  198. Hypnosis in treatment of alcohol addiction; controlled trial, with analysis of factors affecting outcome
  199. Chronic treatment with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol enhances the locomotor response to amphetamine and heroin. Implications for vulnerability to drug addiction
  200. A response to Aviel Goodman’s “Sexual addiction: Designation and treatment”
  201. The dream interview method in addiction recovery a treatment guide
  202. Rational Recovery: Finding an alternative for addiction treatment
  203. The gay male client in sex addiction treatment
  204. Naltrexone treatment of heroin addiction: efficacy and safety in a double-blind dosage comparison
  205. Online sexual addiction and compulsivity: Integrating web resources and behavioral telehealth in treatment
  206. Recovery oriented psychotherapy: A model for addiction treatment.
  207. Acupuncture in the treatment of addiction: a review and analysis
  208. Acupuncture therapy for the treatment of tobacco smoking addiction
  209. Countertransferential and attitudinal considerations in the treatment of drug abuse and addiction
  210. Iatrogenic addiction and its treatment
  211. Research issues related to development of medications for treatment of cocaine addiction
  212. Women in treatment for addiction: What’s new in the literature?
  213. Methadone treatment for opiate addiction: Benefits in the first month
  214. Cyclazocine, an adjunct in the treatment of narcotic addiction
  215. Bromocriptine‐desipramine protocol in treatment of cocaine addiction
  216. treatment of drug addiction: Experience in India
  217. The treatment of perinatal addiction. Identification, intervention, and advocacy.
  218. Replication of an effective opiate addiction pharmacotherapeutic treatment model: minimal need for modification in a different country
  219. Involuntary treatment of drug addiction
  220. Behavioral treatment of drug addiction: A review
  221. Program development and integrated treatment across systems for dual diagnosis: Mental illness, drug addiction, and alcoholism (MIDAA)
  222. An Economic Explanation for the Ineffectiveness of addiction treatment
  223. General View of Drug Abuse in Iran and a One-Year Report of Outpatient treatment of Opiate addiction in
  224. LAAM in the treatment of Opiate addiction
  225. The pharmacological rationale for methadone treatment of narcotic addiction
  226. Psychotherapeutic treatment of opiate addiction
  227. Pharmacodynamics of nicotine: Implications for rational treatment of nicotine addiction
  228. Alcohol use following treatment for drug addiction. A four-year follow-up.
  229. The treatment of heroin addiction: Naltrexone alone and with behavior therapy
  230. Cultural Aspects of Adolescent addiction & (and) treatment
  231. Integration of trauma-based, cognitive, behavioral, systemic and addiction approaches for treatment of hypersexual pair-bonding disorder
  232. treatment outcome and the role of the community in narcotic addiction.
  233. Trends in injection drug use among persons entering addiction treatment–New Jersey, 1992-1999
  234. Assessment of hepatitis C infection in injecting drug users attending an addiction treatment clinic
  235. Gaudenzia, Incorporated: Historical and theoretical background of a self-help addiction treatment program
  236. Diphosphopyridine nucleotide in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of drug addiction
  237. Social work, social science and the disease concept: New directions for addiction treatment
  238. addiction problems and methadone treatment
  239. Early treatment of women with alcohol addiction (EWA): a comprehensive evaluation and outcome study. I. Patterns of psychiatric comorbidity at intake
  240. Explaining relapse to opiate addiction following successful completion of treatment
  241. Prevalence and treatment models for addiction in psychiatric populations
  242. An addiction treatment program in Laos: The first year’s experience
  243. Behavioral treatment of drug addiction: A review and analysis
  244. addiction treatment in psychiatric settings
  245. Aversion treatment of alcohol addiction
  246. Employment and addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and treatment Practices. Final Report.
  247. Narcotics addiction treatment: Behavioral methods concurrent with methadone maintenance
  248. The addiction treatment Unit: A Dual Diagnosis Progralll at the California Medical Facility—A Descriptive Report
  249. NIDA-NIAAA workshop: efficacy of therapies in drug and alcohol addiction. Strategies for treatment of alcohol problems.
  250. The treatment of tobacco addiction
  251. Naltrexone treatment of heroin addiction: one-year follow-up
  252. New horizons in the treatment of narcotic addiction
  253. Basic concepts and use of cyclazocine in the treatment of narcotic addiction
  254. The Dole-Nyswander treatment of heroin addiction
  255. A review of the evidence for methadone maintenance as a treatment for narcotic addiction.
  256. Overview of pharmacologic treatment approaches for alcohol and other drug addiction: intoxication, withdrawal, and relapse prevention
  257. … Assessment Inventory substance-use scales: Convergent and discriminant relations with the addiction Severity Index in a residential chemical dependence treatment …
  258. Denial-of reality and of freedom-in addiction research and treatment
  259. German/American report on the effective use of pressure in the treatment of drug addiction.
  260. Three approaches to the treatment of drug addiction
  261. The treatment of chronic alcohol addiction
  262. Test-retest reliability of the addiction Severity Index composite scores among clients in residential treatment
  263. treatment of narcotic addiction: Issues and problems
  264. Primary care and addiction treatment: Lessons learned from building bridges across traditions
  265. Chronic addiction relapse treatment: a study of the effectiveness of the high-risk identification and prediction treatment model: Part I.
  266. Integration of health care economics for addiction treatment in clinic care
  267. Use of milieu as a problem-solving strategy in addiction treatment.
  268. A family therapy approach to the treatment of drug addiction
  269. Clinician’s guide to cocaine addiction: Theory, research, and treatment.
  270. Opioid addiction: P300 assessment in treatment by methadone substitution
  271. The use of a multicultural conceptual model in perinatal addiction treatment.
  272. The role of compulsory supervision in the treatment of addiction
  273. addiction severity, psychopathology and treatment compliance in cocaine-dependent mothers
  274. Specialists criticise treatment for heroin addiction
  275. Out‐Patient treatment of Narcotic addiction. Who Benefits?
  276. A study of employee attitudes toward patients in a hospital for the treatment of drug addiction
  277. Religion and the Church in Relation to Alcohol addiction; I. Religious Resources in the treatment of Alcobol addiction
  278. treatment of cocaine addiction during pregnancy
  279. Etiology and biological treatment of alcohol addiction
  280. The Videotaped addiction Challenge Tool: a new instrument for qualitative substance abuse assessment, treatment planning and research in therapeutic communities
  281. Urine testing schedules in methadone maintenance treatment of heroin addiction
  282. Dual addiction: Pharmacological issues in the treatment of concomitant alcoholism and drug abuse
  283. Centres for treatment of drug addiction. Advantages of special centres.
  284. Health care economics for integrated addiction treatment in clinical settings
  285. An evaluation of detoxification as an initial step in the treatment of heroin addiction.
  286. addiction treatment for the nurse.
  287. treatment for narcotic addiction in a Buddhist monastery
  288. addiction Among Immigrants and Migrants: Epidemiology and treatment
  289. Outpatient treatment of cocaine addiction: suggestions to increase its effectiveness
  290. The treatment of narcotic addiction
  291. An investigation of the feasibility of predicting outcome indices in the treatment of heroin addiction
  292. Biofeedback treatment of narcotic addiction: A double-blind study
  293. Differences among treatment clinic types in attitudes toward narcotic addiction.
  294. Using the addiction Severity Index to predict treatment outcome among substance abusing parolees
  295. Ethnicity and Psychotherapy A Component in the treatment of Cocaine addiction in African Americans
  296. addiction treatment and continuing care in forensic populations
  297. The use of hypnosis in the treatment of drug addiction.
  298. Selected bibliography on narcotic addiction treatment, 1960-1966. Reports of treatment programs.
  299. Centres for treatment of drug addiction. Importance of research.
  300. Development of polylactic/glycolic acid delivery systems for use in treatment of narcotic addiction.
  301. Controlled drinking, treatment effectiveness, and the disease model of addiction: A commentary on the ideological wishes of Stanton Peele
  302. The methadone treatment of heroin addiction
  303. Follow-up at a Dutch addiction hospital and effectiveness of therapeutic community treatment
  304. Narcotic addiction and methadone treatment in Hong Kong: Lessons for the United States
  305. Staff attitudes and conflict regarding the use of methadone in the treatment of heroin addiction
  306. Drug addiction in India and its treatment
  307. The treatment of drug addiction: Private practice experience with 84 addicts
  308. The impact of managed care on addiction treatment: evaluating physicians’ views and the value of health plan benefits
  309. An innovative short-term group therapy model for inpatient addiction treatment
  310. Advocating for Women in the Criminal Justice and addiction treatment Systems.
  311. The management of heroin addiction at a general hospital drug addiction treatment centre
  312. Electrostimulation: addiction treatment for the coming millennium
  313. Comparison of clients assigned to in-patient and out-patient treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction
  314. Metronidazole in the treatment of Alcohol addiction A Controlled Trial
  315. The heuristic system: Precision and creativity in addiction treatment
  316. addiction treatment: A historical nursing perspective
  317. The hang-over in relation to the theory and treatment of alcohol addiction
  318. Desensitization and the treatment of alcohol addiction
  319. Use of narcotic antagonists (naltrexone) in an addiction treatment program
  320. Staff perceptions of organization change of treatment delivery on an addiction unit
  321. A study of the use of clonidine and naltrexone in the treatment of opioid addiction in the former USSR
  322. Drug addiction and its individual psychological treatment.
  323. How much treatment does a person need? addiction, spontaneous remission and” family” as biographical as leitmotiv
  324. The use of naltrexone, an opiate antagonist, in the treatment of opiate addiction
  325. Parent-infant interaction during perinatal addiction treatment
  326. Use of pharmacologic agents in the treatment of addiction
  327. A Comparison of HIV-Positive and HIV-Negatlve Crack Users Enrolled in a Residential addiction treatment Program
  328. A medical treatment for diacetylmorphine (heroin) addiction
  329. Relapse precipitants in opiate addiction: Assessment in community treatment setting
  330. Drug addiction: II. An aversive counterconditioning technique for treatment
  331. addiction beliefs of treatment providers: Factors explaining variance.
  332. treatment of heroin addiction with aversion therapy, relaxation training and systematic desensitization.
  333. addiction treatment: Promoting a medical approach to substance use
  334. Excessive behaviours: An archival study of behavioural tendencies reported by 471 patients admitted to an addiction treatment centre
  335. addiction treatment: Gone yesterday, gone tomorrow
  336. The use of acupuncture in the treatment of drug addiction
  337. Buddhist temple treatment of narcotic addiction and neurotic-psychosomatic disorders in Thailand
  338. V. The treatment of Alcohol addiction
  339. Chemical dependency treatment: The integration of the alcoholism and drug addiction/use treatment systems
  340. Problems of inpatient treatment of addiction
  341. Couples’ reciprocal patterns in narcotics addiction: A recommendation on treatment strategy
  342. Personality characteristics of women with alcohol addiction: a Rorschach study of women in an early treatment programme
  343. Methadone treatment of heroin addiction
  344. Crucial factors in the treatment of narcotic addiction
  345. addiction in adolescence—some comments about its diagnosis, treatment, and vulnerable groups
  346. A model continuum for a community-based program for the prevention and treatment of narcotic addiction
  347. Maintenance treatment for opioid dependence in care centers: the OPPIDUM program of the Evaluation and Information Centers for Drug addiction
  348. Meperidine addiction or treatment frustration?
  349. Lack of toxicity of high dose propoxyphene napsylate when used for maintenance treatment of addiction
  350. The” fatigue factor” in drug addiction: Insufficient motivation for treatment
  351. Organizational change required for paradigmatic shift in addiction treatment
  352. Psychiatric treatment of narcotic addiction
  353. Experiences with a combination of group therapy and methadone maintenance in the treatment of heroin addiction
  354. Report on the treatment of drug addiction
  355. The Karolinska project for early treatment of women with alcohol addiction
  356. Gambling and problem gambling in oregon: Report to the Oregon Gambling addiction treatment Foundation
  357. Science misapplied: mandatory addiction screening and treatment for welfare recipients in Ontario
  358. Why health insurers should pay for addiction treatment: treatment works and would lead to net societal benefits
  359. Diseasing of America: addiction treatment Out of Control
  360. Carbamazepine treatment of cocaine dependence in methadone maintenance patients with dual opiate-cocaine addiction.
  361. Application of urine analysis to diagnosis and treatment of heroin addiction
  362. Effect of prior narcotic addiction on response to treatment of alcoholism
  363. addiction to aerosol treatment: the asthmatic alternative to glue sniffing.
  364. Current approaches to the treatment of narcotic addiction.
  365. On the Role off Chemotherapy in the treatment of Heroin addiction
  366. The use of propoxyphene napsylate in the treatment of heroin and methadone addiction
  367. Apneic aversion and covert sensitization in the treatment of a hydrocarbon inhalation addiction: A case study
  368. An overview of acupuncture in the treatment of stroke, addiction, and other health problems
  369. The history of addiction treatment and recovery in America
  370. A token economy treatment of drug addiction
  371. treatment of perinatal cocaine addiction: use of the modified therapeutic community
  372. Measuring substance abuse treatment provider training needs: Developing an index of training need: Harvard Medical School, Division on addictions addiction …
  373. The treatment of alcohol addiction in relation to the prevention of inebriety
  374. Can alcoholism and other drug addiction problems be treated away or is the current treatment binge doing more harm than good?
  375. treatment of Tobacco addiction: Experiences in Tobacco Withdrawal Clinics.
  376. Management and treatment of drug addiction
  377. The marital dyad as a diagnostic and treatment variable in alcohol addiction.
  378. Time element in the treatment of drug addiction
  379. Nurse-led art expression in addiction treatment
  380. treatment of polydrug abuse and addiction by covert sensitization: Some contraindications
  381. A diagnostic tool with important implications for treatment of addiction: Identification of factors underlying relapse and remission time distributions
  382. Risk Factors, Attendance, and Abstinence Patterns of Low-Income Women in Perinatal addiction treatment Lessons from a 5–Year Program
  383. The use of L-α-acetylmethadol in treatment of heroin addiction: an open study
  384. Therapeutic advances in the treatment of cigarette addiction
  385. Evaluation on the treatment of morphine addiction by acupuncture Chinese herbs and opioid peptides
  386. Centres for treatment of drug addiction. Integrated approach.
  387. addiction treatment in the mid-1990s.
  388. The treatment of Morphine addiction in Tuberculosis by Pawlow’s Conditioning Method
  389. Behavioral treatments of cocaine addiction: Assessing patient needs and improving treatment entry and outcome
  390. Methadone: treatment and Control of Narcotic addiction
  391. addiction to aerosol treatment
  392. Reflections on the epidemiology of heroin and narcotic addiction from the perspective of treatment data
  393. Attributions for the development of substance addiction among participants in a 12-step oriented treatment program
  394. Methadone maintenance treatment of narcotic addiction: A unit of medical care based on over 50,000 patient treatment years
  395. A behaviorally-oriented treatment program for drug addiction: a preliminary report.
  396. Employee utilization of addiction treatment
  397. Pharmacological treatment of narcotic addiction
  398. treatment approaches for child welfare mothers with addiction problems: An empirical review to guide practice
  399. Creating and maintaining an optimal medical practice environment for the treatment of nicotine addiction
  400. Disseminating a treatment program to outpatient addiction treatment agencies in Ontario: A case study
  401. Perceived client and program moderators of successful therapeutic community treatment for drug addiction
  402. The treatment of Alcohol (and Tobacco) addiction by Differential Conditioning: New Manual and Mechanical Methods
  403. The etiology and treatment of drug addiction: A problem in self concept and adaptation.
  404. Biologic False-positive Reactions in Serologic Tests for Syphilis in Narcotic addiction: Reduced Incidence during Methadone Maintenance treatment
  405. Can addiction-related self-help/mutual aid groups lower demand for professional substane abuse treatment?
  406. The use of over-the-counter preparations by drug users attending an addiction treatment unit.
  407. Behavioral assessment of drug addiction: Strategies and issues in research and treatment
  408. Clinical update of opioid agonist and partial agonist medications for the maintenance treatment of opioid addiction
  409. Directory of Narcotic addiction treatment Agencies in the United States, 1968-1969
  410. A bibliography of the methadone maintenance treatment of heroin addiction
  411. Effective medical treatment of heroin addiction
  412. The role of the ex-addict in treatment of addiction
  413. Outpatient induction to methadone maintenance treatment for heroin addiction
  414. Development of a buprenorphine-naloxone combination drug for the treatment of drug addiction
  415. Withdrawal treatment of drug addiction
  416. Family outreach residential addiction treatment: changes in addicts’ beliefs about social support
  417. Development of injectable microcapsules for use in the treatment of narcotic addiction.
  418. Opting into treatment: Increasing the rate of first appointment attendance with a community addiction team
  419. Modern hypnotic treatment of various forms of addiction, in particular alcoholism
  420. Striatal dopamine receptors and adenylyl cyclase activity in a rat model of alcohol addiction: effects of ethanol and lisuride treatment.
  421. Heroin in the treatment of morphine addiction
  422. treatment of narcotic addiction by inhibition of craving: Contending with a cherished habit
  423. The ethics of statutory coercion in the treatment of chemical substance abuse/dependence (addiction)
  424. treatment of heroin addiction: Multimodality approach.
  425. Methadone vs. psychotherapy in the treatment of heroin addiction
  426. The Argument Against Long Term addiction treatment in Prison
  427. The Conditioned-Reflex treatment in the Light of Our Knowledge of Alcohol addiction
  428. Access to narcotic addiction treatment and medical care
  429. Medical ethnocentrism and the treatment of addiction
  430. Coming Clean: Overcoming addiction without treatment
  431. Elements for building a culturally specific addiction treatment program.
  432. Topical corticosteroid-induced acne: Three treatment strategies to break the ‘addiction‘cycle
  433. The peer principle: The key to addiction treatment
  434. Involuntary chemical addiction treatment. EAP implications for occupational health nurses.
  435. Limbic target surgery in the treatment of intractable pain with drug addiction
  436. addiction Psychiatry: Current Diagnosis and treatment
  437. A pilot methadone program to introduce comprehensive addiction treatment
  438. Cyclazocine in the treatment of Opiate addiction: A Review with Recommendations
  439. Hyperbaric oxygenation in the treatment of patients with drug addiction, narcotic addiction and alcoholism in the post-intoxication and abstinence periods
  440. Insulin treatment of drug addiction
  441. Testing of drug delivery systems for use in the treatment of narcotic addiction.
  442. CONCERNING MORPHIN addiction AND ITS treatment.
  443. Pre-treatment natural history of cocaine addiction
  444. Further modifications in the technique of conditioned-reflex treatment of alcohol addiction
  445. Psychiatric diagnosis in addiction treatment experiments
  446. Some trends in the treatment and epidemiology of drug addiction: Psychotherapy and synanon.
  447. The physical and psychosocial consequences of opioid addiction: an overview of changes in opioid treatment.
  448. addiction intervention: treatment models and public policy
  449. Lithium treatment of cocaine addiction
  450. treatment of opioid addiction in physicians’ offices: it’s about time
  451. Overall evaluation of treatment modalities for heroin addiction in a toxicology unit.
  452. Antisocial personality traits and patients’ satisfaction with treatment for addiction
  453. Alcohol addiction—Problems in treatment
  454. The treatment of heroin addiction
  455. Haloperidol treatment of a sixty-year narcotic addiction: case report.
  456. addiction to aerosol treatment.
  457. treatment of nicotine addiction.
  458. The hospital treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction
  459. Brief residential treatment for nicotine addiction: a five-year follow-up study
  460. Methadone maintenance for treatment of addiction
  461. addiction Under the Mental treatment Act, Eire, 1945
  462. The treatment of narcotic addiction
  463. An eclectic therapeutic community for the treatment of addiction
  464. Methadone blockade in the treatment of opiate addiction: a follow‐up study
  465. Dimensions of narcotic addiction treatment.
  466. Synanon: A breakthrough in the treatment of drug addiction
  467. Socio-cultural factors affecting drug addiction treatment in Italy (fear of treatment).
  468. Analysis of Native American cultural practices used as a treatment modality for alcohol addiction
  469. A multicomponent model for substance abuse treatment: The addiction research and treatment corporation
  470. The treatment of drug addiction
  471. The first 100 referrals to a Scottish drug addiction treatment centre
  472. Rapid treatment of percodan addiction: a case report
  473. addiction to a strait jacket: A case report of treatment of self-injurious behaviour in an autistic child.
  474. treatment of drug addiction
  475. Systems analysis approach to computer-based counseling (SCNRCO) for addiction treatment
  476. Propoxyphene for maintenance treatment of narcotic addiction
  477. The sexual addiction model in treatment of incarcerated offenders: A study on recidivism
  478. Efficacy of addiction treatment in a correctional setting for female offenders as measured by the addiction Severity Index
  479. Theoretical and Clinical Approaches to the treatment of Drug addiction
  480. What works!: Innovation in community mental health and addiction treatment programs.
  481. Atropine coma in treatment of opiate addiction
  482. Portrait of an addiction treatment Agent
  483. … and excitatory-antagonist actions at opioid receptors on sensory neurons: New rationale for improved clinical analgesia and treatment of opiate addiction
  484. The Need for Realistic treatment of Alcohol and Drug addiction
  485. The treatment of Drug addiction
  486. treatment of drug addiction: past myths and present problems
  487. Perspectives on the Self-Help-Psychiatry Controversy in addiction treatment
  488. Some physiological consequences of the rapid smoking treatment for cigarette addiction
  489. The society for the study of addiction: Temperance, treatment or tolerance?(1930–1961)
  490. The treatment of drug addiction
  491. Nicotine addiction: Current treatment options
  492. Reading and Writing; Adult Education in Comprehensive Combined addiction treatment: Needs, Problems, and Benefits.
  493. treatment of Alcohol addiction
  494. Denial of the inner reality: Observations on drug abuse and addiction based on psychotherapies after treatment in a therapeutic community in the Netherlands
  495. treatment of addiction in British Columbia
  496. Richard Lane: A tireless fighter for treatment of drug addiction
  497. Training the Staff of a Drug addiction treatment Facility: A Case Study of Hogar De Encuentro
  498. Heroin addiction: The science and ethics of the new treatment pluralism
  499. Drug addiction, psychotic illness and brain self-stimulation: effective treatment and explanatory hypothesis
  500. Medical treatment of opiate addiction
  501. Sphenopalatine ganglion blocks for the treatment of nicotine addiction.
  502. addiction, family treatment, and healing resources: an interview with David Berenson
  503. Hospital treatment of narcotic addiction
  504. A prospective assessment of opiate addiction treatment protocols for inpatients with HIV-related syndromes
  505. Methadone Maintenance Blockade treatment: A Solution for addiction
  506. An evaluation of the use of tetraethylthiuram disulfide in the treatment of 560 cases of alcohol addiction
  507. Evaluation of four treatment approaches for drug addiction
  508. Controlled-drinking advocates challenge use of abstinence model in treatment of addiction.
  509. Helping your patients beat cocaine addiction: The four dimensions of treatment
  510. Provider pulse: Principles of therapeutic touch applied to the treatment of addiction
  511. treatment of hospital addiction
  512. Development and validation of an instrument to predict attrition from addiction treatment
  513. “I Got a Yen for that Darvon-N”: A Pilot Study on the Use of Propoxyphene Napsylate in the treatment of Heroin addiction
  514. A multiple baseline analysis of treatment for heroin addiction
  515. Benzedrine in treatment of Morphine addiction.
  516. Methadone maintenance treatment for harm reduction approach to heroin addiction
  517. Family therapy and methadone treatment of opiate addiction.
  518. A Model for Evaluation of addiction treatment Programs.
  519. Self-help and science in the treatment of addiction.
  520. A morphine-triggered delivery system useful in the treatment of heroin addiction
  521. An assessment and treatment program for individuals in family systems with addiction
  522. Zyban: an effective treatment for nicotine addiction
  523. Individual and organization level predictors of emotional exhaustion and intention to quit: A study of the addiction treatment counseling occupation
  524. Characteristics of a population undergoing treatment for drug addiction in a therapeutic community setting in Spain.
  525. The operation of the data system in the methadone maintenance treatment program for heroin addiction.
  526. Interpersonal factors in the genesis and treatment of alcohol addiction
  527. Hospital treatment of alcohol addiction
  528. Drug addiction and criminality: A model for predicting the incidence of crime among a treatment population
  529. treatment of narcotics addiction with narcotic drugs
  530. Characteristics of in-patient versus out-patients in addiction treatment.
  531. The tenacity of error in the treatment of addiction
  532. A Psychotherapeutic and Skills-Training Approach to the treatment of Drug addiction
  533. Opium addiction and its treatment
  534. Sexual addiction: Boundaries, didactic education, twelve step programs, psychotherapy issues, and effective treatment strategies and recovery
  535. The treatment of Alcohol and Drug addiction: An Overview
  536. Limited role of naltrexone in the treatment of opiate addiction
  537. Case Studies in Bioethics: Drug treatment or Drug addiction?
  538. Drug treatment beats prison for cutting crime and addiction rates
  539. … detoxification in the treatment of opiate addicts in Israel: Suggesting evidence for cultural differences in the effectiveness of treatment modalities for opiate addiction.
  540. Bromocriptine treatment for cocaine addiction
  541. addiction treatment services in the Russian Federation
  542. addiction to aerosol treatment.
  543. Theoretical and clinical approaches to the treatment of adolescent drug addiction.
  544. addiction treatment: the policy of separate alcoholism and drug abuse services
  545. The parallel process in the addiction treatment staff system: An ethical perspective
  546. A Conceptual and Methodological Model for Evaluating the Effect of the Psychosocial treatment of Narcotic addiction
  547. treatment of drug addiction
  548. Pharmacological treatment of addiction: Normalization of physiology and AIDS risk reduction
  549. treatment of opium addiction.
  550. Evolution of treatment Roles in More Recent Response to addiction Problems
  551. treatment of Khat addiction with Bromocriptine Mesylate: A Case Report and Review of Cocaine-and Amphetamine-Like Effects.
  552. Acute treatment of heroin addiction with special reference to mixed addictions
  553. Drug addiction: the welfare treatment
  554. addiction treatment training in Russia: Cultural adaptation of the bio-psycho-social-spiritual model
  555. Cross-Validation of a Heroin addiction (He) Scale In A treatment Setting
  557. Outpatient treatment of heroin addiction: Patterns and problems
  558. Drawing upon the strengths of couples in the treatment of chronic drug addiction
  559. The problem of narcotic addiction: Innovative approaches for study and treatment.
  560. The use of native spirituality in addiction treatment: A case study of the five New Brunswick native treatment centres
  561. Caring interventions in drug addiction treatment: The experience of therapist and client of really feeling cared for
  562. The effects of treatment for opiate addiction on health promoting behavior
  563. Organization of opioid receptors in human brain and drug interactions studied by PET and SPECT imaging: implications for treatment strategies for opiate addiction
  564. A controlled study using cyclazocine in the treatment of narcotic addiction
  565. … Cost Avoidance: An Eighteen Month Follow-Up Study of Indigent Persons Served by Washington State’s Alcoholism and Drug addiction treatment and Support Act …
  566. Slaying the Dragon: The History of addiction treatment and Recovery in America William L. White
  567. To Fill the Void: Heterodox Programing in Drug-free Residential treatment for addiction—Utilizing a Theoretical Position From Evolutionary Biology
  568. treatment of drug and alcohol addiction within the context of Christian ministry.
  569. Mental health treatment and heroin addiction
  570. The contribution of treatment data to epidemiologic perspectives of narcotic addiction
  571. The treatment of drug addiction: the individual caught between public welfare and private capitalism
  572. Descriptive analysis of patients in anatolia addiction treatment center
  573. Attachment in adolescents and their families: A qualitative analysis of attachment in the early months of adolescent addiction treatment
  574. Justice system clients of a Toronto youth addiction treatment program
  575. Psychodynamic psychotherapy and counselling: what contribution can it make to the treatment of addiction?
  576. The Family: A therapeutic model for the treatment of drug addiction.
  577. Drug addiction and Its Individual Psychological treatment Rudolf Dreikurs
  578. Successful treatment of amphetamine addiction in a schizophrenic woman
  579. The intensive treatment of morphine addiction
  580. addiction treatment
  581. Valproate in the treatment of Cocaine addiction a Preliminary Report
  582. Behavioural treatment of drug addiction: A multiple approach.
  583. COMMENTARY ON “treatment OF DRINAMYL addiction”
  584. Book Review: addiction: The treatment of Drinking Problems. A Guide for the Helping Professional
  585. treatment of Opiate addiction in Asia
  586. treatment of opium addiction.
  587. The use of chlorpromazine hydrochloride in the treatment of barbiturate addiction with acute withdrawal syndrome
  589. Guidelines for the treatment of opiate addiction
  590. A cognitive behavioural intervention in the context of methadone tapering treatment for opiate addiction—two single cases
  591. Smoking addiction treatment, with nicotine chewing gum, in primary care. Double-blind study
  592. Attrition from an Adolescent addiction treatment Program: A Cross Validation.
  593. Developing inpatient services for community-based treatment of narcotic addiction
  594. treatment, training, and credentials: An editorial on the fabric of addiction care.
  595. The network of Centres for the Prevention and treatment of Drug addiction in the Republic of Slovenia.
  596. Ethical and methodological issues in evaluating a perinatal addiction treatment program with a fluid population
  597. A medical approach to nicotine addiction treatment.
  598. Cost-Benefit Analysis and Program Target Populations: The Narcotics addiction treatment Case
  599. The discovery of addiction: Levine and the philosophical foundations of drug abuse treatment
  600. CE Feature: Methadone Maintenance: A Viable treatment Approach for Chronic Heroin addiction
  601. Drug addiction among young people: a study of typology and its relevance to treatment programmes
  602. … of African-American and White male drug addicts in methadone maintenance treatment programs: The role of social causality in the development of addiction
  603. Coming Clean: Overcoming addiction without treatment
  604. Development, preliminary testing and use of the parenting tracking form in perinatal addiction treatment
  605. Buprenorphine-Naloxone combination drug for the treatment of drug addiction
  606. A new approach to the treatment of drug addiction
  607. The treatment of Drug addiction
  608. treatment of Drug addiction
  609. Mortality in heroin addiction: impacat of methadone treatment
  611. The Salter Unit—an Experimental In‐Patient treatment Centre for Narcotic Drug addiction in Men
  612. … State. A Four-and-a-Half Year Follow-up Study of Indigent Persons served by Washington State’s Alcoholism and Drug addiction treatment and Support Act (ADATSA …
  613. Methadone: The Drug and Its Therapeutic Uses In the treatment of addiction. Series 31, No. 1.
  614. Research on the Phenomenon and treatment of addiction: a Multi-Disciplinary Perspective
  615. Comments on the treatment of drug addiction with protracted narcosis
  616. … of alcohol treatment completion as a function of addiction severity, psychological type, and expectancies: Toward a predictive screening device for alcohol treatment
  617. Human immunodeficiency virus-associated autonomic neuropathy, drug addiction, and zidovudine treatment
  618. Family Influences in addiction: A review of Research and Implications for treatment
  620. Drug dependence (addiction) and its treatment
  621. Alcoholism and cocaine addiction: similarities, differences, treatment implications
  622. WHO accused of slowness in evaluating Swiss heroin-addiction treatment
  624. Book Review: treatment and Education: TREATING addiction AS A HUMAN PROCESS. By Edward J. Khantzian. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1999, 687 pp …
  625. Overcoming personal and professional fears of sexuality issues in addiction treatment through values clarification: Theory and practice
  626. The treatment of Morphine addiction in Tuberculosis by Pavlov’s Conditioning Method
  627. Native American cultural values influence on the perception of therapeutic factors operating in inpatient addiction treatment groups
  628. addiction treatment: Avoiding pitfalls–a case approach
  629. Narcotic antagonists. treatment tool for addiction.
  630. B vitamins status: effect of prolonged heroin addiction and methadone treatment.
  631. Tobacco addiction and current treatment methods
  632. Drug addiction, crime, and treatment
  634. A biobehavioral approach to treatment of amphetamine addiction: A four-way integration
  635. addiction treatment: Avoiding pitfalls–A case approach
  636. Use of methadone in the treatment of narcotic addiction
  637. Review of addiction intervention: Strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behavior.
  638. Age-specific versus mainstream approaches to the treatment of elderly alcoholics: addiction counselor perceptions of efficacy
  639. Diseasing of America: addiction treatment Out of Control by S. Peele (Book Review)
  640. The treatment of cocaine addiction: A case study
  641. A Proposal to Place the treatment of addiction in the Private Medical Office
  642. Book Review: addiction treatment: Avoiding Pitfalls–A Case Approach.
  643. addiction treatment: Avoiding Pitfalls—A Case Approach
  644. Diseasing of America: addiction treatment Out of Control
  645. addiction treatment: Avoiding Pitfalls—A Case Approach
  646. treatment of heroin addiction.
  647. The Problem of Opium addiction in India and Its treatment
  648. AUTOGENOUS SERUM treatment OF NARCOTIC addiction
  649. Diseasing of America: addiction treatment Out of Control
  650. Autogenous Serum treatment of Narcotic addiction
  651. Book Review: Diseasing of America: addiction treatment Out of Control
  652. The development of addiction treatment in North America
  653. Specialized addiction treatment program at John L. Norris ATC
  654. addiction treatment: WHAT ON EARTH ARE WE DOING?
  655. addiction: the treatment of dual diagnosis.
  656. Clinics in general practice. An addiction to drug treatment.
  657. Alcohol addiction treatment
  658. Combined Tertiary Prevention: The Existence and treatment Together of the addiction/Mental Health Interface
  659. Drug addiction treatment Centre
  660. Drug addiction: the role of social work in its recognition and treatment
  661. Anthropological research. Its relevance to the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.
  662. Principles of Drug addiction treatment: A Research-Based Guide
  663. Slaying the Dragon. The History of addiction treatment and Recovery in America
  664. NIH consensus panel advocates increased access to treatment for opiate addiction
  665. Cocaine addiction: Theory, Research and treatment
  666. treatment of Opiate addiction Using Methadone: A Counselor’s Manual
  667. Multi-faceted treatment of tobacco addiction in a group of health professionals
  668. The church and addiction treatment: a ministry of service and integration
  669. Interactive impacts of trauma, addiction, relapse, specialized treatment, and recovery on the lives of individuals.
  670. The role of the probation officer in the treatment of drug addiction
  672. Drug addiction, treatment, and policy
  673. Member Profile: Drug addiction treatment: What Works and What Doesn’t
  674. … three measures of addiction severity to predict treatment continuance of outpatients and counselor-evaluated prognosis of post-treatment abstinence of inpatients
  675. The role of addiction severity and patient health perspective in naltrexone versus methadone treatment for opiate addiction
  676. Directory of Narcotic addiction treatment Agencies in the United States
  677. Evaluation of addiction treatment programs.
  678. Prescription of psychopharmaceuticals in general practice. 2. Purpose, psychiatric diagnosis and treatment, addiction
  679. The effectiveness of psychodrama and role play for treatment of inpatients with heroin addiction
  680. The treatment of Smoking and Nicotine addiction with Acupuncture
  681. Report on Drug addiction treatment Centre Admissions 2000
  682. Innovative Roles The “Nursing Role” in the Italian addiction treatment Units (ATUs)
  683. The relationship between addiction severity and treatment outcome in a heroin detoxification program
  684. Chemotherapy in the treatment of heroin addiction: an alternative to methadone
  685. addiction Research and treatment
  686. Relationship of gender to characteristics of patients referred to a Rural Wisconsin addiction treatment Unit.
  687. Counselors’ perceptions of the nature and treatment of sexual addiction/compulsivity
  688. A treatment for Morphin addiction
  689. The role of life stress and social support in naltrexone versus methadone treatment for opiate addiction
  690. Individual treatment of smoking addiction. Results using 2 and 4 mg nicotine gum
  691. A study of physicians’ experiences of addiction, treatment, and recovery
  692. addiction: Its Causes, Problems, and treatment
  693. The treatment of addiction.
  694. Report on Drug addiction treatment Center Admissions, 1991
  695. The treatment of Narcotic addiction
  696. A Practical Solution to an Intractable Problem: Heroin addiction, Methadone Maintenance treatment and the National Drug Strategy
  697. The addiction potential of benzodiazepines. Application of the results of treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome
  698. treatment of addiction
  699. The Job Skills Bank in Drug addiction treatment
  700. Booking clients for addiction treatment: what works best?
  701. treatment of Opium addiction with Lecithin and Glucose and Its Effects on Abstinence Symptoms
  702. addiction treatment for Older Adults: evaluation of an innovative client-centered approach
  703. Book Review: Substance Abuse: addiction treatment: Avoiding Pitfalls—A Case Approach
  704. The Earle E. Morris, Jr. Alcohol and Drug addiction treatment Center: A brief history.
  705. Staff attitude consensus toward drug addiction treatment.
  706. The effectiveness of perceived coercive and noncoercive pressures to enter methadone maintenance treatment for heroin addiction
  707. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Eagleville Conference on Alcoholism and Drug addiction: Abstinence and controlled use as treatment objectives for alcoholics and …
  708. Drug addiction treatment in Italy in the 80s Fear of treatment
  709. Methadone alternative for addiction treatment
  710. addiction to Intoxicant: Prevention and treatment methods
  711. Women’s Recovery Programs: A Directory of Residential addiction treatment Centers
  712. Effect of counselor and client education in nicotine addiction on substance abusers’ readiness to begin smoking cessation treatment
  713. Achievement and addiction: A Guide to the treatment of Professionals
  714. Relationship of mutually perceived treatment values and purposes to patients’ recovery in addiction treatment
  715. Characteristics of in-patient versus out-patient drop outs in addiction treatment
  716. … characteristics, reproductive and drug addiction histories, HIV/STD risk behaviors, and utilization of prenatal care services and substance abuse treatment …
  717. The power within or the power without: The effects of level and source of self-efficacy in predicting addiction treatment outcomes
  718. treatment of Drug addiction
  719. Report of the Committee on the Study and treatment of Narcotic addiction
  721. Opiate addiction: Origins and treatment
  722. The patient at Mountcollins-an institution for the treatment of addiction
  723. OHIP no longer cash cow for US-based addiction–treatment centres, province says
  724. Can Successful Clients Become Successful Staff in addiction treatment Programs?
  725. addiction treatment and The Criminal Justice System: The Rebirth of Rehabilitation and a Therapeutic Justice System.
  726. Innovative Roles Founder of Feminist addiction treatment Centers for Women
  727. Solution oriented hypnotic analgesia in Naltrexone treatment for heroin addiction
  728. The “Concerned Other” Call: Using Family Links and Networks to Overcome Resistance to addiction treatment
  729. Team Approach to treatment of addiction
  730. Cost-Benefit Analysis and Program Target Populations: The Narcotics addiction treatment Case
  731. treatment of Drug addiction
  732. Research Reviews: Mood Stabilizers in addiction treatment
  733. Testing Medications for the treatment of addiction in
  734. treatment of Drug addiction
  735. Perspectives: Pathological Gambling: A Concern in addiction treatment
  736. Drug addiction: Some Aspects of treatment
  737. Use of a Quick Personal Inventory Scale to Help in the addiction treatment Process.
  738. treatment of Drug addiction
  739. THE treatment OF DRUG addiction
  740. treatment OF DRUG addiction
  741. Understanding and treatment for Children of addiction
  742. Identifying gender differences in self-esteem gains which occur during residential addiction treatment
  743. Predictors of client completion for a long-term Christian-based residential addiction treatment program
  744. Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KPT) in the treatment of heroin addiction: Multiple v single KPT sessions
  745. Gender and addiction–Prevalence, Course and treatment
  746. Achievement and addiction: A Guide to the treatment of Professionals
  747. Achievement and addiction: A Guide to the treatment of Professionals
  748. The treatment of Crack addiction
  749. Drug addiction in India and Its treatment
  750. Tobacco addiction and treatment
  751. The relationship of pretreatment status variables to treatment implementation: A latent variable structural model for cocaine addiction treatment.
  752. treatment of Alcohol addiction
  753. addiction under the Mental treatment Act, Eire
  754. The Extent of addiction in Switzerland, and its treatment.
  755. Assessment of addiction treatment Counselors at Publicly Supported treatment Facilities in the State of Nevada.
  756. Drug addiction in India and Its treatment
  757. Achievement and addiction: A Guide to the treatment of Professionals
  758. Book Review: addiction: Dual Disorders: Essentials for Assessment and treatment
  759. Stereotypical sex-roles: A barrier to success in addiction treatment?
  760. The Red Road approach to healing as used in Native American adolescent addiction treatment
  761. Models of dependence and treatment in the social construction and control of addiction
  762. Early Experience and Drug addiction: A treatment Report
  763. Novel synthesis of [11C] GVG (Vigabatgrin) for pharmacokinetic studies of addiction treatment
  764. The Physician in treatment of Drug addiction
  765. Drug addiction: The nursing approach to treatment
  766. The treatment of Drug addiction: A Recent Canadian Report
  767. ESB in the treatment of addiction. A case report.
  768. drugs. of addiction, their symptoms and treatment. The
  769. Cocaine addiction: treatment, Recovery and Relapse Prevention. By Arnold M. Washton. New York: Norton. 1989. 243 pp.£ 13.95.
  770. The development of an educational component in a program for the treatment of drug addiction.
  771. Cocaine addiction: treatment, Recovery and Relapse Prevention. By AM Washton. New York: WW Norton. 1991. 243 pp.£ 8.95/515.95.
  772. … administration of alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine (AMPT) and 5-butylpicolinic acid (fusaric acid) treatment of narcotic and amphetamine addiction in humans: preliminary …
  773. F or a perspective on drug addiction and drug treatment in viticultural coun
  774. Drug addiction Prevention in Institutional treatment
  775. Heroin addiction: treatment and control in Britain
  776. Brron1’District Attorney Proposes Control-treatment Prrogs: am lo Combat addiction
  777. addiction intervention: strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behaviour
  778. Drug addiction: Narcotics treatment and Rehabilitation Within the Correctional System: the Hong Kong Approach
  779. Neurohormonal Systems Underlying Drug addiction: Relevance for treatment Strategies
  780. Coming Clean: Overcoming addiction without treatment, by Robert Granfield and William Cloud (Book Review)
  781. treatment of Alcohol addiction in Relation to Prevention of Inebriety
  782. Testing Medications for the treatment of addiction in Pregnancy: One Reviewer’s
  783. Pharmacologic treatment of Alcohol Abuse and addiction
  784. Introduction: Pharmacologic treatment of Alcohol Abuse and addiction
  785. Group art therapy with African-American women: enhancing self-esteem in addiction treatment
  787. Analysis of Internet addiction and Relevant Prevention & treatment
  788. Cocaine addiction: treatment, Recovery, and Relapse Prevention—by Arnold M. Washton, Ph. D.; New York, WW Norton & Co., 1989, 243 pages, $22.95
  789. THE treatment OF OPIUM AND NARCOTIC addiction
  790. treatment, follow-up and prognosis of drug addiction (author’s transl)
  791. Methadone in the treatment of Narcotic addiction
  792. treatment and control of narcotic addiction
  793. Comorbidity problems and addiction; Implication for detection and treatment
  794. treatment of Heroin addiction
  795. treatment of Heroin addiction
  796. Drug Delivery Systems: Possible Applications in the treatment of Drug addiction
  797. Proceedings of a Symposium on the Use of Group Procedures in the Prevention and treatment of Drug and Alcohol addiction.
  798. Methadone treatment of Opiate addiction
  799. Methadone treatment of Opiate addiction
  800. Heroin addiction: Theory, Research, and treatment
  801. treatment in an alcoholism and drug addiction unit.
  802. treatment of Heroin addiction in the United States
  803. treatment of heroin addiction in the United States
  804. A Guide to addiction and its treatment. By MM Glatt. London: Medical & Technical Publishing Co. 1974. Pp. 345. Price£ 7.50.
  805. Savitt, Robert: Extramural psychoanalytic treatment of a case of narcotic addiction (Tratamiento psicoanalítico ambulatorio de u
  806. Prognosis in treatment of addiction in alcoholics
  807. addiction intervention. Strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behaviour
  808. Heroin addiction: Psychosocial Characteristics and Considerations for treatment.
  809. Evolution of the treatment of Drug addiction by Chinese Acupuncture
  810. Heroin addiction: Theory, Research, and treatment
  811. Insulin treatment of Drug addiction.(Journ. Nerv. and Ment. Dis., vol. lxxxiii, p. 281, March, 1936.) Chen, MP, et al.
  812. Buprenorphine in the treatment of opiate addiction
  813. Gerry V. Stimson and Edna Oppenheimer, Heroin addiction: treatment and Control in Britain, Tavistock, London, 1982. vii+ 261 pp.£ 16.00.
