Solidago virgaurea

  1. Study of the anti-inflammatory activity of Populus tremula, Solidago virgaurea and Fraxinus excelsior.
  2. A combination of Populus tremula, Solidago virgaurea and Fraxinus excelsior as an anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drug. A short review.
  3. In vivo anti-inflammatory activity of caffeoylquinic acid derivatives from Solidago virgaurea in rats
  4. Anti-inflammatory effects of Populus tremula, Fraxinus excelsior, Solidago virgaureaextracts and their combination Phytodolor® in human monocytes
  5. … -inflammatory drug: investigations into the cyto-and molecular pharmacology for a better understanding of the anti-inflammatory activity of preparations from Solidago …
  6. … and clinical effectiveness of a fixed phytogenic combination trembling poplar (Populus tremula), true goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) in …
  7. … drug: investigations into the cyto-and molecular pharmacology for a better understanding of the anti-inflammatory activity of preparations from Solidago virgaurea.
  8. … Korean natural products for anti-adipogenesis properties and isolation of kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside as a potent anti-adipogenetic compound from Solidago virgaurea
  9. A Case of Abnormal Flower Structures connected with Reduced Fertility in Solidago virgaurea L.
  10. A combination of Populus tremula, Solidago virgaurea and Fraxinus excelsior as an anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drug. A short review.
  11. Abundance and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in invasive Solidago canadensis and indigenous S. virgaurea
  12. Analytical Method for the Validation of Three Polyphenols as a Marker Compound for the Standardization of Solidago virgaurea subsp. gigantea Extracts and …
  13. Anti-inflammatory effects of Populus tremula, Fraxinus excelsior, Solidago virgaurea extracts and their combination Phytodolor® in human monocytes
  14. Anti-obesity effect of Solidago virgaurea var. gigantea extract through regulation of adipogenesis and lipogenesis pathways in high-fat diet-induced obese mice …
  15. Antibacterial and antimutagenic activity of extracts aboveground parts of three Solidago species: Solidago virgaurea L., Solidago canadensis L. and Solidago …
  16. Antibacterial clerodane diterpenes from goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea)
  17. Antimicrobial activity of Solidago virgaurea L. from in vitro cultures
  18. Antineoplastic activity of Solidago virgaurea on prostatic tumor cells in an SCID mouse model
  19. Antioxidant activity of goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) leaf and stem powder on raw ground pork during chilled storage
  20. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Solidago virgaurea extracts
  21. Antioxidative properties of Alchemilla xanthochlora, Salvia officinalis and Solidago virgaurea water extracts
  22. Antioxidative properties of alcoholic extracts from Fraxinus excelsior, Populus tremula and Solidago virgaurea.
  23. Assessment of allelopathic potential of Solidago virgaurea L. on some selected crops.
  24. Biochemical effects of Solidago virgaurea extract on experimental cardiotoxicity
  25. Biorefining of Bergenia crassifolia L., Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. and Solidago virgaurea L. by high pressure extraction methods and evaluation of obtained …
  26. Biorefining of goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L.) leaves by supercritical fluid and pressurized liquid extraction and evaluation of antioxidant properties and main …
  27. Characterizing the Allergens Contained in goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea)
  28. Chromatographic fingerprint, antioxidant activity, and colour characteristic of polish goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L.) honey and flower
  29. Competition for resources is ameliorated by niche differentiation between Solidago virgaurea life-history stages in the Arctic
  30. Constituents of the essential oil of Solidago virgaurea L.
  31. Development and characterization of EST‐SSR markers for the Solidago virgaurea complex (Asteraceae) in the Japanese archipelago
  32. Effect of agrotechnical factors on the yield of goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L. ssp. virgaurea)
  33. Effect of flavonoid fractions of Solidago virgaurea L on diuresis and levels of electrolytes
  34. Effect of goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) leaf and stem powder on physical and sensory characteristics of emulsion-type sausages
  35. Effect of UV-B radiation on seedlings of two Solidago virgaurea populations from the Mt. Hakusan area of Japan
  36. Effect-directed discovery of bioactive compounds followed by highly targeted characterization, isolation and identification, exemplarily shown for Solidago virgaurea
  37. Effects of extracts from Populus tremula L., Solidago virgaurea L. and Fraxinus excelsior L. on various myeloperoxidase systems.
  38. Effects of goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) leaf and stem extracts on oxidative stability in cooked ground pork during chilled storage
  39. Evaluation of the antiviral activity of an aqueous extract from Solidago virgaurea against Herpes simplex virus type 2
  40. First Report of Sclerotium rolfsii on Solidago virgaurea
  41. Flavonoids enantiomer distribution in different parts of goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L.), lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth.)