  814. The effects of treatment for opiate addiction on health promoting behaviors
  815. Initial experience with clotiapine in the treatment of heroin addiction
  816. addiction services in hospitals: Handbook of Hospital Based Substance Abuse treatment
  817. Desensitization and the treatment of Alcohol addiction
  818. addiction Intervention Strategies to Motivate treatment-Seeking Behaviour
  819. addiction Psychiatry: Current Diagnosis and treatment. By Norman S. Miller. New York: Wiley-Liss. 1995. 300 pp.£ 42.50.
  820. treatment of Morphine addiction Q.-What is the best treatment for morphine addiction?
  821. The treatment of drug addiction by hypnosis.
  822. Reflections on alternative treatment of alcohol addiction in a Federal German provincial psychiatric hospital
  823. Concomitant treatment of psychosis and drug addiction.
  824. A New treatment for Morphine addiction
  825. Buprenorphine in the treatment of Opiate addiction, European Status
  826. Clinician’s Guide to Cocaine addiction: Theory, Research, and treatment
  827. Tobacco addiction and its treatment using replacement therapy
  828. Sexual addiction in a Gay Man: A Brief treatment Approach
  829. The First Pharmacological treatment for Narcotic addiction: Methadone Maintenance
  830. Drug addiction and personality disorder: reflection on treatment.
  831. Mental Illness and addiction Disorder treatment and Prevention
  833. Covert conditioning in the treatment of drug addiction.
  834. Morphine addiction with special reference to treatment
  835. Pain, Analgesia and addiction. The Pharmacologie treatment of Pain
  836. “treatment Modalities,”“Special Ap-proaches and treatment Programs,”“Special Populations,” and “Special Topics.”“The Nature of addiction” covers
  837. Methadone Maintenance in the treatment of Narcotics addiction
  838. From the Source: A Guide for Implementing Perinatal addiction Prevention and treatment Programs
  839. Drug addiction complicating treatment of chronic otitis media
  840. The Nonpharmacological treatment of Abuse and addiction to Alcohol and Drugs
  841. Modern Hypnotic treatment of Various Forms of addiction, in Particular Alcoholism
  842. Lithium treatment of cocaine addiction: Reply.
  843. CONTROVERSIES IN THE addiction FIELD: Ugly American Politics of Alcohol and Drugs Use, Education, treatment, and Public Policies
  844. Demographic characteristics of dropouts from inpatient treatment for alcohol and drug addiction
  845. … assessment technique used by counselling psychologists And the role of perceived social support in the process of therapeutic change in addiction treatment
  846. Drug addiction in the light of Biopsychology and Psychopharmacology: Neural mechanisms and their treatment implications
  847. Computerized Clinical Simulations for Diagnosis and treatment of addiction to Prescription Drugs: A Demonstration
  848. Dual addiction: Pharmacological Issues in the treatment of Concomitant Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
  849. Systemic-relational factors associated with addiction severity and frequency of formal treatment of alcoholics
  850. Clinician’s Guide to Cocaine addiction: Theory, Research, and treatment—edited by Thomas R. Kosten, MD, and Herbert D. Kleber, MD; New York, Guilford Press …
  851. Naltrexone in the treatment of alcohol addiction
  852. Pain, Analgesia and addiction: The Pharmacologic treatment of Pain
  853. Getting Off the Hook: treatment of Drug addiction and Social Disorders Through Body and Mind
  854. Recovery From Opiate addiction Without treatment: A Summary (From Collection and Interpretation of Data From Hidden Populations, P 113-119, 1990, Elizabeth Y …
  855. Women and addiction: Process, treatment, and Outcome (From Collection and Interpretation of Data From Hidden Populations, P 120-127, 1990, Elizabeth Y Lambert …
  856. treatment OF OPIUM OR MORPHINE addiction
  857. Methadone highlighted as safe and effective treatment for opioid addiction
  859. A Pilot Study of treatment Centers for Heroin Drug addiction in New York City
  860. Personalized minimal treatment of smoking addiction. Results of a multicenter study. Study Group of the treatment of Tobacco addiction. Spanish Society of …
  862. Review of Integrated treatment for mental illness, drug addiction and alcoholism across Alaska.
  863. Tuesday, October 23, 2001-9: 42 AM Abstract# 20508 Using the DATCAP and ASI to estimate the costs and benefits of residential addiction treatment in the state of …
  864. Heroin addiction and methadone treatment: a descriptive study of the addict’s behavior
  865. Crack addiction of African American women in the lower socioeconomic strata and barriers to treatment, 1994
  866. Efficacy of Civil Commitment in Treating Narcotic addiction (From Compulsory treatment of Drug Abuse: Research and Clinical Practice, P 8-34, 1988, Carl G …
  867. Disulfiram treatment of Cocaine addiction
  868. Methadone Maintenance treatment of Heroin addiction in Sweden
  869. Drug addiction and Its treatment: Nexus of Neuro-science and Behavior
  870. Long term drug and alcohol treatment program: An outcome study comparing secular-based treatment with faith-based treatment for addiction
  871. Reviews: Drugs, Society and Man. A guide to addiction and its treatment. MM Glatt, MD, MRCP, FRCPsych, DPM. Lancaster: Medical and Technical Publishing Co. Ltd …
  872. An application of the addiction Severity Index to the study of treatment outcomes of indigent alcoholics in Northwest Ohio.
  873. Legal Strategy (From addiction Intervention: Strategies to Motivate treatment-Seeking Behavior, P 115-126, 1998, Robert K. White, Deborah G. Wright, eds.-See NCJ …
  874. P02. 193 Apinarcotherapy—New progressive method of alcohol and drug addiction treatment
  875. Predicting injection drug users’ compliance with treatment for drug addiction using template matching procedures.
  876. P03. 421 Antidepressants in heroine addiction treatment
  877. treatment Options in addiction: Medical Management of Alcohol and Opiate Abuse. Edited by Colin Brewer. London: Gaskell. 1993. 108 pp.£ 7.50 (pb).
  878. Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks for the treatment of Nicotine addiction
  879. Disulfiram in the treatment of Alcoholism. Toronto, Canada: addiction Research Foundation of Ontario. 1978. Pp 346. $8.00.
  880. The effects on treatment outcomes of counselors’ access to the addiction severity index scores of substance abusers
  881. Heroin addiction and Methadone treatment in America: Using Our Heads in the Search for Solutions
  882. Stress, Coping and Social Support Among African-American Women in treatment or” Crack” Cocaine addiction
  883. Wednesday, November 15, 2000-3: 23 PM Abstract# 10361 Culturally Competent Outreach, addiction treatment, and HIV Prevention Services for Native Hawaiian …
  884. A group living unit for drug addicts: an assessment of the narcotic drug addiction research and treatment units at Oakalla Prison Farm, 1956-1960.
  885. Conceptual Issues in Alcoholism and Substance Abuse; Dual addiction: Pharmacological Issues in the treatment of Concomitant Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
  886. Medical Strategy: Interventions (From addiction Intervention: Strategies to Motivate treatment-Seeking Behavior, P 21-36, 1998, Robert K. White, Deborah G. Wright …
  887. Withdrawal treatment for alcohol and nicotine addiction in patients with carcinoma in the oral cavity: luxury or necessity?
  888. Reduction in addiction Severity Among African-American and Hispanic Patients Receiving Standard Methadone Maintenance: Six-Month treatment Outcome
  889. The Pharmacological treatment of the Acute Intoxication and Detoxification of Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse and addiction
  890. … study of the relationship between attitudinal change toward addiction and addictive behavior among substance abusers entering an inpatient treatment …
  893. Community treatment of Drug Misuse: More Than Methadone• The addiction-Prone Personality
  894. Wednesday, October 24, 2001-1: 30 PM Abstract# 32391 Alternative and Complementary Health Practices in addiction treatment
  895. Employee Assistance Program Strategy (From addiction Intervention: Strategies to Motivate treatment-Seeking Behavior, P 55-71, 1998, Robert K. White, Deborah G …
  896. Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Associated Autonomic Neuropathy, Drug addiction, and Zidovudine treatment-Reply
  897. … Evaluation of Agreements Between Managed Care Organizations and Community-Based Mental Illness and addiction Disorder treatment and Prevention Providers
  898. Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Heroin and addiction, Crime and Medical treatment (From Reduction of Drug-Related Harm, P 154-161, 1992, PA O’ …
  899. … J. Milstead., Female addiction. By Walter R. Cuskey and Richard B. Wathey. and Dynamic Approaches to the Understanding and treatment of Alcoholism. Edited by …
  900. The neurobiology and preclinical evaluation of GABAb agonists for the treatment of cocaine addiction.
  901. Pregnancy care in drug-dependent patients under the charge of SERT (Public Service for the treatment of Drug addiction) of Massa-Carrara. The prevention of fetal …
  903. Variability of Tobacco addiction and narcissistic disposition: A comparison of non-smokers and smokers undergoing stop smoking treatment
  904. Opiate agonists and antagonists in the treatment of heroin addiction: differential outcomes according to methadone and naltrexone treatment practice
  905. Neurometric QEEG Studies of Crack Cocaine Dependence and treatment Outcome (From Neurobiology of Cocaine addiction: From Bench to Bedside, P 39-53, 1996 …
  906. … main sources of psycho-analytic interest in drug-addic-tion. In the first place its aetiology is still obscure; consequently the treatment of drug-addiction lags behind that …
  907. Monday, November 13, 2000-1: 30 PM Abstract# 16991 Managing Bias in Observational Research on Acupuncture in addiction treatment
  908. P02. 363 GHB treatment of alcohol and drug addiction
  909. P03. 435 Complex treatment of emergency conditions in patients with drug addiction
  911. … 23, 2001-Board 6 Abstract# 24647 Substance Abuse treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPS) Evaluation Project: Results of the addiction Technology Transfer Center …
  912. The Drinker’s addiction: Its Nature and Practical treatment
  913. P01. 76 Use of dalargin in the treatment of compulsive craving in opiate addiction
  914. Neurobiology of addiction: treatment and public policy ramifications
  915. Reconsidering the evaluation of addiction treatment: from retrospective follow‐up to concurrent recovery monitoring
  916. Contemporary addiction treatment: A review of systems problems for adults and adolescents
  917. The Network for the Improvement of addiction treatment (NIATx): enhancing access and retention
  918. Can the national addiction treatment infrastructure support the public’s demand for quality care?
  919. The use of confrontation in addiction treatment: History, science and time for change
  920. Assessment of spirituality and its relevance to addiction treatment
  921. Have we evaluated addiction treatment correctly? Implications from a chronic care perspective
  922. Readiness and stages of change in addiction treatment
  923. What should we be aiming for in the treatment of addiction?
  924. Improving drug addiction treatment in China
  925. An empirical exploration of spirituality and religiousness in addiction treatment
  926. Patient attitudes concerning the inclusion of spirituality into addiction treatment
  927. Videogame addiction and its treatment
  928. addiction treatment and recovery careers
  929. Evidence-based addiction treatment
  930. addiction treatment services and co-occurring disorders: Prevalence estimates, treatment practices, and barriers
  931. Evidence-based practices in addiction treatment: Review and recommendations for public policy
  932. Uses of coercion in addiction treatment: clinical aspects
  933. Cost-effectiveness analysis of addiction treatment: paradoxes of multiple outcomes
  934. Modeling stress and drug craving in the laboratory: implications for addiction treatment development
  935. Prescription OxyContin abuse among patients entering addiction treatment
  936. Reductions in criminal convictions after addiction treatment: 5-year follow-up
  937. Benefit‐cost analysis of addiction treatment: Methodological guidelines and empirical application using the DATCAP and ASI
  938. The business of addiction treatment: A research agenda
  939. Internet addiction: A handbook and guide to evaluation and treatment
  940. Spiritual direction in addiction treatment: Two clinical trials
  941. Physical and sexual abuse history and addiction treatment outcomes.
  942. A survey of clinical practices and readiness to adopt evidence-based practices: Dissemination research in an addiction treatment system
  943. Barriers and solutions to addressing tobacco dependence in addiction treatment programs
  944. Assessment for addiction in pain-treatment settings
  945. Social control and coercion in addiction treatment: towards evidence‐based policy and practice
  946. The duration and correlates of addiction and treatment careers
  947. Clinical guidelines for the use of buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid addiction
  948. Use of buprenorphine for addiction treatment: perspectives of addiction specialists and general psychiatrists
  949. Coerced addiction treatment: Client perspectives and the implications of their neglect
  950. Failure to treat tobacco use in mental health and addiction treatment settings: a form of harm reduction?
  951. The effect of matching comprehensive services to patients’ needs on drug use improvement in addiction treatment
  952. Internet addiction: Diagnosis and treatment considerations
  953. Towards generous constraint: freedom and coercion in a French addiction treatment
  954. Research advances in the understanding and treatment of addiction
  955. treatment of smokers with co-occurring disorders: emphasis on integration in mental health and addiction treatment settings
  956. Assessing the dual diagnosis capability of addiction treatment services: The Dual Diagnosis Capability in addiction treatment (DDCAT) Index
  957. The association of persistent pain with out‐patient addiction treatment outcomes and service utilization
  958. treatment of internet addiction
  959. Psychological trauma and addiction treatment
  960. Association between concurrent depression and anxiety and six-month outcome of addiction treatment
  961. Internet sex addiction: Risk factors, stages of development, and treatment
  962. Improving public addiction treatment through performance contracting: The Delaware experiment
  963. Understanding online gaming addiction and treatment issues for adolescents
  964. Individuals receiving addiction treatment: are medical costs of their family members reduced?
  965. Replication and sustainability of improved access and retention within the Network for the Improvement of addiction treatment
  966. Accessibility of addiction treatment: results from a national survey of outpatient substance abuse treatment organizations
  967. Staff smoking and other barriers to nicotine dependence intervention in addiction treatment settings: a review
  968. The legitimacy of addiction treatment in a world of smart people
  969. Neurobiology of addiction and implications for treatment
  970. Adolescent drug addiction treatment and weight gain
  971. Policy progress for physician treatment of opiate addiction
  972. Facilitating factors and barriers to the use of medications in publicly funded addiction treatment organizations
  973. Traditional medicine in the treatment of drug addiction
  974. Diacetylmorphine versus methadone for the treatment of opioid addiction
  975. Brain stimulation in the study and treatment of addiction
  976. Making “stone soup”: Improvements in clinic access and retention in addiction treatment
  977. A better widget? Three lessons for improving addiction treatment from a meta‐analytical study
  978. Using the DATCAP and ASI to estimate the costs and benefits of residential addiction treatment in the State of Washington
  979. Anti-relapse medications: preclinical models for drug addiction treatment
  980. Traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of opiate addiction
  981. Structural and cultural barriers to the adoption of smoking cessation services in addiction treatment organizations
  982. Turnover intention and emotional exhaustion” at the top”: adapting the job demands-resources model to leaders of addiction treatment organizations.
  983. Long-term cost effectiveness of addiction treatment for criminal offenders
  984. addiction treatment in Russia
  985. From neurobiology to treatment: progress against addiction
  986. Applying laboratory research: drug anticipation and the treatment of drug addiction.
  987. Improving continuity of care in a public addiction treatment system with clinical case management
  988. The neurosurgical treatment of addiction
  989. Addressing tobacco use through organizational change: a case study of an addiction treatment organization
  990. Neuropharmacology of addiction and how it informs treatment
  991. Counseling for the family: The neglected aspect of addiction treatment in Canada
  992. Healing addiction: An integrated pharmacopsychosocial approach to treatment
  993. Socio-spatial stigmatization and the contested space of addiction treatment: remapping strategies of opposition to the disorder of drugs
  994. Dopamine in drug abuse and addiction: results of imaging studies and treatment implications
  995. Overlap of clusters of psychiatric symptoms among clients of a comprehensive addiction treatment service.
  996. Socially sanctioned coercion mechanisms for addiction treatment
  997. addiction treatment and stable housing among a cohort of injection drug users
  998. Love addiction: Definition, etiology, treatment
  999. Something of value: The introduction of contingency management interventions into the New York City Health and Hospital addiction treatment Service
  1000. Pharmacotherapy in the treatment of addiction: methadone
  1001. Conflict and repair in addiction treatment: An attachment disorder perspective
  1002. It’s time to stop kicking people out of addiction treatment
  1003. Systematic review: opioid treatment for chronic back pain: prevalence, efficacy, and association with addiction
  1004. Using concept mapping to design an indicator framework for addiction treatment centres
  1005. Opioid dependence and addiction during opioid treatment of chronic pain
  1006. Heroin: The treatment of addiction in twentieth-century Britain
  1007. Novel approaches to the treatment of cocaine addiction
  1008. Prevention and treatment of drug addiction by environmental enrichment
  1009. Understanding the importance of organizational and system variables on addiction treatment services within criminal justice settings
  1010. Behavioral health recovery management: Transcending the limitations of addiction treatment
  1011. The neurocircuitry of addiction: Implications for treatment
  1012. Barriers to obtaining waivers to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid addiction treatment among HIV physicians
  1013. Individual characteristics and needs associated with substance misuse of adolescents and young adults in addiction treatment
  1014. GABAB receptors in addiction and its treatment
  1015. Recovery management and people of color: Redesigning addiction treatment for historically disempowered communities
  1016. Sexual abuse and the outcome of addiction treatment
  1017. Confrontation in addiction treatment
  1018. The addiction treatment planner
  1019. Introduction to the special issue on the behavior analysis and treatment of drug addiction
  1020. Neurobiology of nicotine addiction: implications for smoking cessation treatment
  1021. A possible mechanism underlying the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of drug addiction
  1022. Medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction in opioid treatment programs
  1023. Barriers to effective drug addiction treatment for women involved in street‐level prostitution: a qualitative investigation
  1024. Attitudes and beliefs about 12-step groups among addiction treatment clients and clinicians: Toward identifying obstacles to participation
  1025. Individual cognitive-behavioral therapy and behavioral couples therapy in alcohol use disorder: A comparative evaluation in community-based addiction treatment …
  1026. EMDR in the treatment of addiction
  1027. Technology transfer and the treatment of addiction: what can research offer practice?
  1028. addiction and the treatment of pain
  1029. Counselor attitudes toward the use of motivational incentives in addiction treatment
  1030. Hypothesis-driven medication discovery for the treatment of psychostimulant addiction
  1031. Barriers to the dissemination of four harm reduction strategies: a survey of addiction treatment providers in Ontario
  1032. addiction treatment strives for legitimacy
  1033. Exploring the limits and utility of operant conditioning in the treatment of drug addiction
  1034. Theories of motivation in addiction treatment: Testing the relationship of the transtheoretical model of change and self-determination theory
  1035. Integrating medical care and addiction treatment
  1036. … to reduce the stigma attached to addiction, treatment, and recovery within the City of Philadelphia (with particular reference to medication-assisted treatment …
  1037. Naloxone treatment in opioid addiction: the risks and benefits
  1038. What’s new in the treatment of cocaine addiction?
  1039. Diagnosis and treatment of sexual addiction: A survey among German sex therapists
  1040. Linking addiction treatment & Communities of Recovery: A Primer for Addicition Counselors and Recovery Coaches
  1041. Acupuncture treatment for opiate addiction: a systematic review
  1042. addiction treatment in Vancouver
  1043. A survey of PTSD screening and referral practices in VA addiction treatment programs
  1044. A multi-site, two-phase, Prescription Opioid addiction treatment Study (POATS): rationale, design, and methodology
  1045. The integrated recovery model for addiction treatment and recovery
  1046. Toward a philosophy of choice: A new era of addiction treatment
  1047. Treating addiction with tunes: A systematic review of music therapy for the treatment of patients with addictions
  1048. Day hospital and residential addiction treatment: randomized and nonrandomized managed care clients.
  1050. GABAB receptor agonists for the treatment of drug addiction: a review of recent findings
  1051. Patients with addiction and personality disorder: treatment outcomes and clinical implications
  1052. Integrated treatment of co-occurring mental illness and addiction: clinical intervention, program, and system perspectives
  1053. The psychological and neurochemical mechanisms of drug memory reconsolidation: implications for the treatment of addiction
  1054. Therapeutic advances in the treatment of nicotine addiction: present and future
  1055. treatment of patients comorbid for addiction and other psychiatric disorders
  1056. Parity and the medicalization of addiction treatment
  1057. A review of opioid dependence treatment: pharmacological and psychosocial interventions to treat opioid addiction
  1058. Recent advances in the treatment of opiate addiction
  1059. Research network involvement and addiction treatment center staff: Counselor attitudes toward buprenorphine
  1060. Search for genetic markers and functional variants involved in the development of opiate and cocaine addiction and treatment
  1061. Sociodemographic disparities in access to addiction treatment among a cohort of Vancouver injection drug users
  1062. treatment of addiction: Current issues for arts therapists
  1063. Association of personality disorders, family conflicts and treatment with quality of life in opiate addiction
  1064. Recovery management and the future of addiction treatment and recovery in the USA
  1065. addiction Research and treatment
  1066. addiction to prescription opioids: characteristics of the emerging epidemic and treatment with buprenorphine.
  1067. Controlled trial of prescribed heroin in the treatment of opioid addiction
  1068. Applied cognitive and behavioural approaches to the treatment of addiction: A practical treatment guide
  1069. Cognitive-behavioural therapy in the treatment of addiction
  1070. Pharmacogenetics and nicotine addiction treatment
  1071. Office-based treatment of opiate addiction with a sublingual-tablet formulation of buprenorphine and naloxone
  1072. Spirituality, sense of coherence, and coping responses in women receiving treatment for alcohol and drug addiction
  1073. Safety and efficacy of the nicotine patch and gum for the treatment of adolescent tobacco addiction
  1074. Individualized sexual addiction treatment: A developmental perspective
  1075. Unrecognised dual diagnosis–a risk factor for dropout of addiction treatment
  1076. Requiring a one-week addiction treatment experience in a six-week psychiatry clerkship: effects on attitudes toward substance-abusing patients
  1077. Need and non-need factors associated with addiction treatment utilization in a cohort of homeless and housed urban poor
  1078. Effectiveness of community treatments for heroin and crack cocaine addiction in England: a prospective, in-treatment cohort study
  1079. treatment planning for person-centered care: The road to mental health and addiction recovery
  1080. Biological basis of tobacco addiction: Implications for smoking-cessation treatment
  1081. Recent advances in the treatment of opiate addiction
  1082. addiction-related assessment tools and pain management: instruments for screening, treatment planning, and monitoring compliance
  1083. Psychosocial work conditions and work stress in an innovating addiction treatment centre. Consequences for the EFQM Excellence Model
  1084. Abuse liability in opioid therapy for pain treatment in patients with an addiction history
  1085. Social support as a protective factor of recurrence after drug addiction treatment
  1086. Utilization of EMDR in the treatment of sexual addiction: A case study
  1087. Cognitive function as an emerging treatment target for marijuana addiction.
  1088. Article Commentary: Moving Towards Integrated addiction treatment Systems
  1089. Improving consistency and quality of service delivery: implications for the addiction treatment field
  1090. Cue exposure therapy for the treatment of opiate addiction: results of a randomized controlled clinical trial
  1091. Screening and assessment of personality disorders in addiction treatment settings
  1092. From morphine clinics to buprenorphine: regulating opioid agonist treatment of addiction in the United States
  1093. treatment Experiences of Gays and Lesbians In Recovery from addiction: A Qualitative Inquiry.
  1094. The effectiveness of brief multimodal experiential therapy in the treatment of sexual addiction
  1095. Sexual addiction and Christian college men: Conceptual, assessment, and treatment challenges
  1096. Visual representation tools for improving addiction treatment outcomes
  1097. Children attending addiction treatment services in Dublin, 1990–1999
  1098. Challenges in increasing access to buprenorphine treatment for opiate addiction
  1099. Improving the transition from residential to outpatient addiction treatment: Gender differences in response to supportive telephone calls
  1100. treatment of addiction in the elderly
  1101. Women, girls, and addiction: Celebrating the feminine in counseling treatment and recovery
  1102. The role of family history in addiction severity and treatment response
  1103. Effectiveness of therapies for heroin addiction in retaining patients in treatment: results from the VEdeTTE study
  1104. addiction treatment: science and policy for the twenty-first century
  1105. treatment of heroin (diamorphine) addiction
  1106. Fatalities after taking ibogaine in addiction treatment could be related to sudden cardiac death caused by autonomic dysfunction
  1107. Prior Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) affiliation and the acceptability of the Twelve Steps to patients entering UK statutory addiction treatment.
  1108. Improving the dual diagnosis capability of addiction and mental health treatment services: Implementation factors associated with program level changes
  1109. Improving access to opiate addiction treatment for prisoners
  1110. Opioid treatment of chronic pain in patients with addiction
  1111. Benefit–cost analysis of addiction treatment in Arkansas: specialty and standard residential programs for pregnant and parenting women
  1112. Cytisine for the treatment of nicotine addiction: from a molecule to therapeutic efficacy
  1113. Pediatric obesity: parallels with addiction and treatment recommendations
  1114. Inability to access addiction treatment and risk of HIV infection among injection drug users recruited from a supervised injection facility
  1115. Investigating variation in the costs and benefits of addiction treatment: Econometric analysis of the Chicago Target Cities Project
  1116. Comparison of completers and dropouts in psychological treatment for cocaine addiction
  1117. Assessment and treatment of co-occurring eating disorders in publicly funded addiction treatment programs
  1118. Client and service characteristics associated with addiction treatment completion of clients with co-occurring disorders
  1119. How many cravings? Pharmacological aspects of craving treatment in alcohol addiction: a review
  1120. Trauma-focused, present-centered, emotional self-regulation approach to integrated treatment for posttraumatic stress and addiction: Trauma adaptive recovery group …
  1121. CB1 receptor antagonists for the treatment of nicotine addiction
  1122. Extinction of drug-and withdrawal-paired cues in animal models: relevance to the treatment of addiction
  1123. The treatment of addiction
  1124. A Photographic Essay addiction treatment in the United States: Early Pioneers and Institutions
  1125. The ‘British System’of heroin addiction treatment and the opening of drug dependence units, 1965–1970
  1126. Pharmacokinetic approaches to treatment of drug addiction
  1127. Commentary: Spiritual guidance, addiction treatment and long-term recovery
  1128. Medication-Assisted treatment For Opioid addiction in Opioid treatment Programs. treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 43.
  1129. Feasibility of referring drug users from a needle exchange program into an addiction treatment program: experience with a mobile treatment van and LAAM …
  1130. Crushing virtual cigarettes reduces tobacco addiction and treatment discontinuation
  1131. Novel pharmacotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of drug addiction and craving
  1132. Affective neuroscience and the treatment of sexual addiction
  1133. Collaborative behavioral management: integration and intensification of parole and outpatient addiction treatment services in the Step’n Out study
  1134. Inability to access addiction treatment and risk of HIV infection among injection drug users
  1135. Future advances in addiction treatment
  1136. Personality disorder and chronicity of addiction as independent outcomepredictors in alcoholism treatment
  1137. Out of touch or on the money: Do the clinical objectives of addiction treatment coincide with economic evaluation results?
  1138. Boston consortium of services for families in recovery: A trauma-informed intervention model for women’s alcohol and drug addiction treatment
  1139. Multimodal drug addiction treatment: A field comparison of methadone and buprenorphine among heroin-and cocaine-dependent patients
  1140. Family member involvement in relapse prevention improves alcohol dependence outcomes: a prospective study at an addiction treatment facility in India
  1141. Evaluating the Effectiveness of addiction treatment
  1142. Can 12-step group participation strengthen and extend the benefits of adolescent addiction treatment? A prospective analysis
  1143. Drug addiction maintenance treatment and quality of life measurements
  1144. Integrating tobacco dependence treatment and tobacco-free standards into addiction treatment: New Jersey’s experience
  1145. Neurocognitive and neuroimaging evidence of behavioural dysregulation in human drug addiction: implications for diagnosis, treatment and prevention
  1146. Sandtray therapy for inpatient sexual addiction treatment: An application of constructivist change principles
  1147. The capacity for dynamic process scale (CDPS) and patient engagement in opiate addiction treatment
  1148. Results of a statewide evaluation of “paperwork burden” in addiction treatment
  1149. Effects of gender and diagnosis on addiction history, treatment utilization, and psychosocial functioning among a dually-diagnosed sample in drug treatment
  1150. Dual diagnosis competency among addiction treatment staff: Training levels, training needs and the link to retention
  1151. Racial disparities in completion rates from publicly funded alcohol treatment: economic resources explain more than demographics and addiction severity
  1152. Buprenorphine: an analgesic with an expanding role in the treatment of opioid addiction
  1153. Women & addiction: Gender Issues in Abuse and treatment.
  1154. Safety and efficacy of γ‐vinyl GABA (GVG) for the treatment of methamphetamine and/or cocaine addiction
  1155. Automating addiction treatment: Enhancing the human experience and creating a fix for the future
  1156. EMDR in the addiction continuing care process: Case study of a cross-addicted female’s treatment and recovery
  1157. Ethical issues in sex and love addiction treatment
  1158. Knowledge and attitudes about pharmacotherapy for alcoholism: a survey of counselors and administrators in community-based addiction treatment centres
  1159. Ethical issues in the conduct of longitudinal studies of addiction treatment
  1160. A critical review of accounting and economic methods for estimating the costs of addiction treatment
  1161. A web-based therapeutic workplace for the treatment of drug addiction and chronic unemployment
  1162. addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry in America: Commonalities in the medical treatment of addiction
  1163. Inside the black box: Measuring addiction treatment services and their relation to outcomes
  1164. Integrating the creative arts into trauma and addiction treatment: Eight essential processes
  1165. Length of outpatient addiction treatment and risk of rehospitalization
  1166. Use of low-energy laser as adjunct treatment of alcohol addiction
  1167. Hepatitis C treatment in patients with drug addiction: clinical management of interferon-alpha-associated psychiatric side effects
  1168. Training substance abuse treatment organizations to adopt evidence-based practices: The addiction Technology Transfer Center of New England Science to Service …
  1169. treatment of sleep disturbance in alcohol recovery: a national survey of addiction medicine physicians
  1170. The dynorphin/kappa opioid receptor system: a new target for the treatment of addiction and affective disorders?
  1171. addiction treatment ultimatums and US health reform: A case study
  1172. A quality framework for addiction treatment programs
  1173. Strengthening resilience within families in addiction treatment
  1174. Targeting endogenous mu-and delta-opioid receptor systems for the treatment of drug addiction
  1175. An evaluation study of art therapy provision in a residential addiction treatment Programme (ATP)
  1176. Managing trauma reactions in intensive addiction treatment environments
  1177. Dual dopamine/serotonin releasers: potential treatment agents for stimulant addiction.
  1178. Ethical perspectives: opioid treatment of chronic pain in the context of addiction
  1179. Applying motivational interviewing to the treatment of sexual compulsivity and addiction
  1180. An examination of addiction treatment completion by gender and ethnicity
  1181. Endocannabinoid release from midbrain dopamine neurons: a potential substrate for cannabinoid receptor antagonist treatment of addiction
  1182. Improving acceptance of naltrexone in community addiction treatment centers: A pilot study
  1183. Weight gain after adolescent drug addiction treatment and supervised abstinence
  1184. Faith-based treatment for addiction in Puerto Rico
  1185. China reins in wilder impulses in treatment of ‘Internet addiction‘
  1186. Noradrenergic α1 receptors as a novel target for the treatment of nicotine addiction
  1187. Pharmacological treatment of addiction
  1188. Anticipating clinical integration of pharmacogenetic treatment strategies for addiction: are primary care physicians ready?
  1189. A 3‐year study of addiction mutual‐help group participation following intensive outpatient treatment
  1190. Latinas in cultural transition: addiction, treatment and recovery
  1191. Community referral sources and entry of treatment-naïve clients into outpatient addiction treatment
  1192. A case report of topiramate in the treatment of nonparaphilic sexual addiction
  1193. The URGES approach: Urge reduction by growing ego strength (URGES) for trauma/addiction treatment using alternate bilateral stimulation, hypnotherapy, ego state …
  1194. Industry evolution through consolidation: Implications for addiction treatment
  1195. Using e-health programs to overcome barriers to the effective treatment of mental health and addiction problems
  1196. The treatment of eating disorders as addiction among adolescent females
  1197. Subtyping patients with heroin addiction at treatment entry: factor derived from the Self-Report Symptom Inventory (SCL-90)
  1198. Stereotactic neurosurgical treatment of addiction: minimizing the chances of another’great and desperate cure’
  1199. The endocannabinoid system: a new molecular target for the treatment of tobacco addiction
  1200. Does America spend enough on addiction treatment? Results from public opinion surveys
  1201. Integrated opioid use disorder and HIV treatment: rationale, clinical guidelines for addiction treatment, and review of interactions of antiretroviral agents and opioid …
  1202. addiction to MMORPGs: Symptoms and treatment
  1203. Meditation as a coping intervention for treatment of addiction
  1204. Contrasting and converging philosophies of three models of alcohol/other drugs treatment: Minnesota model, social model, and addiction therapeutic communities
  1205. Influencing factors on client satisfaction in governmental addiction treatment centers and
  1206. “Kitchen cupboard drinking”: a review of South African women’s secretive alcohol addiction, treatment history, and barriers to accessing treatment
  1207. A bio-behavioral model of addiction treatment: Applying dual representation theory to craving management and relapse prevention
  1208. Methadone and the anti-medication bias in addiction treatment
  1209. Methadone dosing & safety in the treatment of opioid addiction
  1210. treatment of drug addiction and psychopathology: A field study
  1211. Evaluating addiction treatment outcomes
  1212. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients’ experiences in treatment for addiction
  1213. addiction treatment services and co-occurring disorders: the ASAM-PPC-2R taxonomy of program dual diagnosis capability
  1214. An existential model of flourishing subsequent to treatment for addiction: The importance of living a meaningful and spiritual life
  1215. Moving empirically supported practices to addiction treatment programs: Recruiting supervisors to help in technology transfer
  1216. Adapting the integrated dual-disorder treatment model for addiction services
  1217. Performance improvement in addiction treatment: efforts in California
  1218. The outcomes movement in addiction treatment: Comments and cautions.
  1219. A case study using a patient satisfaction survey to improve the delivery and effectiveness of drug addiction treatment services: marketing implications and …
  1220. Masculinity issues in addiction treatment in Swiss inpatient alcohol programs: bringing men’s treatment needs back to the research agenda
  1221. treatment of drug addiction in traumatised refugees
  1222. Stereotactic neurosurgical treatment of drug addiction
  1223. Effects of voucher-based intervention on abstinence and retention in an outpatient treatment for cocaine addiction: a randomized controlled trial.
  1224. Attitudes of anesthesiologists about addiction and its treatment: a survey of Illinois and Wisconsin members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists
  1225. Scientific and political challenges in North America’s first randomized controlled trial of heroin-assisted treatment for severe heroin addiction: Rationale and design of …
  1226. Racial and ethnic composition as a correlate of medication availability within addiction treatment organizations
  1227. Designated case managers as facilitators of medical and psychosocial service delivery in addiction treatment programs
  1228. Advances in heroin addiction treatment with traditional Chinese medicine: a systematic review of recent Chinese language journals
  1229. addiction treatment homework planner
  1230. Methamphetamine addiction, treatment, and outcomes: Implications for child welfare workers
  1231. Long-acting opioid-agonists in the treatment of heroin addiction: Why should we call them “substitution”?
  1232. A review of work‐force development literature for the Māori addiction treatment field in Aotearoa/New Zealand
  1233. Interpreting conflicting findings from clinical trials of auricular acupuncture for cocaine addiction: does treatment context influence outcome?
  1234. An integration of three approaches to addiction and methadone maintenance treatment: the self-medication hypothesis, the disease model and social criticism
  1235. Under-utilisation of addiction treatment services by heroin users from ethnic minorities: results from a cohort study over four years
  1236. Drug addiction treatment in Russia: no substitution therapy.
  1237. Prediction of abstinence from heroin addiction by childhood trauma, dissociation, and extent of psychosocial treatment
  1238. Drug addiction during pregnancy: Advances in maternal treatment and understanding child outcomes
  1239. Weight gain during substance abuse treatment: The dual problem of addiction and overeating in an adolescent population
  1240. Concurrent cocaine and alcohol use in individuals presenting to an addiction treatment program
  1241. A theory-based analysis of coercion in addiction treatment
  1242. Guidelines and evidence-based practice: a critical appraisal of the Swedish national guidelines for addiction treatment
  1243. Neuroimaging, genetics and the treatment of nicotine addiction
  1244. Illegal addiction treatment centers’ mushrooming’
  1245. … smoking to help their future patients? Assessment of New York City fourth-year medical students’ knowledge of tobacco cessation and treatment for nicotine addiction
  1246. When “enough” is still not “enough”: effectiveness of high-dose methadone in the treatment of heroin addiction
  1247. Methamphetamine addiction: From basic science to treatment
  1248. Drug addiction from a psychodynamic perspective: Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) as transitional phenomena
  1249. A herbal medicine used in the treatment of addiction mimics the action of amphetamine on in vitro rat striatal dopamine release
  1250. Putting addiction treatment medications to use: Lessons learned
  1251. Enhancing hope and resilience through a spiritually sensitive focus in the treatment of trauma and addiction
  1252. Conceptions of addiction and implications for treatment approaches
  1253. Script (ing) treatment: Representations of recovery from addiction in Hollywood film
  1254. Employee benefits managers’ opinions about addiction treatment
  1255. Predicting Methadone Maintenance treatment Outcomes Using the addiction Severity Index and the MMPI‐2 Content Scales (Negative treatment Indicators and …
  1256. The stigma paradox in methadone maintenance: Naïve and positive consequences of a “treatment punishment” approach to opiate addiction
  1257. The addiction treatment roundtable: A clinical wisdom study
  1258. Self-help treatment for combined addiction and mental illness
  1259. Integrating cognitive neuroscience research and cognitive behavioral treatment with neurofeedback therapy in drug addiction comorbid with Posttraumatic Stress …
  1260. addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry in America: The impact of physicians in recovery on the medical treatment of addiction
  1261. Automation in an addiction treatment research clinic: Computerised contingency management, ecological momentary assessment and a protocol workflow system
  1262. Overcoming pessimism about treatment of addiction
  1263. addiction treatment history, medical services utilization, and cost: a longitudinal analysis of problem drinkers
  1264. Ear acupuncture in addiction treatment
  1265. Drug counseling for cocaine addiction: The collaborative cocaine treatment study model
  1266. Extraction and determination by liquid chromatography and spectrophotometry of naloxone in microparticles for drug‐addiction treatment
  1267. Employment-based reinforcement in the treatment of drug addiction
  1268. A comparison of patients relapsing to addictive drug use with non-relapsing patients following residential addiction treatment in Antigua
  1269. Preclinical evidence of new opioid modulators for the treatment of addiction
  1270. Attachment style, early maladaptive schemas, coping self-efficacy, therapy alliance and their influence on addiction severity in methadone-maintenance treatment
  1271. Methadone matters: Evolving community methadone treatment of opiate addiction
  1272. Perceived addiction treatment needs among alcohol using injection drug users
  1273. Centers to weave addiction treatment into medical education
  1274. A cross-sectional assessment of utilization of addiction treatment among injection drug users in Kabul, Afghanistan
  1275. Buprenorphine: a new alternative in the treatment of opioid addiction
  1276. Probing the role of AMPAR endocytosis and long‐term depression in behavioural sensitization: relevance to treatment of brain disorders, including drug addiction
  1277. New findings on nicotine addiction and treatment
  1278. Drug and alcohol addiction in Singapore: Issues and challenges in control and treatment strategies
  1279. The integration of psychotherapy and 12-step programs in sexual addiction treatment
  1280. addiction treatment and recovery: A primer for criminal justice personnel
  1281. Psychodynamic approach to addiction treatment
  1282. treatment of opiate addiction
  1283. Addressing the treatment needs of children affected by maternal addiction: Challenges and solutions
  1284. A randomised clinical trial of nicotine patches for treatment of spit tobacco addiction among adolescents
  1285. Design paper: The CapOpus trial: A randomized, parallel-group, observer-blinded clinical trial of specialized addiction treatment versus treatment as usual for …
  1286. The powerlessness of control: A unifying model for the treatment of male battering and substance addiction
  1287. Group therapy in the treatment of drug addiction
  1288. Alcohol addiction: evaluation of alcohol abstinence after a year of psycho‐medical‐social treatment
  1289. Burgered: quality of life and addiction treatment
  1290. A Review of:“addiction treatment Matching: Research Foundations of the American Society of addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria” Edited by David R. Gastfriend, MD …
  1291. Solution and resource-oriented addiction treatment with the choices of abstinence or controlled drinking
  1292. Strategies for incorporating women-specific sexuality education into addiction treatment models
  1293. Novice, seasoned and veteran counselors’ views of addiction treatment manuals: The influence of counselor characteristics on manual usefulness
  1294. Literature review of research in family systems treatment of sexual addiction
  1295. Creative Recovery: A Complete addiction treatment Program that Uses Your Natural Creativity
  1296. PRECLINICAL STUDY: Long‐term haloperidol treatment (but not risperidone) enhances addiction‐related behaviors in mice: role of dopamine D2 receptors
  1297. Food and Drug Administration approval of buprenorphinenaloxone for office treatment of addiction
  1298. Pain management in patients with substance abuse: treatment challenges for pain and addiction specialists
  1299. Making the shift from ‘addict self’to ‘spiritual self’: Results from a Stage I study of Spiritual Self-Schema (3-S) therapy for the treatment of addiction and HIV risk behavior
  1300. A systems biology network model for genetic association studies of nicotine addiction and treatment
  1301. Medical illness and comorbidities in drug users: implications for addiction pharmacotherapy treatment
  1302. Using relational-cultural theory to conceptualize couple interventions in the treatment of sex addiction
  1303. Standardized assessment in substance abuse treatment in the Netherlands: The case of the addiction Severity Index and new developments
  1304. The history of prescribing heroin and other injectable drugs as addiction treatment in the UK
  1305. Effectiveness of addiction science presentations to treatment professionals, using a modified Solomon study design
  1306. Novel pharmacological approaches to treatment of drug overdose and addiction
  1307. Medications for the treatment of cocaine addiction: Emerging candidates
  1308. The temperament and character inventory in addiction treatment
  1309. Cocaine & methamphetamine addiction: treatment, recovery, and relapse prevention
  1310. Educating treatment professionals about addiction science research: demographics of knowledge and belief changes
  1312. Endogenous morphine: opening new doors for the treatment of pain and addiction
  1313. Quetiapine as add-on treatment for bipolar I disorder with comorbid compulsive buying and physical exercise addiction
  1314. Bromocriptine treatment for cocaine addiction: association with plasma prolactin levels
  1315. addiction and women gender differences concerning drug abuse and its treatment
  1316. Another quality chasm: the failure of nursing to clearly communicate its role within the addiction treatment workforce
  1317. Results of a comprehensive workplace program for the prevention and treatment of smoking addiction
  1318. Safe & Sound: Models for Collaboration between the Child Welfare & addiction treatment Systems.
  1319. Safety and tolerability of the switch from buprenorphine to buprenorphine/naloxone in an Italian addiction treatment centre
  1320. The clinical course of addiction treatment: the role of nonspecific therapeutic factors
  1321. A randomized, open-label trial comparing methadone and levo-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM) in maintenance treatment of opioid addiction
  1322. The adolescent addiction treatment workforce: Status, challenges, and strategies to address their particular needs
  1323. treatment of comorbid opiate addiction and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (residual type) with moclobemide: a case report
  1324. Undergraduate and graduate students’ attitudes toward addiction treatment manuals
  1325. Could sigma receptor ligands be a treatment for methamphetamine addiction?
  1326. Inpatient hospitalization in addiction treatment for patients with a history of suicide attempt: a case of support for treatment performance measures
  1327. Utilization of community-based outpatient addiction treatment programmes in Kenya
  1328. Effects of citalopram treatment of protracted withdrawal (syndrome of anhedonia) in patients with heroin addiction
  1329. Carbon nanotube membranes for use in the transdermal treatment of nicotine addiction and opioid withdrawal symptoms
  1330. Buprenorphine in maintenance treatment: experience among Italian physicians in drug addiction centers
  1331. addiction treatment: Science and policy for the twenty-first century
  1332. Second Betty Ford Institute conference extending the benefits of addiction treatment: Practical strategies for continuing care and recovery
  1333. Effects of self reflection on engagement in a 12-step addiction treatment programme: A linguistic analysis of diary entries
  1334. Vaccines and depot medications for drug addiction: rationale, mechanisms of action, and treatment implications
  1335. Leadership in addiction treatment: The coming crisis
  1336. Appropriateness of methadone maintenance treatment for opiate addiction: evaluation by an expert panel
  1337. Emerging therapeutic targets for the treatment of nicotine addiction
  1338. A comparison of Caribbean and non-Caribbean clients in a residential addiction treatment facility in Antigua, West Indies
  1339. Differences in addiction severity between social and probable pathological gamblers among substance abusers in treatment in Rio de Janeiro
  1340. Drug interactions between antiretroviral medications and medications used in the treatment of drug addiction: research needs
  1341. Motivation for addiction treatment-Hindi scale: Development and factor structure
  1342. Opiate agonist treatment for addiction
  1343. Developing a national addiction treatment information system
  1344. Building a customized module for the treatment of drug addiction under the remedial programs to be implemented on inmates at the drug rehabilitation centers …
  1345. Evolving use of buprenorphine in the treatment of addiction
  1346. Neurobiological Approach to treatment of addiction: Targeting the Syndrome of Anhedonia
  1347. Perspective: Translational studies on glutamate and dopamine neurocircuitry in addictions: implications for addiction treatment
  1348. Drug courts and the treatment of addiction: Therapeutic jurisprudence and neoliberal governance
  1349. Dual dopamine–5-HT releasers: potential treatment agents for cocaine addiction
  1350. addiction and chronic pain: diagnostic and treatment dilemmas.
  1351. treatment of tobacco dependence: a responsibility of psychiatry and addiction medicine
  1352. Biology of opiates: affects prevalence of addiction, options for treatment
  1353. Medications in the treatment of addiction: workplace issues.
  1354. Buprenorphine for office-based treatment of patients with opioid addiction
  1355. Informed consent in the treatment of drug-addiction
  1356. Mortality risk up to 25 years after initiation of treatment among 420 Swedish women with alcohol addiction
  1357. Buprenorphine treatment: A three-year prospective study in opioid-addicted patients of a public out-patient addiction center in Milan
  1358. Efficacy of treatment in an opioid–dependent population group using the Maudsley addiction Profile (MAP) tool
  1359. The 42 CFR Part 2 and NHIN conundrum: as the Nationwide Health Information Network evolves, addiction treatment providers still must comply with confidentiality …
  1360. Psychological Trauma and addiction treatment, by Bruce Carruth (Ed.) Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 316 pp. Paper, $29.95. ISBN: 9789031907
  1361. The value of adopting a human science perspective in the management and treatment of addiction
  1362. addiction treatment: update
  1363. Textbook addiction treatment: A Move towards Teacher and Student Autonomy.
  1364. Acupuncture or counselling: outcomes and predictors of treatment choice in a non‐statutory addiction service
  1365. Evidence-based and best practice addiction treatment resources: A primer for librarians
  1366. Perception of social context and activity following participation in a physical fitness intervention during residential adolescent addiction treatment
  1367. A treatment approach for drug and alcohol addiction that integrates holistic principles and the 12-step model
  1368. Acupuncture & auriculotherapy: Valuable natural treatment modalities for addiction
  1369. Impulsivity, personality disorders and the engagement in addiction treatment
  1370. Women’s addiction and treatment through a historical lens
  1371. Attitudes towards 12-step groups and referral practices in a 12-step naive treatment culture; a survey of addiction professionals in Norway
  1372. Prevention and treatment of addiction
  1373. Use of object relations and self-psychology as treatment for sex addiction with a female borderline patient
  1374. New advances in the understanding and treatment of addiction
  1375. Tanning addiction: Current trends and future treatment
  1376. Discovery of a novel nicotinic receptor antagonist for the treatment of nicotine addiction: 1-(3-picolinium)-12-triethylammonium-dodecane dibromide (TMPD)
  1377. Hepatitis C treatment in an HIV-HCV-coinfected patient with drug addiction and psychiatric illness: a case report.
  1378. Surviving Hurricane Katrina: Winds of change transform a New Orleans addiction treatment agency
  1379. Study of Efficacy of Various Methods of addiction treatment from View of Addicts
  1380. Neurobiological effects determine treatment options for alcohol, cocaine, and heroin addiction
  1381. The practice guideline’treatment of tobacco addiction‘
  1382. BP 897, a Selective Dopamine D3 Receptor Ligand with Therapeutic Potential for the treatment of Cocaine‐addiction
  1383. Opioid treatment for chronic back pain and its association with addiction
  1384. An integrated sensory-linguistic approach for drug addiction: A synthesis of the literature and new directions for treatment research
  1385. Assessing addiction treatment agreement for cross‐national transport to Ukraine
  1386. A Perspective Regarding treatment for Methamphetamine addiction
  1387. Maintaining addiction: Tobacco cessation policy and substance abuse treatment for youth
  1388. Assessing and comparing attitudes toward addiction and methadone treatment
  1389. Use of capillary electrophoresis and poly (ethylene oxide) as the coating agent for the determination of substances related to heroin addiction and treatment
  1390. Gaps between addiction treatment and research: Challenges for rehabilitation counselors
  1391. Overcoming addiction without formal treatment: A qualitative study of the process of self-managed change
  1392. Behavioral assessments in Russian addiction treatment inpatients: a comparison of audio computer-assisted self-interviewing and interviewer-administered …
  1393. Psychodynamic psychotherapies and the treatment of co-occurring psychological trauma and addiction
  1394. The effectiveness of life skills training on tendency toward opium in clients who referred to rehabilitation and treatment centers of addiction
  1395. Ibogaine and the treatment of opiate addiction
  1396. addiction and emotion: Theories, assessment techniques, and treatment implications.
  1397. Capopus trial: an observer-blinded RCT of specialized addiction treatment versus standard treatment for young patients with cannabis abuse and psychosis
  1398. Opportunities, challenges, and successes in the development of medicines for the treatment of addiction
  1399. Reentry after addiction treatment: research or retrain?
  1400. Family issues in the field of addiction treatment.
  1401. Acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction
  1402. … study of the treatment improvement protocols (TIPs): An assessment of the use of TIPs by individuals affiliated with the addiction Technology Transfer Centers (ATTCs …
  1403. Naltrexone implants in the treatment of heroin addiction
  1404. The Current State of addiction treatment
  1405. Use of Veterans Affairs Health Care Services by Veterans Receiving addiction treatment in Washington State.
  1406. … for the treatment of pain: A consensus document from the American Academy of Pain Medicine, the American Pain Society, and the American Society of addiction …
  1407. Intraoral implant for drug delivery in addiction and chronic disease treatment
  1408. The influence of treatment philosophy on drop-out: An investigation into treatment at three types of addiction institutions
  1409. Factors contributing to premature termination of addiction treatment
  1410. Treating addiction, Tackling Crime: The Impact of Probation-Led Residential treatment on Offender Substance Misuse, Recidivism and Attitudes toward the …
  1411. Forensic addiction treatment in germany (Section 64 of the Penal Code): three therapeutically and predicatively relevant clusters of drinkers
  1412. addiction in Adolescence: Why don’t adolescent addicts turn up for treatment?
  1413. Slaying the dragon: the history of addiction treatment and recovery in America
  1414. Family and Community Burdens of addiction: case-mix analysis at a new community-based methadone treatment service
  1415. Global flows in drug treatment: heroin addiction and therapeutic community approaches in China
  1416. Acute treatment of opiate addiction in patients in 2001
  1417. The relationship between substance-related disorders and depression, sexual addiction, and pathological gambling in a treatment center for substance …
  1418. Drug treatment participation and retention rates among former recipients of supplemental security income for drug addiction and alcoholism
  1419. Longitudinal research that can inform dynamic models for the treatment of addiction as a disease
  1420. Cue exposure therapy for the treatment of heroin addiction
  1421. Patient-physician relationship in the addiction treatment clinics
  1422. Development and use of an indicator system for an addiction treatment center
  1423. The Impact of Modern Neuroscience on treatment of Parolees: Ethical Considerations in Using Pharmacology to Prevent addiction Relapse
  1424. Understanding The Female Conceptualization Of Sexual addiction And The Role Of addiction treatment
  1425. Office-based treatment of opiate addiction.
  1426. Teaching addiction/treatment/Recovery History: Relevance, Methods and Resources
  1427. Maintaining the Continuum of Care: Arguing for Community-Based Residential addiction treatment Programs
  1428. An integrated framework for the treatment of substance addiction and dependency in the Free State
  1429. addiction treatment: Science and policy for the twenty-first century
  1430. Detection methods of the drug-addiction and alcoholism treatment programme of the Spanish National Railway Company (RENFE).
  1431. Biology and Psychology in the treatment of addiction.
  1432. What does the public really think about addiction and it s treatment?
  1433. The Healing Power of Self Love: Enhance Your Chances of Recovery from addiction Through the treatment Program of Your Choice, by Utilizing the Ancient
  1434. Abstinence-oriented treatment for opiate addiction
  1435. The protected addiction: exploring staff beliefs toward integrating tobacco dependence into substance abuse treatment services
  1436. Evaluation of tobacco addiction among adolescents and its treatment within the health care
  1437. Trauma resolution‐the key to addiction treatment
  1438. Ten steps to leaving an organization in good hands: the coming leadership exodus in addiction treatment requires effective leadership development and succession …
  1439. Modeling the costs and effects of maintenance treatment for opiate addiction
  1440. Impact of bidirectional translational research on treatment of addiction
  1441. High dose levo-methadone treatment for cancer pain in a patient with a history of drug addiction
  1442. Mothers in recovery: Women’s perceptions of a parenting program in an outpatient addiction treatment centre.
  1443. addiction Professionals’ attitudes regarding treatment of nicotine dependence
  1444. Issues In-Depth: Advancing Understanding of Drug addiction and treatment
  1445. treatment of nicotine addiction: a current perspective
  1446. Sex addiction, sexual compulsivity, and sexual impulsivity: A model for improving diagnosis and treatment of out-of-control sexual behaviors
  1447. addiction Severity Index composite scores: Contribution of objective vs. subjective items to post‐treatment change
  1448. Auricular acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction.
  1449. Cross training program in Montréal’s south west: best practices and training in a context of continuum of services in mental health care and addiction treatment
  1450. Prescription opiate medications: Clinical assessment and treatment of addiction, tolerance, and dependence
  1451. A Basic Set of Core Ethical Guidelines For addiction treatment Professionals
  1452. The self-psychology of addiction and its treatment. Narcissus in Wonderland
  1453. Dynamic dualities: the ‘British system’of heroin addiction treatment, 1965-1987
  1454. treatment planning for person-centered care: the road to mental health and addiction recovery
  1455. Auricular acupuncture as a treatment of cocaine, heroin, and alcohol addiction: A pilot study
  1456. Pharmacological treatment of methamphetamine addiction
  1457. Decentralisation and integration of addiction treatment-Does it make any difference?
  1458. Naltrexone in the treatment of addiction
  1459. Politics, practice, and research into treatment of heroin addiction
  1460. Diagnosis and treatment of the attention-deficit/hyperactivity syndrome (ADHS) in adults with drug addiction in in-patient and out-patient setting
  1461. addiction nursing and the quality of adolescent substance abuse treatment
  1462. Brief interventions for the treatment of alcohol or other drug addiction
  1463. Managing your way to better addiction treatment outcomes: Deming’s insights transformed Toyota, why not your business?
  1464. Alpha-theta Neurofeedback therapy: A non-invasive treatment for addiction and post-Traumatic Stress disorder
  1465. addiction: selecting appropriate treatment and using the self-help system.
  1466. The effect of unwanted sexual experiences on motivation among substance abusing women in addiction treatment
  1467. Therapeutic targeting of “DARPP-32”: a key signaling molecule in the dopiminergic pathway for the treatment of opiate addiction
  1468. Prescribing and Proscribing: The Public-Private Relationship in the treatment of Drug addiction in England, 1970-99
  1469. treatment considerations for methamphetamine addiction.
  1470. Implications of Personal Recovery History for Training and Development of addiction treatment Workers
  1471. Applying a chronic disease paradigm to safe and effective treatment of tobacco addiction
  1472. A patient flow analysis within the Munich addiction treatment system–a pilot study
  1473. Buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid addiction: Balancing medication access with quality care
  1474. Affect regulation, emotional intelligence and addiction: a five-factor personality model and neuropsychological study to assess treatment outcome and efficacy in …
  1475. Political challenges in randomized controlled trials of heroin-assisted treatment for severe heroin addiction: a Spanish experience
  1476. Misunderstanding addiction: Overcoming Myth, Mysticism, and Misdirection in the addictions treatment Industry
  1477. … drugs in maintenance and detoxification treatment of opiate addiction; addition of buprenorphine and buprenorphine combination to list of approved opioid treatment …
  1478. Poppy to fugu: a historical perspective of the treatment of opiate addiction in China
  1479. Consumer financing for addiction treatment: a Better Tomorrow allows clients to make monthly payments for their treatment
  1480. Monitoring of the misuse of prescription drugs by clients of outpatient addiction treatment centres (PHAR-MON, formerly: Ebis-med). Monitoring of medication misuse
  1481. Promoting benchmarking in addiction treatment: three partners launch a national benchmarking initiative
  1483. … cyclic-AMP-response element binding protein by short-term and long-term morphine treatment: implications for understanding the “switch” to opiate addiction
  1484. The Efficacy of Brief Family Based treatment in Changing Family Members’ Attitudes Toward People with addiction and Attitudes Toward a Relative with addiction
  1485. Development of Teacher Training Programs for Game addiction treatment
  1486. Facilitating treatment adherence in diabetic women using a specialized addiction support group model: An exploratory study
  1487. Cynthia A. Briggs and Jennifer L. Pepperell (eds): Women, girls, and addiction: Celebrating the feminine in counseling treatment and recovery
  1488. Implementation science and the adoption of practice in addiction treatment
  1489. Epigenetic modifications: significance in drug addiction and treatment
  1490. Alexithymia in patients with substance addiction being treated by cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy within Minnesota model treatment
  1491. Substance abuse research consortium (SARC) introduction: Moving forward to improve addiction treatment in California
  1492. A quality framework for addiction treatment programmes: Results of a Concept Mapping strategy
  1493. A comparative study of family-centered home based and traditional addiction treatment approaches
  1494. Assessment of Japanese Stimulant Control Law Offenders Using the addiction Severity Index—Japanese Version: Comparison with Patients in treatment Settings
  1495. Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy in the treatment of addiction: A treatment Planner for Clinicians
  1496. Toward a rational selection of treatment for addiction
  1497. Drug evaluation: CYT-002-NicQb, a therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of nicotine addiction.
  1498. addiction: mechanisms, phenomenology and treatment
  1499. Novel synthesis of [1‐11C]γ‐vinyl‐γ‐aminobutyric acid ([1–11C]GVG) for pharmacokinetic studies of addiction treatment
  1501. A 50-year-old woman addicted to heroin: review of treatment of heroin addiction
  1502. addiction and personality disorders: towards integrated treatment. Implementation in an Axis II treatment team
  1503. addiction–what’s Really Going On?: Inside a Heroin treatment Program
  1504. addiction treatment Disparities: Ethnic and Sexual Minority Populations
  1505. Native American addiction: A Response to French (Alcoholism treatment Quarterly, Volume 22, 2004)
  1506. Moving empirically-supported treatment to the workplace: recruiting addiction program supervisors to help in technology transfer
  1507. The impact of substitution treatment by methadone among opiate-dependent subjects evaluated by addiction Severity Index and by urine tests
  1508. Acupuncture treatment of drug addiction
  1509. addiction treatment–Avoiding Pitfalls–A Case Approach
  1510. What is the experience of shame and the impact of self-disclosure on the healing process of women involved in a gender-specific addiction treatment program …
  1511. Clinical and therapeutic aspects in the treatment of alcohol addiction
  1512. ASAM Assesses Public Policies on addiction treatment
  1513. The Rorschach in Planning treatment of Alcohol addiction Patients
  1514. Cognitive–behavioural approaches in the treatment of alcohol addiction
  1515. Technology that informs treatment: an award-winning electronic health record gives Texas addiction providers tools for improvement
  1516. Challenges of an Evidence-Based Approach to addiction treatment
  1517. Psychological Trauma and addiction treatment
  1518. EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE SERIES: Enhancing addiction recovery outcomes through post-treatment monitoring, support and early re-intervention
  1519. Agency offers guidance on office-based drug treatment for opioid addiction
  1520. Inpatient withdrawal treatment of patients suffering from alcohol addiction in Berlin (1993-1999)
  1521. Reflecting on 30 years of research: A look at how NIDA has advanced the research, prevention, and treatment of drug abuse and addiction
  1522. Development of transmural myocardial infarction in young persons with intact coronary arteries during methadone use for the treatment of heroine addiction
  1523. addiction treatment: a Strengths Perspective
  1524. The role and the impact of the NADA protocol (daily group acupuncture treatment used in addiction): explanatory case studies
  1525. LONG TERM OUTCOMES OF addiction treatment AT TAKIWASI CENTER
  1526. Youth addiction treatment Outcomes
  1527. Motivation for cocaine abuse treatment: Can the addiction Severity Index be used at treatment intake to predict during-treatment outcomes?
  1528. Criminal Justice And addiction treatment: Best Practices in addiction treatment In the Criminal Justice System
  1529. Hepatitis C treatment of substance users in pharmacotherapy for addiction
  1530. Prescribing for Buprenorphine in the treatment of Opioid addiction
  1531. Opioid treatment for chronic back pain and its association with addiction
  1532. Criminal Justice System and addiction treatment
  1533. Chinese traditional medicine as an effective pharmacological treatment for heroin addiction
  1534. Spirituality in addiction treatment
  1535. addiction Counselor: the impact of counselor’s attitude towards clients with numerous treatment attempts-recovery/relapse
  1536. US Surveys Show Paths to addiction treatment
  1537. addiction treatment in the era of translational medicine
  1538. addiction and celebritization: reality television portrayals of drug abuse treatment
  1539. P0103-Can auricular acupuncture have a place in conventional addiction and mental health treatment?
  1540. Cognitive and Group treatment of Internet addiction in Adolescents
  1541. Pain management and addiction treatment
  1542. treatment of nicotine addiction. Drug therapy for smoking cessation
  1543. Grave Cause for Concern’? Private Practice, Professional Disputes and the treatment of Heroin addiction in Britain During the 1980s
  1544. Erratum to “Opioid dependence and addiction during opioid treatment of chronic pain”[Pain 129 (2007) 235–255]
  1545. Safety and Efficacy of the Nicotine Patch and Gum for the treatment of Adolescent Tobacco addiction
  1546. ASAM Conference Attendees Consider addiction treatment Developments
  1547. Neurochemical Approaches to addiction treatment
  1548. Criminal Justice And addiction treatment In Egypt
  1549. Process Improvement Education with Professionals in the addiction treatment Field
  1550. Preparing for major healthcare reform: a look at possible consequences for addiction treatment
  1551. Novel Pharmacologic treatment of Stress and addiction: The Role of CRF and Glucocorticoid Antagonists
  1552. Effectiveness and efficiency of substitutive drugs in opiates addiction treatment: summary
  1553. Targeted liposomal drug delivery for the treatment of pain and opioid addiction
  1554. Reasons for not seeking treatment. A study of the health-based addiction treatment system in Stockholm.
  1555. Islamic treatment/approach to drug addiction treatment in Malaysia
  1556. New developments in the treatment of addiction
  1557. Bupropion: off-label treatment for cocaine and methamphetamine addiction
  1558. Little Hoover Commission Takes a Stand for addiction treatment
  1559. Manual-Guided Therapy for addiction treatment
  1560. Women at risk: Legal involvement among mothers in addiction treatment.
  1561. Chronic Pain And addiction treatment At The Foothills addiction Centre
  1562. Automating addiction treatment: experts envision a more technologically enabled care system
  1563. Cocaine Alternative treatment Study: A Multi-site, Randomized Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for the treatment of Cocaine addiction
  1564. Strengthening resilience within families in addiction treatment
  1565. P. 6.036 A double-blind, placebo controlled trial of naltrexone and fluoxetine for heroin addiction treatment
  1566. Physicians Prepare to Provide Office-Based addiction treatment
  1567. A case study of institutional change in a drug addiction treatment centre in Hong Kong
  1568. A case study of nicotine use in addiction treatment
  1569. Primary research Subtyping patients with heroin addiction at treatment entry: factor derived from the Self-Report Symptom Inventory (SCL-90)
  1570. Van Wormer, Katherine and Davis, Diane Rae, addiction treatment A Strength’s Perspective
  1572. The nature and function of the existential dimension of addiction treatment in postmodern Sweden
  1573. 288: Buprenorphine vs. methadone for treatment for opioid addiction during pregnancy: A retrospective study of prenatal compliance and neonatal outcomes
  1574. treatment of addiction made easier
  1575. Time to take ACTION: a national campaign aims to help providers increase access to and engagement in addiction treatment services
  1576. Lines we must not cross: the field must stand firm on some issues as addiction treatment receives more national attention
  1577. addiction Treatement Inc.: Barry Karlin has the drive–and the financing–to make CRC Health a national addiction treatment enterprise. Will he shake up the field …
  1578. addiction Specialists Confront Obstacles to Providing treatment
  1579. Unmet need for wrap-around services in out-patient addiction treatment
  1580. Gender Differences Should Be Considered in treatment of addiction
  1581. Molecular Genetics and the treatment of addiction
  1582. Qigong improves addiction treatment outcomes
  1583. Developing an Internet-based practice tool to assist physicians associated with buprenorphine treatment of opioid addiction.
  1584. P0221-Special issues in addiction treatment: Addressing the unique needs of addict women in a recovery program in Cairo
  1585. Physical activity as part of adolescent addiction treatment.
  1586. Review of Review of addiction treatment: A Strengths Perspective. Katherine van Wormer & Diane Rae Davis. Reviewed by Mike Gorman.
  1587. Introduction to buprenorphine and office-based opioid addiction therapy under the new paradigm established by the Drug addiction treatment Act of 2000
  1588. Expanding the treatment mission through technology: a leader in addiction treatment makes an uncommon entry into the software business
  1589. The PRIME Theory of Motivation as a Possible Foundation for addiction treatment in the 21st Century
  1590. The Handbook of addiction treatment for WomenStraussner BrownJosey‐Bass. ISBN: 0‐787‐95355‐5, 2002, 578 pp with index, $59.50
  1592. treatment, myths and misconceptions about addiction are discussed
  1593. Out of Touch or on the Money: Do the Clinical Objectives of addiction treatment Coincide with Economic Evaluation Results?
  1594. Testimony on the Proposed House Bill for Mental Health and addiction treatment Parity March 12, 2007
  1595. Bringing New Medications to the treatment of addiction
  1596. Pain in Opioid-Addicted Patients Entering addiction treatment
  1597. Referral behaviour of general practitioners to professionals in outpatient care and in addiction treatment sites in Mecklenburg-West Pommerania
  1598. The therapists’ experience of alcohol addiction treatment–a qualitative study
  1599. FC03-02-Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens in treatment resistant alcohol addiction-a novel treatment option?
  1600. Emphasizing the greater good: important traits need to be passed onto the next generation of addiction treatment leaders
  1601. A review of ethical issues in the treatment of addiction
  1602. Concepts of addiction: Assessing the Beliefs of addiction in University and treatment Center Populations
  1603. Assessment of the differences in staff beliefs about sustance abuse in mental health and addiction treatment centres
  1604. Staff Turnover and Retention in addiction treatment Annotated Bibliography FINAL: October 4, 2007 Susan M. Gordon Seabrook House
  1605. Mothers in addiction treatment: The role of onsite childcare
  1606. A Study of Spiritual and Religious Visiting in a Mental Health and addiction treatment Institution
  1607. Commentary: The potential role of physical exercise in addiction treatment and recovery: The social costs of substance misuse: Erratum.
  1608. To sink or swim: the use of dream material in addiction treatment
  1609. What Does America Think About addiction Prevention and treatment?
  1610. Security measures of compulsory drug addiction treatment and compulsory alcohol addiction treatment in judicial practice
  1611. Presentation Title: Medications Development for Drug addiction treatment: Successes, Failures, and Ongoing Efficacy Trials.
  1612. Effectiveness of a multi-level intervention to improve tobacco policy in alcohol addiction treatment centers
  1613. addiction treatment workforce: Counselor credentials, training and turnover
  1614. Is it time for treatment trials in addiction?
  1615. Implicit and explicit self-esteem in the outcome prediction of alcohol addiction treatment
  1616. A personal profile: addiction treatment specialist & medical intuitive, Rhonda Lenair.(Medical Journalist Report of Innovative Biologics)
  1617. Drug addiction and Its treatment. By M. Gossop.(Pp. 343;£ 32.50; ISBN 0-19-852608-3.) Oxford University Press: Oxford. 2003.
  1618. Innovations in pharmacological treatment of addiction
  1619. An opportunity to improve lives and the bottom line: addiction treatment centers should consider treating eating disorders
  1620. Hepatitis C: Lower prevalence in Young Persons’ addiction treatment Programme than in Adult Programmes
  1621. Demand for crack and cocaine addiction treatment drops
  1622. Alcohol addiction treatment in Cape Town: Exploratory investigation of the public-private mix
  1623. Presentation Title: Medication Discovery for Drug addiction treatment, and the Preclinical Pipeline at NIDA
  1624. The Science of addiction: From Neurobiology to treatment
  1625. Trends in the adoption and implementation of Naltrexone in the US addiction treatment system (1995–2009)
  1626. … Session With Substance Abusers: A Step-by-Step Guide• Beyond the Influence: Understanding and Defeating Alcoholism• addiction treatment: Theory and Practice
  1628. A problem of moral, medical and social nature. The views on alcohol and drug problems among staff in the addiction treatment in Stockholm
  1629. Incidence of stimulant drug abuse in a population treated in a private addiction treatment facility in Mexico City.
  1630. The Science of addiction: From Neurobiology to treatment
  1631. Incidence of depressor substance consumption in a population treated in a private addiction treatment facility in Mexico City.
  1632. An Interview with Stephen Strobbe, MS, RN, NP, APRN-BC, CARN, Clinical Director, University of Michigan addiction treatment Services
  1633. Recovery from addiction does not require professional treatment.
  1634. Healing addiction: An Integrated Pharmacopsychosocial Approach to treatment
  1635. Finnish-born and Swedish-born patients in the Stockholm county health-based addiction treatment system
  1636. The re-education of adolescents in a therapeutic community: the drug addiction treatment in a religious institution
  1637. The Role of Clients in a Recovery-oriented System of addiction treatment: The Birth and Evolution of the NET Consumer Council
  1638. Opiate agonist treatment for addiction–Authors’ reply
  1639. From Victim to Survivor: Healing and Recovery in a Drug addiction treatment Program in San Francisco
  1640. < The> quality and quantity assessment of marital satisfaction in addicted people and their husbands or wives who came to the addiction treatment clinic
  1641. A Primer on Drug addiction, Crime, and treatment
  1642. Forging strategic alliances to fill gaps in addiction treatment: learn the capabilities of intervention and consulting firms
  1643. addiction treatment: A Strengths Perspective (2nd ed.)., by Katherine van Wormer and Diane Rae Davis: (2008). Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole, 570 pp. Paper …
  1644. Drug induced. addiction and treatment in perspective
  1646. Attitudes and risk-taking behaviour for HIV infection, of drug addicts followed by a Drug addiction treatment Service (Ser. T).
  1647. Leaving survival mode behind: Seabrook House and its leader emerge stronger from a period of financial strain in addiction treatment
  1648. An investigation into the treatment of sexual addiction in Ireland
  1649. Cocaine and Methamphetamine addiction: treatment, Recovery and Relapse Prevention, by Arnold Washton and Joan Ellen Zweben: (2009). New York, NY: Norton …
  1650. Acupuncture in the treatment of addiction
  1651. An Exploration into Factors Contributing to Patient-Initiated Termination from addiction treatment Programs by Opioid-Dependent Persons
  1652. New drugs in the treatment of tobacco addiction
  1654. … 30CH, Nux vomica 30CH, and Staphysagria delphinium 30CH) as compared with homoeopathic similimum treatment in the management of tobacco addiction
  1655. Drug Induced addiction and treatment in Perspective
  1656. Integrated approach to dual diagnosis treatment in an inpatient addiction setting
  1657. Opioid detoxification: The relationship of anxiety and physical withdrawal symptoms to addiction treatment program compliance
  1658. A Database on Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment for Drug addiction
  1659. Homeopathic treatment of addiction
  1660. Clinical Topics in addiction: Updates From Advances in Psychiatric treatment
  1661. American Indian and Alaska Natives in treatment for substance use disorders at publicly funded US addiction treatment programs
  1662. Pharmacology treatment Of addiction-NIDA: Pharmacology treatment of addiction-NIDA
  1663. Social support as a protective factor of recurrence after drug addiction treatment Importancia del apoyo social en la permanencia de la abstinencia del consumo de …
  1664. Amethyst: integrating tobacco dependence services with long-term alcohol and other drug addiction treatment for homeless and low-income women
  1666. … , Planning, & Statistics Section), Prisons Department, Hong Kong, with the co-operation of the staff at the Prisons Department’s drug addiction treatment centres.
  1667. The Therapeutic Potential of к-Opioids for treatment of Pain and addiction
  1668. A Reviews of:“Healing addiction: An Integrated Pharmacopsychosocial Approach to treatment” Peter R. Martin, Bennett Alan Weinberg, and Bonnie K. Bealer, John …
  1669. Applied Cognitive and Behavioural Approaches to the treatment of addiction: A Practical treatment Guide
  1670. Heroin addiction and The British System: Volume II treatment & Policy Responses
  1671. The status of drug addiction rehabilitation programmes in Kenya: A case study Asumbi treatment centre
  1672. Methadone treatment of Opiate addiction
  1673. Perception and quality of life: contrasting personal faith based wellness and the traditional medical models of care used in alcohol abuse and addiction treatment …
  1674. Pilot Testing a Paperless Nursing Assessment of Medical, Psychiatric, and addiction treatment and Re-entry Needs Among Women at Jail Intake
  1675. The drug addiction as an incurable disease and its relation with a possible treatment
  1676. treatment of Patients with addiction Problems by Means of Electrical Stimulation: A Review of the Rationale and Studies
  1677. Concepts In Harm Reduction As Part Of addiction Intervention & treatment
  1679. treatment of addiction: from abstinence programs to abstinence-supported treatment
  1681. Drug addiction and mothers: does parenting get better with treatment?
  1682. A cross-sectional assessment of utilization of addiction treatment among injection drug users in Kabul, Afghanistan Catherine S. Todd, Abdullah MS Abed 2 …
  1683. Adolescents in Drug and Alcohol treatment: Do They Gain Knowledge on addiction?
  1684. … balance; Drugs and work: Responding to alcohol and other drug problems in Australian workplaces; A community reinforcement approach to addiction treatment
  1685. Nicotine addiction–diagnosis and treatment
  1686. Heroin: The treatment of addiction in Twentieth-Century Britain
  1687. Heroin: The treatment of addiction in Twentieth-century Britain
  1688. Vampires and Art: addiction and treatment from a Jungian Perspective
  1689. Evaluating the Effect of Self-selected treatment on Drug addiction
  1690. Chronic Pain and addiction: Assessment, Monitoring & treatment in the ISAM Policy Framework
  1692. Partial program evaluation with observational data: the effect of treatment on drug addiction
  1693. Importance of the development of self-confidence in the treatment of heroin addiction
  1694. Book Review: The Science of addiction: From Neurobiology to treatment (2007). Carlton Erickson, New York: WW & Company, Inc., 209 pp., US $32.00, ISBN 978-0 …
  1695. Prescription medicine primer: maintenance treatment of opiate addiction
  1696. The trauma of drug addiction: measuring impact on drug treatment effectiveness
  1697. Methadone treatment For Opioid addiction
  1698. The treatment of addiction and Withdrawal Associated with Tobacco and Alcohol InetCE 221-146-04-063-H01
  1699. Review on Oriental Medical Approaches for the Detoxification and treatment of Narcotics addiction
  1700. Using the addiction/Offender Cycle to Move From treatment to Change
  1701. Beyond the end of the line: Case reports of conversion from dextromoramide to other opiates within addiction maintenance treatment
  1702. Center for Substance Abuse treatment (CSAT) update on physician prescribing for opioid addiction with buprenorphine
  1703. The bottle’s nearly empty? treatment of drug addiction
  1704. treatment of Heroin addiction with Acupuncture at Points of the Du Channel
  1705. Heroin: The treatment of addiction in Twentieth-Century Britain. By Alex Mold.
  1706. treatment in a new light: a New York City organization creates a life-affirming space for addiction detox and rehabilitation
  1707. … improves retention in substance abuse treatment and post-treatment outcomes (Platt, 1995). However, historically addiction treatment clients have had …
  1708. Group motivational interviewing for the treatment of alcohol addiction
  1709. Acupuncture for the treatment of Cocaine addiction—Reply
  1710. Integrating methadone and buprenorphine treatment for opiate addiction into physician office settings: The San Francisco OBOT pilot program
  1711. The Use of Immunotherapies and Sustained-Release Formulations in the treatment of Drug addiction: Will Current Law Support Coercion?
  1712. Alex Mold, Heroin: the treatment of addiction in twentieth-century Britain, DeKalb, IL, Northern Illinois University Press, 2008, pp. x, 236, $49.00 (978-0-87580-386-9).
  1713. Family, Twins And Molecular Genetics Studies Of Drug addiction: Implication For treatment And Prevention
  1714. Heroin addiction. Study on the Effectiveness of In-Patient treatment and the Subsequent Disorder Dynamics
  1715. treatment Options in Methamphetamine addiction and Withdrawal
  1716. A multi-level multi-method analysis of substance abuse treatment policy and outcomes for opiate addiction in the United States
  1717. Ondansetron for the treatment of stimulant addiction
  1718. The significance of psychotropic substance abuse and addiction in the treatment of psychosomatic rehabilitation patients
  1719. Half of prison drug users want treatment for their addiction
  1720. The neurochemical investigation and treatment of cocaine addiction using rodent models
  1722. Effectiveness of treatment for heroin addiction in retaining patients and reducing mortality: results from the VEdeTTE Cohort Study
  1723. Differences in treatment issues and modalities of chemically dependent adolescents treated for chemical addiction between the periods of 1985–1988 and 1994 …
  1724. Attitudes of Anesthesiologists About addiction and Its treatment: A Survey of Illinois and Wisconsin Members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists
  1725. The Family Therapy and Inpatients treatment for the Adolescent Internet addiction
  1726. Auriculotherapy in the treatment of nicotine addiction
  1727. … Habits: Global and Historical Perspectives on How Cultures Define Drugs. Edited by Jordan Goodman/Heroin: The treatment of addiction in Twentieth Century Britain …
  1728. AUTHOR APPROVED PRESS RELEASE April 7, 2010 Failure to Treat Tobacco Use in Mental Health and addiction treatment Settings: A Form of Harm Reduction?
  1729. Therapy Manuals for Drug addiction: The Collaborative Cocaine treatment Study Model. Drug Counseling for Cocaine addiction. Manual 4
  1730. Sustained release Naltrexone, a promising alternative in treatment of opiate addiction
  1731. Alcohol screening in general health: good news for treatment: specialty addiction professionals should link into SBI initiatives
  1732. Physiological correlates of motivational effects on information processing: Study of ERP indicators of drug addiction and response to rehabilitation treatment
  1733. Effect of Oral Corticosteroid addiction in treatment of Controlled Asthma Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
  1734. Cue Exposure Therapy for the treatment of opiate addiction can be harmful: Results of a randomised controlled trial
  1735. Victory celebration: 30 years of innovation and adaptation in addiction treatment
  1736. Prescribing for Buprenorphine in the treatment of Opioid addiction
  1737. Gamma-vinyl GABA in the treatment of methamphetamine addiction
  1738. Vaccines and Depot Medications for Drug addiction: Rationale, Mechanisms of Action, and treatment Implications
  1739. Novel treatment (new drug/intervention; established drug/procedure in new situation): A novel possible strategy for the management of petrol sniffing addiction …
  1740. Integrating viral hepatitis services into residential drug treatment programs: the addiction Recovery Hepatitis Intervention Project (ARHIP)
  1742. … study of the treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPs): An assessment of the use of TIPs by individuals affiliated with the addiction Technology Transfer Centers …
  1743. Harm reduction: the least worst treatment of all; tackling drug addiction has few easy solutions. Charlotte Allan and Nat Wright explore the controversial option of harm …
  1744. … Drugs for publishing John Wallace’s brilliant anicle” Controlled Drinking, treatment Effectiveness, and the Disease Model of addiction: A Commentary on the
  1745. Discovery of Novel Negative Allosteric Modulators of Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors: Implications in the treatment of addiction and Other Neurological …
  1746. There’s Entrancing News About Hypnosis; It’s gaining credibility as a treatment for a multitude of troubles, from nicotine addiction to post-traumatic stress disorder
  1747. … studies have declared substance abuse and dependence a growing health problem among women in the United States (Center on addiction and Substance Abuse …
  1748. HEPATITIS C AND addiction: Retention rate and side effects in a prospective trial on hepatitis C treatment with pegylated interferon alpha‐2a and ribavirin in opioid …
  1749. events && Patient-rated unmet needs and quality of life improvement && Abstinence-oriented treatment for opiate addiction && Diagnostic stability and status of …
  1750. S32-03-Changing paradigms in the treatment of addiction-the orpheus project
  1751. … diseases. Not all trials were successful. In fact, the application of ECT in patients seeking treatment for homosexuality, drug addiction, alcoholism, phobias, and con …
  1752. … form in: White, W., Boyle, M. And Loveland, D.(2002). addiction as chronic disease: From rhetoric to clinical application. Alcoholism treatment Quarterly, 3/4 …
  1754. Infectious Diseases And Medical Complications Of Drug Abuse-Part 1: Naltrexone treatment and HIV risk reduction for heroin addiction: 10-years Penn-Pavlov …
  1755. T06-O-02 treatment in sexual addiction
  1756. Making the shift from ‘addict self?’to ‘spiritual self?’: Results from a Stage I study of Spiritual Self-Schema (3-S) therapy for the treatment of addiction and HIV risk …
  1757. … usage and its functions, then to an epidemiological study of opium addic-tion, and finally to clinical studies of opium addiction, its treatment, and course (Westermeyer …
  1758. S29. 01-The role of impulsivity in the pathogenesis and treatment of addiction
  1759. 777 REVIEW Cytisine for the treatment of nicotine addiction: from a molecule to therapeutic efficacy. Piotr Tutka, Witold Zatoñski 799 REVIEW Transforming growth …
  1760. Psychostimulant addiction treatment
  1761. Drop-out from addiction treatment: a systematic review of risk factors
  1762. Smoking prevalence in addiction treatment: a review
  1763. Leveraging technology to enhance addiction treatment and recovery
  1764. Adoption and implementation of medications in addiction treatment programs
  1765. New addiction-recovery support institutions: Mobilizing support beyond professional addiction treatment and recovery mutual aid
  1766. Inside rehab: The surprising truth about addiction treatment–and how to get help that works
  1767. Predictors of addiction treatment providers’ beliefs in the disease and choice models of addiction
  1768. Evolution of concept, but not action, in addiction treatment
  1769. Principles of drug addiction treatment: A research-based guide
  1770. Neuroimaging and biomarkers in addiction treatment
  1771. Assessing clinical trials of Internet addiction treatment: A systematic review and CONSORT evaluation
  1772. addiction treatment dropout: Exploring patients’ characteristics
  1773. Implementing evidence-based practices in community corrections and addiction treatment
  1774. Barriers to implementation of evidence-based addiction treatment: a national study
  1775. Evaluation and treatment of sex addiction
  1776. treatment of internet addiction: a meta-analysis
  1777. Blacks and Hispanics are less likely than whites to complete addiction treatment, largely due to socioeconomic factors
  1778. Progress monitoring in mental health and addiction treatment: a means of improving care.
  1779. addiction treatment-related employment barriers: The impact of methadone maintenance
  1780. The New York policy on smoking in addiction treatment: findings after 1 year
  1781. Impulsivity as a vulnerability factor for poor addiction treatment outcomes: a review of neurocognitive findings among individuals with substance use disorders
  1782. Clinical approaches to treatment of Internet addiction
  1783. Moving toward trauma-informed practice in addiction treatment: A collaborative model of agency assessment
  1784. Texas Christian University (TCU) short forms for assessing client needs and functioning in addiction treatment
  1785. Re-envisioning addiction treatment: A six-point plan
  1786. Meta-analyses of seven of the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s principles of drug addiction treatment
  1787. Dual diagnosis capability in mental health and addiction treatment services: an assessment of programs across multiple state systems
  1788. Pharmacogenetic approaches to the treatment of alcohol addiction
  1789. Community-based addiction treatment staff attitudes about the usefulness of evidence-based addiction treatment and CBO organizational linkages to research …
  1790. Roxanne’s dress: Governing gender and marginality through addiction treatment
  1791. A randomized clinical trial of alcohol care management delivered in Department of Veterans Affairs primary care clinics versus specialty addiction treatment
  1792. Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of substance addiction
  1793. A qualitative study of specific needs ofwomen for treatment of addiction
  1794. Producing the “problem” of addiction in drug treatment
  1795. The therapeutic potential of κ-opioids for treatment of pain and addiction
  1796. Efficacy combined with specified ingredients: A new direction for empirically supported addiction treatment
  1797. Psilocybin-occasioned mystical experiences in the treatment of tobacco addiction
  1798. The evidence doesn’t justify steps by state Medicaid programs to restrict opioid addiction treatment with buprenorphine
  1799. Addressing Tobacco Through Organizational Change (ATTOC) in residential addiction treatment settings
  1800. Examining attrition rates at one specialty addiction treatment provider in the United States: a case study using a retrospective chart review
  1801. Effective addiction treatment
  1802. Smoking and its treatment in addiction services: clients’ and staff behaviour and attitudes
  1803. Exercise as a novel treatment for drug addiction: a neurobiological and stage-dependent hypothesis
  1804. Sexual addiction and substance addiction: Comparing sexual addiction treatment outcomes among clients with and without comorbid substance use disorders
  1805. Surviving drug addiction: the effect of treatment and abstinence on mortality
  1806. Gender differences in substance use, problems, social situation and treatment experiences among clients entering addiction treatment in Stockholm
  1807. The readiness of addiction treatment agencies for health care reform
  1808. Integration of parenting skills education and interventions in addiction treatment
  1809. Modifications of evidence-based practices in community-based addiction treatment organizations: a qualitative research study
  1810. CBT-IA: The first treatment model for internet addiction
  1811. Bioethical differences between drug addiction treatment professionals inside and outside the Russian Federation
  1812. Two tiers of biomedicalization: Methadone, buprenorphine, and the racial politics of addiction treatment
  1813. Randomized trial comparing mindfulness-based relapse prevention with relapse prevention for women offenders at a residential addiction treatment center
  1814. Substance use and access to health care and addiction treatment among homeless and vulnerably housed persons in three Canadian cities
  1815. Improving the quality of addiction treatment.
  1816. Mindfulness as a treatment for behavioural addiction
  1817. New approaches to addiction treatment based on learning and memory
  1818. The medicalization of addiction treatment professionals
  1819. Acupuncture for the treatment of opiate addiction
  1820. Stigma, discrimination, treatment effectiveness, and policy: public views about drug addiction and mental illness
  1821. Dopamine D3 receptor ligands for drug addiction treatment: update on recent findings
  1822. A review of computer-based interventions used in the assessment, treatment, and research of drug addiction
  1823. treatment goals in addiction healthcare: the perspectives of patients and clinicians
  1824. Exercise addiction-diagnosis, bio-psychological mechanisms and treatment issues
  1825. Assessing self-determined motivation for addiction treatment: Validity of the treatment Entry Questionnaire
  1826. Research to practice in addiction treatment: Key terms and a field-driven model of technology transfer
  1827. addiction to propofol: a study of 22 treatment cases
  1828. Sanctions against Iran and the impact on drug use and addiction treatment
  1829. A role for pharmacotherapy in the treatment of “internet addiction”
  1830. Inability to access addiction treatment among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting
  1831. Sociodemographic and substance use correlates of repeated relapse among patients presenting for relapse treatment at an addiction treatment center in Kolkata …
  1832. … in addiction treatment programs: Comparing staff reports on motivational interviewing, adolescent community reinforcement approach, assertive community treatment …
  1833. An exploration of cohesion and recovery outcomes in addiction treatment groups
  1834. addiction treatment centers’ progress in preparing for health care reform
  1835. treatment of nicotine addiction: present therapeutic options and pipeline developments
  1836. Examining access to addiction treatment: scheduling processes and barriers
  1837. A Guide to addiction and its treatment
  1838. Internet addiction: coping styles, expectancies, and treatment implications
  1839. A qualitative study of the adoption of buprenorphine for opioid addiction treatment
  1840. Cognitive‐behavioral approaches to outpatient treatment of Internet addiction in children and adolescents
  1841. Gendering addiction: The politics of drug treatment in a neurochemical world
  1842. Statement of the American Society of addiction Medicine Consensus Panel on the use of buprenorphine in office-based treatment of opioid addiction
  1843. The “new masculinity”: addiction treatment as a reconstruction of gender in Puerto Rican evangelist street ministries
  1844. Advances in the psychosocial treatment of addiction: the role of technology in the delivery of evidence-based psychosocial treatment
  1845. Measuring smoking knowledge, attitudes and services (S-KAS) among clients in addiction treatment
  1846. rTMS in the treatment of drug addiction: an update about human studies
  1847. The duality of oncomiR addiction in the maintenance and treatment of cancer
  1848. treatment outcomes in patients with internet addiction: a clinical pilot study on the effects of a cognitive-behavioral therapy program
  1849. Monitoring utilization of a large scale addiction treatment system: The Drug and Alcohol treatment Information System (DATIS)
  1850. Consent and coercion in addiction treatment
  1851. Integrating addiction treatment into primary care using mobile health technology: protocol for an implementation research study
  1852. Breaking the loop: oxytocin as a potential treatment for drug addiction
  1853. Personalized addiction treatment: how close are we?
  1854. Borderline personality disorder and comorbid addiction: epidemiology and treatment
  1855. Exploration of “food addiction” in overweight and obese treatment-seeking adults
  1856. Public views on food addiction and obesity: implications for policy and treatment
  1857. Collaboration between addiction treatment and child welfare fields: Opportunities in a Canadian context
  1858. Potential roles for new communication technologies in treatment of addiction
  1859. Prescription drug addiction: the treatment challenge
  1860. Ayahuasca and the treatment of drug addiction
  1861. treatment of addiction and anxiety using extinction approaches: neural mechanisms and their treatment implications
  1862. The Soviet doctor and the treatment of drug addiction:” A difficult and most ungracious task”
  1863. Common and distinct neural targets of treatment: changing brain function in substance addiction
  1864. Consumer attitudes about opioid addiction treatment: a focus group study in New York City
  1865. Psychiatric comorbidity in patients with substance use disorders attending an addiction treatment center in India over 11 years: Case for a specialized “Dual Diagnosis …
  1866. The impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on addiction treatment
  1867. Food addiction in adults seeking weight loss treatment. Implications for psychosocial health and weight loss
  1868. addiction: from mechanisms to treatment
  1869. The self psychology of addiction and its treatment: Narcissus in wonderland
  1870. Implications from addiction research towards the understanding and treatment of obesity
  1871. Development of the addiction dimensions for assessment and personalised treatment (ADAPT)
  1872. Prevalence of oral mucosal abnormalities in addiction treatment centre residents in Southern Ireland
  1873. Facilitating factors in implementing four evidence-based practices: Reports from addiction treatment staff
  1874. Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens for the treatment of addiction
  1875. The Affordable Care Act: New opportunities for social work to take leadership in behavioral health and addiction treatment
  1876. l-tetrahydropalamatine: a potential new medication for the treatment of cocaine addiction
  1877. Internet-based intervention for the treatment of online addiction for college students in China: a pilot study of the Healthy Online Self-helping Center
  1878. Pharmacokinetic strategies for treatment of drug overdose and addiction
  1879. Effects of a manualized short-term treatment of internet and computer game addiction (STICA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  1880. Topiramate for the treatment of cocaine addiction: a randomized clinical trial
  1881. Characteristics and treatment response of self-identified problematic Internet users in a behavioral addiction outpatient clinic
  1882. A quantitative signature of self-control repair: Rate-dependent effects of successful addiction treatment
  1883. Deep brain stimulation for the treatment of addiction: basic and clinical studies and potential mechanisms of action
  1884. A critical analysis of user satisfaction surveys in addiction services: opioid maintenance treatment as a representative case study
  1885. Buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid addiction: opportunities, challenges and strategies
  1886. Repeated addiction treatment use in Sweden: A national register database study
  1887. The need for ibogaine in drug and alcohol addiction treatment
  1888. Cost of specialized addiction treatment of clients with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Canada
  1889. Working with different logics: A case study on the use of the addiction Severity Index in addiction treatment practice
  1890. A randomized, placebo‐controlled trial of sustained‐release dextroamphetamine for treatment of methamphetamine addiction
  1891. Analyzing performance in addiction treatment: An application of data envelopment analysis to the state of Maryland system
  1892. The behavioral economics and neuroeconomics of reinforcer pathologies: implications for etiology and treatment of addiction
  1893. A business case for quality improvement in addiction treatment: evidence from the NIATx collaborative
  1894. NMDA receptor modulators in the treatment of drug addiction
  1895. Computerized working-memory training as a candidate adjunctive treatment for addiction
  1896. Important factors of early addiction recovery and inpatient treatment
  1897. addiction treatment Provider Attitudes on Staff Capacity and Evidence‐Based Clinical Training: Results from a National Study
  1898. Integrating addiction and mental health treatment within a national addiction treatment system: Using multiple statistical methods to analyze client and interviewer …
  1899. Beneficial effects of Rosmarinus officinalis for treatment of opium withdrawal syndrome during addiction treatment programs: a clinical trial
  1900. Fenobam sulfate inhibits cocaine-taking and cocaine-seeking behavior in rats: implications for addiction treatment in humans
  1901. A Canadian perspective on addiction treatment
  1902. Are pharmacokinetic approaches feasible for treatment of cocaine addiction and overdose?
  1903. Factors associated with the outcome of drug addiction treatment
  1904. Topiramate for the treatment of methamphetamine addiction: a multi‐center placebo‐controlled trial
  1905. Family intervention for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addiction: An exploratory study
  1906. Organizational readiness for change in community-based addiction treatment programs and adherence in implementing evidence-based practices: a national study
  1907. Opioid addiction and abuse in primary care practice: a comparison of methadone and buprenorphine as treatment options
  1908. Counselor training in several evidence-based psychosocial addiction treatments in private US substance abuse treatment centers
  1909. A contribution to the clinical characterization of Internet addiction in a sample of treatment seekers: Validity of assessment, severity of psychopathology and type of co …
  1910. Residential addiction treatment for injection drug users requiring intravenous antibiotics: a cost-reduction strategy
  1911. Factors associated with recent suicide attempts in clients presenting for addiction treatment
  1912. Can antipsychotic treatment contribute to drug addiction in schizophrenia?
  1913. Behavior analysis and treatment of drug addiction.
  1914. Adoption and diffusion of evidence‐based addiction medications in substance abuse treatment
  1915. Impact of addiction severity and psychiatric comorbidity on the quality of life of alcohol-, drug-and dual-dependent persons in residential treatment
  1916. Staff turnover in addiction treatment: Toward science-based answers to critical questions
  1917. Predictors of staff turnover and turnover intentions within addiction treatment settings: Change over time matters
  1918. Brief trauma and mental health assessments for female offenders in addiction treatment
  1919. Bupropion sustained release treatment decreases craving for video games and cue-induced brain activity in patients with Internet video game addiction.