  42. Flowering phenology and reproduction of the Solidago virgaurea L. complex along an elevational gradient on Mt Norikura, central Japan
  43. Further Studies on Differentiation of Photosynthetic Properties in Sun and Shade Ecotypes of Solidago virgaurea
  44. goldenrod Solidago virgaurea L.
  45. High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of flavonol glycosides of Solidago virgaurea
  46. In vitro propagation of Solidago virgaurea L. through nodal culture
  47. In vivo anti-inflammatory activity of caffeoylquinic acid derivatives from Solidago virgaurea in rats
  48. Inhibition of adhesion‐specific genes by Solidago virgaurea extract causes loss of Candida albicans biofilm integrity
  49. Inhibition of Candida albicans yeast–hyphal transition and biofilm formation by Solidago virgaurea water extracts
  50. Inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase activity by alcoholic extracts from Fraxinus excelsior, Populus tremula and Solidago virgaurea.
  51. Leaf Factors Affecting Light‐Saturated Photosynthesis in Ecotypes of Solidago virgaurea from Exposed and Shaded Habitats
  52. Maintenance of soil ecotypes of Solidago virgaurea in close parapatry via divergent flowering time and selection against immigrants
  53. Molecular evidence for hybridization between invasive Solidago canadensis and native S. virgaurea
  54. Morphological variations of the Solidago virgaurea L. complex along an elevational gradient on Mt Norikura, central Japan
  55. New Ester Saponins from Solidago virgaurea
  56. Optimalisation of mineral fertilization in goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L. ssp. virgaurea) cultivated for pharmaceutical purposes
  57. Outbreak of Rust Caused by Coleosporium asterum on Solidago virgaurea var. gigantea in Ulleung-do
  58. Phenotypic differentiation of the Solidago virgaurea complex along an elevational gradient: Insights from a common garden experiment and population genetics
  59. Phylogeographic analysis of the East Asian goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea complex, Asteraceae) reveals hidden ecological diversification with recurrent formation of …
  60. Polyacetylenes of Solidago virgaurea: their seasonal variation and NMR long-range spin coupling constants
  61. Population differentiation in Solidago virgaurea along altitudinal gradients
  62. Production potential of wild and cultivated golden-rod (Solidago virgaurea L.) populations in Finland
  63. Quantitative determination of leiocarposide in Solidago virgaurea L.
  64. Quantitative determination of triterpenoid saponins in Solidago virgaurea
  65. Results of the studies on goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L. ssp. virgaurea) cultivation in Poland.
  66. Selection of crude Solidago virgaurea L. ssp. extracts based on two fast and efficient chromatographic methods (high-performance thin-layer chromatography or high …
  67. Simultaneous evaluation of the effects of geographic, environmental and temporal isolation in ecotypic populations of Solidago virgaurea
  68. Studies on Chemical Constituents of Solidago virgaurea [J]
  69. Study of the anti-inflammatory activity of Populus tremula, Solidago virgaurea and Fraxinus excelsior.
  70. Tableting technology of a dry extract from Solidago virgaurea L. with the use of silicified microcrystalline cellulose (Prosolv) and other selected auxiliary substances
  71. Taxonomy of the Solidago virgaurea Group (Asteraceae) in Poland, with Special Reference to Variability along an Altitudinal Gradient
  72. The evaluation of ketoprofen pharmaceutical availability in the presence of a dry extract from goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L.) of synthetic polymer vehicles
  73. The First Total Syntheses of the Diglycosides Virgaureoside A, of Solidago virgaurea L., and its analogue iso-Virgaureoside A
  74. The main saponins from the aerial parts and the roots of Solidago virgaurea subsp. virgaurea
  75. The Use of Extracts of goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L.) for the Treatment of Diseases of the Urinary Tract
  77. Triterpenoid saponins from the aerial parts of Solidago virgaurea alpestris with inhibiting activity of Candida albicans yeast-hyphal conversion
  78. Validation d’un extrait innovant de Solidago virgaurea: inhibition de la conversion levure-filament et de la formation du biofilm à Candida albicans
  79. Virgaureasaponin 3, a 3, 28-bisdesmosidic triterpenoid saponin from Solidago virgaurea
  80. Volatile Oil-Bearing Flora of Siberia VIII: Essential Oil Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Wild Solidago virgaurea L. from the Russian Altai
  81. Wild origins of Solidago virgaurea L.: yields and variability of morphological and phytochemical properties.

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Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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