  1920. Clinical characteristics of computer game and internet addiction in persons seeking treatment in an outpatient clinic for computer game addiction
  1921. Clinical supervisor and counselor perceptions of clinical supervision in addiction treatment
  1922. Essential elements of treatment: a comparative study between European and American therapeutic communities for addiction
  1923. Examination of treatment episodes among women and racial and ethnic minorities in addiction treatment
  1924. A multilevel approach to predicting community addiction treatment attitudes about contingency management
  1925. A therapeutic workplace for the long-term treatment of drug addiction and unemployment: Eight-year outcomes of a social business intervention
  1926. Common methods to treat addiction in treatment-rehabilitation centers in Tehran
  1927. Cigarette smoking and short-term addiction treatment outcome
  1928. Diet and body composition outcomes of an environmental and educational intervention among men in treatment for substance addiction
  1929. Enzyme-therapy approaches for the treatment of drug overdose and addiction
  1930. Inhibition of FAAH and activation of PPAR: new approaches to the treatment of cognitive dysfunction and drug addiction
  1931. Orexin/hypocretin based pharmacotherapies for the treatment of addiction: DORA or SORA?
  1932. Demographic variables associated with relapse in women and men referred to the selected addiction treatment centers in Tehran, 2009: A case-control study.
  1933. Massachusetts’s experience suggests coverage alone is insufficient to increase addiction disorders treatment
  1934. CYP2B6 SNPs are associated with methadone dose required for effective treatment of opioid addiction
  1935. Management of mental health problems prior to and during treatment of hepatitis C virus infection in patients with drug addiction
  1936. Medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction: methadone and buprenorphine
  1937. … of Intravenous KB220IV-Neuroadaptagen Amino-Acid Therapy (NAAT)™ Improves Behavioral Outcomes in a Residential addiction treatment Program: A Pilot Study
  1938. Effectiveness of a health professional training program for treatment of tobacco addiction
  1939. … to buprenorphine uncover novel and opposing roles of μ‐opioid‐and nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptors in cell development: implications for drug addiction treatment …
  1941. addiction treatment in Iceland
  1942. addiction treatment trials: how gender, race/ethnicity, and age relate to ongoing participation and retention in clinical trials
  1943. Severity of anxiety in mental health versus addiction treatment settings when social anxiety and substance abuse are comorbid
  1944. addiction potential of phentermine prescribed during long-term treatment of obesity
  1945. Characteristics of a treatment-seeking population in outpatient addiction treatment centers in Mexico
  1946. Survey of factors related to the relapse of addiction from view of addict patients attending to drug abuse treatment clinics in West Azerbaijan
  1947. Risky decision-making predicts short-term outcome of community but not residential treatment for opiate addiction. Implications for case management
  1948. Chronic disease and recent addiction treatment utilization among alcohol and drug dependent adults
  1949. Changes in quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) and addiction severity index (ASI) among participants in opioid substitution treatment (OST) in low and middle income …
  1950. Comorbid psychiatric diagnoses among individuals presenting to an addiction treatment program for alcohol dependence
  1951. Acupuncture for the treatment of drug addiction
  1952. Comparison of four search engines and their efficacy with emphasis on literature research in addiction (prevention and treatment)
  1953. Ibudilast for the treatment of drug addiction and other neurological conditions.
  1954. Sex differences in outcomes of methadone maintenance treatment for opioid addiction: a systematic review protocol
  1955. treatment of sexual addiction within the British National Health Service
  1956. Continuous quality improvement (CQI) in addiction treatment settings: design and intervention protocol of a group randomized pilot study
  1957. Cost-effectiveness of injectable opioid treatment v. oral methadone for chronic heroin addiction
  1958. addiction in LGBTQ communities: Influences, treatment, and prevention
  1959. addiction and recovery: Perceptions among professionals in the Swedish treatment system
  1960. Outcome predictors of smoking cessation treatment provided by an addiction care unit between 2007 and 2010
  1961. Food addiction and its impact on weight-based stigma and the treatment of obese individuals in the US and Australia
  1962. Demographic and clinical profile of substance abusing women seeking treatment at a de-addiction center in north India
  1963. Genetic influence on methadone treatment outcomes in patients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment for opioid addiction: a pilot study
  1964. Predisposing, enabling, and need factors associated with addiction treatment among Massachusetts Puerto Rican drug users
  1965. … of substance abusing Black men who have sex with men and women in addiction treatment programs: A need for a human sexuality educational model for addiction …
  1966. Using virtual environments for trigger identification in addiction treatment
  1967. The dual diagnosis capability of residential addiction treatment centres: priorities and confidence to improve capability following a review process
  1968. Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment: Overview of and student satisfaction with an undergraduate addiction training program for nurses
  1969. Do client attributes moderate the effectiveness of a group cognitive behavioral therapy for depression in addiction treatment?
  1970. Association of genetic variation in pharmacodynamic factors with methadone dose required for effective treatment of opioid addiction
  1971. Modulation of the endocannabinoid system: vulnerability factor and new treatment target for stimulant addiction
  1972. Can Neuroscience Improve addiction treatment and Policies?
  1973. The Burnaby treatment center for mental health and addiction, a novel integrated treatment program for patients with addiction and concurrent disorders …
  1974. Rasch model of the GAIN Substance Problem Scale among Canadian adults seeking residential and outpatient addiction treatment
  1975. Vitamin D as an effective treatment approach for drug abuse and addiction
  1976. addiction treatment in deprived urban areas in EU countries: Accessibility of care for people from socially marginalized groups
  1977. treatment of pain in patients taking buprenorphine for opioid addiction# 221
  1978. New trends in the treatment of nicotine addiction.
  1979. Validation of the treatment identification strategy of the HEDIS addiction quality measures: concordance with medical record review
  1980. The many roles of social workers in the prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug addiction: A major health and social problem affecting individuals, families, and …
  1981. Involuntary discharge from medication-assisted treatment for people with heroin addiction–patients’ experiences and interpretations
  1982. The influence of an educational course on language expression and treatment of gaming addiction for massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) …
  1983. Injectable and implantable sustained release naltrexone in the treatment of opioid addiction
  1984. Development and validation of the scale to assess satisfaction with medications for addiction treatment-methadone for heroin addiction (SASMAT-METHER)
  1985. addiction and the search for the sacred: Religion, spirituality, and the origins and treatment of substance use disorders.
  1986. Monoclonal antibodies as pharmacokinetic antagonists for the treatment of (+)-methamphetamine addiction
  1987. Cocaine addiction treatments to improve Control and reduce Harm (CATCH): new pharmacological treatment options for crack-cocaine dependence in the …
  1988. Service user, family and friends’ views on the meaning of a ‘good outcome’of treatment for an addiction problem
  1989. … of ABCB1 and CYP2B6 genetic polymorphisms on methadone metabolism, dose and treatment response in patients with opioid addiction: a systematic review …
  1990. Alcohol addiction: toward a patient-oriented pharmacological treatment
  1991. “What Do You Mean by Spirituality? Please Draw Me a Picture!” Complementary Faith-Based addiction treatment in Switzerland From the Client’s Perspective
  1992. Methylphenidate treatment in adolescent rats with an attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder phenotype: cocaine addiction vulnerability and dopamine …
  1993. Korean addiction treatment guidelines series (II): Pharmacological treatment of alcohol withdrawal
  1994. Use of doping agents and symptoms of eating disorders among male and female patients in drug addiction treatment
  1995. Internet gaming addiction. Reasons, diagnosis, prevention and treatment
  1996. Acceptance of naltrexone by pregnant women enrolled in comprehensive drug addiction treatment: an initial survey
  1997. Impact of genetic variability in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on nicotine addiction and smoking cessation treatment
  1998. Kava for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder RCT: analysis of adverse reactions, liver function, addiction, and sexual effects
  1999. Duration of methadone maintenance treatment during pregnancy and pregnancy outcome parameters in women with opiate addiction
  2000. Nurse practitioners’ inability to prescribe buprenorphine: Limitations of the Drug addiction treatment Act of 2000
  2001. Korean addiction treatment guidelines (III): psychosocial treatment of alcohol use disorder
  2002. Twelve-step recovery in inpatient treatment for Internet addiction
  2003. Integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders: personality disorders and addiction
  2004. Estimating the risk of fatal arrhythmia in patients in methadone maintenance treatment for heroin addiction
  2005. Food addiction: Evidence, evaluation, and treatment
  2006. Assessing covariates of drug use trajectories among adolescents admitted to a drug addiction center: Mental health problems, therapeutic alliance, and treatment …
  2007. Complementary modalities: Twelve-step programs and group psychotherapy for addiction treatment
  2008. Measuring attitudes toward empirically supported treatment in real-world addiction services
  2009. Individual characteristics and response to contingency management treatment for cocaine addiction
  2010. Advancing addiction treatment: what can we learn from animal studies?
  2011. Thai men’s experiences of alcohol addiction and treatment
  2012. Contingency management for patients with dual disorders in intensive outpatient treatment for addiction
  2013. Concise review: cancer cells escape from oncogene addiction: understanding the mechanisms behind treatment failure for more effective targeting
  2014. The Tobacco‐Dependence Clinic: Intensive Tobacco‐Dependence treatment in an addiction Services Outpatient Setting
  2015. When problem gambling is the primary reason for seeking addiction treatment
  2016. Examining the sustainment of the Adolescent-Community Reinforcement Approach in community addiction treatment settings: protocol for a longitudinal …
  2017. Lateral habenula deep brain stimulation for personalized treatment of drug addiction
  2018. Ethical considerations in deep brain stimulation for the treatment of addiction and overeating associated with obesity
  2019. Assessing drug use during follow-up: Direct comparison of candidate outcome definitions in pooled analyses of addiction treatment studies
  2020. Fine-grain analysis of the treatment effect of topiramate on methamphetamine addiction with latent variable analysis
  2021. Functional relevance of μ–δ opioid receptor heteromerization: A Role in novel signaling and implications for the treatment of addiction disorders: From a symposium …
  2022. addiction treatment: level of care determination
  2023. addiction training for undergraduate nurses using screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment
  2024. Motivational interviewing and psychiatry: Use in addiction treatment, risky drinking and routine practice
  2025. Developing a rational approach to tobacco use treatment in pulmonary practice: a review of the biological basis of nicotine addiction
  2026. Enhancing transitions from addiction treatment to primary care
  2027. Attitudes toward evidence-based pharmacological treatments among community-based addiction treatment programs targeting vulnerable patient groups
  2028. Korean addiction treatment guidelines series (I): development of Korean guidelines for the treatment of alcohol use disorder
  2029. Therapeutic potential of histaminergic compounds in the treatment of addiction and drug-related cognitive disorders
  2030. Repurposing buspirone for drug addiction treatment
  2031. Development of a multilevel framework to increase use of targeted evidence-based practices in addiction treatment clinics
  2032. Promoting new practices to increase access to and retention in addiction treatment: An analysis of five communication channels
  2033. Integral recovery: A revolutionary approach to the treatment of alcoholism and addiction
  2034. Varenicline and neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: A new approach to the treatment of co‐occurring alcohol and nicotine addiction?
  2035. Adding integrative meditation with ear acupressure to outpatient treatment of cocaine addiction: a randomized controlled pilot study
  2036. Coerced addiction treatment: How, when and whom?
  2037. Prevalence of training in addiction psychology and treatment in APA-accredited clinical and counseling psychology doctoral programs
  2038. Wait times for publicly funded addiction and problem gambling treatment agencies in Ontario, Canada
  2039. Training addiction professionals in empirically supported treatments: Perspectives from the treatment community
  2040. Effects of biperiden on the treatment of cocaine/crack addiction: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
  2041. Advances in opioid antagonist treatment for opioid addiction
  2042. Pilot study of the 5-HT2AR agonist psilocybin in the treatment of tobacco addiction
  2043. What Oregon’s parity law can tell us about the federal Mental Health Parity and addiction Equity Act and spending on substance abuse treatment services
  2044. Working on treatment teams: Educating social work students to function as addiction specialists within interdisciplinary groups
  2045. Ethical concerns related to developing pharmacogenomic treatment strategies for addiction
  2046. Supervisory styles, supervision outcome and counselor self-efficacy of addiction treatment professionals
  2047. Psychopathological symptoms of patients with heroin addiction entering opioid agonist or therapeutic community treatment
  2048. Women and problem gambling: Therapeutic insights into understanding addiction and treatment
  2049. Public attitudes toward the treatment of nicotine addiction
  2050. Genetics and genomics: Unraveling new opportunities for addiction treatment and education
  2051. Front-loaded versus weekly counseling for treatment of tobacco addiction
  2052. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy in addiction treatment: preliminary evidence as a biomarker of treatment response
  2053. Feasibility of applying the life history calendar in a population of chronic opioid users to identify patterns of drug use and addiction treatment
  2054. Clinical and ethical considerations for the treatment of cybersex addiction for marriage and family therapists
  2055. addiction intervention: Strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behavior
  2056. Acupuncture-related techniques for the treatment of opiate addiction: a case of translational medicine
  2057. Virtual reality as a complementary therapy to sexual addiction treatment
  2059. Behavior and major barriers faced by non-injectable drug users with HBV/HCV seeking treatment for hepatitis and drug addiction in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  2060. Psychoanalytic treatment of psychological addiction to alcohol (alcohol abuse)
  2061. Lipid transmitter signaling as a new target for treatment of cocaine addiction: new roles for acylethanolamides and lysophosphatidic acid
  2062. How important are positive and negative outcome expectancies in the treatment of addiction: a narrative review of the literature
  2063. Mixed methods analysis of counselor views, attitudes and perceived competencies regarding the treatment of internet pornography addiction
  2064. Cannabis use, addiction risk and functional impairment in youth seeking treatment for primary mood or anxiety concerns
  2065. Improved treatment of nicotine addiction and emerging pulmonary drug delivery
  2066. Symptoms of eating disorders among females in drug addiction treatment
  2067. Etiology and treatment of obesity in adults and children: Implications for the addiction model
  2068. The predictive validity of the dual diagnosis capability in addiction treatment (DDCAT) index
  2069. Opium and opium addiction treatment in persian traditional medicine
  2070. Drug abuse and addiction in medical illness: causes, consequences and treatment
  2071. Perception of the role of spirituality and religiosity in the addiction treatment program among the Italian health professionals: A pilot study
  2072. Mindfulness-based sobriety: A clinician’s treatment guide for addiction recovery using relapse prevention therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and …
  2073. Latino/as in substance abuse treatment: substance use patterns, family history of addiction, and depression
  2074. Successful testing and treating of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia depends on the addiction treatment modality
  2075. Early treatment for women with alcohol addiction (EWA) reduces mortality: A randomized controlled trial with long-term register follow-up
  2076. A framework for the treatment of pain and addiction in the emergency department
  2077. treatment process and participant characteristic predictors of substance use outcome in mentorship for addiction problems (MAP)
  2078. Perioperative implications of buprenorphine maintenance treatment for opioid addiction
  2079. addiction, assessment, and treatment with adolescents, adults, and families
  2080. Effect of medicinal plants in the treatment of opium addiction Review of laboratory studies
  2081. What influences participation in QI? A randomized trial of addiction treatment organizations
  2082. Eating disorders and addiction: Comparing eating disorder treatment outcomes among clients with and without comorbid substance use disorder
  2083. Audio therapy significantly attenuates aberrant mood in residential patient addiction treatment: putative activation of dopaminergic pathways in the meso-limbic …
  2084. Persuading addiction treatment providers to practice the concept of recovery will not be easy
  2085. HCV treatment uptake in people who have injected drugs—observations in a large cohort that received addiction treatment 1970–1984
  2086. Behavioral addiction: Screening, assessment, and treatment
  2087. Medications for addiction treatment: an opportunity for prescribing clinicians to facilitate remission from alcohol and opioid use disorders
  2088. Internet addiction: opportunities for assessment and treatment by psychiatric-mental health nurses
  2089. Reduction of harmful consumption versus total abstinence in addiction treatment
  2090. Integrating addiction and mental health networks to improve access to treatment for people with alcohol and drug‐related problems: a qualitative study
  2091. … Real Parity: Increasing Access to treatment for Substance Use Disorders Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health and addiction …
  2092. Partial MHC/neuroantigen peptide constructs: a potential neuroimmune-based treatment for methamphetamine addiction
  2093. Consensus by debate on the conundrum of best treatment for addiction‘?
  2094. Does dual diagnosis affect violence and moderate/superficial self-harm in heroin addiction at treatment entry?
  2095. treatment of tobacco addiction using the Feeling-State addiction Protocol (FSAP) of the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) treatment
  2096. Clinical supervision and addiction treatment.
  2097. Comparison of the addiction Severity Index (ASI) and the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN) in predicting the effectiveness of drug treatment programs for …
  2098. Outcomes following treatment of veterans for substance and tobacco addiction
  2099. Profile of inhalant users seeking treatment at a de-addiction centre in north India
  2100. Mindful bodies: The use of guided meditation with dance/movement therapy in addiction treatment
  2101. N-Acetylcysteine as a treatment for addiction
  2102. Opioid treatment of opioid addiction
  2103. Pilot Results of a New Model of addiction treatment: Managing addiction as a Chronic Disease.
  2104. Factor analysis of treatment outcomes from a UK specialist addiction service: Relationship between the L eeds D ependence Q uestionnaire, S ocial S atisfaction Q …
  2105. addiction-related cognitive impairment in substance use disorder treatment: Behavioral suggestions for addictions treatment practitioners
  2106. addiction: White House seeks “third way”: Policy emphasizes prevention, treatment, recovery
  2107. Contribution of the Awajún culture to the drug addiction treatment
  2108. Complementary and integrative modalities in addiction treatment
  2109. Association between addiction treatment staff professional and educational levels and perceptions of organizational climate and resources
  2110. Cocaine addiction treatment and home remedies: use of the scopolamine transdermal patch
  2111. Proper Subjects for Medical treatment–addiction, Prison-Based Drug treatment, and the Eighth Amendment
  2112. The use of acupuncture in addiction treatment programs
  2113. Factors associated with treatment seeking behaviour in adolescent substance abuser in a de addiction centre in North India
  2114. Collecting behavioural addiction treatment data using Freedom of Information requests
  2115. … pathway analysis of genes expressed differentially in participants with or without a positive response to topiramate treatment for methamphetamine addiction
  2116. Neurobiology and addiction: Assisting the family and support system to get resistant loved ones into treatment
  2117. A physician-centered approach to addiction identification and treatment misses the opportunity for interdisciplinary solutions
  2118. Essential Ingredients for Successful Redesign of addiction treatment
  2119. Predictive factors of relapse among patients treated with methadone maintenance treatment referred to addiction centers in Hamadan based on health belief model
  2120. Perceived social support in families with addicted member admitted to one of the addiction treatment centers of Gorgan
  2121. Comparison of the efficacy of methadone maintenance therapy vs. narcotics anonymous in the treatment of opioid addiction: a 2-year survey
  2122. Pharmacogenomics of alcohol addiction: personalizing pharmacologic treatment of alcohol dependence
  2123. Extreme risk seeking addiction: theory and treatment
  2124. Oral health status and treatment needs of substance abusers attending de-addiction centers in Bangalore city
  2125. Emotion focused therapy for couples in addiction treatment: The relationship between quality of recovery, attachment style, and relational satisfaction
  2126. Natural history of addiction in psychotic heroin-addicted patients at their first agonist opioid treatment
  2127. The preclinical discovery of lofexidine for the treatment of opiate addiction
  2128. A systematic review of addiction treatment in Mexico
  2129. treatment of GHB withdrawal syndrome: Catch 22 or challenge for addiction medicine?
  2130. Brain mechanisms of addiction treatment effects
  2131. Effects of a nonpharmacological treatment program for alcohol addiction: A meta-analysis
  2132. On the comparison of the therapeutic effects of matrix treatment on severity of addiction and mental health between female and male methamphetamine abusers
  2133. Multiple mechanisms underlying the long duration of action of thienorphine, a novel partial opioid agonist for the treatment of addiction
  2134. Client characteristics within the Chilean national youth addiction treatment demonstration system
  2135. Compulsory methadone maintenance treatment of severe cases of drug addiction in a residential setting in Tehran, Iran (2): Outcome evaluation in two and six-month …
  2136. Improving maintenance treatment of opiate addiction: Clinical aspects
  2137. Myths about the treatment of addiction
  2138. Private and public approaches to addiction treatment: evidence and beliefs
  2139. Culture change in addictions treatment: A targeted training and technical assistance initiative affects tobacco-related attitudes and beliefs in addiction treatment …
  2140. A study on the present situation of the treatment services provided by alcohol addiction specialized hospitals
  2141. … S)-3-Amino-4-difluoromethylenyl-1-cyclopentanoic Acid (CPP-115), a Potent γ-Aminobutyric Acid Aminotransferase Inactivator for the treatment of Cocaine addiction
  2142. Perspectives on addiction: an integrative treatment model with clinical case studies
  2143. Nicotine addiction treatment: A Review
  2144. The system of medical treatment for addiction in france
  2145. … treatment of addiction-Assistance Medications and Opiate Pain Medications Under the Law: Permitting the Proliferation of Opiates and Limiting Access to treatment
  2146. Professionalising the addiction treatment Services in Asia
  2147. treatment of comorbid tobacco addiction in substance use and psychiatric disorders
  2148. Smoking and co-occurring disorders: Implications for smoking cessation interventions for adolescents in residential addiction treatment
  2149. Safety of nicotine addiction treatment
  2150. A Latter-Day Saint approach to addiction: Aetiology, consequences and treatment in a theological context
  2151. The Amen Anti-addiction Intervention: Theoretical Foundations of an Alternative Protocol for the Prevention and treatment of addiction
  2152. Buprenorphine in the treatment of heroin addiction
  2153. Peter Riederer “70th birthday” Neurobiological foundations of modern addiction treatment
  2154. INTEGRAL THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY A Framework for Adolescent addiction treatment.
  2155. Hypotheses regarding ayahuasca’s potential mechanisms of action in the treatment of addiction
  2156. The relationship of social stress, economic hardship, and psychological distress to addiction severity among kentucky substance abuse treatment participants
  2157. Technical, ethical and social issues in the bioprediction of addiction liability and treatment response
  2158. Advocacy for gender-specific addiction treatment and recovery support: an interview with Dr. Stephanie Covington
  2159. What works for patients in outpatient treatment for alcohol addiction? An explorative study into clients’ evaluation of subjective factors and therapy satisfaction
  2160. … , 3 S)-3-amino-4-difluoromethylenyl-1-cyclopentanoic acid (CPP-115), a GABA aminotransferase inactivator and new treatment for drug addiction and infantile spasms
  2161. They are part of what made my treatment positive. And maybe more meaningful.: Participants’ experience of horse-assisted therapy in addiction treatment
  2162. A brief history of drug abuse, addiction concepts and community treatment
  2163. Compulsory methadone maintenance treatment of severe cases of drug addiction in a residential setting in Tehran, Iran (1): Process evaluation
  2164. An Investigation of Male Youth Experiences with Exercise and Leisure Education within an addiction treatment Program.
  2165. Cognitive enhancement in combination with ‘brain repair’may be optimal for the treatment of stimulant addiction
  2166. The probable impact of the global financial and economic crisis on medical addiction treatment
  2167. Advanced Nurses’ Perspectives on the Drug addiction treatment Act, 13 Years Later
  2168. Evaluating and prioritizing addiction treatment methods through the TOPSIS technique
  2169. Sexual addiction‘: diagnosis and treatment in clinical practice
  2170. What’s in the ‘treatment gap’? Ethnographic perspectives on addiction and global mental health from China, Russia, and the United States
  2171. Meta-analysis of effectiveness of CBT treatment on addiction and general health of addicted
  2172. Regional cerebellar metabolism (18FDG PET) predicts the clinical outcome of the short-term inpatient treatment of alcohol addiction
  2173. addiction treatment and work-related outcomes: Examining the impact of employer involvement and substance of choice on absenteeism, tardiness, and productivity
  2174. General level of knowledge about brief solution focused therapy (BFST) in Polish addiction treatment centers
  2175. Ideological Implications of addiction Theories and treatment
  2176. … of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in cardiovascular changes following chronic treatment with cocaine and testosterone: a role beyond drug seeking in addiction …
  2177. Drug discovery for the treatment of addiction: medicinal chemistry strategies
  2178. Opium Abuse among Patients with Chronic Physical Pain as a Misleading Cause in addiction treatment Center
  2179. Substance Abuse treatment: Spice and Bath Salt addiction—So What’s Next?
  2180. Ressource-Oriented treatment of addiction-the Orpheus Programme
  2181. Drug abuse Pattern and Frequency of High Risk Be-haviors the Clients to Outpatient addiction treatment Centers
  2182. Motivational interview: evidence based strategy in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction: ethical issues in clinical psychology
  2183. Identifying the evidence base for “what works” in community corrections and addiction treatment
  2184. Drug users need more choices at addiction treatment facilities
  2185. addiction treatment coupled with higher education
  2186. addiction and attachment: mental health clinicians’ use of attachment theory in the treatment of substance use disorders
  2187. Drug substitution treatments and addiction pharmacotherapies: Integrating pharmacotherapy into the addiction syndrome treatment paradigm.
  2188. Six-month follow-up study of drug treatment for cannabis addiction: comparison study of four drugs
  2189. Drug addiction and the awareness regarding its possible treatment and rehabilitation of young drug users in Kashmir
  2190. Compulsory detention in addiction treatment-response
  2191. A critical ethnography of the Ottawa drug treatment court: Linking discourses of addiction, addicted subjects & treatment practices
  2192. The treatment of opiate addiction using attachment theory
  2193. addiction treatment: Escaping the Trap
  2194. Design principles of addiction treatment centers: An analytical study
  2195. The development of game addiction treatment program using digital storytelling
  2196. A mixed-methods study of treatment adherence and progress for offenders referred to community-based drug addiction treatment
  2197. Long-term effectiveness of psychodynamic outpatient treatment of addiction
  2198. Integral recovery: A case study of an AQAL [all-quadrants, all-levels, all-lines, all-states, all-types] approach to addiction treatment
  2199. Modifying the role of serotonergic 5‐HTTLPR and TPH2 variants on disulfiram treatment of cocaine addiction: a preliminary study
  2200. Assessment of educational needs for retraining physicians working at addiction treatment and rehabilitation centers
  2201. Dynamic Baseline Variables Predict treatment Outcomes for addiction Generally, and Smoking in Particular
  2202. Bulimia nervosa treated with an adapted version of Carroll’s cognitive-behavioral approach for treatment of cocaine addiction
  2203. Commentary: Why does the addiction treatment field continue to tolerate smoking instead of treating it
  2204. Principles of the pharmacological treatment of drug addiction
  2205. The Nature and Issues of Drug addiction treatment under Constraint
  2206. Variation in the average cost of addiction treatment: an examination of process
  2207. Technology-Assisted addiction treatment for Key Populations
  2208. For-profit treatment of opioid addiction
  2209. Group therapy and self-help groups in addiction treatment.
  2210. addiction research centres and the nurturing of creativity: addiction treatment outcomes, process and change: Texas Institute of Behavioral Research at Texas …
  2211. A comprehensive review of psychotherapeutic treatment of sexual addiction.
  2212. addiction Education and treatment
  2213. Primary and behavioral healthcare integration: threat or opportunity for addiction treatment organizations?
  2214. … properties and prediction of human PK using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for YQA‐14, a new dopamine D3 receptor antagonist candidate for treatment of drug addiction
  2215. treatment of tobacco addiction and the cardiovascular specialist
  2216. Motivation for treatment of addiction may differ according to type of application: Results from a Turkish sample
  2217. Evaluation of prevention and treatment services and harm reduction of addiction with an emphasis on HIV infection in afghan refugees in Iran
  2218. Medication development for the treatment of cocaine addiction–progress at preclinical and clinical levels
  2219. Addressing the family of origin as a cause of addiction: a treatment programme for substance abuse
  2220. addiction as a disease: The call for perspectives from addicted individuals’ family members and treatment providers
  2221. A community-based approach to the treatment of pain and addiction
  2222. Study the Primary and addiction Relapse Prevention Strategies from the Perspective of Addicted Persons’ Referred to treatment Centers for Substance Abuse, Ahvaz
  2223. An inspiration from Internet addiction mal-treatment in China
  2224. Christian therapeutic community in addiction treatment
  2225. addiction severity, psychopathology and quality of life of persons who have started alcohol or drug treatment
  2226. Commentary on Gustafson et al.(2013): can we know that addiction treatment has been improved without evidence of better patient outcomes?
  2227. Mapping the addiction treatment gap
  2228. Unraveling the mysteries of addiction treatment and recovery: An interview with Rudolf Moos, PhD
  2229. Pharmacogenetics in the treatment of tobacco addiction
  2230. Modeling opioid addiction treatment policies using system dynamics
  2231. addiction Genetics: A Harbinger of Advanced Research and New treatment for addiction
  2232. Exploring the treatment integrity of custodial addiction therapeutic communities
  2233. Social service and addiction treatment: rehabilitation or harm reduction?
  2234. Self-reported differences in side-effects for 110 heroin addicts during opioid addiction and during methadone treatment
  2235. Substance abuse and addiction treatment programs in India: exploring the voices of Indian treatment and research professionals
  2236. W03-02-Depression and internet addiction: Correlation and treatment approaches
  2238. Smoking cessation services in addiction treatment: Challenges for organizations and the counseling workforce
  2239. Lighting the darkness of addiction: Can phototherapy enhance contingency-management-based treatment of substance-related and addictive disorders?
  2240. What works in mentalization-based treatment: systematic case studies in personality disorder and addiction
  2241. Preliminary data on validity of the Drug addiction treatment Efficacy Questionnaire
  2242. The role of treating nicotine addiction prior to treatment of periodontal diseases
  2243. The role of personality and neurocognitive dimensions of impulsivity in predicting addiction treatment outcomes
  2244. Outpatient addiction Care for Pathological Gamblers in Bavaria: Do treatment Services Meet Clients’ Needs?
  2245. Meaningful learning experiences: The influence of group-based adventure recreation on behavioral addiction treatment
  2247. Evidence based treatment approaches in behavioral addiction
  2248. Mixing oil and water: Developing integrated treatment for people with the co-occurring disorders of mental illness and addiction
  2249. A mixed methods study evaluating aftercare outcomes for addiction treatment within spiritually based and nonspiritually based programs
  2250. Guidelines in the treatment of opiate addiction: a review and recommendation
  2251. Predictors of research use among staff in aboriginal addiction treatment programs serving women
  2252. Outpatient long-term treatment of addiction in higher age
  2253. One CEO attacks bait-and-switch marketing: deceptive online marketing of addiction treatment centers is as old as the Internet, but it’s time for industry leaders to say …
  2254. The lipid addiction of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and potential treatment strategies with novel fatty acid synthase (FASN) small molecule inhibitors
  2255. … journey of recovery from addiction: A report evaluating the service provided via the secondary treatment programs of Tabor Lodge addiction and Housing Services …
  2256. Combined Psycho-Physical Neurofeedback Therapy in the Stimulant addiction treatment: Clinical-Psychological and EEG/FMRI Study
  2257. Testing is’ the technology of addiction‘: for prevention and treatment, ASAM says that drug testing is” vastly underutilized”
  2258. addiction treatment for Families: Is there a need?
  2259. Evolution in Community-Based addiction treatment Driven by the Crack Epidemic: A Professional Time-Line of Psychological Work in the Trenches of the War …
  2260. addiction treatment and cancer treatment: Personal reflections of a long-tenured addiction professional
  2261. Pharmacotherapy in the treatment of addiction: methadone
  2262. New directions in the pharmacological treatment of food addiction, overeating, and obesity
  2263. Effectiveness of methadone treatment for heroin addiction
  2264. The significance of motivation, stages of readiness to behavior changes, factors of compliance to treatment of alcohol addiction
  2266. … social support in smartphone-based addiction support groups: Seeking, giving, and receiving emotional support and their effects on alcoholism treatment
  2267. Study on the Feasibility of Sports Prescription to treatment of Young Internet addiction
  2268. Internet addiction: Causes, Formation Mechanisms, Diagnosis, treatment and Prevention Approaches
  2269. Transformative Learning through the Therapeutic Community Model of treatment in addiction Recovery
  2270. A Design for addiction Diagnosis and treatment System Based On the Pattern of Smartphone Use
  2271. Methamphetamine addiction: From Basic Science to treatment
  2272. A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Model for the treatment of Online Video Game addiction
  2273. Awareness and wisdom in addiction therapy: The in-depth systemics treatment of mental-somatic models
  2274. Buprenorphine in the treatment of Heroin addiction: Déjà Vu all over again
  2275. A Multidisciplinary Approach to addiction Developed in a Patient Receiving Chronic Pain treatment with Fentanyl.
  2276. treatment of tobacco addiction using the feeling-state addiction protocol (FSAP) of the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) treatment
  2277. Relationship of reasons and fears of treatment with outcome in substance using population attending a de-addiction centre
  2278. The impulsivity and aggressivity, and its treatment outcomes of the inpatients with internet addiction disorder by intergrafion interview
  2279. Methadone Maintenance treatment service evaluation and critical appraisal of the electronic database at addiction Prevention and treatment Services, Nova Scotia …
  2280. Limiting the Duration of Medication Assisted treatment for Opioid addiction: Will New State Policies Help or Hurt?
  2281. Intensive treatment Program for Students with Game addiction based on Multiple Intelligences
  2282. Taking the Pulse of the addiction treatment Profession
  2283. Medications for the treatment of cocaine addiction: focus on glutamatergic compounds
  2284. addiction and treatment
  2285. Biological Research on addiction: Chapter 43. Brain Mechanisms of addiction treatment Effects
  2286. Methadone population pharmacokinetics: Toward understanding the dose-response relationship in the treatment of opiate addiction
  2287. Neurobiological Bases of addiction treatment
  2288. Opioid drugs in maintenance and detoxification treatment of opiate addiction; proposed modification of dispensing restrictions for buprenorphine and buprenorphine …
  2290. Bridging Research and Clinical Practice: Key strategies to creating innovative addiction treatment services
  2291. The Role of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in treatment Strategies for Fear and Drug addiction
  2292. The relationship between professional sexual boundary violation and sex addiction: An exploratory study of post-treatment and retrospective pre-treatment …
  2293. Topiramate for the treatment of methamphetamine addiction: A multi-center placebo-controlled trial: Corrigendum.
  2294. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 62. Economic Analysis of addiction treatment Programs
  2295. The CYP2D6 gene determines oxycodone’s phenotype-specific addictive potential: implications for addiction prevention and treatment
  2296. Relieve me of the bondage of self: addiction practitioners from three treatment centres in New Zealand discuss the use of community as a method of healing the self: a …
  2297. Alternatives to diagnosis-based denominators for addiction treatment quality measures
  2298. Recover to Live: Kick Any Habit, Manage Any addiction: Your Self-treatment Guide to Alcohol, Drugs, Eating Disorders, Gambling, Hoarding, Smoking, Sex …
  2299. Predictors of addiction treatment Attrition
  2301. The Role of Social Support and Early Engagement in addiction treatment
  2302. Electro-acupuncture (EA) as an adjunct therapy to methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in heroin addiction: A study of 2D EEG power spectral topography and …
  2303. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 60. Improving the Quality of addiction treatment
  2305. (out) patient: queer addiction treatment and neoliberal affect
  2306. Ownership mix of addiction treatment centres in the USA
  2307. Cognitive Function in the Alcohol addiction treatment Population
  2308. treatment OF DRUG addiction
  2309. The impact of the effectiveness of needle exchange programs on addiction–treatment dynamics
  2310. 1612–Clinical characteristics and disorder-specific cognitions in treatment-seeking patients with internet addiction and borderline personality organization
  2311. Internet addiction treatment, counseling, and support
  2312. PREVENTION AND treatment OF SOCIAL NETWORKING addiction
  2313. Fallen giants: The loss of addiction treatment and recovery pioneers in the United States
  2314. Factors Associated with Provision of addiction treatment Facility Information by Tennessee Community Pharmacists
  2315. Pharmacological basis of opioids dependence [addiction] and its treatment
  2316. Organizational Characteristics of Outpatient addiction treatment Facilities and their Impacts on Client Services and Outcomes
  2317. Integrating the Creative Arts into Trauma and addiction treatment: Eight Essential Processes
  2318. Redemption and Recovery: Further Parallels of Religion and Science in addiction treatment
  2319. Inside Rehab: The Surprising Truth About addiction treatment and How to Get Help That Works, by Anne M. Fletcher: (2013). New York, NY: Penguin, 429 pp …
  2320. Community Corrections addiction treatment: Strategies to Adopt, Implement, and Sustain Effective Practices
  2321. Sleep & Anxiety in addiction treatment and Recovery
  2322. Slaying the Dragon: The History of addiction treatment and Recovery in America Second Edition, 2014
  2323. Struggling to hold addiction treatment talk and relapse in mind
  2324. Evaluation of an addiction treatment Manual Integrating the 12 Steps with Psychodynamic Themes
  2325. Drug addiction and its treatment
  2327. The Genetics and Neurochemistry of Schizophrenia and addiction: Enhanced Options for treatment Using Nicotinic Acid (Vitamin B3).
  2328. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 61. Evaluating treatment Efficacy
  2329. Comparing medications used in opioid addiction treatment in Greece
  2330. The assortment analysis of medical preparations for tobacco addiction treatment
  2331. treatment outcomes of a tailored smoking cessation programme for individuals accessing addiction treatment services
  2332. What do Differences in Emotional Regulation in Individuals Addicted to Different Substances Tell us About addiction treatment?
  2334. Trauma and addiction: an integrated approach to diagnosis and treatment
  2335. Predictors of Smoking Behavior and Readiness to Quit in addiction treatment
  2337. An Art Therapy Exploration of Complex Trauma and addiction treatment
  2338. Use of addiction treatment services by Irish youth: does place of residence matter?
  2339. Criminological profile of patients in addiction treatment= Perfil criminológico en pacientes adictos en tratamiento
  2340. Accreditation standards concerning patients’ rights: a review of the current state of affairs related to drug-addiction treatment centers in Colombia
  2341. treatment Allocation Guidelines on treatment Outcome in Routine Outpatient addiction treatment Using Structured Assessment of Patient Characteristics
  2342. addiction treatment in the New Millennium: From Jail Cells to Brain Cells
  2343. Alcohol addiction treatment, comorbidity and after-care in 12 short residential programs during 2009 in ItalyIna Maria Hinnenthal
  2344. Post career counseling workshop series for adults in addiction treatment programs
  2345. Comorbid mental disorders among clients in addiction treatment: The costs of care
  2346. addiction treatment and community mental health in Africa: The implication of policy and institutional gaps for effective intervention
  2347. The Experiences of Service Users in Family Focused Institutional addiction treatment
  2348. addiction Neuroethics: The Ethics of addiction Neuroscience Research and treatment
  2349. Feasibility and Efficacy of an addiction treatment Program in Patients With Upper Aerodigestive Tract Cancer
  2350. Playing the game, fighting the fight: professional billing organizations specialize in behavioral health, addiction treatment claims
  2351. Opium abuse among patients with chronic physical pain as a misleading cause in addiction treatment center
  2352. Cooperative work and vocational rehabilitation in the drug addiction treatment: opportunities and limitations of current practices
  2353. Rethinking Assumptions about Drug addiction and treatment
  2354. … manual” Problematic use and dependence of prescipted drugs” in daily routine care-a study among participants in a training to qualify in” primary addiction treatment“
  2355. Sexual addiction & Its treatment
  2356. State of knowledge (concerning the alcohol dependence) of the patients undergoing a therapy in the Department of twenty-four-hour addiction treatment in …
  2357. addiction and technology: technology in the treatment of smoking
  2358. ACUPUNCTURE treatment FOR addiction
  2359. A conversation with Andy Eckert: in his first interview, CRC Health Group’s new CEO looks forward to his work with the nation’s largest addiction treatment provider
  2360. Smoking addiction and methods of treatment
  2362. < The> effects of gabapentin on methadone based addiction treatment: a randomized controlled trial
  2363. Dopamine D3 receptor ligands for drug addiction treatment: update on recent findings
  2364. Using the dual diagnosis capability of addiction treatment (DDCAT) index to improve outcomes: An evaluation of a community-based behavioral health program
  2365. HIV and syphilis infections and influence factors among drug addicts under compulsory addiction treatment
  2366. Iatrogenic opioid dependence is endemic and legal: Genetic addiction risk score (GARS) with electrotherapy a paradigm shift in pain treatment programs
  2367. Impact of Merger/Acquisitions in a Nonprofit addiction treatment Hospital
  2368. Ethics: treatment claims must match reality, says CEO: Memorial-Hermann PaRC CEO warns against unethical practices in addiction treatment
  2369. Weighing cost, liability in delivering recommended addiction treatment: whether or not you agree with an insurer’s coverage decisions, you’re liable for your treatment …
  2370. treatment of alcohol and drug dependence in 2011 and relevance to food addiction.
  2371. Barriers to addiction treatment among homeless adults and the expected impact of health care reform
  2372. Prescription Opioid addiction treatment Study (POATS) Blending Initiative Product Resource List
  2373. … of evidence-based practices in community-based addiction treatment organizations: the association between funder requirements and treatment staff reports of …
  2374. addiction and school: the role of school in the prevention and treatment of internet addiction among pupils and teenagers
  2375. treatment of alcohol addiction syndrome with cytoflavin
  2376. An exploration of the effect of family interaction within the treatment and aftercare programme of addiction
  2377. addiction to Propofol: A study of 22 treatment cases: Erratum.
  2378. Beneficial Effects of Rosmarinus Officinalis for treatment of Opium Withdrawal Syndrome during addiction treatment Programs: A Clinical Trial
  2379. Patient with Psychosis Needs treatment for addiction
  2380. MMORPG addiction in Women: Diagnosis and treatment
  2381. Common methods to treat addiction in treatment-rehabilitation centers in Tehran
  2382. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 64. Evidence-Based treatment
  2383. Changes in client functioning during treatment at a secondary stage addiction facility: an analysis of case records
  2384. treatment of Tobacco addiction in Mental Health and addictive Disorders
  2385. The Impact of Prior Authorization on Buprenorphine Dose, Relapse and Cost of Opioid addiction treatment
  2386. Inside Rehab: The Surprising Truth About addiction treatment-and How to Get Help That Works; and Clean: Overcoming Adiction and Ending America’s Greatest …
  2387. Pharmacogenetics and the treatment of addiction
  2388. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 63. Ethical Issues in the treatment of Drug Dependence
  2389. Internet addiction: a handbook and guide to evaluation and treatment
  2390. Meaning of Self-Help Groups in the treatment of Behavioural addiction
  2391. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 69. Improving Medication Use in addictions treatment
  2392. … al., A Randomized Clinical Trial of Alcohol Care Management Delivered in Department of Veterans Affairs Primary Care Clinics Versus Specialty addiction treatment
  2393. < A> qualitative study of specific needs of women for treatment of addiction
  2394. Can Genetics Help in treatment of Smoking addiction?
  2395. The teotherapeutics and psycotherapeutics communities as a treatment against SPA addiction: an approchement to its state of art
  2396. The new misdemeanor law and old issues with security measures ordering compulsory alcohol and drug addiction treatment
  2397. treatment FOR PERSONS WITH HEROIN addiction
  2398. Chronic non-cancer pain and six-month follow-up outcomes among community-based opiate addiction treatment clients on methadone
  2399. The Amen Anti-addiction Intervention: Theoretical Foundations of a Novel Neurotrophic Protocol for the Prevention and treatment of addiction
  2400. The effect of Centralized Psychological Counseling within the Person in the treatment of the addiction Cases
  2401. Substitute treatment–the way out of an addiction or continuation of a long
  2402. EPA-0667–Video game addicted patients of an inpatient treatment center for addiction–a description according to DSM-IV-TR multiaxial diagnostic
  2403. Developing an addiction Attitude and Belief Scale For Use with Non-treatment, Web-Based Populations
  2404. Meaning-Centered Counseling and Therapy (MCCT): An integrative and comprehensive approach to motivational counseling and addiction treatment
  2405. Deep Brain Stimulation for the treatment of addiction
  2406. History of Medication-Assisted treatment for Opioid addiction
  2407. Transformations: treatment of Alcohol addiction as a Process of Consciousness Expansion
  2408. Access and Engagement in treatment-Aided addiction Recovery: Differences between Men and Women
  2409. The Insatiable Gorge: An Existentialist View of Opiate addiction and its treatment
  2410. Use and abuse of the notion of addiction in the treatment system, in daily life and in politics–Different ideas on and definitions of „addiction “are regularly being used in …
  2411. The Role of Subculture Theory in the treatment and Correction of addiction and Drug Related Crime
  2412. Heroin addiction: A Novel treatment Delivery System
  2416. Internet and video game addiction needs better treatment
  2419. Pain: Evaluation and treatment mitigating abuse and addiction liabilities.
  2420. addiction, the Brain, and Evidence-Based treatment-Interview With Redonna K. Chandler
  2421. Use-dependent Antagonism of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors as a Novel treatment for Drug addiction
  2422. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 52. treatment of Anxiety in Substance-Using Patients
  2424. Farmacogenetica bij de behandeling van tabaksverslaving [Pharmacogenetics in the treatment of tobacco addiction]
  2425. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 68. Dissemination of Evidence-based treatment into Practice
  2426. CPP-115, a potent γ-aminobutyric acid aminotransferase inactivator for the treatment of cocaine addiction
  2427. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 26. treatment-as-Usual for Substance Abuse in Community Settings
  2428. Justice and Equity in Trials of Deep Brain Stimulation for the treatment of addiction and Overeating
  2429. Program of the University Clinic of Toxicology, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in treatment of Drug addiction (Buprenorfin treatment Protocol)
  2430. treatment and prevention of tobacco addiction. Antinicotinic vaccine
  2431. Family intervention for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addiction: an exploratory study
  2432. An empirical study of the relationship between heroin addiction, crime and medical treatment CS]. Fazey
  2433. Cocaine self-administration in rhesus monkeys: effects on neurobiology and cognition and evaluation of cognitive enhancement for addiction treatment
  2434. A Research Based Approach To The treatment of Anger, Aggression & addiction
  2435. Gender differences in heroin addiction and treatment in the Italian” VEdeTTE” Cohort Study
  2436. The Italian Manifesto for the treatment of heroin addiction. The mixed care model
  2437. Laser Acupuncture Therapy for the treatment of Tobacco addiction
  2438. Beliefs About addiction Among People In treatment And Alcohol And Other Drug Professionals
  2439. A critical analysis of user satisfaction surveys in addiction services: Opioid maintenance treatment as a representative case study
  2440. Examination of the religious orientation and burden of family as predictors of treatment permanence of addiction
  2441. … : From onset to recovery a phenomenological investigation of six adult men in substance abuse treatment programs concerning their experiences of addiction
  2442. Women, Girls, and addiction: Celebrating the Feminine in Counseling treatment and Recovery, by Cynthia A. Briggs and Jennifer L. Pepperell: (2009). New York, NY …
  2443. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 50. The treatment of Depressed Alcoholics
  2444. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 20. PTSD and Substance Abuse treatment
  2445. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 33. treatment for Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders
  2447. TA-CD Vaccine: An Innovative treatment for Cocaine addiction?
  2449. Determining the efficacy of social skills training in treatment of drug addiction in patients refering to Tehran Clinic
  2450. Contributions of the built health-care environment to effective treatment and recovery: a proposed community hospital for addiction and mental health in Durban.
  2451. The therapeutic alliance as a main factor of building cooperation during the treatment of patients with opiate addiction
  2452. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 27. Disparities in Health Services for the treatment of Substance Use Disorders
  2453. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 42. Medications for treatment of Marijuana Dependence
  2454. Drug arrest referral schemes and forensic perspectives on the treatment of addiction
  2455. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 45. Antagonists for the treatment of Opioid Dependence
  2456. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 8. Network Support treatment for Alcohol Dependence
  2457. The treatment goal in maintenance treatment of heroin addiction ought to be more than retention
  2458. Modeling Deep Brain Stimulation in the Nucleus Accumbens as a Potential treatment for addiction
  2459. A rodent model of phenotypic variation in sweet preference, addiction vulnerability, and pharmacological treatment sensitivity
  2460. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 41. Anticonvulsant Medications for the treatment of Alcohol Dependence
  2462. … decorated approaches in the Russian addiction psychiatry: some thoughts about ML Zobin’s paper” Placebo technologies in the treatment of substance abuse”
  2463. The Effects of Withdrawal treatment on Attentional Biases towards Drug Cues in Opioid addiction
  2464. … I-OA3 Study Title: Observational study of the long-term efficacy of ibogaine-assisted treatment in participants with opiate addiction Principal Investigator: Valerie …
  2465. 2891–Motivational approaches to addiction through movies within the context of treatment models
  2466. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 11. Brief Strategic Family Therapy for Adolescent Drug Abuse: treatment and Implementation
  2467. Is Internet addiction Prevalent among Methadone Maintenance treatment (MMT) patients? Data from Las Vegas and Tel Aviv
  2469. Assessment of application and value of acupuncture as an adjunct treatment for addiction and posttraumatic stress among counselors
  2470. Nicotine addiction: Role of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Genetic Variability in Knowledge, Prevention and treatment
  2471. treatment of cocaine addiction with amphetamine, a sleep-suppressant drug: associative learning, sleep patterns and clinical perspectives
  2473. Deep Brain Stimulation of the Nucleus Accumbens for the treatment of Cocaine addiction
  2474. Promoting smoking cessation among parents: integrating treatment and prevention of nicotine addiction?
  2475. The Execution of the Security Measure of Compulsory Psychiatric treatment and the Security Measure of Compulsory treatment of addiction from the Aspect of the …
  2476. Exploiting Glutamine addiction of Tumor Cells for Selective and Improved Delivery of Chemotherapic Drugs in Cancer treatment
  2477. Interventions For addiction: Chapter 47. Agonist-Like (Substitution) treatment for Cocaine and Other Stimulant Dependence
  2478. Magnetic Nanoparticle-based Targeted Drug Delivery for treatment of Neuro-AIDS and Drug addiction
  2479. … management of health services from romania-co-production and” health in all” collaboration in the treatment and rehabilitation of persons with substances addiction
  2480. [Compulsory methadone maintenance treatment of severe cases of drug addiction in a residential setting in Tehran, Iran [2]: outcome evaluation in two and six-month …
  2481. … motivating adolescents who are deaf or hard of hearing with drug and alcohol addiction: Components of a curriculum that links adolescents to appropriate treatment
  2483. Online Sexual addiction and Compulsivity: Integrating Web Resources and Behavioral Telehealth in treatment
  2485. Is there a role for resveratrol and sirtuins in the treatment of cocaine and methamphetamine addiction?
  2486. Chronic morphine treatment-modulated trafficking of AMPA receptors: a potential mechanism for drug addiction
  2487. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor is a novel alcohol-responsive gene: Implications for the treatment of alcohol addiction
  2488. treatment and rehabilitation for the alcohol dependence in government’s addiction center
  2489. … -rating Depression Scale Score as an Inverse and Independent Predictor of Successful Smoking Cessation with a Pharmacological treatment for Nicotine addiction
  2490. Editorial [Hot topic: Food addiction & Obesity treatment Development (Executive Guest Editors: Mark S. Gold and Noni A. Graham)]
  2491. Oxytocin and its interactions with drugs of abuse: oxytocin as a potential treatment for drug addiction
  2492. … , Y.,(in press). Growth and empowerment for Indigenous Australians in substance abuse treatment. International Journal of Mental Health and addiction.
  2493. … for benzodiazepine use and detoxification for patients in medication-assisted (substitution) treatment programmes for opioid addiction in the Republic of Slovenia.
  2494. … : Zafiridis Ph.(2011). The SYNANON Self Help Organization and its Contribution to the Understanding and treatment of addiction. Therapeutic Communities, 32 …
  2495. 167. RTL551: A potential neuroimmune-based treatment for methamphetamine addiction
  2496. Screening, Brief Intervention & Referral to treatment (SBIRT): Applications in Pain Management & Opioid addiction
  2497. Dual, Postsynaptic 5-HT2B Antagonist and 5-HT1A Agonist Approach to the treatment of METH/MDMA addiction and Related Behavioral Disorders
  2498. Iatrogenic opioid dependence is endemic and legal: Genetic addiction risk score (GARS) with electrotherapy a paradigm shift in pain treatment programs
  2500. … , 2012; Collins, Leonard, & Searles, 1990; Copello, & Lorna Powell, 2010; Gruber & Taylor, 2006; Rotunda, Scherer, & Imm, 1995). In fact, treatment for addicts often …
  2501. … of a nicotine patch TOTHEEDITOR: Transdermal nicotine (the nicotine patch) has been promoted as an aid in the treatment of tobacco addiction. It is generally …
  2502. In recent years, there has been a veritable explosion in therapeutic approaches, self-help books, and groups aimed at the treatment of “sexual addiction.” In this chap …
  2503. EPA-0558–Predictors of outcome of hospital treatment of drug addiction in slovenia-preliminary results
  2504. (530) Suboxone decreases the odds of opioid resumption in patients with opioid addiction following treatment in a chronic pain rehabilitation program including opioid …
  2505. Safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of TV-1380, a novel mutated butyrylcholinesterase treatment for cocaine addiction, after single and multiple …
  2507. An Article from the West. J. Surg., Obst. & Gynec. May-June 1961 Diphosphopyridine Nucleotide in the Prevention, Diagnosis and treatment of Drug addiction
  2508. EPA-0925-The application of neuromodulation techniques in the treatment of alcohol addiction
  2509. Association analysis of polymorphisms in intron 2 of μ opioid receptor gene and effective dose in methadone maintenance treatment of heroin addiction
  2510. P-08-Socio-demographic data of the clients in methadone substitution treatment and predictors of developing opiate addiction-a pilot study
  2511. … Cystine Levels in the CNS in Order to Drive the Cystine/Glutamate Antiporter: A Novel treatment for Schizophrenia and Drug addiction. Part 2. Design and …
  2512. … , 1989) on addiction, we offer a refined and expanded version of our theory of the self psychology of addiction and our approach to the self-psychological treatment of …
  2513. Research report 2: The role of the endocannabinoid system in treatment of nicotine addiction
  2514. addiction treatment
  2515. The forest and the trees: relational and specific factors in addiction treatment
  2516. An international systematic review of smoking prevalence in addiction treatment
  2517. addiction consultation services–Linking hospitalized patients to outpatient addiction treatment
  2518. Trends in telemedicine use in addiction treatment
  2519. The effects of employment interventions on addiction treatment outcomes: A review of the literature
  2520. Medications for addiction treatment: changing language to improve care
  2521. Textbook of addiction treatment: international perspectives
  2522. The sociodrama of life or death: Young adults and addiction treatment
  2523. Survival analysis of drug abuse relapse in addiction treatment centers
  2524. Benefits of peer support groups in the treatment of addiction
  2525. The endocannabinoid system as a target for addiction treatment: trials and tribulations
  2526. Naltrexone: a pan-addiction treatment?
  2527. American Society of addiction Medicine (ASAM) national practice guideline for the use of medications in the treatment of addiction involving opioid use
  2528. Positive psychology interventions for internet addiction treatment
  2529. Implementation and effectiveness of integrated trauma and addiction treatment for incarcerated men
  2530. A qualitative study of transgender individuals’ experiences in residential addiction treatment settings: stigma and inclusivity
  2531. Brain mechanisms of change in addiction treatment: Models, methods, and emerging findings
  2532. The National treatment Outcomes Research Study (NTORS) and its influence on addiction treatment policy in the United Kingdom
  2533. Despite resources from the ACA, most states do little to help addiction treatment programs implement health care reform
  2534. Impact of general cognition and executive function deficits on addiction treatment outcomes: Systematic review and discussion of neurocognitive pathways
  2535. The prescription opioid addiction treatment study: what have we learned
  2536. Gender considerations in addiction: Implications for treatment
  2537. addiction treatment within US correctional facilities: Bridging the gap between current practice and evidence-based care
  2538. A police-led addiction treatment referral program in Gloucester, MA: Implementation and participants’ experiences
  2539. Lost in translation: CRF1 receptor antagonists and addiction treatment
  2540. addiction treatment professionals are not the gatekeepers of recovery
  2541. A police-led addiction treatment referral program in Massachusetts
  2542. Barriers to female sex addiction treatment in the UK
  2543. Factors associated with provision of addiction treatment information by community pharmacists
  2544. Implementing buprenorphine in addiction treatment: payer and provider perspectives in Ohio
  2545. Efficacy of mindfulness-based addiction treatment (MBAT) for smoking cessation and lapse recovery: A randomized clinical trial.
  2546. Long-term outcomes from the national drug abuse treatment clinical trials network prescription opioid addiction treatment study
  2547. Existing and future drugs for the treatment of the dark side of addiction
  2548. The law and policy of opioids for pain management, addiction treatment, and overdose reversal
  2549. Client engagement in legally-mandated addiction treatment: a prospective study using self-determination theory
  2550. Barriers and facilitators to tobacco cessation in a nationwide sample of addiction treatment programs
  2551. Social anxiety and peer helping in adolescent addiction treatment
  2552. Use of multiple tobacco products in a national sample of persons enrolled in addiction treatment
  2553. Mechanisms underlying mindfulness-based addiction treatment versus cognitive behavioral therapy and usual care for smoking cessation.
  2554. The multi-site prescription opioid addiction treatment study: 18-month outcomes
  2555. Food addiction-diagnosis and treatment
  2556. Receipt of addiction treatment as a consequence of a brief intervention for drug use in primary care: A randomized trial
  2557. Associated factors with addiction relapse in patients of referring to addiction treatment centers in Ilam: A case-control study
  2558. Clinical psychology of Internet addiction: a review of its conceptualization, prevalence, neuronal processes, and implications for treatment
  2559. A systematic review on the use of psychosocial interventions in conjunction with medications for the treatment of opioid addiction
  2560. New psychoactive substances (NPS)–a challenge for the addiction treatment services
  2561. Pain volatility and prescription opioid addiction treatment outcomes in patients with chronic pain.
  2562. Changes in psychological time perspective during residential addiction treatment: a mixed-methods study
  2563. The effects of continuing care on emerging adult outcomes following residential addiction treatment
  2564. Takiwasi: addiction treatment in the” Singing House”
  2565. Examination of the effects of an intervention aiming to link patients receiving addiction treatment with health care: the LINKAGE clinical trial
  2566. Towards precision addiction treatment: new findings in co-morbid substance use and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders
  2567. Challenges to implementing opioid substitution therapy in Ukrainian prisons: Personnel attitudes toward addiction, treatment, and people with HIV/AIDS
  2568. Meeting the growing need for heroin addiction treatment
  2569. NIDA-Drug addiction treatment Outcome Study (DATOS) relapse as a function of spirituality/religiosity
  2570. In their own voices: Breaking the vicious cycle of addiction, treatment and criminal justice among people who inject drugs in Ukraine
  2571. An exploratory study investigating the effects of a treatment manual for video game addiction
  2572. Improving access to maternity care for women with opioid use disorders: colocation of midwifery services at an addiction treatment program
  2573. Realising the technological promise of smartphones in addiction research and treatment: an ethical review
  2574. Ontological addiction: classification, etiology, and treatment
  2575. Overcoming professionals’ challenging experiences to promote a trustful therapeutic alliance in addiction treatment: A qualitative study
  2576. Engagement and substance dependence in a primary care-based addiction treatment program for people infected with HIV and people at high-risk for HIV infection
  2577. Cognitive motivational processes underlying addiction treatment
  2578. Initiation of addiction treatment and access to services: young adults’ accounts of their help-seeking experiences
  2579. Sex differences in spiritual coping, forgiveness, and gratitude before and after a basic alcohol addiction treatment program
  2580. Methadone treatment of opiate addiction: a systematic review of comparative studies
  2581. The influence of music on emotions and cravings in clients in addiction treatment: a study of two clinical samples
  2582. Medicaid coverage for methadone maintenance and use of opioid agonist therapy in specialty addiction treatment
  2583. The neurobiology of “food addiction” and its implications for obesity treatment and policy
  2584. The effects of a virtual reality treatment program for online gaming addiction
  2585. Shifting blame: Buprenorphine prescribers, addiction treatment, and prescription monitoring in middle-class America
  2586. Internet addiction in children and adolescents: Risk factors, assessment, and treatment
  2587. Codeine misuse and dependence in South Africa: Perspectives of addiction treatment providers
  2588. Harnessing attachment in addiction treatment: Regulation theory and the self-medication hypothesis
  2589. Auricular acupuncture for substance use: a randomized controlled trial of effects on anxiety, sleep, drug use and use of addiction treatment services
  2590. The mechanisms of mindfulness in the treatment of mental illness and addiction
  2591. Mandatory addiction treatment for people who use drugs: global health and human rights analysis
  2592. The lesser of two evils’: A qualitative study of staff and client experiences and beliefs about addressing tobacco in addiction treatment settings
  2593. Focus: addiction: Reducing fatal opioid overdose: Prevention, treatment and harm reduction strategies
  2594. Meditation awareness training for the treatment of sex addiction: A case study
  2595. Inability to access addiction treatment predicts injection initiation among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting
  2596. Gender differences in heroin addiction and treatment: results from the VEdeTTE cohort
  2597. Spatial patterns of arrests, police assault and addiction treatment center locations in Tijuana, Mexico
  2598. addiction treatment in America: After money or aftercare
  2599. Effects of naloxone distribution alone or in combination with addiction treatment with or without pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention in people who …
  2600. Searching objective criteria for patient assignment in addiction treatment
  2601. The rights of drug treatment patients: Experience of addiction treatment in Poland from a human rights perspective
  2602. treatment of child/adolescent obesity using the addiction model: a smartphone app pilot study
  2603. Innovation attributes and adoption decisions: perspectives from leaders of a national sample of addiction treatment organizations
  2604. Determining ethyl glucuronide cutoffs when detecting self‐reported alcohol use in addiction treatment patients
  2605. Does the implementation of evidence-based and culturally competent practices reduce disparities in addiction treatment outcomes?
  2606. Many correlates of poor quality of life among substance users entering treatment are not addiction-specific
  2607. The role of opioidergic genes in the treatment outcome of drug addiction pharmacotherapy: a systematic review
  2608. National practice guideline for the use of medications in the treatment of addiction involving opioid use
  2609. Contingency management interventions for non-prescribed drug use during treatment for opiate addiction: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  2610. Impact of medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction on Medicaid expenditures and health services utilization rates in Vermont
  2611. The role of locus of control in nyaope addiction treatment
  2612. The role of gender in factors associated with addiction treatment satisfaction among long-term opioid users
  2613. A meta-analysis of treatment interventions for internet addiction among Korean adolescents
  2614. Early phase in the development of cannabidiol as a treatment for addiction: opioid relapse takes initial center stage
  2615. Buprenorphine treatment for narcotic addiction: not without risks
  2616. Food addiction in overweight and obese adolescents seeking weight‐loss treatment
  2617. Identifying and reducing disparities in successful addiction treatment completion: testing the role of Medicaid payment acceptance
  2618. Romantic love vs. drug addiction may inspire a new treatment for addiction
  2619. Maximizing health or sufficient capability in economic evaluation? A methodological experiment of treatment for drug addiction
  2620. Factors related to addiction treatment motivations; validity and reliability of an instrument
  2621. Internet addiction: the problem and treatment
  2622. Smoking-related outcomes and associations with tobacco-free policy in addiction treatment, 2015–2016
  2623. Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of drug addiction
  2624. Effectiveness of social work intervention with a systematic approach to improve general health in opioid addicts in addiction treatment centers
  2625. A comprehensive review of psychotherapeutic treatment of sexual addiction
  2626. Pain acceptance and opiate use disorders in addiction treatment patients with comorbid pain
  2627. Predictors of tobacco use among New York State addiction treatment patients
  2628. Pharmacological treatment of Internet addiction
  2629. Shelter-based opioid treatment: increasing access to addiction treatment in a family shelter
  2630. Is immunotherapy an opportunity for effective treatment of drug addiction?
  2631. Innovations in the treatment of substance addiction
  2632. Possible alternatives to diagnosis-based denominators for addiction treatment quality measures
  2633. A narrative review of potential treatment strategies for food addiction
  2634. treatment of Internet addiction with anxiety disorders: treatment protocol and preliminary before-after results involving pharmacotherapy and modified …
  2635. Systematic review of occupational therapy in the treatment of addiction: Models, practice, and qualitative and quantitative research
  2636. addiction: Psychology and treatment
  2637. Received view of addiction, relapse and treatment
  2638. addiction-related stigma and discrimination: a qualitative study in treatment centers in Mexico City
  2639. addiction and treatment experiences among active methamphetamine users recruited from a township community in Cape Town, South Africa: A mixed-methods study
  2640. Relationship between provider stigma and predictors of staff turnover among addiction treatment providers
  2641. Smoking behaviors and attitudes among clients and staff at New York addiction treatment Programs following a smoking ban: findings after 5 years
  2642. Future directions in “food addiction”: Next steps and treatment implications
  2643. addiction, 12-step programs, and evidentiary standards for ethically and clinically sound treatment recommendations: what should clinicians do?
  2644. Challenges to treatment of chronic pain and addiction during the “opioid crisis”
  2645. Factors influencing the long-term sustainment of quality improvements made in addiction treatment facilities: a qualitative study
  2646. addiction, families and treatment: a critical realist search for theories that can improve practice
  2647. Circadian rhythms and substance abuse: chronobiological considerations for the treatment of addiction
  2648. Violence narratives of Mexican women treated in mutual-aid residential centers for addiction treatment
  2649. Effectiveness of using incentives to improve parolee admission and attendance in community addiction treatment
  2650. Acupuncture for detoxification in treatment of opioid addiction
  2651. Selective kappa opioid antagonists for treatment of addiction, are we there yet?
  2652. Attitudes and training needs of New England HIV care and addiction treatment providers: opportunities for better integration of HIV and alcohol treatment …
  2653. On mourning and recovery: Integrating stages of grief and change toward a neuroscience-based model of attachment adaptation in addiction treatment
  2654. Clinicians’ beliefs, observations, and treatment effectiveness regarding clients’ sexual addiction and internet pornography use
  2655. Association of the Five-Factor Model personality traits and opioid addiction treatment outcome
  2656. The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among addiction treatment patients with cocaine use disorders
  2657. Prescribed psychotropic medication use in patients receiving residential addiction treatment
  2658. The Mental Health Parity and addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) evaluation study: impact on quantitative treatment limits
  2659. Drug addiction stigma in relation to methadone maintenance treatment by different service delivery models in Vietnam
  2660. Delay discounting and the use of mindful attention versus distraction in the treatment of drug addiction: a conceptual review
  2661. Does the biopsychosocial-spiritual model of addiction apply in an Islamic context? A qualitative study of Jordanian addicts in treatment
  2662. Navigating the poverty of heroin addiction treatment and recovery opportunity in Kenya: Access work, self-care and rationed expectations
  2663. Experiences of power and violence in Mexican men attending mutual-aid residential centers for addiction treatment
  2664. Focus: addiction: Marijuana for Glaucoma: A Recipe for Disaster or treatment?
  2665. Medicinal plants and addiction treatment
  2666. The clustering of psychopathology among adults seeking treatment for alcohol and drug addiction
  2667. Factors affecting tendency for drug abuse in people attending addiction treatment centres: a quantitative content analysis
  2668. The impact of therapists’ words on the adolescent brain: In the context of addiction treatment
  2669. What is treatment for opioid addiction in problem-solving courts: a study of 20 Indiana drug and veterans courts
  2670. Recent internet use and associations with clinical outcomes among patients entering addiction treatment involved in a web-delivered psychosocial intervention study
  2671. Volatility and change in chronic pain severity predict outcomes of treatment for prescription opioid addiction
  2672. Training opioid addiction treatment providers to adopt contingency management: a prospective pilot trial of a comprehensive implementation science approach
  2673. addiction treatment staff perceptions of training as a facilitator or barrier to implementing evidence-based practices: a national qualitative research study
  2674. A short history of the 5-HT2C receptor: from the choroid plexus to depression, obesity and addiction treatment
  2675. The development and implementation of an outcome monitoring system for addiction treatment
  2676. The impact of addiction medications on treatment outcomes for persons with co‐occurring PTSD and opioid use disorders
  2677. Applying theory of planned behavior to predict condom use intention among Iranian substance users covered by addiction treatment centers
  2678. Factors associated with inability to access addiction treatment among people who inject drugs in Vancouver, Canada
  2679. Cannabis use and psychiatric disorders: implications for mental health and addiction treatment
  2680. Clinical potential of methylphenidate in the treatment of cocaine addiction: a review of the current evidence
  2681. … persons with a history of multiple addiction treatment episodes benefit from technology delivered behavior therapy? A moderating role of treatment history at baseline
  2682. Converging advances in science, policy and public awareness: A time of great opportunity and change in addiction treatment
  2683. Internet addiction treatment
  2684. Residential ethnography, mixed loyalties, and religious power: ethical dilemmas in faith-based addiction treatment
  2685. Sexual addiction: A literature review of treatment interventions
  2686. Diagnostic stability of Internet addiction in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Data from a naturalistic one-year treatment study
  2687. Long noncoding RNA EGFR-AS1 mediates epidermal growth factor receptor addiction and modulates treatment response in squamous cell carcinoma
  2688. Drug addiction and alcoholism as predictors for tuberculosis treatment default in Brazil: a prospective cohort study
  2689. The key to individualized addiction treatment is comprehensive assessment and monitoring of symptoms and behavioral change
  2690. Implementation of Network for the Improvement of addiction treatment (NIATx) processes in substance use disorder treatment centers
  2691. Relationship of assess self-esteem and locus of control with quality of life during treatment stages in patients referring to drug addiction rehabilitation centers
  2692. Substance use and treatment needs: Constructions of gender in Swedish addiction care
  2693. Tripping up addiction: the use of psychedelic drugs in the treatment of problematic drug and alcohol use
  2694. Implementation of contingency management at a large VA addiction treatment center
  2695. Mothering from the Inside Out: A mentalization-based therapy for mothers in treatment for drug addiction
  2696. Sex addiction as Affect Dysregulation: A Neurobiologically Informed Holistic treatment (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
  2697. The predisposing factors for drug abuse in viewpoints of referrers to addiction treatment Centers in Kermanshah
  2698. addiction and addiction treatment
  2699. treatment outcomes in patients with Internet addiction and anxiety
  2700. The effect of bundling medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction with mHealth: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial
  2701. treatment of internet addiction in patient with panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder: a case report
  2702. Specialty addiction and psychiatry treatment initiation and engagement: Results from an SBIRT randomized trial in pediatrics
  2703. Decline in new psychoactive substance use disorders following legislation targeting headshops: evidence from national addiction treatment data
  2704. The therapeutic contribution of music in music-assisted systematic desensitization for substance addiction treatment: A pilot study
  2705. Role of Wnt/β‐catenin pathway in the nucleus accumbens in long‐term cocaine‐induced neuroplasticity: a possible novel target for addiction treatment
  2706. Relapse prevention medications in community treatment for young adults with opioid addiction
  2707. The path to crack addiction: perceptions of people under treatment
  2708. Healthcare providers’ experiences of working with alcohol addiction treatment in Thailand
  2709. A literature review of spiritual psychotherapy using Quran recitation in the treatment of drug addiction
  2710. A pilot study of a readiness group to increase initiation of smoking cessation services among women in residential addiction treatment
  2711. The emerging science of mindfulness as a treatment for addiction
  2712. Trends and Gender Differences in Substance Use Among Children and Adolescents Admitted to an addiction treatment Center in Turkey: Years 2011–2013
  2713. Acceptability of extended-release naltrexone by heroin-dependent patients and addiction treatment providers in the Netherlands
  2714. addiction treatment: Comparing religion and science in application
  2715. Internet addiction: Diagnosis, comorbidity and treatment
  2716. The impact of chronic pain on opioid addiction treatment: a systematic review protocol
  2717. Therapeutic progression in abused women following a drug-addiction treatment program
  2718. Individuals with mild intellectual disability or borderline intellectual functioning in a forensic addiction treatment center: prevalence and clinical characteristics
  2719. The effects of regular exercise on anxiety, depression and quality of life in adult alcohol and drug dependents in addiction treatment/Alkol ve madde bagimliligi …
  2720. Counselors’ perspectives of positive psychology for the treatment of addiction: A mixed methods pilot study
  2721. Institutional stakeholder perceptions of barriers to addiction treatment under Mexico’s drug policy reform
  2722. treatment of substance use disorders through the government health facilities: Developments in the “Drug De-addiction Programme” of Ministry of Health and …
  2723. Internet addiction treatment: The therapists’ view
  2724. Participatory choral music as a means of engagement in a veterans’ mental health and addiction treatment setting
  2725. Attitudes toward addiction, methadone treatment, and recovery among HIV-infected Ukrainian prisoners who inject drugs: incarceration effects and exploration of …
  2726. Neural correlate of Internet use in patients undergoing psychological treatment for Internet addiction
  2727. Pocket guide to addiction assessment and treatment
  2728. HIV Patients’ preference for integrated models of addiction and HIV treatment in Vietnam
  2729. Internet addiction disorder and problematic use of Google Glass™ in patient treated at a residential substance abuse treatment program
  2730. Therapies in early development for the treatment of opiate addiction
  2731. … , drug and alcohol addiction, depression, and schizophrenia: what do you think about their aetiology, dangerousness, social distance, and treatment? A latent class …
  2732. Interest and preferences for contingency management design among addiction treatment clientele
  2733. Racial differences in veterans’ satisfaction with addiction treatment services
  2734. An evaluation of the Italian version of the Yale Food addiction Scale in obese adult inpatients engaged in a 1-month-weight-loss treatment
  2735. Technology addiction among treatment seekers for psychological problems: Implication for screening in mental health setting
  2736. The affordable care act and addiction treatment: Preparing the undergraduate human services professional
  2737. Naltrexone for the treatment of comorbid tobacco and pornography addiction
  2738. Providing intensive addiction/housing case management to homeless veterans enrolled in addictions treatment: A randomized controlled trial.
  2739. Pharmacologic treatment of opioid addiction during pregnancy
  2740. Improving consumer satisfaction with addiction treatment: an analysis of alumni preferences
  2741. Spirituality-enhanced addiction treatment protocol: Conceptual and operational development
  2742. Focus: addiction: video game use in the treatment of amblyopia: weighing the risks of addiction
  2743. Scientific and conceptual flaws of coercive treatment models in addiction
  2744. Role of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in treatment of addiction and related disorders: a systematic review
  2745. An organisational change intervention for increasing the delivery of smoking cessation support in addiction treatment centres: study protocol for a randomized …
  2746. Coming home: Rediscovering the family in addiction treatment in Canada
  2747. Trends in drug use from urine drug testing of addiction treatment clients
  2748. Prescription drug monitoring program data tracking of opioid addiction treatment outcomes in integrated dual diagnosis care involving injectable naltrexone
  2749. Trend and future of virtual reality for addiction treatment of substance use disorders: A systematic review
  2750. Differential criteria for binge eating disorder and food addiction in the context of causes and treatment of obesity
  2751. Targeting a non-oncogene addiction to the ATR/CHK1 axis for the treatment of small cell lung cancer
  2752. Assessment of the use of oral fluid as a matrix for drug monitoring in patients undergoing treatment for opioid addiction
  2753. Academic stress and internet addiction among adolescents: Solution focused social interest programme as treatment option
  2754. Trans-sector integrated treatment in psychosis and addiction: A randomized controlled study of a motivational, cognitive behavioral therapy program under …
  2755. Improving drug courts through medication-Assisted treatment for addiction
  2756. From theory to treatment: Understanding addiction from an operant behavioral perspective
  2757. ACT in the treatment of sexual addiction: About a clinical case
  2758. Combatting Massachusetts’s opioid epidemic: Reducing the social stigma of addiction through increased access to voluntary treatment services and expansion of …
  2759. The adapt factors related to addiction treatment, with some constructs health education models: a review article
  2760. Predictive validity of addiction treatment clinicians’ post-training contingency management skills for subsequent clinical outcomes
  2761. The use of sobriety nutritional therapy in the treatment of opioid addiction
  2762. Stigma, drug addiction and treatment utilisation: PWUD perspective
  2763. Use of non‐pharmacological strategies for pain relief in addiction treatment patients with chronic pain
  2764. Evaluation of a community-based integrated heroin addiction treatment model in Chinese patients
  2765. Usefulness of the brief pain inventory in patients with opioid addiction receiving methadone maintenance treatment
  2766. Contingency management for tobacco smoking during opioid addiction treatment: a randomised pilot study
  2767. What Constitutes “Success” in addiction treatment and How Do We Determine What Works Best?
  2768. Climbing above the forest and the trees: Three future directions in addiction treatment research.
  2769. Why addiction treatment is in need of a fix
  2770. Metabolic syndrome in mental health and addiction treatment: a quantitative study
  2771. Group Guided Imagery and Music for adults in addiction treatment: A pilot randomized control trial feasibility study.
  2772. Motivational enhancement treatment in outpatient addiction centers: a multisite randomized trial
  2773. Pain and opioid addiction: a systematic review and evaluation of pain measurement in patients with opioid dependence on methadone maintenance treatment
  2774. Mortality risk among heroin abusers: Clients and non-clients of public treatment centers for drug addiction
  2775. Corticosteroid receptor genes and childhood neglect influence susceptibility to crack/cocaine addiction and response to detoxification treatment
  2776. Electro-acupuncture treatment for internet addiction: Evidence of normalization of impulse control disorder in adolescents
  2777. Income generation and attitudes towards addiction treatment among people who use illicit drugs in a Canadian setting
  2778. Update on treatment of craving in patients with addiction using cognitive behavioral therapy.
  2779. Reduced dosing and liability in methadone maintenance treatment by targeting oestrogen signal for morphine addiction
  2780. addiction, Drugs, and Experimentation: Methadone Maintenance treatment Between “In Here” and “Out There”
  2781. The correlation between trauma, PTSD, and substance abuse in a community sample seeking outpatient treatment for addiction
  2782. Dramatherapy and drug addiction treatment
  2783. Midkine and pleiotrophin in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and drug addiction
  2784. Study the Factors Affecting the Relapse of addiction from Perspective of Patients Referred to addiction treatment Centers of Khorramabad City in 2017
  2785. The risks of cannabis and other illicit drugs: Views among French and Finnish addiction treatment providers
  2786. Predictors of retention in treatment in a tertiary care de-addiction center
  2787. Integrated service delivery models for opioid treatment programs in an era of increasing opioid addiction, health reform, and parity
  2788. Clinician Experience with addiction treatment: Implications for Body Psychotherapy in Relapse Prevention.
  2789. Redemption and recovery: Further parallels of religion and science in addiction treatment
  2790. Constructivist simultaneous treatment of borderline personality disorder, Trauma, and addiction comorbidity: a qualitative case study
  2791. Buprenorphine implants in medical treatment of opioid addiction
  2792. Factors associated with willingness to participate in a pharmacologic addiction treatment clinical trial among people who use drugs
  2793. Quality of life of adolescents and young people arrive at an addiction treatment centers upon their admission, and 1, 4 and 8 months after methadone …
  2794. What does addiction medicine expect from neuroscience? From genes and neurons to treatment responses
  2795. Violence, delinquent behaviors, and drug use disorders among adolescents from an addiction–treatment sample
  2796. Risk factors for early discharge from a residential addiction treatment program
  2797. The comparison of retention in three methods with methadone, opium and buprenorphine in patients admitted to addiction treatment centers
  2798. Non-invasive brain stimulation for the treatment of nicotine addiction: potential and challenges
  2799. Neuroimaging and psychosocial addiction treatment: An integrative guide for researchers and clinicians
  2800. addiction treatment In The Sunnah
  2801. … regarding the american society of addiction medicine national practice guideline for the use of medications in the treatment of addiction involving opioid use
  2802. Efficacy indicators of four methods in outpatient addiction treatment
  2803. Initial treatment dropout in patients with substance use disorders attending a tertiary care de-addiction centre in north India
  2804. Narcissistic vulnerability and addiction: findings from a study of people in treatment
  2805. addiction treatment through the lens of meaning: Observations on a program developed in a residential facility
  2806. The primitive state of quality measures in addiction treatment and their application
  2807. Cannabis matters? treatment responses to increasing cannabis presentations in addiction services in England
  2808. Confronting an epidemic: The case for eliminating barriers to medication-assisted treatment of heroin and opioid addiction
  2809. “I’m Going to Shut Down All of Your Tricks”: Depictions of treatment Professionals in addiction Entertainment
  2810. A randomized trial of the effectiveness of using incentives to reinforce parolee attendance in community addiction treatment: Impact on post-treatment outcomes
  2811. Barriers to successful treatment of alcohol addiction as perceived by healthcare professionals in Thailand–a Delphi study about obstacles and improvement …
  2812. Internet addiction or problematic internet use: Current issues and challenges in conceptualization, measurement and treatment
  2813. addiction severity and suicidal behaviors among persons entering treatment
  2814. Who are Hispanic youth? Considerations for adolescent addiction clinical research and treatment
  2815. Targeting stress neuroadaptations for addiction treatment: a commentary on Kaye et al.(2017)
  2816. Self-reported chronic pain as a predictor of relapse post residential addiction treatment: a 6-month follow-up pilot study
  2817. Associations between chronic non‐cancer pain and medication assisted treatment outcomes for opiate addiction
  2818. The investment and regenerative value of addiction treatment
  2819. … stigma regarding methadone maintenance treatment among personnel of methadone maintenance treatment and non-methadone maintenance treatment addiction …
  2820. The meaning of work: perceptions of employed persons attending maintenance treatment for opiate addiction
  2821. Class-based chronicities of suffering and seeking help: comparing addiction treatment programs in Uganda
  2822. addiction frameworks and support for expanding treatment for drug offenders
  2823. The concept and treatment of internet addiction
  2824. Girlhood betrayals of women childhood trauma survivors in treatment for addiction
  2825. Confounding in longitudinal studies in addiction treatment research
  2826. Models of drug addiction: Theories and future applications in prevention and treatment
  2827. Technique for Craving Management and the treatment of addiction
  2828. Translational approaches to addiction treatment
  2829. EMDR therapy reduces intense treatment-resistant cravings in a case of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid addiction
  2830. Should sexual offending be considered an addiction? Implications for prevention and treatment approaches
  2831. Perceptions and attitudes of nurses working at emergency unit about the causes and treatment of addiction
  2832. The impact of saffron on symptoms of withdrawal syndrome in patients undergoing maintenance treatment for opioid addiction in Sabzevar parish in 2017
  2833. treatment specificities for crack addiction in women: interface with human rights
  2834. Using a film intervention in early addiction treatment: a qualitative analysis of process
  2835. Major causes of drug abuse from the viewpoint of addicted persons referred to addiction treatment centers of Tabriz City, Iran
  2836. Predicting drug interactions in addiction treatment
  2837. Register data in the evaluation and program planning of addiction treatment programs: using Sweden as an example
  2838. addiction treatment in the USA: signs of change
  2839. treatment of addiction in adults with autism spectrum disorder
  2840. Pharmacokinetic Considerations for Combining Antiretroviral Therapy, Direct‐Acting Antiviral Agents for Hepatitis C Virus, and addiction treatment Medications
  2841. The US Science and Technology Triple Threat: A Regulatory treatment Plan for the Nation’s addiction to Prescription Opioids
  2842. Use or Misuse?: addiction Care Practitioners’ Perceptions of Substance Use and treatment
  2843. Investigation of affecting factors on persistence in the treatment of patients under methadone maintenance therapy in addiction Therapy Centers, Yazd-Iran
  2844. Perceptions of treatment needs–A factorial survey of Swedish addiction care practitioners
  2845. Linkages between patient-centered medical homes and addiction treatment organizations: results from a national survey
  2846. Toward early estimation and treatment of addiction vulnerability: radial arm maze and N-acetyl cysteine before cocaine sensitization or nicotine self …
  2847. A systematic review of personality disorders and addiction: epidemiology, course and treatment
  2848. Statistical data analysis of resting state fMRI: A study of nicotine addiction treatment
  2849. Youth pornography exposure: addiction screening test and treatment recommendation
  2850. Safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of TV‐1380, a novel mutated butyrylcholinesterase treatment for cocaine addiction, after single and multiple …
  2851. Therapeutic interventions for treatment of adolescent Internet addiction—experiences from South Korea
  2852. Trends and gender differences in alcohol and substance use among children and adolescents admitted to an addiction treatment center in Turkey: comparison …
  2853. Feedback-informed treatment in an addiction treatment agency.
  2854. treatment versus punishment for drug addiction: lessons from Austria, Poland, and Spain
  2855. Do psychological characteristics of addiction treatment professionals predict acceptance of harm reduction interventions?
  2856. A qualitative analysis of counseling students’ thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs about addiction counseling and treatment
  2857. A Survey on Reasons for Re-addiction to Metamphetamine amongAddicts Referred to addiction treatment Centers in Urmia, Iran
  2858. Social disadvantage and economic hardship as predictors of follow-up addiction severity after substance abuse treatment: Does referral to treatment by the criminal …
  2859. Buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid addiction: the French experience
  2860. Toward a targeted treatment for addiction
  2861. Co-production of childcare and addiction treatment in Sweden: The same co-production in very different service areas?
  2862. addiction treatment aftercare outcome study
  2863. addiction treatment in social services and health care. A Swedish model to challenge
  2864. An Integral Foundation for addiction treatment
  2865. addiction, Heroin‐Assisted treatment and the Idea of Abstinence: A reply to Henden
  2866. Co-location of addiction liaison nurses in three Quebec City emergency departments: portrait of services, patients, and treatment trajectories
  2867. The old model of addiction treatment must change
  2868. Effectiveness of the video-based education in the retention of addiction treatment
  2869. treatment of cocaine addiction
  2870. … emotive behavior group therapy on self-concept and depression of self-introduced drug abusers referred to Ofogh addiction treatment Center in Zarand …
  2871. Deep brain stimulation for addiction treatment: Further considerations on scientific and ethical issues
  2872. Nutrition in addiction treatment
  2873. Emotional ontologies: paradigm shifts in drug addiction treatment in a therapeutic community in Italy
  2874. Trace amine-associated receptor 1: a promising target for the treatment of psychostimulant addiction
  2875. Substance abuse prevention: Perspectives from India’s addiction treatment professionals
  2876. Effectiveness of narrative therapy on mental health of addicts’ wives treated in the addiction treatment centers in Khomeini Shahr
  2877. Self-efficacy, social capital, and the common liability to addiction: Relationships to adolescent choices for addiction treatment
  2878. Impact of drug awareness and treatment camps on attendance at a community outreach de-addiction clinic
  2879. Time trends of cannabis use among treatment-seeking individuals at government de-addiction centers across India over a period of 7 years
  2880. A unique model for adolescent addiction treatment: A description of the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre
  2881. ACA repeal would jeopardize treatment for millions with substance use disorders, including opioid addiction
  2882. Increasing access to medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction in drug courts and correctional facilities and working effectively with family courts and …
  2883. Health status of users of the Bologna local health authority drug addiction treatment services: a study of hospital admissions in the period 2004–2013
  2884. Substitution treatment in addiction: there is more than one way…
  2885. Heroin addiction patterns of treatment-seeking patients, 1992-2013: comparison between pre-and post-drug policy reform in Portugal
  2886. Compassionate pragmatism on the harm reduction continuum: Expanding the options for drug and alcohol addiction treatment in Japan
  2887. The 2× 4 model: a neuroscience-based blueprint for the modern integrated addiction and mental health treatment system
  2888. Effectiveness of Stress Coping Skills Training in Mental Health of Addicts in addiction treatment Centers
  2889. A comparison of treatment-seeking behavioral addiction patients with and without Parkinson’s disease
  2890. Using genetics to improve addiction treatment outcomes
  2891. Integrating trauma with addiction research and treatment
  2892. Proposed Gaming addiction Behavioral treatment Method
  2893. An Systematic Review of Trend Analysis in the addiction treatment Using Virtual Reality Technology
  2894. The therapeutic alliance and psychosocial interventions for successful treatment of addiction
  2895. Quantitative EEG and low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) imaging of patients undergoing methadone treatment for opiate addiction
  2896. Perspectives on the pharmacological treatment of heroin addiction
  2897. Comparison of Executive Functions in Addicted Young People who Referred to addiction treatment Camps with Students Ardebill
  2898. Substance and Nonsubstance Related addiction Disorder: Diagnosis and treatment
  2899. addiction treatment clients’ reactions to graphic warning labels on cigarette packs
  2900. Two-eyed seeing in indigenous addiction research and treatment
  2901. … styles with addiction potential through the mediation of stress coping strategies, cognitive emotion regulation, and loneliness among the addicts under treatment
  2902. The role of spiritual wellness as a predictor of employment satisfaction in addiction treatment professionals
  2903. The effect of matrix method on anxiety and attitude toward methamphetamine and crack abuse in males referring to addiction treatment centers in tonkabon, Iran
  2904. The Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Approach: Towards a Holistic Understanding and treatment of Drug addiction
  2905. treatment repeaters: re-entry in care for clients with substance use disorder within the Swedish addiction treatment system
  2906. Attachment style, self-esteem and manifest anxiety in patients undergoing treatment for opiate addiction
  2907. Preference for brand-name buprenorphine is related to severity of addiction among outpatients in opioid maintenance treatment
  2908. addiction severity index profile of persons who reenter treatment for substance use disorders
  2909. Concurrent substance use disorders and PTSD in an inpatient addiction treatment program in Canada
  2910. Adolescent psychotherapy for addiction medicine: from brain development to neurocognitive treatment mechanisms
  2911. Sexual addiction treatment in the United Kingdom
  2912. Perspectives of addiction treatment professionals regarding family involvement in adult substance abuse treatment: A qualitative study
  2913. Professional dilemmas of defining a problem: the case of addiction treatment
  2914. Comparative analysis: Effectiveness of nicotine addiction treatment in people with psychiatric comorbidity
  2915. Expanding the Theoretical Lenses of addiction treatment Through Art Therapy Practice
  2916. Co-occurring disordered gambling among treatment-seekers at a community outpatient addiction clinic
  2917. Effectiveness of drug addiction treatment in cross-cultural perspective
  2918. Opinion: real-time fMRI neurofeedback and the application of the neuropeptide oxytocin as promising new treatment approaches in internet addiction?
  2919. Therapeutic interventions for treatment of adolescent internet addiction—experiences from Germany
  2920. Neuroscience and mindfulness-based interventions: Translating neural mechanisms to addiction treatment
  2921. Substance Abuse Profiles of Patients Admitted to the Alcohol and Drug addiction Research, treatment, and Education Center in Turkey
  2922. . Architecture of addiction treatment Centers and Psychological Statuse of Addicts
  2923. Using Clinical Neuroscience to Understand addiction treatment
  2924. Self-regulation, controlled processes, and the treatment of addiction.
  2925. addiction psychiatry in PGY-3: use of the intensive outpatient treatment setting to train senior residents
  2926. Quality of life and its relation to background characteristics and relationships in the family in adolescents and young people referring to addiction treatment centers
  2927. Evaluating American Society of addiction Medicine (ASAM) dimension assessment as an outcome measure: A pilot study with substance abusing adolescents …
  2928. Beauty and the treatment of addiction
  2929. Social Support: The Main Factor for Retention of addiction treatment
  2930. treatment approaches for synthetic drug addiction
  2931. … , the Arnica of recovery from addiction: an exploratory study of the use of homeopathy in the reduction of post–acute withdrawal syndrome in addiction treatment
  2932. ANCOVA study of psychotherapy treatment of Internet pornography addiction in heterosexual men
  2933. The process of supportive communication and its therapeutic benefits in a smartphone-based addiction treatment group
  2934. Disparity in the conceptions of psychoactive substance addiction treatment: reflexes and implications among professionals, models and institutions present in …
  2935. Slavery to addiction as Meaning of Dropout in Eating Disorders: Psychological Aspects among Women That Have Interrupted treatment at a Specialized Service in …
  2936. Making addiction treatment work for inmates
  2937. The baclofene saga and the paradigm shift in alcohol addiction treatment
  2938. Clinical Communication Technologies for addiction treatment
  2939. Time to review the provision of addiction treatment for codeine dependence
  2940. Why medical tourism is rare in addiction market: It’s debatable whether patients will travel abroad for addiction treatment
  2941. Research progress of deep brain stimulation for the treatment of drug addiction
  2942. A review of the role of mindfulness-based interventions in the treatment of addiction
  2943. … of Drama Therapy by Psychodrama Method on Psychological Well-Being and False Beliefs of Addicts: Case Study: Persian Gulf addiction treatment Center in the …
  2944. The spectrum of addiction: Evidence-based assessment, prevention, and treatment across the lifespan
  2945. Ethical issues in the treatment of addiction
  2946. Association between patient’s personality traits and outcome of hospital treatment of opioid addiction
  2947. Why we must redefine addiction treatment: a more comprehensive, chronic care approach incorporates many elements that are available now
  2948. Barriers to alcohol addiction treatment in women and men experiencing alcohol addiction in a Thai context: Exploring lived experiences and healthcare …
  2949. Predictive factors for treatment success in the early period of buprenorphine/naloxone maintenance treatment for opiate addiction
  2950. Family therapy within an adolescent addiction treatment service “In search of solutions
  2951. Hedonic mechanisms for weight changes in medication assisted treatment for opioid addiction
  2952. Conopeptides in addiction disorders treatment
  2953. The treatment of substance addiction with focus on the family of origin as possible cause of addiction
  2954. The role of personality, spiritual, emotional and relational variables for addiction treatment among addicts
  2955. Morphometric Biomarkers of addiction and treatment Response
  2956. A new era of addiction treatment amplifies the stigma of disease and treatment for individuals with obesity
  2957. Investigating Changes in Serum Biochemical Parameters in Opium Addicts Before and During addiction treatment
  2958. The role of mindfulness, distress tolerance and emotional memory in predicting addiction relapse and adherence to treatment in substance abusers
  2959. Neuropsychopharmacology in addiction treatment
  2960. Barriers to technology transfer: Qualitative study of brief interventions and treatment centers for addiction
  2961. The progression of neurofeedback: an evolving paradigm in addiction treatment and relapse prevention
  2962. Buprenorphine treatment for Opioid addiction in the Primary Care Setting: Predictors of treatment Success and Failure
  2963. The role of leisure in prevention and treatment of addiction
  2964. Physical exercise and treatment of addiction
  2965. Specific versus relational factors in addiction treatment: the forest and the trees, or just more trees?
  2966. … how indigenous healing practices and a Western treatment model “Seeking Safety” can co-exist in assisting indigenous peoples to heal from trauma and addiction
  2967. addiction treatment in the sunnah
  2968. Neurobiological underpinnings of obesity and addiction: A focus on binge eating disorder and implications for treatment
  2969. Using register data to examine patterns of compulsory addiction treatment care in Sweden: program planning and methodological implications
  2970. The effect of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on anxiety during treatment of opiate addiction via ultra rapid opioid detoxification under anesthesia
  2971. Cleaning Up on the Inside: addiction, Recidivism, and Substance Abuse treatment Programs in Indiana’s Correctional Facilities
  2972. Turn Angry Birds addiction Into Education in 4 Simple Steps: Use the gaming apps students already play to create engaging sessions that boost treatment for …
  2973. … Alcohol Avoidance Training as Addition to treatment as Usual: Preliminary results of a double-blind ranomized controlled trial in an outpatient addiction treatment …
  2974. Ethical issues in the neuroprediction of addiction risk and treatment response
  2975. Role of Acupuncture in the treatment of Drug addiction
  2976. addiction treatment settings.
  2977. The Contribution of Hagiotherapy to addiction treatment: a Patient’s Perspective
  2978. Using the COMPASS-EZ and Dual Diagnosis Capability in addiction treatment (DDCAT) Index to Improve Outcomes: Recovering, Renewing, and Restoring Lives
  2979. … of hepatitis-C viral infection among opioid dependent injectable drug users: A study conducted at Swami Vivekananda drug de-addiction and treatment centre …
  2980. An Investigation of the Relationship between Religious Orientation and Quality of Life of Male Addicts Referring to addiction treatment Centers in Qom
  2981. CTDP-32476: a promising agonist therapy for treatment of cocaine addiction
  2982. The Role of Managed Care Pharmacy in Improving Access to Naloxone: Findings from the AMCP addiction treatment Advisory Group
  2983. The Substance addiction (Compulsory Assessment and treatment) Act 2017
  2984. Headshop legislation and changes in national addiction treatment data.
  2985. … of Life Skills on Resilience and Marital Satisfaction of Addict Mens Wives (Case Study: Women Referring to addiction treatment and Rehabilitation Centers in …
  2986. addiction treatment in Primary Care
  2987. Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) withdrawal syndrome: First case report in Lithuania (Kaunas addiction treatment center)
  2988. An analysis of the MMPI-2 profiles of individuals entering treatment at a sexual addiction treatment facility
  2989. addiction treatment and the Historian Who Told the Story: William L. White
  2990. … the effectiveness of group therapy with transactional analysis (TA) approach in the reduction of addiction severity among female patients under methadone treatment
  2991. Become a prevention and addiction treatment professional
  2992. Opiate addiction: treatment Perspectives
  2993. Characteristics of patients accessing NHS Lanarkshire addiction Services for the treatment of Opioid Analgesic Dependence
  2994. Approaches for addiction treatment: The Freedom of Choice Today
  2995. Referral and treatment Settings for Pregnant Women Experiencing Drug and Alcohol addiction
  2996. A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Drug addiction treatment Methods Used at the Drug addiction treatment Center of Jahrom in 2014
  2997. Methamphetamine addiction: potential substitute treatment
  2998. addiction today: A short evaluation in substitute treatment of heroin users
  2999. Comprehensive and Multidimensional Model: Life Therapy and Spiritual Psychotherapy for Prevention and treatment of addiction
  3000. Essay: Improving Drug Courts Through Medication-Assisted treatment for addiction
  3001. Valid, reproducible, clinically useful, nonstigmatizing terminology for the disease and its treatment: addiction, substance use disorder, and medication
  3002. The success of an addiction treatment programme: practitioners’ perceptions
  3003. Abstract B56: treatment-induced autophagy increases amino acid uptake and switches glucose addiction to amino acid catabolism in cancer
  3004. Improving Engagement in addiction treatment: Translating addiction Research Into Evidence-Based Practice
  3005. Medications for treatment of alcoholism that derive from the dark side of addiction
  3006. OP-53: How impulsivity is related to problematic pornography use? Longitudinal study among participants of 12-steps sexual addiction treatment program
  3007. Initiation of addiction treatment and Access to Services
  3008. The Addicted Narcissist: How Substance addiction Contributes to Pathological Narcissism With Implications for treatment
  3009. The Recovery Revolution: The Battle over addiction treatment in the United States
  3010. … ) in patients with EGFR-mutated new diagnosed stage IIIB/IV NSCLC in addiction of exon 19, 18/20 and 21 mutation and in addiction of treatment with tyrosine kinase …
  3011. Acute Clinical Features in a Male addiction treatment Population
  3012. The Role of Defense Mechanisms in addiction treatment: A Program Development
  3013. Factors related to addiction treatment motivations; validity and reliability of an instrument
  3014. Assertive community treatment: promoting engagement with care of people suffering severe addiction
  3015. The nurse in an addiction treatment, support and prevention centre
  3016. Claire D. Clark, The Recovery Revolution: The Battle over addiction treatment in the United States
  3017. addiction, treatment, and evidence-based medicine
  3018. A guide to implementing medication assisted treatment through the use of Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone) to treat opioid addiction in outpatient treatment
  3019. Acupuncture treatment of substance-induced psychosis, addiction and pain: A review with case study
  3020. Outcome evaluation of an integrated treatment for comorbid alcohol and nicotine addiction: An exploratory study.
  3021. addiction treatment: Using the Empty Chair
  3023. Is Internet addiction Prevalent Among Methadone Maintenance treatment Patients? Data from Las Vegas and Tel Aviv
  3024. Using Neuroscience to Create a Paradigm Shift in addiction treatment and Theory
  3025. Integrated treatment for opioid addiction complicated with neuroophthalmic pathology due to codeine and levomycetin abuse narcoassociated phenomenon
  3026. The Cost of Recovery: Shifts in Income and Expenses during a Three-phased Transition from Sex Work and addiction to Drug treatment and Independent Living
  3027. An Assessment of the Resilience in Subjects in an addiction treatment Programme
  3028. Assessment of the Conceptual Model of Important Antecedents and Aftermaths of addiction treatment Centers in Zanjan
  3029. A Survey on Reasons for Re-addiction to Metamphetamine amongAddicts Referred to addiction treatment Centers in Urmia, Iran
  3030. Recovery orientation as a key element in addiction treatment: Preliminary results of a patient’s survey
  3031. Therapeutic Recreation in addiction treatment
  3032. Cannabinoid CB2 Receptor: A New Target for treatment of Cocaine addiction
  3033. Research on drug abuse and addiction treatment in prisons
  3034. Images of addictions in the minds of Finnish and French addiction treatment professionals
  3035. Buprenorphine/naloxone addiction in a pharmacist as a result of migraine self-treatment
  3036. … of patients with Alcohol dependence syndrome following community de-addiction treatment and a hospital based de-addiction treatment: A Comparative study
  3037. MIndfulness: The Missing Piece in addiction treatment
  3038. addiction treatment with Deaf and Hard of Hearing People: An Application of the CENAPS Model
  3039. Understanding Trauma in addiction treatment
  3040. Is there a role for counselling in the treatment of addiction?
  3041. Letter to the Editor on “Implementation of Network for the Improvement of addiction treatment (NIATx) Processes in Substance Use Disorder treatment Centers”
  3042. Motivational interviewing in addiction treatment.
  3043. Effectiveness of Drug addiction treatment and Rehabilitation Centers: An Empirical Study in Tangail, Gazipur and Dhaka District
  3044. The adapt factors related to addiction treatment, with some constructs Health education models: a review article
  3045. The processes of engaging in mandated addiction treatment: a grounded theory
  3046. addiction treatment Patients Receiving More Interventions are More Engaged in Health Management
  3047. Dual diagnosis: a paradigm shift for addiction treatment
  3048. … of the central serotonin subscript 2B receptor in the regulation of ascending dopaminergic pathways: relevance for the treatment of schizophrenia and drug addiction
  3049. NICOTINE addiction treatment IN ADOLESCENTS.
  3050. Alcoholics Anonymous and other addiction treatment: a Scientific Perspective
  3051. Migrating toward Transdisciplinarity in addiction treatment
  3052. Heantos-4, a natural plant extract used in the treatment of drug addiction, modulates T-type calcium channels and thalamocortical burst-firing
  3053. Transformations and cultural perceptions among Italian professionals of the public agencies for addiction treatment in web society
  3054. addiction treatment and recovery mutual aid in Greece: An interview with Dr
  3055. Creating accessible addictions treatment for First Nations youth: Gwekwaadziwin Youth Mental Health and addiction treatment Program
  3056. Exploring patients’ need for couple therapy in addiction treatment: a patient-engaged study
  3057. “The lesser of two evils”: A qualitative study of staff and client experiences and beliefs about addressing tobacco in addiction treatment settings.
  3058. Exploring the Challenges of Group Therapy as a Selective Approach in treatment of addiction
  3059. Factors That Hinder addiction treatment Among Women Who Inject Drugs (Wwids
  3060. Privileged Addicts Get Medical treatment While Everyone Else Gets God: The Influence of Marginalization on addiction treatment
  3061. Few people seek addiction treatment after Bihar introduces alcohol ban
  3062. The use of Yoga in the treatment of addiction
  3063. Poly (ADP)-ribose polymerase-1 inhibitors as a potential treatment for cocaine addiction
  3064. PE Faces Uphill Climb With addiction treatment Providers
  3065. Alcohol addiction treatment programmes in Bujumbura, Burundi
  3067. A potted history of addiction and its treatment in time and space
  3068. Investigating treatment satisfaction and progress for offenders referred to community-based drug addiction treatment
  3069. Trauma and Transdisciplinarity in Women’s addiction treatment
  3070. Evaluation of a police-led addiction treatment referral program: The Gloucester Police Department’s Angel Program
  3071. Protection of addiction treatment Records While Investigating Health Care Fraud Crimes
  3072. Battling the Opiate Crisis: Translating the Latest Advances in addiction Biology into Novel treatment Strategies
  3073. Recovering helpers in the addiction treatment system in Hungary: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
  3074. Exercise addiction: Clinical Implications for Assessment and treatment
  3075. Students or experts? Unpacking addiction treatment center operators’ relationships to scientific knowledge in Mexico City’s mixtos
  3076. Participation in Mind-Body-Spirit Programs and Length of Stay in a Residential addiction treatment Facility: A Retrospective Analysis
  3077. Establishing Content Validity of a Self-Developed Survey Tool: Implications for Use in Future Studies on Opiate addiction treatment Patterns and Barriers Within the …
  3078. The resurrection of psychedelic psychiatry and its role in addiction treatment.
  3079. treatment for Complex Trauma and Substance Abuse for Adult Males in Residential addiction treatment
  3080. Nursing and Medical Student Attitude Regarding Substance Use Disorders Transformed through Multi-Disciplinary Clinical Rotation in addiction treatment Center
  3081. Evaluation of consumption pattern of methamphetamine addicts in addiction treatment centers in Southwest Iran
  3082. The Effect of Group Training on Theory of Mind of Male Clients of Bahar Outpatient addiction treatment Center
  3083. Heroin addiction treatment: Aikido as a Valid Form of Supplemental treatment in Addition to Standard Outpatient Rehabilitation
  3084. Assessing sexual addiction treatment outcomes using the MMPI-2
  3085. Outpatient addiction treatment for alcohol use disorder: What makes patients who dropped out different from those who did not?
  3086. Health Education Programming for Pregnant and Parenting Women in an addiction treatment Facility
  3088. Audit of hepatitis C testing and referral: addiction treatment Centres Community Health Organisation Area 7
  3089. Alternative Therapies in the treatment of Drug addiction
  3090. The measurement of counselors’ emotional intelligence and client treatment outcomes in addiction treatment settings
  3091. Women in an Opioid addiction treatment Program Do Not Know How to Obtain Naloxone
  3092. Methadone: Its Role in Opioid addiction treatment vs. Pain Management
  3093. Comparison of Demographic Characteristics of Methamphetamine versus Opioid Users in an addiction treatment Center: A Case Study
  3094. Abbott, Andrew, 37, 38, 49 addiction treatment, script flipping in, 83–84; see also drug users age, terminal illness and, 126–128; see also elderly people
  3095. Opioid crisis brings paradigm shift: new approaches to reimbursement for opioid addiction treatment might also he on the table
  3096. INTEGRATED addiction AND TRAUMA BASED RECOVERY treatment
  3097. addiction treatment and Recovery Mutual Aid in Greece: An interview with Dr. Phoebus Zafiridis
  3098. Case Management & Medication addiction treatment for Individuals Leaving Jail: The Bridge/El Puente Program in Hampden County
  3099. Investigating some of the relevant factors of drug recurrence in methadone-treated patients, referring to addiction treatment centers in Birjand
  3100. Perceived Barriers and Recommendations for Improving Opiate addiction treatment Entry and Retention Among Residentially Instable Opiate Users in Skid Row, Los …
  3101. treatment and recidivism of patients convicted for homicide after release from a forensic psychiatry for addiction treatment
  3102. A Precise Computational Measure of Impulsivity that Signals Relevant Outcomes in Opioid addiction treatment
  3103. Smoking addiction and Challenges in treatment in Psychoses
  3104. DRUG treatment OF TOBACCO addiction.
  3105. A potted history of addiction and its treatment in time and space: Eugene Raikhel and William Garriott: addiction trajectories. Durham and London: Duke University …
  3106. Barriers in Seeking De-addiction treatment in Patients with Hazardous Use of Alcohol in a Tertiary Care Centre in lower middle income country
  3107. Comparative Research of Drug addiction treatment by the Traditional Indigenous Medicine of Peruvian Amazon and the Matrix® Model
  3108. Acupuncture for Substance addiction: Understanding Mechanisms and treatment Approaches Based on the Literature Review
  3109. Evaluation of discovery and understanding of the conditions and backgrounds addiction treatment and recovery among members of Narcotics Anonymous Forum
  3110. Can Ayahuasca Enhance the treatment of addiction? A Comprehensive Literature Review
  3111. treatment and rehabilitation concepts for patients with addiction and concurrent disorders
  3112. Healing environments advance addiction treatment: Secure spaces must consider patient flow
  3113. Opioid addiction treatment in Wisconsin: An Assessment of Need and Options for Expanding Access
  3114. P268-Stem Cell Challenges in the treatment of Drug addiction
  3115. Evaluating personality traits and suicidal ideation in substance-dependent patients on methadone maintenance therapy in addiction treatment centers in Rasht
  3116. Opioid addiction treatment in the eu5: Market Access Levers for Emerging Brands Entering a Generic Market
  3117. Effectiveness of yoga as a treatment for addiction.
  3118. Study on the Possibility of Integrating Motivational Interviewing and Transtheoretical Model for Gambling addiction treatment
  3119. Psychoactive substance dependence in females. A three year review of patients on admission at an addiction treatment centre in North Central Nigeria
  3120. How private equity views new deals: consider 10 ways that private equity investors evaluate addiction treatment centers
  3121. The alcohol effect on natural chronobiological rhythms of suicidal activity in patients supervised by addiction treatment specialists and psychiatrists
  3122. Capstone: Women, addiction, and Gender-Sensitive treatment: A Review of the Literature
  3123. Substance addiction Bill briefing (Compulsory Assessment and treatment Bill)
  3124. The effect of cocaine addiction on human and its treatment
  3125. Multiple expressions of addiction: Psychosocial correlates and clinical trajectories of treatment seekers
  3126. Vaccines for the treatment of drug addiction
  3127. Elucidating amphetamine actions at the dopamine terminal: Potential for cocaine addiction treatment
  3128. The comparison of Retention in three methods with Methadone, opium and Buprenorphine in patients admitted to addiction treatment centers
  3129. South African addiction treatment Services Assessment (SAATSA)(appears in: Development and Psychometric Validation of a Novel Patient Survey to Assess …
  3131. … to: A Randomized Clinical Trial of Alcohol Care Management Delivered in Department of Veterans Affairs Primary Care Clinics Versus Specialty addiction treatment
  3132. addiction psychology of Drugs and Alcohol Causes and treatment
  3133. Drug addiction: The Complex Deleterious Effect and Unfortunate Lack of treatment Development
  3134. MATER: Innovative Programs for Maternal addiction Education treatment and Research
  3135. Thai men’s experiences of alcohol addiction and treatment.
  3136. HIV testing among people who inject drugs receiving addiction treatment services in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
  3137. addiction psychology of Drugs and Alcohol Causes and treatment
  3138. treatment of patients with opioid addiction with different disease duration
  3139. Quality of life in studies with patients under treatment for substance abuse and addiction.
  3140. Magnetic Stimulation in the treatment of addiction
  3141. Outdoor Behavioral Health Programs to Provide an Alternative treatment for addiction
  3142. Understanding the Implementation of Integrated treatment for Concurrent Mental Health and addiction Issues: A Qualitative Case Study
  3143. Comparing the effects of hay with self-medication method in treatment of addiction.
  3144. Implementing a mentorship group to encourage long-term treatment of opioid addiction
  3145. Comparison of dysfunctional attitudes and Spiritual Intelligence in normal individuals and addicts: addiction treatment center of assalouyeh
  3146. Quality of life in studies with patients under treatment for substance abuse and addiction
  3147. New Approaches to the treatment Alcohol addiction in Experimental Alcoholism
  3148. A Qualitative Analysis of the Health Informatics Role in Addressing the Public Health Crisis of addiction and Overall Effectiveness of treatment
  3149. Intensive short-term residential psychotherapy: a top-down approach for gambling disorder and behavioural addiction treatment
  3150. addiction in Rural Central Appalachia: Utilizing Local Values to Consider Effective treatment Avenues
  3151. A Literature Review of Spiritual Psychotherapy Using Quran Recitation in the treatment of Drug addiction
  3152. treatment Vs Punishment for Drug addiction: Lessons from Austria, Poland and Spain
  3153. VACCINE FOR THE treatment AND PREVENTION OF DRUG addiction
  3154. treatment of Drug addiction Within Brazil’s Penitentiary System A Qualitative Investigation
  3155. what is job risk factors of lapse among the patient under treatment of addiction?
  3156. Residential treatment: countering the chaos of addiction
  3157. Prevalence, functioning and treatment needs of family members affected by addiction in Germany: Findings from the BEPAS study
  3158. Integrated approaches to the treatment of pain syndrome in the patients with drug addiction
  3159. Methadone and its usage in treatment of opioid drug addiction
  3160. Sex, Romance, and Dating in treatment Recovery: Ethical Reflections and Clinical Deliberations on Challenging addiction Decision Making
  3161. Reply to:“β-blocker treatment of vascular disease in cocaine addiction”
  3162. Regulatory Impact Statement: Substance addiction (Compulsory Assessment and treatment) Bill
  3163. Drug treatment Court: The Power of Understanding addiction
  3165. EMDR Therapy and the treatment of Substance Abuse and addiction
  3166. Unequal treatment: Class, Race & addiction Recovery in American Life
  3169. Introduction of Obligation to Undergo a Medical Examination, Preventive Activities, Drug addiction treatment and (or) Medical and (or) Social Rehabilitation Due to …
  3170. Food addiction and the Effective treatment of Adult Food Addicts: An Integrative Review of Literature
  3171. The Development of levo-Tetrahydropalmatine as a treatment for Nicotine addiction
  3172. Living with it: a grounded action on family involvement in compulsory treatment for severe addiction
  3173. Alcohol addiction, Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome and treatment
  3174. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Dramatherapy for Clients with addiction under treatment
  3175. Research Trends in Acupuncture treatment of Internet addiction Disorder
  3176. β-blocker treatment of vascular disease in cocaine addiction
  3177. Addressing the opioid epidemic: treatment capacity expansion to reduce care disparities for opioid addiction disorders
  3178. Principles of surgical treatment of jaw osteomyelitis in patients with drug addiction
  3179. Targeting glucocorticoid receptors that promote resilience in the treatment of addiction
  3180. Fentanyl Overdoses in North America: Signaling the Importance of Prescription Monitoring, treatment Access, and addiction Prevention
  3182. Pulsed electric field treatment as an alternative to the addiction of sulphites in wines
  3183. Food addiction and Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity in obesity treatment
  3185. Community acquired pneumonia and opioid drug addiction: clinical course and treatment results
  3186. Predictors of relapse in patients with opioid addiction during buprenorphine-naloxone maintenance treatment
  3187. Illness or Deviance? Drug Courts, Drug treatment, and the Ambiguity of addiction
  3188. DA-Phen as a new potential DA-mimetic agent for treatment of alcohol addiction: preclinical in vivo studies
  3189. Aiding recovery in ice addiction short and long term treatment goals via naturopathic interventions
  3190. Periodontal Tissues State and Psychophysiological addiction: the Effectiveness of treatment and Rehabilitation Complexes in Patients with Maxillofacial Area Injuries …
  3191. Evidence-based tobacco dependence treatment support for mental health/addiction patients in Portugal (Brazil-Portugal Champions Project)
  3192. Couple and Family Based treatment of Internet and Video Game addiction
  3193. Book Review: Illness or deviance: Drug courts, drug treatment, and the ambiguity of addiction
  3194. Disparity of Assets in addiction Recovery: Moderators of Perceived Control in treatment and Recovery Settings in Kenya
  3195. treatment of opioid use disorder: new guidelines can arm pediatricians with the basic understanding of treatment options to manage opioid dependence or addiction …
  3196. 405 Do Emergency Department Patients Seeking treatment for Opioid addiction Get treatment?
  3197. 634. Cognitive Neurostimulation of the Dopaminergic Midbrain with Real Time fMRI Neurofeedback Training: A Novel treatment Approach for Cocaine addiction?
  3198. Essay: Orexin’s role in addiction: Pharmacological agents targeting orexin as a treatment for drug addiction
  3199. OR-05: gender differences between males and females in sex addiction–Psychological and social Characteristics and implications in treatment
  3200. attachment theory 143 biopsychosocial 112, 113, 145, 186 blood alcohol content (BAC) 157–8 CATS (Centre for addiction treatment Studies) 60–1, 142–3, 146–7
  3201. OP-84: Internet addiction among methadone maintenance treatment patients
  3202. … ). Scaling-up HCV prevention and treatment interventions in rural United States—model projections for tackling an increasing epidemic. addiction, 113 (1), 173 …
  3204. OP-88: treatment of obesity using behavioral addiction methods: a pilot study
  3206. OR-41: Development and efficacy of the stepped tailored empowerment program (STEP) for assessment and treatment of Internet addiction among teenagers
  3207. Sugar, Cavities, Systemic Disease and addiction? J Oral Bio. 2016; 3 (2): 5. J Oral Biol 3 (2): 5 (2016) Page-02 ISSN: 2377-987X Alsumait et al. studied at total …
  3208. Mindfulness-based sobriety: A clinician’s treatment guide for addiction recovery using relapse prevention therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and …
  3209. OP-126: Short-term treatment of internet and computer game addiction (STICA)–a randomized clinical trial
  3210. OR-23: Therapy outcome in a short-term treatment of internet and computer game addiction-what makes the difference?
  3211. A 6-month follow-up of the integrated treatment for opiate addiction and HIV in Vietnam
  3212. OR-40: Online gaming addiction and motivations: Psychological links, assessment and treatment
  3213. … -scale changeSocioeconomic status and risk of hemorrhage during warfarin therapy for atrial fibrillationIntravenous opiate-assisted treatment (iOAT) Experience of …
  3214. PM308. A phase 3, multicenter randomized double blind placebo controlled study of the opioid receptor antagonist–Odelepran the treatment of alcohol addiction.
  3215. Hunting for what works: Adolescents in addiction treatment
  3216. Neuroscience of addiction: relevance to prevention and treatment
  3217. A roadmap for integrating neuroscience into addiction treatment: a consensus of the neuroscience interest Group of the international society of addiction …
  3218. Barriers to medications for addiction treatment: How stigma kills
  3219. Postincarceration fatal overdoses after implementing medications for addiction treatment in a statewide correctional system
  3220. The science of addiction: From neurobiology to treatment
  3221. Therapies offered at residential addiction treatment programs in the United States
  3222. “Getting Better” The Politics of Comparison in addiction treatment and Research
  3223. Making mandated addiction treatment work
  3224. Receipt of timely addiction treatment and association of early medication treatment with retention in care among youths with opioid use disorder
  3225. Current status of opioid addiction treatment and related preclinical research
  3226. Technological innovations in addiction treatment
  3227. Methadone in primary care—one small step for Congress, one giant leap for addiction treatment
  3228. Innovation during COVID-19: improving addiction treatment access
  3229. Modulating neural circuits with transcranial magnetic stimulation: implications for addiction treatment development
  3230. Qualitative exploration of relationships between peers in residential addiction treatment
  3231. Medicaid benefits for addiction treatment expanded after implementation of the Affordable Care Act
  3232. Determinants of the addiction treatment drop-out rates in an addiction counseling centre: a cross-sectional study
  3233. Opioids and HIV infection: from pain management to addiction treatment
  3234. Stigma and addiction treatment
  3235. The evolution of addiction treatment and harm reduction programs in Iran: a chaotic response or a synergistic diversity?
  3236. Component model of addiction treatment: A pragmatic transdiagnostic treatment model of behavioral and substance addictions
  3237. Prevention and treatment of opioid misuse and addiction: a review
  3238. Rising rates of injection drug use associated infective endocarditis in Virginia with missed opportunities for addiction treatment referral: a retrospective cohort …
  3239. Current advances in research in treatment and recovery: Nicotine addiction
  3240. The new privatized market: A question of ideology or pragmatism within the Swedish addiction treatment system?
  3241. Mindfulness-based treatment of addiction: current state of the field and envisioning the next wave of research
  3242. Food addiction: implications for the diagnosis and treatment of overeating
  3243. Use of telemedicine in addiction treatment: current practices and organizational implementation characteristics
  3244. Technology and social media use among patients enrolled in outpatient addiction treatment programs: cross-sectional survey study
  3245. Community pharmacies as access points for addiction treatment
  3246. Receipt of addiction treatment after opioid overdose among medicaid-enrolled adolescents and young adults
  3247. Who turns to Amazonian medicine for treatment of substance use disorder? Patient characteristics at the Takiwasi addiction treatment center
  3248. Alcohol craving predicts relapse after residential addiction treatment
  3249. Why research should pay attention to effects of marketization of addiction treatment systems
  3250. Adolescent-serving addiction treatment facilities in the United States and the availability of medications for opioid use disorder
  3251. Long-term treatment retention in West Virginia’s comprehensive opioid addiction treatment (COAT) program
  3252. Anti-stress neuropharmacological mechanisms and targets for addiction treatment: A translational framework
  3253. Impact of Medicaid restrictions on availability of buprenorphine in addiction treatment programs
  3254. Cytisine for nicotine addiction treatment: A review of pharmacology, therapeutics and an update of clinical trial evidence for smoking cessation
  3255. Efficacy of short-term treatment of internet and computer game addiction: A randomized clinical trial
  3256. Office-based addiction treatment in primary care: approaches that work
  3257. Patient-centred care for addiction treatment: a scoping review protocol
  3258. Utilization of addiction treatment among US adults with history of incarceration and substance use disorders
  3259. Ketamine for the treatment of addiction: Evidence and potential mechanisms
  3260. Neural imaginaries at work: Exploring Australian addiction treatment providers’ selective representations of the brain in clinical practice
  3261. A dual perspective on first-session therapeutic alliance: strong predictor of youth mental health and addiction treatment outcome
  3262. Integrating mental health and addiction treatment into general medical care: The role of policy
  3263. Alcohol addiction-the safety of available approved treatment options
  3264. Pilot evaluation of a residential drug addiction treatment combining traditional amazonian medicine, ayahuasca and psychotherapy on depression and anxiety
  3265. Mindsets of addiction: Implications for treatment intentions
  3266. Deep brain stimulation for the treatment of drug addiction
  3267. Receiving addiction treatment in the US: Do patient demographics, drug of choice, or substance use disorder severity matter?
  3268. Drug and alcohol treatment providers’ views about the disease model of addiction and its impact on clinical practice: A systematic review
  3269. Age related medication for addiction treatment (MAT) use for opioid use disorder among Medicaid-insured patients in New York
  3270. addiction treatment capacity in health centers: The role of Medicaid reimbursement and targeted grant funding
  3271. Do benefits restrictions limit Medicaid acceptance in addiction treatment? Results from a national study
  3272. Structural and functional neural targets of addiction treatment in adolescents and young adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  3273. Feasibility and safety of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy in conjunction with addiction treatment for people who inject drugs
  3274. Barriers and facilitators of addiction treatment: A qualitative study
  3275. Medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction in the United States: Critique and commentary
  3276. OPRM1 A118G polymorphisms and its role in opioid addiction: implication on severity and treatment approaches
  3277. Moving addiction care to the mainstream—improving the quality of buprenorphine treatment
  3278. Evidence for differential opioid use disorder in schizophrenia in an addiction treatment population
  3279. Alcohol addiction, gut microbiota, and alcoholism treatment: A review
  3280. Inpatient addiction medicine consultation and post-hospital substance use disorder treatment engagement: a propensity-matched analysis
  3281. … than standard care? treatment moderators in a randomized clinical trial comparing addiction treatment alone to addiction treatment plus anxiety disorder treatment for …
  3282. Differences in tobacco use prevalence, behaviors, and cessation services by race/ethnicity: A survey of persons in addiction treatment
  3283. Implementing a mobile health system to integrate the treatment of addiction into primary care: a hybrid implementation-effectiveness study
  3284. … learned from the implementation of a medically enhanced residential treatment (MERT) model integrating intravenous antibiotics and residential addiction treatment
  3285. Opioid agonist and antagonist use and the gut microbiota: associations among people in addiction treatment
  3286. treatment considerations in internet and video game addiction: A qualitative discussion
  3287. Does patient involvement in treatment planning improve adherence, enrollment and other treatment outcome in alcohol addiction treatment? A systematic review
  3288. A powerful drug combination strategy targeting glutamine addiction for the treatment of human liver cancer
  3289. Quality, accountability, and effectiveness in addiction treatment: The Measurement-Based Practice Model
  3290. Who stays in addiction treatment groups? Anxiety and avoidant attachment styles predict treatment retention and relapse
  3291. The potential of cannabidiol as a treatment for psychosis and addiction: who benefits most? A systematic review
  3292. Feasibility, uptake and impact of a hospital-wide tobacco addiction treatment pathway: results from the CURE project pilot
  3293. Stigma and quality of co‐located care for HIV‐positive people in addiction treatment in Ukraine: a cross‐sectional study
  3294. Evaluating the short-term impact of a tobacco-free policy in an inpatient addiction treatment setting
  3295. Predictors of premature treatment termination in a large residential addiction medicine program
  3296. Barriers to addiction treatment among formerly incarcerated adults with substance use disorders
  3297. The insula: a brain stimulation target for the treatment of addiction
  3298. A rapid access to addiction medicine clinic facilitates treatment of substance use disorder and reduces substance use
  3299. Virtual reality therapy and machine learning techniques in drug addiction treatment
  3300. Toward precision medicine in addiction treatment
  3301. Food addiction in eating disorders and obesity: analysis of clusters and implications for treatment
  3302. Incentives in a public addiction treatment system: Effects on waiting time and selection
  3303. Neurosurgical treatment for addiction: lessons from an untold story in China and a path forward
  3304. Training the addiction treatment workforce in HIV endemic regions: An overview of the South Africa HIV addiction Technology Transfer Center initiative.
  3305. … for a pragmatic trial of the Consult for addiction treatment and Care in Hospitals (CATCH) model for engaging patients in opioid use disorder treatment
  3306. Working with HIV clinics to adopt addiction treatment using implementation facilitation (WHAT-IF?): Rationale and design for a hybrid type 3 effectiveness …
  3307. Anti-racism and substance use treatment: addiction does not discriminate, but do we?
  3308. Pre-exposure prophylaxis awareness and interest among participants in a medications for addiction treatment program in a unified jail and prison setting in Rhode …
  3309. Telepsychiatry and addiction treatment
  3310. Support for the psychosocial, disease and brain disease models of addiction: A survey of treatment providers’ attitudes in Australia, the UK, and US
  3311. Moments of relational depth in sex addiction treatment
  3312. Provider perceptions of system-level opioid prescribing and addiction treatment policies
  3313. treatment of kratom withdrawal and addiction with buprenorphine
  3314. Justice involvement patterns, overdose experiences, and naloxone knowledge among men and women in criminal justice diversion addiction treatment
  3315. Buprenorphine treatment By Primary Care Providers, Psychiatrists, addiction Specialists, And Others: Trends in buprenorphine treatment by prescriber specialty …
  3316. Improved quality of life following addiction treatment is associated with reductions in substance use
  3317. Alcohol and drug overdose and the influence of pain conditions in an addiction treatment sample
  3318. Transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of cocaine addiction: evidence to date
  3319. treatment of love addiction: Current status and perspectives
  3320. Development and evaluation of addiction treatment programs in Latin America
  3321. Current and emerging pharmacotherapies for addiction treatment
  3322. Self-awareness deficits associated with lower treatment motivation in cocaine addiction
  3323. Health ecologies in addiction treatment: Rhetoric of health and medicine and conceptualizing care
  3324. Prison addiction program and the role of integrative treatment and program completion on recidivism
  3325. ABC training: a new theory-based form of cognitive-bias modification to foster automatization of alternative choices in the treatment of addiction and related disorders
  3326. Food addiction among female patients seeking treatment for an eating disorder: Prevalence and associated factors
  3327. Opioid overdose and addiction treatment: A collaborative model of compassion, patience, and respect
  3328. Tapering off and returning to buprenorphine maintenance in a primary care Office Based addiction treatment (OBAT) program
  3329. Bariatric surgery as a treatment for food addiction? A review of the literature
  3330. Inconsistent addiction treatment for patients undergoing cardiac surgery for injection drug use-associated infective endocarditis
  3331. Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation for the addiction treatment: electric field distribution modeling
  3332. Reconsolidation blockade for the treatment of addiction: challenges, new targets, and opportunities
  3333. What is addiction? How can animal and human research be used to advance research, diagnosis, and treatment of alcohol and other substance use disorders?
  3334. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction: Introduction to the special issue
  3335. Kratom instrumentalization for severe pain self-treatment resulting in addiction–A case report of acute and chronic subjective effects
  3336. Advances in understanding addiction treatment and recovery
  3337. Removal of emerging drugs of addiction by wastewater treatment and water recycling processes and impacts on effluent-associated environmental risk
  3338. Supporting the use of medications for addiction treatment in US drug courts: opportunities for health professionals
  3339. Intranasal insulin: a treatment strategy for addiction
  3340. … on trauma and the design of a technology-based trauma-informed intervention for women receiving medications for addiction treatment in community-based settings
  3341. Development of Fc-fused cocaine hydrolase for cocaine addiction treatment: catalytic and pharmacokinetic properties
  3342. EGFR activity addiction facilitates anti-ERBB based combination treatment of squamous bladder cancer
  3343. Changing the treatment direction for opiate addiction: Dr. Dole’s research
  3344. Psychosocial understanding of self-stigma among people who seek treatment for drug addiction.
  3345. Evaluation of an integrated intensive cognitive behavioral therapy treatment within addiction care
  3346. Adding quality to quantity in randomized controlled trials of addiction prevention and treatment: a new framework to facilitate the integration of qualitative research
  3347. Metaplasticity at the addicted tetrapartite synapse: a common denominator of drug induced adaptations and potential treatment target for addiction
  3348. treatment of internet addiction and internet gaming disorder in adolescence: a systematic review
  3349. Sleep disorder in drug addiction: treatment with transcranial magnetic stimulation
  3350. Surveillance medicine in the DigitalEra: lessons from addiction treatment
  3351. Health literacy in residential addiction treatment programs: Study protocol of a cross-sectional study in people with substance use disorders
  3352. treatment of the sensory and motor components of urges to eat (eating addiction?): a mobile-health pilot study for obesity in young people
  3353. Effects of engaging family in addiction treatment for substance use and treatment compliance: A preliminary study
  3354. Clients’ views on the importance of a nurse-led approach and nurse prescribing in the development of the healthy addiction treatment recovery model
  3355. Utilization of telehealth technology in addiction treatment in Colorado
  3356. Dismantling buprenorphine policy can provide more comprehensive addiction treatment
  3357. Differences in receipt of opioid agonist treatment and time to enter treatment for opioid use disorder among specialty addiction programs in the United States …
  3358. … states in the arc from mindfulness to self-transcendence: extensions of the Mindfulness-to-Meaning Theory and applications to addiction and chronic pain treatment
  3359. Rethinking bibliotherapy: a neurorhetoric narratology model for addiction treatment
  3360. On addiction, complexity, and freedom: toward a liberation-focused addiction treatment
  3361. The impact of length of stay on recovery measures in faith‐based addiction treatment
  3362. treatment of Internet addiction
  3363. … the Comprehensive Analysis of Reported Drugs (CARD) for compliance and illicit opioid abstinence in substance addiction treatment with buprenorphine/naloxone
  3364. … could talk”: A photo-elicitation-based observation of service users’ perceptions of the care setting and of its influence on the therapeutic alliance in addiction treatment
  3365. Media trends for the substance abuse and mental health services administration 800-662-HELP addiction treatment referral services after a celebrity overdose
  3366. Low carbohydrate ketogenic therapy as a metabolic treatment for binge eating and ultraprocessed food addiction
  3367. Understanding the implications of the biobehavioral basis of nicotine addiction and its impact on the efficacy of treatment
  3368. Decision making of individuals with heroin addiction receiving opioid maintenance treatment compared to early abstinent users
  3369. Dilemma of addiction and respiratory depression in the treatment of pain: a prototypical endomorphin as a new approach
  3370. The oldest addiction treatment institution on the historical territory of Slovakia: The Istebné nad Oravou treatment facility (1937–1949)
  3371. Tobacco cessation services in addiction treatment: What do clients say?
  3372. Training community-based treatment providers to implement contingency management for opioid addiction: Time to and frequency of adoption
  3373. The effect of self-efficacy and coping strategies on treatment motivation of individuals in the substance addiction group work process
  3374. Do interruptions to the continuity of methadone maintenance treatment in specialist addiction settings increase the risk of drug‐related poisoning deaths? A …
  3375. The influence of CYP3A5 polymorphisms on haloperidol treatment in patients with alcohol addiction
  3376. treatment for opioid addiction must be offered in general hospitals: but how?
  3377. Transgressing gender norms in addiction treatment: Transgender rights to access within gender-segregated facilities
  3378. Cognitive bias modification in the treatment of addiction
  3379. The neurobiology of substance use and addiction: evidence from neuroimaging and relevance to treatment
  3380. Deceptive dynamics in drug addiction and their role in control beliefs and health status reporting: a study on people with substance use disorder in treatment
  3381. Investigating the role of cultural environment in addiction treatment and recovery in the United States-México border zone
  3382. Exploring trends and challenges from mandated treatment to voluntary treatment outcomes in addiction treatment in Malaysia: moving toward a person-centered …
  3383. Stigma, discrimination, treatment effectiveness, and policy support: Comparing behavior analysts’ views on drug addiction and mental illness
  3384. Machine learning vs addiction therapists: A pilot study predicting alcohol dependence treatment outcome from patient data in behavior therapy with adjunctive …
  3385. treatment for smoking addiction without the use of any medication
  3386. An existential perspective on addiction treatment: a logic-based therapy case study
  3387. A systematic review of psychosocial interventions in treatment of opioid addiction
  3388. Examining self-weighing behaviors and associated features and treatment outcomes in patients with binge-eating disorder and obesity with and without food addiction
  3389. An exploratory study of cannabis use pattern and treatment seeking in patients attending an addiction treatment facility
  3390. Brain and cognition for addiction medicine: from prevention to recovery neural substrates for treatment of psychostimulant-induced cognitive deficits
  3391. treatment effectiveness of intimate partner violence perpetration among patients in a drug addiction program.
  3392. The stigma of addiction and effects on community perceptions of procedural justice in drug treatment courts
  3393. Metabolic and addiction indices in patients on opioid agonist medication-assisted treatment: A comparison of buprenorphine and methadone
  3394. “They Medicated Me Out” Social Flesh and Embodied Citizenship in addiction treatment
  3395. Greater pain severity is associated with inability to access addiction treatment among a cohort of people who use drugs
  3396. From substances to food: An examination of addiction shift in individuals undergoing residential treatment for substance use
  3397. Optimization of a nicotine degrading enzyme for potential use in treatment of nicotine addiction
  3398. Acute and extended exposure to episodic future thinking in a treatment seeking addiction sample: A pilot study
  3399. Medication assisted treatment (MAT) in criminal justice settings as a double-edged sword: balancing novel addiction treatments and voluntary participation
  3400. Novel pharmacotherapeutic approaches in treatment of alcohol addiction
  3401. Dopamine antagonists for the treatment of drug addiction: PF-4363467 and related compounds
  3402. Tobacco smoking addiction: epidemiology, genetics, mechanisms, and treatment
  3403. addiction and heroin-assisted treatment: Legal discourse and drug reform
  3404. The science of addiction through the lens of opioid treatment for chronic noncancer pain
  3405. Kratom and future treatment for the opioid addiction and chronic pain: periculo beneficium?
  3406. Using stakeholder values to promote implementation of an evidence-based mobile health intervention for addiction treatment in primary care settings
  3407. The promise of technology-based services for addiction treatment clients residing in nonurban areas
  3408. An ultra-brief mindfulness-based intervention for patients in treatment for opioid addiction with buprenorphine: a primary care feasibility pilot study
  3409. Hospital use declines after implementation of Virginia Medicaid’s addiction and recovery treatment services
  3410. Insights into nicotinic receptor signaling in nicotine addiction: implications for prevention and treatment
  3411. Low-dose lithium impact in an addiction treatment setting
  3412. Women in German forensic addiction treatment: Epidemiology and gender-related decision making in jurisdiction
  3413. Potential role for acupuncture in the treatment of food addiction and obesity
  3414. Barriers to addiction prevention and treatment in communities with organized crime: the perspective of health providers
  3415. Guidelines for prevention and treatment of internet addiction in adolescents during home quarantine for the COVID-19 pandemic
  3416. Environmental and personal factors associated with addiction relapse in referral patients to Marand treatment centers
  3417. Time‐dependent regional brain distribution of methadone and naltrexone in the treatment of opioid addiction
  3418. Doctor recommendations are related to patient interest and use of behavioral treatment for chronic pain and addiction
  3419. Availability of outpatient addiction treatment and use of emergency department services among Medicaid enrollees
  3420. The Impact of training indigenous facilitators for a two-eyed seeing research treatment intervention for intergenerational trauma and addiction
  3421. The effect of information therapy on treatment adherence among patients referred to addiction treatment centers
  3422. Implications of treatment providers’ varying conceptions of the disease model of addiction: A response
  3423. Discourses on addiction among gamblers and drug users in treatment. An analysis of the interviews through constrained correspondence analysis
  3424. Pharmacogenetic Role of Dopamine Transporter (SLC6A3) Variation on Response to Disulfiram treatment for Cocaine addiction
  3425. Psychedelic drugs in the treatment of anxiety, depression and addiction
  3426. Rewiring the addicted brain: circuits-based treatment for addiction
  3427. Secure attachment: An antidote to sex addiction? A thematic analysis of therapists’ experiences of utilizing attachment-informed treatment strategies to address sexual …
  3428. Mothers and fathers in treatment for methamphetamine addiction—Parenting, parental stress, and children at risk
  3429. Goal-based interventions for executive dysfunction in addiction treatment
  3430. Monitoring opioid addiction and treatment: Do you know if your population is engaged?
  3431. The availability of retail tobacco near federally qualified healthcare facilities and addiction treatment centers in New York State
  3432. Multiple sessions of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation as a potential treatment for gambling addiction: A 3-month, feasibility study
  3433. Administrative discharges in addiction treatment: Bringing practice in line with ethics and evidence
  3434. Death ambivalence and treatment seeking: Suicidality in opiate addiction
  3435. … very integrated program (VIP) for smoking cessation, nutrition, physical activity and comorbidity education among patients in treatment for alcohol and drug addiction
  3436. … Resilience and Frequency of Relapse and Rehospitalization in A sample of Schizophrenic Patients Visiting Port-Said Mental Health and addiction treatment Hospital
  3437. Development of an opioid use disorder Cascade of care to address the addiction treatment gap
  3438. Multivalent peptide and peptidomimetic ligands for the treatment of pain without toxicities and addiction
  3439. Analysis of emotional-sentimental actions in addiction treatment (a qualitative study based on grounded theory approach)
  3440. Predisposing factors for substance abuse among elderly people referring to Qazvin addiction treatment centers, Iran (2017)
  3441. … survey to explore the availability of addiction treatment data in the electronic health records: A National Drug Abuse treatment Clinical Trials Network study
  3442. The importance of identification when measuring performance in addiction treatment
  3443. Feasibility and acceptability of safety screening among patients receiving addiction treatment
  3444. Development and testing of an addiction treatment level of care determination tool
  3445. Incremental predictive validity of the addiction severity index psychiatric composite score in a consecutive cohort of patients in residential treatment for drug use …
  3446. The Mental Health Parity and addiction Equity Act Evaluation Study: impact on nonquantitative treatment limits for specialty behavioral health care
  3447. Bio-Behavioral Indices of Emotion Regulation: Potential Targets for treatment in addiction
  3448. Controlled Release fFor Use in treatment of Narcotic addiction
  3449. Nucleus accumbens as a novel target for Deep brain stimulation in the treatment of addiction: a hypothesis on the neurochemical and morphological basis
  3450. … intervention improves postdischarge drinking outcomes among alcohol-dependent men: A prospective study at a government addiction treatment setting in India
  3451. Trends in addiction treatment in Irish prisons using national surveillance data, 2009–2014
  3452. addiction treatment providers’ views about disease models of addiction and neuroscience: Implications for practice, policy and research translation
  3453. Low-value treatment for opioid addiction: what is to be done?
  3454. Internet searches for medical symptoms before seeking information on 12-step addiction treatment programs: A web-search log analysis
  3455. The utility and impact of the addiction comprehensive health enhancement support system (ACHESS) on substance abuse treatment adherence among youth in an …
  3456. Correctional health care services: Mental health, infectious disease, dental care, addiction treatment
  3457. Investigating the health literacy of addicts referring to addiction treatment centers in Qom city and its relationship with demographic variables
  3458. addiction treatment: who needs it?
  3459. Development and validation of the scale to assess satisfaction with medications for addiction treatment–Buprenorphine-naloxone for heroin addiction (SASMAT …
  3460. Investing in Community Health Centers to Expand addiction treatment
  3461. Withdrawal management and treatment of crystal methamphetamine addiction in pregnancy: a review of clinical effectiveness and guidelines
  3462. Use of disulfiram for treatment of alcohol addiction in patients with psychotic illness
  3463. Community Care in Reach: mobilizing harm reduction and addiction treatment services for vulnerable populations
  3464. Medication-assisted treatment considerations for women with opiate addiction disorders
  3465. Rate Your addiction treatment Facility: Exploring the Quality Chasm Online
  3466. The experience of general practitioners with Very Brief Advice in the treatment of tobacco addiction
  3467. Assessment of the causes of mortality in addiction treatment residential center
  3468. The effects of the addiction programme of probation on treatment motivation, abstinence and quality of life: A comparative study with motivational interviewing …
  3469. Opioid addiction, opioid addiction treatment, and HIV infection
  3470. Prescription opioid use patterns, use disorder diagnoses and addiction treatment receipt after the 2014 Medicaid expansion in Oregon
  3471. Nalmefene in the treatment of Internet Pornography addiction–A Case Report and Review of Literature
  3472. Tracking the Quality of addiction treatment Over Time and Across States: Using the Federal Government’s “Signs” of Higher Quality
  3473. COPD positive screening with spirometry increases motivation to quit tobacco smoking in an addiction treatment center
  3474. Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, and addiction treatment: Potential pitfalls and trepidations
  3475. An approach to addiction to new technologies: A proposal for prevention in the school environment and rehabilitation treatment
  3476. Avatar and technology assisted platforms in the treatment of co-occurring addiction and IPV among male offenders
  3477. Co-occurring substance use disorders in youth with chronic medical conditions: the need for integration of addiction treatment into mainstream medical facilities
  3478. Medically supervised opioid withdrawal during treatment for addiction
  3479. Role of substance abuse treatment centers in addiction recurrence
  3480. treatment delivery of the community reinforcement approach in outpatient addiction treatment
  3481. A community-based addiction rehabilitation electronic system to improve treatment outcomes in drug abusers: protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  3482. Predicting the survival and dropout of addiction treatment interventions based on sensation seeking and impulsivity
  3483. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the castile and leon addiction treatment network: a real-word experience
  3484. Urine is superior to oral fluid for detecting buprenorphine compliance in patients undergoing treatment for opioid addiction
  3485. addiction‐focused Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy as an Adjunct to Regular Outpatient treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder: Results from a …
  3486. The impact of addiction treatment centers on preventing the returning of addicted people (the case study of Northern Khorasan province)
  3487. Multifaceted approach to digital addiction and its treatment
  3488. Precommitment Devices: A Defensible treatment for Opioid addiction?
  3489. Working memory capacity and addiction treatment outcomes in adolescents
  3490. An evaluation of motivational interviewing based treatment in a university addiction counseling training clinic
  3491. Newest findings on gaming addiction treatment
  3492. Factors Leading to Drug addiction From The Point of View of Young People Reviewing Drug addiction treatment Centers in Jordan
  3493. Effectiveness of mindfulness-based treatment on addiction relapse prevention: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  3494. Perspectives of alcohol treatment providers and users on alcohol addiction and its facilitating factors in Uganda and Belgium
  3495. New directions in treatment, education, and outreach for mental health and addiction
  3496. Medication for addiction treatment and acute care utilization in HIV-positive adults with substance use disorders
  3497. Haloperidol for the treatment of opioid addiction in advanced cancer patients: A case series
  3498. Randomized clinical trial comparing buprenorphine/naloxone and methadone for the treatment of patients with failed back surgery syndrome and opioid addiction
  3499. Synergistic opportunities in combined interventions for addiction treatment
  3500. treatment of chronic pain in Italy: therapeutic appropriacy of opioids and fear of addiction: the situation in Italy vs. USA
  3501. Development of an evidence-based model of rapid testing, counseling and referral patients with HIV, HVC and other STDs in Mexican addiction treatment centers
  3502. The untreated addiction: Going tobacco-free in a VA substance abuse residential rehabilitation treatment program (SARRTP)
  3503. … of abuse and route of administration of extended-release tapentadol among treatment-seeking individuals, as captured by the addiction severity index–multimedia …
  3504. Discovering barriers to opioid addiction treatment from social media: A similarity network-based deep learning approach
  3505. … in patients with new psychoactive substance (NPS)‐related disorders from fiscal year 2012 to 2014: A study in hospitals specializing in the treatment of addiction
  3506. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder increases nicotine addiction severity in adults seeking treatment for substance use disorders: The role of personality disorders
  3507. Effectiveness and Value of Extended-Release Opioid Agonists and Antagonists for addiction treatment of Opioid Use Disorder: A Summary from the Institute for …
  3508. Brain stimulation as an emerging treatment for addiction
  3509. Exercise and neural adaptations: designing a novel treatment for alcohol addiction
  3510. Drug abuse, addiction, its causes and treatment
  3511. A study of pathways to care among opioid dependent individuals seeking treatment at a community de-addiction clinic in India
  3512. US alcohol treatment admissions after the Mental Health Parity and addiction Equity Act: Do state parity laws and race/ethnicity make a difference?
  3513. The Substance treatment and Recovery Team (START): Measuring the effectiveness and feasibility of an inpatient addiction consult service at an academic general …
  3514. … (S)-3-Amino-4-(difluoromethylenyl)cyclopent-1-ene-1-carboxylic Acid, a Highly Potent γ-Aminobutyric Acid Aminotransferase Inactivator for the treatment of addiction
  3515. From coerced to compulsory treatment of addiction in the patient’s best interests
  3516. Exploring family member influence on change in addiction treatment, a dyadic analysis
  3517. Drug market and drug addiction treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic
  3518. Waking Up from Dreamland: Opioid addiction Precipitance and Support for Redistributive Drug treatment
  3519. Effective factors of drug and psychotropic substance tendencies in women referred to addiction treatment centers affiliated to the welfare office in Tehran
  3520. Social Work in Action: How the Hawai ‘i CARES Program Aims to Strengthen addiction treatment Through a Social Work Lens
  3521. The Assessment and treatment of addiction: Best Practices and New Frontiers
  3522. Effects of an animal-assisted intervention on psychiatric in-patient addiction treatment-a pilot study
  3523. Determination of common pharmaceutical adulterants in herbal medicinal products used in the treatment of opioid addiction
  3524. Identification of Medicine Components in Herbal Drugs for addiction treatment; A Case Study of Zanjan City
  3525. addiction treatment providers’ perceptions of publicly-funded treatment services in the Western Cape, South Africa
  3526. Drop-out from addiction treatment: A systematic review of risk factors: Corrigendum.
  3527. Substance use disorders in the elderly people referring to addiction treatment clinics, 2017
  3528. Screening of hepatitis and HIV infections in an alcohol and drug addiction treatment center
  3529. Living fatherhood in adults addicted to substances: a qualitative study of fathers in psycho-rehabilitative drug addiction treatment for heroin and cocaine
  3530. Acupuncture and Related Techniques for Pain Relief and treatment of Heroin addiction: Mechanisms and Clinical Application
  3531. Identifying the Factors Affecting the Management of addiction treatment Clinics: A Qualitative Study
  3532. Art therapy in the treatment of addiction and trauma
  3533. Expanding Access to addiction treatment Services through Section 1115 Waivers for Substance Use Disorders: Experiences From Virginia and Maryland
  3534. Neurosurgical treatment for drug addiction: systematic review
  3535. How does Trieste treat HCV in PWID? An effective coordination between addiction treatment service (SerD), the infective disease department and the liver clinic
  3536. Effectiveness of narrative therapy in generalized anxiety and stress coping skills among addicts’ wives under treatment in addiction treatment clinics
  3537. Patient termination as the ultimate failure of addiction treatment: Reframing administrative discharge as clinical abandonment
  3538. Investment obstacles in drug addiction treatment in Saudi Arabia
  3539. Stigma and prescription opioid addiction and treatment: A national survey
  3540. The Only Trouble is the Dam’Heroin’: addiction, treatment and Punishment at the Fort Worth Narcotic Farm
  3541. The Impact of Exercise Training in the treatment of Drug addiction. the Role of Changes in Neurotransmitters
  3542. A Commentary on the Drug addiction treatment Market in Iran
  3543. But my partner “is” the problem: Addressing addiction, mood disorders, and psychiatric illness in psychoanalytic couple treatment
  3544. An Evaluation Study of the “RESTART” Program—Short-Term Residential treatment for addiction
  3545. Relationship between metacognition and perfectionism with duration of methadone maintenance treatment in addicts referred to addiction treatment centers
  3546. Trends in treatment of problematic cannabis use in Ontario’s specialized addiction treatment system from 2010/11 to 2015/16: a repeated cross-sectional study of a …
  3547. Side effects of addiction treatment
  3548. Comparison of the Development and Functioning of addiction treatment Systems in Croatia
  3549. Evaluation of Oral Health indices in People referring to Outpatient addiction treatment Centers in Yazd in 2019
  3550. The psychodrama in the addiction treatment of pathological gambling and buying behavior
  3551. Comparison of executive functions in addicted young people who referred to addiction treatment camps with students
  3552. Ayahuasca and the treatment of Depression and addiction: A Depth Perspective
  3553. Peer Recovery Provides Sustainable Avenues for addiction treatment, but Is Not a One-Size-Fits-All Proposition
  3554. The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on addiction treatment
  3555. No patient left behind: Integrating addiction treatment with buprenorphine into your outpatient palliative care practice (TH316)
  3556. Constitutive or induced HIF-2 addiction is involved in resistance to anti-EGFR treatment and radiation therapy in HNSCC
  3557. Childhood trauma, addiction & a modernized approach to treatment
  3558. Designing Neuroimaging Studies to Help Inform the Clinical treatment of addiction
  3559. Neuropsychology as a method of diagnosis and treatment of internet addiction
  3560. How do Clubs of Alcoholics in treatment Function? Differences Between the Perspectives of Members with addiction and Family Members
  3561. Development of the Family System-therapeutic Approach in the addiction treatment in Serbia
  3562. A Narrative Review of Pharmacotherapy treatment for Opioid addiction and Application in a Community-Based Model in Victoria, Australia
  3563. A Model for the Use of Facilities for the treatment of addiction
  3564. Bridging from Harm Reduction Programs to Evidence-based addiction treatment Services
  3565. Too few doctors prepared to provide opioid addiction treatment in the north
  3566. The discretionary treatment of drug addiction in prison
  3567. Prediction of Retaining and Resigning addiction treatment Interventions based on Personality Disorders
  3568. Occurrence and Motives Associated with Relapse after a De-addiction treatment in Men with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome in a Tertiary Care Hospital-A Cross …
  3569. Anxiety, the chicken or the egg of addiction: targeting G9a for the treatment of comorbid anxiety and cocaine addiction
  3570. … program (VIP): Smoking and other lifestyles, co-morbidity and quality of life in patients undertaking treatment for alcohol and drug addiction in Sweden. Clin
  3571. Associations of treatment completion against drug addiction with motivational interviewing and related factors in Afghanistan
  3572. Convergent validity of self-administered addiction severity index in a sample of Nigerian patients in a residential treatment facility
  3573. A randomized clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of contingency management for treatment of waterpipe tobacco addiction
  3574. Aripiprazole and quetiapine in the treatment of patients with’dual diagnosis’ of schizophrenia and drug addiction
  3575. internet addiction in india: Its current prevalence and psychological and complementary treatment techniques
  3576. … of group training of anger control skill & communication skills on aggression of the addicted referring to drug addiction treatment centers affiliated with kerman …
  3577. An Investigation of Premature Discharges from Residential addiction treatment Centers in Two Mid-Atlantic States of the United States
  3578. Upregulating brain activity using non-drug reward imagery and real-time fMRI neurofeedback–A new treatment approach for addiction?
  3579. Training addiction counselors to deliver a brief psychoeducational intervention for chronic pain among patients in opioid agonist treatment: A pilot investigation
  3580. Acute care model of addiction treatment not enough for substance abuse
  3581. Alcohol-Drug addiction Research, treatment and Training Centers (AMATEM) in the treatment of Substance Use Disorder
  3582. Cybersex addiction: an overview of the development and treatment of a newly emerging disorder
  3583. A Corpus Based Study of addiction treatment Manuals
  3584. Patterns of addiction treatment for patients undergoing cardiac surgery for infective endocarditis associated with intravenous drug use
  3585. Normalization and Validation of a Questionnaire on Effective Life Skills for Prevention, treatment, and Rehabilitation of addiction in Adolescents
  3586. addiction treatment In Rural Areas: A letter to the editor about addiction treatment in rural America.
  3587. Discussing the Clinic and treatment of drug addiction: from discourse to subjective constitution
  3588. … of maintenance therapy effects of methadone, buprenorphine and opium tincture on sleep status of outpatients referring to addiction treatment centers in Tehran …
  3589. 29 Contingency Management as in addiction treatment
  3590. The making of body differences: physical activity, gender, and age in institutional addiction treatment
  3591. addiction treatment: The Authors Reply: A letter to the editor about addiction treatment in rural America.
  3592. The Swedish addiction treatment System: Government, Steering and Organisation. Technical Report
  3593. Collocating FQHC and addiction treatment at Damian
  3594. The effectiveness of group cognitive behavioral therapy on continence: in addicts who reoffered to Tehran centers residence of addiction treatment
  3595. Incidence of interpersonal violence among individuals with drug addiction receiving compulsory treatment: a survey at two drug detention centers in Hunan …
  3596. Health Services for addiction treatment and Levels of Care
  3597. The use of naltrexone implants for the treatment of opioid addiction: a retrospective study/Opioid bagimliliginin tedavisinde naltrekson implant kullanimi: Geriye donuk …
  3598. Cigarette Smoking: Neurobiology, addiction and treatment Implications
  3599. 32. Receipt of addiction treatment following opioid-related overdose among Medicaid-enrolled youth
  3600. Innovative Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy Intervention for Adolescent addiction treatment: A Pilot Study
  3601. Applying and advancing best practices in opioid use disorder and addiction treatment: Introduction to the special issue on implementation science and quality …
  3602. Heroic, Ethical Recovery Support: An Interview With James Balmer, President of a Nonprofit addiction treatment Organization
  3603. A NEW APPROACH IN addiction treatment
  3604. [Literature Review on Drug addiction treatment] Sorotan Kajian Rawatan Ketagihan Dadah
  3605. Managing unresolved issues of addiction during cancer treatment: A qualitative study about cancer care providers’ representations
  3606. The perceived stigma of addiction and treatment utilization among cannabis addicts in Thailand
  3607. Tracking the quality of addiction treatment over time and across states
  3608. Smartphone-Based Technologies in addiction treatment
  3609. Alochol addiction and its treatment
  3610. The Role of Personal, Famililal and Social Awarenesss in Permanent Drug Abandonment in Kashan Drug addiction treatment Centers
  3611. An Integrated Public–Private Partnership System for Covering Narcotics addiction treatment Centre: a Case Study of Anti–Narcotics Zones in Indonesia
  3612. Recommendations for the effective treatment of methamphetamine addiction with Native American cultural specificity
  3613. Genomics and addiction treatment: The wave of the future
  3614. The Geography of Opiate addiction, Overdose, and treatment in Tennessee
  3615. $75 annual limit for CM hampers stimulant addiction treatment
  3616. Music therapy as a tool for recovery: a program proposal for Mountainside addiction treatment Center
  3617. Drughelp. Care–a Web Application for the Discovery of Drug addiction treatment Facilities
  3618. Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Patient Care Delivery: A Qualitative Study in the US addiction treatment Industry
  3619. From Homer and Hippocrates to modern personalized medicine: is there a role for pharmacoepigenomics in the treatment of alcohol addiction?
  3620. Mentorship for addiction Problems (MAP): a new behavioral intervention to assist in the treatment of substance use disorders
  3621. Does opioid addiction treatment in pregnancy with buprenorphine result in better neonatal outcomes than methadone?
  3622. Investigating the Relationship between the Premenstrual Syndrome with Sleep Quality in Women Sponsored by the Drug addiction treatment Centers in Shiraz in …
  3623. Investigate the Interaction between Supply and treatment (and harm reduction) of addiction Actions
  3624. Effectiveness of Faith-Based treatment for Substance addiction in Hong Kong: A Longitudinal Study
  3625. Internet addiction: The Repercussions, the Causes, and the treatment
  3626. Substance use patterns, psychosocial traumas, psychiatric comorbidities, and gender differences among adolescent inpatients at an addiction treatment center
  3627. Analysis: The so‐called ‘Freedom Model’of addiction treatment
  3628. From Datura stramonium L to Hab-o-shefa: manuscript, animal and clinical studies for the treatment of addiction
  3629. Pharmacologic treatment of Patients with addiction
  3630. Current approaches to the treatment and correction of internet addiction
  3631. 767. Can Integration of addiction treatment Facilitate Safe Discharge on OPAT for Patients with Infectious Complications of Injection Drug Use?
  3632. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Matthew O. Howard as a Mentor and His Influence on the Science of Mindfulness as a treatment for addiction
  3633. Analysis of Deviant Opioid addiction treatment Communities on Reddit
  3634. RECOVERY INDICATORS IN OPIATE addiction treatment
  3635. Usrah Approach of Drug addiction treatment in a Fishermen Community: Psychology of Da’wah Perspective
  3636. addiction‘s policy on publishing effectiveness studies of involuntary treatment of addiction and its variants
  3637. Group therapy and support in addiction treatment.
  3638. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: a potential novel treatment for alcohol addiction and abuse
  3639. An Exploration of the Lived Experiences of Counselors in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) Working in the addiction treatment Field
  3640. Emotional Balancing in Opioid addiction treatment
  3641. Incarceration and the Failure of Opioid addiction treatment in the United States
  3642. Therapists’ and patients’ perspectives on therapeutic dynamics leading to therapy failure in forensic addiction treatment
  3643. Opioids, addiction treatment, and the Long Tail of Eugenics
  3644. addiction treatment: In Need of a New Prescription
  3645. … happiness and self-confidence with addiction recurrence in addicted people undergoing methadone treatment referred to addiction treatment centers of Zahedan city …
  3646. The optimal management of opioid use disorder: Leveraging advances in addiction psychopharmacology to enhance treatment outcomes
  3647. addiction: treatment and its context
  3648. The survey of pattern of abusing and causes of addiction tendency among women undergoing methadone maintenance treatment in Kashan city during 2017-2018
  3649. Perceptions of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Among Professionals Providing Drug and Alcohol addiction treatment
  3650. Straight Talk about addiction, treatment, Recovery, and Achieving a Better Quality of Life
  3651. Prevention and treatment of work addiction.
  3652. addiction treatment and Harm Reduction
  3653. The influence of resilience factors in the treatment of substances addiction: A Multylayer Perceptron Predictive Model
  3654. Psychodynamic Approaches for treatment of Drug Abuse and addiction: Theory and treatment
  3655. Technological Innovations in addiction treatment
  3656. … addiction; Examining the Effectiveness of Well-being group therapy on Craving Index in Methamphetamine-dependent Men under Short-term residential treatment, a …
  3657. The development of a protocol for integrating biocueing with the Sense-IT application in alcohol addiction treatment
  3658. … of Tapering from Methadone or Buprenorphine Maintenance treatment Compared to Traditional Maintenance treatment for People with Opiate addiction: Systematic …
  3659. Transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of nicotine addiction: A systematic review
  3660. Novel biological and mechanical analysis techniques for alcohol and other drugs of abuse: Their role in addiction management and psychiatric treatment
  3661. 22. Characteristics of Adolescent-Serving addiction treatment Facilities in the United States
  3662. Doctor recommendations are related to patient interest and use of behavioral treatment for chronic pain and addiction
  3663. Additive Benefit in addiction treatment: Human and Technology-Based Patient Engagement
  3664. Binaural beats in music therapy interventions for substance addiction treatment: an exploratory study
  3665. Compulsory commitment of crack users for addiction treatment: A systematic review of the literature
  3666. Gut-Brain Axis–based treatment in addiction
  3667. Biomarkers as a Different Approach in Prevention and treatment of Drug addiction (Preliminary Study)
  3668. Drug addiction treatment & Rehabilitation Center
  3669. Agree to Disagree: Parent-Child Discrepancies in Adolescent addiction treatment
  3670. Incorporation of expressive writing in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction
  3671. Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, and addiction treatment.
  3672. Subject positions within addiction treatment
  3673. A Commentary on the Drug addiction treatment Market in Iran, Letter
  3674. Predictors of the successful treatment of addiction to heroin and other illicit opioids. Systematic review
  3675. … treatment-induced GABA-Aα5 histone H3K4 trimethylation upregulation leads to increased GABA-Aα5 expression and susceptibility to alcohol addiction in …
  3676. Psychosocial Stressors at Work and Stress Prevention Methods among Medical Staff of Psychiatric and addiction treatment Wards
  3677. A study on the pattern of drug abuse and demographic characteristics of addicts referred to addiction treatment centers of Kermanshah City, Iran, in 2016
  3678. Governing addiction: The Alcohol and Other Drug treatment Court in New Zealand
  3679. Evaluating the treatment Effectiveness of an addiction Counseling Center.
  3680. Understanding sexual addiction and hypersexuality: An integrative approach to treatment
  3681. The Recovery Revolution: The Battle over addiction treatment in the United States by Claire D. Clark
  3682. Revising the treatment Plan and/or Ending addiction treatment
  3683. Needs of addicted patients who applied to addiction treatment centers
  3684. An Analysis of the Corelation between Gender and addiction treatment
  3686. An overlooked combination in treatment: addiction and social anxiety disorder comorbidity
  3687. The Recovery Revolution: The Battle over addiction treatment in the United States
  3688. Effective De-addiction treatment: Things a GP must know
  3689. Drug addiction treatment and Rehabitaition Center
  3690. Design and Development of a Web Application for Matching Drug addiction treatment Services with Substance Users
  3691. Content Analysis of Structure of addiction treatment Centers in Iran
  3692. Implications of insular cortex laterality for treatment of nicotine addiction
  3693. 4D Transitioning from Pain Initiation into addiction treatment:“They Just Want to Feel Normal”
  3694. Claire D. Clark. The Recovery Revolution: The Battle over addiction treatment in the United States.
  3695. Evaluating the relationship between the severity of chronic diseases and the severity of drug use in elderly referred to addiction treatment clinics
  3696. Motivational interviewing for the treatment of addiction
  3697. The Challenge of Implementing Medication for addiction treatment (MAT) in the Nation’s Justice System.
  3698. Exploring the perceived barriers to long-acting reversible contraception in women who are in treatment for opioid addiction
  3699. addiction treatment Outcomes and Religiosity: What is the Relationship?
  3700. Public Policy Diffusion and addiction treatment Options for Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Los Angeles County
  3701. Do ED Patients Seeking Detox For Opioid addiction Get treatment?
  3702. The efficacy of matrix model treatment in the reduction of addiction severity and relapse prevention among amphetamine abusers
  3703. Integrating Care: Evaluation of a Hepatitis C Clinic Co-located with Harm Reduction and addiction treatment Programs in a Rural Clinic
  3704. Examining addiction treatment Facilities: An Observational Study From The Perspective of Medical Students
  3705. UNH Initiative Will Help Meet the Demand for addiction treatment in the State
  3706. What factors prevent young adults from showing up for their addiction treatment?
  3707. Problem Solving+ Overcoming Challenges with addiction Screening and treatment
  3708. Drug addiction and Vitamin D Supplementation: How to Address a Health Concern in Methadone treatment?
  3709. The Therapeutic Application of Creativity for the treatment of Trauma and addiction
  3710. Long-Term Efficacy of Medication-Assisted treatment of Opioid addiction: A Systematic Literature Review—Part 2
  3711. New approaches to opioid addiction treatment
  3712. An Overview of addiction and addiction treatment with a Special Focus on the Opioid Epidemic
  3713. Maternal addiction treatment Education Research Program
  3714. The Recovery Revolution: The Battle Over addiction treatment in the United States. By Claire D. Clark
  3715. addiction and Mandatory treatment
  3716. Build It and They Will Come: The Lack of addiction treatment Centers in the Orthodox Jewish Community
  3717. … Toward Evidence-Based Practices and Their Influence on Beliefs about Contingency Management: A Survey of addiction treatment Providers Across Canada
  3718. When treatment Is Violence: Making, Treating, and Regulating addiction in Nepali Private Rehabilitation Centers
  3719. Study of Sociological Functions of the NGOs Active in the Field of addiction treatment
  3720. Hepatitis C treatment in Patients with Drug addiction Is Effective or Not Effective?
  3721. Exploring less coercive opportunities to increase access to addiction treatment for women
  3722. addiction treatment” Published in the Internal Medicine Journal, Vol. 47, Issue 8, Pages 872-878,(2017).
  3724. The Long-term Impact of treatment for Individuals Presenting to Specialist Services in England with Opioid addiction Problems
  3725. Is medical treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome a Stag Hunt? Challenges and opportunities in managing risk and uncertainty in addiction cessation
  3726. The Problems of People Discharged From addiction treatment Centers and Factors Associated With Relapse of Substance Use
  3727. addiction treatment and Crime Rates
  3728. Natural Products in addiction treatment: A Brief Survey
  3729. Barriers to Opioid addiction treatment
  3730. addiction to Drugs Causes and treatment
  3731. Above the Glass Ceiling: Exploring Successful Women Leaders in addiction treatment
  3732. Research on Difficulties and Countermeasures of Safety Management in Compulsory Isolation Drug addiction treatment Center
  3733. Perception of addiction treatment specialists about alcohol’s harm to others: the case of Lithuania
  3734. High Hepatitis C Prevalence in Medium-Term Residential addiction treatment Centers in Kurdistan Province, Iran, 2018
  3735. Psychopharmacologic Intervention Sex addiction: A Psychiatrist’s Perspective on the Diagnosis, Neuroscientific Theories and treatment
  3736. Perceptions of Centering Pregnancy at Jefferson’s Maternal addiction treatment, Education & Research (MATER) Program
  3737. treatment of food addiction: preliminary results
  3738. Kill or Cure: The Evolution of addiction treatment Through the Ages
  3739. The impact of four implementation support strategies on expanding access to medications for addiction treatment
  3740. Trends in Multiple treatments and Trends in Multiple treatments Practice of Drug addiction treatment
  3741. The Multidimensional Developmental Theory of Substance addiction: Toward Full Recovery through Precision-Guided treatment
  3742. Do benefits restrictions limit Medicaid acceptance in addiction treatment? Results from a national study
  3743. Mindfulness as a component of addiction treatment.
  3744. Systemic addiction treatment in Couple and Family Therapy
  3745. Decontextualisation: Inpatient addiction treatment in South Africa for Dutch Patients Dekontextualisierung: Stationäre Suchttherapie in Südafrika für niederländische …
  3746. treatment Approaches for Internet addiction
  3747. Administrative reform and mechanism for providing public services in drug addiction treatment in Vietnam
  3748. Reparation of Dignity: A Literature Review of Trauma-Informed addiction treatment with Expressive Arts Therapy
  3749. Peer-delivered Recovery Support Services in addiction treatment: A Scoping Review
  3750. The Effect of Methadone Maintenance treatment Method on Mental Health and Quality of Life in People With Opioid addiction: A Longitudinal Study in Iran
  3751. Outcomes evaluation of ORTHOS: an intensive residential program for gambling addiction treatment
  3752. Evaluation of parenting style in parenting approaches to addiction treatment centers from 2015 to 2016
  3753. treatment and Probation Practices in Combating Drug addiction: Turkey, United States, Germany and Ireland Samples
  3754. Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Substance Abuse: A Cross-Sectional Study among Male Patients of a Drug addiction treatment Center in Dhaka
  3755. Possible tensions between individual needs and collective treatment methods of substance use disorders and addiction
  3756. Computer-Delivered, Evidence-Supported treatment for Drug addiction
  3757. Prevention and treatment of Sex addiction
  3758. Analysis of Emotional-sentimental Actions in addiction treatment (A Qualitative Study based on Grounded Theory Approach)
  3759. treatment of internet addiction
  3760. The Implications of the Use of Chemical Drugs “Industrial Cannabis” on Users from the Point of View of Workers in the Field of addiction treatment
  3761. The efficacy of family oriented intervention protocols on drug addiction treatment in teenageis: a systematic review
  3762. In Pursuit of Harm Reduction in the Alaskan Context: Patient Cultural Explanatory Models of addiction and treatment Outcomes for a Medically-Assisted …
  3763. Challenging Confidentiality and Dual Relationships in the treatment of addiction: A case study
  3765. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the treatment of Cocaine addiction
  3766. Alternative treatment and therapies for drug addiction in Nigeria
  3767. Phytotherapy as treatment for anxiety: An alternative to minimize addiction and side effects
  3768. A Systematic Review of Stigma Interventions for addiction treatment Providers
  3769. Patient Needs in Integrated Opioid addiction treatment: Qualitative Findings from a Pilot Study
  3771. Microcurrent Neurofeedback for addiction treatment and Elimination
  3772. Redemption and Recovery: Further Parallels of Religion and Science in addiction treatment
  3773. Assessment of Service Quality in addiction treatment Centers through SERVQUAL Model in Bushehr Province
  3774. Subjectivity and Moral Personhood: An Ethnography of addiction treatment in the United States
  3775. CURRENT OPINION Development and evaluation of addiction treatment programs in Latin America: Erratum
  3776. Depression, anxiety and stress among patients undergoing de-addiction treatment
  3777. Medicaid Benefits For addiction treatment Expanded After Implementation Of The Affordable Care Act
  3778. Coordinated hospital-community organisation model for the prevention, monitoring and treatment of patients with addiction and HCV
  3779. Burnout in addiction treatment: Implications for Leadership and Public Health
  3780. Attachment style and addiction: Mechanism of Effect and treatment
  3782. Tobacco cessation services in addiction treatment: What do clients say? Joseph Guydish, PhDa; Deborah Yip, BAa; Thao Le, MPHa; Noah R. Gubner, PhDa; …
  3783. David’s Journey: A Patient-Centered Approach to Opioid addiction treatment
  3784. Improving access to treatment for opioid addiction in BC: An assessment of policy options
  3785. Physiology of addiction and treatment Complications
  3786. Fitting of Count Time Series Models on the Number of Patients Referred to addiction treatment Centers in Semnan County
  3787. addiction-related treatment service disparities in Middle Atlantic counties: state and urban-rural availability comparisons(HD20)
  3788. Testing the effectiveness of Cognitive Bias Modification and moderation of baseline cravings on alcohol consumption in outpatient alcohol addiction treatment
  3790. Deep Brain Stimulation in treatment-Refractory addiction
  3791. BALANCING treatment WITH addiction RISKS
  3792. Designing of Center for treatment and Rehabilitation from Drug and Alcohol addiction
  3793. Compliance Monitoring in Medically Assisted Opioid addiction treatment
  3794. #NAME?
  3795. Effectiveness of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy in Self-efficacy and Resilience among Addicts Referring to Behshahr addiction treatment Camps
  3796. Prior Authorizations and Continued treatment in addiction Medicine
  3797. Sensory Recovery: Investigating Atmospherics and Sensory Experience in addiction treatment
  3798. Improving addiction treatment at the organizational level: Integrating multiple data sources to focus staff training efforts
  3799. Food addiction: A cost-effective treatment proposal within a developing country context
  3800. A Biopsychosocial Module for the treatment of addiction
  3801. Cognitive Bias Modification in Alcohol addiction treatment (‘BreinDeBaas’): Exploring the moderating effects of drinking motives and the participants’ subjective …
  3802. Acts of Recovery: Eugene O’Neill and addiction treatment in Post-WWII America
  3803. Antagonist treatment is just as effective as replacement therapy for opioid addiction but neither is used often enough
  3804. Impact of Medicaid Restrictions on Availability of Buprenorphine in addiction treatment Programs
  3805. Implementation of methadone dispenser in drug addiction treatment program
  3806. A Pilot Study of Episodic Future Thinking in a treatment Seeking addiction Sample
  3807. Historical Experience of addiction: Effect of Biased treatment Toward Diverse Populations
  3808. Clinical Roundup: Selected treatment Options for Opioid addiction—Part 1
  3809. OPIOID addiction: MEETING THE NEED FOR treatment IN MICHIGAN
  3810. Integrating Psychotherapies in a Systemic Approach to addiction treatment in Family Therapy-A Case Study. Nur Primary Care. 2020; 4 (4): 1-4
  3811. Impact of COVID-19 on addiction treatment services.
  3812. Methadone and Buprenorphine for the treatment of Opiate addiction
  3813. Implementation Facilitation as a Strategy for Expanding Medications for addiction treatment (MAT) in California’s Hub and Spoke System
  3814. The Effectiveness of Stress Management Training in Meichenbaum on Psychological Empowerment, Social Skills, and Craving in Addicts in addiction treatment …
  3815. Audit of hepatitis C testing and referral in addiction treatment centres in CHO Area 7
  3816. Nicotine addiction and substance use disorder treatment: The Philadelphia story
  3817. treatment for Methamphetamine addiction: A Review of Guidelines
  3818. From Injudicious Prescribing to the Script Doctor: Transgressive addiction treatment in the Interwar Years
  3819. Integrative approaches to the treatment of addiction have expanded over the last10years. iscomplex
  3820. Risk-entailing sexual behavior and drug consumption in addiction treatment centers in Latin American countries
  3821. When treatment Turns to addiction: Emerging Issues in Over-the-Counter and Prescription Drug Abuse
  3822. Examining the Associations Between addiction Severity and Prior Adverse Childhood Experiences in Pregnant Women Receiving treatment for Opioid addiction
  3824. … Learned from the Implementation of a Medically Enhanced Residential treatment (Mert) Model Integrating Intravenous Antibiotics and Residential addiction treatment
  3825. Effectiveness of Hardiness Skill Training in Life Expectancy and Perceived Stress of Addicts in addiction treatment Centers across Alborz Province
  3826. Disparity in the conceptions of psychoactive substance addiction treatment: reflexes and implications among professionals, models and institutions present in …
  3827. Improving the Care Transition to Outpatient Aftercare Services Following addiction treatment
  3828. Evaluace dramaterapeutické intervence v léčbě závislostí Evaluation of Dramatherapy Intervention in addiction treatment
  3829. Students in Recovery: Changing addiction treatment through institutional entrepreneurship
  3830. MP01: Retention and treatment outcomes for patients with substance use disorders treated in a rapid access to addiction medicine clinic
  3831. … The addictive personality does not give a shit what you put in yourself”-A qualitative study about patients which has undergone bariatric surgery, in addiction treatment
  3832. addiction in the Workplace: Prevention, Detection, and treatment Options
  3833. Connection through Experiential Group Work: Grief and Meaning-making in Substance addiction treatment.
  3834. addiction and the Empty Self: Towards Alternative Approaches to treatment
  3835. New England Pathway to Recovery: Drug and Alcohol addiction treatment Center around Nature in Rocky Hill, Connecticut
  3836. The ambivalence of addiction medicine to the concept of involuntary treatment is costing patients dearly
  3837. A Myth-Shattering Look at addiction Prevention and treatment, Based on Research
  3838. Surgical treatment for Refractory Drug addiction
  3839. A case of successful implant treatment of a patient with alcohol and tobacco addiction
  3840. The detoxification treatment for pentazocine addiction.
  3841. Assessment of Psychosocial and Physical Factors Associated with a Substance Re-abuse after treatment among Patients with addiction at Psychiatric Teaching …
  3842. 309 Overcoming Brick and Mortar: Feasibility of Implementation of a Medication for addiction treatment and Linkage to treatment Program by Leveraging Community …
  3843. Not on Skid Row: Stigma Reduction in addiction treatment Organizations
  3844. Demographic Trends in Prescription Pain Reliever Misuse and treatment-Seeking for addiction
  3845. Coloring Inside the Rooms: Art Therapy in Residential Substance and Gambling addiction treatment
  3846. Correlates of e-cigarette use for smoking cessation among clients in residential addiction treatment
  3847. COVID-19 and Opioid addiction treatment
  3848. Can neurogenesis be considered as a new treatment for addiction?
  3849. Situation of Methamphetamine addiction treatment in the Voluntary Drug treatment System at the Tambon (sub-district) Health Promoting Hospitals, Amnatcharoen …
  3850. Access to treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: A Survey of addiction Medicine Physicians on Telemedicine and Medication-Assisted treatment
  3851. Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use Disorder: Burden of Disease in Canada, Trends in Utilization of Specialized addiction treatment Services in Ontario and Efficacy of …
  3852. Abstract LB-B24: Targeting transcriptional addiction for the treatment of TSC
  3853. Medication-Assisted treatment Program for Opioid addiction: A Program Evaluation
  3854. Is Counseling Integral to Buprenorphine-Assisted Opioid addiction treatment? Examining Counseling Participation and treatment Retention at a Richmond, Virginia …
  3855. Medication Assisted treatment for Opiate addiction
  3856. Destigmatizing opioid harm reduction interventions: Curricula for tribal and non-tribal addiction treatment professionals and lay communities in rural Utah
  3857. Abstract LB-B24: Targeting transcriptional addiction for the treatment of TSC
  3858. Patient’s perspective on Medication-Assisted treatment for opioid addiction
  3859. Surviving in the Workplace: Conditions in Centres for the Prevention and treatment of Drug addiction
  3860. A Common treatment for addiction and PTSD
  3861. addiction Screening and treatment During Pregnancy
  3862. … Integral Guide to Recovery: Twelve Steps and Beyond”(Integral Publishers), and” An Integral Foundation for addiction treatment: Beyond the Biopsychosocial …
  3863. Opioid use in addiction: swinging between pain under-treatment and opioids harms
  3865. A Review of Mindfulness-Based Interventions in the treatment of Substance Abuse and addiction
  3866. Future Strategies on the treatment of Drug addiction. Psychotherapeutic Work with the Families of Substance
  3867. Electroacupuncture for the treatment of Morphine and Cocaine addiction
  3868. Quantitative analysis of prescriptions for treatment of milk addiction by ancient and modern medical experts
  3870. addiction Recovery: Residential Drug and Alcohol treatment Programs in the Pacific Northwest
  3871. Parental treatment and value patterns, and their relation to tendency towards addiction From the point of view of university students
  3872. What works in recovery? Alcohol and other drug professionals lived experiences of addiction, treatment and recovery in New Zealand: a thesis presented in partial …
  3874. AYAHUASCA AND THE treatment OF addiction•••
  3875. Applying Integrative Nurse Coaching Theory and Nursing Presence Theory in the treatment of Opioid addiction
  3876. Apps represent pocket-sized support: addiction treatment apps claim to help reduce relapse rates, improve recovery and maintain engagement
  3877. Social Work, Sex addiction, and Psychodynamic treatment
  3878. Author correction: Metabolic and addiction indices in patients on opioid Agonist Medication-Assisted treatment: A comparison of Buprenorphine and Methadone
  3879. A New Exploration of the Combined treatment of Symptoms and Social Work Psychology in Male Sexual addiction Patients
  3880. Longitudinal Cohort Studies of addiction treatment Initiation and Opioid Overdose Prevention Efforts in North Carolina
  3882. Deep brain stimulation as a treatment for substance addiction
  3883. Ketamine for the treatment of addiction: Evidence and potential mechanisms
  3884. Educational Needs of Nursing Students for Working in addiction Counseling and treatment Centers
  3885. treatment of Tobacco Dependence for Mental Health and addiction Patients
  3886. Drug addiction and Vitamin D Supplementation: How to Address a Health Concern in Methadone treatment?, Letter
  3887. Transference and countertransference issues in the phased based treatment of addiction: A Selfpsychology approach.
  3888. Utilization of “Screening brief intervention and referral to treatment” approach for tobacco addiction in day-to-day clinical practice in India: The need of the hour
  3889. 86 Hospitals Can’t Do It Alone: Navigating addiction Care and treatment
  3890. treatment of Cocaine addiction with Viruses
  3892. Methods of parental treatment and its relation to Internet addiction among high school students in Karbala
  3893. Neurobiology of Opioid addiction and Emerging treatment Options
  3894. Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 signaling and appetitive Pavlovian behavior: implications for the treatment of addiction
  3895. SUCCESSFUL treatment OF METHAMPHETAMINE addiction
  3896. The effect of the treatment program (behavioral-cognitive) based on the application of a technique Positive self-talk to reduce drug addiction (Pilot study)
  3897. ECHO Idaho: Opioid addiction and treatment
  3898. Effectiveness of Motivational Enhancement Therapy on addiction Potential and Stages of Change Readiness and treatment Eagerness
  3899. A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial of sertraline (stimuloton) for treatment Shopping addiction
  3900. Cigarette Smoking, Quit Attempts, and Readiness to Quit Among People Who Inject Drugs Receiving addiction treatment Services in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
  3901. Future Strategies on the treatment of Drug addiction. Psychotherapeutic Work with the Families of Substance Abusers. Thoughts from Europe
  3902. Health, Social and Economic Costs of Complex treatment of Heroin addiction
  3904. Memory Systems of the Addicted Brain: The Underestimated Role of Drug-Induced Cognitive Biases in addiction and Its treatment
  3905. Psychosocial Intervention vs. Medication Assisted treatment In Opioid addiction
  3906. A Proposed Intervention treatment Program for Video Game addiction Utilizing Evidence-Based Interventions from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Motivational …
  3907. Design and identification of Kappa Opioid receptor modulators for the treatment of addiction
  3908. … of addiction, specific psychopathology, behavioural covariates of heroin craving, and heroin Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder spectrum during Agonist Opioid treatment
  3909. The Causes of Drug addiction among Addicts undergoing treatment at the National Center for Rehabilitation of Addicts
  3910. ADHD & addiction: Prevalence, diagnostic assessment and treatment of ADHD in substance use disorder patients
  3911. Food addiction in Eating Disorders and Obesity: Analysis of Clusters and Implications for treatment
  3912. Congruence couple therapy: an integrative approach in addiction and concurrent disorder treatment
  3913. Memory Systems of the addicted Brain: the Underestimated role of Cognitive Biases in addiction and its treatment
  3914. The Effectiveness of Sand Tray Therapy in addiction Counseling as an Intervention in Increasing treatment Motivation of Recovering Adolescents
  3915. Highly efficient long‐acting cocaine hydrolases as a treatment for cocaine addiction
  3916. Methadone and Buprenorphine for the treatment of Opiate addiction
  3917. Medication assisted treatment with buprenorphine/naloxone or methadone: Comparitive outcomes in patients with an opioid addiction
  3918. Diamantis, P., Theodorakis, Y., & Goudas M.,(2017). The impact of exercise on drug addiction treatment, Exartisis, 29, 13-32.
  3920. … Tele-Healthcare: A Multiple Case Study of the Use of individual Video-Consultations in Alcohol addiction Undergoing Withdrawal treatment and Sexual Counselling …
  3921. Analysis of the Current Situation of Internet addiction Disorder Among College Students and Its Psychological treatment and Preventive Strategies
  3922. Clinical efficacy of acupuncture and moxibustion in the adjuvant treatment of internet addiction disorder
  3923. Serotonergic Psychoactive Compounds as a treatment for addiction, Anxiety, and Depression: Their Efficacy and Legality
  3924. Analysis of the demand for treatment for cannabis from the standpoint of social work at drug addiction monitoring and care centres (CAS)
  3925. A Study on the treatment of drug addiction through fusion medicine and the measures to prevent drug crime diffusion-Focused on cases of Entertainment industry drug …
  3926. What are the health benefits of heroin assisted treatment for entrenched heroin addiction?
  3927. Coercion into addiction treatment and subsequent substance use among people who use illicit drugs in Vancouver, Canada
  3928. How the Misunderstanding that Heroin addiction Is a Choice and the Stigma Surrounding Medication-Assisted treatment Leads to More Overdose Deaths
  3929. … Healthcare Alliance for Tobacco Dependence treatment: implementing evidence-based smoking cessation treatment in mental health and addiction care units in …
  3930. Illness or Deviance: Drug Courts, Drug treatment and the Ambiguity of addiction
  3931. A hypothesis for an alternative treatment for tobacco addiction: phenelzine, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor
  3932. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Evaluation of Cocaine Hydrolases for the treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Cocaine addiction Using Rodent Models
  3933. The effects of repetitive transcraneal magnetic stimulation as a treatment for craving in crack-cocaine addiction: a graph theory analysis
  3934. … of Emotion Seeking with addiction Potential with the Mediation of Self-Differentiation and Cognitive Emotion Regulation among Male Addicts under treatment in Sari
  3935. Role of EGFR-AS1 lncRNA in growth factor addiction and treatment response in squamous cell cancers
  3936. Corrigendum to “The Impact of Saffron on Symptoms of Withdrawal Syndrome in Patients Undergoing Maintenance treatment for Opioid addiction in Sabzevar Parish …
  3937. 48 Trials and tribulations of establishing treatment effectiveness in addiction research
  3939. Integrating 12-step recovery in clinical treatment of sex addiction: A practical guide for the clinician
  3940. Drugs addiction (Causes and Ways of treatment) Salma Abdullah Hamad Hamed El-Shaery
  3942. 3. Descriptive map of stakeholders involved in prevention and treatment of youth addiction and the use of guidelines in prevention and treatment services.
  3943. Early recovery specialists increase 90-day retention rates at Medication-Assisted treatment programs for opioid addiction: Findings from a pilot study in California
  3944. … Vickerman, P.(2019). Cost-effectiveness of scaling-up HCV prevention and treatment in the United States for people who inject drugs. addiction. https://doi. org …
  3945. Experience of Recovering Addicts Undergoing the 7 Steps Recovery in addiction Program (7-SRA) as an Aftercare treatment
  3946. Discovering The Experience Of Recovering Clients Undergoing The 7 Steps Recovery In addiction Program (7-sra) As An Aftercare treatment
  3947. Fiellin, DA, Ali, R., Bruneau, J., & Larney, S.(2020). Global opioid agonist treatment: a review of clinical practices by country. addiction.
  3948. … in specialist drug clinics to improve case-finding and engagement with HCV treatment for people who inject drugs in England. addiction. https://doi. org/10.1111 …
  3949. (2018). Mediators of the effect of nicotine pre-treatment on quitting smoking. addiction, 113 (2), 2280–2289. https://doi. org/10.1111/add. 14401
  3950. Religious and spiritual beliefs and attitudes towards addiction and addiction treatment: A scoping review
  3951. Bidirectional role of acupuncture in the treatment of drug addiction
  3952. The insanity of addiction treatment in America
  3953. Language matters: it is time we change how we talk about addiction and its treatment
  3954. Changes in Admissions to Specialty addiction treatment Facilities in California During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  3955. Time to address addiction treatment inequality in hospital settings
  3956. Within-treatment changes in a novel addiction treatment program using traditional Amazonian medicine
  3957. Protocol for Outcome Evaluation of Ayahuasca-Assisted addiction treatment: The Case of Takiwasi Center
  3958. Results of early transplantation for alcohol-related cirrhosis: integrated addiction treatment with low rate of relapse
  3959. Office-based addiction treatment retention and mortality among people experiencing homelessness
  3960. addiction treatment as prison governance: A critical discourse analysis of methadone delivery in Kyrgyz prisons
  3961. A case of El Duende: Art-based supervision in addiction treatment
  3962. An Islamic Spiritual Alternative to addiction treatment and Recovery
  3963. Is implementation of ASAM-based addiction treatment assessments associated with improved 30-day retention and substance use?
  3964. Admission Practices And Cost Of Care For Opioid Use Disorder At Residential addiction treatment Programs In The US: Study examines practices and cost of care for …
  3965. Optimizing screening for depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder in inpatient addiction treatment: A preliminary investigation
  3966. … of racial discrimination in the medical setting and associations with medical mistrust and expectations of care among black patients seeking addiction treatment
  3967. Fixed and fluid at the same time: how service providers make sense of relapse prevention in Swedish addiction treatment
  3968. Cannabidiol and mental health: possibilities, uncertainties, and controversies for addiction treatment
  3969. … of a prospective cohort study into the long-term course of addiction, mental health problems and social functioning in youth entering addiction treatment
  3970. Mindfulness in treatment Approaches for addiction—Underlying Mechanisms and Future Directions
  3971. Perceived barriers to addiction treatment: an inductive qualitative content analysis
  3972. Readiness to Provide Medications for addiction treatment in HIV Clinics: A Multisite Mixed-Methods Formative Evaluation
  3973. Disparities in addiction treatment: Learning from the Past to Forge an Equitable Future
  3974. How patient centered are addiction treatment intake processes?
  3975. Time for a paradigm shift: The adolescent brain in addiction treatment
  3976. Factors associated with long-term retention in buprenorphine-based addiction treatment programs: A systematic review
  3977. Performance-based practice: Clinical dashboards for addiction treatment retention
  3978. … treatment, healthcare, and social support (TCN-PATHS): a hybrid type-1 effectiveness trial of enhanced primary care to improve opioid use disorder treatment …
  3979. Environmental enrichment-inspired pharmacological tools for the treatment of addiction
  3980. A qualitative study of practitioners’ views on family involvement in treatment process of adolescent internet addiction
  3981. Patients’ perspectives of medications for addiction treatment in HIV clinics: A qualitative study
  3982. Toward Improved addiction treatment Quality and Access for Black Patients
  3983. Virtual reality: a powerful technology to provide novel insight into treatment mechanisms of addiction
  3984. Studying how state health services delivery policies can mitigate the effects of disasters on drug addiction treatment and overdose: Protocol for a mixed …
  3985. Oxytocin signaling in the treatment of drug addiction: Therapeutic opportunities and challenges
  3986. Hospital buprenorphine program for opioid use disorder is associated with increased inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment
  3987. Mindful positive emotion regulation as a treatment for addiction: from hedonic pleasure to self-transcendent meaning
  3988. Pre-arrest diversion to addiction treatment by law enforcement: protocol for the community-level policing initiative to reduce addiction-related harm, including …
  3989. Barriers to integrated medication-assisted treatment for rural patients with co-occurring disorders: The gap in managing addiction
  3990. Preliminary psychometric evaluation of the patient reported experience measure for addiction treatment (PREMAT)
  3991. addiction treatment in the postpartum period: an opportunity for evidence-based personalized medicine
  3992. Exploring first responders’ perceptions of medication for addiction treatment: Does stigma influence attitudes?
  3993. Transcranial magnetic stimulation: a review about its efficacy in the treatment of alcohol, tobacco and cocaine addiction
  3994. Hepatitis C treatment outcomes among patients treated in co-located primary care and addiction treatment settings
  3995. Sustainment of Integrated Care in addiction treatment Settings: Primary Outcomes From a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
  3996. Patients with infective endocarditis deserve evidence-based addiction treatment
  3997. COVID-19 innovations in medication for addiction treatment at a Skid Row syringe exchange
  3998. Harm reduction for women in treatment for alcohol use problems: Exploring the impact of dominant addiction discourse
  3999. A matter of craving–An archeology of relapse prevention in Swedish addiction treatment
  4000. Clinical insight level predicts successful quit or control attempts during the first three months of outpatient addiction treatment
  4001. Clinical Considerations in Internet and Video Game addiction treatment
  4002. The Community Resiliency Model®: a pilot of an interoception intervention to increase the emotional self-regulation of women in addiction treatment
  4003. The Integrating Medications for addiction treatment (IMAT) Index: A measure of capability at the organizational level
  4004. Breaking androgen receptor addiction of prostate cancer by targeting different functional domains in the treatment of advanced disease
  4005. Identifying Internet addiction and Evaluating the Efficacy of treatment Based on Functional Connectivity Density: A Machine Learning Study
  4006. The development and implementation of a hospitalist-directed addiction medicine consultation service to address a treatment gap
  4007. addiction treatment and Telehealth: Review of Efficacy and Provider Insights During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  4008. Update on Cyber Health Psychology: Virtual Reality and Mobile Health Tools in Psychotherapy, Clinical Rehabilitation, and addiction treatment
  4009. Development, Testing, and Dissemination of a Public-Facing Tool to Help Consumers Find Higher-Quality addiction treatment
  4010. Principles of drug addiction treatment
  4011. Integrating a brief alcohol intervention with tobacco addiction treatment in primary care: qualitative study of health care practitioner perceptions
  4012. Comparison of the quality of life and general health in opium and non-opium users referred to the addiction treatment centers
  4013. The role of impulsivity and sensitivity to reward in dropout of addiction treatment in heroin addicts
  4014. Recognizing and addressing microaggressions in addiction treatment groups: An integrated approach
  4015. Facilitating rapid access to addiction treatment: a randomized controlled trial
  4016. Reciprocal influences of tobacco use on illicit opioid and alcohol use during the first six-months of specialist addiction treatment
  4017. … low and frequent emergency department use for any medical reason among patients with cannabis‐related disorders attending Quebec (Canada) addiction treatment …
  4018. Guide for Future Directions for the addiction and OUD treatment Ecosystem
  4019. Food addiction, executive function and mood in adolescents with obesity seeking treatment
  4020. Mindfulness-based approaches in addiction treatment
  4021. … from methadone maintenance treatment in specialist addiction clinics: a six-year cohort study using proportional hazards frailty models for recurrent treatment …
  4022. Comparisons in the making: youth accounts of cannabis use in Swedish addiction treatment
  4023. What do clinicians want? Understanding frontline addiction treatment clinicians’ preferences and priorities to improve the design of measurement-based care …
  4024. Negotiating SHI-FEI and shifei: Pursuing a Moralist Self in China’s Community-Based addiction treatment Programs
  4025. Food addiction in Eating Disorders: A Cluster Analysis Approach and treatment Outcome
  4026. The Effect of Baseline Patterns of Spiritual Coping, Forgiveness, and Gratitude on the Completion of an Alcohol addiction treatment Program
  4027. Relationship between Health Literacy and addiction among Women of Reproductive Age Referring to addiction treatment Centers in Tehran, Iran
  4028. … Use and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to Later addiction Severity in a Clinical Sample from Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for Prevention and treatment
  4029. Pharmacological treatment of pain among persons with opioid addiction: A systematic review and meta‐analysis with implications for drug development
  4030. Ontological addiction Theory and Mindfulness-Based Approaches in the Context of addiction Theory and treatment
  4031. Implementation of a medication for addiction treatment (MAT) and linkage program by leveraging community partnerships and medical toxicology expertise
  4032. Mindfulness and Savoring: A Commentary on Savoring Strategies and Their Implications for addiction treatment
  4033. addiction Care Matters: A Practical Guide to Substance Use Disorder Prevention, Screening, and treatment
  4034. A Case Series: Successfully Preventing COVID-19 Outbreak in a Residential Community Setting at a Drug and Alcohol addiction treatment Center
  4035. On the Front Lines: The Impact of Managerialism on the New York City addiction treatment Workforce
  4036. Identification and treatment of addiction in Medicaid Health Homes
  4037. Effective factors of addiction treatment communities in Peru, Nicaragua and Czechia
  4038. addiction treatment providers’ engagements with the Brain Disease Model of addiction
  4039. The impact of COVID-19 on addiction treatment in New Zealand
  4040. Interim opioid agonist treatment for opioid addiction: a systematic review
  4041. Can psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy play a role in enhancing motivation to change in addiction treatment settings?
  4042. Psychiatric comorbidity and addiction severity differences in patients with ADHD seeking treatment for cannabis or cocaine use disorders
  4043. The impact of food addiction behaviours on the treatment of overweight students
  4044. Cannabinoid treatment of opiate addiction
  4045. TMS for the functional evaluation of cannabis effects and for treatment of cannabis addiction: a review
  4046. Medication for addiction treatment and Postpartum Health Care Utilization Among Pregnant Persons With Opioid Use Disorder.
  4047. Promoting indigenous cultural responsivity in addiction treatment work: the call for neurodecolonization policy and practice
  4048. Design of CLARO (Collaboration Leading to addiction treatment and Recovery from other Stresses): A randomized trial of collaborative care for opioid use disorder …
  4049. treatment retention and abstinence of patients with substance use disorders according to addiction severity and psychiatry comorbidity: a six-month follow-up study in …
  4050. treatment and Non-treatment Professionals in Texas: Race, Sex, Age, and Level of Education Influencing Attitudes About addiction
  4051. Integrating Trauma-Informed Yoga into addiction treatment
  4052. “Without Drug Court, You’ll End Up in Prison or Dead”: Therapeutic Surveillance and addiction Narratives in treatment Court
  4053. Adapting evidence-based tobacco addiction treatment for inuit living in Ontario: A qualitative study of collaboration and co-creation to move from pan-indigenous to …
  4054. Identifying and Managing Eating Disorders in Persons Presenting for addiction treatment
  4055. Opioid Use Disorder treatment Initiation and Continuation: a Qualitative Study of Patients Who Received addiction Consultation and Hospital-Based …
  4056. Comparison of treatment retention of adults with opioid addiction managed with extended-release buprenorphine vs daily sublingual buprenorphine-naloxone at time …
  4057. Support Models for addiction Related treatment (SMART) for pregnant women: Study protocol of a cluster randomized trial of two treatment models for opioid …
  4058. A New Consensus Framework for Phenotyping and treatment Selecting in addiction and Obsessive-Compulsive–Related Disorders
  4059. Stigma, treatment Effectiveness, and Policy: Exploring Jewish Israeli Attitudes Towards addiction Based on a National Sample
  4060. Low-threshold buprenorphine via community partnerships and telemedicine—Case reports of expanding access to addiction treatment during COVID-19
  4061. A review of the use of oral and injectable naltrexone for alcohol and opioid addiction treatment
  4062. Contingency Management as a Behavioral Approach in addiction treatment
  4063. Art Therapy Autobiographical Intervention for addiction treatment in Tanzania
  4064. Initiation Plants in Drug addiction treatment: The Purgahuasca Therapy
  4065. Using conventional and machine learning propensity score methods to examine the effectiveness of 12-step group involvement following inpatient addiction treatment
  4066. The Healthy addiction treatment Recovery Model: Developing a Client-Driven, Nurse-Led addiction Nursing Model
  4067. Towards addiction treatment: Technological Advances & Applying Technology
  4068. Motivational interviewing, behaviour change in addiction treatment
  4069. Voluntary exercise as a treatment for incubated and expanded drug craving leading to relapse to addiction: Animal models
  4070. The relationships between addiction-related personality traits, self-compassion, and PTSD treatment target variables in a clinical sample.
  4071. treatment of food addiction: preliminary results
  4072. treatment of Opioid Use Disorder in Canadian Psychosocial addiction Programs: A National Survey of Policy, Attitudes, and Practice
  4073. Neurocognitive Empowerment for addiction treatment (NEAT): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  4074. The interface of drug and alcohol addiction, suicide, and surrender: implications for treatment and approaches
  4075. addiction treatment Networks Cannot Withstand Acute Crises: Lessons from 2021 Winter Storm Uri in Texas
  4076. Psychometric evaluation of the treatment entry questionnaire to assess extrinsic motivation for inpatient addiction treatment
  4077. Vietnamese herbal opioid addiction treatment medication Heantos-4
  4078. The New addiction treatment: From Good Intentions and Bad Intuitions to Data, Performance, and Technology
  4079. Integration of addiction treatment and Behavioral Therapies in Comprehensive Liver Transplantation Care to Augment Adherence and Reduce Alcohol …
  4080. The pathway to care of patients with SUD who presented at addiction treatment centers (AMATEM) in Turkey
  4081. Where Do We Go From Here? The Delivery of addiction treatment in a Post-COVID World
  4082. Trends in the Use of Naltrexone for addiction treatment among Alcohol Use Disorder Admissions in US Substance Use treatment Facilities
  4083. The Guard’s Dilemma: Social Roles and Therapeutic Experience for Inpatient‐Guards in Tijuana’s Community‐Based addiction treatment
  4084. Factors affecting addiction severity index (ASI) among clients enrolled in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) program in Myanmar
  4085. Barriers to implementing motivational interviewing in addiction treatment: A nominal group technique process evaluation
  4086. Symptomatic Trauma: Japan, Drug addiction, and the Limits of treatment
  4087. People in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders: What Motivates Them to Enter addiction treatment Agencies as Counselors?
  4088. Contingency management for tobacco smoking during opioid addiction treatment: Implementation challenges
  4089. … knowledge about recovery-related life domains among pregnant and parenting women in comprehensive substance use disorder treatment: The Art of addiction …
  4090. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) as a Promising treatment for Craving in Stimulant Drugs and Behavioral addiction: A Meta-Analysis
  4091. The correlation between the addiction profile and general self-efficacy of patients receiving treatment for substance use disorder
  4092. nnGroup-Based Medical Mistrust and Care Expectations Among Black Patients Seeking addiction treatment
  4093. A cross-sectional study on the correlates of food addiction symptoms in adolescents seeking treatment for obesity: eating attitudes and gender differences
  4094. Ethical and legal aspects of interventions in addiction treatment
  4095. Results of a survey among opioid addiction treatment providers on the importance of physical exercise
  4096. Imagining the future to reshape the past: a path to combine cue extinction and memory reconsolidation with episodic foresight for addiction treatment
  4097. Reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the Executive Function Performance Test (EFPT) in assessing people in treatment for substance addiction
  4098. Acute Burn treatment and History of Drug and Alcohol addiction: treatment Outcomes and Opioid Use
  4099. Innovations in addiction treatment and Recovery The Story of Congress 60
  4100. Integrated Care in addiction treatment
  4101. Improved Referral for Postdischarge addiction treatment Among Inpatients With Opioid Use Disorder
  4102. Insomnia at the onset of addiction treatment may be related to earlier relapses: A one-year follow-up study
  4103. An Investigation on the Guideline Adherence in Opioid addiction treatment and the Causes of Nonadherences
  4104. The Need for Biochemical Testing for Alcohol in Integrated addiction treatment Settings During the Opioid Epidemic
  4105. Access to drug treatment services in Nigeria: the challenge of the addiction workforce
  4106. Alliances to disseminate addiction prevention and treatment (ADAPT): A statewide learning health system to reduce substance use among justice-involved youth in …
  4107. Postpartum and addiction recovery of women in opioid use disorder treatment: A qualitative study
  4108. Developing an Educational Parenting Skills Package to Parents Undergoing Substance Abuse treatment for Preventing addiction among Adolescents: A …
  4109. … -World Data on Nonmedical Use of Tramadol from Patients Evaluated for Substance Abuse treatment in the NAVIPPRO addiction Severity Index—Multimedia …
  4110. Point‐of‐care hepatitis C testing and treatment strategy for people attending harm reduction and addiction centres for hepatitis C elimination
  4111. COVID-19: Keeping addiction treatment Centers Safe
  4112. Treating patients with multiple substance use in accordance with their personal treatment goals: a new paradigm for addiction treatment
  4113. The Interplay between Craving and Impulse Control: an Adaptive Network Model for Drug addiction treatment
  4114. addiction treatment Models: Sources of Resilience and Empowerment Among Indigenous Peoples
  4115. Perioperative Management of Patients on Maintenance Medication for addiction treatment: The Development of an Institutional Guideline.
  4116. Results of the addiction treatment model of the Takiwasi Center
  4117. Effectiveness of an HIV care model integrated into addiction care based on medication-assisted treatment for HIV-positive people who use drugs
  4118. Pharmacogenetic study of methadone treatment for heroin addiction: associations between drug-metabolizing gene polymorphisms and treatment efficacy
  4119. Discourses of behavioural addiction, normalisation and techniques of governmentality in inpatient substance abuse treatment
  4120. Recovery Dharma: Exploration of a Buddhist-based mutual help organization for the treatment of addiction
  4121. Postdischarge Outcomes of Adolescents Attending a Long-term addiction treatment Program
  4122. Ayahuasca as an addiction treatment in Catalonia: Cognitive and Cultural Perspectives
  4123. treatment-Related Evidence that Food addiction Is a Valid Construct
  4124. Genetic variation in alcoholism and opioid addiction susceptibility and treatment: a pharmacogenomic approach
  4125. Methamphetamine addiction: do biological rhythms matter, and could they play a role in treatment?
  4126. Situations That Lead Women to Seek treatment for Drug addiction
  4127. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the treatment of Cocaine addiction: A Systematic Review
  4128. Polysubstance abuse among sexually abused in alcohol, drug, and gambling addiction treatment in Greenland: a cross sectional study
  4129. Triangles and Family Engagement in Drug and Alcohol addiction treatment
  4130. A Trauma-Informed Approach to Enhancing addiction treatment
  4131. Religious and Spiritual Beliefs and Attitudes Towards addiction treatment: A Systematic Review
  4132. From concepts to treatment: a dialogue between a preclinical researcher and a clinician in addiction medicine
  4133. Cocaine addiction and treatment
  4134. Opioid addiction and treatment
  4135. Nicotine addiction and Its treatment
  4136. addiction treatment needed in hospitals and EDs: Study
  4137. A Comparison of Medication-Assisted treatment Options for Opioid addiction: A Review of the Literature.
  4138. Channel treatment for Internet addiction with Puskesmas Application: Design Approach with Usability Heuristics
  4139. … ® ER and Other Oxycodone Medications in Adults Evaluated for Substance Abuse treatment: Real-World Data from the addiction Severity Index-Multimedia …
  4140. Characteristics of Patients in treatment for Alcohol and Drug addiction Who Succeed in Changing Smoking, Weight, and Physical Activity: A Secondary Analysis of an …
  4141. Sexual addiction: Definition, Etiology and treatment
  4142. Totem Flow: A Creative Multimodality Approach to Technology addiction treatment
  4143. Yoga: A Holistic Approach to addiction treatment and Recovery
  4144. addiction and treatment of novel psychoactive substance dependence
  4145. Early-readmission after Agonist Opioid treatment in five European countries. A drug addiction health policy challenge?
  4146. addiction treatment in India: Legal, ethical and professional concerns reported in the media
  4147. Mobile Telephone-delivered Contingency Management to Promote Behaviour Change in addiction treatment
  4148. Forensic addiction treatment in Germany: an Evaluation of its Effects on Criminal Recidivism and a Response to Critical Comments
  4149. treatment of opium addiction in persian medicine: A review study
  4150. Successful transfer of stable patients on opioid agonist therapies from specialty addiction treatment to primary care settings in Ukraine: A pilot study
  4151. Anderson’s history of addiction treatment: Focus on alcohol
  4152. Strategies Adopted by addiction Facilities during the Coronavirus Pandemic to Support treatment for Individuals in Recovery or Struggling with a Substance Use …
  4153. Stepped care models in addiction treatment
  4154. Getting Real about Sex addiction: A Psychodynamic Approach to treatment
  4155. Circumventing addiction treatment
  4156. … Support Where High-Risk Pregnancy Meets addiction: Article describes western Kentucky’s Project CARA, a perinatal substance-use treatment program focused on …
  4157. … Program Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior on Increasing the Safe Sexual Behaviors among Addicts Covered by addiction treatment Centers in Shiraz
  4158. Nudging Emergency Department Initiated addiction treatment.
  4159. Galantamine as a treatment Option for Nicotine addiction
  4160. Profile of inhalant users seeking treatment at a de-addiction center in Kashmir
  4161. Sydnocarb as a Candidate for Cocaine addiction treatment
  4162. Spatial analysis and Localization of Selected Pharmacies Distribution of Agonist Drugs for addiction treatment Clients in Substance Abuse centers with GIS
  4163. Biden administration proposes making opioid addiction treatment more easily available
  4164. Clinician Empathy and Alliance Building with Patients during Clinician and Patient Interactions in a Drug addiction treatment Center in Northeastern New Jersey
  4165. Perspective on the Double Edges of Virtual Reality in Medicine-both addiction & treatment
  4166. addiction Recovery as Transformative Learning: Identity Change in Men Who Participated in Residential treatment.
  4167. Confidentiality in Adolescent addiction treatment
  4168. Sociodemographic and clinical profile of drug treatment seekers attending the State Psychiatric Hospital and Drug De-addiction Center at Agartala, Tripura
  4169. INVITED REVIEW Diagnosis and treatment of Gambling addiction
  4170. … and reduced craving in youths with methamphetamine addiction: evidence from combined transcranial direct current stimulation with mindfulness treatment
  4171. Recommendations for the provision of opioid agonist therapy in publicly funded residential addiction treatment centres in Ontario
  4172. Monitoring and Evaluation of addiction treatment
  4173. Self-determination and forensic addiction treatment: Reflections on the tension between patient autonomy and the preventive function of Sect. 64 of the German …
  4174. Bridging the addiction treatment Gap-94% 17% 68%
  4175. Developing Factors and treatment of Substance addiction in Indigenous Populations
  4176. The effectiveness of solution-based treatment on quality of life and psychological resilience of abused women with addiction readiness
  4177. Very-Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet: A Potential treatment for Binge Eating and Food addiction Symptoms in Women. A Pilot Study
  4178. Mothering on MATs: The Influence of Intensive Mothering and Biomedicalized addiction treatment on Opioid Addicted Women’s Mothering Practices
  4179. Seniors and addiction treatment-Building the Bridge
  4180. Adverse drug reactions with naltrexone: Experience from an addiction treatment center
  4181. … Drug Use–Associated Infective Endocarditis in Canada: A Call for a Standardized treatment Strategy That Includes In-Hospital addiction Medicine and Harm …
  4182. Predisposing factors for substance abuse among elderly people referring to Qazvin addiction treatment centers, Iran (2017). J Qazvin Univ Med Sci 2018; 22 (5) …
  4183. Relationship Between Heroin addiction and Depression: Gender Difference and treatment
  4184. Association of Counseling and Psychotherapy on Retention in Medication for addiction treatment Within a Large Medicaid Population.
  4185. Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing as a Complimentary treatment for Clients with addiction and Comorbid Trauma
  4186. Profile of Women Seeking treatment for Substance Use Disorder in Tertiary Care Government De-addiction Centre
  4187. The Myth of Healthiness: Rethinking the Boundaries between Healthy Selves and Unhealthy Others in Drug addiction treatment
  4188. Main Elements of a Systems Approach to addiction treatment: An Introduction
  4189. Antidepressants Drugs and addiction treatment: A development view and a technological patent landscape of drugs and compositions
  4190. Coordinated treatment between addiction and mental health services vs. uncoordinated treatment for patients with dual diagnosis: higher dropout rates but lower …
  4191. Using the Domains of Post-Traumatic Growth to Strengthen addiction treatment
  4192. Spiritual Aspects of the 12-Step Method in addiction treatment
  4193. Storms in Sunny States: Fraud in the addiction treatment Industry
  4194. Opioid addiction: A Crime or a Health Issue? An Examination of the Diffusion of Fatal Overdose Prevention Laws and Medicalized Drug treatment Services
  4195. Reconceptualization of Eating addiction and Obesity as Displacement Behavior and a Possible treatment
  4196. Hepatitis c virus microelimination in centers for addiction treatment users during COVID-19 pandemic
  4197. A Study on the Use of Interactive Videos in addiction treatment for People with an Intellectual Disability
  4198. Link Between Perception of treatment Need and Craving Reports in addiction
  4199. addiction treatment for the fight against Anorexia Nervosa
  4200. Implementing Evidence-Based treatment of Patients with Opioid Use Disorder in an Inpatient addiction treatment Center
  4201. … Follow Up Viral Load Testing in Patients Cured of Hepatitis C Infection With Direct Acting Antivirals at a Multidisciplinary addiction treatment Program: Insights From a …
  4202. Psychodynamic approaches for treatment of drug abuse and addiction: theory and treatment: by David Potik, Hove, Routledge, 2021, 200 pp.,£ 28.99 (pb), ISBN 978-0 …
  4203. Changing the addiction treatment Process: Stages of Readiness and Change
  4204. Restorative Justice: An Additional Gaming addiction treatment
  4205. Association of Adverse Events in Opioid addiction treatment With Quality Measure for Continuity of Pharmacotherapy
  4206. The Importance of Emotional Maturity in a Youth addiction treatment Program
  4207. Strychnine & Gold (Part 1): Volume One Part One of the Untold History of addiction treatment in the United States
  4209. Internet Pornography addiction in the treatment of Heterosexual Dyadic Relationships: A Literature Review
  4210. Frequency of prolonged QT intervals in patients treated with methadone referred to an addiction treatment clinic in the north of Iran
  4211. Drug addiction profile and monitoring liver functions tests of addicts at a specialized psychiatric treatment center
  4212. Confronting the Status Quo in Opioid addiction treatment: How the Regulatory Ecosystem stifles Innovation
  4213. A Short Film That Addresses Substance Use Disorders in Rural Communities and Strategies in Prevention and treatment of addiction
  4214. 173. Alliances to Disseminate addiction Prevention and treatment (ADAPT): Assessing the Exchange of Ideas in Alliances Between Juvenile Justice and Community …
  4215. Substance-induced neurocognitive disorders: Detection, prevalence and course during treatment in addiction health care
  4216. Porn addiction and treatment
  4217. Stigma, Discrimination, treatment Effectiveness And Policy: Public Views About Drug addiction In Malaysia
  4218. The Impact of Doula-Supported Care on Stress Levels of Women Receiving Opioid addiction treatment
  4219. Baclofen in the treatment of alcohol addiction: a French saga
  4220. The effects of drug addiction treatment methods on families’ behaviors: The Congress 60 treatment method
  4221. Use of atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia and drug addiction: A randomized control trial
  4222. Culturally Responsive Micro-formulation of Imagery in Trans-diagnostic treatment of PTSD and addiction
  4223. General view regarding the different types of psychotherapy used for the treatment of drug addiction.
  4224. Prediction of Drug Users addiction Level with Methadone treatment based on Brainwave Maximum Amplitude using ANFIS Method
  4225. Integration of Behavioral Therapy and addiction treatment in Comprehensive Liver Transplantation Care to Augment Adherence and Reduce Recidivism
  4227. Exploring Psychedelics as a treatment for addiction [online video]
  4228. Assessing the Role of Virtual Social Networks in the treatment Progress of Mothers Recovering from Opiate addiction
  4229. Substance use disorders during the coronavirus pandemic. Algorithm for inpatient treatment of addiction in the global crisis
  4230. Study protocol: psychoeducation on attachment and narcissism as treatment of sex addiction
  4231. Low attendance of people with substance use disorders to addiction centers jeopardized hepatitis c screening and treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic
  4232. Barriers to Accessing addiction treatment for Women at Risk of Homelessness
  4233. Hallucinogen Use in Methamphetamine addiction: Correlates and treatment Outcomes
  4234. Correction: EGFR activity addiction facilitates anti-ERBB based combination treatment of squamous bladder cancer
  4235. Some factors affecting the effectiveness of social work activities in supporting drug addicts concentrated in No. II drug addiction treatment facility in Hoa Binh province …
  4236. Factors associated with early and later dropout from methadone maintenance treatment in specialist addiction clinics.
  4237. The effect of” eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)” treatment on impulsivity, coping styles and addiction symptoms of addicts
  4240. Alcohol addiction complicated with comorbid amnestic disorders: The search for innovative approaches to treatment
  4241. In silico repurposing and side effect studies of first-and second-generation antipsychotic drugs in methamphetamine addiction treatment
  4242. CE 560 Syllabus: addiction Counseling-Assessments & treatment of addictions & Co-Occurring
  4243. The effect of hypnotherapy treatment on impulsivity, coping styles and addiction symptoms of addicts
  4244. Chakras’ Energies Replenishment in the treatment of addiction in Marijuana
  4245. Tabernanthalog, an Ibogaine Analogue for treatment of addiction and Depression
  4246. Alcohol and addiction Research Domain Criteria Predict Alcohol Use Disorder Recovery Three Years Following treatment
  4247. Complexity of Pain Diagnosis and treatment after Traumatic Injury in Patient with Schizophrenia and Drug addiction: A case report
  4248. Discover Psychedelics and the treatment of addiction
  4249. Valproate (depakine-chrono) in the acute treatment of outpatients with benzodiazepine addiction therapy during COVID-19 pandemic: Randomized, double …
  4250. Alliances to Disseminate addiction Prevention and treatment (ADAPT): Assessing the Exchange of Ideas in Alliances Between Juvenile Justice and Community …
  4251. Contingency Management as a treatment for drug use disorders: A simple tool psychologists can use to address addiction
  4252. Effect observation of mindfulness training combined with agomelatine tablets in treatment of Internet addiction disorder patients with depression
  4253. treatment for Interoceptive Dysfunctions in Drug addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse
  4254. Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy in the treatment of sugars addiction (a derivative of heroin): gaining control over cue reactivity and cravings.
  4256. Affective Neuroscience Contributions to the treatment of addiction: The Role of Social Instincts, Pleasure and SEEKING
  4257. Microneedle-mediated transdermal delivery of naloxone hydrochloride for treatment of opioid addiction
  4258. Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) treatment in Comorbid Nicotine addiction with Major Depressive Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive …
  4259. … of bicycle lane collisions in Vancouver, British Columbia, from 2012 to 2017Evaluating the Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to treatment (SBIRT) process at …
  4260. 370—treatment for Alcohol addiction Among Native Americans in the United States
  4261. How the COVID‑19 pandemic changed the world of addiction: considerations on the impact on substance use and treatment

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